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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 31/01/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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W IT>.] ON FEES, GRATUITIES, & c~( Au£ tionDuty,& c.) " No. io « The Examination of Mr. LUKE WHELAN, Skinner; taken on Oath the 13th of November, and 23d December 1807. This Examinant faith, That he is a Skinner in the city of Dublin. In the ordinary course of his trade, he dresses Deer and Lamb Skins; he now generally sells Sheep Skins undressed, as foon as the Wool has been taken off. The trade has declined so very much within the last four years, that he has not paid more than about fifteen Guineas Duty during that period, and he does not think that he ever paid more than twenty Guineas for Duty in any one year before the trade declined. When Examinant was in full business, the Officer generally visited once every day, but now he visits only twice or three times a week. He attributes the falling off of the trade, in some measure, tx> the circum- stance of Leather Breeches having gone out of fashion, and to the great increase in the importation of dressed Skins from England, from which place he believes that the confumption of Ireland is now principally fupplied. He has been told by some people who ufed formerly to purchafe from him, that the English Skins come cheaper to them, and that longer credit is given by the English dealers than by the Irish; by- others, that the English Skins are better finished by the Grounders. Luke Whelan. J. S. Rochfort, Fredk Geale, Robert Alexander. N
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