The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Issue Number: 3732
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 29/08/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3732
No Pages: 4
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SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER ^ iVZ) GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET: [ NUMBER 3732. VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1808. PRICE SIXPENCE. / Stamp Duty.... 8JA t Paper and Print, 2i</. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts, FOREIGN NEWS. ST. PETERSBURGH, July 9. ) Y an Imperial Ukase, the Commandants of all the Ports blockaded by the English are forbidden to suffer any livaded vessel of any nation whatever to put to sea so long as the blockade shall continue. This iheasnre seems to have been provoked by the attempt which several Masters of Ships have
made toopen a contraband trade with the English, by exporting the products of Russia for, the pretended destination of Wirinan, Rostook, and Lubecli. Some Danish- prisoners, while pn board the English ships, heard the English boast they could carry on a'very gtood trade in the Baltic, 111 despite of the enemy.— Moniteur, Aug.. 4. • FRANKFORT, Aug. 3.— Several movements are at present observed among the troops of the Princes of the Confederacy of the Rhine, which seem to be the result of some general measure. It is repeated, - that all the troops of the above Princes are to be ready about the end of this month, to
march at the shortest notice, and that some corps of them are to assemble in Mayence. 1 PARIS, Aug. 9.— According to certain intelligence re- ceived from Naples, the Grand Duke of Berg was on the 1- t of this month proclaimed King of Naples ; in case of the Princess Caroline surviving her royal Consort, she is to ascend the throne. The new King has published a Pro- clamation, by which he declares that he will abide by the Constitution promulgated by his Majesty Joseph Napoleon, and guaranteed by the Emperor. LONDON, MONDAY, AUGUST 28. Dutch fsapars to the 17thinst. containing intelligence from the Monkeur to
the 6th, were received this morning. They announce the elevation of Murat to the abdicated throne of Naples,— a proof that Bonaparte is determined to prosecute' the subjugation of Spain with all his power. These papers even assert that 150,000 French troops are on their march, from different quarters, to cross the Pyrenees, and- conquer xtonee the Spanish rebels, as they are modestly termed. The Spanish patriots will doubtless liave an arduous straggle, but if they remain firm and united, they may conquer their. insolent invaders, notwithstanding their toasted strength. There are few other articles of importance in these
Journals, except those copied above, under the head of Foreign News. Letters and Papers from Hamburgh down to the 8 th have been received in this country, by the way of Heligo- land. The contents of all these papers tend to strengthen the accounts before received, respecting the probability of a speedy rupture between the Emperor of Austria and Bonaparte. The French troops that were in Poland have been ordered into Silesia, and large bodies from Hanover and other countries on the Elbe, have been commanded to take the same direction. No less than 100,000 French troops were, expected to assemble on the
Froutiers of Austria in the course of the present month. These troops, it is said, were to be commanded by Davoust, Lasnes, Suchet, and Mortier. The chief command, however, was expected to be given to Masseua, But it was also expected that Bonaparte would put himself at the head of this army, if he was under the necessity of proceeding to hostilities. On the other hand, the Austrian army is stated to amount to 300,000 men, well appointed, and impatient to retrieve the honour it lias lost in the late war. It is stated in letters from the North of Germany, that in consequence of the great distress arising from the want of salt in
Russia, an Ukase has been published, ordering that all vessels freighted with that article should be admitted into the ports of that kingdom, without taking into con- sideration whether the countries they came from were included in the former proliibitions against foreign com- merce. We have received New York Papers to the 20th " Ult. The Osage, with Mr. Lewis on board, arrived from Europe at New York on the 5th. He is said to have brought from Bonaparte a most peremptory and insolent refusal to depart in the smallest iota from his decrees against neutrals. On the other hand, the dispatches brought by the Osage from this
country, - are said to be of a con- ciliatory nature. Mr. Er « kine immediately set off along with Mr. Lewis for Washington, where nesociations com- menced ; and, from the Secretaries at War and of the Navy having been also sent for, it is thought by the American Politicians that war is about to be declared against France. Permission has been granted for vessels to trade between America and the West Indies, until further arrangements. Saturday the embarkation of a considerable number of men and horses, belonging to the corps of Gunner Drivers, was just completed at Northfleet, when an express arrived, ordering their
immediate disembarkation; we also understand that the expedition to which they were to have been attached, under Sir David Baird, has been ordered to stop till further notice. The object of countermanding its proceeding has given birth to a variety of speculation. The importation of Portugal and Spanish wines has of late been very considerable j upwards of 00 vessels have arrived from Oporto since the expulsion of the French from thence. About 150,000 gallons of wine were entered at the Custom- house during the last week, and there are now upwards of forty vessels on the coast proceeding to the river. Lieutenant
Fellowes, of the Royal Navy, after nearly 50 years service, in which he has faced death in every form, having been actively engaged for years with the gallant Nelson, in the Mediterranean, and in many other hazardous duties, lost his life on Thursday se'nnight by the upsettin r of a small sail- boat in the River of Cork, being drowned ill spite of every exertion to save him. Three Gentlemen who were with him, together with a boy juid the boatman, •* were saved. At the late Limerick Assizes, Thomas White, Esq. was tried for forgiife the name of Sir Christopher Knight, < 1 ceased, with iiltent to defraud his Executors, was found
euiltfy , and- sentenced to be imprisoned six months, and to W publicly pilloried on the 27th iust. in the city of ' Limerick.' , SURRY ASSIZES.— On Saturday William Pilkington was • tried at Guildford, oil an indictment for the murder of his father- in- law, Montague William Hyndes, on the 12th Inst, at the Red Lion, in the Maze, Southwark. It was proved ill evidence, that Hyndes and Pilkington entered the house together, late in the evening ; they had both been drinking, but the; went into the back parlour, and had more liquor ; after they had been there some time, 1 lyndes was heard advising the prisoner to go home : this was .
followed by a dispute, a slight struggle was heard, and then the report of a pistol; and when the landlord and other persons went into the. parlour, Hyndes was lying on the floor, shot in the belly, and two pistols, one loaded and • the other discharged, were found on Pilkington, whom Hyndes charged with having " murdered the bestof fathers,"' but Pilkington declared he did it himself, in endeavouring to wrench the pistol fromhis hands. Hyndes was taken to • St. Thomas's Hospital, and previous to his death, which took place in about IB hours, he owned to Mr. Clarke, the surgeon, that he had hold of the pistol when it went off.
The prisoner, in liis defence, declared that he had the utmost re gird and affection for his father- in- law; and that nothing could be farther from his thoughts than the kiUin: of him. Why he carried loaded pistols was not accounted for. The Lord Chief Baron summed up the evidence, making several observations in favour of the prisoner. The Jury found him guilty of Manslaughter: he was sentenced to pay a fine of one shilling, and be imprisoned twelve months. Thomas Roberts, tried for the murder of Thomas Linton, killed in a boxing match, was also found guilty of MansUmghter, fined a shilling, an;! discharged.— Sentence of
Death was passed on four prisoners, who had beep convicted of different robberies during the Assizes; but it is expected tbey will be all reprieved. MARK- LANE, Monday, August 22. We had little coin fresh up to- day of any sort, except Beans and Oats; of Wheat in particular there are fewer samples than we have seen since last harvest, and this article havrng sold for more money on Thursday last, higher prices were asked in general; the sales however were slow, and the terms obtained by no mean's dearer in the whole than on Monday the 15th, except for select samples of superfine heavy Red Wheat, whereof we had
some few very excellent. Rye is about 4s. per quarter lower. White Peas, being scarce at present, have In some instances fetched more money. Tick Beans are not current beyond 60s. per qr. except for single select samples, and go off quite hea- vily. Oats nearly maintain their last currency, but there is no spirit in the trade. Malt and Carraway- seed are dearer. — Wheat 6' 2s. to 90s.— Rye 40s. to 5is.— White Peas 66s. to 105s.— Grey Peas 50s. to 60s.— Horse Beans 60s. to 66s.— Tick Beans 55s. to 6( « .— Barley 40s. to 46s.— Malt 68s. to 78s.— Oats 30s. to 45s. per quarter.— English Household Flour 70s. per sack.—
Carraway Seed 44s. to 52s.— Coriander Seed 18s. to 34s, per cwt.— Rape Seed 051, to 40/.. per last.— Brown Mustard Seed unsettled; ditto White 8s. to 16s. per bushel. SMITHFIELD MARKET, Aug. 22. This day's market was amply supplied. There we 2200 head of Neat Cattle, 19,000 Sheep and Lambs, 350 Calves, 400 Pigs. The prices were, Beef 4. i. to 5s.— Mutton 4s. to 5;. ' id.— Veal 5s. to 6s. 6d.— Lamb 4s. to 6s.— Pork 5s. to 6s.— per stone of 8lb. to sink the offal - In the Haymarket, the sales were considerable. Hay and Straw obtained higher prices than on Friday, but Clover has fallen. The prices were, Dry
Meadow Hay at 51. Ks. to 71, per ton.— Clover 61. to 71.10s.— Stiaw M. 18s. to 81. 6s. NEW FOREST. THE GAME in this Forest, which some timfc past was abundant, having in late years been destroyed to such an extent as to leave no expectation of any remaining, unless measures shall be taken to prevent it; his Royal High- ness the Lord Warden has been induced, under the authority of an. Opinion of the Law Officers of the Crown, to give strict directions to the Keepers to prevent all persons sporting therein who shall not have permission to do so; of which this public notice is given to prevent inconvenience to indivi duals.— And it is the desire of his Royal Highness that the Game may this year have a Jubilee, in the hope that thereby there may in future seasons be a sufficient quantity to afford sport to the Gentlemen living in and near the Forest, who may have his permission to shoot within the Regard of it. In support of this obiect his Royal Highness persuades himself the Gentlemen of the Neighbourhood will give their best assistance. By command of his Royal Highness, C. HARBIN, Under Steward. Ringwood, Avg. 25, 1808. [ 828 MANOR OF BURLfcY, NEW FOREST, HANTS. THE GAME on this Manor having been of late years
much reduced, it is requested that all qualified Persons will refrain from sporting thereon during the present Unqualified Persons trespassing on the above Manor prosecuted. T. EYRE, Steward. season. Will he B'JRIKY MANOR- HOUSE, Aug. 21, 1808. [ 838 Manors of TVestercourt, Bvamdean, Hum, Merritown, Leybrook otherwise Percival, and D'ibden, Hants; and Berwick St. James and DurnJ'ord, Wilts; all the • pro- perty of the EARL of MALMESBURY. C^ ENTLEMEN are requested to abstain from T killing GAME on these Manors, and unqualified per- sons are forbid doing it, as much of the Game has been destroyed on
most of the above Manors. [ 806 MANOR OF DIBDEN, HANTS. HE GAME on til is Manor having of late beSn very much destroyed, Mr. TATE, who has received the Deputation of tile said Manor from the Earl of Malmesbury, earnestly desires all qualified Persons to refrain from sporting on the Manor of Dibden, for the present. N. B. All unqualified persons found trespassing on the Manor will be prosecuted as the law directs. [ 772 T rTMIE next Meeting of the Trustees of the Stock- JL bridge Turnpike Road, will be held at the King's Head Inn, in Stockbridge, on Tuesday the 30th instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. W. H.
AiTWOOD, Clerk to the Trustees. SrocKBRlDGE, isth AtlgilSt, 1808. [ 733 SHEEP FAIR ON WOODBURY- HILL, Near Bere Regis, Dorset. NOTICE is hereby given,— That SHEEP PENS will be provided ( tree from Toll) on Thursday the 22t£ [ 816 W.' : provided ( free day of September next; where a Show of Dorset liwes and Wethers will be seen on that day.— Aug. 23, 1808. SALE POSTPONED. DELL respectfully informs the Public, that the SALE, of LAND and MATERIALS, that were to be Sold by Auction on the 29th inst. IS POSTPONED until a future day.— SOUTHAMPTON, Aug. 26, 1808. [ 856 WIMBORNE, DORSET.
SALE OP LANDS POSTPONED. THE Premises at Leigh, Bothenwood, and Cow- grove, which were advertised FOR SALE by AUCTION, at the King's Arms, in Wimborne, on Friday the 2d of Sep- tember, 1808, WILL NOT, AT PRESENT, BE SOLD. [ 867 WANTED to Purchase, with immediate Posses- sion,— A COTTAGE on the Sea Shore. It must con- sist of one or two small parlours, a kitchen, See.; if two or three acres of land couid be had with it, witll a stable, the more desirable. The Coast of Hamble, Hythe, or near Poole, would be preferred. £ 313 . Letters ( post paid) to Btodie, Dowding, and Luxford, Printing- office,
Salisbury, wil; be immediately attended to. AYoung MAN, about 20 years of age, procure a Situation as an ASSISTANT to a WANTED to PURCHASE, or ( which would be preferred) to RENT, with the liberty of purchasing, — A FREEHOLD ESTATE, with not less than 50 acres of Land, in the county of Hants, or neighbouring parts of Wilts or Berks, with a good Family- house On it, containing not less than three good rooms on the ground floor, with suitable bed- chambers and other apartments, offices, gat- dens, & c. The house must be perfectly dry, be situated within a few miles of a market- town, with good roads about it, and
in a good neighbourhood, and if with a manor it will be preferred. Letters, mentioning particulars fully, directed to A. B. Post- offiee, Christchurch, Hants, will be duly attended to. [ 861 wishes to a FARMER,. as it has been his chief employ for several years past: he will expect no other wages than board, lodging, and washing. For particulars enquire at the Bull Inn, Downton. [ 826 WANTS a Situation as GARDENER, or GAR- DENER and BAILIFF,— A middle- aged MAN, who is perfectly qualified for the management of every species of forcing, having had vast experience therein in his last place, where he lived seven years,
whence he can have an unde- niable character for sobriety of conduct and ability for such an undertaking. p^ jjg Letters ( postpaid) addressed to M. at Thompson's Nursery, Redbridge, Southampton, will be immediately attended to. WANTED, A CURATE to undertake the Duty of a CURACY in Hampshire.- applv to the Printers, postpaid. £ 3° There is no Parsonage- house.- For particulars [ 488 - Salary 6(\ l. per ann. CURACY. WANTED, at Michaelmas next, or between that time and Christmas, A Gentleman in PRIESTs ORDERS, to take the Charge of a Parish in the eastern parr of Dorsetshire. Particulars may be known by
applyin; paid) to the Rev. T. Hobson, Pentridge, 1 Dorset.— Aug. 22, 1808. ( if by letter, post ige, near Woodyates Inn, [ 810. GAME. THE GAME on the Manors and Estates of Shank- lin, Blackpan, and West Court, in the Isle of Wight, having been of late years much destroyed, and it being the wish if the proprietor to preserve the same; all qualified per- sons are requested'not to shoot on these Manors: and all un- qualified persons found trespassing will be prosecuted. By order of the Lord of the s » id Manors. 755] CLARKES and SEWELL, Stewards. GAM?. GENTLEMEN are requested not to SPORT on Mr. Budden's Estate,
at Downton, in the county of Hants: unqualified persons found trespassing thereon will be prosecuted. ;' [ 3? 0 GAME. MANOR OF & EMERTON. UALIFIED Gentlemen are particularly requested not - to sport on the above Manor the ensuing Season ; and all unqualified Persons found trespassing will be prose- cuted as the law directs.— August 25, 1808. [ 835 WINTERBORNE DANTZEY. WHEREAS the GAME on the Manor of H. P. Wyndham, Esq. has of late years been greatly de- stroyed and trespassed on,— This is to give Notice, that all unqualified persons sporting thereon will be prosecuted ac- cording to law: and all
qualified persons are particularly de-• sired to desist from trespassing on the said Manor. August 25, 1808. ^ _ _ [ 837 Q' WILTS. the Manors of Compton- Basstt, Compton- Cumberwell, Cliervill, Lyneliam, and Preston. WHEREAS many People have lately made a practice of sporting upon the above Manors without permission; it . is requested thai all qualified persons will de- sist in future; and notice is hereby given, that all unqualified people who are found trespassing thereon will be prosecuted witli the utmost rigour.—— COMPTON- HOUSE. [ 81" MANORS or GARSDON, AND LEA AND CLEAVERTON, In the county of Hills.
1. LL Qualified Persons are hereby requested to de- A: WANTED in a SCHOOL, immediately or at Michaelmas next,— An ASSISTANT; a Person who1 is a good Penman and Arithmetician. " respeqf to character and abilities are ei Boarding- Proper references with sspeqf to character and abilities are expected. Address ( if by letter, post paid) to G. Monk- School, Child- Okefold, near Blandford, Dorset, Dated the 2Uh of August, 1808. [ 333 WAN I ED, in a Clergyman's family, where a few young Gentlemen are'educated,— A good COOK: she must bring an unexcpttonable character from her last place for honesty, activity, and
sobriety. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to the Printers. [ 866 WANTED, in a small family residing in the Country, A steady single MAN, who can have a good character from his last place, perfectly understands the care of horses, and has no objection to clean, and, perhaps, occasionally drive a carriage, and generally nvake himself useful. [ 824 Apply to Mr. Blandford, at the Anchor Inn, Redbridge". WANTED immediately,— A steady active Youth, as- an APPRENTICE'to a LINEN and WOOLLEN- DRAPER, & c.— K moderate Premium expected. Apply ( if by letter, postpaid) to Mr. John Jones, draper, Lymington, Hants. [ 317
WANTED,- APPRENTICE to a GROCER A respectable YOUTH, as an LOCER andTALLOwCllANDLER, in a Market- town in Wiltshire.— A Premium will be expected. Letters to be addressed to the Printers, post paid. [ 871 APPRENTICE WANTED. WANTED,— A YOUTH of good morals, as an APPRENTICE to a BRAZIER.— For particulars en- quire of J. Brown, Hungerford, Berks. Two JOBBING SMITHS, that have been used to country work, may have constant employ and good wages, by ap- plying as above.— None but sober men, need apply. [ 81 SHEPHERD WANTED. sisi trom sporting over either of these Manors,
without permission ; and all unqualified Persons found sporting there- on after this public notice, will be prosecuted. 731] JOHN MEREWETHER, CALNK, \ ath August, 1808. Steward of the said Manors. WHEREAS the GAME on the Manors of Bu'ckhorn- Weston, Kington Magna, Nyland, and West Stower, in the county of Dorset, and Maish Court, in the county of Somerset, has been of late years most shame- fully poached and destroyed: this is to request that all quali- fied persons will refrain trom Sporting on the said Manors; and all unqualified persons found Trespassing thereon will be prosecuted to the utmost severity of
the law. [ 803 Shanks House, Aug. 23, 1803. N. DALTON. MANOR OF HANDLEY. ANY person Shooting, or otherwise Trespassing, on the above Manor and Lands, belonging to the Earl of Uxbridge, without his Lordship's permission, or leave from his deputed Gamekeeper, will be prosecuted. [ 804 Manors of Great Canford and Cotfe Mullen. FROM the great Scarcity of Game, particularly of Pheasants, on these Manors, Mr. Willett is under the bccessity of requesting that, during the present season, all qualified Gentlemen will desist from Sporting on them ; and all unqualified Persons will be prosecuted: and to facilitate the
conviction of the latter, a Reward of One Guinea, over and above any shar; of the penalty, will be paid on every in- formation that may lead to conviction. MEIUI. Y- HOUSE, 24 th of August, 1808. [ 943 rpo prevent a repetition of the numerous Trespasses A which have been committed on the Manors of Bradle and Barnston, in the Isle of Purbeck and county of Dorset, the deputation of those manors has been granted to Mr. John Stickland, of Bradle, with strict injunctions to preserve the Game, ami to repel intruders. Gentlemen qualified to kill game are of course expected to abstain from sporting on these manors. To
unqualified persons, whether licensed or unli- censed, the following caution is given : That if they shall be discovered trespassing on either of the said manors, a prosecu- tion against them will most certainly be commenced. Sports- men are requested to recollect, that within the above- men- tioned manors are comprized East Orchard and Killwood Farms, together with the Heath adjoining the latter farm. By order of Harry Farr Ytatman, Esq. I Lord of the said Manors, f G. FILLITER, Steward. WAREHAM, Aug. tst 29, 1808. [ 810 ASober steady person, capable of taking care of a Flock of Wether Sheep, may hear of a Place . by
ap- plying to Henry Bailey, at Longham, near Poole. [ 807 COOPERS. PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, Aug. 17, 1808. WANTED, for his Majesty's Cooperage at AVee- vill, near Gosport,— Several' COCfPERS.—' They will be required to produce indentures of having served a reqular apprenticeship, and proper testimonials to their character. F BRICKLAYERS WANTED. OUR Good WORKMEN are Wanted.— Ap^ ly to Mr. Attwood, Stockbridge. [ 739 * to the Gcrittemen, Clergy, and freeholders of the County of Dorset. GENTLEMEN, AS Mr. R. W. ANDREWS has resigned the Office of one of his Majesty's
CORONERS for the county of Dorset, I beg leave to offer mySelf as a CANDIDATE for that situation; my profession as ? Surgeon, although not a neces- sary qualification, \ vill yet, I hope, entitle me to your consi- deration ; and should I, by your partiality, be so tortunatefas to succeed in this object of my wishes, I will endeavour, by an unremitting attention to the duties of the office, to prove myself not unworthy your confidence, in selecting me to fill so important a station. - [ 436 I have the honour to be, with great respect, Gentlemen, Your most obedient and devoted humble Servant, DORCHESTER, July 14, 1808. JOHN
WALLIS. ELINC, August 27, 1808. NOW delivering at ELING, an excellent Cargo of NEWB'OTTLE BURN- MOOR best MAIN COALS, of the best quality, and very rubbly, at 45s. per Chaldron, ready money. Orders addressed to Mr. John Saunders, at Eling, or Mr. John Rumbold, St. Ann's- street, Salisbury, will be duly at- tended to. [ 862 To Timber Merchants and Builders. JUST arrived,— Two Cargoes, consisting of several hundred . loads of pritneSaUARE TIMBER, from 10 to 14 inches ;— also Several hundreds of prime 14 feet 3 inches by 10 inches WHITE and YELLOW DEALS, which are to be disposed of by
quantities— Timber not less than 50 loads, and 200 of the Deals. For particulars applv at the Counting- house of Messrs. JAN PETERS and Co. Merchants, Bath- lyiare, Portsmouth. [ 853 FOUR Couple ofhandsome young FOX- IIOUNDS to be had gratis, by applying by letter ( post paid) to John Baker, Cashmoor Inn. The above hounds are Ln high condition, and worth the at- tention of any Sportsman. [ 879 SEVERAL very Capital POINTERS TERS ; likewise several very good COCKING SPA- NIELS. Enquire of Edward Toomer, Rhinefield Lodge, near Lyndhurjt, Hants. [ 748 N. B. Letters ( post'paid) will be duly answered.
