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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset


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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset

Date of Article: 09/05/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII    Issue Number: 3714
No Pages: 4
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I A °" URY AND WINCHESTER JO AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. H I . U i [ NUMBER 3714. VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY, MAY 9, 1808. - PRICE SIXPENCE. /- Stamp Duty.... 1 Paper and Print ' J id. Monday's and Tkiesdtnfs Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. VIENNA, March 30. ACCORDING to a publication which has been made in Hungary, the line of Austrian troops which has been formed 011 ' he frontiers of Turkey begins^ at the west, towards the limits of Turkish Croatia, thence it extends along the Saave and the Danube, to Transylvania; it turns then towards the North, passing by Buckourne, and joins the frontiers of Gallicia. As the extent which has been given to this line demands an army more strong than that which has been hitherto devoted to this object, fresh regiments have been sent to complete the force. General Duka is arrived at Bannat, and has established his head quarters at Temeswar. Field Marshal Bellegarde is expected immediately. TOURS, APRIL 4.— The Emperor arrived in this town yesterday, at half- past twelve o'clock; he did not stop but p issed through it, attended by his Guard of Honour, com- manded by E. D. Coustades. Two hours before a Spanish Ambassador had arrived; he was a grandee of the first class, decorated with all the orders; he was going' to Paris with a letter from the new King Ferdinand to the Emperor of the French. Marshal Duroc, who was in the first carriage, alighted, and received the letter, which he delivered to his Majesty, who, having read it, replied, that he would give an audience to the Ambassador at the next stage. The Ambassador left his carriages, and took a cabriolet to follow the Emperor. LONDON, MONDAY, MAY 2< MoiiiteurS And other Paris papers, to the 1 7th ult. Nvere received this morning. We do not learn that any ! News of importance was known at Paris. The " transactions in Spain were the subject of conversation, but nothing materia! was known of therm It was stated that the Toulon and Rochefort squadrons had returned to Toulon, iafter jeinforeing Corfu, and taking a number of British ships, antoug which were two frigates. The Svreu French fiigate, which was driven on shore near l'Orient, by the I'Aigle frigate on the 22d of March, has been got off by the French, and taken into Port l'Orient, but Vas so. much damaged in her reemtre » vith l'Aigle that - he has been condemned to be broken up. A shock of an earthquake Was feltj on the 2d of April) at Lyons; and at Grenoble. The American ship Osage, which brought, to Europe the American Messengers, with dispatches for thp Ambassadors in Paris and in London, is at length arrived in a British Port. Mr. Nourse, who is charged with the dispatches to Mr. Pinckney, arrived in London this fevenirtg, accompanied by Mr. Lewis, who had been at Paris, Without siicce s. The Osage, after her arrival at L'Orient ton the 22d of March, was seized, beeau- e it had transpired" that she had been spoken by a British Cruizer- off that port, it was only in consequence of the repeated representations of Gen. Armstrong, that she was finally released* and permitted to proceed to England. Mr. Nourse was not suffered in the . first instance to land, but. after remaining On board the Osage for about a week, and it being stated that his health was greatly impaired by the voyagei he was Suffered to go on shore and reside at the town of L Orient, bat on no account was he to he permitted to visitPaiis. The intelligence brought by these Gentlemen is said to be strongly indicative of a war, between America and franco.— Some " if the- last American papers had informed V. s that Bonaj » art* haAiteclitftSil his determination to have no neutrals; ' that the only conditions oh whicli he would Continue at peace with the United States were, that they should shut all their ports against British shipping, of every description, and suspend all intercourse with England; for that,, in fact, he would have no neutrals.— Mr. Lewis wa sent, in the Oage with an answer to that declaration, and with a demand," according to report, of the abandonment Of the Decree of the 21st of November) 1305:— Bonaparte refused his demand in the most positive manne'r, and General Armstrong was informed that the declaration made to the Am ' rican Government itiight. be considered as the ultimatum frotti which. France would not depart. In consequence of the probability, of a Speddy rupture, Many of the Americans in France hail applied to the French Gavel; orient for passports to leave the Country,: to every- one of whom the request was/ refused. Mr. Morgaflj who is arrived in London with Mr. Nourse, made, his escape oft board the Osage. The conduct of the Fraich Govern- ment towards American shipping is severe In the extreme. It is add:' dj that General Armstrong, in his last confe- rence with tile French Minister; stated, that as his in- structions by no means extended to the objects proposed by France, he must request passports for all American Citizens in France, who might choose to return to their own country. After repeating this application several times* the request of General Armstrong was refused. The distresses of the British prisoners at Verdun, and Arras, amounting to about 10,000, have been con- siderably alleviated by the remittances of money subscribed, for their relief iii this country; the common sailors, who thus received \\ d. a day in addition to tlieir allowances from the French Government., represent themselves now to be comfortably subsisted. A transport with Emigrants of distinction from Lisbon, has arrived at Plymouth. Intelligence had reached pur squadron off Lisbon, that tlx; Prince Regent, immedi- ately in his arrival at Rio Jaireiro, had entered upon the exercise of his functions as Sovereign, and had formed an administration which was approved by the people, who, as iniit'ht be expected, loudly extolled the magnanimity and heroic resolutioivof the Prince. Among the appointments, it was said, that Don John Almeida had been appointed Minister for the Home Department; and Marquis Bellas, for Foreign Affairs. An Englishman is stated to have the super'mtendance of the Admiralty; and Don Rael de Souza is named to be Minister Extraordinary to Russia. A num- ber of ships ofwar bad beyi ordered to be built immediately; war had been declared against Spanish America; and six- teen. millions of Spauish dollars were sequestered belonging to Spain. Madrid, as is evident, is far frcm being easy or tranquil • under the Government of the French, who have obviously the whole power in their hands. A Preneh General is Go- vernor of Madrid— a French Officer is at the head of the Police. Ssvere regulations have been published, and pa- troles are continually scouring the City to prevent taobj. The Portuguese Ambassador has sent a circular letter to the merchants trading to the Brazils, intimating that he is ready to give licences to British or Portuguese ships to carry out British manufactured cotton goods to the Brazils; such vessels making Cape Frio, and receiving there instructions relative to their port of discharge. The Antigua papers, to the 17th of March, were received this morning. It is stated in one of them, that whilst the Circe frigate lay in Falmouth Harbour, one of her boats upset, when Lieut. Howes, a seamen, and a woman were drowned. Fourteen other persons were saved by boats fr. nn the shipping. The body of the woman was devoured bv sharks, and those of the Lieutenant and sea- man were taken up much mangled by those voracious fish. Letters from Cork state, that Wm. O'Connor, Esq. Collector of the Revenues of that port, had absconded with the sum of eighteen thousand one hundred and twenty- nine • pound* eight skillings of the public money; and that warrants had been issued for his apprehension, but. no trace of his flight had yet been discovered It was generally sus- pected that he lay concealed somewhere near the coast, with a view of secretiy embarking in some smuggling vessel, in order to join his traitorous brother, Arthur 0" Jo" nnor, in France. NKW STAMP DuTtES.— The duty of a conveyance by lea e a- d release, which at this present day would amount to iM. will, under the new system, amount to » 0 less than 21151.— Thus much for a regulation. MARK- LAKE, Monday, May 2. We had a very brisk de- mand for Wheatat the close of last week, with an advancing price; and the fresh supply this niorning being quite scanty, the sales were effected with equal freedom, upon terms about 25. per quarter higher than our currency of the 95th of April, for White Wheat, and Us. for Red; the latter being more particularly in request at. present. Flour has also risen 5s. persack. Beans ol* both sorts are is. dearer, and find many buyers ; Barley and Oats maintain their value, but sell some- what heavily, unless superfine; other articles are mostly un- altered jn the price, as per list subjoined i— English Wheat 64s. to 7!) s.— Rye 48s. to 57s.— White Peas 02s'. to 160s.— Grey ditto 48s. to 58f.— Horse Beans 50s. to 62s. Tick Beans 48s. to 60s.— Barley 38s. to 49s.— Malt 60s. to 73s.— Oats 30s. to 46s.— Rye Grass Hi. to 30s) per quarter.— English Household Flour 65s. per sack ; ditto American sup'. 35s. to 42s. per barrel.— Rape Seed 2Si. to 3Si. per last. — Carraway Seed 36s. to 40s.— Coriander Seed 14s. to 18s.— Red Clover 36s. to 86s. White ditto 42s. to 90s.— Trefoil 7s. to 24s. per cwt.— Tares 14s. to 20s. per bushel. WILTS AND BERKS CANAL NAVIGATION. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the next General Quarterly, Meeting of the Committee of Management of the Wilts and Berks Canal Navigation will be held at the Bar- rington's Arms, in Shrivenham, in the. county of Berks, on Friday the 3d day of June next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. By order of the said Committee, JAMES CROWDY, Principal Glerk. HIGIIWORTH, May 5, 1808. [ 1383 • Turnpike Road under Salisbury Plain. THE next Meeting of the Trustees of this Road will be held, by adjournment, at the Earl of Pem- broke's Arms, in Fovant, in the county of Wilts, on Wed- nesday the 11th day of May next, at eleven, o'clock ill the forenoon ; at Which time and place the REPAIRS of the said Road will he LETT by CONTRACT, in Parochial Districts or otherwise, fas may be then agreed upon,) from White- Sheet- Hill to Barfrird Saint Martin, as- it leads through the several and respective parishes of Donhead Saint Andrew, Anstv, Swallowcliff, Fovant, Sutton, Contpton, Hurdcott, and " Barford Saint Martin aforesaid ; when and where the Waywardens of the respective parishes, and all. other persons desirous of contracting for such repairs, are to attend.— Dated this 19th day of April, 1808. 121.9] G. SOUTH, Clerk and Treasurer. WESTBURY TURNPIKE. NOTICE is hereby given,— That a Meeting of the Trustees will be held at the Abingdon Arms Inn, in Westburyi on Tuesday the 24th ( lay of May inst. in the fore- " " - ' --• — ——: J—— pro- Gates 1808. noon, for the purpose of taking into consideration the priety of LESSENING the TOLLS now collected at the " erected on the said Turnpike Roads.— Dated May 4, I8i By order of the Trustees, 1380] STEPHEN BROWN, Clerk and Treasurer. Whitchurch and Andover Road. IT being proposed to improve the Entrance into Winchester at the North Gate of the said City, and that the work is to be done by Contract, the plan and explanation may be seen and. obtained by applying to Mr. Robert Budd, Lov.' cr- Brook- strcet, .. Winchester. Persons willing to contract for th% same, are desired to Send their tenders, sealed up, to the said Mr. Robert Budd, on or before the 20th of May itistant. WINCHKSTE- R, May ilh, 1808. [ 140,9 NEW SARUM ASSOCIATION, For the Prevention of Rotbetics, Thefts, & c. & c. • NOTICE is hereby given, ' that a Meeting of this Association will be held at the Cross Keys inn, in the City of New Sarum, on Thursday' the 12th day of May next, for the puf^ ose'of Collecting all Arrears due to the same, andt of entering into ft, sh Subscriptions for the ensuing year ; at Which meeting it is particularly requested every Member will attend. {" 1307 N. li. There will be a Dinner provided, which will, be on tabic precisely at two o'clock.. W1LMOT & GODWIN, Sarum, April nth, 1808. - Solicitors. MERE ASSOCIATION. MR. FRANCIS SEYMOUR having' resigned the Office of Treasurer to this Association, and paid the Balance'due to the same, into the hands of Sir Richard Hoare;. a Meeting . of the Subscribers is requested at the Ship Inn; Mere, on Friday the 13th irtstant, at twelve o'clock jn the for noon, in order to consider of various matters beneficial to the Association.. At this meeting new Subscribers will be admitted upon the usual . terms of Subscription. 1405], ' By order of Sir Richard Hoare; STOPHTOX, MHi/ M, I8Q8'., . JOHN fcHARLTON. MONXTON INCLOSE RE. WE " the Commissioners named and appointed in and by a certain Act of Parliament lately made and passed for inclosing Lands in the Manor ahd Parish of Mohx- ton, in. the county of Southampton, dd Hereby give Notice, that we intend to hold a special Gener il Meeting at the White Hart. inn, on Weyhill, ifi the- parish of Monxton aforesaid, on Monday the 23d day of May next, at eleven o'clock in the foreiioon,. for the purpose of reading over and executing our Award, in the presence of all or so many of the Projectors of Lands and Rights within the Manor and Parish of Mopxton aforesaid as may choose then and there to attend ;- and'we do further give Notice, that immediately after reading Over and executing our said award, we shall . continue our meeting for further executing the powers vested in us, the said Commis- sioners!— Witness our hands this 7th of July, 1807. JOHN BUTCHER. 1298] GEORGE BARNES. BRINKWQRTH iNCLOSURE. NOTICE is hereby given, That we' the undersigned Commissioners appointed by and a. cting in execution of the Act of Parliament passed iri the forty- sixth year of the reign of his present Majesty, for inclosing Lands in the Parish of Brinkworth, in the Ooufity of Wilts, intend to meet at the White Lion Inn, at Malmesbury,. in the said County, On Monday the 23d day of May next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the Special purpose of reading over and exe- cuting the Award by vs made in pursuance of the said Act, and also the Gehera- l Inclosure Act; when and Where the se- veral Proprietors, ami . all other Perso'ns interested in the said Inclosure, or any Exchange in consequence thereof made, or who are otherwise concerned in the said Award, may be pre- sent if they so think proper.— Uated this 27th Jay of February, 1808. JOHN WILLIAM BlEDERMAN. WILLIAM JENNINGS. 13* 09] RICHARD lUCHARDS- ON. SPORTING BOX AND MANOR. WANTED' to RENT, furnished or unfurnished, in the best sporting part of the counties of Dorset or Hants,— A comfortable compact HOUSE, with, coach- house, and stabling for four or five horses ; a productive garden, and from 20 to 45 acres of grass land ; and with one or more extensive manors,, well stocked with game. If not far distant from the sea, it wbuld be preferred. Address, ( postpaid) with an account of particulars, to R. Hanson, Esq. 37, College- green; Bristol. [ 1269 ALADY, wanting the Situation of GOVERNESS in a Genteel Family, may be heard of, by letter being addressed to A. B. Post- officj? Portsmouth. [ 1310 ' TO CLERKS. ANY Person that writei a gpod hand, understands Superficial and Cubic Measure, and capable of copying Drawings in Architecture, may hear of employment by ad- dressing aline to R. S. ( signed with real name and post- paidj Mr. Hobbs's, Grocer, Market- place, Bath. If the Person that may answer the above, has any drawings by him, it will be more satisfactory to send one or two for in- spection, which shall be returned again.—— Office hours from nine o'clock in the morning till eight o'clock in the evening. B A I L I F F. \ Respectable middle- aged Farmer, who is single, would wish to engage himself immediately with any gentleman, to undertake the management of any quantity of lands, fee. He has been always used to farm on a large scale, and is perfectly experienced in agriculture, as well as in every kind of stock, fee. Any gendeman wishing to em- ploy a petson of this description, he will reccive the most satisfactory recommendation. Letters ( post- paid) addressed to the Printer of this Paper will be duly answered. [ 1255 ANTED immediately, as an ASSISTANT IN A SCHOOL,— A steady Young Man, who writes a good hand and understands arithmetic. [ 1261- Apply at the Printing- Office. WANTED immediately,— A young MAN, as an ASSISTANT, capable of teaching Writing and Arithmetic. ' Letters, with specimens of penmanship, addressed to A. B. Post Office, Cowes, Isle of Wight ( free of postage), will be immediately attended to. , [ 1386 WANTED, in a Clergyman's Family in the Country, where no kitchen- maid is kept,— A steady middle- aged active WOMAN, as COOK, who thoroughly understands her business, and is capable of taking the sole management of the kitchen. Undeniable references for strict integrity, sobriety, and cleanliness, both in her person and work, will be required. Application to be frtade to the Printer. [ 1421 WANTED, in a small family in the country,— A steady middle- aged WOMAR, as a PLAIN COOK ; she must understand making bread and butter, and bring a good character. Also is wanted, in the same family,— A steady LAD, in House, and to look after a Horse. Apply at Moore's Licensed Lottery Office, Poole; if by letter, postpaid. [ 1388 WANTED immediately,— A young Man of light weight as GROOM. He will be required to wait at table, and must brills au undeniable character from his last place. Applyat the Printing- office, Salisbury. [ 1427 ANTED, A COACH HARNESS MAKER, who Will have constant employ by applying to Mr. Locke, AboVesBat, Southampton. Letters ( post- paid) will be attended to. [ 1429 TO JOURNEYMEN CHAIR- MAKERS. ' ANTfcD, two or three good Hands, who will meet with constant Employ and good Wages, by ap- plying to JOHN ELDERTOS, Builder and Cabinet- maker, Fordingbridge. [ 1376 WANTED;— A good BOOT- MAKER. A good Workman may meet constant employ and good wages, by applping to Mr. Burry, boot and shoemaker, Ringwood, Hants. ' [ 1399 O lie SOLD,— A* GIG and HARNESS com- plete. It was built in London, with Patent Lamps, driving and gig Seits, is wadded throughout, and has been. driven a few months only. Price forty guineas. Enquire of Mr. Locke, Southampton.' 1 [ 1385 O be SOLD very cheap, A light - rid low DOUBLE PHAETON, to carry four; head to the front body, knee flaps to both, with shafts and a pole. To be seen at Mr. Lock's, coach- maker, Southampton. [ 1420 TO MILLWRIGHT'S. ASmalt Quantity of good BURR STONES are now selling by PRIACLX and BIENVENU, of South- ampton, reasonable terms. [ 1362 rpo be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A A Pair of elegant MAHOGANY DOORS ( second hand), with their Furniture complete. [ 1398 Enquire at Vidler's, Upholsterer, High- street, Salisbury. ' POTATOES. FOR SALE,—<~ A Quantity of white Blossom POTATOES, of good duality.-— EnqiiifeofW. Ratty, Gardener, Andover. [ 1D84 T FOX- HOUNDS. ANY Gentleman who will be pleased to acoept of three or four Couple of very steady good FOX- HOUNDS, may have them by applying to Mr. John Mul- lens, at Chettle, Cashmoor Inn, Dorset. [ 1358 RINGWOOD INCLOSURE. WE, the . Commissionets, named in an Act of liament for inclosing Lands in the parish of Ringwood, in the county of Southampton, do hereby give Notice to the Owners of s'uch old Inciosures as lie at a distance, or in othyj- espects. are inconvcnienttb be occupied from the several Messuages to which they belong, and who may be deSiroqs to have the same allotted to/ other Proprietors for Lands of equal' value, which may lie more convenient, to signify to us, in writing, at our next Meeting, their consent to have the same allotted, in pursuance of " the powers vested in us by the said Act. And we do also give Notice, that such Proprietors as are desirous of . having Land deducted from the respective allot- ments instead of ' borrowing money to defray their shares of the expencesof the said Inctosure, ars. authorised, by Act of Parliament, to have the same done, provided they signify, in writing, to be delivered to us at our said Meeting, their request for that . purpose. And we do further give Notice, that the several Claims of the Proprietors are lodged at the office of Mr. Harbin, cur Clerk, for the inspection of all parties interested; and all objections which may be made thereto are required, by Act of Parliament, to be signified to us, in writing, at our said next Meeting. And we do hereby give Notice< that we intend to hold our next or third Meeting at the House of Joseph Peirce, the White Hart Inn, in Ringwood aforesaid, on Monday the 9th day of May next. Dated March 12, 1808. J RICH. RICHARDSON, FRANCIS WEBB, on] JOHN WICKENS. Tl4E NEW STATE LOTTERY, that is to com- mence draWing on the « 8th of next Month ( June), pre- sents objects to attract adventurers beyond any former Lottery, having Six Prizes of Twenty Thousand Pounds," various oth^ r Capitals, and only Twenty- five Thousand Tickets. Those persons whose fancy leads them to chuse and select particular' numbers for their adventure, should make early application, to prevent being disappointed. This, and ail parts of'.' the Lottery business, are particularly attended to by RICHARD- SON, GOODLUCK, and CO. Stock Brokers, Baqjt Build- ings, Cornhill, and facing the Gate of the King's MewS, Charing Cross, London; ind by their Agents in the Country, rpo be SOLD,—- The FURNACES, VATS, J FIXTURES, & c. of a DYE- HOUSE, recently fitted up, and Conveniently situated for carrying on an extensive busi- ness.