The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Issue Number: 3747
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 12/12/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3747
No Pages: 4
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—— a^ rot BURY AMD WINCHE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS\ HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. sfe [ NUMBER 3747. VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1808. PRICE SIXPENCE. / Stamp Duty.... 35,?. I Paper atiJ Print, 2$ rf. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. INTERESTING ARTICLE from the DUTCH JOURNALS. TRIESTE, Novemlcr 3. IN the Adriatic there is at present an English Squadron, commanded, as is reported, by Admiral Collingwood ; the frigates belonging to it cruize on the coasts of lstria and Dalmatia. Within these 14 days the English have sent three flags of truce to the Russian
Admiral's ship in our port, which each time gave occasion for holding a Council of War, at which the Russian Consul attended. It is said the English Admiral has demanded that the four Russian ships and two frigates which are in our port be unrigged, disarmed, and their cannon carried onshore, until six months after peace. It appears that the Russian Admiral is not inclined to comply with this de- mand. He has brought up his fleet nearer to the walls, and a courier has been dispatched to the Russian Ambassa- dor at Vienna. LONDON, MONDAY; DECEMBER Is. Last night Dutch Papers to the 25th ult. reached town: they
contain Paris news to the 20th. Bonaparte has at length condescended to notice the operations of his armies, in regular Bulletins, and he boasts as much of the advantages which he has obtained over the contemptible Rebel Force in Spain ( to use his own language', as he did for the victories of Austerlitz, Auerstadt, or l iiedland.— The first of these Bulletins is dated the 9th ult. at Vittorla. It contains a detail of the operations of the armies down to the 7th, in which the Flench an;, of course, represented as being uniformly successful. The loss of the Spaniards is represented at between three and four thousand killed and
wounded. The Duke of Dantzic ( Marshal Davoust) is slightly censured fortius attack; regret is expressed for its hiving taken place, though its termination was so brilliant, the Spaniards being in such a situation that they must otherwise have beeen totally destroyed. The second Bulletin Is dated tne 12th, at Burgos, and gives an account of the attack upon the part of the army of pstremadur* which occupied Burgos. The Spaniards, it is said, were defeated with the loss ot 3000 rhen killed and 3000 prisoners. This certainly is a most singular circum- stance, for the Count de Belveder, whocommanded the Spaniards upou that
occasion, had not above 5700 men, and he retreateS in good order, with a considerable part of bis force. Further Dutch Papers to the 27 th ult. reached town this morning. They contain the third and fourth Bulletins of the French army in Spain. They are both dated from Burgos, the former the 13th ami the latter the 15th ult. They seem to have been published, not for the purpose of announcing victories, but as the vehicles of coarse abuse of a nation Which has taken up arms to resist the infamous aggressions of France. It is curious to observe the incon- sistency which Bonaparte manifests in these Bulletins. At one time he
affects to treat the Spaniards with the utmost contempt. They are urtarmed, undisciplined, cowardly, ignorant, and dare not even face the French iii the field. And yet against such a contemptible foe, he has thought it necessary, if we are to rely upon his own accounts, to make greater military preparations than he did when he invaded Austria and Prussia, or when he advanced to the frontiers of Ru- sia. His present animosity seems principally di- rected against the Clergy of Spain, to whose exertions he attributes the spirit which at present pervades the people, and in order to give his abuse the more weight, be puts it into the
mouths of the peasants. The third Bulletin says, In the prisons of Burgos are a great number of Monks, who were stoned by the peasantry.—" Wretches 1" said they to them, ' it is pan that have plunged us into this gulph of misery-; perhaps we shall never again behold our iMiappy udves and our peer children. TCretches ! a righteous God will punish you in Hell for all the calamities brought on our families and oar Country." The fourth Bulletin is principally devoted to the abuse of the English, and of Count Florid'a Blanea, President of the Supreme Junta of Spain, whom it describes as the blind partisan of England. After stating, "
We entered Palencia and Val- ladolitl, and advanced even six miles further, and found no Englishmen," it petulantly adds, " in the meantime, it appears certain, that a division of their troops has disem- barked at Coruniia, and that another division, at the be- ginning of this month, entered Badajos. The day we fall in with them will be a< day of festivity to the French army. May they moisten with their blood that Continent which they have < leso! ated by their intrigues, their monopoly, aud their horrible selfishiress 1 May they, instead of 20,000, be 80 or 100,000 strong; that tbe English mothers may learn v hat the calamities of war
are, and that the English Government may not always continue to sport with the lives arid Wood of tbe people 011 the Continent."— Every Englishman will join in the wish, that we had an aruiy ot 100,000 men eoiicimtrated > « Spain to meet the French; Ponaparte's march to that point would be rather cautious. The Bulletins prognosticate great events to be near at hand; and things were certainly in a situation in Which important events could not fail soon to take place. We are rather surprised at the ignorance which tbe Bulletins discover respecting the situation or advance of the English. This, however, is, perhaps, more affected
than real. The King of Prussia has been obliged to deliver to tbe French his famous service of gold; it was conveyed to Ber- lin tinder an escort of General Blueher's hussars, called the " Death's Heads." A serious affray took place between these hussars and some French troops, who had insulted them, and several lives were lost before order was restored. The King of Prussia, by an ordinance dated the 20th of October, has prohibited all intercourse with Spain and Portugal, and ordered ships arriving from those countries, to be seized and confiscated. MARK- LANE, Monday, Dec. 5. This morning there was again a very large
arrival of Wheat from Essex, and Kent, but not much of any other species or from any othelr district. The mealing trade for Wheat had by no means a continuance of that eagerness on the part of the buyers which we found on Friday", but the stands Were at lehgth cleared at a currency of about - 2s. per quarter dearer than on Monday preceding : Oats have also advanced in equal proportion. New Tick Beans are Is. pet qr. cheaper, and Barley nearly as much, except for the finest maltingquality ; the inferior Sorts of both being very dull in sale. Coriander and Carraway Seed are dearer again, as per particulais beneath, whereto
we refer Wheat 6ts. to 92s.— Rye 5Cs. to 60s.— White Peas9lis. to 138s. Grey Peas 56s. to 60s.— Horse Beans 56s. to 82s.— Tick Beans 50s.' to 75s. Long Pods 40s. to 52s. Broad Beans 60S. to 88s.— Batlcy 4- 2s. to 48s.— Malt 76s. to 86s.— Oats 34s. to 49s. per quarter.— English Household Flour 80s. per sack.— Carra- way Seed 40s. to 42s.— Coriander Seed 12s. to l(> s. ( ill.— per cwt.— Rape Seed 482. to 521, per last.— Brown Mustard Seed 12s. to 17s. White ditto 6s. to t2s. 6d.— Tares 8s. to 12s. per bushel. S. MITSIFIELD MARKET, Dec. 5. The Market this day was supplied with not less than 2500 head of
Neat Cattle, mostly prime Oxen; with about 14,000 Sheep, 250 Calves, 300 Pigs. The prices were, Beef 4s. Id. to 5s. dd. Mutton 4s. Sri. to 5s. 8it. Veal jg. 6d. to 6s. id. Pork 4s. Sd. to 6s. 0d. per stone of 8lb. to sink the offal. At NEWGATE and LLADENIIALL MARKETS, the prices by the Carcase were— Beef 3s. id. to 4s. 4d. Mutton 3s. 0d. to 4s. lid. Veal 4s. to 6s. Ori. Pork 4s. 8d. to 6s. per stone. Hay, at the different Markets remains without fluctuation in prices for the last fortnight. PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, Dec. fi, 1808. ON Thursday, the \ blh instant, I shall be ready to receive Tenders in writing (. sealed upj
and treat for the undermentioned Articles for the fictualling Service et this Port, which will be paidfor by Bills payable with Interest 90 days after date, viz. ENGLISH WHEAT, 1000 Quarters, to weigh 57 lbs. per Bushel, and in case it should weigh above 57 ll'S. per Bushel, the over- weight will be paid for ; to be delivered in one Month. KILN- DRIED HOUSEHOLD FLOUR, 500 Sacks, answerable to a Sample that will be produced at the time of Contract; lo l- e delivered in one Month. BOILING PEASE ( Kiln- dried), suck quantities as the re- spective Dealers therein will engage to deliver in the course of six fVveks. No regard wltl
be had to any Tender, in which the price shall not be insertedin words at length, or that shall not be delivered before twelve o'clock on the said \ 5th instant, nor unless the persons who make the same, or some person on their behalf, attend to answer thereto when called for. , WM. REEKS. N. B.— The Conditions of the several Contracts may be seen at my Office. [ 069 PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, Dec. 6, 1808. ON Wednesday the 2\ stinst. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, 1 shall be ready to sell to the highest Bidder, in several lots, . . The under- mentioned Quantities of DE- FECTIVE PROVISIONS, & c. lying in the
Stores of this Office, where any person inclinable to purchase may have the liberty of viewing the same, in the common working hours, anil day before the sale, viz.—- Bread, 397 cwt. Ditto Dust, 197 cwt. Flour, 12,977 pounds Suet, 485 pounds Pease, SO bushels Callavances, 8 bushels Doll, 20 bushels Pot Barley, < JS0 pounds Oatmeal, 119 bushels Rice, 9,240 pounds Butter, 428 pounds Tallow, 1577 pounds And also a quantity of Sweepings. A deposit ofiol. y rent, is to be made on the amount of each lot at the time of sale, and the remainder of the money paid before the Stores are removed, for ichich seven working days
zoill be allowed after the sale. 570] ll'M. REEKS. PARKHURST BARRACKS, Dec. 4, 1S08. THE Commissioners for the Affairs of Barracks hereby give Notice, that on Tuesday the 13th inst. they will be ready to receive Proposals from such Persons who may be willing to undertake the EMPTYING the PRIVIES at parkburst Barracks, at per cubical Yard, for one Year, from the 25th of December 1808, to the 24th of December 1809. The proposals to he addressed t>" The Commissioners for the Affairs oj Barracks, Barrack- office, Spring- garden, Lon- don, with " Tender for emptying the Privies at Parkburst Barracks, in the Isfe of
Wight," on the cover. * « * No Tender will be received after the 13th inst. [ 503 This morning, at eight o'clock, a Flag of Truce arrived at Dover from Boulogne, with a Russian and French Messenger on board. The dispatches of which they were the bearers, were brought to town yesterday evening, and delivered to Mr. Canning. They probably contained the Answer of the French and Russian Ministers for Foreign Affairs to the Reply sent from this country some time ago, to the Overtures at Erfurth- J but their contents have not trauspired. Sir E. Pellew had, at the date of the last accounts ifrom Bengal, dispatched from thence
three frigates on a secret expedition to the Eastward. The American ship Margaret, with a cargo of 1M, W) 0lbs. of coffee, and 140,000/ 6*. of sugar, detained by a Danish privateer, has been condemned at Copenhagen, and sold for the benefit of tbe captors. Mr. Carlisle, of Soho- square, was on Saturday elected Professor of Anatomy to the Royal Academy, iu the room of the late Mr. Sheldon. Fir Timber is risen to 19/. per ton, in consequence of tbe destruction of Covent- GAI den Theatre, the demand for it, for the rt- ereetion of that structure, being so sudden, and extensive, and tlie English market having 110 other but a
scanty supply from Sweden: more than 100 vessels, however, sailed from Halifax last month, in order to freight home with timber. The use of Steam is daily extended. It is now used in warming some extensive manufactories in aud about the metropolis: that of a celebrated upholder, in Bond- street, wherein twelve coal fires produced an imperfect heat, and the buildings and whole neighbourhood were in constant danger and terror of a conflagration, is now effectually and safely warmed by one small boiler of steam, which is • onveyed by numerous pipes through the extensive work- shops and ware- rooms. It is also so
contrived, that tbe workmen heat their glue hy the same pipes. All the world allow that " Fortune is blind."— Hew then can she stumble on us unless we throw ourselves in her way ? Many an individual may largely profit by this hint, through the medium o{ the great Lottery Scheme, that is now rapidly hastening to its important issue— a Scheme no less distinguished f1) r n0Velty of construction thai! for its supreme opulence in point. of capita! Prize3. DORSETSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given,— that the nest Adjourn- ment of the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Dorset will be liolden at the Half- Moon Ir. n,
in Sherborne, in and for the sa: d county, on Saturday the 24th day of December inst.— IJated this ad day of December, 1808. By order of the Court. [ 5$ 8 W. BUR- NSF, Clerk of the Peace. WILTSHIRE LIEUTENANCY. N'OTICE is hereby given, That a general Meeting . of the Lieutenancy will be holden at the Town- hall m Devizes, iu and for the county of Wilts, on Wednesday the 21st day of December inst. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon^ for executingthc Local Militia Act, passed in the last Session of Parliament, Byordet of theLord Lieutenant of tbe county ofWilts, THOMAS WINCH, Clerk of the General Meetings of
Lieutenancy. SALISBURY, Dec. 3, I8QS. [ 535 NCRTI1AM BRIDGE AND ROADS. SOUTHAMPTON, Dec. 3, 1808. NOTICE is hereby given,— That a General Assembly of the Company of Proprietors of Northam Bridge and Roads will be held at the Dolphins Inn, South- ampton, on Saturday the 17th day of December instant, pre- cisely at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon. fcabj WILLIAM CURRY, CleTk of the Company. WILTS AND BERKS CANAL NAVIGATION. NOTICE is hereby given, that the next General Quarterly Meeting of the Committee of Management of the Wilts antl Berks Canal Navigation will be held at
the Barrington's Arms, in Shrivenham, in the. county of Berks, on Thursday the 29th day of December 1808, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. By order of the said Committee, JAMES CROWDY, Principal Clerk. HICIIWORTII, Dec. 5, 1808. [ 568 SOCIETY OF SCHOOL- MASTERS. THE SOCIETY of SCHOOL- MASTERS will hold their annual Meeting at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, in the Strand, on Wednesday the 28th hist. PRESIDENT. The Right Reverend GEORGE ISAAC HUNTINGFORD, Lord Bishop of Gloucester. VICE- PRESIDENTS. The Rev. WILLIAM VINCENT, D. D. Dean of Westminster The Rev. SAMUEL
PA it u, D. D. Prebendary of St. Paul's COMMITTEE for 1808. Rev. CHARLES BURNEY, L. L. D. St F. R. S. Chairman Rev. MAT. RAINS, D. D. & F. R. S. Deputy Chairman Rev. J. Lindsay, D. D. Mr. Lord Rev. W. Shaw, A. M. John Strachah, L. L D. This day are published, price U. 6< i. OBSERVATIONS ON AN ERUPTIVE DIS- EASE which has lately orcuired in thatpwn of SHER- BORNE, DORSET, AFTER VACCINATION. In a letter to a friend. By RICHARD PEW, M. D. Of Sherborne; Member of the Royal Medical and other Societies^ Edinburgh. " Justem a. c tenacem propositi vinm, " Nbn avium ardor, nee
pravajubentmm, " Non vulius histantis tyfdnni, Matte quatii solida." He*.. " The man in conscious virtue bold, " Who dares his duty sacred hold, " Heeds not the senseless mob's infuriate cries, " And the stern tyrant's angry frowns defies." T. One principal object of this publication is, by a fair compa- rative estimate of the advantages and disadvantages of small- pox and cow- pox inoculations, to enable parents and others to decide, with accuracy and precision, which of the two opera- tions they ought to prefer. Sherborne -. printed by J. Langdon; and soltl by Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster- row; J. Murray, Fleet street, London; Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury ; and the booksellers of Sherborne. Of whom may be had, by the same Author, A few remaining Copies of MEDICAL SKETCHES ; Part the First. Price 2s. 6d. [ 560 James Andrews, A. M1. Dr. Brown Rev. J. Davies, A. M. Mr. Eardley Mr. Finlay Mr. Giles Rev. A. Crombie, L. L. D. Rev. G. Gibson, A. M. Rev. A. Greenlaw, L. L. D. Rev. J. Hewlett, B. D, Mr. Rally Secretary to the Society aiid Treasurer, Mr. Kelly. Secretary to the Committee, Rev. G. Gibson. Agents for their respective Districts. William Burney, L. L. D. Gosport— Rev. T. S. Bullen, A. M. Oundle— Rev. W.
