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The Edinburgh Advertiser


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The Edinburgh Advertiser
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The Edinburgh Advertiser

Date of Article: 27/01/1809
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Address: sold at the Printing-house, Castlehill, Edinburgh
Volume Number: XCI    Issue Number: 4704
No Pages: 8
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VOL. XGI. EDINBURGH T H E Ko. 47° 4- ' ADVE R T IS E R. FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1809. THURSDATs POST. From the LONDON PAPERS, Jan. 23. LONDON. VERY gallant and severe ac- tion was fought on Friday sc-' ennight, by the Sandwich lugger. She fell in with a large y/. French lugger, soon after 4 o'- n& M. clock in the afternoon, off the ISLE of BAS, which she engaged nearly 2 hours ; and so close was the contest, that the enemy's main- sail caught fire two or three times, from tne fire of the Sandwich ; it was evidently the intention of the enemy to board, being full of men ( it is supposed nearly 100], aad for that purpose she ran her bowsprit between the Sand- tuiei's fore and main- masts ; but the brisk fire • of round & cannister kept up by the brave crew cf the Sandwich, prevented her accomplishing this design. At length she disengaged herself, and . sheered off. The Sand- vjich pursued her, but the weather being dark and heavy, and the wind failing, she out with her sweeps, and made her escape. The long and brisk cannon- ade kept up by the Sandwich must have made great havoc among the enemy's crew, and it is certain she must have been so much shatter- ed as to reach the shore with difficulty. The Sandwich had one man killed and seven wound- ed ; two of them so dangerously, that they are notexpected to live. Lieutenant ATKINS, the brave commander of the Sandwich, received a ball in the upper part of his right arm, near the 6houlder ; the b ill has been since extracted, and it is hoped he will do well. Mr PHILLIPS the master, is dangerously wounded ; a mus- ket- ball entered his right brea3t, and passed out at his back. The first- mate was wounded by a ball passing through his leg. The Sandwich mounts 14 guns, and had So men on board.— She arrived at Guernsey, on Saturday se'ecnight to refit. The Officers in INDIA have established a -.• rry laudable Institution, that in cace an Offi- cer dies married, his widow is intitled to re- ceive an annual 2001. and Sol. per annum to cach of the children, until they are 14 vear « of age, when they have a donation of sool. to fit them out in whatever; situation they may pre- fer. We are happy to understand that this me- ritorious TUnd is very prosperous, lucrative, and flourishing. No intelligence having been received of the Ceylon homeward- bound East. Indiatuan, which parted company with the Fleet recently arrive*), in the Bay of Bengal, shortly after leaving the Ganges ;' it is supposed that Ship has either put back in consequence of some accident, or has been captured by some of the enemies cruisers in the Indian seas. NAVAL ANECDOTE.— Lord COLLING. VOOD lately made Captain PETER PARKER, of the Melpomene, Post, with this observation—• " Your Father made me Post many years since, and now I've done the same by you— I'm quits with ail the world!" SINGULAR FEMALE ROBBERY.— A young gentleman of the name of STEWART, who had lately arrived in town from the Highlands of Scotland, was some evenings ago robbed in the Green Park of his watch and some silver, by a lady ( supposed to be a man in female attire) in the following singular manner.— As he was walking about 9 o'clock in St. James's Park on his way to Prmlico, where he lodges, he was familiarly accosted by a tall lady, elegantly dressed, and prevailed upon to accompany lier through the Green Park, to her residence in llnllmoon- street, Piccadilly, to partake of a comfortable stipptfr; and as soon as they arriv- ed at tbe west end of the Reservoir, she made a sudden hair, and presenting a pistol to the gentleman's breast, she swore that unless he placed his watch and all his money on the seat, lie. was a dead man. With the utmost dread and amazement he complied with her demand ; and alter she laid up. the plunder, she opened the. door leading into Piccadilly, by means of a key, and on shutting the same behind her, warned him in future to beware ef bad com- pany, and . wished him good bye. Spain, j mil be Published, In Four Volumes octavo, A SYSTEM cf SURGERY, BY JAMES RUSSELL, F. R. S. E. Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, one of the Surgeons of the Royal Infirmary, anil Professor i of Clinical Surgery, fr. the University of Edinburgh. Printed for Archd. Constable & Co. Edinburgh, and for Constable, Hunter, Park, and Hunter, London. i MONEY WANTED. TO BORROW in one or two sums, I.. 200C Sterling, on most unexceptienable security; I Apply to J. & T. P& t; Forth Street. \ NO T I C Ji. I rT~' HE next Meeting of the WEST LOTHIAN 1 AGRICULTURAL- SOCIETY, is to b. uekl at Mrs. Finlayson's, on Friday tlw id Febru- . sJy first. J A, THOMAS, Sec. 1 LINLITHGOW, 2." d Jan. 1809. J * BARREL SI'AViiS FROM pTCEOUj 1 FOR SALE. • f^ TTM. GRINLY, liroicer, will expose to Fa' js \ V by Auction, in his Yard, Mitchell Str. t, TB3 Monday the fOth current, at 12 o'chv I , f. THREE THOUSAND BARKI , S i'AVES jfrpm PICTOU, at ex- client- quaniy, in Lots Jtwns to " Cfc. LeiUij - iti lui, 1809. This Day are Published. By WILLIAM CREFICH, and JOHN ANDER- SON, in one volume octavo, illustrated by Cop- perplates, price 9s. in boards, PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS on the IN- OCULATION of COW- POX; pointing out a new mode of obtaining and preserving the Infec- tion , and also a Certain Test of perfect Vaccination. ILLUSTRATED BY CASES. The Second Edition. With an APPENDIX, containing additional Observations, together with a Plan for extinguish- ing the Contagion of the Small- Pox in the British Empire, and for rendering the Vaccine Inocula- tion general and effectual. BY JAMES BRYCE, P. R.' S. EDIN, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of E- dinburgh, Surgeon to the Orphan Hospital, and one of the Surgeons to the Institution for the gratuitous Inoculation of Cow- Pox. Printed for William Creech, and John Ander- son, Edinburgh; Longman, Hurst, Rees, & Orme, and J. Murray, London. Lately Published, By E. WILSON, Paternoster- row, I, ondon, and to be had of J. THOMSON, jun. .& Co. Edinburgh, and all Booksellers, ALETTER to the EARL of IiELLIE, con- cerning the FARMERS INCOME TAX, & c. This Day is Published, Price Is. Sd. REASONS OF A CHANGE OF SENTIMENT AND PRACTICE ON THE SUBJECT OF BAT'TISM; Containing a Plain View of the Signification of the Word, and of the Persons for whom the Ordinance is appointed; Together with a Full Consideration of tbe COVENANT MADE WITH ABRAHAM, And its supposed Connection with Baptism. BY J. A. HALDANE. The Second Edition, corrected, Sold by A. Black, and Alex. Johnstone, Edin- burgh ; J. and A. Duncan, Glacjew ; and E. Less- lic, Dundee. This Day is Published; In One Volume svo, Price 7s. in Boards, OBSERVATIONS on some of the most' fre- quent and important Diseases of the Heart; on Aneurism of the Thoracic Aorta; on Preterna- tural Pulsation in the Epigastric Region ; and on the unusual Origin and Distribution of some of the large Arteries of the Human Body; illustrated by Cases. BY ALLAN Bl'RNS, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon- don, and Lecturer on Anatomy and Surgery in Glasgow. Prjnted for Thomas Bryce & Co. Medical Book- sellers, NO. 3, Infirmary- street, Edinburgh; and for John Murray, Fleet- street; and J. Callow, Crown Court, Prince's- street, Soho, London. Where also mav be had, juf. t published, NO. I, of the ARCHIVES of UNIVERSAL SCIENCE, edited by Alexander Walker, Esq; Lecturer on Physiology, & c. Tt> be continued Quarterly. Trice 7s. 6d. A CORN, CELSI de MEDICINA libri Octo ; quibus accedunt, Indices Capitum, Autorum et Rerum; ex resensione Lionardi Fargae. Price 13s boards. An OUTLINE of the HISTORY and CURE of FEVER, Endemic and Contagious, more expressly the Contagious Fevers of jails, ships, and hospitals, the Concentrated Endemic, vulgarly called the Yellow Fever of the West Indies, SsV. By Robert Jackson, M. D. price 7s- boards. COLLECTION OF CAPITAL PRINTS, & c. FOR SALE. TO be SOLD, within the house in Gayfield Place, I. eith Walk, lately po6sesstd by. Mrs Robertson, deceased, on Thursday the 2d of Feb. 180S, A COLLECTION of Capital PRINTS, ( many of them Proof Impressions) PAINTINGS, BUSTS, CURIOSITI ES of various kinds, & c. & c. all which belonged to the late Charles Robertson, Esq; of J Prince's Street. The sale will commence at 1* 1 o'clock forenoon. DALGLEISH & FORREST, Auctioneers. CHILD EXPOSED, ON Friday 13th instant, a FEMALE. CHILD about Four or Five Weeks Old, was Found in a Cellar, belonging to Dr. Blair, at Merchiston. Whoever .- can give such information as may lead to the discovery of - the person - who exposed the above Child, will receive a Reward of THREE ( iUlNEAS, on applying to Mr. Gillray, Water of Lvitb, Treasurer to the West Kirk Session- " MESSENGER SUSPENDED. T, NOTICE is hereby given to all concerned, thai WILLIAM DUNLOP, Messenger in Sel- kirk, is suspended from bis Office of a Messenger at Arms, from and after the 12th day ofJMwch lext,. un til- he shall find new Caution. JO. EDr. TOUCH, Dep. Clk. .,-.. L'y.-.: i ClerkOffice; Edinr. 24th Jan. > « 09 GRAND E X HI BI TI ON. No. 4< s, SOUTH HANOVER STREET. MADAME TUSSAUD'S GRAND EURO- PEAN CABINET of FIGURES, con- tinues Open every Day from Eleven till Five, and from Seven till ' Fen. The great concourse of Company constantly at- tending these Rooms, is the surest proof that it deserves the attention of the public. EDINR. 23d Jan. 1809. ASSEMBLY. ON TUESDAY the 31st inst. there will be an ASSEMBLYin CORRI'SRooms, for the BE- NEFIT of the EDINBURGH HOUSE of IN- DUSTRY. Mr Gow will conduct the music, and every care will be taken to make the rooms warm and comfortable. ' Tickets, 5s. each, to be had at the rooms, and at Muir and Wood's music shop, Leith Street. Lady HOI> E, sen. of Craighall, has been kind e- nough to undertake the direction, and- will be in the chair at half- past nine o'clock. The Ladies who havecharge of the House* of Industry trust, that, as, tbe institution is for the support of aged and destitute T.' omen, and for the instruction of the female children of very poor families in several useful branches of education, that the Ladies of Edinburgh - will honour the Assembly with their presence and patronage. • Edinburgh House cf Industry, Jan. 16, 1809. GALLERY OF FASHION, GILCHRIST & CO. RESPECTFULLY announce tbe Arrival of a Fresh Supply of Rich White SATTINS, Black and Coloured VELVETS, L4. CE ROBES, SHAWLS, ana FIGURED NETS for Dresses. Also, a variety ® f NEW PELISSE CLOTHS. The remainder of their Winter Stock of FUR- RIERY, to be sold Cheap- An APPRENTICE WANTED, a yoUng- mar, from the Country will be preferred. HIGH STREET, 27th'jan. 180p. COUNTY OF EDINBURGH. T> HE TRUSTEES for the HIGH ROADS X in the County of Edinburgh, are hereby required to meet, within the Inner Session- House of Edinburgh, on Monday the' 30th day of Janu- ary inst. at twelve o'clock noon, to receive the Report of - the Committee, for preparing and re- vising the' heads of the New Bill, proposed to be presented to Parliament, in the course of the pre- sent Session, and for giving the necessary direc- asin- oii that subject. By Order of the Convener, THOM. CRANSTOUN, Prin. Clk. • 4* The HERITORS, COMMISSIONERS of SuprLY, and JUSTICES of the PEACE, are to meet on the same day, and at the same place, at one- o'c lock, to take into consideration, the communications from the other Counties, respecting the mode of Assessment, for payment of tiie Bounties to the LOCAL MILITIA, and tiie provisions bf'the PRO- 1' J. K. TY Ac r, as they regard the farmers and occu- piers of land. ..' There will al » o be laiol before the Meeting, a Petition intended to be presented to Parliament respecting the IMPROVEMENT of the PAS- SAGE across the Frith of Forth, at QUEENS- FERRY. TO BE SOLD, BY Auction, in P. CAIRNS's Sale- Room, NO. .63, opposite " tiie College, on ' Thursday, 2d February IS09, and the following Evenings, A valuable Collection of BOOKS, PRINTS, Books of Prints, & c. the property of the late Mr. W. SMITON; among which are, Pergolesi's Works, Le Pautn's Ornaments, Nisbet's, and Edmonston's Heraldry, - and a Copy of Pont's Manuscript on Heraldry, Dodsley's Annual Register, from 1758 to 1785, both years inclusive, Swift's Works, in 22 volumes, ftc. & c. all in excellent condition. Catalogues at Martin's, Lothian- street. SUCCESSOR WANTED, TPO'lii extensive and long established Business X in the Haberdashery. Lin -, in Stirling. ' The Trustees of the late Provost JAMES ED- Mo\ Tn, Merchant in Stirling, will be ready to treat for a SET of that Large SHOP, situated on tiie south s de of tiie Er » ad- street of Stirling, lately occupied by Mr. Edmond, and for a Sale ot his extensive Stock of Good-, ot the best qualities, and most modern fashions. Liberal terms will be granted to any person taking the Shop and Goods, and Credit will be al- lowed, on receiving security. Applications in writing, post paid, may be made to Andrew Mutton, writer in Stirling, betwixt and the 15th day of February next. STIRLING, Jan. 18, 1809. Not to be repeated. GENUINE KIPPEN WHISKY, At which DistiHery, MALT alone, bas been used, for a number of years past. PETER FORBES &' CO. some time since re- quested the- attention of Famili. s to their stock ofthis spirit, of which they have still a few Puncheons on hand. The Public will have no op- portunity for years of supplying themselves with this Aquavits, which will beat a comparison with any Highland Whisky whatever. P. F. Co. continue their sales of all varieties • of Malt and plain Whisky, Foreign Wines and Spirits, Ales, Porter, Teas, Coffee, and other ar- ticles in their line, as formerly, A liberal- allowance to Dealers, A, am's Square, Jan. 27, 1 809. DAMAGED SUGAR. , To be SOLD by auction, for behoof of Underwri- ters, and all concerned, on Monday n » xt, the 30th curt, at one o'clock afternoon precisely, ABOUT 18 HHDS. DAMAGED SUGAR, being part ot the Pilgrim's cargo from Ber- bice. Samples to be seen on the day of sale. GEO. HOUSHOLD. GLASGOW, Jan. 25, 1809. NOTICE TO CREDITORS, THE Creditors of WILLIAM M'KENZIF, senior, Working Jeweller in Edinburgh, are hereby requested to lodge their Claims against him, with Wm Scott, NO. 16, Greenside Street, or before the Mth of February nest, as it is necessary that a settlement of his affairs should follow . hereon. ' Those negl.- cting to give in their claims, will not be intitled to any share of ths funds to be divided. Not to be repeated. NEW C 1. U B. THE ANNIVERSARY MEETING will be held on Wednesday the 1st of February, at one o'clock. As business of considerable impor- tance to the Club, will come before this meeting, as full an attendance as possible is requested. Dinner on the table at five o'clock. WILL. HAGART, Sec. BOOKBINDERS, MAY now Supply themselves with REAL RUSSIA CALF LEATHER of excellent quality, out of the Only Parcel for Sale, in this Country, by applying to ' GEORGE HEPBURN, Leith, who will treat with persens purchasing extensive- ly, on very favourable terms. TO ' TRADESMEN & BUILDERS. WANTED, a PLAN for Manse and Offices to. beEuilt. at KILSYINDIE. To ba sent to the Rev. Dr. Dow, on or before the 15th March next. Further information to be had cf Dr. Dow, Minister of Kilspindie, by Erroi. Kiispindie, 29th Dec. 1S0S. TO BE . LET, rwo Excellent COUNTING HOUSES, and VAULT, in a Central Situation in Leith. Apply to Mr, Alexander Howden. LEITH, 20th Jan. 1809. N O- T I CE. ' THE HOUSE in SOUTH FREDERICK STREET, entering from Rose Street,. Ad- vertised for roup on the 31st curt, is SOLD by Private Bargain, MILL- STONES. BURR STONES of excellent, qua . ks or Built to any Size, are to be :. t » Robert Cox, Gorgie Mill, or - n and Robert Ferguson, Mill- • -, Water oc I. eith. . Jan. 1009. SALE'OF TEMPLEHALL POSTPONED. THE SALE of TEMPLEHALL, in the County. of Berwick, advertised for. the 25: h licsiant, is POSTPONED,, uptil Wednesday the 1.7th j May next. .... WOODSININVERNESS SHIRE FOR SALE. ! •- pHE- Whole WOGDS,'. consisting of Oak and I X other Woods on the Farm of DALVJLLE, in the parish - of. Slate, Isle of Skye, belonging to Lord Macdonald, are to be exposed to public sale, j at Edinburgh, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- j house, on Monday the 20th day of March 1809, 4 at two o'clock afternoon. Thil wood covers up- wards cf AO Scots acres, For further particular* apply to Lieut.- Colonel Graham, at Portree; or to John Campbell and John Polloct, wim- rj to tie signet, Edinburgh. SURPLUS RENT TO BE SOLD. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Atheneum, Hunter's Square, Edinburgh, on Friday 3d £ e- bruary next, at two o'clock afternoon, ASURPLUS RENT of L. 84: 3 : 9d. for 1S2 years after Martinmas 1808. This Surplus Rent is well secured, upon property in the County of Mid- Lothian, and is worth tlie attention of any person wishing to vest money on good security. Apply to Wm. Dallas, VV. 5. SURPLUS RENT FOR SALE. * There will he SOLD by public roup, within Mac- I. eisb's Inn, Perth, on Wednesday the 8th day of February 1809, at 2 o'alock afternoon, T^ HE SURPLUS. RENT of the Farm of PO- TIEHILL, in the county of Perth, amount - ing to 321. Sterling, payable at Candltrnas and Midsummer after the crop. The subtack is for thirteen years from Martinmas 1807. T he articles of roup will be seen in the hands of Mr. Ross, writer, Perth, or Mr. Kyd, writer, Cu- par Fife. " WOOD FOR SALE IN' ST lFlJNGSHIRE~' TO. be SOLD by Public Roup, at ALVA, near Alloa, on . Tuesday the 2ht February 1X09, and following days, a considerable Quantity of Va- luable GROYNING and CUT TIMBER, consist- ing of Oak, Ash, Elm, Plane, Fir, and other varie- ties.- The quantity of Ash is considerable, and the quality excellent.—. Viva is only four milea from tiie sea- port of Alloa. " COAL TN FIFJRTO LE'E THE- COAL of BAGRY BANK is to be SET, for such number of years as may be agreed upon. It lies within half a mile of the vill- aye of Kennowav, on the road to Cupar, and consists of several seams, on one of which two pits are sunk. The water fcas been hitherto drawn by a wind- ias only, and worked by men ; but a hors'e- gih wiil be afforded for that purpose, which will make it an easy matter. Apply to Mr. l ow of Annfieli), by - Falkland. — SALE OF'LANDS JN i'li'E. Entry at Martinmas 1809, To be SOLD by public r > up, at New Inn, Fife, 011 Monday ' tiie 20th day of March, 1809, at 12 o'clock inid- dav, np- HE FARM of BACKSIDE, lying in the pa- X ri h, and close to the village of Markinch, consisting of 110 acres: o- thereby, wh. reof : l acres'are rich carse ground. Coal is tu be had- •, v: ta.' n an English mile. Forthar i. nut- works ar.' not above thyeu miles distant, and tile gea ports of Kirkcaldy and Dysart, six miles. ' The lands hold of the Crown, arid the public burdens are low. If not sold together, the proper- ty will be put up in different lots, to be specified iu a future advertisement. Since the lands were formerly advertised, tha lease has been bought, and the purchaser wijl ea- ter to- possession at Martinmas 1809. The property will be shewn by Alexander Gibb, the tenant; au l. t » r further particulars. appHcaiivS may be maue to Kyd, writer,. Lupi. 5* JUST ARRIVED, r- pHE ODONTALGIC, ot CHEMICALES- I SENCE of HORSERADISH, a citrefor, the Toothach, and Ear- ach, and CARBONATED DENTIFRICE, an elegant and efficacious tooth j powder. *.'.''" The ESSENCE possesses the properties of safe- ty and immediately stopping the toothach, and ha6 a peculiar property, if it comes in contact with the exposed nerve, to prevent the recurrence of that torturing malady ; in colds and rheumatic affec- tions of the . jaws it will be found particularly bene- ficial. The CARBONATED DENTIFRICE restores to the enamel all its native whiteness, gives a florid colour to the gums, and by its peculiar antiseptic quality, removes a very ur. pleasapt odour from the mouth, and imparts to the breath a most delicate fragrance.— Price 2s. 9d. each. The ODONTALGIC and CARBONATED DENTIFRICE are prepared and sold, wholesale, by Mr King, apothecary, Bath, where respectable renders may be supplied ; and, by his appOuttjlieut - sold by MRS. CARGILL, At the LONDON PATENT MEDICINE COMPANY'S WARE- HOUSE, NO. 86, SOUTH BRIDGE, Robert- son, Prince's Street, Smith and Raeburr, perfum- ers, North Bridge; Rcid, bookseller, . Leith ; and Reid, Berwick. THE EDINBURGH. HOUSE IN GEORGE STREET. rO BE SOLD, with Stable and Coach- house, that central and commodious HOUSE, be- longing to and possessed by Mr. 0. Cunningham, W. S. NO. 31, North Side « - f GEORGE STREE1', consisting of sunk storey, three stories above, and garrets. The feu- duty is only 21, 7s. 8d. To be seen every day from one o'clock till three. • ESCAPE— AND REWARD OF FIFTY GUINEAS. ESCAPED from Custody, in LONDON, CN EORGE AINSLIE, charged with felpny— X He is by trade a Blacksmith, and lately wrought with Messrs. MOJER IS" CO. of that city, under the name of GEORGE ANDERSON. He is stout, and well made, 25 years of age, 6 feet, 1 inch in height, fair complexion, dark eyes, was born, and resided in the Calton, before he went to London. Whoever will " apprehend, or give such informa- tion at the Police- Office, Bow- street, London, or at this Office, as shall be the means of appreh'- nd ing the « aid George. Ainslie, shall receive a Re- ward of Fifty Guineas. Council- Chamber, Edinr. Jan. 12, 18C9. HOUSE IN GEORGE STREET FOR SALE. To be SOLD and entered to at Whitsunday next, AGENTEEL and Commodious HOUSE, NO. 2, South Side of GEORGE STREET, consisting of sunk floor, three floors above and gar- rets. The central situation of this House, renders it a desirable purchase for professional persons. The feu- duty is onljr L. l lis. fid. sterling. Apply to James Thomson, W. S. 20, North Castle Street. LEASE OF A CAPITAL SHOP. To be SOLD by private bargain, and entered to at Whitsunday next, T^ HE REMAINING EIGHT YEARS of a X LEASE of that Capital and well- frequented SHOP, with two commodious apartments, NO. 38, PRINCE's STREET, corner of South Hanover Street, presently occupied by Mr. P. P. Shirreff, Haberdasher, and suitably adapted for that trade. The Shop is elegantly fitted up, and the Furniture will be sold along with the Lease. For particulars apply to John Patison, jim. Lon- don Street, or the trustee on Mr. Shirreifs estate. 