The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Issue Number: 3726
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 18/07/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3726
No Pages: 4
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nawfUtknit TE AND' GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, .' DORSET, AND SOMERSET ^. BXpf^ iJIQ- •' " L'' T [ NUMBER 3726. VOLUME LXXIIL] MONDAY, JULY 18, 1808. PITTCE • E SIXPENCE. / Stamp Duty....; ^ i'aper ana Print i • Monday'' x and Tuesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. ALBAG- ETTE, June 2. IT is positively known that dispatches Tiave been intercepted from Murat to Baron De Albala, at Valen- tia, appointing liiin Captain- General of that Kingdom and Murcia, and informing him that b' 000 French troops Would arrive from Catalonia, to preserve the public tran- quility. The people rose and took
vengeance on this vile instrument of the Grand Duke ; his head, placed on a pole, was carried through the city, and at length tixed up in the Grand Square, as a warning to all those who may have the meanness to sell their country. Ovir. no, June 29.— Letter; from Madrid state., that the French General Le Febre De Nattes has been routed by the troops of Arragon, between Mullen and Gallen, » ith his division of 6000 men ; that General Renne, or Rennes, viho was marching with a division of 3000 men to reinforce Dupont, had also been defeated; that the French in the vicinity of Tudela were annihilated after the action of the
9th ; that General Savery occupied the Royal Palace ; that Murat remained indisposed at Cliarmartin ; and that the works at Rmi. jo were going on with, the artillery to supply 11. in being taken from Segovia and Aranjeuz. LONDON, MOND A Y, JULY 11. Yesterday evening a Spanish Gentleman, a Member of the Junta at Oviedo, arrived in town, accompanied by Lieut. Leech. He left Oviedo on the 2d inst. and has brought accounts of decisive successes having been obtained in different parts of Spain by the Patriots over the French. The Ov)( do Gazette of the 2d inst. contains an official account, signed Joseph Palafox, of the
defeat of the French near Saragossa, with very considerable loss. By these dis- patches, it appeal's that " the Provinces of Lerida, Tortosa, Sen de Urge!, Cerbera, Ignalada, as well as others of Catalonia, and the ad'aeent Provinces of Castile, had orga- nised themselves ui the command of the Captain- Gene- ral of Arragon, a ma of talents and approved patriotism. This morning an Gfficei arrived at the Admiralty with dispatches from Lord Collingwood and Sjr C. Cotton. The dispatches from Sir C. Cotton, down to the 14th of June, confirm the reports of a general spirit of detestation of the French Government in Portugal, in
many parts- of which it has been formally abolished, and that of the Prince Regent re- establislied. The substance of the dispatches was sooh after communicated to the Lord Mayor, in a letter from Lord Mulgrave. Our readers will find a full detail of this interesting intelligence, extracted from the London Gazette, in tlie next page. Dutch papers to tlieoth inst. have been received, which are chiefly curious, as far as they relate to Spain, in exhibiting to us the aspect of affairs which Bonaparte wishes to hold out to France. The French and Spaniards ill Cadiz are represented as being in the most perfect state of har- mony ; and it is
even said that the two fleets are about to sail from Cadiz together, to fight the English fleet! It is stated that the new King Don Joseph is not yet gone to Madrid, but no mention is made of the day when he is to set off for the capital ; though it is said that his brother Napoleon is about to quit Bayoime for Paris. There is little intelligence respecting the North. A 5vamber " of French soldiers are - said to be assembling in Sile- ia, and they are to be put into all the garrisons in place of the Prussian soldiers, under pretext of easing the in- habitants of the burthen of having them billettedupon them CORN- EXCHAVGF., Monday, July 11.
Our supply of Wheat this morning not being large, occasioned brisker sales, and pr•• ducal rather better prices than late > n the day, and'the '• LaiingTrade, upon the whole, closed at nearly last Mon- day's currency.— Barley, from a short supply, likewise acquired a trifle more money; but Malt is a very heavy article.— Scarce any W hite Peas at market, and prices indefinite.*— Grey Peas remain without alteration; but the two sorts of Beans and O ts are dearer, and that from the same c* ase as above ; viz. Short supplies.— Fine Flour 68 « . per sack. SMITIIFIEVP MARKET, July 11. This day's market was amplv supplie * with
prime Cattle; but Mutton, Veal,' and J. U!. ' sr •!> arer than our 1\ it re port; Pork is cheaper • Beef sup- oil • L « st price, and the trade in general was brisk. PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, July 12, 1808. N Thursday the 21 st inst. I shall be ready to reccioe finders in writing fsealed up), and treat for l. ooo ftuaiters of ENGLISH WHEAT, for the service of this porl, to weigh b » B*. per tmhet, and in case it should tteizk a. bore ftsZ& t. per bushel. theovertepight will, be paid for, to be delivered in one month ; which will be paid. J'or by kills, payable with v terest, ninety days after date. No regard will Iv had to Any Tender, in
which the price shell nit, he inserted in words at length, or that shall not he dt'ioered before twelve o.' clock on the said %\ st instant; nor unless the persons who make the same, or some, person on their behalf', attend to answer thereto when called for. J WM. REEKS. N. S,— The Conditions of the Contract may be seen at. my Office. I ARCHDEACONRY OF DORSET. .•\ TOTICE is hereby given,— That the ARCH- DEACON of DORSET will hold his VISITATION • « u the dajs and at the places undermentioned, to wit. At SIIASTON, Monday, 15thof August, 1808. BtANDroRD, Tuesday, 16th. Do it CHESTER, Wednesday, 17th.
KKIDPORT, Thursday, isth. CSRNE, Friday, 19 th. At which places all Executors of Wills who have not yet pr. ved the same are desired to attend, in order to take upon themselves the execution thereof, or renounce their . right thereto; and all others who are entitled to administer to In- testate's, Meets are also desired toatteml, that they may have Letters of Administration granted to them, otherwise, & c. 41 lj J. MONDAY, Not. Pub. Dep. Reg.. LONDON ANU SOUTHAMPTON NEW ROAD, through Bishop's Jl'allham. rpHE next Meeting of the Trustees of the said JL Road is appointed to be held at the Dolphin Inn, Bi- shop's
Waltham, on Thursday the 21st day of July inst. at twelve o'clock at noon. W. M. GUNNER, Clerk. Bishop's IValtham, JulyW, 1808. [ 2S' 2 FrOME TURNPIKE ROADS. THE next Meeting of the Trustees is appointed to be held at the George Inn, in Frome, on Thursday the 28th d v of July, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. 2y; s] ' JS. AY. WICKHAM, Frome, July 11, 1808. Clerk and Treasurer. BURSLEDON BRIDGE AND ROADS. NOTICE is hereby given,— That a GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Company of Proprietors of Bursledon Bdd » e and Roads w. H be holden at the tied Lion Inn, near the Sridie., on Monday the 8th day
of August next, a; eleven o'clock in the forenoon, when a full attendance of the Pro- prietors is earnestly ' requested. Those Members who intend staying to dine, are requested to send early information thereof either to the Clerk, or to Mr. Wsldroh at the above inn, that adequate provision may berna ' e. By order of the Committee, DAVID COMPIGNE, Clerk. Gosport, Julys, 1S08. [ v » 5 WINCHESTER PAVEMENT. NOTICE is herebv " iven, That from and after the j3l 95th instant, the STREET TOLLS will be taken at Shortledge Gate on the fallowing days in every year; namely, ' from '- ii'-' raorn'. r. g of the day next but one
before Magdalen ISisl at-..; Giles's Hill, and the two Winchester Fairs, for that and the four following days, from the Monday morning to Saturday night in the week in which the election of the College near Winchester shall be holder.; and from the marinas of the day next before, the day of the Races, com inbnlv called the Winchester Races, during that and the five following days," pursuant to the Pavement Act passed in the eleventh year of the King : the Trustees of the lower district cf the Winchester Turnpike Road having given notice to the Commissioners of the Pavement " that they intend to discon- tinue the Annual Payment
made by them to the said Com- missioners, in lieu of such tolls, from and alter the said 25th vsy of July instant." JOHN FAITHFULL, Clerk to the said Commissioners. WINCHESTER, July 14, 1608. - £ 323 SAINT MARY'S, BLAND FORD, DORSET. MRS. KERLY's FRENCH BOARDING It'J Sl- IOOll opens, after the present vacation, on Mon- day, July the 25th. [£ 63 LADIES' SCHOOL, SHERBORNE, DORSET. MISS ANDREWS respectfully informs her Friends and the Public, that her SCHOOL will re- open on Monday the 25th of July, 1S08. ACREMAN- STREET, July 1808.' [ 340 STALBRIDGE, Jui. Yfi, 1S08. THE Miss
GALPINE's BOARDING- SCHOOL will open again on Monday the 18th of July inst. [ 243 BECKINGTON, SOMERSET. MRS. E. PARRISH acquaints her friends and the i. VJL public, that Ker SEMINARY will recommence on Monday the 25th inst. T302 Ladies' Boarding School, Corshcnn,- Wilts. MRS. ELLIS respectfully informs her friends and the public, that her School will re- open on Moiiday the 18th of July, 1808. [ 304 MRS. SAFFERY's SCHOOL re- opetis, after the present recess, on Monday, July. 25,— One or two va- cancies expected.— CAsltE- STrEET, SALISBURY. [ 327 CLOSE or SALISBURY. THE MISS
BEALES BOARDING- SCHOOL will open, after the present vacation, on Monday the 1st of August. KS* A Half Boarder wanted, that has been used to a School. pt) 5 . THE MISS LUDLOWS' SCHOOL will re- commence after the present vacation on Monday, July the 18th. Their number is limited to twenty;. and they endeavour with increasing solicitude to cultivate in the minds of the young Ladies entrusted to their care, a love of elegant accomplishments, and of domestic avocations. ChrisTCHurCH, July 8, 1808. [ 332 Ladies' Boarding School, Huntley, Hants. MISS ALNER respectfully begs leave to return thanks. to her
friends and the public for the liberal en- couragement she has received ; and informs them that he." SCHOOL will re- open on Monday the 18th inst. N. B. The terms are moderate.— French, Dancing, Geo- graphy, Writing, and Arithmetic on the usual terms. llmsUy, July 4, 1908.:' [ 20.5 MISS MAY, with grateful acknowledgments to her Friends for the encouragement she has already ex- perienced, begs respectfully to inform them, that her SCHOOL, after the present vacation, will re- commence" on Monday the 1st of August, 1808. ANDOVER, July 14. [ 31B LADIES' BOARDING SCHOOL, Hampton Court, Southampton, Hants.
MISS BURTON informs her Friends and the 1. T A Public, that her SCHOOL will re- commence on Tues- day, July the 56' th. TERMS for Boarders, twenty- six guineas per annum, wash- ing included. Day Boarders, twelve guineas. Day Scholars, four guineas per annum. [ 344 LADIES' BOARDING- SCHOOL, WHITCHURCH. CHARLOTTE SAVAGE respectfully informs her Friends that her SCHOOL recommences on Monday the fSth of July. She returns her most grateful acknowledg- ments for the very liberal support she has experienced, and assures'the friends of such Ladies as are entrusted to her care, that every attention
will be paid to render their situation com- fortable.— Terms are moderate, and may be known by apply- ing at the School. [ 358 MR. WARD respectfully in f'ornis his Friends- and the Public, . that ft is " ACADEMY v. aTl open again after the present recess on'Monday the 25th instant. N. B. An ASSISTANT wanted. SOUTHAMPTON, July 16, 1808. •> [ 345 TOTTON, NEAR SOUTHAMPTON. TWITHERS, truly grateful for past favours, most • respectfully informs his friends and the public that his SCHOOL will re- open on Monday the 18th inst. . [ 212' ANDOVER, JC'TY i, IPES. , MARCER respectfully informs his friends and • the
public, that his SCHOOL, for ' the reception.; of young Gentlemen, will- r commenceon 7* Iondy. y the I :. th inst. Hursley Acaiemit, near winchester, Hants. MR. CALLAWAY respectfully informs his friends and the public, that his ACADEMY' will re- open on Monday the 18th inst. French and Dancing taught on moderate terms. Hursley, July 4, 1808. " ' [ 204 SHERFIELD SCHOOL. R. WATSON'S respectful compliments to l} is . friends, and informs them that his School will open again on Monday the 18th inst.; at the same time thanks them for past favours, and begs leave to solicit a continuance of'them, [ 310 THE RINGWOOD
GRAMMAR- SCHOOL, by the Rev. H. DAVIES, will he opened, after the pre- sent vacation, on Monday the 18t- h inst, [ .-., 7 SWATHLING FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. JCROUCH, jun. entreats the Parents of those • Pupils entrusted to his care, to accept his most grateful thanks for past favours, anil bees to inform them and the Public, the business of his School will re- commenceon Mon- day the 18th of July. [ 15 Twyfard, ' near Winchester, Hants. THE Rev. Mr. CRADOCKE's CLASSICAL and FRENCH TUITION ( for a limited number of Pupils under fourteen years of age) wMl re- commence the 25th of Julv, 1808. The
design of this establishment is to unite, as much as possible, the advantages of a public and a private education. It claims confidence in its unremitting endeavours after this end, from the rapid progress its pupils are hitherto allowed to have made ( although at so early an age) in the several branches of useful and ornamental information ; and from the satisfaction invariably expressed with their indulgent treat- ment. The mode of instruction is on the most approved and expeditious plan ; and every effort is used to render the Pupils as happy as if at home* The French Language is perpetually spoken in the house, and particular
pains are taken to habituate the Pupils to speak and write English with elegance. While Language constitutes the principal object, Writing, Arithmetic, Geo- graphy, Sc. receive no less attention than in English Schools. The situation is peculiarly eligible and heafthy ; the ac- commodations genteel and spacious ; and the anxiety for the comfort, morals, and improvement of the young Gentlemen, unceasing. [ 246 BUDBRIDGE- HOUSE ACADEMY, ISLE OF WIGHT. r] pHE business of this Seminary will re- commence A on the 40th instant.— Mr. ATTWOOD gives his best and grateful thanks to his Friends, who have so liberally
supported his establishment; and he, in return,, will continue to merit their favour by his unceasing exertions towards the happiness and comfort of the young Gentlemen who are placed under his. cnarge. The improvement of his Pupils is the only criterion by which an adequate idea of the respectability of the Academy may he formed. Mr. A. further add"., that the sublime theory of the Mathe- matics in general are familiarly reduced to practice; easy examples of Problems the most abstruse are rendered evident to the senses of the young and inexperienced mind; in short— method is the life, of science and of business; Book keeping, by single and double entry, are taught here as practically as in the merchant's office in London, whose communications extend over the Globe; Navigation, Surveying of Land, Timber Measuring, Huilding, Geography, Mapping, & c.; Latin, French, Dancing, Drawing, & c. by experienced and approved masters. The salubrious situation of Bitdbridge, its solitude, its being detached from towns or villages, gives it a pre- eminence in point of the exercise of thought e. nd of the reasoning faculties. The Terms are moderate.— Mr. A. can give the most re- spectable references if required;— Particulars of the Academy will be
thankfully communicated to any friend who will i make the application. | Health, cleanliness, and the comfort of the young Gentle- J men are particularly attended fo. [ 345 SCHOOL BOOKS and WRITING PAPERS. AVery LARGE and WELL ASSORTED Collection of SCHOOL BOOKS, all the best Editions, and a capital Stock of SUMMER MADE WRITING PAPERS, are now selling, at the London Prices, by BRODIE, DOWDING, and LUXFORD, Successors to Mr. ' COLLINS, at the Printins- Office, Canal, Salishiru. The terms will be found highly advantageous to persons dealing for MONEY. ' [ 284 AN ENGLISH AND
COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, Castle- street, Salisbury. WWILLS, with gratitude for favours conferred, • respectfully accounts his Friends and the Public, that his School, for the reception of Boarders and a limited number of Day- scholars, will open again on Monday the 18th instant. At this School Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, and the Mathematics, are familiarized to the youthful mind; and every requisite for the counting- house of the merchant and man of business, elucidated in the most comprehensive and practical manner. CASTlE- STREET, July 1, 1808. [ 58 FiSHERTON ACADEMY-, NEAR SALISBURY. MR.
WEST, grateful for favours conferred, res- pectfully informs his Friends and the public, bis Aca- demy for Writing, Grammatical and Mathematical Tuition, will ' be re- opened on'Monday the l « tll of July. FIShERTON, June 29th, 1808.- ' [ 60 EDUCATION. C. HILL most respectfully informs his friends ar d . V the public,, that his SCHOOL will re- open on Mon- day the lfjth inst.— Sarum, Close Gate, July 7, 180S. [ 241 WILTON SCHOOL, ( THREE- M1t. ES FROM SALISBURY). 1 JPHELPS, respectfully informs his friends and the . public, that his SCHOOL opens oh Monday the 18th of July inst. English Grammar, Readine with
propriety, Penmanship, and Arithmetic, including Merchants'" Accompts, are the leading'bbjebtS Of instruction ; and due attention paid to the health and morals of the young Gentlemen entrusted to his care. . [ 30U AMESBURY, WILTS. W. COX respectfully informs his friends and a li- • beral public, that his SCHOOL will open again, after the present recess, on Monday the 25th inst. and that he can accommodate a few more Pupils, who will be liberally treated on moderate terms.— J My ft, 1808. [ 227 BRATTON SCHOOL. [ 40 MR. WILLIAMS respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that his Sehool re- opens July I8th.