— For particulars apply to M. Wing, Salisbury. [ 1360 ALDERNEY COWS ANn HEIFERS FOR SALE. JUST arrived,- - Some very fine COWS and HEIFERS in Milk and in Calf; some with Calves by their sides. Applyto the importer, [ 1350 SOUTH A fit PT ON, May 2, 1803. JOHN SHURMER. SOUTHAMPTON} iiau 6j 180S. NOW delivering, A good and rtibblv Cargo " of NEWCASTLE MAIN TEAM COALS, at 45s. pef chaldron, discounting 2s. per chaldron for readv money, by 1413] ' JOHN SAUNDERS, East- Street. TO BREWERS, INNKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. TO be DISPOSED OF, bv PRIVATE CON- TRACT,— Aboutr 20 Hogsheads'of capital Old STRONG BEER, a four- hogshead Brewing Copper ( equal to. new), Mashing Tub, Under Back; and Keeve Tub to answer ; two ten- hogshead Casks, eleven four- hogshead ditto, tviro five- hogshead ditto, several Hogsheads, and other useful things in the brewing; line. To treat for the Same apply at Mrs.- Mary Goodall's, High- street, Andover. [ 1282 npO be DISPOSED OF,— The LEASE of a well- JL accustomed SHOP in the GROCERY and LINPN- DRA- PERY BUSINESS, advxntageously situated at Castle- Cary, in the county of Somerset. ' [ 1430 Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to J. Andrews, Castle- Cary. rJpO be DISPOSED OF,— A long- established LADIES' BOARDING and DAY- SCHOOL: number of Scholars Forty- two. The Goods and Fixtures to be taken at a fair valuation.— Any suitable person, commanding from two to three hundred pounds, may find this an advantageous situation. Letters ( post paid) directed to Mrs. Botley, Canal, Sarum, Will be. attended to. [' 37l __ _ NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT, rpo be DISPOSED OF, on reasonable terms,— 1 The entire STOCK of an established TO WN CARTER, & c. in full employ; consisting of six prime horses, of amazing strength, and suitable harness ; waggoi: i, cf. rs, timber cai- riages, nibbs, & c. fee. the whole in good condition. Should it be required, part of the purchase mooey may remain on approved security. To treat for the same, apply to Messrs. Mew and. TVirter, auctioneers, Newport. [ 123S to TANNERS. IX) be SOLD,— A TAN- YARD, with very ca- pacious and convenient BUI LIANGS, and a Patent BARK- MILL, by Heighway, workedity water, situated in a well- wooded countly, in the pleasant village of Wickham, . Hants.— For further particulars apply tf Mr. Sharp, at Ports- mouth. ' N.' B. The Buildings and Premises" are calculated for Brcweiy or other manufactory or concern requiring extent. Kf Ths Bark- Mill and several Patnps may be had sepa- rately, t130S Salisbury, April nth, 1808. LO. WEEKS, VETERINARY SURGEON, begs • leave most respectfully to inform, the Public, that during his late residence in London, he has completed his Studies at the Royal Veterinary College, and he feels confi- dence in now announcing himself as competent to the Care of Horses that are Sick or Lame from whatever cause. Gen- tlemen disposed to entrust L. W. with their horses, may be assured that much of the attention of his life has been devoted to the Study and to the Practice of the Veterinary Art, and in addition to his attending Professor Coleman's Lectures, he has, the better to qualify himself for bis profession, studied Surgery under Mr. Astley Cooper and Mr. Home; Theraptu- tics, the Principles of Physic, and Chemistry, under Dr. Pearson ; and the Comparative Anatomy of the Human Body at the Hunterean Theatre under Mr. Wilson; and finally passed his examinations at the College the 25th of last month. — It is his intention to open a Veterinary Forge, of which he will give timely notice; in the interim, those gentlemen who wish to have their horses shod on the College plan, which is much superior to the common mode, may have it done by applying to L. W. who will superintend its performance per- sonally ; and every sort of Medicine for Horses, prepared after the College forms, may at ali times be had- of him. [ 1295 A camderfltle stock of Calicos, Cambric Muslins, Dimities, Ginghams,. & c. particularly deserving the attention of the public, At BECKINGSALE's Warehouse, Silver street, Salisbury. IN consequence of the cotton Ui-> rmf:\ cturers haying no export trade, large consignments from several houses at Manchester arc just received at the above Warehouse, and will immediately be sold, for ready money, at nearly half the original cost of the manufacturers. 800 pieces stout Calico, stf. per yard; 150 pieces ell wide ditto, 8d. per yard ; 500 pieces ell wide Cambric Muslin, 12rf. and lid. per yard; 400 pieces' yard- and- half wide Cambric ditto 16U curious 2s. per. yard ; 300 pieces Corded Dimity, sd. per yard; 200 pieces stout Furniture Dimity, l)< i. and 12d. per yard. J. BECKINGSALE is returned from London, with an ex- tensive collection of Fashionable Drapery, which is just opened for inspection; an extensive variety of Printed Cam- brics, ell wide, 20d.; the New, Spring Patterns, ell wide, from 2s. to 2s. 6d.; a collection of Tambour and Sattin- worked Muslins, Lenos, Japans, Brocaded Muslins, Bor- derings, & c.; 200 different patterns in coloured Embroidered Robe' Dresses ; 150 Tamboured Muslin Robes, excellent quality, 9s. Gd. dress. Silk and Cotton Stockings; an extra allowance by the half dozen. - ' [ 1402 ( fjp Wanted,— A respectable Youth, as an APPRENTICE. II. CRABB, SURGEON, APOTHECARY, and MAN- MIDWIFE, begs to inform the inhabitants of Romsey and its vicinity, that he has taken the House lately in the. occupation of Mr. WAKE, and trusts that a strict atten- tion to the duties of his profession will entitle him to their patronage. • N. B. He is a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London. [ 1232 WHITCHURCH, May 7th, 1808. R. C. HUNTER, SURGEON, & c. ( Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London,) respect- fully acquaints the inhabitants of Whitchurch and its vicinity, that he practises the various branches of his profession- there, and flatters himself, by his assiduity and exertions, to merit their support.' Mr. HUNTER having resided .' several years in an extensive hospital, and since served as surgeon in the army, h, e trusts the practice he has, seen and the . testimonials he shall produce as to' his'abilities, w:' i entitle him to that' encouragement he now solicits. • [ 1383 FAREH- AM, ' 5th- May, 1808. A. WATSON, Widow of the late R. Wat- son, jun. Linen- Draper, Hatter, fee. With gratitude for the favours conferred on her late Husband, respectfully acquaints her Friends and the Public, that shVineans to con tinue the said Business, and humbly solicits their patronag- and support. [ 1381 SWATH LING FREE GRAMMAR SCHOQL^ Three Mites frbni Southampton. JCROUCH and SON beg permission most un- • feignedly to thank the Parents- and Guardians of the Pupils entrusted to their Care for past favours, and inform them, in future the Business of the School will be conducted, by J. CKOUCH, jun. who, impressed with gratitude for favours conferred on his Father and himself, solicits the continuance of the same support, which shall be his utmost study to de- serve, by- the indefatigable attention to those committed to his charge, in bringing them forward in the different, branches of Literature taught by him.' ' .[ 1311 The English Language grammatically; Writing, plain and ornamental; Arithmetic; Geography; Geometry; Stere- ometry; Navigation; the single and double Altitudes ; Book- keeping ; Land- surveying, practical and th< ory; and Mapping. The French Language and Dancing by approved masters. M.' PLENTY'S Hampshire CastlronPatentPLOUGH, No. 47,, Above Bar, SOUTHAMPTON, under the Firm of WM. BUDD and WM. PLENTY, Jun. being the only persons authorized by the Patentee for the Counties of Hants, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Wiltshire, a part of Berkshire, and Sussex. Orders for the above Plough will be received and executed with punctuality and dispatch. Agents will be appointed in every principal market town, where a regular Stock wilTbe kept for the accommodation of those who'may please to favour them with their orders. "- • The superiority that these Ploughs possess above all others in every kind of soil, for ease of draught, simplicity, mecha- nical principles, and durability, has been proved in various trials at Ash Rjdge Park, and St. Alton's, Hertfordshire, to ths satisfaction of the Earl of Bridgcwater, and the Agricul- tural Society, who have them in funeral use. Large sized Plough, complete ,£.$ 6 0 Small ditto, ditto' 5 5 0 1418] For ready money. rTHHE Roval Family, and Ladies and Gentlemen of 1 Fashion, use MOCKRIKUFSKY and PRINCE'S RUSSIA OIL, for moistening the hair when dressing ; which is so great a nourisheT of the hair; as to prevent its turning grey to all periods of Life ; promotes the growth ; prevents its falling off; and restores it on bald places, if the least roots remain. Several gentlemen that were bald, have declared, after using the Russia Oil regularly for three months, the bald places became covered nearly with hair; promotes Whiskers, eye- brows, fee. 7s. per bottle, or a bottle containing four small, at a Guinea.. Sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, A. Prince, No. <), John- street, Oxford- street; and by appointment, by Mr. Smith, Perfumer to his Majesty, ' New' Bond- sttest; Hend. rie, Perfumer to her Majesty, Titchboine- stfeet.?" Bayley and Blew, Perfumers to the Prince and Princess'of Wales, and Duke and Duchess of York, Cockspur- street, London-; at the Office of this Paper, Salisbury ; anil by most princi- pal Medicine Venders and fertumers in England, Ireland,, and Scotland. CAUTION.— As noxious Counterfeits are . selling in petty shops, observe, the Label on tlje outside wrapper of each bottle is signed in Ru5sian* gbld. ink, ." M'ochrikufsky and Prince." Any without thatsignatureaieGduiuerfeits. [ 1341 IF the personal Representative or Representatives o' ALEXANDER HUME, formerly of London, Merchant, will apply w Messrs. Price and Bro. vne,. No. 1, Lincoln's- inn New- square, London, such Representative may receive the Rent which was due in the year 17S0 to the said Alexander Hume,_ tbr a farm in the neighbourhood of Chippenham, Wilts ; which was then rented by R'ummins, deceased. CHILDREN of MARY CAMIS, deceased. THE Children, or Next of Kin, of MARY CAMIS, late cf Hinton Ampner, in the. county of Southampton, " who was the sister of Jonathan Gardler, late of the parish of Milford, in the said county, gentleman, deceased, if any af'e now living, are requested to send their names and places of abode, with a statement of their consangu nity ( if they are not children of the said MARY CAMIS), on or before the Mth day of May next, to Mr. Richman, Solicitor, Lyminjjton, Hants ; after which they will hear of something to their ad- vantage. Dated the 13th day of April. 180ft. ' [ 1213 " QUAY YARD, POOLE, April 20, 1808. THE Public are respectfully informed, that the COAL TRADE, which has been carried on for many years by Mr. SOLO MAN MIFFLEN, at Quay Yard, ( as suc- cessor to the late Mr. WATTS,) will in future be conducted by Messrs. GAD EN, ALDRIDGE, and ADEY, as successors to Mr. Mim. ES, who retires from business. The favours which Mr. MIFJLIN has for many years ex- perienced, by the kind patronage of his friends and customers in general, demand his most grateful acknowledgments ; and at the same time that he returns thanks for past favours, he begs leave to recommend a continuance of the same to Messrs. GADEN, AM> RI » QE, an. dAnEY, who are authorized to receive all oOtstanding debts due to Mr. MIFFLEN. QUAY COAL YARD, POOLE, April 20, 1803. MR. SOLOMAN MIFFLEN having declined business in fayour of GADEN, ALDRIDGE, and ADtY, they respectfully inform their frionds and the public in general, that a constant supply will always be. provided of the most approved sorts of NEWCASTLE and SUNDER- LAND C0A. J. S, and all orders executed on the most reason- able terms. ,[ 1218 N. B;— Store COALS, CULM, and GRINDSTON- ES. Now delivering,— A Cargo of jStEWBOTTLE BOURN MOOR COAL, at Two SIULUMCS and EIGHT PSNCE per Bssasi. k ' >.."•-'•'* PURSUANT to tSi^ ecree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a cau& TjAviEs against WAYLAND, the Creditors of THOMAS JONES, late of Frome Selwood", in the county of Somerset, Postmaster, deceased ( who died in or about the month of April, 1805), are forthwith to come in before JOHN ORD, Esq. one of . the Masters of the. said Court, at his Chambers in Southampton- buildings, Chancery- lane, London, and prove their Debts; or in default thereof they will be excluded the Benefit of the said Decree. [ 1353 April 2!), 1808. , GiLB. ROTTON, Solicitor. PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a cause " BI. ATHERWICK against GOODEVE, the creditors of RICHARD OWEN and THOMAS BLATHERWICK, of Farcbam, in the county of Hants, who lately carried on Partnership together in supplying Provisions to the French Prisoners of War at Portchester Castle, on board the Prison Ships in Portsmouth Harbour, at Norman- Cross Prison, in the county of Huntingdon, and at Stap! ion- Prison, near Bristol, are forthwith to come in and prove their debts before John Campbell, Esq. one of the Masters- of the said Court, at his Office in Southampton- Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, or in default thereof they will ' be excluded the benefit of the said decree. [ 12- 28 PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a cause " BLATHERWICK against GOODEVE," the creditors of RICHARD OWEN and THOMAS- BLATHERWICK, of Fareham, in the county of Hants, and" WILLIAM CARDEN and PROVIDENCE HANSARD, of the city of Bristol, who- lately carried on Partnership together in sup- plying Provisions to the French Prisoners of War at Port- chester- Castle, on board the Prison Ships in Portsmouth Harbour, at Norman- Cross Prison, in the county of Hun-, tingdon, and at Stapleton Prison, near Bristol, are forthwith" to come in and prove their debts before John Campbell, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Office in South- ampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, or in default thereof they will be excluded the benefit of the said decree. SALISBURY.— TO CREDITORS. L Persons having any Demand on the Estate of BENJAMIN WHITEHEAD LEWIS, late of the City of New Sarum, Dyer, and who have not executed the deed of combosition, are rcqu sted to transmit the amouut of their debts to the office of Messrs. Wilmot and Godwin, where the deed will remain for execution till the 23tn day of May inst. when all accounts will be finally closed ; and those Creditors who shall not have executed the said deed previous to that day, will be excluded the benefit of the dividend of Tis. 0d. in the pound, secured thereby. SARUM, 6th May, 1808. [ 1400 A of A'LL I jk and LL persons who have anv Demands on the Estate of MARTIN1 S WEiitAl'PLE.' Utcof Gaisaue- all- Samts, in the county cf Dot,;, t, Yeoman, deceased, are desir.- d forth- with'td send in their accounts to Mrs. Sweetapple, of Gus- sage- all- Saints, his Widow and Executrix ; or to Mr. Rowden, Attorney, at Wimbornc, in order that they may be d s- charged : and all persons who arc indebted to the said Eva e, ar • requested to pay their respective Debts to Mrs. Sweetapple or Mr. llowden. [ 1423 DEBTORS and CBEWTORS of the late Mr. JONATHAN GARDLER, deceased. persons having any on the Estate and Effects of JONATHAN GARDLER, late of parish of Milford, in the. county of Southampton, gentleman, de- ceased, are desired to send an account thereof immediately to Mr. John West, of Lymington, in the county aforesaid, e1ne of the executors of the deceased, in order that the san e vnh^ r be discharged.— And all persons indebted to the estate of the said Jonathan Gardler, deceased, are desired to pay the same to his said executor forthwith.— Dated this ISth day of April, 18013.' [ 1214 THE Commisssoners in a Commission of Bank- rust, bearing date the 26th day of November, isot, awardecfand issued against WILLIAM- GIRSY, of Newport, in the Isle of Wight, in the County of Southampton, Harkney- man, Dealer and Chapman, intend to meet on the nth day of May instant, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon, at ths Bugle Inn, in Newport aforesaid, in order to make a final Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said Dividend ; and all claims not then preyed will be disallowed. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against IS'SAC OOLE, now or late of Marnhull, in the county of Dotset, Woolstapler, Dealer and Chapman; and he being declared a bankrupt, is. hereby re- quired to surrender himself to the Commissioners, in the said Commission named, or the major part of them, on the Sfltli and 30th days of April inst. and on the 4th day of June next, at eleven in the forenoon of each clay, at the house of James Cheltenham, commonly called or known by the name or sign of the Swan, situate in Shaftesbury; in the said county of Drrset, and make a full discovery and disclosure of big estate and effects ; when anrl where the creditors are to come prepared to. prove their debts, and at tHe second siti ng to choose assignees,- and at the last sitting the said bankrupt is required to finish iiis'examination, and the creditors are to assent to or dissent from the allowance of his certificate. All persons indebted to the said bankrupt, or that have any of his effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the commissioners shall appoint; but give notice to Messrs. Tahourdin, solicitors, Argyle- street, London, or Charles Bowles, Shaftesbury. [ 1243 FIFTY GUINEAS REWARD. HEREAS some mischievous or malicious Per- son or Persons have lately very much damaged, if not totally dstroyed, several young OAK. SAPLINGS, standing in a coppice near Hook Farm House, in the parish of Semley, in the county of Wilts, belonging to the Right Honourable Lord Arundel!, by stripping off'the Bark, and otherwise maiming them. A Reward of Fifty Guineas is hereby offered by the said Lord Arundell to any person ar persons giving such informa- tion as may lead to the conviction of all or any of the persona guilty of this audacious conduct. N. B. The above Reward will be given to an Accomplice, and every step taken to obtain his pardon. And the said Lord Arundell hereby forbids all persons going into any of his Woods and Coppices, on any pretence whatever. WARDOUR CASTLE, 5th. May, LBOFL. [ 1404 TAKEN" UP at I. eekford, Hants,— A brown MARE, with grey hairs, stripe down her face, appears to be with foal, past age. Whoever will apply to Mr. John Dowling, at Leckford aforesaid, by making it clear to be their property, and paying all e. xpences, will have the said Mafe restored to them. [ 1303 - TO CALUMNIATORS. WHEREAS I SAMUEL HEDDITCH, of Ham Common, in the parish of Gillingham, in the county of Dorset, Dairyman, having wilfully and maliciously raised and propagated a false, scandalous, and abominable Report, purposely to injure the character of Mr. JOHM HARRIS HEAL, of Milton upon- Stour, in. the said parish of Gillingham, the said Mr. John. Harris Heal has most justly threatened me with a prosecution for the same ; but on rny consenting to make this public acknowledgment of my mis- conduct towards Mr. John Harris Heal, he hath consented to refrain from further proceedings against me:— Now I do, therefore, hereby make this public declaration, that the very scandalous report which I raised and, have circulated concern- ing the said Mr. John Harris Heal is false, and totally without foundation; and I am sorry that I should have raised and circulated the same, and most humbly ask his pardon ; and I acknowledge the lenity of the said Mr. John Harris Heal in consenting to stop any further proceedings against me, antt ^-- promise never to be guilty of the like again, or to utter any reflections on his character.— Witness my hand this 3d day of Mav, 1808. SAMUEL HEDDITCH. Witnesses, J. HANDEY, Milton J i. DUNN, Siiton. [ 1359 THK SAUSSCRY. AND W1 iiCHESTER ft* At soldier, or of contributing in any way to his comforts. He objected to ehe hill on account' of the enormous expense it would entail upon the country, as every Parish Corps was « > be famished with i Regimental Staff, at a high rate of charge. He also objected to the hill on the ground of the disco iteut it would excite nut of door-, rfuidi't was nothing short of a conscription, wliich would readily encrease the natural aversion of the people to military service. Sir F. Burdett said, the bill was calculated to give patron- are to Ministers, without in the least contributing to the defence of the country. Contemplating the state of all the nations in Europe, which depended on mercenary ar- mies, did not every man know they had'been, in every instance" overcome by the'Frehch. The Kin* had the'un- doubted prerogative of calling for the service of every one of his subjects fit. to bear arms ; but then the service into which such men enter, ought to he sUeli as free born men could enter without hesitation or scruple. For these rea- sons, unless the Bill should be divested in a Committee of its deformities and imperfections, be should persist in op- posing it.. Colonel Wood vindicated the officers of the British army from the. insinuations of the Hon. Baroriet. The Militia of Englajid Was at present in a very unsatisfactory state.— It could serve in Scotland a' Fort George; but as the law- stood it could not go to Ireland. Mr. fVhltbread resisted the Bill, He remarked upon the inconsistency of Ministers, who had of late indulged in eulogising the Volunteers, now turning their backs up- on them, and holding theui out to the derision and Con- tempt of their fellow citizen*, as of no effective utility whatever. He did not think the Bill would be attended by any thing like success. Mr. Witberj'oree supported the Bill, and argued much in favour of an armed population, though he thought tile Bill not exactly adequate to the object it professed to have in view, namely, the defence of the country. Mr. Windham,' it great length, vindicated the system of raising men for limited periods, which he complained had been wantonly and unnecessarily done . away by Minis- ters. Lord Casllereagh vindicted the measure, andjuBtificd the " conduct of Ministers. The Bill was then read a second time, and ordered to be committed on Wednesday. The House then- resolved itself into a Committee on the Irish Glebe House li. ll i Mr. Wharton in the Chair), which caused considerable discussion between Drs. Duige nan and Lawrence, Sir. I. Newport, Sir A. Welledey, Mr. Perceval, and Mr.