The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Issue Number: 3731
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 22/08/1808
Printer / Publisher:
Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3731
No Pages: 4
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THE SALISBURY i AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. ^ OflSr^. iTftr [ NUMBER 3731. VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY, AUGUST go 1808. PRICE SIXPENCE. / Stamp Duty \ Paper and Print, 24d. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. • NR ETT ll mos JL^ neig FOREIGN NEWS. AMSTERDAM, Aug. g. • . ETTERS from Do men mention, that the ut- tust activity is used throughout that and the ghbouring countries for the organization of the new levies. A camp is to be formed in the vicinage of Dorsten, and considerable supplies of provisions and mili- taiv stores are ordered to he provided.
The Polish Legion under the orders of Prince Ponia- to-. vskv, which had received a route to Spain, has been ^ countermanded. The levy of troops in Poland is carried on with the utmost activity. A large body of French troops is assembling in the neigh- bourhood of Wertzburgh, destined, it is said, for Italy. LONDON, MONDAY, AUGUST 13. Dutch Journals to the 10th inst. were received last flight. They contain various articles which prove that the Dutch fearfully expert a rupture hAwen France and Austria, and dread that a Conscription for recruiting the French armies will in consequence be enforced in Holland. These Journals i
elate the warlike preparations on both sides; that the ariny of Austria is already on an excellent footing, and that tile Archduke Louis has visited the whole of the frontiers, aocotapanied by Engineers and other experienced Officers; that the French are drawing together large bodies of troops in Poland, in the neighbourhood of Gallicia, and Oil til.: borders of the Rhine ; and that those divisions which had ( Ken ordered to inarch for Sp& in have received counter- orders, from the expectation, as is inferred, that tlwir services will be more urgently required near their pm'sent position. The welcome intelligence of the arrival of the home-
• tfard- bound India fleet, consisting of thirteen sail, was yesterday received at the India- House. The following are the names of the ships : they had passed Portsmouth when the Express came off, and Lve now arrived in the Downs :— The Earl Howe, Lord Castlereagh, Devonshire, Charlton, Metcalf, Marquis of Wellesley, Lord Duncan, City of London, Lord Hawkesbury, Airly Castle, Surrey, Wind- ham, and Ciistle Eden. They are mostly ships of the largest class, and the vatue of their cargoes is immense. They hrir. g also the agreeable intelligence that La Piedmontaise French frigate, which lias committed such heavy depre dations on our coti'Hiei- ce on the Coromandel coast, and ' even in the Bengal River, has been captured by the St. Fiorenzo frigate, off Ceylon, and carried into Columbo. The following are the particulars of this gallant and glorious enterprize. " On Friday the 4th of March 1808, his Majesty's ship Fiorenzo, Capt. Hardinge, sailed from Point de Galle, Ceylon. On the Gth, at seven A. M. she passed three indiamen, the Metcalf, Devonshire, and Chariton, and toon after saw a frigate bearing northeast. " The St. fiorenzo immediately hauled her wind in shore, and made all sail, being at that time in Lat. 32. N. and ??. 58. E. She made
the private signal, Which was no-, answered, and at five shewed her colours, which the stranger took no notice of ; at 11. 40. P. M. ranged along side of him on the larboard tack and received his broadside. " After engaging ten minutes within a- table's- length, the enemy made sail a- he- ad out of the range of the St. ftorenzo's shot, She ceased firing, and made all sail after him, continuing to come up with him till day- light, - hen, finding he could not avoid an action, he wore, as did- the St. Fiorenzo, and at twenty- five minutes past six recom- menced the engagement at the distance of half a mile, giidually closing with him to a
quarter of a mile. The Sre was constant and well- directed on both sides, though that of the enemy slackened towards the latter part of the action. At 8. 15. A. M. the enemy tnade all sail. " The St. Fiorenzo's main topsail- yard being shot throughj the main- royal- mast; both main- top- mast Stays, the main spring stay, anfl most of both standing and running rigging and sails cut t-> pieces, and cartridges • fired away, she ceased firing, and employed - all hands in re- pairing the damages, and fitting her again for action. " They kept sight of the enemy during the night, and At 3 A. Mi on the < Jth, Being perfectly prepared for action,
she bore down on him, ur, d> T all sail; he did not endeavour to avoid the St. Fiorenzo until she hauled athwart his stern, to gain the weather- gage, and bring him to close fight, when the enemy hauled up also and made all sail; but per- ceiving the St. Fiorenzo coming up fast with him, and that a battle was unavoidable, he tacked, and at* 3 P. M. they passed each other on opposite tacks, antl commenced action within a quarter of a cable's length ; when the enemy was abaft the St. Fiorenzo's beam, he wore, and after an hour and twenty minutes close action struck his colours. " She proved to be La Piedmontaise French
frigate, commanded by Monsieur Epron, Captaine de Vaisseau; she mounted 50 gunS, long IB- pounders on hermain- deck, and 36 pound carrohades on her quarter- deck. She had 831 Frenchmen on board, and near 200 Las- cars. She sailed from the Mauritius on the 30 th of Decem- ber. In the action?, he had 44 men killed, and 112\ vounded; the St. fiorenzo had 13 killed, and 2o wounded— among the former her brave Commander, who unfortunately fell by a grape shot, the second broadside in the last action. " f. ient. H. G. Massay was badly wounded just before the enemy struck. Moreau, the Second Captain of La "
Piedmontaise, was wounded in the third action, and threw himself overboard. ". La Piedmontaise had her rigging cut to piea; s, and her masts and bowsprit so wounded, that they Went by the board during the night. " Lieut. DaWSon succeeded Capt. Hardinge. and brought the St. Fiorenzo and La Piedmontaise ( iter prize) into Columbo on the 12th of March." Sixty sail of our homeward- bound Leeward Island fleet have • ' so passed Portsmouth for the Downs; the remaimk- i have proceeded to the out- ports; anil tiius the wealth of both Indies have been wafted in safety to our shores. A letter from the Secretary of War to the
Comman- dants of " Volunteer Corps states, that as it may be " inron- yenhyit to many corps desirous of transferring their services to the Local Militia, to assemble for. exerei- e during the ensuing autumn, it is not his Majesty's intention Co call upon sueh corps as volunteer int6 the Local Militia to assemble for exercise until next spring. List week a melancholy event occurred at the seat of Lady O; in Bedfordshire :—' The Butler had paid his addresses rfo the Lady's Maid'; and both having lived a considerable • ifne in the family, with irreproachable characters, Lady t). mode arrangements to promote their happiness, and the" day
of marriage was Appointed. On the day preceding the intended union, a woman made her appearance, accompanied by two children, who stated that she had been long married to the butler, that the two children were his , and that ' he had deserted them all in a distant County in the North.— ' Hie butler immediately absconded, and the young woman, disappointed and betrayed, put an end to her life by hanging herself in her bed- room. EFFECTS of a FIRe BALL.— On Tuesday last, about a quarter before five o'clock in the afternoon, a ball of liquid fire descended from a thunder cloud, and exploded with a tremendous noise
over the house of Robert Cawte, a wire- drawer, in Meeting- house- walk, Snow's- fields, Southwark, a shaft of which penetrated through the roof, passed down the side wall, aud then through the chimney, where it V. melted the chain of a man's watch, the nail - on which it was hanging, and part of the grate and top of the poker. A boy, about twelve" years of age, the son of Cawte, who was in the act of taking the tea- kettle off the fire, was thrown down, and'su much lacerated in his left cheek, that he Wis obliged to be sent to Guy's Hospital, where- he. has evtr since remained ; and what is Inost extraordinary, the iron handle of
the kettle was melted in his hhndto a cinder, without injuring the hand. The man and his wife, who were in the same room with their son, were both much afiV . vd, but not so materially hurf. The poor boy has MArk- LANE, Monday, August IS* We had a very small supply of Wheat to- day from Essex and Kent, and in conse- quence much higher prices were asked at an early hour, which were in part complied with, as per currency beneath, but the sales were even then slow, and afterwards, when the market received a large accession from Suffolk and the more distant ports, the same terms cohld not be obtained in general, nor
were the stands by any means cleared at last. Tick Beans and Oats are just no'w in great abundance ; the first mentioned are 1.5. per qr. cheaper, and the last lull 2s. from the terms quoted, this day se'nnight. White Peas have declined from 12s. to 15s. pcr'qr. further, and the produce of the new year seems abundant. We have how had some quantity of White Mustard at market, the quality and condition generally coarse; such few samples as appeared tolerably dry and handsome found buyers for shipping as high as 20s. per bushef this, morning, but the far greater part must be landed and ailed, beforeit can command a sale.
The particulars of all are sub- joined, whereto we refer for information :— Wheat 62s. to yos. — Rve 40s. to 56s.— White Peas 66s. to 9<>\ s.— Grey Peas 50s. to 60s.— Horse Beans 60s. to 60j.— Tick Beans 56$. to G2s. — Barley 40s. to 46s.— Malt « Ss. to' BOS.— Oats 00s. to 46j. per quarter.— English Household Flour 70s, per'sack.— Car- tway Seed 44s. to .•)() « .— Coriander Seed 18;. to 24' s. per cwt.~ Rape Seed 3; Si. to 407. iOS.' pir lusf.^ W lute, MustaW Seed 10s. to 20s. per bushel. SMITHI-' IELD MARKET, Aug'.' 15. We had this, dayl850 head of Neat Cattle, about 17,000 Sheep'' and Lambs, 370 Calves, 350
Pigs. The sale was brisk, at the following prices : Beef 4s. to 5s.— Mutton 4s. to 5s; id.— Veal is. to 6s. H< 1.— Lamb 5s. to 7s.— Poik 5s. to 6s. Gd. per stone of 8It. to sink the offal.— In the Haymarket, Dry Meadow Hay sold at 57. 5s.' to 67. IBs.— Clover 67. to 77. 10::.— StiaW 17. Vb's. to 2LQs. KING'S SCHOOL, SHERBORNE, DORSET, AUGUST 1808. THE ANNIVERSARY MEETING be held at theScHOOL— H'OUSE, onTuesday die 30th of Au^ lst, which, it is hoped, will be favoured with the attendance of the neighbouring Gentlemen, and particularly of those edu- cated at this Seminary. The Public Speeches will
commence at one o'clock. The company of Ladies will be esteemed an additional honour to the Meeting. An Ordinary will be provided for the Gentlemen at the Antelope Inn, at three o'clock. Rev. C. FLEET, Y, t. w. r, i. EDWARD GREATHED, Esq./ Mcwarils- *. » * There will be a BALL, at the Town- Hail, in the evening, which will begin at nine o'clock.— Ladies and Gen- tlemen are requested to bring Tickets, which may be had at the booksellers. [ 687 WILTSHIRE, 1308. . THE ANNUAL VENISON FEASTS, will he at the Swan Inn, in Bradford, on Tuesday the 30th of August, and at the Bear Inn, Devizes, on Wednesday the
31st.— Dinner on the table at half past three. [ 644 " VIE next Meeting of the Trustees of the Stock- bridge Turnpike Road, will be held at the King's Head Inn, in Stockbridge, on Tuesday the 30th instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. W. H. ATtWOOD, Clerk to the Trustees. STOCKBRIDGE, 187/ i August, 1808. [ 733 WEYHILL FAIR. THE PUBLIC BOOTHS Will be LETT at the Fair Office, Weyhiil, on Monday the 29th of August 1808. The. old tenants'who do not applv by three o'clock on that day, their booths will be lett to tht first that offers. N. B. Sheep Pens for the Wiltshire, Dorset, and Somerset Sheep may be had, as
usua- i, - by applying at the Fair- Office, or Phoenix Booth. [ 790 WHEREAS the GAME on the MANORS of Cowsfield Esturmy, Cowsfield Loveless, the Earldoms, Plaitford, East and West Wellow, Hamptworth, and Melchet Park Free Warren, has of late vcars been scan^ alonrly poached and destroyed :— T& is is to give Notice, that al' nnhceneed or unqualified persons found trespassing thereof!} vil< be forth- with proceeded against according to law, and all licenced and qualified persons are hereby requested to refrain from sporting on the same Manors. WHEREAS the GAME on the Manors of North- Stoneham and Romsey
Extra, and also on the Manors of Heazley, Comely, ( iuorr, Newnham, and Binsteed, in the Isle of Wight, belonging to Mrs. FLEMING, has for some years past been destroyed, and it being her wish to preserve t! ie same, all qualified gentlemen are requested not to hunt or shoot thereon the ensuing season, and all unqualified per- sons are required to take notice, that if found trespassing on any part of the said Manors they will be prosecuted-. STOnEhaM PAKK, Uth of August, 1808. [ 364 Manors of woolston dnd Hound, and North Baddesley. WHEREAS the GAME on the said Manors has of late years been scandalously
poached and destroyed, persons found trespassing thereon will be forthwith proceeded against according, to law: and. ail licensed and qualified per- sons are hereby'requested to refiain from sporting on these Manors. [ 72- 2 GAME. THE GAME on the Manors and Estates of Shank- lin, Blackpan, and West Court, in the Isle of Wight, having been of late years much destroyed, and it being , wish of the proprietor. to preserve the same ; all qualified r- sons arc requested not to shoot on these Manors-: and all un- qualified persons found trespassing will be prosecuted iiy older of the Lord of the said Manors. 755] CLARKES and
SEWELL, Stewards. Manors of coobe and Longstreet, in the parish of endford, wilts. G A M E. npjIF. GAME on the above Manors having of late J. '- ears been most shamefully POACHED and DE- STROYED: This is to give Notice, That al! unlicensed or unqualified Persons, found trespassing there'on, v. iil bi forth- with proceeded against according to law; and all nullified Gentlemen are hereby particul/ rly requested to refrain from sporting thereon the ensuing season.—.- lug. 12, 1808. [ 693 DoWnTON, WILTS, aLL qualified persons are requested not to SHOOT, SPORT, or otherwise trespass on WeeK FARM, ThRING'S
Farm, or on any other of the Estates belonging to John Green, Esq. at Downton, in Wilts', and all unqualified pei- sons found Sporting or Trespassing thereon, will be pro- secuted. [ C34 MANORS of GARSDON, AND LEA AND CLEAVeRTON, In the county of Wilts. ALL Qualified Persons are hereby requested to de- sist from sporting over either of these Manors, without permission ; aud al! unqualified Persons found sporting there- on after this public notice, will be prosecuted. 731} JOHN MErEWETHER, CALNE, 15th August., 1808. Steward of the said Manors. TO SPORTSMEN. . POINTERS FOR SALE. SEVERAL very
Capital POINTERS and SET- TERS ; likewise several very good COCKING SPA- NIELS.— Enquire of Edward Toomer, Rhinefield Lodge, . near Lyndhurst, Hants, [ 748 N. f). Letters ( post paid) will be duly answered. TO be SOLD, A good SHOOTING PONY. at Moyles- Court- Farm, near Ringwood, Hants. [ 561 In the Press, and specdiiy mil be published, ALETTER to JOHN FITZGERALD, Esq. bv ANTHONY BElL, Land- Agent, Winchester. Printed by W. Jacobs, Winton. [ 569 w SALAMANDER FIRE OFFICE SOCIETY. nPHE public are respectfully informed the above 1 Society INSURE ALL FARMING STOCK at two
Shillings per cent, per annum, and whether such stock is insured in the buildings, rick- yards, and on the lands of a farm in one gross sum, or separately on each detached part.— The books of the society will be carefully examined, and re- ceipts for ensuing payments made out at the reduced rate, that all persons now insured mav receive the benefit thereof. 766] NATH. BARTON. Secretary. ACLERGYMAN, who is married, and a resident at his living, in a most healthy, partof Hampshire, pur- poses to take under his Care, aud to prepare for Public Schools, EtGHT YOUNG GENTLEMEN, from the age of Five to Twelve, and not
to exceed that number. His Terms are Fifty Guineas pei annum, for Enghsh Latin, Greek, Writing, and Accounts.— These Terms include VVush- ing^ and every other expence. • N. B*. The bills to be paid every half year; and a quarter's notice or a quarter's stipend, will be required before the re- moval of a pupil.— He has already four. Letters directed to G. C. Mr. Jacob's, bookseller, Win- chester. [ 632 COOPERS. PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OIHCJ, Aug. 17, 1808. WANTED, for his Majesty's Cooperage it Wee- vill, near Gosport,— Several" COOPER?.— They will be required to produce indentures of hiving served a
reqular apprenticeship, and proper testimonials to'their character. ANTED, A CURATE to undertake the Duty of a CURACY in Hampshire.— For particulars apply to the Printers, post paid. ' [ 4S8 . There is no Parsonage- house.— Salary 607. per ann. MONEY WANTED. WANTED,— The Sum of A' 2000 on Mortgage of good Freehold Land. A ply personally or by letteJf ( post paid) to Mr. Griffiths, solicitor, Newport, Isle of Wight. [ 668 ChRiSTCHURCH; HANTS, AUG, 13, 130S. wANTED immediately, for the said Parish,— A fit and able- bodied young MAN, as a SUBSTITUTE in the MILITIA. A liberal Bounty will be given by the
Overseers of the said Parish ; and any person who shall bring any such Substitute, will be rewarded with Five Guineas for' his' trouble, on such Substitute being enrolled and apptoved of agreeably to Act of Parliament. ' [ 714 wANTED immediately, or at Michaelmas next, » ' — A Person who is a good Penman and Arithmetician, to ASSIST in the general Business of a School where . there is a Writing- master. Such a person, of good character, and ca- pable of close attention to business, will find the situation both comfortable and advantageous, as the salary will be pro- portionate to mejit. The number of boarders is limited,
and there are no day- scolars.— Apply by letter ( post paid) to the Printers. [ ss « WANTED immediately, in a classical and com- mercial Academy m Dorsetshire,— A youmg MAN, above 21 years of age, as'aii ASSISTANT in the Writing and Mathematical department j if qualified to teach Navigation, the more agreeable.— Proper references with respect to cha- racter and abilities are espec'ted. [ 752 Address bv 1 - iter ( yostjaaitl) to Thomas Lamport, Poole. WANTS a Situation as GARDENER, or GAR- DENER and BAILIFF,— A middle- aged MAN, who is perfectly qualified for the management of every species of frrang,
having lnd van't experience therein- in his last place, where he lived seven ytars, whence he can have an unde- niable character for sobriety of conduct and ability for such an undertaking. Letters ^ post paid) Addressed to M. at Thorn ison's Nursery, Redbridge, Southampton, will be immediately attended to." ' ANTS a Situation,— A MAN and his WIFE, ( free froA incumbrance.); the Man as Butler, no ob- jection to wear livery; his Wife as LADY'S MAID ; under- stands Mantua- making perfectly, 110 objection to the Nursery, willing to make themselves useful to their employer.— No ob- jection to town or country, or to go abroad
with a family. A line ( cost paid) addressed T. W. at W. Elkins's,' Catha- rine- streeti Salisbury, will have immediate attention. Good reference as to chaiacter. f7? 6 A good WORKMAN • For particular tter, poc; paid. s WANTED immediately,- in the Cabinet Line, as Foreman. enquire of C. Norton, Salisbury, Wilts; if by U w ANTED, A respcctablc YOUTH, as an APPRENTICE to a GROCER and TALLOW CHAND- LRR, in a Market- town in Wiltshire. A Premium will be expected. Letters to be addressed to the Printers, post paid. f; 57 BRICKLAYERS WANTED. S^ OUR Good WORKMEN are Wanted.— Apply to Mr. Attwood,
Stockbridgc. [ 7* S9 " ( D'ATANTEI) immediately,—-- A good Journeyman V? TALLOW- CHANDLER, who may have constant employ, aft.! liberal wages will He given. Aapljrio Mr. Francis Pittis, Newport, Isle cf Wight.-—; A. go - . eharact. r will be expected from his last place." [ 667 A JO- ORSEXMAST PARCHMENT- MAKER l\ wakir. D.— For constant employ apply to Mr. Robert pouisom, Winchester. ' [ 784 To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the Coiuity Of GENTLEMEN-, AS Mr. R. W. ANDREWS has resigned the OffiOe of QnMfhis Matesty* S CORONERS for the county of Dorset, I beglRflw to offer myself as a
CANDIDATe, for that situation ; my frMtxMn Mfo'y- although not a neces- sary qualification, vtU ydfifiHPr, entitle me'jto your consi^ d. ration; and should I, Wfyour partiality, be so lortunata^ is to succccd in this object of my wishes, 1 will endeavour, by an unremitting attention to the duties of the office, to prove myself net unworthy your confidence, in- selecting me to fill so'important a station. , "[ 406 1 have the honour to be, with great respect, Gentlemen, Your most obedient and devoted humble Servant, DORCHESTER, July 14, 1808, JOHN WALLIS. Vtr- ANTEDj.— A good COOK, in a family in the r v country/, she must
understand her business well* and have, an unexceptionable character from her last place. Apply to Mr.' Tucket, grocer, in Christchurch. [ 7S8 fpOR St. John's, NEWFOUNDLAND,— The good Brig CHARLTON, James Breddy, Master, 16a tons by register, and will sail with the first convov. ' For freight or passage, apply to ' [~ gg POOLE, Aug. 18,1863: J. BRISTOWE & Co. Brokers. NEWCASTLE COALS. ELI: 40th August, 1808. • ELIVF. RINO at Eling, an excellent Cargo of „ the much approved SHERIFF- HILL COALS, of the best quality, and very rubbly, at 475. per chaldron ; discount 2s. per cH ildron for ready money.
