The Edinburgh Advertiser
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Volume Number: LXXXIX
Issue Number: 4633
No Pages: 8
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The Edinburgh Advertiser
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The Edinburgh Advertiser
Date of Article: 14/05/1808
Printer / Publisher:
Address: sold at the Printing-house, Castlehill, Edinburgh
Volume Number: LXXXIX
Issue Number: 4633
No Pages: 8
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VOL. LXXXIX. EDINBURGH THE No- 4633- ADVERTISER.- From FRIDAY MAY 20, to TUESDAY MAY 24, 1808. SAFURDATs POST. From the LONDON PAPERS, May 18. DUBLIN, May 14. Kf^ Friday morning, the Nor- jn^ v'^ t'lcrn liiail Coach was attack- '"^ vk ct' ^ y a nomljer men about i& TL- jHp three miles from Drogheda.— ' fsiSj& fl& M One of the guards immediate- ( Jn ly fired his blunderbuss at the robbers, and it is supposed wounded 2 of them. This timely resolutisn had the effect of deter- ring the villains from any further attempt. " The gold mine in the county of Wickhnu has been for some time, and at present,
work- ing with success, as also some copper & lead mines is the sarre county. The ore in general is very rich, and the copper and lead strongly impregnated with particles of gold and silver." TRALEE, May 12.—" Sunday night last, some of the most respectable Gentry and ac- tive Magistrates of Listowel, accompanied by parties of the 5th Dragoon Guards and Feale Cavalry; proceeded to Liseltin, in that vici- nity, where they discovered a numerous body of those misguided wretches called " White Buys," who were assembled in a most riotous manner. On the appearance of the military, | they all fled, and numbers of them
escaped; I but the Magistrates, amongst the general con- fusion, succeeded in seizing upwards of twenty of the ringleaders, & conveyed them to gaol. " At Clown el, Patrick Lyons and Patrick. Fkeny were tried for the murder of Lawrence English, at Ballynavin. On the night of Sun- dtfy, a party came to the house and demanded a'bridle and saddle. The deceased and his bro- - • j . brid] e) At the " Shot* of 1 EDINBURGH ENCYCLOPAEDIA. SVk rill L P- MUUl, A' 0. 1, and Q, of ihe Printer to fhe Chufchof Gotland, ' may be had, j T- DINBURGH ENCYCLOPAEDIA ;- Con- A FEW Remaining Sets, of the ACTS of. the | Hi ',, lrt~' lw
A GENERAL ASSEMBLY of the CHURCH . of SCOTI — ' 1 51. 15s. 6( 1. ducted by DAVID BREWSTER, LL. D. nl SCOTLAND in 5 vols, folio, bound, price Fellow of the RoyalSociety of Edinburgh, and the ot SCO I a ' . Society of the Antiquaries of Scotland; CONDITIONS. PRINT OF THE LATE REV. DR. FINLAYSON. AN excellent LIKENESS of that highly esteem- ed and much lamented Character, is now arrived at the Shop of the Publisher, DAVID HAT TON, CARVER & GILDER, 56, ' Friuce's Street, tn^' liSlv " ourchased the°^ ole^ remiming Copi'es j I. This work wiUnotVitU expected, exceed Ten j whoiak « " the UbmyTo
infirm W Subscribers. - has lately earnestly requests Volumes quarto, and will handsomely printed, | that he has FRAMES, at almost any Price, finish- « » I » r> who roav wish to buy iifw ' with a new type, by JAMF. S BALLANTYNE fic Co. . tor prjntj s0 that any Gentleman may have plete their old ones, to male immedi- j Edinburgh. ' The paper will be a fine wove oemy ;, jt Framed ia an hour's notice. of the Acts of Assembly, and earnestly requests|| Ministers and sets, or to comjJete ^ llSiri^ by the first artists in London and Edinburgh, from original ate application, as in ayer^ short tirely out of print, and in all probability, will never
he reprinted. This Day is Published, By PETER HILL,' Printer to the Church of Scotland, in one vol. 8vo. price 7s. boards, AN ILLUSTRATION of the General Evi- dence establishing the Reality ot CHRIS 1 s RESURRECTION. BY GEORGE COOK, A. M. Minister of Laurencekirk. Edinburgh, printed for Peter Hill, & Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, London. the,- opened the door to hand them a vihen one of the party fired a shot which mis s « d him ; he attempted to shut the door, when another shot was fired through the door, which passed through fa- wrence English's breast and he died in a few minutes. The reason of kill ing him they said, was for taking the grass of ri fhf Greene. the name of III u » J -—, w a field from Barrett, the Steward of Dr Greene. " The rioters who assume Thrashers, have recommenced their meetings, and committed some acts of violence in the county of Roscommon. On the 6th inst. they held a meeting near the residence of Sir ED- WARD CROFTON, who, though labouring un- der personal infirmity, put hiriiself at the head of his servants and tenants, and, about eleven at night, came up with a large body of them at the ford of Kiltoom. A conflict took place, in which three of those deluded wretches lost their lives.
EAGLES.— Last Saturday morning, at Moor- side parks, in the parish of Arciedon, ( about five miles from Whitehaven) ten lambs belong- ing to Mr. DICKINSON, of that place, were killed by two eagles, and. some others despe lately wounded," CARD. MISS GORDON begs leave to acquaint those Ladies, \ yho have favoured her with their Employment, that she has Removed from Queen Street, to NO. 7, SOOTH HANOVER STREET, where „ nf their favours. GEOGRAPHY. This Day is Published, By PETER HILL, Printer to the Church of Scotland, Edinburgh; and VERNOR, HOOD, and SUARTE, London, price L. 2 2s, in
boards, VOLUME I. OF A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF GEOGRAPHY, Ancient and Modern. With many Large Maps, Elegantly Engraved by Arrowsmith ( which will form a separate Atlas ) To be completed in 6 large 4to Volumes. BY JAMES PLAYFAIR, D. D. Principal ofthe United College of St. Andrews, & c. JrV It is thought proper to delay the publication of this work no longer, although the Engraver has not yet finished several of the Maps belonging to the First Volume, viz. the World according to Ptolemy, the Eastern Hemisphere, Ancient Gaul and Ancient Spain. These will accompany the Maps of the Second Volume which
will be speedi- ly published. It is intreated, that those who are inclined to favour this work with their countenance would intimate their pleasure, by transmitting their names to the author, or to Mr. Hill, bookseller, Edinr. A list of Subscribers will accompany the last vol. As above may be had, A few remaining Copies of Dr. PI ayfair's Chro- nology. Jhe solicits a continuance EDINT. 24th May, 1808. * HADDINGTON BALL. t pHK First HADDINGTON SUBSCRIP- I TION BALL for the Season, is fixed tor ., .— . Haddington, May 16 FRIDAY the 27th current. HOUSTON COAL. ESSRS. ARMSTRONG, respectfully form their oia.
Customers, that a regular supply Of the HOUSTON COAL may now be Ld at Mr. HOOK'S Cc'ai Yard, foot of the Calton Edinburgh.—' fhe price 36s. per ton at the yard. HOUSTON CoA » WORKS, 21 St May, 1808. ~ M O N E V. . • Wanted, ore- Undoubted Heritable Security. A NY. stflW not exceeding L. 12,000, or less A than X. 5000. The interest to be paid half- • yearly. AppiV'to- Mr. Sandilahds, W. S. ANNUITY. X WASTED TO PUR- CHASE, N ANNUITY of h. 8316: 8d. Sternngv on . ei i „ f - r„.-„ persons. and ot the a Messrs. A. M. rirk Street. MONEY TO BE,' SUNK. To be Sunk immediately SUM of MONEY, for the
purchase ot an Anrui'y of X. 50 Sterling, on trie Life of a of age, and ^ the pur- ^ t , fc » Snm' of J.„ 150, payable on the deatn A chase of the Sum or ofthe Annuitant. Apply to John Renton,. V>, Jimes's Street, Edinburgh S. NO. 4, North St, < TO " BE SOLD; M Substantial Second Hand POS I CHAISE A up or* the First Wheers, • To be seen at Messrs. until the 13t of June. dr* witigs, by Mr PETER NICHOLSON, Mr. FA- cv, Mr R. BUCHANAN, & C. II. It will be published in Nunlfcers, one of which will appear every fortnight, and will contain Nine Sheets of letter press— price Three Shillings. But for the convenience of subscribers,
it may also be had in Parts or Half Volumes, consisting of Six Numbers each— price Eighteen Shillings ill boards. III. Any subscriber, after examining the first part, is at liberty t » return it if it does not meet with his approbation. Subscriptions received by Ol. IPHANT IT BROWN, and W. CREECH, Edinburgh ; J. M. RICHARDSON, opposite the Royal Exchange, Lon- don ; STODDART and CRAOOS, Hull; and all re- spectable booksellers. SURGEONS HALL, EDINBURGH, 4th April, 1808. IN Presence of the Roval College of Surgeons, appeared Mr. THOMAS SMI. TH, from Bathgate ; and being Examined upon his skill in
Anatomy, Surgery, and Pharmacy, was found fytly qualified to practise these arts. Extracted by ( Signed) WILL. BALDERSTON, Clk SUMMER HATS. IZETT, GRIEVE, &' SCOTT, most respect- fully beg leave to acquaint their Friends and the Public, That they have now compleated a most Extensive Assortment of SUMMER HATS, which in point of Fashion and Variety, cannot be surpassed in any other Warehouse. G/ iposite General Post Office, North Bridge, £ dinr. HENRY SHAW, MERCHANT T AY LOP, Opposite the Black Bull Inn, Head of Lc- ith Walk, Edinburgh, I ) ETURNS his most grateful Thanks to his Friemis, and
the Public in general, for past favours, and begs leave to solicit a continuation of there patronage, when nothing in his power saall be wanting to execute the orders of those who fa- vour him with their employment, with taste and dispatch. H. S. has constantly on hand a great variety of READY- MADE CLOT HES, which none in the line can undersell of the same qualify and tvorlman- ship, and as he Removes to an Elegant and Com- modious Ware- Room immediately above his pre- sent- Shop, he has commenced it SALE of his WHOLE STOCK in band, consisting of Super- line Coats, Pantaloons, Breeches, Vests, & c. of
every description. Great Bargains will be given for Ready Money. N. B. T hose Gentlemen whose accounts are over due, will please order immediate payment. Ihii Dai/ are Published, By PETER HILL, Printer to the Church of Scot- land, in one vol. 8vo. price 7s. in boards, R- T"< RANSLATTONS of M. GENER, being a 1 SELECTION of LETTERS on LIFE and MANTLOHN MUCKERSY, Minister of West Caldur. .. Edinburgh— printed for Peter Hill, Edinburgh, and Longman, Htiist, Rees, ar. d Orme, London. CAR D. JOHN RITCHIE ( formerly with Messrs. MA- THISON & Co.) respectfully acquaints the La- dies of Edinburgh,
Leith, and their vicinities, that he will, on the 6th June next, Open that Ware- house, NO. 93, South Bridge Street, presently oc- cupied by Mr. Stephen Lavvson, clothier, - with an entire New STOCK of GOODS, consisting of Sa'rsnets, Muslin, Hosiery, Gloves, & c.— And as J. R. has been so fortunate as to purchase his Silk Goods previous to the late advance, they will be Sold at nearly the old prices. Edinburgh, May 21, 1808. This l) ay is Published, In One VolumeJSvo. boards— price Eight Shillings, By OLIPHANT & BROWN, AN INQUIRY into the Extent and Stability ef NATIONAL RESOURCES. By the Rev. THOMAS
CHALMERS, Kilmany. Edinburgh :— Printed for OUphant and Brown, Hunter's Square ; and sold by . Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, London. , This Hay are Published— Price ' Js 6d. T) EMARKS on the PROPOSALS made to Jv GREAT BRITAIN, for Opening NEGO- TIATIONS for PEACE, in the year 1B07. Br WILLIAM ROSCOE, F. sij ; London— Printed for i'. C. IDELI.,& W. DAVIES. Strand j and Sold by the priacipal Booksellers in Edinburgh. Of ivhom may be had, Lately Published, by'the same Author, Considerations on the Causes, Objects, and Consequences of the PRESENT' WAR, and on the Expediency or the
Danger of PEACE with FRANCE, 5th edition 2s. 6' d. Also, Mr. ROSCOE'S other Works. IJJ THE PRESS, And in a few Days will be'JPuSlished, BY ARCHIBALD CONSTABLE & CO. A N INQUIRY into the POLICY and JUS- T\ T1CE of PROHIBITING the USE of GRAIN in the DISTILLERIES ;— including Observations on the Nature and Uses of a Vent to superfluous Land Product And An Application of the General Question to th? present Situation of the Colonial Interests. BY ARCHIBALD BELL, ESQ;- ADVOCATE, In the Pre'ss, and speedily ivill be Published', By MANNERS and MILLER, and S. CUKYNE, in One Volume
Octavo, handeomely printed by BALLANTYNE, THE COTTAGERS of GLENBURNIB, a Tale'- for the Farmer's Ingle- Nook. TIV ELIZABET H HAMILTON, Author of " The Elementary Principles of Edu. cation." " Memoirs of Modern Philosophers," & e. • Let not Ambition mock their useful Cf\, Their homely joys and destiny ubsWire : Nor Grandeur hear, with a disdainful smile, The short and simple annals ofthe poor. LONDON- MADE DINING- ROOM AND DRAWING- ROOM STOVES. BRA1DWOOD AND CO. respectfully give no- tice, that they have just received a few very Elegant STOVES from London & Sheffield, ofthe
newest and most fashionable patterns; and such arrangements have been made with some of the principal Houses in London, as to insure a regular supply of these articles'. In addition to their present Warehouse, BRAID- WOOD and Co. have lately fitted up number of Apartments, in an adjoining tenement, which en- ables them to offer for Sale a very Extensive and Elegant Assortment sf- e- rer- Atticfe ill the CAR- RON andTRONMONGER. Y TRADE, necessary fon Furnishing Houses. FRANKLIN AIR- STOVES, on a new con- struetion, for Counting- houses, Halls, & c. No. 6 & 7, HUNTER'S SQUARE,! Edinburgh, J
EDINBURGH FRIENDLY INSURANCE OFFICE. Nero Stairs, Parliament. Close, lith May, 1808. '" T'TIE Annual Premiums and King's Duty of X insurances, due at this Office, at the present term of WHITSUNDAY, . are requested to be paid up immediately, as,' by neglecting pay- ment lor fifteen days after the Term, the be- nefit of the Policy expires. Persons insured will plea? e therefore call at the Office and pay the same, or at the Ounces of the Agents in tile Country, to whom they have been in use fp pay, where Receipts are granted, and or- ders taken for New Insurances. ' This Society INSURE all property, on the most
liberal terms conform to their Proposals, of which Copies may be had at the Office, and no charge is made for Policies. Notice is hereby given ta Proprietors, that the Payment of Dividends is made on Wednesdays, and T hursdays, from ten till two o clock. : GLASGOW FIRE OFFICE. RECEIPT'S for the ANNUAL PREMIUMS and DUTY due at the prevent Term of WHITSUNDAY, are now ready for delivery at the Office in Glasgow, or by the differc- St - Agent* for the Company. It It requisite that thp Premiums and Duty should be paid up in the course of fifteen days from the' Term, III order that the benefit of the policy may" be
preserved- Policies for all sums delivered gratis, and House- hold Goods insured Sin one sum, without any parti" cular specification, Common Insurance, L. 100 toL. 3000--- 2S. percent., . Hazardous v. 100 3000— 3s. do. Double Hazardous.. 100 3000— 5s. do • AGENTS. THOS. KINNEAR & SONS ...... Edinburgh. " David Walker Perth. James Dickson, sen Leith. Ebeuezer Anderson Dui'dcc. James Leitch Greenock. Fulton M'Kerrell Paisley Colin Campbell Port- Glasgow. John Denny Dumbarton. DAVID DENNY, Sec. BLACK BULL TAVERN, AT MR BRIDGE, POKTOBELLO, Formerly M'Arthuk's, no-. u Hell's. JOHN BELT,
offers his sincere ' Thanks to his Friends and the- Public, for the encouragement he has received since he came to Portobeflo, and begs leave to inform them, that he has entered to the above Tavern, where it will be his study to afford them every accommodation in his line ; and having laid in a Stock of Liquors of the best kind, he hopes for a continuance of their favour. Families supplied % Vith Beef, Bacon, & Mutton Ham,; Sausages, & c. of the very best quality, and with the utmost attention to cleanliness.— Gro- ceries and Pickles of all descriptions.— Dinners fur- nished on the shortest notice.— From the establish- ment ot
the Turbot aud Sole fishery, which- is soon to take place at Portobello, J. B. hopes to be able to give Fish. Dinners ill the first style of excellence. COUNTRY LODGINGS TO LET. To LET, in the Village of COP. STORPHINE, three miles west cf Edirfburgh, on the New Glasgow Ei armontU & Wtfeon's!, gtRoad' RED J. ION INN, FALKIRK. JOHN THOMSON respectfully - informs the • Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in general; that he has opened, and fitted up- in a. superior style, the old established- RE © LiON INN; late DFARNS'S. ' The house having undergone a thorough- repair, and b « ing entiruly new furnished, and having
laid in a stock of superior Old Wines, Spirits, & c. he Matters himself, that those who honpur him with their'support-' will meet with ev « r. y possible ac- commodation and attention. N. B. Neat Post- Chaises, etictfUeiit Horse:, and careful Driven!. - FAI. KIKK, March IS08. fJaach Yar MOST a MUSI E^ ITSBAY ULDING near A " hands hisiM either fo? the Saddle a. NOTICE. - THE PARKS of ASHKNTII. LY, Perthshire, is to he Let at ASKENTII. I;. Y, fof the Ensu- ONE FLAT FURNISHED, consisting of ins Summer, upon Monday the 30th May current, a Dining- room, Bed- room, and Servants a. I, dJn° t on Monday the 20th, as
formerly Adver Room. ' I used. by mistake. Apply to Mr. . Ruthe.- ford, at 2d, A FLAT UNFURNISHED, consisting of I - Kinghorn, " i Dining- room, B- d-; aom, Kitchen, and • » ' NOTICE TO CREDIT ORS. " ' Stable can b? had if required- . id, A HOUSE i URNlSHED,- consisting of Dining- room, and Ted room. - for particular: •>} T'y tij Mi". Co. vif, Cw « t"' jrj> hi:. 3, ARDROSSAN- HARBOUR, • BY Order of the Committee of Management, . the Subscribers to- the ARDROSSAN HAR- BOUR are requested to pay another instalment of 10 per. cent, of their respective Subscriptions, ofi or before the 1st day of June uext, to James
Crich- ton, Irvine, of which this notice in given, agreeable to act of Parliament. • Irvine, 13/// MAY, 1808. • MAIL COACHES. THE DELEGATES - appointed by the Cour. « .. ties of Scotland, to, concert the proper. mode of obtaining a Repeal of. the Exemption enjoyed by MAIL COACHES from Payment of TOLL., are requested to meet in the Royal Exchange Cof- fee- house, Edinburgh, on Monday tiie 30th day of May, at. 12 o'clock. In the mean time Commu- nications on this Subject, will continue to be re- ceived by Thomas Cranstoun,- W. S. 23, North Castle Street, Edinburgh,, and any person desiring information, will obtain it
by applying to him. NOTICE.. IT. is requested that those Persons having claims against fhexieceased JOHN RUSSELL, Mason in Leith, whe hu- ve iiot- already lodged the same, will do so within ten days from the date, hereof, with Mr.- Thomas Hutchinson, Merchant here, as after that time none Will be attended to, Not to be repeated. - LEITH, 24th May ISC8 A X. L those N O having I'lCl claims upon Sir JOHN _ _ ^ TIWI. ING - of G- lorat, Bart, are - requested witnout detay, to give in notes thereof, and met,- tion how the same are constituted, to Messrs,- tones, Handyside, and X « , writers to lhe'signet, Edinburgh.. MEETING
of the Creditors of the ( ate JOHN LAPRAHC of Dalframe, is to be the house of'Thomas White, Innkeeper, jSvU'Wrk, fti< l » j tb « of Ju^ e a'A^ s, htld in TO i. £ T, DIFFEREN T FLAT'S of HOUSES in HOI'i', STREET, ne. r. iu.-| tu Fort. I lie l'l., is m. oi different sizes, l rum 161. to i? til, yeaily reni, a. iii. stand in a pleasant situation tor Sea Bathing of Business in I. eirh. Tor particular. iLppiyl^ aiid Kciuy Pwei jdllj lioj> e ijtts. u
33o THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER for 1808. STAMP OFFICE, EDINBURGH, MAT 5, 1808. ALE LICENCES. BT ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS FOR DANISH PRIZES. To be Sold by Auction, WHEREAS, by an Act passsd in the 44th year In W » . GRINLT'S Sale Room, Paterson's Court, of his present Majesty's reign, capt. 55, for Leith, on Thursday the 86th of May curt, at 11 more effectually preventing the sale of Exciseable 1 o'clock forenoon, T ,- Liquors in Scotland, by persons not duly licenced; HP1 HE Entire CARGO of the brig Der Foiling, and for altering the times of granting Licenses to i JL Jacob Kattleson
late master, consisting ot . „ . P , • i _ ' -. . J NOJ POC'T RlnKKcr a- mo CPnl slrins • snr l. ASK!. HOUSES IN DUNDAS STREET, To be Sold or Let, rpwo large handsome FLATS on the east side MAY 24, TO BE SOLD, \ N Elegant Situation for a VILLA, near X\ Edinburgh, on the South Bank of the Estate I of said Street, being the first and second j of CANAAN, consisting of 4J Acres, laid out stories. Each flat is divided into, elegant Dining j with taste, and surrounded with forest and fruit and Drawing rooms, three bed- rooms, kitchen, j trees, and beech hedges. with closets cellar, and every other requisite ac- There is a south
wall of coursed freestone, up- cioscrs, 1 . ' n wards of 10 feet high, & nearly 400 fSet in length, stocked with fsuit trees of the choicest kinds, four years old, in fine bearing, along which there is a neat Garden of about half an acre ; there is also a commodious ledge at the gate. The ground is laid down in the best manner, and divided by a sunk fence. The situation is remark- ably pleasant, being a gentle slope to tnesouth, and commanding a view of Craiglockhart, the Pent- land, Braid, and Blackford Hills. There is a stream of water within the ground and a very fine spring. For particulars apply to William Baillie, W. S.— The
gardener at the gate will shew the ground. such Exciseable Liquors by retail, it is enacted, that from and after the 15th May 1805, in Royal Burghs, and from and after the 22d May 1805, in Shires and Stewartries, no person shall retail Ex- ciseable Liquors, but such as shall be annually li- censecMaccording to the directions of said Act, and that, from and after the passing of the Act ( 5th Jtlne 1804), every person who shall keep an ale- bouse, tippling- house, or victualling- house, or shall sell ale, beer, spirits, or other Exciseable Liquors by retail, except in fairs : or who shall sell foreign wines or British made wines or sweets by