HOLT ACADEMY, WILTS, JULY 4, 1808. NO VACATION. THE Course of Studies will be resumed at this Se- , minary on Monday the 18th inst. Mr. ARNOT having considered the repeated representations of parents and guardians, respecting the injurious tendency of long vacations on the minds of the young Gentlemen un- der his care, and entertaining similar sentiments on that sub- ject, has resolved that in future this Seminary is not to break up at any time of the year, but continue open withoutany. recess whatever. The parents or guardians of any of the pupils will be at li- berty to Call them home at any time for a week, or
more, at their own discretion, by letter addressed to Mr. A. giving a few days previous notice, on which he will grant such pupil le: vc in writing agreeably thereto. ' ' any g^ od reasons might be given for adopting this plan, which it does not seem expedient to submit in this'place, but which Mr. Arnot will most readily explain to those who are interested in the result. [ 303 Child OKeFord, near blANDford, Dorset. G. MONK, with gratitude fpr favours received, • respectfully informs his frienes and the public that his SCHOOL, for the reception of Boarders and Day Scholars, wiil open again the* T8th inst. N. B. An ASSISTANT wanted—
a good Penman and Ac- coniptant.—! ' ated July 4, 1808. [ 201 CHILD OKEFORD BOARDING- SCHOOL. JLONGMAN respectfully acquaints his friends • and the public, that his SCHOOL will open attain July 18, 180?, [ 230 WEST- STREET, DORCHESTER. 1 W. ZILLWOOD, jun. grateful for favours re- „ ceived, most respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that his ACADEMY opens again on Monday the 18th of Julv. [ 272 Ttvuford Grammar, Mathematical, and Commercial Academy, near Winchester, Hants. -, MR. HANINGTON, with respectful Ccmpl • ments and best Thanks to the Friends of the youn ; Gentlemen
under his tuition, informs themand the Publii, that the business of the School Vvill re- commebce. on Mondt r the 25th instant. Mr. H. flatters himself that the improvi - ment his Pupils have made since Christmas, will insure hit 1 the continued support and- recommendation of th- ir varan s and Guardians, to obtain which no expence or exertion has or shall be spared. Mr. H. fcmbraccs this opportunity of remafking, that, it liis School, the theory of the Merchant's office, and the dif- ferent methods' of Book- keeping, arc reduced to practice, so essentially necessary, but so much neglected in the generali v of schools. Navigation,
Surveying of Land, Timber, HI d Building, Geography, Mapping, and the different branch. s of the Mathematics,' are taught in a- familiar, easy, and pi: c- tical manner : in short, Mr. H. only withes to !> e made ac- quainted with the situation his Pupils' are designed for in lilt-, and be then engages faithfully and'honestly to use hi? best endeavours to qualify them in the most expeditious manner possible. Latin, French, Dancing, Drawing, & c. Dy ap- proved and experienced masters. The comforts and health of the young Folks are particular objects of the Master's attention, to promote'which the pre- mises are very commodious and
airy, the play- groi. nd large, private, and dry, and the situation altogether is allowtd to be equal to any seminary in the kingdom. J The terms, which are moderate, and other particulars may be known on application to Mr. Hanington, who will give the most respectable references if required. Any Youth or young Man that has made a tolerable progress in figures, and wishing to be instructed in the practical part of Surveying Land and Timber, together with Book- keeping sufficient for common business, may be so far qualifi- d in a few months; but in this case he will be expected to confihe himself to the study of these branches
alone, and a small extra chargcwiU. be made.-— r% uyford, July a,. 1803, [ 1.3 CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. THE SCHOOL conducted by the Rev. A. MORISON, A. M. will re- open on M. mday the 18th instant. Mr. M. would deem himself deficient in gratitude to his, friends and the public, if he omitted to acknowledge the very flattering encouragement with which he has been honoured i; i the line of his piofession; a patronage which he has uni- formly endeavoured to deserve by the closest personal appli- cation and the most unceasing attention to every thing con- nected with the morals, health, comforts,
and solid improve- ment of his pupils. At this seminary particular attention is paid to English Composition, a- branch of education the most evidently neces- sary towards the practical purposes of life; yet so generally, overlooked, even at schools of eminence, that it is no un- usual thing for young men, who have passed with applause.^ through a regular course of classical education, to find them- selves, on their first introduction to the commerce of the' world, utterly at a loss how to express with perspicuity or ar- range with accuracy their ideas m writing on any common topic in their native tongue. Mr. M. feels himself entitled to
add, that the mode of in- struction which has succeeded so well, and which has given such general satisfaction, will be continued in his school, un- der every improvement which books or experience may sug-" gest. In addition to these advantages, he thinks himself for- tunate in being able to offer the accommodations of ^ house in every respect suited to the purpose, which is roomy, com- modious, with an excellent play- ground, and having the singular advantage of a Cold Bath within the premises. Mr. M. begs to offer sincere thanks to those numerous friends who intended to entrust to his care the tuition of theif children as
day- scholars. He shall never cease to cherish) with the most grateful feelings, the recollection of the prefer- ence shewn him: But, as it is utterly incous; 3tent with his plan to increase the number of his pupils of A ' descriptions he solicits permission respectfully to state, that it is not at pr ® sent in his power to avail himself of the tinour ints « ded hoi* ST. ANN S- STREET, SARUM, July 6, 1S6S. , pf9 1 Irish Linens, Sheetings, and Table Linen, At BECKING SALE'S WAREHOUSE, . SIL. VKP.- STREF. T, SALISBURY. , THE above Warehouse is completely Stocked with every description of LINEN DRAPERY, Sc. 800 Pieces of
the best Gingiams, tod. per yard ; 150 pieces of ell- wide Ginghams, 1< Gd. per yard ; a large quantity of Ja- pan Muslins, at 18d. per yard; two bares of. checked Muslin, yard and a half wide, ,14d. and lCd. per yard ; good Shirting Calicoes at itl. a yard ; a quantity of cotton damask Table Linen si low as 2s. " a clcth; 200 different Patterns of Worked. Robes; a variety of Veil.- , Bordering?;, & c. ; a fresh supply of Cotton Stockings' ;\ Ladies' Silk Sfcckings as Ibw as' 6s. Sd. a pah'— An extra allowance on . Stockings by the half dozen. SALISBURY, WILTON, and LONDON FLY ^ WAGGONS, daily, to and from, the CASTLE and
FALCON, ALHERSGATE- STKEET, London, aad thiit V< aae- house, Milford- street,. - Salisbury. Thes Waggons take up and put down Goods" at the Old White Hdrse Cellar, and Black Bear, Piccadilly., No Money, Plate, Jewels, Gla$>, or other, valljaale or haza; dous Goods will be paid for, if broken'or'tost,' unless entered as such, and, paid for aecotdificlv. NICHOLAS BROWNE „ .'• • 130] • JAMES BRICK, •'} Proprietors. , THIS De. Y WAS PUBl- lSUilD, THE SHIPWRECK of St. PAUL, s.- S^ tpman Prize Poem. By tb- Rev. CHARLES JA.> UI* UOAHE, A. M. Fellow of St, John's College, Cambridge, and Vicar of Blandford,
Dorset. - Sold by Hatchard,. 1,90, Piccadilly; and J. Shipp, book-, sei'vr, Blandford, price Tivo Shillings. [-' 137, ' HANTS-, OR DORSET. TTSTANTED, between this time and Michtielmas, ti by a Family, as a constant Residence, and for a term of years,— A HOUSE containing thtee or if four - moderate sized rooms oh a floor the ' letter, with the usual offices, good garden, water, and from ten to fifty acres of land. If m i village having a- Cburch, the more desirable;, but whether so or not, no how more than two miles from a market town, and those situate near the Coast, will be preferred. Address particulars to Mr. Murrell, Skinner street, Snow- hid, London.. [ 5S6 BOARD AND LODGING. ASINGLE LADY wishes to Board and Lodge in a respectable Family. An unquestionable reference will be given. Please to address ( post paid) M. S. No. 8, Downing- street, Westminster. [. J 18 WANTED immediately,— A CURATE, to take cure of two Churches in the most beautiful partof the Isle of Wight. For further particulars apply ta Mr. Rob- bins, bookseller, Winchester.— July 15, 180S. .[ 355 • A TUTOR. " 5" S7' ANTED, in a Gentleman's Family,— A Young V V MAN, well qualified to instruct three boys, ( the elder one turned of eight years), in English, LatinJ
Geography, Writing, and Arithmetic. He must possess'good manners; and a most unexceptionable character will be required. Enquire at the Printing- Office. [ 3' Sfl W" ANTED immediately after the present vacation, an'ASSISTANT in a respectable School in the county of Wilts, properly qualified fo teach writing and accompts, and if he can assist in teaching the English grammar the more agreeable. Proper references to character and abilities Will he expected. Apply by letter ( post- paid) to William Deadman, Chilton Foliat, Wilts. [ 361 TO ASSISTANTS." \ TT ANTED, at a Hoarding School in Hampshire, » V — An ASSISTANT,
to teach t( » e Classics to a smalt num'ber of Pupils, and who will be required to superintend as to the general businessof the School,--— Salary, forty . guinea per annum, and board with the Principal. Prop r testimoni ' will be. required. Apply ( if by letter, pc? t paid) to. Post- office, Droxford.— Jitlv 14, ieofl* • WANTED immedia- ' • .-- T-. vo APPREN- TICES to the Ml!.;;:.:" and MANTUA MAKING Business. For particulars cr\ r : • t t: . Post- office,. Crartborn, Dor- set; if by letter, pot - p.'.. I . '-;-,.: [- 222 TIrANTED*-—- SITUATION / by, a. ' T abpi.: no. years cf agaj always bred in'tlie Fanning Business- and cau measure Land. He
wishes to assist any Gentler. , n Farmer, or superintend any Business,' for'his' board and washing only. A line addressed ( pest paid) - to Mr. Lacy, High- street, Sa- lisbury, will'be duly attended t .•. [ 1322 WANTED,-— A steady MAN- SERVANT, to be within doors,' in a Small Family.— Enquire of the Printers. [ 311 WANTED" IMmed 1 ately, — TWO JOURNEYMEN COOPERS. Men who understand their business will meet with constant employ, and good wages will be given ; and, if married, houses will be provided if required. Apply to John Reeves, Downton.— June 25, 1808. .: - [ 192 TO SHOE- MAKERS. WANTED
immediately,— A WOMAN'S HAND, who may have constant employ by 4pplying" to Ann Sheppard, Fordingbridge,' Hants. [ 3.35 WANTED, A MAN and* his WIFE, with a a small, or no Family. The Man to take the charge of a Garden, and his Wife the management apd cafe of- Poultry and a. small Dairy. Enquire personally or by . letter ( post paid) to- Mr. Lovell, draper ' and taylorj ' at Tottpn, near Southampton.' [. 347 BAILIFF^. WANTED, to take the general Management 0? an extensive arable Farm in Hampshire,— A single! middle- aged MAS, he- must be a^ goari practical Farmer, audi Understand live stock and markets,
must have served gentle- men in the above capacity.,, and hate an undeniable character for sobriety, honesty, and experience in all farming business. . PajtLcp) ars,, st< iting- qualifications, and where tile partv has lived, addressed by letter, post paid, to Mr. Marline, White Hart- Inn, BAgshoT, will be attended to. - ( i j* No one; necd afiply who has bein in business for him- self, or who has n6t lived three years in his last place.— Good wages will be giveni [ 138 Irr— r- 1'' - '-. •' .; ——— _ —— TO he Exchanged,- r— Four Couple of. - y « u( ig hand- some FOX- HOUNDS for a few Couple ofDVv'AIU- HARR1EKS; not to; excecd
ia. inches in height. Enquire at Messrs. Brodie, DowdINg, and Luxford's, Ca- nal, Salisbury.. f209 > XJO he SOI^ D,—- A SOCIABLE, with an awning JL. and curtains complEAt, with lining to take in and out", barouche b< wt, Salisbury boot,-& o.' To be seen at the King's Anns Inn, Salisbury, during the Race Week,— Price 25 Guiheas, ' f< 2ps ' HANTS SESSIONS. OTIC F. H hereby r< iveb,-— That the Gen. ral-. i. ^ Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of South- ampton, wili be halden at the Ca.- ile of Winchester, on Monday the 11th C;|- of inly next, M one o'cl& t'k in the afternoon, at which time the Court will be
opened,' e- vl immediately adjrttlrned tb Monday the esth « r the i- ame July, precisely ar ten o'clock in the forenoon, to be nim holden at the Ca? ile of Winfchfttir aforesaid, wlu ; i lil Con- stables, Bailiffs, Jurors, and others coticer. iej, are hereby required to give their attendance. And in order to give ali- possihlsdispatch to the business, the • luring til- Whole ® f the Soa » ons, " tjiat'the cSwirt may call 011 the Ciuses in such order anffat such times as they shall see convenient. ,7M must be entered with 4he Cleric, of the Peace, pre- • curisly to fh « . opening of the Court On Monday morning, or the . parties trill :. ot be permitted to
try. f Convictions are to be relume 11 » the Ci.* k of tilcPeaoe h,- the / e lective Justices', Clerks, on or before the day pit ceihn'r the Aiiouir.- ment, , \ / ' ' A ' Committee of Magistrates' will TUT - nd at the Ovhit? T!;- rt Inn, ill- the city . of- Wi. ich.- stur, ouV'v; Ineed^ y the SJth day- - of July, at eight, o'clock in the mornmz, fo* the purpose of - examiamg the Treasurer's Accounts ; and also all BUis and pother Demands on the c « u. •; « •,' v, • •, Dattd lilts day. of June,, 1803.' T. WOODHAM, DepuwClcrJ; < A the lVace. 9Cf" AH persons who - tiavf; euterjftn& V ..,••;•., • - jes to - ippcw 4f rfjis Sessionscondtraing. A ^ ftV, Ac: V.
required to tajis njitujr, tUrjt'tluv raus!, in ret'deni- 4" » ® Sf IUJFEFRFat this SeV IT: S, . •• ... >- ahdni. ei- y in order to vr idraw the . i- rme, although tflev' m, y previously liavft eo^ prbriH--;- d tv - ftfctttrf FARTNERSli'li- DISSOLVLA ! " VTOTICE is hereby given, Th. 1t. 4he P^ rtnerslvp il lately subsisting between JAMES CHAi > i VN ,1 WILLIAM. STEVENS, as Trowbridge* Bradford,' M ' ksliam, and London Carriers, carried 011 under the firm of Chapman and Company, was on the 2:. th day. of March last diM t, v. d by mutual consult; and the business'is ninv* botltinued b'v trie said James Chapman only, to whom ah debts du to
ti e , i" l Partnership are to'be paid; and bv whom all debts due from the said partnership will be discharged. TROWBRIDGE, July 1, isos. [ 236 JAM, ES CHAPMAN returns his grateful Thanks to his friends and the Public for the many past favours re- ceived during hjs connexion with his late Partner Mr. Stevens, ( whose share and interest in the late business lie has now pur- chased) and hopes by the most diligent attention to their com- mands to merit their future patronage and support. [- 237 N. B. Common Stage Waggons continue to tiavelas USIMI from Frame, Trowbridge, Bradford, Meiksham, Devizes, iic. & c. to the
Castle and Falcon, Alderga^- street, Londoi . ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Mr. WA L- TER BARRY, of Ridge- Farm, near Bomscy, Hants, deceased, are requested to pay their respective amcj « nts to' Mrs. Mary Barry, his widow; and jitLuersgris to'" whom the said Walter Barry stood indebted, are requested to send an ac- count of their sevt^ al demands toTht. s'aid'Mrs; Mary R;; rrv, at Ridge Farm, on or before the 1st cfly « f A « sust next. [(,-' NOTICE TO CREDITORSeAND DKSi'tORS. ' LL Persons having any Claim or Demand upon L the Estate and Effects of'Mr. ROBERT CLARE, for- merly of Devizes, in the
cbunty of Wilts, but lat* of Trim- street, in thefcty of Bath,. Surgeon, d.- ct ased, are earnestly requested by the Executors to deliver in the particulars of theft . demands. to Mr. Slade,- siliciter, in Devizes aforesaid. And all Persohs wlio stood indebted to the said Robert Clar t the time of his death, are required immediately to p. y th amount ! of their respective debts to the said Mr.' Sie. de, on behalf cf . th sr..,.* iij^ c "-• , r thev will Ix; sued for the same without fjfrtiie,-. j - i - ristof july, 180H. f 14 . N'ofui CREDITORS. AL- L persons' wno Demand on the Estate and Effects of Mcs. :• . ' YRBY and JOHN TUR. MiR, late of ' iJlandferd
i'oiuni, in the county of Dorset, Hosiers . a » d Copartners, dec. ased, are de- ' sired to. send. an aecoaot. thereof toThohi. js OaLIJy, of B. and- ford_ afojesaiu, coal- merchant, the Executt. r, 111* order that the sama may be paid : and ail persons standing indebted to the said Estate, are requested tb pay their respective Debts without delay .— Blandford, Jvnetto, 1808. [ 5! WiisrauRY, WILTS, July Jgos. LL Persons having ahv Demand tmon the Estate of Mr. JAMES UORINGE TltOKE,, deceased, are requested immediately .' to send the particulars thereof to Mr. Stephen Hunt, of Warmii st.. r, the cxeeu'tor, in order tiiit the
sanie may be settled. And all jierJons indebted to the ^ aid James Goringe Troke, at his'death, are required to pay the'amount of their debts to the said c tepben li'ant without further notice or delay;- [ 3iu STRAYED fro 111 Crunborne. Cominou-,— Arj aged RED COW, marked in both horns wtth. C. M. and Lit half the hinder teat 011 the risht side. . Whoever will bring the said Cow to Mr. James Stroud, shall receive ONE GUINEA Reward. Isle 0/ mgia. JSlm a'rhl OaJt Timber. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTllACT,— A considerable quantity of JgtgJ'i and valuable ELK TIMBER, Ivina, in a field ajCojmng the River at Newport; tile
whole, Of part'of yhich, rn'ay'be trcated'for, on reasonable te; rp:-.,. by ; p| Jidatibti to Rfc Wm. Mortimer, builder, New- p'< jrt.-- N B The Oak Timber may be viewed and. trettted tor by applying as above. [ 319 - SOUTHAMPTON. rrX> be LETT, for a term of seven years, at a JL moderate rent,— A genteel HOUSE, situated in the; most eligible part of the HiGH- street, tax free and unfurnished, fit to accv. mtnodati a small genteel family, and may'be en- tered on immediately or in September next. [ 3- lii • Apply ( post- paid) , to Mr. J. Lomer, 174, High- street. TO, THE FACULTY. Very eligible Situation now offers itself to the no- .
tice of any Gentleman of altjliries in the Profession,— A well- situated and coMfortabLe DVr'ELUNG- HOUSE. with every desirable coRVeniency attached to it; complete Shop, with Fixtures; some surgical instruments, & c.; which have for many years been occupied by a Surgeon and Apothecary, deceased. The premise? are situated in a populous neighbourhood, where there is every reason to expect success. Terms will be found moderate. Apply by ktter ( post paid; addressed to A. B. to be left at tie Fosi- Olfiee, Southampton,—— June 20tfi, 1S08. [ MS A CRANBQRKE, July 25, 1808. [ 316 FOUND, on the Everting of the
Ifjth of June, 1808, between Salisbury and Andovcr,— A RED MO- ROCCO POCKET BOOK, ( without any ryAmc on it*) j con- taining three si. Bank of England Notes, a il. ditto, and some Country Bank- Notes to a considerable amount.— The owner thereof may have them restored again by giving a true descrip- tion of the book and notes, on paying the expence attending, . bysiddressing a letter ( post paid) A. B. to be left at the Pi st- ottice, Salisbury, till called for. £ ao6 ' '" TO CLOTHIERS AND OTHERS, " ~\ \< IlEREAS a Quantity of Materials in theWool- 1 » len Manufacture, consisting of Vafn of various co- lours, same
wrought and some unwrought, hath been found ' in' the'possession of JAMES MATTHEWS, of the parish of Trdwbridge, in the county of Wilts, weaver, which being inspected to be embezzled, and he ( not producing the party or parties duly entitled to dispose of the . arne, of whom he bought or reoe'ived the same, nor giving a satisfactory account how lie- came by the same, against the form of t: c statute in that case made; hatli been duly CQnvict'.' l of a misdejmeartrr - before two of his Majesty's Justices cf the Peace in tad for the s? id equntjj. i Now, in pursuance of the directions - of t'(-. e said statute,, tliis public notice is
given, that the sai! ma-. riils iire. by order cf the said Justices, d- , C; tl with Mr. Janus Ferris^ overseer of the poor of the parish of Bradtertl, 3 the saifl cotirffy, to the end that persons having lost such teatenyln, or any respectable person or persons on their beh- dt, m y claipi the same, wi. ich.. if not done within thi; ty da<-', Irani the dr. te'hereof, the'same will be sold and disposed ofas the Act directs.— bated H.' A Jply, 1808. * [ 096 WHEREAS We whose Names or Murks are hereunto subscribed and set, did, on Sunday last, ; maliciously and wantonly setaDog at * ome Cows I' - Swuyn ' s Close, near Salisbury, the prcpe'rty of
Mr. John Merris, and did thereby wound and maim one of them big with calf,- so thkt htr life is despaired tif; and having been threatened with a prtpsecution for the Same, hut through the lenity of the :-- aid Mr. John Merris, an. t onr begging his pardon, andprcm' « ' iig never to be guilty of the like ag -. m, he has stayed pjpeeedin; Now we do hereby, publiekl; -,. pardon, ; ind proihi: e never to be guilty of the like ag^' i'n ; and should we sec finy bovs committing the like offer. ee, w,- hereby yrotWise to give immediate notice thereof to ( he said John MirrK As v/ itnesj our hands or marks the ninth day of July, lsfts. WILLIAM
MORGAN. The MarkX of WILLIAM ( HI'. LD. T he Mark X of JOHN CI :' A1. K. The Mark X of SAMUEL HAM. ' The Mark X of JOSEPH CREED. ( Witness) H. T. W'II. MOT. . 307] THE REAL JAPAN BLACKING, * MADE II Y DAY A N" IJ MARTIN, LONDON.! THIS invalual> l(; Composition, with half the usual labour, produces the most brilliant jet- black ever beheld ; affords peculiar nourishment to the leather, will not soil the finest linen, is perfectly free from any unpleasant smell, > and will retain its virtues in any climat '. Sold,. wholesale, by Day and Martin, removed to No.- 97, High Holhiirri, London; and retail at the Printing-
Office, •' Salisbury; Cyulton, Devizes; S tumonds, Blandford; Penny, Sherborne; Clarke, Dorchester; Harvey, Weymouth ; Harold, jun.- Marlborough , Skehou, Southampton; Martin, Ly- mington; Crockford, Castle- Carey; and Moore, Poole; in stone bottles, price is. 6d. each. [ 90
THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL, Weanesdays and Thursday's Posts. FROM THE LOTION GAZETTE OF JULY 12. DOWNJHG- STRSKT, July10. ; T3PATCHES, of which tiie following are • extracts, have been received ' from Major- JS? General Spencer by Viscount Castlereagh, one- of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State. . Extract, dated on board his Majesttfs ship Windsor C/ istle, off Aynmnotv, Jtmc 17. I C6vr. ttXTW. A1B vcrar - ordship on the surrender - of the. French S"-. wdron ol five li. e of battle, shipsandone. frigate, ill the Wi lotu of Cadi/, to the Spanish arms on the 14th jnit. an which day
the Spanish colours were 9ying in all lhe French hip-. It'is also very satisfactory for me to iiiform your Lord- ship, that the movcraiut I have inaite te - this quarter,, at the request of General Morla, has heen attended with the happiest effects. The French troops are retiring in every direction towar/ ls Lisbon, except some very insignificant parties left to occupy the different small lorts and posts oil uns side of Portugal. Extract dated on honri- kin Majesty's brig Scriut, off } Eag'os, if one ST. THE French fleet having surrendered on the 14( h, ami the - Spanish Comtyi' doners having since embarked for England. I heg leave shortly to
recapitulate the different events wlftcli have" tefl' t< » the- e desirable objects, and to tate t. e. j'our l^ ovil Jiip the^ pieient situation of Spain and pormgal, as fiitas' 1- haye obtained correct information. The general fcelifft- of SpaniaYds had been for some • time exciti'd to " the' ' utmost degree of indignation at the conduct of the trench. The ' information of the forced renunciation of the Gfcavn uf Spain by Charles the Fourth, Ferdinand, « nd aft the in favour of Bona- part^,.,^ p. peilred to > b « " the of universal opposition itfthe . views. Jitf- France. -' The'Cotilictt of Sevfflc., one of tjbe principal provincial jurisdictions m SjSpj| K
have< laid bold of some statutes in their constitution, VfWh WtKirue their rejecting the orders of I he Supreme Council of Madrid when that espi- al shall he m the power of foreign'troops. They have therefore asiumad an independent authority in the name < if Fer8inMi « " the Seranth," whom they have proclaimed- King,;' arfd after sotae previous. steps, they have formally itefclared war ag'. iftjt Prance, and have appealed to the Spanish nation t support them; and their supremacy has been acknowledged by the councils of several other provinces. In Andalusia they collected ' rum 15 to 20,000 regular troops, and have put arms in
the hands of upwards of tiO. OiH) peasants. General Castaneos is appointed Gonj- • wander in Chief; and I understand they propose. of the first levies, to augment the establishment of J fit old regiments, to double their present numbers. Provincial assemblies are also forming in most of the large towns, and different depots fixed upon for raising volunteers. t They have a proportion of near 4000 cavalry, and a large quantity of artillery, as Seville is a foundery, and one of tiie Ingest depots in Spain. All accounts agree, that in every part of Spain the in- surrections have commenced almost at the same period; many small
detachments of the enemy, and many officers, have been cut off. General Dupont was on his march to Seville, and had already passed the Morcna Mountains when the insurrec- tion took place. He has pushed on to Cordova, and, by the intercepted dispatches, we learn tie is strengthening him- elf there, and proves to wait for reinforcements. In the mean time the Morena Passes In his rear haverbeeu occupied by 5000 Spaniard;, the road has been broken Up; and, 1 trust, all communication hat been cut oft'. General D'Alril had received orders te join him at Seville with 4000 men, who were to assemble at Alcorentin, but our
arrival off Ayamonte, and the arming of all Spain, and the alarms in Portugal, having prevented this move- ment, I trust that General Junot will not now be able to detach any troops frrtm Poftifgal, though we understand a French corps has been collected at Elvas, but I do not think it can exceed 4000 men, though the reports of its Strength are very various. At Faro the Portuguese have- already risen, have taken or d stroved a detaehmcnt of about 300 men, have seized the arms and ammunition of the province, which the French had collected in a dep& t, and also about 40,000 dollars in gold, which the French General had
amassed. ADMIRALTY- OFFICR, July 19- Extxact of a Letter jroiii Vice- Admiral Lord Ootiingwood, Commander in Chief of his Majestyt ships ami vessels in the Ms- UUerranean, dated Ocean, off Cadiz, June 14. IN my letter of the 12th inst. by " the Alphea, I in- firmed you that application had been made for a ship to carry to England Commissioners appointed by the Supreme Council of Seville, to treat with his Majesty's Ministers o i such matters as are important to the interest of both countries. The Admiral who commands in the port of Cadiz being one of the deputed, they did not choose he should depart until the surrender
of the French ships, - which took place this morning. The Spaniards having constructed an additional battery of 30 heavy guns, and numerous gun and bomb- vessels having taken their stations, the I'reneh ships struck their colour; at seven o'clock this morning, and soon after the Spanis i were hoisted on board them. The French ships, I nnders. and, are not at all injured, as the Spaniards wanted them for their own use ; nor has there been much loss of men o l either side. Tne Governor some days since ( and before I came here) The enthusiasm has communicated fr > m one to the other, and the Portuguese' p ivinces of
TrAlos, Montes, Minho, and the northern part of I'eVi, in imitation of the Spaniards, have liseu in at . us, determined to extir- pate the French from their kingSoui. From the most moderate accounts, besides what are at Opbfto, I may estimate them at upwards of 100,000 then. All the regular regiments disbanded by the French are forming again with the greatest alacrity, » : d will o in join them. I have this day had an interview with his Excel- lency the Governor, conducted to him amidst the shouts and huzzas of the populace. To- morrow I send a party of men to mount the guns of a large Brazil ship, the command of which is given
to an Englishman, / and destined as a floating batt.- ry to de- feud the bridge, in case the French shoV. ld lave the te- merity to approach, though such an event is not to be apprehended.— 1 have the honour to be, & e. ( Signed) G. A. CREVKE. Extract of a Letter from Capt. Digit/, of his Majesty's ship the Cossack, to Admiral Lord Gu'miicr, dated off St. Andcro, THE last opportunity 1, had of writing to your Lord- hip, I acquainted you of my Intention to go to St. Andero. Owing to the strong easterly winds and long calms ' did not get there till the 21st. The Captain of the Port, Don Vincento Camino, came on board ; he told us the
French army- were sown expected to make an attack on the pass in the mountains'' that guarded the approach to the town. The next day a brig Came out of the harbour- full of people of all descriptions, who had left the town on the report that the French were advancing. I immediately got under weigh, and sent Captain Daly, of the Comet, up the har- bour, to gain some Confirmed intelligence, and should tl* e report . prove true, to reconnoitre the fort, and find out v( here the principal magazine was, and, * if it was possible, to destroy it. Between eight and nine P. M. Capt. Daly returned,' with certain information that the French
aniiy had gained the passs and had halted only a few miles from the town, and were expected to eutcr that night or next flay. * - 1 Capt. Daly also made every possible observation, and Vad bimsvlf spiked the guns in two forts near the town, and he requested to go and destroy the magazine, and the ( tuns in the forts that guard the entrance of the halbour. The night being very dark and squally, with every * p- * pear » ncc of bad weather', made me defer it till the " next, morning; at day- liglit we stood Into the bay, and manned and armed two boats frofti each ship", under the orders of Capt. Daly; he was accompanied by Lieut. H.
