The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Issue Number: 3740
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 24/10/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3740
No Pages: 4
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THE SALISBURY. AMD WINCHESTER JOU AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS\ HANTS\ DORSET\ AND SOMERSET. [ NUMBER 3740. VOLUME LXXIIL] MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1808. PRICE SIXPENCE. / ?, LAMP L Paper and Print, 2la. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. ERFURTH, Sept. 28. ' YESTERDAY at nine o'clock in the morning arrived here his Majesty the Emperor of the French. The Commandant of the town, the Magistrates, and Deputies of the Livery, the University, and the Clergy, met him without the gates; the President of the Senate tendered him the keys of the gates of the city,
and pre- sented an Address expressing the fidelity and attachment of the inhabitants to his person and government.— The Emperor having perused the Address, and testified his satisfaction, entered the town on horseback amidst the firing of guns, ringing of bells, and joyful acclamations of the inhabitants, and alighted at the hotel prepared for his reception. Soon after the Emperor mounted his horse again to pay a visit to his Majesty the King of Saxony, who ' arrived ou the preceding day. He afterwards in- pected the troops quartered in this town, and then proceeded on horseback ou the road to Weimar, to meet his Imperial
Majesty the Emperor of Russia. About three o'clock in the afternoon the two great Monarclis entered the town on horseback, attended by a great number of persons of the first distinction, and escorted by two regiments of foot and two regiments of horse. At night the whole town was illuminated. His Majesty the King of Westphalia, his Imperial High- ness the Grand Duke Constantine, and the Duke and Hereditary Prince of Weimar, have arrived in this place. LONDON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 17. Dutch paperS to the t) th inst. have reached town. They contain news from Paris to the 4th.' The long ex- pected meeting between the
Emperor of Russia and Bona- parte, at Erfurth, took place on the 27th ult. Bonaparte rode out of the town, attended by a number of his vassal l'rinees, to meet the Emperor. Nothing has occurred which ican afford the slighestelue to the projects which Bonaparte has firmed, the execution of which he undoubtedly expects to facilitate by means of this interview with Alexander. The following plan for the dismemberment of European Turkey, projected by General Lauriston, is supposed to h.' ve been adopted by Bonaparte : France to have Albania, Greece, the Morea, and the Islands,— Russia to retain its conquests in Moldavia and
Bessarabia.— Austria fif she will accede to the confederacy) to have Bosnia, Servia, anil Macedonia, but to cede the Lithorage to France.— The provinces of Wallachia, Bulgaria, and Ro- mania, to be erected into a separate kingdom for the Grand Duke Constantine, with the title of King of Thrace; Constantinople to be his capital.— The Asiatic provinces Reserved for future arrangement, with an understanding that the new King ol Thrace will have a considerable share. This morning Government received dispatches from Spain, brought by the Peacock sloop of war, arrived at Ply- hiouth from Corunna. Letter and papers from St.
Andero and Corunna, to the date of the 7 th inst. were received by the same conveyance. The French troops in Spain are now under the command of Marshal Ney, esteemed one of Bonaparte's best Generals, and who appears to be preparing to justify the opinion en- tertained of his talents. After having made a tour of the French positions, he has marched a body of 12,000 men Against Bilboa, and compelled the Spaniards to abandon that place, which they had so recently taken. The retreat Of tiie Spaniards was however made in good order, and without any disaster. The Marquis de Portazzo, the Spanish Commander,
having but 7000 men, prudently declined « contest to which his force was unequal, and re- tired to a strong position near the city, where he could Wait for reinforcements. He carried with him all his baggage, guns, and ammunition.— Such conduct makes him a formidable enemy, especially when it is recollected that the Spaniards from the Baltic may soon join him. Part of the Spanish troops from the Baltic landed at RiVadec, a port in Galicia. As soon af they reached the shore, they kissed the earth, and on rising exclaimed, " Long live Ferdinand the VIIth !" Letters and papers from Lisbon, to the 1st inst. have also been
received. Freed from the troubles and ap- prehensions of war, the Portuguese, with the assistance of the British Commanders, are engaged ill re- establishing their Government, with all its faults, and reinstating the Regency, Magistrates, and other public officers left by the Prince Regent, when he embarked for the Brazils. The third division of the French army, which left Lis- bon on the 26' th ult. met with a dreadful tempest soon after it sailed. One of the transports, with part of the 86th French regiment, foundered. The colonel, five pri- vates, and eight British seamen were saved— 287 of the soldiers were lost—- Other
transports, it is feared, have had tie same fate. The Africaine frigate, with General Kel- lermann and his Etat Major, put back to Lisbon, much damaged. The whole fleet was dispersed. Mails from Sicily, Malta, and Gibraltar, arrived this morning. The army and garrisons were all well and in high spirits at the etui of last month. At Sicily Sir John Stewart was ready to embark at an hour's notice 10,000 troops, in high discipline, and eager for combat. The kingdom of Naples was believed to be the destined scene of action. The. people are represented to be anxious for the arrival of the moment in which they may fly to arms, in
imitation of the Spaniards, to eman- cipate themselves from the fetters in which they are now bound. The late dispatches from India intimate that Scin- deah and Holkar appear to have laid aside their late ani- mosity, and are supposed to have entered into a league, at tiie instigation of French emissaries, hostile to the in- terests of the British Government. It is farther believed that they have induced several of tire native Princes, par- ticularly the Rajahs of Judpore and Jypore, to join in this conspiracy, the immediate object of which has not tran- spired ; but the Company's Residents at the several Courts have been strictly
enjoined to watch the movements of the suspected conspirators, and send immediate notice to the Presidency of any hostile act. Doondea Khan's territories have been taken possession of by the Company's Officers: that refractory Chief has taken refuge iu the Seick country; hut his brother, Rum- nust Ling, has been apprehended, in consequence of the reward offered for that service. ROMAN CATHOLICS.— At a late meeting of the Roman Catholic Bishops, in Dublin, the following resolution was agreed to :—" That it is the decided opinion of the Roman Catholic Prelates of Ireland, here assembled, that it is inexpedient to
introduce any alteration in the canonical mode hitherto observed in the nomination of lri- li Roman Catholic Bishops ; which mode long experience has proved to be unexceptionable, wise, and salutary."—- The Roman t atholic Prelates have thus disavowed the proposition made in their name, in the last session of Parliament, to adopt the following modification : " That they should lay before his Majesty a list of three persons, of whom, if his Majesty should reject two, the third should he invested with the episcopal dignity ; but if his Majesty should reject all three, then another list of three should be prepared, and so oti, till his
Majesty should signify his approval of any individual, by allowing his name to remain."— It follows either that tlie Duke of Norfolk and Mr. Grattan have been imposed on by certain Catholics, when they were induced to make this proposition ; or that they have made it wholly un- authorized, which last supposition is eertatnly not very probable. The winter has set iu unusually early. The Cambrian mountains were covered with snow on Michaelmas- day, an occurrence scarcely within the recollection of the oldest Welshman living. „ EXTRAORDINARY PEDESTRIAN FEAT.— On Saturday Williams, butler to Mr. Crouch, of Wigmore street, Ca- vendi h- square, undertook, for a wager of twenty guineas, to go twenty miles iu two hours. He started at Hammer- smith, in unfavourable weather, went straight to Coin- brook, and back to the Magpies, which completed the distance, in one / tour and fifty- three minutes* MARK- LANE, Monday, Oct. 17. We had some quantity of Wheat fresh up from Kent to- day, but the Essex supply was the smallest we have seen since harvest, and there was very little from the more distant ports ; the buyers being rather numerous, in consequence of the neighbouring markets having been also thin, our prices advanced about 3s.
per qr. ' for the runs in general, as per particulars beneath; single superfine samples, in some cases, fetched still more money, and we had a renewal of demand for White Seed Wheat, and for the best of the growth of 1807, that rendered extremely high prices for what little there was to be found of those denomina- tions. Rye is rather dearer; White Peas, which declined 10s. per qr. after Monday in last week, revived in a smaller degree this morning; new Tick Beans are current at 57s. per qr. for the best, anil Malt as high as 84s. Flour 85s. to 88s. pet sack. Barley and Oats sell quite briskly on the terms lately quoted, in other
respects we observe nothing material to add, but re- fer to the list subjoined for information at large:— Wheat 70s. to 98s.— Rye 46s. to 54s.— White Peas 96s. to 144s.— Grey Peas 56s. to fits.— Horse Beans 56s. to 70s.— Tick Beans 50s. to (>' 5s. Long Pods 40s. to 50s.— Barley 36s. to 47s.— Malt 68s. to 84s.— Oats 39s. to 44s. per quarter.— English Household Flour 84s. to 88s. per sack.— Carraway Seed 40s. to 44s.— Coriander Seed 10s. to lis. per cwt.— Rape Seed 381, to 451. per last.— Brown Mustard Seed 12s. to 20s. White ditto 6s. to 14s.— Tares 8s. to 13s. per bushel. SMITHFIELD MARKET, Oct. 17. Our
supply of prime Cattle continues very abundant. We had this morning up- wards of 2000 head of Oxen, Heifers, & c. nearly 16,000 Sheep and Lambs, 250 Calves, 320 Pigs. The sale was btisk; Beef at 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Mutton 4s. 4d. to 5i. 6' rf. Lamb 7s. Pork 6s. to 7s. Dry Meadow Hay Si. to 61.6s. Clover 61. to It. H. H. THE H. II. are requested to take Notice, that the FARMERS' DINNER will be on Tuesday the 25th of October instant, at the Swan Inn, Alresford. The H. H. take this opportunity of requesting the Gentle- men and Farmers to accept their thanks for the kind protec- tion and assistance they have given them, and
hope to have the pleasure of seeing them at dinner. On that day a Cup will be given, to be run for on Abbot's Down ( by permission of Mr. Roberts) by any horse, mare, or gelding, belonging to a farmer within the district of Mr. Villebois hunt, that has never started ( except for an H. H. enp), paid or received forfeit, or has been in training be- fore'the 1st day of September 1808. The horses must have been in the possession of a farmer in the district from the Ist day of April last,— co be rode by farmers in the district,— weight twelve stone,— the best of three two- mile heats. Th : horses to be shewn on this down at twelve o'clock,
and to start at half- past twelve. No race unless three horses start; and if more than three, the second brst horse, the winner of two heats, will be entitled to a iockey whip. J. T. VILLEBOIS, Esq. Steward. Dinner on table at three o'clock. N. B. No Person can in future be admitted to dinner who is not bona fide a Farmer in the district of Mr. Villebois' hunt, or who has not a particular invitation from a Member of the H. H. [ 1321 COUNCIL CHAMBER, SALISBURY, October 12, 180S. AT a Meeting of the Committee appointed for the Delivery of Soup to the Poor of the City and Close, the Accounts of the Year were examined, and
there appeared to be a Balance of .€' 51.. 16.. 01 in the hands of the Treasurer. For the satisfaction of the Contributors to this benevolent and very beneficial Institution, the Committee think it neces- sary to give the following Statement of the Accounts from the commencement of the last subscription : Dec. Ql) 1804. Balance in hand £ 22 ! » 0 Feb. 16, 1805. Contributions... 409 Interest 21 If) ll Oatmeal sold 2- 5 0 | Three Years' Rent..£ 28 7 9 1 j! Mason's Bill 1 5 Pease 271 8 7325 lbs. of Bacon.. 305 4 Meat 0 19 Coals, Faggots, and \ 23 Candles J Pepper, Salt, Oat- j.. J6 H £ 7 « 6 1 9 9 2 meal, & c. Beadles ( for attend-"! ance)
and Soup- V59 maker J Advertisements, 1 Printing, bad Corn, I. 7 ii and sundry small t Payments J Balance in hand .... 51 16 7 St Ot £ 786 1 9 A Geficral Meeting of the Friends and Contributors to the Institution will be holden ( by permission of the Worshipful the Mayor) in the Council Chamber, on Wednesday the 2d of November, at twelve o'clock in the forenoon. [ 39 NEW SARUM ASSOCIATION __ For the Prevention of Robberies, Thefts, & c. & c. TIIE next Meeting of this Association will he held at the Cross Keys Inn, in the City of New Sarum, on Tuesday next the 25th instant, at three o'clock in the after- noon, for the
purpose of revising and settling the Treasurer's last half year's accounts. WILMOT AND GODWIN, Solicitors. SARUM, Oct. 20, 1808. [ 24 ELING, IN THE COUNTY OF SOUTHAMPTON, October 19, 1808. NOTICE is hereby given to the Land- owners and Occupiers of Land in the parish of Ealing, in the said cotety, and to all Persons it may concern, That a Meeting \ vi!!% e held at the Anchor Inn, at Redbridge, on Friday the 28th day of October instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to nominate and appoint a Committee for the purpose of. pre- paring a Bill, to be laid before the Hon. House of Commons, in order to obtain an
Act of Parliament for exchanging of oltl Inclcsures, dividing, allotting, and inclosing the Open and Common Fields, Common Meadows, Common Marshes, and all Commonable or Waste Lands in the said parish. ^ f All Persons interested are requested to be present. [ 18 BRUTON GREAT MARKET WILL be held on Saturday the 22d of October inst. and continue that day fortnight, for the SALE of all Sorts of GRAIN ; Fat and Lean CATTLE ; SHEEP, HOGS, BUTTER, CHEESE, Sc. Proper Accommodations are prcivided. [ 7 APPLESHAW FAIR. FRESH GRASS near the Fair, and several SHEW PLOTS, may be had by an tarly
application to JAMES HEDDERLY, Appleshaw. • Somerset and Dorset shew- day. Thursday the 3d; Wilt- shire, the 4th ; and the Pleasure. Fair, Saturday the 5th Cays of Novrmber next. £ 3* 50 Tons of excellent bloom Sainfoin, and 20 Tons of Meadow Hay, to be disposed of ; apply as above. [ 4 , , A CONSIDERABLE STOCK OF Cambric Muslins, Calico Shirtings, Cotton Sheetings, Dimities, Counterpanes, lilunhets, ifc. at BECKINGSALE's Fashionable LINEN- DRAPERY WAREHOUSE, Silver- Street, SALISBURY. Several bales of stout Calico, at dd. per yard. Strong Shirting Calico, 8d. 9d. lOrf.; very fine 12c?. per yd. • A
large lot of yard- and- half wide fine Cambric Muslins, 20rf. per yard. The stoutest ell wide Cotton Sheeting, 13d. per yard. An extensive variety of Queen's Stuffs, for Gowns, & c. lOd. to 2s. per yard. A great Bargain in Muslin Handkerchiefs, at id. each. Stout Corded Dimities, at 9d. per yard. A large quantity of Damask Cotton Diaper, for Table Cloths. A collection of rich Worked Muslins, for Dresses, from 2s. per yard. White and Coloured Bordered Robe Dresses, very cheap. A box of Cotton Edgings and Laces, from 4d. per yard. A box of real Thread Edgings and Laces, from 2s. to 21s. per yard. A fresh supply of Cotton
Stockings, with an extia allowance by the half dozen. Silk Hose of every description. [ 41 LADIES' BOARDING SOHOOL, SHERBORNE. MISS SHORT, intending to decline her SCHOOL at Christmas in favour of Miss ANDREWS, begs leave to express her thanks to those friends who have favoured her with the care of their children, and to solicit their patronage and interest for he'r successor.— Oct. 15, 1808. MISS ANDREWS sincerely thanks those Friends who have hitherto honoured her with their children, and begs to inform them, that at Christmas next she means to remove to the house Miss Short iv > w occupies, where
she hopes to experience a continuance of their kindness. She also soli- cits the patronage of Miss Short's friends, and the public, trusting that a constant attention to the duties of her profession will insure her their esteem and approbation. N. B. No entrance will be expected with Miss Short's pu- pils.— Oct. 15, 1808. [ 42 WINCHESTER, October 17, 1808. JAMES BROOKMAN, with the utmost respect, begs leave to inform the nobilitv, gentry, and public, his employers and friends, he has this day relinquished his ROAD WAGGON BUSINESS, in favour of Mr. WILLIAM BURNETT, on whose - attention and exertion to give
general satisfaction he places full reliance, and for whom he earnestly entreats a continuance of the distinguished favours he has so long had the happiness to enjoy. He cannot let the present opportunity escape without re- turning his heartfelt thanks for the kind preference which has been shewn him for a long course of years, of which he will ever retain the most grateful remembrance. [ 50 WILLIAM BURNETT, Successor to Mr- . . BROOKMAN, respectfully solicits the same counte- nance and support from the nobility, gentry, and public in ; eneral, residing in the line of his business, which his Pte- ccessor had the honour to
receive, and humbly assures them he shall anxiously endeavour to carry on the business in a way which will be entirely satisfactory to the numerous em- ployers of his waggons. He is not answerable for Glass, China, or Other Earthen- ware, if broken or damaged in his custody ; nor can he ac- count for any Money, Plate, Jewels, Bank Notes, Watches, Writings, or any parcel ot an extra valuable nature, unless the same is delivered to the Book- keeper as such, and the usual charge for insurance paid. [ 51 WINCHiSTEit, October 17, 1808. BRISTOL, BATH, AND PORTSMOUTH ROYAL MAIL COACH. THE Public are
respectfully informed, that A MAIL COACH commenced running from the BUSH INN, BRISTOL, on Wednesday the 19th. of October, 1808, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, from the WHITE HART, BATH, at Five o'Clock; through SARUM and SOUTHAMP- TON ;— and will leave PORTSMOUTH every Afternoon at Five o'Clock. [ 1446 LONDON AND SALISBURY Cheap and safe Conveyance of floods by the way of. BASINGSTOKE CANAL. JOHN LOWMAN begs leave to remind his Friends and the Public in eeneral, that his BARGES CONTINUE LOADING WEEKLY at the Hambro' Wharf, Upper Thames- street, London;
and his WAGGONS, three times per week, at the Basingstoke Wharf, FOR SALISRURY, for the conveyance of Goods and Merchandize, at 2s. 10d. per cwt. N. B. Such as are well- wishers to th's concern, are re- quested to be very particular in giving their orders in London for the Hambro'- Wharf and Lowman's Barges. BASINGSTOKE WHARF, Oct. 20, 1808. [ 20 CHEAP CONVEYANCE OF GOODS. THE Public are hereby informed, that a WEEKLY PASSAGE BOAT has been established for the CON- VEYANCE of all manner of GOODS on the WILTS and BERKS CANAL.— The Boat starts from Bath every Tuesday
afternoon, arrives at Charlow, near Wantage, Thursday evening, returns the next morning, and arrives at Bath Monday evening; and being met by a regular carrier from Bath to Bnstol, and there being also a ready conveyance from Charlow to Abingdon, a cheap and expeditious conveyance is provided to and from Bristol, Bath, Melksham, Lacock, Chippenham, Calne, Tytherton, Dantsey, Wooton- Basset, Swindon, Shrivenham, Faringdon, Highworth, Wantage, and Abingdon, and all other places between which the Wilts and Berks Canal is the line of connection. All Goods intended for this conveyance may be left at Crab's
Well Warehouse, Temple- street, Bristol; at fhe Wilts and Berks Canal Company's Wharf, near Sydney Gardens, Bath; or at any of the Wharfs upon the Canal. An account of the charges of conveyance to and from the several places, may be known at the Warehouse, at Bristol; at the Wharf, at Bath; or at Mr. Wilson's, at Shrivenham, Berks. [ 1332 SINGLE STICK. THE Constables of the Hundred of FROME having been enjoined by the Magistrates of the said Hundred to use their earnest endeavours to suppress any PLAY at SINGLE STICK within the said Hundred, espe- cially such as has been advertised in the Public Prints
to be played at Frome on the 31st inst. and the Ist of November next; they take this method of informing the Public, that they shall exercise their authority in obcdience to the injunc- tions of the said Magistrates. NATH. SELWARD, Constables of the Hundred GEORGE KING, / of Froine. Frome, Oct. 14, 1808. [ 12 SINGLE STICK.— Somerset against, all England ! A Purse of THIRTY GUINEAS— On Monday October 31, and Tuesday November 1, 1808, the fol- lowing PRIZES will be PLAYED for at SINGLE STICK, at Frome, in the county of Somerset.— Fifteen Guineas each day; the first day with padding, the second without:
tiers to be played out each day it required. On account of the shortness of days, the Gamesttrs to mount the Stage each morning precisely at nine o'clock. Proper and impartial Umpires will be appointed, by whom all disputes are to be determined.— No sham play will be allowed. N. B. The Public will observe, by the adverdsement in- serted in this Pafier, that it is the wish of the Constables of the Hundred of Frome to SUPPRESS the above intended PLAY at SINGLE STICK, through the misrepresentation of a few individuals who have represented it to be riotous and tending to a Breach of the Peace; but the Subscribers hereby
inform the Gamesters and others who purpose to attend, that they are guided by THE FIRST LAW OPINIONS as to the Le- gality of their Proceedings ; and, in consequence, acquaint them and the Public in general, that the PLAY WILL TAKE PLACE agreeably to this advertisement; and that it is the sincere wish of every Subscriber not only to encourage RURAL AMUSEMENTS and MANLY EXERCISES, but their determniation, at all times, to use every exertion for the pre- servation of PEACE and Good ORDER. Frome, Oct, 19, 1808. [ 13 CHEAP TRAVELLING. rT, HE PROPRIETORS of the Old SALISBURY X COACHES,
from the Black Horse and Chough Inns, Salisbury, the Bell and Crown Inn, Holbom, and. Saracen's Head Inn, Friday- street, Cheapside, respectfully return thanks for past favours'. We have ever considered our Coaches truly Commercial; if Commerce is to be supported by fair pursuits, we claim the priority ; fair gains, with a regard to the pdblic comfort, has been our utmost study ; we do not profess to convey small parcels for a less price than the postage of letters ; we hold out no such artifice ; we have 110 such commercial views as our Opponent; we wish not to injure the revenue by pirating the Post- office, or other Coach
Masters. That the public may be in possession of the views of such a Speculator, We think it our duty to explain them : By injuring our trade, he presumes on getting our Coaches re- moved to his Inn, which he assures us is his only object fei opposition ; by reducing the carriage of parcels to 6d. he calculates on the number he shall convey, and what the porterage and booking of them will amount to,— far more than the carriage. To counteract such pursuit, and to protect a trade we have a fair claim to, we pledge ourselves fo the Inhabitants of Salisbury and Andover, to convey the public as cheap, in better carriages, and with
more expedition, than our opponent, and will take in and book all parcels, & c. free from the charge of booking, and will safely deliver them in London free from the charge of porterage. WHITMARSH, FAGG, PENNY, AND BROWN, 1355] PROPRIETORS. THE NEW COMMERCIAL COACH, From the THREE SWANS, SALISBURY, to the BELL SAVAGE, LUDGATE- HILL. EDWARD PROCKTER and Co. respectfully re- turn thanks to their friends of Salisbury, Wilton, An- dover, & c. for the very liberal encouragement they have re- ceived ; and beg to inform their friends', that for their better accommodation, tile New Coach will
commence from Lon- don and Salisbury every Afternoon, Saturday excepted. Performed by EDWARD PROCKTER, GEORGE MATCHAM, and CO. N. B. Carriage of small Parcels, under one pound weight, 6A only, as usual. PROCKTER and Co. also particularly request their friends in the country will be particular in ordering their correspon- dents to send their servants with the parcels to the Office in the Yard, as Fagg and Co. are endeavouring to establish an office under the Gateway in the Bell Savage entrance, to mislead Prockter and Co.' s friends. A PARCEL CART, for the accommodation of Prockter, Matchem, and Co.'
