Report from the Committee On the Petition from Dominica, respecting losses by the Fire at Roseau
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Report from the Committee On the Petition from Dominica, respecting losses by the Fire at Roseau
Date of Article: 11/05/1808
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Volume Number: Issue Number:
No Pages: 1
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\ REPOtRT from the Committee on the Petition [ Appx. of estates to reftore them to their owners. There were particular depots pointed out by Government, where to bring those goods.— And being atked, What num- ber of the enemy were in the town, and for how many days ? he said, From two to three thousand.— And, The same question being atked of Sir George Prevoft, he said, The enemy ap- peared by the returns to be about three thousand, and our force did not exceed four hundred and fifty rank and file, of which two hundred only were regulars and the rest militia of the island.— Then, JAMES LAING, Esquire, being
further asked, having stated that the embezzle- ment and pillage of the enemy was but of a small amount, can you Hate the pro- bable amount? he said, As far as I can collect from the documents I have looked over, it cannot exceed 10 per cent, of the merchandize and furniture; but the pro- portions will be very various in different cases. And being asked, Were certain houses, mentioned in red ink at the foot of the Report, but not included in the Re- port, amounting to/. 14,268 currency, situated in the town, and burnt at the same time as thole whole claims were admitted by the Commifiioners ? he said, They were ; and
affidavits were made of the loss ; but the claims were not prosecuted be- fore the Commisioners appointed by the Act of the Legislature.— Then, . ROBERT ALBURN, Esquire, being examined, was asked, Were you present At the Town of Roseau in Dominica, in the month of September last ? he said, I was.— And, did any accident happen to the town at that time in consequence of a hurricane? he said, A very severe gale of wind, and a large quantity of rain fell during the night of the 9th of September, which blew down many of the houses, and others were carried away by the overflowing of the river, and others much in jured; that a great deal of merchandize was destroyed at that time, and a great many lives lost, both of whites and negroes by the same cause.