The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3714
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 02/05/1808
Printer / Publisher:
Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3714
No Pages: 4
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AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. [ NUMBER 3714. - VOLUME LXXIIL] MONDAY, MAY 2, 1808. PRICE SIXPENCE. / Stamp Duty.... 2J</. \ Paper and i'rint r. M? V, Monday's and rSues day's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. BRUSSEJ. S, March 2. ADMIRAL Gautheaumc has been appointed to the command of the combined Toulon aud Rochefort fleets, and has already in conse- quence set out for Toulon. Rear- Admiral Lallimand commands the Rochcfort squadron under him. Ac- cording to latest accounts, Admiral Gamheaume sailed from Toulon with the combined fleets on the 12
th of February. GOTTKNBCRGH, April 18. Our last advice- from 5Ictsinburgh mention, that as late as the 10th inst. no French troops were iu Zealand. Beruadotte, and sotneother officers, had been in Copenhagen, but had left it, and proceeded to Odensen. A detachment of the Swedijii army has entered Norway. Reports from Stockholm, brought by the post of to- dav, say that the Russian army in Finland has halted for want of provisions. A great quantity of English goods lias already arrived here this year, but not a box or a bale can be sent to any part whatever. j LONDON, MOSDAY, APRIL ' 25. Three Gottenburgh Mails
have arrived. They present tile same aspect of affairs in the North as that exhibited in the last intelligence. No important transaction have yet taken place. The details respecting the hostilities in Finland are very scanty and unsatis- factory. We are told that the Russians have been obliged to halt for the want of provjsions; which is highly probable. The Swedish army continued to fall Wk. Ronapart has presented ttt Princc Kurakin a snuff- oox with his portrait set in diamonds, valued at 40,0001. for the etiare the Prince took in the Treaty of Tilsit. Notwithstanding the number of reports which have 1> een circulatedteSpectin^ the
Rochefort squadron, there is slow no doubt that the fir- t accounts which reached u-, of its Laving entered the Mediterranean, were correct. The • article frota Brussels, brought by the Gotten burgh Mails, is confiiined hy letters from on " board tlie Apollo frigate, stating that the united French squadron was seen on the Hth of February,, the day of its sailing, standing towards the Hit- res Islands, in thick weather, and in a gale of wind. Aec ^ Qnts Iwve also been received that it reached the Adriatic about the latter end of that month. On the 9th < f rtarch IV » d Collingwood, with his own squadron and those of Admiral Thornlmroogh
and Sir Richard St radian, Was off Marelimo, a small island fo the west of Sicily, and we understand that his Lordship had ascertained the rendezvous of the enemy's fleet. American Papers to the 10th ult. were received this miming. It is obvious from their'contents, that the tembargo lias already produced very great distress in America, and of courre a proportionable shaft of dis- content. Notwithstanding the S" vere penalties attached to the violation of the embargo decree, a number of vessels had s » ile! l in the night from the American ports, with flour and - necessaries, for the West India Islands''; where the vessels were sold
and the crews dispersed, to avoid the operations ' of th-- act; and, ift consequence of thetfe supplies, flour had very Mtl* advanced in Jamaica and our other ' islands. The AuicfSCan Senator, Mr. Pickering, has published a long address to tbe Goveffc. rr of the State of Massachusetts, . oh. thc rtiinoos conscquenefes of a war with Great Bri. taiA-, in which lie details the origin and progress of the diffe- rence between the two countries, and positively concludes that England has given America no cause of war. f l is fully understood that the ftiissicra of Mr. Rose to A merica wfts not so successful as might have been hoped for, txit '
that he found the Americans at large much more • favourably disposed towards this country than they had tieen. The President has not anullcd his unfriendly I'ro- fchflaatlofi', nor Iras the Embargo been withdrawn; bfit Mr, Rose uas assured that the ' ctMtmuahce of the latter did not - ii- ise from any " hostile feeling towards this country. Mr. Hose was fully authorized to make every proper reparation in the business of the Chesapeake; but as the Preskledt tefus- d to revefe the Proclamation, and a" there are other topic; which required discussion, the Negotiation was sus- pended, upin as- uranees^ fafavourahledispc'dtion to treat.
Mr. Rose parted in a very friendly manner v. ith the Prtsiderit on the 28th ult. and as Messrs. Clinton and Mon<- > ee we're likely to be eferteA Co the Presidency and Vice- Presidency on tbe approaehir'ig election, there is every reason to hope that th : present amicable disposition of the p*- ople will be rtrengtheued by the measures of the subse- quent Government. Intelligence was yesterday received, ( confirming the rumour of a Revolution in - pain. The King of Spain is ( dethroned; and, to uV. ke his degradation the more com- plete, he has been compelled to declare that his abdication Was quite volnntitry, and that his ill
state ot" health required a change of climate, Bonaparte, however, drd not think it prudent at once to expel the Bourbons from the Spanish' Throne, and the Prince of Asturias is the nominal uc- Ccssor of his father, under the title of Ferdinand the 7th. As scon as the new King was seated on the Throne, he issued a Proclamation, iu which he assured his subjects that the Arrtty of his All)-, the Emperor of France, had entered his Dominion- upon principles the most friendly to his interest, and merely to guard the Ports of Spain against the designs of the English. The property of the Cxi nee of Peace was confiscated, and he has
been thrown into prison-. So irritated were the chief Spanish Nobility against him, that the Revolution has the appearance of having been headed by them; and by whatsoever secret direction it was effected, the French took no active part therein. E> ST INITSA L iersK.— A General Court w as held this day, summoned on Especial Affairs-, which was very numerously attended. After the usual forms, th" Chairman stated to the Court, that a deficit of li, 400,000( e- iisting in the pre- nt nt accounts of the Company, it was deemed expedient to prepare a Petition to Parliament for relief, and to submit the same for the consideration and
approbation of the Pro- prietary. The Committee of the House of Commons, Ire had the pleasure to say, were disposed to recommend it to the Honse to make an immediate payment on account of the debt due from Government to the Company of L'.' ObjOOUi He then stated the causes of the present de- ficit, ai. ftiug which a prominent one was the advances made by desire of Government, on various occasions, particu- larly for tbe expedition to Egypt, under the command of Sir David Bairii, and the heavy interest ( IS per cent.) ac- cumulating on loans made for that surviee in India. He next took a view of the tangible property
of tbe Company, which he Shewed would be, on tic- arrival of certain good* from India, I9,420,6-> W. The Petition having been read, it was moved that it be presented to the House of Com- mons hy Mr. Grant. After a few observations from differ- ent gentlemen, the question was put, and carried unani- mously. LONGEVITY.— During the last year, 45 persons 13 males a 1 - iti females, died in the United Kingdom, between tbe ag'- s of 100 and 128 years. Ot these, IS are stated to have enjoyed almost uninterrupted good he ilth tu the time of tU- ir death; 32died in England and Wales; 7 in Ireland, and ( I in Scotland. Among them
were six who lived to be more than 110 years old, viz. F. O'SiXUivan, Limerick, 111. (— Ifary Meywood, Woodbridge, 112.-^ J. Ramsay, Clar- 115.—- V n Meade, Ireland, 117,— Ann Johnston, a MARX- LANE, Monday, April - 25. Our supplies of Wheat for to- flay's market v. ere reasonably plentiful. Oats were in great abundance, but we had not much fresh up of any other grain. The mealing trade at an early hour and for prime samples had a considerable briskness, with an advance of about Is. per quarter in the price, but it rather slackened afterwards, and was heavy at the close. Pease of both sorts- full as dear, and in good
demand ; the like may be said of Oats ; Barley is Is. per quarter dearer. Mustard Seed is con- siderably lower a'nd has few buyers, nor does Clover Seed find so ready a sale as had been expected, at least for some little time to come. In other respects we observe little variation, and nothing particular to add to the currency subjoined -.— English Wheat B0s. to 77.'.— Rve 38s. to 50s.— White Peas Ms. to 160s.— Grey ditto 4*. t. to 58s.— Horse Beans 50s. to GOs.— Tick Beans 46s. to 585.— Barley 38s. to 49S.— Malt 50s. to 76s.— Oats ,30s. to 46s.— Rye Grass 14s. to 39s. per qr.— English Household Flour 58s. to 60s. per
sack ; ditto Ame- rican sup. 3-" is. to 41s. per barrel.— Rape Seed 391. to 3SI. per last.— Carraway Seed 38s. to 1 Is.— Coriander Seed 14s. to 24s. — Red Clover 36s. to 90s. White ditto ) 2s. to 100s.— Trefoil 7s. to 24s. per cwt.— Tares 14s. to 20s. per bushel. SM IT im ELD- MARKET, April 25. This day' market afforded a pretty good supply oi prime Beasts, and the show of Cattle in other respects was rather considerable; Beef is getting cheaper, Lamb dearer; Mutton, Pork, and Veal support last prices, and the trade in general was tolerably brisk.— The numbers were, Neat Cattle 1,850.— Sheep and l. ambs 15,000. —
Calves 140.— Pigs 250.— The Prices, Beef 4s. lotf. to 5s. 6i. Mutton 5s. to 5s. 6d. Veal 7s. to 8s. Lamb 6s. to 8s. Pork 5s. 6d. to 7s. per stone of 8//-. to sink the offal. SALISBURY INFIRMARY, April 23, 1808. ^ B^ IIE Secretary reported for the Treasurer, that he J_ had received, by the hands of Mr. Wickius, the Pro- duce of a CONCERT and BALI, given by the Officers of the Sccond Somerset Militia, 33/. His. 5d. Order-, d,— That a Letter of Thanks be transmitted to the Mess of the said Regiment. Ordered,— That the Thanks of this Committee be given to all other Performers at the said Concert. Orderea,— That the above be
inserted in the Salisbury Journal, bv order of the Committee, 1317] W. DYKE WHITMARSH, Sscretary. TIIE principal Inhabitants of Market Lavington, and its vicinity, are requested to MEET at the Green Dragon Inn, Market Lavington, on Wednesday the 4th day of May inst. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to consult on measures to prevent the RISING of the TOLLS on the Mar- ket Lavingtou Turnpike Roads. [ 1285 NEW SARUM ASSOCIATION,^ For the Prevention of Roll- erics, Theftsc& c. " VTOTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of this X^ l Association will be held at the Cross Keys Inn, in the City of New Sarum, on
Thursday the 12th day of May next, for the purpose of Collecting till Arreartfdue to the same, and of eutering'into fresh Subscriptions for the ensuing year ; at which meeting it is particularly requested every Member will attend. N. B. There will be a Dinner provid d, which will be on table precisely at two o'clock. Wlc- MOT & GODWIN, Sarutn, April 2Sth, 1808. Solicitors. [ 1307 Fisherton, IFilton, Heyteshury, IVMoughby- lIedge, and Redhor. e Turnpike. NOTICE is Hereby given,-— That the Treasurer will attend at the Antelope inn, on Tuesday the 3d day of May next, from eleven o'clock in the forenoon until two in the'aftemoon, to
p « y the IXT> arst due to the Securities of this Turnpike. JAS. c ' HAS. STILL, Treasurer. SARUM AND EALING TURNPIKE. NOTICE is hereby given, That the next Meeting of ( heTrustees is appointed to be held, pursuant to the last adjournment, at the House of Joachim Hibbcrd, known by the name of the Maidenhead Inn, in the City of New Sarum. on Friday the 6th day of May next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. WM. BOUCHER, Clerk and Treasurer. SARUMv.- ffr? 7£?, ISO?. , [ 1316 Turnpike Hoad irtuler Salisbury Plain. TIIE next Meeting of the Trustees of this Road will be held, by adjournment, at the Earl of Pem broke's Arms, in Fovant, in the county of Wilts, on Wed- nesday the Ilth day of May next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon ; at which time and place the REPAIRS of the said Road will he LETT by CONTRACTS in Parochial Districts or otherwise, fas may be then agreed upon,) troin White- Sheet- Hill to Barford Saint Martin, as it leads through the several and respective narishes of Donhead Saint Andrew, Anstv, Swallowcliff, Fovant, Sutton, Com^ ton, Hurdcott, and Barford Saint Martin aforesaid ; when and where the Waywardens of the respective parishes, and all other persons desirous of contracting for >< uch repairs, are to
attend.— Dated this lfith day of April, 1S08. 4213] G. SOUTH, Clerk and Treasurer. LONDON AND SOUTHAMPTON NEW ROAD, Through Bishop's If alfham. THE tiext Meeting of the Trustees of the said Road, is appointed to be held at the Dolphin Inn, Bishop's Waltham, oil Thursday the 12th day of May next, at Twelve o'clock at noon. . April4t, 1808. WM. GUNNER, Clerk. RIN'GWOOD INCLOSURE. WE, the Connnissioneis, named in an Act of liament for inclosing Lands in the parish of Ringwood, in the county of Southampton, do hereby give Notice to the Owners of such old Inclosures as lie at a distance, or in other
respects are inconvenient to be occupied from the several Messuages to which they belong, and who may be desirous to have the same allotted to other Proprietors for Lands of equal value, which may lie more convenient, to signify to us, in writing, at our next Meeting, their Consent to have the same allotted, in pursuance of the powers vested in us by the said A, c't. And W » e do also give Notice, that such Proprietors as are desirous of having Land deducted from the respective allot- ments instead of borrowing moia- y to defray their shares of the cxpences of the said Inclosure, arc authorised, by Act of Parliament, to have
the same done, provided they signify, in writing, to be delivered to us at our said Meeting, their request for that purpose. And wc do further eivc Notice, that the several Claims of tbe Proprietors are lodged at the office of Mr. Harbin, our Clerk, tor the inspection of all parties interested; and all objections which may he made thereto are required, by Act of Parliament, to be signified to Us, in writing, at our said next Meeting. And we do hereby give Notice, that we intend to hold our next or third Meeting at the House of Joseph Peirce, the White Hart Inn, in Ringwood aforesaid, on Monday the Oth day of May next.— Dated March 1'
2, .1808. RICH. RICHARDSON, FRANCIS WEBB, 043] JOHN WICKENS. HARRIERS. WANTED to PURCHASE,— From Two to Six Couple of HARRIERS, of a middling size, aud that can be warranted staunch and good. Any person having such hounds to dispose of, is requested to leave a line at the Printing- office, Canal, Salisbury, directed for B. Z. which will be attended to.— The advertiser will have no objection to draft houru's. [ 1137 ALADY, wanting the Situation of GOVERNESS in a Genteel Family, may be heard of, by letter being addressed to A. B. Pos:- office, Portsmouth. [ 1310 BAILIFF. \ Respectable middle aged Farmer, who is single, Jx. would wish to engage himself immediately with any gentleman, to undertake the management of any quantity of lands, & c. He has been always used to farm on a large scale, and is perfectly experienced in agriculture, as well as in every kind of stock, & c. Any gentleman wishing to em- ploy a person of this description, he will receive tile most satisfactory recommendation. Letters ( post- paid) addressed to the Printer of this Paper will be duly answered. [ 12- 25 TTirANTEiD, for a Poor House,— A sober steady } J Man and his Wife, to FARM the IN POOR at North Stone'am, at per head per week
; the number about 16 or 18. The Man will be required to know some branch of manufacture, the more simple the better, such as Biscuit B iking or Sack Weaving, & c. The Poor House adjoins the Common, with an allowance of turf, also a paddock of an acre and a half of enclosed land.—— For further particulars enquire of the Churchwardens and Overseers. [ 1333 TO LINEN DRAPERS. WANTED,— A young MAS as SHOPMAN, in the Linen Drapery Business; also a respectable youth as an APPRENTICE. [ 1314 Apply to Mr. Beckingsale, Salisbury. V\ rANTED, in a large Inn, a steady Woman as TV BAR MAID, wherein
great trust will be reposed.— A reference for a good character will be expected. For further particulars apply to the Printer of the Ports- mouth Telegraph. ' [ 123G WANTED immediately, as an ASSISTANT IN A SCHOOL,— A steady Young Man, who writes a good hand and understands arithmetic. [ 12G4 Apply at the Printing- Office. TO CARPENTERS. WANTED,— A CARPENTER, capable of building Cottages, and of doing all sorts of work about a Farm- House. Constant employment at 16s. a week, all the year round, and a House and Garden rent free. He must be able to produce, from some respectable person, s.
