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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset


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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset

Date of Article: 04/07/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII    Issue Number: 3724
No Pages: 4
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• • THE JOU AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. c> X 65 * f U [ NUMBER 3724. VOLUME LXXIII. j MONDAY, JULY 4, 1808. PRICE SIXPENCE, f Dl, tv • • • • sid- \ Paper: ' anil Print 9\ d. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. Extract from the Ocicdo Gazette, dated Saturday, June 11. IfTa ^ HE Governor of Carthagena, who had received fj orders to give up the place to the French, and S was about to execute them, experienced the same fate as Alvala. The Almighty, who watches over the lives of the innocent, and who regard's hi3 loyal and Catholic people with an eye Of compassion, ordained that, on the approach of the Enemy's squadron to the Port, with 8000 French troops for disem- barkation, it should fall in with one belonging to the Mighty Island of the Ocean; the latter came up with, attacked, and d- i'eated them. Two of their frigates and. aH their transport, were sunk; and two ships of the line, which remained, were boarded, arid their crews put to the sword. The English lost two frigates, and received some damage in the other ships. This engage- ment took place between Alicant and Carthagena, on the 24th oT last month, and continued two days. A French ship, having on board arms, stores, and money for Carthagena, believing that Port still in the possession c. f the French party, entered it on the 28th, and was immediately compelled to strike. HOUSE OF LORDS. SATURDAY, June 25.] The Royal Assent was given by Commission to the Brazil Trade Bill, the^ Cape of Good hope Trade Bill, the Bank of Ireland Charter Bill, the Jfaynooth College Bill, and the Expiring Laws Bill. The several Rills on the table were forwarded a stage.— Adjourned to Monday. HOUSE OF COMMONS. SATURDAY, June 25.] Mr. Tyrwhitt brought in the Plymouth Dock Police Bill, wnich was read a first time. Mr. Grant presented the sixth Report of the Com- missioners of Enquiry, which was laid on the table. The Chancellor of the Exchequer stated, that a com- munication had been made to him from Mr. Palmer, that it was not the wish of that Gentleman, that any further step should at present be taken respecting bis bill. He therefore gave notice that he should not move the second reading of tbe bill.— Adjourned to Wednesday. LONDON, MONDAY, JUNE 27. Since Saturday evening,, four Gottenburgh Mails MARK- LANE, Monday, June 27, The mealing trade for Wheat was to- day extremely, dull, the prices declined about 4s. perqr. and only fine fresh White Wheat, and dry heavy Red, found buyers at any price. Grey Pease, Horse Beans, Tick Beans, Barley, Mait, and Oats, are all at falling prices ; Flour has declined 3s. per sack. The trade at large closed with a drooping aspect, in consequence of the fineness of the weather, and the general favourable opinion of the growing crops.— The general currcncy of English Wheat was, Red 60s. to75s. prime samples 78s, White 64s. to 82s. fine 84s. to 86s.— Rye 46s. to 50s. White Peas 82s. to. Hot. fine 120s. Grey Peas 56s. to 60s. Horse Beans 60 s. to 64s. fine old to 66s. Tick Beans 56s. to 60s. fine old 64s. Barley 40s. to 46s. Malt 68s. to 76s. Oats 34s. to 47s. English Household Flour 6os. per sack. " SMITHFIELD MARKET, June 27. We had this day 2460 head of Neat Cattle, 16700 Sheep and Lambs, 203 Calves, 360 Pigs, The prices were, Beef 4s. 6d. to 5s. Mutton 4s. 6d. to 5s. Veal 6' s. to 7s. 6d. Lamb 5s. to ts. Sd. Pork 4s. to 5s. per stone of 811. to sink the offal. SARUIVJ AND EALING TURNPIKE. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of the Trustees is appointed to be held, pursuant to the last adjournment, at the house of Joachim Hibberd, known by the name of the Maidenhead Inn, in the city of New Sa rum, on Friday the 8th day of July next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. W. BOUCHER, Clerk aid Treasurer. SARUM, 23th. June, 1808. [ 31 N( have Krrived, and also Various French, Dutch, and German Journals. At the latest date from Gottenburgh, our troops still re- mained oh board the transports, though parties of them tvere landed and exerci ed every day, which, with other precautions, bad kept them in good health. A Swedish Army, to consist of 20,000 men, is said to be collecting in Scania, to act with the British forces, under . Sir John Moore, in an attack upon the Island of Zealand. A fleet of seventy- two transports, part Swedish and part British vessels, which sailed from Mftlmoe, on the 9th inst. under convoy of tbe Thunder, Piercer, Charger, and Tur bulent gun- brigs, was attacked on the 10th by a formi- dable force of Danish gun- boats, artted ships, and two Seating batteries. The Turbulent fought in defence of the convoy from six in the evening till three in the morning; the'Coinmander ( Lieut. Noppsi and 10 men were wounded, and she fell into the hands of the enemy. Seventeen of the transports were also captured, and five sunk. Of the captured vtlip- 3 14 were Swedish, and 3 British; the crews mostly escaped on shore in their boats, and many vessels \ vcre set on five before they abandoned 1.1 n. The action took . place in sight of several Swedish armed ships, none of . which moved to assist their friends in the'conflict. The King df Sweden has Ordered an enquiry into the conduct of \ the Co'mmanders. 1 On the 4th of June the Tickler gun- brig was attacked in ') ' the Great Belt by ' four gun- boats, in a cairn, and was I obliged to furrendeir, with the loss of her brave torn- ( lander, Lt. Skinner: no other person on board was hurt. Intelligence of the most important and gratifying nature v. as vesti-' rdayrceeived at the Admiralty froiji Spain. ship A lerriene, Capt. Tremlett, which arrived :. r Plv mouth on f riiiay, brought from Corunna two Spanish Nobles, Deputies from the Province of Galicia. They state, that that Port, as well as Ferrol, was completely in pos- session of the Patr iots, and that the troops of the line and the Levy en Masse had rharched to join the Patriot Army, which was computed to amount to between 300, iQ00 and 350,000 men, of which about 30,000 are troops of the line. The fir st operation which they intended to undertake was to march to Madrid, to liberate that Capital from the tyranny f Murst and his myrmidons, who had massacred ; ii cold blood above 4000 innocent Spaniards, and had afterwards '. hot above 100, under sentence of their Military Tribunals, after he had promised in tbe most solemn manner that the Insurrection of the 2d of May should be buried in oblivion. . . Carthagena, it is also stated, is in the hands of the Patriots, " and the insurrection appears to be rapidly spread- ing over every part of Spain ; the Deputies have brought with them Proclamations which have been issued by the Patriots in Arragon, Leon, the two Castiles, Valencia, and Mureia. They have also brought with them tbe Oviedo Gazette of the 11th instant, which states, that an action li d taken place oS » Carthagena, between a British squadron, detached from the fleet of Lord CoUingwood, and a French squad' on of two sail of the line and several frigates, which was conveying a number of transports, with 3000 troops on board. The'lietion took place on the 24th of May, and the whole of the French squadron, including the transports, Vere either^ captured or destroyed. Intelligence had reacii « l Corunnna before the Alcmene Bailed, tha{ the Spanish troops in Oporto had risen upon the Freifel, and after imprisoning the General and his Officers, had marched to join their countrymen. In Co- runna and its neighbourhood the greatest enthusiasm pre- vailed, and all the male population of Galicia, from the age of seventeen to fortv, were flocking to the Patriotic Standard, and the Priests were urging them to join the Patriotic cause. It is said that the Marquis of Solano has been put to. death by the Patriots of Andalusia, as a Traitor. This circumstance encourages a hope that we shall soon receive favourable intelligence from Cadiz. Foreign Papers to the- 22d inst. which contain intelli- gence of a must important nature, were received last night. Bo. aparte has created his Brother Joseph King of Spain, ! and in th « t character the latter received the congratulatory address of the Spanish Nobles and others' who have been seduced to Bayonne, and who arc compelled to assume the character of Deputies of the Spanish Nation, It is reported in private letters, that Louis Bonaparte, the present King of Holland, is to succeed to the kingdom of Naples, and that the greater part of the Dutch territories will be united to Fiance!— But other letters say that the Grand Duke of Berg is to be King of Holland. SHEEP FAIR ON WOODBURY- HILL, Near Bcre- Regis, Dorset. NOTICE is hereby given,— That SHEEP PENS will be provided, free from Toll, on Thursday the 22d day of September next, Where a SHOW of DORSET EWES and WETHERS will be seen on that day. QCJ" Good Grass near the spot. June 21, 1808. [ 125 HANTS, SUSSEX, AND DORSET FIRE- OFFICE. OTICE is hereby given, That the Half- year's Dividend, due the 24th ult. is now payable to the Holders of Shares in this office, and may be received on appli- cation to the Treasurers, Messrs. Hurry and Co., to the res- pective Agents, or to DAVID COMPIGNE, GOSPORT, July 1, 1808. Secretary. [ 172 ANTED immediately in the Country, A Person thoroughly acquainted with the management of young Ladies, and equal to instructing them in French, English, and Geography, Needle- work, Sc. and capable of attending to their different practices in the absence of their masters. Letters ( post paid) addressed to the Printer of this Journal, will be duly attended to. [ 30 about 15 or I 6 ALINEN- DRAPER ; must be ready in accounts, and write a tolerable hand. Pre- mium no object. Apply ( letters post paid) to Mr. Crocker, Cheap- street, Frome. [ 18 W7 WTANTED,— A steady YOUTH, V V years old, as an APPRENTICE to a WANTED, as an APPRENTICE in the LINEN and WOOLLEN DRAPERY,— A steady, active YOUTH, of good connections. He will be treated in all respects as one of the family. A premium is expected. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Messrs. New and Bevis, Southampton. [ 137 TO GROCERS. WANTED immediately,— A sober steady Man, who perfectly understands the Grocery business.— Apply to the Printers, letters post paid. [ ISO w ANTED,— A SERVANT, out of Livery, in a small family. Enquire at the Printing Office; if by letter, post paid. [ 171 WANTED,— A COOK, who perfectly under- stands her business, and can have an undeniable cha- racter from her last place. A person who has lived in a large family, or some time under a man cook, would be preferred. Enquire of the Printer. WANTED, in a Gentleman's Family, A LAUNDRY MAID, who is a perfect mistress of her business.— Also a DAIRY MAID, who must assist in the kitchen, and take care of poultry. No one need apply who • cannot be well recommended for skill, care, and success in using poultry. Enquire of Mr. Hervey, perfumer, No. 147, High- street, Southampton. [ 178 TO BAKERS. ANTED, An active steady Young Man, w w who is well acquainted with the Bread Baking busi- ness. A person who understands pastry will be preferred. For particulars address ( letters post- paid) for A. B. Post- Office, Weymouth. [ 159 TO JOINERS. WANTED immediately,— Two or Three good Hands in the abov; business. They may have constant employ by applying to Mr. Shcpperd, builder, Southampton. TO JOURNEYMEN TAYLORS. ANTED immediately,— Twelve MEN, who may depend on constant employ and good wages. Great encouragement will be given to good workmen, by Messrs. S. Westlake and Co. drapers, taylors, & c. Romsey, Halms. [ 164 WANTED immediately, — A JOURNEYMAN BAKER who understands the Pastry line and small way, and who can he well recommended. None need apply that cannot answf r the above description. Further particulars may be known by applying to Mr. Henry Dimond, baker; if by letter, post paid. WEYMOUTH, June doth, 1808. [ 54 • NEW FOREST, HANTS. WANTED immediately,— ONE HUNDRED CARPENTERS and BANKERS, at the Inclosures in the New Forest.— Also TWO JOBBING SMITHS and a GREEN SAND MOULDER, who may have constant cm- ploy : married men, with small families, will not be objected to.— Enquire at the Bell Inn, Brook. WANTED immediately, Two JOURNEYMEN COOPERS.. Men who understand their business will meet with constant employ, and good wages will be given'; and, if married, houses will be provided if required. Apply to John Reeves, Downton.— Jarre- 25, 1808. WA » PRINTING- OFFICE, CAN4L, SALISBURY. WILLIAM BIRD BRODIE, Nephew of the late Mr. B. C. COLLINS, JOHN DOWDING, and JOHN LUXFORD, who for many years past have con- ducted the different departments of Mr. COILINS'S business, respectfully inform the public, that they have succeeded, in equal partnership, to the whole of that extensive concern, the Stock and Goodwill having been this day assigned over to them byTowNLEY WARU, Esq. the acting Executor under Mr. COLLINs's Will. They will endeavour to continue - the conduct of this JOURNAL, with the general PRINTING, BOOKSELLING, STATIONARY, and other annexed Business, on the same liberal . plan which invariably secured to their predecessor an equally liberal support throughout the exten- sive district in which the Journal is circulated, and on this grounil they earnestly solicit a continuance of the public favour to the firm of BRODIE, DOWDING, AND LUXFORD. June 23, 1808. [ 65 POSTING, Jt ONESHILLING und THREE- PENCE per Mile. CROWN INN, BASINGSTOKE, JUNE 14, 1803. PENNY'S respects to. the Nobility, Gentry, and • Public,, returns his sincere thanks tor the many favours conferred on him since his taking to the above Inn, begs leave to inform them HE CONTINUES POSTING AT THE OLD PRICE, where they may depend on having good horses, and every attention paid to their accommodation. [ 63 SALISBURY, WILTON, and LONDON FLY WAGGONS, daily, to and from the QASTLE and FALCON, ALDERSGATE- STREET, London, and their Waae- house, Milford- street, Salisbury. These Waggons take up and put down Goods at the Old White Horse Cellar, and Black Bear, Piccadilly. No Money, Plate, Jewels, Glass, or other valuable or hazardous Goods will be paid for, if broken or lost, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. NICHOLAS BROWN, \ 130] JAMES BRICE, ' Proprietors. HP HE Business of GROCER, WINE MERCHANT, 8 & c. hitherto carried on by THOMAS FISHER, will, from this date be conducted under the Firm of THOMAS FISHER and SONS.— DORCHESTER, June 24, 1808. [ 64 M1 ADVOWSONS, NEAR TIVERTON, DEVON. MR. ROBINS informs the public, that the ADVOWSONS of SAMPFORD PEVERELL and UPLOWMAN, in the county of Devon, advertised for Sale by Auction on the loth of'July, are DISPOSED OF by PRIVATE CONTRACT. [ 163 WARWICK- STREET, GOLDEN- SQUARE, June 30, 1808. BROWN- STREET, SALISBURY. ISS RANGER begs to inform her Friends ancl . the Public, that her SCHOOL will open on Monday the 25th of July. [ 48 SILVER- STREET, SALISBURY. jV/ J" ISS CLARK, with due Tespect to her friends i- T. l and the public, begs leave to inform them, that the Recess expires July 18, 1808. The same precision will be assiduously attended to the improvement of every branch of education, morals, and conduct of those Pupils intrusted to Miss C.' s care. * [ 154 Indies' Biarding School, Market Lavington, Wilts. TIIE MISSES SAUNDERS, by the kindness of their friends, and the support of the public, ( which they gratefully acknowledge), continue to board and educate Young LADIES, on the following Terms: Under ten years of age 16, and exceeding ten, 18 Guineas per annum, including English Grammar, Geography, and every kind of useful and ornamental Needle- Work.— Tile Misses S. decni it necessary to instruct in making the articles which compose the Ladies' Dress, but wish the mind to be the principal object of atten- tion. Writing and Arithmetic, 2 Guineas; Washing, 2 Guineas ; the Use of the Gfobes, French, Music, and Draw- ing, on the accustomed terms. Parlour Boarders genteelly accommodated at 30 Guineas per annum. r. The School re- opens on the lfith of July. ' Boarding School, Rydc, Isle of Wight. MISS SP11AGG, with grateful Acknowledgments to her Friends for the encouragement she has already experienced, begs respectfully to inform them, that her SCHOOL, after'the present vacation, will again open on the 25th of July, 1808. [ 151 Ryde is an excellent bathing place, and much frequented. MISS TARVERS respectfully inform their friends and the public, that their SCHOOL will re- open, after the present recess, on Monday, July 25, 1808. ROMSEY, June 23, 1808. [ 127 rrlHE MISS LUDLOWS will be happy to receive JL their pupils on Monday the eighteenth : the number is limited to twenty. Mr. Fialon, of Blandford, gives them lessons in dancing. CIIRISTCHURC'H, July 1, 1808. [ 156 WINBORNE, DORSET, July 1 jy/ JRS. GUTCH's Preparatory SCHOOL July. 1808. vili re- open after the present recess on Monday the 18th oj [ 150 EDUCATION. ORCHESTER Classical, Mathematical, and Commercial ACADF. MY, by J. TRENOW, SON, and Assistants, will re- opeu after the present recess, on Monday the- 18 th of July next. Terms known by application. DORCHESTER, zsthjune, 1808. [ 5 D< SHAFTESBURY, July 2d, 1808. THE ACADEMY under the superintendance of JOHN CHRISTIE, A. M. opens the 18th of July, 1808. . French taught by Mr. Doublet, a native of France, and Dancing by Mr. Fialon, & c. & c. - [ 56 F ACADEMY, WEYMOUTH. ARENTS and GUARDIANS are respectfully informed, that J. A. ROLES has just entered on an eligible Situation for a BOARDING SCHOOL. He humbly solicits the patronage of . the Public, whose support, he flat- ters himself, will be remunerated by his attention to his Pupils' learning, morals, and comfort. Board, Writing, and Arithmetic ,£ 18 18 01 per, Parlour Boarders 30 0 0/ Annum Tea, Washing, English Grammar, Geography, & c. & c. extra charges. He likewise introduces young Gentiemcn into the Latin and French Languages, various parts of the Mathe- matics, Fluxions, and Astronomy. • [ 33 Regular attendance to the bathing machines, and every ne- cessary attention to those who come principally for health. Classical a/ id Commercial Academy, Poole. TLAMPORT, impressed with a grateful sense of . the numerous favours conferred on him by his Friends, begs leave. to inform them and the Public, that his. SCHOOL Will be opened again after the present recess on Monday the 18th of July. TERMS. For Boarders 30 guinea? per annum. Day Scholars 4 ditto. The number of young Gentlemen limited, and the treat- ment liberal. The primary objret of the plan of education conducted by Mr. Lamport is, to combine the advantages derived from a study of the Classics with those which may be obtained by a closer application to Arithmetic, Geography, and English Composition, than is usually considered necessary in classical _ [ 25 seminaries. THJE Rev. J. LANGFIELD's. SCHOOL ( Ne- therbury, Dorset),, opens again on Monday the 18 th of July, for the reception of six young Gentlemen , a number he will not exceed); he has now a vacancy for three : they will be treated in every respect as his own family. Terms for Board, Washing, and Education, twenty- one guineas per an- num, and a guinea entrance. Two vacations of a month each at Christmas and Midsummer. [ 55 ERE SCHOOL, under the direction of JAMES ROBERTSON, will re- open on Monday the. 18th of July. Terms, 22 guineas per annum, washing included. Each gentleman will bring a silver spoon. [ 57 BOARDING- SCHOOL, LYNEHAM. williAM HINTON respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that his SCHOOL will open after the Midsummer Vacation on Monday the 16th of July. Terms, 15 guineas per annum, ' guinea entrance. [ 129 Boreliam School, near Warminster, Wilts. JSHAPCOTT respectfully informs his Friends • and the Public, that his SCHOOL will re- commence on Monday the 18th instant. [ arf wm FISHERTON ACADEMY, NEAR SALISBURY. MR. WEST, grateful for favours conferred, , res- pectfully informs his Friends and the Public, his Aca- demy for Writing, Grammatical and Mathematical Tuition, will be re- opened on Monday the 18th of July. FISHF. RTON, Junei'Jth, 1808. • [ 60 AN ENGLISH AND COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, Castle- street, Salisbury. WWILLS, with gratitude for favours conferred, . respectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public, that his School, for the reception of Boarders and a limited number of Day- scholars, will open again 011 Mondav the 18th instant. At this School Writing, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, and the Mathematics, are familiarized to the youthful mind ; and every requisite for the counting- house of the merchant and man of business, elucidated in the most comprehensive and practical manner. CASTLE- STREET, July 1, 1808. [ 58 ANTED,— All honest, sober, steady COACH- Mr. Jacob, Printer, Winton. If the Coachman has been bred in the Country, the more agreeable. [ 42 w; ANTED,— A GAMEKEEPER and FOOT- MAN. He must be an active unmarried young Man, accustomed to look after, to rear, and, when necessary, to kill Game: he must also understand the training of Dogs, and the business of a Footman.