The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Issue Number: 3733
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 05/09/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3733
No Pages: 4
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SALISBURY AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET\ AND SOMERSET. rr—*— r—- at- [ N'UMBER 3733. VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1808. pftia: SIXPENCE. / Stamp Duty.... j Paper and Print, 3M. Sirf. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. VENICE, August T. IN the port of Trieste, there has been lying for these seven months six large Russian ships of the line and frigates ; and here nine smaller frigates, brigs, and Cutters, are at anchor- These are now taking in Several months provisions, and it is hence concluded, that on being united, they will shortly set sail. LONDON,
MONDAY, AUGUST* 23. iinte Our hst, some Dutch papers and letters to thfe ; Sta inst. aittt Hatoburgh journals to tbe 17' tb, have been ' received. The tetters announce the return of King Joseph to Bayonne. A Mail arrived this morning from Corunna, and brought Gazettes from that place to the 19th instant. The ' cause of the Patriots continues to triumph in every direc- tion. The advanced guard of the army under Castano^ entered . Madrid on the 9th, and proceeded in pursuit of the French. The Onke del Infantado, JovSllanos, and • everij other distinguished Spaniards, are said to have joined General Blake, after escaping
from the guards set « ver them bv the French. It appears that Joseph left Madrid with" 22,000 French troops. The enemy moved very slowly, to protect their heavy baggage and valuable plunder. The smugglers, however, who followed close in the rear of the French, sucCf i ded in cutting off property to the amount of 350,000 dollars The Madrid Gazette of the 9th contains a Proclamation, dated the 3d of August, by the Junta of Cdstile, which had assembled at Madrid, calling on all persons between the ages of Io and 50, in the capital, to repair to the patriotic standard, with a view of furthering the objects of their brethren in arras.
A letter from Castanos also appears in the same Gazette, announcing his victory over Dupo. it. He estimates the troops under Dupont at 9000, and Wedel 3000. There is also a letter from Palafox, in which he states himself to fee in complete possession of Saragossa, and gives defiance to ' the French. The Polish troops in Spain have revolted and succeeded in joining the P. triots, after a severe struggle. The Spanish Papers state, tl-. at'the French troops which weie at Segovia and Valladolid have retreated to B, urgos, where it app- ars the enemy intends to concentrate the whole of his force. By the Cheerful £ un- brig, from
Gijon, Government received a confirmation of the, news rumoured on Sa- tnrday, that the inhabitants of Biscay have at length taken tip arms against their invaders.— The Junta of the Province have already assembled, and are proceeding with the greatest • activity. Their first public act was the issuii » of a patriotic proclamation, calling upon the people- to emhjate- their brethern in arms in other parts of the kingdom, and to imitate the glories, conduct of their brave progenitors, •* bo- had resisted the attacks of the Gtrtbagenians and J^ onians. The Biscayans were in great want of arms and military stores, but his Majesty's ships
on the North- West coast of Spain bad £ iven them every aid in their power, and a considerable body was already in a condition to take the field. The last accounts which Government have received from Sir Arthur Wcllesley- are" dated the I2th instant; at that time he was at Leira : he had been joined by General Spencer's division, and by a corps of between 5 and 6000 • Portuguese, and was advancing towards Lisbon. General Anstruther's division passed i'errol on the 12th, under convoy of the St. Alban's and Aimuble. Another packet from Bayafnne with dispatches for South America has been captured by his Majesty's ship
Cossack. This is the fifth pa* ket with dispatches captured within these few weeks. On the present occasion the enemy succeeded in sinking the dispatches before the capture. Debts to the amount of 580,0007. have now been proved against the late firm of Sir Roger Kerrison and Son ; and it is supposed that at least 20,0007. more remain to be proved. NEW BARONETS.—"-' R Jonathan Lovett having no son, has obtained a new grant, extending the succession to the tnale issue of his three daughters. The following new patents ^ re also spoken of:— Rear- Admiral Edward Buller, Mark Wood, Henry Conj'Jighani Montgomery,
Thomas Jones, James Graham ( of Lincoln's Inn), Sitwell Sitwell, Andrew Corbet, William Coles Medlycott ( of Venn House, near Milborne Port), Charles Hoar Marland, John Perring ( Alderman of London), George Piggot, and Gore Ouseley, Ksqrs. The last- mentioned Gentleman is son- in- law of General Whitelock. NATIONAL DEBT.— An account, shewing what has been redeemed of the National Debt, the Land Tax, and the Imperial Loan, to the 1st of August, t808 :— Redeemed by Annual Million, & c. i,\ 71,03t, 967 " Ditto on account of Loar. s « 9, o48,:) 45 Ditto bv Land Tax 2a, 108,366 Ditto by 11. per Cent, per Ar. n. on
Imperial Loan 876', 6U9 Total iMM, 065, sn T FARNHAM HOFS. . THE Proprietor^ of the Farnham Acre at Weyhill, in the eouVlty of JiantS, give notice, that all the Farn- ham Hops will be on the Hill on or before Tuesday the 11 th day of October next, and that the Hop Fair will commence on Wednesday tfie 12th of October. FARNHAM, 29th August, 1803. [ 9- 19 " SHEEP FAIR ON WOODBURY- HILL, Near Here Regis, Dorset. NOTICE is herebv given,— That SHEEP PENS vfffl be provided ( free from Toll) on Thursday the 22d dav of September next; where a Show of Dorset Ewes and Wethers will be seen on that day.—
Aug. 23,' 1808. [ 816 K. INWARDSTONE HUNDRED. HE Magistrates acting in and for this Hundred _ will hold their Special Sessions at the Phoenix Inn, in Pewsev, on Monday the 12th of September inst. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of LICENCING the ALEHOUSE- KEEPERS RESIDENT within the Said Hundred. J. DEADMAN, 944 j Clerk to the Magistrates. ELSTUB AND EVERLY HUNDRED. THE Magistrates acting in and for this Hundred will hold their Special Sessions at the Crown Inn, in in Evrrlev, on Friday the 16th of September inst. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of LICENCING
the ALEHOUSE- KEEPERS RESIDENT within the said Hun- dred. J. DEADMAN, p loj Clerk to the- Magistrates. To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and. Freeholders of the County of Dorset. GENTLEMEN, AS Mr. R. W. ANDREWS has resigned the Office of one of his Majesty's CORONERS for the county of Dorset, I bag leave to offer myself as a CANDIDATE for that situation; my profession as a Surgeon, although not a neces- sary qoalincai'on, will yet, I hope, entitle me to your consi- deration; and should 1, by your partiality, be so fortunate as to succeed in this object of my wishes, I will endeavour, by an unremitting attention to the
duties of the office, to prove myself not unworthy your confidence, in selecting me to fill so important a station. pl3o' I have the honour to be, with great respect, Gentlenjen, Your most obedient and devoted humble Servant, DORCHESTER, July 14, 180S. JOHN WALLIS. GAME. MANOR OF BEMERTON. QUALIFIED Gentlemen are particularly requested not to sport on the above Manor the ensuing Season ; and all unqualified Persons found trespassing will be prose- cuted as the law directs.— August 25, 1808. [ 835 Manor of Shaleombe, Isle of [ fight. UALIFIED Gentlemen are respectfully re- „ quested not to sport on the slid
Manor; and all un- qualified persons found trespassing will certainly be prose- cuted. ___ • . WILLIAM URRY. Manors qf fFester court, Jbamdean, Hum, Merritown, / x'/ brooh otherwise Percival, and Dibden, Hants; and Berwick St. James and DurnJ'rird, TVilts; all the pro- perty of theEAKL of MALMESBURY. ENTLEMEN are rciuested to abstain from _ killing GAME on these Manors, and. unqualified per- sons are forbid doing it, as much of. the Same has been destroyed on most of thsake^ e Manors. [ 806 MANOR OF HURLEY, NEW FOREST, HANTS. THIi GAME on this Manor having been of late years much reduced, it is
requested that all qualified Persons will refrain frcm sporting thereon during the present season. Unqualified Persons trespassing on the above Manor will be prosecuted. T. EYRE, Steward. BURLEV MANOR- HOUSE, Aug. 24, 1808. [ 838 Sum to he expended in ensuing quarter is 2,457,, 589i. 3}. lOd. MARK- LASE, Monday,- August SJV. We had a - moderately hrtre supply of Wheat to- day of the last year's growth, and • ome little quantity of new , the. latter comes coarse and in ••••> eae instances very thin to hand, and doe » not command by it. per qr. the price of Old Wheat, which we note upon the whole just the same as
our currency of last week, with a tolerably brisk sale.— Rye is 2s. p r qr. cheaper; Ti= k Beans : nd Oafs full I White Veas are Sj. per qr. dearer. Fine Malt 2*. per qr. dearer, anil Carraway Seed ® j. per cwt. cheaper. — Gen- ral currency;— Wheat ftis. to ! Xls.— Rye 40*. to SCu.— White Peas C6s. to lW— Grey Peas Ms. to6o" s.— Horse Beans I'.' M. to 85s.—' Tick . Brans 54s. to 59s.— Barley 40s. to - Mis.— Malt 68i. to 3' is.— Oats 30s. to 4! J. pur quarter.— English Household Flour " is. per sack.— Carraway Seed 44s. to 50j.— Coriander Seed 18s. to « *. » . per cwt.— Rape Seed ast. to 401. JVI last.— Brown Mustard 12s.
to l& s. ditto White 8s. to Us. perbtshel. SMITHP! ELD MARKET, Jug. 29. This day's market had » great shew of prime Oven, and there were altogether nearly " 0* 1 head ot Neat Cattle; 18,500 Sheep and Lambs, 300 Calves, 05O Pigs, The prices were, Beef 4s. to 5s. Mutton 4;. to i" » s. id. Veal 5s. lid. to 7s. Lamb 5s. to 6s. per stone of to sink the offal. The safes in the Hay Market were very considerable : Dry Meadow Hay to Ot. IMS. Clover Si. 10s. to 71. 15s. Straw 1/". Ib's. to li. Ss. G1 MANORS OT- GARSDON, AND LEA AND CLEAVERTON, Iil the county of Wilts. ALL Qualified Persons are hereby requested to de- sist
trom sporting over cither of these Manors, without permission ; and all unqualified Persons found sporting there- on after this public notice, will be prosecuted. 731] ' JOHN MEREWETHER, CALNE, ISth August, 1808. Steward of the sa d Manors. Manors of Marltct- l. avington and Littletoii- I'annel. THE GAME on the above Manors having of late years been much destroyed : This is to request that Gen- tlemen will abstain in future from sporting thereon. Unqua- lified Persons found trespassing wili be prosecuted. August 29, 1803. [ 904 GAME. HERE AS the Game in the several Manors of Tisbury, Haseldon, Bridzor, Semtey,
Ansty, and Donhead, in the county of Wilts, belonging to the Right Hon. Lord Arundeii, hath of late years been very much destroyed, all qualified persons are requested to abstain from Sporting on any of the said Manors: and unqualified persons found Trespassing will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law.— IVardour Castle, August 26, 1803. [ 884 W1 PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, AugCst 25, 1808 ON Thursday, the 8th of Sept. next, at ten o'clock in tie foreman, J shall it ready la sell to the highest tubter, in several lots, the undermin'twited quantities of OLD STAVR'. SJ HEADING, IRON HOOPS, 4c. lying
in A" Majesty's Cooperate at U'eevilL, near Gpsport, where any persons inclinable to purchase, may haeethe libtrly of viewing the same in the common working hours, any day l> efore the sale, nix. I. aiger Staves....... Butt ditto Fiuichcon ditto Ditto Rum d'ittir.... Hogshead ditto Barrel ditto Half Hogshead, Kil- derkin 4 Bsr. ditto 5 s q M. C. qr. Heading, d. pieces., 9 0 0 Ir- sh i Punch, ditto 16 0 W, ne Pipe ditto 5 0 N. w Doublet Ends 4 o Old Iron Hoops, bent ajad inpk- ces, 31 tons Ditto, foreign round, 31 do. Also a^ quaititt) of DEFECTIVE PROVISIONS, 4c. as Kill h' expressed in the catalogues. A deposit of'i'. l. cent, is to be
made, an the amount of each lot at. the time of sale, and the remainder of the money paid before the Sle- res are removed, for which thirty working days tall be allowed for the Cooperage Articles, and seven days for the Provisions, after Ihe sale, 847] WM. REEKS. WILTS. The Manors of Compton- Uasset, Compton- Cumlerdrell, Chcreilt, Lyneham, and Preston. WHEREAS many People have lately made a practice of sporting upon the above Manors without permission ; it is requested that all qualified persons will de- sist in future ; and notice is hereby given, that all unqualified people who are found trespassing thereon will be
prosecuted with the utmost rigour.—— COMI> TON- HOUSE. [ 818 GAME. WHEREAS the GAME and FISH on the Manors of Chalmington and Cattistock, in the county of Dorset, have been of late destroyed by Poachers and other unqualified Persors: Notice is hereby given, that all such prrsons found trespassing, sporting, or fishing on cither of the said Manors, will be immediately prosecuted. [ 899 CHALMINGTON- HOUSE, Aug. is, 1808. W. BOWER. , BUILDING CONTRACT. NOTICE is'hereby given, that his Majesty's jus- tices of the Peace tor the county of Southampton, do intend, at the Generai Uuarter Sessions of the
Peace to be holden at the Castle of Winchester, in the said county, on Tuesday the 3d day of October next, to contract with any Petson or Persons for re- building the Bridewell at Gosport, in the said county, according to the plans and specification to be seep at the office of the Clerk of the Peace at Winchester. Persons desirous of contracting to execute the whole of the above works are requested to send in their proposals, sealed up, to the Clerk of the Peace at Winchester, on or before Monday the 2d of October, and to attend at the Castle of Winchester on Tuesday the 3d, tfhen tbe different proposals will be takeh into
consideration.- The Contractor will be re- quired to find sufficient security for the due performance of his contract. ' THOMAS WOODHAM, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. WINCHESTER, 31 St of August, 1808. [ 915 WEYMOUTH. ' THE Partnership heretofore carried on, and at pre- sent existing in this Town, under the Firm of WIL- LIAM DAVIES and HAWKINS, in the Malting and Brew- ing Business, will be Dissolved on . the 30th of September next ensuing, by mutual consent. August 30, 1808, WILT, I AM DAVIES. gjaj JOSEPH HAWKINS. rpHE Partnership between WILLIAM DOW- 1 DALL and JOHN DOWDALL, I'ipe-
Ma'nufecturens, Poole, Dorset, was dissolved by mutual consent the 11th of August last, and the Business will in future be carried on by WILLIAM DOWDALI, who solicits a continuancc of the fa- vours of his Friends and the Public. All orders executed with the greatest punctuality and on reasonable terms.— Sept. 5. [ gai HOLLF. Y MOUNT, NEAR SOUTHAMPTON, On the Road to liotley, over Nqrtham Bridge. MR. LINDEN respectfully informs the Public, that the SALE of HOUSEHOLD GOODS, which was to have taken place on Wednesday September 7, 181) 8, IS POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. [ f » 6 W1 REN,
JA$ OP, and CO. respectfully^ Tn~ W their Friends, that they have delivering at the feJ- ay, an exceeding good Cargo of EDEN MAIN CQALS, at Forty- six Shillings per Chaldron, for ready money. Will be five or six days delivering. SOBTTTAMPFYITJ September l, 1808. ' [ 943 CHEAP TRAVELLING. nPHE Proprietors of the OLD SALISBURY and I ANDOVER COACHES, from the Black Horse Inn, Salisbury, to the Bell and Crow:. Inn, llolborn, and Saracen's Head Inn, Friday- street, Cheipsrde, respectfully return thanks for past favors, an i beg have to assure their friends and the public, that they will bt conveyed as cheap, in
good carriages, with security . ml expedition, superior to any oppo- sition coach. WHITMASH, BROWN, FAGG, 4 PENNY, 924] Proprietors. SALISBURY, WILTON, and LONDON FLY WAGGONS, daily, to and from the CASTLE and FALCON, ALDERSCATK- STRHET, Loudon, and their Ware- house, Milford- street, Salisbury. These Waggons take up and put down Goods at the Old White Horse Cellar, and Black Bear, Piccadilly. No Money, Plate, Jewels, Glass, or cthrr valuable or hazardous Goods will be paid for, if bsoken or lost, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. NICHOLAS BROWN,| propr; etors_ GAME.
