The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Issue Number: 3727
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 25/07/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3727
No Pages: 4
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AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. JOUI [ NUMBER 37** 7'.- VOLUME LXXIII ] MONDAY, - JULY 25, 1808. PRICE SIXPENCE ENCE. IStamp I Paper a Duty.... 3Jt/. ijid Print i\ d. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. Sr. PETERSBURGH, June ID, A Few days ago an English flag of truce ap* f\ peared before Cronstadt, and requested to < communicate with the Emperor in person*. His Majesty having been informed of it, gave positive orders that the vessel should. immediately retire, or that otherwise it would he sunk by the batteries. LONDON, MONDAY, JULY la.
Dutch papers to the 14th inst. were received yester- day. Tjky confirm the accounts which had previously reached n- from so many quarters, of. the effects produced « m the Cabinets of Vienna and . St. PeterJmrgh by the late atrocious conduct of Boijaparte in Spain and Italy. A for- mal remonstrance has been presented to Bonaparte by these Vourts, in consequence of his Decree for depriving' the Pope of his Temporalities: but the Empefor of Austria " ikies not confine himself to remonstrances, he is uiakitig Wery possible exertion to augment bis military force. Besides filling up all the regular battalions to the wai establishment,
an Army of Reserve of 59,000 men is to be formed bv ballot. Th ee extraordinary exertions naturally attracted* the attention of ' lie French Minister, Amlreossi, 1 v. ho remonstrated with the Cabinet of Vienna on the sub- ject 5 but received only an evasive answer, stating, that a period of Peace was the most proper time for introducing reforms and improvements in ti e military vstem, Bona- parte, however, still continues to collect his armies on the frontiers of Spain, hoping, perhaps, to effect the sub- jugation of that Kingdom before Austria or Russia can adopt any decisive measures. The Emperor of Austria has ordered public.
prayers to be nffired up in the different Churches of his States", for the Safety of the Pope. The French Ambassador, General Andreossi, remonstrated against this, considering it as a r- pr. iaeh on the conduct of France, but Count Stadion, far • from agreeing to recind the order, avowed that the j'. ineon r Was much alarmed and affected at the seizure of the Ecclesiastical States, and the indignities offered to the Head of the Catholic Church. It. is said that Andreossi has since informed the Austrian Ministry that lii< Master consents to the Pope's remaining in the Vatican, as Bishop ot Rome, w. th a revenue of 3,000,000 of florins.
Government have received dispatches from Lord " CoUingwood and Sir Charles Cotton, brought to Plymouth tiv the Orestes sloop of war. By the forme]- it appears that ail the French who were in Algarvc, tbe. southern Province f> f Portugal, have been put to death or taken prisoners ; a< « l that a dreadful action ha-. been fought between Sara- v:', isa arid Barcelona, in which the French forces have almost wholly been cut to pieces. All Portugal is in a state of murrectton. Advices, dated off St. Lucar, from Genera! Spencer, f* ate that be was hastening towards Cadi*, afid as he. passed the Southern Coast of Portugal, the
Portugcese flag was hoisted on all the forts and batteries. The General landed at. Avamonte, and found every thing in a secure state i . the Ooadiana, the whole Province of AlgaiVe Was restored to the powfst of ; be Portuguese, and the French detach- infents at Vfllarea! and Castromarin had surrendered to the Portuguese without opposition. The Expedition sailed from Cork Harbour oh Tues- day last, under convoy of the Donegal, Resistance, and Oi codde. Sir Arthur WtUesley was on board the Donc- f; ai J when the Resistance and transports bad passed by, the Donegal weighed anchor and stood out to sea. On passing
Carlisle Port* she received and returned a salute of 15 gutis. She was followed by the Crocodile. The whole bad cleared the harbour at an early hour, and continued ?. i their oouive with a pleasant breeze at East. The troops embarked With Sir A. Wellesley are the 5th> • 9th, 30th, 33th, 40th,. 45th, fifth battalion of the flOth, the 71st, aud 91 ; t regiments oftoot, with tile, 4th Veteran battalion, four companies of the 95th ( Rifle; Regiment, a detachment Of the 26th Light Dragoons, and two troops of the Co'fr. mi- Sariat Hwrse. It is said to he at length finally settled that Sir liew Dalrvinple shall haw the command in chief of the tToops
collecting for the assistance of the Spanish Patriots-, which will amount to 40,000 men ; and Sir A. Wellesley, Sir John Moore, and other distinguished Officers, will be, at the head of different detachments, receiving orders from Sir Hew, at Gibraltar, according to the information lie may obtain from Spain. Thus tha possession of the Rock kv England, heretofore so great an eye- sore to the Spaniards, is* now become their safeguard and protection, and tie British Commander there the presiding genius to direct their attacks on their unprincipled foes, the French 1 An account has been received that the ships Slreat- hari, Lady .
lane Dundas,- Jane Duchess of Gordon, Bengal, and Earl St. Vincent, with the extra ships Harriet, Hud- dart, and Indus, outward- boUnd, arrived at Madeira the 30th of May, and were to sail from thence the 1st of June. No less than seven persons were drowned yesterday, bathing in the neighbourhood of the nv trtfpoBs, viz. three in the Serpentine River, two in the Thames, one in the New River, and one in the Paddingtoh Canal. One of the person- drowned in the Thames was a miniature painter, whose distresses and cries were seen and heard from Black- friars- bridge. Several boats put off to save him, but he sunk ere a- si
-. tanCe could reach him. The long expected t rial of Mr. Alex. Davi'on, was to htiVe come on ill the present sittings, but in consequence of an affidavit by Mr. 1). that Gen. Delaney, whose testi- mony is of the utmost importance tb him, is ill at Fxliri- burgh, and cannot lie removed ( according to ', lie certificate of his Physician)' without endangering his life, has been postponed. Lord Ellenbo rough appeared to think that a great deal of suspicion attached to this hu- intss, and with h'luetance. granted the motion to postpone the trial. CitiM. Co*'.— An action was tried in the Court of King's Bench on Saturday wherein Mr, Walker, a
gentleman of large fortune, was plaintiff, and Mr. Reader, the Counsel, defendant.— The damages were laid at 20,000£. h was proved that the plaintiff and defendant had been on terms of intimacy ; that when the plaintiff went on business to Scotland, iiis Lady declined accompanying him, and re- mained at his hoU- e in Ru- sell- square, where the visits of Mr. Reader were long and frequent ; at one time they were discovered in a parlour togettier, when Mrs. Walker had been denied to some visitors, who notwithstanding abruptly opened the door ; at. another time they were found hy a servant in the drawing- room, with the door
fastened ; but on cross- examination, tile witness admitted that the lock was so bad, the door would not keep shut without being jxdted. Whenever Mrs. " Walker ( vent to the play, Mr. Reader accompanied her; when sh" removed to CMfen- fcam he went there also, and followed her like her shadow. These, and several other circumducts to pirne a strong attachment between the parties, were stated bj four or five witnesses who had been servants in the fatuity, and had * jl been discarded, as they said, in consequence of the ill temper of their mis'tress. Lord Kllenborough a « ked the Jitry if they could discover any thing in all this
testimony to establish the criminality of tbe. defendant; and the Jury replying they were satisfied, the Counsel for Mr. Reader did Iio't enter on* his defence.— Verdict for the Defendant. Another instance of matrimonial infidelity lias occurred in high life. Mr. B. a gentleman of large West India property, was married about three years ago to a daughter of the Countess of A. His affairs, partly by the deprc -. nation of West India property, and partly by imprudence, having become deranged, he has lately !> een compelled to reside in • the King's Bench prison, and Lady E. B. had apartment in the vicinity thereof, and spent nearly the
wh- de of her time with her husband. The vi its she paid at a distance V.. however, of sUeh a nature, as to excite the suspicion i" ;>' B's confidential servant, who traced h'- r to a place ,..• with a young Iri- huian, and informed his - -.\ t intimate friends of the circumstance. The • • • ' tie were met as they were quitting thi house v Vloped together, and the place of theii icfV- -. - r sndUcovareiW • MARK- LANE, Momlay, July 18. We had a large siipply of Wheat this morning from almost all quarters, far beyond what had been looked lor, and an extremely dull sale in con- seqlicnce"; a very smell quantity of superfine Wlil'M Wheat, at an
early hour, was taken off at a decline of about 3s. per quarter, but the general course of the trade was full 4s. per quarter lower than last Monday, nor was . the present artival hy any means cleared even on these terms White Wheat, such as has been any time out of straw, suffers rtlore in proportion than Red Wheat of a tolerable Weight and condition. Spring Com comes to hand just now quite sparingly; GVey Peas, Beans of both sorts, Barley and Oats, have all fobnrf buyers to- day at an advanced price, as per particulars beneath; whereto we refer for, information at laage.— White Peas are much enquired for, but there was
none fresh up:— English Wheat tins, to 8b" s'.— Rye 40s. to 52s,,— Grey Peas 60s. to GOs. -— Horse Beans ( ios. to 0iii.— Tbk Beans Sfis. to 04s.— Barley 4os. to 5fts.— Malt ( 58s. to SC's.— Oats ; 34s.. to 4Sj. per quarter. English Household Floiir ( 16s. per sack.— Carriiway Seed 44s. td btis. per cwt.— Rape Seed a)/, to 40/.. per last. SMITHFIELD MARKET, July, 18. We had this day 1800 head of Neat Cattle, 15,000 Sh-' ap and Lambs, but few Calves ot Pigs.— The price of lieef was - Is. to 5s. id. Mutton 4s. 4< J. to 5s. Lamb 5s, tp tis. ISd. Vtal - Is. Ml. to 6i. Pork4s. to 4s. 8rf. : Prices by the Carcase, in NEWGATE and
LtiBENifAi. I. MARKETS:— Beef as. Ail. to 4s. Ad. Mutton - Is. to 4s. Si. Lamb 4s to lis. *< L Veai 4s. sd. to fls. Pork 4s. to 4s. Srf. O" PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, Juiy 20, 1803. N Thursday, the 28Ih insthni, I sit til ie read;/ to rerev- c Tenders ih writing fs& tfed vpj- uml treat- fur 3000' Bags of'BISCUIT, to h mamifuefc- rei! from good u- h'nk \ Iev', in !•< delivered at this Port in- one Month1; which nil/, he pai< I lor ly Jiil!., payable with Interest .' to flays after date. No rtgQtil will, he tritl to any ' lender, in which the prices shall not be inserted in ivords at ler : ih, or that shall not be delivered . before twelve o'clock on the
said Zth instant, nor itnU'. s the persons wlut make, the same, or some'person on their behalf, attend to answer thereto when coifed for. W. M. reEKS. A7. 11.— The Conditions of the Contract may he smi ut my -. Office. [ 3.99 WILTS.— SHERIFFS FUND. BY Order of the Subscribers present at a Meeting held at Devizes the 11th day of January. 1808, Notice is hereby given, that a General Meeting of ihe Subscriber will be held in the Granl Jury Room in Nov Sarum, on the second day of the ensuing Summer Assize*;, for the purpose of talcing into consideration a further increase of Subscrip- ts vni for revising and correcting the
Rules, and for other spce ial purposes. 24.2] W. SALMON, Treasurer. - OY Vir £ 5 the L( ISLE OF WIGHT, irtue qf a Permission from tV - Right Hon. . ords Commissioners of the Admiralty, the MA- GISTRATES of the ISLE of WIGHT hefeby give Notice, that all Persons coining from any of the Western Counties to the Island, for the purpose of Assisting in GETTING IN THE HARVEST, and pr during a Certificaf from tbe Mi- nister and rburqb wardens of the parish fi „•> v' . h they come, of their not being- seamen or seafaring men, will, ingoing to and returning from the Islam;, permitted to pa, s to and from their respective homes,
without b interrupted by those employed in I s " * - .' es le e : Sei- e. Byord rrf tbe Magistr:::. s, ,' 182 , July 21, 1808. THOMAS SEWELL, Clerk. BUfeSLEDON BRIDGE AND ROADS. VI OTIC", is hereby given,— That a GENERAL 1 Hi ASSEivfBLY of the Company of Proprietors or Bursledon Bride": and Roads will be hoiaen at die Red Lion Inn, near tb Bridge, on Monday the 8th day of August next, it ele\ en o'clock in the forenoon, when a lull attendance . the Pro- prietors is earnestly requested. Those Members who intend staying to c'i requested to send early information thereof either t: Clerk, or to Mr. Waldron at the above
inn, that adeqtr . . revision may be made. By order of the Committee, DAVID COMpiGNE, Clerk. Gosport, July. S, 1808. fi'M NORTHAM. BRIDGE AND ROAi > S. SOOTUAMI'TOV, Jul J, I?>) 8. OTICE is hereby given,— 111, it a General As- _ sembly of the Company of Proprietors of the Nor. tham Bridge and Roads will be holdeii at the Dolphins Inn, South ampton, on Saturday the tft'h dayof August next ensuing, precisely at tbe hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon. 04I0J Wm. CURRY, Clerk ot the Company. j. , st LYNDMURST AMUSEMENTS WILL, be on Eriday the 5th of August.' The Particulars may be known by
applying at the Crown Inn, Lyndhurst.— N. B. An ordinary, with tickets, as usual. BARTON STACEY FAIR, HANTS, WILL be held Oil Saturday the 30th of July, for SHEEP and LAMBS, and tor all CATTLE and WARES.— No Tort, will be taken. ' [ 38!) Enquire fcr particulars of Mr. A. Lewis, at Barton Staiey. WINCHESTER PAVEMENT. NOTICE is hereby given, That from and after the 25th instant, the STREET TOLLS will be taken at Shorts'edge Gate on the following days in every year; namely, ' from the morning of the day next but one before Magdalen Hill and Giles's Hill, and ' the two Winchester Fairs, for that and the four
following days, from the Monday morning to Saturday night in the Week in which the election of the College hear Winchester shall be holder.; arid from the morning of the day ncHt before the day of the Races, com- monly called the Winchester Races, during that and the five following days, pursuant to the Pavement Act passed in the eleventh year of the King : the Trustees of the lower district of the Winchester Tun. pike Road hav'inc , iven notice t> the Commissioners of the Pavem. nt- 1" that they intend to discon- tinue the Annual Payment made by them to the said Com- missioners, in lieu ot such tolls, Irom and alter the said
25th day of July instant." JOHN FAITHFULL, Clerk to the said Commissioners. WINCHESTER, Juty 14, 180ft. [ 32a Parish Officers. Household Flour, at per bag. Good Baeon, at per lb. Malt, at per bushel. Hops, at per cwt. THE MISS LUDLOWS-* SCHOOL fias now recommenced. Their number is limited to twenty : it is their, endeavour to cultivate, with unremitting solicitude* in the minds of the) young ladies entrusted to their care, a love of elegant accomplishments, and of domestic duties. ChristchuRCh, July i 1, 1808. MISS MAY, with grateful acknowledgments to jLV J. her Friends for the encouragement she has already ex perienced, begs respectfully to inform them, that her SCHOOL, after the present vacation, will re- commence on Mon lay the 1st of August, 1808. ANDOVER ,_<[ ULY 131" CLOSE OF SALISBURY. THE MISS BEALES BOARDING- SCHOOL . will open, after the present vacation, on MondaV the 1st of August. A Half Boarder wanted, that has been used to a School. [ 305 Ladies' Hoard ittg- Sehml, Newbury, Merits. THE Misses SELFE, with evety sentiment of gra- titude for the kind support of their numerous friends, respectfully inform them their SCHOOL wdl re- commence, on Monday the 25th inst.— Netvlmiy, July « , ISO*,
fi>;> 2 BECK. INGTON, SOMERSET. MRS. E. PARISh acquaints her friends and the . public, that her SEMINARY will recommence on Monday the 25tb inst. [ ana D A N C I N G. MR. FIALON has the Honor to inform K'ts numerous ftienis, that he v.- ill recommence his Lcssons at Dorchester an 1 Bridport, on Friday the 29th ii.- t. ; at h: s Academy, Blandford, Monday the I'- t of August; ^ nd on the following arid usual days, at Poole, Ringwood, ChtistsHurcli, and Winbornc, ' T435 WAMESBURY, WILTS. COX respectfully informs his friends and a ! i- • beral publtc, that his SCHOOL will open again, after the present receife, On
Monday the 35th inst. and that he can accommodate a few more Pupils, who will be liberally treated on moderate terms.— Jttly 6, ] 808. [ 227 SALISBURY-, WILTON, and LONDON FLY O WAGGONS, daily, to and from the CASTLE and; FALCON, AlDERSGATE- STREET, London, and their Waae- liouse, Milford- street, SalVsbury. These Waggons take up and put down Goods at the Old White Horse Cellar, and Black Bear, Piccadilly. No Money, Plate, Jewels, Glass, or other valuable or hazardous Goods will be paid for, if broken or lost, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. NICHOLAS BROWN,, 130] JAMES
BRICK, / Proprietors. SARUM. F. HAYWARD, TAYLOR and, HABIT- MAKER, . High- street, begs leave to return his most grateful ac- knowledgments to his friends and the public, for the veiv liberal support and. encouragement he has received since en- tering on the above ; ah'd hopes, byj constant attention t.. ihi it cohlmands, still to receive their futuie patronage and suppert — Children's Dresses of all patterns in the neatest manner. Liveries at the shortest notice, and on the lowest term?. Kg* An APPRENTICE Wanted. f- lio JCLARKE having taken and entered on the • COACH and HORSES INN, WINCHESTER, begs
leave to return thanks to his friends and tin- public in general foi the favours he has already received ; and hopes, from paying strict attention to business, to merit theirfiiture favours. Good stalled Stabling and well- aired beds. *#* A good Ordinary on Market- days. [ 111 MAIDENHEAD INN, BULFORD. TCH ' l. K begs leave to acquaint tbe Gentlemen, - r ', and others, who ' attend Magdalan- hitl Fair, t'" ' . arte great improvement on the above premises, he . / solicits a continuance of their favours, assuring je. lat every att. i - on shall bi paid to their accommoda- tean.—— Well- aire >* ftc. Good stall Stables, with good hiy. . dcrn. S
ar teams— no charge for standing. ANTEL0-' On the dire I I rj'HO. M Ai • Gentry, an port wive1 - !. blisbe l i;,' N', at tlleire una:, ds. T. TI. BOROUGH OF WILTON. SUCH" Persons as are. willing to contract for supply- ing the POOR- HOUSE in the Borough of Wilton wi'th the undermentioned Articles, until the Uth day of October next, are requested to send in Projysals, accompanied with Samples, to the Churchwardens ana Overseers, on or before Friday the 23th instant. Siaould any further information be deemed necessary, it may he obtained by applying to the [ 43 D Salt, at per bushel. Household Cheese, at per cwt. Candles
and Soap, at per doz. Grrcry, & c. Tit the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of Dorset. Gr. NTir. MEV, AS Mr. . R. W. ANDREWS has resigned the Office of one of his Majesty's CORONERS for the county of Dorset, I beg leave to offer myself as a CANDIDATE for that situation ; my profession as a Surgeon, although not a neces- sary qualification, will yet, ! hope, entitle me to your consi- deration ; and should I," by your partiality, be so tortunate as to succeed in this object of my wishes, 1 will endeavour, by an unremitting attention to the duti s of the office, to prove mvself not unworthy your confidence, in
selecting me to fill so important a station. [ 436 I have the honour to he, with great respect, Gentlemen, Your most obedient and devoted humble Servant, DORCHESTER, July 14, 1809. JOHN WALLIS. To the Trustees of the Weymouth, Melcombe- Regis, and Dorchester Turnpike, GESTLE" M^! » , T having been announced that a Meeting of the Trustees will be held at the King's Arms Inn, in Dor- chester, on Monday the 25th dav of July instant, at eleven O'clock in the morning, for the ELECTION ot a CLERK and TREASURER, to succeed the late Mr, M. infield, I earnestly request the favour of your early attendance on that
day.— I beg leave to state, that from the assurances which .1 nave received during my personal canvass, 1 have not the least doubt but that v < ir suffrages will ensure my election. I have th ' honour to be, Gentlemen, Ycur most obedient and very humble Servant, JOSEPH JOHNS. WSYMOUTH, July 14, 1808, [ AIL F I;.- D TAVERN, SHERBORNE, .. Salisbury to Crewkenic Exeter. i' L i AR ( late of Ansford Inn) most '. arsis his sincere thanks to the Nobility, blic in general, for the very liberal sup- >;. s already experienced at the above cld- esta- ''-.', and humbly hopes, by a constant attention to . s, to merit a continuance of the
same. • i s leave to observe, that the ANTELOPE, from the numb. T of its bed and sitting Rooms, and its being so plea- santly situated at the north entrance of the town, has always beer, found a most desirable situation for Families who wish to sle p on their road to and from Salisbury, Exeter, eVc. " * Particular attention paid to Gt'iltlemenTravellers. Kj- Chaises to any part of the Kingdom.— Lock- up Coach- houses, good Stabling, & c. ' f: j8l POCOCK and HODGKINSOn beg leave respect- fully to inform the public of Southampton and vicinity, they have tajcen the Premises of Mr. J. LOMER, opposite the New Church, which is
this day opened as a ' Warehouse for FAMILY LINEN, MUSLINS, and HABERDASHERY, uyon a liberal and extensive plan ; where they purpost sup- plying families ^' ith Goods of the first fabrics, by the single- piece, at the lowest wholesale prices, ani shali constantly have on sale an extensive variety of the newest worked Mus- lins, Prints, and other fashionable fancv an cles, with, which Ladies may be supplied on terms equally advantageous. P. and H.' s gratid object has been to select G" is < f th most curious fabrics for elegance and durability, to efl'eer which connections have been formed will; the first manu- factories-.