— 1 lis character for honesty and sobriety must be unexceptionable. Letters ( post paid) addressed to the Printers of the Salisbury Journal, will be attended to. [ 45 Spain 011 the ground of their being visited by the Engli h, shall be set free." Letteis and papers to the 25^ 1 ult. are this morning received from New York. They were brought by tbe Elizabeth, which arrived at Deny 011 Monday last, having by permission of the American Government, been purchased by a number of Irishmen, for the sole purpose of conveying them and their families to Ireland. Strict care was taken that no merchandize should be admitted on board ; and being in ballast, she made the voyage from New York to * perry, with 56 passengers, in the short splice of 17 days. The embargo had in a great degree lost its unpopularity in America; the public mind appeared to be made up to the necessity of its continuance ; and new measures had been taken to prevent any smuggling between the Northern States of Canada. BAILIFF. WANTED, to take the general Management of an extensive arable Farm in Hampshire,— A single middle- aged MAN, he must be a good practical Farmer, and understand live stock and markets, must have served gentle- men in the above capacity, and have an undeniable character for sobriety, honesty, and experience in all farming business. Particulars, stating qualifications, and where the party has lived, addressed by letter, postpaid, to Mr. Marline, White Hart Inn, Bagshot, will be attended to. No one need apply who has been in business for him- self, or who has not lived three years in his last plac:.— Good wages will be given. p38 WANTED to PURCHASE, in cither of the southern or western counties,— An eligible FREE- HOLD ESTATE, with a handsome commodious Mansion, an extensive Manor, and Land, from two to three thousand pounds a year value.— The whole of the purchase money is in the hands of a banker, and really to be paid in a round sum the moment the title is approved and possession given, Proposals mav be sent ( by letter or otherwise) to Messrs, Kent, Pearce, and Kent, land agents, Crai^' s- court, Cbaring- cross, London. [ 13" i Ladies' Boarding School, Lymington, Hants. MISS FRY having resigned business to her Nieces, the Miss GROVES, and Miss BEATON, her teacher, begs leave to offer, witli her Sister, her grateful acknowdedg- ments to their Friends and the Public, particularly to the In- habitants of Lymington, for the flattering encouragement they have ever experienced ; they also solicit a continuance ot" their favors to their Successors, whom they can with confidence recommend. viISS BEATON anii the Miss GROVES, Suc- 1VA cessors to the MISS FRYS, respectfully inform their Friends and the Public, that their School will open after the present recess on Monday, July the 18th, at the same house, with the addition of two large School- rooms, which. are open to the sea- breezes; they beg leave likewise to assure them, that the greatest attention will ever be exerted to merit the fa- vors conferred on them. N. B. Young Ladies received as Pupils by the week or month, during the bathing season. [ 128 EDUCATION. LYMINGTON Classical and Commercial ACA- DEMY, under the direction of Mr. WITHERS, will re- open on Monday the 18th instant.— July 1, 1803. [ 165 " SWATHL1NG FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. JCROUCH, jun. entreats the Parents of those • Pupils entrusted to his care, to accept his most grateful thanks for past favours, and begs to inform them and the Public, the business of his School will re- commence on Mon- day the 18th of July. [ 15 Tun/ ford Grammar, Mathematical, and Commercial Academy, near Winchester, Hants. MR. HANINGTON, with respectful Compli- ments and best Thanks to the Friends of the young Gentlemen under his tuition, informs them and the Public, that the business of the School will re- commence on Monday the 25th instant. Mr. H. flatters himself that the improve- ment his Pupils have made since Christmas, will insure him the continued support and recommendation of th'-' ir Parents and Guardians, to obtain which no expence or exertion has or shall be spared. Mr. H. embraces this opportunity of remarking, that, at his School, the theory of the Merchant's office, and the dif- ferent method)' of Book- keeping, are reduced to practice, so essentially necessary, but so much neglected in the generality of schools. Navigation, Surveying of Land, Timber, and Building, Geography, Mapping, and the different branches of the Mathematics, are taught in a femiliar, easy, and prac- tical manner: in short, Mr. H. only wishes to be made ac- quainted with the situation his Pupils are designed for in life, and he then engages faithfully and honestly to use his best endeavours to qualify them in the most expeditious manner possible. Latin, French, Dancing, Drawing, & c. by ap- proved and experienced masters. The comforts and health of the young Folks are particular objects of the Master's attention, to promote which the pre- mises are very commodious and airy, the play, grov. nd large, private, and dry, and the situation altogether is allowed to be equal to any seminary in the kingdom. The terms, which are moderate, and other particulars, may be known on application to Mr. Hanington, who will give the most respectable references if required. Any Youth or young Man that has made a tolerable progress in figures, and wishing to be instructed in the practical part of Surveying Land and Timber, together with Book- keeping sufficient for common business, may be so far qualified in a few months ; but in this case he will be expected to confine himself to the studv of these branches alons, and a small extra charge will be " made, Jv." jfori, July 3, 1808. [ 13 CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. TIIE SCHOOL conducted by the Rev. A. MORISON, A. M. will re- open, on Monday the 18th instant. Mr. M. would deem himself deficient in gratitude to bis friends and the public, if he omitted to acknowledge the very flattering encouragement with which he has been honoured in the line of his profession; a patronage which he h5s uni- formly endeavoured to deserve by the closcst personal appli- cation and the most unceasing attention to every thing con- nected with the morals, health, comforts, and solid improve- ment of his pupils. At this seminary particular attention is paid to English Composition, a branch of education the most evidently necessary to'Vards the practical purposes of life; yet so generally overlooked, even at schools of eminence, that it is no unusual thing for young men, who have passed with applause through a regular course of classical education, to find themselves, on their first introduction to the commerce of the world, utterly at a loss bow to express with perspicuity or arrange, with accuracy their ideas in writing on any common topic in their natural tongue.— Mr. M. feels himself entitled to add, that the mode of instruction which has succeeded so well, and which has given such general satisfaction, will be continued in his school, under every improvement which 1 books or experience may suggest, in additien to these advan tages, lie thinks himself fortunate in being able to offer the accommodations of a bouse in every respect suited to the pur- pose, which is roomy, commodious, with an excellent play- ground, and having the singular advantage of a Cold Bath within the premises. ST. ANN'S- STREET, SARUM, July 1, 1808. [ 59 BRATTON SCHOOL. [ 40 R. WILLIAMS respectfully informs his Friends and the Public, that his School re- opens July 18th. Tilshead School, on the Wiltshire Downs. RTUCKER, thanking his Friends for past favors, * and soliciting their future ones, respectfully informs them and the Public in general, that the business of his school will commence on the 18th instant. In this Seminary, young Gentlemen are instructed in the principles of. the English Language, Reading with proper ac- cent and emphasis, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Accompts by single and double entry, Geometry, and Trigonometry, both theoretically and practically, Mensuration of Timber, Land, tec. together with Geography, and the Use of the Globes. : Dancing weekly— The terms are unobjectionable, the system of Education which is adopted in this School has been highly conducive to the improvement of the Pupils; to the truth of this assertion many Gentlemen of respectabi- lity are ready to bear testimony. Cleanliness, exercise, in short,, every thing that contributes to health and comfort, are objects to which is paid particular attention, Mathematical Instruments are provided for the use of such i upils as learn the branches to which they respectively up- It will contribute much to the advantage of the young Gen- tlemen, if Parents, on sending them to this School, or at'least some tune before they are to leave it, will signify to the Master for what employment in life they are designed, as he can then forward them in such branches of education as may be. most useful to them; otherwise, much time and labour may be spent m learning things, far a knowledge of which they may never have any occasion. TILSHEAD is a small village on Salisburv Plain, 14 miles from Salisbury, 10 from Warminster, 8 from Devizes, and 7 from Heytesbury, and universally esteemed one of the most salubrious spots in the West of Enjland. [ 34 Twice a year the- Scholars will be railed to a Public Exami- nation, and rewards will be bestowed on the meritorious. Preparing for the press, and shortly will, be published, \ PHILOSOPHICAL CATECHISM; or, an - c f>- easy Introduction to some of the Arts and Sciences ; being a short but comprehensive svstem of their elementary principles. Amongst others it embraces the following,, viz. Geography, Astronomv, Geometry, Architecture, Optics, Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Acoustics, Electricity, Natural History, and Mythology. By R. TUCKER, Master of Tilshead School. Although this little work ( the price , of which will not ex- ceed 3s. Cd.) is intended chiefly for the. use of schools and young people; yet the author presumes some advantage may result to such elder persons as may think proper to peruse it. Bridport; Mr Crewkerne. Penny, Sherborne; and Mr. S. Jolliffe, [ 35 ' T'HE Re- commencement of MARLBOROUGH ACADEMY will be on Monday, July 18. At the above School young Gentleman continue to be libe- rally and genteelly boarded ; carefully and judiciously in- structed in the following branches of education : the English, Latin, and Greek Languages ; Writing, Arithmetic, Book- keeping, and Merchants' Accompts, adapted to real trade and commerce ; practical Surveying of Land and Measuring of Timber ; Geography, with the Use of the Globes and Maps; Astronomy, & c. & c.—— Terms for the above are as under: One guinea entrance. 14 Guineas per annum, .. under 10 years of age. 16 per ditto, from 10 to 12 ditto. And IS per ditto, .... for all above 12 ditto. The Latin and Greek Languages are extra charges of two guineas per annum. Music, French, Drawing, and Dancing, by eminent and approved masters. WILLIAM GRESLEY, deeply impressed with gratitude for the honourable and respectable support which has been so ge- nerous'ly and liberally conferred'upon him by his numerous Friends, during a series of years, begs most sincerely to re- turn his warmest acknowledgments, assuring them and the Public, that it will ever be his constant aim to merit a ccn- tiuuance of those favours, which he has been so fortunate to acquire. . [ 33 TISBURY COMMERCIAL SCHOOL,— July 1 st, 1808. E. M. HEAL, truly grateful for past favours, most • respectfully informs his Friends, that he intends to limit his School to only twenty- four young Gentlemen, as yearly boarders, being desirous to afford his Pupils the greatest opportunity of improving themselves in every branch of useful learning, and to render them, as near ;; s circum- stances will admit, all the advantages of a private education : advantages of no small importance to youth, both in their morals and study; which, blended with the very moderate charges of the School, and no admission- fee required, or other extraordinaries, as are customary in large schools ( stationary excepted), he hopes will meet the approbation and support from a generous and discerning public. Several vacancies for the next half year, which commences on Wednesday the 13th inst. A few weekly boarders can be taken. Terms may be known by application at the School, and at the Printing- Office, Salisbury ; or by reference to this Journal of the S8th of December and the 4t" h of January last. A quarter's notice, or pay to that amoHnt, will be expected previous to any younj gentleman leaving the School. [ 9 This Day is published, Price Bd. sewed, or Hs. a Doz. N EXPLANATION of the CATECHISM of the CHURCH of ENGLAND. Third Edition. By II. COXE, M. A. Archdeacon ofli ills. Salisbury, printed and sold bv J. Easton: Sold also by Messrs, Longman and Co. Paternoster- row, London. Of whom may be had, by the same Author, price 3d. or 2s. 6d. a dozen,— FAMILIAR EXPLANATION cf the SERVICE of CONFIRMATION, abridged from Archbishop Seeker's Sermon on Confirmation. [ 153 FIVE GUINEAS REWARD. STOLEN or STRAYED, from TROWI. COMMON, in the parish of Bradford, Wilts, on Tuesdav night the 22d of June, or early Wednesday morning,— A BLACK CART- HORSE, about fourteen hands and a half high, with black legs, a star in the forehead, wide in the ears, grown rather crooked on the hind legs, with a short sprig tail. Whoever will give information of the same, if stolen, shall, on conviction ot the offender or offenders, receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS ; and if straved, shall be handsomely rewarded for their trouble, by applying to Mr. James Guley, of Trowl aforesaid. [ 53" STRAYED from Cranborne Common,— An aged RED COW, marked in both horns with M. C. and lest half the hinder teat on the right side. Whoever will bring the said Cow to Mrs. Charlotte Miles shall be handsomely rewarded for their trouble, and reasonable expenccs paid. CRANBORNE, July 2, 1808. [> 84 WINTERSLOW, Juneao, ' 808. WAEREAS a FEMALE CHILD, apparently about a fortnight old, was left in a Basket near the Dwelling- house of Mr. William Dowling, of Winters'. ow, som_ etime in the night of Tuesday last. [. 52 Whosover wilj give information which shall lead to the discovery of the Parent or Parents of the said Child, shall receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS on application to Mr. Thos. Judd, one of the Overseers of the Poor of Winterslow. whEREAS I WM. FULFORD, of Redlinch, Labourer, have divers times of late trespassed on the GROUNDS tf Mr. JOHN Box, of Whiteparish, for which a Prosecution was intended to have b - en commenced against me; but on my begging his Pardon, and promising never to do the like again, he has stayed proceedings: Now I do hereby publicly beg his Pardon, and promise never to be guilty of the like again.— Witness my mark this 28th of June, 180s. The Mark X of WILLIAM FULFORD. Witness, THOS. EARLE. [ 12 nPlIE CREDITORS of BENJAMIN CHARLES A COLLINS, Esq. late of SALISBURY, and of MORTIMER- STREET, CAVENDISII- SQUARE, who reside in LONDON, are requested to send an account of their respective demands to TOWN LEY WARD, of Covent- Garden, Esq. the acting Executor: And those Creditors who live in the COUNTRY are desired to send the account of their demands to Mr. JOHN DOWDING, on the New Canal, Salisbury,, who is autho- rized by Mr. WARD to receive all debts due to the estate of the deceased. [ 66 POTTERNE, WILTS. HpiIE Creditors of Mr. ROBERT GLASS, lately JL deceased, of Pattern, Wilts, are requested to deliver an account of their respective demands to Mr. John Glass, of Five- Lanes, in the said parish ; to whom also all debts due to the Estate of the said Robert Glass must be immediately paid. LL Persons indebted to the Estate of Mr. WAL- TER BARRY, of Ridge Farm, near Romsey, Hants, deceased, are requested to pay their respective amounts to Mrs. Mary Barry, his widow; and all persons to whom the said Walter Barry stood indebted, are requested to send an ac- count of their several demands to the said Mrs. Mary Barry, at Ridge Farm, on or before the 1st day of August next. [ 6 DEBTORS AND CREDITORS Of t^ ie late Mrs. Margaret Wale, dcceassd. A LL Persons having any Demands on the Estate J:\ and Effects oi Mrs. MARGARET WALE, late of Amesbury, in the county of Wilts, deceased, are desired to send account immediately to Mr. Thomas Hickson, or Mr. William Hickson, of Amesbury aforesaid, executors of the deceased, in order that the same may be discharged. And all Persons indebted to the estate c. f the said Mrs. Margaret Wale, deceased, are desired to pay the same to her said execu- tors immediately, or they will otherwise be proceeded against without further notice.— June 28, 1803. [ It NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS. LL Persons having any Claim or Demand upon the Estate and Effects of'Mr. ROBERT CLARE, for- merly of Devizes, in the county of . Wilts, but late of Trim- street, in tbeTcity of Bath, Surgeon, deceased, arc earnestly requested by the Executors to deliver in the particular; oi their demands to Mr. Slade, solicitor, in Devizes aforesaid. And all Persons who stood indebted to the said Robert Clare at the time of his death, are required immediately to pay the amount of their respective debts to the said Mr. Slade, ou behalf of the said Executors, or they will be sued for the same without further notice.— Devizes, the \ st of July, 1808. fl4 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL persons who have anv Claim or Demand on the Estate and Effects of Messrs. ROBERT KYRBY and JOHN TURNER, late of Blandford Forum, in the county of Dorset, Hosiers and Copartners, deceased, are de- sired to send an account thereof to Thomas Oakley, of Bland- ford aforesaid, coal- merchant, the Executor, in order that the same may be paid: and all persons standing indebted to the said Estate, are' requested to pay their respective Debts without delay.— Blandford, June > o,'\ m. [ 51 I THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL, Wednesday's and Thursday's Posts. TROM THE LONDON GAZETTE OT JUNE 48. TREASURY, June 25-. THE IvitiR has been pleased to appoint C. T. Ma- Ting, Esq. to be a Commissioner of the Excise, vice Wm. Lowndes, Esq, deceased. AdMiRAlTy- OpncF,, June 2?. A letter and its inclo- sures, received from Vice- Admiral Sir E. Pellew, Hart, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels m the East Indies addressed to Wm, Marsden, Esq. dated on board die Culloden, Griesse Harbour, the 14th of De- cember, IS07, conveys the fiMoiving intelligence : IT a a pears that the Vice- Admiral had sailed from Ma- lacca on the 20th of November last, aiid had arrived with the squadron of his Majesty's ships named in the margin*, off Point Panka, at the eastern rxtre- Samarang, Seafloer, lowing month, with the troop, « m- Jasour, « a « Worcester barked on board them; that, in con- tr » upar<~ junction with Lieut. Colonel Loekhart, commanding the troops, lie had sent a commission under * flag of truce to treat with the Commandant of the Dutch - naval force, for the surrender of the ships of war lying at < 3riesse ; and by copies of the correspondence which passed in consequence, it appears that the Admiral had caused the ships named at the foot hereof to be burnt ( they having been previously seuttled by the Dutch) ; that all the guns, military stores, & c. in the Garrison of Griesse, had, to- gether" with'the battery of Sambelangan, on the island ol Madura, been most effectually destroyed. Sir Edward expresses his approbation of the zeal and perseverance manifested by the respective Officers and Men employed upon the service above mentioned. revolution, of 70011ns} VlnTo, of 70 guns; Kiirtenoav. of US guns, sheer- " hulk ruttkoff, Comii » « y* « slop, of looa tons, pierced tor40 guns • WaR- Onicr,, June 28. 7< A Reg. of Light Dragoons.— Major the Hon. G. H. C. Cavendish, from the 1st West India Re", to be Major, viceTuyll, who exchangts. Coldstreum Reg. of Foot Guards.— Capt. G. Smyth to be Captain of a Company, by purchase, vice Stratford, who KSfifi Reg. of Foot.— Brevet Lieut. Col. T. Walsh, from Ilalt'- pay of the Queen's Rangers, to be Major, vice O'Neill, who exchanges. . . aid Ditto.— Brevet Lieut Col. J, Cameron to be Lieut. Col. • without purchase, vice Gordon, appointed Lieut. Col. Com- mandant of the Royal African Corps; Capt. P. Grant to be Major, vice Cameron. , id West India reg.— Major- General G. Spencer, from the 9th Garrison Battalion, to be Colonel, vice Lieutenant- Gene- nl French, deceased. tith Ditto.— Major T. Forbes, from Half- pay of Macdo- nald's late Recruiting Corps, to be Major, vice Dales, who exKchanges. ' , < jth Garrison BattaliaJI.— Major- General Sir S. Auchmuty, Knt. to be Colonel, vice Major- General Spencer. BREVET.