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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset


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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset

Date of Article: 11/07/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII    Issue Number: 3725
No Pages: 4
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THE Ah WINCHESTER JOUR f^ mrn^ mtrsimm ot mmmm ^ EESET- wmm 4' i > J r • ' - " ' '.:![ [ NUMBER 3720.—- VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY; JULY 11, 1808. PRICE SIXPENCE. {^'^ a'p. Vn't' Stamp Duty .... 3\ d. = Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. OPORTO. June 7, 1808. " ESTERDAY evening, at seven o'clock, the Commander of the Spanish forces in this citv took the French General, and the whole of his Staff, prisoners, consisting of i; 8 uersons.: he then delivered up the government of the city to the former Governor Louise D'Alevada, who immediately resumed his functions, and ordered the Portuguese flag to be hoisted upon all the batteries and forts, and at twelve o'clock a Royal Salute was fired. An invitation was immediately sent to the Captain of his Majesty's ship Eclipse, which was cruizing off this port, to enter it, with an assurance that the port should henceforth be opened to the British ships. The Eclipse accordingly entered the port, and saluted the Portuguese flag with 21 gdns. The Spanish troops have marched to join their countrymen, and have taken t'hfe French General and his Staff with them. LONDON, MONDAY, JULY 4. Dutch Papers to the 26th ult. have arrived. The article that is most worthy ot notice, intimates, that the Spanish troops that were in Ilolstein and Jutland, have been removed to tbe interior, and their place supplied with I Tench troops— an evident proof of the effect produced on the mind of Napoleon by the rising of the Spaniards in their own country. The intelligence from Spain continues of the same animating description as that in our last Journal. The Vatriots have proclaimed peace with England, and have acknowledged both Great Britain and Sweden as their : Allies- ' Ferdinand VII. has been proclaimed at Seville, I . eon, JTaythageoa, and 211 the principle towns of the different provinces of Spain.> The Spanish Grai. drcs, remembering The stand he niade in defert'Ce Of tlitir privileges against the eneroachjSeiits df tiie Prince of the Peace, are in general attached to lilin ; whilst bis unassuming maimers and sufferings Have made him beloved by the people at large. The error lie committed id trotting him elf with Bonaparte is in some degree to be excused by the dicffiulties of his th" n situation ; but. it is to be feared it Can never lie repaired : the wily Cortical! will never let him profit by the general good- will of his countrymen: imprisonment for the time he may be aliened to live will doubtless be his doom. The favourable intelligence brought laet. week from porttlgal is fully confirmed by dispatches from Mr Charles Cotton, dated the lb'th ult. oft' theTagus. The Portuguese Government is reestablished in Oporto. Tire English have been fTeelv admitted into that Port, and the French are totally subdued. Itie first British ship that entered afief this happy change, was the Eclipse man of war. A body of Portuguese Patriot- h » < t surrounded a detaehrtWht. of french at St. Ube's, Which had been ordered to Li- boil by Junot, and in a short tihne comptlled them to stiirender. The Spanish troops cordially joined with the Portuguese in thi; slight action. Colonel Sir T. Dyer, of the 14th foot, Major Roches of £ he 17th light dragoons, and several Officers of Artillery and E laineers, have embarked for Spain, to assist in orgauisirg. the Spanish patriots. Letters* from the Cape of Good Hope, dated the 10th of April, state that Tranquebar, the principal settle- ment belonging to the Danes, on the Coioinaiidet coast, has been captured by Sir Edward Pellew's squadron. The report of a negociation between Ktissia and this flOXBtrv was this morning so strongly credited in the City, as to cause a considerable fall in all articles of Rns- ian produce. Hemp fell I( V. a ton, and tallo. v and linseed oil in proportion. Sir John Moore is understood » o be con- ducting the negotiation, io concert with our ally the King of Sweden; rt hi eh accounts for his long visit to Stockholm, whilst his troops remain inactive at Gottenburgh. Cor* ExeiiAvor, July l. The supply of Wheat this day is but inconsiderable, and the sales are at an advance in price of yt. per quarter; Barlev, with Malt, hardly suppm last prices; " scarce anv White Pease, price nominal; Grey and the two kinds of Beans a. e rather lower ; the supplies of Oars are rather considerable, and this trade is again named at a further declension of 1J. per quarter; Flour nearly at last prices. - SMITHFIELD MARKET, Monday, July 4. We had this day about 1750 head of Neat Cattle, 17500 Sheep and Lambs, 4-> 0 Calves, 150 Pigs. The prices Were, Beef Is. Od. to 5s. 4d. Mutt.- i 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Lamb 4s. sd. to 7J. Oif. Veal 4s. 8A. to 5s. 8d. Pork, 4;. id. to 5j. 4i per stone of 3/(••• to sink the offal. Ill NEWGATE and I. KADEVHALI. MARKETS, the prices by the carcase were Beef 3. s G< f. to 4s. Sd. Mutton 4s. to 4s. si. Lamb 4s. to Ss. fd. Veal Os. Si to 5s. 4A Pork 4s. - id. to 5s. A' • , -' TOOL BOCK5 and WRITING PA^ Stock of SUMS, selling, at the L. and LUXFORD, Printing- OJjicc, Cun The terms will be dealing for , MONEY. ^^'^ MrTcdTllNS, at the fo/ Saii& fy. ' hig& y a. Wantageous to persons SAINT MARY's, I \/ JRS. XEIlLY's Fi i*' l SHOOL opens, after til day, July the 25th. TTANDFTJTO. - BEARDING on Mo [ 3C3 present' vicavicw. on Mon- BLANDFOKD, L j^/ JRS. CHURCHILL'S BOAI ill re- comnienc, July 25th, 180.?'. after the present \ > ORSET. - ikvti- Sttloftf. w Vacation, dn Me r^ day JDIV 6, 1805. • jifSCHOdL Vinst. i [ 243 •' EDUCATION. F1SHERTON ACADEMY, NEAR SALISBURY. T YMINGTON Classic^ ind" Coniinercial ACA W^^ tgt.?; L DEMY, under the direction of Mr WITHERS will 1TX pectmWiom^ ^ ^ Tultl0n> re.„ nen on Mondav the 18th instant .- July 1, 1808. [ 165 _ Monday the 18th of July. re- open xr Winchester, Hants. Hartley Academy, near TI/ FR CA L LAW AY respectfully, informs his iVjL'friends. and the public, that his ACADEMY will re- open on Monday the 18th inst.; ,•.._„ Ffcnch and Dancing taught on moderate terms. Hursley, July 4, 1808. [ 204 you m: ANDGVEK, JULY 5, 1808. T » M ARCiiR respectfully informs his friends and li . the public, that his SCHOOL, for the reception of Gentlemen, will recommence on Monday the 13th mrt. FISIIERTON, JuneZSth, 1808. [ 60 Classical and Mathematical Education.. THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL,. SARUM, under the direction of the Rev. CHARLES HVNRY HODGSON, A. B.' Lecturer of the Parish Church ot St. Thomas, will re- open on Monday the 18th insemt. ri • • • v'. R** Cards of the Terms rtv. y be seen on application at the House in Castle- Street. SARUM, July 1), 1808. w A NT ED to P LT R C H A S E, in eithcr of the J. SCHOOI TOTTON, NEAR SOUTHAMPTON. WITHERS, truly grateful for past favours, most respectfully informs his friends and the public that his OL will re- open on Monday the l « th inst. [ 21-. STALBRIDGE, H^ IIE Miss GALPINE's BOARDIN* X will open again on Monday the 18th of Jul POOLE. TV/ fl^ S S. PITT most respectfully inform xVI friends and the public, that her SCHOOL, fo. reception of YOUNG LADIES, will open after the pres. recess, on Monday July the 18th, when she hopes that t. liberal scale on which she wishes and intends to conduct it will induce them to favour her w ith their support. Miss S- Pitt begs to assure her friends that every effort in her power shall be exerted for the improvement aiid comfort of those entrusted to her dare. TERnts: Board, Tuiti on, Need| e and Fancy Work, 20 Guineas per Ann. £ NTI; AVCE ONI C. CRKEA. Writing and Arithmetic Two Guineas per Annum. Geography and History...... Two Guineas' per Annum. Washing.....;. ............ Two Guinea* pcf Annum. Approved Masters. of every description on the usual terms. N. B. It is requested tint fcich Lady will be provided with a Silver Spoon; a Knife and Fork, and half a dojren. jWels. QCjjr' The situation of the School is contiguous to the Sea Bat lis. Ladies' Boarding School, Newbury, Berks. TIIE Misses SELF, with every sentiment of gra- titude for the kind support of, their numerous friends, respectfully inform them th- ir SCHOOL will re- commence on Monday the 2 > th \ nsi.*- Newkury, July « , 1808. [ 207 INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. MISS SALTER, after an education particularly adapted to the acqtiirrtnent of this elegant Science, and seven years successful attention to the labours of private tuition, now offers her Services / the result of fifteen years practical improvement; to the Public, on the following terms: Eight private lessons for one guinea, or twelve gliineas per ainum ; ten lessons at Miss . Salter's rooms ohe guinea, or ten guineas per annum ; attendance at schools six guineas per annum ; one guinea entrance. Mr. Lurkam's, Outmcal- row, Market- place, Salisbury. [ i85 BROWN- STREET, SALISBURY. MISS RANGER begs to inform her Friends and the Public, that her SCHOOL will open on Monday ihe if. tii ot July. 148 JV/ f Rii. SAFFEllY's SCHOOL re- opens, after the present recess, on Mondav, Juiy 25.— Oneortwove* caneies exp- eted.— CASTEE- STREET, S* u » ac* y. [ 234 . LADIES' BOARDING SCHOOL, WILEY. MISS If A11 WOODS resjeci fully inform their Friends and the Public, their School will re- open after the present recess on Monday the letli instant. [] R » Ladies' Itmrdiag Si: lu> irl> Market Luvthik*-'/, Witts THE 84m. ES SAUNDERS, by the kindness of'j their < Hends. and the support of the public, i which th- y gratefully acknowledge), continue to boa. rd. and educate Young LADIES, on the following Terms: Under ten y „ rs of age IG, and excecdiiip ten, 18 Guineas per annum, including English Grammar, Geography, and everv kind of useful and ornamental Needle- Work.— The Misses S. deem it necessary to instruct in making the articles which compose the Ladies' Dress, but wish the mind to be the principal object of atten/ tion.—— Writing and Arithmetic, 2 Guineas ; Washing, 4 Guineas; the Use of th « Globes, French, Music, and Draw-' ing, on the accustomed terms. Parlour Boarders genteelly accommodated at 30 Guineas per annum. . » The School re- opens on the 18th of Julv. I Jjadies' Boarding School, Lymington, Hants. MISS FRY having resigned business to her Nieces, the . Miss GROVES, and Miss BEATON, her teacher, begs leave to offer, with her Sister, her grateful acknowledg- ments to their Friends'and the Public, particularly to the In- habitantsofLymington, for the flattering encouragement they have ever experienced ; they also solicit a continuance of their favors to their Successors, whoim they can with confidence recommend. s ' her '' the ' Wrt; ' i'ci Boarding School, Barton Slacey, Hants. R AI EX Vv'ESTLAKE wishes to return his sincere thanks, tp bis Friends and the Public for their ,„ , ..., and assures them the domestic comtorts of his Pupils £ particular attention, and that the same line ot ^" ill be pursued to merit future patronage, • cortnact • ^.- hool fourt- n young Gentlemen are genteelly , At;<* ds i expedUiousW quailed for tfie Counting- house boarrted, ' £ annum, including every expencc, • Or' trade, at ^ Clothes exct^ te. • Fiaeh Pupil « ; \ eets, all whi « i a. " Timences the. 26th insr. Tie tiusiness rcsoo. - f. per - gs a silver spoon, four towels, and a pair of - e returned on his leaving the School. • ' [ 2uo iar Winchester, Hants. Iwyferd, TIA!) OCKE'S CLASSICAL .. „., • SHAFTESBURY, July ' id, 1808. The ACADEMY under, the superintendance ; of J o ii v CHRISTIE, A. M. opens the 18th of My, 1808. French taught ( bv Mr. Doublet, a native of France, and Dancing by Mr. I'ialoi., he. & c. HOLD - ESTATE, with a handsome commodious. Mansion, an extensive Manor, and Land, from two to. three thousand pounds a ; vear value.— The whole of the purchase money is in the hands of a banker, and ready to be. paid in a round sum the moment tbe title is approved and possession given. Proposals maybe sent ( by letter or otherwise) to Messrs. Kent, Pearce, and Kent, land agents, Craig's- court, Charing- cross, London. I - An INN on the road, wheie no Pott- Horses are kept; or a genteel PUBLIC HOUSE n a good Market town, free from brewer or distil ier, with a few acres of Land. The county of Hampshire wou id be pre- ferred. Letters addressed . prist paid) to T. Y. Post- office, Lymington, Hants, will be duly attended to, [ 259 ANTED,- . EDUCATION. , DORCHESTER Clascal, Mathematical, and Commercial ACADEMY, by J. TRKNOW, SON, and Assistants, will re- apen after the . present recess,, un Monday the ! Sth Of July, next.-— Terms, known by application DORCHESTER," ISth June, 1808^ f5 WEST- STREET, DORCHESTER. \\ T ZILl. WOOl), jun. grateful for favours re- V f ceii'ed, most respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that his ACADEMY opens agaip on Monday the I fth of J uiv. L27' J ' ION ( for a limited number of of age) '. vrll re- commence the " IRev. Mr. " i FRENCH ' TOM. THE - r - fourteen vetis and re? 8. , nt to unite, as much as Pupils unde sf'this eStablishf^ t •,., imd a private education. 25th of July, • wages ot a ptiWi. cnlieavours after this The design c to its unrefntttu. re hitherto allowed to possible, the advi. - irogrtss its pupils, a. ,< e) jn the several It claims confident. "* s0 ear, y an \ ion ; and from the end, from the rapid p" have made ( although branches Of useful and o » safisfactiott invariably cxp merit. The rrtode of instru. exji- ditious plan ; and every s as happy as if at home- The French Language is perpe. and particular pains are taken to speak and write English with elegt. constitutes the principal object, Writ, graphy, & c. receive i. o less attention tha. ' lhe situation is peculiarly eligible an Commodations genteel and spacious ; and t. comfort, morals, and improvement of tbeyoi unceSsine, AMES8URY, WILTS. WCOX respectfully informs his friends a • beral public, that his SCHOOL will open after the present recess, on Monday the 25th inst. and he can accommodate a few more Pupils, who will be liber, treated on moderate terms.— July 6, 1808. [ 527 HRATTON SCHOOL. [ uT iei S boo1 re- opens July 18th. uatnental'iftforr.' St. indulgent treat- ircssed with' their . - approved and etie, n is oil the' most = r the Pupils- • ffert is used'to' reitdt e house, • WrKy spokSn in'th. oils to >' habituate the Pa, uage Mice. While Iar, j - o- ' ihg, Arithmetic, • l in Engiish'Sehtjbls d healthy ; tl) e: » C- he anxiety for the. ulg Gentlemen, [ 246 CIULD OKEl'ORD BOARDING- SCHOOL. fl. ONG. NlAN respectfully acquaints his friends • and the public, that his SCHOOL will op- n again July 18, 1808. I-- 3" Child Oke/ brd, near ISlundJord, Dorset. rl MONK, with gratitude for favours received JT • respectfully informs his friends and the public that his SCHOOL, for the r. ception of Boarders and Day Scholars, will open again the 18th inst., , ' N. B. An ASSISTANT wanted— a good Penman and Ac- comptant.— Dated Julyi, 1808.. T'-'" 1 rpo be Exchanged,— Four Couple of youne, hand- 1 some FOX- HOUNDS for a few Couple of DWARF- HARRIERS, not to exceed 12 inches in height. Enqaiie at Messrs. Brodie, Dpwding, and Luxfcrd's, Ca. nal, Salisbury. w B A 11. I FT. ANTS a Situation, as BAILIFF,— A Single MAN, w'ho perfectly undeistaods the management of any quantity of lands, or buying and s, liiog any kinds of stock, or as a" Clerk to a Brewer, L'ornfactei, So.—-- Any Gentleman wishing to employ a person of this description,, will receive the roost satisfa; torv reference as to character. Letters address^ d to A.'/. Printing- Office, Salisbury, will meet with immediate attent o i. [ 280 TO HAIR- DRESSERS. TANTF. D immediately, A. JOVRNIYMAU HA1R- DRESSF. R, who may have constant employ by applying ! post paid) to Jane Salter, 1 ligh- stree. t, Salisbury. TO JOINERS. \\ TANTED immediately,- Some GOOD HANDS, * T wi, ere good wjrk, good wages, and constant employ [ 2. tld a li- again, ' that alh- MR. WILLIAMS respectfully informs his Friends and the Public) that his S / hrckam Schoot, near WarmwsUr, Witts. JSHAPCOTT . respectfully informs bis Friends • n i the Public, tiiat his SCHOOL will re- comtn nee [ Si . directionr of 3 Am a Monday the 18th of mum, washing included, p on. [ 57 WILTS.— SHERIFFS FUND. BY Order of the Subscribers present at a Meeting held at Devizes the 11th day of January, 1808, Vorice is hereby given, that a General Meeting of the Subscribers will be held in the Grand Jury Room in New Sarum, on the second day of the ensuing Summer Assises, for the purpose of taking into consideration a further increase of Subscrip- ti m, for revising and correcting the Rules, and for other special purposes. 442] W. SALMON, Treasurer. ARCHDEACONRY OF DORSET. " VTOTIC'E is hereby given,— That the AllCH- DEACON of DORSE T will hold his VISITATION on the dus and at the places undermentioned, to w. t. At SHASTON, Monday, 15thof August, 1808. BlANdfoRD, Tuesday, 16th. DORCHESTER, Wednesday, 17th. BridpoRT, Thursday, 18th. CERNE, Friday, lrith. At which placts all Executors of W. lls who havt not yet proved the same are desired to attend, in order to take upon themselves the execution thereof, or renounce their right thereto; and all others who are endtlcd to administer to In- t state's, Effects are also desired to attend, that they may have letters of Administration granted to them, otherwise, Sc. ill] J. MONDAY, Not. Pub. Dep. Reg. BURSLEDON BRIDGE AND ROADS. N OTICE is hereby given,— That a GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the Company of Proprietors of Bursledon Bridge and Roads will be hoMen at the Red Lion Inn, near the Bridge, on Monday the 3th day of August next, at eleven • '- lock ' in the forenoon, when a " full attendance of the 1' ro- prietdis is earnestly requested. ' Those M - mbers who inten I staying to dine, are requested » r. send early information thereof either to the Clerk, or to Mr. Waidron at the above inn, that adequate provision rrtay be made. By order of the Committee, DAVID COMPIGNE, Clerk. Gosport, July 1808. TM* AUDIT- HOUSE, SOUTHAMPTON, June 83, 1808. " VJOTICK is herebv given,-— That a Meeting of j. si the Trustees of the" South District of the Southampton Road will be held on Thursday the 4 iVi day of August next, at the Audit house in Southampton, ( by leave of the Mayor) at twelve o'clock at noon, to consider whether the Phoney < dlected at ail the Gates or Turnpikes erected within the said South District of the Southampton Road, and in a lane called Jove- lane, leading to the said town of Southampton, and within the lib erties of the county of the same town, be suffi- cient to enable the said Trustees effectually to support, repair, and maintain the Road King within the said South District, and defray all th- charses incident thereto; or whether it will be necessary for the said Trustc s, in the present year, to take and levy, or cause to be taken and I vied, at the Gate or Turnpike w. thin 800 yards of Rargati-, in Southampton, and th- rT. itc or F, . r in Love- lane aforesaid, tbe Tolls granted in and by :>-. Act " f the 3 Ist year of his late Majesty K'ng George th .' Second's r » i; n, for four succecding Calendar Months, pursuant to ti.-. " powers contained in an Act of the 38th year of his present Mat sty's reign. By order of the Trustees, .-;,} THOS. RIDDING, Clerk. MISS BEATON and the Miss GROVES, Suc- cessors to the MISS FRYS, respectfully inform their Friends and the Public, that their School will open after the present recess on Monday, July the 18th, at the same house, wirh the addition of two lan; c School- rooms, which are open to the sca- breeze>; they beg leave likewise to assure them, that the greatest attention will ever be exerted to merit the fa- vors conferred on them. N. B. Young Ladies received as Pupils by the week or month, during the bathing season. [ 128 MISS TARVERS respectfully inform their friends and the public, that their SCHOOL will re- open, after the present recess, on Monday, July 25, 1B0S. ROMSEY, June 23, 1908. [ 127 REDBRIDGK, NEAR SOUTHAMPTON. / FRS. SMITH hegs to inform her Friends and IvJL the Public, that her SCHOOL will re- open on Monday the 18th of July. [ 254 Ladies' Boarding School, Uursley, Hants. " l/ riSS ALNER respectfully begs leave to return jLVA thanks to her friends and the public for the liberal cn- oouragement she has received ; and informs them that her SCHOOL will re- open on Monday the 18th inst. N. B. The terms are moderate.— French, Dancing, Geo- graphy, Writing, and Arithmetic on the usual terms. Hurslcy, July 4, 1308. [ 205 SWATHLING FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. JCROUCH, jun. entreats the Parents of tho-* • Pupils entrusted to his care, to accept his most grateful thanks for past favours, and begs to inform them and the Public, the business of his School will re- commence on Mon- day the 18th of July. [ 15 on Monday the 18th instant. ERE SCHOOL, un UOBEUTSOS', W. ll re- Jure.—— Terms, 22 guineas p j Each gentleman wilt bring a si THE Re- comraencement of MARLBOROUGH ACAD'IMV will be 011 Monday, July 13. At the :, b. v SciiopI young Gentleman continue to be libe- rally and genteelly bdarord ; carefully and judiciously in- structed in the f i owing branches of education: the English, Latin, and Gi k Languages; Writing, Arithmetic, Book- keepers, and Merchants' Accompts, adapted to real trade and c mmerce ; practical Surveying of Land and Measuring of Timber ; Geography, with the Use of the Globes and Maps; Astronomy, Sc. Sc.