Moore, D. D. Cirencester— Rev. W. Rose, A. M. Uckti'M— Rev. Jeremiah Smith, A. M. head master of Manchester School— Rev. Dr. Wooll, head master of Rugby School. AUDITORS. Rev. Dr. Crombie— Rev. J. Hewlett— Rev. Dr. Rainc. TRUSTEES TO THE FUNDS. Rev. Dr. Barrow— Rev. Dr. Burney— antl Mr. Kelly, Sttuiards '' or the Anniversary of 1808. BLANDFORD, Nov. 14, 1808. EDW. PERCY, UPHOLSTERER, AUCTIONEER, 1 and APPRAISER, returns his sincere thanks to the inha- bitants of Blandford, and the public in general, for the favours conferred on him for upwards of forty years past: arid having
DECLINED the Business of an Auctioneer and Appraiser in favour of his Nephew, RICHARD PERCY, and JOHN FORCE, begs leave to recommend them to their notice. E P. still continues to carry on the Business of Upholsterer in all its branches. [ 507 RICHARD PF. RCY and JOHN FORCE, succes- sors to Mr. EDWARD PSRCY in the Businesses ot Auc- TTONF. ERS and APPRAISERS, beg leave to inform the inhabi- tants of Blantlford and Wimborne, and the public in general, that they will feel grateful for any favours they may bestow on them; assuring them that the strictest attention shall be paid to their cemmands, and
every exertion made to give general satisfaction. J. F. takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to the inhabitants of VVimborne and its vicinity for the liberal support he has experienced since his commencement in the above line. [ 508 LADIES' BOARDING- SCHOOL, TIVERTON, DEVON. MISS J. TUCKER, having been induced, at the recommendation of her friends, to remove to tbe neighbourhood of Cheltenham, where she has taken a com- modious house for the purpose of opening a Seminary for young Ladies, begs to inform her friends and tbe public, that she intends declining her School at Christmas in
favour of the Misses HILL, and has the pleasure strongly to recommend them as being fully competent to the important task of in- struction. Miss Tucker at the same time begs to offer her most grateful acknowledgments for the patronage she has re- ceived, and earnestly solicits a continuance of those favours to her successors. Ladies' Boarding- School, Tiverton, Devon, Nov. 30, 1808. THE Misses HILL, from Winchester, rcspect- fully beg leave to acquaint the Inhabitants of Tiverton and its vicinity, that they have taken a commodious house, in a healthy and pleasant situation, where they will be ready- to receive Young Ladies
after the approaching vacation, and hope, by a strict attention to the health, morals, and im- provement of the Youn » Ladies who may be entrusted to their care, to merit the approbation and support of their friends and of the public. fcJJ" Further particulars may be known at Miss Tucker's, in Tiverton, or of the Misses Hill, in Winchester, [ 574 MARLBOROUGH FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, under the direction of the Rev. J. T. LAWES, will open on Monday January M, 1809. t6' OS MR. COMP1GNE respectfully gives Notice, that a DISSOLUTION of the Copartnership of MIN- CH1N and COMPIGNE, Attornies and Solicitors, has
taken place from the 28th of November ultimo : aud that Mr. Com- pigne wili practice on his own account at the Hants, Sussex, and Dorset Fire Office, in Middle- street, Gosport, where, by a continued perseverance in an industrious, zealous, and faith- ful conduct, he hopes and pledges himself to be entitled to an entire confidence from all who shall commit theit ptofcssional concerns to his care. GOSPORT, Decemcer! i, 1808. [ 546 The principal object of this Society is to establish a fund for the benefit of the Widows and Orphans of School- masters; and for the relief of such School- masters and Ushers as may become
necessitous through age, infirmity, or misfortune. Subscriptions are received by Messrs. Hammersleys and Co. Pall Mall; by Messrs. Kensingtons and Co. Lombard- street; by Mr. Kelly, of Finsbary- square ; and by the Agents of the Society antl the Members of the Committee. Tickets for the Dinner may be had at the bar of the Tavern; ar. d siso Flaws of the Institution, [ 681 MR. MINCH1N begs leave respectfully to acquaint his friends, that the Business of ATTORNEY and SOLICITOR, which he has carried on for twenty- two years past at Gosport. will henceforth be contacted by himself at his Office in Cold Harboor. 4e< zft'ft&
» Nov. 28. [ 6' Ql NOTICE is heteby given, that the Partnership of Brick- burning betwixt JOHN BAILEY and WIL- LIAM STOCK LEY, of the parish of Mottisfont, is Dissolved by mutual consent.— As witness our hands, JOHN BAILEY. WILLIAM STOCKLEY. MoTTisroNT, Dcc. 5, 1808. " [ 596 WILTS AND DORSET. BRICKS and TILES for SALE, at Sandleheath and Dagon's Kilns, at four shillings per hundred. To prevent mistakes, all orders are requested to be in writing, and any quantity under one thousand to be paid for on delivery. [ 554 COALS. NOW delivering at Southampton Quay,— A good Cargo of B1DDICK NEW
MAIN, at 52s. per chal- dron for ready money, by BAKER and FLETCHER. Southampton, Dec. 10, 1808. [ 591 RINGWOOD, November 1808. WHORWOOD most respectfully acquaints his • friends and the public, that having been five years Managing Clerk in the Office of Mr. Baldw in, Solicitor, at Ringwood, he has now obtained his admission as a Member of one of the four Inns of Court in London, and has taken out his Certificate to practise as a CONVEYANCER, bv which means he is legally qualified to draw and prepare all Deeds, and other instruments of every description which form any part of the profession ; and, in
order to give his clients every satisfaction in the management of such law suits as they may at any time be necessitated to enter into, he has engaged an Agent in London, of the most respectable and extensive prac- tice, to conduct the same.—— He is alio appointed a Master Extraordinary in Chancery. W. H. solicits the patronage and support of a generous pubic, pledging himself to make the interest of his clients his constant study, and to exert his utmost endeavours to merit their indulgence by executing their favours with the greatest promptitude and punctuality, and the strictest secrecy and integrity. [ 513 PYKE and
SAMUELS, ENGINEERS ami MILL- WRIGHTS, having removed their Manufactory from Bedminster to Bread- street, Bristol, return their thanks for that distinguished preference which they have hitherto been indulged with; and beg to assure their friends and the public, they may still be supplied with STEAM and HYDRAULIC ENGINES, and all kinds of MILL- WORK, with dispatch, 011 the best and most approved principles. To Proprietors of Water Wheels it may be observed, with great justice, that many of them daily experience incalculable loss and inconvenience from the ill construction of their wheels. In most instances all
water wheels ars made of the same diameter and width, without the least attention being paid to the quantity of wafer or height <* the fall, by whi^ fr their power is diminished or increased; as the altitude and quantity of water vary, so in proportion should the water wheel, " or the water can never be applied to its greatest advan- tage. That the altitude ought to regulate the diameter, and the quantity of water the width of the wheel, is known to every experienced practical mechanic; therefore the prevailing opinion that bucket wheels on low falls cannot revolve in flocias so long as ladle wheels, is decidedly erroneous. This objection
to bucket wheels can only arise from the ignorance of the mechanic in giving an improper positition to the risers, thereby preventing the admission of air. P. and S. have no hestaition in declaring, that a well- constructed bucket wheel recflving water at the centre, and sheeted round with stone, will perform three parts of its work, whilst a ladle wheel, in the same situation, will not revolve on its axis. [ 419 J^ P A BRUSHING MACHINE, on the best principle, foe SAW. ANTED immediately, A person who can undertake the Education of a Young Lady; she must w _ _..„„_ be accomplished in Music, French, Drawing, and Dancinsc,
and of a good disposition. Letters addressed to Mr. Skelton, Southampton, ( post- paid,) will be attended to. [ 694 ro CLASSICAL ASSISTANTS. WANTED, after the Christmas Vacation,— A CLASSICAL ASSISTANT of unexceptionable cha- racter, who will be chiefly engaged in bringing forward the jumor classes, ore. ' [ 539 Letters ( post paid) addressed to Mr. Turner, Corsham School, Wilts, will be duly attended to.— Nov. 29, 1S08. LAW. WANTED,— Ah ARTICLED CLERK of good Education, in an Oflice of respectable and general Practice in the Country. He will be treated as one of the family, and a suitable Premium will
be required. Apply to the Printers of this Paper, personally, or bv letter ( post paid). '(•(;, 3 WANTED, A CURATE, - to undertake the Duty of a CURACY jn Hampshire. For particulars apply to the Printers, postpaid. [ 174 Kg* There is no Parsonage- house.— Salary 60/. per ann; WANTED,— A Steady, active LAD, as an AP- . PRENTICE to a GROCER and TEA- OEALER. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. William Barnes, Ly- mmgton. . [ 382 WANTED,— An active steady YOUTH, as an APPENTICEE to aLiNEN and WOOLLEN DRAPER and MERCER. Apply ( if by letter, postpaid) to Mrs. Jones, Lymington, Hants. tS' A
Premium expected. [ 595 TO MILLERS. WANTED to RENT, with immediate possession, in either of the counties of Hants or Sussex,— A com- pact WATER CORN- MILL and DWELLING- HOUSE attached; if with lo or 12 acres of Pasture or Meadow Land, the more agreeable. Letters ( post paid) addressed to R. H. C. Post- office, Win- chester, will meet with immediate attention, and procure the most satisfactory references. [ S79 WANTS a SITUATION as BAILIFF, A middle- aged MAN, bred to the Farming Business, who perfectly understands the management of any quantity of land ; also - capable of measuring of land ;
and can come well recommended. He would have no objection to a Clerk's or Book- keeper's place. Apply to the Printers. [ 559 WANTED, in a FARM,— A Married MAN, whp understands the Farming Business in all its branches ; and lei: Wife to manage the Dairy and take care of Poultry. N. B. No children. A good bouse will be pro- vided, and encouragement given. No one need apply hut persons well qualified for the above, and who can be weil recommended.— Enquire of Mr. William Waller, Far i ham, Hants. [ 551 S E R V A N T. WANTED in a Clergyman's Family, in the Country,—— A steady middle- aged Woman, who
understands something of mantua- making, and is perfest mistress of her needle, and can be well recommended. Enquire of the Printers. [ 602 TO BOOK- BINDERS. WANTED,— A good Workman; one used to country work will be preferred. Letters ( post- paid) addressed to Mr. Thompson, Bookseller, Stationer, and Bookbinder, Newport, Isle of Wight, will be immediately answered. [ 592 A CARTER WANTED. A Steady MAN, as CARTER & PLOUGHMAN, • ilL a Person who thorouehly understands Husbandly Work; good weekly wages will be given ; a good character will be required for honesty, sobriety, and industry. Apply
personally to Mr." Felix Lovell, tailor, Totton, near Southampton. [ 57U BOARD AND LODGING. ASINGLE GENTLEMAN may be accommo- dated with BOARD and LODGING* in a small Family where there are no children, near a chearful village, on the turnpike road, about a mile from a good market- town, and in one of the most pleasant parts of Hampshire, a convenient distance from London. Respectable references will be given and required. Adtlress to the Printers; if by letter, post paid. [ 478 TO be SOLD,- An exceeding good MILCH ASS. — For particulars apply ( if by h. tter, post paid) to Mr. G. l-' rampton, bookseller
and printer, Dorchester. 1472 HARRIERS. TO be DISPOSED OF,— A small PACK ; they are very good and handsome: also a strong useful HACK, a good leaper, and very temperate vviih hounds.— The Adver- tiser has no objection to a fair trialof either. Enquire of the Printers of this Paper; if by letter, post paid- • [ 480 TO be SOLD,— A most excellent TELEGRAPH GIG, entirely new, having only been used three or four times ; it is warranted to be built of well- seasoned wood, quite calculated to drive as a tandem, is large enough to carry two dogs; and, when loaded, it is built on so good'a principle as not to weigh more on
the horse's back than when empty; it is light, and the draft exceedingly easy— it is in every way- calculated for a Sportsman; has a seat behind to carry two, which removes at pleasure. For particulars apply to Mr. Skinner, carpenter, Bishops- trow, Warminster ; If bv letter, postpaid. [ 473 TO be SOLD,— A fashionable CURRICLE and A HARNESS, in excellent condit on ;— with a Pair of beautiful BAY HORSES, fifteen hands high, a perfect match, fast trotters, steady in harness, and have been constantly used in a curricle antl chariot; they are both very pleasant to ride, and steady to troops; having been used with cavalry ;—
and the whole EQUIPAGE, one of the completest ever offered for sale.-— For further particulars and price apply to Mr. Locke, coach- maker, Southampton. [ 663 r| X> be SOLIMmmediately,— A BAY GELDING, A 15 hands and half an inch high, risins five years old, warranted sound; by Expection, Expection by Marsk; ha^ won two plates, antl never done a day's work in bis life Apply to Mr. John Hodder, Pimperne, near Blandford, Dorset, and to the Racine Calendar. [ 689 SALISBURY, RPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. VIDLER, in J the Market- Place, on Tuesday the 13th inst. at twelve o'clock at noon,— A remaikably
handsome. Bay MARE, five years old, a good goer, warranted sound, and very temperate. UNDE R WOOD.— NEAR LY MINGTON. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. NEWELL, at the Nag's Head, Lymington, cn Saturday December 17, at three o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions that will then be produced,— BATCH LEY GREAT COPSE, fourteen years growth, l « acrcs ( more or less), tithe- free. Mr. Thomas Aldridge, at Evilton Farm, will shew the Wood at any time. [ 402 For Account of the Underwriters, tfc. I^ OR SAM? bv AUCTION, at East Cowes, Isle of Wight; on Wednesday the2lst of December 1803, at
eleven o'clock in the forenoon,-— About 16 Tons of CABLE JUNK and Standing and Running RIGGING, and about 17 SAILS saved from the ship Elizabeth, John Leichman, mas- ter, stranded lately near Rocken- end. " [ 578 To be viewed thrCe days before the sale, by application at East Cowes to THOMAS AULDJO. DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by M. BAKES, on Saturday the 17th day of December'inst. at the Cavalry Barracks, at Dorchester,— Forty- four Bales of WOOL, from Mattresses, in eleven lots ( for tbe accommodation of uur- chasers), the whole weighing upwards of - 1000 lbs.; \ also a quantity of LINEN
anil WOOLLEN RAGS, & e — VThe above Wool is well worth the attention of carpet and woollen manufacturers, upholsterers, « rc. The sale to begin at two o'clock in the afternoon ; any day previous to which the same may be viewed, by applying to Mr, Tooze, Barrack- master. [ 65s HEREAS on StMiday night, the 20th of No- , F R vember iaps, some person or persons STOLE out ot a field called Tmck Thorn, in the parish of Long Critchell, county of Dorset, a BROWN CHESTNUT MARE - OLI Of the cart kind, rising three years old, about 144 hands high, a white stripe in her face ( about half way downL no white leg or foot
belonging to Mr. Isaac Gulliver, of Long Cntchell aforesaid. ' Whoever will detain her, if offered for sale, or rive infor- , .. — ueu, n. rts> ano an reason- able expenccs paid, to any person returning her to the sa'ul Isaac Uulliver.— It is supposed some of the travelling gypsev tribe have stole her. 6 [ e84 ^ TOLEN or STRAYED, frotft Wellow Common^ ^ TEO^' I',' N?. LAT! ER end of October last. A BLACK FO- ttt. M MARE, about 12 hands high, rising three years old, with the letter T burnt in her hear shoulder, two white feet behind, and a small star in her forehead and nostrils. Who- ever will bring the above to John Tutt, of
Plaitford, shall re- ceive ONE GUINEA reward. [ 555 S- nr, , . MOOR ORITCHELL, May 3, 1808. 1 HAYED into the Manor of Moor Cri'tchell,— A Black GELDING, 11J hands high, six years old, burnt with W m the off shoulder and the off hip, a sli't cut iu the off ear, and has a long tail:— This is therefore to give Notice, that the owner of the said horse may have him aeain, by paying all reasonable expences, on applying to James Clarke, the hayward of the said manor ;— but if " the saitl horse should not be owned before the 2d of January next, it will be soltl to defray expences. |- gl) s SOUTH STONEHAM. ELOPED, from the
parish of South Stoneham, and left his family chargeable thereto,— PETER K1N- DALL, by trade a carpenter, about 37 years of age, thin made, five feet eight inches high. Whoever will apprehend the said Peter Kintlall, and Eive notice to Thomas Hewlett, Overseer of the Poor of the'said parish, shall receive ONE GUINEA Reward, and all reason- able expences. By Order of the Committee. South Stoneham, Dec. a, 1808. [.-, po ALL Persons having any Demand on Messrs. RO- GERS and SONS, of Newport, in the Isle of Wight, Mercers, are requested to send in their accounts ; and such Persons as are indebted to the said
Messrs. Rogers and Scs are desired to settle the same on or before the O lst of Decem- ber next. [ 4S5 GEORGE MORTIMER'S ESTATE. ALL Persons who stand indebted to the Estate of GEORGE MORTIMER, late of Longpavish, Hants, Innholdcr, deceased, are requested immediately to pay tlie amount of their respective debts to his Executors, Mr. Thomas Pickering, jun. and Mr. Edward Faithfull, both of Longparish ; to whom all persons having anv demands on the deceased are to send an account thereof, in order for their adjustment. (-(,. 14 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS^ " ALL Persons who stand indebted
to the Estate of EDWARD STANFORD, late of Gussage, in the county of Dorset, Yeoman, deceased, are requested to pay the same to George Newman, of South Newton, in the county of Wilts, gentleman, or James Knight, of Minchine- ton, in the county of Dorset, gentleman, the Executors of the deceased; and all persons havirig. aiiv claims pn the Estate and Efti sets of the said deceased, are particularly requested to send an account of their respective demands to the saitl George Newman or James Knight, forthwith ; or to Mr. Lawrence, attorney, High- street, Salisbury. [,, 05 TO CREDITORS. WILLIAM LAWES, of the
KINO'S HF. AD INN, Stockbridge, in the county of Southampton, Inn- holder, having this day executed an Assignment of all Ins Estate and Effects to Mr. William Hillier, Mr. William Ran- dall, and Mr. William Henry Attwood, in trust lor themselves and the other Creditors of the said William Lawes who shall execute such Assignment 1— The several persons to whom tile said William Lawes stands indebted are desired to take Notice that a Meeting of his Creditors will be held at the Kins'* Head, Stockbridge, on Friday the 16th day of December inst. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, when a Statement of his Affairs will besubmitted
to them for their consideration, and the Deed of Assignment will be produced for the execution of such of the Creditors as may be willing to sign the same. All persons having any Claim on ' the Estate of the said William Lawes, are requested to send the particulars thereof ( before the said 16th day of December) to Mr. Attwood, at Stockbridge. K? The Puhlic may be assured that cverv accommodation can be had at the above Inn for persons travelling, and others frequenting the house. [- 53; NEW SATIRICAL WORK. On Monday the second of January 1809, will be published, Number I. price 2s. containing 80 octavo pages of
letter- press, neatly printed on a superfine wove demy piper, of a Monthly Publication, entitled HPHE ENGLISH CENSOR; or, NATIONAL A SATIRIST: comprising Strictures on Men, Manners, and Literature. " The proper study of Mankind is Man."— POPE. Bristol: Published by John Agg; and sold by Brodic, Dowdinj, and Luxford, Salisbury. [ ss- 2 To be completed in forty Parts, forming ten handsome Vo- lumes in octavo, price £ 7 in baards; the royal paper £ 12 in hoards. On Thursday the lat of December 1808, will be published, and continued Monthly, price 3s. 6rf. or a superior Ed. price 6s. PART 1. or THE HARLEIAN
MISCELLANY; or a COLLEC- TION of scarce, curious, and entertaining PAM- PHLETS and TRACTS, as well in manuscript as in print, found in tne late EARL of OXFORD'S Library, interspersed with Notes, historical, political, and critical. ' fuoG London: Printed for Robert Dutton, 45, GraceChurch- street; and sold by Brodie, Dowding, & Luxford; Salisbury. The faUoicine are valuable and highly- approved HORSE MEDICINES, prepared" and sold by J. HOOPER, Westbury, Wilts; also sold by J. New, Trowbridge; Brodie, Dow'ding, and Luxford, Printing- office, Canal, SalisbtBy; and by Mr. Cruttwell, Bath t Pl. r. j. 1,,^ It ill Oc Hrl
Tlltn- fli,. R- jll.- f .7 Purging Ball 2s. 0d Mercurial ditto 2 ' fi Diaphoretic ditto.. 2 0 Diuretic Balls Is. 6i. Cordial, or Condelian do. 1 0 Opium ditto 2 6 Bes'des Stamps. [ 38 6 Just received— a fresh Supply of the ODONTALGIC, or Chemical ESSENCE of HORSERADISH, A Cure for the Toorii- Acn and EAR- ACH ; And CARBONATED DENTIFRICE, an elegant and efficacious Tooth Powder. THESE admirable Remedies are the invention of an established regular Practitioneer of the city of Bath, who having himself proved its extraordinary efficacy in num- berless instances, has been induced, through the importunities of his
friends, to offer it to the public. The Essence possesses the power of safely and immediately stopping the Tooth- Ach; and lies the peculiar property, if it comes in contact with the exposed nerve, to prev. i nt the recur- rence of that torturing malady, and the affected tooth w 1! re- main useful and ornamental* through life. It also acts as a powerful anti- scorbutic; it increases the adhesion of the gums tc the teeth, and imyarts a peculiar sweetness to'tl e breath. In Colds, Rheumatism, or Scorbutic Affectibr, it will be found particularly useful and beneficial. Price 2s. sit each. Prepared, and sold wholesale, only, by Mr. King, apothe cary, No. 29, Brack- strefct, Bath ; sold retail by Messrs. Bro- die, DcwJing, and Luxford, Printers, Salisburv. ( 215 JS- HOLLIS, Printing- Office, Romscy, begs • leave to inform the public, that he has received a fresh parcel of the CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD and ANTI- IM- PETIGINES, which are the best and only'medicines now ex- tant, for the radical cure of Nervous Disorders and Consump- tive Habits, and also in restoring those whose constitutions have been impaired by heat of climate, and youthful impru- dences ; likewise Scurvy, Gout, Rheumatism, King's Evil, Leprosy, Ulcers, Pimpled Faces, Humours a't r the Small pox and Meaziss, & c. with quaito books of directions, in vvhich the above disorders, and the regimen necessary in each, are amply treated on, and many wonderful cures noted therein. Family Bottles of each, price If. 13s. containing equal to four of the I lalf- guinea ones, by which tile patient saves ,') s. The words " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," are en- raved on the stamp, which purchasers foi their'own safety will be par- ticular in noticing. [ 3/ 4