s friends resident at WILTON, will be very shortly ready to convey their Parcels, & c. to and from the London Coaches, FREE of ANY EXPENCE WHATEVER,— as it is their full* determination that their Salisbury and Wilton friends shall be accommodated upon much more liberal prin- ciples than before their concerns commenced. Salisbury, Oct. 5, 1808. [ 1362 NOTICE is hereby given, That the Partnership carried on. by EDMUND and JOHN HENN1NG, un- der the Firm of E. and J. HENNING, Merchants and Corn- factors, in Weymouth, has been dissolved by mutual consent; arid that all debts due to and by the Partnership
Will be re- ceived aqd paid by , the said john Henning, who is duly autho- rised by the said Edmund Henning. Weymouth, October 10, 1808. [ 1371 w TO THE CLERGY. WANTED, by a Clergyman in full Orders,— A CURACY in the Country, either in Wilts, Hants, Dorset, or Somerset, about two or three miles distant from a post town, with a neat House in good repair, and a Garden ; and if some Land attached to it, the more desiiable. Letters ( post paid) addressed to A- B. Post- office, Salisbury, will meet with due attention.— Oct. 14, 1803. [ 13 AWidow Lady wishes for a Situation as COM- PANION to a LADY, or to
superintend the domestic arrangements of an elderly Gentleman. A Widower, who has children, would meet in the Advertiser a most eligible person, who is capable of instructing them in the rudiments of education, and who also would undertake the manage- ment of his house. The most respectable references will be given. Letters ( post paid] addressed to A. Z. Post- Office, Maidenhead, Berks. [ 56 AGRICULTURE. ASingle MAN, 30 years of age, who has been conversant in Agriculture and Farming Concerns all his life, wishes to engage himself to some Nobleman or Gentle- man, as Superintendant of Agricultural and Rural
Concerns. Testimonials of his judgment in buying and selling Stock, and in the general Management of a Farm, either on the old or new system of husbandry, will be given; if required. Letters addressed to the Printers for A. B. will be duly at- tended to. - '[ 3 MONEY] ANTED, 011 good Freehold Security,— The Sum of £ 1500.— Apply personally, or by letter ( post pa d), to Mr. Griffiths, attorney at law, Newport, Isle of Wight. " [ 1414 CHURCH PERFERMENT. J ANTED to PURCHASE,— An ADVOW- , J SON, from £ 200 per Annum to any larger amount, subject to an old life, or with the prospect of an early legal induction, in the
counties of Berks, Wilts, Dorset, Hants,' or on the Western part of Sussex. The situation must be healthy and pleasant, with a good house, or one capable of being made so; and a good carriage- road to the place will be expected. Particulars to be sent to Mr. Tyndall, solicitor, Lincoln's- ir. n- fields. [ 1424 TO WRITING MASTERS. WANTED, after the Christmas Vacation, in a respectable Boarding School,— A sober, steadv Person, as WRITING MASTER. As the salary and treatment will be liberal, it is requested that no one will apply who is not properly qualified for the situation, or whose character will not bear the strictest
inquiry. Letters, containing specimens of penmanship, addressed to the Printers, will ( if the postage is paid) meet proper at tention. [ 1383 WANTED,— An APPRENTICE to a Carver, Gilder, and Picture Frame Maker. Enquire of T. Dermott, 23, Above Bar, Southampton. [ 19 WANTED,— A COOK, sober, steady, and com- pletely qualified for the business of an Inn. To a person answering this description, liberal wages will be given. Apply personally to I. Young, Red Lion Inn, Salisbury. WANTED, on a small Farm, An honest, industrious Man, as WORKING BAILIFF. Direct ( post paid) to A. B. at the Printers. [ 47 WA N T E D, A
steady, active Person, as LAUNDRESS; she must have an unexceptionable character, otherwise need not apply. Enquire ( if by letter post- paid) at Mr. Skelton's Library, Southampton. [ 45 WANTED, A MAN SERVANT, within doors. He will be required to assist the Grocm, and work in the Garden. Apply at the Post- office, Devizes, Wilts. [- 21 MANSION AND ESTATE, HANTS. TO be SO LD by Mr. WEBB, of Salisbury,— About £. 700 a Year, with a MANOR of FREEHOLD, and about £. 300 of LEASEHOLD, in a very respectable neigh- bourhood, with good roads The House is fit for the residence of a middle sizfd family; it is
capable of consider- able improvement, is in the center of the Hants Hunt, and the stabling is excellent. More adjoining property may be had if required. [ 14 BATH. TO be DISPOSED OF, A LINEN- DRA- PERY BUSINESS, cither with or without the Stock in Trade, in the first Situation in Bath. For reference apply to the Printers. [ 1307 A NEW YACHT, ABOUT three Months off the Stocks, thirty fee£ in length, twelve beam, and six feet to deck. She is oneofthe completest Cutters ever lauuehedin Southampton ; cabin full head room, will dine ten persons, and accommodate seven beds on couches, & c. For price, and other
particulars, apply to Mr. Shaw, merchant, High- street, Southampton. [ 1225 ^ New Trawl, large Seine, and Mesh Nets, if required. CARRIAGES FOR SALE. TO be SOLD,— An elegant and complete SOCIA- BLE for one Horse, perfectly new, hut with an Allow- ance; also a GIG and HARNESS, well calculated for a Sportsman, with a shifting Imperial. The property of a Gentleman near Salisbury,— for a refer- ence to whom, apply to Mr. Farr, coach- maker,. Catherine- street, Salisbury. [ 13/ 3 THOMAS GUILLAUME, jun. begs leave TO inform the Gentlemen, Farmers, and the Public, living in the vicinity, that he has a Stock of
very capital burning COALS to be SOLD-, in any quantity, at the Town- Quay Prices. NORTHAM YARD, SOUTHAMPTON, Aug. 12, 1808. [ I FAREHAM. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, 011 the Premises, by Mr.' MERRETT, on Thursday the 27th dayof October 1808, ' ihe HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of Mrs. FALL, in the High- street, who is leaving her residence. Sale to begin at eleven o'clock. [ 1411 WARMINSTER, WILTS. TO be' SOLD by AUCTION, by JOSEPH WAL- TERS, on Saturday the 2flth of October, 1808,— An exceeding good NINE- INCH WAGGON, almost new. The Waggon to be put up precisely at twelve o'clock.
[ 11 PRIME MEADOW HA Y. Lyndhurst Green, Hants. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, by GEO. HOOKEY, on Tuesday the 1st of November, 1808, at eleven o'clock,— Four Stacks of PRIME MEADOW HAY, two of the growth of 1807 and two 1808, together about fifty tons. To be removed by Lady- Day, [ 1415 DUNWOOD FARM. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. ALLEN, on Wednesday the 2d of November, ": st) 8, at the Roe Buck, ncarDunwood Farm,— 30 M& lDEN OAK STICKS, of about 16 feet meetings; and a small quantity of POL- LARDS. Sale to begin at three o'clock. Forasightof the same enquire of
Mr. J. Doswell, at Dun- wood Farm. [ to TO MALSTER8. TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately,— A convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, together'with the Out- Houses, a walled Garden, and large MALT- HOUSE adjoining; situated at FROME. [ 48 Apply to Miss Newport, Welshmill- lane, Frome. HOUSE TO LETT. HPO be LETT,— A HOUSE in the Cottage Stile, A at MILSTONF., near Amesbury ; consisting of a parlour and drawing room, with a dressing room for a gentleman, three bed rooms, and attics; a garden and orchard adjoining, and stable for five horses. For particulars enquire of Mr. Chubb, Salisbury ; or Mr.
Robbins, Bulfoid, who will shew the premises. [ M ALL Persons indebted to the late JOHN WHITe PARSONS., of West Camel, in the countv of Somerset, Esq. deceased, are requested to pay the amount of their re- spective debts unto James King-, of Kensington- plaCe, iq the c. iy of Bath, Esq. and Henry White, of Blandford Forum, m the county ot Dorset, wine- merchant, two of the execu- tor.; named and appointed. in and by the last will and testa- ment of ihe said John White Parsons; and all Persons to whom the estate and cffects of the said John White Parsons stand indebted, are also requested to send an accotint of
their respective claims unto the said James King and Henry White, on or before the first day of November next, in order that the same may be adjusted and settled. WEsT CAMEL, OctoberZ. [ 1305 TMELKSHAM, October 1, 1808. HE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against THOMAS BIGGS the younger, of Seend, in the county of Wilts, CheeSe- dealer, a Bankrupt, are desired to meet the Assignees of the estate ahd effects of the said Bank- rupt on Tuesday the 18th day of October instant, at three 0 clock in the aliernoon, at Mr. Thomas Nalder's, the King's
Arms Inn, Melksham, Wilts, to assent to, or dissent from, the said Assignees commencing and prosecuting one or more action or actions at law, or suit or suits in equity, against Thomas Biggs the elder, of Seend aforesaid, yeoman ; and also to assent to, or dissent from, the Assignees commencing, prosecuting, or defending, any other suit or suits at law or iri equity,, for recovery of any part of the said Bankrupts estate and effects; or to the compounding, submitting to arbitration, or otherwise agreeing, any matter or thing relating thereto, and orf. other spccial affairs. STE. VEZEY ' gff] Solicitor to the Assignees, NOTICE TO
DEBTORS AND CREDITORS WHEREAS JOSEPH WOOLFREY, late of Ringwood, in the county of Southampton, Grocer, hath by Indenture, bearing date the thirteenth day of August last, assigned over all his personal Estate and Effects to Wil- liam Lomer, of the town and county of Southampton, mer- chant, and John Conway, of Ringwood aforesaid, tanner, iu trust for the benefit cf all his Creditors who shall cxi cute the said deed : Notice is therefore given, that the said deed of as- signment is left at the office of Mr. William Hooper, attorney at law, in Ringwood, for the execution of such of the said Creditors as may think
proper to come in and execute the same. And all Persons indebted to the estate of th said Joseph Woolfrey, are desired to pay the amount of their res- pective debts to the said Trustees or to the said William I loo- per immediately, otherwise steps will be taken to enforce the payment thereof.— Dated the 20th of October 1808. [ 26 NEW LOTTERY, TO BEGIN DRAWING DECEMBER 13, 1808. SCHEME. 4.... of. 6 10 20 44 100 4,8- 20 .. £ 20,000 are £ 80,000 .. 10,000 20,000 ' 5,000 10,000 1,000 6,000 500 5,01.0 100 2,000 .. ^ 50 2,200 25 2,500 15 72,300 20,000 Tickets. £ 200,000 THE Scheme of this Lottery exceeds all
others, ni • it abounds in Capital Prizes; and in addition to the usual sum allotted by Government, the Contractor has per- mission of the Lords of the Treasury for him to make A FREE GIFT OF' 1,000 WHOLE TICKETS, The value of which it is impossible to calculate, as they may contain the following Capital Prizes: 6 of £ l, 00o 4 of £ 20,000 2 10,000 2 5,000 10. 20. 509 100 &' C. "& C. There are 20,000 Tickets in the Lottery, with not three Blanks toaPrize; but there are only 19,000 Tickets for sale. A speedy purchase is therefore necessary^ as superior benefits are attached to particular tickets drawn the first and second days,
and the whole Lottery will be drawn in four days. Shares arc entitled to a proportion of the above benefits. Tickets and Shares are selling at every Licensed Lottery Office, and by their Agents. [ 1353 STATE LOTTERY. TICKETS ^ ND SHARES FOR THE LOTTERY' which begins Drawing the 18th of December next, are rtow Selling in great variety, by J. Shipp, bookseller, Bland- ford; C. II. Drake, bookseller, Taunton; O. Hopkins, sil- versmith, Bradford; T. Bowden, bookseller, Plymouth; T. S. Seed, bookseller, Southampton; S. Mills, bookseller, Portsmouth, Agents to T. BISH, of No. 4, Cornhill, and No. 9, Charing- Cross,
London. The Scheme cf this Lottery exceed: all others, as it abounds in Capital Prizes, and in aduiti n to the usual sum allotted by Government, th" Contractor has permission of the Lords of the Treasury for him to give as a Douceur ONE THOUSAND WHOLE TICKETS, The value of which it is impossible to calculate, as they may contain the following Capital Prizes: 4 of. ...£ 20,000 2 Of 10,000 2 cf 5,000 <: Of..,. £ 1,000 10 of. 500 & C. Sic. Sc. . Schemes with particulars may be had gratis; and all per- sons ill the country desirous of having Tickets or Shares, may ' be supplied the same as if present, by senditfg their orders,
post or carriage paid, accompanied with good bills, bank- notes, or post- office orders, to either 4, Cornhill, or 9, Charing- Cross, London ; where ihe last 25,000/,. Prize, and the two last Prizes of 30,000/. ever drawn, were sold in shares. [ 1319 RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, AND CO. stod<- Brokers, respectfully acquain the Public, that the STATE LOTTERY will commence Drawing on the ! 3th of December next. The Scheme, with only 20,000 Tickets, is QUITE NOVEL, and has ADVANTAGES which no other Lottery ever oossessed, viz. TWO ADDITIONAL BENE- FITS OF FIVE HUNDRED TICKETS each, will be given by
the Contractor, with the permission of Government: One to the First- drawn Prize above 15/. on the First Day of draw- ing,— the other to the First- drawn Prize above 152. on the Se- cond Day, by which Adventurers may have the Chance for all the Capital and other Prizes, in 500 or 1000 Tickets, besides their own. Not three Blanks to a Prize, and 4 Prizes of £ 20,000 I 2 of £ l 0,000 2 5,000 I 6 1,000 & c. & c. & c. The Tickets and Shares are on sale at the Officcs, Bank- buildings, Cornhill, and opposite the King's Mews, Charing- cross, London, by RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, and Co. the only Persons that ever sold in shares
Two Prizes of £ 30,000, And in the last Lottery Two Prizes of £ 20,000, No. 2,609, and No. 10,197, both in Shares ; and in the former Lotteries Capitals to a great amount. Tickets and Shares are also on sale for them by J. Moore, High- street, Poole ; J. Langden, printer, Sherborne ; Mr. W. Meyler, Bath ; Messrs. Baker and Fletcher, Southampton ; and at most of the principal towns in the Kingdom, where the full schemes maybe had gratis. [ 5 This day is published, in 8no. price 12s. in boards, AREVIEW of the REPORTS to the BOARD of AGRICULTURE, from the Northern Department of ENGLAND ; comprising
Northumberland, Durham, Cum- berland, Westmoreland, Lancashire, Yorkshire; and tile Mountainous Parts of Derbyshire, & c. By Mr. MARSHALL, Author of various Works on Rural Economy, and Honorary . Member of the Board of Agriculture. York: Printed by Wilson and. Son, for Long/ nan, Hurst, Rces, and Orme, Paternoster- row, London; and. sold by Brodic, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury. Extract from, the Advertisement prefixed to the Work: " The Reports at large, seeing th. magnitude of their bulk, and the comparative smallness of the useful r.; at* er tiiey con- tain, may well be deemed a heavy tax- on the um , if not
on the purse, of the agricultural public. Thei; voljininousness certainly debars many practical men from profit::. j by the useful parts of their contents. " If it shall be found that I have comprized mcrre useful information in one volume than is contained in eight, my en- deavour will surely have sonje claim to utility; and will, I trust, be entitled to the approbation of the'Board, whose labours 1 have thus been rendering superiorly profitable to the public. " The transactions of the royal Society have been abridged with valuable effect. The volume I am now offering, how- ever, is not merely an abstract or abridgment of the Reports to the
Board of Agriculture, or I should have published it as such. I have not only conccntrated their valuable parts, but I have pointed out,— and I believe rectified,— their more dan- gerous errors; and may have thus rendered my work ti'seful to thosn who have, as well as to those who have not, the Board's Repous," ' [ 2
THE SALISBURY AND WfSCHESTEftr JOURNAL. Wednesday's and Thursday's Posts. FROM TIIE LONDON GAZETTE OF OCTOBER 18. ADMIRALTY- OFFlCE, Oct. IS. VICE- Admiral Vashon, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels at Leith, has transmitted abetter from Capt. Farquhar, of the Ariadne, statin;- tint oil the 4th inst, in hit. 59 deg., 3(-> mill. long. 1 dtfg. 30 rein. R. he had captured the Danish •• .- liiv. yteer Hoevnesen, carrying four carriage guns a d 2i men, out four days from Stavenger, but had not made any captures. _ BANKRupts. Wm. Burbidge, of Moor's- yard, St. Martin's- lane, turner.