character for sobriety, honesty, and industry. No applications can be attended to, except such as arc made in person to Mr. ROBERT ROIIINSON, of Botley, near Southampton ; and r: o man need apply, whose present place of residence is not more than ten miles from Southampton, and also from Portsmouth, WANTED,— A good BOOT- MAKER. A good Workman may meet with constant employ and good wages, by applying to Mr. Burry, Boot and Shoemaker, Ringwood, Hants. [ 1327 TO BLACKSMITHS. VfTANTED,— A Alan, capabla of Forging and T T Turning all kinds of Mill Work ; also a Man to work under, a--
Hammer Man, and occasionally to work at the forge. Sober men will meet with jBwnr'dhtr emplov, and wages according to abilities, by spphdn* to T. Mines,' Mill- wright and Machinc- maker, Fi'sherton, Salisbury. [ 1345 YyANTED, as FOOTMAN, in a Clergyman's T T Family, where a few young Gentlemen are educated, — An active, steady, and sober MAN, who can bring a good character from his lust place, and will also undertake the care of a horse.— A Boy is kept to assist. Enquire, if by letter, postpaid, of the Printer. [ 116- 2 ^ y^ Nn:! ), ill a small family in the country,— A * T steady active Mm. as FOOTMAN, and VALET:
he rtlhst understand cleaning plate and leather breeches, and must have an undeniable chtr ictcr from his last place. \ vb- ie he must have lived at least twelve months. [ 1237 Apply at the Printing- Office ; if by letter, post paid. nPO be SOLD, - A GREY FILLY, two years 3 old this grass, got bv Worthy, dam by Delpirri, prand- dam by Alexander. Price 35 Guineas. A CHESNUT DITTO, sister to the above, rising one year old.—— Price 56 Guineas. [ 1219 The above fillies are remarkably bony a- nd large, and will be ab. le to carry great weights. To b: seen by enquiring of Mr. Collingdridge, at Mr. Vinn's Stables, Winchester. . st,
123.— Aud 128. W, CrufaJlv, Broadstone, MONXTON INCLOSURE. WE the Commissioners named and appointed in and by a Certain Act of Parliament lately made and passed for inclosing Lands in the Manor and Parish of MonX- ton, in the county of Southampton, do hereby give Notice, that - V- intend lo hold a special General Meeting at the White Hart Inn, on Wevhill, in the parish of Monxton aforesaid, on Monday the 33d day of May next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, " for the purpose of reading over and executing our Award, in the presence of all or so many of the Proprietors of Lands and Rights within the Manor
and Parish of Monxton aforesaid as may choose then and there to attend ; and we do further give Notice, that immediately after reading over and executing our said award, wc shall continue our meeting for further executing the powers vested in us, the said Commis- sioners.— Witness our hands this 7th of Julv, 1807. JOHN TlUTCHER. GEORGE BARNES. BRINKWORTH INCLOSURE. NOTICE is hereby given, That we the undersigned Commissioners appointed by and actinc incxicjtion of the Act of Parliament passed in " the fortv- sixth year of the reign of his present Majesty, for inclosing Linds in the Parish of Brinkworth, in
the County of Wilts, intend to meet at the White Lion Inn, a'. Malmesbury,' in the sa: d County, On Monday the 23d day of May next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, for the special purpose of reading over and exe- cuting the Award by vs made in pursuance of the said Act, and also the General Inclosure Act; when and where the se- veral Proprietors, and all other Persons interested iu th, said Inclosure, or any Exchange in consequence thereof made, or who are otherwise concerned in the said Award, may be pre- sent if they so think proper j— Pitted this 17 th day of February, 1808. JOHN WILLIAM BlEDERMAN. WILLIAM
JENNINGS. 1309J RICHARD RICHARDSON. TO be DISPOSED OF,— Two yearling BULLS, out of real Norman cows ( not Alderney, being imported by the proprietor from Caen, in Normandy, at the peace in ISOI), by a thorough bred Devonshire bull. They are very handsome, and well worth the notice of those who prefer a cross of the above description.— Price Ten Guineas each. Apply to Messrs. Baker and Fletcher, Southampton. [ 1328 TO be SOLD," A very excellent real A LDERNEY COW in CAI. E, five years old; also, a beautiful Year- ling BULL, of the same breed. Enquire of Wm. Coleman, at Brookheath, near
Fording- bridgc, Hants. [ 1- 284 SALE, a very handsome voting real Norman COW, - kith her C ALF ( the second) by her side.— She- is remarkably gentle, and excellent for Milk. Enquire of James Forrest, Grocer, Poole, [ 1306 1" ^> OR SA1. K Ty l'RIVATE CONTRACT, a neat PHAETON, with a Curricle Carriage, and two pair of Wheels belonging to the same, and a complete Set of Harness for. two Horses, late the property of a Gentleman, deceased. The Carriage is handsomely fitted up and in com- plete repair, never having been used since it was painted and varnished. Apply to James Bristowe and Co. Poole. [ 1305 r | X)
be SOLD very cheap,—— A light and low .1 DOUBLE PHAETON, to carry tour; head to the front body, knee flaps to both, with shafts and a pole. To be s. cn at Mr. Lock's, coach- maker, Southampton. [ 1334 TO FARMERS, GRAZIERS, AND OTHERS. STOCK will be taken into Keep at Appuldercomb Park, in the Isle of Wight. Particulars may be known on application to Mr. Hawkes, at Newport, [ 1326 " LYDIARD PARK, WILTS, 1808, TO be STOCKED, as usua!> from May 14th to Sept. 29th, with two year old and yearling HF. 1KRRS. Two Vear olds at Fifty Shillings per head, yearlings at Thirty- five Shillings per head. The
money to be paid when the cattle are taken away. N. B.— Any person taking his cattle away before the time specified will pay the full price ; if left after the time 4s. per head per week . * For further particulars apply to Mr. Ciook, Flaxlands, near Wootton Bassett. [ 1339 LYDIARD PARK AND WOODS, WILTS. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— The BARK of a large quantity of Oak Trees ; also the BARK of about thirty Acres of Underwood Oak Saplings, from - 20 to 45 years growth. * » * For particulars apply to Mr. Crook, Flaxlands, near Wootton Bassett. T1340 COWES, ISLE OF WIGHT. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE
CONTRACT,— A remarkably strong well- built CUTTER, 36 tens mea- surement ; is well calculated for a passage vessel, or any pur- pose which requires room and at the same time fast sail ins. For particulars apply to Mr. Frampton, East Cowes Hotel. March 2, 1808. [ 677 TO BREWFRS, INNKEEPERS, AND OTHERS. TO be DISPOSED OF, by PRIVATE CON- TRACT,— About 20 Hogsheads'of capital Old STRONG BEER, a four- hogshead Brewing Copper ( equal to new), Mashing Tub, Under Back, and Keeve Tub to answer; Two ten- hogshead Casks, eleven four- hogshead ditto, two five- hogshead ditto, several
Hogsheads, and other useful things in the brewing line. To treat for the same apply at Mrs. Mary Goodall's, High- Strcetj Andover. * £ 1283 A considerable stock of Calicos, Cambric Muslins, Din- i'ies. Ginghams, & c. paithuhriy deserving the attention of the public. At BECKINGSALE's Warehouse, Silver- street, Salisbury. IN consequence of the cotton manufacturers having no export trade, large consignments from several houses at Manchester are just received at the above Warehouse, and will immediately be sold, for ready money, at nearly half tbe oiit; inal cost of the manufacturers. f: oo pieces stout Calico, id. per yard ;•
150 pieces ell wide ditto, 8( 1. per yard ; 500 pieces ell wide Cambric Muslin, lid. and 14rf. per yard; - loo pieces yard- and- half wide Cambric ditto 16d. curious 2s. per yard ; 300 pieces Corded Dimity, 9d. per yard; 200 pieces stout Furniture Dimity, lid. and 12d. per yard. J. BECKINGSALE is this week returned from London, with an extensive collection of Fashionable Drapery, which is just opened for inspection; an extensive variety of Printed Cam- brics, ell wide, 20d.; the New Spring Patterns, ell wide, from - is. to 2s. 6d.; a collection of Tambour and S'. ttin- worked Muslins, Lenos, Japans, Brocaded Muslins, Bor- derings,
Sic.; 200 different patterns in coloured Embroidered Robe Dresses ; 150 Tamboured Muslin Robes, excellent quality, 9s. 6V. dress. Silk and Cotton Stockings ; an extra allowance by the half dozen. [ 1313 NOTICE is hereby given,— That the Copartner- ship in the Trade or Business formerly carried on at or in the town and county of the town of Poole,, between Sir JOHN LESTER, late of Poole aforesaid. Km. deceased, and the undersigned BENJAMIN LINTHORNE, of the same place, Merchant, under the Firm of Sir John Lester and Co. was dissolved and determined on the i « th day of January, 1305, by the death of the said
Sir John I- estet, who by his Will bequeathed his Property, Share, and Interest in the said Trade to | the said Benjamin Linthorne. As witness our hands this 20th day of January, 1808. GEORGE GARLAND, 1289J Executor of Sir John Lester. B. LINTHORNE. Executor and surviving Partner of Sir John Lester. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. SUITER and HINVES, PLUMBERS, GLAZIERS, and PAINTERS, desire to return thanks to their friends, for the favours they have received, during 16 years past, in the above business; and inform them, that the PARTNERSHIP is this day DISSOLVED; and they request those of their friends
who stand indebted to the partnership concern, to pay the same either to 8uitei or Hinves, No. 23 and 24, East- street, Southampton : and whoever has any demand 011 the firm of Suiter and Hinves, will deliver the same to either of the late partners, in order to a settlement. 1330] E. S0ITER. Southampton, April 30, 1808. G. I11NVES. GIIINVES most respectfully informs his friends . a » d tbe public, the PLUMBING, GLAZING, and RAI MTING Business will be carried on at his house, No. 24, East- s'rcet, on his own account, ( Mr. SUIJER, on account of HI health, having declined business,) and takes this op- portunity to solicit
the favours of their late friends, and hopes, by a strict attention to orders, to merit their future favours and support. N. B.— Lifting and common Pumps, Engines, Water- Closets, & c. etc. on the most approved principle. [ 1331 7 QUAY YARD, POOLE, Jpril 20, 1808. THE Public are respectfully informed, that the COAL TRADE, which has been carried on for many years by Mr. SOLOMAM MIFFLEN, at Quay Yard, ( as suc- cessor to the late Mr. W ATTS, I will in future be conducted by Messrs. GADEN, ALDRIDGE, and ADEY, as successors to Mr. Mi FT T I N, who retires from business. The favours which Mr. MIFFLIN has for
many years ex- perienced, by the kind patronage of hi: friends and customers in general, demand his most grateful ucknowlcdcments ; and at the same time that he returns thanks for past favours, he begs leave to recommend a continuance of the same to Messrs, GABEN, ALORIUGF, and ADEY, who arc authorized to receive all outstanding debts due to Mr. Mil FI F. N. QUAY COAL YARD* POOLE, April 20, 1808. MR. SOLOMAN MIFFLEN having declined business in favour of GADEN, ALDRIDGE, and ADEY, thiy respectfully inform their friends and the puld c in general, that a constant supply will always be provided of the
most approved sorts of NEWCASTLE and SUNDER- LAND COALS, and all orders executed on the most reason- able terms. [ 1- 213 N. B.— STONE COALS, CCLM, and GRINDSTONES. Now delivering-,— Some Cargoes of PRIMROSE MOOR and MOURN MOOR MAIN COAL, at the lowest prices. MR. CRABI5, SURGEON, APOTHECARY, and MAN- MIDWIFE, hegs to inform the inhabitants o'f Romsey and its vicinity, that he has taken the House lately in the occupation of Mr. WAKE, and trusts that a strict atten- tion to the duties of his profession will entitle him to their patronage. N. B. He is a Member of the Royal
College of Surgeons, in London. (" 1232 SWATH LING FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, Three Miles from Southampton. JCROUCH and SON beg permission most tin- • feignedly to thank the Parents and Guardians of the Pupils entrust d to their care for past favours, and infor- n them, in fu>..:;..- the Business of the School will be conducted by J. ecu, jun. who, impressed with gratitude for favours <":. red on his Father and himself, solicits the continuance > i the same support, which shall be his n'. oi . n . ady to de- serve, by the indefatigable attention to . hose committed to his charge, in bringing them forward n the different
branches of Literature taught by him. [! 311 The English Language grammatically; Writing, plain and ornamental; Arithr: ic; Geography; Geometry; Stere- ometiy; Navizatior : the single and doub1-- Altitudes ; Book- keeping ; Lantl- sutv; ying, practical and theory ; and Mapping. The French L - guage and Dancing by approved masters. NEAT POST CHAISE, AT TiTE RED LION INN, GOSPOKT URACIL DAVID WESTON, George Inn, Warnford, and GEO. PRATT, King's Head, - Wickham, return their thanks for favours received, and respectfully, inform th - Pub- lic, that they are induced to keep POST CHAISE and HORSES at
the above Inn, which may be had on the shprtest notice, Gentlemen ttavelline to London may be accommodated three or four stages, if desired, by which means the great delay of shifting lii ' gige will be prevented, and the charge reduced, by taking oh two miles between Gosport and Warn- ford. * [ 1135 D. W. and G. P. are determined to keep the very 1 e; t Horses, and to provide careful Drivers. April 14, 1803. TllOMAS GUILLAUME, juii. begs to inform the Gentlemen and Farmers in the Vicinity of South- ampton, thi. t he has just landed a Cargo of BIDDOCK's NEW MAIN COALS, which are very superior in quality, and which
he- is selling very cheap. NOSTHAM YARD, April 2} i, 18t) S. [ 1337 NEWCASTLE COALS. NOW delivering from Ship at. the Quay,— A good and rubbly Cargo of BRANDLING'S LOW MAIN COALS, at 47s. per Chaldron, or Is. - id. per Bushel. Will be a few days delivering.' ( fj> Apply on board the Charlotte, Capt. Pattison. SOUTHAMPTON, April 27, 1803. [ 134- 2 TWO HUNDRED GUINEAS REWARD. By O raer of the liight Hon. Lord Glenbervie, Surveyor General of his Majesty's JVocds, Forests, qc. " Vt7" HEREAS it was discovered, between the hours T T of ten and eleven o'clock on the night of Thursday the 14th of
April, that some wicked person or p- rsons had feloniously and maliciously SET ON FIRE the WOOD of HIS MAJESTY in the mclosurc called Ocknell, in the New Forest, in the county of Southampton; and several of the other inclosures in the said Forest have been set on fire in like manner, whereby damage has been done to the young Timber growing therein. And whereas it is enacted by the Act of the 1st Geo. I, Stat. 2, Cap. 48, " That if any person shall mabciously set on fire, or burn, or cause to be burned, any Wood, Underwood, Coppice, or any part thereof, he shall be . guilty of Felony." A Reward of TWO HUNDRED
GUINEAS is hereby offered to any person or persons ( not being the principal c- r principals in committing any of the said offences) who shall give information concerning the same, at the Office of the said Lord Glenbervie, No.' 18, Great George- street, West- minster, or to Joseph Mortimer, Esq. his Lordship's De- puty in the said Forest, at his house at Ower, near Rom ay, Hants, aud shall afterwards give evidence to convict the Ortcndt- r or offenders, or any of them ; the said sum of Two Hundred Guineas to be paid by the said Lord Glenbervie im- mediately after such conviction.— April 16, 1868. [ I1H7 CAUTION TO
WAGGONERS. WHEREAS on the 22d February last, 1, WIL- LIAM OSBORNE, of Wdlington,- Waggoner, being on the road from Derby to Burton with my waggon, did not make way tor his Majesty's mail coach, but did obstruct it, for which offence the Postmasters- general had ordered a pro- secution against me, but have consented to withdraw the same 011 my making this public apology, and promising to be more . careful in future. Now 1 do hereby return thanks to the Postmasters- general for the great lenity shewn me, and hope this will be a caution to all drivers not to offend in like manner. Witness my hand, WILLIAM
OSBORNE. Witness, W. M. SIIORTH'OSE. . [ I2SG THAKEN UP STRAYING, on Saturday the 20th X inst. at Wmterbournc. Stoke, A BAY " PONY, 13 hands high. Whoever can prove it to be their propers , may have it again by applying to Thomas P' tty, ol Wintc. - bourne Stoke, Wilts, on paying the expenct'of advertising and keep. [ t; il9 T HE GRAND STATE LOTTERY, which begins drawing June 28, is the only Lottery that ever contained SIX PRIZES of if. 20,000. SCHEME. 6 Prizes of £.' 20,000 are £. 120,000 2 10,000 20,000 e 5,000 10.000 a .... 2,000 ..,. 6,000 & .... 1,000 5,000 7 .... 809 3,500 so 100 2,000 30 .... 50
1,500 1,000 .... a- 2 .... 22,000 4,009 15 .. . . 60,000 5,000 Tickets. £• 250., 000 NO FIXED PRIZE Tickets and Shares are selling at all the Licensed Offices in London, and bv their Agents in the Country. Present Price.— Ticket £. 20 19s. Half . C. 10 15 0 | Eighth £. 9 15 C Quarter S 3 0 Sixteenth 1 8 0 CHILDREN of MARY CAMIS, deceased. THE Children, or Next of Kin, of MARY CAWIS, late of Hinton Ampner, in the county of Southampton, who was the sister of Jonathan Gardler, la'te of the parish of Milford, in the said county, gentleman, deceased, if „ r, v ire now living, are requested to ser. d their names and places of
abode, with a statement of their consanguinity fif they are not children of the said MARY CA. MIS!, oil or before the'l4th day of May next, to Mr. Richman, Solicitor, Lymington, Hants; after which they will hear of something to their ad- vantage. Dated the 19th day of April, 1808. [ 121^ iRKAS' a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded . . and issued forth against ISAAC COLE, now or late of Marnhuil, in the county of Dorset, Woolstapler, Dealer and Chapman ; and he heiriT declared a bankrupt, is hereby re- quired to surrender himself to the Commissioners, in the sard commission named, or the major part of them, on the 29th and
30th days of April inst. and on the 4th day of June ntxt, at eleven in the forenoon of each day, at the house of James Cheltenham, commonly called or knpwn by the name or sign of the Swan, situate in Shaftesbury, in the said county of Dorset, and make a full discovery and disclosure of his estate and effects ; when and where the creditors are to ccn. e prepared to prove their debts, and at tbe second sitting to choose assignees, and at the last sitting the said bankrupt is required to finish his examination, and the creditors are to assent to or dissent from the allowance of his certificate. All persons indebted to the said bankrupt,
or that have any of his effects, are not to pay or deliver the same hut to whom the commissioners shall appoint; hut give notice to Messrs. Tahonr'din, solicitors, Argylc- strcet, London, or Charles Bowles, Shaftesburv. [ 4213 PURSUANT to a Decree of the irligb Court of Chancprv, made in a cau e " BLATHERWICK against GOODF. VE," the creditors of RICHARD OWEN and TU « MAS BLATHERWICK, of Fareham, in the county of Hants, who lately carried 0: 1 Partnership together in supplying Provisions to the French Prisoners of War at Portchester Castle, on board the Prison Ships in Portsmouth Harbour, at Norman- Cross
Prison, in the county of Huntingdon, and at Stapleton Prison, near Bristol, are forthwith to come in aud prove their debts before John Campbell, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Office in Southampton- Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, or in default thereof they will be excluded the benefit of the said decree. [ 1228 PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a cause " BLATHERWICK agaijist GOODF. VE," the creditors of RICHARD OWEN and THOMAS BLATHERWICK, of Fareham, in the county of Hants, and WILLIAM CARDEN and PROVIUENCE HANS'AUD, of the city of Bristol, who
lately carried 011 Partnership together in sup- plying Proxisiens to the French Prisoners of War at Port- chester- Castle, on board the Prison Ships in Portsmouth Harbour, at Norman- Cro- v. Prison, in the county of Hun- tingdon, and : it f'. t. mieton Pi - near Bristol, are forthwith to come in and prove their dt .; • • John Campbell, Esq. one of the Masters of the said L'e. irt, a; i-: s Office in South- ampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, L01 .. or in default thereof they will be excluded the benefit of trie said dccree. SALISBURY. THE Creditors of Mr. BENJAMIN W. LEWIS, late of this City, Dyer, are requested to meet at th » Office of
Messrs. Wilmot and Godwin, on Monday the 2d day of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, for the purpose of executing the Deed of Composition -. And it is particularly requested every Creditor will attend prepared with the precise amount ot his or her demand, in order that their respective dividends may be correctly ascertained. WIllMOT SI GODWIN, Solicitors to the Assignee. SARUM, April 30, 1808. [ 1345 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. " VTOTICE is hereby given, That a final Dividend 1^ 1 of the Estate and Effects of JOHN SMITH, late of Barforl Saint Martin, in the county of Wilts, Yeoman, will be made in one month from
the date hereof; and all the Creditors of the said John Smith who do not execute th: deed of a* J: gnm< nt ( which is left at the office of Messrs. Hodding, in Salisbury; will be excluded all benefit arising from the same. April 14, 1808. [ 1140 ALL Persons having any Claim or Demand 011 the Estate and Effects of the late Mr. MATI'HEW HUNT, of Sto-. ver- Provost, in the county of Dorset, deceased, are requested to send the same to Mr. AmeS, surgeon, ot Hindon, one of theExecutors, in order thst the affairs may be arranged ; and all persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pay the same to Mr. Ames immediately.