Linens and Cambrics evil! alwivs be of rheir own importation, and India Muslins direct from tbe Company Sales. Under such arrangements they strongly solicit the favours of a generous public, with an assurance'that sh. v. M they be so honoured, nothing shall be wanting on their part to insure a continuance. SOUTHAMPTON, July 55, 1908. .[ 156 ECONOMY IN CANDLES. talloW candles mm waxed mcKs, IN consequence of the Wicks, being coated with Wax, these Candles have the following advantages i First, They are seldom, if ever, subject to what is called a Thief in the Candle:— Secondly, They will not Guiter, except
from bid snufimg or carrying about; and Thirdly, They bum longer and give a brighter light than the usual Mould Candles. Sold only at the Candle and Soap Company's V/ arehouse, No. 182, Fleet- street, London, two . I'. oi- from FEtter- lane ; where also may be had other Candies and Soap, ot the best quality. A discount is allowed for ready money, in proportion to the quantity purchased at one time, and countrv orders can- not be executed unless accompanied with a remittance, or an order to receive payment in town. [ 213 I Salisbury, faate, and Christchurch LiGht COacH. OBERTS, THORNK, and Co. Proprietors of . the
SALISBURY and CHRISTCHURCH ACCOM- MODATION, return their sincere thanks t- their Fr'ttnds and the Public in general, for the very liberal encouragement they have received since entering on the above cjrieern ; and beg leave to inform them, that tue. v have started an elegant LIGHT POST COACH ( carrying four inside? , from tile- Black Horse, Salisbury, to the Angel Inn, Poole, through Do-. v'nton, Fordingbridge, Ringwood, and Winborne, fn con- nection with the ACCOMMODATIOS,, which will continue to tike Passengers aud Parcels to and from Christchurch as be- fore. Will go from Salisbury every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, precisely at nine o'clock; and from Poole* every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at eight o'clock in the morning; also from Christchurch at eight o'clock every morning. R. T. and Co. flatter themselves that from the, superior ac- commodation thus afforded to the inhabitants of the above- mentioned places, and from their resolving to have excellent horses and careful and civil coachmen, they shall be favoured ' with a c inrinued and increasing patronage. N. B. The Proprietors will not be accountable for any arti- cle, if lo-' t or damaged, above Five Pounds value, unless en- ter d as such, and paid for
accordingly.— And Passengers' lug- gage- above 14 lbs. must be paid. * [ 318 FARFS -- f Fmm Salisbury to Poole, ins: de, 11 jr.— outside, Si. " '\ Fram ditto to Christchurch, do. f) j.— ditto, Gs. The time of reaching and leaving Salisbury will accommo- date Passengers t > anil from London, Bath, Bristol, Ports- mouth, Plymouth Exeter, & c. & c, by the Salisbury Ccachw. A Young LADY well instructed in Music, which she 1 X. has been accustomed to teach with approbation, wishes to engage, in a Situation's GOVERNESS, to which this ac- quirement might particularly recommend her: She would undertake to, instruct children
in the English Language, in Geography, ih Writing arid Arithmetic, arid has a competent knowledge of the French Language, so as to assist them in their progress- curing the absence of a French master. The most satisfactory references will be given for her good prin- ciples and disposition. Applications by ietter (" post paid) to the Sprinters of this Paper will be duly attended ts. ' [ 397 TI7ANTS a SITUATION, as CLERK to a » Brewery, Cheese or Corn Factor, or as Collecting Clerk or Warehouseman,-,-— A steady Person, about 30 vears of age, well acquainted with Ma'tke'tiug of all kinds, and de- sirous of being useful.——
Respectable references may be had, and security given for any tVast reposed. Please to apply ,' if by letter, post paid; to. Mr. Aslet, St. Ann's- street, Salisbury. wANTED 10 KENT, in Hampshire or Sussex, South of Brighton, as near the Sea as possible, for a term of tlitee, five, or seven years, — An handsome and extensive HOUSE, with large Offices, Stables, Gardens, ftrc. cVc. with from 50 to 70 or 80 acres of Lstrtd ;— with or without Furniture: if thA latter, it must be modern a » d handsome. Distance liot more than ( in miles from LOndsn. Mahors tor shooting are expected; and the premises must all be 111 good order and
repair. [ 434 Any person having sitch a residence to dispose of, may hear of an excellent tenant bv writing a line ( postpiiil), giving particulars, to Mr, R.' C. Post- office., Seatori, Axmin'snr, De- • von ; or, 1; alter til's ISt of August, to the Pest- office, Taunton, Sonierset. /" ANTED,—- A large Quantity of I'OHEST . / TRRRS, 1 IA7. I. K, fie." " Any person having n Quantity'fo dispose of, or who mav be willing to contract for the Prov iding an-.; Planting the same", are requested to Send their', proposals to Mr. James Eaton, Melbury- House ; or to Mr. John Hunt, Abbotsbury, Dorset; il iiy letter, . poat paid. [ 11- 2 r t N(-> be
Exchanged/— Four Couple uf voiina; hand- .1. some FOX- HOUNDS tor a few Couple of DWARF HARRIERS, not to exceed 12 inches in height. enquire at Messrs. Bridie, Dowding, and Luxford's, Ca- nal, Salisbury. foiiy ANTED immediately after the present vacation, an ASSISTANT" in a respectable School in the county of Wilts, properly qualified to teach writing and accompts, and ll he can assist in teaching the English grammar'the more agreeable. Proper, references to cbaiaoter and abilities will be expected. Apply by letter ( post- paid) to William Deadman, Chilton Fciiat, Wilts. [ yin TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. \ N
APPIUijCTlCE h Wanted by a SURGEON lL and APOTHECARY, in lull'ipa'd respectable Practice. — As the treatment will be- in LVery. respect liberal, an ade- quate premium Is expected. Euquiie { if byjetter, post paid) of the Printers. [- IGo ' WANTED; at an HOTEL and IX>,-,-—- A steady • f respectable middle- aee'd Woman as HEAD CHAM- BERMAID ; 3iie must write- a fair hand, anil be well recom- mended for sobriety and inteeritv. N. me need apply but sin- gle women. Particulars may'he known !, v applying to Mr. Whale, Wilton, either personally or by letteis, post paid. wANTED,— A SHOPMAN in, the GROCERY T V
BcsiN- F. ss. Apply, to Messrs. Trim arid Kell.- w, Southampton; if by- letter, postpaid. ft-] 5 WANTED,—- A steady and active Young MAN as an ASSISTANT in a GROCER'S SHOP, who can bring With hini an undeniable character for sobriety and inte- grity.—-— Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Josiah George, grocer and tallow- chandler, romsey, Hants. [ 150 WANTED, A STABLE SERVANT, who can wait well at table, and attend upon his master occasionally.— Apply to the Printers. [ 441 WANTED,—- A steady MAN- SERVANT, to v T be within doors, in a small Family.— Enquire of the Printers. " pj,, TO BAKERS.' \
17ANTED,— An active steady MAN, who is well T » acquainted with the BREAD- BAKING Business; a person who understands the small goods will be preferred. Apply t. Seymour, Salisbury. [ 418 TO WATCH- MAKERS. ASteady Man and sound Workman may have con- stant Employ and Rood Wages, by applying to J. MARRIOTT, Watch and Clock- maker, Quay- hill, Lyming- ton ; if by letter, postpaid. [ 428 TANTE!) inimediatjih-,'— Two JOURNEYMEN . / COOPERS;•—— Men- who understand their business will meet with constant employ, and good wares will be given ? and, it married, houses will'be provided if required.
Apply to John Reeves, Downton.-— June 25, 1808! [ 192 ' ANTED immediately,—-— A good BRICK- MAKER, aJOINER, " and BRICK- LAYER. Men who understand their business hall have good wages and every encouragement shevyn them. ' [ 423 For parf- culars ei- qttirs of James Ethcridge, builder, Hythe, New Forest.— None but good workmen need apply. \ V*>\ NTEI) immediately;,— A Journeyman TAY- ? ? LOR.— ApplVto 3. H. Attwood, Appleshaw, Hants'; if by lett. r, post paid. [ 4m YVTANTED, A MAS and his WIFE, to live in V V a Farm- Hone?, am! take Care of it, under a Bailiff.— The Man to be cinp'un- fd in
husbandry and assist in tiie f. uia, the Woman as dairy- niai'l and to take car - ot the poultry, and to understand fattening thru-.--—- NOtie need apply who cannot have good characters from their last place for honesty, sobriety, and good temper. ' Answer to be sent to Mr. Ed- mund A>. hby, Vallis franu, near Frome, Somerset. [ 403 ' BAILIFF. ANTED, to take the- general Management of an extensive arable Farm in Hampshire,— A single middle- aged MAN, he must be a good practical Farmer, and understand live stock and nfarktts, tmj « have served gentle- men in the above capacity, and have an undeniable character tot
spDriety, ho'nestv. and experience in all tannine' business. Particular*, bating qualifications, and where the party has lived, addressed by letter, postpaid, to Mr. Marline, White Hart Inn,' Bagshor, will be attended to'. No one need appiv who has been in business. for him- selt, or who has-' not lived three years in his last place.—- Good wages will be given. ' fia? rpO be SOLD,— A SOCIABLE, with an atvnint? .1. and curtains ccmpieat, with lining to take in aud out, barouche box, Salisbury boot, tec. To bey ten at the King's Arms Inn, Salisbury, durine the Race Week.— Price 25 Guineas. [ jcjs SOUTHAMPTON. TO he S9LD,—
Two new GI( J3 ; also one, the property of a Gentleman. For further particulars apply to John Andrews, cosch- maker, East- street. [ 364 FORSALE. at MOON'S PARK, near Henstridge- Ash, Somerset,— 316 prime SOUTH DOWN LAMBS, half of which are Chilver; the property cf Mr. Guy. p: 99 The above Stock is too well known to need any comment. X) bo LETT, for the Season,— Several PURE MERINO RAMS, from the Kine/ s and Lord Somer- ville's Flocks; or, if preferred, on. or two will be sold,- Two of these rams have produced fl leces of lilt-. v,- t i- ht each. And to be LETT or SOLD,-- Some other very fine- woolled
RAMS, deeply mixed with- Merino and Ryland. Some of these are without horns. Also to be SOLD,— About 25 EWES, half- bred between the Merino and South Down • and !: io qu . rt r- br d EWES Merino and Rvland; and about 40 excellent RYLANDEWF. s! The above Sheep ar< all of good ages for stock, and are in excellent condition. [- 140 For price and further particulars, or to see the stock, apply, by letter cr otherwise, to Wm. Broom, near the Isle of \ v'ii; ht Hoy, three miles from Christchurch, on the I. vmingtcn road. COALS. NOW delivering,— A Cargo of th$ tnuch esteemed PRIMROSE and BO. URN MOOR COALS,
at 2s. 4if. per Bushel, with the usual discount, bv [ 452 POOLE, July is, 1,808. CHRIST. JOLLIFF, Jun. GOSPORT. FOR SALE by PRIVATE CONTRACT— The good CUTTER ELIZA ; burthen per register about 21 tons, completely fitted up as a Pleasure Vessel, and to be taken with all her Furniture, Iron Ballast, & c. [ 4- 25 For further particulars apply to MATTHIAS MARCH, Broker. T LYMINGTON. O he SOLD, A very Pretty Little YACI1T, Cutter rgged ' about seven tons), three- quarter decked, copper fastened, and nearly as good as new, with all her Sails, M ists, Yards, and Rigging complete; consisting of a mam- sail, two
fore- sails, three jibs, one square- sail, one studtlin^- sul, two sweeps, boat- hook, three anchors, one cable and warp, and iron ballast. • Enquire of Mr. Galpine, bookseller, Lymington, £ 3* The present owner is an Officer in the Navy, expecting to be shortly employed on service, and parts with the vessel only on that account.— Lywiiigion, July 20th, \ 808. [ 424 STRAYED from Craoborne Common,— An nged RED COW, marked in both horns with C. M. and lost half the hinder teat cn the rieht side. Whoever will brine-; the said Cow to Mr. James Stroud, shall receive ONE GUINEA Reward. CRANBORSE, July AS, 1808. [ 345
TP A KEN UP, at East Grimstead,— A DARK 1 BROWN MARE MULE.— Whoever can prove her to be their property, may have her by applying to R. Tubb, of East Grimstead aforesaid.— July 6, 1808. [ 463 CAUTio>;. 7" HERE AS my WISE, BRIDGET PARDY, is now. separated from me by mutual consent: I hereby give notice, that I will not be. answerable for any Debts whatever she may contract with ar. v person or persons after th. s public caution.' WILLIAM PARDEY. SOUTHAMPTON, July 18, 1808. [ 44^ NOTICE. 4 LL Persons are required to take Notice, that they 11l. are not to trust MARY IIOLLEY, the Wife of me
JOHN HOLLEY, as 1 will not be answerable for any ' Debts she may contract. The Mark X of JOHN ILOLLEY. ME LKS II AM, July 00, 1808. [ 437 WHITAKER's CREDITORS. THE Creditors of the late Mr. WALTER WIIIT- AKER, whom tat the Red Lion, at Shaftesbury, on the 14th of July'irstant, after hating directed their Solicitor to state a case for the opinion of counsel, relative lo the insti- tution of proceedings of a criminal nature against so. ne of the defendants to the suit in Cbanc ay, ' adjourned the mectin;; to the Swan Inn, in Sturmireiter iNewton, onTiiursday the ' : li of August next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. The Cr
- diiors are therefore reep e'Sted t• ,* attend such adjourned meeting i. eeordingly, when the Solicit..-, will be prepan d with the opi- nion and it is intended then to dccide wljethcr the criniin; I proceedings above alluded to shall or shall not be commented. WitAbornc, WM. OASTLliMAN, July 15, if09. / Solicitor to the Creditors. tj^ TOTICE is Hereby <; iven,— That all persons in- x^ l deBted to the Estate of the late Mr. HUGI1 BARRATT, late of Donhead St. Andn v.-, Wilts, Mi! s: r, dec:: are re- qnireil forthwith to pay the amount of rbeir respective Debts to Mr. Richard Barratt, of the same place, tp. aiistcr, the Executor ot the
deceased : and all persons having ;. ny Cs s on the Estate of the said deceased, are desired to s nd the same to the above- named Mr. It. Barratt. fa. i- WEST II CRY , WILTS, July 14, 1F08. 4 LL Persons having any DenintVd upon the Es'ate lY of Mr. JAMES GORINGE TROKE, deceased, ere requested immediately to send the particulars thereof to Mr. Stephen Hunt, of Warminster, the executor, in order that the same may be settled. And all persons indebted to the : ad James Goringe Troke, at his death, are required to p y the amount of their debts to the said Stephen Hunt * i out further notice or dclaV. [ 31,1 NOTICE TO
CREDITORS AND DEBTORS. LL Persons having anv Claim or Demand upon the Estate and Effects of" Mr. ROBERT CLARE, foi- merly of Devizes, in the county of Wilts, but late of Triiii- strert, in the city of Bath, Surgeon, deceased, are earnestly requested by the'ExecUtors to deliver in the particulars of their demands to Mr. Slade, solicitor, in Devizes aforesaid. And all Persons who stood indebted to the said Rr^ crt Clare at the time of his death, are required immediately t" iay the amount of their respective debts to the said Mr. Shut, on behalf of the said Executors, or they will be sued for the same without further notice.—
Devizes, the Ut of July, 1308. f « NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. AS THOMAS SHERRY, of Romsey, Hants, J. TL Shop- keeper, hath assigned over the whole of his Estate and Effects to us the under signed, for the benefit of his Cre- ditors ; we hereby request that all persons who have any de- mand on the estate of the said Thomas Sherrv, will deliver their accounts to Mr. James Sharp, at the Romsey Bank ; and all persons who are indebted to the said estate, are desired forthwith to pay the amount of their ( respective debts to the aforesaid Mr. Sharp. JAMES SHARP. ABRAHAM NAISIL 449] JOSIA H.