John Knight, of Nottingham, Shoemaker. • John Hodgson, Thos. Occleston, and John Charlesworth, of Clayton, calico- printer's. James Enniss, of East Retford, mercer. Isaac Bull,, of Wharton, Jobber. John Simon, jun. of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, miller. Wm. Glenton, of Jermyn- street, Westminster, taylor. Wm. Hathaway, or Shoe- lane-, London, dealer. in spirituous liquors. Thos. Naylor, jun. of Liverpool, upholsterer. Wm. Handcock, of Marchmont- street, Russell- square, ironmonger. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13. A Mail arrived yesterday from Sicily. Every thing is quiet in Italy, thou ; h it is obvious that the events
which have occurred in Spain have produced a very strong effect upon the minds of the Italians. Bonaparte has issued a decree, perhaps the most tyrannical that ever was issued hy any tyrant, in which he forbids the people of Italy to speak about the affairs of Spain, and the severest punish- ment. is denounced against those, who offend against this decree. Advices reached Malta on the 5th ult. that the Austrian ports are shut against American vessel, and even against their own, if laden with colonial produce. In consequence of this information, six American, ship-., which had arrived ftill freighted at Malta, o-. i their way to
Trieste, were about to discharge their cargoes at the first of these ports. The order from Vienna to lay an embargo on ail Ameri- cans, arrived at Trieste too late to prevent the sailing of several vessels belonging to the United States. They took the advantage of one of our convoys for protection, and all of them escape-.!, except one laden with hemp, whieh was detained. Letters from Lisbon contain an account of the arrest of General Garassa, the man who betrayed the Spa- nish troops in Portugal into the hands of Junot. It i. s strange that he should.. have remained in Lisbon after the departure of the French. His treachery had
excited so much indignation, that, when discovered, he was with difficulty saved from the vengeance of the populace. It is said that the French hesitate, or in other words, refuse, to surrender the great frontier posts of Elvas and Almeida, in Portugal. These, as they command she entry into Spain, they still retyn in their hands. Under the various pretexts of not yielding to the Portuguese— of not considering the'order of Sir H. Dalrymple as genuine— of not feeling themselves safe to traverse the country, & e. & c. they have maintained the possession of those fortresses, which are the gales of Portugal on the side of Spain, that if
the French armies shall prove sue'ee- sful against the pa- triots, they may still have the way open for their return to that country. The market of Lisbon is glutted— every article of pro- vision had fallen more than 50 per ca. it. since the opening of file port. The greater part of the British army, lately employed in Portugal, will immediately proceed to act in aid of the h,. j:. iards in Catalonia ; when the last accounts left Lisbon 0/ 1,0( 10 men were embarking, who, it Was intended, should 1 id ill the neighbourhood of Barcelona. Toe expedition o Sir David Baird has before this landed in the north ; and UK the British arms will essentially
support the eaa- e of the Spanish patriot;, on the spot where it is most ex- p ed to the enemy. Junot still remained in the Tagus, on board a British frigate; ttnr was it imagined lie would take his departure be'ore all the articles of the convention were fulfilled, and our transports returned in safety from the ports to whieh they have conveyed the l-' r- nch troop . Sir Hew Dalrymple is returned home. He landed at Portsmouth, from ihe Phoebe frigate last night, and reached London at an early hour this morning. , Sir William Scott is also returned home from Lisbon, in v Niobe frigate, and arrived this day in London. It is f ly believed that
the object of his visit to Lisbon was to e pure into the caives that led to the c inclusion of that Convention, " by which the hopes of the nation were dis- a tinted." Immediately oil his arrival, ' lie had an inter- vie*- with Lord Hawkesbury. Dispatches were received this morning from Sir Sidney Smith, at Rio Janeiro, by the Albion cutter, which had a passage of ten weeks.— The Royal Family of Portugal were in tne best health, and the prosperity of the Brazils was rapidly increasing. Yesterday letters were received from Prince Edward's Island, in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, to the 11th instant. All accounts received in that Island from
the United States concur in the opinion, that Jefferson is determined to per- severe iu the embargo ; and that it is thought lie will have o majority in the Congress, as long as lie continues Presi- dent, to support him. This measure promises to be as beneficial to the British colonies i: i North America, as it has been ruinous to the commerce of the United States. Prince Edward's Island particularly has derived great ad- vantage from it.. A most numerous and respectable Meeting of the Nobility, Clergy, and Freeholders, of Berkshire, was yes- terday held i: i the Town- hall at Reading, for the purpose of taking into consideration the
terms ol the late Convention in Portugal. After ths usual form of opening the Court, it was moved and seconded, " That an humble and dutiful Address be presented to his Majesty, praying that ha may be graciously pleased to order that an inquiry should be in- stituted with respect to the cause of the late disgraceful Convention in Portugal, and also beseeching his Majesty to order that such steps may be taken, as will insure the punishment of the guilty person or persons in this disgrace- ful transaction, however high his rank in society may be." This was supported by G. Mitford, Esq. Lord Folkestone, and several other
Gentlemen. It was opposed by Serjeant Shepherd, and a few others. At length, however, it was carried by a very large majority. Lord Melville arrived in town from Scotland on Monday last. His Lordship's arrival at this moment has given rise to a variety of conjectures. The effects of the late gales have been severely felt on the coast of Scotland, on the North coast of Ireland, and on the North and W est coast of England. A sloop foun- dered off Abroath, and all the crew perished. The brig Comet, of Whitehaven, laden with timber, from Picton to Belfast; went on shore at Ballycastle, and the Captain, Mate, and fix of the erew were
drowned. Several . other vessels have been wrecked, but happily the crews have in n. o t iusi- inees been saved. The life boats have in this respect rendered essential service. FATAL AccidenT.-— Oa Monday an Inquest was held be- fore the Coroner for the county of Surrey, respecting the death of Mary Attwood, aged 14, Eliza, aged 7, and Sarah, aged .5 wars," daughters of Wm. Attwood, of Mitcham, print- cutter. Mr. Parrott, surgeon, deposed, that o,. Tuesday, the lltli inst. he was desired to visit Wm. Att- wood, bis wife, and four daughters, who were supposed to lie poisoned by having eaten, oil the preceding day, of those
fungi which have too frequently been mistaken for mushroom . Be found th ni i. i great agonies, and ad- ministered = the usual remedies which to k effect with the elder branches of t'oe. family, and one of the daughters, but failed with rrsyct to the other three.— Mary died at two o'clock on friday morning, Eliza at half an h air after, and Sarah a: half-] a t four on Saturday morning;; that they died violent!." convulsed ; that on. opening the. body of Sarah, who se ined to suffer the most excruciating pain in th. 1, iv. els, no appearance of disease existed ill any part of the alimentary canal; hence he inferred that the poison acted more
immediately upon the brain and nerves.—- These i ! o were intoxicated within ten minutes after having • • ir ni- al, a-!'', ihe eldest daughter ob- erved to her cheerful ill y all were. This exhilirating effect . f : lowedb stupor, violent pain, and vomiting, which had taken of the same stew, died on Wed- n. rniog, - a... u only in great agonies. Mr. Att- - e, a: d th- i.' daughter Hannah, aged II the latter," 1 > w ' er, . .! y cat two • hat soi- did i. ot like its flavour. The . ii JO VO'i. ei. BreAD.— Yesterday the Lord Mayor ordered the price of Bread to be raised a whole assize; the quartern, loaf will therefore sell for 14! r7. wbeaten, 13A household.
CoRN EXCHANGE, Oct. 1£ » . ' Hie supply of Wheat this day is very short, owing to the late contrary winds, and the late advance is fully supported, as it likewise is on Barley and Malt; White Peas at litt!<- variation; Old Beans of both sorts full 3s. per quarter dearer; there are also very . short supplies of Oats, and they are rather dearer ; Flour hardly at the la- l advance. WILTS AND BERKS CANAL NAVIGATION. A T a General Quarterly Meeting of the Committee l a. of Management of the Affairs and Business of the Com- pany of Proprietors of the Wilts and Berks Canal Navigation, hdd at tile Harrington's Ann a, in
Shrivenham, in ihe county of fo rks, on Thursday the loth . day of September 1808, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, pursuant tu public advertise- ment, the said Committee, by virtue and in pursuance of the Act passed in the 41st year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled' " An Act for enabling the, Company of Proprietors " of the Wilts and Berks Qanal Navigation to raise Money for " completing the said Canal, and to alter, explain, and amend " th ; Act passed in the 85th year of the ui'i of his present " Majesty, for making the said Canal," did lind a fuitlici Call front the several Proprietors of the Navigation and Undertaking
authorized to be made and carried on by the said Company of Proprietors, who have subscribed for and taken new or ad- ditional shares, denominated 12/. 10s. shares, created under and by virtue of the said recited Act, for the sum of Five Pounds, for and in respect of every such new or additional share in the said Navigation and Undertaking, to be wanting and necessary in order to defrav the expences ot and to carry on the same"; and did make a Call from the said several Pro- prietors for the said su. n of Five Pounds, for and in respect of everysuch new share in the said Navigation and Undertaking, for those purposes
accordingly, and did appointThree Pounds per share*- part thereof, to be paid on or before the 1st day of December next, and Two Founds per share, the residue thereof, on ot before the 1st day of March 180.0, either to the Treasurer, Matthew Humphrys, Esq. of Chippenham, or ( for ths accommodation of tnose woo might find it more convenient; into the . hands of Messrs. Newnham, Everett, and Co. Bankers, Mansion- house Street, London, or to Mr. Morland, Of Abingdon ; whereof the said Proprietors are re- quested to take notice. By order of the said Committee, JAS. CROWDY, Principal Clerk. HIGHWORTH, October
10, 180s. [ 22 pen eaten ti; far er h CHEAP COMMERCIAL, OPPOSITION COACHES, From the Three Sieuus Inn, Salisbury, to tlie Bell Savage, Lnch; ate Hilt. PROCKTER, MATCHAM, and Co. with duo £ deference to the public, beg leave to state to the inha- bitants ot Salisbury, Wilton, Andover, & c. etc. that the language of the Old Salisbury Coach Proprietors, as inserted in last Monday's Journal, is false in tato. They tell the public, that nothing but fair gains and due regard to their comfort has been their study : compare their actions with their language, and see how they accord. In the first' place, it must be fresh in every
memory, that within the last twelve months they advanced the inside fares only from 2- 1 each passenger to the enormous price of 3.>- s. and, it is a well- known fact, it was very shortly to'havc been 31.'. nil. and that upon a coach carrying eight insides, so that with " the additional advance on the on t. side passenger, and the parcels, would absolutely have made an increase of at least from Si. to 61. per. night, for six nights in each week, which comes to between 1500/. and 1600/. per annum ; a very modest advance.' And they have, in ad- dition to that, the. impudence to assert they had nothing but fair gains in view. Tile fact
is, their language is neither more n » r L- ss than telling you, in a polite way, we do notwish you to imagine we have robbed you. What, then, has been their tu. lyof accommodation? Why, none; for it must be quite clear to the meanest capacity, that after allowing that, from the wry unexampled high price of horse provender, it was necessary to advance the price of the fares, surely they ought to have been ' content • with about half that sum, and waited, with other people, the regular course of the markets, as tradesmen ; but no, they say, there is no one we have to fear but Prockter, and he dares not attack us; we have got it all
our o'. vn way, and we will make the Salisbury people, pay just what we please, in defiance of them. Answer, if they can, if they ever once consulted the public opinion upon it:— no, the public were beneath them, and not worth a thought; but when tne Commercial started they became, all' at once, the public's most obedient servants, and all at once very liberal, and, ill good truth, from necessity : but after all it Will avail them nothing, if'the friends Of the Commercial do but continue with their support as they have begun. Neither Whitmarsh, Fagg, Penny, or Brown, shall ever become- the- pilot of what they are pleased to term the
pirati- cal vessel, the Commercial, which has wrested, and will cont'nue to prevent, extortions from the minds of such luw> cunning men, who act as they have done. The COMMERCIAL will therefore, for the future, set out from the Three Swans Ion, Salisbury, and Bell Savage, Lud- gate- hiil, every afternoon ( Saturday excepted) at half past three o'clock. Observe:— The Salisbury, Sc. & c. Coach Office is through the Second Gateway, on the left hand, at the bottom of the Bell Savage Yard; and the Golden Cross, Charing Cross; the White Bear, and Three Kings, Piccadilly. Mark: The Office of the Old Proprietors is on the right
hand, in the entrance from Ludgate Hill. [ 142a Parcels and Passengers booked, free of any expence at Salisbury, and the Bell Savage. A ' ALBION FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, New BridGE- sTREeT, LONDON, em- powered by Aet of Parliament. AGENTS Salisbury, Mr. Jas. Lacy, High- street; Wat- minster, Mr. George Strode, clothier; Blandford, Mr . James Lacy, jun.; Sherhcrne, Mr. John Wm. Gill, druggist; Bris- tol, Mr. Bartholomew Barry, bookseller; Gloucester, Mr. Joseph Roberts, bookseller; Cheltenham, Mr. Robert Hughes, solicitor; Tewkesbury Mr. Wm. Edgcumbe, builder; Bath, Mr. Thomas S. Meyler,
bookseller; Taunton, Mr, Richard Meade, solicitor ; Chard, Mr. Thomas Guppy, ironmonger. • Insurances falling due at Michaelmas should be renewed within fifteen days from that period. Abatements are nle. de, according to the plan which origi- nated with this Company, on the Premiums of all Fire In- surances out of London. A large advantage is allowed on Life Insurance; anil every facility is afforded by which the interest andaccommodaticn of the public may be promoted. I Ilia] WARNER PHIPPS, Secretary. COUNTY FIRE OFFICE, SOUTHAMPTON- STREET, STRAND, LONDON. Established Jhr tin' express Benefit of
Country Residents. TRUSTEES.— His Grace the Duke of Rutland, K. G.; the M ist Noble the Marquis of Buckingham, K. G. the Right Hon. the Earl of Northampton ; the Right Hon. the Earl of Buckinghamshire ; the Right Hon. the Earl of Upper Ossory; Wm. Praed, Esq. M. P.; Scrope Bernard, Esq. M. P. HPIIIS Office, established upon similar principles to Js. the Provident Institution, combines the firm security derivable from a fixed capital of adequate amount with the benefit to the persons insured which results from their equal participation- in profits. The unprecedented resort of business to this Establishment is a sure phdee
of toe public estimation in which it is held ; - and, thus encouraged in their object of reducing country insu- rance to the most beneficial terms, the Directors have deter- mined to- lower thtvi i: r of insuring. Farming Stock toCs. per hundred pounds, Losses by Fire from Liehtning are made good. Claims upon this Office have always been paid on demand, without deduction or- discount. Policies graties on removal from other offices. J. W. BARBER, Managing- Direetor. AGENTS.— Wiltshire.~- Salisbury, J. Foot; Melksham, T. Bourne; Devizes: W. Sedgfield. Hants— Winchester, M. Charkcr; Alton, Messrs. Waring and Lowe;
Ringwood, John Merryweather; Andover, Sa- muel Shaw ; Southampton, Edward Rudd. Somerset.— Bath, Samuel Sims, North Parade; Castle Cary, James Bryant; Taunton, Thomas Spider; Wells, George Davies. [ 1111 s3> Persons desirous of the Agency of these Offices, in towns where Agents are not already appointed,- are requested to signify- the same to the Head Office, and to state their situ- ation and occupation, with a reference in London. SELF DEFENCE. WHITMARSH, FAGG, PENNY, and Co. request their Friends and the Pnblic to read EDWARD PROCKTER'S Letter to them, t> read the Address signed bv
WHITMARSH, FAgG, & Co. and the violent Defamation of Prockter, matcham, & Co. Judge then his motives, from his Letter, and say if he is entitled to your credit and support. Asserting opr Address to be false iu toto, is no reply to it: We answer prockter & Matcham, by proving their Address to be false and malicious, inserted with no other view than to bring us and our concerns, by such disgraceful publication, into contempt. On t'ne 17th of Jan. 1808, in consequencc of the enormous price of horse provender, we advanced the fare ( which was of necessity general throughout the kingdom,' from 24s. to 28s. not to 30s. and Ills.
fid. as they falsely assert. - We call on the Inhabitants of Salisbury to say, and on Mrs. Webb at the Black Horse to answer, it ever S is. Was taken or demanded by us.- - Oats were then 4f! s. per Or. and Beans b'Si. per Or. We maintained a reasonable fare until Ppockter'y threats, con- tained in his Letter to us, were put in force, by. his reducing the fare to 21s.-—— We contend ' i- r fare was reasonable, and much less than such an almost unprecedented price lor norse provender, and 800/. p' r ami. .- duty, demanded.—— Let the. public compare our lares, with what was paid 20 years past, to the then Salisbury Coachmaster,
when no duty was paid ; whose business brought him from affluence to ruin. We looted for remuneration in a reduction of prov rider. The good sense of a liberal and discerning pnblic Will form their own opinion, from what is paid for similar distant es, whether, or not, we are the robbers, extortion is, and low cunning men, described. Prockter's Letter is to be seen at the ' Printing- Office; and the following is a Copy verbatim: Sir, Belle SaVage, August 14, 1808. I once more think it proper to address you on the subject of your Salisbury business. I presume I need not inform you my principal aim in the unpleasant business now
pending is, to see the coach back to its old channel, tiot only to put the business at rest, but for the accommodation of the Salisbury people who frequent the house ; and 1 beg to assure you, as I well know the fatigue and anxiety iu getting a coacti busi- ness to any satisfactoiy issue, I am equally tenacious of extent of injury, and which, from the nature of the trade, it being so very vulnerable, is easy accomplished ; and of course, the greater the'extcnt of trade, the greater the injury.— The fact is, both yourself and Mr. Fagg have extensive concerns in the country, you in particular, and winch I have no wish to interfere with, or
injure, but rather theicth- r way, provided an end can be put to the animosity between us, by suffering the coach to come back. I do not mean to infer t.. at you, as having h . uses of your own in London, were n t justifiable in removing the coach, but I will contend it was not policy; for you might have been certain no opportunity would be iost to retaliate for it; and although pains have been taken to intimidate some of the post masters conctaied, as fast as they think proper to retire, the ground will be covered ; and you may also rent assured, there are speculative people now on the road who much wish to become concerned, and, if
admitted, and the concern should ultimately be unsuccessful, yet it will help to injure your trade. I have therefore only one mode left to inform you, that if the business cannot be compromised, and the coach brought to the Bell Savage again, it is the determination of the parties concerned to reduce the whole of the fares considerably, and that immediately. I am also desired to observe to eon, it is not the intention to hold this up' to you as a mere threat, but to- assure you it will be put in execution ; anil I am desired to inform you, no compromise hereafter will be attended to, without the whole loss that may aeerue being made
good. I am also requested to ask you, it you wi'il sell your Salisbury business, as iar as you are con- cerned. Waiting your answer, am respectfully Your obe. ii-' nt servant, EDW. PROCKTER. P. S. Shall wait your answer until Friday noon. To Messrs. Whitmarsh & Fagg. I can cnlyfemark, if it is, thought advisable to bring the coach back, your interests in it, as rar as regards myself, sha. i he my study ; arid then most i-. k.. iy some future arrangt- men may ilso be made tor adjusting Mr. Fagg's and my difterenc aoeut s. nieOt . er concerns. ( Superscribed " 2o Mr. Henry Whitmarsh, Friday- Street, Private." J PELICAN OFFICE, For
INsURANCE oh LIVES and granting ANNUITIES. npillS Office was established in Lombard- street,- M London, in the year 17.07, by a numerous and respect- able Proprietary; and the Board of Direct rs, with confidence, arising from the increased prosperity and permanency . of the establishment, as well as from the experience of i's useful- ness and benefit to the public, think it due to those who may be still unacquainted with the importance and ads- ant-. ges of Life Insurance, briefly to suggest some of its leading and pe- culiar recommendations . to almost every degree and rank in society. Life Insurance is of manifest
consequence to all who hold estates for life, situation? and offices, civil, ecclesiastical, or professional; to officers in the army and navy, & Ci; as, by payment of an annual premium, t ie party insured is enabled to provide tor wife, chiidren, or others, wnose future welfare he may wish in vain, by other means, to promo. e. It affords a permanent ultimate security toiV.- fsc who advance money upon annuities or otherwise. It renders- leases, determmabb on one or morelives, nearly equal invsiue to freehold estates, as an insurance to the amount of the fine,, payabl - on tire demise of a party nominated in so-' h leases, will prodijcc
the sum required for renewal. It is a cheerioe refuse to parties engaged in extensil e and speeulatlve nuclei akitie. s ; it affords to persons in trad : the c- rt'iiu m s. ns of- indemnification against a bad or doubtful debt; in short, Lre insurance, established in policy, sanctioned by government, and con- firmed by the tesi i f exp. ri nee, is become, to al. i- iost cverv situation of human life, a measure equally important, us- iul, and beneficial. Annuities are granted upon the most equitable terms, under a special Act of Parliament, granted to this Office. THOMAS PARKE, Sec. COMPANY'S AGENTS at Salisbury, Mr. Burrough; De- viz s,
Wm. Cook ; Portsmouth, T. C. Mottley; Lymington, J. West; Ringwood, C. Hodges; Bridport, J. Williams; Beaminster. Wm. Clift; Weymouth, Thos. Richardson; Bristol, Wm. Reid; Taunton, C. Drake; Bath, H. Mant; Mattock, J. Crabb. ______ FOR SALE by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— All that newly and'substantially built BREWERY, recently fitted in the most complete manner; with malt and- hop. stores ; a dome . copper of 28 barrels, and copptr beck of 20 barrels ; together with every other requisite utensil, as trie- s': me is now in use bv the Proprietor. Also,— An exceeding good DWELLING- HOUSE, and four other Tenements
adjoining. *,* For particulars apply to Mr. Pearce, on the premises. Mile- end, Portsea. [ 14m WILTS.— FREEHOLD MANSION AND LANDS, npo be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with JL early possession^— All that MANSION- HOUSE, called the CASTLE- HOUSE, with the; Gardens, Hothouse, Hot- walls, Melon- ground, Pleasure- ground, Gardener's- house and Yard, Orchard, Coach- house and Stable, and several closes of rich Meadow Land, containing in the whole about twelve acres, situate in the borough of Calne, in the county of Wilts. The buildings are in excellent r pair, and are replete with every convenience for
a genteel family. Mrs. Rocke, the present occupier, will permit the premises to be seen any day Sundays excepted) between the hours of eleven and two ; and for particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Mcrewether, solicitor, Caine, Wilts N. B. More Land. may be had, if required-. [ 898 WILTS— VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY^ To Clothiers, Common Brewers, & c. FOR SALE by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— Two I Freehold MESSUAGES or DWELLING- HOUSES, with convenient Workshops, most eligibly situated in Patford- street, in the borough of CAlNE ; now in the occupation of Mr. Gardner, clothier, Mr.
Richard Savory, and Mr. Charles Wilcox, as tenants at will.—•— These premises are in excellent Tepair, and are r. ow used as a Clothing Manufactory, for which it is exceedingly well adapted, having a good stream of water, and a large wa> er wheel for the business. Tile whole of the Machinery, togefht r with every Utensil requisite for making Seven Cloths a week, may be taken by appraisement. For particulars apply to John Sidford, Calne; to whom proposals are requested to be sent, specifying the sum they will give for the whole of the premises, or any part thereof. It is desired that all letters will be post paid.— For viewing
apply to the tenants. [ 1350 FARMS IN WILTSHIRE. TO be LETT on Lease for seven Years, from Lady Day 1805,— The following FARMS, all tythe free, in the parish of Bremhill, near the Market Towns of Chip- penham and Calne:— A Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about 60 acres of arable and 223 of pasture land, in the occupation of Mr. Robert Jenner. Also,— A Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about 143 acres of pasture land, in the occupation of Mr. Jos. Rich. Also,—- A Dwelling- bouse, with suitable buildings, and about 45 acres of arable and ISO of pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mr. Jacob
Spackman. Also,—- A Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about ij acres of arable and 104 of pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mr. Daniel Vines. Also,— A Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, ' anil about 40 acres of arable and 15G of pasture land, in tlie occu- pation of Mrs. Wilkins. Also,— A Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about 77 acres of arable and 173 of pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mr. William Pinnigar. Also,—- A Dwelling- bouse, with suitable buildings, and about 2 acres of'arable and 191 of pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mr. Richard Bridges. Also,— A Dwelling- house, with
suitable buildings, and alv; ut 27 acres of arable and 107 of pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mr. Harry Ferris. Also,—- A. Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about 16 acres of arable and 42 of pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mrs. Ann Hughes. Also,— A Dwelling.- house, with suitable buildings, and about 15 acres of arable and ,96 of pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mr. Isaac Hammond. All the Farms above described are situate at or near Charl- cott, in the parish of Bremhill, about three miles from the Town of Calne. William Bull, the game- keeper, near Charlcott, will shew the Farms. Calne has a good Corn.