HINDON, April - 20, 1803. [ 1? 72 TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL persons who have any demands 011 the Estate and Effects of Mr. JOHN STRAWBR1DGE, late of Bradford, in the county of Wilts, deceased, are desired to send an account of their respective demands to Mr. Mark Bond Glass, of Orcheston St. Mary, near Amesburv Wilts, the survivintf& cecutor: and all persons who are indebted to tne same Estate, are desired forthwith to pay their respective debts to Mr. Glass, or they will otherwise Be proceeded against Without further notice.— Dated April 14, laos. [ 1343 * BROOKE, April 20, 1P08. ALL persons
having any demand on the E.- tata of MOSES WALDRON, late of Brooke, in the pa i h of Bramshiw, yeoman, deceased, are desired to send the same to Mrs. HESTER WALDRON, of Brook af resaid, o a of hi? executrixes: and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to pay the same immediately to the said Hi s . u WALDROS\ ' ' [ 12- 29 Df. BTofts and CREDITORS of the late Mr. JONA1 .. AN GARDLEK, deceased. ALL persons having any demands on the Estate , and Effect-- of JONATHAN'G V DIXR, 1 te of th- parish of Mllford, in the county ot Southampton, gentknvo. de- ceased, are desired to send an account
thcreoi . uimediat ly to Mr. J- ho West,- of Lymingtjn, in the county aforesaid, one of the executors ol the deceased, in order that the san e may >< c d- schargedi— And all persons indebted to th. estate of the • said Jonatnan Gardler, deceased, arc desired to pay t - same to h- s said exccutoi forthwith.— Dated this 19th day t f April, 180S, • [ 1- 2.4
PRACTICAL ARCHITECTURE, The following Books have been lately published by J. Taylor, No. 5.0, High Holbom, and are sold at the limiting Oilte., Salisbury. 1. | VT 1 CIIOLSON'S Carpenter and Joiner's As- i > 1 sistarit, illustrated with 7!) plates and copi'ous e# pla- nations, 1 Si. bound, 2. NiCboison's-' Carpenter's Htm Guide, a complete Book of Lines for Carpen. r and Joinery,- with 78 plates, r. s. 3. Nicholson's Student's Instructor in drawing and working the Five Orders, i):> plates,, lit. bound. 4. Pain's Practical House Carpenter, 148 plates,' 1B » . 5. Designs for Monuments, Gravestones, Walip. sces, ar. i Tomb--, 40
plates, lh's. ' B. Elevation and Plan of Blackfriars Bridg-, ST. 7 Plan-;, iec. of the Machines an l Centerin; used jn erect'og the Bridge, 7 plates, HIs. tid. 8. Ornaments displayed to a full size for working, 88 folia plates, ISs. £ i. Cooper's Designs for the Decorative- s of Rooms wit'a Pilaster. and Fritz sat& rec, 40 plates, lLls. .10. Busby's. Modern Embellisher— Designs for Drawing Rooms, Folding Doors, Chimney Pieces, Varandas, I'r. ez. s, Ax\ 25 plates, coloured, U. . lis. 6d, [ lOCp THE UNITED KINGDOM, WITH'FIFTY MAI'S. Published, in one very Urge and ck sely printed Volume, 0- e « tavo { much thicker disln
WatkinsVBiojiiaphical Dictionary) accompanied bv se urate Maps of every County in England, J and by various Maps of Wales, Scotland, " arid Ireland, t r. ee e. Oi. complete in boards, or Oils, with the Maps co- loured, or the Maps done up separately price lis. hall- bound, forming tlie oompktest Atlas of the Kritish Island*. ye. t published, eveiy map having been drawn purposely from original materials on a new plan, TO PUG IIA P H I C A L 1) 1CTI (> N A U V. or. GAZS'ITEEU of tlie UNITED KINGDOM, compli- ed from pariijmeutaiy and i tlier authcut'cmodern document* • ami authorities, and containing leg d, ecelesiait. cal,
etogia- phieal, topographical, antiquarian, commerci.-',.:: griciiliur and statistical accounts of every county, hundred, City, ti^- - rough, maiket town, parish, township, hamlet, lytUuif/ rv. t, canal, cape, mountain, bay, V. rboCir, mm, .-.-- ui'e- man's seat, and other leniark'rtble object or p'sCe in E;.. 1 ad1, Wal s, Scotland,- Ireland, and the vi; iiou> . riiall 1, lands de- pendent upon il. e British Kmp te. By B; P. CAPPER,' E; q. 1 • Ir would be useless to spe.- ity to ;; -. eel • nch n - •': s tl - above- described would be nsel'al, bec. uise'it vyoulii !: iVffi . nit to ( ii icovrr any class of p r. sons to uiiujii it v. ti- id t be m- 1 dispensible for daily and
hourly reference. To plot; s : nil men and to Magistrates it particular')- r « eoram-. nds it ; ei:. To tstiblish its peculiar claim; to cnin.!- i. ee ami re. ral preference, over every othei w. iil. of tile one . '' ; ;, simply necessary to mention that ill: Author wd; "•• , i. y. ii employed by Government in condensing aiid compi tin; lit cal Returns, and tile corrected Li •:. sent from ibe ' itl'enrit, cleiksof tile peace. He has cons-. qttemly been able i i r. ndct it an authority on most of the topics oil which he trvxi,. Printed for Richard Phillip--,'- No.- Uri.'. gc-,-':.- 1, ! i .. - . friais, and to be had at the Printing- office,- Snli, bury, an I of all booksellers in Great
Britain aad Ireland, in boards, ... I .. i various bindings, [:\ H Wednesdays and Thursday s Fusts. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE OF APRIL 25. ADMIRM. TV- OFFICE, April VO. ADUPLICATE of a Letter from Capt. Peter Ralph .-, of his Majesty's ship Caroline, aidressed to Rear- Admiral Sir T. Troubridge, Bart, dated off Batavia, Oct. 1,9, 1808, ha; been transmitted by Capt, Rainier to this Office. It relates, that on the 18th of Oct. 1805, the Caroline captured a small brig from Bantam, and in consequence of the information gained thereby, Capt. Rainier sailed for Omust. Between Middleby and Amsterdam Island;, he discovered
two Dutch men of war trigs at anchor, one of which he raptured, the other e; caped. Tile captured brig was the Z-.' ei op, of 1- 1 guns, Capt. Groot. Whilst Capt. Rainier v. a- taking possession of the prize, the Phecnix frigate slipped out of Omust, and run for Batavia roads. The Maria, another Dutch frigate, was lying ill tlia roads, and likewise the William sloop of war, " with the brig- that had escaped " from Oiiiust.. The Maria being evidently the largest ship in the road, the Caroline ran for her, with springs on both cables, and getting within half- pistol shot, a, smart actton took place, and lasted about half an hour, when the enemy
hauled down her colours: on boarding, she proved to be the Dutch republican frigate Maiia Reygersbergen, of 36' guns and 270 men, launched in 1800, anil a fast- sailing ship. The Caroline had besides to encounter the William, of 20 guns, the Patriot, of 18, andZeeplung, of 14 guns, with several gun- boats; and there were 30 gun- boats l. ving on shore, which did not attempt to come out. The Caroline Has 57 short of her Complement, by men away in. prizes, sick at hospitals, & c. It was out of Capt. Rainier's power to capture the Phoenix, William, Patriot, or Zeeplong, as the Caroline and Maria were after tile action in four
fathoms water, surrounded by many dangerous shoals.— The Dutch ships, with seven sail of their merchantmen, were all afterwards run on shore.— Captain Raiiner put t li Dutch Officers, and as many of the men as she eould carry, oil board the brig first captured, and sent them to Batavia, on their parole.— The Caroline had three sea- men killed, together with four Dutch prisoners in the hold. Lieut. Williams of the Royal Marines,' four seamen, and a marine were wounded dangerously, and are all since dead ; and there were twelve seamen slightly wounded. Vice- Admiral Lord Collingwood, Commander in Chief of his
Majesty's ship* and vessels ill the Mediterranean, in a letter dated on board his Majesty's ship Ocean, at Syra- cuse, Feb. 23, says, " The Rojioniee and Grasshopper were slut- oiled in December last olf Carthagena, to watch the Spanish squadron, and when Capt. Searle was detached on the look- out he fell in with three vessels of war ; and not- withstanding the great superiority of their combined force, lie attacked and took the largest of them, the two others making their escape."— The captured vessel i; the St. Joseph Spanish brig of war, of 12 guns and t> 9 men. In this affair we had two men severely wounded. Extract of a
Letter from Rear- Admiral Pun is to rice- Ad- miral l. o/ d CoUvigicood, dated on toartl his Majesty's ship Atlas, ojf Cadiz, April l>. HAVING directed the Captains of the Mercury and Grasshopper to put themselves under the orders of Capt. Maxwell of the Aleeste, off the Light- house, until Sir John Gore in the Revenge, with the Excellent, should re- turn to that station, it appears by Capt. Maxwell's letter to me of the- 4th inst. that a large convoy of the enemy was discovered pushing for Cadiz from the northward, Under the protection of about 20 gun- boats and a numerous train of flying artillery on the beach. At three P. M. the
convoy being off Rota, Capt. Maxwell with hi; Hi tie squa- dron attacked thorn, and after having destroyed two of their gun- boats, driven the others away, anil silenced the batteries at Rota, they captured seven of the convoy, and drove many of them ashore in the surf. Capt. Maxwell gives Capt. Searle the credit of silencing tile batteries at Rota, and speaks of him in terms of high praise and admi- ration for his gallant behaviour and skilful management in the m'dst of shoal;, driving the enemy from their guns with his grape- shot, and keeping a division of the gun- boats ill clieek at the same time, which had come out from Cadiz
to assist the others engaged by the Aleeste and Mer- cury. Capt. Maxwell speaks of his Officers and ulen, as well as those belonging to the Mercury and Grasshopper, ill exalted terms for their bravery and eool behaviour, and particularizes the names of many Officers. Extract of a Letter from Vlci- Admiral Dacres, Commander in Chief ' if his Majesty's ships and vessels at Jamaica, da'cd'jit board the Shark-, Part Royal, Feb. 20. THE Deeouverte cruizing down the South side of St. Domingo, having been fortunate enough to fall in with some of the enemy's privateers, has captured one and de- stroyed another and her prize.—
Much credit is due to Lieut. Campbell, who commanded the Deeouverte, for his activity and spirited conduct on this occasion. The bont- swai: '.; mate and three seamen were dangerously wounded, and one seaman mortally woulided. Vice- Admiral Dacres has also transmitted accounts of the capture of four other armed vessels, by the cruizers belonging to his squadron. CROW. V- OFUCE, April en. Members returned to serve in the present Parliament.— Borough and Port Sandwich— JohnSpr. tt Rainier, Esq. Captain in the Royal Navy, in the room of Peter Rainier, Esq. deceased. Borough of Si. Mawcs— The Rieht Hon. G.
G. L. Gower, fcommonly called Earl Gower,) eldest son of the Marquis of Stafford, in the room of Scrope Bernard, Esq, vacated. WAR- OFFICE, April. 25. 1* 4 Reg. of Foot— Lieut.- CpJ. J. S. Barnes, frbmthc Chasseurs Britanniques, to be Lieutenant- Colonel, without purchase. XHstJJilto— Major G. G. C. L'Estrange, from the S8th Foot, to be Major, vice Stafford, who exchanges. Until Ditto— Major the Hon. C. Stanhope, from the fith Garrison Battalion, to be Major, vice Riddell, apppointed to the 7 » th Foot. 51 St Oilto— Lieut. Col. J. M. Mainwaring, from the poth Foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel, vice M' Donald, who
exchanges. 7Sth IJ- itlo— Major R. Hamilton, from the 7Pth Foot, to be Major, vice Stewart, promoted in the Royal West India Rangers. Royal If'est India Rangers— Major D. Stewart, from the 78th Foot, to be Lieutenant- Colonel, vice Boggis, deceased. Ctiasseuis BritanuiquH— Major the Hon. J. O'Neill, from the 19th Light Dragoons, to be Lieutenant- Colonel, without purchase, vice Barnes, appointed to the Royals. * „* No Bankrupts irt this Gazette. certain extent, creditors of the public; no one was pre- pared to deny this. If parliament chose to refuse the assist- ance required, it ought not to contribute to the distress, by witb hoiding the property of the Compafty. Mr. Tierney thought the Company hardly dealt by. Two noble Lords ( Melville and Cast'lereagh) had made delusive promises re- pecting an annual surplus of the Companvs fund's, and now the Company, who had never promised, were to bear the odium of non- performance. A slight enquiry would shew that the public had had the use of 1,200,000/. advanced by the Company, for twelve years; and li > w, when a temporary assistance was asked, on account of deficiencies occasioned by circumstances which the Company could not controulj they were unjustly blamed for that deficiency.
The fault, if any existed, rested with those who had occasioned the war, and directed the profu- e expenditure, which had so much injured the affairs of the Company. Sir John Anstruther said, it was evident the'embarrass- ments of the Company were occasioned by the wars which had originated in Europe, and the commercial restrictions, which locked up a great deal of their property. There was no reason to infer that the money would not be re- paid, as similar loans had been. After some further conversation, the motion was agreed to.—. Adjourned, LONDON, WE D NES D AY, APRII. 27. HOUSE OF COMMONS. TUESDAY,
April 26.] The Irish Clergy Residence Bill was read a second time, and committed tin' Thursday. Mr. Gran' presented a petition from the East India Company, setting forth the exigencies of the present state of their trade, aud their incompetency, in consequence thereof, to fulfil tbe demands made upon thejn. They were at present, indebted to Government for duties to a large amount, and the stun of 1,200,000/. was wanting for the security of their territorial possessions; therefore praying the House to enable them to make good the same, by a loan of 2,400,0001 The petition stated the advances made on account of Government
by the Company, but did not claim the money in re- payuient. On the contrary, it gave an estimate of tangible property belonging to the Company, amounting to 19,420,623/. to prove the ability of I lie Company to re- pay the loan. Mr. Grant moved that the petition might be referred to the Committee sitting on East- India affairs. Mr. M. A. litylor objected to referring a petition of this nature to a Coimniitee, as that had the appearance of sanctioning a claim on the country, which had not vet been made out; and till it had he would not consent to the monrv b ing advanced, unless satisfactory security was given for its re- payment. Mr.
