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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 31/01/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Anions, & c.] ON F E E S , G R A T U I T I E S , i9 34th June in every year, to deliver the aforefaid book to the Colleftor of the Diftria, and to verify the contents thereof « upon oath. Before any Paper is taken out of the wrapper or cover in which it was received, tor the purpofe of printing, painting, or flaming, it muft be removed from the " Firft Account Room" into another room, on the door of which fhall be painted, " Second Account Room;" but before the removal of the Paper, the Paper- ftainer is to give twenty- four hours notice to the Officer in charge, of the day and hour, and of the quantity of Paper intended to be removed; the Officer is required to attend accordingly, and lee the Paper removed, of which he is to take a " Second Account," and to mark and ftamp each fheet or piece of fuch Paper; and if any deficiency fhall at any time appear in the quantity of Paper, fo marked or ftamped, in the Second Account Room, that fhall not be accounted for by the quantity of Paper a& ually printed, painted or ftained, and charged with Duty, the Officer is to charge the Paper fo deficient with Duty, as if it had been afteally printed, painted or ftained. Before any Paper, whether confifting of feveral fheets pafted or joined together, or a fingle fheet, is printed, painted or ftainecl, the Paper- ftainer is required to fhew fuch piece or fheet of Paper to the Officer in charge, who fhall take an account of the fame; and if he finds that every fheet is marked and ftamped as before- mentioned, he is to meafure the fheet or piece, and mark it at both ends with " a Frame Mark," denoting the meafure. As foon as any Paper is printed, painted or ftained with any colour, the Officer is required to take an account of the fame, and to ftamp or feal every piece of fuch Paper, confifting of more fheets than one ( or every iheet where only fingle fheets. are coloured) at both ends, with a ftamp or feal, to denote that the Duties have been charged, and to fign his name thereto, and the year and day of the month when fuch fignature fnall be made ; and any printed, painted or ftained Paper, found convey- ing from any Paper- ftainer, without having thereon the Duty Stamp at both ends, fubjeas the Paper- ftainer to a penalty of £. 20. and feizure of the article. The Paper- ftainer is required, within ten days after the expiration of every month, to rfcake a Return on oath to the Colleaor of the quantity, in fquare- yards, of the Paper actually printed, painted or ftained by him within the month next preceding, and of the number of tables ufed by him at any time within fuch month. By an Aa of 1805, the Duty per fquare yard was advanced from 45 Geo. 111. c. 19. id. to id. and by another Aa of the fame year, the principle of fecuring 45 Geo. in. c. 106, a certain fum by Affeflment was firft applied to this Duty, and Printers. Painters and Stainers of Paper, to ferve for Hangings, were fubje& ed to a charge of 4. 3. 4. per month, upon every table ufed within the month, for the purpofes of their trade, unlets the Duty per fquare- yard on the quantity of Paper, aaually ftained within that period, fhould give a greater amount, with liberty however of difcontinuing their liability to the monthly charge, on giving proper notice, and uncovering their tables, provided that the Duty chargeable in any year fhould not by fuch clifcontinuance be reduced to a lefs fum than £. 12. 10. per annum 011 each table ; this rate of Affeffinent has remained, but the rate of Duty , j 47 Geo. III. c. is, per fquare- yard was, by an Aa of the laft year, lowered to 1 \ d. and sell. e. thereby
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