Market weekly, and is about eight miles Town Devizes. Persons d. ^ irous of taking the above Farms are to propose he price th v w 11 sive i i the s one p r ecrr, and to direct ' i ir prop sals to til. M rqois of Lansdowoe, Southampton fa- t- e. 1 i'ots, f- ' or. the ". nii day of November, .- OS. Plans oi - hers.- , s may - seen, ami turliier particulars known, at Mi. Atherton s Office, in Calne. ' fl83i Half a mile from the Sea, Christchurch.— Nea House. r| X) be LETT ou LEASE, UNFURNISHED,— A I. HOUSE in excellent repair; containing an eating room 20 feet by, IS, drawing room 27 by 18, breakfast parlour, eight bed i* ooras, detached
kitchen with servants rooms over, scullery, larder, china closet, and other convenient offices; - coach- house, five- stalled stable, garden, meadow, an? i fish- pond ; the whole containing about 10 acres, well wooded and intersected with. gravel walks. For particulars and tickets to view apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Clement Sharp, upholsterer, Romsey; or on the Premises. ' [ 629 TO MILLERS AND OTHERS. rjpO be LETT, and entered on at Christmas next, .1 all that good and well- known WATER CORN MILL, called BrocKHAMPTON Mill., driving'three pair of stones, and now in full employ; together with about Ten Acres of
Water Meadow thereto adjoining, situated within a mile of Havant, and in the centre of thei large and populous towns of Portsmouth and Chichester. The contiguity of the above premises to the harbour of Langstone, renders them truly eligible, as vessels can load or unload within a short distance of ihe said Mill. The premises are in ' all respects well cal- culated for carrying on a large arid extensive trade in either corn or paper. For particulars . apply to Mr. Power, or Messrs. White, Havant. [ 1412 YEOViL, SOMERSET. A VILLA. TO be LETT, for a Term of Years.. and may bo entered upon within twelve months, at tile discretion
of the taker, situated in a highly respectable and- genteel neigh- bourhood, in the vieine. geof Yoev. l, on an eminence, mode- rately elevated,- commanding fine views ot- the surrounding country. The house, which is brie:, built, entirely new;, might soon be finished; comprises a basement storv," principal floor, chamber story, and attics; placed in a paddock of uncom- monly rich land, whieh is now. plsnting with shrubs and forest trees lin the disposal of which the taste of an eligible tenant would be consulted); adjoining to the paddock are- fwo gar- dens, one ol them walkd round, and a close of land, which may be rented or not,
at the option of the tenant For further information, and to treat for the same, applica- tion may be made to Air. Male, autioneer, Yeovil, or Mr. Dean, surveyor, Exeter, at whose office a plan of the house and grounds may be Seen.— Sept 30, 1808. . [ 13ori WILTS.— CORSHAM & LACOCK TURnpiKE TOLLS. tHERE being no Meeting on the 28th ult. for want of a sufficient number of Trustees attending,—• NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the Blue Vein Gate, situate on the road leading from Melkshaln to Bath, will be LETT by AUCTION, to' the best bidder, ae- cording to the conditions to be produced) at the
Red Lion Inn, at Lacock, on Wednesday the 9th day of November next, between the hours of eleven and on;; o'clock, for one Y ear, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th year of the rei.-' u of his present Majesty, King George the Third, " for regulating the Turnpike Roads ;" wheen Tolls were last lett for £' 490, and will be put up at that sum. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time give security, With sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees cf the said Turnpike Roads, for payment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall direct. The Trustees will, at their next
meetings to be held on the said 9th day of November, elect new Trustees in the room of such as are dead. JOHN MeREWETHER, Clerk and Treasurer. • CALNE, Oct. 6, 1808. [ 1846 TURNPIKE TOLLS TO BE LETT. nOTICe is hereby given, that the TOLLS r, rising IN at the several Toil Gates upon the Turnpike Road from the north gate of the city of Winchester, over Worthy Cow Down, through Whitchurch and oth- r places, to Newton R. ver, in the county of Southampton, will be LETT by AUCTION to the h st Bidder, at the house of James Blake, known by the name of the White Hart Inn, in the borough of Whitchurch, on the
17th day of November next, between ' the hours of eleven and two of the clock, in tile manner di- rected by the Act passed in the 13th year of the reitn of his Majesty King George the Third, " for regulating Turnpike Roads ;" which Tolls produced the last year the sev; rai suo-. s hereunder mentioned, above the expeaees of collecting the same, and will be put up at the respective sums, and in the lots following; viz. Lot 1 .'- Swan- lane Gate £ 206 2.— Whitchurch Gate 108 3.— Newtown Gate 136 Whoever happens to be the best bidder must, af the same time, g ve security, with sufficient sureties to the s.-. tisfaction of the
Trusters of the said Turnpike Road, for uijvment of the rent agreed for. and at such times as they shall direct. WILL MONCKTON, Clerk and Treasurer. WHITCHURCH, Oct. 13, 1808. [ 142- 2 UNDERWOOD AND TIMBER. FOR SALE by AUCTION, by Mr. LIMPUS, at the Dolphin Inn, Bishop's Waltham, on Tuesday the 2oth day of October, 1808, at three o'clock iu the afternoon, agreeable to conditions: Lot 1 consists of 4 acrts of Underwood in Saint Clear's, • 2} icr* s In Littleton Wood, and acre iri Cleverly Wood. Lot 2 consists of 27 Beech Trees and 3 Ash in, Down- lease Coppice, and 5 Beech and 5 Oak in Littleton Wood.
Lot 3 consists ct 70 Beech Trees, 4 Oak, and 7 Ash, in Saint Clear's. Lot 4 consists of 44 Beech Trees, 25 Oak, and 1 Ash, in Cleverly Wood, and 17 Beech and 1 Oak in Franklin Grounds. N. B. The Underwood end Timber etc now in growth, ah.'! standing on the estates belonging to H. P. Wyndham, Esq. near Corhampton and Exton, Hants. For viewing the respective l ets, apply to Mr. John Bunday, the woodman. [ 1347 FARMING STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Sc. At New Farm, near Totton, WILL be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. ALLEN, on Thursday the 27th instant, on the Premises,— Tb.- LIVE and DEAD STOCK,
HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE, Sc. Sc. the property of Mr. ISAAC PEnford, at New Farm. The Farming Stock comprizes four dralt horses, two cart colts three years old, mare and col. t two years old, mare and foal, and . five other horses ; twenty- six cows, two bulls, three heifers, six hogs, sow, and eleven shuts; two waggons, two dung carts, light market, cart with harness, harrows, drags, plough's, rollers, trac. and thill harness, a rick of exceeding good meadow hay ( about 30 tons), about 25 loads of thrasjhod wheat, and about 120 quarters ot oats. The Household Furniture consists of bedsteads with furni- ture, beds, tables,
chairs, quantity of pewter, dairy and brew- ing utensils, 100 gallon copper, and a variety of other useful articles well Worth attention. '[ 1410 Sale at Ten o'Clock. Manor and Freehold Estate, Christchurch, Hants. . rpo be SOLD by AUCTION,, by Messrs. Hog- gART and PHILLIPS ( suceissors to Mr. Smith), at the George Inn, Southampton, on Thursday the 37th instant, it twelve o'clock, in Lots, A most valuable and desirable FREEHOLD' ESTATE, adjoining the town of Christchurch ; comprising about sixty acres of'land, in various situations, . and particularly eligible for building, near the fine bathing coast of Muddeford. The land
will be divid< d into lots, so as to merit the attention of the speculator in building. Also the valuable MANOR of SOMeRFORD,' extending over large commons, and a great tract of country as far as to the New Forest, with the fines, quit rents, and fines on lives, producing about 100/. per annum. Particulars may be had fen days previous to the sale, by ap- plying to Messrs. Debary and Derby, 1, Tanfield- court, Tem- ple ; Mr. Ludlow, Christchurch, Hants ; at the George and Dolphins Inns, Southampton ; Crown, Ringwood ; White Hart, Bath: Angel, Lymington ; Fountain, West Cowes, Isle of Wight; and of Messrs. Hoggart and
Phillips, 62, Broad- street, Royal Exchange, London. [ 1400 T WEyMOUtH. - . ' 0 be^ SOLD by AUCTION, by t. tinDAll., ...... , >/ v * . . i e/. i i, £ L on Wednesday the sd day of November, 1808, at fie .. ing's Head- Inn,— All that truly desirable and conveni. tit WAREHOUSE and CORN- LOFTS, situate on the Wuay/ iit Melcombe- Regis; extending from east to West 40 feet, ar. d- from north to south 63 feet, with a convenient cOunting- house and sitting- room ; now in the occupation of Messrs. li. ;. r.( l J. Henning, corn- mefchants, who are about to decline busi- ness.— The above premise have been built about six vtais ; the lofts
are spacious, airy, and convenient for receiving una-" delivering goods, having , i good draught ot Water alongside. For viewing the same, and further particulars, apply'td Messrs. E. end J. Henning, or to T. Tindall; broker, Wey- mouth.— The sale to begin at four o'clock in the afternoon. SOMERSET. TO be SOLD " by AUCTION, at the George Inn, A in Frome Selwood, on Wednesday the 26th of October, 1808, at four o'clock in the afternoon, under such a miir. cn* as will lie then and there produced,— A very Valuable Tythe- Free ESTATE, situate in the parish of Witham Friary, in the county of Somerset, ctlh. it the Manor, or
Reputed Manor, and Farm of NEW HITChiNGS; comprising a sub- stantial, well- built, and handsome farm- house, in complete repair, connected with suitable and convenient stables, ban s, and offices, with a good garden and orchard adjoining the house, and about 112 acres of meadow, pasture, ahd arable land, including a wood of about four acres, all within a ring fence. A stream of water continually flows through the farm, which may be advantageously applied to hngat. cn, or for driving a mill. New Hitchings is distant 7 miles from Frome, 4 from Mai- den Bradley, 7 from Wincanton. 5 from bruton, 7 front Shepton, 10 from
Warminster, and within a short distance of the line of intended new turnpike road from Bruton to Fr. me; The estate commands tine views ; the surrendering country is remarkably plea's nit, and contains a great quantity of game. To be viewed byapp yii'g to William Corp, Witham Friary, or Mr. Giles Cox. North Brewham : and « . » r furtf. ir piriieii- lars apply , it' by letter, post paid) to Mr. Wickham, - oli- itor; or Messrs. Crocket and Sons, land- surveyors, frome, where a plan of the estate may br seen. ' [ 132- 2 A Capital Freehold Estate, Manor, and Advowson, ut GLOUCESTERSHIRE. T O be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. Skin-
Ner, DYKE, TUCHIN, and FoRReST, on Tuesday the 15th of November, at u o'clock, at Garraway's Coffee- house, C bine,.-- alley,. Comhill, London; in ore lot, A capital FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tythe- free, an ! the Land- tax re- deemed, desirably situate at Hawling;, within 9 m l- s of Chel-. teiilr- im, anil s of Northleach, 9 of Stow on the Wold, and lj cf the city of Gloucester; comprising ill, Manor of Hew- ling, with its rights and royalties, a commodious m, i* or- house, wi. th offices, and demesne lands, eorita i. n e; about 1420 acres, divided into eligible firms,' with suitabi! f. ihn- houses, b. nns, stabling, beast stalls, ant other out »
uildings, now in the occupation ol Messrs. Ruck, Cook, uml Lodge, on leases which expire at Lady- day 1 sro; about uis :, cr { of Wood Land, and Plantations in hand ; also- 131 i. i r s of 1 jtnd, lett on leases and copies of court- roll for lives, a co si- h f'd lo part depending oil very old <! » •;, » Ijves, tog ( her w : li th A vowson of the Rectory and the wr. oie township or vi', 1:.. e of Hawling. The Estate forms a most valuable property, is c;-;.-:! 1 if great, improvement, and w ! 1 worthy the att. nti'< n 11 gentle- men wishing to realize in Gloucestershire. To he viewed by applying to the principal tenants, and printed particulars may be
had at the Manor- house s x weei s preceding the. sale ; also at the King's Head, Northleach ; Unicorn, Stow; Plough, Cheltenham; of Mr. Walker, prin- • ter, Gloucester^ Mr. Langdon, printer, She. Tb ine;' iVr. Cruttwell, priiiier, Bath; Messrs. Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, printers Salisbury ;' Messrs. Dawson. print rs, Ox- ford ; Messrs. Wells and Gwinnett, Cheltenham ; Charles Wade, Esq. Pucknall, near Romsey, Units, w h. re a plan maybe seen; and of Messrs: Skinner Dyke. Tuchin, and Forrest, Aldersgate- street, London, where'a | lan may also be seen. To Upholsterers, Cabinet Makers, and others. WINCHESTER. TO be
SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, on Thursday the loth of November 18n8, aud following day, at eleven o'clock,— All the remaining Part of the STOCK in TRADE; a capital large. Wainscot Counter, with 27 drawls in one side, anil 4 large ditto for blankets in the other; Shop Fixtures, and Effects belonging to Mr. MANT, Auctioneer, Sc. quitting the manufacturing part of his con- cern in the High- Street, Winchester:— Comprising an assort- ment of seasoned MAHOGANY, particularly some fine table wood ; a great variety of VENEERS, some' ot them of very • superior quality.; thick mock Turkey. Brussels, Venetian, and
Kidderminster carpetting; floor cloths anil matting; four- post and tent bedsteads, with printed cotton hangings; prime goose feather beds and mattresses, excellent swing slassess with best plates, paper hangings, counterpanes, and hearth noes; cotton, morine, and check furnitures; strong; portable desk fitted up complete fftr travelling, tea chests and endt'k '. luir seining antl window blind canvas, sideboard and other tables, modern ja- panned chairs', large copper scales and weights, cast iron stove and pipe, glue, picture frame mouldings, troves, lace, lines, and t ' ssels; work benches, iron, cramps and vices, pit saws arte
screws ; with a general assortment of cabinet tools, Sc. Sc. To be viewed two days preceding the sale, when Catalogues may be had on the premises. Mr; M. most respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he is g i- rg to remove ro a Dwelling- House near t'l George Inn, where he humbly solicits a ontii u nice of th kind patronage and support in the Auction and Appraisir. Businesses, which he has so liberally exo neoced for upward' of tw- it-.' years past, and of which he shall always r. ain grateful remembrance. [ 139o CORN WALL.— FREEHOLD ESTATES. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in Lots, at the King's Arms,
Bodmin, on Monday t > t and Tues^ day ihe « 2J days of November, and at the King's Arms, Ca- melford, on ' Friday ib, 25th and S tin '. v t". e « ' t', ; vs of November next,— Sundry valuable FREEHOLD eSTateS, situate in the several parishes of Helland, St. Mabyn, Egles- hayle, Bodmin, Blisland, Symonward. Temple , Cardenham, Roach, St. Wenn, St. Erval, and St. Eval.— Davidstow, Ot- terham, St. Juliot, St. G mis, Tremaine, and St. Thomas, near Launceston ; the whole containing upwards ot 4500 acres, of which part arc at will and part held upon bases for lives. Descriptive particulars will be ready for delivery about the
' iih of October instant, and may be had at the King's Arms, Plymouth; the Fountain, Plymouth Dock; London Inn, ivy Bridge; the White Hart, launceston; the Talbot, Lost- withiel; the New Inn, Callington ; the King's Head, Truro j the King's Arms, Liskeard; the Red Lion, St. Columb; the Tree Inn, Stratton ; the Hull Drunkard Inn, Davidstow; at the places ol sale ; of Messrs. Strong, Still, and Strong, Lin- coln's- inn ; of Mr. Childs, Liskeard; and of Mr. Wright, surveyor, 10, Charles-. street, St. James's- square, London. ' Harewood, in Cornwall, on the borders ef Devon. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, early in the ensuing Year ( if not
sooner dispose 1 of. by private contract;, together, or in such 1 t- i as' may suit the convenience of pur- cha- ers, vvifh immediate possession,— The FREehoLD and iNHEriTANCE in the MANSION- HOUSE and DE- MESNE LANDS- of HArEWOOD, situated in the parish of Calstock, upon, and almost surrounded by, the navigable river Tamar', by which there is a ready intercourse with Dock ami Plymouth, distant from Plymouth 14 miles, Callington and Tavistock 6, and Exeter 35 ; consisting of a spacious mo- dern. stone- built Mansion, with offices^ vie. le. I i - ' ens, and '> ;.:') acres of lawn, paddock, orchard, meadow, arable,
wood, a id exceedin- ly rich grazing Land, together with an extensive Common- right. d* A considerable part of the purchase money may remain, secure 1 on the premises. Printed particulars will be ready for delivery early in Octo- ber, at Harewood- House; Mr. Christie's, in the'Pall- Mall, and Mr. Fairbank's, Ely- place, London; et the office of ' Messrs. Eales and James. solicitors, and " jr. Dean, surveyor, Exeter where maps ot the estate may he seen), either ot whom w ill treat f. r toe sale "' the premises by private coif- tract, together or in.; ' reels. Printed particulars may also be had ter ti'. e Inn- in Exeter, Plymouth, Deck, anil
I'am -" b ; and at all the pr- neip-. l Ini# on the gr at western roa Is. [ 1- 22.1 T DeVON AND CORNWALL. Freehold Mc. wrs, Land, and Tithe. O be SOLD by AUCTION, cnrlv in the ensuin? Year,— The MANORS and LORDSHIPS, or Reputed Manors and Lordships, hereinafter mentioned, that is to say) ARNOLD and west AnSTEy, in the parish'S if george Nympton and West Anstey, neat Southampton ; BraDwell, in the parish of west Down, near Barnstaple ; AlforDis- woRTHy and eaST BuCkISH, in the parish of Woolfardis- worthy, near Great Torrinigton ; WElCOMBE, and the Great Tithe impropriate of the p iri sb, arid
Advowsoh of the vicarage, of Welcomce, near Hartland; all in the county of Devon. The borough of MilbrooK, and manor of INSWOrk, in tiic parish of Maker, near Plymouth- Dock. The manors of trEVALLArD, in t ie parish- of St. Ste- phen and St. John's, near Saltash ; of TrehimbRIS, in the; parish of Gluvias, and borough ot Penryn; of TreworvALL and TREVIAdes, in tlie parish . of Constenton, otherw. se Con- stentine, near Falmouth, with the Great Tithe impropriate of ths parish of Mabe; of GAVRIGAN, in the parishes of St. Eval, St. Columb, and St. Breock, near Wadebridge ; of BOD- min, in the parish and borough of
Bodmin ; of NethacOTT, MARHAMChurch, MoorwiNSTOW, DeaNsTUrSDON , Tre- ThEVEy, and On> folirth I'utt . if doNeCKNEy.- III the several parishes of Lancells, Marhamchurch, Whitstone, Treneglos, Tintagel, Moorwinstow, and Week St. Mary, ( between launceston, Camelford, Stratton, and Holdsworthy;, and the Great Tithe impropriate of the parish of Moorwinstow aforesaid, all in the county of Cornwall. And several capital' MESSUAGES, FARMS, LANDS, and. TENMMENTS, ir, the several parishes of Crediton, Sho- brooke, Morchard Bishop, and Thorverton, Holdsworthy, Ashwater. Inwardleigh, Jacobstow,
Hatherleigh, Ashi.- i.; ne'y, Bideford, Buckland Brewer, and Dolton, all in the county of Devon ; also several Houses in Plymouth ; one House in beer Alston ; five Tenements in Crafthole, near Plymouth- Dock ; a Close of Land, called Clarrick Wood, of Un acres and up- ward;, in. the parish of Maker, opposite his Majesty's dotk- yard, intersecting the beautiful grounds of Mount Edgecombe, finely situated fier tifeilding; also a most imermul l - Tra.- t of * Land, of 100 acres and upwards, in the parish of Caistock, Cellars, and VVha on the river Tamar, with the tin Lime Kilns belonging thereto. Printed particulars of each day's sale, will
'- e ready for dc- liv ly two months before thes.. l?>, at the folloy-' i1: i: Iocs: George, Southmolten ; Fortescue Arms, Barnstaple; Globe, Torrington ; the Inn, at Hartland; Tree Statton. ; White hart. holdsworthy ; George; hatherleigh; Angel, Crediton ; king's Arms, Plymouth- Dock ; Green Dragon saltash ; Sa- racen's. Head, Penryn ; King's Arms Bodmin; ' 1 ' I et ki rB raway's Coffee- house, london: at which places the several f f ( sales will 1: 1 !, and where p i- the printed part'col rs, may ir. Seymour, Margaret- street Mr. Mallett, Berry, n ar H th callington,; Mr Smith, solicit' dean, surveyor, Exeter. -. ns of the ist- It- s, re be s.- en ;
also at ti." < , Cavendish- square, rleini ; Mr. Midlett, ; r, Plymouth- Dock; err d to fii sofl , - I n; [ 12.3 ' reus
ANt) GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS; DORSET, AND SOMERSET. Friday's and Saturday's Posts. < N FOREIGN N E W S. MADRID, October 1. GENeRAL Castanos is appointed Commander « in Chief of till! armies of Andalusia, Castile, Va- knew, and Estremadura. These troops compose the central army— the effective numbers of which are as Andalusia . .- 25,000 troops of the line Valencia 16,000") Castile 13,000 > mostly peasantry Estremadura 12,000 J ' Total - 55,000 , r , ., ) f the army of Andalusia, one divi ion is still kt Madrid, mil- one at Ocana. Orders were sent this day to the army *, Estremadura to
begin its march to Burjo dal Osma. The Marquis de Romana is appointed to the command of the northern army, at present under General Blake, hv preaent strength' of this army, exclusive ot the Mar- quis de Romana's corps, is >, 000 men, of which more than half are troops of the line. When the army ot the Marquis shall have arrived, there will be 40,000, two- jU'mls of the line, to which may be added 10,000 Asturians. i— The army of Arragon will continue to be commanded by General Palafox. A military Junta, composed of seven Generals, nas been established bv order of the Government.— general Castanos i the
President, but this will not prevent Ins taking the ( eld forthwith. 1 General Blake's army at present occupies Trias. His ap- pearance in that quarter has alarmed the French, who have abandoned Milagro, Peratta, and the other small posts they occupied on the left bank of the Ebro. They have directed their march towards Vittoria, pmbably with the i te- itfon of bringing Blake to an action, but the country favours him much, being extremely mountainous. i LONDON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21. It is reported in the Ministerial circles, that Parlia- ment will meet fur the dispatch of business on the 10th « f January next. Government have
