The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Issue Number: 3736
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 26/09/1808
Printer / Publisher:
Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3736
No Pages: 4
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- THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER J AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSETi SOMERSET [ NUMBER 3736. VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1808. PRICE SIXPENCE. / Stamp Duty \ Paper and Print, 3J< F. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. w FOREIGN NEWS. EI. SINEUR, Sept. 2. * E have intelligence here, that on the 26th nk. another British fleet ot between 60 and 70 ships, convoyed by several men of war, passed the Great Belt. People here ask with astonishment to what ports in the Baltic are the English carrying on so brisk a trade ? This seems to be an insoluble riddle. PARIS,
Sept. 11.— A treaty signed on the 8th" instant between M. Champagny, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and his Royal Highness Prince William of Prussia, has put an end to all the differences which existed between France and Prussia. LONDON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. A large mass of foreign intelligence has been brought by Dutch, French, and Hamburgh papers, and Gotten- burgh mails.— The Dutell papers are to the 17th— the Paris to the 9th— and the Hamburgh to the 10th— They are chiefly filled with accounts of the marches and movements of French troops, and troops of the Confederation of the Rhine.— These
are quitting their former cantonments with all possible speed, and are pouring down to the right bank of the Rhine.— So greati, the expedition used, that many regiments are conveyed in coaches and waggons.— These . are pretty strong indications of an immediate war with Aaustria; and there is another fact which confirms this conjecture.— The Grenadiers of the Imperial Life Guards, the constant precursors of Bonaparte's departure from Paris for the purpose of commencing warlike operations, left Paris on the 7th, and such expedition was used in con- veying them, that 200 of the fiacres of Paris were pressed to carry them
the two first stages from Paris. Bonaparte l. imself, in the Pari, articles Of the 7th, is said to be on the point of leaving Paris.— Rumour fixed his departure for the 8th.— Weimar is reported to be his first destination— and the Emperor of Russia it is said is to give him the meeting in that city. Lasues, it is said, is to have the chief command of the French Army in Spain. To that great country hordes of Frendh troops are pouring from the interior of France and from Italy, a>' d Bonaparte seems determined at once to dare the troops of Austria oil one side, and the Patriots of Spain on the other. General Dupont, in consequence of
some irritating and intemperate behaviour, is shut up in the castle of St. Seba tian. The Moniteur has published the Treaties by which Charles the Fourth and the Prince of Asturias resign their rights to Bonaparte.— The concluding line of the Treaty " Done at Bayonne," proves how voluntary this resignation was I But had his resignation been voluntary, King Charles could have no right to rob his successors, or to transfer the people of Spain to a man with whom they had tio connection, to be disposed of again by him, like cattle. In return for the cession of Spain and the Indies, Bonaparte generously gives Charles the Castles of
Compiegne and Chamburd, with a revenue of 30 millions of reals. The i'rinrc of Asturias is to have the palaces, parks, and farms of Navarre, and a revenue of one million of livres a year ; and Bonaparte engages to grant to this distinguished mem- ber of the House of Bourbon, the title of Royal Highness, with hll the honours and prerogatives which the Princes of his blood enjoy.— The Infants of Spain are to have the same fwnears and prerogatives of his blood, and an income of 100.000 livres each. The Gottenburgh mails have brought the Swedish report ef the brilliant action of Sir Samuel Hood in the Baltic.— The Swedes pay
the highest compliments to the valour, the • kill, and the promptitude of the British. There has been some hard lighting in Finland ; but little advantage u- ems to have resulted from it to either party. By the last letters from Halifax, in Nova Scotia, we are informed that upwards of 1000 seamen have arrived there from th « United States, since the laying on of the ismbargo ; of whom, as many as could prove themselves British subjects, have been received into our navy. The Meleager triple, of 36 guns, is lost in the West Indies. The crew, except four men, wre all saved. An order has been issued to the Dock Yards, not to ship any
more stores for ships of the 1st and 2d rates in the Mediterranean. The expedition, consisting of the brigade of Guards, sailed from the Downs on Saturday, under convoy of his Majesty's ship Trusty, for the westward. It will proceed with that which has embarked at Cork, under the com- mand of Sir David Baird, to the coast of Spain. It is already confidently reported, in the military circles, that an inquiry will be immediately ordered into the circumstances that led to the Convention with Junot. His Majesty's Ministers, and bis Royal Highness die Com- mander in Chief, are said to concur in the propriety of this proceeding. The
Marquis tie Romana, Commander of the Spanish troops rescued from the tyranny of the French ami their allies, arrived in town this morning, accompanied by his Aid- de- Camp, Col. O'Donnel. The Marquis had not heard from Spain, for three mouths previous to his escape from Fuhnen, nor was he aware of the situation of his country, until it wis made known to lrim by the Officers of the British fleet. DRURY- LAVF. THEATRE was opened for the season on Saturday last, with the play of the Honey Moon, and the musical entertainment of Rosina, The painting and gilding having been re- tou? hed, and some additions made to
the private boxes, the Thaatre looks as splendid as when it was first opened; the house was tolerably well filled; Elliston, Miss Duncan, and the other favourites of the public, were cordially greeted on their entrance; and both play and farce went olf with their usual success. CAPT. CAIXFIF. LD was the gentleman alluded to in our last, as having fallen in a duel with Mr. P. on Wimbledon Common. An evening paper says, " We are requested to contradict the statement of the duel, and to state that Capt. C. died of a consumption." It does not say oil what authority this request was made, nor does it condescend to explain how the
perforation of the lungs by the fatal disease alluded to came to be mistaken for the orifice of a pistol ball! A warehouse in Size- lane, near Crutched- friars, was robbed on Thursday night of cochineal, indigo, ane other valuable articles, to the amount of two thousand pounds The thieves fir tbffcke into a church- yard, and from thence into the waiehoufe. Several persons have been taken into cu tikly, and examined, on - suspicion " f being concerned in this robbery, but nothing has been proved against any of ttwm. DIED.— On Wednesday last, at his seat at Hagley, near Birmingham, in the 35th year of his age, the Right Hail.
William Lyttleton, Baron Lyttleton, of Frankley in Wor- cestershire, Baron Westoote of Balamane in Ireland, and a Baronet: his Lordship was brother of George Lord Lyttle- ton, was formerly Governor of South Carolina, and after- wards of Jamaica; was created a Peer of Ireland in 1776", and soon after appointed a Lord of the Treasury; in 1794, the English Peerage, extinct by the death of his nephew Thomas Ijord Lyttleton, was revived in his favour. His Lordship first married Mary, daughter and co- heiress of James Macartney, Esq. by whom he had two sons ( one of whom is deceased) and a daughter ( married to Sir Richard
Colt I loare, Hart, and since deceased). He married secondly Caroline daughter of John Bristow, Esq. of Qniddenham, in Norfolk, by whom be bad several children, of whom two only have survived him, viz, William Henry, one of the Representatives in Parliament for Worcestershire, and Caroline Anne, married to the Right Hon. Reginald Pole Carew. His Lordship is succeeded in honours and estate by his eldest son, the Hon. George Fulk Lyttleton.— On the 4th of January, at Sydney, New South Wales, Capt. John Putland, Commander of his Majesty's ship Porpoise. — Lately, the Rev. Dr. John Trot ter, Pastor of the Scotch
Church i: i Swallow- street.— On Friday, John Drury, Esq. Banker, of Btfchin- la lie : he was overturned in his curricle on Finchley- conimon, and killed on the spot j Mrs. Dl'ury, who was with him, escaped unhurt. MAR- K- LANE, Monday, September 19. The Wheat Market is still in a very Unsettled state. After rising2s. on Wednesday, and declining 5s. on Friday, at an early hour this morning it recovered to' nearly the value of Monday the 12th, but was down again at noon nearly 5s. a quarter. We have had some little arrivals of Wheat from the Continent, with a few Tick Beans, and a great many Oats and White Peas. The best
boilers, however, maintain their value. Grey Peas and Beans of both sorts are dearer. Oats rather cheaper. For other particulars we refer to the general currency annexed :— Wheat, English Red 72s. to 89s. fine to S3s. White 74s. to 92s. fine to 96s. Black 72s. to 9 Is. Fine 85s. to 88s. Rye 40s. to 48s. fine new to 56s. White Peas 76s. to 96s. Boilers 98s. to 120s. Grey Peas 56s. to S5s. Horse Beans 56s. to 62s. fine old to 70s. Tick Beans 56s. to 66s. Barley 40s. to 46s. Malt 6ss. to 70s. fine to 82!. Oats, long feed, 28s. to 33s. Short 34s. to 37s. Poland and Brew 3Ss. to 43s. Tares 112s. to 128s. per qr. English Household
Flour 85s. per sack. SMITHFIELD MARXET, Sept. 19. This day's market had a good supply of prime beasts and other cattle. There were nearly 22,00 Oxen and Heifers, 17,500 Sheep and Lambs, 20n Calves, and 300 Pigs. The prices were, Beef 4s. to 5s. id. Mutton 4s. to 5s. 6d. Veal 6s. to 7s. 6d. Lamb 5s. to 6s. 6d. Pork 6s. to 7s. per stone of Sib. to sink the offal. Prices by the CARCASS, in Newgate and Leadenhall Mar- kets:— Beef 3s. to 4s. Mutton 3s. 4d. to 4s. Sd. Lamb 3s. id. to 5s. 4d. Veal 3s. 9d. to 6s. Pork 5s. to 6s. id. per ftone. Prices O/' HAY and STRAW, inSmithfield, Vl'hitechapel, and St. James's Markets .-—
Old Hav 61. 5s. to 61. IDS. New til. Clover 61. IBs. to 71. 7s. Straw'U. 13s. to 21, per load. HOPS, in the Borough :— Bats, Kent, 31, tos. to 4L Sussex and Essex, 31. Ss. to 31. 15s.— Pockets, Kent, 3'. 14s. to 4L. 12s. Sussex, ' il. 5s. to 41. Ss. Farnham, il. to. 61.10s. THESE are to give Notice, that on Thursday the 6th of nex t month, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, will be exposed to SALE, at the Pay Office, in liis Majesty's Yard, neur Portsmouth,— Several Lots of OLD STORES, consisting of old canvass in paper stuff, old colours with tabling, junk in paper stuff, old rope in paper stuff, lashing, rounding, and spun- yarn, hemp
damaged and rubbish, adriatic, & c.; also, the Leopard pitch boat; when any persons willing to l< e pur- chasers, may have the liberty of viewing them in the working hours till the day of sate, And as a deposit of 25Z. per cent, or in that proportion, is to te made by the persons who shall purchase the said lots, all per- sons that shall attend the said sale are to take notice thereof, and come prepared accordingly. And unless the stores so pur- chased shall be paid for and absolutely taken away at the end of forty working days after the day of sale, the dqiosit shall Be forfeited and become the property of the Crown. [ 1138 Dated at
his Majesty's Yard neur Portsmouth., this \ 6th day of September 1808. GEO. GREY. PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, , Sept. 21, 1808. ON Thursday, the 2X) th instant, I shall be ready to receive Tenders it writing fsealcdupj and treat for the undermentioned Articles for the Service of this Port, to be delivered in the course of the ensuing month, which will be paid for by Bills payable'with Interest SO days after date, viz. B1SKET, 6,000 Bags, to be manufactured from good whole Meal. KILN- DRIED . HOUSEHOLD FLOUR, sooSacks, answer- able to a Sample that will be produced at the time of Con- tract. No regard will
be had to any Tender, in which the price shall, not be inserted in words at length, or that shall not be delivered before twelve o'clock on the said 29th instant, nor unless the persons who make the same, or sojne person on their behalf, attend to answer thereto when culled for. IVM. REEKS. N. B.— The Conditions of the Contracts may be seen at my Ojjice. [ 1143 WILTSHIRE—. SHERIFFS' FUND. AGeneral Meeting of the Subscribers will be held at Marlborough, on Tuesday in the ensuing Sessions Week, being the 4th day cf October next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to receive the Report of the Committee ap- pointed at
the general meeting at the last Summer Assizes, for forming a new Code of Rules for the regulation of this Fund, and for other purposes respecting the same. 1082J Uy order of the Meeting, Sept. 12, 1808. WM. SALMON, Treasurer. WILTSHIRE YEOMANRY CAVALRY. Hindon Troop Orders. THE Troop to parade in Marching Order, and to bring every appointment to the Field, on CHII. MARK DOWN, on Friday the 30th instant, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, to be inspected by Lieut. Colonel Bisshopp, I. F. O. with the Warminster and Salisbury Troops. 1056J T. GROVE, Major and Captain. FERN, Sept. 12, 1808. Meeting of
the Clergy at Devizes. THE next MEETING of the CLERGY, for the Relief of the Widows and Orphans of poor Clergymen in Wilts, will be held at the Bear Inn, in Devizes, on Wed- nesday the 28th of September instant, when it is earnestly requested of the Clergy, and particularly the Stewards of the different Deanries, to attend. [ 1058 SARUM AND ELING TURNPIKE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the next Meeting of the Trustees is appointed to be held, pursuant to the last adjournment, at the house of JOACHIM HIBBERD, known by the name of the Maidenhead Inn, in the city of New Sarum, on Friday the 30th day of
September instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. [ 1144 W. BOUCHER, Clerk and Treasurer. SAROM, Sept. 21, 1808. WINCHESTER. THE 23d of October falling this year on a Sunday, Notice is hereby given, that the SHEEP FAIR will be held on Monday the 24th. Coops to be taken of Mr. T. Collier, City Arms Inn, in this city, on or before the 23d of Octobcr 1808. [ 1126 WEYHILL FAIR. NOTICE is hereby given, That all Vagrants, and other idle and disorderly persons keeping Gaming- Tables, or following any other unlawful Practices at this Fair, will be apprehended and punished as the Law directs. JOHN GODDEN, jun.
1211] Bailiff of the Borough of Andover. CALNE, WILTS. ' Grocer//, Drapery, Mercery, Hosiery, § ' c. Sfc. JOHN GUNDRY, truly grateful for all favours conferred on him by Iris numerous Friends during the fifteen years he has been in the above Branches, now begs leave to inform them, aiid the Public in general, that he has this day resigned in favour of Mr. ABRAHAM HENLY ( his late Apprentice), whom he can with the greatest confidence introduce as his successor. ABRAHAM IIENLY having succeeded Mr. J. GUNDRY in the above Business, humbly solicits the fivours ef his friends and the public, which he hopes to merit by
a regular and assiduous attentto to any of their commands. N. B.' AU debts due to J. G. are requested to be paid witl - out delay ; and all demands on him will, on application, be immediately discharged. Sept. 19, 1808. [ 1097 HTHOMPSON, DENTIST, & c. No. 73, High- • street, Southampton, ( near Gloucester- square), fixes natural and artificial Teeth ® n all the improved principles equal to any dentist in the kingdom. The advantage that must naturally arise to those who please to honour Mrs. T. with their favours, in preference to itinerant dentists, is too obvious to need mentioning. Irregularities of the Teeth re- moved, and
carious ones filled with gold, silver, & c. by which tooth- ache is often cured or prevented, and the teeth preserved. Mrs. T.' s method of cleaning teeth, if ever so much affected with tartar, is so highly approved of, that, after the process, they appear like a new set, perfectly white and beautiful, and are not subject to decay. Thompson's TOOTH POWDER, used by the Nobility, Gen- try, Sec. for upwards of twenty years, also by many of the Fa- culty, who affirm it never to have been excelled, may be had at Thompson's residence; at Messrs. Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford's, Salisbury ; for the accommodation of her friends in
London, Windsor, Sec. by Mr. Cowdrey, No. 40, Strand, and Messrs. Shaw and Edwards, St. Paul's Church- yard, Lon- don ; Mr. Harvey, Weymouth; Mr. Brown, Bristol; Mr. Hazard, Bath; Mr. Harvey, Southampton ; & c. & c. [ 1136 - CHEAP, SAFE, AND EXPEDITIOUS TRAVELLING. THE Proprietors of the OLD SALISBURY COACH, from the Black Horse Inn to the Bell and Crown, Holborn, and Saracen's Head, Friday- street, return their sincere thanks to their friends and the public for past favours; and inform them they have started A NEW LIGHT TELEGRAPH COACH, from the Chough Inn, Market- place, Salisbury,, to the
above Inns, London, afternoons at a quarter before four; and they are determined that their Coaches shall be conducted in a stile superior, and cheaper, than any opposition. WHITMARSH, PENNY, FAGG, and CO. PROPRIETORS. Calls at Hatchet's and the Gloucester Coffee- house, Piccadilly. Will not be accountable for any article exceeding 51, value, unless paid for accordingly. [ 1051 CATHERINE WHEEL INN, ANDOVER. NEW and Cheap Elegant Commercial Expedition COACH, at Reduced Fares, to the Bell Savage, Ludgate Hill, LONDON, performed by EDWARD PROCKTER & Co. who beg their Friends in and near
Andover to be particular in ordering their Places and Parcels to be booked at the Catherine Wheel Inn, as the Proprietors of the Commercial Expedition have no connexion with any other Andover Coach whatever, and are fully determined their Friends in that part of the country shall travel cheap, and in safety. ANDOVER, August 20, 1803. [ 787 CHEAP TRAVELLING, BY the Commercial SALISBURY and LONDON COACH, from the Three Swans, SALISBURY, to the Bell Savage, LUDGATE- HILL; afternoons at a quarter be- fore four o'clock: performed by EDW. PROCKTER and Co. Who inform the public it is their
determination not only to convey their friends at a moderate price, but » ljo with safety, and have given positive orders to the drivers on np account to attempt any thing unpleasant to the traveller, by unnecessa- rily running the horses; and any complaints to that effcct will be immadiately attended to, with thanks. The proprie- tors also beg to remark to the inhabitants of the towns cf Honiton, Chard, Crewkerne, Yeovil, Sherborne, Shaftesbury, Wincanton, Sommerton, Taunton, & c. See. in particular, that by forming a Party of Three in a Post Chaise to Salis- bury, and then taking the Commercial Coach from the Three Swans Inn,
they will save nearly one guinea in three each person, and be always certain of places on to London. N. B. Good accommodation for Baggage and Parcels, and coverings to protect it from the weather. QQ?* Carriage of Parcels under one pound weight Sixpence only, as usuab— SALISBURY, Avg. 22, 1808. [ 1116 TO RINGERS. WARMINSTER Ringers against the Set that had the SILVER BOWL at BECKINGTON on the 14th of September, or any Set in Wiltshire or Somerset ( in the resi- dence of one parish), for SIX GUINEAS, on the same bells, if agreeable to the Churchwarden ; if not the two Sets shall chuse a place
between themselves. Apply by letter ( post- paid) to Thomas Miller, Warminster. Mention time, and the Challengers will meet any Set that shall come against them. No Say Peal will be allowed. [ 1217 POOLE, WINBOURN, RINGWOOD, CHRIST- CHURCH, SALISBURY, and LONDON NEW POST COACH, ( carries four Insides only) every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday morning, at half- past eight o'clock, from the London Tavern, Poole, to the Three Swans, Salisbury, and Bell Savage, Ludgate- hill, London ; returns from the Three Swans, Salisbury, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, at nine, ( immediately
after the arrival of the London Coach) i and arrives at Poole bythree in the afternoon. PERFORMED BY J. PERRIN, KING, AND CO. Who particularly request their Friends to desire their Cor- respondents in London to be particular in ordering their Parcels to the Bell Savage, Ludgate- hill, as every attention to the early delivery of them will be given. i£ Jf> The time of reaching Salisbury will accommodate Pas- sengers to Portsmouth, Gosport, Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Ply- mouth, Sec. Sec. by the Salisbury Coaches. Fares from Salisbury to Poole:— Inside 1 is.— Outside 8s. N. B. Not accountable for any Parcel or Luggage above
five Pounds value, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly Olid- livery. Sept. 17, 1808. [ 1090 ISLE OF WIGHT.-— MONEY ON MORTGAGE. THE Sutn of i?. 1000 is ready to be ad vanced On Mortgage of good Freehold Land in the Isle of Wight. Apply to Mr. Griffiths, attorney at law, Newport, [ l 186 WANTED, A CURATE to undertake the Duty, of a CURACY in Hampshire.— For particulars applv to the Printers, postpaid. [ 4S3 There is no Parsonage- house.— Salajy 6nl. per ann. ANTED, A SITUATION as BAILIFF; a Young Man who has been brought up in the Hus- bandry Line wishes to engage himself to
superintend the Ma- nagement of a Farm : he can bring an undeniable character from his last place. Reference may be had by addressing to Y. Z. ( free of postage) at the Printing Office, Salisbury. [ H24 WANTS a Situation, as BAILIFF in the Farming line, in Hants, or an adjoining county,— A Single MAN, of unquestionable character and good recommendation, as a Farmer and Market Man; wishes to be in the house. Letters addressed to A. B. Post- Office, Andover, will be answered immediately. [ 1213 WANTED, A person who perfectly under- stands the management of a COUNTRY BANK, and who, besides the most
respectable references in point of cha- racter, can give security for the trust reposed in him. Apply ( by letters post- paid) to the Printers of this Paper. FISHERMAN. WANTED, A steady Man,, to manage a Fishery. He must be capable of mending nets ; and if he can take care of a few acres of water meadow he will be properly rewarded. A cottage will be found him. Apply to Mr. Skelton, Southampton. [ 1199 SILK BUSINESS. WANTED a Person, as FOREMAN in a SILK MILL, at a distance of near 100 miles from London. Any person who has filled such a situation, and whose cha- racter will bear the strictest investigation, will
find this an eligible offer, a furnished house being provided adjoining the premises. Letters addressed to R. C. No. 11, Paternoster- row, Cheapside, London, will meet the advertiser. [ 1060 WANTED,— A FEEDER to a Pack of Harriers; if he has been accustomed to whip- in, the better. Apply to the Printers for further particulars. [ 1218 WANTED,— An active Man, as GARDENER, who understands his business well; likewise a LAUN- DRY MAID ; wanted also in the same family, an UPPER HOUSEMAID. Apply to Mr. Painter, Andover. [ 1210 WANTED, in a Clergyman's family, where a few young Gentlemen are* educated,— A
" good COOK: she must bring an unexcptionable character trom her last place for honesty, activity, and sobriety. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to the Printers. [ 866 WANTED, in a Gentleman's Family,— A good plain COOK, who perfectly understands her busi- ness. She must be of a good disposition, and have an unde- niable character from her last place. Letters addressed to Mr. Skelton, Southampton. [ 1198 WANTED, in about a month, - A very sober, honest, steady, careful WOMAN as COOK, m. avery small Family ; she must be a Person that can be depended on for care and attention when the family are from home,
which they are some months in the year. A Person of 40 years of age would be preferred, as it is a very easy place ; no cows, or making bread. Direct or enquire for C. F. at Mr. Harvey's, perfumer, Southampton, or Mr. Leach's, grocer, Romsey; if by letter, post paid. • * [ U41 W" ANTED in a gentleman's family in the country, as soon as possible,— Two steady'Servants, one as LADY's MAID, and the other as a COOK; good wages will be given to persons who understand their business, and can h* ve good characters from their last places. Apply to the Printers, ( by letter postpaid), with references to their last places for
characters. [ t 17s WANTED, in the Country,— A steady, middle- aged Man, as Upper Servant, where a boy is kept; he is to wait upon his master. None need apply but those that have lived in the capacity for some time, and can have an unexceptionable character from their last place. For parti- culars apply to the Printers, post- paid. [ 1179 BACKSWORD PLAYING. ON WEDNESDAY the .5th of October, 1808, the following PRIZES will be played for at BACKSWORD, at YARNBOROUGH CASTLE, WILTS The first Prize, a large Silver Bowl and Three Guineas ; the best man to have the Bowl, the second best the Three
Guineas.— Also, prize of Five Guineas, for players that never won the value of half a guinea at any one time ; the best man to have Three Guineas, the second best Two Guineas. The gamesters to mount the stage precisely at nine o'clock and play till one, adjourn till two and play uW four, when the tyers will be called; and as an inducement to young playeri who will attend early, Five Shillings will be given to the two first men that mount the stage, [ 1145 NO PADDING. The above Prizes will be played for by single bloods. BUILDING CONTRACT. NOTICE is hereby given, that his Majesty's Jus- tices of the Peace for the county
of Southampton, do intend, at the General ( Auarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden at the Castle of Winchester, in the said county, on Tuesday the 4th day of October next, to contract with any Person or Persons for re- building the Bridewell at Gosport, in the . said county, according to the plans and specification to be seen at the office of the Clerk of the Peace at Winchester. Persons desirous of contracting to execute the whole of the above works are requested to send in their proposals, sealed up, to the Clerk of the Peace at Winchester, on or before Monilay the 3d of October, and to attend at the Castle of Winchester
on Tuesday the 4th, when the different proposals will be taken into consideration. The Contractor will be re- quired to find sufficient security for the due performance of his contract. THOMAS WOODHAM, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. WINCHESTER, 31 si of August, 1808, [ 9I » Poole, IVinbome, Christchurch, Ringwood, Fordingbridge, Downton, and SALISBURY ACCOMMODATION COACH, To the Bell and Crown, Holborn, and Saracen's Head, Friday- street, Cheapside, London, ROBERTS, THORNE, and Co. Proprietors, im- pressed with a due sense of their obligation to their Friends and the Public in general, for the Very
liberal encou- ragement they have experienced since starting the above Coach ; beg leave to return their most sincere thanks, assuring them it will ever be their study by punctuality and steadiness, and resolving to have excellent horses wrth careful and civil coachmen, to merit a continuance of their future favors, which will very much eblige their obedient Servants, ROBERTS, THORNE, and Co. From the Angel Inn, Poole, and George Inn, Christchurch, to the Black Horse, Salisbury, Bell and Crown, Holborn, and Saracen's Heal, Friday- street, Cheapside, London, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; returns Tuesdays,
Thurs- days,' and Saturdays. Will not be accountable for any parcel or luggage above 51. value ( if lost or damaged) unless entered as such and paid for accordingly. N. B. All Parcels sent to this Coach will be booked free of expence. The time of reaching and leaving Salisbury will accommo- date Passengers to and from Bath, Bristol, Portsmouth, Ply- mouth, Exeter, Sec. by the Salisbury Coaches. • [ 1134 SALISBURY, WILTON, and LONDON FLY WAGGONS, daily, to and from the CASTLE and FALCON, ALDF. RSGATE- STREET, London, and their Ware house, Milford- street, Salisbury. These Waggons take up and put
down Goods at the Old White Horse Cellar, and Black Bear, Piccadilly. No Money, Plate, Jewels, Glass, or other valuable or hazardous Goods will be paid for, if broken or lost, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. NICHOLAS BROWN,\ p . 835] JAMES BRICE, j- Cropn. rietcrs. ROMSEY, Sept. 21, 1808. JAMES MAY'S WAGGON, from Southampton ( through Romsey) to Salisbury, sets out from Brook- man's London Warehouse, opposite the Royal George, Southampton, on Mondays; and from the Catherine- Wheel, Milford- street, Salisbury, on Tuesdays, where goods are taken up and put down every other day.
