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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset


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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset

Date of Article: 09/01/1809
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIV    Issue Number: 3751
No Pages: 4
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THE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET\ AND SOMERSET [ NUMBER 3751. VOLUME LXXIV.] MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 1809. PRICE SIXPENCE. [ Stamp Duty _ Paper axid Print, Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. CORUNNA, Dec. 20. APartv of CavaJrv, under Sir Jolm Moore's army, have intercepted a French courier, with very im- portant di- patches. It is understood th » . t the ad- vance of our array is a consequence of the informa tion con- taiiicd ill these dir patches. The last division of Sir John Mitre's army left Salamanca on the 10th, and tbe Marquis de ftomana has joined Sir David Baird. 21. A messenger who left Benavento on Saturday cvcliiii^ brings a confirmation of the junction of Sir Joh. i Moore's and Sir David Baird's armies at that pilace. He say* that all the troops are in good. health and hij; h spirits, and eager to meet the enemy- There is constant skirmish- ing between our picquets of cavalry and the French, and many prisoners have arrived at Bcnavento; ( it) French cavalry were brought in on Friday. Jicc. $ 3. The fact of the French having obtained pos- ic. iion of Madiid it now well known here ; but they have it> great number of men. It is believed that they will ri e retain the town long, as the advance of our army will c< St oif their reinforcements. The people are joining leial Romana's army in great numbers. lie has now „ j vard* of ^ 0,000 men under his command, all well » p lointetl. LONDON, MONDAY, JANUARY 9. Two Mails from Gottenburgh arrived hist night, » < i » h advices from thence of the 22d ult. at which period no urther intelligence had been received from the armies. It is inferred therefore that no warlike operations have been K- commeneed by the enemy. Considerable bustle was excited in Town this morn- ; n » , by the belief that some intelligence of a very favourable nature had been received from Spain. A Corunna Mail did arrive, with papers to the ' 27th, and a massenger has al. o reached Lord Castlereagh's Office, with disjiatches: in • resequence of which, the following notice was circulated In the course of the forenoon.— " DovvNiNG « STi! EF. T, Jan. 2.180.9. " Letters of the 16th of Dec. dated Toro, have been re- fceived from Lieut.- Gen. Sir John Moore, whti was then forming bis junction with Sit David Bai> d, and Mas march- in, with the hope of falling in with Marshal Soult, who Va been ordered to make himself master of Leon and .'. mora. Brigadier- Gen. Charles Stewart, with part of •!> « 19th Ligbt Dragoons, had surprised a id tajcen a de- li : hment ot cavalry and infantry at Rueda, with about jO. mxW. in value, of Cotton, which the French bid eol- IYHKA. They had also taken a patrole of an Officer and - JO Dragoons." This H « elUg « nce, so far a-! it goes, is certainly agreeable. It is pleasing that our troop-, at the first ra « inait of their • fining in contact with the French { however small the • csrtio I engaged) should have beat them; and it is_ more phasing to obserre that there is a chance of cutting off SoiiU'* division, which was evidently detached fjr the pur- pose of cutting off the retreat of the liritih upon Corunna. But this chance is much diminished by the probability that fault's corps may be much augmented. Reinforcements to « 11 amount of 60,000 men, for the French arffiv, are said t, have entered Spain during the month of November. C jneral Janot, with partoftlie army that evacuated Por- tugal, was at St. Sebastian M long ago as the lOtb of that Xunth. Letters from Lisbon to _ fhe Ifjth, and from Oporto t » ( he 13tb ult. have been received. The former state IS « t in . —-. 1 ti,- Brrtirf. at Lisbon had marched 6> t Spain. The letters from Oporto mention, that several persons o! the first rft'pectability had been arrested that morning, or. suspicion of being partisans of the French, They also • rtite that the effects of the energy latterly displayed by the Portuguese Government, began to be felt all over the kingdom. The disaffected and suspected were every where taken into custody. MARK- LANE, Monday, Jrrn 2. There are large arrivals of • Wheat to- day, and the general sajes are at a reduction in pnee cf full 5s. per quarter. In Barky, Malt, Oats, Beans, and Itis, no variation. Flour cheaper 6s. per saCk. S M RR HF IIILD MARKET, Jan. 2. This day's market was fuiily supplied With prime beasts, and the sale was brisk, at laft prices. A1 SCHOOL BOOKS AND WRITING PAPERS. Very LARGE and WF. LI. ASSORIED Collection of SCHOOL BOOKS, all the best Editions, and a capital Stock of SUM ML N M « DE WRITING PAPERS, are now Selling, at the LONDON PRICES, by BROD1E, DOWDING, and LUXFORD, Succcssors to Mr". COLLINS, at the Printing- Office, Canal, Salisbury. The terms will be found highly advantageous to persons dealing for MONEY. \ I 156' ST. MARY's, BLANDFORD, DORSET. US. KERLY's FRENCH BOARDING SCHOOL re- opens after the present vacation on Mon- day the 23d of January inst, fi G M' rI^ UE Miss HUSSEVS respectfully beg leave to JL acquaint the Inhabitants of WIMBOS- NE and the Public, that they intend ppening a SCHOOL lor the reception of Young Ladies on Monday the fith of January, 1809; and hope, by a Stric. t attention to the health, morals, and improve- ment of those entrusted to their care, to merit the support of their friends. | t> 0t LADIES' BOARDING SCHOOL, STAt. BRIDGE, DORSET. ]%/ TI& 5E « GAJ'IMNE beg to inform their Friends, JLtJ. that their SCHOOL will open again on Monday the 1 fith of January. [ 33 M1 SHERBORNE, DORSET. ISS ANDREW'S sincerely tlianks those friends who have hitherto honoured her with their children, and he- s to inform them, that she has removed to the honse Miss Short lately occupied in Cheap- street, where she hopes- to experience a continuance of tlieir kindness. She aLso solicits the patronage of Miss Short's friends and the public, trusting that a- constant attention to the duties of her pro- fession will insure her their esteem and approbation. The School will open on Monday the Ib'th of January. N. B.— No entrance will be expected with Miss Sliort's pupils. [ 168 LADIES' BOARDING SCHOOL, POOLE. MISS S. PITT most respectfully informs her r . ends and the public, that her SCHOOL will ro- com- mei :. e on the ] Gth inst. when she hopes to be favoured with a continuance of that support and encouragement already re- ceive.!, and for which she begs to express her gratitude. TERMS— Board, Tuition, Needle and Fancy Work, twenty gu- irieas per annum— Entrance, one guineas— Writing and Arithmetic, two guineas per aim.— Geography and History, two guineas per ann.— Washing, two guineas per ann. [ 144 Approved Masters of every description on the usual Hn s, N. B. It is requested that each Lady will be provided with a silver spoon, a knife and fork, and half a dozen towels. The situation of the School is contiguons to the Sea Baths. RS. BUTLER'S SCHOOL v. ill open again after tiie present vacation on the 23d of January 180.". Winchester- street, Salisbury. « [ ItI BROWN- STREET, SALISBURY. MISS RANGER be<; 5 to inform her friends and the public, t'nat her SCHOOL will re- open on Monday the ' Md of January lt » 0 » . [ til : £ 1 Ladies' Hoarding School, Wiley. THE Misses IIAE. WOOD beg to inform their friends and the public, their Schcol will re- commence on Monday the 23d ii: t. [ lis MISS MAY beg*. • sspectfullv to inform her friends and the pubta, h- r SCHOOL will open after the present vacation on Monday the 2ud •• ct.—— She flatters her self that ht r future exertions will c: able her td merit a conti- tinuance'ot" their favours.— jndou. Jan. 4, 180.0 f\ 3! To the Gentlemen. Clergy, and Freeholders of the COUNTY OF DORSET. GENTLEMEN, AWRIT havitig been issued for the Election of a CORONER for " the County, on the resignation of Mr. R. W. Andrews, 1 beg leave again to offer myself to your no- tice - CI a Candidate, and solicit your vote and interest to fureeed him. If aconstani attention to the due performance a'-: important a trust can have any claim to your support, I pWtge ravsetf that" it shall not be " wanting on, my pi. rt: and should l, by your suffrages, be placed m tiiat respectable si- tuitici), I will endeavour, to the utmost of my ability, by a fci- hful discharge of its necessiOf duties, to merit your good eninion and confidence. I have the honor to be, with the greatest respect,- j. stj Gentlemen, Your most obedient humble servant, Vto- chester, Dec. 22, fSOH. WILLIAM SPENCER. ISS HOLDUP'S SCH M mday the le't'i instant. Aanovtfi, Jan. 4, 180D. vill re- open on ... M ISSF. S TARVER be * o inform their friends January 23, 180". Accommodations for a Parlour Boarder. ROMSCV, Dec. 291 1808. [ 757 MANURE. Barrack- office, London, Dec. 30, 1808. rpHE ASHES, Old STRAW, SOOT, & SOIL, 1 being Sold at the several Barracks throughout Great Bri- tain, Notice is hereby given to Farmers ar. d others in their respective neighbourhoods, that these articles are disposed of by- Annual Contract, where persons are foun. l to purchase them bv open tender. Any persons willing to know particu- lars, may be informed of the time and terms of the contract, by applv'in? to the several Barrack Masters at the barracks, or to the Assistant Inspector- General of Barracks in the several districts, or at the Barrack- office, Spring- gardens, London. EVER LEY PLANTATIONS. 7MIE WOODS and PLANTATIONS belonging to Francis Dugdak Astley, Esq. in the several parishes ct Ever ley Milton, and . CblBogboufne, in the county . iVvr, I nf tncl5 of H H E employments of the Miss LUDLOWS' SCHOOL will be rtsunied on Monday January * the tw.- ntv third. The youns; ladies receive their lessdns in dancing from Mr. Fialon, of Blandford. CHRISTCHUB- CIT, Jan. Gib, LBON.' [ 1B8 Ladies' Boarding School, Hursley, Hants. MISS ALNER begs to inform her friends and the public, that her SCHOOL will re- open on Monday the lSth of J/ muary ti? 09. French, D'-. ncinsr, Geography, Writing, and Arithmetic, on the usual terms.—— Hursley, Jen. 2, 1B08. [ 103 ~ LAD1ES' BOARDING SCHOOL, LYMINGTON. MISSES BEATON and GROVE, ( Successors to the Misses FRY), highly flattered by the kind patronage they h ive received, avail themselves of this opportunity to return their best thanks to their numerous friends.— Impressed with a grateful sense of the generous warmth with which their undertaking has been encouraged, they beg leave to assure them, that every effort will be called forth to promote the improvement, the morals, and the comfort of their pupils. The business of the School will continue to be conducted in the same house it has been for some years past, till Lady- day next, when they intend removing to premises open to the sea breezes, very commodious, and most eligibly situated the same side of the street, but nearer to the center of the town, which they h ive purchased for the purpose. La. lies frequenting Lymington for the season, ( which is too well known for its genuine sea bathing and excellent air, to need here a deseripdon) may be furnished with comfottablc lodeings by the week.— Parlour boarders genteelly and com- fortably accommodated. The ' School will open again on Monday the 23d day of Jan. 1803. Terms may be known on application. [ 37 M tfi , ts. having been, on Mortd ly the 12th of Decern be » instant, • at- red into in a forcible and riotous manner, bv a most dar. ng Gang of Men armed with sans, & c. Sc. who, in « idatnce of the discharge given them by Mr. Astkf still con- tinued there committing their dxpredations, and threatened < o repeat the same lawless and tumultuous outrages:— The PuMv ar- therefore requested to take Notice, that MAN T. t\ PS and SPRING GUNS will in future be set, both by n'ii-. t. and by day, in the said Woods and Plantations. I'. vr. RLEY HOUSE, Dec. 14, 1808. WILTS.—'. 809. • HUNDRED OF K. INWARDSTONE. SPECIAL SESSIONS appointed to be ho! den at the Phoenix Inn, Pewsev, viz. January 2, 16, DO; February 13, 27 ; March 13. 27 ; April 10, 24 ; May S, 92; June 5, if); July 3, 17, 31 \ August 14, 2.'; September II, Octolcr 9, 30 » , November 6, 20; Decnnoor • » , at ten o'clock i » the forenoon; except 3nchScssio! nfor appoiof- ing Overseen, granting Certificates to Alehouse Keepers, and for the Appointment of Surveyors of the Highways, rcsidcr* within the r. ai l Huudred ; of which due Notice wnl be given " fAlsC\ for'the Hnndred of RLSTUB and EVERLY, at the Cro- vn Inn, in Everlv,— Speciiil Sessions the last frrirtuy m every calendar month", at ten o'clock in the forenoon, except as aforesaid. _ _ . J. DEADMAN, Clerk to the Magistrates acting in and for the said Hundreds. Ptwstv, Jan. 5. l' 67 H1NDON ASSOCIATION. FOR PROSECUTING FELONS, ( Sc. T'HERE will b « a Meeting of this ASSOCIATION at ti,- Black Dog Inn, at Chilmark, on Fiiday the 13th • lay of Januarv instant, at twelve o'clock, for the purpose of mtcrina: the Names of any New Subscribers who may wish t> S- ecome Members thereof, and on other business, when tic nresent Subscribers are requested to attend; but no further Sib- vCription from ther* will be necessary at such Meeting. Dinner oh table at two o'clock. THO. LAWRfiffCfe, ] qn S, 1809. Solicitor and Treasurer. HUNGER FORD PREPARATORY SCHOOL. RS. HARRIOT WEBB and DAUGHTER beg leave to inform their friends and the public, they propose, on Monday the fit'' day of January next, to OPEN A SCHOOL for the Educ. a i of Infant Children, from the age of t'i, nee to eight years, iu Reading and Plain Work, on vVrv moderate terms. Mrs. Webb's house being large and airy, and being the mother of a family, she feels fully adequate to the manage- ment aod education of infants, of which she hopes to convince tho9e who may entrust them to her care. B- wders'including washing)• £. 16 0 0 per Ann. Day Scholars 1 10 oiier Ann. N, B. As no Entrance- money is required, a Quarter's No- tice must be siven before a Child quits the School. • r- v Vacations, only three weeks, Midsummer and Christ- mas. [ 791 LYMINGTON Classical and Commercial ACA- DEMY, under the direction of Mr. WITHERS, will re- commence business on the 23d iii& tant. Lyjmngton, Jan. 5, I8U3. bv - [ 141 tile Rev nPHE RINGWOOD ACADEMY, M. H. DAVJES, will be opened after the present recess on Monday the fGth inst.— Spring Gardens, Jan. 4, 1809. TORRON7^ 7KSBUTTIAMPFBN" JWITHERS, truly grateful for past favours, most , respectfully informs his friends and the uub'ue, that his E/". LI ARTL 11 T I , . R SCHOOL will re- open on Monday the lh'th inst. [ 1J0 Hursley Academy, near If incluwtet', Hants. MR. CALLAWAY respectfully informs his friends and the public, that his ACADEMY will re- open on Monday the lh'th inst.- French and Dancing taught on moderate terms. Hu sky, Jan. 2, 1809, [ f03 Classical and Mat hematic al Education. rpiIE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Sarum, under X the direction of the Rev. Charles Henry Hodgson, A. B. Lecturer of the parish Church of St. Thomas, will open after the present recess on Monday the 23d of January 1809. CA'STI. E-. STRBET, Dec. 31, 1808. [ a THE SCHOOL conducted by the Rev. A. MO- RISON, A. M. and properly qualified Assistants, will re- open on Monday the Ib'th inst. The plan of instructioh in this Academy is intended to comprise every thing requisite to a liberal education, and in- cludes advantages not usually- found in large seminaries. The giv. ng up of the Day School fsec Advertisement in the Journal of the ly th ult.) will afford an opportunity of increased atten- tion to the improvement of the Boarders; and, as the ichole of Mr M.' s time will continue to be entirely and exclusively devoted to his pupils, he embraces with pleasure the usual opportunity of expressing his gratitude to his numerous friends, atid of soliciting a continuance of that honourable patronage which has so liberally distinguished his past exer- tions, with that confidence which a " consciousness of the faithful discharge of his duty inspires, lie pledges himself not to relax in those exertions ; and trusts, that to those who know him, his former conduct will be an earnest of his r » - deeming this pledge. St. Aim's- street, Sarum, Jen. 6, 1809. [ 128 F1SHERTON SCHOOL, NEAR SALISBURY. R. WEST acknowledges with gratitude the increased patronage of his Friends, which he hopes to secure by the present arid future proficiency of his Pupils in grammatical and mathematical Learning. N. B. As Mr. WEST receives only a limitted number, he wishes it to be understood that, in future, on leaving the School, a © darter's Notice or;; ( Quarter's Pay will be expected. The - Business of the School wilt re- commence on the 16th iRstant. WANTED,— A WRITING ASSISTANT, of good moral character,— if 30 or 40 yiars of age the more agreeable, to whom a liberal Salary will be given. An industrious honest MAN is also wanted, to rjte care of three Cows, and t make himself useful in the House and Garden: a married Mar. will be pr erred, and his Wife, if capable, employed oacasionaHy in washing, & M" Apply as abeve. [ 24 friends o* d ns on Monday EDUCATION. CHILL most respectfuWv irfo' . the public, that his SCHOOL li'-' S the 16' th inst. N. B. Without any panegyric or: fns pecu'ia; filiation, or his mode of education, r, least of a!;, his oWi. abiiitv, which, alas! is seldom little more tha:! a mere* puff, t'aainrK. the vanity of the one, and soothing the caprice of the othej,— C. H. presumes to offer to the parents . ...:! friends of his pupils such an education as may be coin', i ..'. e to their present w el- fare, and which may facilitate their future (. regress in life, whenever they shall be removed i: utu his e'e; ci. Close Gate, Saruu, Jjtu. •-, ;'. ' r>., f ld- 2 AT Mr. WESTLAKES's BOARDING- SCHOOL, X? L Barton Stacev, Hants, fourteen youna; Gentlemen are treated with parental tenderness and expeditiously qualified for the counting- house, or trade, at £ sn per annum, includ- ing every- expence, clothes excepted:— The Rudiments of the Latin Tongue arc also taught, without any other extra charge than hooks. Each pupil brings a silver spoon, four towels, and a pair of sheets, which are returned on his leaving school. The distinguished patronage this School has received de- mands Mr. Wcstlake's grateful acknowledgements, wiiich he desires to make Ins frieuds ; assuring them that the same assiduity and and attention which have gained him their ap- probation, will he invariably pursued. School re- opens January 23. [ 18 An ENOMSII, COMMRKMI.. ami M. ii. u. tt. vricAi, SCHOOL, CASTLE- ST RI. IET, S AUSbURY. MR. WILLS, with sincere and grateful thanks to his friends for their support and recommendation, most respectfully . acquaints then and the public, that his ACADEMY \ frill re open Monday the Uith of Janu irv, ISOfi. The business of this. Academy is , o niithodicitHy conducted as to be. adapted to the, various capacities and attainment* of the pupils; and the System of. Education which has already acquired him such general count; risace, comprises Reading, S pulling, Writing, plain and or- namental, Arithmetic, English grammatically Merchants' Accounts, Geography, with the Use of th the Globes, Mensuration, Algebra, Navigation, Add all Other useful branches of the Mathematics. Every pupil, as he advances, is taught the whole course of instruction professed in the School; in eases, however, where it is known, more immediate attention is paid to that part of . educatiim requisite to quality the student for his future pur- suits in life. TERMS— for Boarders, 18 Guineas per Annum. Entrance 1 Guinea. A limited number of Daj'- Scholafs t ,,„ ,, ( as Writers) 19 6 per Quarter. To those more advanced in the School 0 15 0 The Mathematicians l I o The house having lately been considerably enb. r^ d and improved, is rendered in every respect convenient and suitable for the profession ; indeed the health, cleanliness, and com- forts of the pupils have ever been particularly regarded, and Mr. Wills pledges himself to a continuance o" f the same, by every personal attention and parental kindness. N. B.— FRENCH. DANCING, DRAWING, & C. if required. WANTED,— A well recommended person, as WRITING ASSISTANT. Apply ( letters post- paid) as above. [ 771 Castle- Street, Dec. 23, 1808. w MARLBOROUGH. ILLIAM GRESLEY continues fp> undertake the EDUCATION of Young GENTLEMEN, to in- struct them in a complete course of English, Classical, and Commercial Learning. Terms, which are moderate, may be known as above. The above course of education includes instruction in the Latin and Greek Languages, Writing, Arithmetic, Book- keeping, Merchants* Accounts, practical Surveying of Land and Measuring of Timber, Geography, with the tlse of the GlobcsandMa. ps, History, Composition, and Elocution. The premises are well adapted'for the accommodation of youth, and particular attention is paid to the health and com- fort of the pupils. W. G. gratefully acknowledges the liberal patronage of his friends, and begs to assure them that it will ever be his con- stant airti to merit a continuance of that support, which, by his unremitted assiduity, he has so successfully acquired. French, Music, & c. & c. by approved masters. The present recess terminates on Monday the 16th of Jan. 180.9, when the School begins. [:-' 2 BareJiam Roar ding School, near Warminster. rSHAPCOTT respectful I v informs hi* friends and • the public, that his SCHOOL will re- open on Monday the 23d inst. * [ 122 TISBL'RY COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, under the direction of E. M. HE « I., will re- open on'Monday the 16th rust. F. H. would deem himself deficient in gratitude to his friends and the public,. if he omitted to acknowledge the very frittering encouragement? with which he his been honoured in the line of . his profession— a patronage which he has uni- formly endeavoured to deserve by the closest personal applica- tion, and the most unceasing attention to every thine, con- nected with the niorals, health, comforts, and solid im- provement of his Pupils. [ 2 WESTBUBY SCHOOL. EMELSOM thankfully acknowledges the er. cou- l • ragement he has already received, and respectfully in- forms his friends and the public, that he wishes, after the present recess, which terminates the 1,6th of Januarv, to en- large the number of his Boarders.