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The Sussex Weekly Advertiser; Or, Lewes and Brighthelmston Journal


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The Sussex Weekly Advertiser; Or, Lewes and Brighthelmston Journal

Date of Article: 05/09/1808
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Volume Number: LX    Issue Number: 3233
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Or, Lewes and Brighthelmston Journal. I| fpt VOL. LX. No. 3233.] [ PRICE SIX- PENCE. Office for Taxes, London, 29th August, ifioy. DUTIES ON GAME CERTIFICATES. HIS MAJESTY'S COMMISSIONERS for the AFFAIRS of TAXES, hereby give • notice, that by an Act of 48 Geo. S. cap. S5, and passed 011 the 1st of June, 1308, it is enacted, that if any person shall, af- ter the 30th of June, 1.803, use any Dog, Gun, Net, or other Eu; jine, for the purpose of taking or killing any Game whatever, or any Woodcock, Snipe, Quail, or Land- rail, or any Conies, in any part of Great Britain, without having obtained a Certificate, as directed by the said Act, every such person shall be liable to the Duty of Three Pounds Three Shillings, and shall also forfeit the sum of Twenty Pounds over and above the said Duty. The taking of Woodcocks and Snipes with Nets or Springes, and the taking or destroying of Conies in War, or in any enclosed Ground whatever or by any, person hi Lands in bis c ' her occupation, are ^ excepted from the said Duty and the said Penalty. To obtain the...' Cor( i'< 5eatc required by the Act, every per- son intending to use any Dog, Gun, Net, or other Engine, 1 for any of the purposes aforesaid, is to apply to one . of the Collectors of the Assessed Taxes acting for the parish • where such person resides, and on payment to him of the proper Duty, and a fee of One Shilling, will receive from him a printed Receipt, acknowledging such payment, which receipt such person is to deliver to the Clerk to the Commissioners of Assessed! axes acting for the same Dis- trict, for the purpose of being exchanged for the Certifi- cate signed by the said Clerk in the for required by. fie said Act, and which said Clerk is to deliver with- out fee. The necessary printed Receipts and Certificates are Bow ii the bands of the respective Collectors and Clerks of Assessed Taxes, in every district in England and Wales, to whom respectively every person will make his application before he can exercise the privileges men- toned ill the said Act. The Duties to be paid arc as under ; viz. fir every Gamekeeper being an assessed Servant, where the Servant pays the Duty— Duty One Guinea, and One Shilling to the Collector; and to have a Receipt marked A. For every Gamekeeper being an assessed Servant, where the Master pays the Duty— Duty One Guinea, mid One Shilling to the Collector ; and to have a Receipt marked B. For every Gamekeeper, not being an assessed Servant— Duty Three Guineas, and One Shilling the Collector; and to have a Receipt marked C. For every person, not being a Gamekeeper— Duty three Guineas, and One Shilling to the Collector ; and to have a Receipt marked D. On delivery of which Receipts to the Clerks, Certifi- cates having corresponding marks will be delivered. By Order of the Board, MATTHEW WINTER. WEST TARRING IN CLOSURE. WE the Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament entitled " An Act for inclosing lands in the parish of West Tarring, and the precincts thereof, in the county of Sussex, 1' do here- by give notice, that we have set. out and appointed the following public roads and highways, in, over, upon, and through the lands and grounds intended to be ' v allotted, and inclosed, in pursuance of the said Act, viz. One public Footpath, of the width of four feet, lead- ing from the southeast comer of Mr. William Tribe's Field, called the Hemp Plot, in a south cast direction along the present footway, to the south east corner of Tarring- Town Field, and being part of the present foot- way leading from West Tarring to Worthing. One other public Footpath, of the width of four feet, leading from Tarring Street, at the distance of 30 feet south of Mr. Wm. Tribe's Court, at the front of his house, in an eastern direction, to the south west corner of the field, belonging to Wm. Margesson, " Esq. called Stump Gate Field, being part of the footway leading from West Tarring to Broadwater. One public Carriage Road, of the width of 30 feet, leading across . Salvington Upper Field, in a western di- rection along the present road, being a part of the high- way leading from Shoreham to Arundel. One other public Carriage Road, of the width of 30' feet, leading by Durrington Windmill, across Salvington Hill, down the Bosthill, along the present road, being- part of the highway leading from Durrington to Findon. One other public Carriage Road, of the width of 30 feet, leading from Salvington Street, in a western direction towards Durrington Laines, along the present road, and being part of the present highway leading from Salving- ton to Durrington. One other public Footpath, of the width of four feet, leading out of Salvington Street, in a southern direction across Salvington South Town Field, being part of the present footway from Salvington to Tarring. One other public Footway, of the width of four feet, • leading out of the highway from Broadwater to Goring, I in a northwest direction, across an old inclosure of Wm. Gill, Esq. and the lower common field into Durrington Laines, being part of the present footpath leading from West Tarring to Durrington, And We, the said Commissioner", further give notice, that we hove prepared a map, in which such intended Roads and Highways are accurately laid down and de- scribed, and have caused the same signed by us, to be deposited at the Office of Mr. Marshall, of Steyning, our Clerk : And further, that we shall hold a Meeting at the George Inn, in West Tarring aforesaid, on Friday the 30th day of this instant, September, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to receive the objection, or objections of any person or persons who may conceive themselves aggrieved by the setting out of such Roads and High- ways, or by the omission to set out any other road or path, through or over the lands or grounds by the said Act directed to be divided, allotted, and inclosed. And We, the said Commissioners, further give notice, that at the same Meeting, we shall be ready to receive the objection or objections in writing, of any person or persons, to the claims or accounts exhibited before the t said Commissioners, by persons having or claiming a right or interest in and over the lands and grounds by the said Act directed to be divided, allotted, and in closed : And notice is hereby given, that a list of such claims is left at the Office of Mr. Marshall, at Steyning . aforesaid, for the' inspection of all persons concerned, and that no objections to such claims or accounts, will be received after the said day of meeting, unless for some legal disability, or special cause, to tie allowed by ii* the said Commissioners. Dated this 1st day of September, 1808. GEO. OLLIVER. THOS. FULLER. CALEB RICKMAN. ' RIVER ADUR. AMEETING of the Trustees of the Adur Na- vigation and Drainage, will be holden at the White Horse Inn, in Steyning, on Tuesday, the 13th day of this instant September, at eleven o'clock in the " forenoon, to consider of the steps proper to be taken, for raising by subscription or mortgage of the tolls, a « im sufficient for completing the works now carrying « i for the improvement of the navigation of the said lver, and the better drainage of certain lowlands with- i the Rape of Bramber, when the persons interested in te trade, and the proprietors and occupiers of land, are particularly requested to attend. CHARLES MARSHALL, teyning, Sept. Qj Clerk to the Trustees. NEW ROAD TO AVOID BEEDING HILL. WANTED TO BORROW, ON the security of the Tolls arising from the above Road, the sum of 6ool. in shares of not less than 501, each, the interest on which will be regularly paid. By order of the Trustees, CHARLES MARSHALL, Clerk. BRAMBER RAPE. NOTICE is hereby given, That the special 1\ Meeting of the Commissioners of Sewers for the said Rape, which was appointed to be held by adjourn- ment at the White Horse Inn, in Steyning, on Monday, the 22d day of August last, was farther adjourned to TUESDAY", the THIRTEENTH day of this instant SEP- TEMBER, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, then to be holder, at the same place. At which Meeting it is particularly Commissioners who can make it convenient will attend. CHARLES MARSHALL, Clerk to the Commissioners. . . Steyning, Sept. 2, 1808. NOTICE is hereby given, that application is in- tended to be made to Parliament, in the next Session, for an Act to continue the term, and alter, amend, and enlarge the powers of several Acts passed in the 4th year of the reign of his late Majesty King George II. and in the 6th, and 26th years of the reign of his present Majesty, for repairing the road from God- Stone, in the county of Surrey, to High gate, in the palish of East Grinstead, in the comity of Sussex. Dated this 15th'day of August, I8o3. SAMUEL WELCHMAN, Solicitor. NOTICE is hereby given, that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session, for leave to bring in a Bill tor continuing the term, and for altering, enlarging and rendering more effectual the powers of several Acts passed in the 30th year of King George the 2d, and the 18th and 39th years of his present Majesty, so far as the said Arts re- late to the repairing and widening the Road from the North end of Dapdon Wharf, in the parish of Stoke, next Guldeford, through Guldeford, to Andrew's Cross, and to Afford Bars, in the County of Surrey. By Order of the Trustees, PICKSTONE AND HOCKLEY, Clerks. Guildford, Aug. 30, 1808. FLIMWELL TO HASTINGS TURNPIKE. NOTICE is hereby given, that a ' Meeting - of the Trustees of this Turnpike Road, will be held at the house of Richard Evans, known by the sign of the George, in Battle, on Friday the Kith day of Septem- ber next, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon, at which meeting the Trustees will put up to be let to farm by action, from the 29th day of the same month of September, for one, two, or three years, as. shall be then agreed on, the Tolls to arise from the several Gates on the said Road, in the manner directed by an Act passed in the 13th year of the reign of his present Ma- le - y for regulating Turnpike Roads, in the following lots, viz. The Tolls' arising from the Gates called Hurst- green Gate, and Northbridge Street Gate, erected be- tween Flimwell Vent and Robertsbridge, in one lot, which will be put up at the sum of £' 351, being what they let for the last year. That the Tolls arising from the Robertsbridge Gate, and the Level Gate in Battle, crected between Robertsbridge and Battle, will be put up in one other lot, at the sum of £ 490, being what they let for the last year. That the Tolls arising from the Lake Gate in Battle aforesaid, and the Hastings Gate, erected between Battle and Hastings, will be put up in one other lot, at the sum of £ 690, being what they let for the last year. And also that the Tolls arising from the Gate erected on Robertsbridge Clap- pers will be put up in one other lot, at the sum of £ 166. being what they let for the last year : And whoever shall happen to be the best bidder for such respective lots, must at the same time give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees then present, for the due payment of the rent or rents, he or they respectively contract for, in such manner and at such times as shall be then agreed on. And also that the Trustees will at the same meeting, take into consideration the state and condition of the whole Road. Dated this 10th day of August, 1808. J. TILDEN SAMPSON. Clerk. TURNPIKE. NOTICE is hereby given, that the next general Meetings of the Trustees of the Off ham. Mailing, Ringmer, Short Gate, and Lewes to Brighthelmston Roads, tire appointed to beheld at the White. Hart Inn, in Lewes, on Monday the 12th day of September next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at which meetings the Tolls arising at the Toil Gates at Ringles Cross, near Uckfield, will be Let by Auction, to the best bidder, for one, or more years, as shall be then agreed on, to com- mence from the 29th day of September next, in the manner directed by an Act passed in the 13th year of his present Majesty, King George the Third, for regu- lating Turnpike Roads, which Tolls were let for the current year, at the sum of £- 254, and will be put up at that sum. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must give security with sufficient sureties, to the satis- faction of the said Trustees, for payment o the rent agreed for, which rent is to be paid in equal monthly • payments, and one of such instalments is to be paid to the Treasurer, in advance, 011 the said 29lh day of September next, and the like Instalments on the 29th day of every succeeding month, during the term. Also the Trustees at the same Meeting, intend to take into consideration the propriety of removing the Toll Gate, at Blackboys, on the Short Gate Road, to a more eligible situation, at or near Stonebridge, Dated this 2d day of August, 1808. JOS. SMITH. Clerk. MAYFIELD AND WADHURST TURNPIKES. NOTICE is hereby given, that the .. next Ge- neral Meeting of the Trustees of these Turn- pikes, will be held by adjournment, at the Queen's Head Inn, in Wadhurst, Sussex, on Wednesday the 28th day of September, 1808, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the Trustees intend to borrow at interest, on security of the Tolls, any sum or sums of money, not exceeding £ 100 on the Mayfield district, £ qoo on the Wadhurst district, and £"> 0 on the Tunbridge Wells district, and at which Meeting also, the Trustees, intend to make an ' order for the erection of three Side Gates, or Toll Bars, with necessary fences to the same, on the side of the said Turnpike Roads, at the following places, - viz. one such side gate or toll bar, across the lane or way called Wind Mill Lane, leading out of the turnpike read near Ticehurst town, to a place called Three Legged Cross, One other such side gate or toll bar, across the lane or way called Hole Lane, leading out of the turn- pike Road at Wadhurst town, to a place called Pell Green. . And the other such side gate or toll bar across the lane or way, leading out of the turnpike road, at or near a certain place called the Gatehouse, toward and unto the farm and lands called Aliens, in the parish of Mayfield. ' By order of the said Trustees, R. O. STONE, Clerk. TOLLS TO LET, New Chappel, Lindfield, and Ditcheling Turnpike Road. NO Person appearing at the last General Meet- ing of the Trustees to bid for the Tolls arising at the two several Toll Gates upon the said road, called Ditcheling and Cleave Waters Gates, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the Tolls arising, and to he collected at the said two several Gates above mentioned, will be severally let to the best bidder, from the 29th day of September next, for such term, upon such conditions, and will be put up at such sum or sums of money, as shall be agreed upon at a Meeting of the Trustees of the said road, appoint- ed to be held at the Bull Inn, in Ditcheling aforesaid, on Wednesday the 21st day of September next, at two o'clock in the afternoon. Whoever happens to be best bidder, must at the same time give security, with suf- ficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees, for payment of the rent or rents agreed for, at such times as they shall direct. By Order of the Trustees, SAMUEL WALLER, Clerk. NAVIGATION TOLLS TO BE LET. OUSE LOWER NAVIGATION AND DRANAGE, ^ piHE TOLLS to be received for all Goods, X Wares, and Merchandize, carried upon the River Ouse, between Lewes and Newhaven, in the County of Sussex, will be Let by Auction, to the highest bidder, for one year, from Michaelmas day next, at a general Meeting of the Trustees, at the Bear Inn, in the Cliffe, Lewes, on Saturday the 17th day of September next, at six o'clock in the evening, which Tolls for the current year were let for £ 933. The person who shall be the highest bidder, must give security with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees for the payment of the rent in such man- ner as they shall direct. . WILLIAM WHEELER, Clerk to the Trustees. Lewes, Aug. 6th, I808. CAUTION. ~~ THE Sellers of Hops, by retail, as well as the Consumers, throughout the kingdom are caution- ed to direct their PARTICULAR ATTENTION to the clauses subjoined, of an Act of Parliament, passed in the last Sessions, intituled, " AN ACT to amend the " laws relating to the marking of Bags and Pock- " ets of Haps IN ORDER, that if any Hops are delivered to them without having the name of the owner, & c. parish, and county, in the form and manner required by the Act most conspicuously MARKED on the bag or pocket, they may obtain a pro- per remedy for the offence. Clause I THAT from and after the twenty- fifth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eight, in ad- dition to the particulars required by law to be marked on the outside of every bag and pocket of Hops, there shall be marked by the owner, planter, or grower of hops, in the form and manner in which the before- men tioned particulars are required to be marked, the name of the parish, and of the county, in which the hops, put into any such bags or pockets, were or shall be grown ; and if any owner, planter, or grower of hops, shall pre- sume to put hops, into any bag; or pocket, before the same shall have been marked in the form and manner by this Act directed and required, he, she, or they, shall for each and every such offence, forfeit TWENTY POUNDS. Clause 2.