Ordeis addressed to Mr. John Saunders, af Eling, or Mr, John Rumbold, St. Ann's- street, Salisbury, will be duly ex- ecuted. " [ 767 A large rpo be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,- A very considerable quantity of FIR TIMBER, of la dimensions. For particulars enquire of Mr. George Heyter, at Fonthill- GiSbrxi. [ esi r j X) be SOLO ( the property of a Gentleman going JL abroad, who mav lie referred'to, and a trial allowed),— A very handsome PAIR of CHESNUT CURRICLE GELD- INGS, seven years old, warranted sound and quiet in harness. To be seen till the * 2lth instant, by enquiring " at the Fox Ina, Bramdean, near
Alresford ; and on the 25th, 28th, and 27th ' instant, enquiry to be made at the George Inn, Southampton. DARK BAY CARRIAGE HORSE. 1~ XX be SOLO,— A capital strong active GELDING, . sixteen hands high, rising four y^ arsold, perfectly tem- perate in harness, and free Ir 111 vice or blemish. Price Ei;* f. ty Guineas. .[ 73- 2 Enquire at Mr. Wm. Purchase's, ' Market- place, Romsey. CART HORSES, & c. FOR SALE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. ALLEN, in the Corn Market, Romsey, on Friday the 26th of August, 1809, Eight, capi'/. l CART HORSES, a strong Waggon, iron Axle, and eight pair of trace and thill
Harness. Sale to be at twelve o'clock. [ 78J TO be SOLD, at Mr. WEEKS's, Cholderton- down, near Weymll, Hants,— A clever CHESNUT GELD- ING, five years old, 15 hands 2 inches high, master Of high weight, fast enough for any hounds, a good Icaper and war- ranted s- und ; he is in high condition, having been through a regular course of physic^ is . capital figure, a safe pleasant hackney, and a fast and steady gig- horse, *' [ 723 SALISBURY, WILTON, AND LONDON FLY WAGGONS, daily, to and from the CASTLE and FALCON, ALEEUSGATE- STREET, London, and their Ware- house, Milford- street, Salisbury,
These Waggons, take- up and put down Goods at the Old White 11orse Cellar, and Black Bear, Piccadilly. No Money, Plate, Jewels, Glass, or other valuable or hazardous Goods will be paid for, if broken or lest, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. 130] ' NICHOLAS BROWN,\ Pr - . MES BRICE, . j- Proprietors. J A ME: HPIIE PROPRIETORS OR the old SALISBURY , A COACH, from the Black I' rse, Salisbury, theSara- ' cen's Head, Friday- street, and the Bell'and Crown Inn, idol- born, return their sincere thai.: s to the Public for past favours. — For the better accommodation of their Friends at Andover, Oyerton,
vVhitchurch, and Basingstoke, they respectfully beg leave to inform them, that on Wediesday the 17th instant, they will commence with a new and elegant light Telegraph Coach, called TIIE ANDOVER EXPEDITION ; will leave the above Inns in London on Monday, Wednesday, and Sunday afternoons; and the George Inn, Andover, 011 Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturd ay evenings. WHITMASH, FAGG, PENNY, and CO. 671J ' PROPRIETORS. CATHERINE WHEEL INN, ANDOVER. N'EW and Cheap Elegant Coifinie- rcial Expedition COACH, at Reduced Fares, to the Bel! Savige, Ludgate Hill, LONDON, performed by
EDWARD PROCKTER & Co. who beg their Friends in and hear Andover to be. particular in ordering their Places and Parcels to be booked at the Catherine Wheel inn, as the Proprietors of the Commercial Expedition have r. o connexion with any other Andover Coach whatever, and are fully determined their Friends in that part of the country ' shall travel cheap, and in safety. ANDOVER, August 20, 1808. [ 787 CHEAP TRAVELLING, Y the Commercial COACH { at Reduced Fares) from the Three SWans Inn, SALISBURY, to the Bell Savage, Ludgate Hill; LONDON ; thb Proprietors of which Coach respectfully take leave to
inform the Inhabitants of Honiton, Chard, Crewkerne, Yeovil, Sherborne, Shaftesbury, Wincanton, Sommerton, and Taurtton, that by forming a Party of Three in a Post Chaise to Salisbury, and taking the Commercial Coach from the Three Swans, to London, " they will save nearly one guinea in three each person, and be always certain of places on to London. SALISBURY, 20, 18' Q8. [ 783 New SALISBURY and WINCHESTER POST COACH, and from thence to GOSPORT and PORTS- MpUTH; sets ont from the Black Horse, Salisbury, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. at eight o'clock, to the Coach and
Horses, Winchester, from thence to the Red Lion, Gosport, by five in the evening; returns every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning at nine o'clock, and arrives at Salisbury by six in the e\ ening, in time for the Exeter, Plymouth, Bath, and Bristol'coaches. Calls at the King's Head, Stockbridge.; Crown, Bishop's Waltham; Star, Wickham; and Bugle, Fareham. Passengers and Parcels booked and regularly conveyed to the following places:— N'etVbury, Oxford, Alresford, Alton, Farnham,', Havant; Emsworth, Chichester, Bognor, Brighton, Worthing, and East- Bourne. The above is an excellent accommodation for those
travellers Who wish to sleep in Salisbury and proceed to any of the above places in the morning. S3flJ ' JOHN PERRIN, Proprietors. G R F. E N D R A G O N INN, ! Newport, Isle oflf'ight. . TOHN PERRIN roost respectfully informs the tJ Nobility, Gentry, and Travellers, visiting the Isle of Wight, that he has entered upon the above very commodious and old established Inn, where he hopes, to meet with their approbation and . encouragement, as every attention and assiduity shail be exerted 011 his part to merit their favours. Good Befds, neat Post Chaises, Sociables, Gigs, and good Hi.:-'-. . . (" 761 JCLARKE having taken and
entered on the 1 COACH and HORSES INN, WINCHESTER, begs leave t0 return thanks to his frinnds and the public in general for the favours he has already received;. and hopes, from paying strict attention to'business, to merit their future favottirs. Good stalled Stabling and w. ll- aiied Beds. A good Ordinary on Market- days. [ 645 ANTELOPE" INN AND TAVERN, SHKRBORNS, On the direct Road from Salisbury to Crewkerne & Exeter. ' T'HOM'AS HILLIAR ( late of Ansford Inn) most JL respectfully returns his sincere thanks to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Piiblic in general, for the very liberal sup- port Which+ ie has already
expwtienccd at the above old- csta^ Wished INN, and humbly hopes, by a constant attention to their commands, to merit a continuance of the same. T. H. begs leave to observe, that the ANTELOPE, from the number of its bed and sitting Rooms, and its being so plea- santly situated at the north entrance of tiie town, has always been found a most desirable situation for Families who wish to sleep on their road to and from Salisbury, Exeter, & c. *** Particular attention paid to Gentlemen Travellers. Chaises to any part of the Kingdom.— Lock- up Coach- houses. good Stabling, & c. |" a8l LINEN- DRAPERY and FANCY GOODS,
fuii tin per cent, cheaper that ever mil be, are now selling, in great variety, at S. WALL'S " cheap wholesale and retail P.: INT I. INUN, CALICO, MUSLIN, and LACE WAREHOUSE,' Silver- street, Salisbury.— The public may- be assured that a considerable advance must take place 011 all Cotton and Linen Goods; and those who may see their advantage in impijoving the present opportunity, will lose no time in making early purchases. N. B. A LAD of srood address and active disposition, wanted as an APPRENTICE: a premium will be expected.— Also, a young MAN, qualified as an ASSISTANT. [ 795 CHEAP WRITING
PAPER. MESSRS. BAKER and F L E T C IIE R, South- ampton, having lately purchased a large quantity of Superfine Yellow Wove Post Paper, offer it at the low p'rice Of one Shilling per Quire, [ 765 A large quantity of Outsides from fid. to Sd. per Quire. MESSRS. BRODIE, DOWDING, and LUXFOKD, having just received a fresh Supply of SPlLSBUtfY's Patent ANTI- SCORBUTIC DROPS from the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho-' square, Load ; n, the inhabitants of Sartim who resort, to this Specific will be assured of having the Patent Anti- scorbutic Drops genuine, in cases of Scurvy. Gout, Rheumatism, Scrophula, eruptive,
nervous, and bilious Complaints, arising from irritation. The Genuine Medicine has the words" By the King's Pa- tent" expressed on the bottia, bill of directions, and outside wrapper. Tiie King's duty also is printed iii black ink on the bottles- oi'- Bi:. ios.; and Ms. duty included. Messrs. Bowling and Co. Newport, Isle of Wight, have also just received a fresh supply. [ 737 FORCE, AUCTIONEER, J Fan bo me, respectfully informs his Friends and the Public in general, that, in addition to the above line, he intends carrying on the business of a BOOKSELLER and STATIONER in all its branches, in the h'onse lately occupied by Mr.
Applin, and trusts, by unre- mitting assiduity and attention, to obtain that encouragement which it will be his constant study to deserve. [ 750 Kj* ItisJ. l-'.' s intention shortly to- opt n a Ci RCC'L'ATIXG LIBRARY, on a scale which, he flatter.-, himself, will give ge- neral satisfaction.-— Jf'imburne, August 10, 180S. CI MOON, CHEMIST, DRUGGIST, and DEALER / » in BRITISH WINES, with grateful acknowledgments to his numerous Friends and the Public for the veiy'iiberal support and patronage iie has jjxperisnced since he com- menced business on his- own account ( after having been seve- ral years assistant to Mr.
Randall,'& c. Sc.;, respectfully in- forms them and the public in general, that he has, for greater convenience, re move ! his business to the house lately occu- pied by'Dr. Hac& et; where he humbly solicits a conti'nuanc-- of their favours, assuring them that all possible attention, will continue to be paid- to tin- it commands, as well as to the qua- lity of the various medicines of his ' hop, it being his fixed determination to abide by his original plan of keeping genuine articles , and charging moderate- prices. FELONY. TEN GUINEAS REWARD. WHEREAS a young Man, calling himself WIL- LI AM STANLEY, lately employed by Mr.
JOHN BARNARD, of Wilton, Wilts, shopkeeper, eloped from his master's service, during his absence at tea, on this present 17th day of August, after h ving broken open the desk in the shop of the said John Barnard, and stolen therefrom a Red Mor, ceo leather Pocket- book, and upwards of One Hundred Pounds ill Bank of England and Country Notes, and a yellow Can- vas Bag containing about Eleven Pounds in Silver, the pro- perty Of the said John Barnard. Whoever will apprehend the said William Stanley, so that he may be brought to justice, shall receive a reward of TEN GUINEAS',, on application to the- said John
Barnard; and any person giving such information as may lead to the appre- hension of the said William Stanley, shall be handsomely re- warded. The said William Stanley is about twenty years of age, five feet two inches high, of a florid complexion, and long Roman nose, and had a well above his left ear. . He had on when he went away a brown cloth jacket, light waistcoat, browii corded pantaloons, and white cotton stockings. The pocket- book contains several memoranda of orders.— The notes consist of ten of five pounds each, one of five gui- neas, about twenty of- one guinea each, and the remainder of notes of two
pounds and one pound each. WILTON, August 17, 1808. [ 749 POOLE, August in, 1R08. STOLEN or STRAYED, some time last night, out of a Meadow at Dolbery Farm, near Poole, Dorset, on the left haml side of the first mile stone on the Wimbcrne Road,— A Black CART MARE, rising five years old, 11: ar I > hands high, long tail, marked with- a star in the off shoulder, and I. C. in each hoof, has a touch of the malandei in the near leg behind, a white spot caused by a wring on the near side under the cart Saddle, and a thick sourish head. Whoever will give information so that she mav be had again, shall, it strayed, receive a
Reward of ONE GUINEA, and all reasonable expences, by applying to James Cobb, on the said Farm ; but if stolen, the sum of TWO GUINEAS, over and above the Reward given by Act of Parliament, on conviction of the offender or bffenders. [ 770 . SALISBURY. X OST,— A small POINTER BITCH, all white M- J except her head which is liver- colourcd, answers to the name of JUNO. Whoever will bring her to Mr. Isaac Petty, White Horse, shall be rewarded for their trouble; whoever detains her after this notice, will b;- prosecuted. [ 794 | N the 4th day of February 1808, a BOAT vvae driven on shore on the land of, Mr. G.
Parsons, at Bursledon. and has been taken care of by me, RICHARD LEVIE.— The name on her stern, Kingston ' of Newcastle, Wm. Kenson, Master.— Every enquiry has b- en made to find the owner.— Any person making « ius't claim, and paying for the troubje of taking care of it, may have it restored ; if not, it will be sold, to puv the expence, bv me, 774] ' RICHARD LEVIE, Burdedon. PURSUANT to the Decree of the High Coun of'Chancery made- in Causes, PEPYS, Esq. v. BISHOP of BATH and WELLS, and PR. rvs, Esq. v. BOWATEII, tho several Creditors of JOHN . BO WATER, formerly of St. George, Hanover square, but late of Kensington, in the county of Middlesex, Esq, who are entitled to the benefit of the Indentures of the 31st of July," 1773, and of the ist'qf June, 179ft, 01 either of them, are personally of by their so- licitors to come in and m; ikc out their claims and prove their debts before EDWARD MORRIS, Esq. one of'the MASTERS of the said Court,, at his chambers in Southampten- buiidiiief, Chancery- lane,, on or before the Gth of November, If - Ts, for in default thereof they will be peremptorily excluded the be- nefit of the said decree. [ t.' sa PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, bearing date the isth
day of March 1& 09", made in u cause v herein James Harding and others are plain- tilts. and Beit Chamoion and another are defendants, the Creditors of RICHARD CHAMPION, lite 01 Marlborough, in the county of Wilts, Shopkeeper [ who died on c- r at out the. 13th day of July 1806.1, are to come in and prove th ir debts before Robert Steele, Esq. one of the M, st-.: rs of, the said Court, at his Chambers in Southampton- buiidmes, Glian- cery- hno, London, oil or before the lst day of November KS0S, or in default thereof they will be pererfiptorily excluded the benefit of the said decree. W. BOVILL, Solicitor, ' 785] 4, New
Bridge- street, London, COBB's BANKRUPTCY. TIIF. Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded and issued forth against CHRISTOPHER COBB, late of Ringwood, in the county of Southampton, Hosier, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet en Thursday the 15th' day of September next, at three of the clock in the afternoon, at the house of Joseph Pierce, known by the sign of the White IT. rt Inn, in Ringwood aforesaid, ip order to make a final dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their d, bts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or
th » y will be excluded the benefit of the said divi- dend. And all1- Claims not then substantiated- will be d sal- lowed.— Dated this \<) lh day of August, 1808. 791] WM. HOOPER, Solicitor to the Assignees. WALDEN's CREDITORS. WILLIAM WALDEN, of Winkton, Hants, having executed a Transfer of his Property to Trustees for the benefit of his Creditors, Notice i_ s hereby given, That such deed of transfer will remain at the office of Mr. Bald- win, in Ringwood, for the signatures of such creditors as may think proper to accept a dividend on their respective debts, until the 31st day of October next, from vvhtch time such
creditors as shall riot have signed the said deed will be exclud- ed the benefit of the same. All Debts due to the said William Walden are requested to be paid to the said Mr. Baldwin, or to Mr. John Pilgrim, of Christchurch ; or to Mr. Joseph Biddlecombe, or Mr. Wiiliam Kittier, both of Ringwood. [ 657 ripiiE Commissioners in a'Commission of Bankrupt, JL bearing date the 15th of February 1805, awarded and issued forth against EDWARD DAY," late of Coljingborne Ducis, in the county cf Wilts, Farmer, Dealer and Chap- man, intend to meet on the 9d day of September next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, at the Black Horse Inn,
in Sa- lisbury, in order to make a final Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, 3re to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said Dividend. And alt Claims not then proved will be dis- allowed. rg" 1IIE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt A awarded and issued forth aeainst WILLIAM MARK- HAM MARTIN, of Gosport, in flic CQunty of Southampton, Bookseller, Printer, and Stationer, Dealer and Chapman, in- tend to r;: ,:; On ti e fifth d. v of September r. cxt, at twelve o'clock at noon, at- tits
Crown Inn, hi the town of Gospcit, in order to make a dividend of the estate and effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where. the'Greditors who have not afready proved their debts ? r" to coine'pr-. pa'red to prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the s: id divi- dend ; and all claims not then proved will be disavowed. jnsiTPif ovt>\. V. v. 633] JOSEPH PARSONS," Solicitor ifnder the Commission. of British Wines. 169, HiGii- sTHr. ET, SOUTHAMPTON, 1808. N. B. A11 APPRENTICE Wanted.— For particulars apply as above, or to the Printers; if by letter, postpaid. [ 73s! ALL persons indebted. to the Estate df
WILLIAM BARTER, late of Longfleet, in the county of Dorset, Gentleman, deceased ; are desired forthwith to pay the. amount of their respective Debts into the hands of Mr. Foot; solicitor, - Poole: ami all persons to whom the'Said'Estate is indebted, are requested to send the particulars of their respective Debts to Mr. Foot; thervvise they . willio:- e the '- benefit of the distii- bution now makingof the said Estate. [ 7. rj HEREAS we whose names arc mentioned un- derneath did, on the evening of the. 13th of July last, call at the house of Mrs. KELSEY, at the Croes Keys, Chute, and did behave to her in a most. violent and
scandalous man- ner, and for v. hich she. intended to enter a prosecution against us; but 011 put repeatedly'soliciting for forgiveness, slie has condescended to stop the prw. cuiion intended. Now we do in this public manner fully acknowledge the gross impropriety of our tiehaviour; and are ver,% thankful f< r her lenity towards us, and promise never to be guilty of the like again.' Witness our hands, this 3th day of Augus't, 180- 8. Amos Coleman, Daniel Coleman, John Batt, James Wheatley, The mark X of Joseph Bortfcy, Richard Cclejjian, The mark of Edward Bowley, Peter Cummins. The mark M of Thomas Bowley,
Witnes,:—' Thomas Smith, Edward Tapp, [ 718
\ ' Wednesday''. xn: i Thursday's Posts. racs; THE • LONDON GAZETTE OF.. AUGUST IS. Db'tflrtJf. O- S. TftE6T, . J- t*. 16. ti . J) i .. paush, of'which ihe followingi is a fcopv; / JP li. n'' his day be• « i •••• ivcd by the ' luht Hon. IWd Ji A. Viscuu - t Owtlernagh, . mn of his Majesty's Princi- pal ei. taiies of State, if ,11 f Jouter. a it- Gee eral Sir Hew Dalrim-' V', K. B. dated Gibraltar, July 21, 1808. ' Mv : m in, Gib. r-' ra , Jnly 24, 1808. Iiincloc a report from C ipt. Wiiitiingliam, cant lining the detail: of i romo'iete victory obt ined ou the Jyth inst. by <_; • - i mos, over til.- French Carp; commanded by Gehci'a'-' iMoont and Wedel; and I take
the liberty vi coil*.;'!', i oat! ia'g your Lordship upon the glorious result of the day. f hi-.- • tin: honour al=( r to. state, that J We received a Lifter t'r mi Gen Castmi s bv ' i" s imc • i. iriei', cxpt'e- sing the satisftei > n he has leceWd uym tb • •' vicasof Captain Wblttiiighani. i have tile honour to be, & c. H. \ V. OALRV. UPLE. Sis, Read- Quarters, Andujar, J*! ff< 21, 1808. I had the honour to inform yob, in my letter of the 17th of July, that in a Council of war held mi that thv at head- quarters, it'was ras > lvc; l that the divi- ion of the Marquis Dq Coupig. iy shou'd j in' that of Miijor- Gentira' Reding, and that the attack upon Bavlen should be
undertaken with the united force of the too divisions whilst the third division and the reserve should occupy the attention of the enemy by a feifned attack upon Andujai'. Majoi- General Reding entered Baylen On the morning of < he* l3th, at nine O'clock : he met with little opposition. The enemy re- re'ated towards La Carolina. The Mijor- General wrote to he Gt> nun. mder i: i Chief for orders, either to advance a; ai ist \ ul :• ".:'. oi' to pursue the column which was re- thin r u "> n ', '' arotiun. Gen. Castanos ordered him to advm u;. , i Andtijar without delay. On the 1!).'::. at two o'clock in the morning;, the Gene- ra'. rcc. ived
information of the retreat of the French from Andujai'. Lieut.-' ienefal Vena, with the reserve, was orderetl to advance ilnmediatelv towards Baylen. . The French began their retreat at nine o'clock P. M. 18tli of July. A letter from Geo. Reditu; informed the Commander in. Chef that he intended emu mo string his march from' B. ty. i-.: f nr. tilts Anduja.- at three o'clock A. M. lflthof . July. At-", v.) i'c! > e. k 1*. M. the advanced guard of Geo. Pena'-' d vision came up with the enemy. At this moment an ex- p- RSS art ived from Major (. on- nil Reding to inform the 1j • t.-' ieneral that he had been engaged with the division oft Jen. Pup mt
from three o'clock in the morning till eleven 5 toat h had repulsed the French, and remained master of the iield of battle. The guns of the advanced giiui'd of Tiieut.- Geneial Peiia's division had scarcely begun to tire whan a flag of truce had arrived to treat upon the terms < rf c apitulation. The discussion did not last long. Genera! D. tnn. it was told he must sttrrend - r at discretion. Lieut.- General Pena halteil and formed his division upon the h • :,' ht; of ; mi'oula, distant thtee miles from Baylen ; between four and five o'clock General Casterick, Aid- de- c imp to Bonaparte, was sent by Gen. Dupont with orders to, treat with Gene.