- \ Vmdhajn. The clauses were agreed to, and the Report ordered to be received to- morrow.— Ad- journed at half- past twelve o'clock. TUESDAY, May 3.] A ballot stood fur this day, for a Committee to try the Donegal election. There" being only 2y eligible members found, instead of 49, required by the Grenville Act, an adjournment took place. MARNHULL, DORSET, NPQFBC SOLD by AUCTION, bv H. PLOWMAN, A Otttha. lVemises", by tile ord 4 ol tbe'AsSi • nets of J. Mac Cole, a bankrupt, on Monday the liith day'OF May i: st;' xnn- tbllov, mg days,— All the" LIVE and DEAD STOCK, STOCK in TRADE, HOUSEHOLD GOODS and 1- UKVI- TURE, DAIRY' UTENSILS, STRO. WJ Bf- Eft, C1DEK, & c. of the said bankrupt: lunsisong of foar- p xt, t nt, ami other bedsteads, wish carved mahogany pilj'iis; goose leather and other beds ; blankets, quilts, cotton Coumupaut'/ .- Ac- tresses; table and bod linen; rr. nko any din. iig und "' Fx tables, ditto chaiis ; bureau and bookcuse ; ci! 1 of- dr.. us ; night tabic; pier and.$ wir< g'- as< vs ; dies- 111 - . tables ; heeside • and other carpSJs; a quantity of grass ; delft' and clh. r W K ; an exceeding good eight- day clock and ctist ; sofa, with cosion covering; sundry neat paintimes and PRINTS; J'. par. nod and . other waiters ^ HANDSOME inlaid m. « ho.„ iiy kuuc case, with K. lives, folks, & c.;- tWiine- p. CCC anri R. ek; bath stOvu nd Other grates, fire irons nd lend 1-., smo k j , CK, patent oven ; • hogshead furnace snd ^ GRIITE, iron. boi: 1 with a partition and ditto, brass boiler anB ditto; butter, BAIRU eud stocks; cheese press and ditto tub; sundry cheese V , ts, tacks, DRE.; milk trin-' iles, ditto lead beds; sun r - hiusi. hold chee- e ; two pa- R large be tms - I- L s " des,-\ V H U - d'ai 0 other weights , two hogsh ids stron ' be 1, SI. p ;: s cider, with'all the'beer and other c., sks— Abo all ill-. LIVE an i D. art Stock ; consist- ' jhg of thiajr- F ILL- pi- - da I'V etuis. " nne in and wi'H CILF.- M- barret; heifer; twciit);-' w< \ th r si;, - G oar c. PT'. A'l cart horses, on-• 11 TG. fvui } arscid . 11 \ e E. . - I hackii—.* ma'C,' three p >:>'•':"; bridles ,.:.< I s , NI. IED cart wA harness, two WE ;.; NS, ttiree broa . „ . JA. ig pit:.; ITTRR'-. and plough harness ; soils, harrow , drags, &<.; BARK V roller; a pair of timber draught) and chain. ; a !? R„ E wheat rick, and a quantity of unthnshed whc. it i, o. irn ; three fat pigs, seven store ditto, a sow and ten young ditto'; I. N-. idry rick stadies; cow cribs; corn bimis, l ean mill, e! H' CAR gir: e, . com sacks, van and tackle, with'sundry bar. V ANT^ - itlier implements, & c.— The Stock in Trade consists of rwen tV- seven pieces of manufactured cloth; thirteen' pack' of wool, lour ditto yarn, with the working tools* etc. He. wliich will be sold withollt reserve. N. li. The Live Stock will be sold the first day. Sale to begin a. t eleven o'clock in the forenoon. [ 1 « S9 CURATES' BILL.— DISTILLERIES. LONDON, May 1, 1808. TILE Ctergv, Landholders, Farmers, and Distillers are respectfully informed, that the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER'S LETTER to Dr. M INSULT., of Trinity College, Cambridge, explaining'the Principle of his Bill. in. Favour of STIPENDIARY'CURATES; is given entire, ex- clusively, in No. XXH. of th- LITERARY PANORAMA," published this day ; also, ontire, the Repor, of the Committee of the Hon. House of Commons on the DISTILLERY from ' SUGAR, & c. the Schedule of the Assessed Taxes, Loeal Militia Bill, & C. & c. & c. Printed for Taylor, Hatton- garden • sold at the Printing Office, Salisbury; and may be had of all booksellers in the united kingdom. - ' - [ lo"> F> WEST or ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Ctrfjprehe ding Devonshire, Somersetshire, Cornwall, and . Dorietshsre. CAPITA!.. ... SIX ll'l" NDUF. irTH'OWSAND P'", Vlv: TRSSTLSS. — Right I- fon. Earl'FOrteseue, L R! Lieutenant of the county of Devon; Right Hon. Lord CI';, M; „.. IT Hon. Lord Goringiion ; John Pcllexfen Bastard, esq. and Sir Lawrence Falk', Bart. Members for the county of Devon j andyJohn Baring, Esq. DI5F. t- TOK.;.— Preside,}!: Right Hon. Lord Graves,— Vice- Preside, ds: Sir Jolin Ken;-- way, of Escot, Bart.; John Biitridge Chblwich, of FarringdOn- house, Esq.; Samuel Frederick Mtilord, of Exeter, Esq.'; Edmund Granger, of Exeter, Esq.; r, and sixty- five other Directors resident in the four Western counties. R|", IIF. signal success of this provincial Institution JL demonstrates that the public has justly appreciated the beneficial tendency AT' such an establishment.— The counte- nance and encouragement it HSS experienced during the very short pe'rtod of its existence, by far exceed the expectations of the most sanguine of its promoters, and sanction the expecta- tion. of the moat extensive and'general support. This RNU- T be attributed in a great degree to the unprecedented libt rality On which it effects insurances, the insured being entitled, without incurring any risque or responsibility whatever, to one fourth of the profits of: fie company. No'charge is made for policies, nor is any trouble or expence occasioned by trans- . Icrring insurances from other office s to this. The premiums are. the same as in the London tables, and insurances are effected by this society, ( subject to the discre- tion of the Directors, 1 on property situated 111 any part of Great Britain. Printed proposals mav be had at tiie office in Exeter, and of the following agents .— Bath, Mr-- Robert Riearils, I- letling- house ; Beamiristen, Mr. Hjues; landlord, Mr. M. Fisher; Bndport, Mr. Wm. Battiscomb; Dorchester, Mr. T. Either; falmouth, Mr. Geo. S. Wdhams; L-' rome, Mr. Wm. Sparks; Hindon,- Mr.' John Evan-.; Honiton, Mr. Cotirtontiy Gidltv. solicitor; Lvine,- Mr. John - 1 lutibins; Plynionth, Mr. Wm. Courtis; Plymouth- Doclt, Mr. David Andrews, jun.; Shaftesljory, Mr. James B'. riow. hanker; Sherborne, > lr. James Crbtwell, printer; ' f aunton, Mr. John Buncombe, solicitor; Wells; Mr. John Viclce- ry ; Weymouth, Mr. Hyde; Wincanton, Mr. Thomas Garrett; Yeovil, Mr. R. S. Langdon. JOHN GLIDDON, Secretary. EXKTKK, March « , MOS. [ 771 DOMESTIC COOKERY. This day is paHished, in a - neat amli- fowly printed mlttme, small octavo, containing tcnUsefitl Plates,' pritie 7s. 6d. . n hoards, a nee edition of ANEW SYSTEM OF DOMESTIC COOKERY, formed upon pnaciples of economy, and adapted to the use Of private families. Comprising also the Art of Carving, Observations on the Management < FT the Dairy and Poultiv- yard; Instructions for Home Brewery, Wines, STC.; C-. oitrry fat the Sick, & nd for the Poor; many very. Uscliii nusevila- tieous Receipts, and Directions proper to HE civ- N to SJ- rvants both in Town anil Country. To winch II prefixed, an Essay on Domestic Economy and Household Marfitgement, 0 AP- prising many observations vvbicn will be found paiticularly Useful to the mistress of a family. BY'A I. ADY. " This is really one of the most practically us ful boois of any which we have seen on the subj I t. The Lady who has written it, has not studied how to form expensive art - I. S for luxurious tables, but to-. combine elegance w th E ononiy. . SI- ie. has given her directions in a plain sens- fate mar. N r that every body cjn understand; and thes are not confined: NV, rely to cookery, but arc. extended to a -.' iriety qf objicts in use in families; by which tiieans the util ty of t: C book, isvety much increased indeed."— Anti Jacokin Rnieic, Aug. 1807, Vol. XXVII. p. 4b-). Printed for John Mutray, SI; I'leet- street, and John T ' - r- ding, ; i(>, St. J nnes's- stieet, London; and Archibald C - n « stable and Co. Edinburgh. SY! d also at the Print : N: Offictr, Salisbury, and by every bookseller and newsman tin ug out die empire, L:.- 97 LONDON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4. FREEHOLDS. BASINGSTOKE, HANTS. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with immediate possession,— A compact and very 4 suable VILLA, with about 130 Acres of rich Arable and P-. sture LAND, in high cultivation, called the Down ; ll. Vacreslic within a ring fence, and the rest near adjoining, situ tc about 50 miles from Loudon, within 200 yards of the high road leading to Winchester. The premises cons; st of a handsonifi . Dwui. i. ts- G- Housi;, with airy and cheerful bedchanibers, a dining- room, drawing- room, kithen, dairy, brewhouse, and all requisite domestic offices, fitted up in a convenient manner ; gwd; cellaring detached, chaise house and stalling, yard, barn, cow house, pl ' gery,' and all necessary out- huildih. s ini'nediately adjoining, with an excellent walled garden, well, sr- iefced with fruit trees, in the highest state of perfection. The. premises arc well supplied with water, situate in a sport- ing part of the country, near fox- houuds and barriers, and surrounded by a good neighbourhood. Also Four Tenements, situate in Oat street, - n the several Occupations of Mrs. Davivs. Mr. Tubb, and others. A Cottage and Close nf Meadow Ground, by the ,*'! e of the Reading road, containing one afcre or thereabouts, ill the occupation of Daniel Penh, butcher, whose term expires at Michaelmas 1809. And a valuable Ghalk Pit, immediately contiguous'to'the Reading road, now rented by Mr.. Wok: Guyatt, whose term cxpifes at Micbaeimas next. For further particulars of the whole, and for a view of the Farm, apply to Messrs. Raggett and Cole. Solicitors, Oiliham, • Hants, at whose Office a'Plan of the Estate nn; v be- s. Vn ; Mr. Charslev, solicitor, No. 18, Mark. Lane, wrti also'give ttSi- r particulars of the Farm. - . [ ion HOUSE OF LORDS. MONDAY, May 2,] Lord Kltenhorough, introduced a Kill for the liberation and relief of Insolvent Debtors, in certain cases. The object of the Bill was, to procure the liberation from prison of such persons whose debts did nut exceed ' 201. and who had been in confinement for twelve calendar months.— In order to effect that liberation they should have only to apply to any of his Majesty's Courts of Justice, leaving, however, their property still liable for the debt. It was not bis intention, in the present instance, to. extend the operation of the Bill beyond England and Wales.— The Bill was read a first time, and ordered to be printed. The bills on the table were forwurded in their respe « frve stages.— Adjourned. TUESDAY, May 3.] Lord TlawkesWry laid on the tab! j some papers respecting Danish vessels.— Ordered to be printed. The Earl of Moira presented a Petition from the Debtors confined in the Gaol of the town of Leicester, praying relief.— Ordered to lie on the table. lard Heauchrtmj) presented a Petition from the city of Worcester, in favour of the Reversion Bill. Ordered to lie Oil the table.— Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. MONDAY, Ms"/ 2.] Mr. Alderman Shaw presented a petition frois't the debtors coft& md in the gaol of Newgate, prayin c A revision of the laws respecti, v; A'btnr and creditor. AIr.\ 1l( ir. er presented a petition from the several persons, Bobl- i'Oen audgwrtleitven, thereunto subscribed, complain- ing- ' of the late rise in the rates of po ting, and praying tMe interference of that House. On the question that the ' petition do lie on the table, Mr. CuriL'en declared the object of th" petition ap- peared to him to be of a most extraordinary nature. No- thing could be fairer than the ground upon which the late rise in the rates of po ting, of which it complained, rested. As'he felt this impression, and was an enemy to legislative interference in sueh « a « e « , he should oppose any measure tail might, be founded upon the petition, in every stage. The petition was then laid on the table. A petition was presented from the Corporation of the city of Worcester, in favour of the Bill for preventing the granting of Places in Reversion, and ordered to lie on the table. On the motion of Mr. A'dcrman Combe, the Child Stealing Bill was read a second time, and ordered to be committed on Friday. Mr. Hushisson moved for leave to bring in a Bill for the better collect ii tl of the Duties oil Malt, anil the preventing of frauds on the Revenue in the manufacture thereof. One object of tljis Bill would he, to require from the inaltster regular returns of the quantities of barley taken into his stores. Another provision would require all per- sons taking out licences for manufacturing malt, to give seenrity for paying the duties once 111 three months. Leave was given to bring in the bill. Lord Castlercagh, in rising t « move for the second reading of the Local Militia Bill, said he should take that opportunity of apprising Gentlemen of a few alterations which he meant 10 propose in the Committee upon the Bill. The first alteration which he meant to propose, he adopted in consequence of its having been thought de- sirable that the measure under consideration should con- tain a provision for the exemption from its operation, of persons who had actually served in the militia cither per-, tonally or by substitute, or who had incurred any penalties in consequence of the Militia Acts. The next point upon which he proposed ail id teration Was, to enable volunteer corps that, may be disposed to serve as loeal militia rather than as volunteers, to tlvmge the nature of their service; anil 011 this head it was to be expressly provided, tint 110 decision of a majority of any corps should bind those, either officers or men, who might be indisposed to the change of service, to serve' in the local militia contrary to their own- wish. Another clause he meant to propose, was to enable persons whose circumstances may oblige them to transfer their residence from oue county to another, to transfer also their services from the loeal militia of " one county ( if they should me serving in it), to the loeal mi- litia of the other. He had also a clause to propose, whish should coutain a provision'for granting the same facilities < if support, to the families ( if persons in the local militia, whose labour was necessary f ir the support of their families, which are at present enjoyed by volunteers of the same description, when they go out on permanent duty.- Having thus explained the nature of the alterations which he meant to introduce into the Bill in the Committee, he moved the order of the d. iy for the second reading of the Bill. Mr. Whitbreml expressed his tract that in the Com- mittee the Noble Lord would introduce some clause to I'eiliisly the'gross injustice. suffered by those who were serving by substitute in the army of reserve, and had since been ballotted into the mi'itia, . and obliged to serve iri person.— There were Several who had expended the fruits of all their earnings in providing a substitute in the army of reserve, at the expellee ol' forty or fifty guinea', and who having afterwards been drawn for the inilitia, had not the means of procuring another substitute, and were con- sequently obliged to serve personally. Sir James Hall, in a short speech, supported the Bill. I occurred to him, on the bfist consideration he could b ' Stow upon the subject, that the measure bad been prin- cipally occasioned by the decline anil filling away of the volunteers. Colonel Shipley observed, that every succeeding Ad- ministration of late years hud its own military plan. These changes were only to many means of creating expence, and by no'nieans tended to the battering of the condition of the . ' ' NEW FOREST, HANTS. NPO be SOLD by AUCTION, at LYNMURST, 1 - by order of the Right Hon; Lord G! e-.: bervie, Survey: r- Gencfa'I of his Majesty's Wood.,- and- Forests, on Friday the" 155th day'of Mav, 1808,—— The . following Lots of CAST TIMBER. LOT. ENDS. LOT. EN- DS. 1.— Ashurst Walk ( 3' 7.— D; ohy Walk. is 2.—' Tronshill- ditt o 7 8.— Eyevvorth ditto 16 0.— L.- ndhurstditto 3-' 9.— Bramble HiU diito.. - 10 4.— Rhinefield ditto " 25 10.— YVhitlcy Ridge ditto 15 t.- B- Wilverley ditto-. s . .. , ,9 11vecch," Lyndhursf.. , b fl.— Burley ditto 11 r ••> Also,— Five Lots . of OAK tlMBEK !| t King's Coppice, . So. in Denny Walk, and sevena Lots of Cord Wood ant'. Bavins. ''• ( For f urther particulars apply to Joseph Mortimer, Esq. Ower. • "' ri2. ic • — <. i •• ' "• NEW FOREST, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at, LvvDittTRST, bo order of the Right Hon. Lord Glenhervie, Surveyor- General . of his Majesty's Woods and Forest;, on Thursday, the 19tb day of Mav, 1808,— The following Lots of OATK BARRK :- ' Ironshill and Ashurst Walks, Holmslcy, in one lot, ^ n two lots. Burley, one Jitto. Lvndhurst, four ditto. Wilvesley, one ditto. Rhiuefield, two ditto. Broomyi-' Eyewortb, one ditto. Denny, two ditto." CastleMalwood and Bramble- Whitfey Ridge and LadyCross, hill, one ditto, two ditto. ' , For further particulars enquire of Joseph Mortimtr, E? q. Oioer, April as, 1808. - [ 1378 R! TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by JOHN CHAM- i STOS, on Friday the 13th day - of May, 1808, at the Greyhound Inn, in Fordinebridge, at four o'clock,— The following lots of OAK TIMBER, now standing ( numerically marked] on Alderholt Park estate, Liit 1.— 15 Oak Trees, Wifh their Lop anu Top, m. irked No. 1 to 15,' inclusive. . I. ot 2.— 15 dituvftiarked 16 to 30, inclusive.- L'at 3.— 15 ditto, ... 31 to 15. ' Lot 4 .— 15 ( fitter, 46 ( o 60. Lot 5.— 45 ditto, ....... 61 to 76. I. ot fi^— 1 ,"> ditto, 76 to 90. 7.— 15 ditto, 91 to 105. The above ^' rees are about 15 feet meetings, and to be sold atp.: rt, n. For a view of the Timber apply to Mr. Butler, I. opshill Farm; or'atAMerholt Park. [ 1401 . VICINITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. CHRISTIE,' at his Great Room in PalbMall, 011 Thursday, June S I, in fifteen lots ( unless an acceptable offer for the whole, be previously mailt ,—- The capital aiid very valuable ESTATE and noble- MANSION of the lute NATII-' ANIF.:. MIDDECTON, Esq. deceased, called TOWNHILL, Situate in the pareb of South Stoneham, three in. les from Southampton, eleven from' Winchester, and fotiY iiotn Botlev, in the c runty ot Hants-; consisting of'the honor of Ewe,- film; lately purchased of tHe Crown, and the exunsite manors of Shamblehuist or • Towtihill arid Allington, abounding with game, with courts baroij. apd kjtft, in Tqwiih'tll* and court lcet in Arlington, - fishery,, rights, royalties, quit rents; &<-. Arc.; spacious mo- dern Family- Mansion, recently erectrd, siatl- d in a fine. Park .- of 40C'acres, ineloseS with Substantial oak paling, tf\ e Man- • sion comrtianding a range of view of a delightful pastoral -.- de, richly iyooded,. and i- nterstcred with- streams, and- a na- vigable: canal from Swathiand to Winchester. Offices abun- dantly supplied wifli fine river water, thrown up by an engine from. a powerful stream, and replete with every convenience and luxury, that wealth, ingenuity, and liberal expence could Command; waited kitchen gardens, with' hot- h pses, & c.; pleasure grounds, with'spacious sheets of Water, and walks and rides of great- extent through the woods and plantations, Home Farm, lie.; various farms contiguous, ami extensive wastes ( near 1.300 acres of'which are the absolute and exclu- sive property of the Lord of the Manor of ToWnhill), inclosed by opulent gentlemen in the neighbourhood, lessee's'of the - same, and otherwise- occupied by industrious tenants and Cot- tigers; valuable demesne, Woods of thiiving oak timber, i- jppices, and fir plantations, part of which are ot many ycais growth: the whole ofthe value of FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS PER ANNUM, and upwards. Particulars are nearly ready for delivery. [ 1253 Bar. AD.— Yesterday the Lord Mayor ordered thd price of the Quartern Loaf to continue, at 1 Id. Wheaten, household. CORN EXCUANOR, May 4. Sales of Wheat are made this day rather heavily, nearly at last prices. Bat- fey is rather cheaper. Malt is likewise heavy of sale, Peas and Beans of the two kinds fully support their last prices, and Oats ate again dearer. Flour as on Monday. THE GRAND STATE LOTTERY, which' begins drawing June 28, is the only Lottery that ever contained SIX PRIZES of £. 20,000. SCHEME, 6 Prizes of £. 20,000 ,., ar^. £. 120,000 2 10,000 ,20,000 2 .... 5,000 ....* . TO.' Oflb a .... 2,00* 1 ..., • ' 6,000 5 1,000 .... SyOOO 1 .... 509 .... 3,500 20 100 . 2,000 SO 60 .... 1,500 1,000 22 22,000 4,000 .... 15 60,000 25,0Q0 Tickets. jg. 250, bOO NO FIXED PRIZE. . Tickets and Shares are selling af all the Licensed Offices in London, and by their Agents in tbc. Country. Present Price.— Ticket £. 90 19s. Half i'. io 15 0-- I Eighth £. 1 15 6 Quarter. 5 9 0 Sixteenth 1 s o A SPACIOUS AND CAPITAL INN, In. the City of LONDON. . nno be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, by. J. Mr. WII. LOCK,— The I. KASpofaiioUI- neeustOrrted and much- frequented INN. situate in a rno^ tJesirable part ot* tbe: City of London, and thereby fiossessiri'g many valuable privi- leges; it contains numerous lodging aiulkitting rooms, a go : d' kitchen, and ample cellaring, two'cxcetlent yaril » , witlj. sta- bfiivgfor forty ho; n: s, tap rooms, warehouses, book- keeper's offite, & c. . . ,, This Inn < S the daily resort of a great munbtr of stag coaches af) « waggons, has a good sbare ' of post work, and. near thirty beds are nVadc in the house, which is altogether in full try(.-, and held for an unexpired: term of fourteen years, at- a wy moderate rent. ' lite Furniture an- i Fixtures are to be taken in- appraise- ment, but fifty good and useful Horses, with, their harness, and sever d Ccxiches and Chaises, may be consid red as op tional, and part of the purchase money may remaiei on ap- proved security. A steady active- Man, who has been tut years book- keeper, and assistant in every part of the business, and perfectly acquainted with its management, is willing to take a share n the concern, or to continue in bit; pr-' S ' nt si tuition. All. further particulars may bc'had of Mr.. Willcck,, No.. 25, GoiiJen- stjUMe, London. [ 1293 J Wednesday's and Thursday s Posts. rnoM TIIE LONDON GAZETTE OF MAY 0. " Ao. MiRAkTV- OrFicE, May 5. *& ptt< f- a Letter transmitted By Hear- Admiral the Hon. Sir A Cochrane, K. Ji. Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships and - essels at the Leeward [ stands. His .1 Icijesly's ship Cerberus, at anchor off SIR, Marie Gnhtnte, Ma'rcha. IBEG to acquaint you of the surrender of' the Island of Marie Galaute to Iris'Majesty's Arms'.—' Finding the island afforded a shelter fur the enemy's privateers with their captured vessels, and that it interfered consi- derably with the blockade of Guadeloupe, I considered it expedient to attack it; whereupon I gay* Captain Bigot the Command of about 200 seattieii and marines tiom the ships named in die margin* ; atid, ori the 2d iust. we Weighed from Petit Torre, a- Ju, a little after day- light, effected a landing about- two milesfrom the town with litLle opposition, and, soon after, the island surrendered at dis^ • recti - n, and tho Commandant, with the national- military1 fo- ce, are prisoners of war. I find it a very valuable island,' in the highest State of : eultivation, and a large quantity of colonial produce in the stores. I have disembarked the marines and garrisoned the place, and shall remain with the force under my orders' for your further directions. 1 have the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) W. SELBY, * Cerberus, Citce^ iud Camilla. CROWN OFFICE, May 3. Member returned to serve in the present Parliament— Borough, of' Warehan.—<\ r Romilly, Knt. of Li. iccJn's- inn,, in the room of Sir G. T. Caleraft, vacated. Commissions- signed ty the Lord Lieutenant ofthe county of Southampton. - South Hants Battalion of . Militia.— Francis Gamble, Gent', to be' Lieutenant; R. G. Lowder, Gent, to be Ensign and Paymaster. Lymiogton Battalion of Volunteer thfantry.— Umt. James White to be Captain, vice. Allen, resigned; G. A. - Fullerton to be ditto. Vice King, resigned; Ensign Win. Barnes to be Lieutenant, vice White, promoted; Robert Cluickshank, Gent, to be Lieutenant, vice Fullerton, promoted. Andaver and Ifherwell• Ball, of InfantryJohn Wheeler, Gent, to be Quarter Mastef. EORATUM in a former Gazette.— Southampton Bait., of In- fantry.— For Adjutant W. Ward, read Adjutant W. H'and. BAMCHtiTrs.' Wm. tVllliama, nf Park stretif, Islington, builder. Onliu 1 o rtnt- y, nf Merthjrr Tydvll, innkeeper. Joint Byrne, of Liverpofel, wine and spirit merchant, Tllomn* rtfiyds, r, t' Rochdale, woollen- mailufacturcr. Cliiirles HohiiVinfi, ol' Wood- street, f'lieapslde, clothworker. - J'lhn Maiden, of Orafton- street, erocer J.- il. 1 Stiles, ot Air- street, Piccadilly, carpenter. Robert t'araridpe, of Varapm- plaee, Kent- road, limber- merrhiint. T'a'il Lister, of Halifax; William Lister, of Bindley j and John l/ tnirhotinm, nf Kildivick, cotton. spinners., . . John Hatner, of Blackburn, dealer and chapman. Michael Jacobs,.- of Portsea, slopsiller. Charles Trontbeek, of R^: n: ione- place, upholsterer. John Jones, of Old Snvel- lane, W irpiats. corn- factofc 1' aul I. ister, of . Slater Jug, cotton- spinner. William Payne, ol Hath, druggist. Dutch papers fo the 27th ult. were received lost night. They contain some further details respecting the Operations, or rather the movements of the Rocliofort and Toulon squadrons. It is positively stated that they arrived at Corfu February 25th, and having released the Seven Islands from the blockade of the English, re- turned Jo Toulon. The temporary relief of Corfu from our blockade, certainly could not be the only object for which Bonaparte ordered the Roehefort squadron into the Mediterranean, and afterwards sent it, in conjunction with the Toulon squadron, into the Adriatic. But whatever other object he might have had, has been completely frus- trated, and the only advantage of which the French can boast is, that their squadrons had the good fortune not to fall in with our's during their flight. According to the New York Letters, of the 28th of February, General Moreau is charged with being implicated in a plan destructive to the dearest interests of the United States, and orders have been given to arrest hyn. It is singular that no notice has vet been sent by the Chancellor of the Exchequer into the City respecting the Loan. It was yesterday rumoured that it is only to be lor five millioiu. At a numerous meeting of the Protestant Gentlemen of the county of Clare, in the, Court- house of Ennis, convened by the High Sheriff, resolutions were adopted expressive of their not apprehending any danger from the admission of their Catholic bretheren to a full participation of the benefits they themselves enjoyed under the British Con- stitution, and that their tried and unshaken loyalty fully, entitle t'hem thei'etr ; the. y therefore deemed the removal of all disabilities affecting them to be particularly necessary at this most important and critical juncture, and entirely approve of the petition now before Parliament for their relief.— Immediately after the above meeting was dissolved, the Roman Catholics of the comity, similarly convened, assembled at the same place, and entered into resolutions warmlyt indicative of the grateful sense entertained by them of the liberal and manly declarations of their Protestant brcthereifc NORFOLK.— A very numerous Meeting of the Landed. Interest of the - county was held at Norwich, 011 Thursday last. The High Sheriff being called to the Chair, Sir Robert Buxton addressed the Meeting; he said that the measure recommended by a select Committee of the Home of Commons, to prohibit the use of grain in the distilleries would provf injurious to the agriculture of the country, and to the eastern counties in particular, for Norfolk and Suffolk exported uior* barley than all the rest of England. He was against all legislative interference whatever with the agriculture of the country; and be had always thought, that bad it not beert for the Corn Laws, which operated as a restriction upon agriculture, we should not hav « been under the necessity of importing corn from foreign countries. Greater restrictions would prejudice the sale of barley— the farmers would grow less ; the withdrawing of 300, f'OO quarters from the distilleries, one- sixteenth of the quantity S lid to be grown in I'ingland ( 4,800,000 quarters), would have a great eftVct in lowering the price of that article, and in the eventof a failure in his crop, how was the farmer to pay bis rent, and taxes ? He did not wish to mix politics with the question, but he bad strong objections to the measure in a constitutional point of view— the discretionary power to be vested in the Privy Council he thought highly unconstitutional; it was to the Legislature, to their Re- presentatives, and itot to a Privy Council, that the Landed Interest was to look up to for redress. With these im- pressions he should move some resolutions expressing the sense of' the county to the effect he had stated, and request the Members to communicate to Parliament the sentiments of their Constituents 011 this important subject. The Re- solutions were read and unanimously adopted ; and a Com- mittee was appointed from'the Gentlemen present, to act as circumstances should require.— Several Gentlemen afterwards communicated information respecting the Barley - counties ; and during the conversation Mr. Coke informed the meeting, that it appeared from authentic official re- ports, that 90 years ago five millions- of people consumed more Malt than lime nu'. lipns do now. He could not account for the circumstance, but perhaps the brewers could : he thought John Billt'Was as fond of beer now as he was <) 0 years ago. Mr. Patteson ( a . brewer at Norwich) s- aid the reports described the quantity of Malt made; not the quantity consumed; 90 years ago there was a large exportation, of Malt to Holland, fev which was now wholly at m enifc— After voting their thaiiks to the High Sheriff, to Sir R. Buxton for moving the resolutions, and to Sir T. Beevor for. seconding the. nt, tha meeting broke up. SUSSEX.— A meeting of the land- owners and farmers of the eouuty op Sussex w as hold on the same day, at Lewes, and resolutions of similar import to the above were adopted. WtlifJ CLUB,-— Yesterday this society held a meeting at the Crown and Anchor. Air. R. W. Ciarkson rt- aecepted the office of Secretary for another year. The Marquis of Tavistock, Lord Milton, Mr. Poi* onbv, Mr. Madoeks, anil Mi . Aubrey, son of Sir John Aubrey, were chosen Members. Sir. Wbitbread was in the Chair. W'ucn his health was given, be thanked the company for the honour they had- done him, and avowed. his determination ro main- tain the imM'itabte principles of the Whig Creed. The Duke of Bedford, in return also for the same honour, professed tiie same sentiments'. Mr. Wbitbread then gave " The cause of Liberty. all over the World," a sentiment that must. be desirable to every Englishman, as well as SjRe members of the Whig Club, He next gave " Mr, Gra » iim, and the cause of perfect lus- edom in Ireland," twf after- wards, " Mr. Ptumer, of Herts," and " Lord Holland." The former was not present. The latter rctrvneil thanks, and avowed the same sentiments as the piis< ediug speakers. Alderman Combe is to taH* tJ « e Chair at tW next meeting. LITERARY FI ' NO.:— This society had its Anniversary meeting yesterday, at Freemasons Hall. The Earl ot" Chichester was in the Chair, and several" other Noblemen, known patrons of litcvalnre, were present. After dinner, among other toasts', was that of David Williams, the founder of tile institution, which produced a spontaneous burst of four times lime. Mr. Fitzgerald recited some lilies he had written oh the occasion, with admirable effect. Mr. Browne recited soroe excellent verses, written also for the occasion, by Dr. Syirimons. The finances of the society were reported to be in an improved and very flourishing condition. DBI'RV- USB THSATRF..— A new Opera, written by Mr. Cumberland, entitled The Jew of Megadose, was last night, performed for the first, time at this Theatre. It is certainly not entitled to rank with Mr. Cumberland's best works; but it is amusing. The Jew of Mogadore possesses a warm and grateful heart, with that love of money which Is supposed to characterise the House of Israel. Indeed the-, outline is So like that of Sheva, that there is 1) 0 novelty in the principal character of the new Ojiera. Mr. Cumber- land, however, acknowledges that be looked . fpr success more from the poejry and music, than ftohi the plot tind dialogue. The. ttm- ic is bv Kelly, and is generally pleasing, though never great. Brahani, Kelly, Sturaee, - Mrs. Mountain, Sirs, Bland, and Irish Johnstone possess such ST combination of musical talent, that they could not'fail' to diffuse delight among a large position of the audience ; there was however an evident languor in the rest of the bouse ; and it is to ba feared the Jew' Of Mogadore will not have either a very long or very successful eareek1. COURT of CHANCERY.— The cause between F'arl Stanhope and his son Lord Mahon, came 011 for a farther hearing before the Master of the Rolls last night. The Noble Earl made an application to the'- Master to induce him- to alter his decree in some points, and addressed the Court in a long speech. The former decree was altered with respect to one point, but his Honour adhered to it as to the others. A foreigner, who was valet to a Gentleman of fortune, near New Poland- street, had, last week, the audacity to declare bis amorous attachment to a Lady who is the relation, though humble companion, ot bis mi tress, not- withstanding it was well known in the family that the- fellow was a married man. Upon Meeting with a severe repulse, he went into a baek kitchen and hanged himself. The Lady oft. be house happened to go down there shortly after his commfco « m of the crime ; she bad the fortitude to cut him down ; his life was saved, and he was sent into the country away fromthe family. Last Friday night, however, the Lady of the house was so seriously impressed with the idea, that she saw the ghost of the 111: 111, that she actually employed a Police Officer to sit up un Saturday and Sunday nights, in a room adjoining to tint iu w hich. she and her husband sl » pt. Her friends have now been able, with difficulty, to prevail on her to relinquish this idle uotipn. Stephen Bailey, of Hiugham, Norfolk, on returning home from labour about a fortniyht ago, found bis wife sus- pended- . from an iron book over the fire ; all her clothes were in a blaze, and she was burned in a most shocking manner, from her feet up to her breast. It seem-; he had given her money to pay some debts, which having applied to other purposes, . she took the fatal resolution of destoying herself in this dreadful manner. Early 011 Sunday inornin •; the house of a pawn- broker, in Totte. diam- eou- t- rnad, was broke open and robbtd of watches jtw liery, ant^ other property, to the amount uf near 500/. FORGERIES.— A new system baa been for some short time 011 foot," the Authors of which have been sueee; iful in acquiring considerable hnoty, and lucky em- ugh hitherto to escape detection. TileTasmiifteiits forged have been the checks of merebiuit- i, and other respectable persons, who keep cash with - v. id r,. •' ci- s iq the city, many • AC n hum have paid sums, to a considerable amount, on those false orders, w. \ v . eh the hand- . tings <•;' tiie pretended principals hav. been so aceiua. iy <• unts f iled, as not ouly to elude tin- scrnnity - P,- Bankers* eye; ( generally pretty ' sharp.;, but almost; puzzle tiie part es themselves, whose name were, forged, and t oblige them to . recur to their cheek- book., tin: bnti. vr 1.0 ascertain whether or not they had really is ; v" l - ini. i; . These forgeries must have been effe- led by ome person well acquainted with the connection an 1 intercourse of the banking- trade, ami an adept, whose a i-. eitness it requires no ordinary vigilance'to d : tect and counteract. Amongst the banking^- houses who have already sn, i,* red- by tiiese frauds, are those of Preseott and Co. to the amount of 651il.; Masteriiian and Co. 250J.; Bnidero and Co. 200,'.; SykeS and Co. 400J.; all of which sums were paid in single checks, purporting to be from persons who kept cash at their houses, and all within the last ten days.'. '•'! « '.:..- j- e of Down, Thornton, and Co. in Bartholomew- lane; most narrowly escaped a l » iss of 500i. in a similar way, on I riday la t. A ticket- porter presented at the ooiuuer a check for 500'. purpoiting to be drawn by Baron Wolfe, who keeps cash theri. The magnitude of the sum, - so presented, occasioned strict enquiry ; but, on comparing the cheek with the Baron's signature in . the books, it was found so exact, that the money was paid. The Baron shortly after was accidentally at the house, ami the circumstance being mentioned, be had given no such check. A clerk was dispatched fo Ormond- stieet, where the porter had said his employer fe id. ed ; but 011 enquiry at No. lg, the house mentioned, 110 such person was known'" there. As the Clerk was returning, he met the ticket- porter, wiio had not delivered the money, and took hily into custody. A genteel- looking man Was just passing b'jL. whom the porter pointed but as bis employer. The Clerk spoke to the Gentleman, who indignantly denied all know- ledge of the transaction, and tho Cierk not thinking there was sufficient reason for his detention, the Gentleman walked off. The porter accompanied the Clerk back tf/' the -" Banking- house, where he returned the notes' that Had been paid him, and lie is yet in custody. It is somewhat singular, that this was the identical ticket- porter who some time since presented the forged cheek at the house of Bond anti Co. for tbe uttering of which two ineu were afterwards convicted and executed. Opo be SOLD,— nil excellent FAMILY HOUSE, 1- „ e '' ij: t furbished or unfurnished, with • one hundred iicfes of LAND, in, a rine; fenje ( with the privilege of turning cattle upon1' titc New Forest); situated within five miles of byuimgton, and eight of Christchurch,— The house consists of a dining- room,- 24 t'ee< long by ed widc; drawing room the same size ; a study 5 housekeeper's room, and all suitable offices* for a large family ; numerous bed chambers and dteis- iiig rooms ; a good kitchen garden, walled ; barns, co? ch houses,, stabling, and all convenient buildings necessary tor tbe occupation of the house and farm- It is placed in one of the most healthy spots in England, near the sea, to whieh a shrubbery leads, and commands a fine view of the Needle ' Rocks, I' le of Wight, Src. & c. & e. The bouse is Supplied with great plenty of fine spring wciter. Possession may bp had immediately-. • Reference in person or by letter ( post paid) to It. Budden, Esq. Downton Cottage, near Lyminton; Hants'. [ 1294 . If Mot said, the house, garden, & c. & e. - to be left. DORSE T. rpQ be SOLD by PRIVATE' CONTRACT,— A IL DWELLING- HOUSE, JBarn, Granary, Orchard, aril G rd- en ;. and- certain ( Closes of Arable^. Pasture, . and, Wood Land, containing abobt 37 acres, now in tireepossesjikipi. itiof George Roberts.— The above premises will be sold, for three ' lives, to be named by the purchaser, subject to the present life interest of a person aged' so. Also,— A MESSUAGE, Garden, Orchard, and Paddock ; and Piece of uninclosed Land adjoining, containing about two acre., in tbe occupation- ot Thomas Fry.-— These pi. anisci will also be sold foi three lives, to be named by the purchaser, and possession given at Michaelmas next. The above premises are pleasantly situated at Westworth, tv » o mil£ sjsouth- rast of Cranborne, in the county of Dorset. For further particulars and to Teat apply to Mj.- Arnev, Close, Salisbury. The present tenants will shew the premises. —( One Vom- ern. J [ 1* 97 COMPACT ^ STATE. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE ' CONTRACT,— A FREEHOLD ESTATE, called SENIORS , eo;.- , t rig ( if a messuage,' barn, and other outhouses, and ± i A, 2 R. CP. of rich arable arid meaduw land, with -± r - lit t i. ornmon tor thirty sheep and thrc eow--, imvv in. fh. yoccupation of the Hey. Peter Rideout. tenant kt will. Also,— A LE VSEHOI. D ESTATE, . for two lives, tl, e one agiid 49 and the othet 11 years'with an agreement already entered into for the. purchas^ of the fee and all benefit thereof , called S'r. MLI. Y WATER ; consisting of a farm- hous- , bains, stables-, and other outhouses, and 61 acres of rich arable ind meadow lartd, and a right of - common for ten cows,', new in the occupation of Mr Thomas Btaclier, whose tenantry will expire at'Lady- dav next; together with a " Cottage end one acre of meadow ground, belonging to this las', estate, now in the occupation of —, as tenant at will. The whole of the above property is within a ring fence,• and • is situate in- the par-' is- h of Kemley, in the county of Wilts, 15 miles from. Salisbury and four from Shaftesbury: To treat for the same and for fdrther particulars apply to Mr. HenrvFoot, Berwick St. John ; or to Mr. Samuel 1 cot, solicitor, Endlcss- stteek, Salisbury. X. B. A fine growth of young Timber to be taken at a valuation.' " [ 1354 GHURCH FFEFERMEST poll SALE by AUCTION, at the An'gef Inn, i6 JL Sherborne, in tbe county of Dorset, on WeiWesdaV fbC 1st day of June nc* t, between the hours ol fCnr afc) o'clock in the. tftcrnoott.—' The ADVdWSON and f'i- ii ri- i- TUAL PRESENTATION OF EAST CHELBOROUGH, LUCAM, otherwise- LUCKAM, in the county of Dorse!, with the Great and Sn. ih Tithes extending over between a and 900 act s of cultivate I kind, the Glebe bt ing < M acres ( mote or l-.- ss,-, con- veniently lying and well timbered: the ^ reseuf incumbent aged ri. S years.—. East Chelborough is 5 rn'OU from Beaminste. r,- 11 from Bridpoi't, id from Dorchester, S- f? om Sherborne, and 7' fi, otn" V e vil. Should any further particulars be wanted previous frr'tlie sale, plea**; to, apply tu Mf, KteRJiV; M'enibur^ Devon ; - f Mr. Harbin, attorney at law, Sherborne aforesaid. fi- fim' ' CORFE MUlLeN INCLOSuRE. nno be SOLD by AUCTION, before the Com-- J- missioned appointed for carrying into execution an Ar4 passed in the 47th year of the reign of his present Msi<. st# King George the Third, entitled " An Act for inclosing Lsndr m trie p- ir.- h of Gorte Mullen, in the county of Dorset," the New Inn,. in - Wimborne Minster, on Monday the IGlIf te. s> f May next, at.. two o'clock in the afternoon,—' TvVo Loti of FRfifiFK » . D WASTE LAND, containing m ' acres,- situate in the. parish of Corfu Mullen; in the county of Dorset,- and adjoining the. turnpike road from Poole to Wareham. Printed parti. eiilars, with plans anncx. d, mav be had t>{ Mr. Castlemau, Wiborne ;' at the Antelope, ? oole ; Whi'n Hart, Ringwood j Code- hand Horses, Southampton ; and Messrs. Holme's and Lowden, Clements l: in, London. [ 100- 2* 1 " ' - WOODLAND, DORSETSHIRE. NI^ O be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. IIUYLS, ft. without reserve, 011 Monday the 16th day of May: 1468,— The PROPERTY of Mr. Jo W BENNET. who is gain ® to qu. t the said Farm, tidied, OLD DOWN FARM, five- miles from Winborne, and five from Crat, borne ; conSlstirlK ot eleven fine prime dairy, emvs, in and with calf; three three- y- ar oid Heifets, five'two- ycar- ol 1 ditto, and four year- lings ; two waggon.,, one dung- pot, and ditto cart; barb. y- rollcrs, sulls, dra's, harrow;^ fiy.- pmr triite harness,, two pair of tiidi lii'to, si. v pair of plough ditto; winnowing tuc-' kle ; » quantity of sack bags; three corn lines ; cheese Vtfvs, tubs, and trundles, With'a variety ol dairv utensils; r .1- boulul and other casks ;• quantity of old irofi';. and a var. etvof other articles. - The side will begin precisely at 11 u'ciock. in the toienoon, and continue til) all is'" Id. For further particulars apply to J. hoyle, Auctioneer, Srcl Bland ford. . AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS', HANTS, DOHSET, AND $ 0A1ERSS-. T; consequence of his Confinement was thq total, loss of his professional business. The Petition also stated, that be had been ill used while iritonfinoiticiit, and prayed rein f, Alia Sheridan moved, that the FrtitioS do lie on, the table j, whi, cb, after some observations from Sir A.