WHEREAS the GAME upon the Manor of Parley, and the Estates in the counties of Dorset and Hunts, belonging to Charles Prideaux Brune, Fsq. has of late years been very much destroyed : it is requested that no Gen- tleman will sport thereon without permission in writing; and all unqualified Persons and Poachers are cautioned not to tres- pass, uiider pain of being prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the law. UDDEWS- HOOSE, I. L d of August, 1808. [ 901 Manors of Great Canford and Corfe Mullen. FROM the great Scarcity of Game, particularly of Pheasants, on these Manors, Mr. Willett is under the necessity of
requesting that, durmg the present season, all qualified Gentlemen will desist from Sporting oa them ; and all unqualified Persons will be prosecuted: and to facilitate the conviction of the latter, a Reward of One Guinea, over and above any share of the penalty, will be paid on every in- formation that may lead to. conviction. MEHELY- HOIJSE, tith of August; 1808, [ 843 885] JAMES BRICK, ANew SALISBURY and WINCHESTER POST COACH, and from thence to GOSPORT and PORTS^ MOUTH; seta out from the, Black Horse, Salisbury, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning at eight o'clock, to the Coach and
Horsrs, Winchester, from thence to the Red Lion, Gosport, by five in the evening; returns every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning a' nine o'clock, and arrives at Salisbury by six in the evening, in t'w. e for the F. xeter, Plymouth, Bath, and Bristol coaches. Calls at the King's Head, Stockbridge: Crown, Bishop's. Waltham; Star, Wickham; and Bu- de, Fareham. Passengers and Parcels b loked and regularly conveyed to the following places:— Newbury, Oxford, Alresford, Alton, Farnham, Havant. Emstvortij, Chichester, Bognor, Brighton, Worthing, and East- Bourne. The above is an excellent accommodation for those
travellers who wish to sle'ep in Salisbury and proseed to any of the above places in the morning. ; a. 9j . JOHN PERRIN, Proprietor. CHEAP TRAVELLING, BY the Commercial SALISBURY and LOKDO'M COACH, from the Three Swans, SALISBURY, to the B - 11 Savare, LUDGATE- HILL; afternoons at a quarter be- fore four o'clock: performed by EDW. PROCKTER and Co. Wrho inform the public it is their determination not only to convey their friends at a moderate price, but also with safety, and have given positive orders to the drivers on no account to attempt any thing unpleasant to the traveller, by unneCessar rily
running th « horses; and any complaints to that effect will be immediately attended to, with thanks. The proprie- tors also beg to remark to the inhabitants of the towns of Honiton, Chard, Crewkerne, Yeovil, Sherborne, Shaftesbury, Wincanton, Sommerton, Taunton, & c.. & c. in particular, that by forming a Party of Three in a Post Chaise to Salis- bury, and then taking the Commercial Coach from the Three Swans Inn, they will save nearly one guinea in three each person, and be always certain of places on to London. . N B. Good accommodation for Baggage and Parcels, and coverings to protect it from the weather. Carria • - of
Parcels under one pound weight Sixpence only, as usual.— SALi- snunV, Aug, 2* 2, 1808. [ 788 • CATHERINE WHEEL INN, ANDOVER. NEW and Cheap Elegant Commercial Expedition COACH, at Reduced Fares, to the Bell Savage, Lmigate Hill, LONDON, performed by EDWARD PROCKTER & Co. who beg thnr Friends in and near Andover to be particular in ordering their Places and Parcels to be booked at the Cathcr:. Wheel Inn, as the Proprietors of the Commercial Exp. dUicn have no connexion with any other Andovei Coach wh.. ver, and are fully determined their Friends in that part of the country shall travel cheap,
and in safety. AVDOVER, August20,180S. [ 797 NEW FOREST. THE GAME in this Forest, which sometime past was abundant, having in late years been destroyed to such an extent as to leave no expectation of any remaining, unless measures shall be taken to prevent it; his Royal High- ness the Lord Warden- has- been induced,- under the authority of an Opinion of the Taw- Officers of the Crown, to give strict directions to the Keepers to prevent all persons sporting therein who shall not have permission to do 90; of which this public ne^ tice is given to- prevent inconvenience to indivi- duals.— And it is the desire of his Royal
Highness that the Game may this year have a Jubilee, in the hope that thereby- thcre may in future seasons be asufficient quantity to afford sport to ( he Gentlemen living in arid near the Forest, who may have his permission to shoot within the Regard of it. In support of this ' object his Royal Highness persuades himself the Gentlemen of the Neighbourhood will give their best assistance. By command of his Royal Hishnees, C. HARBIN, Under Steward. Ringtoood, Aug. 25, 1808, [ 848 WINCH ESTER. MR. R. H. TOMBS, SADLER, HARNESS- MAKER, and SADLER'S IRONMONGEH, being desirous of QUITTING BUSINESS,
any Person wishing to take the whole or any part of it, may be accommodated on reasonable terms. The Shop and part of the House, or the whole will be lett as agreed on.— The situation the best in the citv, being opposite the George Inn. The business has been carried or. for more than 60 years.— May also have the Twine Business, with one of the best twine and rope- walks in the country; and where there is room to carry on an extensive trade in the Sail- cloth or Sacking line. Apply to Mr." R. H. Tombs, on the premises; if by letter, post paid.— May only take off what part of the business they approve of. The business, in all
its branches, is and will be carried on, and Weyhill Fair will be attended as usual. [ 922 TO MILLERS. BLACKMORE and CO. beg leave to return th « r grateful acknowledgments to their friends for the nu- merous favors they have received,' and to request a continu- ance of them. To prevent imposition, they consider it a duty incumbent on them to state, that no other house has, nor never had, any interest whatever in any Patent for the making or improvement of BOLTING CLOTHS WITH- OUT SEAMS. Convinced by the increasing demand, that the merits of their Patent Cloths are well known, and duly appreciated, the
Proprietors forbear to enumerate tneir ex- cellencies, and - only beg leave to inform their friends, and gentlemen in the flour trade in general, that they are sold by Mrs. B. Evans, Salisbury; Mr. J. Kelleway, Fordingbridge"; Cox and North, Devizes; W. Hilliar, Warminster; D. Maurice, Marlborough; i. Stratton, Andover; Waring and Lowe, Alton; W. Seymour, Odiham; J. Gibbs, jun. Ems- worth ; R. Godfrey, Romsey ; J. and M. Meeres, Peters- field ; J. Lomer, Southampton ; Rice and Flutler, Lyming- ton; P. Frortoow, Newport, Isle of Wight; T. Butler, Paole; W. Trenchard, Shaftesbury; C. Coombs and Son, B; amin ster; J. Francis,
Castle Carey; J. Ricketts, Wincanton; Batchclor and Whittaker, Bristol; J. Glover, Reading; Lodge and Holditch, Newbury. All Bolting Cloths of their'genuine manufacture have the following label, with the Kind's Arms, on the Head Leather, " By the King'sJ* nteiit, m< i'iufaci* red at Wantlstvorth, Surrey, b » Blackmore and Co. sold at their anufactory," and oy ( B. Corcoran, No. 47, Miuk- lane, Loudon. [ 9So . MONEY. TWO Sums of £ 5000, and many smaller Sums aie ready to be advanced on the security of Freehold Lands ( not buildings) in the- county of Dorset, or in either of the adjoining counties. Apply ( if by letter, post paid)
to Mr. Castleman, Wim- borne. [ 957 ~~~ HUBACV. ANTED, at Michaelmas next, or between tha't t. rrte and Christmas; A Gentleman in PRIEST'S ORDERS, to take the Charge of a Parish in the eastern part of Dorsetshire. Particulars may be known by applying ( if by letter, post paid} to the Rev. T. Hobson, Pentndge, near Woodyates Inn, Dorset.— Aug. 22, 1808. [ 810 WANTED,—— A CURATE to undertake the Duty of a CURACY in Hampshire.— For particulars apply to the Printers, postpaid. [ 438 & s° There is no Parsonage- house.— Salary (? 01, per ann. WANTED in a SCHOOL, immediately or at Michaelmas next,—
An ASSISTANT; a Person who is a good Penman and Arithmetician. Proper references with respect to character and abilities are expected. Address ( if by letter, post paid) to. G. Monk, Boarding- School, Child- Okeford, near Blandford, Dorset. Dated the 24t. h of August, 1808-. [ 8 « 0 WILTS. TWO young LADIES wanted, as APPRENTICES in the MilHr. ety'and Fancy Dress line.— F r particulars apply ( if by !" tt; r, post paid; to Mrs. Crocker, High- street, Calne. ;' f}£ 7 APPRENTICE WANTED. WANTED,— A YOUTH of good morals, as an APPRENTICE to a BRAZIER.— For particulars en- quire of J. Brown, Hungerford,
Berks. Two JOBBING SMITHS, that have been used to country work, may have constant employ and good wages, by ap- plying as above.— None but sober men need apply. [ 812 COOPERS. PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, Aug. 17, 1803. /" ANTED, for his Majesty's Cooperage at Wee- vil], near Gosport,— Several' COOPERS.— They will be required to produce indentures of having served a reqular apprenticeship, and proper testimonials to their character. TO CARPENTERS AND NURSERYMEN. WANTED immediately, Thirty CARPEN- r J TERS, for Post and Rail Fencing.—*— Applv to Mr. J. Tiller, Rose and
Crown, Brockenhurst, or Mr.' P. Page, Belllnn, Brook, New Forest, Hants. Also 200,000 THORN PLANTS, th/ w; years, growth,— Any person that would wish to engage to supply part or the', whole, are desired to send a sample, with the lowest price for ready mimty ( carriage paid), to the above Inns, will be duly attended to. [ 303 The Plants will be wanted in October, Nov. and Dec. next. ANTED, as a FOREMAN, in constant employ, A Person who'is capable of undertaking the Business of a SHIP BISCUIT and LOAF BREAD BAKER, ftc. wdl meet with every encouragement, by applying to Mr. Leonard Wincey, biscuit baker,
Guernsey. None need apply but a sober and steady character. [ 852 TO IRONMONGERS. WANTED immediately,— A steady middle- aged MAN, who thoroughly understands his Business, and can have an undeniable character. For further particulars apply by letter ( post paid) to Mr. Orock. id, Devizes. [ as? ANTED immediately,— A COOPER, who has been used to Country Work. A good Workman will meet with constant employ and every encouragement. Apply to J. Barnes, cooper, Blandford. [ 939 w BAILIFF ANTS a SITUATION, \ Married MAN, without any children, who perfectly understands the management of Land
and Cattle of every description ; can have an undeniable character from his last place, where he lived more than fifteen years.— Has no objection to any county. For further particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Gallop, Mr. Knight's, St. Ann's- street, Saturn. [ 941 BAILIFF. \\ T ANTED,— A sober, steady, middle- aged MAN, V T to manage a considerable Farm. He must understand t^ e breeding and treatment of Cattle, and be capable of buy- ing and selling Corn.— No objection to a Married Man with a small family, there being a comfortable house for him on the farm. Apply to Mr. Tunks, at Ringwood. [ 904 WANTED,
in a Gentleman's Family, as BUT- LER and VALET,— A steady, sober," middle- aged MAN.— None need apply who is not perfectly capable of un- dertaking the situation.— The most unexceptionable charac- ter will he required. Application ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. W. Perkins, Lymington. [ 925 WANTED,— An active Man, as GARDENER, who understands his business w - ll ;— likewise a LAUNDRY- MAID. Apply to Mr. Painter, Andover. T^ OUR Couple of handsome vouna FOX- HOUNDS , , be - gratis, by applying by letter ( post pa, d) to John Baker, Cashmoor Inn. The above hounds_ are in high condition, and worth
the at- tentionof any Sportsman. [ B7g TO SPORTSMEN. POINTERS FOR SALE. SEVERAL very Capital POINTERS and SET- K. t_ tfERS 5 likewise several very good'COCKING SPA- NlfcLS. Enquire of Edward Toomer, Rhinefield Lodse, near Lvodhurst, Hants. [ 748 N. B. Letters ( post paid) will be duly answered. J^ OR SALE,— An excellent POINTER DOG, two years old. Enquire'of J. Moore, Printer, Book- seller, and Stationer, Poole; if by loltw post- paid, [ 954 rpO be SOLD, A Brace of Capital GREY- J. HOUNDS, which may be seen, aim Uuther particulars known, by applying at Shroton Mill. Dorset, five mdes from
Blandford. X) be SOLD,. SHEPHERD WANTED. ASober steady person, capable of" takins; rare of a Flock of Wether Sheep, may hear of a Place by ap- plying to Henry Bailey, at Longham, near Poole. [ 807 GARDENEFT WANTED, APerson who can take the entire charge of Hothouse and Greenh~ :, and under nnds' pruning Trees tho- roughly. As' - - Man would be preferred ; but, if married, a house wr.- ukV oe found for him. He must bring a good character from his last place. Applications ( if by letter, post paid) to be addressed to N. '-.' v. Peach,- Esq. Bownhdms, near Mitchinhampton, Gloucestershire. [ 394 7" AN TED, in
a Clergyman's family, where a POINTERS. , A Brace of very high- bred POINTERS, perfectly well broke, the property ot a Gentleman. J Enquire of Mr. Perkins, gun- maker, Salisbury. [ 962 LOST, between Christchurch and Poole, A DOUBLE GUN, in a Red Case, and an UMBRELLA. — Wnoever brings them to Mr. Blaney, Antelope, Poole, will be handsomely rewarded. [- 930 LOST ( supposed to he STOLEN), about a fortnight since, from a field at Rumford, in the parish of Saint Giles's, in the county of Dors t, A dark- brown MARE, about thirteen hands high, cut tail, and has been drove — Whoever will bring her to Mr. Gibbi,
'• •" imborne, or give information where she may be found, shall ' rayed receive a reward - f One Guinea, but if stolen a.-.-. vard of FIVE GUINEAS, on conviction ol the offender. rgsa STRAYED, from w interborne- Enrls, near Salis « bury,— Ajimall IRON- GREY MARE PONY, marked I. N_. on the right shoulder, and a slit 111 ti. e tight ear. Whoever will give information or bring the said Pony to Mrs. Woods, baker, in Trinity- street, Salisbury, shall be paid HALE A- GUINEA for their trouble. [ 937 STOLEN or STRAYED, out of I - eig, h Coinn. on, on Thursday the 14th day of April, 1809,— A BAY MARE, of the hack kind, about
13J hands high, a star in the forehead, a little lop- eared, broken knees, short tail, with a blemish 011 the off tlank. Also,— An IRON- GREY COLT, of the cart kind, two years off, with a white face and long tail: near the same height as the other. Whoever will bring the said Mare and Gelding, if strayed, shall have TWO GUINEAS Reward; and, if stolen, shall, on conviction of the offender or offenders, receive FIVE GUINEAS Reward, and all reasonable expences, bv applying to John Wsreham, of Leigh aforesaid; or Alexander Pope, at Mr. Fryer's, Wimborne, Dorset. [ 905 TAKEN UP the 24th of last month, August I 808, — A KAY
HORSE, four years old, about" H hands 3 inches high, a white facc and the off heel behind white, t Whoever can prove the same to be his property may have him again, on paying the exp. nees, by applying to Mr. Wm. Rosseter, Monckton Dever •:], near Warminster, Wilts. [ 963 MITCH EI. MERSH. FOUND, on the 21st inst. on the Grounds be- longing to Mr. Thos. Bernard, An aged BLACK MARE, of the nag kind, with a white face and " a little white on th. c fetlock on the off leg behind, without any shoes on, and the hoofs much worn by hard riding. The Mare will be restored to the proprietor on paying the expences of keep,
advertising & c.— Aug. 88, 1808. '[ 891 FOUND STRAYING, in Flctchwood Common, nearTotton, Hants,— An aged BLACK MARE, marked L B on the off shoulder and has a saddle sp it cn the n> , r side. The Mare will be restored to its owner on proof of tl e | ro- perty and payment of the expences being made to Robert Brumfield, Netley Marsh, n'ear Totton. [;>_> t; TO CREDITORS, ' HE Creditors of Mr. RICHARD PALMER, late of. Bradford, in the county of Wilts, Surgeon, de- ceased, are requested forthwith to send the amount and ful particulars of th. ir sever:. 1 demands to the Office of Mr. Tim Well, in Trowbridge, Wilts. [
IJIO NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS. ALL Persons having anv Claim or Demand on the Estate and Effects of Mr. ROBERT GUN DRY, late of Dorchester, in the county of Dorset, Cooper, China, Glass, and Earthenwareman, deceased, are requested imme- diately to send the particulars thereof to Mr. Thomas Winsor, cooper, or to Mr. William Zillwood, schoolmaster, both of Dorchester aforesaid, the executors in trust of the deceased, in order that the same may be settled; and all persons in- debted to the said Mr, Gundry at his death, aie desired forth- with . to pay the- amount of. tl eir respective debts to the said
Thomas W'insor or William Zillwood, without further notice or delay.— Dorchester, Arlgu. it 12, 180$, [ 949 rpiIE Commissioners in a Comini ion of Bankrupt JL awarded and issued forth, against WILLIAM M.-! K- HAM MARTIN, ef Gosport, in the county of Southampton, Bookseller, Printer, and Stationer, Dealer and Chapman, in- tend to meet on the fifth day of September ins;, at twelve o'clock at noon, at the Crown Inn, in the town of Gcsport, in order to make a dividend of the estate and effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already proved their debts are to come prepared to prove the same,
or they will be excluded the benefit of the said divi- dend ; and all claims not then proved will be disallowed. JOSEPH PARSONS, 633] Solicitor under the Commission. few young Gentlemen are educated,— A good COOK: she must bring an unexceptionable character from her last place for honesty, activity, and sobriety. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to the Printers. [ RfiS ANTED,— A steady good COOK ; she must have the care of one cow, and clean a part of the house with the house- maid; an undeniable character is ex- pected.- Also a COACHMAN, who must have a good character for honesty, sobriety, and care of horses.
Enquire at the Printing- Office, Salisbury, or at Mr. Snook's, Brarier, in Blandford. [ 96.5 ^ " FOOTMAN. ANTED, in a small genteel Family,— A steady, active Young MAX, as FOOTMAN." He must be thoroughly acquainted with Waiting at Table, and all sorts of indoor work; and he must bring an undeniable character from his last place for sobriety, honesty, and civility.— To ap- ply to Mr. Felix Lovell's, tailor, Totton, near Southampton; if by letter, aost paid. [ 951 ANTED to PUPXHASE, or ( which would , . be preferred) to RENT, with the liberty of purchasing, — A FREEHOLD ESTATE, with not less than 50 acres of Land, in the
county of Hants, or neighbouring parts of Wilts or Berks, with a good Family- house on it, containing not less than three good rooms on the ground door, with suitable bed- chambers and other apartments, offices, gardens, & c. The house must be perfectly dry, be situated within a few miles of a market- town, with good roads about it, and in a good neighbourhood, and if with a manor it will be preferred. Letters, mentioning particulars fully, directed to A. B. Post- office, Christchurch,' Hants, will be duly attended to. [ S6' i w " T^ o be SOLD,— A PUMP, the Lead Work of X which is as good as new ; it is 80 feet long, and very thick.
It will be sold by weight, and the owner of it wishes to get something more than the price of old lead for it. ft may be seen at Dorchester, by application to Mr. Luke Carpenter, of that town ( if by letter, post paid.) [ 868 T O be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— The good SLOOP , of about thirty tor. s ad- measurement, suitable for the corn or beer trade, or would make .- xcellent pleasure vessel or packet; she is nearly • new, in has just hod a complete overhaul; is well found in stores, and is m every respect fit for immediate use ; lowest ijrice jg£ 8' 0. The purchaser may b". accommodated with time for part of the purchaje money,
by giving approved security. Apply to Mr. T. Guillaume, jun. Northatn Yard, Southampton, where the vessel may be seen. [ 952 Mr, HE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt I. bearing date the 93d day of April 1807, awarded and issued forth against JOHN BARNES, late of Newport, in tile Isle of Wight, in the county of Southampton, House Car- penter, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the 8th day of September next, at three of the clock in the afternoon, at the Sun Inn, in Newport aforesaid, to make a Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and whete the Creditors who have not already
proved their debts are 10* 001110 prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the be- nefit of the said dividend, and all claims not then proved will be disallowed. £ 927 ' ITTHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is award- T t ed and issued forth against HENRY MOYLF, of For- dingbridgs, in the county of Southampton, Tick Manufac- turer, Tallow Chandler, Dealer and Ctiapman ; and h » being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to ttie Commissioners in the sai l commission named,' or the major part of them, on the 16' th day of September instj at six o'clock in the evening, the 17th day of the
same September, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and the 15th day of October next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the Antelope Inn, in the city of New Sarum, in the county of Wilts, and make a full discovery and disclosure of his Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the second sitting to choose assignees, and at the last sitting the said bankrupt is required to finish his ex- amination, and the Creditors an to assent to, or dissenf from, the allowance of his certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of . his effects, are not to pay or deliver tl.;
same but to whtyii the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Mr. Ri- chard Strickland, Fordingbridge, or Messrs. Sandys arid Ilor- ton, Crane- cOurt, Fleet- street, London. [ 9fiii HEREAS 1 JOHN WHITE, of A| ilsom, w ' near Amssbury, Carter to Mr. William Head, of But li- holt Farm, having frequently neglected my business u n Car- ter by staying out at night, ill used the horses committed to my care, and in many respects acted in direct diso! djc- ne to my said Master's orders, lor v/ hich he has made complaint to one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace, to enforce the law against me, which in those eases are