THE SALISBURY AND WINCH ES/ Eft'*<* L'L » " VTSflMS itKX& BS • iVc. lrciday s and Thursday's Posts. FROM Tii fe LONDON GAZETTE OF DECEMBER 6. WAR- OFFICE, December 6. CLDTREA VI Regiment of Toot Guards.— Ljeutenn it- Col one Will. Buller, from the Royals, to be Captain of a Company, vice Pringle, who exeii. mges. ' Is/ Re?, of i!< W.—- Lieutenant- Colonel W. H. Prmgle, from, the C - id - iream Foot Guards, to be Lieutenant- Col. Alee Buller w'. o ex'- hauges. llREye'r.— Ciptatn C. E. Blake, of the 5th Garrison Batta'p - i, - to b M ijor in the Army. MEMORANDOM.—!! RCV- t Major Henry Cox, of the
8lit T,'> o-,. wh' wa - superseded, as stated in the Gazette of the 54th of September, 1808, i reinstated iii his rank. BANKRUPTS. William vfh'taicir. of W liveliest!*-, manufacturer. George Bisv. ack, t Portsmouth, tavern- keeper. IV ; Haul Dav. nuorr, of Mi ill. Id, caller. Willi., II Maluii-, of Birmingham, taylor. H airy St, ia-, of Wit TO, Herefordshire, corit- fattor. Tii'imasHl I, Bin- hth, Imston, baker. Han; v M - an, a v. a < Kent- street, Surrey, baker. Sunu'. l Hates, of Br- retnn, StHlforctinire, grocer, Juh- i E dersiiatv, ot'Shirt", ud, Shiiij. iinnn horse- dealer. JohnDards, of Vauxha'l, Sum- v, lighterman. John B.- u.- e, masl- r- mariner, late
owner of the Maria of Hull. John. Park,- S, - t' Et -,- I- v. l hvii, wine- merchant. Jeremia,, Mallatratt, of VV mford, iaintioMer. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7. Yesterday morning the Russian and Ftench Messen- gers, who arrivt din a flag of truce, were permitted to land at Dover, from whence they immediately set off for London, where they arrived last night, and proceeded to Mr. Can- ning's house, in Bruton- str. ect, and having delivered their dispatch s, they were placed under the care of one of his Maj « tv'- s Me sengers. A Cabinet Council was held this moriiin", ' to take the dispatches into consideration, but nothing i
nspecting them lias transpired, Letters from Princc Edward's Island, dated the 1st of November, state, that Sir George Prevost was, on the - 25th of October, waiting at, Halifax the arrival of the 4; Kli regiment, from Canada, to sail from thence with the secret expedition ; and that Major- General Martin Hunter returns Jroiu N W Brunswick, to take the command in Sir George Trevost's absence. The expedition is supposed to be des- tined against Martinique. A letter from Rio de Janeiro, of the Gth of Oetobcr, states that the market there was quite overstocked with British manufactures, very few of which would sell for saving
prices. On Sunday night an express was sent off by the Duke of York, to the Officers commanding the fir- t bat- talions of the 2d and 3d Regiments of Foot Guards, Stationed at Chatham, to hold themselves in readiness for foreign service. The 2il battalions of the same regiments, doing duty in London, received similar orders yesterday. About 30 or 40 of the leading Mercantile Gentle- men assembled yesterday at the Mansion- house, among whom were, the Lord Mayor, the Barings, Mr. Mellish, Member for Middlesex ; Beeston Long, Mr. Angerstein, Mr. Parry, tbe Chairman of the East India House; Messrs. Goldstnid",
Roweroft, Inglis, Bainbridge, & c. & c. when it was determined that a General Meeting should be called for the purpose of receiving subscriptions in support of the S'paiii- h patriots. A Court- martial was lately instituted, by desire of Capt. J. G. R; gby, of the East London Militia, for the trial of Quarter- master Burling, of the same regiment, on four charges preferred by the Captain. The proceedings have terminated i i the acquittal of the Quarter- ma Her, and the dismissal of Capt. Rigby from the regiment, by command of his Majesty. EXTRAORDINARY DINNER,— At Constantinople, on the 10th of October, tht? Grand Vizier gave
a splendid dinner to about 30,000 person-, in the great plain of Kaitliana. All the neighbouring hills were filled with spectators, ad- miring this gr,- at scene, which the Grand Slgnor honoured with his own presence. Unveiled Ladie\ were not allowed to fee present. It wa, given oil account of the introduction of the corps of Seimetis, who replace the Janizaries. IHY. MAKKET THEATRE.— The Covent- Garden Company removed on Monday night from the Opera- House to the little Theatre, on the opposite side of the Haymarket ; where, after the play of the Mountaineers, a neiv after- piece, called A School fbr Authors, was pel
formed. The story of the piece turns on the rage which Mr, Diaper a wealthy old citizen, has for the Muses. He writes the tragedy of Gunpowder Treason, and having insured its appearance ' at one of . the Theatres, though tremulously apprehensive of its failure, he intreats Mr. Cleveland, a • v nun J- gentleman of known literary talents, to father it. This " piece is nissed off the stage; and Cleveland having a - ked the hand of Diaper's niece Jane, as a recotnpence for tbe disgrace, but which was refused by the Citizen merely because he bat! resolved that his niece should marry no one bur a . Teat author, Cleveland makes good
his claim to the Ladv on this ground, a Comedy which he had actually written having been brought out ( at the other Theatre) on the same night as the condemned Tragedy, and most favourably received.' Wormwood, a snarling critic, had been the l ival of Cleveland, and understanding the Tragedy to have been written by him, be had been extremely active in hissing- it; he afterwards boasts of this to Diaper, and bestows the coarsest abuse on the unfortunate Tragedy. Diaper, ' forgetting his own. misfortune, -. joyfully gives his niece to Cleveland, and the piece ends with the disgrace of Wormwood, antl the union of the two
lovers. This per- foniiSnce U attributed to the late Mr. Tob'm, author of the Honey Moon, and gives additional reason to regret the loss of'so pnniiium- a dramatic writer. Though but an after, piece,' it has high, claim- to comic merit, and displays more dramatic anility than halt. a score of the melo- dramas which are n , w made to, occupy, tbe great portion of our evening'! entertainmentthe characters are drawn. from • Nature! the dialogue is sprightly and witty, and the inci- dents , muling: it has the advantage too of being' per- formed where it can b heard; and the true lovers of plays may now find a high treat iu the School for
Authors, at the little Theatre. It was received with every mark of anprobat'oi). Fashionable RUMOURS.— It is intimated in the prinst devoted to the records of Fashion, that the bridal garments are making, in which Mrs. Siddons is to appear in the character u[ an English Baroness, for her own exclusive benefit; and that the fasbumating Miss Smith, late of C vent- Garden Theatre, is about to give her hand to Mr. P over, a gentleman of great fortune in the county of Kil- k'- mv, distinguished for his ta- te for dramatic entertain- m ts. ' h" e prints have circulated three other report-, the first « vhich relates to a transaction sufficiently
scandalous. It i 5 follows :—'" An indictment for bigamy is preparing a ;. i 1 t the Heir Apparent to a Scotch Earldom, for having li ly married a second wife in England; a Miss G a iei tmg that she is his only lawful wife, having been " married to him some years since in Scotland, accenting to t ie usual rites of the Scottish Church. This is a case that excites considerable interest iu the fa . liiunable world, as the conjugal claim of Miss G M zealously maintained bv the House of G , and all the clans of distinction coil- Hie d with it; whilst that of the wi/ e in possession is as sr. r luou lv supported by several branches of the English No
lesse "— M. Herald. T ie other articles to which we have alluded adduce char es of a more infamous nature:— It is stated that a High. Honourable Personage, suspecting that all his wife's engagements were not regulated by strict decorum, e upliryecj confidential agents to trace the place aud motive of li - r S'cret vi its, the ICey to which was discovered at a re built h one of accommodation in Clundos- street, where s't • was found with her bu- b mil's valet; but an aukward d nauement was produced by another of. his agents, ac- companied bv some legal terriers, who burst into an apart- ment in the'- ame hotel, where he was
himself discovered titt- c. tile with the titled mother of his wife ! • The last article we shall notice, in tin: black catalogue, is a statement that " Tne wretched son of an English Mar- quis has aVnconded, whose I adv has instituted chatges against him, similar to those which the Countess of Castle- iuven exhibited aeaitut her husband, Lord Audley, whose brutal atrocities : omed him to an ignominious death in lg' 81. A specs; wa" ant- has been issti" d for apprehending- this Lord, whose inf inites have long rendered him a dis- grace to human nature!"— Herald. PEE, 1| » .— Yesterday the Lord Mayor ordered the price of bead to be
reduced an ai- ira and a half, or 84. in a pick la,- if, making ( ha pries of the quartern loaf, wheatcu- Ma. how- hold \ t\ df. i LAW.— Ye- terday was tried, in the Court of King's Bench, all action brought by Ciyit. Chambers ( son of the late Sir William Chambers) against Mr. Jones, tbe Marshal of the King's JBench prison, for the sum of 2,120/. being the amount of the damages and costs awarded ta Capt. Chambers, oil an action against the celebrated Capt. Caul- field, lor the seduction of Mrs. Chambers, for which sum Capt. Caulfield had been ill the custody of the defendant, who, it was alledged, had rendered himself liable to
pay- ment by suffering his prisoner to escape. It was proved that the Marshal had allowed Capt. C. the privilege of the Rules, within which, at No. 15, Melina- place, he had a lodging ; but thi3 was kept only for a blind ; be usually resided with Mrs. Chambers, at Hampton Court; he was in a decline, and therefore bad the benefit of good air, and the most tender attentions from Mrs. Chambers. The Marshal could not produce him, at different times, when suddenly called on. Dr. Blackburn saw Capt. Caulfield at Hampton Court on the 22d of August and tbe 8th of Sep- tember, and afterwards saw bis corpse at Melina- place.— John
Rawlins, a plumber, said he had been sent for to a house near Bushy Pin k, where he soldered down a leaden coffin, but did not see the corpse, The Undertakers proved that they took the coffin to a house near Bushy Park, but were not allowed to see the corpse ; they saw the same coffin in a few days after at Melina- place, with the body of tbe deceased in it, which they buried. The evidence being so clear, a verdict was given for the plain- till'.— Capt. Chambers, but for the discovery of the indul- gence granted to this gay young man ill his last illness, would never have recovered the money which the Marshal must now pay. It
is, however, supposed that he was fully indemnified by the friends of Capt. Caulneld, who, with all his faults, possessed many endearing qualities, and was much beloved. BREACH of PROMISE.— On Monday was tried, in the Court of King's Bench, an action brought by Mary Howell, a farmer's daughter in Monmouthshire, against John Charles, a young farmer ill the same county, for breach of promise nf marriage. The defendant appeared to have been a sufficiently dashing character to cut a figure iu high life. He had sought the acquaintance of the plaintiff, had told lier father and other relations that it was his wish to marry her;
had agreed on the fortune he was to receive, the set- tlement be was to make, and the time and place of marriage, but had from time to time evaded the performance of his promises, and was at the same period engaged in an in- trigue with another Lady, the fair daughter of a black- smith in Abergavenny. Like many heroes of higher rank hi the annals of intrigue, he was, however, caught in his own snares: the blacksmith's daughter, by whom he had a child, had the address to frighten him into a private marriage, the report of which occasioned Miss Howell to decline receiving his further visits; and when, on his having the
effrontery solemnly to declare that there was no truth in the report, he was permitted for a short time to renew his visits, he did not, as the Attorney- General stated, obtain his purpose ; the plaintiff had not to lament that by these deldsive promises he had triumphed over her virtue,' she came to demand reparation for tiie insult offered to her, and through her to the whole sex, by his first addressing her with a promise of marriage, by his breach of that promise in marrying another, and by then daring to continue his profligate addresses under the false assertion that he was not married.— The marriage of the defendant to Elizabeth
Jones was proved to have taken place ill September 1807. The defence was a very lame one ; and the Jury made the defendant pay for his l'rolies by a verdict of 150/. damages. SEDUCTION.— A young woman, with an infant child, two, months old at her breast, was found dead on Saturday morning early, at the corner of a bve- lane, leading from Edgeware to Beaconsfield, and is supposed to have died from fatigue and hunger. The infant, which was alive, arid excited the alarm which led to the discovery of its situation, was conveyed to a neighbouring house by a waggoner who found it, and is likely to do well. The un fortunate young woman resided in a respectable service in Baker- street in August last, and went to Dunson, in Ox- fordshire, her home, to lie- in; since which, deserted by her seducer, and scorned by her former friends, she had been begging about the country, till her sufferings were terminated as above. On Monday morning a young woman named Heater, servant in a family in Oxford- street, was found dead in her bed. She was observed during the last week to labour under deep melancholy, from some Unknown cause. It was, however, discovered that she had poisoned herself, in consequence of her being pregnant; add
from a letteji; found in h r room, it appeared that the wretch . who had, seduced lier avowed his determination to visit lier noj more and to give her no assistance, unless compelled to do it. OLD BAILEY,— On Saturday James Atkins, alias Starky, Samuel Lasper, andT. Cavill, were tried for burglariously entering the house of the Countess of Morton, in Park- street, on the night of tbe 5th of October, with intent to steal, but Which Was frustrated by tlieir encountering Foy and Jackson, Police Officers, who had stationed themselves in the house, when a desperate conflict ensued, in which Lasper was wounded so as to occasion
cjne oF his arms to be since amputated a little below the shoulder, and Starkey, in jumping from the garden wall into Park- lane, broke his leg; Cavill was taken in the house; a fourth robber escaped. The evidence was so clear against the prisoners, that the Jury immediately found them guilty,— Death. The Judge ( Sir N. Grose) bestowed high commendations on the conduct of Foy and Jackson, in discharging the desperate duty of apprehending these offenders.— Starkey was allowed a seat during the trial, and was taken into and out of the Court on crutches— Lasper appeared much emaciated by the operation and illness he
had undergone. — Cavill was. an interesting young man, only la years of age, and appeared indifferent about bis fate.— Robert Simpson was also capitally convicted, for stealing nine shirts and several other articles. On Monday Patrick M'Mahon was indicted for stealing a single- horse chaise. Tho prisoner lias been a dashing swindler, and he and his associates have obtained carriages of different coac'nmakers, by drawing bills on Ryan and Co. Cannon- street. When these bills were offered for ac- ceptance, one of the firm would be In attendance to " do ( he needful;" but w'hen they became due, and were pre- sented for
payment, " the needful" was invariably found wanting. The judges having, in different instance's, decided that this species of fraud does not amount to a felony, because tradesmen part with their property on the' credit of the bills, and the Recorder now repeating the same opinion, the prisoner was acquitted; but he was de- tained on an indictment for " a conspiracy to defraud." E. W. Roberts and J. Maitland were indicted for a felony ill having obtained from Mr. Smith, an upholsterer of Cheshunt, a variety of articles of furniture.— This ea* e was similar in point of fraud to the foregoing, and the parties were acquitted on the same
ground, and detained to be tried for a conspiracy.— Roberts is a Barrister of Lincoln's- lnn, and he, with his Lady and friend, greatly excited public attention a few months ago, when their frauds were first di- covered. At the close of the day's business, the Recorder passed sentence of death on Thomas Wright, for a rape; Robert Simpson, tor stealing goods in a dwelling- house ; Thomas Cannon and James Coddington, for a highway robbery; Samuel Lasper alias Collins, Thomas Cavill, and Samuel Starkey alias Atkins, for a burglary.— The hoary miscreant, Wright, she 1 tears oil his first appearing at the bar ; and Cannon was
greatly affected the whole lime, and cried bitterly at the prospect of his fate. Yesterday 12 prisoners were tried, two of whom were convicted of felony. The Recorder passed sentence on the various prisoners convicted of felonies: Fenton, convicted of bigamy, was sentenced to be transported fbr seven years. CORN- MARKET, Dec. 7. This day tbe supply of Wheat is but inconsiderable, and tbe sales- made are fully at Mon- day's prices. Barley is in good supply, and rather cheaper. Malt is of very heavy sale. Oats continue dear. VALUABLE LEASE. TO be SOLD, for the Remainder of a Terra of Forty Years, ending the Sth day of
April 1815,— The very desirable FARM, called ELBERTON FARM, in the county of Gloucester; comprising a Mansion- House, with suitable offices and out- buildings, walled gardens well stocked with fruit- trees, and 2135 acres of excellent arable, meadow, and pasture land, free of small or vicarial tythes. The arable land is principally a rich sandy loam ; and there areobout 10t » acres of excellent grazing land. The whole is in a high state Of cultivation. Elberton is about ten miles from Bristol, ti^ e situation is peculiarly eligible, commanding pleasant views of the river Severn, is in a genteel neighbour- hood, and in the midst of a
sporting country abounding with game. - t' 545,. For a view of the Farm, and for further particulars, apply at the House ; and pei sons desirous of becoming purchasers, may address scaled proposals ( post paid) to Y. Sturge, Surveyor, Sea- Milk, near Bristol, before the 25th of December inst. GAME DUtY.—- tlSt I." CONTrNUED. Residence. LIST of Persons who have obtained. General Certificates, at the rate of Three Guineas, each, for the- year 1808, in the county of Wilts'. Arames. Residence. Dyke, William Chisje. den, gent. Frampton, John South'Marstbn, gt. Lee, Edward Little Hinton, gent. 1' inegar, Broom Cliffe Pypard,
gent. Reeve, John __ Lea SrCleverton, gt. Names. l-' OLINGBROKE, the rt. hon. visc. Liddiard Tregooze Buckland, John Cruthvell, gent. - Bishop, John Calne, gent. Dowling, John v Ogbourn St. George, yeoman Names. Hesidcn. ce. Thomas, B. Coffin Westporl, Malms- bury, gent. Washbourn, A. White, Jonathan Overtown, gent. Crieklade, gent. 547] St. John, the hon. H. Liddiard Tregooze N. B. This List is made up to the 24th day of November, 1808. Examined. J. P. TINNEY. Published by Order of his Majesty's Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes. MATTHEW WINTER, Secretary. GAME DUTY.— LIST II. CONTINUED.
ALIST of Persons who have obtained GamcKeepers' Certificates at the rate of One Guinea each ; being an Assessed Servant, under Schedule B. of the Game Act. Keeper's Name. Name of Manor or Royalty, Hy whom appointed. Stokes May Wroughton Dean& tchapterof Wintou • Examined.— J. P. TINNEY. Published by Order of his Majesty's Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes. 548J MATTHEW WINTER, Secretary. WANTED, for a Family in the Country,—.- V good plain COOK. She must be well recommended from her last place. For other particulars apply at Moore's Lottery Office, Poole. fBrta CODFORD SAINT
PETER INCLOSURE. E the Commissioners do hereby give Notice, that we have set out and appointed the following PUB- LIC ROADS and HIGHWAYS through andover the Lands and Grounds intended to be divided and allotted, as in our judgment are necessary and convenient, and which we have caused to be staked out accordingly, and a Map thereof to be deposited with our Clerk for the inspection of all parties con- cerned ; to wit, One Public Carriage Road of the breadth of 30 feet, as the same is marked and staked out, commencing at the village of Codford Saint Peter aforesaid, and extending in or near the line of the
present turnpike road toward Warminster until it enters the tithing of Ashtort Gifford. One other Public Carriage Road, of the like breadth of ,10 feet, as the same is marked and staked out, commencing near the north- east corner of the down belonging to Codford Saint Peter aforesaid, adjoining to Chitterne- down, and extending southward in or near the course of the present turnpike road toward Warminster aforesaid, being the public road from Chitterne to Warminster aforesaid. Whoever shall think themselves. or the public aggrieved by any Roads, so set out, or omitted to be set out, may exhibit their cause of complaint to us
at our next meeting, to be held at the house of Thomas Morgan, called the Ge'irge Inn, in Codford Saint Peter aforesaid, on Tuesday the tenth day of Ja- nuary, in the year 1809, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon. Dated the third dan of December, I80S. THOMAS DAVIS. WILLIAM JENNINGS. 573] WILLIAM TUBB. POST HORSE DUTIES. Stamp- office, London, Nov. 12, 1808. NOTICE is hereby given, that by virtue of an Act, passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled, " An Act for lettingto farm the Duties on Horses hired by the mile or stage to be used in travelling, and on Horses hired for a less period of time than
twenty- eight days for drawing car- riages used in travelling post or otherwise in Great Britain, and far better securing the said Duties!" the Commissioners of Stamps, tlulv authorised by the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, will put up the said Duties ( which were granted hy the Act of the forty- fourth year of his Ma- jesty's reign, c. ps.) at the Stamp- ofiicc, Somerset- placi, on Friday the lfith of December next, between the hours of ten and twelve in the forenoon, to be Lett to Farm at Yearly Rents, for the term of ' Three Years from- the 1 st day of February next inclusive, in the several districts or lots follow- ing ;
viz. . Annual Uents ntsnreTC • at uhLch they DIS1RICTS. vitl be put up 1. North Britain £ ; 4,000 2. Northumberland— Cumberland— Westmorland-— Durham ; 10,000 3. Yorkshire '....'. 16,000 4. Lancashire— Cheshire— Derbyshire— Staffordshire 17,000 5. Lincolnshire— Nottinghamshire— Leicestershire... 11, QUO . ( S. Northamptonshire— Rutlandshire— Warwickshire — Oxfordshire 15,000 7. Wiltshire— Worcestershire— Gloucestershire...... 16,000 8. Norfolk— Suffolk— Essex— Cambridgeshire 16,000 9. Bedfordshire— Buckinghamshire 8,000 10. Huntingdonshire— Hertfordshire.. .-. i. 1 ' is, woo 11. Surrey ....,-.