- E. M. teaches the Eng- lish Language, Writing, and Arithmetic j aqd, if desired, the rudiments of the Latin Tongue and Geti< r} aphy. To make the situation of his pupil' as mush like home as is compatible with their improvement, they have the advantage of parlour boarding, without eitra charge. [ 119 TERMS— 14 guineas per annum, under six years of age— 16. guineas from six to ten— and 18 guineas for all above ten. J EDUCATION. SHAFTESBURY ACADEMY, under the super- intsndance of JOHN CHRISTIE, A. M. opens on Monday the 23d of January, 1& 09. [ 160 Child bheford, near Iilandfard, Dorset. GMONK begs to return his grateful acknowledg- • ments to his friends for their distinguished favors, and informs them and the public, that his SCHOOL, for the re- ception of young Gentlemen as boarders and day- scholars, re- opens the 10th of January 1809. Those Parents and Guardians that honour him with the care of their children and wards, may_. be confident that a strict attention will be paid to their education, morals, and health. [ 47 CHII. D- OKEFORD BOARDING- SCHOOL. LONGMAN respectfully acquaints his friends 0 • and the public that his School will be openedVgain January 16', 1809. [ liij EDUCATION. DORCHESTER Classical, Matl e natical, and Commercial ACADEMY, by J. Tin. sow, SON, and Assistants, will re- open after the present recess on Monday tht; 16th of January 1809.— Dorchester, Dec. 29, 1808. QQ" A FK: NCH MASTI. II ' a native of France, and now on half- pay as an Officer in the English service' is engaged to teach- the French Language in this Academy, who comes well reiommendedby persons of the first respectability. [ 88 / i Young I. AUY, of respectable character and con- JL. nections, wishes to erigage as a TEACHER in a Young 1 e. i • . y School; she is qualified to teach English Grammar :. Geography. B.' 1 :'/: rs' ( post paid) directed to A. B. Post- office, YtfOV'!, S'J'OJF -: t, will bepimctu. lUy attended to. [ 12 ANTED at Lady Day,— An ASSISTANT, capable of teaching Arithmetic and Writing. A - tends pet'i n, who has been employe?) in tint capacity, w i be re'y to the Advertiser, on applying at the Printing- office, Ssi'iimry.' " [ 174 TO W hiTING- MASTERS. 7" A^ TED. after the Christmas Vacation, in- a nectable Boarding- School,— A sober, si - vlv Person, as WRlTiNvi- MASTFR. As the salary and treatment w: li- tKHbbrra), it is r* quer-/.-; n one will ap(>'\ who not pro- prfiy ( jjjahfied for y/: situation, or ivliose e'hatetci wtll not b.'.- nr die strictest inquiry. Letters, containing specimens of pemna:.? hip, addressed t.> th.: Primers, Will ( if the postage is paid) meet proper at- t-. ntion. A CURATE WANTED IN HAMPSHIRE. WANTED, at Lady- Day next, to reside in the Vicarage House, at a village in the neighbourhood of Andover,— A CLERGYMAN in full Orders. The house is in good repair, with auaall walled garden, a coacU house, and good three- stalled stable. For particulars appiv to the Rev. A. B. Post- Office, Romsey, Hants. . " ras WANTED, A CURATE, to undertake the Duty of a CURACY in Hampshire.- For paniculars apply to the Printers, postpaid. [ j 74 There is 110 Parsonage- house.— Salary 60/. per ann. w TWYfORD Grammar, Mathematical, and Com- mencial ACADEMY, { thr- e miles from Windiest^ and nine from Southampton,) will open, after the present recess, on Monday the 23d of January, 180.9. The improvements made by the young Gentlemen at this School since Midsummer, will, Mr. Hanington presumes, merit the future support and recommendation of his friends; to all of whom he begs to return his sincere and bearty thanks, and respectfully assures them and the public, that the same care and attention ( which has for these eleven years past gained him such general coununar. ce and success) will in avery respect be continued, and no expence spared that will add either to the comfort or improvement of his- pupils. Mr. H. is happy to add his health is much impro « ; d lately, which will enable him in future to take a more a^ R part in the general business of the School. The Terms, which are very moderate, may be known by applying to Mr. H. at the School, either by letter or personal application.—' TWV* ORB, Dec. 20, 1808, [ 741 Tilshead Sch& ol, on the Wiltshire DJU IIS. TUCKER, thanking his friends for past favors, 4. • and soliciting their future ones, respectfully informs them and the public in general, tnat the business of his School will re- commenct^ on the 19th of January. In this Seminary young Gentlemen ar, instructed in the principles of the English Language, Reading with proper ac- cent and emphasis, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Accounts, by single and double entry, Geometry, and Trigonometry, both theoretically and practically, Mensuration of Timber, Land, & c. together with Geography, and the Use of the Giobes. Dancing weekly.— The terms are unobjectionable* The system of Education which is adopted in this School has been highly conducive to the improvement of the Pupils •„ to the truth of this assertion many gentlemen of respectabi- lity are ready to bear testimony. Cleanliness, exercise, in short, every thing that contributes to health and comfort, are objects to which is paid particular attention. Mathematical Instruments are provided for the use of such Pupils as learn tbe branches to which they respectively ap- pertain. It will contribute much to the advantage of the young Gen- tlemen, if Parents, on sending them to this School, or at leas; some time bofore they are to leave it, will signify to the Master, for what employment in life they are designed, as he can then forward them in such branches of education as may be most useful to them ; otherwise much time and labour may be spent in learning things, for a knowledge of which they may never have any occasion. T11. SHEAD is a small village on Salisbury Plain, 14 milra from Salisbury, 10 from Warminster, 8 from Devizes, and 7 from Heytesbuty, and universally esteemed OK of the most salubrious spots in the West of England. [ 133 Twice a year the Scholars will b; called to a Public EUa- ni nation, and rewards wil) be btstawed an the meritorious. w TO LAND SURVEYORS. ANTED,— An ASSISTANT, who is com- pletely master of his profession, both in the field and at home. A steady person, answering the above description, may have constant emjioy on application ( personally) to Mr. 1' ubb, land- surveyor, Fisherton, near Salisbury. * [ 105 PROFESSION. WANTED,- An APPRENTICE to a SURGEON and APOTHECARY, who will be treated as one of the family.— A Premium will be expected. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Randall, chymiu, Southampton. £ ao TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. WANTED,— A sober YOUTH, of genteel address, and of respectable connexions, as an APPRENTICE- to a ME a CER, LINEN and WOOI. I. BN DRAPER, tkc. in a large market town in the south of Hampshire.— I'he Youth will be treated in every respect as one of the family. Letters post paid) addressed to Mr. Worsley, solicitor, Newport, Isle of Wight, will be strictly'attended to. [ 752 WANTED, as an APPRENTICE in the LINEN and WOOLLEN DRAPERY,— A steady, active YOUTH, of good connections. He will be trcattd in all respects as one of the family. A premium is expected. Apply ( if by letter, postpaid) to Messrs. New and Bevis, Southampton.' . [ 17s WANTED in an Attorney's Office,— An ARTI- CLED CLERK ; Premium not so much an object as attention to business. No objection to take a Young Man of respectability into the family, but in that case a liberal Pre- mium would be required.—— WANTED also,— A WRITER, who can Engross well, and has been accustomed to the busi- ness of an Attorney's Office. For Address, apply to Mr. Langdon, Printer, Sherborne.— [ One'concern J [ 810 w TANTED, in a Family in the Country, A ' steady Man as FOOTM AN under a Butler.' Apply to the Printers ; if by letter, post paid. [ 129 TO BAILIFFS. 7" ANTED immediately,— A sober, steady Man, WORKING BAILIFF. F01 further particulars enquire of G. R. Tiller, Esq. Damer- ham, Wilts. ' [ 157 " l^ STANTED, to live with a Bachelor, A yourg V V Man as FOOTMAN : he must be spber, steady, and clear.; also understand waiting at tabic, cleaning plate, boots and shoes ; and to be in the Stable oocasinw. lly to help the Groom. A gqod character is expected from rfis last place. Enquire by letter ( post paid; addressed; A. B. at Moore's CirculatingLibrary, Poole. • [ 145 - V..- V-, anu givi II r. V acquainted with the Corn Trade, the more aareeSb Enquire of the Printers of this Paper ( if by letter, YyANTED immediately,— A CLERK in a Mer- * . chants Countmg- Hoifse, in a pleasant seaporttpwn. — He must write a good hand, understand book- WWing, come well recommended, and give security if required. It post j* d.) TO BOOKSELLERS, ITE! WANTEDS— A SITUATION for a YOUTH . ° f > vars of age-, to be turned over as an Apprentice to a Bookseller, Bookbinder, and Stationer, for the remainder of a term of three years ;— the person to whom' he is bound having retired from business. For further particulars apply to Mr. Lacy, organist, atWar- rmnster, or Mr. Hedderly, Appleshaw; letters ; post paid) will be immediately answered." f4 WANTED immediately,- - A JOURNEYMAN BOOKBINDER. A " Man that understands extra wor - may have constant employ and good wages by aoplvinz to J. Shipp, bookseller, Blandford. An APPRENTICE wanted in the Bookselling and Book- b nding Business.— Apply as above. p .-, 2 ANTED immediately,—- One or two JOURNEY- MEN WOOLLSORTERS— G. od hands may have constant employ and good wages 6y applying to Messrs. Jas. Pinnockand Son, Winchester. WAN I ED, An active, steady Person, tho- roughly acquainted wi h his dutv as FOOTMAN, in a respectable family, and from 18 to 30 years of age, and who would have no objection to make himself otherwise use ul. Apply to the Printers. n.'. i ANTED,— Two clever, able, and industrious SHIPWRIGHTS and CAULKERS, capable of ma- naging repairs. Good wages and constant employ, and each will be allowed an Apprentice. Apply to W. Burridge and Sons, Portsmouth. [ 124 IOST, on Tuesday the 13th ult. A White and U Liver- coloured SETTER DOG, about seven months old. Whoever, has found him arid will bring him to Mr. Jones, Hanging Langford, shall receive Flalf- a- Quinea re- ward ; and whoever detains him after this notice will be pro- secuted. [ l03 LOST, out of the New Forest,— A Red HEIFER, rising two vears old. a little white on the rump, the near ear sloped half, the off ear a halfpenny cut out of each sid :. A Mo, t! ey- co. oui\. d HEIFER, risii g tw » years old, the near car cropped, and off ear halved. A. rO a Mottlev- co'oured HEIFER, rising two years old, a halfpenny cut out « f the t ear ear on top and under, the oh' car cropped : jnd slit. W hoever wiH bring the said Heifers to Mr. Stephen A vies, at Pi miner, shall receive ONE GUINEA Regard. [ ISO T~ 0 SMALL CLOAK BAG'S and a MAN'S SADDLE ' lost from behind a gentleman's carriage, . on ' he ?< th of last mouth, between Spetisbury and Pimpcrne.— Any person who has found them, and will bring them to Mr. WOKLEY, at the Crown Inn, Blandford, shall receive TWO GUINEAS Rewa^ and a proportionate sym for either of them; or if an~ ne can give information where they are secreted they 5ha! l receive the same reward. Who- ever is discovered concealing them, knowing them to be the prope: ty of the adv. m- , r, shall be puiiislicd'with the great* st severity,; and an additional reward of Ten Guineas Will be g: en to any person who shall be the means of his or their oonviction. 1159 STOLEN or Strayed, on Fti lay night the 2d of December, 180s, from a fMd near" Roms. y.— A well- bred fast trotting BLACK 1VIARF, 14 hands old 1 inch high, r s; uj four yeoti. old, rather heavy ears, small eyes, and thick jaw', remarkably -.:;, ight letted, and handsome nnde in every- ether respect} large saddle spots on each side, with a small white spit on the hind leg ; cut tail. If S" •'.'"'.. ONE GUINEA Reward and Expcnces: if stolen, ! 1 " 1 E G* ( N'KAS aril Expences, by Mr. Stephen Matfi y. She! field- farm, near Romsey, ' K> e is supposed robe sroUr. with a Frown Gelding, i » h ir- d; high, swite. h aged, by two men having the sp- peursuttr of gypsies. [" 104 TO MILLERS. WANTED Immediately,— A steady sober MAN, who perfectly understands the business, and can bring a good charactcr. Enquire of Mr. S. Coombs, Lovington Mills, near Castle Car/, Somerset. [ 101 SUES." STEALING. Fifteen Guineas Reward, in addition to the usual Reutari given by Act of Parliament. {^ IVE GUINEAS for the apprehension, and Five more on the conviction of JOHN PEERM1N, alias GARRETT, who stands charged with being an accomnlicc with JOHN LUFFMAN ( now in custody.) in sbooti'. is'and t . king away, on or about the iOd of last month, at V. arsash, in the parish ofTitehfield, A SOUTH DOWN LAMB, the propertv of Captain FOOTE, of the Royal Navy. The said JOHN PEERMJN is S feet It inches high, about thirty years of age, pale faced, raw boned, and powerful; has a scar on bis nose, which is turned cn one s: de, and strait brown hair: his father, Jonathan Garrett, lives at Hogs Mount, near Southampton, but J. P. has not of late shewn himself in that neighbourhood by day, owing, it is said, to there being a warrant cut against him for house- breaking. J. P. passed over Bursledon Bridge, towards Southampton, at eight o'clock in- the evening of the 23th of last month, with an axe, a gun, and a saw on his shoulder, and it i. s probable he then went to his wife's mother's, who lives at Houndown, nearTotton, on the road to Lyndhurst. ® A further Reward of Five Guineas will be paid, on con- viction, by the Titchfield Association. [ tei> ^ TO THE PRINTERS. OBSERVING an Advertisement in your last week's Journal, cautioning the Lymington " Tradesmen not to trust me, JAMES MATHEW, in Mr. WILSON'S name, and accusing me of absenting afiyself from his service— which was wrong represented, as he turned me out of doors, without my clothes, after eight years faithful service. It would have been acting much more the gentleman in Mr. Wilson to have P'lid me my wages, and not to have given himself the trouble with such a public caution, in endeavouring to injure me, as my character for honesty is well known to the'Tradesmen and Inhabitants of Lymington. The Mark X of JAMES MATHEW. Lymington, Jan. 5, 180D. [ ISS GEORGE CATHERY, ESQ. DECEASED. PERSONS having any Claim on the Estate and Effects of GEORGE CATHERY, late of New Alrolcni. in the county of Southampton, Esq. deceased, are requi ted bv his Executor t > transmit the same to Mr. Kerbv, solicitor, Alresford. Dec. 87, 1803. ' I70 Uoticc 11 Debtors and Creditors. A Persons having any demands on' the Estate of the late Mr. GEORGE PENFORD, of Ringwood, de- ceased, are, desired to send in th » ir accounts, in order that the ' Utile may be immediately discharged; and all persons in- debted to the said estate are requested'to pay the same without lelay. JAMES PENFORD, Executor. HENRIETTA PENFORD, Executrix. FINOWOOB. Jan. 3, 180.' » . [ 107 KEDITORS of THOMAS SCARD, the of T otton, in the parish of Eling, in the county of Southampton, Merchant, who have not already delivered i « particulars of their demands, are earnestly requested to send the. same to the Office of Messrs. Daman and Warner, R.- msc- e. before Friday the' 20th day of Januarv instant,' on which day a general Meeting of his Creditors will be held at the Jinclu. r Inn, Redbridge, at eleven o'clock in the foremen, for the purpose of investigating the state of his ; ffirrs. Jan. S, lion. • DAMAN and WARNER, Solicitors. THE AMBOYNA TOOTH- POWDER, IS by far the most pleasant of any Powder recom- mended for CLEANSING and BEAUTIFYING thr Teeth ; it will be found to answer every end thai a tooth ; tw- der can reasonably be expected to do. The AMBOYNA LOTION is also prepared, for the same purposes. _ It removes the scurvy, makes" the lips and gums A Situation for a Gardener. APerson who has worked and understands the Nur- sery business in all its branches, Grafting, Budding, Laying, Planting, Pruning, to. may have constant employ with good wages, by giving satisfactory references respecting ability, honesty, <^ nd sobriety, into which the strictest inquiry will be made. Letters ; postpaid) addressed to Mr. Mottlsy, Portsmouth, will be immediately attended to Ho ob^ uetion to a snarriei jwan, rjPHE € k; E younger, f: om the mouth, and in a short time mak. s the breath tweet.' The drug from which the Amboyna Powder is prepare^ e. the produce of Asia, first imported by a prof. y,' l0nal genf rcnn of character and fortune, and some of » j,' s fitst 5er.-" men tof the faculty who use it declare it a fine stcmac^ bracer; and fcr safety, proper for an infant. It the foulness the mouth is subject to, f/ 0m die' macb, by its purifying and balsamic oualir The Tooth Powder, Is. e. d.— the I Sold wholesale and retail by i? rosii fard, Salisbury, wholesale venders f < b , c an.? eradica*' . or fo^ J- ^ rjon, 4f. f TI1H SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL, Wednesday's and Thursdays Posts. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE OF JANUARY 8. - ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, Jan. 3. •^ T TICE- ADMIRAL Lord CollingWooJ has, with his letter of the 25th of October last, transmitted » Letter from Opt, Pearse, of his Majesty's sloop the Halcyon, giving ail ccflount of the . capture of the wViole of a convoy belonging to the enemy under the town of l) i,. mante, on the 1th of September, by tbe above sloop.'' the Weaz'e ( Cftiit: Pre « ott), and a Neapolitan gal- ley, with a' drtachir. cnt of the British army under the command of Lieut. Col. Bryce. N. P>. Tlic particulars of this affair are contained in the letter avid inclosure from Lieut. Gen. Sir John Stuart, in- serted hi the Gazette of the 13th ult. 0>/, y of a Letter from Capt. Thoi,. Harvey, of his Ma- jesty's ship the Standard, da'ed o[ f Corfu, June 26, 1808, to lice- Admiral Lord (.' Ming- wood. MV LORD, AT davli jht this morning .1 fell in witb| La Yolpe, Italian gutl- boaf, commanded by Ensign de Vaisseau Mieheli Man- gin, eairying aii iron four- pounder, with men well armed. The La LegWa, lYc- neh dispatch- boat, with a well- armed crew nf 14 men, was with La Volpe. At nine, the wind failing, I sent the pinnace with Lieut. Richard Cull, and- the eight- oared cutter with Capt. Nicholls, of • he Royal Marines ( both volunteers), in chaee. After two hours' rowing, the weather very hot, th* y approached La Volpe, who commenced a fire of niusqctry on them, which was returned with the sw'n-.' ds, and, when near, with muskets. On the boats approaching each quarter to hoard, the gfm- boat pulled short round, and fired at the cutter both round and grape y the boats dashed at him, When he struck, and was taken possession of bv Captain Nicholln ; Lieut. Cull immediatj1 pu « lu'd on in chace of La Legera. Some thne previous to this 1 had dispatched the yawl, with Lieutenant John Alexander, to be ready- to cut her otf; which affording him the opportunity of obliging ber to run on shore about four miles northward of Cape St. Mary, the crew formed on the rocks above her, and endeavoured to prevent the yawl's approach( hut she was taken possession of bv Lieut. Alexander, who was immediately after joined by Lieut, t oll and Captain Nit- hulls ; they towed her out under a fire of musketry from the shore, which was returned by our Marines in the hut with gteat spirit ; one of the Frenchmen was seen ki led, A French Ensign tie Vaisseau was passenger in La Lgera. 1 was much gratified on the return of the boats in learning we had not suffered.—— I remain, & c. ( Signed) THOMAS HARVEY. WAR- OFFICR, Jan.*. 3".? Ilrg. hj Foot.— Capt. William I- ambton to be Major, by purchase, vice. Mum, who retires. OITTINANCE- ORNCK, Dec. 31. Royal Reg. of Artillery.— Maior- Gen. and Col. Edwafd Stephens to be Colonel- Com- nnn'hr. t, vice Mauley, decease*! ; Lieut. Col. Flower M. Spicule to be Colonel, vice Stephens; Major W. P. Oole- brnke to be Lieutenant- Colonel, vice Sproule ; Brevet Major Francs Rev to be Major, vice Colcbrooke. CommisAon in the Dorsetshire Reg. of Militia, signed ly the Lard Lieutenant.— C. Courtin, Gent, to be Ensign, vice- Gray, resigned. BANKRUPTS. Jame « Tlaersnn, of Bury; tj* rttasliire, innkeeper, ^ nhn Smith, of Nuttingiiam, mercer. this expedition, have done honour to the troops, and re- flected lustre on your Majesty's arms. All of which is most dutifully submitted. DAVID DUNDAS, General PEMBROKE, Licut.- Gen. G. NUGFCNT1, Lieut.- Gcn. 6L. NICOLLS, Lieut.- Gen. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4. Portuguese Papers to the late date of Dec. 21, were received this morning.— The following important state- ment is given in the Lisbon Gazette of Dec. 16, lieing the Substance of an official report made to the Supreme Junta of Spain by the biave Don Jo=. Palafox, General in Chief of the Armv of Arragon, dated Dec. $ — " The enemy, from 12 to 15,000 strong, supported by ? 