The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 31/01/1809
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No Pages: 1
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[ 3 ] To the Honourable The KNIG HTS, CITIZENS, and E U R G E S S E S, in Parliament aflembled. The Seventh REPORT of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the Fees, Gratuities, Perquilites, and Emoluments, which are or have been lately received in certain Public Offices in Ireland; and alfo, to examine into any Abufes which may exift in the fame; and into the prefent Mode of receiving, collecting, ifluing, and accounting for Public Money in Ireland. fl^ HE Aflefled Taxes, the Land Revenue of the Crown, and the JL manner of chars- ins: and colleflin^; the Duties on Strong Waters and O O O O on Malt, having
formed the fubject of former Reports, we propofe to confider the remaining Branches of Revenue, under the management of ihe Commiffioners of Excife and Inland Duties, in the following Order, AUCTIONS. GLASS BOTTLES. HIDES, SKINS, VELLUM and PARCHMENT. PAPER. PAPER HANGINGS. TOBACCO. LICENCES. WROUGHT PLATE. • CARDS and DICE. AUCTIONS. A DUTY was firft impofed on Sales by Auftion in Ireland, in the year 37 Gee. nr. c. z8. .1797, viz. 3d. in the pound on the money arifing from the Sales by Auftion of lands, houfes or money charged on them, hufbandry utenfils, farming ftock, fhips
and veffels, articles of merchandize of what nature or kind i'oever imported, fold in the refpedtive packages 111 which im- ported, and of any plate or jewels ; and 6d. in the pound 011 the money arilino- from the Sale by Au& ion of furniture, pictures, books, horfes and carriages, and all other goods and chattels whatever, to be paid by