14,000 12. Middlesex, including London and Westminster... 28,000 US. Kent— Sussex 20,000 11. Hampshire— Berkshire ! 6, ont; fa. Devonshire-- borseishire— Cornwall- Somersetshire 18,000 16: NORTII WALES, viz. Anglesea— Carnarvonshire— Denbighshire'— Flintshire— Merionethshire and Montgomeryshire, with Shropshire 7,500 17. SOUTH WALES, viz. Brecknockshire— Carmar- thenshire— Cardiganshire— Glamorganshire— Radnorshire and Pembrokeshiie, with Heieford- shiR and Monmouthshire..! 5,000 Each district will be put up at the sum above set opposite thereto, which, if there be no bidding, will be
gradually abated down to a- certain point, or til! a bidding shalf be mai^ e. The highest biddtr- wjltbe declared the - farmer, and will- be required to pay; dgwp immediately,. in bank not. s, one- eiglnh part of the annual';, re^ t as a deposit ;• but if no sufticientUid- ding shall be r- i-. UjBy^ ny district, it will be withdrawn. And it is intei-' dBi,' luft^' djjjtricts shall not be put up in the order aoove stuSedrA> ut'!^ 6iy other which the Commis- sioners of Stamps m., v think fit, and- whicb Will not be de- clared before the time of letting. All persons intending to bid. for any of the said duties, are to deliver in their proposals, addressed'to . the
Commissioners at the Stamp- office, Somerset- place, at least three days pre- vious to the said 16th day of December next, signed with their names, stating the places of their abodej'aud. specif\ uu; tin district or districts for which they intend to bid, otherwise their proposals cannot be proceeded upon. - And no persons licensed to latt horses for. the purpose of travelling post, nor any one for their use, can be admitted | o contract fot any of'the " said duties. To Innkeepers and others letting Horses to hire, as well as to Persons intending to lid for any ef the said duties : NOTICE is- also given, that by the above- mentioned Act of
the last Session, all Licences for letting Horses to hire, granted previously to the 31st of January next, will- expire on that day, and all Licences to be granted after that day,' will expire on the 31st of January following the date therea t; but for the convenience of the persons concerned, and to g. ve timet' r obtaining licences, all such as shall be granted'between the 3 Ist of January and the 16th of March in any year, will he dated on the lst of February, and will protect from that day. The Act also contains divsrs new provisions and regulations for better securing the duties' and preventing frauds, as well as for facilitating the recovery
of the duties, and the penalties for offences relating thereto, which will be found beneficial to the farmers thereof; and innkeepers and others letting horses to hire will be subject to penalties if they neglect to conform to such regulations. By order of the Commissioners of Stamps, _ 352] C. E. BERESFORD, Secretary. BEAUTY TO A SMILING COUNTENANCE IS A FINE SET OF TEETII. PRINCE'S PASTE PEARLS, for concealing de- cayed or blemished Teeth in front, so as not to discover they are decayed, is particularly recommended to persons re- siding distant from a dentist, who have the misfortune of losinga front tooth,
as they may with ease, in a few minutes, substitute a tooth themselves, by following the directions which are inclosed in each box. Have been found of infinite service by persons wearing artificial teeth, who are in the habit of travelling, as in ease of an accident, they are pos- sessed of a substitute to supply the deficiency till they can get the assistance of a dentist. Half- a- Guinea per box, containing six Paste Pearls, or a box containing fifteen, at one Guinea. PRINCE'S CHERRY LOTION, for refreshing the mouth, and immediately sweetening the breath : may be relied on as the only article discovered for fasteningT, nth, though
ever so loose; preserves and whitens the teeth ; heals, hardens, and strengthens the tender Gums ; and is particularly serviceable to use during illness or confi'nem. nt, as a brush at that time is unfit for the tender gums, and by rir. cing the mouth with this lotion, it preserves the teeth from injury which they are likely to receive from the erfects of medicine ; it is of great value to persons wearing artificial teeth fastened to the natural, as it prevents the human teeth from becoming loose. Those wearing artificial teeth ought not to. be without it, as it keeps them sweet and clean, and prevents their charr ing colour. Is warranted
innocent. A - f; ur trial will convince that tne Cfterry Lotion is far preferable to Arquebusade or any other lotion for cleansing the mouth. Half- a- guinea per, bottle, or a dozen bottles at 51. duty included. Sold wholesale and retail, by the proprietor, Prince, dentist, No. .< 1, John- street, Oxford- street; and ( bv appointment) Hendrieand Sons, Perfumers to her Majesty, Tichborn- strcet, Golden- square ; Butler, 4, Cheapside; Barclay and Son, 95, Fleet- market; Bacon, 150, Oxford- strett; Messrs. Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury; and at most'- principal medicine venders in the United Kingdom. Orders from tiie country sent
by directing as above. Shop- keepers, sending their orders to any wholesale vender they deal with in Loudon, will receive liberal allowance.' [ 821 Fisherlon, fVillon, Heytesbury, fViltoiighby- Hedge, and lledho/ ie Turnpike. . f^ OTICE is h. tireby given,— That, at the is Imreby given,— that, at the next jL ^ Meeting of the Trustees, to be held at the Sun Inn, Fisherton, gp Wednesday the 28th day of December next, at flt- ven nVlnpl.- in thf* I,.-,- ,.,,„„ ,1,.. ' 1711 I el .,.,,.;,,., ,., ,1, . eleven o'clock the- forenoon, the'TOLLS arising at'the several Gates belonging to this Turnpike will be LETT by AUCTION, to the best bidder, pursuant to
the directions ot an Act cf Parliament, made and passed in the 13th vear Of his present. Majesty's reign, for regulating Turnpike- Roads; and that the said Tolls will be put up in one lot, at the sum of .£'. 1720, being the amount the same Tolls were lett for on the 9th day of December last. JAS. CHAS. STILL, Clerk and Treasurer. Nmemberil, le08. . [ 407 ATOT1CE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising i^ l at the Toll Gate at WJiiteparish, on the Turnpike Road leading from a pond late of Henry Evre, Esq. ill the parish of Whiteparis'h, in the county of Wilt's, to the town of liom- sev Infra, in the* county of Southampton, will'be LETT
by AUCTION to the best bidder, on Monday the twelfth, day of December next, between the hours of eleven o'clock in.' the forenoon and one o'clock in the afternoon, at the Guildhall of the town of Roinscy Ir. fr.,, in the manner directed by the Act passed'in the ISth year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, " for regulating Turnpike Roads." Whoever happens to be the highest bidder, mpstgive secu- rity, with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Road, for payment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall direct. 240J THOMAS WARNER, ROMSEY, NOV. 7,
1803. Clerk to the said Trustees. Ringwood, Longham, Sf Leigh Turnpike Tolls to Lett. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the TOLLS arising at the several Gates hereunder mentioned, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the best bidder, at the Crown Inn, in Ringwood aforesaid, on Thursday the S4d day of December next, at twelve o'clock at noon, in manner directed by an Act passed in the 13th year of the reign of his present Majesty, " For regulating Turnpike Roads," and will be put up at the following sums, viz. Ringwood Gate... t.... at £. 202 Longham Gate at tin Leigh Gate at..* 63 being the respective sums for which those Gates
are now lett for one year, ending the 31 st of December next. Whoever happens to be the highest bidder, must at the same time and place of letting give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees, for payment of the rent agreed for, and at such time as they shall direct. By order of the Trustees, WM. BALDWIN, Clerk. RINGWSOD, NOV. 24, 1808. [ 416 WILTS. CORSHAM AND LA COCK TURNPIKE TOLLS. THERE being no Meeting on the gth instant, for want 01 a sufficient number of Trustees attending within the hours limited by ( he i.. st Notice :— NOTICE is her by given. That the TOLLS arising at
the Blue V in Gate, s. toate oh the Road leading from Melksham to Bath, w 11 b positively LETT by AUCTION to the best bidder, ( acc idina to the conditions to be produced), at the Red Lion Inn, at C .- iSham, on Wednesday the 48th day of December next, between th • hours of eleven and two o'clock, were last let for £ 490, and wili. be put up at that sum. Whoever happens to be the best bidder must at the same time giVe security, with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction ofnhe Trn- tees- if t a " s-- m Turnpike Roads, for payment of the rent agreed for, and at such tunes as they shall direct. JOHN MERE vVTHER, Clerk and
Treasurer. C. At- NE, NOV. 4S 1808. . [ 3- H K — — -- T.' SARUM AMD EALING TURNPIKE. ' ' OT1CE is hereby given, that the TOLI^ S arising. at the several Toll Gates on this Turnpike, will be IKgT : v AUC'l ION to the best bidd - r, at- the House ot Joa- eb m f hb' crd, ku - wn by the name of the Maidenhead Inn, in the city of New Sarum, on Friday the : 3th day of January next, betwet n th< hours of eleven and two of the clock, iii the manner directed ' reign of In the Tump the sever; , s'unts h ; lurujer- mentiuncd, above- thi cxprnees of colkatma the sonn. and will be put up at til; respective sun S, and iu the 1-. t, .... . wing, viz.
Lot' 4.— I'et- r'- vl- iin - i, Lurid.: m's, Tottoa and " I !, yn i. var-'.;,",. : .. J- ® ' ® 8* Lot 2,— Loa- HI), i n. £ 644 - Whoever happens f- 1 ti-. f rest bidder must, at the same tim » , mve st- cj » By, With '. i-- Vi a n: s ; a tics to the satisfaction of the. Tiuste s i tin; said Iera pike Ro'adsf tor payment of the rent agreed fur, and. u times as i- hev shall direct. -. we, u tnt nours o- eleven ana two ot the clOCK, in ler directed by the Act. passed in the 13th year of the his Msi : tv i' uig Geor.- e the Third, " for regulating ipike lWd's;" w- nieh Tails produced the last - year SARU. M, /.> C. , 1'- » Y « v BCl CjiiiiR, Cierk and Treasurer. [ 561 TO be*
LET 1, a. ted upon immediately',—. C'- mi- iodiMis, r a-. r - h- dilt, brick and sashed DV/ EI Mi- stitkio ia% - A atfiiW- chSMK • A . , . , , .. DWEL- l. I'N- G- nOl! ^ . icona- n U? of' three p - rlours, seven bed- chambers, - tilth , - -- nvenient garrets, kitchen and other offices"; uu ! ..' a ro- iii !'; -, r, tvvo walled in eird- ehs, a coach- li use, subl- .& p<, aU s- 5uate in the S - nth- street, in Dor- e.- ysit^ j in th:- ir-.'. y of Dorset, and is fit for" the reception ^ Sgentet! i . nn y, na'is oiih- eight miles from Weymouth. • TBvit:, further ;.- u: j. n',(. r-. . applv fit by lett r post- paid) to Mr. '"' , or Thomas Curme, Builder, Dor- [ 1057 _—^ -_: ,— —.'-. ' A.
NDOVER. ....... TO be LETT or SOLD by PRIVATE CONr TR|'.( T, either furnish- d or unfurnished, and with inarm mate possession,— A sen stantial, handsome, uniform-, B. fick- teu It DWELLING- HOUSE, consisting of- an entrance hall, breakfast parlour, small library; dining- room, and arawin . r. tn, on the first floor ; four'excellent bed- rooms, wit:, tvvo others, on the second ; and four vciygood servants' rooms in til; attics , With suitable domestic offices and spacious under- ground arched cellars; and with two coach- houses, a stable for lour horse-;, a good outlet, a large grass plot, with an ornamental shrubbery, and a most
excellent garden st- cked with fruit trees in high perfection. Th ab - ve premises, which are Freehold, and the land- tax of which is redeemed, are situate in the most desirable part of the town, were late in the occupation of- Admiral Grindnll, who has just quitted the'same, and are perfectly fit for the reception of •<•, gentleman's, family. • [ 384 For further particulars, and to treat for the, premises, apply ( and, if by letters, post paid) to Mr." Flee't, solicitor, Andover. THE REAL JAPAN BLACKING,'" MADE a Y DAY AND martin, LONDON. HPHIS invaluable Composition, with half the usual j A labour, produces the most brilliant it t black ever beheld ; affords peculiar nourishment to the leather, will not soil the finest linen, is perfectly free from any unpleasant smell, and will retain its virtues in any climate. Sold, wholesale, by Day and Martin, removed to No. 97, High Holborn, London; and by Urodie, Dowding, and Lux- ford, Salisbury, wholesale agents for the West of FiigismJ; Coulton, Devizes; Simmonds, Blandford; Penny, Sherborne bottles, price Is. 07/. each. ISSJ) CHILBLAINS are ptevented from breaking, and their tormenting Itching instantly removed, by WHITE- HEAD'S ESSENCE of MUSTARD, universally ' esteein. il for its extraordinary efficacy in
Rheumatisms, Palsies, Goaty Affections, and Complaints of the Stomach ; but where this CERTAIN Remedy has been unknown, or neglected, and the Chilblains have actually suppurated, or - broke, WHITE- HEAD'S FAMILY CERATE will ease tile pain, and very speedily heal them. Thev are prepared and sold bv R. John- ston, apothecary, 15, Greek- street,'. Soho, London ; the Essence and Pills at 2s. 9ti., each, the Cerate at Is, i. U.'.—- they are also sold by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury, and every Medicine Vender in the United Kingdom. The genuine has a black ink stamp with the name of R. Johnst a inserted
on it. [ 2pi DOCTOR HODSON's IMPERIAL OIL. THIS important Discovery proves a never- failing Remedy . in all cases where the external parts of the body are Injured " or diseased: it unites the bland soothing nature of the Oil with a highly active principle. Thousands are in- debted to this invaluable application for the use of their limbs, where they Have been so crippled as to be unable to walk, In Chronic Rheumatism and Palsy, it is the best application evtr know?. In the Rickets, the disease in which so many thou- sand children suffer yearly, and then have their bodies dis- torted, it has no equal. - In old Spasms and Gout, it
relieves the swelling and pain, and enables the patient, in a time astonishingly short, to recover the use and exercise of las limbs. In Chilblains, Wounds, Hcc. and wherever the skin is brokeor injured, it causes the process of- healing immedi- ately tqcoifimence. • Sold at Mr. Butler's, No. 4, Cheapside, corner of Pater- noster- row; and by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salis- bury, in bottles at 2s. 9d. each. fpo r" S"' MlE Heat and Irritation of the Skin, s^ o prevalent J. on the approach of Cold Weather, are immediately re- moved by Sl'lLSBURY's PATENT ANT1 SCORBUTIC DROPS-, the effects of which are perfectly well known
in scurvy, scrofula, gout, rheumatism, eruptions, bilious com- plaints, ulcerations, scald heads, & c. After measles, small and cow pox, it is a most admirable alterative. The genuine, medicine has the words " Bv the King's Pa- tent" expressed on the bottle, bill of direction, and outside wrapper; apd the King's duty is printed in black ilk. Sold at the Dispensary, 15, Soho- squHre, London, in snail bottles of 6s. 6< f.; double bottles 1.0s.; and, larger li. 2s. Compound Essence, to allay unpleasant irritation, 8s. The medicine to be had of. Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbuif, whole- sale venders for the West of England ; and Boulinj
and Co. Newport, Isle of Wight. [ am - COMPTON DUNDON, SOMERSET. TO be LETT, from Lady- dav . ne- ct, far a Term of Seven Years, if the estate and intefest of the Proprietor therein shall so lone: continue,-"— Lot'l.— All that FARM- HOUSE, Barn, Stables, and Of- fices thereto belonging,— and 56 A,' 3 II. 34 P. { mors or less) of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, called GoJrnbes'sand Limb'rey's, situate in Compton, with the Appurtenanets ; to- gether with an Allotment in iedgmoor, tlmri to also belong- ing, containing 13 A. 4 R. 14 P. now in the possession of Farmer Burge. Lot 2.— All that other FARM- HOUSE,
Barn, Stables, arid Offices thereto belonging,- and S6A. 1 R. 2 P. fmore or less) of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, oalle ' moden'-;, si- tuate at Dundon, with the Appurtenances ; t n- ther with an Allotment in Sedgmoor, thereto also belongi: g, containing f - 2 A. 2 R. 14 P. now in the occupation of Joseph White. Proposals for taking the- same, are requested to be sent to Mr. J. Jennings, Evershot, Dorset, on cf before the lst day of January next, stating the utmost rent that will be given tor the above estates respectively, the landlord paying the land and property- tax, and keeping the buildings in repair ;— and on the. : 3d day
of January, Mr. Jennings will attend at the Red Lion Inn, in Somcrtan, for the purpose of receiving such tenders as may not have been previously delivered, and of giving notice to such persons whose off- ars shall1 have been ac- cepted. Persons making tenders are requested to state how much additional yearly rent would be given,. provided the proprietor were to permit the allotments in Sedgmoor to be ploughed. Security will be required lor the payment of the respective rents. i- g- tor v. iewing. th'; ; remises, application maybe made to the respective tetm a -, ind for the particular of the estates, to Mr. Samuel Gibbs,
Sotnsrton. [ 550 For the Head, Stomach, and Jlowt/ s. DR. JAMES'S ANALEPTIC PILLS. TIIE oelebrity of these Pills as a general preserva- tive of health, by assisting nature in the die discharge of the animal functions, is become universal,- and they are now recommended by medical gentlemen of tlie fust emi- nence, who use them in their own families. They, are admi- rably calculated for disorders, of tiie stomach and bowels; for persons qf a bilious, a gouty, or a rheumatic - disposition ; as well as for those whose constitutions have been affected by a sedentary life, or by a resilience ill hot climates: also for head- achs
occasioned by indigestion and- other bad effects of free living ; and for preventftig palsies and - apoplexies-, so often the consequence of intemperance'. Til se Pills, which gently open tbe pores by night und the body by day, are excellent in colds and slight- fevers ; and they have a tendency to promote sleep. They should never be omitted at bed- time,, after any sxcess of eating cr drinkin- g. Spill only by F. Nevv'- ciy and Sons, Np. 45, St. Paul's Church- yard, Loqdqu;. in . boxes, price 4 « .&£° each,' or six in dne' large box,- for jMy included ;, and by their ap- pointment by BfVdK?, DoWdinjf, and Luxford. Salisbury ; and all the
Venders' o'f Messrs. Newbury's Medicines in the West of England! - * » * Observe that the wortfc; " F. Ncwberv, No. 45, St. Paul's/'- are engraved- in the Stafop?!. ' jiw? ^—_ a -" 4- v- s ' THE V13 YIT.-}-;, oa CARMINATIVE CORDIAL, Prepared by JOHN UQOl'ER, Surgeon, > v EST* U n V. WILTS, In Bottles oj 2.; a bW. and ts. each, tesiihs duty. TIIIS inestimable Cordial is particularly recom- mended to Travellers and to the Public, as a safe and pleasant Substitute- for RAW SPIRITS, which, by a too frequent use, ruiti the constitution, and sap the vitals of so many individuals. It strengthens the tone of tbe stomach, promotes'
digestion, relieves flatulnncy, and invigorates the whole nervous system. Directions for its use : After, shaking the bottle, put one table- spoonful of this cordial into a wiiie- glass of livki- warm wat; r, and drink it whilst warm. • [;) 7s SPEEDIMAN'a STOMACH PILLS, A MEDICINE of regular prescription, and esta- 1 V. blishedcred. it; is perhaps one of the most safe anil efficacious that can be tak.- D at. this season of the year, and at all times, for spasms, wind in the stomach, nervous com- plaints, tn promote regular perspiration, in deflciency of bile, and in obstructions of the bowels, in heart- burns, costiveness, cholics, gout,
vomitings, and- in head- achs. On trial, ttte* intrinsic worth will prove- their best recommendation ; they are particularly r. commended during the coupe of s a- bathmg, and drinking the sea. and mineral waters; - alfo for thiwc hying in w. rm climates. [ 1015 Prepared by T. Shellitoa, jun.- - druggist, Tottenham High Cross, Middlesex, by virtue, of an assignment . from H. and .1. Beswick," sole proprietors qf the receipt, by the will of M. Speedi'mail; and are sol'd bv'Shaw and . Edwards, No., Gtl, St. Paul's ehurch- vard; London, in boxes at 2s.— 4s. ft/.— los. ( V. and OneGuua a: sold also by Brodie, Dowditu, and 1 uxfoid, Salisbury,
wholesale venders for the West of England.' < HALLAM's AN'I'lBILIOUS PlLLi, Invented by Edward llallani, Surgeon and Apothecary , Bury St, Edmunds. TIIIS safe and elegant Preparation is justly es- teemed for its agreeable and cirtain operation, by whiclv it effectually removes tdl Inaction or Obstruction of'the Sto- mach of Bowels. Its action is particularly adapted tp . persons of bilious habits, and those cf sedentary lives, Where a suffi- cient action of the bowels is ilo't kept Up, andcrudities retained in those organs arefrequentlVproaucingpainsattddisteiiSions, head- achs, langour, and giddiness, or a sense of weariness and
oppression. ' The worst cases of bilious or sick head- achs are certainly removed by a single dose, and in a much shorter time than could be credited, hut from experience. Sold wholesale and retail by Shaw and Edwards, 66,' St. Paul's. Ohurch- yafd, London; and by Brodid, powdingj and i. uxford, Salisbury, Wholesale Venders for the- West'of Eng- land. Retail by Ship, Bl. mdford ; Adams, Shaft, shilry • arid by most other respectable Medicine Venders. Price 2s. ltd. a Box. , [ 1054 Superior Merit will ever meet the public Approbation. TIIE reputation of, DR. FREEMAN'S celebrated GOTTA SALUTARIS, induced one of the .
first, and most learim! Universities iri F. tirope to confer, on him the highest honour in Medicine ; and the deserved estimation in : which this invaluable Specific has been held for the space of no less than 30 years, as the most sovereign Preparation vet ' discovered- for all farms of- a certain Disc- is.*, however ol.- sti-, ; nate and unconquerable their nature, shews how justly the ; opinion of the learned and respectable body was founded'. Thousands have owed to this Medicine their recovery front the most deplorable situations of this malady, after e'veiy other ' Specific had failed ; nor has it proved less successful in those .
debilities which arise more from imprudence than from a certain cause. To such patients it holds out a never- failing, permanent, and speedy relief. [ 87 Sold wholesale and retail at Mr. Butler's, 4, Cheapside, corner of Paternoster- row, aud by most country booksellers and medicine venders, in bottles, at 5s. Std. and 5s. fid. each. HORSES AND DOGS. MR: BLAINE, VETERINARY SURGEON-, BEG* to recommend his Mcdicin- s for the Cere cf the various Diseases of HORSES and DOGS. These Medicines uu - years increasing reputation have entitled to every confidence. Mr. B. would particularly draw1 the attention of those
possess- ing Horses to his Purging Physics, Cortlial Balls, Cough Balls, Farcy Balls, Diuretic Kalis, Blistering Ointment, Milit Wash and Strong Paste lor Grease, Eve Water, l. is nevr- failing Worm Powders ( a medicine wholly new, and abso- lutely infallible), Fever Powders antl Alterative Condition Powders ;— in Dogs, his Distemper Powders, Mange Oint- ment, Worm Medicines, Canker Wash, anil fiirai- ng Physic. Sold wholesale and retail by T. Boosty, 4, Old Broad-. artet, Royal- Exchange; Barclay, Fleet- maik-. t; Huddleston » n< t Co. Dublin ; 87, South- bridge, Edinburgh; Osbotn. New York ; and by Btodio, Dowding, and
Luxiad, SalisVuiy.