—— Terms for the above arc as under: One guinea entrance. 14 Guineas per annum, .. under 10 years of age. 1G per ditto, from 10 to 12 ditto. And 18 r ditto, .... for all above 12 ditto. The Latin and Greek Languages are extra charges of two guineas per annum.- Music, Frpnch, Drawing, and Dencing, by eminent and approved masters. WILLIAM GRESLEY, deeply impressed with gratitude for the honourable and respectable si. pport which has been so ge- nerously and liberally conferred upon him by his numerous Friends, during a series of years, begs most sincerelyjo re- turn his warmest acknowledgments, assuring them and the Public, that it will ever be his constant aim to merit a con- tinuance of those favours, which he has been so fortunate to acquire. [ 38 ACADEMY, WEYMOUTH. PARENTS and. GUARDIANS, are respectfully informed, that J. A. ROLES has just enteral ou an eligible Situation for a BOARDING SCHOOL. He humbly solicits the patronage of the Public, whose support, he flat- ters himself, will be remunerated by his attention to his Pupils' learning, morals, and comfort. Board Writing, and Arithmetic „£ l8 18 0.\ per Parlour Boarders....' 30 0 0.1 Annum Tea, Washing, English Grammar, Geography, & c. Sc. - xtra charges. He likewise introduces young Gentlemen into <_ • Latin and French Languages, various parts of tbe Mathc- <- hv ' S, Fluxions, and Astronomy. [ 33 mv.\. liar attendance to the bathing machines, and every ne- • Ri- g. ttention to those whocome principally for health, ressatv a ' 1 • ' A SCHOOL. DISPOSED OF,— A very desirable 0 be k. BOARDING- SCHOOL, r. ear Town. The LADIES' and beautifully situated. No premium house is riioderti ' ease, fixtures, and furniture to be taken iSr. p'ected • only the . • is a genteel sufficiency for a gentle- at astatedsum. Thei, 1 sisters. • . , , .. • an ' and his wife, or'tw*. real names, will be informed ot idt'ers, fpost paid) Wit. - dim's, by directing to 4 may hi exp- cud. Apply to Mr. T. I- wis, builder, Bath. TO JOURNEYMEN TAYLORS. TANTED immediately,— Twelve MEN, v ho rnav depend on constant employ and good wa- Great encouragement will be given to good workmen, by Messrs. S. Westlake and Co. drapers, taylors, & c. Rcnnwy, Hants. — - - • 7" ANTED immediately, Two JOURKKTCMe. tr COOPERS. Men who understand their hnsin ss will meet with constant employ, and good wares will be given; and, if rn . tried, houses will be provided if required. Apply to John Reeves, Down ton.— hme 25, TO WATCH- MAKERS. Steady Man, and sound Workman, may have constant Employ and good Wager, by applyirg to j. Mirrictt, watch and clock maker, Quny- hill, Lymineion ; if by letter, post paid. ' I3' 1" w T< ' enry Turner, Esq. to be left at [ 229 TO BAKERS. - An active sleadv the BREAD Bj' WANTED, acquainted with person' who understands Pastry wii be preferred. r-! 7! l For particulars applv to Mr. T. Mi es, 1 akrr, Cranbom. MAN KING who is well Business.— A l" 27<) • tsoffice. Bath. partic the Pos BUDBRIDGE- HOUSE ACADEMY, ISLE OF WIGHT. THE business of this Seminary will re- commence on the 20th instant.— Mr. ATTWOOD gives his best and grateful thanks to his Friends, who have so liberally supported his establishment; and he, in return, will continue to merit their favour by his unceasing exertions towards the happiness and comfort of the young Gentlemen who ire placed under his charge. The improvement of his Pupils is the only criterion by which an adequate idea of the respectability of the Academy may be formed. Mr. A. further adds, that the sublime theory of the Mathe- matics in general are familiarly reduced to practice; easy examples of Problems the most abstruse are rendered evident to the senses of the young and inexperienced mind ; in short- method is the life of science and of business; Book- keeping, by single and double entfy, are taught here as practicallv as in the merchant's office in London, whose communications extend over the Globe; Navigation, Surveying of Land, Timber Measuring, Building, Geography, Mapping, Sc.; Latin, French, Dancing, Drawing, Sc. by experienced and approved masters. The salubrious situation of Budbridge,' its solitude, its being detached from towns or villages, gives it a pre- eminence in point of the ex- rcise of thought and of the reasoning faculties. The Terms are moderate.— Mr. A. can gi ve the most re- spectable references if required.— Particulars of the Academy will be thankfully communicated to any friend who will make the application. Health, cleanliness, and the comfoit of the young Gentle- men arc particularly attended to. [ 2ta TISBURY COMMERCIAL SCHOOL,— July ist, isos. M. HEAL, truly grateful for past favours, most, - J • respectfully informs his Friends, that he intends to limit his School to Only twenty- four young Gentlemen, as yearly boarders, being desirous to afford his Pupils the greatest opportunity of improving themselves in every branch of useful learning, and to render them, as near as circum- stances will admit, all the advantages of a private education : advantages of no small importance to vouth, both in their moraLs and study; which, blended with the very moderate charges of the School, and no admission- fee required, or other emraordinaries, as are customary in large schools ( stationary excc. sted), he hopes will meet the approbation and support from a generous and discerning public. Several vacancies for the next half year, which commences on Wednesday the 13th inst. A few weekly boarders can be taken. Terms may be known by application at the School, and at the Printing- Office, Salisbury ; or by reference to this Journal of the 28th of December and the 4th of Jar. uarv last. A quarter's notice, or pay to that amount, will be expected previous to any young gentleman leaving the School. [ 0 EDUCATION. CHILL most respectfully informs his friends and • the public, that his SCHOOL will re- open on Mon- day the 18th inst.— Sarum, Cloie Gate, July 7, 1808. [ 241 CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. THE SCHOOL conducted by the Rev. A. MORISON, A. M. will re- open on Monday the 18th instant. Mr. M. would deem himself deficient in gratitude to his friends and the public, if he omitted to acknowledge the very flattering encouragement with which he has been honoured in the line of his profession; a p. itronage which he hr> s uni- formly endeavoured to deserve by the closest persona! appli- cation and the most unceasing attention to every thing con- nected with the morals, health, comforts, and solid improve- ment of his pupils. At this seminary particular attention is paid to English Composition, a branch of education the most evidently neces- sary towards the practical purposes of life; yet so generally overlooked, even at schools of eminence, that it is no un- usual thing for young men, who have passed with applause through a regular course of classical education, to find them- seh ' es, on their first introduction to the commerce of the world, utterly at a loss how to express with perspicuity or ar- range with accuracy their ideas in writing on any common topic in their nutive tongue, Mr. M. feels himself entitled to add, that the mode of in- struction which has succeeded, so well, and which has given such general satisfaction, will be continued in his school, un- der every improvement which books or experience may'sug- gest. In addition to these advantages, he thinks himself for- tunate in being ablt to offer the accommodations of a house in every respect suited to the purpose, which is rormy, com- modious, with an excellent play- ground, and bavin" the singirlar advantage of a Cold Bath within the premises. " Mr. M. begs to offer sincere thanks to those numerous friends who intended to entrust to his care the tuition of their children as day- scholars. He shall never cease to cherish with the most grateful feelings, the recollection of theprefer- encft shewn him: But, as it is utterly inconsistent with his plan to increase the number of his pupils of this description, he solicits permission respectfully to state, that it is iiotut pre- sent in his power to avail himself of the honour intended him. I ST. ANN'S- STREET, SAKUM, July FI, 1808. [ cy rpO be 1 l SCHOG The present am. sion may be had 11 Apply by letter ( p WANTED imm, SCHOOI., VAII A English Gramme*, 1 Geogni|. works } if c riversant in thj mere desirable. Address ( post paid) A. B. Sherborne. \ STERS. TO SCHOOl. M. ' A good DAY- T> IS POSED ' OF a populous town.— L, pleasantly situated in S, s- fc' 100- ^ if " Ua! income of the SchOv . . - nmfdc'e'y. . . re, Sahsbmy. - ost paid; to /.. Y. Post- eft. " rHatclv, in aUiDIEs'Be. teaching • SSISTANT, capable of Netd.| « : - i!-. y, and the fashionable 1 1 French language, it will b. Mr. Penny's, bodksailci, [ 273 WANTED, immediately ait , ,,,, , tion, in a respectable Academy. ASSISTANT, qualified to ttach Wntmf .' roper references as to character andabflitia I'or particulars apply ( it bv letter, p st , Messrs. Baker ind Fletcher's, booksellers Sou -' er the present Vacn- m Hampshire, An • and Accounts.—— ' - 1 wil: be expected, ' aid) to A. B. at V mnton. j 256 A TUTOR. Yi/^ TED. ill a Gentleman's Family — A '' well qualified to instruct three Boys, I th. one turned of eight years), in English, Latin, Geogra Writing, and Arithmetic. He must possess good manhe and a most unexceptionable character will be required Enquire of the Printer. [ j- i Young « . elder ohy, rs; PALEY's SERMONS. This day are. published, in one. volume bio. prize 10s. i'd. in boards, f/- y permission of the Executors J CJERMONS on SEVERAL SUBJECTS. o By the late Rtv. WILLIAM PALEY, I) D. Subde- jn ot Lincoln, Prebendary of St. Pi. ui's, and Rector of Bishop Wearmouth ; Author of Natural Theology , Moral Philosophy, Sc. London; Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, rr, d Ormc, Paternoster- row; and sold bv Brodie, Downing, ; nd Lux'ord, successors to Mr. Collins, Sdisbury. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, IS. ICF. THREEPKSiK. SHORT and EASY INSTRUCTIONS, se'- ctcd for the Use of those who come to be CONFIRMED- by way of Question and Answer. To v.- lrch i- •.. j. i- i' - - Tt- • ORDER of CONFIRMATION. The SM- O • „ !•; TICK By the Rev. WILLIAM RICHARDS, Rector of Little CUix'f. ;••''. •' sl- ury:— Printed and sold b « - Brod. e, Dow- rr. g, 1, successors to Mr. B. C. Coll. ns: arid may be ' ail wsmen. ' ri., j Sa, | of th or, Ne ,, I: ARENTS AND GUARDIANS. AM ED,- A YOUTH, of respectable oon- * V • nexions, as an APPRENTICE to a SURGPOV Sc Particulars may be known by applying , o Mr. Squarey', [ 2> « to a LINEN druggist, Salisbury. TO PARENTS A ^ GUARDIANS WANTED,— An APPRENTICE V Y DRAPER, SC.— TO anv Youth of respectable Conner turns and good erlucation it will offer a desirabl^ and comfort- able Sifunfion • n lihcr- jl nrov. ii. 1^ —: n t... J * Post office, [ 2' ftfti-. situation Address [' post ' rome, Somerset' a liberal premium will lie expected t paid) M. J. to be left at the P AYot 1 m. war education TO PARENTS AM GUARDIAN'S. UTH ot good morals and liberal edi - anted as an APPRENTICE to a SURGEON and APO- THECARY, m a genteel market town, where th- practice is extensive, and have the constant charge of the poor in several consolidated parishes— As he will be treated as one of the family, and derive advantage^ seldom to be equalled, a liberal premium will be expected. ' Apoly ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Roberts, Gosport, or Mr. Roberts, druggist, Portsea, p15 TANTED immediately, Two APPREN- r TICES to the MILLINERY and MANTUA- MAKING Business. For particulars enquire at ihe Post Office, Cranborn, Dor- set ; it by letter, post paid. [-. 2.22 NEW FOREST, HANTS. TITANTED immediately,— ONE. HUNDRED • * CARPENTERS and BANKERS, at the Incisures Ui the New forest. Enquire at the Bell Ir. n, Brook. [ 20C To SADI. ERS, HARNESS MAKERS^ & SHOE MAKERS. XVTANTED,— Fifty MEN immediately.— Good , J » Ha" ! s " V'he above line may have 30 Sbilling's per Week, or Piece- Work, at their own option, on application to Richard Evamy, Sodthampton. Reference, if required, at Messrs Browns, curriers, Salisbury, or Mr. I licks, Rinrwood. Work ready Monday the 11th; and it is requested that those who intend applying will be as early as poasible. For Sale,— 130 Red Painted KNAPSACKS, well adapted for Volunteers, 2s. Gd. each. p{ 79 WANTED,- A GAMEKEEPER and FOOT- V ? MAN. He must be an active unmarried young Man, accustomed to look after, to rear, and, when necessary, to kill Game: he must also understand the training of Do » s and the business of a Footman— His character for hones? ty and sobriety must be unexceptionable. Letters ( post paid) addressed to the Printers of the Salisbury Journal, will be attended to. - ' [ 45 T • BAILIFF. WANTED, to take the general Management of an Je? ien, ive arablc Farm in Hampshire,— A single middle- aged MAN, he must be a good practical Farmer, and understand live stock and market?, must have served centlc- men m the above capacity, and have an undeniable character for sobriety, honesty, and experience in all farming business. Particulars, statmg qualifications, and where the party has lived addressed by letter postpaid, to Mr. Marline, White Hart Inn, Bagshor, Will be attended to. No one need apply who has been in business for him- self, or who has not lived three years in Ins last place— Good wages will be given. K [ 188 on of t ' a Rew Tythins, V or STRAYET), on Wednesday night STOLEl Jnne last, oat c f a Field in the jr. rsh'rf ... the isto, ^ tZV'w-) ? AUfV BROJ7, N ' 1A: 1" Hursley, near s a , half h, h: to « ? « { br •• « » thirteen hands am. ,;<'' "•' iT^ a'.! i , lock<*> ! drPsh mu'irzle, very fall- ey near shoulder, and a stripe of j, rey marked with a B on t, hairs on the off shoulder. ' king BLACK MARE, upwa. ds of Likewise,— A thmiah- Ioc wh, tL" sl'ot •]> , Tilddie » > « thirteen ha* ds nigh, with a crown, and alittle- hrokedrose. breast, nearly as lai « e as half- a- ' ot'ne * » "> c. it stok n, shall, Whotv - r will give infcrmatioi. Renders, receive a Reward • conviction of the offender ore • « strayed, shall receive. •' I'VE GUINEAS fere, eh; ant. '"> by applying to the - art of- ONE GUINEA for ekv -' man of Hursley. " ——^— noii,— A11 aged VED from Cranborne Com, ' M. C. and Ic. st OW, marked in both horns wit. ver will bring * teat OIL the right side. Who. handsomely - Mrs. Charlotte Miles shall bt s pa < i, trouble, and reasonable ei pence. . [: sf CTRAv O RED ( X . half the hinde. v 2, 1808 the said Cow to rewarded for their Cr. A NIIQ R NE11- QTOAYfe'^ U k? RED COW; market, half the hjriftrt-- teat ou the Whoever will bring the shall receiveWE GUINEA . Crcribtirns Common,— An • I in both horns with. C. M. aflft right side, said Cow to Mr. Jamr Heward. " Sed ' lost trou&' flS4 r SHAKEN UP STRAY INC. JL Rusty Black MARE MULE, full shod, and burn- marked in the nea , at Lpidhurstr A about ei • en hands h-,', h, sr shoulder, - h ing to illy. Haywaa 1 of The owner may have her again by apt. Lyndhurst, on paying the expellees' — . 1233 - William GEORGE SPERRING, Apprenu. V. a Stock, Carpenter and Whee' 7\\ r- ht, master's hnnei. .. .. e- , . ,. persons not to or entertain him after this public notice, as they will sccuted according to law ; andwlirever shall bring him said rattatcr will be handsomelyvh warded s'-- l w- STOCK, Stok'e- lane, Somerset. >!* h , fair he ><* d, ' Ckt; 0 '" 5 K i'U- e.. /" HEREAS I CHARLES BURGESS, t of Brook- Mill, tn the parish of Westbury, Wi. ts, sdid Sunday last enter the upper Meeting house at Westbury, ing the time oi diyme service, in a state of intoxication, — J m uIe. of several prophane expressions, to the great* annoyance of tbe Congregation, and interruption of theMj. ^ !, n , • 1u'-' es,; for which a prosecution has been com- r^ if: lyrist me by the Trustees of the said Meetinft- hou??, said i^ mr U " knowiase their lenity in s. Zing he said proceedings, upon my promising never to be guilty If h! m finer fhp fvn^ nn,, it. • .. I • J hke uffence, and pSyingYhe'eTpemce ouiZ^ ZZ? The Mark X of CHARLES BURGESS Witness, THOMAS GAISPOISD. EUNUTBB. T. F. EVANS. ' . v , ioleasantsym( toms arising from ot the stomach and bowels, vi,. flatulency, i" d » oppress, on after eating; i„ Nervous Complaints iS, Ta invigorates the stomach, cr.- a- s aonetit- i- d , s a" d and thereby strengthen, the who'm 4 ^ d; Sestion, Oxle. . Dowclir cine 10J. 0( 1.— tS. aa. and Sd. each, what is signed on the label, " . THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL, Wednesday's and Thursday'' s Posts, moi « TH- IS ftOfpON GAZETTE OF JULY 5. ' QUEEN'S PALACE, July 4. HS Majesty having tf- fcen into his Considera- tion the glorious exertions of the Spanish Nation for < h< s Deliverance of their country from the ty- ranny and usurpation of France, and the assurances which ii » Majesty haS received from several of the provinces of Spain, cf their friendly disposition towards this kingdom ; lus Majesty ts pleased," by and with the advice of his Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered ; Km,' That all - hostilities against Spain en the part - of his Majesty- shall immediately cease. Secondly. That the blockade of all the ports of Spain, except such ai may be still in the possession or under the controul of France, shall be forthwith raised. Thirdly, That all ships and vessels belonging to Spain shall have free admission into tire ports of his Majesty's do- minions, as before the present hostilities Fourthly, That all ships and vessels belonging to Spain, Which - shall ' fee - met- at sea by his Majesty's ships and cruisers, shall be treated in the same manner as the ships of States in amity with his Majesty, and shall be suffered to carry on any trade now considered by his Majesty to be lawfully carried on by neutral ships. fifthly, That all vessels and goods belonging to persons Tesidiugin the Spanish colonics, which shall be detained by any dF his Majesty's cruizers after the date hereof, shall lie bf- 0- ught into' p> rt, and shall be carefully preserved in safe custody, to await his Majesty's further pleasure, Until 4t shall be' known whether the said colonies, or any of them, in which the owners of such ships and goods reside, shall have made common cause with Spain against the power of France. Commission Signed by the Lord Lieutenant of Bunts. Portsmouth Battalion of Light Infantry.-^— William Mat- thews, Gent, to be Second Lieutenant. ERRATUI'I in a former Gazette.— Portsmouth Battalion of Light Infantry .— For James Henry Mottley, Gent, to be First Lieutenant, read George Henry Mottley, Gent, to be First lieutenant. • BANKRUPTS. George Rvley, of Salford, builder. J. Birch and R. Robinson, of Broughton- lodge, cotton- spinners. Wm. Mainwaring, of Liverpool, taylor. Thos. Salter, of trinity square, Tower- hill, London, broker. Wm. Bradbury, of Rochdale, woollen- clothier. - John Shee, of Bloomsbury- square, wine and brandy- merchant. Joseph Crofts, of Axminster, horse- dealer. John Harris, of Aberdare, buildei. Nathaniel Chandler, of Fleet- market, London, butcher. John Mulliner, of Birmingham, mealman. Thos. Satterthwaite, of Kendal, tanner. Richard Ledwell, ot St. Pancras, cowkeeper. Joseph Gatty, of Oxford- street, ironmonger. Margaret Leet, of Little Russell- street, Covent- garden, vintner. Richard Green, of Bishopsgate- street, London, jeweller. HOUSE OF LORDS. MONDAY, July 4.] As soon as the Lord Chancellor had taken his seat, the Earl of Suffolk rose, and expressed great anxiety to learn who was to be considered' the re- sponsible Minister of the country. It was not idle curiosity, he said, that Caused this anxiety; but our present and future welfare, and that of Europe at large, required that it should be known who was to be looked on as responsible for public measure;. An expedition " was fitting out, to Co- operate, as was Understood, with the Spaniards glori- ously struggling for independence. At any rate, important expeditions Were equipping ; the Commanders might be appointed by the same baleful influence that prevailed in the Appointment of General Whitelocke to his command, and equally bad consequences might follow. He had been told that a Noble Duke was his Majesty's prime Minister ; but so little was seen of that Noble Duke in public business, that it was impossible to consider him as prime Minister. Who, then, he would again a k, was the country to look to for responsibilty on tills important occasion ? No reply was given to the question.