received accounts from General Leith, who is with the army of General Blake.— They are I'ate-. l the- i'dio taut; and, we understand that, up to that tine, there had been no action between the Patriots and tie I'r. nih; nor had the latter shewn any disposition to bring on a general engagement. A few Spanish papers have also arrived, the contents of which are rather interesting. An article from Madrid presents a promising aspect to tie afSiirs of the Patriots. It also explains the business between Generals Cuesta and Valdes, and in a maimer by no in. aiis favourable to Cuesta, who is called upon to a i nyer for his conduct, is also
superseded in his command, and the brave Castanos is appointed his successor. The arrival of the Marquis de Romana's army and the expedition » u; Utr Sir David Baird, has given the Spaniards a supe- riority of veteran troops over those of the enemy in the North of Spain. The Marquis de Romana is to be ap- pointed Commander in Chief of the Patriotic army there. It appears from the Portuguese papers, that the Government of that country have r sued an order, that all persons iu possession of the horses taken from the spanish troops by the French should deliver them at the British head quarters, where they would receive
the sum they bad paid for th m. In consequence of this measure, most of the horses have been recovered, and the Spanish cavalry re- mounted. Boston papers to the 14th ult. - were received yes- terday. They contain the President's Answer- to the Address of the inhabitants of Boston, against, the embargo, lie admits the inconveniencies that have been brought on the country by the embargo, and as erts that no - person vievs them with more concern than himself; but he argues tint the co duet of the belligerent powers of Europe had render.- i it ab- oiutely neee- sary, and sjiys that were it politic now to repeal it, the power of so
doing is not vested in h m. lie declines, however, to summon Con- gress, as requested by the Boston people, " because the legal period of its meeting is as early as, in that extensive ( taiitry, it could he fully convened by a special call." Xh » recent events in Spain have very much increased the indignation which prevails in America against the embargo, and it seems to be a general opinion, that unless tint measure is repealed at the meeting of Congress, in November, the consequences will be most serious. The various parties are making the utmost exertions to tela a majority of votes for their favourite Candidate, at the next
election for the Presidency* The Federalists hope to be able to elect Mr. C. Pinckney or Mr. Clinton. Sir John Moore is appointed Commander in Chief of the British force; destined for Spain. Sir Arthur Wel- lesley, it is said, will be second in command. Lieutenant- General Sir David Baird, with his division, which lately tailed from Falmouth,- is ordered direct to the northern « east of Spain, also to act vr/. h Sir John Moore's force from Lisbon', which, when united with this division, will make the total of the infantry nearly 40,000 men ; a body • tf light cavalry, amounting to 6000, under Lord Paget, ii al- o ordered to act with them. The
late revolution at Constantinople has prevented Mr. Adair from proceeding to that capital. He was at si i! ta on the atli -. It. expecting to be immediately recalled. Letters from Rio Janeiro, dated the 3r) of August, state, tiiat Sir Sid. Smith was preparing an Expedition, the military part of which consisted of 2000 English and 3000 Portuguese troops, and the destination of which was kept a prnfee. nd seer: t. Trade was then very dull at. the Brrzils, the markets being overstocked. Tha Lightning bomb, v. i It lie.- e > nvov, arrived at Rio Janeiro on the 2- d of July. The Streatham Indiaman, which put in there to repair her u mage, sailed
for India oil the illst of July. SIR ARTHUR WeLLEsleY's DEFENCE— This General has circulated among a few select friends a statem- nt, authen- ticated by his own signature, detailing the late Campaign in ' Portugal. ile assumes the motto of Suum cuique and solemnly repeats the declaration, so frequently nude by his friend , that he had no participation whatever, directly or indi- rectly, inthtj Councils which led to the late Convention. After the battle of Vimiera had crowned our brave ir- jops willy victory, Sir Arthur suggested to those ent to til ilie command, that it would be highly judicious to I e .- Up i advanced position with the
whole British army * f-;> nd ha accordingly' pointed out the most eligible locality f. ir flat purpose. This sugge- tinn was not, acted upon, sin.!, ill three hours, the French troops, with a rapidity of m • vcuient peculiar to themselves had - eupied the point i- i question !— The de n s iption given of this position atates it to have been of such a commanding natuie, that an ad- v . e. e on, - attack could have been made from it at any- time upon the French army. .. On the - object of Sir Arthur's signature appearing to the original Convention, he remarks that he was ordered t. subscribe his name by his superiors in command, and that hi
refusal would have been a breach of the articles of war. The disinclination en the part of his superiors to follow up his suggestions, ocaited apomheniionf. in Sir Arthur Wellesley's mind for the fare of the contest. lTpon Ci • sic- atuif of the B till to vi asion of the Convention h.- iogpresented to him for sotetii. i'v protested a- aimr it, in the ricine army, which he had a few hours before lt d •; he now iepe. it." V. is protest fo his friend;, cm! bchlly challenges his enem. s » to prove his assent or ruii - ijiation in the terms granted to Junot. The terms of liy; Convention, however, in his opinion, do - iot eem to warraiil. tin: aniiaadversious so
copiously l.-:-' t -,/ ed tip. in it by tie- public feeling. He ascribes to pal tv - pirit the abu.- ie hestov. ed upon those who signed it, and upon him- elf iu. particular. In reply to what has been advanced against setting Junot and his army at liberty to march against Spain, Sir Arthur observes, that we hail, at '. he same instant, a much more numerous AND better ap- pointed army s.. t at liberty ready to act, in Spain at a moment's notice, and without having to watch aver a nu- ous body of prisoners of war in Portugal. He justifies the terms granted to Junot with respect to landing his • iron;'- in fiance, upon the principle of magnanimity,
and vail- in the law of nations in support of his arguments. He proceeds to state, that .' 18,000 men, v. it's a well- apoumted battering train, would have been requisite to hive bombarded Lisbon vvitli success, and that the army • ' employed would have lost twice a> many men as the Ik • - ed, he ides the massacre to which the inhabitants v., eld have been exposed. Letters were this morning received at the India- House from Captains Simpson and Norman, of the Union and Devaynes outward- bound, advising the arrival nf those ships at Madeira on, the 28th of September, with the Hect under convoy of his Majesty's ship
Revenge ; ail well, atld were expected to sail from thence the 3d instant, Mr. Montague Burgoyne, of Mark Hall, Essex, has made a tender lo Government to raise, at his own exper. ee, a Regiment of Cavalry, to serve in Spain or Portugal. A Quarterly Assembly was held in Dublin on the 14th, when an Address was moved to his Majesty, on the Convention of Cintra. While, however, the Common Council were discussing the merits of the motion before them, another Address, worded in somewhat a different manner, was sent dotvn from the Board of Aldermen. It expressed the Sorrow of the city of Dublin at. the disgrace- ful
term; obtained from the British Commander by the Duke d'Abrantes, and hoped that his Majesty would insti- tute an enquiry into the causes Which led to that fatal measure.— The Address was voted as sent down from the Court of Aldermen. WESTMINSTER MEETING.—- A considerable number of the inhabitants of Westminster assembled yesterday in West- minster Hall.— The High Bailiff read the requisition vvbieh had occasioned his calling the meeting ; after ' which Mr. Wishart, one of the Gentlemen who had signed the requi- sition, briefly recounted the leading circumstances of the lata campaign in Portugal, severely
condemned the Conduct of sir Hew Dalrymple, in concluding the Convention of Cintra, and moved a nring of resolutions, purporting that, thereby the hopes of the nation had been disappointed, and that an enquiry into the causes of this event was necessary. The resolutions Vving beeti read by Mr. clarksOn, A Mr. Finnerty addressed the meeting, expressing his opinion that tin: resolutions were defective in two points : they did not convey, iu terms sufficiently ardent, the feelings of an insulted nation, and the remedy th y proposed was inade- quate to the evil complained of. They proposed such an enquiry as to Mi s - let . should
seem meet; from the present Ministry a fair enquiry could not be expected : the only chance of a till! investigation was from Parliament. A Court of Enquiry or a Court Martial could only meet the military offenders, but Parliament might drag to light those who had appointed incompetent Officers to the com- mand, and who. ought to be responsible for stick appoint- ments. He censured Ministers for the insult which lit: - aid had been offered to the Citizens of London, in the answer to their Address— compared some of the Corpora- tion with bis Majesty's Cabinet Ministers, with the pro- fessed intention of shewing that the former,
possessed as much talent as the latter,— expressed his regret that private friendship should have occasioned Sir Francis Burdett to neglect his public duty ( Sir'F. did not attend the meeting on account of Mr. horne Tooke's illness),— highly praised Mr. Sheridan, who stood close to him,— and ; it length, reverting to the contest in which the Spanish patriots are engaged, observed that they had cotnm meed it. hv getting rid of their domestic foeB. He here applied some ' coar e epithet's to the poor old deposed King, which occasioned so great a clamour that he coui. l not. proceed farther.— Some additional resolutions, which he
proposed, were therefore read by Mr. Clarkson. These it solu ions asserted that the principal cause of the Convention was the present system uf military promotion, by which rank and Influence were preferred to military experience; thai, this arose out of the defective state of our representation ; and that nothing but a| parliamentary reform could remedy these complicated evils. Mr. Sheridan severely censured the answer given to the Address of the Citizens of London, and objected to the ad- ditional resolutions, as the subject of parliamentary reform ioultl not properly bs discussed at this meeting. After several other Gentlemen
had spoken, the reso- lutions proposed by Mr. Wishart were agreed to; the others were rejected.—- An Address to his Majesty, founded on the resolutions adopted, was then read and unanimously agreed to ; and it ivas further resolved that the High Bailiff, Sir Franc's Burdett, and . Mr. Sheridan, should be requested to present the same. On Saturday a considerable degree of alarm was ex- cited in Leith, in consequence of advices from Dunbar that, the Cygnet sloop of war, Capt. Dix, had been taken suddenly in a violent gale, between Redeastle and St. Abbe's Head, ill which she had been obliged to cut away her masts, and
was in danger of being driven oil shore. Ad- miral Vashon dispatched the Spitfire sloop of- war and a gun- brig lo her assistance ; and the life- boat, with a number of Newhaven fishermen, who volunteered their services to man her, accompanied by several naval officers, were sent off iu the naval store house waggon, drawn by ten horses. The ship was happily in safety before this a - islanee ar- rived. The latent accounts mention the Cygnet being seen in tow of the Spitfire, steering for Leith Roads. On Wednesday evening,. as Captain Harford, of ( he Chanticleer sloop of war, who had been on shore at North Yarmouth, was
proceeding to his ship in the gig, a squall came on, in which the boat upset, and Captain Harford, a midshipman, and tvvo seamen were unfortunately drowned' The master by his repeated cries was heard, and saved bv • a boat which put off from the beach, the crew of which followed the souiid, and too1', him off the bottom of the'gig.. He reports that the Captain had not been washed off many minutes before the boat reached him. One man has been found dead in Wales, and another near Whitby, both of whom perished by the severity of the weather, iu the night of Saturday se'miigbt. Among the dreadful calamities
occasioned by the late storm, a Dublin packet has been towed into llfracombe, the crew having been washed overboard. A mournful instance of mortality occurred last week in the family of Mr. Christ. Heaps, jun. of Leed .— Three of his children, a girl and two boys, were successively attacked with a degree of fever, accompanied with an ulcerated sore throat, ( a complaint very prevalent, at pre- ent among children) which was succeeded in all of them by that alarm- ing complaint the croup, and terminated fatally to the first on Friday, the second on . Monday, and the third on Tues- day last. FRAUDULENT NOTES. The notes of
the pretended Ipswich and Southampton Banks continue to be offered iu payment, to the shopkeepers in and about the metropolis. A woman vvas on Wednesday examined at. Bow- street, on a charge of having obtained change for. one of the pretended Southampton 5/. notes, from a shopkeeper at Deptford, of whom she had purchased a 4- s. shawl ; and another shop- keeper who had been defrauded by a similar note f" r 2/. deposing that the woman had a few minutes before tendered him the same note, that, he had told her it was a bad one, anil cautioned her against attempting to pass it., Mr. Read, the magistrate, was
clearly of opinion that this proved the intention of fraud, ami committed the prisoner to take her trial at the quarter sessions for the county of Kent. EXTRAORDINARY LONGEVITY.— Lately died, in the village of Aberfeldie, Perthshire, John Stewart, commonly known by the name of Colonel John Stewart, at the very advanced age of 111 years. The history of this man is not- a little remarkable. At the age of 13 lie joined the Pretender's banners, and was present at the battle of Sheriff Muir, near Stirling, as a young piper. In the year 1745, he again took up arms in support of the pretensions of the House of Stewart, and was
present in the same capacity, in ijte battles of Falkirk, Preston Pans, and Culloden, in vviiieh last ho re .- eived a severe wound in the thigh, in coi. •-. seuee of which he vvas so lame, that he made use of crutches ever after. Ho was married to eight wives, by each of whom, except the la it, he had several children. The number of his offspring now alive is calculated to he more than 200. he was by trade a tinker, and was remarkably famous for making Highland dirks and snuff mulls. He retained to the last the full possession of his mental faculties, and walked to church, which is at the distance ot a mile and a half from his house,
the Sunday before his death. The 1 tte Sir William Forbes, of Edinburgh, generously allowed him, for many years back, 10/. per annum. It is believed that his death was more owing to excess in drinking whiskey, of which beverage he was always rather fond, than to any natural decay. BALINASLOE, ( Ireland) Oct. — The annual Mart for Sheep and Cattle closed here liiis day. It drew together as usual all the distinguished Agriculturists and Grazi - rs .. 1' this kingdom ; near 150 Members sitting down each d iy to dinner in the great room of the fanning society. In the absence of th ir President, the Right Hon. John Foster, the Chair
was ably filled by Owen Wynne, Esq. All the stock vt as bought eagerly at foil 15 per cent adv anea on last year's prices for sheep, and 20 per cent, on beasts. The numbers sold were— sheep1,1 " 4, beasts 76' t) l. CORN EXCHANGE, Oct. 21. Sales of Wheat are effected at a small increase in price. Barley and Maltsupport their last prim's. White Peas likewise. Old Beans of each kir. d ale dearer. Oats are as' dear as ott Wednesday, Flour. ^ before. ' BIRTHS.] Oil the 12th irtst. at Kellie, Scotland, the Lady of the Hon. Major Ramsay of a son.— On Sunday, Lady Elizabeth Loftus, wife of Major- General Loftus, of a daughter.—
On Wednesday, in Devonshire- street, the Lady of Lieut. Col. Rosss 23d light dragoons, of a daugh- ter.— On Wednesday se'nnight, Mary livers, wife of Geo. EVers, of Hunslet, near Leeds, of three fine boys, who have been baptized by the names of Abraham, lsaac, and Jacob, and, with their mother, are likely to live. MARRIED.] On Friday, at Parham, in Sussex, the Hon. Robert Curzon, sou of Viscount Curzon, and M. 1'. for Clithero, to Miss Bisshopp, daughter of Sir Cecil Bisshopp, Bart.— On Saturday, at Bath, the Rev. Arch- deacon Phillott, to Lady A. St. Lawrence, sister of the Earl of Howth.— On the l:! th inst. Major
Abernethie, of the Royal Marine Artillery, to Mrs. Woollett, of Bramp- ton, in Kent.— Same day, J. K. Douglas, Esq. second son uf Brigadier Gen. Douglas, of this Royal Artillery, to Miss Willan, eldest daughter of Tho. Willian, Esq. of Wilkin's Farm, Murybone.— On the 14th instant, at Gilsbrough, in York- hire, Majot Lloyd, of the 66th regiment, to Miss Emma Hale, ninth daughter of the late General Hale, of the Plantation.— On Tuesday se'nnight, Lieut. Matterface, of the royal Navy, to Miss Litton, of Dawlish, Devon.— On Wednesday se'nnight, at Bolsover, George Grant, Esq. « f Waltham Place, near White Waltham, Berks, to
Miss Frances Stanley Allen, daughter of the late James Hum- berstone Allen, Gent. DIED.] On Saturday evening, after a lingering and painful illness, most tenderly beloved and lamented by all who knew her, MARIANNE wife of the Right Hon. General Henry Edward Fox, and sister of Sir William Clayton, Bart.— Lately, at Madeira, Lord Claude Hamilton, second sou of the Marquis of Abercorn. On the i3th'inst. at Westham, Essex, Dr. James Anderson, well known for his numerous publications on Agriculture, Political CEeo- nomy, and other subjects of general interest.—- On Friday, at Clifton, Mrs. Rochford, wife of John
Staunton Roch- ford, Esq. and third daughter of Sir Horace Mann, Bart. On SatUrday, in Mildred's- court, in the Poultry, Wil- liam Storrs Fry, banker: he was one of the society called Quakers.— Same day, in hans- place, Mrs. Cowell, wife of Lieut.- Colonel Cowell, late of the 1st battalion of Royals. — On Monday, at Exeter, Lieut, Henry Rice, of the Royal navy. PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, October 20, 1809. N Thursday the 27lh instant, I shall In ready to receioe Tenders in writing ( sealed up), and treat for the undermentioned Articles for tie Service of this 1' url, lo be delivered in one Month, ichith wiil be pautfor by
Bills pay- able. with Interest ;. o days after dale, viz. ENGLISH WHEAT, 300 Quarters, to Weigh 57 lbs. per Bushel, and in case it should weigh aloee - u lbs. per Bushel, the over- weight will be paid for. CLOSE- DRIED AMBER MALT, 1,000 Quarters, answerable to a sample that will be produced at the time of contract. BiSKeT, 4,000 Bags, to be manufactured from good whole Meat. No. regard will be had to any Tender, in which the price shall, not be instrted in words at length, or that shall not be delivered before twelve o'clock on the said 27th instant, nor unless the prisons who make the same, or some person on their
behalf, attend to answer thereto when railed tor. WM. REEKS. N. B.— The Conditions of the Contracts may be seen at my Office. , T35 MERE INCLOSURE. WE whose names are hereunto subscribed, Com- missioners appointed by virtue of an Act of Parlia- ment passed in the 47th year of the reign of his present Ma- jesty, " intituled " An Act for Inclosing Lands in the parish of Mere, in the county of Wilts," do hereby give Notice, that we have set out and appointed, through and oyer the Lands and Grounds intended by the said Act to be divided, allotted, and inclosed, - the undermentioned PUBLIC CARRIAGE- ROADS AND
HIGHWAYS. No. 1.— Thirty feet wide, leading from Woolverton, over Grout- hill Common- field, to the turnpike- road from Mere to Wincanton. No 2.— Thirty feet wide, leading from Woolverton aforesaid over the Ark- common, nearly in its present track, to its usual entrance into the parish of Gillingham at Hoskins's- corner. No. » .— Thirty leer wide, branching out of the said ttvn- pike- road near Dead Maid- pond and extending to Wood- lane, and from thence, over Mapledore- common, to its usual en- trance into the parish of Gillingham at the old bound- stone there. No. 4.— Thirty feet wide, branching out of No. 0, near
Roper's- lane, and extending over Mapledore- common to the termination of No, 3 at Hoskins's- corner. No. S.— Of various breadths ( no part thereof being less than, 30 feet wide , branching out of No. 6, near. Clement's- eate, and extending over Rook- street- common, between Wood- land and White- hill Farms, and by Swain's- ford to Maple- d re- Common aforesaid, and over the east end of the said last mentioned common to its usual entrance into the parish of Gillingham. No. o.—•' o feet wide, leading from Mere towards Shaftes- bury, beginning at Clement's- gate aforesaid and extending, in its present track, over
Whitemarsh and Whitehill- com mons t.> its usual entrance into the parish of Gillingham near Hazlehold- close. No. 7.— Thirty feet wide, branching out of No. 5, near Hinks's Mill, and extending, by Hink-' s Mill- lane, over Whit: hill- common to the north- end of Wet- lane, and from the south end of the same lane over the north side of Lye Marsh- common to Slob- lane, anil therefrom over Ridge- common to No. 8 at Slop- lane. No. s.— Thirty feet wide, leading from Westhill- lane, in West Knoyle, over Barrow- street and Ridge- commons, by Slop- lane, and Over part of Bush- hayes- eommon to the end of No. .0, and thence
south- eastward to a gate at its present entrance into the parish of Gillingham. No. .9.— Thirty teet wide, branching Out of No. 8, on Bush- hayes- common, and extending, nearly in its present trade, over the same common, Knowle- strait and Knowle- common to its usual entrance into the parish of West Knoyle. No. 10.— Thirty fees wide, branching out of No. ,0, at the north- west corner of an old inclosure, called Ten Acres, be- 1 n.: inn' to the Lord of the Manor, and extending along the south side of Knowle- common to its present entrance into ' the parish of West Knoyle. No. 11.— Thirty feet wide, beginning at the north- west