retail, to be drunk in their houses, or places adjoining there- to, without being duly licensed, shall forfeic, for the first offence L. 5, for the second offence I,. 10, and for the third or any subsequent offence L, 20; and shall; after the third offence, be incapable ot keeping an ale- house, & c. or of having any licencc for that purpose thereafter. The Magistrates of Royal Burghs are, by the said Act, required to meet annually, on the 15th of May, or the next lawful day thereafter, for the purpose of granting licences for the year then next ensuing, to such and so many persons, residing within the royalty of their burghs, who mayapply for
the same, as they shall deem meet and expe- dient; and the Justices of. Peace in each sh re and etewartry are required to tneet annually, on the 82dof May, or the next lawful day thereafter, for the purpose of granting the licences to persons le- tiding within the shires and stewartries. And, in case the Magistrates or Justices shall find it neces- sary at such meetings, they are authorised to conti- nue or adjourn their meetings to the next lawful * lav, and no longer. The Clerk9 of Royal Burghs and Clerks of the Peace in shires and stewartries, when the Magis- trates or Justices shall neglect to meet on the days, and for the
purposes aforesaid, or when they shall meet, but not completely execute their powers, by allowing or refusing the claim of every person'who shell have applied to them for a licence, are requir- ed, after making an entry or record to tliat effect, to deliver to every person who shall apply, and u- pon whose application 110 deliverance or order shall have been made as aforesaid, a licence duly stamp- ed and signed by such Clerk ; but no Clerk of any Royal Burgh, or Clerk of the Peace, shall grant any licence, at any other time than within three days following the days appointed by the Magis trates or Justices of Peace to grant the
same. The Clerks of Royal Burghs, and Clerks of the- Peace, are also required to transmit to the Collec tor of Stamp Duties at Edinburgh,- oil or beftlre the 25th June annually, certified lists of the per- sons licensed, under the authority of the said Act; and such as neglect to d? so will prosecuted for the statutory penalty, being Ten founds. Intimation is hereby made, that all persons in Royal Burghs, Who'shall retail Exciseahle Liquors, from aiid after the 14th May instant; and, all per- sons who shall retail Exciseable Liquor-, in any shire or stewarrry, r. fter the 2- ist M- ay inst. with- out being duly licensed, will be prosecuted for the
statutory penalties before mentioned. GEORGE B& CHANR Solicitor. The Licence Duty, u ith a fee tf lr. to the Clerk, is L. 2 : 2s. W A N T E D, ( For a delightful and healthy situation) AN ASSISTANT to the SCHOOLMASTER of DUNBLANE. He must be qualified to teach English grammatically, Writing, Arithmetic, Book Keeping, Latin, and Greek; also, Church Music. Candidate! willing to undergo S comparative trial, will lodge testimonials of their abilitic- s and moral Character with the Rev. Robert Stirling, Dunblane, on or before the ninth day of June next. — A salary of L. £ 0 Sterling per annum, will r> e given, besides the
emoluments of the schpol, which in this Populous Town and Parish, fo a Teacher well qualified, will be considerable; and if the person preferred give satisfaction, he will b'e- ap- pointed successor, Dunblane, 12th May, 1808 SCHOOLMASTER WANTED , FOR the PARfSH SCHOOL of KILMTJIR in the ISLE of SKYE He mast be able to teach English, Gaelic,.* nd I. atin, Writing, and A- ri. chmctic. - A married person, whose wife is capa- ble of instructing females in needlework,- will be- preferred. Those whose views'point to the church Dtsed not apply. The necesshry information will be given by Lieutenant Colonel Graham,
Chamberlain to Lord Macdonald ( IsleofSkye, by Sconser) ; and by John • Campbell anvf John Pollock" writers to the signet Edinburgh, with whom interning candidates may lodjje tile testimonials of their character and qua- lifications. F - RM STOCKING TO BF. SOLD. At the Mains of Fowt. is FASTER, near Dundee, on Monday the 30th day of May 1808, begin- ning at ten o'clock forenoon j^ rt- cisely, HPHE Whole STOCKING and Implements of t Husbandry on the several Farms' of thi Miins of Epevlis, Berryhill, and Muirloch, con- sisting of 32 Horses of different ages, including excellent breeding Mares, with their Foals, and
two riding Galloways ; about 200 head of CAT TLF., the greater part 2 and 3 years old, all in good condition for the grass, having had turnip through the winter; 11 Carts,. njploughs, with Harrows and Rollers, all of the bt it and newest construction ; Harntt*, Servants Bedding, Sacks and many other Implements of Husbandly too te dietus to mention. As the articles * re very numerous, the roup will begin at ten w'clock precisely. GRASS PARKS OF KINSTEARY! To be routed at JCiqsteary, on Tuesday the 31st May 1303, for the Season, and entered to im* rmellattlv after the roup, r"|"' IIJ- GRASS PARKS of K1NSTEARY, in | the
parish of Aldearn, an 1 shire of Nairn.— Thee parks are well sheltered, and subdivided into liveable iiiclosures, with a supply of water in eich. They are in high condition, Sue feeding ( trass, a id Well merit the attention of grazers am- dealer? ii- cattle. Ai. y p^ rM- n desirous to see the p.. rks, and VK- XV the loijiiitions of rovp, » -< y ap ply id tic Ov. rf? t. rat Kiijstelrv. 934 Casks Blubber, 2702 Seal Skins ; six Cask containing 82 Hare Skins; 318 Fox Skins, one Cask containing 2 qrs. 2 lb. Downs, 1 Cask of Wool, 1 Cask of Butter, 1 Cask of Beef, 1 Cask of Salt, 3' Old Guns, 2 qrs. of a cwt. Whale Fins, 1 Cow's Skin, 4 Bear Skiirs,
52 Empty Casks, and a quan- tity of Mineral Stones. The entire CARGO of the sloop St. Johannes, J. N. Thomson late master, consisting of 298 Casks Oil, 15 Casks Dried Fish, and 1 Empty Cask. The entire CARGO of the ship Johan and Seig- mund, H. Meigill, master, consisting of 3800 Bolls of Rye. ' The entire CARGO of the brig Unge Gerrard, P. H. Brayn late master, consisting of 1900 Bolls of Rye. The entire CARGO of the galliot Hannah, Williamson late master, consisting of 224 Hhds. sf French White Wine, 40 Hhds. of Claret, 3Q Casks of White Wine Vinegar, 69 Bales of Paper, and 1 Barrel of Tar.... And, On Friday
the 27th curt, the following Vessels, with their Materials and Stores : NO. 1,315.— The Brig UNGE GF. RRARD, P. H. Bruyn late master— length on deck 73 feet 5 inches, breadth 21 feet 10^ inches, depth of hold 11 feet- IO inches, admeasuring 130 tons or there- abouts. No. 2,325.- The Brig LOUISA WILHELMINA, Neils Berthelson late master— length on deck 69 feet 7 inches, breadth 2t feet, depth of hold 10 feet 6 inches, admeasuring 120 tons or thereabouts. NO. 3,33S.— The Brig DER FRULING, Jacob Kattlescm, late master— length on deck 93 feet, 10 Inches; breadth 25 feet 4 inches, depth of hold 10 feet 7 inches,
admeasuring 250 tons - r thereabouts. No. 6,375 The Sloop ELSE CHRIS TINA, L. M. Kirkadel, late master— length on deck 50 feet Cinches-, breadth 16 feet 5inches, depth of hold 6 feet 5 inches, admeasuring 50 tons of thereabouts. NO. 8,339.— Th » Sloop ST. JOHANNES, J. N. Thompson, late master— length on deck 51 feet 8 inches, breadth 15 feet S inchcs, depth of hold 5 feet I inch, admeasuring 50 tons, or thereabouts. NO. < r, 272—' The Galliot HANNAH, Wil- liamson, late matter— length on deck 61 feet 11 inches, breadth 18 feet 5 inches, depth of hold 7 feet 6 inches, admeasuring 90 tons or thereabouts. All the
above vessels lie in the Wet Dock. Catalogues of the goods,, and inventories of the Vessels, may be had ten days previous to the sale, and the cargoes may be seen any of these days; be- tween the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock. Further particulars may be learned by applying to H. &. W. DOUC. LAS and BRODIE, and RAMSAY, WILLIAMSON and Co; Agents for the Danish Com- missioners. LEITH, May 7, 1808. corhmodation. Also, A small, but very convenient FLAT, in the same street.. Entry to the whole immediately.— Apply to Wm. Campbell, W. S. NO. 5, Society. TO BE SOLD By public roup on Wednesday the 29th June
next, betwixt the hours. of 2 and 3 o'clock, in the Athenaeum Coffee- house, Edinburgh, • '' HAT HOUSE, NO. 4, NICHOLSON'S J_ STREE T, belonging to and possessed by Dr James Hamilton; also the HOUSE above, in the common stair, NO. 5, possessed by Mr Buchair, painter. The premises are so laid out, that they can at a trivial expence be converted into two large Shops, with commodious dwelling * hcuses. In order to accommodate a purchaser, in completing the requi- site alterations, entry will be given at Martinmas. The subjects may be seen every day from 1 to 3 o'clock For farther particulars application may be
made to William Bell, writer to the signet, NO. 38, North Frederick Street, in whose hands are the title- deeds and articles of roup, and who will treat for a sale by private bargain. GRASS PARKS TO BE LET. To be Let for the Season, by public roup, on Fri- day the 27th of May, 1S08, THE GRASS PARKS at WEST DALRY ( by Tyne Castle ' Toll) near Edinburgh, either for pasturage or cutting. They consist of about 72 acres, are divided Into seven inclosures, which will be let" together or separately, and are wull fenced and watered. They abound with clover, and are well adapted for cow- feeders, stablers, & c ' Tim Parks may
be seen, by applying at Mr Ru- therford's, West Dairy. 1 he roup to begin at twelve o'clock. FIR WOOD. For SALE at NEWMILN, about four miles north from Perth.. To he SOLD by public roup, on Monday the 6th J. tSne next, ( instead of private bargain as for- merly advertised,) and either in a single parcel, or in lots, ABOUT FIVE ACRES of SCOTS FIRS, of from 55 to 6S years- growth, and of a very superior quality. At same time will be Sold, Some well- Grown BEECH & BIRCH WOOD. The Wood is close by the turnpike road betwixt Perth and Isla Bridge. Apply to the Proprietor at NewmiM. The'roup to begin at 11 o'clock
forenoon. PERTH, 17th May, 1808. . _ INN AT K! KKCAl* fc! Y. To be SOLD by public roup, upon Wednesday the- 8th day of June 1808,. at twelve o'clock noon, within the' house of Leonard M'Glaslian, vint- ner, KirkcaUvy, ^ pHE' long Established and well- frequented JL I NN, situated in the HIGH STREET of KIRKCALDY, which belonged to and was pos- sessed by the late Mrs. Chrystie, and is now pos- sessed by the said Leonard M'GIashan, with the Stables and Qfiices at the back thereof. ' This Inn is so well- known,' that a particular des- cription of it is- unnecessary. ' The Articles of Roup and Title- deeds are m the hands
of Mr. Hutton, Kinghorn, who will give . my information wanted by intending purchasers. TO BE LE T— FURNISHED, » ANEAT small HOUSE of Two Stories and Garrets, all within itself from top to bot- tom, with Washing- house, an excellent Well, a Garden newly dressed and preparedfor the season, besides various other conveniences and command- ing delightful prospects of the country round. The Premises are situated at the Back of HOPE PARK, East End, nearest access by the Sci- ennes Street. For particulars apply to Mr. M'Innes at Mr. Grant's, ArgyleSquare, or Mr. Forrest, auc- tioneer; and Mr. Wallace at the next
door has the key, and will shew the premises. Entry may be had at any time. LODGINGS IN THE CASTLE- HILL, A- ND FOULIS's CLOSE, Both fronting the High- street. To be^ SoLD, in Two Lots, within the Royal Ex- change Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Wednes- day the 25th May curt, betwixt the hours of 2 & 3 o'clock afternoon, if not previously disposed of by private bargain, Lo r I— \ LL & Haill that Capital LODGING, and Two CELLARS, lying on the south side of the High- street, exactly opposite the lane leading to. Ramsay Garden,. Castle Hill, and lirst door of the stair. This property is in excellent condition and re- pair.
the joists are all oak, besides a delightful view, and easy access to one of the best walks a- bout the city.— Present rent only 301. sterling. I. or II— All and Haill that LODGING on the south side of the High- street, Netherbow, enter- ing by Foulis's Close, consisting of six rooms, kit- chen, cellar, and other cowveniencies, as the same was' long possessed by Principal Wishart of the University of Edinburgh.— Present rent only 161. sterling. James Gibson, junior, writer, Lawn- market, will treat with intending purchasers any time pre- vious to the sale. - HOUSES NEAR SEA- BATHING. To be LET Furnished or Unfurnished, for
Five Months, or such time as may be agreed upon, MR. CAMPBELL'S Large HOUSE, in the CITADEL, Leith, in one or in separate Lodgings. The Upper- half, consisting of ten rooms, or more, with kitchen, stable, and coach- house. ' The drawing room is 31 by 19. The other House, of seven rooms and kitchen, with a small stable. There is liberty to walk in several acres of ground and shrubbery behind. This house would suit a large family, or it might be subdivid- ed. Access to the bathing place from the ground. The Furniture, which is to be provided by Mr S<; ott, NO. 16, Greenside Street, may be selected by the tenant. Farm
in Mid- Lothian. - FARM OF GREENLAW - MAINS, AND COAL OF GREENLAW. To be I. KT and entered to'at Martinmas next, npHE Farm of GREF. NLAW- MAINS, sevel j[ miles from Edinburgh, in the parish of Glen corse, on the Peebles road, near to Auchindinny, consisting of about 180 acres, but about 20 acres will he reserved to gOrfWifrh the coal. ' The greatest part of it is remarkable tine hmt>, and there is' great reason to believe lime could be got on the ground, as it has been tried, and was found good. It is also very ' hdvantageously situated for mar- kets, being at the same distance from Dalkeith and Edinburgh, and
within two miles of the House ot Muir ; and it has other advantages, which wili be pointed out to offerers. Also to be Let, i< entered to at Whitsunday 1st, the extensive FIELD of COAL, on Greenlaw Es- tate, which it is the opinion of tbose who havt been consulted, may be worked for many years, to considerable extent, with a level Also, about 20 acres of land, » r more, will be let with the coal, if required, and a few eollters houses. T. A'aUon, overseer- tit Bush, willshew thefarro and inform as to particulars, concerning it and tin coal; and offers for both wili be received by Mrs Trotter, No. 30, Geoise's- iquare, or at the Bush. The
offers tor the farm . nust be given in b'.- fore th. lit of June. i COUNTRY" HO US IS TO BE LET, UNFURNISHED. THAT HOUSE near the Village of EASTER DUDD1NGSTONE, at present possessed bv the. Right Hon. Lord Gray, consisting of dining- room, drawing- room, parlour or library,, four bed- rooms, besides dressing- rooms, housekeepers- room, servants and garret rooms, coach- house, stables, and other o'flices. There is also, an excellent. Gar- den completely stocked fgr the season, and abodt six acres of old pasture grass. The House is in excellent condition, and hand- somely fitted up, and ( the whole place has
been laid out with much taste by the present possessor It is within four miles of Edinburgh, two of Mus- selburgh, and being near the sea, and the Warm and Cold Baths at Portobello, there cannot be more desirable Bathing Quarters. To lie seen on Tuesdays^ andSaturdays, from 12 till 3 otlock, and for further particulars, applica- tion may be made to Thos. Guthrie Wright, W. S HOUSE TO LET FURNISHED. rT" lHF. HOUSE of NEWTON, eight miles north J[ west of Stirling, and within a few minutes walk of Doune, a post town. The House and Of- fices are modern, well calculated to accommodate a genteel family, and there is a good garden. ' 1 he tenant may have pasture for two cows, and a horse, and at Martinmas first, a field of Rich Old Grass around the house, besides any part he chooses of other sixty acres lying contiguous, which were iately in the proprietor's occup- tioiV. Mrs. Robertson at Newton, has directions to shew the premisses » and for particulars apply to James Dundas, Clerk to the Signet, or to Gilbert" Mac£ wan, at Callander. PROPERTY AT I' NtWiNGiON. To he SOLD by public roup, in the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, r « < i Wednesday the 20th of June next, at two o'ciuek afternoon, I^ HAT HOUSE and
GARDEN at WEST NEWI. VCTON, presently possessed by Mrs, Barclay. The house consists of eight fire- rooms and a kitchen, and is in a state of complete repair. The garden is well stocki- d with fruit- trees, and, from its situation, is well worth the attention of builders. The public burdens are very trifling. ' The articles of roup and title- deeds, together with a measurement of the property, are in the lands of Messrs. v* emyss and Walkt r„ W. S-. ;.' o '< . S'tr-' F- t; to ' vho; n vy person wishing fur- Icf ' hiiiur. nat- DO may appT\ HOUSE TO BE SOLD OR LET, And entered to immediately. THAT HOUSE at NEWFIELD, on the East
side of the roadfrom Edinburgh to Newhaven, consisting of two stories, sunk storey, and garrets, having a small inclosed plot of groundin front, neat- ly dressed up with shrubbery and gravelled, ami a back court, pump- well, stable, and coach- house, with a garden behind. On the 1st floor are a parloui-, dining- room, and bed- room, with a pautry, and se- veral presses. Oil the second floor an elegant drawing room and three bed rooms. In the garret storey are three bed- rtjoms, besides other conveni- encift ; and in the sunk flat a good kitchen, a ser- vant's room, washing house, and laundry, with a large cellar, and a wine cellar,
and several other convenieticies. This property Is most delightfully andhealthfully situated on eminence immediately above New- haven; is within three minutes walk of the sea, and equally well adapted for bathing quarters as for a commodious country villa. The house is in the very best ojder, having been newly painted and papered. The house to be seen every lawful day, from 12 to 3 o'clock ; and further particulars to be got from John Catnpbell, 4tus, W. S. 2( 5, St. James's Square. VALUABLE ARABLE FARM WITI* N < II MILES or EDINBURGH. To be LET for 19 years, and entered to at Mar- tinmas next, when the lata Mr.
Hill's tack ex- pires, rHE FARM of NEW MAINS of NORTON, in the parish of Ratho, and county of. Ediu- burgh, containing about 136 Scots Acres of excel- lent laud; fit to carry the heaviest crops of every kind. A Jnew Farm Steading is now building in the centre of the Farm, and the house is tit for the ac- commodation of a tenant of the highest respecta- bility. The village of Ratho, where there is a daily post, and one of the best . schools in the County, is net more than a mile distant. * The tenant may enter to 23 acres of summer fallow immediately, and there is plenty of grass for his horses. Mr. Cramond, factor at Norton
House, will shew the grounds, and is empowered to receive proposals for a lease. jY. B.— The Farm of'Easter Norton, immediately adjoining the above, has lately been Let on a lease of a similar duration. LANDS IN STIRLINGSHIRE. To be Sold by public roup, in the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, upon Wednesday the 6 th day of July 1808, at two o'clock afternoon, if not pre- visusly sold by private bargain. t- T- iHE LANDS of CRAWNEST, lying in the parish of Larbort. ' These lands are situa- ted about a mile west from Carron, and about two miles from Falkirk. They consist of thirty .- teres of very improveable soil. They are
at present let upon a fifteen years lease to a very substantial te- nant for L. 70 a year. They extend for a consider- able way along the side of the road leading from Carron to Larbcrt, and may be fcued to great ad- vantage. The tenant is bound by his lease, to give off Whatever ground is wanted for feuing, on getting deduction at the rate of L. 2: 53. per acre- from his rent. The title deeds, and plan of the lands, are in the hands of Messrs- Dundas & Irving, W. S. to whom, or to Alexander Mihi,- overseer at Cnrronhall, tap- plication for further particulars may be mado. PLACE OF SALE A LTEREI>. To be SOLD within M'Laren's Inn,
Cupar of Fife, on VVediesifay the 3d day of August, at one o'clock afternoon,, if not previously disposed of by private bargain, - HE Lands and Barony » f CARSLOGIE, { and Lands of UTHROGAL, in the parishes of Cupar and Monymail, in the following, or. such other Lots as shall be fixed upon at the time of the- roup. LOT I. The FARM of HILTON, of Carslogie, as presently possessed by Mr Feniie, containing 277 acres 3 roods and 30 falls. LOT II. ' The FARM of CARSLOGIE, posses- sed by Mr Walker, with the Mansion- house and Garden possessed by Miss Balfour, consisting of sua acres 2 roods and 29 falls. LOT III. The
FIR PLANTATION, which marches with the lands above mentioned, either in one or two Lots, as shall be fixed upon at the time of the sale, containing 26 acres and 19 falls, and whicli is at present ill the proprietor's occupation. Measuring Acres Ro. ' Fa. of 10 LOT IV. The Bank Park V. Westmost Divwon Lady Inch Park 9 VI. Eastmofit Division thereof 4 VII. Jelly's Fold Park 16 VIII. Fir Park 9 IX, Quarry Park 12 S7 13 2 0 S 33 62 0 IS All possessed by Mr Wilson. The greatest part < f these lands are of a superior quality, and capable of preiducin^ any sort of crop, and they lye in the immediate vicinity of Cupar, the county town.