AND GENERAL ADVERTISER. OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, £ 2>. B SOMERSET. w OREIGN NEWS. DRESDEN, NOV. S. " E are informed by lelters fram Breslau, that the French troops which are still in the capital of Silesia are making pre- parations to take their departure in a few days, and that about the middle of the month the complete evacuation of Silesia will take place. ~ •• 1 • 1 LONDON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9. All our hopes respecting the success of the Patriotic Annies in the North of Spain, have vanished. The brave Casta'nos, who had gained some advantages over the enemy on the Ebro, has fallen the victim
of military stratagem. His army is said to be no longer in existence. Intelligence to this effect was yesterday received by Government. The following is the meagre, but too fatally explicit account, which has been circu- lated asofficial in the Ministerial circles. " The intelligence yesterday " received from Gen. Sir 1). Baird, is dated As; oi* ga, the 29th ult. by which it appears, that the army under GeneralCastanos had sustained a de- feat, the particulars of which, however, bad not been re- ceived. General Sir John Moore had directed Sir D. Baird to re- embark, and proceed immediately to the„ Tagus, f n- the purpose of assembling
the British army in . force, and enabling it to act ill such a manner as circumstances might point out, for the support of the common cause." Of our troops we have no very detailed information. — General Moore's first division reached Salamanca on the 15th. Sir David Baird was at Astorga on the 22d ult.; but it is now apprehended that they must both fall back. It is asserted in a letter from Corunna, dated Dee. 1, that the transports at Corunna had, on the 2d inst. begun to take on board the heavy baggage • belonging to the British army under the orders of General Baird ; and that the most, ample means bad been provided for
the se- cure retreat of tbe whole of our forces. The defeat of the army of General Castauos appears to have been of a most decisive description. Whilst Bonaparte seemed to direct his chief attention to the operations in the western part of Spain, he was preparing a most decisive blow against Ge- neral Castanos, anil his plan has unhappily proved but tqo successful. Another letter from Corunna, of the same date,' says, " There is the utmost reasou to apprehend that Ge- iv. al Hope, who is arrived at Madrid with the cavalry and artillery belonging to Gen. Moore's army, will be cut off.— He must be so, if it be true, as we bear, that
both Moore and liaird are retreating. In short, it i; absolute despair." The intelligence from the army of tbe Marquis De Jtomanai; rather more satisfactory. The Marquis, it ap- pears, had collected a force of above 20,000 men, and had taken a very strong position: there was nothing to prevent their junction with Sir David B. iird's army.— Lord Paget Juid been - sent to Leon, and had just returned when the courier left Astdrga. It appears, from a Proclamation of the Supreme Junta, iu the Coruhna papers, that the enemy had advanced in an oblique direction from Bttrgos to Lerma, Aranda, and across the Donro, They had got to the
neighbourhood of Samozierra, a small town in the mountains that are due North from Madrid, from which it is about 40 miles dis- tant. Their number is said not to exceed 8000 men.— In this state ot affairs, the Junta po led a strong force at the important post of Guadarama, N. W. of Madrid about 26 miles. Th » English, who are said to have been on the 21st ult. at the Kyurial, were about to march to Guadarama, to reinforce the Spaniards iu that quarter. This, it is'pro- bable, was Genentl Hope's brigade, which was said to li:. ve reached Madrid on the 19th, but got ru> further than the I'inurial. Guadarafba is certainly an important
post to defend, supposing the Trench t- o be advancing to Madrid by Medina, Arevallo, and the Monies Sargetanes— but it cannot check their march, supposing them to be proceed- ing « o the capital ? n a direction due South " from the Douro. Soon after the- arnsal pf the Messengers from Madrid yesterday, a Cabinet ( iauncil was assembled, which sat till fix o'clock, and was " attended by all tbe members in town On its rising, Mr. Shaw was sent off to France witb answers - to the di « pat^ e? brought.. by the flag of truce. Yesterday aftemooij tlie iftfnch and Russian couriers left town, on their returft to ii'rance. Two ladies, who \
ver6 lately . captured in a French privateer, have received permission to take their passage to Boulogne, in the flag of truce. "... • We learn, by a letter of the 3d of October, from St. Croix, that " the JVench- have succeeded in throwing large supplies mto Guadalojipe. Five vessels have arrived there, with upwards of 3( 100 battels of flour, and other provisions. One of'these, a ; slup armed jtfij/ t, with 33 guns ( heavy metal) ' and 350 men, captured the Eiijjiah brig Maria, with only, 12 guns ( 18- pounders) and 65 men yet our brave tars gallantly fought till 35 of this heroic band had fallen, ere they struck to this verysnperior force
The Rook schooner, mounting two 12- pounders, manned with 25 men, and commanded by Lieut. James Lawrence, <; n her passage froin Jamaica, to Londun, with dispatches and a considerable Quantity of money, was attackek,. four days alter quitting that island, by two French privateer schooners, the one of 12, the otlicr of 10 ginis, and full of men. The action took place off St. Domingo, when, after a most gallant and determined resistance of an hour and half, the Commander unfortunately- fell', having received seven different woUnls, the last of winch terminated, the life of as Jjiillaot and able an Officcr as the service can
boast of. T.; e action was still continued, in the most gallant manner, by Mr. Seward, the Master, until over powered by the number of the eneniv, and carried fly boarding, when the villains got possession, and no quarter itas given. After exercising the nw- t wanton cruelties on the few survivors, they were stripped, ordered into the boat, and to make for land in the best maimer. possible, which, after four hours, they succeeded in, and sot on shore on the South erul of St. Domingo. Neither Officer nor man has escaped being either killed or wounded. The Master, the only surviving Officer, ha; received live wounds in diHerent
places; but, probably, not mortal, as it is from his letter this information is derived. Yesterday the Lord Mayor went in state to Guildhall, a id held his fir , t Court of Common Council. Mr. Deputy Hallier moved the thanks of the Court to Alderman Atisley, the late Lord . Mayor, for the zeal, integrity, and ability with which he had discharged the duties of his high office. Mr. Qnin oppoied tbe motion, insisting that the late Lord Mayor had failed in his duty, by abandoning the rights of the City, iii refusing protection to Mr. Chris- tie, a Liveryman, who bad been impressed. Mr. Deputy BOM, Mr. Vandercomb, and Mr. Alderman Birch, de fended the general conduct of the late Lord Mayor, and argued that in the ea- e, alluded to he had acted from error in judgment. Mr. Jacks said, the late Lord Mayor had frequently b:: en absent, from his residence for several days together;- that when he had waited on him, on public busi- ness, l, e had been received with great hauteur; and he thpujfhtthe thanks of the Court ought to be given with discrimination, and withheld for neglect or demerit. Mr. Griffiths, Mr. Diirhfurd, and Mr. Waithman spoke against the motion. The question being put, the Lord Mayor declared the shew of' hands to be in favour of the vote of thanks ; hut
a division being called for, the numbers were, i ll the motion 0 Aldermen, 38 Commoners, 47; against it 59 Commoners." Majorityagainst, the Vote of Thanks, 12. THE LOAN.— Mr. II » SE, from the Bank, yesterday ac- quainted the Gentlemen of the Stock Exchange, that, the Redemption of the Advances on the Loan for 1808, should be made as follow £. 30 per Cent, on or before Friday, Jan. 27. 3') per Cent; on ot before Friday, Feb. 3. ' 4u per Cent, on oi before Friday, Feb. 17. The Proprietors of the Receipts to pay the Instalment of 15/. per cent, which is to l « made on the 13 th of January. LAW.— Court of King's Itench,
Dec. 7.— The KINO V. Au: xASi> rp. DAVISON.— This was an information laid by the Attorney General, and prosecuted by prder of the House of Coinraous. The defendant, in the year 1793, became Agent fiir Barrack Stores* and an agreement was entered into with General De Laucy, the Barrack Master General. Jiis duty was to purchase all articles Jvhich might be re- quired for that department, foriwh'c'i he himself, in his letter of the 10th of January to th# J4ariack Master Gene- ral, thought that SJ per eeut. was fully sufficient as a com- mission for devoting his whole attention to the business., He, continued in this situation,
performing the duties ofhis Station, and certainly no fault could be alledged against him Lill the year 1798, when he began ( o manufacture the articles in demand, in large quantities, and charge them to Government in the name of George Watson, who was his apprentice, and a young. man about twenty years in his own employ; on these goods which he so sold he directed Bjwring, his principal clerk, to manufacture false vouchers, ith a view to defraud the Barrack Department ; he also nfluenced John Alien, another clerk in his employ, to give receipts for large sums of money, pretended to be paid to " Watson, so as to give the
whole the appearance of fair and bona file transaction. This practice he continued till the change of the Administration, in 1801 or 1802, when it was likely that an invetisgation would take place, and it struck him tha. t it would be adviseable. to change the mode of rendering his accounts, and soon after he sent them in without charging the commission of 2$ per cent, on the goods he himself manufactured and sold. In the eir 1804, suspecting that his accounts would be investi- gated, he sent in to the Barrack Office a supplemental account, wherein he debited himself with various errors in his former transactions, to the amount of
more than 5,000/. but at the same time not a word was said about deducting the amount of the commission charged on the oodshe sold himself. In the year 1805, a Committee was appointed to investigate the Barrack Accounts, when he fused to give a Statement of his cash accounts, alledging that he had closed ali his transactions- with the Barrack Department, but. being examined as to these points, he sfiited, on oath, that there was no other agreement be- tween him and Gen. Delancy than the one dated 24th of December, 1- 794; and he had no other emolument from the business than the 2| per cent, stipulated in that
agree- ment. Mr. Thomas Bontiar, Secretary of the Commissioners of Military Inquiry, produced the agreement, and the subsequent nine half- yearly accounts, with other vouchers, rendered to'the Barrack Board, wherein he charged large quantities of stores, bought from George Watson, and the different receipts, as proof of payment for the same, signed by John Allen. William James, clerk to. Mr. Lodge ( the packer employ- ed), proved the various returns made by his employer, of the stores forwarded ; and that a great part of them came from the defendant's warehouse in Bedford- street, in the name of Muhgo Sheddon, who
had been manager of Mr. Davison's army cloathing concertos. He knew Watson, who was a clerk in that warehouse ; and did not think he was, at the time, in any condition to buy or sell goods.— He always considered that they were manufactured at the Bedford- street warehouse,, and belonged to the defendant; tiiough the half- yearly returns were made out in the name of Mungo Sheddon, the manager,- and afterwards in that of George Watson. John Allen Said he had been in the defendant's employ since 1800, and had the management of his books in his army clothing concern. Wafton either was, at the time alluded to, an
apprentice to the defendant, or had been. Neither he nor the witness carried on business on their own account. The receipt far 15,136/. dated December 31, 1798, signed by the witness, and importing to be for bedding furnished by Watson, the witnessed not write till 1800. The witness did not receive any money, and did not know of any supply by Watson : he signed the paper by the desire of Mr. Bowering, the defendant's clerk, at his office in St. James's- square. Mr. Bowering dictated it to the witness. Sheddon had mentioned it first to him at Bedford- street, and desired him to go to St. James'- square upon the business. The
witness signed similar ree ipts in half- yearly accounts for four or five years, besides the yearly ones, being all done at one time— they were fur years during which the witness had no acquaintance with the subject or the parties. The latter receipts he signed as the half years came round, lie always wtnt from Bed- ford- street to St. James's- square to do this, by the desire of Bowering. The Attorney- General here stated that the hills and re- ceipts, from the 24th of June, 1800, were as from Allen himself ; but he too never received from the defendant the msney for which he had signed receipts, nor did he, at anv time, supply
bedding to any amount whatever. The articles so supposed to have been supplied, were sent fro the defendant's warehouse in Bedford- street. Upon Allen's cross- examination by Mr. Wilson, he said the defendant was concerned in other branches of business, and his general office was ill St. James's- iquaro. Bowering told him, as a reason for requesting the witness to si411 the receipts, that the defendant could not appear both as buyer and seller in the same account. The witness knew that some of these transactions were before his tim >. The de- fendant kept four or five elerks in Bedford-- street, about 100 work- people in
the warehouse, and employed many hundreds out of it. The goods were sent to Lodge from the defendant's warehouse, without any charge of secrecy and the. witness knew of no instance where goods were brought from any other merchant's to Bedford- street. Upon his re- examination, he . said that Watson. was absent, a con- iderable part of the year, in which the witness signed receipts as for him ; but the witness ditl not know whether he was absent at the present time of signing. The witness was not it London before 1800. Here'tne case on the part of the pro~ eedtion closed. Mr. Dallas, for the defendant, made a, speech
of more tliari two hours, wherein he appealed to the.' ury, in very forcible language, on the great propriety of discarding from their minds the abuse which they h id been accustomed to read for several months pa= t i. t the newspapers against the defendant, as his future honour and happiness depended on. tUe-' lmpartialitv of their verdict. He then took a view of the manner in which the Barrack Department bad been conducted previous to the year 1805, when a great- varietv of frauds had been committed to the injury of the public ; but Wuen General Delancy had been appointed, that evil became the object of his attention ; with
a view to remedy the inconvenience he appointed Mr. Davi- ou sole Agent, to buy all the stores, and to transact the whole business, tor which he was t- » have. 2 § per cut. commission. In the year 1798 the demand- for Barrack stol'es becam - so great, that the articles could not be proeured in the market; and by a new agreement entered into with the Barrack- master General, Mr. Davison was ordered to supply th m himself. Being an army clothier, he possessed every facility and advantage, and for which he was allowed to charge tbe commission originally .' agreed on. These important facts would be proved by General
Delancy, whom he would call, and whose testimony would place his client in a very defe- rent light, with respect to his transactions with the public; independent of which, he had 01 her witnesses to call, who would also prove that the articlss: suppli d were charged 3 [ Ver cent, under the prices charged by others ; 0 that the public gained, instead of losing, by the transactions. The defendant employed one thousand workmen, and he acted under a new, positive, and particular agreement; a ! ii, reason for making out his accounts in the way he did n* a by the suggestion of his clerk, as conformable to the 01 i- ginal agreement, and
the barrack regulation. General Delancy proved that he appointed the d fendant as agent to barrack stores in the year 17.95.:; he at the time had 110 knowledge of him, but meeting him at public offices, where he was considered as a very aitivts punctual man in all his transactions. He acted as agent till 1758, when the demand for barrack stores was so* great, that he allowed him to supply the alleles from his own stores in Bedford- street. The patterns and the prices were submitted to the witness, and approved of. The whole was, except this de- viation, conducted on the principle, of the old agreement as to the commission. He
had no suspicion of his acting fraudulently ; 011 the contrary, he had the greatest confi- dence iu his skill and activity, and he still thought the same. J. Bowering, the defendant's clerk, said, that he made out the accounts, and it appeared to him, that his master, according to the barrack regulation, could not stand in the same light as buyer and seller, and suggested the. propriety of making them out in the names of Watson and Allen, but the prices were charged lower by 3^ per cent, than the stores purchased by any other person. In the year 1803, the method of making out the accounts had been altered, and the witness
proposed to take off the commission from the year 1797; and he applied to the Accountant- Gcneral to get hack the vouchers for that purpose, but had been refused. Mr. Standbank, the Accountant- General, said, he had been applied to, but he could not give back the vouchers without an order. Lord Moira, Sir E. Nepean, Sir W. Rule, Sir 3. Ham- mond, Messrs. Long, Huskisson, and several other gentle- men, gave the defendant a most excellent character. His Lordship took an extensive view of the evidence, and concluded with saying, that there could be no doubt of the fraud committed by the defendant. The Jury retired for
fivtf mirtotes, and brought in a ver- dict of-— Guilty. The trial l isted from nine in the morning till i. ear tight o'clock at night. BIRTHS.] On the 24th ult. at Edinburgh, Viscountess Arbuthnot of a son.— On Saturday, in Devonshire- street, Mrs. Henry Baring, of a son.— On Wednesday, at the Ad- miralty, Lady Mulgrave, of a stm.— Same day, in Hert- ford- street, May- fair, the Lady of John Dent, Esq; M. P. of a daughter. MARRIED.] On Saturday, at St. George's, ilanover- square, Lieut. Col. Gascoigue, of the India Company's service, to Mrs. Denton, of Tavistock- square.— On Mon- day, David Morgan, Esq. to Miss Maria Morris,
second ' aughter, of Robert Morris, Esq. M. P. for the city of Gloucester.— On Tuesday, the Rev. R. P. Goodenough, ' second son of the Bishop of Carlisle, to Miss Cecilia Mark- ' am, youngest daughter of the late Archbishop of York. - Yesterday, at Mary- le- bomie, Thomas Eyton, jun. Esq. of Liucoln's- inn, to Miss Campbell, eldest daughter of Major- General Dugald Campbell. DIED.] ' In September last, in Marigalante, John Brown, Esq. for some years a merchant in Dublin. On his passage from Antigua to another island, on a mercantile specula- tion, the ship was captured and carried by the Trench into Marigalante, shortly
before it was taken by the English forces. The French having come 10 a determination to capitulate, they liberated Mr. Brown, for the purpose of communicating with the British. Unhappily his joy at his deliverance made him neglect, the precaution of taking a flag of truce, and on approaching the posts of the British, he received a ball in the heart from a black centincl in our service.— Lately, in Ireland, Lady Peacocke, wife of Sir Jo : eph Peacocke, Bart., and sister of Lord Castlecoote.— On the 24th ult. at Edinburgh, the Rev. Duncan Mackay, late acting Chaplain of his Majesty's troops in India, 011 the Madras establishment.-
Having returned from India a few years ago, with a moderate fortune, he expressed his respect for the University of St. Andrew, where he was educated, hv founding a new Bursary, for which he lodged 300/. but dying before the necessary deeds were complete, he left them to be executed by his trustees.— On the l -: t inst. at'Exeter, Mrs. Dod, wife of Vice- Admiral Dod.— On the 3d inst. at Bedgebury, iu Kent, the Right Hon. Lady Forrester.— On Sunday, at his house in Spital- square, aged 72, William Hawes, M. D. Senior Physician to the London and Surrv Dispensaries, and the establislier, iu 774, of that meritorious
institution the Royal Humane Suciety.— On Monday, at Chrisilton, in Cheshire, the Rev. Thomas Mostyn, uncle of Sir Thomas Mostyn, Bart. HYTHE, near SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, by Mr. DELL, on Tuesday the 18th of Dec. instant,— All the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, elegant cut glass, a clever gig horse anil harness, a rieat gig, a capital cow; a pair of town- made chariot harness, equal to new, no crest; about 20 sacks of potatoes, sundry hurdles, a stump of hay, and other effects, the property of a Gentleman leaving Mount- House Cottage, Hythe.— The Furniture comprises mahogany,
tent, and other bedsteads, with dimity and cotton furniture ; goose feather beds, mattiesses, blankets", quilts, and counter- panes; mahogany dining tables, dumb waiters, cellaret, s- de- board, japan chairs, pier arid dressing glasses, mirrors, Kid- derminster carpets, eight- day clock, with useful kithcen fur- niture. To be viewed the morning of th; sale day until eleven o'clock, when the sale will commence. Catalogues to be had at the place of sale; Crown, Lyndhurst; and of the Auctioneer, Southampton. fsgs NEW LOTTERY, TO BEGIN DRAWING DECEMBER 12, 1808. SCHEME. 4.... Of. . . .£• 20,000 are.. .. £ 80,000 2 . 10,000
.. 20,000 2 5,000 .. 10,009 6 1,000 6,000 10 500 5,000 20 100 2,000 44 so 2,200 100 25 2,500 4,820 15 .. 72,; i 00 20,000 Tickets. £ 200,000 THE Scheme of this Lottery exceeds all others, a; it abounds in Capital Prizes ; and in addition to tht usual sum allotted by Government, the Contractor has per- mission of the Lords of the Treasury for him to make A FREE GIFT OF 1,000 WHOLE TICKETS, The value of which it is impossible to calculate, as they may contain the follawing Capital Prizes: 4 of £ 20,000 G of £ l, 00o 2 10,000 10 600 2 5,000 20 100 & c. & c. There are 20,000 Tickets in the Lottery, with not three Blanks to a
Prize; but there are only 19,000 Tickets for sale. A speedy purchase is therefore necessary, as superior benefits are attached to particular tickets drawn" the first and second days, and * he whole Lottery will be drawn in four days. Shares are entitled to a proportion of the above benefits. Tickets and Shares are selling at every Licensed Lottery Office, and by their Agents. [ 1353 CAPITAL PRIZES Shared in the last eighteen months by HORNSBY and Co. No. S> 6, Cornhill, London, and St. Margaret's- hill, Bo- roughv— 10. M4, 20,000/.— 19,544, 20,000/.— 2,279, 10,000/. 8,8.)^ J^ 800/.— a, 71ti, 5,000/.— 19,570, 5,000/.—
17,127, 4,000?.— 3,53fi, 2,000/.— 10,873, 1,000/.— 12,244, 1,000/.— 1,350, 500/.— 14, 500/.— 10,337, 500/. THE DRAWING HEGINS IN A FEW DAYS, Tuesday, the 13th of December. To Clubs, Societies, tend individual Purchasers of Tickets and Shares, HORNSBY and Co. Stock- brokers, beg leave to point out the beneficial advantages attending the pre sent Lotterv. The Scheme contains four Prizes of 20,000/, besides Prizes of 10,000/. 5000/. 1000/. 5001. 100/. 50/. Sc. fee. and only 20,000 Tickets. In addition to the Prizes, two extra chances of 500 Tickets each arc given by the Contrac- tor, to the Purchaser of a
Ticket or Share, and arc to be de- cided on the 1 st and 2d Days of Drawing.— These extra chances are incalculable, and are likely to produce an im- mense sum of money, which was not possible to have been acquired in any format Lottery.— N. B. The 1000 Tickets a lodged in the Bank of England, therefore it leaves only 19,000 for sale. Letters ( post paid) duly answered, and schemes gratis.— Orders by post or carrier- executed on the same terms as if present. [ 460 SOUTHAMPTON. VALUABLE Stock of choice WINES, 3Co Gallons ofSPIRITS, extensive and convenient STORE- HOUSES and VAULTS, the HUI. L of a
Lugger Privateer of 35 tons, ONE hOUR I'll PART of the SHIP JAMES, and other Effects, the prop. rty of WILLIAM STEELE snd SON,— To be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, in French- street, by GEO. HOOKEY, on Wednesday Decemberthe 14th, " 08, at eleven o'clock. The Wines consist as follow:-— In Bond.— 28 pipes of supe- rior old Port, 10 butts of Hfgh fl ivoured old Sherry, 2 hogs- - ads of Rota Tent, I pipe of Vidonia. Free ef Deity.—! hogsheads of ricli Calcavella, 1 ditto of old Mountain, 1 ditto of Red Port, half a hogshead of Lis- bon, about 500 dozen, in bottles, - cf Clan t, Madeira, Sherrv, Port, Teneriffe,
Bucelhis. Calcavelta, Lisbon, \- c. The Spirits consist of fine old Biandy, Hollands, Rum. & c. Also will be sold,— About lono dozen ot new empty Wine Bottles, a Gig and Harness, Cart, Pony, counting- house Desk, and numerous other articles.. Precisely at three o'clock in the afternoon will be sold the following Leasehold propeity:— Lot 1.— A convenient, substantial, new- erectcd Depot or Storehouse, situated in Bugle- street, with two capital vaults under, made free under tile new Bonding Act, capable of containing 200 pipes, with a court yard behind, a two- stalled stable, and a commodious tenement adjoining. These pre mises are held by lease, under the Corporation of Southamp- ton, for 40 years, renewable every 14, and subject to a small annual quit- rent. Lot. 2.— A large Storehouse, with lofts over, stablingfor 12 horses, five tenements, and an extensive coal- yard, contiguous to the Quay, lu'ld by lease, for 40 years, under ( iuecn's Col- lege-, Ox'ord, renewable every 11, at a small fine, andsubjtct to a trifling annual quit- rent; late in the occupation of Mr. John Tucker, now of Emiey, and others. To be viewed two days previous to the sale; and catalogues may be had, price Gd. each ( to be retnrned to purchasers), at the Crown Inn,
Portsmouth; Dolphin, Gosport; Fountain, Cowes ; White Horse, Rornsey; George, Winchester; Prin- ters of this Paper; Place of Sale; and of the Auctioneer, Southampton. WILLIAM STEELE respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he purposes carrying on the Business on his own account, and solicits a continuance of their favour and support. [ 611 THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, Price 2J. 64. in Red Uuher, or 3.5. erf. in Red Rone, Pork- els for Moles, ( Sc. KEARSLEY's GENTLEMAN'S and TRADES- MAN'S POCKET LEDGER, for the War Con- taining,- among a variety of Othtr useful ariiclts. [ ests " e Imperial
Parliament, with the Clerks and Officers ef bom Houses; a corrected - Table of the pres m St » mp Dm r. • Home and Window Duties, and oth- r assess d Taxes • Pro- perty lax; new Hackney Coach Fares; Lists of pi » n » Army Agents, and Navy Agents; Ten* T. ble, Exchange J able, Interest and Annuity Tabks; Amoui t of C- i- u.' s constituting the Public Debt, and of Stick purchased I, its reduction; List of Public Offices, Public Holidays, Ve' with one hundred and eleven Ruled Pages tor Accounts and Me- morandums. r w" 1l> rl: ! 7int;; d forG- Kears'ry, Wilkie and Robeson, J. Walker, H. D. Symqmls, '. I. Hinokt- sman, Sc.