000 horse, attacked, on the In lust, the extensive line of the canal of Saragossa. The bridge, defended by the in- trepid Airagonese, was three times taken and retaken. The divi ion of Astu: i to troops, which serves in the army, behaved with toe utmost gallantry, and attacked the eucu\ y with such uncommon intrepidity and spirit, that they completely routed and compelled him to retreat with tbe utmost precipitation, notwithstanding his great su- periority iti number. He left 2,000 killed on the field of battle, and was convinced by his complete defeat that if he lately obtained some advantages, he was merely indebted for them to casualties arising from circumstance's, and to the want of subordination and discipline which prevailed among some pf our troops.— Let them imitate the perse- verance- of the Arragonese, and their obedience to their Generals an 1 Chiefs, and tbe enemy will soon experience thet neither the rapidity of his movements, nor his boasted superiority of tactics, can subdue a nation which has sworn to live and die free, Spaniards, let us fulfil the sacred oath ; God, the King, the country, our wives and children, exact it from us ; let us not frustrate their hopes, the hopes of all Europe, which has her eyes fixed on us with admiration jind envy." The division of the French army defeated as above stated, * » a , doubtless, that commanded by Marshal Ney, of whom the writer of one of the late French Bulletins briefly stated that he had been at Saragossa. An American vessel, which lately sailed from this c untry for Amsterdam, has returned, having been refitted iieiinission to land.— So great is the severity with which the Dutch decrees against commerce are enforced, ( i. t not the slightest communication was allowed between ber and. the shore. She has, of course, brought no news, The frost having set in, she was obliged to cut the ice, and warp out of Amsterdam harbour. • M. MTARY IMQCIRY.— The Duke of York has published t'le Report of the Committee of Military Inquiry on the C/ ntra Convention. Two- thirds of this Report are occupied i. l giving an abstract of the evidence ; after which the Ke- jo. t proceeds thus :— On the whole it appears, that the operations of the ar ov under Sir Arthur Wellesley, from his landing in M . ndego Bay the 1st of August, until the conclusion of the ac ion at Vimiera, the 21st of August, were highly Ho- lt enable and successful, and such as might he ^ xpected f • oil a distinguished General, at the head of a British army © 14,000 men, augmented ou the 20th and 21st to 17,000, < 1 ri ' i g only some small aid from a Portuguese corps ( 1600 men), and against whom an enemy, not exceeding 14, > 00 men in the field, was opposed ; and this before the arri al of a very considerable reinforcement from England • nder Lieut.- Gfen. Sir John Moore, which, however, did arrive and join the army, from the 25th to the 30th of August. 1l appears a point on which no evidence adduced can e able the Board to pronounce, with confidence, whether or not a pursuit after the battle of the 21st, could have been efficacious ; nor can the Board feel confident to deter- mine 011 the expedience of a forward movement to Torres Yedra « , when Sir Harry Burrard had stated weighty consi- derations against such a measure. Further, it is to be ob- served, that so many collateral circumstances could nut be known in the moment of the enemy's repulse, as after- wards became clear to the army, and have been represented to the Board. And considering the EXTRAORDINARY CIR- CUMSTANCF. S under which two new Commanding Generals arrived from the ocean, and joined the army ( the ofie during, and the other immediately after, a battle, and those successively superseding each other, and both the original commander within the space of 24 hours), it is not surprising that the army was not carried forward, until the second day after the action, from the necessity of the Ge- nerals being acquainted with the actual state of things, and of their army, and proceeding accordingly. t;- It appears'that the Convention of C. intra in all its pro- gress and conclusion, or at least all the principal articles of it, was not objected to hy the five distinguished Lieutenant- Generals of that army; ami other General Officers who were on that service have concurred in the great advan- tages that were immediately gained, to the country of Por- tugal-, to the army and navy, and to the general service, iiv the conclusion of the convention at that time. " On a consideration of all circumstances, as set forth in this Report, we most humbly submit our opinion, that lio farther military proceeding is necessary on the subject.. Because, howsoever some of u. s may differ in our senti- n> - nts respecting the fitness of the Convention in the rela- tive situation of the two armies, it is our unanimous decla- ration, that unquestionable zeal and firmness appeal- throughout to have been exhibited by Lieutenant- Generals Sir Hew Dalrymple, Sir Ilarry- Burrard, and Sir Arthur Wetles'ev, as " well as that tbe ardour and gallantry of the of the officers aud soldiers, on every occasion during MOIKA, General PETER CRAIG, General IlEATHriF. i. D, General 22d of December 1808. On the 25tli of December, the Commander in Chief wrote a Letter to Sir David Dundas, as President of the Board of Inquiry, wherein his Royal Highness says, " Your opinion upon the conditions of the Armistice and Conven- tion, which the words of bis Majesty's warrant expressly enjoin should be strictly examined, enquired into, and re- ported upon, has been altogether omitted. I feel it my duty, therefore, to call your attention to these two princi- pal features of this important ease, the Armistice and Convention, aud to desire that you may be pleased to take the same again into your most serious consideration, aud as it appears npoil the face of your Report, that a differ- ence of opinion exists among the Members of the Board, which may probably produce a dissent. from the majority upon these very questions; - you will be pleased, therefore, to desire such of the Members as may be of a different opinion from the majority upon those two queftitfns, to record upon the face of the proceedings their- reason for such dissent." In consequence of this letter, tbe Board met on the 27th at the Jiulge- Advocate- General's Office, when they agreed that the following Questions should be put to each of the Members Of the Board :— Do you, or do") DISAPPROVE. APPROVE. Lieut..- Gen. Nicolls Lt.- Gcn. SirG. Nugent Earl of Pembroke l. orrl Heathfield General Craig General Sir D. Dundas Earl of Moira APPROVE. Lt.- Gcn. Sir G. Nuircnt Gen. Lord llcatbheld General Craig Gen. Sir D. Dundas DISAPPROVE. Lt.- Gen. Nicolls Earl of Pembroke Earl of Moira you not approve of the Armistice as concluded on - J the - 2- 2d of Aug. ) » 1808, in the re- lative situation of the two ar- jriies ? " Do you, or do* you not approve of the Conven- tion corrclude/ 1 upon the 31stof August 1808, in the relative situ- ation of the two ^ armies ? J The three General Officers who thus differ from the ma- jor tv have given their reasons for that difference of opi- nion . Lieut.- Gen. Nicolls is very concise : " I think, considering the great increase of our force from the first suspension of hostility to the definitive sign- ing of the Convention, added to the defeat the enemy had suffered, Sir Hew Dalrymple was fully entitled to have in- sisted upon more favourable terms. Ol. NICOI. LS, L. G." The Earl of Pembroke f- ays,—" 1 approve of the Armis- tice after due consideration of the relative situation of the two armies on the evening of the 22d'of Augn- t, but I cannot fully approve of the whole of the Convention, after a due consideration of the relaiive situation of the two ar- mies at that time ; because itdoes not appear to mo that, in the progress of the negociation, sufficient stress was laid upon the great advantages which had resulted, or were likely to result, from the former successful operations of the British army in the field, from the considerable rein- forcements wljich had joined it, subsequent to the com- mencement of the negociation, from the cause in which the British army was engaged being the cause of Portugal, which gave good reason to reckon upon the good will, if not upon the active assistance, of the majority of the inha- bitants; and, also, from tbe unusual readiness which, as it appears to me, was manifested by Gen. Jiinot to enter into negociation, and by the French nogociator to accede to terms as they were proposed, and to such construction as Lieut.- Gen. Sir 1 lew Dalrymple put upon them in some instances, where they might have borne a difference of interpretation. . 1 therefore think it probable, for tbe above reasons, that if less favourable terms to the French army had been insisted upon, they would have been de- ceded to. PEMBROKE, Lieut.- Gen.') The Earl of Moira, after an unnecessary apology .' or differing from the majority on a question of judgment, goes into the subject at great length, and assigns the bil- lowing among other forcible reasons for his dissent >— " The French make an attack with their whole disposeable strength, and are repulsed with b- avv loss, though but a part of the British army is brought isrfo the action. Sir Hew Dalrymple notices what he calls " tbe critical and embarrassed state of Junot," before that General has been pressed by the British army ; and in explanation of the expression, observes, that the surrender of Dupont, the existence of the victorious Spanish army in Andalusia, which cut off the retreat of the French in that direction, snd the universal hostility of the Portuguese, made the si- tuation of Junot one of great distress. The strongest of all proof, as to Junot's opinion, arises from his sending the very morning after the battle of Vimiera, to propose tbe evacuation of Portugal ; a step which sufficiently indicated that he was satisfied he could not only make no effectual defence, but could not even prolong tbe contest to take the chance of accidents. He seems, indeed, to have been without any real resource. " It appears in evidence, that of the troops left by him in Lisbon and the forts, a considerable proportion were of very doubtful quality. Those troops on whose fidelity he could confide, had been dismayed by a signal defeat, and they were sensible they had no succour to look to from abroad. To the British Generals it was known, when the Armistice was gianted, lhat 10,000 men under Sir John Moore, as well as the 3fst and 42d regiments of foot, with the 18th dragoons, might be immediately reckoned upon ; and although much advantage had not been drawn from the Portuguese troops, their support and the general vio- lence of the country against the French, cannot be laid out of this calculation. " The disparity of force and of circumstances was, then, such as could leave no doubt that the issue must be favour- able to us. The question then comes to this: whether the Convention did ( as has been assarted; secure all the objects which were proposed in the expedition. If it did not, it was not what his. Majesty was entitled to expect from the relative situation of the two armie'. " I humbly conceive it to have been erroneous to regard the emancipation of Portugal from the French, as the sole or principal object of the expedition. Upon whatever ter- ritory we contended with tbe French, it must be a promi- nent object in the struggle to destroy their resources, and to narrowJtheSr means of injuring us, or those whose etmse we are supporting. This seems to have been so little con- sidered in the Convention, that the terms appear to have extricated Junot's army from a situation of infinite distress, in wInch it was wholly out of play, and to have brought it, in a state of entire equipment, into immediate currency, in a quarter too, where it must interfere with our most urgent and interesting concerns." LOCAL MILITIA.— Lord Hawkesbury has sent a circular letter to the Lords Lieutenants of Counties, dated the 7th ult. in which he- states, that, from and after the 24th inst. one half of the Non- commissioned Officers and ttrummers, allowed on the establishment of each regiment of Local Militia, together with the Drum- major, shall be placed on permanent pay; and that from, the aforesaid period, the pay of the Adjutant should be increased to 8i. per diem, and that of the Quarter- master to . ru. per diem.— The following is the allowance for clothing Serjeant- Major.. ,£ 4 10 0 S: rjeant 3 10 0 Drum- Major 4 1 a Corporal-. £ l 0 0 Drummer 3 1 9 Private 1 19 t! A more affecting case than the following has seldom occurred:— The wife of Mr. Middleton, a farmer at Win- moor, near Heslerton, upon the Wolds, in Yorkshire, with her infant child, her sister and the housekeeper, had been at a farm- house of Mr. Middleton's, at some little distance, and set out on their return home in the afternoon ol' Saturday se'nmght. Two men belonging to the farm had been with Mr* Middle. ton afterwards, and told hifti of the party having left the farm, but supposed, a-^ the day was so stormy, they must have returned, with an intention of stopping there for the night. Should this not prove to be the case, the men proposed to go back immediately to Mr. Middleton, and inform him of it. Not hearing any thing from them, Mr. Middluton supposed the party had returned and were safe. About ten o'clock at night, however, as he was going to look after some slieup near the huuse, his foot struck against something, which, on examination, proved to he the body of a dead child; and his astonish- ment and affliction may be more easily conceived than ex- pressed, when he found it to be his own, and only daughter. On making further search immediately, his wife and house- keeper, and his wife's sister, were found at a short distance, nearly lifeless; the two former arc recovering, but his sister had lost the use of her limbj, and little hopes ate entertained of her regaining the Use of them. BREAD.— There being no Court of Aldermen yesterday, the Lord Mayor, after inspecting the meal- weighers re- turns, ordered that the price of bread should remain at Is. 8|(/. the quartern loaf wheaten, Is. 1 household. CORN MARKET, Jan. 4. The few sales of Wheat ef- fected render the prices almost nominal. Barley and Malt are somewhat dearer. Beans are cheaper. ." Oits are in short supply, but, in consequence of the expected arrivals, are lower. Flour continues at. the last reduced prices. BRISTOL, BATH, AND PORTSMOUTH ROY/ JL MJII, COACH. THE Public are respectfully informed, that A MAILCOAC11 commenced running from the BUSH INN', BRISTOL, on Wednesday the 1 nth of October, 180S, at Three o'Ciock in the Afternoon, from the WHITE HART, BATH, arrive o'Ciock; through SARUM and SOUTHAMP- TON ;— and will leave PORTSMOUTH every Afternoon at Five o'Ciock. [ 93 COMMERCIAL OPPOSITION COACHES, From the THREE SWANS, SAI. UTHURY, to the BELL SAVAGE, LWIIGATE- HILL, LONDON. ^ DWARD PROCKTER and Co. respectfully re- i. U turn thanks to their friends of Salisbury, Wilton, An- dover, & c. for tbe very liberal encouragement they have re- ceived; and beg to inform their friends, that for their better accommodation, the NEW COACH now runs from Lon- don and Salisbury every Afternoon, Saturday excepted. l'ROCKTER, MATCH AM, and Co. also request the In- habitants of SARUM, WILTON, ANDOVKR, 4C. to compare the present con. luct of the. Old Salisbury Coach Prop'rietors with their former.— They can now be very submissive and thankful for favours at lfJj. when only in the month of June they scarcely knew any traveller at Ms and 30.!. and, ac- cording to the strides they were making, it is impossible to conjecture where their avarice and enormous charges would have stopped; it therefore needs no comment to, perceive that their present aim, bv reducing to ltls. is only to endeavour to crush the COMMERCIAL; ijndif suffered by the Publick to accomplish this, judging from their former conduct, what have they no; reason to expect they will in future be made to pay? It therefore only remains with the Inhabitants of Sa- rum, Wilton, & c. who have proved themselves alive to just motives, by the strong and prompt support they have already given to the COMMERCIAL, to continue that support, if even the Old Party were to run for nothing, and to treat such conduct with the contempt it merits; and rest assured it is the intention of the Proprietors of the COMMERCIAL to remain STEADY IN TIIEIR PRICES, and STEADY IN THEIR BUSINESS, in despite of all the Traps put to draw them from their purposes. EDWARD PROCKTER, GEORGE MATCH AM, and CO. COMMERCIAL OFFICE, THREE SWANS, SALISBURY, January 6, 180^. N. B. Carriage of small Parcels, under one pound weight, 6d. only, as Usual. [ 154 CHEAP TRAVELLING. SALISBURY, Inside ANDOVER lGs. 0d. .. 10s. tirI. .. Outside 10s. 6d. 7s. 0d. THE PROFRUSTWRS of the Old SALISBURY COACHES, from the Black Horse Inn, Salisbury, the Bell and Crown Inn, Holborn, and Saracen's Head Inn, Friday- street, Cheapside, respectfully return thanks for past favours. * We have ever considered our Coaches truly Commercial; if Commerce is to be supported by fair pursuits, we claim the priority ; fair gains, with a regard to the public comfort, has been our utmost study ; we do not profess to convev small parcels for a less price than the postage of letters ; we hold out no such artifice ; we have no such commercial views as our Opponent; we wish not to injure the revenue hy pirating the Pest- office, or other Coach Masters. That the public may be in possession of the views of such a Speculator, we think it our duty to explain them : By injuring our trade, he presumes on getting our Coaches re- moved to his Inn, which he assures us is his only object fai opposition ; by reducing the carriage of parcels to ltd. he calculates on the number he shall convey, and what the porterage and b< » . king of them will amount to,— far more than the carriage. To counteract such pursuit, and to protect a trade we have a fair claim to, we pledge ourselves to the Inhabitants of Salisbury and Andover, to convey the public CHEAPER, in better carriages, and witii more expedition, than our opponent. WHITMARSH, FAGG, PENNY, AND BROWN, 94J PROPRIETORS. In defence of mys. tlf, and to prevent an artful spe- culator from acquiring mv trad., tnanv years estukt'*^'!, as well :. s retaliating,' ( for in the first instance, taking a coach- office conti^- jbus Uv the Hell and Crown, and adver- tising all my Coaches from his Inn, thereby deceiving the public, and injuring me and my connections,) I have, for the convenience of my friends and the public, and to prevent, as much as in my power, such fraud, opened a New Coach Office, under the first gateway of the Bell Savage, where passengers are regularly booked, parcels carefully and expe- ditiously forwarded, without any charge for booking. Bell and Crown Inn, Uollorn. THO. FAGG. Salisbury, Wilton, and Andov.- r goods will be- delivered in future without any charge for porterage.— Persons ordering their goods by FAGG, WIIITMARSH, and Co.' s COACHES, and paying the carriage at Salisbury or Andover, their friends in London will punctually receive them free of every charge. NOTICE having been given, pursuant to the standing orders of the House of Commons, that ap- plication will be made in the next Session of Parliament for '• An Act for dividing, allowing, and inclosing the Com- " monable Lands and Waste Grounds in the Parish and " Manor of Pimperne, in the County of Dorset;" the Pro- prietors of Lands and Estates within the said Parish and Manor, interested in such Inclosure, are requested to meet at the Crown Inn, Blandford, on Wednesday the 25th day of January instant, at eleven o'clock, when the intended Bill will be read, for their consideration and correction. Shaftesbury, Jan. G, FPOP. CHARLES BOWLES. NORTON- BAVANT INCLOSURE. ^ E wjiose Names are hereunto subscribed, Com- T v missioners named and appointed by virtue of an Act of Parliament, made and passed in the 45th year of tire reign of his present Majesty, " for dividing certain Lands in the parish of Norton Bavant, in the county of Wilts," do hereby give notice, that we shall hold our next meeting at the Aruei Inn, at Warminster, in the said county of Wilts, cn Thurs- day the I- 2th day of January next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of reading over and executing our Award ; when and where the proprietors may, if they think proper, attend.— Witnt- ssour hands the 15th day of June 1808. ( Witness) R. J. Goucn, Clerk t G. BARNES, to the Commissioners. / J. CHARLTON. ENFORD ENCLOSURE. •^ TTE whose Names are hereunto subscribed, Coni- T \ missioners named and appointed by virtue of an Act of Parliament, made and passed in the 45th year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled, (£ An Act for inclosing Lands in the tvthings of Enford, Fifield, Coombe, I. onestreet, and East Chisenbury, in the parish of Enfcrd, in the county of Wilts," do hereby give notice, that we shall hold our next meeting at the Antelope Inn, at Uphaven, in the said county of Wilts, on Tuesday the luth day of January next. . t eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of executing our Award ; when and where the proprietors may, if they think proper, attend. Witness our hands the seventh day of De- cember 1808, [ 6' 29 ( Witness) R. J. GOUGII, Cl « rk\ G. BARNES, to the Commissioners. / J. CHARLTON. MERE INCLOSURE. WE whose names are hereunto subscribed, Com- missioners appointed by virtue of an Act of Parlia- ment passed in the 47th year of the reign of his present Ma- jesty, intituled " An Act for Inclosing Lands in the parish of Mere, in the county of Wilts," do hereby'give Notice, we have set ou, t and appointed, ( in addition to the 15 several pub- lic carriage roads and highways before setout and advertised, and confirmed by us at our last meeting,) No. it?.