There are many fine situations for building upon different parts of the lands, and the wood upon them is of considerable value. New Farm Steadings have been lately erected u- pon Lots 1st and Sid, and the purchaser of them will be relieved of all such expence for many years. F~- ' • "" and I la ...< njy ilost, ttn> »
MAY 24. GRAND STATE LOTTERY, WHICH Begins Drawing JUNE £ a, is the Olilv Lottery that ever contained SIX PRIZES or 1.20,000. S C H E M E. 6 Prizes Of L. 20,0L# are L. 120,000 a 10,000 £ o, o6o - 2 5,000 10, eta.. 3 ..' 2,000 ..' - 6,009 5 1,000 ......... 5,< fc0 7 500 3,500' ' IOO 2,000 50 1 , Sjf5 22 22,008- 15 60.- 0S0 20 30 1,000 4,000 L. 250,000 25,000 Tickets. NO FIXED- PRIZE. Tickets and Shares are selling at all the Licens- ed Offices in London, and by tfieir- Agents in the Country.. Present Price.— Ticket L. 20 : ISe; Half L. 10 15 0 I Eighth L. 2 15 6 Quarter 5 9 0 | Sixteenth 1 81 O COUNTRY HOUSE NEAR
EDINBURGH, TO LET FURNISHED. ' . ' AHOUSE of six rooms ana kitcheh, - with ... ~ , . VCULCLLL SLUL. LUUU IUJ A OUULL, H. many. convemenc. es, ( h^ wg. J- Garden and ge88ed b Mr Fmer all( 1 ()^ hers. ADVERTISER for 1808. CAPITAL FARM IN FIFE, TO BE SUBSET. T^ HE FARM of STENTON, In the parish of Kinglassie, containing about 200 acres, will be Subset by public roup at New- Inn, on Saturday the 18th day of June 1808, at one o'clock, after- noon, for 13 years after Martinmas 1808 :— It is in a high state of cultivation, and produces excellent crops of wheat and beans, - and other grains; it lies THE
EDINBURGH SUBJECTS IN AND NEAR DYSART FOR SALE. To be Sold by public auction, in the Royal Ex- change Coftee- house, Edinburgh, eg? Wednesday the 15th June next, at 12 o'clock noon, ALARGE and substantial DWELLING- HOUSE, of three storeys, covered with sfat^. The ground floor is" divided into four a- c. ... ...... ... , 0 , --— , - . - , - , . ,. . , „„,,.;.,,.,. partraenu; the second floor into five, and the on a sloping bank to the south, and consists chiefly , ed and copper bottomed armed with 18 carnage third is undivided. Over all there is an excellent of a clay soil. There is a Lime Rock on the lands, • guns, Is just
refitted, and m most excellent ord^ ,. garret. ' I which the tenant has liberty to work. The Sab- 1 has very complete and superior accommodatloa Also, a DWELLING HOUSE of two storeys, 1 tenant will enter to the greatest part of the lands for passengers. Apply to divided into five apartments, with the Stance or,' In follow and grass, and he will have a quantity of j nuMB^ i. - ana 331 FOR THE BRAZILS," The Fine Fast Sailing Ship ELLIS, ( Frigate Built,) WM. CURRIE, Commander, With or without Letters of Marque, 300 Tons register, Liverpool built, copper fasrefl- Scite of a House, oa" which the front wall is built. \ dung for the
same, without any recompence, and and both lying contiguous to the " large Dwelling- j meet with every encouragement from tile present : large Dwelliitg- house. Behind the whole, to the'south, is a good Garden, '- which may be divided - o as to accommo- date the tenants of the different properties. In the. garden there is a draw- well, affording a constant supply of excellent water. The subjects, before- mentioned are situated- on the south side of the High Street of the Burgh , and will be exposed in one or two Lots, as intending purchasers may wish. A DWEIT. mG- HOUSE of two storeys, divid- ed into five apartments, lying on
the north side of the High Street of said Burgh, and on the west of the market place thereof, which renders it a con- venient situation for a shop. It is at present pos- A large and commodious NEW. DWELLING, of three'storeys, and an attic storey, with a good garden adjoining, lying immediately to the north of Dysart. The ground storey is divided ilfto five apartments, consisting of kitchen, back kitchen, sculierv, and two cellars. On the first floor is a dining room, 22 feet by 16J ; a drawiiig room, 19 feet by lti- j; bed room, bed closet, and store room. The coiling of this storey is 11 leet high. On the Cows Grass) in :: most agreeable
situation- about 4 miles from Edinburgh.— Beat- moderate. Apply to Mr. Pollock, NO. 8, South Bridge. . HOUSE, GARDEN, AND PARS, IN ST. ANDREW'S; TO BE SQ1. D. To be SOLO by private. bargain, ALARGE commodious DWELLING HOUSE lying on the ' South- skis of the High Street, of ST. ANDREW'S, opposite the Town Church, with Stable, Coac;:- house, Jiarn, an 1 Lofts, with ; second floor there are four bed rooms, with clo- a Large GARDEN,- well stocked with fruit trees i sets to each, and a room fronting the south for a of all sorts, full grchvn, and in high bearing, and ' small library. In the attic storey there is a
gretu " likewise with " gooseberry and other busUei o, f good ' accommodation, and on the premises there is an kind. Also aline park, enclosed % vith high stone ; excellent well. The house is not yet finished, and walls. A mill- stream pusses through the park; o-; has never been occupied.- ' i he situation is re- ver wh; .1- . ere- is a family washing house. The. markably fine, and commands a mcst beautiful whole's .. early two acres. & one- haif ill extent. At j view of the Frith of Forth, and of the opposite . a moderate expence the house may be made fit to • coasts of East and Mid- Lothian. EccommoJa^ i, any family. The
advantages of St • James Duncan,. Wright in Dysart, will shew the Andrew's as a place of Education, audits, healthy : houses; and for further particulars apply to James situation, are well knoWn. for particulars apply Ogilvy, accountant,' Clyde Street, or Gibson, to Mrs Sibbald, proprietor, at St. . Andrew's, , cr to [- Christi WalterC. ook, •-','. .". Eoinburgh. oo^ NTRir. RismiS'CKTK. FIFE.- To- be LET, for such a nurgtjr of voart Li may be agreed upon, ar. d to be entered to at Martin- mas first, r I ' HE HOUSE and GARDEN of BAI. MUN'- X GIE, lying about a mile . south- from Stv An- drew's. The house consists of dioing room, par lour, four bed- rooms, with light closets to. each, two good garret rooms, kitchen, laundry, and eel tie, and Wardlaw, York Place, Edinburgh. ~ FARM~ T6~ BE LET — n^ HE' LANDS of BALRUDDRIE, in the pa- X rish of Muckart, consisting of about 200 boots acres, all inclosed, and well sheltered by belts'of Planting, are' to be Let for such a number of years as can be agreed upon, from the term of Martinmas nest. i Hoy are pleasantly situated on the side of the river Devon, about six miles from Kinross, twelve from the sea port town of Alloa. tenant, - who will shew the lands For further information, appiy to James Walker, writer
in Cupar. and j Chief part of har cargo being engaged, wiil po- sitively sail first wefk in June. LIVERPOOL^ May 5, 1808. PROPERTY IN PERTHSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coft'ee- hpuse, Edinburgh, on Tuesday the ISth July neit, if not sold before by private bargain, THE Estate of MILNEARN, lying, in the pa- rish of Trinity Gask. This property con- sists of upwards of 254 Scots . acres of good land, adapted to tbe most improved system of. husbandry. The situation is uncommonly fine, lying on the north side of the River Earn, which bounds the lawn, with a sTnith exposure. There is a
number of good trees on the estate, an excellent garden, hot- houses, & c. The offices are good and substan- tial, * oid the Dwelling- house will accommodate a Urge family. This estate affords a Freehold. A purchaser may be accommodated in the pay- ment of the price.. Apyiy. to Win. Dallas, W. S. - and twenty- two lars, with good accommodation for servants. It from Edinburgh, are Well adapted to turnip hus- ,„„„. commands a beautiful view of the town and bay of : bandry, and indeed to every purpose of Agrlc'iil-;]" quantity oFbard" wood, chiefly ash, some of it very St. Andrew's, and is a dry, healthy, and pleasant ', tare, and
there is a great deal of good old grass, I old, and all- thriving. The mansion house is an old i xxrKi^ K maw Ka K » */ sl- n. r\ nr. *- v- » - 1. J} . .. _ e'l . .'- . , - - SALE OF LANDS IN FORFARSHIRE. ( Place of . SsU altered:) . To be SOLD by public i oup, at Barrack's Inn, For- far, on Saturday- the 2d of Ju'v next, at noon, "- pHE Lands and Estate pf . KLEMINGTON, X with the well- known Slate and Pavement Quarries thereof, situated in the east -. part of Strathmore, in the parish of- Aberlemno, &. coun- ty of Forfar, six miles distant from each of. the royal burghs of Brechin and Forfar, and on the public road: between these
towns. Thlsvaluablo . property, according to a late survey and measure- ment, consists of about 294 Scots acres ; about 199 of which are inclosed within a stone ring fence, and subdivided into 13 inclosures by very complete cross stone fences. One of these inclosures is a plantation ofSeofs fir and larch, between 40 and 50 years old, and consists of a. fc- w falls less than 9 acres. Of the above 190- inclosed acres, some- thing more than 190 are arable. The remainder of the property, without the ring fence, is muir and pasture. These inclosures lye compact and con- venient, having the rivulet Kerrock running in a den through
the middle, of them, and watering- e- very field as it passes, in this den, and on other parts of the property, there is a very considerable FOR NEW YORK, The fine American Brigantine PERSEVERANCE, Capt. CLARK; Now taking on board Goods at Greenock, and will be dispatches! with all convenient speed. FOR RIO DE JANEIRO, ( To call at BELFAST,) THE F1NGAL, Capt. ; Now coppering, will receive Goods on board, at Greenock, by the 20th inst. and sail by the 5th proximo. For freight or passage, apply to Dim. Mac- naught & Co. Greenock, or to Leslie, Macnaught Sc Co. Glasgow; Who have for Sale, Russian Yellow
Tallow, Montreal and New- York Potashes, Coffee, Cocoa, Pimento Ginger, Logwood in Bond, fine Hereford Cyder in easks, Irish Manufactured" Soap, in boxes; Virginia Wheat, and a large Stock of Lim. R. D. Oats. GLASGOW, May 16, 1S08. TO BE SOLD, By pjibjip roup, within the housv of Andrew Hun- ter,. - viiiijier in Montrose, upon the 9th day of June next, between the hours of 3 and 4 P. M. The SLOOP JAMES & MAR- GARET of Montrose, with her Float ' Boat, and Furniture, as she presently lies in the harbour there- of. This Vessel was built of the b^ st materials, ia the year 1798, and measures per register, 51 44-
94th tons. The inventory and conditions of sale are in the hands of Colin Alison., writer in Montrose. The tenant may be accommodated., if required, with from 5 to 11 acres of pasture grass, a stable containing 3 stalls, and cow- house. For particulars apply to the proprietor, at Bal- mungie; or Messrs. Wemyss and Walker, 25, George Street, Edinburgh. PEEBLES TON TINE TAVER- N. To be LET for Nine Years, and entered to at Martinmas next, r~ j "' HAT Handsome and Commodious INN,' plan- X . ne, d by the Gentlemen of the County, and. - now nearly finished, consisting of 14" bed- rooms, several parlours, and an elegant
ball and supper room; with a complete set of offices immediately adjoining. And for encouragement to the te- nant, the Proprietors will demand no rent for the first ' Three Years, for the next three, , a fixed rent as may be agreed on, and that to. be. increased for - the remaining period. And he will also have cer- tain articles provided for him, such as Grates, Din- , ing Tables, Side Boards, See. From the superior accommodation this Inn will afford, the increasing business, the' patronage and support of those more immediately eoiic. errje'd, and many other . advantages, altogether render it a par-, . ticular object to a tenant. Alex:'.
Murray Bartram, writer, will inform as to farther particulars, and receive - written offers till the 3d of June next. PEEBLES, May 3,180S. ' PEEBLES- SHIRE.' - * " LIST of GAME CERTIFICATES issued by the Sheriff Clerk of PEEBLES- SHiRE from 1st July 1907, to 1- st March 3808; Captain- John Burton irv Peebles Sir Thos. Gibson Garmichael of Skirling, Bart Robert Nutter Campbell of ICailzie, Esq; Major James, Dunsroore, Kerfield £. The Right Hon. Lord Elibank, Darnhall Mr- Thomas Gibson,- tenant in Cardrcna Mr George Haldane, Haugh- head John Hay, younger of SmithfieJd, Esq; John Ker, Esq; writer to the signet iO.
Mr William Laidlaw, Williamslee John Lawson of Cairnmuir, Esq; William Logh, younger . of Rachan, E9* j; Sir George Montgomery of Macbiehill, Bart. Sir James Montgomery of Stanhope, Bart. 15. Robert Montgomery, Esq; Whim ' The Hon. Capt. Alexr. Murray, Darnhall Mr James Murray, jun. Fleming'ton Mill Mr William Murray, Cademuir Mr John Reid, surgeon, Peebles £ 0. Mr James Simpson, jun. Posso Mr Walter Simpson there George Stewar't, Esq; Cairnmuir Mr Alexander Williamson,, writer, Peeblgs Walter Williamson of Cardrona, Esq; ;£ 5. Thomas Young of Rosetta, Esg. DEPUTATIONS,. - James Baird, gamekeeper
. to, Sir James Nasrayth of Posso, Bart. William Bartram— to Sir James Montgomery of Stanhope, Bart. Andrew Currie— to Robert Nutter Campbell of Kailzie, Esq; Thomas M'ljirnie— to the . Countess Dowager of Dtindonald Daniel Shaw— to . the. Right Hon Lord flibank William Tod— to Sir George Montgomery of Macbiehill, Bart. William Watson— to the Right Hon, Lortl, Forbes. Certified bv JOHN MURRAY ROBERTSON, cut. By Order of I is Majesty's Commissioners for aging the Stamp Duties, Si* ne4 Ji.- JE& BCFOF. Dj Set, TO BE SOLD, By Public Auction, in Wm. Grinly's Sale Room, i'atersot.' t Court, Leith, on
Thursday the fltn , of .. June next, at 12 o'clock noon, The remarkable fast sailing Danish , ' Galliass, C H R I ST i N A, ( With - all her Stores,) Cut out of a harbour in Norway, by his Majesty's sloop Childers, W. TL Dillon, Esq; Commander, and cori- which may be ljrokenup to. the great advantage of detuned in the High. Court of Admiralty of Ens- • !>/. (-,,,, ONE ' . . 7 ... ,1 . 1 , I tenant now residif. The offices are ample, in good the. tenant. Further particulars may be learned by applying to John Haig, Alloa, to whom offers may be given.: SALE OF LANDS NEAR INVERNESS. There is to- be SOLB by roup, within the Mason
Ledge of Inverness, upon the fifth day of August 18.08, at six o'clock afternoon, THE Lands and Estate ofC'UJ. CLACHY or! NAIRNSIDE, upon the north of the river' Nairn, parish of Daviot, and shire of Inverness,! with the servitude upon the contiguous mosses and niuirs of Craggie. This estate is situated at the distance of four, miles from the thriving town of Inverness, near the line of the new road to the south country, ar. dj consists of about 600 acres, a considerable pare of which is inclosed and surrounded with beltings- iifi hardivood, larch, and fir. - The situation along the' river is beautiWl and romantic. Among many ad vantages which this property possesses, there is- a' new House fit for the accommodation of a. genteel1 famry, having a commanding prospect of the Moray Frith, the castle of Calder, and whole- neighbouring country; a good Garden, well shel- ter'ed, with a variety ot fruit trees in a thriving condition ; a great extent of ground planted with Ash, Oak, Birch, Elm, and other wood. " The lands lately improved, and the soil in gene-' ral, is inferior to none in the country, produces • wheat,' barley, and sther crops of a very superior quality. ' The whole estate is out of lease, and the greater part under grass to be entered upon im mediately, and fit to be ploughed up. The muirs abound with different kinds of game, and the river with salmon and trout. For the encouragement of offerers, the upset price will be - - L. 6000: Application to be made to Campbell M'Intosh, at Inverness or to Mr. Cell M'Donal4, writer to. the signet,. Edinburgh. FARMS IN FIFE TO LET. '-" « M1F. FARMS of BELTARG and BANDON. X in the parish of Markinch, as lately occup- ed by Robert Balfour, Esq; will be LET" for such a number of Years, not exceeding Nineteen,' as may be agreed upon from Martinmas next, 1803. 1 ' Ji< ilfarg consists of about..-...;.-.. 200 Scots acres.
BandOn consists of about 240 ditto. Together 440 acres. "; There is a good steading, and a water threshing mill at Belfarg, and - the proprietor will build a new farm house- suitable to the farm. These farms are ail inclosed, the . situation and climate .. good, . a turnpike road, passing through them, and in the immediate neighbourhood of ? oal and lime, and the soil fit for turnip and grass, as well, as for victual crops, and in the vicinity of the best cattle markets in the county-,. The whole will be Let. in one Lot., to an expe- rienced active farmer, or the quantity of ground may beTesaened,, by the proprietor reserving sonfi- of the
fields. Nor is there any objection, torreceiy- iiig offers for Belfarg and Bandon separately, anid letting the. same in two farms. But,.. in this casi, along With the rent offered, a specification of thje houses and offices judged necessary by the- tenants, must. be given in with each offer. i ,' The ground . will be shewn to, intending offerer^, by George Brown, overseer at . Btifarg, or by James Buchanan, overseer, at Balbirny Maios; and of- <•„„ ; !..-.,_ • - v. - johjl hjf- ... order, : o, d buiit stone, and slated. ' 1 he ries, from the superior quirfity of the stone, the inexhaustible appearance of the rock, and the great demand both for home
consumption and ex- pertation, ir, the hands of a person of skill anden- terprize, me. H become an object of much interest, ihe lease of the quarries falls at Martinmas first, and the only other two . leases on. the whole pro- perty, which were let 16 years ago, expire at Mar- tinmas 1311. ' This estate. holds of the Crown, and is valued in the cess books at L. 133 : 6 : 8d. Scots. The present grossrent ie only L. 323 : 13s. sterling, but at the expiry/ of the I - uses a very considerable rise may be expected. The teinds were valued many years ago at a very low rate, and the public, burdens are- very small, as may easily be conceived
from the Iowness of the valued rem. . ' The title- deeds, which are unexceptionable, . with a plan and measurement of the property, are ready for inspection ; and for further particulars appli- cation may be made" to George Watson, solicitor in Edinburgh ; Mr Colvill, town clerk of Ar- broath; Mr Walker, ^ own clerk of Forfar, sr to the proprietor, Mr Bruce, at the Park, near Ar- droatls. The lands, quarries, & c. will be shewn by James Crockatt, tenant of Flemingteo. N. B.— If a purchaSlr ihcHries, a very conside- rable part if the price may remain in his hands, on security. Day of Sale Fixed. LEASES IN ANGUS TO SELL. To be
SOLD, under authority of the Court of Ses- sion, by Public roup, within the house of David Anderson, Innkeeper iu Arbroath, upon Satur- day the 11th ef June next, atone o'clock after- noon, T-> HE I. EASES of the Farm of AUCHME- THIE, as presently possessed by William Webster, containing upwards of 331 Acres,.- with certain Pendicles & Cottar- houses attached there- to— comprehending the East and West Mains of Auchmethte, and that , part of Seafield' called the Nethershade. The ' Tacks of the two former nam- ed farms are current for 15 year* after Martinmas next, and that of the latter for 21 years after Whit sunday last. Tkese lands lye within the parish, of St. Vigeans, about two . miles to. the eastward of Arbroath, and form one beautiful arid compact- farm upon a gentle- slope to the south 0Y » , looking the sea at the dis- tance of a fe. w hundred yards ; and part of the cot- tar- houses are connected with the fisher town of Auchmethie, where fish arii to be had in the great- est variety^- an< l abundance. . The Steading, is central and commodious, com- prehending a Threshing- mill and Granary ; there is a. sufficient allowance from the prqprietor for re- pairing or rebuilding. the sit- house. , The form is in - a high . state of cultivation,
and consists of a free. loam producing excellent coops of wheat and other grains, and is admirably adapted for the turnip husbandry, particularly for winter feeding,' as the, soil is dry, and the storm of 6now never. rsmainiiig above a day or two. The. r^ nts are payable to the proprietor. in mo- ney, excepting a small part in meal, at a fair va- luation. it . is proposed to sell the Tacks either for or for a surplus rent, in the op- land, as prize to that sloop. The. Christina is most admirably adapted either to the coasting or canal trade, and is exceedingly well found in ail kinds pf stores. DIMENSION^. Length of Keel ,, 45 feet,. 8j inch.