Goods forwarded to Bath, Bristol, and all adjacent places westward, and eastward to Gosport, Portsmouth, and through Sussex, Sec. also to the Isle ot Wight, and to the Islands of Jersey and Guernsey. *** Will not be accountable for Money, Plate, Jewels, or Glass, above the value of Five Pounds, unless booked and paid for accordingly. , The public may depend cn attention and carc, and that no endeavours shall be wanting to give satisfaction to his em- ployers. [ 1146 WANTED,—— A Steady MAN SERVANT, within doors, where only one is kept, either in or out of livery. Enquire of the Printers. [ 1079 WANTED at
Michaelmas next, as Upper Ser- vant in a Farm House,— A careful, cleanly, and active Woman, between the ages of 30 and 40, who under- stands cooking, baking, brewing, and making butter, as three cows are kept/ also to clean her master's and mistress's apartments. She must have a good character from her last place for honesty and sobriety, as she will sometimes have the care of the house. The age of forty would be preferred. Good wages will be given. [ 1059 Enquire of Mrs. Bartlett, Piazza, Winchester, ANTED,— An APPRENTICE to a COLLAR and HARNESS MAKER.— Apply to the Printer, if by letter post paid [
1169 w AJOURNEYMAN COOPER, who is well acquainted with his business, may have constant work and good Wages, by applying to Thomas Saunders, Cooper, Romsey. STONE MASONS. IVE or Six good Workmen may have constant employ and good wages, by applying to M. Croome, Dinton ; or W. Croome, Fisherton, Salisbury. [ 121- 1 P TO JOURNEYMEN SMITHS. ANTED immediately,— A SMITH who has been used to the Coach Business. A sober good hand will meet with constant employ and good wages, by applying * by letter, post paid) to H. Davis, coach- maker, Romsey. " An out of house Apprentice
wanted. [ 1184 w; w ANTED,- TO TANNERS. A steady sober MAN, who thoroughly understands the Tanning Business. Good wages will be given, and a house to live in. No objection to a married man. Likewise,— A stout LAD, who has been accustomed to gcind Bark, and look after Horses. Application to be made at the Tan- yard, Botley. [ 1201 TO INN- KEEPERS, Sec. TO'be DISPOSED of immediately,— The LEASE of a very respectable Inn, in a genteel neighbourhood in Hampshire.-^ Apply ( post paid) to M. H. No. 3, Little May's Buildings, St. Martin's Lane, Strand, London. [ 1206 A1 FORGED NOTES. Person
answering the description underneath was discovered on last Monday evening at Honiton, issuing One Pouud Notes, purporting to* be notes of JOSEPH GcNuaY and WILLIAM DOWSE, of Bridport Bank; on being ques- tioned as to the validity of the notes, he immediately ab- sconded. Description of the Person: about five feet six inches high, fresh complexion, rather thin, had on at time of issuing the notes a brown coat, with a shabby dark great coat over, a swansdown waistcoat of a yellow' ground with large blue stripes and pearl buttons, made single breasted, with the stripes to run round the body, corderoy breeches, dark
worsted ssockings, with half boots Jaced in front, red cotton handker- chief about the neck, round hat with a very flat brim, not the least turned up at the sides. A Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS is hereby of- fered by Joseph Gundry and William Downe, for the appre- hension of this Person or any of his Accomplices, to be paid on conviction. BXIDPORT BANK, September 14, 1808. [ 1122 LOST on the 13th instant, on the road between Salisbury and Andover, Eiiht or Nine coloured SKETCHES, err PAINTINGS, of little or no value but to the person who did them. A reward of Orre Guinea for the whole, or Half a Crown fer
each Sketch that may be found, will be paid on their being sent to Mr. Lingdon, of Sher- borne, or to Messrs. Brodie, Dowding, and Laxford, Salis- bury^ .[ 1180 ' LOST. WHEREAS on or about the 1st of August, 180?, A TRUSS, directed for Reading, containing one Piece BLUE CLOTH, NO. 25042, was LOST Or STOLEN out of Stage Waggon, belonging to Mr. John Woolcott, between Sherborne and Basingstoke. Also,— A TRUSS for London, containing one Piece of — ARK OLIVE CLOTH, NO. 1920, was LOST out of the said Waggon-, from Sherborne, Friday evening the 26ih of August, 1808, on the road through Shaston
to London. A Reward of FJVE POUNDS will be paid to any person who may have found either of the above Trusses, or will give information so as the same may be recovered ; or, if stolen, a Reward of TWENTY POUNDS will be paid by the said Mr. Woolcott, to any person giving such information as may lead to the discovery and conviction of the offender. Dated SHERBORNE, Sept. 20, 1808. [ 120Q MERINO RAMS. TO be SOLD, A KNOT RAM, about three crossed of Merino Breed; also a HORN RAM of the same Breed, well worth the attention of Breeders in this im proved species of sheep in wool and carcasses. For
particulars apply to Mr. Noah Lemmon, Burton, near Christchurch, Hants. [ 1127 CURIOUS OLD WINES. THE CELLAR of WINES of the late EARL of CLANRICARDE will be SOLD on the Premises, at his Seat at Warnford, in the county of Hants, towards the end of this month ; amongst which are about 12 dozen of most curious and excellent Hock 60 years old, a small quantity of Madeira above 20 years old, and some very old Port, Bucellos and Seges Wine. For farther particulars apply to Mr. Limpus, Bishop's Wal- tham, Hants'. [ 1129 Tc PERPETUAL ADVOWSON. O be SOLD,— A PERPETUAL ADVOWSON, of
considerable Annual Value, situate in the counties of Wilts and Hants, distant from London about 75 miles ; com: prising the Great and Small Tithes of about 1030 acres of Land including 125 acres of Glebe, on which there is a gocd quan tity of Timber. The House, Offices, & c. are of a superior description, and in excellent repair. There is every conve- nience for taking the Tithes in Kind, and some peculiar ad- vantages attached to the Living. Further particulars may be known by applying to Messrs. Strong, Still, and Strong," Lincela's- inn, London. [ 1128 NEW FOREST. Y17- HEREAS the POUND at FRITHAM was T T
BROKEN OPEN on Monday night the 19th instant, and the Cattle which remained therein ( not claimed by the owners after the Drift of the Forest on that day)' were re- leased:— Notice is hereby given, that w. loever will give in- formation sf the person or persons who broke open the same, so that he or they shall be convicted thereof, shall receive a reward of TWESiTY POUNDS, by applying to me at Ring- '" ood. C. HARBIN, Deputy Steward for the New Forest. RINGWOOD, Sept. 22, 1808. - • [ 1143 COBB's BANKRUPTCV. WHEREAS the Commissioners under a Commis- sion of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against
CHRISTOPHER COBB, late of Rinnvvood, in the county of Southampton, Hosier, Dealer and Chapman, did, on the 15th of this instant September, declare a final dividend of one shilling and seven- pence in the pound, on the remaining effects of the said Bankrupt in the Assignees' hands. Such of the Creditors therefore as have duly proved their debts under the said Commission, rtiay receive such dividend by applying to Mr. John Ridout, one of the Assignees, at " Ringwood aforesaid. WILLIAM HOOPER, 1136] Solicitor to the Assignees. LILEY's CREDITORS. THE Creditors of Messrs. THOMAS and JOSEPH LILEY, of
Basingstoke, in the county of Southampton, Carriers and Copartners, are respectfully informed, that they may reccive the first Dividend ot 13s. 4d. in the Pound, upon application to Mr. Warne, solicitor, Basingstoke. [ l 197 Isle of Wight. Barnes's Bankruptcy. THE Creditors who have proved and established their debts under a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded against JOHN BARNES, late of Newport", in- the Isle" of Wight, House Carpenter, Dealer and Chapman, mav receive a first dividend of six shillings in the pound, bv applying to Mr. James Dennett, of Carisbrooke Road, Newport, the surviving assignee of the said estate. [
415.9 MARTIN'S CREDITORS. THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Commission of Bankrupt against WILLIAM MARK- HAM MARTIN, of Gosport, in the county of Southampton, Printer, Bookseller, and Stationer, Dealer and Chapman, may receive a Dividend of Nine Shillings in the Pound, on the amount of their respective debts, by applying at the Counting- house of Messrs. Hurry, Jukes, and Company, Gosport, kny day after the 27th inst.— GQS.- ORT, Sept. 22, 1808. [ 1168 LATE MR. JOHN BARNARD. ALL persons having any Claim upon the Estate and Effects of Mr. JOHN' BARNARD, late of Wilton
deceased, are desired to send an Account of the same to J o 11 ) t SEAGRIM, at Wilton, Administrator, in order for the same to be discharged : and all persons who stand indebted to the said Estate are requested to discharge the same forthwith. [ 1173 HINDON. ALL Persons having any Demand on Mrs. ELI- ZABETH BECKETT, Administratrix of the late Mr. William Beckett, are desired to send in their accounts to Ro- bert Beckett on or before the 15th of October, that the same may be examined and discharged ; and all persons indebted to the said Mrs. Elizabeth Beckett, are desired to pay their respective debts immediately :
otherwise they will be pro- ceeded against for the same without further notitic. Dated September 14, 1808. [ 12) 4 NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT, Sept. 26, 18p8. \ LL Persons indebted to the Estate of Mr. JOHN Xi. SEARLE, late Master of the Sun Inn, jp Newport afore- said, deceased, or to Mrs. Searle, his widow, also deceased, are required to pay their respective debts to Mr. John Hor- lock, of Newport aforesaid, Grocer, who is duly authorised to receive and give receipts for the same, 011 or before the loth day of October next; and as the Administrators must forthwith close their accounts, they are under the necessity of
adding, that all defaulters in payment as above will be immediately sued without any further application ; and all persons having demands on the said estates, or either of them, are desired to deliver the particulars thereof to the said ML J. Horlock, on or before the said 10th day of October next, that the same may be settled and discharged. [ 1160 SOUTHAMPTON, Sept. 92, 1808. WHEREAS I, WILLIAM STAPLES, of the town and county of the town of Southampton, painter, did, on Monday the 12th day of September instant, make use of expressions in public company, charging Mr. Daniel Silley, of- this town and county,
carpenter, with ill- treating his wife : Now I do hereby make known that tile words so spoken were false and groundless, and I do hereby sincerely ask his pardon for the same. Dated this 22d day of September 1808. Witness, Thos. GiHingham. WILLIAM STAPLES. MESSRS. BKODIE, DOWDINO, and LUXFORD, having just received a fresh Supply of SPILSBURY's- Patcnt ANTI- SCORBUTIC DROPS from the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- square, London, the inhabitants of. Sarumwho resort to this Specific will be assured of having the Potent Anti- scorbutic Drops genuine, in cases of Scurvy, Gout, Rheumatism, Scrophuia,
eruptive, nervous, and bilious Complaints, arising from irritation. The Genuine Medicine has the words " By the King's Pa- tent" expressed on the bottle, bill of directions, and outside wrapper. The King's duty also is printed in b'ack ink on the bottles of 5s. 6d. 10s. and 22s. duty included. Messrs. Bowling and Co. Newport, Isle of Wight, have also just received a fresh supply. [ 737 BOTANY. Just published— Nos. 17, 18, 19, of AWORK on ROSES, drawn, engraved, described, and coloured, from the Living Plants. Also, Nos. 18,19, 20, of a MONOGRAPH on the Genm GERANIUM, containing highly coloured figures, with Latin
and English descriptions. And on the. 1st of October will be published— No. 111 of the BOTANIST'S REPOSITORY for new and rare Plants, with coloured figures, and Latin and English descriptions. All the above publications may be had of the author, H. Andrews, No. 5, Knightsbridge, facing the Cannon Brew- house, London, ~ [ 984 I I
THT. SALISBURY AND \ VtXCHTl% fEll JOURNAL, Wednesday's "- id Thursday's Posts. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE OF SEPTEMBER 20. ' ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, Sept. 20. " CT '" TICK- ADMIRAL Sir. James Saumarcx, K. B. \ / Commander in C&' ef of liis Majesty's ship, ill the 7 Baltic, in a letter dated on hoard the Victory, off Jl. « " swiek, Aug. oO, informs the Lords Commissioners Vf the Admiralty of his arrival off Oro the preceding even- ing, with intent to effect ajdkctio'n w'th the Swedish fleet, Which he had been informed Was bbekaded by the Russian fleet of 13 sail of the Vine, besides frigates. Sir , lames there
leant that the Swedish Real - Admiral Nanekhoff, after being joined bv Sir Samuel H « . H1 in the Centaur, and the " Impla- cable, had sailed from Oro Road on the 25th, in pursuit of the Russian fleet; aild on the day following, had succeeded in destroying the Russian line- of- battle ship Sewolod, off Rogerswick, and in which- port the remainder of the • enemv's ships bad been compelled to shelter themselves. Sir James therefore sailed for Ro « rerswiek, and found that the position of tbu Russian'fleet, within the batteries at the entrance of the harbour, left but - lender hopes of their b ins atf. ickt d with any- probability of
success*. Sir James highly praises the gallantry of Sir S. Hood, Captains Martin and Weblev, the oSeei- s and men under then- orders, and the officers and seamen of the Swedish fleet; » nd has transmitted the following Letter from Sir S. Hood. SIR, Centaur, off Rfgerswick, Aug. 27. MY letter of the 25th will have acquainted you of the Rus- ian squadron having appeared off Oro Road on the 23d. The arrangements for quitting that anchorage, after hi^-. Swedish Majesty's ships, from Juugsur Sound, had joined Rear- Admiral Nauckhotf, were completed on the evening, of the 24th. Earlv the next morning the whole force put to
sea; soon after the Russian fleet was discovered off Hadgo Udd, the wind at N. E. Not a moment was lost in gi- ing pursuit, and every sail pressed l> y his Swedish Ma- jesty's squadron.—- From the superior sailing of the Centaur a d'Implacable, they were so soott in advance, that at the el ,3.- uf the evening the enemy were not far off, and noticed in the greatest disorder, apparently to avoid a general battle. In the morning of the 2Gih, about live o'clock, the Implacable was enabled to bring the leewardinost of the tnemy's Hne- of- baUle ships to close action, in a most brave and icallant manner; and so decided and judicious was
this manoeuvre executed, that the Russian Admiral, who bore • op with the whole of bis force, could not prevent that marked superiority of discipline and seamanship being eminently distingui- hed. Although the enemy's ship fought with the greatest bravery, she was silenced in about 20 minutes ; and only the near approach of the enemy's whole fleet could have prevented uer then falling, her colours and pendant being both. down; but I was obliged to make the signal for the Implacable to close me. Capt. Martin's letter, stating the brave and gallant conduct of. Lieut. Baldwin, his other officers and men, 1 send heron ith ; and it
would be needless for me to add more on their meritorious conduct. If words pf min » could enhance the merit of this brave, worthy, anil excellent ollicer, Capt. Martin, I could do it with the utmost heartfelt gratification, and the high esteem Thave for hi in as an oliicer and a friend, no language can sufficiently express. The Russian Admiral having sent a frigate to tow the disabled ship, again hauled his wind, and the Implacable being ready to niake sail, I immediately gave chace, and sooa obliged the frigste to cast off her tow, when the Rus- sian Admiral was again uucler the necessity to support lier by several of his line- of- battle
ships bearing down, and I bad every prospect of this bringing on a general action, to a oid which he availed himself of a favourable start of wind, a id entered the port of Rogerswick. The line- of- battle ship engaged by the Implacable having fallen to leeward, grounded on a shoal, just at the entrance of the port; there being then some swell, I had a hope she must hare been destroyed, but the wind mode- ra ng towards the evening, she appeared to ride at her lor, and exertions were made to repair her damage. At S i- set, finding the swell abated, and boats sent from the ii tssian fleet to tow her into port, I directed Captain Webley
to stand in and endeavour to cut her off; this was executed in a manner that must ever reflect the highest honour on Captain Webley, the Officers, and ship's com- pany, of the Centaur, for their valour and perseverance in th support - f my orders. The boats had made a conslder- ab i progress, and the enemy's ship was just entering the po't, when we had the good fortune to lay her on hoard ; iter bowsprit takn ., the Centaur's fore- rigging, she swept » ' onj with her bow .. ' izijig the muzzles of our guns, which was the only signal tor their discharge, and the enemy's bows were drove in by this raking fire; When the bowsprit cime
to the mizen- riggirig, I ordered it to be lashed; this was performed in a most steady manner by the exertions of Captain Webley, Lieut. La .- less, Mr. Strode, ( the master), and other brave men, under a very heavy fire from the enemy's nmsquetry, by which, I am sorry to add, Lieut. I*, vless is severely wounded. The ship being in six fathoms water, I V. ad a hope I should have been able to have* towed her out in that position, but an anelior had been let go from her unknown to us, which made it impossible to effect it; at this period much valour was displayed on both sides, and several attempts made to board by her bowsprit, but
nothing could with- stand the cool and determined fire of the marines under Capt. Bavley, and the other Officers, as well as the fire from our stern- chase guns, that in less than half an hour she was obliged to surrender. On this occasion I again re- ceived the greatest aid from Captain Martin, who anchored his ship in a position to heave the Centaur off, after she and the prize had grounded, which was fortunately effected at the moment two of the enemy's ships were seen under rail, Standing towards us, but retreated as they saw the ships extricated from this difficulty. The prize proved to be the Sewolod, of 74 guns, Capt.