ral Castanas in person. At nine oYI > ek P. M. Major- General Reding informed the Lieut.- eneral, that during the truce he had been treacherously attacked by Gen. YVedel, wha was . just, come troin i^ a Carolina with a reinforcement of sixthousand men; and that ttie .- iattaiioo oi' Cordova had been surprised and taken p. iai ao'-, together ' vith two field- pieces. The negoeiatioo la ted till the exening of the 20th, and the gloriou i result I have the honour to inclose, as also as exact a i account of the kitted and wounded, on both sides, as ? have been able to collect in the hurry, of the moment. The French themselves acknowledge
the bravery and stCadiuc « of the Spani- h troop, ; their firmness, constancy, and perscv- ranee, under the greatest possible privations, are woi& y of the admiration of the world, particularly when it i; remembered that half the army is composed of new- raised • vies. The Marquis Coupigny U detached with his division to take immediate possesion of the Pastes of Sierra Morena. Gen. Castanoi deserves the highest praise for his well conceived plan, and for the cool determination with which he has carried it. into execution, in spite of the popular clamour f> r an immediate attack on the position of Andujar. Wi;:! stthe negociations
were carried on, General Castanos received an intercepted dispatch from the Duke of llovego to Do pout, or 1 ring him to retreat immediately upon Madrid, as the army of Gailicia was t'apid y advancing. This d tc, mined the General to admit the capitulation of General Wedcl. FRF. NCH FORCE. Division of Dupont 8000 Rank and File. Division of VVedel <> 000 Till: SALlSBt'llY' r\ Ni) WLXCIFFISTER JOUiiNAL; 14,000 SPANISH FORCE. Reding . floOO Pena fiOOO Coupigny 5000 Jones 5000 Tonl 25,090* Nearly 3009 of the French killed and wouaded. From 1000 to 1' 200 of the Spaniards killed and wounded. ' IF. K51S OF
CAPlTUt- At'ION. The Division of General Dupont priso ; ers of war. The Divisi •., ,. f Geo. Wodel to deliver up their arras till their arriv d at. Cadii, where they are to be embarked and sent to Koch ifort. There u" longer exists a French F-> rce in Andalusia, - igue. l) S. \ VH1TT1NGHAM, 13th Light Dragoons. *:.' B. To" Division of General Dupont is aho to return to* Fi'a: ice by r. ochefort. * OI this total one half Peasantry, . hat t'le l': i' e h troops under General Dupont, consisting > f about " tjoti men, had. surrendered themselves prisoners A Letter f.- om L- rd ( e- Uing. vood to the Admiralty, dated on b. arii the O ean, otf Cadiz, July
25, briefly state? that of ot war on the » J0t;>, having lost aho- it 3000 killed in some partial n j. a » which took place o. i that and the three pre- isding tl « ./ s;" and that General VVedel, with about. 6' 000, who hid arrived to reinforce Dupont, had capitulated on condition of hi; force being emba he- land sent toRochcfort. " The following official ace met also appears under the Admiral.. late, ' oaving bee. i s nt by the President of the Sii'ireeo • Junta of Seville to Lord Col'. ingwojd : MOST £. v" F. t. t, F. NT Loan, It is with the gr aiest sat) faction that the Supreme, Junta inform ; your excellency of the happy success which our arms h
« ve had over the French army under Generals Du- pont, Vi W, and Gobert, they having laid down their arms, as U set forth in the inclosed papers, which accom- pany this for your information, being persuaded of the noble iittcrc; t your Excellency takes in ourm-' st just cause. The- victory " could not have beet) more complete, and there does not remain one Frenchman in Andalusia; there Hot being a single individual of the three divisions ( which, by their own statements, amounted to more than 20,000 nien), that has not been cither killed or taken prisoner. The rejoicing is so general and so lively, that an idea of it cannot be
given ; and we expect the same in your I. rd- ship's iqn. eo'on, through the favour which the Spanish nation owes to British generosity. God save your Excellency ! ( Signed) Ft: AN CISCO TIE SAAVF. DRA. VICENTE HOKE. ANTONIO ZEMBKANO. ANDRES MINAN. JUAN BAPTISTA ESTELLA, Secretary of St:'. te. Palace of the Jlr. nl Jlcares of Seville, 22rf July, 1808. DOWNINO- STREET, Jt.' gvst lb". By Letters received from Lieut.- Col. Doyle, at Corunna, and from Major Roche, at Oviedo, of the 8th and 9th in'. t. addressed to Viscount Oastlereagh, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of JSltte, it. appears, that
various letters from respectable authorities at Madrid, and also public Gazettes, had been received, both at. Corunna and Oviedo, stating, that on the 29th u\ t. in the evening, the French began the evacu- ation of Madrid. Upon the 30t. h the evacuation continued ; and upon the 31st Joseph Bonaparte, with the remainder of iiis troops, quitted tie* Capital for Segovia. The measure tvas attributed to tb : French having received the account of the surrender of General Dupont's army in Andalusia. The French carried with them ail tlie artillery arid » mmun'" ion th> y contd find means t , convey, and spiked tin cannon and damaged the
powder they left behind; they also plundered the Peaces and the Treasury* they were followed by the Spanish Ministers who had acted under the 1' rene end in general bv all the French who were settled in x. fc'a'JSe. '• 1IhV. ii. Upon the 1 ; t of July it was believed titut vmi inii Fi'euchuian remaining in the Capital, ABJIIBALTV- OFFICE, Jug. IS. Lord Coilingwood has t.- aii'tniucd a Letter from Capti Campbeil, of his Majesty's ahip Unite, dated u. f. Ptemuda, June 1, relating the cap- tore, bv that ship, of two Italian brigs of war, mounting I I thirty- two- pounder carronades, with a complement of 115 men ; a hired brig, whion was in
company with these, from the light winds was enabled to escape. Lord CoHiug- wood adds, " Of the zeal, activity, and skill of Captain Campbell, I hive had frequent occasion to write you, Sir, i. i terms of praise: lie has the King's service warmly at heart, and his enterprises never fail of producing good; . of his Officers he speaks in high commendation, particularly of the First Lieutenant Wilson, and I beg their Lordships wi'l allow me to second the recommendation of his Captain, and uifer his merits to their regard." The eaptured ships are named the" Nettmio and Teulie of 1(> thirty- two pounders, brass Carronades, and 115 men
each,- sent from Zara the day before for thfi purpose of attacking the Unite, having heard that she had so many men absent and sick, tiiat she must fall an easy prey. The Nettuno bad 7 men killed, 2 drowned, and 13 wounded; the Teulie 3 killed and IS Wounded.— Not a man was hurt on board the Cnite. Copy ii f a 1, titer from Georgt Bi/ ng, Esq. Captain of his Maj'sti/' s shift Bdli'iueu'x, • luted nff'Gallc, Manh 10, 180s. fit's Majesty's ship St. Fiorenzo this morning anchored off (.' olumoo, hiving brought in the Piadrnontese French frigate, totaily dismasted, which she captured after an action renewed three successive days, and
on the last day that excellent and gallant Officer, Captain Hardinge, was unfortunately killed. By all information a more severe and determined action has not been fought during the war, nor British valour • shewn more conspicuously; anil I hear the St. Fiorcuzo had C5 killed and 24 wounded, and the Piedmoptese 50 kilted and 100 wounded. ( Signed) GEO. BYXG. C° 1" J " f o- Later from Captno Duly, of the Comet, sloop, to Jdof. ru! Lord CauUicr, dated at Sea, Aug, II, I so J. L'V Lf>!!•>,' Or, the 9th inst. I left Gijon, and at half past eight this morning, being in lat. 45 ileg. 38 min. N. and long. 5 deg. t min. W. I observed three
strange sail N. N. E. At nine, I distinguished them to be a corvette and two men of war brigs. Having hoisted the private signal, their notanswer- it induced me to conclude they were enemies. In lite face of so superior a force, [ thought it most prudent to continue my course under all sail, as by altering it they might be inclined to chase me. 1 am happy to say, that in so doing the enemy were so far intimidated as to tack and make all sail from me to the N. N. E. At noon, the corvette having much outsailed her consorts, t eked and stood to the southward. I now carried till possible sail in chace ot' the two brigs, and at half pa t three
the head- most brig tacked and passed one to windward about two guns'shot distance; at five the remaining brig hoisted French colours, and began to engage me with her stern guns. At 20 minutes after five, having got within pistol shot pf her, I commenced close action, which she sustained 20 minutes, and being then much disabled, hauled down her colours to the Comet. She proved to be the French national brig Sylphe, mounting- is twenty-- ix- pounder carronade.,, and two long nines, with a complement of' 98 men. Her Second Lieutenant, a Midshipman, and five men, were kilted in the action, and two Midshipmen and
three men wounded, most of them s'everely.— No person on board the Comet was hurt. She is a very line vessel, and, in my opinion, very fit for his Majesty's service : her consorts ( who so shamefully deserted her, were the Diligente, of 22 guns and 1- 10 men, and the Espiegle, of 18 guns and 100 men. ( Signed) C. F. DALY. WHITEHALL, Aug. Iff. The King has been pleased to nominate and appoint George Fergus ion of I lermand, Esq. to be one of the Lords of Session in Scotland, in the room of Sir Wm. Nairn of Duusiiman, Bart, resigned. BANKRUPTS. JiitinWrw, of WJikefieW, corn- ilcatei-. Wiu. VViikes, of jtinriiiighani,
factor. , Herbert VVyatt, Robert Scatiiherd Jones, Charles Shepparrl, and Niels Petterson Top, of Duke- street, At-. le. ate, London, painters. Tiios. Ottivant, of Manchester, silversmith. Win. Otlivant, of Manchester, cotton- manufacturer. Mary Wicks, of Minclnnhumpton, miller. James Hale, of Chester, butcher. K hvarl Haltor- 1, " f I'ristfll, baker. Richard Banks, of faciam, victualler. Kiehaid Thaek- ay, of Barton Leonard, Sax- dresser. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17. A few Dutch Papers have been received, of as late a date as Monday se'nnight, bringing accounts from Paris down to the 3d iust.— These really furnish no
information worthy of detail ; there are however various articles re- specting military arrangements and preparations which strongly indicate an expectation of hostilities between France and Austria. The Sovereignty of the Grand Duchy of Berg has been formally assumed by Napoleon. This is supposed to he in consequence ot Murat's nomination to the kingdom of Naples, an arrangement with which the late events in Spain will ill acebrd. Letters from Holland state, that the French have de- tained all the Russian ships in the Adriatic, without assign- ing any cause for so uiilooked for a proceeding. General rejoicings have been
ordered in Holland, in honour of the triumphal entry of Joseph Bonaparte into Spain; they will now be just in tinie for his inglorious retreat. A fleet from the Baltic and Gottenlnirgh is arrived in Yarmouth Roads, under convoy of his Majesty's brig Piercer, Lient. Sibrell, Commander. They sailed from Carlscruna on the 22d ult. On their passage through the Belt attempts were made by the enemy's row- boats to cut off a part of the convoy, but they were frustrated by the exerti. ms of the Piercer and Exertion gun- brigs, and Hope sch j eer, of Berwick, armed with 6 12- poutjder carronades. An opinion strongly prevailed at Gottenburgh
a few days since that a negotiation of- some kind or other is car- rying on between Sir James Saumarez and the Danes. An exchange of prisoners is stated as the ostensible cause of this amicable intercourse. It, is, however, suspected to proce d, as well as is a imposed negotiation between Russia and Sweden, from a disposition ill all the parties to com- promise and settl e their present disputes. At the date of the last accounts from the Isle of France, an . Expedition was fitting out there, but the object of it was unknown. Another expedition is preparing to sail from Cork, under the command of Lieut. Gen. Sir David Baird. Bat talions of the 26' th. 27th, and 81st regiments, with a com- pany of artillery under Captain Wall, have arrived in the neighbourhood of the Cove, to embark in this fifth expe- dition, in which Brigadier- General Siade is to have a command. The Gazette of last nighty besides the official confirmation of the triumph of the Spaniards, in the total destruction of the French armies in Andalusia, shortly notices the glorious capture of the Piedmontaise French frigate, effected by a British frigate carrying one- third less weight of metal, and not half the number of men; the Piedmontese had iilb' Frenchmen, 216 Lascars,— in all 532; the St.
Fioreiuo had only 200 men on board. The Piedmontaise had been out from tlffi Isle of France about ten weeks, and had made a great many prizes, but none of much value. Moreau, Second Captain, who was slightly wounded, when he found she had struck, conscious of his infdiuous conduct in many instances, but particularly in stabbing Captain Larkins, of the Warren Hastings, after she bad struck, " and aware of til . punishment that awaited him, jumped overboard and was drowned. The Pickle schooner, of 10 guns, Lieutenant M. Kennedy, has been lost - as she was going into C adiz with dispatches. The Pickle was a prime
sailer, and was lie of the light vessels attached to Lord Nelson's fleet, in his last memorable chace of the French fleet to the West Indies. A letter from Barbadoes, dated July It), thus details the fate of the Netlev sloop of war :— " A melancholy accident tork place the other evening, by which his Majesty lost about 70 seamen and Officers iti the Netley sloop of war, commanded by Captain Charles Durman : she left Carlisle Bay about sun- set, with an in- tention of going to the Northward, in search of a privateer reported to be hovering about the island, and about eight o'clock Was struck by a tremendous squall, which upset her. In
less than two minutes she sunk, and ait, who were not on deck, were drowned in their beds t a Midshipman and eight men were picked up by the Julia stoop of war, five hours after, floating on spars, and whatever at the mo- ment oifered for their escape," Orders are said to have been dispatched to Malta, for a considerable force immediately to ptfoceej to Sicily, in which there has been a. general movement of the troops towards Palermo, where Sir John Stuart is preparing an expedition. Military stores are nosv embarking with great activity in the River ; id sail of vessels arc now busily occu- pied with taking in 31,000 Urns of
ordnance at V/ joolwIfch. Orders have b5es sent to Malta, it is said, for the imme- diate transfer of a part of the troops composing that garri- son to Sicily, to assist, as is supposed,- in a descent upon the Neapolitan coast. Westminster Abbey is about to undergo, a thorough repair, which, it is supposed, will be fourteen year*, ir. completing : the expellee is estimated at 60,000/. At Hereford Assizes a cause was tried which had excited unusual interest in that county. It was an action brought by Mr. Scott, the Barrister, against the Earl of Oxford ( who married the plaintiff's sister), for defamation. The Jury gave 20/. damages. BHK.
in.—' There being no Court of Aldermen yesterday, the Lord Mayor, after inspecting the returns ot the Meal- weighers, ordered the price of Bread to continue as last week, viz. Is. V. the quartern loaf wheatcn, lO. jfl'. house- hold, Dt/ EM. iNrt.— The chief point on which Major Campbell, of the regiment, was convicted at Armargh Assizes of the murder of Capt. Boyd, as noticed ill otir last Journal, appeals to ha've been the near resembiaoce which the Duel bore to a ha tv Italian a-- a-.^ nation, lather than to the cool demand of injured honour to repair ait insult, in the mode usually practised in the - c kingdoms. The quarr. 1 arose in
tht mess- room of the 21st regiment, in June, ieto/. after the regiment had been inspected by General Ivee, and the General had suniaepieetiy dined with the mess ; at eight o'clock the company had all left the room, except . Major Campbell, Capt. Boyd, Lieut, Hall, and Surgeon Adams'. Major Campbell then observed, that " Gen. Ker corrected hiui that day about a particular mode ot giving a word at command, when be gave it right." He related how he gave it, and how the General corrected him. Capt. Boyd said, neither was correct, according to Dunila-, which :, the King's order." Major Campbell! insisted that he v . s right, and
each gentlemul pertinaciously maintai log his opinion, Major Campbell quitted the room. Capt. Boyd left it in about ten minutes, and the Other two gentlemen went away together ill a few miiiutf ; after. In about twenty minutes, the Surgeon ens ceded to attend Capt. Boyd, who had been mortally wouiided with a pistol- ball, of which wound he died in I i hours. Major C. and he bad lireti at each other without seconds, or any other person being present, in a small room adjoining the mess- room, where the greatest distance from colou r to corner was only seven paCes. Whilst Capt. B. htyinagouy, expecting his dissolution, Major C.
said to him, " On the word of'tidying man, was every thing f. iii ?" Capt. Boyd replied, " Camp- bell, you have hurried me ; you are a bad man."—( Lieut M'Pherson, the witness, was io coloured clothes, and the Major did not know him at the time.) Major C. repeated, " Boyd, before this stranger and Lieut, flail, was every thing fair?" Capt. P>. replied, " O no, Campbell, you know I wanted you to wait, and have friends." Major C. then said—" Good God, will yon mention before these Gentlemen, was not every thing fair ? did you not say you was ready?" Capt. Boyd answered, " yes;", but in a. moment after said, " Campbell, you're a
bad man." Capt. Boyd was helped into the next room, and Major Campbell followed, much agitated, and repeatedly said to Capt. Boyd that he ( Boyd) was the happiest man of the two—" I am ( says Major C.) an unfortunate man, but 1 hope not a bad one." Major C. asked Capt. 1). if he forgave him ; he stretched out his hand, and said—" 1 forgive you— I feel for' you, and am sure you do for me."-— The Jury expressly decided, that Capt. Boyd was sensible he was a dying man when he made these declarations. ' It being staled by another witness, that " 1 jor ( amphell drank tea with his family in the short interval between his
quitting the mess- room and his return with pistols' to the adjoining room, which the parties entered alone ( altogether not more than 20 minutes) the Jury inferred- that he had time to c ail. These pobits in- de ch'etiy gainst him, and occasioned the verdict Guilty of fp i/ fnl Murder. Many Officers of high rank having given Major Cainlitdl a most excellent charac- ter, especially foi humanity, peaceable conduct anil proper behaviour, the Jury o > this grc. i id r. commended him to mer e', and his sentence wain c nsequeuce re' pited to the 24th inst. Muunnt.— Wlliam Mines Montagu, a coal- dealer in the Maize, Southwark, \ v » s shot .
on Monday nigle, with a pistol, by his son- in- law, William Pilkington. ii : was taken to St. Thomas's Hospital, where he expired about four hours after. Pilkine'ton was found in the room with Montagu, when rile neighbours entered it on hearing the report of the pistol ; two pistols were fouud on him, one loaded, the other discharged : he said it had gone off by accident in a scuffle, and the dying man corroborated the assertion; but he afterwards said to Pi'. kii. gton, " you have murdered one of the best of fath. is;" and on an i. - vcstigatip. i of all the circumstances by a Coroner's Jury, on Monday, they found a verdict, of W ilful Murd'-
r against Pitkington, who was si nt down to Guildford, to take Lis trial at the Surry Assizes. INTENDED TURNPIKE ROAD From Mahneshtry to H'ootion Basset anil Marlborough. T1IE Noblemen, Gentlemen, Clergy, and such Other persons as are inclined to be prombtcrsof this mid - r- taltiug tire hereby respectfully informed, that a MEETING is appointed to be ' holder, at the ROYAL OAK INS, at Wootton Basset, on Tuesday the 6th day of September next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, in order to Consider and determine, on the exact Line' of Road to be pursued in making : he above Turnpike Road, or such part thereof as
shall be then resolved upon, and the several ' branches through Dauntsey, Somerford Magna, and other places pr. yosed to communi- cate therewith, whereat they are requested to attend. By order of the present Subscribers, [ 736 Malmesbury, Aug. 1( 5, 1808. RD. ROBINS, Solicitor. KENNET AND AVON CANAL NAVIGATION. rpHE Committee of Management of the Affairs and JL Bu- incss of the Company of Proprietors of the Kennct and Avon Canal Navigation, not having at the last General Quarterly Meeting of them the said Con mittee appointed the time and'place for holding the next Gen. ral Quarttrly Meet- ing of the
said Committee ; I do hereby, in exercise of tlr? powers contained in an Act of Parliam rt made and passed iii t'ne thirty- sixth y. ar of the rcigh'of his present Majesty, entitled, " An Act to vary and alter the Line of the Canal authorised to be made by an Act. passed in the thirty- fourth Yctr of the Reign of lie - resent Majesty, entitled, ' An Act for making a Navigable Canal from the River Rennet at or near rhe Town of Ntwbuiv, in the C unty. of Berks, to the River Avon, at or near the City of Bath, and also certain Na- vigable Cu, s therein described ;' and to amend the said Act, and also to make a ^ er N vigable Cut therein
described," appoint the next General Quarterly Me. ting of the said Com- mntee to be held at til C- ear Inn, at Kevins, in the county of Wilts, on Monday the fifth day oi September 180*, at eleven ot the clock in the forenoon. [ 7C4 JOHN WARD, Principal Cierk to the said. Company of Proprietors. RENNET and AVON CANAL NAVIGATION. N Pursuance of a Requisition in writing, under the hands of Proprietors of one thousand Shares or more in the said Canal Navigation, to me given, I do hereby give no- tice, That a special Meeting of the Proprietors at large of Shar - s and Half Shares in the said Canal, will be he'd at the Bear
Ion, at Devizes, in the county of Wilts, on Monday the fifth day of September 1803, at twelve o'clock at noon, to de- t rmine and elect whether they the said Company wilt make and execute, a certain 1 lots ' Towing Path, and other Works, authorized to be made ami executed by virtue of . n Act of Parliament made and passed in the 47th year of his present Majesty's reign, entitled, " An Act for enabling the Proprie- tors of the Navigation of the Riv. r Avon, in the Counties of Somerset and Gloucester, from' the ' City of Bath to or near Uanham's Mills, to make a:. ' maintain a Horse Towing Path, for the purpose of towing - i l balling
with Horses, or other- wise, Boats, Lighters, and other Vessels-, up and down the. sti! I River," for the compensations awarded t.< thr at M Com- pany of Proprietors by a certain deed poll, bti i rig lian til. ; th' day of July 180?,, u. ud.- r the hands and seals ofthcArhin " r or Commissioners, m ornate. 1 and- appointed Araltratpr- . no. Commissioners in en . by, or by virtue and : . purso . a of, and tor the purposes mentioned in, a certain Indemur- hearing date tile 31th day « f July, in the year of . cur ! • . • ;- 07 ; and' made, or expressed to be made, betwe en t' . - .- a il Company of Proprietors of the eCermetand Avon Can; !
