The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 31/01/1809
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No Pages: 1
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33 ( Ireland.)— SEVENTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. - and dates on the account the amount of the Duty; the Auctioneer then takes it to the Collector of the diftriCt, verifies it upon oath, and pays the Duty, the Collector Tirft proving the accuracy of the computation. The amount of this Duty is inferted . alono- with ° other Duties in the general vouchers made out by the Surveyor and Gauger, and through the Collector's office tranfmitted monthly to the Examinator of Excife, and * by him certified quarterly to the Accountant- General of Excife. Exa- minant has been ordered by theBoard to certify quarterly to the
Accountant- General, the fum chargeable againfc the Collectors of the feveral diftriCts of Ireland, for their receipts on account of the AuCtion Duties, but he has never yet fo certified, as feveral of the ColIeCtors negleCted to make him their monthly returns within the time fpe- - cified by the Board, and likewife becaufe the Deputy Accountant- General intimated t ® Examinant, that it was his intention to reprefent to the board, that fuch certificates of Examinant would be fuperfiuous, as the certificates of the Examinator of Excife included the fum to be charged for AuCtion Duties along with other Excife Duties. There ^ re feveral
articles which by law are exempted from Duty; in fuch cafes it is the Duty of Examinant to fee that the proofs required are exhibited to him before the accounts of fuch fales can be paffed ; when they are paffed, he enters them in a book oppofite to the entry of the original notices. / Examinant believes that in the country parts of Ireland, the Duty on AuCtions is very imperfeCtly collected; for inftance, in the year ended 5th January 1805, the diftriCt of Corkj though a very extenfive one, and containing, as this Examinant believes, twenty- fix licenfed Auctioneers, produced but three Shillings. That the ColleCtor, on being applied to by
the Board, fent them up 33 copies of notices that had been fcrved upon him by the Auctioneers within that year; but in his letter of the a6th of OCtober 1805, referred to this Examinant, he exprefsly acknowledged that none of- the Auctioneers did in any inftance, except ferving the notices, comply with the requifites the Law prefcribes. Examinant faith, that the great difference in the produce of the AuCtion Duty in the diftriCt of the city of Dublin, in the two years ending the 5th January 1807 ancl 1808 refpeCtively, arofe from the circumftance of . confiderable eftates of Lord Courtney's having been fold in the former year, the
AuCtion Duty on which fales amounted to ,£. 5,105. 4s. id. W. D. Digges. J. S. Rccbfort. ^ Fred'- Gea/ e, Robert Alexanderz ' Charles Scwtcn., tloK