Roodneft ; she had so much water iu her, and bei g fast on shore, after taking out the pii oners and wounded men, I was oqliged to give orders for her being burnt, which service was completely effected under the direction of I: idduluh, of this ship, by seven o'clock ia the morning. I ca. mot speak too highly of the brave and gallant con- duct > f (.' apt. Webley, and every officer and man under his command; and I beg leave tp recommend to you, for the notice of tho- Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, Lieut. Lawless, for hi- exertions and gallant conduct, and who has severely suffered on this occasion ; and I also must beg to
recommend Lieutenant William Case, the senior officer of this ship. I have the honour to be, & e. SAM. HOOD. [ Here follows the Letter from Captain Martin, alluded to by Sir James Saumarez. It furnishes no further detail.] A Return of the Men killed and wounded on board the Centaur. KILLED.— P. Jackson, landman; H. Brass and J. Hawks- ford, privates of marines; in all, a. Won NDEB.— Mr. P. Lawless, First Lieutenant, severely; Mr. Morton, Boatswain, badly on the thigh and breast; 1 Petty Officer, and 24 Seamen and Marines; in all, 27. The killed and wounded on board the Russian ship Sewolod were, 43 killed, and 80
wounded, inaction with the Impla- cable; 180 killed and missing in action with the Centaur;— Total— a00 killed, wounded, and missing. [ Here follow Lists of the Combined British and Swedish squadrons, consisting of 13 sail of the line, arid five fri- gates ; and the Russian force, consisting of nine sail of the line, three 50' s, eight frigates, two corvettes, and two cutters.] WAR- OFFICE, Sept. 20. 1st Rqgimmt of FotU Guards.— Lieutenant- General Wm. Thornton to be Second Major, vice Lieutenant- General Wynyard, appointed to the command of the tilth Foot; Major- General Arthur, Wbetham to be Third Major, vit. ee
Lieutenant- General Thornton ; Capt. S: tmbrook Anson to be Captain of a Company, vice Major- Gen. Whetham. 3d Regimedt of Foot.— Capt. A. John Dalrymple, front the ISth Light Dragoons, to be Major, by purchase* vice Lord Portarlington, promoted in the loth Foot. 6it. h Ditto.— Lieut.- Gen. Henry Wyndyard, from the 1st Foot Guards, to be Colonel, vice Gen. Villcttcs, deceased. 7lh ll'est India Regiment.— Major John Nasmyth to be Lieut. Colon;!, viceJenour, deceased; Captain H. Clermont to be Major, with temporary rank, vice Nasmyth. STAFE.— Joseph Bullock, Esq. late Commissary- General hi South America, to Ue
Commissary- General of Stores, Provi- sions, and Forage to the Forces in the West Indies, BANKRUPTS. Kobert AHhl-' on and John VVliittaker, oi Lancaster, leatlior- drcasers. tia-' tano Testolini, of Cnrnliill, piintsellef. Jumes Peat, of Great Portland- street, wine- merchant. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. The transports with traops. which have been some time wind- bound at Harwich, sailed yesterday for Falmouth, from whence they* will sail to join the troops forming the Expedition from Cork, under Sir David Baird. The transports from the Baltic, with the Spanish troops on board, arrived at Yarmouth yesterday,
under eCmvoy of his Majesty's ship Nas » uu. Yesterday the Lord Mayor laid the first stone of a new. building in llartholeiiiew- lanc, to be used as an auction mart.— It will be built on a very extensive scale, by sub. scriptiou., in which most of the great auctioneers take a yart. BREAD.— Yesterday the Lord Mayor ordered the price of Bread to be raised two whole assizes, or 4d. in a peck loaf. The quartern loaf wheaten will consequently sell for L. 2\ d. hbufehold for Is. lrf. DREADFUL CONFLAGRATION.— Co vent- Garden Theatre was yesterday morning destroyed by fire, and many valu- able lives were lost in the conflagration.
How the accident happened cannot be ascertained. The play of Pizarro, with the Portrait of Cervantes, were performed on Mon- day night, to a crowded audience, who had quietly retired, as had all the servants of the house, aud every thing was left in apparent safety at one o'clock on Tuesday morning. About four o'clock, Mrs. Sutler, of Tavistook- row, Co- vem- garden, observed an unusual brightness in the sky, just over the high roof of the Theatre, that reflected' a strong and vivid light upon the great ventilators, which she sodti perceived to be actually burning. She immedi- ately gave the alarm to the watchmen, who sprung
their rattles, and quickly roused the neighbours to a sense of their danger. Meanwhile, a female servant liad called up Mr. Hughes, the Treasurer, who resides in the house, and told him it was on fire. It was then ascertained that the fire proceeded fro. ni the upper part of the Theatre, and thus the persons who inhabit it had an opportunity to effect the} u escape, Tiie fire quickly attained a great height, and assumed a most awful appearance. The'crackling of the flames was heard at the extremities of the Strand. As the heavy timbers fell, the light burning matter was thrown up to an immense heightand extent, and the whole
atmos- phere was filled with floating flakes of fire, which fell in all directions, spreading consternation, and threatening ruin to the whole neighbourhood. About half past four o'clock the volunteers began to assemble, and the engines to arrive from every quarter of the- town ; but nearly an hour had elapsed before any efficient supply of water could be obtained. At thit time the wh ile Theatre was one complete body ef fire. It raged « ith most violence ou the upper side of Bow- street, the western side af which, nearly as far as the Police- office, was soun burned down, to the extent of eight houses. In llart- street the flames
communicated to the houses on the opposite side of the street from the Theatre, and four of them caught tire at the same moment; but by the great activity of the people and firemen, they suffered little more damage than a se- vere scorching.— Great apprehensions were entertained for the safety of Drury- larie Theatre, as the flakes of fire' were carried by the wind with force and in great quantities in that direction. A great number of people mounted the roof, ready, in case of actual fire, to open the large cistern of'water provided there. They also stopped the windows with wet cloths, to prevent the entrance ef the flames, and
thus seemed the Theatre. All the people in the neighbourhood took similar precautious, and were em- ployed, with their servants, in picking up the flakes of'fire as they fell upou the roofs, or in the yards.— This care prevented the flames from spreading still farther; but. the magnificent Theatre where they first, burst forth is totally consumed. The most painful part of this dreadful event, still remains to be described. At an early stage of the fire, a party of firemen broke open the great door under the. Piazzi i, on the western side, and having intro- duced an engine intu the passages in the interior, they directed it towards the galleries,
where the fire appeared to biirn most fiercely, when, melancholy to relate, part of the building fell iu, and buried them, with several others who had rushed in along with them, in the burning ruins. It was a considerable time before the rubbish, which now blocked up the d tor, could be cleared away. When it was effected, a miserable spectacle presented itself,— the mangled bodies of dead and dying appearing through the rubbish, or discoveretl in each advance to remove it. At twelve o'clock eleven dead bodies hi,, been removed into the church- yard of St. Paul's, on the opposite side of Covent- G; a den. Two of them were
members of Volunteer corps, and ten were firemen, T:: v number killed cannot exactly be ascertained. Sixteen pe • fellows were conveyed to the Middlesex Hospital, miserably mangled rid bruised. A soldier >' the Guards, a soldier of the N •'. Cumberland Militia, r.: ' another person, died shortly after they were carriec. in. When these unfortunate men'were brought to the hospital pate, they presented such a shocking scene, that the sptiete.' ars were absolutely fearful of assisting- them out of the coaches, till at length, two of them, by placing their hands across, formed a seat, and put the arms of the unhappy objects over their
own shoulders; and, when they arrived there, so extreme was their agony, that they re- peatedly requested to have their existence terminated! In addition to the destruction of the building, the loss of property within it is immensely great. All the dresses have been destroyed, and all die contents of the orchestra, books, musical instruments, & c. Mr. Harri; and Mr Kemble, the Patentees, are not the only sufferers : the performers have lost cloaths, jewels, & c. " to the amount of many thousarido of pounds. Mr. Wars, the musician,' has lost a violin worth 300 guineas. It was the first night in two years that he had left it behind him at
the Theatre. The loss in music autl mtt- ical instruments is very great. The Theatre was insured, at different offices, for 52,000i. about one fourth of the loss, which altogether is at least 200,000/. The title- deeds, patents, at) d some other papers of great consequence to the proprietors, deposited in an iron chest, were fortunately saved ; as was also the money. in the Treasuty, about a thousand guineas. For this, and perhaps for the preservation of his own life, Mr. Hughes was indebted to the care and fidelity of an old f male ser- vant of the Theatre, who went to his bed- room and awaked him on the first breaking out of the fire.
He. ran to the Treasury, and loaded her with two bags of money, with which he sent her off, without tiny dress but her petticoat, to Mr. Boyce, a tax- gatherer, in York- street. On her arrival at Mr. Boyce's, and knocking at the door, the servant, seeing such a figure at such an hour, re- fused her admittance, supposing her a mad woman. The poor woman, thus excluded, and fearing to inform the passengers of the trea- ure, sat down upon the bags at the steps ef th- door, and there remained until the return of Mr. Hughes, who had originally escorted her to the door. Sir. Harris was at his seat near Uxbridge, at the time of the fire.
His son went down to inform him of it; much to his honour, notwithstanding his heavy loss, his greatest distress was for that of others— nioi'e especially for the loss of lives which the accident had occasioned.— Mr. Kemble, the next principal proprietor, was in Covent- Garden soon after the fire broke out, and endeavoured to prevent the firemen from running too great risks. He particularly apprised thein of their danger when working raider the Piazza, informing them that the carpenter's shop was directly over heir heads, and must soon be in flames. OI. D BAILEY.— On Saturday G. Anderson, a lad employed at a receiving
house uf the two- penny post- office, in Slcane- street, Knightsbridge, was convicted of stealing a 51, note out of a letter, but was recommended by the Jury to the mercy, of the Court, on account of bis youth and pre- vious good character. On Monday John Palmer, a notorious house- breaker, was indicted on Lord Ellcnborough's Act, for wounding William Waller. The prosecutor was employed by an auctioneer to take care af a furnished house near Manches- ter- square ; and having fastened the doors, and looked into all the rooms in the basement and principal floors, he went up to the garret with intent to go to bed, but ob serving that his hat hail been removed from the place where he hat! left it, he was returning to examine farther, when he was suddenly seized and thrown back on the hed by the prisoner, who called to an accomplice to bring pistols, and on the prosecutor's springing tip and running tii the win- dow, the prisoner wounded him severely with an iron crow. The prosecutor, however, alarmed the neighbourhood; the house- breakers in consequence ran down stairs and out at the area, where Palmer was seized by Mr. Dancer a gentle- man who happened to be passing by, but his accomplice escaped.— The prisoner was found Guilty,
and the Recorder warned him to prepare for execution, as mercy could not be extended to him. Yesterday the Sessions ended, when sentence of death was passed on J. Wattey, A. Kingdon, Mary Foster, T. Gower, C. Jackson, J. Dobson, J. Conway, T. Brown, T. Smith, C. Taylor, Snsantiah Eades, and J. Palmer.— Two were sentenced to be transported for life, one for 14 years; and 35 for 7 years; among the latter of whom was the boy convicted t; f stealing a 5/. note from a letter. SALISBURY IrnRM- tflY, Sept. 10, 1S03. rf~, HE Annual Court of Governors, held here this JL dav, having, putsuant to the statutes,- appointed an
ANNIVERSARY MEETING,-.' This is to give Notice, that it will this year be held on Friday the Ooth day of September inst. when it is hoped that all friends and contributors to this 1 iifcpJrtant and extensive Charity will, by their attendance and concurrence, manifest - a resolution and zeal to support it; as at so small an expense to themselves, they are enabled to relieve their poo^ neighbours, in the most distressed tircum- sunces, with such advice, medicines, and accommodations, as cannot be procured for thiSn in any other way. All the Subscribers of one Guinea per annum, and Bene- factors of at least that sum, are desired
to attend the Visitor, President, Governor, Mayor and Corporation, exactly at half after ten o'clock in the morning ( by permission of th « Mayor), at the Council House, in Salisbury, to walk in procession from thence to the Cathedral Church, where Service will begin ex- actly at eleven, and a Sermon will be preached on the occasion by the Rev. Thomas Hulse. In the course of the Service will be performed a Te Dcum, and a new Anthem composed by Mr. Corfe. A Collection will be made at the church doors, when all, particularly the inhabitants of this city, may, bv their appearance at church, shew their approbation of so noble an
tstablishment, and have an opportunity, according to their respective abilities, of contributing something toward* its support. After Divine Service, the procession will be in the same order to the Council House, where some particulars ef a Report from the Auditors of the State of the Infirmary for the 1 - st year, ending this day, will be publicly read, and the Report itself- be then ready to be delivered to all the contribu- tors present, and sent to those who are absent; and an Ordi- nary wi ll bs provided at half an hour after two o'clock, at the Spread Eagle Inn. H. IIAWES, Chairman, By order of the Annual Court, WM. DYKE
WHITMASSII, Secretary. N.. B; Persons intending to dine at the Ordinary are particu- larly desired to send their names t* Mr. Gibbons, at the Spread ' Eagle Inn, forthwith. All Patients tnat have been discharged from the In- fumf-,' in the last ye? r, who can m: i-. e it eonveuie- nt to at- tend, . L. e desired to tssti.' y their gratitude bv attending the Strv'Se at the Church on- the day- above- mentioned. [ 1050 .*' The Earl of Rsdnorprcsents the Governors with a Buck. ' ; CHIPPENHAM RACES, 1808. ON TUESDAY. September 27, will be run for, on Chippenham Mead, a Plate of FIFTY POUNDS, free for any horse, mare, or gelding,
that has never won more than that sum at any one time, matches and sweepstakes ex- cepti d. Three years old, to carry Gst. tolb.-— four yrs. old, 8st, sib. — five yrs. old, Bst. 12lb.— six yrs. old, list. 7lb.— and aged, lOst. 2lb.— Mares and geldings allowed Sits. The best of three heats, three times round the course to a heat. And'on Wednesday, September 28,— a Maiden Plate of FIFTY POUNDS, for three and four year olds, that have never won the value of fifty pounds.— Three year olds*. o carry 7st'. 411?.— four yr. olds, Sst. 41b. The best of three heats', twice inMnd the course to a heat. To start each day at. twelve
o'clock.— No less than . three horses te start ( or each plate.— The winner of the fir ft day's plate w 1 not be allowed to start for the second.— The owner or winner of each plate to o « y one guinea to the Clerk of the Course r weights and scales.—- All do. js seen on the course will be r stroved.— No person will he avowed to erect a booth or stajl, or sell liquors, on the course, who does not subscribe three gj- neas. No gentleman to be admitted into the stand unless a sub- scriber - .' one guinea. No ftjsoA to have race- horses stand with them unless £ subscrii; r of one guinea. All dilutes to be settled by the Steward, or whom lie
may appoint.. * " A S'- VfrEPSTAKES and TWO MATCHES will also be RUN: particulars of which will be made public in a short time. And THURSDAY the 29t- h and FRIDAY the 30th of Sep- tember, will be given,— a l'urse of TEN GUINEAS each day, to be pi i - ed for at BACK.- SWORD, Wiltshire against all Englaed — To take the sta » e each day at eleven o'clock. TITO MAS CALLEY, Esq. Burdrop Park, STEWARD. WILLIAM G* KTIIIDGE, Clerk of the Course. [ 841 NOTICE is hcrcbr given to. the Proprietors of Lands and Estates in tho parish and manor of PIM- PERNE, in the county o: Dofset, and to all other Persons
whom it may concern, that at the next Session of Parlia- ment a Petition will he prsented to the Honourable House of Commons, fb. i leave to bring in a Bill in order to obtain att Act of Parliament for dividing, allotting, and inclosing the Commonable Lands and Waste Grounds in the parish and manor of I'impcrne aforesad.— Dated the - id da t/ of September 1S08. -•• CHARLES BOWLES, Solicitor. NOTICE is hereby given, That Application is in- tended to be made in the next Session of Parliament for an Act for renewing and enlarging the Powers of an Act passed ill the 27th year oi his present Majesty, for more effectually
Repairing t: • Roads leading from Mead Brook, which divides the parishes f Pucklechurch and Mangotsfield, in the county of Glouce* t" Christian Maifonl' Bridge, iu the county of Wilts, ami tr i Pucklechurch aforesaid to certain Coal Mines in the said pr- sh ; and for makinj a new Road from tin pre- sent turnpike t ad between Mead Brook and Pucklechurch, t. i n - w mint* '••< the sa d parsb, and extending the said Road from Sti't ' II Be/ ige.- to the centre of Christian Malford Bridge, in the county ot Wilts, which Road will pass through the se- veral parishes of Pucklechur- h and Derham, in the county of Gloucester, Littleton Drew,
Nettleton, Grittleton, Hullaving- ton, Stanton Saint Qu ntin, Draycot Cerne, and Sutton Ben- ger, in the county of Wilts.— I kited thai of Sept. 18( 18. £!- pJ JOHN HEATH, Clerk to the Trustees. BARFORD, WISHFOltD, & c. INCLOSURE. VfOTICE is hereby given to the Proprietors of L Lands and Estates within the respective parishes of Bar- ford Saint M il- till, Great Wishford; the tythings or hamlets of Little Wishford and Stnwfor l, within the parish of South Newton; the Forest of Grovely, and other Woods and Lands commonly called and known by the name of Grovclv Woods, lyin_{ within the r spective parishes of Baverstock
and D nton, within the county of Wilts; and to all other Persons whom it mav concern: That, at the next Sessions of Parliament, a PETITION will be presented to the Honourable House of Commons, for leave to bring in a Bill, in order to obtain an Act of Parliament for dividing, allotting, and inclosing the Ope, i an. t Commonable Meadows, Commonable Pastures, Downs an' 1 Arabic Lands, Commonable Woods, Waste Lands, and other Commonable Pl- tces, within the said parishes of Barford Saint Martin and Gicat Wishford ; and in tl) e afore- said tithings or hamlets of * ittle Wishford and Stowford, within the sakl parish of
South Newton ; and in the said Forest of Grovely, and other Woods and Lands, lying within the parishes of Baverstock and Dinton ; all within the county of Wilts aforesaid. JOHN SEAGR1M. WILTON- HOUSF., Sept. 0, 1MS. [ 1045 WAREHAM TURNPIKE. NOTICE is hereby given, 1— That in the next Ses- sion of Parliament application will be made for an Act fur continuing, amending, and rendering more effectual two Acts passed in the 6th and 2Sth years of the reign of his pre- sent Majesty for repairing several roads leading from the . Mar- ket- cross, in the town of Wareham, and in Purbeck, in the county of Dorset, to wit,
the high- road from the Market- cross, in the town of Wareham, tnrough the South- street of the said town, and through the several parishes, hamlets, tythings, towns, and villages, of the Holy Trinity, Stow- borough, and Corfe Castle, and through a lane called Lynch- lane, and the common fields belonging to the manor of Kingston, and through the several parishes, hamlets, tythings, towns, and villages, of Langton Miltravers, Worth, and Swanwich, to the east end of the town or village of Swan- wich, and from the said town or village of Swanwieh through the hamlet or tything of Ulwell to the'top of Ninebarrow- down, at the east
end of the said down, and from the said road leading from the town or village of Langton Maltravers, by a mill called Puddle- mill, through the parishes of Knowle, Steeple, and Tyneham, to the bottom of Whiteway- hill, in the road from Lanbton Maltravers aforesaid, to East Lulworth, and. from the road passing through Stoborough afore'said to the gate near a smith's shop late in the occupation of John Coastfield Savage, in the road leading to Grange, in the parish of Steeple, in the county of Dorset; and also the road leading from the said Market- cross in Wareham through the West- street of the said town, and through the
several parishes, hamlets, tylhings, towns and villages of Lady Saint Mary, Worgret, Stockford, East Stoke, ' Wool, Burton, Winfriih, Moreton, Woodsford Lewell, Knighton,- Stafford, and For- dington, througha place Called Doll's- hole to the Weymouth turnpike- road at the south end of the South- street in the town of Dorchester; and also the road leading from Worgret afore- Said to a place called Cloud's- hill, and part of the road lead- ing from the bridge over the river Frome, called Holmit- bndge, in length one mile, beginning at the said bridge, and leading across Holm bottom, through the said parish of East Stoke, towards