Breadth, 15 feet, ij-{ inch. Adir.^ asures, ( afloat).. .'.". 48 89- 94 tons. At ftfie same time will be exposed to sale, part of the CARGO ot the said Vessel, consisting of Fish, iron, Stores, Naiis, & c. Catalogues of both SMp'and Cargo will be given out, six days previ- ous to the sale. ' The vessel may be seen in the Wet. Dock, Leii- h; and, particulars may be known by applying to Messrs Jss. Whytt and Son, Leith, SALE fOF COUNTESSWELLS. Upon Friday the 3d day of June next, there willbe exposed to public Sale, within tile house of Mr. Ronald, vintner . in Aberdeen, betwixt the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock afternoon, ( if not.
previously disposed of), ' T HE LANDS and ESTATE of COUNTESS. X - WELLS, comprehending the Mains and Manor Place of Gountesswells ; the ' Towns and Lands of Wardhead, Bogskeithy, Kingshill, Bac^ hill, Cadgerw- ood, Auchlee, Graiglug. Garder, Silverburn, Brotherfield. Rottens, Hogiu, Blacktap, Foggietown, Tillyjuick, and Dalhehitie; and that Part formerly bs'. onging to the Lands of Cults, ly- ing betwixt the Plantations of Cults and Countess - wells, lately inclosed and. planted by Mr. Burnett, and now added to this Estate ; with the Mill and Mill Lands of Brotherfield, Multures and Knave- ships, and Teinus,
Parsonage, and Vicarage of the whale cf the whole. of said Lands,' all lying within the freedom and liberties of the burgh of Aberdeen^ . and sheriffdom thereof- • Acording to a late survey, these: Lands consist oJ - 8J4 3 32 Arable Ground. 879 1- 29 Muir aeJ Pasture, and 420 0 O In IVood aad Plantation. oJ ; In all, 2124 13 Scots Acres. Exclusive of 170 Acres of Moss. This valuable: property Is situated at the distance of from 4 to 6 miles fikim the town of Aberdaen, to which it has easy access by the Deeside and Skene turnpike roads, the. latter passing throagh the north part of the estate. Some of the farrfis on this estate were
let on IS years leases, of which a good part is run, and the remaining fa- ms on 27 years, expiring at Martin- mas 1831 and 1832, on a rising rent, amounting, at present,, to L- 681 5s. sterling, in motley, 36 lulls of meal, and 4 bolls of . bear, & 220 hens; arid for the last 9 years pf the leases to L. 840 in money, 36 bolls of meal, 12 bolls of bear, & 220 hens ; znd this exclusive x- f any rent for the Mansion- house, Lawn, Shrubbery, and Garden; or forthefarci of the Mains, which consists of upwards of .40 Scots acres, all inclosed and subdivided; and " is likewise exclusive of any rent for large large tracje of, very improveable muir, (
not let to the tenani * from which a very great addition might sqor'J made to the rental, at a very trilling expencfj Mansion- house was built by the late'prcp" and is suitable, in every r-. speet, for. the i! modation of a genteel family. To it, the Cl_ Lawn, and Shrubbery, and to, the fara£; « | Mains, a purchase- r may have access itjr^ l months. .. There is a considerable v^ lue^ J a sum or. money, » ion of tlie exposers. . ' The principal l. eases. with the articles of roup, i grown Timber on the estate, and the late. .. are in the hands of Thomas Scotland, writer to the ; tions are well advanced, and, in general, if to., signet, who will give
every information ; and a j thriving state. . . . . , till) copy, ot the articles are in possession of John Nic- I The writs, plan, and rental, are in the ban the. 15th day of July next, > vhen no more will' be ! col, " writer , in Arbroath, to whom application may j Mr Bannerman, advocate in Aberdeen ; to_- received, and the'tenant, whpje cflfer 18 SfCepted, i » e mad- t. add wllO. Will give directiow for showing or to Mr Burnett, the proprietor, any one intesch- ffiUI fee sJeclaxs. d, libsiaadis.. " J tog c.; puwJjwe. by V- batata » » y 9G4i
33i MONBAr, POST. From the LONDON PAPERS, May 20. LONDON. DISTURBANCES AT HAMBURGH. ON Easter Tuesday, the Commandant or- dered the gates of the town to be shut at an earlier hour than usual, on the pretence of its Ije- ing a holiday, and with a view to prevent excesses, in consequence of this, a number of the inhabitants were shut out, and about 1000 presented themselves before the gates, and de- manded entrance. The gates not being open • ed at their demand, from noise and clamour the populace proceeded to pelt the soldiers with stones, and a very serious commotion took place. Some of the
military quartered in the : town, joined the guard, and fired upon the people, seven or eight of whom were killed, aad many more wounded. At this juncture a firebroke out in the town, and some person rang the alarm bell. This caused a general eonfusion; the French Com- mandant considered it as the premeditated sig- nal for a general insurrection, and, under this impassion, dispatched a courier to BERNA- DOTTE for succours, who was at that time in Jutland. In the meanwhile, the Senate assem- bled, and effectual means were taken to quell the disturbance. Peace being restored,- the Se- nate dispatched a messenger to
BERNADOTTE, explaining the affair, and promising to prevent, as far a3 lay in their power, similar tumults.'— BERNADOTTE, it was supposed, had thought proper to meet the last message with indiffe- rence ; for when the account came away, French troops were marching towards Ham- burgh, from various, quarters. This affair will furnish a pretext for new extortions. The day after the disturbance, a Proclama- tion was issued by the French, to prevent riots in future. It was ordered, that any person sounding the alarm bell without instructions from the French, should be shot on the spot ; that any person throwing a stone at a
French soldier, should be tried by a military commis- sion, and if found guilty, be punished • with death. If four or more persons were ' found talking together, the French soldiers <? n duty had a right to require them to separate, and in case they disobeyed, xofire upon them! THE Edinburgh IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Thursday, May 19. DISTILLATION FROM SUGAR. LORD BINNING, Chairman of the Commit- tee appointed to inquire into the state of the 1 com West India Merchants, entered into a long and able detail of the proceedings of the Commit- tee. That Committee, he said, bad taken par ticular care before they came to any resolution, to see how far the interests of agriculture were likely to be affected by it; and it Was not till a iull and deliberate investigation of many se- rious facts had assured them of'its wisdom, that they determined on it. He was convinced, with the rest of the Committee, that they had come to a salutary decision. He read part of the repoit of the Committee, and many of the facts upon which that report wa3 founded— such a report would never have been presented relative to the West India Merchants, if they bad not thought it was for the interest of Great Britain. He was very ready to admit an
ob- servation which had been made relative to this measure, that the distresses of one part of the community ought not to be relieved by an op- pression on the other; but while he admitted its truth he denied its application. The last harvest had been a scanty one: he then read over part of the evidence, which stated that A DVER T i S £ R for - 1808. the Gentlemen present, that the wishes of thef which he was actuated. Committee would be'earried into effect. MR. COKE said the Noble Lord must hare a strange idea of the Landed Interest, if he ima- gined they contended for the high price of ( a cry of no! no!)— then, if that was
44. His MAJESTY came to town on Wednesday from Windsor, and held a private Court at the Queen's Palace, which was attended by the - LORD CHANCELLOR, the Archbishop of CAN- TERBURY, the Duke of PORTLAND, and mo6t of the Cabinet Ministers. The following pre- sentations took, place:—^ Generals LESLIE, LAWSON, WATSON, Fox, DOftnAM, and Ba- ron HOMPESCH, on their brevet promotion in the army— General DRUMMONH, en his being appointed Colonel of the nth Royal Veteran Battalion— Admiral DOMETT, on his being ap- pointed a Lord of the Admiralty— General CAMPBELL, on his return from
the East In- dies, and on his promotion— JOHN CONNELL, Esq; Procurator for the Church of Scotland— Rev. Dr INGLIS, of Edinburgh, Commissi; • oner from the Church of Scotland. The report so current about the Seahorse fri- gate being captured, is erroneous; she was very near an enemy's port in the Mediterra- nean, but letters are received in town from that ship, which state that she got clear off. DUBLIN, May 14. " LO^ D GLENWORTH'S MARRIAGE.— This morning," in the Court of Chancery, the AT- TORN EY- GENERAL moved the Court on the • part of the EA% L of LIMERICK, for an attach- ment against Mr
BEAUMONT, an eminent Soli- citor of that Court, and against hhs wife, Mrs BEAUMONT, for advising and procuring the marriage of Miss EDW^ DSj.- Mrs BEAUMONT'S daughter, by a former husbffid, with the Noble Earl's eldest son, Lord GLEN WORTH, who is a minor of nineteen years of age, (. SV last AD- VERTISER, page 324,) although a prohibitory order had issued from that Coutt, cautioniqp them against such proceeding, and that tht same would be considered as a high contempt. Mr and Mrs BEAUMONT'S'affidavits were read, in order to oppose the application. Mr BEAU- MONT admitted he was Weil aware of the
inti- macy that prevailed between Lord GLF. N • W ORTH and hij daughter- in- law, but declared that he had carefully abstained from taking any step to further it. Mrs BEAUMONT admitted she was made very uneasy by the continuance of that intimacy, which had become the topic of public conversation ; that she had, in conse- quence, consulted with some female friends, who thought the business would be best set- tled by a marriage, and that an intimation to that effect was some way or other, though not strictly from Mrs BEAUMONT, conveyed'to the young couple, who, it was admitted, were since married at Gretna Green.
The LORD CHANCELLOR reprobated . the conduct of ' Mr. and Mis. BEAUMONT. Mrs BEAU- MONT was ordered to answer further personal interrogatories. The Court was amazingly crowded. The Duchess of RICHMOND sat on the Bench, and near her were arranged a great number of the fashion, rank& beauty'of Dublin. Miss EDWARDS, now Viscountess GLEN- WORTH, is daughter of the late Captain ED- WARDS, younger brother to Colonel EDWARDS, of Oldcourt, .-- unrvof Wicklovi, a very old, and respectable family. although in the south of England the wheat harvest had been good, yet still in almost every other
part the barley one had been very scanty indeed, and in Scotland particularly so. Now if next harvest also proved deficient, the mea- sure now proposed would become inevitable, and it was better not to wait till pressed by the hand of necessity, and that at a positive loss. The computation of corn which was imported into England and Scotland, was at the rate of 470,000 quarters of corn ; and new, in a com- paratively scarce and deficient year, there was no importation whatever, owing to our hosti- lity with the countries from whence we had been used to receive supplies. It had been said that this resolution would diminish the
quantity of corn which would be sown next year: the quantity sown, however, he and the Commit- tee thought would be entirely regulated by the price paid. But it had also been said, that on the first appointment of this Committee, the price of grain would fall; now, on the con trary, it had risen, was daily rising, and did not appear likely to suffer any diminution. He wished to argue this entirely as a British ques- tion. By every information which he had receiv- ed from SCOTLAND, it was particularly desired in that part of the country, that the distillery from grain should be stopped. In tbe North, of Scotland there was a scarcity,
amounting to an absolute famine. He believed he would be: borne out in this statement by an Ho- nourable Baronet (. Sir JOHN SINCLAIR).-^ The prices of grain were now so high, that the Fanners could not complain of any injury; and if there had been no other grounds for the recommendation in the report, bat merely British interests, he thought the mea- » sure would be proper. It had been intend- ed at first to propose the stopping the dis- tilleries for a year, from the lst of July, but he now inten ded to pursus a course somewhat different. Yesterday, when he came down to the House, be felt perfectly prepared to bring forward
such a proposition, but he was given to understand, that the opinions of many niost respectable Gentlemen might be conciliated, and great public advantage derived from altering the motion, and post- poning it to this daty. The Resolutions which he now intended to propose were, first, " That the distillation of spirits from wheat, oats, barley, malt, flour, meal, pulse, & c. should be prohibited in the tfrcited Kingdom from the- ist- of July next to the lst of Octo- ber ; and 2dl. y, that . it should be lawful for his Majesty, after the lst of September, to conti- nu'e. by proclamation, the said prohibition, till thirty days after the meeting of
Parliament." He also intended, if the bill should be allowed to go into a Committee, to move a reduction of duty on'sUgltf- wash, so as to enable the distiller to make use of sugar in their distille- ries. He had understood that the harvest in Ire- land had been very deficient, and that there was already a considerable scarcity felt in some parts of it. Under these circumstances, he thought, that without at all considering the interests of the West Indiesi the measure would be good in. itself-.— Although lie did not now consider himself authorised fo put the question, on the ground of ' relief to West India Merchants and Planters, yet, he
Wotild say that their wants, were most urgent— that there were many great estates which made little or no profit, and that the West India body did appear- to him abun- dantly intitled to some relief.. He' thought that the distresses of the IVejt India Planters could not be fairly attributed merely to. their wild- and imprudent speculations; but that a great part of ihetn was to be attributed to the system MAY It was his conviction j that no tampering of the Legislature with agri- culture ought to be allowed except in an ex- treme case, which did not seem to exist. MR. MARRYATT bore testimony to the dis- tress of the West India Planters.
GENERAL GASCOJGNE insisted that tbe not the case, his Lordship was surely very far ] misled in the quotation he had given of the j West India Interest had a right to look for price of corn, fur within the last fortnight, it redress, as well as the Landholders. did not exceed 40s. in the county of Norfolk ; out, if it bad risen in other counties, he was convinced it was owing to the alarm given by the proceedings of the Committee of Inquiry. He was glad to find that no grain had been im- ported into this country since the month of September, which was a strong proof that we did not stand in need of foreign aid. The Markets had ever
since been well supplied at moderate prices; but the imported grain al- ways lay in the hands of speculators, who were constantly the instruments of enhancing the price. If he was rightly informed, the situa- tion of the Planters was not so bad as had been represented. At present there was a demand for Sugar, and it rose 6' s. in the cwt.; but though it was in so great abundance, the Pub- lic could not get it a farthing cheaper, than when there was a scarcity. The Landed In- terest had complaints also, in being heavily- taxed, yet not a murmur escaped them. Sir JOHN SINCLAIR said, that having been personally alluded to by the
Noble Mover of the Resolutions, he thought it necessary to rise thus early in the debate. It was certainly true, as the Noble Lord had stated, that there was a considerable scarcity in the North of Scotland, and it was natural for him to be extremely an- xious that this scarcity should be relieved; but at the same time, as a Member of the British Legislature, lie was bound to look to the gene- ral interests of the country ; and he did not think that these would be promoted by adopt- ing the present Resolutions. He was surprised that, after a Com mittee appointed in 1797 to consider this very subject of the substitution of sugar in the
distilleries, had come to a resolu- tion most unfavourable to the proposition, the question should be again revived. Since dis- tilleries were first established, they had only been stopped six years in the course of more than a century; and in the year 1760, the table of the House was covered with petitions from the farming interest, representing the pernici- ous effects ofthe stoppage. He contended that the revenue would suffer a great defalcation from the proposed measure, and that in fact the distilleries did not consume so much grain ap- plicable to the food of man as was supposed, for much of what they used was damaged,
and of inferior quality. A great objection to stop- ping the distillers was, that one species of meat, pork,- would thereby be rendered more scarce, and on this point he quoted Mr BURKE is support of his opinion. He believed not mueh corn had for some years been imported from the Continent ; and be trusted that, the relations between this country and America would remain such as to allow us to import our usual quantity. THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER supported the bill, and said that it by no means was prejudicial to the interests of the Country, but highly beneficial. The evidence of Mr ARTHUR YOUNC, he said,
put the necessity of retrenchment in the consumption, beyond a' doubt, as he said the produce of last year was in all parts of the country considerably less than the annual consumption. Upon the whole, he trusted the precautions provided to betaken under the bill would completely do away every alarm of the landholders, and that the measure on that account would receive their eoncur- ' pursued' with respect tO them, and to the pre- sent state of Europe. lie wished, however, tliat the . subject should now be considered and argued as a British, and not a West India question. He concluded by moving, " That the Report of the
Committee be referred to a MR. CURWEN deprecated a plan which came before the House, unsupported by evidence.— He was astonished that the Noble Lord, who had paid so much attention to the subject, should come to that House, with his mind changed ; but this might proceed from ano- ther cause. The little evidence produced came from obscure individual", of no information, and therefore Gould not impart any to the Committee. He attributed the late rise on grain, to the alarm which the Committee gave of a scarcity, for the Distillers had made large purchases, as grain was moue profitable to them than sugar. MR.
PONSONBY and Sir J. NEWPORT sever- ally protested against the introduction of die proposed measure to Ireland. Sir ARTHUR WELLESLEY was convinced, that were the distilleries in Ireland to be allow- ed SO' go on, while those in England ware stopped, . great mischief would ensue. The distress for grain in Ireland was as great as. in any part of England. The last ciop was a third deficient, and the quantity of grain ex- ported from Ireland to Scotland, in consequence of the scarcity in the latter country, rendered that crop still less adequate to the demand.— Petitions had been presented from Drogbeda, Belfast, & c.
praying that the distilleries might be stopped and there could 6e no doubt that unless some efficient measure were speedily a- dopted, a very, general scarcity would exist in Ireland. Mr FOSTER, as he felt compelled to vote on CommitJ. ee of the whole House." He antici-: this question against those with whom he u ipated from the moderation and good sense of , sually concurred, explained the motive by MR. C. R. ELLIS vindicated the princi- ple of the measure. He contended, that even in the most plenteous years, this country had ever witnessed, still we had been under the ne- cessity of importing grain from the Continent. In
the present circumstances of the country, and when, by the enemy, we were shut out from the whole Continent, it was essential that distilling should not be suffered from grain.— West India pioduce were articles equally pro- ductive as grain, and in proportion as these products were consumed, in propoition would grain be saved tor the consumption of the people. MR. WINDHAM said, the conduct of those who supported tl « s unnatural measure, was like that of a hen hatching a brood of ducks. They first introduced it to relieve the West India Planters from their overgrown stock, but an- Hon. Gentleman had found out a great
scar- city in the crops, and brings it in like B ayes's army in disguise, pretending it to be only a temporary measure : but he would warn them against too much meddling with the agricul- ture of the country. To be sure, if it were secessary to lower the prices of grain, by hang- ing a few farmers, it might be done; but there Would be very few another year. He conclud- ed by saying, these discussions would tend to raise the price of corn, by creating an alarm a- mong the people. LORD CASTLEREAGH strenuously support- ed the motion. As an argument in favour of the measure, he asserted that the price of grain was at present
higher than in the scarcity of 1795, and as high as the scarcity in 1800, when the distilleries were prohibited. Add to this, we had not at present any prospects of aforeign import, so that any measure that tended to husband our present sources of supplies, was advisable to adopt. MR. JOHN SMITH supported the measure.- The greatest possible calamity that could befal any countiy was a scarcity of corn. It must be considered, that for the last eighteen years a veiy large importation of that article had taken place, and we ought to provide for the consequences that might arise from our being deprived of all foreign resources. He
really be- lieved. too that the West India Planters were a most injured set of people, and that some mea- sure was necessary tor their relief. The effect of this present measure would be to relieve both of these descriptions of individuals, and be attended with generally beneficial conse- quences. SIR HENRY MILDMAY spoke against the measure ; and stated an average of the prices of com for several years, in order to shew that the supporters of it were not justified in using such arguments in favour of their measure, from the state of these prices. MR ALDERMAN HIBBERT said this mea- sure was expressly recommended by
the Committee,. after an inquiry into the sama subject had taken place in 1807, which wae negatived, and therefore it was impossible that they could have recommended one so to- tally different from the former recommenda- tion, had they not seen that the circumstance of the times had made that alteration absolute- ly necessary. Those circumstances were the changes that had taken place in the foreign re-' lations of the counti y, which now deprived us of a supply of grain. If we did not want that supply formerly, why did we take it ? If we did want it, was it possible that any ministry could be justified in sitting calmly, and view ing with composure, the consequences likely to arise from the country being deprived of that supply in futu e, MR MALCOLM LAING spoke against the motion. LORD BINNING briefly observed, that the measure he had the honour of submitting to the coRsideration of that House, was one which it would have been proper to have a- dopted, even if the West Indies had never ex- isted. He concluded with observing, that he felt his cave was completely made out, and that his opinion was not in the least altered by any tiling that had been said upon the other side of the House. The House divided for the Committee— Ayes 122 Noes
108 Majority in favour of tlie Committee 1 - i The House then went- into a Committee, pro forma, and the Chairman obtained leave to sit again. Adjourned at FIVE O'CLOCK c » FRIDAY MORNING. Friday, May 20. THE DARDANELLES. MR TAYLOR moved several Resolutions re- specting the conduct of the Administration of " All the Talents," in their unfortunate Ex- pedition to the DARDANELLES, EGYPT, See. in which so many brave Officers and men were lost, and the Country disgraced.