GEORGE. NOTICE TO BARON' PLESEN. HERE AS BARON'PLESEN ( then an Offi- cer in his Majesty's Battalion of the ( JOth Rem- ment of Foot) did some time since quit certain lodging- rooms in the house of me the under- signed Jonathan Stride, of Ly- mington, in the county of Southampton, grocer, without paying the rent due for the same; but leaving therein certain articles of wearing apparel,, and other article's his property: Now ! lo hereby give notic : to the said Baron Plescn, that unless the rent so due to me for the occupation of the ss'd lo'lgiug- vooms be not paid me within fourteen days from the d ite hereof, I shall
dispose ot the same tor the purpose of de- fraying the Said rent, and all necessary expences attending such sale.- Dated this 20th day < if July, 1808. ( Witness) JONATHAN STRIDE. HUOH Buddi. n'G, Lymingtov.. [ 409 pHARLES GALLOP, ab& uf 23 Yeare. pld, five feet four inches high, has dark brown haii cro; • td, of rather a fair complexion, walks lame, from } ii « left leg havjng been broken, and which is crooked, havitw sbje'- nd. xl froin the Service of hi. master Mr. WM. MACS*: i t., of Sturn. in- ster- Marshall, before the term of his contract expired; Notic" is hereby given, That if any person wiil give information » Mr. Mack
roll, which may lead to the apmeKens'tm of the said Charles Gallop, the informer shall receive ONE GUI- NEA Reward; and any person harbouring or employing him after this notice will be prosecuted. N. B. - Gallop is a native ot. Sturminster- Marshall, is a la- bourer, and was dressed jn a carter's fro-, k ar. d canvass trow- sers when he absconded. It is supposed he is gone to the I ;! e of Wight. ' > w [ 450 A LL the Capital Prizes yet drawn were sold in i '\ Shares. Upwards ol £: oo", noo in Prizes are yet to be disposed ot. FIFTH DAY of DRAWING, Trr. su*-?, Augusts. Tickets an.) Shares ( warranted undrawn; are on Sale at all
the 3S< tj Licensed Offices in Town and Country, Price ot a Ticket ££ 3 6 0 Half X'l 1 7 0 I Eighth £ 2 18 6 Giuarter.. 5 15 0 j Sixteenth 1 9 , (,' HPW'O PRIZES of ,£ 20,000. in the present STATIC 1 LOTTERY, sold in Shares by RICHARDSON, GOODL'JCIC, and Co. Stock Brokers, corner of Bank- huildmgs,' Cornhill, and f-' cing the Gate of 1I1 • Kirn's Mew -• Ch. iring- cross, London.— No. 10,197, drawn the 12th of July .-£ 207011,0, in a Quarter, an Eighth, and ten Sixteenth Shares; No. 2, S09, drawn the 15th of July £- 20,0( 10, in two Quarters and eight Sixteenth Shares. Great part of the above Capitals was sold by their
Agents in the Country. Tickets and Shares, warranted undrawn, continue on Sale bv Kichardson, Gooellutk, and Co. and tor them by J. Moore, High- street, Poole; J. Ltnsdon, printer, Sherborne; W. Meylcr, Bath; Baker and Fletcher, Southampton; Euens and Allies, ironmonger-, Warminster; E. Sweet, bookseller, Trowbridge; and J. T. Coult- in, Devizes. The nfc'xtday cf Drawing will be the 2d cf August, and the Lottery w. tl finish on the lstu of August. [ y8i>
t T1IE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Wednesday's and Thursday's Posts. l'. lOM THE LONDON GAZETTE OF JULY 19. ABMiftAt- tv- OrarK, July IS. VICE- Admiral Lord Colli ngwood, Cdmwialider • in Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels in Aw Mediterranean, has transmitted to this Office thj Copy o'F a Letter from Captain Campbell, oT his Majesty's ship Unite, relaliug that oil the 2d of May he had captured the Italian brig of war II Ronco, of sixteen • 32- pounder carronades, with a complement of 101) meth— Also an Extract of a Letter from Capt. Bligh, of the Py- Ir. deS, stati. ig his having captured, on the
Same day-, the French privateer settee Le Grand Napoleon, pierced for 10 funs, but only .' our mounted, w\ th a complement of 38 men.— 11 iloncc i-, only two months off the stocks, measures about 400 tons well found, and very fit for his Majesty's service.— Le Grand Napoleon is nearly new, was equipped for a two months cruise, 13 days from Marseilles, and had taken nothing. CROWN- OFFICE, July 13. Members returned to Parlia- ment.— Borough of Richmond, the lion. L. Duridas, in the room of A. Shakespeare, Esq. accepted the Chi Item Hundreds.— and Port of flye, Win. Jacob, Esq. Sn the room of Sir W, Elford,
Baft-, accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. CoT. miaions signed l- v the Governor of the Isle of Wight.- Gztcon'u Company of the South East Battalion of the Isle of flight Volunteers.— R, ' Harvey, Esq. to be Captain of a Com- pany, vice Worslcv, resigned. Ningwood Company of th • South West BnUakan nf ditto,~ Wm. Keech, Gent, to be Lieutenant, vice Rogers, promoted. BANKRUPTS. Bnniel Bloom, of N: or. v':'. l), merchant. Robert BeH, of Newcastle- up^ n- Tyae, lincnsdrapef. , LONDON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20. Dispatches by the ConfWmler gnn- brig afnveA in town yesterday. They are dated Cadiz, the 3d instant. When
the last accounts were sent from General Castano's army, the Spanish Patriots and the French were in much the " same position as v. he.: the previous dispatches came away. iXipotit remained at Andu. jar. General Spencer had landed his troops at St. Mary's to refresh them. Accounts had been received at Seville from Saragutsa, which state that 7000 French troops had been attacked at that place, and that, after three days fighting, they had all been Cut to piece-. Portugal was in a state of general insurrection, hut the people were in want of arms. Junot was said to be con- centrating his lorce to Lisbon. According to private
letters frrttn the Continent, the Tope had summoned a Conclave, at which he resigned the papal dignity, and the Cardinals proceeded to the election of a successor, when their choice fell on Cardinal Pignatelli, wilt) is out of the reach of Bonaparte's power. This intelli- gence is not confirmed by any public advice. The most pleasing accounts have been received from the West Indies by the Lily sloop of war, Capt. Sheriff, by which Lieutenant General Bowyer, late Commander in Chief in the Leeward Islands, has just arrived. The Lily left Barbadoes o-. i the 12th of June, and touched at Antigua, where she remalni d a day. The
different regi- JTCMUS in the West Indies are in id healthy State, that for the last twelve months, there has been more sickness- and death in the army in England than in that in the West Indies, From their very healthy state, the regiments in the West Indies are'iii a most effective contrition, anil most of them, complete. The G3-. 1 regiment, which was unhealthy on its fitvst going out, from the irregularity of the men, is now healthy. The 25th regiment has lost very few men— not an Officer since it went out. Lieutenant- General Beekwith went to Barbadoes, and assumed the obief command, when General Bowyer sailed ; but it w is
thought that he would only act pro tempore, and that a new Commander in Chief would soon go Out for the West Indies. Two General Officers are immediately to go but on the Stall" of the West; Indies they are Major- General Munro, and Brigadier- General Lord I larina. New York papers to the 10th of June were received yesterday. They are nearly filled with statements of the rubious consequences. of the embargo, antl sarcasms on the President' and his adherents; Interspersed with a feeble defence of the measure, and accounts of its evasion by unprincipled • speculators on and about Lake Champlain, ai « i Other parts of
the British frontier. At Passamaquoddi, a great number of boats smuggling flour have been seized by the United States sloop of war Wasp ; and the Agein of the Government, who was sent there to execute the laws, has bee i taken into custody by the Commander of theWa p, as being concerned in - muggling. it ii stated from th" Virginia Herald, that the produce of the country is so much depreciated by the embargo, that Hour is at the r^ nous price of three dollars per barrel. The State of New York has passed a law, offering a re- ward ot 50dollars to any one nho shall bring a full- blooded Merino Ram into any State of that
country, where no such Ram was before.— For the encouragement of manufactures it has also passed a law for granting premiums of 130, 73, and 50 dollars, for the first, second, and third best speci- mens of woollen ' cloth, of certain ditat- lisiens. AMERICAN MWnamsm— The General Conference of the Methodist Church met in Baltimore on the 6th of June, present 123 members. After transacting a variety of business, tliey elected a bishop to supply the vacancy occasioned bv the death of the late pious and much- respected Mr. Whatcoat, and on the following morning Mr. M'Ken- t v was ordained, ill the presence of one of
the largest CJ. igregations ever collected in that city. East year the Methodist Society consisted of 144,590 members. The returns of this year are 121,637 whites, and 30,308 coloured, making a total of 151,935 members, and the increase daring that period 7405 members. The num- ber of itinerant Ministers in the Methodist Connection, at present, amounts to 542. The General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church was at the same time assembled in Baltimore, ai-. d between these two bodies, nearly 200 Ministers of the Gospel were ctlpacvdi- i devising the best means, according to their mm views, to diffuse
throughout the United States a more perfect kuowled e and practice of the doctrine of Christ. LAOV BATTF— The vast property of this Lady is divided, ly her decease, among various heirs. Sir James I'ulteney retains a ton id rablc-' part fir bis mvu life, amounting to 10,0001. per a mmn. Another part goes to Li rd Bradford. Sir John Johnstone succeeds, it is understood, to a small part; while very considerable estates devolve to Sir Richard Sutton.— Her Ladyship left a will, w'lieh secures the pro- vision ' to Sir James Pulteney for lift', but it is understood she had not the power to leave it in perpetuity. So intense was the heat on
Wednesday la-.*, that several people at work in the fields lost their lives by it. Among these, the following lave been particularised :— Richard Taylor, of Dunnington, making bay in the fields, dropped doivn dead. Mary Watson, of Hull, at work in a hay- Seld, oppressed with the heat, lav down to rest ; her com- panions left her fin' about half an hour, and on their return found her quite dead •. she was a married woman, and has left two children. At Rigemont, in Ho- ldertiess, another woman ( whose name is not mentioned), after laying down on the hay to rest, was in the same way found lifeless shortly after. A woman, making hay
near Huntingdon, died alio in the fluids'. A mail at Corby, in Liucjlrnhire, whilst hoeilie; thistles, and a woman weeding at Belli Eden, in Leicestershire, both died in the fields. A man working on the road in Holderness was so much disordered by the heat that he became quite insensible, and being carried to a house he lay in that state move than five hours, when he recovered very slowly, and with great suf- • ferinf. Several persons were Saved by being carried out of thu fields in carts. to thtir respective home?.— Some birds flying over Hull dropped dead in the streets.— Two mail- coach- horses died in harness between
Grantham and New- ark, one stage- coach hor e died in harness at Norwich, one of the horses in the carriage of Mr. Patteison, M. P. for Norwich, died on the road from t'. iat city to Cromer, aftd * several other horses died shortly after they were released from harness. A large Newfoundland dog, helotigiug to the Rev. Mr. Croft, at Rowley, also dial from the excessive heat. A Crim Con. cause is p" nd'mg, in which a Gentle- man of extensive property is plaintiff, and a youth under eighteen vears of age, who officiated as footman in the family, and is now a waiter at an Hotel, in St. James's- street, is the defendant. The lady was
married to herspouse four years since, aiid ha? two children. She,- twenty- five veals ufage. CRTTF. CON.— Lord Bnringdnn Sir A. Paget.— The defendant iy this cause ( in which the damages were laid at .10,000/.) having suffered judgment to go by default in the Court of King's Bench, a jury was yesterday impannelled before'Win. Birchall, Esq. acting for the Sheriff of Mid- dle ex, to assess the damages. It was stated by Mr. Park, Counsel for the plaintiff, that Lord Boringdon had married Lady Augusta Pane, second daughter of the Earl of West- moreland, in 1804 ; he was then 33 and the Lady only 18 ; ft was perfectly a
marriage of affection ; i « 1805, Lady Boringdon had a son, and the happiness of the parties seemed to be increased by that event. From the ' time of their marriage up to May in the present year, they lived together m f he greatest affliction and harmony. Mr Arthur Paget, who had been i schoolfellow of Lord Boringdou, then visited at his house, and though little seen by the Noble Plaintiff, be was unremitting in his attentions to Lady B. He was certainly a tin. i of elegant person and accomplishments, but he was two years older than the plaintiff, so that the Lady had no- excuse for her conduct on the score of the trifling disparity of
years between her- self ami her husband. Lord Boringdon constantly attended his duty in Parliament; and the instant he had quitted his house the defendant paid daily visits to his Lady, whom lie generally escorted to Kensington Gardens. They were accompanied by her Ladyship's child and nurse, and were constantly set down at the Bayswater Gate, where they entered the most retired part of the gardens ; Sir A. and Latlv B. then walked one way, and the nurse, by her Lady- ship's direction, took the child another. On their return to the carriage, Sir Arthur would take his leave. At other times Sir Arthur would sit with Lady
Boringdoh till the known period of Lord Boringdon's return home. This sbrt of intercourse was kept up till his Lordship's suspicions were awakened by the information of one of the domestics; he then questioned her Ladyship on her conduct; she took" the first opportunity aftertfuVds of quitting his Lord- ship's house, and had since openly lived with the defendant. — The Learned Counsel called Lord Amherst, the Hon. G. Villiers, Dr. Vaughan, Sir Wm. Elford, and several other witnesses, who proved that Lord and Lady B. lived must happily together, without a single exception, up to the period alluded to ; and the servants he
had'spoken of proved the facts stated.— Mr. Garrrow, Counsel for the defendant, then addressed the Jury.— He'insisted on the known inability of Sir Arthur to pay large damages, and attributed the " lapse of the Lady to the fashions of high life, which leaves a' woman exposed to the attacks of a seducer, by which she falls frequently before she is aware of her danger. The Jury, after some consideration, found damages - Ten Thousand Pound*. BREAD.— The price of Bread is continued the same as last week. OLD BAILEY.— On Saturday 14 prisoners were tried, two of wtiotn were capitally convicted, viz. Joseph West, for a
burglary; and Donald Robinson, for privately stealing seven 11. bank notes. On Monday James Willis Aas tried for uttering a forged draft on Biddulpb an- Cox. The prisoner had formerly been Clerk to Mr. Mountford, a respectable Attorney; at which time, ( in 1805) he received payment for a check, wherein Mr. Mountford's hand- writing was so closely imitated, that no one. but that gentleman himself could detect tile forgery. He discovered it. oil settling his Banker's book; his Clerk then absconded, and had only recently been heard of, which was the fea on the prose- cution was brought at so great a distance of time. The
Bankers, however, refused to release Mr. Mountford from his responsibility for the draft, and as he was thus interested in proving the forgery, bis evidence was rejected, and the prisoner was in consequence acqiiittedi Yesterday two prisoners were capitally convicted, viz. Joseph Smith and Charles Meyriek, for a burglary in the dwelling- house of T.. Davis, in Bagnigge Wells Gardens, where they were urider- waiters, and stealing therefrom some fire- arms and a quantity of wine. The same day the Recorder passed sentence of death on the ten prisoners capitally convicted during the Sessions, and different sentences on the
various other convicts ; after which the Sessions were adjourned to the 14th of Sep- tember. WATER- MILL AND LAND, DORSETSHIRE. TO be DISPOSED OF by PRIVATE CON- TRACT, A DWELLING- HOUSE, " a WATER- MILL, MALT- MILL, and about seven acres of Land,' with a Gartien, and other Appurtenances, situate at Mangerton, near Bridport, in the county of Dorset. The premises may be seen by leave- of the tenant, Mr. M itterfacc, of Man- gerton. For further particulars direct ( pOst paidl'to Mr. Col- lingwood, solicitor, No. lu, Water- street, Blackfriars, Lon- don. [ 403 HANTS SESSIONS. NOTICE is hereby
given,—' That the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of South- ampton, will be holden at the Castle of Winchester, on Monday the 1J th day of July next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the Court will be opened, and immediately adjourned to Monday the 95th of the same Ju'. y, precisely at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to be then holden at the Castle of Winchester aforesaid, when all Con- stables, Bailiffs, Jurors, and others concerned, are hereby required to give their attendance. And in order to give all possible dispatch to the business, the Attornies, Parties, and Witnesses prosecuting any
Appeals, In- dictments, or other business, must be prepared at the opening of the Court on Monday the - 25th day of July aforesaid, and during the whole of the Sessions, that the Court may call on the Causes in such order and at such times as they shall see. convenient. Appeals must le entered with the Clerk of the Peace, pre- viously to the opening of the Court on Monday morning, or the parties will not be permitted to try. Recognizances, Informations, and Records of Convictions are to be returned to the Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices' Clerks, on or before the day preceding the Adjourn- ment. A Committee of
Magistrates will attend at the White Hart Inn, in the city of Winchester, on Wednesday the 27th day of Julv, at eight o'clock in the morning, for the purpose of examining the Treasurer's Accounts; and also all Bills and other Demands on the county. Dated this 23a' day of June, 1808. T. WOODHAM, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. CiO?' All persons who have entered into Recognizances to appear at this Sessions concerning Assanlts, & c. are required to take notice, that they must, in pursuance o£ their recogni- zances, appear at this Sessions, either personally or by their attornies, in ortler to withdraw the same, although they may
previously have compromised the matter. ]' I - 21 CHIRTON, othenme CHERRINGTON, DIVISION. WE, the Commissioners named in and appointed by an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 4oth year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, entitled " An Act for dividing, allotting, and inclosing the open and common Fields and Downs, common Meadows, common Pastures, and commonable and waste Lands within the Manor or Tithing of Chirton, otherwise Cherrington, in the county of Wilts," DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, That we intend to hold our next meeting for the purpose of carrying into
execution the several powers vested in us by the said Act, antl particularly to read over, sign, seal, and execute our award thereupon, on Monday the eighth day of August next, at twelve o'clock at noon, at the Castle Inn, in Dctizes, in the county of Wilts.—— Uatcl this first day of June, in the year of our lard 180S. RICHARD RICHARDSON. JOHN GALE. a. M] C. INGRAM. WESTBURY INCLOSURE OTICE is hereby given,-— That We the Commis- sioners named in and appointed by an Act of Parlia- ment, made and passed in the lid Tear of the reign of his pr- sent Majesty King George the Third, for dividing and allotting in
severalty the Open and Common Arable Fields, Common Downs, Common Meadows, Common Pastures, and Commonable Places within the parish of Westhurv, in the county of Wilts, intend to hold a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING at the Abingdon Arms Inn, in Westbury, on Tuesday the gjjh day of July next, at eleven of the clofk in the forenoon, for the purpose of reading over and executing the Award made by us in pursuance of the said Act, and also of the General Inclosure Act; when and where the several proprietors and all other persons interested in the said Inclosure, or any exchange made in consequence thereof, or
who are otherwise concerned in the said Award or Inclosure, may be present if they think proper.— Dated this \ bth Art/ of June, 1S0S. RICHARD RICHARDSON, JACOB STURGE, 16-] THOMAS SINGER. WESTBURY, WILTS.' TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— All those spacious FREEHOLD PREMISES, situate in the centre of the town of Westburv, late the residence of Gaisford Gibbs, Esq. deceased ; a Close, called the Batch; a Typing, called the Rack Tyning; and another Close ad- joining, in the occupation of Mr. Wm. Mturavers, which contain together upwards of five acres ; the whole now occu- pied ( except
the last mentioned close; by Robert Haines, Esq. as tenant at will. On these premises flows a never- fading Spring of Water, which, it i » apprehended, may be advantageously applies! to the purposes of working machinery, fire, there being a con- siderable fait; independent of which, a person wishing to build a residence, a more desirable situation in the town of Westbury cannot now be met with, as some part of the land commands beautiful and extensive prospects. For further particulars apply at Mr. Timbrell's Office, Trowbridge., Wilts, or to Mr. Young Sturge, Sea Mills, near Bristol. [.' 87 • DORSET. TO be LETT by PRIVATE
CONTRACT, for a Term of seven Years from Michaelmas next, All that very desirable and convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, called LANE- Hou. st:, with a barn, stable, orchard, and gar- den ; together with six fields of rich meadow ground, con- taining about 2.9 acres, and 1- 4 acr.- s of arable land adjoining thereto and also 32 acres of pasture land about a quarter of mile distant therefrom ; all situate in the parish- of Wyke Re- gis, about a mile and a half distant from Weymouth. N. B. For further particulars, and to treat for the letting, aoplv to the owner, Mr. Henry Weston, of Portland; or to Mr. Tizard, attorney, Weymouth.— 14(
A July, 1808. pi36 SHAFTESBURY, DORSET. SOAP A. VD CANDLE MANUFACTORY. npo be " DISPOSED OF, and entered on at Mi- IL chaelmas next,— A valuable and extensive TRADE in the above Branches, which has been catried on in Bell- strect for above 7Ji ytars, and capableuif great improvement._ The Pretenses, together with a Garden and good Stable; very compact and convenient, TO ar. LI. TT; Stock and Fix- tures may be taken at a fair valuation. Apply/ it by letter, postpaid) to Mr. D. Gillingharti, Shoston. N. B". No other Soap- boiler in or near the town. [ 895 I X) be SOLD— A very desirable ESTATE, con tiguous to . Winchester, in one, two, or three lots; consisting of a- gopd - nvenient Family House, pleasantly situated, with useful* t- ilict- s, coach- house, four- stall stable, an excellent garden » ••;' ltd round and clothed with fruit- trees, with ten acres of I, and in smail fields near the house.— A purchaser of the above may be accommodated with mure land, if required. Also,— Two FARMS adjoining, which contain, bv estima- tion, between six and seven hundred acres, the whole laying nearly withina ring fence. There are two decent farm- houses, with barns, stable, rick- house, granary, - tic. ail in good re- pair.— The land is in
the highest state of cultivation, the piesent proprietor having been regularly improving it the last ten years by purchasing large quantities of manure Over and above its own produce, and sowing very . sparingly; he has also kept above 700 south down sheep besides lambs constantly on the. farms. N. B. A purchaser may enter and prepare for his wheat crop next spring, and have possession of tne land Michael- m is following. For further particulars apply to Mr. Faithfull, solicitor, Winchester.— July 23, 1808. [- 144 rpj be SOLD,— A FREEHOLD COTTAGE, JL completely and handsomely Furnished ; consisting, on the ground
door, of a dining parlour and breakfast parlour, butler's room and butler's bed room, a hall, two kitchens, dairy and larder, with excellent arched cellar underneath ; upper stoty, a drawing room, five good bed rooms, and maids' bed room ; in a detached building, men servant's bed room, and many convertiencies ; a coach house and stabling for five horses, with good hay lofts over them ; a dog kennel, a granary, » nd a well stocked garden, with a paddock or pleasure ground'; the whole completely fenced and laid out with great taste. This cottage is situated four miles from Winchester, and four from Alresfotd, on the river Itchen,
a river abounding with trout, the surrounding country with game, and is in the vicinity of two packs of fox hounds. [ ail 1 This cottage requires only to be seen to be admired, being one of the completest things of its kind in England. For further particulars, inquiry may be made ( if by letter, post- paid) of Mr. John Ridding, Solicitor, Winchester. rp Desirable Country Residence, with Land, Nine miles from Bath, four miles from Bradford, and two from Mel'- shain,. with immediate possession. > 0 be DISPOSED OF,— The LEASE of a remarkably neat, well- furnished, and convenient' FAMILY HOUS-' y seven years of which are
unexpired from Midsummer las*, incst desirably ant! pleasantly situated in the healthy village of liroughton, commanding ii rich and pic- turesque view of the surrounding country, with a turnpike- road to the gate. The House, which is of free stone, and uniformly built, consists, on the ground floor, of a neatly- finished dining- room, 15 feet square and 10 feet high ; break- fast parlour; large convenient kitchen and wash- house, with pantry, cellar, tVc.; a drawing- room handsomely fitted up, of 20" feet by feet, and 11 feet high; three best bed- rooms, laundry ( with back' stairs) 011 the second floor, and three bed- rooms ahove. The
whole in complete repair, and fit for the immediate reception of a family. A kitchen Garden, well stocked, of 100 feet square, walle 1 round ; Pleasure Garden; two Orchards, of three acres, well planted with fruit- trees in full bearing ; and four acres of rich meadow Land ; four- stall Stable, Cow- house, Dairy, Piggery, and plenty of water- The purchaser may be accommo- dated with the Furniture, which is remarkably neat and mo- dern, at a fair valuation. May beviewed from . eleven o'clock till four, by application on the premises. For particulars apply to Mr. Viel, auctioneer, Bath ; if by letter, post paid. p5J Freehold Manor and
Estate, Wilts. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— a very desirable and improveable. ESTATE ; consisting of a Manor, extending over about 700 acres of land; a Farm- house, with barns, stables, andother neccssary out- buildings, about 18 acres of meadow and pasture, and 210 acres of arable Land, lying together; also a right of Common on 158 acres of sheep down) and 96 acres of cow down, adjoining the es- tate, and within the manor. The above farm is lctt to Mr. Joseph Furnell, under a lease, whereof six years. will be un- expired at Michaelmas next. Also a Fishery adjoinins the es- tate, and two Cottages and
Gardens, now also lett to the said Joseph Furnell, from year to year; and seventeen other Cot- tages and Gardens, and twelve acres of Land, lett on leases and copies of court- roll for lives to several persons. The above estate is situate at Salterton and Newtown, in the parish of Durnford, in Wilts, about three miles from Salis- bury, and may be viewed by applying to Mr. Furnell, the tenant. Further particulars may be known on application ( by letters, post paid j to Messrs. Vizard, solicitors, Durslcy, Gloucester- shire ; or Mr. Vizard, No. 8, New- square, Lincoln's- inn, London. [ 147 A MARINE COTTAGE, CLOSE TO THE SEA, IN
HAMPSHIRE, TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with ten Acres of FREEHOLD LAND, in high cultivation, immediately joining the sea, situate between Lymington and Christchurch, commanding one of tne most beautiful sea views in the kingdom: the House contains four bed chambers anda drawing room, with housekeeper's room, butler's pan- try, and suitable apartments for servants, with offices of every description ; the whole on a small but compact scale. Also capital new- built STABLING for eight horses, with four good rooms over for servants, a harness room, additional stable for four horses, and standings for four
carriages.— The premises may be entered upon ready furnished or otherways imme- diately. The House stands out of the turnpike road leading from Christchurch to Lymingtnn, is very retired, and within half an hour's ride of the New Forest, three'miles from the fashionable bathing place Muddiford, five from Christchureh, seven from Lymingtori, twenty from Southampton, and ten from Mr. Ward's t'ox hounds at Lyndhutst. For further particulars apply to Mr. John Pilgrim, at Christchurch, who will shew the premises, and is authorised to treat for the sale; or to Messrs. Greene, Tennant, and Harrison, Gray's Inn, London. [ 107
ELEGANT MARINE VILLA, tfitk ticelve Acres of hand, on the southern Coast cf the ISLE OF WIGHT. NPO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, A A truly beautiful stone- built FREEHOLD RESI- DENCE, just finished, in a style of superior taste and ar- rangement, and forming one of the most complete habitations in the Island. The house consists of an excellent dining- room, 29 ft. by 16; elegant drawing- room of the same di- mensions, besides a large bow; handsome library, 15ft. square ; housekeeper's room, butler's pantrv, kitchen, scul- lery, wash- house, brew- house, dairy, and other attached and detached offices; undcr griuod cellars; seven best sleeping rooms, besides servants' rooms, water closet, and every de- scription of domestic convenience. The whole of. the buildings are slated, and the house i3 well supplied with the finest spring water. This istate is sifcate in tlv. it most enchanting part of the Isle of Wight called the Under Cliff, antl commands in front the most bold and unbounded views of the ocean, and on either side the most varied and romantic scenery of water, rock, and cultivated landscape. Thc; e i « a large Cottage for a Labourer, detached Kitchen- Garden abundantly cropped, and twelve ' acres of superior arable and pasture
Land, adjoining the house. [- 321 ' file Purchaser may have immediate po - - rssion.— Fcr further particulars, and to treat for the purchase, apply to Messrs. Ciajkes » ud Sewell, solicitors, Newport, isle of Wight. Isl't of fright.— Eligible Situation forTrade. TO be LETT or SOl. D,— A valuable, substantial, well- built iIRlCI<?£> WELLlNG- HOUSE, late in the occupation of Mr. T. Harvey, itonmotiger, St. James's- street, Newport, Isle of Wight; consisting of a large com- modious- shop with two modern bow windows in front, par- lour, drawing room, bed rooms, kitchen, with suitable out- offices, extensive workshops, sundry store
rooms, & c. & c.— The above premises are in good repair, eligibly situated and extensive, may be considered a situation for town and couutry custom not to'be equalled in Newpbrf. For a view of the premises, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. John Wadmure, the proprietor St. Jamcs's- streetj Newport.— Possession may be had immediately. [ 33 VICINITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. '' PO be SOLD,— MERRY OAK MOUSE, with X two coach houses, stabling, two gardens, in one of which is erected a neat green house, pleasantly situated in a lawn of twelve acres, trell timbered, and neatly laid out with - shrtlbbeiieo and walks.