— The Lord Chan- cellor directed the Deputy Usher of the Black Rod to summon the Commons, who attended accordingly,. when the royal Assent was given by Commission to the Sugar Distillery bill, the Scotch Judicature and Scotch Local Militia Bills; after which the Lord Chancellor, as first Commissioner, delivered the following Speech, ill his Majesty's hame : My Lords arid Gentlemen, ' We have it in Command from his Majesty to express to you the great satisfaction which he derives from being enabled, by putting an end to the present Session of Parliament to ter- minate the laborious attendance which the public business has required of you. The measure which you have adopted for the improvement of the military force of'the country, promises to lay the foun- dation of a system of internal defence eminently useful, and peculiarly adapted to the exigencies of these times. The sanction which yon have given to those measures of defensive retaliation, to which the violent attacks of the enemy upon the commerce and resources of this kingdom compelled i. is Majesty to resort, has been highly satisfactory to His Majesty. His " Majesty doubts not that in the result the enemy will be convinced of the impolicy of persevering in a system which retorts upon himself, in so much greater proportion, those evils which he endeavours tt> inflict upon this country. Gentlemen of ( he House, of Commons, We are commanded by his Majesty to return his most hearty acknowledgements for the cheerfulness, and liberality with'which the necessary supplies for the current year have teen provided. His Majesty directs us to assure you, that he participates in the satisfaction with which you must have con- templited the flourishing situation of the revenue and credit cf the country, notwithstanding the continued pressure of the war ; and he congratulates you upon having been enabled to provide for the exigencies of the public service with so small an addition to the public burthens. His Majesty commands us to thank you for having enabled hira to make good his engagements with his allies ; and to express to you' the particular gratification which he has de- rived from " the manner in which you have provided for the establishment of his sister her Royal Highness the Duchess cf Brunswick. My Lords, and Gentlemen, His Majesty has great satisfaction in informing you, that, notwithstanding the formidable confederacy united against his ally the King of Sweden, that Sovereign perseveres with una- bated vigour and constancy to maintain the honour and inde- pendence of his crown : no effort has been wanting on the part of his Majesty to support him in the arduous contest in which he is engaged. The recent transactions in Spain and Italy have exhibited new and striking proofs of the unbounded and unprincipled ambition which actuates the common enemy of every esta- blished government and independent nation in the world. His Majesty views with the liveliest interest the loyal and determined spirit manifested by the Spanish Nation, in resist- ing the violence and perfidy with which their dearest rights have been assailed. Thus nobly struggling against the tyranny and usurpation of France, the Spanish NAtion can no longer be considered as the enemy of Great Britain, but is recognized by his Majesty as a natural friend and ally. Wc are commanded to inform you, that communications have been made to his Majesty from several of the provinces cf Spain, soliciting the aid of His Majesty. The answer of his Majesty to these communications has been received in Spain with every demonstration of those sentiments of confi- dence and affection which are congenial to the feelings and true interests of both nations. And his Majesty commands lis to assure you that he will continue to make every exertion in his power" for the support of the Spanish Cause, guided in the choice and in the direction of his exertions, by the wishes cf those in whose behalf they are employed. In contributing to the success of this just and glorious cause his Majesty has no other object than that of pcreserving Unimpaired the integrity and4 independence of the Spanish Monarchy. But he " trusts that the same efforts which are directed , to that f; reat object, may, under the blessing of Divine Providence, ead, in their effects and by their example, to the restoration of the liberties and the peace of Europe. Then a commission for porogtiing the Parliament was lead. After which the Lord Chancellor said ; My Lords and Gentlemen, By virtue of His Majesty's Commission under the Great Seal, to us and othtr Lords directed, and now read, we do in his Majesty's name, and in obedience to his commands, prorogue this Parliament to Saturday the twentieth day of August next, to be then her.- holden ; and this Parliaments* accordingly prorogued to Saturday the twentieth day of August next. HOUSE OF COMMONS. MONDAY, July 4.] New writs were ordered fof Rve, iij the room of Sir W. elford, vacated by accepting the chiltern Hundreds, and for the cotfnty Clare, in the room cf Colonel Burton, vacated by accepting the Escheatorship ef Munster. Mr. Whitbread, with evident anxiety, expressed his surprise and disappointment that no communication had been made to the House respecting the extraordinary and eventful situation of Spain. The whole Spanish nation was up in arms to repel the tyranny and- the aggressions that were made upon their rights by the most unprincipled management ever practised on an independent nation. He had hoped that we should earnestly seeend their endeavours ; he had - expected that a message from bis Majesty would have been brought down for a Vote ofCredit to enable Government more effectually to assist the Spanish Patriots, and that some expression of the good- will of this nation to their cause would have been made through Parlia- ment before it separated. He heartily wi- hed success to the patriotic efforts of the Spanish Nation for the recovery of their liberty arid independence, and he was convinced that in this wish he should be , joined fey the Whole country. Lord Castlereagh coincided with the Hon. Gentleman in good- wishes to t he cause of the Spanish Nation, though his Majesty's Ministers had not thought it atlvisable at present to make any parliamentary declaration on the sub- ject, and from the liberal provision ivlfieti had been made - for the public set- vice, were . not under the necessity of asking for any additional vote of Credit. Mr. Wilberforce agreed . with Mr. Whitbread in wishing that a parliamentary declaration had been made of the good- will of this country to the Spaniards. As this had been omitted, it was consolatory to reflect that every Briton joined in enthusiastic prayers for the success of the Spaniards in the glorious contest, and the notoriety of this fact might almost supersede the necessity of a formal annunciation of the public sentiment. The conversation here ceased. Shortly after the Deputy tlsher of the Black Rod summoned the House to attend in the House of Peers. The Speaker and Members present attended accordingly; and on their return, the Speaker read a copy of his Majesty's Speech to the Members, after which they dispersed. LONDON, WE D N 1iS DA Y, JULY 6. AMail from Gottehbilrgh arrived yesterday morning, by which we learn that Our expedition was preparing to sail on the 27th ult. Nothing certain is known as to its destination, respecting which there are very contradictory reports in circulation. Private letters from Stockholm mention, that the public expectation was directed towards an Expedition which was " to be undertaken by the British and Swedes united against Drago, the receptacle of the numerous privateers, which the zeal and animosity of the Danes have armed against us. Letters from Madras, dated the 30th of December, state that the Coast and Bay ships were to rendezvous at Ceylon, and may be expected home about the end of tlfe present month. Government are making the greatest exertiotis to afford the most powerful assistance to the Patriots of Spain.— Three Brigades of Infantry, consisting of 10,000 men, have received orders to embark at llams- gate. The whole Force to be employed on this im- portant service, we understand, will be rather more than thirty thousand men. Instructions have been sent to all the Out- Ports, with directions to release all persons charged with Dis- patches from Spain, without the performance of quarantine, and likewise that all Officers are to give every possible assistance in forwarding them to London. The Lords of the Admiralty have adopted a new plan for the increase of seamen iti the Navy, which is to be carried into execution with all convenient speed:— 5000 boys are to be raised oil a guinea bounty each, and to be divided into three classes ; those from 12 to 14 years old are to receive seven guineas a year each ; ft era 14 to 16', nine guineas; from 10' to 13, eleven guineas a year each. BREAD.*— Yesterday the Lord Mayor ordered the price of the ( Quartern Loaf to continue at 12Id wheaten, Ills', household. A melancholy accident happened between five and six o'clock yesterday morning, at the house of Lady Campbell, of Wimpoje- street. Her Ladyship had given a grand supper and ball, at the conclusion of which, as Mr. G. Calvert, a young gentleman in the 23d year of his age, son of T. Calvert, Esq. of North Audley- street, was dancing a reel with two young ladies, he broke a blood- vessel, fell down, and instantly expired. " ' . LAW.— On Saturday Mr. J. H. White and Mr, J. Hart, convicted of printing and publishing a libel on Mr. Justice Le Blanc, and also of printing and publishing a libel on Lord Chief Justice Ellenborough, were brought up to the Court of King's Bench for judgment. Mr. Holroyd and Mr. Clifford, their Counsel, implored the lenity of . the Court,— for the former, oil the ground that, from a long residence in Africa, and other hot climates, his health had been impaired, and he appeared to have suffered mentally as well as bodily,— lor the latter, because he was merely the printer of the paper in which the libels appeared, had no controul over it as Editor, and had not intentionally com- mitted any olSjnce. Affidavits from the Defendants were read to a similar effect, and stating in addition that they were not the writers of the libels, but that one was written by Mr. John Gale Jones, apothecary, the other by William Augustus Miles, Esq. and that they did not know the author of a letter signed Humanitas, which had continued the libellous reflections on the learned Judges. The Attorney- General contended that this was not a ease which admitted of clemency, and railed on the Court not to allow the laws to be insulted with impunity.—- Mr. Justice Grose then pronounced the sentence of the Court, which was, that each of the Defendants should be imprisoned three years, being 18 months for each libel, and at the expiration thereof enter into recognizances for their good behaviour for five years, themselves in 500/. and two sureties for each in 250/.— Mr. White's imprisonment is to be in the gaol of Dorchester, Mr Hart's in that of Gloucester. On Monday the several proprietors, printers, and pub- lishers of papers who had copied some of the objectionable articles, appeared in the Court for judgment, and were each sentenced to pay a fine of 25/. This morning, at three o'clock, Messrs. White and Hart were sent off for their respective places of confinement. To the Inhabitants of MARKET LAvINGTON, and the neighbouring villages. WHEREAS Mr. WM. SMITH, of this town, accuses me of asserting a falsehood " in printed letters addressed to many of his friends" respecting- his resignation ; 1 think it necessary, in my own justification, to recall your attention to the following advertisement':—,, To be disposed of immediately, The Business of a Surgeon, & c. of esta- blished practice, at a market town in Wilts'. The house, fur- niture, garden, and offices are elegant and spacious. As the present owner is about to retire, the whole may be taken at a fair valuation, & c."— This, which appeared on the 28th of Sept. last, he acknowledged to me to be his own, and which I defy him to contradict. As recently as the ffth inst. only one day before the. appearance of my letters, Mr. S. said posi- tively " he had disposed of his business, and was going from Lavingtoriif so, how can he be a partner ? If tlten I have made " so false an assertion," it was from depending too much on Mr. Smith's veracity. 1 ask if he can say himself, ( for I do him the justice of believing the last advertisement not to be his ipse dixit, although his natural weakn, ss suf- fered him to add his signature to it, and thus publicly com- mit himself), I ask him, if, with his hand on his breast, he can solemnly declare a single iota in the letters alluded to to be false; that is, taking the state of his mind before he saw one of these letters ; he may say since that he has changed his mind, and this is the only way in which he can overcome an hundred " false assertions" which lie has made, take which side he will.-'- As far back as Ncv. 1S0S, he said he should resign, and promised me the refusal, in'casehedid not treat with one of the two Gentlemen who were thfn, treat- in!; for it, but Without keeping his word, he advertized as above. The first day it appeared J offered to take the whole on his own'terms, " ;. t a fair valuation." To this and other offers I then made him he"' engaged to give me an answer in three days, but a second time departed from his word. Thus, Ladies and Gentlemen, not being allowed to pur chase your good- will when to be sold, I judged it no crime to become beggar- on the contrary, only discharging a duty I owed you and myself in having offered you rny assistance, vghich offers I here again repeat, sunt do assure all who favour me with their confidence, that they shall have the strictest attention paid them on every occasion. The public have now seen two of Mr. Smith's advertise- ments which contradict each other as plainly as words can do it: which is true and which is false I leave you to judge or himself to explain, but of which - I shall take no further notice. WM. BOX. MARKET- LAVINGTON, June 22, 1808. fill N. B. The above advertisement has been omitted the last two weeks for want of room. THE Public ate respectfully informed, that the SALE of the Estate and Interest of Messrs. Weeks and Gaufitlett in a Mill and Premises at Fovant, advertised to t ike place on Wednesday the 13th instant, is unavoidably POSTPONED, JOHN NICHOLSON, Agent for Messrs. Weeks and Gauntlett. BAH^ OUD, July 6, 1? 08. [ 226 THE CREDITORS of BENJAMIN CHARLES COLLINS, Esq', late of SALISBURY, and of MORTIMER- STREET, CAVENDISH- SQUARE, who reside in LONDON, are requested to send an account of their respective demands to TOWNLEY WARD, of Covent- Garden, Esq. the acting Executor: And those Creditors who live in the COUNTRY are desired to send the account of their demands to Mr. JOHN DOWDING, on t ie - N'ew Canal, Salisbury, who is autho- rised by Mr. i > to receive all debts due to the estate of the deceased. - ffe'ti ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Mr. WAL- TER BARRY, . of Ridge Farm, nAi Romsey, Hants, deceased, are requested to pay their respective amounts to Mrs Mary Barry, his widdw; and all persons to whom the said Walter Barry stood indebted, are requested to send an ac- count of their several demands to the said Mrs. Mary Barry, gtHidge Farm, on or before the 1st day of August next, [ 6 NOTICE f. 0 CREDITORS AND DEBTORS. \ LL Persons having any Claim or Demand upon i'i- the Estate and Effects of Mr. ROBERT CLARE, for- merly of Devices, in the county of Wilts, but late of Trim- street, in trie- city e: Hath, Surgeon, deceased, are earnestly requested by the Executors to deliver in the particulars of their demands to Mr. Slade, solicitor, in Devizes aforesaid. Ami all Persons who stood indebted to the said Robert Ciare at the timeof his death, are requited immediately to pay the amount of their respective debts to the said Mr. Slade, on behalf of the said Executors, or they will be sued for the same without further notice.— Devhcs, the 1st of July, 1808. fl4 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL persons who have afiy Claim or Demand on the Estate and Effects of Messrs. ROBERT KYRBY and JOHN TURNER, late of Blandford Forum, in the county of Dorset, Hosiers and Copartners, deceased, are de- sired to send an account thereof to Thomas Oakley, of Bland- ford aforesaid, coal- merchant, the Executor, in, order that the same may be paid: and all persons standing indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pay th£ ir respective Debts without delay.— Blaiidford, Jnne 30, 1808. f& l COMI'TON AURAS, July 4, 1808. ALL persons having any Demand on the Estate and Effects of ARTHUR SPINNEY, late of Blandford Forum, in the county of Dorset, whitesmith, deceased, are hereby desired to bring or send their accounts, within three months from rhe date hereof, to Thos. Spinney, Administra- tor, at Compton Abbas, near Shaston, in the said county, in order that the same may be settled, as no bills will be after- wards received: and all persons who stand indebted to the Estate and Effects of the said Arthur Spinney, are hereby re- quested to pay the same- to the aforesaid Thos. Spinney, within three months from the date hereof, otherwise they will be sued for the same. [ 220 WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against ROBERT FRICKER, of Portsea, in the ceiunty of Southampton, Builder, Dealer and Chapman j and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby re- quired to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said commission named, or the major part of them, on the 14th of July, 1808, at two in the afternoon, on' the 15th of the same month, at one in the afternoon, and on the f) th of August following, at two in the afternoon, at the Crown Inn, in Gospoft, and make a full discovery and disclosure of his Estate and Effects ; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the second sifting to chuse assignees, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupt is required to finish his examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the allowance of his certificate. All Persons indebted to the said Bankrupt, or that have any of his effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Mr. David Compignfc, sohci. or, Gosport, Hants; or to Mcssis. Tarrant and Grey, Chancery- lane, London. f173 CODFORD Sr. PETER INCLOSURE. " VS7E whose names are hereunto subsctibed, befng ¥ 7 Commissioners named and appointed in and " by an Act of Parliament passed in the present Session,, intituled " An Act for inclosing Lands in the parish of Codford St. Peter, in the! county of Wilts, do hereby give Notice, that we intend co hold our first meeting for'executing the purposes of the said Act on Wednesday the 3d day of August next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the house of Thomas Mor- gan, called or known by the name of the George Inn, in Cod- ford St. Peter aforesaid, at which said ljreeting the majority in value of the proprietors who may be present are. to chuse a Banker, or some other person or persons in whose hands all monies to be raised under and by virtue of the said Act are to be deposited, pursuant to the directions of a certain Act of Parliament passed in the 4lst year of his present Majesty, commonly called " The General Inclosure Act." Given under our hands this 24th day of June, 1808. ; ( Signed] THOMAS DAVIS. . WM. TUBB. 2 © J . WM. JENNINGS. HAMPRESTON INCLOSURE. NOTICE is hereby given,— That all Rights of Common in, oyer, and upon all the I leath and Waste Lands by the Act directed to be divided and inclosed shall cease, and be for ever extinguished, from and after the 4 th day of July next Witness our hands'this 30th day of June, 1808. . RICHARD GEE. f- 210 WILLIAM CLAPCOTT. WESTBURY INCLOSURE NOTICE is hereby given,— That We the. Commis- sioners named in and appointed by an Act of Parlia- ment, made and passed in the 42d year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, for dividing and allotting in severalty the Open and Common Arable Fields, Common Downs, Common Meadows, Common Pastures, and Commonable Places Within the pSrish of Westbury, in the county of Wilts-, intend to hold a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING at the Abingdon Arms tnn, in Westbury, on Tuesday the 2Gth day of July next, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon, for the purposis of reading over and executing the Award made by us in pursuance of the said Act, and, also of the General Inclosure Act; when and where the several proprietors and all other persons interested in the said Inclosure, or any exchange unade in consequence thereof, or who are otherwise concerned in the said Award or Inclosure, may be present if they think proper.— Dated this 15f/ i dan of June, 1808. RICHARD RICHARDSON, JACOB STURGE, IS] THOMAS SINGER. RINGWOOD INCLOSURE. TE whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being ' two of the Commissioners named in and appointed by an Acf- of Parliament for dividing and inclosing Lands in the parish of Ringwood, in the county of Southampton, do hereby give Notice, that wc have set out and appointed the following PUBLIC CARRIAGE ROADS through and over the said Lands, as follows: One public carriage road, of the breadth of thirty feet, leading along Beggar's- lane. One other public carriage road, of the breadth of thirty feet, in its present tract leading along the East end pf Spital- field. And one other public carriage road, of the breadth of fifty feet, in its present tract leading over Laybrook Common and Watten's Ford Common, beine uart of the road from Ring- wood to H urn- bridge. And we have ordered the saif toads o be staked out, and a map of the same to be deposit: in th office of Mr. Harbin, our Clerk, at Ringwood, for the., spe ion of tile public. Any person or persons who may . k himself, themselves, or the public aggrieved by the setting out of the said roads, or by the not setting out other roads, are to exhibit their cause of complaint to the Commissioners of the said Inclosure, at a Meeting to be held for that purpose at the White Hart Inn, in Ringwood, on Monday the 1st day of August next. And we do hereby further give Notice, that we have received objections in writing to several of the claims delivered in to us, and we appoint a Meeting of the Commissioners to be held 011 Tuesday the 2d day of August next, at the same place, for the purpose of hearing evidence respecting the same.— Dated the 4th dm/ cf Magi 1808. RICH ARD' RICH ARDSON. 