— AND be it further enacted. That if any person or persons shall counterfeit or wilfully remove, alter, erase, or obliterate, or cause, procure, or suffer to be counterfeited, removed, altered, erased, or oblite- rated, any of the marks directed and required by this Act, or by any other Act or Acts of Parliament, in force at and immediatly before the passing of this Act, to be put or marked on bags or pockets of hops, all and every person or persons so offending shall, for every such of- fence, forfeit TWENTY POUNDS. NOTICE is hereby given that the co- partnership between us Edward Child and Thomas Sturt, of Slinfold, in the County of Sussex, mercers, drapers, and grocers, was dissolved 0n the 2lst day of July last. And all claims upon us in respect of our copartnership, are to be sent to Thomas Sturt, at Slinfold, within three months, who now carries on the Business 011 his own account. Witness our hands, the 12th day of August, 1808. EDWARD CHILD, : THOMAS STURT. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons who have any demands on the Es- tate of Mr. Michael Naish, late of Storrington, in the county of Sussex, shopkeeper, deceased, are re- - quested to send the particulars of such demands to M r. John Upton, of Petworth, grocer, on or before the 13th of September inst. Petworth, Sept 1, I808. ~ THE CHICHESTER. AND LONDON ROYAL PATENT MAIL COACH. CARRYING Four In, and only Two Outside. Sets off every evening at seven o'clock, from the Coach Office, opposite the Dolphin Inn, Chichester, by the new road through Petworth, Godalming, Guildford, Leather head," Ash ted, Epsom, Ewell, Merton, and Tooting, and arrives at the White Horse Inn, Fetter Lane, London, every morning at Six. N. B. Messrs. Barber and Co's Coach through Havant and Emsworth, arrives at Chichester, every evening in time for the above Coach, and leaves Chichester every morning soon after the arrival of the Mail from London. TO BE LET, For a Term of Years, and entered upon at Michaelmas next, AVERY desirable FARM, comprising a House, with barns, stables, and other convenient build- ings, and 268 acres, more or less, of arable, meadow, pasture, wood, and bop ground, situate at Fletching, in the county of Sussex, and now in the occupation 01 Mr. John Hobbs. It adjoins the navigable part of the River Ouse. To be viewed by permission of the Tenant; and fur- ther particulars may he known on application to Mr. Richard Turner, Lewes, TO BE LET, And entered on immediately, AMESSUAGE or TENEMENT, Garden and Yard, eligibly situate in the Town of Uckfield, in this county, and late in the occupation of Mr. John Whapham. To be viewed by application to John Turner, at Sir Thomas Wilson's, Uckfield; and further particulars may he had of Mr. Turner, Lewes. NORFOLK ARMS INN, ARUNDEL. TO BE LET And entered upon on the 29th of September next, THE above eligible INN, with the Coffee- Room, coach houses, stables, and buildings therewith used ; and also thirty- two statute acres of rich pasture. Laud, convenient to the Inn, now in the occupation of William Balchin. The Premises are in the most compleat repair, may be taken on moderate terms, and under circumstances most advantageous to ail incoming tenant. For further particulars apply to John Lane, Esq. Arundel. TO BE LET ON LEASE, BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. From Michaelmas next, SUNDRY FARMS, near Tunbridge Wells, com- prising the Burchden and Hamsell Estates, most desirably situate about 3 or 4 miles from Tunbridge Wells, in the parisd of Rotherfield and Withyham, in the county of Sussex, consisting of . the Farms, called Acres. Acres, New Birchden, about 6s Orznash about - 75 Old Birchden - 95 Hurn - - 110 Pinstraws - 6o Gildridge - 145 Cobham 65 Corks Corner - 70 Hamsell - - 150 Adds - 40 Forge - - 28 For further particulars apply to the Steward, Mr. Fulligar, at Frant, who will shew the farms. Proposals in writing to be sent in sealed, which will be duly noticed. Good encouragement will be given to well recommend- ed farmers, to who leases will he granted, at a fair rent. Should any alteration be proposed, or made, in laying out the above lands, so as to reader each farm more useful to the tenant, either by addition or otherwise, as applied to meadow, pasture, or arable land, the same shall be so adjusted and fixed, that the rent of each farm may agree with the average price per acre. There is to each farm a duelling house, with good barns, stabling, cart sheds, home stalls, and kilns for hops. The whole is well watered and wooded, with marl pits on every farm, together with the right of common ; and good roads adjoin to each. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, ALL those several Pieces of rich MARSH LAND adjoining together, and containing by estimation 65 acres, more or less, situate in the Level of Sherlymoor, in the parish of Woodchurch, in Kent, and now in the possession of Mr. Jeffery Munk, Jan. the proprietor. The estate is freehold, and situate within seven miles of the town of Rye. Possession may be had at Michaelmas next, on the purchaser's taking the Mock at a fair valuation. Great part of the purchase money may remain on security of the premises, if required. For particulars enquire of Mr. Munk, the proprietor, at Appledore, Kent ; or at the Office of Messrs, Wool- lett and Dawes, Rye. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, ACompact FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising a Farm- House, two Barns, a Stable, Oasthouse, and other convenient Buildings, with about 150 acres of arable, pasture, meadow, brook, hop, and wood Land, situate in the parish of Etchingham, and now in the occupation of Mr. John Haselden, the proprietor, who will shew the Premises. The Parochial Rates are moderate, and the soil is very favourable for hops. For particulars apply to Mr. Tilden Smith, Vine- Hall; or, at the Office of Messrs. Shadwell and Bishop, Hast- tings. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, A Compact and most desirable FREEHOLD L A. ESTATE, comprising a Farm House, barn, stable, malt house, and other convenient buildings, with about 45 acres of arable, pasture, meadow, hop, and wood land situate, lying and being near Bodle Street Green, m tin parish of Warbleton, and now in the occupation of Mi , William isted, the proprietor. Immediate possession may be had, and a . art of the purchase money may remain secured upon the premise if required. For further praticulars and treaty, apply to Mr, Isted on the premises, or at the Office of Mr. Willard, Solicitor, Battle. HANTS. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, AVery valuable Freehold ESTATE, comprising a neat new built Farm House, an old ditto, two cottages, one large double barn, one single ditto, two stables, gardens, yards, and granary, with 325A. 2R. 21 P. of arable land, 72A. IR. 6P. of pasture, and 22- 2A. lR. 22P. of woodland, full of thriving timber, free of by the, and exonerated from the land tax, situate in Bedhamp- ton Park, in the pleasant and healthy village of Bed- hampton, the whole in very good repair and condition, well worth the attention of yeomen, or sportsmen, and to be taken possession of immediately if desired. For particulars enquire of Mr. WELLER, Chichester; or Messrs. Butler, Havant; and for a view of the estate to Mr. Wm. Clarke, in Bedhampton Park. HANTS. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By MR. WELLER, On Monday the 12th of September, lsas, at twelve o'clock, on the Premises, LOT I. AModern Freehold VILLA, late the residence of Tudor Griffiths, Esq. replete with offices of every description, excellent gardens, with fish ponds, beauti- ful pleasure grounds, and four acres of rich meadow land, together with eleven acres of meadow land, unit- ing with the four, the former is Copyhold. These pre- mises are situated in the delightful village of Bedhamp ton, within one mile of the town of Havant. Immediate possession may be had. LOT II. A substantial new- built Banqueting House, with one very handsome proportioned room, kitchen, cellar, and two bed chambers, well calculated to form a Cottage Ornee, with a garden, poultry yard, orchard, and mea- dow land, the whole comprising about two acres, situate at Stockheath, late the property of Tudor Griffiths, Esq. Printed particulars will be shortly published, and may be had on application to the Rev. Mr. Frank, Bedhamp- ton ; and of Mr. WELLER, Chichester. CHICHESTER. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By MR. WELLER, On Tuesday the 13th of September, 1808, between the hours of five and six, at the Swan Inn, LOT I. AFREEHOLD HOUSE, consisting of, on the ground floor, a neat entrance, eating and break- fast parlours, kitchen, wash- house, and pantry ; good cellars in the basement, paved yard, a walled garden, two stalled stable, and carriage house ; first floor, a large drawing room, and two bedchambers; second floor, a bed room, and two attics, situate in the most airy part of the East street, Chichester, let on lease to Dr. Silver, at' £ 40 per annum, LOT II. A Freehold House, annexed, consisting on the first floor, of a good entrance, eating anil breakfast parlours, kitchen, butler's, and meat pantry; laundry, brew- house, and wash- house, with cellarage in the basement, larged paved yard, most excellent walled garden, four stalled stable, with bay lofts, coachman and groom's sleeping rooms, with a very extensive yard. First floor, three bedchambers, a water closet, vestibule, very fine proportioned drawing room, and three attics, let on lease to Harry Cobden, Esq. at £"> l) per annum. Printed particulars will shortly be published, and may he had of Messrs.' Gawne and Sowton, Solicitors, and of Mr, WELLER, Chichester, of whom tickets for viewing the premises may be had. CUSTOM HOUSE RYE; TO BE SOLD, On Thursday the 8th day of September, 1808 at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, in sundry lots, 303 Gallons Brandy 1 „ • T. r. - {• Private Use. 35 Geneva J 50 —_ Wine. 386 Pounds Tea. The Goods to be viewed the morning of the Sale. Twenty- live per cent, will be required as a Deposit. CHICHESTER. "" TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. BARTLETT, At the Swan Inn, on Wednesday, the 7 th of September,' 1808, between the hours of six and eight In the even- ing, AN improveable Leasehold Estate, comprising, 2 Coach Houses, with a .' liable to each ; the whole • measuring 53 feet in front, and 19 feet and li half in depth— together with a plot of Garden Ground, behind the same, 53 feet, by 33 fact, enclosed by a lofty wall, cloathed with fruit trees. These Premises are situate in St. Martin's- Square—- may at a small expence be converted into four good te- nements— are leasehold for forty years under the Custos and Poor of St. Mary's Hospital, Chichester. Further particulars may be obtained, and the Estate viewed, by application to Mr. R. Dally, Solicitor ; and of Mr. Bartlett, at his Royal Exchange and General Agency Offices, Chichester. FREEHOLD HOUSE. BRIGHTON; COPYHOLD LAND, CHAILEY, SUSSEX; AND A FREEHOLD HOUSE, WITH LAND, AT CRANSFORD, IN SUFFOLK. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. SQUIBB, At Garraway's Coffee- house, ' Change- alley. Cornhill, London, on Wednesday, September 7, 1808, at twelve o'clock, in three lots," LOT I. ASMALL FREEHOLD HOUSE, situate in Oxford Place, on the level at the north entrance of the Town of Brighton, between the two roads. The premises are well built, neatly fitted up, and command a view of the North Steyne and Parade. LOT II. A COPYHOLD ESTATE, ( possessing an extensive right of common,) situate in the parish of Chailey, in the county of Sussex, oil th « Turnpike- road from Cuck- field to Lewes, about 40 miles from London; consisting of 28 acres of coppice land, with all the timber and underwood thereon. LOT III. A substantial brick and tile- built DWELLING- HOUSE, in good repair, together with about three acres of rich pasture land. The whole freehold, situate in Cransford, near Framlingham, in Suffolk. Printed particulars may be had of Messrs. Pratt and Shaw, Builders, Grand Parade, Brighton; of Mr. W. Jay, at Hamsey, in the parish of Chailey, who will shew the estate at Chailey; also at the Star, Lewes; the King's Head, Cuckfield ; the Crown Inn, Framlingham; at Garraway's; and of Mr. Squibb, Saville Passage, Saville- row, London, where a plan of the land at Chailey may be seen. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY G. TESTER, At the King's- Head Inn, in Cuckfield, on Thursday, the 8th day of September next, - it twelve o'clock at 110011, ACompact and most desirable Estate heretofore called Renfields, but lately Burnt- House Farm, comprising, a farm- house, barn, and other buildings, and 42 A. 2R. 31 P. of arable, meadow, pasture, and wood- land, divided into convenient inclosures, and on which there is growing a considerable quantity of thriving young Timber. The premises are worth the attention of any person wishing for a situation to build on and are most plea- santly situate in the parish of Keymer, 41 miles from London, 13 from Brighton and Lewes, and within one . mile and a quarter of the town of Cuckfield, and are . now in the occupation of Mr. John Holcombe, a yearly , I tenant. The Estate is copyhold of inheritance, held of the manor of Keymer, but equal in value to freehold, the. fine and heriot being certain, viz. 6d. each. The tim- ber to be included in the purchase. May be viewed by leave of the tenant, and for further particulars apply at the office of Mr. Waller, at Cuck- field, where a plan of the Estate may be seen. SHEEP, LAMBS, COWS, WORKING OXEN, AND HORSES. , TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY T. SMITH, On Wednesday, the 7th day of September, 1808, at Wytch Cross, near East- Grinsted, Sussex, HPilE following STOCK, consisting of 100 A South- down Ewes, 50 ditto Lambs, 60 capital ditto Tags, 1oo Welch Ewes, 100 ditto Lambs, by South- down Rams, 50 ditto Tags, 8 capital Galloway Scotch Milch Cows, 2 Sussex ditto, 4 working oxen, ' 4 three year old Steers, 3 draught Horses. The Sheep and Lambs, will be put into small lots for the accomodation of purchasers. The Sale to begin at 10 o'clock. TO RE SOLD BY AUCTION, By THOMAS SONE, . On the Premises, on Friday the 23d day of Sept. 1S0S PART of the Farming Stock, Husbandry Tackle, Houshold Furniture, Dairy and Brewing Utensil,, belonging to Mr. William Gravely, at Church Farm, in the parish of Ashington. The Stock consists of two horses, two cows, four two- yearling heifers, two two yearling steers, six twelve- monthings, three weaned calves, four hogs, one winnow, wattles, 3 ploughs, two ladders, about fifteen bushels of apples, two coppers, large brew vat and under- back, eight barrels, two beds, bedsteads, and hangings, one clock, chairs, tables, and kitchen requisites. The sale of the Stock to begin at Ten ; and the Houshold Furniture to begin at Two o'clock. Fifty Head of in- calf Cows and Heifers, being one of the last remaining Dairies of the True Suf- folk Breed. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY JOHN KING, ( Without any Reserve) On Friday, the 23d of September, 1808, ALL that most remarkably fine POLLED DAIRY, the property of Mr. Edward Sheppard, of Mandlesham- Lodge, near Stow market, Suffolk, il e principal part of which are young prime Cows, and the remainder beant full Heifers m Calf, Also 2 handsome red and white BULLS. The above Stock are, in colour, red and whites, blood reds, and black and whites ; have been principally reared upon the premises, with . unusual care; and part of them selected, and the whole of them bred, from the choicest stocks in the county. Upon payment of a de- posit of £ 10 per cent, the purchasers may have their stocks remain upon the premises, without expence, till the 10th day of October next, and pay the remainder of the purchase money then. Sale to begin at Ten o'clock. pnnteD aifc publico bp anti foe cetlltant an& Srtlmr MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1808. This Paper which has been regularly published every Monday Morning, for upwards of, SIXTY YEARS, is delivered with the utmost Dispatch and Regularity, in every Town and Village of SUSSEX, in Parts of KENT, SURREY, and HAMPSHIRE: and is forwarded by the POST, to Persons of the first Distinction, in London, and to every considerable Town IN the United Kingdom. THE SUSSEX WEEKLY ADVERTISER is regularly filed by Messrs. TAYLER and NEWTON, WARWICK- SQUARE, near ST. PAUL'S, by whom ADVERTISEMENTS, & C. will be received and punctually forwarded to the Publishers It may also be seen at all the principal COFFEE- HOUSES in the Metropolis. TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY'S posts. FROM TUESDAY'S LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTCIES SUPERSEDED. WILLIAM WILLIAMSON, Gringley on the Hill, Nottingham, corn- factor.