The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Issue Number: 3738
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 10/10/1808
Printer / Publisher:
Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3738
No Pages: 4
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& NB WINCHESTER AND GENERAL ADVertiSER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET\ AND SOMERSET [ NUMBER 3738. VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1808. PRICE SIXPENCE. / Stamp Duty.... ( Pajier and Print, 2id. sy. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. FOR E I Cr N N F. W S. NUREMBERG, Sept. 14. WE have, at length, received news from Con- stantinople, Tranquility lias not. been inter- rupted since the ii 1st of duly. MustaphaBa- . rivtar has con- ented to accept the office of Grand Vizier, aid displays much activity. He places little confidence in th: Januizzaries, and wi- hes, according to report, to profit bythe
existing circumstances to give them a new orga- nization. In order not to have any thing to apprehend fruA them, he has assembled in tbe environs of Constat! ti- tioije, a Very large " body of tl'oops, ot whose attachment lie is secure. LONDON, MONDAY, OCTOBER Paris and Dutch papers, the former to the 25th, anil the latter to tbe 29th ult. reached Town yesterday. They confirm the statement in our last, given from private letters, that Bonaparte had set off for Germany. He left St. Cloud privately on the morning of the 23d, for Erfurth, The Prince of benevento ( Talleyrand) set off for the same destination a few hours before,
accompanied by I humpagny, tbe nominal Minister; for there is no doubt of Talleyrand's predominant talents anil influence, nor of bis having com- pletely regained the confidence of Napoleon. Count Romanzow, the Russian Minister for Foreign Aflairs, set out from Petersburg!) for Vienna the beginning of last month, to prevail on tbe Emperor Francis to meet bis master and Napoleon at Erfurth, and to accompany him should he accept the invitation. The Moniteur makes comments, in the form of notes, on articles extracted from the London papers. But many of the paragraphs which it pretends to epiote never appeared in any
London paper whatever, and are fabricated for the purpose of deceiving the French people, with regard to tbe state ofaffairs in Portugal, and other articles are so garbled as to pervert their meaning ; yet in the same Moniteur deceit and treachery are represented as foreign to the French character! Bonaparte has adopted a new expedient for augmenting his military force, and, at the ami time, to retain the people of France In their present ftate of abject subjection. He has ordered his German vassals to furnish him with 100,000 men, who are to be taken into the pay of France, and to wear the French uniform, and they are to be
sta- tioned for the most part in tbe interior of France. The King' of Wirtemburgh has recovered from a violent fever, which, for several days, threatened to be fatal. The Genoa Gazette, of the 30th of- August states that Napoleon has demanded that the Austrian ports in the' Adriatic may be shut against American vessels. Letters have been received in town from Holland, Which state, that accounts of a very recent date had been received from Konigsburgh, of a revolution having taken place in Russia. Tbe Emperor Alexander is said to have been arrested; and it is also added, that tbe Empress Dowager is at the head of the
Iirurrectiori j but no official intelligence lias been received of this event. Privatelettershave been received from Gottenhurgh, dated the 21 st ult. by which it appears that the Russians have obtained some considerable advantages in Finland. A rein- forcement of 40,000 men, it seems, had joined the enemy's arm)', after which the Swedes are stated to have sustained a severe defeat in the neighbourheod of Wasa. Strong rein- forcements, however, have been sent to tbe Swedes. Lieutenant Bell arrived yesterday at the Admiralty, from the Havannah, with accounts that the Spanish Govern- ment there had declared for Ferdinand
the Viith ; that they had proclaimed war against the French, and that all tbe French residents were quitting the Island for America. He left it on the lGth of August, and on that day there arrived at Havannab a vessel" from Vera Cruz, with accounts that the Governor there had also declared against the French. The King has granted permission to Sir Samuel Hood, to accept the Grand Cross of the Order of the Sword, and to Captains Martin and Thompson the Knighthood of that Order, granted them by bis Swedish Majesty. Capt. Thompson, as bearer of tbe colours of the Sewolod, has also received a gold box from the King of
Sweden. The Marquis de la Romana left Town this morn- ing, for tbe purpose of returning to his native country, to join the patriotic standard, ' He was accompanied by a numerous train of Officers belonging to tbe army which he : lately commanded in tbe North of Europe. Falmouth and its capacious harbour present at tilts moment a grand spectacle* There are about 140 transports In Carrick roads, with 11,000 troops on board, and tbe streets are crowded with Officers, dressed in all the varieties » f military costume. THE EXPEDITION, now assembled at Falmouth, consists of a detachment of the Royal Artillery, ditto of Horse
Artillery, ditto of the Waggon Train, the 1st battalion of the I st. Foot Guards, 3d battalion of the- Royals, 2d bat- talion of tbe 14th foot, 2d battalion of the 23( 1 or Welch F. szileers, 1st battalion of the 26th, 3d battalion of the 2rth, 2d battalion of the 31st. Ist battalion of the 43d, first battalion of the 5Ist, 2d battalion of the 59th, 1st battalion of the 76th, 2d battalion of the 81st, and tbe 63th regiment complete. The superior Officers are Lieut. Geo. Sir David Baird, Commander in Chief; Major- Gene- rals Manninghain, « ( second in command), Warde, ar. tl Mackenzie ; Brigadier- Generals Slade and Craufurd ; Col. D'urban, Deputy-
Adjutant- General.-— Dr. Hogg is at the head of the Medical Staff, and has under bhn two Physi- cians, five Staff Surgeons, an Apothecary, a Deputy Pur- veyor, and ten Hospital mates. When the Sultan, of 74 guns, Capt. Griffith, was struck by lightning, off Port Malum, Minorca, In tbe dreadful storm on the lStb of August, nine men on tbe j b booiti were killed, whilst they were in the act of furling the sails; two of them fell into the water, and immediately sunk, the others remained in the position in which they wero struck by the lightning, and presented a most awful and melan- choly- spectacle to their shipmates. Eight thousand
five hundred and fifty pounds weight of Peruvian bark, were on friday entered at the Custom- house, by licences, for Holland; together with drugs to a con- siderable amount. VOLUNTEERS.— The notice from the Secretary at War, relative to tbe discontinuance of pay to the Volunteers, applies solely to the dissentient members of corps, which have generally transferred their services to the local militia Where any corps remains on the Volunteer establishment, the members will receive the pay and allowances to which they are entitled by the Volunteer Act. Friday night a man and woman who were asleep hi a barge laden with
bones, off Pickle herring Stair'", between two vessel*, were miraculously saved from being drowned, in consequence of the mate of one of the ships dreaming that the barge was sinking with the people on board. He awoke at tbe instant, jumped upon deck, found the barge actually sinking head foremost, and was just ill time to save the man and woman. A very unfortunate circumstance happened on Friday night, off Deal, about seven o'clock, to a boat belonging to the Bombay, when returning from the shore to the - hip by upsetting in a heavy squall, and it being very thick at the time, the deplorable situation of the crew could
not be discerned by tbe ships or shore boats; a hunt belonging to the Leviathan, with Captain Harvey, promiscously fell in • with the boat some time after the accident, and succeeded i u saving four of the crew, who were nearly exhausted and put. them on board a brig of war lying in the Downs, Tbe following i3 a list of the unfortunate sufferers, and those saved viz.: DROWNED— lieutenant Allcot; Mr Thompson, Boatswain; two Midshipmen, four Seamen one Coxwain, one Corporal, and four Privates of Marines SAVED— Two Seamen, one Serjeant, and one Private of Marine*.— The boat had been at the Dock- yard, and was
JMtly laden with stores. MARK- LANE, Monday, Oct. 3. Although We ha"> t a large arrival of Wheat this morning, yet with what remal on hand front lust week, there was sufficient for the dems arid the prices, upon the whole, must be considerd as ha< declined nearly 2s. per qr. from the value of this day se'ght; but the quality to- day was better from some parts ossex than we have seen in general before, and there is sreat a dif- ference in this respect, that the growths which lyear Went foremost in the " value, are not now current in is beyond S4s. to 86s. per qr. while tl\ ose from other nebourhoods fetch quite as readily [ 88s. to
sot. aS per particts beneath. We bad great plenty also of Spring Com of moorts. Rye is 1J. per qr. cheaper, Tick Beans 2s. and Gre'-' as as. per quarter. White Peas fully maintain their value,' I are much wanted.— Barley is Is. per qr. dearer for pie malting samples.— Oats are again cheaper, except fonoSe of the growth of 1807, which exceed the terms not beneath by tull 2s. per qr. and are scarce.— Brown Mtifd Seed has fallen 3s. per bushel since our last currency, k the White has many buyers at 12s. for the best. In ot' articles we find little or no variation.— There has been a at clearance made, both on Friday and to- day, of
most ss of Corn.— Winter Tares are here in great abundance at print -.— Wheat fits. to 90*.— Rye 40s. to 5-' is.— White Peas 96s. 1SOJ-— Grey Peas 56s. to 61s.— Horse Beans 56s. to 6Ss.—' Ik Beans 56s. to ( Ms.— Barley 40s. to 46s.— Malt 68s. to 80s- Oats 26s. to 40s. per quarter.— English Household Flour s. to 80s. per sack.— Carraway Seed 40s. to 42s.— Coriand Seed 10s. to 1 Is. per cwt.— Rape Seed 3" l. to 44/. per last. Brown Mus- tard Seed 12s. to 21s. White ditto 6s. to 12s. I'ares 10s. to 15s. per bushel. SMiTIN 11LD MARKET, Oct. 3. This da; market was well supplied with prime Beasts, and the s| v of
Cattle in other respects was rery good ; Beef, Mutton nd Veal, are cheaper than our last report; Pork supportast price, and the trade in general was somewhat brisk.—\ e sales in the Haymarket were pretty considerable; Stra'has got up in price since Friday's market; Hay and Clor sold at last prices. rr\ HE N. F. H. will A Tuesday next the llth. meet at Stony Cross on Dinner on table at half- past five oVk. [ 1306 ______ THE H. H. are requested to take Notice, that the FARMERS' DINNER will be on Tueay the 25th of October instant, at the Swan Inn, Alresford. The H. H. take this opportunity of rcquestg the Gentle- men and
Farmers to accept their thanks for e kind protec- tion and assistance they have given them, anthope to have the pleasure of seeing them at dinner. On that day a Cup will be given, t<? bc ruror on Abbot's Down ( by permission of Mr. Roberts) by ar horse, mare, or gelding, belonging to a farmer within thdistrict of Mr. Villebois'hunt, that has never started ( cxcepifor an H. H. enp), paid or received forfeit, or has been l training be- fore the 1st day of September 1808. The hoes must have been in the possession of a farmer in the distrt from the 1st day of April last,— to be rode by farmers ir. he dtstrict,— weight twelve stone,— the
best of three t^ p- mc heats. The horses to be shewn on the down at tweh o'clock, and to start at half- past twelve. No race unless thr. horses. start; and if more than three, the second best horse, he" winner of two heats, will be entitled to a jockey whip. . J. T. VILLEBOIS, Esq. Steward. Dinner on table at three ^' clocl N. B. No Person can in future be admittecto dinner who is not l- ona jide a Farmer in the district ofMr. Villebois' hunt, or wh$ j has nor a particular invitation torn a Member of the H. H. [ 1321 SINGLE STICK Somerset against allEngland ! APurse of THIRTY GUINEAS - On Monday October 31, and Tuesday
November 1, 1808, the fol- lowing PRIZES will be PLAYED for at SinGLE STICK, : it Frome, in the county of Somerset.— Fifteen Guineas each day ; the first day with padding, the secohi without: tiers to be played out each day it required. Oi account of the shortness of days, the Gamesters to mourt the Stage each morning precisely at nine O'clock. Proper and impartial Umpires will be appointed, by whom all lisputcs arc to- be determined.— No sham play will he allowed. [ 1334 BOOLS AND GOOD. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Co- partner- ship, if any, since the first day of June 1808, bettveen NICHOLAS BOOLS and
WILLIAM GOOD, as Ship- builders, at Bridport Harbour, in the county of Dorset, is dis- solved this day by effluxion of time ; all notes and bills in the late firm of" Bools and Good," arc to be carried in tt » the said William Good, at Bridport Harbour aforesaid, for payment. BlllDrORT, Sept. 90, .1803. [ 1- 223 THE Partnership between P. DANiELL and W. H. MASTERS, of Yeovil, Somerset, ll/ Mitrio' YARN MERCIIANTS, being determined by the death of Mr. Masters, it is expected that all persons indebted to the con- cern will immediately settle their accounts without delay or further notice.—- The Business will in future be carried
on Under the firm of P. DANIELL and R. CAYME. [ 1345 | "\ TTANTED, for a Lady of respectable con- • T nections,— A Situation as- COMPANION to a Lady or elderly Gentleman, and to rrtanage the domestic concerns; or ai Go. rness to young children in a private family, or as English Teacher in a Sthool. Apply to the Printers. TSALTER respectfully acquaints the Public, that . his Prolific STRAWBERRIES arc in full bearing, with excellent flavoured fruit as lartte as the Scarlets. This being the best time for planting, J. Salter wishes the public to be as early as possible in their application. 1 lis plants are safely packcd and
forwarded to any part of the United King- dom", with proper directions how to manage them ( and a sam- ple of the fruit, if required) at the foil, wing prices for ready money only : \ l. per hundred, 14s. half hundred, 2s. fid. pet doz n. A" large collection of PINKS and CARNATIONS, & c. from 6s. to 12s. pir'dozen. [ l? 23 N. B. All letters ( post paid) directed to J. Salter, nursery- man, Lincomb- hill, near Bath, will be duly attended to. T. 1 BLANDFORD, DORSET, Sept. 23, 1S08. H. BENNETT, from Messrs. Tice and Fisher's, begs leave to inform his friends and the public tit large, he has opened a SHOP in Salisbury- street,' in the
DRAPERY, Mercery, Hosiery, Haberdashery, . T. H*. B. respectfully acquaints the public, that his Stock is entirely NEW, and purchased on the very best terms, for ready money, which he is determined to sell on the most reasonable terms. [ 1261 T1 CHRISTCHURCH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. HE Members of this Society will use their ut- most endeavour, to brin?, and cause to be brouebt, SHEEP and LAMBS to the FAIR at CHRISTChURCH, eld on the 17th of October yearly, with a view to accom- modate the Dealers in Sheep and Lambs from the Isle of Wight, and. other parts of the county. A convenient spot of ground
and hurdles, necessary for penning the sheep, will be provided w ithout any expence. The Rev. JAMES WILLIS, President. Sopt. EY, Sept. 2fl, 1808. [ 1246 T acknowledgments to the supporters and friends of the nstitution, for the continuance to this Office of that pre- ference which has been so conspicuous ever since its esta- blishment. Tbe Receipts forPolicics falling due at Michaelmas are now in the hands of the Several Agents. Farming Stock insured generally, in one sum, at 2s. per cent. Loss by Fire from Lightnine made good. DAVID COMPIGNE, Secretary. GOSPOST, Sept. 28, 1808. [ 1314 THOMAS GUILLAUME,
jun. begs leave to iifforin the Gentlemen, Farmers, and the Public, living in the vicinity, that he has a Stock of very capital burning COALS to be SOLD, in any quantity, at theTown- Ouay Prices, NORTHAM YARD, SOUTHAMPTON, Aug. 12, 1808. [ 607 ~ CHEAP CONVEYANCE OF GOODS. THE Public are hereby informed, that a WEEKLY PASSAGE BOAT has' been established for the CON- VEYANCE of all manner of GOODS on the WN. vs and BERKS CANAL..— The Boat starts from Bath every Tuesday afternoon, arrives at Chariow, near Wantage, Thursday evening, returns the next morning, and arrives at Bath
Monday evening; and being met by a regular carrier from Bath to Bristol, and there being also a ready conveyance from Charlow to Abingdon, a cheap and expeditious conveyance is provided to and from Bristol, Bath, Melksham, Lacock, Chippenham, Calne, Tytherton, Dantsey, Wooton- Basset, Swindon, Shrivenham, Faringdon, High worth, Wantage, and Abingdon, and all other places between which the Wilts and Berks Canal is the line of connection. All Goods intended for this conveyance may be left at Crab's Well Warehouse, Temple- street, Bristol; at the Wilts and Berks Canal Company's Wharf, near Sydney Gardens,
Bath; or at any of the Wharfs upon the Canal. An account of the charges of' conveyance to and from the several places, may be known at the Warehouse, at Bristol; at the Wharf, at Bath; or at Mt. Wilson's, at Shrivenham, Berks. . . - [ 1W2 HANTS, SUSSEX, and DORSET FIRE OFFICE. HE Directors have again to offer their grateful TURNPIKE ROAD UNDER SALISBURY PLAIN. NOTICE is hereby given, that Application will be made to Parliament, in the jiext Session, for an Act for Continuing the term and enlarging the powers of an Act passed in the 28th year of his present Majesty, for amending, widening, and keeping in
repair the Road from the bottom ot' White Sheet Hill, through Hurdcot, to the Wilton Turnpike Road, at or near Barford, in the county of Wilts. Dated this 6th day of September 1808. 12S0J GEO. SOUTH, Clerk and Treasurer. N< OTICE is hereby given to the Proprietors of Lands and Estates in the parish and manor of PIM- I'ERNE, in the county of Dorset, and to all other Persons whom it may concern, that at the next Session of Parlia- ment a Petition will he presented to the Honourable House of Commons, foj leave to bring in a Bill in order to obtain an Act of Parliament for dividing, allotting, and inclosing the Commonable
Lands and Waste Grounds in the parish and manor of Pimperne aforesaid.— ' ated ilie id day of September , Solicitor. ROMSEY, Sept. 21, 1S08. JAMES MAY'S WAGGON, from Southampton ( through Romsey) to Salisbury, sets out from Brook- man's London Warehouse, opposite the Royal George, Southampton, on Mondays ; and from the Catherine- Wheel, Milford- street, Salisbury, on Tuesdays, where goods are aken up and put down every other day. Goods forwarded to Bath, Bristol, and all adjacent places westward, ar. d eastward to Gosport, Portsmouth, and through Sussex, ke.. also to the Isle of Wight, and to the
Islands of Jersey and Guernsey. * » * Wiil not be uncountable for Money, Plate, Jewels, or Glass, above the value, of Five Pounds, unless booked and paid tor accordingly. The public may depend cn attention and care, and that no endeavours shall ' be wanting to give satisfaction to his t- m piovers. [ 1146 TO NOBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN. AMiddle- aged person, who has for several years filled a Situation as AGENT for tbe SUPERINTEND- ANCE of BUILDINGS, wishes to obtain a similar Situation in any part of the country, as he has nearly finished his last concern. He thoroughly understands Measuring and Esti- mating
all kinds of Buildings.— The most respectable reference as to' character and ability will be given. [ 1326 Application may be made by letter ( post paid) addressed to X. Z. at Mr. Staples's, land- surveyor, Bridge- Street, Bristol. WANTED,— An APPRENTICE to a COLLAR and HARNESS MAKER.— Apply to the Printer, if by 1 itter post paid [ 1169 WIMBORNE, DORSi. T. WANTED immediately,-- A good WORKMAN, as a JOURNEYMAN " COOPER Apply ( if by 1 iter, post paid) to Mr. Crew, cooper, Wimbcrne. [ 1283 TO JOURNEYMEN TANNERS. ANTED, A Steady MAN, to undertake the Beam Work and Drying. A Person of
the above description will meet with a constant place.— Application to Mr. N. Grist, tanner, Lacock, Wilts, personally, or by letter, will be duly answered. [ 1296 w TO TALLOW- CHANDLERS. WANTED immediately,— A steady, sober, single MAN, who thoroughly understands the above business. Good wtfges will be given to a good Workman who is capable of undertaking the sole management. Enquire of the Printers; if by letter, post paid. [ 1- 2- 10 " 11 < R ANTED,— A COOK, or COOK and HOUSE- IF KEEPER, to live in the Country, where a Kitchen Maid is kept.— Wages according to capability. Apply to Mr. Fishlake's,