10] FRANCIS WEBB. Kennel and Avon Cancel Navigation. NOTICE is hereby given, That at a General Guarteily Meeting " of the Committee of Management of the Affairs and Business of the Company, of Proprietors of the Kennel and Avon Canal Navigation, held at the Compa- ny's office at Ciofton, near Great Bedwin, in rhe county of Wiks. on Tuesday the twenty- eighth day of Jane last, and hy adjournment at the York Hotel in the city of Bath on Thursday the thirtieth day of June last, the said Committee did appoint a General Meeting of the Proprietors of Shares in the said Canal Navigation to be held at the Townhall at Marl- borough, in the said county of Wilts, on Tuesday the nine- teenth day of this instant July, at eleven of the clock in the foreno n of the same day, for the purpose of electing a Trea- sure! 1- Treasurers to the said Company of Proprietors for the year en^ uinE. By order of the said CommrtEee, JOHN WAKD, Principal Clerk. Dated fne 6th &< PJ of July, 1803, [ 413 WILTS AND BERKS FCANAL NAVIGATION. AT a General Quarterly Meeting of the Committee of Management of the Affairs and Business of the Com- pany of Proprietors of the Wilts and Berks Canal Navigation, held at the Barrington's Arms, in Shrivenham, in the count} 1 of Berks, on Friday the 3d of June, 1808, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, pursuant to public advertisement, the said Committee, by virtue and in pursuance of the Acrpa » sed- ia., the 41st year of the reign of his present Majesty, intituled " An Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Wilts and Berks Canal Navigation to'raise Money for com- pleting the said Catjal.;, and- to alter, explain, and amend the Act passed in the 35th year'of the reign of his present Kta- jesty, for making the said Canal," did find a further CALL from the several Proprietors of the Navigation and undertaking authorised to be made and carried on by the said Company of Proprietors, who have subscribed for and taken new or addi- tional Shares, denominated 12/. 10s. Shares, created under and by virtue of - the said recited Act," for the sum of TH REE POUNDS for and in respect of every such new or additional Share in the said Navigation and undertaking to be wanting and necessary in order to defray the expences of and to carry on the same, and did make a Call from the said several Pro-- prietots for the said sum of 3/. for and in respect of every such new Share in the said* Navigation and- undertaking for those purposes accordingly, and did appoint the same to be paid to the Treasurer, Matthew Humphrys, Esq. Ivy- house, Chippenham; or ( for the accommodation of those who might find it more convenient) into the hands of Messrs. Newnham, Everett, and Co. bankers, Mansionliouse- street, London ; or to Mr. Morland, of Abingdon ; on or before the UOth day of September next; whereof the said Proprietors are requested to take notice. By order of the said Committee, JAMES CROWDY, Principal Clerk. Highwortk, July 6, 1808. [ 203 1 ANOTHER DAY OVER! AND ALL the SIX PRIZES of 20,000 Still in the Wheel 1 besides all the other Great Capital Prizes. Third Day of Drawing, NEXT TUESDAY, July 12. Tickets and Shares ( warranted undrawn) arc 011 Sale at all the Licensed Offices in Town and Country. [- 277 GTAYLOR and 3. PERRIN and CO.' s NEAT • LIGHT COACH, from GOSPOR. T and PORTSMOUTH through WINCHESTER to SALISBURY, sets out from the Red Lion Inn, Gosport, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Morning, at nine o'clock ; goes through Fareham, Wickham, Waltham, Winchester, and Stockbridge, and arrives at the Black Horse Inn,- Salisbury, at six in. the evening, in time for the Blandford, Dorchester, Exeter, and Plymouth Coaches; returns fronrthe above Inn every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Morning, at eight o'clock, and arrives at Winchester at twelve, and at Gosport and Portsmouth at five in the eveaing. G. TAY l. oR and Co. will not be accountable for any parcels, if lost or damaged, above 51. value, unless booked as such. Goods, Parcels, and Passengers booked at the Chough and Black Horse Inn, Salisbury, for the following places :— Aires- ford, Alton, Arundell, Bo^ nor Rocks, Brieiiton, Chichester, Droxford, Midhurst, Newbury, I'aruham, Fareham, Gosport, Havant, Isle of Wight, Littlehampton, Lewes, Oxford, Pet- worth, Portsmouth, Porchester, Stockbridge, Winchester, Waltham, Wickham, Worthing, Whitchurch, andTitchfield. SATURDAY, June 18, J808. [ 9G VERY GRfiAT BARGAINS In Linen and Woollen Drapery, Haberdashery, and Hosiery, at JVOODCOCK's Warehouse, High- street, Shafteshcry. CWOODCOCK respectfully informs his friends • and the public he is just returned fiom London, where he has made large purchases of goods in the above branches, of peculiar quality and capital patterns, for the sammer, particularly tambour satin- work and japanned muslins, fancy striped cambricks, and colcAired muslins, prints, ginghams, etc.; elegant printed furnitures, corded dimity, table linen, sheetings, & c.; broad and narrow cloths, Bennett's cords, cassimeres, and velveteens, printed • quiftings, & c. ail csf the newest patterns, which will be found on comparison to be full as cheap, if not cheaper, than any other house west of London. A general assortment of men and women's silk, catton, and worsted, hose, beaver hats, & c. from the best makers. Every description of mourning, and funerals fur- nished on the most reasonable terms. N. B.— As all sorts of cotton goods must inevitably ex- perience a gteat advance, from the disturbance amongst the weavers, makes it a duty every country shopkeeper anil pri- vate family owes to themselves to lay in a large stock at the present unparalleled low prices. ' fi32 ECONOMY IN CANDLES. , • TALLOW CANDLES WITH WAXED. TFICKS. IN consequence of the Wicks being coated with Wax, these Candle* have the following advantages : First, They are seldom, if ever, subject to what is called a Thief in the Candle :— Secondly, They will not Gutter, except from bad snuffing or carrying about; and Thirdly, They burn- longer and give a brighter light than the usual Mould Candles. Sold only at the Candle and Soap Company's Warehouse, No. 18- 2, Fleet- street, London, two; doors " from fetter- lane ; where alto may be had other Candles- and Soap, of the best - quality, A discount is allowed for ready money, in proportion to the quantity purchased at one time, and country orders can- not be executed unless accompanied with a remittance, or an order to receive payment in town. [ 219 TURNIPS. THE Season for sowing this valuable Root being now fast approaching, the GYPSUM COMPANY, beg leave to recommend to Noblemen, Gentlemen, and others engaged in Agricultural Pursuits, the application of their PATENT PREPARED GYPSUM, in the proportion of five Bushels per Acre, just as they break the ground. The experi- ments which have been made, warrant the belief, that the use of this article will not only prevent the Depredation of the Fly, but thaf the quantity of the Crop will in most eases be vastly encreased, and its quality highly improved.— Prepared and sold at 3s. per Bushel, for ready money only, at the Company's Manufactories, No. 6- 2, Blackman- street, South- wark, and No. 30, Broad- street, Bristol; and may also be had of Mr. G. EO. FRV, Salisbury.—- The charges . of freight, tec. added to the above price. [ 100 N. B. Any quantity less than a quarter, 3s. 6d." p'er Bushel. A JACK- ASS, fourteen Hands high. TO COVER, at Malshanger, half way between Basingstoke and Overton, at ONE GUINEA, and Haif- a- Crown the Groom,— That famous JACK- ASS, TIPPOO SULTAN, . recently, brought over from Malta. Tippoo Sultan is only four years old, 14 hands high, dark brown, large in the bcrne, remarkably Well made, very gentle, and is well adapted to get MCLES upwards of 15 hands high, fit for husbandry and other purposes. Mares not proving in Koal will be covered next season at half price. [' 2006 T) be LETT immediately, at Mitchehnarsh, r/ ertr Romsey,— A neat READY FURNISHED COTTAGE, pleasantly situated, and adapted for the residence of a small genteel family. The House consists of two parlours, a drawing room, thrree good bed rooms and three garrets, a kitchen and cellar, with a laundry, milk- house, and wash- house, detached; a coach- house and stabling for four horses ; a gaftle'n, and six acres of . pasture adjoining. For further particulars apply to Mr. Stephen Warner, soli- citor, Romsey.— Mitchelmarsh, June 28, tSO ® . " [ 27 EnShury, five miles from Ckrutvhurch. TO be LETT, and entered on immediately, with or without a fevV* acres of Land,— A good FAMILY- HOUSE ; consisting of breakfast and dining parlours, drawing room, " servants hall,' dairy, larder, & c. four good bed room's and attics, a large garden, dog fennel,- stabling for six horsest with servant's bed room over. The tenant will have the Righ, of an extensive Fishery in the river Stoor, and other advan- tages- to make it a desirable residence for a sportsman. ft 57 For further particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Reeks, the gardener, at the house.— Dated June 28, 1808. RINGWOOD, HANTS. TO be ' LETT or SOLD, and entered on imme- diately,— A MESSUAGE, three Tenements, Yard, and large Garden, late the property of Mr. Robert Burgess, de- ceased ; situated in Ringwood, well calculated for any business requiring outlets. Persons desirous of treating for th" above, are requested to send proposals in writing to the oflice of Mr. Baldwin, in Ringwood. [ ip5 SOMERSETSHIRE. Rectory or Parsonage Tythos of St. Cnthbcrt, in TFells. TO be LETT, for a Term of seven, fourteen, or twenty one years, The RECTORIAL or GREAT TYTHES ; consisting of CORN and HAY, arising arid ac- cruing frosn about 13- 200 acres of arable, meadow, and pas- ture Ground. Any person or persons- inclined to take the said Tvthes are desired to send his or their proposals in writing to Mr. George Ptummer, of Drayton, near Portsmouth" Hants; or Mr. George Rich, of Wells aforesaid, on or before the 10th day of August nifxt. The tenant may be accommodated with n barn, called Ca- non Bart, and the mow- barton thereto belonging. f41 The tenant to pay and discharge the Lord's rent, and all rates and taxes. For further particulars apply to the said George Hummer, or George Kith.— tfells, June 28, 1803, WOODLANLIS, NE^ V" F6RE? T. TO tie LETT or SOLD,- A Comfortable FAMILY HOUSE, in the cottage stile, with Furnitute, and about twelve acres of Pasture Land ( with or without a good Cottage adjoining), coach- house, stabling, offices, and Unlimited right pf Forest; situate dear the Forest hounds, three miles from Lyndhurst, and seVen frotii SbUthahipton; lately occupied by Perietal . Nicoll » . [- 2023 • ' I-* SrpaitiCulars;' enqtiite of- Mr3. Biimyatd, ijt Hill, near Southampton; on the premises, or of Mr.' Coweh'er, Bath. TO THE FACULTY. A " eligible Situation : now offcfs itself to the no^ 1 - V tire of any Gentleman of abilities in the Profession,— s A well- situated and comfortable DWELLING- HOUSE, with every jlesirable cOnveniency attached to it; complete Shop, with Fiktures; some surgical Instruments, ftc.; which have for many years been occupied by a Surgeon and Apothecary) deceased. The preihiscs ate situated in a populous neighbourhood) where there is every reason to expect success. - Perms will be found moderate. Apply by letter ( post paid) addressed to'A. B. to be left ai the Post- Office, Southampton.—^- JitrteiiOfh, 1300. fliiU WINCHESTER. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,—- A good and substantial brick- built DWELLING- HOUSE; situate on the Upper Brook, in Winchester, with a large and small Garden, both walled in ; now in the occupation of - Mr; George Bruce.— Also a HOUSE adjoining the first described premises', and now in the occupation of' Mrs. Cooper.— All the above property is Freehold. For particulars apply ( it' by letter, post paid; to Mr. Meafef attorney at law, Winchester. fifty Freehold Manor and Estate, JVUts. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— a very desirable and improvable ESTATE ; consisting of a Manor, extending; over about 700 :: cr. s of land ; a Farm- house, with barns, stables, and other necessary out- buildings, about 18 acres of meadow and pastute, and' 210 acres of arable Land, lying together; also a right of Common on 158 acres of sheep down, and yG acres of cow down, adjoining the es- tate, and Within the manor. The ab> ve firm is le; t to Mr. Joseph Furnell, under a lease, whereof six years will be mi- expired at Michaelmas next. Also a Fishery adjoining the es- tate, and two Cottages and Gardens, now also lett to the said Joseph Furnell, from year to year; and seventeen other Cot- tag « s and Gardens, and twelve acrcs of Land, lett 011 leases and copies of court- roll for lives to several persons. The above estate is situate at Salterton and Newtown, in t!? e parish of Durnford, in Wilts, about three milts from Salis- bury, and may be viewed by applying to Mr. Furnell, the tenant. Further particulars may be known on application fhv letters, post paid) to Messrs. Vizard, sifleitors, Durslev, Gloucester- shire ; or Mr. Vizard, No. 8, New- square, Lincoln's- inn, London. f117 FREEHOLD ESTATE, ISLE OF WIGHT. IN a short time will be SOLD by AUCTION", unless previously ' disposed of by Private Contract,—— A very desirable 1- REiHOLD ESTATE, called CIUVF. BTOK FARM, comprising aliout <) 00 acres of arable, meadow, down, and coppice Land, upwards of 000 acres of which arc tithe- free, situate a few nii'les from the town of Newport, ami affords several baautiful spots for building on, with delightful sea and land prospects. This estate is particu'arly calculated to divide into three compact tots, which will most probably be done, if Sold by Auction. Further particulars may be had by application to Mr. Elderfield, solicitor, Romsey,' Hants. [ i7>> rJ~, 0 be SOLD by AUCTION, L, V Mr. NEWF. I A at the Nag's Head Inn, in Lvmingtoii, in theroBott ... Southampton, on Thursday the 2- th day of J! ulv instant, :,• seven o'clock in the evening, subject tosu<; h conditions as wili iWEH,, county of it , — ,..,..... ill be then and there produced, jick-. » an a-. crptst! le in the mean time should be made by private contract, and ot which due notice will be given,— A* FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, very pleasantly situated in Captain's- row, Lv- nnngton, and now in the occupation of Mr. Brown; cri- sistirag of two parlours, kitcben, par. try, " wash- house, &•• on the ground floor; two bed- chambers en the firet floor ; and gairecs.; with a good cellar, garden, pump, & c. The premises are private, and will suit a small family, havitig every requisite convenience. Thtbrfirt- tax is rcdrem.- i, and immediate possession will be given.—— For a view of the premises apply to Mr. Brown, on the premises ; and to treat tor the same by private contract applr ( if bv letter, post paid) to Mr. Blown, attorney at law, Lymington. [,->< j MHO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. NEWEL,., A at the Nag's Head Inn, in Lymington, in the county of Southampton, on Thursday the 28th- day of July in. Lint, at six o'cl- oek in the evening, subject to such conditions as will be thai and there produced, unless an acceptable oiler in she mean time should be made bv private contract, mid of which due notice will be given, - A sabstantial well- built DWELLING- HOUSE, . situate at the bottom of the Ilith- stseet, in Lymington aforesaid, now in the occupation of Mr. Attwood, surgeon, on lease, whose torn expires at Lady- day 1810,; consisting of two parlours, kitchen, wash- house, pan- try, and out- houses, on the ground floor; a drawing- room and three . good bed- chambers 011 the first floor; and'a goo< i square attic bed- chamber, and four servants' sleeping- rooms - with a garden, pump, Lead cistern for rain water, an exceed- ing good cellar, and stabling for three horses. Thtsc premises are leasehold for the remainder of a term of 809 years, have been built within these ' 25 years, in very good repair, liad- tax redeemed, and will suit any business rc* q- uiring room, or a private family, having eveiv requisite con- venience. To be viewed 8> y" leave of the tenant; and to treat for the same by private contrac! apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Brown, attorney at law, Lymingtou. [- I. 1 Modern Household Furniture ; a neat, elegant, light, an.} lofty Phaeton, a Carsick and Harness, Piano Forte, a few Paintings, and other valuable Effects, the property ot it Gentleman quitting his residence, at the Polygon, Soui- a- . AMPTON:, TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, by G. HOOKEY, on Tuesday next, the 12th of July, and following day, at eleven o'clock. - The Household Fumi- tuie consists of large and lofty four- post and field bedsteads, with handsome chintz cotton furniture ; fine seasoned bor- dered goose feather beds, blankets, quilts, and counterpanes ; mattresses, a drawing- room suit of japanned arm- chairs, sofas, and chaisefongs ; Wilton and jikMerroinster carpets, pier and dressing glasses, mahogany wardrobes, drawers, set of dining, card,- Pembroke and sofa tables, kitchen requisites, glass, chisa, Src.& c. To be viewed- tlie day preceding the sale. Catalogues to be had ( price Set.) at the place of sale, and at the Auctioneer's, . High- street. pj^ j Muddiford, near Christehurch, Hants. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Tuesday the 12th day of July inst. at five o'clock in the afternoon, at the George Inn, an Christchurch, Tilt uuder- mtuticneci FREEHOLD' PREMISES: Lot 1.— A Cottage and Garden, on a small scale, beauti- fully situated in the pleasant vilPage of Muddiford, one mils from Christchurch, and about half a mile from the s a, ca - pable of being converted into a marine residence for bathing and sea air. Lot 2.— One acre of meadow or pasture Land, in West- Marsh, in the parish of Christchurch, in the renting of Mr. Peyton. r, 7i> Lot 3.— One acre of arable Land, in Port- Field, in the pa- rish of Christchurch, in the renting of Mr. Edward Tory. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Fryer, Andrews', anii Lacy, bankers, Wimborne ; or to Mr. Rowden, attorney at law-, Wimborne, or to him any Monday at Christclnsrch. A very eligibly situated HOUSE, and rich Meadow L/ I\ l>, in a beautifid\ part of the county of Hunts, near the l" jide: l of Surry. T' O be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Swan Inn, at Alton, 011 Saturday the 30th day of July, 1R08, at four o'clock in the afternoon ( unless an acceptable offer lie previously made, of which notice will be given;,— A I- RRE- MOLD ESTATE, situate about midwav between the towns of Alton and Farnham, and about - ly iniks from London ; consisting of a substantially built Family- house, in good re- pair, having two good parlours, four n'ood chambers- with closets, four garrets, kitchen ; wjth brew- house, detachei barn, stabling for seven horses, chaise- house, and all other convenient offices; with GanKns well stocked with hint trees, and 14 acres ( more or less) of very rich eld meadow Land adjoining, including an orchard of about an acre, wnh an exclusive right of fishery in 9 fine trout stream, bcundmp- the meadow laud, within too yards of the. house ; and an ex- tensive right of common of pasture in the Holt Forest. The house, standing on a healthy, decant, arid cheerful eminence, overlooking a beutiful part of the ryer Wey, in 1 very fertile and rich vale, famous for its various picturesque views, about a quarter of a mile from the turnpike road, where several coaches are daily passing to and from South- ampton and London; in acountrv favourable fur all kinL of field sports, and in a neighbourhood highly respectable. Immediate possession can be given, and the purchaser may have more land, if required. For further particulars apply to Messis, ClejacEt and Ron, solicitors, Alton, H. uifc>, n^ GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET; minfx Friday's and Saturday'' s Posts. f H FOREIGN NEWS. VIENNA, June 15. IS Imperial Highness the Archduke Maxi- milian His lately had frequent conferences with the Iitiperial Land Commissioner, ourtt Von Bissmgen, And with the chief authorities the Cirele of Austria relative to the organization theirmy of Reserve, and of the Militia. Towards . the end " of this week the levying of the Reserve will tomrtlcncfc ; and 750 men will be fciised as the pro- fortion fo » this city and the sdburbs. In all the ihperial provinces, collectively, there are to be raised 52 Reserve battalions, of I300 men, making a total | bf 67,600. They are to be iiilrriediately armed, or- ganized, and exercised ft)/ four weeks successively. This reserve body is destined for reinforcing the stand- ing army. But the militia, which is also to be organized throughout all the Imperial Slates, and is to ^ unusually strong, is destined only for home service, IkJ th^-. section of the frontiers. Government dispatches Were yesterday received from Sweden, brought by Colonel Murray : their contents have not transpired ; but it is understood, that the general aspect of affairs in Finland is much improved. The Stock- holm Gaxette of the 25th ult. announces some farther suc- cesses obtained over the Russians in Finland. It give! iis also reason to expect, that a body of 8000 Russians at Gamla Carleby will be hemmed in and forced to Surrender. . The Swedes under Saridel-, who are pursuing the Rlis- LONDON, FRIDAY, JULY 8. At an early hour this morning dispatches Were re- ceived at the Admiralty from Admiral Purvis, and at Lord Castlereagh's. Office from Gen. Spencer: they are of the must satisfactory nature, and tend strongly to confirm the sanguine expectations which have been funned of the ultimate success of the Spanish Patriots. Our readers will recollect that, by the last accounts brought by Lieutenant Talbot, we were informed, that the British fleet, in conse- rplenre ef an arrangement with the Spanish Commanders in Cadiz, had taken a position at the mouth of Cadiz harbour, for the purpose ef preventing the escape of the Trench fleet, if they should make such an attempt. Admiral Purvis ott'ernd to co- opertte ill the intended attack upon the Trench fleet, but the Spaniards conceived their own force fully aleqitate to the ta- k of compelling the French Admiral to snnyiuler.