p I • MAY 24. THE MR T. GRENVILLS defended the Expedi » tions. The Resolutions were carried without a di- vision. ( Particulars of the'Debate in ttur nixt. J The discussion on this subject having last- ed till THREE O'CLOCK on SATURDAY MORN- ING, Lord BINNING was obliged to postpone the furtlier consideration of the Report on the DISTILLERIES till MONDAY, when it will cer- tainly come on. TUESDAY'S POST. From the LONDON GAZETTE, May 21. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. BY the quarter of Eight Winchester Bushels, 8c of Oatmeal per boil of 140 lbs. Avoirdupois, from the Returns in the week ended 14th
May. ARRR4GB OF ENGLAND ( 5 WALES. Wheat, 72s. lid Rye, 50s. 7d « —• Barley, 41s. 4< J.— Oats, 33S. Od.— Beans, 57s. 6d.— Pease, 66s. 5d. — Oatmeal, 45s. 3d Beer or Big, — s. Osl. Aggregate Average Prices of the Twelve Mari- time Districts of England and Wales, by . which Exportation and' Bounty are to be regulated in Great Britain. V'heat, 72=. lid.— Rye, 51s. 8tl Barley, 41s. 7d,— Oats, 31s. lOd.— Beans, 57s. 9d.— Pease, 7Cs. Id. Oatmeal, 40s. lid.— Beer or Big, — s. Od. Aggregate Average Prices of the Twelve Mari- time'Districts of England and Wales, by which Iniportati m and Duty are to be regulated
in Great Britain. Wheat, 71S. 7d.— Rye, SOs. 9d Barley, 40s. 5d.— Oats, 31s. Id.— Beans, 55s: 6d.— Pease, 73s. 4d.— Oatmeal', 41s. 6d.— Rape Seed, 74s.- 3d. The AVERAGE PRICE of BROWN or MUSCOVA- fio SUGAR, computed from the Reti tr. s made in the week ending the 18th May, is Thirty- six shil- lings and tioo. pei. ee hafpenny per cwt.' duty exclusive. From the LONDON PAPERS, May 21. LONDON. Accounts from Martinique of the 9th of March, represent that island in a most deplo- rable state. The interruption of its commerce with the United States had occasioned the ut- most distress to the inhabitants. A
FASHIONABLE ELOPEMENT.— An event has just taken place in high life, which has excited more interest than we ever recollect any similar occurrence to have produced— namely, the sudden disappearance of a Lady of title and great beautv, ( who ranks among the most dis- tinguished females for intellectual endowments), from the family residence in the neighbourhood of Portman- square. The elopement took place about half past four on Wednesday af- ternoon, with a Baronet, the son of a Noble Ear], and the parties went off" together from the house of the injured husband ( Lord ) on foot. The retreat of the fugitives is yet
undiscovered, but is suspected to be not far distant from town. Lord was sitting in the drawing- room when the flight took place. * The Lady who has eloped is Lady B- RING- " ON, and the Gentleman who eloped with her Sir A. P , son of the Earl of U— •. The Lady is a very beautiful and accomplished woman, and of manners hitherto irreproach- able, is a daughter of the Earl of W , and sister to the Countess of J y. She has three children, a son and two daughters. The wedded Lady who. has just eloped from her Lord, is of a family the most amiable and respected, and certainly the only spoiled CHILD it has produced;
INTELLIGENCE FROM LLOYD'S LIST. « ' Arrived 1 Gottenb- urgh and S Irish Mails— Due 1 Gottcnburgh and 3 Irish. " The Thetis, frigate, and, Fleet* of. East diamep, & c. which sailed. from Portsmouth 15th tit. were all well the 30th, between Porto Santo and Madeira. " The Boa, Flora, Dias, from Oporto to London., was taken, in November. last, and carried into St. Onha in Spain " The Mary, Crafts, from Marseilles to Gua- daloupe, is japtured and carried into Antigua. " ' Fhe Greenfield, Williams, from Berry t « Alnwick, ran on shore on Schooner Island 13th inst. and, sunk. Crew saved. " The Maria, Fairbotham, from Liverpool
to New Providence, was captured 1st March, in lat. 23. 30. N. long. 59. W. by Le Piraty French cut- ter1 privateer, and carried into Guadeloupe. " The Glory, Dunn, from Dimdee. to Quebec, was all well 4th inst. lat. 47. 47. N. long. 32. 30. W " Winds at Deal, May 17, 18, 19, NE." STOCKS on SATURDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK Bank Stock, 2saJ. 3 per Cent. Red. 67- f. 3 per Cent. Con. 67^ {-. 4 per Cent. Cons. 84£ f- 5 per Cent. Navy, 9!% 100 99|. Bank Long Ann. 18 9- 16ths. i. Imp. 3 per Cent, f. Imp. Ann. 7 ll- 16ths. India Stock, 178 177^. India Bonds, 2 4 pr. Exch. Bills, 5s. 65. pr. 3 per Cent. Cons, for Acer 68} 68} 68.
EtJlNfiUkGH KMMKINMCT- L Frn/ t tbe LONDON GAZETTE, May 21. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, May 2t. Copies of Letters from Captains MASON and BAT HURST, of his Majesty1 s ships DAPHNE and SALSETTE, addfessed to Rear- Adnd- ral Sir SAMUEL HOOD, and transmitted to the Hon. W. " WS POLE, by Vice- Admiral Sir JAMES SAUMAHEZ. His Majesty's ship DAPHNE, April SIR, 26, off Lessee. JUDGING from the cargo of the sleop de- stroyed on the 22d, that the rest of the e- itemy- 8 vessels at Flodstrctnd were also, loaded with provitions,. and destined for the relief of Norway, I conceived it to be an object to . . at--
tempt getting them out; and the Officers, and crews of both ships having volunteered, Llast night, sent three boats from this ship, and the Tartarus two, all under the direction of Lieut. WM. ELLIOT, nied by Mr HUGH STEWART, master; Lieut. BOGER of the Royal Marines; and Messrs. BEAZELY, DURELL, ELLIOT, MOORE, and AYTON, midshipmen ; and Lieutenants GIT- TINS and PATERsoN, and Messrs. STEPF. ORD, LUSSMAN, and ANDREWS) midshipmen of the Tartarus. They were towed near the shore by the Fornvard gun- brig; They found the vessels moored close under the Fort of the Gas- tie, which mounts ten
guns, - with hawsers fast to the shore ; and immediately on getting to them the alarm was given by some Danish boats, the Danes instantly forsook the vessels and the Castle. and three other guns began,. and kept up a heavy lire of round., grape, and mus- ketry ; many of the shot went through the hulls and sails of the vessels ; notwithstanding which the five boats cleared the harbour of: all but two brigs, both light, and one of them with neither sails nor rudder. As no credit can accrue but to those who planned and executed this enterprize, I trust, Sir, I may be allowed to express to you my admiration ef the 3teady valourand
good conduct of Lieutenant ELLIOT ( whose behaviour at all times led ine to expect it from him,) as well as every Officer and man employed in it. He speaks in the strongest terms of the courage and steadiness of the Of- ficers, Petty Officers, seamen, and marines of both ships. I am happy, Sir; to add, that the loss is very trifling on either side, which I am surprised at, having observed from the ship the heavy fire kept up by the enemy. A Da- nish boat, with five men in, having the teme- rity to persist in endeavouring to retake one of the vessels, although repeatedly warned by Lieutenant ELLIOT, the latter was obliged with his
people to fire in their own defence, s& d three of the five fell; on our side there were three wounded by the enemy, and one by mis- take, but none badly. Amongst the former is Lieutenant ELLIOT, which, with his being an old Lieutenant, and a very deserving 0! heer, will, I trust, be an additional inducement with you to recommend him to the notice of my Lords Gommissioners of the Admiralty. I inclose a list of the wounded. There is a A D V £ R f I S E R for iB had received to be perfectly correct, for I ob- served the enemy in- shore in chace of several vessels, about 5 P. M. South Rottaldsha then bearing N. N. V,\ distant abotit S
or s miles. I made all sail instantly, and gave wind being then S, W. The privateer, as soon as she perceived what I was, tacked, Sc stood away before the wind with a press of sail, and seemed at first to gain upon us ; but it spring- ing up a. smart breeze we gradually approached • him, when he began to fire his stern chacers, which did. us HO injury. At length I had the pleasure of laying him alongside after a seven hours' chats, about one o'clock oil the morn- ing of the 2d, when I gave her a whole broad- side, and wore round and gave her another, when she struck. Upon boarding I found her to be the Passe Par'tout,
commanded by Jean Juda Faud- liet/ je, of Ostend, dogger- rigged, ( with a view to' deceive) mounting ic guns, 4 and 8- pound- InT' 28. . _ . 333 some observations from the LORD CHANCEL LOS, it was settled that the competition of Breifes should be proceeded in on Monday. It is not improbable, from what fell from the chace, the LORD CHANCELLOR, that this great and im- fet of the Daphne, accompa- £ rs> with .68 men. But only 44 on board. She r - • had taken a brig from Dundee, in ballast, for America, and a sloop from Banff, also in ballast, the day before ; and when I sbseryed her she had just boarded a slodp of this
place, and was in chace of several other vessels, which would have inevitably been captured had I not hove in sight. There are nine English prison- ers on board the privateer, which I shall carry to l^ eiih with me. Royal George, Kirknu. dl Road, May 3. P. S. There are none . of the crew of the privateer hurt. She is d fine vessel} sails fast, upwards of 100 tons, five months old, and very fit for the revenue service. [ This Gazette contains Loyal Addresses to his Majesty on the present situation of Public Affairs from the City of Chichester, Counties of Chester and Anglesea, Borough of Den- bigh, Town of Caernarvon, and Royai
Burgh of Kirk" uall.] ( END OF THE GAZETTE.) -> RIV. TTE CORRESPONDENCE. SCOTS APPEALS. HOUSE OF LORDS. SCOTS CLERGY, TEIND CAUSE. The EARL of WEMYSS V. the Rev. DANIEL MAC2UEEN, Minister of PRESTON- KIRK, and OTHERS. Friday, May 20. The House of Lords gave judgment in this very important cause, betwixt the CLERGY and LANDHOLUERS of SCOTLAND, which has created so much discussion, and excited so much interest. The LORD CHANCELLOR put the question, when The EARL of LAUDERDALE, in a very long speech, contended, that the Court of Ses- sion had no
power to grant a Second augmen- tation, and moved to REVERSE fhe Interlocu- tor of that Court. The LORD CHANCELLOR, in a very able speech^, and at considerable length, contended that the usage upon this point j in favotsr of a second augmentation, ought not to be dis- man. slightly wounded belonging to the lar~\ t" rbcd- Lordsh'P a wide survey of tarus, but I have not learnt the nature of his the « roun, ds upon which he rested his opinion; BANKRUPTS. John Perring, of Chalford, Clothier'. John Bell, of Trowbridge, Clothier. Richard Rutter, of Blackburn, . Currier, Thomas Binford, of Surrey, Soap- manufacturer, Lewis I .
azarus, of London, Slop- seller. Robert Rumbold, of London, Merchant. Benjamin Astvyick, of Flockton, Corn- dealer. James Jackson, of Topsham, Limeburner. John Byrne and. Edmund Lewin, of Liverpool, Beer and Spirit- merchants. William Watts, of Gloucester, Victualler. K. H. Kendall, of London, Sugar- Refiner. John Shepherd, of Co'lebrook, Leather- SeTler. R. A. Mills &. J. Harding, of London, Painters. Owen Clutton, of London. Corn- merchant. Ben. Wolfe, of I.. ondon, Oil and Colourman. P. Le Normand and M. H. Dornant, of London, Soap- manufacturers. Thomas Tt- bb, of London, Currier. J. Newell and S, Newell, of
Stoke, Carriers. Robert Rowntree, 0/ Holderness, MiUcr, I out to sea, and sooa wounds. All but my First Lieutenant and one seatnan are able to do duty.- F. MASON. As from the papers being taken away, I shall not be able to send you a correct account of the prizes at preseat, I shall only add that there are 5 Brigs, of apparently from 13o tq 190 torn, deeply laden with grain and provisions. 3 Galliots of about 110 tons each, it deeply laden as above, and 1 light. I Schooner of about sd tons, desply laden as a- bove. 1 Sloop of about 90 tons, deeply laden as above. A List of Officers and Seamen belonging to his Majes- ty's shift
Daphne, FRANCIS MASON, Esq; Captain, and Tartarus J/ SEYI, WILLIAM RUSSILI., Esq; ac- ting Commander j wounded on the 25tA Aprils 1808,, in cutting out ten vessels from Elodstrandon the coast of Jutland, laden ' withprovisions, ahdsupposed to be bound to Isor- May. Daphne.— Lieutenant Wm. Elliot, severe contu- sion on the middle of the'right thijjh, by a sp! n- tei* when on board one Of the enemy's vessels.— Mr Hugh Stewart, Master, slight contusion in the . elbow, received when in the act of boarding.— • Henry Tod, seaman, punctured wound in the neck by one of the Daphne's crew having mista- ken him for a
Dane,— Johnson, seaman, lav cerated Wound In the hand by a splinter, when on board one- of the enemy's vessels. Tartarus.— One man slightly wounded. His Majesty's skip Salsette, off Tctdd, S I R, May 1. I BEG to inform you, that I yesterday cap- tured, after a chace of five hours, from under Mocti Island, the Danish privateer Krathes- minde, Christian B-. XHholm, Commander, supported on the best authorities that had ever considered the qtiestion. He was of opinion that the interlocutor ought to be AFFIRMED, with some alteration. After a few observations from the Earl of LAUDERDALE, his motion ' was NEGATIVED,
SC the Interlocutor of the Court of Session AF- FIRM'ED,- with the tilteraison proposed by the LORD CHANCELLOR. ThW case is of great importance ta the CLERGY of SCOTLAND and " the LANDED INTE- REST, as it iijvolvesVquestion, Whether the stipend of a. Minister* having been once aug- mented since the year 1707,- can legally re- ceive a second augmentation ? The Court of Session had- detided in the AFFIRMATIVE,' by a- majority of TEN against THREE. The judgement of the Court of Session, Sd of February 1808, as Lords Commissioners of Teinds, was, "• This Court having been esta- blished- by an act in tht
year 1707, as a perma- nent Court of Commission, in pla'ce of the for- mer temporary commission, for the . purpose: ' inter alie7, of modifying and augmenting the stipends of Parochial Ministers, out of the Tiends; it is the duty of the Court, and with- in its powers, as recognized by the House of Lordsj in two- decided cases, in the years 1784 atid- l789j and b- y. the uniform practice of the Court, acquiesced in by all parties, in a great variety of instances, ever since the last, men- tioned peifod?, to receive such applications, when made in the regular form, and to decide upon them according to the state of matters at the time, & fb'e
merits of each particalar case, mounting, eight guns and thirty- one men, out .,, /, , , , : me uii « -, ot luc IHCI NJ cantur/ I notwithstanding a former, augmentation, since capture. I lira, & c. W. BATHURST. the ; nstitutiorl 5- the Court, and therefore that Extract qf q Letter fim Mr JOHN T. COR- J the present ease must be allowed to proceed as usual," RY, Commander of the Royal George yacht, in th: service of the Revenue, to the Com- missioners of the Excise at Edinburgh, and transmitted to the Hon. W. W. POLE by the Secretary to that Board. BEING off Wick, on Supday the 1st of May instant, I received information from a
fishing I smack that a privateer was upon the coast, and could not then be far oft, I made sail and stood found- tho ROXBURGH CAUSE. Mr. CLERK was heard again in reply for the Respondent, on - Wednesday & Thursday. On Friday, Mr CLERK was finally heard in his reply ( being his fifth day of speaking there- on). on tV behalf of the appellants. Saturday, May 21. The House met this night to determine on ' infofmatiuD I" tKe mode of proceeding' ia this cause. After. portant cause may be returned to the Cou: £ of - Session before it can receive any decision here. By the interlocutor of the Court of Session, i; is found, " That
the Estates of Rexiurgh wen heldby the late WM. Dukeof ROXBURGH, under an eritail which contains an effectual prohibit)! n against altering the order of succession ; and that th a persons called to the succession und r that branch of the destination, beginning with the eldest daughter of HARY LORD KER, are heirs of Tailzie, under the said Entail." It. ap. pears probable, from this interlocutor, that neither Sir JAMES NORCLIFF INNES KER, nor Brigadier- General KER, have proved their pe- digree, else there would have : been a finding to that effect, and the word persons would not have been used. Now, fcis Lordship
remarked, that it was not the practice of that House to a- gitate abstract points of Law, without knowing that the proper parties were before them. Such an inquiry cannot originate in' the HOUSE of LORDS, which is a Court of Dernifr Resort. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Friday, May 20. Sir JAMES MONTGOMERY brought up a bill for preventing the shooting of hares ia SCOTLAND, which w. is read a first time, and ordered to be read a second time on Monday, For the important Debate respecting confin- ing the DISTILLERIES to SuGARjrrf pageS32. In the Committee upon the Local Militfk Bill in the House of Commons, an
alteration was made. Lord CASTLEREAGH first propos- ed that the liability should extend to all per- sons between the ages of 18 and 35 years.— It is now to be limited to persons between eighteen and thirty.— This proporal coincides with the principles which have been urged in Lord SELKIRK'S late Publication. Mr BANKS stated, in the House cf Commons on Thursday, that the Expence of Printing Papers; ordered by the House; during the last year, very few of which were ever read, a- mounted to the enormous stim df NINETY THOUSAND POUNDS i RESIGNATION OF FERDINAND RE- ESTABLISHMENT OF KING
CHARLES. INSURRECTION AT MADRID. ATTACK UPON MURAT. The Moniteur of the 11th, gives intelligence from Madrid, written on the evening of the second, by which it appears that. Violent dis- turbances had taken place in that Capital. This Fr'& teh' account begins by stating, that ever since the events at Aranjuez, the people of Madrid had been in a disturbed state; that of- fence was daily given TP the French ; that for two days there had been numerous assemblies, which appeared to have some certain object iii tiew,' The cool and prudent part of tho French and Spanish saw that a crisis was ap- proaching, and
wished to bring the multitude to reason. The Queen of ETRURIA and Don FnANcisCo wished to go to Bayoone. The Grand Duke of BERG, General MURAT, at- tempted to rescue them. He was surrounded AJ he was going to the Palace, and defended hirtiself long, and he was on the point of fall- ing, when ten grenadiers r& cued" him. At the sarue moment a second Officer was wound- ed, by another crowd. The great street of Akfllu, the Sun Gate, and the great Square, were crowded. The GRAND DLIITE gave the alarm, and flew to his post, and a Battalion of the French marched to theGRANDDuKEat the Palace, < vsith
eutmdn, where the disturbers had assembled.' A firing took place from UVo ranks, and in A short time the multitude were dispersed.— General. GROUCHY was ordered to disperse the crowds in the street of Alcala— thirty pieces of cannon with grap> e shot, and a charge of cavalry, cleared all the streets. Yet the in- surgents, though they fled from the streets into the houses, fired from them up6n the F~ renth soldiers— Generals GUILLOT and DAUSRIH broke open the doors, and EILL who were found with arms in their hands were put to death.— General DAMESNEL made two charges with cavalry in the square, and had two
horses Idl- ed under him, The insurgents made for the arsenal to stsize the arms and cannon— they broke in, but General LEFRAEN arrived in time to save the arms All who were in the arsenal < were put to death. The l^ rench Garrison of Madrid were close engaged in this affair.— When the firing of cannon was heard in the camps outside the City the troops marched immediately. When the EMPEROR received the tidings of" the above business, he wentto King CHARLES, and met him coming from the Empress's, where he had dined, and on telling him- the news, the King said—"- I have foreseen this evil— those who set the
populace on think they can restrain them." The King instantly resolved to appoint the Grand Duke of BERG Lieutenant- General of the Kingdom, and at the same fin. E sent Pa- tents to the Councils of Castile and War. The King afterwards" called- the Prince of
pn 3W T As TV R I AS to Elm, and read the Grand Duke of BERG'S Letter. He observed to him, that he now saw the result of his criminal conduct in flattering tbe prejudices of the people, and forgetting the sacred respect he owed to tiie Throne and the lawful Authorities— Popular commotions were like lire, easily excited, but it required another mind and another arm than his to extinguish them. The next article is a letter from BONAPARTE ~ to the PRINCE of ASTORIAS, dated the 16th April, in which he defends the PRINCE of PEACE He addresses him 41 My Brother," at the beginnning ; but in the body ot the Lt- ' ter styles
him only " Royal Highness." The next is a long letterfiom King CHARLES' to the PRINCE of ASTURIAS, dated the 2d May, relative to hrs conduct. The sd article IS the following letter from the PRINCE of ASTURIAS to the Infant Don A* ITONIO at Madrid.— " I have sect the following letter to my dear Father to- day:— 1 Honoured Father and Lord, In ai der, to give you a proof of my love and obedience, and in fulfilment of your desire, I resign iny Crown in favour of your MAJEST: Y, wishing you may enjoy it many years! l_ . re- commend to your MAJESTY the persons who have served me since the 19th of March. I rely on your
assurances m this respect. I pray to GOD to preserve you many happy days. ' I throw myself at the feet. of your Royal Majesty, the humblest of your sons. < FERDINAND. ' Bayonne, May 6." FERDiNAND'then recalls all powers he had given to persons to fill different offices. The Monitcur states a variety of circum- stances concerning their Majesties the King & t Oueen of SPAIN, who arrived at Bayonne on the last day of April, where, as well as on the. j road, they have been received ar. d treated wito all the honour and distinction due to theirrank. In half an' hour after their arrival^ his Majesty- paid them a visit, which was of long
duration. They reside in the Government Palace, while the Emperor and Empress hare taken up their j residence in the castle of Marrac. Among the Spaniards who waited upon King CHARLES IV. & Queen LOUISA, was the PRINCE of ASTURIAS, their son. After the u- Bual salutation, their Majesties retired; the Prince wasdesirous to. follow them ; but die King evented him, saying in Spanish—" Prince, have you not yet enough insulted my grey hairs ?" On the lst, the KING and QUEEN dined • •>. ith the EMPF. ROR, in the Palace of Marrac. MAIL FROM GOTTENTBURGH. A Mail from Gottenburgh, we are sorry to, say,
brings the unpleasant intelligence of' tbe . SURRENDER of the - importact Fortress of ^ weaburgh, to the Ry SSIANS. The*!? USSMNS • owe this acquisition to'the treadiery or- enwarrf- jce of the Governor, Admiral. CRO » STF. PT }) for, according to hi § own account of the affair, tr: e Enemy had not " made any considerable progress in tfcc siege—- no breach was effected in the works, and the- garrison had sustained • cry little loss. Adihiral C. RONSTEDT, indeed, ppears rather puzzled to find a good excuse ior surrendering the place. In one part of his setter, he insinuates, that it was owing to the •' Kant of storesj yet he