Viveation, and Sit Christopher Wilieoahby, Baronet,-" no ot' ers, Proprie- tors of the tolls and shar- s aris': ng from dices i t Navigation of the river Avon.— Daleil this 18 th day of August its'es. 7( ijj JOHN WARD, Principal Cit- rk to the said Copipanyof Proprietors. TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. The humble Jildrasr( f the Mayor* Bailiffs, Burgesses, and Commonalty, of the town and conrtty ( f Poole, in Common Council assembled. MOST GRACIOUS. S. OYJ; I! III(!. N'. WE your Majesty's most loval and dutiful Subject', beg have at this time to address your Majesty, and to express those sentiments, which vve
most intimately feci, of profouedest respect and warmest affection far your Majesty's sacrtd Person and Government; and to congratulate your Ala. jesty on the success which has hitherto attended the nobis and patriotic exertions' aijcl struggles of two neighbouring . Kingdoms, to recover their invaded rights and liberties, in which they have been supported, by your Majesty's, prompt assistance to d generous suppd s. And, we most earnestly hppe they have eil'ectua'lly stepped the mad career, and uttetjy de- feated the hostile attempts, of tlMt- Tyrant who has usurped the throne of i'nin ie, disturbed the, peace and ' ranquillity of
Europe, and subverted ancient governments by the most endr- mous and atrocious acts, at which humanity shudde. i. and by . which it is dishonoured and disgraced. We trust- that these are propitious presages of ultimate sncsa . s, and that other states groairi.- i' under toe Tyrant's yoke, roused and in- spired by each ul- jstrious examples, will txert - themselves with equal ardour, ami like success : that the tranquillity of Europe may be restored and established,' by a safe, " ho- nour.. hie, and permanent pence. ' 1 hat your Majesty may lone, live to enjoy this public and every private blessing and felicity, w messing the increasing
honour, glory, and prosperity of these y ur Majesty's highly favoured ar. il happy Realms, is the sir. cer. st w i., h and most anient prayif of us jour Majesty's loyal, dutiful, and affecti- onate Subjects, Given under our common seal this sixteenth day of Aneust, in the tony- eighth year of your Majesty's reign. * [ 74- 2 TURNPIKE TOLLS TO BE LETT • VT. OT1CE is hereby giv n, That the TOLLS arising J_ ^ at the several Toll Gates upi. il the Turnpike R'. ad from Marlhofoueh to Kvcrley, in the county of Wilts, will be t. li' 1 T , by AUCTION to the best bWd. r, according to. Act of Par- liament, at the Town Hall in MurlLcrough aforesaid,
on Tues- day IheUOth day of August, Isos, between the hours often o'clock in the forenoon end five o'clock in the afternoon ; whica Tolls were leit the last year for the several sums follow- ing ( that is to say), 1 tie ( idle m Saint Margaret's for ••£ '•> To ' Gate at Ram Alley for 4D And'-' Tiie Gar " S at South Grove and Ktdib for 50 clear of ail L\.. C: S, and will be put up at- those sums res- pectively. Who ver happen to be the best bidders must give security, with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the Ti ost . es of th- snid Turnpike, f r the payment ; •' the rent atsuuli times and and in such manner as thev shall direct. by order of
the Trustees, THOMAS MKRRIMAN, Clerk. MARUIOHOBGH. \ St of Alii! list, I OIL. [ 761 • WILTS. ~ Coesham and jLucoc. i Turnpike.•' Tolls. IVTOTICE is hereby given, that ihc TOLLS arising at tile Blue Vein Gate, situate on the road le uling from MJksham to Bath, wdl be LETT by AUCTION to the best bidder, according to the conditions to" be produced, at the lie i Lion Inn, at " Lac- ode, on Wcdn. A! iy the 38th day of Septem- ber n- xt, between ttis houts ot eleven and one o'clcnk, for one year, from the 1st, day of October NEXT, in the manner DITTOED by the 4ct p isse/.; til the iy, H year of the R i n of hi i present M . jesty
Ring George the Third, " fpr odat. og the Turnpike Roads ;" which Tolls were last iett for 4902. end whl be put up £ t that sum. ' W'noev i happens to bo.' the hest bidder, must, at the same • time, give security, vyith suitaeient sureties to the t OIL oi the Trustees of . the said turnpike re- a ds,, for p. mont of the rent agreed for, arid at Slich tunes as tntv shr. il direct. The said Trustees will, at th •„• n • « > ic ting to be held on' the said e- fti. day of September, elect new Trusts'in the room of such as are dead. < [ 7- 0 JOHN MEREWKTHFJT, CAI. NE, loth August, 1808. Clerk and Treasurer. WILTS. CALNK TXilNPIKE- TOLLS.
N'OTICE i. Hereby sjven, that the TOLLS arising at the Calne Turnpike Gates, known by the s, vend names herein. at'ter- mer. t. oi. e. i, will be LETT by'AUCTION, either in on, or more lots, to the best bidder", according to the conditions to be produced, at the Catherine Wheel Inn, at Cable aforesaid, op Tuesday the ' 27th day of September next, in the manner, directed by til - Act passed in the lath year of the reign of his present Majesty king George the Third, " for r .' uniting the Turnpike ReaiL ;" which Toils produced the I .1.1 year the s. evi 1 j sums. set agncst the follow- ing respective Gates, over and abovA the cxpencesof
collecting the same, and will t, put up at those sums, cither together or separate, as shall be then and there agreed on ; \ iz. Chi ivestcr- hiil Gate £ 394 9 < i[ Guenicrforil Gate'and Chaik- strcet side'Gate 5S<? 17 - IV Smelliifgs- lane Gate, - leading to Devizes 78 1.1 11 V Whoever happens to- be the best bidder 0100, at the same time, give security, with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the Trustees ot the said turnpike roads, for payment of the rent agiecd for, and at such tim n • 1 thav shall direct. 730J JOHN MEREWETHER, Pu » t, 16/ A August, 1803. Clerk and Treasurer. TURNPIKE ROAD Lending from It anr . s& er
and Frome towards Bath, " VTOT1CE is hereby given,— That the TOLLS X •! arising at four of trie Toll Gates erected on the above tnrnpik" road, called Thoulston, Frome Field, Oldford, and Welch Mill Gates, will be LETT by'AUCTION, to the best bidder, either together or in separate lots, at the election of the Trust es of the said turnpike road, subject to the condi- tions of sale to be produced by them, at the house of W111. Grant, called the Black Dog Inn, situate at Standerwick, m the county of Wilts, on Tuesday the - 20th day of September next, between the hours of five and seven o'clock in the aiter- nooti, for one year, to
commence from Saturday the lst day of October next, at one o'clock ' 01 the morning, in tile man- ner directed by tha Act passed in the 13th year of tile reign of his present Majesty King Geoiec the Third " for regulating tile turnpike roads," which Tolls produced the last year the respective sums under- mentioned, above the cxpcnccs of col- lectin the same, viz. Thoulston £ 2- 10 0 0 PromeField, Oldford, and Welch Mill... 221 0 0 And will be put up at such sums as the Trustees shall think fit. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, at the same time must give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satistaction of the said Trustees,
for payment of the rent agreed for monthly or quarterly, as shall be required by them. NATH. BARTON, Clerk and Treasurer. M'arminfter, Aug. 10, 1808. [ 717 " NO be SOLD by AUCTION, by JOHN WARS, L on Wednesday the 31st day of August, 1808, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at Bridport Harbour,— All the com- plete STOR ES of the Ship ROSA K 10, register 305 tons, cap- urcd bv the True Briton, in March last, on her voyage to Monte Video, and now lying in Bridport Harbour; consisting of anchors, cables, hawsers, masts, yards, sails, and rigging, the greater part of which are nearly new ; together witli a pa- tent
cabboose, cook's, boatswain's, gunner's, carpenter's, and other Stores, well worth the attention ef any person building a vessel of the above tonnage; also, worth the attention of cider- makers and brewers, a quantity of firm iron- bound butts, puncheons, hogsheads, barrels, and other casks. At the same time will be sold, a quantity of exceeding good twice- laid, Sccond- hand, and other icpe, with a quantity of junk or paper- stuff; wood guns and carriages, blocks, com- passes, hooks and thimbles, with sundry iron work, a stout, crane mid jib for a warehouse,' and many other useful articles for shipping- and building. After the
sale of the above will. be disposed of, six capital iron cans, four- pounders, with carriages, worms, spong . ice. now lying at Weymouth, in the c ure of Mr. MWliar. 1 tit a r. N. B. As the ship Ro'sario is breaking op at Bridport Har- bour, there will be many useful articles tor sale, " worth the attention of those who may become purchasers of the other goods. [ 71.0 TO be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, on the premises, by'J. JEANES, on Monday the .19th of - Sep- tember 1808, between the hours of five and seven in the af- ternoon ( unless previously disposed of by ' private ' contract, ot' which. notice will be given),-— A substantial
and good- accus-' tomed INN, called SPAHKFOIIO INN, situate at S.- arkforil, in the county of Somerset, with exccllcnt brew- house, snr. l and other necessary and convenient offices, garden and or- chard adjoining, and five closes of excellent meadqw or. pas- ture land lying contiguousjbereto, containing hy estimation 20 acres ( more or less), " in the occupation of Mr.. Harwood, the Qwncr. The premises arc held under the Lord of the Manor of Sparkford for three- leal thy lives, t'ne eldest about 50, the others about 24 and If years of age. These premises - arc desirably situated on the turnpike road leading from and nearly
cential 1 etween the towns 01 Wiu- otuiton, Xi- hestcr, Yeovil, Sherborne, Castle Cary, upd Bin- ton ; and. baviiig of late years been improved, at a. very'consi- derable expence, Would be a desirable purchase to any person disposed to enter into the line of business, for which they are so well adapted. The purchaser may be accommodated with one half, of the purchase- motley on security of the preni'ses: For further information, or to treat hy private contract, ap* fiicati - n may be. made to { he owner, or to. Mea. is. l'. iessiter, uttornies, Wiucanton. [ 7* 7 WARMINSTER, WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, bv R. KNIGHT, 011
Tuesday and Wednesdav thetJOth and 31st of Ac - u t 180S, A variety of useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITUH li, China, Table- linen, and other Effects of Miss Halliday, de- ceased. Also about m dozen of superior On! Port Wine, a large quantity of Casks of different sizes, arid Glass Bottles ; a covered Cart on springs • a brood Mare, got by King Fergus; a black Mare, with her tvvo- vear- oid Fillv, by Skyscraper; a brown Mare, got by Dungannon, dar:' Madcap,' with her Filiy, by Dottrel, stinted by Game Nut; a tout- year- old Mare, out of the preceding, bv Skyscraper; a yearling Colt, dipo, by Dottrel; two Heifers, and a variety of other
articles. N. B. The Wine, Horses, Cart, Ac. will' be sold on Wed- nesday. Catalogues may be had at Mr. C. Lacy's, book- seller ; and the goods viewed cn the'day preceding th - sale, which will begin eat h moftinig at eleven" o'clock. ' ( 74;! Cliichsgrvvc, veai Tisbitrn, tVitti. riX> be' SOLI.) by AUCTION,' by GHRRARP and A Go. at the Compass Inn, at Cliicksirove, on Wednes- day the 7th day of September, 1S08, between the hours of three and six, subject to such conditions as wdl there bs produced, unless disposed of in the mean time 1 v Prusti! C intract, of which nofic • will be aiven,— Two COTTA . FS or TENEMENTS, and
TWO GARDEN'S, together with i Stable, Cart- house, Out- houses, and premises thereto be' longing, situate at Ch'cksgrove aforesaid, held by lease under the Right Hon. Lord Arundel for three good lives, subject to a small . quit- rent for each Tenement and Girden.-—- Also a. Piece of PASTURE LAND or ORCHARD, containing bf measure about one acre ami a quart r, planted with choice fruit trees in full b . urine, situate at Chicksjrove afortsaidi held hy lease under W. Beckford, Esq. fot three good lives, subject to, a - mall quit- rent. For a view of the premises apply to Samuel haver, cn the spot; and to treat by Private
Contract to Mr. Lawrcncej Solicitor, High- street, Salisbury. f; 7 « WILTS. TO be SOI. D by AUCTION', by Guv and Co. on Monday the - Kith dav of August, ieos, and four fol- 1 owinc days, at the Parsonage House at Donhead Saint . An- drew ( four miles from Shaftesbury:,— Ail the neatHOUSE- IfOLD FURNITURE, Plate. Linen, China, Glass, upwari's of lno volumes of Books, and other EfteCts, the property of the Rev. Doctor Ben. t, deceased; conipri- ing four- post, bu- reau, and other bedsteads, with mabnglm pillars, cottoo. and moreen furniture ; excellent feather beils, mattresses, blan- kets, " quilts," and counterpanes;
mahogany wardrobes, secre- tiri-. s, chest of drawers, bureaus, bookcase, night tables, < m s, t of mahogany dining tables with circular 1 rids, side- b. a d, d 11' nc breakfast, and orber tables', drawin - room and par- lour chairs with s it n and hi- r s atsj a fine- toned piano, forte; pier and' dressing glass s ; A- xminster and Wilton . car-' pes; an electrifying machine; polished fenders and lire irons; ex- client month tihleJpiece and tight- day clock in hen ' sonii'cases ; a general assortment of kitchen furniture 1 br wingutensils, casks, tubs, & c. and about 50 dozen of wide bottles ; also a " m'ita. 1 pony,, two exceeding good roilfh
cows, end about six tons of meadow hay. The whole will be txprrs- cd in cataloimeS, which may be had four days bet- re the s le at the Lamb Inn, Hirtcfon ; . Pembroke Arms, Fovarit; Glove, Donhead ; place of sale } ar.: at the Auctioneers', Shaftesbury, Dorset. The fure'rare m iy. be viewed three davs be'ore the sale, which will be, tin etch morning it el v 11 o'clock. WILTSk Freehold Estates, Collinr houriie Kingston, between An- dacer, Ihtvgerford, and Marlborough. NPO H- SOLD by AUCTION', by Mr. ROBINS, i at parr iway's Coffee- house, ' Chang'e- altcy, Cornhilf, London, on Tuesday ti. e 30th of August, at twelve o'clock,
in twi Lots t Lot 1.— The very eligible FREEHOLD ESTATES, land- tux redeemed, cc-, 11 oising . the manor or reputed manor of Ciatingb urne Valence, and Brontnn Hous » ; a desirable himily rnansa ii, is., cud on a lawn sutrouuded by thriving plantations, with eiuden, orchard, yard, barns, stables, and out- buiidiiuis, and upwards of l ot acres of meadow, pasture, arable, and wood Land, alllyin i e inpact, in a good state of f cultivation, and in manding rich arid plcHsan* r - dcr. c a tine healthy part pf the country, com- Xtensive views oxer a rich country, pre- f ir a eentlSman fond of farming and Held sports; situate in the parish
and near the Village of Collingboume Kingston,'' and within a quarter of a mile of the Church. Lot 2.—- A valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, adjoining lot 1, called Heath Farm, land- tajt. redeemed,' and Gammon's Corner, s; tuate in the parishes of CqB'mgbouiuc Kingston and Chute, with a farm- house, yards, garden, orchard, barns, stables, and out- buildings, and upwards of 171 acres of me; - flow, pasture, and wood land, all in good cultivation, and Iving- compact. An Act is obtained f . i inclosing thr pariih of Chute, Wilich will add a considerable quantity of land to this lot. These Estates are very eliglbtepfoperty for investing
money, or for occupation; are within two miles of Evvra v, nire from Hungerford, ten from Marlborough) twelve from- Ai - dover, sixteen from Salisbury, and seventy from London..' May be viewed by apph . eg 011 the premises, where particr- lars may be had ; at tin- Star and Garter, Andover ; Swan, Buogerford; Castle and Marlborough Arms, Marlborough { White llart, Salisbury; tile Inns atlivcrley and Amesbuiv ; Pelican, Newbury; White Lion, Bath ; Bo b, Br. stol ; I, lack Bear, Devizes; White Hart, Chippenham; at Gang- ways ; and of Mr. Robins, Warwick- street, Golden- sonare. - London, where a plan of the Estates may be
seen. fii7 WIMBORNE, DORSET. HPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by JOHN FORCK, H at the King's Arms, in Wimborue, on Friday the sd of September, 1S0S, precisely at four o'clock in the' atterno 11, — The following PREMISES, held for long terms of vcais absolute, situate in the said parish of Wimborne. Lots, At Letslt. 1.— Barn- yard and Square- field 2.— Field adjoining... : ? / Lower- field". 1 \ Meadow by the River At BOTHF. NWOOD. 4.—- Bothenwood- mea d AtCllWGROVE. 5.— In Cha- mead Quality.. ( bmhlitu. A. li. P. Arabia • 1 5 O ditto 3 2 1G ditto 3 3 18 Meadow 0 1 Id ditto 3 1 i ditto 0 3 2(? tion. For further
particulars apply to Wimborne, Mr. Castiemn- [ 771 CHRlsTCHURCH AND WIMBORNE. HO be SOLD by AUCTION, BY JOHN- FORCE. j. at the King's Arms in Wimborne, on Friday the Sii of September, 1 BOH, precisely at five o'clock in the afternoon.— The FEE SIMPLE of the following PREMISES, viz. CHRISTCHURCH, " HANTS; Muscr. trrTYTHINO. Lats- Uuulity. Quantity^ J _ f Inner Quomp Arable \ OuterQuomp d. tto 2.— GlitF against tlv River Wood 3.— Part of Grcsnw. iv Close Arable 4 / Dungeon adjoining the River/ Wood, by I and Island near..'. I estimation Land- tax in Muscliff Tything 1/.. 0s.. l0ci. MucKi, isiiEi. i.