M. Herbert, of the Cossack, and Lieut. Head, of the Royal Marines, and several of the younger Officers, who all volunteered their- services; they left this ship soon after six o'clo k, and la, nded about eight, spiked all the guns in Fort St. Salvador daAno, and Fort Sedja, and wedged shot in the c' ambers of them, which renders them quite useless ; the magazine was at some little distance, and had 500 whole barrels of powder in it, besides quantities of other stores; all which was completely destroyed, great part by throwing it over the cliffs into the sea,, leaving sufficient to blow up the magazine ; the train was laid fbr a
considerable distance, and it was let off about ten o'clock; which instantly levelled the whole' building to the ground ; finding some inftrepowder in. Ffirt Sedra, a train was laid to it, Which took effect, and blew part of the house and store- house in it up. The boats left the shore by eleven o'clock, and hail just, got round the point of De A.- io, when a considerable body of French dragoons appeared on the hill, ond took post near the smoking ruins of the magazine. I am sorry to say, Capt. Daly, and Lieut. Read of the Mariiles are much srSirched; particularly Lieut. Read, in setting fire to the last train, but am happy to find his eyes are
safe, and he is doing well, Capt. I) aly speaks in high commenda- tion of the zeal and exertion of every Officer and Man employed with him.— I have the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) GEORGE DIGDY. A letter from the Hon. Capt. Dundas, of his Majesty's ship Euryalus, dated in the Great Belt, June 12, states, that in company with his Majesty's sloop Cruizer, on the evening preceding, he discovered several vessels at anchor near the entrance of the Naskon, very close to the shore, and sent Lieut. Head with the boats of the Euryalus and Cruizer ( four in number) to destroy tnein : he executed tUs service with his usual bravery
and judgment, by burning two large vessels fitted for the reception of troop . captarlng a gun- vessel of the largest dimensions, mour. .: g two 18- pounders," and having 64 men on board, m > red within half pistol shot of a battery of three 18- pou'rdei 5, and Uie shoro lined witn tr > ops. Although the enemy defended ttv uiselves well, we had but one man slightly wounded; their loss was great, seven killed and twelve wounded, with many drowned; and they must have suf- fered by the fire from our boats. " WiR- OrriCF., Juhj 12. fiOth Rtg. of Foot.— Major E. Sebright, from the 5th West India Regiment, to be Lieute- nant- Colonel
by purchase.— Col. F. G. Lord Lake, from the 1st Foot Guards, to be Lieutenant- Colonel, vicc Sebright, who exchanges. 73d Ditto.— Capt. A. Geils to b# Major, by purchase, vice Pearson, who retires. BANKRUPTS. Bobert Wilson, of Liverpool, farrier. Jaroos Lovdl/ pf Houndsditch, London, baliter, Joseph Whitehead, of Manchester, cordwaiuer. Thos. Lee, of Liverpool, Innkeeper, Wm, Brrtdtfury, ot Rochdale, woollen- clothkf* James Dovey, of Hereford, wine- merchaflt, Wm. Stretton. of Wadenhoe, butcher. Samuel Hanner, of AldboEou'tth, innkeeper. Thos. Shenston, of Market Bosworth, draper. * i. Orchard, otherwise G. T.
Orchard, of Islington, victualler, John Popplewell, of Kingston- upon- Hull, auctioneer. Ueo. Stokoe, of Sun- slreet, London, plane- maker. requested of Major- Geueral Spencer to proccd to Ayamonte, to op use a detachment of the French army, which was said to' be marching from Portugal by the coa t; and yes- terday the transports proceeded, under the protection of the Zeilous, to that quarter, where the Windsor Castle had conducted a detachment the day before. June 15. The Governor of Cadiz has notified to me, that the Commissioners will be ready to embark in two days. As the Revenge has been stationed near the
town, wilt re Sir John Gore has had much intercourse with the Governor and Chiefs in Command during the late opera- tions, and witnessed the temper and disposition of tile people, I have ordered that ship to receive them, that he may Kive to his Majesty's Ministers the information they may desire of what has come within his observation as to the pi esent state of this part of Spain. Application has been made tj> me this evening by the Suprelii: Council at Seville and the Governor of Cadiz, to rive a passport to a Spanish frigate and four dispatch ve- . sels, to carrv to the. several Governments and Presidencies in the West
Indies, information of the events which have hanened in Spain, and their instructions to the Go- • ver 1 u s ; and also that a sloop of war may take out Offi- . e to that countrv, whose presence there is important j tbii th ".' urge in " preference to their going in a Spanish vessel, as it will convey a proof of their conuection with Great Britain.— X have the honour to he, te. ( Signed) COLLING WOOD. Extract r> f a Letter from Capt. Cre'/ he, of his Mvjtsty's sloop Eclipse, to Admiral Sir C. Cotton. Ilis Majesty's sloop F. clipsc, off the fleir gjR of Oporto, June 20. SINCE the account I had the honour of delivering to • roil- on the 10th of
June, Oporto has undergone two revo- Iitti ms and has been successively iti the bauds of the F/ entrh ami the subjects of the Prince Regent. Mter th.' Spaniards had delivered the forts into the cus- tody of the Portuguese, and the national colours were every where hoisted, the French were again able to esta- blish their authority, in consequence of the weak and un- determined measures of the Governor, Louis D'Oliveira, who is now confined as a traitor, and maintained it till the 16th, the dav of Corpus Christi, a great national festival, when it had been usnal for the Portuguese regim nts to attend with colours flying. The
Governor, D'Oliveira, in consequence of orders from Junot, attempted to establish the Fiench Hag instead of the Portuguese at the procession. This violent attack oil t. he national custom drew forth the murmurs of the populace to so great a degree, that an attempt to compromise on the part of the Governor had no effect; and on the 18th, in the evening, the day before mv arrival here, they were excited to such a degree of fury that, countenanced by the Priests, the peopl • rose in masse, broke open the depots, and supplied themselves with 25,000 stand of arms, and, together with the regu- I'trs formed'a most determined and
enthusiastic army, from this nioiaetit all French authority ceased; and every man, either French, or suspected of being inclined to the French interest, was arrested. The Bishop of Oporto was elected as the new Governor, and an army of 20,000 men sent to meet the French, who i. acl advanced to the amount of 900 within six leagues of O orto. It was yesterday ammnced at the Admiralty, by Telegraph, that the i vetige was arrived at Plymouth from off Cadiz* with the spa '. i Commissioners on board j and that the Uittern was a- rived from the Mediterranean, with Turkish AM » ssatlo'. s H board, come to treat for peace. It seems
the Turks, having found that by the Treaty of Tilsit their coanuy wa to be dismantled of several valuable provinces, to indcuv ( y * istria and Russia for the territory Bonaparte chose to t: i.. f.- oni them, this arrangement had occasioned warm debates in the Divan, and a resolution to renew the connection . between the Porte and England, an intimation ofwhioh occasioned the sending of Mr. Adair to' Constantinople; and without knowing of that Gentleman's mission, the Ambas * ir> r; now arrived were sent from Con- stantinople. It is said that Mr. Adair fell in with and boarded the Cittufn, and is in consequence possessed of some
valuable inclination for the opening of his mission, on his arrival at the Tuikisk capital. Some very important dispatches'from the Govern- ment of the United States of America, to the French Go- vernment at Paris have been intercepted, and put into the hands of Minister . ' ; ey were intended to have been landed at Bourdeau ; from the Tiger, which was brought into Plymouth by the Growler gun- brig. LAW REPORT ^ Cnurt of King's flench, Westminster, July 11.— Sittings hefure • lJ> rd Ellenhorough.— Bowsher v. CalleyKEsq.— This w a- an action against the Sheriff of Wilts for an escape. It appeared that the plaintiff, who is an
attorney at Bath, had an execution against a person of the name of Lancashire, for 1100/. and upwards, and that he placi d a warrant in the hands of Mr. Gl. iger, a bailiff for Wilts, uhdt r which Lancashire was arrested, and taken to Bath, in Somersetshire, The removal from one county to the other is ill law an escape, and the only quest:,; i it, the case was, wile" her the officer had deviated from Mi routine of duty by the desire or consent of the plaintiff, either express or implied, or whether he Iwd done it on his own authority ? If the former, the defendant was not liable; if the latter, the action for an escape was Well brought. The ti
ial lasted nearly all day, and the Jury in the sequel found ( at the defendant. The Admiralty Sessions were held yesterday at the Old Bailey. Jean l'inta de Silva was tried for the murder of a fellow- seaman, named Dos Santos, on the high seas; but it appearing in evidence that the prisoner had merely interfered ill a scuffle among some Portuguese seamen, to save a comrade fAnn ill- treat ment, a d that Dos Santos was killed in that scillile, the jury readily acquitted the pri- sonei- of the charge of murder.— There was no other business of importance, and the sessions were then adjourned. LONDON, WEBNF. SDAY, JULY 13,
Last night some more French and Dutch papers reached town, the coutejits of which » h'W> in the mo't unequivocal manner, the alarm which Boi. aparte feels, in emiseqnence of the events which have recently happened in Spain. Th, Atgns, whhb i » known to be a demi- official paper, says, that false and Idle rumours have been circulated of insurrections havingbrokenout in. Spain, but that these ru- mours were speedily belied; that Spain is perfectly tranquil, and the city of Cailta in particular, which had rejected with contempt the propositions of the English. This statement appeared in the Argtw of the 30th ult. that is, 16 days
after the surrender of the French fleet in the harbour of Cadi* to the Spaniards! Yesterday arrived a Mail fromOoltenborgh, bringing letters and papers from Stockholm to the 29th ult. and from Gottenburgh to the 1st irtst. Field- Marshal Klinrspor has officially communicated to the King the capture of a con- siderable magazine of the enemy at Perfaa, and that they had retreated from Old Carleby, The Gottenburgh Gazette of July 1 says, that the flrand fleet had taken off the Finnish coast four Russian frigate-, four cliebecks, and 10 or 12 gun- boats, four of which were sunk. It was understood at Gottenburgh, that the British
Expedition was coming hoine^ not being able to arrange any plan of operation. This morning another Oottcnburgh Mail arrived, which confirms the account of the Kxpodition under Sir J. Moore having sailed from Gattenburgh on Its return to England. Private letters further state, that in consequence of a misunderstanding between the King of Sweden and Sir John Moore, his Majesty had ordered Sir John and Col. Murray to be put under an arrest, but that they escaped in disguise. The fac t, however, is understood to be, that there was a misunderstanding between his Swedish Malesty and the British ( Jeneral, respecting the
operations of the British force, in consequence of which the King desired Sir John not to quit Stockholm. Sir John Moore did not feel himself bound to obey this order, and took the earliest opportunity of leaving Stockholm, in company with Colonel Murray, and both embarked and sailed with the forces from Gottenburgh. Official dispatches from Lord Collingvvootl and Sir Charles Cotton were published in the Gazette of last night. They contain a truly interesting detail of the successful proceedings of the j^ itriots'in Spain; and as authentic intelligence on these important events is highly valuable, we have copied them at large, and
refrain from giving the various accounts said to have been brought by private letters. One of these accounts, if authenticated, would be • equally important with any part of the Gazette ; it states that Dupout has been totally defeated near Cordova, and his whole army cut to pieces; but, notwithstanding the perilous situation in which, according to the Gazette account, Dupont was placed, the account of his subsequent j total defeat is certainly not authentic, POOLE TURNPIKE. TIE next Meeting of the Trustees will be held at the London Tavern Inn, in Poole, on Monday the 15th of August next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. At
this Meeting the Truste, s will, take into consideration the expediency or making a new sntranca into the Town of Poole tit Mount Rails, and of removing Messrs. Ledgard's Ropewalk, and will then make such orders therein as shall be requisite, and as they are authorized to make by the Poole Turnpike Act pasied. in the 39th year of his present Majesty': reign. At the above Meeting the Treasurer's Accounts for the last year will be settled. Any persons desirous of contracting for the Repair of the Turnpike from Canford Bridge to Cfanbourn, tot a term of three years from the 10..': f October next, are. requested to transmit their
Proposals in writing to Mr. Castleman, at Wim- horpe, on or before the ii-. fi of August next, that they may be taken into consideration by the Trustees at the above'Meet- ing, when the persons making such Proposals are desired to attend.— One sufficient sur ty will he required to warrant the performance of the ajr.- enunt on the part of, the Contractor. 348) WM. CASTLEMAN, Clerk to the Trustees. CUDFORD ST. PETKR INCI. OSURE. Yfri'. whose names are hereunto subscribed, being t T Commissioners named and appointed in and bv an Act of Parliament passed in the present Session, intitul " An Act for inclosing Lands in
the parish of Cpdford St, Peter, i the county of Wilts, do hereby give Notice, that we intend to hold our first meeting for executing the purposes of the said Act on Wednesday the 3( 1 day of August next, at eU ven o'cir ck in the forenoon, at the house of Thomas Mor- gan, called or known by the name of the George inn, in Cod- ford St. Petrr aforesaid, at which said meeting the majority in vilue of the proprietors who may be present are to chuse a Banker, or s'orAc ot! » ir person or persons in whose hands a. l monies to be raised under and by virtue of the said Act are to be deposited, pursuant to the directions of a certain Act of
Parliament passed in the 41st year of his present Majesty, commonly called " The GeneralEnclosure, Act." Given under our hands this 24th day of June, 1803. ( Signed) THOMAS DAVIS. WM. TUB13. 2Cy] WM. JENNINGS. FAftMINOSTOCK. IAM directed by the MANAGERS of the SUN FIRE- OFFICE, to acquaint the Public, that they have come to a resolution to insure Farming Stock, in Batlt.,, Outhouses, and Rick- Yards, and also groining or stacked in the Fields of the same Farm, also Implements of H usbandry thereon, at 2J. pef j£. loo as far as i,'. l05000; and that a Re- duction of Sd. per Gent, will be made from the
Premium op all Policies in which the above description of risk is insured, on the respective Renewals at Michaelmas, Christmas, Lady- day, and Midsummer. The MANAGERS have likewise resolved to extend the Sums insured on the undermentioned Risks without increasing the Rate of Premium, viz. On Common Insurances.... to.. £. 10,000 at is. per cent. Hazardous litto to ...,. h', 000 .. 3. s. ditto. Doubly- Hazardous ditto to a, 000., 5s. ditto. And alt Policies, containing insurances of either of the above description, are to he selected for Reduction in the siime, manner as those for Farming Stock. JOHN SMITH, Agent. ' M.
rsBURY, July 12, IROS. ALBION FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of LONDON, empowered hv Act of Par- liament. AGENTS :— Sdjsbury, Mr. Jas. Lacy, High- street; War- minster, Mr. George Strode, clothier'; Bristol, Mr. Bartho- lomew Barry, of High- street, bookseller; Gloucester, Mr. Joseph Roberts, bookseller; Cheltenham, Mr. Robert Hughes, solicitor; Tewkesbury, Mr. Wm. Edgeumbe, builder; Beth, Mr. Thomas S. Meyler, bookseller ; Taunton, Mr. Richard Meade, solicitor; Chard, Mr. Thomas Guppy, ironmonger ; Blandford, Mr. James Lacy, jun.; Sherhorne, Mr. John Wm. Gill, druggist. Insurances falling due at
Midsummer should be renewed within fifteen days'front that period. No charge for Policies or Indorsements. * « * Farming Stock insured in one sum, without an ave- rage chiuse. A deduction made on all Fire Insurances out of London ; and a large commission allowed on Life Insurance. lsoo] ' WARNER PHIPPS, Secretary. MERINO WOOL. ANNUAL SALE W AUCTION; AT SAJIW, Repository, Goswell- street, London, on Thursday the 28th of July, IH08, i. t twelve o'clock, V QUANTITY of MERINO WOOL, and its admixture on English Kreeds. The great uncertainty of any supply of'Merino Wool, arid the distracted state of
Spain, must rentier this measure just now an object of pec'uliai importance. It is designed to con- fine this sale, to Merino Wools and their admixtures on! , because there are established Dealers, called Wool- Stapler- j who have long been in the practice of purchasing BritMl Wools of Inferior growth, but, with. certain exceptions, have rendered no support to those who have incurred the beery exsences attendant on such " crosses with the Merino Mood. Those Who may desire to take the benefit of this tale ere requested to send their wools, classed in the most correct manner as to the admixtures with the Merino blood, and the
degrees of affinity to it. They meet be delivered shove oil dr before the - i. ith of July next. Commission fer s dware- house room, { exclusive of auction duty, j will hot exceed percent. Letters post- paid) may be adtlresst d to Messrs. T. and R. Martin, Wool Brokers, No. ( J- l, Coleman- street, London. NEW FOREST, HANTS, no be SOLD . by AUCTION, at Lyndhurst, by X order of the Right Hon. Lord Glcnbtrvie, Sum- yor- i. neral of his Majesty's Woods and Forests, on Thursday he 2lst day of July, 1808,— The following Lots of NAVAL C'lIRTON, otherwise CHERRINGTON, DIVISION. • y^ E, the Commissioners named in and
appointed by an Act of P rliament niade and pissed in the 40th of the reign of his present Majesty King George the e.- titled " An Act for die: ling, allotting, and - noosing t JJK' .1 common Fields and Downs, common Meadows, c ". r. . Pasture!, and f immoretble and waste Lands within t olanoror Tith'n* of Chirton otherwise Cbeninsrton, in the county of Wilts," DO HiiREBY GiVE NOTICE, That we intend to hold our next meeting for the purpose of carrying into execnt on the severrl powers vetted in us by tile- said Act, a. id part - . . rly t id oyer, sign, seal, and execute our award ther en Monday the eighth day of August next, at
twelve '• ' k at " Don, at the. Castle Inn,' in Devizes, in the county of W ..— Dated this first day of June, in the year of our Lore. Je. RfCHARD RICHARDSON. JOHN GALE. 8M] C._ INGRAM, SACRED MUSIC. On the 1st of August, 1808, will i- e tnMiShed, hy Subscription, dedii . ' cd l- y permission to the lion. Lady Pitt, Highjield Park, Hants, 1MGHT ANTHEMS, Twelve PSALM TUNES, X- J and GLORIA PATRl, adapted for theuseof Country Chuirs. By W. H. BURG1SS, Heckfield, near Hurtrord- bridge, Hants. Price to Subscribers 10.'. 6d. Subscribers' names will continue to he received till the 24th of this month ( on which day
the subscription will close) by Mr. G. Soddtii, Winchester; Mr. Gregory, Basingstoke Mr. Knight, Windsor; Mr. Rusher, and Mr. Drover, Rertif- ing; Mr. Fuller, N whury; Messrs. Slatter and Muhd- fe ,< Oltford; Mr. Rusher, Banbury; at the Printing- Office, and' • Wissf » . Banks's, Srilisbury; bv Mr. C. Lacy, Warminster; Mr. K. Weliman, Southampton; Mr. Coombs, Chippenham Mr. Simmo. ids, Bland ford ; Mr. W. Weifter, engraver and publisher, No. 8, Spring- gardens, London ;• and at tbe Au- thor's, Heckfield, Hants. ' The Author begs leave to return his most sincere thanks jt. 9 those subscribers who have already favoured him with
their names. He also will thank the above appointed to- receive subscriptions, to return to him on the 25th pr 2fith inst. the names and places of residence of their respective subscriber.-. Price of each book after the close ot subscription, I Ss.' A list of the sojiscribers will appear in each Copy.— The. books will be delivered immediately a'fterthey are publishe ., , Hrt'tmui, Juty f, ' « 8W. • ffcj SUNFIRE- OfFICE, BANK- BUILD1NOS, AND CR. UC.' S- COL" Rt, CHAR! VO- CROSS, LONDON, For insuring Houses and other Buildings, Goods, Merchan- dize, Ships in Harbour, in Dock, or Building, and Craft, from LOSS and DAMAGE
by FIRE. WE, whose Names are underwritten, being Agents for the SUN FIRE- OFFICE, have authority from the Managers to inform the Public, and all persons insured in the said Office, that the Premium on the Stock of Corn and Hay, being the produce of a Farm, also Cattle antl Implements 111 Husbandry thereon, will be rated at Two Shillings and Six- pence per cent. ; and all persons insured in this Office are requested to refer to their Policies, in order that they may receive the benefit of this reduction of the premium on Farm- ing Stock, on their respective renewals at Midsummer ; and that Printed Receipts, under our
hands, are ready for delivery, for the premium and duty 011 Policies, as they become due ; and that Printed Propo- ais of the Terms of Insurance may be had of us, which will be found as moderate, in every respect, as those of the other Offices. *. » * Farming Stock may be insured, generally, in all Barns and Out- houses, or on a Farm, without the average clause, which may be seen by applying to us,^ vho will give any fur- ther information which may hi required for the explaining this mode of Insurance :— Arundel, J. Bushby ; Dorchester, G. Frampton ; Win- chester, W. Gauntlet! ; Southa mpton, T. Durell; Ports- mouth, W.