— The French Admiral, appreliepsive of the interlock attack, warped his ships out of the reach of t! u' gtms of the fortresses, and took a position in the channel leading ka the (,' arr ideas, or Dock- yard : his force consisted of live sail of the line and a frigate. A summons was sent bv th « s Spanish Commander to the Fvench Admiral, desiring him to surrender, to which hi; returned a positive refusal, and on the morning of thwTth ult. the Spanish guuand morltiMwats commenced an attack upon tire French fleet, and, at the same time, the batteries on the side of Leon opened then' fire upon it. The firing was kept up with great spirit on both sides during the whole of the 9th, and was resumad on the morning of the 10th. In the forenoon of that day the French Admiral hoisted a flag of trite.*, hi consequence of which the firing immediately « ea; ed, and a letter was soon after sent from the French Admiral to the Spanish Commanders, in which he offered to dismantle his ship-, on condition that hostilities should cease on both sides. This proposition was without hesi- tation rejected, and he was informed that nothing short of an unconditional surrender would be accepted. The Spaniards th- ju began to construct new battelies, for the purpose of renewing their attack upon the French fleet, atuljuot the slightest doubt was entertained that the attack wuiild be crowned witJi success. - All the Ports of Valencia and Andalusia are opened to tl » e English. Lord - Collingwood has arrived at Cadiz. I ing to see. the rapid and successful progress which a handful of Swedes have made from Rivolax, where the Russians were first defeated, to Cuopio and Jarais, a distance of above 200 miles. The Russian naval force is said to be blockaded in a biy in Finland by the Swedish Admiral. It is still whispered that negotiations for peace are going on in the North. The whole of tha Brest fleet, amounting to twelve sail of the line and several frigates, came out a few days ago. Our fleet was becalmed at the time ; but a gale Springing up soon after, Lord Cambier steered towards them, but they decliiuid the meeting, and got back under the protection of their batteries. By American papers, which have arrived to the date of June 5, we learn, that affairs in that country remain nearly instata quo.— The embargo, with all its unpopularity, continues. The Lord Chancel lor has finally decided the case of Lord Aughrim, that his Lordship shall continue to be kept un- der the affectionate superintendance of Lady Aughrim, acting constantly by the advice and under the direction of eminent members of t'he faculty. A Dt. KI. took place on the I9thult. at Morpeth, between the Hon. Lieutenant- Colonel L and Lieut. L— dd— ll; the latter of the Msghlknd regiment of foot now recruiting at Alnwick. On the first discharge of fires, thtf Hon. Lieutenant- Colonel- L. Was severely wounded through both thighs, and Lieut. L. slightly in the breast. BIRTHS.] On the Bgth ult. at Redbourne Hall, near Lincoln, Lady Williami Beauclere of a son.— On Sunday, in" Pall- Malt, the Ladv of Sir Frederick Morton Eden, Bart, of a son.— Oil Monday' the Lady of Brigadier- General the Hon. A. HoDC, M. P. of a son. MARRIED.] Lately, Lieut Smithies, R.. N. Com- mander of the Bruiser gun- brig, to Miss Sancroft, of Yarmouth, Norfolk.— On Friday, Mr. H. T. A. Alcock, of Bromley Park, Worcestershire, to Miss Godwin, only daughter of the late Col. Win. Godwin, of the Royal Artillery.— On the 30th ult. Major Stafford, of the ,98th regiment ( son of Colonel Stafford, of the Hon. Indi Com- pany's service) to Miss Whalley, eldest daughter of E. Whalley, Esq. of Winseomb- court, Somersetshire. DIED.] Oil Wednesday se'nnight, at Kilkenny, of a paralytic seizure, Lit ! ut.- General Eyre Power Trench, Commander of that dis trict, Colonel of the Sd West India regiment, and brotheif to the late Earl of Clancarty.— Lately, at his house, near Eton, Admiral Borton," in the 70th year of his age.— On Sunday, in Ranelagh- street, Piinlico, of an apoplectic seizure, in his 74th year, Thus. Coles, Esq. one of the Pages of his Majesty's bedchamber. — Lately, in Jamaica, of the yellow fever, Charles Cecil Bisshopp, of the Muros frigate, second son of Sir Cecil liisshopp. Bart.— In April last, at Port Royal, Jamaica, of the yellow fever, after five days illness, Mr. Richard Ste- vens, Commander of his Majesty's packet the Princess Amelia.— Yesterday morning, at her house in Charles- street, Berkeley- square, Lady Ann Woinbwell, after a few days illness. I The French Fleet remains quiet at Toulon ; it now amounts I to twelve sail of the line ; two line- of- battle ships having I ' gotiirtn that port. A Proclamation has been issued by the Junta of Seville, declaring Wat igainst the Emperor of France, Napoleon the First. In the IsWs of Minorca and Majorca, the inhabitants had Ui. ";!*: i< 5tf'iy declared their resolution to embrace the ! cause of their fellow subjects on the Ci ntinent. A letter from one of the French Generals at Madrid has been intercepted by the Patriots, in which he says, that if the Nobles and others who are at Bayonne have not influ- ence enough upon the people to prevail upon thein to sub- mit, the French in Spain are all lost! The accounts which had reached us, of the French Gene- ral Dupont having been surrounded and defeated in the Sierra Morena, appears to have been unfounded : he had parsed tins* mountains, and hal pushed his .- Ivance guard a- far as Cordova; but bis situation was most precarious : his whole force did not exceed 14,000, andSO. OtiU Patriots, among whom were 15,000 regular troops, were advancing w ill all possible speed towards him. There is, therefore, e crv reason to hope that long before this time his whole ' army have been made prisoners, k The fol, owing official letter hai been received by I the Lord Mayor :— • " AnviUAT. xv- Wrncr, Juhi 8, Owe P. M. Dispatches P ft mi Lord l.' ollingwood, dated June 12, state, that the I Spaniards ha] summoned the French to surrender, and on their refusa, the Spanish batteries had opened on the French ship! in the Camera'; on the 10th of Ju e, in the afternoon, \ hrch la ted till half past seven o'clock in the evening, ant bad continued at intervals, during the fol- lowing day. " O11 the! Jilt of June the French Admiral had offered terms of capitulation, w hich had been rejected on the part of the Span- h Commander, who infused 10 admit of any conditions uort of absolute surrender. The British fleet had not er. eied the harbour— the Spaniards conceiving their own firce sufficient for the reduction of the French. ( Signed) " MULGRAVE." The Spmish Commanders in Cadiz having learnt hat the Frttch corps which was stationed near the Fron- iere of I'otugal, was 011 its march to enter Spain, had equested tlat the forces under General Spencer might be mployed ii intercepting them, in consequence of which liat Genera Lad sailed for Ayainonte, which is at the con-- Sues of thetwo Kingdoms, and no doubt was entertained of his iuteLcpting the French, if they should venture to advance. The RaiitI gun- brig has unfortunately been lost off Cape St. Vncent. The crew, however, were all saved. The prestations for sending aid to the Patriots in Spain, eni^ ge the attention and curiosity of all ranks and d scriptiou of the community. It is now announced that the Eai l o Chatham is appointed Commander in Chief of the forcesvhich are destined to act oa this singular, this important, this critical occasion. The following corps of infantry ar said to be ordered for immediate embarkation : From Hrwich.— The 2d Regiment of Foot, 1st Battalion of £ 10 4ti id Battalion of the 5flth, the S20th and - 13d jRj^ JWnti from CUthain.— The 2d Brigade of the Guard*, h From Rirosgate.— The 2d Battalion of the 9th, the 2d 1 Jiiltaliim I the 4th, the 52d, 97th, and the Slst- Regts. ) From Inland.— The ist Battalion of the 26' th, 45th, and ,'{& h legiments. Tlie Spaiish prisoners, who hare been released, are al- ready embtrked. They have entered with great enthusiasm into the eai'e of their countrymen, and express the utmost gratitude a, J admiration at the zeal with which the people pf this courtly take part in the struggle. Letters from Qorlt of the 2d instant arc in town. Hie expedtiou had not then sailed. The public are ex- ' remely aneious to hear of the sailing of this force, which tierc can b; no doubt is to co- operate with the patriots in tie South > f Europe, or to be employed in some diversion kvottrableto their interests. Sir A. VVellesley had not left 3ubl< u on the Cd instant. Commercial speculations to Spain are already in ( TSat furwtrdness. The Manchester manufacturers are 011 tie alert, and have already opened their vast warehouses s fnake ( onsignments to this market: Ships are loading 3 theHi"- r with tobacco, sugar, coffee, cocoa, gunpowder, ( c. A slip was yesterday announced, by a bill posted at » e Royal Exchange, to sail with a licence, and- well armed, Ir Cadiz direct. PRIZF MONEY. N' WILTSHIRE. OTICE is hereby given,— That the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Wilts will be holden at Warminster, in and for the said countv, on Tuesday the ISth day of July next at eleven o'dock in the forenoon, pursuant to the resolution entered into at a former Sessions, for the special purposes of examining and auditing all bills and demands on the county ; and of attend- ing to all business relative to the County Gaol and Bridewells, Militia, conveyance of Soldiers* Baggage, County Bridges, and such other business as may occur relative to the civil concerns of the said county ; and no bills will be allowed, unless delivered in at the sitting of the Court on that day. r ' 7 eanesda ten - - N( TURNPIKE ROAD Lradoi/ rfrom Warminster < md Frame towards Hath. OTICE is hereby given,— That the TOLLS arising at the eight several Toll Gates erected on the above turnpike road, called Thoulston, Shawford, Frome- Fiel Mitford, Wcolverton, Road- Bridse, Oldford, and Welch- Mill Gata, will he LETT by AUCTION, to the best bidder, cither together or in separate lots, at the election of theTrustces of the said turnpike road, subject to the conditions of sale to be produced by them, at the house of John Collett, called the Red Lion Inn, situate at Woolverton, in the county of Somerset, on Tuesday the flth day of August next, between the hours of five and seven o'clock in the afternoon, for one year, . to commence on Saturday the Ist day of October next,, at one o'clock in the morning, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 10th year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Third, " For. regulating the turnpike roads ;-' which Tolls produced the last year the respective sums under- mentioned above the expcnces of collecting the same, viz. TJioulston ^' 240 0 0 Mitford* £ 305 0 0 Frortie- Field.. Shawford ) Oldford V2- 21 0 0 Woolverton... V5R0 0 0 Welch- Mill .. J Road- Bridge .. J and will be put up at such sums.— Whoever happens to be the best bidder, at the same time must give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the said Trustees, for the pay- ment of the rent agreed for, monthly or quarterly, as shall be required by them. NATH. BARTON, Clerk and Treasurer. WARMINSTER, JuneUi, 1808. [ 43 BORDERS OF DEVONSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Castle Inn, Taunton, Somerset, on Saturday the 13th day of August, 1808, at five o'clock in the afternoon, unless previously dis- posed of by private contract, of which notice shall be given,— All that truly eligible FREEHOLD FARM, called I. EARS and SALTS, in the parish of Churohstanton, in the county of Dcvoil; now in the occupation of Daniel Clarke, and the executors of the late Henry Gill, as tenants at will; compris- ing a new- built farm- house, barn, stable, two tenements, and other buildings, together with 63 A. 3 R. 1 P. of meadow, pasture, orchard, arable, coppice, and rough land ; the whole f > rming a most compact and desirable farm j is distant from Taunton only eight miles, from Wellington six, Chard ten, and Honiton eleven ; and in a good state of cultivation. For a view of the premises apply to Dankd Clarke, the prin- c'pal tenant; and for further particulars to Samuel Yeatts, Esq. of Monk's- Mill, near Wootton- under- Edge. [ 170 NEW FOREST, HANTS. TO be SOLO by AUCTION, at Lyndhurst, by- order of the Right Hon. Lord Glenbcrvie, Surveyor- General of his Majesty's Woods and Forests, on Thursday the 21st day'of July, 1S0S,— The following Lots of NAVAL OAK TOPS. Tors. Rhinefield Walk... 57 Ditto., 47 Ditto 66 W h itley Ridge Walk 38 LOT. Tprs. LOT. 1. Ashurst Walk ... ... 33 15. 2. Ironshill Walk .. ... 49 16. 3. Ditto . .. 63 17. 4. Ditto ... 42 18. 5. Lyndhurst Walk. . .. 84 19. (>'. Ditto ... 72 20. 7. Ditto ... S6 21. ft. Ditto ... 45 22. 9. Ditto . .. 68 23, 10. Ditto ... 45 24. 11. Ditto . .. 40 25. 12. Ditto ... 74 26. 13. Ditto ... 74 27- 14. Ditto ... 70 28. Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto.. Denney Walk... Ditto Ditto. r Ditto . 26 .56 .80 .48 .47 .44 .55 .. ia Lady Cross Walk.. 42 _ Hoimeslcy Walk .. 58 Also several Lots of COALFIRE WOOD and BAVINS.— For further particulars apply to Joseph Mortimer, Esq. Owcr. June 30, 1808. . PS The Court will open on Wednesday morning, precisely at ten o'clock, for general business, which will begin with the Trials of Traverses, next Appeals, and lastly Prisoners. All Appeals ( except those to be entered for the purpose of adjournment) must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace previously to the opening of the Court on Wednesday, and on failure thereof, the adverse paity shall have a right to enter a AV Rixipiahir. The. Bailiffs and Constables of the several Hundreds, out • Of which the Jurors are taken, are hereby ordered - to attend the Court, with proper wands, during the whole time of the Sessions ; and to remain in such place or places in the Court as shall be then appointed, to assist in keeping peace and good order, and to execute the. orders and processes of the Court. In order to give all possible dispatch to the business of the Sessions, the Clerks to the Justices of the Pence of the said county are particularly requested to send to the Clerk of the Ctace) on or before the first morning of th Sessions, all Re- cognizances, Informations, and Records of Convictions, taken before such Justices of the Peace respectively. JAMES SW ( yvR, Clerk of the P ' c OAK TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by CLEMENTSHARP, at theRae Buck Inn, nearRoMstv, on Wednesday the 13th of fluly, at four o'clock, subject to such conditions as will then be produced,— Seven LOTS of OAK TIMBER, of good Meetings, fallen and lying in the parish of East Wellow, being marked and numbered as follows:— LOT 1.... 20 TREES, marked with Red. ' S.... 48 Blue. 3.... 37 .. .. Red. 4.... M.: .. .. .. .. Blue. 5.... 61 White. 6.... 49 White. 7 9 Rased. For a view of the Timber, apply to Mr. Jamss Aldridge, of Wellow. f! 4Q nnO be SOLD by AUCTION,* at the Red Lion JL Inn, ia Ringwood, on Wednesday the 90th day of July instant, bv Mr. JOHN CRANSTON-,— The FEE- SIMPLE and INHERITANCE of several Pieces of Arabic, Meadow, and Pasture LAJfD,' lying iispersedly in Blasliford Meadow and Blashford, in the parish cf F. l. l « igh'anii in the county Southampton,. now in the possession pf Mr. Gubbatas, E to be entered upon the Bftth of Ssptemher next; the particu lars of which are as follow : In Great . Ham in Blashford Meadow, changeable A. n. r. every year 2 i 0 Half and Butts in ditto, ditto • 1 3 0 Coomer in do. notchangeable, lying near Elliiigham, 1 ' 0 0 Mag's Acre in ditto, T.' ..... 1 0 t). Part of Shave Field, arable " 1 0 0 South Croft,.. . j ditto :. d 3 ' 0 ' Town Close, ditto 1 i. ' 0 Conniger, pasture, near the Brook 0 3 p Barn and Plot, pasture, about 0 2 .0 ' Twelve Beast Leazes in Blashford Meadow are attached to the several lots of meadow land. Ftjj. further particulars apply ( if by letter, postpaid) to Mr. Hooper, attorney at law, Ringwood, who is authorised to treat for the same ; and for a view of the premises to Mr. Gabbatas. The sale to begin precisely at four o'clock in the afternoon. ( 258 WOOLDING FARM, In the Parish of IVhitchurA, Hants'. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. MANT, on Monday the 11th day of July ; SOS," precisely at three o'clock in the afternoon, at the White Hart Inn, Whitchurch, — All that valuable and highly cultivated FARM, called WOOLDING FARM, situate in the parish of Whitchurch, in the county of Hants ; consisting of a good Farm- House, and all convenient offices and outbuildings, together with about 460 acres of Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and Coppice Lands, lying very compact. Held by lease from the Dean < jnd Chapter of Winchester Cathedral for twenti/' OTie years, renewable every seven years, and was renewed in June 1804, to hold from Lady- day thqn last past. Yearly quit- rent 31. i8s. id. payable half yearly. This desirable estate is abounding with game, and about 12 miles from Newbury, 8 from Andover, 12 fiom Winchester, and 9 from Basingstoke, all good market towns. Further particulars will be given out prior to sale, and in the mean time may be had of Mr. Faithfull, or Mr. Woodham, solicitors, Winchester. Apply at the Farm for a view of [ he premises. The Growing Crop to be taken to by the purchaser of the Farm, at the valuation of indifferent persons to be named by the parties, and immediate possession to be given. [ 144 WOOLDING FARM, NEAR WHITCHURCH, HANTS. Valuable Farming Stock and Househnld Furniture. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. MANT, on Tuesday the 12th of July, 180S, and following days, at eleven o'clock,— All the truly valuable LIVE and DEAD STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Linen, China. Class, and numerous other Effects at the said farm ; com- prising near 700 sheep and lambs, 13 draught horses, 4 cows, stock of pigs knd poultry, 4 waggons, 3 caiti, ploughs, drags, harrows, and rollers, cart and plough harness, a granary and rick stand, very large quantity of wool, hay and straw, bacon and pickled pork, single horse chaise and harntss, malt mill and skreen, winnowing machines, sieves and rudders, sacks, hurdles, faggots, and ladders ; dairy and brewing utensils.; four- post bedsteads, with white dimity and other hangings; goose feather beds, mattresses, and beddings; mahogany drawers, tables, and chairs; Kidderminster and Venetian carpets; pier and swing glasses ; eight- day chick and a thirty-, hour ditto; brewing copper and washing furnace; quantity of pewter and old iron ; kitchen requisites; 13 stocks of bees, & c. & c. ' To beviewed on Monday preceding the sale; and catalogues had, in due time, at the White Hart, Whitchurch; Star and Garter, Andover; Globe, Newburv.; Crown, Basingstoke; place of sale ; and at the Auctioneer's, Winchester. [ 36 WHITEPARISH, WILTS. 120j W11. TON, June 22, DORSETSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the nexi General Quarter, Session of the Peace for the county of Dors t will be holden at Shaston, in and for the s. iid county, on Tuesday, the 12th day of July next, on which day t Court will be opened precisely at twelve o'clock, and immediately adjourn to the Red Lion Inn, in the said town of Shaston, for th' 1 special purpose of examining all bills and demands on the county, and taking into consideration such other business as may occur relative to the civil concerns therein, pursuant to a resolution entered into at a former Session. And, 011 Wednesday morning, the Court Will meet precisely at ten o'clock, when all Constables, Bailiffs, and Jurors sum- moned, are required to give their itttyidance. The business of the Session wiK begin with trying Ap peals, nextTrayerses, and lastly tile Prisoners. All Appeals ( except those to be entered for the purpose of adjournment) must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace, on Tuesday, the first day of the Session, and on failure thereof, the adverse party shall have a right to enter a Me Recipiatur. And on the first day of the Session, all Recognizances, In- formations, and Records of Convictions, are to be returned to tile Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices' clerks. Also all persons having business to do, and Bills of Indictment to prefer, are required to attend accordingly-. HOUSE OF CORRECTION, And that on Tuesday, the first day of the Session, the Justices will proceed to the Appointment of a GOVERNOR or KlyEPER of the HOUSE of CORRECTION of this county, vacant by the death of Mr. G. orue Andrews. WM. BURNKT, Clerk of the Peace of the County of Dotset. SherJorne, June 22, 1S0S. [ 122 ROMSEY.— Freehold Ductting- IIoHse, Household Furniture, and Stock in Trade. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, bv'JoiiN ALLEN, on Thursday the 15th and Friday the 16th of July 130S,— \ ll the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Stock in Trade, & c. the property of Mr. Thomas Sherry, Grocer, & c. in Sherville- street, Romsev, for the benefit of is Creditors.— The Household Goods comprise good feather beds, bedsteads with furniture, tables, chairs, exceeding good c; ock, 50 gallon copper, brewins utensils, & c. & c. & c.