Salisbury; Post- office, Cran- borne ; or to Mr. Treherne, New Inn, Winborne. [ 1299 WANTED, in a Gentleman's Family near South- ampton,— A good COOK, who must understand the management of a small dairy and the care of poultry. Apply personally ( or if by letter, postpaid] to Mr". Harvey, perfumer, No. 147, High- street, Southampton. [ 1315" WANTED,— A steady, active HOUSEMAID, who can bring an unexceptionable character from htr last place. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to the Printers. T WANTED, ill a Gentleman's Family,— A stout, active Young Woman as KITCHEN MAID. She will also he required to clean
the lower part of the house. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) at Mr. Rice's, No. 12, High- street, Southampton. [ 1338 WANTED,— A Steady MAN SERVANT, within doors, where only one is kept, either in or out of livery. Enquire of the Printers. [ 1079 WANTED,— doors. He will be < MAN SERVANT, within quired to assist the Groom, and to work in the garden. Apply at the Post- office, Devizes, Wilts. [ 1323 WANTED immediately,— A MAN SERVANT in a Farm House, to assist the dairy maid, look after a horse and gig, and he must be willing to ' make himself use- Jill in every domestic employ within doors; lie will also be required
to wait at table; and, therefore, a person who has before lived at sen- ice will have the preference. Apply personally, or by letters ( post paid), to J. Force, auctioneer, & c. Wimborne, Dorset. [ 1327 CASTlE INN. DEVIZES. WANTED,— An UPPER OSTLER; a single, steady, sober Man, whe can write a plain hand, may hear of a situation by applying as above. [ 1329 1808. CHARLES BOWles NOTICE is hereby given to the Proprietors of Lands and Estates in the parish of MARNHULL, in the county of Dorset, and to all other Persons whom it may concern, that at the next Session of Parliament a Petition will be presented to the
Honourable House of Commons, for leave to bring in a Bill in order to obtain an Act of Parliament for dividing, allotting, and inclosing the Commonable Lands and Waste Grounds in the parish of Marnhull aforesaid.— Dated the 2d day of September 180S. 1132] CHARLES. BOWLES, Solicitor. NOTICE is hereby given to the Proprietors of Lands and Estates" in the parish of CANN SAINT RUMBOLD, in the county of Dorset, and to all other Per- sons whom it may concern, that at the next Session of Par- liament a Petition will be presented to the Honourable House of Commons, for leave to bring in a Bill in order to obtain an Act
of Parliament for dividing, allotting, and inclosing the Commonable Lands and Waste Grounds in the parish of Cann Saint Rumbold aforesaid.— Dated tlield day of Sept. 1808. 1133] CHARLES BOWLES, Solicitor. THE NEW COMMERCIAL COACH, From tie THREE SWANS, SALISBURY, to the BELL SAVAGE, LudgATE- HiLL. eDWARD PROCKTER and Co. respectfully re- turn thanks to their friends of Salisbury, Wilton, An dOver, & c. for the very liberal encouragement they have re- ceived ; and beg to inform their friends, that for their better accommodation, the New Coach will commence from Lon- don and Salisbury
every Afternoon, Saturday excepted.— Performed by EDWARD PROCKTER, GEORGE MATCHEM, and CO. N. B. Carriage of small Parcels, under one pound weight, 6','. only, as usual. i PROCKTI. R and Co. also particularly request their friends in the country will be particular in ordering their" corrcspbn dents to send their servants with the parcels to the Office in the Yard, as Fagg and Co. are endeavouring to establish an ofljee under the Gateway in the Bell Savage entrance, to mislead Prockter and Co.' s friends. [ 1290 A PARCEL CART, for the accommodation of P'rocktcr, Matcheln, and Co.' s friends resident at Wit'roN,
will be very shortly ready to convey the r Parcels, & c.' to and from the London Coaches, TREE of ANY EXPENCE WHATEVER,— as It is their full determination that their Salisbury and Wilton friends shall be accommodated upon much mote liberal prin- ciples than before their concerns commenced. Salisbury, Oct. 5, 1803. CHEAP TRAVELLING. THE PROPRIRTORS of the Old SALISRURY COACHES, from the Black Horse and Chough Inns, Salisbury, the Bell and Crown Inn, Holborn, and Saracen's. Head Inn, Friday- street, Chtapside, respectfully return thanks for past favours. We have ever considered our Coaches truly
Commercial ; if Commerce is to be supported, by fail- pursuits, we claim the priority ; fair gains, with a regard to tbe public comfort, has been our utmost study ; we do not profess to convey small p ircels for a less price than the postage of letters ; we bold out no such artifice ; we have no such commercial views as our Opponent; we wish not to injure the revenue by pirating the Post- office, or other Coach Masters. That the public may be in possession of the views of such a Speculator, we think it our duty to explain them : By injuring our trade, he presumes on getting our Coaches re- moved to his Inn, which he assures us is his
only object for opposition ; by reducing the carriage of parcels to 6d. he calculates on the number he shall convey, and what the porterage and booking of them will amount to,— far more than the carriage. To counteract such pursuit, and to protect a trade we have fair claim to, we pledge ourselves to the Inhabitants of Salisbury and Andover, to convey the public as cheap, in better carriages, and with more expedition, than our opponent, and will take in and book all parcels, & c. free from the charge of booking, and will safely deliver them in London free from the charge of porterage. WHITMARSH, FAGG, PENNY, AND
BROWN-, 135.=.] PROPRIETORS. STOLEN or STRAYED, from the Ship- yard at Mortem, near Southampton, on Saturday nitrht last,— t A BRIGHT BAY MARE PONY', about twelve hSnds and a half high, with a white face and the legs behind white, has been newly trimmed, and a switch tail. Whosver will give information where the said Pony may b « found, or will Wring her to the Ship- yard, at Northam afore- said, shall be handsomely rewarded. [ 135- 1 October 7, 1808. THOS. GUILLAUME, Jun. STOLEN or STRAYED, on. Saturday night of early on Sunday morning last, October 2, 1808, out of Steeple Ashton Common,
A BROWN MARE, of the Hackney kind, four years old, is hands and 3 inches high, with a cdt tail, a star in her forehead and small Stripe of white which reaches down to tt* tip of the hose, heavy in the ears, and has a remarkable twist on the hair on both sideS of the neck, and a few grey hairs on the rtiane; [ lafJO If strayed, Whoever" will bring the said Mare to John Marsh, of Littleton's Wood, shall receive ONE GUINEA Reward, and all reasonable Expences: arid if Stolen, shall, On conviction of the oderider or offenders, recciee a Reward of FOUR GUINEAS, on application to the said J. Marsh. HORSES LOST. STOLEN or
STRAYED, ff. tn the parish of Pent- ridge, Dorset, in the night of Tuesday the 4th instant, — A CHESTNUT GELDING, rising six years old, about. 14 jiands 3 Inches high, cut tail, the hair on the off pin bone Jjrey, a lafge white spot tinder the belly, and a slight Scar on each knee; goes off the ground in all bis paccs. Also,— A rUSTY BLACK GELDING, about 13 hands high, hogged mane, cut tail, and ambles in his walk. If the above horses are strayed, whoever will bring both or either of them to the Parsonage- hodse at Pentridge, orto the Rev. John Wood, at Milbotne St. Andrew, Dorset, shall re- ceive ONE GUINEA REWARD
for each Holse, and all reasonable expences; but if Stolen, a reward of FlVe GUI- NEAS for each horse will be paid on conviction of the offen- der or offenders, by applying as above. Dated Pentridge, October 6, 1808. . [ 1331 SOUTHAMPTON, Sept. M, 1808. PERSONS having'claims on the Estate of the lata Major DAVID ST. CLAIR, of Southampton, are de- sired to deliver the same to Mr. Thomas Skelton, oh oi be- fore the 3lst of Octobel next ensuing. [ 1285 WOODYATE's INN, DORSET. SUCH of the Creditors of the late Mr. JOHN LOATS, deceased, who have not already sent in the pat. ticulats of their respective debts,
and who had not any notice of the late meeting of tbe Creditors of the deceased, held at Waodyate's Inn on the 24th day of this instant September, or who could not make it convenient to attend such meeting, are requested to send the particulars ot such their debts to" Mr. John Swayne, solicitor, Wilton, Wilts, who will, on impli- cation, communicate to them the result of the meeting. WILTON, WILTS, September 19, 1808. [ 1267 A' MERE INCLOSURE. \\ 7" E, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, Com- V T missioners appointed by virtue of an Act of Parliament passed in the 47th year of the reign of his present Majesty,
intituled, " An Act for inclosing Lands in the parish of Mere, in the county of Wilts," do hereby give Notice, that having closed our several meetings fot receiving claims, we have caused the same to fee entered in a book for the perusal and information of all parties interested, for which purpose attendance will be given by Messrs. Mtssiter, the clerks to the said inclosute, at the Ship Inn, in Mere aforesaid, on Thurs- day the 13th day of October next; and if any person or per- sons interested in the premises, shall have any objection to offer to such claims, or any of them, we shall be ready to re- ceive such objections, provided the
particulars thereof be re- duced into Writing, and signed by the party oi parties ob- jecting, on Friday the '.! 9th" day of October next, at the Ship Inn, in Mere aforesaid; and no objection will be afterwards received, unless for some special Cause, to be allowed by us the said Commissioners. Dated the 26th oj September 1808. JOHN HELD. RICHARD WEBB. ' 1273] GEORGE BARneS. FARM AND HOUSE SERVANTS. WANTED,— A steady MAN to go with a Team, who can plough and sow well, and manage a Farm of about 100 acres, arid take the care of stock; one used to drill husbandry would be preferred, and hfs Son fif
old enomch) to be'employed as Under Carter;— a LABOURER on the Farm, who can do the general works of husbandry ( cattasres, gMr. den, and fuel];— a Man as COACHMAN or POSTILLION, of light weight, who must be a good groom, • drive well, and willing to make himself useful in a countiy service ;— and a young Man, or steady Lad, as FOOTMAN, who has some knowledge of gardening, or can look after a horse and gig. Apply personally ( or by letter, post- paid) to Mr. Martin, Library. Lymingtr. n, Hants.—( Onecemmn) [ 1349 WIMBORNE, DORSET, RPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. FORCE, in X the Market
Place, on Friday next, at twelve o'clock,— A GREY MARE, 15 hands high, a good roadster and steady in harness, and may be seen any day before sale at the New Inn.— Dated Oct. 7, 180S. [ 1328 to be SOld, A very excellent well- bretfAU DERNEY COW in her prime, with a beautiful Cow Calf by her # ide. She is sold because the ovvner has ' more than he has occasion for. Enquire of Stephen Bush, at Brookheath, near Fording- bridge. [ 1304 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. LL Persons who have nnv Demand on the Estate or Effects of Mr. HENRY fOLLIOTT, late of Hill Deverill, in the county of Wilts, deceased,
or any account whatever, are desired immediately to transmit their respective demands to Mr. John Folliott, of Knoyle Down; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are aho requested to trans- mit the amount of their respective debts to the said Mr. John Folliott, without further notice. KNOYLF, DOWN, Sept. 27, 1808. [ 1^ 26 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. A LL Persons who have anv Claims or Demands on 1\ the Estate and Effects of WILLIAM HANHAM, Esq. deceased, late Captain in the Dorset Regt. of Militia, are de- sired to transmit an account thereof to Mr. Leer, attorney, at Blandford, Dorset, iii order that tlie same may
be discharged. — Dated the 27th of September, 1808. [ 1229 LATE MR. JOHN BARNARD. ALL persons having nnv Claim upon the Estate and Effects of Mr. JOHN BARNARD, late of Wilton, deceased, arc desired to send an Account of tbe same to JOHN SEAGRIM, at Wilton-, Administrator, in order for the same to be discharged : and all persons who stand indebted to the said Estate are requested to discharge the same forthwith. [ 1173 A"; A NEW YACHT, ABOUT three Months off the Stocks, thirty feet in length, twelve beam, and six feet to deck. She is one of the completest Cutters ever launched in Southampton ; cabin
full head room, will dine ten persons, and accommodate seven beds on couches, & c. For price, antl other particulars, apply to Thomas Shaw, esq. High- street, Southampton. f 1245 New Trawl, large Seine, and Mesh Nets, if required. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— The good SLOOP *, of about thirty tons ad- measurement, suitable for the corn or beer trade, or would make an excellent pleasure vessel or packet; she is nearly new, and. has just had a complete overhaul ; is well found in stores, and is in every respect fit for immediate use: lowest price £' 230. The purchasers may be accommodated with time for part
of the purchase money, by giving, approved security.— Apply to Mr. T. Guillaume, jun. Northam Yard, Southampton, where the vessel may be seen. [ 1352 TO be DISPOSED OF, ill a pleasant market- town in the West of England,— The STOCK in TRADE of a MILLINER declining business. The Goods are modern arid well bought, and worth the attention of any one who wishes to engage in that trade. For furtbur particulars enquire of the Printers; if by letter, postpaid. [ I24y Poole, winborne, Christchurch, Ringwood, Fordingbridge- j Downton, and SALISBURY ACCOMMODATION COACH, To the Bell and Crown, Holloru, and
Saracen's Head, Friday- street, Cheapiide, London, ROBERTS, THORNE, and Co. Proprietors, im- pressed with a due sense of their obligation to their Friends and the Public in general, for the very liberal encou- ragement they have experienced since starting the above Coach ; beg leave to return their most sincere thanks, assuring them it will ever be their study by punctuality and steadiness, and rcsolvitig to have excellent horses with Careful and civil coachmen, to merit a continuance of their, future favors, which will very much oblige their obedient Servants, ROBERTS, THORNE, and Co. From the Angel Inn, Poole, and
George Inn, Chtistchurch, to the Black Horse, Salisbury, Bell and Crown, Holborn, and Saracen's Head, Friday- street, Cheapside, London, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; returns Tuesdays, Thurs- days, and Saturdays. Will not be accountable for any parcel or luggage above si. value ( if lost or damaged) unless entered as such and paid for accordingly. N. B. All Parcels sent to this Coach will be booked free of expence. The time of reaching and leaving Salisbury will accommo- date Passencers to and from Bath,' Bristol, Portsmouth, Ply- mouth, Exeter, & c, by el* Salisbury Coaches, [ list qpo BATH. be DISPOSED
OF,- - A LINEN- DRA- PEliY BUSINESs, ei^ ier with or without the Stock in Trade, in the first Situation in i Bath. For reference apply to the Printers. [ 1307 FROME, SOMERSET. TO be DISPOSED OF immediately,—' The long- established BUSINESS of WM. SINGER, LINEN and WOOLLEN DRAPER, & c. ( carried on in the centre of the po- pulous town of Frome) who is obliged, through ill health, to retire from trade.— The'House and Stock to be disposed of on liberal terms. For further particulars apply as above. [ 13- 35 FARM TO LETT. L Persons indebted to the late JOHN WHITE PARSONS, of West Camel, in the county
cf Somerset, Esq. deceased, are requested to pay the amount of their re- spective debts unto James King, of Kensington- placet. In the city of Bath, Esq. and Henry White, of Blandford Forum, in the county of Dorset, wine- merchant, two of the eltecu- tors named and appointed in and by the last will and testa- ment of the said John White Parsons ; and all Persons .. to whom tbe estate and effects of the said John White Parsons stand indebted, are also requested to send an account of their respective claims unto the said James King and Henry White, on or before the first tlay of November next, iii order that th » same may be
adjusted and Settled. WEST CAMEL, October3. [ 1305 MELKSHAM, October 1, 1808. THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against THOMAS BIGGS the younger, of Seend, in the county of Wilts, Cheese- dealer, a Bankrupt, are desired to meet the Assignees of the estate and effects of the said Bank- rupt on Tuesday the 18th day of October instant, at three o'clock in the afternoon, at Mr. Thomas Nalder's, tbe King's Arms inn, Melksham, Wilts, to assent to, or dissent frorii, the said Assignees commchcing and prosecuting one or mote action or actions at law,
or suit or suits in equity, against Thomas Biggs the cider, of Seend aforesaid, yeoman ; and also to assent to, or dissent from, the Assignees commencing, prosecuting, or defending, any other suit or suits at law or in equity, for recovery cf any part of the said Bankrupt's estate* and effects; of to tbe compounding, submitting to arbitration, or otherwise agreeing, any matter or thing relating thereto, and oh other special affairs. STE. VEZEY, 1297] Solicitor to'the Assignees. TO be LETT on Lease, antl entered on at Ladv- day next, A desirable FARM at Box, In the county of Wilts, consisting of near 300 acres. For further particulars
apply to Mr. Charles Jones, at Hasle- burv Farm, Box, who will shew the premises.— Proposals to be given before the 1st day of November. [ 1253 PERPETUAL ADVOWSON. TO be SOLD,— A PERPETUAL ADVOWSON, of considerable Annual Value, situate in the counties of Wilts and Hants, distant from London about 75 miles ; com- prising the Great and SmallTithes of about 4000 acres of Land, including 125 acres of Glebe, on which there is a good quan- tity of Timber. The House, Offices, & c. arc of a superior description, and in excellent repair. There is every conve- nience fot taking the Tithes in kind, and some
peculiar ad- vantages attached to the Living. 1Further particulars may be known by applying to Messrs. i them, known Strong, Still, and Strong Lincoln's- inn, London, [ 1123 j J « ura? l.— Soc wHErEAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against RICHARD MILLEGAN, of the parish of Portsea, in the county of Southampton, Brewer, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners irk the said Commission named, or the major part of them, on Wednesday the 12th day of October inst. at one of the clock in the afternoon, and on Thursday
the 13th day of the same month, at eleven o'clock in the forchoon, and on Saturday the 12th day of November next, at twelve of the clock tit noon, at the house of Mr. William Wise, bearing the sign of the Blue Posts, on the Point of Portsmouth, in the said county, then and there to be examined, and to make a full discovery and disclosure of his Estate and Effects ; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and at the second sitting to chuse Assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his examination, anil the Creditors are to assent to or dissent from the allowance of his
Certificate. All persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that " have any of his Effects, arc not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Mr. Reuben Hart, of Portsmouth aforesaid, Solici- tor underthesaid Commission. [ 1271 SOUTHAMPTON, Sept. 22, 1808, W'HERE AS I WILLIAM STAPLES, of the. twn and county of the town of Southampton, Painter, did, on Monday the 12th day of September instant, make use of expressions in public company, charging Mr. DANIEL. SILLEY, of this town and county, Carpenter, with ill- treating his Wife. Now I do hereby make known, that the
words so spoken were false and groundless; and I do hereby sincerely ask his pardon for the same.— Dated this 22d WILLIAM STAPLES. day of September, 1803. ( Witness) T. GILLINGHAM. WHEREAS an Advertisement appeared in last Monday's Salisbury Journal, signed WILLIAM STAPLES, purporting that the above recantation of defamatory and scandalous words spoken by him to my prejudice, had been inserted 111 the preceding publication thereof, without his knowledge or consent, and that it was malicious of me so to do. Now I beg to inform the Public, that when W. Staples signed the above retraction of his false
and scandalous conduct, the in- tent thereof was clearly to shew to the Public that he had ' at least falsely) traduced my character, and as the words spoken by him were of a very serious nature, and heard by various persons, 1 certainly conceive myself bound to make his ac- knowledgment of their falsehood, and his having spoken known to the Public, through the medium of this southampTON, Oct, 3, 1808.