— A public Carriage Road and Highway, oo'feet wide, leading from Burton to Chaddenwick, beginning at an old inclosure at Burton, called Burton Orchard, and extending, in or near its present track over Stedham Field, to its present entrance onChaddenwick Farm ; iVh'ch Road we have ascer- tained and marked by stakes driven ifjto the ground, and have prepared and signed a Map thereof, which is deposited at the Office of Messrs. Messiter, WincantOn, Clerks to the said Inclosure, where the same may be inspected by all persons concerned: and we have appointed Monday the 30th day of January next, at the Ship Inn, at Mere aforesaid, for the pur- pose of reeeiving any objection that may be offered to the setting out such Road, And we the said Commissioners do further give Notice, that we have caused an Admeasurement and Plans of the said • parish of Mere to be made and completed for the purposes and according to the directions of the said recited Act; which will be submitted to the inspection and examination of such of the proprietors and persons interested in the said division as choose to attend, between the houis of ten and three, on Tuesday the filst day of January next, at the Ship Iiui, iu Mere aforesaid.— fated Jjeeemler Q8, 1808. * JOHN FIELD. RICHARD WEBB. 136J GEORGE BARNES. LEGACY DUTY. To EXECUTORS and ADMINISTRATORS. 7" HEREAS it appears by the Abstracts of Wills ' and Letters of Administration, returned to the Stamp- office from the several Ecclesiastical Courts, that the Duties granted by the Acts of the 36 Geo. 3. c. 59, 44 Geo. 3. c. 98, and 45 Geo. 3. c. 28, have not been paid in respect of divers legacies and annuities bequeathed by will out of personal or real estate, and in respect of divers residues of personal estate given by will, or devolved to next of kin upon intestacies, par- ticularly in cases where the executors were themselves legatees, or residuary legatees, and where the administrators were the sole next of kin of the deceased : This is to give Notice-, that the Commissioners of Stamps are empowered, by an Act of the last Session of Parliament, to remit the penalties incurred by executors and others in consequence of the. non- payment of the above mentioned duties" within the time prescribed by law, provided the same be paid on or before the 31- st of January, lsog ; and that after that day the Commissioners of Stamps will proceed to insti- tute Prosecutions in the. Exchequer against such Executors and Administrators as shall not avail themselves of the in- demnity offered, for recovering the arrears of the said duties. By order of the Commissioners, C. E. BERESFOIID, Secretarv. STAMP- OFFICE; Dec. 24, 1808. [: M SARUM AND EALING TURNPIKE. " VTOTtCE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising 1 i at the several Toll Gates cn this Turnpike, will be LETT by AUCTION to the best bidder, at the house of Joa- chim Hibbcrd, known by the name of the Maidenhead Inn, in the city of New Sarum, on Friday the lath day of January next, between the hours of eleven and two of the clock, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Third, " for regulating the Turnpike Roads which Tolls produced the last year the several sums hereunder- mentioned, above the expericcs of collecting the same, and will be put up at the respective sums, and in the lots following, viz. Lot 1.— Peter's- fingcr, Earldom's, Totton and „, ,„„ Lvndkurst Gates, j •*•' 0, ifi Lot 2.— Lobcoinbe Gate £ G22 Whoever happens to he the best bidder must, at the same time, give security, with sufficient sure ties to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads, for payment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as ( hey shall direct. WM. BOUCHER, Clerk and Treasurer. SARUM, Dec. 3, 1808. [ 5BI WARMINSTER TURNPIKE. " j^ JOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising X at the several Toll Gates upon the se veral Turnpike Roads at Warminster, in the county of Wilts, calbd or known by the several names of the East, Gate, the South Gate, the North Gate, the Pound- street Gate, the Stop Gates, and the Deverell Gate, will be LETT by PUBLIC AUCTION to the best bidder, at the house of Mr. James Brooks, being the Angel Inn, at Warminster aforesaid, on Monday the 13th day of February next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th year of the reign of his present Majesty, " for regulating the Turnpike Roads ;" which said several Tolls produced the last year to- gether the sum of 1S41'/. above theexpence Of collecting them, and will be put up at that sum. Whoever happens to be- the best bidder must, at the same time, give security, with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads, for payment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall'direct.— Dated this 31 st day of December 1808. 140J JOHN THR1NG, Cleik & Treasurer. Basingstoke, Blackwaier, and Hertfordbridge lioads. IVTOTICE is hereby given, That the TRUSTEES i. ' fat their next Meeting appointed to be held at the house of Mr. Thomas Parsons, the King's Arms Inn, in Murrell, on Thursday the I Sth day of February nex*, at twelve o'clock at noon) will be ready to receive Proposals for contracting with any person or persons, for lowering the Hill called Newrooms Hill ( on the said roid, within the parish of Basing) ; for wid- ning the present Bridge over the Mill Stream ; for forming an Embankment in the valley at the foot of the Hill; for a New Road, to unite with the present Road at the distance of sixty yards from the said Bridge ; and for forming, gravelling, and substantially making the whole Line of Road from the eastward extremity of the said Hill, so to bejlowered, to the termination of the said new Embankment, so to unite with the present Road, according to a Plan and Sections laid down by Mf. John Hughes, Surveyor; which Plan and Sections are now in tbe hands of Mr Raerirett, CU ok the Tre. t— i,, -> tni mis tic inspected by application at his Office in Odiham Hants. By order of the Trustees, Dec. 21, 1808. RD. RAGGETT, Clerk. N. B.— Proposals to be delivered sealed up to Mr. Raggett, on or before the 18th slay of February next. [ 7C3 Manor of SO. V1ERFORD, and ESTATES near Cn ttsT- CHUFICB, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, bv Messrs. Hpo- CART aiid PHILLIPS, ( Successors to Mr. SMITH,) at the George Inn, Christchurch, on Tuesday the 10th of January, 1809, at twelve o'clock, in lots,— A'roost valuable and desirable ESTATE, comprising the Manor of Somer- ford, extending over large commi ns and a great tract of country as far as the New Forest, abounding with game, with the fine- s, quit- rents, and fines on lives, producing about £ too per annum: also sundry pieces of rich inclosed Meadow and Arable Land, laying contiguous to the Town of Christchurch, containing together about forty ;/ cres. borne ; at the George and Dolphins Inns, Southampton ; Crown, Ringwocd ; White Hart, Bath ; Angel, Lvmington ; Fountain, West Cowes ; and Of Messrs. I loggart and Philips, 62, Broad- street, Royal Exchange, London. [ 6" t> t> MANOR OF SOMERFORD. APRINTED NOTICE having been circulated at ray desire, protesting against the Sale of " the Manor of Somerford, and diners Lands and Her> ditaments near Christchurch, in the county of- Hants," under a mistaken im- pression that I might have some title thereto, I am anxious to acknnowledge and to give publicity to this declaration, that I have no right or title whatever to these cstatiis, inas- much as Sir John Srachan, from whom my claim was sup- posed to be deduced, did, in the year 175,0, absolutely convey all the estates in question to those from w hom the present pos- sessor derives his title. ( Signed) | 75S December 1, 1808. JOHN STRACHAN. NAVAL OAK AND OTHER TIMBER TREES. I'la. cley Abbey, Gloucestershire. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by C. MELSOM, at the Bear Inn, in Newnham, in the county of Glou- cester, on Tuesday, January 24, lxop, 2318 OAK, 18- 1 BEECH, 15 ELM, and 3 ASH TREES, the property of Sir THOMAS CRAWLEY BOEVEY, Bart, in the following lotji The Oak and Beech Trees are mostly of very large dimen- sions, fit for naval purposes, and within about three miles of the River Severn. Lot 1.— 300 Oak Trees, now standjflg in a certain part of the Abbotts Woods, adjoining the Forest of Dean, called Sneed's Wood, numbered with red paint from 1 to 300 inclu- sive ; and also 10- 2 Beech Trees, in the same wood, num- bered'with re'd paint. Lot 2.— 360 Oak Trees, now standing in" certain' parts of the Abbotts Woods, sailed Long- Gre- cn Coppice, Harts, Linnigars, and Brinchcomb Wood, numbered with red paint from 1 to 350 inclusive ; and also fou/ Beech Trees, in the same wood, numbered with red paint. Lot 3.— 430 Oak Trees, now standing in a certain part of the Abbotts Woods, called Soudley Coppice, numbered with red paint from 1 to 430 inclusive ; and also 7< J Beeen Trees, in the same coppicc, numbered with red paint. Lot 4.— 317 Oak Trees, now standing in certain parts of the Abbotts Woods, called Little Sleeper's'llill, Great Sleeper's Hill, Stoney Ditch, Burnt Wpod," Astricull s Walls Spring, and Middle Rudge, numbered witli red paint from 1 to 317 inclusive. Lots.— 1- 18 Oak Trees, now standing in certain parts cf the Abbotts Woods, called Martin's Grove, Wellington's Wood, Martin's Green, and upon lands in the occupation of Emanuel Bennet, John Davis, George Bur . uVn1, and on lands adjoining their farms, numbered " w th red- paiilt from 1 to 149 inclusive ; also 15 Elm Trees, 3 Ash Trees, and 2 Beech Trees, on the same lands, numbered with red paint. Lot 6.— 320 Oak Trees, now standing in a certain part of Flaxley Wood, on the south- east side of the foot- path leading from the Middle Feirge towards GaWlet Farm,' numbered with white paint from 1 to 320 inclusive. Lot 7.— 230 Oak Trees, now standing in a certain part of Flaxley Wood, on the north- west side there --, bounded hy Hope'Wood and Shaperidge Hill, numbered with white paint from 1 to 230 inclusive. Lot 8.— 220 Oak Trees, now standing in a certain part of Flaxley Wood, on the east side thereof, adjoining Monk- bill Farm, numbered with white paint from I to 2S0 inclusive. For a view of - tile above Trees apply to Mr. John Snule", of Tlaxley,' steward to Sir Thomas CrAwley Bow y, Bart. CovorriONS or SAVE.— The Trees to be felled by and at the expence of the purchaser, and a deposit or I. p. r cent, to be paid immediately on the purchase) of eacb lot; subject also to such other condition as will be produced at th - time . of sale. ^ 772 dlreSford, Hants.— To Maltsters and othes. rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Dog and A Partridge Inn, New Alre3ford, bv Moss DIMMOCK, on Monday the 9th day of January, 180;), at three o'clock iu the afternoon ( by order of the Executors), A FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising a modern- built dwelling- lieuse, with a malt- house attached, in full trade, aud capable of making 16 quarters per week ; a milhhouse, large barn, two- stall stable, yards, garden, and four acres and a- half of, excellent arable land, and about one acre of pasture land adjoimmr; situated in the Dean, in the town of Nervv Alresford, late in the occupation of Mr.. Robert Parker, deceased; . T] ie dwel- ling- Hotter- coiuists of two handsome parlours, four bed- rooms with closets, anil two gairets.; a gooiLkitchen, brew- house, pantry, two cellars, and other requisite offices. The whole premises have recently been put in complete repair, and are well worth the attention of any person v. iahijij; to carry on an extensive busiut ss. * » * Posse ssion of the malt- house and land Will- be given on completion of the purchase, and the dwelling- house It L;: dy- dav next. Full particulars may be known on application to Mr. I'. Parker, Martyr- Woithy, near Winchester; or of Mr. keriiy, solicitor, Alresford. ;) NEWTON VALENCE, HANTS. Hp © be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Oeortje Imi, ii Pete- rsfield, by Moss DIMMOCK, on Wedn. si vtbc 18th day of January 180!), at three o'clock in tec aflcrjiootr. unless* previously disposed of by private- contifcK Awrp compact and desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called Vu' FAHM, comprising a barn, stable, yardrund fifty acres rfa- cellent arable land, situated m tbe parish of Newton . Valence, in the county i f Southampton, and. now in. tbf possession" i. Mr. Undctwood, tile proprietor. • » * Possession may be had on completion of the purcha'c.. Further particulars may be known > >•. Application to Mi, Kerby, solicitor, Alresford, who is authorised to treat by pn- vaie'cdntiact. I'- rjj ALRESFORD, HANTS. TO HREti'KlVi AND OTllKliS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Moss DIMMOOS, at the Sis- an Inn, Alre sf'ord, on Thura « hiytfi* i9tb Aty of Januarv, 1800, precisely at ten o'clock in the morning, in two lots.— Most desirable FREEHOLD PREMISES, m tjc town of New Alresford, with about 50 HOGSHEADS fit' STRONG BEER;' late the property of GEOROS CATKKSY, Esq. deceased.. Lot I.— A new erected Brcwhouse, with large and commo- dious vnulls and every requisite for carrying on an extensive brewery; also a large Messuage or Tenement, with barn, stable, yards, garden, and purrock's of, Land, containing three acres ; the purchaser to take th • sev ral Fixtures whict life in the best condition) at a fair valuation. Possession will be given of the brewhouSe, bam, stable, and purrocks of land on completion of the purchasts the tenement is in possession of Mr. Thomas Ricbauk tenant at will. Immediately after the sale of the above estate will be solj, in separate lots, for the convenience of purchasers,' the excels lent stock of Strong Beer, brewed for the particular ' consume tion of private families. Lot 2.— A Freehold Dwelling house, pleasantly shunted iit Broad- street, Alresford, the late residence of Mr. Cathery; comprizing two good- sized parlours, a smaller ditto, aiii Store- rooin ; four bed- rooms, two garrers, a convenient kit- chen, and requisite offices attached; with a very good four- stall stable, and large garden adjoining. Possession ol this lot to be had' on completion of tit purchase. The several premises tobe viewed and full particulars knowa on. application to Mr. Kerby, solicitor, Alresford. fhW THO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Moss U* MMOCK, iL on Friday and Saturday the 30th and 21st of Janucry, 180.0,— Ail the modern and genteel HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE, Plate, Linen, China, Glass, Books, Are. late be- longing to G. CATHERY, Esq. deceased, at h: s late dwelling- house, Broad- street, Alresford ; consisting of prime seasoned feather beds and bedding; mahogany four jmst bedsteads, with printed cotton and silk damask worked furniture, gel window curtains to match ; dining, card, Pembroke, and Other tables ; escrutoire ; bookcase; - chairs, & c. tiandsoms likewise a light waggon, winnowing, thrashing, and Chaff cut, ting machines, with many sundry and usefui article!!. Catalogues to be had at the* George Inn, Winchester; Crown Inn, Basingstoke; Swan Inn,' Alton; Geor- ee Inn, Petersfield; Bush Inn, i'arn;.! un; the Inns, uad the Ac - tel. 1'. ".-- cfarcS. f The sale to begin each day at eleven o'clock. f 1! AN DOVE II, HANTS. « TO be SOLD by AUCTION, without Reserve, by'I'. RAWLINS, at the White Swan Inn, on Wednesday the 18th of January 1809, at four o'clock in the ifterno © ^ ( subject to such conditions of sale as will then be produced; — All those verv desirable FREEHOLD PREMISES, sitttai.' in tbe Market- Place, Andover, kit - in the occupation of Mr . Mary Moore, the proprietor:— Comprising a modern-' nuk brick and tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, with three parlours, two kitchens, Sec. Six bed- rooms, & convenient closet:, good cellaring, a brcwhouse, stable, and other ooi- buddings ; t wo courtyards, with aback way, and two good gardens. ' The above premises are well calculated for a respectable trade, and the situation equal to any int he town of Andover. Further particulars may be known on application to T. Rawlins, the Auctioneer, iu High- street. f) 70 South lifiidesley, near Lvmington, Hants. TO be SOLD by AUCTION fin such Lots M will be determined on previous to the sale), on Thursday the 12th day of January at the Angel Inn, in Lyminc- ton, at twelve o'clock at noon ( ijinlc.-. s previously disp< Vd of by private contract, of which due ' notice will be given — « .'! that capital LEASEHOLD MANSION- HOUSE, with the Stables, double Coach- house, and all other rnqtfsite attache* and detached Offices, with tin Shrubbery adjoining the sun.-, late the residence of John. Walter, Esq. deceased; torctixr with about < k> acres of arable, meadow, and pasture Land, held for the life of William Mitford, Esq.; — arid a cap. i., 1 walled Freehold Garden, containing about two acres w.- il stocked with choice fruit trees; and a Freehold Field, con- taining about four acres, adjoining the same;— and also tlic following several LEASEHOLD ESTATES, held for the life of the said William Mitford, Esq. viz.— an Estate, aiutaminr about 166 acres,' in the occupation of Mr. Edward Wither.;, as tenant at will; ope other Estate, containing about 111 acres in the occupation of Mr. Drover, as tenant at will; and one other Estate, containing abotit 11" acres, in the occupation of Mr. Robert Pmnock, as tenant at will. The whole is situate at South Baddcslcy, in the parish ol Boldre, in the county of Southampton,' within about hrc- j miles of Lymington. Far further particulars, and to treat for the jsme by prlva! contract, apply to Thomas Bcckley, Esq. Lyraingt'on, or Mr Harbin, Rnigwood; and for a view of the premises, at the man- ion. Note— Any person wishing to treat fot tbe Mansion, may be accommodated with the whole, or Such partsonlv, (, f the lands. as may be most agreeable. * [ 7„ m J frtsli Supply just received by Brodie, Avicding, l. uxfnrd, Salisbury. DIXON's ANTI- HILIOCS P/ U. TF. ' piIl'SK PILLS have long obtained ajust celebntv J_ in the privat - practice of the Proprietor, Mr. DIXON Apothecary ; and from their great succe ss with many patients of distinction aud others, particularly the Duke of Bedford Sir George Warre'n, the Dowager Lady Say anrl S- le the Viscountess Bulkefey, Sro. he was persuaded to offer them to the. Public.— They are found to be an incomparable remedy for restoring the tone' of the stomach, for curing in. digestion, for preventing crudities, and their consequent ' disa- greeable eructations anil flatulencies. They prevent habitual and temporary costiveness, sick head- achs, and. heart- bin* which is occasioned by pregnancy, and a debilitated stomach whether arising from the ae rimorly of the redundant bSe in-' temp rate diet, or drinking to excess. Sold wholesale and iptail at Mr. Butler's, 4, CheSbiid." corner of Paternoster- row ; and retail by most Country Boc- k- sellers and Medicine Venders, in boxes at 2s. yd. tis and "•> e^ ch. ; f.„ " RI 1K U . M ATI SMS, PA LSI lis, and CO LTV AFFECTION'S, with their usual ooncomitants, Spasms or flying Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and ee- neeid Delnlitv ( originatingin whatever source)', are relieved and tr rincntiv cuteil hy WHITEHEAD'S ESSENCE of MUSTARD i'n. u- alter overv other means had failed. The FLUID ESSENCE of MUSTARD fused with the Pills, in those complaints where necessary is perhaos th- i most active, penetrating, and effectual remedy in the it- orb:, curing Chilblains, Sprains and Bruises, in less lhan haif ti'e time taketf- by Opodeldoc, Arquehusade, or any othei lini- ment or Embrocation; and if used immediately after ar: v ac- cident, tt prevents the part turning black. WHITEHEAD'S FAMILY CERATE is fcjuilly efficacious ' , - ii ; 15, Greek- street, Soho, London.— The Essence and Pillsr- it as. fid. each ; the Cerate at ]*. H,/. and is. yd. Sold aKobfr Brodfe, Dowding, and l. uxfnrd, " Salisbury ; and eveiy Afcdt- cine Vender in the United Kingdom. rS: ' n"-' Ocnuine has a black ink str. nip, with the- name of R. Johnston inserted on it. l>' » 7 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WjLTS, IIAfoTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. Friday's and Saturday's Posts. INTELLIGENCE from the SPANISH PAPERS. BENAVENTO, Dec. 24. THE brave corps of English cavalry, which dis- embarked at Corunna, and which, from its spiendid and military appearance, was the admiration of all who beheld it, has, under the orders of Lord Paget, covered itself with glory. On the 20th inst. 400 British attacked, at Sahagan, 900 French cavalry, part of a corps of from 12 to 13,000 men, which i; in the valley of Saldanas. The English fought with such valour that they put the enemy to flight, making 2G0 prisoners, besides 30 killed, and several wounded. Ltco, Dec. 24. The latest accounts from head- quar- ters, state it to be the intention of Sir John Moore to ad- vance with all possible expedition to Burgos, with a view of getting into the rear of the wiemy. YVe are here com- pletely ignorant as well of the strength of the latter as of the tbrce destined to attack him. Every confidence is, however, justly placed in the acknowledged taleids of the British General. CORONA, Dee. 29. We look with much mixed anxiety to the next accounts from the army, as from its approach- ing vicinity to the enemy, a battle may soon be expected to take place. The whole force under Sir John Moore consists of 4b', 000, of which 10,000 are Spanish, detached from the army of the Marquis de la Romana, at least such is the report of the day. Our troops are represented as being in the highest spirits, and desirous of'meeting the entfmy. The 7th dragxoiis had had milch skirmishing with the French cavalry, and in one affair defeated 1) 00, of which tlufv made 300 prisoners. Our loss was trifling. Lettevs from Gijou of the 18th inst. state, that the Trench find no more than 2;"> 0 troops in Santander, and as General lialuibinos was ad^ ieiiig with 5000 men, it was expected the enemy would evacuate the place. LONDON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6. Spanish Papers to the .' JOth ult. were received ( his morning. The principal articles they contain are given above. Government have received acco. nnts from Spain by the Diana, which left Corurma on the SCHh'ult. It was then supposed, though not officially known, that Sir J. Moore, Sir D. Baird, and the Marquis de Ro* mana, whose forces had joined, were very near those under Marshal Soult.