— Major T. Forbes, of the « th West India Regi- ment, to be Lieutenant- Colonel in the Army. [ This Gazette contains a Proclamation fijr pardoning SUCH Seamen and Marines as have deserted and shall return into his Majesty's service 011 or before the 31st ot Decem- ber next.] ^ ^ BANKRUPTS. Thos. Cotton, of Hackney, insurance- broker, garret Andrews, t- f Mark- lane. London, slop- broker. James Wilson and John Sallows, of Oxford- street, liiather- selluis. Richard Stanham, of North Witham, beast- jobber. Wm Williamson. of Orioglev- bn- tbe- H. 11, eorniactur. Robert Fricker, of Portsea, builder. James thornber, of Colne, calico- mannfactorer. Ann Holehouse, of Shadwell, sugar- refiner. Moses Joel, of Shoreditch, dea'er in glass. Blashford Gill, of Manchester, draper. richard Peacock, of Clerkenwell, currier. james Wood, of Lindfield, victualler. Wm. Adcot, of Gosport, haberdasher. Charles Gurney, of Lancaster, confectioner. John Sanders," of Canterbury, corn- merchant. Samuel levy, of Spitalflelds, furniture- broker. HOUSE OF LORDS. MOND AY, June 27.] The Six Millions Exchequer Bills, Southern Whale Fishery, anil Irish Stamp Duties, Bills, were read a third Lime and passed. It was TJrde'i ed, on the motion of Lord Buckinghamshire, amended by Lord Harrowbv, that a return of all benefices, above 400A a year, to which, from non- residence, the Stipendiary Curates Relief Bill was likely to apply, should be laid before the Hoitse. The\ Bishop of London then moved the Order of the Day for the second reading of the Bill above alluded to. He entered into a history of the powers vested in the Arch- bishops and Bishops from the period of Edward III. down to the 3Gtli of George III. to prove that there was nothing novel in the principle of the present Bill, so far as respected the allotment of a sufficient income to the officiating Curate, out of the stipend of the Non- resident Incumbent, and feelingly descanted on the hardships to which many of the objects of the Bill were now condemned, and shewed that the interests of religion, morality, literature, and public order, were all equally concerned in administering to their relief. Lords Moira, Sidmouth, Buckinghamshire, and the Duke of Norfolk, were adverse lo the principle of the bill, as improperly interferins: with the property of Incumbents. Lords Suffolk and Harrowby, and the Archbishop of Canter- bury spoke warmly in favour of the Bill.— Oil. a division, the second reading was carried, 3G to 17. The Bill was accordingly read a second time, and ordered to be com- mitted on the morrow.—- Adjourned. TUESDAY, June 28.] The Bill for laying additional Duties of Customs and Excise was read a third time, and passed. On the motion ofLord Harrowby, a return was orelered of all . Spiritual Livings under 150/. a year. Lint Sidmouth moved, that it be an instruction to the " Committee, on the Stipendiary Curate's Bill, to apply the provisions thereof to livings in the possession ot Lay Im- propriators. The motion was opposed by Lord llavvkes- fiury, and was rejected without a division. The House then vtv. 1t into a Committee on the Bill.— An amendment proposed by Lord Moira, for rendering ( iurates responsible for the dilapidations of the Parsouoge Houses, was negatived by a majority of 23 to 6. An Amendment nofed by the Arehbisnop of Canterbury, to leave out the clause enjoining an annual return to the Privy Council of alignments of stipends under the bill, was opposed by the Lord Chancellor, and negatived by a majority of one only, the Contents being 15, the Non- Contents 1( 1.— The clauses liei. ig gone through, the House was re uined, and the report ordered on the morrow.— Adjourned. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23. Bv an extra packet, which sailed from Gottenburgh on the 21st instant, Swedish papers of that date has been received. An explosion of the powder nvigizine at Swea- borg lias done considerable damage. It destroyed the bar- racks and several private bouses. The dock- yard was materially injured, and . several armed vessels of the flotilla were burnt.—- A letter from an'Officer with the British army, dated June 10, asserts that a decisive victory has been obtained the Russians in Finland. Letters have been received from Oporto, dated the 15th inst. which state, that the Division of the French Armv, under the command of General Dupont, which had commenced its inarch from Madrid, received orders to halt when it bad advanced as far as Famblique, and that thev had returned to Madrid in consequence of the for- midable appearance of the Insurrection in the Northern Provinces. We also learn, that a body of 1200 French Troops which had advanced to ' I imora bad laid down their a alis, and surrendered themselves Prisoners of War to the Patriots. . . . Don Gregorio de la Caerta is the principal leader of the Spanish patriots in Castile; General Palafox is at the head of the insurrection in Arragou, and styles himself " Governor and Captain- General of the kingdom. of Arra- gon ;" and the bishop of St. Andero heads a formidable body of the Siscavans. The Bishop has rejected an invita- tion ol Bonaparte, to attend him at Bayonne, with expres- sions of the 1110- st sovereign contempt and defiance. Don Caspar Melchor de Joyellanos, late Minister of Grace and Justice in Spain, is appointed President of the revolted Provinces of the North. He was unjustly im- prisoned in the reign ot Charles was released by order of ferdinand, but before he could reach Madrid, the new King was removed to Bayomie ; the insurrection was begun, and the patriots informed him they wanted his assistance, and elected him to the above station. Orders have been sent to Chatham- yard, to ascer- tain immediately what ships at that port are fit to receive troops on board. • Yesterday at noon Mr. R. Adair and his suite left town for Portsmouth, in order to embark in one of his Ma jesty's frigates on an embassy to Constantinople. His Majesty's ship Sappho, with nine sail of vessels under convoy, sailed from Cork on the 23d inst. for the West Indies. Government arc in possession of public dispatches for South America, intercepted on board La Con- ception Spanish lugger, captured by his Majesty's frigate Orestes. They are said to be of importance. The price of wool in the eastern counties has fallen full SO per cent, below last year's'prices, and the demand is very inconsiderable, in consequence of the present restric- tions on foreign commerce. BREAD.— Yesterday the Lord Mavar ordered the pr ie of Bread to he raised half an as ize ; tba quartern loaf wheaten will in consequence sell for 1 '.' id. hduseholdfbr 1 If/. For some days past, bills have been pretty thickly posted ab mt the metropolis, stating that two men, named Wilson and Sallows, bad been robbed of 2700/. on Hauipstead Heath. The Police Magistrates directed their Officers to enquire into the circumstances of the robbery, and the report of the Officers was, that they believed no such robbery had been committed.—- Wilson and Sallows ap- peared last night among the bankrupts in the Gazette, as leather- sellers iu Oxford- street. A melancholy event took place, Sunday se'nnight, on board one of the transports lying at Cove. As Lieut. Pratt, of the 5th Regiment, was handing his father ( who had come from ICinsale to see him}, out of the ship, by s- ome unlucky slip, he mis- ed his foot- step, fell over- board, and never rose again.—- Thus fell, in the prime of life, a valiant young man, equally distinguished for his humanity and bravery as a soldier. LORD GI. F. NTWORTU'S MARRIAGK.— The Court of Chan- cery in Ireland lias ordered that an attachment should issue against Mrs. Beaumont, mother of the voting Lady with Whom Lord Glentwortb eloped, and whom be afterwards married iu Scotland. Mrs. Beaumont's Counsel pleaded that from the force of natural affection, . she must be anxious for her daughter to be legally married, after she had passed some days in company with the young Lord. The Lord Chancellor said he was willing to make every admission for the feelings of a parent; but in this instance the conduct of tiki party was not to be excused. LAW.— The trial ofan iriteiuiation filed by the Attorney General against J. Herriott Hart and H. White, as Printer and Proprietor pf a Newspaper calledThe Independent Whig, for a Libel on Lord Ellenborough, came on in the Court of King's Bench on Saturday.— The Defendants had published letters, censuring the conduct of the Chief Justice, on the trial of the cause Aris versus Dickie, and also on that of Boyee v. Bayliffe. It was intimated, in allusion to the former, that his Lofdship was the cause of the perpetual imprisonment of Dickie; and in remarking on the latter trial ( where the plaintiff, a passenger on board an Indiaman, sought a compensation in damages from the Captain of the ship, for having imprisoned him on the poop, in sight of his infant daughter) it was asserted that his Lordship must be incapable of paternal feelings, itiid scarc. lv endowed with the ordinary affections of a human being. The writer also compared the present times with those of James II. when Judge JI- fferies disgraced the administration of justice, and was torn from the seat of authority by an indignant peo- ple.— The letters having been read, and proof adduced of the concern which the Defendant; had in the publication, Mr. Clifford made an able defence, to which the Attorney General replied, and Mr. Justice Grosse bri - lie summed up, giving his decided opinion, " that the paper was a libel, and the pub'ieation proved."— The Jury, after a very short deliberation, found a verdict of Guilty.— The trial lasted from nine o'clock till half past fiur. On Monday Mr. Park applied for leave to file a criminal information against a Gentleman named Anthony Bell. The Learned Counsel moved it upon the affividavit of Mr. Fitzgerald, who owned several estates in the counties., f Hants, Lancaster, Stafford, and Flint, the rental of whioh being nearly expired, he was advised to employ the De- fendant as iand- surveyor, resident at Winchester. Inpay- ment for the troubi; he should have in nci forming- this duty, it was agreed he should receive five per cent, upon the rentals uf the estate1!, amounting to about 9000/.; the compensation lie would be entitled to would be 450/. When the Defendant's account, however, was-, sent in, 1500/. was the charge which was made upon Mr. Fitzge- rald, fur the settlement of which Mr. Pickering, of Sta- ple Inn, was referred to, as it appeared that in some in- stances where the Attorney who prepared the leases had charged onlylS/. Mr. Bell" had demanded 30, 40, and 50 guineas. After this time, Mr. Fitzgerald was harassed by repeated applications from Mr. Bell for the settlement of bis account, notwithstanding the reference which had been given to the Prosecutor's Attorney, iu which the Defen- dant complained that as his claim was treated in a trifling manner, lie Was induced to make a peremptory de- mand for its payment. Inconsequence of these repeated applications, Air. Fitzgerald wrp » e to Mr. Bell in the fol- lowing terms :— SIR—" I have sent your letter, of the 19th inst. received this morning, by your Clerk, to my Solicitor, and I beg leave to inform you, that I shall pursue the same mode as to any letter you may send in future." After the receipt of this note, when Mr. Fitzgerald was upon a water excursion near S lUthamptoii, in bis yacht, accompanied by his friends, the Defendant came alongside the vessel, and addressing himself to a Mr- Mayne, said, that he wished to see Mr. Fitzgerald. The answer returned was, that be might codimunicate with Mr. Pickering, in London ; to which Mr. Bell replied, that be did not want to speak about money matters, but only wished to know if 1 Mr. Fitzgerald would speak to a Mr. Hooper. Mr. Fitz- gerald answered in the negative, when . Mr. Bell said to him, " you are a coward, and I will post you as such in Winchester, Southampton, and London." Lord Ellen- borough,—" Take your: Ru! e to shew cause ; but I think you might have been saved your journey."— Star. A FEMALE I IORS E- srEALEtt.— Mary Moore, alias Gil- christ, alias Smith, alias Clark, a woman seventy years of age, who is suspected of being concerned in stealing horses in various parts of the kingdom to a Very considerable ex- tent, wa; yesterday examined at Bow- street, on a charge of having stolen a brown pony from Effingham Common, Surry, on the Ihth of March, 1307- In a fortnight after the pony was stolen, William S. vaino, " a coachman, of Eton, bought it of the prisoner for four guineas and a half, when the prisoner said the pony was her own pro- perty, and that she lived at Cobhain, in Surry. She was committed for further examination. Bath and / Vest of England Agricultural Society. Hr. TT. IN- o- liou. sr., BAT:;, June 25, 1809. A GRKEABLY to the Rules of the Society, a I a. Committee vv 11 meet at their Great- Room, on Tuesday the 1' th of July inst. to examine Wool, and to choose. Manu- facluier; of the same into Navy Blue Broad Cloth and Uni- form White Kerseymere, for the premiums of the Society.— Growers of British Clothing Wool, who may be inclined to exhibit in claim of : he premium, arc requested to send the'r entir- fleeces unwashed, cither oil the sheep's back < r after- wards, and without any names annexed, for the inspection of the Committee on the said 12th of July ; and any Manu- facturers of Cloth in Wiltshire ( that being the county this year fited in rotation), who may wish to become candidates for manufacturing Navy nl. ee Broad Cloth and Uniform White Kerseymeres for the premiums, are requested to notify their intention of so dome; to the Secretary, on or before the afore- said day or the meeting of ; he Committee. And the Growers of Woo! are respectfully informed, that the Anniversary of the MART for improved BRITISH WOOL established hj this Society, will be holden tins year on Wednesday the ad ot' An cot. To obviate So objection made bv purchasers of wool at the mart last year, namely, II that the wool was neither sorted nor scoured," Mr. Joyce, of Freshlbrd, to further the views of the Society, and to ac- commodate the Growers of improved British Wool, has obligingly offered to attend to the sorting and scouring any gentleman's mixed Merino wool, who may v.- isli to have it prepared for the ensuing mart; and the Society have directed tliat ( he same be, made public. Those who wish to avail themselves of this accommodation, are therefore desired to send their wool to THOMAS Jovcr., Rsq. Krcshford, with an account of the different crosses, and the weieht of each quan- tity, that a proper account may be ke kept of the sorting and wast.-. Persons intending to exhibit Wool at the Mart are requested to send timely notice thereof to the Seeretarv, with the par- ticulars of the sorts and their respective weights. The Toll is fixed at 2.?. ( id. a pack of 211 lbs.; and quantities under 112 lbs. at Is. each. Fy order, ROBT. RICARDS. Secretary. Manufacturers unacquainted with the conditions of the So- ciety in regard of the atoresaid premiums, may know further particulars by applying to the Secretary. [ 17 ENDLESS- STREET, SARUM. TO be LETT, and entered on immediately, or at Michaelmas next,— A handsome DWELLING- HOUSE, with a Garden, Stable, and other convenient Otiices, suitable for the residence of a genteel family , lately occupied by Samuel Fisher, Esq. and eligibly situated in the best part of Endless- street. Application ( and if bv letters, free of postage) to be made to the proprietor, Mr. Wvatt, at Mrs. Brownjohn's, in the Market- place. ' [' 01 IIEYTESBURY, WILTS. TO be LETT, and entered upon at Michaelmas next,— A neat brick and tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, newly built; consisting of two parlours, a kitchen, back kit- chen, and convenient offices, two under- ground cellars, and five bed- chambers, with a two- stalled stable, wood- house, and walled garden ; situate near the church at Hevtesbury, three miles distant from the market town of Warminster; two c laches pass through Heytesbury from and to Bristol and Portsmouth every day, except Sundays, and the post arrives there daily. For particulars, application to be made to Mr. Thomas Flower, Heytesbury. f' 06' FOX LEY, WILTS. TO be LETT, for a Term of 12 Years from Lady- Day next,— All that Capital FARM, called FOXLEY FARM, consisting of a good Farm- House, with convenient offices and suitable oat buildings, and about 560 statut. acres of rich Arable, Meadow . part watered;, and Pasture LAND, together with the Tythes thereof, and about *) r> statute acres, of Glebe Land, int'rniix.- d with the said Farm ; the whole forming a very compact anel desirable Estate ; situate about ten miles from Chippefrham, three from Malmesbury, and five from Tethury.—— The Tenant will shew the premises ; and anv person feicline. 1 to treat for the same will seod their proposals to solicitor- Staple Inn, London, on or before the loth day of August next. The Landlord pays the Land Tax, and keeps the buildings in repair. • [ 97 BERKSHIR E. npo be LETT,— A FARM, now in the occupation A of Mrs. Birch ; consisting of an Homestead and 1 Oil acres of inclosed LAND, whereof 40 acres and a half are Meadow and Pasture, with valuable Right of Commonage annexed ; situate at Oakley Green, in the parishes of Rr v and Clewar, in the county of Berks, within three miles of Windsor, and half a mile of the River Thames-. To view the same, apply to James Godfrey, on the premises ; and address proposals for becoming tenant tollenry Emlvn, Esq. Ili^ h- stre. t, Windsor; if per post, the postage must be paid, or no answer will be returned. [ 08 Hampshire, on the Borders of Berkshire. nrX) be LETT, and entered upon at Old Midsum- J. mer,— An eligible MANSION, fit for the reception of a genteel family ; it comprises an entrance- hall, dining- room • t. j feet by 18, drawing- room 24 feet by 18, and breakfast- room, twelve goo. l bed- chambers, and excellent offices of every de- scription. The house stands in a lawn and pleasure ground, and is surrounded by a farm of eighty acres, immediate pos- session of which may be had by taking the crops at a fair valuation. For further particulars apply ( if by letter post- paid), to W. Atkinson, Esq. Chancery- lane, London, or to Mr. Campbell, at Heckfield, near Hartford- bridge, Hants. [ 102 NORTHWOOD, ISLE OF WIGHT. rpO bs LETT or SOLD,— A truly desirable small a COTTAGE, FURNISHED or UNFUHNISHED; consist- ine of twoparlouts, a passage, agoodkuche i, cellar, pantry, Scullery, and five sle. ping rooms ; a 1 irge c urt yard and ex- cellent water, a go'd garden planted \ fith choice shrubs and ffuit' trees, situate on ton Yarmouth- road, two miles from Cowes and four fr m Newport, cennin. anding extensive views both of sea ; nri land. Particulars'm iv be kno-. vn by n . y. Ul? to Mr. R. B. Wil- kins, b- n. ker, Newport; or th y- ripnetor, Mr. Leverton, on the premises. [ lot Lett rs, post- j hd, - n - t due attention. Isle of Wight— Eligible Situation for Trad*. TO be LETT or SOLD,— A valuable, substantial, well- built BRICK DWELLING- HOUSE, late in th « occupation of Mr. T. Harvey, ironmonger, St. Jamts's- street, Newport, Isle of Wight; consisting of a large com- modious shop with two modern bow windows in front, par- lour, drawing room, bed rooms, kitchen, with suitable out- offices, extensive workshops, sundry store rooms, & c. & c.— The above premises are in good repair, eligibly situated and extensive, mav be considered a situation for town and couutry custom not to be equalled in Newport. For a view of tha premises, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. John Wadmore, the proprietor, St. James's- street, Newport.— jjJ* Possession may be had immediately. [ S3 DORSET— PURSE CAUNDLE FARM. rJ^ O be LETT, and entered upon at Lady- day, i 1800,— r- PURSE CUNDLE FARM, a complete and well- watered Estate; consisting of a very good mansion- house, barns, out- houses, farrn- ya- rd, and four hundred and ninety- six acres of good arable, meadow, ' and pasture land, the greatest part King in the parish of Purse Caundle, near Mil- born Port, three miles from Sherborne, six from Wincanton, and twelve from Shaftesbury, all good market towns. For particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Mobre, solicitor, Sturmtnster Newton ; Mr. Upjohn, surveyor, Cann, Shaftesbury, boih in the county of Dorset ; and Thc- ma » Couchc, Esq. No. 2, North- stfeet, Charlotte- street, F. tz- roy- square, London ; and for a view of the premises to the present tenant. [ 103 DORSETSHIRE. Immediate Residence for a small genteel Family. TO he LETT, for a Term of three Years, A neat Brick and tiled COTTAGE, situate at Sperishury, three, miles from Blandford, near the turnpike road leading to Poole; comprisina1 two parlours, a good kitchen, and conve- nient pantries, & c. a pleasant sitting room over the dining parlour, a good bed chamber opposite the sitting room, two tied chambers, a dressing; room, and two neat garrets ; a pretty Garden, a plot of ground iu the front, a two- stall Sta- ble, with Coach- house, & c. N. B. Further particulars may be known ( by letters, pest paid) of Mr. Percy, upholsterer, Sc. Blandford. [ 100 TO he LETT at Midsummer next,— IIII. LERS- DON- HOUSE, in the county of Devon ; consisting of a vestibule, breakfast and dining parlours, drawing- room, library, seven best bed rooms and several servants', with even- suitable office for theaccommodation of a large family ; coach- house and stables, and a very good walled garden. The house is very pleasantly situated in. paddock of 21 acres, which may be taken with the house, and, if required, 00 or 40 acres of exceedingly good land may be added. The house is two miles from the tswn of Collumpton, four from Tiverton, and twelve from Exeter. The privilege ofshooting and hunting on an extensive manor will be granted. Further particulars may be had by applying at Hillersdon- House ; to Mr. Brown, of Collumpton; or to Mr. Toulmin, High- street, Taunton. [' 05 STOURFIELD HOUSE, HANTS, HPO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— The JL LEASE of that " capital FAMILY HOUSE, most delight- fully situated on an eminence, two miles from Christehurch, commanding the most beautiful views of rhe Sea, the New Forest, the'Isle of Wight, & c. with attached and detached offices of every description, Coach- House and Stabling, and every out- door convenience ; capital walled Garde n, 0o yards square ; extensive Pleasure Grounds, laid out with the greatest taste; Kitchen Garden, and 52 acres of Land, with a neat Farm- Yard and Cottage. The premises are in good repair, and capable of accommodating a numerous Family. Good Shooting and Fishing around the House, and excellent Roads. May be viewed b » applying to John Troke, on the premises; and particulars of Mr. Crosby, House Agent, No. 7, Bruton- street, Berkeley Square. . [ i) S MARINE VILLA, In the Neighbourhood of Southampton. HPO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— 1 , of , eu exceeding good and neatly furnished RESIDENCE, fit for the immediate reception of a genteel family, commanding a most delightful view of Southampton River and the New Forest, with lawn in front, neatly laid out; and a greenhouse, kitchen garden, & c.; the whole in complete repair, the greater part of the buildings having been erected within three years, at a erea' expence, and the grounds completely fenced in. The House consists of an excellent sitting room, — feet by i—; dining parlour, library, and suitable offices," with seven sleeping chambers, uressiiag and water closet, warm bath, \- c. For particulars and a view of the premises apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. John Griffiths, No. I, Nelson- place, Hill, near Sauthampton, who will treat for the same. [ li. o SOUTHAMPTON. HPO be SOLD,— A substantial Brick- built Freehold JL DWEI. LING- AOUSE, fit for the immediate reception of a genteel Family ; dining- room its by 20ft. and 12 ft. high; drawing- room 30 by 20 ft. an:! 