Creevcy was ot opinion the Company never would V' able to re- pay the money; if the petition should be a" ceded to, the money would not be a loan, but a gift. Sir John Newport and Mr. Ponsonlry were both against gTil ing the prayer of the petition. The Chancellor of the Exchequer observed, that at ] r>: - nt there was no call to determine whether it was fit to i. Iv with the prayer of the petition. It was only pro- j ; d to put the petition into a state of enquiry ; and for • '.' ii purpose nothing cotild be so proper as to refer it to Vie ' ommittco actually employed in investigating tiie i! ;• t to which it related. It had been assumed that the n oii v. if advanced, would be a gift; but this was exciting a ' . dice against the Company without any real . ". ". o '. The petition expressly asked it as a loan. At a" \ eius, facts were stated which required examination. 7 lie Cofcpauy offered to make otic that they were, to a All the accounts received by Government from Sweden are of the most favourable complexion. It is even reported in the City this morning, on the authority of a letter received by a most respectable house, that the Russians have been obliged to evacuate Finland with precipitation, for want of provisions, leaving behind them all their military stores, See. & c. Norway, it
is believed, must fall into the hands of Sweden. The current opinion at Gottenburgh, according to the last letters, was, that , an expedition from this country is immediately to attempt the re- capture of Copenhagen and the island of Zealand. A Bourdeaux paper, of the lst inst. is in town, which contains the proclamation relative to the abdication of the Thro lie of Spain, by the unfortunate Charles, and the accession of his soil, under the title of Ferdinand VII. According to the French papers, tbe Prince of Peace was found ill a garret in his own house, where lie had been secreted thirty- six hours.— The new King was not at Ma- drid
when the disturbances took place. On his ascending the throne, he ' determined on the removal of the Swiss Guards, • who had theretofore been stationed about tbe person of the King ; they were to be replaced by others more firmly attached to the present measures. The un- happy Charles, on abdicating tbe throne, assigned as a reason " his ill state of health, and the necessity of a change of climate." Recent accounts have been received from the Medi- terranean, which state, that the Carthagena squadron re- mained at Minorca, having sustained much damage, and that they » were watched there by Lord Cochrane. They
a'so report, that the Toulon squadron had sailed with troops, and that Lord Collingwood and Sir 11. Straclian were oil' Sicily, ignorant of the destination of the enelny. The force at Minorca is estimated at ten sail of the line and one three- decker, nearly ready for sea. If this statement be correct, it probably includes the Carthagena and Roche- fort squadrons. The Fiench have besides four sail of the line at Corfu. On Sunday the second Battalion of the Light In- fantry of the'German Legion, 1000 strong, embarked on board the transports at Ilams£$ ute, and immediately went into the Downs. On Monday the first Battalion of Light
Infantry cinbjrked.— Several cavalry trans- ports came into Ramsgate. Yesterday, at one o'clock, four companies of the first Battalion of the German Riflemen, embarked, four companies of the second were embarked in the afternoon, and the embarkation was to continue as expeditiously as possible, Government being very anxious for the sailing of the Expedition. Clothing for 15,000 men, for the use of the Mi- litia, is ordered for Canada, and upwards of 20,000 stand of arm;, with artillery and . ammunition. ' I'he aspect of affairs in America is said to have produced this order. The Stocks rose this morning about one per cent in
consequence of a report that Gen. Armstrong, the Ame- rican Minister, had quitted Paris, on the failure of his, negociation with the French Government. The rumour, nothwithstanding its effect on the Stock Exchange, is wholly disbelieved elsewhere. Seven hundred Portuguese, vt'ho had cscaped on board Sir Charles Cotton's fieet, have arrived in this country. Advices. have also been received, that, about the - ame number are now on their way from off Lisbon. Individuals are Hying from Portugal daily in great num- bers ; aud so eager are the Portuguese to escape from the clutches of the Fiench, that none remain behind
except those who dare not attempt to remove their families and properLy, from the fear of detection. At the date of the latest account from our squadron, < Jf Lisbon, it was hourly expected that tin; Russian fleet would attempt to put to sea, in consequence of the great scarcity of provisions. Bread was 1 ( id. per lb. and meat 8d. Bonaparte was endeavouring to raise 10,000,000/. sterling in Portugal. The enemy's force in the Tagus consisted of nine saibot' the line, Russian, two frigates, and three brigs. The British squadron was amply supplied with water and provisions. A cartel, with French prisoners on'board has been refused
admittance into Movlaix. Besides the French Officers, there was Mrs. Stewart, wife of Lieut. Stewart, who was lately wrecked on the coast of France. Tbe French Would not suffer any communication with tbe shore ; a boat was not suffered to land, nor would they receive even a letter.— Hitherto Morlaix has always been acciessible to flags of truce. CIT V LOTTERY.— Yesterday afternoon, at five o'clock, the drawing of the City Freehold House Lottery took place, in Guildhall; and the following numbers were the prizes, and the order they were drawn in, also the esti- mated value of each :— Skinner- street. ditto ditto. ditto ditto
West side of Snovvhill. Pickctt- strcet ditto. ditto Skinner- street.. ditto Pickett- street... ditto . .• Skinner- street.. ditto..' EXTRAORDINARY ATTEMPr at SUICIDR.— Yesterday even- ing, about 7 o'elo. k, a hoy about 10 years old, who if the son of a poor woman ill Huugerford- street, in the Strand, having told, his mother an untruth, and persisted in iL, she gave Hi in time to consider of altering his declaration, or be chastised. The bfty, however, went into the bed- rouin, ' wrote a letter to his mother, and slipped out of the house unperceived by any one. The mother, shortly after that, followed him towards the water- side'; when she
found that some boy; who were ai. play near Huuii'erford- market, had prevented him from dnnvuyig himself in the Thames ; his intention of doing which he had stated in his letter that lie left behind him. EXTRAORDINARY SIHCIDF..— East Thursday Mr. Whit- ford, Coronor for Devon, took an inquest on a buy of nine years old, patiMi apprentice to a fanner near Tavi- tuck, who was found banging in a barn. It appeared in evidence that the boy had eloped several times from his master, and when brought back last, his master put a log about his leg, which, it is supposed, so disheartened the boy, that Hie Was induced to commit
the rash act above mentioned.— Lu/ iruy. Bow- S i REEK.— The following curious circumstance was yesterday investigated ; tt this place:—. 1. Moody, a soldier in the 2d battalion of the Coldstream Guards, called- on Mr. Beal, of tiie Feathers public- house, Halt- street, Covent- garden, and displaying a handful of guineas, told him he had actually ulore money than he knew what to do with. Mr. B. questioned him how hu came by it, when lie stated, that in Fleet- street, that morning, an elderly gen- tleman, in a Yorkshire dialect, addressed liiui familiarly, and askeil him to hold his purse tilliu: returned, which would lie in a short
time; tliat he. then went into a house ( supposed to be a brothel) with a girl; that he waited oil the spot four hours ; but the " Ttnlleman did not return. Mr. B., with a neighbour, then accompanied the soldier to the house described, ill Black Horse- eourt, Fleet- street, but the people denied having' seen such a person, arid' referred tlieni to another house in the court, but without success. They then returned to Mr, B,\ s, when he pre- vailed on the soldier to ascertain what sum he had, which proved to be 1 HO guineas, 50/. in bank notes, and. a pro- missory note, due yesterday, for 50/. They then repaired to Mr. Wright's banking house, who refused to take charge of the money, but recommended them to apply- at ftJw- street, where the soldier persisted in his story, and said, he had no more money; but, on being searched, easlito the amount of til. 10s. tid. Was found, and he was ordered to be detained till the business can he further investigated. 17,( ill 17, at;) 5,772 15.8 20 HI', 772 16,211 14,( HS IS ,333 17,551 3,927 9,273 7,0* 33 7,403 13,035 10,592 1.9,6* 95 5,927 17,127 0,931 17.009 lst Drawn No. 9, 2d ditto 24, 3d ditto 41, 4th ditto 45, Vth ditto... 6th ditto .. 7th ditto 8th ditto 9th ditto loth ditto.... lltli ditto 12th ditto 13th ditto.... 14th ditto.. 15th
ditto 16th ditto 17th ditto 4;>, 18th ditto 21, 19th ditto.. 8, 20th ditto 22, . 10, • . 4, .43, • 5, • 4, • ' I. • 18, .41, ditto ditto ditto ditto dittD .. £.< 25,000 7,000 .... 6,000 f)',( KK) 3,000 3,000 6,000 .... 4,000 4,000 4,0110 ' 3,000 6,000 3,000 4,000 3,000 4,0110 3,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, April 19, 1808. , N Thursday, the 5th of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, I shall be ready to sell to the highest bidder, in several lots, the undermentioned quantities of OLD STAVES, HEADING, IRON HOOPS, tec. lying in his Majesty's Cooperage at Wecvill, near Gosport, where any persons inclinable to
purchase, may have the liberty of viewing the same in the cltmmon working hours, any day before the sale, viz. Leager Staves 2,000 Butt ditto 11,300 Puncheon ditto 8,200 Hogshead ditto 5,300 Barrel ditto 3,300 Half Hogshead ditto 800 Kilderkin and Bar. 1300 Irish i Punch, ditto 20,000 American Flour- cask Staves 7,000 Wine Pipe ditto 2,500 Ditto Hogshead ditto 8,000 Heading, d. pieces 10,000 Iron Hoops, bent ami in pieces, 31 tons Ditto, foreign round, 10 do. Also a quantity of DEFECTIVE PROVISIONS, ike. as ivill be expressed in the catalogues. A deposit o/ 25/. cent, is to be made on Ihq amount of each lot at the time
of sale, aud the remainder of the money paid before the Stores are removed, for which thirty working days will be allowed for the Cooperage Stores, and seven days / or the Provisions, after the sale. I2II] WM. REEKS. PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, April 28, 1803. Thursday, the 5th of May next, I shall be ready to receive Ten ters in writing ( scaled up) and treat for 3,000 Bags of BISCUIT, to be manufactured from good whole meal, to be delivered at this port in one month ; tviiich will be paid for by bills, payable with interest, ninety days after date. No regard will be had to any Tender, in which the price shall not be
inserted in - words at length, or that shall not be delivered before twelve o'clock on the said bth of May next ; nor unless the persons > cho make the same, or some person on their behalf, attend to answer thereto when called for. WM. REEKS. N. B.— The Conditions of the Contract may be seen at my UJjice. ' FL301 Every number that is not amongst the above twenty are blanks. The whole proceeding occupied about three quarters of an hour. The Hall was exceedingly crowd- id. KRF. AD.— Yesterday the Lord Mayor ordered tbe price of Bread to be continued ' at 11 d. the quarter loaf of wheaten, and Sid. household. CORN EXCHANGE, April 27- Fine samples of Wheat keep their price, but ordinary sorts go off heavily. Barley and Malt are in short supply, and rather dearer. White Peas are lower. Beans of each kind vary but little. Oats fetch rather better prices. In Flour there is no alteration. Cut in SrF. AttNo.— A little boy, three years of age, the son of Mrs. Walcott, Duke- street, Mary- le- Bonne, was stolen from his mother's door on Monday evening, and the parent was left to mourn his loss until ten o'clock yesterday morning, when it was found literally naked in file street from which he had been taken away. Part of the child's gartnents were traced
to thie shop of a pawn- broker; but the miscreant has not been discovered. She is described as a decent looking elderly woman. KENNET AND AVON CANAL NAVIGATION. NOTICE is hereby given,— That at a General Meeting of the Committee of Management of the Affairs and Business of the Company of Proprietors of the KENNET and AVON CANAL NAVIGATION, held at the BEAR INN, in Devizes, in the county of Wilts, on Friday, the lst day of April 1308, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, pursuant to Adjournment, the said Committee did find a Call from the several Proprietors of new Shares and optional Notes,
authorized by an Act of Parliament made an. I passed in the forty fifth year of the reign of His present Majesty, intitled " An Act for enabling the Company of Proprietors of the Kennet and Avon Canal Navigation to complete the same, and for altering and enlarging the powers of the several Acts passed for making the said Canal," to be taken and subscribed for in the Navigation and Undertaking authorized to be made and Carried on by the saiil Company of Proprietors, for the sum of ten pounds per centum, for and in respect of every such Share and optional Note, respectively, to be wanting and necessary in order to defray the
expences of and to carry on the same; and did make a call from the said several Proprie- tors for the said sum of ten pounds per centum, for and in respect of every such Share and optional Note, respectively, in the said Navigation and Undertaking, lor those purposes accordingly; and did appoint the same to be paid into the hands of Messrs. Harford, Davis, and Company, Treasurers of the said Company, in Bristol, on or before the 8th day of June, 1803. By order of the said Committee, JOHN WARD, Principal Clerk. MARYBOROUGH, April 27, 1S08. [ 1280 TOLLS TO LETT. , OTICE is hereby given,— That the TOLLS
arising at'the several Toll Gates upon the Devizes Con- solidated Turnpike Road's, called or known by the several names of Seend Gate, Rowde Gate, Green Gate, Nursteed Gate, and Potterne Gate, including the several Bye Gates to the same belonging, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the best bidder, at the house of Mark Burton, being the Castle Inn, iu Devizeii, in the county of Wilts, on Friday the 13th day of May next, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th year of the reign of his present Majesty, " for regulating turnpike roads,"- tor a term not less than One
Year, com- mencing from the 18th day of June next ; and that the same Tolls will be put up at the sum of 2925/. being the sum which the same will then have produced for the year preceding, clear of all expences of collecting the same. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time give security, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Roads, for payment of the rent at such times and in such manner as » hall then be agreed on.— Dated April 13, 1808. By order of the Trustees, 1321] EDWARD INGS, Clerk. TOLLS TO LETT. OTICE is hereby given,— That the TOLLS arising at the Toll Gate called or
known by the name of Sandy- lane Gate, on the first district of road mentioned and set forth in and by " An Act for repairing and widening the road from Rowde- ford to Red- hill, and from Chi. ttoe- he; ith to the tow n of Cable, in the county of Wilts," will be LETT by AUCTION, to the- best bidder, at the house of Mark Burton, being the Castle Inn, in Devizes, in tbe county of Wilts, on Friday the 13th day of May next, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon, in the manner di- rected by the Act passed in the 13th year of the reign of his present. Majesty, " fpr regulating turnpike roads," for a term not less than One Year,
commencing from the 18th day of June next; and that the same Tolls will be put up at the sum of 190/. being the sum which the same will then have produced for the year preceding, clear of ail expeuces of col- lecting the same. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time give security, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said first district of road, for payment of the rent at such times and in such manner as shall then be aereed on.— Dated April 13, 1803. By order of the Trustees, 1322] EDWARD INGS, Clerk. 1808. Season, at Urehfont, near De- " IPO COVER, this 1 vizes, I'he well- bred Bay Horse
YOUNG SKY- SCRAPER, at One Guinea a Mare and Half a Crown the Groom ; to be paid as soon as the Mare is covered. He was got by Skyscraper, dam by Young Atlas, son of Old Atlas ibred by the Duke of Devonshire), grand dam by Young Cade, son of Old Cade, which was got by the Godolphin Arabian out of King Herod's dam, bred by the Duke of Cum- berland. lie is 15$ hands high, justly, proportioned,' very he ilthy and free from all nutnal blemish', now four years old*, an 1 has the merit of being allowed by all who have seen him, to be a very fine horse, of superior action in all his paces. N. B.— For further particular*
apply to the Groom, at Urchfoiit- house. s fl 12? BAR I'ON STACEY, Between Winchester and Andover, Hants, TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by T. RAWI. INS, ON .,., ,% X. the 20th uf Mh:/' 1S03,— a modern Bilckawl rded FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, with excellent Garden, situate at Barton Stacey aforesaid, It- the property Edward Moody, dcccajed, Edue Tool- m ik, r: a; si> T . , 5EHOLD FURNITURE, and ail the WORKING 1OOLS tor carrying on the above bnsine*. The Furniture c. imprises bedsteads, leather bed, blankets, quilts, sheets, tables, ic.; quantity of pewter, and various other articles. The Stack consists of
three anvils, two pair of forge bel- lows, sledge hammers, eight pair of tongs, bench \ iccsi screw plates, peck irons, nail stakes, weights and scales, large grind- stone, pair of clamp irons, tec. tic. Sale to begin at eleven o'clock. For a view of the dwelling- house apply to Mr. Charles on the premises; and for fuitr. cr' particulars to T. auctioneer, Andover, [ lajt. a Fur particulars apply to Mi. Fox, St. Marv's; Mr. Nichols, Solicitor; Mr. Dosvvell, Architect; and to the Auctioneu', at whose house the plan may be seen In a few days. fr » « ATRIL 80, 1808. Just receive;} at tfie PRlNTI^ G- OFflCE, Salisbury, AFRF. SI1 Supply OF- Dr.
SOLOMON'S COIiDIAL BALM of GILliAD. which is happily calculated fc. t the weak, the sickly, and, infirm.—— In all inward decay,, debility. Ibwnses of spirits, weakhcrs iW either s. X, whether hereditary, acquired, <. i owing, to youthful impi. udjncies, tint medicine will atlord the mcst wonderful relief. The ANTI- IMPF. TItilNEsf or SOLOMON'S Dftors, which is a medicine superior to every other remedy vet d; s.— vcted in thi « or any other age, for the speedy renr. o. aland rad c. I cure of the scurvy, leprosy, rhcumarcor gouty pains, scr fula or king's evil, ulcers of every description, swelled or inflamed legs, Src. ' • The above
medicines arc inclosed in pl* dn dircctions, with suror. zng'catt'S, authenticated by pirsons - of respectability, and are made up in bottles,' price half a gU'nea each.— There arc also family bottles, at :; 3s. Containing four of the < m « l* t. r ones, wherein 9s. are saved. [ 13 3 Butler's celebrated Bestorative Tooth I'owder. BEAUTY of countenance; and regularity. of fea- tures, are allowed to distinguish the Br- tKh lair, but the proprietor of BUTLER's TOOTH POWDER would beg leave to remind his countrywomen, that the lustre of their charms los s half its influence where the Teeth are disco- loured, or shew a rotten and jmhealthy
appearance: this is the more inexcusable, as the present preparation aKoids the infallible mean's of removing every blemish of tb'e enamel, an,! Is safe in its application, being' composed . of vegetables. It is retiommended to the attention of all ranks, as clear. ng away ever^ imperfection, either in the Colour or the decay of the enamel of the Teeth; as rendering the breath sweet and- dileitible, and making the gums of their proper shape atuf Vermillion hue ; and a certain iireventivc of the To th achc. Sold wholesale and retail at Mr. Butler's, No. 4, U eapside* corner of Patcriuster- row, London ; and at the Prnting- Office,
Salisbury, ? n- boxes at « » . >>•'.. >. acl. £. 5281 W- VREH'AM, April 27, 1S03. " VTOTICF. is hereby given,— That the Dairy Cows, L^ l Bull, Horses, Pigs, and Sheep, the'property of Mr. T. Brown, advertised to be sold bv- Auction, an the 6th and 12th days of May next, en North Ilimgerhill Farm, near W re- ham, Dorset, ART. DISPOSED OF BY PRIVATE CONTRACT:— But the DEAD STOCK, comprising two waggons, twp dung pots, pair of trace harness, drag, harrows. & c. and the Dairy Utensils, tubs, barrels, brass pans, copp r boiler, fratlier bed, bolster, and pillow, and many other uselul articles, will be SOLD by
AUCTION, on Saturday the 7th day of. May. ijext,. in Wareham Market- place, at eleven in the forenoon. 1' iWj W. SKLBY, Auctioneer. WEYMOUTH, npo be SOLD, by AUCTION, by T. TIXDAM,, JL Oil Tuesday the loth of Mav 1808. at Mr. S. . lenk ns's Ship- yard,— The FRAME Of a VESSEL, about 104 tons register ; also a quantity of oak and fir timber and plank, of various lengths and- sizes; file wood, fencing, tar, pitch, rosin, varnish, oil, oakum, trenei:, iron work, nails, 6CC.; the workshop, saw pit and house; blocks and running rig- ging ; three new boats, 14 feet each ; a large st^ im, Willi furnace complete ; and sundry
other articles ; the property of Mr. S. Jenkins. The sale to begin at three o'clock in the afternoon, [ l ' 2.0- 2 DORSET.— FINE OAK BARK. rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, in two lots, by M. X. BAKER, at the Acorn Inn, at Evershot, on Wednesday the 4th day of May, 1808, subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then produced. Lot 1 .— The BARK of 153 fine maiden Oak Trees, standing in and near Melbur/ Woods, in the county of Dorset. Lot 2.— The Bark of loti Maiden and 3( f Pollard Oak Trees, standing on Holt Farm, and other lands near thereto, at Mel- bury aforesaid. The trees to be thrown at the seller's cxpence, but
the bark to be stripped and taken away at the expence of the pur- chaser.—— The sale to begin at three o'clock in the afternoon. May be viewed any time before the sale by applying to Mr. Guppy, at Melbury, of whom particulars may be known, or of tiie Auctioneer, Dorchester; if by letter, postpaid. Melbury is 12 vniles from Dorchester, 10 fro. 11 Sherborne, and 7 from Yeovil. [ 1231 CAPITAL HORSES FOR SALE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by M. BAKER, on the Cornhill, Dorchester, on Saturday next the 7th of May,'— A Number of verv valuable HORSES, drafted from his Majesty's Thirteenth Regiment of Light Dragoons.—
They are good sized, seasoned, and will prove very useful 011 ac- count of- their superior action for travellers, riding, stage- coaches, post- cliaises, and well deserve- the attention of the • public. The above I forses are sold on account of their being too high and large for the service. fiii-^ O ISLE OF PURBECK, DORSET, npo ' be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, eh by M. BAKER, on Tuesday the lOthof May, 1808, at Rollington Farm, near Corfe Castle,— Forty- four exceeding good young DAIRY COWS, the greatest part of which have calved, the others forward in calf; six two- year- old heifers, seveii one- ytar- old ditto,
One three- year- old bull, one two- year- old d- tto, cue hog ditto, one good cart mare; the pro- perty of Mr. Wm. Furmedge, quitting the said farm. Dinner on the table at twelve o'clock, and the sale to begin at one. N. B. The Sheep Will be sold about Midsummer next; timely notice will be given. [ 1191 DOUSE 1.— ISLE OF PURBSCK. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, without reserve, by J. llovt. i'., on Wednesday the 1 uh day of May, latlJ, at North Egglestone, about five rniies from Wareham,-- All the valuable LIVE and DEAD STOCK, late thej| ir « perty of Mr. William Vey, deceased, the Widow now going to quit the farm ; consisting
of fifteen fine prime dairy cows in und with caT, six three- year- old heifers in and v.- itli- cali", six two- year- old heifers, four yearlings, f- iVe Weanling calves, one capital two- year- old bull, forty fine chilver hogs, fioiir capital staunch cart horses, one sow and nine, slip- pigs, two young sows, waggons, dung- pots, Drags, plough, & c. trace, thill, and plough harness, winnowing sieves, ice. HOUSEHOLD GOODS and DAIRY. UTENSILS; com- prising a clock and alarum, feather bed-; and bedsteads, large dining and oilier tables, large quantity of bacon, cheese press, tubs and trendies, brass furnace, cheese vats and milk pans,
iron- bound and other casks, with a great variety of other articles. N. B. F ir further particulars apply to J. Hoyie, auctioneer, Sic. Blandford. QCI" The sale will begin precisely at eleven o'clock, and continue till all is sold. ' 1 [ 1201 WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J; JEANES, in twelve lots, at the Black Horse Ian, at East Kuoyle, 011 Thursday the 5th of May, 1803, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon,— One hundred aud sixteen OAK TIMBER TREES, with their Top, Lop, and Bark, now standing in a coppice at Sedghill, near Sliaston, in the occupation of Mr. James Brachcr, who will shew the same.