6, Sou'h Bridge. HOUSE IN PRINCE's STREET FOR SALE. •" O be SOLD by public roup, within the „ Ri. yal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 1st day of February 1899, at one o'clock afternoon, if not previously ( disposed of bv private bargain, that HOUSE, NO. 64, PRINCE'S STREET, consisting of sunk storey, three stories above and garrets, with coach- house and stable. For particulars apply to- Mr. Wauchope, NO. 29 Prince's Street.. TO CREDITORS. JOHN PHILP, senior, Fiesher in Dunfermline, having executed a conveyance of his wholv debts and effects, in favour of Messrs Jas. Craw ford, Tenant in PitbaucHie, John Scotland, mer- chant in Dunfermline, and James Russell, writer there, as trustees for Behoof of his Creditors, a- greeable to the recommendation of the Creditors assembled at the meeting oil the 4th instant : No- tice isihereby given, that a deed of accession lies for the subscription of the Creditors in the hands ot the said James Rxssell, with whom those having claims against the said John Philp, - arc- requested t. o lodge the. same with oaths of verity thereon ; and to. whom those indebted to the said John Philp,. ar. e requested to make immediate payment. . . ... QKmjyMtiWE. 19tli Jan. 1809. A CflEAP SALE OF NURSERY TREES & PLANTS AT JEDBURGH. " HE Whole of Tli^ tEE NURSERIES, of a- ADVERTISER FOR 71809 HOUSE ON LEITH TERRACE. To be SOLD by Private Bargain, under the burden of a Liferent, rpHE LODGING or FLAT, NO. T6, LRTI'H 1 TERRACE, or, a level with the Pavenient, presently possessed by Mrs. Miller, and consist- ing of three Rooms, a Kitchen, and Closets, with a Cellar below the i'errace. Apply to Joseph Paterson, writer to the signet, NO. 2, Hill Street. DWELLING- HOUSE & GARDEN, & c. T O L E T, J O EE LET, and entered to either now or at I Whitsunday next, the DWELLING HOUSE ( with tlie Offices, Garden, and Pleasure Ground, if wanted), lying near the Golf- house at Leith. The house is in good order, and fit to accommodate a genteel family. . Lately possessed by Admiral Va- shon and Robert Ramsay, Esq; merchant in X. eith, & e. Please apply to Mr. Tate, Royal Exchange. HOUSE IN PICARDY PLACE TO BE SOLD. ON Wednesday the 1 st day of February 1809, between the hours of two and three after- noon, will be exposed to SALE, within tbe Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, That DWELLING HOUSE, with the Cellars, Back Area, & c. in PICARDY PLACE, at present possessed by Mr James Haldane, The house con- sists of a sunk storey, three storeys above, and gar- rets over all. The dining room is 25 feet by 17 Feet 6 inches. The drawing room is double, one of them 26 feet by 18 feet, the other St) feetby 18 feet, and the whole house is commodious and ele- gant.-—' l'he conditions of sale may be seen in the minds of Mr Duncan, W. S. York Place. N. B.— The house will be shewn on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, from 1 to 3 o'clock. JAN, 27. TO BE I. ET OR SOLD- THAT Large Central « t Commodious SHOP in NORTfT LEITH, adjoining to the Bul- ker's Office, on fhe west, fronting the Drawbridge and Street. leading, to the Wet Dock, in rront about 22 fee;, with three Window i, Back- room, Cellar, and Vault. To be entered to immediately, and rent moderate. For particulars apply to Davtd Skae, Builder, Middlefield, Or David Brown, writer, 13, George Street. , PROPERTY NEAR l. EI'l H. TO BE SOLD, that HOUSE, at present finish- ing, and divided into Two Lodgings, situ- ated near SUMMEKF- IELD, about 100 yards from Restalrig Toll, Leith Links-, on the road from Leith to Restalrig, and within seven minutes walk from the town of Leith or the sea shore. The ground lodging of tvra flats consists of two public rooms, two large bed rooms, light bed clo- sets, kitchen, cellar, and many other convenien- ces. The upper lodging, of two flats, consists of two public rooms, five bed rooms, closets, kit- chen, cellar, and many other conveniencies, and is delightfully situated, commanding the views of Edinburgh, sea, and country round, is finishing in the most complete and substantial manner, and will bear the inspection of any tradesman. There will also go along- with the Lodgings, the flower plot before the house, and separate gardens be- hind, fitted up with offices, & c. with the use of a pump well; the feu- duty is but trifl'ng. Apply to Walter Bruce and Sons, Leith. If. not sold by Candlemas, will be Lot for the year. HOUSE IN PRINCE's STREET. To be SOI. D by auction, within the Royal Ex change Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 8th of Feb. 1309, at two o'clock afternoon, rHAT HOUSE, NO. 30, PRINCE's STREET, consisting of ground floor, three upper stories and garrets. From its vefy central situation, the house is pe culiarly well adapted for being converted into Shops or for Lodgings ; and, as there is the full allowance of garden ground behind, there is room for any additional buildings that may be wanted. The feu- dftty is only 11. 8s 9d. l'or further particulars apply to John Bell, W. S. 16, West Heriot Row, or F. Braidwood & Son, Upholsterers, Adam's Square,' either of whom will procure admission to see- the house. T . bout 9j Acres,^ eing part of the seques- trated estate of Mr. Cnisiiot. M, Nurseryman in Jedburgh, are now Selling off, at the following low prices, for ready money. If a quantity is. bought, and a respectable referencegiven, 6montbs credit will be allowed. . ' I he Trees and Plants are rill vigorous, strong, and . healthy; with excellent roots, and, in the,, opi- nion of Judges, not to be surpassed in all Scotland. Oaks,. 4 & 5 years old, about " 1 feet high. 4s. the neat hundred Ditto, • Thorns, rtitto, Ash 3 years old, do. 3 feet do. 3s. do. 4 ditto do. feet, do. Is. 6' d. do. 3 ditto do. If feet, do. 10d. do. 4 ditto 4 to 5 " feet do. 3s.' do. 3 ditto do. 3 feet do. 2s. to 2s. fid do. . . 5 ditto do, 3 ( feet do. 3s. do. 4 ditto do. 2 feet do. 2s. do. 4 ditto do. 5 - feet 3 ditto about 2 feet 4 ditto do. Si feet Mountain Ash, 4d: tfo • do. - i feet ' Sweet Chesnut'.' S ditto - do. 2± feet Larch Firs, - 4 ditto do. ."> feet 3 ditto ' 3 to 4. feet 2 ditto about 1 foot • 5 ditto do. feet, 4 ditto ( 1 o.-. 2 feet 3 ditto' do.' 8 inch 41 ditto do. • 2 \ Jt '.- t Ditto, Beach, Ditto, . Elm, Ditto, ' Plane, HOUSE IN PRINCE'S STREET FOR SALE, ' lobe SOLD by public roup, withitl the Royal Ex- change Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Wednes- day the 8th day of February IS09, at two o'clock afternoan, THAT HOUSE NO. 54, PRTNCI.' S STREET, consisting of sunk storey, three stcreys above ana garrets, with back area, Coach- house and stable. The feu- duty is only L. 1 : 15; 6d. A con- siderable part of tbe price may remain in the hands of the purchaser. For particulars, apply to Claud Russell, Esq; Accountant, in Edinburgh, or to Mackenzie and Monypenrty, W. S. 63, Prince's Street. QUEEN STREET, AND NORTH FREDE- RICK STREET. To be SOI, D by private bargain, together or se- parately, -- pHESE LODGINGS, being the Two Upper t FLAPS of the Tenement, NO. 28, at the Foot, and on the West side of North Frederick Street, and Fronting QUEEN STREET; the under flat consisting of dining- room, drawing room, three excellent bed rooms, two light closets, each capable of holding a bed, kitchen, & c.; and tire Upper Flat, consisting of dining room, drawing roam, three bed rooms, large light closets, kitchen, & c. These premises were lately converted into-, and are presently occupied as one house, but the/ may be again separated at a very trifling expence. There is most ample cellarage, with catacombs, water pipes, water closet, Sc. ar. d the feu- duty is only 11. Os. 7d. yearly. ' 1 hey overlook " entirely the buildings to the north, and command a most ex- tensive and uninterrupted prospect of the river, ship ping, and opposite country, and are . particularly well adapted for a Boarding and Lodging House. Apply to tbe proprietor, ;. t the House, or to Mr Gillespie, architect, North Union Street, who has power to conclude a bargain. T O BE SOI. D. HOUSES IN NORTH HANOVER STREET, . And- Fronting GepiiGE STREET. AT HOUSE in JiTorth Hanover- street, T HOUSE & SHOP IN IN VER KEITH IN G TO BE LET, HAT SHOP & DWELLING- HOUSE, west corner of the & oad that leads to Dunferm- line. The Shop is pretty large and centrally situ- ated. x^ pplication may be made to Peacon Lillie, or to David Deas, Midfield, by Dunfermline. HOUSE AT NEWINGTON FOR SALE. To be SOLD, and entered to immediately, or at Whitsunday next, AVILLA at BELLEVILLErfLACE, upon the Lands of NEWINGTON, The House is elegant & commodious, consisting of dining- room, drawing- room, breakfasting parlour, four good bed- rooms, kitchen, closets, cellars, wash- house, and other conveniencies. There is a neat piece ground in front of the house, and a garden behind, containing together, more than half an acre, pro- perly inclosed with stone walls, and there is a well of excellent water. The situation is convenient, near the termination of the new great road, south from St. Patrick's Square, within an easy walk of town. May be seen every Moqctay Thurs- day, from twelve to three o'clock. For further particulars, inquire at Mr. Wishart, W. S. 53, York Place. HOUSE &. GARDEN IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF DUNBAR, FOR SALE. To be; SOLD by private contract, and entered to immediately, THE DWELLING- HOUSE and Garden, be- ing the Westnlost Upon the plan of Delisle- - THAT " HOOSE'ln North I - being the second door m the stair of No. 13, . j f £ be x don Road and £ h> » ne> c. Htvce ni rtininnr- mrvrn < nwinir. rnnm. twn _ . . • . * . ' TO BE SOLD OR LET, T do. 3s. do. do. 2s. do. do. 3s. do. do. 5s. do. dd. 7s.. do. do. 4s. do; do. 3s. do. do. 1 s. do, . da. " 3s. dp. do. _ Ss. do. do. " is. do. do tod. do. Ditto, Ditto, Spruce Firs, Ditto, Dit'to, ~ Scots Firs, . — Duto, 3 ditto do.- v to 8 inch do.-<; dto sd do. N.. B. " Wfe Strong Thorns 4 years old, are the finest Svood'of'the kind, that can be. met with. Orders addressed for'Charles Macswin, Nur- srry'-. run, Jedburgh; with m*> n^ y, or bank bills, or a respectable reference,- will be punctually an swered : or they tway be b ft the shop of \ lr. Robt.. Sheppard, lea Dealer & Grocer, Edinburgh. ' ' N. B. The Trees wHl he- del vered in Edinburgh at id. and 6.1. per hundred, according to their- iz- . Either upon lease or for one year, entry fit Whitsunday, HAT HOUSE in LONDON STREET, pre- sently possessed by J. F. Gordon, Esq; con- sisting of sunk storey, three stories above, and atuc storey, with large background cellars water- clo- sets, Sec. and every accommodation for a large family. For further particulars inquire at the house, which may be seen any day from 12 to 3 o'clock. " HOUSE IN TJOWESTREET. I. ET, entry immediately, consisting oi dining- room, drawing- room, two bed- roonis, a light- bed- closet, kitchen, pantry, and other conveniencies, together with two cellars in the sunk area.—- ALSO, That House, being the Attic storey above the one before described, consisting of the same illim - ber of rooms, & c. The situation of these houses is most central, cheafful, and pleasant, fronting the south in Geofge- street, and the west in Hanover- street.— The public rooms in the house first described, are particularly grand and spacious, with lofty cielings. ' 1 be houses will be sold either separately or to- gether, and at a mere trifle of expence, may be in - habited as one house. For particulars application may be made to James Hay, W. S. 13, Aber- crombie Place. The Houses will be shewn on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday?. cheerful TO I. ET, entry immediately, uiroi.. HOUSE ot two principal rooms, three good bed rooms, kitchen, cellars, water- pipe, & closets, having an open view west of Northumberland Street, light and easy stair, 4th door of that Land in HO WE STREET, built by Mess. Beartie & CP. who will shew the house, which was possessed las. season, and is both commodious and well hnisbe- d. Apply at the westmost house, Northumberland Street, for the key, & c. HOUSE IN UNION STREET. Fo be SOLO bv private bargain, and entered to at Whitsunday, next, rM AT LODGING being the Upper or Garret Flat, in UNION STREET, next the Open- ing upon the East Side, presently possessed by Mr Ltwrir, Upholsterer,> consisting of four rooms, kitchen, and other' conventencies, with a cellar ii the sunk area. Apply to John Patisoi, tunr. London Street. ' ' ' ' HOUSE AND GARDEN. To be Soi. o by Private Bargain, ANeat Substantial HOUSE, being the East- mast of the-' Tour- laf. ly built, facing tn » oj> uth," on the FERRY ROAD, a little be- yond StockbriiU'e, as. presently possessed by Mr. WeMg* rtii.. ;.,. Th-.' house contains s.' ven S4.1 E OF A HOUSE IN ARGYLE SQUARE EDINBURGH. Co be SOLD by rouv, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, upon Thursday the " d day of February next, at 2 o ciock afternoon rpHAT HOUSE situated on the norm side of I ARGYLE SQUARE, possessed by Alexr. Goldiv, Esq; writer to the signet, consisting of su" k storey, three stories above, and garret, with fo e and back area. The premises will be seen on Tuesdays and Fridays, between 1 and 3 o clock. • iJeJ. spouts, and a complete drain is carried with i For p^ rticuVtrs apply to Tod & Wright, Ni). 21, ijfi.- ient declivity to the Water of Leith. I. here North Hamper Street. • kitchen, closet, and. good wine cellar, besides scut- ; s0., lens coal- bouse, adjoining, and a well of ex- ; foJ. • c'- li~"'. t water. The ro » f and gable are fitted with . T lead sufficient— - j- ,. , -„ ; i, a Plot p'f Ground in front, ar. d behind are a small Bleaching green and Garden. -- Apply a? above, or to Robert Stracban, V . fa. -" ;' yle Square. ^ 17, Argyt HOUSE FOR SALE. iO BE SOLD by public roup, m the Koy. il TO BF." SOLD BY- PRIVA TE BARGAIN, Ancp- entered to at Whitsunday next, RIIHAT LODGING or DWEIXING- HOUSE, 1 consisting of three r- ooras, ki; chen, and other | ciwveniencies, being the Fifth Storey and the - south- half of the garret s- orey above the same, consisting- of two apartments, with a cellar at the foot of the stair, lying upon the north side ot the HIGH S TREET ot Edinburgh, in the wyrid cal-, , of front, led Halkerston's Wynd, and west side ot said! gTOUS purchase, as, from Its. extent ot rroiu, Wynd, the windows of which look to North' - -'->•- » >• Bridge Street.— Rent L. 17. t F. xchange Coffee. • nouse, Edirtliurgh, on Tuesday the 31st January current, at two. o'clock afternoon, if not previously disposed of by private bargain, ' That HOUSE, in Young's Street, Charlotfe- Square, lattly possessed by James Grahamc, EM; Advocate. This House consists of two principal floors, besides kitchei: floor and garrets, was built within these five years, is in " complete repair, and in every way suited for a genteel private family.— And, in point pf speculation, must be an advanta- HOUSE IN NORTH FOR FREDERICK SALE. STREET F ir particulars - application may be made to Mr..' a- ec, P^ nbrtlm, H uter. North Bridge: or James Geiitie, y •'!•>-•, Brf. ii- '-"<•'- ' « Close, i. dnjburgb. tor, parlour fl'- Sr may belaid out in these, Wou'd be excellent cellarage. ? n" riuhrs tonly to Richard Piretitlce, SpUci Vi- irc"'-' 9tr?" t. TO BE SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Weil n.' sday the 1st of February 1609, at two o'clock afternoon, tbe HOUSE, NO. 15, on the east side of NORTH FREDERICK- STREET, lately posses- sed by Miss Hope, consisting of dining room drawing- room, and four bed rooms, on the first floor ; and kitchen - and three apartments on the ground floor ; a wine cellar fitted up with cata combs, and a small garret which is at pr sent let for L. 2 yearly ; together with back court, back green, two cellars in front area, and water cistern. The house to be seen on Tuesdays, Wednesday's, and Thursdays, from 12 till S o'clock. And for further, particulars application may be made to Messrs. Wemyss and Walker, W. S. 25, G. orge Mreet. ' .. .. SUBJECTS IN PLEASANCE. To be SOLD by Public Roup, within the Royal Ex- Change Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Tuesday the 31st day of January current, it- two o'clock afternoon, THE Following PROPERTY, situated near the " Head of the PLEASANCE, upon the east side of the High Street, in the following Lots, viz. Lot I.—' A GARDEN, consisting of about two scots acres or thereby ; with a House, consisting ot two Flats and Byre, as presently in the posses- sion of Mr Forrest Alexander, merchant. Rent 32. Lot IE— That New Land called MURRAY'S L AND, consisting of three Flats and Garrets, with a small U; ick Green belonging to the same, as pre- sently possessed by James Innes and others. This lot will be disposed . of either in wiiole or in Flats, as may be agreed ou at the time of the Sale. Lot III.— That Tenement, immediately adjoining the above, measuring in front 31 feet or thereby, possessed by Alexander Murray and others. Lor IV.— That Old Tenement, immediately ad- joining the above, measuring .31 feet irt front or thereby, possessed by Mrs Herd- man, See. Dot V.— That small Old Tenement possessed by | j- Mrs Dow, & c. measuring 30 feet 9 inches in front or thereby. ! Lot VI.— That'House and Shop, with the 0: 1- llar below, consisting of three rooms, and kitchen,. which has been very lately built, consists of two flats, and is calculated for the accommodation of a genteel family. Offers will be received by Mr. John M'Crie, town- clerk of Dunbar, who is au- thorised to conclude a sale. ~ GALASHIELiTHOUSE TO ' LET. TO BE LE I',- for such a number of years as can be- agreed upon, and entered info at Candlemas 1809, The Mansion- House, OfBce- iHouses, aud Garden, of Galashiels, in the parish pf Galashiels, and shire of Selkirk. The house is Furnished, and the Garden, which comprehends upwards of two acres of ground, is well stocked with fruit trees. The tenant may have what fur- ther ground he ch » ses,_ at a fair rent. Galashiels being situated at a convenient distance from Edinburgh, in an agreeable and excellent sporting country, With the advantage of a near and good market, aud daily post, is one of the best country residences which can occur. For farther particulars apply t ® Messrs. Tods & Romanes, Castle- street, Edinburgh; or to Mr: Thomas Paterson, at Gaiashiels, tttfco will shew the subjects. " COUNTRY RESIDENCE. TO BE LET FURNISHED, for one or two years, from Whitsunday next, 1809, tlie HOUSE, Garden, and Offices of NEW CAtRN- MUIR, in the parish of Kirkurd, and county of Peebles, 22 miles distant from Edinburgh, on the great road to Dumfries. ' The house was built only a few years ago, and is finished in the most substantial ami comfortable manner, and well furnished. It contains dining and drawing rooms," and parlour, • six excellent bed rooms, five of which have light dressing rooms, kitchen, laundry, servants hall, and cel- lars; besides three garret rooms, closets, & store foom, & c. The outrhouses and offices are highly convenient, and the garden well stocked. The situation of the jilace is very pleasant, sur- rounded by beautiful plantations, and in a fine sporting country. ' The Lawn and Ground to be let along with tbe house, will pasture a couple of cows; and the tenant will be accommodated with kais coals and peats, furnished to- a considerable amount by the other, tenants of the estate. The mail coach between Edinburgh and Dum- fries passes daily within half a mile of the house. James Dickson, overseer at New Cairnmuir, will shew the house, and. for further particulars, application may be made to John Lawson, W. S, 4, Hill Street, Edinburgh. the - and below . , ,. - c , , , Immediate being the first storey ot the south and westmost. : wing of Alison's Square, possessed by Mr Crich. ton, leather- merchant. For particulars apply to John & - Thomas Peats, writers, FojU; ,- rrf~ i. LAUDERDALE— FAROF HAUGHS. - To be SOLD by Public Roup. THE above FARM formerly Advertised, to be Sold by private bargain, is now to be Sold by Public Roup, within the Royal Exchange Cof- fee- house, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the 22d iiay of February next, at two o'clock afternoon. This farm is beautifully situated upon thel. eader two miles north from I. auder The great road from Edinburgh passes through the property. It is let fcpon an improving lease, to a substantial tenant, at the rent of L. 214, and will be exposed so low as 5 years purchase of the present rent, although upon the expiry of the lease, there is no doubt a considerable rise of rent will be obtained. For further particulars application may be made to William Molle, Esq; W. S. North Castle Street, ! Edinburgh. 