THE SALISBURY AND WfSCHESTEftr JOURNAL. ma*** Wednesday's and Thursday's Posts. VROM TL! 5 LONDON GAZETTE OF OCTOBER 4. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, Oct. 4. THE Beagle - sloop of war, Captain NewCombe, being compelled by the violent gale on Sunday the. 2din t. to quit his station off Boulogne, and stand over to the B. gSish coast, at. elavei. P. M, fell in with Le Hazard French privateer, of 14 guns and 49 men, and nfter a eha- e of three boors, captured her . off ' the South Foreland. One man on board the prize receit^ d a mortal wound during the chase. BANKRUPTS. I Nicholas Humphreys, ot
Shoreditch, linen- draper. Simon Davis, of Upper St. Martin's- lane, Long- acre, cabinet- maker. James Harris of Cannon- place, gold- smith. Shepherd Scott, of Cannon- street, London, factor Adam Christian, of High- street, St. Mary- lc- hone, pawnbroker. Henry Clayton, of Redwalls. lanCashshire, mauufacturer. Wm. Pearson, of Old Painshaw, grocer. James Ellis, ef Liverpool, hAt- manufacturer. Wm. Bate, of Exeter, haberdasher. John sowden and John Hodgson, of Leedg, oil- merchants. W. G. Smith, of Billington, maltster. Robert Tate; of Manchester, grocer. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5. NEW LOTTERY, TO
BEGIN DRAWING DECEMBER 13, 1808. SCHEME. 4.... of... X- 20,000 are. .. £ 80,000 2 . 10,000 .. - 20,000 2 5,000 .. 10,000 6 1,000 B, noo 10 500 5,009 20 100 2,000 44. ...<-... 50 2,200 .. 25 2,500 4,8- 20 15 .. 72, o00 20,000 Tickets. ' • - F ' jf200,000 THE Scheme of this Lottery exceeds all others, as it abounds in Capital Prizes; and in addition, to the usual sum allotted by Government, the Contractor lias per- mission of the Lords of the Treasury for him to make A FREE GUT OF 1,000 WHOLE TICKETS, The value of which it is impossible to calculate, as they may contain the following Capital Prizes : 6 of i! l, 000 4 of £
20,000 2 10,000 2.., 5,000 10.. 20. 500 100 & C. & C. There are 20,000 Tickets in the Lottery, with not three Blanks to a Prize ; but there are only 19,000 Tickets for sale. A speedy purchase is therefore necessary, as superior benefits are attached to particular tickets drawn the first and second days, and the whole Lottery will be drawn in four days. Shares are entitled to a proportion of the above benefits. Tickets and Shares are selling at every Licensed Lottery Office, and by their Agents. ' [ 1353 BISHO!> STROW AND PITMEAD INCLOSURE. NOTICE is hereby given, That the Commissioner named and appointed in and by
an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 48th vear of tile reign of his present Majesty, entitled, " An Act for inclosing Lands in the parish of Bishopstrovv, in the county of Wilts, and also a Common Pasture called Pitmead, in the said parish, and the parishes of Warminster, Norton Bavant, and Sutton Veny, in the said county," will give his attendance on Monday ^ he 24th day of October next, at two of the clock in the afternoon, at the house of John Hilliar, known by the sign of the Weymouth Arms Inn, in Warminster, to proceed in the further execution of the powers vested in him by the same Act: when all per- sons having ot
claiming any common, or other rights to or in any of the lands oi grounds by the said Act intended to be in- closed, shall deliver to the Commissioner an account or sche- dule in writing, signed bv them, of such their respective rights or claims, and shall therein describe the lands and grounds, and the respective messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, in respect whereof they shall respectieely claim to be entitled to any, and * vhiCh of such rights in and upon the same, or any pait thereof, with the name or names of the persons in the actual possession thereof, and the parti- cular computed quantities thereof, and of
what nature and extent such rii* ht is, and also in what rights and for what es- tates and interests they claim respectively, distinguishing the freehold from the copyhold and leasehold, or on non- compli- ance therewith every of them making default therein shall, as to such claims, be totally barred and excluded. Dated this second day of September, in the year of our Lord 1S08. By order of the Commissioner, 1309] S. F. PHELPS, Clerk. Oporto papers to the 15th ult. were received yester- day. These papers do not contain any intelligence of ma- terial importance; but we learn by them that the discon- tent of the Portuguese at the
late Conventbn, has been greatly exaggerated, for though it is admitted that the terms arc too favourable to the French, yet the people in general are happy at the idea of getting rid of their op- pressors, and that their capital has been saved from those horrors which would have been the unavoidable consequence of a siege. Letters have been received from Lisbon of the 17th ult.— They state that the first division of the French army, vousi ting of HOOO men, had sailed for Rochefort. A Gentleman arrived in town yesterday, who escaped from St. Maloes in an open boat. AVe understand that lie waited on . Ministers with some
important informa- tion relative to the state of affairs in France. When he Sailed, Several frigates were fitting out at St. Maloes, and the port was filled with privateers. The merchants of Boston have agreed to petition the Executive Government", praying for the immediate suspension, and the repeal as soon as possible, of the Em- bargo. A circular letter, containing an account of their proceedings, and recommending similar exertions, was sent to the other commercial cities and towns of the Union. Yesterday a Court of Common Council was held at Guildhall, when, after some ordinary business, the order rif the day Mas read for
taking into consideration a motion for an. Address to his M-. jesty, praying tlrat he would be graciously pleased to Institute an inquiry into the conduct of those who had advised and concluded the late disgraceful Convention in Portugal, which Uad sunk this country into grief and astonishment, and brought dishonour upon the British arms and nation, in order that they might be dis- covered and brought to condign punishment. Mr. Waith- Tium made a long speech in support of the motion, and was seconded by Mr. Quin.— Mr. Dixon objected to tile latter part of the motion; he thought it should only solicit en- quiry, and that to
require the punishment of any man was to condemn him unheard.— Alderman Birch, as a Volunteer Officer, felt for the honour of the British army, which was tarnished by the Convention, and fully supported the motion.— Alderman Combe not only felt the necessity for enquiry, and the discovery of the authors of that disgrace, but thought that where guilt was jiroved vengeance must follow.— Alderman Curtis objected to the premature and unnecessary measure of an Address, to adv. ise his . Maje sty to that enquiry, for whicn no man in the kingdom was . mine anxious than the Soveicign himself.— Mr. Slade thought the
Address necessary, as it would shew liis Ma- le tv, that the sense of his people was in support of the en- q dry he had so much at heart.— Mr. Waithman shortly re- plied to the objections of Mr. Dixon and Alderman Curtis. ' rile question was then put, and carried unanimously. A Committee was appointed, an Address prepared and agreed to ; and the Sheriffs, attended by the Remembrancer, \ vei> requested to wait upon the King, to know the Royal Plea- sure when the Court may present the same. The Admiralty have come to the determination of no longer hilithening the country with the expence of a " Com- mander- in- Chief
uf. his Majesty's ship's off the Texel." Ad- miral Russel, in consequence, Struck his flag in Yarmouth P. oatls,' on Monday; and Capt. Talbot, of the Thunderer, is appoii. tel to command all vessels which were under his orders. The economy resulting from this ar rangement, mill, it is calculated, amount to some thousands a year. Admiral Douglas retains his situation as Port Admiral. We understand, that there is no foundation for the report of Sir James Samarez being dangerously ill, as is Stated in- a letter from Stockholm. The Duke of Queensberry has subscribed 500/. to- wards the relief of the unhappy sufferers by the late fire
in Covent- Garden. On Monday the Buckinghamshire Militia, with their wive- and children, were entertained wiA a plentiful din- ner of roast beef and plum- pudding, in the barrack- yard, at ' Eastbourne, by their Colonel Earl Temple, according to annual custom. The allowance of strong beer to each man was three pints ; to their wives two pints each ; and a pint to eaeh of their children, Grinning through a horse collar, and variety of other rustic sports, formed the amusement of the afternoon. Lieutenant- Colonel John Mackelean,' of the corps of Royal Engineers, was tried by a Court Martial, continued by adjournments from the
Btii of June to August 37, 1H08, oi various charges of misconduct, while commanding at Guernsey. The Court, upon full consideration of the whole matter, was of opinion that Lieutenant- Colonel Mackelean had been guilty, in some instances, of dis- obedience of orders, and irregularity of conduct: but it appearing that lie had not, on any occasion, been actuated by motives of personal iiltere i, but oil the contrary, by an ardent zeal for the public good, therefore only judged him to be— Reprimanded. Oil Thursday se'nnight a young man, named Pledger, whilst shooting a sack of wheat into a bin, in a windmill near Arundel, was
caught by the tail of his round frock, iu the Cogs of the mill- wheels, and being thereby drawn with great violence between them, his head was instanta- licou- ly crushed 11 atoms, and exhibited a most shocking spectacle to the grinder and another man, who were stand- ing close by, but could render no assistance to the unfor- tunate sufferer. BreAd.— Yesterday the Lord Mayor ordered the price of Bread to be lowered an assize and a half, or if/, in the peck loaf. The quartern loaf, iv beaten, will now be sold for I- id. household for 12} it. COrn- EXCUANOR, Oct. 5. Sales of Wheat are made fully at otic last named prices. Barley
and Malt arte in short supply. Rye is cheaper. There are very few White lVas. Grey and Beans keep their prices Oats are dearer. I Vice of Flour continues as on Monday. SOLDIERS' BAGGAGE. HANTS MICHAELMAS SESSIONS, 1808. So southAMPTOn, I A T the General Quarter Sessions to icit. f i' V of the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the King, holden at the Castle of Winchester, in and for the said county of Southampton, on Monday iu the first week after the Feast . of St. Michael the Archangel, to wit, the 3d day of October, in the 48th vear of the' reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the grace of God of the
United Kingdom of Great Brit; en and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, and in the year cf our Lord ISO's, before James Burroueh, Esq. Chairman; the Right Hon. the Earl of Northesk, K. B. Sir William Heathcote, Bart. Willam Chute, Lovelace Bigg Wither, Wm. Nevill, Esqrs. and othcis their Fellows, Justices of our said Lord the King, assigned to keep the Peace of our said Lord the King in the county afore- said, and also to hear and determine d'vers felonies, tres- passes, and other misdeeds committed in the same county:— This. Court, having regard to the present price of 1 lay and Oats, doth hereby, in pursuance and by
virtue of the statute made and passed in the present year of " his Majesty's reign, intituled, " An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters," fix and order, that all Officers of his Majesty's Forces, who by virtue of any warrant from his Majesty's Justices of the Peace within this county, shall demand of the constable or petty constable, to whom the same is directed, carriages for the purposes in the said Act mentioned, shall at the same time pay down in hand to the said constable or petty constable, for the use of the person- providing the same, over and above the sum of one
shilling a mile for waggons and wains, and nine- pence a mile for carts, hitherto payable under the said Act, the following sums, viz. the further sum of three- pence for every mile any waggon witty four horses, or any wain with - six oxen or four oxen with two horses, shall travel; the fur- ther sum of two- pcnce for every mile any cart with four horses shall travel; and so in proportion for less carriages. And this Court doth further direct, that, the above order shall continue in force ufttil the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden for this county ; and that the Clerk o£ the Peace do cause the same to be published in.
the several provincial papers. By the Court, T. WOODHAM, 1339] Deputy Clerk of the Peace. STATE LOTrERY. ^ PICKETS and SHARES for the LOTTERY . IL which begins Drawing the 13th of December next, are n ^ v Seiling in great variety, by J. Shipp, bookseller, Bland- ford; C. II. Drake, booksc. ll r, Taunton ; O. Hopkins, si! versmith, Bradford; T. Bowden, bookseller, Plymouth; ' I'. S. Seed; bookseller, Southampton; S. Mills, bookseller, Portsmouth, Agents to T. B1SH, of No. 4, Cornhill, and 9, Charing- Cross, London. The Scheme of this Lotteiy exceeds all others, as it abounds in Capital Prizes, and in addition to the
usual sum allotted by Government, the Contractor has permission of the Lords of the Treasury for. him to give as a Douceur ONE THOUSAND WHOLE TICKETS, The value of which it is impossible to calculate, as they may contain the following Capital Prizes: 4. ... of £ 20,000 5.... of. 10,000 2 of. 5,000 fi of £ 1,000 10..., of 500 & c. ike. bee. Schemes with particulars may lie had gratis; and all per- sons in the. country desirous of having Tickets or Shares, may be supplied the same as if present', by sending their orders, post or carriage paid, accompanied with good bills, bank- notes, or post- office- orders, to either 4, Cornhill,
or 9, Charing- tlross, London; where the last 25,090i. Prize, and the two fact Priaes ofSQ/ JOei. « TW liwwn, VNV*> < » W in shaws. | WM » WANTED,— A SHOPMAN, who has been used to a RETAIL IRONMONGER'S SHOP, and can come well recommended ; also a JOBBING SMITH. Apply ( if by letter, post paid] at Moore's Printing- office, Pooie. [ 1340 MR. THOMAS COURTIN, DECEASED. LL Persons who have any Claims or Demands on i " V the Estate of Mr. THOMAS COUR'i'IN, late of Poole.. Land- waiter, deceased, are desired to send an account thereof to Young West, Esq. or Thomas Parr, attorney, his
Executors ; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are desired forth with to pay their debts to the said Young West orThos. Parr. A GAME DUTY. r- LIST III. LIST of Persons who have obtained GAME KEEPERS' CERTIFICATES, at the rate of Three Guineas each, for the year 1808, in the county of Wilts. Keepers' . Viimes. Name t> f Manor or Royalty., hy whom ap/ iointrd. Brown, Wm. Broad Hinton Mrs. E. P. Benet Butler, James Lingham Mrs, E. W. Heneage Bridges, John Braden Stoke P. C. Methuen, esq. Beak, Wm. Monkton Farleigh J. Long,, esq. Bull, Wm. Bremhill, Calne, and the The marquis of Prebend Manor of
Calne Lansdawn- Cole, jonathan Tytherton Lucas Collett, Henry Easton Percy Chandler, W. Hullavington Collins, Wm. Christian Malford Cottle, William Hundred of Bradford Cook, Richard Steeple Ashton Collet, Wm. Slaughterford Christall, R. T. Crook, esq. Joseph Collett Sir R. Buxton, bart The earl of Carnar- von P. C, Methuen, esq. Mrs. K ith. Long Hon. C. W. Wynd- ham Rockley- cum Marlborough, The hon. lieut. gen Temple Rockley Down St. John, the earl of Ailsbury, & T Baskerville; esq. Denley, James Kington St. Michael A. White, esq. Ellaby, George Great Chiverill Trustees of Hcytes- bury College Flower, W.. jun.
Beanacre and Melksham Lovells P. C. Methuen. esq Gale, Jonathan Stanley, Loxwell, and Ne- thermore Sir A. Baynton, bart Goodyear, R. Box, Ditteridge, and Husle- bury W. Northey, esq. Hughes, Robert Salthrop, Quidhampton, Mrs Elizabeth Pye Benet and Brinknoll Woods Hall, John Nettleton R. H. Gaby, gent. Hayward, W. Kemble and Poole The Guardians of Miss E. A. Coxe Holder, John Ewridge cum Yatton Hancock, Edw. Alderton, Dunlcy, Surren- Trustees of the late dell, and Furleaze Hayward, T. Lacotk Hale, John West 1- ing on Hancoclt, W. Pewsham and Lackham sen, Hill, Benjamin Charlton and Rushall
Huntley, Mich, Manningtord Buaoe King, Richard Elcombe Large, Wm. Lawrence, J. Long, John Mundee, Wm. Liddiard Millicent. Milbourn Hilperton and Wadden Brinknoll James Montague Joseph Pitt, esq. Sir William Cod- rim; ton, krvt, Trustees of the late James Montague , Governors Of the Charter- house H. Blunt, esq. The carl of Radnor Mrs. K. Long The viscount Bo- lingbroke Mitchell, J. jun. Chippenham, Shilden, and Lowden • Ovens, Thos. Gars. Ion Paine, Wm. Chedglow Price, John Baynton Poole, Henry Heddington Pinnegar, Wm. Cadnum Rickets, Joseph Castle. Eaton Redman, Wm. Melksham Sealey, Wm.
Grittleton Simpkins, john Stanton St. Bernard Sawyer, James Erchford, ot! ieTW> ise Urch- font Wilcot, Oar, and East Howell Monkton juxta Chippcn ham Poulton Washbourn, M. Somerford Keynes White, George Crudwell Watson, James Cottles Wherat, ;•>. North Bradley Webb, Richard Road, Woolverton, and Langham, with Lands at charlton- house, Hin- ton, ft Norton St. Philips Mrs. Day East Overton, Lockeridge, The duke of Marl- Clatfords, and Shaw borough Aldbourn J. Hancock, esq. Watts, Thomas Imber, Brouncher's- farm, and Pepler's- faim Young, Nath. Brinkworth The earl of Suffolk Scriven, Edw. Uncles, Isaac
Weeks, Wm G- W. Ncrris, esq. I'. C. Mcthuen W. Peacey, gent. Mrs. Long, widow H. Maun. hell, esq. Hon. — Grant J.. Archer, gtnt. Miss K. Long, spins. J. Houlton, esq. E. Edridge, < « -' q. Mrs. M. Crip; s Lady Lucas B. Hobhouse, esq. Lady C. Long HAMPRESTON INCLOSURE. WASTE L J. VDS, FREEHOLD TITHE FREE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the New Inn, in Wiinborne, on Friday the 11th day of November, 1808, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Seven Lots of WASTE LAND, containing about - 215 acres, parcel of Hampreston Heath. For further particulars, and a plaft - of the lots, apply to Mr. Castleman,
Wimborne. 1155] RICHARD GEE. WILLIAM CLAPCOTT. S O U T H A MI' r O N. r| X) SOLD by AUCTION, on Wednesday the A lof October inst; by Mr. ALI. EN, at the Dolphins Inn, at- en o'clock,— A substantial new- built Brick DWEL- LING- USE, most advantageously situated for Trade, m. the jp. er. of the High- Street,"' adjoining the Nag's HtSfl) ; eonsistiff a commodious Shop, a good parlour, handsome drawiwimi, six good bed- rooms, two kitchens, & c. & c. Immediate possession will be given. [ 1091 liBRIDGE, AND RINGWOOD, HANTS. FORALE by AUCTION, at the White Hart Inm Ringw'ood, on Wednesday the 12th
of October instant, three o'clock in the afternoon, The following PREMIS; At HARBRIDGE. Lot 1.- Messuage, Barn, Stable, Garden, and piece of rich Arable Lladjoin'mg, by estimation three acres. Lat2.- Close, called Bonten's, by estimation three acres. Lot 3.- larch Field, four acres. Lot 4.— Harbridge Mead, about six acres. N. B.- ie above" Premises ale held under the I. ord of the Ma of Harbridge, for one good life, aged about 40' yea Lot 5.— e Islands, about four acres. Lotrt.— flot, called Peak. The t last lots are Leasehold for the remainder of a tern! 99 years, of which about 50 are unexpired. At RINgWOOD. Lot 7.—
Freeh'ild Close of Land, called Rook's Grove, situate at Nh Poulner, hy estimation two acres. Lot s.— freehold Close, called Stony furlong, near Northfield, t estimation two acres and an half. For furth particulars apply to Mr. Baldwin, solicitor, Ringwood, ints. £:. 252 tlNDS IN POOLS. TO be SOLD by- AUCTION, by J. BRISTOWE, at the Old Antelope Inn, in Poole, on Thursd . y the 13th day of October Inst, at three o'clock in the afternoon, • subject to thS conditions then to bepfo hiced,— TheFee- simpK tmd Inheritance of aid in all that MESSUAGE or DWEU LING- HOUSE, ari the Shop. Out- bailings, - and Garden thereto
belongtns, situate in Market- street, in Poole, now in the occupation of .1. VY. Frampton. These premises aw very desirable, dthcr- for a tradesman or a private family. [ 1000 For further particulars apply 10 Mr, Thomas Sticltlard, ot Mr. James Kemp, both of Poole, or to T. Tarr, attorney. T' WILTS.— CORSHAM & LACOCKTURNPIKE TOLLS. HERE being no Meeting on the 28th ult. for want of a sufficient number of Trustees attending,— NOTICE is hereby given, That t'neTOLLS arising at the Blue Vein Gate, situate on the road leading from Melksham to Bath, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the best bidder, ( ac- cording to the
conditions to be produced) at the Red Lion Inn, at Lacoek, 011 Wednesday the 9th day of November next, between ( he hours of eleven and one o'clock, for one Year, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the tilth year of the reign of his present Majesty, King George the Third, " for regulating the Turnpike Roads;" which Tolls were last lett for .£' 490, and will be put up at that sum. Whoever happens to be tile best bidder, must at the same time give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads, for payment of the rent agreed for, anil at such times as they shall direct. The
Trustees will, at their next meeting, to be held on the said 9th day of November, elect new Trustees in the room of such as are dead. JOHN MEREWETHER, Clerk and Treasurer. CAT. NE, Oct. 6, 1808.- [ I31t) TURNPIKE TOLLS TO BE LETT. WHEREAS in pursuance of Notice given, in the manner directed by an Act of Parliament passed in the 13th year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, " for regulating Turnpike Roads," the TOLLS arising at the Toll Gate at Romsey, called Gunville Gate, upon the turnpike road from Rornsey, in the county ot Southampton, to the county of the town of Southampton, w