provided : but, i. i c nsi- dtration of my acknowledgment of. my miscom act'( whicl. I promise never in t'utur • to be guilty of), he has'consented to drop all further proceedings against me, and for which,! return him my thanks. Sigited this 23th day of August, 1S03, in the presence of h . s JOHN BURT, Attorney, JOHN M WHITE. Broughton. - Matk. [ 906
TRi; SALISBlJity AND WlNCHUsTliK JOURNAL, 2* 3 Wednesdays and Thursday's PosLs. rR3M THE LONDON GAZETTE OF AUGUST DO. WHITEHALL, August 30. ^ HE King has bean pleased to grant to the Rev. . lohn Banks Jenkinson, Clerk, M. A. tlie place and dignity of a Canon or Prebendarv oi'thc cathedral church of Worcester, void by the re- signation of Dr. James Plumptre, late one of the Pre- bendaries thereof. OAHKRuyri John Williamson, of Oldha- i, victualler. K. iS » . i « a LIML J. Gorioji, Of i'uci. n'. , merchants and manufacturers. Joseph llupwui I, of ft? s> nclv « ter, joiner. G- orne ( Jri iin, of VVelfon, linen draper. Tifon'. Williams, of Caerphilly, ieool. nl mufretmer. Anthony Hanett, of SwimUm", Wilts, shopkeeper. John U'linond. of I'ickett- s'reet, Middlesex, Irah - tda « her. Jamjs CorMn H. tyward, of CbamberV- s reel, ( ioodmanVSelds, purser of the East huUaCompam-- hip t} nitcd Kir-' triom. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31. " Communications tiarvB certainty passed between our Government and that of Denmark, which it is hoped may lead to a return of good undemanding'and friend- ship between us and the Danes. We understand thart Government purpose to pay off immediately nineteen or twenty sail of the line, and to
transfer the crews to smaller vessels of war, which arc to be sent to the Baltic and other quarters where thev are most wanted. It is no longer deemed ncc'cssary to keep up large fleets, since the enemy is no • where in sufficient force to meet them.— Suiu THE BRITISH NAVV.— According to the reports tip to the present day, there are in commission 822 ships of war, of which 162 are of the line, 2. S from 50 to 55, 1B0 fri- gates, 229 sloops of war, and 228 armed brigs. Besides which there are. repairing for service and building, a num- ber, which makes the grand total 1113 - hips, of which 271 sire of the'iine, 38 from 50 til 4- 1,
252 frigates, 292 sloops of war, and 250 armed, brigs. We have at this moment in the British Navy sixty- eight sail of the line, prizes taken from the enemies of this country at different periods! besides 21 ships, carrying from < 10 to 50 guns each ; 63 ships from 30 to 40 gun. each; 15, carrying from 2!) to 30 guns caeh; and GO, from 10 to 20 guns each, making a total of two hundred and thirty- two ships! a navy itself equal to cope with the united Navies of Trance and her vassal Allies, without adding thereto near SO sail of the line, besides smaller vessels, now in our service, built on the bottom of prizes, ill lieu of such as have
been casually lost. About 25 transports sailed from the Nore, at an early hour on Sunday morning, with orders to proceed with all possible dispatch to Yarmouth, where a convoy is provided to conduct them to the Island of Lanjelan. l, fur the purpose of bringing away the Spanish troops. They' will come in the first instance to this country, in order to be furnished with ammunition and clothing before they are sent to Spain. Orders have been received for the immediate return to the Tower, of all the pikes which have been collected at the Ordnance depot at Dover Castle : they consist of four- teen waggon loads, and are intended to
be sent with other stores, which are now shipping in the River, for the use of th • Spanish Patriots. Ten military waggons, laden with dollars for the use of the Spanish Patriots, left the Bank yesterday morn- ing for Portsmouth, with a military escort. There are now in this country Deputies from Liniers and the Cabil. lo, or Council of Buenos Ayres, and also from the Governor and Council of Monte Video, charged with an important ' mission to the British Government. The Deputies being accompanied by a confidential Agent of the Prince Regent, from Brazil, it is supposed that the insight which the emigration of the Portugues" Cow t
gave, into the designs of Bonaparte, upon the whole of the Sotitb- IVeste-' n peninsula of Europe, had determined the Spanish colonies on the Rio de la Plata to take early precautions to secure their ultimate independence, and to maintain peace with their new and powerful neighbours in Brazil. A letter, dated on board the Warley East Indiaman, at sea, on the 24th of February, at which time she was • within a few days sail of Bombay, states, that oil her arri- val at Bombay she expected to be sent up the Persian Gulf with troops. The letter adds, that the market, at Madras, was very good. BRITISH AMERICA.— The inhabitants
of the Canadas, according'io their public journals, feel no alarm from the threatened rupture with the United States. They boast that with IB, 000 British troops and their own militia they can repel any force that may be brought against them. The embargo in the United States has beer, very favourable to Canada, having occasioned a great inSu\ of Capital from the'former to the latter country, and also a great command for the staple commodities of Canada, viz. wheat, pot- ashes, and lumber. The Canadians have besides a consi- derable traffic by the Americans finding means to evade the embargo, in which they sometimes have
skirmishes with the military which their Government has stationed on the frontier to enforce the law.— Hemp and flax are now culti- vated with success in Canada, and this year timber, for the use of the navy, has been cut in the forests reserved for that purpose ; " staves, flour, pork, & c. have also ben con- tracted for in great quantities for the use of Government. Monday afternoon, the Euryalus frigate, . com- manded by the Hon. Captain Dundas, arrived at Harwich, having on board Madame the Countess de Lille ( consort of I/ iuis XVIII.) the Duke and Duchess of Angouleme, Cpunt and Countess d'Qamas, Count Ktietme
d'Damas, and 25 persons of the suite of the Countess de Lille. They landed yesterday morning, and immediately set off for Gbsfield Park.— On passing Yarmouth, the frigate made a signal to th- Majestic; Admiral Russell immediately hoisted the royal standard at the main, and the union at the mizen, tmd fired a royal salute, which was repeated by Admiral Douglas's flag- ship the Roebuck. On entering Harwich harbour, they were saluted by the Racoon sloop of war. Mmm. ESF. x MEETING.— In consequence of a requisition, signed by several freeholders, a meeting was yesterday held at the Mermaid at Haekney, at which
only 45 of the free- holders attended. Major Cartwright pronounced an eulo- gium on the grand efforts making by the Spaniards, to rid their country of their unprincipled invaders, which he thought demonstrated that the people of other States would oppose the common enemy, if their rulers would give them - uflicient liberty to interest them in the contest. The Spaniards, in the proposal to establish their ancient Cortez, were promoting the very same reform which was wanted in this country. He read a petition, which he would submit to the meeting, on that subject, and was in- tended to be presented to his Majesty, along with a
separate address, lie then concluded by moving the following reso- lutions : 1st, That for aiding the Spanish Patriots the King is entitled to the gratitude of mankind. 2dly\ That a People who will fight for their liberties are alone worthy of th; friendship of a free Nation. ally, That to have found such Allies is an event pecu- liar gratifying. . . 4t'bly, That we ardently desire to see re- established in Spain the an'ci - nt Government of a King, and an independent Cor- tez, so balanced as to secure their national liberties. Sthly, That in the erand example of Spain is seen how a nit > r. is to he defended, and how Europe is to be delivered. (,'
rhly, That what has been lost to the sacred cause of human liberty', by the levity, the vices, and excesses of France, since from that she departed, we trust may be regained by the gra- vity, the virtues, and the moderation of Spain. These Resolutions passed unanimously. Mr. Mellish, one of the Members for the county, com- plained that the meeting was not sufficiently advertised, which accounted for the non- attendance of the Freeholders. JJe therefore thought that the meeting should be adjourned. The 7th Resolution was then read, viz. " ' rh . t Spain heing separated from France merely by a line of His, and England merely
by a channel, neither nation can Jioiv for sif ty or repose, unless by means of national liberty ' national arms b aring, the sole, preservatives of which are the r : aiitvof representation in the Legislature, and a perma- nent ortanimation tS the males who are able to bear arms." Mr. MeHish objected to this resolution, as it involved an extraneous subject, totally unconnected with the purport of the meeting.— He moved an adjournment, for the pur- pose of procuring a fuller attendance, at which the whole business might he re- cwisidored, and the sense of't. lie county fitirly taken.— After some altercation, this proposition was taniud,
and the meeting was adjourned to Tuesday next BREAD.— Yesterday the Lord Mayor ordered the price • of Bread to be raised Unit' an assize, or SMr in the peek loaf; to commence to- morrow, wheimthe quartern loaf of wheaten is to be sold for 12# J. and household 11 Jrf. EXTRAORDINARY PERFORMANCE.— A bet of 500 guineas was lately made by Mr. Wardle, a gentleman well known in the sporting world, to run his pony against the mail coach, from London to Exeter, Saturday night last was the time lined on to start; they accordingly left Hyde- park Corner at the same instant, the pony without a rider, led ' y a groom on
another horse, and relays of men and horses were - stationed, on the road to lead, it on. They kept nearly together far upwards of one hundred miles, after which the. pony continued to gain ground, and arrived at the New London Inn, in Exeter, on Sunday evening, one hour, before the mail;.- having performed a distance of 176' miles in 23 hours 89 minutes. This extraordinary little animal is only 12 Hands high, very handsome, and strong made ; be went the first 64 miles without stopping to feed, and at the end of his journey was perfectly fresh, full of spirit anil good appetite ; but having unfortunately lost both hind shoes about
14 miles from Exeter, and it beirg uncertain how far he had got the lead, be went that distance without them, which rendered him rather tender footed. Besides the original- bet, very considerable sums were sported on the occasion. This little animal lately carried a weighty ridei seventy miles in one day. It is accustomed to drink ale and beer, and has frequently drank a pint of port at a time. EXECUTION of MAJOR CAMPEELL.— On Wednesday last, thi; unfortunate Gentleman suffered the sentence of the law at Armagh. When he found that no hopes of a pardon were to be entertained, he hurried the hour of his execu- tion, and
appeared impatient to die. He repeatedly sup- plicated that he might be shot; but this, for obvious reasons, was refused. At twelve o'clock he was led out for execution, and the moment he made his appearance the entire of the guard tooK off their caps, and he, in return, saluted them. Hii father- in- law and another gentleman remained with him all the time of his confinement, and received his corpse, which is to be taken to his native country, Scotland, for interment. During the time of the awful and affecting ceremony, we are informed that an Officer of another corps took the guard, while the regiment were confined to their
barracks. It is truly lamentable, that the arm of the law, in striking the guilty, must reach the innocent. This un- fortunate man, we understand, has left a distracted widow and Jire children; and Captain Boyd, who fell by his hand, had a wife and seven; sixteen victims immolated at the bloody tribunal of False Honour !—' From the Dublin Cor- respondent, Jug. 26. FURTHER PARTICULARS. — Major Campbell suffered amidst a vast number of sympathising spectators. He spent the last moments of his confinement with Dr. Bowie, the father of Mrs. Campbell, and met his fate with forti- tude. His body, when cut down, was put into a
hearse, to be conveyed to Ayr, in Scotland, and interred in the vault of the Breadalbane family: the Major was first cousin to the present Earl. His fate has been rendered peculiarly interesting by the unremitting exertions of Mrs. Campbell to procure a mitigation of his punishment, in the prosecution of which she appears to have endured fatigues of body " and mind, which might have been sup- posed too great for female strength. Her Majesty and the Princesses had paid lier great attention at Windsor, and prestnted her memorial to his Majesty; but, from all the circumstances of the case, the Royal mercy could not with propriety
be extended to the Major : to hive pardoned him would have been cruelty to thousands. Mrs. C. how- ever quitted Windsor with faint hopes that her application would finally be attended to, and returned to the house of a friend, in ISury- street, St. James's. She left London by the Glasgow Mail on Saturday night, almost frantic be- tween hope and despair, but still cheered by the faint ex- pectation that her solicitude would obtain at least " another respite. On Monday morning her friend iu Burv- street received a letter from Dr. Bowie, announcing that " Major Campbell was no more," and that he expected to reach Ayr with his
remains on the 30th ( yesterday) the very day that Mrs. Campbell would arrive " by the Mail. Major Campbell made his escape from Ireland after the death of Captain Boyd, in June 1807, and lived with his family, under a fictitious name, for several . months at Chelsea ; but his mind became so Uneasy, that he at last determined to surrender and take his trial, be the result what it might. May his fate, and the misery he has en- taili d on an amiable woman and innocent family, cheek that practice, which, without such examples, must degenerate into direct assassination! CHIPPENHAM RACES, 1S0S. ON TUESDAY, September
27, will be run for, on Chippenham Mead, a Plate of FIFTY POUNDS, free for any horse, mare, or gelding, that has never won more than that sum at any one time, matches and sweepstakes ex- cepted. Three years old, to carry 0st. lolb.— four yrs. old, 8st. 2lb. — five yrs. old, est. I ell,.—- six yrs. old, yst. 7lb.—- and aged, 10st. alb.— Mures and geldings allovved^ lbs. - Tile best of three heats, three times round the course to a heat. And on Wednesday, September 23,— a Maiden Plate of Firry POUNDS, for three and four year olds, that have never won the value of fifty pounds.— Three year olds to carry 7st. 4lb.— four yr.
olds, Kst. 4lb. The best of three heats, twice round the course to a heat. To start each day at twelve o'clock.— No less than three horses to start for each plate.— The winner of the first day's plate will not be allowed to'start for the second.-- The owner or winner of each plate to pay one guinea to the Clerk of the Course for weights and scales.— All dogs seen on the course will be destroyed.— No person will be allow ed to erect a booth or stall, or sell liquors, on the course, who dors not subscribe three guineas. No gentleman to be admitted into the stand unless a sub- scriber of one guinea. No person to have race- horses stand
with them unless a subscriber of one guinea. All disputes to be settled by the Steward, or whom he may appoint. A SWEEPSTAKES and TWO MATCHES will also be RUN: particulars of which will be made public in a short time. And on THURSDAY the 2,1tli and FRIDAY the 00th of Sep- tember, will be given,— a Purse of TEN GUINEAS each day, to be played for at BACK.- SWORD, Wiltshire against all England.— To take the stage each day at eleven o'clock. THOMAS CALt. EY, Esq. Burdrop Paik, STEWARD. WIILIAM GARTMOGF., Clerk of theCoursc. 1* 841 WELLS, SOMERSET. THIRTY GUINEAS will be played for at
BACK- SWORD, in the Market Place, in " the City of WELI. S, on Tuesday and Wednesday the 20th and ' 21st of September 1S08, viz. FIVE GUINEAS, to be. played for each Morning, with Padding. 11le Wedmore Blues against all England !• To mount the Stage precisely at ten o'clock. And TEN GUI- NEAS, to be played for each Afternoon; to mount the Stage precisely at two o'clock. fs. 30 *** If there are sufficient number of Gainesters from Wilts, Hants, & c. the play in the afternoons will be without Padding. Great encouragement will be given to the Gamesters. CM, BACKSWORD PLAYING. Friday arid Saturday, the 23d
and 24th of September, 18013, the following PRIZES will be given to be PLAYED FOR at BACKSWORD, in the Square at SWINDON, in Wilts. FJRST DAY.— A Prize of 15 Guineas for old Gamesters, the best man to have 12 Guineas and the second best three Gui- neas; also a Prize of four Guineas for young Gamesters that never won a prize above 10s. Sd. value, the best man to have three Guineas and the second best one Guinea. SECOND DAY.— A Prize of 10 Guineas for old Gamesters, the best man to have eight Guineas and the second best two Guineas ; also a Prize of three Guineas for young Gamesters, the
best man to have two Guineas and the second best one Guinea ; and as a further encouragement to good Gamesters, two Shillings will be given to every man who breaks a head until the Tyers are called, and one shilling to every man who shall have his head broken. On account of the shortness of the days, the Gamesters to mount the Stage prtcisfiy at ten o'clock and play till one, when an adjournment of one hour will take place ; to mount the Stage again precisely at two and play till five, when the Tyers will be called ; and as an inducement t > Gamesters to be early in their attendance, seven shillings will be given to the
firsttwo old Gamesters, and five shillings to the first two young Gamesters, that shall mount the stage and contend for the Prizes each morning at the time fixed on. * « * No Pads or Shunt Play will be allowed. [ 059 IT SALAMANDER FIRE OFFICE SOCIETY. THE public are respectfully informed the above Society INSURE ALL FARMING STOCK at two Shillings per cent, per annum, and whether such stock is insured in the buildings, tick- yards, and on the lands of- a farm in one gross sum, or separately on each detached part.— The books of the society will be carefully examined, and re- ceipts for ensuing payments made out
at the reduced rate, that all persons now insured may receive the benefit thereof. 7fitf] NATH. ftARTON, Secretary-. NOTICE is " hereby given to the Proprietors of Lands and Estates within the parish of Hursley and the manor of Metdon, in the county of - Southampton, and to all other Persons whom it may concern,— That, at the next Ses- sions of Parliament, a PETITION will be presented to the Honourable House of Commons, for leave to bring in a Bill, in order to obtain an Act of Parliament for dividing, allotting, and inclosing the Open and Commonable Woods, Common Downs, Waste Lands, and other Commonable Places
within the parish of liursley and manor of Merdon, in the county of Southampton.— August SH, 1808. [ 831 INTENDED TURNPIKE ROAD From Malmesbury to If cotton Basset and Marlborough. THE Noblemen,' Gentlemen, Clergy, and such other persons as areinclinedto bepromotersof this under- taking are hereby respectfully- informed, that a MEETING is appointed to be holden at the ROYAL OAK INN, at Wootton Basset, on Tuesday the Sth day of September next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, in order to consider and determine on the exact Line of Road to be pursued in making the above Turnpike Road, or such part
thereof as shall be then resolved upon, and the several branches through Dauntsey, Somerford Magna, and other places pryposed to communi- cate therewith, whereat they are requested to attend. By order of the present Subscribers, [ 736 Malmesbimj, Aug. 16, 1808. Rd. ROBINS, Solicitor. ATOTI IN tend WINTERBOURNE ABBAS INCLOSURE. THE Commissioner appointed by Act of Parlia- ment for Inclosing the'Openand'Corr. thon'Dbwn, Tract, or Piece of Commonable Paslure Land, aalled'or. known by the name of Winterbourne Down, situate in the parish of Winterbourne Abbas, in the county of Dorset, heeeby_ gives
Notice, that he will offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION' at the' Coach and Horses Inn, in Winterbourne Abbas afore- said, on Tuesday the 27th day of September next, between the hours of four and £ ix in the afternoon,— The undermen- tioned PIECES of GROUND, Parcels of the sald'Openand Common Down, viz.. tot 1.— A Piece- of Groind containing five acres, lying on that part of the Down called the. Beacon, and adjoin- ifigthe lane called Copyhold- lane and certain ancient mclpsures of Mr. C. Kellaway. ' " ... Lot 2.— A Piece of Ground containing five acres', lying on the east side of the safd Down, adjoining the ancient
fnclosures of the Hon. Mrs. Lisle and of Mr'. C. Keliav.:: y. Lot3.— A Piece of Ground containing'live acres, lying on the north- east side of lot 2, and adjoining the ancient iiv= closures of the Hon. Mrs. I. i' le, Lot 4.— A Piece of Ground containing five, acres, lying on the cast side of the said Down against the iuclosutes of Mr. C. Kcllaway, arid on the north side of . the turnpike read leading from the village of Winterboiirne Abbas towards Br'tdport; r£ Lot 5.— A Piece of Ground containing five acres, adjoining lot 4, and lying on the north side of the said turnpike road. , Lot 6.— A Piece of Ground containing five acres, adjoining lot 5,
and lying also on the north side of the safd turnpike road. Lot 7.— A Piece of- GroUnA. containing five acres, adjoining lot fl, and lying also on. the north side of. the said turnpike road. Lot 8.— A Piece of Ground containing five acres, adjoining lot.' 7, and lying also on the north side of the said turnpike road. The abovem.- ntioned Pieces of Groutid are marked out with stakes; and plans thereof may be seen at the Office of Mr. John Banger Russell, of Beaminsrsr, Dorset, attorney at law, Clerk to the Inclosure.— Mr. William Mills, of Win- terbourne Abbas, will shew the. several lots. Conditions will be produced at the time of sale.