- Wellesl- y, Mr; W. Smith, . Mr, Peter Moore, and Mr. Detinfs Browne, was agreed to. " • - Mr. tfiMisetm ihoved, that the House siiould to- iilorrow rtsob e itself into a Committee, to consider of so Inucbof - tile Act of the' 44th of Geo" 3,- chap. 98, as related, to the duty on licences for selling; ale, or other . excise- able liquors, by retail. He observed, that as the law now { stands, before publicans can sell liquors, they must take out licences for every description of them. ' 1 he ale licences were granted by Justices of the Peace ; the licences for. selling wine and spirits by, the ExeiSc1 QfRce. He meant to propose, that the whole of the money for these licences, ale licences as Well as others, should bo paid t. 0 the FNcise Office, both for the purpose of relieving the Magistrate , from this part of their duty, and tor tbe pOrpos'e. of facilitating the collec- tion ot' the revenue, which was very frequently impeded by the diffi& llty Which tjie Clerks . often found in making up their accounts. It was by no" theahs his intention to interfere in the slightest degrpe with the authority of the Magistrate, Vith respect to the licencing of houses ; but merely to propose, that every publican who wished to sell ale, should go to a Magistrate, by whom he might be fur- nished with a certificate instead of a licence, which certifi- cate, on being presented to the Collector of the Excise, w- ouid entitle the publican to receive a licence oil paying " the proper duty. After a few words from Mr. G. Vansittart, Mr. 1). Giddv, Sir J. Newport, and . Mr. Shaw Lefevre, the motion was agreed to. Mr. llusUisson moved, that the Order of the Day be read, for taking into further consideration tbe Report, of the Committee of the Assessed Taxes Bill. - ' Mr. Hiitduljik opposed the motion, as his objection to the Bill was radical and total, and was not confined to any of tbe provisions of it. He understood that the sum to be produced by it, and to accrue to the Consolidated l'und, in consequence, ' was about 100,000/. it was well known both from a report' of a former Committee of Finance, and from other documents," that from the demised hereditary . revenues of the Crown, a. sum equal to that might be, and ' ought to be drawl), to accrue to the Consolidated Fund. Mr. llose replied, that if those revenues had been so applied, there Would have been a deficiency in the Civil List; and instead, of 100,000/. he believed the hereditary . revenues alluded to did not amount to 50,000/. ( In a division, the motion was carried by a majority of 29, and the bill went through a Committee. Mr. IPharlqn broug. li up tbe Report of the Committee of Supply, relative fa the Grant of 9250/. for the Roman Catholic College of Maynooth ; and oil the question that • the resolution be agreed to, Sir John Newport objected to tbe grant as insufficient, and moved that the report be recommitted. Sir A. IPellesley thought tbe sum proposed sufficient for the education of ' a proper number of Catholic Priests. The supply would " be 50 annually, which would keep up the number to 2000., - . Cot. MaHlew expressed astonishment that tHe Minister for Ireland should be more ignorant on thft point than an bumble individual, like himself. He bad been at Mayriooth, ten days since, and he could assure the House, that unless the'gra t,, was mOre liberal-, the buildings that, had Ween partly erected- must fall d< nvn. He reminded the House of theoffev made by . Napoleon, to induce the Irish. Catholics to repair to France for education, and tbe rejection of that offer should induce Government to treat them liberally. If the Irish Catholics were not to be confided in, why lwt ' dismiss them from tbe Army and Navy > Why allow th'efii to vote at Elections ? Why had Lord Westmoreland come down. to the Irish Parliament and said, that nothing' was to be granted to them, and why bad lie in six^ weeks after said that. they, were the best Subjects in the ivairii, and- that they should get. tbe elective franchise and other privileges?- j Why had tiie Duke of Portland, the, present Prime Minis- ter/ said the same?" But'this was not the act of Minister-. He was sori- v to he obliged to allude to tbe conduct of any ofthe Royal Family. But, however, it was rumoured that even the Mi. niste. rs were disposed. t, agree.- to the- grant, till they went to St, James's Palace, and were Closeted for several hours with a Royal Duke, after whi- h they re oit -. l - to.' tbe present reduction. The Royal Duke was tbe Chan- cellor of-. the University of Dublin ; be was Clviieeelioi'of a Protestant School; KM Bight wish to put do. vu tin- edu- cation « f tbe Catholics;' but no man who knew <; r va ued Ireland as he did himself, Coukf Countenance such a project. Unless they acted liberally.- by the Catholics, they would . run the hazard of losing. Ireland. Mr. C. TP. TPynhe liUperited the secret influence by which the measure.! of the. Government weri defeated, and the interests of the country sacrificed. If anyone duty . was morjs imperious than, another upon that House; it. was that of providing for the - education » f the great body of his- Majesty's subjects..-""' " - Tiie Chancellor of the fyrfieyt/ cr disclaimed the odious principle of iutole? ince. '' The Catholic-' Vi'erft more than tolerated. He denied^ jl!. kt;. ov.' l, edge- of any int rpdsition of a High" Personage " fo iyjiueiiee the; conduct of his Ma-,- jestv's ' Ministers'upon this question, and- declared, oil the. faith and honour of. a man, bis firm belief that- no" such influence had bee. n excrcise/ d in dbjt qw'teV. He looked upon, the report to that effect a.- a els uour raised 40 pre- judice in the public luir. d the conduct of hi= Majesty's Ministers on tho question befoee the House. He thought - the sum proposed sufficient for the establishment-,. and should therefore vote for'it. *•• Lord T1. I'itt>/,~\\\ a speech pf considerable length, supported ilie motion. ;. Mr. TPilherforce smA- Xfr, Stephen opposed it. Lord Milto'. i, Mr. M. Laing, Mr." Herbert, Lo « f Dor- chester, and Mr. Ponsonby, defended the eau- C of tolera- tion, and were perfectly aware that the present grant would not by any means satisfy the people'. of Ireland, as liberality w, ti the ofily means of securing their affection-. Mr. G ration supported the motion, and spoke, at length * against a system of intolerance, that would drive the Catholics to revert to foreign'education, which must lend to connections injurious to England..- There could be no doubt that Bonaparte invited them to their former establishments at P ais with views hostile to Britain,. .. Doctor Dnigenttn read the oath of tbe Catholic Priests, in order to shew that tbev paid an obedience to the Pope, which was inconsistent with the King's supremacy. The provisi. ons" for the education of the established Clergy fell short of'tfrose proposed to be granted for tbe Priests at Maynooth. There were in the University of Dublin thirty- poor • scholars, who got but a dinner once a day, and 72 scholars of the house, thiit get. a dinner once a day, and no ' lodging-,. He described the Catholics as bad subjects, and hostile" t. o the State; and be declared, that if any one would move to withdraw the public aid altogether from Mayifooth, be would second the motion. Mr. TP. Smith congratulated Ministers on the accession of the learned Doctor to their cause. He was . understood to be appointed a Meinber of the Irish Privy Couucil. Mr. BarTmm asked . Ministers whathej'or not the appoint- ment of the Doctor Ijad taken place ? Sir A. TPellckley replied, that it had not; hnt that the Doctor had been strongly recommended, and his appoint- ment was not improbable. On- a division, there appeared — For the lesser grant 106.— For the larger," 82. Another division took place; on an aniVndnisnC by Mr. Tierniy,' for delaying- further proceedings on the resolution tiil Wednesday'. It was negatived by a majority of 112 to, HO. On the mntion'of Mr. Tiorney, further evidence against the Of- ViTs iu Council was ordered on Thursday.— Ad- journed at a qu. ute- r before three o'clock. • - "' LONDON, FRIDAY, MAY 6. The fore? vs- hi'ch has been some weeks collecting in the Downs,. sailed on Tuesday tor its destination, . which is understood to be, iu the fcst place, an' attack ot> Flushing, where'a great, naval - force has, been Collected tor' . qur annoyance, and, after this attack, the expedition is to prueetd to- the North, to cOsgpe- rate- in'the'dcfcnce ot' Sweden. The. wind was . not dHte. . favourable' • in consequence, the squadron could- tiot get rnnftd the North Ffifeljftfd; but a fa- vourable; breeze sprung up Jaii . night* and it is sup-, posed the Expedi. tifm is - now at sea. On Wednesday the Transports, with the troops on, board, jgot - uridcr wet;: h from Harwich, hut the wind becoming foui, they, w< ere, obliged1to bring- up aeain. Geneva! Fr. v. e, r embarked on Wednesday cVeniiig at that Port on boaid the Ranger, with, the intention of I ssiiiins-. hl inoiaen'f the. wind permitted. DORSETSHIRE. AT the General Quarter Session of the Peace of JTJL our lord . the King, held at Sherborne, in and ' for the said- coRnqr- of Dorset,' nnTuesday,' thy dtfth day of April, in the - lstll year, of the reign of oi. r Sovereign Lord George tiie Third, by- thc Grace'of Godj, of the United King- . dom of Great Briteun'a'nd Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, and in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and eight,- before Thomas I'i. kard, Esq: the Karl'of Digby, Wm, . Morton i'itt, Edward Berkeley Portmari, William Toogoood, Wm. Sa'ikeUl, John Herbert Browne, Frapcis Win. Schuyler, Esqrs. Morgan Jones, Charles Phelip;;, Roe King, Samuel How, Jiiri. es Dowlund, and- Harry Place, Clerks, Justices of our- said Lord the King, assigned to keen the peace- of our said Lord the ICiug, tn and for the county aforesaid; and also to hear and determine divers felonies,, trespasses, und' other misdemeanors, done or perpetrated in the same county.; Whereas, by an Act of Parliament, intituled, i' n. As- t for punishing Mutiny arid Desertion, and for the betrer Payment £ f the Army and their Ouarters," any Officer of his Majesty's Forces.' wi'. o, by virtue of a Warrant from any one of, his Ma- jesty's Justices of the Peace, shall demand of the constables to. whom, any jilicii Warrant shall- be directed, Carriages'fof his Majesty's forces in their marches, is required at tbe same time tii pay such constables, for the us..- of tiie persons providing such carriages, the sum of one Shilling a mile for a waggon with fj\; e horses, or a wain with six oxen, or four oxen and two horses ; the sum of nine- pence a mile for a cart with four horses, and carrying not less than fifteen hundred weight; and the sum of six- pence a mils for a cart or other carriage with less than four horses, and not carrying fifteen hundred weight,— IT IS oiutEitko,— That there shall be paid, in addition to the respective sums before- mentioned, the sum. qf four- pence for every mile any waggon with five horses, or any wain with Six oxen, or with fon, oxen and two borses, shall travel; the sum of three- pence for every mile any cart with four horses, anil carrying not less than fifteen . hundred weight, shall travel ; and the sum of hv6- pence for' every tnile any cart or carriage with less than four horses, and not carrying fifteen hundred weight, shall travel: and that this order shall continue, in • force until the 20th cav of July next. OAIIEI! I; N AI. SO,— That TWO HATES or ASSESSMENTS ! be collected and paid to the Treasurers of the County Stock of ' this, county, at or . before th'e next General Quarter Session of the Peace, to be hoiden in and for the said county; and that if any of th'e constables Who are to collect the same, . shall make default in the premises, the said Treasurers are, immediately at the close ofthe Session, to report the same, ill • order that they may he proceeded against for such neglect. Ann ii is FURTHER OK OK BED,— That the General Quarter Session of the Peace, held here this day, stands adjourned over to the Half Moon Inn, m and for the said county, on. Saturday the 14th day of Mfv next. By ORDER THE COURT, WM. BURNET, 1393] Clerk of the Peace of the co. unty of Dorset. HOUSE OF LORDS. WEDNESDAY, May 4.] In the Roxburgh Appeal-, " Kei- V. Ifuie.," Mr. Boyle was further heard for the Respondent and Sir Samuel Romilly on the same side. The further consideration to tbe claim to the Banbury Peerage was postponed till the 12th inst. Thr , e private Bills wire brought from the Commons and read a first time. Lord Hr, n'keshi< ry laid on the tabic some further papers respecting Danish Vessels; which Were ordered to be,, printed— Adjourned. . . . THURSDAY, May 5.] The Irish Spirits Drawback Suspension Bill, and several private bills, were brought up from the Commons, and read a first, time. Lord Sidmoltth gave notice, that lie- should bring 011 his tu ition relative to the Danish vessels, 011 the 13th inst. for which day the House was ordered to be summoned. Lord Crenvilte rose to postpone his notice of motion relative to the Catholios! Petition. He did so from the • weight, which he conceived to be due to the sentiments of a Noble Friend - of his ( Lord Grey) who, from dome- tic circumstances, would be unavoidably absent 011 the day for whioh the House- was now simurton- d. He had, however, reason to think, teat bis Noble Fiieml would be able to take a part in the discussion 0: 1 theCJth inst. Ijord Grenville also reminded their Lordships, that he had given notice of a motion for the revocation of tbe Orders iu Council.- He would not, however, bring that tor. ws.' d so early as was intended. It was rumoured, anil he should be most happy to find the report correct, that iu Con equeiice uf the' prospect of a satisfactory adjustment with America, his Majesty's1 Ministers had if actually in ronteuiplatioii to resrind thtoe orders of their own accord'. Hi'did not effect nor call for any explanation on t his Im- portant topic; but being sincen ; y desirous- that such a j roceed: , g should rather be the spontaneous act of Admi- nistration- than the . result of the iuterferenc? of'• that House, he taoiugbt it his duty to delay the motion for a seasonable period, without relinquishing his originalinten- tibn, ; honltl his expeetatibh; lie disappointed. * Lord Hat/ thesbury said that if.' w'as cnnecessary for him1 now to advert at any length to1 wlfat bad fallen from the Noble Lord, nor would he enter, intivthe question of the presi . It state of the discussions with4\ meriea The Noble ixird hat! properly remarked that he did 110, t expect any sneh explanation at present. Hji » a;, bt? gesi> t, anxrous that this siferiec- abouid liot- fc- e construed ' 11110 an- adiiiissibn" that 1 here was an intention sif revoking the Orders in Cou: cil. The Ht> use then went into a CommlMT on theScoteh Judicature Hill. A long and general iiscu^ siYTt took place on ttit- P . amble, and several of tlie - clauses, Wltetl the tha tiBan was ordered to- report progress,— AdjourncA, SOLDIERS' BAGGAGE. WILTS,\ T) E it remembered, That at the General tov. it. i li Quarter Sessions ofthe Peace of^ iur Lord the King, held at New Sarutn, in and tor the said county of Wilts, on Tuesday the.- 20' th day of April, in the 4 « th year of the reign. of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, before the Right Hon. Jacob E irl of Radnor, Chairman ; Sir Edward Hulse, Bait. Henry Fentuddocke Wyndhain, William llussey, Thomas Grove, ' l'hos. Heie I'hijjps, Wm. Eyre, John Hiingcrford Penrud- docke, Wm. Fowle, Henry " Biggs, GeOrge Eyre, and Wm, Dyke, Esqrs. the Rev, Robert Price, Clerk, L'L. D. the Rev. John Henry Jacob, Matthew Marsh, Henry Longden, and Wm. Moody, Clerks, Justices of our said Loid the King-, assigned to keep, the Peace of the said King, in the county aforesaid, and also to hear and determine divers felonies, tres- passes, and other misdemeanors, doqe and committed 111 the said county,— it is ordered as follows ' that is to siiv; — This Court, taking into consideration the present price of 1 hay and oats, dqtli hereby, iu pursuance and by virtue Of the statute lately made arid passed, intituled, " An Act for punish- ing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the better Payment uf . the Army and their Quarters," fix anil order, that all Officers of his Majesty's Forces, who, by virtue of any warrant from his Majesty's Justices of the Peace within ' the said . county'of Wilts, shall demand of the constable or petty " constable ;,"> whom the same- is directed, carriages for the, purposes in . the said Act mentioned, shall at the same, time ' pay down in hand to, the said, constable or petty constable, for the use of the person providing tbe Same, over and above the sum of one" - shilling a mile for waggons and wains, and nine- pence a mile for carts, with four horses, or carrying not less than fifteen hundred'weight, ajrd six- pcuee a mile for carts or carriages with less'than four horses, and not carrying iitteeniiundred weight, payable under " the said Act, the following sums ( that is to say;,— the further sum of thtee- perice for every mile any- waggon with five horses, of any wain with six oxen, or with four oxen and two horses, shall travel; the further sum of two- pence for every mile any cart with four horses, orearrv- . ing not less than fifteen hundred weight, shall travel; and ' the further sum of one penny for every mile any cart or other carriage with less than four Uprses, and not carrying fifteen hundred weight, shall travel. • And by virtue of the said recited Act, this Court doth order, • direct, arid appoint, that the constables or petty constables who shall demand carriages for the purposes in. the said Act mentioned, within the said coijnty of ' Wilts, shall and do pay'd ttte'person or persons who shall provide thq same, over and above what is received by them of the said officers, the following . fates- or sums of money, that ' is to say,, for every . mile ( exceeding two') any such waggon with" five. horses, or - any wain with six oxen, or with four oxen and two horses, ' shall travel ( in. going and returning), . more than tbe line of the- r. iarch. of the troops or soldiers, the surq of seven- pence,, . halfpenny; for eyery mile ( exccecjing two) which any such cart with four horses, or carrying riot les. s than fifteen hun- dreii. weigbt; ' shall travel' fi'n going and returning),. more than fhe line or march of the'troops o'f soldiers, the' sum of five- pence- halfpenny ; for every rjiile ( exceeding two) wjjich any such cart or other carriage'with Jess thai\ four horses, anil not carrying fifteen hundred weight, Shall travel ( in going and returning),- more than th'e line oft he'mar'ch ofthe troops or soldiers, the sum. of- tbree.- pence halfpenny.— And this Court doth order and direct, that such overplus charges and allow-. - tmces ( being first verified Upon oath by the said constables or petty constables", before: 0ne* of'his Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the said county) shall be repaid to such con- stables or petty constables by the. Treasurer of the said county • of - Wilts,• and be'allowed in his- accounts-. - And this Court doth further direct, that the above Order shall continue in force until oneweek ' next alter the next General Quarter Sessions of . tjnf PeaCe to bo holde'n for this county. ' • By the Court. Examined by JAMES WAYNE, 13S7] Clerk of the Pfflce- o? the " said County- of Wilts. TO, be SOLD by- AUCTION, at the Old Antelope Inn and Hotel,' Poole, on Thursday the 19th of May, i'eUo, at three o'clock,— About 1;? fons'of Sy/ edisb Iron, from | to i j- inch square, lj ton of I? and - J Bolt Iron, 1 ton of, Uaijd 2- inch Coak. Iron, 17 cwti of Iron Hoops, A small quantity of Charcoal Iron, Fender Plate, & Roll Plate; About 300 small Anchors, 200 Grapnels, 14 barrels of Pitch, Ix casks of Tarras, • IS pieces of square Oak Timber, 00 ditto converted ditto, About 1000 feet inch Oak Board, . V500 ditto 2 and 3- i'ncli ditto Flank, [ l425 6 Wainscpt Planks, • A. quantity of Gunpowder,' in casks from 30 to 100 Catalogues of which will be delivered, in due time, at tho Office of J. BRISTOWE iindCo. Brqkers. HOUSE OF COMMONS. 1 ' WEDNESDAY, Mcry 4. J A ballot was taken for a Committee 0- 1 the Donegal Election Petition. Mr. ( a!- iajt gave notice of a motion on Monday respecting- the Rochefort squadron. The 1/ 1 rd, Advocate of Scotland moyed that tbt; House should go iuto a Committee on the Bill for pensioning the Scotch Judges. Sir Francis & ur& tt tnid, he had not. beard one Jingle reason why remuneration onght to be gi. yen those, when in idleness, who had been idi'eady- amply reeompenci- d for the trifling duties they p rformed when in office. If per- s IT- were placed in situations requiring ' exertion, he Sup- V ji isedtbe. il' remuneration was proportioned to that exertion; and it should be their own look out, when capable of ob- taining emolument, to save a sufficiency fir their support in a season \ vbi.- ii such effort was impracticable ; if the po- sitive salaries were insufficient, he had no objection to in- crease them, but he had 111 idea of sanctioning that pros- pective stimulus to premature incapability— a pension. Tlie Cltaii eMor of the Exchequer combated chiefly the . arguments of tbe Hon. Baronet. He hoped no person Would agree with hiui, that those who were. iucapaaitated iii tli' po > ie service, should be deserted in their old age. Or. Lairi- ence severely condemned tbe idea of giving pensions to the Barons of the Scotch Exchequer, in reward lor having held lucrative sinecures. After a few words from Mr. Marriott, the House divided. — For the Speaker's leaving the Chair, 6' 8— Agaiu- t it, 25. Tlia House then went into the Committee ; and in dis- cussing the clause respecting tbe pension, Mr. Bankfs de- clared it to be .1 monstrous fact., that in, the frugal reign'uf bis present Majesty, tbe Scotch Pension List, had increased eight- fold. A t tbe oonuaerieeinent of the present reigii, it. amounted to. 5000/. It. now. exeeedfd 40,000/. per aimum. He - aid ho could also point out an iustanfce of a pension being granted 011 the lSerediary reserved- Revenues, for the Hi • " i the grantee. - -"• *.,-••••-• . The Lord Advocate, said tb. isWasnbt thp ' proper tim; for diicu - isig the appropriation Of the- Hereditary Revenue; in Scotland. That ' was a qne. sliori. of an entirely distinct' nature.