TYTHINO. / New Close Arable ditto 1 P. 31' St> 1 5. " i Ditto .'.. / The or Hay Crop in 2 2 10 0 1 0 3 3 37 3 3 37 0 3 0 » 1 02 37 Q f J. lie 1 or-' snin ' or IIay tl ' \ Pari.- y Mead, by'estimati 1 Land- tax in Muckleshell - 2/. 18s. Id. All the above lands are subject to an annual Quit- rent of- 8^. n,/. which will be apportioned at the time of sale. , WIMBORNE, DORSET; AT.( JninninQ* ^ Messuage, Out- buildings, iiick- „ f sitle, and Garden 1 '" j Plot behind the house Pasture Vphilhriil ; e Croft. Arabic ( CowlcHze •.."...;..' Pasture \ Rights of st eking anpuallv two g J yearlings and an half oril'iixs- ' l moor iculi liiut'on- iiiooig and / common of
pasture fo. r sheep V on th - d . ivnsof Kingston. L; ;: v. 1 . . Land- tax in Chilbridge It. « . 3. f. N. B. The Cowlc ,' ze is subject to a drift and carriage r- « d of thy width of 30 feet, f.- r the use of Mr. Oaklc, the pro- prie'dr of the adjoining lands. The p irclia- ser of cacf! lot must pay for the Timber at a valuation. For further particulars- apply to Mr. Castleman, Wimhor'ne, who haa a, plan of the lots. r7ij. j, __ THIS DAY 1S~ TUBI lSTIFDj . lp a pocket size, [ niic is. Cd. including Ihi \' ete Ait, THE fc , M:: LAWS.; l. eins? .1 comprehensive and familiar Trei. ti.-. c upon thai subject 5 comprising all the "" 1 Statutes and Resolutions of the
Courts relating to Deer, tlar s,' Rabbits, Phassants,• Partridges, Grou- ••, Fish, andothtr ob- jects of sport; t - ether With, . the qualifiearions by estate and certificate for kilting game • the appointment and authority of a game- keeper; the mode- of recovering penalties uudiv'the game laws; the law concerning trespass in the piiiauit of game ; and the general law relating m dows. Sirntlh. I'ditiun, omccItU aiul'mlarfeJ. London: Piinted l'oi VV. Clarke and Sens, Port g; t, i - tfect, L ncoln's- inn ; aud'sdd by Bfodie, Dovi d. ie, tad Lux'or J, Salisbury, ffiji r
AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS. HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. Friday's and Saturday's Posts. w FOREIGN N E W S. REVEL, JUHJ 3. rE look with the most painful anxiety to the approach of winter, which can bring us nothing but misery ; for, If things do not speedily alter, tve have to dread the " severest famine. There already pre- , iils here a most oppre- ive scarcity in the immediate i. oejssai'ies of Ufi^, A pound of had rock salt costs from 1 . to 14 copecks, and even at this pric . i? scarcely tp bo bottle of very bad wine sells for two roubles— •< O is at two roubl. s per pound, sugar one rouhje and a a! i',
common beer ,15 Copecks the bottle, and rye- meal : i per pound. The silver rouble has risen from 105 to io't copecks. In Esthoni. i, several boors have been firtjnd oend in the fields., Tiiey had been eating bay and carrion. A tuimber of Rus'ian troops are encamped here. VVe h ur no politic-.;! new-, and are all very peaceable. 1 he I j, Wish occasionally make their appearance-, and have liiiee. l our roads linder blockade, but have undertaken i. ' thine further. Of course there is no truth in the report Hi MI lolled in the Dutch papers of our having, sustained a " i oniwrdment, nor dues it seem that we have any to fear. DIED.] In April
last, at sea, on board the Earl Howe East ilidiaman, Lieut.- Col. Darley,— On Sunday, in De- von - hire- place, the Lady of Sir Charles William Rouse Houghton, Bart.—— A few days since, Matthew Brograve, Esq. of Wor. stead, Norfolk : he, was accidentally drowned in the river Yare, near Norwich.—- On Monday, at Bl.- I- bury,, Devon, Mr. William Ro dew, aged 87 years, who for the last So years had lived a total recluse, denying him- self t. he comforts, and almost the necessaries of life : this mode he. is supposed to have- adopted in consequence of a disappointment in his alrections ear ly in life : by it lie amassed
considerable property ; but he was a man of strict integrity, scrupulouslyJust in all his dealings ; and sonic time hef . re his death he distributed nearly the whole of his wealth anions' his relatives. LONDON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19. Two Gottenburgh Mails arrived last night. They ttnte that a victory of some consequence had been obtained 1-.. id' Leppo, by the Swedish General Count Klingipor, o-.'-.- r the Russian army far superiot in numbers, which had made a precipitate retreat, and had lost great numbers in i: u- ir flight. The report that Sir James Sanmarez is negociating a peace between the Swedes and Danes obtains g.- eat
credit ;-. t Gottenburgh. [ t is intimated in various articles brought by the last of these Mails, that the Emperor of Ru-. ia had agreed to de- eiare war, in conjunction with France, against Austria. In i iet, jt appears to be fully credited on the Continent, that t ie total ruin of the Emperor Francis had been planned by Lis dear brothels Alexander and Napoleon. 4Ca;) t. Hope, of the Victory, is stated to have embarked on the 8th inst. for England, with dispatches from Sir J- imes Saumarez.. As this Gentleman is Captain of the llivt, the dispatches that could have induced him to quit Li - station must be of great importance. It i3 rumoured
that Russia intends making'three large encampments, one on the frontiers of Hungary, o. ie in Poland,- and a third on the frontiers of Turkey, with a view of overawing Austria.. Yesterday some Dutch papers, to the t). h inst. ' i ached town, but they are more than usually barren of i ntelligence. Such is the anxiety ot Bonaparte to keep the p Mole of the Continent in ignorance of trie affairs of Spain, • nit though the Dutch papers profess to translate bis Majesty's Spcech 011 the prorogation of Parliament, yet all til • pas- ages in it whjch relate to Spain are left out. \ number of Spanish Proclamations and Documents have found their
way into Holland, notwithstanding all the pre- cautions of the French. It is stated in private letters which w re received yesterday, that several Proclamations were, all . ut a fortnight ago, during the night, stuck up at the Exchange, at Rotterdam. They were takon down in the m rniin; by the Police, and a reward of 100 guilders was • ii- efed for the apprehension of the- person or persons who lei 1 posted up suuh '' wicked forgeries." The Spanish Merchants have received information that the Governor of the. Havatlnab, upon receiving an ac- tio mt of the Spanish insurrection, ordered all the French in the Island to bi* taken
provisionally into custody. The Gazette of Tuesday, in announcing the flight of -,!.: eih Bonaparte and his myrmidons from Madrid, stated ik. it on the tst of July not a Frenchman was remaining, it , va <:, tiy to see th-. t the 1st of August was meant; but til's is not the only instance which might be adduced to vr > ve, ; hat publications by high outliority are not always ft/ rat) even though true. The Duke of York's Birth- dav w/ is celebrated at Oirlun'ds on Tuesday it) the most magnificent, style* The Ksi> g, Queen, Princesses, and Royal Dukes wore all present, with the exception of the Duke of ' Clarence, who was deta- iued at'home
by a fit of llie gotit. The fleets from the East Indies and the Leeward 1 . lands came to their moorings in the llivcr yesterday. The advices from India state that the affairs of the Company are in the most prosperous situation, and that C- olotiel Malcolm, who had been sent by Lord Kioto to oppose the intrigues of the French at the Court of Persia, had met with a favourable reception from the Persian Government. The Surat ( a. tie Ir. diaman, which it was feared was lost., i- ' d arrived at Penang, alter a long passrge from Rio Vajieiro. The Danish settlement of Serampour, on the Hooghley, had been taken possession of by the
Company's 11' oio- i, and the stores found in it are said to have been • considerable. Avery gallant action has taken place within these few days, between his Majesty's gun- brig Strenuous, com- « t, uided by Lieut.. John Nugent, and a large French man- of- war brig, sent out from Cherbourgh for the express pur- pose of taking her. The Frenchmen soon found them- selves woefully mistaken, and. after an action of three * inarterss of an hour, saved thenielves fron) inevitable cap- ture by means of their sweeps, in getting under Querqueviile Fort, which mounts 50 guns. Lieut. Nugent, however, got bold of thn Frenchman's joilv boat, with one man on hoard, from whom he learnt that the enemy had two men killed and sixteen wounded. There was a French frigate and another brig in Cherbourg!! Roads, and the Captain of the former, with fifty of his picked men, came < mt to the assistance of the brig, which was then making away with all possible speed from the Strenuous. There win no other English Vessel in sight at llis time of the action. The Strenuous did not receive any . mat- rial damage. The Fourth Report from the Committee on the Dis- tillation of Sugar and Molasses, has been printed. It recommends that the planter shbuid refine his sugar
before 1- • imports it, and enters into calculations to prove the advantages of refining in the West Indies. It also reconi- m ; nds, I hat. sugar be employed in fattening cattle. Expe- riments to prove the utility of this latter plan, it says, are :'.' » . mt to be instituted, aud recommends a reduction of the duty on sugar. An American Messenger arrived in London this morning, with dispatches from the President of the United States for the American Minister here. He landed from a schooner, which immediately sailed for the coast of France without coming to an anchor, having another Messenger on board with dispatches for Gen.
Armstrong, the American Ambassador at Paris. - CO8N- F. XO;: ASCE. Aug. 18 The supplies of Wheat this ^. ay are short, but the trade is dull in sale, and last prices are hardly supported; Barley and Malt are each rather cheaper; White Peas are again lower ; Grey also ; Beans of the two kinds likewise; the quantity of Oats ori band are considerable, and this trade is named at little variation; Hour fully at the last prices. BIRTHS.] Lately, at Howth Castle, Lady Mary Trot- ter of a daughter,— Lately, in Norwich, Lady Bt'dingfold of a s in.— On Monday, i: t ( !. e': re tree!. Piccadilly,' the Hon. Mrs. Calvert of a daughter.— Same day.
it Highgate, tlie Lady of Francis Freeling, . Esq. of the General Post- Oitice, of a daughter.— On Sunday, at I'mumorit Lodge, Lady Viscountess A- hbrook of a sou.—') n Thursday last., at 1 r house in West A diiing, the Lady of Captain S. Douglas,' of the Royal Navy, of a daughter.— A f. w davs since, the I- i.' y of Georg ' Wyndlwm, Esq. ofCromer- liaS, Norfolk, • of twins, a boy and, a girl. MARRIED.] On tin: 5th lust, hv special licence, at Douglas, in the house of the Right Hon. Lady Henry inrray; William Ssott, l'sq. t. reiver- General » f the Isle of Mail, to the Hon. Miss Murray, eldest daughtert> f the i ite Lord H'niry Mnri'ay, and
niece of his Grace the Duke t Athok— On Monday se'n. light, tho Kcv. John Leslie', : of Cork, to Miss S. Lawrence, second daughter, of -'•': Bishop of Cork and Ross.— On Thursday se'tliiight, in ihihtia, Lord Viscount I - i- more to Lady Eleanor Butler, ' i t. of the Earl of Onnmid.— Same day, Sir Mordaunt '' irtin, Bait. to Mis. North, telict of the Rev. Euwat'd V.' urtb. ROBERT GRAY's BANKRUPTCY. RFF" MIE Creditors who have proved their Debts' under 1 a Commission of Bankrupt, awarded'aud issued fofth against ROBERT GRAY, now or late of the town of Portsea, in the county of Southampton, Builder and Carpenter, are
desired to meet the Assignees of the said Bankrupt's estate and effects, on Friday the 28th < hy~ pf August instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Crown inn, Portsea", to consuit its to thecompietion- of the Bankrupt's dwelling- house previous to the saie thereof, and en other special affairs. W. GLEND. BNING, . D. HOWARD, 711] - . - ,. Solicitors under the said Commission. FORNFXCBRIDGE, iVtU August, isoy. THE Committee for conducting the Management of the POOR of this Parish'Will- be rpady to recdve Pro- posals from any Person Willing to serve the Workhouse with the folbwing. articlSs Jbr three moriths
certain ; .. viz. House- hold Ch- ese, Mui^ t Sugar, Salt, Malt and Hops, Yellow Soap, Butter, Candles,, Coals. Treacle, Dowlas, Lincey, Ctieck, Coverlets,' El Oik- ts, Sheeting," Snoes : specifying the different sizes., Men's Cloth, Leather Breeches, Hessian, Handkerchiefs, and " brown Holland; |~ 778 Samples of thp articles, with toe tenders of- ihe prices, sealed up, and difceted to the Committee at the Workhouse on or before friday the afith instant, at 12 o'clock at noon. Should, any furtl'. er information be deemed n ci ssity, it may be obtained by applying to J. Upj<- hn, Governor of the Poor. S. isaiinv iNt'iRMARY, 30 th day of
Aug. ' 1803. , N Wednesday the ;! lst day of August inst. being the ANNUAL COURT, when the Treasurer's Ac- counts are to be settled, several of the Officers to be chosen by ballot, and other matters ofgreat importance to the charity to be transacted, all the Governors are desir, ed to attend the said Me- eting- at the Infirmary precisely at eleikn o'clock. All such as are concerned in the following Commodities, are desired to send their proposals ( sealed) to the Secretary of the Infirmary, before eleven o'clock on the above- mer.- tioned day, specifying at what rate they are willing to supply the Infirmary, for the ensuing quarter, -
with Butcher's Meat, Bread, Butter, Cheese, Milk, Soap, Candles, Rice, Sugar, Hops, Malt, Oatmeal, and Coats, The most reasonable proposals will be accepted ; and if two or marc Tradesmen should offer to supply at the same pi ice, it will be determined by ballot who shall have the preference,, that the utmost impartiality may be observed,- and no interest be made in favor of any particular person. JAMES EVANS, Chairman. By order of the Committee, « WM. DYKE WIHTMARSH, Secretary. N. B. Every annual subscriber of two guineas is a Go- vernor, and desired to attend at this Court. All Subscriptions are deemed to
commence from the 1st day of September; and the Subscribers are desired to pay their Subsciptiotjs accordingly. [ 7.07 BISHOPSTROW AND PITMEAD INCLOSURE. JOHN GALE, sole Commissioner named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament made and passed ill the forty- eighth year of the reign of his present Ma- jesty, entitled " An Act for inclosing Lands in the parish of Bishopstrow, in the county of Wilts; and also a common Pas- ture called Pitmead, in the said Parish and the Parishes of Warminster, Norton Bavant, and Sutton Veny, in the said Couritv," do hereby give notice, That 1 intend to hold my first
attendance for the purpose of appointing- a Banker, in pursuance and according to tile directions contained in an Act passed in the forty- first'year of the reign of his present Ma- jesty, and to proeeed in the further execution of the several powers vested in me by the said Acts, on Friday the 2d day of September next, at two of the clock in the afternoon, at the house of John [ lilliar, known hy the sign- of the Wey- mouth ' Arms Inn," in Warminster.— Dated this ninth day of August, 1.808. JOHN GALE. MONMOUTHSHIRE. HpO he LETT, from Candlemas next, That very A compact and desirable large FARM, called II'TON- HII. L, (
upwards of forty years in the occupation of Mr. John Proc- tor and his father), situate about three miles from the sea- port town of Chepstow, from whence there is a market- boat trading weekly to Bristol, and adjoining the turnpike road leading to and near the New Passage. [ fltii For particulars enquire of Charles Lewis, Esq. St. Pi rre, near Cljcpstow, and Mr. George King will shew the premises. No person need apply unless he can be well recommended. CAPITAL INN. TO be SOLD, for the remainder of a term of 2000 Years, or LE i" T, at an annual rent,— All that well- ktlown and capital INN, called the SEVEN STARS, in
Totnes, Devon, ha/ f way in the direct road between Exeter and Ply- mouth, and six miles from Torbay. The situation is most admirably calculated for business, and the house is large and commodious, with spacious stables, coach- houses, cc. urdag. es, and gardens adjoining.— The purchaser or taker may have possession at Michaelmas next; and may take, at a fair ap- praisement, all the valuable Furniture of the present tenant, with horses, coaches, chaises, & c. & c. For farther particulars, or to treat for the same, application may he made to Messrs. Welsfoid, Arthur, and Rostlew. mer- chants, Plymouth.— Plymoiitk, Juiy
28, 1808. f5f> a Haifa mile from the. Sea, Christchurch.— Nea llouse. TX) be LETT on LEASE, UNFURNISHED,— A - HOUSE in excellent repair; containing an eating roum 20 feet by lfi, drawing room 27 by 18, breakfast piir! ur, eight bed rooms, detached kitchen with servants rooms over, scullery, larder, china closet, and other convenient offices; coach- house, five- stalled stable, garden, meadow, and fish- pond; the whole containing about 10 acres, well wooded and intersected with gravel walks. For particulars and tickets to view apply ( if by letter, post paid-) to Clement Sharp, upholsterer, Romsey; or on the Premists. [ fisp
Cottage to he Jjett, with privilege of Shooting. TO be LETT, and entered upon at Michaelmas next,— A newly erected BRICK. COTTAGE; con- taining two parlours, kitchen, brewhOUse, and three bed- rooms; with under- ground cellars, stalled stabling for two hprses, convenient out- houscs, and a good kitchen- garden, pleasantly situated near the X. ondon turnpike road, in the palish of Longparish, Hants, three miles from Andover and four from Whitchurch. f583 f^ y* The tenant may be accommodated with petmission to shoot over a very extensive Manor abounding with Game ; and, at Michaelmas 1U0D, with four acres of
Land adjoining. For particulars application may be made personally, or by letter [ postage paid), to Mr. Bird, solicitor, Andovcr, Hants. WILSFORD DIVISION. WE whose Names a* e hereunto subscribed, being the Commissioners named in and appointed by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the forty- first year of the reign of his present Majesty kftig George the Third, entitled " Ail Act for dividing and allotting in Severalty the open and common Fields and Downs; common Meadows, comhlon Pastures, and commonable and waste Lands, in or beloneieg to'the Parish, Manors, or Tythinas, of Wilsford, otherwi e Willsford
Dauntsey, otherwise Willcs'ford Dauntsey, in the County of Wilts," do hereby give notice, That we int. c > to hold our next special general meeting, for til- purpose of car- rying into execution the several powers vested in us by the said Act, and particularly to read -> ver, sign, seal, and exe- cute our Award. thereupon, on Tuei- day the thirteenth day of September next, at one o'clock vn the afternoon, at the house of John Strong, known by the name or sign of the Crown Innr at Everley, in the county of Wilts. I'atcd this ninth day of August, 1808. JOHN GALE. 649] JOHN BUTCHER. CODFORD SAINT PETER INCLOSURE. E
whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being lb ' Commissioners named and appointed in and bv an Act of Parliament made and passed in the forty- eighth year of the reign of his present Majesty, entitled " An Act tor in- closing Lands within the Parish of Cod'iird Saint Peter, in the County of Wilts," do hereby give noirce. That we intend to hold our first meeting for the purpose or appointing a Banker, in pursuance and according to the dir: ctions contained in an Act passed in the forty- first year of the reign of his present Majesty, and to proceed in the further ex. cution of the several powers vested in us by the said Act, on
Thursday the eighth day of September next, at two of the clock in tlie afternoon, at the house of Thomas Morgan, being the George Inn, at Codford Saint Peter, in the county of Wilts ; at which meeting all persons having or claiming any Common, or other right to or in any of the lands or grounds by the said Act intended to be inclosed, shall deliver to the said Ccmmis- s'oners, or some or one of them, an account or schedule'in writingsignedby them, of such their respective rights or claims, ^ nd therein describe the lands and grounds, and the respective messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, in respect whereof thev
shall respectively claim to be entitled to any, and which of such rights, in and upon the same or any part thereof, with' the name or names of the persons in the actual possession thereof, and the particular computed quantities thereof, and of what nature and extentsoch right is, and also in what rights, and fcir what estates and interests they claim respectively, distinguishing the freehold trom the copyhold and leasehold ; or on non- compliance therewith every of them making default therein will, as to such claim, be totally bar- red and excluded. Dated this third day of August, in the year of our Lord 1808. THOMAS DAVIS. "
WILLIAM JENNINGS. 611] WiLLIAM TUBE. PELICAN OFFICE, For INSURANCE on LIVES and granting ANNUITIES. THIS Office was established in Lombard- street, London, in the year 17.') 7, by a numerous and respect- able Proprietary; and " the Board of Directors, with confidence, arising from the increased prosperity and permanency of the establishment, as well as from tile experience of its useful- ness and benefit to the public, think it due to those who may be still unacquainted with the importance and advantages of Life Insurance, briefly to suggest some of its leading and pe- culiar recommendations to almost every
degree and rank in society.' Life Insurance is of manifest consequence to all who hold estates for life, situations, aud offices, civil, ecclesiastical, or. professional; to officers in the army and navy, & c.; as, hy payment of an annual premium, . the party insured is enabled to provide for wife, children, or others, whose future welfare he may wash in vain,$ by other means, to promote. It affords a permanent ultimate security to those who advance, money upon annuities or otherwice. It renders leases, determinable on one or more lives, nearly equal in value to freehold estates, as an insurance to the amount of the fine, payable on the
demise of a party nominated in such' leases, will produce tile sum required for renewal. If is a cheering refuge to parties engaged in extensive and speculative undertakings ; it affords to persons ill trade the certain m.' ns of indemnification against a had or doubtful debt; in short, Life Insurance, established in policy, sanctioned by government, and con- firmed by the test of expert nee, is become, to almost everv situation of human life, a measure equally important, useful, and beneficial; Annuities are granted upon the most equitable terms, under a special Act of Parliament, granted to this Office. THOMAS PARKE, Sec.