Baker; LymingtOn, Mrs. F. Mitchell; Basing- stoke, C. Hawthorn ; A . dever, R. Bud; Salisbury, J. Smith ; Marlborough, N. M- rr. man ; . Devizes, E. Newman • War- minster and Mere, R. Butt; Chici e t : r, J. Platan; Reading, J. Bltindy ; Farnham, W. Triinn, - ; Newbury, W. Budd ; BlandftSrd, E. Roe; Lyme, J. Bit- '- more. N. B. Policies insuring Three Hundred Pounds are issued free of cxpence ; and all payments, ; or losses by Fire, are made by this Office without deduction. f+ f The Sun Fire- office have always paid losses or damage - by Fire from Lightning.— June 40, 18us. [ latii PHCEN1X FIRE- OFFICE, LOMBARD STREET, LONDON. rpPK Directors of the PIKKNIX FIRE IN- X oURANGE COMPANY return their acknowledgments for she patronage they continue- to experience, and they refer with confidence to the system which has been pursued in the management of the concerns of the Office, for a period of up- wards of twenty- five years, and- by which every possible ac- commodation and advantage has been afforded to the public, as well in the arrangement of rates as in the prompt and liberal adjustment of losses Stock on a Farm may be insured in one sum, without the average clause. The Receipts for Policies, falling due at
Midsummer, are now in - he hands of the several Agents. *** The important sums annually paid by this Office to sufferers by fire, strongly prove the benefits " resulting from. Insurance, as well to Noblemen and Gentlemen te secure the value of their mansions and effects, as to Farm; rs, Manu- facturers, and all the Commercial Orders. Persons insuring for Three Hundred Pounds, or upwards, will not be charged for the Policy. By order of the Directors, 2007] H. A. HARDY, Sec.' of Country Department.' STAMF- OFI ICE, July 8, 1808. NOTICE is hereby given, That bv an Act, passed at the closc of the late Session of Parliament,
the Stamp Duties on Deeds, Law Proceedings, and other writ- ten instruments, and the Duties on Legacies and Sut eessiens to personal estate upon Intestacies, now'payable in Great Bri- tain, are repealed trom and after th e 10th day of October next, and other duties are granted in lieu thereof, to commence immediately after that day. The new duties are of the like nature', and in general of the same amount, with the present duties; but a'more preeise and accurate description is given of the instruments on which they attach. There ar.. some duties altogether new, and some new in amount; of which the principal on- s are, ail
valorem duties on conveyance upon the sale of any property, according to the amount of the purchase- money; increased duties 011 promissory notes allowed to be re- iss'ued ; and a duty on li- cences to be taken out yearly by bankers and others issuing such promissory notes. 1': e re is also a duty on policies of in- surance on lives, and on three or four law proceedings, not now charged. The duties .11 mortgages for snv. i 1 sums, and on conveyances on the sale of property of small value, are 1-. ss than at pre-. ent. The duties are contained in a srh- : lu' in wl- '. tin instruments charged are classed and •?.';>: dniS- c » ! Iy
arranged, with numerous references, so sis t > Aid a complete table of duties in the most f.- mv . t ;.'.-! pr ctical iprth/ and to supercede the. necessity- of f. hoje competitions to which the profession of the law and'the puVlitJfev- hitherto found if expedient to resort. The schedule is also framed so as not to admit of an abridgment that cm be safely relied up- on. Tiie Commissioners tiletefcre rec unmend it to the Pro- fession, and others whom it may concern, to look only to the schedule itself. The Act contains, specfial provisions for securing the' duties on conveyances on the sale of property, on bills of cxchai g ; ancfdrafts on
bankers post- dated, or issued beyond ten miles from the banker's residence, and on instruments relating to copyhold estates, which the Comjnissioners recommend to the notice and attention of purchasers and sellers, attornies, solicitors, bankers,. stewards of manors, and others, that they may not incur penalties, which it will b the dntv of the Commissioners to enforce. The provisions respecting tlr efts on ba . kers to take effect after one month from the passing of the Act. LEGACY DUTY. It beingapptehended that manv, persons mav have neglected to pay the due s on legacies, and on residues o, personal es- tate given v ill,
or devolve ' upomnextef kin upon intesta- cies, wit :. Che time pre' nbedby'aw, through ignorance or inadv rt r ee, or f'ror accidental or unavoidable causes; the Ae- t ..:: orises the ' > mmissioners to remit the penalties which n . -' have been incurred in such cases, provided the duty sr. d ae paid on or before the 31st nay of January 1809. I. e.-•.'!., k lotice of this provision of the Act, th Commissi- on.. rs thi ik it right also to state, that pros, cutter.* ir. the Ex- ' • : vvill be instituted against those perst- - s who shall not take th. benefit of it, as well as against those who shall fail to pay. the duties which may hereafter becom.. due, within
tie. me allowed by 1 w ; an abstract ot wills proved and ad- mi e ' rations gi at- . I being returned to the Commissioners from . he several Ecclesiastical Courts, for tiie purpose of dis- covering defaulters. By order of the Commissioners, ,' at) 8j C. E. BERESFORD, Secretary. G the OAK. TOPS. LOT. Ashurst Walk ... Ironshiil Walk .. D. uo.'. Ditto.,...* Lyndhurst Walk. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto TOPS. .. .3J ... - i9 . .. IAS ... 42 . .. 8+ ... Ti . .. US ... 45 . .. 53 ... 45 . .. 40 .:. 74 ... 74 LOT. 15. Mi. 17. 13. 19. SO. 21. 22. 23. 24. Tops. Rbinefield Walk... ;, 7 Ditto 47 Ditto Whitley RiditeWaik 39 Ditto Ditto. Ditto Ditto t>-
qtaiey Walk,. Ditto,-;;;.';:!;; Ditto .98 .. 601 .. 80 ..- 18 ., .7 .. 11 . . .' i i . .. 73 1 adv Cross Walk . .42 Hol'mesley Walk .. 53 Also s. veral Lots of C. OALFIRE WOOD and BAVINS.- For further part. cuiars apply to Joseph Mortimer, Esq. t. wer. June 30, I SOS. i af) llinchclsea, in the New Forest, near Broekenhnrst, Hants. rrX> he SOLI) by AUCTION, by Mr. J. NBWKLL, A on the Premises, on Wedi. esd:, v the 20th of July nst. 1808,— Eight good OAK TREKS, two hum. red feet and up- wards ; 111 Ketch Timber Trees, cut this season, of various dimension, sever,.! el' which ere. very large ; also, a quantity of Beech Coal- fire Wood
and i .1. . The whole will be put into suit . ble lets for the accommoda- tion of purchaser 1, and may be viewed a week before the sale by applying at Hinchelsca House. Sale to begin at eleven o'clock. [ 214 rrx) he SOLD by AUCTION, » , Alr. NEWEIT, . A at the Nag's Head Inn, in 1 v uiington, 111 the eounty of Southampton, on Thursday tie e'. th '.. vol' Ji'. iv inst nt, at seven o'clock in the evening, subject tosu'eh o n. utions as will be then and there pr- da. ed, units ; n aec. pta > 1; 1 ffer in the m- 1: 1 time should re made liy pnve. t- truer, ;: n.-| of which due notice will be give.-,— A FREEHOLD MESS'DAGE or TENEMENT, vuy
pe . sntly situ. ted in Ca| tains .,- w, Ly- ... .....— an, j now lti ta,_. occupation of Mr. Browi; con- '>, wash- house, txc.. rs 011 the fust iloer; pump, & c. suit a small family, 1 It', land- tut, is redesmed, ven.—— .1 1 a vi « v ee .!.„• ; ood e, Ur. r, g; private, ana c > hvt nience. - ion will be g vill sis'. ejg of two parlours, fcitche on the grouie; floor; two bed- antl gariets ; with ; The premises 111 having every, requi 1 and immediate puss-.- s- IOI premises apply to Mr. Br « vn, on' the pren tor the same by ]> ri-. . it; contact r- pply ( if b to Mr. Brown, atton. y at law, Lj n. ln re r rJ", 0 be SOI. ii by AUCTION, by ll at the Nag's head . Inn, in
Lymirn;: of . Southampton, on Ihursti.-. y tee si'- if: at six o'cieck in the, evening, subject to will be then and ther. produ. ed, un ess an the mean time shbul ; be made l> j 11 v which due notice will i>- given, A sui • le and ', post tin tto Mr. NEWELL, • n, in theccui.- v ct ins such ccr.' d t on ace ' prabk- utl. tc eMitmct, an. stant. al well-!. U -.-,- FREEHOLD ESTATE, ISLE OF " WIGHT, ' i Nta short time will be SOLD bv AUCTION, . .1: ' iihless . priviouiily disposed of by Private Contract, A V.- ry. desirable FREEHOLD PSTATE, called CHIVER'TO* - r- ARM, comprising about 000 acres of arable, meadow, down, , - id coppice Land,
upwards of 300 acres of which are tithe- free,, situate a few miles from the town of Newport, and afford^ several bsaUtiful spots for building on, with delightful sea- and land prospects. This estate is- particularly calculated to divide into three compact lots, whichiwill. most probably be done, if fiold by Auction. , • 1 1 . Further pajticujars may be had by application to Mr. • Etderfield, solicitor, Roipsey, Hants. [ 174 ISLE OF WIGHT. npO BO; S0LTLJ| V AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKER A. and Perns, on Wednestfay^'^ ha 27th instant, at the Bugle Inn. Newport' nfsi* ct clock inrfhe afternoon,— Xll that desirable COAte YARD, with an
Office, attached, - situ- ated in the ientreof Sea- street, Newport, late in the occa « nation of Mr. DANII. L PF. RRV, deceased, to Which there has been a good accustomed trade for " several years past. For further particulars apply ( if by fetter, post paid) to Messrs. Claike and. Sewell, solicitors, Newpoft. All Persons. haying any claim- on the estate e. f the said Da- niel Perry, coal- merchant, of Newport, in the Isle of Wight, are hereby desired to forward the san. e to his son, D. Perry ; and all Persons indebted to the said estate are hereby requested to pay the same to the aforesaid Daniel Perry, [ 320 CORNWALL.—
FREEHOLD ESTATES. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in Lots, at the King's Arms, Leskeard, on Thursday tire I ith and Friday the 19th davs of August, 180?,—- Sundry valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, comprising the MANSION and BAR- TON of CARTUTHER, situate in the parish of Menheniot, containing together 337A. SR. SUP. statute; several other Estates, situate in the same parish, containing upwards of 250 statute acres; also an Estate, called Brendon, together with sundry Houses and Lands situate in the Jown and parish of Leskeard, containing upwards of 120 statute acres. And several Estates in Duloe parish,
containing together about 240 statute acres. And an Estate, called HENDRA GULUNG, i. iTaihind parish, about 25 statute acres. Likewise an Estate called TRBCAN, situate in the parish of Lanreath, containing til//. 3/ i. II/'. statute. And several Tenements in the towns of East and West Looe. f2y Some of the before- mentioned Estates are upon leases for years, and others are held upon lives. Descriptive Particulars may be had at the King's Arms, Plymouth ; the Fountain, Plymouth Dock ; the King's Arms, Bodmin; the White Hurt, Laianceston ; the Talbot, Lost- Withiel; the N w Ir, n, Callington; the King's Head, Truro; at the
place of sal.-; ol Messrs. Strong, St. 11, and Strong, Lincoln's Inn ; of Mr. CI - Ids. Leskeardand of Mr. Wr gh't, Surveyor, 10, Charles- street, St, James's Square, London. DWELLINO- Hei/ SE, situate at the bottom of .. - , street, in 1 - - i ngtcn aforesaid, now in the eccupatii n of Attwcid, sura on, on lease, whose term expires -- t ' - nay 1810,; cone tinr of two parlours, kitchen, w ; ..- hi use," pat.- try, and out- houses, on th. ground floor; a diawiri.- i. o'ni and three good bed- chambers nn the firs> flow « ' a go d square attic hed- chamh- rr, and four s. er^ a - . ir: . ms- with a card --., pump ! e « J. ee. n for rain. « u. » . . •. sd* i. ag
gjo. l cellar, an • at, tor t .. hoi v.-.. i'hese pre: rises ars 1 .1. .. . dd tot the rcii. ai: ' er of a term of OPS'.."' ears, have been ruilt within these 25 years, in very good repair, land- tax redeems !, ar; d will suit t. ny business re- i quiring room, or a private f-.- mily, having evtr • r qar; s: te con- venience. To be viewed by leal , -: 1 to treat fbr the same > private contra-.; appb. ( u ... . . , p- st paid to Mr, Brown, attorney at law, Lyrr.- ington, MH A fvyMgibb/ situated HOUSE, aid rich Meadow LAND, in u teautifutlpart of the county of Hants, near the borders of Surry. " X) be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Swan Inn, nt Alton, . in Saturday the aoth
day of July, 80R, at four o'clock. in the afternoon ( unuss a:, acceptable « . « >'• r lie previously- njie. de, of avbi- h notice will be pi. en',— A 1-.' i; K- HOI. i> ESTATE, situate a. b- nt mi iway betwe- n the t, yens of Alton and Farnham, and about : » miles i: e: e London ; sonsisting of a substantiali • built Family- nous,., in gord re- pair, having two good parlours, four ' o- ef chambers with closets, four garrets, kitchen ; v. ith ti'ew- htn'se, der ehe- 1 bam, stabling for seven horses, chaise- i c ise, a . 1 .. it e- tner convenient offices'; with Gardms well si eked with link trees, and 14 acres ( more or W ot very rich . Id n: " dow Land
adjoining, including an orchard of a'l. oui an acre, with an exclusive right of fishery in a fin -, tr. ut stream, bounilmg the meadow land, within 100 yards . if the he- jse - and an ex- tensive right of common of pasture in the Huh Forest. The house, standing on a healthy, elegant, and cheerful eminence, overlooking a bautiful p i t of the r. vcr Wry, in a very fertile and rich vale, famous for its various jietuiesque views, about a quarter of a mile from the turnpike r. vu, where several co. ches are daily passing t. i end fr-. e Sei'th- ampton and London; in a country favour. i' le tor e. tl kinds of field sports, and in a neighbourhood highly
respectable. Immediate possession can be given, and " the purchaser may have morel. jnd, if required. For further particulars apply to Messrs. CI; ment and Son, solicitors, Alton,, Hants. House and Hop Land, m Alton, Hai, ti. TO be'SOLD by AUCTION', in two Lots, by JOSKPH JoanAN, at the Swan Inn, at Alton, n Satur- day the 30th day of July, 180s, at six o'clock in th- afternoon, under conditions to be then and there produced ( unlesssot ner disposed of by Privatq Contract, of which timely notice will be given),— Lot 1.— All that very desirable FREEHOLD HOUSE, si- tuate in the High- street, near the centre of the town of
Alton, Hants; hit: in the occupation of Mr. Henry Harrow, dc.- ceased; together with the Stable, Wnodhouse, Office, and large walled- in Garden thereunto adjoining. The House Consists of. two good sized front parlours, a breakfast parlour backward, alarge and convenient kitchen, good wash- house and brew- house, milk- house, pantry, and •.', x bed- eharuuers-, and has two under- ground cellars. — lmrm . irate p'- . s? ssio- i , an be given of This lot.—' fh, bouse : well adapted for the r cap- tion of a small genteel family, and the garden is well stocked with fruit trees. Lot Q.— All tint HOP- GARDEN, now in full bearing and in
excellintcondition, situate at the w.- st end . f the tmvn of Alton, and containingby estimation nearly two acres, late in the occupation of the said I lenry Harrow.— Possession of ties lot will be given et Michaelmas next, N. B: T. he Hous' hold Furniture of the said Henry Harrow will shqrtly lie sold, particulars of which will appear in a future advertisement. Forfurther particulars and a view of the premises apply to Mr. Rqbert/ HarrOw, baker, in Alton, or to Messrs. Ci .' itnt and Son,' solicitors, p. r Alton aforesaid. - j 1 ij A capital ESTATE in Somersetshire. HPO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Ceor3eIun, A in Castle Cary, in the said
cottntv, n Monday tee 1st day of August next, between the hours 1 three and five in the afternoon,— The FEE- SIMPLE am. IN! 1 i- RITANC li of all that truly desirable, compact, and valuable Estn- e, called FOXCOMBE FARM, lyim; in a ring- ftnoe at Gal- hampton, within the parish of Castle Cary aforesaid, ai-. d held by Mr. Thomas Gilford, 011 a lease for a term of nine years, from Lady- day, 180n'; consisting of a Farm- house, Barn, and other necessary buildings, with one hundred and eighty- four acres, two roo'ds, and seven perches ( statute mt 1- surej of very rich arable, meadow, [.-. est:;.-, and o- rci ud Ground. And also
of all that piece or pared <• n, 1 w I v.:!. con- taining two acres, two roods, ai d four; ,1 Ys Jsiatut - uea- I surei, lying in Cary Moor, wit'.; ' he 11 . ii 1 ' ast '. rv aforesaid, and held by the said Mr. .'- dl'or i > 1 a has.- as afuie- I said.—— The last mentioned', . - esji- be The Farm lies at e distinees good market towns of Sh- p. M iii.- t, and Wincamon, and about half 1 to Weymouth. For a view of the Premises apply to the Tenant; and for further pa- rt- culars t' Mr. Harbin, att rfnev, Shetborne, Dor. set, where a plan of the estate may be seen, [ 72 s. id s pjrtttely. • es between the several • t, V.- ivil, Sherborne, fre. m Bristol and Bath
A\ n GKNT. llAI. ADVEtlliSljft OF \ Yil; i% HANTS, DORSE?, AND St ttlHiiSfeT, Friday* and Saturday's FOREIGN NEWS. ST. Petbrsburgb, JrM 12. kU! t Court Gazette con'. aliw a report of an k action fought near llavolax, in Finland, on the 88th of April, i'a which out troops were taken bv surprise bv the Swedes. Our loss con- sists of 500 men and four pieties of cannon. Gene- ral Btuthovden ascribes this unfortunate accident to the badlv contrived measures of the General ot Di- vision who commanded there; he thereupon proceeded to tha place in person. • Dorstejt, July 2. The repbrts relative to tire breaki:.; out of insurrections
in the county of Mark," by reason of the military conscriptions, have been much exaggerated. It is now known certainly that only soma irregularity has been committed. The troops which were sent thither f om Dusseldo'rff were hie t by a deputation, whereupon they received orders to return. LONDON, FRIDAY, JULY 15. According to some accounts from Holland, which reach to the 3th inst. the Flench troops stationed in GelJ- many haveshewn a strong tendency towards an insurrection. These dispositions to revolt, it is said, have been more particularly manifested by those French troops which occupy a station " at Dusseldorif,
and which chiefly consist of the later Conscripts. The Por;:.— The foreign Journals contain an interesting State Paper, the Answer of Cardinal Gabv'n lia, first Se- cretary of State to the Pope, to the Note of Cb » l$| iagny, the French Minister, requiring the Pope to enter into a learue, offensive and defensive, with France. His Em'nenee sue A- that the Holy Father cannot, as Head of the Church, enter into'such a league s and then states, with m- id Mt firm." -.. ss, the vaViotts insults > nd injuries which the J-' upe has received from the French, and his. resolution to submit to the 1..-. S-- of all hi:; dominions rather than abandon hi.