» re this day put up to be Lett by Auction to the best bidder, at the Guildhall of the town of R » msey Infra, at the sum of three hundred and sixty- two pounds, being the sum the said Tolls were lett at for the last year, but no bidder offered. Notice is therefore hereby given, that the sa'd TOLLS will be LETT by AUCTION, on Monday the 7th day of Novem- ber next, between the hours of eleven o'clock in the forenoon and one o'clock in the afternoon, at the Guildhall of the town of Romsey Infra, in the manner directed by the said Act. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time give security with sufficient
sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said turnpike road, for the payment of the rent agreeed for, and at such times as they shall direct. RICHARD F1GES, \ Clerks lo the said THOMAS WARNER,/ Trustees. ROMSEY, Octobers, 1808. [ 1313 Cart Horses, fine Mitch C> ws, Cook's Drill Machine, llan, tfc. Ht livtern Farm, near Southampton. Foil SALE by AUCTION, on the Premises, on Friday the 14th cf October, 1808, bv J. YOUNG,— All the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, and eurioiw Agricultural In- struments, on bittern Farm, the property of a Gentleman, . viz. seven cart horses and harness; 12 prime Norman and
Genteel Cottage at Wellow, 1near Ronisei/, and three Tenements in the hundred of Hotiisey. FOR SALE bv AUCTION, by J. You KG, on Wetaesday the 12th d « y of October .180.3, at three o'clock in the afternoon, at the White Horse Inn, Romseyj Lot 1.— A new- erected brick and tiled COTTAGE, fit foir the residence of a small genteel family; comprising an en- trance hall, parlour, kitchen, dairy and pantry, with four bed- rooms over; detached cottage for servants ; stalled stable, eoach- house, cow- house, barn, piggery, & c. together with a good garden, orchard, and common fights, with two - fields adjoining, containing
altogether 2 A. 3 R. 1GP. Lot 2.— Three TENEMENTS in the hundred of Romsey, in the occupation of Moses Comley, Mrs. Jones, and Thomas Pope, with out- buildings and gardens thereto belonging. Farmer Moody, at Wellow, will shew the premises ; and for further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, or Messrs. Da- man and Warner, solicitors, Romsey. [ 1275 Woodward, J. Walton, Thos. Salisbury, Sept' 4, 1808. Examined. J. P. TINNEY. Published by order of his Majesty's Commissioners for the AflUirs t- f Tuxes, MATTHEW WINTER, Secretary. House and Land at liurnford, in the parssh of Bram- thaw, in the Areu>
Forest. ILL be SOLD by AUCTION, at the White Horse, Romsey, on Wednesday the 12th day of Octo- ber inst. at twelve o'clock at noon, subject to such particu- lars and conditions as will be there produced,— A. subst iptial BRICK HOUSE, four rooms on a floor, with the Fixtures therein ; stabling for furee horses, saddle- room, coach- house, granary on stones, fuel- house, piggery, & c. a gocd orchard and garden ( the latter part walled and part paled) ; there is a lawn o.' good land laid down to grass in the best manner: the whole including seven acres, be the same more or less. The Estate is Freejiold, Tythe- free, Land- tax
redeemed; with tenant- rights, three loads of file! wood, and turbary; and a Pew in Bramshaw Church. The great and small Timber growing on the premises, will be sold with the Estate. Bramshaw is ten miles from Southampton, thirteen from Salisbury, eight from Romsey, five ftom Lyndhurst, and 13 from Lymington: the roads are excellent, from which the house stands at a convenient distance. Mr. Robert Henbcst, shoemaker, at Bramshaw, will shew the premises; any further particulars may be known by ap- plyingto Messrs. Daman and Warner, Romsey; if by letter, post paid. ' f- iastf WINCHESTER. rpO be SOLD by
AUCTION, by Messrs. BALE JL and GODWIN, at'the Fleur de Lys Inn, Winchester, on Tuesday October 19, subject to conditions to be then and there produced, All that substantial Brick- built DWEL- LING- HOUSE, comprising an entrance hall, parlours, with- drawing room, good and appropriate bed chambers, conve- nient kitchen and offices; together With a very desirable pro- ductive Garden, planted with choice firuit trees; the uhole forming a compact gcjnteel residence, agreeably situate in Kingsgate- street, Winchester, and late in the occupation of Mrs. Baker Smith. These premises are held by Lease on Three good Lives
under the Bishop of Winchester, subject to an annual quit rent and small fine. Fixtures and fruit- trees to l^ p taken at a valuation. [ 1348 UNDERWOOD AND TIMBER. FOR SALE by AUCTION, by Mr. LIMPOS, at the Dolphin Inn, Bishop's Waltham, on Tuesday the 25th day of October, 1808, at three o'clock in the afternoon, agreeable to conditions: Lot 1 consists of 4 acres of Underwood in Saint Clear's, • 2i acres in Littleton Wood, and 14 acre in Cleverly Wood. Lot 2 consists of 27 Beech Trees and 3 Ash in Down- lease Coppice, and 5 Beech and 5 Oak in Littleton Wood. Lot 3 consists ot 70 Beech Trees, 4 Oak, and 7 Ash,
in Saint Clear's. Ix> t 4 consists of 44 Beech Treas, 25 Oak, and 1 Ash, in Cleverly Wood, anil 17 Beech and 1 Oak in Franklin Grounds. N. B. The Underwood and Timber are now in growth, and standing on the estates belonging to II. P. Wyndhaip, Esq. near Corhampton and, Exton, Hants. For viewing the nepective lots, apply to Mr. John Bunday, the woodmai. [ 1317 LANDS IN POOLE, npo he SOLD bv AUCTION, by Mr. BRISTOWB, l_ at the Old Antelope Inn, in Poole, on Thursday ( hi 13th day of October next, at three o'clock in the afternoon) subject to the conditions then to be produced,— All that n-.- w- erected
MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, with th*. Garden tdid Offices thereto adjoihins, situate in Hill- strufi ill Poole, late, the residence of Mr. Thomas Courtin, deceased; Also a STORE- HOUSE newly erected, at the bottom of the said Garden, and abuttjfte against Dearhay- lanc. And also six small TENEMENTS and a GARDEN, f tuatc near or adjoining- the said Messtiase, in the occupatil* of William Western, Henry Holies, and others. v All the above Premises are Freehold of Inheritance, orlijil for a long term of y. ars absolute. For further particulars apply to Young West, Esq. or toTi Parr, attorney, Poole. ' [ 99 » FREEHLD
MANOR AND ESTATE, In tltlew Forest, Hants.— Land Tux redeemed. TO be SL1) by AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKER and Pi IS, on Thursday the 20th day of October 1808, at twelve o'c: k at noon, at the Angel Inm in Lvminuton,— A most desirle Freehold MANOR or reputed M ANOR and ESTATE, ccd OSSEMSLY, situate 011 the borders of the New Forest,! the parish of Milton, 111 the county of Hants; with valua, h Rights of Common on the New Forest; comprising wards of 520 Acres of Land, in a ring fence, nearly 500 ofhich are now iu the occupation of Mr. Wm. S. Burton, as tent thereof, under an slid lease, which will ex pire at Michlmas 1810, at a very low rent; the residue thereof is pari held by tenants at will, and partly by tenants for long term This Estateombines every advantage which can make it anjelieible puhase to a gentleman fond of the country and the sports of tl field ; and the many beautiful views of forest scenery, tbest and distant cliffs of the Isle, of Wight, render it particularlyfsirable as a country residence. Distant frorr. y mington seven, and from Christehurch about four miles.— Printed particulars rtiay be had on application to Messrs. Clkes and Sewell, solicitors, Newport, Isle of Wight, at eerie office a Plan of the Estate may be
seen ;. to Mr. King, soiitor, Lytnington, H! mts; or to the Auctioneers, Newport. And immeately afterwards will be Sold by Auction,— About three aes and a half of Meadow Ground, lying in Bur- ton CommoiMeadow, near Christchurch, Hants, now also in the occupaon of Mr. Burton. [ 1295 A Capital ' reehold Estate, Manor, and Advou son, in GLOUCESTERSHIRE. TO be S » LD by AUCTION, by Messrs. SKIN- NER, I KE, TUCIIIN, and FOIIRKST, 011 Tuesday the 15th of Novetber, at 12 o'clock, at Gatraway's Coffee- house, Chinge- allei Cornhill, London ; in one lot, A capital FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tythe- free, and the Land tax re- deemed, desiibly situate at Hawlin;:, within 9 miles of Chel- tenham, ant ft ' of Northlcach, 9 of Stow on the Wold, and IS of the citjpf Gloucester ; comprising the Manor of Haw- ling, with it rights and royalties, a commodious manor- house, withoffices, and demesne lands, containing about 1420 acres, ( vided into, eligible farms, with . suitable farm- houses, barm stabling, beast stalls, and other out- buildings, now in the ocupation of Messrs. Ruck, Cook, and Lodge, on leases wh: chexiiire at Lady- day 1810; about los acres of Wood Lund, nd Plantations in hand; also 431 acres of Land, lett on leases- nd copies of courj- roll
for lives, a Considerable part dependin on very old single lives, together with the Ad- vowson of tin Rectory and the whole township or village of Hawling. The Estate forms a most valuable property, is capable c, f great improyenent, and well worthy the attention of gentle- men wishing ti realize iu Gloucestershire. To be viewid by applying to the principal tenants, and printed particuars may be hail at the Manor- house six weeks preceding the iale; also at the King's Head, Northleach ; Unicomi Stow, Plough, Cheltenham ; of Mr. Walker, prin- ter, Gloucestei; Mr. Langdon, printer, Sherborne; Mr. Cruttwell, priracr, Bath ; Messrs.
Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, printers, Salisbury ; Messrs. Dawson, printers, Ox- ford ; Mews, v.- els and Oweeoeit, Cheltenham ; Charles Wade, Esq. Pucknall, near Romsey, Hants, where a plan may be seen1, and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, Tuchin, and Forrest, Aldersgate- strcet, London, where a plan may also b » seen. ' [ 983 SOMERSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the George hii, in Frome Selwo'od, on Wednesday the 2Uth of Octoltfi 1808, at four O'clock in the afternoon, " under such comlitioB as will be then and thtre produced,— A very valuable Tvtht- Free ESTATE, situate in the parish of Witharn Friary, in the
countv of Somerset, called the Monor, or Repuitd Manor, and Farm of New DITCHINGS; comprising a sub- stantial, well- built, and handsome form- house, in complete repair, connected with suitable and convenient stables, tstHf and offices, with a good garden and orchard adjoining ike house, and about 112 acre's of meadow, pasture, nfid aralild land, including a wood of about four acres, all within a itag fence. A stre-.- m of water continually flows through ibe farm, which may be advantageously applied to irrigation, or for driving a mill. New Hitching* is distant 7 miles from Frome, 4 from Mai- den Bradley, 7 from Wincanton, 5
from Button, 7 from Shcpton, 10 from Warminster, and within a short distance of the line of intended new turnpike road from Bruton to Fremc. The estate commands fine views; the surrounding country is remarkably pleasant, and contains a great quant. tv of pam « . To be viewed by applying to William Corp, Witham Fn -. ty, or Mr. Giles Cox," North Brewham ; and tor further particu- lars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Wickhiun, solicitor, or Messrs. Crocker and Sons, land- suiveyors, Fromc, whir ® a plan of the estate may be seen. f 132J SOMERSETSHIRE. TO he SOLD hy AUCTION, at the George Inn, • Bridgwater, on
Tuesday the lsth of October, IS09, ia Lots ( unless previously disposed of,) A very valuable and connected FREEHGl. D ESTATE, situate at " Bcrrow, in the county of Somerset, On the Bristol Channel ( lo which it ail- ' joins upwards of two miles), .9 miles from Axbrdgc, 20 from Wells and Glastonbury, 12 from Bridgwater, and 27 from Bristol; comprising the extensive Manor of Bcirow ( co- ex- tensive with that parish); a very considerable Salmon tislirry and Rabbit Warren ( both of which also extend alougtlie Bristol Channel the 1 mgth above- mentioned), with the rights, royalties, and immunities thereunto belonging; also very
rich Dairy and Grazing Farms ; Lands and Tenements, ci- n- taining 1220' acres statute measure, or thereabouts " exclusive of the fishery and warren, which consist of 7 > 7 acn •;. 787 acres of the farms and 1 ; rids are lett to very substantial tenants for terms which will expire at Lady- day next, and the re- mainder are held on lieses for lives, the whirle being of tin estimated value of £ 4T41 per annum, clear of taxes. To be viewed by applying to Richard Pollard, of Beirow, or to Mr. John Board, of ihc same place, with whom a N'l. p of the Estate may be seen. Printed particulars may be fad at the'Gcorge Inn, Bridgwater; the
White Hart, Gtustui-' bury; the Christopher, Wells; the Kind's Arms, Cr- us; Mr. Peter Fry, Compton- house, Axbridgc; Mr. Guch, printer, Bristol; Mr. Crurtwcll, printer, Bath ; Messis. Trew- man, printers, Exeter; Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Sa- lisbury; Messrs. Dennetts and Greaves, Lincoln's- inn- fie'dj, London; and Messrs. John and William Hollins, Knuistlnl. A Map of the Estate may also be seen by applying to Messrs, Dennetts and Greaves, or Messrs. J. and W. Hullms, In. it whom any further information njay t. ehad, [ 166* Hitreutood, in Cornwall, on the borders of Deoon. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, early in the ensuing
Year ( if not sooner disposed of by private'contract), togsther or in such lots as may suit the convenience of pur- chasers, with immediate possession,— The FREEHoLD and INHERITANCE of the MANSION- HOUSE and DE- MESNE LANDS of HAREWOOD, situated in the parish of Calstock, upon, and almost surrounded by, the navigable river Tatnar, by which there is a ready intercourse with Dock and Plymouth, distant from Plymouth 14 miles, Callington and Tavistock o", and Exeter 35; consisting of a spacious mo- dern stone- built Mansion,, with offices, walled gardens, and 355 acres of lawn, paddock, orchard, meadow,
arable, wood, and exceedingly rich grazing Land, together with an extensive Common- right. A considerable part of the purchase money may remain, sstured on the premises. Printed particulars will be ready for delivery early in Octo- ber, at Harewood- Ilouse; Mr. Christie's, in the Pall- Mall, and Ms. Fairbank's,. Ely- placv, London; at the office of Messrs.. Eales and James, solicitors, and Mr. Dean, surveyor, Exeter ( where maps of tfife estate may be seen), either of whom will treat for the sale. of theVprerflis^ s by private con- tract, together or in parcels. Printed particulais may also be had at the Inns in Exeter, Plymouth, Dock,
and Falmouth ; and at all the principal In^ soh the great western Mails. [ 1221 DEVON anP CORNWALL. Freehold Maiiors, Land, and Tithe. NPO be SOLD by AUCTION, early in the ensuing 1 Year,— The MANORS and LORDSHIPS, or Reputed Manors and Lordihips, hereinafter mentioned, ( that is to say) ARNOLD and V. JIST ANSTBY, in the parishes of George Nympton and West Anstey, uear Southmolton ; BRADWELL, in the parish of West Down, near Barnstaple; Atfoliuis- WO11TIIY and. EEST BRCKISN, in the parish of Woolfardis- v.- orthy, near. Grtat^ fbrnn\( ton ; WELCOMIIR, and the Great Tithe impropriate? the
parish, and Advowson of the vicarage, of Welcontbe, near Hartland; all in the countv of Devon. The bordugh of MII. BROOX, and manor of £ NSWURK, ir. the parish of Maker, near Plymouth- Dock. The manors of TIU. VAI, I. ARD, in the parish of St. Ste- phen and St. John's, ni; ar Ssltash ; of TRUHIMSJUS, in the parish of Gluviasjand bdrough of Penryn ; of THIIWOIIVALL and TREVIADRS, in the parish of Constenton, otherwise Con- stentine, near i'ilmouth, with the Great Tithe impropriate of ths parish of Mab^; of GAVRIGAN, in the parishes of St. Eval, St. Columb. 3nd St. Breock, near Wadebridge ; of BOD- MIN, in the
parisn atiil horbugh of Bodmin ; of NETIUACOTT, MAHIIAMC! ICRCIK,. MI » /) R. » - IS- STOW, DLANSTV HSOON, TI< E- TIIEVEY, and CTBtWoujth Part of DONEC'KNEV, in the several parishes of Lancells, Marharnchi'. rch, Whit stone, Trcneglus, I'intagel, Moorwinstow, and Week - St. Mary, ( between Launceston, Gimelford, Stratum, and Holdsvvorthy), and the Great Tithe impropriate of the parish cf Moorwinstow aforesaid, all in the countv of Cornwall, And several capital MESSUAGES, FARMS, LANDS, and TENEMENTS, ill the several parishes of Crediton, Sho- brooke, Morcharf Bishop, and Thotvcrton, Holdsworthy,
Ashwater, Inwardkjigh, Jacobstow, Hatherleis; h, Asbreigney, Bideford, Bucklno^ ilrewcr, and Dolton, all in the county of Devon ; also several Houses in P- ymouth ; one House in Beer Alston ; five Tenements in Crafthole, near Plymouth- Dock ; a Close of Land, called Clarrick Wood, of 20 acres and up- wards, in the parish of. Maker, opposite his Majesty's dock- yard, intersecting the beautiful grounds of Mount Edgecombe, finely situated for building; also a most improvable Tract of. Land, of 100 acres and upwards, in the parish of Calstock, 011 the river Tamar, with the Quays, Wharfs, Cellars, and Lime Kilns belonging thereto.
The whole consists' of near 11,000 acres of enclosed culti- vated land, ami ab!) Ut 1000 acres of down and waste land. Printed particulars of each day's sale, will be ready for de- livery two months before the sales, at the following Inr. s: George; Southmolton ; Fortescue Arms, Barnstaple; Globe, Torrington ; the Inn, at Hartland; Tree, Stratton ; White Hart, Holdsworthy ; George, Hatherleigh ; Angel, Crediton; King's Arms, Plymouth- Dock ; Green Dragon, Saltash ; Sa- racen's Head, Penryn; King's Arms, Bodmin; and at Gar raway's Coffee- house, London: at which places the several sales will be held, and where plans of the 1
states, referred to by the printed particulars, may be seen ; also at the offices of Mr. Seymour, Margaret- Street, Cavendish- square, London ; Mr, Mallett, Berry, near Hatherleigh; Mr. M. illett, solicitor, Callinjton; Mr. Smith, solicitor, I'lyineuth- Duck; and Mr. Deaft, surveyor, Exeter* [ l- i'l MERE INCLOSURE. WE whose names are hereunto subscribed, Com- missioners appointed by virtue of an Aci u£ Ped i- ment passed in the 47th year of the reign of his present : vm- jesty, intituled " An Act for Inclosing Lands in the pari Tin? Mere, in the county of Wilts," do hereby give Notice, that. WJ have set out and appointed, through and
over the I n< l » and Grounds intended by the said Act to be divided, allotted) and inclosed, the undermentioned PUBLIC CARRIAGE- ROADS and HIGHWAYS. No. 1.— Thirty feet wide, leading from Woolverton, ver Grout- hill Common- field, to the turnpike- road from Mcret » Wincanton. No 2.— Thirty feet wide, leading from Woolverton aforfsni over the Ark- common, nearly in its present track, to its u- til entrance into the parish of Gillingham at Hoskins's- corntr. No. 8.— Thirty feet wide, branching out of the said tuiv pike- road near Deatl Maid- pond and extending to Wood- hut, and from thence, over Mapledorc- common, to
its usual trance into the parish of Gillinghiun at the old bound- itat there. No. 4.— Thirty feet wide, branching out of No. 3, net Roper's- lane, and extending over Mapledore- common to lie termination of No. 2 at Hoskins's- corner. No. !>.— Of various breadths ( no part thereof being Ins than HO feet wide), branching out of No. b', near Clenunt'i- gate, and extending over Rook- street- common, between \ Yo;. - land and White- hill F8rms, and by Swain's- ford to Muplr- dore- common aforesaid, and over the east enh of the said list f -' ioned common to its usual entrance into the pansh of Gillln ham. No. 8.— to feet wide, leading
from Mere towards Shaftes- bury, beginning at Clement's-^ ate aforesaid and extending, in its p. es. nt track, over Whitemarsh and Wirt.- hill- com- mons to it< usual entrance into the parish of Giliinrfiam near Hailchokl- close. No. • .— Thirty feet wide, branching out of No. 5, bear Hinks's Mill, and extending, by Haiks\ s. Mill- lane, met Whitehill- common to the north end of Wet- lane, and from the south end of the same lane over the nortf* side ot Lv< Marsh- common to Slob- lane, and therefrom o. er Kidfe- common to No. 8 at Slop- lane. No. ( i.— Thirty feet wide, leading from Westhill- laDt, ia West Knoyle, over Barrow street
and Ridge- commons, by Slop- lane, and over part of Bush- hayes- coninion to the etc of No. S, and thence south- eastward to a gate at its piesmt entrance into the parish of Gillingham. No. 9.— Thirty feet Wide, branching out of- No. 8, on flusl- hayes- common, and extending, nearly in us present tract over the same common, Knowle- strait Mid Knowle- coniima to its usual entrance into the parish of West Knoyle. No. 10.— Thirty fee., wide, branching out of No. 9, at tit north- west corner of an old inclcsure, called Ten Acres, be- longing to the Lord of the Manor, and extending along lie south s'tde of Knowle- common to its
present entrance into the parish of West Knoyle. No. 11.— Thirty feet wide, beginning tit the north- wr. t corner of LiCtleirtatsli- corimon and extending over the w.; t side thereof and ewer « J. imper's- hill- comtii « n to No. 6, ia Whitehill- common. ) No. 12.— Thirty test wide, beginning at the south- rest corner of an old inclosure, called Ashwcll- paddock, andix- tending over the east end of Uurtoiv- field to t'i| c turnpike liftd. No. 13.— Thirty feet wide, branching out of No. U, ie « r Clcment's- gate, and extatiding over the north and notihs'ast sides of W hitcmarsh- common to the west- end of an atldeut lan.' leading to Limper's- hill.