— The S ock consists of grocery, haberdashery, hardware, quantity ot exceeding good bacon, pickled pork, hams, some store p gs, about 2,000 faggots, 18,000 spars, 24 dozen hurdles utensils in the shop, drawers, counters, scales, weights, & c & c & c. & c.— Sal. at eleven o'clock. " [ 251 Th Freehold DWELLING- HOUSE, with an exceeding good Garden adjoining Mr. Thos. Sherry's dwelling- house, now in t e occupation pf Mr. Tanner, tenant at will, will be put up xactiy at t" ur o'clock in the afternoon of " Thursday the 15th. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the White Hart lpn, Whitepafish, 011 Monday the 18th day of Juh • 180R, at two o'clock in the. afternoon, unlrss befci'c . , N. viiuuii. U1 II, C Kits oe- forc advertized having been dispostd of by Private Conrract. . Lot !.— Three new- built Freehold Dwilling- housts, near lot 1, with a garden to each of them; now in the possessions of James Blrldlc, Elizabeth Brown, and Thomas Stone, tem. nts at will, Lot 2.— A good and substantial Dwelling- house, Offices, and large Garden, in Whjteparish- strfct t, in the rent rg of Mr. James Field, as tenant at will.- 1 hose premise s aie held fcjr the remainder of a terni of 1000 J ears, ibnim'ei. cing the 17th of January, 1721).. , Lot 3.— Two pieces of Land, containing about an acre and a quarter, in the repti'rig of John Maurice, Eyre, Esq, as te- nant at Will. This Lot is held for the. remainder of a term of 1000 years, commencing the 17th of ' January, 1723. Lot 4.*—'-' Two Leasehold Houses and Gardens, in. the posr sessions of Richard Chalk ahd William Stone,, as tenants at .•- 01 - These premises are held under the representatives of — « •• - • - - '" ' Quit- lent 20.?. WiU- G. Y. Fort, Esq. for one life only. .. .... The vyhole of the above premises are desiiahly a'd plea- santly situated in Whitepajish, 7 miles from Salisbury, 8 from Romsey, ar, d 15 from. Southampton. To be viewed by applying to Mr. R. Gambling, at the White Hart Inn, at Whin- parish ; and further particulars may be known bv applying at the Office of Messrs.. . Tannt r and Cooper, Salisbury, where applications for purchasing, the premises by private contract are also to be made ; all letters to be post paid. . - [ 75 TO be SOLD by AUCTION, liy at the Weymouth Arms Inn, in Warm House and Hop Land, in Alton, Hants. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in two Lots, by JOSEPH JORDAN, at the Swan Inn, at Alton, on Satur- day the 30th day of July, 1808, at six o'clock in the afternoon, under conditions to be then and there produced funlcsssooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which timely notice will be given),— Lot 1. - All that very desirable FREEHOLD HOUSE, si- tuate in the High- street, near the centre of the town of Alton, Hants; late in" the occupation of Mr. Henry Harrow, de- ceased ; together With the Stable, Woodhouse, Offices, and large walled- in Garden thereunto adjoining. The House consists of two good sized front parlours, a breakfast parlour backward, a large and convenient kitchen, good wash- house and brew- house, milk- house, pantry, and six bed- chambers, and has two under- ground cellars.— Immediate possession can be given of this lot,— Thc. house is well adapted for the recep- tion of a small genteel family, and the garden is'well stocked with fruittrees. L„ t 2.— All that- HOP- GARDEN, now in full bearing and in excellent condition, situate at the west end of the [ own of Alton, and containing by estimation nearly two acres, late in the occupation of the said Henry Harrow.— Possession of this lot will be given at M. chaelmas ' next. N. B. The Household Furniture of the said Henry Harrow will shortly be sold, particulars of which will appear in a future advertisement." . For further particulars and a view of the premises apply to Mr. Robert Harrow, baker, in Alton, or to Messrs. Clement and Son, solicitors, at Alton aforesaid. [ 142 - The property of which the British tpops b.' came possessed by the capture of l uenos Ayres iouiitsto near a million sterling, and h is been ordered tlhe apportioned in the following prize shares, vu—. < ilitaiy Commit ( Briefer toafotd).... £. ta, W0 .. 7,000 ... 700 ... 420 ... 110 « 5 t aval Ditto fSu Home Popham).... rach cf the Field Officers and Naval Captains .. iach Captain and Adjutant ( act) Subaltern • • •••• • ash Serjeant and Naval Warrant Officer 1 Private and Seaman HANTS SESSIONS. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace- for the county of South- ampton, will be' holden at the Castle of Winchester, on Monday the llth day of July next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the Court will be opened, and immudlately adjourned to Monday the 25th of the same July, precisely at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to be then holden at the Castle of Winchester aforesaid, when all Con- stables, Bailiffs, Jurors, and others concerned, are hereby required to give their attendance. And in order to give, all possible dispatch to the business, the Attornies, Parties, and Witnesses prosecuting any Appeals, In- dictments, or other business, must be prepared at the opening of the Court on Monday tile 23th day of July afor- said, and during the whole of the S-- s » ons, that the Court may, call on the Causes in such order and at such times as they shall see convenient. 1 Appeals must he ent& ed with the Clerk of the Peace, pre- viously to the opening o f the Court on Monday morning, or the parties iviU not ie permitted to try. Recognizances, Informations, and Records of Convictions are to be returned te the Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices' Clerks, < ja or before the day preceding the Adjourn- ment. A Committee of Magistrates will attend at the White Hart Inn, in the city cf Winchester, on Wednesday the 2/ th day of July, at eight o'cl. rk in the morning, for the purpose of examining the Treasurer's Accounts ; and also all Bills and other Demands on the county. Valid this 23d day of June, 1808. T. WOODHAM, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. All persons who have entered into Recognizances to appear at this Sessions concerning Assaults, & c. are required to take notice, that they must, in pursuance of the; r recogni- zances, appear at this Sessions, either personally or by their attornies, in order to withdraw the same, although 6hey may previously have compromised the matter. [ 121 MERINO WOOL. A NNUAL SALE by AUCTION, at Sadler ' V Repository, Goswell- strect, London, on Thursday the 28t f July, 1808, at twelve o'clock, A QUANTITY of Me'iRINO WOOL, and its admixture on English Breeds. The great uncertainty of any supply of Merino Wool, and the detracted state of Spain, must render this measure just now an object of peculiar importance. It is designed to coa- fi- ic this c - le to Merino Wools and their admixtures only because there are established Dealers, called Wool- Staplers w 0 have long been in the practice of purchasing British Wools of inferior growth, but, with certain exceptions, have r- ndered no supp> rt to those who have incurred the heavy expeuces attendant on such crosses with the Merino blood. T- ose who may desire to take the benefit of this sale are re.- jueste to send their wools, classed in the most correct m i iner as to the admixtures with the Merino blood, and trie degrees of affinity to it. They must be delivered as above on or before the 25th of July next. Commission for sale, ware- house room, ( exclusive of auction duty,) will not exceed £ 3 per cent. ' [ 111 Letters ^ post- paid) may be addressed to Messrs. T. and R. Martin, Wool Brokers, No. fia, Coleman- street, Lortdon. A capital ESTATE in Somersetshire. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the George Inn, in Castle Cary, in the said county, on Monday the Ist dav of August next, between the hours of three and five in the" afternoon,— The FEE- SIMPLE and INHERITANCE of all that truly desirable, compact, and valuable Estate, called FOXCOMBE FARM, lying in a ring- fence at - Gal- h impton, within the parish of Castle Cary aforesaid, and h Id by Mr. Thomas Gitford, On a lease for a term of nine y- ars, from Lady- day, 1306; consisting of a Farm- hcuse," Barn, and other necessary buildings, w- th one hundred and eighty- f ur acres, two roods, and seven perches ( statute Jhea- sore) of very rich arable, meadow, pasture, and orchard. Ground. And also of all that piece or parcel of meadow Land,- con- taining two acres, two roods', and four perelies. ( statute mca-.- sure), lying in Cary Moor, within the parish- of Castle Caiy. aforesaid, and held by the said Mr. Gifford on a lease as afore- said. The last mentioned piece will . be sold separately. The Farm lies at easy distances between the several good market towns of Shepton Mallet, Yeovil. Sherborne, and Wincanmn, and about half way from Bristol and Bath to- Wrymouth. For a view of the Premises apply to the Tenant; and for further particulars to Mr. Harbin, attorney, Sherborne, Dor- set, where a plan of the estate maybe seen. [ 72 CORNWALL.— FREEHOIJD ESTATES. O be- SOLD by AUCTION, in Lots, at the King's Arms, Lcskcard, on Thursday the f ith and Friday the 12th days of August, 1808,— Sundry valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, comprising the MAVSION and BAR- TON of CARTUTHER, situate- in the parish of Menheniot, containing together 3fl7A. SR. 3.9P. statute; Several other Estates, situate in the same parish, containing upwaf- ds of 250 statute acres ; also an Estate, called Brendon, together with sundry Houses and Lands situate in the toWn and parish of Leskcard, containing upwards of 120 statute acrcs. Andse-.' erai Estates in Duloe parish, contain; ng together about 240 statute *. cres. And an Estate, called HENDRA GULLING, in Talland par sh, - about 25 statute acres. Likewise an Estate called TRLCAN, situate in the parish^ of Lanfeath, containing 64//. 8 R. 11P- statute. Ana several Tenements in the towns of East and West . Looei . [ 29 Some of the before mentioned Estates are upon leases for years, and others are held upon lives. Descriptive Particulars may be had at the King's Arms, Plymouth ; the Fountain, Plymouth Dock ; the King's Arms. Bodmin; the White Hart, Latlnceston ; the Talbot, Lost- withiel; the New Inn, Callington ; the King's Head, Truro; at the place of sal ; of Messrs. Strong, Still, ar. d Strong, Lincoln's Inn ; of Mr. Childs, Leskeard ; and of Mr. Wright, Surveyor, 10, Charles- street, St, James's Squr. rc, Londsi;. Hinchelsea, in the New Forest, near Brockenhurst, Hants. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. . T. NEWELL, on the Premises, on Wednesday the 20th of July inst. 180S,— Eight good OAK TREES, two hundred feet and up- wards ; 111 Beech Timber Trees, cut this season, of various dimension, several of which are very large ; also, a quantity Of Beech Coal- fire Wood and Bavins. The whole will be put into suitable lots for the accommoda- tion of purchasers, and may be viewed a week before the sale by applying at Hinchtjsea House. Sale to begin at eleven o'clock. [ 244 Fjp. BURLEY, IN THE NEW FOREST. TO he SOLD by AUCTION, by J. CRANSTON, on Thursday the 14th day of July, 1808,— Part of the LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK belonging to Mr. Henry Taylor, quitting his farm at Barley; consisting of seventeen young beasts of different ages, and two milch cows; eight acres of wheat In ground ; eighteen acres of oats in ditto ; three acres of meadow grass, and one acre of potatoes; a small rick of clover hay, a roller, and sundry articles of household furnituie.— Sale at twelve o'clock. [ 62 I^ OR SALE by AUCTION, by Mr, JOHN , CRANSTON, at the Hotel, CHRISTCHURCII, on Men- day the 18th day of July, 18Q8,. at three o'clock in the after- noon, the following FREEHOLD LANDS s • Lot I.— A Close of Land, at Purewell, in the pari^) of Christc'nurch, containing half an acre, more or less ;* statute measure. Lota.— A Close of Arable or Pasture Land, continuing, by estimation, three acres, ( statute measure) adjoining the above lot. • • These lands are extremely well adapted for building, being • most conveniently and pleasantly situated at the entrance of the town of Christchurch,' within a mile of the beautiful and much- frequented Muddiford Beach, where there is every accommodation for bathing. ! For a sight of the premises apply to Mrs. Cranston, at Pure- Well; and for further particulars to Messrs. Minchin and . Compigr- e, solicitors, tiosport, or Mn Win, Baldwin, solicitor, . Ringwood.- [ 24 Copyhold Estate at ComVr, Hants. TO be SOLI) by AUCTION, by R. KN; IGHT, at the Bear Inn, in HtingVr'ford, on Wednesday the, 27th of July, 1808, at four o'clock in th -- aft-. rnodn," A very de- sirable COPYHOLD ESTATE, ih the late occupation of Mr. Batt, now deceased, lying in the man< r of Combe, in the county of Hants; comprising a comfortable dwelling- houSe, two barns, stable, cart- house, yard; garden, ai d up- wards of eighty acres of arable and pasture land, with v; lual le rights of common ; to be held for three lives, to be nomi- nated by the purchaser, under a small yearly rent'. " I he pur- chaser to have possession at Michaelmas next. , Farmer Batt, the present occupier, will Shew the premises.; of whom may be had printed particulars, as also at the place of sale ; Star Inn, Andovcf ; of Messrs. Stroud and StibhS; Newbury; dnd the Auctioneer's, Devizes. [ 211 A capital Freehold Estate, in a fine sportine; part of So- mersetshire, bordering1 on Wilts. f . Mr. KNIGHT, , ... . armipstcr, on Mon- day the ist day of August, 1808, between the hour- of three and five in the afternoon, in one lot,-— All that valuable and very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called HOME- STALLS; situated at Kilmington, in the county of Somerset, now in the occupation of Mr. John Cross, whose term tber- n wilt expire at Lady- day, 1810; lett at a very low rent, and con- sisting of an exceeding good Farm- house, barns, stables, cow- stalls, granary, and all suitable and neccssery o. ut- build- ings adjoining thereto; in complete repair; together with 2( J closes of rich arable, meadow, pastuie, wood, and down Land, well supplied with water; containing in the whole nearly 280 acres. This Estate lies in a very fertile val.' ev. the trr- ater part of which is sheltered on the north- by Bi- adl v- knowl, which commands very beautiful and extensive pr - pec's ; it is wel. 1 timbered, and only tv^ p miles distant from Stdur- Head and Alfre- d's- Tower. The situation is a very eligible one lor a gen- tleman fond, of field sports,., as m° st kinds of game are tin- ire in great abundance; and there are several ry debghtful spots for the erection of a mansion- house, Wh- eh would ren- der it as desirable a residence as any in the county. The pre- mises are eight mi es distant from the capital marl- et- town of Warminster, and six from Wincantch ; and about the s me distance from Shaftesbury, Hindbn, Bruton. and C'. sde- Cary, all good market- townss, to all of Which thVre ar • good turn- pike- toad^ leading from the estate. Ti e premises may be viewed 011 application to Mr. Cross, the tenant. At the same time and place will be SOLD by AUCTION, in another lot,— All that Close of exceeding good PASTURE GROUND, containing nearly ten strifes', situate at Samb- t n, in the parish of Warminster aforesaid, nViw in the 1 cupa r ri of Mr. Mines, as tenant at will.— r- Th- whole- being part f ihe estates of the. late Charles Webb, Esq. decease.'. Printed particulars may be had at theWeymouth Aims Inn, Warminster ; White' Hart, Bath ; Gr.- v' i und, Win. ear. ton ; and. Antelope, Salisbury ; and of Messrs. Clarke and Sen, so- licitors, St. John's- bridge, Bristol ; of the Auctioneer, T) e- viz s; of Messrs. Holmes ami Lov/ den, solictors, 17,.' Cle- m nt's- inn, London ;. and o- t Mr Lampard, solicitor, War- . minster, at whose office a plan of the estate maybe seen, ." d where any furth r information may be obtained. fi 8 ... . . . WILTS.. Freehold Estate oil the horde s of the Neil' Forest. TO be SOLD by AUC TION, by i\ ir. YOUNG, at the King's Arms fn- n', at Downton, in the c unty of Wilts, on Monday the 18 th day of July ins't, between tie- hoars of three, and six o'clock in the afternoon, sui je'e fo the con- dv., ons which will be thenprodu'e d.- A Valuabi. FREEHOI i) • ESTATE; comprising a commodious, well- btiilt brick and tiled Dwelling- houst4 containing, on the ground floor, an n- trancehall 17ft. by 14ft. one parlour 13 ft. by lift, attoth r 12 ft. by 17 ft; and of proportionable heights; with brew bouse1, milk- house, pump- house, pantries, Arc. 5 fouf good cham- bers over, and garrets'; with a shrubbery, garden, and or- chard, well stocked with a variety of fruit trees ; burn, fuel- houses, and yard, attached to the house,, Also a capital Stable for six h'Crsei ; chaise- houfe, garden- house, walled garden, and orchard well stocked with fruit trees; a barn with straw'- rooms, granary bn stones, coW- pens, and yard;' one other barn oh 28 pair of stones; one shed- house on 28 pair ditto, with ttn excellent substantial cart- house for four waggons : all lying detached, but srp rat-. d only by a road from the house, ahd over- looked by the same. . Also 79 A. sQ'r. 35 P. of arable land ; .1.3 A. 1 Q. 32 P. of pasture land; and 5 A. 0 Q. 3 P. of coppice, making,, with the orchard, yards, & c. upwards of 100 acres of . land bv ad- measurement; the whole lying in 17 parcels, Well connected; and contiguous to the house, in- st pleasantly situated at Red- lynch, within the parish of DoWnton, in the codnty of Wilts* late the estate of Mr. John Korville, deceased, This Estate will be found to'be particularly deWable to ary gentleman who, to the enjoyment of field sports in a country peculiarly interesting, Would wish to un tet! e advantcp- s <. fa snug compact farm ; its immediate vicinity t ; the New Forest, and possessing fights of common and tLir. ary therein, are rt: i cumstanc. es of advantage to the Estate.— There is a good pew in Downton church belonging to the Estate. The premises are in a dry, healthy situation. With plenty of good Water, and are 19 miles from Lyndhurst, 17 miles from Southampton, and 8 miles from Salisbury ; the roads very good. Printed particulars rhay now be had at tt- » While Hart Inn, Salisbury; at the Dolphins Inn. Southaitipton ; tf Mr. Street, at I. yndWirst; cf Messrs. . George Pearson and S n, attorneys, Pdmp- coutt, Temple,' London ;. and of Mr. Woodyear, solicitor, Downton ; and f r any further inquiry, or ' to view the estate, application may be made on any Mon- d ty or Thursday in the fo'reriocn to Mr. Woodyear, at whose office a plan of the estate may be seen. DOWNTON, June S- lr/ I, 1808. [ 74 A Freehold Inn and other Freehold Premises for Sale. ••• SOUTHAMPTON. be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. LIMPUS, Jl on Thursday the 4th of August, lsosj at the Mitre Inn, at one o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced : ' Lot I.—- All that Freehold Messuage or Tenement and Pre- mises, - situate in French- street, in the town and county of Southampton, and late in the occupation of Mr. Ja'mes Chidcll. Lor* 2.— A Piece of Freehold Land, situate in Albion- placc, in the said town of Southampton, and which admeasur. s SI^ feet in depth and 19 fcet4. inches in width. Lot 3.— All thatvaluable Freehold Inn, called or known bv the name or sign of the Mitre, situate in the High- street, in the said town ot Southampton, late in the occupation of Mr. ChidelT, deceased, of which immediate possession may be had. This long- established Inn is most eligibly situated, being in tha centre of the High- street, not fair from the Market, and flath a way or passage through the Said premises tfort) the High- street to French- street, St. Mlchael's- square, and to the west part of the town, and immediately opposite a new street leading to the east part of the town.—^ The above premises are v^ ty extensive, together with an old- accuitomed Billiard- n m'a'nd conveoicnt Tap- house detached from the dweiling- .; which premises arc worthy the attention of a brewer or irin- keeper. , - Lot 4.— A Freehold Messuage, Tenement, Garden, and Premises, situate in All- Saints- place, in the said town of Southampton, and now in the occupation of tenant at will. rpo be SOLD by " AUCTION ( without reserve), A by Mr. HERITAGE, at the Three Wool Packs Inn, in Trowbridge, on Friday the 29th day of July, 1808, at three o'clock in the afternoon, by order of the assignees of John Bell, a bankrupt,— The following FREEHOLD LANDS and PREMISES ( subject to such conditions a3 shall be p'toduccd at the time of safe): . Lot 1.— All that Messuage or Dwelling- house and Sh- p, with a Garden; and convenient offices adjoining, situate near the Matket- placc in the town of Trowbridge, in the occupa- tion of Mr. William New, watch- maker, at the clear yearly rent of thirty pounds. Lot?..—- A well- established Ale- house and Prehiises, called the Swan, situate in, Back- street, in Trowbridge, late in the occupation of Mr. Nathan . Noycs, and now of Mr. Jaines King, at the clear yearly rent of forty pound-;. Lot. 3.— A'Dwelling- hbuse and Shop, situate at the corner of Duke- street, adjoining the lait lot, in the occupation of Mrs. Mary Appicgatc, at the flear yearly rent of ten pou is. Lot 4.— A new- built Dwelling- House, with the appurte- nances, in Duke- street aforesaid, in the occupation of Ann Smith, at the yearly rent of fifteen pounds. Lot - 3 One'other new- built Dwelling- house, with the ap. purtsnanc. es, adjoining the last lot, in the occupation of James Gri'iin, at the yearly " refit of fifteen pounds. Lot 6.