East Lulworth in the said county of Dorset; and also the road leading from the said Market- cross in Warcham through the North- street of the said town, and over a bridge called Sandford- bridge, and through the several parishes, hamlets, tythings, towns, and villages, of Saint Martin and Lytchet Minster, otherwise called South I. ytchet, and over a heath called Holtoa- heath, to a gate or gateway in the road leading from the said heath to a bridge called King's- bridge, and from the turnpike- road betweert the said bridge and Poole- gate to the turnpike- road between Poole- gate afore- said and Longham, and from Sandford bridge aforesaid, through the several parishes,, hamlets, tythings, towns, and villages, of Morden, Aimer, Maperton, Winterborn Zel- ston, Winterbornc Thompson, Sturminster Marshal, Spetis- bury, Charlton, and Blandford St. Mary, to the turnpike- road leading from Dorchester to Blandford, and from agate called rthport- gate, through the several hamlets, tythings, and \ » es, ofSaiut Martin, Morden, Cold Harbour, Bloxworth, a iere Regis, to the cast end or- the south end of the town or age of Bere Regis, in the said county of Dorset; and als increase the Tolls and alter the situation of the To, s authorized to be taken and erected
by the said Acts or e. ' them ; and for further powers for effectuating the pu'rp ' Jresaid.— Dated this 3d uay of September, 18b8. THO. BARTLETT, Clerk, and Treasurer. NOTICE is hereby given to the Proprietors of Lauds and Estates iu the parish of MARNHULL, in the county of Dorset, and to all other Persons whom it may eoAcerfi, " that at the next Session of Parliament a Petition will be presented no the Honourable House of Commons, for leave to bring in a Bill in order to obtain an Act- of Parliament for dividing, allotting, and inclosing the Commonable Lands and Waste Grounds in the parish of Marnhull aforesaid.—
Dated the Id day of September 1808. 1IU2J CHARLES BOWLES, Solicitor. ! CE is hereby given to the Proprietors of ds Estates' of CANN SAINT OTIC Lands and Estates ia the parish RUMBOLD, in the county of Dorset, and to all other Per- sons whom it may concern, that at the next Session of Par- liament a Petition will be presented to the Honourable House of Commons, for leave to bring in a Bill in order ta obtain an Act of Parliament . fcrr! dividing, allotting, and inclosing the Commonable Lands and Waste Grounds in the parish of Cann Saintflumbold aforesaid.— Dated the- 2d drji^ if Sept. - 1808. 1138] CHARLES
BOVfyES, Solicitor. "!^ J" OTICE is hereby given, that Application i » in- tended, to b* mait to ParB » men « i< n the edsuing gS. es- ung in sionS for atr Act fcr Arttendiri|,^ v( fVning, and kcepin Repair," and to rn ikd and maintain as public Turnpike- roads from the town of Wootton Bassett, in the eountytif Wilts, to, at, or near the two- m'lc- stone on the turnpike road ... • v hamlet or tything of Hockley, in the parish of Ogbou n ' t, Andrew, or the palish of Preshutc, or one of them, in * i, - said county of Wilts, - leading to the town of Mf .',. < rom in the county aforetaid; and also from the town ot W'cotton Bassett aforesaid to the
corner or point of a cert in hciiee situate in or upon a down ca. led Barton- down, in the parish of Presliute, which said hedgeisin, near, or upon the boundary of an arable ground in the occupation of Mr. Writ. Somerset, immediately adjoining the tumpike- road leading from Swin- don, in the said county, to lVarlborobgh aforesaid, and near to the turnpike called the Marlkcrongh Common Gate; which said several turnpike- roads so *. o be made are intended to pass in, through, and over the seven! parishes of Wootton Bassett, Cliff Pyp'rd, Broad Hinton, Wtnterboum B. issett, Berwick Bassett, Fyfiek-, Oveiton, Preshute, and
Ogbotim St. Andlew, all in the said county of Wilts; and also i he Several tythings and plac s oi Greenhill, Busbttm, Broad Town, Whyr, Rab- son, Rocklev, : nd Elcot, some- one, all, every, or any of them', in the said county of Wilts. Dqled/ thu'th d,: y of Septembrr, lsos. GRIFFITHS an- i WELFORD. Solicitors, WILTS.— BECKHAMPTON TURNPIKE TOLLS. NOTICE is hereby given, thai, the TOLLS arising at the Beckhampton Turnpike Gates, known by the several names hereinafter mentioned, situate in the parish of Avebury, in the said county, will be LETT by AUCTION to the best bidder, at the house of William Edmunds,
known by the sign of the Catherine Wheel Inn, at Beckhamptorv aforesaid, on Friday die 28th day of October next ensuing, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, in the manner directed by an Act of Parliament passed in the 13th year of the reign of his present Majesty; which Tolls produced the last year the several sumfset against the following respective gates, over ard above the cxpefice of collecting the same, and will be put up at those sums ; vi*. beckhampton Gate. £ lli$ 9 .0 Avebtiry Gate .82" 6 ' lij , Kcmiet Gate 2 4 6 Whoever happens to be the best bidd- r must, at the sattM time,. give security, with sufficient
sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Roads, for the pavmeiit of the lent at such times and 111 such manner as they shall dircct. . By order of the Trustees, H47J ROBER T GRIFFITHS, Cletk. TURNPIKE TOLLS TO LETT. OTICB is hereby given, that the TOLLS arieinjt at tha several Toll" Gates upon tbeTurnpike Road lead' ins from a Pond late of Henry Kvre, Esq. in the parish of Woiteparish, in the county of Wilts, through Rnmsey to tbtf . county of the town of Southampton, will be LETT by AUC- TION to the best bidder, on Thursday the fa'th day of October next, between the hours of eleven ir; the
forenoon and two 111 the afternijrn, at the Guildhall of the town of R'onwy Infra, for the. term of Two Years., from the 1st day of November next, according to Act of Parliament: which Talis welc lett the last year for the several sums followlne ; iiz. The Gate at Ijtcir:. . \ v- WM Gunvilic Gate, for £ 8fi » •> • And't'iie'Gate at Whitepstrish for 174 clcar of expences, and Will be put up at those sums. Whoever happens ts be the best bidder, must give security,, with sufficient sureties to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Road, for the payment of the rent in such manner and at such times as the safd Truste, s shall dircct,
Dated the 1ST day of September 1 8) IB. RICHARD FIGI'S, 1 Clerks, to the fl « 0] THOMAS WARNER i J sa. d Trustees. N( 1004]' Marlborough. N'OTiCE is hereby . given. That Application is in- tended to. bexmade to Parbiment ; n the next Session, for an Act for amending, widening-, and keeping in repair, and to make and maintain as PublicTurnpike Rowls, the Rotjd leading from . the present turnpike to « d from Malmesbury to Chippenham, ironi or near the side gates erected at Burton- hill, in til? parish of Malmesbuiy aforesaid, at the , cr. d of a certain lane eiilled Covvbridce- larV, to or near a certain gate called the Foliv
Gate, in a, lane, called Braydon- lane, within the parishes of Lydiard Trcgoo/ t- and Wootton Basset, or one of them, and from thence either throut'h and oyer hinds and grounds of the Right Honourable the Earl cf Clarendon to th" turnpike road leading from Swindon to Christian Mai- ford Bridge, at the end of a certain s'reet called Wood- street, at or near the centre of the town of Woottcn Basset, or to join the said last- mentioned foac'at or near a certain gate called Copped- hall Turnpike, in th: parish of Wootton Basset aforesaid; and also the Roaj branching from the said first- mentioAed road on Little Somerft rd Down, to the
turnpike road leading from Christian Malford Bri-. lge to Draycot Cerne, at or near the parish church of Sutton Ik- nger; and also the Road leading out of the last- described road; from or nearly opposite the dwelling- house of Thomas Gilmore, in the village of Lirtle Somcrford, to the aforesaid turnpike road leading from Swindon to Christian Malford Bridge, at or neara certain gate called Dauntsey Gate: Which Said Roads so intended to be made Turnpike do now pass, or ate intended to pass, in or through the several parishes or places of Saint Paul Malmcs bury.' Burtonhill, Lea and Cleaverton, Little Somerlbrd, Brink- worth,
Lidiard Tregooze, Midgehall, Wootton Basset, Gruat Somcrford ( otherwise Broad Somerford), Scagry, Sutton Benger, Dauntsey, and Christian Malford, all in the county of Wilts .— Dated thisGth dai/ of September 1808." 991J RICHARD ROBINS, Solicitor. GAME DUTY.—— LIST II. ALIST of Persons who have obtained GAME- KEEPERS' CERTIFICATES, at the rate of One Guinea each, for the year 1808, in the county of Wilts. if^ M/) er^, Names. S'lVit q/ Manor or Koaally. By whom deputed. Austin, Wm. Sherston Parva and Shcr- Budd, Wm. Bull, Robert Magna Studley Bowood and Calstone E. Cresswell, esq. B. J. J.
Anftell, esq. The maiquis of Lansdown Sir F. B. Jones, hart. J. H. Pcnruddocke, Butler, Thos. Axford and Ramsbury Brabaham, J. Compton Chamberlain esq. Billy, Joseph Frome, East Frome, and The n'. arquis of West Woodlands Bath Bailv, William Deverill Longbridge, and Horningsham Ditto Beak, W. jun. Leighdelamere and Se- vington H. C. Vine?, esq. Ditto Castle Coomb Wm. Scrope, esq. Bushel!, NathanN'orth Wraxall P. C. Me: huen, esq. Ditto Yatton Keynell, otherwise The ear! of Peter- Church Yatton borough Brown, Charles Easton Grey T. Smith, esq. Cheadle, T. Donhead, Ansty, Tisbury, Brid- zor, and Heyledmv
Lord Arund 11 Clarke, Richard Maiden Bradley and Hill ThedukeofSomcr- Deverill Set Clark, William Semley Lord Arand. il Cross, Robert Z - als Mrs. Grove Cook, Meshach W. rtburv Hey wood, Hawkeridge ' } Vestbury, Brook cum Maudits, ' Westbury LeversUlge, Leigh Priors, Leigh in ie . Marsh, Briftieri('.;- e, West- buryArUr. dell, St.' MaUre, and Stourton, in the pa- The fight hon. the rish Of Westbury - earl of Abingdoh Dyer, William Corsham, Biddcstone, and Beanacre Dixon, Stephen Hannington Dixon, John Stanton Fitz Warren F. lUby, George Hundc ofWhorlesdown Ditto Earl Stoke Katon, William Edington P. C.
Methuen, esq. - Mrs. M. Freke Rev. dr. J. Ashford- by Trenchard J. Smith, esqi Ditto . • Ditto Flicker, Thos. I leytesbury, and - Tythcs^ Sir Wm. PierceAsh Ditto uigton Knock Greenaway, Job West Overton a'Court, hart. The duke'of. So- tuerset- - The earl of Pent-' broke • Sir J. M. Poore, bart. Gilbert, John Rushall and Cutnam Gibbens, Geo. Bowden- park and Monks- li, Lfckenson, esq. Hibberd, C.- Market Lavingtcm-. and Littltton Pannell W. Tinker,- esq. . Hewer, George Charlton urid Hankerton. The earl of, SafiWk Jonds, Joseph Corsley, Hunteuhill, Whit- . , borne Bugley, WhitboriK . Temple, Godwcil, Cba- R- J manslade,
Black Dog . Woods, and Partford. The Marquis of Jones, Daniel Wood Wan en . Sevenhampton Kerby, Samuel Liddiard Tregooze - Mundy,. Tames Bishopstrow - Moore, Edm. Draycot Cerne Phillips, Joseph Upton Loved liatb F. V/ arneford, esq. The viscount Bo- lingbroke Mrs.' S. Temple' Lady C. T. Long The hon. and rev. Edw. Seymour T. G. Estcourt, esq. Wad. Locke, esq. of Padgett, Robert Bishop's Cannings Pearson, Thos. Rowde Stone, Thomas Southleigb and Eastleigh Sir Wm. PierceAsh a'Court, hart. Sheens, Thos. Feme and Upton T. Grove, esq. Sturgis, John Monkton Deverill and The marquis Kingston Deverill
Bath Steedman, G. Warminster, Upton, and Norridge Ditto Scamell, John Berwick St. . Leonard, Pent- wood, and tlie Liberty of theWestWoods inBavton. J. Benett, esq. Brokenborougb ' The earl of Suffolk Swindon, Stratton St. Mar- garet, Southbrook, and Westlecott A. Goddard, esq. Boyton, Corton, and She- rington A. R. Lambert, esq. SALISBURY, Sept'. 4, 1S08. Examined. J. P. TINNEY. Published by order of his Majesty's Commissioners fo^ the Affairs of Taxes. „ 112'] MATTHEW WINTER, Secretary. Smith, Jacob Tratman, H. White, John BISHOP'S TURNPIKE TOLLS TO BE LETT. N'OTICE is hefeby- given, that the
TOLLS arising at the several ToU'Uates 011 the Turnpike Road leading from Rontsey to the Market- House at Ritigwo'od, called the third division, will be LETT by AUCTION to- the hightst Wil- der, on Thursday the fith day of Octqh - r next, between the hours of eleven in the forenoon. and two in - the afternoon, at the Guildhall of the towri of, Romsey Infra, for the term of Two Years, commencing from the first day of November naxt;. according to Act of Parliament: wtiieh Tolls produced tins last year tile several sums following; that is to say, The Turnpike Gite at R inisey .,£' 401 And the Gate called Picked Post Gate 117 clear of
expences, and will be put up at those sums. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must give s- curity,. with sufficient sureties to the s; uisfacti « n of the said TiusteM of th4-* aid Turnpike Road, fir the payment of the rent in ' such manner and at such times is the said Trustees s- hall di reit.— Dated tlie Iff day ojSeptember 1808. RICHARD FIOES, 1 Cl- rks to the » 21] THOMAS WARMER, f Trustees. GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Erf, fife, c.-. rJ Annuities. NfOTICE is hereby i'; ivv,,—. That the GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY have reduced the Rates of Insurance from Fire on al, l eommoit, hatartious, - anddtuNf
hazardous Insurances out of London. Receipts for the renewal of Policies at Michaelmas- day next are ready for delivery at the reduced rates • and all per- sons are requested to take their Policies with them, that the reduction maybe made thereon. Farming Stock is insured at 2s. per cent. DIRECTORS.— Sir Frederick Morton Eden, Bart. Chair- man; Sir Theophilus Metcalfe, Bart. D^ putv Chairman; Miles Peter Andrews, Esq. M. P. William Bloxim, Esq. Charles Cockerel), Esq. Thomas Coles, Esq. Harvey Chris- tian Combe, Esq. Aid. M. P. William Dcvaynes, ' Esq. Jo- seph Dorin, Esq. Sir Richard Carr Glyn, Bart. Aid. E i-. v ril
Goidsmid, Esq. Claes Grill, Esq. Isaac L. Goldsr, i , Kio. John Latham, M. D. Frederick Moiling, Esq. Free- itclc John Pigou, Esq. Sir Matthew White Ridley, B. rt. M. I'. John Richard Riplev, Esq. Genr e Abercro Robinson, Esq. Sir Walter Sfrling, Bart. M. P. Arthur Sh k- s. ar, Esq, JamesTaddy, Esq. Robert Taylor, E. p h lies Edw. Wilsonn, Esq. Glvnn WVtin, Esq. M. P. THOMAS H. WILlifSSON, S crurv. London., Sept. to, f 908. [ llli- 5 STOKE. on the premises, on Tuesday the 27tl » inst. and following day,—' The HOUSSI10LD belonging to the Rev. Mr. Dyer, leaving his rt> i- dence at Bishop's Stok -; comprising a genteel variety
of Fur- niture, consisting of four- past, field, and prass bedsteads, with tnorine, dimity, and'otb- r iia « -, gin£ S; window curtains, seasoned goose feather beds, hair and flock mattresses, pal- liases, and other bedding; Brussels and Kidderminster room and bed- round carpets, mahogany wardrobe, bookcase, chests of drawers, secretary, sideboard, dumb waiter; dining, card, Pembroke, claw, dressing, and other tables; bureau, pier and swing dressing glasses, bason stands, ni^ ht coiiveniencies, painted and other chairs, good clock in wainscot, linen chest, & c. General and good assortment of kitchen, dairy, and cellar
requisites, gla, s, earthenware, He. together with nu^ merous other articles cf household necessaries, which will be particularized in Catalogues, to be had in due t'me 011 tha premis. s, and of the Auctioneers, Winchester. To be viewed on Monday previous to tile sale, which wil begin each day pr - cisely at twelve o'clock. f 1 110 EAST CHOLDERTON, NEAR ANDOVEK, HANTS. X) be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. CRISWKK. on the Premises, on Wednesday the Sth of October, 1808, and following ( hys, at eleven o'clock,— The a nuinc and modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, valuable C hina, choice old Port in bottle, and
other Effects, toe property of Mrs, GRE00kir-, leaving East Cholderton : the furniture con- sists of excellent goose feather neds, hair mattresses, eott- n counterpanes, and superfine blankets; mahogany four post anl field bedsteads, with cotuan a. al dimity- hangings; 24- inch convex mirror and. other glasses, commode . dressing sta ids, mahogany wardrobes-, bookcases, and chests of drd yers ; japanned and mahogany chairs, set of mahogany din ler tables and side ditto of larsc- dimensions, Pambr. ka an 1 card ditto, Turkey and Bru- s. ls carpets, pair of globes, din ler Service of Nankin china, tea. equipage and des. a rt ser vic -, earthen- ware and glass \ di- zrif of port Willi ef sut- pe dor flavour, fite' years in bottli'; Yulinarv ar'tiel s of every description, 100- gallon copper and birwing- uteiisils, ' if ir. 11- b mud hogsheads, tnelon and cucumber nanus ' rid- lights, 1- and glasses, stone rollers, and the gtai. d- pr. rt of a peach- - house and grapery; a strong- bunr chu- rkit by Hatchet, and t strong handsome'gig; - a strong steady- saddle rmtye actus- . tomed to carry a lady, and numerous ot'aer aitielesj-. whiclt will be expressed in catalogues to be delivered, ( three dayi prev. ipus to the ;> a! ej at tiic principal Inns iu Salisbury, Newbury, Artic'sburv, Place
of Side, and at the Auctioneerr, Andover. ' ' [ UTS The goods may be viewed on Tuesday the 4th of October, froth nine o'eloek ir the mornint ti- B four in'the afternoon. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. BALE and GODWIN', of September i EFFECTS belt TARRANT. GUNVlLUi, DORSET. O be SOLI) by AUCTION, by JOHN HOYLE, without resets'*." on Wednesday, October the 5th, lg( M, — All the. valuable LIVE anil DEAD STOCK, HOUSEHOLD GOODS,. and other Effects ;-. la'w die property o£ Mr. John Dibden, deceased, 4t Stubhampton Farm, in the parish of Gunville, about 4 miles from Blandft- rd; consisting of t «
c • seasoned stiunch c'lrt horses, two cart colts, ten ftrre htfifers cotuing three - years olti, Well seasoned in caff, atvrnt OB ' hundred ewes, wethers,: pur, and fchilvcr hogs, warraptd sound and free from goggles'; two waggons, one dting'- pt .• qne corn cart, almost now, ploughs, ( hags, harrows, barlr roller, trace, thill, and plough harness. 1! „ " IJtHteh& l Goods.— Fine seasoned goose feather- beds ad bedsteads, blankets, quilts, sheets, &. c. ( lining pillar, clal, and other fables, , bureau and chest of drawers, pier and swi? - glasses, thiftyVbour clock and case; brass and copper boiln, pewtir plates and dishes, one furnace, two
brass kettles, & e. I dirt/ Vtenfils.—' Cheese press, butter churn and stodi, milk tubs and nendles, cheese vats, quantify of nulk* pinfl number of iron- bound and. other casks, with a variety f kitchen and other requisites'. The sale will begin precisely at eleven o'clojk, and contintt till all is sold. For further particulars apply to John Hoyle, Auctionttr & c. . Blandford. HlK TO THE LADIES. AGAZLTs ORIENTAL DF. PILATOR, for removing SUPERFLUOUS IIAIUS from the Fie, Neck, Arms, & c. and for Improving the Complexion, ill be sold in future, by particular appoii-. tm nt of the proifritr, by Messrs. Shaw and Edwards, St. Paul's
Church- yard ; ti- ler, 0, Cheapside; Dicey and Sutton, Bow Church- ymj Bacon, Oxford- street; Berfv. Gr- ek- stre- 1; Heridrte ti Son, Titchbcrn- street; and fcro-' ie, Dowdine, and Luxf.\ Salisbury ; where ladies and- others may df- p.- nd upon ben supplied'with this Depilatory genuine as imported from Ti key, price 3S. di. . the bottle. P's N. B. O' serve that each battle is signed " r. BkOAZET in tii" proprietor's band writing, to imitate which is a fcloa)
AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS. HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. Friday's and Saturday's Posts. Y FOREIGN NEWS. Gnoir, September 13. " ESTERDAY arrived here his Majesty's ships Cossack and Comet, t'ne former from Santander, the latter from Plymouth, with near, a million of ^ ditrs on board, part of which are for the service of Spain, and with the remainder she will sail in a day or two for Oporto. In the afternoon arrived the Swallow brig, Capt. Milner, convoying eight sail of transports, sent here to receive on board 2008 Merino sheep, presented by the - Junta of this principality to his Majesty. Soon after
the Swaliw. caine to an anchor, the Captain, the Hon. Capt. Herbert, a Mr. Creed, the Agent for transports, and seven seamen, put off in the boat from her; just as they • werft upon the bar a sea broke over them, filled the boat, * nd plunged them into the sea ; the greater part by taking lold of the boat saved themselves, and others Supported themselves on oars and planks till the boats, which imme- diately put olf from the shore, pioked them up; unfortu- nately, h iwever, they were unable to save capt. Herbert and . Mr. Creed, who sink before the boats arrived. These two gentlemen came out for the purpose of visiting the
country; the former was son to the Earl of Carnarvon, and the lat- ter son. to Mr. Creed the Navy " Agent. LONDON, FtilVAY, SEPTEMBER 63. Paris Papers to the l6th, and Dutch Papers to the 18th irist. were received last night. They give no farther clue to the immediate object of Bonaparte : they are silent with respect to his intended journey, and do not contain any further notice of tbe march of troops. A report was made to the Senate on the 10th inst. re- specting the proposed conscription for raising an additional force ot 80,000 raen, the project for which was adopted. They are not to be called out till January 1309, and are
then to be employed in the defence of the coast only. This morning a Corunna Mail arrived, as also Papers, and Letters from Gijon, to the date of Sept. 15, inclusive,— It appears that the French, to the amount of 30,000 men, had sueuenly made a new irruption into Arra- gun, with a view of penetrating to Saragossa, towards which city the Patriots had prudently fallen back, and the enemy advanced to within seven miles of it, when they received such intelligence as induced them again to retreat into Navarre.— This intelligence, it is conceived, related to the approach of a Spanish army from Madrid of 70,000 jSeu. Blake, it is