— William Ainsworth, Stockport, Cheshire, cotton- spinner. BANKRUPTS. John Williamson, Whitegate End, within Chad- derton Oldham, Lancashire, victualler.— Richard Gorton and John Gorton, Cuckney, Nottingham,, merchants.— Joseph Hopwood, Manchester, joiner. — George Griffin, Weldon, Northampton, linen- draper.— Thomas Williams, Caerphilly, Glamor- gan, wool- manufacturer.— Anthony Barrett, Swin- don, Wilts, shopkeeper.— John Allmond, Pickett- street, Middlesex, haberdasher,; James Corbin Hayward, Chamber's- street, Goodman's- fields, Mid- dlesex., dealer, and chapman. _ - LONDON, SEPT. 8. ~~ a A . Gottenburgh. Mail arrived on Thursday, I bringing the following report of a defeat of a Rus- o sian . fleet jn the- . Baltic., The writer, it will be seen, b di- icj'edits. the rumour, upon his belief, that a 1' ri- 4 tish fleet* of sulfic. ie. rrt. force for the purpose, could 1 not'be collected in . that sea. We believe, tliat a • sufficient British fleet might have bee^ found, and . yet do, not give - much attention to the' report, be- v . caijsejf is accompanied with at) corroborating cir- cumstances, and is unkn& wji at the' Admiralty. I GOTTENBURGH AUG 19.—'" Private aethers. , a . from Stockenbltrf}% to- day's po^ t, r^ jiort, Unit the ' Russianott' Oldepholm ^ tv ,. i tlift 6th. of August ^ fe'iftpbn the; 12lh by ari'En- ' . glish rbt, ainjLtotaHy'- fibl° W the roat. jOiis. ap. ) pears rdtfter4hc> eUiWi>; as we ibahnot conceive that j ,: vs! ifficieut^> tfibe> rjf English ships for this pur- pose ctrpWliave bCeii-' So high up in the Baltic, at this IwioA - y - a; '- J -''' Dispatches were received, on Friday morning, J from Admirals Collingwood and Cotton, Govern- • ment are in hourly expectation of the arrival of a » ; 0( Rce" r with dispatches announcing the surren- . der of the , Russian fleet in th| Tagus. A report is in general circulation in the City founded upon the arithority of private letters from 1 the Continent, that the ports of Holland are open f. the exportation of all goods to England, except • bark, hides, and salt. On the 24th Ferdinand VII. was to be formally proclaimed King of Spain at Madrid and Toledo; and the Junta of Castile have proposed the esta- blisment of a Supreme Junta, for the government of the Kingdom, AD INTERIM, to consist of De- puties. from all the Juntas of the different pro vinces. '•<; Ten military waggons laden with dollars for the use of the Spanish Patriots, left the Bank this morning for Portsmouth, with a military escort. A letter from Demarara, dated June 8, stales, that an insurrection had been planned by the Ne- groes in that island. It was fortunately discovered by Mr. Gordon, a manager of a plantation, through a Negro girl that he was in the habits of intimacy with. She urged him to accompany her to Berbice so ardently, that it made him have a suspicion of the real cause; and he having pressed her for an explanation, she discovered the plan: that the Ne- groes, on the night of the 4th of June, his Ma- jesty's birth- night, intended to rise EN MASSE, and murder, ithe white inhabitants;: they were induced to fix inn, that night, under an idea that the Officers woulij. b^: regaling themselv'es, rejoicing on the birth- day of their Sovereign. Twenty of. the ring-, leaders were apprehended, and the insurrection • was prevented. The girl has ibeen obliged to be sfesntlwd ftrtiti the plantatiop, bdtJife. having been • r- M- afiSieii; „ . The Marquis De la Romana, who wlth so much • ^ lliui. jrv' abd address i? Sfrij; a. t^ d ^ jiarmy from the ,. tsrpaathmipt- tte Tyrant, is . a-.' Grandee of Spain. He is^ ifcjjhew- tvf Don Ventura Caro, who commanded in.- Biscay' last war; and his property,"" which is vei- y large, lies in Valentia and Majorca. He was intimately connected with the late Lord Mount Stuart. He is. a man of a hi^ hly- cultjvated mind, and distinguished himself very much m the war in the Pyrenees. He is about 40 years of age. We understand that Government purpose to pay o( F immediately nineteen or twenty sail of the line, and to transfer the crews to smaller vessels of war, which are to be sent to the Baltic and other quarters, where they are most wanted. It is no longer deemed necessary to keep up large fleets, since the enemy is no where in sufficient force to meet them. We trust that the time is not far off, when the Danish ships will be restored to their original owners. This intended measure of Go- vernment shews that we do not Want them. An alarming insurrection broke out, in February last, in the dominions of the Nizam, about one hundred and forty miles from Hyderabad, his capi- tal. The - insurgents, headed by a Bramin, have repulsed the Nizam's troops, commanded by Capt. Gordon, and cut to pieces- near 900 men. Colonel Montresor,- who commands the East India Com- pany's subsidiary force, stationed at Hyderabad, was about to inarch against the rebels. The Ni- zam himself was suspected of wishing success to- the Revolters. Like the Nabobs of Oude, and of the Carnatic, he has been crushed bv the Marquis Wellesley. Over all India, the natives, irritated at the despotic and severe proceedings of the late Bengal Government, look to the threatened arrival of the French Emperor's troops for emancipation! ;.. If 10,0() 0 Fie ncl. i forces were landed, on. gjiy.. part of the peninsula of Hindostan, our Empire in Asia would be- shaken to its foundation.— GLOBE. li was wot, until s marter past ten. o'clock 0.0. : Friday mottling, the Lord Mayor brought the offi- : cial acctitfAf'Af Success of. the; British arms'. in' Portugal to Lloyds Coffee House Upon his at- , tempting to read it iivthe \ Subscription- room, his • Lordship was received with loud hisses, and other marks ' bf obation, the Gentlemen, present. conccivittgYhat his Lordship- had not paid proper . attention to the house " in not making an earlier communication of such important intelligence. To make some amends, however,; for this alleged neglect, his Lordship had two copies of Lord Castlereagh's communication posted upon the front of tlie Mansion House. EXECUTION OF MAJOR CAMPBELL. When this unfortunate man, who was hanged on Wednesday, at Armagh, for the murder of Capt. Boyd, jti a duel, found that no hopes of a pardon were to be entertained, he hurried the hour of his execution, and appeared impatient to die. He repeatedly supplicated that he might be shot; but this, for obvious reasons, was refused. At twelve o'clock he was led out for execution, and the moment he made hi? appearance, the en- tile of the Guard took off their caps, and he, in return, saluted them... During the time of the aw- ful and affecting ceremony, we are informed that an officer of another corps took the guard, while the regiment was confined to their barracks. lie met liis death with pious and becoming fortitude. after having spent his last moments with Dr, Bowie, the father of his amiable and distressed widow. His body, after having been suspended the usual time, was immediately put into a hearse in waiting, which left the town immediately, cs p ' ted: by Dr. Bowie, for Ayr, in Scotland, to be interred in the family vault- To describe the dis- tress of the fond wife of the' deceased would he im- possible. Mrs. Campbell, Vn » . it is already known, ' h^ d . used . every effort to solict his pardon, left * London by the Glasgow Mail ail . Saturday' ni^ ht, ; i frantic betwixt hope a- wi despair, but still cheered . with the probability of her solicitude obtaining at > least another respite. On Monday' morning the i friend of her husband, at whose house, in Bury- . street, St. James's, she resided whilst in London, received a letter from the lady's father, with the intelligence that " Major Campbell is no more." Mrs. Campbell would reach Ayr on Tuesday morn- ing, the very time the corpse of her husband would arrive.— Major Campbell, in his conversation with his intimate friends previously to surrendering him- self, had always said, that if he was convicted of murder, be should suffer, as an example to duel- lists; but it was always his opinion^ that a Jury would not convict him of murder. Previous to- his death, he observed, that life was not an object so dear to him as the reflection was distressing, that his children and family should bear the stigma that he was executed for murder. . SUSSEX ELECTION. ' THE Committee for defending Mr. Fuller's Return, request that the Subscribers who have uot already paid their subscriptions, will remit to Messrs. Hoares, Bankers, Fleet Street, London, 30 per cent. I only, on tl> e « Hioant of their subscriptions, it having I been ascertained that, that payment will be student for | defraying the expences of such defence. MANORS OF NOVINGTON AND STANTONS. ALL persons arc hereby desired to take notice not- to shoot; or hunt, on the above manors, without thie- consent of the Proprietor. , ...... And all persons found shooting or hunting ia, Blackbrook Wood, in the parish of Westmeston,. . will- lro prosecuted without farther notice." " , FINDON SHEEP FAIR GENTLEMEN, Farmers, Graziers? and others, are ri'K^ WWfiilly in'fivmjcit ihrtt Findon Fair, wiii be held jn Wednseday tie 14tli '. September lier,' at the usaal place^ vtbare a good Ordinary will be provided by the Public's obedient Servant, r* t - ; RICHARD RATLEY. N. B. Wattles win be provided as usual, apply to G. Holford on the spot. ' " - ARMY CONTRACTS. Commissary General's Office, Great George Street, London, Aug. 22, I80B. NOTICE is hereby given to all Persons desirous of contracting to supply the following Articles, for the use of tliq Army, viz. BREAD, To his Majesty's Land Forces in Cantonments, Quar- ers, and Barracks, in the undermentioned Counties and . Isalands. TO BENEVOLENCE. 1 THE Appeal of of e, Who has'a Wife, arid four young: Children f the tw » youngest Female Twins,, not two years old). siufci. ug beneath the pressure of united misfortune*-- lUuessan/ t Indigenee.'. TO justify this add/ ess, it may be necessary to remark, that your Memoriali! t's birth gave biro expectations of Independence : his Father was a Purser in the Navy.-— his Uncle, Rector of Burford and Yelford ; and their ancestors long enjoyo. d a considerable patriuioniat es- tate. The detail of niisfortune from a propitious be- ginning to the preseilt eventful period, need not be obtruded. But it will be proper to state, thai his father wa* lost at sea, when' your Memorialist . was young— and tbat he was destined by his friends to the Naval Service, in which he itiight have acquired conipetcnee, but iltbCM and a declining Cftustitutioii. overcast his pro- spects in that ttne, and have precluded his advancement , iu every other. He was enabled1, however, tho' almost uotiihiluted by ill- health, to support a partial attendanfcl in the ofiice of indulgent friends in London, for subsis- tence, and had the fortitude for many years to persevere tho'every effort was pain, and his struggles; were ex- cess of misery. At Brighton, he fouiwl some relief from his matady, but heire- also lie necessarily increased his sufferings by attendance to business, and has dragged- on an existence of wretchedness during seven more lin- ' gcring years, until lately that an hemorrhage HAS TER MINATED HIS EFFORTS; as its effects may soon his life. . He now retinitis almost exanimate— retaining, how- ever, a mind that sensibly feels the fate which awaits bis Children, aud a Wife nearly worn out by her affec- tionate attentions. He has some consolation in reflect- ing that he has struggled uslong" as nature could ; arid his wish now is to employ the remainder of his life lit' . SAVING THOSE - WHO LOOK TO HIM FOR PRESER- VATION This can be effected only by his entering in- to some concern, which he might direct as far as capa- ble, and in which his Wife could also act; that event ivitts, when he no longer. survives, she tiiigUt' manage wilhotivbis nssistani'V. ,? ilf blessed thro' y< la with'thtt means of acccomplishing' « u<;| i aUif> l> i<{ Ct, he would 6o longer be tortured by his apprehensious— apprehensions that can be conceivbij only by aman having a Wife and four young Children, wh'd live in liis affections, wild are on the verge of pe- nury, WITH ITS ATTENDANT ILLS, and for whom he 4hcrefbrefeels a solicitude that distracts liiui. lie is permitted to refer to Dr. Tierney, or the Rev, Mr. Carr. . • Alderney Isle of Wight! Anglesea Jersey Bedford Kent Berks Lancsater Berwick . Leicester Brecon Lincoln Bucks Merioneth Cambridge Middlesex Cardigan Monmouth Carmarthen Montgomery Carnarvon Norfolk Chester Northampton Cornwall, intituling Stilly Northumberland: Cumberland Nottingham Denbigh Oxford Derby Pembroke Devon Radnor Dorset Rutland Durham Salop • Essex, Somerset Flint Stafford Glamorgan Suffolk Gloster . Surrey }:. Guernsey . Sussex Hants Warwick . ,. . Hereford Westmoreland Hertford Wilts SC5 Jfc-> Hunts Worcester -' flip o? » < iSf. Islie of Man . York, '. I . rfi j sd3 ,9t; IS '' i, v •' OATS,. • -.' -; To hi. Majesty's Cavalry m Cantonments nnd Quar- ters, in the un^ ttrmeutiyned Counties aifi Islands Anglesea , Kent j"' 5"' ' " "' '.- i - « / Bedford";' Lancaster '• • '•' w0" Berks ... Leicester Berwick " ' , Lincoln . . Brecon '' Merioneth '-''-•::, Bucks Middlesex Cambridge Monmouth Cardigan Montgomery Carmarthen- . Norfolk '.'• Carnarvon ... Northampton Chester Northumberland Cornwall Nottingham Cumberland Oxford; Denbigh Pembroke Derby Radnor Devon Rutland Dorset Salop' Durham Somerset Essex '' Stafford Flint Suffolk Glamorgan Surrey Gloster ., Sussex Hants Warwick Hereford Westmoreland Hertford Wilts Hunts Worcester Isle of Wight York. FORAGE, viz. Oats, Hay, and Straw, to his Majesty's Cavelry in Barracks, in the undermentioned Counties in South Britain . - j • Berks- Wilts Cornwall York Devon Dorset " And in the following Essex Counties in North Britain, Hants ( including the Isle Edinburgh of Wight) Haddington Kent Lanark Lancaster' Perth: Middlesex Norfolk As also Forage to . all Northampton Horses kept for his Ma- ' Nottingham , . . - jesty's service in the Islands, ' Somerset,! , i of . ''* \ ~ i Sufflolk.' lM,,. t Guernsey. Surrey „ . Jersey " Sussex Alderney. Warwick , That the tocliveriss are to'commence on an (( for; the 25th day of October next; that proposals ill writing sealed up aiid m, ark(; d, Tender for Army Supplies," will be reccivtid at this Office, on or before the i5th day of September ( but none will be received after eleven o'clock. on that day) atid, if sent. by the p ® 8} » - tlle Pnst" jige must be paid. Proposals must be made separately for each county and island, except for the counties composing North and South Wales, till of which must be included in one tender ; and the proposal for Forage fur the Island oi Guernsey, must include Alderney • stud each proposal must be accompanied by o letter from two persons o! known property, engaging to become bound with th « jwrson tendering, in the amount which may be required for the due.. performance of-* bc contract ; and no pro posit! will be noticed nuless made, bn or annexed to ; printed tender,, and . the prices expressed in words ai length, nor unless the party, or an agent for him, per soually attend onv the'following day to know the de cision tlieiMMi |.' and should it so happen that during tin continuance of the contract, no troops should be station • ed or supplied in the county, the expentes of the , con tract and boiid paid in the first instance by the Contract tor, to be refunded'to him bv the Commissary General. Particulars of the cotitra^ ts may be liad- upon appli cation tit this Office', bcfv.' ecn the hours of ten and four at the Office of Mr. Deputy Commissary General Assiotti, Edinburgh; at the ' Office of Mr. Assisiant, Commissary Luscombe, Guernsey ; a: id the Ofiice o Mr. Assistant Commissary Dumaresq Jersey; Notti'-^ Sucii Pt rsotis as may he desirous of tendering at? hereby, directed to take notice, that railess the Tettc « ,.. ol( is. aiitie* ed to the Tender, is properly filled up I>. their sureties, tbvir proposals trill uvtbc noticed. . SUBSCRIPTIONS. £. s. £. s. His Royal Highness Mr. Philcox - 11 the PRINCE OF Lieut. Colonel Lloyd WALES - SI 0 ( Sussex Militia) 3 2 His Grace the Duke Rev. C. Carr - 1 1 of Marlborough - 5 0 Mr. T. Blaker - I 1 Countess Berkeley - So C. D. - - ll Dr. Tierney - - 5 0 J. B. - - * '' REV. R. J. Carr - 2 2 Dr. Scutt .. II ' Mrs. - Metcalfe - - 5 o Mr. Welsford. - 11 The Miss Metcalfes- 5 o Mr. Mills - 3 2 Mr. Barratt - - I 1 Union Bank - 2 2 Mr. and Miss Sayers- 1 11 Mr. J. Crosweller - I J A Friend - - " 5 0 A. B. - - 11 Mr. Evatt - - - 5 5 A. L. - - II Mrs. Evatt - - 2 2 Col. Graham - - 1 I Mr. Sands -- 11 T. C, Medwin, Esq. » o Mr. Wagner - .' So R. Blake, Esq. - I « Mrs. Wagner - - 5 0 G. Palmer, Esq. - 1 1 Mr, G. Wagner - 10 0 Mr. Hargraves - 1 l A Gentleman, T. G. 2 o Mr. S. Brown - 1 1 Miss Pollen - - 11 S. A, - - II A Lady - - 1 1 Rev. Mr. Portia- - 3 2 Major Whatley - 1 o Mr. J. Smith - - 2 2 Mrs. Atler - - 1 t Mr. Raggett - 1 I. Mrs. Jos. Smith - 1 1 Ladies E.& C. Hervey 5 0 Mr. J. Hoper - - 1 1 Mrs. and Miss Ainge 2 2 Mr. R. A. Turner - 1 1 Mr. Attree --- so Mr. Chas. Gilbert - 1 I Mr. Burfield .