THOMAS ABRAHAM, Commissioner. Dated this 4th day of August, 1808. [(> 52 OFFICE FOR TAXES, LONDON, 2< Uh Aug. 1803, ^ DUTIES ON GAME CERTIFICATES. IS Majesty's Commissioners for the Affairs of Taxes hereby give Notice, That by an Act of 48 Geo. 3. cap. 55, and passed on the 1st of June, 1808, it is enacted, That if any person shall, after the 30th of June 1803, use any dog, gun, net, or other engine, for the purpose of taking or killing any game whatever, or any woodcock, snipe, quail, or landrail, or any conies, in any part of Great Britain, without having obtained a Certificate, as directed by the said Act,
every such person shall be liable to the duty of three pounds three shillings, and shall also forfeit the sum of twenty pounds over and above the said duty. The taking of woodcocks and snipes with nets or springes, and the taking or destroying of conies in warrens, or in any enclosed ground whatever, or by any person in lands in his or her occupation, are excepted from the said duty and the said penalty. To obtain the certificate required by the Act, every person intending to use any dog, gun, net, or other engine, for any of the purposes aforesaid, is to apply to one of the Collectors of the Assessed Taxes acting for the parish
where such person resides, and on payment to him of the proper duty, and a fee of one shilling, will receive from him a printed receipt, ac- knowledging such payment, which receipt such person is to deliver to the Clerk to the Commissioners of Assessed Taxes acting for the same d; strict, for the purpose of being exchanged for the certificate signed by tl » esai d Clerk in the form required by the said Act, and which the said Cltrk is to deliver without fee. The necessary printed receipts and certificates are now in the hands of the respective Collectors and Clerks of Asssessed Taxes, in every District in England and Wales, to
whom re- spectively every person will make his application before he can exercise the privileges mentioned in the said Act. ThE DUTIES TO BE pAID ARE AS UNDER; VIZ. For every Game- keeper being an assessed Servant, where the Servant pays the Duty— Duty One Guinea, and One Shilling to the Collector: and to have a receipt marked A. For every Game- keeper being an assessed Servant, where the Master pays the Duty— Duty One Guinea, and One Shilling to the Collector: and to have a Receipt marked B. For every Game- keeper, not being an assessed ' Servant— Duty Three'Guineas, and One Shilling to the
Collector: and to have a Receipt marked C. For every Person, not being a Game- keeper— Duty Three Guineas, and One Shilling to the Collector: and to have a Receipt ma V. ed D. On delivery of which Receipts to the Clerks, Certificates having corresponding marks will be delivered. - % Order of the Board. - Oil] - MATTHEW WINTER.- ICE is hereby given, that Application is in- tended to be made to Parliament in the next Session for an Act for continuing the Term, and altering, enlarging, and rendering more effectual the Powers and Provisions of two Acts passed in the seventh and seventeenth years of his pre- sent
Majesty's reign, for repairing and widening several Roads, leading from between the second and third mile- stones on the turnpike road beiW- am the town and county of Poole and Wimborn- Minster, in the county of Dorset, to Bratton Cor- ner, in the county of Somerset: and for repairing and wi- dening the Road from the turnpike road in Bryanston, to or near a house called Fontleroy's Farm- house, in the county of Dorset ; so ftr as the said Acts relate to the road from the turnpike road between the town aad county of Poole, and Wimboin- Minster, in the county of Dorset, to the turnpike road in the parisk of Bryanston, in the
said county of Dorset, which leads from Biand'tord- Forum to Dorchester. Date* Ikisiad'- day of August, 180R. 816] ' JOHN RIDOUT, Solicitor. FROME TURNPIKE ROADS. NOTICE is hereby given, that Application will be made to Parliament in the next Session for an Act to continue the Term, and alter and enlarge the Powers of an Act passed in the thirtieth year of the reign of his late Ma- jesty, intitled, " An Act for repairing and widening several Roads leading to, through, and from, the town of Frome, in the county of Somerset; and for giving further Powers to the Trustees in an Act passed in the twenty- fifth year of bis pre sent Majesty, for repairing the Roads from the town of War- minster, in the county of Wilts, to the city of Bath, in the county of Somerset, and other Roads therein- mentioned;" also of an Act passed in the twelfth year of the reign of his present Majesty, intitled, " An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers of an Act made in the thirtieth year of the reign of his late Majesty, for repairing and widening several Roads leading to, through, and from, the town of Frome, in the county of Somerset, and s. veral other Road? in the counties, of Somerset and Wilts;" and also of an Ait passed in the thirty- seventh year of the reign of his said
present Majesty, intitled, " An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers of two Acts passed in the thirtieth year of the reign ol his late Majesty, and the twelfth year of the reign of his present Majesty, for repairing and widening the several Roads leading to, through, and from, the town Of Frome, in the county of Somerset; and for paving the Footways and lighting the Streets within the said town:" which roads pass into or through the parishes of Warminster, Corsley, Westbury, Dilton, and Maiden- Bradley, in the county of Wilts; and Rodden, Fromej Whatley, Elme, Leigh upon Mendip, Downhead, Stokelane, West Cranmore,
Doulting, Mells, Buekland, Denham, Mars- ton, and Nunney, in the county of Somerset; and also for power to make and maintain a new Road from North- Hill to Keyford, and which road is intended to pass into or through the said parish of Frome, in the county of Somerset. 829J J. A. W'ICKHAM, FROME, August 83, 1609. . Clerk aid- Treasurer. W1LSFORD DIVISION. WE whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being the Commissioners named in and appointed by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the forty- first year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, entitled " An Act for dividing and allotting in
Severalty the open and common Fields and Downs, common Meadows, commoh Pastures, and commonable and waste Lands, in or belonging to the Parish, Manors, or Tythings, of Wilsford, otherwise Willsford Dauntsey, otherwise Willesford . Dauntsey, i'n the County of Wilts," do hereby gii- e notice, That we intend to hold our next special general meeting, for the purpose of car- rying into execution the several powers vested in us by the said Act, and particularly tw read over, sign, seal, and exe- cute our Award thereupon, on Tuesday the thirteenth day of September next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the house of John
Strong, known by the name or sign of the Crown Inn, at Everley, in the county of Wilts.—— Dated this ninth dau of August, 1808. JOHN GALE. b'- lH] JOHN BUTCHER. CODFORD SAINT PETER INCLOSURE. WE whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being the Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the forty- eighth year of the reign of his present Majesty, entitled " An Act for in- closing Lands within the Parish of Cpdford Saint Peter, in the County of Wilts," do hereby give notice, That we intend to hold our first meeting for the'purpose of appointing a Banker, in pursuance
and according to the directions contained in an Act passed in the forty- first year of the reign of his. present Majesty, and to proceed in the further execution q£ the several powers vested in us by the said Act, on Thursday the eighth day of September next, at two of the clock in the afternoon, at'the house of Thomas Morgan, being the George Inn, at Codford Saint Peter, in the county of Wilts; at which meeting all persons having or claiming any Common, or other right to or in any of the lands or grounds by the said Act intended to be inclosed, shall deliver to the said Commis- sioners, or some or one of them, an account or
schedule in writingsignedby them, ofsuch their respective rights orclaims, and therein describe the lands and grounds, and the respective' messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, in respect whereof they shall respectively claim to be entitled to any, and which of such rights, in and upon the same or any part thereof, with the name or names of the persons in the actual possession thereof, and the particular computed quantities thereof, and of what nature and extent such right is, and also in what rights, and for what estates and interests they claim respectively, distinguishing the freehold from the copyhold and
leasehold ; or on non- compliance therewith every of them making default therein will, as to such claim, be totally bar- red and excluded.—- Dated this third day of August, in the year of o* r Lord 1808. THOMAS DAVIS. * WILLIAM JeNNiNgS. Sl. l] WILLIAM TUBB. . WINTERBOURNE ABBAS INCLOSURE. ' ITIIO. MAS ABRAHAM, the Commissioner ap- . pointed by Act of Parliament for Inclosing the Open and Common- Down,. Tract, or Piece of Commonable Pasture I. and, called or known by the name of Wintcrbourne Down, situate in the parish of Wintcrbourne Abbas, iu the eounty Of Dorset, do hereby give Notice that I
have set out and ap- pointed the undermentioned public Carriage Roads and High- ways through and over the said open and common down, in and by the said Act of Parliament directed to be inclosed and divided, viz. No. 1.— Turnpike Road-— One public carriage road and highway of the breadth of to. feet,, beginning at the east en- trance of Winterbourne Down from the village of Winter- bourne Abbas, and extending westward over the said down to the entrance of the parish of Kingston Russell. . No. v.— Little Brcdy Road.-*- One other public carriage road and highway of the breadth of 30 feet, beginninj at the easr entiaice
of the said down from the village of Winter- bourne Abbas, and extending southwards by the old inclosed lands of Wm. Bennett, Esq. and from thence, turning in a western direction by the old inclcsures of Mjr. Philip Henvill, to a gate leading into Little Bredy Farm, i No. S.— AbbotsTiury and Portesham Road.— One other pub- lic carriage road arid highway of the breadth of 30 feet, branching out of the turnpike road first described, near the west end thereof, at a little distance from the ancient'inclnsures of Kingston Farm, and extending to a gate leading into Little FrcdyFarm, towards Abbotsbury, Portesham, & c. No. 4.— Maiden
Navton Road,— One other public carriage road and highway of the breadth of' 30 feet, beginning at the west end of the turnpike road first mentioned, and continuin:' northwards, by the old inciosu'res belonging to Kingston Farm, in the oarish of Kingston Russell, to the entrance of an ancient inclosure parcel of the Farm of Compton Valence, the property of Wm. Morton Pitt, Esq. at the upper west corner of Winterbourne Abbas Down. No. 6.— One- other pubiic carriage road and highway of the breadth of 30 feet, extending over riiat part of Winterbourne Down called the Beacon, beginning at a gate leading from Compton
Valence and Maiden Newton to tile entrance of the lane called Copyhold- lane. And I haveascertained'artd marked out the said several pub- lic carriage toads and highways by stakes driven into the ground, and have prepared and signed a map or pFln thereof, in which such several intended roads are particularly laid down and described, and have deposited the same at the Office of Mr. John Banger Russell, of Beaminster, Dorset, attorney at law, the Clerk to the Inclosure, for the inspection of all persons concerned. And I do hereby give further Notice, that 1 have appointed my next attendance or sitting to be holdcn at the
Coach and Horses Inn, in Wmterborne Abbas aforesaid, ' on Tuesday the 27th day of September next, for the purpose of hearing any objections which may he made to the setting out of the said several ro ids.— Dated August I, \ 8< w. 650} THOMAS ABRAHAM, Commissioner. ' TURNPIKSTTOLLS TOTET'TT ~~ NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at the several Toll Gates upon the Turnpike Road lead- ing, from a Pond late of Henry Eyre, Esq. in the parish of Whiteparish, in the county of Wilts, through Romsey to the county of the town of Southampton, will be LET!' by AUC- TION to the best bidder, on Thursday
the 6th day of October • next, between the hours of eleven in the forenoon and two in the afternoon, at the Guildhall of the town of Romsey Infra, for the term of Two Years, from the 1st day of November next, according to Act of Parliament: which Tolls were lett the last year for the several sums following ; viz. The Gate at Romsey, called Gunville Gate, for £ 362 And the Gate at Whiteparish- for 175 clear of expences, and will be put up at those sums. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must give security, with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike Road, for the payment of the rent in such
manner and at such times as the said Trustees shall direct. Dated the lit day of September 1808. RICHARD F1GES, 1 Clerks to the 920] THOMAS WARNER, / said Trustees. TURNPIKE TOLLS TO BE LE'lT. E is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at the several Toll Gates on the Turnpike Road leading from Romsey to the Market- House at Ringwood, called the third division, will be LETT by AUCTION'to the highest bid- der, on Thursday the 6th day of October next, between the hours of eleven in the forenoon and two in the afternoon, at the Guildhall of the town of Romsey Infra, for the term of Two Years, commencing from
the firstday of November nekt, according to Act of Parliament: which Tolls produced the last year'the several sums foil- owing; that is to say, The Turnpike Gate at Romsey... '. .£ 201 And the Gate called Picked Post Gate 11? clear of expences, anil will be put up at those sums. Whoever happens to be'the best bidder, must give security, with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the said Trustees of the said Turnpike Road, for the payment of the rent in such manner and at such times as the said Trustees shall di- rect.— D'ateithe Ist- day of September 1808. RICHARD FIGES, \ Clerks to the 321] THOMAS WARNER, / said
Trustees. _ TROWBRIDGE, WILTS. Turnpike Tolls lo be Lett by Auction. NOTICE is hereby given, that theTrnstces nomi- nated and appointed by virtue of an Act of Parliament, entitled, " An Act for the more effectually repairing and im- proving the Road from the Green Man, in the chapelry of Seend," in the county of Wilts, through Trowbridge to Bec- kington, in the county of Somerset; and several other Roads communicating with'or lying near to, the said road, and for making and maintaining certain Pieces of new Road in Trow- bridge aforesaid," will meet at the house of William Livett, commonly called or known by the name
of the George Inn, in Trowbridge aforesaid, on Wednesday the 5th day of Octo- ber next, at'three o'clock in the afternoon, in order to LETT the TOLLS arising from the several Gates under- mentioned, erected on the said roads, for One Year, subject to such con- ditions as shall be then . and there produced, to commence the" lyth day of November next, at twelve o'clock at night, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th year of his Ma- jesty King George the Third, for regulating the turnpike roads : which Tolls produced the last year the respective sums under- mantiohed, above the expenses of collecting the samr,
and will be put up at those sums; viz. Southwick and Poles- hole £ 125 0 0 Westwood 63 10 0 Keevil 230 0 0 Semington 46 0 Q Farleigh 126 0 0 Wiugflelii 71 0 0 Stall- aid'* and Down 525 0 0 ( with these gates will be lett a new Gate intended to be erected at Hilperton, across the road near the house of Mr. John Maggs), Hilperton and Middle- lane 26 10 p Freshford 30 0 0 Whoever happens to be the best bidd. r must, at the same time, give security, with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the « aid Turnpike Roads, for the payment of the rent agreed for, and at such times' as they shall direct. — August - fit
hilt, 1S0S. TMOHAS T1MBRELL, P29] Cle « k and Treasurer to the said Trustees. -- .. WILTS-. ' CotshaM and Ijtcoch T< trtipike ' tolls. ]\ r°^ CE is ht'reby siven. that the TOLLS arising i;, the- S- u; Vein Gate, sin it-, on the fad leading. from Mellcsham to bath, will be LK IT by AUCTION to the best W< M..- t, jt| pf4 » m Ui Oht- coj i. » '^ Lj.: due, - l th Red'' Lion Inn, at Lacoik, on WedStsA- y the '." ifi'dav of Septal*" bernext, between, die hours \ vu an ; ne o'clock, for one year, from toe 1st day of Oclov,." r next, in the manner' I . TCCM IV TH » */ » — J| 0| ...... • ... - - HI, lii4 .. ,* - V.. J . » !. » V LAAI UII IU1 - JIVUFF.- ftlld will be put
up it that sura. Whoever happens to be the best bidder muse,- at the* ame time, gve security, with « w4fi<*- m sureties to the satisfaction , ot tiie rrtrsteesol' thenithurnpike rn Is, for pa. ymsnt. of th.- rent agreed for', and ;- t such times as Vn. v shall direct. I h • said Trustees will, at th ir next Meeting to be h '. d on the. said 29th day of SopfemD r, elSct dew Trustees mite roOtlr of such as are dead. ' fr> 3-"- JOHN MEREWETHER, " < CAI. WE, Wh August, 1808. Cierk and Treasurer. WILTS. CALNF. TURNPIKE- TOLLS. NOTICE is herfebv riven, that the TOLLS arising at the Cattle Tuvnp. ke Gates, known by the'several, names.
herein after- rue,, t; o. te !, will be; LETT l> y AUCTION, either in one or rn re Iras, to the btsfbidd.- r, ncc Tdiri" to the- conditions to be produced, at the Catherine V.' heet Inn, at Calne aforesaid,, on Tu.- sdav . the <! 7rll day of September next, in the manner directed" by th. Act p istil in the If. tU year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, " for regularities the Turnpike- Kjatls ;'' which TflJN produced the last year the sev. tal su- ms set ag- iinstjbe follow-, ing respective Gjtcs, ov r nil above the czpenc s of collecting' the same, and will be- put up at those sums, either together or separate, as shall be then ana
there Agreed on ; viz.' ~ Chilvester- biil Gat-.' ,- t'liH S> ,01 QuemerfordGate and Chalk- street side Uxte mi 17 - ti gmelliqgs- lane Gate, leading to Devizes 73 it li. j Whoever hippens to be th • best bidd r nru- t, at the satnfli time, g; » e security, with sulfide t sureties 10 t.. e sitiStactiom of the Trust: . j of ihe -.. i I turnpike re d » , for payment of tho rent agreed for, and at such tim- s -. e they .!-,. I. u teet.- -. 700J JOHN Mi'iREWEI'iit'R, CAI. SE, \ Gth August, 1 « 0?. Clerk and'() • . surer. CIIRISTCHURCH, NE- iR THK'SKA. ~ npo be SOLD,— Sever, il acres of aood . MEADOW .1. LAND, with a Cottage- - ml Garden ; t- e land well
cal- culated to build on, sitiiat •.! at Muddiforil, null' ristcbhrch Enquire ( postpaid; of J. Luni./ w, solicitor," CliristthtVi'. h, Hants. - ' { fill rTx> be SOLI) by A IK7 HON, at . the'Old Ant.-" JL lope Inn and Hotel,' Poole4, on Thursday the sth os September HM, at three- o'clock,— About 0'>, 000 Fret of PINE BOARD . and PLANK, of very fine quality ; 20 Tons of Twice- laid Cordage... For further particulars apply to Poori, Sept. l,( 180fl. J BRISTOWF.; i> H id Co. TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. TO be SOLD by A UCTIOX, by Mr. COTTF. RF. I. v, on the Baltic Wharf, near Chap= l Mill, Southampton, on Fri. l ty the 9th day of September,
1808,— A capital Cargo of PINE BOARD, PLANK, BIRCH TIMBER, Sc. just arrived from New Brunswick, in the ship Hawke," John Brenton, Master 5 consisting of about 50,000 Feet of'Inch Pine Board, 40,000 Feel of Pine Plank, trom 2 to 4 inches, 31 Pieces of B. rcli Timber, 4 Pieces of Pine Timber, . ri Fathoms of Lathwood, 43 Handspikes,— and ;> Spars. This cargo, which has been selected with particular care, will be found well worth the attention of builders, & c.; and the lots may » viewed three clays previous tothe sale, by ap- plying to Mr. Mayi. eo, at the Wharf. Catalogues mav be bad, arid further particulars known, by
applying at tu.- Office of Mr. Edward Langdon Oke', No. 74, High- street, Southampton. , '' The sale to begin at eleven o'clock. [ 783. WlLfs.^- OAK TIMBER. - TO. be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. SIDFORD, V the Angel fun/ Chip; enham, ou Monday the 1- Jih of September. i" 80S," at three o'clock in the afternoon," in Lots,~ 346 OAKTREEs and a large quantity ol OAK TOPS, liotv lying in Bowocd Park and lands adjoining, near Chippenham. For the convenience of purchasers, the above timber is drawn together near the turnpike road, and but a'sh'- rt dis- tance from the Wilts and Berks Canal.— It is presume I . the tops will be
found well worth the attention of boat and barje builders, oil account, of the knees. . f.' il? For viewing and particulars apply to Mr. Wm. Hut bund, Stu lley Green, hear t ie Park; or the Auctioneer, Calne. OAK TIMBER. SOPLeY HANTS." \ X) be sOLD bv AUCTION, by JOHN Cran- STON, on Thursday the Iftth day of September, yjoi, at three o'clock in the " afternoon, at the Wool pack Inn, at ci .1— ........ i„., ,. oao timber Lot 1.— Three Pieces of OAK .. 711 Feet . ' 8;— Three'.. .. di to ... ..- 81 8.— Four ,- r..: .. ditto ... .. 7? , . 4.— Three .. ditto ... .. 7S 5.— Three .. ditto ... .. 74 6'.— Two .. ditto ... .'. 70 7.— Four .. ditta ... .. 77 The
above Timber is now lying in Derret- lane, and the field adjoining, 111 the parish of Sopley, with the lot marked on each Piece. Further particulars may be known by applying t> N'r. John Woods, of Sopley., ' [ 338 OAK TIMBER, BERE FOREST, HANTS, TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by order of tic Right Hon. Lord Glenbervie, Surveyor- General of his Majesty^ Woods and Forests, ifce. by Mr. LIMpUS, at die Goiden Lion,- Southwick, on Montiy the Sb'th of September, 1808, at three o'clock in the afternoon, in Thirty,- two Lr. tr;, which may be viewed till the d « y of sale ( Sunday exceptd) by applying to Mr. Thomas Payne, keeper,
at Wieklian- lodge; or to Mr. John Geary, keeper, at Creech- lodge: of whom catalogues may be had, with the conditions of s^ e ; and also at the Golden Lion, Southwick, and of Mr. Limjus, auctioneer, Bishop's Waltham. [ 8Si RHINEFIELD LoDGE, Near brockenhurst, in the New Forest. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on ihe Premises, by Mr.- NEWEI. I-, On Wednesday the 7th day of Srptemh r, 1808,— The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of Apartnu nts lately occupied by Colonel HEYWOOD, deceased, at Rhine- field Lodge aforesaid; consisting- of four- post, tent, and h. If- tcster bedsteads, with flowered cotton, morine, and oi- ier
furnitures, and window curtains to correspond ; good featiier beds, mattresses, and counterpanes; Wilton and Scotchcur- f> ets ; mahogany chest of drawers, wardrobe, sideboard, eei- aret with bwss hoops, dining, card, and other tables, nivic ' table and, bason. stand, walnut desk and book- case with platt- gtass doors, sofas, painted and other chain, deal drt-. su; tables, pier and dressing glasses, registe1" stoves, stoves Br burning w. pod, kitchen grate, smoke- jack, fire irons and Is- ders, and a variety of other articles. Sale to begin af ten o'clock. [ 86J """ hYThE, near SOUThAMpON. *" rpo be SOLD by AUCTION, , by Mr.
Sturdy, : at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, Hythe, on Wednesday the Jth day of September, .1808, between the hours of four aeds: K o'clock, A FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, situ*< t in the centre of the above pleasant village, with a Garden, that reaches to the sea, where there is a sufficient d;- ptl( of water for small craft. The house consist-., on the groin! floor, of a front shop, parlour, . kitchen, . and back parlour, with brew- house adjoining, and four b.- il « rooms over the above ; detached is a stable and a store- hniise. • The above is well worth the attention of any person wisling for a situation in flythc, cither as a private
residence'^ octoe anv line of business. Width of the premises 33 feet, depth 131. Land- taste- deemed j— and possession had at Michaelmas next. For particulars apply to Mr. Atrill, Hythe, who will skew the promises; | SS' Chicksgrove, near Tisbury, wilts. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by GerRARD and Co. at the Compass Inn, at Chicksgrove, on Wrdn- s- ' day the 7th day of September, 1808, between the hours of three and six, subjedt to such conditions as will theri be produced, unless disposrd of in the mean time by Prirate Contract, of which liotite will be given,— Two CotTAgeS or TENEMENTS, and TWO GARDENS, toge
ther with a Stable, Cart- house, Out- houses, and premises thereto be- longing, situate at Chicksgrove ^ foresaid, held by lease ttider the Right Hon. Lord Arundel for three- good lives, subjtct to a small quit- rent for each Tenement and Garden. Also a Piece of PASTURE LAND or ORCHARD, containing by measure about one acre mid a quarter, planted with choice fruit trees'in full, bearing, situate at Chicksgrove aforaaid, held by lease under W. Beckford, Esq. for' three good lives, subject to a small quit- rent. For a view of the premises apply to Samuel laVer, or. the spot; and to treat by Private . Contract to Mr. Lawrence,
Solictor, High- street, Salisbury. _ [ TIB
AND- GENERAL ADVE'llTlSIiR OF WiLTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET, Friday s and Sa far day's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. STOCKHOLM, Aug. 15. \ Y the last accounts, the Russian fleet is ad- vancing to meet ours. There will! be a bloody engagement. No idea can be formed of the spurt of the Swedes: every one long* to flght'for hi « King and his c- untry. The conduct of the Rus , iaus in Finland is dreadful; it is a proof, however, that they < 16 not intend to visit it any more. The burghers of Stockholm have ordered fifty gun- boats to be built immediately., as a present to tite King. 1 On the 6' th inst. the King received
a report from Admi- ral Nanckhoff, statin?, that on the 2d, at 4 o'clock m the morning, th." Swedish cruisers had • discerned the Russian ilfct beating to windward toward; Oro, where the Swedish fleet is stationed. gotTenBurgh, Aug. lfl.- r- A. report is in very general circulation here, that the Russian fleet which lately put to sea from Cronstadt, has been fallen in with by the Swedish squadron, and - part of - that under the command ol S. r james saumarez, and that the Russians, preferringrumn- iig to fighting, escaped in great confusion to their ovyn ports. Diastolics have b en received herefrom England^ which have been
forwarded to St. Petersbui'gh by Mr. John Hal- liday. Some Swedish vessels have been chartered from hence to - convej the Spanish troops now in Langeland to Spain ; we " bar they are to touch in England, before they. proceed to Spain, from whence they are to be ailoWfed tt) bi ioycargoes of salt. LONDON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. BRITISH VICTORIES OVF. R TUB FRENCH TROOPS. Compute DEFEAT of Gen. JUNOT. The BRITISH ARMS HAVE BEEN EMINENENTLY VICTORIOUS OVER THE FRENCH in I'oim GAL in two bat- tles, and ltMig before this time, to use the words of Geti. Castano? after the surrender of
Dupont, we have no doubt, that niot a Frenchman remains in arms throughout the " kingdom . of Portugal." The park and Tower guns were fired this morning at eight o'clock, in honour of those great victories. The glorious intelligence was brought about eight o'clock last night to Lord Castlereagh's Office by Captain Campbell. It was soon after communicated by'his Lord- ship to the Lord Mayor. COPY. " DOWNING- STREET, Sept. 1. My LORD— I have tlie honour to acquaint your Lordship, that Capt. Campbell ar- rived this evening with dispatches from Lieut. Gen. § ir Arthur Wellesley, dated Vimiera, the. 22dult. giving an
account of two Victaties obtained over the French arms in Portugal— the first on toe 171) 1 at Zambueica, over the advanced corps of the French, consisting of 6000 men, commanded by Generals La horde and Bernier, in which the French were defeated with th. loss of l. yio men, killed, wounded, and prisoners; the second, over tft* whole of the French army in Portugal, con- sisting of 14,000 men, commanded by Gen. Junot, wherein the French were completely defeated, with the loss of 13 piecas of cannon, 2- 3 tumbrils of ammunition, and about 0500 men, in killed, wounded, and prisoners. " In consequence of this action,
gen. Kellerman arrived with a flag of truce at Head- quarters on the 2- 2d, to treat for terms. " Lieut, Gen. Burrard landed, and arrived . in th - field of action sifter the battle had commenced on the ilst clt.; but he 5 ruri-. usly declined taking the command from Sir Arthur " Wi- lleslcy. On the S2tl, Lieut. Gen. Sir 11 W Dilrymple. landed; and took the command — I have the honour to b'e, & c. ( Signed) " CASTLEREAGU. Ta the Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, A » " c." In addition to the above letter, the following particu- lar- ure lated in private accounts :— it will be recollected that on th » 43th Sir Arthur, who had been joined by Gen.