2 7' JAN DAY OF SATE POSTPONED, SALE OF SHOPS AND HOUSES: 1 Ofrfrositr Turf Coffee- house, Leith Street, Edinburgh. To be exposed to SALE, within the Athrnatum, or Merchants Hail, Edinburgh, on Monday the 30th day of Jan. 1809, at one o'clock afternoon. THE EDINBURGH FARM IN WALES. ADVERTISER for To be LET for- a term of 21 years, ABOUT 430 ACRES Capital Rich LANDS, situated upon the banks of tlir Marsh in b; navigable rivers, viz. the- Scvern, Taaff, and Ely, Sc. l8on. 59 THF. HENRIETTE, BURENT JACOBS, MASTER, FROM STOCKHOLM. T "' HAT large'Double Stone Tenement of X. AND miles of the port of Bristol. These lands are now the east side of LEITH STREET, op- embanking at the expence of the proprietor,. wjiich t posite the Turf Coffee- house ( formerly the black , will be completed at his expence, having been sub- Bull Inn) con?' Double l. aigh rooms, and four room to each : on the floor above, of Six capital Shops, each having a neat well lighted Back- room. Above the shops there are three excellent flats, containing six genteel Lodgings, each of which con- sists of dining room, drawing room, three bed- rooms, and kitchen; and the Attic Storey forms Two good Houses ot nearly the same accom- modation ; the whole commanding a view of the Calton- hill and Frith of Forth from the back win- NOTICE is hereby given, to the OWNERS of that Ship and Cargo thar 233 Barrels of Stockholm T- r 2 Barrels Rosin, and 22 Swedish ^ gjro^ fjjgrjg^ Deale, have been cast ashore in the - Jjf District of the Port of Anstruther, Guineas per acre. These lands have never been ploughed, and, it is supposed, will yield very great crops, being an accumulation of rich soil. Any person desirous of tenanting these lands, and wishing to know further . particulars may apply to William Murray, tenant dows. Tiiepremises were built in a very substantial at Ladykirk, near Berwick, who has seen them, manner within these few years, and are well fi- - — : VALUABLE COAL, AND FARM TO LET, Within Six " Miles- of Edinburgh. T-" H- E whole SEAMS OFCQAL upon the estate of DRYDF. N, lying i. n- the north side cf the Esk, art t6 be LET for such- a period as m » y be a- witbin a mile of the town of Cardiff, and aboiit 30 greed on j the entry to commence as soon as ofi'er- - - —- - ers shall incline, The coal consists of fourteen workable seams,, . .. — . from three to nine feet thick, and, when formerly j together with a Piece « f the Stern of a Vessel, on ~ *- ' aame „" Henriette," and the word cut out, in gilt letters. Also a Ship's the name " Burent Jacobs," painted A good Scots farmer " will be preferred to any road frorn the Peebles turnpike road to Roslin.— ^ hereon. The said goods are in the custody of the other ; but ha must be a person of respectability, ( The most distant is not more than half a mile from officers of the Customs at Anstruther, for security as the lowest rent that will be accepted of is Two the turnpike road, aud only sjx miies from Edin- ' ™ ' burgh ; and . as some of the coal in the neighbour- of a rushed. They will be exposed in lots, at the follow • ' ing moderate upset prices, viz. Lot 1st,— Being the double Laigh Shop, posses- sed by William Bain, grocer, at L. 350. Lot's 2d and 3d,— Being the two- principal Shops immediately above. Lot 1st, possessed by Mr Pat- ton, saddler, & c. at L. 800 each. Note. These three, it purchasers incline, may be exposed in one Lot. Lot 4th,— Being" the l. aigh Shop and Back- room possessed by Burnet, at L. 175. Lot 5th,— Being the principal Shop, possessed by Mr Swan, perfumer, at 1,. 800. These two shall be exposed together. Lot 6th,— Being the Laigh Shop and Back- room, possessed by William Greig, at 1.. 175. Lot 7th,— Being the principal Shop, possessed by Mr Sutherland, bookseller, at L- 8- 5. These two to he exposed together. Lot Sth,— Being the Laigh Shop and Back- room, possessed by Alexander Clark, at 1.. 175. Lot 9th,— Being the principal Shop, possessed by* Mr Daliaway, ironmonger, at L. 825. The above two lots to be exposed together. Lot loth,— Being the northmost Laigh Shop & Back- room, possessed by Jn. Henderson, at L. J$ 5. - Lot 11th,— Being the principal Shop above Lot 10th, at L. 350. The last- mentioned two lots to be exposed to- 12th and 13th,— Being the two Lodgings- i" ' be/ first Flat above the principal Shops, at L- S08 each. , . Lots 14th and 15th,— Being the two- Loggings in the second- Flat, atL. 475each. - Lots 16th and 17th,— Being the- two- Lodgmgam the third Flat, at L. 4S0 each.— Aad,. J. ots 18th and 19th,— Being the two Houses m tbe Attic Storey, at. L.- 300 each. Persons inclining to purchase call seldom have aff opportunity of laying out their money, t- o better advantage, as this property is becoming daily moie- valuable. r FARM OF BLACKHOPE O BE LET, and entered tt> at Whitsunday 1809, the Farm of BLACKHOPE, contain- about. 1600 acres of excellent sheep pasture equal to any in that part of the county of Mid-] x>- thian, lying in the parish of Herriot, about 13 miles from Edinburgh. Money will be advanced on rea- sonable. terms, for building a bouse on the firm, if required, and every reasonable encouragement given to a gooH tenant. iV. B.— The lease to be for seven years, andfirofiosals in - Uniting, f o b; addressed to the Ear I of Ro < e at lidrnbougle Castle, by Edinburgh, or lo Mr. G.- oson, his factor there, until tile 15th February, after i. huh none • u. ill be received. CAPITAL FARM TO LET. THE FARM of KIMMERGHAME MEUGH, in - Berwickshire, is to be Let for aterm not ex- ceeding 19 years, and entered to at Martinmas next 1809. It contains about 280 English acres, in- cluding the Easter and Wester Harrages, all line land fit for turnips-, or other crops used in modern husbandry, with. dwelling- houses, Sr.": 1-, and other offices suitable. It is in the parish of Edrom, three miles from Dunse, and twelve from Berwick and Eyemouth. James Middlemas, hedger, Kimmerg- | harvie Mill, will show the lands. Offers in ivritusg, addressed lo the Earl cf Roseberi/,. at Bambougle Castle, bij Edinburgh, Mr. Gibson, his facXr them,. Messrs. Birricrs,. lV. S. Edinburgh, or Air. Cunninghame at Ihinse, nuill be duly attended to, dill the ' 2dof March next, . after Tvfrich none will be re ceived. N. 13, This farm wiH not be let to any person who docs not mean to reside with his family con- stantly upon it, or who intends to farm other lands, FARM-, UPON THE COAST OE FIFE, A~- BOVE LARGO BAY. rT^ O BE LET for 19 years, and entered to at I Michaelmas LS09, the Farm of WESTER NEWBURN, as possessed by John Scott, to whisli is to be added PARKHEAD, the whole As also' the whole SUBJECTS in the Back Court,! consisting of upwards of 164 Scots acres, lefclsid the foresaid property, commonly known by The farm of Wester Newburn^ is well known to Court; etnerin^ from* Cat-! be real good land; and as it is situate*! within of the duties. befefiftd the the name of- Syme ton- lull consisting of a variety of Small Houses, I three miles of lime, an active tenant, who advan- possessedby different tenants, in one Lot, at 1„ 550.: tages himself by that valuable manure, will be cer- The title deeds and articles of roup may be | tain of raising very productive crops, after the teen in the hands of Alexander C- nint, writer, A- - lands are properly tallov. *; and: limed. lison Square, Edinburgh, who will inform as to; Otters- in writing, will be received- by Mr. Wau- farther particulars. ithope, W. S. Edinburgh, betwixt, and the first of 1 - - . March'; and Upon application, to Mr. Cafrnie, A RESIDENCE IN PERTHSHIRE. i writer, Cdlinsburgh, he will inform as tq particu- r- p « * BE LET. for such period as may be agreed Ilurs, and give directions for shewing th& grpiuid. OBF. LET, for such period as may ire agreed 1 lars, and give directions for shewing the- on, the MANSION- HOUSE or MVLNE- j _ IM prTR v,' ir'K- SHrn 1 FIELD, completely Furnished, with CoM- h- hou. se, I iN. BER" ICKSHIRE. Stable, & c. The. Garden will either be let along with the house, or the tenant maybe supplied with fruit and vegetables from it at thfemarket . prices. The ga'rdeh, consisting of two- acres, is inclosed with a stone wall twelve feet high, has excellent hot- houses, which,, with the garden, are stocked with the best fruit trees, all in high order and full bearing. The beauty and convenience of this re- sidence are well known ; it is situated at the eas- tern extremity of the CarSeof Gowrie, within a quarter of a mile of the river Tay, 18 miles from Perth, and 4 from Dundee, in whichare excellent markets; i' lies very neap. to the turnpike road, Where the Mail Coach passes daily.— Entry can be given immediately.- Application for further particulars may be made t . Vlr. Chalrijcrs, Yown- cierk, Dundee, or to A* exander Pearson, W. S. Edinburgh. .. PROPERTIES IN ZETLAND. To be SfoMk. by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Cofiee- hpuse, Edinburgh, on Wednesday 22d day- of February next, at two o'clock after- noon* r- pHE, Remaining PROPERTIES which belong- J e « \ . to the. Iare Walter Scott of Scotslull, Esq; in- the following lats— Lot 1,— The i\ ® Bsion- house of Scotshall, with tbe Policy, Garden, and Offices. Lot 2.— Thirty Merks Land in North Laxfirth. Lot. 3 Eleven Merk Land in F. asthouse. Lot - i— Twelve Merk Land l'n Tronafirth. I Lot 5-— Two Merk. Land in. Thuster. Lot 6.— Six and a Half Merk l. alidiri Trebester.. Also, several Heritable Securities over Subjects in the town of Lerwick. For• particulars application may be made to Charles Steuart, W. S. or lo James' Nisbet, Ler- wick-, v/ ho. will . give directions, for showing the, properties. SHIP INN AT MONTROSE TO LET. To be LET for such a number of years as may be agreed on. and entered to immediately, THA'HjWeil known INN called the SHIP. INN, on the High Street of Montrose, long occu- pied by Mrs Driver, and by M. Tweedale. Tiie House- is large and commodio-. is, rand con-' tains several public ro oms, a nnnjier of bed rooms, and every other accommodation, with a contpleti set of stahlfcs, eoachthoure. and oilrCes, a cpurt- yard, and a separate entry from tbe street. In point of situation'and every other requisite this Inn is well worthy the attention of any person ill that line of business, and it is, particularly adapt- ed for carrying on the posting. on an extensive scale- The tenant also may have the furniture, which suitable to the premises and in good condition, upon appietiation. For particulars apply to Mr Edward Green, the iWietor, at Monirot ® , prChatles Bruce, writer TO BE LET for 19 years from Whitsunday 1809, as- to the hpus. ea. nu grass, and from the separation of tliat year's crop froui th « ground as; to ti e lands in tillage, certain parts of. the Lands and Estate o£ MAINF. S, lying in the parish - of. Chitnside, and^- eunty of Berwick'. ' These I. ands consi3r- iof about 360 acres of a'rich i loamy soil, in the highest order and condition, fit for every species, of husbandry ; are extremely well fenced and subdivided with thriving thorn hedges, and situated within seven miles of Berwick, ai^ r of Eyemouth and Dunse, and eight or nine miles of coal and lime.' ' Offers in writing may be given in to William Molle of Maines, NO. 16, Nqrth Castle Street, Edinburgh.; or to George Peat, writer in Dunse: and Robert Lidgate,- steward at Maines, will shew the Lands.. It.- is requested that the offerers will specify the mode of management, which Uiey. would wish to follow in the cultivation of the fands. Such offers as are not accepted of will be kei't secret. 7Tie- Offers fnust be given in before- the I st March. •• * I"." hood ; s becoming scarce, there is a certainty ready market for all that possibly can be turned out. There is also to LET, and ensered to along with the Coal, the Farm of PLOVERHALL, the lease of which has been purchased up, for the accom- modation of any person taking toe coal, for which it is most advantageously . situated. The farm con- si ts of upwards of 103 acres of arable ground, u- poh which there is a. neat commodious Dweliing- house ; and as it is situated in the immediate vici- nity of the coal, it affords advantages to acoalmas- ter rarely to be met with. Mr Bo'rthwick, overseer at Dryden, is - well ac- quainted with the different workings of the coal, and will explain every particular to intending of- ferers. He will likewise point out the farm of Ploverhall; and offerers may address their propo- sals to Messrs. Norman Lcckhart and Geo. Ken- nedy, 14, South Frederick Street, Edinburgh. VALUABLE FARM IN FIFE. to be LET for Nineteen years^ and entered to at Michaelmas, 1S09, THE LANDS of NEWBIGGING & KIN- GASK, in the- parish of Sr. Andrew^, as presently possessed by Mr ' Tod, and a- small por- tion by Mr Arnet, containing about 276 Scots acres, arable,, and of the best quality of soil, with the- exception of nearly 21 acres of Sea Braes, af- fording rich pasture; and there is further to be let, 28 acres of improvable muir, contiguous to the farm, amounting together to 304 acres. " ilie farm is completely inclosed and subdivided, occupies nearly a mile of sea- sbore, yielding abun- dance of sea- ware for manure, is distant about two miles from the sea- port and town of St. Andrews, where there is a regular weekly market for grain ; and the turnpike road from thence to Craii. passes through tbe lands. Written proposals to be lodged with Mr. Johnston, writer, Cupar- Fife, betwixt and the 2d day of February next, but not after- wards; arid such, to state as a portion of the rent, the payment, by the highest fiars of the county, of the price'of 100 bolls wheat, and 100 bolls ba'rley. Such offers as are not accepted of will bo concealed if desired. A plan of the lands will be seen at Mr Johnston's. One of the farm servants at Newbig- ging'will shew the grounds. LANDS IN THE IMMEDIATE. VICINITY OF LINLITHGOW. To be Lrt for 19 years and entered to at Martin—* " 1 mas 1809. THE LANDS of KETTLKStONE, consisting c- f about- 240 Scots acres, as presently pos- V • sensed by Mr. . Marshall, and. situated within halfj a mile of Linlithgow. The arable lands are wheat and fnrnip soils, and suited for all tile purposes of modem husbandry. Along with the above lands there will be let, as offerers may. incline.,/ the wnole or part of the f ARKS of CARRIBiiER, whi : h have been above 20 years r.; s-. ' I hey consist of lit) Scots acres, are only half a mile distant front Kettlestone ; they wid be allowed to giVinto the rotations of- cropping of t'mt farm-, atvf may be entered to so as to be possessed for crop- 1809,- either in grass or corn, . winch will bt a great advantage. to the tenant. Peter Henderson, at Avonton, will show the lands, and offers, in writing, . wili be received by V! r. Wau- cSope, W. o. Edinburgh, betwixt aud the first of March. Ar. struther, 21 st Jan, 1809. ATVESSEL OF lf> 0~~ TONS~ PER REGISTER, FOR SALE. To be Sold by Private Bargain, 7' he Brig RENOWN of EAST WEMVSS. ' This Vessel is newly out of Dock, where she has been com- pletely repaired, and is at present ly- ing in the Harbour of Burntisland, ready for sea. ' Those desirous of further information, may apply to Mr. Ferney, Burntisland, or to Mr. Deas, Methill. To BUILDERS & CREDI TORS— To BE SOLI)' THE LANDS of STEWARD- FIELD, consist- ing of 7 acres, 3 roods, and 36 falls. ' These grounds lye on the north side of the Bonnington Road, and front that road, and the road leading to the new Bridge over the Water of Leith, which bounds the property on the east, and the mill- dam ' is the boundary on the north. These grounds are peculiarly adapted for Building on, and are well worth the attention of the public ; having great command of water, they would answer w « U for a Distillery. They will be sold in lots, or together, as offerers may incline. Miss Stewart having conveyed her property to William Dallas, W. S. for payment of her debts the Creditors are requested to lodge states of their debts with him as soon as possible. FARM ^- BERWICKSHIRE TO LET. To be I. ETfor 19 years, and entered to at Whit- sunday next, THE FARM of BLACKBURN, containing about 694 acres, situated in the parish of Cockburnspath, 8 miles from Dunse, 12 from Dunbar, and 16' from Berwick. Lime is within five miles, and there is plenty of moss for manure a- nd fuel,, on the adjoining farm of Blackburn Rig, which the tenant of this farm will have the u^ e . oh Peter Duncan steward at Blackburn, will shew the farm,, and offers'- in writing may be given in to James Watson, writer in Dunse, before the 11th day " J. I day rrf February next. SALE OF LANDS IN PERTHSHIRE. ON Wednesday the Sth day of February 1809,. at two o'clock afternoon, thern will be sold by public roup, for behoof of Creditors, within Macl. eish's tavern, Perth, the FARM of WEST BROADWELL, in the parish and regality of A- bernethy, consisting of 46 acrcs 1 rood and 1 fall Scots measure, of excellent land, together with the teinds, parsonage and vicarage, thereof. The pre- sent rent is only 941. but when the lease expires at Martinmas 1813, a considerable rise may be de- pended on. ' The public road from Newburgh to Perth passes through the property. The public burdens do not amount in all to 11. For particulars application may be made ta Messrs Hill, W. S. Edinburgh ; to Mr. Ross, wri- ter, Perth ; or to Mr. Kyd, writer, Cupar- Fife.— The farm will be shown by Mr. Paton, the tenant. Day rf~ Sale altered, and'- ddd: twiai Land for Sale.. LANDS IN Pl'EBLES- SHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 22d day of February 1809, at two o'clocn afternoon, T^ HE Two Following FARMS, Part of the J. . ESTATE- of KILBUCHO, lying in the pa- risn of Kilbucho. and county of Peebles, viz. KILEUCHO MAINS, with the Mill and Kiln. attached thereto, as presently possessed by Robert Steele, at the yearly rent of L. 150. PARGATESTANE, as presently- possessed by John' Finlay son, at the yearly rent of L. 60. These two farms consist of about 550 acres Scots- measure, of which 120 acres are excellent arable land, tee remainder is meadow and hill pasture. ' The arable and part of rhe pasture ground have a south exposure, and are capable of great improve-- ment. The- whole lands and Barony of Kilbucho, are thirled to the Mill. The teinds are valued and exhausted. The lands are distant from Biggar, ' i niles and a half, and from Peebles 10 miles, at which places there are good weekly markets. Fo* fu- riher particulars application may be made to John Loch-, Esq; of Rachan, the trustee ; or to John Dickson, jun. W. S. 28, York Place, Edin- burgh, who will shew a plan of the lands. VALUABLE FARM, In the hnr ' uh of Beth- we'l, and Cr. uniy of L lnari. To he LET, for. such a numlier'^ ff'years as shall bt . agreed upon, qnH'E ' FARM of EAR WOODHEJrt) f belong- ing to the Estate . of Bredisholm, prcser. tl) possessed by William Stewart, and situated near Calder Bridge, rsix miles from Glasgow, on tile south road to- Edinburgh. The farm consists of. 120 acres of- arable land, ca pable af- carrying all kinds of crops, bestfeS I2acres Of pasture and wood, on the Banks of Calder Wa ter.— Entry to the ara. ble. lands at- MartinmaS 1809., and to the houses and grass at Whitsunday 1810. Offers for a lease of the above farm, specifying the rent per acre, . may be given ill to C. X). Do- nald, writer, Dun lop' Street, Glasgow, before Uie 1st March 1809, and . such as are not accepted, will be concealed, if required. The grieve at. BredisholnvHouSc will shew the lands- SALii PT' in Mortrtwe. jMoxxiusp, Jon - 2- 1, OF LANDS. OF WESTER CAMPSIU. In ins. fzarish op MIethvcn, Peri'/ cslfire. To. be SOLD by public roup, within tbe George Inn, Perth, upon Tuesday the 2! st of March 1809, af 12 o clock noon, nPHE. LANXJS of WESTER CAMPSIE, lying within the parish of Mefehven, and county of Perth. The^ e land: co- mist Of about 135 a. cres, arable and pasture grounds and of about 131 acres ir. uirground, Scots iheaSiire; They are- suscepti- ble of considerable improve - lent, having hitherto property, having been built by the former praprie- tfcsen much neglected, nid wJii nearly ali. be out of.! tor for his own residence. Entry to the lands im- lease at Martini:-.. • J hi'cr, ': P net ccniiei'. mediately, and to, the house and garden at Whit- John M'Isaac, at We, : .;' Afd: t: ie, will show ; Sunday 1809. the ground and Charles Husband, writer in1 For f urther particulars application may be made Perth, will inform to i; « : h'. r particulars. :- J to Charles Steuart, W. S. Edinburgh ; or to Mr. JPJS& JJ, IIJL . j jiewjr Gjffo), writer in Gla* gow. « » > » w fre/ vrtg. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE BARGAIN. I— Hp- HE LAN DS of EASTER and WESTER JL B' 4. LLOGH, lying contiguous in the- pa- ish or Cumhl- rn'auld, and county of Dumbarton, containing upwards, of SoO- Scots acres, of which nearly the'wiude are arable, of good quality, well inclosed and subdivided.— They are situated about twelve. miies, from Glasgow, and the same distance r'rom Falkirk, within tv j Mules of th' great Canal, and upon both tides of the t- ornpiie road from Glasgow to Cumbernauld, which runs. through the Lands - of Eastea* Lailoch for nearly their whole leugith. There is a considerable quantity of fine old tim her upon the property, and the lands of Wester Ballocn contain coal and lime, which have for somt years been wrought by the proprietor. Upon th. esi lands there is also a substantial dwelling- house, consisting of two stories, and severalcottar - houses, with yards. The lands are: in excellent condition, and a great . proportion ; of Easter Balloch has been for many years in pasture, after being weil laid down by the proprietor. A purchaser may enter immediately to the whole estate, with tbe exception of the houses and yards, of which he may have posses- sion at Whitsunday 1809. II— The LANDS of CASTL- EHILL, lying in i the parish of Baldernock, and county of Stirling, contaihirvj. abbut 20 Scots acres, all. arable,, witli. a' coiumodioiis'- weH- finished slated dwelling- house, j of moderate diriiensions, suited to the size of the FARM IN MID- LOTHIAN. To be LET, for so may years as may- he agreed upon, and entered to at Martinmas next, THE FARM of EAST- MAINS of INGLI3- TON, consisting of about- 188 acres of excel- lent land, all arable, and capable of carrying any crop. It lies sis miles from Edinburgh, and is bounded on the south by the road to Glasgow by Uphill, and on the north by the road to Stirling, . There is a good Farm- house, of eleven rooms' and kitchen, besides bed- closets, and many cori- venie.