- 11 Mr. Hill , - 5 5 A. G. - - 10 Mr. J. C. Michell St V Wm. Marsh, Esq. 21 o A Gentleman ( by Dr. C. C. . - 11 Tierney) - - . 5 0 , Mr. Newbold 2 2 Rev. Inigo Jones j- 2 at G. S. - - f ' 1 Mrs. Inigo Jones 2 2 Mr. Battcock - I 1 Mrs. Jones : ir"' r A: Friend- - 11 , Msss Jones - tsit t:. P. Mighell, Esq. - 4 o Miss Anna Jones - 2 2. Messrs. Brooker and Mrs. Fitzherbert - so Colhatch - - 2 1 y Mr. Luke Freeman; 3 3 Mrs. Sibley - 2 3 Miss. Seymour & Mrs. J. E. - 1 I Strickland - " I 1 Mr. Thomas Hicks 1 J R. Day,> Esq. " - I I Mr. Charrington - i i Mrs. Gregory - 1 » E. M. - - « J E. L, ; r:> - r 10 6 Benefactions gratefully received at the Banks, Lewes; at the Banks and Libraries, Worthing ; and at the Banks and Libraries, and by Mr. Gates, 65, West Street, Brigh- • ton. The Receivers of this Fund are requested to - sjcud a list of Subscriptions to Mr. Gates, as above, for the purpose of weekly publication. ALL persons having any c^ iim on the es. tate and . effects of the lat& BENJ. NEWMAN, o/ Fram- field, Sussex, are . rcquesteii to deliver tfieir ac-' i custs to Thos. Barnett, of Framfield; or John J Fickman, of Lewes, in the county aforesaid, on or 1 bfore the 30th of this instant, of they will be ex- ' jiuded from the benefit of a dividend: And all ' jersons indebted to the said estate will discharge tie same, to either of. the above named persons, in « fail It of which actions mpst commence. Lewes, Sept, 3, 180S. . BRIGHTON. TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. JEREMIAH MILLER, of Brighton, bricklayer, being about to dispose of his concerns at Brighton, ir the purpose of entering into trade, near London, ity person desirous of treating for the same, or ajiy art of his real property may have particulars, by ap- lying. at the Office of Mr. Hill. All persons indebted to the sitid Jeremiah Miller, are esired to pay their bills as above, and all persons'to hom the said Jeremiah Miller, stands indebt. d, tire re- pesjed to ( Veliver the particulars or their demands to , Mr. Hill, wttliin ten days, iu order that the same aiay e U< juidiiti- « > and discharge^. Brighton. Sept. 2, ICOS. '...:.! • , , '.. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. "' v_ ''[' THE Creditors of Thomas Stephens, late of. Firle, whp have not executed the deed of assign- lent, , are reqHCbted toiigw the saine on or before Mon- day, the third day of October next, or they will lie ex- iudJd from any benefit arising out . of the . estate - and ffCcts of the said Thomas Stephens. And all sitch Creditors whaiiave or. shall, sign, thenfiid ecd may receive a final dividend arising from Jhe Instate, rtd effects of the said Thomas Stephens,, on Monday bett'enth day of October .. li^ xt,. or on, qny..'^ looday, bv application to R. Ashdowne, Cliff, Lewes < a September, 1808. " ' . ;'.__ ' POOR TO LET.'. i •-." :''£' i'SiK THE Churchwardens- grid : Overseers, of - Ihe Poor of the Parish, PETWORTH, atfe ifiW& Os' f iipmediately receiving Prap^ U from pn- spns- witlitig o contract, for pr^ vidingithe Jfict aifd. elothing, a-. id for aking thc hetiefit of ' th'e. Uboiir of lie paupers itr - tht 3oorhou* c of the'said parish, at a specific sam wfcpkty or each pinper, from the iith day < jf November next, or such time as shall be agreed on. " The woo len manufacture - has been hitherto, carried. ) B at the Poorhotjse, and the Contractor Will be paid ronstantly for fifty paupers at the least, aiul witl bt; t-. - jaid the price exceeding £ td per load for all wheat con- tutned for pauper food. No persons will be treated with unless well recom- mended 5 and good security wiil be required for the due performance of the contract. Heads of contract, aud further particulars, may be liad, by applying to Mr. Jas. Goldring, Vestry Clerk, or to' ihe Overseers of Petworth ; to whom proposals are requested to b « directed. Petworth, Sept. i, isiW. TO BE LET. And entered upon immediately,' ABLACKSMITH'S SHOP, quite new, built with fair stone, not only convenient, but per- haps the neatest of its size in the county; together with the choice of three dwellings on the same spot, situate near Cade- street, in the parish of Heath- field, in this county; more particularly adapted as well as its vicinity, to the edge tool line; any sober person competent thereunto, particularly if handy in the Whitesmith business, would likely soon establish an independent trade. Main utensils al- ready fixed. Apply to Jonathan Harmer, Mason, the propri- etor, on the premises. TO BE LET, ~~ AGood accustomed TAP, yard, stables, coach- house, post- chaise and. horses, within a few utiles of Brighton. No objection,,^! Remade- to letting the above separate. ! ,7>(* ., ,, j, For' particiilara ' ehrjiiirW of C. Sherwood, at the Star Inn. Shoreham., y j uo lil^ - HASTINGS SUSSEX TO BE DISPOSED OF BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. With immediate Possession, A Truly commodious Freehold RESIDENCE, most eligibly situ, te in the above favourite Bath ing- Place, witliin a few minute^ walk only of the sea side, aud possessing in itself all the advantages which can reudel- it a complete and desirable residence for a family of respectability. The House consists of a drawing room, dining parlour, breakfast room, hntlev's • pantry, five bed chambers, and excellent garrets, Tin attached aud detached offices iire numerous and con- venient,— a good coach- house for three carriages, witl a capital warehouse room over it,— a three and a fivt stalled stable with spacious tofts; aud two gardens ad joining the house. For particulars enquire of Messrs. Knight and Eaton Hastings, who will shew the premises. Tp Farmers, Builders, and Others: A Leasehold Estate, Tythe Free, and Land Tax redeemed o 4SG acres of land, near Horsham, Sussex. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. ADAMSON and FIELD, On Tuesday, September 20, 18o8, at 12 o'clock, a Garraway's Coffee House, Change- Alley, London, ' A Valuable LEASEHOLD ESTATE, consist ing of 486 acres of Laud, being part of St. Leo nard's Forest, with it Farm- house, Outbuildings, an Garden, called the Ranger's Lodge, situated an e'as distance from trie road to Brighton thro' Reigate, ^ ein about .1 miles from Horsham, about 4 from Crawley, froia Cuckfield, 14 from Reigate, and 35 from London This. property- cla+ ms the attention of men ' of . h sptei lative turn,. partip » bwly.' fer^ fiirming,; a few acres- no cultivated have answered : fe. cyoi » t description ; or buili ing, there being excellent brick earili- aud the silua it commanding delightful prospects. Tltere_ isj( finet trip sf"(', r;-., and a rabbit warren plentifully sioCke^ . lit.- for# u \> i « « pired term of BS year's friiiu Christmas hci Bi.. tlio. annual rent of £ i4tp ios. ( oiily 6 » . per acre). Tl ^ ro'. vi'no^ crops of turnips- and anderwood, will be " i clivded ill the purchase. The fixtures, remaining farmil * siwekt aiv^ imp! eiricti « of husbandry may be taftjn^& t t valuation. ' 1 o btviewed till rite sale • and paMtciUj . bad oii tho pretpisei:; of Mr. Lovegrove, Roffy Park near Horsham; Crown, Horsham; Red Lion, Dorking: Golden Lion, Ipswich, Suffolk ; Angel,: Norwick of Messrs. James and Richardson, solicitors, No. IS t: u ! isn ; at Garraway's, tilid the Corn Exchange, Cof fee- houses; and of Adamson- and Field, 58, Fenchurch ! street. \ . - AsmiT'i wenty Plots- of the adjoining Btiiding- v © round, pari of them at the top of thefielc now ... - tliii iuty seleSlspftts for good Houses, will soonb* So'. d ir Let by Auction, Further particulars in due tine. Proposals for treating by Private Contract, will bt re- ceived by Mr. James Poune, Surveyor, and of Mr, Ste phen Wood. Surveyor tvo< l Builder, of Brighton. k CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHEN WARE" TO BE DISPOSED OF AT PRIME COST, ALL the valuable STOCK IN TRADE of « . S. Lambert, at her Shop and' Warehouse, in j.' se1- Cliff near Lewes, formerly conducted by Baldy nti< 5 Lambert, The assortment is modern, and of the bens - qualities, and particularly descrves the^ attention of prt- ' vate families, or of Shopkeepers, dealing iu the above articles. The Freehold House, Shop,& c. are to he disposed of; and particulars may be had of the Proprietor, on the premises. A DESIRABLE LITTLE FARM. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY VERRALL AND SON, At the Hear Inn, in the Cliff, Lewes, on Saturday the f? tb of September, at seven o'clock in the evening, ABOUT Eight Acres of rich arable and meadow - Land, with. a substantial brick built messuage, farm- yard, garden, .' and' orchard, situate iu the parish of Is field; tii the occupation of Mr. William Newnham, who received notice vo quit at Michaelmas next, at which time possession will . he gives. N. B. Further particulars uyiy he had of the • Auctioneers,, .. -* - ;; DENTON MANOR FARM. .. , "„- TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ;•• BY VERRALL and SON, tml'V S- Ztv'f** ^ ises, V ^^ Thursday and Friday.. t^ an4 30th of Sep '••• ' " tember, lactj, THE enti; rc Farming Stock and Husbandry - ' Tackle of Denton Manor Farm, near Newhaven, in th# eiUntv'of Sussex." ; K'Further^ paVtiVhlJis will be given iu next week's Ptpir. s?. : ' ; " .. •' .'.-•••., .. . ';;:..,..-' KENT. . ' , TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ...•.'•- By Mr. WALKER, . ftn Wednesday October 5, ii8os,- at two'o'clock, in the afternoon, l the premises, by. order of the Assignees. ".. of Mr. John Harman, THE unexpired . term of i3 years, at Michael- mas next. A- desirable sitvratioa at Edenbridge, ill the county of Kent,, e? miles south of London. A valuable TAN YARD, with a good dtyellii; g- h » use and garden; n large drying shed, a large barn,' a wag- gon- lodge, a cart- lodge,-, tan- shed, ham- shed, wood- shed, ka" thcishouse, coffee- mill and mill- house, barn- house, granary, hay- loft, and har- loft, all in good repair, with a- stnall piece, about an a(; re, of excellent meadow land, at the very low rent of £ 31 per aauum ; subject to such coiiditiotts as will be then and there produced. A FLOCK OF SHEEP FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By MICH. HARRIS, On. Saturday, the 17th day of September, 1 SOS, at Comphunt Farm, in tlie parish of Wattling, and ' county of Sussex, the property of Mr. F. Hollands, retiring from business, ARegular- bred SOUTH- DOWN FLOCK j CONSISTING OF 75 Eight tooth. '. "'- 75 Six ditto., 73 Four ditto. 73 Two ditto. '••''''.'' Ewe Lambs. "'!••". :" sg> ... ^ 1',.. \ r. • . Great ,. has been taken in the breed ar. d im- projf « jtiisftt, « > jj vliS'J. above " stAciV, wliithw. Uoe faaodoti- iiispection to be vtn- y good,' i > r to ' i'N. B. Also some husbandry tackling. ; lfJ8 » Wlo^ feiii'^ tli the flock", at one o'clock. . .5 t .1 1 •, 5• T- t t^ i ,,' •— . : I .; ..:; WADHURST, SUSSEX. ' • VAt, l) ABLE . FREEHOLD FARMS, And most desirable eflsnpae^ parcels of Land, near Tan- bridge Well's., about 40 miles from London. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, » • ' By Messrs. AUSTIN and LASHMAR, At the Chequer. Inr., Lamberhurst, on Wednesday, tho 1 - 21st of September, 1808, at tour o'clock in the after- noon, in sunday lots, CONSISTING of several closes of rich arable, meadow, pasture, hop, and wood land, containing | about 20o'acres,' witli suitable farm- house, barns, & c. iu : a good state of- CUltivatioh, very delightfnUy situate, and Commanding most extensive " views of a rich aud highly diversified coantvy,- eligibly adapted for building a ' Villa, or sporting residence, in a very healthy part of .' the county of Susses, abounding with game ; distant six 1 m: les from Tunbridge Wells; 18 from Maidstone ; i(> / from Battle; 16 from Lewes; 30 from Eastbourne; ou from Hastings;' 25 from Brighton: and 2 from Lamber- hurst: through which place stages aud post pass daily : to and from London. The whole of the property is in hand, and immediate possession may be had. A number of useful buildings lt are ou the estate-, and a'very valuable marl pit and stone qnai- rv. " , May be viewed by applying to Mr. Thomas Taylor, ai '• Great Butts Farm, in the parish of Wadhurst, 14 day d preceding the sale, of whom particulars may be had! v also at the, J'lace of- sale; the Sussex Arms and Angle g Inn, Tunbridge Wells; Star, Lewes; Castle, Brighton; 7 Swan, Hastings; George, Battle; Star, Maidstone White Hart, Sevenoaks; Nag's Head, Borough, South- wark; atid'of Messrs. Cruchly and Fry, Solicitors, 1.4 John- street, Bedford- row ; and of the Auctioneers, Lam- berhurst, # h « ' yt: iuups of the estate may be seen. , n N. B. A moiety ol the purchase- uioney for tlie several " t. lots may remain oil mortgage. ' f ' c TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, lie . , ;., iBY.. Mrs. MAPLESDEN, if- Tuesday' tlj? 27; tlt clay of September, 1808, at Mr, ^ , James Brown's, at the. sign of the Gun, Eridge Green, • it1 •'•• ' Frant, at five - 9' clucl,- i. ii'tbe evening, jib. !'^ DesiiaWe FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in k, XX. tlte parish of Rotherfield, i » Sussex, near Tunbridge i'tfi Wells; coHisisting of a Messuage, with a barn and other h ; out builtlingi, garden, orchards, and several pavceb of 3, arable, meadow, pasture, and wood land, containing of- together by estimation 24 acrcs, '. now in the occapatiou : h- of Joseph Sales, as tenant from V^{ ir to year. Half the purchase money tiiay remain ou mortgage oil — til; said premises, if required. Particulars mav be known by applying to Mr. Trice, or of Mr. E. O. Dadswell, Rotherfield. tin, ' . FREEHOLD ESTATE. te> TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ! lSt By T. SMITH, re0' On Friday, the 16th day of September, 1808, at the Blue Anchor, Godstone, Surrey, at four no". o'clock in the afternoon, ,,,, 1 A Newly- erected brick- built HOUSE; contain- ing a good kitchen, two parlours, a brew- house, drink room, and pantry; five good bed the chambers; with stable, cart lodge, pigsties, aid nig otlier convenient out- buildings,; an excellent gar- uur den and orchard, and about one acre of meru'bw land, more or less, situate lying rhd being at Bfiid- ley Heath, near the Blue Anchor afoiesaid, ind tor' now in the occupation of Mr. Richard Sadler, the u proprietor. ' This estate is 24 miles frotti London; SI Tom. Brighton, and near, the Brighton- road, ses, I'or particolais ap ply to Mr. Barrow, Atterney at Law, East Grinsted; or Mr. R. Sadler, ri the ; pr. cmises. OFFHAM AND DITCHELLING ROAD. NOTICE is hereby given, that an application. is intended to be made in the ensuing Session, for at\ Act to amend, widen, alter, divert, and vary, a certain road leading from the street or village of Off ham, in the county- of Sussex, out of the turnpike rond leading from the upper end of the town of Lewes, in the said county, towards London, into the turnpike road leading from the town of Brighthelmston, to the town of Lindfield, in the county aforesaid. The line of which said Road so intended to be applied for, lies in the several parishes of Hamsey, Chiltington, St. John under the Castle of Lewes, Chailey, Plumpton, Street, Westmeston, and Ditchelling, all in the said County of Sussex. Dated this 3d day of September, 1808. LANGRIDGE and KELL. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT application is intended to he made to Par- liament iu the ensuing Sessions, for leave t6 bring in a Bill, " For making and maintaining a Turnpike " Road from the Black Horse Inn, in the Borough of Horsham, in the County of Sussex, to a pertain place « called Aldfold Cross Ways, in the parish of Aldfold, 111 the bounty ot Surrey^ to join the Turnpike Road 11 thtre, which leads from Loxwood to Guildford And which said intended Turnpike- road will pass through or 111 tlie sMerif parishes, townships, and places of Horsham, Warnham; . Sullington, Itchingfield, Slin- HtMh. Wisborough- Green,. or either of tjje^^ t^ fl^ cojojUpof teioiisxs and, the several parislics Ibwiiships,, and. places « f: Cranley and Aldfold otherwise Awfold ' iu tiic'county o. f Surrey. , r • .' Xtewthls ¥ i dit^ $( ' September, 1808. ."