admits immediately • 4: ter, that only one- third of his stores were ex- pended I The KING ef SWEDEN was so is- tensed with Admiral CRONSTEDT on this oc-. vQiion, that he dismissed him-• from his service, as also all the Officers who acquiesced ' in this., " shameful affair," as it is stiJed in the Sitck- • holm Gazette. ., •' ' STOCKHOLM, C.—" Lieut, evivnm- ; TADT of the Life Guards, arrived here on ihe 3d instant at night with the following re- port, h iving been detained by the enemy nine- teen clays, between Sweaborg and the Head- quarters of the Army in Finland, which on t. is 25th of Apr" atiij continued at Lumijocki. The
enemy having, on the itd of March," f( i\ T ven in our out- posts, and advanced against'the •• own of Helsingprs, which vas occupied b^ one battalion of the Regiment of Addercruz" our troops were obliged to retreat into the fortress. AH communication with, the town was interrupted by ths. eaemy, and the fortress iurrounded- on all sides. ". The 17th M'trch, the enemy opened a well- directed fire from a battery constructed on silockhdm's Cliff. Tiie 18th, lStjjs, and .20th, the enemy continued to keep tip brisk can- nonade against the fortress, and threw numer- ous shells and red- hot bails into our works. " The 21st March an Officer
arrived with a ?' ag of • nee, and required a conference; the principal ob ct of which was, that or. - our side ihe town should not be fired upon, in order to p event the mischief which might otherwise be done to ' the distressed inhabitants, and that, on the other hand, the enemy should not erect any batteries within the lines. " The 25th March we discovered that the enemy was constructing a battery on the heights, in front of Ulricaburgb-, our fire was immediately directed against thit point, and answered by ' the? enemy, with bombs, shells, & H£ EDINBURGH ADVERTISER j rank and file of the Garrison were killed, and j 32
wounded. But in consequence of the ex- jcessive fatigues sustained by our troops, the number of sick, amounted at the end of jijarch to 515 ; and although we husbanded our stores with the utmost: care, yet one- third of our gun- powder was spent at that tune. " On the 2d of April another Officer arriv- ed with a flag of truce, who was the bearer of j the illustrious Warriof that governs it in name of the RULER of EUROPE." Government have received Dispatches from Admiral Sir JAMES " SAUMAREZ, dated on , . board the Victory, off Gottenhurgh, and an- { render the Fortress in ease that no succour nouncing the safe arrival
there of the Expedi- should arrive; and after a conference held < Jn tion ar. der his command, which lately sailed that subject, I this day concluded- the Convert- from the A'ore for Yarmouth. On the return tion which I respectfully take- leave to annex to of Colonel MURRAY, who was sent to make this Report. some arrangements with the KING of SWEDEN, " Your Majesty will most ' graciously be the whole Naval and Military Force were to! pleased to consider, that from the imperfect proceed for their objc'Ct, which is known to be 1 state of the Fortress, which can make but a the conquest of Norway. ( very feeble defence in
winter, when it is liable Accounts' are received by Gdvernment of l^ o be attacked on all sides, the extensiveness the arrival of the Expedition under Admiral of the works, ar. d the- compaiative small riiim- KEATS and Sir JOHN MOORE, off the coast of ber of the troops who were . able to defend Norway, and of the landing of the troops with- them ; and from these considerations, I humbly out opposition. • The intelligence is not offi- for 1808. _ ^ MAY 24. which this new creation is announced— I GENERAL ASSEMBLY. " The Portuguese have seea with the mos | A letter was read from Professor RITCHIE, lively, satisfaction in
the same choice ( the apt ' joint sub- clerk, resigning that office. The re- pointfoent of JUNOT to be Duke of ABRAN- signation was accepted, and the thanks of the TES), a' new bond between this Country and- Assembly were given to that _ Gentleman, the tru8t, not disapprove of a measure to which I . thought it my duty, although very reluctantly, to submit. C. O. O. CRONSTEDT." " INOEBORG, April 7, 1808. CONVENTION Between their Excellencies Messieurs DE StrtJB- TKLKN, General in Chief, Engineer and Quar- ter- Master- Geucr. il of the Annies of his Ma- jesty the Emperor of all the Russias, Knight of the Onlers- cf
St. Alexander, Newsky, & c.; and DE CRQNSTEDT, Vise- Admiral in the service of J iaioing of Our troops, u:. Kn:.,.,.. k-;,,,. fVimmaiidanr ...... • r- cial, but is very probable. The Swedish corps which was advancing against Christiana, has been compelled to fall back to their frontiers- Their retreat was effected with considerable, difficulty, and some loss. This diversion has not, however, been entirely unsuccessful, as it has drawn to that part of Norway, most of tire regular and organized force of the country, so that little opposition could be made to the his Majesty the Kiijg of Sweden, Commandant of the Fortress, & c. " There shall
he anArmlstice'between. tbe Rus- sian Troops besieging S- weeeburgh, and the Swedish Garrison, from this day to the 3d of May -( new style), 1808. If by the noon of the said 3d of May the Fortress shall not have received effectual suc- cours, by at lea6t fine ships of the line, it shall be £ rves up to the troops of his Majesty the Emperor of RUSSIA, which succour, it is to be understood, is to have actually entered the1 Port of S- zveaburgh hy the hour appointed, and is to. be Considered * as not having arr. ved, if it has only- come within sight of the place. Thu Admiral M. DE CRONSTEDT shall eva- cuate the Isle of Lattjrorn, the
guard of which shall be relieved by a Russian gu. ird. On tbe two fol- lowing days, the same shall be done in the Isle of Weitervarlp, & c. " Every individual shall remain in possession of his property : whatever is wot private property shall remain; and the Admiral engages to destroy nothing from this moment, nor to send out of the harbour any vessel of any kind whatever, nor to ltunch into tbe water the vessels which may he there already- All the officers who shall be SWEDES: by birth, if they desire it, have permission. to rc- t le toSwEDEft, engaging their word of hoilournot to serve against RUSSIA, or her allies, during the
present war. The SWEDISH non- commissioned officers and soldiers shali be sent to IVibourg, under, a. military escort, or other neighbouring' places ; all those who wish to remain under the dominion of his IMFI- RIAL RUSSIAN MAJESTY shall take the oath of allegiance, and enjoy all the advantages offered to them by his Majesty's proclamation of the 19th ( 31st) of March 1808. The FINNISH regiments'which enter his IM- PERIAL MAJESTY'S service, shall not be employed against - SWEDEN or her allies, during the present war, and shall erijoy the benefits held out to them by his IMPERIAL MAJESTY'S proclamation. The
regiment of Aldercreutz, after having taken the oath of allegiance, shall remain embodied, during the present war, with the same advantages which it now enjoys. All that has been said with regard to th^ land forces, shall not apply to the seamen and marines. The civil- officers, and, in general, all persons whatsoever, are, in like man- ner, included in these articles. " The fortress shall be delivered up, with, all its - appurtenanccs, . artillery, ammunition, and, stores of every description, and also with ever. y thing belonging to the flqtilla, flo part of whjch shall be spoiled or destroyed after this moment. "•' I he other articlis, oftthis
Convention, wbich- was signed April 4, are not of much, . importance, except one which stipulates, that " 1% e Flotilla shall be lestored to SWEDE. N-, according to the par- ticular return made thereof, after the conclusion ot Peace, in case that ENGL AND should also restore to DENMARK the Fleet which. she took last year." Hfe Majesty having- received intelligence, that Vice- Admiral CRONSFEDT, contrary to the orders given* liiin, and after having htjld a COpincil of War, at which all Officers of rank were present, has concluded a Convention with the Commander in Chief of the Enemy's armies, by which he binds himself, on
certain Conditions, and in cas'e no succoui' 6 should .. ar- rive before the sd in st. to Surrender to the e- ne'ray both tbe Fortress and the considerable Flotilla which were lying there, . together with all Stores ; he finds that- conduct to be of such, a nature, that the Vice- Adniiral, as well as all the Officers of rank who acted with him,, have, thereby forfeited his confidence and accord-- ingly his Royal Majesty thinks proper to dis- miss him, as well as all the aforesaid Officers * vho shall, not have protested against the'above Convention, from his Majesty's tipil the public service.—-( Stockholm Gazette of May 6. J SWEABOURG was
a place, of such strength, that it was cornnionly called the Gibraltar of Sweden. - GOTTENBURGH, May 9.—" " Oh Saturday l « st arrived here his Britannic Majasty's ship " Victory, Vice- Admiral Sir. JAMES. SAV. MA^ tz. Coknel MURRAY, who came in' her, set. off immediately for Stockholm." Captain SPROULE, of the Solebay, frigate, has arrived at the Admiralty with dispatches from Sir. SIDNEY SMITH, at Rio Janeiro; he was also the bearer of the Commercial Treaty between the Britishic. Portuguese Governments. The PRINCE REGENT arrived zi- Rio Janeiro from Bahia on the 7th March, and was receiv- ed with every
possible demonstration of the most sincere affection by the Inhabitants. Ilis Royal Highness has instituted a new order cal- led the " Order of Fidelity," and Commodore MOORE and Captain WALKER were among the first that were decorated with the Insignia of the new Order. Ministers have, we hear, intimated to Mr. PINCKNEY ( as a mark of their amicable dispo- sition towards AMERICA), their readiness to pass an Act by which the UNITED STATES shall be considered as the most favoured Na- tion, and shall enjoy in all our ports and settle- ments the rights and privileges that may have been enjoyed at any time by any
other Power in amity with GREAT BRITAIN: The right of searching merchant ships is not and will hot be surrendered. If thest? propositions shall not be deemecj a sufficient tc< st of- our a- micable spirit, then the . UNITED STATES may act as thiy shall judge fit: this is to be consi- dered as the BRITISH ULTIMATUM. Of course no answer could be given by Mr. PINCKNEY, to these propositions; but they have been transmitted to AMERICA, by Mr. PINCKNEY'S son, and Mr. LEWIS. Mr. PINCKNEY, son of the American Mi- 1 nisterin this country, and Mr. LEWIS, who' was sent to Paris with the dispatches from the American
Government for Gen. ARMSTRONG, have sailed for America in the Usage. Mr. NOURSF. remains in London. The discussions betwixt the BRITISH and AMERICAN Ministers were conducted with the greatest harmony. The Ernbargo . upon Jlmerican vessels is to be extended to the ports of Portugal, as well as to the Spanish and French ports. Intelligence Was received at Yarmouth on Thuisday night of a line- of- battle ship having escaped out of the Texcl.- The Majestic ini-' [. mediately got under weigh, and we hope will give a, good account of her. Thefailowing outward- bound Fleets sailed on Sunday from Falmouth, viz. the
IVest In- dia Fleet, tinder convoy of the Bellette; the Fleet for Quebec and Halifax, under convoy ofjthe Avenger; the Mediterranean Fl ' et, under convoy of the Carkhrian ; and the Fleet for the Brazils, under convoy of the Light- ning sloop of war. The Captain of a vessel which arrived a few days :: go at Plymouth from Lisbon, states, that the Russian Fleet in the Tagus' was in such distress fgr want of provisions, that it was ex- pectedxhat Admiral SINIAVIN would attempt to put to sea, even at the risk of falling in with our ' Blockading Squadron, if the French did General JUNOT, as a mark of his master's for the attention and
fidelity with which he had discharged the duties of it. . Saturday the Committee appointed to draw up the Address, and an answer to his Majes- ty's Letter, presented their Report. The an- swer arid letter to the Address were agreed to,, and his Grace the Commissioner is to transmit them to the Secretary of State . for the Home De- partment, ro be presented to his Majesty. Yesterday a number of overtures from tl; e different Presbyteries Were presented. ROY A L" MARINES. The I. ord Provost, Magistrates, and Council, of the City of Edinburgh, considering that his Majesty's service requires an immediate increase of the ROYAL
MARINE Forces, and being anxious ta promote the same, do hereby effer a Bounty . of J.. 1 : Is. . exclusive of all other Bounties, to each ol the first Fifty men, belonging to the said City & Liberties thereof, ( excepting Volunteers from the Militia) who shall, betwixt and the first of July next, be attested and approved of, by Major Mac- intosh, Inspecting Field Officer appointed ' for this District. f Council Chamber, Edinburgh, 1 _ May 18, 1808. _ On Friday arrived in Leith Roads his Ma- jesty's frigate Tartar, from North Bergen.— On Monday se'ennight, while tiie Tartar was lying becalmed near to the shore, in the vici- nity of Bergen,
several Danish gun boats and a schooner made a sudden and unexpected attack upon her, in the early part of which the Captain was unfortunately killed by a shot he received in the head, but the frigate succeeded in beating them off' and sinking two of them, as is reported. A petty Officer was killed, & several of the crew of the frigate are likewise reported to be wounded. Captain BETTES- WORTH, who commanded the Tartar, was a gallant and enterprising young Officer, whose death will be deeply felt. The Ellen ( letter of marque) Capt. Red- mayne, from Liverpool to Hayii, has sent into Cork the Danish ship Vemernes
Adventurer, Capt. OLI, with a valuable Cargo of tallow, hides, See. from Buenos Ayrei, which she cap- tured on the 18th April in lat. 27. 43. long. 37., LOCAL MILITIA.— We hear that the 4th Battalion ROYAL PERTHSHIRE VOLUNTEERS, under the command of Sir ALEX. MUIR M'- KENZIE, of Delvine, Bart, have made offer of tljeir services as Local Militia; and that when this was proposed by . the Officers to fhe different Companies, the propbsal was'received with the most hearty concurrence on thepa t if the men, and with repeated cheers. TheCurAR Corps ot VOLUNTEERS, at their parade on the isth curt, UNANIMOUSLY
came forward- ar, d Volunteered to transfer their ser- vices to'that of the [ LOCAL MILITIA, in the event of such a force being established in the country. We hear that the KIRKCALDY Regiment of Royal Fifeshire Volunteer Infantry, 570 strong, under the command of Colonel DOUGL/. S, have agreed to transfer their services into the LOCAL MIHTIA, on the terms which may be offered by Government, under the act of Par- liament now pending. AYR, May 19.—" On Monday last, at the parade of the division of this town of the AYRSHIRE . RIPEE BATTALION, in conee- quence of its being undei stood that a pretty general
inclination existed among these VOLUN- TEERS to extend their services, and become LOCAL MILITIA, Colonel A. W. HAMILTON, their Commander, submitted a proposition . to that effect to their choice. In doing so, the. Colonel did not press the measure on thetn, particularly those who had families. He left it to their free choice; nor, as the whole pfo- visions of the Bill were but imperfectly known, would he consider their offer as a definitive en- gagement, should any material alteration take place from what was at present known ; and he hoped that they all \* ould be of opinion with him that however pleasant it might be for' a
general demonstration to be shewn, to meet the views of his Majesty's Government, yet that no imputation was chargeable On those who might feel any inconvenience in the mea- sure proposed. Upon inquiry at each indivi- dual, abotcfour- fflhs of the whole agreed to the proposals of the Colonel. The Kilmar- nock division of the battalion are equally wil- linty. to transfer their cfMrwii-^ e " ling, to transfer their services." LINLITHGOW, May 16.— Tl This day came to be not prevent mm. .- His Majesty the KING of SWEDEN has been, „ - ... pleased to crelte the Right Hon. the EARL of ^ S^^^ tSS^ sS^ KELLIE, a Knight and
Governor, of the Order Dl! tll£ r at Bonnytoun, with concourse of th^ ro! of GUSTAVUS VASA, as a testimony ot his curators Fiscal of this County, against John Griers respect for his Lordship's exertions in favour sots, grain measurer, . in Borrowstounness , James Ol the Swedish nat'on. M" ,!,„,,,„ (?.„,..„„, l, a, Ven Walter PM< xkrxn& Mrs Metkle, all carters in Bor- WLLLIAM FREEMANTLE, tsq, nas Deen rewstounn ru Carla- w, and Peter HMtriin elected Member ot Parhament. fcr the northern cariers jn Gra'ng(; palls, for abstractinfor resetdTg' district ot boroughs , in rooiti of Majoi - Gene- 1 Grain stolen from different cargoes
landed, for the ral MACKENZIE, now Member for Sutherland, complainer, at Borrowstounness, and which had - Mr WILLIAU ; PIUN" GL » , Writer- in been intrusted to the said John Crier, m, to mea- / / „ n. nBth,- TVnurc'rlci'kv ' » ur!>, and to warehouse, or cause to be carted to burgh,- IS appointed oneo^ lhc. Depute Uci- ks , B . n distm b ' the otl def d of Session, in the RO^ fi^ FT Mr ALEXANDER ! THE- C'? ART FOUND the dompl'aint JW„, " uTsen- STEVENSOH, deceased. « . iced Grimm to pay a fine of L. JO, and to he On the 8th inst. Mr JOHN HENDERSON, of-; imprisoned for a month, in the common jail of ficer ot
Excise, detected an illegal distillery, at payment of said fine; and ' « ' The 29th. 30th, arid 3lst Maith, the eae-;. apjprobetion and favour, lias been ; nv continued.- to cann- inade. and bombard the tl » title of Duke of' ABRANTK Jcrtrets, wit ; out doing so much mischief as jw>: n'have, been c.? peste£} one Officer & five f honoured ! Petccdney, parish of Nigg, Ross- shi>: c, also sentenced the other defenders to pay a fine of :-."•. » -— » jr r— . j-"-'.- . - • ,, Tw- i Guineas each, and ( with the exception of John with the title of Duke of " ABEANTKS ; and we 1 found a private still and head of 40. galk. ns , Mfifle) to be imFrisonJd in Iike
mLier° for a -• -••• ••-- ~ L -••- content, and likewise 140 gallons wash, which ; week, and until payment thereof; and the sentence ' " " •* '" J' - J '- was immediately cjuate4 lotoezetutieu..! cannot avoid calling the attention of our Jieaders to the Official. article, from Lisbonm -. was destfQyed with thestOi. aad head, 5. c.
MAY 24. THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER BIRTHS. On the 18th inst. Mrs. WOLFE MURRAY, of. a daughter. The Lady of JOHN MACKENZIE, Esq; of King's Arms Yard, London, of a son. In Devonshire- place, London, the Lady of JAMES CAMPBELL, Esq; of a son. MARRIAGES. At London, Lord Viscount PRIMROSE, eldest son of theEarl of Rosebery, to Miss HARRIET BQUVERIE, second daughter oi the Hon. Bar- tholomew Bouverie. At Aberdeen, on the 19th May, ADAM CUMINE, Esq; of the Hon. East India Com- pany's service, to ELIZABETH, eldest daugh- ter of K. VV. BURNETT, Esq; of Monboddo. At Edinburgh,
20th inst. Mr. JOHN MIT- CHELL, . merchant, Glasgow, to AGNES, eldest daughter of Adam Dawson, Esq; Bonnyto. un. At Springfield House, JOHN BORTHWICK GILCHRIST, Esq; Banker in Edinburgh, to MARY ANN, second daughter of the late Joha Coventry, Esq; of Douglas. DEATHS. General Sir THOMAS STIRLING of Strowan, Bart. Colonel of the 41st Regiment of Foot, at Strowan, on the 9th inst. At Edinburgh, Mrs Colonel HAY, Relict of Colonel Hay, of VVarriston. JOHN BUSBY, Esq; of Arundel, Sussex, Banker. • At Cambusmore House, on the I eth inst Mrs. MURRAY KYNYNMOUND BUCHANAN, wife of John
Buchanan, Esq.; of Cambusmore, & the last surviving child of Patrick Edmond- stoune, Esq; of Newton. At Wheatiield, near Edinburgh; on Tuesday the 17th curt. Mrs. MARION SPROTT, spouse of Mr. Benjamin Yule of Wheatfield. A most affectionate wife, tender parent, warm and steady friend, and a pious and most exemplary Christian. On the 18th inst. JOHN BUCHAN, Esq; Ac- countant in Edinburgh. At Thurso, WILLIAM BRODIE, Esq; She. riff Substitute of Caithness. The Rev. THOMAS PERCY, LL. D. Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford, and nephew to the Lord Bishop ot Dromore Mrs; MARGARET M'GILL, widow of
David M'Gill, Esq; of Kingincleagh. At Woodlands, Mrs. DOUGL4S, wife of Mr. George Douglas, late merchant, Glasgow. At Dunse, Mr. JOHN BROWN, Bookseller. Mr. DOOGAN, Steward of the Earl of MEATH. I wo bclti wt. ro fighting furiously, v/ ht n Mr. Doo- gan, was gored by one of tbem ir. the back, thrown down, and so severely wounded, thai:, notwith- standing every medical aid, he survived his wounds but a short time, and expired in great aganv. MARKETS, OV. MARK- LANE, LONDON, May 20.—" There are tolerable fresh supplies or Wheat arrived to- day, and they are dull at rather lower prices ; Barley likewise;
Malt in large supply and lower; Pease & Beans of the two kinds nearly at last prices; the fresh supplies of Oats are considerable, ( partly Foreign), and this article nearly supports last prices; Rye and Rape Seed are rather dearer; Flour without altera, tion." This day there were 200 bolls of Oatmeal in Edinburgh market, which sold from S- ls. od. to 35s. 3d. per boll.— Retail prices per peck of best Oatmeal, 2s. 3d.; second 2s. ?. i. There were also 50 bolls, of Pease and Barley Meal, which sold from 25s. to 26s. od. per boll.— Retail prices per peck, is. 8d. ABERDEEN, May 21.—" For this week past there has been a greater
quantity of had- docks and other white fish caught on the coast, than known for some years past; which, ow- ing to the present advanced prices of butcher meat, has proved a very seasonable supply to the inhabitants,"' DUBLIN, May 17.—" Three vessels arriv- ed yesterday from Oporto, laden with wine, and several others are daily expected. It appears that no obstruction is offered to the sailing of aay vessel which complies with the requisition of the French commandant, General JUNOT. This requisition is to pay 4l. per ton on wine, and not to be dostincd (" nominally) to a Bri- tish port." On Thursday night a fire was discovered
in a house in the Grassmarket, occasioned by a candle falling through the floor of a garret oc- cupied by an old woman, which had nearly consumed the joists before it was perceived; Let, by the timely assistance of the neighbours and policemen, the ( ire was extinguished with- out the necessity of calling out the engines. HADDINGTON PRICES or GRAIN, MAY 20, 1S0& Wheat sold readily, and prices had an advancc of about Is. 6d. per boll.— Barley nearly as laSt Tveek -. best 46s. current prices 89s. to 43s.; highest Oats 36s. Od- current prices 31 s. to 34s. Pease and Leans 30s. to :- tHs.— 062 Bolls of Wheat in the
market, whereof ( 340 old as under :• JiOat L. 2 2 0 16 at L. l 19 6 1 76 at L- l 1? 0 25 2 1 6 46 1 19 0 54 1 16 0 10 s 1 3 26 1 18 6 15 1 15 0 68 2 1 0 71 - 1 18 0 8 1 14 0 10 s 0 6 26 1 17 6 22 ur. sotd. 162 2 0 0 44. • 42, 43. 45. 42. 48. STATE 5/" THERMOMETER since out las:. Friday, May 20, 8 o'clock Even. ' 58. Greatest degree of Cold in the night, 46. Saturday, 21, 8 o'clock Morn. 54. 8 o'clock Even. 5.3. Greatest degree of Cpld in the night, 47. Sunday, —— 2-> 8 O^ clock Morn. 8 o'clock Even. Greatest degree of Cold in tho night, Monday, 23, 8 o'clock Morn. 8 o'clock Even. Greatest degree of Cold in- the nigh*,.