- icies; and there aie extensive farm- offices, and feeding- byret; a threshing- mill, and a num- ber of cot- houses, all in. the best order. Water is brought both into the house and farm yard. ' The whole farm is in theliands of the'proprietor, and is in the. highest condition. It has all very lately been, or is now, in the course of being drain-, ed, limed, and manured. The- farni will either be let together, or divided. Apply- to Gibson, Christie, and Wardlaw, York place, Edinburgh. LANDS IN THE COUNTY OF FORFAR TO BE SOLD. f ' C BE'SOLD by public roup, within the Ex- | change Coffee- room, - Dundee, upon- Friday he 9th day of June, 1809, at one o'clock afternoon, the LANDS of DRUMGEITH, lying three miles - o the eastward of Dundee, and . vitfrin a mile and ^^ I baif of the river fay,- consisting of about lii^^ ji^ fiN three . Acres, besides S feu- duty of L. 22 Sterl^^'" — ^ oaid from Lands in the neighbourhood. I. ands are of the very best quality; arid hiw- iiij ' been for nearly thirty years in fhe narural. ixVys/' sion of the proprietor, who spared no . expeutfi;;/ the improvement of them, they ate nrowtjiiSijj' highest order, ' 4 f ' There is a large & commodious Mansion^ Hd on the premises, fit to accommodate a gentcfilf^ mily, with suitable Offices of every kind; SB,--*' 1 a complete Set of House Offices— a Garden, roUnd* and stocked with fruit trees of the kind— and. an excellent spring of water just by i house. The proprietor hap right to tbe teinds. • The Lands are held of a subject superior, fojt. » „, f payment of a trifling feu- duty, and the entry of Mitrf.-" singular successors is taxed. The title- deeds, which are plear, are in the hands of William Chalmers, Town Clerk of Dundee 3 and for further particulars, applicatjon may fcs-- - to hjm, or to Jftarson, W. S. sdinbnrglw 6o FROM THE MONITEUR FRENCH BULLETINS. TWENTY- FIRST BULLETIN OF THE ARMY OF SPAIN.-—( No DATE.) "" T^ HE whole of the English Army passed the i. 1) ir. ro} and arrived on the 23d, in pre- sence of the Duke of DALM ATIA at Sahltnha. AS soon as the EMPEROR was apprised at Madrid of this unexpected determination on tiie pa; t of the English, he marched in order to cut oft their retreat, and pursue their rear.— But notwithstanding the diligence exerted by the French troops, the passage of the Monti- - tin of Guadarma, which was covered with now, the incessant rain, and the overflowing " t toe torrents, delayed their march fail two days. In the abbey of Sabagun, which contained KO Monks, and which had all along been re- flected by the French army, the English com- mitted every kind of depredation. Everywhere the Priests and the Monks were seen flying at THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER for 1809. their approach. This disorderly conduct exas- which your Maje3ty has been pleased to shew perated the country against them, and their dif- ! towards them, and which the City of Madrid Jerence of language, manners, and of religion, considers as a pledge 6f forgiveness fer all that contributed not a little to that disposition of has occurred in the absence of our KING JO- SEPH, your Majesty's brother. " The several Colleges constituting this Assembly, duly deliberating on the subject of men's minds. They reproached the Spaniards - with having no longer an army to unite with theirs, and with having deceived the English .. . _ Government. The Spaniards returned for an-; their meeting, have concluded and resolved to swer, that SPAIN had numerous armies, but entreat your Imperial and Royal Majesty that that England had allowed them to be destroy- ed, without having made any effort to assist Mem. During the fifteen days that have just elapsed, they did not fire a single musket.— The light cavalry only had given some blows with their swords. General DURESNEL, at the head of 400 light horse of the guard, fell in at the close of the evening with a column of it may please you to grant the favour of seeing KING JOSE PH in Madrid, in order, that, under his laws, Madrid, with all the places under its immediate jurisdiction, and the whole of Spain, may at length enjoy that tranquillity and hap- piness which they expect from the benevolence of his Majesty's character. " Finally, Madrid Hatters herself that she English infantry on their march, sabred a num-! shall find protection in the power ef your Im- ber of soldiers, and carried disorder into the ' penal and Royal Majesty, at the same time column ninHrtfwo hpf hanf « iv « fi. General LEFEBVRE, DISNONETTES, Colo- nel of the Chasseurs of the Guard, detached two days before, with three squadrons of his regiment, having taken a quantity of baggage, or women, and stragglers, and finding the bridge of Ezela cut down, imagined that the town of Benevente was evacuated. Carried a- way by that impetuosity with which the Efench soldiers have been so often reproached, he swam across the river, in order to make for Bencvente, where he fell in with the whole of the cavalry of the rear guard of the English; a long contest here ensued of 400 men against 2000. There was no resisting numbers. Those brave fellows re- crossed the river. The horse of Genera! LEFEBVRE was killed by a ball.— lit rand hinrJclf received' a woand from a pistol shot, and beinjj dismounted, was made priso- ner. Ten of his chasseurs, who had also been dismounted, were likewise taken, five were drowned, and twenty were wounded. This sharp affair must have convinced the English what they would have to dread from such mep in general action. General LEFEEVRE undoubt- tdly committed a fault, but it was the fault of a Frenchman; he ought to be blamed and re- warded at the sanle time. The number of pri- soners taken from the enemy up to the present moment, and who are chiefly composed of scat- tered individuals & stragglers, amounts to 300. TWENTY- THIRD BULLETIN. BENEVENTE, Jam l. The mind of the people of the kingdom of l. con is much changed. They loudly cry out for Peace and their King ; and curse the Eng- lish and their fallacious insinuations. They re- proach them with being the cause of the shed- ding of Spanish blood, in order to feed the English monopoly and perpetuate the war on the Continent. The perfidy ot England and her motives are now obvious to the meanest & most illiterate Spanish peasant. They know they suffer: and the author of their sufferings are before their eyes. Meanwhile the English retreat with the ut- most haste, pursued by the Duke of ISTRIA, with 9000 cavalry. Among the magazines which they burnt at• Benevente were, indepen- dent of tents, 4000 blankets, and a great quan- tity ot rum. We picked up upwards ot 200 waggons of baggage and ammunition, left on the road from Benevente to Astorga. The shattered remains of ROMANA'S army threw themselves into the latter town, and increased the confusion. The events of the English Expedition to Spain must furnish materials for a tine opening Speech to the English Parliament. The Eng- lish nation must be informed, that her army re- mained three months in a state of inaction, while it was in their power to sssist the SPA- NIARDS— that its leaders, or those whose or- ders they executed, have been guilty of the ex- treme folly of making a movement forward af- ter the Spanish armies fiad been destroyed.— That, in a word, it entered upon the new year by running away, pursued by an enemy, whom that your clemency guarantees her happiness, " MADRID, Dec. 9." ANSWER OF HIS IMPERIAL MA- JESTY. " lam plearea with the sentiments of the City of Madrid. I regret the injuries she has suffered, and am particularly happy that, under existing circumstances, I have been able to ef- fect her deliverance, and to protect her from great calamities. " I have preserved the Spiritual Orders, but with a limitation of the number of Menks.— There is not a single intelligent person who is not of opinion that they were too numerous. Those of them who are influenced by a Divine call, shall remain in their cloisters. With re- fard to those whose Call was doubtful, or in ucncej by temporal considerations, Ihave fix- ed their conditions in the order of secular priest.". Out of the surplus of the monastic property, I have provided for the maintenance of the pastors, that important and useful class of the clergy. I have abolished that Court which was a subject of complaint to Europe and the present age. Priests may guide the minds of men, but, must exercise no temporal or corporeal jurisdiction over the citizens. " I have accomplished what I owed to my- self and my Nation. Vengeance has had its due. It has fallen upon ten of the principal culprits; all the rest have entire and absolute forgiveness. " I have abolished those privileges which the Grandees usurped, during times of rivil war, when Kings but too frequently are neces- sitated to surrender their rights, to purchase their own tranquillity, and that of their people ; and that henceforth every one may set up inns, ovens, mills, employ himself in fishing and rabbit- hunting, and give free scope to his indus- try, provided he respects the laws and regula- tions of the police. The selfishness,' wealth, and prosperity of a small number of individuals were more injurious to your agriculture tli3n, the beat of the dog- days. " As there is but one God, so should there be in a State but one Judicial Power, All pe- culiar jurisdictions were usurpations, and at va- riance- with the rights of the Nation; I have abolished them. " I shall expel the English army from the Peninsula. Saragossa, Valencia, Seville, shall be redused to submission, cither by persuasion or the power of my arms. There is no obsta- cle which can long resist the execution of my resolutions. " But what transcends my power is this— to consolidate the Spaniards as one Nation, iin- j der the sway of the King, should they conti- nue to be infected with these prir. cipTes of a- version and hatred to France, which the parti- zans of the English and ' the enemies of the Continent have infused into the bosom of Spain. I can establish no Nation, no King, no Inde- pendence of the SPANIARDS, if the King be not assured of their attachment and fidelity. " The BOURBONS can no longer reign in Europe. The divisions in the Royal Family LAND can exist on the Continent. If there be any that entertain such a wish, their wish is absurd, and' will sooner or later occasion their fall. " It would be- easy for me, should I be com- part of England, carrying folly to the utmost' blood. No Power under the influence of ENG- extreme j it betrays indeed a greediness for • ->-- *>—<•- - « « -- disgrace; it is, in fine, to administer the af- fairs of England just as the - Cabinet of the Tiiuilleries could wish thorn to be administered . S P A I" N. The following are tire Extraordinary Docu- ment alluded to in last ADVERTISER, page 54 ; PARIS, Dec. 10.—" Copy of the Address • presented to his MAJESTY the EMPEROR, by the CORREGIDOR of MADRID, in name of the Magistracy and Citizens of that Capital:— " Sire, the City of Madrid, represented by its Magistrates, secular and regular Clergy, No- bility and Deputies of the Wards, presents it- self at the feet of your Imperial Majesty, to of- fer you its most respectful thank- s for the gra cious cieme'ncy with which ybur Majesty, in the conquest which your, victorious troops have piade of this city, has been pleased to think of the safety and welfare of its inhabitants, and the praise- worthy and beneficent treatment JAN. 27. on the war so long as the Court of London shall not recar to just and equitable dispositions; and they are resolved to do so. " How is it possible for the French Government to entertain the proposal which has been made to it, of admitting to the negotiation the S/ anish In- surgents ? What would the English Government have said, had it been proposed to them to admit pelled to adopt that measure, to govern Spain, j hav « - - . •„,. p- nhliihinT o, mariv VirrrniTm it as there 1 the Cat1iohc insurgents of Ireland? France, without oj estatmsning as many Viceroys in it as tneie havi treaties with then, has been in, eom- are Provinces. Nevertheless, I do not refuse i munication with them, has made them promises, to abdicate my Rights bf Conquest in favour j? ni has frequently sent them succours.' Could su- h a proposal havs found place in a note, the object of which ought to have been not to irritate, but to endeavour to effect a mutualconciliation and good understanding ? " ENGLAND will find herselfunder a strange mis- take, if, contrary to the experience of the past, she still entertains the idea of contending successfully upon the Continent, against the armies of France. What hope can she now have, especially as Franoe is irrevocably united with Russia? ( Signed) " CHAMPAGNY." Mr SECRETARY CANNING Replies in a Note, dated Dec. 9. " The King learns with astonishment and regret the expectation which appears to have been enter- tained that his Majesty should consent to com- mence a negociatiou for genefal peace, by the pre- sent abandonment of the cause of the SPANISH nation, and ofthe legitimate Monarchy of SPAIN, 1 in deference to an usurpation which has no paralltl in the history of the world. " His Majesty was desirous to have treated for a Peace which might have arranged the respective interests of all the Powers engaged in the war on principles of equal justice; and his Majesty sincere- ly regrets that this desire of his Majesty is disap- pointed. " But his Majesty is determined not to abandon the cause of the SPANISH Nation, and of the Le- gitimate Monarchy of SPAIN. ( Signed) « GEORGE CANNING." Mr. SECRETARY CANNING, in^ another Note to COUNT ROMANZOFF, says, " However desirous his MAJESTY might be to reply directly to his MAJESTY the EMPEROR of RUSSIA, yo( i cannot but feel, Sir, that from the unusual manner in which the letters signed by his Imperial Majesty were drawn up, and which has entirely deprived them of the ^ character of a pri- vate and personal communication, his Majesty has found it impossible to adopt that mark of respect towards the Emperor of RUSSIA, without at the same time acknowledging titles which his Majesty never has acknowledged. " His MAJESTY had hoped that the participa- tion of the Emperor of RUSSIA in the overtures made to his Majesty would have afforded a secu- rity to his Majesty against the proposal of a condi- tion so unjust in its effect, and so fatal in its ex- ample. " Nor can his MAJESTY conceive by what obli- gation of duty or of interest, or by what principle of Russian policy, his Imperial Majesty can have found liiraself compelled to acknowledge the right, assumed by France, to depose and imprison friend- ly Sovereigns, and forcibly to transfer to herself the allegiance of Loyal and. Independent Nation*." " it the caua- e of so much misery is to be found in the stagnation of commercial intercourse? at- though hij Majesty cannot be expected to- hear, with unqualified regret, that the system devised for the destruction of the commerce of his sub- jects has r:.-. oiled upon its authors, or its instru- ments— yet is it neither in the disposition of hi « Majesty, nor in the Character of the people over whom he reigns, to rejoice in the privatians and unhappiness even of the nations which are com- bined against him. His Majesty anxiously desires the termination of the sufferings of the Continent, " GEORGE CANNING. " of the King, and to establish him in MADRID, as soon as the 30,000 citizens which this capi- tal contains, the Clergy, Nobility, Merchants, and Lawyers shall have declared their senti- ments ami their fidelity, set an example tothe Provinces, enlightened the people, and nude the nation sensible that their existence and prosperity essentially depend upon a King and a free Constitution, favourable to the people, and hostile only to the egotism and haughty passions of the Grandees. " If such be the sentiments of the inhabi- tants of the city of MADRID, let the 30,000 people assemble in the churches ; let them, in the presence of the Holy Sacrament, take an oath, not only with their mouths, but also with their hearts, and without any jesuitical e- quivocation, that they promise support, at- tachment, and fidelity to their King; let the priests in the confessional and the pulpit, the mercantile class in their correspondence, the men of the Jaw in their writings and speeches, infuse the* ® sentiments into the people— then shall I surrender my Right of Conquest, place the King upon the throne, and make it my pleasing task to conduct myself as a true friend of the SPANIARDS. The present generation may differ in their opinions— the passions have been too much brought into action— but your Grand- children will bless me as your Regenera- tor— they will reckon the day when I appear- ed among you among their memorable festi- vals— and from that day will the happiness of Spain date its commencement. " You are thus, Monsieur le CORREGIDOR, ( added the EMPEROR) informed of the whole of my determination. Consult w ith your fel- low- citizens, ar. d consider what part you will chuse. But whatever it be, make your choice with sincerity, and tell me only your genuine sentiments." STATE PAPERS. CORRESL- ONDENCE 1vith the RUSSIAN and 11; F 1CM Gov:, F. HCKTS, REL.- TIVE to the OVERTURES yCtczvti. u from ERFUR We siated substance, of t> mem. Theft.-. Cl'K- - - Letter from s , Russiz- s, >-. ed E » > u* T, i brought us is to yk- Jcl v pie, and to i'i- t ADVERTISER, page 54, the • e Pa; - rs. novv laid before Parlia- sfos *• » 11 Liturary and Political the EKPEROP. of all the \ to nis MAJESTY, I '-:. HON. - . s pf Enrope have . • • . ". ! rst ' bought ; . .,- .-. ol - very peo- v.- itt your : sK. ai spe it did not dare to light, and by the curses of y/ ere " contrived by the ENGLISH. It was not those whom it had stirred up to resistance, and j the dethronement ot King CHARLES, and the whom it was its duty to support. Such enter- j favourite ( the Prince of Peace), that the Duke prises and such results can belong only to ajof INFANTADO, that tool of ENGLAND, as is country that has no government. Fox, or e- j proved by the papers found in his house, had ven PITT, would not have been guilty ot such'in view. The intention was to establish the blunders. To contend against France by land, j predominant- influence of ENGLAND in SPAIN ; who has one hundred thousand cavalry, 5o, QOo! a senseless project, the result of which would horses I. r all sorts of military equipment. and' hare been a perpetual Continental War, that Majesty, the most efficacious remedy for the mi- series which appri s- e all nations. We make known to your Majesty our sincere drsire in this resjpect by ' thi presRit letter. The lorg ai- d bloody war which has torn the Continent i$ at an end, without the possibility of being renewed, . Many changes have taken plcice in -. rope; many States have been overthrown.-— The cause is to be found in the state of agitation ana misery in which the stagnation of Maritime Commerce has placed the greatest nations. Still greater changes may yet take place, and all of them contrary to the policy of the ENGLISH Na- tion. Peace, then, is at once the interest of the Continent, as it is the interest of the people ol GREAT BRITAIN. We unite in intreating your Majesty t « listen to the voice of humanity, silencing that of the pas- sions ; to seek, with the intention of arriving at that object, to conciliate all interests, and by that means to preserve all the Powers which exist, and to insure the happiness of EUROPE & of this gene- ration, at the h-. i. td of which PROVIDENCE has plac- ed us. ALEXANDER— Nx\ POLEON. A variety of Correspondence then took place betwixt Count ROMANZOFF and M. DE CHAM- PAGNY, containing offers on the part of RUSSIA and FRANCE, to appoint Negociators along with GREAT BRITAIN, on the basis of the Vti Possi- detis, or 3ny other basis compatible with justice.— To these proposals, Mr. CANNING replied in a note, which states, " The interests, of the Crown ol PORTUGAL and his SICILIAN MAJESTY are confided to his Majes- ty's friendship and protection. " With the KING of SWEDEN his Majesty is con- nected by ties of the closest alliance, and by sti- pulations which unite their counsels for peace as wed as for war. " T o SPAIN his Majesty is not yet bound by any formal i srru- ment; but his Majesty has, in the face of the world, contracted with that nation en- gagements not less sacred and not less binding on his iMajesty's mind, than the most solemn treaties. " His Majesty therefore assumes, that in an o- verture made to his Majesty for entering into ne- gotiations for a general peace, the relations sub- sisting between his Majesty and tin? SPANISH Monarchy have been distinctly taken into conside- ration; and that the Government acting in the I CONVENTION OF CINTRA. HIS MAJESTY'S DISAPPROBATION. Tl> e following are said to be the terms ia which his MAJESTY has expressed his disap- probation to Sir H. DALRYMPLE, of certain parts of the Convention of Cintra .