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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset


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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset

Date of Article: 23/05/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII    Issue Number: 3718
No Pages: 4
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• P^ R AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND S03IEESET. A. 5 1 [ NUMBER 3718. VOLUME LXXI1X.] MONDAY, MAY 23; 1808. PttlCE i- IX PENCE. f Stamp Duty 3i</. | Paper and Print ' Z'A. Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. WEST INDIES. ROSEAU, DOMI. IICA, March 27. ' A Vessel which arrived here this day from Mar- f\ tisiique reports, that two unsuccessful at- tempts have been made by the British cruizers off that island to cut out some armed brigs from Ma- rine and Trinity Bays, in which we have lost several men. The Master of the vessel states, that on the 18th inst. three French national brigs, with/ 300 ar- tillerymen and provisions, arrived at Martinique. One of them was chased into Marine Bay by a British frigate, and the others took shelter in Trinity. The boats of the British squadron on the station were sent to cut them out, but were at cach place repulsed. At Trinity, it is stated, we lost three boats and about SO men, " and some boats and several men at Marine Bay. ANTIGUA, March 21. Sir A. Cochrane, who arrived here on Thursday, with ithe Belleisle, Ramillies, Captain, Intrepid, York, arid Defence, sailed again to the southward on Sunday evening:.— The Hazard, Capt. Dilkes, has sent in here La Desiree privateer, of Guadeloupe, which for three years has seriously annoyed our trade. Her capture was wholly accidental, having in the night run do e under the bows of the Hazard; otherwise, from her superior sailing, she would have mocked the chase of any of our vessels of war. She carries two long eights, and one long twelve French pounders : had just left port provisioned for three months. LONDON, MONDAY, MAY 1C. A Dtifch paper of Wednesday last, and some ( German journals to the 7 th'instant, were received this • doming. The English who were arrested at Rome, on the arrival of the French in that city, have been liberated, on giving security for appearing when required. The Trench Secretary of Embassy, Lablanche, lately arrived in Paris from Persia, via Bagdad and Constantinople, " bringing the copy of a Treaty of Csmmerce and Amity, concluded between General Gardanne and the King of Persia. This Treaty revives the intercourse which formerly subsisted, and is stated to create new and, important affinities. Several French merchants at Constantinople, &' e. have, in consequence, gone to Persia to form establish- ments there. Asker Han, who has been appointed by the 5' ersian Monarch as his Ambassador to Paris, is empowered to deliver and receive ratified copies of the Treaty. This measure derives increased interest from its connection with • the long- threatened project of transporting a French and Jtussi& n army to attack our possessions in India. The accounts from the North of Europe are not very interesting. The Russians are still busy in fijr- tifying Cronstadt, and are sinking hulks in certain channels of the Gnlph of Finland, - and endeavouring to create other obstacles to the free navigation of that sea by our ships. By the Leander, a vessel from Madeira, ( formerly Miranda's ship) we are informed that the Portuguese flag was hoisted at Madeira on the 27th of last month. ' Our troops are to continue there, to protect the island, but we are to hold it merely in trust for the Prince ilegent of the Brazils, till it shall be convenient to his Roval Highness to send a competent force for its defence. The letters by the Leeward Islands Mail were delivered this morning.— The present may be truly called au aira of calamity to the West Indies. The Dutch colonies of Demerara, Surinam, and Berhice, have been inundated with rain. The cotton crop is ruined, and several dwellings and warehouses have been swept away by the flood. At Tobago, also, there have been destructive inundations, while in Antigua, where rain is always welcome, there has been a long drought. There are no direct accounts from TrininaJ, but the a-! vices from Grenada confirm too fully the distressing in- telligence of the destruction of the Port of Spain, ( the capital of Trinidad) by fire. U was an extensive and popu- lous place. The streets were wide, but the houses being chiefly of wood, and in most instances built close together, k was almost impossible to stop the progress of the flames. One letter says, that nine- tenths of the town are consumed; another states, that only the Government storehouses and two private dwellings have escaped ! Two ships have arrived from Lisbon, by which letters, dated the 5 th instant, have been received. They bring intelligence that a: i embargo was expected to be immediately VuUn ail the Portuguese ports, to avoid which these vessels * arc towed out of Lisbon. No reason isassignedfor the imposition of this embargo. The Order of the French'Government to detain ail American vessels lias likewise been extended to the Spanish portst The Science, Howard, from London for - New York, which sailed from Cowcs on the 19th nit. has in consequence been taken by a French priva- teer, and carricd for Bayonne. An Algerine frigate, and two smaller vessels, have b'cn seen cruizing without the Straits of Gibraltar, • under pretence of looking out for American ships; but it is believed that they will make prizes of all they meet, without considering to what nation they may belong. On Thursday, the 28th bit. a very severe engage- ment took place* between E'Ai triable frigate and the bat- teries raised for the defence of Cuxhaven. It appears that the frigate stood closer into Cuxhaven than usual, to re- connoitre, when the batteri s opened upon her, and wounded same of the crew. The Commander ( Lord G. Stuart) being indignant at the circumstance, brought his ship to anchor in front of the batteries, with the determi- nation of silencing them, which he accomplished. In the attemnt, however, mostot'the shotfellin the town, destroyed number of houses, and killed and wounded several of the inhabitants. We regret to state, that his Majesty's ship did not escape without injury ; a Lieutenant and four sea- men were killed, and 14 wounded.— It was the intention of the frigate to return again and renew the bombardment. Mr. Bonner, late Deputy Comptroller of the Post- Office, has just obtained a Treasury appointment, to inves- tigate the long- standing accounts of the Government Con- tractor; iu the several parts of the kingdom S-. l/ wn. Herald. A singular phenomenon was lately observable in the North of England. On the coa't of Northumberland a very severe storm of thunder and lightning prevailed for twu hours, during the whole of w hich time one part of the horizon was perfectly cleat, and the bottoms of the blackest clouds were bright! / illuminated by the sun. A violent thunder storm prevailed in many parts of the lcingdom on Wednesday last. Two brothers were, struck < i.:> d by lightning, at Newcastle ; a cow was killed by the fame cause, at Doncaster; and some trees shivered to pieces in SandbSck Park. A young man in a state of insanity was last night taken • nto custody in Kensington Gardens. He had a quantity c. t stones in his pocket, and he very much wanted to see the Oueen, as he had, he said, been greatly injured, and her Majesty could see him righted, He was this morning examine1 " at Bow- street, when he said his name was Michael Smith, and that he was a Clergyman at Rochester. He prove-; to be the son of the late Dr. 0mith, Curate of the Temple Church, and Lecturer of at. Margaret's Church, Westminster. MARK- LAME, Monday, May Ifi. The supply of Wheat this morning was lirge from Essex, Suffolk, and Kent, and we had some quantity from the northern districts; the demand for mealing was not very brisk, and the appearance in the early part of the day was in favour of a decline in the prices, but the trade revived afterwards, and last Monday's currency Was fully established in general, or even at some little advance in respect to heavy Red Wheat, quite at the close'. Spring Corn for the most part, except Beans, comes to hand very sparingly, the present arrival being scarcely equal to the wants of the buyers; Grey Peas have in consequence risen 3s. per quarter, Horse Beans 4s. to 7s. per quarter, Tick Beans : Js. to 5s. per quarter^ Barley 3s. per quarter, and Oats nearly as much, since this day se'nnight, as per particulars beneath, whereto we refer:— English Wheat fo'is. to 78s,—• Ry- 4b's. to St*.— White Peas 9- 2*. to 16' O. s.— Grey ditto 54s. to t> 5s.—- Horse Beans 5os. to ? 0v. Tick Beans 5( 5s. to fifis.— Barley 4- 2s. to 52s.— Malt fi8s. to 80s.— Oats 88*. to 49s. per quarter.— English Household Flour 63s. per sack. SMITHFIRMJ- MARKET, May tiJ. This day' market was amply supplied with prime Beasts, and tile shew of Cattle in other respects was considerable; Pork is cheaper than our last report; beef is dearer; Mutton, Lamb, and Veal sold at last price, and the trade in general was somewhat brisk. The fol- lowing is an accurate statement of the numbers and prices:— Neat Cattle 2,170.— Sheep and Lambs 14,760,— Calves 87- — Pigs 360.— Beef 5s. Od. to 5s. 6d. Mutton 4s.. od. to 6s. Od. Veal 6s. ad. to 7s. Lamb 5s. ( id. to 8s. Od. Pork 5s. Od. to 6s. 6d. per stone of 8Ik. to sink the offal. WINCHESTER RACES ARE fixed for the 19th, 20th, and 21st of July : the particulars will be advertised in due time.— The fourteen Subscribers to the Gold Cup are desired to remember, that their Horses must be named on or before Monday pre ceding Ascot Races. 1574J LORD RODNEY, Steward. DORSETSHIRE. " jVTOTICE is hereby given, That the next Adjourn- 1 » ment of the GENERAL QUARTER SESSION of the PEACE for the County of Dorset, will be held at the County Hall, at Dorchester, in and for the said County, on Saturday the 11th day of June next. Dated this 14th day of May 1808. By Order of the Court, WM. BURNET, Clerk of the Peace for the County of Dorset. _ SARUM AND EALING TURNPIKE NOTICE is hercbv given, That the next Meeting of the TRUSTEES is appointed to be held, pursuant to the last adjournment, at the House of Joachim Hibberd, known by the name of the Maidenhead Inn, in the City of New Sarum, on Friday the 27th day of May instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. W. BOUCHER, Clerk and Treasurer. SARUM, May 18, 1908. [ 1603 POOLE TURNPIKE. ' HE next Meeting of the Trustees will be held at the Crown Inn, in Wimborne, on Wednesday the 1st of June n: xt, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon; when the several Surveyors of the Highways of the respective parishes and places through which the turnpike passes, are required to deliver in lists in writing of persons liable to do statute duty, under the penalty of £ 10. May 19, 1808. WILLIAM CASTLEMAN, 1593] Clerk to the Trustees. CANFORD INCLOSURE. WE give NOTICE, that all Rights of Cutting Turves, Heath, and other Fuel, on Car. ford H< ath, shall from henceforth cease and be for ever extinguished. And we further give notice, that we have set out the Turf Com- mon for the occupiers of Cottages in the parish of Canford, and have ascertained the cottages to which the rights cf tur- bary belong, and have left a list of them with our Surveyor for the inspection of the parishes interested. And we further give notice, that no one must cut turves or other fuel on the Turf Common, but at such times, and in such quantities, as Mr-. Castleman, the steward of the manor of Great Canford, or such persons as he may depute, shall appoint. May 19, 1808. RICHARD GEE. 1594] . WILLIAM CLAPCOTT. HAMPRKSTON INCLOSURE. E give NOTICE, That all Rights of Cutting Turves, Heath, and other Fuel, on the Hampreston Heath, shall from henceforth cease and be for ever extin- guished. And we further give notice, That we have set out the Turf Common for the occupicrs of Cottages in the parish of Hampreston, and have ascertained the Cottages to which the rights of turbary belong and have left a list of them with our Surveyor fof the inspection of the parties interested. And we further give notice, That 110 one must cut turves or other fuel on the Turf Common, but at such times and in such quantities as Edward Gicathcd, Esq. the Lord of the Manor, or such person as he may depute, shall appoint. May 1.9, 1803. RIGHARD GEE. 159SJ WILLIAM CLAPCOTT. MERE INCLOSURE. WE whose names are hereunto subscribed, Com- missioners appointed bv virtue of an Act of Parlia- ment passed in the 47th year of the reign of iiis present Ma- jesty, iotitled " An Act for inclosing Lands in the parish of " Mere, in the county of Wilt.-," do hereby give notice, that we shall hold our next meeting, for executing the powers of the said Act, at the house of James Burfitt, being the Ship Inn, in Mere aforesaid, on Thursday the 9th day of June next; and that we shall at such meeting perambulate the boundaries of the said parish, or such part or parts thereof as shall appear doubtful or in dispute;- and that we shall begin such perambulation at the entrance to the Commons from Silton, near Bagmdor Wood, on Monday the 13th day of June next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. And we do also give notice, that all persons having or making any claim or claims which may affect such boun- dary's, or any of them; and also all persons claiming any rierhts of common, leasowes, or rights of pasturage, in, over, and upon the lands and grounds by the said Act intended to be divided and allotted, or any part thereof, are hereby re- quired, by themselves or agtfnts, to lay their respective claims ( in writing) before us the said- Commissioners at such meeting. And we do hereby further give notice, that no claim will be received after Wednesday the 15th of June next. [ 16' 10 Dated May 14, 1808. JOHN FIELD. RICHARD WEBB. GEORGE BARNES. CONTRACTS FOR COALS AND CANDLES. Commissary- General's Office, London, May 14, 1808. WANTED for the Barracks in the undermentioned Counties in South Britain, for the Barracks in North Britain, and in the It lands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney, such Quantities of COALS and CANDLES as may from time to time be required by the respective Barrack- Masters for the time being. The deliveries to commence as soon after the 25th of June next as the respective Barrack- Masters shall require, and to continue until the 24th of June following. Proposals for supplying Coals, made separately for each county in South Britain, the whole of the Barracks in North Britain, and likewise for those in the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney, sealed up and marked " Tender for Coals," will be received at this office until eleven o'clock on Monday the 6th of June; the parties tendering observing, that, in those counties where both sea and inland Coals are used, the pi » oosals must particularly express the price of each description. Proposals for Candles, sealed up and marked " Tender for Candles," will be received until eleven o'clock on Tuesday the 7th of June ; but no tender, either for Coals or Candles, will be noticed, unless made on, or annexed to, a printed particular, and the prices inserted in words at length, and if sent by post, the postage must be paid.— Each tender must be accompanied wjth letters from two respectable persons engag- ing to become bound with the party tendering in the sums expressed in the particulars, for the due performance of tie contract. Particulars of the Contracts may be had on application at this Office, between the hours of ten and four; to Mr. Deputy- Commissary- Gencral Assiotti, Edinburgh ; Mr. Assistant- Commissary Rawlins, Guernsey; and Mr. Assistant- Com- missary Dumarcsq, Jersey. COUNTIES. Berks. Gloucester. Northumberland. Chester. Hants. Nottingham. Cornwall ( includ- Hunts. Somerset. ingScilly.) Isle of Wight. Suffolk. Cumberland. Kent. Surry. Devon. Lancaster. Sussex. Dorset. Middlesex. Warwick. Durham. Norfolk. Wilts. Essex. Northampton. York, North Britain. Guernsey, Jersey, and Alderney. [ 1587 TO THE CLERGY. WANTED, in a few weeks,— A CLERGYMAN to divide the Duty of two Churches in Hampshire. Apply ( post paid) to the Printer.— r— No Parsonage House. WANTED to Rent, in the neighbourhood of Sa- lisbury, in a healthy situation,— A large FAMILY HOUSE, FURNISHED, with from 25 to 30 acres of Meadow and Arable Land: the Downton side of Salisbury will be preferred. [ 1445 Address to the Printer of this Paper; if by letter, post paid. SPORTING BOX AND MANOR. W- ANTED to RENT, furnished or unfurnished, in the best sporting part of the counties of Dorset cr Hants,— A comfortable compact HOUSE, with coaeh- house, and stablirtg for four or five horses ; a productive garden, and from 20 to 45 acres of grasS land ; and with one or more extensive manors, well stocked with game. If not far distant from the sea, it would be preferred. Address, ( post paid) with an account of particulars, to R. Hanson, Esq. 37, College- green, Bristol. [ 1269 ANTED,— Ten to Twelve Couple of Bonev . . H ARRIERS, about 18 inches high, fit for the Heath. For particulars apply to Mr. Spencer, Dolph in Inn, Kingston, near Wimborne, Dorset; if by letter, postpaid. [ 1SI4 TO BRANDY MERCHANTS, & c. WANTS a Situation, as CLERK or WARE- HOUSEMAN,— A middle- aged Person, who has a thorough* knowledge of the Spirit trade; would have no ob- jection to a Situation as Book- keeper cr Clerk in any other business: can give respectable references, and security, if required. [ 1568 Letters ( postpaid' directed to A. B. at Mr. Lee's, No. 10, Hungerford- street, Strand, London, will be duly attended to. WANTS a Situation as GARDENER, or GAR- DENER and BAILIFF,— A middle- aged MAN, who is perfectly qualified for the management of every species of forcing, having had vast experience ther : ia in his las{ place, where he lived seven years, whence he can h ive an unde- niable character for sobriety of conduct and ability for such an undertaking. . [ 1556 Letters ( postpaid) addressed to M. at Thompson's Nursery, Redbridge, Southampton, will be immediately attended to. TIT ANTS a Place, as GROOM,— A sober steady F T MAN, who can be well recommended from his two last places. Apply to- the Printer; if by letter, postpaid. [ 1545 ANTED, An active WAITER at an Inn. For a reference apply at the Printing- Office. [ 1605 TO PARENTS OR GUARDIANS. WANTED, as an APPRENTICE to a STJRREON and APOTHECARY, situated in a respectable town in Hants, and who has been in a long established practice,— A YOUTH, not under sixteen years of age, who has received a classical education, and can be recommended for suavity of temper, and a disposition for improvement. The premium exp cted will be moderate, if other considerations can be agreed upon. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Jeffrey, chymist, Salisbury. [ 16- 27 TI MILES and SON, Linen and Woollen Dra- <• pers, Hosiers, and Haberdashers, No. 29, High- Street, Southampton, have now a vacancy tor an APPRENTICE,— A Youth of fifteen or sixteen years, of genteel connections, for the limited term of five years. The trade is very extensive and respectable, and has been established near thirty years.— A liberal Premium is required. N. B. Applications ( if by letter, post paid) will be duly attended to. [ 1500 " TO LINEN- DRAPERS. A N ASSISTANT, who perfectly understands the 1' ft. Country TradeJ and who can have an undeniable cha- racter, may hear of a place, by applying to John and Joseph Sinkins, drapers, Frome, Somerset, ( if by letter, postpaid). WANTED immediately,— A young MAN, as an ASSISTANT, capable of teaching Writing and Arithmetic. Letters, with specimens of penmanship, addressed to A. B. Post Office, Cowes, Isle of Wight ( free of postage), will be immediately attended to. [ 1386 MAN SERVANT. WANTED,— A young Man of good character, as FOOTMAN in a small family; he must have been in service before. He will be expected to work in the garden occasionally, and milk one cow. Application to be made ( if by letter post- paid), of personally to Mr. Wilson, at the New Inn, Bartley, near Lyndhurst, Hants. [ 1615 ANTED, in a Gentleman's Family, near- Southampton,— A good DAIRY- MAID, who under- stands her business, andean bike; also a KITCHEN- MAID. None need apply who cannot have unquestionable characters from their last places. Application to be made to Messrs. Baker and Fletcher, Southampton. fl6l8 WANTED immediately, A JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER and GLAZIER. Any person may have constant employ, by applying to Elizabeth Jones, Cranborne, Dorset. [ 1597 WANTED immediately,— Twelve LABOURERS, who have been used to removing ground, where good wages will be ? iven ;— also a Person willing to contract for REMOVING a QUANTITY of GROUND immediately. Apply personally to Mr. Cass, East Cowas Castle, Isle of Wight. [ 1518 WANTED, for the Ship MONTAGUE,— Three or four stout LADS, fourteen years of age and upwards, as APPRENTICES. [ 1579 Apply to Capt. Robert Gleridenning, on board, or Gosport, May 20, 1808. HURRY, JUKES, and Co. HURRY, JUKES, and Co. beg to acquaint their friends, that they have a Cargo of MEMEL TIMBER just arrived, which they are selling on moderate terms. Gosport, May 20, 1803. [ 1578 NEWCASTLE COALS. NOW delivering at the Quay,— A good Cargo of MAIN TEAM, at 415. per Chaldron, discounting Is. per Chaldron for ready money, by FLETCHER and BAKER. SOUTHAMPTON, May 21, 1808. [ 1G17 GOOD GRASS for a limited number of Horses and Neat Cattle, from the 23d of May to the 10th of October, in Brockcnhurst Park, Hants; Horses at3s. Cows at 2s. per week, and young Stock in proportion; one shilling per week extra if for a short time. Enquire of Mr. Lynch, the Bailiff, on the premises. [ 1441 KEEP for NEAT CATTLE, during the Summer, at Is. per head per week, at RED- LODGE FARM, North- Stoneham, Hants. Letters not answered unless free of postage. May 18, 1S08. [ 156- 2 HARRIERS. TO be SOLD,— Three Couple of YOUNG HOUNDS, about seventeen inches high, very hand- some, the breed not to be excelled. For particulars enquire at the New Inn, Overton; or at Mr. Gandy's, Weston, near Michaeldeavor, where the Hounds may be seen. [ 1565 TO be SOLD,— A Pair of CHESNUT HORSES^ in high condition and constant work.