Spencer, was near Leyria. He continued his march with all possible speed, having the welcome information that The enemy were advancing from Lisbon to meet him.— CrftiieJSth Uickb W4S an affair of advanced posts near Cauda, and Oviedas.— OIJ the 10th the enemy halted.— OA the l" th our troops came up with the advanced corps o'. tire French, amounting to 6' 000 men— they'were most advantageously posted in the passes; but as Sir Arthur bad fatten in upon their line of march, he was under the iieqe'^ tv of attacking" them, though the position was so Bijeh in tjieir favour. Only part of our troops was en- gaged,
ch'eHy the 5th, 9th", 20th, 69th, and 95th regi- ment ;; of these the 2i) th and 95th bore the brunt of the battle. Nothing could exceed the steady discipline and the cool and determined courage with which our troops adia-. eed to the attack. It was a very severe conflict, but here it was remarked, that our artillery was infinitely better served than '. hat of the French, vaunted to be the best in Europe. The enemy at length yielded to the * al ur of our countrymen, and fell back in confusion, and with great loss." They had GOOO. infantry and 800 cavalry.— The following was the order issued to our troops— Drive the French out of the pa
ses on the road to Lisbon ; "•— And this order was executed. Sir Arthur pursued the enemy on the 18th, and pressed on 011 tiie li) th. On the 50th hi halted and drew off nearer the sett to cover the lauding of General Anstruther's division, As ^ jon as tho lauding was completed, the whole army iv. es refreshed after the fatigues they had undergone. On the A'l- t. Sir Arthur found that the enemy were determined to give him battle. They commenced the attack rat- her- before it was expected, and the letters describe them as coming on with great gallantry and good order. The onset", as usual • with the French, wa> impetuous in the
extreme. They hoped by thisiinpi tuositv to throw our ranljs into confusion, and gain the victory., But they had British troops to deal with; and our men, nothing daunted by the violence of the onset, or the furious fire opened upon them, advanced without tiring a gun with fixed bayonets.— The enemy were di- mayed bv this steadiness and coolness, and were soon forced to fall back. The eouiliet then began to be most severe and sanguinary— ut though the enemy fought with ^ Wifflllafi'tl'JI affinfeteriff! tn£ ti" on, th y were never able to make any disadvantageous impression upon our troops. At length victory decided in our
favour— the enemy were com- pletely beaten and dispersed into the woods contiguous to the scene of action. The action was fought at Yeinierai. Junot commanded 111 person, a\ d his main attack was commenced on our centre and left— our right, containing about 7000 men, was not < 0 much engaged as the other tw< V civisipii « . The French General Shibault was killed, ani? General Branier was wounded and made prisoner.— When taken by one of our grenadiers, lie offered hi in Ids purse and watch to let- hint go, but the grenadier spurned the oiler, and - brought the General to his Colonel.— The French General
expressed to the Colonel much surprise at the disinterestedness of the grenadier.—'• Don't be sur- prised," said the Colonel, " We are not' come as robbers." —- Render then addressing himself to Sir A. Wellesley, said, 4t From the manner in which \ ou have fought, I suppose you have got the picked men of the army of England"— " By no means," replied Sir Arthur," this is only a speci- men of what the rest are." ..... After the battles on the 17th and the 21st, Sir Arthur Welleilcy issued the following General Orders : — " HEAD- QUARTERS, LOWRENHA, ' Ai: g., lVi The Lieut.- General was perfectly satisfied with the conduct of
the troops in the action of yesterday, particularly with the gallantry dis- played by the i'th, 9th, 2<> th, 6' oth, and 95th regiments, to whose let it principally fell to engage. the enemy. " From the specimen afforded yesterday of their behaviour in action, the Lieutenant- General feels confident that the troops will distinguish themselves . whenever the enemy may give them another occasion, and it is only necessary for him to recommend to them a steady attention io their preservation of order and regularity, and strict obedience to the commands which the Officers niey give, " G. B. TUCKER, D. A. G." " HEDD- QUARTERS,
VEMIEKA, Aug. 21, Lieut.- General Sir Arthur Wellesley congratulates the army on. the signal victory they have this day obtained over the enemy, and rettJms them his warmest thanks for their resolute and heroic conduct. He experienced the sincerest pleasure in witnessing various instances of the gallantry of the corps, and lias in par- ticular to notice the distinguished behaviour of the Royal At- tillery; amh Light Dragoons ; the 3e'th, 40th, « d Batt. 43( 1, 50th, 2d B.< tt. Sid, 60th, 71st, 82d, 2d Butt. 95th, and 97th Regiments- It will atfbrd the Lieutenant- General the greatest pleasure to repeat to tbe Commander-: in- Chief, the
bravery displayed by all the troops, and the high sense he entertains of their meritorious and excellent conduct thoughout the day. " G, B. TUCKER, D. A. G. After the. battle of: the 21st>.. Sir Arthur pj'o. po^ ed to send off the right wing, which had been less engaged than the two otifer divisions, to push its way t « Lisbon; and inter- pose itself between Lisbon and the retreating army of the enemy.— This we understand was adopted, and our uoops '. cult the road that leads' by the sea to Torres Vedras, and M, ifra. In the mean tithe Gen. Kellerman was sent with a flag of truce 011 the 22d to propose terms. Junot had • expected,
with such confidence, to beat us, that he said to his tfoufps before the battle—" Comrades, there are the English, and behind them is the sea— Be cool and steady ; vim have only to drive them all into it." The Negocfation was going oil when the accounts came away.—- A body of Junot's Guards, grenadiers, fought so steadily on their part, that 300 were found dead in their ranks. -' • It is said that in the terms proposed by the enemy, they wished to stipulate for the carrying off their plunder, which they have to an immense amount; but this, of course, would not be granted them. In tlie battle of the 17 ill we Lad 440' killed and
wound- ed.— 111 the battle of the 4l= t we had - 185 killed, 434 wounded, and 51 missing.— Total pf our loss 116b'. The French in the. first battle lost .. 1500 . Men. Ill the second battle 3500 Total 5000 PROCLAMATION' BV THE COMMANDERS IN CHIEF OJ- tllS BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S FORCES, ' EMPLOYED TO ASSIST THE LOYAL INHABITANTS OP THE KINGDOM & F I'ORTUSAL. PEOPLE OP PORTUGAL, • The finite is arrived to rescue veur country, and to restore the Giieminent of your lawful Prinde. His Britannic Ma- jes^ Vour most gracious Kin^ and Muster, has, in compliance with the wishes and ardent
supplications for succour from all p'. rts of P- ntu^ al, sent to your aid a British Army, directed to co- operate with his Fleet, already on your coast. The English Soldiers who land upon '.- our shore, do so with equal sentiments of friendship, faith and honour. The glorious struggle in which you are engaged - is tor all that is dear to men : the protection of your wives and chil- dren ; the restoration of your lawful Princes," the indepen- dence, nay the Very existence of your kingdom, and for the preservation of your holy religion; objects like these can qnly be attained by distinguished examples of fortitude and' constancy. The no We
struggle- against the tyranny apd usurpation of Francc will be jointly maintained by Portugal, Spain, and England, and in contributing to the success of a c^ use so just and glorious, the views of his Britannic Majesty are the same as those by which vou" are yourselves animated; / Signed) CHARLES COTTOn. ARTHUR WELLESLEY. Lavps, 4 th Aug. 1808. Oviedo Gazettes have been this morning received to the 21- t tilt. The French troops are in full retreat from Madrid by the way. of Vittoria. Joseph Bonaparte wa - to leave Burgos on the 12th, in the evening. Marshal Moiieey, who commands the van- guard of the retreating
army, was to remain there, and the- division . of Bessieres was then entering the town.. Castanos was said to have entered Madrid on the 5th ult. The French entered Bilhoa 011 the I'fith, but not Without an obstinate resistance. The town offered a eonribution of eight millions of reals; and it is expected the Fteneh will evacuate it in a fna days, (^ olonel Doyle- is with the army of Gen. Blake, the head- quarters of which are at Astorga. On the day the French entered Bilboa, Captain Towers, of the Iris, landed there, spiked 43 pieces of cannon, and destroyed 500 barrels of powdery but he had scarcely left the batteries before the
French entered the town, and be with difficulty got off. It is. confirmed that on the 4th ult. Le Febre made a fresh attempt ou Saragossa, and entered the city with 14,000 men, but after a most sanguine conflict was driven out again with, the loss of from 4 to 5000 of his troops. The French garrison in Barcelona is said to have proposed to capitulate. A Gottenburgh Mail arrived yesterday; it only brings a repetition of the report of an eugngeme t in the Baltic, between the British and Russian fleets, in which the. latter were defeated ; but we fear that it is without any foundation. Private Letters received this, day from tlie Continent
state, that, the ports of Holland were open for exportation of all goods to England, excepting bark, hides, and salt. It lias been clearly ascertained, by information re- ceived from the Officers lately taken in the Sylphe French brig of war, that'all letter; wKTeli" arrive in a y part of France, having the. oflicial stamp of the Transport Board upon them, are, by order of the French Government, immediately burnt. This shews that Bonaparte is deter- mined to. suffer those who have fougbt and bled in his ser- vice to linger out their days in confinement, for the sake of wreaking his vengeance on the comparatively few Eng- lishmen whom
he has in his power. It is by the Transport Board alone that any negociaiion for the exchange of pri- soners can be opened". I11 cnnsequcncf of the great demand for marines, the militia were lately put on board the several prison- ships at the ports in their vicinity, to do the duty of marines; but Gover irveni hiving taken steps to strengthen this me- ritorious branch of the service, the militia have bee., de barked, and the marines have resumed their duty, to the great s Itisfaetion and advantage of the navy. Vest, rday the Annuity Plan, instituted by Government, commenced its operations Several Annuities were granted, and Stock
transferred in lieu of them. HAYMARKET THEATRE.— A new musical farce, called Yes or no ? was 011 Wednesday evening brought out at this Theatre. It is said to be the first performance of a juvenile writer, is of the same flimsy texture with most of the new piee - s lately produced, but has some pretty poetry and music, the characters are drawn to suit the talents of the principal performers, and it was favourably received, and repeated last night with great applause. At Worcester Assizes, the action brought by. Sir John Cottrell, Bart. against Mr. Harris, late Steward to Mrs. Sarah Freeman, of Henley Park, Oxfordshire, an old
Lady of immensely large property, both real and personal, to set a ide a codicil to her will, by which, afier bequeath iug one large estate to the plaintiff ' who, had she died in- testate, would have been her heir at law) and several an- nuities and other legacies, she bequeathed the remainder of her property, real and personal, to Mr. Harris. It ap- peared that Mrs. Freeman had made her will from a form giVen her by Mr. cowper, an attorney; that she kept it locked up for several years, but in her last illness she handed it to the defendant, who found it was very defective; in par- ticular, after her several bequests, - lie bad not left the
resi- due of her property to any one. To remedy th'- s defect, Mr. Harrisdrew the codicil which ^ ave it to himself; the deceas- ed copied it in her own hand writing, and it was duly exe- cuted and attested. It. was contended by Sir Thomas Plome'r, the Counsel for the Defendant ( who spoke first, because he had the affirmative proposition to maintain) that the codicil was fair and . just. The earl of Malmesbury and other witnesses proved that Mr. Harris was much in the confidence of Mrs. Freeman, and were firmly of opinion that that Lady would not have been dictated to by him, if she had not intended that he should possess her
estates. It was proved by a person who had been her confidential ser- vant, and by other persons who, were with her in her last illness, that she was in full possession of her senses on the day 011 which she executed the codicil, though her intellects appeared infirm two days before, tmd she again fell into a state of imbecility some . days after, which continued till her death. Mr. Garrow In. id.' a long and eloquent speech for the Plaintiff, and called the physician- aud surgeon who attended Mrs. Free- man in her last illness, and were attesting witnesses to the codicil, both of whom deposed that they did not think Mrs. Freeman of
sound disposing mind when she executed' it ; that tli'ey thought it was meant merely to remedy some legal defects in the will, and had they been aware that it passed away her real estate, they would not have attested it. The < Jud » cj in summing up, expressed an opinion that it was impossible to overturn a codicil thus executed, and the Jury, after a short deliberation, found a verdict for the Defendant.— This is the second trial of the question, in both of which the Defendant has had a verdict. The trial lasted JJ3 hours, an adjournment for the night taking place in the midst of Mr. Garrow's speech. That gentleman and Sir T,
Plomer attended on special retainers of 300 guineas each. At the Assizes for the county of Cumberland, James Wood was tried for the wilful murder of Margaret Smith and Jane Pattinson. It appear*! in evidence that the prisoner worked as a weaver for Mr. Smith ; that he was a depraved wretch who spent hi? earnings in liquor, and murdered his mistress and her - ister, with circumstances of great barbarity, merely to rob them of a small sum of money, with which he absconded, but was pursued and taken in Scotland. He was found Guilty, and executed on the following day ( the 25th. ult.) At Wells As'sizes, on Monday, Duncan
Campbell, E- q. fligh Constable of Bathford. was tried for' Manslaughter AV Grand Jury • having thrown out a bill preferred by t\ ie parish of Weston, 011 the charge of murder} in firing a loaded pistol at Robert Strong, at Lansdown Revel, which caused hie death the third day ati. ee. . The evidsu. ee wits contradictory, the wines= es for the prosecution stating that the populace we're not riotous, till Mr. Campbell's violent interference produced a slight resistance to his authority. The witnesses for the prisoner said the conduct of the mob was very \ ialent. and that Mr. Campbell's life was in dan- ger therefrom. The trial lasted the
whole day. The Jury found the prisoner guilty. He was sentenced to pay a fine of 51, a id to be imprisoned three months 111 tiie county Gaol. In passing sentence, the Judge observed, that Mr. Campbell n id brought ou the danger, which could alone justify the deed, by great temerity : he had 110 doubt of Mr. C.' s good intentions ; his interference. at the Revel was legal, but it was a severe and unnecessary enforce- ment of the law, and to have had pistols for the sake of such a. i enforcement of it, was extremely reprehen- sible. He had been properly found guilty, and had cause for severe reflection for . the remainder of his
days. BIRTHS.] A few days since, at Badminton Park. Gloucestershire, the Duchess of Beaufort of a daughter.— On Thursday, at Blenheim Park, Oxfordshire, the Lady of Lord Francis Spencer ( sun of the Duke of Marlborough) of a daughter.— Last week, at Colonel' Mitford's house in Clarges- street, Mrs. John Mitford of a son.— On Sunday se'nnight, the Lady of Sir A. C. Dickson, Bart, of a daughter.— On Sunday, at Betchworth Castle, Surry, the Lady of Lieut.- Col. Holland, of a son.-— On Monday, at Sunning- hill, Lady Popham of a son, her ninth child.— Lately, Mrs. T. Furner, of Brighton, of a daughter, her twenty- fourth
child. MARRIED.] On the 18fi of January, at Madras, G. Adams, - Eqs. seconjl son of Will. Adams, Esq. M. P. for Totnes, to Miss C. E. Le Geyt, youngest daughter of the late Capt. Le Geyt, of Dover.— Lately; Capt. Abdy, of 1 he Royal Navy, to Miss Rich, daughter of the late Sir Thomas Rich, Burt, of Sunning, Berks.— On the 25th ult. the Rev. Dr. ZoUch, Prebendary of Durham, to Mi s Brooke, of Wakefield.— On Monday, Philip John Du- caral. Ksq. of Monckton- house, Somersetshire, to Miss Lucy Crossman, youngest daughter of the late Rev. Dr. crossman, and grand- daughter of Matthew Brickdale, Esq. — Last week, at
Westham, Sussex, the Rev. J. Preston, Cur te i that parish, to Miss Ann bristow, aged 74 years. dieD. On Friday, at lit seat in Gloucestershire, in the 78th year of bis age, the Hon. and Right Rev. James Yorke, L. L. I). Lord Bishop of Ely, Governor of Addenbrooke's Hospital, and Visitor of Jesus, St. John's, and St. Peter's Colleges, Cambridge : his Lordship was fifth son of Philip first Earl of Hardwicke, and uncle of the present Earl; was made Bishop of St. David's in 1774, translated to Gloucester ill 1779, on the death of Bishop Warburton, and from thence to Ely in 1781, 011 the death of Bishop Keene: he married a daughter of
Dr. Maddox, Bishop of Worcester; and hifd o.' ie son only, who died in 1791, in the 27th year of his age.— Lately, at Paneker, in Holstein, in his 74th year, the Prince of hessentein, who has bequeathed his whole property, valued at a million and a half of rix- dollars ( nearly 350,000J. sterling) to the Landgrave of Hesse Cassel ; but as the French have stripped that Prince of bis dominions and other property, it is 111.1- t probable they will lay their unhallowed hands on this legacy also.— On the 9th of January, at Sylket, in the East Indies, C. S. Milling, Esq. Collector of that district.— On the 11th of February, at Bombay, Major-
General Bellasis, Commander of the forces on that station : he was suddenly taken ill whilst in the discharge of his duty at t\ e Military Board, and expired almost immediately.— On Wednesday evening, at Worthing, Sussex, in the 38th year of her . age, Lady William Russell: her Ladyship was eldest daughter of tiie late Earl of Jersey, was married to Lord William Russell in 1789, and has left a numerous family to bewail the loss of a woman who was an Ornament to the great world.— Lately, aged 86 years, the Rev. Sir William Wray, ' Bart. Rector of Darleigh, in Derbyshire.— On the 20th ult. at. Brighton, Miss Cecilia Napier,
youngest daughter of the late hon. G. Napier and of Lady Sarah Napier, and niece of the late Duke of Richmond.— On Wednesday se'nnight, at the Lodg", Tewksbury Park, John Wall, Esq. Lieut,- Col. of the South Gloucester Militia, and a Justice of the Peace for the counti s of Gloucester and Worcester. feme day, at Storehouse, Mrs. Parlby, wife of Major Parlby, of the Bengal Engineers.— On Friday se'nnight, in Ire- land, Lady Anna Margaretta Fitzgerald, daughter of the late Earl of Kerry, and relict of Maurice Fitzgerald, Knight of Kerry.— Same day, at Houton Park, Cheshire, in his 25th vear, J. S. M. Stanley, Esq. Second
son of the late Sir Thomas Stanley Massey Stanley, Halt.— On Sun- day, in Han- place-, Wm. Dawson, Esq. Barrister at Law, and C'lerk of the King's Silver in the • ourt of Common . Pleas, which office he had held 48 years.— Same day, at Chelsea, Capt. Robert Parley, of the Royal Navy, aged 39 years.— Lately, Dorothy Turkball, of Newcastle, aged 1 OS years. THE Commissioners in a renewed Commission of Bankrupt, beating date the 9th day of Aujust last past, - w- rded and issued forth against HENRY HITCHCOCK, late of Avcbury, in the county of Wilts, Maltster, Dealer and ' Chr pman, intend to meet on Tuesday the
2' 7th day of Sep- temhe'r instant,-' at elfcven'o'cMck in the- forenoon, at theTown Hall, Marlborough, in the said county of Wilts, in order to eiak • a further Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors who have not already pr ved their debts are to come prepared tQ prove the same, or they will be excluded the hen fit of the said dividend : all claims not then proved will be disallowed. . GRIFFITHS AND WBLSFORD, Solicitors. MARLBOROUGII, S> P(. I, 1308. [ 900 WEST I. ULLWORTH, DORSET,' Hatf a Jron the Set. TO be LETT, anil entered upon at Michaelmas next,— A small