— " The KING has taken into his considera- tion the lleport of the Board of Inquiry, to- gether with the documents and opinions there- unto annexed. " While his Majesty adopts the UNANIMOUS opinion of the Board, that no fartfier Military pryceeding is necessary to be had upon the transaction referred to their investigation, his Majesty does not intend thereby to convey any expression of his Majesty's satisfaction at the Terms and Conditions ot the Armistice and- Convention. " When these instruments were first laid be- fore his Majesty, the King, reserving foL "/ ives- tigation those parts of the Definitive Convention in which his Majesty's immediate interests were concerned, caused it to be signified to Sir HEW DALRYMPLE, by his Majesty's Secretary of State, that his MAJESTY nevertheless, felt himself compelled at once to express his dis approbation of those articles, in which stipula- tions were made, directly affecting the interests and feelings of the Spanish and Portuguese Nations. " At the close of the Inquiry, the King, ab- staining from any observations upon other parts of the Convention, repeats his disapprobation of those articles ; his Majesty deeming it ne- cessary that his sentiments should be clearly un- 11 derstood, as to the impropriety and danger of the unauthorized admission, into Mifitai y I ML into name of his Catholic Majesty FERDINAND Vllth, Conventions, of articles of such a description, is understood to be a party to any negociation which his Majesty is invited to engage. ( Signed): " GF. ORGE CANNING." A Note from M. PE CHAMPAGNY to Mf. CAN- NING, dated Paris, Nov. 28, says, " The Tivo' Emperors had flattered themselves that the object of their measure would not have been misinterpreted in London. Could the Eng- lish Ministry have ascribed it to weakness or ne- 1 cessity, when every Impartial Statesman must re-; which, especially when incautiously framed, may lead to the most injurious consequences. " His M. ijesty cannot forbear further to ob- serve, that Lieutenant General Sir HEW DAL- RYMPLE'S delaying to transmit for his infor- mation the Armistice concluded on 22d Ac- gust, until the 4th September, when he, at fhe same time, transmitted the ratified Convention, cognise in rhe spirit of" peace and moderation by : was. calculated to produce great public incon. which it Is dictated, the characteristics of power venience, and that such inconvenience did in rine hundred thousand infantry, were, on the ' would have caused the shedding of torrents of and tree'gre. itness! France and Russia can carry fact result therefrom." Hk JAN. THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER for KMNMMML j right of tiie ling) induced the enemy to rt la his efforts in that quarter. ADVERTISER OFFICE. Yesterday we had a heavy fail of snow, with a strong wind from the east. The snow drift- 18dg. amidst many disadvantageous cir- umrtances.— J The army which had entered Spain, amidst] noon. After part of our impression was thrown off, this Day's Post arrived at half- past two o'clock aft- rnoon. SECOND EDITION. IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE FROM SPAIN. BATTLE AT CORUNNA; DEAl'H OF SIR JOHN MOORE, AND GENERAL BAIRD WOUNDED. We stop the Press to publish the LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY, giving the OF- FICIAL ACCOUNT of the BATTLE otCORUNNA. From the LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDIN- ARY, Jan. 24. Donming- Street, Jan. 24, 1809. THE Hon. Captain . Hope arrived fate last night with a dispatch from Lieutenant- 61 In the OFFICIAL Letter from Lcrtl CASYLE- REAGH to the LORD MAYOR, he says—" After a hard fought and bravely contested action ot three hows, which ended in the complete re- pulse of the Enemy, the BRITISII Army em- barked, unmolested, and without any loss, ex - ept that which took place in the action. The whole were left at sea by Captain GORDON pro _ _ , w ceeding for Portsmouth with a fair wind, enemy at first contented himself with an attack ie! foit to save the unfortunate peopleTaiso af- j " " Ihe Commander in Chief received a shot in general j forded the ] « & ich shattered his shoulder early in the action. They were, however, more forcibly direct- j the fairest prospects, had no sooner compleat- ed towards the centre, where they were again i ed its junction, than owing to die multiplied successfully resisted by the brigade under Ma- j disasters that dispersed the native, armies ar- it was left to its own resources.— the British corps from the jor- General MANNINGHAM, forming the left | round ed considerably, and has blocked up the roads.-, of division, and a part of that iTnder. Ma- 1 The advance of Yesterdays London mail did not arrive at E-< • <- • > • ' n • , di/ tburgh tiil half past one o'clock in the after. jor- General LEITH, forming the right of the • Duero, afforded the best hope that the South division under my orders. Upon the left, the; ot Spain might be relieved ; but this generous General Sir DAVID BAIRD to Lord Viscount CASTLEREAGH, one of his Majesty's Princi- pal Secretaries of Slate, ot which the follow- ing is a copy. His Majesty's skip Vllle de Paris, at Sea, S I R, Jan. ie. By the much- lamented death of Lieut.- Gen. Sir JOHN MOORE, who fell in acrion with the enemy on the 16th instant, it has become my duty to acquaint your Lordship, that the French armyattacked the British troops in the positron they occupied in front of Corunna, at about two o'clock in the afternoon of that day. A severe wound, which compelled me to quit the field a short time previous to the fall ot Sir JOHN MOORE, ebliges me to refer your Lordship for the particulars of the action, which was long and obstinately contested, to the in- closed report of Lieutenant- General HOPE, who succeeded to the command of the Army, and to whose ability and exertions in direction of the ardent zeal and unconquerable valour of his Majesty's troops, is to be attributed, under Providence, the success of the day, which ter- minated in the complete and entire repulse and defeat of the Enemy at every point of at- tack. The Hon. Captain GORDON, my Asd- de- Camp, will have the honour of delivering this Dispatch, and will be able to give your Lord- ship any further information which may be re- quired. I am, See. D. BAIRD, Lieut.- Gen. His Majesty's ship AUDACIOUS, off Corunna, Jan. 18, 1809. S I R— In compliance with the desire con tained in your communication of yesterday, I avail myself of the first moment I have been able to command, to detail to you the occur- rences of the action which took place in front of Corunna on the 16th instant. It will be in your recollection, that about one in the afternoon of that day the enemy, who had in the morning received reinforcements, and who had plaeed some guns in front of the right arid left of his line, was observed to be moving troops towards his left ilank, & form- ing various columns of atta k at that extremity of the strong and commanding position which on the morning of the 15th he had taken in our immediate front. This indication of his intention was imme- diately succeeded by the rapid and determined attack which he made upon your Division which occupied t. he right of our position. The events which occurred during that period of the ac- tion you are fully acquainted with. The first effort of the enemy was met by the Commander Of the Forces, and by yourself, at the head of the 42d Regiment, and the Brigade uDder Ma- jor- General Lord WILLIAM BENTINCK. The village on your right became an object of obstinate contest. I lament to say, that soon after the severe wound which deprived the 3rmy of your ser- vices, Lieut.- General Sir JOHN MOORE, who had just directed the most able disposition, fell bv a cannon- shot. The troops, though not unacquainted with the irreparable loss they had sustained, were not dismayed, but by the most determined bravery not only repelled e- very attempt of the enemy to gain ground, but actually forced him to retire, although he had brought up fresh- troops in support of those o- j riginally engaged. The enemy finding himself foiled in every attempt to force the right of the position, en- deavoured by numbers to turn it. A judicious and well- timed movement which was made by M.' jor- Gen. PAGET, with the Reserve, which corps had moved out of its cantonments to sup- port the right of the army, by a vigorous at- tack, defeated this intention. The Major- Ge- neral having pushed forward the 95th ( Rifle Corps) and 1st battalion 52d regiment,, drove upon our piquets, which however m genera) maintained their ground, Finding, however, his efforts unavailing on the right and centre, he seemed determined to render the attack u- pon the left more serious, and had succeeded in obtaining possession of the village through which the great road to Madrid passes, and which was situated in front of that part of the line. From this post however he was soon expell- ed, with considerable loss, by a gallant attack of some companies of the 2d Battalion 14th Regiment, under Lieutenant- Colonel NICHOLS ; before five in the evening, we had not only re- pelled everv attack made upon the position, : but had gained ground in almost all points, and occupied a more forward line, than at the com- mencement of the action, whilst the enemy confined his operations to a cannonade, and the ( ire of his light troops, with a view to draw off his other Corps. At six the firing entirely ceased. The different Brigades Were re- assem- bled on the ground they occupied in the morn ing, and the piquets and advanced posts resum- ed their original stalions. Notwithstanding the decided and marked superiority which at this moment the gallantry of the troops had given them over an enemy, who, from his numbers and the commanding advantages of his position no doubt expected an easy Victory, I did not, on reviewing all cir- cumstances, conceive that I should be warrant- ed in departing from what I knew was the fix- ed and previous determination of the late Com- mander of the Forces to withdraw the > army on the evening of the 16th, for the purpose of embarkation, the previous arrangements for which had already been made by his order, and were, in fact, far advanced at the commence- ment of the action. The troops quitted their position about ten at night, with a degree of order that did them credit. The whole of the artillery that remained unembarked, having been withdrawn, the troops followed in the order prescribed, and marched to their respective points of embarkation in the town and neigh- bourhood of Corunna. The piquets remained at their posts until live on the morning ef the 17th, when they were also withdrawn with si- milar orders, and without the enemy having discovered the movement. By the unremitted exertion of Captains the Hon. H. CURZON, GOSSELIN, BOYS, RAIN IER, SERRETT, HAWKINS, DIGBY, CARDEN, and MACKENZIE, of the Royal Navy, who in pursuance of the orders of RearrAdrniral DE COURCY, were entrusted with the service of embarking the army; and in consequence of the arrangements made by Commissioner BOWEN, Captains BOWEN and SHEPHERD, and the other Agents for Transports, the whole of the army was embarked with an expedition which has seldom been equalled. With the exception of the brigades under Major- Generals HILL and BERESFORD, which were distined to remain on shore, until the movements of the enemy should become manifest, the whole was afloat before day- light. The brigade of Major- General BERESFORD, which Was alternately to form our rear- guard, occupied the land front of the town of Corun- na ; that under Major- General HILL was sta- tioned in reserve on the promontory in rear of | the town. The enemy pushed his light trooTSlowards the town soon after eight o'clock in the morn- ing of the 17th, and shortly after occupied the heights of St. Lucia, which command ths har- bour, But notwithstaandi, ng this circumstance, and the manifold defects of the place ; there being no apprehension that the rear- guard could be forced, and the disposition of the Spaniards appearing to be good, the embarkation oi Ma- jor- General HILL'S brigade was commenced and completed by three in the afternoon; Ma- jor- General BKRESFORD, with that zeal and ability which is so well known to yourself and the whole army, having fully explained, to the satisfaction of the Spanish Governor, the na- ture of our movement,, and having made- every previous arrangement, withdrew his corps from the Jand front of the town soon after dark, and was,. wiih nil the w- owxled that had not been previously" moved', embarked before one ( his morning. ... Circumstances forbid us to indulge the hope, that the victory With [ which it has pleased Pro- vidence to crown the efforts of the army can be attended with any very brilliant consequences to Great Britain. 1 It is clouded by the loss of one of her best soldiers. It has been achieved at the termination of a long and harassing ser- vice. • The superior numbers, and advanta- geous positions of the enemy, not less than the the enemv before him, and in his rapid andju- actual situation of this armv, did not admit of d. cious advance, threatened the left of the ene- any advantage being reaped from success. It my P „, „ position. .... , • o'sition of Lieut.- General FRASER'S division,| our country, the sweetest rejection," that the ( calculated to give trill further security to the i lustre of the B. itish arm: ha This circumstance, with thej must be, however, to you, to the army, and to " ection, that the bsen maintained J enemy the opportunity of directing every effort of his numerous troops, and con- centrating all his principal resources for the destruction of the only regular force in the North of Spain. You are well aware with what diligence this system has been pursued. These circumstances produced tiie necessity! of rapid and harassing marches, which had dn=| minished the numbers, exhausted the strength, and impaired the equipment of the army.— Notwithstanding all these disadvantages, and those more immediately attached to a defensive position, which the imperious necessity of co- vering the harbour of Corunna for a time had rendered indispensable to assume, the native and undaunted valour of British Troops was never more conspicuous, and must have ex- ceeded what even your own experience of that invaluable quality, so inherent in them, may have taught you to expect. When everyone ihathad an opportunity se- med to vie in im- proving it, it is difficult for me, in making this report, to select particular instances for your approbation. The corps chiefly engaged were the Brigades under Major- Generals Lord WILLIAM BENTINCK, and MANNINGHAM, and LEITH ; and the Brigade of Guards under Major- General WARDE. To these Officers, and the Troops under their immediate orders, the greatest praise is due. Major- General HILL, and Colonel CAT- LIN CRAUFORD, with their Brigades on the left of the position, ably supported. their ad- vanced Posts. The brant of the action fed upon the 4th, 42d, 50th, and 81 if regiments, with parts of the brigade of Guards, and the 26th regiment. From Lieutenant - Colonel MURRAY, Quarter- Master- General, and tlie Officers of the General Staff, I received the most marked, assistance. I had reason to regret that the illness of Brigadier- General CLINTON, AdjutantsGene- al, deprived me of his aid. I was indebted to Brigadier- Genei'al SLADE dur- ing the action, fer a zealous offer of his per- sonal services, although the Cavalry were em- barked. The greater part of the fleet having gone to Sea yesterday evening, the whole being under weigh, and the corps in the embarkation ne- cessarily much mixed on board, it is impossible at present to lay before you a return of our ca- sualties. I hope the loss in numbeis is not so considerable as might have been expected— If I was obliged to form an estimate, I should say, that I believe it did not exceed in killed and wounded from seven to eight hundied; that of the enemy must remain unknown, but many circumstances induce me to rate it at nearly double the above number. We have some prisoners, but I have not been able to ob- tain an account of the number; it is not, how- ever, considerable. Several Officers of rank have fallen or been wounded, among whom I am only at present enabled to state the names of Lieut.- Colonel NAPIER, 92d Regiment, Majors NAPIER and STANHOPE, 50th Regiment, killed t Lieut.- Colonel WINCH, 4th Regiment, Lieut.- Colonel MAXWILL, 26th Regiment, Lieut.- Col. FANE, 59th Regiment, Lieui.- Colonel GRIFFITH, Guards, Majors MILLER and WILLIAMS, 81st Regiment, wounded. To you, who are well acquainted with the excellent qualities of Lieut.- General Sir JOHN MOORE, I need not expatiate on the loss the army and his country have sustained by his death. His fall has . deprived me of a valuable friend, to whom long experience of his worth had sincerely attached me. But it is chiefly on public grounds that I must lament the blow,— It will be the conversation of every one who loved or respected his manly character, that, after conducting the army through an arduous retreat, with consummate firmness, he has ter- minated a career of distinguished honour, by a death that has given the " enemy additional reason to respect the name of a British Sol- dier. Like the immortal WOLFE he is snatch- j ed from his coixitry at an early period of a life spent in her service; like WOLFE, his last mo- ments were gilded by the prospect of" success, and cheered by the acclamation ot Victory ; like WOLFE also, his memory will for ever re- main sacred in that gountry which he sincerely loved, and which he had so faithfully served. It remains for me only to express my hope, I that you will speedily be restored to the service of your counti y, and to lament the unfortunate circumstance that removed you from yourjsta- tion in the field, and threw the momentary command into far less able hands. I have the honour to be, See. JOHN HOPE, LieutenantrGeneral. , Ti Lieut.- General Sir DAVID BAIRD, & C.& C. but he lived long enough to know that his me- ritorious exertions had secured the defeat and disappointed the hopes of the Enemy. " Lieutenant- Generel Sir DAVID B41RD be ing severely wounded in the arra, had been ob- liged to suffer amputation, but there is every jeason to hope that he will recover. « CASTLEREAGTT." Our PRIVATE CORRESPONDENT states, that a letter received from an Officer of the Guards, of the first authority, says, " The French would not stand the Bayonet, and fled the mo- ment they saw the GUARDS and the FORTY- SECOND Regiment. The 42d drove them back with very great loss, only two Officers of the Guards were wounded,' Captain- GRIFFITHS and another,'' During almost the whole of Sunday the I3tli our troops were almost constantly engaged in skirmishes with the enemy, but they did not appear to be in Sufficient force to make a seri- ous attack upon our position ; their object seemed rather to be to engage the attention of our troops, and to prevent their embarkation till the remainder of the French Army, which wSs advancing by forced marches, had arrived. On Monday the 16th, the expected rein- forcements had joined the French troops in the neighbourhood of Corunna, and between ten and eleven o'clock On the morning of that day, they began to appear in considerable force, and as the BRITISH Generals expected an immedi- ate attack, our Army was formed to receive the Enemy. It is necessary to state, that before this time a considerable part of the Army, par- • ticularly of the Cavalry, had embarked. Marshal SOULT, who commanded the French, spent some time in reconnoitering op- position before he gave orders to commerce the attack. At length, a little after two o'clock! they advanced* and Commenced the attack with their usual impetuosity. The attacks of the enemy, though violent and repeated, were repulsed with great slaugh- ter, and our troops in their turn became the as- sailants. The French having been thrown into some confusion by the failure of ai! their at- tacks. the Guards were ordered to advance and charge them with the Bayonet; the enenty could not st^ nd the charge, but rett eated, or rather fled, with the greatest precipitation; and so complete was their defeat, that for fourteen hours after the action ceased, not one French- man appeared in sight. The action lasted a- bout three hours, and concluded about dusk. The Gallant General ANSTRUTHER is said to have died of fatigue. We understand, by a private letter from London, written late on Monday afternoon, that Sir JOHN MOORE'S Regiment, the 52d, was not engaged at Corunna, but had marched to Vigo, where they embarked without moles- tation. A heavy cannonading was kept up upon the French, from the fleet under the command of Sir SAMUEL HOOD, consisting of ten sail of the line, which was covering the retreat cf the transports from the hatbour, and assisting the embarkation of the troops wi'. h theirheats. Had the transports from Vigo arrived but one day earlier, which they were prevented from doing by the strong winds, the whole- of the army would have been got oif without toss. The covering regiments were commanded by that excellent Officer, General HOPE, and performed prodigies of valour. The French committed every excess in theif march, even to the burning of Villa- Franca, and every place they passed through. JUNOT, on his joining the /* rench army. oa the 15th, sent in a flag of truce to Sir JOHN MOORS, to sty he had resumed the command of the French army. It is understood the Frcnch have got. possession of I'errol, and the two " men of war there. [ EKD OF THE C- S2ETTESJ Notwithstanding the intelligence from Spain, the Stocks rose a little on Tuesday. They were as follows:— 3 per Cent. Red. 66j 3 per Cent. Con3. 65J f— 4 per Cent. Cons. 8l| f— per Cent. Navy » 7 93— Cons, for Feb! 66J. The HOUSE of LORDS, on Monday; unani. mously voted their Thanks to Sir ARTHUR WELLESLLV, Generals FERGUSON, SPENCER, ANSTRITTHER, NIGHTINGALE, and other General Officers, engaged in the Battle of 21st August. The EARL of MOIRA moved, to in- clude Sir H. BURRARD, but the amendment w:. s negatived without a division. In the HOUSE OF COMMONS on Tuesday, LORD CASTLEREAGH, gave notice that he would immediately bring in the Bill for the augmentation of the army, the discussion to take place on the second reading. Lord HENRY PETTY gave notice of amo- tion, respecting the C'mtra Convention. Mr PONSONBY gare notice of a motion on rthe <; oaduct 0* the war in -^- wr. THE EDINBURGH HIGH COURT OF JUSTICIARY. On Wednesday the Court met, to take into consideration the c. ise of Rachel Wright, a na- tive of Ireland, who was tried and convicted t> 2 PLYMOUTH, JAN. 21.