- He con- idc'red the labours of the Judges, boi. ll ill England1 ami Scotland, as, by 110 means sujfieiepttetewarded. Mr, / Phi- bread th- tight there was no necessity tor- such extraordinary haste hi" this business. It looked as if some job was in^ c. i. tfiuplation. He was for ' suspending the grant until the whole of thn subject was propthdy investigaeed. ' The C anceUor of the Exchequer contended that the giant would not prevent inquiry;, and that, delay: was vholiv iinneeseary. Mr. IP'tndham, Sir J. JVewport, anti Sir A. Pigot spoke against the clause.—. The House; then divided oft the • clause 1 Ayes,. B0— Noes, - 1— Majority, 49. The other clntises were severally agreed to,- and the Bill reported. The Irish Assessed Taxes, Esci- e, and. Stamp Duties' Bills, were brought up by Mr. Foster ; read a first tim*. The Malt Duly Bill, Militia Pay aud, Cioat! nng, Militia Subalterns, add Mijltia Adjutants ami Seijeant- Miifors' Allowance Bills, wei- n severally read a . first tiine. The llouse resolved .. into a Committee of Ways and Means; in which Mr. Huskitstn moved, that three . lnillions be'riisedby L& ehequer Bill's, for the service of the present year ;• also that i ,500,000/. be raised by Exchequer Bills for the same purpose; both which mso'utions were agreed to.— A(\ joUnied. THURSDAY, Mo;/ 5.] A Committee was ballotted to fry the merits of the New Multon l- ilc. itioii Petition. Mr, 1 i liars reported from tbe DuMinUttiverslty Election Committee, that. J. L. Foster, F'.' q. vra? duly elected ; ar. d that the petition against • his return vf'as neither Siivoious or vcxatiutis. Mr. Sheridan presented a Petition from Sir. John Mr.- on-, a Barrister, in Ireland, complaining of a grievau "- he bad suifeicd. The Petition stated, that- Mr. Mason had bcett iealied to the Irish Bar in Trinity Term, lS03, anil that in the I'nilinving month of August be was limited, under the suspension - of the Habeas Corpus, u'id. wnimitted to. Kil- | niaiuUiri gaol, WIUHV- be- was eoiifiiicd wo j'eaTS. The Friday- y - end Saturday's Posts. E. O REIGN NEW , S; Hamburgrt » April 22-. THIS morning a] i the Spanish troops which Still rer.'- aincd in Hamburgh and its environs, re- ceived orders to march to Ahorin, and go into quarters there, till further orders.— A detachment fef theia arrived to day at seven o'clock, at the gate of the city ; the soldiers on duty refused them admittance, upon which the Spanish ' Officer who commanded them, waited upon the President of the Senate of Altona, who told him he had 110 orders from his . Sovereign to receive them; and that lie had several Hays before made th'e same declaration to the French Commandant at Hamburgh, General DiirHas. The ftpaiiish Officer then said, fhat. his orders to enter were jiositive, and that he must oppose force to for€- 6. The President still persisting. in his refusal, the Spaniards entered with fixed bayonets, and soon after were billet- fcd on the inhabitants. MEMF. L, April 9.— On the morning of the 7th instant, tbe ship Agatha, ofXuheck, Captain C. Koop, had tbe Imkfortuue to strand. The vessel had been purchased by Lord Royston, at Liebau, in order to transport liimself, and other linglishmen, to a Swedish Port. At first, it was * erroneously said that - Baron Stedin'ek, the Swedish A111- b. is- aiior at St. Pet.- rsburgh, hail availed himself of the ship for bis return. With much difficulty there were saved yesterday ( lie Captain and three sailors, Mr. Molliday, Don PareilM, a Portuguese Messenger, - Mrs. Pollock, the Lady of Colonel Pollock, in the English service ; Mrs. Barnes, with three children. Among - the unhappy sufferers are reckoned at present: Colonel Pollock, Lord Royston, Messrs. Rocki-., lienny, Baily, Backer, and some sailors. IlanibifrgKf ' papers to the SiJtfi tilt, were received 0: 1 Wednesday. The accounts iVom Russia, respeetiug I he war ill Finland, state that the Russia^ army enrtu- ed Abo on the 11th " of " March ; that the Russians vrere then ' in possession of the whole fit' Finland, " except Sweabovo-, ". the Gibraltar of the North ; " and 011 tbe Kitli of March a Declaration Was published by the Court . of I'trtersbihg- h, " that - the province of Finland is incrirporatnd forever with the - Russian empire." Vitin Declaration 1 \ Ye have Swedish accounts of a'later date, from which we learn, th, i, t aftp}- the Russians had enteral Abo, they we're ob- liged to retreat, and wholly evacuate Swedish Finland, for want of forage and provisions. They had taken little care to provide themselves, and the scanty stores of the. pro- vince bad been , pi'udently removed by tbe Swedes, We learn from the Dutch papers, received yester- day, that King Louis has removed to Amsterdam, and taken up his residence at ' the . Stadt- house. Either tbe • Dutch are wonderfully'fond of this King- of Bonaparte's ' making, or forced rtjoietthge, as well as farced Ion-.., are; among the tributes they mutt pay to their r..: w P-. vbfuuifiut. The Spanish troops: acting with the French army in . Germany have entered by force into Altot'ra ; arid in spite of tbe remonstrances of the municipal authorities, hive quartered themselves 011 the inhabitants. Perhaps this is meant as a chastisement of the Danes, for having been remiss in equipping Bernadotla's army to act against the Swedes. It appears that Napoleon is- d- issiitisfied with Ber- uadotte himself; for it is stated that the haughty Emperor has ordered tbe Marshal to date his next dispatches from Stockholm ! Lioiiaparte has granted domain lands in Hanover to no less than 70 of bis Officers, of the annual value of more than two ' millions and a half of florins. It appears that both branches of the Ducal House of Mockleiiburgb have entered into tlic Confederation of- the Rhine. This morning a Gottenburgh Mail arrived, which brought the following intelligence:— .• Gorrr. NBIIRCH,. April 37.— A brisk cannonading was dis- tinctly heard here the whole of tbe night of Monday last, which proves to have been an attack niade by. the English sloop Daphne, and two others, ofi the Harbour of l-' las- trand, in. Jutland, out of which they cat ten vessels laden with corn and provisions, destined for Norway, and this ' afternoon arrived with their prizes here. April 25.— Our accounts from Norway to- diiy inform us that the Swedish army ha; advanced 11s far as Cpngviuger, which is within ten Swedish, or seventy English miles of Christiana, and that they have possessed tiienis « lv,; s-, by storm, of two " e'ssfutial forts in that neighbourhood, iii which they took^ OO prisoners, - with very little loss 011 their side. Soipe travellers have arrived within these few days from Hamburgh, who bring . news down to the ,15th instant. They say that two thoU- aild French troops have. entered Altona, and that they are In full possession of Holstbin, but that none of them have yet come over to Zealand. THE IRISH UNION.— By the Dublin papers, received on Wednesday, we learn, that at a ( Quarterly Assembly of the Corporal ion of Dublin, lielAon Saturday last', Air. Willis moved that a resolution, passed by that assembly, in the year 1800, • against, the then meditated Union, be read-: the same was read accordingly.; it stated stronglv that the measure must be most . injurious to Ireland, • lud'earuestly deprecated it" passing. Mr. Willis then moved tint, this re- solution should be adopted as the present sense of the Cor- poration, when experience proved that its foreboding,; were too well founded, and every year, sifico the Act was " passed, its'evil consequences were pressing, with additional weight, both on the city ol Dublin, and the kingdom at large The motion w is seconded by Mr. Kenny.— Mr. Gitfo'rd expressed surprise that the Hon. Gentleman did not conde scend 10 lay same groiind of argument for adopt in"- the resolution.— Mr. Willis thought it right to' submit the • naked motion to the Assembly, unaccompanied bv sophism or quibble.'" He acted from the evidence of his senses. .. Gentleinseri would find arguments for the resolution in every sreet in the City,— in the high course of exchange, th ... increase ot absentees, diminished trade, and starving manufacturers. - So many and various were tbe motives for urging them to submit, loyally, but firmly to the. Throne and Par lament, a petition for the repeal of f. his most odio B and disgraceful measure, that it would be. an insult to tbe understanding tii insist on them at large,— After a long and desultory debate, a ballot was Culled for, when on casting up the numbers, there appeared for the motion - 49, against it 3Z ; majority for the resolution 17. Mi. Willis then said, that for the present he should rest satisfied with a recognition of the great principle- of the Corpora- tion's detestation of the Union y but oil a future occasion he. he- aid move for a Petition to Parliament, praying for a repeal 01' that detested Act. - • " - . LA'. v.— Easter, Term commenced on Wednesday. The Jiul e- 1, according to the usual custom, breakfasted with the Lord Chaneedor, and about one o'clock they arrived at Weiminit. er. hall, wheni- the different Coni t>-- wcre opened with- the Sccti- tonied solemnity. Sir . SiiqjpSn Lawre. ncfe having removed to the Court'of Common PlemV thei'e were" only three Ju lgeSin the Court of King's ISehcli.— It • is understood"' that Mr. Serjeant Bailey will beitbe. iiew Judge.— There has been , as yet no interesting business be- fore any of the Courts. SMITHFiEi. t> MARKET, MafG. This day's, ij- mrket wal* riot very well supplied: Beef, Mutfon, Perky and Lamb1, are cheaper than our last report; Veal is dfcares, and the ti'ade in general was but indifferent.-. V ' Cor. N " EXCHANGE, MtyHi- This'tlayVsuppiy of Wheat is very- short.— but. very few- purchastiS ' ari; made, and those nearly at. last prices; liarlev',' likewise iu short supply, and, with Malt', r •: titer dearer'.; Vseareely any Pease ; Beans of both sorts are higher; there is also a short, supply'of Oats, and this, trade, is named rather dearer; Flour as oil Monday. '.-.,-. - -. . ....•' BIRTHS.] '' lathe lii^ ht of tfe aVliof April, ' at Paris, the QUKEN ' of HOI. UAND. of a- Prineij.— On the 25tb ult. at. Edinliuigh, die. Lady . of- Caijt- IViH| Mliai'son; of the RoVeil Navy, of, a sob . and heir.— On the 2 « th, at- Winehester- housi*, - Chelsea, the Lady of the Rev. Mr. Garriier of a son. — On Sunday, tiie Lady qf. Thomiis< Ti'aflbii], Esq. of a sOn and heir. • .- , - - « ' ' '! l MARRIED.]' j OiT the ffltb ult. at'Edinburgh, Captai'. i Donald Campbell, of the lioVal Navy, to Miss Aui » lio. viglas, daughter of the'latfciRear- A'dluiral Sir Cba- leS Douglas, Burl.— On the 30th ult. lit Edinburgh, Capt. John Francis Birch, of the Royal Engineers, to Miss Clementina Hunter Blair, daughter of the late1 Sir James Hunter Blair, Bart. — Oil Tuesday, at Rockingham, John Henry Palmer, Esq. second son of Sir John" Palmer, Bart, of Carlton,' to the Hon. 1 Mary Grace Watson, eldest daughter of Lord- Sondes. — Same day, by special licence, at Hampton Lodge, Surry/, tbe seat of Edward Beeston Long, Esq. Sir Nelson Ry'croft, Bart, to Miss Margaret Mandevilie.— Yesterday; at Wal- tbamstow, by the Rev. William Douglas, Prebendary of Westminster, & e. J. W. Tiurius, Esq. late Commander of the Royal George East Indiairi& h, to Miss Anderson, eldest daughter of Robert Anderson, Esq. of Walthain tow.— On Sunday, Lieut. William West, R. N. first of the Hero, to Miss Barns, of Paignton, Devon. . • DIED.]- On the 7th ult. by shipwreck, Lord Royston, eldest. sou of the Earl of Hardwicke : See the article from Memel, under the head of Foreign Ntws— IiiOctober last, at Calcutta, Mrs. Gordon Forbes, wife of Gordon Fiubes, Esq; and second daughter of Wilson Biartdyll, Esq. of Conisheail Priory, Lancashire.— On the SsJU lilt. in. Sloane- street, James'Bruce, Esq. Lieut . Governor of Dominica.— On Saturday, at Brompton Park House, in the ASth year of her age, Mrs. Perceval, wife of the Hoii; Edw. Perceval, brother of the Earl of Egmont, ami half- brother of Lord Ardeii and of the, Chanaelior of the Ex'eheq'uer.— Sable day, at Osborne's Hotel, Adelphi, Captain Lionel Hook, tif the India Company's military establishment, lately arrived from Bengal.— Oil Sunday, * iir GfoSVeiidf- placc, tbe Hon, ' Allan Stuart, 2d son of the Karl'of GalloWay.— On Monday, aged 40 years, Geo. Gardner, Esq. ofGreat Coram- street, late Commander ofthe Montreal Danish Easl- lndiamau,— On Tuesday, at Bath; Adin. John Brown, aged 57 years.'— On Saturday last, at Cheshuirt, Mrs. Martini Clyde, relict - of James Civile, Esq.' late one qf ( lie principal jOfiiijers of bis Majesty's Dock- yard, Portsmouth. - Same day, at Exeter, M'rs.: Juliana, Hole, relict of the Rev. Richard Hole, Rector of Northtawtqn and Chumleigh, Devon.— Saint; day, at his house on, Buckland- down, near Plymouth, Joiiathaii Langineail, Esq. . much lamented'.— On Thurt- day, in'Mil'biuils- street, in- bis- 73d yoar, James Turner, Esq. a gentleuiail. of great- 1 literary talents, ftiid a skilftii artist,— On the 23d ult. at Edinburgh, Wni, Ibws^ Chelsea pensioner, 1- aged- 100 years;— Lately1, at > he workh'oitie, iu Dnrham, - Ann Angus, aged lOtryeiirs.— At'D'uiis'ej near M- omrose, Miss Atchison, aged 15 years: this young lady was ut the jlanchig- sehool,. and hiving d. anced a minuet, " he sat d- vwft1,' cbdipliklniiig of. severe be. nl- aeh, audrinsUutly . foil lifeless among her youthful cobipa'iiioiis. i^ OR PUBLIC SALE by AUCTION, at the Star and Gatter Tavern, Portsmouth, on Thursday the 19th- day of. May, 1808, at noohx— The following SLOOPS^ viz. LA JENNETTE, L'E » PE. nxNCF., I- r. CEZAR,' UANCRMU'ce, LE CHEMENT, LA BONNE UNION, La BdN GARCOJS, L'AMtrir., and L'ECI. AIR, from 18 to 3I> to. ns; captured from the French, and regularly cnijderimed in his Majesty's High'Court « f Admiralty1.— Ail the. above vessels are in ex- cellent ordef, several of them nearly new, very Welt found in 1 sails and ' stores, and completely ready for, sta, as fishing or. coasting vess'els, for which they are, well adapted) being very burthensome and of easy draft of water.— Also several very capital Fishing Nets, Trawl Beams; tkc. taken in the said - vessels. After which will be sold the LUGGER, Privateer L'ACTIF, captured by his . Majesty's ship' Medusa, the Hon. D. P. Bouvene, Captain,. and legally- condemned in the High Couit of Admiralty. This vessel is about 70 tons, very handsome, pierced for 14 grins; quite new, and'fit for the fruit trade, or any other employ inquiring. expedition.— Afttr fthich will be sold her. Masts, Sails, Rigging, Guns, Anchors', Cables, and Stares; all which arc ncwiapt) of the best quality. Immediately aftcrw- ard, tile'good SLOOP Pafscs OF WAI. ES, of London, MrtHfn SO " tons; with her . Tackle, - Ap- parel, Sails, - and. Fpiniturt-.. 1 Also,— tOOu Buenos Ayres Hidas^ 1 And about 300 dathagcr! ditto. For further particulars apply to N, p; Rothery, Esq. Agent, or to 1 THO.-. HEMLELFCasnd- 1 '„ „- ' , 140?> JOSEPH TURNER, / Eiolters, Portsmouth. • . . , TOLLS TO LET 1. jVfOTI- CE is Hereby givcii,—- Tii . t tbe TO- ; X \ aiising tit the Toll Gate cajli- ij ; •; kn- - a hy th- ti-,-; « f Sandv- iane Gat-, cn the first distm- i T, t ,. . : M. O'VP - and set forth in and bv " An Act t'. r 1'• . ar i'•- •;• • the road. from ltowde- ford to Re, M. j", : t', d from C i r -;• "' to the town. of Cain,, hi the county ut Wilts," w. i ' r ' ' by AUCTION, to. the best b; I. h'r, at the hot;-- < ; :-.:„•& - Burton, being the Castle Inn, in D vn- es, in the cf. u 1 - 01 Wuts, " on Friday tiie. lUth day of M v next, bet- -. n't'- e hours of three and five in the- afternoon, in the mer- n- i "- rected by the Act passed in the lath year of the .-•!,-!. or present Majesty, <• tor regulating turnpike roads,' f . r ; :, rin not less thari One Year, coiriimnoini-.- from the i:-' th d'o of June next; arid that the same Tods Will be put up at tiie sum * f 1JK)/. being the- sum which the same will then iii- ye produced for the year preceding, clear of all eftperces of col- lecting the same. Whoever happens to be the lies. t bidder: must at ibe* fame time give security, to the satisfaction of the ' frustecs of the - said fust district of, rftud, for, ' payment of the- rent ai such times and in such manner as shaft then be agreed on.—/ ,;> d April ! 3, 1808. By order of the Trust;- s. ' 3S- 2J EDWARD iNGS, Ci, rk. TOLLS TO LETT. NOTICE is Hereby given,— Thai the " CfLLS arising affile several Toll Gates upon the Devi?.; - '. o h- solidated Turripike Roads, called or known bv the sacral names of Seend Gate, Rqwde Gate, Green - G'te, Nurst. ed Gate, and Pottcrne Gate, including the several By.- Gates tfS the same belonging, will be LETT by AUCTION, to - he best bidder, at the house ot Mark Bur, ton, being the Castle In*, in Devizes, in the county of Wilts, 011 Friday th - lath day of May next, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon, in the manner directed bv the Act. passed in the 13th year of the reign of his present Majesty, "' for ' regulating turnpike roads," for a term not less than OheYtar, eoin- mcireing from the 18th day of J une next ; and that the same Tolls will be, put up at tbe sum of 2926/. being the sum Which the same' will then have produced for the'year preceding, clear of all expences of collecting the same. Whoever happens to be tile best bidder, must at the same time give security, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the- said Roads, for payment ofthe rent at such times and in such manner as shall then be agreed on .— Dated April 111, ,1808; By order of tbe Trustees, 13- 21] EDWARD INGS, Clerk. CALNE, WILTS, nno be SOLD by AUCTION, bv HARRY Ross, JL at the White Hart Inn, in Culne, op Tuesday the loth day of May, 1808, between three and five in tine ' afternoon ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, cf which due notice will tie given) 1— A good Stone- built FREEHOLD , m\ ELL1NG- IIOUSE, situate on the Green, in the towti 1 t Cable; consisting of two good parlours, br akfilst room] with good convenient cioSets, kitchen, hall, pantrv, and scnllfrv, on the first floor j five chambers, with convenient closets; three good attics and store room ; underground beer and Wine- cellars; a two stall stable, large coal and wood- h aise, lie tached bred- house and wash- i'iousc, With other convenient offices; a good kitchen garden, brick- wailed, arid planted with chbicj fruit- trees. These premises are well adapted for Carrying on ahv ' nrle that requires room, having bec. h in the o leu pi tint! of a Clo- thier: - my person wlshibg to see them, may apply to Mis. Vincent, at the house. The whole is in very good repair, and fit for the reception of n genteel family. The Fixture's,- or ariy part of the Furniture, maybe taken at an appraisement. 1 [ 1167 Ounbcriur. d- Plcce, near Southampton. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. L** i* KN, on Thursday the 12th of May,. 18.08,' at two o'clock in the afternoon, 011 the Premises,— 21 Lots of FREEHOLD LAND, adjoining the Polygon, situate on the North side of the road leading to tbe same, and commanding One of the most delightful arid picturesque views in England. Each lot will admeasure 20 feet in frontari( l'width, fliid about 130 feet in depth. The distance frord the town of Sbuthampfon is about half a mile, and there is not a spelt in the neighbour hood comparable with it for situation, cither as a place of fashionable or comfortable residence. A 1 w of hem es may be here built on an elegant plan, es a road of 15 or 1(> feet will' be made in addition, at the back of the gardens; and any purchaser may be accommodated with land for a coiicli- liouic and stables on the opposite side of sueh road; and the present road in front will be widened, without diminution to the lots to be sold. Tor particulars apply to Mi. Fox, St. Mary's ; Mr. Nichols, Solicitor; Mr. DoSwell, Architect; and to the Auctioneer, at whose house the plan may be seen in a few days, fiaa- i To CAlilNET- MAKE RS and OTHERS. 1 WINCHESTER. TO be. SOLD by AUCTION; by Mcs-;- . jU1.1t and Coowis, by order of. the As igioes u : , ' mission of* Bankrtipt: y; on the premises, in ; ,1 Church- yard, on Monday the 9th ti'f ' May ;. mi !•• -, 1 -: The remaining partof the STOCK IN TRADE t . th the HOUSEHOLD FUilN ITU RE, before.' tin; to Mr. i-. t;.- y Mou- t- b, Cabihet- M- iker; Upholsterer, & • ", e. crrpi , t » w and complete rtady- made mahoeaay < li; in;; card Pcrnl fot o, and dressing tables"; bedside and night teblc- i; bed Steps; ba. Lii stands, music stools; neat mahogany parlour chair ton, . , in sets ; ia quantify of- burnished gold and other moult!;-... s; . Chimney, pier, anil swing dressing glasses ; Court, en piece a of Kiddefminster arid Venetian carpet,, to various patterns arid lengths; about 970 pieces of pap : r hanging, inlets; figured and plain floor cloaths; malting, mat.--, baize, blankets, counterpanes, hair sealing, lines, fringes,- & c. itc.