TO be SOLD, A Brace of very high- bred POINTERS, perfectly well broke, the property of a Gentleman. Enquire of Mr. Perkins, gun- maker, Salisbury. [ 839 DARK BAY CARRIAGE HORSE. ' O be SOLD,— A capital strong active GELDING, sixteen hands high, rising four years old, perfectly tem- perate in- harness, and free from vice or blemish. t Price Eighty Guineas. [ 782 Enquire at Mr. Wm. Purchase's, Market- place, Romsey. npo be SOLD,— A very capital Dark Bay COACH- A HORSE, five years old, perfectly sound," and without a fault. Enquire at the Dolphins Inn, Southampton. Lowest price 60 Guineas. [ 872 T> be
SOLD,- A very handsome and complete POST- CHAISE, With Bu'rouche- box placed upon the newest construction, built by Hankin and Winser, and just out of their hands. [ 855 To be seen at Mr. Locke's, coach- maker, Southampton. It has ahalf imperial trunk, & c.— Price 150 Guineas. TO be SOLD,— PUMP, the Lead Work of which is as good as new ; it is 80 feet long, and very thick. It will be sold by weight, and the owner of it wishes to get something more than the price of old lead for it. It may be seen at Dorchester, by application to Mr. Luke Carpenter, of that town ( if by letter, post paid.) [ 868 TO IRONMONGERS.
WANTED immediately,— A steady middle- aged MAN, who thoroughly understands his Business, and can have an undeniable character. For further particulars apply by letter ( post paid) ? o Mr, Crockeld, Devizes. [ 822 TO JOURNEY- MEN SMITHS, & c. & c. WANTED immediately, — TWO Journeymen SMITHSj - whb have been used to fitting up Registe Stoves, and jobbing work in general; likewise a BRASS COCK FOUNDER, who can cast and finish his work. Such men, if steady and good workmen, may have constant employ and good wages by applying to H. B. Lankester, High street, Southampton ; if by letter, post
paid. [ 860 TO SPORTSMEN.- POINTERS FOR SALE. and SET- POINTERS. TO MILLINERS AND DRESS- MAKERS. rT", 0 be DISPOSED OF,- and entered upon at Mi- A chaelmas next,—. An OLD- ESTABLISHED BUSINESS in the above Branches, in a principal Town in Hampshire. Every necessary information will be candidly given, and the Books produced. [ 844 Address ( post paid) to B. I I. at the Post- office, Winchester. SHIRLEY- PLACE, NEAR SOUTHAMPTON, TO be SOLD, with itnmediaje possession, or to be LETT by the Year, FURNISHED.— It is a remarkably healthful and pleasant situation, and well
adapted for a gen- teel moderate sized family. For particulars apply to Mr. Smith, druggist, Southampton ; or on the premises. [ 842 CHRISTCHURCH, NEAR THE SEA. TO be SOLD,— Several acres of good MEADOW LAND, with a Cottage and Garden; the land well cal- culated to build on, situated at Muddiford, near Christchurch. Enquire ( post paid) of J. Ludlow, solicitor, Christchurch, Hants. [ 811 CHURCH PREFERMENT. TO be SOLD,— The NEXT PRESENTATION and ADVOWSON of a RECTORY in the county of Wilts, with a prospect of an early possession.— The parish contains 3000 acres of wood, arable, and
pasture land, more or less; the house and offices are very good and convenient, fit tor a gentleman's family, have recently been much im- proved, and are pleasantly situated in the midst of about 60 acres of glebe land ; the neighbourhood is Very good, and [ 720 the surrounding country abounding with game. Apply ( post paid) to Charles Bowles, Esq. Shaston. FOR SALE by AUCTION, at Gateway's Coffee- house, in Exchange- alley, Cornbill, London, on Wed- nesday the 7th of September, 1808, at five o'clock in the atternoon,— About 80 Bales SPANISH WOOL.. 20 ditto CAPE ditto. 5 ditto VIGONIA ditto. Catalogues to be
had of CHARLES JACOMB, juq. Sworn Broker, No. 2, Copthall- buildings, . Throgmortoii- street, London. ' [ 840 TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Exchange Coffee Room, Bristol, on Friday the 2d of Sept. 1808, at one o'clock in the afternoon,— 210 Bales BARBARY WOOt, two bales in a lot. . About 6' Tons BpX- WOOD, one ton in a lot. Also for Sale by Private Contract, . 40 Casks OLIVE OIL, about 4 cwt. each. Samples may be seen, and further particulars known, on application to ' rOne Property. J W. ARIEL,- Broker. ' BRISTOL, August 21, 1808. F? S2 ISLE OF WIGHT. jpOR_ SALE> AUCTION, at the Custom- house
PURSUANT to the Decree of the High Court of Chancery made in Causes, PEPYS, Esq. v. BISHOP of BATH and WELLS, and PEPVS, E, q. t. BOWATEH, the several Creditors of JOHN BOWATKR, formerly of St. George, Hanover- square, but late of Kensington, in the county of Middlesex, Esq. who are entitled to the benefits the Indentures of the 31st of July, 177f:, and of the Istof June, 1796, or either of them, are personally or by their so- licitors to come in and make out their claims and prove their debts before EDWARD MORRIS, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his chambers in S^ uthampton- buildines,
Chancery- lane, on or before the 6th of November, 1808, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the be- [ 623 ncfit of the said decree. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankri'mt awarded and issued forth against WILLIAM MAK*- HAM MARTIN, of Gosport, in '. he county of Southampton, Bookseller, Printer, and Stationer, Dealer and Chapman, in- tend to meet on the fifth day of September n xt, at twelve o'clock at noon, at the Crown Inn, in the town of Gosport, in order to make a dividend of the estate and effects of the said Bankrupt; wh- n and where the Creditors who have not already proved their
debts are to come prepared to prove the same, or they wilt be excluded the benefit of the said divi- dend ; and all claims not then proved wi': l be disallowed. 633] JOSEPH PARSONS, Solicitor under the Commission. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS; ALL Persons who have ally Dem;> r. 1 on the Estate or Effects of Mr. THOMAS" MAESH?/. 1 ''• NT t!: « Kid r, late of Collingbourn- Ducis, in the county of- Wi!;:, t! i:.. • ' on any account whatever, at: desired im; v di t-. ly t<- tr their respective demands to Mr. John M i- slnnem, '' :' i bourn- Ducis aforesaid ; and all Persons who art \ .. !. ted to the said Estate are also
requested to transmit the a.:: u • of their respective Debts to the said Mr. John Marshftnnt, with- out further noiice. COLLINGBOURN- DUCIS, August 20, 1808. [ 808 TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. THE Creditors of THOMAS LI LEY and JO- SEPH LILEY, of Basingstoke, Hants, Carriers and Co- partners, are respectfuly informed that they have executed a deed of Assignment of all their Estate and Effects to Mr. Ti- - mothy Mullens, of Basingstoke, brewer, and Mr.. William Nicholas, of Mitcheldever, Hants, seedsman, in trdst for, the benefit of such of their Creditors as shall come in and execute the said deed, which is left at
the office Of Mr. Warne, solici- tor, Basingstoke, for their signatures. And all persons having any claim on the said Thomas Liley and Jbsepli Liley which have not yet been delivered in, are requested to send the same ' to Mr. Mullens or Mr. Nicholas forthwith ; and suih as are indebted to the said estate, are desired to pay the amount of their respective debts immediately to. the said Assignees, in order that the accounts may be liquidated, and the produce of the estate divided amongst the Creditors with as little expence and loss of time as possible. BASINGSTOKE, August 26, 1808. [ 876 RINOWOOD, August 27, 1808.
WHEREAS a Person, of the name of WALTER ROBINS, did, about the 18th of January last past, leave a HORSE at the Waggon and Horses Inn, in Ringwood aforesaid: This is therefore to give Notice, that unless he pays the expences of keep and this advertisement within one week . of this date, the Horse will be sold to pay the same. 880J THOMAS HORE. NOTICE is hereby given to the Proprietors of Lands and Estates within the parish of Hursley and the manor of Meulon, in the county of Southampton, and to all other Persons whom it may concern,— That, at the next Ses- sions of Parliament, a PETITION will be
presented to the Honourable House of Commons, for leave to bring in a Bill, in order to obtain an Act of Parliament for dividing^ allotting, and inclosing the Open and Commonable Woods, Common Downs, Waste Lands, and other Commonable Places within the parish of Hursley and manor of Merdon, in the county of Southampton.— August 26, 1808. [ 881 INTENDED TURNPIKE ROAD Tr'om Malmesbury to Wootlon Basset and Marlborough. THE Noblemen, Gentlemen, Clergy,' and such other persons as areinclined to be promoters of this under- taking are hereby respectfully informed, that a MEETING is appointed to be
holden at the ROYAL OAK LVN, at Wootton Basset; " on Tuesday the 6th day of September next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, in order to consider and determine pn the exact Line of Road to 6e pursued in making the above Turnpike Road, or- such part thereof as shall be . then resolved upon, and the several branches through Daunfsey, Somerford Magna, and other places proposed to communi- cate therewith, whereat they are requested tq attend. By order of the present Subscribers, [ 736 Malmeslunj, Aug. - 16,1808- RN. ROBINS, Solicitor. in East Cowes. on Wednesday the 31st day of August, 1808, at elvven o'clock
in the. forenoon,— The under- men- tioned TOBACCO and SNUFF, which have been seized and legally condemned, viz.— SHAG TOBACCCP 9021 . ROLL TOBACCO 16 V Pounds. SNUFF 17. J • For examination of the same, application may be made to the Warehouse- keeper tws days previous to the sale. [ 84.= WANTED, as a FOREMAN, in constant employ A Person who is capable of undertaking the Business of a SHIP BISCUIT and LOAF BREAD BAKER, & c. will meet with evety encouragement, by applying to Mr. Leonard Wincey, biscuit baker, Guernsey. None need apply but a sober and steady character. [ 852
TO BAKERS, WANTED,— A steady MAN who perfectly under- stands the making of Loaf Bread, Rolls, French Bread, and various sorts of Biscuits; must be qualified to superintend and conduct the Management of an extensive Trade. His employment will be chiefly in the bake- house, in which his personal assistance, as well as direction in all the articles to be made, will be absolutely necessary. Such a person, duly recommended for his ability, honesty, and sobriety, may hear of an eligible situation. Application, personally, to Messrs. John and Charles May, Romsey; or by letter ( post paid), ditccted to them, will be duly
attended to. , [ 858 TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, byMr. COTTERELI., on the Baltic Wharf, near Chapel Mill,' Southampton, on Friday the 9th day of September, 1808,— A capital Careo of PINE BOARD," P!*\ N'K, BIRCH TIMBER, & c. just arrived trom New Brunswick, in the ship Hawke, John Brenton, Master; consisting of about so, 000 Feet of Inch Pine Board, 40,000 Feet of Pine Plank, from 2 to 4 inches, 31 Pieces of Birch Timber, 4 Pieces of Pine Timber, 5 Fathoms of Lathwood, 4s Handspikes,— and 9 Spars. This cargo, which has been selected with particular care, will be fouml well worth
the attention of builders, & c.; anc. the lots may be viewed three days previous to the sale, by ap- plying to Mr. Mayneo, at the Wharf. Catalogues may be had, and further particulars known, by applying at tqe Office of Mr. Edward Langdon Oke, No. 74 Hign- strset, Southampton. The sale to begin at eleven o'clock, [ 782 NOTICE is hereby given,' that Application is in- tended to be made to Parliament in the next Session for an Act for continuing the Term, and altering, enlarging, and rendering more effectual the Powers and Provisions ot two Acts passed in the seventh and seventeenth years of his pre- sent Majesty's- reign, for
repairing and widening several Roads, leading from between the second and third mile- stones on the turnpike road between the town and. county of Poole and Wimborn- Minster, in the county Of Dorset, to Bratton Cor- ner, in the county of Somerset: and for repairing and wi- dening the Road from the turnpike road in Bryanstcn, to or near a house called Fontleroy's Farm- house, in the county of Dorset; so far as the said Acts relate to the i » ad from the turnpike road between the town and county of Poole, and Wimboin- Minster, in the county of Dorset, to the turnpike road in the parish of Bryanston, in the said couniy of Dorset,
which leads fjorn Blandtord- Forum to Dorchester. Dated this ' 23d day of August, 1808. 815] JOHN RIDOUT, Solicitor. FROME TURNPIKE ROADS. OTICE is hereby given, that Application will be made tb Parliament in the next Session for an Act to continue the Term, and alter and enlarge the Powers of an Act passed in the thirtieth year of the reign of his late Ma- jesty, infill**'!. (< An Art- fAr rpnuirinu* nnH wiiWiiinir (.. ml N( intitled, " Act for repairing and widening several through, and from, the town of Frome, in the county of Somerset; and for giving further Powers to the Trustees in an Act passed in the twenty- fifth year of
his pre- sent Majesty, for repairing the Roads from the town of War- minster, in the county of Wilts, to the city of Bath, in the county of Somerset, and other Roads therein- mentioned ;" also of an Act passed in the twelfth year of the rei » n of his present Majesty, intitled, " An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers of an Act made in the thirtieth year of the reign of his late Majesty', for repairing and widening several Roads leading to, through, and from, the town of Frome, in the county of Somerset, and several other Roads in the counties of Somerset and Wilts;" and also of an Act passed in the thirty- seventh year of the reign of
his said present Majesty, intitled, " An Act for enlarging the Term and Powers of two Acts passed in the thirtieth year of the reign of his late Majesty, and the twelfth year of the reign of his present Majesty, for repairing and widening the several Roads leading to, through, and - from, the town of Frome, in the county of Somerset; and for paving the Footways and lighting the Streets within the said town:" which roads pass into or through the parishes of Warminster, Corsley, AVestbury, Dilton, and Maiden- Bradley, in the county of Wilts; and Rodden, Frome, Whatley, Elme, Leigh upon Mendip, Downhead, Stokelane, West
Cranmore, Doulting, Mells, Buckland, Denham, Mats- ton,- and Nunney, in the county of Somerset; and also for power to make and maintain a new Road from North- Hill to Keyford, and which road is intended to pass into or through the said parish of Frome, in the county of Somerset. 829] J. A. WICKHAM, FROME, August 23, 1808. Clerk and Treasurer. Another new Edition, being the Trnljtk, of CROSBY'S BUILDER'S PRICE BOOK, COKHECTID TO JULY, 1808. THE various Gentlemen, Artificers, and all concern- ed in Building, are respectfully informed, this new edition contains all the late advances in Timber, Deals, Car penters' Work, & c. and other important alterations to the present time, forming the MOST CORRECT LIST OF THE PRICES NOW allowed by the most eminent Surveyors in London, in the dif- ferent Branches and methods of Building— and the Prices of Labour only. Also Directions for making any kind of Lime and Cement-;, various useful Tables cast up, Abstracts of all the Acts, a List of Surveyors, & c. BY JOHN PHILLIPS, SURVEYOR, And other Assistants. London, printed for B. Crosby and Co. Statior. ers'- court, Ludgate- street; sold by Brodie, Dowding,- and Luxford, Sa- lisbury, and all other Booksellers. [ we
» THE SALISBURY AND WfSCHESTEf t r JOURNAL. iiCSda'/ f and, lag's Posts. LOND< M GAZETTE V e . .. UAH, J his 1 » C0 1 fl- AUGUST 23. HE Kinj; his bee i , pl- -,. el f:- order ' a Cong< • I'jJi'nt - mass trie Snot Seal of I'leTmfted king- dom or Great Britain nil Ire. . c( j » p, iWHri> ig; - s x d Chapter of the eath^ at'al chureh oftti- istal a Bis'v p oi that see, the same be. i. ig void by the translation of th* Rfsrht Rev. father ii God John, late Bwh « ;;> thereof, to the see of lereford; and Ms Majesty has a* so teen pleased, by Ms Royal Sign- Maw. sK to're- • com'iiend to the said Dean ami Chapter th .* R* vv W; Loi't Ma - el!, D. D.