13 ft. high ; w ith suitable sitting and bed- rooms, replete with offices ; a Garden with Grape and Green Houses; detached Stable for four Horses, and room for two Carriages.— Most advantageously situated, No. 11, above the Bar, commanding an extensive and picturesque view of the New Forest, Southampton River, Itchcn, Pear Tree Green, and the surrounding country. The Furniture may be tak n by apprai. sem- nt. For particulars apply to Mr/ Watts, 55, above the Bar. Letters post paid will have due attention. [ 68 PERPETUAL ADVOWSON. rBX> be SOLD,— A Perpetual- ADVOWSON, of t consid table annual value, likelysoon to become vacant, situate in the Counties of V\ ilts anil, Hants, distant t'rom L m Ion about 75 miles ; comprising the GREAT and SMALL TYTHES of above 4,000 Acres of Land, including 125 Acres of Glebe, on which there is a go id quantity of Timber.— The House and Offices are of a superior description, and in excel- lent repair.— There is every convenience for taking ihcTyth. es in kind, and some peculiar advantages are attached to toe Living. Further particulars may, be known by applying to Messrs. Strong, Still, and Strong, Lincoln's Inn, London. [ 6fi VICAR'S WILL, Ni,\ a Li i.' ilMGTON, HANTS, nno be LET I', for a term of years, and entered I on immediately,— A ee . .,. ntDWELLING- HOUSE, in- good repair, Comprising • u;, drawing, and one other room, with a comm.- d - us kneheo, brew- house, and other nffLvs on the ground fio- r ; t: - ee good bed- rooms, with light closet . and veeter closet - n ti. irst floor; and three servants* rooms in th i attics ; with • " u le coach- house and staklina for fc gbt . , v. he. . ... o i. eus rooms over th- stable. Th Gr ain 1 -. ear ma 11 us , pa- 1 of which- is in garden, and part c nvei table, c iisists ne -, r: y of two acres, and a meadow of more than, four acres of pasture land, at a short distance across the road. Situate n that picturesque countrv in the viei , ity of Lyrftington, and only one mile and a half from that town, well supplied w ev. ry comfort. For particulars enquire of Mr Gal pine, Post- Office, Lyming- ton ; or af '.'?. 11, C ' Cil- sti e t. Strand.— None but real offers are reqe. i to he made [ Hi FAR*.' N HAMPSHIRE. ' TV)-' be LETT the Remainder of a Term of 8. 21 yBars. of wi , i 7 years were unexpired at Michael- mas las', with imm< n - - ntry to prepare for a wheat crop,!— SAX1. EY FARM, , the parish of Upper Clitford, in the county of Hants ; containtn, , besides a good farm- house and . ill requisite buildings, in improving wrich £ 1200 has been expend d since th- i commencement'of the said lease, 8- 55 acres of capital arable land ( more or lvss), 20 acres of water meadow ( more or less), and a yearly allotment of 10| lands of coppice wood. For farther particulars, application may be made personally or by letter fpostige paid) to Mr. Pinkett, attorney atlaw, Film- court, Temple, London ; or Mr. Bird, attorney at law, Andoier, Hants. [ Vt MARCH WOOD, SKA* SOUTHAMPTON. TO be LETT, and entered on immediately,— A neat Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, pleasantly situated on the borders of the New Forest, West side, and in view of Southampton Water; consisting of a parlour, hall, kitchen, pantiy, cellars, Sc. three bed rooms, and garrets ; a large garden, orchard, court yard, granary, stable, and other necessary offices attached ; with or without three acres of land and common rights. For a view of tile premises, apply to John Scorey, at Marchwood, and for particulars, ( if hy letter, post paid) cither to Messrs. Saunders, Eling, or Mr. Geo. Hookey, Auctioneer, Southampton. [ 88 VICINITY OF SOUTHAMPTON, npo be SOLD,— MERRY OAK HOUSE, with JB. two coach houses, stabling, two gardens, in one of which is erected a neat green house, pleasantly situated in a lawn of twelve acres, vrcll timbered, and neatly laid out with shrubberies and walks. The house has been recently and expensively fitted up ; the rooms are numerous, large, and lofty, and ready for the immediate reception of a gentleman's family.- The elegant Household Furniture may be taken to by appraisement. For particulars apply to Mr. Geo. Hookey, Southampton. Letters ( post- paid) will meet due attention. [ 71 HPO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A £ desirable FREEHOLD, situate at Fyfietd, in the county of I { ants; consisting of a good family house, with appropriate conveniences, detached brew- house, wash- house, and other offices ; four- stall stable and barn, and a very productive kitchen garden, plentifully stocked with fruit " tiees, i « full bearing. The premises are wrell supplied with excellent spring water. The grounds which surround the house are beautifully interspersed with shrubs, evergreens, and forest trees ; the whole comprising- about four acres and a half. Fvfield is a dry pleasant village-, in a fine sporting country and good neighbourhood ; distant from. AndoV r four miles, one from Wevhill, 15 from Salisbury, 25 from Southampton, an 1 08 from London. For further particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Gibbard, solicitor, Milhank strcet, London, or to Mr. Criswick, auctioneer, Andover. [ 70 WOOLDING FARM, In the Parish of Whitchurch, Hants. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. M. UT, on Monday the. 11th day of July ; ton, precisely ;, i three , o'clock in the afternoon, at the White l^ irt Inn, Whitchnrrt, — All that valuable and highly cultivated FARM, cullid WOOLDING FARM, situate in the parish of Whitchurch, in the county of Hants; consisting of a good Farm- iious,, and all convenient offices and outbuildings, together tf. t. i about 41) 0 acres of Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and t'or/ ce Lands, lying very compact. Held by lease from the 1), an and Chapter of Winchester Cathedral for tmnti/^ tiM raps, renewable every seven years, and was renewed in June IMU- l, to hold from Lady- day then last past. Yearly quit- rent 3/. ' 3 ;. id. payable half yearly. This desirable estate is abounding with game, arid about 11 miles from Newbury, & from Andover, 14 fiom Wlnchtsu tt and 9From Basingstoke, all good. market towns. Further particulars will be eivtn out prior to sale, tm! hi the mean time may be had of Mr. Faithful!, or > Ir. V\ txsflte..., solicitois, Winchester. Apply at the Farm for a view of the premises. The Growing Crop to be taken toby the purchascrof Farm, at the valuation of indifferent persons to be nan..' by the parties, and immediate possession to be given. i'ef WOOLDING FARM, KKAR WHITCHURCH, HAM S- I'aluabfe Funning Stock ant! Household Furniture. npo be SOLD bv AUCTION, by Mr. M. ui, 1 Tuesdav the Wt'h ofjulv, ISOs, anil following di-. s. - t eleven o'clock,— All tie truly iilnahle LIVE and I> KA » STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Linen, Cbfco, Glass, and numerous other Effects at tin- said farm; coot' prising near 700- Jheep and lambs, 13 draught hone:-, itewf, stock of p'uc, and poultry, 4 waggons, 0 carts, pica f's, harrows, and rollers, cart ami plongh harness. .-, grar. mt c « rick stand, - Uig£ quantity of Wool, hay and str,. vr, '< : e -- » and picielee pork, single horse chaise and h; rives*, mt!; : i; il and skreen, winnowing ( machines, sieves and rudders,' SK:. ., hurdles, faggots, and ia.' jiers ; dairy and brewing utinvis; four- post bedsteads, with'tvhite dimity and other hai. ••; goose feather beds, mattresses, and beddings; niihr. i. rv drawers, tables, and chairs; Kidderminster and Vii. ' e a carpets ; pier and swing glasses ; eight- day clock andtfUrtr- hour ditto; brewing copper and washin; t'uruac-; ( pnnir of pewter and oldiion ; kitchen requisites; la stocks ol n. e'., See. eVc. To be viewed on Mondav preceding the sale; and catfogsr* had, in due time, :•.' » the White Hart, Wh- tchurch; Star .1 Carter, Andoveri G:. l. v, Nevvhure ; Crown, Easinploke; place of sale ; anient tin- Auctioneer's, Winchester, [ art House and Ho// Land, in Alls,), Hanti.. npo be SOLD - by AUCTION, in two Lots, Ey i J- 0S1. PI1 JoKPAN.' at the Swan Inn, at Alton, oitSarst- day the 30th nayiof July, 1808, in s'x o'clock in the liiirrnooti, Under conditions to be then and there produced -'- inlrsv,-,: r„ r disposed of by Piiv. ue Contract, of which t UK- J r. otee will be given 1,— Lot!.— AH that v, ry datable FREE! 10I. D HOKE, si- tuate. in the i ligii- street, near the centre of the town o! Alien,. Hants, late in the occupation of Mr. Henry Harrrw, de- ceased; together with the Stable, Woojhoase, Oliic..-, and large walled- in Garden thereunto adjoining. The House consists of two good, sized front parlours, a breakfast parlour backward, a large mid a nvcnicnl kitchen, good vvasli- fioue apd brew- house, milk- house, pantry, and six Ir- d- co and has two under- ground cellars.— Immediate possesion an be given of this lot.— The house is well adapted for the recap- tion of a small genteel family, and the garden is well stock. < 1 with fruit tr^-. s. Lot's.— Alt that HOP- GARDEN, now in full bearing sn- 1 in excellent condition, situate at the west end of iheiinvnel" Alton, and cont lining by estimation nearly two acres, late in the occupation of rhe said Henry Harrow.— Possession of this lot will i. e given at Mai- haelmas next. N. P. Ti. • Household Furniture of the said I lenry Harrow i- i'. l shortly be sold, particulars of which will app. st in a future advertisement. For further particulars and a view of the promises apply to Mr. Robert Harrow, baker, in Alton, or to Messrs. C!? rrwit and Son, solicitors, at Alton aforesaid. [ US ASH, OAK, and FIR TIMBER, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, by H. CRISWICK, it at the Red Lion Inn, CIANVEI,, near Andover, Hants, on Fridav the 15th of July, 1808, at three o'clock in the after- noon, in 20 lots,— 152 ASH TREES, - to OAK. with 17 FIR ditto, and a few ARBEALS and WALNUTS, lying on the South side of Conholt Park. [ 2- 2 Catalogues, with particulars and conditions of sale, may be had at Mr. Guy's, Penton, and at the Auctioneer's, Andover. BUR LEY, IN THE NEW FOREST, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. CRAJTSTON, 8. on Thursdav the 14th day of July/ 1803,— Part of the LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK belonging to Mr. I I nry Taylor, quitting his farm at Hurley ; consisting of seventeen young beasts of different ages, and two milch cows; eight acres of wheat In ground ; eighteen acres of oats in ditto; three acres of meadow grass, and one acre of potatoes ; a small rick of clover hay, a roller, and sundry articles of household furnituie.— Sale at twelve. o'clock. ' [( T2 ^ OR SALE by AUCTION, by Mr. JOHN CRANSTON, at the Hotel, CHHISTCHUHUH, on Mon- dav the 18th day of Julv, 1808, at three o'clock iu the after- noon, the following FREEHOLD LANDS : Lot 1.— A Close of Land, at Purewell, in the parish of Christehurch, containing hah an acre, more or less ; statute measure. Lot 2.— A Close of Arable or Pasture Land, containing, by estimation, three acres, ( statute measure) adjoining the above lot. These lands are extremely well adopted for building, being most conveniently and pleasantly situat d at the entrance- of the town of Christchurch, within a mile of the beautiful and much- frequented Muddiford Beach, where there is every accommodation for bathing. For a sight of the premises apply to Mrs. Cranston, at Purewell; and for further particulars to Messrs. Minchin and Compigne, solicitors, Gosport, or Mr. Wm. Baldwin, solicitor, Ringwood. [ 24 1 O A K T I M B E R. ^ O be SOLD % AUCTION, by CLRMF. KTSHARP, at theRee Buck Inn, near UO. MSEY, on Wednesday the lath of Julv, at four o'clock, subject to such conditions as will then be produced,— Seven LOTS of OAK TIMBER, of good Meetings, fallen and lying iu rhe parish of East Wellow, being marked and numbered as follows :—• Lor I .... 20 TRUSS, marked with Red. 2.... 48 Blue. 8.... B7 Red. 4. ... 51 Blue. 5 61 White. 6 49 White. . • 7.... .') Rased. For a view of the Timber, apply to Mr. Jainss Aldridge, of Wellow. [ 140 FREEHOLD PROPERTY, IN ROMSF. Y. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, without reserve, byCt. EMENT SHARP, on Thursday the 14th of July, 1808, at five o'clock in the afternoon, at the Falcon Inn,— All those valuable FREEHOLD PREMISES, now in the occupation of Mr. Richard Farraday, in Church- street, Romsey. The premises - ire extensive, and possess the ad- vantage of a running stream of water. The situation is de- sirable, and well calculated for almost any business requiring room. Immediate possession may he had. [ 141 ISLE OF WIGHT. Superior Freehold Residence, near the Town of Newport. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Saturday, the 16th day of July inst, at the Bugle Inri, in Newport, funless an acceptable offer be made in the mean time hy Private Contract),—- An excellent Family DWELLING- HOUSE, of handsome elevation, newly and substantially built, and beautifully. situated on an eminence adjoining the town of j^ lewpoit; consisting of good dining and drawing rooms, library, breakfast room, eight good bed rooms, kitchen, wash- house, brewhouse, scullery, with a plentiful supply of excellent water, and every description of convenient out- oflices, in the most complete state of repair, with an hot- house, green- house, and handsome flower and large walled kitchen garden adjoining. For particulars,- apply to Messrs. Clarkes and Sewell, New- port, Isle of Wight. [ US The Sale to begin at five o'clock in the afternoon. A vei tj e/' g.',: 7y situated HOUSE, and rich Meadow LdND, in a t ' uut: j: ii part of the county of Hunts, near Ihcbordos of Surry. ng" X) be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Swan Inn, A at Alton,- on Saturday the 30th Jay of July, ISOBjat four o'clock in the afternoon ' unless an acceptable ctfcioe previously made, of which notice will he given),— A FIUE- HOLD ESTATE, situate about midway between the ta of Alton AiW . f.'. rnh. im. and about Vo in ;. .0 fioru Uxa consisting of a substantially built Family- house, its good rr pair, having two good parlours, four toco chambers va- i ; closets, four garrets, kitchen; v/ ith brew- house, detac. be barn, stablir." for seven horses, chaise- house, and nil or, ; j convenient offices; with Gardens well stocked with it; trees, and 14 acres ' more or less) of very rich cid mcaioi. Land adjoining, inclu. hng an orchard of about an acre, n'rfi an exclusive right of fishery in a fine trout stream, brantag the meadow land, within 100 yards of the house ; and auex- tensive right of common of pasture in the I Iolt Forest. The house, standing oil a healthy, elegant, and eheftfol eminence, overlooking a bcutiful part of the river Wty, in a very fertile and rich vale, famous for its various picturesque vi- vvs, about a quarter of a mile from tile turnpike road, where several coaches arc daily passing to and Ir an South- ampton and London; in a country favourable for ail kiwis ot' field sports, and in a neighbourhood highly respectable. Immediate possession can be given, and the purcbaier n: - y have more land, . if required. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Clement and S< m> solicitors, Alton, Hants. IM- 1 WARMINSTKR, WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Ansel Intr, in Warminster aforesaid, on Monday the nth iViy tf July inst, between the hours of four and six o'clock mtUc afternoon, s* uhject to such conditions will then lie pr » - duced,—:\ desirable and compact Brick and Tile DWELL- ING- HOUSE, suitable to the residence of a small Family ; I consisting of three parlours, and a good kitchen, on i, e ground floor, with an excellent cellar under the kitchen-; a dining- room anil four bsd- rooms on the fust floor; and two rooms in the atrjes : a stable, and other suitable offices ; a! x a . good garden, well stocked with fruit, and walled in ; and 61c 1 situate and being in a place called Common Close, in the town , of Warminster, and in the occupation of the Rev. MV. I Brereton, as tenant thereof at will, at the low rent o' Eirhteta : Guineas a year. The above premises are part Freehold and part Leasehold, I the latter of which is, in, every respect, equal to frecltoW, being held lor the remainder of a term of four thousand years, | at a barley corn rent. [ 1$ { Persons" desirous of further information may receive lie same on application to Mr. Oak ford, Solicitor, Silvcr- stfct, Salisbury, cither personally, or by letter to be post pairl. ' WHITEPAR1SH, WILTS. rr° be SOLD by AUCTION, at the White 7!.-, rt JL Inn, . Whit- narish, on Monday ( he ldth day of- jfiy, 1308, at two o'cl. ek in the afternoon", unless before dispell of by private contract),— Sundry FREEHOLD and LEAf- E- « HOLD MESSUAGES, DWELLING- HOUSES, LAM'S, and PREMISES, situate in Whiteparish, in the cuuH)- of Wilts; in eight lots, as undermentioned, vi/. Lot 1.— A Freehold Dwelling- house, Offices, anil nr. e t Garden, in the renting ot the Churchwardens and Gvertireis ( of the poor of the parish of Whiteparish, and used as a Poor- | house.— Also a good Malt- house, which will make twelve 1 quarters of malt per week, and a Granary near thereto, both in the renting of e. lr. Robert Gambling, whose, term expire at Michaelmas next. Lot - 2.— Three new- built Freehold Dwdling- hcrascs, near lot I , with a garden to each ot them, now in the posscss- jfi.- ii of James Bridle, Elizabeth Brown, and Thomas Stone, ten « .-.: a at will. Lot 3.— A convenient Freehold Dwelling- house, with a Shop, Garden, and Premises thereto belonging, in. the renting of Mrs. Frances Sawkins, as tenant at will. Lot 4.-— A good and substantial Dwelling house, Oflcvs, and Jarge Garden, in Whiteparish- srrcer,' in the leoiing of Mr. James Field, i us tenant at will. These premiss are held for the remainder ot a term ot lQGu years, eorinmnc. np i the 17th of January, 17'. « . „ Lit 5.— A Freehold Messuage, Garden, and Shop, fate Gregory's, in the renting of the said Robert Gamljlinf, as tenant at will. Lot fi.— Two Freehold Messuages and Gardens, wiih car- penters Work- shops, in ihe possession ot Gcuree Gnrdmw, xs tenant at will.— And also a close of Land adjoining, abont an, acre, in the p ^ session of the said Robert ' Gambling, whojej term expires at Michaelmas next. Lot 7.— Two pieces of Land, containing about an acre-.- nii a quarter, iu the renting of John Maurice Eyre, Esq. as te- nant at will. This Lot is held for the remainder ofl tern of 1000 years, commencing the I7tii of January', 1753. Lot 8.— Two Leasehold Houses and Gardens, in tbepos sessions of Richard Chalk and William Stone, as tenants at will. These premises are held under the representatives of G. V. Fort, Esq. for one life opiy. Quit- rent Stis. ' Ihe whole ot the above premises are desaabiy and plra- s. mtly situated in Whitepaiish, 7 miles from Sadsbu.- y, iViom Rom'sey, and 15 from Southampton. To be viewed by applying to Mr. R. Gambling, at thcTVhiw Hart Inn, at Whiteparish ; ard further particv: rs roty he known hy applying at the Office of Messrs. Tanner and Cooper, Salisbury, where applications !•• r pure!; shig the premises by private contract are also « 0 be made ; „ il fe- t.' u, to be post paid. ( [ 7.- A*\ D GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. • Friday a and Saturday s Posts, FOREIGN NEW S. STOCKHOLM, June 20. , Y a report made to his Majesty by Field- Marshal Count Klmgsfort, dated bead. quar- ters, Brahestad, the 3d inst. it appears that the Russians in Finland continue to resreat, leaving behind their magazines and a considerable part of their artillery; 23 pieces of cannon having been left by Jorois and Warkons Only, and taken bv our troops. M HOUSE OF LORDS. WEDNESDAY, June - 2f). J On the order of the day being read, for the third reading of the Welch Coal Bill, hard liathurst condemned the meafare as partial and Unjust, and moved that instead of now, tile bill be read a third time on this day three months; which, on a divi- sion, was carried by a majority of one. The Appropriation Bill and the Stamp Duties Bill went through Committees, and were ordered to be reported.