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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Seventh Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 31/01/1809
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 1
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Au& ions, & c.] ON FEES, GRATUITJES, & c. ' ** comprized in the quarterly Return, together with the quantity weighed within the lafl preceding month, fhall exceed the amount of Duty chargeable for that month in refpect of the Engines and Vats or Wet- preffes, fuch excels becomes a furcharge on the Manufacturer; he may however fufpend the charge in reined of the Engines and Vats or Wet- preffes, for any time not lefs than a month, by giving fix days previous • notice in writing to the ColleCtor and Officer in charge of the Paper- mill, of the day and hour at which he intends to difc. ontinue working and if at any time found working after the hour mentioned in the notice of difcontinuance, he is fubject to a heavy penalty, and chargeable as if no discontinuance had taken place, except when a notice of recom- mencement has been given with the fame formalities as are required for notices of difcontinuance: under the fame nenalties alfo, the change x O from one clafs of the manufacture to another during any month is prohi- bited, as alfo at the commencement of any month, unlets a notice to that effeCt has been ferved on the Officer in charge; Manufacturers are re- ftricted from ufing or working their Vats, except between the hours of five in the morning and feven in the evening. Minute- books are . alfo • directed to be kept in every Paper- mill, in which the Maker is required to infert the number of Engines, Vats and Wet- preffes, from time to time at work or difcontinued, the denomination of Paper, and the days on which made, and when the fame was made up into bundles, reams or parcels to be weighed; and after the fame fhall have been weighed, to Specify therein, its weight, clafs and kind, the duty thereon, and the days and times at which the weight was taken, and to whom, and for what purpofe any Paper Shall from time to time be Sent out of his Mill; to keep h is minute- book ready for the infpeCtion of any Officer of Excilc, and deliver it to the ColleCtor of the DiftriCt, within ten days from the end of each quarter of the year. Permits are requifite in the cafe only of PapeV Sent to Paper- ftainers, or Manufacturers or Makers of Paper- hangings or painted or ftaitied Paper. If to thefe are added the regulations furnifned by the 38 th and 40 th Geo. 3d. for impofmg a ft amp upon Paper tied up in wrappers, and brought to charge, and providing by heavy penalties againft a fecond'ufe of the fame wrappers, and" againft the removal of any Paper from the Mill before it has been ftamped and charged with Duty, and requiring the Manufacturer to make monthly entries verified by his oath, or that of his chief workmen, with the ColleCtor, of all Papers weighed out by him in the month, to take out an annual licence, and pl'^ VlOufly to regifter with the ColleCtor a defcription of his Pre- mifes, and of the feveral Engines and Vats with their refpeCtive dimen- fions, and of the Preffes and Utenfils to be made ule of for making Paper, we have ftated all the material enactments in force for the collection of this branch of the Revenue. It is probable that the amount of this Duty has been little influenced by the rate of Duty per pound, lince the charge has been imrpofed by Alfeffment; of this the increafed produce that im- mediately followed, and has from time to time kept pace with it, and v the eafe with which the. Duty chargeable by weight can be made to Square with that'which is payable by the Afieffment, Seem to Surnifh a Sufficient proof. Although it appears by the annexed Return, that at the end of nine years from its commencement, the produce of this Dury K. " D has 38 Geo. III. c. 29. & 40 Geo. III. c. 76. /. pp1 N° 13.
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