- vdth numerous cabinet aftd upholstery articles;— also a large . md general . assortment - of ironmongery arid brass cabinet fur'r. i- ture, bed sackings, glues, & c;— A capital log of Honduras mahogany, of large dimensions, particular"; 1 recommended to the attention of the trade, the Household .. Furniture consists . ofbed'stfcuds, with furniture, - feather beds'afid bed- ding, chests of drawers, chairs, tables, . end various house- hold requisites, as will be specified, in catalogues, to be had ill due time of the Auctioneers, Winchester. flMB The Sale to begin precisely at eleven o'clock. WINCHESTER, 1.8IJ8. FOR SALE by AUCTION, liy M<- ssrs. HALE and Gouwtv, on Tuesday May 17,— The HOUSE- HOLD FURNISURE and EFFECTS, including a complete proof set of Hogarth's valuable pfints, M irn- f e- a- la- Mtidc, the property of a Gentleman leasing his . residence near Walt- bam, the whole removed to spacious apartments, forcomt- Iiicncy of sale, in St, Thdmas- stteet; comorisir. g foaf'post, field; and other bedsteads, with, diriiity,- moreeti, aiid' cither hangings ; goose seasoned feather beds, jinlliascs, atid bed- ding; a pair of mahogany. sideboards, with- serpentine fronts1 Snd brass back - rails, the tops elegantly inlaid OH enriched carved frames;. ( vyo pedestals" and vast's- to correspond"; large mahogany " dining table, extra dimensions; . wainscot ditto; large mahoganylibiary table ; reading, ditto.; writing- desk; dressing and - bedside tables; madame: table ;• large painted warilrobes and presses; neat painted ' gentleman's df; ssirig stand, ingeniously fitted up with requisite) for tTie dresstng room ; large nest of eighteen drawers, i. n paint; an easy ciiair, in cotton ; two handsome cSne'd foeteUes. ornamenteil in japan ; painted, and dyed chairs; a small collection- of Copper arid tin kitchen requisites^ .. [ J4H> Farther particulars will bt;. given in, catalogues, to bs had 1 the preniiseSiiipd - of the auction'eer's— The Goods ttftv be viewed previous to the sale, Which will begin at 12 o'clock. WlNCHESTEli, TO be SOLD by AUCTION, O-> Moncfav, May Iff, 1808, by l » 5essrs. B.' IF. K . and, GODWIN,—— A col- lection of genteel- and valuable FURNITURE, comprising partof the Household EfYcirfs belonging to the laic JAKES RIVERS, Esq. removed, for the convcniency of sale, to large commodious apartments.. in. St. Thomas- street. T. iic fsrai-' tiirc consists of '- four- post; . bedsteads, will) mo.- ine and othot hangings and window curtains,- seasoned goose- leather beds, p'aliasei, mattrcssesj and bidding; , stuHfcd- back French elbow drawing- fhom- ch| » rs, an„ casy ditto; mahogsirv, walnut, • painted, and other chairs; mahogany dining tables, single and in sets,, with circular ends ;" brass- bound wine coolers ; mahogany double, and single ctjescs of drawers and knee- hole dressing chests; good wai'giifcabiiicts. cxgellfmly pnserved » wirttScot • sesretar- y and Bookcase, stftS of maho- any book shelves, bedside and night tables, I ® ion stands, ' fire •' ileitis, Sc. An excellent tight- day clock iby Kerfieid) in- wainscot, large pier glasses in ornamented frames, Turkey carpets, Cbp$> er bsik ™ ,. Various'sulinary articles, and other '-- Meets, as will be given in, catai8gues, which may be bad on - the pre- mises', and of.' the Auctioneers, Winchester. The goods m; iy be. vicw'ed the Saturday prcviOBs to ( lie sale, which will begin stt t'. veltie o'ctock. • [ 1415 Tftis titty is/. uljishcdi price Three , Shillings, Hoards, j'\ RIGlNAj; j.- POEftlS,— Intefuded for the jise of' \ J. YOCNO PE. RC0NB. By Mrs. RIC- F- 1 ARDSON. Wjdow of the late Joseph, iiichar-' soi,, Fso. M. P. On a I'lau re- commended'by trie'itcv. Dr. Isaac . Watts- Printed for Vernot, • Uno. d, ami. Sharpe, 81, Poultry;' arid sold it thePrirttteg- office,' Sal5; b', iry.- f 1- 366' This r'r. y is'lnXblishtd, toolsctta Svo. Price 4s. ( id. Hoards, nrii, E fflJRNl AD: ' An'Epistle 10 a Lady in tl c A Manner oi Burns-.- . With l'tv o Miscellanies, ' toiginal and imitative. By JOI IN- UENa KENN(? Y. Printed foi Vcrnor, Hood, and Sharpe, 31, Poultry, I. on- ir n ; and sold at the Printing- Office, SaUscmy. ' Iiatf7 THE SALISBURY AM) WIN CHESTER JOURNAL. Sunday's Post. By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, rtJBtlSKED ON SATURDAY NIGHT, S1AY 7. FoRElGx- OFftcE, May 4. jrjr^ HE Right Hon. Geo. Canning, his Majesty's 1 ^ Principal Secretary of State fur Foreign Affairs, jfi has this day notified to the Ministers of friendly and neutral Powers resident at this Court, that his Majesty has judged it expedient to establish the most rigorous Blockade of the port of Copenhagen, and of all the other ports in the island of Zealand 5 and that the same will be maintained and enforced in the strictest manner, according to the usages of war acknowledged and allowed in similar cases. BY THF. Ki* SG.-*- A Proclamation for pardoning such Sea- men ami Marines ax have descried, and shall return into his Majesty's service on or before the 3,1 st dag of Decern- iter next. GEORSE R. WHEREAS we are desirous to give all due encourage- ment to such seamen as may have deserted from any of our ships since the loth day of October, 1805, and shall he willing to return to our service; we have thought fit, by and with the advice of our Privy Council, to publish this our Royal Proclamation, and do hereby promise our most gracious Pardon to ail such Deserters as shall repair on board any of our ships or vessels on or before the 31st day of De- cember next.— Given at our Court at the ( Queen's Palace, the 4th dayjof May, 1888. WHITEHALL, May 7. The King has been pleased to appoint the Right Hon. Henry Baron Mulgrave, Sir Rich, liicke. rten, Bart. Vice- Admiral of the White Squadron of Ms Majsty's fleet; Wit. Johnstone Hope and Rob. Ward, Esqrs. the Right Hon. Henry John Viscount Palmerston, James Buller, Esq. and Win. Domett, Esq. Rear Admiral of bis Majesty's fleet, to be his Majesty's Commissioners for executing the oflice of High Admiral of the United King- dom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the dominions, islands, and territories thereunto belonging. WAR- OFFICE, May 6. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Lieutenant- General his Royal Highness Ernest Augustus Dnke of Cumberland, K. G. Lieut. Gen. his Royal Highness Adolphus Frederick Duke of Cambridge, K. G. and Lieut. Gen. his Highness William Frederick Duke of Gloucester, K. G. to be Generals in the Army, by Com- rai sions dated 25th April 1808. WAR- OI- EICF., May 7. llis Majesty has been pleased to appoint Lieutenant- Generals Edmund Fanning, Henry Johnson, Hon. Henry Edw. Fox, John Watson T. Watson, Lowther Pennington, Francis Edward Gwynn, Francis Lord Heathfield, Thomas Sloughter Stamvix, Sir James Palteney, Bart. to be Generals in the Army. Major- Generals, from the Hon. Robert Taylor, to Ferdi- nand Baron Honipesch, to be Lieut.- Generals in the Army. Colonels, from Wm. Carr Beresford, of the 88th Foot, to the Hon. Wm. Stewart, of the 95th Foot, to be Major- Generals in the Army. Lieutenant- Colonels, from Thos. Barrow of the 5tbWest- Tndia Regiment, to Francis John Wilder, of the 35th Foot, to be Colonels in the Army. Lieutenant- Colonels the Hon. Geo. De Grey, of the 1st Dragoons ; gS; unuel Hawker, of tho l4th Light Dragoons; to l> e Aides- de- Camp to the King. Majors, from G. H. Adams, of the 68th Foot, to R. Collins, of the 83d Foot, to be Lieut.- CoK in the Army. And Captains, from Edm. Coghlati, of the 8th Garrison Battalion, to W. Cullis, of the 27 th Foot, to be Majors in the Army. 66th Foot,— Lieut. Col. S. ITu- kisson, from the 9th Garrison Batt. to be Lieut. Col. without purchase. OGtA Ditto.— Brevet Lieut, Col. T. Revnell, from the 2d West India Keg. to be Major, vice Freeth, wbo exchanges. STAFF.— Capt. J. Johnson, of the 77th foot, to be De- puty Quarter- Master- General to the King's troops serving in the East Indies ( with the rank of Major in the army)'; vice Lieut. Col. Reynell, who resigns. BANKRUPTS. Charles DavWs, o{ Saint J « hn- f* ret: l, Mi- ldli'iex, r^ rpenter. Ralph Forshaw, of Burscough, Lancashire, Shopkeeper. 1 homas Armett, of Itainow, ChaeUive, Cotton- Spinner. Peter NapFer, of Bristol, Haberdasher. William Barre the younger, of Birmingham, Frying- Pan and Edge- TooWlater. Thomas CTough, ofPraniley, Yorkshire, Clothier. Stephen Underbill, of Sheeruess, Slopseller. Edward Unsworth, of Anhrick,. Lancashire, Cotton- Spinner. Thomas Topp, of Manchester, Cotton Manufacturer. John Chevney, of Oxford- street, Middlesex, Linen- Draper, William Green, of Liverpool, Cutler. John Hcnriqnes, of New- Square, London, Merchant. William Wright, of Ashby de la Zouch, Draper. Thomas Robinson, of ( ireat St. Helen's, London, Factor. Joanna Anderson, of Dean- Street, Soho. Viana- Forte- Ma » er. Thomas Evans, of Coventry- Street, Middlesex, Linen- Dranw. LONDON, SATURDAY, May 7. The Earl of Hardwieke has this piorning received a confirmation of the melancholy event of the death, of Lord Royston, his eldest son, in the manner stated in the preceding page. Lord Royston was in the 24th year of his age. STOCKS.— Bank 237$.— 3 per Cent. Consols G7j. Poet jffetxig. FALMOUTH, May 5. The American ship Osage, having on board Mr. Nourse and Lieut. Lewis, with dispatches, arrived from L'Orietit oii Saturday last. She had been detained there five weeks, having been seized uuder one of the late Imperial decrees, for hav- ing had communication with an English ship of war during the passage. It was probably found convenient to detain the dispatches for this country. The Osage brings Monitcurs and other papers to the 2! st ult. They contain nothing of great importance. Bonaparte was at Bayonne, an his way into Spain. An . article dated Paris, April 20, mentions the happy delivery of the Queen of Holland of a Prince, and that his. Royal Highness the Prince Arch Chancellor of'the Empire, in conformity to the 4Oth article of the Con- stitution, was present at the birth. Several ships and a great number of Portuguese emigrants, are assembled here, waiting the convoy for the Brazils, which is now hourly expected. A fleet for Newfoundland and Quebec ( about 30 sail) under convoy of the Amelia faigaW, is now off this port, going down Channel. — A Quebec fleet passed this port several days since, amounting to about 100 sail. P. 6'. Evening.— Owing tq a change of wind, the Amelia and her fleet are now coming in. 8 o'Clock, Evening.-— The galliot Vrovy Elizabeth is just arrived from Bilboa in eight days. The news bv this vessel is of some importance. Bonaparte is Still at Bayonne, where he has sent for the new King of Spain to meet him. Orders were issued for the 1' rench troops to evacuate Spain. ' Bilboa had been freed from them in consequence. The popular indigT nation was extremely high against the Princt jf Peace, and his death was retarded, mcfely by the wish to obtain possession of his immense property'first. PORTSMOUTH, - May 7. Lord Strangford, onr Ambassador to the Court at the Brazils, Sir James Gambier, the Consul and suite, haud sailed this morning, to open and establish our new relations in that new world. The East India fleet has also sailed, under convoy of the Leopard man of war. Capt. Gumby is appointed to the Po!_ vpher. iu » , fitting for the West Indies, to receive Vice- Admiral Botvley's flag, Commander in Chief at Jamaica Monday.— Sailed the Am » Jia, of 32 gun1, Hon. Captain h+ iv; Avenger » Vi) Op, (' apt. White, with convoy for Newfoundland and - U%) ifiix; and loiter gun- vessel, for Guernsey. Arriwd the lioadicta, of 3S guns, Captain Maitland, f. om off Havre. Tuesday,— Sailed the Bellette floup, Capt. Sanders, for ahe We: t Indies. • Thursday.— Arrived the Daring gun- vessel, Lieut Hayes. Friday.— Arrived the Polyphemus', of. 64 guns, Capt. Heywood, and Speedy sloop, Captain Muddle, from the Downs. . Saturday,— Sailed the- Leopard, of 150 gun', Vice- Admi- ral Bertie, Captain Johnstone, for tr. 4 Cape of Good Hope, having the East India ships wilder convoy ; President, of 38 guns Capt. Mackenzie, with bis Encelleficv Lord . Strangford 5 Undaunted, of 38 guns Ctpt Maling; Lightning sloop, Capt. Doyle ; Serapis store ship, and Sylvia cutter, with convoy for the Brazils. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, MAY 7. BIRTH.] On Tuesday, at Southampton, the wife of Capt. Foote, of the Royal Navy, of a daughter. On Sunday was marricd'Mr. Philip Nicolle, of the island of Jersey, to Miss Sarah Jardin, of South- ampton. On Monday last died, after a long and painful ill- ness, Mrs. Pearce, wife of Mr. Pearce, of the White Hart Inn, Ringwood. On Tuesday May 3d died Mrs. Hunt, aged 3? years, wife of Mr. John Hunt, jun. of Southamp- ton. She has left a youtig family to lament her loss. Died, at Gosport, on Wednesday evening, the 27th of April, after a short and severe indisposition, Mr. Wm. Gibson, sen. sincerely and deservedly re- gretted. . On Wednesday last died, at Bickley, in Kent, Mary Anne, second daughter of the late Rev. Henry Druro- mond, Rector of Fawley, Hants. On Friday morning died, in the Soke, Mr. Thos. Eades. Francis Dutarde, convicted at the last Assizes of uttering a forged promissory note, knowing it to be so, with an intent to defraud, and Elizabeth King, convicted at the same Assizes of a burglary at Alton, have received condi- tional pardon, the former to be imprisoned in the county gaol and the latter in the house o- f correction for the space of two years each ; the other prisoners who had sentence of death passed 011 theni, are to be transported to New South Wales for llmitted periods ; and they, with others in the gaol under similar sentences, together with the two sentenced to he transported at the late quarter sessions, were, by order of the Secretary of State* removed on Wednesday from the gaol in this city, and put on board the Portland hulk > 11 Langs ton- harbour. The Ordnance Store- keeper to this garrison has been committed for trial at the next Assizes, for stealing a great quantity of leaden bullets that were under bis charge, and a tradesman in this city is also committed for receiving them, knowing them to have been stolen. A youth of very respectable connections, who was gains out to India in die present fleet as a Cadet, has been com- mitted to this gaol for stabbing a person with a dirk at Weymouth, in November 1805. SALISBURY, MONDAY,, MAY P, 1808. The following arrangement has heen made for the under- inentiontd Volunteer Corps to, go on permanent duty," each for fourteen days:— The Avon and Bourne Corps ( Sir Charles W. Malet's) and the Blacklands Corps match this day ( the $ th) for Andover; the South Wilts Corps, and the Lavington Corps, on the 20th to Southampton ; the Salisbury Corps ( Colonel Boucher's) on the 21 at, to Winchester; and the Calne Corps, on the 21st, to Andover. The 2d regiment of Somerset Militia, commanded by Lord Viscount Hinton, marched irom hence for Wey- mouth, in three divisions, on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday last. The departure of the Regiimmt has occasioned general regret; for during the whole time it has been quartered here, the officers have unceasingly caerted their talents and influence, at one period to promote the elegant festivities of the gay, at another to alleviate the suffer- ings and relieve the wants of the wretched ; and ih both causes their exertions have been eminently successful. It was resolved by the Justice! assembled at the last Quarter Sessions for this County, that a New County Gaol should be built, as well as a New Bridewell, and a most eligible scite was fixed on, near the Fishertou Turn- pike Gate, on the side of the road leading to Devizes, The only point left unsettled was the agreement for the ground. The quantity of Broad Cloth manufactured last year in this county was 2000 yards more than in any pre- ceding year. At 3 meeting on Thursday last, for appointing Overseers of the Poor for the division of Warminster, in this county, the Magistrates returned their thanks to the Overseer for the town of Warminster for his humanity and attention to the Poor whilst in that office. BIRTH.] On Thursday, the Lady of Hczekiah Wyche, Esq. Mayor of this city, of a son. On Tuesday the 26th ult. was married, at Lytchet Minster, in the county of Dorset, the Rev. Matthew Wasse Place, Rector of Hampreston, in the county of Dorset, to Frances Growden Jeffery, youngest daughter of John Jeftery, Esq. M. P. for Poole. On Thursday se'nnight was married, at Melbury, near Shaston, Mr. Thos. Green Foot to Miss Young, both of the same place. OnTuesdav se'nnight was married Mr. Simon Jarvis, of Upham, to Miss Gibbs, of Compton, in this county. Married, on Sunday the 1st inst. at St. Andrew's Church, Ilolborn, William Ilazlett, Esq. of South- ampton. buildings, to Miss Stoddart, daughter of the late Lieut. Stoddart, R. N. of this city. On Monday was married Mr. Joseph Chandler, of Hevtesbury, to Miss Powell, of Amesbury. On Tuesday last, May 3, was married, at Froome St. Quinten, Dorset, by the Rev. John Clayton, Thomas Cowdry, Esq. of Langdon, to Miss Baker, of Froomc St. Quinten, niece of the late George Baker, Esq. On Thursday last was married, at Steeple Ashlon, in this county, Mr. Isaac Axford to Miss Hall, only daughter of the late Mr. Hall, of that place. • On Thursday last was married Mr. Pike, jun. of Brook Farm, in the parish of Wesilmry, to Miss Tubb, daughter of Mr. Tubb, land- surveyor, of Fisherton- Anger, near this city. On Saturday last was married, by the Rev. Dr. Skinner, at the Cathedral, Mr. James Foot, of this city, third son of Henry Foot, of Berwick St. John, in this county, Esq. " to Miss Goddard, of . the Close, • eldest daughter of the late John Ilarvcy Goddard, Esq. of Woodyates. A few days since died, in Cranborne work- house, Young, aged one hundred and four years.. He had long resided in the work- house, but till within the last four years he retained sufficient strength to work at husbandry labour three or four hours in a day. On Thursday the £ 8th ult. died, on a visit at the Rev. W. Marsh's, at C'alne, Anne, the wife of Mr. Edmund . Slade, clothier, of Chippenham, aged 34 years. On Monday died, at Birmingham, Mr. John Collins, one of the Propr it^ ors of tl^ e Birmingham Chronicle, and the facetious author of the Morning and Evening Brush, in the delivery of which he was celebrated throughout the kingdom. On Monday evening last died, at Wilton- House, after a very short illness, in the prime of life, Mr. George Robinson, Cierk of the Works there; he was a man much beloved, and his los § is sincerely regretted. Gilead Knight was on Tuesday committed to Ilchester gaol, for breaking into, and stealing upwards of 1100.!. from the house of hfc late m ister, Mr. Broadrihti, of HallatroW. Knight has confessed the robbery; lie had secreted the property in a hayrick, from which it has been recovered. HOME MARKETS. Prices of Corn, per Quarter— Bread, per Gallon. Salisbury, Basingstoke, Devizes, Newbury, Andover, Warminster, Weight of the Gallon Loaf, ill*. 1 lo Wheat. I Barley. Oats.. Beans. Bread. y s. s. s. s. s. i. s. s. J. d. a IK to 7nl « 7 to 42 28 to 37 6o to r, e 1 8 4 83 to 77; 99 to 43 37 10 3P 58 to flo 1 6J s t! 0 to 74' 34 to U7 30 to 34 54 to fld 1 7 6 5 « lo S2| 34 t< r- 41 28 to iu 55 to 58 1 7 7 ( 58 < n 73las to 42 30 < 0 a- f 58 to 63 1 7 7 Sfl to 74 J38 to 41 35 to 44 < H ' o ( is • Half Gall. 4lb. 5Jo*. THE NEW STATE LOTTERY, containing six Prizes of £ 20,00( 1I will be^ in drawing the 28th of next Month.—- Tickets and Shares, in great variety of Numbers, are now on Sate at the PRINTING- OFFICE, SALISBURY, for Sir JIAMES BRANSCOMH and Co. Those who wish for favourite Numbers should make an early application. THEATRE, SALISBURY. ON MONDAY EVENING, Mav 9, 1808, for the Benefit of Mr. and Mis. BRANTON, the Tragedy of A D ELG IT HA; With SPRIGS OF LAUREL, and MOCK DOCTOR. On WEONF. SOAY EVENING, for the Benefit of Messrs. TAYLOR and HOWARD, the favourite Romance of THE CASTLE SPECTRE. The Character of OSMOND by a GENTLEMAN of SALISBURY. With CATHERINE AND PETRUCHIO, On FRIDAY EVENING, for the Benefit of Miss DRAKE, who hopes her invariable attention and assiduity ( which the Public have honoured by their notice and approbation) will ensure her their countenance, JOHN BULL? And LE ROY j, or, OSMYN AND HELEN, a favourite new Pantomime. TO THE ARMY. ALIEUTENANT of INFANTRY, wishing to exchange for a LIEUTENANCY - in a favourite Rcd- meht of BRITISH LIGHT DRAGOONS, may be accom- modated, by application to Mr. Wood, Library, Weymoutli. s TO be SOLD, a very clever Brown GELDING, five years old, fifteen hands and a half high, warranted sound and fret: from vicc ; shows a great deal of bone, and is equal to any weight. He was got by Evergreen, dam by Cottager. May be seen, and price known, by applying to, Thomas Richards, Wheat Sheaf, Salisbury. SPRING FASHIONS. ILKS being now adopted as an article of dress by k^ J every person of distinction and taste in the fashionable world, an entire new and extensive Assortment is now ready for public inspection at Mr. BEEBY's, who is just returned from London, where he has selected pkiin, twilled, shaded, and figured Sarsnets; Gustavus Nets ; Silk Neckerchiefs and Handkerchiefs; Trimmings; Ribbons; Flowers; Veils; Mantles ; canonical and square Shawls ; real Thread Lace ; Gloves and Hosiery of every description; on llis usual lo. w terms, for prompt payment. Nrv CAN*!., SALISBURY, May 9, I80S. [ 1375 " V/ TPLS. RUSS begs respectfully to inform the Ladies lYi of Romsey, the neighbourhood, and her friends in general, she is just returned from London with a FASHION- ABLE ASSORTMENT of MILLINERY, a great variety of Straw and Chip Hats and Bonnets, an elegant assortment of Robes, figured Sarsenets, Flowers, and Trimmings of every description, which will be ready tor their inspection on Thurs- day, May the 12th. Mrs. Russ returns her most grateful thanks for their former favours, and sincerely hopes to merit a continuance of the satire.— ROMSEY, May t>. . fl3,91 SPRI. VG FASHIONS. JOHN TURTON, French- street, Southampton, informs his Friends and tha Tublic, that he hasjust pur chased in London, a large and elegant Assortment of Tam- bour, Japan, Striped, Checked, and Plain MUSLINS, of every description ; Fancy and Plain Lh. VOS, ROBES, MUSLIN- TRIMMINGS, CHAM BRAYS, & c. with a variety of fashion- able Printed Muslins, Cambrics, and Furnitures ; also Irish Linens, French Cambrics, Scotch Hollands and Sheetings of the best fabrics, which he can offer on equal terms with any house in Hie Kingdom.