^" tOTIGB is hetebv given, that application is ' ji^ l jntendeu. to be ttiside toParliariieiit, in the ensuing Session, for an Act for enlarging the term and, powers, of an Act passed in. the 324 year ofhis pre, sent{ Majesty's teigtl, entitled an Act for repairing and widening the loads from Handcross lo Corner House, and from thence • to thBs Turnpike Road, leading from Horsham to Steyn- ing, and from Corner House aforesaid, to the Maypole, in the town of Henfield, in the county of Sussex ; a; id also for keeping id repair a certain branch of road, leading^ from the Direction Post, near a certain place called the Crab Tree, in the parish of Beeding alias Seal, through the parishes of Nuthurst and Horsham, to the town of Horsham, in the said county, and for keeping in, repair and continuing the same from the Maypole, in. the said town of Henfield, over a certain stream, called Woods Mill Stream, to a certain barn, called Goulden Barn, and from • thence to'a place called" Slaughter's Corner, adjoining' the late Turnpike Road, from Horsham aforesaid, to the top of Beeding Hill, and also for making another branch of road from the said road near Reeding Hill aforesaid, across the said late turnpike road, to the said now turnpike road leading from Beeding aforesaid, 10 the North- East . corner of the Sheep Field, in the parish of Kingston, by Sea, iu the'said county of Sussex, and which said Roads are. intended to pass through thc. se. veral parishes of Slaugham, Beeding, alias Seal, Nuthurst:, Cowfold, Horsham, Shermanbury, West Grinsted, and Henfield, iii the said county of Sussex. By Order of the Trustees, . " HORACE ELLIS, Clerk. » Horsham, Aug 26, 1808. TO BE PEREMPTORILY SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. KENDALL, At the King's Head, in West- street, in Brighthelmston, on ' Thursday the 8th of September, 1S08, at seven o'clock in the evening, precisely, ALL that singularly eligible Copyhold Estate, fine and heriot certain, consisting of a Dwelling- house, shop, extensive warehouse and buildings, well calculated for any business requiring room, late the pro- perty of Mr. Richard Smith, deceased, and now sold by order of the Trust, lor the benefit of the. persons bene ficially entitled, The premises are 24 feet'in front, and 57 feet in depth, and comprise a double bow fronted shop,- '' J feet by 18 feet, room and wash- house behind, and two separate entrances to the other parts of the house, which consists of a dii ing- room, a drawing d. ttn, and a bed chamber on the first floor ; and four hid rooms 011 the attic. Tlie Stock in Trade of the above shop is now selling of, "- at and uuder prime cost, by order of the executor, as the premises, must be immediately cleared. Possession will be given at Michaelmas next, old stile, u » to which time all ottt.- goings will be made good. The estate, may be viewed, and further particulars kiowri, by applying to Mrs. Smith, 011 the premises, N » . 52, West Street; Ov of Mr. Kendall, Auctioneer, u),• North Street. ,.' ' SUNDAY? POST. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE. BANKRUPTS. THOMAS LUPTON, Skipton, Yorkshire, I hardware shopkeeper.— Margaret Young j ami John Crowley, Leeds, Yorkshire, mil- . . liners and fancy dress- makers, Henry Moyle, Fordingbridge;, Southampton, tiek- manu- tVcturtr and tallow- chahdler— Christopher Par- nell, St. Austle, Cornwall,^ elcliant. Joseph Ellis Batley and John Hinchliffe, Meltham, Al- ' mondbury, Yorkshire, dyers. — FROM TH; E LONDON GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. Saturday, September 3, 1808. Downing- street, Sept. Dispatches, of which the following are copies a"> I extracts, were last night received from Lieut. General Sir Harry Burrard, and Lieut. General Sir Arthur Wellesley, dated from head- quarters, Lourinba, addressed to Viscount Castlereagh, one of jus;. Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, arid Drought by Captain Campbell,. Aid- de- Camp . to Sir. Arthur Wellesley:—- Extract of a letter from Lieut. General Sir Ar- thur Wellesley dated head- qi/ iaUers, at Caldas, the 16th of August, 1808: 1.1, parched from Lyria on the TSth, ? aiid arrived at Ahobaca on thpMfltb, whiqh - plate the'eneriiy' hhd abandoned ift'the precedik « wrght"; I'^ i fiWS^ ieVe yestej;< Jay., l^^ n^|^;, ab^ tfoiirthou- « aud" i'n nu. mbeV, were posted abdftrten miles from li since, at Borica,; ap. d ttW t> ccjipie. d_ BiLIos, about J . thfee miTef. fi^ mlK'tice, . witk tlfeir advanced posts. As the possession of this, last village was important , to our future operations, I determined to occupy it; ana as soon as the British infantry arrived upon the ground, 1 directed That it might be occupied bv a detachment, consisting of four companies of rifleman of the 6,0th and 95th regiments. The .- enemy, • consisting of a small piquet of infantry ; and a few cavalry, made a trifling resistance, and .. retired; but they were followed by a detachment of our riflemen to the distance of three miles from- Erilos. The riflemen were then attacked by a su- perior body of the enemy, vvh'o attempted to cut them off from the main body of the detachment to which they belonged, which had now advanced to their support; larger bodies of the enemy appeared on both the flanks of the detachment, and it was with' difficulty that Major General Spencer, who liail gone out to ( libidos when he had hea'rd that the riflemen had advanced in pursuit of the ene- my, was enabled to effect their retreat to that vil- lage. They have since remaiced in possession of it, and the enemy have retired! entirely from the neighbourhood > In this little affair j} f the advanced posts, which was occasioned solely by the eagerness of the troops in pursuit bf the enemy, I am concerned to add, that Lieut. Bunbury, of the ' id Battalion of the 85th, was killed, and the Hon. Capt. Pakenham • wounded, but slightly; and we have lost . some men, of whose number I have not received the returns. Return of killed, wounded, and missing, in the iction at Lourinha, Aug. 15, 1808. 7th Bat. 60th foot— 1 rank and file killed; .5 rank and file wounded; 17 rank and file missing. 2d Bat. 95th foot— 4 rank and file missing. Officers killed and wounded. . 95th fcot— Lieutenant Bunbury, killed; Captain the Hon. H. K. Pakenham wounded s;:|!' j G; B. TUCKER, Dep.' Adj. Gen [ Next follows a fetter'' from Sir Arthur Welles- Icy, deiijiljngtiti, a( tCop'fil'of a" battle fought on the 17th, between. the French army, under- General Laborde, and British army, with 1850 Portu- guese, commanded by Sir Arthur, on the moun- tains in the neighbourhood of tKbidos. ' The paSsis • to the mountains were rendered exceedingly diffi- cult tif access, owing to the enemy's positions in them; these difficulties were, however, overcome by British valour ami perseverance. The 29th and 9th regiments were the first which arrived on the tops of the mountains; these were afterwards sup- ported by the. 5th regiment, and by the Light Companies of Major General Hill's Brigade, which came up to their right, and by the other troops ordered to ascend the mountains, who came up by degrees. The enemy here made three most gallant attacks upon the 29th and 9th regiments, supported as above stated, with a view to cover the retreat of his defeated army; in all which he was, however, repulsed; but be succeeded in effecting his retreat in good order, owing to the want of Cavalry on tire side of the British. Sir Arthur speaks in high terms of the conduct of the officers arid men under bis command; and expresses his particular acknow- ledgment to Major Generals Spencer, Ferguson, and Hill, and Brigadier Generals Nightingale and Fane.] Abstract of the killed, wounded, and missing, of the army under the command of Lieut. General the Right Hon. Sir Arthur Wellesley, K. B. on the 17' ih of August 1808. 4 Officers killed ; 20 Officers wounded ; 4 Officers missing; S Non- commissioned Officers and Drummers killed; 20 Non- commissioned Offi- cers and Drummers wounded ; 2 Non- commis- sioned Officers and Drummers missing: 63 Rank and File killed; 295 Rank and File wounded; 68 Rank anil File missing: 1 Horse killed.; 2 Horses wounded, d ' ' Total Officers, Non- commissiotied Officers, Rank and File, and Horses killed, wounded, and missing, 485. i Names of Officers kijlgd, > vouml « li and missing on the lftli of August 180S." General Staff— Capt. K. J. Bradford, 3d regiment Foot Guards, Deputy As? is| ant! A< jy « » tant- Gene- WJ lam5 . A » ' j-.,.'!, • on Royal Artillery- Capt;" H. Geary,' killed. " Royal Engineers— Captain Howard Elphinstone; badiy wounded. 5th Foot— Major Emes, slightly wounded ; Lieut. Doyle, wounded. 9th Foot— Lieutenant Colonel Stuart, severely wounded; . Major Molle, wounded: Capt. San key, wounded; Ensign Nichols Wounded. £ 9th Foot— Lieutenant Colonel the Hon G. A. F, Lake, killed ; Majors G. Way and Thomas Eger soil, won tided; Capts. P. Hodges, and A. Patti- son, wounded; Lieutenants R. Birmingham, St John W. Lucas, and Robert Stannus, wounded Captain George Tod missing; Lieutenants W Birmingham, Ambrose Newbold, and Thomas Langton, missing. 6lh Foot— Captain John Currey, slightly wounded. 45th Foot— Ensign Dawson killed; Lieut. Burke, slightly, wounded. sV Foot— Lieut. R. Reid, dangerously wounded. 6oth Foot— Lieutenant Kiety, slightly wounded Ensign Dawes, slightly wounded; Adjutant De Gilso, slightly wounded. 55th Foot— Capt. Creagh, slightly wounded; Lieu- tenants Hill and Cortman, slightly wounded. G. B. TUCKER, Dep. Adj. Gen Head- quarters at Lourinha, Aug. 18, 1808. Mv LORD— Since I wrote to you latt night, I have heard from Brigadier- General Anstruther, that he is on the coast of Piniche, with the fleet of victuallers and store ships, in charge of Captain Bligh, of the Alfred, with a part of the force de- ta& eti from England ' meter Brigadier- General \ ekliWtl; in couscquenceof the receipt of ofde/ s wlti'th I had left at " Mpnd^ o Bav for General* Ack- land, which he bad opend. I hare ' ordered Bri . gadier- General Anstruthrt to land immediately and 1 have moved to tbis'ljlace, in order to pro- tect his landing, and feci) ta'e his junction. General Loison joined General Laborde in the course of last flight at Torres Vedras; and I under- stand that both began theii march towards Lisbon this morning: I also hear . hat General Juno: ha arrived this day at Torres Vedras, with a - small corps from Lisbon; and I coBchVde - that.' the whole of the French army wiM _> e assembled between Torres. Vedras and the capital, in the course of a few days. I have the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) - ARTHURWELLESLEY. To the Right Hon. Lord. Castlereagh. & c. Head- quarters, Maceira, Aug., 91, 1808. MY LORD— The report which J iiave the- hunour td inclose to your Lordship, made at my request bv Lieutenant-, General Sir- Arthur Wellesley, conveys information which cannot , but prove hig- ldy grati- fying to his- Majesty. On my landing, this morning-, I found that the enemy's attack had already commenced, and I'was fortunate enough to reach the field of action iii time to witness and approve of every disposition that had been, and was afterwards made by Sir Ar- thur Wellesley, his comprehensive mind furnishing a. ready resource in every emergency, and render- ing it quite unnecessary to direct any alteration. I am happy, oil' this occasion, to bear testimony- to the great spirit and good Conduct displayed by all the troops composing this gallant army in this well- contested action. I'send this dispatch by. Captain Campbell, Aid- de- Camp'to Sir Arthur Wellesley, no person be- ing better gualindd to give • yotur Lordships inform- irfaUpn.''.*'. , •.'-. . V.> 403J'J- 4 - ''.'.',', " y' -".' I have, tjie honour Jo be, & c. ( Signed)- ;— " HARRY BURRARD, , , Lieutenant- General. To'the Right Hon. Lord Castlereagh.& c. [ Here follows Sir Arthur Wellesley's letter, giv- ing particulars of the battle alluded toby Lieut General ' Sir. Harry Burrard, and which took place, on* the road which leads' from Lourinha, near to the,. village o'f Vimiera, The French army, ( the whole in Portugal commanded by. the Duke D'Abrantes in person,. supe'rior in cavalry and . ar- tillery. to. the. British army, has in this action - sus- tained- a signal . defeat, • ai^ l has lost 13 pieces cf cannon, 28 ammunition waggons, with powder, shells, stores of all descriptipns, & c One General Officer ( Buriere) has bcen wcjunded and taken pri- soner, and a great many Officers and soldiers have also been wounded and taken. Sir Arthur Wel- ' lesley again Couimepds the conduct of all the Offi- cers . and. soldiers engaged- under him; and in a postscript mentions the body of a French General Officer, supposed Thebaultj being found dead on the . field of battle. ;'' ,- . - Abstract of the killed, wounded, and missing. 4- Officers- killed, .37 Officers wounded, 2 0 dicers missing, 3 Non- commissioned Officers and Drum- mers killed, 31 Noil- commissioned Officers and Drummer's'wortnd&' d; 3 Non- commissioned Offi- • cers- and Drummers missing, 128 Rank and File killed, 466 Rank and File wounded, 40 Hank and File missitfg; 43 Horses, killed, wounded, and missing.- " i TotalOfficers, Non- commissioned Officers and 1 ' Drummers, Rank and File, and Horses, k'i- I led',' bounded, and missing, 783. Names of Officers killed, wounded., and missing, j ,- • - . : on the 2lstof August,, 1808. General Staff— Captain Hardinge, of the 57th. Foot, - F- oot^ Qeputy Assistant Quarter- Master- tieneral i WOUflde. dpjij. i f } . i . « " j Royal Engineers-^ Fijwtrliietffen^ nt Wells, missing. ,20lh Light Dragoons ' Lieutenant- Colonel Taylor ' killed ;.. Captain Eustace- missing. 20, th Foot— Li? n-- tenant Brooke killed; Lieutenant Hogg wourid; d. •. 90{ 6' foo^ Baigatlier- Major A. Creagh wtufnuKd-' , Sdth Foot— Captain Herbert sliahtlv wtmlKlad; Lieutenants Hart, Lought., and Edwards, slight- ly wounded; Ensign Bosell slightly wounded; Lieut, and Adjutant POveahseverely wounded.- 40th Foot — Captain Smith slightly wounded; Lieut. Frankley slightly wounded. 43d Foot— Major Hearne wounded; Captains Ferguson, Brock, and Haverfield wOuiided; Lieutenant Madden wounded; Ensign Wilson wounded. 50th Foot— Captain A. G. Cooke killed; Major Charles Hill wounded; Lieutenants John Kent, John Wilson, and Robert Way, wounded. 52d Foot— Captain Ewart wounded; Lieutenant Bell wounded. 60th Foot— Lieutenant. Charles Kirk wounded; Lewis Reith wounded. 71st— Captain A. Jones slightly wounded; Major Mackenzie slightly wounded; Lieutenants J. D. Pratt severely wounded; Lieutenants William Hartley, R. Dudgeon, and A. S. M'Intyre slight- ly wounded; Ensign Wm. Campbell slightly wounded; Acting Adjutant R. M'Alpine se- verely wounded. r 82d— Lieutenant R. Donkin killed. 95th— Lieutenant Pratt wounded;; Ensign W. Cox wounded. 97th — Major J. Wilson wounded'; Lieutenant E Kettlewell , wounded. G. B. TUCKER, Dep. Adj. Gen. LEWES, SEPT 5, - 1808. We have given place to as much of the Gazette Extraordinary of Saturday, as our limits would any way admit' of. The very important intelligence, though not given at full length, is substantially stated, and will be'found peculiarly' interesting. Junot, ( Duke D'Abrantes) commarfd'ed,. oii the - ilst in person, and the whole French army \ n°: Portugal was engaged and beaten by . British Valour I i The intelligence from Spain ' ls. of equal inipffr-' tance with that from Portugal; Palafox lias gained a glorious victory over Lefebvrc at Saragossa.— Of the 11,000 French who made this last assault upon Saragossa, 5000 were kiiled, and the remainder put to flight with the loss of their catinon and ammuni- tion— They were pursued by 14,000 Patriots, and the enemy were completely driven out of Arragon, Captain Bradford, of the Guards, who so glo- riously fell in the battle of the 17th alt. as mention- ed in the Gazette Extraordinary of Saturday, was a son of T. Bradford, Esq. of Ashdown- Park, in this County; aud an Officer of highly distinguish- ed merit. The PUBLIC Dinners of the Lord Bishop of CHICHESTER, commence on Wednesday next, the 7th inst. at Chichester House. The Northumberland Militia, injour Barracks, it is said, are under marching orders. The Nottingham Regiment, who quitted the above Barracks to make room for the Northumber- land, is expected to return hither. The Leicestershire Militia, now stationed in this county, have voluntarily offered their services to as- sist the Spanish Patriots in drubbing such of the common enemy's forces as shall dare to pass the Py- renean Mountains. The objections made to the plan originally re- ceived, for the erection of our ne-. v Shire- Hall, as stated in our last, were confirmed bv the Magistrates, at their meeting,, on Saturday, when a new plan, to which considerable extension is given, was pre- duced, and attendee consideration adopted, whencc' the structure will derive elegante;' and those, com- forts, which, in all crf/. vdeii assemblages,, are most desirable.' The exterior of the, edifice, is to-, be built exectly after the maimer of the Court- Hall,- ' at. Chelmsford, in .. Essex, atid like that, is to have a spacious Market- room rn front j but in other're- spects, the 1 interior, we understand, is ( o he - im- proved dpon. '.'"' . Last Saturday. being- Licencing Day," for this Di- vision of Lewes Rape, a great number of innkeep- ers and publicans attended here, and obtained a re- newal of their Licences to which their unexception- able conduct in the good regulation of their respec- tive hoii- i. es,, most jujtly entitled - them. Several fresh Licences, we hear, wete ajipHcd- for,- - but not granted. ' " ''-', -•• The Gentlemen of the Pic Nic Society of this. Town, who so greatly amused the Inhabitants, by their versatility of - musical and . rlietorisal talents, duriiig. thc last and preceding winter,- have, • we un- derstand, laudably determined on gi ving- a Night's Entertainment in aid'of. the' subscription now open for the Widow and. Children of the late Captain Jarvis, • -,-. ..'.•'•.