to be. by them elected Bi, hoy- el" the sard see - f 1' ristol. IC." Ai>: SI: UAI. TY- OFFICE, Jug, - 23. Vice- Admiral Sir John Boris- e Warren,- K. B. Commander in Chief on tlie Hali- fax station, has fransiijStted a. letter from Capt. £, .3. • Austen, vela- ting thai the Indian'sloop, uiuler his i'iibr, tnand, Let, captured, o 1 the i< jth of Jan.; last, La Jeune Estelle French privateer* of fjmr guns and 25 miai, from the River St. Mary's bound to St. Domingo, with a cargo *> f flour and provisions, and had carried her- to Bermuda. Another privateer, of similar force, was ill company with La Jeune Estelle, but ' escaped. BANKUPPrs: Win. Blwix,
RicTiaV^ Slopcr, jun. and Charles Bissix, of Bristol, Vinegar- makers. JohnIGlv, Manchester, leather- seller. D. M'tsAes, of HarMw- ktreet, London, ar- n'y acconti- p'lnent- roakcr. S.- Brovn and Win. Tildnlev, of Ul^ jcwioh, rnpo- raalier*. Win. mil, late of Mi, Idle- row, HoUirn, carpenter. Wm. Vowtey, of Penrith, iioomong. T. D. Moore, it I. enUaai, late purser of the Sif Bteplien LuShington East Tndlanian. J.' Sharps, of Market Beeping, 1inen- 4rape, r. J. S. . Smith, of Liverpool, slmemalcer. . Win. Li a dill, of Le.--. ds, spiril- meiehan!-. The London Gazette Extraordinary. { Published on Wednesday, AugystiliJ ADMIBm iv- 0FFICE,
Aug. 23. Dispatches, of which the following are copies, have baen this day received at this office froia Rear- Adtuii al Keats: Supcrh, off ' Spmc, in the Great Bell, SIR, ' August 13, 1308. I HAVE the honour herewith to" transmit a copy of my letters to Vice- Admiral Sir James SaUina.- e3, relative to the escape and embarkation of great part of the Spanish army serving in this part of Europe— an event produced as well hv the honour, patriotism, and talents of its distin- guished. Chief, as by the assistance ancL'jjrotection which I was directed. liv thiir Lordships.' orders to » < F » rtl it. If the weather proves moderate I hope to
disembark the greater- part on the island of JLangefcuid this'day, where we tare already a - post of-.^ SOO men. ( Signed) R. G. KEATS. Suji. ri, OifSprpe, in the Great Belt, Sin, Ailgttst it, li ® . ; 111 \ VE the honour and satisfaction to inform you, that by an immediate and zealous pursuit of the measures re- commended iu the duplicate of instructions received by the Afusqtuto " n the 5th inst. his Excellency the Marquis de k Romatta, and nearly tiOOO of the Spanish troops under his command, were embarked this morning at Nyborg, which place he took possession of on the ,9th. By a combination of the same plan, more than
1000 fcroe" joined us this morning, by sea, from Jutland, and another thousand are throw n into Langeland, to strengthen the post held by the Spanish forces in that island, where it is promised to land the remainder tile moment circum- stances of weather will permit of our moving. The arrival of the Spanish Officer in the Edgar, on the 5th, of whose spirited escape to the squadron you were informed by Capt. Graves, greatly facilitated our means of communication. No doubt could be ente » t « ? iietl'.; » f the honour and patri- otism of soldiers, w ho, indignant at the proposal of desert- ing their allegiance, though surrounded by
hostile batta- lions, planted their coloiirs in the centre of a circle they formed, and swore on their knees to lie faithful to their Country. All were equally anxious of returning to it. But one regiment iu Jutland was too distant and too critically situated to effect its escape; and two in Zealand, after having fired on the Trench General Frision, who commanded them, and killed one of his Aid- de- Camps, have been dis timed. Some untoward circumstances having occasioned suspi- cion, and made a premature execution of the plan necessary, the w ind and current being adverse, 1 left the Superb on the 8th, and went in my barge to the
Brunswick, off Nyborg, and two hours after my flag was hoisted. On the <) th the General took posses ion of the town. Although the Danish garrison yielded to circumstances, an armed brig of 18 guns, the Fama, and a cutter, the ISaiorman, of 12, moored across the. harbour, near the town, rejected all remonstrance on the part of the Danes, and every offer ot security made by tile General and myself. The redaction of the- e vessels being absolutely necessary, and the Spanish General unwilling to act hostilely against Denmark, such Small vessels and boats as could he collected were put under the command of Captain
M'Namara, of the Edgar, who attacked and took tliem. On this occasion I Lave to lament the loss of Lieutenant Harvey, ail Officer of much merit, of the Superb, and two seamen wounded ; the eneinv had seven killed and thirteen wounded. I should have noticed that the Spaniards, irritated at the opposition their friends who came to their support met wit. il, departed iu some measure trom the General's inten- tion, and fired some shot at them before they struck. Expedition being deemed of the greatest importance, I shifted my " flag to the Hound, in the liarbour; and as nei- ther of the three ships of the line, from circumstances of
the weather, could be brought near in, 57 sloops or doggers, found in the port, were fitted by the seamen, into which great part of the artillery, baggage, and stores were em- barked that night and the following day, and removed to the Point of Slypsharn, four miles from Nyborg,. where the army was embarked safely, and without opposition, this morniug, notwithstanding the very unfavourable state of the weather, and they are now under the pi- otection of his Majesty's ships at the anchorage off the island of Sproe. Some sacrifices of horses and stores were conceived necessary by the General; and as I considered it right, un der the peculiar circumstances, to enter into the views and . wishes of the Marquis de la Romana, every unavoidable act of hostility was rigidly abstained from, for 1 did nut con- sider it any to bring away the brig and cutter that rejected our offer of security, and forcibly opposed our entrance into the port; and I even undertook to liberate the vessels employed as transports, provided no interruption was made by any to the peaceable embarkation of our friends. 1 should be ui\ just to the meritorious exertions of the Officers and seamen employed oil this short but fatiguing service, if I neglected to represent their merits on this
occasion to you; Captain Graves's services were required afloat; Captain M'Namara, of the Edgar, undertook the equipment of the transport-, with the embarkation of the stores; the embarkation of the troops was made under the direction of Captain Jackson, of the Superb, and Captain Lockyer, of the Hound; Capt. Smith, of the Devastation, and Capt. James, of the. Kite, were indefatigable in their exertions iu the various duties I assigned them. Many circumstances having combined to make an attack on the rear probable, great precaution was neccssai- y. Such guns as could be brought against us were spiked, and the
embarkation was covered and most effectually pro- tected by the Minx gun- brig and the two prizes, and bv the very judicious'disposition of the gun- boats, under the command of Captain May, ot the Royal Artillery, who volunteered, and whose services on this and other occasions were highly useful. It is not easy to express the joy and satisfaction felt by every class of the army at this event; and no circumstance, I believe, could have afforded more real pleasUsy to us ail. One, the regiment of Zamora, made a march of 18 Danish miles in 21 hours. I transmit herewith, for your farther information, copies of such letters as I
deemed it requisite to address to his Esc'll ney tin* Marquis de la Rorsaua and the Governor of Nybnrg on this occasion. The replies to the former Were verbal through a confidential Officer, and the latter were made personally.— 1 have the honour to be, ( Signed) R. G. KEATS. NOTE.—^ iuce this letter was concluded, we entertain some hopes that part of the regime- t in Jutland, we thought lost, has escaped to the post of Langeland by the Western Channel. ' f The letters of Admir. l Keats to the Mr- rquis de la Romana • and those t- the Governor of the town of Nyborg here follow. Tee Admiral app- ais to • -, v;: supported the
honour and in- res s of ies ecu : cry with z. eal, spirit, and ability; and to h . • j. iJ. ttH •! : - paid to the crttica', situation o't thc'Spa lish' t - the r N-- e! e C<? m." and- r, a.- a ev- n to t' <• aukw;, rd u, n; in - which the Danish Governor of . Nyborg wjw Sip-, Sitpm- b, ojf'Lahgctund, Aug. 13, 1& 3. 1 HAVE detained the Euiyaius a few hours,. forth* fur- ther satisfaction of ass- Wring- their Lordihips- t. hitt the whole of the Spanish troops taken off by liisrftlajesty s ships, at Nyborg will be landed in the. course of , ijiejafternooa- at Langelanti. * A convention has been entered into between his Excel* lency the Marquis de la Roniana and the
Goveruoc of . the. island, which, on one hand, enjoins abstinence from hos- tility, and on the other, a sufficient supply of provisions, provided the i3laad, which is fertile, can produce it. (. Signed) R. G. KEATS.. The hon. w. w. Pole, ifc. ifc. eye. LONDON, tt'EDNES DAY, AUGUST H. Paris and Dutch Papers, the former to the 13th, and the latter to the 19th, Were received last night. They still preserve a most cautious silence respecting the affairs of Spain, with the exception' of one article from Madrid, dated the 28tli ult. ( the day before Joseph fan away) whieh contains a pompous account of the ceremony of proclaiming him King
of Spain and the Indies, oh the 25th. On that occasion hit Alajesn/ appointed his Council of State, and created Count D'Aimge a Grandee of the first class. Camhaesres and Le Brun have been raised to the Ducal dignity; the former is ROW called Duke of Parma, and the latter Duke of Piacenza. " Joachim Napoleon, by the tirace of God, King of the Two Sicilies, Prince and Grand Admiral of Prance," & c. has issued a Proclamation to his ci- deuant subjects of the Duchy of Berg, in which he releases them from tlieif oaths of allegiance. A few days ago the Brest fleet, five sail of the line and four frigates, put to sea, hut on seeing Sir
J. Duckworth's spuadron, made the best of their way again into Port, in doing which One of their frigates got upon a rock, and was deserted bv her crew, and immediately after set on fire by our squadron. Dispatches were yesterday received from the Admi- rals Saumarez and Keats-, with the important and pleasing intelligence, that a large portion of the Spanish troops, which had been marched fr m their own country to the North of Germany, before Bonaparte had made known his design of placing Don, Joseph on the throne of Spain, and which lie had since caused to be placed in the Danish Islands, had even there declared
against him, and though surrounded by hostile bands, about 11,000 of these Patriots, with the assistance of the British fleet, have been rescued from his power, and placet! in a situation from whence they will be wafted to fight the battles of their country, oil their native soil. This intelligence \ va' published iii an Extra- ordinary Gazette, copied ill the preceding column, and aceasioned general joy throughout the metropolis. The following letter from an Officer of the 14th regiment of foot, announcing the capture of Tranquehar, tile principal settlement of the Danes oil the Coromandel coast, was received in town yesterday:— " Tr.
VNQCEBAR, Feb. 19-— We embarked on the 10th inst. at Madras, on board his " Majesty's ship. Russell, and sailed at day- break the following m, ruing. On the afur- noon of the 12th, we reached our destination, the mouth of the river Caveri, off the town of Tranquebar. The place was immediately summoned, and Articles ot Capi- tulation were signed at 10 P. M. between Colonel Watson and Captain Caulfield, on the part of the British, and the Deputy- Governor on the part of the Danes, " The flank companies of our regiment took possession of the place on the morning of the 13th. But as the out- ward- bound flee'tfMuder
Admiral D'fury, appeared off here as we were landieg, we expect to he immediately relieved, and to proceed to Calcutta." The British ships in the rtyar of Calcutta have cap- tured Danish property to the amount of one million ster- ling; and the Russell, 74, Captain Caulfield, has taken a Danish ship, with dollars oil board amounting to 800,0002. The Jamaica papers, received by the Mail of yester- day, state that the accounts . received in the West Indies of the alteration of affairs in Spain, had produced the most favourable impression upon the Spanish colonies. Cuba had declared against France, and there can be no doubt that
the usual intercourse has been re- established between the British and Spanish Islands, Although our islands and colonies, generally, are much in want of- flour, and some other American supplies, they are none of them under any great pressure of distress. The French islands, however, are reduced to the greatest necessity for almost every article of life. Brigadier General HarCout, who lately sailed from Jamaica for St. Croix, of whieh island he is Governor, having arrived there, and taken upon himself the functions of office, and had issued a proclamation forbidding the ex- portation of all colonial produce in foreign vessels, but
in cases where, such vessels shall have carried provisions, lumber, and other supplies, to that island. Letters from Dernerara, of the 1st ult. mention the for- tunate frustration of a most diabolical project, which had been formed on three neighbouring estates, about 12 miles up the cOast, to destroy all the white people on them. A negro woman, privy to the scheme, in a moment of re- morse, discovered the plot the night before it was to have been carried into effect; the ringleaders were instantly secured; and by the judicious measures pursued by Briga- dier- General Nicholson, the tranquillity of these estates was speedily
restored, and the whole colony remained quiet when the accounts came away. We are concerned to state, that a dreadful mortality has raged - on board our homeward- bound fleet, during the whole of their passage; and that several of the ships belong- ing to this port have been placed under strict quarantine. Capt. Powell, of the Hercules, fell a victim to the disorder, with several of his craw; and many of the vessels have suffered considerably in the loss of their men.— Bristol Mercury. The Raven sloop of war sailed from Cork on the 18th instant, with seven vessels under convoy for the West Indies. A beautiul seventy- four
gun ship was launched yesterday from Mestaer's Dock, at peptforrl. She was christened " ' Hie Drake," ill the presence of the Princess of Wales, the Duchess of Brunswick, Lord Hood, Mr. Angerstein, Mr. Thornton, & e. She went off the stocks in good style, and it was on the whole considered as a very fine launch. BREAD.— Yesterday ( he Lord Mayor ordered the price of Bread to be raised half an assize., or one penny in the peck loaf, to take place to- morrow; when the quartern loaf of wheaten is to be sold for 12 jd. and household for 1 td. The town of Savannah, in Georgia, has again suffered greatly from a destructive fire,
which broke out there on the 5th of July. The loss is sard to amount to a very con- siderable sum, almost the wliolejrf which was uninsured. A most extraordinary and mysterious circumstance took place- near Dublin within these few days. A gentleman who resides about four miles from that city, in the neigh- bourhood of Merrion, received an anonymous communi- cation on Tuesday last, that his life was to be attempted. that night by poison, administered by th « hands of a female domestic, and that the house was to be attacked from without, by a band of ruffians, for the purpose of plunder. Alarmed at the disclosure of this
dreadful secret, the gen- tleman had the girl secured, and, in the search, discovered on her person a bottle of arsenick 1 On being detected, she confessed the intended robbery, hut insisted that the poi- son was designed for a dog in the yard, to prevent his giving an alarm at the time the ruffians were to make their attempt. She was taken into custody, and is m . king such further confessions as will lead to the'developement of this dreadful business, and the punishment of its abominable agents. FORGED NOTES.— On Wednesday morning two men, of genteel appearance, travelling apparently in their own carriage, were
conveyed to Warwick, suspected of having uttered forged or fraudulent 5'. bills iu that town and other places in their route.— They had been at Coventry, where they passed bills to the amount of 251, to many respectable tradesmen, from each of whom they purchased some trifling article, and thereby received a considerable sum in ready cash, as change for their pretended 51. notes. It having been suspected, from various circumstances, that the hill; were not good, three police officers from this place traced • thtera to Daventry, where they were found m bed. The officers rushed into the room, presented a pistol to each of
them, and threatened them with instant death if they made a; iy resistance. They were ha.. dcu&- d in bed. » -. d ••:>• pockets; Ac. searched, hi which were 1 hi. Is to t < amount, of 500/. some of whieh wer. j not iiiled u r. r' . were ready for ciiculat. on. They are notv at Warwick, a , d are to be examined a second lime next week. One of : h m sv his name is John Charles Fitzhngh Sandler, the other William Hitclien,-— Coventry Herald. PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, ' ,-'.-. 1 August p, 18138. ? hnrs( lfty, the \ stof ' Sfpt. next, j shutt le ready t6 receive Tenders in writing '( sealed upj and treat for ike undermentioned
Articles far the I'ictuuUing Service at. this Port, which will iep'ifid for by Bills payable with Interett 90 days" ajief date, viz." ' . PEASE ( Kiln- dried) s'nch. Quantities as the respective Diatirs therein will engage to deliver in'the course of six . weeks*. t - , BISCUIT, 6000 Basis,' to be manufactured frord good whole meal, and to be delivered in one month. LADY WINDSOR'S, or SIMPSON'S fON'l'OP CQALS, 150- Chaldrons. No regard will . he had to any Tender, in which the price shall'not- be iuscrttd in words at length, or th « t shall' not he delivered hfore twelve o'clock on the Said Is* tfiSljtombsr, nor unless the persons who ntake
the. same, or some person on ' their behalf, attend to answer thereto when called for. -•'-.'-. fFMl REEKS. N. B.— The Conditions of the several Contracts may le seen at - my - Office. - [ is4b' PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, August 25, 1808. ON Thursday, the 8th of Sept. next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, I shall be ready to sell to the highest bidder, in several lots, the unrlermentioned quantities of OLD STAVES, HEADING, IRON HOOPS, & c. lying in his Majesty's Cooperage at U'eeviU, near Gosnprt, where any person's inclinable to purchase, may, have the iH , rty- of viewing the same in the COmmo/ i working
hours, any day before the sale, viz. Leager Staves Butt ditto Puncheon ditto ... Ditto Rum ditto... Hogshead ditto.... Barrel ditto Half Hogshead, Kil- derkin & Bar. ditto C. qr. t: 0 7 2 a 2 ti 0 3 0 0 0 XT. C. qr. Heading, ct. pieces., 9 0 0 Irish J, Punch, ditto 16 0 0 Wine" Pipe ditto .... 5 0 0 New Doublet Ends 4 o 0 Old Iron IIoops, bent and in pieces, 01 tons Ditto, foreign round, ill do. Also a quantity o/' D. i'T. CTIVE PROVISIONS, Src.' as will be expressed in the catalogues. A deposit of2ol. - p. cent, is to I'e mode on the amount of each lot at the time of salt:, and the remainder of the money paid before the Stores are removed, for
which; thirty working days will be allowed for the Cooperage Articles, and seven days for the Provisions, after the sale. 847] JfM. REEKS. SALISBURY INFIRMARY, 30 tli day of Aug. 1808. ON Wednesday the 31st day of August inst. being the ANNUAL COURT, when the ^ Treasurer's Ac- counts are to be settled, several of the Officers to be chosen by ballot, and other matters of great importance to the charity to be transacted, all the Governors are desired to attend the said Meeting at the Infirmary precisely at eleven o'clock. All such as are concerned in the following Commodities, are desired to send their proposals ( sealed)
. to the Secretary of the Infirmary, before eleven o'clock on the above- men- tioned day, specifying at what rate they are willing to supply the Infirmary, fir the ensuing quarter, with Batcher's Meat, Soap, Candles, Rice, Sugar, Salt, Hops, Malt, Oatmeal, and Scotch Barley. The most reasonable proposals will be accepted ; and if two or more Tradesmen should offer to supply at the same price, it will be determined by ballot who shall have the preference, that the utmost impartiality may be observed, and no interest be made in favor of any particular person. JAMES EVANS, Chairman. By order of the Committee, WM. DYKE WHI*
RMA. RSII, Secretary. N. B. Every annual subscriber of two guineas is a Go- vernor, and desir - 1 to attend at this Court. All Subscriptions are deemed to commence from the 1st day of September; and th-; Subscribers are des. ired to pay their Subs iptiorts1 accordingly. [ 7,') 7 SALAMANDER FIRE OFFICH SOCIETY. THE public are respectfully informed the above _ Society INSURE ALL FARMING STOCK arfteo Shillings p - r cui:. per annum, and whether such stock - is insured in tiie W Imgs, rick yards, and on the lands of a farm in one gross sum, or separately on each detached part.— The books of t! i : tv" w ll he carefully
examined, and re- ceipts for ensuing payments made out at the reduced rate, that ail persons new insured may r c iv^ the benefit thereof. 766] MATH. BARTON, Secretary. DORCHESTER PAVLVG ACT. " jVTOTIC- K is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising I. at tte Several T 11 Gates erected by- virtue of the said Act, will be LETT by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Gfand Jury Chamber in th. " ounty Hall in DI. rchesti r, on MSnday the ~> th day of September next, at twelve o'clock at noon. Whoever happens to be the best bidder must, at the same time, :; ive- security, with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the Trustees, for
payment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall direct. Dated this ifUh day of August, 1808, By order of the Trustees, 805] ' T. GOULD READ, Clerk and. Treasurer. WILTS AND BERKS CANAL NAVIGATION. THE Committee of Management of the Affairs and Business of the Company of Proprietors of the Wilts and Berks Canal Navigation, not having at the'last general quarterly meeting of them the said Committee appointed the time and place for holding the taext general quarterly meeting of the said Committee : I do hereby, in exercise of the powers contained in an Act of Parliament made and passed in
the4lst year of the reign of his present Majesty, intitled, " An. Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Wilts and Berks Canal Navigation to raise mor. ey for completing the said Canal, and to alter, explain, and amend, the Actpassed in the a 5th year of the reign of his present Majesty for making tile said Canal," appoint the next general quarterly meeting of the said Committee to be held at the Bartiagtoll's Arms,' in Shrivenham, in the county of Berks, on Thursday- the 15th day of September 1808, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon. JAMES CROVVDY, Principal Clerk to the said Company of Proprietors.