— Wc may therefore hourly ex- pect intelligence of a sanguinary battle— of the issue we have no doubt, even were the French Superior in numbers, which is not believed to. be the case in that part of Spain. French Papers, containing the 17th, ISth, and lgth Bulletins of the French Army in Spain, were received this . morning. They were s. ent over in the same manner as the former. Annexed to the Bulletins are several Imperial Decrees and intercepted correspondence. One decree, dated Dec. 4, grants a general Pardon to all except a few persons. By another decree, of the same date, the Members of the Council of Castile are branded as Cowards, unworthy of being Magistrates of a brave Nation, and are therefore dismissed. The Inquisition is abolished— and the number of Convents reduced to one- third. Feudal rights are also abolished. The whole closes with a Proclamation, signed by Bonaparte on the 7th of December. In it lie says, " I shall soon drive the English from the Peninsula." And he • tmcludes with this remarkable expression:— " But if all inv efforts be useless, and you do not merit my contidenee, it wiil only remain for me to treat you as conquered Provinces, and TO N. ACE MY BROTHER ON ANOTHER. THRONE— I UILI. THEN PLACE THE CROWN OI SPAIN ON MY OWN HEAD, and I will cause it to be respected by the wicked, for GOD has given me strength and inclina- tion to surmount all obstacles." " The 17th bulletin, dated . Madrid, T) ec. 10, mentions the review of different corps by the Emperor Napoleon, and has some were remarks on the Colonel and Major of the regiments^' Hesse l> nrit, s » i*, w * . ulr, tliatthe Duke of Is- tria had scoured the whole road from Saragos^ a and Valan- eean, iynd taken 500 prisoners ; that " the enemy's army," beaten at Tudela, was reduced to b' 000 men ; that on the Bth, at midnight, the Dake of Istria attacked, at Santa Cruz, a corps which covered the flight of the enemy's army, . which corps was closely pursued, a thousand pri- soners takt li, anil the corps at length forced to disperse in the mountains of Cuenca. The 18th bulletin, dated Madrid, Dec. 12, contains little besides abuse of the members of the Central Junta of Spain. It asserts that Lorenzo Calvo, a grocer of Sara- gossn, and a man named Tilly, the younger brother of one tluznian, who acted a Conspicuous part in Paris under liol> ipierre, dictate all the proceedings of the Junta, and that the Count. Florida Btanca possesses no authority. It further asserts that the, hatred of the people of Spain is now directed against the English. " The IStti bulletin, dated Madrid, Dec. 13, says, " Ra^ as surrendered on flu; Gth by capitulation. Two thousand men have been made prisoners. A considerable quantity of artillery was found ill the place. Six English ships of the line, whieh were at anchor in the harbour, were not sufficient to carry away the garrison." It then relates some more of the Emperor's reviews; states that the breaking up of the Spanish troops is observed on every side; and ends with another tirade against the Junta, as- serting that Florida Blanca is now ashamed of the dishonor be has brought upon his old age. The Duke of York has published, that *' his Ma- jesty acquiesces altogether in the decision of the Board of Inquiry, that no further military proceeding is necessary— that thougU the Report maybe in some respects liable to objection, as no one will dispute the zeal and firmness attributed to the General Officers whose conduct was under the consideration of the Board, or wish for a vindictive animadvc. r-. iou upon those whose conduct has Iteen unani- mously declared, by the best judges, to be not only inno- cent, but praise- worthy." This acquiescence in the Board's decision, after the just reasons which the Duke had given for wishing the Board to re- consider the principal points originally submitted to it, has excited much astonishment. Letters fiom Lisbon, of the date of the 21st tilt, mention, that the transports containing the* 14th Liy'it Draeoons, were safely arrived in theTagus. Strangj rumours have been afloat for the last four days, 4) f tlie Spaniards having risen on the French, massa- * .';! mai. y thousands of tlicni, and driven the remainder from the city. One account says that 35,000 Frenchmen fell by the- knives of thy Spaniards ;• another magnifies the number slain to 50,000. These accounts rest on the au- thority of statements brought by the Encounter gun brig', arrived at Plymouth from Vigo. They are very little cre- dited in the first political qifeles. They write from Barbadees, that an expedition wasfittini out at that place, but its destination was un- known ; it was not supposed to be intefuled against Marti- nique, where it had been ascertained, that in defiance of the embargo ill America, the island had been amply pro- vided with every article of provision, of which at one time it stood so dreadfully in need. His Majesty's brig Carnation, of 18 guns, was lost, after a severe action, in which she accidentally ran a « hufe uuder the guns of some batteries at Martinique, when she was taken possession of by her enemy Le Palineure, of 18 guns, which has since been taken by hi; Majesty's ship Circe, and carried into Antigua. Every Officer oo board the Carna- tion was killed. His Majesty's brig Maria has been captured by a. French ship of 22 guns and 4G0 men, by whom she was decoyed alongside, when he poured a broadside into her, and at once killed 47 men and every Officer oil board— only seven of her iVhole drew surviving on her arrival at Guadeloupe. His Majesty's ship I'otnpee has captured and carried iifto Baitjadocs the i'rench Imperial brig of war Pylades, of 12 guns and 105 men. k His Majesty's brig Superieor has captured and sent into Barbailoes the French schooner Polly, from Martinique to Bourdeaux, with a valuable cargo of produce. His Majesty's ship Bclette has captured and carried into St. Yiucent the French ship l- fi Deucalien, from Rocbelle, ivtfh a valuable cargo of brandy, dry goods, & « . The notorious three- masted schooner Le Mouche, of one gun, 011 a traverse, and O'O men, was captured oil the i'ith ult. by bis Majesty's ship Grenada, off Trinidad. The Majestic transport has been burnt down to the water's edge iu Csxiisle Bay/ llarbadoe!,— Three men pei tolled. Wilh the large reinforcements now going out, the British troops in Spain Hill amount to the formidable number of 70,000. Lord Collingwood' is appointed Major- General of Marines. Ilis own merit and services have obtained the appointment, without application. The Emperor of Persia has refused to receive Gen. Malcolm, who was sent on a mission to his Court by the British Government in India This unwelcome intelligence conies by the way of the Cape of Good Hope, to which settlement it was brought by the Minerva brig, which sailed from Ceylon on the 6th of September. Government have it in contemplation to send an Embassy to Abyssinia; and Mr. Salte, a gentleman who accompanied Lord Valfentia in his travels, is said to have been appointed to this singular mission. The object iu view is to establish commercial relations with this African kingdom ; and, if we are to judge of the. expectations formed on this subject, from the number and value of the presents, which are destined to prepare the way for the new commercial alliance, very important and extensive advantages seem to be anticipated from the Embassy. DROBY- LANB THEATRE.— A new' comedy, called Man and Wife, or Mor- e Secrets than one, was performed last night at this theatre. It is said to have been written by Mr. Arnold, son of the late Dr. Arnold. The principal incidents are borrowed from Dr.. Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield ; but they are Well adapted to stage representa- tion, and the dialogue of the piepe being generally spirited and lively, it was very favourably received. Sportsmen in the coursing line universally complain of the fatality of tile. distemper, at this time amongst their greyhounds; several Gentlemen have lost three- fourths of their kennel, the greatest part of which have died with, their insides totally rotten. A few days since, a hare being* pursued by a dog, in the parish of Ruardean, Gloucestershire, the sport attracted the attention of Ann Jones, a pauper, in the f) 9th year of her age I who followed the chase, and, hearing the hare cry, she ran in upon the dog-, beat him off his prey, and bore poor puss off in triumph! A fatal accident occurred on Monday night last to Mrs. Buchan, the widow- ot' a mercantile gentleman,, at her house in Marsh- place, New- road, occasioned by her clothes taking fire. The Lady had returned home from a visit at twelve o'clock at night, and soon alter she had retired to her bed- room five, her maid- servant was alarmed by her shrieks, and, on her entering the room, Mrs. 1}. appeared enveloped in flames. The servant, in her state of alarm, was unable to afford immediate relief, but she hasted to, get other assistance, and in Lhe interim the unfortunate lady was so burnt that she died on Tuesday. She bad on a cambric dress, which was consumed to tinder. CORN- EXCHAVGE, Jan. 6. Wheat is again in sl » ort supply— fine samples keep their prices, other qualities go oft heavily ; Barley and Malt likewise ill jhort supply, and at little variation ; White Peas are cheaper; Beaijs of both sorts also vary but little; New Ticks 53s. to 57s. per quarter; there are very few Oats at hand, but this trade it not dearer; Flour as oil Wednesday. SMITH- FIELD MARKET, Jan. 6. This day's market had a considerable supply of different kinds of cattle, particu- larly prime Oxen ; Beef, Mutton, Pork, aud Veal, sup- port last prices, but the trade in general was very slack, BIRTHS.] On Saturday, Lady Mary Shepherd of a daughter.— Same day, at Truro, the Lady of Lieut.- Col. Vivian, of the 7th Dragoons, of a son and heir.— On the 23d ult. at Bath, the Lady of Colonel filachford of a soil.— On the 25th ult. iri Dublin, the Lady of Capt. Montagu, of t, lie I st ( Royal) Dragoons, of a daughter. MARRIED.] Lately, at Twickenham, Major Charles Ward Orde, of the 9th Light Dragoons, to Mis. Browne. — On Monday, John Mastenuan, Esq. of New Broad- street, to Miss Harris, daughter of Robert Harris, Esq. of East Ham, Essex.— On Tuesday, Capt.. Henry Morse Samson, of the Hon. India Company's service, to Miss Jane Hamilton, daughter of Llie late William Hamilton, Esq. of Blackheath. — Same day, at Great ISaddow, the Rev, A. ('. JSullen, to Miss Lucy Crichton, youngest daughter of the late Alder- man Crichton, of London.— Yesferdnv, at Seat'ord, in Sussex, John Henry Tilson, Esq. of Wallington Park, Oxfordshire, to Mrs. Langford, widow of the Rev. Edward Langford. Dl ED.] On Saturday night, at Bath, ill his 66th year, Admiral LORD GARDNER. His Lordship entered into the Navy in 1756, was made a Lieutenant in 176' 0, and was afterwards in nine glorious actions, in all of which he displayed such courage, skill, and magnanimity, as were rewarded ultimately oy his Sovereign with the appoint- ments of Admiral of the Blue, Mojov- General of the Ma- rines, created a Baron of the United Kingdoms, and had the honour of receiving from the band of his Majesty a gold chain, inapprofeation of his conduct on the 2! Kh of May, and I t of June, 171) 4. Ife married in the year 176' W Miss Hids, of Jamaica, and has left by tar Ladyship, who survives him, a very numerous family, including two sons in the iiavv, and two ill the armv.— On Sunday, at his seat at Goihambury, near St. Albau's, in his 62dyear, the Right Hon. James Btieknall Criinston, Viscount Grimston in Ireland, aud Baron Verulam in England : he ie succeeded bv bis eldest son, who in right of his mother lately succeeded to the Scotch Barony of Forrester, and now unites in bis person the peerage of the three king- doms.— At ten o'clock on Monday evening,- at bis house in Grafton- strcetj in his 53d year, the Most Hon. John Dennis Browne, Marquis of Sligo, Earl of Altamout, and Viscount Westport, in Ireland, and Baron of Mount- Eagle, in England, K. P. His Lordship married Louisa youngest daughter of the late Karl, and had one son, who, as now ill liis 21st year. On Sunday se'nnight, Rear- Admiral Edward O'Bryen, who com- inanded the Monarch in Lord Duncan's memorable aetionoff Catn- perdowli, and in that ship gallantly broke the enemy's line. On Monday, at his father's house in Oosvepor- place, Charles Chamier, second son of John Chamier, Esq.— On Tuesday in Grosvenor- plaee, the Hon. Henry Percy, son of Lord Lovaine.— On Tuesday se'nnight, Mrs. Bernard, of Bideford, widow of Colonel Bernard.— On the 1st inst. at Belem, near Lisbon, Edward Moore, Esq. of the 18th Light Dragoons, Brigade Major to the Hon. Charles Stewart, Brig. General.—- Oil Friday se'nuigbt, in Brook- street, Grosvenor- square, W. Bond, Esq. aged 21, second son of Sir James Bond, Bart.— On Friday evening, aged ( il years, Capt. John Bouehier, of the Royal NVyy, Lieutenant- Governor of Greenwich Hospital.— Lately, at Trippington House, Thomas Smith, Esq. proprietor of very extensive iron and coal works in the neighbourhood of Dudley.— Suddenly, In a fit of apoplexy, Robert Leigh, Esq. Collector of Excise at Hull.— On Monday, in George- street, Hanover- square, Mr. S& elley, the ingenious mini- ature painter. • Theatre of Anatomy, Blenheim- street, Great Marlborougk- street, London. THE Spring. Course of LECTURES on ANA- TOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, and SURGERY, will be commenced on Saturday the 21st of January, 1809, at two o'clock. By Mr. BROOKES. Surgeons in the Ariily and Navy may be assisted in renew- ing their anatomical knowledge, and every possible attention will be paid to their accommodation as well as instruction. Anatomical Converzationes will. be held weekly, when the different subjects treated of, ' will be discussed familiarly, and the students' views forwarded.— To these none but puils can be admitted. Spacious apartments, thoroughly ventilated, and replete with every, convenience, are open all the morning, for the purposes of dissecting and injecting, whqre Mr. Brookes . it- tends to direct the students, and demonstrate the various parts as they alpptar on- dissection. An extensive museum, containing preparations illustrative of every part of the human bcxly, and its diseases, appertains- to this ' lheatre, to which students will have occasional ad- mittance.— Gentlemen inclined to support this school by con- tributing preternatural or morbid parts, subjects in natural history,'( tec. ( individually of little value to the possessors) may have the pleasure of seeing them preserved, arranged, and re- gistered, with the names of the donors. TERMS : For a Course of Lectures, inciuding'the Dissections, £*> 5 0 For a perpetual Pupil to the Lectures < Sr Dissections, 10 10 0 The inconveniences usualjy attending anatomical investi- gations, art connterated by in antiseptic process, the result of experiments made by ' Mr. Brookes on human subjects, at Paris, in the yenr 1782, the account of which was delivered to the Royal* Society, and read on the 17th of June, 1784.— This method has since been so far improved, that the florid colour of the muscles is preserved, and even heightened. Pu- pils may be accommodated in the house. Gentlemen esta- blished in practice, desirous of renewing their anatomical knowledge, may b » accommodated Yfith an apartment to dis- sect in privately." [ ISS Town and County of the Town of Southampton. " VTOTICE is hereby given, That ihe General J- Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the town and county of the town of Southampton, will he holden at the Guddhafl in the. said town and county, on Friday the latli day of Ja- nuary inst. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. The business of the Sessions will begin with hearing Ap- peals, next with trying Traversas, and lastly Prisoners. And", to prevent unnecessary delay, all Appeals fekcept those to be entered for the purpose of adjournment) must he entered With tile Clerk of the Peace before the Sitting of the Court, and in failure thereof, the adverse party'will have a right to enter a Ne recipiatur. And all Indictments must be applied for at the Clerk, of the Peace's office prior to the Ses- sions, as no indictment will be granted after the sitting of the Court. Dated this Sd day of January 1809. 137] ' CURRY; Clerk of the Peace. CITY OF NEW SARUM. NOTICE is hereby given, That the General Ses- sions of the Peace for the citv of New Sarum, in the county of Wilts, will be holden at the Council- house of the said city, on Monday the ,9th day of January next, at nine of the clock in the forenoon. The business of the Sessions will begin with hearing Ap- peals, next with trying Traverses, and lastly Pi SOIL rs.. And to prevent unnecessary delay, all Appeals ( except those to be entered for the. purpose of adjournment! must he entered with the Clerk of the Peace before the sitting of the Court, and in failure thereof the adverse party wilfhave a right to enter a Ne * ecipiatur. And all Indictments must be applied for at the Clerk of the Peace's office prior to the Sessions, as no indictment will be granted after the Sitting of the Court. 700] By Order of the Mayor and Justices, JOHN HODDING, Jun. December 81, 1- 08. Clerk of the Peace. WILTSHIRE. " VfOTICE is hereby given,— That the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Wilts will be holden at Devizes, in and for the said county, on Tuesday the 10th day of January next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, pursuant to the resolution entered into at a former Sessions, for the spscia1 purposes of examining and auditing the Treasurer's Accounts, and all other Bills and Demands on the county; and of attending to all- business relative to the Militia, conveyance of Soldiers' Baggage, the Gaols and Bridewells, and such other business as may occur relative to the civil concern.; of the said county ; and no bills will be allowed, unless delivered at the sitting of the Court on that day. The Court will open on Wednesday morning, precisely at ten o'clock, for. general business, which will begin with the Trials of Traverses, next Appeals, and lastly Prisoners. Alt Appeal's ( except those entered for the purpose of adjournment) must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace previously to the opening of the Court on Wednesday, and on failure thereof, the adverse party shall have a right to enter a Ne Recipiatur. The Bailiffs and Constables of the several Hundreds, out of which tho Jurors are taken, are hereby . ordered to attend the Court, with proper wands, during tile whole time of the Sessions ; and to remain in such place or places in the Court as shall be then appointed, to assist in keeping peace and good order, and to execute the orders and processes of the Court. In order to give all possible dispatch to the business of the Sessions, the Clerks to the Justices of the Peace of the said county are particularly requested to send to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before the first morning of the Sessions, all Re- cognizances, Informations, and Records of Convictions, taken before such Justices of the Peace respectively, [ 717 JAMES SWAYNE, WILTON, Dec. 15, 1808. Clerk of the Peace. The Plan intended to be adopted for Building the new Bridewell at Devizes will be submitted to the consideration of the Justices on Tuesday, the first morning of the Sessions, for the purpose of finally arranging the necessary Steps to be taken for beginning the Building early in the ensuing spring, DORSETSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the next General Quarter Session of the Peace for the county of Dorset will be holden at Blandford Forum, in and for the said county, on Tuesday, the 10th dtiy of January next, on which day the Court will be opened precisely it twelve o'clock at noon, and immediately adjourned to the Crown Inn. in the said town of Blandford, for the speciaf purpose of examining all bills and de- mands on the county, arid taking into consideration such other business as may occur relative to the civil concerns therein, pursuant to a resolution entered into at a fofmcr Session. Ansl on Wednesday morning the Court will be opened precisely at ten o'clock, ana the business ( f the S- sifon will begin with trying Appeals, next Traverses, and lastly the • Prisoners. All Appeals ( except those to be entered for the purpose of adjournment) must he entered with the Clerk of the- Peace, on Tuesday, the first day of the Session, and on failure thereof, the adverse party shall have a right to enter a Ne Recipiahtr. And in the forenoon of that day, y. Il Recognizances, In- formations, and Records of Convictions, ace to be returned to the Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices' clerks. And all Constables, Jurors, Bailiffs, and other persons having business to do, and Bills of Indictment to prefer, are required to attend accordingly. SHERBORNE, January 22, 1808. WM. BURNET, ' 80 lj Clerk of'the Peace of the County of Dorset. HANTS SESSIONS. OTICE is hereby given,— That the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of South- ampton, will be holden at the Castle of Winchester, on Monday the 9th day of January next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the Court will be