The house has bee n recently and expensively fittjd up ; the ropms are numerous, large' and lofty, and ready for til - m « : n. diate reception of a gentleman's family. 1 he elegant Household Furniture may be taken to by appraisement. For particulars apply to Mr. Geo. Hookey, Southampton. Li sters ( post- paid) will meet due attention. [ 71 STOUlil'IELD HOUSE, HANTS. TPO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— The 1 LEASE of that'capital FAMILY HOUSE, most ' , cht- fu'dy situated on 1.11 eminence, two miles from Cbfistd urch, commanding the most beautiful views of the Sea, h N< w Forest, ib. e Isle of Wight, Sc. with
attached and detached offices of. every description, Coach- House and Stabiing, and every out- door convenience ; capital walled Garden, t>' o yards square; extensive Pleasure Grounds, laid out with the greatest taste; Kitchen Garden, arid 52acres of Land, with'a neat Farm-} aru ami Cottage. The premises arc in good repair, and capable ofaccornmodating a numerous Family. Good Shooting and Fishing around the I lot!-.-., and exce llent Roads. May 6e viewcu by .> pui) ing to John Troket 011 the premises; and particulars of Mr. Crosby, House Agent, No. 7, BrutOn- street, Berkeley Square. [< ifl RRO be SOLD by
AUCTION, by Mr. NEWELL, J. at the Nag's Head Inn, in Lvmington, in the county of Southampton, on Thursday the ss'th day of Julv instant, at si* o'clock in the evening, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced, unless an acceptable ofler in the mean time should be made bv prvate contract, and of which due notice wiH be irivon,—•— A su istSntiai well- built DWELLING- HOUSE, situate at the bottom of the High- street, in Lymington aforesaid, now in the occupation of Mr. Attwood, surgeon, on lease, whose term expires at Lady- day 1310,; consisting of two parlours, kitchen, wash- house, pan- try, and out houses, on the ground floor; a drawing- room and three good bed- chambers on the first floor; and a got d square attic bed- chamber, and four servants' sleeping- room's; With a garden, pump, lead cistern for rain water, an exceed- ing good cellar, and stabling for three horses. These premises arc leasehold for the remainder of a term of 399 years, have been built within these 45 years, in very good repair, land- tax redeemed, and will cult any business re- quiring room, or a private family, having every requisite con- venience. To be viewed by leave of the tenant, and to treat for the same by private contract apply ( if by letter,
post paid) to Mr. brown, attorney at law, Lymington. [ is RRO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. NEWELL, A at the Nag's Head Inn, in Lymington, in the county of Southampton, on Thursday the Jsth day of July instant, at seven o'clock in the evenimr, subject tosu'eh conditions- a$ will be then and there produced, unless an acceptable otfei in the mean time should be, made by private contract, antl of which due notice will be given,— A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, very pleasantly situated in Captain's- row, Ly- mington, and now in the occupation of Mr. Brown; con- sisting of two parlours, kitchen, pantry, wash- house,
& c. cn the ground floor; two bed- chambers on the first floor; and garrets; with a good cellar, garden, pump, & c. The premises are private, and will suit a small family, having every requisite convenience. The land- tax is redeemed, and immtdiate possession will be given.-— For a view of the premises apply to Mr. Brown, on the premises; and to treat for thesainc by private contract apply ( if by letter, post oaid) to Mr. Brown, attorney at law, Lymington. [ 50 House and Hop Land, in Alton, Har. ti. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in two Lots, by JOSEPH JORDAN, at the Swan Inn, at Alton, on Satur- day the 00th day of July, 1808, at
six o'clock in the afternoon, under conditions to be then and there produced ( unless sooner disposed of by Piivate Contract, of which timely notice will be given),— Lot!.- All that very desirable FREEHOLD HOUSE, si- tuate in the High- street, neai the centre of the town of Alton, Hants, late in the occupation of Mr. Henry Harrow, de- ceased ; together with the Stable, Woodhouse, Offices, and large walled- in Garden thereunto adjoining. The House consists of two good sized front parlours, a breakfast parlour backward, a large and convenienl kitchen, good wash- house and brew- house, milk- house, pantry, and six bed chambers, and has two under- ground cellars.— Immediate possession can be given of this lot.— The house is well adapted for the recep- tion of a small genteel family, and the garden is well stocked W th fruit trees. Lot 9.— All that HOP- GARDEN, now in fall bearing and in excellent condition, situate at the west end of ' he town of Alton, and containing by estimation nearly two acres, late in the occupation of the said Henry Harrow.— Possession of this lot will be given at Michaelmas next. N. B. The Household Furniture of the said Henry Harrow will shortly be sold, particulars of which will appear in a future advertisement. For
further [ art culars and a view of the premises apply to Mr. Robert Harrow, baker, in Alton, or to Messrs. Clement and Son, solicitors, at Alton aforesaid. [ 1- 12 A very eligibly situated 110USE, and rich Meadow LAND, in a beautiful\ j> art of the county of Hants, near th bordeers of Surry. RNO be SOLD by AUCTION, . at the Swan Inn, A at Alton, on- Saturday the 30th day of July, 1808, at four o'clock in the afternoon ( unless an acceptable offer be previously made, of which notice will be given),— A FREE- HOLD ESTATE, situate about midway between the towns of Alton and Farnham, and about 43 miles from London ;
consisting. of a substantially built Family- house, in good re- pair, having two good parlours," four good chambers with closets, four garrets, kitchen ; with bfew- house, detached barn, stabling for seven horses, chaise- house, and all other convenient offices;- with Gardens well stocked with fruit trees, and 14 acres ( more or less) of very rich eld meadow Land adjoining, including an orchard of about an acre, with an exclusive right of fishery in a fine trout stream, bounding the meadow land, within 100 yards of the house ; and an ex- tensive right of common of pasture in the Holt Forest. The house, standing on a healthy, elegant,
and - cheerful eminence, overlooking a beutiful part of the river Wcv, in a very fertile and rich vale, famous for its various picturesque views, about a quarter of a mile from tile turnpike road, where several coaches are daiiy passing to and from South- ampton and London; in a country favourable* for all kinds of ' field sports, and in a neighbourhood highly respectable. Immediate possession car; be given, and " the purchaser may have more land, if required. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Clement and Son, solicitors, Alton,. Hants. ' - [ 143 A Freehold hen and other Freehold It emises for Sale. SOUTHAMPTON. TO be
SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. LIMPUS,' on Thursday the 4th of August, 180S, at the Mitre Inn,, at one o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as- will be then and there produced : Lot 1.— All that Freehold Messuage or Tenement and Pre- mises, situate in French- street,- in the town and county Of Southampton, and lat-- in the occupation oi Mr. James Chide II. Lot 2.— A Piece of Freehold Land, situate in Albion- place,' in the said town of Southampton, antl which admeasures i) 4 feet in depth and 1.1 feet 4 inches in width, Lot S.— AH that valuable Freehold Inn, called or known by the name or sign of the Mitre,
Situate in the High- street, in the said town of Southampton, late in the cccup ition of Mr. Chidell, deceased, ot whicn immediate possession may be had. This long- established Inn is tnost eligibly situated, ' being in the centre of the High- street, not far from the Market, and hath a way or passage through the said premises from the High- street to French- street, St. Michael's- square, and to ths west part of the town, and immediately opposite a new street leading to the east part of the town. The above premises are very extensive, together with an old- accustomed Billiard- room and convenient Tap- house detached from the
dwelling- house ; which premises are worthy the attention of a brewer or inn- keeper. I^ it 4.— A Freehold Messuage, Tenement, Garden, and Premises, situate in Ail- saints- place, in the said town of Southampton, and now in the occupation of — , tenant at will. Further particulars may be hnewn ( if by letter, post paid) by application to Mr. Cbidcll, atShidfidd, near Bishop'sWal- tham, Hants ; Mr. John Allen, timber- merchant, and Mr. Smith, solicitor, Southampton ; or of the A- uctioneer, Bi- shop's Waltham. • For a view of the premises apply to Mr. Ja.- Hcs Cliiddi, at the Mitro Ioa. £' 210 , Rl. I. TEVUF., slab SOUTHAMPTON,
tfrUh an indisputable Freehold Title and the Land- Tax Tcdccn'td. npo be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the 1. George Inn, Southampton, on the. SCth da'y of August next, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three of the; afternoon ( if not previously d sposcd of bv private contract) — This charming and elegant MANSION, " 111 thorough good order and repair, and fit tor the immediate occupation of any family of distinction, with Cflsch- hpussj for four carriage-. Stabling for nine hoises, 1 .' ondry; wash- house, dairy, and ' every other attached and dead ed - f^ ce ; a large green- itou- c tilled with plants, pittcry and i «
ccession houses in excellent oid-.- r, extensive anil eleg. nl roiis- rvatoiies, With an ftbutxtalce Of fruit trees in full fcmnr. fi;, and 5 profusion erf rapes ; a v « » large garden in grejt Older, having had two acres*,- fried to tint original one, and nearly encircled by a high « nU, clothed With choice fruit. trees in full bearing, and a v. ty large i « e- house. filled'with ice ; together with fifteen acres inclosed \ v. a lawn ordr. ee at the back of the house, with - a shrubbery aiound. The fixtures, furniture, & c. ranv either be sold with the house, or taken at an appraisement. For further particulars apply to Mr. George Hookey, in the town of
Southampton, Who will give orders to persons wish- ing to inspect the premises; or to Mr. Crosbie, bruton- stieet, Grosvenor- square, London. [ 291 ISLE OF WIGHT, rpo be SOLD by AUCTION', by Messrs. TUCKER JL and PITTIS, tin Wednesday August ( 1; IS08, on thtf Premises, at Vitth field's Farm, in the p irish of Carisbrookc, Isle of Wight,— Ninety Loads of prime OAK - TIMBER, Well cak- ulatcd for shipbuilders, wheelwrights, carpenters, and others. j" i, u The above Timber will be put up in several lots ( and for a view of tile same apply to l-' armer Gray, at Vittlcfteld's. Tile sale will commence at tour o'clock in the
afternoon. ISLE OF WIGHT. rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKER A and PiTTig, On Wcdnndny the 27th instant, at the Bugle Inn, Newport, at six o'clock in the afternoon,— All that desirable COAL YARD, with an Office, & c. attached, situ-' ated in the centre of Sea- street, Newpoit, late in the occu- pation of Mr. D. i SIEI, PESKY, deceased, to which there has beeh a good accustomed trade for several years past. For further particulars apply ( if by letter, po3t paid) to Messrs. Clarke and Sewcll, solicitors, Newport. All Persons hiving any claim on the estate of the said Da- niel P; rry, coal- merchant, of Newport, in the
Isle of Wight, are hereby desired to forward tile same to his son, D. Perry ; and all Persons indebted to the said estate arc hereby requested to pay the same to the aforesaid Daniel 1' errj-. ( J2' o STANP1T, NEAR CHRISTCHURCH, rrx) be SOLD by AUCTION, by JOHN CRAN- IA STON, on Wednesday the 8d day of August, 1808,—~ Part of the LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK belonging to Mr. William Footner, quitting his Farm at St. mpit; con- sisting of Six beasts in calf, eight threa- year- old beasts, eight two- year ditto, and six yearlings; six acres of bailey, three acr. s of wheat, and four acres'of rye; a lick of ckw r hay
about 18 tons, a ditto about eight tons; two waggons, three dung carts, three ploughs and tackle, two rollers, two drags, five harrows, and a quantity of hurdles. Sale at eleven o'clock. To be DISPOSER or, by I'M V VTK CONTRACT.— A Town- made Cane- bHck SOCIABLE BODY, with leather head, sword- case, and cushions, lined complete, with an oil- cass flap'- CTico duties. I ' Apply by letter ( post paid) to J. Cranston, Aihgwood. [ 447 HAMPRESTON INCLOSURE. , T. the Commissioners do- hereby give Notice. That we have set out the several Heads herein after d scribed, and that a Map of the same is deposited with
Mr. Castlenlan, our clerk, in Wimborne, for the inspection 01 all persons concerned. One Public Carriage Road of the breadth of 30 feet, branch- ing t ut of the public carriage road leading from Haraprcstcc to Uddens, at Rabbits' Corner,- and proceeding in a north- easterly duection over the Heath till it enters the Wimbnrri.'. and Ringwood turnpike road, at the south- west corner ot lot a in the 4th sale. One other Public Carriage Road of the breadth of 30 feet, from Rabbits' Corner in a southerly and south- westerly direc- tion to Garland's Gate, where it enters the ancient lane leading to Hamprcston, being a continuation of the
Hampreston and Uddens public carriage toad. One Private Carriage Road of the breadth pf 20 feet, leading out ot Hampreston- lane, opposite to the house of Mrs. POORS and Mrs. Mitchell, in a soathcrly direction through part of Moor Mead till it enters the allotment to Edward'Greathed, Esq. One other Private Carriage Road of the breadth of 20 feet, branching out of Drove- lane in an easterly direction by the northsideof Ham F'ield till it enters Longham- street. One other Private Carriage Road of the breadth of 20 feet, situate in Eye Mead, leading from the south end of Drove- lane in a northerly direction till it enters the
allotment to John Toms. One other Private Carriage Road of the breadth of 18 feet, situate in Hvm Field, leading from Bolt's- laOe till it enteii- the allotment to Henry Sansom.. One other Private Carriage Road of the breadth of 20 fe et, leading from Longham- street across Home Close, late the pio- perty of Charlotte Pooie and Eleanor Mitchell, and across part of Ham Field til) it emeus the allotment to the personal representatives of John Butler, dl- ceased. One other Private. Carriage Road of the breadth of 20 feet, leading out of Longham- street near Longham Bridge in a north and westerly direction across an ancient
inclos'ure be- longing to Mr. John NeaVe, called Three Acres, and acros* the south end of I' mi Field till it enters an ancient inclosure belonging to Waring Biddle, Esq. called Thirteen Acics. One other Private Carriage Road of the breadth of 10 feet, leading from the west end of an ancient lane, called flenny- ham- lane, and by the south- west side of Benny- haia Mea- dow till it enters the allotment to Mr. Thomas Druitt. One other Private Carriage Road of the breadth of 20 feet, • branching cut of Longhain- street, and leading in a southerly direction by the east side of Longham Green till it enters an ancient lane called Crow- lane.
One other Private Cajriagc Head of the breadth of 27 feet, branching out of the Christchurch road at Dudsbury, and leading by the side of West Parley Parish till it enters the 4tii allotmeut set out for supplying fael for the cottagers. One other Private Carriage Road of the breadth of 20 feet, leading from the north- east end of Green- lane in < 1 north- easterly direction across the Heath till it enters the said 4th allotment set our for supplying fuel for the cottagers. One other Private Carriage Road of the breadth of 29 feet, branching out of the turnpike road from Poole to Ringwood, in a south- easterly direction by the south side of
the allotment to Benjamin Lester, Esq. till it enteis the allotment to John- Goffe. One other Piivate Carriage Road of the breadth of 30 feel, branching out of the Little Canford public carriage joari at the nortK'- cast side of an encroachment near to Laynioor- Boy, and proceeding by the side of the said encroachment to Lay- moor- lane. • One other Private Carriage Road of the breatVi of 20 feet, branching out of Glisson's- hilMane in a westerly direction, and leading over Convgaf Common to Rail's-'- ane. One ether Private Carriage Road of the breadth of 20 feet, branching out of, the last- described road in a northerly direc- tion by
the ride of the allotment to Mr. Thomas Part till jt enters the allotment to Mr. John Neave. One other Private Carriage Road of the breadth of 20 feet, branching out of the Win^ borne and Ringwood turnpike road between the ad and 4th mile stones, in a northerly di- rection over Middle Hill by the allotment to Mr. John Coffe and Mr. John JJcavc. to the allotment to the sud Mr. John Neave and others. One other Public Carriage Road of the hreatjth of feet, branching out of the Poole and Ringwood turnpike road near • the Angel Inn, end proceeding in a westerly direction in an ' irregular litre by the old iuc'iosurts, and over the Heath
to Garland's Gate, where it unites with the toad leading froaj Hampreston to Uddens. FOOT ROADS. One Foot Road of the breadth of 4 feet, branching oat oi the private carriage road ( leading from Bon's- lane to the al- lotment to Henry Sanscm), and proceeding in a north- westerly direction in or near its present track over the saidal- lotment and aliofeijnts to Molly Kellevray and the Rector t » Monk'sStyle. One other Foot Road of the breadth cf 4 f'.- et, brandling; out of the pi ivate carriag; load for tne use of Waring Biddla and other!., at the south, side of Hairt. jiield, and proceeding in a north and north- westerly disectinn in or
near its prcscrit track by the side of an . ancient inclcsure belonging 10 Ms. John Neave, called Three Acres, and over ths allotments to the beirs of Thomas Loclycr, Ellwand Greathed, Esq. Elizabeth Clarke, the personal representatives of John Butler, deceased, John Greathed Harris, Molly Kelleway, and the Rector, to Monk's Style, at which place it unites with the last- dcsciibcd road. One other Foot Road of the breadth of 4 feet, blanching Out of an ancient inclostlre belonging toChr- st> phcrWrarh n- 1, sen. called West Ground, at the easi side of Slock Meadow, and proceeding in or near its present track in a south- westerly
* direction over the said meadow till it enters an anci- nt inclo- sare belonging to Chiistopher Warland, jun. called the Moor. We further give notice, That a Meeting will be holden by us at the New Inn, in Wimborne- Minster, on Saturday the lOthdayof Septembei next, at ten o'clock. in the lor-. noon, to hear objections by all persons wl. c may be injured, ot ag- grieved by ths setting out of such roads. RJCHARD GEE. 4S1] ' WILLIAM CLiPCOTT.
AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF. ^ IjLTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. Friday s and Saturday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS, COPENHAGEN, July 4. IT is asserted, that the reason of the fllisumW- standing between the Eirglish And the Swedes, was a demand made on the patt of England to occupy alone two strong places, namely, Gottetiburgh and Mnrstrand, to which Sweden Vould not concede. -— Hamburgh Correspondent en. LONDON, FRIDAY, JULY 2- 2. On Wednesday some Spanish Journals were re- ceived, in one of which is a Proclamation from General Falafox, announcing a victory gained over the
French near Saragus- sa, but differing in many particulars from the accounts published bv the Clerks iii our Foreign Office. This 1 ' •*- ""— — TO 18. killed, , ... confusion as to the date of the battle; but notwithstand these discordant circumstances, there can be no doubt of the main fact, that the Patriots have gained an important victory over their enemies near Saragossa. By a Gibraltar mail, arrived this morning, we have received the important intelligence of the compleat re- ts tabliahmenf, or rather the Confirmation of the Au- thority of Ferdinand VII. in the Balearic Islands, in the Mediterranean. The Gibraltar Chronicle of the 2d
inst. gives- the edict published in the island of Majorca announcing this event, and ordering Te Deum, a royal salute, and illuminations, on the occasion. The Angelica, Portuguese schooner, Capt, - Fran- cisco Gonsalvo da Costa, is arrived faom Oporto. She sailed on the 11th inst. and brought dispatches to his Excellency the Portuguese Ambassador, from the Supreme Junta at that place. Two Deputies came oyer passengers authorised by the Provisional Government to solicit s; u h succours as will bo required for the purpose of resisting the fiiem. v, whort-. they hold in the utmost abhorrence. The Provisional Government has
established a Gazette, in which the acts of tlie Government are from time to time to be recorded. The Governor, who was left in authority On the departure of his Highness for the Brazil-", is reinstated in his former situation, both out of regard for his merits and from respect to the legitimate Sovereign. The Monks in Oporto had become Soldiers.— Upwards of l. TOl) took charge of the French prisoners and disaffected persons, who were in confinement, and performed their duty with zeal mid alacrity. Dispatches have been received by Government from the fleet off the Tagus, brought by the Gloite frigate. At the time of her quitting
that station, the 7th inst. n- i operations against Junot had been undertaken.— Sir C. Cotton was anxiously waiting the arrival of Sir Arthur Welkslev's force, with which theGloire spoke on the 14th, off Ushant. It has, without doubt, by this time reached Lisbon. La Gfciire farther brings accounts that General Junot has taken every possible precaution to secure himself in Lisbon; he has recalled all the divisions which he had dis- persed in different parts of the country,, by which means his force is raised to about 12,000 men. The Spanish troops stili remain disarmed on board the hulks in the Tagus. Junot contrived to disarm them
before ths- y were acquainted with the determination of the people of Spain to resist the atrocious plau of Bonaparte.. He ordered them to assemble on the parade at three o'clock in the morning, where they were immediately surrounded by the French troops, and ordered to lay down their arms. Junot's fears of the Russians se « m to be as great as tbose he entertained of the Spaniards; and he has Liken every precaution to prevent any iutercour. se between the British and Russian fleets. A letter from Oporto state-, that Bonaparte is drawing all liis military foice from Fiance, and the other parts of Europe, under his influence, to
send to Spain. An army of 80,000 men was assembling on the western frontier of Bayonne, and a considerable, force was expected oil the eastern side from Italy. The Patriots, apprised of these proceedings, had secured the passes of the Pyrenees, in the Vicinity of Rousillonaud Rosas. A Letter from Algiers, dated the 12th of April, says, " Some days ago the Bashaw called on the Danish Cousul for his tribute ( which had been taken on its way by an English- frigate). The Consul expostulated without ef- fect, the Dey demanding the money, as he bad not the stores. The Consul replying he could not pay . it, lie wa- sent to the
Dock to work as a slave, loaded with a chain of 50lbs. The Consuls met to intercede for him, as he ha a large family; but, fearing the sanle treatment, had re- course to the British Consul, at whose intercession the Bashaw released the Dane, saving— he could refuse the liritisk Nation nothing !" Two Gottenburgh mails have arrived this morning. According to letters from Stockholm, the purpose of the King's going into Finland is to have a meeting wkh the Emperor Alexander; it is stated ill these letters that the reason of the successes of the Swedes against the Russiahs in Finland has been, that a considerable number of the
latter have been ordered to march into Russian Poland, which country it is rumoured Bonaparte has demanded.— Some of the letters go so far as to say, that the meeting of Alexander and Gust^ vus had for its object the forming a new coalition against France, to which Austria will join all her force. On Wednesday the Corporation of the City of London waited on his Majesty at the Queen's Palace, and presented to him the Addre- s voted in Common Council, offering their cordial thanks for the liberal system of policy adopted by his Majesty towards the Spanish Patriots, and assuring his Majesty that he may - rely on the aid of his
faithful and affectionate subjects, the Citizens of London, in any measure which he may think proper to adopt in this glorious contest. Ifis Majesty returned a gracious answer, and the Gentlemen who attended with the Ad- dress had the honour to kiss his Majesty's hand. On Wednesday, - her Majesty and the Princesses, • with their Royal Highnesses the Dukes of Cumberland and Cambridge, honoured Mr. and- Mrs. it. Thornton with a . visit, at their beautiful villa at Clapham. The Prize- money for Buenos Ayres, as far as relates to the bullion brought home in the Narcissus, will be paid to the Army and Navy then present, on the
27th and 28th of this mouth. TTIF. HOT WF. ATIIER.— On Tuesday the 12th inst. at J past 2 o'clock P. M. the Thermometer in the shade, in the opin air, and free from the reflection of the Sun, was at Btf; on Wednesday the 13th, at the same hour, and in the same situation, it Was at 93; and on Thursday tiie l- ith, at I pa^ t 2 P. M. it was at 97, which is higher than was ever before known, since scientific registers have been kept in this country.— Exposed to the noon- day sun, the Thermometer on the Kith was at 100, Uod on Thursday it rose to 110 degrees, the general heat of Bengal, in the warmest seasons.— Sir Robert
Wilson, speaking of a day memorable to the army in Egypt, on account of its extreme beat, says the Thermometer was at 120; and then even the birds of the country fell dead with the heat. Fortu- nately the wind changed, and a breeze sprung up iu the evening; for had it continued thus sultry fur 48 hours, it must, in Sir Robert's opinion, ltave been latal to at least all the Europeans in the country. An incorrigible ROOOE.— Edward Wright, the fellow known by the' name of My Hearty, who is 82 years of age, and has been 7( i times arraigned at the Old Bailey, was yesterday brought to the Public Office, in Hatton Garden, by Mr.
Price, the Beadle, who had watched him into three differeut shops, in the first of which he stole a piece of bacon, i: i the second a pair of shears, and in the third a piece of lump sugar, all of which he put into his receiving bag, which he regularly carries with him, and from which they were taken at the office. When asked what he bail to say in his defence, he said he had only taken, the articles in jokeI He was fully committed to Newjate for trial. SUICIDE. About ten o'clock yesterday morning Mr. J , one of the Gelks iu the office of the Receiver- General of the Cu- t<> m- Hou shot himself at his Office, i- ic had so fully charged the
pistol, that it burst with the explosion, and the contents carried awav nearly one side of his bead. No cause can be assigned for this rash act.— Mr. J. was very much respected, and never discovered any '••• mptotrs of derangement iu bis intellects, He was ue rly 150 ye.' rs old; married, but had no family. Mp RDF. ft .— Wednesday sc'nnight, the body of one Joseph Glendinning was found murdered in his own field, Hear Workington. lie was seen very near the place, in Company with a man at present u,. known, between seven and eight o'clock in the morning, and was found dead between two and three in the afternoon, and
from every ti'rcumsiame it appears that the murder must have been committed a few minutes after he was seen with the said unknown person. The deceased had 28 " wounds, which appeared to have been inflicted with a sharp instrument, in different parts of his . body, besides Several' severe bruises on his head and face. Though this murder was committed near to several houses, and on Workington market- d'iv, when people were. going to market in all directions, there scarcely appears a possibility of the murderer being detected. The Coroner's Jury, after sitting two days, returned their inquest Wilful Murder against a
person or persons un- known. COUN EXCHANGE, July 21. There is this day a tolerable supply. of Wheat at hand, and the trade very heavy in . sales at a small reduction in price. Very little Bailey or White Peas; the prices nominal. A short supply of Malt. Beans of both sorts rather dearer. Although the supplies of Oats are rather considerable, this trade is again quoted at a small advance in price; and Flour- remains at last price. SMITH FIELD MARKET, July 22. This day's market " afforded but a scanty supply of different kinds of Cattle ; Mutton is cheaper than. our last report; Veal, Pork, and Lamb arc dearer; Beef supports last
price. BIRTHS.] On the 4th inst. at Barrogill Castle, in Scotland, the Countess of Caithness of a son.— Lately, in Dublin, the Lady of Lord Robert P. Tottenham Lofttts, Bishop of Killsdoe, of- ason,— On Monday, in B iker- street, the Lady of the Hon. W. H. Hare of a son.—> 0: 1 Friday, at Totteridge, the Lady of W. Manning, Esq. M. P. for Eve. ham, of a son.—- On Saturday, at Twickenham, Lady Elizabeth Cole of a son.— On Wednesday, in Nottingham- place, tbe Lady of Capt. Sir Edward Hamilton, R. N. of a son and heir. MARRIED.] On the 7th inst. at Dunsany Castle, co. Meath, the Right Hon. Thomas Pluuket, Lord Louth,
to the Hon. Margaret Plunket, eldest daughter of Lord Dun- sany.— On the 13th injt. at Ashford, in Kent, Major Lorenzo Moore, of the 33th regiment, to Miss Eliza YVhorrey.— In April last, at the Island of Malta, (. apt. Straubenzee, of the Royal Artillery, to Miss Maria Bowel), daughter of Major Bowen, late of the Royal Veterans. DIED.] On Tuesday, at her house in Portman- square, the Dowager Lady Middleton, aged 75 year-.— On the 8tb of May, at Quebec, Mrs. Sarah Mountain, sister of the Right Rev. Dr. Mountain, Bishop of Upper Canada.— On Sunday, in Dean- street, South Audley- street, Sir Gilbert AlHesk, Bart, of
Dalham Hall, iu Suffolk.— On Saturday, at Sunbury, Sir JohnLegard, Bart, of GaUtou, in York- shire. - On tile ,14th instant, at his house at Brad- ley, in Staffordshire, John Wilkinson, Esq. the great iron- master, ased 80 years.— On the 28 th ult. at Laurence- kirk, the Right dev. Jonathan Watson, a much respected and lamented Bishop of the E'- piscopal Church of Scot- land.— On Satwday, at Durham, General Montgomery Agnew. Governor of Carlisle, aged 75 years.— On Satur- day morning, suddenly, as he was returning to town in one of his own coaches, Mr. Mountain, stage- coaeh- inastei', and proprietor of the
Saracen's Head Inn, Snow- hill.— On Monday, aged 21 years, Mrs. B. Levy, wife of Mr. Levy, Navy Agent, of Mount- street, White- ehapel: her death was occasioned by incautiously eating ice- cream when over- heated.—( in Tuesday, by a fall from his gig, Thomas Court, Esq. of St. Helen's- placc, aged 31 years. ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE FIRE- OFFICE, Established ly Royal Charter'iii the lleign of King George Me First., for Assuring Jhus'es", ftiiiflTngs, Goods,' Cot", Big', Live Stock, CSV. aiul also for the Assurance of Lives. - jutv'a), i80s, THE Corporation of the Royal Exchange Assurance do hereby give Notice,'
that they have authorized their r-"">*? t: ve Agents to receive proposals for the Assurance of Farmfnsr Stock at the rate of 2s. SiI. per cent, per annum. I'ersons whose AnnuulPrcmiums fell due on the 25th ult. are hereby informed, that receipts are now ready to be deli- vered by the Company's respcctivs Agents ; and the parties assured are requested to apply for the renewal of their Policies. N. B. F. re Policies will be allowed free of expence, where the annual premiums amount to lis. or upwards. igj" This Company have invariably made good Losses by Fire, occasioned by Lightning. *** Proposals may be had of the different
Agents. 42!)] SAM. PENNING, Jun. Secretary. CORPORATION OF THE AMICABLE SOCIETY FOR INSURANCE UPON LIVES, Serjeants' Inn, Fleet- street, London.— Instituted by Charter of Queen Anne, anno 1706. HIS MAJESTY having been graciously pleased, on the ; 30th of October last, to grant a New " Charter for more generally extending the benefits of this Corporation, and carrying into effect improvements grounded on the experience of more than a century, the Directors have the pleasure, to. inform the Public, that they arc ready to admit Members from the age of eight to sixty- seven, for the various kinds of Life insurance, whether foi the wholeof life, or for any term of years, or on survivorship, or on any other contingency respecting life. The Amicablc Society having be" n originally instituted on a principle which provides equal and mutual benefit to the fa- milies, assigns, or others interested in tile lives insured ; those who become membcts, however early the life may happen to fall, are entitled, according to the amount of their insurances, to participate alike in all its advantages. The Directors hold a Court every Wednesday, for the ad- mission of Members. Applications'are received at the Office between nine and two o'clock, daily,
Holidays excepted. By order of the Court of Directors, 460] JOHN PF. NSAM, Registrar. SALISBURY. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in the Market- place, by GEIIRARD and Co. on Tuesday July. 26, 1808, — A handsome strong new WAGGON, one CART, one Light, ditto with a Tilt; a handsome BAY PONY, and several other Horses of the hack kind. The sale Will begin at twelve o'clock, [- 148 WILTS AND BERKS CANAL NAVIGATION. AT a General Quarterly Meeting of the Committee of Management of the Affairs and Business of the Com- pany of Proprietors of the Wilts and Berks Canal Navigation, held at the Barririgton's
Arms, in Shrivcnham, in the county of Berks, on Friday the 3d of June, 1808, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, pursuant to public advertisement, tbe said Committee, by virtue and in pursuance of the Act passed in the 41st year of the reign of bis present Majesty, entituled " An Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of th,: Wilts and Berks Canal Navigation to raise Money for com- pleting ( he Said Canal, and to alter, explain, and amend th; Act passed in the 35th year of the rei- m of his present Ma jesty, for making the said Canal," did find a further CALL from the several Proprietors 3' the Navigation and ondertak ng,
authorised to be made ami carried on by the said Company of Proprietors, who have subscribed for and taken new or addi- tional Shares, denominated 12/. 10s. Shares, created under and by virtue of the said recited Act, for the sum of THREE POUNDS, for and in respect of every such new or additional Share in the said Navigation and undertaking to be wantine and necessary in order to dtfr. iy the expetices of and to carry on the same, and to make a Call from the said several Pro- prietors for the said sum of til. for and in respect of every such new Share in the said Navigation and undertaking for those purposes accordingly,
and did appoint the same to be paid to the Treasurer, Matthew Humplirys, Esq. Ivy- house, Chippenham ; or ( tor the accommodation of those who might finl it more convenient) into the hands of Messrs. Newnham, Ev. erett, and Co. bankers, Mansionhouse- strect,. London ; or to Mr. Morland, cf Abingdon ; on or before the first dav of September next; whereof the said Proprietors are revues ted to. take notice. By order of the said Committee, ' JAMES CROWDY, Principal Clerk. HlGHWORTH, July 0, 1808. [ 386 SOLDIERS' BAGGAGE. WILTS,! TT5E it remembered, that at the General to wit. J a 9 Quarter Sessions of the
Peace cf our Lord the King, held at Warminster, in and for the said county of Wilts, on Tuesday the i2th day of July, in the forty- eighth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord Georce the Third, by the grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Kin?, Defender of the Faith, before Thomas Hele 1' hipps, Esquir., Sir W. P. A. a'Court, Baronet, Richard Long, Thomas. Grimston Estcourt, Aylmer Burk Lambert, Abraham Ludlow, Henry Biggs, Thomas Bruges, Charles Bythesca, John Fuller, Esquires, the Revered John Henry Jacob, Lewis Clutterbuck, George Bissett, Wilham Moody, Clerks, Justices of our said
Lord the Kir. e-, assigned to keep the Peace of the said King, in the county aforesaid ; and also to hear and determine divers felonies, trespasses, and other misdemeanors, done . nd committed in the said county:— It is ordered as follows, ( that is to say) This Court, taking into consideration the present price of hay and oats, doth hereby, in pursuance and by virtue of tbe statute lately made and passed, intituled " An Act for punish- ing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the better Payment of ti; e Army and their Quarters," fix and order, that all Officers ot his Majesty's Forces, who, by virtue of any warrant from his Majesty's Justices
of the Peace within the said county of Wilts, shall demand of the constable or petty constable to whom the same is directed, carriages for the purposes in the said Act mentioned, shall at the same tiras. pay down in hand to the said constable or petty ( unstable, for, the use of the person providing the same, over and above the sum of one shilling a mile for wage; ons and wains, and nine- ptnee a mile for carts, with four horses, or carrying not less than fifteen hundred weight, and six- oence a mile for carts or cartages with less than four horses,' and not carrying fifi- en hundred weight, payable under the said Act, the following
sums ( that is to say),— the further sum of three- pence for every mile any waggon with five horses, or any wain with six oxen, or with four oxen and two horses, shall travel; the further sum of two- pence for every mile any cart with four horses, or car- rying not less than fifteen hundred weight, shall travel; and the further sum of one penny for every mile any cart or other I carriage ivith less than four fiorses, and net carrying fifteen hundred Weight, shall travel. And by Virtue of the said recited Act, this " Court doth order, direct, and appoint, that the constables or petty constables who shall demand carriages for the purposes in the
said Act mentioned, within the said county of Wilts, shall and do pay to the person or persons who shall provide the same, over and above what is received by them of the said officers, the following rates or sums of money, that is to say, for every mile ( exceeding two) any such waggon with five horses, or any wain with six oxen, or with four oxen and twohors- s, shall travel fin going and returning), more than the line of the march of the troops or. soldiers, th: sum of seven- pence halfpenny; for every mile ( exceeding two) - which any such cart with four horses, or carrying not less than fil'tcn hun- dred weight, shall travel ( in
going and returning-), more than the line, of march of the. troops or soldiers, the sum of ft v . - pence halfpenny; for every nnle.( exceeding two) which any such cart or other carriage with less than four horses, and not carrying fifteen hundred weight, shall travel ( in gci: g and returning) more than the line of the march ot the troops or soldiers, the'sum of three- pcnCe halfpenny.— And th- s Court doth ord r anil direct, that such overplus charges and allow- ances ( being first verified upon o-. itii by the saifl constables or petty constables, before one- of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and forHhe said county; shall be repaid
to- such con- stables or petty constables by the Treasurer of the said county of Wilts, arid b allowed in his accounts. And tl; is Court doth further direct, that . theaNiv - Gr- i.- r jhail continue in f<' 1 not- -"..- wcik - <- i --.•. :•;- Gsncral Quarter Sess; • >.-. t: e v !> » . Hen 1> tin. county. By the Ccuit. Examined by JAMES SWAYMK. 300] c: cik c. f the Peacc cf the s^ idCcunty cf Wi ts. CORNWALL.— FREEHOLD ESTATES. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in Lots, at the King's Arms, Leskeard, on Thursday the 11th and Friday the l? th davs of August, 1808,— Sundry valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, compr sing the MANSION and B/ ui-
TON of CARTUTHER, situate hi the parish of Menhcniot, containing together 3: 37A. aii. 3SP. statute; several other Estates, situate in the same parish, containing upwards ot ' 260 statute acres ; also an Estate, called lirendon, together with sundry Houses and Lands situate in the town and parish of Leskeard, containing upwards of 12n statute acres. And several Estates in Duloe parish, containing together about Slo statute ae- res. And an Estate, called HENDRA GCI. LING, inTalland parsh, about 25 statute acres. Likewise an Estate called TUECAS, situate in the parish of Lanreath, containing 6iA. 3R. ' 1 P. statute. And
several Tenements in the towns of East and Wcst Looe. [ 08 Some of the before- mentioned Estates are upon leases for years, and others are held upon lives. Descriptive Particulars may be had at the King's Arms, Plymouth ; the Fountain, Plymouth Dock ; tbe King's Arms, Bodmin j the White Hart, Launceston ; the Talbot, Lost- Withicl; the New Inn, Callington ; the King's Head, Truro; at the place of sale; of Messrs. Strong, Still, and Stiong, Lincoln's Inn ; of Mr. Childs, Leskeard ; and of Mr. Wright, Surveyor, 10, Charles- street, St. James's Square, London. A capital ESTATE in Somersetshire. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at
the George Inn, in Castle Cary, in- the said county, on Monday the lstday of August next, between the hours of three and five in the afterndon,— The FEE- SIMPLE and INHERITANCE of all that truly desirable, compapt, and valuable Estate called FOXCOMBE FARM, lying in a ring- fence at Gal- hampton, within the parish of Castle Cary aforesaid, and held by Mr. Thomas Gifford.' ot. lease for a term of nine years, from Lady- day, 1* 896; cons-\ l-. ng of a Farm- house, Barn, and other necessary buildings, with one hundred and eighty- four acres, two roods, and seven perches ( statute mea- sure) of very rich arable, meadow,