corner of Littlemarsh- common and extending over the west side thereof and over Limper's- hill- common to No. 6, in Whitehill- common. No. 1.!.— Thirty feet wide, beginning at the sbuth- west corner of an Old inclosure, called Ashwell- paddock, and ex- tending over the east end of Burton- field to the turnpike- road. No. 13.— ThirtV feet wide, branching out of No. fi, near Cffement's- gate, and extending over the north and north- east sides of Wbitemarjh- common to the west- end of an ancient lane leading .. to Limper's- hill. No. 14.— Thirty feet wide, branching out of the turnpike- road, opposite Burton- field, and extending, in
its usual tri ck, over the common arable fields to Mere- down- farm, and thence to its usual entrance into the parish of Kingston De- verille, leveling towards Warminster. No. 15.— Fifty feet wide, leading from Stourhead towards Hindon, and extending from Norton- farm- down, in its pre- sent track, over Mere- tenantry- down to its present entrance on Mere- down- farm, thence over Burton- down to its present entrance on Chaddemirck- farm- down. No. 1C.— Thirty feet wide, leading from the north end cf High- street- lane, in or near its present track, over part of West- field and Zeal's- pits- common to White- cross. Which
several Roads We the said Commissioners have re- spectively ascertained and - marked- by stakes driven into the ground, and have prepared and signed a Map wherein such Roads are laid down and described, and deposited thesame at the Office' of' Messrs. Messiter, Wincanton, Clerks to the said Inclosim', where the same may be inspected by all per- sons concerned. And we do further give Notice, that we have appointed Saturday - the - 29th day of October next ( during our next Meeting), at the Ship Inn, in Mere aforesaid, for the purpose of receiving any' objection that may be offered to tile setting out of sach Roads.—
Dated September 2tS, 1808. JOHN FIELD. RICHARD WEBB. 1274] GEORGE BARNES. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. BRISTOWE, on the premises in Hill- street, on Monday theSistof October lsos, and the following dav,— All the neat HOUSE- HOLD GOODS and FURNITURE of the late Mr. THOMAS COURTIS, deceased; consisting of four- post, tent, and other bedsteads, with mahorany and stained pillars, and handsome cotton and other hangings'•. good seasoned feather beds, hair and other mattresses, blankets, and, Cotton coiinteipar. es; mahogany dining, card, Pembroke, and other tables; maho- gany and other
chairs ; double and single chcsts of drawers; a sofa; pier and swing glasses ; a handsome escritoire and book- case; mahogany side- board, desk, and hook- case; a wheel barometer; Bath- and other stoves ; a kitchen range with cranes, Src.; an excellent wind- up jack, with pillars and weights; a Bath flat; a copper furnace and iron work ; a va- riety of kitchen requisites, brewing utensils, empty casks ; China, glass and. earthen ware, and various other articles, ca- " tafnt o ' s of Which Will be delivered in d » s time at the office of J. Bristowe and Co. & » OKEFORD F1TZ- PAIN, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by JOHN
IIOXLE, ( without reserve), on Wednesday the 2Gth of October, 1308,— All the valuable HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FUR- NITURE, late the property of Mrs. WILLIAMS, deceased; . consisting of four fine seasoned goose feather beds, four- post and other bedsteads, with harateen and other furniture; blan- kets, sheets, quilts, and table- linen ; dining pillar, claw, and other tables ; chests of drawers, in mahogany and other wood; arm and other chairs; Bath stove and other grates ; neat ' thirty- hour clock and case; roasting- jack, brass and copper boilers, and brass kettles; large quantity of pewter plates and dishes, large bell metal pot, an aiembick for distilling, iron- bound and other casks, with a variety of kitchen and . other articles. N. B. The sale will begin precisely at eleven o'clock, and continue till all is sold. For further particulars apply to John Hoyle, auctioneer, Sc. Blandford. On Saturday, Oct. 2.1, 1808, will be published, price Is. fid. ( to be continued every fortnight) handsomely printed in Royal 181110. on a beautiful wove paper, and With an elegant nevv type, cast on purpose for the work ; each Number containing 7.2 pages of letter- press; Number I. of tHE BREAKFAST TABLE; or, LADIES' a. PoCKeT LIBRARY I which will contain
Original Essays, Narratives, Biography. Sc.; Literary Criticism, Theatrical Retrospect, Medicina Domestics, and Elegant Selections in Verse-: the last department will be paged distinct from the former part of the work, tor the purpose of binding separately. With each Number will be given a correct Coloured En- graving of the Ladles' Fashions. London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, 20, Paternoster- row; Richardson, Cornhill; Hatchard, Picca- dilly; Chapple, Pall- Mall; Tipper, Leadenhall- street; and sold by Brodie,' Dowling, and Luxford, Salisbury; and may be had of all Bookseller's, and of the Newsmen. * f-.' O
ARiThMETiC. This day is published, closely printed, price 3s. Ed. bound, with an allowance of the 2& th Book, THE ARITHMETIC of REAL LI 1' E and BUSI- NESS, adapted to the practical Use of SCHOOLS; including a complete reformation of all the Tables of Weights and Measures ; the Calculation of Annuities, Leases, Estates,- Lives, Stocks, & c. & c. and more numerous Examples, under every Rule than are to be found' in any other book of this kind. Bv the Rev. .1. JOYCE, Author of Scientific Dialogues, & c. Every man of business in the British Empire must recollect how much he had to unlearn in the practice of
Arithmetic, when having left school he first entered into the commerce of life, and also how little he had learnt which was strictly ap- plicable to real transactions. The present System of Arith- metic, disregarding the f.' ttters of its predecessors, has con- sulted alone the actual and prevailing occasions for the exercise of this Useful art. Every branch of trade and manufacture has been sedulously c insulted in the new exemplification of the various Tabic s of Weights and Measures ; t- Very thing obsolete or usaless in other books of Arithmetic has been expunged; and ev ery thing has been introduced that is essentially neosary.
Printed for Richard Phillips, 6, Bridge- street, Blackfriars ; and to be had pf Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury, and all other booksellers. Also a KEY to the above, price 2s. 6d. bound. [ 1300 Cruttwell's Gazetter, New Edition. This day is published, in four large volumes Rvo. price 31. 1 as. Cd. in boards without the Atlas, and £/. Ss. withthe Atlas, half bound. Also the ATI. AS, separate, containing 48 whole shett Maps, neatly coloured, and half bound", price U. lis. C•'.. of thE NEW UNIVERSAL GAZETTEER, or • ft GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY ; containing a description of all the Empires, Kingdoms, States, Provinces,
Cities, Towns, Forts,, Seas, Harbours, Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, and Capes in the known world; with the Government, Cus- toms, Manners, and Religion ft' the Inhabitants. The Ex- tent, Boundaries, and natural Productions of each Country; the Trade, Manufactories, and Curiosities of the C ties and Towns, collected from the best Authors ; their Longitude, Latitude, Bearings, and Distances, from the best and most authentic Charts. Bythe REV. CLEMENT CRUTTWELL. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, Paternoster- row', and Cadell and Davies, Strand; and sold by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury.
( rj> The very fav-' oufable reception of the first edition, ren- ders it necessary forthe Author to express li: s gratitude. In a careful and minute revision, he has corrected many errors; and the addition of more than 30,000 fresh articles will evince his desire of rendering the present edition deserving of the public approbation. [ 745 Fairburn's Statistical and Geographical Survey of SPAIN AND PORTUGAL. This day is published, in a neat volume, 12mo. printed on superfine paper, and illustrated with a coloured Map of the Countries, price 3s. Cd. STATISTICS 1. and GEOGRAPHICAL SUR As VEY of SPAIN and PORTUGAL,
containing a parti- cular nnd interesting account of those Countries, their extent, population, agriculture, manufactures, & c. together with a special and detailed account of the several provinces, cities, towns, and principal villages ; their means of defence by for- tifications or castles ; the bearings and distances, in British miles, from each place to the most material cities arid towns ; the number of inhabitants in all the principal places, and the produce and manufactures they arc famed for; with their churches, monasteries, convents, and principal buildings, & c. The whole written and compiled from the best, most recent, arid
unquestionable authorites. 2. A large MAP of SPAIN and PORTUGAL, price 5s.— Just published, with an Historical Description of the Country, its population, fee. FAIRBURN's MAP of SPAIN and PORTUGAL, on a large scale, intended to illustrate the operations of the Spanish Patriotic Forces ( aided by the Bri- tish), against the French armies, in an heroic attempt to rescue their country from Bonaparte, the tyrant of th- Con- tinent. Including particular Plans of the harbours of Cadiz, Gibraltar, Corunna, Lisbon, Sc. & c.— This Map is printed on tvvo sheets of superfine imperialdrawing- pnper, hot- pressed, joined, and
beautifully coloured: size, 3 feet4 inches by 2 feet 4 inches; price 5s.— An inferior edition of the same plates, printed on thin paper; price 3s. 3. A MAP of SPAIN and PORTUGAL, with an A'pha- bet: cal List, & c. price Is. <; J.— This day is | Volished, accom- panied with a general Description of those Countries, and an Alphabetical List of ail the principal pieces, with their popu- lation, fortifications, Roads, Arc.— FAIRBURN's MAP of SPAIN and PORTUGAL, neatly engraved, coloured, and printed on a whole " sheet of superfine cream- coloured drawing- paper; si7.-', 18 inches by 15. 4. FAIRBURN's MAP of SPAIN aid
PORTUGAL, beautifully engraved, hot- pressed, extra- coloured, and printed on a quarto sheet of imperial drawing- paper; pride' 1 5. FAIRBURN's MAP of SPAIN and POR roval quarto, coloured; price Gd. ' a. FAIRBURN's MAP of SPAIN and PORTUGAL. ( Size for a watch- case.) This Map is beautifully and distinqjjy coloured, and shews ail the provinces, cities, & c. price Gd. Published by John Fairburn, 146, Minories; sold by Cham- ptnte and Whitrow, London; by Brodie, Dowding,. and Luxford, Salisbury, and .11 Booksellers and Stationers. [ 3 PORTUGAL, THE CORDIAL BALM OF . GILEAD. PERSONS who are enervated in Youth, seldom recover themselves by any other means than this Restora- tive ; old age and infirmities speedily come on, and the thread of life is shortened; for, the foundation of a happy olclage is a good constitution in youth ; temperance and inodcratio'n, at that age, are passports to happy grey hairs.—- The CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD, by it., softening, healing, and tonic qualities, and salutary effects, affords a sure prospect of re- turning strength, and a certain hope of muscular invigoration, to those who are deb. litaU'd by premature or excessive indul- gencies. This health- restoring Medicine is sold by Broilie,
Dowding; and Luxford, Salisbury, who have just received a very large supply, iu Bottles at Half a Guinea each; and Family Bottles, containing four small oftts, at Oils. fisrrs For the Cure of Cancer, Scrophula or Kind's Evil, Leprosy, Scurvy, uiul all other Scorbutic Afiectiorr. ROBERTS's MEDICATED VEGETABLE WATER. CASE :— A German Musician, in the band of the South Glocester Battalion of Militia, commanded by the Earl of Berkeley, was grievously afflicted with the King's Evil, when in the Austrian Service, and found no benefit from medicine, until he was recommended to the Medicated Ve- getable Water, by the Earl,
which has effected a cure, con- sider : as the mo t extraordinary ever seen, and can be at- tested by the battalion. The proprietor submits the preceding to the consideration of invalids and their friends. He takes the liberty to ohsAve, that few are disappointed of a. cure who persevere- in the use of the medicine ; arid, as » -. ie inveterate complaint of Cancer, wherever centered, and Scrophula, submit to its efficacy, all of an inferior description, arising from Scurvy, are quickly eradicated, such are Pimpled Facts, Ulcerated Sore Legs', Flushings, Indigestion, the. of which he has numerous cases. This vvvll- sstabijshed and
valuable Medicine is sold, in half pint bottles at fis. '- ch, and in large bottles ccntainin-' five half pints, at 22 s. > h, duty included, with copious direc- tions, and remarkacie Cases of Cancer, < Vc, signed by the proprietor, Daniel Roberts, Painswick, Glocestershire, to whom letters ( post paid)' will be canr'idlv answered ; by Brodie, Dowding, an-. l Luxford, Salisbury: Cruttwell, '-; ath; Bulgin and Sheppard, Bristol; Walker, GloCester; Harold, Marlborough; Evill, Weils; Jog- tt, Taunton; Lansdon, Sherborne; and respectable vendors-' encrdly. fst Remarks c « tha Scrnphula, price Is. 1;: iv bs'had as i\- c -. . CTF IS S In the .1: tn;! y • v
K. ie •';, vv!- o Mrs.' r ( « Av- • I ' EL CE m. d ui it is r- die ills 1 Ci. un- lit the her THE reception which Mrs. VINCENT'S BRATED GOWLAND's LOTION has - the fashionable world, an I ihe manv ti ous- 11! • o:' r distinction who have adopt ti, continued, m l re m its use, ( like other Inventi ns of merit and beeit assailed by weak and mischievous fmiiat'on-- year 1790, Mrs. Vincent, finduu- In r pi- ip. n-.- -. attacked, she, by tile advice of h- r solic tor, i. i of the case lief;, re the Hon. .1. Mim- ay, i- in. '. S ; gave his dee d - d opinion, " thai Mis.' Pincenl « - « . « •;,, of the true Recipe for preparing Gowiands /,,„ ;' Vincent assures the
Nobility, Gentry, and I- ins -. h land's Lotion is a most el- aant, s. t'e, and nni- i for the removal of ALL ERUPTIONS from ,1, • SKIN, and IMPROVING the COMPLEX';,?.': impossible that any other personam know of wl in.' • this most excellent Lot 011 is composed ; and to pre. terfeits, it is particularly requested it may b; :. sk 1 Name of Mrs. Vincent's Gowliind's Lotion, and 10 —. tier Name is signed on the Label of each Bottle, oth iwise it cannot he genuine. Sold in" Salisbury by Brodie, Dowding, and 1/ ixforr", Wholesale Venders for the. West of England; in Blandford, ly Mr. Simmons, in Southampton by Mr. Harvey, in Rumsey
bv Mr. Hollis, in Winchester Mr. Earle and Mr. Flight i , ! v- Is by Mr. Moore, in Lymington by Mr. Galpine and mr. perkins in Ringwood bv Mr. Lucas and Mr. Thome, and i. y e-.-, ; y - reputable vender . of genuine medicin-. s in Europe, inVn's,' r- s lit/.; pints, es. r, d. • half- pints, is. 9.1. " j; A ' TO THE I. ADIES. T~~' bAGAZET's oRIENTAL DEPILATORY, fi J for removing SUPERFLUOUS HAIRS from - Etic-, Neck, Arms, & c. and tor Improving th Coinpk xil. n. vv 11 he sold 111 future, by particular appointment of tie pr i- mtor, by Messrs. Shaw ami Edwards, St. Paul's Church- y. r.; ; .-, nt •- t- r, 2, Cheapside; Dicey and Sutton,
Bow O ">...'. vmd r Bacon, Oxford- street; Berry, Greek- street; Her hie ami Son, Titchborn- street; and brodie, Dowding, and i. nxt rd, Salisbury ; where ladies and others may depend upon being supplied with this Depilatory genuine as imported iis-. n ' I tur- key, price 3s. Gd. the bottle. ' f- j ,5 N. B. Ol serve t!:;. t each bottle is' signed " T. Bagazet," in the proprietor':; hand writing, to imit t.- which is :-. f. I. trv. THE AMBOYNA TOOTH- POWDER, S by for the most pleasant of any Powder recom- mended for CLEANS! XG and BEAUTIFYING the re. etei; it will be found to answer every end that a tooth pow- der can reasonably be
expected to do. ' The AMBOYNA LOTION is also prepared f.-. r t' same purposes. It removes the scurvy, mak s the lips n,: gums of a healthful red, fastens, whitens, and preserves r' e i eth to old age, improves the enamel, and keeps it from injury ; it is also particularly calculated to remove all offensive p- miciis from the mouth, and in a short time makes the br. at: » w « t. The drug from which the Amboyna Powder is pnp ned is the produce of Asia, first imported by a prof, sain en gentle- man of character and fortune, and some of the fii - gentle- men of the faculty who use it declare it a fine stem iciiic and bracer; and for safety,
proper for an infant. It efiui cites the foulness the mouth is subject to, from diet or lout sto- mach, by its purifying and balsamic qualities. J' 1014 The Tooth Powder, 9s. Gd.— the Lotjon, Is. Cd. Sold wholesale and retail by Brodie, Dowding, Lux- ford, Salisbury, wholesale venders for the West01 En MESSRS. BRODIE, DOWDING, and luxfoRD, having just received a fresh Supply of SPILSbURy's Potent ANTI- SCORBUTIC DROPS from the Dispensary, No. IS, Soho- square, London, the inhabitants of Saturn who resort to this Specific will be assured of having the I"; tent Anti- scorbutic Drops genuine, in cases of Scurvy, Gout,
Rheumatism, Scrophula, eruptive, neivous, and bill, us Complaints, arising from irritation. The Genuine Medicine has the words" By the Ki- ii's Pa- tent" expressed on the bottle, I ill of directions, an.' eoctside wrapper. ' I'he King's duty also is printed in black ink t, n the bottles of 5s. Gd. los. and 22s. duty included. Messrs. Bowling and Co. Newport, Isle of Wight, have also just received a fresh supply. ' THE GENUINE BLACK DROP. tHIS Preparation of Opium, which has been Ions I. known and justly esteemed in th - North of Kin l. nc, and at Bath, under the title of the GENUINe BLACK DROP, continus to be prepared by Mr.
Braithwaite, Surgeon, at Lancaster. It is well known that common Opium or Laudanum, in some constitutions, produces symptoms extremclv distn ssinc, such as head- ach, sickness, and debility. The " Black Drop, freed from those qualities which produce these tit l is, is - phcabie in all casts where Opium or Laudanum is employed. It is greatly to be preferred in Nervous and Spasm" ' e Air< - - • ions, such as depression . 1 mind, anx : t » , em! nr.. , i ; ii>-,, cvu^ hs, asthma, and other complaints of the chr::; p.! : n chronic rheumatism, especially when afleeting the tcct- , • face. p.; The superior qualities of this preparation have'.
prorur,".:. it the sanet on and recommendation of set arid of the rr. st c-. l. - bra ted Practitioners in i - t'- t Britain, an - ni>. vv'n r.- i tee, J . Haygarth, Dr. Jenner, Dr. Percival, Dr. Beddoes, Mr. White, surgeon, Manchester, and Mr. Cresser, surgeon, |: ill. To accommotlate the South of England, it is ro! • wlinlesa'c, by Mr. Braithwaite's appointment, by Messrs. V e h ru t arm Savory, New Bond- street, London ; and by Broil c, I - wiim., and Luxf.- rd, Sal sbury. in bottl s at Is. Gd. a ,< 1 - l. n Cd. each. AS great numbers of persons are rendered verv un- happy by Spasms, Wind in the Stomach, O' structiong in the Bowels, want of
regular Perspiration, Vomitings. and bilious Complaints, Head Achs, heart burn, Cotiveness, Nervous Disoiders, Cholic, Gout, & c. We ar antln riscd to say, that SPEEDIMAN's PILLS arc- in most cases ; 11 ex- cellent remedy for these Complaints; and csp.-. ciaile icccni- mended during the time i> f Sea Bathing, an! drinking t'- c* Sea and Mineral Waters; also- for those visiting warm Climates. Prepared bv Thomas Shellitoe, jun. druggist, Tottenham- high- cross, Middlesex, by virtue of an assignment ( r m H. and J. Beswick, sole proprietors of the receipt, i< v the wiil i f M. Speediman ; and are sold by Shaw am.: Edwards, No. if,
St. Paul's Church- yard, and Bacon and Co. No. 1 so. . Oxford street, London; - and by Brodie, Dowdine, and Luxford, Salisbury, wholesale venders for the west cf EnO- iid, 1: 1 Boxes a? Si. - Is. Gd. 10s. firf. and one guinea, and may be had of the principal Venders of Medicine in t - vvn and country. [ 10SS deafness cured by Dr. Taylor's lately copied the extraordinary Cure of Miss v « Charlotte Fuller, of Southover, near Lewes, fiom that respectable newspaper, The Sussex Weekly Advertiser, printed by Messrs. Lee, of Lewes. Tile same JJipt r, of ]\ fon- day the 23d of May 180l- i, contains the follow nls e. i. htit n. 5l testimony
: " Francis Markwick, of Barcomb, near this town LEWes'l, village schoolmaster and parish clerk, on L: t Satai. i v se'n- night attended at the office of W. Lee, and on i . iee - iked his business, he answered b'tmtljv'but with a. couit inuice full of gratitude, that he wi. s conic to conir ainic tea -. rciit cure, which Dr. TAYLOR'S REMEDY for Dm.. st- s in.* wrought upon him. Mr. Lee, in a very low tone of voice, desired him to proceed, when he affirmed that he h d, r'cr a long time, laboured tinder deafness to a degree that comp lied him to abandon his school, and tb get a person to of!:, ii. es for him as parish- clerk. B at fortunately, at
length hearing of Miss Fuller's case, as published in this pap-.- r'on the Ith of last month, he, by advice or his minister, per:, '. n-. n'v vv nted on that lady, who literally confirmed the ststcmmt libove al- luded to, and advisod him to lose no time in the •„• o n- t on of the. remedy. He return d hom ', delighted with '! Vi sr; I nller's account, and on the following day procured a bntile, l: v the use of which iarse portions of long- accumulated vv - x\ the. In- struction to his hearing; wire dislodged; and th. se ti e old gentleman proiiuc; d, t- nd exhil it-. i with as much t. x -.!;• tion as if he had overcome ah the ills of Pandora's Box. I ne power of
hearing being perfectly restored to him, l- e In. s re- sumed both his school and pert . hiel duty, to ih- e gn -,<• rd ef and comfort of himself and family." • '-• For the wind, Cholics, Fluxes, and other Disorders in the Upsets of In funis, rts u- etl as of Adults. DALBy CARMINATIVE. CAUTION.— Many counterfeited Preparations of this Medicine having been offered'for sale, tird: 1 - p. cict's pretences, all Persons are requ' seed not to take a. v tml-'- s tf. - r observe that the Name " F. Newbery, No. ii.' V. til'-" ;' s ' engraved in the Stamp, and that in the Liii e- f Eir. ctie. ns round each bottle is an Extract from the IF, 11 of the late Mr.