opened, an I immediately adjourned to the White Hart Inn, in the city of Winchester, for the special purpose of inspecting and " ex- amining the Treasurer's Accounts; and also all bills and other demands on the county, pursuant to the resolutions entered into at a former Sessions. The Court will he adjourned from the White Hart Inn, and opened again a* the Castle of Winchester, on the Tuesday following, viz, the 10th day of January next, precisely at ten o'clock in the forenoon, when all Constables, Bailifls, Jurors, and others concerned, are hereby required ' to give- their attendance. And in order to give all possible dispatch to the business, the Attornies, Parties, and Witnesses prosecuting any Appeals, In- dictments, or other business, must be prepared at the opening of the Court on Tuesday morning, and during the whole of the Sessions, that the Court may call 011 the Causes in such order and at such tiuies as they shall see convenient. Appeals must be entered with, the Cleric of the Peace, pre- viously to Ihe opening of the Cou rt on Tuesday morning, or the parties iciU not be permitted to try. Recognizances, Informations, and Records of Convictions are to be returned to the Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices' Clerks, 011 or before the day preceding the Sessions. Dated this itah day of December, 1308. T. WOODHAM, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. & 3F All persons Who have entered into Recognizances to appear at this Sessions concerning Assaults, ( tec. are required to take notice, that they must, in pursuance of their recogni- zances, appearat this Sessions, ciiher. personally or by their attornies, in order to withdraw the same, although they may previously havt- com promised the matter. " f 742 PELICAN OFFICE, For INSURANCE on LIVES and granting ANNUITIES. THIS Oftice was established in Lombard- street, London, In the year 1797, by a numerous and respect- able Proprietary; and the Board of Directors, with confidence, arising from the increased prosperity and permanency of the establishment, as well as from the experience of its useful- ness and benefit to the public, think it due to those who may be still unacquainted with the importance and. advantages of Life Insurance, briefly to suggest some of its leading and pe- culiar recommendations to almost every degree and rank in society. Life Insurance is of manifest consequcnce to all who hold estates for life, situations and offices, civil, ecclesiastical, or professional; to officers in the army and navy, ( tec. 4 as, by payment of an annual premium, the party insured is enabled to provide for Wife, children, orothers, whose future welfare he may wish in vain, by other means, to promote. It affords a permanent ultimate security to those who advance money upon annuities or otherwice, It renders leases, determipabla on one or mere lives, nearly equal in value to freehold estates, as an insurance to the amount of the fine, payable, on the demise of a partjrtiominated in such leases, will produce, the sum required for renewal. It is a cheering refuge to parties engaged in extensive and speculative undertakings; it affords to persons in trade the certain means of indemnification against a bid or doubtful debt; in short, Life Insurance, established in policy, sanctioned by government, and con- firmed by the test of experience, is become, to almost every situation of human life, a measure equally important, usef ul, and beneficial. Annuities are granted upon the most equitable terms, under a special Act of Parliament, granted to this Office. THOMAS PARKE, Sec. COMPANY'S AGENTS at Salisbury, Mr. Burrough; De- vizes, Wm. Cook ; Poitsmou- h, T. C. Mottley; Lvmington, J. West; Ringwood, C. Hodges; Bridport,' J. Williams; Beaminster. Wm. Clift; Weymouth, Thos. Richardson; Bristol, Wm. Reid; Taunton, C. Drake; Bath, H. Slant; RIaitock, J, Crabb. [ 1S. 5 ATLAS FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY- OF LONDON. rpHE Presid ent and Directors of this Company JL solicit the attention of the public to the following ad- vantages proposed by; them, viz.— To pay rent in case of fire, without any additional premium ; to assure Farming Stock, without an average clause, at 3s. per cent, per annum to make good Damage by Lightning ; and to issue Polities, make Endorsements arid Surveys ' free of expence to the as- sured. Printed propos& ls may be had, 0.1 application at the Offiie in London, or to the following Agents in the Country. By Order of the hoard, HENRY DESBOROUGH, Jun. Cheapside, London, Dec. 2- 1, 1808. SECRETARY, AKSNTS. Mr. John Finch, of Salisbury-; Bradford, Messrs. Smart and Edmunds ; Westbury, Mr. W. Phipps. The Company are appointing Agents in the principal Cities and Towns in the United Kingdom, with liberal allowances ; and are ready to receive applications for Agency from pers<? nS of respectability. [ so UNION OFFICE, For Insurance ajfaiust Loss by Fire, established in 1797. TRUSTEES. Sir PHILIP MONOX, Bart. I FRANCIS RIDSDALE, Esq. Sir M. BI , OXAM, Knt. & Aid. I FRANCIS DICKENS, Esq. STARLING DAY, jun. Esq. Mayor ] E. VV. MARTIN, Esq. & c. ( tec. ( tec. Treasurers— MessTs. DAY, D. U. TON, and DAY. Secretary—. Mr. THOSTAS BIO NO 1. n. TN this Institution nil the Premium is returned to 1 the insured, except what is wanted to defray the losses.--—* The number of persons combined amounts to 14,000, and the property insured to upwards of Seven Millions. The returns are made to each member at ( he expiration of seven years from the commencement of his insurance, by which means the Capital of the Office always consists of seven years' depo- sits, whieh have been found so much more than sufficient to meet the expenditure, that dividends of from 60,'. to 751. per cent, have been made to a very considerable portion of the insurers. All Policies gratis. , Particulars of the plan, & e. may^ be had by applying to Mr. VY. Beach, of Dorchester, or of the following other agents : Bridport, Mr. W. Williams ; Cerne Abbas, Mr. It. Williams ; Poole, Mr. J. Foot, jun. Farming Stock insured at the reduded rate of 2s. per centi UNIONTOFFTCE, For the Insurance of Lives, granting Annuities, coid Endowment ijf Children. TRUSTEES, ( tec. The Most Noble the MARQUIS TOWNSHEN- D— The Rt. Hon. the EAUL of CRAVEN— Sir PIIILIT MONOX, Bart.— Sir Ro- BLHT BURNETT, Knt.— Sir MATTHr. w BLOXAM, KTU. and Aid.— JOHN 1' ATTESON, Esq. M. P. and Aid. & c. & c. Secretary, Mr. T. BIGNOLD.— Actuary, Mr. RD. MORGAN. rjPHE following Allowances will be made upon all Insurances for the whole duration of life, which shall be effected with this Institution previous to the loth of April 1809. Where the sum insured amounts to 800Z. and upwards, ( and for sums between 300/. and 6001.) the whole amount of the Stamp Duty !— For sums between 100/. and 000/. and be- tween 500/. and 800/. an allowance of half the Duty. The Rates of this Office are nearly lo/. per cent, lower than those of others. The Surplus Capital, after satisfying the claims of the in- sured, is returned to them at stated periods, by additions to the sums to which their policies originally entitled them. No charge is made for entrance money, for non- appearance at the chief offictr, for policies, or for. neglect cf paying the annual premiums, in due time, except the mere interest lost by the delay. The office makes a liberal allowance for the policies, if the insured cannot continue to pay the premium. The agents for the Union Fire are also agents for the Union Life Office. ' [ 49 Persons of respectability, who are desirous of becoming Agents to the Institution ( and who live at suitable distances from the persons already appointed), are requested to apply by letter, addressed to the Secretary, Market- place, Norwich. This dan is published, price 9s. printed on fine McdiumAto. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S ACCOUNT BOOK,.. for the Year 1809; improved with red lines ruled across the pages ; being an easy and complete method of, kcepine a correct account of every article made use of in.- a family throughout the year, on 52 pages, each page containing the articles of HouSek » ' ping, and seven columns for the expense of every day in the week ; with marketing, bread, and other taMes, and useful receipts. Bath:, printed tor ( and by) R. Cruttwell; and Longman, Hurst, Rces, and Orme, Paternoster- row, London ; and sold by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury. [ 9 Farm on the bord^ s of Somersetshire and Il ' H'shire. TO be LETT,— A desirable FARM, well sup- plied with Water, situ- ate xit librd, in the parishes of Charterhouse Hinton and Hufigerford Farleigh, in the county of Somerset, within about six miles of Bath, , three miles of Trowbridge, and two miles of Bradford; comprising. a good Farm- house, two good stables, bams,' and other convenient out- houses; garden, two good orchards, and about 110 acres of arable, meadow, and pasture Land, now in the occupation of Mr. George Fry, whose term expires at Lady- day next, when the taker will have possession. Persons desirous of taking the above Farm are to propose the rent they will give for the same, and send their proposals ( post paid) to Mr. N. P. Pheiie, attorney at law, Melksham, of whom further particulars may be known. [ 164 Port ancl Sherry IVines, a valuable Store- house in SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, on moderate terms, worthy the attention of Gentlemen, Merchants, and others,— A few Pipes and Butts of superior old PORT and SHERRY WINES, now in bin, and may re- main uncleared six months. Also a new erected, extensive, lofty STORE- HOUSE, with Court Yard, Tenement, and Stable behind, two arched Vaults' under, capable of containing 200 pipes, made free under the late Warehousing Act, iit a desirable situation, lying conti- guous to the Quay. For particulars'apply to Mr. Geo. Hookey^ Southampton ; if by letter, free of postage.—( One concern. J [ iaa ISLE OF WIGHT. BREWERY AND PUBLIC HOUSE. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— All that new- built- MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, BREW- HOUSE and STABLES, with convenient Offices adjoining, and a good Garden, situate near West Cowes, in the Isle of Wij, ht, late in the occupation of John Bartoh, Brewer. The above premises are leasehold, and held for the term of sixty years, commencing Michaelmas 1804, at the yearly rent of .£' 15, The lease ip renewable f< r ever at the fine of one shilling. This Brewery is well supplied with excellent water, Brought info it. by means of force pumps on the im- proved plan. Independent of the trade of. public houses carried on at this brewery, a ready money trade of table beer, for private families, is carried- on to a considerable extent. Together with the Brewing Utensils, Malt Mill, Force Pump.-, Coppers, Vats, and Fixtures of the Brewery. Also to be sold,— About 180 Barrels of old Strong Beer, a quantity of Spins and . Malt, and about 16 Pockets of Hops; a quantity of Isinglass,; Casks, - 2 Drays',, a Water Cart, • several loads of Sacks, a Barley Rick, and numerous other articles. Also, a FREEHOLD MESSUAGE & PUBLIC HOUSE, called the White Hart, desirably situated in West Cowes aforesaid, in full trade, with a Smith's Shop, and piece or parcel of land adjoining. For a view of the tortwery and premises spply to Mr. James Alford, at West Cowes; and Icr particulars, and to treat tor the purchase, apply to Mr. Worsley, solicitor, Newport, or to Mr. VVilhngton, Quay- street, Newport, if by letter post- paid. [ tb' 9 TO BREWERS, PUBLICANS, & c. FOR SALE by AUCTION/ by R. KNIGHT, on the Premises of Clifton Brewery, near Bristol, on Thursday and Friday the 12th aadlOtb of Januarv; 1809,— All the valuable STOCK of moveable UTENSILS, with other Effects of the said Brewery, belonging to Mr. HUNT. who is quitting the business; including several largs store- pieces, from 30 to 700 barrels each ; 12oO small casks ot dif- ferent descriptions'; stillions; and various other implements ; about 700 barrels of sound old strong be, r ; 20 pockets, and bags of Kent hops; six strong draught horses, with harness ; a broad- wheel waggon; cart; beer carriages; patent He< in mill; iron block pulhes ; a, mahogany double counting- house desk, ( tec. ( tec.— The . greater part . having been new withip four years, is in good preservation, and may be viewed'two days previous to the sale, which Will begin each morning at eleven. Catalogues will in due time be delivered at the White Lion Inn, in Bath; Bush Tavern, Bristol; place of salt; and Auctioneer's, Devizes. Ki* The very valuable LEASE ( 16 years of which are un- expired) of this commodious and wcll- aipngedjBrewery, con- venient Dwelling- trousej large Garden, Malthouse that will wet 40 quarters per week, with everv suitable Out- building, all adjoining, to be DISPOSED OF. The purchaser may have immediate possession. N. B. The Fixtures to be taken at a fair vjjoation.— Enquire, oa tU: Premisas. [ fit uiwwm ima— . DORSETSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. PER • and FORCE, on Tuisday the loth day of January 1 w. . at Hill Farm, near the White Lion, 0. rfe Mullen " in said county,— The LIVE and DEAD STOCK, ( tec, late if ' property of W. Cnusciiiu., . Esq. diccased; comprising - - power I til draught hqrs. j, one gre" oony, 13 hands lii- h ' fit • . vents old, three good waggons, five broad- wheel dung r<>'-. one light cart, waggon, carriage, three drays, five harrow • tour ploughs, yue draining ciitto, a one- horse hoe ditto tw rollers, two hand turnip drills, one toirnenttr, s- v-- n'o„ s- heep racks, very' good chaff- cutter with two knives, st. • JL malt- mill, a bean ditto, six pair of trace harness, Jhne u » >• of thnl ditto," four pair of plough ditto, three stout waggc a chains, with numerous other implements in husbandry, < St. — Also two neks of exceeding good meadow Hay, hbr. ut filiv tons -—' ihe sale will begin punctually at twelve o'clock. O" 111 11 Fa mi a three miles from Wiijborne, and seven from Hianiltord, near the turnpike road. [ VHJ Roberts's Medicated Vegetable Water. RODIE, DOWDISC, and LUXFOKO respectfully _ . I inform the public, that they have just received a tr- s'ii Supply of this valuable Medicine, the sivvnor efficacy c which in the cure of Cancer, Serophula or Kind's Kvd - Le- prosy, Scurvy, and all other scorbutic erupt ,111s, such as u . cerated sore legs, flushings, pimpled faces, 4EC. has been con- firmed by the experience of many yen Sold in bottles at fo. and - lis, e'acii. duty intlnded. [ 11G THE REAL JAPAS BLACKYNG, ~~ » " « 11 V O A V AN1) MA It TIN, T. O N D 0 N. npiIIS invaluable Composition, with half ihc ustmt JL labour, " produces the most brilliant jet- Ulack ever beheld - affords; peculiar nourishment to the leather, will not soil the finest linen, is- periecttyfree from any unpleasant smell, and will retain its virtues in any climate. n- S( u'H 7llolesale' livDayand Martin, removed to No. 17, High Holhom, London; and by Brodie, Dowding. and Lux- tor, r,- Salisbury, wholesale agents for the West of England ; Cou ton, Devi7. es; Simmonds, Bradford; Penny, Sherborne; Clarke Dorchester; Harvey, Weymouth j Harold, jut<. Marl- borough ; Skeiton, Southampton ; Martin, Lvmineton ; Crockford, Castle- Carey; Moore, Poole; and Sh'pp, bland- tc"'; m stone bottles, price It. ( id. each. ' [ 213.0 THE Iieat and Irritation of the Skin, so prevalent on the approach of Cold Weather, are immediately rt- " JV sPlLSBURY's PATENT ANT1 SCORBUTIC, IJKOi'S; the effects of which are perfectly well known in seurvy, scrofula, gout, rheumatism, eruptions, bilious com - plaints, ulcerations, scald heads, ( Sc. After measles, small and cow pox, It is- a most admirable alterative. The genuine medicine has the words " Bv the King's Pa- tent" expressed 011 the bottle, bill of direction, and outside wrapper ; and the King's duty is printed in black ink. Sold at the Dispensary, 15, Soho- square, London, in small botthst of 5s. fl'f. „• double bottles 10s. ; and larger 11, is. Compound Essence, to allay uonleasant irtitation, ( is. The medic ne to be had of Brodie, Dowding, and l. uxford, Salisbury, whole- sale venders for the West of England ; and Bouling and Co. Newport, Isle of Wight. [.-,, » | i:\ LLAM s ANTl'ilLIOLS PILLS, Invented l- y Edii• ard Hqllam, Surgeon and Apothecary, Burtj St. Edmunds. rpHIS safe and elegant Preparation is justly es- A teemed for its agreeable and cert: in operation, by w!-- io! « it effectually removes all Inaction or Otstiuction of the Sto- mach or Bowels. Its action is particularly adapted to u. rsens of bilious habits, and those Of sedentary lives, where a suffi- cient action of the bowels is not kept up, and crudities retained in those organs are frequently producincpains acddi$ trnsioti% head- achs, langour, and giddiness, or a sense of w. arines* and oppression. The worst eases of bilious or sick heari- achS are certainly removed by a single dose, and in a much s'uoit- r time than could be credited, but from experience. Sold wholesale and retail by Shaw and Edwards, Ci7, St. Paul's Church- yard, London ; ind by Brodlc, Dowdier, and Luxfoid, Salisbury, Wholesale Venders for the West of Eng- land. Retail by Ship, Blahdford ; Adams, Shafttsburv ; arid by most- other respectable Medicine Venders. Price's*, ad. a Box. - Just received— afresh Suppllf of the ODONTALGIC, or Chemiutl ESSI- NCB of HORSERADISH, A Cure for thcTooTU- Acn and EAit- Acif; And CARBONATED DENTIFRICE, an ciega, U and efficacious Tooth Powder. THESE admirable Remedies arc the invention of an established regular Practitioneer of the city of Bath, who having himself proved its extraordinary efficacy in num- berless instances, has been induced, through theimportur. i'n - of his friends, to offer it to the public. The Essence p ; ssi sses the power of safely and immediately stopping the Tooth- Ach 5 and has the peculie. r property, ifi't comes in contact with. the exposed nerve, » .•) prevent the recur- rence of that torturing malady, and the affected tooth will re- main useful and ornamental through life. It also acts as a powerful anti- scorbutic; it increases the adhesion of the fums to the teeth, and imparts a peculiar sweetness to the reath. In Colds, Rheumatism, or Scorbutic Affection, rt will be found particularly useful aud beneficial, f'rice 2s. ad. each. Prepared', " and sold wholesale, only, by Mr. King, apothe- cary, No. 29, Brack- street, Bath ; sold re'tail by Messrs. Bro- die, Dowding, end Liuxford, Print rs,' Salisbury. fois rjPiIE Royal Family, and Ladies and Gentlemen of 1 Distinction and Fashion, use PRINCK's RUSSIA OIL, for moistening the Hair when dressing, which is s. great it nourisber to the hair, as to prevent it turning srey to ail pe- riods ; promotes the growth, and makes the hair prow thick and long ; particularly assisting the whiskers and ti .- Mtifvisg the eye- brows; prevents its falling off; and restores it on'baiil places, if the least rbots remain. Several Gentlemen that were bald have declared, after using the Russia Oil regularly for three months, the bald places became nearly covered with hair. Ladies and GentlOmen ' going to watering places ought not to neglect to use the Russia Oil, as it prevents the general case of the water occasioning the hair to fall off or becomc shaded: also Gentlemen should not omit applying it to the Whiskers, to prevent them turning grey, which is too gene- rally experienced on account of the constant w. ttlng they re- ceive from shaving; this case is clearly proved, as the whis- kers mostly change colour sooner than the hair on the head. Sold wholesale and retail, at 7s. y - r bottle, or a bottle con- taining foursmall, at one Guinea, by the proprietor, A. Prince, No. 0, John- street, Oxford- street5 and, bv appointment, by Mr. Smith, perfumer to his Majesty, New Bond- street; Bayly and Blew, CoCkspur- st'rect, London; Brodie, Dowding, and I. uxford, Salisbury; and by most principal Perfumers and Medicine Venders in England, Ireland, und Scotland. CAUTION.— As noxious Counterfeits are selling in petty shops, and, to deceive, have imitated the Russian Eagle 011 the show bills and covers, purchasers will therefore bi- parti- cular in asking for PRINCE'S RUSSIA OIL, observing that each bottle has a label oh the'the outside wrapper, signed, in Russian gold ink, " Mocbrikufsky and Prince ;" any without that signature arc counterfeits. [ 508 For SPRAINS, RHEUMATISMS, CHILBLAINS, & c. Dr. STEERS's OPODELDOC. The name " E. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," is engraved on the stamp, tuui. d the wrapper of each bottle, which, if carefully attended to by Purchasers, will prevent their being. imposed Upon by the numerous counterfeits 111 town and country., to which its success h is given rfie. IT is far superior to all other external applications ' in the- Cure ot Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatisms & c. a! s, i in Cramps , or Numbness,' in'Stiffness and Weakness < jf tile Joints, as well as in promoting Ctrcnlrncn in th ,• Limbs when in a paralytic state : it is also the best rfmedj f , Chil blains, if dissolved in a spoon and appiwarm, jn i with, a pledget of lint well moistened with itv snd ti „ ,, att affected with a rag. It is likewise, from its pe. se.. . r>; R - qulditv, ofadmirable service in theaccidepts an l local complaints to which HoriifS are subject, ami no stable she „ r< l be vith-. ut ft. Sold only by F. Nevbtry « nl Sors. \< f„ 4 .),-. ijf' p.-., Church- yard, London, price Is. lid. r. V- lrtirt, duty , nc'lijdc 1 and, bv their appointment, hy Brr j. t.) Dowding, and Li: . ford, Salisbury; Mollis, Romsev . Andfrson, and Earle, Winchester; Thomas, Whitchi t]\; Maud, and Painter, Andovcf-? Skeiton,_ Baker, H- jkev, Randall, and MVe.