HIGHWORTH, August ii, 1808. [ 828 CHIPPENHAM. RACES, 1808. ON TUESDAY, September 27, will be ron for, on Chippenham Mead, a Plate of FIFTY POUNDS, free for any horse, mare, or gelding, that has never won more than that sum at any one time, matches and sweepstakes ex- cepted. Three years old, to carry fist. 10lb,—- four yrs. old, 8st. 2lb. — five yrs. o'd, Rst, 121b.— six yrs. old, !) st. 7lb.— and aged, lost. sib.— Mares and geldings allowed 2lbs.'-—— The best of three heats, three times round the course to a heat. And on Wednesday, September 23,— a Maiden Plate of FIFTY POUNDS, for three and four
year olds, that have never won the value of fifty pounds.— Three year olds to carry 7st. 41b.— four yr. olds, 3st. 41b. The best of three heats, twice round the course to a heat. To start - ach day at twelve o'clock.— No lesa than three horses to start for each plate.— The winner of the first day's plate Will not be allowed to start for the second.— The owner or winner of each plate to pay one guinea to the Clerk of the Course for weights and scales.— All dogs seen on the course will be destroyed.— No person will be allowed to erect a booth or stall, or sell liquors, on the course, who does not subscribe three guineas. No
gentleman to be admitted into the stand unless a sub- scriber of one guinea. No person to have race- horses stand with them unless a subscriber of one guinea. All disputesto be settled by the Steward, or whom he may appoint. A SWEEPSTAKES and TWO MATCHES will also be RUN; particulars of which will be made public in a short time. . . And on THURSDAY the 23th and FRIDAY the aotb of Sep- tember, will be given,— a Purse of TEN GUINEAS each day, to be plaved- for at BACK- SWORD, Wiltshire against all England.— To take the stage each day at eleven o'clock. THOMAS CALLEY, Esq. BurdropPalk,
STEWARO. WII. LIAM GARTUIDGE, Clerk of theCou » SE. [ 841 TURNPIKE TOLLS. NOTICE is herreby given, That the TOLLS arising at the Toil Gate upon the turnpike rsad leading from the river at Swathlirig to Sherril Heath, in the county of Southampton, called or known by the name of the BOT- LEY TURNPIKE GATE, will be LETT by AUCTION to the best bidder, - at the house of Hume, known by- the sign • of the Dolphin Inn, at Botley, in the said county, on Mon- day the fifth day of September next,. between . the hours of eleven and two in the afternoon, for th'e term of Three Years, to commence from Saint Thomas's day next, in manner di- rected by the Act passed in the thirteenth year of the reien of his Maj* ty King George th • Third " for regulating the Tumi pike Roads:" which t- 11- produced last year the sum of one hundred and eighty-: nir poutuls, above the expences for col » testing the nit) Vi'd will be put up at that sum. WC ever hapnens to b^ the best bidder, must, at the same time; , - •• e - '.- ith sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of ..- Tie 5 oi the said turnpike road, for payment of the r nt agr-. eel for, ,2nd at such times as they sh .' dir ot. . A- t the same meeting new Trustees will he ceu in the room of such as are dead, removed. -;
us: to , et. .1. 1- Ml . ON, . . - Clerk anrl Treasure* 10 ' he Trustees. FAREHAM, ith of August, £ 681 ' WILTS. Voesham ' afbd IMCOCW Turnpike Tollsi N'OTIGK is hereby given, t- hat- the- TOLLS arising at tile Blue Vein Gate, situate on the road leading'from Melksham to Bath, will be LETT by AUCTION to the best bidder, according to the conditions to. be produced, at the Red Lion Inn, at Lacock, on Wednesday the 28th day of Septem- ber next,, between the hours ' of . eleven and one o'clock, for one year, from the 1st day of October next, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th year of the reign of his present
Majesty- King George the Third, " for regulating the Turnpike Roads ;" which Tolls were last lctt for 4801, and will be put up it that sura. Whoever happens to be the best bidder must, at the same time,. give security, with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of tbc'Trustees of the. said turnpike roads, for payment Of the rent sgre. ed for, and at such times as they shall direct. The said Trustees will, at their next Meeting to be held on the said 28th day of September, elect new Trustees in the room of such as are dead. [ 729 JOHN MERE WETHER, CALNC, \~> th August, ] 803.' Clerk and Treasurer. WILTS. . CALNE TURNPIKE
TOILS. NOTICE is hereby giR- en, that the TCLLS arising at the Calnc Turnpike Gates, known by . the several names herein after- mentioned, will be LETT by'AUCTION, either in one or more, lots, to the best bidder, according to the conditions to be produced, at the Catherine, Wheel Inn, at Calne aforesaid, on Tuesday the - 17th day of September next, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th year of. the reign of Ills pre--, - nt Majesty King George the Third, ' 1 " for regulating the Tump. ke Roads vrhich Tolls produced the last year the several sums Set against the follow- ing respective Gates, over and above the
expences of- collecting the same, and will be put op at those sums, either together or separate, as shall be then and'there agreed 011} \ iz. Chilvester- hi. il Gate £' a: 4 9 <>£ Uuemerford Gate and Chalk- s'tiect side Gate 53B 17 4$ Smellings- lane Gate, leading to Devices 78 11 11'! Wihoever happens to be the he.,; bidder must, it the ' same time, give security, with sufficient sureties ; o too .^ iisia: i ,11 of theTrustees of the said turnpike toads, f. e p- v..-. .-. it of the rent agreed for, and at such times as thee - •!-' e or. . 7.30J JOHN MEREWETHEil, CAI. NE,' 1 Stk August, 1808. Clerk aiidTr » as" urer.'- ; HORSES, SHEEP,
HAY, tkc. . Saxley Tar. m, tienr Andoicr, limits. rpo be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. CIURWICK, JL on the Premises, on Wednesday the 21st of September, 1808,— The Farming LIVE STOCK, Husbandry Utensils, - and other Effects on Saxley Farm 5 consisting of ;-. J0 South- down ewss ( from the genuiiie stock of Mr. Ellntan), lao , lambs, six draught horses, a remarkably handsome Flanders mare, two waggons, four carts, ploughs, harrows, . drags, and rollers ; drill- machine, by Cook ;. threshing dittoj tor two horses, by Jones; chafi- eutters, and winnowingemaehine'; large rick of perennial rye- grass seed, ditto of saintfoin,
about 70 tons of bioom- saintfoin, arid numerous other articles. Catalogues will be delivered ten days previous to the sale, 011 the Premises, and at the Auctioneer's, Andcver. Sale will begin at eleven o'clock. [ 744 CAPITAL SOUTH DOWN SHEEP. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, at the Barton of" Buckland, in the parish of Buckland Monachorum, in the county of Devon, abeut five miles from Tavistock and nine, from Plymouth, on Wednesday jfhe 21st day of - September next, by two o'clock in the afternoon pre- cisely,— Part o'f the Stock of South- down EWES and prime WETHERS, the property of the Right
Honourable Lord Heathfield"; consisting of 120 thorough- bred E'wes, and 43 ditto prime. Wethers; to be put up in convenient lots, and the purchasers of the ewes may be accommodated with good, rams of the same breed at fair prices. The above South- down sheep are from the capital stock of his Grace the Duke of Richmond, and Sir John. Sebright, Bart. The sheep may he viewed at any time before the day of sale, on application to Mr. William Watts, the hind, on the said, barton* " [ 825' KNIGHTON, NEAR AMESBURY, WILTS. ; TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the George Inn, at Ane'sbury, on Wednesday the 31st day of
August inst. between the hours of three and six o'clock, subject to such conditions .' as will then be produced ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which the earliest notice will be giveni, All those Two inclosed Pieces of rich ARABLE LAND, being FREEHOLD, containing, together about twelve acres, s" ituate and being at Knighton, in the pa- rish of Fighiet'e- an, tailed Knighton Hams; together with Right of Common or Feeding for one. Cow in the Lanes and Common of Knighton aforesaid ; now in the oecupatfon of David Smith, as tenant thereof for a term of six years, four years of which will be unexpired at
Michaelmas next. For particulars apply to Mr- Lawrence, solicitor, High- street, Salisbury. Letters must be postpaid. { 6s2 WILTON, NEAR SALISBURY. IX) be SOLD bv AUCTION, hy WHITMARSH . and Rit. v, on Wednesday the 31st, instant, ' at the fecit Inn, at six o'clock in the afternoon, unless disposed of by Private Contract, of which notice will be given,—— Four FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSES, with Vv on.- sh. ps, situated in South- street, in the Borough of Wilton. Lot 1.— Three ' Dwelling- Houses, in the occupations of Lawrence, Roots, and Moody. Lot 2.— One Dwelling- House, in the occupation of N. Fry. The
above tenants have notice to quit at Michaelmas next. For a view- of the premises, and farther particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, Wilton. [ 77- 0 • : WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by GUY and Co. on Monday the 2ath day of August; I'fSOi, a. nd four fol- lowing days, at. the Parsonage House at D. onhead Saint An- drew ( four miles from Shaftesbury),— All the neat HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, Plate,- Linen, China, Glass, upwards of 400 volumes of Books, and other Effects, the property of the Rev. Doctor Benet, deceased; comprising four- post, bu- reau, and other bedsteads, with mahogany pillars, cotton ant! moreen
furniture; excellent feather beds, mattresses, blan- kets, quilts, and counterpanes ; mahogany wardrobes, secre- taries, chest of drawers, bureaus, bookcase, night- tables, & c » set of mahogany dining tables with circular end's, side-" b< 5ard, dining, breakfast, and other tables ; drawing- room and par- lour chairs with satin and hair seats ; a fine- torn d piano forte; pier and dressing glasses; Axmirister and Wilton car- pets; an electrifying machine ; polished fenders and fire' irons; excellent month time- piece and eight- day clock in handsome cases ; a general assortment of kitchen furniture; brewing utensils, casks, tubs, & c.
and about- 50 do?. en or'wine bottles; also a capital pony, two exceeding good milch cows, and about six tons of meadt w hay. The whole will be expressed in catalogues, which may be had four day* before the sale at the Lamb Inn, Hindon ; Pembroke Arms, Fovant; Glove, Donhead ; place of sale ; and at the Auctioneers'. Shaftesbury, Dorset. The furniture may be viewed three days before the sale, which will begin each morning at eleven o'clock. [ 678 WILTS. Freehold Estates, Colling bov i ne Kingston, between An- dover, Hungerford, and Marlborough. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. ROBINS, at Garraway's doftee house, ' Change- alley, Cornhill, London, on Tuesday the 30th of August, at twelve o'clock, iu two Lots ; Lot 1.— The very eligible FREEHOLD ESTATES, land- tax redeemed, comprising the manor or reputed manor of Collingbourne Valence, and Bronton House; a desirable family mansion, seated on a lawn surrounded by thriving plantations; with gaiden, orchard, yard, barns, stables, and out- builiitngs, and upwards of 151 acres of meadow, pasture, arable, t- rd wood Land, all lying compact, in a good state of cultivation, and in a fine healthy part of the country, com- j manding rich and extensive views over a rich country, pre senting 3 pleasant residence for a s: entlemaji fond of farming and field sports ; situate in the parish and near the village of Collingbourne Kingston, and within a quarter of a mile of the Church. Lot 2.— A valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, adjoining lot 1, called Heath Farm, lmd- tax redeemed, and Gam'mo'n's- Corner, situate in the parishes of Ccl.' ingbourne ' Kingston* and Chute, with a tar n- house, yards, garden, Orchard, barns, stables, and out- buildings, and upwards of 171 acres of mea- dow, pasture, and wood land, all in good cultivation, end lying compact. Au Act is obtained for inclosing the parish, of Chute, winch will
add a considerable quantity of land to this lot. These Fstntes are very eljgib 1 - prop, rty f ^ investing money, or for occupation ; are within two mil . s'of Ev- r'. y,' mi ,- from Hungert ird, ten. from Marlborough, tw lve frbm A:- dover, sixteen from Sfdishury, and s. venty frotn. Lond m. M; w b<- vi- wed by , oplying until - premises, where, p r> ic>:- lars m i. y,'- e h . d ; at tm Stir . and G-'- rr . rlrAntlo- ;- r'; Swan, Hunre- rd ; C t. e - aid Maril- ro vh A'. ins, i-. ieil:,..- r••"•.: h •; White- H- t ., - Salisbury; th-. Inns it p. v r! y. tue Am.- s' -. u. y ; Pebcah, Newbury; White i. io;;, H . th ; e. e. sh, li. stel; BJa<&: Bear, Devizes ; White Hart, Ch^ ip nban ; at Cart- way's; and of Mr. Robi. ua, Vveiwi. k-;-". re t ;':> id- h-'- eu.' re, London,- where a phn uf the Estates, ju « y be sa< ii. [ 217 df- nUSTCHURCH AND IYIMBORNF npo he* SOLD by AUCTION, bv WFORCB. A At the King's ArrnS in Wimbome; on Ftidt- v the => d of S - ptember, 1 ROS, precisely af five o'tSock ih the - dteriroon — The FEE SIMPLE « f the following PREMISES viz GHRISTEHURCH, HANTS; Muse,. IFF TWIMKO L° tS' ' Qualit'j. Q, ,„„„},,. A. It, 0 5.- 6;- 37 37 0 3 1 _ £ Ouomp. Arattfe ( Outer Gtuomp,................. ditto 2.—- Cliff against the River.-,.,,.,, ' Wood 3— Part of Gr4eU*, iv Close .' Arable - 4 I
Dungeon ' adjoining the River j Wood 1 y " ' I and. Island near.... 1. estimation 0 Land- tax m Muschff Tythirig 1/. 0s. loti. MtlCKLSSHEI. I, TYTIUNG. ./ New. Close..,....- Arable 3 > TattH ;.'•",'- .7 " itto a Jibe lore- share or Hav C*> p* fri I Parley Mead, bv : srimatica. ... Land- tax in Mtiekl. shell < 21. is5. lti. All the above lanes are subject to an annual ( iuit- rent ef ts. iil. which will be apportioned at the tim • of WiMHORNE, DORSET; A'T CHILBBID'CE. rMessuage, Out- buildingfe, Back- side; and Garden • 0 j « Plot behind. the house.........'.'. p. N, ure 0 „ \ Chdbrtdge Croft... Ar& Me <? 0 3 i Cewlea, Pasture 6 3 37 Rights of stocking
annually two / yearlings and an half on " frflis- ^ moor and - Ilinton- nii et, and I common of p-; sttire for sheep V. on the d wvns of Kingston Lucy. * • ' Land- tax in ChilbridVe' 1 SseStf. , , - , Cewleaze is suhjt et t:> a Mr ft and carriaee reati 0! the width of- 30 feet, for the u4e of Mr. Oaklev, tile ptoi prie'or ot the adjoining lands. * The purchaser of each lot must pay for the Timber at it valuation. For further pnrticulars appiy td M'. Castleman, Wim'- mej wno has apl. irt. of the h- ts. r:;; i 5 1; DORSET VOW SON. rPO fee SOLD by AUCTION, at'thc fWn Inn, B-' m Wnnborne. D. ns t, on Fr dsi ' the 1- e- , - f S. ptcn ber, ITOVPf'- eii'lv at four r/ clock in th--' . t'ici i'o 11 The AD- VOW SON ot the RECTORY of GUSSrtCE ST. MICHAEL, subieCt. to title Iiicpmbi- i-' ey- of the present R.< lor, eeeur - . There- are beloridne; to the recti ivasma- 1 Passot ic - h- use, about cd acres of Oleic Laie. l, the T; th . s . f. M out I ; nf> acres of Land, Rt » ht of Common f. r 200 Sheep and an unlimited . number of black cattle. ' , Gussase is Paint • igjst miles from Wimb- me ar. d Bland- ford, tvt'elve - trom- Shalt ' sbflfy'/ arid - t mrteen f • m Ss: bury • and lies about two miles to r' e - outn 1 f th. gr.- t t w t. ill turnp. ike from. S. lishui. y to the La - d's End, in the :; e ol a ^ cou'ntrv ahhu d'- v- with genie, and m the neigi. beurl< 1 ef '. v. d; teh tiler-' tsre- lw- p. nks- ot f- - y- h" tip, da. Jijtjfr . For- fnftb. r parricul irs app: y to Mr. CtistlfinnrvWimi tune. JUprses, • Sheejt, Dairy C • uv, Hv u /•"•'- i'e. LYTCHET IVIaiRA', :•' Do"-•-.- 1' T^ O be S- VLDby Ai'CT- iO'X,' 01, tin- Premises, Jt by M. BAKU!, at I ii h r Lvteh ! ' IVrro,' near, Poole, on Thursday the TH. h day of S. U; ; nr- e ; so « , and I, II HV ng day,— The toil- win.', capital,- FLO K , f St. i . e. i'. frc. viz. about s, mfn- down ewe. s e- fu- lf rent a-. es, t( l) prime cl i- verhogs, 180 chr. ver lae. ils, Ido pu'r rf'tto, 13 fi'.. li'i'. is. 7 ram lambs, 12 good cart liars- s, 1 hackney ri
tto ; string) thillj . and plough harness,; 3 wage; u d.' uri : putsj 1 crt, - 1 sulls and tackle, di- e s, tmniei tor; harrows, ' n- d 4 ce. rr. tollers; about 40 tans of well- tmde French- grass hay, 40 wight of prime south- down fleece aqd lamb's wool," 10- d- zen of n. w hurdles, 3 dozen of geod' " sheep cribs, a large s ii cioth, a number; til good bck heps, b;- rn. she. v. is. si v'es, winnowing tackle, & e. ;* also 13 young chdtc • whit- sheeted and mettled dairy cows,-' selected from the'first ' bredi-' fs, in the several countiis- of Leicester, Lincoln, York, & c. and 1 capit.- l two- y. ar- old mottled- bull from a prime Lmqitolere cow by a Leicester
bull.— The abo. ; dairy . cows'are well worth the attention of genthni, n, farmers, and others, being in good condition, and excellent- for milk. , [ 832 The sheep w irranted perfectly sound and frte from goggles, t^* Dinner at twelve. Q.' clpcK, the sale to comr. i.- nce at one. r|^ 0 be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the A premises, by. J. JEANES, on Moedav the 19th of Sen- tember 1808, between the hours of five and seven in the af- ternoon ( unless pre'viqusly disposed of bv p.-' vate contract; of which notice will be - iven';— A substantial and eood- nceus- tomed INN, called SPARKFOKU Ikn, situate at' Spink ord, in the county
of Som rs t, with • x - ellentbrew- house, st hie, and other necessary and convenient " aific< s4 carderi and or- chard adjoining,.- and five closes of ex-;. ileht meadow or pas- ture iand lying contiguous thereto, containing by estimation 20 acres ( more or 1- essJ, iu the occupation 01 Mr. l-' arwood, the owner. The premises are held under the Lord of the Manor of Sparkford for tlfree lealthy lives, the eldest about 50, the others abbut 24 and 13 years of age. These premises are desirably situated on the turnpike road leading from and nearly centuil between the towns of Win- canton, I! ehester, Yeovil, Sherborne, Castle C^ ry, and
Bru- tou ; and having of late year's been, improved at. a very consi- derable expence, would be a desirable'purchase to any person disposed to enter'into the line of business, for which they are $ o- well adapted. • The purchaser may he accommodated with one half of the purchase- money on security of the premises. For further information, " or to treat by'privete contract, 1 ap- plication ra'iy be made to the owner, or- to Messrs. IVIe- sittV, attornies, Wiucanton. [>-,,> 7 Ti/ TLiS, RS.- BittiiofB, Downing, and Lux FORD, . 1 Vj. bavin; just received a fresfi Supply oS SPILSljURY's Patent IT SCORBUTIC Of, OPS frbm the
Dispensary,' No. 15, Soiio- square, London, the inhabitants WSarum who resort'to' this Spet- iRfc will be'assured of having the Patent Anti- scotbutic . Dtops gi- iiuine, in cases of Scurvy, Oout, Rheumatism, Scrophuia, eruptive, nervous,. and bilious Complaints, arising from irritation. The Genuine Medicine has the Words " By the King's'l'; i- tent" expressed on rfie- hottie, bill'of directions, and outside Wrapper. The Linn's duty, also is printed- in blae- k ink on the bottles of s. t. Hd. ios. and' 22s. duty included. Messrs. Bqwding ' and ' Co. Newport,' Isle of Wight, have . also just received a fresh supply. ' [ 737 TO THE 1 A DIES'. A
O A 7.1'. T'S ORIENTAL DEPILATORY, for removing SUPERFLUOUS HAIRS from the Face, Neck, Arms, 4te. and for Improving fhe Complexion, wdl, be'sold iu future,- by partieulai appointment of tke pr: prietcn, by Messrs. Shaw arid Edwards, St. Paul's Church- yaid ; Bui- 1 r, 2, Cheapstde; Dicey and Sutton, Bow Church- yard ; Bacon,, Oxford- street; Berry, Greek- street; llendrie and Son, Titohbe. rri- strect; and Br'odi'e, Dowiiiri;, and Luxferd,- Salisbury; where ladies and others may depend upon being supplied with this Depilatoiygexiuineas imported from Tur- key, price - rs. ( id. the bottle. ' ' [ 385 N. B. Observe, that each
bottle is signed " T. BAG '. V r.- i ,'* in the proprietors hand write, to imitat - v. Iveh is a. feh- ny. USEFUL FAMILY ARTICLE. STAINS of RED PORT WINE, Tea, Fruit,' Mildew, and every vegetable matter, are entirely r— fhoved from Table Linen, Leafhfr Breeches. Cottons, Muslins, Laee, and other articles of dress, hy HUDSON':, CHEMI- CAL BLEACHING LI&' UIDVit'also' remu. ts the above; stains from ladies' buff dresses, without injuring the buffet -• lour, andrestoresall- kindsof linen t". their i Rtinl whiteness, when discoloured by bad washing, disuse, or long sea voyages,- without any injury- to the texture of the cioth.
Prepared ami sold by'Hudson and Co, chemists, 27, I lay- market, JLondon ; sold also by Brodie, J>. wding and Luxforil, 011 the Canal, Salisbury ; and the princip Periiltner.; and Medicine Venders throughout the- united kingdom, in bottle;, at 3, s. and is. each. " ' (" 1 ESSAY. ON GOVERNMENT. This day is published, elegantly print ed inovw vol. n: e, $ co. AN ESSAY oil GOVERNMENT, by PMILO- rATiilA. Printed'for the Author, and sold at EarleVLibrarv, Albc marie- Street; and by Brodie, Do- vdi and Luxford, S iis- bury. iriier- niju l- c hvil, [ 47( 5 - The LORD'S PRAYER' of eu Une. rw Id- err, illuserat.' d by seven Eiisravlngs;
which exhibit setms- that have taken place on the Contra nt, sine.: the Fre-' Cit P. ev lutiou, p;: cs 12s.; and a new Cateioeu - of his i. xti'nsive L: br:-, ry, ni.*. i » i « ingthe Kieat. et v.' re tv ev r e,.-; t,> the p- e 1-,-, -. > I - ; >.-. Sturm's lh: J;' cclions. r^( ti iginal /.';.-: M'.../. This d". y is pu! li'dt'..-'':, irt'three 1 enmes I'. imv IPmo. pries' Ps. boSrtte; or, on a fine royal p p » r, price 19s t'd tioardt handset;; ely pri-' ted, and e'mb ilished with l-' i nr. pie; ' s, efp- rsved otr w- ied hv Rr . i. sto", t:- : ' it drjwi-' t- s ' i Cra'fg, T> li b'LFCTl O N'S 0,1 the WCHi e. - 1 I P. O v'!- I 1 D'. NCE of G D through , ut all NA'i u'KE ; 1 r every - lev in th v- : ir. T "
1st.- 1 ' rem the ( 1 - rman of C. C. STURM. A jldition, e.- s /-•/.-:/ ievis-,. 1 and ion. ond, ' iy tin Rev. T* S. V. i Pi-. L""-: • Pliet d'' r C. h. It son; G Wilde - nl J. Ro- binson ; .1 Wok r Seje- 1 - • n I L. it mien .1 ih. 1! ch- ardson ; Lull,: n an, [ le'st, fi s. e, Oie. e ; R. Le No- 11; sir1 .1. Pod'- er; and sold by iliudie, Dowde... . Lusj . d, Salisbury. j. e \ t
ANB# ENERA'L ABVEFTTISEU OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. F ORE 1 G N N E W S. PARIS, AUGUST L& h,. at four o'clock in the, afternoon, or a- id Empress, arrived at St. Cloud iu alth. At. five._</ clock all the Theatres w... op, < io. s free * ilmi « k| n oC- the public ; said at Sj « tii- a, i.. iveisary of tV . i-.' uifie'ror's . b- rtli- ilay " was art- noun. -. 1 by di ' charge's of artillery. ''. The .- ame evening, a Splendid eutertaiiifiwsut was given in the garden of the Si'im- e.: • . , This morning early the Sound of . Cannon again announced y,. {<.!,.,., Tt, t< multitudes of neafde in all quarters v - iifiuians , and thsr imbUo
exhibition* gwe '- he highest 61 " nion. Fire- work's wre'let offin'the Champs, fcly- g. i, t "<•!,) x, and, i u in dihtely after, there was a gt at iiiumihatlom His Ma'e- ty received, in his private (.. , i; v- i, at St. Ctond,. s3l the Prince--; and i'lmeesies; a fur winch, he gave audie- iite to the Ministers aful Grand OHi- rn of t> Umpire, and the laidics and Offj4fe(- s of the Ion. :'• 1 Household, a.. d jjut of . the Princes. ' I,' ' k, hi' " vj-. ijesty, seated on the throne, re- tro v I the congratulation of the Senate, the Council of State, the Coui t of Cas alio i,- Chamber of Accounts, the CI : rgy, ti; e Civil and Military Authorities of Paris, and the Consi* » ofv.