COMPANY'S AGENTS at Salisbury; Mr. Burrough; Dc- viz.' s, Wni. Cook ; Portsmouth, T. C. Motticy; Lvmington, J. West; Ringwood, C. Ho i s; Bridp • « ,' J- Williams; Beaniinster. Win. (" lift; Wev nonth, Tin s, it'ehardson; Bristol, Wm. Rial; Taunton, C. Drake; flktb, H. Mailt* Mattock, J. Crabb. ' ' [ 7SU HANTS. DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE to. be LETT, with immediate Entrance, by STROUD ami STIBBS, auctioneers, & c. ( the neat and modem Household Furniture and Fixtures of which, together with a new and harness, may b-; taken by approvement),— called BROWNING- HILL LODGE, near Bari^ hurst; consisting of a very
pleasant and convenient Dwelling- house, containing a drawins?- room about l(> feet by 12V, parlour 17 feet by 13, entrance- hall 1- 3 feet by 11, cellar, kitchen, wash- house, dairy, pan try, China closet, five bed- rooms, several attics; coach- house, stall and open stables ; servants' rooms ; out- buildings, two yards ; paddock, and orchard surrounded by a bj- aut ' ul lawn ; garden and meadow tastefully and conveniently diver- sified with a grove, a cooling and, pleasant promenade of trees of considerable length, shrubbi ries, fruit trees, plant- s and flowers in excellent culture, and disposed with simplicity,; the whole affording a
very desirable retreat, in a respectable neighbourhood, having good, roads, and happily situated for rural sports, being the Manor- House ; abounding With game, and near a choice " pack of hounds; together with an unlimited right pf extensive and valuable common. The whole pre- mises are about four acres, but a few more may be had if in- disp^ nsible. For further particulars, and treaty, apply to Stroud and Stifebs. Newbury ; for a view of the premises, at the house, or to Mr. Thomas Falknor, Browning- Hill. The above is distant from Basingstoke 7 miles, Newbury 9, Reading 14, Kingsclere 3. [ 428 BLANDFORD ST. MARY,
DORSET. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A 1 neat Sashed and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, with a walled- in Garden adjojning; and Malt- house « ear the s. rme, which will work 20 quarters per week. The premises are leasehold, and pleasantly situated in the parish of Blandford St. Mary, and fit for the immediate reception of a genteel family. [ 223 For further particulars apply to Mr. H. Biggs, Biandford. DORSET. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT ( in Fee),— All that MESSUAGE, FARM, and LANDS, called LVMBORGH FARM, and other Land's, situate, lying and being in the several parishes of Todbere and
Marnhull, in six separate lots lior the conveniency of purchasers) ; now in the occupation of Thomas Hunt and Nicholas, Kuidall, as tenants at will. For a view of the same apply to the tenants, aud for further particulars to Mr. Redout, at Langton, near Blandford ; if by letter, post paid.— Lattgloii, Aug. 17, 1308. [ 724 Freehold Manor and Estate., Wilts. npo be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— JL a very desirable and ineproveabla ESTATE ; consisting of a Manor, extending over about 700 acres of land; a 1" i n- house, with barns, stables, and other necessary out- buildings, about 18 acres of meadow and pasture, and 210 acres
of arable Land, lying together; also a right of Common on 158 acres of sheep down, and .%' acres of cow down, adjoining thees- tate, and within the manor. The above farm is lett to . Mr. Joseph Filrnell, under a lease, whereof six years will be un- expired at Michaelmas next. Also a Fishery adjoining the es- tate, and two Cottages and Gardens, now also lett to the said Joseph Furnell, from year to year ; and seventeen other Cot- tages and Gardens, and twelve acres of Land, lctt on leases and copies of court- roll for lives to several persons. The above estate is situate at Salterton and Newtown, in the parish of Durnford, in
Wilts, about three miles tVotp Salis- bury, and may be viewed by applying to Mr. Furnell, the tenant. Further particulars may be known on application ( by letters, post paid) to Messrs. Vizard, solicitors, Dursley, Gloucester- shire ; or Mr. Vizard, No. 8, New- square, Lincoln's- inp, London. |" H7 VICINITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD,— MERRY OAK HOUSE, with two coach houses, stabling, two gardens, in one of which is erected a neat green house, pleasantly situated in e. lawn of twelve acres, veil timbered, and neatly liid out with shrubberies and walks. The house has been recently and expensively fitted up ; the
rooms are numerous, lare; e, and lofty, and ready for the immediate reception of a gentleman's family.- The elegant Household Furniture may be taken to by appraisement. For particulars apply to Mr. Geo. Hookey, Southampton. Letters ( post- paid) will meet due attention. [ 71 TO MALSTERS AND OTHERS. O he SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT-;— A FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, MALT- HOUSE, Garden, Stable, end Off. cs, with about two acres of rich arable Land, situat • at Wellow, in the Isle of Wight, now in the occupation of Mr. Hilliar. These premises are very desirable, being in a fine barley country ; a good
established custom, and has been used in the above business a great number of years. Possession will be given at Michaelmas next. For the price, and other particulars, apply ( ifbv letter, post paid i to Messrs. fylew and Porter, auctioneers, Newport, Isle of Wight. [ tffiS ISLE OF WIGHT. TO be LETT, and entered on at Michaelmas next, for a Term of Years, — The- FARM and LANDS caile 1 UPPER KINGSTON, or KOCKS, situate in the parishes ot Kingston and Shorwell, in the Isle of Wight, consisting of about 215 acres of ' arabl -, meadow, pasture, and wood Lai d. Tlie Dwelling- hou:."' is lately built, and the b.-. rns and
other buildings arecon eenient and in good repair ; the tith- s of such of the lands ... he in the parish of Kingston ( and which com- prise the inucii greater port) will also be lett for the term of the lease with the farm, if the present incumbent shall so 1 m, continue rector, and at the expiration of two > ears a c n-:- derail' quantity of other land will be added to the estate, if wi.! . - : by the tenant. For other particulars, and to treet for the lense, apply to Messrs. Clarkcs and Sevvell, Newport; and for a view of tee premises, at the dw. lling- house of the f. rm. [ 573 MARLBOROUGH. TO- be LETT, and entered on immediately,'— That
good- accustomed and long- established INN," the Bp* R and CASTLE, opposite the Market- house, on the high r'ad from London 11 Bath ; cont- ming two good p-; i' - - 1 -, ,: irge b r, kitchen, dining'room, five bed rooms, four attics, large cel- lars, convenient brew house and utensils that will brew 24 bushels of malt, 13 stall. stable and lurpj- open stables, with a good garden.-— The Stock and Furnitur^ to be taken at a fair appraisement, and the Beer at present is upwards of 3000 gallons. For further particulars apply ( post paid) to James Shrimp ton, in Marlborough aforesaid. [ 57.9 DORSETSHIRE. Immediate Residence for a
small genteel Family. HPO be LETT, for a Term of three Years,- Ti G O S P O R T. I^ OR PUBLIC SALE, at the Dolphin Inn, on J- Thursday the 2.5th of'August, 180S, at ten o'clock in the forenoon,— The following GOODS, viz. For [ Ionic Consumption. A neat Brick and tiled COTTAGE, situate at Spetisbury, three miles from Blandford, near the turnpike road leading to Poole.; comprising t'vo parlours, a good kitchen, and conve- nient pantries, & c. a pleasant sitting room over the dining parlour, a good bed chamber opposite the sitting room, two bed chambers, a dressing room, and two neat garrets ; a pretty Garden, a plot of
ground in the front, a two- stall Sta- ble, with Coach- house, & c. N. B. Further particulars may be known ( by letters, post paid) of Mr. Percy, upholsterer', & c. Blandford. [ 103 DORSET. HPO be LETT, and entered upon immediately,— A JL cmtmodious modern- built Brick and Sashed DWEL- LING- HOUSIi; consisting of three parlours, seven bed- rooms, with large and convenient garrets, kitchen, and other offices; under- eroun'cl- cellar, two walled gardens, a coach- house, stable, & c. all situate in the South- street, in Dorches- ter, in the county of Dorset, and fit for the reception of a genteel family, and only eight miles from
Weymouth. For further particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. N. Stickland, attorney at law, or Thos. Curme, builder, at DOfchester,— Dated Aug. IS, 1803. [ 7- 2S DORSET. TO be LETT, completely FURNISHED, and en- tered upon immediately or at Michaelmas next,— All that capital MESStJAGE called EDMONDSHAM HOUSE, fit for'the reception of a genteel family, with double coach- house, excellent stalled stables, courts, yards', granary, dove- cote, extensive walled gardens well stocked with choice fruit trees, orchard, shrubberies, pleasure ground, and lands, containing together about nine acrcs, pleasantly
situated at K'. imondshani, one rn. ile from Cranborne, in the county of Dorset, 12 miles south east of Salisbury, 12 north east of Blandford, and 1( 3 from Muddiford .' a delightful watering place); in a fine open country aboanding with field sports, and hounds in the neighbourhood. The Deputation of two Manors ( attached to the premises), . well stocked with game, will be lett with the above; and a neat Curricle and pair of capital Horses, light Cart, three Cows, Pointers, Rick of Hay, & c. itc. may be taken at a valuation, the proprietor going on foreign service. For farther particulars and to treat apply personally, or by etter ' post
paid).. to Mr. Arney, attorney at law, Close, Sa- lisbury.— The prem ises may be viewed, in seasonable hours, • by applying at the Mansion- house. [- 543 DORSET. TO he SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A DWELLING- HOUSE, Barn, Granary, Orchard, and Garden ; and certain Closes ot Arable, Pasture, and Wood Land, confuting about 37 acres, now in the possession of George Roberts.- r- Tne above premises will be sold for three lives, to be named by the purchaser, subject to the present life interest of ape/ son aged So. Also,— A MESSUAGE, Garden, Orchard, and Paddock ; an 1 PICce of uninclesed Land
adjoining, containing about two acres, in the occupation of Thomas Fry.— These premises will also be sold f.; r three lives, to be named by the purchaser, and possession given at Michaelmas, next. The above premises ere pleasantly situated at Westworth, two mill's south- east of Cranborne, in the county of Dorset. For further particulars and to treat apply to Mr. Arney, Close, Salisbury, The present tenants will, shew the pr'e- [ mises.—( One concern j [ 0' 42 16,343 Ox and Cow Hides, fill Horse Hides, 19 Bales of Horse Hair, 1359 Blacks of Lima Tu 30' Key of Brandy, 1 Pipe of Wine, For Expnrtati ft) Bales of Wool, 635
Serons Tallow, 3 Casks Copper. TAN YARD.—- HANTS, nno be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A A neat and convenient Freehold DWELLING- HOUSE, with suitable Offic-. s, Stable, Coach- house, Yard, and large Garden adjoining ; together with an excellent TAN- YARD, containing eighty Pits, in thorough repair and in full trade, at the side of which runs a rapid and never failing stream of water; with Mill- house, Drying- houses newly built, Bark- houses, Sheds, and every other convenience requisite for a Tanner wishing to carry " on * ari extensive trade, situate in the pleasant town of New Alresfard, Hants, fifty- seven
miles from London. Possession may be had at Michaelmas next; and further particulars known on application to Mr. Kerby, Solicitor, Alresford. [ 6fll ANDOVER, HANTS. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, in two Lots, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at An- dover, Hants. Lot 1.— C- n si-- ting of a Rous", a Garden, and a Blacksmith's Shop, situate n. ar th • wharf, Sn the occupation of Mr. Tepp, a tenant at will, and of Mr. Francis Baker and Mr. Thom . s Briant, his under- tenants. L/ t 2.— Consisting of tour Houses . and a Garden, situate in King's Head- street, in the occupation of Mr. Buckingham, Mrs. Renting, Mrs.
Copperthwaite, and Mrs. Hendy, annuel tenants. For farther particular apply to Mrs. Maud, at Andover; and proposals for the purchase to h - addressed to Mr. Barton, No. ( i, Symond's Inn, " Chancery- lane, London. [ 707 SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— All that very desirable and - substimijlly- built MES- SUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, Shop, large G rden, three- stall Stable, with other convenientO'iiees and Buiki'rigs thereto belonging, situate - No, 183) on the vveit side of tlieh- street, in the parish of A. H Saints, in Southampton, in the possession of Mr. Joseph F. vi- i. s. And also all t! at
MESSUAGE rr DWELLING- HOUSE, with the Court, Yard, and Offices thereto belt neing, situ: ! in French- street, in the parish of Saint John, ia Soutiiairiptfin, in the possession of Mrs. Eekless. Both houses are pleasantly situated and very desirable, and convenient for letting lodgings. For further particulars apply at the effiac of Messts. Tanner and Cooper, Salisbury; ail letters t > be p"'., t p- i i. [," 77 WINCHESTER. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A good and substantial Brick- built DWELLING- HOUSE, situate in Upper Brook- ureet, Winchester, and now in the Occupation of Mr. George Bruce; consisting of two
parlours, kitchen, large pantry, wash- house, woed- hou-,.-. & e. on the ground floor; three bed- rooms ( with ciotee'ts in two of. them) on the fiist floor ; and two garrets; a large. and small a. rden, both walled in ; a well of good spring water, and pump, and possesses the advantage of a running stream of water. Also a Brick- built HOUSE adjoining the fi; ,1- described premises, and now in the occupation of Mrs. Co - per. The above two Houses and largest Card- n measure about twenty- one yards and a half in front, aud about foi'y- thr. e yards and a half in depth ; the small Garden about fifty- eight feet by twenty- four. All the
above Property is Freehold. For further particulars apply ( if by letter, pest paid) to Mr. Meare, attorney at law, Winchester. [; M9 A MARINE COTTAGE, CLOSE TO THE SEA, rpo be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with 1 ten Acres of FREEHOLD LAND, in high cultivation, immediately joining the sea, situate between Lymmgt. in and Christchurch, commanding one Of t" ie most beautiful sea views in the kingdom: the House contains four bed chambers and a drawing room, with housekeeper's room, butler's pan- _ try, and suitable apartments for servants, with offices of every ' description; the whole on a small but compact
scale. Also capital new- built STABLING for eight horses, with four good rooms over lor servants, a harness room, additional stable for four horses, end standings for four carriages.— The premises may be entered uppn ready furnished or otiurwavs imme- diately. The House stands out ot the turnpike road lead ua from Christchurch to Lymingt'- n, is very retired, and within half an hour's ride of the New Forest, three miles from the fashionable bathing place Muddiford, five from Cliristchurih, seven from Lvmington, twenty from Southampton, and ten from Mr. Ward's t'ox hounds at Lyndhurst. For further particulars apply " to Mr.
John Pilgrim, at Christchurch, who will shew the premises, and is authorised to treat for the sale ; or to Messrs. Greene, Tennant, and Harrison, Gray's Inn, London. ( 107 A singularly desirable Freehold Residence and Estate for a Sportsman, Hants. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. HOG- 0ART and PHILLIPS ( successors to Mr. Smith), at Gar- raway's Coffee- house, Cornhill, London, some time in Sep- ij- aiber, of which timely notice will be given, A desirable FREEHOLD RESIDENCE and ESTATE; comprising one hundred and - seventeen acres of arable, pasture, and wood land, lying Compact, commanding
picturesque and extensive prospects, near several p icks of hounds, and abounding with game; two miles from Odiam, five from Basingstoke, ten from Farnham, and forty- two from London, in the county of Hants ; with a lawn, paddock, and suitable offices, coach- house and stabling, firm- yard," barns, granaries, and out- buildings ; two kitchen gardens; and the Basingstoke Canal running fhroueh the estate. . To be viewed ten days previous to the sale, and particulars then had'of the Printers of the Salisbury and Windiest r Jour- nal, Hampshire Chronicle and Telegraph, Reading Mercury, and Brighton Herald; Kitia's Arms,
Murrtil- grecn ; of Messrs. Winter, £. y, Bcckvvuh, and Fromid, solicitors, Swtdrin's- lane ; Mr. Carpenter, solicitor, Basinghall- sucet; at Garra way's ; and of M a . is. Hoggartand Phillips, Broad- street, Iloyai iixchaiige, London. jeiOB 3 I Cases cf Wine,. 2 Cases of Cordi: Is, „ . . - 2 Cases of Li:. seed Oil, Be- mg the entire Cargo cf theshi| Mot. t'eil. Go. Gardner, late Master, captured on her voyage from Monte Video to Co- penhai?-- n, and condemned as piize- to his Majesty's ship Bril- liant, ' i hos. Smyth, Esq. Captain. The goods mav be viewed three davs before the sale, and catal.- cues had, by applying to Messrs. Cooke and
Hr. lfcrd, London, Agents, or to 647] MATTHIAS MARCH, Brok-. r, Gcsport. SOUTHAMPTON. To Merchants, Builders, and others. ' O be SOLD by AUCTION, hv Mr. DEI. L, on the premises, on Wc. ln - i. y the - all of August 1803, between the hour„ s of one and three o'clock in the afternoon, agreeable to conditions as v. ill be tin n produced at the iii- i- of sine,— Several Lots of LAND, pl.- as- niH situated on the West Quay. After the Sale of the Land Will be put m> for Sale, All the MATERIALS of Two DWCLI.!^ HOUSES : nil STORES, late in the occupation of Silver Tavior, Esc], j„ Lc ts, for the convenience of purchasers ;
consisting , f sash s. doors, joists, rafters, flooring, lead cisterns, pipes', tiles, bricks. & c. and are remarkably good, as the preiuisi s have not la en built many years. These premises will be very desiral le, as the I own \\ all may be taken down, t'mr w H be sufficient r. cm to build three or four ver>, pleasant Hous s or laree Sxr; s, where r. m h room is'wanted, to f„ cc, th. wet. i, ccmraandin" a delightful view of the New Forest, EltflE, Uedbridge, and the adjacent neighbourhod. These premises are held by lease under the Mayor, Railirs, and Burg-. sscs of the town of Southampton, at a small quit rent, tor the residue of a 40 years
term. [ liS3 For further particulars enquire of th Auctioneer, I ! i ; b street. SOUTHAMPTON. TO be. SOLD by AUCTION, at the Dolphins Inn, by Mr. WATTS, on Thursd iy tin: 1st dav ot S, • ten- A- r, H08, at one o'ciotk,— Fifteen Lets.! FiU-. i HOLD L/- NX) lor bu lding on, aeretabi to th pi in and conditions of sale which will he then a d there produced. The aforesaid land is situated in the parish of St. Mary, abutting the road leading to toe lane call- d Love and the Heglands Fields, and now in the occupation of Mr. Marshall, as tenant at will. ^ Immcdiat - iv after the sale of the iard will lie Sjblrf by Auc- tion,— all the MATERIALS of
th Messuage or DW lling- house, Stables, Cart- house, & c. now standing on the said premis: s. The plan may be seen, and further p utieulais I- i. own, by applying to the Auctioneer, at his office in th. .' " o et, Southampton. . ' [" Gfii W1NKTON, NEAR MUDDiFORD, HANTS. IPO be SOLDby AUCTION, < ! i- HOTKT., A CIIRISTCIIURCH, On Monday the 5th of September- next, at three o'clock in the afternoon ; Lot 1.— A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, wit requisite Out- buildings, about 20 acres of rich Arable and. Pasture Land, . and 13 acres of new en loscd Comnv n. Lot 2.— A COTTAGE adjoining the above, lately fitted up, with
a stable, Coach- house, and LaSoui i' Cotta. e a- tioin- ing ; and a harden and Plot of about hall an acre behind ti. e same. The above premises are situated in and contiguous to the pleasant village of Winkton, which is ist . nt ' ; in i s from Lymington, six from Ringwood, and two from Christihurch and the much frequented Muddiford Beach, w ere ti trc is every accommodation for bathing. For a sight o the prern s s' p, lv to Air. !•'.. Bu- I ' en. at Wiftkton ; and for further part. cui rs to Mr. B alw n. • ' - i- tor, Ringwood. ' [ 747 Isle of IVight.— F. eeh / d, I P, TTIS, on S tuiihy the 3d day o'clock in tile afternoon at tilt- N- wp and most
desirable FREEHOLD LEGO'S; consisting of a dout- 1. Cotta. lent Garden adjoining, siiu . t' '• \ i gether with five aens and a i • 1 . :. and about thirteen • -.-: . o , - to belo: eing. in convenient inclcsiies ticn of Mr. i jollier, as tenani . t a I. and for a view of the premises to Mr. Hollicr, near Wh twell. Tythefree. '•>" V' i and Sept. n < 1, : f- ve e r r- s, . v 1 ; e KM!: NT , nd -'.'' t" • ecl- st exe-. lien: . dow / viable L.- n. i t new n t., c i . cupa- Clark - s - a • wfil - ft ISLE OF WIGHT. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, 1 -> Messrs. TUCKERS and PiT- ris., at the George Inn; in ' l aitnoutb • n Ved- n- sday the IPth of October I80S, ; t two e'e ick 0 •' . 1
ier- n- on, unless previously d sposed : f l. y pi. at; ccntt ,1, of, weicb • t ee will tv; given),—•— Ti e following ver/ desirable FREEHOLD ESTATES, in, six Lots: viz. Lot 1.— A Messuage or Dwelling house, Stable, and Gar- den, in the town of Yarmouth; now in the Occupation of Mis. Martha Squ re. L - t 2.— A St - r-- h - u; 1 and Yard, in the town of Yarmouth aforesaid, now aiso in the occupat -: i of the s- • 1 '.-' artha Squire L - t 3.— A Mesruage and Garden, in Yarmouth aforesaid, now in the occupati 11 < f Mr Te. i ii'ny 1 leath. Lot- L— A Piece of I... nd, in the Town Field,' near the-' town o> Yarn; 1: 1th, con! linin,; : .'•. o R. 17
P. orthtieabouls, now ii: the occup . te 11 ! Mis. St. ,.!: e:' S. Lot 5.— A Cottage and Garden, 1 , town of Yarmouth af. r. i; nd, now in th" occ: pat- on < f ] i - ay D. avv, Let— A Cottage and G: rden, in the ' own of Yarmouth afi. r said, now in t':? e oci « . v tion of Hun, be. The whole ^ f the prop ny v . d by tenants at will, and the land- tar. has be 11 1 ei. cm. d. For further particular,-', api iv to M. asis. Claris and Scwell, solicitors, N '- v. pi'rt, Isle of Wi, t, and tor a view : the premises to the different t marts." [ 7TIFL Freehold Manor and Estate, : » the A> w Forest, Hants. LAND- TAX BEDEEMEP. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, hv Ue^ rs.
TtTCKERS .1 and PITTIS, at the Angel Inn, LymingtaL on Thprs? day tho 2 ) th d. iv of Oet ' ibcr liiO'i, at twelve o'clock at noon, -( unless previously i; ispo-'." 1 of I y private contract, of wh Ch notice will i'cgiv r; 1,— 7— A mostrt r. : ie FREEHOLD MA- NOR and ESTATE, cailc.'. OSSEMSLEV, situate on the bor- ders of the New For- st, in the parish of Milton, in the county of Hants; comer in upwards of 520 acrcs of land, in a ring fence; nearly -. 00 of which are no . v. in the occupation of W. S. Burton, as tenant thereof, und r an o'. d base, which will cxp: re at Mich ulm s 1810, at a v- ry low rent; the resi- due thereof is partly held
by tenants at will, and partly by te- nants for long terms. This Estate contains every advantage to make it an eligible purchase for any gentleman fond of the country, or ' he en- joyment of the sports of the field; and the beaut,: ii views within itself and of the surrroundin-; country, rcnder. it ex- tremely desirable to any gentleman desirous ot forming a counti'v residence. Distant from Lyuiington seven miles, and from Christchufih about four nnk- s. ,. For other particular,, apply to Mi ss'rt. Clarkes and ScwcU, Newport, Isle of Wight, or Mr. King, solici'toi, LyBi. nston, Hants ; if by letter, past paid. ' [ 7o4 AN IMPORTANT' CAUTION To
all who regard their [ tealth. THE long established Reputation of Dr. NOPRIS'j A DROPS having induced a mercenary attempt to intrude cn the Public a spurious imitation, the sole Proprietor of the Genuine Medicine feels it a e! i ty to give a caution against the daneerous effects of such an impo.- it. on: a. slight attention to the duty stamp 011 each bottle of the genuine pfepar ten, which hath the name, " Thomas Nojris Moore," encraved in it, by favour of Government, solely a'd purposTv to guard tl. it invaluable medioinc from frauds, will be a sufficient se- curity against the ill consequences of counterfeit intrusion's. The cordial
virtues of these Drops are adapted to all climes and seasons. They are an efficacious corroborative in sea- bathing; correct the bid, and assist the good qualities of the various medicinal waters; and are, indeed, as those who are in the habit ot tak o them can testify, not only a powerful Bowels, Sec. Wt particularly in the D- sco'mlort ' ami Decays of advanced Lif-, experience of'more than halt « century has indubitably proved ti a ir superior efficacy. The Family Bottle, 22s. to be had only at the Doctw's house, No. 23, Lower Brook- street, where orders tor exporta- tion are duly executed ; smaller bottles, 1 ' a. ap< l \ s. i d. likewise
Dr. Noma's celebrate,' i Anti- bilious ' Pdls, - s. Pti. the box with proper directions, to be bad at Baron and Co.' i ." No. 150, Oxford- Street, opposite Bond- street,.- Loi id. 11, a d of Brodit, Dowding, and Luxford, at the Printing-: ffic--, Salis- bury, who are wholesale agents for the West ot Ere I, nd. •'• w i' An additional discount will iu future be allowed on the Family Bottles.