--• i is joe? -' Two women were committed to the House of Correction in this town,, last week, for taking->' an£: carrying away corn two days following, mider'the pretence of. leasing, from a farm at Maresfield, and, notwithstanding ' they were repeatedly forbid : den, - they perseverfed, iiV an insolent manner, pass, fog through the standing corn— The- farmer - had only just began, to'^ carfly. jjfThese two women yjcte i. be,. r^ nglea^ ers - of a • iioinber of others who broke into the • field, :-, A'S* thg- J< 5rttcfice'of Teasiha .. before the'COrn - Is cafrie'd, arirf'Ss'- in this . case- before it was all ' cut, is become,, y^ ry' injurious to the far- mer, it is to b « hoped, ythklexample will deter others from comuiittrag, indefiance, the like of- fence. '> t A few nights since two itinerant chair- bottomers, robbed a poor man named Lambe, and his wife, in a barn in the .. parish of Salehurst, of three pounds in cash, a new scarlet cloak, cotton gown, silk pet- ticoats, and othei weaving apparel. On Monday last, as Thomas Spice, oxman to Mr, Langford, of Bugshill, in the parish of Sale- burst, was ploughing; with oxen, the cattle took fright, ran away with the plough, knocked down the man in his attegipt to stop them, and thereby very severely bruised him in several parts of his body. MARRIED. On Saturday last, at St. George's Hanover Square, Captain Shean, of the Sussex Militia, to Miss Emma Williams, youngest daugh- ter of the late James Williams, of Bedford Square. DIED. A few days since, aged 47 years, Mr. William Bristow, one of the Printers of the Can- terbury Journal, an Alderman of the city of Can, terbury, and Treasurer of the Eastern Division of the County of Kent. On Thursday last; after a long and severe illness, which she bore with exemplary resignation, Mrs. Watson, of Rye, in this county, aged 66, the wi- dow of the late"' N. C. Watson, Esq. BRIGHTON, SEPT. 5, 1808. Our arrivals are still very numerous, peeping fnll. pace ; wi:' h . ijur ' de. partu. ri^,. but the length of the Gazette Extraordinary. cfliliges us to omit " tfifc pnblicatioii of thcru.- vThe'Tlieatre, the Libraries, and other'place8'* Bf: pfiBlic report, continue.- to he xwirattended^ and'- uaie'ty'- iiipre than vfftSitiSry has - prevailed stfi'tc the Tast cheefin^ news from the seat of war( on., the 1' onti. tipnt, .. A : '- Our Sh<( ep Fair, tl . is day, it is expected, will be well attended both by buyers and sellers ; but not so largely, perhaps, as if Battle Sheep Fair had not happened on the samp day. r The Mayor, Recorder, Aldermen, and Citizens of the City of Chichester, have addressed his Ma- 1 jesty, humbly thanking him for the policy lie has I been pleased to adopt respecting Spain.— For the I Address, which sets an example worthy of imitation, I see the following column. Two French Privateers appeared off Bourne, on I Saturday evening, and captured several merchant I vessels, in sight of the land, and no British armed I ship being in sight, they moved off with their I prizes towa- ds the coast of France ; and, apparent- j ly, with great confidence of security. His Grace the Duke of NORFOLK, we are inform- ed, received by the last- East India Fleet, a present of the most beautiful Antelope ever seen in this country, WORTHING still continues , in the gayest attire Of fashion and splendour, the number of titles and elegant equipages far exceeding any former season. An express, with the pleasing informati- on of the destruction- of Junot's force, and the expulsion of the French from Portugal, reached the- Marquis of' Wellesley at this place on Friday, who imnrodiely went post for London. Copies of the dispatches were speedily printed, and dispersed for the purpose of general information, which beibg . j; oad with avidity by all ranks, pro- duced a sensation of getreraFj'oy, mingled with re- gret for the great Ioss'of' our brave countrymen. Mrs;. Litchfield ajosed' iber. engagement at the .' Worthing ' Theatre, with her . benefit on Friday eve- ning, which, from tbe appeitatiee 4f the box- book, .-. was, as she deserved, well" att'Shded. TWo' iiaked bt/ dies ofibc'n were; thrown on the sands at Worthing-, on Friday; by some Ihey were supposed to have lost, their lives; by venturing out of their depth whilst bathing; but we think we should have heard of- their being missed had that been the case; they were more probably ship- wrecked mariners, who had taken off tliei clothes to accelerate their swimming. The bodiei have been since decently ' interred in Broadwater church- yard. LONGEVITY. There are now living in the pa- rish of Finden, in this county, three persons, whose united ages amount to 266 years. The youngest is a labouring man aged 85, who retains all his facul- ties unimpaired, and without let or hinderance, fol- lows his daily occupation. The next is a female, who enjoys perfect health atid spirits at the age of 90. And the third is a man who has attained his 91st year. He frequently walks eight or ten miles a day, and is remarkable tor the tenacity of his me mory. Uc has followed four clergymen to theii graves, who had, in succession, officiated at his parish Church for upwards of 70 years. DIED. On Wednesday evening, at Worthing, Lady William Russell, wife to Lord William Rus- sell, only brother to the Duke of Bedford, daughr ter of the late and sister to the present Earl of Jersey. Her Ladyship was married at the age of eighteen, and died in her S7th year, leaving a young and beautiful family. She was. attended by Lord William, and her sister, Lady Paget. To THE KING's MOST - EXCELLENT MAJESTY I ' May ' it please your Majesty, TO permit your Majesty's Loyal Subjects tiie 1. Mayor; Recorder, Aldermen,, and Citizens of the City of Chichester, to- approach your Throne, and to entreat your. Majesty to accept our warm- est thanks for the noble and liberal system of poli- cy which has been adopted by, your Majesty towards Spain. ' . Your Majesty, with that humanity and wisdom which have ever, marked your Royal Conduct, did not hesitate to direct, your Government to afford the most prompt and generous protection to a Peo- ple strtiggiiii'g, in the, glorious cause of Freedom, and endeaw'imhg to expel from their country an Enemy wlipBe, step, s are.' constantly marked by blood and rapine, and," whose- conquests- reduce to the, mostdegi; adi. tig^ la^ cry'the. unhappy Nations, whom I their arm's ( ai'ded. often by insidious treachery and I infamous corruption) subdue. As it was the pecu- I liarprovuice of a Monarch reigning over a free People to direct such assistance,- so we trust it ,' is equally becoming- that: People to express the warm sentiments of approbation they feel, that such as- sistance has - been, afforded. We beg leave humbly to assure your Majesty that we arc- ready most zealously to support what- ever measures may be deemed necessary to save the braveand patriotic Spaniards from the galling yoke which Despotism has prepared for them ; and we breathe a fervent hope, that Providence will crown those measures, with success, by" which mean;, not only the independence of Spain will be established,, but the Peace of Europe may be ultimately ef- fected. In. testimony whereof we have caused the Com- mon- Seal of the said City to be hereunto affixed, this 16th day of. August, in the 43th year of your Majesty's, Reign " ? ! HAWKHURST ASSEMBLY. THE next Hawkhurst Assembly,' will be on - Thursday, the 8th of Sept. next. STEWARDS. SIR WALTER JAMES JAMES. REV. JOHN HUSSEY. THEATRE, EAST- BOURN. For the Benefit of Mr. and Mrs. SPARKS. On Tuesday, the 6th of September, will be performed the Comedy, of THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. Recitations by Mrs. Sparks, being her last appearance this season. To which will be added by desire the laughable Enter- tainment of THE OLD MAID. Boxes, 3s. Pit and Slips, as. i Gallery. Tickets to be had of Mr. Sparks, at Mr. Burfield's, op posite thoTlu atre. J^ By permission the . Band of the Royal Bucks, or King's Own, Will attend the Theatre. Doors to Ue opened ^ t Six, and to bjeg: in' at S-: vr: i. - COOK. WANTED a good COOK, who understands soups and made disbes,. and with the assist- ance of a Kitchen- Maid is capable of'serving two courses; pickling aud preserving are not absolute ly required. No one need. Offer who cannot be v- ell recommended for sobriety, honesty, and clean- liness. Apply at Mr. Campion's, Lewes-. WANTED; ASteady, active Person as GAMEKEEPER, and to look after a couple of Horses.- He must be a good shot, and be abje, to produce a character for honesty, sobriety, and civility, - Apply at H. Bridget's,, Esq. Buckingham Place.. " , WANTED ~ At Michaelmas next, AwORKING BAILLIF - Who, understands all branches of the farming business, also Brewingj Biitf- saUi'tfg hog- mt « t ill wiiuer. Likewise;' a Cartel out- of the House. Married men well itcsjntneudtai • will have cottages reserved for theiii. • "' Euquire of Mr. Fowler, at Binsted, near Arundel. - '. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. ~ IN a regular House of Business, a young Person of respectable connections, as an APPRENTICE I to the Millinery business, I For particulars apply'to the printers. WANTED, AYOUNG MAN in the general line of Drapery, Grocery, & c, one of respectability, and that can bring with h. m a good reference from his last situation; he must be a good accomptant. For Particulars enquire of W. Stone, Grocer, Tun- bridge Wells ; or of P. Stone, Gardner Street. TO BARGEMEN AND OTHERS. WANTED for the Barracks at Horsham, 80 Tons of SEA GRAVEL, skreened, and also IIS Cart Loads of Horsham common GRAVEL. The a- bove quantity to be delivered at the said Barracks, at per ton, and per cart load, includiug spreading, breaking, and making good the ground. Tenders to be sent, sealed up, directed to the Cora missioners for the Ail, ill's of Barracks, Barrack Office, Spring Gardens, London, on or before the 12th instant. Further particulars m. iy be known by applying at the Barrack Master's Office, at Horsham. MR. WELLER most respectfully informs the Public, that the Sale of the valuable Freehold Property, situate in the East Street, Chichester, late in the occupation of Messrs. Hemsley and Gilbert, adver- tised to be - old by Auction, at the Fleece Inn, on Mon day the 5th of September, is unavoidably postponed. Chichester, Aug. 2( 3, 1808. ,' To the Inhabitants of Lewes, and its Neighbourhood. JOHN SFILSBURY, Haberdasher, Linen Dra- per, Hosier, & c. opposite the Bank, Lewes, having disposed of his house, and'haying engaged to give the purchaser possession 011 the Stli day of October Jfflt itbecorties necessary to make'a'rapid sale r. i' his taige'; and valuable Slock in Trade, which consists of every rles cription of Linen Drapery, Haberdashery, Hoisery, Gloves, Laces, Silk Goods,' Jewellery, Perfumery, & c. I11 order to effect a speedy disposal, lie is collie to a determination, to offer the above mentioned Stock to his frieuds and the puHlic, at, and a great part of it, con- siderably niidcr prime Cost, for ready money only. A great advance having receiitly taken placc on Silk Goods, and 011 some articles of Linen, tlie advantage to purchasers of goods bought before the advance, those goods being fixed at reduced prices, must be very ob- vious. - A still greater advantage will be given to Shopkeepers who may purchase to the amount of £ 20, or upwards. All early application is strongly rccommeuded, as the premises must absolutely be cleared by the 5th day of October next. » N. B. Several good mahogany counters, nests of draw- ers, shelves, & c. suitable for the above branches, will be disposed of on reasonable terms. ^ No. 4, North Street Brighton, and Copping's Row Worthing. E. SAYERS begs leave to offer her sincere thanks 10 the Nobility, Gentry, Visitors, and inhabi- tants of Brighton and Worthing, for the liberal suppor aud unbounded patronage she has been honoured with for several years past, io the Linen Drapery and Mil- linery Business now most respectfully announces to thein, that the wliole of her valuable Stock at both places will be sold off, at and nader cost prices, with- out the least reserve, in. consequence of her retiring from business. The House and well- established Shop at Brighton, to be let Oil lease ; for particulars enquire on the pre- mises. None need apply but principals, aud rio letter will be answered unless postpaid. NEW ROAD, A saving of THREE MILES between London ami Brighton. ALL Persons interested in, or desirous of sup- portingan application to Parliament, in the I ensuing Sessions, for'leave to bring in a- Bill to I make and maintain a Turnpike Road from the Che- I quers, on Horley Common, by Worth and Bal • combe, to adjoin the Cockfield turnpike- road, at I Whiteman's- Green, are requested to meet at the | Chequers Inn, on Horley Common aforesaid, on Saturday,- the 17th day of September instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, Sept. 3, 1808.' ' ; FORAGE. ALL persons having delivered Forage, between the usual periods, at the Barracks of Brigh- ton and Shoreham, are requested to produce checks for the same,.. at the King and Queen, Brighton, oo Thursday, the 1.5th instant. And for Forage delivered at the Barracks of Lewes and Bletching- ton, the checks are to be produced, at the White Hart, Lewes, on Saturday, the 17tli inst. N. B. The hours of attendance for payment oa the above days, will be between ten and fmr o'clock, after which time no checks presented will be discharged, until the next days of payment, it> the ensuing month. Sept. S.' N. BEARD. -.':- FORAGE. IT is hereby requested that all persons having JL . delivered either hay, straw, or oats to Lewes and Brighton Barracks from the 25th of Oct. IS07, to the. 24th July. 1808 Mil produce their checks for the same at the King and Queen Inn, Brighton, on Thursday . tfee 8th day of September, 180S. Any persons, neglecting to produce their checks on that dav, will not be paidr, as the accounts will be made up immediately afterwards. T. ANDREW. Brighton, Sept. 3, 1808. SOUTH- DOWN RAMS. ~ TO BE LET, On Friday the 16th inst. at Northease, near Lewes, at three o'clock in the afternoon, FIFTEEN SOUTH- DOWN RAMS, of dif- rent- ages, the property of Mr. T. SAXBY. SUSSEX.' ~ TO BE LET BY AUCTION, On the Premises, By MR. EAST, On Monday the 86th September, IS08, punctually at three o'clock, unless an acceptable offer should bo made in the mean time, of which due notice will be given, in two lots, for the term of 14 years, front the loth of October ensuing. LOT I. WASHINGTON HOUSE. A most desirable St genteel residence for a small family, or an unde- niable situation for a gentleman, fond of field sports, the country abounding with game; situate near the Church, in which is a pew belonging, in the pleasant village of Washington, contiguous to, and commanding a beauti- ful view of the South Downs, within 2(> o yards of the Turnpike Road from London, through Findon to Worth- ing, where two Coaches, and the post pass daily; hits the residence „ f Mr. William Wallace, deceased. The premises consist of an excellent modern built Dwelling House, erected within four ye'sfcs, containing six be$. rooms, two parlours, a study, with every oilier donae-. ti j . « 3> ces, stabling, See, vith a pleasure garden in frou t, part ly nailed, jiiid planted with choice trait trees, in a lu>. « - riant state, the whole tit for a- family to take immediate possession. Meadow land may be had if required. l> is- tincefiajni Worthing, si* miles ^ Brighton, 14 ; Chichea- ter < y 14 • Horsham, 12.; ajid- London, 00. This enviable spot lias claims dn the public attention, farJtitjyond description, from the situation affording t very comfort for the recluse , and from its vicinity, every en- joyment for the sportsman, and man of pleasure, LOT 11. Washington House Farm, for the term of four'een years, from the- loth of October ensuing. Comprising upwards of 100 acres of arable, pasture, and coppice land, and lying altogether from its compactness, high state of cultivation, and fences, good roads, and in the centre of all the neighbouring markets, with a Dwelling House, barns,, stabling, granary, hovels, & c. is un- questionably one of the most" desirable Farms in the county, with immediate possession. To be viewed, and particulars had of Mr. Thomas Wallace, Executor, on the premises; Mr. Gould, 78, Borough; and at Mr. East's Office, Little Castle- square, Brighton. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On the Premises, •}''"' By Mr. EAST, On Tuesday, the 27th of September, 1808, and two fol- lowing days, precisely at eleven o'clock each day, ALL the valuable LIVE and DEAD STOCK. modern Houshold Furniture, Linen and China, a - elect Library of Books, sou volumes, Printing and Bookbinders' . Presses, a Barrel Organ, Eight- day Clock, Magic Lanthorn,' Fire- arms,. 40 tons of prim meadow Hay, & c. & c. the genuine property of the late Mr. Wal- lace, at Washington House. H'he live and dead stock comprizes 7 capital draught horses, 2 colts, 4 milch cows, 3 two- yearlings, 2 twelvi- - lohthings, sheep and lauibs, 3 waggons, 5 dung carts, water cart, 1 light ditto, ploughs, barrows, rollers, a patent machine, trace aud thill harness, s hoops' of bel( s, 150 wattles, sacks, and husbandry tackle. The Furniture consists of 6 feather beds, and bedding, and four post bedsteads, cotton and other furniture, glasses, in mahogany, chests of drawers, 1 ircular sets of dining, pier, aud tea tables, wine coolers, fashionable chairs, with . horse- hair seats, and brass nails, festoou Window curtains, w « insqo> t book- cases, with glazed doors, carpets, register ( t^ ftf, numerous kitchei), washing, dairy, and brewing utepsiM, 5 powdering tubs, 3 cop- pers, & c. Sic. To be viewed, aiid Catalogues had at the . adjacent market , tWnsl, oil The premises , and at Mr. East's Of- fice, Little Castle Square, Brighton 5 and at Mr. Arm- strong's, builder',' Worthing. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, rpilAT if THOMAS MUNDS, who left his i- lodgings, at the house of Thomas Paine, at live, in Sussex, on the ' id day of August, 1807, does not cause to be paid the debt he left unpaid, for board and lodging, at the said Thos. Paine's, by the 20th instant, his clothes, remaining at his said lodgings, will be sold to discharge the same. THOMAS PAINE. Rye, Sept. 1, 1808. STRAYED, Into the grounds of Mr. Stunt, at Southerham, near Lewes, about the latter end of last May, I^ IVE Wether and One Ewe SOUTH DOWN TAGS, ail marked with duplicate figures of 3. The Owner on paying the cxpence of keeping and advertising, may have theni again. •••• - STRAYED Into the groands- of Geo. Shiffner, Esq. of Coombe- Place, near Lewes, about five weeks since. ATwo yearling Steer, the owner by describing the marks, and paying all expences may have him again. Lewes, Saturday, Sept. S. ' Red Wheat - - £ S 14 0 to 0 0 0 White ditto - -- 400 to 000 Oats 2 0 0 to. O 0 0 Ditto New - - - 118 0 to 0 0 0 SATURDAY SEPT. S, 1S08, Consols 6S— K- t- d. 66^,— Cni lium — SPAIN. CAPTURE OF BILBOA BY THE FRENCH. By the Corunna Mail, which arrived on Moit- .2. It day; dispatches were received by Government which state, that the French having" heard of the insurrection of the Province of Biscay, marched on the 16th an army of 8000 men from Vittoria against Bilboa. The Spaniards sustained the at- tack with the utmost bravery; hut not having had time to become sufficiently organized, and being totally unsupported by regular troops, they wore forced to surrender the town by capitulation. The terms they obtained were highly favourable ; but the perfidious enemy no sooner got possession of the place, than lost to every sense of honour, jus- tice, and humanity, they violated the conditions, and actually plundered the town of every thing valuable that it contained. We have also received by the Mail a mass of let- ters and papers from Spain to the 10tli instant.— They state, that the French armies had evacuated Sogovia, Valladolid, and Valencia, and fallen back upon Burgos and Vittorie. The enemy's force collected in this quarter amounted to about thirty five thousand men, including four thousand sick and wounded.— It is probable, however, that al- though thus reduced, they will endeavour to oc- cupy the line of the Ebro, and maintain a footing on the north side of that river, in expectations of receiving powerful and immediate reinforcements. There appears, then, no good authority for the report that Bessieres, whose army constitutes a part of this force, had offered to capitulate. The remaining part of it consisted of about • 92,000, which left Madrid with Joseph. It moved very slowly, to protect its heavy baggage and immense plunder, some of which, we are happy to say. fell into the hands of the Spanish maurauders who hung upon its rear. The advanced guard of the army of Castanos entered Madrid on the 9' h, and proceeded in pursuit of the French. The journals of that city are filled with details of the flight of King Joseph from it. The last accounts of his mock Majesty state, that he had left Burgos for Vittoria.— It is therefore very probable that he has arrived at Bayonne. With the exception of the attack upon Bilboa, the Spanish papers do not present any new military affairs. The Asturians hail very judiciously taken possession of all the passes of their mountains, and General Blake's ar- my, we are happy to learn, was increasing in num- ber, and improving in discipline. We find that the Duke Del Infantado effectee" . his escape from Madrid on the entrance of Joseph into it. After the departure of the latter, it appears that the po- pulace of Madrid, indignant at the conduct of some persons who had countenanced the enemy, • while they remained in the capital, rose upon them on the 3d instant, and committed some excesses ; but immediately after, order being completely re- stored, they repaired by tens of thousands to the Patriotic Standards, and eagerly enrolled them- selves, determined to save their country, or perish in the attempt.— The proclamation of the Biscay- ans, on their union with the rest of their country- men, will be read with interest. It is conceived in such terms as might be expected from a brave and independent people, proud of their ancestry, and jealous of their rights. The proclamation is as follows:—• » " NOBLE BISCAYANS!— The bitter grief which oppressed your hearts, at seeing your native land threatened with the odious yoke of the most cruel slavery, has at length broken through the barriers which the irrestible force of circumstances had imposed upon you : yes, your sufferings are now at an end ; and a generous youth, full of holy ar- dour, are flocking with eagerness to their standards. " You called for Chiefs to command you ; and you now see placed at your head, men celebrated for their talents and military knowledge, who will eonduct you as it were by the hand to victory.— The creation of a presiding Junta, to direct your operations, has been one of the principal objects of your careful attention. Here you posses it, ad- dressing you in the language of troth. " Inhabitants of Biscay ! cast your eyes back on the ages which have passed, and you will see your ancestors at one time repulsing the Carthaginians ; at another, destroying the hosts of Rome ; at one period was granted to them the honourable distinc- tion of serving in the van of the army ; at an ano- ther, the privilege of citizens. Imitate the glorious examples of your so worthy progenitors. " Yet know that absolute subordination to your Chief, and severity of discipline, are the first of martial virtues, without which none can present themselves with the hope of success in the plains of honour. The Junta promises itself that you will possess them in an eminent degree. " Let the unholy voice of party passions for ever dissapper from among you ; and let the sug- gestions o; envy hold no sway in your bosoms. No le" a perfect and indissoluble union reign among you. Your interests are the same— the sentiments which animate you, alike— and the cause which you defend, common. Will you, therefore, seek to turn your force against your brethren and coun- trymen, and to give the victory to your enemies ? Perish So disgraceful an idea! Let the liberty and properly of individuals he most religiously observ- ed, and let the province of Biscay preserve the purity of its customs, even in the midst of the din of arms. " Biscayans! the religion of your fathers, ac- cording to whose holy maxims yon have been edu- cated— the country to which you owe your exist- ence— the Lord ( or Sovereign) which the consti- tution and the laws have prescribed to you— these are the important objects which claim your atten- tion. and oblige you to march out to the glorious conflict. Can you bear to be the victims of one man's ambition, who has endeavoured to enslave Europe ? No you were not born for slavery. " Hasten, then, to give- the most undoubted proofs of your valour and patriotism, and rely up- on all the assistance which the Junta can afford you. May your temples be surrounded with lau- rels of victory, and. your name be immortal in the annals of Biscay ! D. Mathias Herrero Prieto, " D. Juan Joseph De Yermo, " D. Francisco Borja Urtado de Corcuera." " D. Jose Xavierde Goitia, Sec. Junta." " Bilboa, Aug. 6, 1803. A letter received from Gijon, dated the 19th instant, announces a new and desperate attack upon the city of Saragossa by the French on the 4th instant. The French amounted to 11,000 men, under the command of General Lefebvre, and the town was defended by the brave General Palafox, who had so greatly distinguished himself in its de- fence upon several similar occasions. The enemy forced themselves into the . place with their charac- teristic impetuosity, but where met with the most determined valour by the inhabitants and garrison, and driven out, after a dreadful conflict of consi- derable duration, with the loss of 6,000 men killed, wounded, and taken prisoners. The letter adds, that 15,000 British troops were hourly exported at' Gijon, that Colonel Doyle had sent orders from General Blake's camp to provide necessaries for a force to that extent; and that the Catalans have almost cleared their province of all the French troops. The letter containing this intelligence is said to have been received at Guernsey from Gijon. Government have received dispatches from that port of as bite a date, but as they are silent on the subject, little credit is due to the Guernsey letter. It is apparent that nothing is farther from Bona- parte's intention, than to withdraw his forces from the eastern and northern portion of the Spanish Monarchy. Unequal as he is to subject the whole of the peninsula, and expelled as he has already been from the Central, as well as from the southern provinces, he may still retain the part that extends from the center of Old Castile, including Burgos, to Barcelona. If such then be his intention, the possession of Saragossa is absolutely necessary, to the attainment of his object. A desperate attack upon that: city is therefore one of the most proba- ble events within the range of speculation. It is probable that the attack and capture of Bilboa, on the 16th instant, was more a measure of punish- ment to the Biscayans for their Manifesto and junc- tion with the Patriot provinces, as well as for the sake of pillage, than undertaken with any view of retaining the place. It is, indeed, completely out of the line requisite for the French to occupy, in order to keep open their communication with Bur- gos and Old Castile. The two provinces of Gui- puscoa and Alava, are indispensable for that pur- pose; and of these, in which Vittoria as well as St. Sebastian are situate, Bessieres is in possession. We know, however, that the French evacuated Bilboa on the 17th instant, after plundering it, and losing above fourteen hundred men, in ren- dering themselves masters of the city. Private letters from Corunna state, that Major Roche had embarked from Bilboa, with large sup- plies of cannon, muskets, and ammunition; toge- ther with a considerable sum of money, for the use of the Patriots of Biscay, from whose junction in the general cause the most important advantages were expected to result. The partial success of the enemy over the unorganized levies at Bilboa, was considered of little or no consequence, except- ing as far as it regarded the plundering of the place by the infamous violators of the capitulation agreed upon with the inhabitants. The supplies provided for them by Major Roche, and the co operation of the armies of Generals Cuesta and Blake, would soon enable the Biscayans to retrieve their loss, and take signal vengeance on their op- pressors. ; LATE IPSWICH LAMB" FAIR. At this fair the Earl of Bristol's half- bred Lei- cesters, in fine condition, sold for 24s. fid. and Mr. • Stephen Shillito's, Rushbrooke, ditto, 24s.— Barne Barnes, esq. of Sotterley, Southdowns, 22s. Mr. G. Pawsey's, of Lidgate, half- bred Southdowns, sold altogether at 21s. 6d. and Mr. Palmer's, of Herrings well, for 21s. Mr. Filby's, of Snailwell, wethers, obtained 21s. ewes 19s.— Mr. Craske's, Stowlangtoft, Norfolks, allowed to be in as fine or- der as any in the fair, produced 21s. ewe and we- ther; Mr. Simpson's ( Nowton) Norfolks, wethers 17s. fid. ewes 16s. 6d.— Mr. Beeton's, of Hardwicke, and Mr. Brooks's, of Horringer, not at the fair. The Duke of Grafton's, Sir Wm. Middleton's, and Mr. Cooper's, of Cavenham, half- bred Southdowns, produced 18s.— Mr. Cotton's, of Kesgrave, wethers 18s. ewes 16s.— Mr. Hunt's, of Chillesford, half- breds 21s.— Mr. Wolton's, of Playford, half- bred Southdown wethers 19s. 6d. and Mr. Cook's, of Race Ground, Ipswich, 19s.— Mr. Roper's, of Bard- well, 48s. Mr. Powell's, of Elden, Southdown we- thers 16s.— Mr. Bidwell's, of Croxton, ditto 15s.— Mr. Twiss's, of Brettenham, 15s. The demand for prime stock seemed very bris to the end of the fair on Tuesday. There is great expectation of a considerable shew of lambs at Horringer fair, on Monday next, as se- veral much- esteemed Hocks were not driven to Ips- wich this year, from the precarious state of the tur- nip crop, which has been much improved within the last fortnight. THE PONEY AND MAIL COACH. The Poney which has excited so much interest in the sporting world, and started with the Exeter Mail on Saturday last, is the property of Mr. War- dell; it js only i2 hands high; three grooms have the leading of it, and Mr. Wardell went off with the Mail. It was accompanied from town by seve- ral amateurs, as far as the second stage. The Poney and its conductor arrived at Salisbury, at the same time with the Mail Coach, there they gave it a feed of ale and bread, and started as the Mail Coach- horses were put to, keeping the lead from Salisbury; 6 to 4 were betted at that time on the Poney, who appeared quite fresh; the last time it was seen, by a person who came to town on Mon- day night, was within 40 miles of Exeter, it was then three miles a- head of the Mail, taking its feed in a corn- field, and in very good condition; bets at that time were 2 to 1 111 favour of the Poney. Great sums of money are depending 011 this extra- ordinary performance. The greatest anxiety pre- vailed on Monday night amongst the betters; and the inquiries at Tattersall's and other places were numerous. The Poney continued the favourite in town. This little animal lately carried a weighty rider seventy miles in one day. It is accustomed to drink a'e and beer, and has frequently drank .1 pint of port at a time. since writing the above, accounts ware received in town 011 Tuesday morning by the Mail- Coach, stating, that Mr. Wardell's Poney had won, having heat the Exeter Mail by 45 minutes, which is equal to a distance of ten miles. The Poney was quite fresh on its arrival at Exeter. SWINDLING LADY. On Saturday last, as a remarkably well- dressed young lady, accompanied by a servant in a rich livery, was walking in Hyde- Park, she was sud- denly seized with a violent fit of SICKNESS. A maid- servant, who had the care of some children, seeing her distressed situation, recommended to her to repair to her master's house, which was at no great distance, in Park street, where she would ex- perience every kind attention. In pursuance of this advice, the SICK LADY, leading on her foot- man's arm, accompanied by the girl, went to Mr. C ' s house Being shewn into a drawing room, a surgeon was immediately sent for, to render her every assistance; she was bled, and it was recom- mended to her to repose herself for some time on a sofa; in about two hours thereafter she rang the bell, and ordered the servant, ( who is supposed to he an accomplice in mail's atire), to bring a coach, to carry her to her place of residence, which she stated to be in Upper Cadogan- place. After re- turning a thousand thanks to the hospital hostess for her kind attention, the RECOVERED SICK LA- DY drove away: but how great was Mrs. C ' s astonishment on finding that a number of silver Spoons, of different sizes, and other valuable port- able articles, bad disappeared with her late SICK GUEST. . She dismissed the coach at Hyde- Park Toll- gate, and has hitherto eluded every search and inquiry. MELANCHOLY SHIPWRECK. Private letters lately received in town from North Ulst give the following account of the loss of a, wherry, which has been attended with unu- sual circumstances of distress. About three weeks ago, a wherry belonging to Mr. Macdonald, of Babranald. manned with four man, and which had some cattle on board, sailed from North Ulst, for the island of Heiskar, which is the only island betwixt the North of Scotland and America in that direction, and is only visited twice in the year. The day was very moderate, and the wind fair, when the vessel sailed ; but when within two leagues of Heiskar, the wind became contrary,' and very tempestuous; the consequence was, that the vessel foundered on a ridge of rocks, which jutted out from the main island. Three of the hands perished, as did all the cattle, except one cow, which, together with the fourth man, Suc- ceeded in scrambling up to the top of this rocky island. In this dismal situation, the man and his brute companion remained three days, without any prospect of relief. On the fourth, the cow dropped down dead; in the interim, to preserve existence as long as possible, the man opened a vein in the cow, and frequently sucked her blood; this scource failing at her death, he cut out the tongue of the dead animal, and mincing it down very small, supported bis existence till the fifth day, on which, to his great joy, he espied an open fishing boat in the channel, and hoisted, with all the strength that was left to him, his shirt as a sig- nal of distress; the boat came and rescued him from his perilous situation. _ DIED ~~ On the 26th ult. at Cheltenham. Lieutenant- General Bowyer, late Commander of the Forces in the Windward and Leeward Islands. USEFUL FAMILY ARTICLE. STAINS of RED PORT WINE, Tea, Fruit, Coffee, Hops, Mildew, and every Vegetable Mat- ter, are entirely removed from Table Linen, Leather Breeches, Cottons, Muslins, Lace and other articles of Dress, by HUDSON'S CHEMICAL BLEACHING LIQUID; it also removes stains from Ladies' Buff dresses, with- out injuring the buff colour, and restores all kinds of' linen to their original whiteness, when discoloured by had washing, disuse, or long sea voyages, without any injury to the texture of the cloth. Prepared and sold by Hudson and Co. Chymists, 27, Haymarket, London ; sold also by Lee ; and Pugh and Davey, Lewes; Gregory ; and Gilburd, Brighton ; Mon- day, Worthing ; Wheeler, Battle ; Susan, Seaford; Gasson, East Bourne: Norton, . Hastings ; Coleman, Rye; Mann, Horsham; Blanch, Arundel; Johnson, Pet worth ; Pratt, Chichester, and the principal Perfumers and Medicine Venders throughout the United Kingdom, in bottles at 5s. 3s. and as. each. NEW INVENTED AND HIGHLY APPROVED PATENT TRUSS, FOR RUPTURES. PERSONS afflicted with the above Complaint. may be provided with a TRUSS, which has re- cently obtained the Royal Letters Patent, for its su" periority in supporting Ruptures. From its structure it will allow the wearer to exert every action of the body riding or walking, without any understrap, or other inconvenience usually attendant on them. To he had, price Two GUINEAS, of Mr. W. LEE Printer, Lewes. TO DR. MILLER, Sirv/ ACTUATED with gratitude, I write to inform you, that the wonderful cure which you performed on me better than ten years since, continues perfect to this day, when for the information of the afflicted, I state as follows:— I had been a great while labouring under the complicated evils of excruciating pains, and increasing dread and anxiety of mind, occasioned by a cancer in my right breast, violently swelled, with three large ulcers in it ; two Gentlemen of the faculty in the neighbourhood, of very approved judgment, having de- clared it to be incurable, and declined their further at- tendance ; I then applied to Dr. Miller, and by the in- estimable qualities of his Medicine ( which be so justly titles Antiscorbutic) together with his advice, received a sound cure, in May and June, 1797. Further particulars may be had by applying to me, or to Mr, and Mrs. Weller, Clothiers, Dorking, Surrey. 