prWtpla', should the Emperor Napoleon persevere in his views. The Cardinal, after expressing a hope that the • Emperor will li; ten to better councils, concludes thus :— " hy the bidder: purposes of the Most High, this ghWi'l not take pfcr.- c, and his Majesty, regardless of his own r- hirv, an ' i -:! ' af ta the call* of justice, should put his threai s in exc • . itirn, and take pos ession of the States of the Chue- eh right of conquest, overturning the Govern- ment i. t T..•'•~ UR-. ce, his Holiness will be unable to rtpie- ri- ::- h f. u"! occurrence.*; hut- he solemnly declares, that t • 6s rt wilt not he • conquest, as his Holiness- is in peace - With
ail - the . toi'hl, but will he an Usurpation marc violent • than history can furnish ; and the second will not be the l'e- t; t. of conquest,. hut of that usurpation. He declare-, at too fam*- time, that it will not be the work of political genius and illumination, but an awful visitation of that God from whom all Sovereignty is derived, and especially that given to the Head of f. e Church. Bowing, in that event, with nrofound adoration to the decrees of Heaven, his iioliiif will find consolation in reflecting, that the Creator and Redeemer -. v. lied these things, and that all c- cncU' S to accomplish his purp^ seA when his appointed time arrive Some
Gibraltar papers, which arrived in town this mm- ins, cunt-.. n the particulars of the first action at Govdova, between tin Spaniards and the French troops under Dim lit. It appears that the armed people made, in the firtt instance, no stand against the enemy, though the S- a • • >: h l- gulars behaved extremely well. In the open ,- n did manic; i whieh the Supreme Council of Seville : r wledge the deficiency of their irregular and newly- r . . i iio-' s, we perceive the marks of true courage, : a " • determination, which will, ultimately pflS- i !. Th: v s;. e, ik like men of truth and honour, above v .•• ; v a . i empty boasts, and they appeal in a
manly I• :• to tile sens:- itfld- reaaon* of their countrymen. The SalCctte frigate has had an ai- tion with a large R-„.? ian frigate, in the upp>: part of the Baltic, when the latter stir. ;• r colours, after a short but severe engag meat: : - particulars have not v< it beet) received.. / V vi » v • o: . tit action has recently been performed bv the ho : f I he It.-'. ,•• • in the Mediterranean : tliey cut out- vo (' iuecas a • g under a very heavy fire from the en mv' batt- . • . . , _:: t. r.. rgnsson, who ( vlimnsflled on the or:-: iv. l. a- en promoted to the rank of Master a. id Comi. ia- i er; Mr. Sharp, the Master's Mate, has been mad. a it, Kenan!. The C- -{ c,
one of the transports, employed in'the Swedish. Expedition, arrived at Whitby, on Wed iiesdav, having 011 bo-. art of the German Legion The Master reports that iLc rest of the fleet is on the • coast. On Wednesday his Majesty came to town from. Windsor and had a Levee at the Quean's Palace, at which t!;> ."•' j. of Worcester ( Dr. Cprinvall) was presented to hi= r » i J'stv, on his being transktt d from the See of Here ford.; and Ox. Mansell wa, pre , led on his nomination to the Bishoprick of Bristol. - is Majesty afterwards held a Council, at jvliieh the I order made a report of the convicts una - r senterie • » >' death in Newgate, '
all of whom were respited daring pleasure. On Wetlnc :•' iy her Majesty and the Princesses, accompanied by i idy Ilchester, honoured the Earl and Countess of M ox- lesiield with a visit at Sherborne Castie, their seat in Oxfordshire. Th.- y left Windsor at half past nine, arrived at Sherborne Castle at half past two, and after partaking of a sumptuous dinner, returned to Wind- sor iu the evening. Mr. Frere is apppointed British Minister to the Supreme Junta at Seville, and is won to embark for Cadiz. It is confidently stated that Lord Melville is to have a seat in the Cabinet. Me came to town, it is said, in consequence. of an express
sent for him to Scotland, and immediately after his arrival waited onfi'. s Majesty at Windsor, Yesterday a Court of Common Council was held at Guildhall, .' it which Mr. ( juin moved that, a dutiful and loyal Address be presented to his Majesty, expressive ot th • thanks . f the Court to his Majesty, for the great, mag- naniiooo;, and decisive conduct adopted towards assisting the glorious cause in which the Spanish nation is engaged, to defeat of i'. Hi u;-,- AtVer a t. Court, a; the moth The T' T; . . i Ex teicn ! d a u w •• rfidy and uii!. r; iati. on of the common enemy Ir. Ahfermin Bir4h seconded the motion.— h ervatious from diiferent
Members of the - roposed aoiendment', which was withdrawn, ti carried unanimously. Cr15i. C'osi.—-- Oil We. fiiescSy was tried, in the Court of Common I'lea--., before . Sir dailies Mansfield and a special jury, an action of damages brought by Mr. Fowler, a ' respectable attorney iri lilaekfriai's- Hoad, against Hodgson, his clerk. The plaintiff', it appeared, is about 40 years old, and in a very infirm state of health, in con- sequence of whieh he Went to Margate, and in his absence his wife, a Woman of 45, openly displayed her attachment to the Clerk; a yohng fellow of 21, who appeared to have been seduced by tl « Lady's
attentions ill supplying hiui with tea, and other articles, which the striitness of bis finances made It difficult for him to procure; Her whole conduct . was so shameless, that the servants of the family had no difficulty 111 proving the otfetitie; which entitled the plaintiff ,) recover damages of tilt; defendant; but the Court and Jury did not very highly estimate the loss of comfort the plaintiff had sustained in this case: it being stated that Mr. Gregson had recently recovered 2001, in a similar action against his coachman, the Jury placed Mrs. Fowler a link lower in the chain, and gave the plaintiff in this cause a verdict of 1301. damages. ()
Ln Bailevi—' The Sessions couunejy- ed on Wednesday. The whole of the day was oceupfeo in the trial of Isaac Dewherry, a coachman, capitally indicted for a violent assault, ~& c. on Margaret West, on the 10th of May last, in a stable in Duke- street, Lincoln's- inn- lields. The pro- secutrix related the circumstances of her having been dragged into the stable by two men, who were there joined by the prisoner, and all three treated her most brutally. Her evidence was supported by that of two or three women, who saw the men force her into the stable, and afterwards heard her shrieks; but it being also proved that she had since
said she should have been worse treated by the two men who absconded, had it not been for the inter- ference of the prisoner, and also that she was in liquor on the day stated, and very familiar with one of the men, whilst the master of the prisoner, and several other gen- tlemen, gave him an excellent character, the Jury pro-, nounced him Not Guilty. Y esterday 15 prisoners were tried, four of whom were capitally convicted, viz. 11. Whittingbam and I., Lyons, for slealing seven shirts and other articles ; W. Fazakerly, for stealing a watch, & c.; and W. BnmStead, a boy only 13 years • 1, for stealing 200 guineas, several half guineas, a seven- sh'liing- piece, and other monies, one 10/. and two 5/. Hauk- notHs, and a bracelet, the property of his master, C. T. V. Artis, a chimney- sweeper, in Kingslaml. BIRTHS.— On Tuesday, in Hertford- street, May- fair, the Countess of Glonmell of a daughter.— On the 3d inst. at Giiston House, ill Fifeshire, the Lady of Miyor- General Monerief of a daughter. Same day, at Glasgow, Lady Janet Buchanan of a daughter.— Lately, Mrs. Tullidge, wife of Mr. Tullidge, hair- dresser, of i'ortsea, of four children. * ' ' MAKItlF. D.— On the Kth instant, at JVfrinich, his Royal Highness the Hereditary Prince of Wirteinberg to her
Royal Highness the Princess Charlotte Augusta of Bavaria. — A few days since, Lieut. Col. Malcolm Macpherson, pt the 7- ith regiment, to Miss Ann Grant, of Dalrachney.— On Monday, at Bath, Mr. Scone, late of Jamaica, to Miss Esther Metge, daughter of : he Hon. Baron Metre.— Yesterday, at Maryboue Church, Thomas Haunter, Esq. eldest son of Sir Thomas Hamner, Bart, to Miss Bncknall, eldest daughter of the late T. S. Hyot Bueknall, Esq. of Baker- street. DIED] Lately, at llighnam Court,* Gloucester, hire, Lady Guise, relict of Sir John Guise, Bart.— Lately, at Newcastle, of tha scarlet fever, the. two Mss. es Bpdger,
daughters of Capt. Bodger, of the Royal A tilterv.— On the 4th imt. at Taunton, Mrs. Roberts, relict of General Roberts, M. P. for that borough.— Ou the 6th instant, at Sutton, on her way to Brighton, U, her loth yea:', Miss Tibbits, only daughter of Charles Tibbits, Esq, of Barton Seagrove, in No: lhamptonshire ; and on the following day, at his house in Highgate, in his 79th year, Richard Tibbits, Esq. banker, in London, grandfather of the above young Lady. On Sunday, in Great Russell- street. blootushury- square, Will. Provis, E q. of Sheptou- Mallet, — On Wednesday, in her 17th year, Miss Emma Vlarsham, third daughter of
the Hon. and Rev. Dr. Marshals, and niece to the Earl of Romney. A few days since, Mr. Robert Jones, of Mark- lane, branily- merehant, a well- known eccentric character on rtie Cu tom- house quays: he has died - worth SfK>, 000;. which he has bequeathed to a number of poor relations. two tr. stripp like ?.. the: ran-: -. Itize .-: - Xl:.- i dns: • ei : m-, i. ieiar, under the Northern entrance of the change; was 011 Wednesday at noon at e/ ghty- •••• « ' a tornado at an early hour yesterday morn- . ieid, which did considerable damage in the :• i. l.— About three o'clock a whirlwind took in St. James's Park, nearly opposite the palace, 1
them camp! of their branch"', and' lett^ Jhcm fe . barul \ per. sot I velocil- • the tr. dense,:. t in tii" tbo ; h of 1- in various p : this niorhii : veral hours •: A milai life occurre^ l But. Hi ill V .. h th tios ( . X-.- ai trade Barle both ' co:.-: Flour tnd she IF, AO. > SN- I: It was singular that at the same moment • a breath of air to he felt put of its -,- h > was on the spot compared it as to that of a water- spout. It made a . if a fallinghou- cyand raised a cloud of obstruct all vision.--— Its influence was rand, near Temple- Bar. Whirl- winds, . e, took place, in the course of the day, the ; wn ; and again abaut six o'HVock ; eh ; . sided in a refreshing
breeje ot sc- hist- ..-. e of the uneerlainty of human i day .:. he family of Sir Frederick Eden, ne bo:.:, last vu- ek frombuarding- scbottl, fever, and through the maternal atten- of Lai. ' iid :!:-, who had only lain- in a relate, ught the infection; and to the : of all he, Acquaintance, died yesterday : vice remains t'r. a same as las! week. -,, Thvrainy, ,/ alp 14. There are. but • if tD- dav, and not much at hand— this sale,, hardly, at !: i't prices;., very little whieh keep . sir prices ; l$ ean? i of her : the supptit- s of Oats are rathfel' article is also e - arw. Terms of WINCiiE - TER RACES, 1808. ON Tuesday the 19th >. f Jnlv, will be run for. on
Worthy Downs, his M.- j: ' ' Plate of 100 gs. by any horse, mare, or gelding, carryin, • ight for age, as follows: Four yr. olds, tOst. 4 lb. five y, ids, list. tjlb. six yr. olds, las't. and aged, 12ft. Sib. the best of three four- mile heats. AH disputes to be determintd by the Lord Lieute- nant of the county of Hants, or whom be may appoint. A Match.— Mr. Godiud's Mountaineer, y sr.. 9 lb. against Mr. Batson's Charmer, 7 st. < » lb. the last mile arid half, 50 gs. WiifiK'BSDAV the - 20th, the City Plate of 501, gi nn by h. r Grace tin; Du « hcs of Chandos and S. r Henry Mild may, Bart, for itnv horse that did not win the King's Plate this year; five
yr'. olds, 8st. 41b. six yr. olds, test. i- 2lb. andageo. 9st. the be st of three four- mile heats. The Noblemen and Gentlemen's t'hte of 50/. for throe yr. olds, 7 st.- 5 lb. and four yr. olds, 8St. fi lb. The winner of a plate or sweepstakes in the year 180?, to carry S lb,. extra ; the best of three two- mile he its,"— 2 lb. allows'd to four yr. olds thgt never won a plate or sweepstakes. A Hunter's Piite . of 50j. given by the Members of the County, for horses, & c. bona" hde the property of freeholders resident'in, Hampshire, and that never have won, and shall have Ijocn iri the owner's possession from the 1st of October preceding-, the best of
three tw'o- mde heats.— To carry list. Tuc ISSDAY the 21st, the Ladies Plate of SO/, for ar. y horse, & c. that never won plate, match, or sweepstakes, of that value; three yr. olds < 3st. four yr. olds, " ft. 12 ib. Inn, olds, H. st. 7 lb, six year olds, 8 st. 1U lb. audagtd 8st. ilb. : he best of three four- mile heats. A Cup ol loogs. value, and SOgs. added, for ail ages; threevr. olds to carry 6st. 3lb. fouryr. olds, 7 at. iolb. five yr. olds, 8St. Sib. six yr. olds, 8st. 14lb, and ag « d, flst.; mares and geldings of all ages to he allowed 2 lb.; one loui* mile heat. The subscriptions are to be paid to Mr. Westlakc, at Win- chester, or Mr. Weatherby,
Oxcnden- street, on or before Monday the lath. 1' hesubscriptions lo gs. each. Lord Rodney names Mr. Dundas's Cambrian, 4 yrs. old. Mr. Blaehford's Shutt'iecock, & yrs. old. Mr. H. Drummond names Mr. Dilly's Gnatho, 5 yis. Mr. Blackburn names Mr. FtHowes s Salamander, 5 yrs. ?. Ir. Goddard's Mountaineer, ri yrs. old. Mr. C. Dennis names Mr. Best sc. i eas, NOKTHWOOfl, ISLE OF WIGHT. TO be LETT or SOLD,— A truly desirable Staall C( tTTAGK, EiiIIN15III-: I) or UfiruRNISHED ; SOnsist- ingof tvjo parlours, a passage, a good kitchen, cellar, pantry, seuHefy, and five sleeping rooms ; a large court yard and ex- cellent
Water, a good gatden planted with choice shrubs and fruit trees, situate on the Yarmouth- road, two miles from Cowes and four from N'cWport, commanding extensive views both of sea and landi Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. R. 13. Wil- kins, banker, Newport1, br the proprietor, Mr. Levert. in, oil the premises. ' fiot Letters, post- paid, will meet due attention. IIEYTESBURY, WILTS. TO be LETT, and entered upon at Michdeltnas next, A neat brick and tiled DWELI. lNO- liOUSK, newly built; consisting of two parlours, a kitchen, back kit- chen, and convenient offices, two under- ground cellars, and five bcd chambers, with a two- stalled stable, wood- house, and walled garden ; situate near the church at Heyteshury, three miles distant from the market town of Warminster; two coaches pass through Heytesbury from and to Bristol and Portsmouth every day,' except Sundays, and the post arrives there daily. For particulars, application to be made to Mr. Thomas Flower, Heytrsbury. floS FOX LEY, WILTS, nno be LETT, for a Term of ftf Years from Lady- 1 Day next,— All that Capital FARM, called FOXLEY FARM, consisting of a good Farm- House, with convenient offices an., suitable out- buildings, and about 560 statute acres of rich
Arable, Meadow ( part watered), and Pasture l- AND, together with the Tythes thereof, and about 95 statute acres of Glebe Land, intermixed with the said Farm; the whole- forming a very compact and desirable Estate ; situate about ten miles from Chippenham, three from Malmesbury, and fiva from Tetbury. The Tenant will shew the premises; and any person inclined to treat for the same will sind their proposals to Mr. Moore, solicitor, Staple Inn, London, on or before the loth day of August nqxt. The Landlord pays the Land Tax, and keeps the buildings , n repair. ffl7" TO be LETT immediately, at Mticbehmtrsih, near Romsey,—
A neat READY FURNISHED COTTAGE, pleasantly situated, and adapted for the residence of a small genteel family, The House consists of two parlours, a drawing r KIM, thrree good bed rooms and three garrets, a kitchen and cellar, with a laundry, milk- house, and wash- house, detached; a coach- house and stabling for four horses ; a garden, and six acres of pasture adjoining. For . further particulars apply to. Mr. Stephen Warner, soli- citor, Romsey.— Mitchelnuirsh, June 2S,' 1808. f- 27 Slug, by St. George, out of Petruchio's dam, a yrs. old. Mr. Forth names Stripling, 4 yrs. old. Mr. Fermor's Wren, by Waxy, 6 yrs. old- Mr.
W. Gauntlett names Miss" Coiner, aged. Gen. Grosvenor's Etiscis, 4 yrs. old. Mr. Trev. wion's b. c. Gammon, 4 yrs. old. Mr. Feilowts's Mandarin, - tyis. old. Mr. C. Dundas's Reubens, 5 yrs. old. Mr. Beaver names br. f. Sorceress, by Sorcerer, 3 yrs. Old. Mr. M. Drummond is a subscriber, but did not name. To start each day at ftve O'clock. All. disputes for the City Plate to be determined by the Dg- chess of Chandos or Sir H. Mildmay, bart. or « ' hom Uuy may appoint; and for the other tlirce plateJ, by the majority of subscribers present. To remedv the inconvenience of travelling horses so far to enter, the Clerk of the Coarse will
attend at Mr. Dtlly's, I. vttieton, ou Monday the 18th of Julv, from twelve till two o'clo. rk, and at Mr. Day's, the White Hart, Stoekbridge, from four till six of the same afternoon, to view and re^' eivothe King's- Plate entrances. No horse wijl be allowed , to enter, unless the race- horse duty be paid, or certificate produced at the time of entrance. These that shew and enter for the three and four yr. old plate and Ladies plate, t » pay one guinea entrance, and sub- n- ribc 2 gs, to tin: plates of next year, and 105. to the Clerk of the Course, or double post entrance; which post entrance must be ma i- cither on the Down or at Winchester,
at or be- fore sevenp'cloqk iu the evening preceding tile day ot running. ' H e that shew and enter for'the City Plate, to pay 8/.. las. land for the Hunter's Plat-, S. s.' ot double afterwards, at the afore- mentioncd times and plates. Lord RODNEY, Steward. Balls, Assemblies and Ordinaries,, as usual. All dogs seen on the'Course will be destroyed. [- 243 SOUTHAMPTON, nho be SOLI),— A substantial Brick- built Freehold ' J. DWELLING- HOUSE,, lit.- for the immediate, reception of a genteel' Family ; dining- room " 2rt by 20 ft: and 12 ft. high; SOMERSETSHIRE. Rectory or Jursonage Tythes of St. C'uthbert, in Hells. nno be
LETT, for a Term of seven, fourteen, or A twenty one years, The RECTORIAL or GREAT TYTHES ; consisting of CORN and HAY, arising and ac- cruing from about 13200 acres of arable, meadow, and pas- ture Ground. Any person or persons inclined to take the said Tythes are desired to send his- or their proposals in writing to Mr. George Plummer, of Drayton, near Portsmouth, Hants; or Mr. George Rich, of Wells aforesaid, on or before the loth day of August next. The tenant may be accommodated with a barn, called Ca- non Barn, and the mow- barton thereto belonging. f41 The tenant to pay and discharge the Lord's rent,
and all rates and taxes. - Fpr further particulars apply to the said George Plummer, or GeiJtae Rich,— il'elh, June 29, 1808. FARM IN HAMPSHIRE. TO be LETT, for the Remainder of a Term of 21 years,, of which 17 years were unexpired at Michael- mas last, with immediate entry ta prepare for a wheat crop,— SAXLEY FARM, in the parish of Upper Clatford, in the county of Hants; containtng, besides a good farm- house and all requisite buildings, in improving which £ 1S00 has been expended since the commencement of the said lease, 1145 acres of capital arable land ( more or less), 20 acres of water meadow ( more or
less), and a yearly allotment of loj lands of coppice wood. For further particulars, application may be made personally or by letter ( postage paid; to Mr. Pinkett, attorney at law, Elm- court, Temple, London ; or Mr. Bird, attorney at law, Andover, Hants. fs DORSET.— PURSE CAUNDLE RM. FA 1^ 0 be LETT, and entered upon at Latly- day, . 180.9, PURSE CUNDLF. FARM, a complete and well- watered Estate; consisting of a very good mansion- house, barns, out- houses, farm- yard, and four hundred and ninety- six acres of g tod arable, meadow, and pasture land, the greatest part lying in the parish of Purse Caundlc, near
Mil* born Port, three miles from Sherborne, six from Wincanton, and twelve from Shaftesbury, all good market towns. For particulars apply (':!' by letter, post paid; to Mr. Moore, solicitor, Sturmtnster Newton ; Mr. Upjohn, surveyor, Cann, Shaftesbury, both in the county of Dorset; and Tho- mas Couche, Esq. No. 2, North- street, Charlotte- street, Fltz- roy- square, London ; and for a view of the premises to the pitsent tenant. [ loy DORSETSHIRE. Immediate Residence for a small genteel Family. TO be LETT, for a Term of three Years, A neat Brick and tiled CQTTAGF., situate at Spetisbury, three miles from Blandford, near the
turnpike r > ad leading to Poole; comprising two parlours, a good kitchen, and conve- nient pantries, Arc. a ple- sairt sitting room oyer the dining parlour, a good bed chamber opposite the sitting room, two bed chambers, a dressing room, and two neat garrets ; a pretty Garden, a plot of ground in the front, a two- stall Sta- ble, with Coach- house, & c. N. B. Further particulars may be known ( by letters, post paid) of Mr. Percy, upholsterer, Blanch' - rd. [ 103 BEELEVUE, NEAR SOUTHAMPTON, Tfith. un itldis> naa, bk Freehold Title and the Lund- Tax i edeentbdi TO b « i SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the G6or » ; e Inn,
Southampton, ( in the 4'! th day . of August nekt, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and. three of the afternoon, ( if not previously disposed of by private contract; — This charming and elegant MfcJfSION, " in thorough good otder and tepair, and fit for the immediate occupation Of any tamdy ot distinction, with coach- houses for four carriages', stabling for nine horses, laundry, wash- house, dairy, and every other attached and detached office ; a lar? c greeinhouse filled with plants, pinery and succession houses : n excellent Order, extensive and elegant conservatories, with an abundahce of fruit trees in full bearing, and a
profusion of gripes; a very large garden in great order, having hall two acres added to the original one, and nearly encircled by a high wail, clothed with choice fruit trees in full bearing, and a very large ice- house filled with ice ; together with fifteen acres inclosed in a lawn ordn£ e at the hick of the hour*;, with a shrubbery aiound.— The fixtures, furniture, < tc. may either be sold with the house, or taken at an appraisement. For further particulars apply to Mr. George Hookey, in the town of Southampton, who will give orders to persons wish- ing to inspect the premises; or to Mr. Crosbic, Bruton- street, Grosvenor- square, London.