Tuestiay, —— 24,, 8 o'clock Morn. WEATHER at EDINBURGH, May 20S, Clear, with Sunshine— 21, Ditto— 22, Cloudy, with strong East Wind— 23, Rain,, with strong East Wind— Barometer, Twenty- nine, Four- tenths. MOON'S AGE and HIGH WATERS/ LEITH. Moons Age. Morn. Even. Wed 25, 1 1 53 2 17 Thurs. 26, 2 2 42- 3 7 Frid. 27, 3 3 32 3 58 SEQUESTRATIONS, JAMES ALEXANDER, j\: n. grocer in Glasgow— Creditors to meet in the office of Mr. Muir, writer there, 25th inst. and 15th June, at 12 o'- clock, to chuse factor and trustee. JAMES WALLACE, merchant in Greenock.— Creditors to meet in the oflicfe of
Archibald Max- well, writer, Glasgow, 27th inst. and 20th June, at one o'clock, . to- chuse factor aud trustee. S H I P NEWS. ARRIVED in CLYDE, Six vessels from differ- ent ports in Ireland, with oats, oatmeal, & c. LEITH, May 24.— Arrived, Magdalene, Burn, from Eyemouth ; Elizabeth & Bell, Nicol, from Newcastle; Favourite, Lawrie, from Berwick; Molly & Jessie, Robertson, from Dunbar ; Eagle, Leslie, from Stonehaven; Weddell, Kilventdn/ from Hull; John and Mary, Craigie, from Gour- den; Fame, Partridge, from Yarmouth; Hull Packet, Andrews, from Wells; Betsey, Gray, from Newcastle; Lord Dundas, Kidd, from Lon- don,
and Kingston, Wilson, from Hull, all with grain; Lady Perth, Gibson, from Alloa, with spirits; Charming Peggy, M'Laren, from New- castle, with ca'als; Betsey & Janet-, Robertson, and Duke of I. einster, Brown, from Stromness; Confidence, Cromarty, from Kirkwall; Aberdeen & Leith Packet, Gordon, from Aberdeen; Trial Packet, Litster, from Lerwick; Berwick Mer- chants, Turner; Buccleuch, Ballingall, and Fife- shire, Cummings, from London, with goods. CLEARED OUT, Romulus, Brown, for Got- tenburgh ; Lizard, Hood, for Inverness; Maggy Lauder, Peebles, for Kirkwall; Elizabeth, Spit- tal, for Gottenburgh; Ann, liennet, for
Liver- pool; Thames, BalliOgall, and Edinburgh, Hall, for London, all with goods. . FARM TO BE LET IN FIFESHIRE. To be LET for such a term of yerrs as shall be a- jrreed on, and entered to at Martinmas next, n'^ HE LANDS of BACH FIELD of LADED Y, L in the parish of Ceres, consisting of upwards of Eighty acres, of inclosed ground. There is lime upon tbe ground, and coal in the immediate neighbourhood. Apply to Mr. Hors'ourgh, Cupar, by whom of- fers will be received betwixt & first of July r. ext. JUDICIAL SALE OF HOUSES IN AYR. There will- be exposed to public SALI , within the ' parliament- House of Edinqurgh,
the l ith ( lay. of June next, between- the hours of5 and To'clock, AJUL and WHOLE that Large TENEMENT of FIOUSES, situated near the Toibcoth of Ayr, upon the west side of the street, which, bt> lone'ed to the, deceased James Dateympte," Esq;-, of Orange field, with the Shops and Cellars belonging thereto. As also, TWO thatched HOUSES, now ruinous in the Close, immediately adjoining, said tenement, with an entry from said close. These subjects are presently possessed by Mrs'Mitchell,. Mr David I. imond, and other tenants. The proven rental of said subjects after making the usual deductions is L. 50: 12: 2d.; and
the up- set price,, at which they are to be exposed, as fixed by the Court, is fourteen years purchase of the free rent or L. 708: 10: 4d. The title- deedsI conditions ot sale are to be seen in the ofltce of Mr Stevenson, Depute- Clerk of Session ; and application may be made to Mr Ballintine, W. S. agent in the si- ie, who will fur- nish copies of the Memorial atid Abstract, or to Wm. Hutcheson, writerin Ayr. rfofc .335 COUNTRY HOUSE NEAR EDINBURGH To LET FURNISHED. AHO USE of six rooms and kitchen, with ma- ny conveniencies, ( having a garden, stable* and cow's grass) iu a most agreeable situation, a- bout four
miles from Edinburgh— re'nt moderate. Apply to Mr Pollock, N8. 8( South Bridge. CAPITAL RESIDENCE AND ESTATE IN F; AST LOTHIAN. ' To be Sold by public auction, within the Royal Ex- change Coffee house, Edinburgh, _ on Monday tlie tttli June next, at 2 o'clock afce? noon, if not previously Sold by private bnrgain, ^ pHE Mansior- i- house and " Estate of. T A L I. O W, & c. To be SOLD by Auction, in Wm. Grinly's Sale Room, Paterson's Court, Leith, upon Monday the 6th of June 1808, at lao'clock, . T y^ f ASKS FALLOW. 41 L( 15 SACKS SHEEP's WOOL, 27 CASKS KELP. 2 CWT. FEATHERS for BEDS. Part of the
Two SISTERS' CARGO, from Ireland. Apply to CORBF. TT, BORTHWICK & CO. LEITH, 23d May, 1808. SALE OF SUGARi ,- i. J- Liil i H. Wm. Sibbald and Co. will expose to public sale, at tbeir Sale. Room, in Leith, on Tuesday the 31st of May, at 11 o'clock forenoon, I 20 HDS. SUGAR, mostly of fine qua- lity, and lit for tjie Scale, being the remainder of their last year's importation. LEITII, 23d May, 1808. H! CALEDONIAN INSURANCE COMPANY'S STOCK F « R SALE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coffee- house of Edinburgh, on Wednes- day 25th May curt, at 2 o'clock afternoon," FIVE
SHARES of the STflCK of the CALE-. DONIAN INSURANCE COMPANY, be- ing part of a Sequestrated Estate. ' I'he articles of roup may be seen in the hands of John Ross, W. S. or of Wm. Scott Moncrieff, Bank Street, Trustee on said estate. TO TRADESMEN AND INNKEEPERS. LANDS NEAR WILSONTON IRON- WORKS, To be Feued for Building, and a Good Situation for an Inn. SEVERAL ACRES of the Lands of FORTH are to be Feued for Building, in LOTS-, from a quarter of an acre, to two, or more acres.——- There is abundance of lime and free- stone on the spot, with excellent water, coal, and peat. The mnds
are of good quality, and lye within half a mile of the Wilsontown Iron- works, where work- men of all descriptions may have constant em- ployment. The. inhabitants, to the number of two thou- sand, have hitherto been supplied with every arti- cle of necessity by the proprietors af the Iron- works, but as they are now about to give up the store, there is in consequence a good opening for tjie establishment of tradesmen of every descrip. tion, and a ready- money market for every article used by that class of people. The lands to be feued are bounded by the new tuttepike road from Edinburgh to Lanark, and are distant. about 24
miles from the former, 8 from tiie latter, 28 mile's from Glasgow, 6 from Carnwatb and Whitburn, and about 7 from West Calder, to all which places there are constant and regular arriers. Good Situation for an Inn.— About a mile north from the Iron- works, there is a very eli- gible situation for the erection of an Inn, for which purpose the proprietor is willing to give what ground may be necessary, either in feu or lease. It is on the before- tix'ntioned road fro^ i Edinbu » ghto Lanark, ^ tid being about halfway between Edinburgh and Lanark, is well adapted for keeping post- horses, this roud being, now the most approved, and likely
to become still more public, by a new branch about to be made to communicate with Ayrshire. All the materials for building are at hand, and jthe'proprietor will give every encouragement to any respectable person wishing to settle there in that line. For further particulars, application may TO BUILDERS. FEUS, in a variety ot desirable Situations, some of which are on very moderate terms, with some Garden Ground behind. They may be set- tled either by a sale or feu- duty, or partly both. Inquire at Mr. Campbell or Mr. Pollock, NO. 8, Elder Street. SALE OF MONTV1LLE, NEAR ST. AN- DREW'S, IN FIFE. To be SOLD ! » y
Private' Bargain, THE LANDS of LOANHEAD, or MONT- VILLE, pledsantly situated a mile south from St. Andrews, and commanding an extensive view of the town and bay, and of the opposite coast of Angus. They consist'of nearly forty acres, all of which are arable, and in high Order, and may be entered to at the ensuing term of Martin- mas 1808. They have lately been limed at consi- derable expellee, and are substantially . inclosed with a ring fence ; and as there is a valuable quar- ry at one extremity of the farm, the subdivisions which have been begun, may easily be completed. Anygentreman desirous of building , a villa
near to a town, could not find a more beautiful or con- venient situation. There are several thriving belts of planting on the lands. The steading is in good repair, and sufficiently large for the farm. The servant at Montville, will shew the grounds. Offers to be given in, on or before the 1st of August 1808, to Professor Id. D. Hill, St. Andrews, or to Walter Cook, W. S. Edinburgh. ROCK- __ VILLE, consisting o'f 193 Scots acres, and situated in thp best part of East- Lothian, twenty tuiles from Edinburgh, six from Haddington, and three from North Berwick,, commanding rich and -<! Xtcnsi* e views over a fertile and highly cultivat- ed
country, and of the Frith of Forth, Inchkeitb, Arthur- seat, Castle of Edinburgh, North Berwick- iaw,,& c. & c. The house, to which a considerable addition has lately been ruade, is a regular stor. e building, large, elegant, and commodious. The entrance, kallHar.( 2 otair- case, on the principal floor, are spacious and handsome; on one side of the hall is a suit oE rooms, consisting of an anti- room 21 by 9; a drawing rooift 34 by 21, with a bow window to- the west, and a libraiy or breakfast room 30by. 21, with windows to the south, entering out upon the lawn. On the other side of the hall is a din- ing room 27 by 20; with a stone
lobby communi- cating with the back stair from the kitchen ; a but- ler's pantry, and water closet; also a gentleman's study or sitting room, 20 feet square, with a large light closet or dressing room. The whole of the principal floor is 14 feet high. The under or half- sunk storey contains. a most excellent kitchen and scullery, with a plentiful supply of water, and e- very suitable accommodation for a very large fa- mily. Above the principal floor are two stories oi family apartments, with dressihg rooms, watte— closet, and abunda'nee of good family accommoda- tion. The detached offices are suitable, and con • tain stabling for 14
horses, double : coach- liouse, with numerous other conveniencies. The garden, which contains four Scots acres, is early, productive, and singularly beautiful. The: range of glass extends to 140 feet, and comprises two grape houses, two peach houses, green house, and fruit room. These were built four years ago on a nsgular and approved plan, and are now in the highest state of culture and perfection. The garden has a fine slope to the south, and in the lower part of it are two fish pond?, well stocked with perch. ' i'he home scenery of Rockville possesses every beauty that variety of ground, a fine piece of wri- ter, shrubbery,
and plantations, judiciously inter- spersed, call give. The whole of the land . with the exception of about thirty acres, have* bee,. : jng\ in the proprietor's possession, are in t- i L,; licst state of cultivation, and contain a large pr: portion of fir. e old grass. Tbe soil, climate, situ ,::.:: d neighbourhood of this place, are well known be of the first description. Tpc title- deeds arc clear, and public burdens very moderate, A plan and elevation of the house, and' an accurate survey of the grounds, may be: seen in th? hands of Mr Charles Ferrier, account- ant, NO. 26-, North Hanover Street, Edinburgh, whq will gtvv every necessary
information. The gardener at Rockviile will shew the pre- mises. FLOUR MILLS NEAR EDINBURGH. To be LET - by public roup, within the Royal Ex- change Coifee- hduse, Edinburgh, upon Wed nesday rhe 16th of November next, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the term of five or seven years, from Whitsundav 1SQ9, STOCKBRIDGEFLOOR MILLS, with the Gra- naries, Dwelling Honses, Si Machinery there- to pertaining, all situated oil the Banks of the wa- ter of Leith, and in the immediate vicinity of the New Town of Edinburgh. For particulars apply to Michael Linking, clerk to the signet, in whose hanA- the articles of roup,
and an inventory of the machinery, may be seen and to whom private offers for a lease. of the pre- misses maybe made, betwixt ami the day of roup. SALE OF LANDS IN AYRSHIRE, . AND UPSET PRICE ' REUUCEO. To be SOLD by public roup* within the Royal Ex- change Coffee- house, upon Wednesday the 15th day of June, 1808, at one o'clock afternoon, THE Following FARMS, parts ofthe- ES TATE of OCHILTREE, lying ir, the pa- rish of Ochiltree, and shireof Ayr, viz. * Average, 1- 1 : 18 : lid. 6- 12ths per boll. Wheat, Firtt,— 42s Od Second, 39s Od Third, 36s Od Barter/, 46s ' Od Od 37s Od Pease, 37 s Od 336 Od
30s, Dd Beans, 38s Od 33S Od 30a od LANDS IN KINROSS- SHIRE. To be SOLD by private bargain THF. SE Parts of the Town and LANDS of NETHERTON of COLLENOQUHIES, belonging to Walter Henderson, jun. presently possessed by George Thomson and Widow Hen- derson. These Lands Ive in the Parish of Orwell, near to tho populous and thriving village of Mil- nathort, and within two miles of Kinross, the County Town, they are very pleasantly situated, and capable of great improvement, the tenant Pleasure. Ac. Parts. Wester & Little Tarlegin 140 37 M'Whiddistown 102 7$ Eastern Tarlegm 156 43 Clydnoct li! 2
64 Killochside 51 97 Pres. rent. Exfiiry of L. s: - d. Leases. 67 3,9 0 1808 life. 36 0 0 Ditto 95 18 0 Ditto 28 0 0 1833 8 0 0 1815 T 577 11 L. 235 17 0 The tenants pay the public burdens. The whole I. ands are highly iniproveable ; and when the present leases expire will rise greatly in value— All the propersy Holds of the Crown ; and the superiority will be sold along with the lands. There is almost a certainty of Coal in the ahove lands, coal being wrought i; the immediate vicinity to advantage. If intending purchasers incline, the Lands will be exposed in two or three lots. ALSO TO HE SOLD, The SUPERIORITY and FEU DUTIES, of the Village and Lands of OVER K1I. MACOLM ly- ins >" th= parish of Kilmaleolm, and shire of Ren- frew. The feu- duties amount to I.. 27 14s 4d sterling yearly ; and the entries are not taxed — being bound to bring the whole under culture dur- j The upset price^ of this last lot will be very mode ing the lease, and to leave them in an improved i rate, state at the expiry of the lease. - Apply to Messrs Tod and Romanes, George's For farther particulars, application may be made Stuare, Edinburgh, with whom the title'- deeds and to Robert Marshall, writer in Kinross, who will pUrts are lodged, and - who are emfioiveredto
treat for shew the title deeds, and has power to conclude a a sate by private bargain Mi- Johnstone, factor at bargain, George Thomson, the present tenant, Q: hiltree, will show the grounds, and give what far will shew'>; Land* 1 tier information is v.- aifted, ' AYRSHIRE. A DESIRABLE COUNTKY RESIDENCE. To be Let for one year, or such other term as shall be agreed on ; entry immediately or at Whitsun- day first, IHE HOUSE of ENTERKINE, completely and conveniently Furnished, with offices, pi; jeon- hotjse, wash- house, and green- garden, con- taining excellent hot- houses, with the liberty of pasturage in the adjoining
plantations. Enterkine House, which has been lately built, is beautifully situated upon the banks, of the river Ayr, within 5 miles of tbe county town of Ayr, whei e are good markets f every kind. It consists of 4 floors, with a convenient court of kitchen of- . fieej; the public rooms are all on the second floor, viz. Dining- room, 31 by 21, principal Drawing- room, 28 by: 2I, smaller ditto, 21 by 17, a library- rodnh, 21 by 14, and hall 26 by 19; above are ten bed- rooms, with dressing- rooms ; water is carried through the bouse in leaden- pipes, and there is ex- cellent coal within a mile. The offices contains coach- ho « se, and stabling for
12 horses. There are plenty of . both trout and salmon in the river, ' over one side of which, for a space of 6 miles, the tenant will have the privilege of fishing. He will also enjoy the privilege of shooting over the whole of E. nterkine Estate— there is a pack of fox: hounds kept at a few miles distance. For the pre- sent season, a. tenant can only be accommodatiou with grass grounds ; but afterwards, he may have a farm to_ any extent, not exceeding 200 acres, either for grazing or cropping, and in that case he will have the use of the farm offices. The house, & c. may be seen at any iiine; and further particulars will be learned, by
applying to Mr Martin, NO. 5, George Street, Edinburgh, or- to Alex. Hamilton, writer in Mauchline. COUNTRT RESIDENCE IN DUMFRIES-. SHIRE. To be I. XT for such a number of years , as. can be agreed on, and entered to at Whitsunday 1808, '" T'HE Mansion House of GLENAE, with X Garden, Pigeon- house, and suitable Office-, and any quantity of grouiid to the extent of eight-' acres. The house is quite modern, and in every respect suited for a very genteel fcimily; will be let either with a great part of it furnished, or altogether IT,. furnished," and any necessary repair will be grac- ed. It is most pleasantly situated within
six j:;:: • • of the town of Dumfries, commanding awry <• - tewsiva view of the river Nith and the adjje.: c country, and is only distant one mile from lb • post road to Edinburgh. The garden is very productive, and complet. l v- stocked with the most choice kinds of fruit tree.-, all in full bearing. The situation is most desirable for any gentle- man fond of fishing and shooting, from its vicini -. to the river Nith, and the water of Ae, aud is ;, the estate abounding with game. For particulars apply to James Hay-, W. S. No, 4 North Castle Street, EdinVnwgh, of to -:-': r A.-,.' trorig, writer in lijinitriei.
STOCK FARM IN SELKIRKSHIRE. To lie LET, for such number of years as may be a- . greed on, and entered to at Whitsunday 1809. rPH£ FARM of RISKENHOPE, in the parish X of Ettrick, and shire of Selkirk, as present- ly. possessed by Mr Brydon— consisting of 1306 acres, cr thereby. The lands - extend along the • west side of the Loch o' the Levs, and are well . known for the soundness and richness of their pas- ture. Apply to William Cunningham, writer in Dunse, factor for the proprietor. N. B.— To be be LET also, and entered to at" Martinmas next, the FIELDS at DRUMMEL- ZIER, possessed by the Rev. Mr.