,. At'half- p. i t ten, Baron de Erever, Envoy Extraordi- nary am! Mini ter plenipotentiary from the King of Den- til - k, pre r. ited his letters of Credence; after which his Majesty gave, audience'to all the foreign Ministers. Their Majesties then attended Mas-,, which was followed with ' l'c Dtutm i on the conclusion of which there was a grand audience in the Gallery. 1: i - - eported that the Cnutt,- after passi ig a few days at will proceed to Fontainbleau. LONDON, / / DAY,, AtrGUST 40. A mail from Hely land arrived yesterday, bringing' Hamburghpapers and ! e. • rjof the 13th. Itappeats from so ' letters, that a slight knowledge of what is
passing in 1- ni sat last begun'to circulate in whispers amongst the inhabitant" of the North of Germany. Othel letters de cribe thi mi t- ry that pi . ails along the southern shore of the Baltic, 1, the midst of which the French, with their characteristic mixr> re of cruelty and frivolity, have levied from three of the Manse towns a vast sum to be expended at ! Sansbuigh in the celebration of what they call the Feast ej • JVapofrm. Ilernadotjc, who was to have presided at the ert* rtaiiunents,- had been ' suddenly obliged to set oft' for Jii ... l ' urgh, and the French troops'hail qriitted the nti; fh- 1... ;,!' Hamburgh in such numbers, that only the
tic - . ••• remained. The hf. •>• I, es imposed by the Ottoman Porte on the Christian inhabit.';;,: s ef Livudia ( Ancient Greece), and the coir- tant oppres i n which they • xperifcnee oh the part of tiwTurkish Government, have driven them to rise against their oppressors. XichoiasCa^ pulo, a native of Zap^ rzia, situated oil the mountain Ltier. a, the- ancient Olympus, is at the Vad of the insurgents, amounting to upwards of 12,000 nr n. They have already had several smart actions with the Bashaw of Tiskalat. Yesterday we received Dutch Paper? to the 23d inst. • which, ho,'.- ever, have furnished us" witu no intelligence whatever.
The Pari t articles ave confined to details respect- ing the celebration of Bonaparte's ' birth- day. The private letters from Holland concur in predicting a speedy rupture between France and Austria, The troops of the Con- federation of the Rhipe are said to have received orders to bold themselves in re?.: iinf - » to bike the field at a moment's notice, and considerable corps have been marched front France to reinforce the ainves in Germany. In short, Bona, art.- isev rv where mailing the necessary preparations for t, he immediate'ccftimericemejit of a campaign. Private letters from Rotterdam of ihc. 22d, repeat the i. umour of
approaching hostilities between France and Austria. That not only Russia but Prussia, as far as its jire'ent imbecility will permit, to take a part in the war against N,-; v i"' n.—[ t seems certain that the Austrian Ministk- r has quitted AmsK'Idam and returned to Vienna. He ha-: not, however,! taken with hi to all the members of liis missi ai. His. Secretary remain.,, and the pelations^ of amity are not fonnaliy broken.' lc is evident, ,' howevfr, that'll? is l- ealled for the purpose of conferring with his Court, on the present posture. of affairs between tlie two • Empires of France and Austria. Some more Spanish Papers have been received.
They contain an account of the battle of Bavlen, addressed hj ifle'tli Keding to Gen. Castaiios; but it presents few par- " ti'ci.' lai • not before known. It appears that in the actiyn of the ! 7th the French General Gobert was killed ; imd ' in'that of til 19th, which produced the surrender of the r. i lie of the enemy's army in Andalusia, Dupoiit and two other French Generals were wounded. A letter 1' rom Calcutta states, that it is universally • believed in India, that 500 French . Officers have been sent to Per ! end have begin: to organize the Persian artnhs, with the » ie. » of oil' naive operations agahi tus. The letter state-, that the
Mahratta- am pr ewring to declare against « !•', as so u as the bpportu i: ty is give .. Tht1 unpleasant jvirt of this intelligence i; much softened by the inftirma- t: rr that our - lovernve. ' nt in Iiulia is in full po'sS^ dli of *•• cireumstaneeS, and has time to prepare to vim. the ' Vicvi- • "• " " ' i, t .2k . • •:. Hv the last accounts from Sir Harry Rurrard we learn, that the Expedition order his command passed Cotunna en the 17th inst.' withe, pretty favotn aide wind; but tir-. t it at'terwal'ds became adverse; so, that it, is no't expected the Expedition woifld have reached Portugal 1) i re tie J .' d or id. \ VJ) ere the troops were to be dis- eat!),'.:- ked
ha. l not finally been decided. . Further accounts from New York have arrived byj • way ot" Liverpool. The letters from thenp^ of ^ he. CTJd n't. mention the great disajjoointwerit e'.^ crfetralrbJ the American Goreninjeat ' oa ] Tinding, tbat ottr^ lT^ sjj India Islands receive aMrlckyit su'^ ies of ^ romiln'sl lumber, 8: c, without Ufi^- S under tile jpg^ g^ fy - of reiving U[> on American, hospitality. : An American Jury hav.< distinguished themselves by e ma dy verdiecjn an action brought against a lelloiv- citiKeil for a pretended. a- sault on tt •• Frene'. i ' on. sul. far. Dallas, the !: striet- At tpniey., op- ned the pfo- eculion, hy declaring that it
mm insliluted by, uidijr fif the G: wernarf^ f. 1 Tie so'.- l-..: ef toe mighty power of Bonaparte— ot the sap^ gi sli p i. i n ef Frenchmen in acts of retaliation, and said that if the Defendant was acquitted, Americans would he at the 111 -. cj'of the French when they should nrfcet 011 the I' -. a, ' ! e - .' id, that if there was a verdict of cequitfal, the J' .: ich Jit,! . grar u'/ utd not. b « satisfied. with it.— TbeJury, liowe'. - ,' a :; tt d the Defendant. A letter from Dominica, dated the< 3d of . Tuly, states, the convoy for Great Britain was to leave Bartodoes 011 the I jt. h, Dominica on the 18th, and finally depart from Torti. la 0: 1 the 25th, under
convoy of the Galatea ti'i Mto of 32 ' ins, and the . Hipnoiuenes and Nimrodof 18 each. The Nimrod was sent from Barbados* on the 28th of Jui to co. l. ct the trede at- Suiiiyim, & c. The a( j| iadri;: i v/: iich has been watching Flushing arrived fr: on otV that port yesterday in the Downs. The kqundron wUeb h: i . b jen ei ttiitiog more to the north on the Dutch coast has also retro', led to port and arrived at Yar-. mouth"; >.'•'," - EciiAV TLACES end'id yesterday. The Dukes' of York a 1' ( iaie ee wete the St. wards,• and her . Majesty and the Flit,.' ei's, with the Dttke of Cumberland, made tlie fr wards a vi- it 00 Wednesday. A hand- yttie
platform was • erected tor the- Queen and Princesses to have a eormnodious view of the rnneing, to d an elegant martpiee Was pitched j,. •!• ' he p' 1 - o. in, in which the whole of the lltryal Party « :•••'.'. T:; •'<•• was a great deal of genteel company on the Dbv. il, • i : 1 very good sport. A separation has been determined upon in high, life, lie ier ' circumstance of a most extraordinary a'. iUuy. ' Ye n-. wiot at JiVeseut enter into the particular^ and must . tle refore content ourselves wlili observing, that the hap- . piness of a r male branch of the famiiy is destroyed tin- ev- r.—. Sun. The' per , mil etfefcts of the late Lady Bath amount
to between no. oOOZ. and'S50,0!) 0/.; and the sfamp- d; ity 011 ' tlv m'oha:.- o: her wilUo 3,5001. *' Three ntlemee, are already mentioned, one of whom, it s tjiimght, will stiepeed to the important and lucrative ,, r^ g., 1 .; :.. c secretary for Ireland, vacant hy the ile. « th nf tlr. Tialt,- w'o was appointed ad irj'crlr. iviz. Mr. " U. r oeo, .*'• rr. '- uoai'i'- II .11: . e, and : Yi". Cooke. ' f't,. e salary, & e. iSce. may be reckoned beyond GoQOI. per annum. On Wednesday the Court Af Directors of the East India Company took u, i the under- mentioned strips Mr ' the ensuing season :— Warren HasUng^, for Bengal and China; 1' rae Briton-,
Cuinherland, Scaleby Castle, Neptune, and Htairy Addingtou, for Bombay and China; Britannia and Perseverance, for Madras and China; Cuft'neils, for St. Helena, BeucoSle'n, hud China ; " Hindustan,' RoyalXUiar- lotte, Glattori, Thaotes, Albion, Marquis of Kly, and Nottinghaiii, for . China direct ; Admiral Gardner, and l.,; y. ly llurgess, for Madeira, . Madras, and. Bengal ; Lord Duncan, Lord Melville, Baring, City of London, and Do- ver Castle, for Madras anil Bengal; Castle Eflen, for Cey- lon and Bengal ; Marchioness of Exeter for Madeira and Bombay ; Lady, Custlereagh, and United Kingdom, for St. Helena and Bengal. The
Corn Harve. it has generally begun in the Northern comities of England, lit oats, wheat,* and barley, the crop fs'abundant, and it is generally acknowledged by the farmers that they have not had sueh'a rich harvest, both for straw arid remarkably wel'-' illed ears, for many years. The districts alluded to consist of ( he counties of Lincoln, Nottingham, Derby, Chester, Lancaster, York, Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, and \ Ve-, uriofelahd. , At tjle Assizes for Northumberland, Martin Brvan, for a highway* robhei- v, between Newcastle and North Shields, arid at the. same time cutting the throaty- Barbara Weir, with a razor, with
intent to murder her, was found guilty, and. received sentence , pf death. . The prisoner lodged with the prosecutrix, at South Sliields; was considerably in her debt ; and 011 the Incoming of the robbery she had lent him S0 « . Knowing h< fl- intention,, togo to Newcastle with the laoney of which he robbed, bar, be waylaid. Ijtr, jitteuipted to cut her fliroat, and barbaroijsiy.. jeft her to bUied to cfeath. He remains for exeentioif. V .- v ' ... » COKH EkcttANor'.,' Mg. 35. We have received but very little fresh Grain of any kind since hist Monday.; Wheat experienced no yaria'tion in price. Kve and? Barley are and Oats l. v. per quarter
cheaper. Grey and White Peas, and Ueaii. sof both kinds, remain without alteration. Malt it • is. per quarter iiiglver. Flour is It,?, per sack.' dearer BIHTHS.] " Lately, , at the Earl of Tankorville's, in Srivy Gardens, Lady Ossulston, of a daughter.— On Sa- turday, in St. Jatnes's- square, tbe Countess of Bristol of a son.— The same day, in Arlington- sti'eet, Lady Vi- e ' Uot'- ss Anson, of twin- sons, one of whom is dead.— The same day, in Chester- street, Grosvenor- place, the Lady of the Hon. W. H. Gardner of a daughter.-— On Wednesday, in Grosvenor- square, Lady Petre of a daughter.— Lately, at Sevenoaks, the Lady of the
Hon. Capt. R. King of a son. — On the 15th inst. the Lady of Sir Thomas Tancred, Bart, of a son and Heir.:— O11 Sunday, at Marsk Hall, in York- shire, the Lady of the Hon. Lawrence Dundas of a son. MARRIED.] On Wednesday se'nnight, the Rev. Win. Huntingdon, t. T Lady Saunderson, widow of Sir J. Saun- dclsoii.— On the 15th inst. at Ilorton, Salop, Mr. John Greer, in his 76' th yeai',' to Mrs. Sarah Palmor, aged 77 years: they were attended to church- by the bridegroom's children, grand- eleldivn, and great grand- children. DIED.] ' On' tlte 8th of April, at Rio de Janeiro, his Excellency General John Forbes, of Skellator, in
the county of Aberdeen, " ase'd ~ G j'ears. He was the senior General Offiber iti the Portuguese array, General and Go- vernor of Rio cle Janeiro, a Counsellor of War, General jof Cavalry, and Kuignt Grand Croix of the illustrion Or- ders of Axis in Portugal, and Carlos IHd. ill Spain.— On Saturday, at his seat at Tortworth, in Gloucestershire, in the 70th year cf his age, the Right lion. Francis Reynolds Morton, Lord Ducie, Provost- Marshal of Uarbadoes: his I^ ordsbip was first married to Mary daughter of Thomas • Purvis, E^ q. by whom he had two sons; the eldest, now [ Lonl Ducie, was horn in 1775, and married in 1789 to
Lady Frances Herbert, daughter of the Earl ot Carnarvon. — Monday morning, at Lee, in Kent, the Right Hon. Lady Dacre. Tile mi ad of her ! . adyship was so strongly tinc- tured with an amiable, though romantic enthusiasm, that for several years past she had made it au invariable rule to pay a nocturnal pilgrimage to the tomb of her husba d. Shi is succeeded in title and estate by her eldest son, the Hon. Thomas Brand, late M. P. for Hertford hire.—- On Wednesday se'nnight, suddenly, at Brighton, Sir George I'auncefort, Bart, his death was occasioned by an internal cancer, whiib on his being opened, win; found to have eat
away great part of his - tomsch.— Lately, at Birbartoes, Lieut.- Col. Bo. vyer, Adjutant- General tlier 4 and nephew of General Bowycr.— On. Thursday the 18th inst. at South- cot- House, near Reading, aged 86 years, the Count de Hector, the Father of the jfevy of France under the Mo- narchy.— O11 Friday, at his seat'Vear Dartf " rd, in K nt, John Cimuuii. g, Esq. Admiral of the Whit", a^ ed 70 year.-,,—^ O: [ Tuesday se'i'. night, at the Secret at y'.- Lodge, in the • Phoenix Park, Dublin, James Trail, E- q. Chief Si'cretary to the Lord Lieutenant for the Civil Department. — Oil Sunday, at his . lodgings near Portinan- square, Sir
Walter. Ogilvy, Bart, of Inverear, ity, North. Britain.— On tlie 28th of June, at Alexandria, in America, Mrs. Warren, wifii to the Manager of the Theatre there, for- merly Miss Brimton, of C' vent Garden Theatre, and elder sister, of Lady, Craven.— On the 24th of March fast, at the Cape of Good Hop-, after a few days illness, William f leftry Join Murray, the' only son of the Commissary- General to the army in that Colony. And on the 7th of April fol- lowing, Mrs. Mm ray, the wife of that Gentleman, of a nervous decline, brought on shortly after she had lost her infant child. BISHOPSTROW AND 1TFMEA. D INCLOSURE. IJOHN
GALE, sole Commissioner named and appointed . in and by an- Act'of Parliament made and gassed in the fertyfcjiejjSfi year " of the retgn of his present Ma- j : s-'. v, entitled'' An'Aft" for it) closinglr nils in the parish of ' BkliSpstrnw'; in the county of Wilts ; and also a common Pas- ture cJlpd. Pitm. cad, in the said Parish ami the Parishes of Warminster, Norton Bavant, and Sutton Vony, in the said. Courier, do Kefehy give notice, That I intend to hold my first attendance for the purpose of appointing a Banker, in jiarsu'aiice arid aedbrding to trie directions' contained in an Act passed in the forty first year of the. reign of his present
Ma- jt^ w, and" fo" jifoqeed in the furth r execution of the several ' powers vcr. te'd in me by the said Acts, 011 Friday the 2d cay 01 Sep' - nibtr next, at i. vo of the clock in the afternoon, at the hpuse of John Srjil. liar, known'by the sign of the Wey- mouth Arms- Inn, in Warminster.— Dated thh ninth day of Augnshi* JOHN GAL'E. • WILSFORC DIVISION. ~ W'K'whosc Nauies'are hereunto subscribed, being the Commissionci- s named in and appointed by an Act of Parliament inade ana passed in the forty- first year of the rcignfof his present Majesty King George the . Third, entitled " An Act for . dividing and allotting in Severalty
the open and common Fields and Downs, common Meadows, common Pastures, and commonable and . waste Lands, in or belorieing to the Parish, Manors, or Tythings, of Wilsford, otherwise Wdlsterd Dauntsey, otherwise Wiilesford Dauntscy, in the County of Wilts," do hereby give notice, That we intend to hold our next special general meeting, for the purpose of; car- rying into execution the several powers vested in us by the said Act, and particularly to read over, sign, seal, and exe- cute our Award thereupon, on Tuesday the thirteenth day of September'next, at one o'eloelt iu the attemobn, at ihe house of John. Strong,
known by the name cr sign of the Crown Inn, at Everlev, in the county of Wilts. - ' Joled this ninth day of" August, 1808. JOHN GALE, ti'- fg] JOHN BUTCHER. CODFORD * SAINT PETER. INCLOSURE! WrE whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being the Commissioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the forty- eighth year of the reign of his present Majesty, entitled " An Act for in- closing" Lands within the Parish of Cod ford'Saint Peter, in the County of Wilts," do hereby give notice, That we intend to hold our first meeting for the* purpflse'of appointing a Banker, QUARLEY,
HANTS, ' O be Ltetf, at Michaelmas » « t,—— A ' neat HOUSE, containing four rooms on a fljor and two gar- rets, abrewhouse and good cellars, > 1 BraaHl; arden, stable, & c. Fosr acres of Pasture Land,- in the front 01 the house, may be had if required. - fcettere ( post paid) atldressed to Mr. Wilkins, Down Farm, near Andover, will be duly attended to. [ 82i r? pO i> c LETT, and entered upon immediately,— A .1 neat COTTAGE, incomplete repair, standing in a Gar- den of an acre, distant about a mile and an half from Pqple, on the Ringwrtcd Road; also a COTTAGE and Ground ad- joining, of about four acres, the greater
part in cultivation as a Garden, stocked with varioun fruit trees, may be taken with the above or separate. For particulars apply ( if by letter, i> ost paid) to Mr. Moore, printer, bookseller, and stationer, PoOle. f751 i. ^ ; 7^ 0 he LETT, and entered upon at Michaelmas . next, for the Term of Three or Five Veer-., The MANSION- HOUSE of WEST STAFFORD, three miles from Dorchester, in the county of Dorset; consisting of two parlours, five bed- chambers, with garrets and necessary offices. There is some furniture in the house, which may be rented, or taken at an appraisement. Sixteen acres of mea- dow land may he rented
with the hoiise. -' fins advertise- ment will not again, be inserted. '' Application may. be made to the Il'tv. William Tloyer, Stinsford, near Dorchester, Dorset.' * ' ( 830 powers* vested in u- s by the said Act, on Thursday the eighth day of September" next, at two of the clock in the afternoon,, at " the house . of Thomas Morgan, being the George Jnn, at Codford Saint Peter, in the county of WilB ; at' wjiiih meeting ail . persons taring or claiming any Common, or other right to or in aur of the lands'or grounds by the said Act intended to he inclosed, shall deliver to the said Commis- sioners, 01 some or one of them, an account or
schedule in writptgsignedby them', of such their respective rights orclamis, and therein describe the lands and grpshdis, and the . respective messuages, lands, tenements, and . hereditarftents, in respect whereof they shall respectively claim to be entjtled to any, and which of such rights, in and upon the jameot any part' thereof, with the name or names of. the persons in the actual possession thereof, and the particular computed quantities thereof, ana of what nature and extent such right is, and also in what rights, and for what estates'and interests they claim, respectively, distinguishing the freehold frqm thexjopyhoid tntl
leasehold;; ? r on non- compliance therewith every of them making default therein will, as to such claim,, be totally tar- red and excluded. touted Uus third ijv of August, in the. year of. ota- Lord' 1S08. THOMAS DAVIS. rV0 be LETT, with immediate Possession, JL very pleasantly situated and convenient COTTAGE j consisting of a good parlour, kitchen, bed- rooms,' ire. ; neay the Church in the delightful village of Donhead St. Mary. . ,' l'he premises would suit'a single latly or gentleman, and wilfebe put iu repair and, altered, as. any person who may be- come tenant shall approve. Apply for a view of, the premises, and for
particulars, at the Black Dog, Ludwell. If a single gentleman should take tbe cottage, lfe^ vill be near a pack of'hounds. N. B. A two- stalled staclcon the premises. f [ 313 ' MONMOUTHSHIRE. rI" X) be. LETT, from Candlemas next, That very . A compact and desirabklarge FARM, called IFTON- ITH. I., u ov. ods of ; o: ty years in the occupation of Mr. John Proc- tor and bis father), situate - about three miles from the sea- port town of Chepsrow, from whence ttjere is. a market- boat trading weekly to Bristol, and adjoining the turnpike road leading to and near the New Passage. f'itfi For particulars enquire of Charles Lewis, Esq.
St. Pierre, near Chepstow* and Mc. George King will shew the premises. No person need apply unless he cifn be well recommended. Half a mite from the Sea, C/ tristchurch.— Nea JIon. se. HPO be LETT oil LEASE, UNFURNISHED,— A JL HOUSE in excellent repair; containing an eating room 20 feet by 1( 1, drawing room 27 by 18, breakfast pprloUr, eight bed rooms, detached kitchen with servants rooms over, scullery, larder, china closet, and other convenient offices; coach- house, five- stalled stable, garden, meadow, and fish- pond ; the whole containing about 10 acres, well wooded and intersected With gravel walks.
For particulars and tickets to view apply ( if by letter, post paid) ta Clement Sharp, upholsterer, Romsey; or 011 the Premises. [ 620 rT, 0 be LETT immediately, at Michehnarsh, near I Romsey,— A neat READY'FURNISHED COTTAGE, [ pleasantly situated, and adapted for the residence of a small genteel family. The House consists of two parlours, a drawing- room", three good bed- rooms, and three garrets, kit- chen and cellar, with a laundry, milk- house, and wasli- h' use, detached ; a coach- house and stabling for four horses; a g uden, and six acres of pasture adjoining. For further particulars apply to Mr. Stephen Warner,
soli- citor, Romsey.— Micheimursh, Aug- uit 27, 1808. 1831 LYNDHURST, NEW- FOREST, HANTS.£ ' TK) be LETT, and entered upon immediately, ready I. FURNISHED, for the term of Four Years,— A substantial FAMILY HOUSE, late the residence of Mrs. Macaulay ; nsisoingof a dining- room, drawing- room, library, Ifitchen, • 11 I other conveniences, on the ground floor, with suitable bed- rooms and attics; coach- house and stables, excellent kit- chen garden well stocked with fruit trees, ana ail acre and a quarter of pasture lar. d. ' [ 874 For funh r particulars apply to the Rev. Mr. on the Green, Lynd'eurst., or to - Mr.