— They have been regularly used in a barouche- chariot and tandem, and may be seen by applying to Mr. Robbins, Crown Inn, Lyntl- hurVt. Price 100 Guineas. ' [ 1585 To Brewers, Distillers, Vi. negar- ma1tf. rs, 4- e. TO be SOLD,— A number of Second- hand English Oak PORTER VATS, in very good cond. tion ( at this time full of beer), of the following contents, some 360 bar- rels, some 500 barrels, and some 700 barrels each ;. als" se- veral new Vats, of seasoned materials, from 50 to 800 barrels: they are well worth the attention of brewers, & c. at the pre- sent high price of small casks, and will be sold cheap. For particulars apply to Messrs. Wingrove and C o. back- makers, 13, Palact- row, Tottenham- cour:, London. [ isas EDUCATION. ( CHARLOTTE TRATTLE having OPENED V A SCHOOL at BniDiNO," lsIe of Wight, begs the patronage and encouragement of her friends in particular, and the public in • general, and ass'urfs all parents and other:,, who may be pleased to favour her with the care of their children, that she will pay file ufmctt attention to the health, morals, and improvement of her young pupils. N. B.— A good Writing- Master is engaged to attend the School. BRADIXG, April 2I>, 1808. [ FTI- 30 POOLE AND PORTSMOUTH HOY. TAMES MANELAWS, Master of the Sloop U ANNE, begs leave to inform his friends and the public in genenl, rhat . the above vessel will SAIL every Monfcvor Tuesday from POOLE to PORTSMOUTH ( wind and weather permitting), taking Goods and Passengers; and should be meet with that encouragement he is now led to expect, be will, if necessary, put another cf bis Vessels in the Business. *-* Good accommodation- for Passengers,. The Master to bespoke with at the Rising Sun, at Poole, and the True Blue, at Portsmouth-. [ 1583 PRIME DEVONSHIRE CYDER. ui i ( v 1.;>, 01 ui^ i- iciury tree to private ram Store, the bottom of Prospect- row, Portsmouth. Best Bottled Cyder six shillings per doften ; discount for ready money. No quantity less than 20 gallons. Orders taken at his store, and at the\ Sun Inn, Southampton. Country orders executed onthe shortest notice. [ 1571 MR. J. LOMER begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public of his declining the Retail Drapery Trade, and having disposed of his Concern, he has now to offer his NEW AND VALUABLE STOCK. AT AND UN- DER THE PRIME COST. N. B. An extensive assortment of Muslins, Damask, and Irish Tabling, Sheetings, Counterpanes, &- c. & c. J. L. takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for that distinguished support he has experienced ; and re- quests all outstanding accounts may be settled as earlv as pos- sible. Southampton, °\ st May, 1808. [ 1576' JADAMS, UMBRELLA and PARASOL MAKER, • andToYMAN, 18, High- street, Southampton, begs to inform the Ladies of Southampton and its vicinity, that be has a large Assortment of PARASOLS, of the most fashion- able colour, and earnestly solicits their favours before the ireat advance which must shortly take place, owine to the high price of silk. J. A. continues to sell and cover Umbrellas and Parasols, at the usual prices. J. A. has for sale a large Assortment of the most improved Trusses for Ruptures, Ladies' Steel• Collars, Back Boards, Dumb Bells, & c. & c. All orders from the country, by letter or carrier, attended to with punctuality. ' [ 1618 R1CIIARD KILLLCK, UPHOLSTERER, CABI- . NET- MAKER, PAPER- HANGER, SWORN AHPR'AISE. R, & c. & c. French- street, Southampton, begs leave to return his most sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general, for the very liberal and distinguised favours he bas- rcceived, and most respectfully informs them, that he bath just re- ceived from the manufacturers the newest patterns of Carpets, Paper- hangings, Floor- cloths, Bed- furnitures, See. & c. and which he offers to the public on the very lowest terms, for ready money. % R. K. flatters himself, that baling spent the whole of his life in the above branches, and after ten years experience in the first manufacturing shops ; n London, he can supply those who may honour him with their commands, in the first style of elegance combined with ceconcmy, and equal to any shop in the kingdom. K?* Down, Hair, Wool, Flock, and other Mattresses. *** Houses iett or provided, arid Commissions faithfully executed. [ 1028 WARMINSTER, WILTS. JOANNA LAWRENCE, widow of the iateWM. I* LAWRENCE, HAT MANUFACTURER, begs leave to return her sincere thanks to licr friends and the public in'gc- neral, for their. favours during her late husband's life, and since his decease; and respectfully inf. ums them that the Partnership between herself and Son was DISSOLVED by mutual consent the 25th of November last.— J. L. be^ rs to solicit a continuance of their favours, for the support of her- self and young family; and assures them they may depend On having their commands most punctually attended to and gratefully acknowledged. *** A large assortment of the best manufactured Goods in the HATTINC. Line, on the most reasonable terms. [ 1475 CROWN INN, RINGWOOD, May 17, 1808. JOHN KING ( from Southampton) most respect- fully begs to acquaint his Friends and the Public in eeneral, that he has this day taken and entered upon the CROWN INN, and humbly solicits their patronage and sup-" port, assuring them it will be his constant study to pay due attention to their commands. He has laid in a good Stock of the best Wines and Spirits, for the accommodation of all those who may be disposed to frequent his House. A good Ordinary every Wednesday, at one o'clock ; good Stall Stabling, neat Post Chaises, able Horses, and carefnl Drivers. J. K. takes this opportunity of expressing his gratitude to his friends at Southampton for the distinguished favors re- ceived by him, humbly soliciting a continuance thereof at Ringwood, which he will ever make his utmost care and attention to merit. [ 16'- 2.9 CHARLES BLEWDEN, STAY and CORSET- MAKER, ( successor to the late Mr. Sopp) embraces this opportunity of returning his grateful acknowledgments to those Ladies who have favoured him with their orders during the time he has been in business, and would inform them that he is just returned from London with a fashionable Assortment of STAYS, CORSETS, & c. where he has opened a respectable connection, from which, he flatters himself, he shall be enabled to accommodate them with every article in the above line, of the first style and fashion ; and , assures them his assiduous exertion shall he directed to a punctual attention to their orders, so as to ensure their future patronage. C. B. will be at his apartments, every Tuesday, at Mr. Moss's, truss- maker, Castle- street, Salisbury. SIIREWTON, May 16,' 1808. [ 1547 PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. UITER and IIINVES, PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, iC and PAINTERS, desire to return thanks to their friends, for the favours they have received, during 16' years past, in the above business-, and inform them, that the PARTNERSHIP is this day DISSOLVED; and they request those of their friends who stand indebted to the partnership concern, to pay the same either to Suiter or Hinves, No. 23 and 21, East- street, Southampton; and whoever has . any demand on the firm of Suiter and Hinves, will deliver the same to either of the late partners, in order to a settlement. E. SUITER. SOUTHAMPTON, April 30, 1808. G. HINVES. C^ HINVES most respectfully informs his friends IT. and the public, the PLUMBING,, GI. AZINU, and PAINTING Business will be carried on at his house, No. 24, East- street, on bis own account, ( Mr. SUITER, on account of ill health, having declined business,) p. n< l takes this, oppor tunity to solicit the favours oftheirlate friends, and hopes, by a strict attention to orders, to riierit. their future favours and support. N. B. — Lifting and common Pumps, Engines, Water- Closets, & c. Sc. on the most approved, principle. [ 1400 QPIE GRAND STATE LOTTERY, which JL begins drawing. June 28, is the only. Lottery that ever contained Si.- PRIZES of £. 50,000. | - SCHEME. 0 PriKes- of.^'. 20,01) 0 are jg. iso. oon ,1 .2 10,0011 Sfl, 000- 2 ....' 6,000 10,0( 30 3 .... 9,000 - 6% 0" 0 | 5 1,600 , 5,001) 7 .-...• SOU". 3,800 20 . . 1- 00 2, QOO j. 30 .... 60 1,500 ; t. OUD .... 22 .... 92,0 D I 4,000 .... 15 60,000 | 25,000 Tickets. • £. 250,000 . . NO FIXED PRIZE. ' Tickets and Shares are selling at all the Licensed Offices in London, and by their Agent:; in the Country. Present Price.— Ticket.... £. 20 19s. TIalf ,£. 1015 0 | Ekhfh £. 2 15 6 . Quarter....... 6 a 0 , j Sixteenth 1 8 0 KRUTON HOSPITAL, . SOMERSET. TO PKIISONS fVANTWG ' APPHKXJtCKS. THE ' Trustees intend to place out four Roys, of the age of fourteen war", each, ( who have been three years educated in the said Hospital) APPJ? i-, i\ PICKS ti> JVIECMANTCA/ L'TRADES, fortbe t. RRA of seven years; and will treat with/ any- persons who may, be willing to take tlhtn on Tue § < iay thy 7th. ' ' 1 ' ' ' the apprentice be then living with- him, •• ••;! the htr 1 : hail 111 all respects have discharged his duty (< fv » . tfdssuch Jmorenticc.- Each apprentice is. cloathed by the Tins ots at the".-. Jin.: ctiee-'- ment of his apprenticeship, and tlie'rriast r covenants to find liini in all necessaries during the term, and'to new clothe him when it expires. It being the WisS 01 - theTrustees to provide : good masters tor the apprentices, it is requested that none but persons ot that description Will applv. l Each master is required to, produce or send ( tree of postage)' a\ « irtificare, signed by the minister, churfchwafdens, - and overseers of the ( unsh where he resides, stating that he is of the established church,, and a pr: per person to take an apprentice; such ccrt.'. u- ate to be Sent to Messrs. Messiter. atturmes. Wjnganton, Stewards oft, tile said Hospital • or to Mr. John Penny,. in Bruto*, at least ten days previous to the said 7th of June.— May 4, 1K0W. OST, Oil the 4th of i. lav, between kennet And -< INV AS. A PLAIN GOLD WATCH, irf a much worn metal case, the maker's name SI; UTTI.:: V.' OIIT! I, SA- LISBURY.- Whoever b is found the same, ai d v. .11 bring it to the Post- Ollice, Devizes, shall receive Three Guineas reward. 11307 F7KSUANT to a Decree of, the High Court of Chancery, made in'a cabse of Price against Price, the Creditors of Edward Price, late of Tinhead, in the courtly of Wilts, yeoman, deceased, are forthwith to come In and prove their debts b; for - John Springett Harvey, fiscr. ore of the Masters of the said Court, at his chambers in Southampton- buildings, Chancery- lane, London ; • or in ih'fauit there , f thev will be excluded the benefit cf the said decree. • ith May, 1808. 11417 THE Creditors of THOMAS BIGGS/ Jun, of Ssend, in the county of Wilts, Cheese Factor, are de- sired to meet at the Bear Inn, in Melksh m, on Wednesday the 516th of May, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, in order to consult and determine what measures are best to be taken ; and the said. Thomas Biggs, jun. is desired to attend, to give a full and open statement of his affairs. Chippenham, May 17, 189s. [ 1570 4 LL Persons having Demands on the Estate and ii Effects of the late Mr. WILLIAM MERSHAM, of Longparish, in the county 0! Hants, lVllmonger and Parch- ment- maker, are requested to transmit an account thereof to Mr. Brackstone, or to Mr. Netherelift, of Whitchurch, in the said county, Executors in trust; and all persons indebted to the estate, are ( Jesired to pay such debts immediately to the Executors. And whereas the said William Mersham directed in his will, that bis Executors sbaukbpay the debts ol his sen UBORGE MBSSIIAM, to the amou. it of £ 100.— All persons having demands on the said Georae Mcr'shani, are requested to send the account thereof to either of tile above- mentioned Executors. , WIHTCHUSCII, May Mlb,, 1808. F 1454 nPHE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, .8 bearing date the twenty- sixth dav cf May 1.. t past, awarded and issued forth against ROBEl'iT ADAMS, 1. tc of the town and county of the town of Southampton, Ship- builder, intend to meet. on the fourteenth day of June next, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon, at the Dolphins Inn, in Southampton aforesaid, in order to make a final dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrapt; when and where the Creditors, who have not already proved their debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or thev Will be exv iuiled thei benefit of the said dividend; and all claims net then proved will be disalloweiL 1450] THOMAS NICHOLS, Solicitor. 7T1EREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and is sued forth against ISAAC COLE, now or late, cf Marnhull, in tjie County of Dorset, Woolstapicr, Dealer and Chrpman ; and, he being declared a bankrupt, is hereby re- quired to surrender himself to the Commissioners', in the said commission named, or the major part of them, on the 29th and 30th days of April inst. and on the- lth day of June next, at eleven in the forenoon of each Bay, ot the house of James Cheltenham, commonly called or known by the name or sign of the Swan, situate in Shaftesbury, in the said county of Dorset, and make a full discovery ai> d disclosure of his estate and effects ; when and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their debt?, and at the' steond situ; v to choose assignees, and at the last's King the said bankrupt is required to Apish Ins examination, and the creditors a> e 10 assent to or dissent from the alio-, - ance of' his certificate. All persons indebted to the said bankrupt, Or that have aov ofhis effects, are not to pay Br deliver the r true but to wlr m the commissioners shall appoint; but give rone: to Messrs. Tahour. lin, solicitors, Argyle- street, Loudon, or Ch t. es Bowles, Shaftesbury. [ WM HEREAS early on . Monday m ini >. » the ICitli instant, between four and five o'c!> •>'.-, a LE'i'TEJt was picked up on the premises of Mr. jEsstt . VITCHHI. I., of Titchfield, Army- Clothier, supposed to have been put under the door, near the spot where the said letter was found, by some evil disposed person or persons ; which Utter contains therein a threat to rob and murder the said Je- see Mitchell without mercy; and also containing another threat, that if the said Jessee Mitchell did not comply with the demand of money expressed therein, and'also did pot keep the contents of. such letter secret even from his own family, that not all the powcrs. on earth could save him ( jhe said said Jessce Mit- chell) from the midnight assassin,— to the great terror and alarm of Jhe family o. f the said Jessie Mitchell, and to the manifest injury of public society, This is therefore'to offer a Reward of FIFTY GUINEAS to I any person who will give information of the offender or offenders, so that they may be brought to conviction.- And, further, - as an encouragement to obtain the ends of justice, every endeavour will be used to procure his Majesty's parti on for any accomplice 111 this capital felony, except for th « per- son who wrote the saiu letter, who will give such information. This reward will be paid 011 conviction, over and above the retvard to be paid by the Titchficld Association, by « ie, • 1577] , JSSSEE MITCHELL. THE reception which Mrs! VINCENT'S CELE- BRATED GOWLAND's LOTION has met with in the fashionable world, and the. many thousands of rank and distinction who have adopted, continued, and recommended its use, ( like otiier inventions of merit and importance) has been assailed by weak and mischievous Imitations. In the year' 17yS, Mrs. Vincent, finding her property variously attacked, she, by the advice cf her solicitor, laid the whole of the case before the Hon. J. Mingay, King's Counsel, who gave his decided opinion, " that Mrs. Vincent was hi possessioji of the true Recipe for preparing Gowlaud's Lotion." Mrs. Vincent assures the Nobility, Gentry, and Public, her Gow- land's Lotion is a most elegaht, safe, and mild preparation for the removal of ALL ERUPTIONS from the FACE and SKIN,- and IMPROVING the COMPLEXION; and it is impossible that any othcrperson can know of what Ingredients this most excelleif't Lot on. is composed ; and to prevent Coun- terfeits, it is particularly, requested it niav be asked for in the Name of Mrs. Vincent's Gowlar. d's Lotion, and ' to see her Name is signed on . the Label of each Bottle, otherwise it cannot be genuine. . Sold in ' Salisbury by Mr. Collins, in Btandford by MrJ Simmons, in Southanmton bv Mr. Harvev, hi Rumsev by Mr. . Mollis, in Winchester Mr.' Earle and Mr. Flight, in Poole by Mr. Moore, in Lvminitdn by Mr Galpme'and Mr. Pt rfcins, iti Ringwood by Mr. Lucas ami Mr. Thome, and by every reputable vender of genuine medicines in Europe, in quarts, 86rf,; pints, S*. 84.1 half- pints, 2s.$ d. . () 58B ~ "" THIS p% y IS l'UBLISIIED, " In a quarto volume, containing 5' i plates and wood- cuts, price 125. in extra boards, THE LADY'S ECONOMICAL ASSISTANT; or the Art of Cutting Out, and Making the most useful Articles of1 Wearing Apparel, without Waste; explained l. jr » the clearest Directions, and. !> y numerous Engilivings of ap- propriate and tasteful Pat- ems. D •. igned for Domestic Use. BV A I. ADY. Printed for J. Murray, 33, Meet- street, J. Harding, Off, St. James's- strect, London ; anj A. Constable ami Co. E in- buruh } sold at the Printing- office, Salisbury; by Baker 3c C , Southampton ; and also by evi'rv Bookseller riid Nevsqian. Ladies'in the country who arp desirous of receiving this use- ful work upon its fitst publication, are rcqii- stcd to apply to their nearest hpokselle'r, who will Order it from his'cirres- • pondent in London, by whom it will be sent down at the beginning of the mdnth. Latelv was published,— A new edition of DOMESTIC COOK. ERY, price 7s. Ud. in boards. (. lOtSi TUI; SALISBURY AND WINCULISTKR JOURNAL, Wednesdays and Thursday's Posts. FROM TUI LONDON GAZETTE OF MAY 17. LONDON, It'EDNES DA y, MAY 18. AnMiii. m. TY- GIFIEB, May 17. Extract of a Letter from Alexander Skene, Esq. Captain of his Majesty's ship Kiuerriere, dated Jiarbaducs, ' March 10. THIS French privateer brig Malvina, of Nantes, commanded by Monsieur Kerie Salaun, and mount- ing fourteen guns, with sixty men, together with W- prize, the British ship Juliana, were captured on the 15th of February, 1888, by liis Majesty'? ship under my command. A. SKENE, CRWN- OFFICE, MmjM Member returned to in tills present Parliament.— Shire ef Sutherlaui.- ftngiSwv- Oencral flohn Ratuloll Mackenzie, of Suddie, in the room of the Right Hon. Win. Dumbs1 who hath accepted the Stewardship of the Chiltefn Hundreds. Wrni- Oinct, May 17. Lieutenant- General Hay Mac- dowal, from the Half- pav. of the 40th Foot, to be Colonel ot the 41st Regiment of Foot, vice General Sir Thomas burling, deceased. „ Cpmmissittns in the IJt Reflation nf Dorset I nluntetr In- fantry, signed by the l. ord Lieatciiam'— Ensign Tho.. leaver to be'Lieu tenant, vice Tucker, resigned ; James Fearer, Gent, to be Ensign, vice Feaver, promoted. [ This Gazette contains a Proclamation for apprehending " William Williams, Master of the ship Croydon, in the Afri- can trade, charged with the murder of Samuel Barms, a sailor, belonging to the said ship, at Charleston, South Caro- lurv, some time in the year 1 sotT. J BANKRUPTS. Tlttott Dawson, " F Hinckl. y, hosier. ^ Tlms. - Buxton. M* Halifax, iiquie- nwrehant. * Johft Og- Wn, of Olctha/ ii, hatter. Richard PkaiSr, of I. r/- ipool, ironmoneer. John Hmilk, Wm. Hindle, Lawrence KenyM, and Ashtoa Stans- fi l. i, of- ScaWelilTe wiliiiri Accririgton, ealictv- printtrs. Win. Piper, of K « * 0in* t » ft, bmklayer. .- i- V- iiils- Parkinson. of Kln^ i- rort- upon- Hull, merchant. 1 PaniW- Heeir/, « > f Birmingham, taylor. John Bradley, of Leeds, dealer. S. F- Paritie, of East Siniihii. lrt, liquor- meiehant. HOUSE OF LORDS. TOESTUV, May 17-] The Payma* ar's Audit Hill, the A--- s-*' d Taxes Consolidation Biti, and private: bills, were brought up from the Commons, and read a. first time'. Xjnrd facount. Sidmnutk, after recapitulating his for- mer arguments against the expedition to Copenhagen, and the whole of our political conduct towards Denmark, inured three resolutions, the first importing that friendly traders had been seized in our ports, and at sea, by our oruizer. s, contrary to the law of nations; the second, that it would be expedient to suspend proceedings on these seizures; and the third, that such ships should be restored to their owners, and the seamen cease to be prisoners of wai. The Lord Chancellor opposed the resolutions, all of which were negatived.— Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. MONDAY, Mat) Itj. j Mr. Abererombie moved for an account of claims and payments of Barrack Architects, Surveyors, and Over - eers, from the 14th of July 1800 to the pre- ent time. These amounted to so enormous a sum, that they merited particular investigation. Mr. Huskkson explained how a considerable part of the charge had been incurred ; after which the accounts were ordered. Sir John Newport moved for leave to bring a bill for the more effectual valuation and collection of First t'ruits in Ireland. This fund, by the statute 23 Henry VIII. was to be appropriated to the building of glebe houses, & e. and if fairly collected and appropriated, it would afford ample- means for that purpose, without any additional tax on the people. Sir A. If'ellesley objected to the motion, the object of which was to lay a tax exclusively on the Clergy, for purpose which ought to be provided for by a general fund. Mr. Horner replied, in support of the motion, that the Bill would not lay any new tax, but merely render available a fund appropriated by law to this use, but which had long been evaded or neglected. The Chancellor of the Exchequer opposed the motion, considering that the intended measure would be oppressive to the Clergy, on whom no additional expence should be thrown. Mr. Maurice Fitzgerald expressed surprise that ihe Chancellor of the Exchequer should be so ignorant of the state of Church property in Ireland. The First Fruits had from the beginning been appropriated to the very purpose which the Bill was meant to enforce ; this legal purpose had been so evaded, that the want of glebe houses was the general excuse for the non- residence of the Clergy. There were two Bishoprieks with revenues of 20,000/. a year, and in fact the fair payment and appropriation of First Fruits from the larger benefices, mostly held by non- residents, would rapidly provide comfortable houses on all the livings, Even those of the Clergy who reside in Ireland pay neither property tax, house tax, nor many other taxes in force here. There was certainly no necessity for applying to the purse of the people to defray an expenee fur which such ample provision had been made. On a division, the numbers were, for leave to bring in the Ijjl 5( 1, against it 17. Col. [ food moved for a copy of Capt. Dunn's log- book, from the 18th to the' 224 of February 1807, al3o for a copy of the negociation between Admiral Duckworth and the Ottoman Porte, frojn the time of the Admiral's entering the Dardanelles to the 22d of February.— Several Gentle men intimating, that if any charge was to be lua. le against the Hon. Admiral, it ought to be submitted to a Court- martial, Colonel Wood withdrew his motion^ The report of the Committee on Mr. Palmer's claim was brought up, and on the question that the resolutions be read a second time, Mr. Hanhes said, he should not consider himself faithful guardian of the public purse, if he did not protest against this most extravagant and extraordinary waste of the public money. He considered that the claim could not be established under the terms of the bargain, and that point of fair remuneration Mr. Palmer had already been much over- paid for his services. Mr. Ross denied that there had been any bargain on which this claim could be established.— If allowed, it would he rewarding a public officer for a manifest breach of duty, for which delintjuincy he had justly been dismissed fann his situation. Mr. Long spoke to the same effect. Mr. Windham aiyl Sir Francis Hurdett spoke in favour of the grant. The latter ridiculed the affectation of G'eonoiny by Ministers, and contended that whether the claim rested on the merits of the bargain, or on a right of remuneration for services, fifty shillings in the hundred pounds was not too much to give for the money gained 1 Mr. Summer thought that further evidence was necessary, and therefore moved to adjourn the debate for eight days. The House divided on this motion, Ayes 5) 7, Noes 137 ; majority 50.— The resolution for granting the remuneration then passed without a division.-— Adjourned. TUESDAY, May 17.] Mr. Huskissm obtained leave to bring in a bill for continuing the Commission of Military Enquiry, which would expire on the 1st of June, for another year. The Commissioners were now, he said, investigating the accounts of the War Office, on which they would shortly make a report. The Ordnance and some other extensive departments as yet remained un- touched. Sir ' i% oniis Turton called the attention of the House to the great question of the conduct of the Marquis of Welleslev in the Carnatic, particularly in respect to the Nabob Wallajah, whose deposition the Hon. Baronet stigmatised as one of the grossest acts of injustice, tyranny, and violence that had ever disgraced this country. After a long and animated speech, the delivery of which occupied inore than four hours, he concluded with moving a striilg of resolutions, expressive of these sentiments. Mr. I fa/ lace contended that the Nabob had entered into a conspiracy with T'ppoo Sultan for our overthrow in India, a-. d that his deposition was a proper punishment for his perfidy., and neaessary for the security of our own territories. Lord Archibald Hamilton spoke in support of the motion. Major Allen went into a general defence of the conduct of the British Government in India for the last twenty years, particularly in the deposition of the Xabob. He had beep. employed to take a survey of the Carnatie, and could positively assert that the inhabitants, who had been wretched under the Government of the Nabob, were happy tinder thai of the Company. After a short explanation from Sir T. Turton, Mr. Windham moved that the debate should be adjourned to Tuesday next, which was carried ; and at one o'clock the House adjourned. Letters were received yesterday from Jeremie, in St. Domingo, to the 30tli 6PMarch. These letters 1 repeat the intelligence that Port dc Paix, as well as • lean Rubel, were in the possession of Petian. There were about 5000 of his troops - at Jeremie, under the command of a General Gerren; several hundreds of whom were employed iti dispersing the Brigands, who had taken refuge' in the neighbouring hills and woojs. Accounts from Martinique, of the gth of March, represent that Island in a most deplorable state. The interruption oi' ito commerce with the United States bad occasioned the utmost distress to tho inhabitants; and the Island beiu » Gloselvblockaded, it was considered that necessity would shortly compel its surrender to the British arms. A letter from Penzance, relates an outrage, committed against the Messrs. Pcrrings, of that place, which causes much astonishment. These geutp- men being out in their leasure yacht* were repeatedly tired at by a large Irish rader, although within hail, and although they answered very question di. tinctly, Their yacht was at length sunk close tu the- trader, and it was with difficulty the la- t of them was got uut by the trader's boat before her going down: The Irish Captain, it seems, mistook her for a privateer, and would not cease firing, though he might ith so much safety have waited for an explanation. . A Madras Pane?," giving an account of the dreadful hurricane of December last, speak thus of its general effect: It ys iinpos. ible, to give " all" accurate or adequate description of the, niischiefthis storm has occasioned: far less can we describe the feelings of individuals who witnessed this work of distinction. Trees are every where torn up by the roots ; the honsejof the European inhabitants have universally suffered \ jonsiderable ' damage; many were urt)- oofed, and some partially blown down. The mud- hpuSes, of. the natives are in most places swept away, and switli theni! mauy also of their wretched inhabitants. It is apprehended mar:}" thousand* have perished. Dead bodies of'liM- H, women, and children, were found lying in every direction, i* hen the storm abated." A foreigner of distinction, who is the almost inseparable companion of a per.- on of high rank, has been so success- ful in his hazardous speculations during the last three months, that he Vias been enabled to realize 35,000/. Previous to his late success, he was considered is a neck or nothing man ! He now plays Only for a few hundreds, and Uniformly quits the gaming table when the tide ol ill luck is likely to How in upon him. In the Court of King's Bench, yesterday, in the cause of Paxtons, Cockerel and Co. v. Sir Home I'opham, the Court decided, that the bond for 3,500/. given by the iatter to the plaintiffs, for goods, & c. on board the Etrusco, bound to Ostend from Calcutta, was void, the consideration being an illegal transaction ! NATIONAL DEBT.— An Account shewing what has been redeemed of the National Debt, the Laud Tax, and Imperial Loan, to the 1st of May, IfcOB. Redeemed by Annual Million, & c ,£ 69,589,076 Ditto on account of Loans 66,650,823 Sitto by Land Tax 23,048,161 itto by 12. per cent, per annum on Imperial Loan 869,977 BROA. D- WINSOR, DORSET. r|^ 0 be LETT, and ' may be entered upon imme- I diatcly, An exceeding good HOUSE, fit fi r the re- ception of a genteel family ; it consists of an excellent draw- ing- room anil parlour On the first floor, five good bed- clianii ers, attics, kitchen, and other useful offices, stables, coach- house, an excellent garden, and about five acres of meadow land. The same may be had for a term of tour years anil a half from Michaelmas next, and may be entered upon immediately. KrOsdwinsor is six miles from Crewkerne, seven from Bridport, and nine from. Lyme, a fashionable bathing place. For a sight of the house applv on the premises ; and for the price please apply to Mr. Gift, Auctioneer, Beaminster, ' Dorset - . ' rpo he LETT at Midsummer next,— III LLERS- JL DON- HOUSE, ill the county of Devon ; consisting of a vestibule,. breakfast and dining parlou s, drawing- room, library, seven best bed rooms and several servants',' with every suitable office for theaccommodation of a large family ; coach- house and stables, and a very good walled garden. The house is very pleasantly situated in a paddock of - 21 acres, which may lie taken with the house, and, if required, 00 or 40 acres of exceedingly good land may he added. The house is two miles from the town of Collumpton, four from Tiverton, and twelve from Exeter. The privilege of shooting and hunting On an extensive manor will be granted. Further particulars may be had by applying at Hillersdon- House; to Mr. BroWn, of Collumpton ; or to Mr. Toulmiri, High- street, Taunton. I H37 A MARINE COTTAGE, CLOSti TO THE SEA, IN 1! AMPS II1 R1', TO be SOLD- by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with ten Acres of FREEHOLD LAND, in high cultivation, immediately joining the sea, situate between Lymington and Christphurch, commanding one of t" e most beautiful sea views in the kingdom : the House contains f f r bed chambers and a drawing room, with housekeeper's roe. il, butler's pan- try, and suitable apartment-; for sen- ants, with offices of every description ; the whole on a small but compact scale. Also capital netV'built STABLING for eight horses, with four good rooms ever for servants, a harness room, additional stable for four horses, and standings for four carriages.— The- premises may be entered upon ready furnished or otherways imme- diately. The House stands out of the turnpike road leading from Christehurch to Lymington, is very retired, and within half an hour's ride of the New Forest, three miles from the fashionable bathing place Muddiford, five from Christchurch, seven from Lymington, twentv from Southampton, and ten from Mr. Ward's tox hounds at Lvndhurst. lor further particulars apply to Mr. John Pilgrim, at Christchurch, who will shew the premises, and is authorised to treat for the sale; or to Mes- rs, Gicene, Tennant, and Harrison, Gray's Inn, London. p4( tj Total ,£' 160,151,037 The sum to be expended in the etisning quarter is 2, fi39,36(>/. 4s. If/. CITY BUSINESS.— A Court of Aldermen was held yester- day at Guildhall, at w hich the price of Hread w as ordered to be raised to 11 j; d. the quartern loaf of wheaten, and 10d. household.— The Thanks of the Court were unanimously voted to the Bishop of Salisbury, and the Rev. Mr. Dodd, for their excellent Sermons preached at Christ Church, Newgate- street, on Easter Monday and Tuesday last. COH V EXCHANGE, May 18. The supply of Wheat to- day is short, and the sales are made at rather better prices. Rye is dearer. Barley and Malt fluctuate but little. There are but few Grey Peas, which are higher. Beans of the two descriptions are nearly as before. Oats are at an encrease ill prire. In Flour there is little alteration. SOUTHAMPTON. TO be LETT or SOLD,— The MOIETY of the MAN in thfeMoos, a public- house on West Quay, with immediate possession of an upper floor, 90 feet by 22, will contain 700 quarters of oats ; lately lett for his Majesty's use- as a store- room, and the last tenant was a sail- maker. If sold, the principal part. of the money may remain on the premises. There is a quay adjoining, close to the sea. Enquire of lyjr. Bernard, at Eling; or Mr. Shaw, wine- merchant, Southampton. N. B. It is a Freehold Estate. [ 1439 BROCK. ENIIURST, NEW FOREST, HANI'S. TO be LETT or SOLD, and immediate posses- sion given of a genteel HOUSE, suitable for the resi- dence of a private family; Comprising two parlours, china closet, kitchen,/ dairy, and tv/ o cellars, on the ground flot r; three good bed rooms, study, and two servants rooms over; wash- house, brew- house, chaise- house, three- stall stable, granarv, ham, and other out- buildings ; good garden planted with choice fruit- trees, small green- house, neat la-. vn in front of the house, with a carriage- road to the door; the borders planted with ever- green and other trees, with from three to 40 acres of land.— The situation desirable; four miles and an half from Lymington, and 13 from Southampton, Koinsey, and RingwoOd. For the purchase of the estate apply ( if by letter, post paid) to J. Richman, Esq. Lymington ; for the letting to Mr. Adams, Bank, Christchurch; or on the Premises. [ ir> K> ' KINGSCLK R K~ HAN'i s7~ TO be LETT or SOLD, with possession at Mi- chaelmas next,— A substantial, roomly, brick and tiled DWELT. ING- HOUSE, with two large Granaries, and Lofts over the same, lately used in the seed trade, to which, as well as aiiy other business which requires room, the pre- mises arc well adapted a three- stalled Stable, and Garden, with the Appurtenances in Sworn- street, new in the occupa- tion of Mr. John Hawkins. Further particulars may be known by application ( if by let- ter, postage paid) to Mr. Hawkins, at Kingsclere, or Mr. Bird, Solicitor, Andoyer, Hants. [ 1485 rpo be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— An A Inclosed Piece of excellent Freehold ARABLE LAND, surrounded with good quick hedseS, containing about four acres and a half, situated in Penton M. wscy, near the Harrow- Way, and the turnpike road from Andover to Weyhill, pos- sessing many locai advantages trora its vicinity to the latter, from which it is- distant about half a mile ; and affording a good situation for building, as it commands fine prospects. For further particulars, and K trat for the purchase, apply to Mr. H- ndy, at'l'heale, - ic-. r Ream ; or Mr. Bird, solicitor, Andover, Hints ; if by lett- r, postage paid. [ 1534 TO 1 Th PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, May II, 18Q8. ON Thursday, the 20th instant, I shall be ready to receive Tenders in writing ( sealei/ up) and treat for tht supplying of ail such quantities of VEGETABLES as may by required for his Majesty's Victualling Service, at this Port, fur the space of one Year from the 30th of June next; which will be paid for, ut the expiration of each quartor, in teajy money. No regard will be had to any Tender, in which the prices shall nit be inserted iti words at length, or that shall not be delivered before twelve o'clock on the said iGt. li instant; nor unless the persons who make the same, or some person on their behalf, attend to answer thereto when called for. IV \ 1. RUEXS. N. n.— The Conditions of the Contract may be seen et my Office. [ 1459 PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, May 17, 180S. ON Thursday the 26th inst. I shall be readij to receive Tenders in. writing ( sealed up), end treat for the • under- mentioned Articles, for the service of this Port, which will be paid for by bills, payable with interest, ninety days after date, vix. ENGLISH WHEAT, 1,000 Quaiters, to weigh HSlbs. per bushel, and in case it ihnulil ' reigh above bulls, per bushel, the overweight will be paid for. CLOSE- DRIED AMBER MALT, 1,000 Quarters, answerable to a sample that will be produced at the time of contract. WHITE SALT, 1000 Bushels. LADY WINDSOR'S, or SIMPSON's PONTOP COALS, 300 Chaldrons. The Wheat, Mai, and Salt to be delivered in one Month, and the Coals in two months. Xo regard will be had to any Tender, in which the price shall not he inserted in words at length, or that shall not be delivered to the Hoard before twelve o'clock on the said - Z'ttii / instant; nor unless the. persons who make the same, or some person on their behalf, attend to answer when called for. N. II— The Conditions jof the several Contracts may be seert at my Ofjicc. [ 1559 WOODSIDE, VI. AR LYMINGTON. TO be LETT, and entered on immediately,— A truly desirable COTTAGE ; consisting of two parlours, kitchen, brewhouse, pantry and milk- house, four good bed- rooms, and excellent water; coach- house and four- stall stable, a good garden, two small fields adjoining, about one acre and a half of good meadow land. Particulars may be known by applying ( post paid) to Mr. Wm. Perkins, of Lytnmgton. [ 1144 BURSLEDON HOUSE for SALE, remarkably pleasantly situated on the bank of the River, six miles from SOUTHAMPTON ; with double coach- housc, two 2- stalled stables, barn, farmand poultrv ya » ds, pleasure and kitchen gardens, in which are shtubbeiies and neat green- house, productive orchard, and rich pasture land surrounding the House, in the whole about 86 acres; fit for the immediate reception of a Gentle- man's Family. The principal rooms are large, lofty, and expensively fitted up; the House is sub- stantially built, convenient, and replete with every domestic office. For particulars and a view apply to Mr. George Hookey, Southampton. [ 713 IN the iimrtediate Vicinity of SOUTHAMHON wlil be LETT, for one, two, o" r three Years,— A large and commodious MANSION- HOUSK, neatly andelecantly fur- nished, with coach- houses for four carriages, and stabling fer ten horses, together with every convenient necessary office ; a garden containing between three and four acres, perfectly cropped and yielding Jn abundance of every kind of vegetable and fruit, with t-. Vo pineries, two conservatories, and a large green- house, all filled with pines, fruit- trees, and plants of various descriptions; together with 23 acres of land, now laid down for hay. [ 795 Immediate possession may be had, and the terms known, by application to Mr. George Hookey, in Southampton. VICINITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. HMO be SOLD,— MERRY OAK HOUSE, with * two coach houses, stabling, two gardens,, in one of which is erected a neat green house, pleasantly situated in a lawn of twelve acres, well timbered, ami neatly laid out with shrubb^ iies and walks. The house has been recently and expensively fitted up; the rooms are numerous, large", and lofty, and ready for the immediate reception of- a gentleman's family. Ths elegant Household Furniture may be taken to by appraisement. For particulars apply to Mr. Geo. Hookey, Southampton. | Leasts ( post- paid) will meet due attention. { 14: 2 MARINE VILLA, In the Neighbourhood of Southampton. be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— ' he LEASE of an exceeding good and neatly furnished RESIDENCE, St for ths immediate reception of a genteel family, commanding a most delightful view of Southampton River'and the New Forest, vvitii lawn in front, ne . tlylajd out; and a greenhouse, kitchen garden, & c. ; the whole complete repair, the greater part of the buildings having been ertcted within three yeare, at a great expence, and the grounds completely fenced in. The House consists of an excellent sitting room, — feet by —; dining parlour, library, and suitable ofSc : s. - v th seven sleeping chambers, dressing and water closet, war n bath, & c. For particulars and a view of the premises apply ( if by letter, post paid) n Mr John ( Iriftiths, No. 1, Nelson- place Hill, near Southampton, who will treat for the same. [ 1531 CHESHIRE. Manor, Mansion- House, and Estate, with v'aluothle Coitii/ igehcies. IX) be SOLD hv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— . The MANOR of WI\ XJ NGTON, with the Mansion- House and Offices, called WIN : KGTON- HALL ; comprising a spacious and complete residence for a large family, built with stone and covered with slate, and finished in a modern style containing roorris of largfe dimension's, superbly fitted up; geometrical stone stairs; mahogany doors, plate- glass windows, marble chimn. ey. pieces, and oak floors, with ap- propriate attached aiid detached offices; stabling for fifty horses, coach- houses, green- house, hot- houses, grapery, > ine arid succession houses, excellent kitchen gardens with aot Walls, mushroom- house, cold baths, ice- house, a poultry- house upon a superior scale, and every necessary building for agricultural purposes, dove- house, entrance cottage- lodges, with shrubbery and plantations sloping t « the river Weaver, at a convenient distance from the house, which is well situated on very highly ornamented ground, and surrounded by about six hundred and forty acies of land, chiefly meadow and pas- ture, of superior quality, divided into farms, and lett to res- pectable tenants ; woods and plantations in hand, and orna- mental cottages and gardens adjoining the road: the whole together forming a truly desirable and, elegant residence for a large establishment. To which there is attached, A most Valuable MINERAL, which, if attended to, far exceeds the value of this place- as a residence. The Estate is situate one mile from Northv> ioh, 17 frorh Chester, 22 from Manchester, and from Liverpool; may be viewed by'applying to the Rev. Joah Furey, Winryngton- lods; e, near ftorthwich; and printed particulars1 may be had of T$ tr* Wyatt, Lime- grove, near Bangor; of Mr. Edwin Wvatt, Solicitor, St. Asaph ; at the Hotel, Chester ; the Ho- tel, Liverpool; the Bridge water Arms, Manchester; and of Mr. Claridge, No. 47, Pall- mall, London, where a plan of the estate may be seen, and the price and further particulars known. ' [ 1.653 D1 I VEKNll. UJ, HANTS. rip6 he SOLD by AUCTION, by it. CMsWick, JL on the Premise, on Tuesday the 24ih dav < f Mav, i80*,-- The LIVE FARMING STOCK and IMPU'hViliN !" S in H USBANDRT, late the property of Mr. Hooper, deceased; Consisting of five draught horses, one saddle ditto, twenty- five pigs, three waggons, cam, roll, rs, harrow, di-.