— Adjourned. THURSDAY, June 30.] The Royal Assent was given by commission to - 11 public and private bills. O. i the question for the third reading of the Stamp Duties Bill, Lords Suffolk and Lauderdale objected to the measure as very unequally oppressiue, and consequently " unjust. The latter N > ble Lord said, he should consider it his duty to enter his Protest against it. The Duke of Norfolk conceived that as this was a Bill of Supply, he should be in order in saying a few words on the general situation of the country. CKu relation with respect to Spain first claimed his attention. The spirit of re- ist- auce to the overwhelming power of France, which had sud- denly burst forth in that country, called on us for every • co- operation in our power ; but lie hoped . Ministers would see that the efforts of th" Spanish patriots were under the guidance of some government with wlfch w « could enter into a formal treaty— he cared not whether it was mo narchical or republican— and thus guard against a similar issue to that of La Vendee. His Grace next adverted to our situation with the Northern Powers, and expressed a hope that his Majesty's Ministers would seek the earlie- t opportunity of making peace with Russia, even though the plan, supposed to be in agitation for a partition of Sweden between Russia aud Denmark, were carried into effect. Lord Hawkesbury replied, that his Majesty's Govern- ment had every disposition to assist the Spaniards in their efforts to shake off the yoke of France. As to Sweden, tnere was every reason to hope the event alluded to by the Noble Duke would not take place; aud it was much to be wished that the nohle stand which that country was making would be crowned with success, that it might bold out an example of one nation on the Continent maintain- ing its independence by its own gallantry and activity. After some further observations, the bill was read a third time, antl passed. The third reading of the Stipendiary Curates Bill, after all the discussion it has undergone, was negatived without a division; and the question being put that the bill be rejected, that motion wa- carried also without a division. The A; proprialion Bill was read a third time, and passed.— Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. WEDNESDAY, June £ 9.] Mr. Hanlies brought up the Third Report of the Finance Committee. He hi- urd the House would not be alarmed at the uncommon mass of papers, a small portion only he wished to be printed. He was sorry this R - oort could not be presented sooner, which was owing to the contrariety of opinion entertained by a majority of the Committee, which consisted of too many Members ; in future he recommended fewer in number. After a few words from Mr. Leyeestev, Mr. H. Thornton, iind Mr. Horner, the Report aud the Appendix were or- dered to be printed. Lord A. Hamilton wished to know how and in what manner the delinquency of Alexander Davison had been settled. It was more than two years since the business had been first agitated, and in the early part of nezt Ses- sions he should think it his duty to bring forward a motion on this subject. The Chancellor of the Exchequer said, the Lords of the Treasury bad not lost sight ot Mr. Davison:— Commis- sioners had been appointed to make the neees- ary enquiry in- o dilfere. it abuses, aud their reports had been referred to the law officers of the Crown. M>. Creevey said, there was 54,000/. still due from Mr. Fordyce to the Crown, on which there had been no instal- ments paid these three years ; be therefore gave notice, that in the early part of next Sessions he would bring for- ward a motion on this subject. On the motion, of Mr. JJanies, an account was ordered of the 89,( J3!)/• pen- ions in Ireland. Mr. llnskisson presented the report of the Land Revenue Committee, oo which a long conversation took place re- specting the propriety of the buildings carrying on in the vicinity of Hyde Park, some gentlemen expressing appre- hensions that by the great increa'e of these buildings, and the con equeiit exelu. ion of air, the health of the metro- polis would be endangered, ivhilst others complained of the exercise of fav miti- in in the grant of lands. These remarks being answered, the report was laid on the table. •— Adjourned. THURSDAY, June 30.] On the motion of Mr. Lockhart, it was ordered, that the several Bishops, early in the next S - ssion of Parliament, do make returns of the nou- resitlent Clergy in their respective dioceses. Sir F. Hurdett moved for a return to be laid before the House, early in the ensuing Session, of all the corporal punishments sentenced and executed on private soldiers in the regular army, the Cavalry, the militia, antl the royal regiment of artillery, during the last ten years, and speei- fving the number of la- lies inflicted in each punishment. The Secretary at War, Lord Castlereagh, SirJ. Wor- rrnd.- r, and Mr. Windham, opposed the motion. Lord Folkestone spoke in support of it. On a division, the Ayes were 4, the Noes 77- ' Mr. Creevey adverted to the conversation of yesterday, re i ecting the encroachments on Hyde Park, by which the inhabitants of the metropolis were threatened with an ex- clusion from fresh air. He observed that the Surveyor- Ge- neral, Mr. Fordyce, had made his allotments so as to favour e. rtain political characters ; and concluded with moving for a copy of his letter on the subject to the Lords of the Tii usury. Mr. llanbitry Trace;/ seconded the motion ; hut ex- pre. sed a hope that, ii' the system was to continue, the Surveyor- General would give him an allotment. The Chancellor of the Exchequer resisted the motion, for which he said there was no parliamentary ground. On a division, the motion was negatived, the Ayes being 23, the Noes 36. Adjourned. LONDON, FRIDAY, JULY 1. A mail from Gottenburgh arrived last night, which brings the pleasing intelligence that the Ku-. suns still continue to retreat in Finland. It was rumoured at Got- tenburgh that Bonaparte had demanded from Austria and Russia the cession of those parts of Poland which belong to them, in consequence of which these powers were prepar- ing for war. Last night Dutch Papers to the 25 th ult. arrived, which contain intelligence from Paris up to the 21st, and from Bavonne to the! 5th. They state that Joseph Bona- parte, having assumed the titie of King of Spain, had issued a proclamation to his new subjects, which is full of tlie most flattering professions. The Spanish deputies as- sembled at Bayomir, but their first meeting was merely confined to matters of form. Gen. Mur. it, on the 5th nit. assembled the principal Nobility and heads of the Church that remained at Madrid, and in strong terms remonstrated with them for not having exerted themselves to preserve the public peace, and accused them of having encouraged the insurgents. There is every reason to believe, from the st atements in these papers, though it is not openly avowed, that the Spanish troops in Madrid are deserting in great numbers to the patriots. The Spanish Royal Ljfe Guards had « ent a message to Milrat, stating, that they under- stood there were disturbances in different parts of the empire, and offering .' hair services to quell them. Al- though there appeared strong reason to doubt the motives which led them to make this offer, yet Murat thought it prudent to accept it. All the French tr - in the South of France had received order'- to advar i ' h all p • able rapidity towards Spain. The proch .• ii- n of the new King, Joseph, is dated the IIth ult. th. . a few days lefjt ' e the meeting of the Spanish Deputies. Dispatches have just arrived from Spain, with the most favourable accounts of the state of affaifs in that country. The Paz schooner, which carried the Mes- senger from Viscount Materosa, has returned from Gijon to Falmouth ; and last night Lieut. Pring and the Messenger arrived at the Admiralty. The Bishop of St. Andero, who sent the spirited answer to the mandate of Bonaparte, had put himself at the head of the patriots in Asturias, and had ob- aineil several advantages over the enemy. Three hundred thousand men from Asturias and Galicia were in full march for Madrid. The Bishop of St. Andero, with the sword in one hand and the cross in the other, was animating his troops, who were glow- nig with enthusiasm in the cause of their country. Their chief want is ammunition, but they had been exhorted by the Bishop to rush upon the enemy with the bajjo'net, and they resolved to follow his advice. A Proclamation bf Peace between Spain and this country had been issued in Asturias, and similar Pro- clamations were expected from all the adjoining Pro- vinces. A partial action, it is said, had taken place in Biscay, in which the patriots had been repulsed, owing to the superior numbers of the enemy; but this had by no means damped their ardour, for in the second action they were completely successful. The accounts of the death of Solano and the vising of Andalusia are confirmed. The inhabitants of Seville had shewn the utmost energy and determination. It is stated that the batteries in Cadiz had firetl on the French ships, and that they had surrendered to the Spaniards. Many of the guns of the batteries had been worked bv women. It is also said, that the French had dispat^ fied four- teen thousand men to Cadiz, but that the]' had been defeated oil the road, and most of them destroyed. There were only six thousand French left at Madrid, and the patriots went with a determination to exter- minate them. The deliverance of Portugal from their oppressors is nearly certain. In Oporto the French were sur- rounded and taken prisoners. At Lisbon the ferment was sn great, that Junot had found it necessarv fo sur- round the few Spanish troops there, and send them afloat on the river. A British ship has just arrived from Fcrrol, the Captain of which states, that the people of that port and Corunna were upon the best terms with our navy, supplying them with every tiling they wanted. About 60 English prisoners had been liberated, and sent on boar. t the English ships. The Rosamond cutter is arrived from Heligoland ; she has brought dispatches to Government from Vienna, which are supposed to be of the highest importance. The cutter came away in haste, and brought only about a dozen private letters. It is reported that the Emperor of Au- tria has determined to make common cause with the Patriots of Spain, and that the most active preparations had com- menced throughout the Whole of the Austrian territories. Letters from Holland to the 25th in § t. have also been received. They corroborate the above intelligence, and add, that Denmark and Russia begin to see the dangerous consequences of their present policy, and are already con- certing means to correct the alarming error into which they have of late been seduced by the artifices of the common enemy. Letters received this morning from Yarmouth an- nounce the arrival of a cutler from off Flushing, with an account that eight sail of tlis line were lying at single anchor in Flushing, ready for a start, inconsequence of which, Admiral Russell got under weigh at four o'clcock yesterday, with the following ships under his command, viz. the Majestic, Bellerophon, Minotaur, Warspite,' Triumph, leTigre, Nassau, and Stately. The carriage and horses of a R* » » * Duke Were seized in execution on Friday evening, at the door of Willis's Rooms, in King- street, St. James's- square. His -——— had just alighted, to be present at Mrs. Billing- ton's concert. The Duchess had quitted the carriage, and entered the Rooms, before there was any communication of this unpleasant business. LAW.— Oil Wednesday Mr. Clifford applied to the Court of King's Bench for a new trial in the cause of the King v. White and Hart, convicted of a Libel on Lord Ellen- borough ; but the Court refused the application, and ordered that the Defendants should be committed to New- gate, to be brought up oil Saturday for judgement.— Mr. Clifford then moved that the Defendants should be admitted to bail till that period. The Attorney General objected, saying he could find nothing in the conduct of the Defen- dants to entitle them to that favour. Mr. Whiteexclaimed, he tlesued no lenity— he had received none; he stood on public grounds, and prayed for no favour— The Court ' ordered the tipstaff to take the Defendants to Newgate.— Lord Ellenborough took no part in the discus- ion. MARK- LANE, Thursday, June 30. We have again an ample supply of every article, and a heavy sale, at Mon- day's prices. SMITIIFIEID MARKET, July 1.] Our supply of Cattle is fully adequate to the demand, anil we have very little variation in the prices.— In the Hay Market, few are in- clined to purchase, the large crops of new Hay auguring a speedy reduction of prices. They at present are, Hay 41. 4s. to SI. 10^.— Clover SI. 10s. to'~, l.— Straw 11, 16s. to 21. 5s. BIRTHS.] On tin 18 th inst. at Woodchester Park, Gloucestshire, Lady Frances Moreton of a son.— On the 19th inst. at Macslough, the seat of Walter Wilkins, Esq. M. P. the Hon. Mrs. Wilkins of a daughter,— Lately, at ' 1' otnes, the Lady of Capt. Hillyer, of the Royal Navy, of a sou.— On Monday, in Upper Grosvenor- street, the Lady of John Barrow, Esq. of the Admiralty, of a son.— On Wednesday, in New Cavendish- street, Portland- place, the Lady of Harry Harford, Esq. ( son of the late Lord Balti- more) of a daughter. MARRIED.] On Saturday se'nnight, at Clifton, E. Hartopp, Fisq. of Dalby House, Leceister- hire, to Anna Eleonora W'rcy, eldest daughter of Sir Bourehier Wrey, Bart, of Tawstoek, Devonshire.— On Wednesday se'nuighr, at Rugby, George Harris, Esq. to Christabefia daughter of Admiral Chambers.— On Monday, at Exeter, Lieut. Ed- ward Morres, of the Royal Navy, nephew of Lord Frank- fort, to Miss Crab, of Stonehouse.— On Wednesday, at Bathwick, John Campbell Flint, M. D. of Gainsborough, to Miss Dillon, daughtsr of the late Capt. Dillon, oflVn- rhyn, Cornwall.— Lately, at Win- ley, Mr. Robert Perry, of Wooley- lodge, aged 64, to Miss Elizabeth Bradfield, aged • if years: the next morning Mr. Perry was found drowned in the river ; and it being supposed that be had fallen in by accident, as he was stooping down to wash himself, the Coroner's Jury brought in a verdict Accidental Death. DIED.] A few days since, in his 61st year, Alexander Dalrymple, Esq. latf Hydrographer to the British Navy.— On Friday last, aged 73 years, the Rev. Dr. Sam. K' ttilby. Vicar of SI. Bartholomew the Less, and Rector of Sutton, Bedfordshire. On Sunday, at Hillingdon Heath, near Uxbridge, John Howard, Esq. many years eminently dis- tinguished for his skill as a surgeon, till his ill state of health obliged him to retire from practice. Yesterday, after a long aud painful illness, Mrs. Garrow, wife of Win. Garrow, Esq. of Bedford- row, King's Counsel.— On Mon- day se'nnight, B. Shaw, Esq. late Collector of Cork. lie- had been unwell for some time previous, and on Tuesday morning had gone from his country residence, at Monks- town, into Cork, to consult his physician. On his return lie rode 011 the barouche seat; but the carriage had pro- ceeded but a short way, when he desired the coachman to stop, exclaiming, that he found a pain darting from his back to his heart. He was imm - diately removed into the carriage, and expired in the arm; of Mrs. Shaw.— On the 4th of June, at Gluncullen, near Kilternan, County of Dublin, aged 109 years 3 months and 17 days, Valentine Walsh, farmer. This venerable patriarch enjoyed a per- fect state of health until a few days of his death, was a keen spot e- mail, and a constant companion of the famous Johnny Adair, of Kilternan : he was a jolly companion, much attached to his native whiskey, of which lie drank regulaily two- qu is every day in grog, until a week be- fore hi i death His in a! -- as at tended'by above 500 persons f. 0111 the neighbouring ... - J. DORSETSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given,—- That the next General Quarter Session of the Peace for the county of Dorset will be holden at Shastcn, in and for the said county, on Tu sday, the 12th day of July next, 011 whit h day the Court will be opened precisely at twelve o'clock, and immediately adjourn to the Red Lion Inn, in the said town of Shaston, for the ' spociai purpose of examining all bills and demands 011 the county, and taking into consideration such other business as may occur relative to the civil concerns therein, pursuant to a resolution entered into at a former Session. And, 011 Wednesday morning, the Court will meet precisely at ten o'clock, when all Constables, Bailiffs, and Jurors sum- moned, are required to g'Ae their attendance. The business, of the Session will begin with trying Ap- peals, next Traverses, and lastly the Prisoners. All Appeals ( except those to be entered for the purpose ot adjournment) must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace, on Tuesday, the first day of the Session, and on failure thereof, the adverse party shall have a right to enter a Ne Reeipiatur. And on the first day of the Session, all Recognizances, In- formations, and Records of Convictions, are to be returned to the Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices' clerks. Also all persons having business'to do, and Bills of Indictment to prefer, are required to attend accordingly. HOUSE OF CORRECTION. And that on Tuesday, the first day of the Session, the Justices will proceed to the Appointment of a GOVERNOR or KEEPER of the HOUSli of CORRECTION of this county, vacant by the death of Mr. George Andrews. WM. BURNET, Clerk of the Peace of the County of Dorset. Sherl- orne, June 22, 180S. [ 122 WILTSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Wilts will be holden at Warminster, in and for the said county, on Tuesday the lath day of July next at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, pursuant to the resolution entered into at a ' former Sessions, for the special purposes of examining and auditing all bills and demands on the county ; and of attend- ing to all business relative to the County Gaol and Bridewells, Militia, conveyance of Soldiers' Baggage, County Bridges, and such other business as may occur relative to the civd concerns of the said county ; and no bills will be allowed, unless delivered in at the sitting of the Court on that day. The Court will open on Wednesday morning, precisely at ten o'clock, for general business, which will begin with the Trials of Traverses, next Appeals, and lastly Prisoners. All Appeals ( except those to lie entered for the purpose of Adjournment) must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace previously to the opening of the Court on Wednesday, and on failure therepf, the adverse paity shall have a right to enter a Ne Recipiatur. The Bailiffs and Constables of the several Hundreds, out of which the Jurors are taken, are hereby ordered to attend the Court, with proper wands, during the whole time of the Sessions ; and to remain in such place or places in the Court as shall be then appointed, to assist in keeping peace and good order, and to execute the orders and processes of the Court. In order to give all possible dispatch to the business of the Sessions, the Clerks to the Justices of the Peace of the said county are particularly requested to send to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before the Jirst morning of the Sessions, all Re- cognizances, Informations, and Records of Convictions, taken before such Justices of the Peace respectively. 120) JAMES SWAYNE, WII. TON, June 22, 1808. Clerk of the Peace. HANTS SESSIONS. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of South- ampton, will be holden at the Castle of Winchester, on Monday the llth day of July next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the Court will be opened, and immediately adjourned to Monday the 25th of the same July, precisely at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to be then holden at the Castle of Winchester aforesaid, when all Con- stables, Bailiffs, Jurors, and others concerned, are hereby required to give their attendance. And in order to give all possible dispatch to the business, the Attomies, Parties, and Witnesses prosecuting any Appeals, In- dictments, or other business, must be prepared at the opening of the Court on Monday the 25th day of July aforesaid, and during the whole of the Sessions, that the Court may call on the Causes in such order and at such times as they shall see convenient. Appeals must le entered with the Clerk of the . Peace, pre- viously to the opening of the Court on Monday morning, or the parties will not l- e permitted to try. Recognizances, Informations, and Records of Convictions are to be returned to the Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices' Clerks, on or before the d& y preceding the Adjourn- ment. A Committee of Magistrates will attend at the White Hart Inn, in the city of Winchester, on Wednesday the 27th day of July, at eight o'clock in the morning, tor the purpose of examining the Treasurer's Accounts; and also all Bills and other Demands on the county. Dated this 23d day of June, 1803. T. W0015HAM, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. All persons who have entered into Recognizances to appear at this Sessions concerning Assaults, & c. are required to take notice, that they must, in pursuance of their recogni- zances, appear at this Serious, either personally or by their attornies, in order to withdraw the same, although they may previously have compromised the matter. j' 121 AUDIT- HOUSE, SOUTHAMPTON, June 2- 3, 1808. 