also supposed, has occupied Burgos. Private letter- from Corimna state, that Sir Arthur Wel- lesley was rapidly advancing into Spain, at tbe head of 18,000 men. These papers contain an account of the lu « of tbe Hon. Capt. Herbert, of the Navy, and Mr. Creed, son of Mr, Creed, the Navy Agent; the melancholy detail of which • we have given above. On Wednesday the. Lottery Contractors waited on th » Chancellor of the Exchequer, to give in their biddings for a new Lottery of 20,000 ti ekets, which was taken by- Messrs. Cope and Co. at \~ t. l". « . 1 Id. a ticket. This Lottery is to be drawn in four days, in equal d. awing* of
5000 tickets each day, with an interval of not less than two days between esch d iv of drawing. Yesterday a General Court of Proprietors » as held at tbe Bank, when it was resolved that the half- yearly dividend should be 5 per cent. Mr. Randle Jackson en- quired if the affairs of the Bank had been as prosperous in the last two years as in the three preceding. The Governor answered, that the only dUfem. ee was tiiat occasioned by the reduction of the allowance for managing the national debt, and the increased stamp duties.—. VIr. Jackson inti- mated an intention of enquiring further into this subject. The Couit adjourned at an
early hour. Carr. GEORR HT. WETSON, of tbe 2d battalion of tbe fith regiment, has been tried by a Court- martial at Can- terbury, on various charges of peculation, in his capacity of Paymaster, found guilty, and sentenced to be dimi sed the service. His Majesty has approved the sentence, and ordered it to be read in General Orders at the bead of every regiment. CONFLAGRATIOV in Covent- Garden.-— On Wednesday an Inquest was hold at the Britannia, in Covent- Oarden, oil the bodies of twelve persons, killed by the falling in of the arth at the Piazza entrance of the Theatre. W. Addicott, a stage carpenter, related t'. e
circumstances of the fire, R. before detailed, and distinctly stated that be had warned the firemen of their daugir, hut they turned a deaf ear to bis admonitions; he succeeded, however, in persuading some of his fellow workmen to quit the place just lief ire the roof fell in. The Jury, of course, returned a verdict, of .- tridental Death. Seven of these unfortunate persons had been firemen, three mechanics working in Long- acre, and two were unknown. Inquests wer' yesterday taken on two other persons, who had died in the Middle- ex Hospital,'( a coal- heaver and a coach- maker) ; at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, on t" he bodies of
John Savers, a fireman, Mr. Hewett, a plumber, and B • aumont, a private in the Guards ; and at the D 1- pliin, in Hyde- street, Biuomsbuiy, on the body of Mr. Harris, jun. of Holborn, optician. These unfortunate persons ail perished in consequence of being dreadfully burnt at the fire ; in tbe case of Mr. Harris it was stated that after he bad been extricated from the arch- wav by the Piazza, in a frenzy of agony, be tore the bur nt tt h from hi. s arm, and stripped it bare to the bone I— Ver- dicts, Accidental Deaths. MARX- LUNB, Sept. 2.5. There was to- day a tolerable sup- ply of Wheat, but the buyers, expecting hrge arrivals, were
shy of purchasing ; the prices unvaried. The sam- i of liar- lev and Oats, and most ether grain. SMiTitriEi. n MARKET, Sept. 23. There was this day a good supply of Cattle, of every description. Beef, was not- withstanding rather dearer than on Monday; Lamb. Veal, and Pork, cheaper; Mutton at last prices. BIRTHS.] On the 27th ult. at Berringdon, Salop, the Lady of the Hon. William Hill, M. P. of a daughter.— On . the 14th instant, in Scotland, the Lady of Lieut. Gen. the Hon. John Hope of a sop.— On Friday, in Upper Iterkeley- stivet, the Lady of George During, Esq. of a daughter— On Sunday, at firitweH House, Bucks, tbe
Hon. Mrs. Irby of a son.— On. the 13th insr. at Dudingtoh, Gloucester- shire, tbe Hon. Mrs. Codringtun of a son. MARRIED.] On the 14th inst, Wiilian. Crawsbay, jun. Esq. of London, ( son of Mr. C'rawshay, the great iron- master), to Miss Eliza Homfrty, fourth daui'htsr of F. Homfrey, E- q. of the Hyde, near Stourbridge.— On Mon- day, at Litchfield, Major Hastings, of the 63d regiment, to Mary, youngest daughter of the late Lieut. General Gardiner, Commander of the forces in Nova Scotia. 1> IED.] On Sunday evening, in Park- street, Grosvenor- square, the Dowager Lady Mvd'eton, in her 78th year. — Lately, at Carlisle, Lieut.
Col. Campbell, Inspecting Field Officer ther.'.— Yesterday, in Fludyer- street, West- minster, Arthur Windus, E- q. Cashier of the War- Office.— On Sunday, suddenly, Mr. Culluin, cheesemonger, of Vere- street, Clare- market:— from a very humble begin- ning, Mr. Cullum had realized a large fortune ( suppmed at least 60,0001.) in the house where he died : tie contracted far the produce of many of the large dairies in Somerset- shire, and bad made some considerable purchases of land in that county. DORSETSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the next General Quartet Session Of the Peace for the county of Dorset will
be holden at Bridport, in and for the said county, on Tuesday, the 4th day of October next, on which day the Court will bs opened precisely at twelve o'clock at noon, and im- mediately adjourned to the Bull Inn, in the said town of Brid- port, for the special purpose of examining all bills and de- mands on the county, and taking into consideration such other business as may occur relative to the civil concerns therein, pursuant to a resolution entered into at a former Session. WESTERN TREASURER. On the same day the Justices Will proceed to an Election and Appointment of a TREASURER of the WESTERN DIVISION of this
County, vacant by the death of Mr. Man field. And on Wednesday morning the Court will be opened precisely at ten O'clock, and the business of the Session will begin wifh trying Appeals, next Traverses, and lastly the Prisoners^ All Appeals ( except those to be entered for the purpose of adjournment) must be entered with theCi. rk of the Peace, on Tuesday, the first day- of the Session, and on failure thereof, the adverse party shall have a right to enter a Ne Re. cipiatur. And in the forenoon of that day, all Recognizances, In- formations, and Records of Convictions, are to be returned to the Clerk of t'ne Peace by the respective
Justices' clerks. Also the Duplicates of the Land- tax, and List of Jurors are to be returned by the Chief Constables, pursuant to the statutes in that case made and provided. Atfd all Constables, Jurors, Bailiffs, and other persons having business to do, and Bills of Indictment to prefer, are required to attend accordingly. — Dated tlds Hth day of Sept. 1808. WM. BURNET, 1093] Clerk of the Peace of the County of Dorset. WILTSHIRE. NO TI C E is hereby given,.— That the General Qu ' rtcr Sessions of the Peace for the county of Wilts will be holden at Marlborough, in and for the said county, on Tuesday the 4th day of October
next at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, pursuant to the resolution entered into at a former Sessions, for the special purposes Of receiving the Land- tax Assements and Jury Lists from the Constables of the several hundreds, of examiningand aud- ting all Hills and Demands on the county; and of attending to all business relative to the County Gaol and Bridewells, Miltia, convey- ance of Soldiers' Baggage, County Bridges, and such other business as may occur relative to the civil concerns of the said county; and no bills will be allowed, unless delivered in at the sitting of tbe Court op that day. The Court will open on Wednesday
morning, precisely at ten o'clock, for general business which , will begm with the Trials of Traverses, next Appeals, and lastly Prisoners. All Appeals ( except those to be entered for the purpose of adjournment) must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace previously to the opening of the Court on Wednesday, and on failure thereof, ths adverse party shall have a right to enter a Ne Reapiatur. The Bailiffs and Constables of the several Hundreds, out of which the Jurors are taken, are hereby ordered to attend the Court, with proper wands, during the whole time of the Sessions \ and to remain in such place or places in the Court as
shall be then appointed, to assist in keeping peace and good order, and to execute the orders and processes of the Court. In order to give all possible dispatch tc* the business of the Sessions, the Clerks to the Justices of the Peace of the said county are particularly requested to send to the Cleik of the Peace', on or before the. first morning of th • Sessions, all Re- cognizances, Informations, and Records of Convictions, taken before such Justices of the Peace respectively. 1118] JAMES SWAYNE, W i t. TO N*, Sept. 12, 1808. Clerk of the Peace. HAMPRESTON INCLOSURE. WE, the Commissioners, do hereby give notice,
that we have set out the Rnad hereinafter described, and that a map of the same is deposited with Mr. Cattleman, oar Clerk, in Wiraborue, for the inspection of all persons Concerned, ( to wit.) . . A Foot Road, of the breadth of four feet, along the South side of the allotment to Henry Sansom, till it joins a ceitain foot road leading from Ham bridge to Hamprcstori church. We further give notice, that a Meeting will be holden by • sat the New Inn in Wimborne Minster, on Tuesday the 15th day of November next, at eleven o'clock in the fore- noon, to hear objections by all persons who may be injured or aggrieved by the setting out of
the said road. 1154] RICHARD GEE. WILLIAM CLAPOOTT. HAMPRESTON INCLOSURE. WASTE LANDS, FREEIIOL,"^ TITHE FREE. npo i) c SOLD by AUCTION, at the New Inn, X in Wiml. otne, on Friday the inh day of November, jsos, at two o'clock in the " afternoon, Seven Lots of WASTE LAND, containing about 215 acres, parcel of H anpreston Heath. For further particulars, and apian of the lots, apply to Mr. Gastleman, Wimborne. Ho5l RICHARD CEE. WiuLl/* M CLAFCOTr. HANTS SESSIONS. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of South- | am- iton, will be
hoiden at the Castle of Winchester, on I Monday the 3d day of October next, at one o'clock in the I afternoon, at which time the Court will be opened, and ! immediately adjourned to the George Inn, in the city of 1 Winchester, for the special purpose of i specting and ex- amining the Treasurer's Accou. ts; and also all bills and other demands on the county, pursuant to the resolutions entered into at a former Sessions. The Court will be adjourned torn the George Inn, and opened again at rhe Castle of Winchester, on the Tuesday following, viz, the 4th day of October next, precisely at ten o'clock in the forenoon, when all
Constables, Bailiff's, Jurors, and others concerned, are hereby required to give their attendance. And in order to give all possible dispatch to the business, the Attornies, Parties, ar. d Witnesses prosecuting any Appeais, In- dictments, or other business, must be pr- p tred at the opening of the Court on Tuesday morning, and during the wi. ole of the Sessions, that the Court may call on the Causes in such order and. at such tinvs is they shall see convenient. Appeals must be entered with t he Cleric of the Peace, pre- viously to the opening of the Court on Tuesday morning, or the parlies will not he permitted to try. Recognizances,
Informations, and Records of Convictions are to be returned ta the Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices' Clerks, fin or before the day preceding the Adjourn- ment,— Dated this u2th day of September, 1S08. T. WOODHAM, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. Ail persons who have entered into Recognizances to appear at this Sessions concerning Assaults, & c, are reouired to take notice, that r ley must, in pursuance of their recogni- zances, appearat this Sessions, either personally Or by their attornies, in order to withdraw the same, although thev may previously have compromised the matter. [ 1071 NEW FOREST.
1IEREAS, by an Act of Parliament passed in the ninth and tenth years of the reign Of his late- Majesty King William the Third, intitled " An Act for the increase and preservation of timber in the New Forest, in the county of Southampton," it is enacted as follows:— " Provided always, and it is hereby enacted and declared, that all and every person and persons h iving any right of common of. pasture or pannage, or any privileges within the said Forest, or any part thereof, shall, hold and enjoy the same in manner following, that is to say,— their said right of. pannage, viz. between the ! 4th day of September and the 11 th day of
November yearly, from and after the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, which sh- ill be in the year of our Lord God 1716', and not before, on forfeiture of any hog, pi;, or swine that, from and after the feast of St. Michael the Archangel next and before the time aforesaid, shall be found in the wastes of the said Forest: and their said right of com- mon of pasture shall be, and is hereby continued to them, in and through such of the said waste ground of the. said Forest at such time and times as the same shall not be in- closed as aforesaid. The time of the fence month ( that is to say) fifteen days before and fifteen days after the
feast of St. John the Baptist yearly, and the time of the winter heyning ( that is to say) from the 11th day ofNovember to tile 23d of April yearly." Notice is therefore hereby given, that any horses or other cattle which shall be found trespassing . in the said Forest from and after the 11th day of November next until the' 23d day of April following will' be impounded, and if not owned, and the damage and expence of driving and. impounding paid, within five days aft r the horses and other cattle shall be impounded, the same will be deemed forfeited:— And Notice is hereby also given, that if any pig, hog, or swine are found in the said
Forest, without being properly and sufficiently ringed, with roller lines, the same are by the laws of the Forest forfeited, and. will be se zed and disposed' of accordingly- And Notice is hereby further given to the several per ; ins wd; turn sheep into the said Forest, not having any right so to do, that siich Sheep as shall be found trespassing in the said Forest after the said 15th day of No- vember next will be impounded.—-— Dated at a Sieainimote Court, the 14th of September, 1808. By order of the Vcrdcrors of the said Forest, 111.0] C. HARBIN, Under Steward. TURNPIKE TOLLS. • jVTOTECE is hereby given,— That the
TOLLS JL'l arising at the toll gate upon the turnpike road leading from the river at Swnthling tp'Sherrill- heath, in tbe county of Southampton, called or known by the name of the Botley Turnpike Gate, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the best bidder, at the house of — Hume, known by the sign of the Dolphin Inn, at Botley, mthe said county, on Monday the 17th day of October nejet, between the hours of eleven anil two of the clock in the afternoon, for the term of three years, to commence from St. Thomas's day next, in manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Third " for
regulating the turnpike roads, which tolls produced the last year the sum of .£ 184 above the expellees of collecting' the same, and will be put up at that sum. Whoever happens to be the best bidder,, must at tbe same time give security with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees o'f the said turnpike road, for payment of the rent agreeed for, and at such times as they shall direct; and at the same meeting new Trustees will be elected in the room of such as- are dead, removed, or refuse to act. S. PADDCN, Clerk and Treasurer to ihe Trustees. Fareham, Sept. 14, 1808. A sufficient number of Trustees not having
attended the last Meeting, the Toils could not be teen lett. [ 1180' SALISBURY. TO be LETT and entered on immediately,-— An old- established HOUSE, in the Grocery and* Tallow Chandlery Business, in Castle- street, late in the occupation of Mr. Scullard, deceased. The situation is eligible for busi- ness. For particulars apply to Mr, Wm. Dyke Whitmarsh, Solicitor, Endless- street. [ 1215 The Stock may be taken at a fair valuation. Desirable Estate, North of Devon. r| PO be LETT, and entered upon at Christina's,— Jt RENWITH CASTLE FARM, delightfully situated about a mile from the sea, and the same distance, from the
pleasant sea port and market town of Bideford; compiling a good farm house, gardens, orchards, barns, granary, con- venient out- houses, and about seventy, acres of most excellent meadow, pasture, and arable, land. For a treaty, and other particulars, apply ( if liy letters jiost- psid) to Dr. HeywOod, Blandford, Dorset,' or " to Mr. Smith, Solicitor, Bideford, Devon. float) Haifa mile from the Sea, Christehurch.— Nea House. TO be LETT on LEASE, UNFURNISHED,— A HOUSE in excellent repair; containing an eating room 20 feet by 16, drawing room 27 by 18, breakfast parlour, eight bed rooms, detached kitchen with servants
rooms over, scullery, larder, china closet, and other convenient offices; coach- house, five- stalled stable, garden, meadow, and fish- pond ; the whole containing about 10 acres, we'll wooded and intersected with gravel walks. Forparticula ™ and tickets to view apply, ( if by letter, pest paid) to Clement Sharp, upholsterer, Romsey ; or on the Premises. ' [ dsp TITHES, TO be LETT, for a Term of Three Years, from the 10th day of October next, The GREAT and SMALL TITHES of the parish of BENTLEV, in the county of Hants, containing about Two Thousand Acres of rich pro- ductive Land, including hop plantations of great
extent, with glebe land, hop kiln, barns, stabling, and cottage, con- veniently situated for the management and collecting thereof. The tenant to pay all out- goings, except the land tax and landlord's property tax. Bentley is surrounded by good markets, and mid- way be- tween Farnham and Alton. Further particulars may be known on application to Mar- maduke Robinson, Esq. Essex- street, Strand, London, to whom Tenders may be made on or before the 1st dav of Oc- tober next. [ Ilff7 TO be LETT, and catered upon immediately,.— that capital Mansion, called BARFORD - HOUSE, with some furniture, offices of every
description, extensive walled gardens and pleasure- grounds, hot- house, grapery, green- house, stabling, coach- houses, dog- kennel, and every convenience suited to a family of the first respectability. This place is situated one mile from Dowuton and seven from Salisbury, with good roads in every direction. The tenant may be accommodated with the extensive Manor of Hamptworth, which is contiguous, and with Land suited to his convenience. To be seen by tickets to be had of Mr. Tinney, solicitor, Salisbury, who will give further particulars. f 1150 DORSET. TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately,— A commodious,
modem- built, brick and sashed DWEL- LING- HOUSE ; consisting of three parlours, seven bed- chambers, with laree convenient garrets, kitchen and other offices, underground cellar, two walled- in Hardens, a coach- house, stable, & c. all situate in tbe South- street, in Dor- chester, in the county of Dorset, and is fit for the recfipt'on of a genteel family, arid is only eight miles from Weymouth. For further particulars applv ( if by letter post- paid) to Mr. N, Shetland, Attorney, or Thomas Curme, Builder, Dor- chester. fI0S7 COMPLETE SPORTING SEAT, HAMPSHIRE. TO. be LETT, for a Term of Years, and tnav he entered upon
immediately, An extensive MANOR, with a very irood family mansion- house, coach- house, sta- bling, and offices of every description, complete dog- kennel and boiling- house, with a stream of water running through it; gardens, ornamental plantations, hot- house and green- house, a large paddock and pleasure grounds, with an excel- lent trout stream running through them, formed into large and very ornamental sheets of water, most amply stored with trout and other fish; and any quantity of the surrounding meadow and pasture land mcy be had. The Manor is most abundantly stocked with game, with several pricks of fox
bounds In the neighbourhood ; the pro- perty and residence of the EABI. of CLANRICAEDE, lately de- cease d. NOTE.— The excellent Household Furniture and other Ef- fects, the Stock of Wines and Liquors, amongst Which are abot 12 dozen of curious Hock 60. years old, some Madeira about 20 years old, and some very old Port, Bucellos, and Seges Wines, will be Sold by Auction about the end of this month. ' The Estate is situate at Warnford, in the- county of'Hants, between and distant about ten miles.' each from Petersfield, Alton, Aires ford, Bishop's Waltham, and Winchester, in a beautiful part of the country, auil about
60 miles from Lon- don.— Applications may be made to R. L. Appleyard, Esq. Lincoln's- inn, London, or to Mr. Stares, Bishop's'Waltham, Hants. [ ii30 DORSET. NPO be LETT, completely FURNISHED, and en- i. t ired upon immediately or at Michaelmas next,— All that capital MESSUAGE called EDMONUSHAM HOUSE, fit for the reception of a genteel family, with double coach- house, excellent stalled stables, courts, yards, granary, dove- cote, extensive walled gardens well stockad with choice fruit trees, orchard, shrubberies, pleasure ground, and lands, containing together about nine acres, pleasantly situated at
Edrnondsbam, one mile from Cranborne, in the county of Dorset, 12 miles south east of Salisbury, 12 north east of Blandford, and 16 from Muddiford ( a delightful watering place), in a fine open country aboanding witl} field sports, and hounds in the neighbourhood. The Deputation of two Manors ( attached to the premises), well stocked with game, will be lett with the above ; and a neat Curricle and pair of capital Horses, light Cart, three Cows, Pointers, Rick of Hay, & c. & c. may be taken at a valuation, the proprietor going on foreign service. For further particulars and to treat apply personally, or by cttef ( post paid), to Mr.