Particulars of the lots will be specified in hand bills, that will be dispersed iu the neighbourhood, or may be had a; the place of sale, or of the Auctionear, Red Lion Inn, Bourton, Dorset. [ 1242 . Immediately after the sale of Timber, will be SOLD by AUCTION,— A large well- built Brick. BARN, with an excel- lent oak roof, & c. now standing in the same parish ; the materials of which arc to be removed at the buyer's expencc. For a view apply to Mr. Bracher, as above.— One Concern. CALNE, WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by HARRY RUSS, at the White Hart Inn, in Calne, on Tuesday the 10th day of May, 1803; between
three and five in the afternoon ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be ( riven)— A good Stone- bmlt FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, situate on the Green, in the town of Calne; consisting of two good parlours, breakfast room, with good convenient clos ts, kitchen, hall, pantry, and scullery, on tbe first floor; five chambers, with convenient closets; three good attics and store room; underground beer and wine- cellars ; a two stall stable, large coal and wood- house, d - tached brcwhouue and wash- house, with other convenient offices; a good kitchen garden, brick- walled, and planted with
choice fruit- trees. These premises are well adaptedfor carrying on any trade that requires room, having been in the occupation of a clo- thier: any person wishing to see them, may apply to Mrs. Vincent, at the house. The whole is in very good repair, and fit for the reception of a genteel family. The F. xtures, . cr any part of the Furniture, may be taken at an appraisement. [ 116" CAPITAL OAK TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by GERRARD & Co. on Friday the nth of May 1803, at'the Black Horse Inn, Teffont, at three o'clock in the afternoon,— Forty Prime OAK TREES, in small Lots, with Tops and Bark, all marked and
numbered, standing in several Inclosures at TEFFONT MAGNA, the property of Mr. William Fitz. fl. JIS For view and further particulars . apply to Mr. Fitz, Tellont. WILTS.— ELM TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by JOHN SJDF'OR. D, 011 Monday tbe 9th of May, laos", at three o'clock in the afternoon, at the Angel Inn, Chippenham, subject to such conditiens as will be then produced,— 1335 Capital ELM TREES, now lying on the Estates of the Marquis of LANS- IIOWN, in the Parishes of Cattle, C'alstone, and Bremhill, adjoining the Wilts and Berks Canal, in the following Lots: Let I 51 Trees at Calstone. -...,.-..., 22 fet t
nice 9 50 Ditto at ditto . HO ditto a 5-.) Dilto at d'ttJ ? « ' ditto 4 84 Ditto, and 1 B. ech at Brembill 31 ditto s : h Ditto at Spray's Farm. Culstone 29 dilto ti 48 Ditto at ditto'. . y; diito • 7 4.0 Ditto at ditto. . 20 d. tto 8 1 » Ditto at ditto • 2if ditto <) : i!> Ditto at Calstone ill ditto 10 47 Ditto at d'tto ..-. .31 ditto 1 I 40 Ditto at ditto......... 1 22 ditto 19 50 Ditto at Foxham . 29 ditto l.' J 58 Ditto at ditto - . as ditto 14 50 Ditto at ditto ; . 2 ; ditto 15 51 Ditto at ditto 27 ditto hi 50 Ditto at ditto .28 diito 17 5,1 Ditto at ditto . 28 ditto 18 115 Ditto at Cal no Wharf .39 ditto li) 47 Ditto at Uuemerford .37 ditto 90 .'.. n Ditto at ditto .29 diita 21 45 Ditto at ditto i....
.3- 3 ditto 21 44 Ditto at ditto .35 ditto 9.1 40 Ditto at ditto .34 dilia Bl 15 Ditto at ditto. .29 ditto * 25 42 Ditto at Stockley .21 ditto £ 5 45 Ditto at ditto . 21. ditto. 11 » !) Ditto at ditto . 29 ditto. 28 ; l 1 Diito at ditto .30 ditto 2f » 40 Ditto at ditto .30 ditto 30 01 Ditto at ditto i . 27 ditto Printed particulars may be had at the Rummer Tavern, Bristol; Angel Inn, Chippenham ; and of the" Auctioneer, Calne> who will send a person to sh « w the Timber. [ 1 i.> 7 WESTBURY, WILTS pOR SALE by AUCTION, on the premises, on X Monday the 15th day of May 1808, and lo. lmvoe <]; « -, by Order of the Assignees of Nathaniel Peach S neer, lat
\ ( W- st'miy, Wilts, Common Brewer, a Rank runt- i—' In- valuable HOUSE! IOLD FURNITURE, STOCK irt TRABl" comprizing upwards of < 300 hogsheads of excellent Stron' Beer, together with the Casks, Brewing Utensils, \ c. to." " Further particulars in due fimcY N B All Persons indebted to ihe Estate, or that. huve any of the Bankrupts hflects, are desired to p:, v ,„', Wiver. bs same to Mr. Down, or Mr. Kaiss, of W;, rri, n,'. t - r two of ti - Assignees; or to Mr. William?; attorney, Trowbiat " ' * Apr, I WTNK. TON, BURTON, AND BRANSGOER^ jV(< tr Ch/' istchurch. J. CRANSTOV, , at the I lot - J, Closes and ia . c , i Lot l.— A
Piece of land T> « > t.<; nin£ four acres. Situate id the River Avon, late in the oceJ. four acres, in th » same , „ , . - WiHiam Newman. Lot ii,— A Pin- rock of Land, c'uiitainirs near on-- acre, situate in Winkt m- sireet, adji innig to the River Avon, in t , e occupation of Mr. William'White. Lot 4.— A Piece of Land, containing about f- inr acre?, situate at Bransgore, in the occupation of Mr. John bpnvvn-, bone : - d by an inelosure of tile said John Browning and tlia pi; It road. . For further particulars apply to Mr. H , rbin, solictor. Ringwood. ' ii'Sl Gumbertund- Place, vear Southampton. Hpo be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. LIN- DEN, H on
Thursday the J2ih of Mily, 1S08, at two'o'clock in the afternoon, on the Premises,— 21 Lois of FREEHOLD LAND, ad joining the Polygon, situate on the North side of the road leading to the same, and commanding one of the most delightful and picturesque views in England. Each lot will- admeasure ml feet in front and width, and about 130 feet in depth. The distance from the town of Southampton n about half a mile, and there is not a spot in the neighbour hood comparable With it for situation, either a- a place of tasiiibimble of comfortable residence. A row of bouses 111 •/ be here built on an elegant plan, as a road of 1C . or
lb' fm't will be nude' in addition, at tbe ba-' k of the gardens; and any purchaser may be accommodated with land for a coach- house and stables on tbe (, pp . site side of suclr road ; and the present road in front will be widened, without diminution'to the lots to be sold.
AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DOR- SET, AND SOMERSET. Fridays and Saturday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. BASICS of, the MAINE, March 14. IN the German papers, we. read an article, dated the 8th of March, containing the following information :—" The negotiation's between the Courts of France and Austria have been very brisk for some time past, from whence it is concluded, that affairs of the last importance are at present under dis- cussion. The Ambassadors of France and Russsia, in Vienna, have frequent conferences with one another. In the southern parts of Russia great preparations are
making ; they are fitting out there a great number of ships of the line and frigates, anL'the fleet of Sebas- topol, in the Crimea, will sail as soon as the season permits. It is supposed, that, in consequence of the interposition of a great Power, they will pass ths Dar- danelles, in order to attack the English fleet there, and probably to unite with the French and Spanish fleets, for the purpose of executing an important euterprize." HOUSE OF LORDS. THURSDAY, April 2K.] Lord HawbesbuYy laid on the table several returns respecting tile Danish vessels de- tained previous to tbe commencement of hostilities. lAird Sidmouth moved
for an additional paper; and the Hi , tion b.- mr agreed to, bis Lordship gave notice, that he should move for the whole being taken into consideration « i. Tuesduy next, l'or which day the Hon e was summoned. Tbe Bus on the table were forwarded a stage.— Adj. HOUSE OF COMMONS. WEDNESDAY, April 27-] Mr. Alderman. Ccmbe pre-; centud a Bill to render the stealing of children an indictable otY. nce • which bill was read a first time. Mr. Treiucyne moved for leave to bring ill a bill to pro- vide for the burial of drowned human bodies cast on shore, by fchipwreck or ot'hetv. is'. He stated that 011 the wreck of the Anson h ie,
ate, and that of a transport returning from Buenos Ayre- with troops, the drowned bodies caseou shore were not interred so speedily nor so decently as could be wished. The object of the bill would be to give a suitable reward to tiio- e who should take the trouble of iiite; nrf- nt mi thoms- dve-,, 01: any similar occasion ; and to direct the payment of that and the funeral expellee s to be made in the first instance by the climb- wardens, and to be afterwards refunded to them by the County Treasurers. Colonel Ulan It/ brought up a Bill making certain alterations in . the Poor Laws in regard to Settlements. •— Read a first, and ordered
to be read a second time 011 the ifith of May next. Mr. 1' r'autcll gave tiotice, that on Monday, on the report, he should move a variety of amendments in the As essedTJuw- Consolidation Hill. ColoiitlSleipley tilovedfor returns of the effective strength cf the militia and volunteer forces of Great Britain, to the 1' lib of April Instant, distinguishing the numbers of men wanting to supply tine deficiencies in each.— Ordered. On the motion of Mr. 1- b. iter, the House resolved i ; to a Committee cf Supply on Irish Miscellaneous Services. The first resolution proposed by Mr. Foster was a sum of 10, GOO/. for printing in the Dublin Gazette,
and other Jicwspapei's, Proclamations, & e. by the Government. Mr. Darnell objected to the motion, and stated that he should move as an amendment, that the words, " other • Sew si apers," be. omitted. He was induced to this from the fact of one of these Newspapers having, published, on the '.' lst of January last, a proclamation, prohibiting intercour- e. with vessels coining from Gibraltar and the Mediterranean, on account of a fi ver that raged in the garrison at that fortress three years ago. He quoted other iustauceSequally absurd. ^ Sir 1. UclleJy argued that this blunder was not of consequence to the public, the Editors
being paid by the jfear, en d not by the eotunrn.' Mr. Windham contended tbat such wanton abuses ought to bit cheeked. Mr. Laing thought that Government wanted the press ef Jrcl. iwi under controul : and provided that object could be attained, neitbe'r the pi ice nor the absurdities published wen; regarded. Mr. Croaker accounted for the insertion of antiquated proclamations, hy. relating that a friend of his, Editor of an Irish paper, always kept them ready for insertion, and when the wind was contrary, so a » to prevent the arrival 4) 1' the Mails, a Government proclamation was inserted, without regard to its date or utility. The
Chancellor of the Exchequer promised that the abuse should be enquired into, and remedied. The item was then agreed to, together with the follow- ing' :— 25,000/. li'oh currency for the purposes of criminal jrosecutions, and other law coerces; 937/. ditto, for carrying on the discoveries which were begun in the gold Mine* of Wieklow mountains ; 2,000/. ditto, for the Cork In titution ; 1,8541, ditto, for repairs of Dr. Stevens's Hospital; 4,03SI. ditto, for erecting buildings, in addition t > Sir Patrick Dmm's Hospital; 512/. B. v. ditto, to Edward Kent, for arrears paid through mistake to the treasury in Ireland; < 1,434/. ditto, for salaries to
Lottery- Officers in Ireland. On the motion of Mr. Hushisson, the House resolved itself into a Committed of Ways and Means, when he pro- posed that the sum uf 2,223, i) 00/. 5s, lid. being the sur- plus of the Grants of last year, which exceeded the Esti- mates, be applied to the service of the current year; that the Pay of the Militia of England be provided for from the proceeds of the Land- tax, and tbat of Ireland from the Consolidated Fund of that country. The House being resumed, Mr. S. 11. Ijishington moved for tbe Returns of Wheat, Bailey, and Rye, imported to this country since the 1st. of January, 17.95, and the bounties
paid thereon; which were granted.'— Adjourned. THURSDAY, April 28.] The House met at the usual hour of four o'clock, to ballot for a Committee to inves- tigate the merits of the Grantpound Election Petition; but there being only 40 Members present, and the Gren- • ville Act requiring 100 Members, the House Immediately adjourned. LONDON, FRIDAY, APRIL 29. Last night Dutch papers to the ? 6th tilt. teached town, but they are quite harren of intelligence. Orders, it is said, have been issued for the Spanish fleet in the harbour of Cadiz to form a junction with ' the French squadrons ; but how these orders tire to be cx'.' i'qted
without permission from our Admirals, we arc not told. A letter from Leghorn states, that no aeeo. oifs h ive been received of the Piochefort squadron. It is said that there is a constant interchange of frmtiers between Vienna and Paris, and that some « v: lueiatiinis of importance are carrying on. Bonaparte li i- probably required some further cession of territory . flour Austria. It is thought he has demanded Trieste. All the late intelligence from the North, derived « hn Ay from private letters, is indicative of the spirit and su< ess with, which the Swedes have commenced the war, and greatly tends to confirm the accounts of the retreat
of tii Rn- si, 01s from Finland. Variohscauses are assigned for t » U retreat, but most of the letters say that it was ' oVasioiU'd by the want of provisions. The gross mis- management which usually characterises tbe progress of a lb. ; in army renders this highly probable. It is supposed that liena| iavle is so much engaged in Spain and Portugal, tbat be has not leisure to push his enterprises against • ; B « ed.- ji, Rnspii. eti ng the operations against Norway, advices from Car', i; oU, of the 13th of April, state that the Swedes t o ..• .1 Uiiit country at two points, Elverem and Shilling- lo ok ; Coionel Ghati with the Dalecarliaus at the
former, juid Colonel Liigerbung with the regiments of Upland and If.- I line, i anil at the latter. The Delecarlians had met with !: 1 rod- stance. A reconnoitring officer, who had advanced r too i. ii', was taken prisoner; aill a pal role had brought in st . ne Norway peasant's, wiio had been set at liberty, after £; v ill?; tip tin ir arm-,. Two mo: • brigades, under Baron Cedei'sholm mid Count Crnuste it, were tp follow imme- diately. General Annfeldt is the Commander in Chief in the district, with a force of .'_-_-.< men. A jmmggling vessel has brought accounts from Flushing up to th » : 7th inst. Information had reacheiHhat town, calculated
to ri e an alarm ill the neighbourhood. The French troops stationed at Bremen, Hamburgh, and lb,' adjacent, district of Germany, had been ordered to inarch instantly into Holland, where their arrival was expected every day.— These movements, it was understood, bad been occasioned by an apprehension, generally enter- tained, that an attack was about to be made by the English upon some part of the Dutch coast. At the same tithe it was reported, that the embargo Upon the shipping in Flushing was to be taken off iu the course of the following day. Letters from Gibraltar were yesterday received, dated the 6th inst. which
mention that a detachment, con- sisting of an officer and. 100 men, had been sent from that place to take possession of a small island on the Barbarv coast, which had been ceded to us by the EinpeVor of Morocco. This island, it is added, will he of great use to us in watching the enemies' gun- boats in the Bay, which have annoyed us so much. Notice has been given by Government that the trade with Portugal will 110 longer be permitted. No further licences will be granted. The Parliament of Lower Canada was opened on the 2.9th of January, with a speech from the Governor, in which, after lamenting the dispute with the
United Slates of America, be - expressed a hope tliat by an equitable accommodation thereof, the calamities of war would be averted from two nations, who from habits of affinity, language, and the tics of common ancestry, seem destined by Providence for the enjoyment of the blessings of continued peace; while tbe reciprocal advantages of their commercial intercourse seem no less to point them out to each other, as the objects of a mutual connection, of amity, and confidence. Lord Gardner has resigned the command of the Channel fleet, on account of ill health, and is suc- ceeded bv Lord Gatnbipr, who will hoist his flag in
a few days. Lord Gambier will be succeeded at the Admiralty Board by . Admiral Domet. Capt. Searle, one of the Officers engaged in the late gallant exploits off the Spanish coast, is pro- moted to the rank of Post Captain. The San Raphael, 84, and two other 84 gun ships, in ordinary, are ordered to be fitted up to receive the emigrant Portuguese from Lisbon, who are to have births 011 board each ship, particularly those that have families. CAPTURES by the FREXCII in INDIA.— The following country ships have been taken in the Bay of Bengal by the Piedmontiese and Semilante frigates, and a oriva- teer commanded by
Sureouff, viz. Udney, Maria, Rosource, Mangles, Trafalgar, Elizabeth, Gilwell,- Sarah, Eliza, Ca- roline, Admiral Aplin, Althea, Hunter, Susannah, High- land Chief, Louisa; amounting to upwards of 6' 000 tons of shipping, * Upon perusing the account of such serious depredation - upon our commerce, we naturally enquire where t : Commander ill Chief in that quarter of the world is ac- tually stationed, whose presence might have prevented a loss so - igntficaht. We understand be is now engaged i i an expedition off Balavia. We trust that it will hareafter appear to have been an expedition* for tbe oublie be leflt, and not a
privateering cruize, profitable only to tbe can- tors, and affording 110 compensation for the losses' our merchants are condemned to bear. The ship Roliert Bolton, Ives, fr > m Liverpo il to Sa- vannah, laden with salt, founder- d at ea on the -) tb Ja- nuary, in lat. 27. 10. N. long. 27- 30. W.— The crew, fif- teen in number, took to the long- bo it, with two casks of water, four barrels of bread, and a barrel aid a lvt f of beef and pork, some bundles of clothing, and their dog. After being twenty- seven days in an open boat, a id endur- ing innumerable hardships, they landed at Gaml l- are, Guadaloupe, whence they made their way to
Point Petrc, where they were humanely treated by the Americans. New DUTIES OF ASSESSED TAXES.— The Bill for im- posing New Duties of Assessed Taxes has just been printed. — The New Duties are specified in schedules which occupy thirty pages.— The following are the principal: WINDOW'S IN ENGLAND. Six to pay.... .... £ 0 8 ti 13. £ 5 6 6 7 1 0 0 14 6 3 6 8. 1 13 O IS. 7 0 0 9: 2 2 0 16....:.. 7 17 0 10. o 16 0 18 9 10 6 11 3 12 0 IS 10 7 6 12 4 9 6 20 11 4 6 The scale ascends to 180 windows, which are to pay pa IS HABITED DWELLING- HOUSES. Si. and under 40J, by the year Is. Sd. in the pound. 20 and under
40 2 3 < 10 and upwards 2 10 MALE SERVANTS PER ANN CM. 2 e 7 Servants, each.. £ i 18 8 each 6 3 9 each.... 5 12 1 Servant £ 2 4 0 2 each 2 13 0 3 each 3 7 0 4 each 3 13 0 5 each 4 9 0 6 .. .. each 4 14 t) . Fo . ery servant retained or employed by any male p. rson", never bavine been married, over andabove t ie bef. re- mentioned duties, the further sum of 1 0 each 6 11 and upwards, each 7 1 14 G Fo very gardener or person employed to work in any garden, under any person chargeable to tbe duties mentioned in the schedule relative to male servants ; and for every gardener employed in any garden wherein the
constant labour of one person shall not be necessary, the sum of 0 6 0 For every traveller or rider, when only one shall be employed 2 8 0 Where more than one, for each 3 10 0 For every clerk employed 1 4 0 More than one, for each 2 8 0 Shopmen, warehousemen, porters, or Cellarmen, except apprentices 14 0 For every waiter 2 6 0 Male servant kept by stable- keeper 1 4 0 Male servant retained fyr husbandry, manufacture, i t trade, by which the master or mistress shall gain a livelihood or profit, and at any time em- ployed in any domestic " employment, in any of the capacities in schedule relative to footmen, groom, butler,
Ate ' 0 6 0 For every male servant retained for husbandry, ma- nufacture, or trade, and at any time employed as ' groom, stable boy', or helper, where the master shall be chargeable for one horse and no more.. 0 6 0 For coachman, groom, postillion, or helper, kept for the purpose' of hire 2 4 6 CARRIAGES t> four- wheel carriages, for each \ ..£] r, 3 7 15 14 8 1' S 5 A 16 1 « 1 four- wheel carriage £ i I 5 2 for each 12 7 3 13 10 + 14 0 5 14 13 . And for every additional hotly used on the same carriage, or number of wheels £ Every carriage less than four wheels, except taxed carts, drawn by one horse Drawn by two horses And