- s, ploughs, harness, rick scallbld, winnowing tackle, com sacks, old iron, 6cc. Also the HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE j comprising feather beds, bedsteads, and farniture, talilis and chairs, quantity of pewter, two choppers, brewing total* sils and cask, two eight- dav dock*, Sc. tVe. ' And two FREEHOLD COTTAGES, with two C.- uUns to each, situate at Vemh-. iu atutesaid, in the occupations r. f Robert ElforH and John Figg ns. [ 1513 Sale will begin with Farming Stock at tjeVefi o'clock. TO be SOLD,— A FREEHOLD COTTAGE, completely and handsomelv Furnished ; consisting, 011 the grrund floor, of a dining parlour and breakfast pariour, butler's room and butler's bed room, a hall, two kitchens, dairy and larder, with ex « ellent arched cellar underneath; upper story, a drawing room, five good bed rooms, and maid's bed room ; in a detached building, men servants' bid room, and many conveniences; a coach house and stabling for five horses, with good hay lofts over them ; a dog kennel, a granary, and a well stocked garden, with a paddock or pleasure ground, the whole completely fenced and laid out with great taste. This cottage is situated four miles from Winchester, and four from Alresford, on the river Itchen, a river abounding with trout, the surrounding country with game, and is in the vicinity of two packs of fo\- hounds. [ U' 74 For further particulars, inquiry may be made fif by letter, post paid) of Mr. John Ridding, Solicitor, Winchester. FREEHOLDS. BASINGSTOKE, HANTS. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with immediate possession,— A compact and very desirable VILLA, with about 1;) 0 Acres of rich Arable and Pasture LAND, in high cultivation, called the Down ; lis acres lie within a ring fence, and the rest near adjoining, situate about 50 miles from London, within 200 yards of the high road leading to Winchester. The premises consist of a handsome DWELLING- HOME, with airy and cheerful bedchambers, a dining- room, drawing- room, kithen, dairy, brewhouse, and all requisite domestic offices, fitted up in a convenient manner; good cellaring detached, chaise house and stabling, vard, barn, cow house, piggery, ar. d all necessary out- buddims immediately adjoining, with an excellent walled garden, well stocked with fruit trees, in the highest state of perfection. The premises are well supplied witk water, situate in a sport- ing part of the country, near fox- nouuds and harriers, and surrounded by a good neighbourhood. Also Four Tenements, situate in Oat- street, in the several occupations of Mrs. Davies, Mr. Tubb, and others. A Cottage and Close of Meadow Ground, by the side of the Reading road, containing one acre or thereabouts, in the occupation of Daniel Penn, butcher, whose term expires at Michaelmas lKfto. And a valuable Chalk Pit, immediacy contiguous to the Reading road, now rented by Mr. Wm.. Guyatt, whose term expires at Michaelmas next. For further particulars of the whole, and for a view of the Farm, apply to Messrs. Raggett and Cole, solicitors, Odiham, Hants, at whose Office a Plan of the Estate may be seen ; Mr. Charsley, solicitor, No. 1 « , Mark Lane, will also give frther particulars » f the Farm. flWI BERKSHIRE. ELIGHTFUL FREEHOLD VILLA, with forty acres of LAND, tythe free, land tax redeemed, with immediate possession, to be SOLD by PRIVATE CON- TRACT, by Mr. HISCOCK ; comprising a genteel residence on the ground floor, an entrance, hall, breakfast and dining parlours, drawing room 16 by 17 feet, water and other clo- sets, ten bed rooms, two stair cases, under- gronnd beer and wine cellars attached, lofty kitchen, dairy, larder, brewhouse, outhouses, and domestic offices ; the whole singularly con- venient, and well supplied with excellent water ; with a lawn, shrubbery, pleasure ground, and ornamental timber, judi- ciously laid out; cold bath, fish pond well stocked ; excel- lent kitchen garden and orchard, with a variety of luxuriant and singularly prolifit walled and other fruit trees; together with a double coach hou^ e, stabling for fourteen horses, barn, granary, cow- houses, piggery, and great conveniences, . with 40 acres ( more or less) of excellent pasture and arable land, in the highest state of cultivation, most conveniently connected, and divided by live mounds in the greatest per- fection. The whole of which Estate is in the completes! state of repair, presenting a truly healthy and comfortable residence to the gentleman fond of the natural amusement of farming, retirement, or the society of the most respectable . neighbourhc^ xl pleasantly situated on an easy declivity, nearly central between London and Bath ; a convenient dis- tance from the Bath and other high roads, five miles from Newbury, ar. d four from Hungerford ; abounding with same and field sports, immediately in the hunt of the first packs of fox hounds in the kingdom. The modern an 1 exceeding neat HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITURK ( except Plate and Linen), with Fixtures, live and dead Farming Stock, to be taken to at a fair valuation. Personal and post paid applications for purchase, or furth'- r particulars, to Mr. Hiscock, Stroud- green, Newbury, will be duly attended to. [ 1527 TO be SOLD bv AUCTION, ( if not disposed of by. private contract in the mean) by Mr. MANI-, 011 Monday the 20th day of Jnne3 180H, at the George Inn, in the city of Winchester, at twelve o'clock at noon,— A capital FREEHOLD MANSION- HOUSE, Called the Abbey, situate in the city of Winchester, with convenient offices, coach- houses, stables, out- houses, granary, lawn, gardens, and m « - adow thereto belonging. For a view of the premises apply to Mr. Faithful!, solicitor, in Winchester; and for further particulars to Mr. Richman, solicitor, Lymington, Hants. [ 15t>;> Genteel, neat, and modern Household Furniture, in high preservation, CHILLAND, NEAR WINCHESTER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, by Mr. MBCEY, on Wednesday the lath of June, 1808, and following davs, precisely at twelve o'clock,— All the truly neat and genteel" HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, two Cows, a single- horse Chaise j two Carts, and other valuable Effects, the property of Mrs. Sabine, quitting her residence at Chil- land; comprising a very neat drawing- room suite of rich printed cotton; s" ta, chairs and cushions to correspond; handsome chimney, pier, and dressing glasses ; Turkey, Brussels, Wil- ton, and Venetian carpets ; four- post and tent bedsteads, with handsome printed cotton . and dimity hangings; capital sea- soned bordered goose feather beds ; mattresses and bedding ; a singularly fine toned piano forte, witn additional keys, by Tomkinson-, pair of giobes ; books; China and rich, cut glass; in mahogany are a handsome cellaret sideboard, set of dining tables with shifting leaves, wardrobes, chests of drawers, card, Pembroke, sofa, loo, library, dressing, and night tables, chairs and bason stands ; culinary art'cles ; poc- ket of hops ; quantity of bacon ; iron- bound casks ; and va- rious furniture, which will be expressed in catalogues. To be viewed two days preceding the sale, when catalogues may be had at the Swan, A Ires ford; 011 the premises; and of the Auction.- cr, Winchester. N. B. The wws, chaise, and carts, will be sold in the first day's sale. [ u- Jti VICINITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. CHRISTIE, at his Great Room in Pall- Mali, on Thursday, June. 23, iu fifteen lots, ( unless an acceptable offer for the whole be previously made),— The capital and very valuable ESTATE and noble MANSION of the late NATHANIEL MIDBLETON, Esq. deceased, called. TOWNIIILL, situate in the parish of South Stoneham, three miles from Southampton, eleven from Winchester, and four trom Bothy, in the county of 1 lants; consisting of the honor of Ewe Elm, latel. v purchased of the Crown, and the extensive manors of Shambichurst or Townhill and Allington, abounding with game, with courts baron and lect, in Townhill, and court loet in Allington, fishery, rights, royalties, quit rents, Sc. & c.; spacious mo- dem Family Mansion, recently erected, seated in a fine Park of 400 acres, inclosed with substantial oak paling, the Man- sion commanding a range of view of a delightful pastor. il vale, richly wooded, and intersected with streams, and a na- vigable canal from Swathland to Winchester. Offices abun- dantly supplied with fine river water, thrown up by an engine from a powerful stream, and replete with evety convenience ANDOVER, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by 1L- CRISWICK, on the Premises, on Tin-- lay the « ist of M; y, ltios,' and two following days*—- Tin; " valuable HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of the late Mrs. Child ; comprising excellent goose leather beds and mattresses; four- post mahogany and beech bedsteads, with furnitures; double and single chests of mahogany and wainsc » t drawers ; dinner, Pembri! « , cardj and claw tables; eight- dav clock in elegant mahogany cs se ; plate and China; valuable prints in burnished riit frjlms ; neat gig, on curricle springs, good as K, W ; fowling pica), and pistol*, by Mortimer and' Nock; culinary articles of every description ; coppers, brewing utensils and c: sks ; two- stone tollers ; and numerous other effects," which w: il be cs- presse- d in catalogues, to be delivered three days pre vious W the sale, at the Globe, Newbury; Black Horse, Salisbury; Jacob's Printing- office, Winchester; and at the Auctioneer's,- Andover — Sale will'begin each day precisely at two o'clock in the atrfrp. QCn. ' [ l'ifM R O M S E V. NPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by JOHN YOUNG, E at the White Horse Inn, 011 Friday the 27th day of May 1803, at four o'clock in the afternoon,— The newly- ereeted spaciou-, DWELLING- HOUSE, and Linen and Woollen- Draper's SHOP, most advantageously situated in the Market- Place, Romsey, now in the occupation of Mrs, Gould, with the Garden and Stable adjoining ; tngethet with the Yard and Carpenter's Sliop occupied by Mr. Tftomas Ely, and a Mea- dow consisting of about two acres, lying near the town. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, or at Messrs. DAMAN and WARNER'S Office, llomsey. TlSiiii R O M S E Y. N^ O be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. YOUNG, at 1 the White Horse Inn, on Wednesday " the 1 « t day of Jane next, at five o'clock in the afternoon, The lollowii g valuable Pi$ AT and MEADOW LANDS, situated near the Causeway leading to Great Bridge, and of which immediate possession may be obtained, viz. Lot 1. 10.4. 1R. 1 HP. of Freehold Tythe- free Meadow Land, called St. John's Meal, the Land Tax of which has been redeemed. Lot ••>.—* 11. lfi. 2!> 7>. of Peat Laud, adjoining Lot 1, 1.4. 1 /;. 0P. of which is planted with Osiers, and the residue Meadow, Lot:!,—- 1.4. 2/ 1.2 P. of Peat Meadow Land, adjoining Lota. Lot 4.— 1 A. oil. 12ft. of Peat Meaduw Land, adjoining Lota. The three last Lots are Copyhold of Inheritance, and con- tain considerable quantities of the best Peat, which may be cut out to great advantage'. A Plan of the Pretnis: s may be seen, and printed Particulars obtained at the White Horse Inn, or at the Office of Messrs. Daman and Warnep, Romsev. [!( ii2 SOUTHAMPTON ANB SHIRLEY, rpo be SOLD by AUCTION, In JOHN YOBSR, JL on Tuesday the 7th day of June, 180", at Shirley- Place Cottage, between the hours of twelve and two- o'clock, subject to conditions of sale then to be produced, unless sooner dis- posed of by Private- Contract, of which notice will be " iveii — The following valuable FREEHOLD ESTATES. Lot I.— Shirley- I'laoe; a truly desirable residence, with immediate possession ; consisting of a good and convenient dwelling- house, well supplied with water, a chaise- house and stabling for three horses, a Walled garden, together with about four acies of pasture land adjoining, also extensive commonable rights; the house consists of three parlours, four bedrooms, and three for servants, a kitchen, cellaring, and useful offices: the premises have undergone considerable repair, and are still tapable of considerable improvi mt nt. Lot .'.— Consists of four acres cf Land adjo ning lot 7, and is well adapted for a genteel villa, the distance from South- ampton not being more than twq^ niles, and five miles from Romsey; the soil . is rich, the roads'good, artd the situation healthy, commanding delightful views. This lot is also in hand. Lr- i ; 3.— A large and substantial Dwelling- house, No. 113, in the High- street, Southampton, near the Market house, now in the occupation of Mr. Win. Sawkins, ar. d of Mr. Sanders ( who has the vault), tenants at will.— These pre- mises are calculated for a laige private family, or a respectable merchant or tradesman, having considerablcl and and back- huildines, and two excellent vaulted cellars, one of which ( in front, folr bonding spirits and wine) is to feet by 20; the houseis abundantly supplied with pump and rain- water, from a lead cistern under the court- yard measuring - la hogsheads, besides an inexhaustible w. 11. Lot 4.— Shirley- Place Cottage, together with a large ear- den well stocked with wall- fruit trees, shrubs, Inc. a chai- - house and stabling; for two horses, with right of common for cows, and some inclose! land if required: a charming country residence for a small family, in the parish of Mil- brook, where the poors' rate's are very moderat.. For other particulars, or to treat by Private Contract, apply to Mr. Woodford, on the premises, or the Auctioneer, at Romsey ; if by letter, post paid. QQT A view, Tuesdays and Fridays, from eleven to three O'CIOCK. [ 1548 and rides. of great extent" through the woods and plantations, Home Farm, Sc.; various farms contiguous, and extensive wastes ( near 1.100 acres of whieh are the absolute and exclu- sive property of the Lord- of the Manor of Towiihill), inclosed by opulent gentlemen in the neighbourhood, lessees of the same, and. otherwiseocCupied by industrious tenants and cot- tagers; valuable demesne, Woods of thriving oak timber, coppices, and fir plantations, part of which are ot many years growth: the whole of the value of FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS PER ANNUM, and upwards. Particulars are nearly ready for delivery. fl « 8 » ISLE OF WIGHT. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, bv Messrs. TUCKER and PITTIS, at the Bugle Inn, Newport, on Thursday the ad dav of June, 1S08,— The undermentioned valuable and desirable FREEHOLD ESTATES, the property of Mr. James Brown, dec- eased, late of Newchurch, Isle of Wight. Lot!.— A freehold Farm and Lands, called Bartletts, ad- joining the pleasant and healthy village of Newchurch ; com- prising a farm- house, excellent stable, bam, and granarr, convenient out- Offices, and gardens, with 2- 2 acres; a roods of rich arable and meadow land, late in the occupation of Mr. James Brown, deceased. Lot 2.— A Farm and Lands, called Joblands ; comprising a good dwelling- house, barn, and out- offices, with y acres, 3 roods, 2 perches of arable and meadow land. Lot ! J.— A Farm, called Cookes, containing 33 acres, 11 perches of arable and meadow land. Lot 4.— A Farm and Lands, called Dawners or Weeks; comprising a farm- house, barn, stable, and oilt- offices, with 7 acres, 2 roods, 25 perches of arable and meadow land. Lot 5.— A Farm and Lands, called Hill Farm ; comprising a good dwelling- house, barn, and convenient out- buildings', with 7 » acres, 3 roods, fl perches of arable ami meadow land. Lot I!.— The Reversion in Fee, subject to one life aged 57 years, of a Farm and Lands, called Skinners; comprising a good barn, with 17 acres, 14 perches of arable and meadow land. Lot 7-— A substantial well built Cottage, with a good gar- den, called Winferd's Cottage, now in the occupation of James Street, tenant at will. Lot S.— A new erected Cottage, with a good garden adjoin- ing, called Lock's Cottage, now in the occupation of James Warnes, tenant at will. Lot ;>.— A leasehold Bargain, called Litten Bargain ; com- prising a barn, stable, and about G acres of arable and mea- dow land, held by one life aged 5fi years. The whole of the above farms and lands are freehold, ex- cept lot .0, having been in the possession of the owner, and are in high cultivation. The buildings on the several farms are in good condition, and possession will be given at Michael mas next. The sale to begin precisely at three o'clock in the afternoon. For a view of the above estates, apply to Mr. James Brown, on the premises; for particular.; to Messrs, Clarkes and Sewell, or <• » „- auctioneers. [ 1572 ANDON ER, HANTS. X) be SOLD by AUCTION, by T. RAW LI; CS, S. ( unless previously disposed'of by Priva:.: Contract, at the White Hart Inn, on" Tuesday the 24th of May, ]>>>, at four o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of saie as v,' i! l ft- en lie iwoducetl, All those, very ties'table FREEHOLD PREMISES, situa- e- in Kev- strcer, Andover, late in the occupation of Mr. William Wakefield ; cotiiprisirtg1 a handsome brick and sashed dwelling- house1, ' with an en- trance- hall, two good parlours in front, a kitchen behind, pantry, and store closets; four pleasant bed rooms, four gar- rets, excellent under- ground cellars, bttwhoose, ^ tabling, and other out- buildings; and also a very large store- house with tv/ o floors, a court- yard, spacious garden, Wailed in, and well planted with choice fruit trees. The above premises are in substantial repair, replete with every convenience, and form altogether a complete residence for a genteel family, or any person desirous of carrying en a maun factory.— Possession of the whole may be had on com- pleting the purchase. For further particulars and a view of the estate apply to Mr. William Wakeford, Upper- Mill, AsdpVer, or to T. Rawlins, the auctioneer. fistil SOUtHAMPfoN. r- po be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, A No. 10, Above the Bar. on Wednesday the 25th day of May. 18OT, and following day, by Mr. WATTS.— Ml tha HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE of " a Lady quitting her' lesi- denee; comprising four post and other bedsteads, with chint » , morine, cotton, and check furnitures, and window curtains to correspond; excellent bens and beddide , Brussels, WiU ton, Kidderminster and Scotch carpet*; rhahog tuy diniug. card, pier, and die- sing tables; secretary arul bookcase j drawers, chairs, & c.; pier glasses with plates Of lar je dimen- sions ; pier tabic with pit frame and et ituarv marble top, inlaid; an eight- day clock anil time pic'ec ; Itirchen requi- sites, and varrious other articles of useful furniture. The whole of which may be viewed the day previous to the auction, and catalogues had at the office of the auctioneer, and placeof sale, which will begin each dav atfl- ven o'el ick' The FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, Garden, Coach- house^ Stables, & c. No. Bar, advetiis. d to ' ~ the 2athjnst. IS [' asi The following interesting Article- is copied from th.- Sussex IVeekly Advertiser of Monday the 4th of Aj< ril — TAYLOR'S REMEDY for DEAFnKSS.— Miss Charlotte Fuller, of Southover, in the vicin ty of I.- wes who had been several years afflicted with extrei:':.- dealm s's on Friday last came to the. office oi' W. Lee, and informed him, that on seeing the Remedy advertised in his piper, she sent for a bottle, and applied its contents, agreeably to the printed directions, until about 00c third part was consumed" when she had the happiness to find herself p rtectly restored to hearing, which she communicated fr.- m motives of philan- thropy, and under an idea, that others in like manner afflicted, might receive ^ imilar benefit from its publicity. The manner in which the organs of sound, on hs: i g brought into action, ' played upvn the imagination of Miss Full- r," is rather singular, and cannot be better or more emphatically expressed than in h, er own words, w' ch ..