Arney, attorney at law, Close, Sa- lisbury.— The premises may be viewed, in seasonable hours, by applying at the Mansion- house. [ 543 DORSET. iO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A DWELLING- HOUSE, Barn, Granary, Orchard, and Garden ; and certain Closes of Arabic, Pasture, and Wood Laud, conuiiig about 37 acres, now in the possession of George Roberts.— The above premises will be sold for three lives, to be named by the purchaser, subject to the present life interest of a person aged 8o. Also,— A MESSUAGE, Garden, Orchard, and Paddock ; and Piece of unincioscd Land adjoining, containing about
two acres, in the occupation of Thomas" Fry.—- These premises will also be sold for three lives, to be named by the purchaser, and possession given at Michaelmas next. The above premises are pleasantly situated at Westworth, two miles south- east of Cranborne, in the county of Dorset. For further particulars and to treat apply " to " Mr. Arney, Close, Salisbury. The present tenants will shew the pre- mises.—(' One concern.) [ G42 FREEHOLDS, NEW FOREST, HANTS. TO bs LETT or SOLD,— A genteel and healthful RESIDENCE, pleasantly situated at Brockenhurst, on the borders of the New Forest. The Dwelling- house
has been built about ten years •• it consists of two parlours, kitchen, brew- house, cellar, pantry, drawing- room, and six sleeping-; rooms; coach- house and stable; garden and orchard filled with fruit trees 1 the whole finished in a tasteful manner, and in good repair.— Immediate possession had be had. Three acres of exceeding good Pasture Land may be had, if required. To be SOLD,— A DWELLING- HOUSE and GARDEN; together with a MALT- HOUSE and BAKE- HOUSE, in full trade, with other convenient offices ; now in the possession of Mr. Scorey, tenant at will. N. B. The whole Land- tax redeemed, and Tyt'ne- free.
For further particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid; to H. Roe, builder, Southampton; or to Mr. Scorey, maltster, Brockenhurst. ' [ 704 WILTS.— FREEHOLD MANSION'aNTLANDS. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with early possession,— All that MANSION- HOUSE, called the CASTLE- HOUSE, with the Gardens, Hothouse, Hot- walis, Melon ground, Pleasure- ground, Gardener's- honse and Yard, Orchard, Coach- house and Stable, and several closes of rich Meadow Land, containing in the whole about twelve acres, situate in the borough of Calne, in the county of Wilts. The buildings are in excellent repair, and are
replete with every convenience for a genteel family. Mrs. Rooke, the present Occupicr, will permit tbe premises to be seen any day ( Sunriavs_ excepted; between the hours of eleven and two ; and tor particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Merewether, solicitor, Calnc, Wilts N, B, More Land may be had, if requirsd, fsp8 ASH TI M B E It. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by CLEMENT SHARP, at the Hatchet Inn, at Sheffield English, on Wednesday the 28th of Sept. instant, at three o'clock,— Eleven Hundred and Seventy- nine Feet of ASH TIMBER, as marked and measured.—- It is remarkably sound and clean, and fit for
Coach makers and Chair- makers. For further- particulars apply- at Clement Sharp's Cabinet and Upholstery Warehouses, Romsey. - [ uoo COACH AND HORSES INN, CADNAM. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by CLEMEN I SHARP, on tile premises, on Friday the joth of September inst. ai eleven o'clock,— The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, & c. of Mr. Fryer, leaving the Coach and Horses Inn, Cad nam ; comprizing bedsteads and furniture, beds and bedding ; ma- hogany and wainscot chests of drawers, bureau, tables^ chairs, carpets, fenders anil fire irons, pier and dressing glasses, china-, glass ;' kitchen, dairy, and brewing
utensils ; rick of excellent hay, cow in calf, ten pigs, cart and harness, several sacks of potatoes, and a quantity of dung. JT. S" On account of the shortness of the days ( and number of tne Lots), Mr. Sharp takes the liberty to request an early attendance. [ UH9 Corn Ricks, Hay, Horses, Dairy Cows, Utensils in Husbandry, Sfc. Ufa. at Bittern. FOR SALE by AUCTION, on Friday the 7th day of October," 1808, by Mr. YOUNG,— All the valuable PROPERTY on BITTERN FARM, hear Southampton.— Par- ticulars in our next. [ 113.1 ' LEE FARM, NEAR RGMSEY. One Hundred and Thirty Tuns of /' rinte Hay, Horses, Cows, Sheep,
i'c'. N Wednesday the 28th day of September 1808, will be SOLD" by AUCTION, on thf Premises, by J. YOUNG,— Ail the valuable LIVE and DEAD STOCK, the property of Mr. Thomas Jackman, leaving the Farm. Hie principal Jots are, several large Clover and Meadow Hay Ricks, put together in excellent order; eislit Cart Horses, two Saddle . ditto and Pony ; eleven Dairy Cows and Bull; forty- seven Pies; forty Sheep; three narrow- wheel Waggons, two Dung Carts, two light ditto ; Ploughs, Drags, Harrows, Rollers ; Rick Staddles on stones. Granary on cap stories ( nearly new) with double floors and binns ; fourteen dozen of
Sheep Hurdles, and a quantity of Gale ditto. Sale at eleven o'clock. On Thursday the 2!) th, at twelve o'clock, will be sold,— Part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising. beds and bedding, tables and chairs, brewing and dairv utensils & c. Sc. #[ 1036 WINCHESTER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, by Mr. MINT, on Tuesday the 27th of September, 1803, at eleven o'clock,— All the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, LINEN, CHINA, GLASS, and other Effects, belonging to Mr. Paul, quitting his residence in Upper Brook- street; com- prising fourpost, tent, and other bedsteads, with cotton, dimity, damask, and check
hangings; bordered goose feather beds, and bedding; Venetian and Kidderminster carpets; mahogany sideboard, Pembroke and claw tables; pier and dressing glasses ; chests of drawers, and chairs ; small wind- up range, pantheon stoves, fire irons, and fenders ; washing furnace, kitchen requisites, & c. & c. To be viewed on Monday preceding the sale, when cata- logues may be had on the premises, and at the auctioneer's, Winchester. fuss CA'PITAL FARMING STOCK. Twyjord, near Winchester. TO be SOLD " by AUCTION, on the Premises, by Mr. MANT, on Monday the 3d of October, 1808, at eleven o'clock,— The
valuable LIVE and DEAD STOCK belonging to Mr. John Young, quitting Twyford Farm ; com- prising upwards of 400 South DoiVn sheep and lambs ; five capital draught horses and a pony ; four excellent cows, 31 pigs, about 90 tens of prime meadow and rye- grass hay, two good waggons fone of them almost new), three strong dung carts and one small ditto, large roll, r, two patent ploughs, harrows and drags, cart and plough harness, rice chains, See. Also a few lots of Household Furniture, small brewing cop- per, & c. To be viewed on Saturday preceding the sale, when cata- logues may be had on the premises, arid at the
Auctioneer's, Winchester. [ 1085 SOUTHAMPTON. HPO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Wednesday the JL 12th of October next, by Mr. ALLEN, at the Doli bins Inn, at eleven o'clock,— A substantial new- builtBrick DWEL- LING- HOUSE, most advantageously situated for Trade, in the centre of the High- street, ( adjoining the Nag's Head); consisting of a commodious Shop, a good parlour, handsome drawing- room, six good bed- rooms, two kitchens, & c. & c. Immediate possession will be given. [ loyi Freehold Land, at Eline, near Southampton. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Anchor Inn, at Eling, on Wednesday the 28th
instant, at six o'clock in the evening, by GEORGE HOOKEV, Two Closes or Pieces of Land, situated at Eling, now in the occupation of Wm. Purdue Smith, Esq. containing by estimation about ten acres, seven of which are arable and three pasture ; possession may be had at M'chae'miiS 1809. For a view apply to Mr. Withers, Anchor Inn, Eling.; and for any further particulars to the Auctioneer, or to Mr. Ridding, Solicitor, Southampton. [ 1086 PORT OF SOUTHAMPTON. FOR SALE by AUCTION, at the Custom- House at this port, on Wednesday Sept. 28, 1808, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon,— The following GOODS and
VES- SELS, viz. { For Private Families only) BRANDY 30 Yr ii„„ 0 GENEVA 40 CFor Dealers and others) COALS 1.1 J Chaldrons. Also a SCHOONER, called the ADMIRAL SAUMAREZ, with all her Tackle, Apparel, Furniture, Boat, and Stores. N. B. This Schoonermeasures 121 tons, is copper bottomed and in good condition, and being a very fast- sailing vessel, is well calculated for the Spanish or any other trade where ex- pedition is required, or as a privateer. Likewise the SLOOP BACCHUS, late belonging to the port of Weymouth, measuring 15 tons, with all her Tackle, Ap- par. l, Furniture, and lloat. Which goods and
vessels have been seized and legally con- demned, aud may be viewed, and the spirits tasted, two days before the sale, by applying to the Warehouse- keeper, at the Custom- house. [ 1163 CHILBOLTON FARM, NEAR ANDOVER. HORSES, SHEEP, DAUir COWS, FURNITURE, & c. HPO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, JL by T. RAWLINS, on Tuesday the 27th of September 1308,— The FARMING STOCK, Husbandry Utensils, Part of the Household Furniture, < ec. the property of Mrs. Martha Dew, retiring from business oi drags, . . bells, wood chains, cart l. ncs, cow cribs, sheep cages, hur- dles, cheese presses
and vats, butter churns, a good malt mill, and various other useful articles in the husbandry line. The Furniture, eVc. consists of bedsteads, feather beds, blankets, coverlids', tables, chairs, kitchen requisites, copper and brass boilers, iron- bound casks, & c. Sic. In consequence of the number of lots, the sale will begin precisely at eleven o'clock. [ 1043 HANTS. IO be SOLD by AUCTION, by HENRY HICKS, on Thursday_ the 6th day of October, 1808, between the hours or four and six o'clock in the afternoon, at the Red Lion Inn, Stubbington,— The several Pieces or Parcels'of LAND following, situate in the parishes of Tifchfield
and Crofton, in the county of Southampton. Lot 1.— All that Piece or Parcel of Land, called TARRINO- TON'S, now in the occupation of Mr. Nicholson, - containing 3A. » R. 12P. Lot 2.— All that Piece or Parcel of '. . and, with the Barn and Cottage standing thereon, in the occupation of Admiral Faulk- ner, containing 2 A. 1 R. 20, P. Lot 3.— All that Piece or Parcel • Land, called SEAOER'S PADDOCK, containing 1 A. SR. St now in the occupation of Mr. James Whettam. Lot 4.— AH that Piece or Parcel of - nd, called RATSOME, containing 3 A. aR. - 21 P. now r , ;. e occupation of Mr. James Whettam. Lot 5.— All that Piece or
Parcel f Land, being on the south side, of Stubbijngton Field, containing 3 A. 3 R. 20 P. now in the occupation of Mr. James Whettam. Kf The above Lots are Copyhold of Inheritance, holden under John Deirne, Esq. at the yearly quit- rent of H. 4s. Lot 6.— All that Piece or Parcel of Land, situate on the north side of Stubbington Fit Id, containing 1 * A. Lot 7.— All that Piece or, Parcel of Land, with a Cottage and new brick- built Stable thereon, lying on the south side of a certain field called Hall's, containing 4 § A. J3r" The last two Lots are held under the manor of Swan- wick. lit the yearly quit- rent of 6s. 9d. and are now in the
occupation of Mr. James Whettam, Under a Lease, ten years whereof are unexpired. Poss.- ssion of Lots I,. 2j 3, 4, and 5, may be had at Michaelmas, 1809. Further particular, may be known by applying to Mr. Maid- man, solicitor, Faichant, or Mr.' H'cks, auctioneer, Gosport; and any person desirous of viewing the premises, will be pleased " to apply to Mr. Stsphan Bai ter,, of Stub- bingtoB, { j) 30 EAST KNOYLE, NEAR HINDON, WILTS. HPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. C'RISWICK, A at the Black Horse Inn, East Knovle, on Wednesdi. v the 28th day of September, 18( 18, at' three o'clock,- That extremely rich . piece of
inclosed FREEHOLD MEADOW LAND, called LEV MEAD, situate in the p » rish of East • Knoyle aforesaid, containing 13 A. 2 11. OK six acrcs of which are watered. For a view of the land apply to the tenant, whose tfrrrt ex- pires at Michaelmas ile& t; and for farther particulars to the Auctioneer, Andover. [ 71- 7 WINTERS LOw! rJPO be SOLD by AUC [' ION, by Mr. CRISWICK, A at the Pheasant Inn, Winterslow, on Monday the: id* of October » 8t » , at two o'clock m the afternoon,— V FRi'ii''- HOLD brick and tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, occt. ni as two tenements, with I'. rne, Gardens, situate at MidiH. ton, in the parish of
Winterslow, in the occupation of W. ai. d J. Green, tenants at will. For a view of the premises apply to the tenants; and for particulars to the Auctioneer, A- drtver. [ 1073 WEST LAVING TON. TTO be SOLD by AUT TION., by R. KNIGHT, 4. on Tu Sdsv the 27th of Sept. mber Ifi'n,— All the neat and modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, l inen, tov.- n- bnilt Chnri > t, with other EHects, of Colon. I I AVSURT, de- ceased, at West Ldvinstiin, Wiits ; including Jis. no'ioipe tent bedsteads with chintz cotton furniture, fine Sevsom- it cooss feather beds, mattresses, c. untcrpants, intl blankets, Wil- ton and Kidderminster carpets, l ir^ e size
mahogany Cumber- land dining tables, Pembroke and earn' t- bles, ne'at penned wardrobe, bo ik- ca5e, chairs, chests of drawers, 18 pa 1 Sf sheets, table linen, a small time piece, culinary wentiis e. small stack of hay, cier't wood, and other I'riiel. s: the great- r part new within eight months ; may be viewed oil the day pieced . rig the sale: to begin prec'selv at eleven. An early attendance is respectfully s- ii'iiM, . s cb.- nut vi of lots will render an attention to ti'rne p " tticttlaflv tie Catalogues may be had three days I r r„ the .• premises, and of the Auctioneer. !> v? s ,(!.„,.. Dogdean Farm, near H-' hubo: r,-, npo be SOLD by AUC
TION ... , , A the premises, on Monday t ; J • .1 1 > eleven o'clock in the fiie 0 - 11,-—: iVii ,; » STOCK, the prop rtv of Mrs. Mary I . clined business ; comprising principal y, rhr • .1. e - two- year- oid heifef, two year tngs, a cap' gelding, two mares ( one 01 th m in toal, wit r side), one sow and ten pijs, between 20 and . t> i and meadow hay, and . ib ait 2j- tons ot id-: ditto, < r waggon with iron arms, tw dune puts, one roller ) drags, harrows, cart and plough harness, and 11 n. tLty 01 .1 husbandry utensils. Also a very neat Gig, with a moveable head, apron, s harness complete. ~ ' [ ioso The whole of the articles may be seen ten
days befir- the sale; and particulars had of the Auctioneer, in Wimborne. NPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J BIUSTOWK JL at the Old Antelope Inn and Hotel, in'Poole, on T . nr- i ay the 13th day of October, 1808, at three o'clock, I those desirable PREMISES, situated in Lett Lane, in the. town - nd county of Poole, comprising Four TENEMENTS UOJV n the occupation of Mr. Warne, Mr. Henry K> igfit, brii. kliwr, and others, with convenient outbuildings, and a w illed garden) all held for the remainder of a term of WO years, of which do only are expired. [ t! 5: i For further particulars and a view of th? premises, apply to Mr. George
Penney, at Po. de aforesaid, or the Auctioneer.' TO be SOLD by AUC TION,, on the premises by J. BRISTOWE", 011 Tu - sdav the 1th of Oct- let, tfios, — The neat HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FUSNl IT UK, and other Effects of the late Rev. Dr. Trenchar 1, at the Pavsor. aive, at Lvtchet Matravers; consist ng 01 four- p- st and ot' er bed- steads, with cotton and other hangings cgood featherbed* ar. d bedding; mahogany dining, Claw, and other tables ; maho- gany and other chairs, a sofa, an eight- day CI'ck, walnut chests of drawers, a mahogany writing tub! , a mahogany sideboard and cellaret, pier and other glasse-, a
double barrH gun, and half- stocked ditto byTempleman, regst r stove, a good kitchen grate with crane, a wina- np jack, us All kitchen requisites, glass and earthenware, a sulky, two carts, saddvs, bridles, and harness, a rick of hay, and various o h r articies. The sale will begin at eleven o'clock in tbe morn n;'. LANDS IN POOLE TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. BIUSTOWE, at the Old Antelope Inn, in Poole, on Thursday the 13th day of October next, at three o'clock in the afternoon, subjcct to the conditions then to be produced,— All that n; w - erected MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, with ti e Garden and Offices thereto
adjoining, situate in Hill- street) in Poole, late tbe residence of Mr. Thomas Courtin, deceased. Also a STORE- HOUSE newly erected, at the. bottom of the said Garden, and abuttinu against Dearhi- v- lane. And also six small TENEMENTS and a GARDEN, si* tuate near or adjoining the said Messuage, in the occupation of William Western, Henry Rolles, and others. All the above Premises are Freehold of Inheritance, or held for a long term of years absolute. For further particulars apply to Young West, Esq. or to T. Parr, attorney, Poole. [ 993 LANDS IN POOLE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J, BRISTOWE, at the Old
Antelope Inn, in Pcole, on Tliursd y the 13th day of October next, at three o'clock in the afternoon, subject to the conditions then to be produced,— The Fee- si n. pic and Inheritance of and in all that MESSUAGE or DWEL- LING- HOUSE, and the Shop, Oiit- btwlings, and Garden thereto belonging, situate in Market- street, in Poole, now in the occupation of J. W. Frampton. These premises are very desirable, either for a tradesman nr a private family. [ tOOO For further particulars apply to Mr. Thomas Stickland, or Mr. James Kemp, both of Pbole, or to T. Parr, attorney. A Capital Freehold Estate, Manor, and Jduou'son, irt
GLOUCESTERSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. Skiv- NER, DVKE, TUCHJN, and FORREST, on Tuesday the 15th 0: November, at 12 o'clock, at Garraway's CoBec- boti--., ' Change- alley, Cornhill, London ; in one lot,—— A. capital FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tythe- free, and the Land- tex' re- deemed, desirably s tuate at Hawling, within $ » m'K rf Cliel-> tenham, and 8 of Northleach, 9 of Stow on the Wold, and 18 of the city of Gloucester; comprising the Manor of Haw- ling, with its lights and royalties, a commodious manor- house, with offices, and demesne lands, containing about 1420 acres, divided into eligible
farms, with >;> I table farm- houses, barr. s, stabling, beast stalls, and other out- buildings, naw in the oeeupuion of Messrs; Ruck, Cook, and Lodge, on leases which expire at Lady- day 1810; about 108 acres of Wood Land, and Plantations in hand ; also 431 acres of Ltm !, lett on leases and copies of cOurt- rnli for lives, a covsiderab':- part depending on very old single lives, together with the Ad- v. iwsdn of the Rectory and the whole township or village of Hawling. The Estate forms a most valuable property, is capable rf great Improvement, and well worthy the attention of gentle- men wishing to realize in Gloucest rshire. To be
viewed by applying to the principal tenants, ahd printed particulars may be had at the Manor- house s x weeks preceding the sale;' also at the King's Head, Northleacli; Unicorn) Stow; Plough, Cheltenham 5 of Mr. Walker, prin- ter, Gloucester; Mr. Langdon, printer, Sherborne; Mr. Cruttweli, printer, Bath ; Messrs. Brodic, Downing, and I. uxford, printers, Salisbury ; Messrs. Dawson, printer?, Ox- ford ; Messrs. Weils and Gwinnett, Cheltenham ) Charles Wade, Esq. Puckuall, near Rdmsey, Hants, where a j hn may be seen; and of Messrs. Skiilner, Dyke, Tucbin,. rm 1 Forrest, Aldersgate- street, London, Where a plan may abo be
Seen. " ______ r-' W;! SOMERSETSHIRE. npObcSOLD by AUCTION, at the George Inn, JL Bridgwater, on Tuesday the 18th of October; 1808, in Lots ( Unless previously disposed of,) - A Very valuable ani connected FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at Borrow, in ths county of Somerset, Ort the Bristol Channel'( to which it ad- joins 0 jeirds of two miles), 9 miles from Axbridg.-, 20 from Wells and Glastonbury, 12 from Bridgwater, arid 27 ( rota Bristol; comprising the extensive Manor of Berrow coex- tensive with that parish) ; a very considerable Salmon Inslv. ry and Rabbit Warren ( both of which also extend along ti e ' ' Channel
the length above- mentioned), with the tii- bts, lties, and immunities thereunto belonging; also very :: 1 Dairy and Grazing Farms ; Lands and Tenemc ntt, con- taining 122S acres statute measure, or thereabouts ' exclusive of the fishery and warren, which consist of 1- 1? acres), iiif acrcs of the farms and lands are lett to very substantial tenants for terms which will expire at Lady- day next, and the re- mainder are held on leases for lives, the whole being of lbs estimated val. ue of £ 2743 per annum, clear of taxes; To be viewed by applying to Richard Pollard, of Bcfrow, or to Mr. John Board, of tbe same place, with whom a Map
of the Estate may be seen. Printed particulars may be find at the George Inn, Bridgwater; the White Hart, Gliston- bury; the Christopher, Wells; the King's Anns, CY- ss ) Mr. Peter Fry, Compton- house, Axbridgc; Mr. Gu'ch, pitntcr, Bristol ; Mr. Cru'twell, printer, Bathj Mess s. i'ivw- man, printers, Exeter; Brodie, Dowdittg; and Luxford, SA- lisbury ; Messrs. Dennetts and Greaves, Lincoln's- inn- fields, London; and Messrs. John and William Hollins, KnutifoM, A Map of the. Estate may also be seen by applying to M, SMS. Dennetts and Greaves, or Messrs. J. ahd W. Htllins, fmn whom any further information may bt haj. flO'JS
THE SALISBURY AND WfSCHESTEftr JOURNAL. Sunday's Post. By Express. • ' LONDON GAZETTE, PUUUSIIED ON SATURDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 24. At the Court at the Queen'., Palace, the 21st of Sept. liD8, I'RLsr. NT, The King's Mast Ext ' Jtut Majesty in Council. " WTTTHERKAS his > f. s; - sty was pleased by his v /' i/ Onlei- i in Co -. ncil, of 11 > • ( ith of January and o J i'b of May last, to direct curtain measures to 1> • I .' iv f * r lli • care and custody of Portuguese ;: oportv 1) ' • i ij » to' persons iding in Portugal or el <-'. vhere, ii, t!. r the >,... r. iul of France, which had been detained T » y H. tisli crui/ ' i s, aiiil to subject
such property to the future < ii •. si'ion of the Prince Regent of Portugal, in eonsidera- t; o; i of t v.* o. i1 ; not lacing euytlci to ti„ pi; v. • 11 of it • wlul • the; . it- 1 un I - I' the coto eoul ot the enemy : V. i- • • « ( lie deliverance of Portujai from such coB- t. roul has shite been effected, and- the inhabitants of that coir'f i y are a ; a'; n 1: come dully qualified to receive the re- stitution of their property : His Majesty is therefore ph ased, hv and with the- advice of his Privy Council, to o. and i! is h-. ;' ; by ordered, that a'.! Port-: uese pr pes ty shall be forthwith rt torcd to tii • respective own.; • thereof, or their lawful s^ uts. Vi'r : • f t., Sr/'. 24.