—" Came in this mor- ning the transports Alfred and Sir C. Cotton. — They brought over sick soldiers and some ' Oncers of the British army. General BERES- RORD and General LUDLOW were wounded in • the leg.— As the French ranks were thinned by our fire, they were continually reinforced, \ gow Circuit," of stealing FLORA AMOS, a child of about three years of age, from Glasgow t on 1809, ADVERTISER for COURT OF EXCHEQUER. THE KING V. GEARY. This was an information against the Defen- Jan. 27. C. OUNCH CHAMBER, 2ith January, 1809. AT a Conjunct Meetjng of the I. ORD PRO- VOST and MAGISTRATES of EDINBURGH, and the MINISTERS of the City and its vicinity, ( not only on her own confession, but also by I loltTor whir'? ho drnVhaH Kwn n- iH'"" in terms ! for the PurPose of considering the distress to which the testimony of witnesses), at the last GlaJj^ f ^ S dant for having in his possesion a quantity of but their loss is immense in killed and wound- ed:" . PLY MOUTH - Doc it, Jan. 21, 60' Clock, P. M. —" The Vitle de Paris, and other ships, are now coming into Hamoaze, and a hearse is waiting in Government- square, to receive the remains of the lamented Sir JOHN MOORE.— The transports, with the troops and wounded, are also coming into the harbour in considera- ble numbers." General BAIRD is on board the Ville de Paris. The sick and wounded are chiefly on board the men of war. Tiie French mounted their Sharp- shooters, « ?' po were at great pains to pick off our princi- vpal officers. Lieutenant- General Sir JOHN MOORE died like . the glorious NELSON, in the arms of vic- tory. He completely repulsed the enemy under Marshal SOULT. Previous to the severe Battle of CORUNNA," . the 4th of July last, which was afterwards re- covered from the prisoner at Prestwidk Toll- bar, in Ayrshire, travelling on the road to Ire- land. At Glasgow, Counsel were heard as to the extent of the punishment. I'he Judges, Lords CUL LEN and IIERMAND, as it was a case that rarely occurred, and merited the most de- liberate - attention, remitted it to the High Court of Justiciary. On the 23d of November last, the cause was pled by Counsel before the whole Court. The Counsel for the Crown contended, that the punishment of death should follow, while the Counsel for the prisoner maintained, that the Law of Scotland did not go to that extent.— On account of the importance of the case, their Lordships ordered Informations. Cn Wednesday the Court met, to decide on the question— all the Judges were present.— Their Lordships severally delivered their opi- nions at great length, and were unanimous in the rear- guard of our army had, during its re- ( finding that the crime of the prisoner was capi- treat, frequent skirmishes with the enemy, but jt; l| 5 nn( i tfoat the punishment of Death should on every occasion the superior gallantry and'| g, J| 6W.- Two cases were spoken to by some of conduct of our troops were conspicuous.. _ In . their Lordships, Which were nearly similar to having joined issue, a special verdict was re- turned by the Jury, leaving to the determina- tion of the Court the points of law, " whether the salt in question was liable in duty to the Crown, it not having been made according to the regular process, but from a brine procured from sea sand, and consequently inferior. THE KING V. SCOUGAL AND OTHERS. The Defendants, merchants in Leith, were charged with having in their possession, for the purpose of salting beef,, a quantity of English Rock Salt, which they had purchased from a fish- curer, contrary to the statute. The penal- ties in this case amounted to upwards of 20001. but were considerably restricted by his Ma- jesty's Advocate. The Court was employed for several hours in hearing evidence on both sides ; and ihe Jury having been addressed on the part of the Crowfi by lus MAJESTY'S AD- VOCATE and SOLICITOR- GENERAL, and on the part of the Defendants by the Hon. HENRY ERSKINE and H. COCKBURN, Esq; retired for a few minutes, and returned a verdict for the CROWN. passing tbe rijser A'eyra, they were attacked by a considerably more numerous body of the enemy, led on, it is said, by the Duke of Is- TRIA in person, but without the least interrup- tion to that . movement— in the neighbourhood of Hospital de Chemesco the enemy again came in, contact with Our troops, and was again re- pulsed- A- short distance from Lugo, Sir J. I'XooRE- found that the enemy had accumulated to such a degree, as to endanger the safety of his covering column, and he resolved to givejcommendation 0f the Jurv. them battle— for that purpose he formed his j » jr> y, who were eager to advance, but lie con- tented himself with that- demonstration, and having sent forward: his sick, baggage, See. continued hismarch withoutfurther interruption. The SPANISH Army, under the Marquis TIE LA ROM ANA, sustained several attacks from ftje enemy, in his retreat to Astorgaa The troops behaved well, but they suffered greatly. * rom the superior numbers opposed to theta.— the present, viz. the case of TORRENCE and WALDIE at Edinburgh, in 1752, who were condemned and executed for stealing a child, and selling his body to soifce surgeons; and that of MARGARET IRVINE, accused of steal- ing a boy from the West Port of Edinburgh — She was tried at the Aberdeen Circuit in Sep- tember 1784, before Lords HAILES and IIEN DERLAND, and condemned to be'hanged, but we believe she was pardoned, owing to the re- in consequence of the unanimous opinion of the Court, the LORD JUSTICE CLERK, after a most eloquent, pa- thetic, and impressive address to . the unhappy prisoner, pronounced sentence, ordaining her to be hanged at the west end of the tolbooth, on Wednesday tbe 8th, of March next. Counsel for the Crown, the Lord ADVO- CATE, HENRY COCKBURN, and ALEX. MI- CONNOCHIE, Esqrs; HUG H WARRENDER, Esq; W. S. Agent.— Counsel for the prisoner, FRANCIS JEFFREY, JOHN REID, and JOHN A. body of " about SOGO men, constituting tho left wing, maintained its position on the EJza,:- CUNNINGHAM, E. qrs; Mr JAMES GIBSON, during the 29th and 30th, against the greatest fjUIU Agent. - Murih- il SamjsZi1 Jiil'isioo. Several Officers, and a number of'private;-, in the rear of our troops, sustained extraordf* narv privations and extreme fatigues,- to which they submitted without. a murmur. The . Retreat i*, under every consideration, ?: uly Honourable to the Bravery and Discipline of. the BRITISH-* ARMS. We cannot close this account without men- tioning a circumstance which, though not im- mediately connected with it, is of a most inte- resting nature, and which has been communis cated to us from the most unquestionable autho- rity. At the time that GenerakLEFEBVRE was taken prisoner, JJONAPARTE was himself on a ieight on the other side of the river, about two miles from the scene of action. General STE- WART was apprized of- the'circumstance, ami had, he not been restrained by the positive Dr- iers which he. had previously received, he ' would have endeavoured to have got to the rear of BONAPARTE, and have made a dash at him, . His, orders, however, being positive, and the risk considerable, he did not make the at- tempt. We cannot omit this opportunity of stating, that the greatest praise is due to the Admiralty, for. the exertions they made to facilitate the - embarkation. Independent of. the transports, no less than 12 sail. of the line were at Corunna, ar. d. cf course contributed most essentially to the. embarkation of the troops. Two of the transports arrived at Plvviouth on Saturday. On Monday, Mr. WELSH received from lady one cart of coals ; on Tuesday he receiv- ed from a Lady one pound, and frofii a Gen- tlemsrv one guinea for the prisoners confined in , tf) e- jaii of this city. On Wednesday one gui- nea was received from a Lady, and live tonn^ f coals from a Gentleman, for the same benevo- lent- purppse. Mr; CuNNiMGHAME- or Enterkine's annual • eionation of one hundred creels of coals to the poor of the parish of Tarbolton, has lately been d. stributed by the Kirk %' ssion of that parish, and has produced a very seasonable *' ief. Missis. - MOSRO and SIMPSON have given •• the Kirk Ses ion of Old Mankland a conside- rable quantity of coals to distribute among the . poor, and- their example, it is hoped, will be Jsllo* v? d. In the course pF last'week no less than 500 poor, persons in- Inverness were supplied fr& ro the co LI fund there with a proportionate quan- Vty of coals, so . necessary in the present incie- itKtit season. The levers of Astronomy have been for some "+ ime gratified by a very unfrequent appearance 111 the heavens, the gradual approach to each DAVID KER, the clerk and porter to one of the Glasgow carriers in Edinburgh, being on Tuesday last convicted before the SHERIFF, of fraudulently exacting 10s. in place of 5s. for the carriage of a cask of sugar from Glasgow, was not only ordained to pay the sum thus impro- perly exacted, but also fined, which it is hop- ed will be a warning to him and others to a- void Such fraudulent conduct in future. Jons BIRD, convicted of abstracting a va- luable Indian shawl from a box sent by the mail coach ( of which he was the guard to Ber- wick, See Friday's ADVERTISER, page 46), in pur- suance of his sentence was sent from Berwick gaol, last Saturday afternoon, in irons, aboard one of tbe smacks, to be put into a Convict ship, and transported to Botany Hay for seven years. Before the prisoner left the gaol, seve- ral thousands of spectators waited his appear- ance. Several constables attended to prevent the popular indignation from becoming out- rageous, and on being put into a chaise that waited for hirh," he was driven off, amidst the groans, hisses, and shouts of the populace, to the river side, and ordered into a boat, from whence he was put into a smack, which imme- diately set sail for London'. In bringing this of- fender to justice, much praise is due to the pro- prietors of the mail coach; their liability to j-' the owners of the shawl amounted only to Si. buf in justice to the public and to themselves they undertook the prosecution at their sole risk and expence, which fvi'il - cost nearly 200I. LEITH POLICE.-— On IJaday night last, the cabin of a vessel in the New Dock was. broke into, and some property belonging to' the ship carried off. On Saturday at two o'clock P. M. the master waited; on the Inteffdant of Police, to describe. the property which had been sto- len, and atseven o'clock the same evening, the Intendant of- Police- sent for the Master, to show him the property which had been found*. On the 14th inst. at the Justice- Room, in Alnwick, HENRY OGLE, of Duds ton, school- master, was- convicted in two several penalties, of L< j each, for using a snare to destroy, game, he being an unqualified person. At LUburtt Tower., on ' the 10th instant, JOHN MARSH ALL* of West Lilburn, shep- herd, was convicted in the jieoaky of L. 5, for ensnaring Bares i » i Lilburn Plantations; and JOHN JACKSON, ti servant in husbandry to Mr. BARBER, of Rosedon, for using a Greyhound, 00 Christmas day, was convicted in - the . same penalty. On Saturday evening, tho office, bf the North- umberland. Glass Company, . Newcastle, was entered, and some silver and other coin stolen therefrom. The robbery was ' traced ." to three Tuesday being the Anniversary of Mr Fox's Birth- day, a numerous meeting of his friends, ( about 170), assembled to celebrate it at for- tune's. The Hon. WILLIAM MAULE of Pan- mure, was in the Chair, and among the com- pany present were the Marquis of DOUGLAS, the Earl of LAUDERDALE, Lord MAITLAND, Lord SEMPLE, & C. & c. Several Toasts and Sentiments appropriate to the occasion, were drunk with enthusiasm, with suitable Tunes by the Gows, and occasional Glees by the Elliots. EARTHQUAK. ES.— We mentioned in last ADVERTISER, page .55, the particulars of Earth- quakes, at Dunning, in Perthshire, and at the Bridge of Allan, we have now to add, that a severe shock of an earthquake was felt on Monday the 16th curt, about'half- past 5 ib tbe morning, at Comrie, near Crieff. It was more violent than any they had since Sep- tember 7, 1801. The noise attending it was loud and greatly prolonged. During the time of the shock, the air was calm and serene.— The rrioon, in her last quarter, shone bright, and the sky was afterwards covered with whi- tish clouds, roving rapidly from N. W. to S. E. The scene was rmignificenti calcoUttii alike to awaken tbe feelings of the Man, and the devo- ion ot the Christian. - CRIF. FF, Jar.. 20, 1809.—" The singular occurrence, that for twenty years has been fre- quent in this part of Scotland, of repeated shocks of earthquakes, affected us with very great a- larm, on the morning of the 18th, at half- past one o'cltick. The shock was loud and long, with a more violent tremor of the earth, than had ever before been felt. The panic was very ' great; but we have much reason to be thank- ful, that this awful proof of Divine Power, h hitherto been perfectly harmless." Another letter, dated Stc- elend, near Dun- ning, 23d January, says, " We had two great shocks of an Earthquake here, on Wed- nesday morning last— the first, about one o'clock, which lasted, I thought, about a minute, with a great noise like that of thun- der— running along the ground, which made our very beds to shake, till I thought I was thrown a little off my bed— the second, was about half an hour after, much more tremen- dous, which made all the windows to rattle ; it was felt about Dunning and its vicinity, and much friore about Blackford and all west." GRERSOCK, Jan. 25.—" The Fame, M'- TAGGART, arrived here yesterday from Trini- dad, after a passage pf 51 days. On the 9th instant, iri lat. 54. 18. long. 20. fell in with a. strange vessel, which from her nianoeuvetuig most of the afternoon, arid attempting to bear down upon him at night, the Captain supposes to have - been an enemy's privateer. Owing to the dat. kness of the night, and altering his ' cburser* she was- lost morning ncy < That, for the purpose of affording the neccssary relief, a CONTRIBUTION should be raised from tUt more opulent Inhabitants, by application to them at their respective houses ; that the Elders of the different parishes should be requested to take the trouble of levying the Contribution in the man- ner proposed, aud should be authorised to take the assistance of such respectable persons, in their dif- ferent districts, as may be able and willing to give them the necessary aid; and that the following Gentlemen be appointed asa Committee, to devise and execute what may be farther necessary for the accomplishment of the object, and, particularly, to superintend and direct the application of the money which shall be co » tributed, in the manner which shall appear to them most wise and expe- dient, with power to the Committee to assume, as Assistants in the duty committed to them, any number of the Elders of the respective parishes that may appear conveneint. NAMES or THE COMMITTEE. The Lord Provost Bailie Hill Bailie Turnbull Dean of Guild Calder Convener Auchterlonie Dr Davidson Dr Inglis IV Ir Simpson I) r Grieve Principal Baird Dr Iteming Sir H. Moncricff Well* wood Mr Dickson Dr Buchanan Dr Grant Dr Sandford Mr Alison Mr Peddie Dr Jameson. It is expccted that persons going from home WILT have the goodness to leave their contributions, fo prevent the necessity of a second call. We understand that the J. ORD I'. KOVOST has gi- ven 1.. 105, for the City; and we trust that the whole contribution will be liberal, for so nectssary- and urgent a Charity. VACCINATION.— In pursuance of the Reso- lution of the House of Commons in the last Session, a NATIONAL INSTITUTION, for the purpose of promoting VACCINATION, is esta- blished under the management of a Hoard, which consists of the following Members :— Sir LUCAS PEP YS, Bart. President of the Roy, 1. College of Physicians ; Dr MAY0, Dr HEBER- DEN, Dr SATTERLEY, and Dr BANCROFT, Censors of the College; GEORGE CHANDLER, F. sq; Master; and ROBERT KEATE, Esq; anA Sir CHARI. ES BI. ICK a, Governors of theR^ yal College of Surgeons. The Board have ap- pointed the following Officers:— Director, l) r JENNER ; Assistant- Director, JAMES. MOORF, Esq; Register, Dr IIARVEY ; Principal Vacci- nator, J. C. CARPUS, Esq; Vaccinators ;, tthe Stations. CHARLES AIKIN, Esq; THOMAS HALE, Est); RICHARD LANE, Esq; ED\ V// ED LEESE, Esq; S. SAWREY-, Esq; anj J. P. VIN- CENT, Esq; Secretary, CHA. MURRAY, E£ q; IRULANDZ The Irish Papers are filled u. ith accounts of the most dreadful murdeii and robberies TJW Disaffected ( as is usual when BONATARTE IS successful) are in great activity, breaking into houses, and carrying off arms, See. i, i the course of which many enormities are commit- ted. These papers also contain accounts of horses, cattle, and corn burnt, and of farmers murdered, who have taken land possessed by former tenants. On the 17th inst. the Special Commission for trying such of the delinquents as have been apprehended, was opened at Limerick, by tbe LORD CHIEF BARON, and BARON GEORGE. — The Court proceeded on the trials of Mor- gan hnwrigkt, and William Smith, concerned with others in attacking the house of Mr THO- MAS MURRAY, of Dunnioyian, with fire- arms, in which he was so desperately wounded in the left arm, as to cause amputation. Mr. Solici- tor General BUSHF opened the proceedings, with a speech,, pointing out the dangerous ten- dency of such unlawful associations as haye displaced tho county of Limerick. The evi- i ence of the Messrs. MURRAY ( Father St Son), as modest, clear, and cortclusive; ail alibi as attempted^ but i-. was miserably - siipporttrd ano inconsistent. The Jury, afters short dtli- bcation, returned a . verdict of Guilty, and the L' RD CHIEF. BARON expatiated on the ' eeor- ot the offence, the Hon. BARON GEORGE tmty sight of tiie following j pronounced the sentence of the law— Death.— | Enwright and Smith were ordered to be taken TheMifligJer. at Irvine received a . letter j to Dunmoylan, two, days after, and executed Ml IIIC 1 It ilVC llo, L11L giauuni ojypivvaun w - * • , -- other, of two of the most ori- lhant planets in boys, who had broken five desk locks to effect « wr system, Jupiter and Venus. ' their purpose, afld who teste been apprehended. from the Secretary to the Patriotic Fund at j London, intimating, that the Ccoirhitlee had | voted ISOl. Sterling, for the benefit of Mrs. I IIARVEY, mother of the late Lieutenant RO- BERT IIARVEY, of his Majesty's ship Superb, AdmiralKEATES'S flagship, who fell glorious- ly, fighting for his Country, in a recent engage- ment in the Baltic. This donation proves very acceptable to the afflicted mother and her fami- ly, and reflects much credit on the Committee at IJoyd's, for their attention to the relations of those who - distinguish themselves in their Counti yis cause. Lieut, H. was a native of Ir- vine, impressed there when a boy, and by his merit alone, raised himsalf to the rank he held when his Country was deprived of his merito rious services. Now is the time to procure favourable numbers-, in the ensuing Lottery from the Bank of England, as the Tickets have just commenced delivery by the cashiers. By application at a Licensed Office, any number, may now be obtained, except tliose among the fifteen Hundred Tickets given by the Contractors; • They were executed accordingly. TRA. LEE, Jan. 14.—" To the number of wanton and unprovoked murders which have for some months disgraced this count; y, we an- concerned to add that of a poor man named IVm. Dunn, residing at Kilfeighny, about nine miles from this town. On Saturday night last,, two men,- called at the1 house of this inno- cent victim, and desired he should instantly come out, at tbe same time ordering him to have his face covered, no doubt to preclude the possibility of his identifying them ; but the pre- caution was unnecessary, as on the moment of his appearance, he received the contents of a musket in his side, and shortly after died. " On Tuesday nightl.