Bigneil, solicitor, Banbury. v . BLAND FORD § f. MARY, DORSET". TX) be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A A . itt'ar Sashed and Tiled DWELI. INGrHOUSE, with a walled- in Garden adjeining; and Malt- house near the same, which will wort 89 " quarters p? r week. ' Ihe premises are leasehold, and pleasantly situated in the parish of Blandford St. Mary, and fit for the immediate reception of a genteel family. fo « 3 For further particulars apply to Mr. H. Biggs, Blandford. TO MALSTERS AND OTHERS. rjPO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A 1 FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, MALT- HOUSE, Garden, Stable, ar. d
Offices, - with about two acres or rich arable Land, situate at Wellow, in the Isle of Wight, now in the occupation bt' Mr. HiUiar. These premises are '/ cry desirable, being, in a fine I arlcy country; a good established custom, and has been used hi the abofre business; a great number of years. Possession will begiven at Michaelmas next. For the price, and Other particulars, apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Messrs. Mew and Porter, auctioneers, Newport, Isle of Wight. '•'•* [ fifirf A TAN YARD. HANTS. TO. be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A neat and convenient Freehold DWELLING- HOUSE, with suitable Offices, Stable,
Coach- house, Yard, and large Garden adjoiningtogether with an excellent TAN- YARD, containing eighty Pits, in thorough repair and in foil trade, at the side of which runs a rapid and never failing stream of water; with Mill- house, Drying- hous. s r. ev.- ly built, Bath- houses; Sheds, and every Other convenience requisite,' for a Tanner wishing to carry " 011 an extensive trade, situate in the pleasant' town of New Alresforfl, Hants, fifty- seven miles Irom London. Possession maybe had at Michaelmas next; and further particulars known 011 application to. l^ Ir. Kerby, Solicitor, Alresford. • " j'fa' 31 « ilj WILLIAM JENNINGS.
WILLIAM TUBB. i DORSET. RJPO he LETT, completely FURNISHED, and en- 1 tered ufio. a immediately or at Michaelmas next,— All tnat capi tal MESSUAGE called EDMONOSHAM HOUSE, fit for the reception of a gt- iteel family, with double coach- hOas-, excel! . ntsnli : stables, courts, yards, granary, dove- cote, extensive walled . . uaiens well stocked with chciiee fru't trees, orchard, shrubberies; pleasure ground, and lands, containing together about nine acres, pleasantly situated at Edmondjham, one mile from Cranborne, in the county 01 Dorset, 12 miles south east of Salisbury, 12 north east of Blandford, and IB from
Muddiford ( a delightful watering place), in a fine open country aboandtng With field sports, and hounds in the neighbourhood. Tlte Deputat on of tw • Manors ( attached to the premises), well stocked with game, will be lett with the above ; and a n at Curricle and pair of capital Horses, light Can, three- Cows, Pointers, flick of Hay, & c. & c. may be taken at a valuation, the proprietor t^ ing on foreign service. For further particulars and to treat apply personally, or bv etti- r ' post paid), to Mr. Arney, attorney at law, Close, Sa- lisbury.— The premises maybe viewed, in seasonable hours', by applying at the Mansion- house. [ 648
DORSET. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A DWELLING- HOUSE, Bam, Granary, Orchard, and Garden ; and certain Closes o( Arable, Pasture, and Wood Land, containg about 37. acrcs, now in the possession ol- George Roberts.— The above premises will be sold for three lives, to be named by the purchaser, subject to the present life interest of a person aged 80. Also,— A MESSUAGE, Garien, Orchard, and Paddock ; and Piece of. uniucloscd Land adjoining, containing about two acres, in the occupation of Thomas Fry.— These premises will also be sold for three lives, to be named hy tile purchaser, and
possession given at Michaelmas next. The above premises are pleasantly situated at Westworth, two miles south- east of Cranborne, ill the county of Dorset. For futther particulars and to treat apply to Mr. Arney, Close, Salisbury. The present tenants will shew the pre- mises.—( One concern.) [ 11- 12 DORSET. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT ( in Fee),— All that MESSUAGE, FARM, and LANDS, called LVMBI/ RQII FARM, and other Lands, situate, lying and being in the several parishes of Todbere and Marnhull, in six separate lots ( for the conveniency of purchasers) ; now in the occupation of Thomas Hunt and
Nicholas Kendall, ' as tenants at will. For a view of the same apply to the tenants, and for further particulars to Mr. Ridout, at Langton, near Blandford; if by letter, postpaid.— Langton, Aug. 17, 1808. [ 724 T To Jfutchmahcrs, Silversmiths, Jewellers, and others. no be DISPOSED OF by PRIVATE CON- TRACT, A large, spacious Brick DWELLING- HOUSE, with an excellent shop, and commodious p/ emises for carrying on th" above or any other extensive business, in the High- street, Winchester, iinmedia-. ely between the two principal Inns. The above house will be sold cither with br without the entire Stock in Trade, belonging
to the present'proprietor and occcupier, who has for several years carried 611 a considerable trade as a W .' chmaker and Silversmith, but now wishes to retire from business. Immediate possession may he had. N. B.— A large . Faculty Seat 111 the Parish Church will be soltl with the house. . For further particulars apply, ( if hy letter post- paid,) to Mr. Jacob, Printer, Winchester. [ 780 RPO be SOLD, A desirable FARM; comprising A a Dwelling- house, with Barns, and other suitable Buildings, and 3^ 0 acres of Land, chiefly in dommon- fields, together with very valuable Rights of Common, particularly for sheep, in convenient
and extensive downs and pastures, which are advantages almost inestimable. • This Estate is nearly all Freehold, and is situated at East lisley, Berks, where there is an . excellent She^ p- market, and only nine miles from Newbury,, one of the best corn- markets in the Kingdom. The land- tax. is redeemed; and a consi- derable part of the purchase- money may by on mortgage, if desired. The present tenant, Mr. Thomas. Saunders, has been th* occupier for nearly 30. ye.- rs', and has a lease at a'very'low rent; but of which, only two years will be unexpired at, M- chaelmas next. • ' To treat for the - jfturchasp apply to Mr. Hall,
attorney, at. • Newbury: . but,. to prevent . trouble, the pripe required| is 14,01) 11 Guinea, which sum may be realized to. great advan- tage in the purchase of tri s Estate, . as it will doubt! cs produce, tw years hence, a rlenrrqntof at least- 50% per annum. .({^ Ali letters should be post paid. '[ 877 abroad, will be SOLD by AUCTION, by GEO. HOOKIW, at his Dwelliug- Jiouse, No. ISO, High- street, 011 Wednesday the 7th of September, and following day, at eleven o'clock. \ VICINITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. rpO be SOLD,— MERRY OAK HOUSE, with JL two coach houses, stabMng, two gardens, in one of which is erected a
neat green house, pleasantly sttuated in a lawn of twelve acres, well timbered, and neatly laid out with shrubberies and walks. The house has been recently and expensively fitted, up; the rooms are numerous, large", and Ipfty, and ready for the immediate reception of u gentleman's family. The elegant Household* Furniture may be taken to by appraisement. For particulars apply to Mr. Geo. Hookey, Southampton. Letters ( post- paid) will meet tlue attention,." [ 71 SOUTHAMPTON. T^ LEG ANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, SZj rich Cut Glass, an assortment of fine Tuble and Bed Linen, a valuable collection of Books, modern
Plate, and other valuable Effects, the property of J. A. MANT, Esq. gone abroad ---;' l s. ,- rar aa u.. n ITOTTAV 1.. , i> ' hi) thi Further particulars in the next Paper."— Catalogues may be had in due time at the Auctioneer's, price fid. each. [ 849 Jielle Vue House, within half q mile of Southtimjitpn, rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, JL by GEORGE HOOX'EY, on Thursday the 22d of Septem- ber, 1S03, at one O'clock, if not previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given.— TVs elegant Mansion is beautifully situated in a lawn of about 1ft acres, tastefully laid out and planted, uee. rly
surrounded by a shrubbery of lofty fir trees ; adjoining is a very productive garden of about four acres, abundantly stocked and nearly encompassed hy a lofty brick wall, erected in which are elegant conservatories amply furnished with the choicest fruit trees in full bearing, and a profusion of grapes; succession and pine- houses, an extensive green- house filled with scarce plants; at a Convenient distance from the dwelling is a Coach- house fijr four carriages, stabling for nine horses, laundry, wash- house, dairy, anucc- house, cSc. & c. forming altogether a truly desirable residence for a family of distinction: tenure freehold,
land- tax redeemed, and immediate possession may be had. The Household Furniture and Fixtures may be taken by appraisement. Printed particulars may be had of the Auctioneer, South- ampton ; or ot Mr. Crosbie, Bruton- street, Grosvenor- square, London.— To be viewed with tickets only. N. B. The sale was to have taken place on the 20th day of August, but was unavoidably postponed. [ S4S SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at thcDolphins Inn, by Mr. WATTS, on Thursday the 1st day of September, 1 » 08, at one o'clock,— Fifteen Lots of FREEHOLD LAND" for building on, agreeable to the plan and
conditions of sale which will be then and there produced. The aforesaid land is situated in tie parish of St. Mary, abutting the road leading to the lane called Love and. the 11 iglands Fields, and now in the occupation of Mr. Marshall, as tenant at will. Immediately after the sale of the land will be Sold by Auc- ti n,— all the' MATERIALS of the Messuage or Dwelling- house, Stables, Cart- house, & c. mow standing on tha said premises. Til. plan may be seen, and further particulars known, by applying to the Auctioneer, at bis ofiiee in the East- street, Southampton. [ o' 6l HYTHE, NEAR SOUTHAMPTON. RGX) be SOLD. by
AUCTION, by Mr. STURDY, l at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, Hythe, on Wednesday the 7th dav of September, 1808, between the hours of four aed six o'clock, A FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, situated i- i the centrg of the above pleasant village, with a Garden that reaches to the sea, where there is a sufficient depth of water for small craft. The house consists, on the ground floor, of a front shop, parlour, kitchen, and back parlour, with brew- hoUse adjoining, and four bed- rooms over the above ; detached is a stable and a store- house; The above is well worth the attention of any person wishing for a situation in Hyt'he, either as a
private residence, or for any line of business. Width of the premises 33 feet, depth 131 Land- tax re- deemed,— and possession had at Michaelmas next. I'or particulars apply to Mr. Atriil, Hythe, who will shew the premises'. " [ 859 W1NKTON, NEAR MUDDIFORD, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the HOTEL, CHRISTCHUUCU, on Monday the 5th of September next, at three o'clock in the afternopn ; Lot 1.— A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, with requisite Out- buildings, about 20 acres of rich Arable and Pasture Land, and 13 acres of new enclosed Common. Lot 2.— A COTTAGE adjoining the above, lately fitted up, with a
stable, Coach- house, and Labourer's Cottage adjoin- ing ; and a Garden and Plot of about half an acre behind the same. The above premises are situated in and contiguous to the pleasant village of Winkton, which is distant 12 miles from Lymington. six froni Ringwood, and two from Christchurch and the much frequented Muddiford Beach, where there is every accommodation for bathing. For a. sightiof the premises apply to Mr. E. Budden, at Winkton; and for further particulars to Mr. Baldwin, solici- tor, Ringwood. [ 747 EFFECTS OF BROWNING HILL LODGE, HANTS, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, by STROUD arid JL
STIBBS, on Friday the 9th of Sept. 1808, and following day, on the premises, at eleven o'clock,— The neat, modern, and genuine HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; Piano' Forte by Longman ; a handsome Filly, 4 yrs. oil. out of a blood mare, a Milch Cow,-& c. being the property of a Gentleman leaving, his residence of Browning Hill, near Baughurst; comprizing four- post . and . tent'bedsteads, with dimity and cotton furni- tures; . exceeding good feather beds ana bedding, carpets, ' set " of'mahogany dining tables with circular ends, chests of drapers, tables, a set of mahogany ihoderh'braSS- nailed chairs, arid others; a table set of
blue and White china, upwards of 11) 0pieces; elegant cut and plain glass, china, books, prints, pier and dressing glasses, ope capital double- barrel gun by Tindall, two' fowl irig pieces by Richardson, lady's side saddle, < Ve. May be viewed the day previous and the mornings 01 sale ; and Catalogues iu due tirue at the principal Ions at Basingstoke, Kingsclere, place of sale, and of the Auctioneers, . Newliury. [ 873 TO be SOLD by AUCTION, some time in Sep- tember licit ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract),— The unexpired Term of Nine Years of. a LEA$ E in a pleasant COTTAGE in Hampshire,' situateat
East Cbbl dcr. ton, four miles. from Andover, 20 fri> m Southampton, and C, 7 from London ; replete with every domestic convenience; Grapery ami Peach- house in full bearing, extensive and highly- cultivsted Gardens, surrounded by walls cloathedwith choice fruit trees, with about thi) teen acres of rich arable and pasture Law', adjoining. The- Cottage, which is in complete . repa'i'i consists of a dining- room is feet by 18, drawing- room 24 by 14, breakfast parlour,' si't bed- rooms, atfifs, servants' hall, kitchen, butler's pantry, b'ew- house, and. undcr- iround cellars, wi. th double cq » ch- house', stables for eight horses, ^ traw hoo. se, granary, and other cor. rcnijmrouildirt. es. " For further particulars,- and a view of the- preiiiises, apply to Mr; Crfewtck, auctioneer; Audovtr,' ' [ 5e' 7 HOLLEY MOUNT, . NEAR SOUTH/ V'i Fl't. N, On the Road to Uotleij, over Avrtham. /. ho, e. npo be SOLD bv AUCTION, by Air. LISDEW, IL on W. stnes. l - ch • 7th of Scut, infer, iw, < m the premSes.— AT! lUfliOWS.' tl'HHfi" GOODS, the pt'- pertv .. :' a Gentleman quitting his t. sa'i.-. ce; consist'!',.. ... e' t feather beds, bedsteads, blaniLts, ai d eeutiieipajics; m , ... ganv tables-, many valuable^ trim's ; m. tlfcgiiiy s! ul oti. cr chairs ; kiteiieo requ stti- s; three " hots s . N. B.—
Th.- ininiturc'is almost n. w. The furniture to- be aieived tile morning 1 f sale till tw. lve o'clock, when the Auction will beg n. • ft c 1 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, it£. " rorrox. RPO be, SOLD by AUCTION, bv J. AU. EW, on - A Wednesday the 31st mutant,— The m - t ! ! lO) M HOI D FURNITURE, and other Wie - ts, of a < entl pi . n ij ,: tt i. g his residence; cOmprisng ixceeding e. • d m-;. g e. h.' n- post bedstea. is, with ' furhitur ; tent bcdstea is; e. r. e . -, ny oiiing and other 1 . bles and , i. airs ; elegant pier a:. d cii.- -, •• '- ' glasses; brewing ut reals, & c.' Sc. * [ 5.5.7, Sale at e lev a: o'clock, • OAK TIMBER, BE HE PtjiUiST, HANTS?