[ 991 F.: rc: t. " oUN'fi c ' rntv n th, lie' to til- ( ( ' WILTS. F Freehold Estate on the Icrlters of Mi Hpo be SOLI) by AUCTION, by , the kbit's Arms inn. at JVtfntor, in the Wilts, onMonoitv the lftlrd'ayof . I;: h ,' nst. K- f. i. r bt three khd Six o'clo.- k In t- e mo ". ui ieiit i ditious\ vhic3i will be then pro.-' itc d.- A- vuidal. V JK }•'.'• i , ofj> ESTATE; cohiprlsolg : i c.> rn" nio'dioii% wv|!->- nv. ! :: -. ;,.'[ tiled DwcNirtr- ftottsc; contain in*', Sr. lln- jsrent- tt 1'.- - •• V,. tiartce hall 17 ft. by 14 ft. one parlour 131';. 1- S- H i ; irr 1- 2 ft. by 17 ft. find of. propuffftnabfe- h'eisjjts; will: 1-:. v.--'- . . milk- house, punip- hcUse, pjre. rie ,(':•:. ; f, Ur v.< , f e bers o\ ct,
add girrets; with a shmM - rv. e , r- ien. :, r: d - i'- chard, Well st cktfd With a variety ••( fruit trees ; barn, fu 1- houses, and Vard, attached to tl! .- hoiise. J7011 SALE bv AUCTION, by . Mr. JOHN CRA! SSTON, at tfie Hotel, CHIUSTCHUBCH, on Mon- day the 18th day of Julv, 1808, at three o'clock in the after- noon, the following FREEHOLD LANDS : Lot I,— A Close of Land, at Pure well, in the parish of Christchurch, containing half an acre, more Or less ; statute measure. Lots.— A Close of Arable or Pasture Land, containing, by estimation, three acres, ( statute measure) adjoining the above lot. These lands are extremely well
adapted for building, being most conveniently and pleasantly situated at the entrance of the town of Christchurch, within a mile of the beautiful and much- frequented Muddiford Beach, where there is every accommodation for bathing. For a sight of the premises apply to Mrs. Cranston, at Pure WELL; and for further particulars to Messrs. Minchin and Compigne, solicitors, Gosport, or Mr. Wm. Baldwin, solicitor, Ringwoott. [ s4 mom for two Carnturcs.-- Most advantageously situated, No. It, above the Bar.' otttfeati'lioc a-. v. extcnsiva'ai-. d p'cturcsque view of t. re New'Forest; SWftMniyt- srf Rivc'r. Itdbe'n, P.;-.: Tree! Green,, old the
surrounding country. The'Furiiiture mav- be ta- n b_ y apjiraisenient. For partic- Vif- ippT-' Mr. Wafts, on. above the B » r. Lsttiits post p iid ( yi. il have due \ HANTS. FARMS to be LETT for He Tmn of Seven Years, from Michaelmas r Old Style: ALL that capital FARM, called Eastney Farm, situate in the island of Portsea, in the county of South- ampton, now in the occupation of Mr. James Brent; com- prising a substantial farm- house, and all requisite detached out- buildings, and 1- 33 statute acres of arable and pasture land, with a right of common on Milton Common Also all that FARM, situate in the said island of Portsea, now
in the opsupation of Mr. William Edney ; consisting of 61 statute acres of arable and pasture land, With a like right of common. Also all that sm » ! l FARM, situate in the parishes of Soir. h- wick and Boarhurt, in the said county, now in the occupa- tion of Mr. Henry Warner; consisting of a messuage, barn, gateway, stable, and out- houses, and about 22 statute acres of land The situation of Hhese farme renders the occu- pation of them particularly desirable. Respectable farmers, desirous of viewing the premises, are requested to apply to the respective tenants; and those '. vho may lie willing to treat for the same, will be pleased
to s « nd, on or before the 30th Of July instant, sealed tenders ( post paid) with the word " Tender" written thereon, addressed to John Godwin, Esq. Bank, Hanover- street, Portsea; or Mr. Maidman, solicitor, Fareham, Hants, from either of whom may be had the terms of the leases. N. B. " Attendance will be given On Monday the Ist of August next, at 11 o'Clockin tlte forenoon, at th4 Geolr » e Inn, Porsmouth, for the purpose of opening the several tenders, When the parties who- delivercd them are requested - to be pre- sent.- Vat eham, July 9, 180 » . [ S61 BERKSHIRE. DELIGHTFUL FREEHOLD VILLA, WITH forty acres of
LAND, tythe free, land tax redeemed, with immediate possession, to be SOLD by PRIVATE CON- TRACT, by Mr. HISCQCK ; comprising a genteel residence on the pround floor, an entrance, hall, breakfast and dining parlours, drawing room 16 hy 17 feet, water and other clo- sets, ten bed rooms, two stair cases, under- grofihd beer and Wine cellars attached, lofty liitchen, dairy, larder, bie'. vhouse, outhouses, and domestic offices; the whole singularly con- venient, and Well supplied with'excellent water; with a lawn, shrubbery, pleasure ground, and ornamental timber, judi- ciously laid out; cold bath, fish pond well stocked;
excel- lent kitchen garden and orchard, with a variety of luxuriant and singularly prolific walled and qther fruit trees; together with a double coach house, stabling for fourteen horses, barn, granary, cow- houses, pickery, and great conveniences,- with 40 acres ( more or less; of excellent pasture and arable Land,' in the highest state of cultivation, most eqnvenjcntjy connected, and divided by live mounds in the greatest per- fection. The whole of which Estate is in the completest • state of repair, presenting a truly healthy and com enable residence to the gentleman fopd of the natuial amusement of firming, retirement, or the society
of the most n sp. cable pe'igjhb6 « r!- iQpd ; pleasantly situated c- n an « tsy declivity, noirjy central between London and Bath; a conveni- nt t"' • tahce from the. Bath and other high roads, f> _-. u: nt:; from Newbury', and four from Hunettrford ; ' aboufidintr with game and field sports; immediately in the hunt of the first packs of fox hounds in the kingdom. The modern and exceeding neat HOUSF. HOI. D FUR- NI. URE ( except Plate v. id Linen), with Fixtures, live and : dead Farthing Stock, to be taken to at a fiir valuation. Personal ar.- j past paid applications for purch.< ie, or further particulars," to Mr. Hisc. ock, Stroud- green,
Newbury, will bt -' 4uly atceudf: t to, - ' '[ 109 TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the lied Lion Inn, in Ringwood, on Wednesday the 90th day of July instant, bv Mr. JOHN CKAKSI ON,—- The FEE- SIMPLE anil INHERITANCE of several Pieces of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture LAND, lying dispcrscdly in Blashford Meadow and Blashford, in the parish of Ellingham, in the county of Southampton, now in the possession of Mr, Gabbatas, and to be entered upon the 2.1th of S. ptember next; the particu- lars of which are as follow: In Great Ham in Blashford Meadow, Changeable A. R. r. every year 2 2 0 Half and Butts in ditto, ditto 1 2 0
Coomer in do. notchangeable, lying near Ellingham, 1 0 0 Mag's Acre in ditto, 1 0 0 Part of Shave frield, arable 1 0 0 South Croft, ditto 0 3 0 Town Close, ditto 1 2 0 Conniger, pasture, near the Brook 0 3 0 Barn and Plot, pasture, about .. 0 2 0 Twelve Beast Leases iu Blashford Meadow are attached to the several lots of meadow land. For further particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Hooper, attorney at law, Ringwood, who is authorised to treat for the same; and for a view of the premises to Mr. Gabhatas.—" The sale to begin precisely at four o'clock in the afternoon. ( 268 ' WHITEPARISH, WILTS. TO be SOLD by
AUCTION, by Messrs. GATE- HOUSE, at the White Hart Inn, Wh'iteparish, on Mon- day the 13th day of July, 1808, at two o'clock in the after- noon, unless before disposed of by private contract'), Sun- dry F R E E H O L D and LEASEHOLD MESSUAGES, DWELLING- HOUSES, LAND, and PREMISES, situate in Whiteparlsh, in the county of Wilts; in three lots, as undermentioned, the other part of the premises before ad- vertised having been disposed of by Private Conrraet. Lot 1.— Three new- built Freehold Dwelling- houses, near the Workhouse, with a garden to each of them, now in the possession of. James Bfidle,
Elizabeth Brown, and Thomas Stone, tenants at Will. Lot 2.— A good and substantial Dwelling- house, Offices, and iarge Garden, in Whitrparish- street, in the renting of Mr. ) am* es Field, as tenant at will; and also two pieces of Land, Containing about ah acre and a quarter, in the renting of John Maurice Eyre, Esq. as tenant at will.— These pre- mises are held for the remainder of a term of 1000 years, commencing the 17th of January, 1723. Lot a.— Two Leasehold Houses and Gardens, in the pos- sessions of Richard Chalk and William Stone, ir. tenants at will. These premises are held under the representatives of G. Y.
Fort, Esq. for one life oiily. ( iuit- rent 20s. The above premises are desiiably and pleasantly situate- 1 in Whiteparish, 7 miles from Salisbury, s from Romse. y, and IS from Southampton. To be viewed b v applying to Mr. R. Gambling, at the White Hart fun, at Whiteparish ; and further particulars may be known hy applying at the Office of Messrs. Tanner and Cooper, Salisbury, where applications for purchasing the premises by private contract are also to be made ; all letters to be post paid. [ 3- 24 Manors and Estates in the County of Devon. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. Ro- tiiNS, at Garraway's Coffee- house, '
Change- alley, Cofn- hill, London, on Thmsdaythc ^ lstof July, at twelve'o'clock, in t\ vp or more lots ( unless previously disposed of by private contract),- The very valuable andextensive MANOR and ESTATE of ASHWATER, otherwise ESSEWATER, in the se- veral parishes of Ashwater, Virginstow, Broadwoodwidger, I. ifton, an! Werrington, in the county of Devon; consisting 0t :* I2U0 acres of good arable, meadow, pasture, and Wood Land, in several farms and tenements, of the annual- value of £ 2000 and upwards, now held by tenants under leases res- pectively determinable on the deaths of one, two, or three lives, in
convcntionary rents, amounting to the annual sum of £ bt.. 12. .- 6, with the timber growing on the said several farms and estates, and which is ' reserved to the Lord in the above- mentioned leases. Also, The very valuabl: and compact MANOR and ES- TATE of BRADFORD, in the Several parishes of Bradford and Pyeworth, in the county of Dev. r,; consisting of 581 acres of capital arable, meadow, pasture, at.-: wood Land, in several farms - and tenements, of the anno. hie of ,£' G3 » and upward, now held by tenants Under ,1.: res;- lively determinable on the deaths of one, two, and ton !' . s, ;- t conventionary rents,
amounting to the annr-. l :... oi ot £ 13.. 17.. 4.—- Both Estates are subject to certain cap- and heriots; also the timber growin? on the said several last-,: r, tioned farms and estates,' reserved to the Lord in the last- men- tioned leases. Printed particulars may be had thirty days prior to the sale, of M - ssrs. Desse and Dendy, solicitors, ' Bream's- buildings, Chancery- lane; ofi Messrs. Gullett and Cosserat, Circus, Exeter; Mr.- George Gould, jttn. Crust, near Oakhampton, Devon; of. Messrs. Rohins, Covent- garden ; and at all the principal inns in the neighbourhood of the manors. [ 1- 23 Applications for viewing the estates may be
made to Mr. Gould ; and maps of the property may' be seen at Messrs. Desse and Den, dy's office, and in Covcnr Garden, London. i- WILTS. Freehold Estates, CnWr. e: b6nrne Kingston, letwee Ann- doier, Hwngerforti, qnd Alarlbrrrcugh, TO be SOLD by " AUCTION, bv Mr. ROBINS, at Garrawav's Coftec- house, ' Change- alley, Cornhill, London, on Tuesday the 30 th of August, at twelve o'clock, in two Lots: Lot 1 .— The very eligible FREEHOLD ESTATES, land- tax redeemed, comprising the manor or reputed manor of Collingbourne Valence, and Bronton House; a desirable family mansion, seated 011 a lawn surrounded by
thriving plantations, with caiden, orchard, yard, barns, stables, and out- buildinns, and upwards of 151 acres of meadow, pasture, arable, and wood Land, all lyingcompact, in a go « d state of cultivation, and in a fine healthy part of the country, Com- manding rich and extensive views over a rich country, pre- senting a pleasant rt- sidince fi> r » a gentleman fbnd of farming and field sports ; situate in the parish and near the village of Collingbonrne Kingston, and within a quarter of a mile of the Church. ' Lot 9ft— A valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, adjoining lot 1, called Heath Farm, land- tax redeemed, and Gammon's Corner,
situate in the parishes of'Coilingbosrne Kin^ toa and Chute, With a farm- bouse, yards, garden, orchard, barns, stables, and out- buildings, and upwards of 171 acres of mea- dow, pasture, and wood land, all in good cultivati-- end lying compact. Au Act is obtained for incl?-,:: ig tne parish of Chute, which will add a considerable quantity of land to this lot. . These Estates are very eligible property for investing money,, or for occupation ; are within two mil. s of Everlev, nire • from HurtjErford, ten' from M irloorbie- h, twelve ftotn AII- dover, sixteen from Salisbury, and seventy from London. May he viewed by applying on the
premises, where particu- lars may be had; at the Star and Garter, Alfdovcr; Swan, Huiigervord'; Castle and Marlborough Arms, Marlborough ; White Hart, Sulisbury ; the Inns at Evcrk- y and Amt- shuiv ; Pelican, Newbury; White I. ion, Bath; Bush, Br. toi; Black. Bear, Devizes; White- Hart, Chippenham; at G rrai- way's; and of Mr. Robins, Warwick- street, Golden- square, London, where a plan ol- the Esiatcs may he slen. "[- 217 . Also a capital Stable for six horses ; ch'i- house '••••• rApih » ,' trardi'- n- ise, walled garden, and orchard welt stopkd with Iruic : s ; a barn with stni^ rooms, mnary^ n stones, e ve- iv.- s, yard; one other
barn " ofi - S ir-. ir of s:-:\ es ; ore sh - ri- '* pair ditto, witlj an excellent subst- w- i:-! .- eit- he- ir ggons : all lying detached, I uFscpWed only bv : he house, and over- looked bv the seme. trees and house 011 SS paird: for four waggi road from the Also 79 A. ! i Or. 35 P. o'f'ara'le land; 13 A. I Q 30 p of pasture land; and 8 A. o( l. 3 P. of ce:, pice, maUng. w: rii •' Us. e a • :> !' « .' 1 - J: , J LU: ., 1:: I: I . . late the estate Of Mr. John Eori illiJ. dec asad. This Estate will be found to be jjarticu'arlv < 1 - s: r-; i, t- to arr gentleman who, to the enjovment of field sport-- m - icmniry peculiarly inter, stirig, Would wish to unite tl e : Mnt C s of a
stlug compact farm ; its i « jnodiats vicinity to the N - w Kr ie t and possessing rights of tornmon and td'rbary therein,- are eir- cumstanccs af advantage to th'- Estate.—' There : s a - od pew ill Downton Church belonging to the E- f te. The premises are in a ® y,- healthy situation with pi - nty of good water, and are 12 miles from l. yi e. huist, 17 io'! cs from Southampton, and " 8 miles frotji Salisbury ; the ro « ; s very gOod. Printed particulars h-. ay now be had at fljf. W'hitft Hot rnn, Salisbury: at the Dolphins Inn, Soiu- ian. ie. m • - f Mr. Street, at Lvrtdhurst; of . Messrs.' Geor- c IVa'rso,,' , J Son, attorneys, Pump- court, Temple,
London: and of Mr Woodyear, solictor, DftivntoA ; and f - r . o. y fur. her ir. t : irv, or to View the estate, application may be mad. on any 11 „- day of Thursday in the forenoon to Mr. Woodyear, at whi a office « plan qf the estate may be seen. DOW'KTO.- J, JitneSUh, .180$." - t [- 74 — • ' "^ po be SOLD by AUCTION '( without rwrvel, X by Mr. HERITHOE, at the Three Wool Peeks Ir, n : u Trowbfidge, on Friday the SStH day- of Jtilv. leos. atthr- e o Block iti the afternoon, bv order of the assignees of I, hn Bell, a bankrupt,— The following I'RF. IOHOLD' LANDS a id PREMISES ( subject to such conditions as shall be 1 rodeo d at
the time of sale); Lot 1.—- All that Messuage or Dwplling- hoUse and Shop, With a Garden, and convenient offices adioinin -, situat - - - r the Mafkct- place Ih the tottrn of tnjwhrirj. ee. in tl- oe - ai : i- tiOn of Mr. Wri| liam New, Watch- maker, at the clear yearly rent of thirty pounds. Lot 2.—- A well- established Ale- house and Premises, call'd the Swan, situate in Back- street, in Trow'- rid- e. 1 t-' in the occupation of Mr. Nathan Nov-.- s, ai:<! now of Mr. James Kihs. at the Cleaf yearly rent of forty pounds. Lot. 8.— A Dwelling. bouSe and Shop, situate a: the corner of Duke- street, adjoining the last lot in the occupation of Mrs. Maty
Applegate, at the- dear vcarly rent, f ten ponmls. Lot 4.— A new- built Dwellinj-' house, with the appurte- nances, in Duke- street afensaid, in tile occupation of Ami Smith* at the yearly rent of fifteen pounds. Lot 5.— One other new- built Dwelling- house, with the np- purtenances, adjoining the last lot, in the occupation ofjair. cs Griffin, at the yearly rent of fifteen pounds. LotS-.— One other rtew- bailt Dw - lling- house adiolnin » the last lot, in the occupation of Robert Read, at the veariy rent ot fifteen pounds. Lot 7.— Several Pieces or Parcels of Meadow Ground, lying dispersedly in a meadow ir. the palish of Kndf « id, eel- il Ash
Mead, containins'togethcr by estimation four acres ( more or less), ndvr occupied by James Harding. Lot 8,— An undivided fourth part or share of and in .- ill th . t Water Grist Mill, called the Lower Mill, with the Mill II Garden, and rich close of Mead. w, called Mill Mea. l, •„:!- joining thereto, conMining together by e- cmation three acres ( more or less) now in the occupation of. Mr'. Applesjate, mtal- man, ' at the clear yeaily rent of seventy- seven pounds. VHP Tile several tenants will pcrti. t an inspection of the premises ; ahd other information may be had ' n applic ition at the respective offices of Mr. Timbrell and Mr. Winiams, in
Trowbtidee. n;,- qpo be SOLD by AUCTION, at the George Tim, A in Shepton Mallet, in the county of Somerset, on Mon- day the 8th day of August, 1808, between the hours ot - e and six in the afternoon ( unless the sain , with frad- . he in thS mean time disposed of by private Ctifitr ct of wi h due notice will be given),— The following v: 1 • ! Ic ;•' MISES, at Draycot, in the. parish of Sh< y> to'n M. iil. : v. , re an extensive Woollen Manufactory has been cir- iedcs: r many. ycars bv M'. John Pinfold Wcsthy. with sm.-' ry ?! -• suages and Weaving Shops, conven ritly situate -'- ar .. is same, in lots, subject to Conditions of* s- n - the. '
o .„: produced. Lot 1.— A latge arid Commodious DWELLING-- I! C ' « K. with a good Garden and Green- house ; also . !*• 0 ofl extensive Werkroo'ms. Src.; and in th sair- 1: ' e sold a nev.- ly er.- et.- cl M - chin - ry Mill, t^ ons: t ng Of feu • s above the ground or v.'!: eel- door, si feet loop hv 33 f, t v- .< 110W driving twoscrd. lii-. g. e-: ; ines, three car.'. i • - m: - ::- • a. plucking- machine, arid willy; and also a very eon,- :, c Freehold Double Dye- hous , eonta. r. ing two dy.. .... : e. s and one small scouring- furnace, an:! aire- two .: u. : n . vats, together with convenient 1 if's, coal- la• :• -, a stove, and a double cloth- rack capa'ol • of
ra v 0 ' G y.. r Is of broau or narrow cloth. Lots i, 13, 4. S, and 6, Comprise variou : I)' » ' » ''•'• l HOUSES, Weaving Shops, & c. as more fully described ' in printed hand- hills." Lot? 7, 8, andy, consist of valuable Closes and Padd ks of LAND. | 35t And on Tuesday Au- rust thepth, and the C> Hcvi- ig days, will he SOLO bv AUCTION, on the Premises, All lis STOCK in TRADE, Machinery, Liquors, « rc. of Mr. J hn Pinfold Westley; consisting cif a large . quar. thv < f el Vh and cas, r, itjiere of divers sorts, dve wares, tools and . m- ile- pients.+— Should the Trade and Premises he disposed of hy private contract, it may be preferred
to sell the Stock in the same manner; if so. the public shall have timely notice'. % » Catalogues will be ready to be delivered hy the is! f Augurt, and may be had at the principal Inns ih th • n eigh- bourhood, and at Mrs. Cary's Printing- office, Sheotoi Mallet. WEYMOUTH, DORSET. ;? OR SALE by AUCTION, at the King's Head Inn, Weymouth, on Tuesday the 2( 3ih day 1 f Julv, 1 by eleven o'clock in thr forenoon,—- The good SHIP ROSA » ,! 0, English built, with all her warlike and other STORES. DIMENSIONS : Length aloft,. 88 ft. Si in. I Depth in Hold 8 ft, ,0 in. Breadth 24 41 J Height between decks .. 5 1 Admeasure^ 40.5
1- S4th Tons. Condemned as prize to the private shp of war True Briton, Thomas Dymotid, commander, captured on her voyage from Saint Sabastian to Monte Video. This vessel is strong built, copper fastened, sails remarkably fast, and is well adapted for the West India or Uiazit trade, is well found, and may be sent to sea at a small expence. Immediately after the sale of the Ito3A « ro, will bcsald her entire CARGO, consisting of about 15 Casks of adzes 2 Casks of hots CO IrOn pots C3 Bundles of English iron hoops 51 Boxes of steel 12. tasks of n. ols 1326 Cars of iron, wt. 37 tors 37 boxes of large hatchets 6' S Difto. small
ditto 1 Bex of toys 14 Pipes red wins 1 Pipe white wine 75 Hogsha. J red wine 8 casts whit.: wine 13 Cases rod wine 56 Smu'. l casks red wine 83 Casks of brandy 123 Reams of writing pap; 15 Barrels of tar 14 Half barrels of tar 25 Barrels of pitch 9 Cask's of shovels After the sale of the above Cargo will be sold the SI- IIP's PROVISIONS, consisting of a quantity of Ship Bread, Beef, Calavimces, & c, & c. For viewi'ig,. the above Eoods, the ship Kcsario, and Stores, apply to Mr. Loader, of. Weymouth, or to Mr. Tindall, of the same place,, the auctioneer. N. B.. . The new export duty- by an Act passed the 29th of March, 1809,