COTTAGE, UNFURNISHED; consisting of a kitchen, parlour, two bed rooms, convenient out- houses, with a good garden. [ 892 For particulars enquire of Mr. M. Randall, West Lullworth. r IX) be LETT, for the terms of 7, 14, or 21 years, Jl and entered upon immediately, — The GLEBE and TITHES, with a Farm- house and all suitable Outbuildings^ of ap extensive Parish, in the county of Somerset. For particulars apply to G. South, Esq. Mark. et- Lavim; ton, neat Devizes, Wilts. - [ 914 Half a mile from t.' ie Sea, Christchurch.— Nea House. rIX) be LETT on LEASE, UNFURNISHED,— A A HOUSE in excellent repair; containing
an eating room 20 feet by 16, drnwint; room 27 by 18, breakfast parlour, eight bed rooms, detached kitchen with servants rooms ever, scullery, larder, china closVt, and other convenient offices; coach- house, five- stalled stable, garden, meadow, and fish- pond ; the whole containing about 10 acres, well wooded and intersected with gravel walks. For particulars and tickets to view apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Clement Siharp, upholsterer, Romsey; or on the Premises. [ 629 DORSET. TO be LETT, completely FURNISHED, and en- tered upon immediately or at Michaelmas next,— All that capital MESSUAGE called Ed-,
IONDSIIAM HOUSE, fit for the reception of a genteel family, with double coach- house, excellent sta'ri.- d stables, cnurts, yards, granary, dove- cote, extensive walled gardens well stocked with choice fruit trees, orchard, shrubberies, pleasure ground, and lands, containing together about nine acres, pleasantly situated at Edmondsham, one mile from Cranborne, in the county of Dorset, 12 miles south east of Salisbury, 12 north east of Blandford, and 10 from Muddiford ( a delightful watering placej, in a fine open country aboanding with field sports, and hounds in the neighbourhood. The Deputation of, two Manors ( attached to
the premises), well stocked with game, will be lett with the above; and a neat Curricle and pair of capital Horses, light Cart, three Cows, Pointers, Rick of Hay, grc. tic. maybe taken at. a valuation, the proprietor going on foreign service. For further particulars and to treat apply personally, or by etter ( post paid), to Mr. Arney,' attorney at law, Close, Sa- lisbury.— The premises m'ay be viewed, in seasonable hours, by applying at the Mansion- house. [ 543 DORSET. npo he SOLD hv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A JL DWELLING- HOUSE, Barn, Granary, Orchard, and Garden ; and certain Closes of Arable, Pasture, and Wood Land,
contains about 37 acres, now in the possession of Georgj Roberts.— The - abort premises will be sold for three lives, to be named by the purchaser, subject to the present life interest of a person a? ed flit). Also,— A MESSUAGE, Garden, Orchard, and Paddock ; and PieCQ of uninclosed Land adjoining, containing about two acres, in the occupation of Thomas Fry.— These premises will also be sold for three lives, to be named by the purchaser, and possession given at Michaelmas next. The above premises are pleasantly situated at Westworth, ' t'. ro miles south- east rif Cr inborne, in the County of Dorset. For further
particulars and to treat apply to Mr. Arney, lose. Snlishnrv Thj present tenants will shew the pr'e- NLIWEURY, Aw*. 31,- 1S08. ESSRS. STROUD and STIBBS respectfully inform the Public, that the SALE of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, He. at BROWNING HH. I LODGE, HANTS, advertised for Friday tht^ 9th of September, IS DEFERRED to Friday the TWEMTO- THIRD of September, AND THE FOL- LOWING- DAY. EFFECTS OF BROWNING HILL LODGE, HANTS. TO HE SOLD by AUCTION, by STROUD and S- rtnns, on Friday the 4- 3d of Sept. 1808, and following day, on the premises, At eleven o'clock,— The neat,
modern, and genuine HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; Piano Forte by Longniau; a handsome- Filly, 4 yrs. old, out of a blood mare, a Milch Cow, & c. being the property of a Gentleman leaving his residence of Browning Hdl, near Baughnrst; comprising four- post and tent bedstead*, with dimity and cotton furni- tures; exceeding good feather beds and bedding, carpets, set of mahogany dining tables with circular ends, chests of drawers, tables, a s-.- t of mahogany modern brass- nailed chairs, and others; a table set of blue and white china, upwards. of 100 pieces; elegant out and plain glass, china, books, prints, pier and dressing
glasses, one capital double- barrel gun by t'indall, two fowling pieces by Richardson, lady's. side saddle, & c. May be viewed the day previous and tlie mornings of sale ; and Catalogues in due time, at the principal Inns at B isinnstpke, King'sciere, place of sale, and of the Auctioneers, Nswbury. £ 873 SOUTHAMPTON! ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, I rich Cut Glass, Table and J3ed Linen, an Electrifying Machine, handsome Chimney Glass, and other valuable Ef- fects, the proprcrty of J. A. MANT, Esq. gone abroad : to be SOLD by AUCTION,- by GEO. HOOKEY, at his house, No. 150, High- street, on Wednesday,
the 7th of September 1S08, and following day, at eleven o'clock. The Household Furniture consists of lofty large- sized four- post bedsteads, costly chintz hangings and window curtains to suit, made, up in the French style ; prime bordered sea- soned goose feather beds and bedding ; a set of japanned rose- wood and gold chairs ; a Grecian couch, two modern sofas, mah.' g-. ny bookcase with glazed d'ors, wardrobe, drawers, gentleman's complete dressing table, eight dining- room chairs, a large pillar and claw table, de ; 1 presses, & c/& c. To be viewed the day preceding, and catalogues to be had, price Gil. each, at the
place of sale. f » 42 lielle Vue House, within half a mile of Southampton, TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on tlie Premises, by GEORGE HOOKEY, on Thursday the 22d of Septcm- b.- r, 1808, at one o'clock, if not previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given.— Th's elegant Mansion is beautifully situated in a lawn of about 15 acres, tastefully laid out and planted, ucarly surrounded by a shrubbery of lofty fir trees; adjoining is . a very productive garden of about four acres, abundantly stocked and nearly encompassed by a lofty brick wall, erected in which are elegant conservatories amply furnished with
the choicest fruit trees in full bearing, and a profusion of grapes'; succession and pine- houses, an extensive green- house filled w ith scarce plants ; at a convenient distant: • from the dwelling is a coach- house for four c images, stabling for nine horses, laundry, w. sh- house, dairy, an ice- house, & c. & c. forming altogether a truly desirable residence for a family of distinction: tenure freehold, land- tax redeemed, and immediate possession may be had. The Household Furniture and Fixtures may be taken by appraisement* Printed particulars may be had of the Auctioneer, South- ampton.; or of Mr. Crosbie, Bruton- street,
Grosvenor- square, London.— To be viewed with tickets only. [ ts48 TATTON FARM, NEAR WEYMOUTH* ~ FAT CATTLE. r-'/>/" TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, by M. BAKER, on Wednesday the 7th rfay of Septem- ber, 1808, at Tatton Farm,— Ten prime FAT hEiferS, one ditto Stag, and tiiree good Barreners ; [ about- 20 Fat Wethers, 20 ditto Ewes, some Fat Lambs., and 90 good two- t - eth South- down Wethers, which will be sold in. small lots for the convenience of purchasers. * » * Warranted sound and free from goggles. The property of Mr. Richard's. Dinner at one o'clock and the sale to begin at two. tit
Tatton Farm is on mile west of Broadway. [!> 07 Close, Salisbuiy. misss,—( Ortc toncernj [ tHi rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. CRISWICK, JL on Wednesday the 13th of September 1808, at eleven o'clock, at the Star Inn, Andover,— The unexpired Term of Nine Years of a LEASE in a pleasant COTTAGE in Hamp- shire, situate at East Cholderton, four miles from Andover, 25 from Southampton, and 67 from London; replete with every domestic convenience ; Grapery and Peach- house in full bearing, extensive and highly- cultivated Gardens, sur- rounded by walls cloathed with choice fruit trees, with about tnirteen acres of
rich arable and pasture Laad adjoining. The Cottage, which is in complete repair, consists of a dining- room' 28 fe.- t by 18, drawing- room 24 by 14, breakfast par- loir, six bed- rooms, attics, servants' hail, kitchen, butler's pmtry. b ew- house, and under- ground cellars, with double coacl,- house, stables for eidit horses, straw- house, granary, and other convenient buildings. For further particulars, and a view of the premises, apply t6 Mr. Criswick, auctioneer, Andover. [ 912 HORSES, SHEEP, HAY, & c. Saxley Farm, near Andover, Hants. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. CRISWICK, on the Premises, on Wednesday the 21 st
of September, 1808,— The Farming LIVE STOCK., Husbandry Utensils, and other Effects on Saxley Farm; consisting of 200 South- down ewes ( from the genuine stock of Mr. Ellman), 130 lambs, six draught horses, a remarkably handsome Flanders mare, two waggons, four carts, ploughs, harrows, drags, and rollers; drill- machine, by Cook ; threshing ditto, for two horses, by Jones ; chaff- cutters, and winnowing- machine; large rick of perennial rye- grass- seed, ditto ofsairitt'oin, about 70 tons of bloom- saintl'oin, and numerous other articles. Catalogues will be delivered ten days previous to the sale, on the Premises, and at
the Auctioneer's, Andover, Sale will beginat eleven o'clock. [ 744 Horses, Sheep, Dairy Cows, Hay, IVool, fyc. lYTCHET MATRAVERS, DORSET. I'X) be SOLD by AUCTION, 011 the Premises, JL by M. BAKER, at Higher Lytchet Farm, near Poole, on Thursday the Sth day of September, 1803, ' and following day,— The following capital FLOCK, of SHEEP, & c. viz. about 36' 0 south- down ewe3 of different ages, 1 in prime chil- ver hogs, 180 chilver lambs, 1G0 pur ditto, 13 fine rams, 7 ram lambs, 12 good cart horses, 1 hackney ditto ; string, thill, and plough harness,; 3 waggons, 3 dung puts, I cart," 4 suils and tackle, drags,
tormentor, harrows, and 4 corn rollers; about 40 tuns of well- made French- glass hay, 40 weight of prime south- down tleece and lamb's wool, to' dozen of new hurdles, 3 dozen of good sheep cribs, a large sail cloth, a number of good sack bags,' barn shovels, sieves, winnowing tackle, & c.; also 13 young choice white sheeted and mottled dairy cows, selected from the first breeders in the several counties of Leicester, Lincoln, York, & c, and 1 capital two- year- old mottled bull from a prime Lincolnshire cow by a Leicester bull.— The above dairy cows are well worth the attention of gentlemen, farmers, and others, being in good
condition, and excellent for milk. [ 832 The sheep warranted perfectly sound and free from goggles. ( fJr" Dinner at twelve o'clock, the sale to commence at one. CAPITAL SOUTH DOWN SHEEP. TO be SOLI) by AUCTION, on the Premises! at the Barton- of Buckland, in the parish of Buckland Monachorum, ifi the county of Devon, about five miles from Tavistock and nine from Plymouth, on " Wednesday the 21st day of September next, by two o'clock in the afternoon pre- cisely,—- Part of the Stock of South- down EWES and prime WETHERS, the property of the Right Honourable Lord Heathfield ; consisting of 1- 20 thorough bred Ewes, arid 43 ditto prime Wethers; to be put up in convenient lots; and the purchasers of the ewes may be accommodated with good rams of the same breed at fair prices. The above South- down sheep are from tile capital stock of his Gracc the Duke of Richmond, and Sir John Sebright, Bart. The sheep may be viewed at any time before the day of sale, on application to Mr. William Watts, the hind, on the said barton. . [ 825 faESTBURY, WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by DANIEL HERITAGE, at the Abingdon Arms Inn, in Westhury, on Monday the 12th Of September inst. between the hours of five and Seven o'clock
in the evening of that day,— All those spacious FREEHOLD PREMISES, situate in the centre of the town of Westbury, late the residence of Gaisford Gibbs, Esq. deceased ; the whole, with a close called the Batch, a tyning called the Rack tvning, and another close adjoining in the occupation of Mr. Wm. Matravers, containing upwards of five acres, and now occupied ( except the last- mentioned close) by Robert Haines, Esq. as tenant at will. Oil these premises flows a never- failing spring of water, which, it is apprehended, may be advantageously applied to the purposes'of working machinery, & c. th'ei^ e being a consi- derable
fall: independent oi which, to a person wishing to build a residence, a more desirable situation in the town of Westbury cannot be met with, as some part of the land com- mands beautiful and extensive prospects. , For further particulars apply at Mr. Timbrells Office, Trowbridge, Wilts; 01 to Mt. Young Sturge, Sea Mills, near Bristol. nno be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Crown Inn, if in Wimborns Minster, in the county of Dorset, 011 Fri- day the 23d day of September, 1808, at four o'clock In tlx afternoon,— An ESTATE, called DOGDEAN, pleasantly situ- ated Within a mile of the town of Wimborne ; consisting of a convenient
dwelling- house, two stables, barn, cartho'n-. e cowpens, and other necessary building: and five closes oi Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land surrounding the s . me, containing iti the whole ffy estimation) about 4o acres • now in the occupation of Mr. Wm. Reeks, as tenant thereof, whose term expires at Michaelmas next,— A part of the pre- mises is Freehold, and the remainder is held for a term of which 900 years are unexpired. For further p uticulare apply to Mr. Castleman, Wimble or - Mr. Leer, Blandford. " fgsc ' rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, bv w. DAVIS, at M the Castle Inn, Marlborough, onTu.- sdsv the 13th day of
September 1808, between the hours of eleven and one. unless sooner disposed of by private contr ct, of wtrch due notice will be given,— A FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of a Commodioils Dwelling- House in a retired part of the town of Marlborotigh, now in the occupation of John Hyde, Esq. containing a breakfast parlour, a pcod dining nnd dr winir rooms, kitchen, servants' hell, brewbouse, larder, cV milk- house, and other offices, four ^ bedchambers, wiih a li- ht closet or study, attics for Servants, and excellent cellars-; also two stables, one with two and the other with three stalls - nd good lofts; a coach house, saddle
house, gmnarv, and dog' kennel, With boiling house and copper, and other conve- niences. A good walled in Garden, containing about l- alf an aci- e, and in which is tt neat greenhouse with a double flue, a shower bath house, and a large stone cisttrn lined w ith lead, and supplied with good water by pipes communicating witti the pump. 0 Also two Freehold Closes of Meadow and Pasture Ground adjoining to the Garden, and containing about nine ;; cr; s, ( exclusive of- a Leasehold Close containing about half - n rxre occupied with the same), having a convenient well and \\\ II- h juse.- - Also Right of Common for two Cows
throughout tile year, on an extensive common near the town. To be viewed by application at the fi'ouse every Tuesday end Friday, between the hours of Eleven and two, till the day of sale. > For further particulars apply. fo the Auctioneer, at Newbury, or to Mr. Towrisend, solicitor, at Newbury, who is ; uthornzed to treat by private contract. betters post paid will be duly answered. FAREHAM. FOR SALE by AUCTION, on Tuesday the lfhli day of September inst. at the Red Lion Inn, in Fare- ham, at the hour of five in the afternoon ( unless in the mean time privately disposed of ;,— Lot 1.— A Piece of Ground, being the scite of a
tenement, lately pulled down, adjoining the dwclling- hotise of Admiral Patton, in the West- street of Fart- ham, with the Feilmongcr's Yard behind the. same, and the several Buildings thereon, used in carrying on the business of a fellmonger, now in the occupation . if Messrs. White, of Havant. Lot. 2.— Two new- built Tenements and tile Gardens there- to belonging, in Meetinghouse- kni-.-. contiguous to the former lot, and in the occupation of Ubsdell and Ball. Lot 3.— One Tenement and Garden, adjoining- the last lot, in the occupation of William Ball. Lot 4.— A Messuage and Butchei's Shop, with a small, Gar- den, lying on
the north side of the West- street of 1' arehain, and now in the occup ation cf Mr Richard Newman. Lot. 6.— Two Tenements, with the Gardens thereto belong- ing, on the west side oi the North- street in Fareham,' in the occupation of Messrs. White and Franklin. gdr The situations of the two last lots render them extremely tlisible for tiade. Lot 6.— A Messuage and Garden, in the village of Wickham, nearly opposite the King's Head Inn, and now in the posses- sion of Gibbs The Premises are all Freehold. Particulars may be had on application to T. Prior, the pro- prietor, or Mr. Paddon, solicitor, Fareham. [!•<••': npo be SOLD by
PUBLIC AUCTION, on ti e A premises, by j. JEANES, on Monday the 19th of S -- tember 1808, between the hours of five and seven in'the i'- ternoon ( unlgss previously disposed of by private contr a t, , f which notice will be given 1,— A substantial and good- nccui- tomed INN, called SPARKFORD INN, situate at SPARKFord in the county of Somerset, with excellent brew- house, stable, and other necessary and convenient offices, garden and or- chard adjoining, a id five closes of excellent fnendow or s- ture land lying contiguous thereto, containing by estimation 20 acres ( more or less), in the occupation of Mr. Harwood, the
owner. The premises are he'd under the Lord of the Manor r. Sparkford for three lealthy lives, the eldest about 50, th<. f others about 24 and 1( 1 years of ag-. These premises are desirably situated on the turnpike road leading from and nearly cential between the tow: s of Wip- canton, Ilchestcr, Yeovil, Sberborn-, Castle Cary, and Brti- ton ; and having of late years been improved at a very consi- derable expence, would be a desirable purchase to any person disposed to enter into the line cf business, for which th y « ii so well adapted. The purchaser may be accommodated with ( ne half cf the purchase- money on security of
the pr m- ses. For further information, or to treat by privat contract, up- plication may be made to the owner, or to Messrs. messiter, attornies, Wincanton. ' [ 727 ISLE OF WIGHT. " O be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKERS and PITTIS, at the George Inn, in Yarmouth, on Wed- nesday the 1.0th of October 1803, at two o'clock in the after- noon, ( unless previously disposed of by private contract, of which notice will be given), The following very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATES, in six Lots; viz. Lot 1.—- A Messuage or Dwelling- house, Stable, and Gar- den, in the town of Yarmouth, now in the occupation of Mrs. Martha
Squire. Lot 2,— A Store- house and Yard, in the town of Yarmouth aforesaid, now also in the occupation of the said Martha Squire. Lot ;?.— A Messuage and Garden, in Yarmouth aforesaid, now in the occupation of Mr. Timothy Heath. Lot 4.— A Piece of Land, lying in the Town Field, near the town of Yarmouth, containing 2 A. 0 R. 17 P. or thereabouts, now in the occupation of Mrs. Stephens. Lot 3.— A Cottageand Garden, in the town of Yarmouth afercsaid, now in the occupation of Henry Dow. Lot!!.— A Cottage and Garden, in the town of Y'armouth aforesaid,' now in the occupation of Humby. The whole of the property is
held by tenants at will, and the land- tax has been redeemed. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Clarkes and Sewell, solicitors, Newport, Isle of wight, and for a view of the premises to the different tenants. [ 756 Freehold Manor and Estate, in the New Forest, Hunts. LAND- TAX REDEEMED. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKERS « id PITTIS, at the Angel Inn, Lymington, onThur: « day the 20th day of October 1808, at twelve o'clock atnoor , ( unless previously disposed of by private contract, of which notice will be given), A most desirafcie FREEHOLD MA- NOR and ESTATE, called OSSEMSLEY, situate on
the bor- ders of the New Forest, in . the parish of Milton, in the coutuv of Hants; comprising upwards of 5- 20 acres of land, in a ring fence; nearly 500 of which are now in the occupation of W. S. Burton, as tenant thereof, under an old lease, Which will expire at Michaeffnus 18IO, at a very low rent; the resi- due thereof is partly held by tenants at will, and partly by te- nants for long terms. This Estate contains every advantage to make it an eligible purchase for any gentleman fond cf the country, or the en- joyment of the sports of the field'; and the beautiiu- l views within itself and of the surrrounding country, render it ex- tremely
desirable to any gentleman desirous of forming a country residence. Distant from Lymington seven miles, and from Christchurch about tour miles. For other particulars apply to Messrs. Clarkrs and'RewclI, NeWport, Isle of Wight, or Mr. King, solicitor, l. ymn gton, Hants; if by letter, postpaid. [ 704 / F F. SSRS. BROME, DOWMNG, and LUXFORD, r'J. having just received a fresh Simply of SPILSBURY's Patent ANTI- SCORBUTIC DROPS from the Dispensary, No. 10, Soho- square, London, the inhabitants of S. oum who resorti to this Specific, will bs'assur-. d of bavine; the Patent Anti- scorbutic Drops genuine, in cases of