rpo be SOLD by AUCTION, bv order of the Rigi'. t H 1. Loid. Glenhiivie, Sere, vor- Ger. ia. 1 t. f . b's Majesty's Woods and Forests, & c. by Mr. l. t a; rus, a', the Golden Lion, Seuthwick, on Monde the s'fiih • I' -, : eei. ' r~, 1308, at three o'clock in the afternoen, in I intv- i- e • I •,.' which m'a'y beVieWeil till ( he d'T of sale ( Sunday • ,!) hy applying to Mr. Thome* Payne, L eper, at " V> ickl- ni- lodge; or to Mr. Ji. hn G. arv, k'e; er, at Crccclt- i. 1:. - ef whom catalogues maybe had, . with tec cowlit ons oi saie • and also at the Golden l. ic. n, Southwick, and cf Mr. Lie . aecuoneeV, - Bishop's WaU'ham. [.-,, t RHINEFIELD LODGE, Near
lirm- kenhvrsl, in ti'e X'eir Fores'. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, oH tie- Premises, by Mr. NEWELL, on Wednesday the d v of Septrmb- r lb05,—- The HOUSEHOLD FURNITUR I" <> » ' Ap . vtm ms' lately occupied by Colonel Hr. YWOoo, depeas d. at HI. 1 c- fidd Lodge aforesaid; consis'tmg of four- post, tent, ae. dh if. tester bedsteads, with fi wared cotton, m- ninc. ' ai d other furnitures, and window curtains to can spoml ; good feat', r beds, mattresses, and counterpanes ; Wilton i. mi'Scotc. h car- pets; npihogiiny ch'.- st of drawers, vvardrihc, sai. b •. i. l. t I- laret with brass hoops, dining, car i. and ot ., r tai I s, ni. ht table and
basou stand, walnut d. sk and book- case'v t: 1 l-. s - glass doors, sofas,- painted and other - clean', deal dr's- n g tables, pier, and dressing glasses, jeaister st \ cs, stoves 1 r burning wood', kitchen grate, smoke jack, fire irons and fen- ders, and a variety of other articles. Sale to begin * at ten o'clock. [ sffi) BASINGSTOKE, HANTS. Valuable Stage ff'aggon if arses, Mules,, Coirs, Ci. rs, Harness, fyc. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. TOLVII: K, on Wednesday August the :! lst, IW, precisely ' t ten o'clock in the forenoon, in the Yard of thi' Wheat Sheaf 1 a, for the !• ncfit of the creditois of Messrs Themes Lilev and Joseph Lilev,
of Basingstoke, carr crs and ccparto rs. ' ;.. ht young, seasoned, clever, stout St. ge Was- .< n liOf: S!•'-'• : • d , ar. d HARNESS, five other Horse's, s veu srroe. g haral 1, e Mules and Harness, two fine young M'leh C « . w « , three i'e:. s and Harness, a- new Narrow- wheel Wae, on. an- ir Wheel Coach Harness, three Saddles and Bridies',' & •. N, B. The above lipis. s and mules arc valuable,, have :• • in constant road- work, and are well worth the .; - uticn of . carriers and others. May be viewed' on the. morning of sale, when Catalogues may be had at the Auctionei r's. The Hous" h"' ld Goods and Furniture will be Sol I bv '
Auction 011 the 8th of September.— Particulars in next wet k's Paper. [ 5LE OF WIGHT. O be SOLD by AUCTION, hytMessrs. TUCKERS and PITTIS, ' at the George Inn, in Yarmouth, en V,'." L-. ftesday the lgtb'of October 180S, at two o'cauei; e. th. a. u r- noon, ( unless previously disnosea of by private c- utr it. of which notice wilj be given),'—- The following very d, . liable FREEHOLD ESTATES, in six Lots ; vi'.. Lot t.— A Messuage or Dwelling- house, Stab':-, and ': ir- den, in the town of Yarmouth, now in the occupation of i\: is. Martha Squire, Lot 2.— A Store- house and Yard, in tbe town of Yarmouth aforesaid, now also rn
the - occupation of the said Martha Squire. Lot 3.— A Messuage and Garden, hi Yarmouth aforesaid, now in the- occupation of Mr. Timothy Hi . th. Lot 4.— A Met e of Land, ' vie., in the T-- '. a Field, neat the toivn of Yarmouth, containing 2 A. 1) R. 17 P. Orthercebou,:;, now in the occh^ a'tio'h cf Mrs. Stepbcs: Lot ,">.— A Cottage and Garden, in the town of Y " riri- uth aferesaid, now in the cecupat on ,- f II ery l.' ew Lot ().— A Cottage and Garden, in the n wi of Y irn e. jth aforesaid, now in the occupation of Hu . : . The whole of the prop, rty is he d by tenants at w , a, el the land- tax has been red- emed. For further particulars
aynlv to Messrs. Claik. s and See ell, solicitors, Newport, Isle'of Wight, and t r a v- w ot ilic premises to the different teu nts. ' [,.,.; T E M P L E COM B E, , S Q M 1-; RSET. FREEHOLD LAN to S. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R. WABMAN-, ( in lots), on Monday the apth d y of August, 180 , be- tween the hours of four and six / clock in ti e afternoon, at the Blue Boar Inn, in Temple Combe aforesaid, subject to such conditions as will be then produced: Let 1.— ACIoseof Meadow or Pasture Ground, called Goare Lake, containing two acr s and a i alf fmore or less). Lot 2.— A Close of M edow, called Cockr'ra. d Ma d, con-,
taining four actes ( more or less).— One other CI. se adjoining, called Cockroad Ground, containing 12 acres ( more or less,;. N. B. Lot 2 is tythe'free. Lota.— One Close of Arable, called Lilly Ground, emit lin- ing three acrcs ( more or less).— One Close o'f Meadow, railed Little Moor Mead, containing one acre and an hah ( ir. oretir less). Lot4.— One Close of . Meadow or Pasture Ground, called Outer Marsh, containing five acres : more cr less).— O: e .. th a Close adjoining, called Little Marsh, containing four acres and an half ( more or less).— One Horse Leaze in Temple-'.: ne. Lot S.— One Close of Meadow, called
Sumnierbiiigc, con- taining five acres ( more or less). Let 0.— One Close of Meadow, called Lower Moony con- tiiningsix acres and and an half ( more or less). The above- mentioned Closes and Lands ( except Summer- bridge, lots, which is situate in the parish of Henstridge, in the said county of Somerset) are situate and lying in T-' mple Combe, within the parish of Abbas Combe, iu the county of Somerset aforesaid. Further particulars may be known on application to Mr. Bird, solicitor, Henstridee. f,;-> 4 To BE SOLD BY AUCTION, ' BY JOM WAR^ bn Wednesday the 3lst day of Augus't, 1808, at eleven o'clock in die
forenoon, at Bridport Harbour,— All the com- plete STORES of the Ship IIOSARIO, register 205 tons, cap- tured bv the True Briton, in March last, on her voyag- to Monte Video, and now lying in Bridport 1 larbour; consisting of anchors, cables, hawsers, masts, yards, sails, and rig- ting, the greater part of which are nearly new ; together with a pa- tent cabbooss,-. cook's, boatswain's, gunnel's, earpentei's, and other Stores, well worth the attention ef any perse n buihhug a vessel of the above tonnage '; also, worth the attention of cider- makers apd brewers, a quantity cf firm iron- bound butts, puncheons, hogsheads, barrels, and
other casks. At the same time Will be sold, a quantity of exceeding good twice- laid, second- hand, and other rope, with a quantity of junk or papcr- stuft'; wood guns and carriage::, blocks, com- passes, hooks and thimbles, with sundry nam work, a stent crane nndjib for a warehouse, and many other useful articles for shipping and building.' After the sale of the above will be disposed of, six capital ifon guns, four- pounders, with carriage-,- worms sponges now lying at Weymouth, in thi care o! Mr.- William Loader. N. B. As the ship Rosario is breaking up at Bridport Har- bopr, there will be many useful articles lor sale, w- uth the
attention of those who may become purchasers of the other goods. f7': i THE GENUINE BLACK DR0P.: ^^ HIS Preparation of Opium, which has been long i known and justly esteemed jh the'Mc - h of Fatal. 01 , ami at Bath, " under the title of the CBNOINK BLACK, DROP, continus to be prepared by Mr. Braithwaite, Surgeon, at Lancaster. It is Well knowfi . that common " Opium or Laudanum, in some constitutions, produces symptoms extiemcly disti > i. a, such .1--. head- ach, sickness, snd debility". The Black Dr p, freed from those, qualities which produce these effects, is ; p- plicablc in all cases where Opium ofLaudanum is
employed. It is greatly to be prefcrred'iTi'Nervous and Spasmodic Affec- tions, such as'.' depressiou of mind, 1 anxiety, and irrbtabiiity, coughs, asthma, and otjur ceniplaints if tlie chest; als- i " u chronic rheumatism, especially wlitn afle. ting the tcetli cr • face. . . '. .' ";' " f , The stiperior c'a. a! ii'es cf this preparation hate procure! it the- sanct Or. and recommendation ot several of the most cele- brated Practitioners in Great- Britain. Sold Wholesale-" by Paythenu , Savory,, and Co. Chemists, 13. fi', New Bead- street, London; and by their apeointm. or at Messrs. Broaic, Di wding, and L- i! tf' rj's, S.- Lsbury ; ard at the orircipa' towns
111 tilt United Kiredoni, price Si. lit!, nd is. Bd. a bott| e. " [ Slu JOFLFL .3 W T3 CI. TI:
THE SALISBURY AND WfSCHESTEftr JOURNAL. Sundays Post. Express. LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY NIGHT, AUCVST 27 WHITEHAIL, August 27. IH E King has been pleased to grant to the 13 Rev. John Plutnptrc, Clerk, Doctor in Di- • 1 viriity, the place and dignity of Dean of the Cathedral Church of Gloucester, void by the trans- lation of the Right Rev. Father in God John, late Ei ill op of Bristol, to the See of Hereford. ADUIKAITY OfPiCR, August. 27. Information of the fol- lowing captures has been transmitted to this Office.— Two gun- boats in the Weser, oil the 9th and 11th inst. by boat* from the
Alexandria, Capt. Cochrane, and tho Redbreast gun- brig, Lieut. Sir G. M. Keith.— A French privateer schooner, of 4 guns and 75 men, by the Bellette sloop. Opt. Sanders, 011 the 2d of July, off Barbadoes.— And ano- ther small i'rench piivateer, by the Cherub and Niuirod sloops, on the same station. WAR- OFFICE, Angntt 27. 84 th Regiment of Foot,— Lien tenant- Col. John Locke, front the half- pay of the late 8th Garrison Battalion, to be Major, vice Darling, who exchanges. 6th Garrison UnUnlion,— Major John Prinze, from the 63d foot, to be Major, vice Hastings, who exchanges. STAFF.— Lieutenant- Colonel Sir George
Smith, Kilt, of the 82d foot, to be Aide- de- Camp to the King, vice Howard, appointed a Field Officer in the Guards. The Average Price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, com- puted from the returns made in the week ending the 24th day of Aug. 1808, is Thirty- sir Shillings mid Ten Pence per Hundred Weight, exclusive of the Duties of Customs. BANKRUPTS. Benjamin Fnrmval, of Stockport, hafdwareman. John Kayncr, of Thirslc, druggist. . Tlios. Humphreys, of York, plumber. ' ii ttlrase. of Marston, dealer. • H. W. Lawsr> u, of Liverpool, draper. Robert Mottetam. late of \ Vjtl3nll, victualler. W. OUWant and T. Ollivant, of
Manchester, cotton- manufacturers. Wm. Wells, of Bolton, grocer. Hentv Silverlock, of II avail I, linen- draper. Cliaries Bell, of Penrith, linen and- w- oolten- draper. Geo. Pownall, of Holywell, currier. M. F. Brock*, Lite of Horsleydown, master- mariner. John Wardell, of King's Lynn, grocer. i Ilatjon, of St. James's- place, taylor. Titos. Daman, of Teddington, maltster. K Uobinson, of Manchester, cotton twist and weft dealer. N. Rowland, oi Greystoke- place, Fetter- lane, insurance- broker, ti. Pullinger and H.' Pullinger, of Ropley, Hants. taylor » . LONDON. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 47.. A Telegraphic Message w'as received
at the Admi- ralty yesterday evening from Plymouth, announcing the arrival of a vessel with the important intelligence of the Province of Biscay having declared in favour of the Patriots and risen against the French. The par- ticulars will not reach town till this evening.— Courier. A letter from Penzance, received in town this morning, states that a fishing- boat arrived in Mount's Bay, reported her having spoke a King's cutter from Lisbon charged with dispatches from Sir A. Wellesley, containing an account of the defeat of General Jutiot, and the surrender of the Russian fleet in the Tagus.—- Stcr. intelligence, we understand, has
arrived at Har- wich, importing that Sir James Sauiuarez has signified to the Danish Government, that unless the 5000 Spaniards, who have been prevented from joining their countrymen at Langeland, should be releaeed, he should immediately bombard Copenhagen.— Sun. It was yesterday reported, upon the authority of a letter from Heligoland, that an insurrection of a very serious nature had broken out in Naples.— lb. A private letter from Holland received this day, states that war between France and Austria is inevi- table.— Glole. The Code Nipoleon was solemnly proclaimed at Dantzic oil the 21st ult. The Magistrates
gave a grand entertainment on the occasion to the French Commandant Menard, and the Consul- General Massias. The States of Westphalia have rejected the article of the Code of Napoleon which prohibits the intermarriage of brothers- in- law and sisters- in- law. It is supposed that the French squadron which lately attempted to sail from Brest was destined to relieve Martinique and Guadaloupe, having troops and pro- visions on board. Mr. Frere is definitively appointed his Majesty's Minister to the Provisional Government of Spain. Twelve sail of transports sailed from the Downs on Thursday morning for the Nore, where, it is
said, they are to be joined by several others, and to proceed immediately to the Baltic, to take on board the Spanish troops to convey them to Spain. An Address to his Majesty, signed by the Gover- nor, the Chief Judge, the Members of the Council and Cabildo, and 300 of the most respectable inhabitants of the island of Trinidad, has lately been presented to the Se- cretary of State for the Colonial Department. They re- quest that the British Constitution, as established in the other British Colonies in the West Indies, may be ex- tended to that settlement. Major Camph « ' l, now under sentence of death in Ar- magh gaol, received
a respite from the Lord Lieutenant until Wednesday last. Notwithstanding the great inter- cession which has been made for hi in, his friends are under great apprehensions that the law will be allowed to take its course. PLYMOUTH, Aug. ? 7. On Sunday arrived the j Diana, of 14 guns;, Cipt. Mai'nwarins, frourSt. Darning ® , with a Messenger tin hoard, having dispatches < ro » the j black Chieftain (" hrwtophe, for his agent yi this country, j The Messenger landed, and'- set nlf for London with bis dis- patches. It is. again said that Christopb'.' s affairs in St. Domingo are in a vtfry prosperous state, and that he KV « M in a stjte of
luxur y and splendour equal , to that of the first Courts in Europe. The Mediator, of 44 guns, sailed on Monday, with all sorts of stores and provisions, for Sir C. Cotton's fleet, off lasbon. The Emerald, of 30' guns, Capt. Maitland, sailed on Tuesday for the coast of Spain, with dispatches ; and the Cricket armed brig, of 10 guns, sailed the same day for Corunna, with a Spanish Nobleman on board, who had been on a mission to London, atkl was returning with the answer of our Government. On Thursday came in the Adele French letter of marque, pierced for 18 guns ( only 8 mounted), and 42 men, from Bourdeaux, bound to
Guadaloupe, laden with provisions. Shfe was captured the 1.9th inst. by the Indefatigable, of 36 guns, in company with the Conflict gun- brig. Another vssel of the like description was in company, but escaped. Several other vessels are now loaded at Bourdeaux for the relief of the French islands. Came in also, the I'allas, of 32 guns, from a cruize. Sailed the, Gibraltar, of 84 guns, to join the Channel fleet; Narcissus, of 38 guns, for Oporto; Foxhound, of 18 guns, on a cruize; Crocus, of 18 gunsk with a fleet of vessels under convoy, for the Downs. On Friday came in the Mouche French schooner, of 8 guns, from Bayonne, with
dispatches for the Havannah, captured by the Goshawk, of 18 guns. The Mouche's guns were thrown overboard in the chace. PORTSMOUTH, August 27. Notwithstanding all the prohibitory decrees issued in Holland, our com- merce with the Dutch is not yet totally annihilated: About 170 tons of Dutch Cheese have within these few days been brought into this port; and we are told that a very large quantity of the same article has been carried into the port of London, and the various ports on the Northern and Eatteru coast. Monday.— Sailed the Pedargus sloop, Captain Hellard, with a General Officer, for Spain ; Fleche sloop, for
Ply- mouth, with convoy; Albacore sloop ; Sharpshooter gun- vessel, Lieut. Goldie, with convoy for Guernsey and Jersey. Tuesday.— Arrived'the Beagle sloop, Capt. Neweombe, from the Downs; and Dapper gun- vessel, Lieut. Tatham, from a cruize. IVednesday.— Sailed the Success, Capt. Ayscough, and . Tortoise stop- ship, with convoy for Portugal and the Me =< fd^ rrtmeaW.'.. Arrived the Daring gun- vessel, Lieut. Hayes, f from a cruize. • Thursday.— Arrived the Racehorse sloop, Capt. Forbes, from the Guernsey station. Friday— Arrived the Niobe, Capt. Loring, from the Irisli station. Saturday.— Sailed the Linnet brig,
Lieut. Traeey, on a cruize off Havre. Ou Thursday last came into harbour the Veteran, of 64 guns, Capt. Evans, and the Racehorse sloop, Capt. Fisher, to be repaired. The Dapper gun vessel, Lieut. Tatham, is appointed convoy for thS Downs, and the Daring gun vessel for Cork. WINCHESTER. SATURDAYr AUGUST 27. His Excellency the Earl of Chatham, Governoi1 of the island of Jersey, has presented the Rev. John Mallet, Rector of St. John's, to the Rectory of Grouville, in that island, vacant by the death of the Itcv. Francis Le Couteur. The Hon. and Rev. T. De Grev, A. M. Rector of Fawlev, and Prebendary of
Winchester Cathedral, has been appointed one of the King's Chaplains. On Tuesday and Wednesday the 77th regiment of foot, from Lincoln, came into barracks here. Amongst the late arrivals at East Cov. ee, are Lord Herbert Stewart, Admiral Nugent, Sir F. Men, Bart. Wm. Curry, Esq. and family, Capt. Curry, R. N. the Hon. Mr. Kinnaird and sisters, Burt, Esq. and family, & e. & q. 6cc. From the uncommonly fine appearanre of the hop plan- tations in Worcester- hire and in Herefordshire, there is every reason to expect an abundaut crop. Last week was married, in Hertfordshire, John Freeman, a Chimney- sweeper, to Miss
Priscilla Thaek- thwaite, with a fortune of £ 4,000 !'. Miss T. was a very eccentric character, and on her coming of age declared, that she would be married either to a soldier or a sailor, cobler or a chimney- sweeper. Inconsequence of this de- claration, Peter Norman, a soldier, Henry Dalton, a sai lor, James Hunt, a cobler, and John Freeman, a chimney sweeper, respectively paid their addresses to this fair female, and exerted all their abilities to win her heart. After a mature deliberation on the merits of the different suitors, she gave the preference to the member of the sooty tribel On Monday last was married Mr. Pommel Ed monds, of Ringwood, to Miss Veal, of the same place. Last Sunday was married, Mr. Yalden, miller, to Miss Kesia Baker, of this city. At Rotn; ey Fair, on Friday last, there was a very large supply of Cheese, but the sale was heavy, particularly that of inferior quality. Prime old Cheese, and new of the best kinds, met a readier sale, at a reduction in prices ( from the currency at Magdalen Hill Fair) of about St. to 71. per ton. This reduction of price is supposed to be occasioned by the quantity of Dutch Cheese on sale. Good horses commanded high prices; there were, however, v « ry few of this description, but plenty of bad ones,
at low prices, Joseph Brown and Joseph Hazlegrove are committed to the County Gaol, charged with the murders of Elizabeth Fletcher and George Calvet % near Peckfield, in Yorkshire, and with having committed divers robberies in the same county, all of which Brown has confessed. On Monday evening the Prince of Wales, Duke of Cambridge, and suite, pa- sed through this city, on their way to Dorchester. On Tuesday morning the Prince re- viewed the troops in barracks and quarters at Dorchester and Weymouth, consisting. of two regiments of the German Legion, the 5th Dragoon Guards, the South Devon and Vil
Somerset Militia, amounting altogether to 4000 men. The review took place in Fordington Field. The Prince was mounted on a beautiful charger, most elegantly capa- risoned, and was dressed in a superb hussar uniform. The troops performed their evolutions in a very capital style. After the review, the Prince, Dtike of Cambridge, & c. rode iflto Weymouth, and dined with the General and Field Officers, & c. at Scrivens's.— The Earl of Cavan, Baron Linsingen, Major- Gen. Ward, Lord Rolle, and Lord Hinton, were among the company. IN the evening the Royal Bro- thers went to the Rooms, which were much crowded.—
Thursday morning the Princes left WeyrrjuUth, ou their- return to Windsor. On Sunday the 21st itist. the Lord Bishop of this Diocese held his first public Ordination in the Cathe- dral, when the Rev. William Sandford Wapshare, William Mervin Prower, and William Mallet Hob- lvn were ordained Priests; William Wavell, John Tregonwt- ll Napier, Joseph Brown Morris, Edward Elms, and James Young, were ordained Deacons. Lately was married Mr. Thomas Box, of Fitten Farm, to Miss Alexander, of Lawngton, in this county. The same day was married Mr. Edwards Saunders, of Lavington, to Miss Mary Box, youngest daughter of
the late Mr. Box, of Fitten Farm, and sister of the above Mr. Thomas Box. On the 17th inst. was married Mr. T. Morlev, builder, of Trowbridge, to Miss Shrapncll, only daughter of Mr. R. H. Shrapnell, of Hilperton. On Friday the lgth inst. was married, at North Cadbury, Mr. W. Winsor to Miss Watts, eldest daughter of Mr. R. Watts, of Woolston. On Sunday the 2lst inst. was married Mr. T. Williams, of Calne, to Miss Farr, of Bath. On Thursday last was married, by the Rev. John Savile Ogle, Sir William Parker, Bart, of the Koyal Navy, to Miss Elizabeth Still, third daughter of James Charles Still, Esq. of East Knoylc, in this county. On
Tuesday died Mrs. Brindley, wife of the Rev. Mr. Brindley, of Lacock, in this county. Marlborough Lamb Fair, on Monday last, was well attended, and the Lambs in general sold well — 50 Horn I. ambs, bred by Mr. Thomas Palmer, of the Paisoilage at Fitst Gars ton, sold for 47 s. per head ; 50 of the mixed breed, by Mr. Osman, of Axford new Farm, in the parish of Ramsburv, ' old at per head ; and 50 of the South Down breed, by Mr. Ostmn, of Upton, near Overton, Hants, sold at 2Gj. per head. Each of these Gentlemen had a prize cup, of six guineas value, on account of their Lauibs being the hest of their class at the fair. Silver
cups of the same value were also given to Mr. Shipway and Mr. Pocock, the two purchaser^ of the greatest number of Lambs at the fair. The games of single- stiek, wrestling, &* c. at White Horse- liiil, near IJffington, Berks, on Friday and Satur- day se'unigbt, afforded a high treat to the amateurs. The prize at single— tick, after much excellent play, was won by Flowers, from Wiltshire. The Cornwall Assizes ended at Bodmin on Saturday night. Among the trials on the. Crown side was the King v. Sir Christopher Hawkins, Bart. This prosecution, our readers will recollect, originated in a decision of the House of Commons on the
report of the t. ominittee appointed to try the merits ofa late election for the borough of Penrhyn. The defendant was acquitted. On the - civil side, the popuiar lawyears reaped a pretty good harvest at these Assizes.— Mr. Garrow, we ire told, had speeial retainers to the amount of 1,5001. A CAUTION.— There is a tall, stout man, of mean ap- pearance, travelling with a petition, under pretence of loss from tire in the neighbourhood of Gillingham, in Dorsetshire. It is true that he sustained some loss, hut he was iiulemni/ itd bf a Fire Insurance Office, This day are published, an enlarged edition of 1. IT" EARSLEY's TAX TABLES for
1808, con- - IV taining aconc'se Tabic of the New Stamp Duties, the New Assessed Taxes, Property Tax, and a variety of other rax Acts ot general importance, brought down to the present time. Price Ii. r 2. A separate SHEET TABLE of the most General Taxes, for the use ot Counting Houses, Halls, Offices, & c. corrected to the close of the Session, 1806. Price it. Printed for G. Kearsley, Fleet- street, London ; and sold by Brodi?, Dowding, and Luxford, Salisbury. fCJI WANTED, for the next five or. six Months,— A Clergyman, in full Orders, to take the care of a smal church in the vicinity of Weymouth. Application for pur ticulus
to be nude to Mr. Frampton, Stationer, Dorchester. THOMAS GUILLAUME, jun.< begs leave to inform the Gentlemen, Farmers, and the Public, living in the vicinity, that he has a Stock of very capital burning COA1. S to be SOLD, in any ouantity, at the Town- Quay Prices. NORTIIAM YARD, SouTH » M? TO> r, Aug. 1 « , 1R08. [ 697 J.' WINCHESTER. MANT, UTHOLSTEJAM, AUCTIONEER,' impressed with the warmest sentiments of gratitude to his friends and the public for past favours, most respect- fully informs them that he is about to decline the ilamij'ac- htrinc part 9t his Concern, but that the Auction and Atifirait- i'V
Businesses will be carried on by him as heretofore, and embraces this opportunity of soliciting a continuance of that kind patronage and support in those branches which he has so liberaly experienced for upwards of twenty tears past. J. M. bt- is leave also to inform the Public, that his valuable Stock of UPHOLSTERY and CABINET GOOBS, Paper Hang- ings, & c. is now selling from 10 to SO percent, under the usual prices; likewise several thousand feet of prime season- ed Mahogany and other woods, particularly an excellent js- sortment of fine table boards, from 4 ft. to J ft a in. wideL and some capital Veneers, Shop
Fixtures, double counting- house Desk, Work Benches, Tools, \ c. ( 584 CHEAP TRAVELLING, BY the Commercial SALISBURY and I. OXDOX COACH, from the Three Swjns, SALISBURY, to the Bell Sa » a; e, LUDGATE- HILL; afternoons at a, quarter be- fore four o'clock: performed by EDW. PROCKTER and Co. Who inform the public it is their determination not only to convey their friends at » moderate price, but also with safety, and have given positive orders to the driven on no account to attempt any thing unpleasant to the traveller, by unnecessa- rily running the horses; and any complaints to that effect will be
immediately attended to, with thanks. Th, e proprie- tors also beg to remriTk to the inhabitants of the tuwns of floniton, Chard, Crewktme, Yeovil, Sherborne, Shaftesbury, Wincanton, Sommerton, Taunton, SEC. Her. in particular. that by forming a Party of Three in a Post Chaise to Salis- bury, and then taking the Commercial Coach from the Three Swans Inn, they will save nearly one guinea in three each person, and be always certain of placet on to London. N B. Good accommodation for Baggage and Parcels, and coverings to protect it from the weather. OtCJ* Carriage of Parcels under one pound weight Sixpence only, as
usual.— SALISBURY, » 8o » . [ 788 CATHERINE WHEEL INN, ANDOVER. NEW and Cheap Elegant Commercial Expedition COACH, at Reduced Fares, to the Bell Savage, Ludgate Hill, LONDON, performed by EDWARD PROCKTEK » Co. who beg their Friends in and near Andover to be particular in ordering their Placcs and Parcels to be booked at the Catherine Wheel 1 nn, as the Proprietors of the Commercial Expedition have no connexion with any other Andovrr Coach whatever, and are fully determined their Friends in that pait of the country shall travel cheap, and in safety. ANDOVER, AugustiQ, 1808. rJ", HE
PROPRIETORS WANTED, as COACHMAN, in the Country, in a small family,— A sober, steady, middle- agett Man, who thoroughly understands his , busint' 83, and can have an undeniable character from fiis | j# t place, where he must have lived at least twelve months.— He must be of light weight, and about the middling size. For particulars apply to the Printers. A LL Persous having anv Demands on the Estate of the late GEORGE ROWE, heretofore of Cranborne. in the County of Dorset, and afterwards of the City of Bristol, Surgeon and Apothecary, deceased, are desired to send an account ot the same, by letter ( post paid) dijcctld'to Charles Bowles, Shaftesbury. COBB'S BANKRUPTCY. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and issued forth against CHRISTOPHER' COUB, late of Ringwood, in the county of Southampton, Hosier, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on Tburi- day the 15th day ot September next, at three of the clock iu the afternoon, at the house of Joseph Pierce, known by the sif « of the White Hart Inn, in Hintwood aforesaid, in ordtt'to make a final dividend of the F. state and Effects of the said' Bankrupt; when and where th^ Creditors, who liayc not already proved their debts, are to CI rue prepared
to prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the Start divi- dend. And all Claims not then substantiated will btd. sal- iowed.— Dated this \ yth day of August, l « W( 791] WM. HOOPER, Solicitor, to the Assignees. HORSE STRAYED. TAKEN Up, in the Corn Fields- of Sir C. W MA LET. Baronet, on the Folly Down,, in the parish of Newtontoney, on Tuesday last, A DARK- BROWN MARE, about twelve hands high, of the Forest breed. Whoever can prove it their property may apply to Mr. Johji Clark, Sir C. W. Malet* s Bailiff, and, upon H » ymetit of all expences, will have it restored to them. TO he SOLD, kHNTEltS.