THE { SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Sunday's Post. By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED ON SAT • AY NIGHT, AUGUST 20- WHITEHALL, August 20. THE King lias been pleased to nominate and appoint Geor^,: Fergusson, of Hermaud, Esq. to be one of the. Lords of Justiciary in that part of the United Kingdom called Scotland, ' in the room of Sir William Nainie, of Dunsinnan, Bart, resigned, AD> USAI. TY- OTFI? E, An*. 22. A Letter from Vlce- Adm. Pacres state ; tue capture of the French cutter privateer l'erat,'- ( late his Majesty's cutter Barbara,) in July last, by the ( lUerriere, Captain Skene, in
the Gulf of Mexico. She mounts 12 eighteeii- pounders, and had a complement of 90 men. - She sailled from Charleston on the 10th of July, with three months' provisions, and was discovered in the track of the valuable Jamaica fleet., under convoy of the Veteran, of which she hart obtained most correct informa- tion as to their strength, number, and situation, from the master of an American brig, who had himself claimrd and received the protection of that convoy, which he be- traveil to the enemy in £ 4 hours after parting company. A letter fia. m Vice- Admiral Sir Edward Pellew, dated Ciflloden, at Sea, Feb. 89, relates- the
capture of tlv Ad de French privateer, of £ 80 ton=, and 143 men, pierced for 18 guns on the 5th of December last, by the Rus^ fcl, Capt. Caulfield. -^ TT— WAH- OFPICF., Aug. £ 0. 13 th Kog. of Light Dragoons. — Paymaster E. P. Henslow, fionl the 2d Battalion of the 90th Foot, to ba Paymaster, vice Corrall, dismi sd. 1st Keg. of Font,-— 15r vet Major T, Deane, from the 61' h Foot, to be Major, vice M'Domiell-, deceased, [ Hih Ditto,— B.- evat Major F. H. Thomas to be Major, • vice Bowyer, decea ed.' S4th ditto.— Lieut.- Col. II, Darling, from the Qutater- Masler- General's Staff, to be Major, without purchase, vice Dickenson,
promoted. StAFF.— Major Niel Campbell, of the 54th Foot, to be Jleputy Adjutant- General to the Forces serving ': » the V. mdTvard and Leeward Idands, with the rank of Lieute- nant- Genera! in the Army, vice Bovryer, deceased. KAKKACKS.— Richa-. u Sly, Sent, to be a Barrack- Master ill Great- Britain, vice James Read, dismissed. The Average price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, com- puted from the returns made in the week ending the 17th day of Aug. 11J03. is Thirty- Oven Shillings and Si. c fence Three Farthings per Hundred Weight, exclusive of the Duties of Customs. BANKRUPTS. Wm. James, of slmpkeenc r. J.
rowell and VV. I). Ormniifl, of Bristol, wine- merchants. J'SlmGmmbteholir.;', of Preston, grocer. V.'. A. Jon', of Aid. riianHury, I- midon, haberdasher. V, , . VVhitjhead, of iSadd! nv'\ rti., woollen- manufacturer. ' I . i1 - S. 1 r aehtiM!, of Liserpool, it itijiu- r. Josliua Meicalie, of Sliiptoo, thread- maker. W. M. Kussell, of Vaux! iallt Surry, ir. aister. LONDON. SATURDAY EFKNlNG, AUGUST 20. Dispatches were last night received at the Admiralty from Admiral Cochrane. The substance of these dis- patches we understand is, . iiat the gallant Admiral had received the information, transmitted to him sometime ago by Government, of the
important events which had occurred in Spain, and of the determination of the people of that country to maintain their independence, and to resist the unprincipled aggressions of Bonaparte. — This information Admiral Cochrane immediately proceeded to circulate, properly authenticated, among the Spanish Colonies in the West Indies, and there does not appear the least reason to doubt that the in- habitants of the Spanish Colonies will follow the glorious example which has been set them by their brethren in Europe. It is understood that the island of Cuba has de- cidedly declared for the Spanish Patriots. It was confidently
reported this morning, that in- telligence had been received of the capture of the ] land of Martinico, but the report was wholly with- out. foundation. By a vessel arrived from Oporto, we learn, that General Castanos had detached 10,000 of his troops to Estremadura, where thev were to be joined by 15,000 men of that province, for the purpose of assist- ing in the liberation of Portugal from the French yoRe. The homeward- bound Jamaica fleet has safely en- tered the Channel, and was vesteuday off Dover. The French islands are much in want of provisions. The distress is so great at Martinique, that the Govern- ment there is
threatened with an insurrection. FRICKS OF STOCKS THIS DAV, At Three o' Clock. Bank Stock, 240 India Stock, 180 South Sea Stock, — S V Cent. Red. 6 « $ 3 ' fr Cent. Cons. 6tj£ • 1 ' fit Cents. 83 J 5 V Cent. Navy, S3J 5 f. Cent. 1797, — il Long Ann; lsj 11 Omnium, \ die. I India Bonds, ( 1 a ' p. j Exchequer Bills, 3 a 4 p. [ j Irish .5 » Cents. — I Imperial n fi Cents. 65 § > 1 English Lott. Tickets, £ | i Ditto Prizes, 2 Cent. dis. pott Mem. FALMOUTH, Aug. 18. The fleet of light trans- ports, destined to take on board those regiments from ( he camp at the turragh of ICildare, lately broken up, which are under orders for foreign s ryice, ailived here on Sun- day. ' I hey are about forty, and oonyojsd by the Alert « lo-> p of war. Their. detention here until this mc- rsiing is really tamentabe in present circumstances. Thi- v baie, however, now sailed, but the wind ( abotfl N. N. W.) is far from favourable. There has been no arrival frowi Spiin or Poptugal at „ thi^ port within the last week*. A picket is cxpectcd hourly frum Corunna, PLYMOUTH, August If). A valuable fleet from India, composed of 13 of the CAmpariy's ships, mis\ « ' whalers, & c. passed up Chantu I on Saturday evening.— Also passed up, the Lecwsu- d Island fleet, under convoy of the Camilla, of
14 gun's.— Came in the Redwing, of 18 guns, from the . Sireights. She brings Spmi. h Ga- zettes of the 4th tost. confirming the accounts of the de- feat and capture of Dnpojit's army by the Spanish patriots-. On Monday cauie in the Atcmene, of ,38 guns, from Coraima. She brings an account, < if Joseph Bonaparte having quitted Madrid, and that four days after the van guard of the patriotic army, amounting to 3000 men, entered and took possession of the city, in the name of Ferdinand VII. On Tuesday came in the Caroline Spanish s- cliooner, from St. Sebastian's bound to Buenos Ayres, with dispatches from the Gia. d Duke
of Berg to General Linit- is, but - captured by the Aleuiene. Before she was taken possession of, the dispatches were thrown overboard, but they were recovered, and are sent off to the Admiralty. On Wednesday sailed the Eurydice, of 24 guns, and the Primrose, of 18 guns, with 58 sail of transports having ftoops for Portugal. On Thursday came In the Subtle, of 14 guns, from Bar- badoes, with intercepted di patches, with which Lieut. Senhouse set off immediately for the Admiralty.— These dispatches were intended for the Spanish colonies, < m the re ignation of the Crown of Spain by the late Kiug, and weie forwarded by the
French Emperor in person. It is Sa'd they contain Bonaparte's regulations with respect to the future state of those colonies, and the names of those friendly to the French interest; . they are therefore of the vtinost importance. This day came in the Tigre, of 74 guns, from Ports- mouth ; and Sapphire, of 18 guns, from a cruize. PORTSMOUTH, August 20. Rich fleetsfrom India, from the Leeward Islands, and from Jamaica, have all passed by for the River, during the present week. Besides the accession of natiO'< al and individual wealth, they will add to our natiufiaLtreiigth, and much expedite the man- ning of the ships fitting out
here and at the other ports. Monday.— rived the Abundance store- ship, from the Cape of Good Hope; and Violet lugger, from Guernsey. Tuesday.— Sailed the Tigie, of 30 guns, Capr. Kerr, to join the Channel fleet; Loiie, of 44 gains, Capt. Schombeig, with specie for Spain. Wednesday.— Arrived the Veteran, of 64 guns, Vice- Admiral Daeres, from Jamaica ; Ratler sloop, Captain Agossoi, from Newfoundland; and Sharpshooter gun- vessel, from Guernsey.— Sailed the Peruvian sloop, Capt. Douglas, Violet lugger, and Abundance store- sliip. Thursday.— Sailed the Solebav, of 32 guns, Captain Brown. Arrived the Fl « che
sloop, Capt. Buchanan, from the coa- t of Spain ; and Firm and Resolute gun- vessels. Friday.— Arrived the Monmouth, of U4 guns, Captain Evaus, from the East Indies, having seen her convoy safe to the Downs. Sailed the Centurion, of 44 guns, Captain Monk, and Diligent store- ship, with convoy for New- foundland. Saturday.— Arrived tha Tortoise store- ship from the Downs. Sailed the pinto sloop, with about twelve sail of transports, for Portugal; and^ he Furious gun- vessel, for the Downs. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, AUGUST 30. BIRTH.] On Thursday se'nn% ht, at M bhanger Park, she Lady of Colonel Cunyngham of
a son. On Monday was married, by special licence, at St. George's Church, Hanover- square, London, Capt. Sir J. Gore,' of the Royal Navy, to Miss Montagu, eldest daughter of Admiral Montagu, Commander in Chief at Portsmouth! Lately died, of the yellow fever, at Trinidad, Lieut. Thomas Page, youngest son of D. Page, Esq. late of this city. In the death of this young man his eon . fry will hav tod plore an or:. anient to its service, while, from tha i tier'. lection of the many amiable qualities which endeared bim to all who knew him, his lo , s will be a source of never- easing regret. SOUTHAMPTON, Aug', i' 0. Sir Charles
Brisbane, Knt. Captain of his Majesty's frigate Arcthtisa, and late Governor of the Island of Cnraeoa, in the West Indies, who was elected an honorary Burgess of the Corporation of Southampton on the a'Oth ot March, 1< U) 7, in ' testi- mony of the high sense entertained of hi- gallant conduct and unparailelled bravery in so hobly attacking and cap- turing the Island of Curaeoa, was ata Common Council of the Mayor and Corporation this day sworn in. i Member.— Sir ( diaries linsiiai." afterwards. dined with the Mayor and Corporation - at the Dolphins Inn, at an elegant entertain- ment given by our present worthy Chiet
Magistrate, John Rowclijl'e, Esq>> Cottes is prodigiously full of company. The Princess Sophia of Gloucester is arrived ; Lady Pultenej', Lady Butler, Lord auS Lady Fitzharris, Sir Henry - and Lady Mildmay, Hon. F. Egerton, Mrs. Hamilton, Mrs. Allen, and a long list of Fashionables.— The Theatre, which is now a very smart one, opened with considerable eelat, and those favourite Actors Cobliam, Grant, and Miss Drake, were greeted with the highest applause. On Monday evening djed suddenly Mr. John'Day, baker, of this town ; he has left a wife ur. d young family to lament his loss. A dog, supposed to be mad, bit several
dogs here last week : he vva- at length killed, and the bitten dogs secured. On Wednesday a desk in the shop of Mr. John Barnard, at Wilton, was broken open, and property to the amount of nearly ) go/. stolen therefrom. The robbery is sup- posed to have been committed by a young man who was servant to Mr. Barnard.—( See JtcluertUnment in the 5th eolunin of the 1 st page.) On Tuesday George Godbear was. executed at Exeter, for the murder of Robert Leach. He confessed his guilt. BODMIN, Friday, August IF)'. We have had the largest entry of causes at. this Assizes ever remembered here : 38 were entered, and nine
of them for Special Juries. Mr. Justice Bayley, who pre ides at Nisi Prim, raine in pri- vately 011 Tuesday evening, and on Wednesday morning ( the commission day) opened the commi- sion, Went to church, and proceeded to business by ten o'clock. Mr. Baron Graham did not arrive till yesterday. He presides at the t; rown Bar. Philip Brenton, indicted fur stealing two oxen, the property of Francis O'Doghnrty, F. sq. lias been found Guilty,— Death. William Gill lias been found guilty of stealing several bottles of wine from the collar of Miss Sarah Grills; and John ' l'redea has befu found gu'lty of stealing 3 ewt. of copper from
Wheal Godolphiti Mine. W. Harris, charged with assaulting Ann Hooper, a girl only twelve years old, is discharged by procla- mation, no prosecutor appearing against him. The rest of the prisoners, sis in number, are yet for trial ; as are all the most important causes, in two of which Mr. Garrow is retained. Tb y are criminal informations against Sir Christopher Hawkins, for bribery at the late Penriiyu and Graiwpound Elections. SALISBURY. MONDAY, AUGUST 23 18.08, We understand that a great proportion of General Officers have been put on the Stall' of the West India Islands; amongst the appointments arc Major- Gene rals Monro, Bailie, and Lord Clarina, and Brigadier- Generals Ord and Harcourt; they are under orders to proceed by the first convoy that sails. INDIA.—— The following interesting article, extracted from advices of so late a date as the latter end of February, has been handed to us from a quarttn* s i res eetable, as to enable us to vouch for it; authenticity in every patricuiar.— A petty Zemindar, who had resisted the orders of Go- ve: nment, has attracted general attention by his brave de- fence of a small fort in Oud, against 4 or 5000 of our troops, and a formidable train of battering cannon,— Though most per- everingly
attacked,- lie repulsed us at the breach, with heavy loss of officers and men, by the best concerted and most gallantly conducted opposition that was ever made by a native enemy. He indeed evacuated the fort in the night; but his extraordinary and successful resistance has made an impression to our prejudice that will not be easily effaced, and afforded an example of de- fiance that is but too likely to be ii'nitatod. They had received also in Bengal intelligence of a French army under Menou having arrived at. Constantinople ; but the India Governmeir appeared to give no credit to the re- port, since no measures at that date
appeared to have b'/ ea taken in consequence of it. Such an enterprise, our kind friend savs ( who lias a local knowledge of I he country, and is in the habitof receiving the most correct intelligence), must be nearly impracticable, considering the numerous physical obstacles to be surmounted in the route, and the force, spirit, and resources we have to. oppose it. Dorchester will for the present week present ascene of gaiety and bustle. That fine body of men the South Devon Militia, comm a Jed by Lord Rolle, whose patriotic zeal induced them to volunteer their services to Spain, pitchcd their tents at the west end of the town
fronting the barracks on Saturday, prepa- ratory to a grand review by his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, who is expected on Tuesday.— Troops are coming in from, every quarter, Mondav last was married, at St. Edmund's church, Mr. W. F, Perry, of Fotd, to Miss S. Cussc, of this city. The sam° dr. r was married, at Wilton, Mr. Hooper, of M arlborough, Attorney at Law, to Miss Purnphrev, of Wilton. On the 30th u! t died Mrs. Gomm, wlfe- of the Rev. William Gomm, Rector of Bramdean, 111 the county of Hants, and form rly of West Dean, in this neighbourhood. On Monday last died the Rev. Mr. Lloyd, Vicar of Stapleford,
in this county. Mr. Lloyd resided at the Hay, in Brecknockshire5 and riding out in that neighbourhood, he was thrown from his horse, andso much hurt, that lie expired immediately. On Tuesday last died; in a deep decline, Mr. James. Andrews, of Landfnrd, Wilts, aged 28 years. On Wednesday night died, at Southampton, in the prime of- life, Mrs. RatcliiTe, wife o, f the Rev. Mr. Ilaicliffe, of this city. '• ' Our Correspondent of Wincaaton informs us that the bail- storm which ravaged that neighbourhood on Saint Swithin's day last past did not reach the town. Being, however, at the time at llolebrooke House-, a mile distant from
Wineaiiton, he bad an opportunity of seeing some of the hail- halls weighed and measured. The two lar^' st measured exactly nine inches and three quarters eaeli in circumference, find together weighed half a pound ; three others weighed together half a pound, minus half an ounce ; eight others weighed together one pound and one ounce, although from the beat of the ground, and cf the atmos- phere the waste must have been considerable before they could lie put in the scales. Their figure was generally oval, but flattened on two sides, resembling the shape of a cut- glass salt- cellar inverted, or supposed to be solid. They
appeared to be formed from a ee. ntral nucleus, beautifully radiating towards the extremities with more or less regu- larity. Our'Correspondent, fearing to be tedious, declines' describing the effects of this artilleiy of the skies ; but as- sures 11s that its impetus was truly formidable, and its con- sequences most destructive. HOME MARKETS. Prices of C" rn, per Quarter—/ Irend, per Gallon. ' Oats. " f WHeat. S. 78 to 84 77 to S4 78 to 85 Barley. s. s. Aug. Salisbury. 16 Basingstoke, 17 Devizes, 1? Newbury, 1ft Andover, 80 Warminster, 20 Weight of the Gallon Loaf, 81.1:. 1 Ira, 40 to 4 33 to 42 40 lo 45 40 to 44 42 to 43 70 to 90!
40 to 42' 40 to 4 « S- 5 to 83 39 to 40 13-') to 45 SO to 88 \ 40 to 44 ' 38 to 411 72 to 74 j - Half Gait. 4II-. 5 joz Beans. Bread. s. J, s. d. 7i to 78 1 10 til) to 70 1 b' 7 to 70 1 Hfcl 70 lo 72 1 10 ( ill to 71 1 8 72 to 74 - SOUTHAMPTON RACES, 1808. FIRST Day, THCSSDAY, August 25th, will be run for, a SUBSCRIPTION CUP of Five Guineas each, with Forty Guineas added from the Racing Fund.— Three yrs. | old, to carry fi st. 11 lbs.— Four vrs. old, 8 St. 4 lbs.— Five yrs. old, ;> st'— Six yrs. old, 9 st. 4 lb.— And aged, 9 St. 6 lbs.— Two- mile heats. Present Subscribers: Mr. Bvndloss names Witchcraft, aged. Mr. Trevanion,
Bucephalus, B vrs. old. Mr. Day, brown colt, by Skyrocket. Captain Haff'enileri, Corsican, 4, yrs, old, Mr. Cook, Humility, 5 yrs. old. Mr. Dun. ias, Cambrian, 4 yrs. old. Mr. Maiiet, Jewess, 5 yrs. old. Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Willis, Mr. Hayitr, Mr. Kingsley, and Mr. Parlby, are Subscribers, hut have not named. Same day,— A SWEEPSTAKES of Five Guineas each, for Maiden Hoises not thorough- bred, carrying I2st. cach, bor. a fide the property of Subscribers.— Mares and geldings allowed lbs;— Two- mile heats.— To be rode by Gentlemen.—- Ten Subscribers, or no race. Present Subscribers -.— Captain Healy, Mr. Osborne, Mr.
Payne, Mr. Cook, Mr. Hayter, Mr. Willis, Mr. Tc. ylies, Same day,— The ' 10VVN PLATE of Fifty Guineas, for M tiden Ilorses of all ages.— Two- mile he-' ts.— Three yrs. old, to Miry 7 st. 2 lbs.— Four yrs, old, 8st. 5lbs.— Five vis old, 8 st. 10 lhs.— Six yrs. old, 8 St. 1 £ lbs.— Aged, 9st.— Mires and Gel dines allowed 3 lbs. Second Day, Fains v, August 2S,— A SWEEPSTAKES of Ten Guineas each.— Four yrs. old, to carry {! st. 8 lbs.— Five yrs. old, lost. albs.— Six yrs. old, 10St. 7lbs.— Aged, lost. .9li s.— Mares and Geldings allowed 3 lbs.— One four- mi1 heat. Horses that hav* won orcein 1 " 03 to carry 3 lbs extra; twice, 5
lbs.; and thrice, 7 lbs.—" The winner of the Cup this year to carry 5 lbs. over and above the weight for running. Subscribers:— Mr. M tc'idl, Mr. B - v- r, Mr. Douglass, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Diindas, Mr. Trevan on, Mr. Byndloss. Same day,— A LADIES' PLATE of Fifty Guineas, for all ages.— Three- mile 1: s.— TV. r- vrs. old, to carry est. 10 lbs,. — Four yrs, old, 8 St. 21bs.— Five vrs. oi l, hst. 1 s lbs.— Six yrs. old,' ( ist* 1 lb.— Aged, list. 3lbs.— Mares and G- ldings allowed 3 lbs.— Horses that have won once ti. is year to carry 3 lbs. twice 5 lbs. three ti-. nrs 7ibs; extra.— T^ e winner of a King's P ate this year to carry 7 lbs. in addition
to the former extra weights.—- The win er of the Cup this year will not be allowed to run f : r this Plate. *** S Veral Match s are expected, and it is supposed a HANDICAP PLATE will also be run ' or. The horses for the two Plates to be shewn and entered at the G.- orge Inn, Southampton, on Tuesday the 23d of August, between th? hours of four and tiltht o'clock in the afternoon, when proper certificates must be produced, raying 2 guineas entrance, and 6s. to the C'lerk of the Cours- or double post entrance.— No less than three reputed running horvs - to start for either of the above Plates, unless by permission of the
Stewards.— If only one horse enters, the own r to receive to guineas ; if two, 15 guineas between them, and their entrance money returned. But if two he permitted to start, and either refuse", such one so refusing shall forfeit his riaht to any part of the 15 guineas. It is expixtai that the owner of the winning horse each day will pay one guinea to the Clerk of the Course, for weights, scales, & c. Ail horses to stand at the stables of a suscriber of half- a- guinea at least, and not to be plated by a smith who does not subscribe halt- a- guinea. - No person will be permitted to erect a booth or stall, or sell liquors on the course, who does
not subscribe half- a- guinea. AH dogs found on the course will be destroyed. All disputes to be settled by the Stewards, or whom they shall appoint. ft V To start each day at one o'clock. Ordinaries at the George Inn ; Bulls, and Plays, as usual, at former Races. G, H. MITCHELL, Esq.\ s J. DOTT, Esq. ^- STEWARDS. JOHN BAYLIS, Clerk of the Course. 1 of the Races. PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY. HESSRS. BRODIE, DOWDING, and f. UX- .1 FORD, Successors to Mr. COLLINS, most respect- fully inform the N . bility, Gentry, & c. that they have now on sal- a very large Collection of MODERN PUBLICATIONS
in British Literature, best editions, which they are- selling at the London Prices. They have also in their collection of 1/ ooks tine Copies of the following esteemed works :— Carv's Universal Atlas, Smith's County ditto, Miller's Gardener's Dictionary ( folio), Daniel's Rural Sports. Sportsman's Ca- binet, Stedmin's Surinam, , Collinson's Somerset, Wood- ville's Medical Botany, Donovan's British Insects, Botanical Magazine, Snwerby's Botany, Shaw's Zooloev, Monthly Review, Annual Register, and Gentleman's Magazine;— splendid editions of Shakspeir, Lavater, Hume, G. bbon, Robertson, Johnson, S. v: t't, British Essayist, & c.