will not Be charged on the above gc ode, as the vessel arrived before the said Act took plp. ee.• Immediately alter the sale of the Rbs'ario's provisions, will be raid that b'; autiful Engfoivbuilt coiriier-'" iliwmtd LUG- GER TRUE BRITON, supposed to be the fastest sailing vessel of her ciass now built. DIMI NSIONS : Length aloft, so pf-— ttieadtn, : n » fij — Depth 01 hold. P .} Admeasures 182 7D- S+ tons. Together- with all her warlike ant! other ' STORES; coi. - 1 - ig of id guns, 12- pou: e: ers ; a great qu nit, ty. fit' si:-" t -, hi 1 s'< ••-*, inast/ and rigging, which art all in high order and she -.. ay be sent to sea immediately w: t.:.: vit
any expem-- — The. a:--> e Lugger is now Tying in llridport Hs- bour; t - view • e .. e. e : same, and other particulars, apply to Mr. Browne, the agent, at Bndport. " [ 2i>-)
T1IE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Sunday s Post. By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED OM SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 16. WHITEHALL, July 1( 5. THE King has been pleased to outer a Conge d'Eiire to pass the Great Seal, empowering the Dean and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of He- reford to elect a Bishop of that See, the same being void by the translation of the Right Reverend Father in God Folliot Herbert Walker Cornwall, late Bisliop thereof, to the See of Worcester; and his Majesty has also been pleased to recommend the Right Reverend Father in God Ji » im Luxmoore, Bishop of
Bristol, to be by them elected JBishap of the said See of Hereford. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, July lfi.— A letter from Capt. John Duer, of the Aurora frigate, dated Carlisle Bay, Harbadoes, June 2, says, " On my passage to the West Indies, with a convoy, on the 29th ult. 1 fell in with and raptured, after a cfiaee of four hours, the French schooner privateer Le Vengeance, pierced for 14 guns, but mounting 8 nin pounders and one long twelve- pounder on a pivot, with 68 men ; four of the nine- pounders she threw overboard in the chace. She had been out 26 days from Point a Petre, Guadaloope, but bad made no capture. It appears
she was his Majesty's late schooner the Tobago.'' The Average price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, com- puted from the Returns made in the week ending the 13th day of July, 1808, is Thirty- nine Shillings and Six Pence Farthing per Hundred Weight, exclusive of the Duties of Customs. WAR- OFFICE, July 1( T. 42d Reg. of Foot— Major R. H Dick, from half- pay of Bradshaw's late Levy, to be Major. 63d Ditto— Caut. H. Towzell to be Major', by purchase. \ lth Royal t eteran Battalion.— Brevet- Major W. Collis. from the 27th Foot, to be Major. BREVET.— Major V. Fischer, of WattcviUe's Regiment, to be l. ieutenamt- Cokmel
in the Army. ORDN- ANCE- OFFICE, July 12. Royal Reg. of Artillery— Colonel E. Fage to be Colonel- Commandant; LicuL- Co'lonel J. Harding'to be Colonel; Major G. B. Fisher to lie Lieut; nant- Colm - l; Brevet Major C. Gotifr y to be Major. Commissions in the Dorsetshire Yeomanry Cavalry, signed iy'the Lord Lieutenant— T. Pitfield, Gent, to be Lieutenant • A. M. Mills, resigned; II. Willett, Esq', to be ditto, vice C. B. Wollaston, resigned. BANKRUPTS. Wm. H-^ snn, of Stocknrtrt, grocer. Samuel Sanders, <> f Abchuri h- lan\ London, vintner. Jolin ' ViJltlan, of Liverpool, victualler. Tiios. Calvert, of Lam- ister, yrocer. Richard
Swa'low, of Sheffield, ironmaster. Rani-- lJl'. oin, of Norwich, merchant. Win. White of i larklrinrs- road, white lead manufacturer. . Tc j p! i Oatof II: it- street, pastry- cook. Allen Oav. lev, of Milton, grocer. PRICES OF STOCKS THIS Al Three o'Clock, DAY, Bank Stock, 243- f India Stock, shut So'lth Sea Stock, shut a " p Cent. Red. 6< i$ a Cent. Cons. 68-| ex. d. 4 tf- Cents. 8. r> J 5 fi Cent. Navy, shut 5 Cent. 17H7, — LOOK Aim. 19 Omnium, 3 p. " India Bonds, 4 a 5 p. Exchequer Bills, 4 a 5 p. Irish 5 » Cents. — Imperial a ^ Cents. 6 « | English Lott. Tickets, Ditto Pri7. es, 9 •} » • Cent. dis. LONDON. SATURDAY EVENING,
JULY 15. The Spanish Commissioners appointed bv the Su- pr;' : C'onhcH of Seville, to conclude a Treaty of Peace i Ai-';. t ween Great Britain and Spain, are arrived. 1 - Ceiiinii-'--: ioner^ are Admiral Don Apndaca, anel Major- • Don Jaeomie. They are accompanied by two < persons of distinet'on, in the capacity uf Secretaries. '.". iey reached town yesterday, and have had already an in- terview with Mr. Secretary Canning. The accounts they bring confirm all these which have from time to time been published, relative to til' enthusiastic determination of the brave Spaniards to extirpate their oppressors. When the Commidinners
left Cadiz, the contributions in aid of tile war, notwithstanding the actual distressed state of Spain, were productive beyond all expectation.— In Cadiz alone, the merchants fUrniahed the sum of 350,000 hard dollars. Eight thousand men were also raised in that city, completely, armed, and on their march ag- inst the enemy, The regular force and militia in Se- ville and its vicinity amounted to 40,000 men. There were besides 60,000 volunteers in arms. On the 15th of June the inhabitants of Cadiz were in hourly expectation of official intelligence of the surrender of Dupont. The Governor of Malaga, at the head of 13,000 men, had
marched to co- operate with the patriots, by whom Dupont was surrounded at Cordova ; and no doubt is entertained of the utter annihlation of the enemy's force in that quarter. Accounts from Majorca have been received at Gibraltar, which state that a vessel hid arrived there from Barcelona, the Captain of which affirms, that there had been fighting between the French and Patriots in that city on the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 9th of lust month, and that it continued whet) he left it ou the t) th. General Cucnca, one of the Patriot Generals, it is said, has sent word to Murat, at Madrid, that if he chose to evacuate Madrid and Spain, he should
not be molested in his retreat; hut that if he did not accept his offer, he must take the consequence, as he was advancing against him at the head of a strong army of the Patriots. Advices from fricily mention, that Sir John Stuart arrived at Messina the latter end of May, and took on him the command of all the British force* in the Mediterranean. It is further stated that his Sicilian Majesty had offered to incorporate his army with the British forces, and to ap- point Sir John Captain- General and Commander in Chief of the whole of his forces. Joseph Bonaparte is, as appears by accounts from Polermo, more likely at present to lose a
kingdom than to gain one : nearly the whole of the population of Calabria have risen in insurrection against him, and have driven his forces before them to Venasco, only about 40 miles from Naples. Letters from Cork, dated Sunday evening, state, that the whole of the Expedition under Sir Arthur Welleslev were embarked, and only waited for a fair • wind to proceed to their destination. They amount to upwards of 9,000 men. Orders have been issued for the immediate em- barkation of the troops in the Kent District, which cnmmenced with the 52d Regiment yesterday after- noon, at Ramfgate, where twenty sail of transports
arrived oil Thursday ; there are nearly forty sail of othefs in the Downs, from whence two divisions of cavalry transports have also sailed for Ireland. His Majesty's ship Astrea, Capt. Heywood, is lost on a reef of rocks off the island of Anageda, which, in hazy weather, had been mistaken by the people on board for Porto Ricoi Fortunately all her people were saved except four, two of whom were killed by the bursting of a gun filed as a signal of distress, and the other two drowned in endeavouring to reach the- shore on a raft, from which they were washed by the surf. The misfortune happened on the night of the 23d of May. The
St. Ivitt's sloop hove in sight on the following day, took the people oif the island, , and distributed them on hoard the Jason, Galatea, and Fawn. The two latter remained some days off Anagada, employed in saving stores, & e. from the wreck. OLD BAUBV.— Ye terday 17 prisoners were tried, three of whom were capitally convicted, viz. T. Monday, tor stealing a 501. Rank note ; E. G. Rouse, for a burglary, anil stealing IT piece; of Irish linen ; and W. Buwen, for stealing a watch and S& 1. in money. F. IRTH.] On Thursday, at the house of her fathpr, ",:'. » i Han- on, Esq. in Russell- square, the Lady of Captain jiVj- ae, < f the
Royal Artillery, of a son.— This Lady's loss <•? i - vo 3- i.: noticed in another part of this Journal, where the n un. 1 is erroneously priuted Boger. DI :-: L\] On Thursday, at Bath, the Right Hon. Laura Pu'i-.. Countess of Bath, & c. in her own rfoht, and v iv of the Right Hon. Sir James Murray Pulteney. Bart. Secret try at War, & c. Her Ladyship was the last repre- ss tative of William Pultenev Earl of Bath, and dying w . ibut issue ber titles are extinct. It is uncertain on » • m iier large fortune will devolve. Lately, at Malta, Count Seanjaiuis, brother of the Duke of Orleans. pott jsetosf. FALMOUTH, 14Hi July, 1808.— The Princess Eli zabeth packet, Capt. Farradale, from Malta and Gibraltar, arrived on Monday, The accounts of the surrender of the French fleet are confirmed ; and a detachment of Lord Col- lingwood's fleet has sailed for Minorca and Majorca, to bring troops to the Continent. The Lady Arabella packet sailed on Monday for Gibral- tar and Malta, and the Prince Ernest packet for Jamaica. The United States' brig St. Michael, with dispatches from Am erica, and L'Orient, arrived last night. The dis- patches are from the American Government and the Mi- nister at Paris to the Minister in London. AH the troops that can possibly be assembled arts -
proceeding by forced marches to Spain. Nothing was heard in FraV. ce of the disasters of the French arms there. It is said that the un- fortunate Ferdinand is now confined in the house of Tal- leyrand, where he is strictly watched. PLYMOUTH, July 15. On Saturday came in the French letter of marque La Pere Canar, of 14 guns, from Martinique bound for L'Orient, with a cargo of coffee, cotton, indigo, and sugar./ She was taken off St. Andero, by La Seine, of 44 guns. On Monday evening came in the Bittern sloop of war, Captain Down, having on board the Turkish Ambassador and suite, come over, ' as is said, to conclude a
peace be- teween Turkey and this country. The Bittern took his Excellency on board at. Malta. On Tuesday came in the Sheldrake, of ltiguns, Capt. Thicknesse, from the coast of France, having been on shore oil the rocks, and was obliged to throw her gui. s over- board. PORTSMOUTH, July IG. The troops under Sir John Moore are ordered to Spit head, to be com- pleted for immediate service, and are expccted to arrive in the course of the ensuing week, as every preparation is making to forward them with all possible dispatch. Monday Arrived the Iphigenia frigate, from the Downs. Tussday— Arrivetl the Solebay, of 32 guns,
Captain Brown, and Thrush sloop, Capt. Webb, from off Havre, and Pluto sloop, Capt. . Jam- erin, from a cruize. Thursday— Arrived the Revenge, of 74 guns, Captain Sir John Gore, from off Cadiz, with the Spanish Admiral and another Deputy from the Supreme Board of Govern- ment at Seville ; also the Harlequin sloop and Virago gun vessel, with convoy for the Downs. Sailed the Goshawk sloop, Captain limes, with transports with Spaniards, for their own country. Friday— Arrived the Lilly sloop, from the West. Indies. Sailed the Solebay, of 32 guns, Captain Brown, off Havre; Dryad, of 32 gunj, Captain Drummcmd; and
IpTdgenla, of 32 guns. Saturday— Came into harbour the Triumph, of 74 guns, Captain Sir T. Hardy. A heavy storm came on to the west of this City on Fri- day evening, and extended through great part of the counties of Somerset, Dorset, and Wilts. At Wincanton, about half- past MX o'clock, during a rapid succession of flashes of lightning and peals of thunder, the fall of bail wai tremendous, the hail- stones being larger than any be- fore seen by the olde t persons in the neighbourhood. A boy was beat down by the hail, and several stones were picked up that were much larger tha i pullets' eggs. The General Quarter
Sessions> of the Peace for this comity were held last week, at Warminster. Jane Matthews, Job Beaven, and William Day, convicted of different offences, were each sentenced to three months solitary imprison- ment. Three er four other prisoners, were acquitted ; and about as many more were discfiarged for want of prose- cution. At the Quarter Session of the Peace for the county of D. irset, held la- t week at Shaftesbury, Mr. Robert Williams Andrews, Keeper of the Cattle at Dorchester, was unanimously elected Keeper of the House of Correc- tion, in the room of his late father, Mr. George Andrews, deceased. HOME
MARKETS. Prices of Cm, per Quartet—/ head, Wheat. I Barley. " WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, JULYiB. The national estate, intended to rewartl and comme- morate the descendants of the immortal Nelson, has at length been agreed for by the Lords of the Treasury, and is said to be in the best part of Hampshire.— London l asers. " On Wednesday last the Young Gentlemen of Winchester College had Medals awarded them, as under.:— Mr. Wm, Empson, a Gold Medal, for a composition in Latin verse, upon ltanon and Antigone. Mr. John Sayers Poulter, a Silver Medal, for reciting the Speech of Scipio, from the 27th Book of
Livy. Mr. Willianjt Battie Wrightson, a Gold Medal, for an English prose essay— theme, " There is no evil greater than the abuse of the understanding." Mr: Robert Monsey Rolfe, a Silver Medal, for reciting part of the Speech of Demosthenes on the Crown. The Romsey Volunteer Infantry, under the com- mand of Captain Butler, assembled on Sunday last, for the purpose of ascertaining the number of those who were willing to transfer their services to the Local Militia, when, highly to the credit of the corps in general, all the Officers and a great majority of the company cheerfully volunteered for that service. On Monday last was
married Mr. Thos. Corderv, of Shawford Mill, to Miss M. A. Hoiloway, of Lower Clatford. On Tuesday last was married in the parish church of Penton Mewsey, by the Rev. W. B. Venae!!, B. A. Thomas Scotland, Esq. of Marv- le- bone, London, to Miss Maria Elmore, third daughter of George El- more, of Penton Manour Farm. On the gth inst. die at Fawley Cottage, Hants, Miss Laura De Tv , zy, daughter of Capt. De Renzv, Adjutant ; his Royal Higdness the Duke of York's Nev, 1 orest Volunteers. Died, on Saturday last, at Weston Patrick, near Basingstoke, Mr, vunuel Sparshott, farmer. On Tuesday last died, sincerely .
lamented by all who knew her, at the house of Joseph Tanner, Esq. in this city, Mrs. Mahon, aged 75 years, mother of the musical family of that name, so well known in this neighbourhood, and so justly celebrated through- out the whole kingdom. On Tuesday last, as a man wis bathing at Beaulieu, he gpt out of his depth, and was drowned. Salisbury, Basingstoke, Devizes, Newbury, Andover, Warminster, July 71 to 78 S9 to 43 fit to 82| a. 9 to 41 - Half Gall. 411-. 5 § oi. BRANSCOMB AND CO.' S LUCKY STATE LOTTERY OFFICES, Jui. v. ia, 1803. THE Ticket No. C145, drawn yesterday a Prize of £ 30,000, and the Ticket
No. 577, likewise drawn yesterday a Prize of .£ 20,000, were BOTH soid bv Sir JAS. BRANSCOMB and CO. the lormer in two Quarters and eight Sixteenths, the latter in sixteen Sixteenths. * » *. SHARES of these GOLDEN NUMBERS were sold by Sir JAMES BKANSCOMB'S Agents, BRODIE, DOV/ DING, AND LUXFORD, At the Printing- Office, Canal, Salisbury, Who have Tickets and Shares still on Sale, at the London Prices. SALISBURY. MONDAY, JULY 13, 1808. The Lord Bishop of Salisbury held his primary Vtsilation at the Cathedral on Friday, and delivered his first Charge to the Clergy of his Diocese. His Lordship
also held a Confirmation, at which nearly 1800 persons partook of that ordinance.— The Rev. Mathew Marsh, Rector of Winterslow, preached the Sermon on the occasion, which was greatly admired by his learned auditory, for the soundness of its doc- trine, the purity of its language, and the simple and impressive style of its delivery. Many of the yetung persons who came from distant parishes on Friday morning to be confirmed, suffered greatly from the intense heat, and from pressure in the crowd, after the fatigue of walking, in getting in and out of the Choir. Several females tainted ill consequence ; and one poor girl
continued SQ ill, that she was obliged to take a 1 idling in the City, where, melancholy to relate, she expired on Saturday morning. The 3d Dragoon Guards are removing from Dor- chester to Chichester and its neighbourhood. Two troops catne in here, on that route, on Friday, two on Saturday, and two more troops are expected this day. Monday last was married, Mr. Thomas Ensor, of Sherborne, to Mrs. Styles, widow of the late Mr. Styles, of Knighton, near Dorchester. On Sunday the 10th inst. died Mr. Tiller, of Court Farm, Damerham, aged 71 years. On Thursday died, at Bath, Mr. Edward Vernon Goodall, attorney at law,
qnd Clerk of the Court of Requests of that city. On Friday died Mrs. Humphreys, a respectable member of the society of Friends, wjfe of Mr. Edward Humphreys, of High- street. SALISBURY ASSEMBLY. TIIE RACE BALL will be on Tuesdy the 26th of July. The ASSIZE BALL on Monday the 1st of August. E. BAKER, R. SEYMOUR, yStewards. W. B. BRODIE, J Mr. GOODALL, M. C. Dancing on each evening to commence at eight, and to be Continued to an unlimited hoar. [ 309 THE MEMBERS of the BLANDFORD ME- DICAL SOCIETY arc requested to meet at the Ante- lope Inn, Dorchester, on Tuesday the 2d of August
next, at twelve o'clock.— 14*/) Jvhf, 1* 08. ~ f3? fi CIIRISTCHURCH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETV. rpHE Members of this Society will use their utmost 1 endeavours to bring, and cause to be brought, SHEEP to the FAIR of CHRISTCHURCH, held on the 17th of October yearly, principally with a view to accommodate the DKAI. F. RS in SHEEP from the Ist. K of WIGHT. A convenient Spot of Ground, and Hurdles necessary for the Cattle, will be provided without any Expence. SOPI. KY, July 11,1803. JAMES WILLIS, President. ABS TRACT OF THE NEW FOREST CLAI VIS, Price Ss. AFEW COPIES of this VALUABLE
RECORD may now be had of Bmdie, Dowdimr, and Luxford, successors to Mr. Collins, at the Printing- office, Canal, Sa- lisbury. f; 3! To the Trustees of the fVeymonth, Melcombe- Regis, and Dorchester Turnpike. GENTLTMEN, IT having been announced that a Meeting of the Trustees will be held at the King's Arms Inn, in Dor- chester, on Monday the 25th dav of Jn'. y instant, at eleven o'clock in the morning, for the ELECTION of a CLERK and TREASURER, to succeed the lute Mr. Msmfield, I earnestly request the favour of your early attendance on that day.— I beg leave to state, that from the assurances which I hav
received during my personal canvass, I have not the least doubt but that your suffrages will ensure my election. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your most obedient and very humble Servant, JOSEPH JOHNS. WEYMOUTH, July 14, 1308. (" 341 To the Gentlemen, Clergy , and Freeholders of the Counoy nj' Dorset. GR. NTI. r. MEN, HAVING been informed that Mr. R. W. An- DREWS, one of the CORONERS for the County of Dorset, is about to resign that office, I beg leave to offer my- self to yotir notice as a CANDIDATE, and to solicit your Votes and Interest to succeed him, whenever that event shall happen. As a
knowledge of the L » w is indispensably neces sary to the proper execution of this Office, I trust my having been brought up and admitted in the profession of an Attor- ney will enable me to execute it » necessary duties with pro- priety and accuracy, and if a constent attention to the due discharge of so important a trust can have any claim to your support, I pledge myself that it shall not hi wanting on my part; and if by your suffrages I should be placed in that respectable situation, I will endeavour to the utmost of my ability, by a faithful discharge of its various duties to merit your eood opinion antl confidence. I have the honour to
be, with the greatest respect, GF. NTI. MV. V, Your most obedient humble servant, WILLIAM SPENCER. DOBCHESTER. July 14, 1803. GRAND VOCAL CONCERT, at the AVTC Hall, Devizes, on Thursday, July SI, ITFOS. MR. CHIFFENCE respectfully begs leave to ac- quaint the Ladies and Gentlemen of Devizes and its vicinity, that on the above evening there will be a VOCAL CONCERT, consisting of the newest and most admired Songs, Duets, Catches and Glees, as performed at the Lon- don Vocal Concerts this season. Performers— Mr. and Mrs. Goss ( from London), Mr. CHUFENCE, Mr. Rou. r., and Mr.