for every additional body ^ Carriages let'to hire having four wheels Stage coaches Taxed carts, with less than four wheels. Coachmaker..; For everv carriage of four wheels made. Ditto Of two wheel s Sellers of carriages For every carriage sold cf four wheels Ditto of two wheels HORSES. 5 12 0 5 13 8 « 9 9 1 0. 1 2 0 11 0 6 1 2 0 11 5 IS ,9 fi 6 6 One horse £ 1 2 for each 4 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 5 .. 0 10 8 horses, for each £ 0 10 9 5 12 ,10 3 17 For 20 and upwards 6 1 Horses let to hire— for each- 2 18 Race horses 2 13 1 Inebandry horses, kept by any person occupying a farm at rack rent, the rent of which shall be less than 20/. a year
£ 0 1 Doc. s.— Where two or more dogs are kept, each.. 0 11 Where only one 0 7 HAIR POWDER.— Every person 1 S Floitsr. DEALERS. In London and Westminster, an annual duty of... 22 10 In any other part of Great Britain 11 6 ARMORIAL BEARINGS. By persons lieeping a coach 2 8 0 Not keeping a coach, but chargeable to the duties on inhabited houses 1 4 Not chargeable to such duties 012 GAME LICENCES. G m-. kceners ,,,,, I 0 j Not gamekeepers £ 3 3 0 llOT. tsr BAY.— Ju, t before the lately- arrived fleet sidled from India, accounts had arrived there from New South Wales, that some of the convicts had escaped
from tbe settlement, and taken refuge i 1 the woods; here they soon bad disputes and skirmisb. es with the natives, iu the Lst of which all tbe convicts perished. Cotter OF CHANCERY, April 28.— At the Sitting pf the Court, Mr. Ludlam, against whom a commission of lu- nacy had issued some time since, addressed the Lord Chancellor from tbe back bar. I ! e requested his Lordship wouid appoint a day lor taking bis case into conside- ration, as every day's delay was of the utmost importance and extremely injurious to him. He hnd already lost two of his material witnesses,' anil a third was under orders for the West Indies. He
therefore trusted these circumstances would be sufficient apology for trespassing- upon his Lord- ship.— The Lord Chancellor said he would confer with the Master, and appointed Mr. Ludloui to attend him iu his private room 011 the morrow. Immediately after, a poor man, who has long been in the habit of attending tbe Court, who i^ better known by the title of the Duke of Norfolk, and whom we have bad occasion to notice in former papers, contrived to station himself in front of the bar, before Sir Samuel Homily, and addressing bis Lordship, begged to know if his Lonl- shsp would make any order in bis ease. He bad, li : said,
been thitown into prison for debt, was now living iu a very poor anil humble dwelling, from which he was afraid he Should be obliged to seek assistance from the workhouse, where he had already been once compelled to go. Ilis title, to an independent property ( be added) could be fully made out to bis Lordship's sati- faction. The Lord Chan- cellor assured hi- m he had given bis case every Consideration iu his power, but found it was quite impossible for him to give him any assistance, which, however, his Lordship re- gretted exceedingly. FATAL Dai'. t..— Capt. Grant and Lieut. Lavton, of tbe ,95th regiment, having had a
dispute during their march to Harwich, where t'ne regiment is embarking, went into a field, at a small distance from the town, to settle it. After firing twice, Capt, Grant was wounded in the spine, and immediately expired. LUut. Layton and the seconds have ab conded. SEVERITY OF TIIB WEATHER.— The Edinburgh papers of Saturday say, that in the past weak there hatl been a suc- cession f snow storms ; and though the snow soon disap- peared in thatimmed ate neighbourhood, in some parts of the country it lay so deep as to interrupt the communica- tion,— On Monday last the snoiv wa£ so deep upou Stan- more, in
Westmoreland, as to render it necessary to cut e I'oad through it. ANOTHER SUICIDE.— On Wednesday an unhappy young ma. i, nam, d George Greenwell, residing in Northumber- land- court, Charitig- Ci'o s, put an end to his existence bv nearly severing his head from his body. The implements of destruction, two razors, were fou id near him. He has left a wife and a young family to lament his loss. Report states lie wa the offspring of a Nobleman of high rank, and was in th Royal Navy. BOW- STREET.-— Yesterday J. Moody, the soldier upon whom a large sum of 111 mey was found, was put to the bar, when Bowden, a
journeyman carpenter, stated that he bad lost a sum similar to that found upon the prisoner ; and on being desi.- ed to give an- account of himself, a, id the circumstance, he observed, that he was a married man; that he had been six years saving a part of the sum by ta k- w irk ; the remainder Was lent him by bis uncle and bro- th r, for the purpose of taking a public- house; aiid, at tlie t 111 • he lost the money, be was i., treaty for the King's Ann public- house, opposite Shoreditch Church, for wnich lie was to pay, with the fixtures, 750/. That M • . Godwin and Co. porter- brewers, Mr. Chowiug, ; de- biviver, and a distiller, were to
assist him with the money he wa del- dent. He bad received from Mr. Che- vei'ing 50t. note, which answered tile description of one foil d on 1 be soldier. La t Monday the treaty was to have be - n ea i. ie l into effect; be put 320/. tied up in a red h ndkerchi f, into his pocket; in the course of the day be had be 11 with a great number of persons to con . ult, and drank to excess, so much so, that he bad no recollection of any occurrence after nine at night, when h • was at bis brother's, in Browne's- lane, Spital- fields. On Tuesday i. ning he found him elf at the Three Compasses, iu Drury- lane, in c impany with a girl and a soldier; he
di ank pari and gin with them, whicn he paid'for ; at this time he had his money; but the purl and gin overcame him, and he lost his senses again. The Magistrate said he was afraid he had 111 recollection of the subject, but he alledged that he was sufficiently collected on Tuesday morning, to know be had the money, and that he, the girl, and a soldier, went out of tbe house together, and he believed I be pri- soner to be the man, but from that time he did not recol- lect any thing, until he found himself at twelve o'clock in Drury- lane, " where he missed his money, which brought him to his senses. He was ashamed to go near any
of his friends, until Wednesday, when, on making known hi loss, be was informed there was a soldier taken up, and that a similar sum had been found in his pos « e - ion. Mr. Read ordered the business to stand over for a further inves- tigation. Isaac Dawberry, the coachman, was next put to the bar, charged, with several others, with a violent assault upon Margaret We- t, in a stable in Dake- street, Lineoln's- inn- field . The account she now gave, differed materially from tbat she gave 011 her attendance at the Office, when the prisoner was first apprehended; yet, with respect to the outrage, it remains just the same. It appeal's
that when all the villains, except Dawberry, left the unfortu- nate girl, they thought she was dead, anil had laid her ill ii corner, under some hay. AVhen she was sufficiently re- covered to move, llawrberry appeared much astonished, arid he wa - endeavouringjfo get her out of tlie stable when the Officers arrived, and took him into custody. He was committed for trial. SHADIVF. I. L.— Yesterday three Lascars underwent ex- amination, charged with the murder of one of their own countrymen in Bluegate fields. They were fully committed CORN EXCHANGE, April 29. There are not many fresh arrivals of Wheat to- day, and the sales
are at last prices; Barley in short supply, and, with Malt, command better prices ; there are but few Pease ami Beans, which remain nearly at last prices ; the supplies of Oats are likewise short, and sales in this trade fetfch rather better prices; Flour remains without alteration. S. VITHFIELD MARKET, April 29. This day's market was but thinly supplied with different kinds of Cattle; B ef, Pork, Veal, and Lamb are cheaper than our last report; Mutton supports last price, and tbe trade in general was not over brisk. BIRTHS.] On Wednesday the 20th inst. tbe Lady of the Hon. and Rev. Wm. ( lapel . of a daughter.—- On Friday, at
Colchester, the Hon. Mrs. Harvey. of a son.— On Wed- nesday, in Charles- street, Berkeley- square, the Lady of W. Cavendish, Esq. M. P. Of a son and heir.— Same day, in Portnian- street, the Lady of the lion. Henry Black- wood, of the Royal Navy, of a'son. MARRIED.] A t Calcutta'in October last, Citpt. Yates, of the East India Company' 4 ship City of London, to Miss St. Leger, daughter of General St, Leger.— O11 the' 18th inst. at Cloyne, in Ireland, Lieut, Ralph Gore, of tbe Royal Navy, nephew of the Earl of'Arran, to Miss Hay, daughter of tbe late Captain Hay, of the 4TH Veteran battalion.— On Monday, atMarvbone,
Chaflfes Wiliiani Taylor, Esq. M. P. for Wells, to. Miss Charlotte Thomson, second daughter of John Thomson, Esq. of Waverley Abbey, Surrey. LADY ELGIN.— On the 20thinst. was married, at Blox- holro, in Lincolnshire. Robeit Ferguson, E q. of Not- tingham- place, to Mary only- daughter of William Hamil- ton Nisbet, Esq. of Dirletoir',' and ci- devant Countess of Elgin: Mr. F. is the gentleriian against whom Lord Elgin obtained damages on an aatio. n'fur cr\ m. con. and Lord Elgin lv- ving been married . to the Lady in Scotland, a di- vorce was also obtained under the Scotch law, which ren- dered an Act of Parliament
unnecessary, and prevented the Operation of the standing ordei'' of the Peers, by which a elau e is now introduced in Divorce Acts, preventing the marriage of the parties whose trfmgression has occasioned the divorce. •' » .' :•. DIED-] Lately, at Lisbon, in the 74th year of his age, Charles Murray, Esq. many years his- Britannic . Majesty's Consul at Madeira.— O . Saturday se'miight,' at Drayton Lod; e, near Norwich, in the 30th year of her age, the Hon. Mrs. Fitzroy, wife of the Hon. Win. Fitzroy, son of the Earl of Eu ton.— A few days siaee, Mrs. Biadby, wife of Admit al Biadby,— On Sunday, John Anderson, Esq. banker, of P
ifpot- laoe.— AtCLpham, George Taylor, Esq banker, of Bartholomew- Ian On Wednesday, in Queen Ann- street . West, L. d; Peyton, widow of the late and mother of the prese t ir Henry Peyton, Bart.— Saint day, i. Se > t and- Yard, William Lowades, Esq. one uf the Com- missioners of the Excise, SOLDIERS' BAGGAGE. HANTS EASTER SESSIONS, isog. SotmiAurro. N-,\ A T the General Quarter Sessions to wit. J J. \ of the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the Kimr, hidden at the Castle of Winchester, in and for the said , , unty of Southampton, on Monday inthe first week after the Clause of Faster, to wit, the 25t'n day » i April,
in the 47th year of the reigu of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, by the gra e of God of the United Kingdom of Great Briton and Ireland Iving, Defender of the Faith, and in the year of our Lord lSOs, before James Burrouxh, Esq. Chairman ; Sir William Heathcote, Sir Robert Kingsmill, Barts. Vv'm. Chute, l. ovdaec Bigg Wither, William Nevill, Esqrs. and ethers their Fellows, Justices of our said Lord tile King) assigned to keep the Peace of our said Lord the King iu the county aforesaid, and also to hear and determine divrrs felonies, trespasses, and other misdeeds committed in the Same county :—• This Court, having regard
to the present price of Hay and Oats, doth hereby, 111 pursuance ar. d by viitue of the statute made and passed in the present year of his Majesty's reign, intituled, " An Act for punishing Mutiny and 1 Jesertion, and for the . better Payment of the Army and' their Quarters," fix and order, that all Officers of his Majesty's Forces,, who l, y v rtuc of any warrant from his Majesty's Justices of the Peace within this County; shall demand of the constable or petty constable, to whom the same is directed, carriages for the purposes in ths said Act mentioned, shall at the same, time pay down in hand to the said constable or petty constable,
for tbe use of the person providing the same, over and above the sum of one shilling a mile for waggons'and wains, at;-, l nine- pence a mile for carts, hitherto payable under the said Act, the following sums, viz. the further sum of three- pence for every mile any waggon with four horses, or any wain with six oxen or four oxen with two horses, shall travel; the fur- ther sum of two- pence for every mile any cart with four horses shall travel; and so in proportion for less carriages. And this Court doth further direct, that the above order shall continue inforse until the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be hodden for this
county; and that the Clerk ofth? P - ace do cause the same to be published in the several provincial papers. By the Court, ' T. WOODHAM, 1303] Deputy Clerk of the Beare. WEST or ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY? Comprehending Devonshire, Somersetshire, Cornwall, and Dorsetshire. CAPITA! SIX HUNDRED THOUS. TND POUNOS. TRVSTEES.— Right Hon. Earl Fortescue, Lord Lieutenant of the county of Devon; Right Hon. Lord Clifford; Right Hon. Lord Bortngdbn ; John Pollexfen Bastard, Esq. and Sir Lawrence Palk, Bart. MerabsrS for t'ne county of Devon; and John Baring, Esq. DIRECTORS,—
President: Right Hon. Lord Graves,— Vice- Presidents: Sir John Kenaway, of Escot, Bait.; John Burridge Cholwieh, of Farringdon- house, Esc.; Samuel Frederick Milfojd, of E: t< tcr, Esq.; Edmund Granger, of Exeter, Esq.; and sixty- five other Directors resident in the four Western counties. nPilF^ signal success of this provincial Institution JL demonstrates that the public has justly appreciated the beneficial tendency of such an . establishment.— The Counte- nance and encouragerftent. it has experienced during the very- short period of its existence, by far exceed the expectations of the most sanguine of its promoters, and
sanction the expecta- tion of the most extensive and general support. This must be attributed in a great degree to the unprecedented liberality on which it effects insurances, the insured being entitled, without incurring any risque or responsibility whatever, to one fourth of tl^ e profits of the company. No charge is made for policies, nor is any trouble or expence occasioned by trans- ferring insurances from other offices to this. The premiums are the same as in the London tables, and insurances are effected by this society, ( subject to the discre- tion of the Directors,) on property situated in anv part of Great Britain. Printed
proposals may be had at the office in Exeter, and of tl>' following agents:— Bath, Mr. Robert Ricards, Hetling- house; Beaminster, Mr. Hines; Blandford, Mr. M. Fishir; Bridport, Mr. Wm. Battiscomb; Dorchester, Mr. T. Fisher; Falm- uth, Mr. Geo. S. Williams; Frome, Mr. Wm. Sparks; Hindon, Mr. John Evans; Honiton, Mr. Courtenay Gidley, solicitor; Lyme, Mr. John Hutchins; Plymouth, Mr. Wm. Courtis; Plymouth- Dock, Mr. David Andrews, jun.; Shaftesbury, Mr. James Barrow, banker; Sherborne, Mr. James CrutweP, printer; Taunton, Mr. John Buncombe, solicitor; Wells, Mr. John V ckery ; Weymouth, Mr. Hyde; Wincanton, Mr.
Thomas Garrett; Yeovil, Mr. R. S. Langdon. JOHN GL1DDON, Secretary. EXETER, March 8, 1808. [ 771 FONTHILL HOUSE BUILDING MATERIALS. TlliS is to acquaint Gentlemen and tile Public in general, that there have been for some time past, and are now SELLING,—' Ihe MATERIAL'S ot FDNTliILL- HOUSE, of almost every kind whjeh composed the Building both outside and inside, viz. neat white even coloured Free- Stone Ashler, Architrave Windows, Venetian Windows, with £ columns and their entablatures, both in wood and stone; Astragal Step Portland Stone, ditto Chimney Pieces, substan- tial Stone Pavement,
Stone of every sort, fit from a cottage to a mansion ; substantial Oak Beams, Oak Joists of different s z s, Doors and their Dressings, Window Frames and glazed Sashes, with the Shutters, Dressing, & c. Bases, Surbases, and D idoes, and Wainscotting for Rooms, two Sky Lights all complete, down and not taken apart, but may be taken to any place as they are ; one of them is 12 feet diameter, fit for a eentleman's summer- hou se, neatly finished inside, covercd with copper ; the other 8 feet diametervneat inside, covered with copper ; lead cisterns, from 10 gallons beer measure to 750 gallons, in wood frames of oak chip; and
a great quantity of lead pipes of d. fierent siza ; a quantity of good bar iron, also bolts, nuts, and screws ; a capital forcing engine, and pump. Whoever will favour the Proprietors with their custom, will be used with civility, and at a much lower price than it could be bought new ; also a great quantity of Sheet Copper. For particulars enquire at the House, or of Mr. JOHN CERRARD, Auctioneer, Sarum. [ 1323 BROCKENHURST, NEW FOREST. TO he SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with immediate possession,— A genteel HOUSE, suitable for the residence of a small, family; comprising two good parlours, . china closet, kitchen,
two cellars, and dairy, oh the ground floor; three good bed rooms, study, and two servants rooms over: wash- house, brew- house, chaise- house, stable, and other offices; good garden planted with choice fruit- trees, and a small green- house : with from 10 to 40 acres of land.— The premises all new within three years; the situation most desirable; mail coach to and from London every day ; four miles and an half front Lymington, and 13 from Southampton. For particulars apply ( if by letter, postpaid) to A. 15. Hotel, Christchurch ; J. Richman, Esq. Lymington ; and 011 the Premises. [ 9,95 A MARINE COTTAGE CLOSE TO
THE SEA" IN HAMPSHIRE, TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, with ten Acres of FREEHOLD LAND, in high cultivation, immediately joining the si; a, situate between Lymini, tcn and Christchurch, commanding one of the most beautiful sea views in the kingdom : the house contains four bed chambers and a drawhicroosw, with* housekeeper's room, butler's pan- try, and suitable apartments for servants, with offices of every description; the whole 011 a small but compact scale. Also capital new- built STABLING for eight hoists, with four good rooms over for servants, a harness room, additional sta- ble for i'our horses and
standings for four carriages.— The premises may be entered upon ready furnished or' otherways immediately. The house stands out of the turnpike road leading from Christchurch to Lymington, is very retired, and within half an hour's ride of tbe New Forest, three miles from the fashionable bathing place Mudif- ird, five from Christchurch, seven from Lymmgton, twenty from South- ampton, and ten from Mr. Ward's fox hi finds at Lyndhust. For further particulars apply to Mr, John Pilgrim, at Christchurch, who will shew the premises, and is authorised to treat for the sale, or to Messrs. Greene, Tennant, and Har- rison, Grays Inn,-
London. [ 1300 FREEHOLDS.— BASINGSTOKE, IIAIVRSI npo be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with £ immediate possession,— A compact and veiy disirahle VILLA, with about 180 Acres of rich Arable and Pasture LAND, in high cultivation, called the Down ; 11 o ace slit: within a ring fence, and the rest near adjoining, situate about 50 miles from London, within 200 yards of the high read leading to Winchester. The premises consist erf a handsome DWELLINO- HOUSF., with airy and cheerful bedchambers, a dining- room, draw 111 tc- room, kithen, dairy, f. rewhouse, and all requisite domestic offices, fitted up in a
convenient manner; good cellaring detached, chaise house and stabling, yard, barn, cow house, piggery, and all necessary out- huildinas immediately adjoining, with art excellent walled sy rden, well stocked with fruit trees, in the highest state of perfection. The premises are well supplied with water, situate in a spott- ing part of the country, near'fdx- houuds and hartiers, and surrounded by a good neighbourhood. Also Four Tenements) situate in Oat- street, in the several occupations of Mrs. Davies, Mr, Tubb, arid others.- A Cottage and Close of Meadow Ground, by the side of the Reading road, containing one acre or.