- 1 - ' That she fancied the medium, of her existenc changed, and that she had been imperceptibly introduced to the society of, a new world 1" W « understand thisinvahl - hie preparation is *• '- i ir. London by Messrs. Matthews and Leigh, 18, Strand-- .. 1, sold , e> o althe Printing- office, Salisbury". [ 100•>. " staples, arc. situated at yo. 10, above the be SOLD by Aucriov, oA the Premises, DISPOSED 0F " BY PRIVATE SALE. AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, NDFESEF, AND SOMERSF. T. Friday's diht Sti'tiiMdtfs Potts. FOil El ON NEWS. PARts. May 7: i EVERAL decrees have beeti published respect- ing the Imperial marine. Sixty battalions of ^ marines are to be formed, tvlio are tff serve as the breWs of 6.1 ship's tif 7- i guns. All tHe sailors who are » > be! ong to a hian of war are at the same time to tie- cannoneers ; the Officers are to be made responsible for the instruction of their crew in manoeuvres and in firing- . , . Ten battalions of marines have been organised for the flotilla. Each battalion of I imperial marines is to consist. 6f 491 men; Officers infcliided ; eaah battalion which is to serve in the flotilla shall form nine com- panies, - consisting together, Ofticers included, of 1,334 men. v A corps of ? 5, f) 00 men is on the coasts of Nor- inandv, - concerning the destination of which various Opinions are formed. ' HOUSE OK LORDS. WEDNESDAY, May 13.] Counsel and evidence wel'e heard 011 the seConA reading of Blind's Divorce Bill. A petition was presented from th « borough ofArran, in Ireland, praying for the retrenchment ol sinecure places and pensions, and for every practicable reduction of the jpuiilic burthens. The several bills on the table Were forwarded a stage.—• Adjourned. THURSDAY, Man 1!).] The KjAnp of f. rete> h moved the second reading of the Bill for legalizing marriages Wlemniied in twftain chapels within his dioC- e, contrary to the provisions of the Marriage Act. His Lordship Itated that marriages had been solemnized in these chapels entirely from inadvertence, and the most injurious conse- quences would result to many individuals if they were not legalised. The lA> rd Chancellor said, such bill* had been too frc- '( pient. A learned predecessor of his had justly remarked, that the Clergyman thus offending, instead of coming to jsrliartkent for indemnity, should apply to the Crown tor a pardon, since his offence amounted to felony. He would not oppose the present bill, but he would never acquiesce in another of the kind. Lord Holland concurred with the learned Lord in thinking that the laws ought rather to be enforced, than the breach of them sanctioned by Acts of Parliament. He wished the learned Lord Would apply this doctrine to the Corporation and ' Jest Acts, which Were in a perpetual State of suspension by the Animal Indemnity Acts. The lard Chancellor replied, that an opportunity would soon occur of stating his opinions on the Corporation and Test Acts. Alter some further observations by Lord Redesdale, Lord Lauderdale, and Lord Elleiiborough, the bill was read a second time. The second reading of the Indictment Bill being moved, Lord Stanhope argUed, that the power given by this fcilt, of holding to bail persons charged with trivial mis- demeanors, was unconstitutional; therefore it had his negative. djord Holland condemned the bill as fraught with un- necessary innovation. He hoped those who had lately Shewn so much diead at trenching 011 the privileges of the Crown would now be equally averse to an encroachment on the rights of the people. Ijtrd Ellnnbmugh. spoke ' in Uefenee of the bill, and wss answered !> y I, ml Entitle. On a division, the second reading of the bill was carried by a majority of lb.— Adjourned. HOUSE OK COMMONS. WEDNESDAY, May 13.] A petition was presented torn the landholders of Suffolk against the report of the Committee recommending the use of sugar ' in the distil- ! i HI--. A petition in favour of tiie bill was presented front the city of Glasgow. Sir S. Roinili/ t rose to move for !<• » « to being in a bill for reforming the i^ iminal law of the country, - It was, lie Slid, generally admitted, that in this country capital punishments were awarded for too many offences; and the - rmseqr. eiice was, that few who were condemned suffered;— contrary to the wise d'letrine t> f the Marquis Becearia.' tlrat punishment for offences- should not be inordinately severe, br. t should Lie. certain. It was well known that Juries, against the most direct evidence, declined finding criminals gji ty of Stealing above a certain value, and that in other ie-. tanees the Judges { tad found various trivial causes for r. jt enforcing the laws. Thus from too severe a punish- ment being pronounced by the law, no punishment at1 all was inflicted'. He also wished 10 call the attention of the House to the case of those persons, who, after a long con- finement, were acquitted of the charges brought against them. He intended to provide that compensation, at the discretion of the Judges, should be given to such persons, to be paid out of the County Rale-. He concluded with moving tor leave to bring in a bill for repealing the Act. of H Mix. cap. 2' J, by which stealing privately to the value of a shilling was made capital. Mr. Herbert expressed doubts of the propriety of the innovations suggested by the learned Gentleman. Mr. tfiilcrfcrce declared his warm approbation of the lnoiion. Leave was given to hriog'in the bill. Sir S. RoiuilL; nevt moved for leave to bring ' in a bill for granting compensation to persons acquitted of criminal charges, in c - renin cases; which, after some adverse ob- servations from the Solicitor- General, was granted. In a Committee on the Loc. il Militia Bill,. Sir James Montgomery ingeniously stated various mischiefs that vduid arise " from carrying the ballot so high i « 35 years of aie, and moved, as an amendment, to substitute the age of 30. The amendment was agreed to; consequently per- sons from eighteen to thirty years of age, only, are now liable to the ballot. Sir J. C. Uippisley observed, that there were no ex- cept! ins for resident Students of tin- Universities, or the public Schools, candidates for Holy Orders, nor for Ro- 111 in- Catholics; and ask d it it was intended to leave the I croons he had alluded to liable to the'ballot. Lord Castlereagh replied, that an exception in the Act for these persons would open a wide door of evasion ; but a clause might be introduced, leaving the uialter'to the discretion of the Deputy Lieutenants. Alter Several other clauses were discussed, the House • Wis resumed, the Chairman reported progress, and ob- tained leave to sit again.— Adjourned. THURSD AY, May < J3.] Mr. S. Bourne brought up a Bill for increasing and preserving the timber in the New forest. Read a first lime. Gihnel Stanley moved the Order of the Dav for the se- cond reading of the Bill fox' altering the Poor Laws, • so far as ( he same lelate to settlements. Mr. Ctirwen spoke against the Bill as an unnecessary interference with the existing laws on the subject of the Poor, lie moved an amendment, leaving out the word " now," and inserting those of " this day three months." After a tew words from Mr. Giddy, Mr. Whitbread, Mr. Homer, Mr. M. Mathew, and Mr. Croker, Colonel Stan- said, he o- avo due weight to the objections against the Kill; he brought it. forward at the desire of his consti- tuents, who wished him to take the .-.- use of the House 011 the sulrject; and he meant, by dividing the Hobse, to msjiife it liis wish to obey the instruction of bis constituents. The Hon e divided, when the amendment was carried by 114 to 1I-. The Hill was of course lost. A Bill for continuing the / vet of the 45th of the King, constituting the Board of Military Enquiry, was brought in, and read a first time. Mr. Hard obtained leave to bring in a Bill, to enable the Commissioners and Governors of Greenwich Hospital, to procure a survey to be made of the living of Simon- bar.-, in Northumberland, and for vesting the Revenues of the saute, in the event of the death ot tliu present In- cumbent. in the Commissioners. Mr. / lose moved for leave to bring in a Bill to regulate the v, T. ges of persons engaged 111 tlie manufacture of cotton wool, but Sir Robert fettle, and other Gentlemen, ob- • jeetii) g So the motion, Mr. Rose withdrew it. V/\ lies? moved for leave to bring in a Bill to explain atr4 amend severs! Acts relating to the Woollen Manufiic- 1 iT' 1. Tl.. Bill he proposed to introduce would be founded 011 the Repot IS of the Committees on the Acts in question, . . id wouli co to adjust the di putes between masters and • workmen, Vv regulating the manner of employing muchi- nery in the manufactures, and also the number of wprtu- tu. u: thafcmaj be t^ keii. After a few observations from Lord Milttlnj wlio allowed that the use of machinery must be admitted, hut hesitated at the proposition of a total repeal Of the Statute af Eliza- beth ; and from Mr. Wilberfol'ee, who seemed to: have a similar . difficulty; leave was given to bring in the Bill. . Mr. Hiishiiion brought in the Additional Stamp Duty Bill, Which was read a first thrift; Lord HiMitig rose to make his. promised lilotidri 011 the subject of the Distilleries: Previous to moving that the House should go into a Cdmmittee, lie would explain the nature cf the resolutions he uit- ait to oiler in that ' Com- mittee, and the nature and Causes of the changes made in tli ise resolutions since he had first announced them. The topics involved in tile report were important and momen- tous, and the highest authorities differed among themselves upon the principal points. The Committee w is appointed in the first instance to consider of the means of affording relief to the West India proprietors and merchants', and the Order under which the Committee assembled, di- rected the Committee to enquire, whether the most imme- diate and effectual means of relief would not be, to confine the Distilleries to the Use of sugar and molasses alone. In the course of this enquiry, | t became necessary, to ascertain how far the agriculture of the country would be affected by such i restriction, and this investigation led to the knowledge of facts which established the wisdom and necessity of the restriction, exclusive of all consider- ation whatsoever of the interests of the West India Islands. It wis impossible to separate the two ques- tions ; but this he would say, that neither lie nor the Committee eduld have recommended the resolutions they had done, if til-' interests of the country, distinct from those of the West India Proprietors, had not in the opinion - if the Committee rendered such measures accessary. Tile Committee finding that this country was generally dependent for a sufficient supply of corn and Hour upon foreign Countries, and that this sUpply Was cut off iu the present state of Europe, without any prospect of a Sufficient resource in the last year's Crop of this country, thought it right as a precaution against famine to stop the distillation from corn, with a view to a more ample and Satisfactory supply of sustenance for the people. Here the Noble Lord went into a statement of the quantity of corn imported into Britein annually, and contended that the saving which would be made by the prohibition of the distilleries would be 470,000 quarters, which would cover more than half the deficiency created by the stoppage of importation, and more than the whole importation of oats. Under these ch- umstani. es it seemed right to sus- pend the distillation from corn, with a discretionary power to the Privy Council, to extend or to put an end to the restriction, as circumstances may require. This was the substance of the Resolutions of the Committee— Reso- lutions Which they never would have come to, on account of the India merchants, if the circumstances of the times had not rendered them necessary with a view to the gene- ral interests of the country. Should the House think it expedient to receive the report, and resolve itself into a Committee to consider it, he had only two resolutions to submit, namely, that all kinds of grain be prohibited from being distilled from the lst of July to the 1st of October ; and that ir might be lawful for his Majesty, after the lst of September, to discontinue the restriction it' found ex- pedient ; if otherwise, to continue it till 30 days after the meeting of Parliament; and in til? C nnmittee he would propose the reduction of the duty 011 sugar wash. The situation of the West India Planters was extremely painful; many of them had been reduced from affluence to want, which could not be attributed to wild speculation, hut to the present political situation of Europe. He Con- cluded by moving, that the Report be referred to a Com- mittee of the whole House. Mr. Coke strongly objected to relieving the West India Planters at the expenee of the landed interest of this coun- try. He argued that the situation of the West India Pro- prietor was not so bad as had been stated : at present there was a demand for sugar, which iiad risen per cw- t. whilst corn was daily falling in price. Sir John Sinclair, Mr. Curwen, and Mr. Windham also Spoke Warmly against the measure. The Chancellor of the- Ji. vchequer, Lord Casllereagh, Sir .1. lfellesley, Mr. Uiblert, and Colonel Montgomery supported the motion. Sir Hmthj Mildmay spoke against the measure, and stated an average of the prices of corn for several years, in order to shew that the supporters of it were not justified in using such arguments in favour of their measure, from the state of these prices. Several other Members delivered their sentiments; after which, the House divided— Ayes 122— Noes 108— Majority in favour of Ministers 11. The House then went into a Committee, pro forma, and the Chairman obtained leave to sit again. Adjourned at Half past Four o'Ciock. LONDON, FRIDAY, MAY 20. Dutch papers to the 14th inst. were received last night. They contain accounts from Paris to the in which there is no mention of any treaty hav:. i.- signed with the new Govermitert of Spain; nor doe pear that Bonaparte has yet acknowledged the revolt' on the contrary, the French papers have been instri. to discuss the question ill such o manner as to manifest ins disapprobation ofthe means by which it was brought about. A long laboured article is given in one of the paper-, as an apology for the Prince of the. Peace, whom it is aid Napoleon has rescued from confinement, but this fact is not completely ascertained. Meanwhile, according to ac- counts from Bayonne, Bonaparte remained at that city so late as the 3d inst. whete, on the 30th tilt, and not before, the deposed King of Spain and his Queen arrived, and experienced a g racious- reception. Yesterday a Mail from Gottenbunjh arrived, and we • are sorry to say that it brings the unpleasant intelligence of the surrender of the important Fortress of Sweaburgh " to the Russians. There appears strong grounds for sup- posing that the Russians owe this acquisition to the cowar- dice or treachery of the Governor, Admiral Cron. stedt; for-, according to his own account of the affair, the eneuiy- bad not made any considerable progress in the siege— no breach was effected in . the works, at- td the Garrison had su- tainei very little loss. Admiral Gronstedt, indeed, appears ratlier puzzled to find a good excuse for surrendering the place. In one part of bis letter, be insinuates that it was owing to the want of Store ; yet he admits, immediately after, that only one- third of hi s stores were expended. The King of Sweden was so incensed with Admiral Cronstedt for his conduct on this occasion, that he dismissed him from his service. Yesterday Government received dispatches from Admiral Sir James Saumarez, dated on board the Victory, off Goueuburgh, and announcing the safe arrival there of the Expedition under his command, which lately sailed from the Nore and Yormouth. On the return of Col. Murray, who vras sent to make some arrangements with the King of Sweden, the whole naval and military force were to proceed for their object, which is known to be the conqucstof Norway. The squadron under the command of Capt. Hal- lowell, consisting of the Tigre, of 80 guns, Edgar, of 74, Triumph of 74, Minotaur of 74, was at anchor off the Isle of Walchcten, on the l6th instant, watching the motions of the enemy. The Dutch, line of battle ships which had been at Flushing, Were, it was understood, removed up to Antwerp, and there dismantled. Iu thelloads there were Only two frigates and three brigs. Capt. Sproule, cf the Solebav frigate, has arrived at the Admiralty with dispatches from Sir S. Smith, at Kio Janeiro. The Solebay sailed on the 17th- of March. The intelligence she brings is briefly this: the Royal Family of Portugal, as has before been announced, were fcceived with much joy by the colonists, and the illuminations and ether rejoicings were continued for a whole week. The Commercial Treaty between the Portuguese and this country has, we understand, been ratified, and returned bv the'Solebay. Several Portuguese passengers, and a Mr. Wemyss, an English gentleman, came in the ship. The Prince is endeavouring, by every means in his power, to evince his gratitude towards those who have followed his fortunes,' and manifested an attachment to liis person. He has instituted aa Order of Knighthood, entitled; the " Order of Fidelity," in which his Royal Highness Um> enrolled tfce names of his principal adherents. This distinction has also been Conferred upon Commodore Moore, the Coimkaiider of our Naval Force which aecam- pasied his Hoyal Kighncss to the Brazils. llis Majesty Bad a ptivate I. evcc Ori tYediHesdaVj at the yueeft's. Palape; iind afterwards held a Council, at which the Jteadrde'r made a repot of the convicts under sentence of death in Newgate ( including, llullock, the bankrupt) 5 when his Majesty was pleased t. 0 respite thcOl all during pleasure: Her Majesty completed her 64th veaf yesterday. The day was privately celebrated it Windsor by a grand dinner and a - elect party in the evening. The report of the Seahorse frigate being captured, is erroneous ; she wis very near an enemy's Port, in the Mediterranean, but letters are received in town from that ship, w hich state that she got clear off. A letter of a late date, receive! from the Continent yesterday, Conlsiins the following paragraph.—" You will he surprised to hear that tlie Porte has resolved, after all, to declare itself in favour of Eilg'aiid. The Turkish Government, after having been threatened and cajoled by turns by the French Minister, ill Older to induce it to join France and her allies, to which it was by no means indisposed, has been at length driven to adopt an opposite resolution, from the extent of the demands made upoli it." Letters from AtitigUa state that the inhabitants experience the utmost distress for the want of provisions, particularly flour, which is excessively scarce Aid dear. The saute distress indeed is stated to prevail throughout all our West India Islands, which is attributed to the A merit- ail' Embargo. The French Islands are in much geeater distress. The Planters are in daily apprehension of a revolt of the Negroes, on account of their starving situation. It is said to be the intention of Government to reduce a considerable portion of the British cavalry, which are now useless as to Contiuclital service, and since the establishment ofVoluuteer Corps are almost generally so in England : the price of horse corn is enhanced by so many regiments of cavalry remaining unnecessarily embodied. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY.— The K » rrisiau prize is this vSar adjudged to Mr. Cieo. Cornelius Gorhatu, of Queen's- College, for his Essay on Public IVorshiy. A I'AStitONABT. B ELOPEMENT.— An event has just taken place in high life, which has excited more interest than we ever recollect any similar occurrence to have produced— namely, the sudden disappearance of a lady of title and great heautv, ( who ranks among the most distinguished females for intellectual endowments) from the family resi- dence in Portman- square. The elopement took place about half past four 011 Wednesday afternoon, with the lion. Mr. < ls 1 son 0j' a Moble Karl, and the parties went off together from the bouse of tlte injured husband ( Lord — 1— o 011 foot. The retreat of the 1' ugiti veS is vet undiscovered, but is suspected to be not far distant from town. Lord —— was sitting in the drawing- room when tlie flight took place. Various rumours are afloat as to the cause which produced this dereliction of every moral principle in a lady hitherto esteemed of irreproachable character; but the excuse formed by her Ladyship is, the neglectful conduct of her Lord, and his notorious attach- ment to other females. They have not been married many years, and her Ladyship's fortune was very considerable.— Mem. Post. Cotts- ExciiAN'RE, May 20.— There are tolerable fresh supplies of Wheat arrived to- day, and they are dull at ra- ther lower prices ; Barley likewise ; Malt in large supply and lower ; Pease and Beans of the two kinds nearly at last prices ; the fresh supplies of Oats are considerable ( partly Foreign), anil the article nearly supports last prices. Rye and Rape Seed are rather dearer : Four without al- teration. SMITH TIED MARKET, May 20. This day's'market was but thinly supplied. There were 4.10 h-; ad of Neat Cattle, 7000 Sheep anil Lambs, 1" 0 Calves, 250 Pigs.