No. 14.— Thirty feet wide, branching out rf the turnpike- road, opposite Bu. rton- ficid, and extending, in its usual trek, ever tic common arable fields to Mere- down- farm, find thence to its usual entrance into the parish of KingstonDt- verille, leading towards Warminster. No. 15.— Fifty feet wide, leading from Stourhead towards Ilindon, and extending from Norton- farm- down, in its pre- sent track, over Mere- tenantry- down to its present entrance i on Mere- down- farm, thence over Burton- down to its present' entrance on Chaddcmirck- farm- down. No. 10.— Thirty feet wide, leading from the north, end ot High- street- lane, in or
near its present track, over part cf West- field and Zeal's- pits- common to White- cross. Which several Roads we the said Commissioners have re- spectively ascertained and marked by stain s driven hill the gtound, and have prepared and signed a Map wherein lucli Roads are laid down and described, and deposited the same at the Office of Messrs. Messiteir, Wmcsnton, Chtks tc the said Inclostire, whercthe same may be inspected by all per- sons concerned. And we do further give Notice, tint we have npixiuted Saturday the 9.9th day of October ncxi fdurina t u' next Meeting), at theShip Inn, in Mere aforesaid, for thn
purpose of receiving any objection that m'ly be ottered to the yetting out of such Roads.— Dated September ifi, 1808. JOHN MELD. RICHARD WEBB. 12711 GEORGE BARNES,
ANt> GENERAL ADVtTlSER OF WlLl'S, HAM'S, DORSET, AND SOMERSET, Friday's and Saturday's Posts. F OREIGN - NEW S. COROnNA, Sept. 28. A COURIER arrived here yesterday morning, /-\ with the gratifying intelligence of the surrender - A. Bilboa to the fourth division of General Blake's army, commanded hv the Marquis PatagO and Colonel De Fabro. The French who defended Bilboa were 5000 strong, and. it is said that the enemy lost 2000 in killed and wounded; the remaining 3000 arc prisoners of war. Hut JIK; particulars of the action are not accurately known, Marquis Patago ihas sent to Gen. Blake for
scaling K, as he intends to commence the siege of St. Sebas- Wf and if the French do not surrender, is determined to Bmrm the place.— This town was illumined last night in ^ mjwjuence of the glorious victory obtained hy our troops, Vvhich was also celebrated by salutes of artillery from the batteries and the ships of war in the harbour. Among th se are two British line of battle ships, the Tonant, Admiral De Conrey, and the Defiance, Captain Hotham ; the Officers and crews of which participated with enthu- siasm in the general joy. LONDON, FR J V AY, OCTOBER 7, On Wednesday night Corunna Gazettes to the 20th tilt,
arrived, and the intelligence which they contain is of a very satisfactory nature. A division of the Spanish army, under the command of the Marquis De Portazgo retook Bilboa on the 20th tilt, after ati action of three hours, in which the enemy had 2000 killed and wounded. The loss of the Spaniards was comparatively small, and they made upwards of 2000 Frenchmen prisoners. The whole of the French force, which is estimated at 40,000 men, is concentrated behind the Ebro, and it does not appear that any very numerous reinforcements have yet arrived from France. The Spanish armies have all advanced, for the purpose
cfexpellitig the French from the strong position which they occupy, an, d we have very little douht that before this time a decisive action has taken place. The pos- session of Bilboa will be of - great advantage to the Patriots, anil will wry much facilitate their operations. The Madrid Gazette Extraordinary of the 1 + th of September, states, that in consequence of the Conventiontion of Portugal by Hie French, . a Spanish army of 12,000 men, * ilh a corresponding train of artillery, whose sen ices had been confined to the neighbourhood of Badajos, watching the movements of the French withju the Portuguese frontier, were preparing
to march immediately to Castile, iu aid of tlie patriotic armies, there assembled iu the just defence of the Spanish nation. The official accounts of the defeat of the French near Bilboa have not liieh received, but it is. represented as very decisive. The Deputies who are to form the central Junta of Go- vernment fur the appointment of a Regent of the kingdom . of Spain were mostly assembled at Aranjeuz on the 21st, ult. an,; were expected to open their sittings on the 24th. It w.< s further expected that the Cardinal de Bourbon, Areh- bi- lmp of Toledo,' would he declared Regent. SPANISH ARMY.—• The following is a statement of
the fortes of the Spa ish Patriots, from a private letters4— Hen. Blake's army :,£>', 0P0 infantry, 10,000 Asturiatis expected shortly to join, throo comymiiios of artillery. Gen. Castanos • VO. OOO— S2, U0(>- General Flama lti, 000 Valencians and Murcians. General Cuesta 8000 infantry and 1500 cavalry. Palafox's army and the Spaniards from • tile north not in- . eluded, besides a consul Table force expected from Biscay. — French force 40,000 infantry and 6000 civalry. Sir Arthur Wellesley has arrived' from Lisbon in co npany with Brigadier- General Ferguson, Lord F. So- me! et, the Hon, Captain Stanhope, Captain Mellish,
and fume other Officers.—' They left Lisbon on the 2^ th ult. at which time nearly the whole of the French bad embarked, to the number oi' twenty- seven thousand men, of whom Vi. 000 belonged to. die ursny- These Officers have no doubt been sent for by Ministers, ai likely to furnish all the requisite information respecting the causes and circum- tanees which l « l< o the Convention of ( intra. The institution of an inquiry will therefore material y depend upon the details which they are enabled to supply. Sir Hew Dalrymple retaiued the command ol the army in Portugal when Sir A. Wellesley left Lisbon, and had issued. a
Proclamation addressed to the Portuguese nation, iu which he informs them of the disinterested motives of the British Government in aiding their faithful Allies on tile present memorable occasion. He at the same time, conformable to his duty, ie- nistate; in full authority, the Provisional Government winch had been appointed by the Prince Regent on his embarking f. ir the Brazils. Sir Hew Dalrymple is expected home in a few days. Sir John Moore is to take the command of the troops that arc to march frora Portugal to Spain. It is supposed tliat he will direct his march towards the Northern part of Spain, While the force under Sir
David Baird will probably be em- ployed in the South, it appears hy the letters received from Lisbon, that credit is reviving in that city. The Government- paper, which had lately been at . ulijcouh't of 40, is now only at 20— Ex- change on London, . A Gottenburgh Mail which arrived yesterday, brings an account Iroui Konigsurgh, of the Kith of September, " bj" which it appears, that on the lath . urSOtb, the Empe- ror Alexander and the Archduke Constantine, accompanied by Caulincourt, were expected in tnat city on their way to Erfurth. Constant hie was forced t « this step by the infa- tuated Emperor.— The Emperor of Austria, it
is said, had bct'n invited to ( he, meeting at Erfurth ; hut it is thought be would decline the invitation. We have received Dutch papers tothe 3f) th ult. but tlv intelligence they contain is not of very great importance. 51- arat arrived at Naples on the ( j; li ult. Several of the principal Actors and Actresses belonging to the French Theatre have been ordered to Germany, to perform before th" F. iuperor of Russia. The Dutch papers also speak of the i tindtd interview ; f. om which - it is supposed, Bonaparte would return about the' 18th of the present mouth, when'he is expected to take the command of the Grand Army assembling on the
Spanish frontier.— The rumours, however, on this subject are much at variance. A Moniteur is said to have been received, witb Junot's official account ot the battle of Vimiera. He says he attacked the english, who were strongly entrenched, but his advanced corps drove them back ; he lost 150 men. But judging afterwards how much more useful, in the pre- sent circumstances of Spain, his army would be in that country, it had occurred to him to propose terms, for evacuating Portugal, to the English, which upon con- sideration he trusts his Majesty will think are as honour- able x? they are advantageous. On Wednesday
accounts were received from the Brazils, They state that the President frigate, having Lord Strangford on board, arrived at Rio Janeiro 0: 1 the 80th of duly. The President sailed from Portsmouth on the 26th of April with a convoy* which she parted from on tlie coast of the Brazils. Every thing was [ yoceeding in that part tranquilly and prosperously, under the auspices of the new Government. The Streatham, outward- bound East- Iudiaman, ar- rived at Rio Janeiro the 17th July last, having sprang her foremast so badly, that it could not be fished at sea. (,' apt. Dale hoped he should lie able to proceed to sea hy the 25tti • Inly. The
Streatham left his Majesty's ship Leopard, with the following ships, on the loth July, viz. Earl St. Vincent, Bengal, Jane Duchess of Gordon, Harriet, and Huddart, The Lady Jane Dundas parted company on the Ist of June, and the Indus on the £ 3( 1. The Ceres, Messering, is arrived at Liverpool from New Providence in 42 days. On tile 6th of September, in lat. 35. 1- 1. N. long. U'd. 38. IV. spoke his Majesty's ship Melampus, from Halifax, who informed her that the Jamaica fleet, consisting of about 30 sail, was then about 200 miles a- head, so that they may be expected to arrive in a few days. The, French troops from Lisbon, it
is said, are to be landed at the Isle de Rhe, near Rochelle.— This mea- sure lias been resolved upon to ensure the safe return of our transports, which Bonaparte, with his usual good faith, Blight have kept had they put into L'Orient or Rochefort. Insurances have been effected at Lloyd's to the amount tif upwards of half a million. 011 Vessels now on their voyage from Russia, freighted with the produce of that country. [ ISLE OF WIGHT. , TO be LETT, and entered 011 at Michaelmas next, for a Term of Years,— The FARM and LANDS called UPPER KINGSTON, or BUCKS, situate in the parishes of Kingston and Shorwell, in the
Isle of Wight, consisting of about 215 acres of arable, meadow, pasture, and wood land.—— The Dwelling- house is lately built,- and the barns and other buildings are convenient and in good rep- sir ; the Tyfbes of such of the lanfls as lie'in the parish of Kingston fund which comprise the much greater parti, will also he lett for the term of 111: ' lease with the farm, if the present incum bent shall so Ions continue rector ; and. at the expiration nf two years, a considerable quantity of other iaild will be added to the estate, if wished by the tenant. For other particulars, and to treat for a lease, apply to Messrs. Clarkes and Sewell,
Newport; and for a view of the premises, at the dwelling- house of the form. pes* YEOVIL, SOMERSET. A VILLA. TO be LEFT, for a Term of Years, and may be entered upon within twelve months, at the discretion of the taker, situated in a highly respectable and genteel neigh- bourhood, in the vicinage of Yoevil, on an eminence, mode- rately elevated, commanding fine views of the surrounding country. The house, which is brick built, entirely new, might soon be finished; comprises a basement storv, principal floor, chamber story, and attics; placed in a paddock of uncom- monly rich land, which is now planting with shrubs and
forest trees ( in the disposal of which the taste of an eligible tenant would he consulted, ; adjoining to the paddock are two gar- dens, one of them walled round, and a close of land, which roav be rented or not, at the option of the tenant. For further information, ami to treat for thesame, applica- tor may be made to Mr. Male, autioneer, Yeovil, or Mr. Dean, surveyor, Exeter, at whose office a plan of the house and grounds may be seen.— Sept. 30, I80S. PILOT)' STAMP- OFI ICI., September t, 1608. NOTICE is hpreby given, That by an At, passed at the close of the late Session of Parliament, the Stamp Duties on Deeds, Law
Proceedings, and oier written instruments, and the Duties on Legacies and Sux- ssions to personal estate upon Intestacies, now payable iiGreat Bri- tain, are repealed fiom and after the 10th day of Ctobcr next, and other duties are granted iu lieu thereof, tccommence immediately after that day. The new duties are of the like nature, and in sneral of the same amount, with the present duties; but a'lore precise and accurate description is given of the instrumets on which they attach. There are some duties altogether n< e, and some new in amount; of which the principal ones arejarf valorem duties on conveyance upon the sale of
any propeiy, according to the amount of the purchase- money; incrcard duties on promissory notes allowed to be rc- issued; ail a duty on licences to be taken out yearly by bankers and> thers issuing such promissory notes. There is also a duty onpolicies of in- surance 011 lives,' and on three or four law prceedings, not now charged. The duties on mortgages for smll sunis, and on conveyances on the sale of property of snail value, are less than at present. The duties are containedjn a schedule, ( in vvhich the instruments charged are classedmd alphabeti- cally arranged, with numerous references, soas to afford a complete
table of duties in the most convenieit and practical form, and to supercede the necessity of those ampliations to which the profession of the law and the publii have hitherto found it expedient to resort. The. schedule isilso framed so as not to admit of an abridgment that can be sifely relied up- on. The Commissioners therefore rccomiuenc. it to the Pro- fession, and others whom it may concern, to look only to the schedule itself. ' The Act contains special provisions for seetirine; the duties on conveyances on the sale of property, on bills of exchange, and; drift* on bankers post- dated, or issued beyond ten miles from the banker's
residence, and on instruments relating to copyhold estates, which the Commissioners recommend to the notice and attention of. purchasers and sellers, attdrnies, solicitors, bankers, stewards of manors, and others, that they may not incur penalties, which it will be the duty of the Commissioners to enforce. The provisions respecting drafts Oil bankers to take effect after one month from the pa- iing of the Act. LEGACY DUTY. It being apprehended that many persons may have neglected to pay the duties on legacies, and on residues of personal es- tate given by will, or devolved upon next of kin upon intesta- cies, within the time
prescribed by law, through ignorance or inadvertence, or from accidental or unavoidable' causes ; the Act authorises the Commissioners to remit the penalties which may have been incurred in such cases, provided the doty shall be paid on or before the 31st day of January 1809. In giving notice of this provision of the Act, the Commissi- oners think it right also to state, that prosecutions in the Ex- chequer will be instituted agaihst those persons who shall not take the. benefit of it, as well as against those who shall fail to pay the duties which may hereafter become due, within the time allowed by law ; an abstract of wills proved
and ad- ministrations granted being returned to the Commissioners from the several Ecclesiastical Courts, for the purpose of dis- covering the defaulters. Bv order of the Commissioners, 1311J ' C. E. BERESFORD, Secretaty. ATLAS FIRE and LIFE ASSURANCE COM- PANY.— Sir Christopher Baynes, Bart. Prtsident. DIRECTORS.— Wm. Gordon, Esq. M. P. Chairman; Si- mon Cock, Esq. Deputy Chairman • Col. J. A. Bannerman, Charles Campbell, Esq. John Carrick, Esq. John Green, Esq. John Higgin, Esq. J. D. Hume, Esq. Wm, Laforest, Esq. Geo. Longman, Esq. M. P. Lewis Loyd, Esq. Moses Mo- catta, Esq. Emanuel
Pacifico, Esq. W. W. Prcscott, Esq. Joseph Pulley, Es: j. C. Smith, Esq. Sheriff and Alderman, Sir T. Turton, Bart. M. P. John Woolley, Esq. ' i bis Company offers to the public the following advantages, viz to pay Rent, in case of Eire, without- any additional premium.— To assure Farming Stock, generally, at is. per cent, per annum.— To make good Damage by Lightning.— No charge made for Policies, Indorsements, or Surveys. Printed Proposals may be had at the Office, and of the re- spective Agents in the Country. By Orderof the Board, H. DESBOROUGH, . Tun. Secretary. Temporary Office, No. - 2, Bush- lane, June 24,
1808. Mr. John f'INCH, Agent for Salisbury. [ 13.18 COUNTY FIRE OFFICE, • SOUTHAMPTON- STREET, STRAND, LONOON. Estiillisked for the express Benefit of Country Residents. TRUSTERS.— Mis Grace the Duke of Rutland, K. G.; the Most Noble the Marquis of Buckingham, K. G. the Right Hon. the earl of Northampton 5 the Right Hon. the Earl of Buckinghamshire; the Right Hon. the Earl of Upper Ossory; Wm. Praed, Esq. M. P.; ScrOpe Bernard, Esq. M. P. HPHiS Office, . established upon similar principles to A the Provident Institution, combines the firm security derivable from a fixed capital of adequate amount
with the benefit to the persons insured which results from their equal | participation in profits. The unprecedented resort of business to this Establishment is a sur • pled e of the public estimation in vvhich it is held ; and, tnus encouraged iu their object of reducing country insu- rance to the most beneficial terms, tile Directors have deter- mined to lower the rate of insuring. Fanning Stock to 2s. per hundred pounds. Losses by Fire from Lightning are made good. Claims upon this Office have always been paid on demand, without deduction or discount. Policies glaties on removal from other offices. J. W. BARBER, managing-
Director. AGENTS.— Wiltshire.— Salisbury, J. Foot; Melksham, T. Bourne ; Devizes, W. Sedgfield. Hants.— Winchester, M. Charker; Alton, Messrs. Waring and Lowe; Ringwood, John Merryweather; Andover, Sa- muel Shaw; Southampton, Edward Rudd. Somerset.— Bath, Samuel Sims, North Parade;' Castle Cary, James Bryant; Taunton, Thomas Spiller; Wells, George Davies. [ 1111 fc^ gp Persons desirous of the Agency of these Offices, in towns where Agents are not already appointed, are requested to signify the same to the Head Office, and to state their situ- ation and. occupation, with a . reference in Lond- jit. Oil
Monday the Lord Mayor gave ati elegant din- ner at the Mansion- house to the whole of the first Regi- ment of London Volunteers, of which be is Major. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge was present, by invitation, as wore most of the Aldermen who have mili- tary commands. The dinner was served in the grand Egyptian Hall. The Volunteers all appeared ill their regi- mentals, and with side arms, and made a fuller muster than at any other time since their enrollment. Capt. Harwood, and the crew of one of our sloops of war, lately wrecked 011 the coast of Holland, are arrived from thence. They were very well treated.
An occurrence of a very singular and interesting nature took place at Aberdeen 011 Thursday last:— A boy, of about four years of age, fell over the quay into the harbour Yit high water; a carpenter who was at work on board a vessel close by the place hearing the alarm, immediately pulled out his watch, which he left upon the deck, and running to the how of the vessel, the child being under water, he jumped overboard, and brought him up from the bottom. It is easier to imagine than describe his feelings,, when on bringing him to the surface he found him to be his own son ! BIRTHS.] On Tuesday, in Lower Grosvenor- stjt, tile
Right Hon. Lady Kinnaird, of a daughter.— Oia- turday se'nnight, at Crofton- hall, Cumberland, the ) ly of Sir Wasdale Brisco, Bart, of a son and heir.— On Fr » y> at Hadspen- house, Somerset, the Lady of Henry Hobhouse, Esq. of a daughter.— Ou Wednesday, in Portman- sqre, the Lady of Sir Stephen Lushington, Bart, of a son, MARRIED] Lately, Captain Henry Hooper, ( the 87ih regiment of foot, to Miss Caroline Houghton, sond daughter of the late- Sir Edward Houghton, Hal t- On Wednesday, Lacy Yea, Esq. of Oakhampton Horn to Miss Margaret Duff, of Elgin, in Scotland. DIED.] On Friday, at his house at West
Wymbe, Sir John Chichester, Bart, of Youlston, Devon.— OlVVed- nesday se'nnight, at Aston Rowan, Oxfordshire, Mi Cail- laud, wife of Brigadier- General Caillaud;— Last wk, at Wyham, near Louth, aged 43 years, John Gra » Esq. the most considerable farmer and grazier in the cmty of Lincoln, having nearly 10,000 acres of land ( mo ® ' rich) in occupation at the time of his death.— On Mo'. ay, at roehampton, Miss Ann Catharine Markham, sixtdaugh- ter of the late Archbishop of York.— On Sunds, at'his father's house at Windsor, G. T. Sturgess, Esq. Captain in the Berkshire Militia, aged 2.! years.— On tuesday se'nnight,
at West Camel, Somerset, John White Parsons, Esq. the well- known experimental agriculturist. A; I ON' FIRE and LIFE INSUllANCE JMPANY, NEW BRIDGE- STREET, LONDON, em- powl by Act of Parliament. / NTs':— Salisbury, Mr. Jas. Lacy, High- street; War- mif « Mr. George Strode, clothier ; Blandford, Mr. James Laiun.; Sherhorne, Mr. John Wm. Gill, druggist; tirn- tol'r. Bartholomew Barry, bookseller; Gloucester, Mr. JO'i Roberts, bookseller; Cheltenham, Mr. Robert Hughes, soor; Tewkesbury, Mr. Wm. Edgcumbe, builder ; b . i! . Mr. thomas S. Meyler, bookseller; Taunton, Mr. Richard Me, solicitor; Chard, Mr. Thomas
Guppy, ironmonger, surances falling due at Michaelmas should be renewed yin fifteen days from that period. batements are made, accordihc to the plan which oriei- , d with this Company, on the Premiums of all Fire ln- « nees oat of London. A large advantage is allowed on e Insurance ; and every facility is afforded by which the : rest and accommodation of the public may be promoted. 166] WARNER PHIPPS, Secretary. This Company offer to Insurers the following advantages :— Persons insuring, or procuring to be insured, 1000/. against fire, or 5001, on life, have the option of becoming interested in the establishment.—
Persons insuring for more years than one allowed a considerable discount on premium and duty.— No charge for policies of 300/. and upwards— or for policies under that amount, when effected for three years or more— nor for indorsements, alterations, or surveys.— No deduction in the payment of losses.— Damage by lightning made good. — A brokerage of per ccnt. on shipping insurances.— Abate- ments on insurances out of London, from 10/. to 40/. per cent, on the premium, and a liberal allowance on duty.— Lives in- sured, annuities, and children's endowments granted, on equitable and advantageous terms.—
Solicitors and others allowed a commission on bringing life insurances to this office Farming Stock insured at is. per cent. The following agents are appointed by this office,, in the counties of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset, from whom proposals may be had gratis, and every information given Mr. Beeby, Salisbury; Mr. Smith, Wootton Basset; Mr. Baster, Devizes; Mr. Sharp, Portsmouth; MT. Sharp, Rom- sev; Mr. Hardley, Newport, Isle of Wight; Mr. Johnson, Alton; Mr. Sutton, Southampton ; Mr. Strachan, Winches- ter; Mr. Perkins, Lymington; Mr. Howse, Blandford ; Mr. Barlow, Weymouth; Mr. Hayter, Bridport; Mr. Baker,
Dorchester; Mr. Lee, Bath; Messrs. Martin and Hopkins, Bristol; Mr. Collard, sen. Wiveliscombe; Mr. Daniel, South Petherton; Mr. Bennct, Bruton; Mr. Dean, Bridgwater. By order of the Board of Directors, LASS I WM. BURY. Secretary. PELICAN OFFICE. For Is. TFUFCANC t' 011 LIVE^ and granting ANNUITIES. THIS Office was established in Lombard- street, London, in the year 17P7, by a numerous and respect- able Proprietary; and the Board of Directors, with confidence, arising from the increased prosperity and permanency of the establishment, as well as from the experience of its useful- ness and benefit to the public,
think it'due to those who may be still unacquainted with the importance and advantages til- Life Insurance, briefly to suggest some of its leading ahd pe- culiar recommendations to almost every degree and rank in society. Life Insurance is of manifest cpnsequencc to all who hold estates for life, situations and offices, civil, ecclesiastical, or professional; to officers in the army and navy, iec.; as. In- payment of an annual premium, the party insured is enabled to provide for wife, children, or others, whose future welfare he may wish in vain, by other means, to promote. It affords a permanent ultimate security to those who advance
money upon annuities or otherwiee. It renders leases, determinable on one or morelives, ncarlyequal in value to freehold estates, as an insurance to the amount of the fine, payable on the demise of a party nominated in such leases, will produce the sum required for renewal. It' is a chcering refuge to parties engaged in extensive and speculative undertakings; it affords' to persons in trade the crtain means of indemnification against a. bad . or doubtful debt; in short, Life Insurance, established in policy, sanctioned by government, and cons firmed by the test of experience, is become, to almost every situation of human life, a
measure equally important, useful*; and beneficial. Annuities are granted upon the most equitable terms, under a special Act of Parliament, granted to this Office. THOMAS PARKE, Sec. COMPANY'S AGENTS at Salisbury, Mr. Burrough; De- vizes, Wm. Cook; Portsmouth, T. C. Mottley; Lymington, J. West; Ringwood, C. Hodges, Bridport, J. Williams; Beaminster. Wrn. Clift; Weymouth, Thos. Richardson; Bristol, Wm. Reid; Taunton, C. Drake ; Bath, H. Mant; Martock, J. Crabb. ____ [ 7i>( 5 DORSET. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A DWELLING- HOUSE, Barn, Granary, Orchard, and Garden ; and certain Closes
of Arable, Pasture, and Wood Land, contains; about 37 acres, now in the possession of George Roberts.— The above premises will be sold for three lives,' to be named by the purchaser, subject to the present life interest of a person aued 80. Also,— A MESSUAGE, Garden, Orchard, and Paddock ; and Piece of uhinclosed Land adjoining, containing about two acres, in the occupation of Thomas Fry.— These premises will also be sold for three lives, to be named by the purchaser, and possession given at Michaelmas next. The above premises are pleasantly situated at Westworth, two riii. es south- east of Cranborne, in the
county of Dorset. Fi- r further particulars and to treat apply to Mr. Arney, Close, Salisbury. The present tenants will shew the pre- mises.—( One eoncern. J [ lit- 2 DORSET. TO be LETT, completely FURNISHED, and en- tered upon immediately or at Michaelmas next,— All that capital MESSUAGE called EDMONDSHAM HOUSE, fit for the reception of a genteel family, with double coach- house, excellent stalled stables, courts, yards, granary, dove- cote, extensive walled gardens well stocked with choice fruit trees, orchard, shrubberies, pleasure ground, and lands, containing together about nine acres, pleasantly situated at
Edmondsham, one mile from Cranborne, in the county of Dorset, 12 miles south east of Salisbury, 1- 2 north east of Blandford, and 1 IS from Muddiford ( a delightful watering place), in a fine open countiy aboanding w. th field sports, and hounds in the neighbourhood. The Deputation of two Manors ( attached to the premises), well stocked with game, will be lett with the above; and a neat Curricle and pair of capital Horses, light Cart, three Cows, Pointers, Rick of Hay, tic. & c. may be taken at a valuation1, tlu; proprietor, Major- General-. Monro; going on foreign service. For further particulars and to treat apply personally, or by
etter ( post paid), to Mr. Arney, attorney at law, Close, Sa- lisbury.— The premises may bs viewed, in seasonable hours, by applying at the Mansion- house. [ 540 FARMS IN WILTSHIRE. TO be LETT on Lease for seven Years, from Lady Day 1809,— The following FARMS, all tythe free, in the parish of Bremhill, near the Market Towns of Chip- penham and Cahle- A Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about 00 acres of arable and - 223 of pasture land, in the occupation of Mr. Robert Jenner. Also,—\ Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about 14- J acres of pasture land, in the occupation of Mr. Jos. Rich.