itcherd and Letterman, 3. Richardson, and W. Sotta'wv ; and sold l » v Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford,. Salisbury. - [ 317 . STEREOTYPE EDITION; " Juts day is pullisheS, printed from Stereotype Plates, in 12 « to. Price 4s. bound. VOLTAIRE'S HISTORY of CHARLES XII. » of SWEDEN, in French. A new and correct Edition. t , By Mr. CATTY. London : printed for Vernor, Hood, and Sharp,?, :) i. Poultry ; and sold by Brodie, Doweling, and Luxtord, Canal, bal: s!""- y- r-'- iM This day is pcbluhed, -, » - 3 Pols. Soo. a new Edili Tmilreel, Price Hards, HE HISTORY of the lteign of PHIL! THIRD, KING of SPAIN. By ROBERT
WATSON, LL. D. Principal of the United College in the University of St. Andrews. London , greatly the PALME HALL, NEAR WINCHESTER, be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, . by Mr. MECEY, on Wednesday the 21st of December, 1803, and following day, at eleven o'clock,— The HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, Linen, Books, China, Glass, two capital half Norman Cows, neat Gig, and other Effects, late the property of JOHN SMITH, Esq. deceased; consisting of four- post, tent, and other bedsteads, and furniture ; seasoned goose feather- beds and bedding; linen ; books; china; glass; mahogany sideboard, dining, card,
and other tables ; maho- gany bureau and bookcase, with glass doors; ditto bureau and drawers; carpets; chimney, pier, and other glasses; fine prints and paintings ; quantity of strong beer; brewing utensils; and various furniture and efl'ccts. To be viewed the day preceding the sale, when catalogues may be had on the piemis- s and of the auctioneer, Winchester. N. B. The Cows and Gig will be sold the first day. [ 580 EXTRA PRIZES, By which thfc Purchaser ot a singleTicket may gain a Prize of One Hundred Thousand Pounds ! WITT and Co. beg leave to reaommend to their friends and the public the Scheme of the State
Lottery, which begins drawing the 13th of December. This Scheme possesses actual advantages beyond any for- mer Lottery, as, over and above the Money Prizes, there are two new Prizes of FIVE HUNDRED WHOLE TICKETS each, one. for the first, and one for the second day of draw- ing. It is possible that the holder of these Tickets may gain the whole of the following Capitals, viz. 4 of.... £ 20,000 Capital Manor Farm, in Hampshire. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Moss DIMMOCK, at the Swan Inn, Alton, on Saturday the 31st of De- cember, 1803, at four o'clock in the afternoon,— A most eligible FREEHOLD ESTATE,
called THEDBEN MANOR FARM ; comprisng a good farm- house, with suitable barns, stables, and out- buildings; 3, f> 9 acres ( including rows) of arable and pasture Ground, and US of the finest coppice Land, interspersed with valuable and growing Timber.— The estate lies perfectly compact, and in the parishes of Alton and Bent worth; the house is situated on a commanding eminence, affording a most delightful and picturesque spot for a gentle- man's residence-,, in the cetre of a fine sporting country, and within the Hampshire Hunt; distant from Alton Smiles, from Farnham 11, Alresford 8, Basingstoke 9, Odiham 9, and
London 50 miles. Possession to he had on complttion cf the purchase. To be viewed till the sale, by applying to Mr. Hankin, Bentworth, near Alton, of whom printed particulars may be had; also at the Swan Inn, Alton; George Inn, Odiham; Crown Inn, Basingstoke; Bush Inn, Farnham; Mr. Mottley, printer, Portsmouth; Messrs. Brodie, Dowding, and Lux- tord, Salisbury ; Georgelnn, Winchester; Swan, and George Inns, Alrecford; at the Office of Messrs. Twynham and Walker, No. 9, King's Bench Walk, London; and Mr. Kerby, solicitor, Alresford, where plans may be seen. [ 444 O- be SOLI) by AUCTION, by J. BRIS. TOWE, at the
Old Antelope Inn, Poole, on'Thursday the 12th of January, 1809, at three o'clock in the afternoon,— All that MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE and SHOP, now used as a grocer's shop, situate on the Parade, in Poole, and in the occupation of Mr. James Forrest; and also a TENE- MENT and BAKEHOUSE adjoining thereto, in the occupa- tion of Joseph Burrows, baker; and also two Stables and a Chaise- house, and other appurtenances thereto belonging. The above premises are very desirably situated for trade, and would make a pleasant residence for a private family. The tenure is leasehold for a term of vears
determinable on the death of three lives, but renewable for ever at a certain fine, and under a small ground rent. The purchsser may be accommodated with- various fixtures irlf* For further particulars applv to T. Parr, attorney ; or to Mr. Geo. Kemp or Mr. James Kemp ; all of Poole. ' ftiOO 2 of.... £ 10,000 I 2 , 5,000 I 6.. 10... of.... £ 1,000 500 Besides the chance of the other Prizes. Tickets', Halves, Quarters, Eighths, and Sixteenths, are s? l » ing by SWIFT and Co. at their Offices in London, viz.— No. 11, Poultry, established 111 1759 ; No. 12, Charing- Cross; and No. pi, Whitechipel; where, in the last and former Lotteries,
Prizes amounting to more than a Million. Sterling have been shared, sold, and paid on demand; also by their Agents n the Country. - [ 2t' 2 LOWER COLLINOBORNE, WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, by T. RAWLINS, on Wednesday the ' 4th cf December 1808.- A very desirable and full- stated L'. fehold DWELLING- HOUSE, with Garden a.; d Wood- house, situate at Lower C M gborne aforesaid ;• also a large Rick- house on 12 pair of stones,— a thtce- year- old Cow in Calf, five Stocks of Bees, " th HOUS: HOLD FURNITURE, of the late Mr. Thomas MARSIIMENT, deceased, comprising four- post and
:!:. is, excellent d- v: i bed, blankets, quilts, bed chests of drawers, dining and claw tab! - dr. ss; r, hand-' in - thirty- hour clock i . oak ca- - - ir s, quantity of pewter, three fowling- picces, • - r" d s.-. obard, copper boilers, Sec. brewing and -.. ••• is, forty- gai - n copper w th prate, & c. large • ,, rasM, considerable quantity of old . v.- nous other articles. S ti.- 1 » begin at ten o'clock. [ 531 stum, I . and. ta'..•!. ; rid'. rs, -' kttclv. anroa 1 s wash:-, ir n- - - iron, a , ANDOVKR, HANTS. • TV) .••> SOLD by - V : C HON, on the Premises, by I. T. RAWLINS, HI faesdav and Wednesday the ' i7th and Sith Of D - v ; r, IS..*,—_ Th' HOUSEHOLD
FURNI- TURE v. >• .- Irs. Mary Moore, removing from her house in the Maticet- p*- c=, Audover; c : rising mahogany fluted four- post be. dstt : 1s, with damask - ind dimity furnitures ; full- test r, half- t M r, an! stump bedsteads; good feather beds mattress: s, blankets, qu'lts, sheets, and cotton coiinterpan s excellent mahogany chests ,> f drawers, bason stands, dressin tables . ind glasses, m ihoganv bureau and book- c: tse with glass door-, mahogany riming, card, and ch. w tables, dumbwaiter & c mahogany, ' black- sf- tine.- l, and other chairs; pier glasses capital paintings in ,/ o'd burnished frames, excellent prints framed
and glazed ; a g d h upsichord ; carpets, Bath stoves and moveable' grates, fire irons, & c, tea and coffee ' urns eight- tl. ye. iocs with circular head, china and glass,- abou 100 volum.- s of hooks, a weather- glass, plated anil ether can dlesticks, kitchen requisites, two roasting jacks, two kitchen ranges, quantity . of pewter, two fowling pieces, brewing and washing utensils, half- hogshead copper, pair of coolers,' casks of different sizes, copper an-', brass boilers, about eight dozen of wine bottles, large quantity of iron, and numerous other articles. Sale to begin each day at ten o'clock. Catalogues to be had in due- time at the
place of sale, and of T. Rawlins, the auctioneer, Andover." N. B. The modern- built DWELLING- HOUSE, with every convenience for a genteel - family or a person in trade, to be disposed if by Private Contract, and possession had almost immediately if required ; particulars of which maybe known on application to the Auctioneer as absve. [ Goo T wl. '• Prmt; d for J. J.- ihnson ; Vernor, Hood, & Sharpe ; J. V\ alker; Longman, Hurst, R. es, and Orme; G. Rob; n- son; J. Richardson; and . I. Booker; and sold by Brodie, Downing, and Luxford, Salisbury. ' [. m '• this day is published, elegantly primed in S « >. Price 1/. Is. boards,
ANEW PICTURE OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT. Illustrated with thirty- six Plates of the most beautiful and interesting Views throughout the Island, in Imitation of the original Sketches ; drawn and engraved by WitI. I/ M COOKE. To which is prefixed, An INTRODUCTORY ACCOUNT of the ISLAND, and a VOYAGE round its COAST. Printed for Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe, 31, Poultry; J. Harris, St. Paul's- churdh- yard; XV. Cooke, a, Clarence- ' place, Pentonville; Baker and Fletcher, Southampton ; Mills) Poitsmoutb ; and Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury. N. B. A few Copies are printed off in Quarto, with First Impressions of
the Plates, Price 11. 10s. boards. [? ro Just published, price only Crf. and humbly submitted to the candid and impartial attention of the Congregations in the Established Church, and amongst Dissenters of every de- nomination, EXTRACTS from the FATHERS on the NeoeS- I sitv and Usefulness of preaching the Doctrine of PRE- DESTINATION. This subject being of such vast impor- tance for the present day, the price gives it an opportunity. of universal consideration. [ W7 Sold by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury ; and Williams and Smith, Station- rs'- court, Ludgate- street, Lon- don. The Newsmen of this Paper will
supply any order, FAMILY PRAYERS, FOR CHRISTIANS OF EVERY DENOMINATION. This day teas published, in I imo. price 4s. Cel. in boards, heally printed on good paper and large iype, THE NEW WHOLE DUTY OF PRAYER- containing Fifty- six Family Prayers, suitable for morn- ing and evening for every duy in the week ; and a Variety of other Devotions and Thanksgivings for particular persons, cir- cumstances, and occasions. London: printed for Scatcherd and Letterman, Ave- Maria- line; and&> ld by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury ; where mav be had, I .— A COMPANION to the ALTAR ; shewing the
nature and necessity of a Sacramental Preparation, in order to our worthy. receiving the H iljr Communion. A new edition, en- larged and improved, Vritfi ah introductory Essay cn the Lord's Supper, chiefly selected from the Writings of Hugh Blair, D. D. pocket size, with a large tvpe, price Is. 0d. 2.— The DAILY COMPANION, With Christian Supports under theTroubles of this World. Price 10( 2. hound. 3.— The DEVOUT SOUL's DAILY EXERCISE, in Prayers, Contemplations, and Praises. By R. Parker, D. D. Price 10c.'. 4.—- DIVINE BREATHINGS ; or, a Pious Soul thirsting after Christ. Price lorfi [ 4G8 _ A R IT H M E T 1 C.
This day is published, closely printed, price 3s. Sd. bmind, with cm allowance of fh'e, 3dlh3m> k, RPHE ARITHMETIC of RE A L LI IT. and BUSI- JL NESS, adapted to the practical Use cf SCHOOLS; including a complete reformation of all the Tables of Weight* and Measures; the Calculation of Annuities, Leases, Estates, Lives, Stocks, & c. & c. and more numerous Examples, under every Rule than are to be found in any other book of this kind. By the Rev. J. JOYCE, Author of Scientific Dialogues, & c. Every man of business. in the British Emp- rc must recollict how much he had to unlearn in the practice of Arithmetic, when
having left school he first entered into the com'm r : e V life, and also how little he had learnt which was strict'y ap- plicable to real transactions. The present System of Arith- metic, disregarding; the fettters of its predecessors, has con- sulted alone the actual and prevailing occasions for the exercise of this useful art. Every branch of trade and manufacture has been sedulously consulted in the new exemplification c. f the various Tables of Weights and Measures; every thing obsolete or usaless in other books of Arithmetic hjs been expunged; and every thing has been introduced that is essentially necessary.' Printed for Richard
Phillips, 6, Bridge- street, Blnckfrian ; and to be had of Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury, and all other booksellers. Also a KEY to the above, price 9s. fid. bound. 11330 Tc SOMERTON, SOMERSET. O be SOLD by AUCTION, ( in Fee), at the Red Lion Inn, in Somerton, on Tuesday tbe 3d day of January 1809, between the hours of two and four in the after- noon, under such conditions as will be then and there pro- duced,— The following MESSUAGES, LANDS, andTENE- MENTS ; viz. Lot 1.— A very Comfortable Mansion- house, replete with every convenience, and fit for the reception of a genteel fa- mily, situate in
the High- street of Somerton ; consisting of an entrance- hall, two parlours, butler's pantry, kitchen, brew- house, wash- house, and water- closet, and gootl under- ground cellars, seven bed- rooms, and four very good garrets ; coach- house, stalled stables for seven horses, granary, dog- kennel, & c. with a very good large walled garden, well stocked with fruit trees, and having therein a green- house and hot- ht. use; and also a close of excellent pasture, land, con- taining I A. 2 R. 0 P. adjoining the said garden, now in the occupation of Aaron Moody, Esq. Lot 2.— A very good Dwelling- house, with every conveni- ence for the
accommodation of a small family, situate also in the High- street of Sumerton, now in the occupation of Mr. Parsons, solicitor. Lot 3.— A well- accustomed Inn, with appropriate offices, called the Bell Inn, s'tuate in the Market- place of Somerton, in the occupation of Mrs. Cooling. Lot t.— Another rood Dwelling- house, now divided into two dwellings, adjoining to the. last- mentioned lot, and occu- pied by Mr. Samuel Chipper Mogg, solicitor, and Mr. Thomas Cooling. Lot 5.— The Scit- e of a Cottage in North- street, lately burnt down, witli a small garden thereto adjoining and belonging, called Scourses, hounded on the north by a
cotta : e belonging to William Chislett, and on the south' by premises kite the property of Mr. Thomas Gibbon. Lot G.— All that piece of Arable Land, called Congre C ose and Spicer's Plot, containing 3 A. 0 R. 2G P. Lot 7.— All that piece of Pasture or Meadow Ground, called Board's Lynch, vim the Garden adjoining, called Grossman's Garden, containing together 3 A. 2 R. 3s p. Bo h of which last- mentioned lots are adjoining to the town of Somerton, and lying very near to lot !, and also very convenient to beoccup. ed with either of the before- mentioned houses. Lot 8.— All that allotment, piece or parcel of excellent Mea- dow
Land, situate in King's Moor, containing 7 A. 1 R. 24 P. part of the Lands occupjcd by Charles Taylor, bounded on the west by the fenced allotment of Mr. Jennings, and on the east by the leasehold commons late belonging to George Do- nisthorpe, Esq. Lot .9.— An allotment of very good Meadow Land, situate in Somerton Sedgemoor, containing 13 A. J R. 14 P. occu- pied also by the said Charles Taylor, bounded on tue north by the leasehold allotment late belt nging to George Donisthorpe, Esq. and on the south by an allotment of Mrs. Hare, of So- merton. V* The Reversion in Fee of various Cottages, in North- street and
Longacre- lane, to be disposed of by PRIVATE CONTRACT. Mr. Samuel Gibts, of Somerton, will shew the premises ; and further particulars may be known by applying at the cffice Of Mr. Jennings, solicitor, Evershot, Dorset.— All let- ters arc requested to be postpaid,. . [ SlUi ' T , CHRISTMAS! NEW PUBLICATIONS, For the Instruction and Amusement of Young Persons, "• inted for J. HAI-' RIS, cofner of St. Paul's Church- yard ( successor to N :\ vbery), and. sold by BRODIE, DOWUINO, and LUXFORD, Sal. sbury. Wrhere th .: same unparalleled assemblage of attic1 es for the purpose :' Education as heretofore, arid wheitj
a general assortment of Books in all Languages. Arts, Sci, nccs, Arc. may always be inspected and purchased. ^ HE ACADEMY; or, A Picture of Youth; hound, price 3s. Gd. Sacred Elucidations ; or, Sunday Evening Remarks ; by Mrs. Pilkmgtort ; 3s. Grf. bound. 3. Short Stories, in words of two syllables ; half- bound, 2s, Gd. 4. The History of an Officer's Widow and her Young Family; hound, 3s. 5. T'. i - PI - isur s of Benevolent^; intended as a Companion • to the Sorrows'of ' Selfishness ; bound, 3s G, The Elements of Natural Philosophy; a new edition, enlarged; half- bou:'. i, 9s. 7. A Lilliputian History of England, in easy
versa, on 33 Cards ; is. 1. I1/. ' 8. Ditto Dissected, in a mahogany bax; 10s. fid. 9. A Succession of the Kin. s of Engla:. d, iro n the Con- quest ; in ver .: ; ad >; ••:; f r th. use < f seh 0 s ; bound, ' s. : d. 10. Grand- Mamma; or, the Christening not a. t Home; price Is. 11. The Butterfly's Birth- day ; price Is. plain, and' Is. Ct1. coloured, 1- 2. Original Poems; calculated to improve the nlir. l of Youth and allure it to virtue ; by At!•• '. e; in two parts ; price Is. each, plain, and Is. 6d. col; ur d. 13. Dr. Goldsmith's celebrated Elegv oh that - lory of l .- r sex, Mrs. Mary Blaze; with com, c Engravings; ; riae Is. filain, and Is. fit/, coloured. 14. Mrs.