— The prices were, I'eci !-. to 5A'. - 1 d.— Mutton 4s. to O.-. id.— Veal 6s. to 7s. 67/.-— Lamb, ( is. to ~ s. Gd.— Pork 5s. ( id. to 6s. 6d. per Stone of H/ b. to sink the offal. In the Hay Market, there is a general decline of price:— Hay is from 41.10s. to ol. 15s. ( id. Clover bl. 10s. to ( J£ i 0s. Straw \ t. His. to - 21, is. BIRTHS.] On Sunday, at Plymouth Dock, the Lady of ( iipi.. Cai- den, of the Royal Navy, of a son.— Oil Tuesday, the La. lv of Colonel Gv, ym> « , oftijanbran Park, cf- asoii. MAilRIED.] On Saturday last, at. . Edinburgh, Lieut.- General Campbell, of Lochnell, to Miss Augusta Mttrrav, youngest dau, liter of the late Sir Win. Murray, Bart, of Ochtertrye.— Oil Monday se'miight, Lieut. Col. Byng, of the 3d faot guards ( brother of G. Byng, Esq. M. P. for Middlesex), to Miss James, second daughter of- Sir Walter J lines, Bart.— On Tuesday at Clapham, the Rev.,!. W. Baugh, Chancellor of Bristol, tu Charlotte, second daugh- ter of 6. orge Hibbert, Esq. And at the same time, Samuel Hibbert, Esq. to Caroline, third daughter of G orge H. b.- ert, Esq. 1) 1 !).] O11 the 22dof February, suddenly, at Crooked I id. Bahamas, James De Lancey, Esq. Collector of the (. it " ins there.— On the 4th inst. at Fort George, in Scot- land, the Hon. James Stuart, Lieutenant- Governor of that I'ir .— On the 10th in taut, at Feltrim, hear Dublin, the "' ii'it Hon. Lady Tyrawley.— On Sunday, at tfc'e College A ins., ' ady Heard, wife of Sir Isaac Heard, Garter Pi nicipal King of Arms.—- On Saturday, at Fuiham, George . ainus, Esq. of the Treasury.— Same day, at 1111 advanced age, the Rev. William Carpenter, 13. D, Minister of Laun- ceStou, and a Pref.- Hilary of Exeter.— Same day, Mr. Robert Broderip, organist of Bristol Cathedral.— Same day, of an inflammatory fever, the Rev. Thomas Percy, LL. D. Fel- low of St. John's College, Oxford, and nephew to the Bishop of Dromore.— On Wednesday se'nniglit, John Matthews, Esq. an eminent fMicitor, of Newnham, Glou- cestershire, after a most painful illness, occasioned by the injury he sustained in endeavouring t.) extinguish the flames which caused the death of Mrs. Matthews, as. meu- tioned ill this Journal of the 18tli ult. an order of .( probation ot « Uj. r. 111,.^. 1 . Ol » 1. v , o.' i. j . ...... V » 1 Mit. 1,1.1* 1. L'tS <) f the ' '- lid Court, at the Wheel Inn, in Cain*, in the CCuntv of Wilts, 011 Thursday the 9th day pf Jdrie, lboi, in distinct lots,— Sundry. FREEHOLD ESTATES, situate in and near to Calne aforesaid, being part of the Wiltshife estates of the most honourable William lateMahpiisof umsdova-, deceased. Particulars may bi had fgratis; at the said Master's Cham- bers, in SoUthampton- bOildings, ChtuiCerv- lane, London ; of Mr. Smith, Solicitor, Drapers'- haUi London ; Mr. Athefton, Attorney at Law, at Calne; at the place of sale; afid the principal Inns in Bristol, Bath, Chippenham, Devices, and Marlborough ; and the estates may be viewed, bv orders, Which will be gits-, n for that purpose by the said Mr. Athcfton. TOLI'UDDLK, DORSET. TV) he SOLD by AUCTION, on. the Premises, by M. BAKER, on Friday the 27th dav of Mav, L » 08, Five capital long- tail youiH' HLACK CART HORSESJ and One handsome three- year- old COLT; three good waggonSj one dune pot, a quantity of s'trins and thill harness, a Win roll, tour good rick staddles, winnowing macliin..-, van tackle, two com screens, number of sieves, barn Shovels, five hoops of fine torud Chime bells, and numerous other articles; the property of Kir. Bowrihg, quitting the farm. N. K. The above Horses will be fotlnd well worth theatten* tion of gentlemen farmers, of for the road waeeons, beitie perfectly sound, steady in harness, staunch to the collar, and free from vice. The Sale to begin at one o'clock in the afternoon, GUSSAGE ST. MICHAEL, DORSET. TO he SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. HOYLE, without reserve, on Thursday the 98th of Mav, ISOR,— The following 1,1 V'E and DEAD STOCK ; consisting Of four excellent and staunch cart horses, warn..'. ted sound and frce from vice ; a beautiful bay ma; e, six years old, about fifteen hands and a half nigh, w: eU vvorth the attention of any lady or gentleman, warranted sound, a very fleet goer and a famous leaper, remarkably temperate, and stands Well on her haunchts, f. t for the field or road; also two Capital galloways, nearly fourteen hands high, warranted active anil sure- footed for riding or drawing in gig or curricle; two South Down rams; two waggons; a dung pot; sulls ; draw; harrows; winnowing machine; barley roller; an excellent tick of French and clover hay, about ten tons; a number of dairy utensils ; iron- bound find other casks; with a variety of other articles.— The sale will begin precisely at eleven o'clock, and continue till all is sold. For further particulars apply to J. Ilovlc, auctioneer, Krc. Blandford. ' [ idW 11 hint/ ford, Dorset.— Genteel family fesidunce. N Wednesday the 8th of June next, and following day,, will be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. PERCY, on the Premises,— All the modern and genuine HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of a Lady quitting her residence in Blandford; comprising handsome dining « ud drawing room suits, with Turkey, Wilton,- and Other carpets, & c. & c. as will be par- ticularized in catalogues, to be had in Oue time of the auetiori.- er.— And On Thursday, the ,9th of June, the DWELLlNG- HOUSfi and PREMISES will be soi. O, between the hours of three and four in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced. The house consists of a good entrance- hall, with a neat and light staircase; handsome diningand drawing rooms, about 38 feet by 15, ar. d 10 high, with valuable m-.- ble hearths and chimney pieces; breakfast room, k; feet by 14; five bedchambers, besides servants rooms; coach- house and stabling for three horses, excellent dry underground arched cellars5" the other offices ate very convenient; gjtrdert well stocked With yc- ung choice fruit trees, a small field of pasture, in which is a well of good water. The premises are pleasantly situated at the north en- trance of the town, adjoining the great Western road, ind fit for the immediate reception of a genteel family. For further particulars and a view of the premises apply to Mr. Monday, solicitor, Blandford. [ 1607 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. EVAN. S, the Fleece Inn, ' at Rodboronch, in the countv of It.. . Cest„ r, on Monday the 15th day cf June. 1808, at oiie o'clock, and iinm: diat « possession given,— A modern- built NlAN- SIOX- HOUSE, replete With every convenience for a large family, together with or without its Furniture, as it now stands, and which has been lately laid in at a great expence, and is of the most fashionable assortment. The house con- si ,1 s of a handsome entrance- hall or vestibule, with a dining room, on one side of it and a drawing- room 011 the other, each 21 feet by is, and 10 feet high ; it" has also a breakfast- room of about 13 by IC, a servants'- hall, lofty and commodiosu kitchen, seven bed- chambers and attics for servants, together with attached and detached © ffipes necessary for a house on onch a sentc; orTthiTpromises arc stabling for 12 horses, open stables, cow- houses, & c. with a double coach- ho-. ise, and excellent gardens with a new brick wall well cloatbed wiih fruit- trees, and about 25 acres of good land, and five in closures, pleasure- grounds, & c.— The house is in the occupation of Mr. Remmington, and is situate at Horselcy, the most pic- turesque and romantic part of Gloucestershire, nearly central between Bath and Cheltenham, in a country abounding with - game, and hunted by fox- hounds and harriers. Part of the purchase- money may be retained on security of the premises. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Meredith and Rob- bins, solicitors, Lincoln's- mn; the White Hart Inn, Bath ; Mr. Guest, solicitor, Bristol ; Mr. Pitt, Cirencester; or Mr. Remmington, on the Premises. Should the Premises be sold by Private Contract in the mean time, the earliest notice of it will be given. [ 15,90 at lilon- TWO GRAND MUSICAL PERFORMANCES, AT THE ABBEY CHURCH, BATH. TIIOBBS respectfully informs the Public in gene- • ral, and his Wiltshire Friends in particular, that on Monday morning, June, 13, 180s, will be performed the sacrcd ORATORIO of THE MESSIAH, ( With a full and complete BA;; D afld CHORUS ) - In which will'be introduced Dr. I IARI NGTOK'S celebrated ELOi, or the DEATH of CHRIST. And on Tuesday evening, June H, will be A GRAND SELECTION From the Works of HANDEL, HA'YDJT, & c. The whole under the direction of Mr. RAUZ^ INI. Principal Vocal Performers: Mr. BRAHAM," Madame STORACE, Mrs. Windsor, Mr. Magrath, Mr. Bennett, and Mr. BARTLEMAN. Principal Instrumental Performers :— Organ, Mr. FIELD; Leader of the Band, Mr. RICHARDS ; second violin, Mr. I. o- der; violoncello, Mr. Hersehcll; tenor, Mr. Daniels ; double bass, Mr. PhiflpOt; oboes, Messrs. Ashley anil Perry ; flute, Mr. Stanshury; clarionet, Mr. Rogers; ruinpets, Messrs. Wait and Perry, jun.; horns, Messrs. Hobbs and Cook ; bas- soon, Mr. J. Ashley; trombone, Mr. Bath*; double drums, Mr. Stansbury, jun. The Messiah io oommencu> t eleven o'clock in the morning, and rile Grand Selection at S'en in the evening. A subscriber of one GuiilWi to be entitled to four Tickets TO CLOTHIERS PRINCIPALLY. I^ O he SOLD by AUCTION, at the Fleece Inn, at Rodborough, in the county of Gloucester, on Monday the lath day of June, isoa, at oneo'clock, by Mr. EVANS,— . Three MILLS, on three different Levehs, the falls of which are very considerable, anil have the? advantage of extensive and well- supplied reservoirs. Two of the mills are fitted up as fulling mills, and contain two pair of stocks and a gig mill, which, with the water wheels, are new, and on the most approved principles: there is likewise an apartment left for another gig mill. The other mill is also new, and particularlv adaptdd for shearing frames, carding engines, & c. & c. The whole is now at work; and the machinery and stock, or any part of it, may be. taken with the mills, at a valuation. At- tached to the mills is a- Bluc and Black Dye- house, with vats, coppers, & c. complete, and now in fuil work ; scouring aod wastiing- house, press- house, warehouses, cloth- rooms, sic. all newly- built, and fitted up at a great expence ; and also a good Dwelling- house and Outhouses. ' f'lie above premises are worth the attention of anv person who wishes to dmbark in an old- established concern, which has been profitable, and has the- prospect of continuing soi- they will be sold either togtther or in lots, as may be most advisable, and may be entered upon immediately, as the pre- sent proprietor is quitting business. They are situate at Horsekiv, in Gloucestershire, and. may be viewed at any time by applying at the premises. For further particulars apply to Messrs. Meredith ar. d Rob- bins, Lincoln's Inn; the White Hart Inn, Bath ; Mr. Guest, solicitor, Bristol-; Mr. Pitt, Cirencester; or Mr. Remmington, Mor- scKy'aforesaid. ." Kf* Should the premises be sold in the mean time by pri- vate contract, the earliest notice of it will be given. [ 1691 11th of June, when the subscription will close. [ H.' il Subscriptions received by Mr. Jones, Church- yard, and Mr. Minifie, Cheap- street ( Churchwardens;; Mr. Taylor, Bridge- street, and ivlr. W. Dore, Market- place ( Overseers,; Mr. Whitchurch, Market- place; Mr. T. Hobbs, Market- place; at lantern's, in the Grove ; Ahshley's, Wade's- passage; Phill- pot's. Bennet- street; White'V, George- street ; Holland's, Aigyle- str. ect; Meyler's Library, and at all the Pump- rooms, Bath ; and at Hodges's Music- shop, Clare- street, Bristol. NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the under- mentioned Gates within the Shaftesbury TM.-.,;,-, „.; n ku T Ti'TT htf anr'. TTrtW in the hesf bidder, at June next, at twelve o CIOCK 111 uic lui. uusin, IU . UE- NWUUCI directed by the Act of Parliament, p issed ift the 1.3th year of the reign of his present Majesty, " for regulating Turnpike Roads, ( such letting to commence from the - 20th day of June next, and to be for the space of one year), which tolls produced the last vear the several sums following, above the expences of collecting them, and will be put at the same sums respectively.;. viz, U. ist Gate, with the stop and side Gates belonging, £ 317 7 0 West Gate, with the Locks- lane Gate 96 0 0 Knoylc Gate, 95 0 9 Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must, at the same fine, give security, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said roads, for payment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall direct. T'Su* giUfTESDiinv, \ WM. WHITAKER, 1 May, 180*./ Clerk to the said Trustees. TO CLOTHIERS, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, on Tuesday the n. 14th day of June, 1803, and following days, upon the Premises, bv Mr. EVANS.— All the STOCK in TRADE, MACHINERY, « rc. of Messrs. REM- IUI>,- STO. K and Co. Clothiers, at Horseley, iu the county of Gloucester; con- sisting of a large quantity of English and Spanish Wools of the first quality, raw and scoured; Yarn and Cloth of dif- ferent sorts and- in different states ; Dye Wa re's, lie. & c. The Partnership' of Messrs. Remminrton and Co.' being expired' gives riss to the above sale, and" they would prefer selling the Stock in Trade and Machinery together by Private Contract; if they do, the public shall have timely notice thereof. Catalogues may be had, after the 3d of June, at the Fleece Inn, Rodborough,. and King'., Arms, Stroud, Gloucester- shire; White Hart Inn, Bath ; of Mr. Orlidge, Small- street, Bristol; and Mr. Evans, . auctioneer, in Cirencester. fl. Wi CHURCH PREFERMENT^ .^ OR SALEM- AUCTION, at in. Sherborne; in the county of Dorset; on \\ lst day of June next, befWeen th houis f „. o'clock i'rt the afternoon.— The A */ VOWSO\ • TUAL PRESENTATION cf EAST CMUW'OV... otherwise Li; SKA Ml, in the routi- v of Dors- T, V..: i and Small Tithes extending over httweert 8 and :- ir cultivated land, the Glebe btinc fe! acr s ( more of J- - Venfcntly lying and Well timbered : ihv present inei-- 3ged & S years.— EaSt Chelbofoush is 5 miles from bea- 11 from Bridport, » from DorclieStef, s from Sher aiid 7 from Yeovil., Should any funk f particular be tinted previous ft S"' l-',, plea4e to apply to Mr. Kellow, Mchibury, )'.), - r Mf. Harbin, attorney at faiv'. Sherborne aieresaid. DEVONSHIRE. nndM SOLD % AUCTION, bv MmH. SKI: J". i- r. R., lirie, TufcHiu, aiid FORISEST, < r. Thins the - 23d June, at twelve o'clock, at Gairaway's Cofice- H ' Change- alt y, Cnrnhill, London,— A c- uital and vie FREEHOLD ESTATE, most des- rabjy situate at C& i. i? within two miles of Piyrfiouth rid Plymouth D. « is; . • prisirig fli.- hdry Farms and Lndr.- in hand, capahte. itiipfuvement, and f/ Om thijir su enter Situation On' ;< ri , fience, Commahdihg beautiful marine and land v.^ ws. eioecding eligible for building upon; Also Sundry Lands, letlohofi ', two, and tb » ee l: vS - •' • pfeseritrental NINE HUNDRED POUNDS per anne" the estimated yearly f- altle about TWO ' 1' HOUS/ : - ) To be viewed) add printed paHicolurs may be h;, d o! '• YollanH, Meiafield, Plympton ; also at the Pope's ! Plymouth; Castle Inrt, Taunton ; M ssrs. Tr '. vi; •• ier; Mr. CruttWell, Bath ; Mr. Guteh, Bristol ; air. don, Sherborne : at the Printing- offices Salisbury ; the p - of Sale ; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, Tuchin/ and l orr Aldersgate- stfeef, London: Tl'- sy SOMERSETSHIRE. Cajiititi freehold, tythe- free farm, and the ( treat and Smhll Tythes cf about too Acres, and tr bonulh'e. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. Sxt. v- NIR', DVKK, Tt'fcHlN, and FokkKsr, on Thmsriay tile'. wd Jmle) at twelve o'clock, at Gafraa- ay's CoflPee- HoUst, ' Chiingc- Allev, Cornhill, Loiidpn, in one lot,— A capital and very valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, most rtdvtmtageruslv situate at Durston, five nliles from Taunton ; cdthprisine BUCKLAND PRlORY FARM; consist rig ofa dwelling- house, offices, Walled garden, orcharding, batns, > tabling, ox- pens, useful 0Ut- buildihgS) Capltal malting, and the surrounding mclostires of rich grazihg meadow and arable lands, contain- ing three hundred and eighty- six statute acres, tythe free, and in a high state of cultivation, in the occupation" of Mr. John Abrahams, for an unexpired term of six years. Also the GREAT ami SMALL TYTHES of the remaining part Of the parish of Durston ( except a f W acres) Containing about seven hundred acres of fertile, productive landy- n I ;, se for aft utiexpired term of six years ; the whole forming one of the most desirable estates in the vale of Taunton Dean 1 the present tents amounting to onlv NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS PER ANNUM, capable of considerable ihcreasc. And the perpetual Donative to the Church of Durston. To be viewed by applying to BucklaOd Priory, where' printed particulars may be had ; also of Mr. Yollarid, Mera- field, Plymptonat the Pope's Head, Plymouth ; Castle Inn, TaunlOn; Messrs. TreWrnans, Printers," Exeter ; Mr. Crutt- Well, Bath; Mr. Gutch, Bristol; Mr. Langdon, Sherborne; at the Printing- office, Salisbury ; at the place of sale; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dvke, Tuchin, and Forrest, Aldersgate- trCet, London, Where'a plan of Buclclund may be seen,' W EST COWES. Isi. r. OF Wfc. iiT. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at tbfe Fountain Inn, in West Cowes, in the Isle of Wight, on Thursday the 2- 1 dav of June next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, bv Messrs. MEW and POSTER.—' fhe following FREEHOLD ESTATES : A very valuable and old- established Ship and Boat- builder's Yard, situate about the centre of the town of West Cowes, and near the Fountain Inn there,, and now and for many years past i » the occupation of Mr. Wiltiim Richardson ; contain- ing in length from the west part to the sea about 184 feet, Rnd in bieadth at the sea- side, about 80 feet. Th'S yard is suf- ficiently large for building and launching vessels of 500 tens burthen, and has a good Boat- house, &£.; and is altogether Very convenient and desirable, and possession may be had ini- m.' diately. Four Messuages adjoining together, situate near the Watch- house, Quay, m West Cowes aforesaid,, and now in the several occupations of Messrs. Cooper, Morris, Jerrett, and Brown, tenants at will. Four other Messuages or Tenements and piece of Land ad- joining, situate 011 the Hill at West Cowes aforesaid, and now in the several occupations of Messrs. Ilayles, Bateman, Crouch, and Abraham, tenants at will. For other particulars apply at- the office of Mr. Gilbert, Nitvport. ' [ Itiil SOMERSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. ALEXAN- DER, at the King's Arms Inn, in Bruton, On Saturday the 4th daV of June next, between the hours of four and six, — All that desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called AUUON'S Mitt. FARM, situated m the parishes of Evercreech and Mil- ton- Cleveland, in the said county ; consisting of an excellent Firm- house, Out- houses, Stalls,' Bartons, Gardens, Orchards, and aboiit one hundred acres of exceeding rich meadow, | ss- t-. ire, afid arable Lands, with other Lands, lying at Prestleigh and Batcombe, in the said county, in the following lots: Lot 1.— All those fonr - closes of exceedingly rich mea low or pasture Lands, called Great White Cro'ft with tin Cottage, Garden, and time Kiln ; Thorn's Close, and the two W? ter Meads adjoining, . containing by admeasurement ao A. o R. Lot Q.- s- One close cf exceeding rich arable Land, c.' ll- d Refty's Lands, Containing by admeasurement 4 A. - i R. e- t P. Lot3.— Two closes of exceeding rich arable L:. n '. ci. il- d Edgell's Mead and Long Acre, containing by udmeasuri 11- 7 A. 1 R. C2 P. Lot 4.— One exceeding rich close of arable Lan 1. I. Roles's Ground or Bruton's Wav, containing by a.! teen 17 A. 1 R. 34 P. Lot ft.— Two doses of exceeding rich mead or. - - - tan-, called the Home Ground and New Ore . ' ins by admeasurement 16 A. 1 R. it P. Lot fi.- s- Ail that Farm- house, called A!!-- "..?., m" • r it new built. With the out- hoUses, V- aiton exceeding rich vvat- r meadow adjoniir,.' measurement 4 A. 1 R. lap. Lot ?.- « - Two closes of exceeding rich m , r La& d, called Dogham and Russ's Ham-, coi; t in : measurement S A. S R. < 3S P. Lot 8.— Two closes of exceeding rich meadow rp Lands, called the Breaches, containing by adme . surcn. ei, ISA. SR. US P. Lot 9.— One. close of exceeding rich meadow or psisturo Land, called Dunsam's ( late Stokes's;, containing by admea- surement 3 A. 3. R. 84 P. Lot 10,— One close Of exceeding rich meadow or pasture Land,- ca'Hed the Three- cornered Mead, between the two turnpike roads at Prestleigh, containing by admeasurement 7 A. SR. So P. Lot 11.—- One close of exceeding rich meadow or pasture Land, called Shepton- Mcad and Field, at Prestleigh aforesaid, containing by admeasuiemcnt 3 A. lit. 6 P. Lot 1- i.— One close of exccedisig rich ' Garden Ground, called Hi lly- hill Orchard, at Eateombe, containing by admeasuic- ir. cnt 5 A. Lot 13.