— One other neW- bailt Dwelling- house adjoining the last lot, in the occupation of Robert Read, at the yearly rent of fifteen pounds. Lot ".— Several Pieces or Parcels of Meadow Ground, lying dispersedly in a meadow in the paiish of Bradford, called Ash Mead, cOntaii in « togejher- by estimation four acres ( mere or* le5s), now'occupied by James Harding. Lot 8.— An undivided fourth (* frt or share of and in all that Water Grist Mill, called the Lower Mill, with the Mill House, Garden, and rich close of Meadow, called Mill Mead, ad- joining thereto, containing together by estimation three acres ( inore or less) now in the occupation of Mr. Applegnte, meal- Further particulars may be known fif by letter, post paid) , , „ by application to Mr. Chldell, alShidficld, near Bishop'sVVal- ™ ni at the clear yearly rent of seventy- seven pounds, tham, Hants; Mr. John Allen, timber- mei- chant, and Mr. I Kj" The several tenants will permit m inspection of the Smith, solicitor, Southampton ; or of the Auctioneer, hi- prcthSc* ; and other information may be llad on application shop's Waltham. For a view of the premises apply to' Mr- at the respective officss of Mr. Timbrell and Mr, Williams, in James Chidell, at the Mitre Inn. j Trowbridge. • [ 2ya . T1IE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Sasa Sunday's Post. By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, TUHLISLIIO ON SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 9. DOWNING- STREET, July (). DISPATCH, of which the following is a copy, together with inclosures, have been received from Major- General Spencer by Vis- count Castlereagh, one of his Majesty's Principal Se- cretaries of State, dated off Cadiz, June 12, 1808. His Majesty's Ship .- lilts, off Cadiz, MY LORD, June 12, 1808. The French Squadron, consisting of five Sail of the Line and a Frigate, having placed themselves in a defensive position, in the channel leading to the C'araccas, and out of the reach of the works of Cadiz, and having refused to listen to any terras, I have great satisfaction in reporting that the Spanish gun and moitar bolts, and the lotteries erected for this purpose, on the I If of Leon, and near Fort Louis, commenced hostilities against the French ship, at three o'clock in the afternoon of the 9th, and the firing continued without intermission on both sides till night. It was renewed an the part of the Spaniards on the morning of the 10th, and partially continued til! two, when a Flag of Trace was hoisted by the French, but the terms pro- posed being inadmissible, the Spaniards intend to recom- mence hostilities with an additional battery, to the east- ward of Fort Louis, consisting of 30 24- pouuders. Admiral Purvis and myself wished to have co- operated in this attack, but the Spaniard , feeling themselves confident in their own force, have declined our offers of assistance. The Supreme Council of Seville have nominated Com- missioners, and applied last night for passports, and a fri- gate. to convey them to England, and they are equally anxious to - send feluccas with dispatches to South America. Information having been received that a s. nall French corps was- assembling at Tavira, with a view of entering Spain by the River Guadiana, we have been requested to proceed" again- t this carps, and either to attack them on the < oast, or endeavour to prevent the further prosecution of thi ir | lans again- t Spain. I accordingly propose to sail immediately for this object, Lord Collingwood approving of it. Admiral I'urvis had already detached three ships of war off the mouth of the Guadiana, and has offered every other nece- sary assistance, which Lord Collingwood has since confirmed. I liave the h> nour to be, Sic. B. SPENCER, Major- General. llight Hon. Lord Castlereagh, & fc. Ifc. life. Copy of a Letter from Gevertd Morla, Captain General o Andalusia and Governor of Cadiz, addressed to their Excel learies Admiral Purvis and Major General Spencer. ADMIRAL ROSSILLY, as your Excellencies wilt observe by the annexed copy, has proposed to disarm, hut upon con- ditions which I thought were h- admissible. Whatever may be his terms of sutrender, 1 shall in no manner deviate from my promise; it is therefore necessary that I should have ycur consent, as 1 have already said in my first conference with Brigadier General Smith and Capt. Sir John Gore, to whom 1 have pledged myself with simplicity and good faith. It will afford me consid Table satisfaction to consult with your Excellencies on all occurrences, incidents, and circum- stances conducive to our common advantage, and contrary to the interest of the common Enemy. Nothing gives me more red pleasure than the absolute con- fi fence of your Excellencies in my candour and sincerity, with, whi.- h I remain your Excellencies most affectionate and devoted S T ant. ( Signed : Cadiz, June IV, 1TO8. THOMAS MORLA. C 1,170/ 1/ letter from Amoral Ramly, addressed to General " tinr'la, dated on board the Admiral's Ship, Ue. o Bay, off Cadiz, J line 11, 1808. Captain GEN; mi, OBLIGED to defend myself on account of the inquietude inspired into the people of thi, Province by my imposing at- titude, I yesterday, in order to tranquillize them, proposed to yoar Excellency to quit the Bay. I11 case the EnglUi rr-. nn t accede to this proposal, I suggest the idea of disem- baiking mv means of attack, and keeping my ships' com- panies on b ard ; no colours sj » all he displayed on my squa- dr n. Hostages shall be given fur our security, our s. ck, and ad th-- French people in the Province, with their national and individual property. Hostages will be equally given 011 mv p- irt. The ufreshmenu, water, and provisions nee - ssary fir my squadron shah be provided on my paying for them, as has hitherto been done. In short, I shall demand no con- ditions but th.' Se which are necessary for mv honour and that of the pjople serving under my ordeis, and as are compatible with the public tranquillity. Deprived by my proposal of the means of defence against the exterior enemy, I demand security against them. Receive, Captiin- General, the renewal of my distinguished consideration, with which I am your Excellency's most humble servant, ( Signed) ROSSILLY. Copy of a Letter from General Morla. to Admiral Rossilly. Excellent Sir, Admiral Rossilly, IN answer to certain proposals and office, I demands trans- mitted by your Excellency, which, although ..- fated by y.. ur honour, are unquestionably incompatible - with mine, as must be evident to your Excellency, I have to acquaint you, that I cannot accept any terms but an unconditional surrender. My honour and character not allowing me to depart in any way from my promises, I therefore inform you, that my orders from the Superior Council being positive with respect to the surrender of the squadron commanded by your Excellency, I c. nnot enter into any Conditions without previously consulting them. It is likew. se mv duty to consult with the English Commanders, as, without their consent, I cannot compro- mise myself. For these reasons, I shall suspend my attack, until I have dispatched those two expresses, availing myself however of the intermediate time to prepare other means for the attack. Nothing opposes the individual esteem entertained for your Kxeeilency, by your faithful servant, Cadiz, June I1,1808. ( Signed) THOMAS MORLA. FKICES OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three o'Clock. Long Ann. lsj Omnium, Of p. India Bonds, 2 d. par Exchequer Bills, 2 a Op. Irish 5 f Cents. 9<? i Imperial a ^ Cents. — English Lott. Tickets, Sit". ( Is. Ditto Prizes, 2 ^ Cent. dis. * 3 per Cent. Consols, sell as above, with the dividends for opening. Bank Stock, til $ India Stock, shut South Sea Stock, shut 3 • p Cent. Red. 69 3 •) » Cent. Cons. 70j 4 Cents. 65 5 Cent. Navy, shut 5 TJI. Cent. 1797. The Average Price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, com- puted from the Returns made in the week ending tlie 6th day of July 1808, is Thirty- nine Shillings and Ten Pence Halfpenny per Hundred Weight, exclusive of the Duties of Customs. ^ ^ BANKRUPTS. Thomas Franris, Goodman Francis, and Thomas Francis, jua. of Cambri' ge, merchants, jfobert ilny, of P. iwsea, tmiftler. Tints. AUtfay Kern- on, of Norwich, hanker. 1 rancis I'ranklarjil, of IW- hvne, Cheapsiite, warehouseman. Eva 1 Oavies. of CMh- Fair, W. st- ftrciithfitTtl, woollen- diaper. j> « mi . mi 1 Rest, of Great St. Helen's, London, merchant- tuylitr. W'm. - reen, of Kinpland- road, dealer. Geo. Parker, of Chenies- street, Oxforcl- roa<. l, British wine- maker. ' llenry Heriry, of Liverpool, taylor. JMin" Phillips, of Printcr's- street, Blackfi iars, dealer in glass. Kichard Swallow, of Sheffield, iron- master. Geo. King, of Kinpi's- place, Newlngton, builder. Thos, Ooyte, of Threadneedte- street, London, mariner. Wm. Parsons Meeker, ® 1 Basinghall- street, London, merchant. LONDON. SATURDAY EVE NtHG, JULY 9. It is confidently and generally reported in the City, that a « » eatv of pcace has been signed between Russia, Sweden, and Denmark. Our troops under Sir John Moore are 011 their passage Ijoui". It was this morning reported, that they bad ar- rived last night at Yarmouth, but this was not the case. They are immediately to be sent to Spain or Portugal. Sir Richard Strachan is off Toulon, with bis squa- dron, watching the motions of the French fleet in that harbour. The Dublin Correspondent of the 5th iust. received this morning, contain, the follovying paragraph :—" The expedition will be ready to leave Cove this evening, at which time 300 horses will be embarked. The Com- mander in Chief, Sir A. Wellesley, has left town this mi ru- ing, to join the brave and gallant army he is to command. The whole, we believe, will sail by Wednesday evening oT ' I huisday mourning. There never was an armament that left this country, tor the sucees, of which the public heart was ao softened by so many kind and generous emotions.'' PIED.] On Monday se'nnight, at the advanced age of 110 years and six mouths, Mary Ralphson, of Kent- street, Liverpool, bom January 1, 1698, old style, at Loehabar, inSeutland; married Ralph Ralphson, a private soldier, and attended t) im in several memorable engagement*. She was latterly supported by the charitable subscriptions of some Ladies in Liverpool. • port jftetos. PLYMOUTH, July 8. Last evening the Spanish prisoners at this place, to the number of about 15,000, were embarked on board eight transports, and will sail as soon as the wind permits for the Spanish coast.. They are in high spirits, and went off amidst the acclamations and huzzas of a great number of people assembled on the shore in Mill Bay. On Sunday came in the Tyger American ship, from Phi- ladelphia, with 40 paseengers, all Spanish, for Bourdeaux, among whom ie a Spanish nobleman, ambassador to the States of America, on his return home. They appear all rejoiced at the turn of affairs in Spain. She was detained arid sent iii by the Growler gun- brig. On Tuesday came in the Hindustan, of 54, frotn off Lisbon ; but as she left that port days since, she of course brings nothing new. Oir Wednesday came in the Alphea cutter, of 14 guns, with dispatches from Admiral Purvis off Cadiz. She sailed from thence the ! 4th ult. at which time the squadron were at anchor off Cadiz, except two frigates that were at anchor in the outer harbour with the Spanish fleet. The Spanish batteries hnd engaged the French squadron the 9th, 10th, and 11th of June, and then they removed farther up the harbour ; and when the cutter sailed, they had all flags of truce flying. Commissioners are coming to England, from the Spanish Government at Seville, to treat for peace with thi- country. Captain Boyles, with two sail of the line, and 2000 troops under the command ef Gen. Nightingale, are gone to the River Guadiana, to prevent the French from getting into Spain from that quarter. Lord Collingwood, with two sail of the line, one frigate, and two sloops, had joined the Cadiz squadron. PORTSMOUTH, July 9. The Pomona is appointed to sail immediately with convoy for the Mediterranean. Monday.— Sailed the Arethus'a, of 38 guns, Capt. Sir C. Brisbane ; and Melville sloop, Hon. Lapt. King, with con- voy for the Downs. Arrived the Alemene, of 32 guns, Capt. Treuilett, from Plymouth. Tuesday.— Sailed the Boadicea, of 38 guns, off Havre ; and Stork sloop, (.' apt. Le Geyt, for the Brazils, having the Pope's Nuncio on board.— Arrived the Pomona, of 44 guns Capt. Barrie, from the Black lloeks. Thursday.— Sailed the Thrush sloop, Capt. Webb; and Hardy gun- vessel, Sprightly cutter, and Paz schooner. Friday.— Sailed the Alemene, of 32 guns, Capt. Trem- lett, wit. il specie for Coruima, to assist the Spanish Patriots. Saturday.— Arrived the Thais sloop, Capt. Ferriers, from Plymouth. Went out of Harbour the Dryad fri- gate and Goshawk sloop* WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, JULY 9. The Rev, John Stevens, M. A. Fellow of New College Oxford, is presented by the Warden and Fellows of that Society to the Vicarage of Sw& lclifTc, in Oxford- hire. Chi Moi'dav last was married, Licut.- Coloncl God- frey, of tlic Hon. East India Company's Service, to Miss Frances. Silver, eldest daughter of J. N. Silver, Esq. of this city. On Tuesday was married, at St. George's, Hanover- square, by the Lord Bishop of Salisbury, Charles Hulse-, Esq. eldest { son. of Sir Edward Hulse, Bart, of Breamore House," in the county of Hants, to Miss Maria Bullet, second daughter of the late John Bai- ler, Esq-.- af" ifiorval, in the county QfCornwall. On Wednesday last was married, Mr. ' 1'. Blake to Miss Henbest, daughter of Mr. W. Henbest, iron- foundei, of Bramshavv, in the New Forest. On Thursday mas married at Chilland, near this city, Mr. Collier, of Bishop's Sutton, to the eldest daughter of Benjamin Neville, Esq. of Chilland. On the 25th of April died, at the island of Trini- dad, John Gauntlett, Esq. eldest son of the lite Peter Gauntlett, Esq. of tins city. On Thursday the 30th ult. died, at Southampton, Mrs. Frances Cftlehester, aged 78 years. SALISBURY. MONDAY, JULY 11, ISO1). HOME MARKETS. Prices of Cm, per Quarter— IIrend, July Salisbury, b Basingstoke, <> Devize;, 7 Newbury, 7 Amlover, s Warminster, ft Wheat. Barley, j Oats. s. s. | j. a. s. s. 70 to 78j Iia to 42 ; OS to 46 70 to 34; to to 4 I 119 to 4' 72 to S4:: i9 to 40 14o to 44 63 to 8( 5 37 In 42 M to it: (.' 7 to 84 iljj to 40: ait. to 44 6.1 to 7H 40 to 41 44 to If! per Gallon. Beans. 7- 2 to 78 t> 5 to 711! 72 to 74 j 70 to 72. !)!• to 71 i ( ji to 7i I Bread. 1. d. 1 9 PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. NOTICE is hereby giieu, That the Partnership lately subsisting between JAMES CHAPMAN and WILLIAM STEVENS, as Trowbridge, Bradford, Metksham, and London Carriers, carried on under the firm of Chapman and Company, was on the 2.3th day of March last dissolved by mutual consent; and the business is now continued by the said James Chapman enly, to whom ail debts due to the said ' e paid, a SUMMER ASSIZES.— WESTERN CIRCUIT. Before Sir R. GRAHAM, Knt. anrl Sir .*. IUu r; v, Kut. Southampton— Tuesday, July 26', Castle, Winchester. Wilts— Saturday, July 30, New Savum. Dorset— Wednesday, August 3, Dorchester, Devon— S'. turdiy, August 6, Castle of Exeter. City and County of Exeter— Same day, Guildhall, Exeter. Cornwall— Wednesday, August 17, Bodmin. Somerset— Wednesday, August 24, City of Wells. City and County of Bristol— Tuesday, August 30, Guild- hall, Bristol. We hear that the Lord Bishop of Salisbury hath appointed his Primary Visitation to he held at Salis- bury, 011 Friday the loth; at Warminster, on Monday the 18th ; at Devizes, 0: 1 Tuesday the l() th ; at Chippenham, on Wednesday the 20th ; at Marl- borough, on Friday the 22d ; at Abingdon, 011 Mon- day the 2.5th ; at Reading, on Wednesday the 27th ; and at Newbury, on Thursday the 28th of July inst. And it is his Lordship's intention to confirm suc. h persons as shall apply to him with a certificate of being properly qualified. The trigonometrical survey of this kingdom, which has been carrying on for some years under the direc- tion of the Board of Ordnance, is now extended to this county ; several < rf the Royal Military Surveyors are in this neighbourhood for the purpose of taking accurate plans. On Wednesday se'nnight was married the Rev. Thomas Whallev Wickham, liector of Ilprsingtqn, Somerset, to Miss Bennett, daughter'' of lames Ben- nett, Esq. of Cadburv- Ilouse, in the same county. On Saturday the 2d inst. was married, at Bristol, Mr. George Cox, solicitor, of that city, to Mrs. Neate, widow of Samuel Neate, Esq. of Chippen- ham, in this county, Monday was married Mr. Ganc, builder, of Trow- bridge, to Mrs. Cpllinbourne, daughter of Mr. Joseph Spraggs, of Melksham. On Tuesday evening ( lied, suddenly, William Churchill, Esq. of Henlury, in Dorsetshire., On Wednesday died, at Mere, in the 63d year pf his age, tlie Rev. Harry Grove, Rector of Staplehurst, in Kent. Mr DOUGLAS GUEST, an Artist well known among the Cognoscenti, for his distinguished taW, ts and critical Lec- ture- in the Royal Institution, on the present state of the Art^ in Europe, awl, son of Mr. Guest, of this city, has produced a Picture from the scriptural subject of " The f light into l^ gypi," which is affirmed by those conversant in art, to rank with the finest works of the Italian School, possessing all the grace and sweetness of Correggia, with more perfect design. Where rare instances occur of extraordinary genius in the more noble and sentimental part of this instructive art, it is to be regretted they ever should be depressed by envy, or want that liberal pro- tection that can alone ensure them success. ffeight ,, f the Gallon Loaf, 8 U>, U « i.— Half Gall. 4//-. 5i" i. MAGNIFICENTLY RICH WHEEL. 6 Prizes of £.' 20,000!!! 2.. .. of £. 10,000 I IS.. .. of .£. 2,000 2 of.... 5,000 I a of,... 1,000 7 Of £. 500, & C. & C. SIR JAMES BRANSCOMB and Co. recommend __ their friends to look it the above RICH STATE of the WHEEL. Two days out of ten are already gone by, and neither of the great Prizes drawn ! * » * TO- MORROW, TUESDAY, JULY 12, will be the Third Day of the Drawing. TICKETS and SHARKS, warranted undrawn, will he on Sale the whole of this Day, and To- morrow till six o'clock, ( should tiny remain), by BRODIE, DOWDING, and I. UX- FORO, at the Printing- Office, Canal, Salisbury.. Present Price 0/ TICK. ETS and SHARES registered: Ticket £. ii 6 0 Half £. 11 3 6 I Eighth £. 2 19 0 Quarter 5 15 6 | Sixteenth 1 10 0 FIFTEEN CAPITAL PRIZES were sold by Sir JAMES BRANSCOMB and his County Agents in the lastState and City Lotteries WILTS YEOMANRY. THE HINDON TROOP are ordered to PARA DE in SwAt. LowcurT FIELD, on Monday Julv is, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, in FIELD- DAY ORDER. THOS. GROVE, Major. Every Gentleman is particularly desired to attend, to deliver his sentiments whether he is willing that the Troop should transfer themselves into the Local Militia, according to the provisions of the Act lately passed. [ 231 Partnership are to be* and by whom all debts due from [ 236 the said partnership will he discharged. TKOWBRIDGE, July 1, STOCKBR1DGE RACES, 1808, will be Thurs- day the 14thof July and Friday the 15th. JOHN DOUGLAS, Esq. Steward. N. B. There will Vie an ordinary each day at the Steward's table at the King's Head Inn. WINCHESTER RACES, ISOS; "\ THLL be on Tuesday the 1 Qlh, Wednesday the V T 20th, and Thursday the - 21st M'July.— On the first day will be run for his Majesty's Plate of toogs. and a Match ( if SOgs.— On the second d y, the Citv Plate of sol the Noble- men and Gentlemen's Plate of 501, and a Hunter's Plate of 50/.— On the last day, a. Cup of loo^ s. value, with SOgs. added. To start each day at five o'clock. Lord RODNEY, Steward. * » « Balls, Assemblies, and Ordinaries, as usual.— Fuller particulars in the- r, txt Journal. [ 248 SALISBURY RACES, 1808, TTLLhe on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, ' the 26th, 27th, and 2Sth of July inst.— His Majesty's Piste of lOOgs. will be run for on Tuesday, and also a Sweep- stakes of logs, each, eifiht subscribers, for all ages, to be rode by Gentlemen.— On Wednesday, th> City Plate, and the Members 501. Plate.— And on Thursday, the Subscription Piat: of 502. To start each day at one o'clock. Sir C. W. MALET, Bart. Steward. *•* A Rail, Ordinaries, etc. as usual.— For full particulars, see the Salisbury Journal of June 20. BLANDFORD RACES, laos, \? ni. L be on Tuesday the () th and Wednesday the 7 V toth of August.— On Tu - sdsy. the 50/. Plate', for Horses that have not won that value since March 1807; and the Subscription Gold Cup, 13 Subscribers of logs, each.—- On Wednesday, a So I. Plate far three and four- year olds ; a 6t) l. for all ages, given by the Members for the countv, and a Handicap Sweepstakes of 5gs. each. EDWARD GREATHF. D, Esq. Steward. * » * P?"