Scurvv, Gout, Rheumatism, Scrophula, . eruptive, nervous, and Lilicus Complaints, arising frcni'irritafioh. The Genuine Medicine has the words " By the King's Pa- tent" expressed on the bottle, bill of directions, and outside wrapper. The King's duty also is printed in black ink 011 the bbttlcs* of 5s. Brf. 10s. and 2is. duty included. Messrs. Bowling and Co. Newport, isle of Wight, haye also just received a fresh supply. [ 737 THE REAL JAPAN BLACKING, Hint B Y ' I) A Y ANI) MARTIN', 1. 0 N D 0 N. THIS invaluable Composition, with half'thfe usual labour, produces, th? njostbr'lliant jet- black ever beheld ; affords peculiar
nourishment'to the leather, will not soil tire finest linen, is perfectly tree from any unpleasant smell, and will retain its VirtU'- s hi n'nv Climate. Sold, wholesale, h\' Day and Martin, remove ! to No. ir, High Holborn, London; and retail at the Printini Office, Salisbury; Coulton, Devizesr Simmonds„ blandford: Fenny, Sherborne; Clarke, Dorchester; Harvey, Weymouth ; Harold, jun. Marlborough; Ske'uo-. i. Southampton; Martin, Ly- mington ; Crockford, Castle- Carey ; and Moore, Poole; in stone bottles, pi ice is. 6ii. each. [ Jo
m THE SALISBURY AND WfSCHESTEftr JOURNAL. Sunday's Post. By Express. The London Gazette Extraordinary. (- Published an Saturday, September- 3 J DOWNING- STREET, September 2. DISPATCHES were last night received from Lieutenant- General Sir Harry iSujrard and Lieu- tenant- General Sir Arthur Wsllesley, brought by Captain Campbell, Aid- de- Camp to Sir Arthur Wellesley.. The amine details given jn the preceding page, and under the head of Port News, are fully confirmed by these di patches, and almost every important fact being there related, the following extrac ts from Sir A Wellesley 3 dis- patches
are now only ne'ccwy. A letter from Sir A. W- ileslev, dated Head Quarters, Caldas, Aug. 16, relates a skirmish of advanced posts 011 that dav, In which hv the too grxat eagerness of the troops, sora men were lost. Lieut. Bunbury, of the 2d battalion of the 95th, was unfortunately among the killed, and the Hon. Cant. Packenham was slightly wounded. In another 1- tter, dated Villa Verde, Aug. IT, Sir Arthur Wellesley details, the action of that day, and states the force of the enemy to have been at least tiOOO men, of which about 500 were cavalry. The return of killed, wounded, and missing amounts to 4* 2 men, among whom
are 4 officers killed. The columns being formed, the troops moved from Oebidu • about seven o'clock in the morning. The pas- es were 11 difficult of access, and some of them were well defended by the euernv, particularly thit which was at- tacked bv the 29th and 9th regiments. Tiiese regiments attacked with the greatest impetuosity, and reached the enemy before those'whese attacks were to be made on the'r flank ; • the defence of the enemy was desperate, and it was in this attack principally that we sustained the lo; s we have to lament, particularly of that gallant officer the Hon Lieut.- Col. Lake, who distinguished himself
upon this occasion. . The enemy was, however, driven from all the positions lie had taken in the passes of the mountains; but he suc- ceeded in effecting his retreat in good order, owing, prin- cipally to my want of cavalry. In a letter dated August 18, Sir A. Wellesley relates the landing of Brigadier- General Austruther. The following is given in a letter from Sir Arthur Wel- le-. L- y to Sir Harry Burrard, dated Vimiera, August 21 :— The enemy attacked us in our position at Vimiera this morning, with all his force. ., , . , The enemy first appeared at eight o'clock m the morn- in » , in large bodies of cavalry, on our left, upon the heights
on the road to Lourinha; and it was soon obvious that the attack would be made upon our advanced guard, ami the left of our position. The enemy's attack began in several columns upon the whole of the troops on the height to the southward and eastward of the town; 011 the left they advanced, not- withstanding the fire of the riflemen,' close to the 50th regiment, and were checked and driven back only by the bayonets of that corps. At length, after a most desperate contest, the enemy was driven back in confusion from this attack, with the loss of seven pieces of canon, many prisoners, and a great number of officers and
soldiers killed 6nd wounded. He was pursued by the detachment of the 20th light dragoon);, but the enemy's cavalry were so much superior in number; that this detachment has suffered much, and Lieut. Colonel Taylor was unfortunately killed. ill this action, in which the whole of the French force in Portugal was employed under the. command of the Duke D'Abrantes in person, in which the enemy was certainly superior in cavalry and artillery, and in which not more than half of the British army was actually engaged, he has sustained a signal defeat, and has lost l( i pieces of cannon, 23 ammunition waggons, with powder, shells,
stores of all descriptions, and 20,000 rounds of musket ammunition.— One general officer ( Beniere) has been wounded and taken prisoner, and a great many officers and soldiers have been killed, wounded, and taken. N. 15. Since writing the above, I have been informed that a French General Officer, supposed to be Gen. The- Uult, the Chief of the Staff, has been found dead upon the field of battle.— A. W. 4 Officers killed, 37 wound d, 2 missing; 3 Xon- commis i- oned Officer and Drummers killed, 31 wounded, 3 l-. e ivi„ ; l'. H Rank and File killed, 46G wounded, 46 r,- i si ; 4; Horses killed, wounded, and missing. Tol Oftc r ,
N m- commissioned Officers and Drummers, Ra u » d 1 ile, and Horses, killed, wounded and missing. 781. fr., 1 the ameSof Officers killed, & c. vide Plymouth News.] PRICES OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three o' Clock. LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY NIGHT, SEPT. 3. WHITEHALL, Sept. 3. The King has been pleased to era t the dignity of a Baronet of the united kingdom of Great Britain an 1 Ireland to Sir Jonathan Lovett, Bart, with remainders severally to the sons of his daughters. WAR- OFFICE, September 3. 20th Reg. of Light l) ra- goons,— Major T. Hawker to be Lieut.- Colonel, without purchase,
vice Taylor, deceased.— Capt. T. P. Butler to be Major, vice Hawker. 9th Re?, of Foot,— Major G. Molle to he Lieut.- Colonel, rice Stewart, deceased.— Captain T. 15. Aylmer to be Major, vice Molle. \ Gth Ditto,— Major General Sir C. Green, Bart, to be Colonel, vice General Bowyer, decta- ed. 29th Ditto.— Bievet Lieut.-. Col. D. White, to beLieut.- Colonel, vice lake, deceased; Brevet Major T. Egerton to he Major, vice White. York Li' 4 ' Infantry Volunteers.— Major- Gen. E. Hew- gill, from the ltf; h Foot, to he Colonel, vice Sir Charles Green, appointed to the command of the I Sth Foot. BREVET.— Capt. C. Campbell, of the
75th Foot, to be Major in the Army, STAFF.— John Erskine, Esq. to be Commissary in Chief to the forces serving in Spain, Portugal, and the Medi- terranean. GARRISON.— Col. J. Robertson, on the Half- pay of the 92d Foot, to be Deputy Governor of Fort George, vice Stewart, deceased. BANKRUPTS. Thos. Lupton, of Skipton, hardwave shopkeeper. Margaret Young and John Crowley, of York, milliners, Henry Moyle, if Fordingbridge, Hants, tick- manufacturer and tal- low- chandler. Christopher Parnall, of St. Austle, Cornwall, merchant. J. E. Batley and J. Hinhcliffe, of York, dyers. Bank Stock, " 09 a § India Stock, 17s
South Sea Stock, — 3 ^ Cint. Red. G6J a J 3 Cent. Cons. Gajj a"| 4 ^ Cents. 82| a J 5 " J. Cent. Navy, 97J a 5 ty Cent. 1787, — Long Ann. 1 P- jV a J Omnium, 1 j ( lis. India Bonds, 3 a 4 p. Exchequer Bills, 3 a S p. Irish 5 Cents. — Imperial 3 ^ Cents. — English Lott. Ticktts, £ Ditto Prizes, 2 ^ Ccnt. dis. Port iSdua, LONDON. SATURDAY E VE . V1 N G, SEPTEMBER 3. A letter was this morning posted at Lloyd's, staling in substance that Junot with his army had de- camped from Lisbon, and . was attacked on the 24th ult. bv the British, and totally defeated, with the loss of 5000 men; and that 03. waggons, laden with plate and
other valuables, the plunder of Lisbon, had fallen into our hands.— This account requires confirmation. Intelligence of the surrender of Juuot and thelius- siati fleet may, however, be hourly expected. After such a defeat he could hardly think of any further re- sistance, by which he could at the utmost only pro- tract his surrender for a few days. Government have received accounts that General Reding had advanced to Madrid, and that Castanos was shortly expected there, for the purpose of making arrangements for tire establishment of a general Go- vernment. The Cortez were expected to meet on the 19th of September.
Ferdinand VII. was to be proclaimed King at Madrid 011 the 27 th ult. Lord Cochrane has, we understand, succeeded in conveving the Spanish regiments of the line stationed in Majorca, from that island to the Continent; a service which cannot fail to be highly appreciated fav- our allies. Oviedo Gazettes to the 26th nit. and those of Madrid to the 18th, have come to hand. The accounts from Co- runna state, that the French have left Burgos ; and letters from Palafox, of the 13th, announce, that the enemy had attacked him the day before, but had been'repulsed. . FALMOUTH, Sept. I. The Duke of Marlborough packet arrived
yesterday from Malta, Sicily, Gibraltar, & e. She left Sicily about the middle of July, when Sir John Stuart was preparing to embark with 10,000 British and 12,000 Sicilian troops for some part'of the continent of Italy. Com motions still continued in Calabria, and had spread to the adjoining country. When the Marlbo- rough left Gibraltar ( loth ult.). Sir Hew Dalrymple sailed in the Phoebe frigate, accompanied bv about 1000 men, to take the Command in Chief of the British forces in Portugal. The Carteret packet, fi- tn Corunna, and the Black Joke lugger, from Gijon, arrived yesterday. By the latter we have accounts of t!; e French
having failed in another attack on Saragossa. It is said great numbers of the enemy were blown up by a train of gunpowder laid in their way. BRIXHAM, Sept.- 2. Arrived on Tuesday last from Portsmouth, the Forester brig, with a small fleet under convoy bound for Spain, put in here by contrary winds. Arrived also on Tuesday night, about eleven o'clock, the fleet from of ushaut, untie* the command of Vice Admiral Sir J. T. Duckworth, consisting of'the following ships: Royal George, Dreadnought, Neptune, Temeraire, LaTi- gre, Pompee, Valiant, and Achille, of the line ; Naiad fri- gate, and the Nimrod and Betsy cutters. Arrived on
Wednesday, from a cruise, the Fervent gun- biif. Sailed the Naiad frigate 011 a- cruise. The Neptune and Pompee are ordered for the Mediterranean, and will sail the first opportunity. PLYMOUTH, Sept. 2. On Saturday came in the St, George, of 93 guns, Rear- Admiral Harvey, to victual and relit. On Monday came in L'Espoir, a French schooner, from Bourdeaux hound to L'Orient, with naval stores, captured by the Shannon frigate. On Wednesday came in the Prueba Spanish frigate, of 44 guns, from Corunna, with a Spanish messenger charged with dispatches for Government; she has also onboard 150 troops, with which she
is bound to Buenos Ayres. During the gale the preceding day she carried away her main- yard. Came in the Phoenix, of 36 guns, from a cruize; Plo- ver and Surinam, of 18 guns each, from a cruize; Reso- lution letter of marque, from Madeira; Alphea cutter, from Cadiz, with dispatches; Peacock, of 18 guns, from figuera, with dispatches, of importance, which were for- warded immediately for London. They relate to the operations of the army under the command of Sir Arthur Wellesley on the 15th, 16th, and 17 th ult. It appears that on the first day they had some slight skirmishing with the French, in which they lost 2 Officers and
about 20 men, killed, wounded, and prisoners; that on the 16th the army halted, and* on the 17th they had some very hard fighting, in which the British troops were annoyed by means of masked batteries, but they forced the French to retreat about seven miles towards Lisbon, with consider- able loss In kjlled and wounded, and 2 pieces of cannon : the British loss was also very great; the 29tn and 45th regiments had about 300 men killed, wounded, and taken prisoners. Among the Officers that suffered in the several actions were Lieut. Col. Lake, killed:— Majors Way and Egerton, wounded ; Capt. Todd, prisoner ; Capt. Hodge,
wounded; Lieut. Birmingham, killed, all of the 2,9th regiment;— Col. Stuart, killed; Major Molloy, wounded, 9th regiment:— Lieut. Morhir and Ensign Dawson, killed, 45th regiment:— Capt. Geary, Artillery, and Capt. Brad- ford, 3d Guards, killed; Lieut. Bunbury, killed; Capt. Packenham, wounded. On the 20th instant, Junot had drawn all his forces from Lisbon, and was in sight of Sir Arthur Wellesley's army the whole day : on the 21st, the two armies were generally engaged, and the battle was expected to lie decisive. For- tunately, about two hours before the battle, the British and Portuguese troops were joined by Generals
Acland and Anstruahcr, with 5000 men, who had just arrived at IVu- cipe, with the St. Alban's man of war, and had not been encamped five hours. Sir Harry Burrard had also joined and taken the command of the army; and the troops under General . Moore were proceeding from Figuera to Peneipe, having been sent for by express. The Kangaroo sloop of war was waiting to bring the result of the battle. The Portuguese are said to have Behaved very w* ll, and that all the French that fell in tiieir way they put to the sword. The battle of the 21st was lighting at the villages' of Lorenzo and Mezeitee, and will, 110 doubt, be a very
destructive one ; the issue of which will be soon kniJwn. OnThursday arrived the Orestes, from Cadiz, and Lisbon, with dispatches : she left the latter place the 24th ult. and brings an account of the action of the 21st, between the armies of General WeUesley and Junot, which commenced at four o'clock in the morning and did not end until near eleven at night: it was fought with great obstinacy on both sides, and the loss- on the part of the French is said to be 2300 killed and 600 prisoners, besides two Generals killed, and two others prisoners, who are coming to England. The British and Portuguese are said to have lost 1500
men, and many officers. The attack w as made by Junot, who has retreated towards Lisbon. Came in the Black Joke lugger, from Gijon : she brings an account of the French having attacked Saragossa, with 15,000 men, in which they were so completely defeated, that only 300 men are said to have escaped, and that all tilt1 others were killed. Camu in the Favorite cutter, from Corunna, who brings an account of the French having re- entered Bilboa, and that the Spaniards have been defeated there, with the lass of 1500 men; and that the French committed every brutal excess on the unfortunate inhabitants, sparing neither age
nor sex. Also came in the hindostan, of 50 guns, from off Lisbon. PORTSMOUTH, Sept. 3. The Forester sloop of war, which sailed on Monday for Spain and Portugal, had 500,000 dollars on board for the use of our patriotic: allies, and the payment of our troops. On Thursday Major Brown arrived in the Kangaroo sloop of war, from Lisbon, bearing dispatches from Sir Ar- thur Wellesley, announcing the important and decisive victory obtained over the French army in Portugal. The Major, 011 first lauding, could obtain only a pair of horses; but was soon accommodated by a party travelling in two chaises and four to Fareham with
a pair of their leaders, and then set off with his dispatches for London. A French General, wounded in the thigh, and a Colonel, taken prisoners by Sir Arthur W'ellesley's army, arrived here yesterday ' from Lisbon,, ill the St. Alban's. Monday.—- Sailed the Forester sloop, Capt. Richards, for Spain and Portugal ; and the Tisiphone sloop, Capt, Foote, for her station off Lymington. Tuesday.— Arrived the Comet sloop, Capt. Daly, . from Plymouth. " Wednesday.— Arrived the Linnet brig, Lieut. Tracey, with a French lugger which she captuerd off Havre. Thursday. Arrived, the Paz schooner, Lieut. Pring, from Lisbon ; and Kangaroo
sloop, Capt. Baker, from Lis- bon also, with " dispatches; Thunderer, of 74 guns, Capt. Talbot, from the Mediterranean ; and the queen of Portu- gal, a large Portuguese 74, from the Brazils. Friday.— Arrived the St. Alban's, Capt. Austen, from Lisbon Arrived late this evening, the Zealous, Capt. Pierepoint, with dispatches from the Mediterranean. Saturday.-— Arrived the Conquest gun- vessel, Lieut. Boswell, from the Guernsey station.— Sailed the Comet • sloop, Capt. Richards, with money for Spain; Beagle sloop, Gapt. Neweombe, with convoy for the Downs.— Went out of Harbour this morning and anchored at Spithead, the
Re- venge, Hon. Capt. Paget.— The Thunderer was this morn- ing released from Quarantine.— Sailed the Kangaroo sloop, Capt. Baker. MEMORANDUM.] The Beagle sloop is appointed convoy for the Downs, and the Revenge gives instructions to ships bound to the southern whale fishery. Capt. Sir Charles Brisbane is appointed to the command of the Blake, lately launched. Capt. Mends has succeeded Sir Charles in the command of the Arethusa. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. Mr. and Mrs. C. KEMBlE are now performing to crowded audiences every night at the Theatre, South- ampton, and are, we
understand, to perform on Tuesday at Newport, in the Isle of Wight. A greater display of talent or variety of representation has perhaps never been offered at either Theatre. On Sunday last wast was married, at St. Michael's church, Mr. Elstob, of Ringwood, to Miss Jourd, only daughter of Mr. Jourd, of this c'nv. Lately died Sophia, the wife of J. Micklethwaite, Esq. of West Comb, in this coutitv, and daughter of Edward Stracey,. Esq. of Rackheath, Norfolk. O11 Thursday se'nnight died, at the Hot Wells, Bristol, J. C. Hurry, Esq. Merchant and Banker, of Gosport, formerly of Yarmouth, in Norfolk. Jane Drover, a girl not. 16 years of
age, has been committed to the County Gaol, on a charge of breaking open the dwelling house of Mrs. Jennings, at Alverstoke, near Gosport, and stealing therefrom a variety of silver and other articles. SALISBURY. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER S, 1808. None of our Port Letters have the least mention of the Brest fleet being at sea. The report of its being out is evidently unfounded. On Tuesday last was held the- eighteenth anniversary of Sherborne school meeting, when the young gentle- men delivered their speeches with correctness and pro- priety. Nearly an hundred gentlemen afterwards dined at the Antelope Inn. On
Thursday was married, in the Cathedral church, by the Rev. Canon Ekins, Edward Hinxman, Esq. of Little Durnford, to Miss Delitia Ekins, youngest daughter of the Dean of Salisbury'. On the same day was married, at Harnham, by the Rev. f. Baker, Miss Brodie, eldest daughter of the late Rev. P. b. Brodie, of Winterslow, to the Rev. M. Marsh, Rector of the same place, and of Brinkworth in this county. Lady Anna Fitzgerald, daughter of the late Earl of Kerry, and relict of the late Knight of Kerry, having died without issue, her estates, which are considerable, devolve on her nephew, Richard Boyle Townshend, of Castle
Townshend, esq. lately resident at Hurd* cott Hon: ., near this city, and a Captain in the West Wilts Volunteers. On Monday died, after a short illnees, whilst on a visit to her sister at Exeter, Mrs. Phoebe Dunsford, aged 27, wife of Mr. Dunsford, Cutler, of Plymouth. Same day died suddenly, William Swan, Esq. Landing Surveyor of H. M. Customs at Plymouth, aged Go years, Ho has been in the service of the Customs nearly 50 years. On Monday last ( after a few hours illness) died, met sincerely regretted, Mrs. Barrett, wife of Mr. Barrett, of Yetminster, in Dorsetshire. Lately died, at Yetminster, after a lingering illness, Miss
Galpine, eldest daughter of Mr. N. Galpine. On Wednesday last died, at Shaston, after a few hours illness, truly regretted and respected, Mrs. Hannen, wife of Mr. Charles Hannen, of that place. On Tuesday last a poor helpless woman, who come to. Sarum by a stage waggon, from London, on her road to Exeter, alighted at the George Inn, in Winchester- street, to get some refreshment ; and a loaded cart passing by, between the waggon and the opposite house, pushed her down and went over her foot and thigh, by which means she was rendered incapable of pursuing her journey.— The worshipful the Mayor bei^ g iufcna- tl