in Russia, Morocco, and other bindings. Bnoiili,, DOVVDI. NO, and LUXFORD having considerably increased their stock of STAIION^ KV, they are now enabled to oft'er to ttieir friends and the public several lots of uncom- monly good WRITING PAPERS, at the following low ( money) prices:— Superfine thm QffJfrto Post, yeMow wove and lined, " at lb',?. Gd. the ream SO quires, no outsid. s, ( not iod. a r/ uirej ;— fine thicker ditto, at 17s. Si.— thick ditto, at 19s.— and superfine ditto, at 20s.— Folio Copy Paper, at £ 4s. the ream ;— a good second Pot Paper, at 16s. Gd.— fine thick Foolscap, at 26s. Gd.— and superfine ditto, at
28s-. Kol less than a ream at the ulitme line prices. A capital assortment of ACCOMPI' BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, BIBLES, and COMMON PIUYER BOOKS, at the London pr ces, with good allowance to schools, the trade, & c. *.* BARRETTS WAX LIGHTS, at the sam? money pricey as at the mmuftctory, whereby the cost of boxes and London carriage s saved to Ladies and Gentlemen resting in the West of England. Kj- GIBSON'S PLAYING CARDS.— SMYTH'S, BAYLY'S and WAHRHS'S PFIlFUMFiRV. MANOR OF DlbDI- N, HANTS, THE GAME on this Manor having of late been very much destroyed, Mr. TATE, who has
received the Deputation of the said Manor from the Earl of Malunsbury, earnestly desires all qualified Persons to'refrain from sporting on the Manor of Dibden, for the present. N. B All unqualified persons found trespassing on the Manor will be prosecuted as the law directs. [ 772 THEATRE, NEWPORT. ON TUESDAY the 23d of August, 180B, will be presented the Comedv of SPEED THE P L O U G II, And Catherine and Petiuehio. TiiuasnAY the 25th, by desire of the Gentlemen of the Bowliiu; Gr « en Club, a Piay and Farce as will be expressed in the Bills. THEATRE, COWES. On WEDNESDAY EVENING, the slth of August,
1808, THE MOUNTAINKERS. And OF AGE TO- MORROW. QZjt Tickets and Places of Mr. Shatford, at the Theatre. MRS. BAKER begs leave to inform her Friends in general, th » t she has Just received from the most fa- shionable Houses in London, a new Assortment of MILLI- NERY and FANCY ARTICLES. MILLINERY ROOMS', SOUTHAMPTON,- August 22, 1S03. N. B. Two APPRENTICES wanted immediately. Letters ( post paid; will be duly answered. [ 740 SALISBURY. 1 " MORRIS, ROUNDER, SURVEYOR, & C. hn- • pressed with the greatest gratitude to ths nu- . merous Friends of his late Father, dc'ccasid
informs them and the public in general, that he intends cairying tin the Business in all'its branches, and humbly solicits their future favours, which shall be executed with the greatest attention and dispatch by their obliged humble servant. All Persons indebted to the above Estate are requested to pay the sani immediately to George Morris ; and all persons having any demands are r - quested to s : i in their accounts, as an eariy settlement is pirt oularly desired. C A ST I. F.- STREET, July 4, 1808. [ 4.93, SOUTHAMPTON RACES, 1808. HHE BALL and SUPPER will be at the Long Rooms, on Friday the 26th of August, being the
2d day JG. BH° M- EL, Esq.} « — Gentlemen's Tickets, On » Guinea;— Ladies' ditto, Five shillings.— To be had at the Rooms, and of Messrs. Baker and Fletcher, Southampton. [ f> 98 VOCAL CONCERT, At the Assembly R " • •', Southampton,' under the patronage of the Stewards of the ltd ces, JAMES DOTT, Esq. and G. H. MITCHELL, Esq. ESSRS. Goss, JAMES KLLIOTT, HARRING- IOM, and ELLIOTT, beg leave respectfully to inform, r'i • N - V.- itv, Gentry, and their Friendsin general, that they mvnd pert Tiling a VOCAL CONCERT at the above Rooms on Wednesday evening the 21 th of August insant. PART I. Glee, 4
voices, « Mine be a Cot," Hotsely, M. B. Glee, a voic s, " When Sappho tun'd," Dauby. Sons', Mr. Goss, " Where shall the lover rest," Dr. Clarke. Madrigal, 3 voices, The Nightingale," Este. Duett. Messrs. Elliott and Goss, " Tell me > g wh re Infancy bred / Song, Mr. Harrington, " TheMaidof Marlivale," Stevenson. Glee, 5 voices, " YVhen winds breathe soft,".... Wi » » c'. PART II. Glee, 4 voices, " Return, blest days," S. Smith. Glee, 3 voices, by desire, " TheCurfew," Attvvood. Duett, Mess. Elliott & Harrington, " The Butterfly" J. B. Sale. Glee, 4 voices, " See the Chariot at hand," Horsely, M. B. Song, Mr. Elliott, " Angel of Life," by
par- 1 Dr Calcotti ocular desre,"....' f Glee, 4 voices, MS. " Let the sparkling wine,".. Rock. Glee, 4 voices, " British Sentiments," Webbe. Tickets of admission, 5s. each, to be had at Mr. Skelton's Printing- Office, Mr. Wellman's Music- Shop, and of Mr. Chilton at the Rooms, and at the doors on the night of performance. [ 706 Doors open at half past seven, and the Concert to begin at eight. SOUTHAMPTON RACES. CIII AVASSE and Co. anxious to evince their gra- y titud • for the very flattering encouragement they have had the honour of receiving from the Ladies of Southampton and its • eighbourhood,. since their arrival from
Town, and to merit then future favours, beg to inform them they have just rec :.-• 1 fro- I th nc • a new . supply of the most fashionable MILLINERY, DRESSES, and CORSETS, with the addi- tion ( Mr the Races only) of a choice assortment of JEWEL- LERY, & c. ftc. L'I. J, Htyh- nlreet, Southampton, Aug. 18, 1808. [ 733 J WINCHESTER, ] T MANT, UPHOLSTERER, AUCTIONEER, See. O • impressed with the warmest sentiments of gratitude " to His friends and the public for past f: voure, most respect- fully infants them thai he is about to decline the Manufac- iuring paflMf his Concern, but that the Auction and Apprais- ing
Businesses will be carried on by him as heretofore, and embraces this opportunity of soliciting a continuance of that kind p itronage and support in those branches which he has soliberaly experienced tof upwards of twenty years past. J. M. begs 1 ave also to inform the Public, that his valuable Stock of UPHOLSTERY and OAEINET GOODS, Paper Hang- ings, fee. is now selling from 10 to So' per Cent, under the usual prices; likewise several thousand feet of prim J season- ed Mahogany'and other woods, pasticiulanly an excellent as- sortment of fine table boards, from » ft. to' 3 ft 3 in. wide ; and some'capital Veneers, Shop
Fixtures, double'counting- house Desk, Work Benches, Tools, & e. [ 8s4 ANDOVER, August 1, 1808. MR. LUDLOW begs to return iiis most grateful acknowledgments to his numerous friends and the public, for their favours Conferred on him in the GROCERY' and TEA TRADE, and informs them that he has declined that busines S in favour of Mr. ROBERT B. IJDOE, whom he wishes to recommend to their notice, not doubting that he will merit their countenance and support. Mr. LUOLOW continues the WINE AND SPIRIT TRADE, and respectfully solicits the favours of his friends and the publie. [ 502 ^ BRIDGE, having
succeeded Mr. LUDLOW in ' the GROCERY and TEA TRADE, solicits the orders of Mr. Ludlow's friends and the public irj general, which he hopes to merit by regularity and attention. [ 6' 03 VERY DESIRABLE CURACY. ANTED immediately,— A resident CURATE in the western part of Dorsetshire. Apply ( by letter post- paid) to M. G. Post- Office, Dorchester, Dorseti N. B.— A house and garden, & c. ADVANTAGEOUS BUSINESS. TO be DISPOSED OF, - The STOCK and TRADE of a LINEN and WOOLLEN DRAPER, in a flourishing market town in Hampshire. The situation is pleasant, and the Stock wcty selected and in
good condition. The coming in will be about £- 1600. Enquire of Mr. Clement Sharp, Romsey. [ 7G0 w CHURCH PREFERMENT, HPO be SOLD,—- The NEXT PRESENTATION 1 and ADVOWSON of a RECTORY in th.- county of Wilts, with a prospect of an early possession.— The parish contains 3000 acres of wood, arable, and pasture land, more or lass ; the house and offices ar- i very good and convenient, fit for a gentleman's family, have rtc.- ntly be n much im- proved, and are pleasantly situated in the' midst of about Go .. cres of glebe land ; the neighbourhood is very good, and the surrounding country abounding with
game. Apply ( postpaid] to Charles Bowles, Esq. Shaston. [ 7- 20 MERINO SHEEP, rpo be SOLD, at Dulverton, Somerset, on Tuesday .1 September the 13th, at three o'clock in the afternoon,-- 100 YOUNG EWES, and 00 EWE HOGS, being the whole breeding flock of the MERINO and RYELANO CROSS, the prr- pery of Lord Porchester, which has been eight years sal. cting, and improved by crosses irom his M ijesty's and L rd Soil! r- ville'; flx- k.;.— Also 12 capital MERINO RAMS, and e- ght MERINO E WES, ail of the pure blood, without any English cross. This flock, which is allowed to be one of the best in Eng- land, may
be viewed by application to the shepherd at pixtcn Park, near Duivertoii, at any time before the sale. [$ o' 2 T6 BUILDERS AND OTHERS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. COTTF. RELI., on the Baltic Wharf, near Chapel Mill, Southampton' on Friday the 0th day of September, 4 8ijn.'— A capita Cnrirn of PINE BOARD,' PU^ NK, BIRCH TIMBER, 4Sc. just arrived from New Brunswick, in the ship Hawke, John Brentonj Master; consisting of about 50,000 Feet of Inch Pine Bo. vd, 40,000 Feet of Pine Plank, from2 to 4 inches 3- 1 *. eces of Birch Timber, ' 4 Pieces cf Pin? Timber, 5 Fathoms of Lathvyood, 4? Handspikes,— and
& Spars. This cargo, which has been selected with particular cire will be fourld well worth the attention of builders, < Sre. - vtid the lots may be viewed three days previous to the sale, by ap- plying to Mr. Mayneo, at the Wharf. Catalogues may be had, and further particulars known by applying at tue Office of Mr. Edward Langdon Okc, No.' 71 High- street, Southampton. The'sale to begin at eleven o'clock. [-,, 2 TEARBARY WOOL, o be peremptorily SOLD by ,1UC TTCN at ti SOUTHAMPTON. 1 on WS, 0LD \ v AUCTION'> 1' V Mr. LINDBJI, ft on ednesoay the 24th day of August, 1- 08 at the faSn Hr' Six Lots of FR EE HOLD ' i
AN facing HounAvell; two front lots, containing 14 fee bv Vi depth*—^- Th - LanJT' ^ « teet fronVby^ fe. Vin « ?' T7 "'.'- Land- tax^- is redeemed. ' r-„. The Sa) e_ wdl be trom six .0 eight o'clock in the evenin- ^ UCT" ON,' orTTiiuBdav " the such conditions as w I be then produced — A , J FRFKHDI n KTITV • P"* ™ ct. ri,— A very comport 1 Kbl. H fl. D LSI A FE, consisting ot a substantial Dwellinr House, Low- Stalls, Stable newly built, and r# Arm a f chiefly Meadow and Pasta, c. m one Lot; and two C , , .1 of Meadow or Pasture, called Granger's a'nr! Daniel's M id containing s, x acres and a quarter, in another ' 1 he above
premises are situate in the paris], 0f Fast KnovV * widow'M; DORSET ADVOVVSON" T° tSOdjU ' is AUCTION, at the Crown Inn. £ 111 Wiriborne, Dorset, on Friday the if. h < f s-„ h. • '?,"!. prcciieiy at four o'clock in the aftern ™ ',, " 1 \ n' VOW SON of U10 RECTORY of GUS8AGK sT. NHCIKFl" subject to the I ncumbency of the present Rector, abo, 5- ' J here are belonging to the rectory a small Parson !„.,, « ,• rfLand Rfot f ^ ^^ « • » ' K J of^ k° cattleramUn 200 Sh « T """ Gussage is about eight miles from Wimhorne and Bland- ford twelve from Shaftesbury, and fourteen from Salisbury and nes about two miles to the south of
the great western turnpike from Salisbury to the Land's End, in the midst of" country abounding wrth game, and in the migbbourheod of which there are two packs of fox- hounds. ° For further particulars apply to Mr, Castleman, Wimb, rn'e. HORSES, SHEEP, HAY, fc^ Sa. rley Farm, near Aiutover, Hun't - TO be SOLD by AUCTION, bv Mr. Cwwic- on, ,' he I'remises, on Wednesday the. SI st of S IT -. i . .808,^ 1 he Farming LIVE STOCK, Husbandry U. V ano other Effects on Saxley Farm ; consistin- of ." ,. down ew « s ( from the genuine stock of Mr Kb Iambs, six draught horses, a remarkably ham » . „. • mare, two waggons,
four carts, " ploughs, harrows ,1 rollers; dnlUmachine, by Cook; threshing d •'•"' horses, by Jones; chaff- cutters, and winn -, vii,_ mac- large rick of perennial rye- grass seed, diito C s * n„. , ab- 70 tons ot hloom- sairvtfoin, and numerous otl r n el's Catalogues will be delivered ten days previous to t:, e sde, ti- the Premise, and at the Auctioneer's, Ai d v, r, Sale will begin at eleven o'clock.' r- 44 rPO be SOLI) bTAUCTION, some time 1,. Sep! X tember next ( unless prtv. ously disposed of by i'rn Je Contract;,— The unexpired Perm of Nin, Ytais of a LEASE in a pleas, nt COTTAGE in Ha . pshire, situate at K. st Cl. ol- derton. tour
mil s from Andover, 96 from S uthampt; 1, nd 67 from London ; replete with every domestic conv nience ; Grapery and Peach- house in full hearing, < xt nsive and • highly- cultivated U rdens, surrouitdetl bv walls clothed with choice truit trees, v ith about thirteen acres ot r. ch aral le rd pasture Land adjoining. The Cottage, wli eti is i„ 0„ rpi; repair, qo; sists of a dining- room 28 feet bv 18, or: winfi- room 24 by 14, bre-. kfast p. rlour, six bed- rooms, attics, servants' nail, kitchen, butle, s p ntrv, brew- house and under- ground cellars, with double coach- nousc, stables for eight horses straw- housa. granary, and other convenient
buildmgs. f- or lurther particulars and a view of the premises, apply to Mr. Criswick, auctioneer, Andover. [ 51,- Lockerley, near Htmny^ urriit^ e^ dy, net, tid Premiuu rpO be SOU) by AUCTION, on the Premises A byJ. YovNG, on Thursday the Soth of Au ust 180S a, eleven o'clock,- The HOUSEHOLD GOODS, the property of iVre. Gass, leaving the premises; comprisiig fout- pos,. field, and other bedsteads; goose feather beds, blankets quilts ; mahogany tables, chaos, pier and dressing glasses tignt- day clock, brewing utensils, & c. Immediately after the goods are sold, will be put up for b, ick su<! tilai FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, late occupied by Mrs. Cass, flavin- every conveniency for a small genteel family ; comiii'siu" two parlours, kitchen, cellar, pantry, and four hed- rooms, with useful out- buildings, and a very good g>, ilen. Immediate possession will be giv en. [ 7S3 KNIGHTON;' NEAR AMKSBURY, w- rtTS ' * rT() he SOLD by AUCTION, » , thb George Inn, x at Anvsbnry, on Wednesday the 6' lst day of Aneust mst, between the bouts of three and six o'doclt, subject in, such conditions as will then be produced ( onless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which the earliest notice AH Two inclosed Pieces of ti. h ARABLE LAND,
being FREEHOLD, containing tOgctl et about twelve acres, situate and being at Knighton, in the pa- rash of Eghledean, called Knighton Hams; togethei wrh ftehto, Common or Feeding for one Ovv in the Lanes and Common of Knighton aforesaid; now in the occupation of David Smith, as tt nant thereof for a term of seven v. sis fi. e years ot which will be unexpired at Michaelmas next For particulars apply to Mr. Lawrence, solicitor, Hii h- street, Salisbury. Letters must be post paid. jfs;. T< i OOACHMAKBftS, WH « ELV( RkiHTS, & c TX) be SOLD by AUCTION, by Jonv AI. lkn, 1 on Monday the sad of Auaust, 1808,' an the
Premises ~ I All theSTtQiCK in TRADE of Mr, Philips tride, win. Iwii-' ht I . vndhnrt, . 1 i , , , * ud small waggi n Lyndhurst v comprising several' hundred' large an spokes; quantity of fellies, axles, and ax- beds; „,„,„ reives plank haujinga, ditto for gig; shafts, ash pCnk. tilrtllirn htindU; K- U.. . 1. .. • *• * * b'oi , . t , h' 6 > soawj., uianK, plough handles, bjlts, and wipons ; stocks and scantlings: prong stems; quantity of stouters, board, wheels, eavt- sides, ladder- rounds, pates, light cart carrigis, light cans, » c. Sre. VHNRTON, NMAP, CHRISTCHURCH,, HANTS. ' TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Hotel, X Chrietchurch, on Monday the
Sid day of August, 1S08, at three o'clock in tlie afteruopn,— Lot 1.— A FREEHOLD ME9SyA% E or DWELLING- HOUSE, large Yard and Garden theieqhto belonging, siuiate at VVinkton aforesaid, now in the occupation of William Walden, Lot 2.— Two TENEMENTS and GARDENS, adjoining the last lot, in the occupation of William Walden tie younger and Harry Hopkins. For a sight of the premises apply to the tenants, and for fii- ther particulars to Mr. Pair, solicitor, Poole, or Mr.. Baldwin- solicitor, Ringwood. pjeg UPPER CLATFOllD, NEAR ANDOVER, HAI\ Ts7~ • yo be SOLD by AUCTION, In one Lot, bv T. X RAWLINS, at
the Bush Inn, Andover, on Saturday the 97th of August 1808, at three o'clock in the afternn: n,— Tv.< i very desirable new- built, brick and died COPYHOLD* DWELLING- HOUSES, under one roof, and full stand, With an extensive Garden planted with choice fruit trto, conveniedt Wood- house, < Scc. & c. situate in the pimsar. t ; 1 d very respectable parish of Upper Clatford aforesaid, in the oc- cupation of Mr. Joyce and Mr. Georce Rutt. ( 78.1 For a view of the premises apply to the Tenants; and'lor further particulars to T. Rawlins, auctioneer, Andover. ' ~ AVILTON, NEAR STLISBURY" ' O bo SOLD by AUCTION, by
WHITMARPH and RILY, on Wednesday the81st instant, ft the 1- :' Inn, at six o'clock in the afternoon, ttnless disposed of l v Pri vat? Contract, of which ncfice will be rt\< •'• r Fcu'r FREEHOLD DWELLING- MOUSES, with Y\ oik- sii.. p-, situated in South- street, in the Borough ol Wilt; n: Lot 1— Three DWelling- Hot'. ses, in the occupations < f Lawrence, Roots, and Moody. Lot 2.— One Dwelling- House, in the occupation of N. Fry. ' The above tenants have n- tice . to one at Michaelmas neit. For a view of the premises, and farther particulars, appi" to the Auctioneers, Wilton. [•-; v Gosport.-— A Freehold Inn e" other Freehold
fumises lor Sale. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. HOBSON, - on Wednesday the 7th day of SeptJml cr lsos, at th< j Mitre Irji, bev vech the hours cf one Bnd two o'clock in t! • afternoon, subject ,0 such conditions as will be then and thete produced ( unless previously dispnstd of bv private oontiact, of which due notice will be given), All'that FK! l-. HCl. D lV\ T f A r-> •' r..-. A r-\... 11 - 1 fl, 1\ T . / • T 1 1 I OIC ll » u Hl » 1' V"" mynvnu.- i / t'Vt. l ItfjJIflllV r wed:, with a proportionable quantity of spirits anefwrne.' For further particulars Or to treat for " the same, applicant. u ... t. . , s,.,/ L> t/\ ?•.'(,- InVin Hrcur v- » r> urid Ki- miLr .- v- ,.
• ,111V. ^ jjmio. "•• M J v » vnv 111'- JI1I1IV , Cj / J 1.1 H./ H .'{ X may be made to Mr. John Drew, v/ ine and brandy mi r, bant, Southampton, or Mr. Hobson, auctioneer, Gosport. j77; PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B, BRODIE, J. DOYVDING, AND J. LUXFORD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY; IVhere Orders, Advertisements, md authentic Articles of News are received ( Postage paid.) A*. so by ( be PRINTERS and Boognsxixm in the Wsnt of England; by th » ^ pestive XK'VSMES 5 and ill Lor. do:. by Me- . vs. TAYLOR and NEWTON, No. 5, Warwiek- Souare. Warwick- LaJiej Newgate Street, and Mr.
WiLKIF, JJcolceller, rateroqster Row. St. Pwlv