-. st, a number of White Riyt collected about the house of James Cos- tello, of Killsharane, to which they set file without informing the family of their intention, who, howeVer, providentially escaped. The house, with every article in it, was consumed, & the poor man Sc his wife and children left nearly naked during the greater pai t of the cold night," i frog. 6 j SALE OF LANDS IN FIFE. TO BE SOLD by Private Bargain, the LANDS and ESTATE of P1TBLADDO, lying in the. parish of Cupar, consisting of 1316 acres. of &' Ood ara- ble land. Th& advantages which this estate posses- ses are very considerable ; it holds of the Crown, and affords a freehold qualification ; the teinds are valued and exhausted; the land- tax is redeetftefj, and the property pays only a trifle of Minister'* JAN. 2J. BIRTH S. At Alva, on the 23d curt, Mrs JOHNSTONE, of Alvar, of a daughter. The Lady of WILLIAM GRAST, ESQ;: Cap- tain in the 92d Regiment, of a daugiiter. At Tonglane, near Middleton, the wife of a poor man, named WILLIAM TURNER, three girls, who with their mother are doing well ; they have been baptised by the names of Faith, Hope, and Charity; and the last name was gi- ven " to the largest of them, because '* the great- est of thes£ is Charity." M A R R I A G F. S. At London, Captain PULTENEY MA. LCOLWJ, o- t. ie Royal Navy, to Miss ELPHINSTON, eldest daughter of the Hon. William Fullarton El > hinston At Drumoyne House, ROBERT SMITH, Esq; of Mounthlow, Jamaica, to JAN E, eldesf daugh- ter of Mr. WM. REID, merchant, Glasgow. Captain IIBNRY MORSE SAMSON, in the service of the Hon. East India Company, to Miss JANE HAMILTON, daughter of the late William Hamilton, Esq; of Blackheath. At Edinburgh, on the 2Sth curt. WILLIAM FALCONER, Esq; of Briskhall, to Miss ANN SUTHERLAND, of James's Square, fifth daugh- ter of the late John Sutherland, Esq; erf Wester. D E A T H S. At London, aged 72, his Excellency Count DE BRUHL, many years Minister from the Elector of Saxony, to his Britannic Majesty, Knight of the Order of the White Eagle. At Barntcm, on the 5th January, the infant daughter of GEORGE RAMSAY, Esq; Miss REBECCA WRIGHT FINLAY, of Wal- lyford, at Exeter, on the 13th Janflary. ' At WalCot- place, Lambeth, Airs BALDER- STON. At London, Mr. JOHN STODDART, Coach- maker to the Duke of Glocester. At Tippington- House, THOMAS SMITH, Esq; proprietor of extensive iron and coal- works, near Dudley. At Deptford, Miss MARY AWNE MILNE, daughter of the Rev. Dr Milne. At Edinburgh, on the 22d cult. Mr. JOHN M'GLASHAN, Writer* At Porto Bello, near Edinburgh, on 19th . curt. Mrs. MARY MITCHELL, wife of Mr Charles Ritchie, Ironmonger in Edinburgh. At Callander, upon the 7th January, ANN DRUMMOND, aged G4, widow of JAMES SIM SON, Esq; of Edenshead, Fife; wljose memo- ry is revered by all who knew lief value, and " could estimate the qualifies that adorn a cha- racter- jtft PORTFOLIISPFOW, JAMES MT. EISH, Esq; At Grove, near Nairn, JOF* M'? J « . T. ANE, ' Esq; Surgeon, son of James M'Faiiatw, Esq; Collector of Excite. At Edinbarnet, in the 90th year of his age, JAMES STIRLING, Esq; of Law. At Bonhard, on the 15th curt, Mr GEORGE HENDERSON, eldest son of the late Mr George Henderson, at C/ Sigfewn. . At Hamilton, XVLE/. & RAY, Esq; manufactu- rer, and one of the Magistrates of that Burgh. - At Dumbarton, in the, 21st year of his ' age, JOHN GRAY, eldest sen of John Gray, Esq; Sheriff Substitute of Dumbartonshire. At Sligo, ANDREW HUME, sen. Esq; mei- chant. At Glasgow, Mrs. FORRESTER, wife of Mr James Forrester, merchant. Lieutenant JOHN CAMERON ( late Comman- der of his Majesty's brig Flamer) son of the late Mr John Cameron, saddler in Dunkeld, • much regretted. At Brechin, at the house of the Rev. Mr Bl. ickadder, THOMAS BLACKADDER, aged 75. On the 15th inst. Mrs SKIRVING, Leith . Walk, much regretted. Suddenly,. Dr CORNELIUS CHEETHAM, of Preston, He went, to bed apparently well, and Was found dead next morning. AtMontrose, Lieut. JAMES OUCHTERLONY, of the Edinburgh Castle Invalids, aged 8: i. , At Dumfries, Mrs. SXAIG. .' . At Ladylands, parish o, f Kirkbeari, Miss CATHARINE GRAY, daughter of Mr. John Gray. Her death was occasioned by her • clothes accidentally taking lire, while standing too near the kitchen grate,. At Wingate Grange, aged 106, Mr. THO- MAS WATSON, late, farmer. He retained bis faculties to the last the Edinburgh MARKETS, CSV. MARK- LANE, LONDON, Jan. 21.—" This day there are considerable remaining supplies of Grain in general, but the market is in the same state as the latter end of last Week, owing to the continuance of the Thaihes navigation, being stopped by the frost; no sales of Corn are made, and no prices whatever are quoted, but the stocks of Flour an hand are plentiful — Fine 80 s. to s5s*— Seconds 75s. to 8os." Since the interruption of our commerce with the ports of the Baltic, Bristles, which were principally supplied from Russia, have become so scarce and dear, that invention has been on the rack to find a substitute, and a plan has at length been discovered, of splitting whale- bone into very line divisions, from which brushes can be made, and at a lower rate than from Bristles. There is no doubt that substitutes may be'found for many articles we were wont to import from foreign countries. STATE of tbe T HER M OMF. TER since our last. Tuesday, Jan. 24, 8 o'clock Even. £ 7. Greatest degree of Cold in the night, ' '' 25. Wednesday, 25, 8 o'clock Morn. 29. 8 o'clock Even. 25. Greatest degree of Cold in the night, 23. Thursday, 25, 8 o'clock Morn. 29. 8 o'clock Even. 30. Greatest degree of Cold in the night, 26. Friday, —- 2?-, 8 o'clock Morn. 29. ADVERTISER for ROUP OF DUNG, ' po be LE T, on Wednesday the 15th day of I. February next, at 12' o'clock noon, within the . hCMfte of Robert H » ;;, innkeeper, Bristo Street, Edinburgh, the DUK'tf or FULZIE of the Dis- trict of GEORGE'S SQUARE, comprehending the streets 6C George's Squire, Charles Street, Crich- tftn Street, Windmill Street, and Buccleuch Place, from the Stth day of February next. . Any person wishing to kt. ow further particulars, in fhe mean time, may apply to . Air. Mercer, Buc- deuch Place. .. O « R£> EN SEEDS, SPRING W HEAT, NURSERY, & c. DICKSONS AND COMPANY, SHAKESPEARE SQUARE F. BI N BURGH, BEG l'- ave to acquaint their Friends and'the Public, that they have now completed thpir Stock of Garden and Flower Seeds, and have been so fortunate as to procure a Supply of Onion and other Seeds, direct from Holland, which are of SHperior quality, and will be sold on reasonable ' terras. They have always a large Stock of Grass and other Agricultural Seeds, Garden Utensils of all sorts, and most approved constructions, Whole and Split Pease, & very superior Durham Mustard. They have likewise received, a supply of the New Spring Wheat, so much recommended by the Board of Agriculture, ior soils and situations, that will not admit of Autumn sowing, and those who cultivate Carrot as a Field crop, can be sup- plied with a very superior sort for that purpose, which they have been at much pains to procure genuine. At their extensive Nurseries on Leith Walk, JLven. | Plants, which, will be sold, at their usual low ! prices, and forwarded with expedition, to any par: of the Kingdom. j D. & Co. sensible of the liberal share of patro- j nage they have so long enjoyed, beg leave to re- 1 13 turn their sincere thanks to their Friends and tbe 1 51 Public, and assure them that their utmost exer- - tions will always be used, to merit a continuance I N. B. Noblemen and Gentlemen supplied with The ground is ail arable ; the greatest part of it of a very superior quality, and capable of the high- est-' Vnprovemeiu, the means of which are on. the property, as there is an immense field of tine rich, shell marie on the ground, which can be . turned out at very small expence. The lands are remark- ably well situated for markets, being within six mill s of the ports on the Tay, and one mile of the county town. If more agreeable to purchasers, from 50 to 60 acres of laud, on the east side of the estate, wtjh the freehold qualification, will be retained by the proprietor at a reasonable rate; and, ill either case, the purchaser may enter to the natural possessioa of the land at Martinmas 1809, except about thirty licres possessed by Wm. Ferguson, the lease of whichexpires at Martinmas 1811; and one half of the price may remain in the hands of the purchaser upon security on the land, for a considerable time. For further particulars apply to James Thom- son,- W. S. Edinburgh, or Mr. Horsbrugh, Cupar, who will cause the lands to be shown to intending offerers; OiEers will be received betwixt and 1st April 180!" » FARMS TO LET, IN THE COUNTIES OF PERTH & FORFAR, On Leases of Nineteen or ' i'wenty- one Years, Belonging to the Honourable James Mackenzie., of Belmont. HE FARMS o£ MEIKLE KXTHICK, NORTH FARM, CAODAM INCLO- SURES, WEST FARM r. nd KETHICK PARK, consisting of 488 Acres, more or less, in the parilh of Cupar- Angus,, mostly inclosed with hedges and 1. "" jpF LNUNE OUT INUSE WIN*;- CIIAIACLEIS AUU MUY : be depended upon, will be recommended. ! LANDS IN EAST LOTHIAN— FOR SALE, i To be SOLD by public roup, within the Athenaum, Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 8th day of March 1809, between the hours of one and two o'clock afternoon, ( if not previously disposed of by pri- vate bargain,} rT", HE ESTATE of KINGSTON, lying in the L parish of Dirleton, two mile's west of North ! Berwick, and seven from Haddington, and con- sisting of about l3(> Scots acres. % The lands are of very superior quality and in ! high order, and possess excellent situations for j Buildiog, having extensive views of the surround- ing country 5 upon , the premises there is a most substantial farm- house and offices, with a thresh- ing mill, and the garden is neatly laid out and well stocked with fruit trees, and the whole being in the possession of the proprietor, may be entered to immediately. . ! For fvirfber'portiwjlmw apy.- j w trie yroyaligttir,, , r to Messrs.. Burns and Allester. i. Georze's or Aliester, i, George's Square, in whose bands are the title- deeds, and a plan of the esiate. WEATHER . at Em NHURGH, Jan. 24, Cloudy, With Frost— 25, Clear, with Shewers of Snow and Frost— 26, Cloudy, with a strong East Wind, and a considerable fall of Snow. Barometer, Tiventy- nine Five- Tenths. MOON'S AGE and HIGH WATER at LEITH. Moons Age. Morn. £ ven. Sat. 28, 13 0 1 0 27 . Sund. 29, 14 0 50 1 13 Mond. 30, 15 1 34 1 51 Tues. 31, 16 2 11 2 30 SCOTS BANKRUPTS. WILLIAM & ROBERT FLEMING, hosiers, Glas- gow.— Creditors to meet in the Black Bull Inn, Glasgow, 27th inst. and 24th Feb. at 12 O'clock, tt) chuse factor and trustee. PETER MARTIN, grocer, Glasgow.— Creditors to receive a final dividend 10th Feb. HUGH CRICHTON, agent, Greenook.—- Creditors to lodge their claims before the 1st March, or they will receive no dividend, WILLIAM GIBSON, late manufacturer, Glasgow. Creditors to receive a linai dividend 81st inst. JAMES GRIMMAN, wright, Glasgow.— I tors to receive a dividend on the 10th February DUNCAN MacN. m, late merchant, Easdale, Creditors to lodge their claims before the 25;" or they will receive no share of the funds then to ;; be divided. JAMES DONLOP, late of Garnkirlt.— Creditors to meet 23d March, at 12 o'clock, in the office of the late trustee, to chuse a new trustee. THOMAS BUIST, merchant, Falkirk, has applied for a disharge. Jon>. Woi n- M- roo- K. Jun. manufVturer, Glas- gow, ha § applied for a discharge. D JGALD MALCOLM RUTHVEN, iate merchant, Greenock, has applied for a discharge. WALTER THOM, manufacturer, Bervie.— Cre- ditors to meet in the writing office of Mr. Chris- tian, Stonehaven, Slit curt, at 12 o'clock, to decide on an offer of composition. MUIRS and CROMBIE, late paper- makers, Ne- therlee.— Creditors to meet 30th inst. at 12o'clock, in the Prince ot Wales's tavern, Glasgow, on mat- iters of importance. ROBERT DICK^ manufacturer, Linktown, Kirk caldy.— Creditors to meet in MeldrumV, there, 7th February, at 12 o'clock, to decide on an offer of composition.. JOHN BAYNE, cattle- dealcr, Leadmachany and Culticheldich, to lodge their claims before rhe 7th February, or they will receive no share of the dividend- SHIP N F. W . V. The President Dun, Stewart, is arrived in Fair- lie Roads, for Port- Glasgow, from Newfoundland, after a passage of 32 days ; Surprize, Ross, from New Providence, and Lord Duncan, M'Ewen, from Nassau, at Havannrih. Arrived in CLYDE — Eight vessels from diffe- rent parts of Ireland with oats, oatmeal, beef, & c. Ive, Gemmel, from Bristol; Herald, M'Kissoek, from Lisbon, with fruit and wine; Fame, M'Tag- gart, from Trinidad, with rum, sugar, coffee, & c. Arrived at GRANGEMOUTH — Charlotte, Thu- rell, from Liverpool, with grain, and William Pitt, Orr, from Gottenburgh, with timber and iron. LEITH, Jan. 27. — Arrived, Aberdeen Packet, Ritchie, from Montrose, with oil; Lady Kin- naifd, Wood, from Dundee; Elizabeth, Watson, and John and Mary, Ovenston, from Ely, wheat. CLEARED OUT — E. alipse, Mumford, for Ber- wick ; Kitty,- Ballantyne, for Glasgow ; Forth, Lindsay, for Ailoa; Dame, Clark, for Dundee, Leith, Millar, for London, all with goods. CAPITAL FARMS IN THE SHIRES'OF ABERDEEN AND PERTH. TO LET, the extensive and valuable FARMS, Part of the Estate of IN VERCAUX. D, lying in the parishes of Tarland arid. Coldston,. Glen- muick, TuHoch, and G'. engairn, Crathie and Krae- mar, and shire of Aberdeen.;— As ALSO, a variety > f other excellent FARMS and GRAZINGS, ly- • ng in the parisJiAs of Kirkmichael a;. d - Kinlocb, and shire of Perth, as formerly advertised, irill for . ertain be LF. T in the course cf the month of March text, by meeting ivii/ l intending Offerers u/ mn the ground, .71 the times and places to be specified in a future adver tisfment. Printed particulars specifying the con tents of the different Farms, and all other neces- sary information, will be fwrnished by the Rev. Mr. M'Hardy, at Crathie, by Tuiloch ; Peter Far-, quharson, Esq; Advocate, Aberdeen; George Brown, Esq; Linkwood, near Elgin ; and Messrs. Tods and Romanes, CastleStreet, Edinburgh, by all of whom offers continue to be received. Every eticour igement ivilL be given to Farmers from the LQIV Country, of thill and capital— and the excellent Grtszings na~. v to be I. et, tvell merit their attention. T CONTRACTORS WANTED, PO Furnish the EDINBURGH CHARITY WOUK- HOUSE, with BREAD, POT BARLEY, and SMALL BEER, for One Year, For particu- l » rs, apply to: Mr. George Sparikii, Treasurer. I TO BE SOLD AT FOUNTAlN- BRiDGE, WO HOUSES and GARDENS, well stocked with fruit trees, and other eonveniencies.. Inquire as above, or at Mr Pickard, Nc. 90, Sonth Bridge. On the night of the 30th December last, the Wftghts Hall, in the Watergate, Perth, was broken into, and a chest belonging to a Friend- ly Society, containing Cash and Bank Notes to a considerable amount carried off. After the frequent robberies of this nature., it is quite un- accountable to observe persons keeping money in their custody, in place of lodging it m the Public Banks. On Thursday se'ennight, as 14 men were at work in Doiugate chalkpit, near Welling, which is loo feet deep, an impending cliff gave way, and buried seven of them, with two carts and four horses. Three of them were dug out " " " ' i bed- rooms ana cioset. l nere the third dead; as were three others » course of the night, one of v^ hom died after-! gouse that wi! 1 hold two carriages. The House • wards. The seventh, protected by a cart, was ; may be seen o « Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Satur- " HOUSE IN GEORGE'S SQUARE TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE BARGAIN. THAI" HOUSE in GEORGE'S SQUARE, belonging to, and presently occupied by Mr. . Fairholme of Chapel, containing in the sunk flat, itchen, housekeeper's room, servants room, two pantries, wine cellars, & c.; on the street flat, din- ing- room, library, parlour, butler's pantry, and water closet; on the flat above, drawing- room OI1 tile uac auove, m4wiujj- ivuin,. uuigii, u^ uu. .. and two bed- rooms ; and in the attic storey, live road by Mid- Calde the same day,, two of whom were unhurt," and bed- rooms and closet. There is sufficient cellarage j measure, or thereby, of. arable and pasture lands. • V • . < . < • , t < n /\ f fhp CJint i FARMS IN MID- LOTHIAN TO LET. BELFIELD INCLUDING PART OF EAST LANTON FARM. To be LET for 19 years, and- entered to at Martin- mas 1809, ' HE FARM of BELFIELD, as presently pos- sessed by Williatn Fe'rrier, containing about 63 Scots acres, to which it is- J> ropoSedto add these two inclosures of good lasd, lying west of the road from Ease Calder to East Lanton, containing about 4) 2 acres Scots measure or thereby, ail inclosed and subdivided, ' EAST LANTON, including Part of RAW- CAMP FARM. At the same time to be LET, the remainder o' EAST 1, ANTON FARM, as presently possessed by rhe Heirs of the late James Someryille, con- taining about t66J acres, to which it is proposed1 to add 114 acres of Riw and Dubend Lands, which joins East Lanton, making together 280£ acres Scots measure or thereby of excellent land, all in- closed by ditch and hedge,, or stone dyke. The above farms are situated from ten to twelve miles west of Edinburgh, and the Glasgow road by Mid- Calder, runs through part of the lands.— Rawcamp Lime- works lie immediately adjoining, where plenty of good lime is always to be had. HAGGS— Also to be LET, and entered to at the same term of Martinmas 1809, The Farm of- HAGGS, as presently possessed by John Robertson, eight miles west of Edin- burgh, and about half a mile south of the Glasgow "•* containing 296£ acres Scots unhurt. The horses were rendered useKss. ERRATUM in last ADVERTISER. — House, of Blackness, in West- Lothian, read Two Gardens i istead o. r Garrets. davs, from 12 to 3 o'clock; and for further parti- any purpose. The arable land in this . farm is inclo- ed and sub- coaih- : divided, and the pasture lands inclosed with a ring fence. These lands are of excellent quality, and £ t for other fences, of variety of soils, calculated to prt - , I duce all kinds of crops. ' Fhe local situation is par- j ticubrly good, as the farm cemes close into the . ( turnpike- gate immediately west of the town- of ! Cupar. ' Fhe proprietor proposes at his expente to ' j build a proper House and Steading on the farm, in 1, a central situation. i 2. KEMPH1LL and EAST HAUGH, also near ..(. the town of Cupar- Angus, consisting of 163 acres, | more cr less— the soil of the description of the fbr- f mer. The proprietor proposes making such ad- j ditions. to- the present l'anm. Steading at KepfphiU, {' as will answer the purposes of these Farms now [ to be Let together. 3. EAST BENDOCHY, and part of WEST BliNDOCHY, consisting of 150 Acres, rtiofe or* less, of excellent ground, and, capable of carrying all kind of Crops. This and the three following tarms are in the parish of Bendochy. 4. The Remainder of WEST BENDOCHT, . with the Farm of LOW COUT'l'Y ( excepting that jp'art thereof lying to the westward of the Blair- gowrie road), and containing together 124 acres, m « *, ir lass, with the Houses on West Bendoithy and i- ow Coutty, ai> or excellent sou, ana>• » I produce every kind of crop. 5. COUTTY HILL ( with that part of LOW GOUTTY west of the Blairgowrie load, presently possessed by David Playfair), amounting to lfiy acres, more or less, capable of producing every kind of crop; with the Houses en the Firm of Coutty Hill. 6. The Flour, Corn, Malt, and barley MILLS of KETHICK, with the Houses and Land of CKAIGHEAD, consisting of 18 acres; as also, those HOUSES in the Den of Kethick, lately built. These Mills have an extensive Tbirlage, with an abundant supply of water for driving them, and any other additional machinery that may be erect- ed. They lye in the parish of Cupar- Angus, and hear the turnpike road. . 7. The MILL, HOUSES, & LANDS « f BAL- KEIRY, in the parish of Nevay, and county- ot" Forfar, as presently possessed by James Rattray.— The i. ands consist of 35 acres more or less, of va- rieiy of soil; and the water which drives the mill being chiefly from springs in the neighbourhood, is not 3pt to freeze, excepting in very severe frosts. The Entry to the foregoing Farms, as to tte Mills, Hou'es, Yards, and Grass, at the tfehn o* Whitsunday 1810; and to the Arable Ground at the'separation of the'crop 1810' from the ground. 8. The Farm of NEW KEII. OR, in the parish of Newtyle, and county of Forfar ( exclusive of. the Hill), presently possessed by Stuart M.. Batley, consisting of about 140 acres, more or less. t jtj. great proportion of this farm is of good dry soil', calculated for carrying any kind of crops ; and th<-- low marshes having been lately drained by the proprietor, are capable of great improvement. 9. The Farm of MOORHEAD of BENDOCHY, in the parish of Bendochy, as presently possesses* by J. Mitchell, and consisting of 58 Seres, more or less'; is partly very good soil, snd all capable < jf much improvement. The Entry fo this and thi: la$ t mentioned farm is at Whitsunday 1811, as tp the Houses, Yards, - and Grass; and to the Arab!^ # f Ground at the separation of the crop that yeirvi ' Offers for the foregoing Mills and Farms, to be given in writing to Messrs. Anderson and Russejl writers to the signet, Edinburgh^ qr . Mr. Wats « n at Anchtertyre, factor on the estates. Those of- fering for the Farms of Meikle'Kethick' and- East Bendochy, will have in view, that the victual stii pend presently payable to the Ministers of Cupar Angus and JJendochy, - with any augmentations that may take place during the Lease, are payable from these Farms. . A more particular description of them i/ feckoned unnecessary, as Tenants of capital, and judges of soil and local situation, will, upon inspection, find them well worthy of their consideration. Offers will be received betwixt and Whitsunday first, 1809;- but the proprietor inti mates, that in the event of 3Uch offers being early given-' in, from substantial tjnants?' asirt'shall judgij adequate, he will at any time previous to Whit- sunday, ' be ready to conclude a bargain for the whole er either of them. . Frederick Clark at Cupar- Angus, will show the boundaries of the Farms on the Estate of Kethick; John R'amsay, High Coutty, those of Bendoiliy; James Anderson, Newbigging, the Farm of New f " culars, application riiay be made to Messrs Gibson directions- for showing the farms, will receive of- j lantoiiphaut, writers to the signet, NO. 1, Society, fers in writing, specifying a rent per acre, and fn-' j Brown ? square. - form Ciirt.- u^. j? . rsotlaw, , 4 Mr. Stobie at Dalmahoy will jive , ., , _ , _ . . , , w "• • ; KeiIo, r; and David Doig, Kirkmcb, the Farm Balksiry. & knMt Me, >' » -; A>. THE ® APIT- AL FREEHQIITF ESTATES, IN THE ISLANDS or ST. VINCENT & BERBICE. TO be SOLD by Auction, " by Messrs. HOGGART and PHILLIPS, at Garraway's Coffeehouse, Cornhill, London, on Wednesday, February 22, » t 12, by order of the Assignees of Messrs. George Baillie and Co. THE Several Valuable FREEHOLD ES- TATES belonging to the Bankrupt, George " Baillie, situate in the Island of Sti Vincent, in the EDINBURGH ADVERTISER for VALUABLE FARMS, MILLS, & GARDENS, IN THE COUNTIES OF RCXBURGH AND EDINBURGH. To be LET by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coffee- house of Fielinburgh, upon Wednes- day the 15th of March 1809, at one o'clock af- ternoon, •" pHE Following FARMS and others :— I In Roxburghshire, The Farm and Mill of NISBET MILL, the Haugh and two Parks of NISBET ; TF. VJOT HAUGH, WHITELAW INCH, Mill and Mill Lands ofOXNAM, the Parks of FERNYHIRST, | 1 S09." SALE OF FIR WOOD. To be SOLD by public roup, at WOODHOUSELEJ", 6 miles South of Edinburgh, on Friday 10th February 1809, at 10 o'clock precisely, nnHE whole FIR WOOD growing in that Park I at Woodhouselee, called the Fir Park. The Wood is Full Grown, and well adapted for roofing, joisting, and indeed every country use. Six months Credit will be given on proper se- curity. OF West Indies, " known by the names cf Sion Hill Estate, Carrapan Estate, and Carier Estate; and Mill LANDS ADJOINING THE TOWN also a Moiety of another Estate, situate in the Co-! of OXNAM, PERTH TO EE LET. I oily of Berbice, in the West Indies, called the In- ! MiU and Mill Lands 6f FfcRN Y HIRST, PERYS- j <~ pHE following Lands cf CLAYPOTTS and verness Estate ; and also a Moiety of another Es-' " ' " ' • - — sate, in the same Colnny, called the Cauye Lot; together with 628 Slaves, Plantation Stores, and o ther live and dead stock, in or upon the said seve- ral estates, which contain together about 2035 acres. Particulars may be had 40- days previous to the sale, of G. P. Andrews, Esq; Bristol; John Bolton ' Ksq; and Co. Liverpool; Messrs. J. and W. Bade, Liverpool; Samuel Newton, Esq; Liverpool; of the Printers ofthe Bristol, Bath, Exeter, Glasgow * uid Edinburgh Papers; of Messrs. Dennets and Greaves, solicitors. King's Arn:-- yard ; of Messrs. lioggart and Phillips, Old Broad street, Royal Ex- change ; and at Garraway's. ' HAUGH, ASH- HAUGH, and LOCHEND6.