Joseph Dalby, vir. " Whereas I did many years since instruct rr. v leni. hter FRANCES, now the Wife of ANTHONY GELL,, ot North- street, Westminster, Gentleman, in the Art of compounding- a cer- tain Mcdicine, of which 1 am the sole Inventor, eallcd J'clip's Caminative, I do hereby constitute and appoint- mv siiid Daughter the sole Preparer of this useful ]\; i- d cine; I I ke- wise give to my said Daughter, FRANCES Gell, mv • el • P- o- perty in the said Carminative, and all Profits arisine Iron tile Sale thereof, to her and her Heirs for ever." It is sold only by 1-'. Newbcrv and Sons, No. 15, St. Paul's Church- yard, Lchdcri, price is.
prf. a Bottle, tiiuv included5 and by their nppointment by Brodie, Dowding, and I. . rd Salisbury, wholesale verniers" for the West of Enyland : I i- - Ik?) Romsey ; Anderson, ar-' l Earie, Winchester; Thnma . Whit' church; Maud, and Painter, Andover; Skt Itor.-, ' ii-., ker, Hookey, Randall, a: vl Moon, Southampton;. C'l- rk, and
THE SALISBURY AND WinCHESTEr JOURNAL. gassed Sunday's Post. By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLIS:: KD ON SATURDAY NIGHT, OCT. 22. CARlTON- HOUSE, Octolcr 21. T^ HE Prince of Wales has been pleased to ap- point Lieutenant- Colonel BlOomfreld, of the ' Royal Regiment of Artillery, to be Gentle- man Attendant to his Royal Highness. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, Oct. 22. Copy of a Letter from Capt. H., Hawkins, of his Majesty's Ship Minerva, to Admiral Lard Gambier, dated Co- runna, . September 23, 1808. MY Lord, 111 executing your orders on the 23d inst. in lat. 45. 35. long. 9. 19. west, I fell in with
and chased a Brig, near 25 leagues to the S. \ V. Soon after I cam;: within shut of lier; had fired at her twice ; she hoisted French colours, and shortly after overset, the wind having freshened to a heavy gale! I immediately brought to, and sent the barge, with Mr. Carter, master's mate, to endeavour to save the people ; they succeeded, by great exertion, in saving IS of the j r. W; they informed us ( the Captain and Officers being drowned), that she was the Josephina, letter of marque, J ie; • ti for gun', and mounting 8, with 50 men, from St. Sebastian, bound to Guadeloupe,. with a cargo of flour, le mdv, wine, and cloathing; and
intended, after deliver- ing her cargo, to cruize against our trade in the West In- dies ; she was a very fast sailing vessel, has been long em- ployed as a privateer, ami done considerable mischief. 1 have the honor to be, &<•. ( Signet!) R. HAWKINS, Captain. BANKRUPTS. Wm. Steel, James Steel, and Christopher Johnstone, of Lancaster' linen- drapers , Thomas Marchant, of Bridgewater, bookseller. frederick Head Bury St. edmonds, baker. robert fry, of Lullington, Somerset, banker, spinner, dealer and chapman. * Edmund Aldersson, of Carlisle, dyer. james jullion( lt- Blackman - street, Southwark, linen- draper. Charles
Wilks, of Birmingham, stationer James Barber, ot the Minories, corn- chandler. Thomas Mulloy, of Tokenhouse- yard, mariner. Josch Perry ol Angel- court, Throgmorton street, broker. R. B Herbert, of Clare- court, Drury- lane, broker. LONDON. SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 22. A Russian Officer, accompanied by a French Mes- senger, landed yesterday at Deal, from a fla<; of truce, and arrived at the Foreign ORiee at twelve o'clock last night. They were shewn from thence to Mr. Canning's house in Bruton- street; soon after which Messengers were sent to his Majesty and to the dif- ferent Ministers, and a Council was
summoned, which sat till a late hour this day. These foreigners are understood to have been sent from Erfurth, by the Emperors Alexander and Na- poleon. The nature of their dispatches cannot possi- .1) 1 v be known, but it is conjectured that thev bring i .. riotous proposals for peace. The idea meets with general reprobation. It is said that a Message was this morning sent from Mr. Canning to the Russian Officer and French Messenger, or^ ring them to return home immediately, but that " fins message was after- v, ! " ". n'. ennanded. Various are the conjec- tures on this extraordinary occuirencc • and notwith- s^ ancii. g e v. t "
a! c: : ciiof t ;. t any treaty con be entered on, in the present sisti* of Spur. arid the Oon- tinenty it hits occasioned a ri'o in the public funds. Letters from Halifax, dated the 22d nit. state that Pit- Gi- irge PI i vO'. t was on the point of sailing from thence mm 40 ' 0 jii u, [ iii art expedition, supposed to be destined agnint seme of the enemy's West India : > ssessions. tii' Hew Dalrymple hart vesferday t\ long conference with Lord Castlereagh. It is said- lie treats the accusations of lii< con tact with contempt, and demands a Court- martial at once. The Lords Lieutenants of Counties have received circular 1 lifts from the S- ereiary of Sute,
requiring them to have forthwith enrol!- 1'! tlio<? t Volunteers who have offered their services as L: cal ' Militia, and, at the same time, to have th m regimented in bodi's, not l-- ss than 700, or lin r 1 than ISitu tank and file, from 8 to 3 companies. Vv e are sorry to state that a tremendous fire broke out on Monday o'ght last, at the cotton works belo ging to Sir H. F.- ele, Bart. at 4hewa , r. eir Lichfield, whieh totally co i umed til " i!; it is said tl. it some lives were lost. The damage is euimati d at 40,000/. DIET).] On the 14th inst. at Brompton, in her 35th yar, Mrs. Kerr, wife of Major General John Manners Kerr. » PRICES OF STOCKS
THIS At Three a' Cluck. DAY, Bank " tock, 231J- Jul , S. ock, — " S uth Sea Stojk, 73 J3 v Cent. Red. fifij e. d. 3 Ccet.- Cens. ( i:'| .4 ( entS 82 e. d. " S V 4.. Navy, 99$ 5 iji Cent. 1797, — Long Ann. I8J r. d. Omnium, 11 a dis, le. dia Bonds, 3 a 5 p. Exchequer H i 1 s, 5 a. 7 p. Irish 5 fi Cents. fljf I r- perial 3 ^ Cents, shut English Lott. Tickets; ill. 15s. D'tto Pr /. » , full money. Port Betes. least will be re- captured. The lugger is represented as very small, and not more than 50 feet long. Sailed the Orestes and Eclair sloop; of war on a cruize. Came in the Jane, of Quebec, Captain Graham, from Madeira, with wine for this port and
London. PORTSMOUTH, Oct. The embarkation of the loth Dragoons was completed on Monday. The Prince of Wales attended every day at the Dock- yard to see them all on boaid, and by his presence animated the men, and accelerated their departure. His Royal Highness afterwards gave an elegant dinner at the Crown to the principal Naval and Military Commanders, and Officers of his regiment; the Duke of Clarence, who arrived with his two sons about five o'clock, was also of the party. On Tuesday the Royal Party visited Monkton Fort, and the regiments at Gosport; and about two o'clock the regi- ment; of this garrison
were drawn out on gouthsea Com- mon, and reviewed by the Duke of Clarence. The Prince, with a numerous party, was entertained by the Hon. Com- missioner Grey. On the following morning, about nine o'clock, the Prince left Portsmouth for London— the whole of the mi- litary of the neighbourhood lining tile road as far as Hilsea. On Thursday the Duke of Clarence proceeded to Spit- head, attended by the Admirals and Captains of the squa- dron, and visited the Barfleur, Repulse, and several other ships; he was received with the yards manned, and a sa- lute from all the ships, which, from the fineness of the weather and
the number of ships, produced a grand effect. Yesterday his Royal Highness went over to Gosport, to dine ai General Porter's. Trie transports with the 7th and 10th Dragoons arc still detained by adverse winds. Gen. Slade pro- ceeds in the Sybelle. More transports are preparing with all possible ex- pedition for the remainder of the cavalry under orders for embarkation, Letters received. bv the Iris frigate, which arrived on Wednesday from the coast of Spain, state that the French force which entered Bilboa amounted to at least 18,000 men, under the command of General Berthier ; brother to the Field Mashal) who is next in
command to Marshal Ney ; and that the Marquis de Portazzo, with his 7000 men, had effected a junction with General Blake's ai my. It was reported that General Palafox, acting in con- junction with General Blake, had posted himself to the eastward of Bilboa, whilst General Blake had brought up his forces to the westward, so as to cut oil' all supplies from reaching the town, Whether this latter report be true or not, we must soon ( from the relative situation of the armies) have important news from this quarter. On the 10th inst. in lat. 41.20. long. 11. 30. the Iris fell in with ten sail of transports from Lisbon, with French troops on
board, bound for Quiberon, under convoy of a frigate. They were then about a month from the Tagus, had met with dreadful weather, and on the 24th of Sep- tember had parted from 30 other transports, which had sailed with them. Sunday.— Arrived the Repulse, of 74 guns, Hon. Capt. Legge, with transports from the Mediterranean ; and Boa- dicea, of 38 guns, Capt. Hatley, from off Havre. Monday.— Arrived the Sybelle, of 38 guns, Capt. Upton, from Plymouth ; and Linnet brig from off Havre.— Sailed the Egeria sloop, Capt. Hole, with convoy for the Downs. Tuesday. Arrived the Phoebe, of 3G guns, Capt. Os- wald, with
Gen. Sir Hew Dalrymple, and Niobe, o « 38 guns, Capt. Loring, with Sir Wm. Scott, from Lisbon.— Sailed the Gloire, of 38 guns, Capt. Carthew ; and De- fender gun- vessel. Wednesday.— Arrived the Iris, of 32 guns, Capt. Tower, from Spain, with transports; and Swallow sloop, Capt. Bedford, from Gijon. Friday.— Arrived the Fleche sloop, Capt. White ; and Sharpshooter gun- vessel. FALMOUTH, Oct. 20. The Lady Arabella packet arrived on Saturday la- t, from Malta, Gibraltar, & c. The e . eeion under Sir John Stuart had not- left Siei y. * Tee Di- patch packet sailed on Sunday for Corutina. The Alban cutter arrived from Rio
de Janeiro on Sunday, after a Ions passage. She brings no news of importance. The Wind; - r t a il - p . eh •; w : I " d f: en N- w York and Halifax on Tuesday. The i inbargo still continued. On the m » . ting of- the Congress in November, warm debates are expected to take place on the subject. PLYMOUTH, Oct. 21; On Sunday the Channel fleet passed up for Tori, av, being blown from off tiier station on the French eoast.— LaSvbille, of 41 guns, was paid her wages in the Sound, and immediately sailed for Portsmouth, for orders.— Came in the Peacock, of 18 guns, from Corunna: she brings intelligence that the French have
again got posses ion of Bilboa ; but the Spa- nish troops had retired to an advantageous position, and were not in the least disconcerted at this event. The Portuguese schooner Romania arrived on Monday from Lisbon, in fourteen days, but brings no news. She lias a v;. luable cargo of fruit, which will be very acceptable, as lemons and oranges were extremely scarce and dear. Oil Tuesday sailed the Insolent gun- brig, with dispatches far Corunna ; and Intelligent gun- brig, with a convoy for the River.— Anivf 1 the Encounter gun- brig, with a eon- vov from the Downs. Capt, Pyin, late of the Atlas, of. 74 guns, js appointed to the
command of llie Sirius frigate, fitting for sea at Chatham. On Wednesday came in the Deuanee, of 74 guns, from Corunna. The Spanish troops from Gottenburgh have experienced bad weather in the Bay of Biscay.— The Defiance fell in with 15 sail of transports ( the fleet having been much dis- persed), and conducted thtnn safe to St. Andero. The Defiance also fell in with two large Spanish frigates, be- tween St. Andero and Bilboa, with heavy artillery and battering cannon, for General Blake's army, and prevented their I dling into the hands ot the French, by sending in- formation that they were ill possession of Bilboa. On
Thursday morning a French lugger, supposed to be a privateer,' and apparently full of men, was discovered nee. V the F. dy tone Lighthouse, lying with all her sail- down, end soon after was obsirved to get up her sails, and go in ehaee of a brig thai coming up Channel, and on gettine' alongside, captured her, and stood off to the south- ward. The circumstance being communicated from the signal poll at Maker,' the Active cutter was dispatched in " suit, and great hopes are entertained that the brig at WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22. Trie High Sheriff has appointed a meeting of the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy,
Freeholders, and Inhabi- tant of this county, to he held 011, Wednesday se'n- night, for the purpose of taking into consideration thy propriety of an Address to his Majesty on the subject of the late Convention in Portugal. ( Sec Advertisement in the next Column.) On Monday la- t, at Christchurch Fair, above three thousand etieep ( Dorsets, South Downs, Rylands, and some mixtures of Merinos) were penned, and about a third , art were supposed to be sold. This Fair of Sheep is a trial of the Agricultural Society of Christchurch, as an ex- periment to accommodate the dealers in the Isle of Wight and neighbourhood, but the
general failure of the turnip crop was the eause of few buyers attending. The situation for a Sheep Fair is certainly most accommodating to the public, a tl better success is « xpected another year. On Monday last was married, at Fordingbridge, Mr. Joseph Brown, of Marlborough, to Miss Mary Richman, of Fordingbridge. On Monday died Mrs. Tabitha Daniel, wife of Mr. Thomas Daniel, Newport, Isle of Wight, and sister to the late Mr. Edward Hewett, of Martin, Wilts, in the 78th year of her age, after experiencing a short but pain- ful illness, borne with becoming resignation and christian f , rti tide. Her lo s will be most sincerely
lamented by all who had the happiness of her acquaintance, but to an affectionate husband and three children it must for ever be irreparable : her memory wilt long, very long be endeared to many, from the benevolence of her disposition and m- baiiity of manners, which shone conspicuous through a series of a well- spent life. On- Saturday . last Mrs. Gale, of the White Hart Inn, Weyhill, was robbed of notes to tile amount of fifteen pounds, which were taken from her escrutoir by some person or persons unknown. The standing of Mr. White, of Andover, was broken open, hut the offender, being alarmed, ran away, and left his
hat, whieh may perhaps lead to his detection. On Friday morning the 14th inst. died, at her bouse in Romsey, Mrs. Wansbrough, daughter of the late Alderman Wansbrough, of Salisbury. On Saturday the loth inst. died, at Cricklade, in this county, of which place he Was Vicar, the Rev. Richard Purdy, D. D. formerly of Queen's College, Oxford, after a long and painful illness, which he bore with truly christian fortitude and resignation. He was seized with a paralytic affection in January last, as be was addressing one of his pathetic discourses to his congregation ; but he retained the perfect use of his faculties to the last. As an
affectionate husband and parent,— a sincere friend and intelligent plea- sant- companion, and as a valuable literary character, from whose pen other useful works might have been expected, his death may be considered both a public and a private loss ; but more particularly by a large circle of deeply afflicted relatives and justly esteemed friends, who were sensible of his worth, must it be long and sincerely la- mented. On Saturday last died, at Clarendon Park, after a few days illness, and much regretted by all her friends, Mrs. Bathurst, the Lady of Colonel Bathurst, late of the Blues. On Monday morning last, as Mrs. Short, of
kingston- hall- farm, in Dorsetshire, was engaged up stairs assisting her maid- servant, she was alarmed by t* ie screams of her child, a fine boy five years old, and on running down stairs found him enveloped in flames. Her efforts to extinguish the flames were frustrated by the well meant endeavours of the servant to assist her; but lier cries brought some neigh- bours, who tore off the child's cloaths in time to save his life, though he is much burnt in bis fingers, right arm, shoulder, and side of the face. Mrs. Short's hands and arms are dreadfully burnt: some time elapsed before a sur- gueon could be procured; antl in this interval
the Misses Dean, the ever ready friends of the distressed, applied oils and other emollients, but could with difficulty support her. On rbe arrival of the surgeon, her sufferings were alleviated, and there are hopes of the speedy recovery of herself and child. The little fellow bears the pain and dressing of his wounds with wonderful heroism ; he says he was throwing some chips on the fire when the flames caught his pincloth. — Mrs. Bankes, of Kingston- Hall, pays the most kind and condescending attention to the sufferers. On the same day and hour, a servant of Henry Bankes, Esq. fell from a tree in the Park of Kingston- Hall,
and broke his collar- bone. And 011 the preceding day, a girl at Sturminster Mar- shal, striking a light, put some gunpowder in the tinder- box, which in exploding burnt her dreadfully in the hands, arms, and face, and set her clothes 01 fire: she ran up stairs to her mother, who fortunately extinguished the flames before she had received much further injury. On Friday se'nnight, the child of a poor woman, at Nettleton, in this county, during the absence of its mo- ther, was accidentally burnt to death. It is lamentably remarkable, that about twelve mouths since, the brother of the name child was accidentally drowned. On Friday
morning a poor old man was found dead in Marlborough High- street, supposed to have perished from the inclemency of the weather. At a General Court Martial held at Winchester, on the I8th of July 1808, and continued by adjournment to the 20th of the same month, Ensign Henry Ball, of the So- merset Militia, was arraigned on the following charge, viz. — Behaving in a scandalous and infamous manner, such as is unbecoming the character of an Officer and a Gentleman, in having sold to one Richard Davis, of Wilmington, in the county of Sussex, 011 or about the 14th of January 1808, several casks of contraband spirits,
which said casks hatl been seized by the said Ensign Henry Ball, and after- wards, at Cuckmere, on the said 14th of January 1808, taken into the custody of Thomas Allworth, antl other offi- cers of the Customs, at the port of Newhaven, in the county of Sussex. The Court, after considering the evi- dence on both sides, was of opinion that Ensign Ball was not Guilty of the crime charged, and honourably acquit- ted him of the same ; which decision his Mitjesty has ap- proved and confirmed. On Thursday the house of John Chapman, a small but industrious farmer and gardener, at Littleton- Pannell, in this county, was broke into
whilst part of the family were gone to Devizes fair, and the remainder at work in the fields; a box in an upper apartment was also broken open, and between eight and nine, pounds in note - and cash stolen therefrom ; but fortunately an unlocked box, in whieh a much larger sum was deposited, escaped the clo, e in- spection 1 f the thieves, and the farmer had paid away ^ 0/. for rent a few days before, which sum might otherwise have fallen into their hands. Benjamin Crocker, charged with forging certain names to a mortgage, with intent to defraud Thomas Willis, of Sutton Pointz, is committed to the Castle at Dorchester.