1VTOTICE is hereby given,— That a Meeting of IT the Trustees of the South District of the Southampton Road will be held on Thursday the 4th day of August next, at the Audit- house in Southampton, ( by leave of the Mayorj at twelve o'clock at noon, to consider whether the Money collected at all the Gates or Turnpikes erected within the said South District of the Southampton Road, and in a lane called Love- lane, leading to the said town of Southampton, and within the liberties of the county of the same town, be suffi- cient to enable. the said Trustees effectually to support, repair, and maintain the Road lying within the said South District, and defray all the charges incident thereto ; or whether it will be necessary for the said Trustees, in the present year, to take and levy, or cause to be taken and levied, at the Gate or Turnpike within 800 yards of Bargate, in Southampton, and the Gate or Bar in Love- lane aforesaid, the Tolls granted in and by an Act of the 31st year of his late Majesty King George the Second's reign, for four succeeding Calendar Months, pursuant to the powers contained in an Act of the' 38th year of his present Majesty's reign. By orier of the Trustees, 179] THOS. RIDDING, Clerk. WESTBURY INCLOSURE' NOTICE is hereby given,— That We the Commis- sioners named in and appointed by an Act of Parlia- ment, made and passed in thc42d year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the Third, for dividing and allotting in severalty the Open and Common Arable Fields, Common Downs, Common Meadows, Common Pastures, and Commonable Places within the parish of Westburv, in the county of Wilts, intend to hold a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING at the Abingdon Arms Inn, in Westburv, on Tuesday the 26th day of July next, at eleven ( if the clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of reading over and executing the Award made by us in pursuance of the.- raid Act, and also of the General Inclosufe Act; when and where the several proprietors and all other persons interested in the said Inclosure, or any exchange made in consequence thereof, or who are otherwise concerned in the said Award or Inclosure, mav be present if they think proper.— Dated t! ii< 15th day of June, 1809. RICHARD RICHARDSON, JACOB STURGE, l6] THOMAS SINGER. RINGWOOD INCLOSURE. E whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being two of the Commissioners named in and appointed by an Act of Parliament for dividing and inclosing Lands in the parish of Ringwood, in the county of Southampton, do hereby give Notice, tint we have set out and appointed the following PUBLIC CARRIAGE ROADS through and over the said Lands, as follows : One public carriage road, of the breadth of thirty feet, leading along Beggar's- lane. One other public carriage road, of the breadth of thirty feet, in its present tract leading along the East end of Spital- field; And one other public carriage road, of the breadth of fifty feet, in its present tiact leading over Laybrook Common and Watten's Ford Common, being part of the road from R- ing- wood to Hum- bridge. Anil we have ordered the said roads to be staked out, and a map of the same to be deposited in the office of Mr. 1 larbin, our Clerk, at Ringwood, for the inspection of the public. Any person or persons who may think li. inV. elf, themselves, or the public aggrieved by the setting out of the said roads, or bv the not setting out other roads, are to cxhioit their cause of complaint to the Commissioners of the said Inclosure, at a Meeting to be held for that purpose at the White Hart Inn, ill Ringwood, on Monday the 1st day of August next. And we do hereby further give Notice, that we have received objections in writing to several of the claims delivered in to us, aid we appoint a Meeting of the Commissioners to be held on Tuesday the 2( 1 day of August next, at the same plac, for the purpose of hearing evidence respecting the same.— Dated the. ith day of May. 1SS5, RICHARD RICHARDSON. ioj FRANCIS WEBB. PORTSMOUTH. I^ OR PUBLIC SALE, at the Star and Garter Tavern, on Thursd iv the7th of July 1808, at noun, The following GOODS, for Exportation : 3 Casks Tobacco in Carrars 15 Cases ditto ditto 1 ditto Paper 6 Casks Madder 2 Casks Sanders Wood 1 ditto Knives 1 ditto Sugar 14 Bales Russia Leather Being part of the Cargo of the Venurnus Aventure, detained by ; « id condemned as Prize to his Majesty's gun- brig Daring, C. C. Ormsby, Esq. Commander. For viewing the above, catalogues, and further particulars, apply three days before the sale, to N. P. ROTHERY, Esq. Agent, or " « ] JOHN MOYLE, Broker. PORTSMOUTH. }^ OR PUBLIC SALE, at the Star and Garter Tavern, on Thursday the 7th of July 1808, at noon, The following GOO DS, for Exportation .- 75 Bundles Iron Hoops 1 Box Fencing Foils 19 Casks Steel 1 ditto Match 2 ditto Hardware 17 Casks White Lead Being part of the Cargo of the Africa, detained by and con- demned as Prize to his Majesty's gun- brig Locust, John Lake, Esq. Commander. For viewing the above," catalogues, and further particulars, appiy three days before the sale, to N. P. ROTHERY, Esq. Agent, or 117] JOHN MOYLE, Broker; PORTSMOUTH. POR PUBLIC SALE, at the Star and Garter X' Tavern, on Thursday the 7th of July 18Q3, at noon, The following GOODS, Jar Exportation ; 230 Boxes White Havannah Sugar 179 ditto Brown ditto Being part of the Cargo of the American brig Venus, detained by and condemi.' d as Prize to his Majesty's ship Meteor, James Collins, Esq. Commander. For viewing the above, catalogues, and further particulars, apply three davs before the sale, to N. I'. ROTHERY, Esq. Agent, or 118] JOHN MOYLE, Broker. PORTSMOUTH. I^ OR PUBLIC SALIi, at the Star and Garter . Tavern, on Thursday the 7th of July ( 808, at noon, The following GOODS, for Exportation.: '"- 1— ' Cf^ ks Cutlasses & Scabbards 117 Casks Knives 3 ditto Hard Ware 2ij ditto Nails 1 ditto Iron Wiro 6 ditto Brass Pins 3- 20 Bundles Rod Iron 4 Cases Muskets 5 Packages Scabbards 7 Cases Cutlasses & Scabbards Being part of the Cargo of t! 8 Cases Tape I ditto Paper 1 ditto' Books 1 ditto Fish 1 ditto Glass 2 Cags Butter 1 Bale Blankets 2 Tin Boxes, with Bread le Gute Hoffnung, detained on her voyage from Lisbon to the Brazils, by his Majesty's gun- brig Speedwell, W. Robertson, Esq. Commander, and con- demned as Prize in the High Court of Admiralty of England. For viewing the above, catalogues, and further particulars, apply three days before the sale, to 115] N. P. ROTHERY, Esq. Agent, or JOHN MOYLE, Broker. ON Thursday the 7th of July, 1803, will be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Star and Gaiter Tavern, Portsmouth, at noon, if not previously disposed of by private contract, The HULL of the French privateer BRIG LA RSNNOIS, pierccd for eighteen guns, and had s: xti in mounted j captured on her first cruize by, and con- demned as prize to, his Majesty's ship Dryad, A. Drummond, Esq. captain. This vessel is well worth the attention of owners of packets, persons engaged in the fruit, or any other trade where dispatch is required, as she is a remarkable fast sailer; is coppered, and would have been bought into his Majesty's service, had her tonnage been a little more ; she is spoken of in the highest terms by every shipwright who has seen her, both as to the materials of which she is built, and workmanship. Her dimensions are,— length on deck, 75 feet; keel lor tonnage, CO feet flinches; breadth of beam, 23 feet 1 inch; depth of hold, It feet 2; and admeasures 171 tons 43- P4ths. After which wi ll be sold,— the Remainder of her STORES, consisting of one new cable, six small coils of new rope, a set of new sails which have never been bent, the lower and top- mast rigging and stays, the foremast, and a quantity of iron ballast; all which is well woith the attention of the public, being quite new. [ 114 For further particulars, catalogues, & c. apply, three days before the sale, to W. A. Standart, Esq. Clifford's Inn, Lon- don, agent, or to JOHN MOYLE, Broker. CAPITAL ESTATES AND MANORS. Plymouth, Devonshire. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. SKIX- NF. R, DYKE, TUCHI'N, and FORREST, on Thursday the7th of July, at twelve o'clock, at Garra way's Coffee- house, ' Change- alley, Cornbill, London, in two lots,— The capital and valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, advantageously situate within on--, two-, and three miles bf Plymouth and Plymouth Dock ; comprising the MANOR of COMPTON GII- FORB, and several eligible Farms and Lands in demesne, containing about 266 acres, lett to Messrs. Gilbert, Distin, Giles, Eddy, Colton, and Helison, on leases expiring at Lady- day 1809, 1113, 1814, and 1818, at rents amounting to only 817/. 10s. per annum. Also about 76 Acres of LAND, and sundry HOUSES, lett on two and three lives, at reserved rents amounting to I Of. 12s. 8d. per annum, and heriots. And also the MANOR of BOWDEN, and five eligible FARMS and LANDS, containing about 155 acres, 011 one, two, and three lives, at reserved rents amounting to 71. 18a'. 16d. per annum, and heriots. The whole of the Estate contains about 4.97 Acres, of the estimated value of about TWO THOUSAND POUNDS per annum; and in point of situation is presumed to be equal to any in the vicinity of Plymouth and Plymouth Dock for building upon; as the neighbourhood is highly respectable, and the marine and surrounding rich country views, ex- tremely beautiful. [ 113 To be viewed, and printed particulars may be had of Mr. • Yolland, Merafield, Plympton ; also at the Pope's Head, Plymouth; Castle Inn, Taunton ; Messrs. Trewman's, Exe- ter: Mr. Langdon, Sherborne; at the Printing-' Office, Sa- lisbury ; Mr. Cruttwell, Bath; Mr. Gutch, Bristol; at the placc of sale; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, Tuchin, and Forrest, Aldrsgate- street, London, where plans may be seen. SOMERSETSHIRE. Capital Freehold, tythefree Farm, and the great and small Ty tints of about 700 Acres, and a Donative. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. SKIN- NER, DYKE, TUCIIIN, and FORREST, on Thursday the 7th July, at twelve o'clock, at Garraway's Coffee- House, ' Change- Alley, Cornhill, London, in one lot,— A capital and very valuable" FREEHOLD ESTATE, most advantageously situate at Durston, five miles from Taunton ; comprising BUCKLAND PRIORY FARM; consisting of a- dwelling- house, offices, walled garden, orcharding, barns, stabling, ox- pens, useful out- buildings, capital malting, anil thesurrounding inclosures of rich grazing meadow and arable lands, contain- ing three hundred and eighty- six statute acres, tythe- free, and in a high state of cultivation, in the occupation of Mr. John Abrahams, for an unexpired term of six years. Also the GREAT and SMALL TXTHES of the remaining part of the parish of Durston ( except a few acres) containing about seven hundred acres of fertile, productive land, on lease for an unexpired term ofisixyears ; the whole forming one ol the most (!--. rabla estates in the vale of Taunton Dean : the present rents amounting to onlv NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS PER ANNUM, capable of considerable increase. [ 112 And the perpetual Donative to the Church of Durston. To be viewed by applying to Buckland Priory, where printed particulars may be had; also of Mr. Yolland, Mera- iield, Plympton ; at- the Pope's Head, Plymouth ; Cai- tle Inn, Taunton; Messrs. Trewmans, Printers, Exeter; Mr. Crutt- wcll, Bath-, Mr. Gutch, Bristol; Mr. Langdon, Sherborne; at the Priniing- Office, Salisbury; at the place of sale; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, Tuchin, and Forrest, Aldersgate- street, London, where a plan of Buckland may be seen. A capital ESTATE in Somersetshire. TO be SOLD by AUCTION", at the George Inn, in Castle Cary, in the saH county, or, Monday the Ist dav of August next, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon,— The FEE- SIMPLE and INHERITANCE of ell that truly desirable, compact, and valuable Estate, called FOXCOMBE FARM, lying in a ring- fence at Gal- hampton, within the parish of Castle Cary aforesaid, and held by Mr. Thomas Gifford, on a lease for a term of nine years, from Lady- day, 1SOS; consisting of a Farm- house, Barn, and other necessary buildings, with one hundred and eighty- four acres, two roods, and seven perches ( statute mea- sure) of very rich arable, meadow, pasture, and Orchard Ground. Ar. i also of all that piece or parcel of meadow Land, con- taining two acres, two roods, and four pefehes ' statute mea- sure), lying in Cary Moor, within the parish of Castle Cary aforesaid, and held by the said Mr. Gifford on a lease as afore- said. The last mentioned piece will be sold separately. ( T*^ The Farm lies at cisy distances between the several good market towns of Shept'on Mallet, Yeovil, Sherborne, and Wincantor, and about half way from Bristol and llath to Wi- vmouth. For a vies." of th : Premises apply to the Tenant; and for fin : her particulars to Mri Hartiiii. aTforaey,' Sherborne, Do'r- 1 set, where a plan of th: -' slate may be seen. [ 7a MERINO WOOL. ANNUAL SALE by AUCTION, at Sadler's LX. Repository, Goswell- street, London, oti Thurs-' av > h • 3Sth ot July, 1808, at twelve o'clock, A QUANTI'f V r MERINO WOOL, and its admixture on English Bre..' - The great uncertainty of any supply ol Merino Wool, an I the distracted state of Spain, must render this measure m- t now an object of peculiar importance. It is designed t- c. • fine this sale to Merino Wo. Is and their admixtures m•• because there are established Dealers, called Wool- Stapl- 1-- Who have long been in the practice of purchasing B'r.- i- b Wools of inferior- growth, but, with certain exceptions, lone rendered no support to those who have incurred the in- vv expences attendant on such crosses with the Merino blood f hose who may desire to take the benefit of this sale - - • requested to send th. ir wools, classed in the most correct manner as to the admixtures with the Merino blood, and th.- degrees ot affinity to it. They must be delivered as abov op or before the 25th of July next. Commission for s de, ware- house room, ( exclusive of auction dutv,) wiil not exceed percent. ' r,,; Letters ' post- paid) may be addressed to Messrs. T. and R, Martin, Wool Brok- rs, No. 63, Coleman- str'- Ft, London. CORNWALL.— FREEHOLD ESTATES. ' rjPO be SOLD by AUCTION, in Lots, at the A King's Arms, Leskeard, 011 Thursday the l ith and Friday the 14th days of August, 180' i,— Sundry valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES, comprising the MANSION ai d B, w:- TONot CARTUTHER, situate in the parish of Menheniut containing together 337A. 3R. 3DP. statute ; several other Estates, suuate" tn the same parish, containing upwards of 2: 0 statute acres; als > an Estate, call - 1 Br.- ndon, together With Sundry Houses and Lands situate in the town arid parish of Leskeard, containing upwards of 120 statute acres. And several Estates in Duloe parish, containing togi thcr about -' 40 st. tute acres. Andan Estate, called HF. NDRA GI I UNC, in Ta lard par s. h, about 25 statute acres. Likewise an Estate t lied 1 RECAN, situate in the parish of Lanreath, cont ining IMA. SR. 11 P. statute. And several Tenements in the town's of East and West Looe. [ 2,( 1 Some of the before- ment: oned Estates arc up n leases lor years, and others are held up, n livos. Descriptive Particulars mav be had at the King's Anns, Plymouth ; the Fountain, Plymouth Dock ; the Ki-. u's Arms, Bodmin; the White Hart, Laonceston ; the Talbot, I. - t- witliiel; the New Inn, Callington ; the Ki g's 11. ', Truro; at the place of sale; of Messrs. Strong, Si. 11. and S' Lincoln's Inn ; of Mr. Childs, Leskeard ; ho i f Wrigtic) Surveyor, 10, Charles- street, St. James's Squ < re, Und— 1. Manors and Estates in the County of Devon. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. RO- BINS, at Garraway's Coffee- house, ' Change- all - y, Corn- hill, London, on Thursday the 21st of July, at twelve o'clock, in two or more lots ( unless previously disp- sod of bv private contract), The very valuable and' xtensive MANOR and ESTATE of As 11 WATER, otherwise ESSEWATER, II. th se- veral parishes of Ashwater, Virginstow, 1 roa lw liwidger, Lifton, and Werrington, in the county of Dev- i,; con-, sting of 4200 acres of good arable, meadow, pastuie, anil wood Land, in several farms and tenements, of the annual value of £ 2000 and upwards, now held by tenants under leases res- pect n- ly determinable on the deaths of one, two, or three lives, in conventionary rents, amounting to the annual sum of £ 57.. 1- 2.. 6, with the timber growing on the said s v ral farms and estates, and which is reserved to the Lord in the above- mentioned leases. Also, The very valuable and compact MANOR and ES- TATE of BRADFORD, in the several parishes of Bradford and Pyeworth, in the county of Devon; consisting of 581 acres of capital arable, meadow, pasture, and wood Land, in several farms and tenements, ot the annual value of £ 630 and upward, now held by tenants under leases respectively determinable on the deaths of one, two, and three lives, at conventionary rents, amounting to the annual sum of £ 13.. 17.. 4. Both Estates are subject to certain capons and heriots; also the timber growing on the said several last- men- tioned farms and estates, reserved to the Lord in the last- men- tioned leases. Printed particulars may be had tbirtv days prior to the sale, of Messrs. Desse and Dendy. solicitors, Bream's- buildirgs, Chancery- lane; of Messrs. Gullett and Cosserat, Ciiciis, Exeter; Mr. George Gould, jun. Crust, near Oakl- ampMn, Devon; of Messrs. Robins, Covept- garden ; and at all the principal inns in the neighbourhood of the manors. [ 133 Applications for viewing the estates may be made to Mr. Gould ; and maps of the property may lie seen at. Messrs, Desse and Dendy's office, and in Coven. Garden, London. WILTS. Freehold Estate on the borders of the New Forest. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. YOUNG, at tl. e King's Arms Inn, at Downt • , in the Countv of Wilts, on Mori, ay the 18 th day of July inst, between the hours of three ami six o'clock in the afternoon, subject to tin con- ditions which wilt be then produced. - A valuain FREEHOLD ESTATE; comprising a commodious, w li- bu It hi, k and tiled Dwelling- house ; containing, on the ground floor, an en- trance hall 17 ft. by 14 ft. one parlour 13 ft. hy 1- 1 ft. another 12 ft. by 17 ft. arid of proportionable heights; with brew- tioose, milk- bouse, pump- house, pantries, & c.; four good cli m- bers over, and garrets ; with a shrubbery, garden, and or- chard, well stocked with a variety of fruit trees; barn, fuel- houses, and yard, attached to tile" house. Also a capital Stable for six horses ; chaise- house, garden- house, walled garden, and orchard well stocked with lruit trees ; a barn with straw- rooms, granary on stones, cow- pens, and yard; one other barn on 28 pair of stones ; one sueil- house 011 28 pairditto, with an excellent substantial cart- house for four waggons : all lying detached, but separated only by a road from the house, and over- looked by the same, - Also 79 A, 3 Or. 35 P. o'f arable land ; 13 A. 1 « , 3- 2 P. of pasture land; and 5 A. OQ. 3 P. of coppice, making, with the orchard, yanfs, & c. upwards of 100 acres of land by ad- measurement; the whole lying m 17 parcels, well connected, and contiguous to the house, most pleasantly situated at Red- lynch, within tfie'paiish of Down ton, in the county of Wilts, late the estate of Mr. John Korville, deceased. This Estate will be found to be particularly desirable to any gentleman who, to the enjoyment of field sports in a country peculiarly interesting, would wish to unite the advantages ol a snug compact farm ; its immediate vicinity to th New Forest, and possessing rights of common and Ulr aiy therein, arc cir- cumstances of advantage to the Estate.—- There is a good pew in II own ton church belonging to the Estate, The premises are in a dry, healthy . situation, with plenty of good water, and are 12 miles from Lyndhurst, 17 miles from Southampton, and 8 miles front Salisbury; the roads very good. Printed particulars may now lie had at the W7hite Hart Inn, Salisbury; at the Dolphins Inn. Southampton; cf Mr. Street, at Lyndhurst; of Messrs. George Pearson and Son, attorneys, Pump- court, Temple, London; and ot Mr. Woodyear, solicitor, DoWnton ; and for any further inquiry, - or to view the estate, application may be made on any Mon- day or Thursday in the forenoon to Mr. Woodytar, at whose office a plan of the estate may be seen, D0WNT0N, June ifth, 180S, [ 74 ERRATA in the printed partkiilars,*— In the description of the Arable Land, Mid Furlong, and Pug Pitts Hall, for LAWN with Grass, read SOWN with Grass^— In the Note at Foot, " There is a Rent of ( id. per Acre, and 7s Bushels of Barley," dele per Acre, and read " a Rent of 6d. and 7^ Bushels," & c. A capital Freehold Estate, in a fine sporting part if So- mersetshirc, boiflerbig on Witts. TO be SOLD by AUCTION,- by Mr. KNIGHT, at the Weymouth Arms Inn, in Warminster, on Mon- day the 1st day of August, 1803, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon, in one lot,— All that valuable and very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called HOME- SI ALI. S, situated at Kiimington, in the county Of Somerset, now : n the occupation of Mr. John Cross, whose term therein w 11 expire at. Ladv- day, 1S10; lett at a very low rent, and con- sisting of an exceeding good Farm- house, barns, stables, cow- stalls, granary, and all suitable ami nccessery out- build- ings adjoining thereto, in complete repair; together with Sri closes of rich arable, meadow, pasture, wood, and down Land, well supplied with Water; containing in the whole nearly. 