Gilpin's Return from Edmonton ; with Engravings; price Is. plain, arid Is. Gd. coloured. 15. The Mermaid at Home; with Engravings; price Is. plain, and I s. Gd. coloured. 1G. The $ Vother and Sisters, a Dramatic Trifle • by the author of th- t. ily; is. 17. Tales'and Fables, in verse, with moral reflections; price Is. 18. The History cf an Apple- pie; written by ( Z); 011 2G copp - r- plate Engravings i price Is. plain and is. Gd. co! aired. 19. The Alphabet of Goody Two Shots, 011 2Ge.- pper- plate Engraving- ; price Is- plain and Is. Gd. c. aMure.!. 20. Affection's Gift; or, Conversations on Scrintmc; price Is. The twelve following may he nad
either wdh three col-- tired .. Copper- plates, price Sixpence each, or three plain Plates, price Fourpence:— 1. The Pullet 2. Gratitude 3. The Gentle Moralist 4. Pictures at the Hermitage 5. The Casket 6. The Castle on the Rock 7. Jemima Claverton gCjJ" New editions are also " woiks, of which a catalogue ( consisting cf mm; hundred articles,) will bs delivered gratis. [ 530 8. C'. arrissa Dormer 9. The Reconciled Sisters 10. The Adventur- s of the Little Gill in the Wood tl. The Fire 12. The Two Boys. ' fedv of several esteemed little
THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. * 3= Sunday's Post.- Bu Express. LONDON GAZE' , IED OM SATURDAY NIGHT, " TE, DECEMBER 10. ADMIRALTY OFFICE, Dec. 10. ALetter from Rear- Admiral Sir A. Cochrane, at the Leeward Islands, informs the Lords Com- missioners of the capture of three row- boats by the cVuuers of his squadron. W'AII- OFI: CE, Bee. 10. 28// I Reg. of Foot.— Lieut. Cot. the Hon. A. Abercrombie, from the Staff'in North America, to be lieutenant- Colonel, vice Johnson, who exchanges. 36th ditto,— Captain Wm. Cross to be Major, by pur- chase, vice Hutchinson, who retires.
BRJSVBT.— Captain William Brooke, of the 48th Foot, to be Major in the Army. BANKRUPTS, y '. liar. l AfavgUa n, of Br- ntf-* rd, draper. J) tvfclPMlii ... of Catn » rM(( e- strca, Goldun- square, broker. itti . 0 ' lanti. of Riptry, Surrey, chyroist. J". epii Ekitvs of Oxford- street, cbecsemoueer. V'm. L.- wcn Tiigweli Robins, of Bar: letfs. bui! ding3, Holborn, jcri- - -.- tier and merchant. \ Y• • Croae, m. of Ainswnrth, cortoa- tnanufacturer. George StockWH. of SheeroesB, btVat- builder. JolinJjeemiiig, of Button, cotton- manufacturer. 1>. Davies. ci'UttigSt. Andrew- street. Seven- dials, vtndcr of medicines. John Rocljery, of L'" is,
woolstayler. Tlv. mMTurfey, of . I ,- rthyr- li tvil, Glamorganshire, brewer. S. I). Fearson, of IS.-. : vU- y, flax- dresser. • * Genr.;-.! Wheatt y. > f South Shields, d- apcr. Cv. J. WiaCU, ot N'e-. v 1. t. ioti-' fyue. merchant. . Wm. Mirk, of Ptyra mtU- duCk, ti'neu- draper. Win. C-. irel.' ss, of IJiv-. vood, stock- iock- maker. Win. Greaves, of Lectl , currier. Kicha " d fl ' dgm ui, 01' I'olt stone, Kent, engine- maker. Tii, is. White, of Stroud, K it. al- moreba. it. Wm. i.- nccx, ot riotton, iir vt. J, W. iJilbee, of Greenwich, stiopkeq-.- jr. Win. WTach, of Long- lane, SnuttWark, carpenter. PORTSMOUTH, Dec. 10. Orders have been re- ceived for the
disembarkation of tiie cava lry at this port; in consequence of which they were landing the horses the whole of yesterday, and were exercising them on the shore on South Sea Common : they had not been 011 board above a week. LONDON. SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10. Two Gottenburgh Mails arrived this morning, wit!) letters and papers from Stockholm to the ' 25th ult. The Swedish army in the^ orth of Finland is retreat- ing. On the 10th its heaii- qiu'irters were at Brahestad, not far distant from the head of the Gulph of Bothnia. It has not only to contend with'a superior enctliy, be- fore whom it has been constantly
retreating, but also with want and disease. Mails from Jamaica and the Leeward Islands were received yesterday. By letters from Barbados we learn, that all the French island, have been placed under a strict blockade, and the usual orders for stopping and seizing neutral ships which may attempt to violate die b! tkade, have been issued. Yestejday, about three o'clock, the Purser of the Sarah Christiana cams to the Ea « t India Mouse, with the agreeable intelligence of her safe arrival off th, Lie of Wight on the 8th inst. ; she sailed from Bengal the 1,9th of June, in company with the Ceylon and extra ship North- ampton, under
convoy ot ids Majesty's shitt] Terpsichore. The intelligence from India is perfectly satisfactory. The Company's possessions are iu a state of tranquillity ; and ace in lit, had been received from Capt. Malcolm, who was gone 011 an embassy to the Court of PersiaWhat he had been very favourably received, and had hopes ( Accomplish- ing the'.- bject of his mi ision. . Many reports were- Circulated yesterday, ' respecting ( Ate movements of the, armies in Spain ; but no intelligence has been received from that country since the dispatches from Sir David Kaird, which were dated In the night of the 29th ult. the sub tance of which is
given in the pre- ceding page. These dispatches, it appears, were brought by Sir Thomas Dyer, w in of course has given much va- luable information to Ministers. Capt. Carpenter, of the army, and three Sicilian Messengers, arrived in the last packet from Malta, and h ive brought accounts of the 1 oss of the Aukland packet, iirthe Bay of Cadiz, on her passage home with Mails. The ( l ew and mails sav. d. Two Ladies, relations of Talleyrand, returned to France vest idiy in the Flag . if Truce. They were taken seme time board a Dutch Ea- t L, daman, and Tal- le> and're'qtieTSri \ jr.. Canning that they might be per- mit tea to re urn
t > i-' r.' iiit'e. This reque t w is immediately CO, nulled with iiy Mr. Caaii Ladies sailed from Dover yesterday. >•• - . • The arrival of Lord ' Vte. lville' in London is DO\ vN4" fl"' buildin hourly expected, but it is mtieli questioned wUplfier, ill the present state of things, he will accede to," that arrangement which is supposed to have been in con tempi. ttion.— Courier. SPANISH PATRIOTS.— \ numerous and most respectable me tittig of the Merchants of London and others, took pl. t.-• ye terdav at the New London Tavern, Bishopsgate- rtreet," pursuant to advertisement, in order to take into t' isideration the propriety
ofopeniugaSubscription, forthe j n- pose- of supplying the Spanish Patriots, engaged in the id in defence of th « independence of their country, with articles - of Clothing, and other necessaries.— The Lord Mayor stated very shortly the objects for which the meet- ing had belli called together, and expressed his conviction that they were of such a nature, as must powerfully recom- 111..;! themselves to the feelings of every Gentleman pre- *•• t.— Sir R. Wigram spoke shortly to the same effect.— Mr. Alderman Rowcroft explained the motives of those Gentlemen who had called the meeting, and read a letter fr. ini Mr. Perceval,
stating that Government had amply provided shoes, coats, & e. for the Spanish armies, but titat there were many other objects to which the produce of private subscriptions might be beneficially applied. He moved that subscriptions should immediately be entered into for supplying tile Spanish armies with necessaries,- and that a C nilmtLt. ee should be appointed to regulate the dis- posal of'sueh money asshodld be subscribed.— Both motions pas « cd unanimously; a' Committee, compo.-. ed of the n " St respectable merchants, & c. was formed ; and in less than an hour upwards of ten. thousand founds were' " sub- scribed.
PRICES OF STOCKS THIS At Thru o'Clock. DAV, B. tr. k Stock, 234J India Stock, shut South Sea Stock, shut 3 " jji Cent. Red. 65$ 3 Cent. Cons, 60' j 4 " fP- Cents. 81 ^ 5 v Cent. Navy, shut 5 - ji Cent. 1797, — Long Ann. IS Omnium, 1 dis. India Bonds, 6' a 7 p. Exchequer Bills, 6 a. 7 p. Irish n ^ Cents. — Imperial 3 ' f- Cents. 64| English Lott/ 1 icktts,- 2lL Ids. Ditto Prizes, full money; The 3 per Cent. Consols sells as above, with the opening. Dtv. for Pott Betos, FALMOUTH, DCC. 8. The 1 ith regiment of Light Dragoons arrived here, in two divisions, on Sunday and Mot day last, ; md were embarked immediately oti their arrival
in transports which lay alongside the quay. The embarkation was well conducted, and occupied only about one hour of each day. The 16' th regiment is 011 its march, iittd expected about Sunday or Monday next. It will be followed, it i-, understood, by two regiments of cavalry of the German Legion. The wind is now fair for Spain; but it is said the 14th waits orders for sailing. The Marlborough packet from Madeira, the Cornwallis from St. Thomas, and the Prince Ernest from Jamaica, arrived on Tue- day. The Marlborough was boarded by a French privateer, of 14 guns, two days after leaving Ma- deita on her pa sage to Brazil,
and after being plundered, was alia tdontul by the enemy. They took out six of her best crew. The mail was, as usual, hove overboard.— The Cornwallis, oil her passage out, engaged and beat off a French privateer. Two of the packet's men were killed, ft .1 two wounded. The i/ i ly Pellew and Princess Elizabeth packets sailed yesterday ; the former for Cqrunna, the latter for Lisbon. The Princess Charlotte packet arrived from Malta, & c. yi - terday. She has brought home part of the crew of the Auckland packet, which has been wrecked 011 li.- r home- ward passage from Malta, near Cadiz : crew all saved. The N. obe frigate
came in last night from Portsmouth, fp take on board from hence the Hon. ,1. Villiers, Envoy to Portugal. She will sail again immediately. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10. The writ has been issued for the election of a Member to represent this County in Parliament, in the room of our late worthy and lamented Member Sir II. P. St. John Mildmay, and Monday the 19th instant is fixed for the day of election.—( See the Sheriff's Advertisement, in the next column.) We have received a Letter from Mr. Cobbett, re- citing a paragraph in our last Journal ( which explained that Lord Fitz- Harris does not at present posse , s
any rever- sionary grant of a pen ion), and commenting on that paragraph at some length.— It w* as admitted bv the Gentle- man from whom we received the explanation, that the error was not ill the least imputable to Mr. Cobbett, the Com- mittee of Finance having reported the grant, and omitted to state its relinquishment:— there is therefore no necessity for our dwelling on that point; and Mr. C. say.,, he should not have noticed the explanation, had not our corres- pondent asserted that the public purse had been relieved by Lord Fitz- Harris's appointment to the Government of the Isle of Wight, which Mr. Cobbett considers
not to liave been the case, since the Noble Lord receives 13791. a year immediately, whilst he gives up only 1200/. a year, the payment ol which was not to commence till after Lord Malmesbury's death. Mr. C. argues, that to make the assertion good, it must first be proved that there was a necessity for keeping alive the place; and next, that it was impossible to give it to some military or naval officer, as a compensation for real services.— Our inserting at length his arguments on this head would be embarking in so wide a field of ccntroversy,— in which we may expect that many champions will claim the right in equity of defend ing the propriety of retaining sinecures, with that of the King's Miui- ters to judge of the fitness of those on w. iom they a: e . estowed,— that we must either ren- der ourselves, liable to the charge of gross partiality, or abandon tor a time a part of our title,— that of " General Advertiser" to which we feel au extreme reluctance. Mr. Cobbett must therefore admit us to announce that we here drop the subject, which is of the less consequence as it often has been, and doubtless often again will be, ably discussed by his masterly pen, in the pages of his own Register. On the 30th ult. died, at Cowcs, in the Isle of V, ight, in the 82d year
of his age, Richard Svkes, Esq. brother rj" the late Sir Francis Sykej, Bar t. M. P. for Wallingford. On Saturday died Mrs. Barton, who had 011 that day completed the 80th year of her age. She was tha relict of Mr. Barton, carpenter, of this city, and one of the widows of St. John's House. The following dreadful accident happened last Monday, at Mr. Curtis's grist- miil, in Fordingbridge :— As Daniel Rogers, the working miller, was reaching something near one of the principal wheels, the cogs caught the sleeve of his round froek, and drew in his arm, which was crushed to a mummy ; in an instant he was whirled up to the ciel- ing,
where his ribs, & c. were dreadfully broken, and one of the cogs pierced his heart. O11 the stoppage of the mills his mangled and lifeless remains were extricated, andexhi, bited a most shocking spectacle.— After the ltumerou- similar accidents, recorded in the last five or si s years, it is wonderful that men in this employ should continue to wear a loose dress, which exposes them to so much danger, and from which they would be secured merely by adopting a close jacket for their outer garment. The above unfor- tunate man was upwards of CO years of age, and much es- teemed f'or his industry and integrity. He had three
daughters resident in Fordingbridge at the time of the fatal accident. SOUTHAMPTON, DCC. 10. Bellevue, the late do- main of our Member Josias Jackson", Esq. it is reported, will, in the ensuing Spring, undergo great alterations. The lawn, which commands the most picturesque and beautiful scenery of the banks of the river Itchen and Southampton Water, is to be sold out in large allotments cre- cent, and will, from its situation, aflofH an advantageous speculation, particularly to those who look forward to the value of laud in this neighbour- hood on the return of peace. The superfluous buildings adjoining the mansion- house
are to be taken down, so as to make it a compact residence for any gentleman of mo- derate fortune; and the intended improvements, when completed, will be highly ornamental to the environs of this much resorted town. On Monday last v. as married at Holyrood Church, by Hugh Hill, D. D. rector of that parish," Mr. Pierce, of Ringnood, to Mrs. Spurrier, a gay and lively widow, of Southampton. After the marriage ceremony was over, amd partaking of a little dejeune, the bridegroom and his lovely bride, accompanied by two elegant and beautiful bride- maids, set off in a coach and four for Lymington, to spend the honey- moon.
On Thursday the 1st inst. died, at Hythe, after a long and painful illness, which he bore with trulv christian fortitude and resignation, James Irwin, Iv. q, Captain in the Royal Navy. He was of a sweet and amir. ble disposition, a brave officer, a tender husband, a good father, and a sincere friend. On Saturday last died, at the house of Majofr- General Richardson, in this town, Tbo. Scott, Esq. aged 25 years, late of the island of Tobago. To thePrinters of the S. U. ISBURY tc WINCHESTER JOUENAI. GENTLEMEN, A PAMPHLET having been circulated partially, wherein my name is mentioned, and the Gentleman who has put Ins
name to the Preface having either by himself or his publisher mistated the facts, I beg, through the medium of vour Paper, to assure him and the public, that the moment I return from my professional duties in the North of England ( to which I am obliged to set off to- morrow,; I will prove the talacy of the libel. 1 am, GENTLEMEN, Vour most obedient servant, Winchester, Dec. I, 180S. . ANTHONY BELL. SALISBURY. MON. DAY, DECEMBER 12, 1S0S. Lately was instituted to the Vicarage of Stapleford, the Rev. John Matthew's, on the presentation of the Dean and Canons of Windsor. The Anniversary of the Bath and West of
England Society was holden last Tuesday, at Hetling- house, Batli, B. Hobheuse, Esq. iu the Chair. The exhibitions of Live Stock were deemed better than for several years past.— The samples of manufacture in Broad Cloth, Cassimere, & c. evinced the growing importance of the Anglo- Merino wool, with every prospect of permanent advantage to the community. Carcasses also of this mixture of sheep were exhibited in a slaughtered state, and the meat appeared very fine. Several u- eftil implements in mechanics were produced for the Society's approbation. The Duke of Gloucester attended the Meeting, and was elected an
hono- rary Member of the Society. An interesting memoir on the subject of Manure, ex- tracted from a M. S. lately discovered at an inn at Lynd- hurst, said to have been in the hand- writing of an inge- nious domestic in the ancient Baronial family of Delabere, was read ori the eve of the above meeting to a select party, who were much gratified by the communication. On Friday the 2d inst. was married, in Hertford- shire, James Delancey, a Corporal in his Majesty's service, to Miss Wilhelmina Parry, with a fortune of £. 8,000 ! Miss P. had had several good offers, and refused them all, and at last bestowed her fair- hand on this
gallant son of Mars. The Corporal, besides complimenting the clergy- man who married them with 201, gave 50/. to his brother soldiers, to regale themselves 011 the joyful occa- ion. On Monday was married Mr. Henry Showering, of Corsham, to* Miss Mary Ann Lacy, of the same place. On Thursday was married, at Amesburv, by the Rev. Mr. Neate, Mr. John Kemmto Miss Elizabeth Cove, both of the same place. On Tuesday se'nnight died, at an advanced age, Mr. Edne Witts, ofAlbourne, in this county. A few days ago died, after a lingering illness, borne with tru# christian fortitude, Mr. John Potucary, of Wyly. On Saturday
the 3d inst. died Mr. llodber, an emi- nent farmer, of Bridsmore- tree Farm, near Yeovil. On Tuesday died, at Lambridge- house, near Bath, Isaac Hillicr, Esq. aged 68 years. On Wednesday died, George Searle, Esq. of St- George's, Somerset. Lately died, at Poole, Mr. Lawrence Tullock, aged 68 years. John Amor, a pawnbroker, at Dorchester, has been convicted in the penalty of 51. before T. Gould Read, Esq. Mayor of that borough, for buying regimental necessaries from a soldier in the 7th regiment of light dragoons. A short time since a labourer, wall known in the parish of Kinson, hear Wimborne Minster, Dorset, and
employed by Mrs. Hill, of that place, was convicted in the penalty ot 10s. before the Rev. Sir James Hanhatn, Bart, and other Justices of the Peace, for false thrashing, and throwing awav wheat iii the straw. HOME MARKETS. Prices of 0> rn, per Quarter— Bread, per Gallon. Dec. Salisbury, fi Wheat. Barley. Oats. Beans. Bread. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. s. d. 80 to 90 • Ss,! o 51 38 to 40' 70 i. 0 90 2 0 72 to 100 40 to 51 3- 2 to 40 ( ii lo 80 2 0 53 to !><) ao to 53 42 to 45 80 to 84 1 10 70 In 105 30 to 48 30 to 44 58 to 78 2 0* 75 to 99 10 to 51 34 to 42 b'O lo 72 1 11 71 to 95 3ti to 53 ; 39 to 45 72 to 82 Basingstoke, Devizes, Newbury,
Andovcr, Wtigla of the G, 1U0H Loaf, 8 lb. 11 oz.— Half Gall. 4 It. THE STATE LOTTERY BEGINS DRAWING TO- MORROW, TUESDAY, DECEMBER L", 7" IIEN the Holder of a SINGLE TICKET may obtain Prizes to the amount of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS Sterling Money, and Shares in proportion 1 Sir JAMI S BRANSCOMB begs to assure his West Country Friends and Adventurers, that they may safely ( and he hopes advantageouslv) purchase till To- Morrow ( Tuesday) Evening six o'clock, ' of his Agents BRODIE, DOWDING, and LUXF'ORD, on the CANAL, SALISBURY ; andinpmof (" per- haps material
inducancntj lie takes leave to inform them, that' in one of the late Lotteries a Prize of ,£ 20,000 was sold at the PRINTING- OFFICE, SALISBURY, several hours after. it u- tis drawn in London ; hi . n r. it is clear that those who met/ ad- venture at Salisbury, Tuesday, December 13, are secure of a fair chance, in gelling a share or the whole of a Ticket, which may produce i' 10U,( i00. A Sixteenth, £ l 9 Eighth 2 Quarter.... S Half. 11 Ticket 21 6' ( registered-,) may realize £ 300 a year for ever 1 6 £ 000 ditto G 1200 ditto C> 2400 ditto (> 4800 ditto I SOUTHAMPTON, TO WIT. GEORGE HANBURY MITCHELL, Esq, Sheriff of the
County of Southampton, having rtceiv, d his Majesty's Writ, under the Great Seal of the United - King- dom of Great Br tain and Ireland, for the. Ejec^ nof on Knight to serve, for. this County, in the presc « * jBi:. m(" ' in the: place of Sir HENRY PAULET SAIN I' *# HN ME MAY, deceased, do, in obedience to the said Writ, at,: a the several statutes in that case made, hereby proclaim give public notice, that at a Special County Cnurt, wiitch will be hidden at the Castle qt Winchester, iri and for the said County, on MONDAY the 1,0th day of DECEMBER instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, pursuant to the statute in that esse
made and provided, 1 shall proceed to sucii Election, when and where ail persons interested therein will be heard, and are to give their attendance accordingly. Dated at the said Castle of II inchester, this 7th day of December, 180S. p; 04 GEORGE HANBURY MITCHELL, SHERIFF. A' TOWN and COUNTY BALL will be held at the KINO'S ARMS, Dorchester, on Thursday the 5th of Jauuary, 1809. Tickets Gt- Tea an, » Music included. [ 617 SALISBURY ASSEMBLY. R. GOOD ALL'S ( the Master of the Ceremo- nies) BALL will be on Thursday the 22d of Decem- ber, 1S08. [ 503 M' SALISBURY CARD ASSEMBLY. THE