1 am, with the duest sense of obligation, A. WILKINS. At the Holmwood, in the parish of Dorking. October 9, 1807. CAUTION.— It is necessary to he particular that it is Dr. Miller's Antiscorbutic Drops that you purchase, as there are many medicines very similar in name. None are of his preparing but what have Red Stamp, aigned with the Doctor's mine, in his own hand writing. Are sold at 4s, 6d. per bottle, with a book of directions and advice. Likewise Dr. Miller's Restorative Cordial and Pills, and Worm Destroying Sugar Cakes, may be had genuine of the following persons, viz. Battle, S. Blundell Horsham, T. Mann J. Cuthbert Lamberhurst. J. Gibbs Beckley, S. Colbran Lewes, Pugh & Davey Bexhill, J. Fuggle Arthur Lee Burwash, G. Gilbert Lindfield, W. Durrant Brighton, Mrs. Gregory Maresfield, J. Maynard Cuckfield, J. M'George Peasmarsh, E. Bannister Dallington, J. Pardon Robertsbridge, J. Alderton Danehill, A Tulley Rye, A. Meryon Ditcheling, J. Browne Cook & Son Eastbourne, T. Baker Sandhurst, J. Beach E. Grinstead, Palmer & Son Seaford, J. Brooker Edenbridge, W. Corke, Sheffield Green, J. Beard Groombridge, T. Kellick Tunbridge- Wells, J. Sprange Goudhurst, J. Couchman, Uckfield, W, Verrall Hailsham, Waters & Page Udimore, R. Chester Hartfield, Mrs. Morphew Wadhurst, T. Bull Hastings, J. Barry Winchelsea, J. Elliott Heathfield, J. Ellis Wittersham, J. Wood. In particular cases see Dr. Miller, at Mereworth, near Tollbridge, Kent. For the Head, Stomach, and Bowels. DR. JAMES'S ANALEPTIC PILLS. THE celebrity of these Pills as a general preser- vative of health, by assisting nature in the due discharge of the animal functions, is become universal and they are now recommended by Medical Gentlemen of the first eminence, who use them in their own fami- lies. They are admirably calculated for disorders of the stomach and bowels ; for persons of a bilious, gouty, or a rheumatic disposition as well as for those whose constitutions have been affected by a sedentary life, or by a residence in hot climates ; also for head achs oc- casioned by indigestion and other bad effects of free- liv- ing ; and for preventing palsies and apoplexies, so often the consequence of intemperance. These Pills, which gently open the pores by night and the body by day, sire excellent ill colds and slight fevers ; and they have a tendency to promote sleep. They should never be omitted at bed- time, after any excess of eating or drink- ing. Sold only by F. Newbery and Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church yard, London; in Boxes, price 4s. 6d. each, or six ill one large Box, for ) I. 4s. duly included, and by their appointment by Lee, Pugh and Davy, and Pitt Lewes; Gregory, and Donaldson, Brighton; Spooner, and Stafford, Worthing; Blanch, and White, Arun- del ; Phillipson, Davis, and Pratt, Chichester ; Cole- man, Rye ; Nash, and Sprange, Tunbridge Wells ; Pal- mer, East Grinstead ; and Cuthbert, Battle. 53- Observe that the words " F. Ncwbery, No. 45, St. Paul's, " are engraved on the stamps. THE GREAT RESTORATIVE To HEALTH IS MANN'S APPROVED MEDICINE. For violent Coughs, Cods, Asthmas, Consumptions, Hooping Cough, Convilsions, and debilitated Consti- tutions, patronized by Ladies and Gentlemen of the first distinction. A WONDERFUL CASE. SARAH COOK, of Cranley, near Guildford, Surrey, between 20 and 30 years old, bad been af- flicted for upwards of three years with a dangerous ill- ness, which proceeded font taking cold, attended with convulsion fits, loss if appetite, great difficulty of breathing, and dropsy to an extreme degree, for which she had been tapt once; her case was truly deplorable, and was considered by all who knew her, past recovery ; but hearing of ninny astonishing cures performed by MANN'S APPROVED MEDICINE, her case was made known about three] months since, to Mr. Mann, of Horsham, at which time her dropsy was worse than ever before; by taking his Approved Medicine, and paying attention to the directions given 111 her Case, the happy effects were, that those complicated and dangerous com- plaints soon lost their power, th" convulsion fits left her from the time she took the Medicine, and in less than a fortnight the Dropsy ; was she then reduced to almost a skeleton ; by continuing taking the Medicine, she began to get fresh, breathe free, cheerful in spirits, and of a healthy complexion, and oiled on Mr. Mann, of Horsham, the 30th May, 1S08, in the full enjoyment of health, and is now ill service where there is a large family of eight small children, she being the only ser- vant. ( Signed) SARAH COOK, Cranley, Surrey. Witness— ELIZ. ALDRIDGE, Cranley. *#* The above Sarah Cook came with Mrs. Aid ridge, from Cranley, and returned the same day 011 foot, which makes in the whole upwards of 20 miles. Five Children of Mrs. Longhurst, of Abinger. near Dorking, Surrey were restored to perfect health by MANN'S APPROVED MEDICINE, being so violently afflicted with the Hooping Cough, that three of them were not expected to live ; likewise her husband was dangerously ill with the Dropsy, he found great benefit by the above Medicine, and has since enjoyed better health then for nine years past, to the truth of the above I sign my name, SARAH LONG HURST. Abinger, July 8th, 1807. Sold in bottles at 2s, ( 3d. and 4s. 6d. each, duty in- cluded, wholesale and retail, by the proprietor, at his Warehouse, Horsham; and retail by Mr. A. LEE, Mr. Bennet, Messrs. Pugh and Davy, and Mr. Baxter, Lewes; and all other principal venders in the united Kingdom, Government security against cousterfeits.— None genuine without having " THOS. MANN, Hors ham, Sussex," engraved on the stamp ; to counter- feit which is felony. A fresh Supply is received by Mr. Cuthbert, Battle. THE REAL JAPAN BLACKING, MADE BY DAY AND MARTIN, LONDON. THIS invaluable Composition, with half the usual labour, produces the most brilliant jet- black ever beheld, affords peculiar nourishment to the leather, will not soil the finest linen, is perfectly free from any unpleasant smell, and will retain its virtues in any cli- mate. Sold wholesale' by Day and Martin, No. g7, High Holborn, London; and retail by their agents Baxter, stationer, Lewes; Virgoe, basket- maker, sea side, East bourne; Jordan and Blaker, Brighton; Blanch, Arun- del; Binstead, Chichester; and Meryon, Rye, in stone bottles, price Is. 6d. each. NEVER FAILING CURE FOR THE ITCH IN ONE HOUR'S APPLICATION. TO those afflicted with the above Disorder, BARCLAY'S ORIGINAL OINTMENT is recom- mended as a safe, speedy, and effectual remedy. This Ointment has been in general use for upwards of seventy year.., without a single instance of its having failed to cure the most inveterate cases. It does not contain the smallest particle of Mercury, or any other dangerous in- gredient, and may be safely used by persons of the most delicate constitutions. The public are requested to observe, that none can possibly be genuine unless the names of the Proprietors, BARCLAY and SON are engraved on the stamp affixed to each box ; and great danger may arise from the neg- lect of this caution. Sold wholesale and retail, by Barclay and Son ( the only successors to Jackson and Co.) No. 95, Fleet- Market, London, price is. 9d. duty included ; and by their appointment by Mr. Lee, Pitt, and Baxter, Lewes ; Pitt., and Gregory, Brighton ; Mann, Horsham ; M'George, Cuckfield ; Smith, Newhaven ; Marchant, Steyning ; Spooner, Worthing; Wheeler, Battle; Phil- lipson, Smiithers, and Pratt, Chichester; also may be had as above, Barclay's British Tooth Powder, Asthma- tic Candy, and Tincture. WELCH'S FEMALE PILLS, For the Green Sickness and other Disorders incident to young Females. The following instance of their uncommon efficacy is worthy the attention of the afflicted. To Mrs. KEARSLEY, Dear Madam, IShould earlier have acknowledged the receipt of your kind favour, had I not waited to send you some account of the two young women who were snatch ed from the grave by your invaluable medicine, and now restored to pcrfect health ; they gratefully request me to return their warmest thanks, and to give you some particulars of their cases, which were in many respects similar; difficulty of breathing, pallid complexion, swelling of the legs, and universal lassitude ; and, more- over, generally considered, in the last stage of a decline, brought on by a cold caught at a particular period. Being in a dependent state, she had not the opportunity of attending to her health. This, in the first instance, — The other, an unfortunate female left in this country, from a variety of melancholy events, without friends, and wholly dependant on her own industry for support, which ill health for some time had deprived her of; so long as he had the power of procuring advice she was, without effect, taking medicine from the faculty, who were unsuccessful in all their prescriptions. Her friends recommended a trial of Welch's Pills, which did not immediately reach the complaint ; almost discouraged from any further attempt, she afterwards persisted, and by taking two box- s she has the satisfaction of acknow- ledging the wonderful benefit she has received, and is now, in consequence, restored to her former situation, fa assistant in a school of great repute in the North. The riend who delivers this, will be so obliging to bring me iix boxes, which she will pay for ; and may I once more ntrude on your goodness, to send me two for a poor girl, whose extreme indigence will not allow her to pur- chase them ? 1 am. & c. Durham, Jan, 23, 1808. SOPHIA CAMPLE. Welch's Female Pills, ( with directions) price 2s. 9d. a box, are sold wholesale by G. Kearsley, Fleet Street ; Dicey and Co. Bow Church Yard, Cheapside ; F. New- qery, No. 45, St Paul's Church Yard; Bacon and Co. No. 150, Oxford Street; Butler, Cheapside ; Barclay and Son, Fleet Market, London ; W. Lee, Lewes ; Lar- well, Cliff; Baker, Eastbourne; Turner, Framfield; Egeler, Haslemere ; Moore and Cock, Rye ; Blundell, Battle ; Apps, Goudhurst; Mannering, Burwash ; Har- ding, Gosport ; Morphew, Hartfield ; Smith, Liphook ; Snook, Portsea ; and Buckland, Portsmouth, As another medicine is sold under the name of Welch' Female Pills, which is spurious, purchasers are requested to remark, as the surest testimony of au- thenticity, that each bill of directions is signed with the name of C. Kearsley in hand writing ; and on the out- side, whereby servants cannot be imposed on, the stamp is printed by permission of his Majesty's Honourable Commissioners of Stamps, thus : C. KEARSLEY, No. 46, FLEET STREET None others are genuine. MARKETS. CORN- EXCHANGE. Monday, August 29, 1808. Wheat for this day's market is arrived in hut short supply, and samples of best quality fetch a small advance in price; but other qualities at lit- tle fluctuation.— Barley, likewise Malt, heavy sale, and rather cheaper.— White Peas are dearer.— Beans of both sorts nearly at last prices. There are not many arrivals of Oats, but large supplies at hand, and sales thereof at little variation. Thursday, Sept. 1. This clay there are few arrivals of Wheat, and » short remaining supply.— New Rye'as under.— Bar- ley and Malt heavy sale. - Peas and Beans of both sorts maintain their prices.— There are tolerable quantities of Oats at hand, part foreign, and some of the new crop, and this trade is quoted rather dearer.— Sales of Flour at rather better prices this week. CURRENT PRICE of GRAIN as under: s. s. s Wheat 75 — 82 Polands 41 — 42 Fine ditto 87 — 9 > W. Pease 80 Rye 44 — 48 Fine ditto 105 m Bailey 40 — 40 Grey do. 55 fir » Malt 68 — 76 Beans. 60 — 6". Small Oats 58 — 40. Ticks 36 — 62 RETURN OF WHEAT IN MARK LANE. By Messrs. Child and Mai pas, Meal Weighers. Including only from the 11th of July, to the 16th of July, agreeably to the new Art. Total 2,533 Quarters.— Average 8Is. 2^ cL Sid. higher than last return. PRICE OF FLOUR. Flour — 68s. to 70s. per Sack. Coarse ditto 55s. to 6~ s. Bran 14s. to 15s. Od. per Quarter. Fine Pollard 27s. to 30s. ditto. A Return of the PRICES of FLOUR, From July 9, to July 15, from the Cocket- Office. Total 18910 Sacks.— Average 67s. 8d. 0s. 2jd. higher than last week. PRICE OF BREAD. His Lordship ordered the price of Bread to be continued the same as last Week. CALCULATION S. Sack of Flour - . 67 8* Baker's allowance and Salt, 14 1 Eighty Quartern Loaves at 12di 81 8 Against the Baker - . . . 0 1| PRICE OF SEEDS. Rape Seed 34l. 0s. to 391. 0s. per Last Carraway, - - 50s. Od. to 52s. od. per cwt. Corriander, 20s. 0s. to 22s. od. PRICE OF MEAT. SMITHFIELD. NEWGATE 0 To sink the offal— per By the Carcass— per* stone of 8lb. stone of 81b. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d Beef 4 0 fo 5 0 Beef 3 4 to 4 4' Mutt. 4 4 to 5 4 Mutt. 3 8 to 4 8 Veal 4 8 to 6 4 Veal 4 0 to 6 O Pork 5 0 to 6 0 Pork 5 8 to 6 O Lamb 5 0 to 0 0 Lamb 4 O to 5 3 Head of cattle this day— Beasts, about 2000— Sheep and Lambs, 20,000. RAW HIDES. s. d. s. d. Best Heifers and Steers ( per stone) 2 6— 2 8 Middlings . o Q 2 4 Ordinary 1 ,„ Market Calf, each j j o Eng. Horse — 14 0— 16 O Lamb Skins — 2 0 3 PRICE OF LEATHER. d. d. Butts, 50 to 561b. eaA - 18 to 21 Ditto, 56 to 68lb. each - 23 to 24 Merchants Backs - 17 to 19 Dressings Hides, - 16^; to 13 Fine Coach Hides - 17I to 19J Crop Hides for cutting 19- to 2- 2 / Calf Skins, 30 to40lb. perdoz. 26 to 32 Ditto 50 to 70lb. per lb. 33 to 39 Ditto 70 to 80lb. — 32 to 35 Small Seals ( Greenland) 36 to 38 Large ditto, per dozen loos, to 150s. Tann'd horse hides, per lb. 20d. to 22J1L PRICES OF HAY AND STRAW. ST. JAMES'S. £• s. d £. s. d. Average. Hay, 5 5 0 to 6 15 0— 6 0 0 Straw 1 19 0 to 2 5 0— 2 2 0 WHITECHAPEL. Hay 5 10 0 to 6 18 0— 6 4 0" Clover 6 10 0 to 7 14 0— 7 2 o Straw I 18 0 to 2 8 Q— 2 3 0 PRICE OF HOPS. BAGS. POCKETS. £ S. £ S. £ s. £ S Kent 3 0 to 4 O Kent 3 3 to 4 ( I Sussex 2 10 to 3 15 Sussex 3 O to 3 15 Essex 2 16 to S 15 Farnham 5 0 to 7 Q Duty laid at ,£ 235,000. COALS. Newcastle 44s. 3d. to 53s. Od. Sunderland 41s 3d. to 45s. Od. PRICE OF TALLOW. s. d. St. James's Market 5 3 Clare Market - - 5 3J Whitechapel Market - 5 3 Average price per stone 8lb. 15 01 Town Tallow . 89 6 Yellow Russia . - 95 0 White ditto - 89 o Soap ditto - • 92 O Melting Stuff - . 67 0 Ditto rough - - 46 O Graves • - 14 o Good Dregs - 14 () * Yellow Soap - 160 O Mottled ditto - - 110 0 Curd - - 114 o Candles, per dozen 13 0 Moulds - - 14 0 Printed and publish'd by WILLIAM and ARTHUR LEE, by whom ADVERTISEMENTS, ARTICLES of INTELLIGENCE, & C. are received at their Offices, at BRIGHTON and LEWES. ADVERTISEMENTS will also, .' be received, and carefully forwarded to the Printers, by Mr. HUMPHERY, Mr. SEAGRAVE, and Mr. SHIPHAM, Chichester; Mr. ROE, Midhurst; Mr. GOLDRING, Petworth; Mr. WHITE, Arundel. Mr. CHAMPION, HORSHAM; PALMER, East- Grinsted; Mr. MEYRON, Rye; Mr. BARRY, Hastings; and by the Newsmen.
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