-. Southampton ; Clark, ami Saii' 1 L'evusi- s ;. Kellawat, F,.: * dingbridge; Lucas, and Thoiu,, Tiir. ewood ; Glove, ' - cnir. ton; Moore, Poole; Ilussev. j Winhojnj; Ifurd, Si ill-, . s- burr 5 Fratr. pton, and Clark ( Dorchester; Mussyn A: ' i. and" bowling S Co.- Newport, Isle of Viieht. fj DR. ANDERS' SCOTS HI Lsj » THE ' well- known D ANDERSON'* rt SCOTS PILLS, cane r; y be prep, red by !-. H No.'. ICS, Strand, London. . whose name, by?, - g- - ir ve. rflinent, is print, d in - R td Ink on the Stamp, • - . Counterfeits,- purchased it ; m inferior mice. v « « oVT ; the venders, and alike in , f. ting on the ouiiher , uI 1 < 0 to prevent which, plea t to - k for highs!.> Each box is wrapped in ,/ bili signed B. H. I. ir value their health will; fend to this cut:, j liarly efficacious in Bi' ious and Dropsie; Acne, and ? ll Disord /.. of the T X • NVl. lt, if oprietor: ncors Pilff;. ! T" ev- il; wbo . 1 .- j r'C 1- complain rs, [•!, j ' Tiiati', < ird Bowvl : - r} promote Digestion cr » te . an Appcilt-. and a- h„. ve o'- tra? Mr. Inghsliis m possession ar several C, ,: r.,.'.'" } fiO" be hart' genuine of Messrs. Brot'ie and Luxford, Salisbury, '- and mwt respectabl-' v---" medicin; m the kingdom. TIIE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Sunday s Jfosi^— r— Jy iixpres LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 7. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, Jan. 4, 180G. THE King has been pleased to appoint the Right Honourable Cuthbert Lord Gollingwood, Vice- Admiral of the Red, to be Major- Ge- neral of His Majesty's Royal Marine Forces, in the loom of Admiral Lord Gardner, deceased. ADMIRALTY- 1,1 ncB, Jan. 7.— Vice- Admiral Lonl Col- J lingwood has transmitted a letter from Lord Cochrane, ] Ca itaiu of ihf Imperieuse, taring the services which he has bee i employed i- i on- the Coast of Languedoc.— Loi d Collingwood says, " Nothing can exceed the activity and z- il with which his Lord, hip pursues the enemy. The success which attends his entei^ rizes clearly indicates • with what skill and ability they are conducted; besides keeping the Coast ill con.- tant alarm, can- ing'a total sus- jwn- i ill of the trade, aud harassing a body of troops ero- Jil. iyed 111 opposing him, he ha-, probably, prevented those troop-, which wei e intended for Figtieras, from advancing into Spain, by giving them employment in the defer. ee ot their own Coast. " On the coast towards Genoa the enemy has been equally annoyed by the Kent and Wizard. Those ships h ive bad tk* t - t itioij sume time to prevent the French ship; -.." i , g from Genoa, and have almost entirely stopped the only trade the eneuiy had, which is in very small Vessels." During their cruize there they have tafcen and destroyed twenty- three of those coasters." Rear- Admiral the Hon. Sir A. Cochrane has transmitted information that Capt. Pigot, of his Majesty's ship Circe, has eaptured the French corvette Paliiieur, the last of the two which were so gallantly beaten by his Majesty's sloop Goree, commanded by Capt. Spear, the other having been betore broughtin by the Pompee. [ Sir A. Cochrane has also transmitted official accounts of the Other captures and losses on hi? station, which are mentioned in the preceding page.] BANKRUPTS. John Poore, of Utifi- laue, Southwark, lighterman. Tnoiaas Stone, of lliadstoiv, cornfaetor. John Woolt, ot Liverpool, Merchant. ftii ' solas Btannin, 01' Westbury- upon- Trim, timber- merchant. Samuel Sampson and ChalUs Chipcli « e, ot Bread- street, London, warehousemen. On Tuesday arrived the brig Telemachus, of Poole, laden with tish and oil, from Newfoundland. She war, captured by a French privateer, and re- captured by the gun- brig Encounter, and the Beaver, Pearson, master, from Malaga and Gibraltar, bound to London, with raisin, and lemons, put into ihis port by stress of weather, having lost her boat, and carried away part of her shrowds. Oil Thursday came in the Supeibe French slo^ p, of 4 guns antl 21 men, from Nantz, for Guailaloupe, laden with provisions, captured by the Naiad, of ag guns, aud Nar- cissus, of 32 guns. Same day arrived the Diana, of 38 guns, from Corunna: it does not appear that she brings any new = of consequence. • PORTSMOUTH, Jan. 7• Major- General Ferguson and Major- General Dyott are arrived here, to embark for the army in Spain. Major- General Sherbroke is also orrived, to assume the command of the corps embarked at Spithead, and will proceed with it tke moment the wind permits. It is su(>. post d that its destination is Cortmua. The fofee consists of the Guards, 2d battalion of the 87th re iiuent, and Ut battalion of the 83th regiment, under. Major- General Tils, in, and Brigadier- General Campbell, amumiting to about 4000 men. Moyeelay,— Arrived the Lavinia, of 40 guns, Opt. Lord Wm." Stuart, from Lisbon; Clorlnde, id' 38 guns, Capt. BViggs, from Plymouth, destined to the East Indies; Challenger sloop, Cant. Ryder, with transports from the Downs, having the 87th and 8 « th Regiments of Fopt on board; Primrose sloop, Capt. Mem, from Oporto; and Podargus sloop, Capt.. Helliard, from the Eastward. Tuesday.— Arrived the Niobe, of 38 guns, Capt. Loring, from Lisbon; Merope sloop, Capt. Dod. with transports from Ramsgate, with the Guards on board, for Spain. Wednesday.— Arrived the Kagle, ot 74 guns, Captain Rowley, from Plymouth. Sailed the Goldfinch sloop, Captain Skinner, and During gun- vessel, Lieut. Hayes. Friday.— Arrived the Primrose sloop and Diligent store ship. Went out of harbour the Iris, of 32 guns, Captain Tower. Saturday. Arrived the Avenger sloop, Capt. White, with convoy from Newfoundland ; Fleche sloop, Capt. Buchanan, froni a cruize in the Channel; and Bustard sloop, Capt. Markland, to fit for foreign service. The Niobe and Isis arc appointed to proceed with the troops collected at Spithead, for Spain, the mo- ment the wind will admit their departure. LONDON. SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 7. By the Diana, which broughr the last Spanish papers, Government received official accounts that the armies tinder Generals Moore, Baird, and Romana had effected a junction; and that this formidable force had nearly approached the,, aruir of Marshal Soult, which is perhaps equally formidable in present num- bers, and can much more readily obtain reinforce- ments. Letters from Barbadoes of the 2Rth of October, say the yellow fever rages there with great violence. Many persons have fallen victims to it. Not less than twenty surgeons, or assistant surgeons, in bis Majesty's service, have died in a short time of this dreadful disorder. The Captains of the Navy, finding their allowance to- tally inadequate to their rank, are about to petition for an increase of pay. The Lieutenants ( a more numerous, not less meritorious though tnore neglected class of Officers) have already framed a memorial on the- same subject, which will in a few days be presented to the Lords of^ he Admi- ralty. The Memorial, we are told, strongly urges the hardships which many of the memorialists endure having boys, who had seen little service, promoted over their heads, whilst they have grown grey in po session of the r present rank, and have shed- their blood in their cou ttry's cause, unnoticed and unrequited. The OPERA- HOCSC; was opened la-. t. night for the season, w'th a n w comic opera, the music of which was much admitted; but the chief novelty was the first appearance in this cott try of Signora Colliui, who has a powt rful, clear, tine- toiwd voice, with great taste and brilliancy of exetu- ti- m. She v. - received with ^ r » - at approbation. Between the acts of the opera, an A iatic divvrtisement was pra aenteij ••• • le tftV - V grandson oT the great Vi stris, am! s tii of the celebrated Vestris, made his first appear- ance, and i said to uut. lo the performance- of his dancing prog'- Ui' as. Made, in: . lie Angiolini, the new female ( lancet, aiso received ..' iili unbounded applause.— The opening ootids ti e. i , e of fasbi, liable resort was on the whole marked with unusual eclat. The Royal . Exchange was yesterday a scene of confu- sion :— A Mr. Turner sought out Mr. Steeveus, a respect- able merchant, and endeavoured to inflict on that gentl - man a horse- whipping, with a heavy- thonged whip- which he had provided for the purpose, and with which he struck him several time-, Mr. S. endeavoured in return to knock down his assailant. Several gentlemen got between the combatants, and the disgraceful scene was ended by the Co:. s! abJcs'* of the place handing out the parties. A very- serious disturbance took place in the garrison of Colchester, on Christmas- day, • between the 4th regiment of foot and a militia regiment, in which upwards of a hundred nu n were woended on both sides, and one killed. — Morning C/ n'tntele. The Pigeon schooner we t on shore near Margate on Thursday night, and bilged. The whole of the crew were lasbetl to the masts for nine hours; two of them were lost. The Pigeon carried only two guns. On Thursday last, as George Hutton, Esq. a gentleman of celebrity, on the TUrf, wa? crossing a small bridge near StoeStton- upo-. i- Tess, on W.- eback, he unfortunately fell from his hot' s, and was\ n - d. DIED.] On the 24th of September la't, in France, the Hon Paine Isabella Style, widow of Sir Charles Style, Bart, of Wartpiiiigbury, Kent, and sister of the late Lord Viscount Powerseo jrt, of Ireland.— Iii York- street, Dublin, on Christmas Day last, in the 86th year of his age, Charles Fairail, Esq. rnatty years Deputy Clerk of the Pleas in the Court of Exchequer in Ireland.— On Thursday morning, at one o'clock, at her house in Seymour- place, the Hon. Mrs. Cornwallis, relict of the late Hon." and Right Rev. Dr. Cornwallis, Archbishop of Canterbury, and sister of Lord Bayning, who had been apprised of his sister's dangerous state, aud set out from his seat in Norfolk to vi> it her, but being detained two days oil his journey by the badness of the roads, he arrived at her house at five ou Thursday morning, four hours after her demise. PRICES OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three o' Clock, iSank Stock, 236 In dia Stock, 186$ ' SOL tlr Sea Stock," shut 3 y JVnt. Red. St>| , 3 |> Ce tit- Cons. tf/ J 4- jftCe. ts 91J 6 •$>. Cent. M; lv'y » shut 6 ^- Cent. i'Wj — Long Ann. 1F j Oranium, ljdis. India Bonds, h a 7 p. Exchequer Bills", 3 p. Irish 5 Cents. — Imperial 3 - p- Cents. — English Lott. Tlckets, i Ditto Prizes, 2 y Cent dis. $ Mrt jQetos. Georje Revcug;. ai-' o oom'tOg ' nt0 01 westerly" v ta a frigate r Bay, vind. by tlt « PL. YMOOTH, Encounter, gun- hi^ days. She brought , jtt. which stat Baird's army the house to seek for lodgings in Bath, accompanied by Few and Nichols ; when they had proceeded about a hun- dred yards, Nichols struck up the heels of Hitchings, fell upon him, and eized him by the throat, whilst Few took from his pocket a small leather purse, containing eight guineas and a half in gold, and two 1/. Bristol notes, with which they decamped iHitchiugs rail to the Angel Inn, at the Old Bridge, anil told what had happened. He was re- commended to Paul Scudamore, the constable of the hun- dred of Bath- foruin, who in three hours traced and took the offenders into custody; and ? m Thursd\ y they were committed to Ilehester Gaol, for trial at the next Assize for the county of Somerset. HOME MARKETS. Prices of Corn, per Quarter— Bread, per Gallon. Wheat. I Barley. | Oats. Beans. ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of BESJAMIN CKALTI. ES COLLINS, Esq. lata of Salisbury, and of Mortimer- street, Cavendish- square, London, arc requested to pay the same forthwith to jpiis DOWIUNG, Bookseller, on the Canal, Salisbury, who is authorised by TOWNLEY WARD, Esq. the acting'executor, to receive the same; and all Persons who have any claim upon the estate, and have not yet delivered an account of their demands, are desired to transmit thesa'me immediately tothesaidJoHN DOWDI. NG, iD order that they may be discharged, SALISBURY, December 24, 1806. [ 806 Jan. Salisbury, Basingstuke, Devizes, Newbury, Andover, Warminster, , , s. 82 ttt .9ft j 36 to 55 78 to 92 ; 30 to 4! l Bl to 90 l 30 ( 0 64 17 to .96 j 32 to 49 7 7 < to 9.9| 40 to 51 7166 ( o :- 0, 34 to 58 s, s. 37 to 46 30 to 38 40 to 41 26 to 42 3Ko49 36 to 41 1. I. 70 to to 65 to 71 76 to 84 .59 to 83 60 to 72 68 to 84 Bread. d. 0 ' Of l 114 Weight of the GaU. onLoaf, Sib. Mat.— Half Gall. Mb. ' tint. FAI. MOUT;], Jan. i • The Eliza packet arrived tiiis dav, from Corunn, She brings accounts of a brilliant affair between a bout 500 of the 15th dra- gr Tons arid 900 of the em V1}'' 3 cavalry, in Spain, in wli ich ,100 of the latter we. * f made prisoners, and a srrea t number killed. Our army was near Madrid, v UxitAM, Jan. 6. Adm Lord Gambier, with v ' q,. U - ider hia command, ( viz. Caledonia, Royal the sUv aduonght, St. Gc Ca; sar, Achille, name it- tknown,) is just now being b: flivn off the. ir station ihrtxigb Sir John- Moov. an. 6. On T Monday arrived>- the , from Vigo, at'i * r a passage of five ' otters from th mce, dated the 27th that a Messenger V » 1 left Sir David lie,!.* - eruo on the 18th, and passed arm v 011 th S 19th ult. aud that U-. th armies were in A . health and s firits. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, ' JANUARY 7. Sir Francis Baring is about to erect a monument in his parish church in Hampshire, wi n tablets suffi- ciently spacious to receive the mortuary records of his extensive family: the design is by that ingenious statuary, Mr. Flaxinmi.— 31. Inrnld. BIRTH.] At Southampton, on the 3d inst. the I. adv'of Major Neshitt, Assistant Quarter- Master General, of a daughter. Oa Thursday was married, at St. Thomas Church, Mr. Jacob, bookseller, of High- street, to Miss Borman, of, Southgate- ltreet. A few days since was married, Mr. John Savage, hair- dresser, of this city, to Miss Carter. On Monday last oied, at the house of her grand- father, James Tayler, Esq. of the Polygon, near • Southampton, Miss Sarah GeOrgina Clerk, second daughter of Robert Clerk, Estj. of Pad worth House, near Reading, Berks. On Tuesday died, at Whitchurch, in the 74th year of his age, Mr. Jasper VVinscois, a very respectable preacher, for more than forty years, in the late Rev. John Wesley's methodist connexion, and whose loss will be long felt in that connexion, and in his own family. On Wednesday Inst died suddenly, William Allen, Esq. of Whitchurch, Captain of the Volunteers of that town, and Deputy Receiver- General of the Taxi's for the county of Hants : he WAS much beloved and respected, and lias left a large fewullv m bu.-' t: i his lo- . On Thhr::. iay died, aged 21 years, Mr. Austin, son of Mr. Austin, gardener and sredsffwn, of this city. On the 1st inst. was rung, at Si. Mary's Church, Oris- brooke, ill the Isle of Wight, by the Union Youths, of Newport, Mr. John lin t's ten- course peal of Grandsire Tripples, consisting of 504Q Changes, which was per- formed in three hours and seven minutes.— The above peal was co. duct' d by the person who rang the 7th bell, and called it on the 2d.— Tenor 20 cwt. 9 lb. On Tuesday, as W. Smith, of Swatbliug, was putting down a Cart- load 01' wood at the door of 3. Taylor, Esq. ill Southampton, for whom he had worked many years, the horse- suddenly plunged, which threw Smith from the cart, and pitching on bis b- ad, he received so much injury, that he expired immediately.— The unfortunate man was many years distributor of this Journal in aud around Swathiing, a. id was of course well knonn in all that neighbourhood. SALISBURY. MONDAY, JANUARY 0, 1809. In the course of the last ten days, large quantities of specie, remittances to our merchant, brought to Falmouth in the Queen Charlotte packet, from Por- tugal, have been conveyed through this city, in Rus- sell's and Sweet's waggons, for London. The Hulseau Prize at Cambridge is this, year adjudged to Mr. J. C. Hobhouse, B. A. of Trinity College, for his E » say on the Origin and Intent inn of Sacrifice. B: RTHS.] On Wednesday, at Ashton Clinton, in Buckinghamshire, the seat of Viscount Lake, the Lady of Henr; Davvkins, jun. Esq. of a son.— On the ' J 1st ult. in Cheshire, the Lady of Major Clement Archer, of the. 16th Light Dragoons, of a son.—- On the lstitist. at Marniiull, the Lady of T. Drew, Esq. of a daughter.— A few days since, at Hartham Park, the Lady of John Ensor, Esq. of a son. On Monday se'nnight was married, in Dublin, by- special licence, John Conroy, Esq. of thtj Royal Horse Artilletv, to Eliza only Ghild of Brigadicr- Gen. Fisher, ( Commanding Royal Engineer in Ireland), and niece of the Lord Bishop of Salisbury. On Wednesday last was married, at Piddjetown, Dorset, Mr. Charles Meaden, of Kingston, to. Miss Sarah Beasant, of Piddle town. Lately- died, at Poole, John Bird, Esq. aged 86 also, on Dec. 21, died James Seager, Esq. aged 72, both Aldermen of the Corporation of Poole. There art? now living four Aldermen of the same Corporation, whose united ages amount to 313 years. On Sunday rhe 1st inst. died, at Damerham, after a short illness, Mrs. Henvill'e, aged 26 v'eafs, wife of Mr. Edward Henville, miller, of that place. On, Monday last died Mrs. Waldron, wife of John Waldron, Esq. of Trowbridge. On Friday evening died Mr. Philip Bennet, master of the French Horn Inn, at Dinton. On Saturday, as William Tanswell, an industrious shoe- maker of Milford- street, in this city, was crossing the the Market- place, he fell down, gave a convulsive sigh, and expired. Surgical assistance was immediately pro- em- red, but the vital spark was totally extinct.—- Tanswell was about 45 years of age, and the instant before he fell appeared to be ill perfect health. The followirg daring robbery was committed on Wed- nesday evening, between the Old Bridge at Bath, and the turnpike- house oil the Bristol road:— A young man named Hitching!!, returning from Bristol to Devizes, got out of the coach at the said turnpike- house, having been pre- viously acquainted with Simmons, the keeper of the ;; at. e. He spent the afternoon there, in company with William Few and James Nichols. At six o'elock, Hitchings quitted WINCHESTER ASSEMBLY. THE Subscribers to the Winchester Assembly, and the Nobilitv and Gentrv in the neighbourhood, are res- pectfully informed, that the MASTER of the CEREMONIES' BALL will be on Monday Evening the 16th of January 180- J. P. LEE, M. C. " N. B. Tickets may he had at the George, and at Mr. Ja- cob's, opposite the George. [ 142 Dedicated, by permission, to AUss St. SAN E. BI CKIOP. D. THE BEAUTIES OF PURCELL, IN TWO VOLS.; consisting of his most favourite Songs, Duetts, afrioe, & C. selected from his various works ; revised ana arranged CARD. STREHERN respectfully return: mo,; . • thanks r the Gentry of Wi.-. b,. rr,( r 11.1 and. the Public in general, f- r the nut". 1 iis : v , - experienced sin? e IK entered upon th, NEW INN ; ana : this opportunity of informing them, that hi has reli.- viuishrd the concern to Mr. ComrtiK, whom he p- irtvcu'.; r'. y fee- ni- mends to their noticc, well assured that, by h. s unremitting i attention, he wiU merit similar encouragement to that wh. cli S. T. had the honour of receiving. WlMBOKNSJ, Dec. 21, 1803. [ 7* t> JCOMPLIN begs leave to inform the NobiHty and • Gentry resident in Wiinbouic and neighbourhood, and the Public at large, that he has taken the above INN, and trusts he shall meet with similar support and patronage tp thst which has hitherto attended the concern. J. C. assures thevu, that be has spared no cxpence in the improvement of the do- nv- stic establishment of the Inn, and the judicious t< nrtmuit of hisWir. es, in addition 4o the large stuck pun base. 1 of his predecessor. l. C. also solicits the favours of Gentlemen Travellers, hav- ing made it his par. icular study, in the above arrangements, to tender there evcrv agreeable' and convenient accommodation. N. ft. Post Horses, Carriages, & c. [ 787 P To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and FREEHOLDERS of the COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON. GEKTI. EMIN, A N Advertisement having appeared in the last week's Xi. Salisbury- and Winchester Journal,, from Mr. Herbert, expressive of his sentiments in consequence of the result of the late Election for [ he County ; lest an ol .. rvation contained in that islvertisemeiit should possibly have had any reference to myself upon tly. occasion, and tend, unrefuted, to deceive or mislead, I feci called upon to say a few words upon it, that neither Mr. Herbert nor any of iiis supporters may corf- tinue to labour under any mistake that 1 CIM clear up. Mr. Herbert says—" ! t is most pleasant to my feelings, that some who were formerly hostile to my'prttinsions, should have spontaneously tendered tnetr support." Upon the approach of the late Election, 1 met a friend of mine, in the interest . of Mr. Herbert, who told me, that, " concluding from tri tenor ot a letter uf. mine upon the subject of the Portugal Con- vention, that I must be come quite round in my political sen- timents; lie had taken the opportunity ot immediately writing to mc, strongly to solicit irA interest in Mr. Herbert's favour at the ensuing El'ec'jiii." 1 soon undeceived my friend, ob- serving that, after so long an acquaintance, I could not but wonder that he should know so little of me, as to " conclude that, because I had, in common with the rest of the nation, expressed my mortification at the Portugal Convention, that, ' therefore, I ' must be come quite round 111 my political senti- ments."