280 acrcs. This Tistat; lies in a very fertile valley, the greater part of which is sheltered on the north by Bradley- knew!, which commands very beautiful and extensive prospects; it is well timbered, and ' only two miles distant from Stour- Head and Alfred's- Tower. The situation is a very eligible one for a gen- tleman fond ot field sports, as most kinds of game are there in great abundance ; and there are several very delightful spot; for the erection of a mareior.- house, which would ren » d T it a' desirable a residence as any in the county. The pre- mises are eight miles distant from the capital matket- town of Warminster, and si from Wincanton ; and about the same d. stance from Shaftesbury, Hindon, Bruton, and Castle- Cary, all good market - town- 5, " to all ( jf Which th- re are good turn- pike- roads leading from the estate. The premises may be viewed on application to Mr. Cress, the tenant. At ihe same time and place will be SOLD by AUCTION, in another lot,— All that Close of exceeding good PASTURE GROUND, containing nearly ten aeres, situate at Satnbourn, in the parish of Warminster aforesaid. now in the occupation of Mr. Mines, as tenant at will. *'' who!- being part of ihe estates cf the late Charles Wc'. b, Esq. deceased Printed particulars may be had an' yn,. nth Arms f - n, Warminster; White Hart, Bath;' Greyhound, Win art in t and Antelope, Salisbury; and of Messrs. Clarke and S, u o- licitors, St. John's- bridgc, Bristol ; of the Auctioneer, Di dares} of Messrs. Holmes ahd Lowden, solicitors, 17, Cle- nent's- inn, London; and of Mr. Lampard, solicitor, V a - ninster, of be seen nd [ I 8 me minster, at whose office a plan ot the estate may where any further information may be obtained. THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL.' Sunday's Post. By Express. , LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY NIGHT, JCJ. Y 2. CARLTON- HOBSE, June 2S. THE Prince of Wales has been pleased to ap- point Benjamin Tucker, Esq, to the office of Surveyor- General of His Royal Highuess's Duchy of Cornwall. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, July 2.— Capt. Waller, of the Ro- samond sloop, in a letter dated Yarmouth Roads, June 27, writes that on his passage from Heligoland, convoying an American and a Hamburgh ship which he had detained, he foil in with and captured the Dutch privateer Amstellan, Hendric Jonston, coimuander ( with a commission from the King of Holland), mounting 12 guns, and with a com- plement of GO men. Lieut. Edmund Waller, acting commander of the Wolf sloop of war, in a letter to Capt. Sir C. Brisbane, of the Arethusa, dated East End of Jamaica. May 1, states that whilst pursuing Sir Charles's orders, to bring up the leeward- must ships of the convoy, he discovered and chased a sus- picious sail in the S. E. which in two hours he. took posses- sion of. She proved to be the Spanish privateer La lira- ganza, of one gun and 54 men, 22 days from Carthagena, and during her cruize had captured only the Anne brig, one of the convoy, whichetvas re- taken by the Wolf, after a chaee of four hours. WAR- OH ICE, July 2. 1 Uh Royal Veteran Battalion,— Lieut. Cen. lie- aid to be Colonel. BREVET.— Colonel Win. Simson, on half- pay of the late Irish Biigade, to be Major- General in the Army. The Average Price of Brown or Muscovado Sugar, com- puted from the Returns made in the week ending the 2.9tli day of June 1808, i; 7' hirty^ JEight Shilling* and Four Pence Three Farthings per Hundred Weight, ex- clusive of the Duties of Customs. BANKRUPTS. Wm. Tl= hftw, of Beverley, corn- merchant. Jot: n 11. avers, of Woofv. i'- h, snip , n. Wiii. l'u:> h, of Machynlleth, shopkeeper. Luke Harrison, of Wavertree, jo. ner. V, , t- I;, m aie' Win. Anst, ., 1 Co-, v. ross- street, brass- founders, V. c. Ball, of Wolverhampton* bal- icr. WIN. Bradbury, of Rochdale, VEILI M- clothier. Samuel Jaeob, of VortseS, slo], seller. J. .1. S-' r iee,: , of Winchester s i- cet, London, insurance- broker. Geo. Nev.- comb, -, f .1: h, jeweller. Nathan Davis, of Paddington, dealer. IiOUSE OF LORDS. FIDAY, July 1.] The. further proceeding in the Rox- burgh Appeal was put off to the first Tuesday in the next Session of Parliament. Lord Holland then rose, and ^ ddres- ed a few observa- tions to their Lord - hips on the subject of the OrTlers in Council, a" they applied to Spain.. He apprehended that by the - operation of these Orders the ports of that coun- try were in a strict state of blockade, and that any neutral or friendly vessel attempting to enter them without a spe • cial licence w^ ukl be liable to capture ; and he- conceived that every consideration of generosity and sound policy called for a repeal of such interdict. Lord Hawliesbury requested the Noble Lord to suspend bis curiosity for. a very short period, and he would find that the proceedings which he recommended had not been overlooked by his Majesty's Ministers. Lords Lauderdale and Darnley also said a few words, expressing their approbation of a cordial and zealous sup- port of the Spanish patriots, but condemning the system adopted under the Orders in Council.— Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. FRIDAY, July 1.] Mr. Speaker, on telling the House, at four o'clock, found only 23, instead of 40 Members present; and an adjournment of necessity took place until to- morrow.— Ad j ourned.. LONDON. SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 2. POTT BETES. FALMOUTH, June 30. The fleets for the Medi- terranean, & c. ( about 100 sail), under eonyoy of the Belle 1' oule and Statira frigates, and a sloop of war, sailed on Friday last. A Spanish courier was landed here on Tuesday, by his Majesty's schooner Paz, from Guyon. He brings dis- patches from the Government of Asturias to the Vijcount Matterosa, in London, and copy of a proclamation of peace with England, published by tiiat provincial go- vernment. The insurrection continues to spread into Leon, Gallieia, & e. The insurgents consider the Prince of A- turias their Sovereign, though they had heard of his formal abdication. The patiiotic troops raised in Asturias have not only secured the passes over the mountains which bound that province, but have detached about 10,000 men into Leon to favour the rising there. A Spanish General had teen arrested at Oviedo, on suspicion of being on a mission from Murat, and from its being proved from his papers had been sentenced to he shot. The troops organized in Asturias only amounted to more than .' 10,000, animated by the highest ardour and enthusiasm. The messenger now arrived vVas one of the attendants of the Vist Mattarosa on his arrival here : he had been sent back with accounts of their reception by the British Go- vernment, and with which the Asturiaus were greatly pleased. It was undersood at Guyon that the Spaniards at Oporto had risen on the French part of the garrison, and made them prisoners; and that the Portuguese army, which had been ordered into Spain, bad halted oil the frontiers, refusing to march farther. A small body of the Spanish peasantry having advanced with too much confidence to attack a body of French troops at Valladolid, had been repulsed with little loss, but had rallied and been reinforced. PLYMOUTH, July 1, Arrived, the Peacock, of 18 guns, from off Corunna, with English seamen that had been prisoners at that port. Arrived the American East India ship Augustus, of New York, from- Canton, laden with tea and other goods, for Amsterdam, detained by the Insolent gun- brig. Sailed the Indefatigable, of 38 guns, and the Egeria, of 18 guns, on a cruize. The Caledonia, of 120 guns, was launched on Saturday evening, at half past five o'clock, and fortunately without a single accident, occurring, amidst one of the largest assemblies of spectators that, perhaps, ever before attended to witness so grand a sight. She went off in a most majestic style, and is, without doubt, the large, t ship in the world. Her appearance on the bosom of Old Ocean was grand in the extreme, and the acclamations of the immense multi tilde on the occasion were heard for several miles round the adjacent country. She was taken into dock immedi ately afterwards to he coppered, after which she will be fitted for sea With all possible dispatch. PORTSMOUTH, July 2. Mr. Robert Adair ar- rived here on Wednesday, and embarked on board the Hyperion frigate, which sailed immediately for the Me- diterranean. He is gone on an extraordinary Em bassy to Constantinople. The homeward- bound Jamaica fleet, amounting < o 80 sail, under convoy of the Arethusa frigate, pas; the Isle o& Wight on Monday evening, for the River. The Princess Caroline, of 74 guns ( late Danish), is ordered to be commissioned at this port, and Capt Maitland appointed to her. Capt. Ellard is appointed to the Podargus sloop. Monday— Arrived the Bonne Citoyenne sloop, Captain Thompson, and Defender gun vessel, with convoy from the Downs.— Sailed the Crocodile, of 28 guns, Captain Cadogan, w ith transports for Cork, to join the expedition and Loyalist sloop, Capt. Mounsher. Tuesday— Arrived the Arethusa, of 38 guns, Captain Sir C. Brisbane, from Jamaica, and Sprightly cutter Lieut, Gordon, from a cruize Wednesday— Sailed the Hyperion, of 32 guns, Captain Brodie, and Bonne Citoyenne sloop, with convoy for the Mediteranean. Thursday— Arrived the Boadicia, of 38 guns, Captain from off Havre, and Melville sloop, Capt. Kin, Lieutenant Talbot, of the Encounter gun- brig, ar- rived at the Admiralty yesterday afternoon, with dis- pato'rjc i'rein Admiral Purvis and General Spencer, dated the 6th ult. They are of a nature truly impor- tant, as will be seen by the following bulletin, which was immediately sent to the Lord Mayor : ' . . " MY LORD, " Downing- street, July 1. '• I have the honour to acquaint your Lordship, that dispatches have been received from Major- General Spencer, dated off Cadiz the 6th ult. by which it appears, that a Ne- gotiation had been entered into between His Majesty's Naval and Military Commanders oft" that port, with Depu- ties appointed on the part of the Provisional Government of the Province of Andalusia, assembled at Seville, the result of which had been forwarded for the approbation of the said Government. " Every arrangement had been taken for the reduction of the 11 lii; h ships, and Admiral Purvis had been invited by the Spanish Commanders to anchor his fleet at the mouth of the harbour, with a view to co- operate in com- pelling the common enemy to surrender. " It appears that the southern Provinces of Spain had declared against France; and dispatches of the 4th in< t. received from Lieut.- Gen. Sir H. Dalrymple, at Gibraltar, mention, that the Spanish Army before that fortress, re- inforced hv the greater part of the garrison of Ceuta, had mutinied against the French.— I am, & c. & c. " lit. Hon. Lord Mayor." " CASTLEREAGH." A similar letter was sent to his Lordship from Lord M nigra ve. It was last night further stated, that four English line of battle ships had entered the harbour of Cadiz, and joined the Spanish squadron, which took posses- sion of the French fldet in Cadiz. The London Gazette of this eveninp; does not notice the dispatches from General Spencer anil Admiral Purvis, nor make any mention whatever of the affairs of Spain; hut as the Lord < Castlereagh and Mulgrave, in tlieir letters to the Lord Mayor, expressly recognise the dispatches from those Officers as official, this omission is no impeachment of their contents, but may be accounted for as arising from the undefined nature of our connection with the Spanish patriots, in this early stage of their struggle for the inde- pendence of their country. - A meeting of Noblemen and Gentlemen is sum- moned for Monday, at the Argyle Rooms, to consider the propriety of a public testimonial of this country's ap- proval of the noble struggle now making by the Spaniards against the most unprecedented act of atrocious perfidy ever practised on the independence of a free people. The Princcss Charlotte of Wales was on Thursday in a most perilous situation, from the horses in . her car- riage having been frightened by a gun or pistol fired as she wa- passing through the Green Park. The horses plunged and kicked so that it was with the utmost difficulty the ser- vants could prevent their running off, or hold them whilst the Princess alighted.: It cannot be discovered who fired the piece, a circumstance which has given rise to various suspicions. DIED.] On Monday, at Greenwich, aged 78 years, Lieut.- General Borthwick, of the Royal Artillery.— Yes- terday, at the Viearage- house, Chiswick, the Rev. James Trebeek, aged 80 years.— On Friday se'nnight, at Sutton, near Hull, George Ryston, an out- pensioner of Chelsea Hospital, who was at the battles of Dettingen and Cullo- den, and at the taking of Belleisle. This veteran, who thrice gave up his pension for active service, was thirteen times married, and had six of his wives living at one time. from Plymouth Saturday— Sailed the Polyphemus, of G4 guns, Captain Cumby, and Achates sloop, Capt. Cameron, with convoy for the West Indies, and Dapper and Hearty gun vessels Arrived the Alert sloop from the Downs. Came into harbour the Goshawk sloop ; went out the Bustard. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, JULYS. SALISBURY. MONDAY, JULY 4, 1808. The following Anecdote is from so respectable a uarter, that we have no doubt of its truth •—" The General of the Spanish Lines, on marching with his troops to Cadiz, sent word to Sir Hew Dalrymple, who commands at Gibraltar, that he left his lines to British honour." Our ensuing Races, commencing on the 26th inst. appear to be fixed at a period must fortunately convenient both, for Sporting Gentlemen and the fashionable world :— The Bibury and Newmarket Meetings will be closed, and the Brighton Races ( which designate the height of the season at that seat of Fa- hion) will not commence till some days after, viz. early in August. Stockbridge and Win- chester Races come immediately before ours ; Taunton, Blandford, Reading, Exeter, Egham, & c. follow in suc- cession, so as to give a sweep and choice of country for the horses, both before and after. the running here. On Saturday the 25th ult. was married, at the Abbey Church, Bath, Mr. Highett, ofBath, toMiss Hill, of Warminster.. On Thursday last was married, at Darking, in Surrey, Mr. lvelleway, of Downton, to Miss Wornell, late of the same place. On Friday died, at Shaftesbury, Mr. T. Hanham, sen. of that place. AYoung Person, of respectable connections, - wishes to engage herself in a LAOIES' SCIIOOI. as an AS- SISTANT :' can teach the English language grammatically, and all sorts of needle- work ; or to take the care of a young Lady or two, to give them their first education. Direct by letter ( post paid) to A. B. at the Printing- office, Salisbury. P87 LADIES' BOARDING SCHOOL, WILEY. MISS HARWOODS respectfully inform their Friends and the Public, their School will re- open after the present recess on Monday the 18th instant. [ 189 INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. MISS SALTER, after an education particularly adapted to the acquirement of this elegant Science, and seven years successful attention to the labours of private tuition, now offers her Services ( the result of fifteen years practical improvement) to the Public, on the following terms: Eight private lessons for one guinea, or twelve guineas per annum;. ten lessons at Miss Salter's rooms one guinea, or ten guineas per annum ; attendance at schools six guineas per annum ; one guinea entrance. Mr. Larkam's, Oatrr. eal- row, Market- place, Salisbury. [ 185 HOME MARKETS. Prices of Com, per Quarter | Wheat, j Barley. June Salisbury, 28 Basingstoke, 29 Devizes, 30 Newbury, 30 Andover, July Warminster, 2 63 to 76137 to 40 ( 12 to 8Gi 40 to 41 60 to 74 34 lo 37 70 lo 90 37 to 43 70 to 87 J 38 to 41 [ 63 to 78 140 to 42 Oats. Beans. Bread. 5. s. s. s. i. d. 3S lo 46 70 to 76 1 fl 36 to 40 63 to 69 1 ~ h 30 to 34 54 to 60 1 74 40 to 44 68 lo 74 1 9t 39 In 42 65 to 71 1 S 44 to 47 68 lo 72 Weight, of the Gallon Loaf, ilb. Uoz.— Half Gall. ill. 5J oz STATE LOTTERY. THE. SECOND DAY of DRAWING will be TO- MORROW, TUESDAY, July5. All the GRAND PRIZES yet remain to be disposed of, viz. 6 Prizes of £. 20,000///- 2 of ,£. 10,000 I 3 of £. 2,000 2 of 5,000 | 4 of.... 1,000 7 of £. 500— 20 of £. 100—& C. & C. No. 15,668, a Prize of £ l, 000, was the only Capital drawn the First Day. *** TICKETS and SHARES, warranted undrawn, will be on Sale this Day, and To- morrow till five o'clock, by BRODIE, DOWDING, and LUXFORD, Successors to Mr. B. C. COLLINS, at the Printing Office, Salisbury, for Sir JAMES KRANSCOMB and Co. London. STOCKBUIDGE RACES, 1808, will be Thurs- day the 14thof July and Friday the loth. JOHN DOUGLAS, Esq. Steward. N. B. There will be an ordinary each day at the Steward's table at the King's Head Inn. 133 ELING FAIR. HHHE ANNUAL FAIR at ELING, dear South- JL ampton, will be held on Tuesday the 5th day of July instjnt, at the usual place, near the ANCHOR Inn, where good accommodations of every sort will be provided. N. B. Good Grass, & c. for Cattle. [ 182 SALISBURY RACES. WILLIAM Hayden, Clerk of the Course, having engaged with Mr. BACON for his STABLES at NKTHERHAMPON, respectfully informs GENTLEMEN of the TOR?, that he can now engage to provide superior accom- modations for their HORSES, and that their Orders will be punctually and gratefully attended to. [ 8 NETHERHAMPTON, June 28, 1808. Laverstoek Lunatic Asylum, near Salisbury. IT is particularly requested that all Letters, Parcels, and Messages for Mr. FINCH, or the PATIENTS under his car. A ill ill future he ltft at Mr. AMM'J, M> AUCSK' from vftknee they are regularly conveyed to Laverstock. June 18, 1808. [ 87 VESSELS will be loaded with STONE, at 18s a ton freight from Portland Island to London, to de liver under a crane, or 19s. 6< 2. to heave out with geer. Apply by letter to Captain William Pearce, Fortuneswell, Portland Island, or personally in the Island. [ 36 PRICES OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three o' Clock, Long Ann. 18 11- 16ths. Omnium, p. India Bonds, 2 a 4 d. Exchequer Bills, 1 d 1 p. Irish 5 » Cents. 96 Imperial 3 Cents. 67J English Lott. Tickets, 211.1 Oi Ditto Prizes, 2 ^ Cent. dis. Bank Stock, 24 India Stock, 182J South Sea Stock, shut D ^ Cent. Red. 68J 3 ^ Cent. Cons. 70 4 Cents. 84 J 5 Cent. Navy, 100| 5 Cent. 1797, — India Stock, 3 per Cent. Consols, and 5 fi- Cent. Navy, sell as above, with the dividends for opening. The Editor has learnt with pleasure, that the state- ment in the Journal of the 13th ult. respecting the error said to have been committed at the inspection of the Christchurch Volunteers in the month of May last, and the blame asserted to have been attributed to their Adjutant and Serjeant Major, appears to have been wholly void of foundation. We understand that Doctor Ludlow, who is lately settled at Ilingwood, may be consulted by the sick poor gratuitously,, from nine till ten o'clock every Wednes- day and Sunday morning. We have authority from Mr. Bell, late master of the White Hart Inn, in this city, to state, that there is a general misunderstanding respecting the affair of gallantry, supposed to have occurred at, that house, between Lord S. and Mrs. P.— for that lie ( Mr. Bell) was not in the bed- room, and never saw the parties in the room together ; neither did the Noble Viscount offer him any terms of com- promise. On Thursday was married the Rev. Mr. Acton ( ne- phew of Richard Birt, Esq. of South- Wamborough) to Miss Sharp, of Basingstoke. Last week died, at Albany- house, London, Captain John Croft, of the Royal Navy, son of Thomas Croft, Esq. of Marwell Lodge, near this city. On Sunday last died, at Ringwood, in the prime of life, greatly lamented by her parents and numerous friends, after an illness of two years, which she bore with christian fortitude, Mrs. Sharpe, wife of Lieut. Sharpe, of the Durham militia, and daughter of Mr. Henry Quiuton, of Ilingwood. On Saturday se'nnight, as a child was playing with a horse, in a field helonging to Mr. John Barton, of New- port, the horse, in play, struck the child with one of its fore feet, which instantly killed it. On Friday afternoon last, Mr. John Rogers and his eldest soil, bankers, of Newport, set off from Lymington in a sailing- boat to go over to Yarmouth. They were rowed, it being calm, till they got near a place called Jack in the Basket, when a breeze springing up, they proposed to set the sails. Something being amiss at the top of the mast, one of the men got up to disengage it; he came down, but still found it entangled: he again, contrary to the advice of his companion, got up to the top of the mast, when he unfortunately upset the boat, and all were preci- pitated into the water; and, melancholy to relate, Mr. Rogers, sen. was drowned. The body was picked up by a boat belonging to the Rose cutter, lying near, which came immediately to their assistance., before it had been in the water more than one minute. It was immediately taken back to Lyinington, when every method recommended by the Humane Society was tried, with unremitted attention, for four hours, by all the medical gentlemen of that place, but without effect. Mr. Rogers, jun. caught hold of the keel of the boat, and supported himself till taken into the cutter's boat. The two watermen, who live at Cowes, swam to the mud on the opposite shore, where they were also relieved by the boat. COWES, July 1. On Monday last the Stork cut- ter, commanded by Mr. William Ferris, seized, near the Needles, and sent to the custom- house at this port, 200 casks of foreign prohibited spirits. This number makes .600 casks that this active Officer has seized within two months. On Thursday sailed the American ship Favorite, of New York, laden with tobacco, for'Tangier; but will most probably change her destination for Cadiz: TO THE CLERGY. \ Respectable CLERGYMAN is wanted, to take t\ the CARE of TWO CHURCHES, for a few Weeks the Churches are contiguous to ,- ach other, situated about 16 miles from Salisbury.