The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 31/01/1809
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No Pages: 1
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App* N° 40. J9& 2oGeo. III. c. i2. ( Ireland.)— Seventh REPORT or THE COMMISSIONERS [ Excife. removed from fuch place, until they were completely worked into Cards or Dice, or the Duties for the Cards or Dice therewith intended to be made, were paid. The Officers employed in the colleftion of the Duty were empowered, in the day time, to enter any houfe or place where Cards or Dice were making or made, and to take an account thereof, and the removal of any Cards or Dice from the houfe or place where made, was prohibited until the fame had been marked and damped in fuch manner as fhould be directed by the
Commiffioners of the Revenue. All Makers of Cards and Dice were required once in every fourteen days, to make entry on oath with the Colledbr of the Port, of all Cards and Dice from time to time made by them, and within twenty- eight days to clear off all Duties payable thereon. The Commiffioners were empow- ered to appoint perfons in Dublin and in Cork, and, by a fubfequent ACt, in Limerick alfo, who were to have the cuftody of the Mark and Stamp, and were to affix the fame on all fuch Cards and Dice as the ColleCtor ffiould certify to have been duly entered with him, and that the Duty thereon had been paid. And by an
ACt pafled in the 19th and 20th of the King, Makers of Cards are further required, once in three years, to take out a Licence, if in Dublin, from the Commiffioners of the Revenue, if in Cork or Limerick from the ColleCtor of the Port, and enter into fecurity to the amount of £. 200. for the payment of ail fuch Duties as they lhall be liable to 011 account of making any playing Cards, during the time they fhall carry on the bufinefs of a Card- maker. The Manufacturer of Cards or Dice makes entry with the ColleCtor of the number of Packs or Pairs for which he intends to pay Duty, and makes oath that fuch entry contains the full quantity
of painted, fpotted, and playing Cards, or of all Dice manufactured by him or for his ufe, from the laft return to the time of fuch entry, exclufive of Cards that have been made up for exportation, and lodged in His Majefty's Stores, or exported, as the cafe may be ; copies of thefe entries and affidavits are fent. to the Examinator of Cuftoms, for the purpofe of his charging the ColleCtor with the amount of Duty. After the Duty has been paid to the ColleCtor, he iffues an order, fpecifying the number of Packs of Cards or Pairs of Dice for which Duty has been paid, and requiring the Stamp Mafter, on the receipt of this order, to affix the
proper Stamps or Marks. When Cards are intended for exportation, the Manufacturer is re- quired, within one hour after the fame are made up, to give notice to the Stamp Mafter of the place where fuch Cards fhall be made up, and in his prefence to depofit fuch Cards in fome of His Majefty's Storehoufes, where the Cards are to remain until a Certificate from the ColleCtor of the Port fhall be produced to the Stamp Mafter, importing that all the Wal requifites relative to the exportation of fuch Cards had been performed, and fueh Cards are not to be removed without permiffion of the Store- keeper or Surveyor of the Stores. Any
unftamped Cards found in the poffeffion of any Card- maker, Shop- keeper, or Retailer, are fubjeCt to forfeiture, and may be feized by any Officer of the Revenue and the Card- maker, Shop- keeper, or Retailer, is fubjeft to a penalty of ( 20. Although the Law provides for the appointment of Officers Excife to take and keep an account of the ftock of Cards, or materials of