pasture, and orchard Ground. And also of all that piece or parcel of meadow Land, con- taining two acres, two roods, and four perches ( statute mea- sure lying in Cary Moor, within the parish of' Castle Cary aforesaid, and held by the said Mr. Gifford on a lease as afore- said. The last mentioned piece will be sold separately. The Farm lies at easy distances between the several good market towns of Shepton Mallet, Yeovil, Sherborne and Wincamon, and about half way from Bristol and Bath to Weymouth. For a view of the Premises apply to the Tenant; arid for further particulars to Mr. Harbin, attorney, Sherborne, Dor- set,
where a plan of the estate may be seen. [ 72 BORDERS OF DEVONSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Castle Inn, T iunton, Somerset, on Saturday the 13th day of August, 1808, at five o'clock in the afternoon, unless previously dis- posed ot by private contract, of which notice shall he given,— All that truly eligible FREEHOLD FARM, Called LEAKS and SALTS, in the parish of Churcl'Stantou, in the county of Devon; now in the occupation of Daniel Clarke, and the executors of the late Henry Gill, as tenants at will; compris- ing a new- built farm- house, barn, stable, two tenements, and other buildings, together with ( 38
A. 3 R. 1 P. of meadow, pasture, orchard, arable, coppice, and rough land ; tbe whole forming a most compact and desirable farm; is distant from Taunton only ight miles, from Wellington six, Chard ten, and Honiton eleven ; and in a good state of cultivation. For a view of the premises apply to Daniel Clarke, tfie prin- cipal tenant; and tor further particulars to Samuel Yeatis, Esq. of Monk's- Mill, near Wootton- under- Edge. [ 170 OR SALE by AUCTION, at the Merchants' J_' Floating- Dock, Hotwells, on Thursday the 11th of August next, precisely at eleven o'clock in tne forenoon,— About 200,000 Feet of prims HONDURAS
MAHOGANY, of lar< e dimensions, just imported per ship Isabella, from Honduras. [ 454 ( JCf" To be viewed at the place of sale • and catalogues miiy be had on application to GEO.' BOOTH, Broker, BRISTOL, Julu 22, 1808. Small- street- court. On SALE, — About 60 Tons HONDURAS CHIPPED LOGWOOD, imported in the above ship. ( One Concern. J Lumber and If kite Oak Staves for Sale, at Poole. ON Thursday August 4, 180S, will be SOLD bv PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Old Antelope Inn and Hotel,— The entire CARGO . of the Ship MEKCL BV, from New Brunswick; consisting of about o'o. otin Feet of PINE BOARD,
10,000 I'ect of two and three- inch PINE PLANK, 4,000 WHITE OAK PUNCHEON STAVES. N. B. The above will be put up. in lots of about l, 00i> feet, for the convenience of the buyer. [ 416 Catalogues, with tbe conditions of sale, to be had at the Office of J. BRISTOWE and Co. Copyhold Estate at Combe, Hants. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R." KNIGHT, at the Bear Inn, in Hungerford, on Wednesday the 27th of July, 1808, at four o'clock in the afternoon, A very de- sirable COPYHOLD ESTATE, in the late occupation of Mr. Batr, now deceased, lying in the manor of Combe, in the county of Hants; comprising a comfortable
dwelling- house, two barns, stable, cart- house, yard, garden, and uj - wards of eilhtv acres of arable and pasture land, with valuable rights of common; to he held fQr three lives, to be nomi- nated by the purchaser, under a small yearly rent. The pur- chaser to have possession at Michaelmas next. Farmer Batt, the present occupier, will shew the premises; of whom may be had printed particulars, as also at the place of sale ; Star Inn, Andover ; of Messrs. Stroud and Stibbs, Newbury; and the Auctioneer's, Devizes. [ 214 LYTCHET MATRAVERS, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. RAKER, at the Chequer Inn, in
Lytchet Matravers aforesaid, on Monday the 1st day of August next ( 1808),— The entire Crop of CORN, now growing on Highei Lytchet Farm ; consisting of about 28 acres of Wheat, 77 ditto of Barley, iO'ditto of Oats, 4 ditto of Rye, 8 ditto of Pease ; subject to such con- ditions as will be then and there produced. The sale to begin at eleven o'clock in the morning. Any further particulars, apply to Mr. Cooper, the bailiff, on the premises. [ 408 HOUGHTON, DORSET, npo be SOLD by AUCTION,, by JOHN IIOYLE, A without reserve, on Wednesday July 27, and following day,— All the valuable HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FUR NITURE, late the property of Mrs. Hamber, deceased; ( Houghton is about four miles from Blandford;; consisting of fine seasoned goose feather beds ; ftfur j- ost and other bed- steads, with crimson, check, and other furniture; neat ma- hogany dining, pillar, claw, and other tables; oak and Other ditto; bureau and chest of drawers ; mahogany, walnut, and other chairs ; two twelve- hour clocks ; plated and other can- dlesticks ; several pair of. fine blankets; pewter and brass; a number of kitchen requisites, with a variety of other articles. The sale will begin precisely at eleven o'clock in the fore- noon each dav. J-' or further
particulars enquire of John lloyle, auctioned, & c. Blandford. ' [ 407 HAMPRESTON, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. FORCE, on Thursday the S. sth instant, precisely at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the dwelling- house of the late Mr. John Tory, deceased,— All his neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and Implements of Husbandry *, Consisting of four- post bed- steads and furniture, feather beds and bedding, mahogany tables and chairs; an excellent eight- day clock, in mahogany case; some paintings, a satin wood cabinet; a gig and har- ness, some tljill harness, and numerous other articles, the whole of which
will be sold without reserve.— After tile above will be sold a fine young Heifer. The goods may be viewed the day preceding the sale ; and further particulars may be had of the Auctioneer, in Wim- borne. [ 443 STALBR1DGE, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. PLOWMAN, on Tuesday the 2( 1 day of August next, at the Red Lion Inn, in Stalbridge aforesaid, for the Remainder of a long Term of Years d< terminable with two Lives,— A large roomv SHOP and DWELLING- HOUSE, with Ware- houses, and other conveniences, well calculated for an extensive businc s and in which a considerable trade has been lately
carried on in the drapery, grocery, Ironmongery, & c.; the premises are situate in the Market- place, and may be easily converted m. o two good dwelling- houses. For a view of the same apply at the Red Lion Inn, Stal- bridge ; and for further particulars to Mr. Score, solicitor, Sherborne. Dated 16th July, 1808. [;) 3 HENSTRIDGE, SOMERSET, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, bv II. PLOWMAN, JL ( by order of the Executors of John Gapper, late of Hen- stridge, aforesaid, gentleman, deceased), on Tuesday the 26th day cf July instant,, between the hours of four and six in the afternoon, at the Virginia Inn, in HenStridge aforesaid,
subject to such conditions as will be then produced.— The REVERSIONARY ESTATE and INTEREST late of the said John Gapper, subject to the estates for life of two persons, the one aged 84 years, and the other 65 years ; being one un- divided Fourth Part, and also one Fourth Part of another un- divided Fourth Part, of and in all that capital FARM and LANDS, called Seals or Zeals Marsh Farm, situate and lying together in a ring fence, within the parish, of Henstridge aforesaid, and containing by estimation 160 acres ( more or less) now in the occupation of John- Taylor, under an annual rent of ,£' 270, whose lease will
expire at Lady- day ( O. S.) in toe year 1816. Tne Premises are leasehold, held for the remainder of a term of 600 years ( of which 470 years, and more, i. re as yet unexpired), and are subject to an annual quit- rent of 15s. ( id. For further particulars apply ( it by letter, post paid) to Messrs. Parker and Co. solicitors, Essex- street, Strand, Lon- don ; Mr. William Dowding, West Stour, Dorset • or to Mr. Bird, solicitor, I lenstridgc, Someisct. [ 074 " MANOR OF fOLPUDDLE, DORSET, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, at the ANTELOPE, A in DOIICHESTEK, on Saturday the. 30th of" July, ! 8ot<, at four o'clock in the afternoon,—! Th c
desirable MANOR of TOLl'UDDLE, and several valuable and compact FARMS ; containing together about 113s aercs ot rich water meadow, pasture, and arable land, with convenient farm- houses and ouildings; now in the possession of Mr. H. Davis, Mr. J. Northover, Mr. Geo. Ki; gs, Mr. Win. Brine, and Mr. Robert Standfield.— Also the GttLAT and SMALL TITHES of the parish of Tolpuddle, and the SMALL TITHES ofTincleton, held for terms 01 years, under Christ Church College, iu Oxford ; and about 60 acres ot Coppice Ground in Mil borne Wood.— A fine trout stream, stocked witn fish, runs through the manor. Fox
hounds and harriers are kept in thj: neigh- bourhood ; and the game in this part of the country is ' mu'en preserved.— Toipuudle is one mile irom Milbourne, eight from Dorchester, and nine from b. anoiord ; in a dry healthy situa- tion, and may be a pleasant central residence lor a sportsman. The tenants will shew the farms; and printed particulars may be had of Messrs. Farrer and Co. Lincoln's- iun- fields ; of Mr. Salisbury, and at the Antelope, in Dorchester; the Crown, Blaudto'id ; the Buil, Bridport; and the Antelope, Sheroome. [ 78 A capital Freehold Estate, in a fine sporting part of So- mersetshire, bordering on fVilts. TO he
SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. KNIGHT, at the Weymouth Arms Inn, in Warminster, on Mon- day the 1st day of August, 180S, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon, in one lot,— Ali that valuable and very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called HOMF.- STAI. LS situated at Kilmmston, in the county of Somerset, now in the occupation. of Mr. John Cross, whose term therein will exoireat Lady- day, 1810; lett at a very low rent, and con- sisting of an exceeding good Farm- house, barns, stables cow- stalls, granary, and ail suitable and necessery out- build ings adjoining thereto, in complete repair; together with 26
closes of rich arable, meadow, pasture, wood, and down Land, well supplied with water; containing, in the whole nearly 2firt acres. This Estate lies in a very fertile valley, the greater part of which is sheltered on the north by Bradley- knowl, wh'ch commands v ry beautiful and extensive prospects ; it is well timbered, and only tsvo miles d- stant from . Stour- Head and Al't d's- Tower. The situation is a vtrv eligible or. e for a gen- tleman find of field sports, as most kinds of game are there in great abundance ; and there are several very delightful spors for the erection of a mansion- house, which would ren- der it as desirable a
residence as any in the county. The pre- nrs.- s are eight miles distant from the . capital market- town of Warminst r. and six from Wincatuon ; and about the same d stance from Shaft.- abury, Himlon, Braton, and Castle- Cary, all good mark f- townss, to all of which th- re are good turn- pike- roads leading from the estate. The premises may be viewed on application to Mr. Cross, the tenant. At - h • « ime time and place will he SOLD by AUCTION, in an- t; F. r lot,— All that Close of exceeding good PASTURE GROUND, containing nearly ten ai res,- situate i t Sambourn, in the parish of- Warminster aforesaid, now in the
occupation of Mr. Minis, as tenant at w II.—- The whole being part of ihe estates of the late Charles Webb, Esq. deceased. Printed particulars may behjd at the Weymouth Arms Inn, Warminster; White Hart, Bath; Greyhound, Wincatiton ; • nd Ant. lope, Salisbury ; and of Messrs. Clarke aid Son, so- . citors, St. John's- bridge, Bristol ; of the Auctioneer, Do- viz.-*; " f Messrs. Holmes and Lowden, solicitors, 17, Cie- na nt's- inn, London; and of Mr. Lampard, solicitor, War- rninst. r, at whose office a plan of the estate maybe seen, and where any fuither information may be obtained. [ 148 . ELIGIBLE SITUATION FOR TRADE,—
ROMSS'I . I^ OR SALE by AUCTION, on Thursday ihc 4th . day of August, 1808, precisely at five o'clock in t'.- .- afternoon, at the White Hotse Inn, by J. Yocxo,— A Fr » - hold Knck and Tiled DWKLLiNG- i'lOUSE, with a fir.; Shop, excellent Cellars, three Parlours; Dining- room, * i: d four Bed- rooms, together with Kitchen, Pantry, and useful Outbuildings, now in the occupation of Mrs. U. vis,. ritu- t- in the Market-;- lace.— There having been several eni; u ms nlade lately tor an ironmonger's shop in this town, the situ - tion will be found to answer every purpose for that business.— If sold by priyate contract, notice will be given.
For particulars enquire on the Premises, or of Mr. Hclio- tlay, Horns Inn, Nursling. [- ti- 2 BUILDING MATERIALS, LEE, aeaa KOMSEY. npo be SOLD by AUCTION, by JOHN YOUKG, JL on Wednesday the 3il day Of August'next, at the White Horse Inn, Romsey. * t five o'clock i' 11 the afternoon, in one Lot,— All the MATERIALS, as tlvey now stand, of the Mansio- i- house, Outbuildings, and Garden Walls, situate 11 Lee, in the occupation- of the Rev, Nat Fletcher. The Bricks, Timber, & c. are of good quality, and worth the attention of any person, in or near Southampton, about to build, bung close to water- carriage. For a view
of the premises apply to Mr. Nat Fletcher; and any further particulars maybe kndivn on application to Mr. Eldcrfield, solicitor, Romsey, or the Auctioneer. [ 403 WILTON, NEAR SALISBURY. RPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. WHIT- Jl MARSH and RILV, 0.1 Friday the 2;, th of July instant, at the Greyhound Inn, at six o'Cioek in the afternoon,— Three FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSES, Workshops, Yard, and a walled- m Garden, situate in West- street, iu Wilton ; iu the several occupations of Messrs. Phelps, Haskett, Targett, and Lanham, as tenants at will.— The premises re very eligible for a person who requires room,
or w ho would wish to build, being conveniently and pleasantly situated. [ 4iy For a view of the premises, and further particulars, apple to the Auctioneers, or to Mr. John Seagrim, at Wilton. ~ WILTS.' ' Freehold Estates, Collingbtmrne Kingston, betwee Ann- dover, Ihingerjord, and Marlborough. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. ROBINS, at G. uraway s Coffee- house, ' Change- alley, Cornhili, London, on Tuesday the 3jth ot August, at twelve o'clock, 111 two Lots : Lot 1.— The very eligible FREEHOLD ESTATES, land- tax redeemed, comprising the manor or reputed manor of Collingbourne Valence, and Bronton House; a
desirable family mansion, seated on a lawn surrounded by thriving plantations, with gaiden, orchard, yard, barns, stables, and out- building, and upwards of 151 acres of meadow, pasture, arable, and wood Land, all ly. ngcompact, in a good state of cultivation, and in a fine healthy part of the country, com- manding lich und extensive views over a rich couutry, pre- senting a pleasant residence for a gentleman fond of farming and fieid sports ; situate in the p. irish and neisr the village of Coilingbourne Kingston, ana within a quarter of a mile of the Church. Lot - 2.— A valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, adjoining lot 1, called Heath
Farm, land- tax redeemed, and Gammon's Corner, s tuatc iu the parishes of Collingbourne Kingston and Chute, w. th a farm- house, yards, garden, orchard, barns, stables, and Out- buildings, and upwards of 171 acres ot mea- dow, pasture, and wood land, all 111 good cultivation, and lying compact. A- i Act is obtained for inclosing the parish of Cr. utc, wmch will add a considerable quantity of land to this lot. These Estates are very eligible prope rty tor inviting monry, or for occupation ; ate within two miles of Everlev, nine from Hungerford, ten from Marlborough, twelve from An- dover, sixteen from Salisbury, and seventy from
London. May be viewed by applying on the premises, where particu- lars may be had; at the Star end Garter, Andovir ; Swan, Hungerford ; Castle and Marlbcrough Arms, Marlborough ; White Hart, Salisbury; th Irnis at fiverley and Amesbury ; Pelican, Newburyj W. nte Lion, Hath; Bush, Brstol; Black Bear, Devizes; White Han, Chippenham; atGirra- way's; and of Mr. Robins, Warwick- street, Golden- square, London, where a plan of the Estates may be seen. ( 217 FREEHOLD ESTATE, ISLE OF WIGHT. N a short time will be SOLD by AUCTION, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract,-— A very desirable
FREEHOLD ESTATE, called CRIIVTRTON FARM, comprising about 000 acres Of arable, meadow, down, and copp ce land, upwards ofBOt) acres of which are tit:., frte, situate a few miles from the town ot Newport, and aflor s s- ver : 1 beautiful spots for building 011, with delightful sea ai. il land prospects. Th; s estate is particularly calculated to divide info three compact lots, which will most probably be done, it Sold by Auction. GC! J Further particulars mav be had by application to Mr. EMerfteld, solicitor, RoinSev, Hants. ' [ 174 Genuine Sale of Foreign Timber and Dials. TO he SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. HALI. Y and
BARTRUM, by order ot the Proprietor, on Monday the ist of August next, puhctu illy at twelve, at the Timber- Yard, in the Ham, near St. Jamcs's- strcet, Bath. Ail Mr. SMITH'S remaining STOCK; consisting of Rica, Memel. Brunswick, and Norway Timber; Russia and Nirwav Red and White Wood ; Pl. ihk, Deals, and Battens of various di- mensions; Spars and Ufirs for ladders and scaffolding; Ceil- ing Laths from red timber, arid sundry other articles, ti c whole of which will be classed into small lots, adapted to the convenience of the trade, as well as the public in general. To be viewed three dsys previous to the sale during work hours ; catalogues may immediately be hud at Mr. Smith's Yard; of the Auctioneers, No. 10, Milsom street; of Mr. Gutch, printer, Bristol; at tl* Printing- office, Salisbury; Mr. Walker, printer, Glo'ster ;* at the Plough Inn, Chelten- ham ; and the principal Inns at th- i following places: Fromc, Warminster, Beckington, Wells, Devizes, Chippenham, Calne, Melksham, Cirencester, Titbury, and Stroud [ 4ui> HANTS. A DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE to be LETT/ jtiL with immediate Entrance, by STROCD ans! S. TIBHS, auctioneers, & c. ( the neat ar. d modern Household Furniture and Fixtures of which, together with a new aisr and harm
as, may be taken by appraisement),— called BROWNING- HILL LODGE, near Buuhurst; consisting of a very pleasant and convenient Dwelling- house, containing a drawing- room about 16 feet by I2, jt, parlour 17 feet by 13, entrance- hall f- 3 feet by 11, cellar, kitchen, wash- house, dairy, pan- try, China closut; five beil- rooms, several attics; coach- house, stall and open stabl. s 5 servants'rooms; out- buildings, two yards; paddock, and orchard surround d by a beautiful lawn ; garden and meadow tastefully and conveniently diver- sified with a gruve, a cooling and pleasant promenade of trees of considerable length, shrubhtrirs,
fru t trees, plants and flowers in excellent culture, and disposed with simplicity; the whole affording a very desirable retreat, in a respectable neighbourhood, having good roads, and happily situated for rural sports, being the Manor- House; abounding with game, and near a choice pack of hounds; together with an unlimited right of extensive and valuable common. - The whole pre- mises are about four acres, but a few mors muy be had if in— dispensible. For further particulars, and treaty, apply to Stroud and Stibbs. Newbury; for a view of the premises, at the house, or to Mr. Thomas Falknor, Browning- Hill. The above is distant
from Basingstoke 7 miles, Newbury 9, Reading 14, Kingsclere 3. [!-. 8 HANTS. FARMS to be LETT for the Term of Seven Years, from Michaelmas next, Old Style •" A LL that capital FARM, called Enstnev Farm, isL situate in the island of Poraea, in ihc county of South- ampton, now in th' occupation of Mr. James Brent; com- prising a substantial farm- house, and all requisite detachid out- builditigs, and 133 statute acres of ar. ib c and pasture land, with a right of common on Milton Common. Also alb that FARM, situate in the said island of Portscn, now in the occupation of Mr. William Edney ; consisting of 61 statute acres of
arable and pasture land, with a like right of common. Also all that small FARM, situate in the pushes of South- wiok and Boarhunt, in tbe said county, now in the occupa- tion of Mr. I lenry Warner; consisting of » a messuage, b rn, gateway, stable, and out- houses, and about 22 statute acres of land.—— The situation of these farms renders the oecu- pation of them particularly desirable. Respectable Farmers, desirous of viewing the premises, ar • requested to apply to the respective tenants ; ai d those who may be willing to treat for the same, will be pleased ro send, on " or before the 30th of July instant, scaled tenders ( post
paid) With the word " Tender" written thereon,' adar.' » s. d to John Godwin, Esq. Bank, Hanov r- street, Pcrtsea; or Mr. Maidman, solicitor, Fareham, Hants, from either of whom may tie had the terms of the leas. s. N. B. Attendance will be given on Monday the Ist of August next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Ge. rn.- Inn, Pofsmouth, for the puroose of opening the sever, 1 t. nd. rs, when the parties who delivered them arc requested to be pre- sent. Fareham, July 9, 1808. [ 261 BERKSHIRE. ELIGHTFUL FKEKUOI. D VILLA, with forty acres of LAND, tythr fr - e, land tax redeemed, with immediate possession, to be SOLD
by PRIVATE CON- TRACT, by Mr. HISCOCK ; comprising a genteel resilience on the ground floor, an entrance, hall, breakfast and dining parlours, drawing room 16 by 17 feet, wat- r ar. d other clo- sets, ten bed rooms, two stair cases, un ler- srround beer and wine cellars attached, lofty kitchen, dairy, larder, breivhouse, outhouses, and domestic offices ; the whole singularly con- venient, and well supplied with excellent water; with a lawn, shrubbery, pleasure ground, and ornamental- timber, judi- ciously laid out; cold bath, fish pond well stocked ; excel- lent kitchen garden and orchard, ' with a variety of luxuriant and singularly
prolific walled and other fruit trees; toiethcr with a double coach house, stabling for fourteen hoists, barn, granary, cow- houses, pingery, and great conveni.- i, cos, with 40 acres ( more or less) of excellent pasture ar. d arable Land, in the highest state of cultivation, mcst conveniently connected, and divided by live mounds in the greatest per- fection. The whole of which Estate is in the cqmpletest state of repair, presenting a truly healthy and comfortable residence to the gentleman fond of'the tmtuial amusement of farming, retirement, or the society of the most respectable ne'g'nbourhood ; pleasantly situated on an easy
declivity, nearly central between London and Bath ; a convenient dis- tance from the Bath and other highroads, five miles from Newbury, an 1 four from Hungeri" rd ; abounding wiih finme and field sports, immediately in the hunt of the first packs of fox hounds in the kingdom. The modern and exceeding neat HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURE ( except Plate and Linen), with Fixtures, live and dead Farming Stock, to b • taken to at a fair valuation. Personal and p st p lid applications for purchase, or further particulars, to Mr. Hiscock, Stroud- green, Newbury, will be duly attended to. [ 109 SHEEP WASH.— To Fanners, Graziers, ifc.