SUBSCRIBERS are requested to meet on Tuesday next, at eleven o'clock, when the Stewards will give up their accounts, and Stewards will be elected for the year ensuing.— December 10, 1608. There will be a BALL in the evening. f568 JF1SHLAKE and Co. SALISBURY, respectfully % inform their Friends and the Public, they have now on Sale, Brawn, Pickled Sturgeon, Potted Lampt- rns, North Sea Salt Fish, Cod Sounds, Hams and Tongues, Stilton Cheese, Split Peas, Oranges and Lemons, Spanish CheSnuls, Preserved Fruits, French Olives, The Reading Sauce, Harvey ' s, and a variety of other Sauces for Fish
Gravies, and Soups. Mill- place Iron Works, near Southampton. PRITCHETTand PERRY, MANUFACTURERS of RANSOME's new invented Universal Patent PLOUGH1 so constructed that by shifting its. parts it makts a Turnwrest Plough, Wheel Plough, and double- breasted Plough for opening furrows and eartbing- np potatoes, peas, & c. with the further advantage of changing the breast- plates in a few mi nutes, suited to cither light or heavy soils, and easily adjusted to any width of furrow that may be required. Also RANSOME's Patent Cast- iron PLOUGH- SHARES -— These Shares are made hard on the under and soft
on the upper side, which gives them the very sup rior advantage of continually wearing thinner; wh. reas Cast- iron Shares made in the common way become thicker by using, and with ; blunt basil on the under side, which adds greatly to the labou of the horses, retards the progress of the plouiih, and neces- sarily occasions it to pass over many weeds without cutting them. To be paid for on delivery. {' 470 HIGH- STREET, WINCHESTER. JOHN MECEY, UPHOLSTERER, CABINET- MAKER, & e. t: iki% the libertv to solicit the future favours of the Friends and Customers of Mr. MAST ( he having de- clined the manufacturing
part of his concern) : and should they think proper ty honour him with their commands, they may depend on having their orders punctually executed, and on moderate terms. }. M. embraces this opportunity of returning his grateful thanks for the liberal encouragement he has already recejved from his Friends and a generous Public, which it will be his invariable study to merit. - Vol'.- 24, 1808. [ 465 w. WHITE SWAN INN, ANDOVER. SELF ( from the Weymouth Arms Inn, War- minster) having taken and entered upon the abov Inn, humbly solicits the favours of the Nobility and Gentry travelling the Great Western Road, and the
Public in general assuring them of the most unremitted attention to their com mands, and the best accommodations, having furnished his house in a neat manner, and with the best Bedding, and laid in a stock of the best Old Wines and other Liquors. * « * Neat Post Chaises, . with excellent Htjrses and careful Drivers, at 1 pel mile. Good stalled Stabling, with the best Hay and Corn; and every attention paid to Gentlemen Travellers'. [ tj 16 To the GENTLE:-.: < :, Cu'. R « v, and FREEHOLDERS of the COUNTY OF HANTS. GENTLEMEN, THE melancholy event, of which 1 have just re- ceived intelligence, has deprived you of
one of your Re- presentatives, to whom I have been opposed in political dif- ference., but I ever respected his talents and his private vir- tues. From the late contest* iri which 1 was engaged singly against united adversaries, I withdrew under the disadvanr or circumstances, when the piflili'e m^ jUiad been violy agitated. Mindful, however, of the pnflnise I made at that period, that, whenever the ferment shoul#* have subsided and a fairer prospect should present itself, I wquliagain ap- peal to the sentiments of the county, I feel myself called upon by every consideration of your former confidence to re- new the humble tender of
those services, which it has been my pride to execute with diligence and fidelity. My principles are known to you; my conduct has been uniform. If you again depute me to Parliament, I shall ex- ert the same diligence in promoting the just objects of your local inu rests; I shall pursue the same steady conduct in de- fending the true Rights of the People, and maintaining the real Lustre of the Throne, and the Integrity of the Established Church, I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, [ 293 With the greatest respect and devotion, Your faithful, humble Servant, Ilighclere, . Vol'. 14, ISO' 8. WILLIAM HERBERT. To the GENTLEMEN,
CLERGY, e, nd FREEHOLDERS of the COUNTY or SOUTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, THE decided Majority which attended my Nomi- nation demands my warmest thanks. With this Sup- port, and the very flattering Reception I have hitherto met with, I can have no doubt ot ultimate and complete Success. The Sheriff having appointed MONDAY the Iflth instant, at Ten o'Clock, for the Election, I most particularly request the early attendance of my Friends on that day. [ 606 1 have the honour to be, GENTLEMEN Your obedient Servant, THOMAS FREEMAN HEATHCOTE WtNCiirsTER, Dee. 3, 18ti8. To the GENTLEMEN,
CLEHUY, and FREEHOLDERS of the COUNTY or SOUTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, 1Should be wanting in gratitude to those Friends who have so kindly offered me their assistance, should 1 become a Candidate for the Representation of the County, did I not beg them to accept my warmest thanks, and assure them how sensible I am of the high honour done me. Cir- cumstances have, for the present, however, determined me to decline offering myself to represent you ; but, should a future Vacancy occur, and should you think me worthy ot your choice, I shall consider as the proudest hour of my lift- that in which I receive
from your hands the sacred, trust, which you were pleased to repose in my Father. Till then, be assured, that both in and out of the House of Commons, J shall not fail to watch, with unceasing anxiety, over the interests of the County of Hampshire. [ 6' 05 I have the honour to be, GENTLEMEN, With great respect, Your devoted and faithful humble Servant, HENRY ST. JOHN MILDMAY. Dogmersfield Park, Dec. 1, 1808. To the GENTLEMEN, CLERGY, and FREEHOLDERS, of the County of SOUTHAMPTON. GENTLEMEN, THE Death of Mr. THOMAS BLANDFORD having occasioned a vacancy in the office of one of the RE CORDERS of his Majesty's New Forest, I beg leave to solicit the honour of your votes and interest to succeed him ; and should I be so fortunate as to become the object of your choice, I pledge myself to fulfill the duties of the situation with punctuality. [ 114 I have thehonot ' be. GENTLEMEN, Your most obedient liumble servant, Godwin's Croft, Christchurcl. JOHN ALDRIDGE. Oct. 26, 18U8. ALMANACKS, LADIES & GENTLEMEN'S POCKET- BOOKS, ATLASSES, & c. Jf'ith all other Annual Pul- licnticnsfor 1809. PRINTING- OFMCE, ROMSEY, Dec. 1808, TUST published, and to be had of J. S. HOLLIS, Printer, Bookseller,
and Stationer, a large Assortment of the above, in elegant and plain bindings,— with every arti clc in the Bookselling and Stationary Line, at the most mode- rate prices, and of the best quality; also all kinds of Per- fumery, Soaps, & c. with Patent Medicines ( by appointment of the proprietors) warranted. fresh and genuine ; Blacking, from Warren, Day and Martin, and Tyce ; a variety of Trin- k.- ts and Fancy Articles, Cutlery, & c. & o. & c. Printing neatlv executed, and all monthly and other Publications punctually served. [ 586' To the Editor of the Salisbury if IWinchester Journal. SIB, FROME, Dec. 5, 1808. THE STATEMENT of
the SINGLE- STICK PLAYING which took place at TRowB. iiDGn, that appeared in your Paper on the 2. sth uhtirno, was a correct one; I was th- i f - t exceedingly . ' rpr;/ ed to find that person, calling himself an Englishman, should deny the truth. Your well- known can :• * - ar rill see the propriety of repelling such a breach of stubb - n fatjts; that it should be replied to and set at rest; otherwise the first statement of course cannot be admitted. In consequence of this attack, I am now driven to the disttgr • « ble necessity of stating to the public some additional circumstances, which, Jrom motives of delicacy, I was before in : iced to
conceal. I, t'o insist On it that Kearslv did break Hjmphies' head, anf the Jtmpife for Wilis would read'ly have admitted it as a fair head, : f his very delicate situation with Humphries .' which cannot here he explained; had- 4iot prevented him: Kearsly, however, was not reckoned as a tyer,' although in justice he ouKiit to have been. Next, Popham brbke Coleman's head, at the sajtie time he lost his own ; and, contrary to the declaration in the advertisement, which stated that " no player should leave the stage without permission of the umpires," and being him- self conscious of having lost his head, was instantly hurried off, though
repeatedly requested to remain by the umpirf for Somerset, for a fair decision : this point was immcxiia^ ly dis- puted and insisted'on, but the- cfamour was so great^ hat it bore down all opposition ; although the blood was seen to drop by two most respectable eentlemen then present, who will now readily make their affidavits, if necessary, Of the same. Again, it is stated that Htbbard was allowed a head and thus reckoned as a tyer, because no Somerset man ap- peared in a limited time : this is a palpable falsehood ; no time whatever was proclaimed or mentioned, and a Somerset man, of the name of Baker, mounted the stage
when called on; but the time being long expired for playing Out the tyers, they were now called.— The original advertisement before alluded to, also declared, that no person would he suffered to be on the stage but the players and umpires;" but in direct contra- diction to such a pledge, three or four of the defeated game- sters of Wilts were shamefully permitted to remain thereon ( in opposition to every remonstrance), encouraging and in- structing their countrymen during the remainder of the con- test.— To say no more, if the Somerset lads had been treated at Trowbridge in that very handsome and liberal manner that the
Wiltshire were at Irome, and if they had been dealt justly by, the conclusion of the contest would have left them six tyers to two, and then of course their superior science in this manly exercise would not have been questioned. B0.3J TRUTH. SINGLE- STICK. A CHALLENGE. ^ EN Gamesters of » ne Parish in the County of . SOMERSET, hereby challenge to play the same number of the County of WILTS, without padding, TWO BLOODS' for ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS.— For further particulars apply to Thomas Balne, Esq. at Buckland, near Frome, Somerset. , [ 6- 27 WANTED to PURCHASE,-- A LEASEHOLD, consisting of
a COTTAGE, and from six to ten Acres of Ground, in Hants, Wilts, or Dorset. Apply to Mr. House, White Bear, Blandford. [ 618 LAW. TTTANTED,— A middle- aged steady Person, who 7 V has a general knowledge of the Business of a MA- GISTRATE'S CLERK, and" has been used to Office Employment. Apply to Mr. Baldwin, Ringwood, Hants. [ 615 " 1TTANTED immeitiately,— A middle- aged Man, VV as BUTLER, in a plaee where a boy will be kept under him Also, a steady Lad, as FOOTMAN. Both will be expeeted to bring undeniable charaetcrs from their last places. Apply ( personally) at the Printing Office, Canal,
Salisbury. 3 near Christchurch, on the 1,0th or 20th of October last, A dark Brinded Yearling HEIFER, marked in both ears with a three- grained prong, in the right horn with S. B. ( if not grown out), and in the tail with the forest tail mark. Likewise missing from the New Forest, a Mottled Yearling STEER, with red sides,— and a Red Yearling HEIFER, with some white on the back ; both marked the same as the above tifer. [ b'- 2Q Whoever will bring the first- mentioned heifer to Mr. Simon Best, ofTuckton, near Christchurch, shall receive a Guinea reward if strayed, and Two Guineas if stolen, on conviction of the offender; and
Hal£- a- Guinea reward for each of the other two. SIMON BEST, Tuckton. BRISTOL, HA TH, AND PORTSMOUTH ROYAL MAIL COACH. I^ IIE Public are respectfully informed, that A MAIL COACH commenced running from the HUSH , NN, BRISTOL, onIVednesiayti. il 1 < uh 0/ October, 1806, at I'liree O Clock in the Afternoon, from the WIUTE HART BATH, at Five o'Clock; through SARUM and SouTiMMr- TON ;— and will leave PORTSMOUTH every Afternoon at Five "° LL0CK- [ I4S( 3 COMMERCIAL OPPOSITION COAClTIs PROCKTER, MATCHAM, and Co. respectfully return thanks to their friends of Sarum, Wilton <
Vr for. the support hitherto afforded them, anil beg to inform th- m that the report circulated by the Old Coach P:. iiy ii at MATCHAM had sold his p. rt icrs and his friends at Sarum Wilton, & c. & c. is totally talse, he not having any eon. ncction whatever with them. It is very true, Mr PKNS- V of Basingstoke, applied to MATCHAM to'n^ ociatc for tit- act' but the terms were dishonourable, as th.- proposition was- for MATCHAM to join the old party, and desert PROCKTEH and the Bell Savage inter,< c altogether, but which negotiation was broke off by M. in two minutes, as he considered such a proposal as an ii'. sult. PROCRTEH,
MATCIIAM, and Co. request their friends w II pay 110 regard to such reports, but treat them with the c. • - tempt they merit, and continue to support the COM M r RC L " [ fi07 The Cause of Cheap Trait/ llm? » THE COMMERCIAL OPPOSITION COACHES, JromWiflHREESwANs, SALISBURY, to the BELL SAVAGE, LUOGATE- HILL, LONDON. EDWARD PROCKTER and Co. respectfully re- turn thanks to their friends of Salisbury, Wilton An- dover, & c. for the very liberal encouragement they have re- ceived; ami beg to inform their friends, that for their better accommodation, the NEW COACH now runs from Ion- don and
Salisbury every Afternoon, Saturday executed Performed by EDWARD PROCK. TER „ r „ _ . GEORGE MATCHAM, ' and CO. N. B. Carriage of small Parcels, under one pound weight 6d. only, as usual. ' PROCKTER and Co. also particularly request their friendii in the country will be particular in ordering their correspon- dents to send their servants with the parcels to the Office in the Yard, as Fagg and Co. are endeavouring to establish ah office under the Gateway in the Bell Saiage entrance, to mislead Prockter and Co.' s friends. A PARCEL CART, for the accommodation of Procktef, Matcham, and Co.' s friends resident at
WILTON, to conveys their Parcels, & c. to and from the London Ccachts, tveiy day, FREE of AN 1 EXPENCI-. WHATEVER. [- 538' CHEAP THA? ELIANG. THE PROPRIETORS of the Old SALISBURY COACHES, fiora the Black Horse and Chough Int" Salisbury, the Bell and Crown Inn, Holbotn. and Saracen's Head Inn, Friday- itreet, Cheapside, respectfully return thanks for past favours. We have ever considered out Coaches truly Commercial ; if Commerce is to be supposed bv fur pursuits, we claim the priority ; f. tr gains, with a re< Wto the public comfort, has been our utmost study ; we do not profess to convey small
parcels for a less price than- the post i- c of litters ; we hold out no such artifice ; we have no commercial views as our Opponent; we wish not toiniurethe revenue by pirating the Post- office, or other Coac. li M'asterj. ' 1 hat the public may be in possession of the. views of such a Speculator, we think it our duty to explain thrrrr: By injuring our trade, he presumes on gettins; our Coaches re- moved to his Inn, which he assures us is his onlv object for opposition ; by reducing the carriage of parcels to ( id. he calculates on the numb, r he shall convey, ami whit tho porterage and booking of them tviil amovsnt to,— far more than the
carriage. To counteract such pursuit, antl to protect a trade we liave a fair claim to, we pledge ourselves to the Inhabitants of Salisbury and Andover, to convey the public as cheap, in better carriages, and with more expedition,' than our opponent, and will take in and book all parcels, & c. free from tfie charge ot booking, and will safely deliver them in LomU » free from the charge ot porterage. WHITMARSH, FAGG, PENNY. ANI> BROWN, PROPRIETORS. DORSET. ' " TO be LETT, and entered tipo. 1 immediately,— A commodious SASHED DWKLl INQ- HOUSE, con- sisting of two parlours, six bed chambers, servants' hall,
kitthen, and other offic- s ; with an excellent walled garden, well stocked with choice fruit ttees; two stables, coach- house, granary, & c. and and about eleven acres of Land ; pleasantly situated in a fine sporting country at Tarrant Keinston, three rnile- vtrom Blandford and six from Wimborne. Fcr particulars apply ( if by letter, postpaid) to Mr. John Clapcott, at Whit, church, near Blandford. ff. f9 *„* Threr packs of hounds arc kept in the neighbourhood. 1 HANTS. TO he LETT or SOLD, and may be entered on immediately, Fifteen Acrts and'three Quarters of ARABLE LAND, planted with Quirk Fences, situated m Gorely Bottom, in
the parish of Fordingbridge. For particulars enquire of Mt. Woolfreys, Salisbury ; if by letter, post paid. f£ is WILTS.— CAPITAL ELM TIMBER. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— 1300 Prime F. LM TREfcS, fit forShipp. ng or other parpose.-., now growing on the Manor of Christian Malford, in th « county ot Wilts; either together or ; n Lots. For a view of the same apply to Mr. Collins, the Bailiff, at the Manor House in Christian Malfocd aforesaid ; and for fur thf r particulars, and to treat for the same, to Mr. Merewetlit r, solicitor, Calne, Wilts. pi 13 MARKET- PLACE, SALISBURY" TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs.
GATE- HOUSE, near the Corn- Market, on Tuesday the IC « h of December, 1808,- TWO PA IR of CHARIOT WHEELS, in good condition, fit for posting work, and A PAIR of PLATED PHAETON HARNESS. f « i 1 The sale to begin at twelve o'clock. SALISBURY. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. GATE- HOUSE, on the premises, on Wednesday the 14th instant,' Part ol the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, the property of Mr. Oaktord, in the Market- PlaCi ; consisting of a handsome mahogany commode sideboard, 4ft. loin, by'* ft. Sin.; three- large pier glasses, plates 5 ft. 4 m. by 2? in. ditto 4 ft. a in. by 20 in, ditto * J in. by 15
in.; mahogany double Chest of draw- ers, single chests of oak and walnut ditto, a supha with case and bolsters, mahogany dining and card tables, ditto cltans, Bath grates, oven and stoves for ditto, small marble slab and frame, two bedsteads, flock mattress, a few lots of clnna and glass, kitchen requisites, & c. & C. The sale to commence at eleven o'clock. [ Gis RX) be SOLD by AUCTION, l, y T. RAWLIX. S, at the Iron Pear Tree Inn, in Apples haw,— Two HAY RICKS, viz.— Lot 1.— A Bloom Sanfoin Rick, upwards of no tons. Lot 2.— A fine Meadow ditto, upwards of 20 tons. For a view of the situation of the said Kicks, apply
to tht Landlord of the Iron PearTrte Inn aforesaid. fo'oi NNP be SOLD by AUCTION, by HENRY CRI.<- a good Gtirdeh, situate in the most eligible part of the Hitih- strect in Andover, now in the occupation of Mrs. Sarah Har - well, watch- maker, and held under Magdalen College, Ox- ford, for the remainder of a term of 40 years, of Which i!^ years are to come, antl renewable every 14 years at an cr. sv fine.— For particulars apply to Mr. Bird, solicitor, Andover. * CHR1STCHURCH, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, bvTHos. PIIGBEW, at the Hotel, in Christchurch, on'Mor. dav the 12th day of December inst. between the hours
of three rnd four o'clock in the afternoon,— All that FREEHOLD CLOSE of LAND, at Beckley, in the parish of Christchurch, containing six acres ( more or less), in the occupation of Mr. Petei Jackson, tenant from year to year. For further particulars apply to Mr. Rowdcn, attorney at lawuat his office at Chr stchurch or Wimborne. f6?' i SOUTHAMPTON. HJ be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. LIN- m-. V, JL on Thursday the 15th of December IKOP, and followinc days,— The STOCK in TRADE. HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE, and FIXTURES, ol J. THOMAS and Co. Linen- drapers, Mercers, and Hosiers, next door to tht- Cuaeh- ofiice,
No. 61, Above- B- tr, quitting Southampton. The Stock consists of Irish linens, dowlasses, printed cam- brics and calicoes, white calicoes and shirtinasy.-^ iettings, klankcts, counterpanes, bed ticks, furniture, dimities, flan- nels, stockings, woollen cloths, men's and boy » ' hats, ready- made waistcoats, shirts, trowscrs, women's grrat coats, cloak's, shoes, stays, Sic. and a variety of other articles. The Goods » vill be put up in lots suited to the convenience of purchasers. [ sjiti The Goods to be viewed on the morning of each day's sale until eleven o'clock, when the Auction will begin, and con- tinue till two, and ri^ commencc iu the
evening at six o clock. PRINTED. AND PUBLISHED BV W. B. BRODIE, J. DOWDING, AND J. LUXFORD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY; Where Orders, Advertisements, and authentic Articles of News are received ( Postage paid). Also by the PHIHTKES and BOOKSEUEHS in the West of England" by the reactive NEWSMEN; and in London by JJcssrs. TAYLER and NEWTON, No, 5, Warwick- Square. Warwick- Lane, New^ aS- Street, antj Mr. WILKIE, Bookseller, P » T5j> n$ Ur4lowf St, ftul'r *