* rti'l Ordwri" as us" d— For full particulars, see the Salisbury Journal of June 20. SINGLE STIC K. nPHERE will be A MATCH ph. yed at SALIS- « L BURY, on WBLXUSDAY and THUHSDAY MORNINGS, July the" the 27th and Mth, being the two last davs of the Races, for TWENTY GUINEAS each day. To play irithout pads WEDNESDAY, and with pads THURSDAY, 111 order that the Somersetshire men may have an opportunitycf playing in the practice of their county ss well as the Wiltshire. The play to he eonductM hi; able judges, and the greatis • care taken that the prizes be properly contested a id fairly w tS" Each Player to enter his name at the Cross- Keys It if* early on the morning of playing, as the play must he arrai tel so as to terminst: before one o'clock, when the Races be& in GRAND VOCAL CONCERT, Under the Patronage of Sir CHARLES WARRE MA LET, Bart. Steward of the Races. THE Nobility and Gentry of SALISBURY and its Vicinity, and the Public in sen iral. a'e resp- ctfully informed, there will be A VOCAL CONCERT on WEDNES- DAY EVENING, July 27, i; i08. Pnnc pal Performers:— Mrs. GOSS, Mr. Goss, Mr. J. ELLIOTT, Mr. HARRINGTON, Mr. CiiiLrE. vcE, and Mr. ELLIOTT. Farther particulars in due time. MR. CIIIFFENCE begs leave most respectfully to inform the Nobility and Gentry of DEVISES and its vicinity, and his Friends in general, that he intends Riving a VOCAL CONCERT, at the NEW HALL, on Thursday the 2> st instant; consisting of Sonss, Duets, and some beautiful Manuscript Glec$, never yet performed out of London. Farther particulars in due time. HpHE ANNUAL DIVERSIONS on LENTHAY J. GREEN, near Sherborne, wiil be on Wednesday apd Thursday, the 20th and 2tst of Ji^ iy inst. particulars of wh ch will he expressed in hand- bills, that will be distributed in the neighbouring towns. VOCAL CONCERT, SOUTHAMPTON. CIOSS, Mr. WILLIAM and Mr. JAMES I # JL ELLIOTT, Mr. KHALE, and Mr. HARRINGTON-, having very generously offered to perform A CONCERT, for the BENEFIT of Mrs. HAMMOND,— Mrs. HAMMOND begs to infi rm the Subscribers to the Vocal Concert, and the Ladies ami Gentlemen ' of Southampton and its vicinity, th t the Concert will take place, at the LONU- ROOMS, on Saturday, July 30, 1608, when she humbly hopes for their patronage and support. To begin at Eight o'clock precisely. N. B.— A Moon- light Night. Tickets, 7s, each, to be had of Mrs. Hammond, No. 4, Above- Bar, and Messrs. Baker and Fletcher. [- 252 Philosophical Lectures, in Southampton. MR. I). WALKER, having been obligingly soli- cited to read his Course of EXPERIMENTAL PHI- LOSOPHY in Southampton, has he honour to announce its commencement early in the ensuing week. The days and hours to be fixed as most generally Convenient to the compa- ny. All the interest and ovelty of Magnetism, Mechanics, Chemistry, Pneumat cs, Hydrostatics, Electricity, palvinism, Optics and Astronomy, will be introduced. " Terms : 12 transferable tickets, " ne guinea; single lectures, 2.!. fj: d.; a prospectus, gratis, at \ Je « . ( S. Baker and Fletcher's, booksellers. [ 255 C U RA C YT " ' WANTED, by a respectable Clergyman, at St. Michael next, or as much sooner as may he, A CURACY, in an eligible country, within a few miles of, but not in, a town ; with a tolerably good house, some land, and a prospect of permanency, f/ tiers ( post- paid) addressed to Z. A. B, to be left at the I'ost- Office, in Shaftesbury be duly attended to wijl WANTED, to live with a Family in the Conhtrv, a middle- aged steady Man, as BUTLER and Upper S - rvant; likewise wanted, in the same family, a Lad under the Butler. None need apply who cannot biinga character for honesty and sobriety from a family with whom they have lived some time. Enquire of J. Shipp, Bookseller, Bland- ford. BLANDFORD ST. MARY, DORSET. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A neat Sashed and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, with a walled- in Garden adjoining; and Malt- house near the same, which will work 20 quarters per " Week. The premises are leasehold, and pleasantly situated in the parish of Blaiidford St. Mary, and fit for the immediate reception of a geftt « cl family. ' " F- 223 For further particulars apply to Mr. H. Biggs, Blandford. JAMES CHAPMAN returns his grateful Thanks to his Friends and the Public fur the many past fcivours re- c. ived during his connexion with his late Partner Mr. Stevens, ( whose share and interest in she late business he has now pur- chased; and hopes by the most diligent attention to their cwfl- mands to merit their future patronage and support. [' 237 N. B. Common Stage Waggons continue to travel as usual from Frome, Tiowbridge, Bradford, Melksham, Devizes, & c. to the Castle and Falcon, Aldergate- street, London. nPHF. Partnership between Messrs. J. II. BRO- 1 HIER and W. DIEUAIDE, Artificial Mineral Water Manufacturers, has been dissolved. The said W. Dieuaide gives notice, that he sells at his Ma- nufactory, East- street, Southampton, Soda Water, insingle, double, and treble, pints and half- puns j Seltzer ditto ; Sed- litz, Sedchutz, Spa, Pyrmont, Cheltenham, and Rochelle, all at the usual prices.—— Those who shalHienour him with their orders may depend on the greatest punetality. f225 WHEREAS ( he Partnership in thp Banking Bu- siness carried on under the firm of HUGH BEAMES and JOHN HEATH, Chippenham, ly the death of the said HLGII Br. AMES became dissolved, and by. articles of agree- ment entered into between George Beames, executor of the said Hugh Beames, and the said John Heath, it has been agreed, that all Notes and Demands on the said Co- partner- ship account shall be paid by the said John Heath, who intends to continue the said business at the Chippenham Bank ; and all Persons indebted to the said Concern are rcquesied forth- with to pay the same to the said John Heath, who is duly authorized to receive it.— Dated the uJd day of June, 180S. 4] JOHN HEATH. ( Witness) CHRIS. HEATH. GEORGE BEAMES. A CARD. POCOCK and IIODGKINSON ( from Middleton. Innis, and Co.' s, London), Suecesors to Mr. J. LOMER, most respectfully beg leave to acquaint the Nobility and Gentry, residents and visitants of Southampton, that they have taken to the above Concern, and purpose opening their Warehouse 011 Monday the 25th of Julv, with a most elegant, fashionable, and complete assortment if LIN EN- DRAPERY, HABERDASHERY, & c. From a long residence in London, they have formtd such connections as will enable them to offer advantages worthy of attention.— Opposite the New Church, Southampton. [ 247 NEW TURNIP SEED. TFINCH, SEEDSMAN-, Southampton, beg-, leave • to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he has now for Sale a large quantity of WHITE ROUND STONE TURNiP SEED, of his own growth this pjts. nt year, of a hardy and nutricious quality ; and being ot quick growth, is not liable to be carried off by the fly, as is usually the case by other kinds of turnips. To be had ( by appointment) of Mr. Thring, Sarum ; Mr. Kniyht, Romsey; and Mr. Pittis, Newport, Isle of Wight, seedsmen, Price Nine- pence per Pound. [ aes • . CATHERINE- STREET, SALISBURY. JPOCOCK, BREECHES- MAKER, GLOVER, & C. _ • begs leave to inform his friends and the'public that he isjemoved from his residence in Queen- street to a house in Catherine- street, next door to Air. Fishlake's, Grocer, where he humbly solicits a continuance of those favours already conferred on him, which shall ever be his constant study to merit, by a strict attention to sheif commands. [ ly'l BROWN- STREET, SALISBURY. JAMES DOUGLAS, FAR RIER, Sec. ( many years Farrier- Major in the First or Royal Dragoons'), " respect- fully begs leave to return his grateful thanks for the favours he has received during his residence in Salisbury; and humbly presumes to hope that his knowledge of the several branches he professes, particularly FARRIERY, and his strict attention to the most approved rules of practice for the relief and cure of all Horses committed to his care, will ensure him a con- tinuance of those favours. J. P. from his long s rvice in the Royals as Farrier- Major, hnving had considerable experience in the COLL. OE METHOD ot SHOEING, Gentlemen entrustin; him with their Hunters, or favourite Horses, may depend on his paying particular attention to them. SHOEING in general. [ 1951 SWAN INN, AI. RESFORD. JBELL, from the White Hart, Winchester, heps • to inform his friends and the public in general, that he has t iken possession of the above Inn, where he has made very considerable improvements 111 the Posting department, and flatters himself . the quality of Horses and Carriages be has added to the former Stock may be equ lied, but cannot be excelled.—— J. B. begs also to inform his frjends, he has laid in a fresh supply of. Wines and Spirits of the primest quality, which he is determined to vend at the very lowest prices, and assures all those who are pleased to favour him with their commands, the strictest attention shall be paid to merit their support. [ la. j J. B. returns his grat fid thanks for the many favours con- ft rr. d 011 him at the White Hart, and humbly solicits a con- tinuance of the same to his Successor, Mr. ASHCOMB. N. B. Wines and Spirits by retail on the very lowest terms. WHITE HART, WINCHESTER. AS! ICO M BE, from the Castle, Speen- hill, . having this diy taken the above Inn, begs to solicit the patronage ot the Nobility and Gentry; assuring them, that as the premises are peculiarly constructed for the'comfort and accommodation of families," so shall no exertion on his part be wanting to give universal satisfaction.— June 2 f, 1308 , N. B. Neat Carriages, with able Horses and careful Drivers' rPO be LETT,— A ready furnished HOUSE, with i. Stable, Garden, Ac. For particulars apply , post paid) to Mr. White, win,- merchant, Blandford. [ 2.14 rS" U be LETT, and entered upon immediately,— J- That capital Mansion, celled BARFORD HOUSE, with some furniture, offices of every description, extensive walled gardens and pleasure- ground's, hot- house, grapery, green- house, stabling, coach- houses, dog- kennel, and every convenience suited to a family r. f the first respectability. This place is situated one mile from Downton and seven trom Salisbury, with good roads in every direction. The tenant may be accommodated with the extensive Manor of Hamptworth, which is contiguous, and with Land suited to his convenience. To be Seen by tickets to be had of Mr. Tinney, solicitor, Salisbury, who will give further particulars. CI SETTLE, DORSET.~ TO be LETT, and entered on immediately,— A good HOUSE; containing an exceeding good dining, drawing, and breakfast room ; with suitable bed rooms, and dfessing rooms ; 1C miles from Salisbury, and ti from Bland- ford ; very convenient offices, with coach- ljouse and stabling for 12' horses; excellent kitchcn walled garden and green- house; a very good tarm- yard, with a barn and 17 acres of land adjoining to it ; within a mile of two packs of fox hounds, arjd in the neighbourhood of several packs of har- riers.—— For particulars enquire ( if by letter, post paid; of Mr. John Bennett, Ch. ttle, near Cashmo ir Inn. [ 275 W11. TON, NEAR SALISBURY. I^ O IK- SOLD by AUCTION,' by MESSRS. WHIR- . MARSH and RI'LY, on Friday the 2pth of July, instant, at the Greyliound Inn,' at six o'clock in the afternoon,— Three FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSES, Workshops, Yard, and aiyalled- in Garden, situate in West- street,' in Wilton ; in the several occupations of Messsrs. Phelps, I fjskett, Targett, and Lanham, as tenants at will.— The Premises are very eligible for a person who requires room, or who would wish to bu ) d, being conveni. ntly and pleasantly situated. [ 24a For a view of the Premises, and farther particulars, apply to the Auctioneers, or to Mr. John Seagrim, at Wilton. T King's Arms Inn. Ameshury, Wilts. X) be SOLD by AUCTION, on the prcmi- es, by GEPRARD and Co. on Thursday the Mth of July 1803,— PART ' OF THE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ANTI other Effects of the late Mrs. WALE, deceased; consisting of f « (- post, half tester, and stump bedsteads', wirh morine and wlcekfurnitures ; goose feather beds snd bedding, d ning and tea tables, walnut and stained chairs, chests of drawers, pi. r and dressing glasses, china and glass, pewter, copper and brass I tides, malt mill, two coolers and tubs, iron- bound casks, and a number of other articles, which will bc'scjd without reserve. The sale will commence precisely at eleven o'clcck in the morning. SALISBURY. TO he SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises; by Mr. B. I. twis, on Tuesday the 18th i f July, IDM Sot'l. Vo/ c? twelve o'clock, All tho « s FniifeHOLl) 1 REMISES, situate in St. Ann's- i. treet, Sarvm, lately de- cupled by BENJAMIK CHARLES COLLINS, E.' q, . in the fol- lowing lots: . ? 0' « f? « ^ le and amp ct DWELLING and L. AKDEN, adapted tor the residence of a genteel family comprizing entrance- hall, two parlours, djning- ruom, draw- ing- room, four b^ d chambers, a- d Hi sets. Scream*' ditto housekeeper's room, kitchen, brew- house, Arc. together with a Part » f the GREENHOUSE, as will be marked out at the time of sale. Lot 2.— The Remainder of the aforesaid GitKENHourr. Lota.— A LARGE and EXTENSIVE HOT- HOUSE, as t stands. |- 2Q SALISBURY. * T° be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, II by Mr. B. LEWIS, on Wednesday the 10th of July 1808, and tour following days ( Sunday executed),— All the neat and genu ne HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, linen' China, valuable Prints, curious Green- house Plams, Cham- ber and Hand Organs, etc. of the late B. C. Cou INS ESQ St. Ann* 6- street.— The furniture comprizing four- pi ' teru and sola bedsteads, with dimity, cotton, " and needle- work furniture; window curtains to correspond; excellent go. n. e feather- beds, blankets, quilts, and counterpanes-; hair fiocl- atvl straw mattresses; pier and dressing gl, ssl'. s ; WiUon,' Scotch, and Brussels carpeting; mahogeny sideheard ; din. ner, Pembroke, nignt, and dressing table.; ; i.; aho- nv and stained chairs; solas; mahogany robewmK double aid single chests ot drawers, anil bureaus; several inahoeary liquor chests medicine ditto, eight day docks, kitthen I'ui, niture, brewing utensils, ire. & c. (-. TOL5^. H !' rt. C 9- lVeeleven o'clock each mertnin? Catalogues delivered toree . lavs preceding the s. de, i. t iV Auctioneer's, and place of file on sale days rrV.' fi, GENTEEL FURNITURE. \\ TST WFLIOW * T°, bc S° ld} l> V •^' CTIOM, by CW:* R SHARP, on Wednesday the 20th of Juiv, at Mr iv. itVi Cottage West Wcliow,- The HOUSEHOLD FUUMTURE and sundry Effects of a Gentleman removed ; cempn* r * prune beds and bedding, bedsteads, chintz fiar. pLs sola" carpets, and stair carpetting ; chairs, tables, pinhoYnrff,' thiei chests of drawers, pier and dressing glasses,'^ nifror, fenders, :!, t ZT ™ ' he" th ru;' s' l, h'tl'd PKti* and a varirty of other articles too numerous to mention. Sale, to begin precisely at ? 1t v'en o'cloi k. [ 057 TFREEHOLD PROPKRTY/ lN RoNl'SEY O be SOLD by At'CTION, without resets iror W^- ™ ™ *' on Thursday the Mth of JuK, 1808, at five o clock 111 the afternoon, at the Falcon Inn — All those valuable FREEHOLD PREMISES, rw in he occupation of Mr. Richard I'arrad.. v, i„ Church- nre V Romsey. The premises are extensive, and wm « the ad- vantage ot a running stream of water. ' live situation is de- sirable, and well calctilajed f r almost any bus, new requiring room Immediate possession may be had. fin FISHEftTOVANGER, WI L'l S^ rpo he SOLD by AUC'i lON', at ihe Spread *> V i Inn, 111 the city of New Sarum, in the rauntv of W'Tt< on I hursdav the 14th day of July instant, between rtic 1 . Vis of four and six 0 clock in the afternoon, subitft to SUeli ^ TSTSJ?; s: i1c !' s bl' ^ n produced,— A. 1 that I f ur. HOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, Butcher'sSh'^ c", n- house, Stable, Slaughter- house, Out- house, a r^ d. walled- in Garden ( well stocked with fruit trees , and oiVr Pren is. s - situate near the centre of Fisherton- Anger efore- aid ; all which premises have been built within the last , w ntv year-, and are well calculated for carrying on an extensive l. us, r. « s in the trade ot a Butcher, the shop, & c. of which lire now us d ir. th- 1 rZlT\ S n, rsu;"-' c was ! lu'lt > n a ma,, » </ to be easily comertt d into three tenements, without injuring ihc same, and arc now lett 111 three departments to Jus ; h Blarchard and his under- tenants, at in/, per annum, and at a very tri- H ng expence might again be converted into one messuage er tenement. - The premises are held in the residue of a teiiv ot 911 years, determinable with the lives ot three heahhv ner- sous, two ot whom are aped about 40 each, and the'other >';' Jrsi subject to a small quit rent, and the kiad Further particulars may be In < wn of Mr. Gcr. rec God win SaSuf""' ; " r ^ ° ukfirti> attorney, Silver- street. I ' [ 4b* npo be SOLD by-- AUCTION. nfSToklw ' ope Inn and Hotel, Pool-, cn Monday ri t llth of July, laos, a a three o'clock,— The 11ULL of'the good Shit. MERCURY, built at Poole in the year 180( 3, and has never been at sea.— Length on deck, sift. 4 in. Braulth. il > t. tjuin Height between decks, 4 ft. « ip. Admea, ni. es 215 67- M tons. A very fine, firm, well- built ve-. el, carries a large cargo, and may be. viewed fcv applvir: - to J. BRISTOWE and Co. Brokers. TOLLARD FARNIiAM, DORSET nPObe SOLD by AUCTION, bv II. I'LOWMAN-, A on the Premises, on Thursd v the llfh dav of Juh- 1808,— The following LIVE and DEAD STO( K, tie rb- pertyof Mr. Win. Lane, who is about quitting the Farm- comprising seven useful cart horses, a capital black „ ae rising four years old ; three waggons, one dene pet, one cart, and a light market ditto ; six pair of ear: and .,:>. ditto plough harness; two barley rollers, drag, harrows, suits Lnd tackle, * i , f20H f I, at ,",\ e„ same t, ma wil1 be SOLD by ACCTION,— The folWing LIVE STOCK, late the property of Mi. Martin Sweetapph-, deceased; a beautiful brown mare r.- ing four years old, by Evergreen ; a famous filly bv Ydung li u. er ; and a hog colt by ditto: all the al, ve'colts are , ni^ ot a capi- tal blood mare, and are well worth the notice of sportmr gentlemen.—( Two Cutiea. J ' 1 Sale to begin at two o'clock in the afternoon. rpO be SOLD by AUCKo'N, bv .1. GCY . Hd C{. X at the Swan Inn, in Sturmuistsr-. Newton Castle in tte county of Dorset, on Thursday the SIstdav of July, lsol at five 0 clock m the afiernocft, ' ubjcct to the conditions thin nWK^ fvr ' inT^ 11 th;" '.' BEHOLD MESSUAGE DWELLING- HOUSE; consisting of two good pnilonr. kitchen, shop, c liar, and pinirv, on the ground fl< or; fur good bed- chambers, with comfortable attics ; offices; van, and walled garden with choice fru- t trees ; row occupied b, ( larnson, and sending in the Market- place in Siurnni- ster- Newton Castle aforesaid: , n which premises a very , xtu- sive business m the tea, grocery, and drug hnc, ha'-., beh carried on for a number of yeirs, and arc very deS. rable nr. mises fur the grocery or a. v other business. For a view of the premis s apply, two days before the sal, to Miss Harrison ; and for lurtlii r particulars to Mr. Moot solicitor, Sturminster- Newton, or to J. Guy, auctioned Shaftesbury, Dorset. ' MANOR OF I'OI. l UDDLE, DORSET i I^ O be SOLD by AUCTION, at the ANTELOPL m DORCMESTKR, on Saturday the 30th 01 July, lPu* o, T° r? T, fnm tlle a't(, riiOi. n,— The desirable MANOR if 1 Ul. l UDULE, arid several valuable and t- omoact FARMS- containing together about lliis aeres of rich water meadoi! pasture, - and arable land, with convenient farm- housts ant buildings; now in the possession of Mr. H IJavi 1 Mr Northover, Mr. Geo. Riggs, Mr. Wm. Kiine, and Mr', l'iolxr Staudfield.— Also the GliEAT and SMALL TITHFS of tlv parish of lolpuddle, and the SMALL ' 1I I HES 011 iuclctoi. held for terms of years, under Chnst Cl'. uich C. litre, r Oxford ; and a nut 50 acre, of C - pice Gr, ei. e in Milb'tm Mood.— A fine trout stream, stocked with fi. li. iu- s throuA the manor. I- ox hounds and harriers are U , it n t- i n.. i bourhood; and the game in this pan .- f the ciuntrv s mue preserved.— i o puddle is one mile from Milbourne, eight Iroa Dorchester, and nine from Blandford ; in a dry healthy situ' tion and may be a pleasant central residence loi a stiortsu. a fhe tenants wdl shew the farms j and printed pamcuU S V s r i° f '"" a5' Far.' er a,"! hincoin's- iiin- fitjttei of Mr. Salisbury, and at the Antelope, in Dorchesu-, • , h Shefborne 5 , hc Bu"> Bn, iP° « i aad the Ai. tslope. HI'. NSTRlDGE,' SOMEKSET. ' ' O be SOLD by AUCTION, bv II. PLOWMAJ4 ( by order of the Ex. cutors of John Clapper, late ot I let stridge, aforesaid, gentleman, deceased.;, on Tu. sday tie 2(. m day of July mstani, between the hours of tour and ax m the afternoon, at the Virginia Inn, in llenstridge aforesaid « fen « " s W, U be th;" prt'duetel. Ti, c RE\ ERSION. Vin ESTATE ami INTEIIeST l-. te of V e said John Capper, sub; ect to the estaf. s for life of two per or' the one aged 84 years, arid the other 5., years. be. n; one un- divided Fourth Part, and also one Fourth' Part of another u - divided Fourth1 Part, of and In all that capital FARM and LANDS, called Seals or Zeals Marsh Farm, situate ai d Ivire- together in a ring fence, within the p rish of Henstnde atoresa:.!, and containing by estimation ltfu ; Cres ( more u less) now in the occupation of John Taylor, under an am ml ihey^ sts: w ' asc wi" cvplrc at Lad>- i; il>' S'> » ' The Pr mises are leasehold, held for the remainder of . term of ( loo years ( of which 470 years, and more " reIs w- unexpired), and are subject to an annual quit- rento! I'I id — '" ' later. For further particulars apply it bv Messrs.^ Parker and Co. solicitors, Essex- street, Strand," L0:'. lost paid; i- don ; M r. William Denvding, W . st Stour", Do'rset; or'to Mr' Bird; solicitor, Henstridge, Somerset. ' ' PKiNTLD AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. BBQDlE'. J. DOWDJNG, AND J. LUX^ ORQ, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY; ff here Order s, Advertisements, and authentic Articles of JVeu s are received ( Postage paid.) by tie PRtKTWM and Bouijsrt. Lilis ir. Cut Wat 0" England j ly the De « pecil* N* WM « N.; and in London bv Messrs. T.\ YL0R and NEflfTOS, No. 5, Warwick- Sauare. Warnick- I^ n", Newgale- Street, and Mr. VVILK1F., Bookseller, PaternosterSt Tai'I"*. Mr. rr net*'*,—, - surprise and disappointiuent tluvt no communication u « u j e.
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