MESSRS. THOMAS BLAKE and Co of No. 2, Webb- street, Bermondsey, London, beg tr> recoirf mend their SHEEP WASH as the most . Hectual means 0-. preserving Sheep from the Fly, and destroying the Mogtot, without being the smallest injury to the wool. Scvcral'emi- rtent Farmers h iv. n; r. iads trial of it, and finding it possesses the above inviduaM.- properties, have advised the Proprietors to make it gener diy known, bciti.- of Opinion that no tarmer, after i: -. ving made trial ot it, would cvir be without it. It is particularly recommended, being used at the time of she- p- shtij'. ring, as it frequently happens that sheep are out,
by ap. ply in i a little of tne wash with a feather the F ly wll not come near it. To be had, with piinted directions' fu us rigit, aa above, and of Mr. Win. Moore, 82. West SmithSeld, Lon- don ; Mr. John Cooper, Chichester -. Mr. E. Ch . trert- n. Rye . Mr. J. Cramp, hexhill; Mr. R. Stedmari, Godnlmiug ; Mr. R. Chitty, Deal; Mr. Il. Chitty, Sandwich ; Mi Cbi. pm; 11, Canterbury ; Mr. J. Couch, jun. I lyihe ; Mr. A. W. Lit tli, Maidstone; Mi. F. Okclry, Dorchester5 Mr Youne, I}!:, d- for'd ; Mr. J. Masters, Ipswich; Mr S. Mirtin and M ws. Heaths and Verlanirs, Colchester; Mr. Win. Turner, Wit. ncy; and Mt. Jewry Cramp, L-. w. s.
THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Sunday s Post. By Express. LONDON' GAZETTE, . PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY NIGTIT, JULY £ 3. CROWN- OFFICE, July 23. " EMBER returned to serve in the present PAR. LI YMENT.— Borough of Cockermouth.— William Lowther, Esq. commonly called Lord Viscount Lowther, in the room of John Osborn, Esq. who has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. The Average price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, com- puted from the Returns made in the week ending the 20th day of July, 1808, 1= Forty- ont Shillings and One Half, penny p « r Hundred Weight, exclusive of the
Duties of Customs. WAR- QFFICB, July 23. First Regiment of Foot,— Capt. Swan Hill to be Major, vice St. Clair, deceased. BARRACKS. Samuel Lcmpriere, Gent. t( J be Barrack- Master in Great Britain, vice Watts, superseded. Commissions signed by the Lord Lieutenant of Hants. Portsmouth Battalion of Volunteer Light Infantry, — John Smith, Gent, to be Quarter- Master. Winchester Battalion of Infantry, Henry Wells, Gent, to be Ensign. BANKRUPTS. . II. V.. Oliver, of Brampton, rotton- manufaeturer. Willi RIT Huthwaite, of Nottingham me/ c- r. John Stinrhcointic, of Bristol, cabinet- make*. Willi. un Calvert, of Mi- ryporl,
mercer- port LONDON. SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 23. . A Gottcr, bur- h Mail arrived this day, with letters and papers to the 16th inst. Letters from Memei speak of a v :-. r Le. twcen France and Russia as in- evitable, and old that a Russiau army is expected at Mtmel immediately. Accounts d ited the 7th inst. were yesterday received from Cadiz. Tbey are as follow : Th" news we daily receive here is of the most favour- able description. From the French frontier to Saragoss. a in re than 1 ", 000 Frenchmen have, perished. AtSarugossa upwards of 12,0U0 were killed by the sword, and those who wei'e saved from the fury of our
troops, effected it only by f. i-. iging themselves into the river Ebro. It is impossible that a single man of Dupont's army can e; cape, although that General has not yet surrendered. A reinforcement of 5000 men, which were on their march to join him, have been bie-. ef- ft, and compelled to return to Madrid, from whence they began their march. They lost one hundred and sixty waggons laden with' ammunition, and had upwards of one thousand men taken prisoners.— From one moment to another we expect to hear of Dupont's r" " otiditional surrender. He has already offered to capitu- luti ••! belli? alkiwed to return to France, with
the liberty of. •--•' a him four covered waggons. " .. h are beaten in every direction ; General \ ioNCKY'. " ' nit against Valencia with 15,000 men, hr'S been def-::: i, l T. ILT. yT) in file action, and we ate assured, that v : cf tl - army have escaped. " Another body of . ' have been, destroyed in Veldepcnas, and about 301- e at Val/ a'dolid, which tify they attempted to pillage." Letters from Gibraltar state, that Sjbastiani had positively quitted Constantinople, and th. it a Russian Ambassador, when on his way to Naples, had been recalled by his Court. They also mention, that an expedition is fitting out in Malta, to act in the Me diterranean. Dispatches were this morning received at the Ad- miralty, from our squadron cruizing oil the northern coast of Spain, dated the 15th inst. which contain the . gratifying intelligence of the recapture of St. An- dcro. It appears that General Ponte, who commands a division of the Patriotic Army, having formed the plan of retaking that place, advanced towards it with b t ve.- n three and four thousand men, and concerted a plm- of attack with some of our ships of war that weie cruizing off the coast. The French in St. An- ( 1 TO, a'unit 1600 men, did not, however, think it. prudent to wait for an attack, for, about two o'clock i i
tiic morning of the I2lh inst. they evacuated the town, having first levied a heavy contribution on the inn li/ itaiits, and destroyed all the arms in the place. The part of the Asturian force under General Ponte and the Bishop of St. Andero, amounts to about 13,000 men, but the whole Asturian army amounts to above 40,000 men ; and it was generally expected an action would take place between it and Marshal Besjiere's array-, which amounts to about 16. OO0 men, near Bilboa, of the result of which very little doubt was entertained. General Cuesta had advanced to Villepamle, and had taken possession of the Bridge of Majorca,
on the Seco: his intention was to make an attack upon Valladolitl, in which there was a small French force, for the purpose of cutting off all com- munication between Burgos, at which there was a French corps of'l3,000 men, and Madrid. Murat still remains entrenched at Reteiro, with about 5000 men. Joseph Bonaparte has at length ventured into his new dominions j he entered Biscay the beginning of this monti- i, with'about 4000 men; he was at Bilboa on the Qth, atToIoso on the 10th, and when the last accounts came away he was at Vit- toria. He was apparently afraid to proceed farther, from the cool and contemptuous
receotion he eveey where met with. The Transports with the Troops on board got under weigh yesterday evening from the Downs. As soon as they reach Portsmouth, the whole Expedition is to proceed on the voyage without any delay. Another elopement took place on Monday last from the v. - oily of Egliam. A lady 22 years of age, once the toast of Tiverton, in Devonshire, who was married to Lieut. II. in August, 1800, and who is the mother of six children, ab - nted herself with Mr V— z- » y, a gentleman of fortune in Bucks. The gallant was the intimate triend of the husband ; and by his repeated visits, su^ bded in seducing
the affections of the lady. Mr. V , was formerly an Officer in the same regiment with the Lieutenant, who is with his corps. The fugitives have not yet been heard of. It is supposed that a criminal me. tint; first took place between the parties at a recent pic- nic establishment amongst the better order in London in April last. Monday the 2d or Queen's, and 20th regiments, marched from Ipswich to Landguard Fort, for embarkation. Two men of the 2d, from the excessive heat of the weather, dropped down and expired immediately. Several of the soldiers not being able to keep up with the regiments, ditl not arrive at Harwich till it was
too late to go on board the transports, and were obliged to remain on the beach the whole night, where one of them died. The two, who fell doivo / lead on the road, were buried at Languard Fort, by a detachment of the Norfolk, on duty there. D'ED.] On Sunday, at her brother's house at Cran- brook, in her ( i, 9th year, Mrs. Paine, w ife of 1' notorious Tom Paine, from whom she was separated in 1774 ( about three years after her marriage), when Paine absconded • from his creditors, and we. it to America. She was t. ho daughter of Mr. Olive, a respectable tradesman at Lewes, while Paine was an Exciseman; she was a truly
worthv woman, and meri- d a better fate, than to be married to one by whom sh • >. va; so grossly ill treated.— On Monday, at Pethaiu, - eu Canterbury, the Rev. Thomas Randolph, Vicar of IVtliam, and brother of the Bishop of Bangor. FALMOUTH, July 21. A Portuguese schooner arrived here on Sunday with a Commander in the Portu- guese Navy, having dispatches from the provincial Go- vernment, at Oporto, to the Minister in London. He states that the French garrison at St. Ubes have been mas- sacred by the people, and that the Portuguese patriots, including about ten regulir regiments, are in full march for Lisbon.
Junot, it appears, is at Fort St. Julien, and there is no doubt, of his being soon obliged to surrender at discretion. The Townsepd packet sailed on Saturday last with the first mail for Corunna. The Auckland packet arrived this morning, from the Windward Islands. PLYMOUTH, July 22. A letter was yesterday received from on board the Travers East lndiaman, Capt. Collins, which sailed from Portsmouth on the ! 1th of June, in company with the Earl Spencer, Monarch, Lord EVon, and Carmarthen, under convoy of the Chiffonne frigate, Captain Wainwright, with 300,000/. on board, for Bengal. The letter is dated off Madeira, the '
25th of June, and states that the Chitfonne, in order to secure her treasure, was to sail from Madeira on the following day, and make the best of her way to Bengal, leaving the Ir. diamen to take carp of themselves. As tliey mustered strong on board the Travers, were well armed, and commanded by a brave and excellent Captain, they considered themselves strong enough for any enemy they wen likely to fall in with, and consequently were under no apprehension from the depar- ture of the frigate. They expected to touch at Prince of Walesa's Island. On Thursday came in the Cadmus sloop of w: t » , f. ora off Ferrol: She has
brought an account of an action having bean fought near St. Andero, between the Patriots and the French, in which it is stated the latter were defeated, and had in consequence retreated from St. Andero. A vessel i- also arrived from Bi'iboa, by which we have accounts of Joseph Napoleon, the new King of Spain, hav- ing entered St. Sebastian the 9th. instant, where he was very coldly received ; and on the 10th he visited Tolosa, Vergara, and Mondragon, and experienced the like recep- tion. On the 11th he was to go to Viatoria, and there remain some days. Arrived the Princess Charlotte, of 40 guns, from a cruize, and
brought in the Verdad Spanish packet, from the Ka- vaenah to Corunna, with dispatches, which were destroyed during the chace, and her anchors cut from bet- bows; she was taken by the Aigle frigate. This day came in the Conqueror, of 74 guns, f.- oin off Lisbon.—- Also the Efitrepreniut cutter, with victuallers from the Channel fleet. PORTSMOUTH, July 23. Every exertion is making to equip the expedition at Spithead with as little delay as possible, and it is expected the whole will be ready fo proceed on their destination in a day or two. Sir John Moore arrived from town on Friday morning. Yesterday Major- General
Sherbrooke arrived here from Sicily. ftjajor- General M'Kenzie is going out to replace him. • The Gloire, which arrrived here on Wednesday, with. Rear- Admiral Otway on board, left Lisbon oil the 12th iiist. and brought here M. Badincre, the French Consul at Oporto, and also the Commandant of the Marine at that place, whose broad pendant was flying on board of a Portuguese frigate, but which the Patriots had obliged him to strike : he was Captain of the fleet at the memorable battle of Tra- falgar, where he was wounded.— The Gloire passed through Sir A. Wellosley's expedition last Sunday, off Scilly; Sir Arthur had
proceeded in the Crocodile fri- gate, to concert measures for immediate co- operatian. Bear- Admiral Otway hoisted his flag as second in command at this port the evening he arrived. Monday— Sailed the Thrush sloop, (.. apt. Webb, with convoy for the West Indies. Tuesday— Arrived the Hydra, of 33 guns, and Diligent and Prevoyante store ships, from the Mediterranean. Wednesday— Arrived the Audacious, of 74 guns, Capt. Gosselin; Port Mahon .. loop, Capt. Chambers ; and Zebra brig, Capt. Coker, with the expedition under General Sir John" Moore, from Go'ttenburgh; Gloire, of 3.!> guns, Rear- Admiral Otway, Capt.
Carthew, freni off Lisbon, relieved by Rear- Admiral Tyler.— Sailed tlys Alert sloop, with convoy for the Downs. Friday— Arrived t hi- Iphigenia frigate. ; .11CES OF STOCKS T At Three o'Clock. Bank Stock, 243 India Stock, 188$ South Sea Stock, — 3 " j* Cent. Red. ( 5,9 3 ' i- Cent. Cons, o ^ 4 V Cents. 85$ 5 - J. 1 Cent. Navy, £>£>$ 5 Cent. : 797, — : IS DAY, hong; Ann. 13 Omnium, 2ij p. India Bonds, 5 a 3 p. Exchequer Bills, 3 a- 5 p. Irish 5 Cents. — Imperial 3 ^ Cents. t? 8 English Lott. Tickem, 2li. tls. Ditto Prizes, 2 - p. Cent. dis. The Assizes for this county commence on Tuesday. We feel great satisfaction in noticing so
light a calendar; at present there are but nine prisoners to take their trial, but. one of them is for the heavy charge of murder ; one for house- breaking, one for cutting and maiming, two for sheep- stealing, three for embezzling King's stores, and one for robbing a barn, We understand that the Crim. Con. cause, between Co- lonel, POWLETT and Lord SACKVILLE, will come on these Assizes. The damages are laid at ten thou. and pounds. Mr. Sergeant Lens, Mr. Jekyll, and Mr. Bur- rough. art: retained as counsel for the Plaintiff, and the cause is under the management of Mr. Curry, Town Clerk of Southampton. Report says that
Mr. Garrow will at- tend with a special retainer, and Mr. Sergeant Peil, as counsel for the Defendant. Two other Crim. Con. causes have been spoken of, and it is generally believed that one of them will come on ; but there are few other causes for trial, and among them none that excite any interest in the public mind. On Monday died, at Christchurch, Mrs. Jackson, widow of the Rev. Wm. Jackson, the late Vicar of that plqce. Oil Tuesday and Wednesday last Inquisitions were taken by Mr. Baldwin, at Cbristchurch and Throop, on the bodies of John Crab and John Hayward ; the death of the former was oeoasioned by falling from
a cart, and the wheel going over his body; the latter fell into a ditch of water, in a fit.— Verdicts accidental death. SOUTHAMPTON-, July 23.— We have a Bremen ship just arrived from Oporto in eight days, laden with wine.—- Tile master reports the French are driven out, and that their o4d laws are re- established. Also au American ship with wines from Cadiz in 21 days.— This master reports the* Spaniards are in quiet possession of that neighbourhood, and the French quite driven out. BIRTH.] On Tuesday, at his house in Grosvetior- squate, London, the Lady of George Henry Rose, Esq. M. I', for Southampton, of a son.
WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, JULY: » . The Isle of Wight during the last week- has exhi- bited a scene of peculiar gaiety and amusement. The Races commenced on Wednesday under the patronage ot' the different Gentlemen of the Island, and affnrde. d riiost interesting sport. Commodious booths ' I e erected on the raee ground, and a hirer" party of ladies honoured the races by dining on the course, whilst in the Stewards' booth adjoining the gentlemen of the country enjoyed a well- supplied and elegant repast. The horses started pre- cisely at four o'clock. The - uh- criiitioii Plate of 50?. after two well- contested heats, was
won by Mr. Jolmson'i ches- nut mare, Creeping Kate, eight years old, beating three others; and the purse of gnuves, given by Leonard Worsley Holmes, Esq. the steward, was won by Mr. Tuc- ker's chesnut mare Tisijihone, beating four others, the two three- mile heats. In the evening there was a splendid Ball in the town of Newport, attended by all the beauty and fashion of the- Island ; upwards of 200 persons were in the room ; and the impartial exertions of the Steward on the course, and his polite attentions in the ball- room, contributed in no small degree to the pleasure and gratification of tl\ e day On the Thursday a
subscription purse, given by the gen- tlemen of the 1 1" of Wight Cavalry for untrained hackneys of the Island, afforded very excellent sport. Lord Henry Sevinour is nominated Steward for the succeeding year. Our Races commenced last Tuesday, on which day his Majesty's Plate of 10Q Guineas was thus contested for, in three heat-: Mr. Trcvanjon's hr. h. Bucephalus, S yrs.. o'. d.. • j 3 ill Mr. Blachford's b. h. Shuttlecock." 5 yrs. old 1 3 dr. Mr. Dun'd is'i, Cambrian, 4- yrs. old..' .. | 2 2 [ dr. Two Matches, for 5o Guineas each, weie afterwards ran, and afforded good sport: the first was won by Mr. liatson's Charmer, heating Mr.
Goddard'. s Mountaineer ; tlie other Match was won bv Mr. Craven's Bantam, beating Mr. Trevanion's Lewis. On Wednesday, three Plates were run for, and thus decided:— The City Plate of 50 Pounds : Mr. Dilly's. Gnatho, ,% yrs. old. v Mr. Rush's Timekeeper, 6 yrs. old Mr. Martin's Witchcraft, aged SALISBURY. MONDAY, JULY 25, 1809. I The Noblemen and Gentlemen's Plate, of 5ft Pounds: Sir J. Hawkins's Rosurio, 4 yrs. old.. .. j 1 [ I Mr. Trevanion's b. c. Lew. s, 4 yp,: old'.. j, 2 (. 2 A Hunter's Plate of 60 Pounds: Mr. Bluett's c. by Skv Rocket, 3 yrs. old j 2 j 1 ! 1 Mr. Todd's Scrip, if yrs. old.... I ] 1 j 2 | 1 The whole of the
racing tbi; day afforded the amateurs the highest gratification, every heat being well contested. On Thursday, the Ladies' Plate of 50 Pounds was won by Lord Ferremont's brother to Hediey, beating Mr. Wonall's b. f. by Kill Devil, and Mr. Treva ion's b. c. Crab. Four horses started for the Gold Cup, but the prine: pal struigle was between, Mr. Goddard's Mountaineer and Mr. Dilly's Gnatho , it was a ". veil run race, add won by half a length by Mountaineer. Out- Theatre has been open for the w- eek, hut with the exception of Wedne- day ( the Stewards, night) it has been very thinly atended. The Race- ball on Thursday boasted an
elegant assemhla^ e; and dam- irv; was kept up with ^ reat spirit till after six o'clock. The supper wis served in elegant style by Mr. Jessott ; the c mfectionaty hv Mr. Miliar. Frill i e mornings though the races were not so fully at- tended this year as on farmer occa- ions, yet there was much genteel company and many ef- gant. equipage.., among which we noticed Lord arid L-"' v G- aver,, Lord Noi thesk and family, Sir Ciiailes and- Lady Mill, Sir H. of Bishopstrow, und Maria wife Miiduia. v's family, Air. and Mrs. Chute, the High .- nerift j wish havii Thursday se'nnight a fire broke, out at the parsonage- house, in Sandford, near
Crediton, Devon, which con- sumed the same, and eleven other tenements. ANTIQUITIES.— On the llfh, 12th, and 13th inst. Mr. Cunningtor. opened various barrows in the neighbourhood of Stoiiehi- nge, under the direction of Sir Richard Hoare, Bart, and with the aid ai> d assistance of A. B, Lambert Esq. and found a- number of curious remains of Celtic ornaments, such as beads, buckles, ar. d broaches, in amber, wood, and gold ; one cf which, for its elegance and appropriate form, is at once a proof'of- the nobility of the person for whom the barrow was raised, and the elegance of the arts at the period of the interment,
abuut 3000 years from the present period. The shape of this curious article is conical, and the exact form of the barrow itself, which it was mast probably intended to figure. Conceive a piece of wood, imbricated in layers, one over the other, to the summit of the cone, and covered with thin plates of pure gold, and adorned with ciiclcs round the middle, and. near the buttom with a triangular fe* toon about the lower edge, iu which are two holes for a thread or wire to suspend it. LOCAL MILITIA.—' The following is a short Epitome of the principal Clauses, which are interesting to Volunteers, of the Act for establishing a permanent
Local MilitiaForce, passed ml the 30th of June last?— U is bereoy enacted, that any corps of Volunteers, oc any part of such corps, whether within the ages limited by this act or otherwise, may transfer themselves to the Local Mihtia; and must then tab"; an oath to serve in the same, within Great Britain, during the term of four years.— Any person so voluntarily enrolling himself shall receive two guineas upon bis eiwultaent; and upon being assembled f ir exercise, or embodied under any order of qoupcii, shall be entitled to one guinea for the first year of service, and ten shillings and sixpence for every succeeding year of service,
for the purpose of keeping up necessaries.— All persons serving in the Local Militia will be entitled to the same exemptions as Volnuteer- , and having served four yell's, will not be liable to be baliutted for the regular Militia, for two years afterwards.— The Local Militia shall be called out annually, but no Local Militia man shall be kept out more than ay days ( exclusive of the necessary days for inarching) in every year ; nor - shall they be ordered to march further than the next adjoining county.— Local Militia men may remove from one to another County Militia, upon giving notice to Commanding Officers. and family, and many
other distinguished person..: Extract of a T. rt'rr from young Xaral Officer to his Friend m Sara dated Cortinna, July 8. " The Spaniards appear firmly united and wound up to the highest pitch of enthusiasm. By the brig from England we have an interchange of in -, oncers ; the dispatches which come from thence are so pleasing and gratifying to the Spa- niards, that tlioy have been firing salutes the whole afternoon. The intelligence by their courier from the interior is still more gratifying to an Englishman ; namely, the defeat of 18,000 French, being a detachment of Murat's army; the act i in took place near Slragossa ; they were
endeavouring to force their way to the frontiers, and gaitj oi^ e of the passes of the Pyrenees ; 15,000 were killed, the remainder Hed, and the next day threw down their arms and surren- dered at discretion : inion them are the Generals Mout- raye and Lefevre. Tee Spanish force consisted of 24,000, under the command >:' General Questar, the greater part armed with sword . uni daggers only. We are received on shore by the Spaniards fwhom we were blockading'a few months since with the greatest strictness) and treated with the greatness attentiau. aiid cordiality. Corunna is strongly fortified, but 1 cannot say much for the
beauty of ihe place," " A great influx of company is expected at our Races, with considerable sport, from the number of well- matched b. r'fcei that have run at Stockbridge, Winchester, & c. and aie nuw in the neighbourhood, without other engagements. The liall on Tuesday, the Concert on Wedne day, and the Steward's Ball oil Thursday evening, promise such a scene of gaiety, that the youthful branches of most of the families of consequence, for many miles around, are ex- pected to be present. The Match at Sin. i; ie- Sticlt, to be played in the Market- place, has eNcived gerftnul attentreu amoive the amateurs of that art; so
niuch so, that the intended Match at Queen- Camel has on that account been postponed. We understand the Play will positively begin at the early hour stated, and close for the morning at a quarter before one. The Tyes to be played out when the company return from the Race Down. The Rector and Felliws of Exeter College, Oxfo. rd, haye presented the Rev. Joseph Rosdew, B. D. and Fellow of that College, to the Vicarage of South Nevvington, Ox- ford h'l", vacant by the resignation of the Rev. Dr. Cole. It i - a remarkable circumstance, and wtiich never before happ » n. » d at that College, that Messrs. Rosdew, Best, Reed,
Joii'- s. and ifopi e, were elected Fellows in the year 17& 2, and they all five retain their Fellowships to this day. Mr. Dupre was Senior standing in the University, but coming from another Colle - , he was, according to the rule esta- blished in Exeter College, put the Junior of the set. So many frauds have lately been committed on the public, ih it our readers c. i mot be too cautious in examin- ing { he uotes tendered to rl. eiu, should they appear to he issued from country Banks of which they have no know- ledge. The Mayor of this city has received a letter from Birmingham, informing him that 200 stamped notes ( in blank) for 51.