— N. B. A large quan- tity of Silk and Cotton Stockings, Nankeens, white Veils, Laces, & c. much under the regular prices. The Goods will be ready for public inspection on Tuesday the loth inst. Southampton, nth May, 1803. [ 1377 S~~ ALISBUIlY, WILTON, and LONDON FLY WAGGONS, daily, to and from the CASTLE and FAL- CON, ALDKHSC. ATK- STKEET, London, and their Warehouse, Milford- street, Salisbury. These Waggons take up and put down Goods at the Old White Horse Cellar, and Black Bear, Piccadilly. No Money, Plate, Jewels, Glass, or other valuable or ha- zardous Goods will be paid for, if broken or lost, unless entered as such, and paid fir accordingly NICHOLAS BROWN,! p . f„ „ 1238] JAMES BRICE, '} Proprietors. FREEHOLD ESTATE, ISLE OF WIGHT. IN a short time will be SOLD by AUCTION, unless previously disposed of bv Private Contract, A very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called Chiverton Frfrm ; comprising about POO acres of arable, meadow, down, and coppice land, upwards of 300 acres of which are tithe free, situate a few miles from the town of Newport, and affords several beautiful sports for building on, with delight- ful sea and land prospects. This estate is particularly calculated to divide into three, compact lots, which will most probably be done if Sold by Auction. Further particulars may be had by application to Mr. Elderfield, Solicitor, Romsey, Hants. [ 1356' be LETT or SOLD,— An excellent FAMILY A MANSION, situate in the most pleasant and retired street in the city of Winchester, with walled garden and green house, two coach houses, and stabling for six horses ; a detached brewhouse and laundry. The Mansion consists of a large paved entrance' hall, a handsome dining parlour, breakfast ditto, two large drawing rooms with folding doors, four bed chambers on the same floor and six in the attics, ' double staircase, housekeeper's room, butler's pantry, two kitchens, and capital cellars. The above premises have re- cently gone under a thorough repair, are replete with every convenience, and fit for the immediate reception of a lsrge genteel family. For particulsrs apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Mant, upholsterer; or Mr. Jessett, at the George Inn,' Winchester. ccj? The above Premises are Freehold. [ 1410 BROADVVINSOR, DORSET, rpo be LETT, and may be entered upon iinme- JL. diately, An exceeding good HOUSE, fit for the re- ception of a genteel family; it consists of an excellent draw- ing- room and parlour on the first floor, five good bed- chambers, attics, kitchen, and other useful offices, stables, - coach- house, an excellent garden, and about five acres of meadow land. The same may b ® had for a. term sf four years and a half from Michaelmas next, and may be entered upon immediately. Broadwiusor is six miles from Crewkerne, seven from Bridport, and nine from Lyme, a fashionable bathing place. For a sight of the house apply on the premises; and for the price please apply to Mr. Clift, Auctioneer, Beaminster, Dorset. f 1428 TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately,— BELLEVUE COTTAGE, situate at Longham ^ con- taining a parlour, 16 feet 3 by IS feet; a ditto, 12 feet by 12; a kitchen, with raqge- srate and smoak- jack; large back- kitchen, with copper and oven ; laundry- room over the same; one bed- chamber, 16 feet by 14 ; one ditto, IS feet by 12 feet 6; one small ditto; one large and two small garrets; two good cellar? and larder under ground ; a three- stall stable ; and chaise and f « el- fiouse.— The House is pleasantly situated on an eminenfe; in from, a larse inclosed garden, partly walltd in, and planted with choice fruit- trees. The neat Household Furtiiture may be taken at an appraisement; and if not, it will be sold by auction.— A close of excellent Pasture Ground, near two acrcp, adjoining the garden, will be lett with the premises. Apply by lftter ( post paid) to J. Cranston, auctioneer, Ringwbod; and for a view of the premises, to the servant at the hou » e. [ l^ W ISLE OF WIGHT. HPO be I. ETT, with immediate possession, for the X term of three years,— A DWELLING- HOUSE, fit for the reception of a genteel family.— A stable for three horses, a good garden, and about ten acres of pasture land, in ftont of the house, pleasantly situated in the centre of the Isle of Wight, and about one mile and a half from Newport. For further particulars apply ( if by lett.- r post- paid) to Mr. Worsjey, Solicitor, Newport, Isle of Wight. [ 1* 24 BURSLEWN HOUSE for SALE, remarkably plea'santly situated on the bank of the River, six miles from SOUTHAMPTON ; with double coach- house, twoa- stalled stables, barn, farmand poultry yards, pleasure and kitchen gardens, in which are shrubberies and neat fjfcen- house, froductive orchard, and rich pasture land SHrrounding the louse, in the whole about 9ti acres; fit for the immediate reception of a Gentleman's Family. The principal rooms are large, lofty, and expensively fitted up ; the House is sub- stantially built, convenient, and replete with every domestic office. For particulars and a view apply to Mr. George Hookey, Southampton. [ 713 IN the immediate. Vicinity of SOUTHAMPTON wlil be LETT, for one,, two, or three Years,— A large and commodious MANSION- HOUSE, neatly and elegantly fur- nished, with coach- houses for four carriages, and stabling for ten horses, together with every convenient necessary office ; a garden containing between three and four acres, perfectly cropped and yielding an abundance of every kind of vegetable and fruit, with two pineries, two conservatories, and a large green- house, all filled with pines, fruit- trees, and plants of various descriptions ; together with 43 acres of land, now laid down fur hay. [ 795 Immediate possession may be had, and the terms known, by ap^ ication to Mr. George Hookey, in Southampton. rpo be LETT at Midsummer next,— HILLERS, A DQN- HQUSE, in the county of Devon; consisting of a vestibule, breakfast and dining parlours, drawing- room, library, seven best bed rooms and several servants', with every suitable office for theaccorfimodation of a large family } coach- house and stables, and a very good walled garden, The house is very pleasantly situated in a paddock of 21 acus, which may be taken with the house, and, if required, 30 or 40 acojs of exceedingly Rood land may be added. The house is two. miles from the town of Collumpton, four from Tiverton, and twelve from Exeter. The privilege of shooting and hunting on an extensive manor wjil be granted. Further particulars may be had by applying at Hille- rsdon- House; to " Mr. Brown, of Collumpton ; 05 to Mr. Toulmin, High- street, Taunton, TO be SOLD, or LETT ft* term of ye* rs,-~ A genteel DWELLING- HOUSE, w( th Coachrl louse and Stable, Garden, and Orchard, and a few acres of Land, if required.-- iThe House consists of two good parlours, two, kitchens, pantry, and cellar, drawing- room 1.9 ft. by 14, and six sleeping rooms; is. situated in a fine sporting country, in the pleasant village of Brookenhurst, near Lymiugton and the Isle of Wight, T— Furthei particulars mav be known by personal application ( or li tter post- paid) to Aft. Perry, Speen, Berks, or to Mr, Goo, Hooksy, Southampton, N. Bj. If the above be not disposed of before, itvcillbeSold by Auction, by Mr. Hookey, at the George Inn, Southampton, Oil Wednesday the 1st of June 1808, between the hours of six and eight in the evening. [ 1344 NORTHWOQD, ISLE Of WIGHT. TO be SOLD or LETT, on the Yarmout'Wload. two miles from Cowcs, and four from Newport,— A truly desirable small COTTAGE ; consisting of two parlours, kitchen, cellar, pantry, scullery, and five sleeping rooms; a large court yard, and excellent water; a good Garden, planted with the choicest shrubs and fruit trees; with de- lightful land and sea views. Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. Dore, at the Hojse Shoe, or on the premises of the Proprietor; letters, postpaid, will receive due attention. ( 1411 FEEDING LANDS, ABOVE LYM1NGTON BRIDGE* TO lie LETT by AUCTION, at the Angal Inn. ill Lvmington, in the County of Southampton, on Friday the 13th day of this instant May^ at five o'clock in the evening, subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced,— The several inclosu. res of FEEDING LANDS', and also all the WASTE; LANDS belonging to the Proprietors of Lymington Bridge or Darn, arid lying between the said Bridge or Dam and Boldre Bridge, in the County aforesaid, containing by estimation 125 acres ( be « he same more or less). Further particulars may be known on application to Mr. Richman, Solicitor, Lymington. [ 1302 TO be LETT by TENDER, at the Crown Inn, in Marnhull, in thtpounty of Dorset, on Saturday the 14th of May instant, at turee o'clock in the afternoon, and entered on immediately, for a term of Seven Y'ears, com- mencing from the 5th ' of April last,—. Two FARMS, called Mi orside and Sagittary's; the former about 75 Acres, and the latter about 50 Acres ; situate at Marnhull, in the county of Dorset, late in the occupation of Mr. Isaac Cole. Further particulars, and the terms of letting, with the de- scription of the lots into which Sagittary's Farm is intended to be divided, may be had after the 10th instant, at the Swan, Sturminster- Newton; Crowit, Marnhull; Red Lion, Stal- bridge; Red Lion, Shaftesbury ; and of Mr. Castleman, Wimbome. [ HS3 . VICINITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. ' " rpo be SOLD,— MERRY OAK HOUSE, with _ I two coach houses, stabling, two gardens, in one of which is erected a neat green house, pleasantly situated in a lawn of twelve acres, well timbered, and neatly laid out with shrubberies and walks. The house has been recentlv and expensively fitted up ; the rooms are numerous, larse', and lofty, and " ready for the immediate reception of a gentleman's family. The elegant Household Furniture may be taken to by appraisement. For particulars apply to Mr. Geo. Hookey, Southampton. Letters ( post- paid; will meet due attention. [ 1432 rpo be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, at X BURNKORD HOUSE, in the parish of Bramshaw, in the eounty of Hants, on Wednesday the 11th inst. at two o'clock in' the afternoon,— The undermentioned HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, &, c. Arc. A four- post tent- bedstead and furniture, a good feather- bed, two large w indow- curtains, a mahogany double chest of drawers, a frame- glass 3 feet 2 by 2 feet 4, two swing ditto, a bed- carpet, twelve parlour and kitchen chairs, two neat arm ditto, a neat majiogany leaf- table, a dressing ditto, two Indian cane chairs, two'knife- cases, a large cupboard, a wheelbarrow, and many other utensils ; also a piano forte with a strong packing- case to fit ditto, and an eight- day clock with china ornaments. T1431 SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A most capital wei'l- built CUTTER, called the VENUS, of 46 tons burthen and upwards, copper fastened, and the deck copper nailed, with accommodations and every thing Complete.— She was built for a Gentleman's Y'acht, and is in every respect a most desirable vessel, and now lying off Wesj Quay. To be viewed by application to Mr. James Linden, Auctioneer, Above Bar, who s authorized to treat with pur- chasers, and is furnished with inventories of her stores, 4c. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, at Tangle}-, near Andover, Hants ; consisting of two good Farm- Houses, one brick and tiled; two Barns, and all other convenient Out- buildings; with 177 Acres of pasture, arable and coppice Land, lett to a good Tenant ( about 3 J years t) f the present lease unexpired) ; greatest part of the Land- Tax redeemed.— A portion of the Purchase- money may lie on mortgage, if re- quired. For a view of the premises, apply to Mr. John Stockwell, the tenant; and for other particulars to Robert Noyes, at Mr. William Alexander's, jun. Vernham ; if by letter, post paid. [ 31 « .< i FONTHILL HOUSE BUILDING MATERIALS. THIS is to acquaint Gentlemen and the Public in general, that there have been for some time past, and are now SELLING,— The MATERIALS of FONTHILL- HOUSE, of almost every kind which composed the Building both outside and inside, viz. neat white even coloured Free- Stone Ashler, Architrave Windows, Venetian Windows, with } columns and their entablatures, both in wood anil stone; Astragal Step Portland, Stone, ditto Chimney Pieces, substan- tial Stone Pavement, Stone of every sort, fit from a cottage to a mansion; substantial Oak Beams, Oak Joists of different sizes, Doors and their Dressings, Window Framts and glazed Sashes, with the Shutters, Dressing, & c. Bases, Surbases, and Dadoes, and Wainscotting for Rooms, two Sky Lights all complete, down and not taken apart, but may be taken to any place as they are; one of them is 12 feet diameter, fit for a gentleman's summer- house, neatly finished inside, covered with copper; the other 8 feet diameter, neat inside, covered with copper; lead cisterns, from 10 gallons beer measure to 750 gallons, in wood frames of oak chip; and a great quantity of lead pipes of different sizes; a quantity of good bar iron, . also bolts, nuts, and screws; a capital forcing engine, and pump. Whoever will favour the Proprietors with their custom, will be used with civility, and at a much lower price than it could be bought new ; also a grei't quantity of Sheet Copper, and a large Dove- marble Niche, highly polished. For particulars enquire at the House, or of Mr. JOHN CtRRAUD, Auctioneer, Saturn. [ 1323 ANDOVER. rpo be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A X commodious and ne..- built DWELLING- HOUSE, sitKated ill the High- street, near the Market- place, Andover. Particulars may be known by applying personally or by letter ( post paid) to Mrs. Nosworthy, Andover. ' [ 1394 FREEHOLD ESTATE FOR SALE. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A FREEHOLD ESTATE, consistinc of a good Dwelting- Hnuse and Garden, Malt- House capable of making from 20 to 30 quarters of Malt per week, together with a Coach- House and Stable, and a small Meadow adjoining the above Estate; situate at West Bourne, in the parish of West Bourne. Sussex. For further particulars enquire of Mr. B. Goodman, Southampton; or Mr. George Slade, Printsted, Sussex, who wdl shew the premises, and treat for the samf. Immediate possession may be had. f 141M WEYMOUTH. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by T. TLXDALI,, Oil Tuesday the l'oth of Mav lsos, at Mr. S. Jenkins's Ship- yard,— The FRAME of a VESSEL, about 104 tons register; also a quantity of oak and fir timber irtid plank, of various lengths and sizes; fiie wood, fencing, tar, pitch, rosin, varnish, oil, oakum, trends, iron work, naiis, & c.; the workshop, saw pit and house; Weeks and running rig- ging; three new boats, 14 feet each; n large steam," with furnace complete; and sundav other articles ; the property of Mr. S. Jenkins. ' The iale to begin at threefc'clock in the afternoon. [ l- 2: is T Freehold frwelliHg- Hvuse, Devizes. O be SOLD by AUCTfON, by R. kVuinT, on Tuesday the 17th of May, at the Bear Inn, Devi/.-*, at three o'clock in the afternoon,— A convenient FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, having a good front shop, with suita • ble sitting anil sleeping. rooms," in ihe occupation of Mr. Uny, Tinman and Braaier. The situation isesteemcjl particularly- eligible for trade, being in the greatest thoroughfare, and near the market. To be previously viewed bv permission of the Tenant, and further particulars kw?> vn from the Au> lionrcr, Devizes. [ t;) 9ov FARMING- STOCK., & c. Itlrihemvobil Farm, at lirook, in the Arcw Forest. TJ be SOLD by AUCTION, or, the Premies, by J, Yovti'o, on Thursday the lpth day of Mav inst 1 aos,— The FARM 1NG STOCK, kc. belonging to Mrs.' Sarah Withers, leaving the farm ; comprising nine cows in calf and with calves, 18 heifers, two barretters, six- inch whix- I waggrn, narrow- wheel lUtto, two. broad- wheel dung carts and large ditto, tirnber- gin and chains; drags, harrows, roller, tilted cart, seven pair of harness, four of plough ditto, one cart- horse, sow and pigs, winnowing tack. le, brewing utensils, and aboiut thirty lots of household furniture. The sale will begin at eleven o'clock. [ 13ffl SotiTHAJU'TON, Moy 6', 1908, TO be SOLD by AUCTION, some time in this month, by Mr. WATTS, convenient and substantial D WELLING- J iOUSE, replete with Offices, and large Garden behind the same, Coachrhouse, Stables, Sic. situated No, 10, above the liar. The FURNITURE will be soid at'the same time. QC1T Particulars in the next Paper. [ 1412 MIL FORD, near LYMINGTON, HANTS, rpo be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, at tho i. Angel Inn, in Lymington, in the county of Southamp- ton, on Saturday; the 14th day of May next, at six o'clock in the evening, subject to such conditions as shall be then and there produced,— r— A FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at Lymer Common, iu the parish of Milford atoresaid, com- prizing a cottage and garden, barn, yard, and three closes of uiahle and pasture land, containing by estimation 14 acres or thereabouts, of which some part is'pleasantly situated for buiidiiig on. Further particulars may be known by application trt Mr. Richman, Solicitor, Lyniington. [ Hli ANDQVEU, HANTS, rpo 1) 6 SOLD by AUCTION, by If. CRISWICK, JL at the Mason's Arms inn, on Monday the Ifth of May, • THQ8, at t'ou,: o'clock in ihe. afternoon,— All those extei ni'voi FREEHOLD PREMISES, situate in Kri - k- feln- s;. cet, in tltts occupation of Mr. Garrett; consisting of a farm vard, laig. 3 barn, Waggon shed anfl coach- house, new Gaoling for tw « lVe horses, and a good garden. For a view of the premises, and conditions of sale, apply to th& Auctionei.:, Acdover. " fiU7 » Dublin Farm, nea, v If'her well, Hants. rpo be SQUD by AUCTION, on the Premises, JL br H. CRISWICK, on Wednesday the lsth dsv ot Mav, 11* 03,— The Live FARMING STOCK, and HUSft. AN!) R\ UTENSILS, with Part'of { he HOUSEHOLD FURN- i- - TURE, the property of Mr. FITT, quitting Dublin Farm — The Farming Stock consists of six strong useful draugh; horses, fourteen hogs, three waggons, carts, ploughs, har- rows, drags, and rollers, sixteen pair of plough and cart har- ness, tvvo rick scaffolds, winnowing fans, heavers, icreers, rudders, measures, grc. The Household Furniture cam- prises a general ntsoHmeut, which will be expressed in caCi- i logics, to be delivered three davs previous to the sale, at the White Lion, Wherwell; place'of sale ; arid at vlie Auc-, tioneer's, Andover. '' [ 1374 The Sale to begin precisely at eleven o'clock. WINTERSLOVV,. WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by II. CRISWICK, at the Wjntwslow Hut, on Thursday the 19th day of May, I sort, at three o'clock in the afternoon, subiett to suel{ conditions as will then be produced,— Tvvo desirable LEASE- HOLD ESTATES, situate at Wiutetslaw, 8 miles from Salisbury and 10 from Andover, viz. Lot 1.— A Leasehold, Estate; consisting of a farm- houso and garden, three barns, stables, and other necessary build- ings ; with about 1- 20 acres of irtjlosed rich pasture and arable, land, in the highest possible state of cultivation ; in the occupation of Mr. King, the proprietor. Lot 2.— A modern- built brick and tiled Dwelling- House and garden, delightfully sjtuate in the centre of three acre* of mostluxuriar. t pasture, and eleven acres of arable land adjoining; in the occupation of Mr. Kine, the pfopiftctcr, who will shew the premises. For particulars apply- to the auctioneer, Andover, [ 1372 ANDOVER, HANTS, TO be SOLD by AUCTION, hy T. RAWLINS, ( unless previously disposed of bv private contract) at the White Hart Inn, on Tuesday the Hth : May, 180S, » t ti ur o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale as will then be produced),— All those very desuv. ble I KKEHOLl) PREMISES, situate in New- street," Andover, kit.-, in the occupation of Mr. William Wakefield comprising ,-. hand- some brick and sashed Dwelling- house, with in' rntnuicet hall, two good parlours in front, a kitchen behind, pantiy, and store closets; four pleasant bed- rooms, four garret's, excellent under- ground cellars, brewhouse, stabling, and other out- buildings; and also a very large store- house with two floors, a court- yard, spacious garden, walled in, ami well planted with choice fruit trees. The above premises are in substantial repair, replete with every convenience, and form altogether a complete residence for a genteel liimily, or any person desirous of carrying, on a manufactory.— Possession of the whole may be had on com- pleting the purchase. For further particulars and a view of the Estate apply to^ Mr. William Wakeford, Upper- Mill, Andover; 01 to T. Rawlins, the Auctioneer. [ lUfio WESTBURY. rpo be SOLD by AUCTION, by R. TOWN- SEND, JL on Monday the ltfth day of May, ISOFS, by order of tlte Assignees of Nathaniel Peach Singer, late of Westburv, com- mon brewer, a bankrupt,— Alt the HOUSEHOLD GOODS and FURNITURE; consisting of four- post, tent, and other bedsteads, with cotton furniture; prime feather beds, flock beds, blankets, quilts, bed and tabic linen, plate and china; mahogany Cumberland, drtssing, and Pembroke tables; chairs, secretary, glazed bookcase, Arc.; pier and dressing glasses, floor and stair carpets, register and Bath stoves, Kitchen range, smoak jack, and all sorts of culinary articles, & c. kc. And on Tuesday the 17th will be SOLD,— The STOCK in TRADE ; consisting of about 200 hogsheads of strong beer ; a large iron furnace with brass cock ; mash tub that works 28 bushels; under back; three coolers; lead liquor jiurap; copper wort pump; 15 store casks, from 9 to 63 barrels ; a large quantity of so- iallon, hogshead, 4o- gaIlon, barrel, kil- derkin, and half- kilderkin casks, the greatest part of the whole nearly new; four pockets of hops; cart with iron axles; pully ; and sundry other articles, arc. The sale to begin each day at eleven o'clock. To be viewed Saturday preceding and mornings of sale, where catalogues may be had, and at J. Morgan's cabinet Warehouse, Warminster. [ Iii87 QC?" All Persons indebted to the Estate, or that have any of tl-. e Bankrupt's Effects, are requested to pay or deliver the same < 0 Mr. Down or Mr. Baiss, of Warminster, two of the Assignees ; or to Mr. Williams, attorney, Tiowbridge. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. COLLINS, AT KISj PRINTING- OFFICE, ON THE CANAL, SALISBURY} JVTiere Orders, Advertisement, and authentic Articles of New- s are received ( Postage paid.) Aire by the Pwktms and BooKSEtms in the Wast of England; by the « sportive Nwanw i in London by Messrs. TAYLOR and NEWTON, No. 5, Winrisk- Swte* Warwick- Lane, NewwteJJireet. and Mr. WH- KIE. B « * « Uer. rttonMUr. il-.
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