— To the same- erroneous conclusion, likewise, I felt indebted for a letter, in a few days after, from Mr. Herbert himself^" soliciting my support at the approaching Election" — an honour 1 hat! never had done me at either of the two former Elections. Upon ttie same erroneous conclusion ( as was acknowledged' , 1 was mast cordially invited antl pressed to dine with Mr. Herbert's party on the day of the Election, by one of his leading supporters. When, therefore, in addi- tion to these concurring circumstances, Mr. Herbert informs the county " that sonic who were formerly hostile to his pre- tensions, have spontaneously tendered their support," I think it but fair, both to Mr. Herbert and myself, that my name should not hereafter, by mistake, appear in a List peradven- ture of one of the virtuous Minorities which have so often issued from " All the Talents," to gratify the public with a display of all their virtue;" feeling myself totally unworthy so distinguished an honour, much less to rank with those chosenfu ( those very chosen few, I suspect), v.* ho are sup- posed to have become so enlightened as to perceive, upon this occasion, the superior pretensions and the superior claims of Mr.' Herbert to trie suffrages of the county; which pretensions, and which cliir. -, I profess myself so unenlightened, that 1 cannot for the life ot me discover. When Mr. Herbert re- in rks " that all the influence of Government was armed against him," he cannot be surprised, nor should he be hurt at that, as ha has so often asserted it, and es[> ecially as he knows full well, from his own experience, when be, as he justly observes, " once had the honour of Calling the Free- holders his Couititu n's," that the Government of " All the Talents" did nj'. disdain to avail itself pretty largely of the exertion of the same influence, and for the same f « ji « rn, perhaps, that he noK assigns, because " the" ( then) " Minis- '' ters could not t { crate such Freediftr.:" but when he pro- ceeds to state, the armament o/ fbat influence " w s in favour of a Gcu'. i.- man not eligible to represent the county," 1 cannot hut th. n , that Gentleman, from his political princi- ples, quite as eligible, and from , his ' local qualifications a-: 1 i II,-.- pr-.- t,-] ' ijjtis, a ht'y more eligible than ftimSeir: his eligibility, i latter • in pwiit ot parliaihintary form., remaining yet to be decided ; therefore'scarce quite decent, in him, of all men, to ei. Lavour $ 0 prejudge and decide, while he is awaiting the result of his cr n L. rib! e Petition to Parliament, to sit in judgment on their respective pretensions. I cannot but congratulate myself that that 1 did not te tenner my spontaneous" or give my solicited support to him, as 1 must have felt greatly mortified that my vote and interest should have been thrown away upon a can- didate who ( as he triumphantly observes of Sir John Pollen) " felt himself unable to cope with his opponent, and declined the contest;" and who, instead of urging, as 011 former occa- sions,- his birth political aiid family pretensions, was on this occasion satisfied to come into Parliament in spite of the sense of the county of his ineligibility; and instead of drawing, as heretofore, in glowing perspective, the day of his eventual election .15 the proudest day of his life, submitted— oil! la- mentable falling 08'!— to. rest his snccess on the possible par- liamentary ineligibility of his opponent; and thus to gain his election, and to put this proudest day of his lite into his pocket, as the sccond- bc. t horse wins at a country race by proving the winner to have run on the wrong side the post 1 ( n tiie motive asi. gncd by Mr. Herbert ftn. Sir John Pollen's " declining the contest, being unable to cope with him as his opponent," the Hon. Gentleman is somewhat mistaken: it arose, posrblv, from his feeling that Mr. Heathcote stood in no u-.-"- i of his assistance, and sufficiently secure from the effects of his petition to render it quite superfluous to cope with him. In one sentiment 1 agree with Mr. Herbert'; 1 likewise hail :' thou:.'": i not on his being seated in Parliament, as he diffi- dently docs') the dawn of better days in this- county. The y.' Vohcitf i assurances" which he say s he has. received from the Fr. ihol'. lers connected - with the Dock- yard, who would not resign their mental independence, " though fearrassed 1 n 1 persecuted by tile agents of Government," is a sentiment and a sent nee that runs in my head 1 remember to have seen upon a foitner occa-^ on, and which I then thought genuine, when " All the Talents" formed the Government, whose agents, sure enough, « • harrassed and persecuted the Free- holders connected with the Dock- yard." What Mr. Herbert says respecting the pledge demanded of him on the nomination day, I was so unfortunate as not to be present to htar him so ably and so consistently decline. Not only " All the Talents," but any, and every part of them, are ready enough to demand pledges of others, however exalted th- ir situation ; but by no means so, to enter into any them- selves, which may bind their unshackled freedom, as inde- pendent and staunch Whigs. But I hope I'shall never live to see the day, when Mr. Herbert's being " debarred taking any share, in the Administration of Public Affairs" will be subver- sive of the Constitution, ahtl fatal ( as he modestly apprehentls) to the " Liberties of the Country." It is a distinguishing^ rait of the sanguine, disposition and of the reasonable expectations of " All the Talents," that should any individual condemn or even disapprove of any measure or any men composing the present Ministry, that, therefore, he must of course, as thev express it, " come quite round m his political sentiments,'' and resigning eveiy good opinion of every measure, and of bury man composing the Ministry, throw himself, without hesitation, or scarce a choice, into the fraternal embrace of " AH, the . said Talents," and adopting all a, nd every measure and sentiment of their s as his future political faith, and his future political practice, abandon himself, without reserve, to go all lengths, hand in hand with the Illuminati. And there certainly must be something singularly dull or unac- countably perverse in my disposition, that I cannot bring my- self wholly and entirely to subscribe to the indispensable ne- cessity of that alternative. Whenever, in the rashness of resolve, I can, I have always thought it a duty to myself to recollect the experimental caution given us tor our security and guidance. " Facilis descensus Averni,— Sed revocare gradam, superasque evadere ad auras, Hie labor, hoc opus est." I must take, this occasion to apologise to Mr. Herbert for By J ) SEPH CORFE, Gentlcmanof his Maj sty's Chapels Royal, Lfxidon, . prwrn j r This work will beextcu: ed in the neatest manner, or; Im- /\ J.,,"^ __ perial Paper, so as tocoKcsp > nd with the Jlewities of Handel, to which an Accompaniment, and a Thorough Bass to the whole, will be marked with grs at care, so as to make it more general aud useful. The first Volume wilt be ready fqr dc- Iiverv in this month. \ Stib- criptions, one Guinea each Vol, received at Mr. f? rcs- ton's, No. £ 7, Strand, London Printing Office, . Mi iSfj. Banks's, and Mr. Curfe's, Salisbury.— Alter th.- Subscription is closed, which will b* on the ijth 1: 1st. the price will be ad- vance.! 1' » - r . , BOOKSELLING. BOOKSELLING BUSINESS 1\. will be commenced, at No. 10, Lodirare- streit, London, on the lit of February U0H, ttndcr the Firm of Constable, Btmter, Pari:, and : ihtnitr, by the under- wi in - n I'artnu* thereat.— SIR JOHN CARTER. JUST published,— A small PORTRAIT, an ap- proved Lik liess, of thr. late Sir JOHN CARTER, by J. LEA, Miniature Painter, Grand Parade, Portsmouth, at 5s each ; but, a few proof impressions remain at < ji. each : to be had of the Publisher ( with frames, if required), and of Mr. Mottley, Portsmouth ; Mr. Whitewood, F-„ r" ft.: a ; and Mr. Jacob, Winchester. pit TO be SOLD,— A most excellent TELEGRAPH GIG, entirely new, having only been used three or four times -, it is warranted to noilt of well- seasoned wood, quite calculated to drive as a tand. m. is large enough to csiry two dogs; and, when loaded, it is builton se^ ooda pri » Cipk. as not to weigh more en the horse's hack than when empty ; it is light, and the draft exce. edingly easy—- it is in every vray calculated for a Sportsman ; has a scat behind to carry two, which removes at pleasure. For particulars apply to Mr. Skinner, carpenter, B. shops- trow, Warminster; if by letter, postpaid. M7.! HAY FOR SMJL ABOUT Forty- five Tons of Prime MEADOW HAY, in one Rick, within three miles of Redbridge. For further particulars p'ply yf by letter, postpaid; to Mr. James Young, Romsey. [ 61 ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE, ALEX. G. HUNTER, JOHN PARK, CHAS. HTJNTER. The Busir, • . h rrtof •<• arc'icc n ir. KiiinSur;:'. Vuntlev th- rirm- of Archibald Oor. w, ck am ipsr. v, will - ui. t i'.,'-• •:-.) be carried on as tormeriv, t PSitncr* titcrcet. *'.< i HHVniD CONSTABLE, •• HUNTER. F. o: Knvr. cw, Ctv. « 8, 180?. fir. C^ ODWIN & WASTFIELD, Patent Senbliinp, J Carding, Bruihiig, Drcuint, md Thrashing MacH* e- nokm, Enpvtrs, Hydraulic i'ngine- mikers, and Mill- turxghts in grficraj, at their Manutactory, Wooley- street, Sradrord, return tbtir thanks to their friends and a generous public for their kind and distinguished favours— assure them of their utmost exertions to mere a continuance of the same, and beg to inform them iht- t they may be supplied with any article as above, with elegance and dispatch, aud on the most approved principles. [ 110 ROMSEY NURSERY. £ 1HARLES KNIGHT sells all sorts of Fruit and OR SALE, for ready Money t tilv,— Six Hogs- heads of PRIME MELTED TALI t> W .-—- Enquire Of Mr. John Bartlett, tallow- chandler, Weyi. iOoth ; if by letter, postpaid.— Jan. a, 1809. ' '[! o4 TITHES. TO be SOLD,— The GREAT TITHES of the parish of CASTLF. MORTON, in the county of Worcester, of the value ol' £ t! oo p: r annum, with right of Common i over valuable Marshes, which, on in lnclosure, will consi- 1 derably increase the estate. Apply ( by letter, post paid) at Mr. Bell's office, land agent, Winchester. [ 1( 55 ISl. tv OK VT[ GHT rpO be SOLD,— A FREEHOLD COTTAGE, A consisting of two parlours, three bed rooms, two attics, an excellent under- ground cellar, kitchen, & c. and a small Garden, situate at Ciattert'onl, near Newport. [ mi I'.' t particulars era; one ol Mr. Finch, 1. iverstock, near Sa- lisbury ; or of Mr. Robert Ncy s, P. n Farm, Isle of Wighr. \ Middle / X Drat t prices. Gitr- ho have wish' aged MAN, without any Incumbrance ••.'•• - • SHOPMAN in a Linen r Wto. ler - V , rti'i-> i ; oj if wanted, in a Clothier', Cou * ? .„ a teaciKTin a workhouse. The three branches he has been employed in tor more than fifteen years p'sl, and given general satisfaction ; tor which he can rc; Vv to pers, ns if the greatest respectability, for his character, both in town and countiy. y l etters post- paid addressed to R. G. No. 1, Church- street, Salisbury, will be duly attended ( o, [ 17C Forest Trees, Shrubs, & c. at the lowe.., dens and Plantations fcid out and planted on n- asi - nable terms. C. K. returns his sincere thanks to those frieuds w! favoured him with their commands, and tiegs to inforth them and the public, that in consequence of his quitting part of his Nurscrv, he hns a large quantity of Forest Tires, such as Oak, Rush, Chestnu*, and Fir, with about 4tt, f> 0U Stotth Firs of two and tiirce years transplanting, very vtie, whit h will be sold very cheap. " fiofi NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT. TA. TAYLOR, PLUMBER, PAWRTU, -. IN! G • mr. s, returns his " metre thanks to his Fii. t gt < Public lor the hiany favour: rec. ivel during (- turn with his late partner, Mr. Foster ( which I'arn dissolved by mutual consent), and begs to inform th he intends carrying on the above- mentioned Busines • s, at his house near the Post- office, Pylc- street, Newpcrt, hoping, by the most diligcut attent: on ' to the. r ccinm. iids, t,. merit their future patronage and support. { 147 not answering his letter; but as I could not have replied to it ( as he must perceive) in terms by any means satisfactory to Mr. Herbert's wishes or political sentiments, I thought it the least uncivil of the two to let it remain unacknowledged. Yet, lest he may still think, that at the time I " spontaneously tendered, or ever meant to tender htm my support," I beg leave to assure him, that I was at that time as " hostile to his pretensions" as I ever was, and as I am at this moment. With respect to Mr. Herbert's r mark upon the undue qotice of the nomination day, which he is pleased to term " surreptitious,-" with regard, likewise, to the improbability of some assertions respecting the occurrences of that day: the former I leave to the consideration of the Sheriff, whom it most concerns ; atvl the latter, as I had the misfortune not to be present, I leave to the abler judgment ot such of yourselves who were present. I remain. Gentlemen, Youi obedient humble Servant, Jan. 3, 1803. ROSERT LO WTH. WOOL SORTERS. • iT/' ANTED,— A few Hands, also a FOREM AN, y V in the above line of business.- Sober men, who Well jtnderstan I their business, may hear of an eligible situa- tion, by application to Mr. Randall, Wilton. [ lea YNTED, BOYS in Eitglisf. Geography. Apply to the Printers. A TUTOR, to instruct three Latin, Writing, Arithmetic, and f ie_ 0 WIMBORNE, DORSET. THE Preparatory SCHOOL will open again the 16th instant, under the Supirrintendance of the Misses DRUI'rr, Nieces of the late Mrs. GCTCH. Jeuiueny 6, 1809. [ 177 GREEN1IAM, NEAH NEWBURY. MESSRS. GROBETY, DEAR, AND GOOD- MAN, LONDON, tic. CAREIKRS, beg leave to inform their friends and customers, that, ow ing to the high » rice of horse provender, and other articles ir. the carrying line, they are under the necessity of raising the price ot carriage to the different towns they are carrying go Js to ; but at the same time the price so risen will he as moderate as possible, ac- cording to the present state of thir gs. To commence from the 1st of January, l.° 09. [ 149 Dec. set, 1S08.. y informs his BRISTOL, HPIIOMAS HARDING tespe. ct. lu. A friends and the. public, that fcs is renjoVed from No. to No. 53, Castle- street, where he coot. t: - s Manufacturing all sorts of BELLOWS, BRUSHES, MOPS, and HAIR- SIEVES, iii every- respect the- same as dufing the co- part- nership of Rutterand Harding; and fakes'this opportunity of expressing his sincere thanks f. r the liberal support and , a- tronage be experienced while in that concern. He now begs leave to solicit a continuance of tnose favours on his own ac- count only ; and fi . iters himself that, by many years expe- rience, it will be in >.. s power to render Complete satisfaction to his friends; and assures them the most ass duous attention and dispatch shall be given to all orders committed to him. N. B. Forge Bellows of the bist quality j and every article in the above- mentioned brandies, wholesale and retail, and for exportation, [ fiti ... SALISBURY, Dec. AI, 1808. NORTON, CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, & c. Poultry Cross, respectfully thanks the Publicfor past favours, and informs them he has laid in a large Stuck of NEW and FASHIONABLE ARTICLES in the above branches, purchased most advantageously in the present state of the Markets, and which he can therefore sell on the cheapest terms.— All orders will be thankfully received, and punctually executed. N. B. Appraising and Auctionaering. [ 811 • - — ——-—-— — SBRACIIER respectfully informs the friends of • _ htr deceased Mother, and the public, that the Business of TIN- PLATE WOIIKEH. and BRAZIIIR, in all its branches, will lj> e continued by her in trust for the benefit of het Bro- thers,-, am! in conjunction with them during their minority ; and hopes, by a punctual attention to all orders, to insure a continuance of public favor. Oatm.: al- roiv, Salisbury f Dec. 30, 1808. [.' 3 c. MESSRS. WYATT and FOOT beg to inform iheiixiriends aud the public, that they have entered into the WINE and SPIRIT TRADE; and having been so fortunate to obtain the Stock of a Merchant in London de- clining business, they can with confidence recommend some excellent old Wine, of 1102 Vintage. ENDLKSS- STREETS SALISBURY. [ 174 Mil. BEEBY, being just returned from LONIIOV, will have a variety of novel articles, which will be ready foi Public Insp- ctioo on TupscvY next; consisting of Sarsnets, Sattins, Velvets, Flannels, Lace Shirts, Caps, and Tuckers; Chinese Flos. Fur, and other Trimmings ; Ptu- Mrs; Gold, Silver, and other Fancy F1 wers; lined Gloves, Hi sit ry, elegant real Thread Lace Chenil'es, and Yon: Thread, which cannot be had anv where else, & c. See. for readv monty only. Haberdashej, Mercer, Hosier, fire. New Canal, SALISBURY. January 7, 1809. Newport, Isle of Wight, Dec. 8t, IS'- s. THOMAS FOSTER, Plumber, Puintcr, is' Gin. zrer, returns his most grateful acknowledgments to 1 j friends and the public in general, and betrs leave to it,- . the. n, that the Partnership with Mr. TAYI. UI IS di ..',,:, » , and that he intends carrying on the above busmess or. , . • n concern, at his house inCartlc- hoid, flatters I,... . 1. he snail, by strict attention, and by employing the bist . men, meet with that encouragement which he has rv - rienced during the term of nineteen years, and huml. ly soi. cits a continuance ot their tivouri, which will be ever rrate- fully remembered. rjffi Hydraulic Lifting Pumps, with , i f, two. or more rrv ns, _ I Water Cii>- * ta, R--- r ijjipr.. w • iixc- d on rhe s, ortest riotlcc, on tjie best principles, & on the most modi rate terms N. B. Wanted immediately,--— A sober, steady MAN, ft ho is well experienced in the Plumbing snd Glazing Business. Such a person will receive constant employ, and iis. pet week, by applying personally or by letter ( pos't paid) as above. No one need apply but who can answer the above description. CAPITAL TIMBER. rPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by HARRY Russ, at the Black Dog Inn, at Standeiwick, on Monday the 30th of January inst. between the hours of three and f.-- e in th.- afternoon,— 5i> 7 Maiden OAKS, with the Tops, Lcps. an 1 Bark, now growing in a wood called the Five Lords' or Rowse Wootl, situate in the parish of V>. stbury, in the county of Wilts, adjoining to the turnpiKe roads leading Jrom War- minster and West bury to Bath and Bristol, For a view of the'timber apply to Richard Hollawav, of DiltooVmarsh ; and lor further particulars to V.- Sturge, sui. veyor, Seamiils, near Bristol. [ i- jy NEW FOREST, HAN1' N, ~ " TO he SOLD by AUCTION, at Lyndhurst, by order of the Ri^ ht Hon. Lot 1 Glentiervie, Snrvevir- General of his Majesty's Woods and Fori - u, on Ihutsday the I'stn day of January", 1809,— The following Lots of CAST TIMBER, & c. LOT. OAK. rues. [ LOT. BE? CH. ENDS. 1. Lyndhurst Walk i i j A. l. vndhuist Walk r, 2. Ditto If I Rhine field Walk.... •• 9 3. Ditto IS 10. Ashurst Walk, small 4-. Ditto pi Beech t3t> fl. Rhinrfteld Walk 17 i Also several Lots ot CORD, E. Whitley Ridge, Walk.. 17 I COAL- FIRE WOOD, anil 7. I- ady Cross Walk 7| BAVINS. For further particulars apply to Joseph Mortimer, Esq. OWER, L'. e. S3, ISOCT. [ 3S To Timber Merchants and Ship- builders. CAPRTAL NAVV & OTHER TIMBER. HPO he SOLO by AUCTION, together or in lots. 1 at Mr. Robert Evans's, Clerk, at Greslbtd, on Fridm the 24th dav of February next, at three o'clock.—.'. 04 capital OAK TREES, and lfiu exceeding good ASH TREES, .-. t- i the Lops, Tops, and Bark thereof, re w s indine and nume- rically marked, in the Parsonage Woods and ether lands at Grest'ord. Of the Oak, 40 trees average about 58 feet each, ( is about 43, 119 about 34, 1SI about and 1 no' about 16 feet each ; and the Ash average aboutSl feet each. Ef* Gresford is situated about tlir^ c piles from Wrexham, and eight from Chester Quay. For a view of the timber, and conditions of sale, apo'y to the said Robert Evans, of whom printed particulars rn- iy be had, as well, as at the principal Inns at Wrexham and othei market towns ill the neighbourhood, and al . o at Chester and Liverpool. Tenders by Private Contract may be made to Mr. Webb, in the Close, Salisbury, before the 14th of February. [ i . ss ISLE OF WIGHT" Particulars of Capital OAK and ASH TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKER and PITTIS, at the Bugle Inn, Newport, on Thursday the 12th day of January 1809, precisely at three o'clock ir. the aiternoon,— The undermentioned LOTS, now growing a the several Manors and Estates of Nunwell, Hardincshute. Smallbrooke, Barnstev, and Park, in the parishes of Bradin*, New'church, and St. Helen's, beinn Prim. TIMBER, oflt. rue dimensions, sound quality, and lit for nav » and commercial purposes. OAK. Lot 1. On Nurcwell Fields 24; Trees. 9. In Truckells Wood 27M 3. In Hardingshute Fields 4. In Whitefield Coppice 6. In Gaily Horn Coppice, Barnsley, Park, 1 and Westbrooke ' / 6. In Wigmore Coppice and Fields adjoining A S Fi. 7. OnBarnsley. Prestwood, Pnrk,& Westbrooke? R? 8. In Nunwell Fields and WhiteSeld 1,3 y In Eagle's Head, Truckells Wood, and ) Hardingshute 420 The above valuable Lots arc very advantageously situated, both as to land and water carriage,' being wit, tin two miles of shipping places at finding, Jljdc, and St. Helen's Harbour. N. B. J'he Trees in the respective Lots are all hammer marked S. W. O. and the sale will include the Baik and Tops, exclusive of such measurable Limbs as the conditions of the sale will express. For a view of the Timber, apply to Mr. John Harvey, of Truckells. ' [ 730 . 185 . 610 105 .£ 1? PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. BRODIE, J. DOWDING, AND J. LUXFORD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY; "' There Oritrs, Advertisements, and authentic Articles of News are received ( Postage paidj. Also by th< i PSINTBFIS ar. H BOOKSELLERS i'ji- tKe Weft o£ England } by the m- spectiye NEWSSWN ; and in London by Messrs, TA>' LI-! v and NEWTON, No, 5, Warwick- Square, Warwick- Lane, Jfewgate- Street, and Mr. WILKIE, Bookseller, fatenwsttj- Revr,
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