—' Three5- lofse Commons, in South- wood Common. For a view of the. premises apply to Farmer W. Cox, at Albion's Mill Farm aforesaid. . Possession will he given at Lady- day next. [ 1452 ' SOMERSET rpo bq SO CD by AUCTION, by Mr. ANDREWS, J. ( by order of the Assignees of John'Burge. a Bankrupt), at Artsfcrd Inn, near Castle Cary, in the county of Somerset, on Monday and Tuesday the 6th and 7: 1a of June next, at two o'clock in the afternoon on each of the said days,— Sundry FREEHOLD MESSUAGES and LANDS, situkte in the pa- rishes, of Castle Car}' and Pitcomhe, in tile said county, late the property of the said John Purge. Lot 1.— A substantial stone- built dwelling- house, with a barn, stable, cyder- house, brew- nouse, work- shops, and many other convenient out- buiMings, and a large kitchen garden ; together With three closes of exceedingly rich arable, meadow, and pasture land, immediately behind the dwelling- house, containing together SO A. ( more or less). The above premises are situate at South Town, in Castle Carv aforesaid, and are either calculated for the residence of a genteel family, or for a person in the linen or stocking business. Lot '.>.— A close of rich meadow of pasture ground, called Little Sharplands, or New Close, containing by estimation 4 A. ( more or less), adjoining to lot 1. Lot''.— Two closes of meadow or pasture, called Prins- cotnbe:., containing by estimation i 2 A. ( more or less), situate contiguous to lots 1 and The three foregoing lots are in the occupation of Mr. John Green, as tenant at will. Lot 4.— Three closes of ( neadow or pasture ground, adjoin- ing each other, called the Hills, Hill Close, and the Strap, containing together 10 A. ( more or less), and late in the oc- cupation Of Farmer Thomas White. This lot adjoins pari of lot 1. Lot S.— An excellent orchard, callcd Hill's Orchard, ad- joining Cockhill- lane, containing 4 A. ( more or less), ad- joining to lot 4. Lot B.— Also another excellent orchard, called Hill's, 4 A. -' more or less}, adjoining to lots 4 and 5. These orchar s arc well stocked with the choiccst fruit trees, now in thtir prime, and product cyder of the first quality. The above 6 lots are so contiguous to each other, as to form a most compact, jind desirable farm ; and possession of lots 1 3, and .1, maybe taken at Lady- day ; of lot 4, at Michael- n, ! and of lots 5 and 6, on the 1st of December next. "' * * . . Lot 7.— A neat and commodious new- built dwelliji? . V6n . situate in the centre of the town of Castle Cary„ ar. d'- now ;„ the occupation of Mrs. Sly ; consisting of a parlo-, r" LttA ' pantrv, ' brew- house, and other useful offices, r^ Jr wfe a goed Walled gard.' n behind the same. A AI so on the same ar. d following dav will off^ j fer , Twenty- two other lots, . cpmpilsing'sev^) ^ and ¥ aluab^ closes ot arab. e, meadow and pastivre afrotmd, in and near Castle Gary aforesaid ; and tourtccj dwelling- houses ami te- nements, in the WWl Of Castle Carv: pa'rticul.' irr, wh - r f are expressed m printed han- i bills, districted rn and abot t the netglibourhood, and to he had cf'the Auctioneer; at the George Inn, in Cary; at the place of sale ; and at the niin- cipal inns 111 the ncighbo'armg'to'Wiis. ' fn... .. .• ... 1. , 1 .. .......... .... v., lt, WH, lUUj ciuu - urtner iiarticu- lars may be known by applying ( if by letter, post paid) toM r Dyne, Solicitor, Bruton, Somerset, Where a plan of the lan . s may be seen. fi4- i THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Sunday's Post. By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, TUBUS:: V; D ON SATURDAY NIGHT, MAY 21. ADMIRATY OFFICE, May 21. ETTERS from Captains Mason and Bathurst, of the Daphne and Salcette, relate the par- ticulars of ihe cutting out of b brigs, 3 galliots, and 2 chooner's, from the harbour of Flodstrand, on the coa t of Jutland, on the 35th of April. They were laden with provisions, and were supposed to be destined for Norway. C> mmUskm * ignek by the Governor of the Isle of fVight. Smth. //'"'.* Battalion of Isle of Wight Volunteers— B. P. D'achtbrd, Esq. to be Lieut.- Colonel- Commandant ; K. R3_.- r.- i, fciij. to be Captain, pice Keech, promoted. SiulA lutst Battalion of ditto— A. Campbell, Esq. to be Lieutenant^ Colonel- Commandant; R. Cole, Esq. to be Major. BANKRUPTS. John Ti- Hnr, of Clmlford, clothicr. JnimB.- ll. oi TiowbrMgt-, clothier, liidmnl Ifr, of Blm- khurn, currier. *)'; -. Ihif- nV.. of K:\ ii Hoi'. d, soap- manufacturer. L- •. i. i vrus, of Brovni's- huildings, slopseller. II • r Rumb'oUl, of Wapping, nrjrcliar. t. Ik- njamii Astwi k, of Fiockton, corn- dealer, • lani Jackson, of Topsham, lh i'Vlrtinier. J. Uyni andE. ] :-• ia, of Liverpool, beer and spirit merchants, v.' rn. Wai t . f r. C. i- orge's pavi. li, Gloucestershire, victualler. R. ii. Kendall, ofl. iu'e Carter- lane, D. r's, Commons, sugar- refiner. Joan StH- ji'uv.!, of tv. le'ovook, t.- a-. hcr- sefler. It. A. Mi!'- i ..: I Haruiug, of Sh.-' rr. ird- st. . Goiden- sq. japanners. Ow : n Clutton, of To iK- y- sweet, Soutiiwark, cnrn- inerciiant. Benjamin Wolfe, of CiiarloHe- strcet, Blarkfviars, oilman. T I. Normal ( 1 and M. ll. Dornant, of Kjnt- road, soap- makers. Tho.. ' 1' bb, of Wurilom--.". rveti yuho, currier. 3. New.- 11 and S. N- 11. • f si- rarri rs. Robert- Kuiviuree, of Hokterness, lni. ler. Tillaril; and Flying Fish schooner, Lieut. Gooding; from the Downs.— Sailed the Pompee, of 80 guns, to join the Channel fleet. Friday.— Arrived the Pomona frigate, with convoy from the Downs. On - Monday died Sir John Carter, an Alderman of this borough, lie was distinguished for the warmth and stea- dine fr . , . grity, and admitted that neither power nor interest could induce him to swerve from that which he esteemed right. He was much belirTed in private life, and his loss will be long felt and regretted by all who knew him. oorougn. ne was UlSlU^ UIMieU tui . U': v. .. - ---- - ---•->- diners of his political attachments; even those who differed from him in principle, did justice to his honor and ir. te- HOUSE OF COMMONS. FRTTV. V, May 2) 1.] Sir Samuel Romilly. brought in the Hill for granting compensation to persons acquitted, which was read a fust time. The Tanners Bill was passed, and ordered to the Lords. In a Committee of the K h » le House, on Mr. Palmer's claim, Mr. Let Abridge . moved for Lave to bring in a bill to - erure to Mr. Palmer in future, g| per cent, on the im- proved revenue of the Post- office. Mr. Banket objected generally to the grant, antl to the mode of proceeding as irregular, and moved an amend- ment; but on a division the motion was carried by a ma- jority » r My. JViUifim Taylor rose to bring forward his long- pro mised motion respecting the expedition to the Dardanelles, • which, he argued, was ill planned, and ill conducted. He cone;! ied by moving two resolutions, the first of which vi Mi, that it was the opinion of the House that the British ileet- had appeared off Constantinople on the 2Sth of Fe- bruary, IH07, and hail remained off that city for ten days, when it went away without any operation whatever. The second resolution was censuring the subsequent conduct of the squadron, in firing on the city. My. T. Grenrille spoke in vindication of the Admini- stration that planned the expedition. Mr. '/ lining admitted that the expedition to Constan- tinople might be warranted from circumstances-; and, as an amendment, moved the order of the day, which was carried without a division.— Adjourned. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, MAY GRAND STATE LOTTERY, Containing SIX PRIZES of £ 20,000! Begins Drawing the 28th of next Month. TICKETS and SHARES are now selling, in great Variety of - Numbers, at the PRINTING- OFFICE, SALISBURY, for Sir JAMES BRANSCOM* and Co. who shaied and sold in the last Lottery, the following Capitals -.— No. 14,223 a Prize of .£ 20,000 No. 12,109 a Prize of £ 10,000 On Thursday the lgthinst. was married, at Whip- pingham, in the Isle of Wight, by the Rev. Dr. Ridley, Thomas James Haskoll, jun.- Esq. to Miss Dennett. On Wednesday last was married, at Bramshaw church, Mr. J. Pope to Miss H. Waldron, of Brook, in the New Forest. On Thursday last was'married, at Dihden, by the Rev. J. Burd, Mr. Richard Gandy, one - of the principal Farmers of that parish, to Mary Penny', who had been a diligent, trusty, and faithful servant at the Rodnev Inn, Hythe, in the parish of Fawley, for the space of fifteen years. Oil Wednesday died, of a decline, Mary Ann, daughter of Mr. Cosier, of Stockbridge, in her lt) th year. She was of the most amiable temper, and will be long regretted by her relations and friends. The same day died, at Bishop's Waltham, greatly and most deservedly respected by a numerous acquain- tance, Mrs. Bradbv, relict of D. Bradbv, Esq. On Sunday last died, in the Island of Jersey, the Rev. Francis Le Couteur, A. M. Rector of Grouville parish, in that Island. Lately died Miss Holloway,' sister to Mr. Hollo- way, of Rukesbury, near Andover. A melancholy accident occurred on the 14th instant at Hurst Castle.— As Mr. Grey Ford, of Weymouth, and a lad were putting off a baat from the shore, overladen with ballast, ir immediately sunk, and Mr. Ford, although a good swimmer, and not more than ten yards from the shore, was unfortunately drowned. An inquisition was on the following day taken on his body before Mr. Bald- win, when the Jury returned a verdict of accidental death. Too much cannot be said in commendation of the conduct of the Landlord at the Shipwrights Arms, and Officers and men at the Castle, for their indefatigable exertions to restore life to Mr. Ford and the lad, with the latter of whom they succeeded, after nearly four hours application ' of the means recommended by the Humane Society, al- though the lad had been upwards of twenty minutes in the water. No. £ GOOO No. 12,86- 2 £ IOIK) No. 3,744 £ 500 5,800 1000 1,814 S00 12,1.97 1000 5,798 500 18,200 500 22,830 500 No. 17,949 £ 500,— SlC. & C. In One Hundred and Eighty- seven Shares. 15,320 . ffiOOO 17,551 4000 9,27a 3000 10,276 1000 No. 2570, the only GRAND PRIZE of £ 40,000 ever known, was sold at the above Offices, in sixteen Sixteenths ; where likewise the first £ 30,000 Prize ever sold was shared, No. 24,206; ;- nd also the last £ 26,000 Prize, No. 12,719; and where Tickets and Shares are now selling, and the Prizes paid on demand. [ 1531 LONDON. . SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 21. Dutch papers to the 18ih inst. are just received. They contain a long article, translated from the Mo- niteurof thel 1th, which states that great disturbances had taken place at Madrid, the populace were dis persed by the troops under the Grand Duke of Berg. Kiog Carlos'had appointed the Grand Duke Lieute- riant- General of the Kingdom, the Prince of Asturias had resigned his pretensions to the Crown, and the old Kin :!, id been rastored to authority. The Prince of the Peace is said to have had a con- ference with Bonaparte upon his arrival at Bayonne, and to have been kindly received by hitn. intelligence was received at Yarmouth on Thursday lii"; ht of a line of battle ship having escaped out of the Texel. The Majestic immediately got under weigh, and we hope will give a good account of her. Gei - d Noel Noel, Esq. having vacated his seat in Par- liament bv accepting the Chikern Hundreds, his sou, Cha;!- - Noel, Esq. was on Thursday elected M. P. for Rutla alshire, in the room of his father. HIGH LIR- Lady B— GD— N has eloped with Sir A. r— » — t. Her Ladyship is second daughter of the Earl of V,— tm d, ha- been four years married, has one child, and is now or. lv in her 22d year. Sentence of deprivation of his living was yesterday pro nomic-.- l against the Rev. Mr. Stone, for the doctrines promulgated in his Visitation Sermon, MARRIED.] On Tuesday, Lord Viscount Primrose, eldest - on of the Earl of Roseberry, to Miss Harriet Bou- veri • second daughter of the Hon. B. Bouverie. PRICES OF STOCKS THIS At Three o'Clock, DAY, Bank Stock, 240 India Stock, 178 South Sea Stock, — 3 t. Re i. 67! a § 6 ._. t. Navy, ppj 5 jf. Cent. 1797, — Long Ann. 18 9- 11,' ths Omnium, — Irish d: tto, — Exchequer Bills, 5 a 6 pr. India Bonds, 2 a 3 pr. Irish 5 ^ Cents. — Imp- rial 3 - p- Cents. 6'! J English Lott. Tick. £'- 20 19s. Ditto Prizes, 1 ^ Cvnt. dis. pott Betas. SALISBURY. MONDAY, MAY 13, 1808. BENJAMIN CHARLES JL COLLINS, Esq. late of SALISBURY, and of MORTIMER- STREET, CAVENDISH'- SQUARE, who reside in LOXDON, are requested to send an account of their respective demands to TOWNLEY WARD, of Covent- Garden, Esq. the acting Executor: And those Creditors who live in the COUNTRY are desired to send the account of their demands to Mr. JOHN DOWD1NG, on the New Canal, Salisbury, who is autho- rized by Mr. WARD to receive all debts due to the estate of the deceas-.- d. f' 494 FA t MOUTH,. .' Jiffy 10. The fleets for ihe Brazils, the AL diterranea. n,; and British. North America, sailed on Monday, under convoy of the Cambrian and Amelia frigates, and Avenger, Belettc, and Lightning sloops of war. ' ; jt h r Brazil' fleet passed this port on Tuesday ; Lord Str& iU'ford, our A .-. has- ador to the Brazilian Government, who was On board of it, has, through some unlucky acei- d.-: it, been left behind. He went fromTorbay to Plymouth by- land ; and, during his absence, the wind became fair, and the Commodore did not, it seems, chtise to wait. The Oxford Militia marched this morning from hence for i urtsmgyth, and the first division of the North Hants came in this morning from Plymouth. • last arrived the Deux Freres French privateer, of 2 guns and 40 men, taken last night by tiie Active, Excise cutter, of this port, Two vessels which the Deux Freees had cap- tured, are also re- taken. PLYMOUTH., May 20. Ori Saturday Lord Gambier hoisted his flag on board the Ville tie Paris, prepara- tory to his taking the command of the Channel fleet. - On Wednesday sailed on a cruize to the westward, the Ph(. e:. ix ot M tcuns - Pomone Sfi, Pallas 32, Orestes 18, Coi- aek 1H, Omut IS, and Cockatrice of 1- 1 guns. On Thursday came in the f'ompee of B0 guns, from the eastward ; Shannon of St! guns, from a cruize ; and a fleet of eoa^ t.' r, from the eastward, under convoy of the Virago gnn- brig, which vessel passed on with the other part of the fleet for Ireland. PORTSMOUTH, May 21. The Britannia trans- port, Capt* Robinson, which arrived on Wednesday, with dispatches from Madeira, on the 30th, ult. spnke - the Thetis frigate, with the fleet for the East Indies, between Porto Santo and Madeira, all well. Monday— Arrived the Pompee, of 80 guns, Capt , from tho Downs; Resistance, of 86 guns Captain Adam, from o If Havre; and Stork sloop, Captain Le Geyt, from Guernsey. , I'm ulay— Arrived the Illustrious, of " 4 guns, Captain Bronshton, and Weymouth store- ship, with convoy from the Mediterranean ; and Vestal, of 2' 8 guns, Capt. Graham, from the Eastward. lVed'tes< lay~- Arrived the Hyperion, of 32 gim « , Capt. Brodie ; Sappho sloop, Capt. Langford ; Alert sloop, Capt. TO be SOLD,— A handsome BAY MARE, got by the Prince of Wales's horse Engineer, with a beauti- ful Filly by her side, by Young Pipator. Enquire of Mr. Thomas Mildefthall, Abbot's Ann, near Andover, Hants. [ 1( 580 AT RUSHINGTON, NEAR TOTTON, TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, on Tuesday next, the 24th inst. and a few days after, if not sold,— 18 large SOUTH DOWN COUPLKS, 12 fat Wethers, four Tegs, and a South Down Ram ; also a hand- some three- year- old real Norman Bull, and and five Cows. Enquire of John Thistlethwayte. [ 1S43 , N. B. A town- made Gig anri Harness to be disposed of. The Avon and Bourne and Blacklands Volunteers, commanded by Sir Charles W. Malet, Bart, having completed their fourteen days duty at Andover, march- ed from thence for their respective homes on Friday and Saturday last. During the time they have been on duty, their attention to their military duties pro- cured the warm approbation of their Inspecting Field Officer; whilst their uniform attention to tire inha- bitants causes their departure to be a subject of general regret. The Wilton, Downton, and Layington Volunteers marched on Friday to Southampton, on permanent duty for fourteen days. On Saturday the Salisbury Volunteers marched for Winchester on permanent duty. They commenced their march before two in the morning, and halted for breakfast ou- the Down on this side of Stockbridge, where a marquee was pitched by Mr. Lawcs, of the King's Head Inn, for the accommodation of the Officers. Samtiel'Whitchurch, Es_ q. had provided for the wants of the Non- commissioned and Privates, by sending forward a plentiful supply of bread and cliesse and strong beer, of which they made a hearty repast on the greensward.— The corps marched into Winchester about one o'clock. The 3d jbattalion of Dorsetshire Volunteers, com- manded by Colonel Pleydell, • are on permanent duty at Blandford ; the afceustomed gaiety and good- humour of the town are of course much increased by this in- flux of pleasant visitants. Our theatrical season closed on Wednesday night. The company are gone to Blandford, where they per- formed for the first time on Saturday, under the pa- tronage of Colonel Pleydell and the Officers of his Corps. Mr. Matthew Baker, of Dorchester, is appointed a Commissioner for taking special Ball in his Majesty's Courts of King's Bench and Common Pleas, for the counties of Dorset, Wilts, Hants, Devon, and Somerset. BIRTH.] On Saturday the. 14th inst. at Moreton, Dorsetshire, the Lady Harriet Fvampton of a daughu <• On Saturday the 14th inst. was married, at Mark Lavington, in this county, Mr. Edward Newman, of Devizes, to Miss Garratt, only daughter of John Garratt, Esq. On Monday was married, at St, George's, Hanover- square, Mr. Hugh Cooper, late of the Baring East Indiaman, to Miss Emma Ann* fligham, of Calne. On Tuesday was married Mr. James Pike, of Lullington, to Miss Mary Popler, of Brqok- house, near Westbuiy Same day was married, at Ilolt Chapel, Winborne, Mr. William Ainsworth, of Hinton- Martel, to Miss Wilhelmina Templeman, daughter of the late Wni. Templeman, Esq. of Dorchester. On Wednesday last was married, at Wily, by the Rev J. Seagram, Mr. VV . Sinnock to Miss H. Macey, third daughter of Mr. W. Macey, of the same place. On Thursday was married, at Bath, by the Rev. John Seagram," Mr. Won. F. Seagram, surgeon, of Warminster, to Maria, second daughter of George Lye, Esq. of Bath. On the 1 ltli inst. died, of an apoplectic. stroke, at Lvtchet- Matravers, in the county of Dorset, the Rev. George Threncliard, LLI). Rector of that place, and also Rector of Langton- Matravers. Thursday the 12th inst. died, in his 78th year, Mr. John Goodfellow, of this city, senior Vestryman of St. Martin's Church; whose modest, social, friendly, arid affable behaviour, endeared him to all his acquaintance. He had, for a long period, tanght writing, accounts, & c. at ladies' boarding- schools, and also in many of the most respectable families in the city, close, and neighbourhood; generally giving satisfaction to his employers, as few ex- celled him in the merits of his profession. On Thursday evening last died, after a long and painful illness, Mr, Butt, surgeon, of Warminster. On Saturday died Mr. Richard Brovvnjohn, of Exeter, street. On Thursday the 5th inst. the village of Stoekland, in Dorsetshire, was vi- ited by a most afflicting calamity: A little before one o'clock in the afternoon, a fire broke, out in the house of Mr. Wm. Matthews, which, in about two hoprs, entirely consumed the same, with nine other dwel- lings, being nearly half the village, whereby more than forty inhabitants were bereft of their eomfhrtaWe homes,' and scattered for refuge among their neighbours. SALISBURY INFIRMARY, May 21, 1808. ON Saturday next, the 28th instant, being the QUARTERLY COURT, the Governors are desired to attend at the Infirmary, at eleven o'clock precisely. All such p ersons as are concerned in the following Com- modities, are desired to sand their proposals ( sealed) to the Secretary of the Infirmary, before eleven o'clock on that day, specifying at what rate they arc willing to sqpply the In- fhmary, for the ensuing quarter, with Butcher's Meat, Soap, Candles, Rice, Sugar, Salt, Hops, Malt, Oatmeal, and Scotch Barley. The most reasonable proposals will be accepted ; and if two or more Tradesmen should offer to supply at the same price, it will be determined by ballot who shaii have the preference, that the uttf ost impartiality may be observed, and no interest be made in favor of any person. R. PRICE, Chairman. By order of the Committee, WM. DYKE WIIITMARSII, Secretary. HYDE ABBEY SCHOOL, WINCHESTER. THE ANNUAL SPEECHES,' at HYDE ABBEY SCHOOI,, will be delivered on Thursday the 2d of June. Those Gentlemen and Ladies who intend to honour the per- formance with their presence, are requested to be in the School by a quarter before one o'clock, at which time the delivery of the Prize Compositions and Speeches will com- mence.— May 21 si. ['" 19 TO BREWERS, INNKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. TO be DISPOSED OF, by PRIVATE CON- TRACT,— About 2( 1 Hogsheads of capital Old STRONG BEER, a four- hogshead Brewing Copp-. r ( equal to new), Mashing Tub, Under Back, and Keeve Tub to answer ; two ten- hogshead Casks, eleven four- hogshead ditto, two five- hogshead ditto, several Hogsheads, and other useful things in the brewing line. To treat for the same apply at Mrs. Mary Goodall's, High- street, Andover. ' [ 1282 TO WOOLLEN- DRAPERS, & c. TO be DISPOSED OF,— A WOOLLEN- DRAPERY and MEN'S MERCERY Concern, with a good established connection, and may be considerably ex- tended ; and, if particularly requested, the Purchaser may be accommodated with another lucrative Concern, which will employ from 2000Z. to tO, OOOZ.; with a Lease of a convenient House and Premises; in a large and respectable market town in the West of England. For particulars apply, by letters ( post paid) addressed to A. B. at the Printer's of this Paper, which will be duly ttended to.