TWO BRACE or well- brad , _ A fair trial will be allowed. Also to be sold,— A very handsome GREY MARE, about fourteen hands high. Enquire of Mr. King, Crown Inn, Ringwood. ELEGANT VILLA, NEAR POOLE, DORSETSHIRE, W1TU IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. T) be SOLD bv, PRIVATE CONTRACT,.— A singularly elegant FREEHOLD VILLA, called » JNS Sold, most delightfully situated in the parish ot Lytuhet, five miles west from the town and port of Poole, in the mad to Wareham, in the county of Dorset, the property and re- sidence of JOHVJETFERY , Est).; consisting ot a ttibttantial modern- built house, containing
airy, cheerful, and neatly finished chambers, a handsome entrancCrhall, elegant draw- ing- room, spacious bow- window eating room, circular library and breakfast room, with all requisite and detached offices ajid farm buildings ; a capiti. 1 green- house, hot- house, ice- house, walled kitchen gardens, lawns, shrubberies, and plan- tations surrounding two paddocks of rich pasture land con- tuning about ; io acres, ami sundry ioclosures of rich meadow and arable land containing about 60 acrcs. Particulars may be had on the Premises; of Mr. Willoci, No. 15, Golden- square, London; and of Mr. Wickens, at Mapperton, near
Blandfotd, Dorset. p* 47 HOME MARKETS, Prices of C" rn, per Quarter— Bitad, per Gallon. Aug. Salisbury, 83 Basingstoke, 21 Devizes, 25 Newbury, S5 Andover, 97 Warminster, S7 Wheat, I. 78 to 86 70 to 85 75 to 89 Barley. Oats. s. 40 / » 4 » > 38 to 4G 40 to 44! 40 to 43 40 to 43) 42 to 44 74 to 93 ! 40 to 42 I 40 to 45 S9 to 891.19 to 40 [ 34 to 40 78 to 86,40 to 44139 to 43 Beans. I. J. 72 to 78 65 to 69 68 to 71 68 to 71 65 to 69 72 to 74 Weight of the. Gallon loaf, 8 lb. Muz.— llalf Gall, - ill Bread. d. WILTSHIRE, 180< THE VENISON FEAST, which has been ad- vertised to be at Bradford, on Tuesday next the 30th of
August, will be on that day at the George Inn at Trowl- ridge. Dinner at half- past three. of the old SALISBURY _ COACH, from the Black Horse, Salisbury, the Sara ecu's Head, Friday- street, and the Bell and Crown Inn, Hoi born, return their sincere thanks to the Public for past favours — For the better accommodation of their Friends at Andover, Overton, Whitchurch, and Basingstoke, they respectfully beg leave to inform them, that on Wednesday the 17th instant, they will commence with a new and eleeant " light Telegraph Coach, called THE ANDOVRR EXPEDITION; will leave the above Inns in London on Monday,
Wednesday, and Sunday afternoons; and the George Inn, Andover, on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings. WH1TMASH, FAGG, PENNY, and CO. C71J _ PROPRIETOR*. bv AUCTION, on the Premises, , by C. NORTON, on Thursday, the lu SALISBURY. O be without reserve, ,, day of September, I80D,— The HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Stq. ef a Lady quitting her residence on the Canal; consist- ing of bedstead and green furniture, feather beds, blankets, counterpanes, mahogany wardrobe, side board, dining tables, uhairs,- Etc. cbititt window curtains, elegant china in dishes and plates, fine prints, and a number of
useful articles in the culinary line. N. B. Sale to begin precisely at eleven o'clock. [ 878 SALISBURY, WILTON, AND LONDON FLY WAGGONS, daily, to and from the CASTLE and FALCON, AtDLRUGATE- STREET, London, and their Ware- house, Milford- strect, Salisbury. ' I'hcsi Waggons take up and put down Goods at the Old White Horse Cellar, and Black Bear, Piccadilly. No Money, Plate, Jewels, Glass, or other valuable or hazardous Goods will be paid for, if broken or lost, unless entered as such, and paid for accordinely. NICHOLAS BROWN,\„ . 130] JAMES BRICK, f* foPr, e< ors- WHEREAS the GAME on the
Estates of GHOVE PEACE and JUMPERS, in the parish of Christ- church, has lately been poached and destroyed :— Persons found trespassing thereon will be prosecuted ; and all licensed and qualified persons are hereby requested to abstain from sporting on these estates. GAME. HEREAS the Game in the several Manors of w BIRTHS.] On Wednesday, at Farnhorough, Warwick- shire, Lady Mordaunt of a son.— Yesterday, in Upper Gower- street, the Lady of Benjamin Hall, Esq. M. P. ofa son. . MARRIED.] Lately, at Kensington, Capt. Forrest, of Binfield, Berks, to Mary eldest daughter of Col. Lowther, M. P. for
Westmoreland. DIED.] Lately, at Seringapatam, in the 4.1d year of his age, General Sir William Clarke, Commander in Chief of the district.— On Monday, in Chandos- stroet, Cavendish- square, Benjamin Way, Esq. of Denham- place, Berks, F. R. S President of Guy's Hospital, and late Sub- Governor of the South- Sea Company. PRICES OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three 0' Clock, Bank Stock, 23.9 Long Ann. 16 9- 16ths. India Stock, 179 Omnium, J a 1 dis. South Sea Stock, — India Bonds, 3 a 4 p. 3 Cent. Red. 66J Exchequer Bills, 4 a 5 p, 3 ^ Cent. Cons. 66$ Irish 5 Cents. 971 4 Cents. 85 J Imperial 3 ^ Cents. 65$ 5 v
Cent. Navy, 98 English Lott. Tickets, £ 5 - ji Cent. 1797, — Ditto Prizes, Cent. dls. FA- LMOUTH, August 25.^ The Prince of Wales packet sailed for Corunna on Saturday last. The Nocton and Duke of Kent packets arrived on Sa- turday, the former from Jamaica and the latter from \ cw York, kc. The embargo still continues in America, " hie report of the surrender of Martinique is premature ; such an event, however, from the present state of the French West Indies, is not improbable. A transport, with part of the 36th regiment of foot belonging to Sir Arthur Wellesley's expedition, arrived here some days since, and still remains;
she had parted from the convoy soon after its sailing. SALISBURY. MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1808. FRENCH TROOPS in SPAIN.— It is perhaps not ge- nerallv known, that there are at present as many as 71,600 French Troops in Spain. The following state- ment of their distribution is from the first authority : it was made out in one of the public offices, from the ac- counts last received :— Donhead, in the county of Wilts, belonging to the Right Hon. Lord Arundell, hath of late years been very much destroved, all qualified persons are requested to abstain from Sporting on any of the said Manors : and unqualified persons found
Trespassing will be prosecuted with the utmost rigour of the Jaw.— llardoicr Castle, August 46, 1808. ANew SALISBURY and WINCHESTER POST COACH, and from thence to GOSPORT and PORTS- MOUTH ; sets out from the Black Horse, Salisbury, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning at eieht o'clock, to the Coach and Horses, Winchester, from thence to the Red Lioo, Gosport, by five in the evening; returns every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning at nine o'clock, and arrive* at Salisbury by six in the evening, in time for the Exeter, Plymouth, Bath, and Bristol coaches. Calls at the King's Head,
Stockbridge; Crown, Bishop's Waltham; Star, Wickham ; and Bugle, Farcham. Passengers . and Parcels booked and regularly conveyed to the following places — Newbury, Oxford, Alresford, Alton, Farnham, llavant, Emsworth, Chichester, Bognor, Brighton Worthing, and F. ast- Bourne. The above is an excellent accommodation for those travellers who wish to sleep in Salisbury and proceed to any of the above places in the morning. 539J JOHN PERRIN, Proprietor. COPYHOLD OF INHERITANCE. WEYMOUTH, rpo be SOLD by AUCTION, by T. TINPAM., JL at the Crown Inn, on Wednesday the 7th day of Sep- tember
1808, All that dtsirable Piece of LAND, called BIACICEANO, coma ning in statute measure I Acre, 3 Roods, 15 Perches, the property of J. H. Browne, Esq. muate in the parish of Wjke Regis, within a few minutes walk of Wey- mouth. This land commands a most extensive view of the town, the island of Portland, the cast and west bays, and is a most eligible spot for building. For a plan and particulars apply at the office of Mr. Johns, attorney at law, Weymouth; or to T. Tindall, broker. The sale to begin at three o'clock in the afternoon. WELLS, SOMERSET. THIRTY GUINEAS will be plaved for at BACK- SWORD, in the Market
Place, in ' the City of WELLS, on Tuesday and WHnesday the 20th and Slst of September 180- 8, viz. FIVE GUINEAS, to be played for each Morning with Padding. The If'cdmore Dlues against all Kngtand ! To mount the Staee precisely at ten o'clock. And TEN GUI- NEAS, to be played for each Afternoon ; to mount the Stage precisr ly at two o'clock. [ 830 * » * If there are sufficient number of Gamesters from Wilts, Hants, & c. the play in the afternoons will be without Padding. Great encouragement will be given to the Gamesters. WHITE SWAN INN, ANDOVER. WM. SELF ( from the Weymouth Arms, War- minster), having
taken and entered upon the above Inn, humbly solicits the favours of the Nobility and Gcntty travelling the Great Western Road, and the Public in general, assuring them of the most unremitted attention to their com- mands and the best accommodations, having furnished hjs house in a neat manner, and with the best bedding, and laid in a stock of the best old wines and other liquors. N. B. Neat Post Chaises, with excellent horses and careful drivers. X^ t Good stalled Stabling, with the best hay and corn and every attention paid to Gentlemen Travellers. f8G > Segovia... v Valladolid,.. Burgos Pampeluna.. Toledo 11,000 .,..
12,000 10,000 8,000 10/ 100 Saragossa Moneey's Corps Barcelona Figtieras . 4,00* . 6,000 , 10,000 600 71,600 On a reference to the map, it will be seen that it is possible for the greater part of these troops to unite to- wards the frontiers, and join Don Joseph in his flight by Burgos. It is evident from this statement, that the Spanish Pa, triots have yet mueh to do; and it is a subject of congra- tulation that they possess virtue and courage to give the fairest prospect of success in the arduous undertaking.— The Gentleman who communicated the above, eouversing with a distinguished Officer recently returned from Spain, and
who was soine time with Custanos's army, was assured by liirn that the state of discipline which the different bat- talions, composed almost wholly of the peasantry, had attained was really wonderful; they appeared equal to the best troops in Europe; as an instance of which, he observed that all their movements were made on a centre company, which military men know to be much more difficult than 011 a flank company, and a great advantage in ppint of time.— May their efforts be crowned with the suece- s they merit, in the speedy expulsion of those Frenchmen who now contaminate their soil, and in the protection of their
frontiers from those hordes which their oppressor is marching in furtherance of his tyrannical views 1 PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY. MESSRS. BRODIE, DOWDING, AND LUX- FORD, Successors to Mr. COLll^ S, most respect- fully inform the Nobility, Genu v, & c. that they have now on tale a very large Collection of MODERN PUBLICATIONS in British Literature, best editions, which they are selling at the London Prices. They have also in their collection of books fine copies of the following csteeme'J works :— Cary's Universal Atlas, Smith's C » unty ditto, Miller's Gardener's Dictionary ( folio), Daniel's Rural
Sports, Sportsman's Ca- binet, Stedman's Surinam, Collinson's Somerset, Wood- ville's Medical Botany, Donovan's British Insects, Botanical Magazine, Sowerby's Botany, Shaw's Zoology, Monthly Review, Annual Register, and Gentleman's Magazine; splendid editions of Shakspear, Lavater, Hume, Gibbon, Robertson, Johnson, Swift, British Essayist, Arc. in Russia, Morocco, and other bindings. BRODIC, DOWDINO, and LUXFORD having considerably increased their stocl: of STATIONARY, they are now enabletl to offer to their friends and the public several lots of uncom- monly good WRITING PAPERS, at the following
low ( money) prices:— Superfine thin Quarto Post, yellow wove and lined, at 16. t. 6d. the ream SO quirts, no outsides, fnot ICki. a quirt) ;— fine thicker ditto, at | 7 » . 6d.— thick ditto, at lf> 5.— and superfine ditto, at 20s— Folio Copy Paper, at 24s. the ream;— a good second Pot Paper, at 1&. 6d fine thick Foolscap, at i(> s. 6d— and superfine ditto, at iSs. Not less than a ream at the alove low prices, A capital assortment of ACCOM PT BOOKS, Scaooi BOOKS, Bint. ES, and COMMON PRAYLU BOOKS, at the London prices, with good allowance to schools, the trade, & c. *„ » BARRETT'S WAX LIGHTS, at the same money
prices as at the manufactory, whereby the cost of boxes and London carriage is saved to Ladies and Gentlemen residing in the West of England. Giasov's PLAYING CARDS.— SMYTH'S, BAYIEV'S and WARREN'S PERFUMERY. • [ 601 POOLE. TIMBER, DEAL, and IRON TRADE. THE above Business, lately carried on by JOHN LLSTIR and Co. will in future be conducted under the same firm, and on the same premises, by F. P. GARLAND and H. G. Ksic. n r, who have just imported from Sweden a C; irgo of RED and WHITE DEALS, PLANK, PITCH, TAR, and IRON; and from America an assortment of Square Timber,
Mast, Spars, Plank, and Pine Board; they have also laid in a Stock of British Iron, Steel Hoops, and Weight Nails, of every description, v.- hich they are determined to sell on reasonable terms, with a liberal allowance for cash payments.— August 46, 1808. [ fi6j J.' Chicisgrove, neai Tishury, IVilts. RPOBE SOLD by AUCTION, bv GERRARO and X Co. at the Compass Inn, at Chicksgrove, on Wednes- day the 7th day of September, 1808, between the hours of three and six, subject to such conditions as will there be produced, unless disposed of in the mean time by Private Contract, of which notice will he given,— Two COTl'A. if-. S or TENEMENTS, and TWO GARDENS, together with a Stable, Cart- house, Out- liouscs, and premises thereto be- longing, situate at Chicksgrove aforesaid, held by lease under the Right Hon. Lord Arundel for three good lives, subject K> a small quit- rent for each Tenement and Garden. Also a Piece of PASTURE LAND or ORCHARD, containing Vy measure about one acre and a quarter, planted with choice fruit trees in full bcarine, situate at Chicks ( trove aforesaid, held by lease under W. Beckford, Esq. for three good live--, subject to a small quit- rent. For a view of the premises apply to Samuel Laver, on the spot 1
and to treat ny Private Contract to Mr. Lawrence, Solicitor, High- street, Salisbury. ( 77* FORCE, AUCTIONEER, H'imborne, respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general, that, in addition to the above line, he intends carrying on the business of a BOOKSELLER and STATIONER in all its branches, in the house lately occupied by Mr. Applin, and trusts, by unre- mitting assiduity and attention, to obtain that encouragement which it will be his constant study to deserve. It is J. F.' s intention shortly to open a CIRCULATING. LIBRARY, on a scale which, he flatters himself, will give ge- neral satisfaction. Uimtorne, August
10, 1808. CMOON, • in CHEMIST, DRUGGIST, and DEALER _ in BRITISH WINES, with grateful acknowledgments to his numerous Friends and the Public for the very liberal support and patronage he has experienced since he com- menced business on his own account ( alter having been seve- ral years assistant to Mr. Randall, & c. & c.), respectfully in- forms them and the public in general, that he has, for greater convenience, removed his business to the house lately occu- pied by Dr. I lacket; where he humbly solicits a continuance of their favours, assuring thetn that all possible attention will continue to be paid to their
commands, as well as to the qua- lity of the various medicines of his shop, it being his fixed determination to abide by his original plan of keeping genuine articles, and charging moderate prices. Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Recipes will, as usual, be attended to with all possible care and exactness. Genuine Patent Medicines, Soda Water, and a lieh variety of British Wines. 169, HIGH- STREET, SOI'THAMPTO. V, 1608. N. B. An APPRENTICE Wanted.— For particulars apply as abpve, or to the Printers; if by letter, postpaid. F7J2 Freehold Manor and Estate, in the New Forest, Hunts. LAND- TAX REDECMEU. < TX)
be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKERS JL and PITTIS, at the Amtel Inn, Lyniingtrin, on Thurs- day the 40th day of October 1408, at twelve o'clock at noon, funlcss previously disposed of by private contract, of which notice will be given), A most desirable FREEHOLD MA- NOR and ESTATE, called OssiMslEY, situate on the bot- tlers of the New Forest, in the parish of Milton, in the county of Hants; comprising upwards of 540 acres of land, in a ring fence; nearly 500 of which are now in the occupation ef W. S. Button, as tenant thereof, under an old lease, which Will expire at Michaelmas 1810, at a very low rent ; the resi due thereof is partly held by tenants at will, and partly by te- nants for long terms. This Estate contains every advantage to make it an eligible purchase for any gentleman fond of the country, or the en- joyment of the sports of the field; and the beautiful views, within itself and of the surrrounding country, rentier it ex- tremely desirable to any gentleman desirous of forming a country residence. Distant from Lyniington seven miles, and from Christchurch about four miles. For other particulars apply to Messrs. Clnrkes and Swell, Newport, Isle of Wight, or Mr. King, solicitoi, Lymington, Ha$ ts; if by letter, post paid. ( 754 TO be SOLD
by AUCTION, by W. DAVIS, at the Castle Inn, Marlborough, on Tuesday the Kith dav of September IR08, between the hours of eleven and one, unless sooner disposed of bv private contract, of which due. notice Will be given,— A FREEHOLD ESTATE, consisting of a commodious Dwelling- House in a retired part of the tow n of Marlborough, now iu the occupation of John Hvde, Esq. containing a breakfast parlour, a good dining and drawing ' rooms, kitchen, servants' hall, brewhouse, larder, or milk- house, and other offices, four bedchambers, with a light closet or study, attics for servants, and excellent cellars; also two
stables, one with two and the other with three stalls, and good lofts; a coach house, saddle house, granary, and dog kennel, with boiling bou> e and copper, and other conve- niences. A good walled in Garden, containing about half an acre, and in w hich is a neat greenhouse with a double flue, a shower bath house, and a large stone cistern linetl with lead, and supplied with good Witter by pipes communicating with A? so two Freehold Closes of Meadow and Pasture Ground adjoining to the Garden, and containing about nine acrcs, ( exclusive of a Leasehold Close containing about half an acre occupied with the same), having
a convenient well and well- house. Also Right of Common for two Cows throughout the year, on an extensive common near the town. To be viewed by application at the House, every Tuesday and Friday, between the hours of eleven and two, till the day of sale. For furthi r particulars apply to the Auctioneer, at Newbury, or to Mr. Townstnd, solicitor, at Newbury, who is authorized to treat by private contract. Letters post paid will be duly answered. [ ejl Also by fiie PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. BRODIE, J. DOWDING, AND , T. LUXTORD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL. SALISBURY; Where Orders,
Advertisements, and authentic Articles of Nev s are received ( Postage paid.) ... vr,. c » , r « , T o iio" bv Me « « ". TAYLOR and NEWTON, No. 5, Wvwiek- Sauare. Warwick- Pine, Newgate- Street, and Mr. Wil- KIF, Bookseller, Paternester- Rcw, St, Paul's PRINTERS and BOOKSELIEBS in the W « st of England; by the respective NEW SME. N J a « d tn LoUott t> y Me