Hzldane. Apply as above.— One Concern. THE EnTNBUR-. GR ADVERTISER for Day cf Sale Altered. SALE OF LANDS IN STRATHMORE, PERTHSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, within the house of Robt. Davidson, vintner in Cupar- Angus, upon Thursday the 26th May 1808, HpHE SIXTH PART of the Town and Lands .1 of BERDMONY and ABiJRBOTHRY, • insisting of about 73 Acres or thereby, Scots mea- sure, Ling in the parish of Alyth, and county of J" erth. These lands are all arable, and for the Klost part form a sloping bank to the south. They are situated in a pleasant part of the country, hav- ing the
Grampians on the north, and the . Siddley mis on the south, and on the east and west the How of Strathmore.. The river Isla intersects a small part of them. There is marie in the lands, although the quantity has never been ascertained nor valued. The greater part of these lands are present!/ Let on lease to John Miller- for eleven years after Martinmas 180J, who pays of yearly rent - - - L. 150 0 0 • But receives a deduction therefrom for casualties to the superior, and mi- nisters stipend - 50 0 0 Mrs. Low. per liferent tack From which deduct School salary Cess L. 0 1 L. f 135 0 0 15 0 0 L. 1.50 0 0 i 5 1} L. 148 14 10J The lands
hold of a subject superior, and the tiends are valued. The articles and conditions ot roup withthe title- deeds are in the hands of John Brown, writer, Edinburgh, to whom, or to Mr. Chas. Hay, writer, Cupar Angus, application may be made as to further particulars. Mr. Miller, the tenant, will shew the land3. SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS IN STRATH EARN, PERTHSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup within the Royal Ex- change Coffee- house, Edinburgh, on Friday the 10th day of June 1808, at two o'clock afternoon, unless previously disposed of by private bargain, npiIE FARMS or DRYTGUN, TOMACK- 1 NOCK, CULCRIEFF,
and NORTH FARR, in the parish of Crieff, and shire of Perth, in the following Lots, viz. Lo r I. The FARM aad LANDS of DRY- TOUN, situated on the south side of the Knock of Crieff, in the immediate vicinity of the town of Crieff, bounded on the south by the turnpike road from Crieff to Perth. The lower part of it con- tains about 90 acres of arabl- land, and the upper part- above 70 acres of thriving plantations, which cover the south side of the Knock or Hill of Crieff, and are about 37 years old. The Whole lands have a fine south exposure. LOT II. The FARM of TOMACKNOCK, con- sisting of about 52 acres, of very fine arable
land, and 28 acres of a thriving plantation of fir and hard woods, which cover the higher part of it; the turn- pike road from Crieff to Perth separates these Lands from Lot 1st, and bounds them on the north, and the road from Crieff to Maddertv, partly in- tersects and partly bounds them on the south.— From the centre of this farm there is a most com- manding view of Strathearn towards Perth on the east, the mountains on the v.. st, and the river ham on the south, and it affords a fine situation for a country residence. LOT III. The FARM of CULCRIEFF, bound- ed on the south by the turnpike road from Crieff to Comrie, and l. och
EIRS, on the west by the water of Turret, situated within half a mile of the town of Crieff'. This farm has a most excellent set of farm houses and offices, lately built on it, and has has been brought by the present tenant into a sfcteof high improvement, it consists of about 163 acres of very fine land, almost entirely arable. LOT IV- The LANDS of NORTH Forr, situa- ted on both sides of the road from Crieff by Dallary to Madderty and Perth, and bounded on the south by the river Earn, and in the immediate vicinity of the town of Crieff. It consists of 56 acres 2 roods and 20 falls, of good arable land. These- lots areolisituated in the
finest part of Stratheam, and close by the thriving town of Crieff, the second of- fhe county. For particular* application may be made to Mr James Dundns; Clerk to the Signet, or to Mr Charles Seikrig, Accountant,' Edinburgh, who is empowered to sell by private bargain. E D I N V I L L I E. AN ESTATE IN BANFFSHIRE FOR SALE. To be exposed to SALE by public roup under the authority of the Court of Session, within the Parliament or New Session House, at Edinburgh, on Wednesday the 15th day of June next, betwixt, the hours etf- 1 and 6 o'clock In the cftern<& or:,' be- j e< l with a bounding fence, are all arable ( e> c - pt
fore Orcilrra/ -„- pn the Bills, " j fV'e aeres^' paC't or vvhieb is coveted with \ yood) - ^ tf ffl^ NVj•• « •' ral of a * uperibr iijr quality, parti; rrIN- LANDS IN DUMFRIES- SHIRE TO BE SOI. D. TO be SOLD by public roup, upon Thursday the £ 5th day of August 1808, within the George Inn of Dumfries, at one o'clock afternoon, if not previously disposed of by private barsain, NPH? LANDS of UPPER and NETHER 1 CAUSES of At, consisting of 135 Scots acres or thereby, as at. present possessed by Mrs. Bryden, lying in the parish of ' Tin wald, and county "* Dumfries. Thd Lauds are substantially incW iSo § . SALE OF LANDS IN
PERTHSHIRE. There is to be SOLD by public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- house, Edinburgh, upon Thursday the 2d day of June, 1808 years, at tu o o'clock afternoon, TTIOSE Parts and Portions of the I. ands and Barony of COWGASK, lying in the parish of Trinity Gask, and county of Perth, comprehend- ing the Lands of Woodend, possessed by Peter Sharp, with the copse wood in the proprietor's possession, and the Pendicle possessed by Peter Smeiton. Also, the Farm of Cowgask, possessed by James Ross ; the Land's of Blairs, pftssessed by John Scott, ( with the exception of Part of Drum, and the Dam of
Co wgask, not to be sold) the re- maining part of Brum, possessed by sundry per- sons ; and the Mains, occupied by James Whyt- loclt, under a small reservation, all as particularly delineated in a plan thereof, lately made out by Mr. Robert Reid, land- surveyor in Perth. If the above- mentioned lands are not sold in one lot, they will be exposed in two separate- lots :— Lot First, to contain. the Lands, of Woodendy the Copse Wood in the proprietor's possession, and the Pendicle possessed by Petti Smfiton. And, lot second, td contain tire Farm of Cowgask, the Lands of Blairs', part of Drum, and the Mains, as above described,
with the exceptions and reservation aforesaid. These Iatids are situated about tell' miles from Perth, and eight'miles from Crieff. In lot second there is a considerable bed nf marie, which may be turned to good account. The proprietor has right to the tein'ds, which are valued, and the valued teind duty is nearly, if not fully exhausted, by the stipend already payable to the Minister. The lands hold of the Crown as superior, and stand rated in the Cess Books, at L. 600 Scots of valuation, from which a small sum may be deduci- ble, On. account of the pendicles of lands reserved, or these may be made to' hold of the purchaser, for
payment of a trifling feu- duty, as shall be most agreeable. James Ross, tenant in Cowgask, will shew the lands proposed for sale, and the boundaries there- of, to intending purchasers. For further particulars application can be made to Mr. Reid, at Perth ; or to Mr. Robert Bundas, W. S. Edinburgh, in whose hands a plan of the lands, with the title- deeds thereof, and the articles of sale may be seen. nr> ffE LANDS and ES'TATJ- ! and KEITHACK, with til LANDS NEAR LANARK, WITH SOME BEAUTIFUL SITUATIONS FOR BUILDING, In the Neighbourhood of the Kalis of Clyde. To be SOLD by public roup, with Sieywright'i
Rooms, Hunter Square, Edinburgh, on Wed- nesday the 25th May inst. at o'clock afternoon. THE following Parti and Portions of the Es- tate of S'l ONEBYRES, lying in the parish' of Lesmahagow, and county of Lanark, in the un- der- mentioned Lots : Lot I. That Part of. the Farm of KILL BANK lying on the east side of the old road to Lanark containing A. Arahle Lund - " pasture - - 8 May 24. VALUABLE k EXTENSIVE FISHINGS, IN THE COUNTY OF DUMFRIES, To be LET. THE FISHINGS in Solway . Frith and River Annan, belonging to Mr. Neilson of Ntwbie, are to be LET by public roup, in August next, at Annan, ( the
particular day will be hereafteT spe- cified) either altogether or in Lots, as maybe a- greed on; and may be entered upon the 24 Janu- ary nest. These Fishings are of great extent, viz.— In the Frith, from the mouth of the river An- nan, westward to the river Lochar, a distance of about ten miles; and from this base across the Frith to Cardonock Point, in the English side; in the river Annan, from its entrance into tie SolWay, upwards, nearly four miles ; in' the course of which there are many valuable streams, pools, & c. and besides these large scopes, considerable produce is obtained by Halve- Fishing along the shores. The take
of Salmon, Grilses, Sea- trout, Hftp- lings, and the various- kinds under the denominai- tion of White- Fish,- which- abound within these limits that the proprietor has exclusive right to, is well known to be immense, and of ready sale ih all the neighbouring markets, as well as by expor- tation to the cities and populous places . in the north and west of England. Fishing Companies, or Fishermen of activity, will find the premises to be an object of great trade, and welt Vvorth their attention. Accommodations by houses, grounds, & C. can be given to satisfaction. Application may be made to Mr. Neilson of Newbie, the proprietor, at
Liverpool; or to Mr. Syrnt, his factor, at Dumfries; either of whom, will kive satisfactory explanations, or receive pro- posals. _ ... — - C. li} 1, Mill' tiw'holm land, which ie Very rich, and are capaK j Lot e. VHATHtf, containlsfc Lands, astricted Multures, and Sc-^ uel.^ of said : tHe highest improvement, being, adapted for*,., ' Arable Lai » d there—| every purpose of agriculture. They lie ill a most ft Pasture ,, Hvct j advantageous situation, being within seven m:!.. l''- > f Dumfries, and having the post road to R. F. A. R. R 1 23 Total. 0 20 fhe county Lands, and whole privileges and pertSneij to belonging, lying on the south side of Spey,
in the parish of Aberlour, and. c , ... Banff, about one mile from the village of Xberii. ur, two from Mortlach, and 14 miles from the towns < of- Elgin, Fochabers, Keith, Granto'wn, and Forres, to which five places there are excellent roads, and jjood cross roads through the country. This " property has a considerable quantity of thriving natural wood on the north- west side of it; is beautifully situated between the hills of Belr'm- siisand Convils ; is of considerable extent in ara- ble, and has great bounds ofmuir, and pasturage of the best quality, an inexhaustible moss . and plen- ty of lime in the neighbourhood, and is Bell known' to
have game in greater plenty, and better shoot- ing on it, and in the neighbouring hills and muirs, than any in the country. There is excellent sal- . inon fishing in the river Spey, which is ip the near neighbourhood of Edinvillie, and there are fine { routing streams which run through the grounds. A modern mansion- house was built on the pro- perty about the year 1770, but it was accidentally burnt a few years ago. As, however, the stone walls are remaining in good order, it might be re- paired at no great expence. And there has lately been built upon the farm of Bush ( a most beautiful situation on said es, ate) an excellent d vyejljag- iiouse, consisting of two public rooms, six bed- rooms, and other conveniences, with good offices. A more commodious or better situated estate of this extent, for sporting and improvement, is sel-. dom to be met with, The gross yearly rent of it, includ- ing the conversions payable py the Sterling. tenants, is proved to be - - L. i'jS 10 2 The following deductions are ap- pointed to be made froiv. the said grosj tent Valued teind, per de- creet of valuation, I.. 34 0 4 USth Schoolmaster of A- 3 IX 9 l- 4tb burgh within less than a mile of the farm. ' The Lands, from their warm situation upon the banks of the water of At', are very
early, and would be a delightful residence. The tack expires at Whitsunday 1809 ; and the public burdens are very trifling. James Hay, W. S. will shew the title- deeds, and every information will be given to in- tending purchasers by him, or Mr. John Arm- strong, writer in Dumfries. The tenant will shew the grounds. Let 3. BURN, containing Arable Land Muir and Braes CO 3 14 3 3 0 27 1 35 7 2 5. 64 2 14 {• erlour's salary, Cess or land tax, in- cluding highway and fogue moneys collec- tec & clerk's sa} a; y, 4 2 « 14 9 .456 15 11 SALE OF LAS'DS In the Counties of Edinburgh and Lanark. To be Sor. D by public auction, 011
Wednesday, the Ist day of Jurre, next, within the Royal Exchange CoSee- house, Edinburgh, at 1 o'clock afternoon, if net previously disposed ofby private bargain, ' T1 HE FOLLOWING LANDS, vi 1 Lor 1st, A Part of the LANDS of MID and EAST FORTH, consisting of about 234 Acres Scots, or 292English, lying in the parish of Carnwath, and county of Lanark. LOT 5> d, Part of the Lands of HAYWOOD, ly- ing in the same par MI, and consisting of about 240 Scots o" t SOU English Acres. LOT 3d, Part of the I. ands of EAST and WEST HANDAXWOOl), in the parish of West Caldy' and county of Edinburgh, consisting of about
349 • Scots, or 438 English Acres. These lands are situated from 7 to 9 miles from Lanark, and in the immediate vicinity of Wiison- town Ironworks, where there is always a ready market for every kind of farm produce. The new turnpike road fr » m Edinburgh to Lanark runs through part of the land** and there is plenty of • coal and lime in the immediate neighbourhood. Lot 1st containsab « ut lit acres of excellent ar- able land, and an equal quantity of meadow, most ly in pasture grass, for which the lands afe parti- cularly well adapted : they are substantially inclos- ed with stone walls. And there is an exeelfen t Lime Rock on this
lot, with only three feet of covering,. and being close to the turnpike road leading from 1 bur. h, a. id 23 Edinburgh to Lanark, it would be a very conve- 1 nicnt spot for establishing a lime- work, which,] from the great demand for lime, in that neigh- bourhood, might eventually yield as large an ir, come as the lands LOT bit, meadow These two last Lots may be hid either- together or separately, ai purchasers may incline. If ta- k n together, they would form a c- mpact small property, com- pletely separated from the rest of the estate by the new road to Lanark, which is their boundary on the north. Each yf the above three lots afford
beautiful situa- tions for building ; particularly lot 1st, which is in the immediate iieivhhourllood of the celebrated fail; of Stonebyres, and the well- known picturesque scenery of that romantic spot. Lot 4. LAIGH DII. LARS, containing Croft Laiid 0 Good Dry Arable - 17 Hill pasture, most of which has been ploughed - 60 Meadow Land - - 4 - ss 0 a: JUDICIAL SALE OF LANDS IN AYRSHIRE. To be SOLD by public roup, under the authority of the Lords 0/ Council and Session, within ' t<; e Parliament or New Sessi ® n- house, Edinburgh, on Thursday the 16th day of June next, 1808,, between the hours of 5 and 7 in the afternoon,
THE Lands of SOUTH & NORTH BOIGSIDE of TARBOLTON, Old Glebe, Yards, aud Houses thereon, also Two Acres of . Land of the Lands of BURN of TARBOLTON, and Seven Butts of Land, formerly a part of the Old Glebe, lying in the parish of Tarboiton, late bailliary of Kyle Stewart, and sheriffdom of Ayr, in the fol- lowing Lots, viz. LOT I. ' Hie Lands of South and North Boigiide, at the upset price of L. 1,050 0 0 Lot II. Two Acres of the Burn of Tarboiton, and Seven Butts, former- ly a part of theOld Glebe, at the up- set price of - - - 210 0 0 Lot III. The said Old Glebe, aud Houses thereon, at the upset price of 480 0 0 The
whole of the said lots are poseesst'd by James Steven, in virtue of a lease for 19 years from Martinmas 1799, ( but subject to a breach at the ehd'of the first ten years, uppn a year's pr- - vioas notrw j^ ven by ettfitr landlord or tenant), a: tfaMttd;'..' relit Of L. 58 sterling. The tenant, be- sxdes'rherent, paying the whole public burdens, except the feu- dury, which last. is only 9s. 2^ d. There is aTi Writable right to the teifids of the wholelands. The minister's stipend, school salary, and cess, amouis to 19s. 4^ d. An abstract ot the rental, and value of the ' lands will be furnished on applying to Messrs. R. arid N. Hill, W. 3. Edinburgh,
and Messrs. Grahame and Mitchell, writers, Glasgow. The title deeds, and articles aud conditions of roup, will be shewn at the office of the late Alex- ander Stevenson, Depute Clerk of Session. This intimation, given agreeably to an interlo- cutor of the Lords of Council and Session, upon the 8th March : r,; i8, on which the act of roup o£ rhese lands i - oceeds. Lot S. UPPER and MID D1LLARS, containing Arable Land Meadow Land - 91 , 22 10 — SO 0 31 These' two Lots may be had together or separately, as . pur- chaser s incline. They complete- ly adjoin, and the road from Lesmahagow to Lanark runs through lot 5thf Lot 6.
BLACKHILLS, con- taining All Arable and Im- prove;-, excepting two or three acres now improving ... 100 1 S Same adjoining lands may, if desired, be had by ate bargain, SCOTS MEASURE* pn LANDS IN AYRSHIRE TO BE LET. To be LET, THE Lands and Estate of ARNEIL, belonging to John Craufurd of Auchihamr s, Esq; for the term of 19 years' from and after - Martinmas 1808, viz. CONTENTS. 1. Part of Arneil Arable- Mains, - 115 3 20 Waterside, with the hill - - - 52 2 9 3. Yonderfield, and part of Arneil 163 3 1 4. Third Part - - 102 1 32 5. New. Vafk - - 42 0 28- Old Hill - 0 0 0 7. Shoreland, north of Port Craufurd 22 2 24
Laird near the Port - 22 0 0 Waterside Field and the Hill will be let eHhi- r with Arneil Mains or ' Third Part, as offerers may incline; and should larger possessions be wanted, ly number of the divisions may let together. These lands lie in tile parish of West Kilbride, lie along the shore of the Frith of Clyde, in a warm and early district, and contain a great propbrtion,; above 5& 0 acres, of- excellent arable' ground, and about 150 of pasture and meadow, all ofit highly susceptible of farther improvement. The farms. wil? each of them have a share of sea ware, whiclfc Pasture. Total. 26 3 0 142 2 20 8 1 81 61 0 0 20 1 34 184 0 35. 107
3 10 210 1 2. 0 0 0 42 » ' 28- 16 3 16 16 3 16 0 0 0 22 2 24 0 0 O 22 0 0- and" veiv imp'roveable, having plenty or limestone, . servitude ot pf- at a » d turf over a neighbouring Part of this Lot is inclosed, and sheltered by thriv- common. The tt- ii; • Eehints of the different farms are Proven free rent, j\ nd the Court have ordained the said lands to exposed at the upset price of I.. 13,703: 1 : IC^ d. feeing the estimated value at 30 years parchas'-, of thefree rent, according to { he usual mode of valu- ing lands, to be exposed before their Lordships. The property is well tenanted, and n « ne of the • eajes endure for more than five years
from Whit- c: inday 1807; and for the Farms which have fallen out of lease since tbe sale was first advertised, the proprietor has been offered dotihle rent. Though deduction is made from the rental for - the foil va- Jued teind, the exposers expect to recover and in- struct an heritable right, whereby the deduction , ,. ... - .. would fall only to be the minister's stipend, Slid ' immediate Vicinity of Level! Seat'Lime Works, church of Le^ niahagow, With the mijnses for the Ihe price to increase in proportion. For any fur- , jjj- ie can bf procured at very little expence. rwo ministers ot that parish, h;; ve been all newly tfTer information
application may he made at the ! he quantity' of Land is each. U'v t> « either baBt. and tliejcHooMiAqse lately repaired, there office of Mr Walker, one of { he principal C( erts of increased dt diminished as mi> y be most conyer. I, is np chance of :* ny demand Tiging tn » deupoq these ... . purchasers—- and for further particulars accounts, for a great iTiarty' years to pome, ayi'Scatuii] miv he matjetti iohoMawbvay, » '. Si P « r further gsttUmJSrs spcJy to Mr John J. amh, H « -- ve stree", Heriot tU, w, Edinburgh , or to latin write* in Lanark, or to Messrs, Gtfwon and Gli- Lamh. wtver. Lanark; of UwjuU> as*' J? kiat, W. 8, ffil} 8i »
CW tilt flan, ii} ti M m fi » ajp of ' jtotoVi tm u> « fws « » r. « « » mi « » » cam « ® « fc* 1* ' ing stripes of planting. There is a good Kinise ami substantial, active, aqd improving, and' bound by Garden on it, the situation of which is dry, and their lease* to leave tire houses in good repair,. The well sheltered by thriving wood- 1 tenant, of Ki{ lhank is bound to build a new stead- Lor 3d, contains about 17.5 seres of arable, a*< J ing at hft own expeuce. quantity Ot' meadow land— being in rhe! ' The public burden* are n^ oderatc ; and as the Til above lands lie within 33 miles of F. din- ii thrown plentifully on the shores of this proper- 3
from Glasgow, to both of which ty_ The markets are good, sird not distant. Power of siibsetting will be granted to the te- nants. If bargains be not previously concluded, the lands will be lit by public auction, upon the 1st day of July next. For farther particulars apply to Craufurd Tait, ' W. S. to whom offers in writing niay- be made.— A plan of the buds is lodged with Ja nes Galbraith,. the baron officer on the estate, who will shew thie farms. places there are good turnpike roads. A great part of the lands are Within a milf and a half of Lanark, no part of them further than three miles from that ,- i town.; and the market towns of Ha « .
ilton, Stratka- j vert, and Douglas, are about ten miles distant. Sd, consists of about 240 Acres, of ara-; C> al arid lime are to be had in abundance, within adov.', and wood Land, all of good quality, | three miles, of ( he • lands ; and the; whole have nquare, . in. < l » ., whtc- h » r* ehn. r ; and fohn Nicflt, vintner, PUULISHED ( every TUESDAY and FRIDAY) by JAMES DONA1. DSON, at the Printing Office, Castle-, hii', and at the ADVERTISES OFFICE , at the Cross— A single Paper 6d.— 592,/ ier ann. called for— 54s, delivered— Sfis. by post, Scotland or England,— pi, $ s, fo lrelar. 4, uien iiv by Jjum. ' 1' AVLER < Sc Ne- vto!.
, NO, 5, Warwick Squart, Lvuiw whet* due f ayer is regularly U « 0.