— None but principals need s;> ply. [ 160.9 COMBYSSET MANOUR FARM. TO be SOLD,— A LEASE of this FARM for twenty years, under the College of Winchester. For particulars enquire of Robert Serle, Esq. Winchester. N. B.— Possession to be had at Michaelmas 1809. [ 1611 HTO be. SOLD by AUCTION, at the Wevmouth . it. . Arms Inn, in Warminster, on Wednesday the loth day of June next, at six o'clod; in the afternoon,— The DWEL- LING- HOUSE, with the Stable, Gardens, and Premise's, at Boreham, now occupied by Mr. Phelps. The above will be sold for three Lives, and possession given at Michaelmas. The Premises are pleasantly situate about * mile from Warminster, and are in good repair. [ l 1G0 Further particulars may be known at the time of sale, or on application to Messrs. Thring and Phelps, Warminster. WARMINSTER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R. TOWNSEVC, on Friday the - 27th day of Mav, 1803,— All the HOUSE- HOLD GOODS and FURNITURE of Mr. Whatiaoie, who has quitted the town; consisting of four- pos: and tent bed- steads with furniture, fine feather- beds, mattresses, paliassc, blankets, counterpanes, bed and table linen, china, books and prints, mahogany chairs, dininc. claw, Pembroke, and night tables ; capital harpsichord, by Kirkmaq ; fowling piece, by Oakes; pair of pistols; also an assortment of' culinary utensils, & c. & c. To be viewed the afternoon before the sale, and morning o£ sale, which will begin at eleven o'clock. f iGas ASSEMBLY- ROOM, BLANDFORD. N TUESDAY NEXT, May 24, there will be a BALL, under the patronage of Colonel PI. EYDELI. ' and the OFFICERS of the third Dorset Battalion of Volunteers.— Dancing to commence at eight o'clock. *** By permission of the'Colonel, the BAND will attend. O IVimhorne Saint Giles Association, for the Prosecution of Crimes^ ifc. IVfOTICE is hereby given,— That the next annual i. Meeting of this Association will be held at Horton Inn, on Monday next, the 23d of Mav instant. THO. GOULD READ, Soiidtor and Treasurer. Dinner on table at three o'clock. F O R D I N G B R I D G E ASSOCIATION, Fur Prevention of Retteries and Thefts. \ Meeting of the Members of the above Association xlL will be be holdemat the Greyhound Inn, Fording- bridge, on Thursday next the 26th day of May instant, pre- cisely at eleven o'clock in the morning, for the purpose of examining and settling the Treasurer's accounts, and on other business relative to the Association, at which time and place it is requested that every Member will attend. Any person who may be desirous of becoming a Member of the Association may also attend, to pay his subscription and sign the articles. By order, 16- J2] RICHARD STRICKLAND, Solicitor tii the Association. N. B.— A Dinner will be provided at two o'clock. FOR BAHIA AND MARANHAM, In, the Brazils, THE fast- sailing Portuguess Brig BOA FE, bur- then per register 24fl tons, Felis Carneiro dos Santos, Master. Having'the greatest part of her Cargo engaged, will sail bv the 25th cf June. For Freight or Passage apply to C. SPABSHOT, the Super- cargo, Market- place, Salisbury; or J. GILBERT, Ship Agent, Bristol. BRISTOL, May 18, 1803. [ lf> 28 w ANTED immediately,- Apply at th; paid. An ASSISTANT properlv qualified to teach Wr ng and Accounts.— • "" ; if by | ttt r, post p tap Printing- Office, Sal L.' Salisl'tt- ry, April 1808.- O. WEEKS, VET BKINAKV SURGEON, begs leave most respectfully to inform the Public, that during his late resid n - in L- r. dnn. he has completed his Studies at the Roval V . rlwtn College, and he feels confi- dence in now announci • jll a., com, t- r. t to the Care of Hois s t re Su. k or Lame fr- v - hatever cause. Gen- tle, n--- r'- rosed- to entrust L. wish their horses, maybe assured t uch fih att- : -. a his life has b . nidevi- ted • the Stu Sv .." d to tile Practice of the Veterinary Art, and in n to fete ;;- n !'• IT Professor Coleman's Lectures, he Ihe better to qualify himself for his profession, studied Sc.- - .-- ru" : er Mr. Asd-. y Cooper nd Mr. Home; Therapeu- tics, tr .-• ciplts . if Phv.- ic, and Chemistry, under Dr. Pearson • 1 > S : Comp tr. tive Anatomy of the Human Body at the Hu'". T. .*.:. Theatre u ' er Mr. Wilson; and finally passed his examinations at thePollcje the 95 th of last month. — It is his intention open • Vet- ri • ; fy Forge, of which he will give timely notice : in the interim, those gentlemen who wish to have their horses shod on the College plan, which is much superior to the common mode, may have it done by applying to L. W. who will su; rrintend its performance per- son lly; and every sort of Medicine for Horses, prepared after the College forms, may at all times he had of him. [ 1235 ASDOVER, May 1802. SSHAW bests leave to inform his Friends and the • Public, that he has OPENED A SHOP in the Market- place, as a GROCER, TEA DEALER, and CHEESEMONGER ; and hopes, by his attention to business, to merit their- favours. WINCHESTER- STREET, SALISBURY. CUSSE, with thanks to her Friends of Salis- bury and its vicinity for past favours conferred on her, informs them she has just received at her house a gene- ral and genteel assortment of MILLINERY for the Summer Season, which she hopes, on insp - ction, will meet with their approbation ; and assures them it shall ever be her study, by assiduity, to please and merit a continuance of their favours. SPRING FASHIONS. HIGH- STREET, SALISBURY. DARBY respectfully informs the LADIES of SALISBURY and its vicinity, that she is just returned from LONDON, with an extensive assortment of MILLINERY, & c. for the Spring Season, to which she begs to solicit their attention. [' 625 M. Tc SSERLE respectfully informs the Ladies of War- , minster and its vicinity, that she is just returned from London, with a variety of MILLINERY; also a large assort- ment of Cum and STRAWS. S. S. returns her grateful acknowledgments to the public in general for past favours, and hopes, by due attention, to merit a continuance of the same. [ IG10 t — ; VICAR's- HILL, IN TIIE NEW FOREST. TO be LETT, for seven years certain,— A good FAMILY HOUSE, with every convenient out- house, double coach- house, stabling for six horses, a garden well stocked with fruit- trees, and five acres of land, very pleasantly situated at Vicar's- hill, near Lymington, surrounded by ex- cellent roads and very beautiful forest rides. For particulars apply ( if by letter, postpaid] to Mr. Galpine, Post Office, Lymington. D622 lO be SOLD or LETT,— A neat Brick- built COTTAGE, on Ensbury- green, near Wimborne, Dor- set ; consisting of three rooms, two pantries, three chambers, kitchen, stable for three horses, chaise and fuel- house, a good garden, and a small field. Enquire of Mrs, Bennett, on the Premises; if by letter, post paid. [ 1582 nno be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— i An inclosed Piece" of excellent FREEHOLD ARABLE LAND,' surrounded with good quick hedges ; containing about four acres and a half, situate in Pentcin Mewsey, near the harrow way, and the turnpike road from Andover to Weyhill, and possessing many local advantages from its vicinity to the latter, from which it is distant about half a mile ; and afford- ing a good situation fir building, as it commands fine prospects. For further particulars, and to treat for the purchase, apply to Mr. Hendy, atTheale, near Reading; or Mr. Bird, Soli- citor, Andover, Hants. [ 1559 FARM IN HAMPSHIRE. TO be LETT, with Possession at Michaelmas next, and the usual Entry to prepare for a Wheat Crop,— SARSON FARM, in the parish of Amport, and vici- nity of Weyhill; containing about 224 acres of superior arable, water meadow, and pasture land. Mr. Andrews, at Amport House, will shew the premises, and particulars may be known on application ( if by letter, postpaid) to Mr. Bird, Solicitor, Andover, Hants. [ 1560 KINGSCLERE, HANTS. TO be LETT or SOLD, with Possession at Mi- chaelmas next.— A substantial, roomv, brick and tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, with two large Granaries and i- ofts over the same, ( lately used in the seed trade, to which, as well as any other business which requires room, they are well adapted), a th ree- stalled Stable, and Garden, with the Ap- purtenances, in Swan- street, now in the occupation of Mr. John Hawkins. Further particulars mav be known by application ( if by let- ter, post paid) to Mr. Hawkins, at Kingslere; or Mr. Bird. Solicitor, Andover, Hants. [' 5t> t WINCHESTER. TO be LETT, for a term of years, and entered on at Midsummer next,— That most desirably- situated and well- established FRUIT- SHOP, now in agood connection of business, the next door to the White Hart Inn. The shop is well werth the attention of any person that has a little know- ledge of the above business ; or it stands well for any other business, as there is not a better situated shop in the city. For further particulars apply to D. Wilty, at the above shop, High- street; if by letter," post p id. [ 1549 npo be LETT or SOLD,— An excellent FAMILY JL MANSION, situate in the most pleasant and retired street in the city cf Winchester, with walled garden and green house,' two coach houses, and stabling for six horses; a detached brewhouse and laundry. The Marisi'on consists of a large paved entrance hall, a handsome dining parlour, breakfast ditto, two large drawing rooms with folding doors, four bed chambers on the same floor and six in the attics, double staircase, housekeeper's room, butler's pantry, two kitchens, and capital cellars. The above premises have re- cently gone under a thorough repair, are replete with every convenience, and fit for the immediate reception of a large genteel family. For partieulsrs apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Mant, upholsterer; or Mr. Jessett, at the George Inn, Winchester. The above Premises are Freehold. [ 141Q WAYMOUTH. nno be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A i_ new- built HOUSE, No. 7, in the Royal Crescent, at Wavmouth, and a Coach- house and four- stall Stable; toge- ther with all the Furniture therein, as now occupied by the owner. Immediate possession may be taken.— These premises are held under the Corporation of Waymouth, for a term of years, whereof upwards of 84 are unexpired, under a yearly ground rent of 41. Apply to C. Bowles, attorney, Waymouth. [ 1503 CASTLE- STItEET, SARUM. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, by C. NORTON, on Thursday the 26th of May 1S08,- The HOUSEHOLD GOODS, & c. of Mr. B. W. LEWIS, Sale to begin at eleven o'clock. [ 1633 BUILDING MATERIALS, SARUM. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. LEWIS, on the premises, in One Lot, on Tuesday the 14th of June, at eleven o'clock,— All the MATERIALS, as they now stand, of those extensive Warehouses, late in the occupation of Mr. Hutchence, situated near St. Martin's Church.— The Tiles, Bricks, and Timber are of the first quality.— A reason- able time will be allowed to clear the ground.— For a view of the premises, apply to Mr. LEWIS, on the Canal. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R. KNIGHT, the FIXTURES and FURNITURE at BOWOOD, near Calne, the property of the Right Honourable the Marquis of LANSUOWN, on Monday the 30th of May, 1803, and two following days ; comprising all the valuable register and oth grates, wardrobes, brewing utensils, statues, lamps, fire en- gine, furnaces, ten dozen different chairs, tables, fity sets of fire irons and fenders, a large quantity of wainscoting, planks, about 12,000 oak. and fur faggots, and about sixty cords of cleft wood, & c. together with a great variety of green- house plants, garden implements, and'other articles. Catalogues will in due time be delivered. [ 1600 • Sa! e" to begin each morning at eleven. WARMINSTER. IO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. KNIGIIT, at the Castle Inn,' in Warminster aforesaid, on Thurs- day the 2d day ot June, 180S, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon.— The following FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PREMISES, in lots, being part of the property of the la^ e Charles Webb, Esq. deceased: — A neat and comfortable Dwelling- house, with convenient Offices and Garden, opposite the vicarage, in the occupation of Mr. Thomas HintOn, held under the Marquis of Bath, for three healthy lives. A large substantial Freehold Building, ( used as a clothier's workshops) with a Court and Garden, now also occupied by the said Thomas Hinton, and adjoining to the said dwelling- house. A convenient and substantial- built Freehold Dwelling- house and Garden, how in the occupation of Mr. F. Seagram, sur- geon," with spacious Workshops adjoining, lately oecupied'by a clothier, and well adipted for any business requiring room/ And sundry Freehold Cottages or Tenements, Gardens and pieces - of Garden Ground, occupied by Mr. Thomas Danicll and others. All the above Premises are situate in Warminster aforesaid, and the occupiers are all yearly tenants. For further particulars application to be made toT. Lampard, Solicitor, Warminster. . [ 1478 WARMINSTER, WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R TOWHSEND, by order of the surviving Assignee of the esiate arid effects of Edward Mpffatt, a bankrupt, on Friday the 3d div- ot June, 1808, at the Angel Inn, between tiie hours of sik: and eight in the evening,— All those two DWELLING- HOUSES, lately used as three dwelling- houses, with larca spacious shops in front, situate in the Market- place, together with a tenement, out- houses, stable, and garden, now or late in the several occupations of Fianris Weller, William Hum- phrey, Mary Brown, and WilILm Hill; held bv leases un- der the Marquis of Bath, and the feoffees of Warminster Chapel. Further particulars mav be known of Mr. Churl- I Smart, Solicitor, Clement's Inn, London; Mr. Cough, So- licitor, Warminster ; or of the Auctioneer. [ 1541 Public- House in the Be/ rough of Chrittchurch. ^< OR SALE by AUCTION, at the Hotel, in. _ Ohristchurch, on Monday the 30tli of May inst. at four o'clock in the afternoon,— Lot 1.— A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, calkd THE COUNTRY HOUSE, situate in the borough of t'hristchurch. Lot 2.— Hall an Acre of ARABLE LAND, immediately behind the house,— also within the borouph. For further particulars apply to Mr. Baldwin, Ringwood, Hants. [ 1456 For Account of the Underwriters. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Exchange Coffee- Room,' on Monday the 30th Mav inst. at one o'clock precisely,— About sixty Casks of GAL'LIPOU OIL, partly damaged, in lots; just landed from the Dorothea, from Gallipoli. The oil may be viewed three davs previous to the sale, at the warehouse of Messrs, Jere Hill, Sons, ami Co,; and samples seen at the office of [ 1575 BRISTOL, 18th May, 1808. • WM. ARIEL, Broker MARLBOROUGH. WILTS. RF, 0 be SOLD by AUCTION, by JOHN DAY, on J. Monday the 30th o: May, lB08,. and two following days. — All the truly neat, valuable and modern FURNITURE, of Thomas Wilson, Esq. Staff- Surgeon, leaving Marlborough; comprising various domestic Articles, which have been re- cently laid in, and in the immediate taste. The sale to begin each morning at eleven o'clock. Catalogues may be had at the Bear, Devizes ; Wheel, Calne ; Royal Oak, Wootton Bassett; Bell, Swindon ; Bell, Ramsbury ; Bear, Hungerford; Crown, Everlv; and of John Day, Upholsterer and Auctioneer, Marlborough. [ 1624 PLAITFORD, WILTS. FOR SALE by- AUCTION, by J. ALT, ETF, the Shoe Inn, Plaitford, on Thursday the 26' ih da T' Fc at ---,-.- Thursday the 2( Ah day of May, 1808, at three o'clock in the afternoon, jubjert to such conditions as will be produced),— A desirable LEASEHOLD ESTATE, situate at Plaitford, in the occupati- n of Mr. James Bowles, and known by the name of Savage's Farm ; comprising a farm- house, with two orchards well stocked with fruit trees, and a garden, barn, stables, cow houses, granary, two cart houses, rick house, large yard, & c. & c„ with about 20 acres of rich arable Land in " good cultivation, with unlimited right of common, and about two acres of corpice, and one of meadow. F. r particulars apply to Mr. James Bowles, ori the pre- muoaj Mr, Newell, Shoe Inn, Plaitford; or to the Auc- tiorner, Dolphin Inn, Romaey. [ 1550 COWES, ISLE OF WIGHT. ' ' TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Mr, DAY'S WHARF, on Wednesday the 25th of May, 1803, at tea ' o'clock, A large quantity of valuable broken- up SHll » TIMBER, and the Hull ot a Brig, HO tons admeasurement; - also 15 tons of Bolt Iron and Nails, four Cables, 20 Sails, ono ton and a half of damaged Biscuit, and a quantity of standing and running Rigging, Spars, Yards, & c. bee. The whole will be sold in small lots, for the conveni? ncy of purchasers. For catalogues and particulars apply to Thomas Starling, auctioneer,' Covtfes. [ 1544 O be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. G. Booi; r. Y, on Wednesday the 1st of June, at* the George In n, Southampton, between the hours . of six and eight in, the evening,— Lot 1.— Agood DWELLING- HOUSE, fit for the residence fsf a genteel family, with two parlours, two kitchens, cellar and pantry, drawing- room, and six sleeping- rooms j Chaise- house and Stable, Garden and Orchard. Lot 2.— Agood DWELLING- HOUSE and GARDEN, to- gether with Malt- house and Sake- house ( in full trade), Stable, Cart- house, & c. Lot 3.— A small TENEMENT, with Out- house. Lot 4.— Three Acres of rich Grass LAND, together with a Tenement, Bam, and Straw- house, All the above is freehold, land- tax redeemed ; land, tythe- . free; situate in the pleasant village of Brockenhtust, in the New Forest: near Lymington, " Southampton, and Christ- church.— Further particulars, of Mt. Hookey, Southampton, or A. B. at Mr, Good.- n's, Speenham- land, Berks. [ 1508 G O S P O R T. ' OR PUBLIC SALE, at the Dolphin Inn, on Thursday the flth of June 1808, at e » eyen o'clock in the forenoon,— The following GOODS : 50 half serons Cafacea Indigo. 57 pockets Cotton. 28 serons Bark, Being part of the Cargo of the Spanish Brig La llolodora, con- demned as Prize to his Majesty's ship Undaunted, Thomaj James Maling, Esq. Captain, For catalogues and viewing the same, applv to Messrs. Smiths, Marten, and St. Barbe, London, or at the office of 1436- 1 MATH- HAS MARCH, Biok. r, Gosj- o. t. GOSPORT. FOR SALE by AUCTION, at the INDIA ARMS. INN, on Wednesday the 1st day of June next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon,— The good SHIP SALI. V and HETTY, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, detained on her vovage from Lisbon to Philadelphia, and regularly condemned iii thj High Court of Admiralty, as prize to his Majesty's ship Blos- som, George Pigot, Esq. Captain. She is a very strong American- built ship, of about 230 tons measurement, cop- pered to the bends, is tolerably well found in stores, sails l- eiiiarkably fast, and may be sent to sea with little expence, After which,— The Cargo of the above ship., fFor Exportation. J About 200 Tons of SALT. 7 Hogsheads of WINE. ( For Home Consumption. J About 30 Cwt. of CORK. For inventories and further particulars apply, three davs before the sale, to George Morss Jukes, Agent for the Cantors; or Hurrv, Jokes, and Co. [ 1580 * GOSPORT, HANTS. Lease of it Free Public- House for Sale. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by VV. PuRKia, on Wednesday the'lst day of June, 1803, on the Premises, between the hours of six and eight o'clock in the evening,— All that old- established and good- accustomed PUBIJC- 1- IOUSE ( now in full trade) called the VOHKSUIRE GREY, situate in South- street, in Gosport, and now in the occupation of Gillum Daniel.— The above house is held by Lease, of which 13 years are yet unexpired. From the eligibility of the situation and the respectable connection which this house has long enjoyed, a very favourable opportunity is now offered to any one wish ins; to embark in the public line. And on the following'day, at eleven o'clock in the morning, will be Soi. n by AUCTION,— All the STUCK in TRADE ; consisting of fine flavoured Foreign and British Spirits. Cor- dials, & e. ; and also all the HOUSEHOLD GUODS and FURNITURE, China, Glass, and other effects of the said Gillum Daniel.; comprising four- post, tent, anrt other bed- steads, and furniture; feather beds and bedding, mahogany and wainscot dining and pillar and clawed tabl . s, stained ana other chairs, pier and dressing glasses, pictures, kitchen re- quisites, and many other useful articles. Particulars may be known on application ( if by letter, free of postage) to the Auctioneer, Portsmouth ; or at the Offices of Messrs. Minchin and Compigne, and Mr. Pearce, in Gosport. [ 1613 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W.- COLLINS, AT HIS PRINTING- OFFICE, ON THE CANAL, SALISBURY; Where Orders, Advertisements, and authentic Articles of Nem are received. ( Postage paid.) and; by the respective NBWSMF. N : aad in London by Messrs. TAYLOR and NEWTON, No. 5, Warwick- Square, Warwick- Lane, Newgate- Street, and Mr. WILKIE. Bookseller. Fatmio8ter- R « » <
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