of the . inci- dent, humanely went to her assistance, and ordered her to be conveyed, in a sedan chair, to the Infirmary.— The accident happened in consequence of the forementioned waggon being placed in a narrow part of the street, where the drivers, for a long period, have been in the practice of leaving it, and where it often remains for many hours at a time, to the great inconvenience of carriages, in passing and repassing, as well as to the injury of the adjacent buildi: — Oread, per Gallon. Oats. Beans. Bread. s. s. r. i. d. 40 to 45 72 lo 78 1 10 40 to 43 til! Lo () 8 1 42 to 44 1) 8 to 71 1 8* j 40 to 46 50 to 71 1 111 38 tn 44
FIO to 65 1 9 ! is « la - 10 7- 2 lo 74 ox.—- Half Gall. 411 HOME MARKETS Prices of Corn, per ( Juartev ; Wheat.! Barley. Aug. J s. .!. J Salisbury, 30 73 la 82[ Basingstoke, 31] 72 to S- S! Devizes, Sept. 1 Newbury, ' 1 Anduver, ' a Warminster, 3 ... freight of the Gallon Loaf, 8lb. 1 lo: THEATRE, NEWPOR T. FOR OnE NIGHT ONLY. MR. AND MRS. C. KEMbLE, ( late MISS DE CAMP.) TUESDAY EVENING, The wOnDEr, a Woman keeps a Secret ! Don Felix, Mr. C. KEMBlE, from the Theatre- Royal, Co- vent- Garden; Violante, Mrs. KeMbLe, from the Theatre- Royal, Covcnt- Garden. After v: hick an Interlude, in one Act,
called PERSONATION, or FAIRLY TAKEN IN. The principal Parts by Mr. and Mrs. KEMBLE. To conclude with THE WEEDING DAY. Lady Contest, Mrs. KEmBLE. THEATRE,. COWES. WEDNESDAY, WIVES AS THeY W E R E, And THE FORTY THIEVES. POINTER LOST. LOST, from Keyhaven, near Lymington, On Wednesday afternoon, the 31st of Augusf last, A handsome Black and White Spotted POINTER DOG, very much resembling a Danish dog, and answers to the name o" t Dash. Whoever will bring him to Mr. Coombs, Keyhaven, or to Mr. Tanner, Attorney, Salisbury, shall receive One Guinea reward; and any
pesson detaining him after this notice will be prosecuted. The like reward will be given to any person giving information in whose possession the dog is. STOLEN, 011 the night of the 2d instant, out of a field of Mr. Wm. Foot, at ludwell, near Shaftesbury, — A Bright- bay MARE, with a black mane and tail, about 14 § hands high, two saddle spots, one white leg behind, and a white stripe down the face. Whoever will bring the said Mare to Mr. Foot, of Ludwell aforesaid, shall be paid all reasonable expences and a reward of Ten Guineas ; if strayed a reward of One Guinea. W. FOOT. —) MEDICINAL BATHS. THE Gentlemen of
the Faculty of the county of Hants, and its vicinity, are respectfully informed that JOHN KELLY, Surgeon, High- street, Fareham ( formerly proprietor of the medicinal baths at Kni^ htsbridge, near Lon- don), has reserved that part of the apparatus which serves the purpose of applying the Vapour Baths prepared with medicinal herbs, partially. This Apparatus has been directed by the most eminent Phy- sicians and Surgeons in London and its vicinity, and proved a verv useful assistant in the cure of rheumatic affections of the limbs, white swellings, contractions from gun- shot wounds and other causes, indolent tumours and
thickening of the liga- ments of the joints, from strains or bruises, also in obstruc- tions remaining . rftcr severe fits of the gout. A day's notice is requested for any proposed consultation on the above subjcct; or tor the preparation of the Baths. N. B. A Portable Apparatus may be su( mlied, which has the peculiar advantage of allowing freedom of motion, or exercise during its use to contracted limbs ; for the faculty, public in- stitutions, or private families, on'rcasonable terms. [ 825 WINCHESTER. T. MANT, UPHOLSTERER, AUCTIONEER, & C. • impressed with the warmest sentiments of gratitude to his friends and the public for
past favours, most respect- fully informs them that he is about to decline the Manfifac- luruig part of his Concern, but that the Auction and Apprais- ing Businesses will be carried on by him as heretofore, and embraces this opportunity sf soliciting a continuance of that kind patronage and support in those branches which he has so liberal? experienced for upwards of twenty years pa » t. J. M. begs leave also to inform the Public, that his valuable Stock of UpholsTERY and CABINET GoOdS, Paper Hang- ings, & c. is now selling from 10 to « 0 percent, under the usual prices ; likewise several thousand feet of prime season- ed
Mahogany and other woods, particularly an excellent as- sortment of fine table boards, from » ft. to a ft 3 in. wide ; an< i some capital Veneers, Shop Fixtures, double counting- house Desk, Work Benches, Tools, ire. [ 584' KING'S HEAD INN, STOcKBrIDGE. WM. LAWES respectfully informs the Nobility, Gentry, and Public, that notwithstanding the premises of the above Inn, in the course of their intended improvement and extension, prevent a view from the front, which might induce them to suppose the Accommodations arc defective, yet, that the other parts being finished, afford him the means of accommodating them, he
trusts, satisfactorily. The whole will be complete tn two or three months, and then, he hopes, no Inn on the Road will be superior. W. L. embraces this Opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to those who have already honoured him with their commands, assuring them that every attention shall be paid and exertion used to merit a continuance of their favours. September 1, 1808, |" i » } o WHITE SWAN INN, ANDOVER. WM. SELF ( from the Weymouth Arms, War- minster), having taken and entered upon the above Inn, humbly solicits the favours of the Nobility and Gentry travelling the Great Western Road, and the Public in
general, assuring them of the most unremitted attention to their com- mands and the best accommodations, having furnished his house in a neat manner, and with the best bedding, and laid in a stock of the best old wines and other liquors. N. B. Neat Post Chaises, with excellent horses and careful drivers. C$ 3" Good stalled Stabling, with the best hay and corn ; and every attention paid to Gentlemen Travellers. f86' 5 C. MOON, CHEMIST, DRUGGIST, ami DEALER • in BRITISH WINES, with grateful acknowledgments to his numerous Friends and the Public for the very liberal support and patronage he has experienced since
he com- menced business on his own account ( after having been seve- ral years assistant to Mr. Randall, & c. & c.), respectfully in- forms them and the public in general, that he has, for greater convenience, removed his business to the house lately occu- pied by Dr. Hacket; where he humbly solicits a continuance of their favours, assuring them that all possible att; ntion will continue to be paid to their commands, as well as to the qua- lity of the various medicines of his shop, it being his fixed determination to abide by his original plan of keeping genuine articles, and charging moderate prices. Physicians' Prescriptions and
Family Recipes will, as usual, be attended to with all possible care and exactness. Genuine Patent Medicines, Soda Water, and a rich vajiety of British Wines. 169, HIgH- STRKF. T, SOUTHAMPTON, 1808. N. B. An APPRENTICE Wanted.— For particulars apply as a'love, or to the Printers; if by letter, postpaid. ( 732 J. FORCE, AUCTIONEER, JFhnlome, respectfully • informs his Friends and the Public in general, that, in addition to the above line, he intends carrying on the business of a BOOKSELLER and STATIONER in all its branches, in the house lately occupied by Mr. Applin, and trusts, by unre- mitt. ng assiduity and
attention, to obtain that encouragement which it will be his constant study to deserve. '| 7S0 r3* It is J. F.' s intention shortly to open a CiRculATing LIbrARY, on a scale which, he flatters himself, will give ge- ntr. i: sat'sfaction.- Ji'imborne, August 10, 1808. SOUTH DOWN EWES, be SOLD, About 300 capital SOUTII- . DOWN EWES, of two, three, and four years old ; selected and bred with ( treat care and pains from Mr. Ellman's and the Duke of Bedford's Flocks.— Tnc above are well worth the attention of any Gentleman wanting su « h a lot, or part fo them, tor stock. ' " f0S3 Enquire of Mr. Giles Stockton, Deptford Inn, Wilts. —
— — TO be LETT immediately, at Michelmarsh, near romsey,— A neat READY" FURNISHED COTTAGE, pleasantly situated, and adapted for the residence of a small genteel family. The House consists of two parlours, a drawing- roOm, three good bed- rooms, and three garrets, kit- cheu and cellar, with a laundry, milk- house, and wash- house, detached ; a coach- house and stabling for four horses ; a garden, and six acres of pasture adjoining. For further particulars apply to Mr. Stephen Warner, soli- citor, Romsey.— Mieltelmorsh, AuguHZf, 180*. [ 831 LYNDHURST, NEW FOREST, HANTS.; TO be LETT, and entered
upon immediately, ready FURNISHED, for the term of Four Years,— A substantial FAMILY HOUSE, late the residence of Mrs. Macaulay; consisting of a dining- room, drawing- room, library, kitchen, and other conveniences, on the ground floor, with suitable bed- rooms and attics; coach- house and stables, excellent kit- chen garden well stocked with fruit trees, and an acre and a quarter of pasture land. [ H74 For further particulars apply to the Rev. Mr. on the Green, Lyndhurst, or to Mr. Bignell, solicitor, Banbury. BROCKENHURST, NEW FOREST. TO be LETT, UNFURNISHED,— A very good HOUSE, calculated for a small
family or a sportsman, commanding beautiful views of the surrounding country. The House consists of a very good p irtour and an eating room, three good bed rooms, servants' rooms, kitchen, larder, underground cellars, a garden, and accommodation for a horse and gig.— There is a Trout stream close to the house, ani Mr. Ward's Kennel is only three miles from it, and the Mail Coach passes through the village twice every day, For particulars apply to Farmer Wearn, Brockenhurst; if by letter, post paid. ' fflta HPO be LETT ( and entered upon at Michaelmas A next) for the remainder of a term of Seven Years, Five of which are
unexpired on the 24th of September inst.— All those good accustomed FLOUR and GRIST MILLS, called WEST MILLS, situate in the parish of Fotdington, and ad- joining the town of Dorchester, with seven acres of prime Water Meadow, and Right of Common in the said parish of Fordington. The above premises are in good condition and full trade, having a good commur. cation with the following towns, viz. Weymouth, Bridport, Sherborne, and Blandford, For particulars and viewing the same apply to Mr. Richard Hill, the present occupier ; if by letter, postpaid, [ 948 BITTERNE FARM, NEAR SOUTHAMPTON. ' TO be LETT
by TENDER, and entered on at Michaelmas next,' All that FARM called BITTERNS FARM, consisting of about 300 Acres, viz.. 1 SO acres of Arable, o'o acres of Meadow Land, and BO acres of Coppice Land. The above Farm is in a ring fence, two miles from the town of Southampton'. For a view of the Farm^ apply to George Waring, Esq. Pear- tree- House, near Southampton ; and for further particulars, and conditions of the lease, apply to Mr. Rali'e, solicitor, Southampton, who will receive tenders u, ntil, the 27th instant, if free of postage. ' SOUTHAMPTON, LSI of September,, 1808. [ 916' TITHES. TO be LETT, for a Term
of Three Years, from the 10th day of October next, The GREAT and SMALL TITHES of the parishof BENTlEY, in the county of Hants, containing about Two. Thousand Acses of rich'pro- ductive Land, including hop plantations of great extent, with glebe Kind., hop kiln, barns, stabling, and cottage, conveni- ently situated for; the management and, collecting thereof. The tenant to pay all out- goings, except land tax and the landlord's property tax. Bentley is surrounded by good markets, and mid- way be- tween Farnham and Alton. Further particulars may be known, on application to Mar- maduke Robinson, Esq. Essex. street,
Strand, London, to whom Tenders may be made on or before the lst day of Oc- tober next. ' [ J) 33 POOLE. TIMBER, DEAL, and IRON TRADE. THE above Badness, lately carried 011 by JOHN LESTER and Co. will. in future be conducted tinder the same firm, and on the same premises, by F. P. GARLAND anil H. G. KNIGHT, who have just imported from Sweden a Cargo of RED and WHITE DEALS, PLANK, PITCH, TAR, and IRON ; and from America an assortment of Square Timber, Mast, Spars, I'lank, and Pine Board ; they have also laid in a Stock of British Iron, Steel Hoops, and Weight Nails, of every description, which
they are determined to sell 011 reasonable terms, with a liberal allowance for cash payments.— August 46, 1808. [ 863 T° S0LD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT — 4 A most d- suable FREEHOLD ESTATE, simated in tnc pleasantest part of th- countv of Dorset, subject to 3 lease of fourteen years, at the net rent of .£ 70 per annum. tot particulars apply ( if by letter post- paid) to Mr. Strick- land, of fordingbridge, Hants, BLANDTOKD S; I'. MARY, DORSET. ~ rpO he SOLD . by PRIVATE CONTRACT \ A neat Sashed and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, with a waded-, n Garden adjoining; and Malt- house near the same-, which will work
80 quarters per week. The premises are leasehold, and pleasantly situated in the parish of Blandford St. Mary, and fit for the immediate reception of a geutee: tamuy. T223 _ For further particulars apply to Mr. H. Biggs, Bedford. DORSET. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT ( in Fee),— All that MESSUAGK, FARM, and LAND- cal ed Lymburgh FArm, and other Lands, situate, lying and being in the several parishes of Todbere and Marnhull m six separate, lots ( for the convenient'/ of purchasers) • how aUenant?* Pwain ° f Thomas Hunt, Nicholas Kendall, For a view of the same apply to the tenant;, aud for further particulars
to Mr. Ridout, at langton, near Blandford; if by letter, post paid.— Langton, Aug. 17, 1808. n ' TO MAI. STERS AND OTHERS. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT— A FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, MAlT- House Garden, Stable, and Offices, with about two i. eres ot rici arable Land situate at Wellow, in the Isle of Wight, now in the occupation of Mr. Hilliar. b ' These premises are vuy desirable, being in a fire barler county; a good established custom, and has been used m the above business a great number of years. Possession Will be given at Michaelmas next. other particulars, apply ( iftw letter, post Messrs. Mew and
Porter, auctioneers, Newport, Ule of W" ht- [ SfflJ CAPITAL INN. O be SOLD, for the remainder of a term of 2000 T I ) ears, or LETT, at an annual rent,— All that well- known and capital INN, called the SEVEN STarS, in Totnes, Devon, haft" way in the direct road between Exeter and Ply- mouth, and six miles from Torbay. The situation is mi^ t admirably calculated for business, and the house is large and commodious, with spacious stables," coach- houses, courtlages, and gardens adjoining.— The purchaser or taker mav have possession at Michaelmas next; and may take, at a fair ap- praisement, all the valuable Furniture
of'the present tenant, with horses, coaches, chaises, & c. & e. For farther particulars, or fo treat for the same, application may be made to Messrs. Welstord, Arthur., and Rosdew. mer- chants, Plymouth.— Plymouth, July is, 1808. [ 50' 5 FOR SALE by AUCTION, at garraway's Coffer- house, in Exchange- alley, Cornhill, London, on Wed- nesday the 7th of September", 18t> 8, at five o'clock in the afternoon,— About 100 Bags SPANISH WOOL. S Bags SAXONY WOOL. So Bags SPANISH LAMB's WOOL. 20 Bags CAPE WOOL. 0 Bales ViGONiA WOOL. Catalogues to be had of CHARLES JACOMb, jun. Sworn Broker, No. 2,
Copthall- buildiugs, Throgmorton- sfrm, London. ^ 40 VICINITY Of SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD,— MERRY OAK HOUSE, with two coach houses, stabling, two gardens, in one of which is erected a neat great house, pleasantly situated in a lawn of twelve acres, troll timbered, and neatly ( aitfout with shrubberies and walks. The house has been recently u. 4 expensively fitted up; the rooms are numeroas, lafge, an< J lofty, and ready for the immediate reception of a gentleman'.* family. The elegant Household Furniture may be taker, to. by appraisement, - for particulars apply to Mf. Geo. Hookey, Southampton. Letters ( post paidj will meet due attention. ' [ 71 SALISBURY. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. viDlEr, at the Red Lion Inn, en To, sday the » 0th day of Sep- tember inst. between the hours of four and six ia the after- noon', upon such conditions as shall be then and there pro- duced,— The following FREEHOLDS, > is. 1. A modi Fn- built Dwelling- house, sashed at both f » nts, with two parlours, kitchen, convenient offices, f< 5i » r - bed- chambers, tour garrets, stable,, and pleasant garden, situate on the east side of Brown- street, and now lew to Ms. toafe, Osbourn Weeks, tenant at will. 2. A modem- built Dwelling- house, also sashed at
botu fronts, and in other respects neatly the same as No. 1, arid in the renting of Mr. Wm. Bruarton, tenant at. will. 3. A Tenement and Garden next adjoisins No. 1, on the north side, and in the occupation of Thos. Deverell, tenant at tyiH. 4. A Tenement and Garden, nearly the same as No. 5, next adjoining No. 2 on the sou;!) side, aad in the rqnwigof Richard Hutchence, tenant at will. Tile premises may bev'ewed by leave of the tenants, anti further particulars known at the Oii'ue o{ Mr. Chubb, 011 the New Canal, fytil TO be SOLD hy AUCTION, 0: 1 Tuesday the. 13th. of September inst on the premises*—' The remain- ing
STOCK of the late Nathaniel Peach Singer, a, bankrupt, at Westbury, Wilts; consisting of about 60 hogsheads of prime Strong Beer; also the Casks, mostly new: they measure ( mm five to sixty hogsheads: with sundry other thirtss. N. B. The Beer to be sold in small quantities, to accom- modate the purchasers. [ jiiji BOROUGH OF WILTON. LINEN- DRAPERY AND HOSIERY. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by WHITMARSh and RILY, on Wednesday the 7th day of September inst. at the Town- Hall, Wilton,— All the Stock inTrade of LINEN- DRAPERY, HOSIERY, Ike. of Mr. Wearc, tuytor, dreliniiiff that part of his business;
consisting of upimnls of lso- loto ui linen- drapery, hosiery, and ready- made good;:. The above will be sold without reserve, red worth tbt attention of country shopkeepers. gCjT The sale to commence at eleifen oJclock. [ 350 rpo be SOLD ( pursuant to n decree and subsequent J. order of the High Court of Chancery, made in a cause Whitmarsh v. Gale, before Mr. John Newell, the person ap- pointed for that purpose by Samuel Compton Cox, Est), the Master to whom this canse stands referred), at th? bous? of William Collis, known by the name of the Rose and Crown, in the village of Brockenhurst, in the county of
Southampton, on Tuesday the 20th day of September ' inst. « tt six of the clock in the afternoon, in two separate Lots,-— Two FREE- HOLD MESSUAGES 01 DWELLING- HOUSES, with two Fields or Closes of Land thereunto belonging, eommonly called or knov. n by the names of Knights and Butts, situate in the parish of Brockenhurst, in the said countv of South- ampton, late the property of John Gale, deceased, and now in the occupation of Mr. William Collis and Mr. John Whit- marsh, tenants thereof till Michaelmas next. Particulars thereof may be had gratis at the said Master's Chambers in, Southampton- buildings,
Chancery- lane ; of Messrs. Bleasdale, Alexander, and Holme, New Inn, Lon- don ; of Mr. Richman, solicitor, Lymington, Hants; and at the place of sale. [ 9611 HANTS, SUSSEX', AND DORSET FIRE- OFFICE. THE Directors of the above Office, ever anxious to- to consult the convenience and advantage of its friends ( amongst vvhom they reckon very many proprietors and tenants of farms), have resolved to reduce the Annual Pre- mium on Farming Stoek and Crops tp 2s. per Cent at which rate the Receipts for Renewals at Mighaelmas and the subse- quent quartet- days will be made out. The proprietors of this
establishment fin number upwards of ISO) are noblemen and gentlemen nsidim: in. or intimately connected with the three counties, whose object being ui pro- cure $ ese sums, hitherto sent to London for assurances to be expended in their own neighbourhood, will, it is hoped, meet with the opprobation and ciic'ouiagenn nt of every inha- bitant of the district. DIRECTORS:— Andrew Lindrgren, Esq. Chairman ; Thos. Sharpe, Esq. Deputy Chairman; Thos. Butler, lv q. Henry Chawner, KM: Thos. Deane, Esq. Richard eyles, Esq. Robert Forbes, Esq. John Goodeve, Esq. Thos. Heather; Esq. John Allen Hickley, Esq. Edmund
Cobb Hurry, Esq. Hylton Jol- liffe, Esq. M. P. John Kirkpatrick, Esq. John Lindegren. Esq. Sir Henry Paulat St. John Mildmay, Bart. Mi P. Thos. Andrews Minchin, Esq. John Moyle, Esq. Jumes Nfale, Ksq. Luke Nichols, F.- q. Nicholas Phillipps rothery, Esq. Robert Smith, Esq. Right Hon. Lord Charles Somerset, Gre- gory Tomkins, Esq. Wm. Parry Wallis, Esq. DAVID COMPIGNE, Secretary. GOSPOrT, Aug. 19, 1808. ' [ i) 02 f), PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. BRODIE, J. DOWDING, AND J. LUXFORD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY; Wjiere Ordas, siJvertiscments, wd authentic Articles of News are
received ( Postage^ aid.) Also \ fj fee PRINTERS and BOOKSELLERS in the West of England; by the respective JtewKHEN* m in I/ MON by Messrs. TAYLOR and NEWTON* No. 5. Warwjiek- Sauare. Warwick- Lane, Newgate- Street. an4 MR- wILKIe,, bookseller, PaternosterJlow, St. PAUL'*