Also,— A Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about 45 acres of arable and ISO of pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mr. Jacob Spackman. Also,— A Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about 20 acres of arable and 104 of pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mr. Daniel Vines. Also,— A Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about 40 acres of arable and 156' of pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mrs. Wilkins. Also,— A Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about 77 acres of arable and 170 ot pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mr. William Pinnigar. Also,— A Dwelling- house, with suitable
buildings,, and about 2 acres of arable and 181 of pasture land, iu the occu- pation of Mr. Richard Bridges. Also,— A Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about 27 acres of arable and 107 of pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mr. Harry Ferris, Also,— A Dwelling- house, with suitable buildings, and about Hi acres of arable and 42 of pasture land, in the occu- pation of Mrs. Ann Hughes. Also,— A Dwellinc- housc, with suitable buildings, and about 15 acres of arable and of pasture land, in th; occu- pation of Mr. Isaac Hammond. Ail the Farms above described are situate at or near Charl- cott, in the parish of Bremhill,
about three miles ftom the Town, of Calne. . William Bull, the game- keeper, near Charlcott, w, 11 shew the Farms. Calne has a good Corn Market weekly, and is about eight miles trom Devizes. Persons desirous of taking the above Farms are to propose the price they will give for the same per acre, and to direct their proposals to the Marquis of Lansdowne, Southampton Castle, Hants, before the 30th day of November, 1803. Plans . of. the estates may be seen, and further particulars knowu, at Mr. Atherton's Office, in Calne. [! 3oa Half a mile from the Sea, Christchurch— flfck House. rB" V) be LETT on LEASE,
UNFURNISHED,— A a HOUSE in excellent repair; containing an citing room 20 feet by Hi, drawing room - 27 by 18, breakfast- parlour, eight bed rooms, detached kitchen with servants ropms over, scullerv, larder, ct. ina closet, and other convenient offices; coach- house, five- stalled stable, garden, meadow, and fish- pond ; the whole containing about 10 acres, well wooded and int. rsected w. th gravel Walks. Koj particulars" ant) tickets to view apply ( if by letter, post paid) tj Clement Sharp, upholsterer, Romsey; or on the Premises. [( TCP A Public- House, Blandford, Dorset. IX) be LETT, and entered upon immediately, . All
that old- established PUBLIC- HOUSE, known by the name of the Red LION, situated in the Market- place, comprising a large kitchen, good parlours and bar, with other conveniences, 011 the ground floor ; six bed- chambers ; with good stall and other stables, large garden, & c. &- c. . Per further particulars apply ( if by letters, post paid) to J. Hovle, auctioneer, & c. Blandford. N. B. A JOBBING COOPER wanted.— Apply as above.— ( Two duties [ 1250 SALISBURY. , HPO be LETT, and entered on immediately,'—— Ail a. old- established HOUSE in the Grocery and Tallow Chandlery Business, in Castle- street, late in the
occupation of Mr. Scullard, deceased. The situation is eligible tor busi- ness. For particulars apply to Mr. Wm. Dyke Whitmarsh, solicitor. Endless- street. The stock maybe taken at a fair valuation. [ 1215 DORSET. T) be LETT, and entered upon immediately,— A commodious, modern- built; brick and sashed DWEL- LING- HOUSE ; consisting of three parlours, seven bed- chambers, with large convenient garrets, kitchen and other offices, underground cellar, two walled- in gardens, a coach- house, stahle, & c. all situate in the South- street, in Dor- chester, in the county of Dorset, and is fit for the reception of a genteel family,
and is only eight miles from Weymouth. For further particulars apply ( if by letter post- paid) to Mr. N. Stickland, Attorney, or Thomas Curme, Builder, Dor- chester. ' p057 FREEHOLDS, NEW FOREST, HANTS. TO be LETT or SOLD,— A genteel and healthful RESIDENCE, pleasantly situated at Brockenhurst, on the borders of the New Forest. The Dwelling- house has been built about ten years: it consists of two . parlours, kitchen, brew- house, cellar, pantry, drawing- room, and six sleeping- rooms ; coach- house and stable ; srarden and orchard filled with fruit trees; the whole finished in a tasteful manner, and in rood repair.—
Immediate possession had be had. Three acres of exceeding good Pasture Land may be had, if required. To be Soi. D,— A DWELLING- HOUSE and GARDEN ; together with a MALT- HOUSE and BAKE- HOUSE, in full trade, with other convenient officcs ; now in the possession of Mr. Scorey, tenant at will. N. B. The whole Land- tax redeemed, and Tythe- free. For further particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to H. Roc, builder, Southampton; or to Mr. Scorey, maltster, Brockenhurst. ' [ 704 WILTS. TO be SOLD, or LETT,— A Modern- built MANSION- HOUSE, replete with every convenience for a Nobleman's or
Gentleman's family, delightfully situ- ated in a fine spoi ting country, near three Market Towns, with very good roads, and at an easy distance from Bath ; to- gether with 58 acres of rich arable and pasture land adjoining. The Mansion- house ( which has been built only about light years) consists of a large entrance and back hall, a breakfast- room 17J feet square, adining- room 28 ft. by 17{, a drawing- room 2o ft. by 1SJ, a library 17 ft. by 18, all 12 feet high, five best bed- rooms, two dressing- rooms, four servants'bed- rooms, two stair- cases, two water- closets, two kitchens, a servants' hail, laundry, butler's room, three cellars (
two of them arched) and a variety of attached and detached offices ; a double coach- house and six- stalled stable, a farm- yard wai- led round ; extensive lawn, a hot- house and two walled gar- dens : the whole sop- died with excellent water, and forming a most desirable acquisition. The Furniture, which is quite modern, and made for the house, to be taken, and paid for, with the fixtures and farming stocky at a fair valuation., [ 193!) For further particulars and to treat, apply ( if by letter, post- paid) to Mr. Pearse, solicitor, Salisbury - square, London. WILTS.— FREEHOLD MANSION and LANDS. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE
CONTRACT, with early possession,— AH that MAnSION- HoUSE, called the CASTLE- HOUSE, with the Gardens, Hothouse, Hot- walls, Melon- grouiid, Pleasure- ground. Gardener's- house and Yard, Orchard, Coach- house and Stable, and several eloses of rich Meadow Land, containing in the whole about twelve acres, situate in the borough of Calne, in the county of Wilts. The buildings are in excellent repair, and are replete with every convenience for a genteel family. . Mrs. Rooke, the present occupier, will permit the premises to be seen any day ( Sundays excepted) between the hours of eleven and two ; and for
particulars, and to tteat for the same, apply to Mr. Merewether, solicitor, Calne, Wilts • N. B. More Land may be had, if required. [ 898 WILTS. — VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. To Clothiers, Common Breiccrs, & c. I^ OR SALE by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— TWO Freehold MESSUAGES or DWELLING- HOUSES, with convenient Workshops, most eligibly situated in Patford- srrcet, in the borough of Calne; now iu the occupation of Mr. Gardner, clothier, Mr. Richard Savory, and Mr. Charles Wilcox, as tenants at will. These premiS - s are in excellent repair, and are now used as a Clothing Manufactory, for Which it is
exceedingly well adapted, having a good stream of water, and a large water wheel for the business. The whole of the Machinery, together with every Utensil requisite for making Seven Cloths a week, may be taken by appraisement. For particulars apply to John Sidford, Calne; to whom proposals arc requested to be sent, specifying the sum they will give for the whole of the premises, or any part thereof. It is desired that all letters will be post paid.— For viewing apply to the tenants. * [ 1050 PARK- PLACE, BERKS. TO be SOLD hy PRIVATE CONTRACT,— All that capital MANSION and ESTATE, PARK PLACE, near Henley
upon Thames, a t miles from London, the property and present residence of the Earl of MALMES- BURY, with lofty walled fruit and kitchen gardens, hot- houses, forcing- house, ice house, lawns, pleasure grounds, rides, drives, walks, three distinct lodges, ornamental and useful cottages and other buildings, lavender- house, produc- tive lavender plantations and stillery, private attached dwel- ling, arabU, pasture, and meadow land, woods, farm- houses, yards, barns, coach- houses, stables, labourers' tenements, and other canveniences: the whole forming a compact and beautiful domain of abcut vine hundred acres,
abounding ir. game, and n.- arly in a ring fence, and of the estimated annual value of- one thousand five Hundred pounds, independent of the value which attaches to the mansion as a residence, and the home grounds immediately connected with it. There is a variety of well, arranged apartments suitable to the establish- ment and nature of the property, with correspondent dcrocf tie and out- door offices of every useful and necessary description. Applicatioi s to be made to Francis Webb, Esq. at Salisbury, or to Mr. Coxe, 03, Throgmorton- strect, Royal Exchange, London, whsr « a plan of tlie siwwt snay lie sutn. [ ibiti MESSRS.
BRODIE, DOWDING, and LUXFORD;, haVine juSr received a fresh Supply of SPlLSbUHV's Patent ANTI- SCORBUTIC DROPS from the Dispei. saiv, No. 15, boho- square, London, the inhabitants of Saturn wl'o resort to this Specific will be assured cf having the fi, tent Ann- scorbutic Drops genuine, in cases of Scurvy, Goutt Rheumatism, Scrophiila, eruptive, hcrVuus, aiid biii ui Complaints, ai& ine from irritation. The Genuilie Medicine has the words " fey the Kin \ " li- tem" expressed 011 the bottle, bill of directions, and outside wrapper. ' I he King's duty also is printed in black ink 011 ti e boitLs of fij. Cd. in. V. and. ? Ss. duty
included. Messrs. Bowling ahd Co. Newport, Isle of Wight; have aiso lust received a fr. sh supply. THE REAL JAPAN BlACKING . MADE BY DAY AND MARTIN, LONDON. rpiIIS invaluable Composition, with MF the usual I labour, produces the most brilliant jet- black ever beheld ; affords peculiar nourishment to the leather, will hot - oil the finest linen, is perfectly free from ( Way- unpleasant Smell, and will retain its vntucs in any climate. Sold, wholesale, by Dav and Martin, removed to No. 97; High Holborn, London; and retail at the Printing- Office, Salisbury; Coulton, Devizes; Simmonds, Blandford'; Penny, idicf ionic; Clarke,
Dorchester; Harvey, Weymouth ; Harold ) ur.. Marlborough; Skelton, Southampton; Martin; I v- mington; Crockford, Castle- Carey; and Moore, Poole; in tone bottles, price Ifv. Cd. each. f, g(| TO THE LADIeS. BAGAZET'S ORIENTAL DEPILATORY, for removing SUPERFLUOUS HAIrS from the Face- Neck, Arms, Ac. and for Impfovins the Coin pi xioh. w ]| be sold in future, by particular appointment of ti e proprietor by M. SMS. Shaw and Edwards, St. Paul's Church- yard j lint' fr, - 2, Cheapside; Dicey and Stilton, How Church- va ri - Bacon, Oxford- street; Berry, Greek- stret t; H. hdri." and Son, Titchborn- Street; and Brodie,
Dowding; and Luxf. rd, Salisbury; where ladies and others miy dipend u cm f r. g supplied with this Depilatory genuine as imported t'rem Tur- key, price a.?. 64. the bottle. ' |: i , N. B. Observe that each bottle IS « ig » ed ' T. BagAZET," in the proprietors hand writing, to Imitate vih- ch is a felony. For Gout, Rheumatism, Nervous Complaints, h d- es ,..,<, iSc: OXLEY's CONCENTRATED ESSENCE of JAMAICA GINGER.— Tnis us ful Medicine isu o: i,- mended by several eminent medical lneh, ;, nd - s in e 1 ^ f. ot use with many persons of the highest rank e. d rcspa t ill » \. It relieves atld shortens the duration of I- i( A> f th Goti
t, con- fining them to the extremities and mitigating the per. • • • • • it. removes those unpleasant symptoms arisine fh. m w In'- s of the stomach and bowels,, viz. flatulency, iodise t1 . ai d oppression aft r eating; in Nervous Complaints it war:-- .: d invigorates thestf. oach, crcft.- s appetit , and Assists digestion, and thereby strengthens the Whoie system. Prepared and sold by th • inventor and proprietor, Samuel Oxley, her Majesty's chemist, London: sold also bv Br ,, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury; andth principal M di- cine Venders throughout the United kingdom, in bottles at 10s. Gd.— is. e. d. ahd At. !></. c ch. None curi be
genuine I at what is signed en the label, " Satnl. Orteg" " y THE AMbOYNA TOOTH- POWDER, IS bv far the niost pleasant of any Powder fecoiri- me'nded for CLEANSING and BEAUTIFYING the Teeth ; it will b j found to answer everv end tha. a tooth pow- der can reasonablv. be expected to do. The AMBOYNA LOTION is alSp Prepared fof the san e purposes. It removes the scurvy, makes file lips and gums of a healthful ted, fastens, whitens, aod preserves tlx t. eth to old age, improves the enamel, ar. d keeps it from injury; it is also particularly calculated to remove all offensive particirf from the mouth, and in a short time rn ik s the breath sweet. The drilg from which the Amboyna Powder is prepared is the produce of Asia, first imported by a professional gentle- man of character and fortune, and some of the first gentle- men of the faculty who use it declare it a fine stomachic and bracer; and for safety, proper for ah infant. It eradcates the foulness the mouth is subject to,, from diet or foul sto- mach, by its purifying and balsamic qualities. [ 1014 The Tooth Powder, ss. (, U-* the Lotion, 4s. fit/. Sold wholesale and retail by Brodie, Dowding, and Lux- ford, Salisbury, wholesale venders for the West of En- ilurid. AS great numbers of persons arc
rendered very un- happy by Spasms, Wind in the Stomach, Obstruction* in the Bowels, tfant of'regular Perspiration, Vomitings, and Bilious Complaints, Head Achs, Heart Hum, Costiventss, Nervous Disinters, Cholic, Gout, See. We are authorised to say, that SPEEDIMAN's PILLS are in most Cases ah ex- cellent remedy for these Complaints; and especially recom- mended during the time of Sea Bathing, ahd df- inking the Sea and Mineral Waters; also for those visiting warm Climates. Prepared by Thomas Shellitoe, jun. druggist, Tottenham- high- cross, Middlesex, by virtue of an assignment from II. and J. Beswick, sole
proprietors of the receipt, by the wdl of M. Speediman ; and arc sold by Shaw and Edwards, No, 66, St. Paul's Church- yard, and Bacon and Co. No. 150, Oxford* street, London; and by brodie, Dow ' ig, and Luxford, Salisbury, wholesale venders for tile west of Eueland, in Boxes at 2s. is. Gd. lo » . Kd. and one guinea, and may be had of the principal Venders of Medicine in town'arid country. [ loss The following interesting article is copied from the Susies Weekly Advertiser oj Monday the 4th of April. TAYLOR'S REMEDY for DEAFNESS.—- Miss CHARLOTTE FULLER, of Southover, in the vicinity cf Lewes, who had been
several years afflicted with extreme deafness, on Friday last came to the Office of W. Lee, and informed him, that on seeing the remedy advertised in this Paper, she sent for a bottle,' and applied its contents, agree- ably to the printed directions, until about one third part was consumed, when she had the happiness to find herself per- fectly restored to hearing, which she communicated from motives of philanthropy, and under an idea, that others in like manner afflicted, might receive similar benefit from its publipity. The manner the organs of sound, on being brought into actio*, played upon the imaginat. on of Miss Fuller, is
rather singular, and ' cannot be better, or more emphatically expressed, than in lu- rowv wonos, which were, That she fancied the medium of her existence changed, and that she had been imperceptibly introduced to the society of a new- world." Sold by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury, whole- sale venders for the West of England ; and bv all respectable medicine venders in the united limedom. ' flOfil MR. W. WOOD begs leave to inform the Inhabi- tants of Newport and the Isle of Wight in general, that he is appointed Agent for the sale of the following Articles, prepared by PAyTherus, Savory, and MoorE, Chemists,
London : _ The Chalybeate Aperient, or imptnved Cheltenham Salts.— These salts, when dissolved iu water after the fnai. ner directed, form a correct Cheltenham water. They. w. re first prepared by Paytherus and Co. in the year 1783, from a correct analysis of the water taken from the eld well. The stilts thus prepared have been used in most parts of the W rid, uniformly pro- ducing the same medicinal good effects as the waters when drank at the Sj • —— To prevent the public Irom being im- posed up- n by persons who ofler for sale imitations of these salts, his Majesty's Commissioners for Stamps have directed the name of
" Paytherns and Co. tad, New Bond- street," to be engraved ou the stamp which surrounds each bottle.—• Sold in bottles at 2s. yd. and ! o s. ( id. each; also in bottles with cround stoppers at 1/. is. Refined Vegetable Acid, foi punch, lemonade, negus, and all purposes for which lemons arc used. Concrete Acidulated Soda, greatly improved for making soda water. Concrete Acidulated Kali, which, when mixed with a due proportion of Water, forms a saline draught, The Carbonic, or prepared Charcoal Dentifrice. Ipecacuanha Lozenges, for colds, Couehs, asthmas, hooping coughs, Sc. Acidulated Tablets, for hoarseness.