The King has been ploai. eil to t ... ,. () f a Haron t of the unit'd kip ii - m of < i Ikitain and Ireland t > th" folio-.-, dug Gt'ntlempn, and their respective heirs ' in;. W, edward Buller, Esq, J al of the blue; Mark Wood, h. C. Montgo- t •". J j , James graham, Sitwell Sitwell, \ o- r ,.-; TV. w. C. Medlycott, (..;!. Hial. iml, John Per- r , (• ..: , pigott, and gore ouseley, Esquires. On Monday Henry Carew St. John Mildmay, Esq. was cleoied Mayor of this city for the ensuing year. On Thursday last was married, at Romsey, Lewis Williams, Esq. of Pentwin, Brecon, to Miss Brice, late of Southampton. The same day was married, at Carisbrook, in
the Isle of Wights Capt. Short, of the Royal Navy, to Anne Maria youngest daughter of the late Philip- Ballard, Esq. of Newport. On Monday died Mrs. Bimc. e, wife of Mr. Bunce, of Chilcomb, near this city. The same day died Mr. Bear, one of the Clerks of the Cathedral,- aged 61 years. George Binfield has b en committed to the County Gaol, charged with stealing, at divers times, at Basingstoke, large quantities of Corn, tile property of his employer; and Richard Waldren, a respectable carrier at that place, hes same, been committed, on a charge, of receiving the knowing it to have been stolen. SALISBURY. • MONDAY,
SEPTEMBER 26, 1308. LONDON. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 24. A M ill from Gttttenburgh arrived this morning. It has not been found practicable, we understand, to attack the Russian squadron in Port Baltic, the Rus- sians having fortified both sides of the harbour,; but they appear to he in great consternation and corvfusian, have struck yards and top- masts, and moored so close to the sho" -, that a strong north west wind would, it was apprehended, drive them on shore. A v I from Oporto arrived at Bristol yesterday, in twelve d iv% with. two Portuguese Messengers, who brought disj at-. has to the Portuguese
Ambassador, the contents of which have not. transpired —.. S'rra. It. is rumour ' i that the Portuguese Gen-.- ral, Ber nnr. l > ; Vriirj, lias refused to permit the Convention ' t > be curikJ iato execution ; and that when the Mes- sen .. rs 1 it P irtn » ;.!, twelve days since, the fir- t divi- sion of the French array was not embarked.— lb. There is sai 1 to have been a dreadful riot at Lisbon, in w'veh 8ii0 of the French soldiers were stabbed by the Porto in esc, in whose possession Lisbon is stated to have been at the thne of the departure of the Mes- sengers.— lb. Di'. IV] On Monday in the prime of life, Edward TVriii. i, h. sq. c-' d.' st sm of
Sir Edward Dering, Salt, of Surrenelen, in Kent. TO TH^_ PUBLIC. NOW selling bv BRODIE, DOWDING, and LUXFORD, Successors to Mr. B. C. Collins, at the PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY, at the fol- lowing Money prices,— A few lots of fine thin Quarto Post, no outsides, at 15s. the ream ( only 9d. a quire) ;— superfine tiiin v.' ove and lined ditto, I6" s. 6d.$— fine thicker ditto, at 17s. Gel.;— thick ditto, at 19s.;— and superfine ditto, at 20s. A few reams of Outsides fine thin Foolscap, at lis.;— a good Pot Paper, at 16s. 6d.;— fine thick Foolscap, at 25s. 6d.;— superfine ditto, at 28s.;— and Lawyers' Copy Paper, at
24s. the ream folio. A capital assortment of ACCOMPT BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, BIBLES, and COMMON PRAYER BOOKS, at the the London Prices, with" good allowance to Schools, the Trade, & c. *#* BrODIE, DOWDING, and lUXFORD have just received several Boxes of BARRETT'S WAX LIGHTS and GIB- SON'S PLAYING CARDS, which they are now selling at the same money prices as at the Manufacturers', whereby the cost of boxes and London carriage is saved to Ladies and Gen- tlemen residing in the West of England. [ 1216 DOLPHINS INN, SOUTHAMPTON. THE BALL, for the MASTER of the
CEREMONIES, will be on Tuesday, September 27, 1808. 12051 W. LYNNE, M. C. J. SHROTON FAIR. J. TROkE, CUTLER, SILVERSMITH, & c. SALIS- 9J • BURY, respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that he purposes attending a. t the ensuing SHROTON FAIR, with a rich Assortment of Plate, Jewellery, and Trinkets, in the immediate taste of the day; Watches, Plated and Bronzed fashionable Tea Urns, Pontypool and Japan Tea Trays, and warranted Cutlery, of his own manufactory. J. T. begs to offer his thanks for the patronage with which he was honoured at the last Fair, and earnestly entreats an inspection of
the valuable Stock he has now provided, which he trusts will give general satisfaction. [ 1064 PRICES OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three o' Clock. Bank Stock, shut India Stock, - South Sea Sto 0 > Cent. Re, a » Cent. Cor < . Cents. sh S v Cent. Na 5 • » Cent. 17;, k, 71J . shut Long Ann. shut Omnium, dis. India Bonds, par 2 d Exchequer Bills, 2 d. par Irish 5 Cents, shut IriVpenai 3 Cents'. 65j English Lott. Tickets, Jp Ditto Prizes, 1 • p. Cent. dis. FA L It in 1 Pons Giv. n r. ifn. tbor. lure Gene TV wind, MOUTH Sept. 22. A fleet of transports ar- ea Sunday last, with artillery horses, from the to join " the expedition assembling at this
port; •- ierdw a fleet, having on board the 1st JUS of' sto ami the l- a i now i d 3d s'sfs Guards, artiv, 1 for the same purpose, mieot arrived last . week. The troopsjfirom ; lc David Bard, are expected daily • and the from the Baltic, are also daily looked for. sd there will bn some other regiments from & c. besides two other batnllirins of the hat the whole will comprise about 25,000 tid 15a: id is spoken of as the Command r, ni. i'ir that the Duke. of York will be ... " f a d. iy or two. There are three Mackenzie, Craufurd, a - 1 another t'. vo f: t- ei > r. svmbled hi r- and waiting a Port : gal, Spain, and the, Mediterranean, and another for iJ;
it.'- '. i America. PLYMOUTH, Sept. 23. Capt. Delrymple arrived here on Tuesday, from London, to out ill the Pallas frigate; but jitst as hegbt on board, he was recalled hv telegraph. On Wednesday arrived the Snapper schooner from Corunna, with dispatches: when she sailed from thence, we understand it was reported there, that the grand divisions of the Spanish army had, by a wcll- concerled plan of co- operation, nearly all reached Pi'erTOs, where it is sai. l that Joseph Bonaparte, and the French army, had determined to make a stand, and it was expected that a battle would very soon take place. Came in ilie Perry, from
New York, bound to Bour- deaux, detained by the Indefatigable, of 38 guns. Peruvian, of 18 guns, from Gijoii. On Thursday came in the Loire, of 38 guns, from off Cailrz, which [; lace she left about three weeks since. This morning the Caledonia, of 110 guns. Ganibicr, came from H-. nio-:-. - to Cawsand Bay, amidst of a multitude of spectators assembled'on the g shores. She i. pern;.;.; the largest ship known, • an I none can surpass ber in . npej. raitce as a man of war. Sailed the Neptune, of 98 guns, to the eastward. PORTSMOUTH, Sept. 24. On Monday, sailed the Christian the Seventh, of 74 guns, Ca;> t. Sir J. S. Yorke, to
join the I'altic squadron ; and Q-. ieen, of 93 guns, Capt. Dixon, for Chatham. This day arrived th; Lavinia, of 38 guns, Capt. Hancock, from the Mediterranean. The Monmouth, of 64 guns, and Ilippomencs sloop, are ordend to ;. e paid nil at this port. v The P. aeeh iv- e sloop proceeds to the Caj- c of Good Hope, a id Sparrow sloop to Jamaica. Appointments: Cajt. Brigjs to the Venus frigate; tV/.. Joyce to the dpole slodp ; and Lieut. Leaver to essel. The Sr. AnTONIO Portuguese Government lugger, Gonsalves Da Costa master, arrived very early on 5 « ' urday morning at Bristol, after, a passage of eleven davs fr. iin Oporto, with
dispatches to the Portuguese Arabtssador, and also to Lord Castlereagh. The c intents of these of course cannot certainly be known : but the Messenger who was the bearer of them ( a Lieutenant ir. the Portuguese Navy) stated that Oporto was quiet,— that the British fleet was in possession of the Tagita,— and that the French still hold a small fort, about three miles distant from Lisbon;— that at the time the lugger sailed from Oporto, transports were leaving that place for Lisbon, for the fulfilment of the Convention. The Portuguese Officer further stated, that the Convention had created great dissatisfaction among the
Portuguese, and that his dispatches contained their exculpation and disavowal of all share in the disgraceful business. He added, that there were 18,000 Portuguese troops at Coimbra; and that Junot had not quitted Lisbon. * The Officer set off from the Bush Tavern, Bristo', at two o'clock on Saturday morning, in a post- chaise and four. His are doubtless the dispatches alluded to in the Sun, in the articles we have copied in the preceding column. Letters from Madrid, of the late dates of the 27th of Augutt and 3d *> f September, wr- re on Saturday received in this citv. The following are Extracts from that of the 27th ef August •—
' » ' You must have read in the public papers the relations of our continued victories, and our hopes that we shall soon be delivered from the infernal race that has so Ions; op- Pressed us. On the 25th of this month our natural and lawful King Ferdinand VII. was proclaimed in this city, and for three days we have had great rejoicings, illumi- nations, fire- works, bull- feasts, & e. All was very mag- nificent ; but he alas! is a prisoner in France, and God only knows his fate. Ours i not yet decided ; for tiii we have a Government. established with a perfect union of the different provinces, we may look oil all that lias beeii done as
nothing," The letter of the 3d i.-. st. savs, " Yesterday I received letter from England, dated in june 1805! I conjecture they have been kept at the Post- office, by order of the free. Ii. who commanded that all communication with England should he ent. off. My now g tting them is one effect of being relieved from French tyranny.— You may easily conceive hew rejoiced I am at the union between Spain ar. d England; net only on aceou'lt of the communi- cation bi ing open, but because it is for the interest of both nations to be friends, and to act against tb.; French, those abominable enemies of mankind. Although they are out. of this
city, they are yet in the country. The pretended King Joseph is still at Burgos, the capital of Old Castile, in which province the French commit the mo t horrible excess, plundering, burning, a-. d murder- ing indiscriminately, not excepting women, children, old men, and cripples. They do not spare the poor Nuns, killing the old, and abusing the young; and this in ail the places th - y have po^ esse 1 or passed through. I hope our armies will soou rid the e intry of theui," A BALL, AT the King's Arms Inn and Hotel, Christchurch, Hants, on Wednesday the 28th of September instant. Admission 5s. each, tea, coffee, and music,
included.— 1 he dancing to commence at eight o'clock and end at one. All early application is requested to subscribe. Non- sub- scribers to b; introduced by a subscriber. [ 1142 LOST on Friday last the 23d inst.— A BLACK LEATHER POCKET- BOOK, containing several Two Pound Bank of England Notes, and also several Salisbury One Pound Notes, together with a small Memorandum Book therein. Whoever will bring the same to Mr. Case or Mr. Crockford, of Amesbury, shall receive Three Guineas reward for their trouble. [ 1219 WANTS a Place,' as CHAMBEr- MAID,— A steady Young Woman, who has al ways been
used to the above employment, and can have a good character. A letter addressed for R. H. Printing- Office, Salisbury, will be duly attended to. A' Gentleman who has a Brown- bay hORSE fifteen hands two inches high, wishes to exchange him for one of the same size. He is warranted sound 111 every respect, free from blemish, and steady in harness, and the only reason for his being parted with is that he does not do his work in double harness. The colour no object, bright- bays or chesnuts excepted. Apply to the Printers, if by letter post paid. P HPO be SOLD CHEAP,— A Brace of POINTERS; JL the property of a
Gentleman who has no occasion for them. For paiticulars apply at the Printing- office; or to Mr. Svmonds, gun- smith, Blandford. f1181 THE Ladies of Southampton and the Neighbour- hood are requested to accept the grateful thanks of CHAVASSE and Co. for the flattering encouragement they have been honored with ; and are respectfully informed that previous to their return to Town, which their engagements render expedient to take place soon, they are now selling off, under prime cost, their Stock on hand, consisting of a variety of Bonnets, Hats, Caps, Pelisses, Dresses, Corsets, Parasols, Muslins, Jannets, with various
other articles too numerous to specify. Those Ladies who will honor them with their orders, at their house, No. 25, Gerrard- street, Soho, London, may de- pend on every possible attention being paid to their commands. 163, High- street, Southampton, Sept. 16, 1808. [ 1067 WHITE SWAN INN, ANDOVER. WM. SELF ( from the Weymouth Arms, War- minster), having taken and entered upon the above Inn, humbly solicits the favours of the Nobility and Gentry travelling the Great Western Road, and the Public jn general, assuring them ot tha most unremitted attention t . th. ir com- mands and the best accommodations, having
furnished his house in a neat manner, and with the best be . ding, and laid in a stock of the best old wines and other liquors. N. B. Neat Post Chaises, with excellent hor -; and careful drivers. RC3" Good stalled Stabling, with the best hay and cern; and every attention paid to Gentlemen Travellers. j'Vt-'> POOLE. PLOWMAN, SADLER, COLLAR, and COACH- HARNESS MAKER, begs leave t:> return his most grateful acknowl ' dgments 11 his Frienr'. e and the Public, for the very liberal support he has expenene:' 1 during ins residence in Poole, and hu mbly solicits a continuance of their f-. v ' rs, assuring them that th - stri! t-. r
attention shall he paid to their commands, and every exertion used to give the most entire sat sfaction. A JOURNEYMAN WANTED in the SADLERY line, and an APPRENTICE in all the above branch s: the former, if a '.- ood w rknian, will have constant e: n;. 1 y . c. id -. c. wa res. For particulars apply as ' above; or to J. Force, auctioneer, & c. Wimborne, Dorset; if by letter, postpaid. [ 1006 THE SOUTH DOWN EWES. ryO be SOLD,— 300 handsome, young, well- 1 bred SOUTH DOWN EWES, from two to four years old. - [ I' ® Enquire of John Mattox, Littleton, near Devizes, Wilts. I70R SALE,— 10,000 or 12,000 BEECH, 2 to
4 feet high; about ;, 00 ASH, a to 5 ditto; 200 OAK, 3 tr>£ ditto ; two and three yeats transplant*!. Fur f tie at Willi , ill Brown's, Winchester- strtet, Andover. Letters post paid will be duly attended to. [ 1113 Admiial Lord the huzzas surroun" On Thursday Thomas wilkie, Esq. was elected Mayor of this ci'. v; and George Fort Cooper, Esq. was elected a Member of the Common Council. Lately wss married Mr. Blackwcll, of crofton, to Miss Cooper, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Cooper, of Burbidge, in this county. On Thursday was married, at Bath, Major Dau- beny, of the 84th regiment, to Elizabeth eldest daughter of the Rev.