thereabouts, in the occupation of . Qsflie! Penn, butcher, whose term expires at Michaelmas 1809. And a valuable Chalk Pit, immediately contiguous to the Reading road, tiow rented by Mr. Wm. Guyatt, whose term expires at Michaelmas next. For further particulars of the whole, and for a view of the Farm, apply to M ssrS. Rdggett and Cole, solicitors, Odiharn, Hants, at whbse Office a Plan of the Estate may be seen ; Mr. Charsley,' Solicit > r. No. is, Mark Lane, will also give I frthO' particulars of the Farm, [ 1041 Hpo be SOLD,— an excellent FAMILY HOUSE fl either furnished or unfurnished, w- th une Ktnd- i. acres of LAND,
in a fing fence, - v. ., 1, the p„ Her ot-'- n r. cattle upon the New Forest), sitoated W. thin '•'.,,. „.; j , - Lymin - tcn, and eight ql Chritchurck.— The house IOIIMS of a dining room, - a feet long bv 20 *••..< « Crauine tee- the same s- ze ; a study ; I, oust*, eper's 100m, and all sui'a; offices lor a large family; numerous bed ehi mbu- and d. v - mg rooms; H good kite LEU garden, Walled; burns, ta;,'- houses, staolme, and all convenient builduj- s nee- t. the occupation of the he- use and farm. It is ,- lactii in o'- c e-< tbe most healthy spots iu England, near the sea, to v- hi 1, a shrubbery leads, and commands a fin - view of the Nt- dl-
Rocks, Isle of Wie. ht, fire. eve. \ c The house is sunp'li. - I With great plenty of fine spring Water. Possession irav be 1- „ l immediately.. .',. • ' Inference in person' or by letter [ post paidl to R. Bi-. dden • tisq. Downton Cottage, near Lyininton, Hants.• h-' -- t'- j3 If not s dd, the hous--, -- erden. See. Hie. t , be lett A SPACIOUS AND CAPITAL INN," In the City of LONPON. npo he SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, bv * , MR- W > I- I- OCK,— The LEASE of an old- accustomed and much- frequented INN, situate in a most desirable part of the City of London, and thereby possessing many valuable priva- tes; it contains numerous
lodging and sitting rooms, a co d kitchen, ar. d ample cellaring, two excellent yards, with sta- bling for forty horses, tap rooms, warehouses, book- keep r> cfhee, czc. This Inn is the daily resort of a t; re?. t number of- tag coaches and waggons, has a good share of post work, and ne- ar thirty beds a re made in the house, which is altogetl: r in lull trade, and held for in unexpired term of fourteen years, at a verv moderate rent, ' The. Furniture and Fixtures are to be taken bv appraise- ment, but fifty good and useful Horses, with their l'- iri - s and several Coaches and Chaises, may be Considered as op- tional, and part of the
purchase money'may remain on an- ' proved security. ' - ' A steady active Min, who has been ten years book- keeper, and assistant 111 every part of the business, ahd perfectly acquainted With its management, is willing. to take a share n the concern, or to continue in his prt- s - nt si tnation, All further particulars may be liod of Mr. Wiilock, No. Golden- square, London. [ il'fo G O S P O R T. FOR PUBLIC SALE, at the. Dolphin Inn, on Thursday the Sth of Mav 1808, at ten o'clock m the forenoon,— The following GOODS, viz. For Exportation . t!-.' Fipcs. .1) ii litis. BRANDY. F E SPIRITS DITTO. 46 8 RED WIN 30 3 WHITE ditto.
Being tbe Cargo of the Danish galliass St. Han.-,, from Barce- lona to Tonnme'i'ii, regularly eondemned Ss Prize to h, s Majesty's ship Brilliant, Thomas Smyth, Esq. Captain. Also the gce. d Lugger I.' ARGUS } Dimension-;: Length Breadth Depih in l; 01d Square stem, French built, admeasures about 30 tons, quite new ( being captured on her first cruize 1, well found insi-.- u- , and fit to run our to the West Indies, with an assorted Canto! or to any place where dispatch is required. R- egul'irl)-- condemned as Prize to his Majesty's ship Bril- liant, Thomas Smyth, Esq. Captain. The Goods may" be viewed three days before the
sale, and catalogues and inventories had, by applying to MATTHIAS. MARCH, Broker. GOSPORT, April 22, isus. F3^ SU VICINITY OF SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. CHRISTIE, at his Great Room in Pali- Mall, " on Thursday, J1111.. 53, in fifteen lots ( unless an acceptai ! e offer for the whole bo previously mad.:;,— The capital and verv valuable ESTATE and noble MANSION of tiie late NATHANIEL MIDOI. HTON. Esq. deceased, called TOWNHILL, s ttute inthe parish of South Stoncham, three miles from Southampton, eleven from Winchester, and four from Botlev, in tlx ciuntv of Hants; consisting of
the honor of Ewe Elm, lately purchased of the Crown, and the extensive manors of Shamble- hurst or Townhill and Allmgton, abounding with game, with courts baron and leet, in Townhiil, and court lei t in Ailington, fishery, rights, royalties, quit rents, tec. S: c.; spacious mo- dern Family Mansion, recently erecte 1, seated in a fine Park of 400 acre's, inclosed with substantial oak paling, the Man- sion commanding a range of view cf a delightful pastoral vale, richly wooded, and intersected with streams, and a na- vigable canal frqm Swathland to Winchester. Offices abun- dantly supplied with fine river water, thrown up by an
engine from a powerful stream, and replete with every convenience and luxury, that wealth, ingenuity, and liberal cxpsnceconid command; walled kitchen gardens, with hot- hou- i s, & c.; pleasure grounds, with spacious sheets of water, and walks, and rides of great extent through the woods and plantation.--, Home Farm, itc.; various farms contiguous, aril extensive wastes ( near 1000 acres of which arethe abs lute and ex-' o;- sive property of the Lord of the Manor of Townhill}, inch . d by opulent gentlemen in the neighbourhood, lessees of toe same, and oth rwise occupied by industrious tenants and cot- tagers; valuable
demesne, Woods of thriving oak tinnier, c » ppiees, and fir plantations, part of which are ot m - my yenn growth: the Whole of the value of FOUR THOUSAND POUNDS PER ANNUM, and upwards. Particulars are nearly ready for delivery. [ 1283 To CABINET- MAKERS and OTHERS. WINCHESTER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. BALK and GODWIN, by order of the Assignees under a Com- mission of Bankruptcy, cn the premises, in the Cathedral A1 C ibinet- Maker, Upholsterer, & e.; Comprising new and com- plets ; eady- ruade mahogany dining, card, Pembroke, and dressing tables ; bedside, and night tables ;
bed steps, bason stands, music stools ; neat mahogany parlour chair frames, insets; a quantity of burnished gold and other mouldings; chimney, pier, and swing dressing glasses; fourteen pieces of Kidderminster and Venetian carpet, to various patterns and lengths; about 270 pieces of pap r hanging, iu lots; figured and plain floor cloaths; matting, mats, baize, blankets, counterpanes, hair seating, lines, fringe*, Are. & c. with numerous cabinet and upholstery articles;— also a larce and general assortment of ironmongery ami brass cabinet'furr; i-> ture, . bed sackings, glues, & c.— A capital log of Honduri-. s mahogany, of large
dimensions, particularly- recommci. ded to the- attention c. t the trade. The Household Furniture consists of bedsteads, with" furniture, feathe r beds and hea- ding, chests of drawers, chairs, tables, and various house- hold requisites, as will be specified in catalogues^ to be laid in due time of ihe Auctioneers, Winchester. [ 1333 The sale to begin precisely at cl . ven o'clock. DOMESTIC COOKERY. ' This day is published, in a neat and closely printed volume, small Octavo, containing ten useful Plates, price 7s: ( id. in boards, a new edition of NEW SYSTEM of DOMESTIC COOKERY, . formed upon principles cf economy, and
adapted to the; use of private families. . Comprising also tbe Art of Carving, Observations on the Map^ gement of the Dairy and Poultrv- yard ; Instructions for Home Brewery, Wines, & 0,; Cookery for the Sick, and for the Poof; many very useful miscella- neous Rect'nts, and Directions proper to be give n to Servants both in Tovfn and Country. To'wtuch is prefixed, an Essey on Domestic Economy and Household Management, com*, prising many observations wjticn will be found particularly use; ai to the mistress of a family. BY A LADY. " This- is really One of the most practically useful books of any which we have seen on the
subject, The Lady who has written it, has not studied how to form expensive articles for luxurious tables, but to combine elegance with e Onomy. Sac has given her directions in a'plain Sensible manner that every body can understand: and these are not confined merely to cookery, but arc extended to a variety of objects in use in families; by which means the utility of the book isvety much increased indeed."— Anti Jacobin'Review, //;/->. 1807. Vc- i, XXVII. p. 433. Printed for John Murray, 33; Fleet- street, and John Har- ding, as, St. J mes's- strect, London; and Archibald Con- st ible and Co. Edinburgh. Sold also at the Print- ng
Office, Salisbury, ahdbyevety bookseller and newsman throughout the empire. [;] 37 GiENTLEMEN, Farmers, Graziers, & c. whose Live Stock frequently suffer ffom that impoverishing and too often fatal complaint the Scouiing, mav be convinced of tbe superior efficacy of the CALVES CORptAL by tbe. following testimony sent to the proprietor, W. l i. t! r rics. SIR, 1 have to acquaint you, that a voung cow of mine being much reduced by a severe Scouring, 1 Procurer! a bottle of your CALVES CORDIAL, which itepbed the complaint. In about three months time, owing to cbnnrc of keep, the disorder again returned, when I had
recourse to another bottle of the Cordial, which effectually cured her and in the course of six weeks my cow became so far fatud as t » enable me to sell her to a butcher. Your's, Arc. Sarratt, Herts, Feb. 16, 1807. GEORGE BIG. Sold, wholesale and retail, in bottles price 3s and 12.1.( 7cl. each, by Messrs. Howard aw! Evans, West Smith, field, Lor. diin, and at the i'tinting- Office, Salis bury. sfl " fd oiiJt
THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Sunday s Post. By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, HSBUSUKD ON SATORPAV NIGHT, APRIL 30. QUEER'S April 27, 1908. •^ HIS day William Pinekncy, Esq. had a private audience of his Majesty, to deliver a letter of credence, giving him the character cf Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America. FOREIQ;? OFFICE, April 23.— The King has been pleased to appoint James Gamhier, Esq. to be his Majesty's Consul- Generai in the Portuguese dominions in South America. QUKEN'S PALACE, April 27.— The King was this day pleased to confer the honor of
Knighthood on James Gambier, Esq. his Majesty's Consul- General in tbe Portuguese dominions in South America. • CARLION- HOUSE, April 20 The Prince of Wales has been pleased to appoint, the Right Honour, able Richard Brinsley Sheridan to the otfice of Re- ceiver- General of tile Duchy of Cornwall. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, April 28. This day, in pursuance of the King's pleasure, the following Flag- Officers of His Majesty's Fleet were promoted, viz. Admirals of the White, C. Buckncr, Esq. Right Hon. A. Lord Gardner,— to be Admirals of the Red. Admiral* of the Blue., R. Man, Esq. Sir G. Young, Knt. J. Henry, Esq. R. It.
Bligh, Esq. Alex. Graeme, E< q. to he Admirals cf the White. Vice- Admirals of the Red, . J. Brown, Esq. J. L. Douglas, Esq. W. Swinev, Esq. C. E. Nugent, Esq. C. 1'. Hamilton, Esq. E. Dod, Esq. Sir C. Cotton, Bart.— to be Admirals of the Blue. Vice- Admirals of the White, James II. Whitshed, Esq. A. Kempe, Esq. S. Child, Esq. Rt. Hon. C. Lord Lecale, T. Taylor, Esq. Sir J. T. Duckworth, R. B. Sir It. Calder, Bai t. Jl R. Dacres, Esq. Hon. G. C. Berkeley, T. West, Esq. J. Douglas, Esq. I'. Aplin, Esq.— to be Vice- Admirals of the Red. Vice- Admirals of the Blue, G. Bowen E- q. R. Montagu, Esq. J. Fergusson, Esq. E. Edwards,
Esq. Sir J. B. Warren, Bart, and K. 8. E. T. Smith, Esq. Sir Tho. Graves, K. 8. T. M. Russell, Esq. S. Moriartv, Esq. Sir H. Trojlope, Knt. Sir H. E. Stanhope, Bart. R. M'Douall, Esq. 8. Douglas, Esq. J. Wicltey, Esq. J, Fish, EKJ. J. Knight, Esq. Edw. Thornborough, Esq, to be Viec- Admirals oil the White. Rear- Admirals of the Red, T. Dr'ury, Esq. A. Bertie, Esq. Right Hon. W. Earl of Northesk, E. B. J. Vasbon, Esq. Sir W. H. Douglas, Bart. ' f. Wells, Esq. Sir E. Pellew, Bart. Sir I. Coffin, Bart. J. Aylmer, Esq. S. Os- born, Esq. R. Boger, Esq.— to be Vice- Admirals of the Blue Rear- Admirals of the White, J. Faulknor, Esq. J. C.
Purvis, Esq. T. Jqnes, Fist). W. Domett, Esq. W. Wfblseley, Esq. J. Manley, Esq. G. Murray, F'. sq. J. Sutton, Esq. R. Murray, Esq. Hon. Sir A. Cochrane, K. B. J. Mark- ham, Esq. C. Stirling, Esq. H. D,' Es^ erre I- larhy, Esq. E." Bowater, Esq. G. Palmer, Esq. W. O'Bryen Drury, Esq. W. Essington, Esq.— to be Rear- Admirals of the Red. Rear- Admirals of the Blue, J. M'Dougall, Esq, J. Alois, F>. q. E. Harvey, F'. sq. J. Peyton, Esq. Sir E. Nagie, Kilt, — to b • Rear- Admirals of the Red. Rear- Admirals of the Blue, J- Wells, Esq. R. Grindall, E « q. G. Martin, Eq. Sir A. Ball, Bart. Sir R. J. Strachan, Bart, and K. B. Sir W. S. Smith,
Kilt. T- Sotfieby, Esq. E. O'Bryen, Esq. N. Brm'iton, Esq. W. H". Kelly, E- q. J. Schauek, Esq. Hon. M. De Courcy, W. Bentinek, E. q. P. Minchin, Esq. P. D'Auvergne, Prince of Bouillon, J1.' Hunter, Esq. F. Pender, Esqt W. A- Otwav, Esq. G. Lumsdaine, Esq. Sir'S. Hood, K. B.' H. Niehalls, Esq. II. Sawyer, » q.— to be Rear- Admirals of tile White. The under- mentioned Captains were also appointed Flag- Office. rs of His Majesty's Fleet, viz. R. D. Fancourt, Esq. E. Bullor, Esq. Hon. R. ijtopford, \ l. Robinson, E- q. T. R. Shivers, Esq. C. Cobb, Esq. F. Pjckmore, ESq. J. b. Hall, Esq. J. DilkeSjEvtj. W. Lechmere, F'sq. T. Foley, Esq.
c. Tyler, Esq. R. C. Reynolds, Esq. R, Watson, Esq. Hon. A. II. Gardner, M. Dixon, Esq. G; Losatfk. ESh. W. Mitchell, Esq. G. Hart, Esq. T. Bertie, Esq.— to" be Rear- Admirals of the Blue. ADMIRALTY- OEFJCB, Aprils?... The King has been pleased to appoint Charles Boyles, Esq. Sir Thomas Williams, Knt. Wm. Hargood, Esq. and Robert Moorsmxt, Esq. to be Colonels, of his Majesty's Royal Marine Forces, in the room of EdvvariJ Buller, Esq. the Hon. Robert Stopford, Wm. Lechmerc, Esq. and Thos. Foley, Esq. appointed Flag Officers of his Majesty's Fleet" ' WAR- OFFICF., April 30. 2< f Regiment of Qragcqrts,— Capt.
Thomas Pate llankin to be Major, vice Rk'hmond, deceased. 4th Ditto,—(' apt. Charles Philip Ainslic to be Major, by purchase, vice Wingfe- ld, who retires. 1 it West India Hcgirne. it,.— Capt. George Taylor, from the 21st Light Dragoons, to be Major, by purchase, vice Sandys, who retires. BANKHUiTS. Jtobert Bryan. of Greek- street, Snho, tahow- ehandter. Waiter ' via nn, of Hturtley- place, S,, utivwurk, br. ihdy- merchant, Bielmr 1 Wk- lctead, of : Cary- lane, London, scrivener. II. ll. De. Kon. of Toltenhnnse- yard, London, stock- broker. Mafy ISaUy, of Lower . lames- street, Gold< n. squire, trimniingjmakei>. John Vtoselv, of .