Absorbent Lozenges, for the heartburn. Pastilles, for fumigating rooms, & c. Nipple Liniment. The effects of this application ate too generally known to require any encomium. OpthalmiC Unguent. .' Ethereal Anodyne Opodeldoc, for rheumatism, sprains, bruises, & c. Fuller's Female Benedictine Pills. [ M! fi BIRD'S LAW OF TITHES. This day is published in Octavo, price Qs. nnilE LAWS respecting TITHES; comprizing JL all the Cases and Statutes on the subject of Tithes, wht - tlier Greet or Small, Personal, Predial, ot Mixed; particularly by and to whom Tithes are payable, how they arc to be . set out, and hdjv to be recovered
when Withheld; likewise of the discharge of Tithes hy Composition, Modus, and other means: and ol Leases and Agreements concerning Tithes; toge. il tir w. th all other matters necessary for the information of Cler- gymen, Farmers, and COuntry Solicitors. The Third Edition, improved and enlarged. By J. B. BIRD, Esq. London: Printed lor W. Clarke and Sons, Portugal- street, Lincoln's Inn; and sold by Brodie, l o. vding, and Lux'or \ Salisbury. Also, price OJ. each sewed,— The Law of Commons aid Commoners; the Law of Turnpikes and Highways; tl. c Law of Travellers and Travelling; which, together with the Law of Tithes,
forming tiie second and lust volume " t the Law Selections, may be had for 11a- in boards, or Kin. bound. Of whom likewise may be had the ftist volume. at the same price, containing the Laws of Landlord at. u Tenant, Wills, Paritb Matters, and Master and Servants, J
THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JO^ AL. Sunday's Post- - By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY NIGHT, OCT. FOREIGM- Oiftea, October 8. jrnr^ ITii King has been pleased to nominate, and | j appoint lhe Right Hon. John Hookham frere Jyj. ' to be his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary'and Minister Plenipotentiary to his Catholic Majesty Per- din. it) 1 t'u- i Seventh ; and has been pleasgd to direct him v. reside ii. that, character at the Seat of the Cen- tral or Supreme Jinita- iti- Spsin. I) vv y I s .;; - S L'- R B Oct. 8. His Majesty has been' pleasdtl Vo Rppo'nlt Lieut.- Gen. Gfco Beckwith t.> be G n -
oMfjr and Commander in Chief of the Uland oi' liubadoesf/. . i- •• Sir Churl''; P.' o- hatYe, Knt, Captain in the Royal Now, to . be Governor and ComrOahdci in Chief of thfi island of'St- Vinceut : Hu£ h- l'Tiot, ; E,< ti. io I, ® Cap'tp- iu- Gencral and , Go- renv-. v c » f < H « UaWattl: Islattto- J; A.. ! William Wo- U y; Esq! to be Licutenant- ; r of berlueq. OPERA- HOU. SE, HAY MARKET. Last niglft, after Tht Stranger, a new Melo Drama, called The Forest of Her- mans! adt, was prrformed. The story is simply as follows: The Princess of Bulgaria, on her way to espouse the Prince of Transilvania, is deprived of her royal robes by
Oswald; the officer to whose charge she was intrusted. Oswald's sister is imposed on the Prince' for Alexlna, tin* • true Princess, and, after a variety of adventures at an inn, the imposition'is discovered. The Managers have bestowed splendid scenery and dresses on this tale ; there is some pretty music; afltl it was altogether very favourably re- ceived. On Wednesday died Colonel Walters, of Baddesl aged 76 years, k gentleman much respected and gretted. The general Quarter Session of the Peace for the eoun of Southampton commenced on Mondap last, before Buirough, Esq. Chairmay; the Earl of Northesk, Wm.
Heathcote, & e. Char les Shepherd was convicted l party he alludes to stealing a quantity of oats, the property of Thos. Willar To CORRESPONDENTS.— The Printers do not undertake any agency of the nature required by A. B. C. The immense bribe with which he has tempted them will he- returned on proper applicat ion. ffe cannot suppose thai any good would arise from the publicatiom of VIATOR'S Remarks, whilst much irritation and ill blood might be excited by the open rebuke if the Gc r. r. r., O.: '. 8. Vlee- Adtrflral VssSvm. : in :'.'.'.'„-! f ;> > trio o C'oa- t of Scotland, ha « , v> tW, Qjtip- i. a. I^' ticv'jcua' StibJLIeutenant - >
iiv; i • r. 1 ; Yi. Majfcs• ;•'. ;- v, n e-- el tl^ e •, vini{ » V » Ofosn » » f biprbeVMVg, , flpft ' lvt sSiitfe tilt. • vi n- s - I- 1' I'aoirt ^/ let'iiiil. uaptui'sfd the Da- • ; iv t or D > b Fiiiiku", of 4 twelve- pounder and . u iv1 , . mil '.' 0men. 1 \ i G :"•-( I n.- l, » :. • U'l ovhiui. leg. " J" t'o > t.— Major H. 1). Bradforl, from the 0th t » • .1 i'ion, to' ne M j r. vies, Sm.- It, who, ex_ h: inges. v 1. r — C ptain J. J. Durikin, of the 18th Foot, to be M jor n t e Armv. ST A P IN — C , iit. A Lh- r . vo'd. of the sthV - Wran Battalion, to b S cr tor • to the L euteoant- Cjovernpr of Nova Scotia, vie, Wentwo/ th, d.: ce:.-- d. GARRISON — Cipt.' W n. Steunrt, of the 5th Royal
Veteran Battalion, to be Town- Maj r o. f Alderney, vice, flamiil, de- C..-. S t-' onri ' s. si'oiis signal ly t're Lord Lieutenant of Uanfs. N-. rth Hauls / f-, er'.- ' of . ililia.— R. Terry, Gent, to be Ensi- rri.— S. or ilst'. id, Ge. - t. to b-- Ensign. PmtmoHth namUm. Office Artiil- ry.-— Lieutenant J. E. Sp.- arinn to be Caption, v i - ' via- thews, res gned.- rC. Morgan, Ge iv. to- b^ Secou Lieut, na t, vice Sp . aring, promoted. B'jLsi; i « stok" ffoluutcer tiifanl ' u — EnSign Kd. Adams to be I. i 1; 1 nt, vice May, resigned.— J. Lunn, Gent, to be Ensign, vie. A ? aois, promoted. . , Si 1 ihamplui Ba tdion of Fiuilcer$.— Lieut. Alex. King to be Casta n,
vice North, r- s mil; The ' • -- Price of Brown . or Muscovado Sugar, eom- d f; nu the returns made in the » e k i- nding tho 5th < » '•' ' 1 « :: 3, is 7Vvrlp- seren Shillings and Nine- •'•.•'., '/ in- Hundred Weight, exclusive of the pi>! til-. / Vice Diuies CWstian Schlndler, of Ba • ill ili. sfs, Holhorn, rairchant. I . j 1 . .' 1 • . ia.- r--. o- of. r. - mi. ' - m- ii^ sr. • C TZ LI. o; ,1. . Ire . L . - 1 n, siit:-. ir-. n . tketurar. LONDON. SATURDAY El'UN ING, OCTOSER 8. A Chavlslnn P:> p « , dated August 27, was received thj; day. It stales, that the general discontent Eiainst the embargo was increased so much, that it win sup • ; i that a scpurati-.- a
between the " Northern aiid Eastern i- s is not unlikely to be the result. Tfre - events in K; wi. » and Portugal had diffused joy 1 noople who ha 1 not ; i French Qias, and . and I" rench- Dias, the Frr- ich character indeed seems tiery day to be sinking in cs; im.. r. jn. At a late hour lust night, a fresh set of Spanish Journals to the 2d inst. came to hand, and we have the satisfaction to find, that they not only confirm the accounts of the advaniages announced by the former intelligence, but furnish new proofs that the successful career of Spanish patriotism and valour continues tniititerrup'. cd. Not only have the enemy been driven from
Bi!'., oa, but they have also been obliged to evacuate Burgos, on the 2%< 1 ult. and, they must have PRICES OF STOCKS THIS At Three o'Clock, DAY, Bank. Stock, 240 • India Stock, — South Sea Stock, 71 a ^ Cent. Red. shut 3 Cent. Cons, tis^ 4 Cents, shut 5 • pi Cent. Navy, 971 5 ^ Cent. 1797, shut • Bank'Stpck selis as abov Long Ann. shut Omnium, 3 dis. India Bonds, par, 1 d. Exchequer Bills, 1 p. 1 d. Irish 5 Cents. — Imperial 3 ^ Cents, shut English LottiTiekets, - 211. 15 s. D- tto Prizes, full money, with the Div. for opening. part in - tie a preei'. y • " " " from that city, for they left behind tlicni a ; u _ o.' •. z. Zkrj, aiiftnu.
iition, and carriages. Lei 1 Vs'm. B ntirick arrived from Lisbon at Cadiz on the l8th >, i ' immediately proceeded to Madrid, via S--. U , ; . i a ,,' i. r ..,: : i.,. i n the centra} Junta. His Xordi- hip leached Madrid on the 25th A peat part of tin- brave Spaniaiil?; who t sped with the Marquis de Roin. ma fi in 1' i..' nk, are once more re- tored to their native soil, ' j' v.''. i at .' oiumii on tlia30th pf September, and were i . n ( Si itsly ordend to Bilboaand Santandero. Ti-. o o papnis give an estimate of the enemy's fuieo re- maning in S, ain oil the 24tb nit. together with the distri- bution if it. According to this statement, it is 29,120 alien; including 6(
100 cavalry. Li- ut.- C,-:.< val Lord Paget arrived in town vesterilav « !•> » niug, between five and - ix o'clock, from Portugal, and had a Ion.;- audience of ill Duke of York. Sir Arthui We'l- isleyJ was closeted a considerable tjme with the Duke of York yesterday morning. Major- eneral Turner, of the 3J Goards, arrived in tow i onTi uisdiiy night, from the Cape of Good Hope. Letters from Lisbon speak in high terms of the hu- mane and kind attention bestowed upon our wounded countrymen by the Portuguese. It appears a little singular, that our troops did not enter Lisbon till the 15th nit. and that the Spanish troops, whom Junot had
disarmed, remained prisoners on hoard the ships til! that period. A ves. cl arrived el Glasgow from Honduras has- " brougnt American papers to the £ 8th of August. They stale that the di- co lent occasioned by the em- bargo wai general' and extreme-— that the Northern ' States v. ere so dissatisfied, that they talked of doing something which should release them from the miseres which they now endured. John Petre, Esq. is appointed Rcceiver- General for the county of Norfolk, in the room ot the late Sir Roger Kerrison, Knt. Pr. orr. KIB PORSON.— As this gentleman held so distip- gui dud a n il', in the repub'ic of letters, and
will always be considered a . one of its brightest luminaries, the fol- lowing account of the respect . vhict) has been paid to his remains may ho a; . - ptable to our leaiiers:-- The body was removed on M-. id, ay last from the house of the Loudon Institution, in the Oln Jewry, in order to be il. posited in Trinity College Chapel, Cambridge. The Directors of the Institution ordered the bouse to' be shut for the day, and the Under Librarians, and other Officers assisted in theso- leinnitv. Th.- pyoot inn from London consisted of four mourning coaches, followed by six private earria;^ t: s. At lialf after two o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, the
hearse arrived at Trinity College, Cambridge, and was received at the great . gate and convoyed to the Hall, where, ac- cording; to th 1 undent usage, in cases where this di- Jlin- guishad tribute of respect is paid to a Member, the body lay instate till tive o'clock. After which the body was - raised by the beai- ors, and a' solemn procession was made, round the great quadrangle oi' the College. The Bishop Vif . lliistol, Master of the College, then read the lesson, and the procession moved in th.- same order to the grave, which was at. the foot of the. statue of Sir Isaac Newton, and surronndrd by those of the illustrious persons
which this great arid di tinguished College has produced. ndover, ' arminster, FAI. TVIOUTH, October 6. The fine army, com- manded by Sir David Bainl, ' still remains here: they have now received theif orders, and will proceed with the first fair wind. They were'' to have sailed this morning, but the wind is unfavourable. It is under- stood they will first touch at - Corunna for intelligence, and act as circumstances, may require. Trio regiments are .- all in excellent under, and anxious to meet the enemy. The Dispatch packet arrived on Tuesdav from Co- runiia, from whence she brings Spanish gazettes, containing the very important
news of the recapture of Bilbo a from the French by a part of Gen. Blake's army. In the action which preceded it about 200Q Frenchmen were killed or wounded, and 3000 have been made prisoners. The Mi nerve fvigata hud arrived at Corunna with 17 Frenchmen, part of the crew of a French corvette,- which, after a long chase, overset when thfi Minerve was near her. The remainder of the crew were drowned. The Lady Peliew packet arrived last night from Co- niri . a; she had sailed from thence several days before the Dispatch, therefore cannot bring any n - ws. The Eli^ a packet arrievd la t night from Corunna, Evening, "
a'Clock.— The wind is now .. fair, and the convoy has made a signal. Sir David Baird's baggage is shipping off, and it is understood the fleet will sail at four o'clock to- morrow morning. PLYMOUTH, October J. The Middlesex militia marched from hence this morning, on their route to Liverpool. On Tuesday arrived the Plover sloop of war, from Lisbon, with Sir Arthur Welleslev, Gen. Ferguson, ant! other Officers, who land - d and set off for London., Same day arrived the Eclair, of iCi guns, from a cruize; bringing in a fine French brig, called tile Grand Duke of Berg, ( formerly the Montrose packet} from Guadaloupe, with a valuable
cargo of sugar, coffee, and elephants teeth, > yhich she captured on the 27ih tilt. On. Wednesday three transports sailed from this port, with troops for the c'cpedition at Falmouth. On Thursday came in the French brig L" Grande Decide, from St. Domingo, bound to JJourdeaux, laden with coffee, sugar, hides, and cocoa ; she was taken by the Conflict gun brig in the Bay of Biscay, and Her cargo is very valuable. Came in also the Fanny French brig from Bour- deaux, bound to Cayenne, laden with provisions,' captured by the Eclaii. She i » a very line brig and quite new, not having been launched .. bore a month j she has lost
her main mast. Came in the Comet sloop of wa » , from the coast of Spain ; Naiad, of 30- guns, from the eastward ; Unicorn, of 32 guns, from a cruize; and Orestes sloop of war, from Oporto. PORTSMOUTH, Oct. 8. Yesterday arrived the Barfleur, of t) 8 guns, Rear- Admiral Tyler, Captain M'Cibud; the Co iqueror, of 74 guns. Captain Fellowes; Elizabeth, of 74 guns, . Captain C^ r^ on } Hercu!?, of 74 guns, Captain Colvi!!; Donegal, of 74 guns, Capt. Malcolm ; h\ hti, . of 74 guns, Capt. Ajiigii ; Roliy, of G4 guai, Capt. Draper; and Cro- codile, of 22 guns; Cap?. Cudogan ; with six Russian .-. hips. of the line, one armed en flute,
and one frigate, which are ordered to be laid up in this harbour. The Marquis de Romans arrive ! here on Thursday. The Semiramis, Capt. Granger, is to convey . him to Spain. Ti] e Surinam sloop takes convoy to Madeira and the Brazils ; the Blossom sloop, for the coast of Afri- ca ; and the Brazen sloop, for the Mediterranean. The Andromeda frigate, which arrived on Tuesday from Antigua, brought the melancholy intelligence that the yellow fever is raging at that Island ; and several men having died on the vovage, the Aodro- meda was put under strict quarantine. The disorder on board was certainly infections, but it appears
to have been much less virulent than the yellow fever, and had nearly subsided before the Andromeda made the British coast. The blowing up of the Russian magazine at Rogers- wick, i. v the Royal Marine Atlllery, who are oil board bombs in the Baltic, as well as their accelerating the - in- Tender of Copenhagen, is a cenvincipg proof of the preciseness with which their shells were thrown, and of the great utility of that fine corps. Montlay.— Arrived the Egeria sloop, Capt. Hole, from Lisbon ; Espiegle sloop, Capt, Morris, from Cork ; a id Indignant gun- vessel, from th' Downs.— Sailed the Gos- hawk sloop, Capt. Innes ;
Defender gun- vessel; and Al- phea cutter. Tuesday.— Sailed the Princess Caroline, of 74 enns, Capt. Pater, to the eastward ; and Podargus sloop, Capt. Hellard. / Wednesday.— Sailed tho Triumph, of " 4 guns, Capt. Sir T. M. Hardy, to join the Channel fleet; and Sparrow sloop, Capt. Burt, with dispatches for Gijon. Friday.— Arrived the Barfleur, of 98 gin-, Conqueror, Elizabeth, Hereule, and Alfred, 7'!' s, Ruby, 64, and Cro- codile, £ 2, brjuging pi the Russian fleet, from the Tagus. — Dropped down to St. Helen's, the G- ria sloop, with transports, having the 7th dragoons, and stores of every description, for Spain.— Went out
of Harbour the Chanti- cleer sloop. Saturday.— Arrived- the Boadicea, of 33 gains, Capt. Hatley ; Gloire, of 38 guns, Cap?. Carthew ; Quebec, of gun5, Capt. Poulett ; Defender gun- vessel ; and Alphea cutter.— Went out of Harbour the Soleb'ay, of 32 guns, Capt. Brown, going upon distant service. Esq. of Alverstoke, and sentenced to be imprisoned twelv calendar months; Daniel Hokins, for stealing a quantiti oi' meal, to be imprisoned six months; John Coker, for stealing a waistcoat, to be imprisoned three months ; Ann Tanner, convicted of keeping a disorderly house in the parish of Fareham, and Thos. Morgan, convicted of
steal- Salisbury, ing a quantity of coals, to be imprisoned one month. Basingstoke, On Tuesday last as Mrs. Fielding, of St. Cross, near this > eviws, city, was walking across her yard, her foot slipped, she fell, and broke her log. She is now in a fair way. On Tuesday evening, about nine o'clock, a fire broke out in the back premises of Mr. Thotuas Webb, pastry- cook, in the High- street, Southampton. The back bed- room, where the fire was first discovered, was entirely consumed, with 11 room below, and a quantity of wearing- apparel, bed- furniture, and other effects ;— confectionary goods, glass, china, & c. to a great amount,
were de- stroyed in the contusion, in getting tlieni out of the house. But by the exertions of the firemen with engines, assisted by the Volunteers and other inhabitants, the fire was got under two hours after it first was discovered.— Had it been a windy night, the mischief would have been much greater. This day, at one o'clock, a tire broke out in Mr, Hollo- way's Farm- house, at Stockbridge, which entirely con- sumed the same. HOME MARKETS. Prices of Corn, per Quarter Wheat. 1 Barley. Gallon. Oct. 4 5 WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, OCTOBER Lately was married Archibald Fleming, jnn. Esq', of AbbeyviUe, co. Sligo, in
Ireland, to Miss Larkin, of Gosport, eldest daughter of Captain John Larkin, of the Royal Navy. On Tuesday was married, at Charlton, Kent., Mr. W. H. Lintott, of Southampton, to Miss Kittoe, only daughter of the laic G. Kittoe, Esq. of Antigua. On Thursday was ' married S. Gambier, Esq. of the Nauy Office, to Mrs. Meredith, of Winchester. SALISBURY. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1808. THE KINO.— Some gentlemen having expressed a desire to have the figure of His Majesty on horseback cut on one of the chalk hills In the neighbourhood of " Weymouth, . a piece of ground was immediately offered by R. S. Wood, Esq. of
Ostnington ( whose zeal and loyalty his Majesty has frequently experienced) ; and a figure of excellent propor- tion has been completed, of so large dimensions, as to he sean a very considerable distance at sea, and even by ships pa; ing down the Channel, Sir Arthur Wellesley, General Fergusson, and other Ofliccrs from Portugal, passed through this city 011 Wednesday evening, on their wav to London. Thomar Gould Read, Esq- ' s elected Mayor of Dorchester for the year ensiling. John Haythnrne, Esq. was on Monday sworn in Mayor of Bristol, Worthington Brice, Esq. having declined and paid the fine. On Tuesday Edward
Boswell, Esq. of Dorchester, was elected Treasurer of the western division of the county of Dorset, in the room of the late T. C. Man- field, Esq. 15IRTH.] On the 5th insta nt, at Boreharr) House, Wih$, the Lady of C. H. Rich, E - q. of a daughter O11 Monday was m irried, bv spocial licence, at St. George's Chnrelv, { I. niover- square, London, William a'Court, Esq. eldest son of Sir William a'Court, Bart, of Heytesbury House, 10 Miss Maria Bquvcrie, second daughter of the late Hon. William Henry Bouvcrie, M. P. for this city, and niece of the Earls of Radnor and Morton. Tile same day was'married at Pewsev, in this County, by the
Revd. J. Townsend, Rector, Kdward Hiilier, Esq. of London, to Miss I. iddale, eldest daughter of the late John Liddjde. Esq of Pexv- ey, aforesaid. Lately was married in Lincolnshire, Chevalier De Percy, OM « ( the ancient Nobie. se of Franc, and firmly attached to tho cause of his m march, to Mi. s Eliza M'Gro- gnr, with a fortune of 35,000/. 1 1 1 Who w u'. d not be a Frenchman i Last week was married, in Cambridgeshire, William Ebenezer Thacktbwaite, Esq. of Cambridge University, and eminent for his classical and literary attainments, to Miss Fanny Sly. On Tuesday last was married, at Netherhampton, Mr. Wm. Hay den,
to Misa Susannah Tucker, of the same place. On Wednesday was married at Bath, T. G. Wor- thington, Esq. late of Kintbury, Berks, to Miss Stahdert, only daughter of the late O. G. Standert, Esq. of Taunton. On Thursday last was married Mr. Selbv, iron- monger, of Wareham, to Miss Gould, of Broad Chalk. The same day was married, at Dorchester, Mr. John Norman, hosier, to Miss Winsor, mantua- maker and milliner. On Saturday the 8th 111st. was married, at Selt'on, in the cc. untv of Dorset, by the Rev. II. Martin, Mr. Hadland, of North As] 011, Oxfordshire, to MissFau- goin, of Wolverton, Mere, Wilts. On Saturday the 1st
inst. died, in Bedfordshire, of a lingering illness, suppo- ed to lie occasioned by a di ap- pointment in love, Miss Sophia Bishop; and > 11 ttip ' i.' d in- 1. of a deep decline, Miss Frances Edg comb, her intimate friend ami ru- ighbottr. " They were lowl; anilpleas. mt in their live., and in their deaths they w re 11 ; divided!" Lately died, in the prime of life, Mr. Kingston, jun. of Tidwotth. On Tuesday last died, afier a short i'l- iess, Jane, the youngest daughter of W. Burnet, Esq. of Shei- bome. On the 6th inst. died, at Upwood near Salisbury, in the fifty- second year of his age, Edward Davick Batsou, Esq. At Downton fair, 011 Monday,
there was a large shew of Sheep, which sold cheaper than at the last Wilion fair. O. i Tuesdav the Quarter Sessions for this countv were held at Marlborough : Win. God. Inn, of Minstecd, Hants, was found guilty of ste '. in;- barlny, the property of Mr. Batten, w ieh WAS cut and lying in swath- in a field at Downton, on the 21 t . if August last. After the" verdict, a record w is produced'of his form - r conviction at Winches- ter Sesvous fir staling hay. The Court sent - need him to be transported for sevr. o years. Mary Smith and Elizabeth Moore, convicted of different petty thefts, w re fach sentenced to a month's imprison- ment. Two
persons, convicted of assaults, were also sen- tenced to a mo th's imprisonment. A id four notorious v- o- ra ts, who had greahy annoyed the inhibit, mt= of Downton, were sentenced to two months' imprisonment. At the above Se sion- a question of much importance ( which occupied a eonsideiable time) ca. ue before th" Court, upon an appeal to convictions of two of hi• Ma- jesty's Justices of the Peace for this county, convicting five shearmen, of Bradford, of an otfe ice under the statut ' for preventing unlawful combinations of workmen, for re- fusing to work with another shearman in th • employ of th • sume master. Four of the
convictions w ot off for in- formality in the convictions, and upon the fifth there ap- peared a doubt 011 the evidence whether the prosecutor was ill the employ of the master on Monday the 8th of August, the day said in the conviction, or whether he had been dis- charged 011 the Saturday pre& dj'ng. The Chairman, after all impressive address, admonishing workmen not to offend against the laws in force, delivered the opinion of . the Court, quashing the conviction. ^ 11 the Bar were engaged in the above cause, four Counsel being retained for tl) e appellant0, and one on the master's side. CAUTION to SERVANTS.—. Saturday
se'nnight was com- mitted, for a month's imprisonment in the County Gaol, Dorcliestpr, Jasper Nottley, of the'parish of Osmington, for leaving " the service of his master, Mr. Hitt, of the same place, before the expiration of his tjtne. A BSF. T was taken up, on the 3d inst. in the garden of W. N. Hart, Esq. Edmondsham Cottage, near Cranborne, the Root of which weighed ten ppiinds, and was three quarters cf a yard in circumference, s. s. s. s. 78 to 84144 to 50 78 tn JMS' 11 ( o 53 78/ 3ioe• 51 to 53; 7SM10Q14U to 50 1 89 to 93 | 46 to 52 1 74 to SO 140 to 57 feight. of the Gait « « Loaf, Sib. 1 lor.- TO THE PUBLIC. TOW selling
bv BRODIE, DOWDING, and il LUXFORD. Successors to Mr. B. C. ColHns, at the ' NT1NG- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY, at the fol- Money prices,—. A few lots of fine thin Quarto Post, niutsides, at 15s. the ream ( only Od. a quire) —" superfine th wove and lined ditto, at 16' s. 6d.;— fine thicker ditto, at 17 « d.;— thick ditto, at tgs.;— and superfine ditto, at 20s. A V reams of Outsides fine thin Foolscap, at 1 Is.;— a good Potaper, at lb's. 0d.;— fine thick Foolscap, at 86s. 6d.;— supine ditto, at 28s.;— and Lawyers' Copy Paper, at 24s. tile im folio. Aapital assortment of ACCOMPT BOOKS, SCHOOL BOCS, BIBLES, and
COMMON PRAYER BOOKS, at the t London Prices, with good allowance to Schools, the Trad Sc. ** BRODIB, DOWDINO, and I. uxro » D have just rec- ived seyer; B x- r, of BARRETT'S WAX LIGHTS and GIB. SON P1. AY. ING CARDS, which th- y are now selling at the sameicney prices as at the Manufacturers', wherbv the enst ovoxes and London carriage is saved to Ladies and Gen- tlemctfsjding in the West of England. [ lauT NOTICE. THE CREDITORS of BENJAMIN CHARLES COLLINS, Esq. late of Salisbury, and of Mortimer- street, Cavendish- square, London, who have not yet delivered in an account of . their
respective demands, are desired to send the same immediately to JOHN DOWDINC, Bookseller, on the Canal, Salisbury, in order to their being d v. harecd : Anil ALL PERSONS INDEBTED to the said'estate are requested to pay the same forthwith to the said J. Dowmsc, who is authorised by TOWNLEY WARD, Esq. the acting executor, to receive all debts due to the estate of the deceased. SALISBURY, October 1, 1808. NEW STATE LOTTERY. /| 1SRS. BRODIE, DOWDING, and LUX- I'JL 3RD resp.- ctfully inform the Public, that thev haye just retv d a Suuply of TICKETS and SHARES from the truly foinate Office of Sir J.