— A liberal remuneration will be given ; and a line addressed to A. Z. Y. at the Post Office, Salisbury, will be immediately answered. None need apply under a feigned nam?, as no such letters ed. will be answere d [ 135 RSOUAIIEY, CHEMIST, DRRGGIST, OIL and . COI. OUR- MAN, informs his friends and the public in general, that he is removed from the Oatmeal- row to a house in the Blue- boar- row ( late the Parade Tavern). He takes this opportunity to thank them for their past support, and to solicit a continuance of it, which he will study to merit. _ [ 136 An APPRENTICE wanted to a Surgeon and Apothecary.— Apply ( if by letter, post paid) as above. ( Tico Duties) WANTS a Place, as LADY'S MAID, or to wait on two Young Ladies,— A steady person, who perfectly understands Dress and Corset Making, arid getting up line linen. The most respectable reference will be given. Address L. M. Post- Office, Winchester. [ l68 WANTED, bv a young MAN of good connection, — A SITUATION :— he writes a good hand, under- stands vulgar and decimal arithmetic, arid the method of book- keeping ; can have the most respectable references as to character. - Apply by letter ( post paid) to A. Z. to be left at the Post- office, Romsey, Hants, describing particulars, & c. will be attended to. [ 32 no be SOLD, - A handsome BAY IIORSE, TO be LETT, FURNISHED, till March next, PROSPECT LODGE, beautifully situated, on the Ly- mington River, and convenient to the hot and cold salt- water baths. Seven acres of grass Land may be rented with the house. Application to be made to Mr. W. Perkins. Ly- mington ; if by letter, post paid. [ 176 IVOODFOUD, four Miles from Salisbury. TO be LETT, for one Year certain,— A HOUSE, ready furnished, calculated for a small genteel Family ; comprizing an entrance hall, two parlours, three bed rooms, and three garrets over the same ; also a good kitchen, brew- house, and other offices ; about three acres of orchard and pasture land,' surrounding the house, and a three- stall stable, A desirable Box for a Sportsman. Apply to Mr. Lawrence, solicitor, High- street, Salisbury.— Letters must be post paid. RINGWOOD, HANTS. TO be LETT or SOLD, and entered on imme- diately,— A MESSUAGE, three Tenements, Yard, and large Garden, late the property of Mr. Robert Burgess, de- ceased ; situated in Ringwood, well calculated for any business requiring outlets. Persons desirous of treating for the above, are requested to send proposals in writing to the office of Mr. Baldwin, in Ringwood. nPO be LETT by PRIVATE TENDER to the X highest bidder, and to be entered on at Michaelmas next,— TWO MEADOWS, situate on the causeway between Romsey and Greatbridge, now in the occupation of Mr. John Comley. Proposals sent in ( post- paid) to Mr. Mackenzie, No. 10, Charter House- street, Charter House- square, London, will be duly answered. [ 161 TO be SOLD,— An excellent Town- built 1 CUR- RICLE, on its first wheels ; very little inferior to new.— To be seen by applying to Mr. Karr, coachmakcr, Catherine- street, Salisbury. [ iss POLYGON, SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, on Tuesday the 12th of July, and followineday, at eleven o'clock, by G. HOOKEY,— The elegant HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, a very neat, lofty, and'light Phaeton, and other valuable Effects, of a Gentleman quitting his residence. — Further particulars in next Paper. [ 177 Muddiford, near Christekurch, Hants. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Tuesday the lath day of July inst. at five o'clock in the afternoon, at the George Inn, at Christchurch, The under- mentioned FREEHOLD PREMISES: Lot 1.— A Cottage and Garden, on a small scale, beauti- fully situated in the pleasant village of Muddiford, one mile from Christchurch, and about half a mile from the sea, ca- pable of being converted into a marine residence for bathing and sea air. Let 3.— One acre of meadow or pasture Land, in West- Marsh, in the parish of Christchurch, in the renting of Mr. P; ytaa [ 175 Lot 3.— One acre of arable Land, in Port- Field, in the pa- rish of Christchurch, in the renting of Mr. Edward Tory. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Fryer, Andrews, and Lacy, bankers, Wimborne ; or to Mr. Rowden, attorney at law, Wimborne, or to him any Monday at Christchurch. JL fifteen hands and a half high, six years old, warranted sound and steady in harness ; price 60 Guineas. [ 181 Enquire of Joseph Mersh, at Mottisfont, near Rumsey. rpO be SOLD,— A handsome strong BAY MARE, jL 15^ hands high, eight years old, warranted sound, and sold for no fault whatever. She has been accustomed to the saddle, but is quiet in harness. Lowest Price 27 Guineas. Apply to Bayles's Livery Stables, Southampton. [ 180 THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, PRICE THREEPENCE. SHORT and EASY INSTRUCTIONS, selected for the Use of those who come to be CONFIRMED ; by wav of Question and Answer. To which is added,— The ORDER of CONFIRMATION. The SECOND EDITION. By the Rev. WILLIAM RICHARDS, Rector of Little Cheverell. Salisbury:— Printed ajid sold by Brodie, Dowdmg, and Luxford, Successors to Mr. B. C. Collins; and may be had of the Newsmen. NEWCASTLE COALS. NOW delivering at the Quav,— A very good Cargo of HIGH FLATWORTH, at 42s. per Chaldron; to discount 2s. per Chaldron for Ready Money, bv SOUTHAMPTON, July 2, 1808. WM. WATSON and SON. They will be four or five days delivering. Orders given to Mr. N. Lane, grocer, St. Ann's- street, Salisbury, will be duly executed. [ 163 STOLEN or STRAYED, out of a field belonging to JOHN TILL HART, at Aimer Farm, on Tuesday or Wednesday, the 21st or 22d of June, 1808,— A BROWN handsome PONY, five years old, thirteen hands and an inch high, short cut tail, with a flesh mark S in the near hip.—- Whoever will give information that the Pony may be re- covered shall receive ( if strayed) One Guinea, and if stolen, Ten Guineas; to be paid on conviction of the offender or offenders, by me J. TILL HART. Debenture Creditors of the late Earl of Abingdon. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, bearing date the ISth day of May, 1806, made in a cause, Lealy against the Earl of Abingdon, the De- benture Creditors of WILLOUGHBY, late EARL of ABING- DON, deceased, parties to the indenture of release of the 2d day of February, 1782, . in the pleadings of the said cause mentioned, or their representatives or assigns, are to come in and prove their debts before John Ord, Esq. one of the mas- ters of the said court, at his chambers in Southampton- build- in- s, Chancery- lane, London, on or before the 6th day of August, 1808, or in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded the benefit of the said decree. 41] E. GREENHILL, Solicitor, Gray's- inn. BORDERS OF DEVONSHIRE. HHO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Castle Inn, it Taunton, Somerset, on Saturday the 13th day of August, 1808, at five o'clock in the afternoon, unless previously dis- posed of by private contract, of which notice shall be given,— All that truly eligible FREEHOLD FARM, called LEAKS and SALTS, in the parish of Churchstanton, in the county of Devon ; now in the occupation of Daniel Clarke, and the executors of the late Henry Gill, as tenants at will ; compris- ing a new- built ifarm- housc, barn, stable, two tenements, and other buildings, together with 68 A. 3 It. 1 P. of meadow, pasture, orchard, arable, coppice, and rough land; the whole forming a most compact and desirable farm ; is distant from Taunton only eight miles, from Wellington six, Chard ten, and Honiton eleven ; and in a good state of cultivation. For a view of the premises apply to Daniel Clarke, the prin- cipal tenant; and for further particulars to Samuel Yeates, Esq. of Monk's- Mill, near Wootton- under- Edge. [ 17.0 SALISBURY. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises-, by Mr. B. LEWIS, on Tuesday the 12th of July, 1808, precisely at twelve o'clock, All those FREEHOLD PREMISES, situate in St. Ann's- itreet, Sarum, lately oc- cupied by BENJAMIN CHARLES COLLINS, Esq. in the fol- lowing lots : Lot I.— A comfortable and compact DWELLING and GARDEN, adapted' for the residence of a genteel family ; comprizing entrance- hall, two parlours, dining- room, draw- ing- room, four bed chambers, and closets, seivants' ditto, housekeeper's room, kitchen, brew- house, & c. together with a Part of the GREENHOUSE, as will be marked out at the time of sale. Lot 2.— The Remainder of the aforesaid GREENHOUSE. Lota.— A LARGE and EXTENSIVE HOT- HOUSE, as it stands. [ 20 . _____ TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, by Mr. B. LEWIS, on Wednesday the ISth of July, 1808, and four following days ( Sundav executed:,— All the neat and genuine HOUSEHOLD FUilNTTURK, Linen, China, valuable Prints, curious Greer.- house Plants, Cham- ber and Hand Ornans, & c. of the late B. C. COLLINS, Esq. St. Ann's- street.— The furniture comprizing four- post, tuit, and sofa bedsteads, with dimity, c .' ton, and ncedle- wotk furniture; window curtains to correspond; excellent goc - feather- beds, blankets, quilts, and counterpanes ; hair, tic.' and straw mattresses ; pier and diessing glasses; Wdtor., Scotch, and Brussels carpeting; mahocioiy sideboard; do- ner, Pembroke, night, and dressing tables; mahogany a: i stained chairs; sofas; mahogany robewards, double ai. d single chests of drawers, and bureaus; several mal. ora .-. liquor chests, medicine ditto, eight- day clocks, kitchen fur- niture, brewing utensils, & c. & c. The sale to begin precisely ae eleven o'clock each morning Catalogues delivered three days preceding the sale, at lb ; Auctioneer's, and place- of sale on sale day- only. [- 21 I^ OR SALl- fby AUCTION, by Mr. HART," ™ the premises at Franklcy- hounc, rear Bradford, on Monday the 11 th of July, and followini: davs,— The genuine and neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other F. fkcts, late the. property of John Jones, sen. Esq. deceased, [ 1391 The whole to be viewed two days pr vous to the salej which is to begin at ten o'clock each day. dialogues may be had in due time, of the Printer ; of the Auctioneer; and at the place of sale. No person to be admitted without a catalogue. MICHELMARSH, NEAK ROMSEY. * TO be- SOLD by AUCTION, by J. ALLEN, on Thursday the 7th of July, 1808, at the Dairy- house adjoining the road leading to Mottisfont, and near the Bear and Ragged Staff,— About' 4000 Feet of U- ineh and 2- inch OAK and BEACH PLANK, OAK QUARTER KNEES, Sc. the Materials of some Barges lately broke up ; together with a quantity of OLD IRON.— The above being old seasoned Timber, is well adapted for many useful purposes. The sale to begin at three o'clock in the afternoon. [ 07 BRADFORD, WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, nt the Swan Inn, on Wednesday next, the 6th day of July, between the hours of five and seven in the evening,— A valuable COPY- HOLD ESTATE, at Westwood, Wilts, held for three lives, one about 50 years of age, the other two 23 years each ; ; t consists of a comfortable dweding- house, convenient malt- house, barn, stable, and out- buildings, all in excellent ie- pair, with two gardens, a lar^ c yard, two closes of araMe containing ten acres, and three closes of pasture containing seven acres; the whole now occupied by Mr. Crocker, oil lease for an unexpired term of three years from Lady- dav next, at a low rent. The buildings, gardens, and two closes of pasture, adjoin the turnpike- oad from Trowbridgs to Bath, and the other parts of the estate are within a short distance. The out- goings are very moderate.— Other particu- lars may be had of Mr. T. H. Saunders, solicitor, Bradford. npo be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Old AinZ a. lope Inn and Hotel, Po'ohi, on Monday the 11th of July, 1808, aa three o'clock,— The HULL of the good Ship MERCURY, built at Poole in the year 1806, and has neve been at sea.— Length oil deck, 81 ft, 4 in. Breadth, 24 ft. 10 in Height between decks, 5 ft. Gin. Admeasures 215 G7- 91 tons. A very fine, firm, well- built vessel, carries a large, cargo, and may be viewed by applying to JW] J. BR1STOWE and Co. Brokers. DORSETSHIRE. ——— © be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr, PERCY, at Whatcombe Fa'nn, four miles from Blandford, and 12 from Dorchester, on Tuesday the 5rh of July, l'S08,— About 400 WETHER SHEEP, of different ages; to be put up in lots for the conveniency of purchasers: also three Waggons, three Dung Pots, two Rollers, Draes, Harrows. Ploughs, See. Ac. N. B. The sale to commence at twelve o'clock. [ 7C SHEEP FOR SALIR ~~ DORSET. ISLE OF PURBECK. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. HOYLE,' without reserve, on Monday July the 4th, 1808, at North Egglestone Farm, late the property of Mr. Wm. Vey, deceased, about five miles from Wareham,— All the valuable STOCK of SHEEP, of the real Dorsetshire breed, warranted sound and free from the goggles; consisting of about 150 ewes, 5 ® chilver lambs, 50 pur ditto, eight hoas, two rams, one two- year- old cart Colt, one hog ditto, and one famous pony six years old. For further particulars apply to J. Hoyle, auctioneer, & c. Blandford. NEW FOREST, HANTS, npo be SOLD by'AUCTION, at Lyndhurst, by Jl order of the Right Hon, Lord Glenbervie, Surveyor- Guneral of his Majesty's Woods and Forests, on Thursdav the 21st day of July, 1808,— The following Lots of NAVAL OAK TOPS. Tors. Rhinefield Walk... 57 Ditto '. 47 Ditto 50 Whitley RidgeWalk 38 Ditto 26 Ditto 56 Ditto, 80 Ditto 48 Denney Walk 47 Ditto.! 44 Ditto 55 Ditto 73 Lady Cross Walk .. 42 Holmesley Walk .. 58 Also several Lots of COALFIRE WOOD and BAVINS.— For further particulars apply to Joseph Mortimer, Esq. Ower. June 30, 1808. [ 39 LOT TOPS. LOT. I. Ashurst Walk .. . . .. 33 15. o Ironshill Walk .. . .. 49 16. 3. Ditto ... 63 17. 4. Ditto . .. 42 18. 5. Lyndhurst Walk. ... 84 19. 6. Ditto . . . 72 20. 7. Ditto ... 88 . 21. 8. 22. .9. Ditto ... 58 23. 10. Ditto . .. 45 24. 11. Ditto . .. 40 25. 12. Ditto ... 74 26. 13. Ditto ... 74 27.' 14. Ditto . .. 70 28. BEDWIN STREET, SALISBURY. TO be SOLD, by AUCTION, by J. ELOERTON, on Wednesday next, July 6, .1808,— The Remaining P.. rt of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, & c. of a Gentle- man quitting his residence in Bed win- street, opposite the Sun Inn; comprizing an elegant mahogany side- board, handsome bureau and bookcase, mahogany two- flap and Pembroke tables, mahogany and other chairs, field bedsteads, feather beds and bedding,' mahogany night table, washhand stand, deal dressing tables, swing glasses, & c. sundry kitchen requisites, and various other lots. [ 165 The sale will commence at eleven in the morning. FISHERTON- ANGER, WILTS. TO he SOLD by AUCTION, at the Spread Eagle Inn, in the city of New Sarum, in the county of Wilts, on Thursday the 14th day of July instant, between the hours of four and six o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale as will be then produced, unless previously disposed of by private contract, of which notice will be given in the next Journal,— All that LEASEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, Butcher's Shop, Cart- house, Stable, Slaughter- house, Out- house, a good wallgd- in Garden ( well stocked with fruit trees), and other Premises ; situate near the centre of Fisherton- Anger aforesaid ; all which premises have been built within the last twenty years, and are well calculated for carrying on an extensive business in the trade of a Butcher, the shop, & c. of which are now used in that line, and the messuage was built in a manner to be easily converted into three tenements, without injuring the same, and are now lett in three departments to Joseph Blanchard and- his under- tenants, at 18?. per annum, and at a very tri- fl ng expence might again be converted into one messuage or tenement. The premises are held in the residue of a term of .99 years, determinable with the lives of three healthy per- sons, two of whom ^ cd about 40 each, and the other about 19 years ;. subject to a smalFquit rent, and the land tax low. For further particulars, or to treat for the premises by private contract, apply personally to Mr. George Godwin, Coombe, Wilts; or to Mr. Oakford, attorney, Silver- street, Salisbury ; if by letter, to be post paid. [ 46 ft'."?* The sale will begin precisely at eleven o'clock. [ 77 NPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. GUY and CO. at the Swan Inn, in Sturminster- Newton Castle, in the county of Dorset, on Thursday Uic Hist day of Julv, 1808. at five o'clock in the afternoon, subject to the conditions the- i to be produced, All that FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE; consisting of two good parlours, kitchen, shop, cellar, and pantrv, on tilt ground floor ; five good bed- chambers, with comfortable attics; offices; vard, and walled garden with choice fruit trees ; now occupied I » • Miss Harrison, and standing in the Market- place in Sturmin- ster- Newton Castle aforesaid: in which premises a very exten- sive business in the tea, grocery, and drug line, have been carried on for a number of years', and are very desirable pre- mises for the grocery or any other business. For a view of the premises apply, two davs before the sale, to Miss Harrison ; and for further particulars to Mr. Moore, solicitor, Sturminster- Newton, or to J. Guy, auctioneer! Shaftesbury, Dorset. ' pg- t MANOR OF TOLPUDDLE, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the ANTELOPE, in DORCHESTER, on Saturday the aoth of July, isos, at four o'clock in the afternoon,— The desirable MANOR of TOLPUDDLE, and several valuable and compact FARMS ; containing together about 1138 acres of rich water meadow, pasture, and arable land, with convenient farm- houses and buildings; now in the possession of Mr. II. Davis, Mr. J. Northover, Mr. Geo. Itiggs, Mr. Wm. Brine, and Mr. Robert. Stand field.— Also the GREAT and SMALL TITHES of the parish of Tolpuddle, and the SMALL TITHES oi Tincleton, held for terms of years, under Christ Church Cullrire, in Oxford ; and about 50 acres of Coppice Ground in Milbom : Wood.— A fine trout stream, stocked v. itb fish, runs through the manor. Fox hounds and harriers nr.: kept in the neigh- bourhood; and the game in this part cf the country is much preserved.— Tolpuddle is one mile from Milbi urne, eight from Dorchester, and nine from Blandford ; in a dry healthy situa- tion, and may be a pleasant central residence for a sportsman. The tenants will shew the farms; and printed particular* may be had of Messrs. Farrer and Co. Lincoln's- iim- fit. his ; of Mr. Salisbury, and at the Antelope, in Dorchester ; the Crown, Blandford; the Bull, Brjd'port; and the Antelope, Sherborne. TURNPIKE ROAD Leading from IVarminster and Frame towards Hath. OT ICE is hereby given,— That the TOLLS arising at the eight several Toll Gates erected on the above turnpike road, called ThOnlston, Shawf rd, Frome- Field, Mitt'ord, Woolverton, Road- Bridsre, Oldford, and Welch- Mill Gates, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the best bidder, either together or in separate lots, at the election of Nc the hours of five and seven o'clock in the afternoon, for one year, to commence on Saturday the 1st day of Oetober which Tolls produced the last year the respective sums under- mentioned above the expences of collecting the same, viz. Thoulston £ 240 0 0 I Mitford; i.. i05 ' o 0 Frome- Field.. ) Shawford j Oldford > 221 0 0 Woolvcrton... '- 580 0 0 Welch- Mill .. ) | Road- Bridge .. J and will be put up at such sums.— Whoever happens to he the best bidder, at th.- same time must give security,- with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the said Trustees, for the pay- ment of the rent agreed for, monthly or tiuarterly, as shall be required by them. NATH. BARTON, Clerk and Treasurer. WARMINSTER, June 28, 1808. £ 43 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. B. BRODIE, J. DOWDING, AND J. LUXFORD, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, CANAL, SALISBURY; Where Orders, Advertisements, and authentic Articles of News are received ( Postage paid.) Also fey the J^ P^ TRRS and BOOKSELLERS in the West of England $ by the respective NEWSMEN \ and in London by Messrs. TAVLOIt and NEWTON, No* 5, Warwick- Square, Warwick- Lane, Newgate- St^ t, and Mr. WILK1E, Bookseller, Paternoster- row, St. Paul'S. V
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