— I JL TULLI1. UMB, the property of the Right These lands lie very near to the town of Jedburgh, Hon. the Earl of Kinnoull, are ' co. be LET from T Day of Sale Postponed at the desire of- an in- tending Purchaser, FARM IN ARGYLESHIRE FOR SALE. ' To be Sot D by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Tuesday the 25th April 1 SOS, at 2 o'clock afternoon, Tin place of 28th February, as formerly advertised,) " niE FARM of KNIPOCH8EG, beautifully situated on an arm of the sea called Loch Feocban. The Hill is an excellent sheep walk, and the low grounds yield good crops of oats, barley, potatoes, & c. There is a valuable Stool of Wood on the farm, fit for cutting, and the psblic line of road runs through it. A Gentleman fond of sport ,* ight find on the J mds a very desirable situation for- a Cottage, as there is plenty of Game, and the Lake and tws Rivers in the near neighbourhood, abound in fish. For further particulars application may be made ' ft Alex. Forsyth, wrjter, 5, Forth Street. SALE OF LANDS IN THE £ oUN'lY OF BERWICK. ** T? » 0 BE SOLD by public roup, within the Royal and within a short distance of Kelso, and wiil . be shewn by RobeTt Wilson, the baron officer, In the County of Edinburgh, The East Mills of NEWBATTLE, the West Mill and Mill Lands of NEWBATTLE, the, ROAN PARKS, CLERKS WELI. S, and LONG- I. AW; the parts of EASTHOUSES, possessed by David Watt, Alexander Young, and Samuel Da vidspn ; the Farm of GOUKSHILL, possessed by Peter Proudfoot. And to be - LET, by private bargain, several GARDENS and HOUSES, lying in or- nejf the village of Newbattle. These- lands, ar. d others, are situated in the near neighbourhood of the town of Dalkeiih. Printed particulars of the extent of the farms, divisions thereof, the endurance of- tfre. leases to be granted, ai- d conditions of the roup, may be had from Messrs Wemyss St Walker, W. S. 25, George Street, and Mr Francis Erodie, W. S. Northum- berland Street, Edinburgh. VALUABLE SMALL FARM NEAR EDIN- BURGH, TO BE LET, BY PUBLIC ROUP. i^ HERE will be exposed to public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, upon Wednesday the. lst of February next, at one o'clock afternoon, The FARM of CLEAR BURN, with the House, Offices, and Garden,, as presently possessed by Mr. Davidson, being part of the Estate of Preston- field. The premises are situated 1- ut little more than a mile south from Edinburgh. ' Fhe Lands consist of Seventy- Eight and a Half Acres Scots measure, or thereby, are ali inclosed, and are well known to _ ^ r be of the best quality in the county. The entry I Exchange Coffee- house,* Edinburgh, upon j will be particularly favourable, more than a third part of them being very old rich pasture, and a great proportion of the remainder in new sown grass, The house is modern, neat, commodious, and St to accommodate a genteel family. This farm will'be Let on a lease of twelve years from Martinmas last, w ith liberty to plough up Twenty- six and a half acres of the old rich pasture, under reasonable restrictions. Two and a half acres of very old rich pasture, in a park by itself, well watered, inclosed, and sheltered, isinclnded in the above farm, to accommodate a ter.^ iit for his own private use, which is to lie kept constantly in gras « . Tae best encouragement will be given to a Wednesday the 1st day of Feb. 1809, at 2 o'clock afternoon, All & Whole the Lands of RIDDEI. L LODGE, formerly called DODIIOUSE and DOB- HOBSE- RIG, lying within the parish of Lauder, barony of Lauderdale, and sheriffdom of Berwick. These lands consist of upwards of 760 acres, of which nearly 167 are arable, have been limed, and Said to grass. The remainder is meadow, pasture, and muir ground. They lie compact, and the road from Haddington to Lauder runs through them.— Having been let in 179.5, and the lease expiring in .4812, a very considerable rise may then be depend- ed upon. The property holds of a subject superior for pa^'; ment of a trifling feu- dutv, and the public burdens There is an heritable right t- i 151 • alow rate, For la - ther particulars application may be mad to J J--; tiry Jardijie and Francis Wilsan, writers to.'. . , • he signet, at their Chambers, Writers Court, 1.- j site. Further particulars as to the entry, & c. & c. from Mortlach, and 14 miles from the town of diiihyrgh, with whom the title deeds and plans and i will be explained, on applying to the proprietor, at 1 Elgin, Fochabers, Keith, Grantown, and Forres, ' I'he herds on the lands will shew the boundaries : Preston fcjj House, or'to Mr Balderston, W. S. ! to which five places there are excellent roads, and practical farmer of igerit, to erect a threshing mill ^ sufficient strength, for the purpo required, wfeich on ., ' he- attic of Fef purpose that may be Hat ar.- muit w-; H w •-':! f- .!' .- OC- M&^ v^, c-.- tre- fl. ' . t iW^ , s of ro:. p wiii oe printed i- Ol, arv, that will sufficiently explain Martinmas 1809, in the following Lots, and for- the periods respectively after- mentioned, viz. Lot I. These two FIELDS, part of the Lands of Glaypetts, bounded by the Dunkeld turnpike road on the west, tbe Lead of BalhouSie on the north,' Balhousie Orchard and Lands on. the east, and by the Black friars grounds on the south. As aiso, a small gushet of Land at the - junction of the Crieff and Dunkeld roads, containing about 15 acres, 989 decimal, for four years from Martinmas 1809. II. That FIF. L1), also part of the Lands of Clay- potts,- bottutleel by the Dunkeld turnpike road on the east,- the Cavalry Barracks on tlit south, the Town's Lead 011 the west, and the Crieff Turn- pike Road orr the north, containing about 14 acres, (. 06 decimal, for four. years from Martinmas 1809. III. The Houses ar. d. Garden Grounds of CLAY- PO'l'TS, as they areat present occupied, surround- ed by a hedge, containing about S acres, 998 deci- mal, besides the road leading thereto, for 4 years from Martinmas 1809. IV. The remaining Grounds of CI. AYPOTTS, bounded by the Town's Lead on the east, the Gar- den Grounds of Claypotts, ar. d street leading to- wards Goodlyburn on the south, the Few Road on the west, and by a small Field on the north, for- merly part of the l. ands of Few, containing about 29 acres, 154 decimal, for fourteen years from Martinmas 1809. V. The Lands of TULLILUMB, as presently possessed by David Black, which are well adapted for Nursery or Garden Grounds, containing about 18 acres, 200 decimal, for 14 years from Martin- mas 1809. Offers for all, or either of the above Lots, which may be let together or separately, will be received by James Home, clerk to the signet, George's Square, Edinburgh; Mr Wm. Ross, writer in Perth, or by MrLorimer, jun. factor at Dupplin Castle, on or before the 30th day of January next. Dupplin Castle, Oct. 28, 1808. Jan. 2r* FARM IN THE COUNTY OF HAD- DINGTON. TO BF. LET, for nineteen years, and entered to at Whitsunday next, or earlier, as may be agreed on, the Lairds and Farms of WANSIDE, WHITEHILL, and STOBSHEIL, lying in the parish of Hurabie, and constabulary of Hadding- ton, as lately possessed by the deceased Mr James Johnston. The lands contain about 343 acres, Scots, of which 179 acres are of a rich dry soil, perfectly a- dapted to the culture of turnips and other green crops, jind the remainder consists of healthy dry pasture, completely sheltered towards the north and west by the fir plantations on the estate of Leaston. The lands of Stobsheil have of late years been inclosed and subdivided with substantial stone- ami lime dikes. These form one of the most com- plete small store farms in the county ; ate situated about eight miles from Haddington, and about the same distance from Dalkeith,- and in the imme- diate vicinity of abundance of coal and lime. Offers will be received by Mr Tawse, NO. 2", York Place, Edinburgh. Ddjj for Giving in Offers Fixed. FARMS TO LET. BUNCLE BARONY, BERWICKSHIRE. THE following FARMS, in the parish of Bnii- cle, and county of Berwick, tire property of the Right Hon. Archibald Lord Douglas, will be LET, to be entered to at Whitsunday 1810, for such number ot years as can be agreed on : 1 LINTLAW, possessed by Adam Thomson, containing Acres. Arable - - 907 Bog and Moor - - 319 Gardens - - 6 Fences and Waste Land - 17 1249 EDINViLLIE. AN ESTATE IN BANFFSHIRE FOR SALE. To be Peremptorily exposed to SALE by public roup, under the authority of the Court of Ses- sion, within the Parliament or New Session House Edinburgh, on Wednesday the lst day of February next, betwixt the hours of four and six o'clock in the afternoon, before the Lord Ordinary 011 the Bills, -- HE LANDS and ESTATE of EDINVILLIE T _ & Kt. fi HACK, With the M II, Mill Land- .... .- i.- red • •• •- -. - • r- . tiu L. « ... r. ~ - 1 \ V lieges and Porfulertts thereto be- ing, • ' org on tile south side of the river Spey, in the parish of Aberl'our, and county ot Banff, a- But the proprietor has some thought of taking from this farm the two south west Fields, containing 95 1154 Offerers will make their offers both with and without these 95 acres. The land of this farm is all inclosed with thriv- ing hedges, and is of excellent quality, being we'll adapted both for wheat and turnips. 11. BLACKHOUSE, possessed by Geo. Aitcbison, containing Acres. ' Arable - - 543 Bog, Meadow, and Pasture 43 Fences and Waste Land 6 592 This Farm is all well inclosed- It is naturally* of a good soil, and has been much Improved. HI. BLNCLE or MARYGOLD, pos- sessed by Adam Weir, containing Arable Pasture, Bog, and Moor Fences and Waste Land Acres. 822 14& 10 AM very particular circumstance which may be requi- j hout one Mtte from the village of Aberlour, two FARM IN ROXBURGHSHIRE. To be LET, for a term of Fifteen or Nineteen Years, and entered upon at Whitsunday 1809, S" I TIE FARM of NF. WTON, now occupied by JL Mr. Peter Brown, containing above 940 English acres, mostly deep dry loam, or t-: rnip soil, « f the best description, situated on the south side of the river Teviot, in the parish of Bedrule, two miles from Jedburgh, . eight from Hawi.- k, and Mvelve from Kelso. The turnpike roads^ from Kelso to Hawick, and from Hav/ ick to Jedburgh, pass through the farm. Sealed offers, in writing, may be sent t4i. Thorr. as illiot Ogilvy, Esq; the proprietor, at Chesters, by iedburgh; and particulars maybe had from Mr John Bailley, at Chillingham, near Belford ; and Mr. Robert Shortreed, in Jedburgh^. N. B.— The farm will not be let before the first day of March. Edinburgh, or Mr. George Brown, Fountain Dii'-' t, near Edinburgh. Wnj. Walker, at Prestonfield, will shew the lands, and point out the boundaries, on Wednes- days and Fridays, betwixt the hours of eleven apd me o'clock. The house, & c. & t^ will be seen on he Fridays only, al the same* tiroe, by applying -• ersonally first to the proprietor, who will give .>:: rtlr-. l written directions for that purpose. N. R. The other part of this estate, as formerly idve- rtised, is now let for three years o « ly. prestonfield, Dec. 31, 1808. TWO PARKS IN THE IMMEDIATE VICI- NITY OF EDINBURGH, AND SEATS IN THE WEST CHURCH, FOR SALE. fJpO BE SOLD by public voluntary roup, with- J|_ in the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, on Wed- nesday the first day of March next, at two o'clock * flernoon, These TWO valuable PARKS or I ( NCLOSURES, part of the Lands, formerly known by the name of CL0CKM, LNE. nmv C3l" led BELLEVILLE, immediately adjoining ( on the west and south) to St. Ann's Yards and the Duke's Walk; together with the SEATS in the WEST V'JHURCH, set apart to these lands. These subjects will be exposed in three Lots.— i, ot Ist, to comprehend the eastmost of the two Parks or Inclosures, bounded on the north, east, & > 9Uth by the Musselburgh road & Duke's Walk— This park consists of 10 acres, 3 roods, 13 perches jr thereby of English measure. It ii held in feu of, a subject superior. The composition for the, en- try of air heir is taxed to a year's feu duty. Lot 2d, to comprehend the westmost of the two bounded by St. Ann's " Yards on the inclosur: west, by the Duke's Walk pn the south, and by Mr Duncan's property and the ground of lot 1st on the J agreeable to offerers, this Lot will be divided into - - - - - " ' - LANARKSHIRE. T10 BE SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, at Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 15th day of February 1809, at one o'clock afternoon, certain parts of the Estate ol CARSTAIRS, lying in the parishes of Carstairs ai. d Lesmahagow, & county ot Lanark, in the fol lowing Lots: Lot. lst, The I. ands of ABBEY and LONG- DALES, consisting of about 63 acres, as present- ly possed by George Watson. iL. it 2d, The Lands of WHITECLF. UGH, con- sisting of about 100 acres, as . presently possessed by J i'iies Tn^ tis- I "'- - M, The Lands of NETHF. RTOWN and CC- t - RIG, consisting of about 464 acres, as pre- sently possessed by Win. Simson & James Wilson. Lot - 1th. The Lands of BROWNRIG, SHEA- FY . NOW, GIRDUAISI RAIT, fcCOVVEORD, consisting of about 548 acres,, as presently posses- sed by Aiax. Eraser, James Somen- ille, James Fo- rest and John- Iiiglis. Lot 5th, The Lands of HANGlNGSHAWand i kerlour's salary. WINDYSHIF. LS, consisting of about 204 acres, as presently possessed by Thomas M'Ghie and Alex. Rankine. ,- M! the above Lots lie ip the parish of Carstairs. Let *>: b, The Lauds of BIRKH1LL & HA WKS- LAND, being in the parish ot Lesmahagow, and consisting ol about 400 acres, as presently posses- sed bv Wm. Greenshields and James Burton. If » iorth aud east. It consists of 11 acres, £ roods, 25 two parcel?. The whole of the above Lands are capable of the s6il being in general good, Lipie and coal are to L. S : 5 : 4d. fterling. The entry of a purchaser to | be got in the immediate neighbourhood, and it is Sunday 1 both lots may be immediately after the roup, VPith j ti, ought may likewise be found in several of the j cutof Ie the exception of a small plot in the east park, used - iabove farms. "" perches or thereby English measure; it is held feu of a subject th ——'- 1 '— *••-••• superior, and the composition for the ' great improvement, th entry of an heir or singular successor if taxed to ' and the climate favourable. good cress roads through the country. This property has a considerable quantity of thriving natural wood on the north west side of it; is beautifully situated between the hills of Bel- runnis and Convils; is, of considerable extent ill arable, and has great bounds of muir, and pastur- age of the be3t quality, and inexhaustible moss, and plenty of lime in the neighbourhood, and is well know:, to have game in greater plenty, and better shooting on it, and in the neighbouring hills and muirs, than any in the country. There is ex- cellent salmon fishing in the river Spey, which is in the neai neighbourhood of Edinv'Uie, & tnereare fine trou' ing st : t ams v. h cii ruH. throu^ h the grounds* A modern mansion- house was built on the pro- perty about the year 1770, but it was accidentally burnt a few years ago. As, however, the. stone walls are reajaiiiing in good order, it might be re paired at no great expence. A. nd there has lately been built upon the farm of Bush, *( a most'beau tiful situation an said estate) an excellent dwelling house, consisting of two public rooms, six bed- rooms, and other conveniences, with good offices. A more commodious or better situated estate of this extent, tor sporting and improvement, is sel- dom to be met with. The gro » s yearly rent of it, ipclud- ing theconveiv. ions payable by the te- Sterling. r. ants, is proved to be - I,. 498. 10 S> The following deductions are ap- pointed to be made- from the said . gross rent: Valued teind, per de- creet of valuator, L. 34 - Schoolmaster of A- 3 11 9 1 Cess or land- tax, in- cluding highway and rogue money, collection and clerk, s salary, 4 TMr Farm is. all w. li jicln?*' ..',. - .... i' -. - a being oi a dry anil healthysoi't is capable- ot > rreat improvement. IV. HOARDWESL, possessed by A- dam Sleigh, containing Ac?::, r Arable - - 355 Pasture, Bog, ami Moor - 670 Natural. Wood Pasturaga , 42 867 There are upwards of 20 acres of this farm in closed with stone dykes, ar. d tbe pasHire ground? afford a sound and healthy walk for sheep. V. DRAKEMIRE, possessed by Sligft, containing Alable Pasture, Bog, and Meadojr <- Moor 1- Sth - 4th Alexander Acres, 226 1K> 734 1! 10 There are about 40 acres of this farm inclose^ with thriving hedges. 7he soil is good, and af- fords a sound and healthy sheep walk. The two last mentioned farms will either be let together or separately, as offerers may incline. VI. BERRYHILL, possessed by . William Fair, containing Acres. Arable 222 Bog, Meadow, and Pasture 48 Moo^ 74 344 VII. BF. OCKHOLES, possessed by John Hood, containing Acres. Arable . ' 534 Pasture^ Bogvard Moss 329 Natural. Wood Pasturage so , 913 Proven free rent, And the Court having ordained the said lands to be exposed at the upset price ofL. 13,703 : 1 : 10- jd. being the estimated value at 30 years purchase, of the free rent, according to the usual mode of valu- ing lands, to be exposed before rjc. cir Lordships. It is proposed to let Bt- rrybiil and Erocklioig in one farm. Upwards of 140 acres of them ars, • inclosed. The ground of these farms is generally dry, and capable of great improvement, as it is near lime,. to which there will soon be a turnpike, road, it being proposed to carry tbe hew great road between London and Edinburgh, very near the lands. The Barony of Bccncie is well known for the su- perior quality of its- arable land, and the. soundiifiss.. .. .. „ of its sheep pasture. It lies- within - 1° miles of ? * * Berwick,.- 4 of Dunse, 6 of Eyemouth, and 16 of lao is 11 Dunbar_ . William BeJI, the Baron- Officerat Preston, will shew the marches. Plans, it- measurements, and. the conditions upon which the lands are to be let, I will be seen in the hands of Mr. Douglas Ainslie, - - 11 . . A A fit. at Cairnbarik, near Dunse. Offers ii: writing must The property is well tenanted, . and,- none of the ^ given betwixt and the twenty- fit, h of April leases endure for more than five years from Whit- ^ Messrs W emv$ s & Walker, 25, GeoVge ; and lor we farms which have fallen ^ Campbell Douglas, Esquire, Castlemainp, Sunday 1807 ouLof lease since the sale was first advertised, the proprietor has received or beep offered double rent. Though; deduction is made from the rental for the full valued teitvd,. the exposers expect to recover Street ; near'Douglas- Mill, or to Mr- Ainslie. ts a dung pond, and let to Messrs. Eagle aud lien- j The Lands are at present e:; trem>' y low rented, derson, on 3 lease current for 19 years froiii^ Whit- and w;! l rise very considerably on expiry of the full valued t Sunday 1806, at a rent of L. 4 . 4s. yearly. c « r,' i: nr. leases, ' i'he distance o: the Lapds in the and instruct an heritable right, whereby the de- Lot Sd, to comprehend the Seats In the West ( parish of Carstairs from the city ot'Ttdinburgh is d. uction wouH'f. dl only to be the Minister's stipend Church. I only twenty- seven miles, a- td the whoic of them and the price to increase in proportion. These Parks are worthy the attention of a put- i are little more than four or five miles from the! For any. further information,. application may be chaser, not only from their immediate vicinity to; cc- naty town of Lanark. made at the office of Mr. Walker, one of the prm- » he town, but from « he circumstance of the pro- 1 The public burdens are moderate, and the lands oipal Chrkr. of Session, who is clerk. to, the- process jected line of the London road running tiirotghthe v. '" ba disponed to be held feu of the sellers lor ot sale ; or at the chambers, of Messrs. Mackenzie whole of the property from east to west. ira « ' irw of an Bhisorv lea- duty. and Grant, W. S. Parliament Square, Edinburgh, The articles of roup and title deeds will be seen FT further particnUrs application may be ma ' e who are possessed of the title- deeds which are ia the Inn* of Mr Manners, W. S, to wbom those to Thorn s and John Smith, Argyll Square, E li;.- clear John Nicol, vintner at the tillage of Abvr^ Utsir^ us o)%| krr i » forw* tien » ay appl^. kttrjii, [ p Jg^ j J.^!*, « r « t « tfi kiaflfa' W » U Jb » W- t^ lf fropertv. PUBLISHED ( every TUESDAT and FRIDAY) by JAMES DONALDSON, at the Printing Office, Castle- hill, and at the ADVERTISE.! OrricE at the Cross— A single Paper 64,— 5? s • per ann. caiied for-— 54s. dtiivereu—- 56s. by post, Scotland or Lngland.—. Si. 3s. to Ireland. — Advertisements, & c. taken in by Mesnjj^, TAYLER& NEWTON, NO. 5, Warwick SQKURT, Xipudon, where this paper is rcgukrly Hied.
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