CAutION to SERVANTS neglecting; to perform their Con- tracts.— On Wednesday last was committed to Fisherton Gaol, Reuben Stratch, labourer, for refusing to per.' a 111 his work whieh he was hired to do by Mr. King, of Alvedis- ton, in this county. Salisbury, Basingstoke, Devizes, Newbury, Andover, Warminster, 74 to 1) 8 , 40 to 59 33 to i 1 74 lo 84 I Weight. of the Ga'lon hour, Mb. I lo;, — Half Gall, ill,, SJox. To the HIGH SHERIFF of the Cmnt;/ of HANTS. VITK, whose Names are hereunder written, request, VV you will call a MEETING of the COUNTY, for th • purpose of takin? into consideration t'l: propriety of an
Address to his Majesty, on the sir ject of the i « te Convention in Portugal. Pl SALISBURY. MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1908. The Dorsetshire Militia, commanded by Colonel Bingham, has marched into Mill Bay Barracks, Ply- mouth Dock, to relieve the West Middlesex, Colonel Bailey, in the garrison duty.— The West Middlesex has marched through this city for Portsmouth. The remains of Mrs. Fox, the beloved and lament- ed Lady of General Fox, are to be interred ' his day at Farley, near this city, in the family vault of the Ilches- ter and Holland families, founded by their ancestor Sir Stephen Fox. One of the Misses Beckford, of
Fonthill, according to report, is shortly to be married to a Portuguese Nobleman.— Si. James's Chronicle. At Sherborne fair, 011 Monday last, there was the great- est shew of Sheep and Lambs ever remembered, not less than 13,000 were penned. Lambs sold on the average 6s. per head below the last year's prices, and a great number were driven away unsold. There were also a great many fat and lean beasts; the sale of both sorts dull, and the prices declining. At our Fair, on Tuesday last,' the sale of Cheese, of inferior quality was very dull, but tine old Cheese commanded high prices,— from 75s. to 80s.— prime Dairies
82s. to 95s.— A great deal of new Cheese re- mained unsold, and was removed for sale at Winchester Fair. Lately was married, Major Cook, of the late 28th Light Dragoons, to Miss Surtees, daughter of A. Surtees, Esq. and niece of Lady Eldon. On Monday was married, at Exeter, Tho. Smith, Esq. of Bristol, late Major of the 14th Light Dra- goons, to Miss Coles, of Southen « » hay- place, daughter of the late James Coles, Esq. of Taunton- lodge, Re- ceiver- General of the county of Somerset. The Rev. Robert Parry, B. D. one of the Senior Fellows of St, John's College, Cambridge, is presented, by the Master and Fellows of
that Society, to the Living of Staplehurst, in Kent, vacant by the death of the Rev. Mr. Grove. NORThesk C. OGLE W. POWlETT PoWlETT CHArlES MILL EdwArd WOOlLS WM. PROWTING J. WARD BrISTOW BRADLEY ARTHUR ATHERLEY October 15, 1808. F. L. BECKFORD John Colson EdwarD Knapp JoHn DElME FRANCIS bAring WILLIAM PORTAL THO. THISTLeThWAYTe. WILLIAM JERBERT JOHN GOOdEVE In consequence of the above R a MEETING of the Nobility t; on, I her- hy appoint Gentry, Clergy, Fr eh > er , and Inhabitants ef the County or HANTS, en We M- sd V tr. e 2d of November next, at tite
CASTI. E of WINCHESTER, at twelve o'clock at noon, for the aliov.- purpose. G. h. MITCHELL, SHERIFF. TITCHFIELD lODGE, October i1, 1808. SALISBURY ASSEMBLY. THE next ASSEMBLY will be on THURSDAY the 3d of November. E. BAKER, ") J. R. SEYMOUR, VStewards. W. B. BRODIE, J 2Sj Mr. GOODALL, Master of the Ceremonies. £ 3* Dancing to begin at eight o'clock, and end at twelve. A BALL. THE next CHRISTChURCH BALL will be at the Hotel, Christchurch, on Tuesday the 8th of No- vember next. The terms and refreshments as usual." [ 46 Dancing to commence at eight o'clock. THE BEAUTIES OF
PURCELL. THE Public are most respectfully informed, that Mr. CORFE has it in contemplation to publish a SE- LECTION of PURCELL's VOCAL MUSIC, so. much and so deservedly admired by all Amateurs of that captivating Science. The Editor's intention is, to offer this valuable Work to the Public on the same terms, and executed in the same ma mer, as his Selections of the Compositions of the great Handel, pro- vided his subscriptions should be such as to justify the at- tempt, and promise success to its execution. J. C. thinks it necessary to add that he is induced to un- dertake the above work, at the particular request of
some Friends who hold a distinguished rank in the musical world, and who often regretted that the delicious strains of Purcell were not more generally known, on account of the irregular and obsolete manner in which they are printed, and for want of a more compact selection of his choicest pieces. The Editor purposes printing one volume: should that meet the Success he hopes, he will be induced to extend the pub- lication to a second volume. Subscriptions ( One Guinea) received at the Printing- Office, at Messrs. Banks's Music Shop, and at Mr. Corfe's, in the Close, Salisbury; and at Mr. Preston's, No. 97, Str . nd, London.
WHITE HART INN, WHITCHURCH, HANtS. JAMES and JOSEPH BLAKE beg- leave to in- form the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in general, that they have taken and entered upon the above Inn, and so- licit the patronage and support of their Friends and the Public, which they will endeavour to merit by an unremitting atten- tion to their commands. Gentlemen Travellers may rely on every attention being given to them. Post Chaises . and- Horses, with careful drivers, will be al- ways in readiness, on the most reasonable terms. [ 54 WILTON. JAMES NIGHTINGALE," Grocer, Chandler, & c. re- pectfullv acquaints his friends
and the public in general, that he has takn to the BUSINESS OF THE LATE MR. BARNARD; and hopes by selling gootts- of the best quality on the most reasonable terms, and by striet at- tention to business, to merit the favours of his friends and those of the late. Mr. BARNARD.— October 18, 1808. [ 1400 LOST. LOST, a few days since, A I> un- co! oure: l GREYHOUND BITCH, answering to the name of Lively. When lost she had adtrection to Baverstock on her coll -' r. Whoever will bring her to Alexander Powell. Esq. Baver- stock- hotise, near Salisbury, shall receive a GUINEA, and have their Expenceis paid.— Oct. 2- 2,
1R08. HAMPRESTON ENCLOSURE. WASTE LANDS, FREEHOLD ty TITHE FREE. be SOLD by AUCTION, at the New I mi, in Wimborne, on Friday the 11 th dav of November, 1808, at two o'clock in the afternoon,—^. Seven Lots 0! WASTE LAND, containing about 215 acres, parcel ot Hampreston Heath. For further particulars, and a plan of the lots, apply to Mr. Castleman, Wimborne. 1155] RICHARD GEE. WILLIAM CLAPCOTT. '" I^ HE Commissioners in a renewed Commission of B. Bankrupt, bearing date the 30th day of July, 1808, awarded and issued against JOHN BUCKLER the younger, of Warminster, in the county
of Wilts, Clothier, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 14th of November next,' at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely, at the Angel Inn, in Warminster aforesaid, in order to make a further Dividend of the estate and effects of the said Bankrupt: when and where the creditors, who have not already proved their debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or thev will be ex- cluded the benefit of the said dividend. And all claims not then proved will be disallowed. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, btaring date the Sth dav of Mav, 1807, awarded and issued forth against WILLIAM CUTLeR the
Younger, of Warminster, in the county of Wilts, Clothier, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on Monday the 1 ith of November next, at twelve of the clock at noon, at the Angel Inn, at Warminster aforesaid, in order to make a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved liaeir Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they willb excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend. And all Claims not then CHEAP SHOE, PATTEN, and LAST WAREHOUSE, MILFORD- bTRBET, SAi- lSBURY. JAMES JEBOULT, PATTEN and LAST MAKER, takes the present
opportunity to return bis mosr sincere thanks to his friends for past favours, still hopes for a con- tinuance of the same ; respectfully informs them that he has laid in a large Ass rtment of MEN'S WOMEN'S, and CHILDREN'S SHOES, from the first manufactories, for sale at the following low prices, viz. 5. <(. Men's good Calf 8 O Ditto..' ditto...' 7 3 Ditto Hide 7 3 Women's Black Spanish .. 1 Ditto V'elveret.. > 4 6 Ditto Seal J Boys', Girl's, and Children's equally cheap, in proportion to size. Also,— A large assortment of CHEAP PATTENS, at re- duced prices; superior to many— vifh'ior to .,' i,,'.> e. [ 13, H An Assortment of
Gentlemen's BOOT TREES. Where also may be HAD StowEti, and TONOUE'S, Bath incomparable JAPAN LIQUID BLACKING. WANTED, as FOREMAN in a small COOP- ERAGe, A sober, steady, honest Person : he must give reference for the above qualities, and if approved, will have good wages and constant employ. Applications; if by letter ( post paid) addressed to N. H. at Moore's Lottery- office, High- street, Poole. [ 31 rro LETT ( on reasonable terms), for Six JL MoTd', 3 from the ist of November, A small neat COTTAGE. FURNISHED, situated near Muddiford, about baif a mile from Cnristcherch ; consisting of four
bed- rooms, parlour, hall, kitchen, and other convenient Offices, with a coach- house and stable; lately occupied three years by the Misses . tefi'ery, of' l'oole. Particulars may b 1 known on application ( if by letter, post paid) 10 Mr. Tory, Christchurch, Hants. prop ed will be disallowed. REaDY- FURNISHED COTTAGE. " X) be LETT, until the first of August next,— A READY- FURNISHED COTTAGE, situated at Apple- tw, near Andover; consisting of two parlours, kitch- n, servants' hall, & c. three bed- chambers and a dressing- room, two s reams' apartments.; a garden, orchard, and gianary, witn excellent stabling lor seven
horses, and standing lor two catriag, s.- - Rent, Fifty Guineas. The Person in cliarce of the Cottage will shew the premises; and for further particulars enquire of Mr. Painter, Andover; if by letter, post paid. [ 1371 MARKET- PLACE, SALISBURY, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, bv Messrs. GATE- HOUSE, near the Corn- market, on Tuesday the 25th of October I tins,— Three strong, useful DRAUGHT HORSES the property of a Gentleman who has no furth. r use for them." The sale to begin at twelve o'clock. [ 57 R O M S E Y. ~ * TO be peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION by ., JOHN YOung, at the White Horse Inn, on Thursday the
3d ot November next, at five o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will be then produced — The newly erected, spacious DWELLING- HOUSE and' LiNFN and WOOLLEN DRAPER'S SHOP, most advantageously situated 1.1 the Market- Place, Romsey, late in the occupation of Mr. H. GOULD, deceased, with the Garden and Stable ad- joining; together with the Yard and Carpenter's Shop oc- cupied by Mr. Thomas Ely, and a Meadow, consisting of about two acres, lying near the town. ° The above premises are subject to cert jn annual payments, which wdl very considerably lessen the amount of the pur chase money to be advanced. ' F" r further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, or at les^ rs. Daman and Warner's Office, Romsey. [ sa r|^ 0 be LETT, and entered 011 immediately,—— A 8 neat built brick and tiled COTTAGE, pleasantly situated at Quarley, consisting of Iwo parlours, a kitchen, pantry, under- ground cellar, three b d- rooms, two servants' ditto ; garden, a lawn before the house of half an acre; coach- house and three- stalled stable, if required. For a view of the premises apply to Mr. William Wells, Quarley, and to treat for the same, of Mr. Gale, Grateley- down Farm; if by letter, postpaid. [ 1301 DORSET. TO lie
LETT, and entered upon immediately,— A Commodious, modern- built, brick . and sashed DWEL- LING- HOUSE; consisting of three parlours, seven hed- • hambers, with large convenient garrets, kitchen and . oti er offics, un 1- rground cellar, two walled in gardens, a coach- hoi se, stabl to. all situate in the South- street, in Dor- chester, in the e mnty of Dorset, and is fit for the reception of a genteei family, and is only eight miles from Weymouth. For further particulars apply ( if by letter post- paid) to Mr. N. Strickland, Attorney, or Thomas Curme, Builder, Dor- chester. [ 1057 PIGEON SHOOTING. ro be SHOT for, at the King's
Head Inn, White- parish, on Monday next, . the 31st day of October inst. — A l.; r • SILVER QUART CUP, of the value of !) 1 ; a SILVER WATCH, value Two Guineas ; a brace of Pistols, value 36s; Powder Flask and Shot Belt, value 134. 6d.— Each Subscriber to pay at the same time Three Shillings to- w . rds Ins Dinner to the Treasurer who shall be appointed for that purpose. ' ' jjg Dinner to be on the table precisely at three o'clock. O be LEFT, for a Term of Years, and entered upon immediPistely, in av rv desirable and eligible situa- tion in the two . r. d e amy of Poole,— A good DWELLING- hOUSE and SHOP, now in the
tea grocery, cheese, butter, and bite in line ; there is attached to the same a good Bake- house, Coach- house, two single- stalled Stables, with hay lofts. - For further particulars, and to treat for the same, apply' ( ii by letter, post paid) at Moore's Lottery- office, High- street, Poole. [ 32 WILTS. BECKhaMPTON TURNPIKE TOLLS. NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at the Beckhanpton turnpike Gates, known byt'a se- veral names hereinafter mentioned, situate in the parish of Avebury, in the said county, will be LETT by AUCTION to the best bidder, at the house of William Edmunds, known by the sign of. the
Catherine Wheel Inn. at beckhampton aforesaid, on Friday the 28th day of October instant, at eleven o'clock in the. forenoon of the same day, in the manner d; rected by an Act of Parliament passed in the 13th year of the reign of his present Majesty; which Tolls produced the last year the several sums set against. the fallowing respective Gates, over and above the - expence of collecting the same, and will be put up at those sums ; viz. Beckhampton Gate £ 1118 s 9 Avebury Gate 82 fi lj Kennet Gate 2 4 0" Whoever happens to be the best bidder must, at the same time, eive security, with sufficient sur. ties to the satisfaction of
the Trustees of the said Turnpike Road, for the payme t of the rent at such times and in such man ; er as they s iail di- rect. By order of the Trustees, RT. GRIFFITHS, Clerk and Treasurer. MARLBOROUGH, Oct. 18, 1808. [ 17 M I. ECKFORD, xeJK STOCKBRIDGE, HANTS TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. CRISWICK, on the prermses, on Friday the 2Sth day of October J8" ® > Pr? 2sely at two o'clock in the afternoon,— i he Farming LiVe STOCK, HUSBANDRY UTENSILS, and X? Effects, the property of Mr. JOHN NOYES, quitting Lecktord : , consisting ot a rick of excellent meadow hay, about ' 2 tons three strong draught
horses, six large hogs, sow anti youn- pigs, a Norman cow warranted in calf, three waggons two carts, rollers, nine- share antl other ploughs, harrows antl drags, plough and cart harness, new granary and rick scaffold, stone cisterns, & c. ; also twenty lots of brewing and dairy utensils. 3 [ 41 SOUTHAMPTON. foR SALE by, AUCTION, at the Custom- House JL in this Port, on Friday the e » » h of Oct. ' 803,' at eleven 0 clock in the forenoon,— The YAWL, called the.- WILLIAM and ANN, late belonging to the Port of Ree, measuring 15 tons, with all her taCkle, Apparel, Furniture, and Boat. i A1so the cUttER, caked the' Fox, late
belonging to the Island of Guernsey, measuring 234 tons, with all her tackle, Apparel, Furniture, and Boat. - With the broken up Hulls of four open Boats, and their respective Materials. . r53 Which have been seized and condemned, and mrv bo viewed at the Custom- House two days before, the sale SHOBLEY, NEAR RINGWOOD, HANTS! TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Wednesday tbo 2 1 day of November 1808, between the hours of two and four ot the clock m the afternoon, at the White hart Inn in Ringwoo. l,— A FREEHOLD ES TATE, situate at Si, ob- ey, on the bori. crs ot the New For; st; consisting of a dwel- ling house, out- buildings, garden, orchard, and three ties; ; ot arable land, containing in the whole about four acres, and lett to Wm, tanner, as tenant at wili, at the low rent of 9'. per annum. . The Estate is free from land- tax, poor rates, and tvthes 1 Shobley being extraparochial,, and the occupier has the pri- vilege ot turning cattle and sheep, and cutting turf and heath, on tne commons adjoining. , r « 0 For farther particulars apply to Mr. Warden, Rmgwood. fROME nno BE SOLD by AUCTION, by WM. ALEXAN- dER, on Thursday the 97th hist, and two following days, on the Premises, at the end of Morton- street, seat M- nLls^ iiy,
cfrome,- The ' emainin'/ part of the STOCK in tRADE of Mr. JOSEPH COOKe, Silk Mercer, Linen and Woollen Draper, who is- about to decline business • winch consists of the most beautiful black florentines, sarsenets silk shawls, bomnazeens, Salisbury flannels, scarlet cloth fancy spotted, and coloured kersey; chambrays, durants, cala- mancos, elegant printed chintz, muslin robes, ell wide super- fine town prints for ladies' dresses, ginghams, japau. boat, and cambric muslins; counterpanes, brown sheetings dow- lasses, men's and women's hosY, and numerous' other articles selected froth the first manufactories and of
superior quality An elegant assortment of beautiful black and white lace fur tippets, &' c. & c. The sale to commence each day at three in the afternooa. LUDGERSHALL, WILTS. NPO he SOLD, by AUCTION, without reserve, by A T. RAWLINS, at the Queen's Head Inn, Lodgrr- hal! on Tuesday the Ist ® f November, isos,— The STOCK ir> TRADE of a person quitting business ( removed :; « the con- venience of sale to the above Inn); comprising i. - e dra- pery, Hosiery, and Haberdashery Goods, viz.. < ee, aable assortment of print: d liner s and cottons, muslins, ginghams dimities, silk, handkerchiefs, shawls, scarlet cardinals,
L'. n- casnire sheeting, checks, brown Hollands, baize, and blue linen ; men's and women's long and short gloves, variety of cotton and worsted hose, threads, tapes, laces, men's and boy's hats, and various other articles. Sale to begin precisely at eleven o'clock. <£ 3= The above goods are of the first qualitv, and worthy this- . attention of the public. fjg WARMINSTER. HPO be SOLD by AUCTION, byR. TOWKSEND, JL 02a Fxi? i av the 18th day of November 1808, at the An^ ot Inn, between " the hours of three and five in the aftermon unless previously disposed of by private contrac t, of wdrch. due notice will be given.— Two
FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or DWELLING- HOUSES, w th a large Malt- house, Stable Out- house:*, Buildings, Garden, and several- Clrses or Pieces of Pasture and Arable Land, with a good Barn on the same, situate and being in the pajjish of Warminster, parts of wliich, are now in the several occupations of the Rev. R. Herbert. Mr. Patient, and Mr. Hughes, as. tenants, at will. and part in" the occupation of Mr. Painter, the ovyr. er. Application ( it by letter, post paidj may be made to Mr. Davies, attorney, w the Auetionec;, of w'horg printed parti- culars may be had. r- g BADDBSI. P. Y AND EAST- END FARMS, " NEAR t. YM
INOTOA', HANTS, TTOIt SALE by AUCTION, by Mr. J. ^ witt, 1 on Thursday the 3d day of November 1808, All the LIVE and DEAD STOCK of JOHN WALTER,, Esq. d*- ® « * d - consisting of four draught horses, a " mare and sue'k - ig colt- 1' a pair of carriage horses, seven cows, one calf, one sow incl five pi£ S, twelve shuts, four hogs, fifteen fat sheep, seven- teen other sheep, one waggon, two dung carts, one ir.- rKet ditto, two ploughs, draes, and harrows, a roller, two corn bins, two Stone rollers, chaise, trace, and other harness, with a v rietyof implements of husbandry. Likewise a wheat rick, and two 1< ads of wheat in
the barn a bailey rick, and two Toads and a naif of barlev in the ham'" an oat nek, and two loads and a half of oats in the larn, i" large riek of clov r hay and part of a r. ek of ditto, two ricks of meadow hay ( about 40 tons), halt an acre of oo> iocs," seven loads of tern, four ditto of pLat, a quantity of beech' fire- wood and faggots, ten chaldron of coals, tv- 11 of hurdles, turkeys, gaiitiies, geese, ducks and . :, irley. and chicken, coops, a neat chariot, and ana-,- - f o, er ar » tides, which will be expressed in catalogue-., to be d> liverctt at tile Auctioneer's, Lymingtoti, antl at the place of sale. Sale to begin precisely at ten o'clock. fie
DORSETSHIRE AND DEVONSIIHE. TO be SOLI) by AUCTION, in 1. us, at the. Golden it • Inn, : n Lyra • Regis, in the eounty of Dorset, 00 l't « !.;,• 1118th daV of November 180'), pricitelv at one o'Block. The FEE- SIMPLE and INHKK1 WCfi of the MANOR and LORDSHIP of LYME AB8A « , ... I of diveers valuable mid very improvable TENEMENTS, FARMS, and LANDS, situate in the srv.- ial parshes of. Lyme Regis and War- brook, in the county of Dorset, and Uplyme, in the county of Devon ; containing nearly son acres of rich arable, meadow, and pasture groun , wit an allotment of the common c lied W; rnbro k Corn;. : n
or. Bcaly Down ( tor met sine which an Act c Parh " erf was lately passed), and wnich allotment will be s t out a i i, g the tenement in Warnbmok. aforesaid, > nd w 11 •., 00 t, c. cordins to the surveyor's estimate, to a'out 14 acr" • r- atutc measure. Printed particulars may be had at the Gulden Li " n Inn, and o Mr. Jones, Lyme Regis ; at the Fted L*> n Inn, t r • 1 ; < VIr. John Bengei Russell, solicitor. Bearr. inster, i '•• rs-. t • : of Mr. Bond, land- surveyor, Axminster, Devon, where : of the estates may be seen. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. BROdIE, J- DOWDING, AND J. LUXFORD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL,
SALISBURY; where orders, advertisements, and authentic Articles of News, are received ( Postage paid.) Also by t- lie PRINTERS and BOOKSEU. ESS in the West of England; by the respsetive NEWSMEN ; and in London by Messrs. TAYLER and NEWTON, No, 5, Wai; wick- Square, Warwick- Lane, Ncffgate.- Street, Mr. WILKIE, Bookseller. «