The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 31/01/1809
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No Pages: 1
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" VI N° 8.] ON F E E S , G R A T U I T I E S , & c.~( Auaion Doty, & c.) 47 No. The Examination of Mr. ARCHd MILLING ; taken on Oath, the 31ft Day of March, and ill of April 18o8. This Examinant faith, That he is a Gauger, and at prefent aCting as Pro Surveyor over Paper- fiainers and Manufacturers of Glafs Bottles. Manufacturers of Glas Botrles make to the Ganger of the walk a monthly return of the number and denomination of Bottles made during the month ; the Gauger inferts the particulars of the charge in his gene- ral voucher, which he returns to the Colle& or. A duplicate of the monthly return is retained by the
Manufacturer, which he or his Clerk brings to the Collector, « ind verifies on oath when the duty is paid. Examinant faith, That fince he has been aCting as Pro Surveyor over Manufacturers of Glafs Bottles, he has ufually, after the clofe of die month, called on each Manu- facturer to produce his accounts, in order to afcertain that the monthly return made of the quantity of Bottles manufactured agreed with them, and an account has always been fhewn to him conformable to the return. Saith, That he has never re- ceived any fee, gracuicy or perquifite of any kind whatever, from Makers of Glafs Bottles. A. Milling. Fredk Geale,
Robert Alexander, Charles Saxton. No. 4. AN ACCOUNT of the Produce of Duty on GLASS BOTTLES, in the feveral Diftrids for Seven Years, ending 5th January 1S08. Sam. Hood, Note.— No Bottle Manufactory Affis1 Examr Excife. in any other Diftrid in Ireland. February 26th 1808.