HAKHJNCTON. Piano Forte, Mr. G. Goss. * « * Tickets, 4s. each, to be had at Smith and Harrison's Printing- office. The Concert to begin precisely at half- past seven o'cloGk, schemes of which will be given at the door. [' 371 — Hread, per Gallon. Oats. Beans. Bread. J. s. S. i. s. d. 9S to 4fi 72 to 78 1 9 37 to 41 (?.) tn 70 t 8 4U lo 44 72 to 74 1 73 38 to 41) 70 to 72 1 si 1 8 [ 8f » to 44 6fl to 71 ! 4- 2 to 4f> 4S to 72 —— To the Gentlemen, Clergy, and Freeholders of the County of Dorset. GENTLEMEN, AS Mr. R. W ANDREWS has resigned the Office of one of his Majesty's CORONERS for the county of Dorset, I beg leave to
offer myself as a CANDIDATE for that situation ; my profession as a Surgeon, although not a neces- sary qualification. will yet, I hope, entitle me to yoor consi- deration ; and should I, by your partiality, be so fortunate as lo succeed in this oftject of my wishes, I will endeavour, by an unremitting attention to the duties of the office, to prove myself, not unworthy your confidence, in selecting me to fill so important a station. I have the honour to he, with great respect, Gentlemen, Your most obedient and devoted humble Servant, DORCHESTER, July 14, 1803. JOHN WALI. 1S. STOLEN or STRAYED out of Plaitlord or Bram- s four
years old, about eleven hands and a half high, supposed to be & ith foal, long thick tail, matked C on the near shoulder, and M K on the hip. Whoever will bring her to Moses Kim- mish, Bramsbaw, or the Bell Inn, Brooke, shall receive ONE GUINEA reward, if strayed; if stolen, on Conviction of the offender or offenders, shall receive FOUPi GUINEAS rewartl LYNDHURST AMUSEMENTS WILL be on Friday the 5th of August. The Particulars may be known by applying at the Crown Inn, Lyndhurst.— N. B. An ordinary, with tickets, as usual. BACKftvVORD. TO be PLAYED FOR, at CALNB, Wilts, on Tuesday the 4d day of August,
1803,— A Purse of TEN GUINEAS. To mount the stage at ten o'clock in the fore- noon , and play till one;— to mount the stage again precisely at three o'clock in the afternoon, and play till sun- set,— That man that breaks two heads and saves his own to be deemed a tyer. , On Wednesday fthe following day), will be PLAYED FOR — A Purse of TEN GUINEAS. To mount the stage at ten O'clock in the forenoon, and play till one;— to mount the stage again precisely at three o'clock in the afternoon, and play till sun- set— That man that breaks two heads and savts his own to be deemed a tycr. rr- j> Regulations with respect to
umpires, & c. to be settled before the play begins. j Great encouragement will be given to gamesters.— Ordinaries v.- ill he provided at the inps and public- houses each day.— The gentlemen gamesters from the different counties afc requested to attend. [ 339 IMPEDIMENTS, ORATORY, INSTRUCTION, & « . tt/ fR. THELWALL intending to pass, in the be-. Iv. L ginning of August, through Winchester, Salisbury, Blandford, Dorchester, Bridport, and Honiton, to Exeter; and, at the latter end of September, through Taunton, Bridgewnter, Bristol, and Bath, and to deliver at those places. LECTURES on the SCIENCE and
PRACTICE of ELO- CUTION, Ladies or Gentlemen afflicted with Impediments of Speech, in the vicinity of those routes, and desirous o£ availing themselves of his advice, are requested to direct ( post paid) to the Institution for t- he Cure of Impediments and Cul- tivation of Oratory, Bedford- place, Russell- square, London, without delay, that ttmely arrangements. may be made, to prevent their disappointment. Mr. Thclwall's introductory discourse, with outlines of his lectures, selections of articles to be read and recited, and terms of consultation and private instruction, may be had of the Publishers of the Salisbury Journal, price
2stKd. [- 315 S A R U M. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. B. LEWIS, on Monday the 18th of July instant,— The remaining Part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, & c. of ttltt ute B. C. COII. INS, Esq.; and on Tuesday the 19th, ail the curious and valuable ( ' KN- HOUSE PLANTS will Le put up by Auction.— The each morning at eleven o'clock. • A catalogue of the Piants is ready for delivery. SALISBURY. • O be SOLD bv AUCTION, on Thursday the _*> st of July, by C. NORTON,— The HOUSEHOLD GOODS of a Gentleman deceased, and removed to a }.. r, x Room in Ilolestone- street for the convenience of sale; con sisting of four- post a ad halt- tester bedstead?, with ' white dimity, check, and other furnitures ; goose feather heri>, mattresses, blankets, and quilts; mahogany dining aiu. r Pem- broke tables; chairs, plasses, Ac.; brass furnacc; and a number of other useful artifles. Sale to begin at eleven o'clock. [ 333 EAND E. WOOLCOTT beg leave to return their • most sincere acknowledgments to their Friends for the very flattering encouragement th, y have already received, and to inform the Ladies of Salisbury and neighbourhood, that they have had sent from London a variety of FASHION ABLE DRESSES; likewise an assortment of
Straw and Fancy Hats and Bonnets, of the newest fashion. Those Ladies who'please to honour them with their commands may depend on the greatest punctuality.— SALISDURY, July IK, 1.308. [ 370 DRESS AND MILLINERY. THE Ladies of Winchester and its Vicinity are respectfully acquainted, that a new and fashionable As- sortment of MILLINERY, PF. LISSES, and SPENCERS, is now open for inspection at Miss Caecr. nx's, High- street, Winchester. [ J^ a HIGH- STREET, WINCHESTER, July IS, 1S08. A CARD TO THE LADIES. MRS. ANTHONY begs leave to return her grate. ful thanks for the liberal encourascment
she continues to receive, and respectfully informs them that she isjustreturi - ed from London with an elegant Assortment of MILLINERY DRESSES, Straw and Chip Hats and Bonnets, with a variety of Ornaments suitable for the approaching Races, to which she solicits the Ladies' early attention. N. B. Every article of Child- bed Linen, from the newest and most approved patterns, particularly a selection ofelesant Frocks and Robes. [ a> 29 WINCHESTER RACES. JSAVAGE respectfully informs the Nobility and • Gentry of Winchester, ' and those attending the Races, that he can now have the honour of submitting to their in spection a most elegant and extensive assortment of JEWEL- LERY and fashionable Articles of every description, and trusas, from the great variety and novelty of the selection, they will be found truly worthy of attention.— His Stock is considerably increased this season, on account of the very great change which has taken place in, fancy articles. In the Ilarr- Dressing Line he begs, leave to tlai- m the atten- tion of the Ladies, as it has been his chief study during his stay in London. *** Silver and plated Goods at tile London prices- [" 357 SOUTHAMPTON. rPO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT. A11 ' bat very des'irable and
substantially- built MES- SUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE, . Shop, ' iW GartUn, three- stall Stable, with other convenient Offices and Buildii • s thereto belonging, situate ( No. 182) on the west side of High- street, in the parish of Ail Saints, in Southampton, in the possession of Mr. Joseph Evans. And also all that MESSUAGE or- DWELLING- H. OVPS with the Court, Yard, and Offices thereto b - long » • , - nn. ti: in French- street, in the parish of Saint John, in S.'. uihiunp- tcn, in the possession of Mrs. Ecklssss. Both houses are pleasantly situated and very desirable, and convenient for letting JodgrnVs. Foe further particulats
apply at the office of Messrs. Tatm- r and Cooper, Salisbury; all lettei >•<•; « ; i paid. [;;.>;! Copyhold EstaU at Connie, j •' '. v. TO be SOLO by; AUCTION, by : 1. at the Bear Ihn, in Hungetford. onWednei WHITE HART, WINCHESTER. WAS I ICO M BE, from the Castle, Spcen- hill, . having this day taken the above Inn, begs to solicit the patronage of the Nobility and Gentry; assuring them, that as the premises are peculiarly constructed' for the comfort and accommodation of families, sp shall no exertion on his' part be wanting to give universal satisfaction.— June 24, 1808. N. B. Neat Carriages, with able Horses and careful
Drivcts. NEW TURNIP SEED. TFINCH, SeF. nsMAW, Southampton, begs leave . to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he has now for Sale a large qua- ttityof WHITE ROUND STONE TURNIP SEED) oi to* own growth this present year, of a hardy and nutricions quality ; and being ot quick growth, is not liable to be carried off by the fly, as is usually the case by other kinds of turnips. To be had ( by appointment) of Mr. Thring, Sarum ; Mr. Knicht, Romsey; and Mr. Pittis, Newport, Isle of Wight, seedsmen, Price Nine- pence per Pound. SOUTHAMPTON, July 15, 1808. RK1LLICK most respectfully informs the Nobi-
• litv and Gentry of Southampton and County, that he shall attend HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF ( CENT'S SALE, on Tcf. io. AY NEXT, and following day-":— those who may please to favour him with Commissions will be punctually attended to. Letters ( post- paid) addressed to him at Kensington Coffee- House, will be strictly attended to. { aS9 Classical ami Mathematical Education, THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, SARUM, under the direction of the Rev. CHAIILKS HENRY HOOGSON, A. B. Lecturer of the Parish C urch of St. Thomas, will re- open on Monday the 18th instant. [ 981 Cards of the Terms may be seen on
application at thelloiise in Castle- Street. SARUM, July 9, 1803. SOUTHAMPTON. rjPO be SOLD,— Two new GIGS ; also one, the A property of a Gentleman. For further particulars apply to John Andrews, coach- maker, East- street, [ Jti- i ' POLYGON, SOUTHAMPTON. AHOUSL'., with Coach- House, Stable, and Gar- den, fit for the residence of a gentleman's family, TO BE LETT unfurnished, and may be entered on immediately. For particulars apply to Mr. Geo. Hookey, Southampton ; if bv letter free of postage, - , ' • [ IJ^ O BLANDEORD ST. MARY, DORSET. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A neat Sashed and
Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, with a wailediin Garden adjoining; and Malt- house near the fame, which will work 20 quarters per week. The premises are leasehold, and pleasantly situated in the parish of Blandford St. Mary, and fit for the immediate reception of a genteel family. ' faja For further particulars apply to Mr. H. Biggs, Blandford. TAUNTON. TO be LETT by PRIVATE CONTRACT, and entered on immediately,— A convenient DWELLING- HOUSE, with a SHOP in'front, situate near the Market, lately occupied by a linen- draper, and is'weil'cakulated for the wine atod spirit trade, us it may be accommodated with most
excellent arched vaults. Apply personally, or by letter ( post paid), to M. C. Toul- min, Taunton. [. itlo MITRE INN, GOSPORT. FOR SALE bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— All that FREEHOLD INN, called the MITRL. at Gosport, with a Stable and two Tenements adjoinine, being e- ligiily situated near the new Barracks and leading Cold Harbour, now in full trade: possession may be had at Michaelmas next. For particulars apply to Mr. John Drew, wine ar. d brandy- merchant, Southampton ; who would have no objection to exchange with any gentleman having an inn or public- houst in or near Southampton. faCa TO be SOLD by
AUCTION, at the Red Lion JL Inn, Ringwood, by Mr. CRANSTON, on Wednesday the 20th dav of Julv instant, at three o'clock in the afternoon,— the; following PREMISES ; viz. 1.— TWQ acres of Arable Land, in Quomp, in Spital- field, Ringwood, held for one life, about the age of 50 ; together with the Crop of Barley growing thereon. 2.— The Reversion ' in Fee, after the decease of a person about 4! years of age, of a Dwelling- house and Premises in Up- strest, in Uingwood, now in the possession of Taylor, as tenant thereof. a.— Three acres and a half of Freehold Land ( more or less) in Churl Mead. 4.— One acre of
Freehold arable Land ( more or less) in Kingston Field. 5.— About half an acre ° f orchard and garden Land, at Crow, part freehold and part ieaSchold for two lives. For further particulars apply to Mr. Hooper, attorney at law, Ringwood. [ ai8 KNIGHT, , . —„ — " V the 27th ot July, 1* 0% at four o'clock in the altera tn, A ..' v^- sirable COPVHOLD ESTATE, in the kte occupation „ f Mr. Batt, now deceased, lyi; g jn the mam r cf Combe, - n the county of Hants; comprising a comfortable dwillitie- house, two barns, stable, cart- house, yard, g- rden, and in- wards of eighty acres of arable and pastuiel>- nd, with valual le rights of
common; to be held tor tbr- e lives, to be nomi- nated by the guichasei*, under a small yearly rent. I he pur- chaser to have possession at, Michael mas- next. Farmer Batt, the present occupier, will shew- the premises; of whom may be had printed particulars, as also at the place of sale; Star Inn, Andover ; of Messrs. Stroud and Stibb.-., Newbury; and the Auctioneer's, Deviz. s. [- 214 WILTON,. NEAR SALISBURY. TObe SOLD by AUCTION,, by MESSRS. WNIR- MARSII and Riiv, on Friday the ayth of July, instant, at the Greyhound Inn, at six o'clock in the afternoon,— Three FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSES, Workslmps,
Yard, and awallcd- in Garden, situate in West- street, in Wilton : irt the several occupations of Messsrs. Phelps, !) a.- kett. Targeit, and Lanham, as tenants- at will.— The Premises are veiv eligible for a person who requires room, or who wmld wish to build, being conveniently and pleasantly situated. fi>.) For a view of the Premises, and farther particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, or to Mr. John Sea^ rim, at Wilton. HX) be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. X at the Swan Inn, in Sturminster- Newto Gtir and Co., - ton Castle, in the county ot Dorset, on Thursday the 21st day of Julv,. | 80 » , at five o'clock in the afternoon, subject to the
conditioi s then. to be produced, All that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or. DWELLING- HOUSE; consisting of two good parlours, kitchen, shop, cellar, and paiitrv, on tile ground floor; five good bed- chambers, with comfortable attics; offices; vard, and walled garden with choice fruit trees-; now occupied by Miss Harrison, and standing in the Market- place in Sturmiii- ster- Newton Castle aforesaid: n which premiss s a very ext n- sive business in the tea, grocery, and drug line, have been carried on for a number of years, and are v « iy desirai. le pre- mises for the grocery or any other business.- For a. view of the premises apply, two
days before the salf„ to Miss Harrison ; and for further particulars to MI. I\ n, or., solicitor, Sturniinstcr- Ncwton, or to J. Guv, auctions.,]„ Shaftesbury, Dorset. ' ,['-• LUDGERSHALL, WILTS. IX) be SOLD by AUCTION, by T. RAWLINS, A at the Crown iiui, on M- ni> ay the 2otl, of July, it- os, at three o'clock in th. .. ftetnoon, subject to such e , editions of. sale as will then be produced,— A Piece of excellent enclosed FREEHOLD LAND, conveniently situate near the bcrougn of Ludgershall aforesaid, containing about eight acres and three quarters ; and o » e Cow Lease on Ludgershall Common. For further particulars apply to T.
Rawlins, auctioneer,. Andovet. GENTEEL FURNITURE. WEST WELLOW. rP<) be SOLD by AUCTION, by CLEMENT 1. SHARP, on Wednesday the 2oth of July, at Mr. Ednev'v Cottage, West Wellow,— The HOUSEHOLD FURNITUKK and sundry ESects of a Gentleman removed; con prizing prime beds and bedding, bedsteads, chintz hangings, sofa, carpets, and stair carpetting; chairs, tables, pianoforte, three chests of drawers, pier and dressing glasses, mirror, tender-, and fire irons, hearth rugs, plated goods, and a variety of other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to begin precisely it clevep o'clock. [ 2"> 7
BORDERS OF DEVONSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Castle Inn, Taunton, Somerset, on Saturday the 13th day of August, 1803, at five o'clock in the afternoon, unless previously dis- posed ot by pr vate contract, of which notice shah ! e g ven,—. All that truly eligible FREEHOLD FARM, called I.,-.. « * » and SALTS, in the parish of Churclistar. ton, in the county of Devon; now in the occupation of Daniel Clark-, and the executors of the late Henry Gill, as tenants at will ; compris- ing a new- built farm- house, barn, stable, two tenement-, ana other buildings, together with 68 A. 3 R. 1 P. of meadow, pasture, orchard,
arable, coppice, and rough land ; the whole forming a most compact and desirable farm ; is distant from Taunton only eight mile j, from Wellington Chard ten, and Honiton eleven ; antl in a good state of cultivation. For a view of the premises apply to Daniel Clatkc, ihe prin- cpal tenant; and for further particulars to S « muel Yeans, Esq. of Monk'sr- Mill, near Wootton- under- Edge. fl7U MANOR OF ROLPUDDLE, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the ASTELOPK, in DORCHESTEK, on Saturday the 30th of Ju. V, LMII , at four o'clock in the afternoon.— The desirable M/.' N'OR of TOLPUDDLE, and several valuable and
compact FAb. MS • containing together about 1138 acres of rieh water nu- n. iov., pasture, ard arable land, with convenient farm- houaes ai d buildings; now in the possession ot Mr. H. Davis, Mr. J. Northover, Mr. Geo. Riggs, Mr. Wm. Brine, and Mr. Robeic Standfield.— Also the GREAT and SMALL TITHES of the parish cfTolpuddle, and the SMALL TITHES ot Ti cleton, held for terms of years, under Christ Church Colleiic, in Oxford ; and about so acres ot Coppice Ground in Milborno Wood.— A fine trout stream, stocked with fish, runs through the manor. Fox hounds and harriers are kept in th neigh- bourhood; and the game
in this part of the country . s n- uch Preserved.— Tolpuddle is one mile from Mil', ourrte, eight tjora lorc'hester, antl nine from Blandford; in a dry In althy situa- tion, and may be a pleasant central residence, lor a spoilsman. The tenants will shew tin- farms; and print- d partiCtilais mav be had of Mes. rs. Ferrer antl Co. l. in- v. in's- inn field-- . of Mr. Salisbury, and at th.- Antelope, in Di- icr. esh- r; tne Crown, Blaudtord; the Bull, Bridport; and the Antelope-, Sherborne. [; s HENSTKIDGE, SOMERSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by H. PLOWMAN, ( by order of the Executors of John G « pper, late- of I le. n- stridge, aforesaid,
gentleman, deceased), on Tu sday tie 2Gth. d. iy of July instant, between the hours of four and si m the^ iternoon, at the Virginia Inn, in Heiistridge aforesaid, subject to such conditions as will be then produced. Tr i REVERSIONARY ESTATE and INTEREST lan of the said John Capper, subject to the estates for life of two persons, the one aged 84 years, and the other 55 years; being one un- divided Fourth Part, and also one Fourtti Part of another un- divided Fourth Part, of and in all that capt: d FARM and LANDS, called Seals or Zeals Marsh Farm, situate and lying te- g-. thsr in a ring fence, within the parish of Henstndge
aforesaid, and containing by estimation lfin acres more or less) now in the occupation of John Taylor, under an annual rent of £ 270, whose lease will expire at Lady, day ( O. S.) in the year 1816. The Premises are leasehold, held for the remainder of a term of 6' 00 years ( of which 470 years, and more, are as yet unexpired), and are subject to an annual quit- rent of ] Ss. ( id. For further particulars apply Jf by letter, j^ ost paid) to Messrs. Parktir and Co. solicitors, Essex- street, Strand, Lon- don ; Mr. William Dowding, West Stour, Doisct; or to Mr. Bird, solicitor, Hcnstridge, Someiset. [-^ 74 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B.
BRQDIE, J. DOWDING. AND J. LUXFORD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY; mere Orders, Advertisements, and authentic Article* of News are received ( Postage paid.) Also by the PRINTERS and BOOKSBL- LERS in the Wast of England; by the respective NEWSMEN ; and in London by Messrs. TAYLOR and NEWTON, No. 5. Warwiek- Souare. Warwick- Lano, Newgate- Street, and Mr. WU. K1T. PJTSRWSSJF**^