Archdeacon Daubeny. La'. elv died, at Market lavington, after a lingering illness, most truly regretted and respected, John Ro- berts, Esq. brother of the Rev. Canon Roberts, of Worcester church, and sou of the late Docter Roberts, formerly of this city. On the 6th inst. died, 111 the prime of life, Mrs. Mower, wife of Mr. Mower, of the George Inn, Bridgewater, Somerset. On Sunday the 10th inst. died, at Whiteparish, John Downe, aged 64 years. He was much respected for honesty, industry, and integrity. Woodbury Hill Sheep Fair was held on Thursday the 22d instant. The number of sheep penned amounted to 6000 ; the sales
were brisk, and we- thers fetched from 2Ck. to 44s. per head, ewes from 20s. to 40s. per head, and lambs from 10s. to 20s. per head; many were sold, and the situations and accommodations of this fair, exceed any thing of the kind in the county of Dorset. On Saturday the 17th inst. a melancholy event occurred at Weymouth :— F. ailv in the morning, Mr. Legge, sur- geon of the 2d Somerset militia, was found in the street, under the window of his lodgings, weltering in his blood, and . quite dead.— He bad been spending the preceding evening in company, and it is thought that on his return home, finding thestreet door locked,
and being very active, in the gaiety of the moment he resolved to scale the cham- bei window, but missed his hold, fell back, and was killed by the fall. He was a gentleman greatly respected, and his late is much lamented by his brother officers, and by all who knew him. tHOMAS GUILLAUME, jun. begs . leave to A inform the Gentlemen, Farmers, and the Public, living in rhc vicinity, th'- t he has a Stock of very capital burning COALS to be SOLD, in any quantity, at the Town- Quay Prices. NORTHAMYARD, SOUTHAMPTON, Aug. 12, 1808. [ 697 DEALS, TIMBER, & c. FOR SALE. UST arrived from the Baltic, the ship
Montague, _ Capt. Robert Glendenning, with a Cano of TIMBER, DEALS, TAR, and OAK HOGSHEAD STAVES, which is now landing, ami will be sold bv [ 1161 HURRY, JUKES, and CO. GOSPOrT, September ii, 1808. BALTIC TIMBER AND DEALS. SOUTHAMPTON, Sept. 22_ 1808. JUST arrived, from Sweden,— The brig Aveng, with a large cargo of superior DEALS and TIMBER ; also a quantity of PITCH, TAR, and IRON ; which is now landing at the Itchen Wharf ( late Thomson's Yard), and at Southampton Quay ; and selling at wholesale current Prices by EDWARD BAKER AND CO. N. B. Lately landed a quantity" of
Petersburgh White, Yellow, and Soap':' HOWS. [ 1202 Roomy HOUSE to be LETT at Michaelmas next, situated In Sdver- street, on moderate terms. Any person may be accommodated with a part. Enquire of the. Printers [ 1170 MEDICINAL BATHS. Gentlemen of the Faculty ef the county of _ Hants, and its vicinity, arc respectfully informed that JOHN KELLY, Surgeon, High street, fareham ( formerly proprietor of th • medicinal baths at Knightsbridge, near Lon- don , has reserved that part of the apparatus which serves the purpose of applying the Vapour Baths prepared with me- dicinal herbs, partially. . This Apparatus has
been d. rected by the most eminent Physicians and Surgeons in London and its vicinity, and proved a very useful assistant in the cure of rheumatic affec- tions of the limbs, white swellings, contract-.> ns from gun- shot wounds and other causes, ine dent tumours and thick- ening of the ligaments of the joints from strains or biu-. ses, also in obstructions remaining after se\; re fits of the tout. A day's notice is requested for ar. v prop > cd consultation on the above subject; or f - r the pr . r: ... .11 of the Baths. N. B. A Portable Apparatus may be supplied, which ha the peculiar advantage of allowing freedom ol motion, or exercise
durinjr its use to contracted limbs, and proves a com- plete partial fomenter for the space of an hour, without alteration. For the Use of the Faculty, public Institutions, or private Families, on reasonable terms. [ 12ns BLANDFORD- ST: MARY, DORSET. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A neat Sashed and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, with, a walled- in Garden adjoining; and Malt- house near the same, which will work 20 quarters per week. The premises are leasehold, and pleasantly situated in the parish of Blandford St. Mary, and fit for the immediate receptien of a genteel family." » fS79 For further particulars apply to
Mr. H. Biggs, Blandford. VICINITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD— MERRY OAK HOUSE, with two coach houses, stabling, two gardens, in one of which is erected a neat green house, pleasantly situated in a lawn of twelve acres, well timbered, and nec. ilv la'd. oiat with shrubberies, and walks. The house has been rc - er. tlv and expensively fitted up ; the rooms are numerous, laia, an- t lofty, and " ready for the immediate reception of a gentleman'!; family. The elegant Household Furniture rhay be taken to by appraisement. For particulars apply to Mr. Geo. Hookey, Southampton, Letters ( post- paid) will meet due
attention. [ 973 ELEGANT VILLA, neAR POOLE, DORSETSHIRE, WITH iMeDIATE POSSESSION. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A singularly elegant FREEHOLD VILLA, called. SANS SOUCI, most delightfully situated in the parish of lytchct, five miles west from the town and port of Poole, in the road to Wareham, i'- the county of Dorset, the. pre puty and resi- dence of JOHN JEFFERy, Esc.; consisting cf a substantial modcrn- built house, containing airy, checrful, and neatly finished chambers, a handsome enhance- hall, cl epam d rave- in - rorn, spacious bow- window eating- room, circular librasy and breakast room, with all requisite attached and detached offices and farm buildinus'; a capita! green- house, hot- house, I ice- house, walled kitchen gardens,- lawns, shrubberies, and 1 plantations surrounding two paddocks- oV rich pes'ture land, containing about 30 acres, and sundry incin lurs of rich mea- dow end arable land, c(- r. taming aho. et 60 acres. Paiticular, may be had on the premises ; of Mr. Willock, No. 25-, Golden- square, London ; and of Mr. Wickers, at. Mapperton, near blandford, Dorset. ( tliH - MARKET- PLACE, SALISBURY. ' O be SOLD by AUCTION,, by Messrs. GATF- hOuSE, near the Corn- market, on Tuesday
the -?( h day of September inst.— A BAY MARE, rising six years old, 14 han Is 2 inches high, warranted sound and tree from vice ; she was got by Old Sir Harry out'of a Forest Mare, and is to be sold because the owner has no further use for her. The Sale to begin at twelve o'clock. [ 1171 MARKET- PLACE, SALISBURY, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. GATE- HOUSE, near the Corn- market, on Tuesday the 27th inst.— A BROAD- WHEEL WAGGON upon Iron Axles, capable of takins eleven hogsheads, buiit entirely for a brew- er's use, has not been used more than 12 months, exceedingly strong, and goes light.
The Sale to commence at twelve o'clock. [ 1171 HORSES AND SHEEP. HPO be SOLD by AUCTION", by H. PLOWMAN, • 1 on the Premises, at Upper Ashgrove Farm, in the c'c untv of Wilts, on Friday the 30th day of September, 1808, The following LIVE STOCK, the property of Mr. John Sims, uho is about- leaving the said t. arm ; consisting of - five us. ful cart horses, and 480 stock sheep of th Wilts and Dorset breed. The above sheep are sound and free from goggles. The sale to begin at one o'c. .!>. [ 1 fjfc AReady- furnished HOUSE to be LETT, at Wood- lands; consisting of drawing- room, two parlours ; four bed- rooms,
containing five beds ; servants'- hall, and other conveniences; likewise coach- house, and stabling for five horses, with servants'- room over, garden, & c. & c. The House is very pleasant, situated in tile centre of the New Forest, near a pack of fox hounds, 6' J miles from Southamp- ton, and 3 from Lyndhurst. For farther particulars enquire of Messrs. Baker and Fletcher, Southampton. [ 1204 LYNDHURST, NEW FOREST, HANTS. TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately, ready FURNISHed, for the term of Four Years,— A substantial FAMILY HOUSE, late the residence of Mrs. Macaulay ; cnnsistingof a dining- room,
drawing- room, library, kitchen, and oth » * r conveniences, on the '/. round finer, with suitable bed- rooms and attics; cnach- house and stables, excellent kit- chen garden well stocked with fruit" tree and an acre and a quart r of pasture land. [ P74 For further particulars apply to the Rev. Mr. on the Green, Lyndhurst, or to Mr. Bignell, solicitor, Banbury. HAMPSHIRE. TO be LETT,— A desirable FARM, called PARK FARM ; consisting of about 141 acres of Arable and 15 acres of Water Meadow Land; tythe- free. The above Estate is situate near the market- town of Bishop's- Waltham, 10 miles from Winchester, 10 from
Southampton, and 13 from Portsmouth. Possession maybe had immediately; and particulars known by applying to Farmer John Hall, Calcot Farm, near Bishop's- Waltham. [ 1191 ROMSfiY. TO be LETT or SOLD by PRIVATE CON- TRACT, on very reasonable terms, A modern- luilt HOUSE, consist, ng of two parlours, a spacious drawine- room, six bed- rooms, two dresnng- rooms, convenient offices, and a small garden. Letters ( post paid) to Messrs. Daman and Warner, solici- tors, Romsey, will br duly attended to. [ 1027 CI A PITA L SITUATION, and commanding y PREMISES, to LETT, in the most centra! part of the
Market- place, Devizes, Wilts ; consisting of a good shop, two parlours, modern sitting- room, three good bed- rooms, a srh'ali ditto, and two garrets, good under- ground kitchen, large cellars, wash- house, and roomy ware- house ; the whole in gbod repair, and fit for immediate occupation. [ 1137 For further particulars ( if by letter, post paid) enquire of Cox and North, linen and woollen drapers, & c. D vizes. ALBION FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW BriDGE- STREeT, LONDON", em- powered by Act of Parli: inen^. AGENTS :— Salisbury, Mr. Jas. Lacy, High- street; War- minster, Mr. George Strode, clothier;
Blandford, Mr. James Lacy, jun.; Sherhorne, Mr. John wm. Gill, druggist; Bris- tol, Mr. Bartholomew Barry, bookseller: Gloucester, Mr. Joseph Roberts, bookseller; Cheltenham, Mr. Robert Hughes, solicitor ; Tewkesbury, Mr. Wm. edgcumbe, builder; Bath, Mr. Thomas S. Meyler, bookseller; Taunton, Mr. Richard Meade, solicitor; Chard, Mr. Thomas Guppy, ironmonger. Insurances falling due at Michaelmas should be renewed within flit en days from that period. Abat : n" nts are made,, according to the plan which origi- nated with tliis Company, on the Premium . of e'l Fire In- surances out of London. A large adv, mage is allowed
on Life Insurance; and every facility is afforded by which the interest and accommodation of the public mav be promot d. 11( 15] WARNER PHIPPS, Secretary. PHOENIX FIRE- OFFICE, LOMBARD- STREET, LONDON. npHE Directors of the PHOENIX FIRE IN- ASSURANCE COMPANY return their acknowledgments for the patronage they continue to experience, and they refer with confidence to the system which has been pursued in. the management of the concerns ot the Office for a period of up- wards of twenty- five years, and by which every possible ac- commodation and advantage has been afforded to the public, as
well in the arrangement of rates as in the prompt and liberal adjustment of losses Stock on a Farm may be insured in one sum, without the average clause, at 2s. per cent, per annum. The Receipts for Policies, falling due at Michaelmas, are now in the hands of the several Agents. ** » The important sums annually paid by this Office to sufferers by fire, strongly prove the benefits resulting from Insurance, as well to Noblemen and Gentlemen to secure the value of their mansions and effects, as to Farmers, Manu- facturers, and all the Commercial Orders. Persons insuring for Toree Hundred Pounds, or upwards, will not be
charged for the Policy, By order of the Directors, 1125J H. A. HARDY, Sec. of - Country Department. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. The Natives and Citizens Feast was held on Thurs- day It was the 140th ai. nivor ary of that excellent insti- t it ion by which so man-/ of our youth have obtained toe b refit of education, and been made useful and honourable HOME MARKETS. Prices of Cm. per Quarter— Bread, | Wheat. 1 Barley. s. Sept. 20 21 Salisbury, Basingstoke, Devizes, Newbury, Andover, Warminster, Weight of the G per Gallon. Beans, 1 ~ BUSINESS, fee. TO BE DISPOSED OF. TO he DISPOSED OF
by PRIVATE CON- TRACT, A FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, Shops, Warehouses, & c. & c the property of Mr. John. Barnard, late of Wilton, decease:! with the BUSINESS of TALLOW CHANDLER and GROCER. Th.; pr mises are eligibly situated ( in the Market- place, at Wilton,, for the above business, which has been long established, and carried onto a considerable extent both iri the wholesale and retail line, and the latter chiefly for ready money only. [ 1174 To tfeat for the same apply to John Seagrim,' at Wiiton. CHRISTCHURCH, NEAR THE SEA. TO be SOLD,— Several acres of good MEADOW LAND, with a
Cottage and Garden ; the land well cal- culated to build on, situated at Muddiford, near Christchurch. Enquire ( Post paid) of J. Ludlow, solicitor, Christchurch, Hants. [ 811 allon Loaf, all-. 1 lots.— Half Gall. 4 lb. 5Joi members of society. An admirable sermon was preached on the occasion at the Cathedral, by the Rev. Sir Henry Rivers, bart. The subscription amounted to 24/. more than in any former year. - BIRTHS.] On Saturday last, at Clanville Lodge, the Lady of Brownlow Mathew, Esq. of a daughter — Sun,' day, at Southwick House, the Lady of Thomas Thistlethwayte, Esq. of a daughter.— On Sunday, at Southampton,
the1 i. adv of capt. Henry Jackson, of the royal Navy, of a son.— On Tuesday, at Ridgeway, near Southampton, Mrs. Lewin of a son. This day are published, an enlarged Edition of KEARSLEY's TAX TABLES for 1808, con- taining a concise Table of the New Stamp Duties, the New Assessed Taxes, Property Tax, and a variety of other. Tax Acts of general Importance, " brought down to the present' time. Price is. 2. A separate SHEET TABLE of the most General Taxes, for the use of Count ine Houses, Halls, Offices, & c. corrected to the close of the Sessions 1908. Price Is. Printed for G. Kearsley, Fleet- street, London; and
sold by Brodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury. [ 1122" TO MALSTERS AND OTHERS. T) be SOLD'by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, MALT- HOUSE,- Garden, Stable, and Offices, with about two acres of rich arable Land, situate at Wellow, in the Isle of Wight, now in the occupation of Mr. Hilliar. These premises are very desirable, bein; in a fine barlev country 5 a good established custom, and has been Used in the above business a great number of years. Possession will be given at Michaclmas next. 1 > r the price, and other particulars, apply ( if by letter, post til to Messrs. Mew and Porter,
auctioneers, Newport, Isle pain of Wight. [ 666 SUN FIRE- OFFICE, RANK- BUILDINGS, AND CRATi'S- COURT, CHARINO- CROSS, LONDON, For injuring Houses and other Buildings, Goods, Merchan- dize, Ships in Harbour, in Dock, or Building, and Craft, from LOSS. and DAMAGE by FIRE. WE, whose Name.) are Underwritten, being Agents for the SuN FIRE- OFFICE, have authority from the Managers to inform the Public, and all persons insured in the said Office, that the Premium on the St : cU of Corn and ijay, being the produce of a Farm, also Cattle and Imple- ments in Husbandry thereon, will be rated at Two
Shillings per cent.; and all persons insured in this OfSc: are re- quested to rtefer to their Policies, in order that they may receive the benefit of this reduction of the premium on Farm- ing Stock, on their . respective renewals at Michaelmas ; and that Printed Receipts, under our hands, are reedy for deliver/, for the premium and duty on Policies, as they become due ; and that Printed Proposals of the Terms of Insurable - may be had of us, which will be found as moderate, in every respect, as those of the other' Offices. ' „ *** Farming Stock may be insured, generally, in all Ikrns and Out- houses, or on a Farm, without tie average
c); .1 • which may be seen by applying to us, who will give any fur- ther information which may be required for the explaining this mode of Insurance :—. Arundel, R. Parker ; Dorchester, G. Fntmpton ; Win- chester, W. Gauntlett; Southampton, T. Durell; Ports- mouth, W. Baker; Lymington, F. Mitchell; Basingstoke, C. Hawthorn; Andover, R. Bird; Salisbury, J. Smith; Marlborough, N. Merriman ; Devizes, E. Newman ; War- minster and Mere, R. Butt; Chichester, J. Plaisto ; Reading, J. Blandy ; Farnham, W. Trimmer ; Newbury, w. Budd ; Blandford, E. Roe; Lyme and Charmouth, J. Blackmore. N. B. Policies insuring Three
Hundred Pounds are i . sued free of ' expence; and all payments, for losses by Fire, are made by this Office without deduction. t+ f "' file Sun Fire- Offiee have always paid losses or damage bv Fire from Lightning.— Sept. 26, 1808. [ 1123 SOMBOURN, NEAR WINCHESTER. npO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises. R bv Messrs. BALE and GODWIN, on Tuesday Oct- 4, 18O8,—' The tcemaining Part of the HOUSEHOLD fURNI- TURE and EFFECTS the property of WilliAm POWLeTT POWlETT, Esq. at his late residence at Little Sombourn. , particulars of whiich will be g ven in the next advertisement. WINCHESTER.
TX) be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, A by Mr. MECEy, on Thursday the 6th day of Octobei, 180**, and following day, ;\ t eleven, o'clock,— The valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Linen, Books, China- G': and other Effects, late the property of Mis. GreeNWOOD, de- ceased, in Parchment- street. To he viewed tne day preceding the sale, when catalogues may be had on the Premises, and$ f the/. r. ctioa. v'r Win- che-' fr.- ' ~ L'i5S to be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. PLOWMAN, II on- Saturday the Ist of October, 1808, at the red Lion Inn, Shaston, between the hours of four and six o'clock in the a'ternoon, A
COPYHOLD ESTATE of INHERI- TANCE, situate at Motcombe, in the county of-. Dorset, ( under such conditions as will then be produced, and in the possession of Mr. John brown) in three Lets, viz. Lot 1.— Three Yards : Arable.... 0 3 37 2.— Bonds. Meadow .. 2 0 IS • 3.—' layhays Pasture... 4 3 38 For further particulars applv to Mr. Durnford, Pensbnry- house, near Shaftesbury; or to the Aucdonccr, White Lion Inn, Shastori. N. B. The Timber to be taken at a valuation, to the prico of a shilling a stick. . [ 11 so OR PUBLIC SALE, at the. Star and Garter Tavern, Portsmouth, on Thursday the 6th of October, 1803, unless
previously disposed of by'Private Contract, The HULL of the fast sailing French Privateer Brig LA RENNOIS, captured bv his Majesty's ship Dryad, A. Trum- mond, Esq. Captain. This brig is quite new, and particularly well adapted for the fruit or any other trade where dispatch'm wanted, being an uncommonly fa-: sailer. She is coppered, and well worth the attention of any person wanting a vessel of her description. Dimensions length on deck 77 feet, breadth of beam 23 feet, keel lor tonnade 60 feet 6 inches, depth of hold II feet 2 inches; and for further particulars, applv to W. A. Standart, Esq. Clifford's Inn, London, Agent to the
Captors, or to John Moyle, Broker. [ 11..'! I7K) R PUBLIC SALE,' at the Star and Garter Tavern, Portsmouth, on Thursday the 6th of October, 1808, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, The good SLOOP Dolphin, Danish built, and remarkably strong, nearly new, anil very well found HI all itjrts of store, ; admeasures06 tons, and it in'every respect calculated for a coaster. For viewing the vessel, and further particulars, apply to John Moyle, Broker. [ l 195 ^ Oll PUBLIC' SALE, at the Star and Garter. Tavern, Portsmouth, 011 Thursday the 6th of October, 1809,-— The French LUGGER Privateer La Fourdroyant,
pierced for ten guns, captured by his Majesty's gun brig Linnett, Lieut. Tracy, Commander. Dimensions:— length 011 deck 46 teet U inches ; breadth of beam 11 fleet 10 inches; depth of hold 4 feet; admeasures 28 tons and « 5- 94ths. For further particulars apply, three days before the sale, to N. P. Rothery, Esq. Agent, or John Moyle, Broker. I7* OR PUBLIC SALE, at the Star and Garter Tarvern, Portsmouth, on Thursday the 6th of October, ,1- 808,—' The HULL of the Danish ship Two Sisters, admea- suring 271 Tons; condemned as prize in the High Couit of Admiralty of En- eland. After whictr will be Sot!},— The HULL of
the fast- sailing lu'.; er privateer LA Adolph, pierqed for 18 guns. Dimen- sions-.—- length on deck 68 feet 2 inches; breadth of beam 15 feet 10 inches; depth of hold 7 feet 1 inch; admeasure* 74 tons and 63- 944, s ; is nearly new, and with a trifling ex- pense : may be convert d. into a schooner or any other rig. For further particulars apply 11 John Moyle, Broker. [ 1195. ~ WAR MINSTER, rjpo be SOLD by AUCTK ) N, at the Anchor Inn, on Friday the 7th day of October, 1808, at live o'clock the afternoon,^- The several TENEMENTS and DWEL- LING- HOUSES eligibly situate in the Market- PLace there, and Occupied by
Joanna Lawrence, Betty Garrett. Mary Flux, Frederick Mactier, Jane Scammell, and Thos; Sly; together with the Paddock of Pasture Land ai., i Premises behind the same, now occupied by Mr. Wm. baily. The above premises arc Held for live s under C. C. College, Oxford, and Bruton Hospital, and will be sold in Lots; the quantities of which, and other particulars, may be k50v. it on application at the Office of Messrs. Thring and Phelps, War minster. L118^ bELMOUNT HOUSE, WARNFORD, HANTS. , " J70R SALE by AUCTION, on the premises, by J Mr: LIMPUS, on Monday the loth dayo! Octo' ei 1808, and following days,--
All the neat and valuabl FURNITURE, a choice stock of very old Wines, large quantity of Table and P. cd Linen, Plate, and China, capita! old's'troni Beer, and large iron- bound Casks, Paintincs, and Prints; larje Maho- gany Library Bo.' mscs, two Marquees, quantify of H » v, Horses, Cows, Pies, Pointers, Spaniels, ana numerous other effects, belonging to the Right Hon the Earl of Clanricarde, lately deceased, at h; s late residence at Warnford, Hants. Particulars w. U be exprcsse- din Catalogues, which will be del'veved in due time t all the neighbouring inns, i. r the pla eofs e, and at the Auctioneer's, bishop's Waltham. The
sale to commence each day at eleven o'clock. [ 1187 Also by < he PRINTERS' and EOOKSEI tens in the West of England; by the mF « PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. BROdIE, J. DOWDING, AND J- LUXFORD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY; Where Orders, advertisements, ' nd authentic Articles of News are received ( Postagepaid.) NeWSMen • and in London by Messrs. TA\' LER NBWTON, No. 5, Warwick- Square, Warwieik- Lane, Newgate- Street, and Mr. WILKIE, Bookseller. P » » » r. w.