and ' 200 ditto for M. worked from the plates of Spooner, Art ivood, and Co. had been stolen. Some of the 51. notes bad been filled up, a- nd put, into circulation. Two men who had put them off at. Leicester, Boston, Nottingham, and Manchester, were closely traced through those towns.; audit is apprehended they may come into thi i neighbourhood. Three men have lately vi itnd several places in South . Wales, and passed 5L notes, purporting to be of the Castle Carey Hank, and payable in London ; but on demand of payment at the house ai oitioned,' it was ascertained that ti. e notes are iict'finu- O : e of the men, who called
feint- self' Sir Kdv. ard Piyo', is taketl into custody, We lately received i. !.: t r, dated New City Chambers, London, cuutioni ig us against copying a paragraph which has appeared in the Kentish Chronicle, " tending to injure and cu i, i i the Bank reeently- e- tablished at Southampton, under the firm of I iieiiock, Homer, and Co." and threaten- ing a prosecution if we copied the sa d paragraph, The writers mi^ ht have spared both their caution and threat. We are perfectly well acquainted w th the respectability of every Bankinx House " established at Southampton;" consequently there was nrt danger - if our copying any pa- ragraph t
nding to injure or defame either of those " esta- blished" Banks. Lately was married in Buckinghamshire, by the Rev. Mr. Dnnre, . Yfousiei^ r Langloi;, a French emigrant gi atlciuan •>(' distinction, to M:.- s Mary Co. vuy, with a fortune' of 12,000/. After the ceremony was over, th • parties all repaired to the father's h > use, where a sump- tuous emertaiiune.. t was prepared, and the day .- pent ill the utmost conviviality and harmony. On Ttiursday was married, at Broad- Chalk, Mr. Robert Basket, Chemist and Druggist, of Blandford, to Miss Good, daughter of the late Mr. R. Good, Surgeon, ofRingwood. Same day was married, at
Norton, Mr. Exto-. i, of Bishopstrow, to Miss Hickman, of Norton. Lately died in the island of Jersey, at the advanced a;; e of eighty- four, John Hue, Esq. a respectable merchant of that island, and father of the Rev." Corbet Hue, B. D. Fellow- of Jesus College, Oxford. On the 15th inst. died, atCrudwell, in this county, aged 1 3 years, Hilary Ann third daughter of the Rev. John Wiggen. On Saturday the 16th inst. was married, at Teign- ' mouth, Devon, Lieut. Squarey, of the Royal Navy, to Miss Lott, of Teignmyiuth. On Tuesday died the Rev. Mr. Edwards, master of the free grammar school at Marlborough. . Tames Kelly, an
Irishman, who had enlisted for general Service, was ltr- t week taken into custody, in this county, a- a deserter ; and cs he was on the road to Devizes Bride- v 11, he formed and executed the desperate resolution of cutting off one of hi! thumbs, in order to disqualify him- self for military service. Committed « .-• Vivvrton Gaol, Elizabeth Latham, late Ua-,'; ': d . villihaving stolen a silver spoon ; f Jau* as La npard, of. Cqmptovi, charged a iCtf. npte of the Salisbury and Shat'tes- HO. ME MARKETS. Prices of 0> m, per Quartcr- """ * Barley. July Wheat. s. s. Salisbury, ig! 74 to 811 40 to 44 Basingstoke, 20 ( M to 83 40 In 43 Devizes,
21 72 to 81 38 to 40 Newbury, Andover, Warminster, 23 65 to. 80, 40 to 41 .42 to 46- 44 to 721 Height of the Gallon Loaf, Sib: 11 or.— Half Gall. 4//-. 54oi. s. s. Bread, per Gallon. Ueans. Oats. s. 38 to 46] 7- 2 to 78 38 / 0 411 67 to 6.0 40 to 44 1 72 to 74 67 la 86! 40 to 4- 2 .39 to *.', | 68 to 72 j 1 37 to 44 69 to 71 | 67 to 85j38 / o il to, to Bread. d. 9 n 74 9f 8 WRITING PAPERS; STATIONARY, & c. PHINTI\ tG- OFFICE, CAXAJ., SALISBURY. 1%/ TF. SSRS. BROD. IB, DOWDING, and LUX- IvjL FORD, Successors tt> Mr. CCMIKS, Asscafplly in- form their friends and the public, tha'. they r. eve lately pur- chase < several Lots
of CSCQMMONLV GOOD WRITING- PAPERS, which they are nowsdling at tne following low ( MONEYJ priccs;—— Kir, e wove Ctu- rto Post, 18s. the ream, ( 20 quir- s, no out- sides);— thicker ditto, at l. i. s.;— fine thick ditto, 21s. i— extra 1 irg.- thin, for Bankers' remittances, £ c. 2Is.;— a good second Pot pap'- r, at ife. s. 6</.;— fine thick Foolscap, at 25s. Cd. and superfine ditto, at SS^ s. » BnoutE, DownfNG, and LIJXI- O. RU have a so on sal?— A very large and capital assortment of ACCOMPT HOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, BIBLES, COMMON PRAYLR BOORS, See', at the lowest London prices. Just r ceived,— A fresh
Supply of PERFUMERY, from M A- srs. SMITH and Mr. BAUCV WAX CANDLES, from BARRETT'S Manufactory;— and PLAYING CARDS, from Mr. f 1 u NT. Card Manufacturer ts his Map sty. NPIIE CREDITORS of BENJAMIN CHARLES Jt COLLIN'S, Esq. late of SAMSDUUY, and of MORTIMER- STREET, CAVENDISH- SQUARE, who reside in LONDON, are requested to send an account of their respective demands to TOWNLEY WARD, of Covent- Garden, Esq. the acting Executor: And those Creditors who live in the COUNTRY are desired to send tfee account of their demands to Mr. JOHN DOWDING, 0: 1 the New
Canal, Salisbury, who is autho- rized by Mr. WARD to receive all deJotj due to the es( ate of- the deceased. ffit' STATE LOTTERY. rT^ HE- next Day of the Drawing will be TUESDAY, I AUGUST 2.—^- Prizes of £ 20,00!)—£ 10,000—,£ 5000— 4.- 2000—& c. § c remain yet in the Wheel. TICKETS, and SHARES warranted undrawn,„\ vill be on Sale till Tuesday, August 2. by BRODIE, DO WDING, and LUX, FORD, at tl; e Printing- Office, Salisbury, the fortunate Agents of Sir JAMES BRANSCOMB and Co.' by whom the Tickets No. 61- J5 and 517, drawn on Friday, . lu'. y 15, - Prizes i. 20,000' each, were both sold, the former in
tw - ( lilartcjs and eight Sixteenths, and the latter in sixteen Sixteenths. w SALISBURY RACES, 180 8, ILL he 011 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, the 26th, 27th, and" 28th of July inst.— His Majesty's Plate of too gs. will be run for 011 Tuesday, and also a Sweep- staki s of 10 gs. each, eight subscribers, for atl ages, to be rode bv Gentlemen.— On Wednesday the City Plate, and the Members 50/. Plate.— And on Thursday, the Subscription Plate of 50t. To start each day at one o'- clock. Sir C. w: MALET, B ut. Steward. A Ball, Ordinaries, tk'c. as usual.— For full particulars see the Salisbury Journal of Jane 20. . flat)
BLANDFORD RACES, 1809. TILL be on Tuesday the f) t! i and Wednesday the 10th of August.— On Tuesday, the 50/. Plate, for Horses that have not won tliit value since March 1807 ; and o: i Wednesday, ^ 50i. Plate for three and fobr year old*; a 50/. for tillages, given by the Members for the county, and a HandicapSweeast- k s of gs each. ' fiDWARU GREAT HED, Esq. Steward, tji* Balls and Ordinaries as usual.— for full particulars see the Salisbury Journal of June 20. T bury Lank. J: A SALISBURY ASSEMBLY'. THE RACE BALL will be on Tuesdy the 26th of July. The ASSIZE B ALL on Monday the 1st Of August. ' E.
BAKER, 1 1 ft. SEYMOUR, Stewards. W.- B. BRODIE, J Mr. GOODALL, M. C. Dancing on each evening to commence at eight, and to be cantinued to an unlimited hour. [ 3119 SINGLE STIC K, IV THE MARKET- PI. ACE, SALISBURY. HERE will be A MATCH PLAYEI) on WEI. NESHAY and THURSDAY NEXT, July 27 and 28, for TWENTY GUINEAS each day. TO flay without pads WEDNESDAY, and wilk patln THURSDAY. Aole judges will be appointed'to see the play- p/ iperly conducted, and prizes fairiv won. *'#* The Players to enter theif names AT TIIS STAOE by Nine o'Cloek in'the Morning: .[ 455" SILVER- STREET,
SALISBURY. TROKF. rfspcctfully informs the t. n" Gentlempnf Salisbury and its vicinity, th, ' received an elegant Assortment of SILVER ' ORN/ & S\ tor. the HEAD, with a variety of other fas, Articles, consisting of Jr. wELi. r. iiy, WATCHES, CI- OCKS .- N. B. He manufactures all kinds of CUTLERY, 01 tru filrsi quality.— Miniatures set. [ 45. SOUTHAMPTON, July lp, 1S08. AXD E. BAKER hog to inform the Ladies of is- * Southampton, and their friends in general, th , t thev are REMOVED to the house late iu tnc occupation 01 Mr. HAP. it is, near the. Dolphins Inn. They take this opportunitv of returning thanks for the very liberal
encouragement the'v have received during their residence above Bar ; and hope, by strict punctuality, to merit a continuance of the same. IRONMONGERY, & c. i- c. ' F » I CI LAUD ALLEN, . Tun. begs leave to acquaint ' i. his friends and the public, that he has formed : t con- nection with Mr. Cmu. s- IORHEK Joi. tljr, Jun. and Messrs. CARTER and STRONG, under the firm of Jul lift', A lltn, ITF Co. j to carry on the business of Ironmonger, Copper- Smith, and Anchor- Smith, cm tin- same prcmisi- s as have been heretofore used by his father. The principal workmen arc engaged to work for this concern ; the raw materials, and
every'other article in which they mean to deal, tbtv will purchase « t tho first hand, by which means they will'he enabled to supply their customers on the most liberal terms. For the present, tlrey occupy the back premise-, where orders will be taken and punctually executed ; and thev tik. w isc occupy a Urge Anchor Shop at Mam worthy, where that branch of the basin- ess will be principally carried on. POOLE, July i>, 1808. GRAND VOCAL CONCERT, Under the Pttfrancjre of Sir CHARI. ES W.-. RRE MA SET, Sari. Stewart. i uf the Races, •^ I^ IIE Nobility and Gentry of SALISBURY and its JL Vicinity, and the Public in general,
are respac. tfully inform there will be A VOCAL CONCERT on WEDNES- DAY EVENING, July 27, 1808. ' PaiHCii-. il. PERI, JRMERS :— Mrs GOSS, Mr. Goes, Mr. J. ELLIOTT, Mr. HARRINGTON, Mr. CIIIIT ENCE, and Mr. ELLIOTT. Tickets, Fou: Shillings each, to be. had at the Printing- office, and at Messrs. Banks's. It ords of the Performance will le given at the Door of the Assembly floom. T O W N H ALL, A N D O V E R. VOCAL CONCERT. ESSRS. GOSS, HARRINGTON, JAMES and Wi KLUOTT, beg leave, respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and their friends in general, that 011 MONDAY NTXT, thie 25th
instant, they intend performing A GRAND VOCAL CONCERT, on the same plan as last Vear.- Tickets, and Words of the Performance, to be had at the Hall the Night of Performance. fist CHRISTCHURCH, July 23. isoft. v Wife, JANE BEI BIN, has WHEREAS n lately absconded from my house, without the least provocation; and has, in many more fnstanc- . con iucted herself very improperly-.— I therefore give this unbla- ni. tic-, that I will not be accountable for any dehis sh e may contra, t with any person or persons att.- i this'caution. WILLIAM BET. CIV. t ' lei r. WANTED, " » stands the Management of a Flour and Grist ?' - A
GRINDEr - One who undc UICJCN a'l its branches, ar. d c. ui bring a good character front 1 e. last place, may hear of constant employ bv applying to G. Framp- ton, bookseller and printer, Dorchester. All letters most he post; aid. T - V) be SOLD, - A BAY HORSE, K> Ihmds . anil an inch high, seven years old. with long tail, will marked, perfectly sound, and free, freun vice 01 blemish ; pur- chased by the owner from the br: eikr. Tenders for the purchase will he rcteived, under cover, with the address, by Mr. Ball, at the King's Anns, Salisbury, where the above horse may be seen the thre • days of ti e Races,' and answers
returned 011 the last day, as the ownu is not resident in Salisbury; Or EXCHANGED for a Horse 15 hands and a half high, ot a similar description.— lath July, 180:!. [ « scj Isle 0/ Wight. Elm and # Sih Timber, . TPObeSOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A ^ considerable quantity of large and valuable ELM TIMBER, lying in a field adjoining the River at Newport; the whol -, or part of which, may be treated for on reasonable terms, by application to Mr. Wm. Mortimer, build- r. New- po t N. 3. The Oak Timber may be viewed and tr-.- atcd for by apyiying as above. [ y:;) BLANDFORD ST. MARY, DOtiSET O be SOLD by PRIVATE
CONTRACT,— A neat Sashed and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, with a Walied- in Garden adjoining; and Mali- house near the s-. i:; e, which will work 20 quarters per week. The premises alo leasehold, and pleasantly situated in the parish of Blandford St/ Mary, and fit for the immediate reception of a genteel family. • For further particulars apply to Mr. H. Biggi, Blandford. T TAUNTON. rpo he LETT by PRIVATE CONTRACT, and JL enteral on immediately,— A Convenient DWELJ. ING- HOUSE, With a SHOP in irunc, situate near the Msike- t, lately occupied by a linen- diaper, and is well taleultited tor the wine and spirit fraifc, as
it may be accommodated with most excellent archetl vaults. Apply personally, or by letter ( post paid), to M. C, Tcui- tr. in, Taunton. f: ifti MITRE INN, GO SPORT. FOR SALE bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,- AH that FREEHOLD INN, called the HITRG, at Gospoit, with a Stable and two Tenements adjoining, being .. lu- iSly situated Bear the hew Barracks and leading to Cold Haiti . ut", now in full trade:. possession may be had at Michaelmas neat. For particulars apply to. Mr. John Drew, wmeHndbian. lv- merchant, Southampton; who- would have no objection to exchange with any gtotl.- man haying an inn or pubiichonst in os near
Southampton. [ uG.! POLYGON, SOUTH ANhl'ON. \ HOUSE, with Coach- House, Stable, and Ggr- Jt den, fit for the residence of 3 gentleman's family, TO BE LETT unfurnished, a. n l may be enteral on immediate'?. For particulars apply'to Mr. Geo. Hookey, Southampton"; if by letter free of postage. [ y4 > SOU rHAMPTON. D be LETT, fur a. tctin of seven years, at a moderate rent,— A genteel HOUSE, situated in the most eligible part of the High- street, tax tree and unfurnished, fit to accommodate a small genteel family, and may be • 1.- tered on immediately or in September next. | 4„ 7 Apply ( post paid") to Mr. J. Lomer,'
174, High- street. r|*, 0 be LET, EURNXSHEII, till March next. X PROSPECT LODGE, beautifully situated, on the Ly, mnigton River, and convenient to the hot and cold salt wa » er baths.— Seven acres of Grass Land may be rented witii tfu house. . ' " Applications to be made to Mr. Perkins, Lymington ; if by letter, post paid. " rq o 7 r|^ 0 be LETT, for a Term of Five, Seven, or I'our- 1 teen Years, at Michaelmas next,—— A GRIST and EDGE- TOOL MILL, with a comfortable Dwelling- house, Bake- house, extensive Store- houses, Stable, large Gat den, and with or without two Cottares. situated on a fine stream of water, ar. d
within 1J mile of the town of Poole. The above is a desirable iniatiou for carrying on an exten- sive trade in tile meal and biscuit Fne. For farther particulars apply at Mo. ire's Circulating Library, Poole; and for 1 view of the premises, to Mr. Maybe, at Parkstone, near Poole. ' 117 T MARCH WOOD, NEAR SOUTHAMPTON. rPO be LETT, and entered on immediately,— A 1 neat Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, pleasant y situated on the borders of the New Forest, West side, and in view of Southampton Water ; consisting of a parlour, hall, kitchen, pantiy, cellars, See. three bed rooms, and g- irrefs ; a large garden, orchard,
court yard, granary, stable, ai d other necessary offices attached ; with or without three ncrei of land and common riehts. . For a v. w of the premises. apply to John Soorey, at Marchwood, anil for particulars, ( if bv letter, postpaid) either to Messrs. Say, idrrs, Eiing, or Mr. Geo. Hookey, Auctioneer, Southampton. ' fsa BROCK. ENHURST, NEW FOREST, HANTS, Four Miles fmm Lymingtrm, three from Lyvdkurst, thirttm from Southampton, itnmcy, and Argteood. be LE1T, for a ' l'crm, and entered on imrne- S diately, with or without li rty acres of Land — A small n- eat HOUSE; cons: sting of a good entrance pss- age, two good
parlours, kitchen, dairy, brew- house, ci liar, wa, sh- house, & c. three good beil- rooms, study, and two lavtir. n' rooms; good garden, small green- house, tbrt-- ste. il sciblr, granary, bam, and other ou'- buildings, with vvery cor. v-- nience f jr a small genteel family.—- Mail couch passes by the door to and from London ev - ry d. iy. For further particulate apply it by letter, po; t pai l) to Mr. R. Finch, Batand Ball, Brockehhui'st. j;.) 4 HYTHE, NEAR SOUTHAMPTON. r 2 10 be LETT,— for one Year certain, and rnrcr, J JL on immed'i tely, wit'a or without Land, A com- fortable FAMILY- HOUSE, FURNISHED; consisting of an entrance
hall; dining- room, 18 ft. by l61t. ; drawing- room, l6f by 16 feet; sitting- room, study, kitchen, wash- house, dairy, larder, tec. sixbefi- rooti's, s- rvants'ilitto, and laundrv • a walled garden, co.- h- h. iiv-, and stabling; surrounded by beautiful interesting sevn- ry. The tenant may be accommodated with n," 1, r° s 0r cxeri- lent arable and meadow land, ban. s, atabliiig, & c.; noiv in the occupation of'Capt tin Larcom". N. B. May be viewed by tickets, ar. d particulars known by application at the office of William Curry, Esq. Town Clerk, Southampton; if by letter, free of postage. [. ly'S PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. Where sr. n. rs
Also by the PRISTEBS AND EOOESELLF. HS in the West of E.-, GLANDJ by tte respective Nfr afc- r BP O DIE! J. DOW DING, AND J. I. UXEOttD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY; Orders. Mi rrt> s. mi avtlnsfH . ietl- Ui ., V" irs arc received ( Postage paid.) , . i. id in London by o'"- - s TAVLOft and NF- WTQiN, No. 5, V.' arwiek- Suuare. \ Yarwick-! an( eJ Newgate- Street, and Mr. WT. KIE, Bo;- k'. eUerJ Paternoster- E' w, - St. Paul's.