BBANSCOMB and Co. by whom CAPITAL PRIZES, To TIE AMOUNT OF £. 2i 1,000, Were sold in the two last Lotteries; ANP 1 FRFTLMEB LOTTERIES, PRIZES AMOUNTING! TO ONE MILLION STERLING !!! Sir JAI\ S BBANSCOMB and Co. have appointed BRODIE, DovvnrNf and Luxroiio their principal Agents for the West of ^ land. *** The who may wish to have FAVOURITE NUMBERS should mai immediate application. WEYH1LL BALLS, .^ TILIJbe at the Town- hall, Andover, on Tuesday ? V the'lth and Thursday the ISth of. October. Tickets, ve shilling? each, tea included, to be had of Mr. Maud, Anker. Mr.
GOODALL, I- i2\ j Master of the Ceremonies, Di.'. PHIN'S INN, SOUTHAMPTON. THERh will be a BALL and SUPPER at the Ito unsat the Dolphins, on Thursday the 13th of Oe- ob - r. WM. LYNNE, M. C. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL Persons having any Claims or Demands cj the Estate or Effects of R'lCHARD CLEMENTS, latt. ot the city of New Sarum, in the county of Wilts, Carpertir, deceased, are d.- sired to transmit an account thereof to Mi! William Blackinore, one of his Executors, in order to theif being arranged and settl-. d i— And all persons indebted to the said Estate arc requested to pay the s me
immediately to the said William Blackmore. The Executors of the said Richard Clements having given up his Stock in Trade and Business to WILLIAM OBORNE and GtiORGr. READ, beg to recommend them to the friends of the said Richard Clements. WILLIAM OBORNE and GEORGE READ having taken to the Business of the above- named Richard Clements, beg to solicit of his late friends a continuance of their favours, which they will endeavour to des.- tve by strict attention to their commands, and furnishing the best materials and workman- ship. SARUM, Oct. 8, 1808. [ i3( Ji WEVH1LL FAIR. ' ' WARNOLD, Cheap Boot
and Shoe Man*. • facturer, QUEEN- STREET, SALISBURY, lespectfullv informs his triends and the public that he puiposes attending the above Fair, with an elegant Assortment of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S DRESS SHOES, of his own manu- factory, warranted tqual to any in the kingdom, at reduced prices, which he trusts will give general satisfaction, fta69 CoqntryS hops supplied on the most reasonable terms, NOW SELLING.--^. Christiana Red and White DEALS, BATTENS and NORWAY TIMBER ; a| sa Newcastle ^. OALS, on reasonable terms, by W. B. WATSON at his Yard in Brown- streef.— Salisbury, Oct. 3. [
1357 * T. GOIDARD respectfully informs the Nobility, Gent,', and the Public in g ntfid, who have ho- noured him Mth their commands atWeyhill, that fechasnvw DECLINED kipiijg the Fun, and returns his most Kiat. fui tn- iOKS for all') - t fav - ur;, soliciting a continuance of their command* to im at Salisbury, wh-. re ail orders will meet ( he greatest atu- r. tin i, nd dispatch. N. B. A mot extensive assortment of Silver, Plated, Jew- ellery, and cujous'Steel Woik. flii 10 SERVANT WANTED. WANTED in a small family in a Conntrv Town, a single, steady, middle aged Man, capable of look- ing aftjr two hors s, waiting at table, and doing
the work of a small kitchen garden, and making himself generally useful An unexceptionable chaiactcr tor sobriety and honesty will be indispensable requisites. Apply to the Printers, on the Canal, Salisbury. GOVERNESS WANTED, - , WANTED, in a private Familv,—— A Person r j not under nvec. fy yean; of age, " to superintend th^ Education of five yrtung Ladies, from five to fourt' en y an old. The party must be competent to t.- ach ' the French language grammatically, and speak it fluently} and - ilso qua! tied to instruct the children in Music, Drnwin » Disc- ing, & o. with the assistance cf proper masters. It is re- quested that
no one wnl answer this advertisement who is not fullv equal to such an. undertaking. For further particulars ap- plication may be m- ide to the Printers pf this Paper, fias* A FARM IN HANTS, be 1- fc. IT', from. Michaelmas I8O9, with I. i- HAPs'lVv pTtiC<? SSo"''<! t an< 1 Pr4p, re f" r a Whrat Crop, — HAPSLEY FARM, situate at Faccsmbe, ten miles frarr, Andoyer, and eight from Newbury'and Huneerford, consist- ing ot a barn, stable, and about 107 acres of arable m - adow and wood land.— For.- particulais apply to Mr. Todd, attorney at I iw, Andoyur. - figaa TITCHFIELD, August 20, 1808. ISS HIDE returns her sincere thanks
to her if JL Friendsand the Poblic for the very liberal encourage- ment she tn- s rc - ived during her residence in Titcbfiuld, and begs Lave to itjorm them that, having taken a larger house, she can aceoinnn.- l ite a u'reater number ot Pupils.— Those Friends who faroar Miss I tide with, the care of their Children, raav r ly. on th; grcatatyttention being paid them, ftaso GALLAWAVHOUSE, NEAR THE NORTH PARADE, BATH. Lodgings, with or u- itkoxit Bonrdiitg. TT/ IR. am! Mrs. RIPLEY respectfully inform Ladies i- yj. ani Gentli- men who may visit BATH the ensuing Sew m, that they have just - taken and newly furnished the
above House, which is most convennir. tly situated forHoardrrs and 1/ vl r,; and where every attention to their accommoda- ting, and eotnfort will be unremittingly paid ; and the terms reason vble. [ 1844 JACOB, SADLER, COLLAR AND HARNESS- Y • MAKER, begs leave to return his most " grateful ac- knowled.- m- Jnts to Ins Friends and the Public, for the very liberal support he has experienced during his residence in Andover, and humbly solicits a continuance of their f. iYours, assuring them that the strictest attention shall be paid to their commands, and every ex rtion used to give the most entire satisfaction.——
Andoyer., Sept. 30, 1808. [ 1302 C H E A P FUR S, MR. BEEBY has just received an extensive as- _ sortment of Muffs and Tipp ts, from 5s. each, yp- warits ;" the most fashionable Fancy Trimming Furs ; Satins, Sarsen - ts, Flannels, Silk and Silk and Cotton Velvets, of & sup - rior make. A fresh box of elegant real Thread Lace. Hosiery, by tiie half dozen, at the London Wholesale Prices. New Oanal, Salisbury, October 9, 1808. W. EYHILL FAIR. JTROIVE, CUTLER, SILVERSMITH, kc. SALJS- • BURY, respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that tie- purposes attending at the ensuing WEY11ILL FAIR, with a rich
assortment oi Plate, Jewellery', and Trinkets, in the immediate taste of the day ; Watches, plated and bronzed fashionable Tea Urns, - Pontypool and Japan Tea Trays, and warranted Cutlery, of his own manufactory. J. T. begs to offer his thanks for the patronage with which he was honoured at the last Fair, and earnestly entreats an inspection of the valuable Stock he has now provided, which he trusts will give general satisfaction.' [ 1003 ... 7 CHEAP SHOE, PATTEN, and LAST WAREHOUSE, MII. rORD- sTUF. F. T, SALISBURY. TAMES JEBOULT, PATTEN and LAST MAKER, jj> takes the present opportunity to return bis
most sincere, thanks to his friends for past fivours, still hopes for a con- tinuance of the s- ime ; resp. cttudy informs them that he has laid in a I irge'Assortment of MEN'S WOMEN'S, and CHILDREN'S SHOES, fiom the first mmulactoiies, for sale at the following low piVcs, viz. s. d. M n's good Calf. 8 o Ditto ditto; '.... 7 3 Ditto Hide 7 a Women's Black Spanish D- tto Velveret Ditto Seal.... Boys', Girl's, and Children's equally cheap, in proportion to size. Also,— A large assortment of CHEAP PATTENS, at re- duced prices ; s uperior to 1, may— inferior to none. . [ 1354 An Assortment of Gentlemen's BOOT TREES. Manchester and
Scotch Commission. Warehouse, TRENCH- STREET*, SOUTHAMPTON. TURTON most respectfully announces to liis Friends arid the Public, that he has received1 a fresh Consignment of COTTON! GOODS of every description," which Will- commence selling 00 Mond y the'loth mstT'at very r - due d prict- s, f r Ready Money only. J. T. is also iosr returned Vropi Lond n. and has pnrtf „.*•;; largely of t. shimable Articles for the season, cor. s-> in. of Vu; ona. Peliss.- Cloths, Velvets, S'lk and Cotton Shawls, Silk Hahdk'- rch- efs, Pr. ms. coloprediMuslius, Salisbury Kl rmels, Ribb- ms, Gloves, and white Muslins and Lenos of.
cverv descriptihh ; als Bla- kets, Flannels," Ticks," Dowlasslis, Proteins, Shrretings, Ir- sh Linens, Scntch Hollands, Diapers, Daifrlsks, an< i- Hosiery of everv descripfoh. Haberc'ashery, & c. & c. . Wholesale Customers served as che. ip us in London. The price is mtirk d on every article, from which no abate- ment will be made. SOOTIIAMFTON. October 7, 180 » ". N. B. J. T. has also open- d a Shop at West' Cowes, where Goods will bes. dd equally as piiEAP us at his Warehoost i: i Southampton, ! L1 - j i a r| 0 be LEI I, and entered qn'immediately,— \ t neat built brick and tiled COTTAGE, pi'e. Cntly Situated at Quarley, cons
sting of | wo p- irloars, a kin hi n par, try, under- ground c. llar, three b d. rpoms, two - ervant^ ditto - garden, a lavyn betore the house of half an acre 1 coachrhouse and three- stalled stable, it required. For a view of the premises apply to Mr. William Wells, Quarley and to treat lor the same, of Mr. Gaie, Gnitel. yl clown fa An ; it by letter, post paid. ' [, 30^ HOUSE TO LETT. T° LK" 1T,— A HOUSE in the Cottage ? ty! e, X at, vflisten, near Amesbury; consisting ol a parlour afid drawing room, with a dassiju room for a gentleman three tad rooms and attics; a s, irdt- ri and oieha. d adjoining, and s able far five liofses.- lt would be an
ehgrble situation tor a. clersymin, as he might have an oppoftimty of serving tw » Chureh. s, each sipgle duty, within a miie of tfe house tor particulars enquire of Mr. Chubb, Salisbury; or Mr. Robbms, Bultotd, who will shew the premises. '[ 12 4 T1SBURY,. WILTS. TO be LETT 01 SOLD, and entered on irnmc- diajrlv,— An HOUSE and GARDEN, in Church- street with suitable Offices and a Sly p adjoin. ng, occupied for many Pasture5; i U- Wise a small piece o^ f For a view of the premises apply to Wm. Green n ' ar the Church at Tisbury aforesaid ; and- ( r frntH^ ^ t cubrs appiy ( if by letter, postpaid) to the Rev; J. Hiobe/ d,
Suttotl Mandenlle, near S « runi. [ 13( 3 Suttott [ taia BLANDFORD ST. MARY, DORSF. T TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONIRACT— A. neat Sashed and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE,- *, rh a waded- m Garden adjoining; and Mult- hou- n near the s ; me, winch will work 20 quarters per Veck. ' I he premises" re leaseliold, and pleasantly situat. d in the parish of Blandtord famdy * " r- m'-' diate reception of a genteel For. further particulars apply to Mr. H. Biggs, Blandibrd. WOODLANDS, NEW FOREST ~~ TO he SOLD, - A COMFORTAULE FAMILY" HOUSE', in the cottage stile, with furniture; and about twelve Acres of Pasture
Lah'd, Including a good cottaec adjoining; cpach- house, stalling, offiecj, and unlimitted Tight ot forest; situate near the Forest hounVIs, three nuks. from Lyndhurst and seven troiri Southampton, late in the Sedately"' Nkl? 01?' an! » be *** for particulars apply to Mr. Rrimvard, at Hill, near Southampton: Mr. Cannon, SoUcitor, Leiccsar- plte,' Lon• don; or Mr. Cewcher, Bath. - - [ 1278 UNION BREWERY. TO be SOLD, All tlwi capital BREWERY situate in Portsea, with the v - tuable PU. pt, g | arg< W 11 Ot eiceillent Water, and Engine for raising ti e same,' a I. Wiusr Back that will contain three bun red barr- Is, ant$ ten$ i » e 1 urn,
Coopi r-. ge, figgery, and Out- hous s, Stahhs and An. puru nancesi ^ Also, A subiantial DWELLING HOUSE, in front ofthc brewery. With tour Tenements in th'ey.,-,!, adapted touie re- sidence of labourers, and a Field contuu'- rs ib- ieto " Also, \ desirable PIECE of (. ROUND opposite the brewery, well calbulkted t, r buildings. r Any, person desirous of purchasing mav apply- to Mr Tur. ner, at Portsmouth, of Mr. White, 1,1 Ports- It- r rij.- q OCT AH Persons indebted to the Firm are requested to pay their cebts to Mr.' I upier. or Mr. White, on or betori; the first day of October next; and whoever has any demand or. tho F rir, is r qu
sted to send in an account on or before the same p ri. id.— Portsmouth, Sept. 14, isop'.' SOUTHAMPTON. ' rr'° be SOLD by A L'C'l ION, on Tuesday the a 18th ot October " 1808 at the private Office of the Col- lector of the Excise at Southampton.- A Ou- ntifv ef Ft). REIGN SPIRITUOUS. LIQUORS; to. " dealers beine all abov, proof; viz. * » 124 Gallons oi Coniac 3randy 47 Ditto of fine proSf wh ti- ditfo, being a chojce articla forpres rves for families ' . 4 Gall- iu-. of Rum ' The Whol; having been seized and leeallv ro„ 4emned 13ii? J W. WFTHF. R HEA D. Hp Order of the lion. Ctimmi,-,. totters of uu / Vajesfy's Customs, T° he
S0LD h>' AUCTION, qn Thursday tho •* 13th ot Oeto'.- ei insfrnt, at two o'clock n t e" " after n on, at'the Custom- House, l. vrn'. The St. HOOK I Tt FI. VINO FISH, burthen too tons," v th I or Bo- 1, $,<'„,: • Mi. t uals. . Hip Hull of th- fi., S ho- in, r l¥ h. rh V, l " d triLyni. Cob; vy. il b- s id m one ),,, iiepM - sls. Yams. Bowsppt, , nd Set of. Si. ds, in another; and - h , rrluid. r cf her Sills. St- r- s, nr. d M.- t ria s in small lots " Th • M s, S ii- i, Sic. to be vnw < 1 thr. e d. ys bef re • nd on. the morning on the sale, at Mr. Dra, ton's Y- rd , « Lyme Cobb. •. ' ' at PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. BRODIE, J. PQWDING, AND J. LpXFORD,
AT THE RR1NTING- QFF1CE, CANAL, SALISBURY; • , { There Oracs, Advertisements, end attHienlio ArHeles of News pre received ( Postage paid.) Also by the PRINTERS and BoppstiEBS in the West of England; by the respective UEWSMEfi; and London B| Mewrs. TAYLER » n< l JJSVTLON, l^' o. 5, Warwick-^ quirUj WarwicH^ ne^ Nevvgatfr- Street, atiti Mr. WILKIE, Baukseller. PatBrno^ wJiw. R'pifci