Swnmflcet, potatbe- tnerchant. A. M'Luclilan and J. Gait, of Great St. Helen's, factors. LONDON, SATURDAY BFBNING, APRIL 80. HOUSE OF LORDS. " FRIDAY, April 5,9.] Mr. A, dam wa, s heard as Counsel OJi the Roxburgh Peerage claims. The Irish Recognisance Bill was brought up from the Commons, and read a first time. ' Lord Sidmouth complained that the returns made of the Danish captures had been unreasonably delayed at the Transport Board, and on examining them he found they were sp imperfect, that lie coiild not bring the subject under discussion on Tuesday, hnt must delay it till the returns were more
perfect. He moved to discharge the summons for Tuesday, and also a resolution to enforce a proper return of the Danish captures; boLh of which mo- tions were carried.— Adjourned to Monday. HOUSE OF CQMMQNg. FRIDAY, April 2^.] A Committee was chosen by bal- lot to investigate the merits of the Grampound Election Petition. v Mr. Tremayne hrought in a Bill to sccure the burial of bodies east on shore from wrecks, & e. which was read a first time. 1 ' Mr. Lang moved for leave to bring in a Bill for the bet- ter examining and auditing the accounts o'l' the Paymaster General. There were, he said, accounts in the
Paymaster's office which have been laying there 25 years unaudited, and from a difficulty of obtaining vouchers, the Paymaster's cash account' loulilnot be matte up. It was, therefore, with a view to re'inedy this inconvenience that the Bill was submitted. He then took a view of Mr. Burke's Bill, whieh did not sufficiently guard against all abuses. In future it was intended that the monies issued fiVm the Paymaster Generals office shoftl'd bts by warrant instcUd of by letter. • . After a few words from Dr. Lawrence, in defence of Mr. Bueke's Bill, leave was granted. Mr. Hutkissor., in the absence of Lord Castlereagli, postponed the
second reading of the Local Militia Bill, which stood for fa- day, till Monday. O. i the motion of Mr. For. it. ci-, the House resolved it- pelf into n Committee, to consider of the Supplies granted to his Majesty, when he proposed that 3250/ 1 Irish cur- rency, be granted towards the support ' of the college of Maynooth. Sir J. Newport said, the sum was too small, and pro- posed an amendment, making it 13,000/. On a division, the amendment was negatived, and the original motion carried. in a Committee of Ways and Means, Mr. I. ethbridre moved, that si duty Of five'' guineas ' be " lAid 011 every double - barrelled guil used for killing
game, '& e. ' Sir W. Elford, Mr. Alderman Combe, and the Chancel- lor of the Exchequer, opposed the motion, which,' ou a d vision, was negatived by a great majority. Adjourned. Hamburgh papers to liie 13th.' injt. have l> eon re- ceive^, whifch contain some interesting intelligence. An article in a paper of the 9th is particularly impor- tant, for, if we may credit it, Bonaparte really intends to attempt the much talked of project of inarching troops over land to India. He has obtained, it apT pears by the following letter, the consent of the Porte to this extraordinary measure :— VlNWU, March 30. The Porte has permitted the march of
the French troops through its territory towards Persia. On the Sth and 7th inst. a great Divan was bolden, in winch the proposition of th- Emperor of the French, for inarching a corps of troops through the Turkish do- minions into Persia, was discussed, and finally acceded to by the Government. This intelligence was brought to Vienna by an ex- traordinary courier, Yesterday more Dutch Papers to the 27' h reached town, and also Paris Journals to the 17th. It is stated in the former, that the French troops entered Madrid on the evening of the 23- i of March, and that great rejoicings tflok place in consequence o. f their arrival! The
French join the cry of popular indignation against the Prince of Peace. In a Proclamation published by Murat on his arrival at Madrid, he expresses Bonapaate's approbation of the measures adopted by the Spanish Government against this, wretched man. All persons possessing any jewels or other articles of value belonging to him, are called upon to deliver them up, under the pain of fine aitd imprisonment. It- was on the 2$ th ult. that Murat entered Madrid. On the 1st inst. he published H proclamation, in which the arrival of the Emperor is promised, and the French iroops are exhorted to. keep themselves perfect itiJhe
manoeuvres, of firing-, a pretty broad hint to the Spaniards o, f the means by which their new friends mean to n\ ake good their quarters. An article in one of the unofficial French papers staj. es, that, 011 the 7th inst. the new King was to leave Madrid, accom- panied by the Duke de L'Infant ado, to meet the French Emperor. The fortune accqmulated by the Prince of the peace is. rated in those accounts at 500 millions of byres; about 22 millions English. There are several French statements relative to the proceedings of the Rochcfort and other hostile squa- drons, now in tl\ e Mediterranean. If they continue long out, some of our
squadrons may have the good famine to assist them in sojne of tjheir manoeuvres. It is said that a respectable house in the City has received a confirmation of the report of a revolcrtion in Russia, in whUsh the Emperor of Russia and his brother the Grand Duke Constautine were put to death.—- Globe. It is reported in a fetter from Bilhoa, that the Fran- chise French frigate, and a transport, which sailed some time ago from Cortiniia for Buenos Ayres, have been captured by some of our cruizers; but no official account thereof has reached the Admiralty. Sir Harry Burrard Neale is appointed Captain of the Channel lleet, under
Lord Gamhier. It is expected that the House of Peers will receive the report of the Committee on the, Banbury Peerage in the course of the next week. A letter from Galway, dated the 2Is. t iost. states, that in consequence of the shipment of 70 tons of meal on board the Ann, for Londonderry, the populace rose to prevent its sailing, and stripped the vessel of her sails. This outrage holds out an alarming prospect ; Galway being one of the cheapest markets in Ireland, for grain, and materially looked to for a supply, to meet the necessity from the inadequate crops in the north. A principal Clerk in one of the Naval Departments lias
been dismissed on the score of peculation ; and a strict in- vestigation is making into the conduct of eight or nine other Clerks in the same office. PRICES OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three 0' Clock. Rank Stock, India Stock, I9- 2| South Sea Stock, — a Cent. Red. (,'.'>} a | a ^ Cent. Cons. b' 5g a § 4 Tft Cents. SO 5 Cent. Navy, a £ 5 • p. Cent. 17.07, — Long Ann. IH- jj- Omnium, — Irish d: tto, — Exchequer Bills, 5 a 7 pr. India Boii Is, par. Irish Ccnts^ jhut Iinp. erial 3 ^ Cents, shut English Lott. Tick! £ Ditto Prizes, 2 ty Cent. di:. ponjMus. FALMOUTH, April 28. Several vessels are assem- bled here for the Brazils. The convoy is
hourly expected. The Ilumber and Swallow sloops of war sailed on a cruize 011 Monday. A fleet ( about 100 sail) passed down Channel yes- terday morning, supposed to be that for Quebec, Halifax, 8ic. PLYMOUTH, April 29. All is hurry and bustle here, getting Admiral Duckworth's squadron ready for sea. The different ships' companies v,- orked all night in tfiree watches, to get their rigging new put up. On Monday, in consequence of a telegraphic dis- patch to Admiral Young, orders were sent to all the ships in Cawsaud Bay to victual and store for six months, with all speed. At the same time an Ad- miralty Messenger arrived
with dispatches, which were put on board three fast- sailing veesels, which sailed immediately for Ushant, Cadiz, the Streights, ami the West Indies. On Monday pa- sed by the outward- bound Newfoundland fleet, ami tiie fleet for Quebec. They were joined oil' this port by tbe Plover and Scorpion, each of 18 guns. Came in the Mercurio, yf and from Lisbon, under Knyphausen colours, with wine and salt, bound to Madeira and the Brazils. She had 011 board upwards of 100 Portu- guese emigrants, including many ladies ah4 children. They say their poor countrymen are in a must wretched state. The'owner of this vessel paid
Junot for three clearances, and at 1ait was obliged to slip out in the night, but was intercepted and detained by our squadron. ' On Wednesday the Isis, of o0 guns, arrived off the Sound, from'Madeira, after a three weeks passage: She has under her convoy the El Rosario, Spanish prize, from Vera' Cruz to Cadiz, laden with hides, coffee, cochineal, & c. prize to the Lion, of 6+ guns, which ship captureii her after a sm- irt cbace, during whjph she carried away her mainmast, and put into Madeira to refit.— Passengers in the Isis : Mr. Pringle, the British Consul, Messrs. Cremer, R. Scott, Sic. Arrived the Diana, 38 guiiS, from the
coast of America: she'was witli Admiral Sir J. T. iHiekworth, and left to get intelligence'of the Roehefort sqUiutnm. Ou Thursday came in the Caniprian, of 36 guns, from a cruize. This' morning arrived the schooner I/ tity, of Portsmouth, from Madeira, bound to London, J^ de 11 with wine and orchelia root. ' ' :>,'! PORTSMOUTH, April 30. Sir Isaac Coffin this morning shifted his flag to blue at the tare, inconse- quence of his promotion to the rank of Vke- Admiral. Vice- Admiral Bertie proceeds to the Cape of Gqod Hope in the Leopard, of 60 guns. The Christian 7th, of () 0 guns ( late Danish), having undergone a good repair and
been coppered, is taken out of dock and fitting for immediate servioc ; Sir J. S. Yorke is to command her. Monday.— Arrived the Amelia, of 38 guns, Capt, Hon. F. P. Ivby; Defender gun- vessel, with convoy from the Downs ; and Steady gun- vessel from a cruize. Tuesday.— Sailed the Cambrian, of 44 guns, CapL Vincent, for Plymouth ; Steady gun- vessel, Eh'ut. Slow, for Guernsey j and Defender gun- vessel. Arrived the Princess of Orange, of 74 guns, Capt. Beau- man, from the Downs, Friday— Sailed the Barfleur, of 98 guns, Capt. M'Cleod, with victuallers for the fleet off Cadiz; Trident, of b' 4 guns, Capt. — with convoy for
the Mediterranean, and Major- Gener. il Oakes and suite, for Malta. Saturday— Sailed the Princess of Orange, of 74 guns, Capt. Beauman, for the Downs j and Rebuff gun- vessel, Airived the Zebra bomb, from the Downs. AITOINTV. IENTS.—, Capt. Johnston, to the Leopard; Lieut. Bird, to the Niger, fitted up for the tbe temporary accommodation of Portuguese Emigrants; Lieut. Benanion, to superintend the Victualling Craft at this port; Mr. James Collins, Storekeeper of the lldefuttso, preparing as a Victualling Depot, to be stationed at Spithead; Capt. Webb 10 the Thrush sloop, commissioned this last week. WINCHESTER.
SATURDAY, ARfIL 30. We have authority to contradict the statement made in our last Journal of Mr. Mildmav having been a prisoner in Russia: he returned, will\ several other Gentlemen, from Pctersburgii, a few days ago,, at which place he met with no difficulty in obtaining regular Passports from the Russian Minister. The Right Honourable the Paymasters General have been pleased to appoint William Purdue Smith, E> sq. of Eling, in the county of Southampton, to be their Deputy to his Majesty's Forces, 011 the Expedition up, del: the command of General Sir John Moore, K. B. On Tuesday George Hollis, Esq. was re elected Treasurer of the County for the ensuing year. On Weduesday the 50th and two following days., the Yonng Gentlemen of the Academy, Gosport, were grati- fied with a full assemblage of their friends, to witness their annual exhibition of rhetorical exercises, commencing w ith a speaking chorus, introducing and connecting several recitations by the junior pupils ; after which, Mason's ad- mired tragedy of Oaraetacus was performed. Dr. William Burnev, the head master, lias this year presented his pu- pils with scenes and dresses entirely new and classically correct, nor hive the gentlemen appeared undeserving either the
expence or pains bestowed 011 then), as they ac- quitted themselves, not merely to the satisfaction, but to the admiration of every person who witnessed the perform- ance. Mr, Burn's Caractacus was supported in a matu^ q'r that did him the highest credit. Broughton's Modtuf was extremely just, Missing, Stow, and Lemyn, far exceeded any praise we can bestow ; nor should Bccker, Lance, Gadden, Lock, Burrill, Blackwood, Pole, Rous, and Burney, pass unnoticed, did our time allow us to point out the merits due to each. ' File audience, which was about two hundred and fifty each night, included nearly all the principal families
for many miles ro& nd, who ap- peared fully sensible of the great credit so justly due to the conductor aud different masters belonging to this esta- blishment. On Monday last died, aged 70 years, Mr. Thomas Tarrant, many years a respectable, inhabitant of Southampton. On Sunday evening died Joseph Barker, Esq. Mayor of this city, aged 73 years. On Wednesday morning died, almost suddenly, Mrs. Smith, widow of the late Mr. Smith, watch- maker, in Kingsgate- street. The General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Southampton commenced on Monday last..— Thie following prisoners received sentences as
under: Isaac Daves, convicted of stealing a quantity of wearing apparel from different persons at Kingston ; and Matthew Clarke, convicted of assaulting Sarah Squibb, of Brading, ill the Isle of Wight, with intent to rob her ; to be transported for seven years.— Elizabeth Thomson and Hannah M'Evoy, for different robberies, were sentenced to be imprisoned three months ; Wm. Coney, for . stealing a pair of shoes, tq be imprisoned fAo months; and James Carter, for a petty theft, fourteen days. Three were discharged, being tried and acquitted; five no bills found against them ; fjve discharged, no further proceedings being bad
against tliem ; and four discharged for want of proseeutic . I'M CNOMF. SON.— An Ewe. belonging to Mr. Eyles, of Worthy, near this city, last week dropped a Lamb, which had two heads, 2 necks, 2 chests, 2 back- bones, 2 tails, and, 6 legs. Unfortunately, before the Shepherd could secure it, the rooks attacked and killed it. LONGEVITY.— There are now living in the town of Andover, - next door to each other, and all of them within tbe distance of one hundred yards, nine persons, whose united ages amount to 721 years. SALISBURY. MONDAY, MAX 2, 1808. The 2d Somerset Militia, at present qua tiered- here, have orders
to march for Weymouth, where they expect to remain the whole of the summer. The first division will march on Wednesday next. A division of the 36th regiment, amounting to 271 men, arrived here on Saturday, o, n their r.^ arch from Worcester to Gosport. A second division is expected this day. "''.'• The General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Wilts were held here on Monday, Tuesday,' and Wednesday last. The important questions' of building- a new County Gaol and a neiv Bridewell wcte discussed: the former was left open for further consideration; but it was resolved that a new Bridewell should be' built at
Devices, unt\ tr the. direction of Mr. Iugleiiian, of'Not- tingham. Several prisoners were tried, but their offences were not the deepest dve. The heaviest punishment inflU. cod was three months imprisonment, to which Robert Barrett was sentenced, for stealing a piece of two- inch plank. The manufacture of' broad cloth is on the increase in this county. We know not to what circumstance this is to be attributed, in the present restricted state of our commerce, but the fact is indubitable. From tbe report of the Inspector totlie Magistrates at the Quarter Sessions, upwards of 2000 pieces were manufactured in the last year, which is a
greater quantity than was ever manufactured ill any one yea\ before'. At the Sessions of the Peace for this City held on Thursday, Joseph Smith, a soldier in the second Somerset Militia, was convicted iif stealing a dish, containing half- pence, at the Ship public- house, ii^ Winchester- street, and was sentenced to two months imprisonment, ' and to be publicly whipped in the Market- place, The Rev. T. Arnold, A. B. Fe', low of Hertford College, Oxford, has been presented by Miss Tylney Long, to the Vicarage of lloydon, in Essex. Ou Wednesday last was married, at Walcot church, Bath, by the Rev. T. G. Ram, the Rev. John
God- frey Thomas, eldest son of Sir John Thomas, Bart, to Miss Frances Ram, daughter of Stephen Ram, Esq. of Ramsfort, county of Wexford, and niece of the Earl of Courtown, On Wednesday was married, at Downes, near Exeter, the seat of James Btiller, Esq. M. P. Vice- Admiral Sir John Thomas Duckworth, Bart, to Miss Buller, daughter of the late Dr. Wm. Bullet, Lord Bishop of Exeter. On Thursday se'nnight was married Mr. Thomas Harrington, cutler, of this city, to Miss Guyatt, of the Borough of Southwark. On Thursday was married, Capt. Deans, of the Royal Navy, to Miss Janet Whitley Dundas, only ( laughter and
sole heiress of Charles Dundas, Esq. of Rarton Court, M. P. for the county of Berks. Capt. Ueans is nephew of Mr. Dunijas, arid on this occasion he has his Majesty's leave to take the names and bear the arms of Whitley Duudas. On Monday was married Mr. J. Sandy, printer, of Chippenham, to Miss M, Coulcs, of Chissolden. Q11 Tuesday died, in Portland- Place, Mrs. Bas- tard, vyife of John Pollcxfen Bastard, Esq. M. P. for the courity of Devon. On Stinday the 24th ult. died Mr. Henry Folliett, of Hill Deverili, a Captain in tjie West Wilts Vo- lunteers. On Monday George Barrett was committed to Fisherton Gaol, for trial at the
next Asskes, charged with having " stolen a bay gelding from the stable of Mr. Broome Pinpe- gar, at C'liff- Pypard. HOME MARKETS. Prices of' Corn, per Quarter— Bread, per Gallon. I Wheat. Barley, j i. 5. April, s. Salisbury, 2FIL 64 to 70,3G to, 42 Basingstoke, 27; fi, t to 75] 10 to « ; Devizes, 20| HO tq 741 to. U7 I Newbury, 21 j 51; ( o 3.- 2: 34 to 4i i Andover, ao fi- s ta 70 i aa tu 4- 2, Warminster, 30j5,8 to 73P> 7 to 41 Oats. Beans. Bread, s. s. s. 1. S. 4. 30 to 37 GO to. GG 1 8 34 to 38 55 to tit). 1 e § 30 to 34 54 to Oft 1 7 • 28 to 40 55 la 5,8 1 7 30 to 31 58 to CjJ 1 7 33 to 38 GO to. 65, —— jr.— Half Gall. 4 « . 5-{ o » .
THEATRE, SALISBURY. ON MO. SD. AY EVENING, MAY 2, 1808-, for the Benefit of Mr. SHATFORD, a favourite new Comedy, never acted here, ( written by Mr. Kr. NS'Y, author of Raising the Wind, and other highly'populat pieces,) called THE WORLD;' And the FARCE of THF. JEW AND DOCTOR. *** By, Permission., the BASO, of the SKCO. NP STT. MTFSJ- T u- ill attend the Theatre this. Kx. enijig, OQ WEDNESDAY EVCNINO, for ijhe Benefit of Mr. and Mrs,' OLD,' an admired'new Comedy,' never acted here, called T 0 W N AND C O U NT ft Y; An4 THE- LYAR. On FRIBAY EVENING, for the Benefit of Mi. GRANT,
THE WHGEL OF FORTUNE; With a FAIICE and ENTERTAINMENTS, as will be expressed in the Bills, Association for the Relief of the poor lionsekecpers, during the Severity of the future Winters, with respect to their Fuel. npHE Committee for promoting this desirable ob- JL ject, having now made their arrangements, beg Vave to intimate to the Inhabitants of the City and Close, that Books for a GENERAL SUBSCRIPTION arc. open at the Bank of Messrs. BOWLES, OGDEN, and WYNDUAM, in Endless- street, where further particulars of this charity may be seen. The Rev. Canon HUME, Chairman. The Rev. Dr. EVANS, \ _
„ JAMES WICK. INS, Esq. / s' & c' SALISBURY, April SS, 1808. [ 1318 FAREHAM FARM, HAMPSHIRE. THE Yeomanry arc respectfully informed- that _ the above Farm'is LETT by PRIVATE CONTRJWT. North Cadl- ury, near Castle Carey, r . April 30, 1808. fla47 TO THE LADIES.— SPRING FASHIONS. RS. ANTHONY tnost - respectfully informs the i. vjL Ladies of Winchester and its vicinity, that she is just returned from London with an elegant assortment of Millinery, Dresses. Mantles, Shawls, figured Satin Pelisses, & c; super- fine Straw and Chip Hats and Bonnets, Ladies' fashionable Beaver Hats, and a variety of new
articles in Child- bed Linen. Mrs. A. returns her sincere thanks for the liberal encourage- ment she contiuues to experience. Two Apprentices wanted immediately. High- street, [ Winchester. [ 1291 Salisbury, April 37th, 18U8. IO. WEEKS, VETERINARY SURGEOS, begs J • leave most respectfully to inform the Public, that during his late residence in London, he has completed his Studies at the Royal Veterinary College, and he feels confi- dence in now announcing himself as competent to the Care of Horses that are Sick or Lame from whatever cause. Gen- tlemen disposed to entrust L. W. with their horses, may be assured
that much of the attention of his life has been devoted to the Study and to the Practice of the Veterinary Art, and in addition to his attending Professor Coleman's Lectures, he- has, the better to qualify himself for his profession, studied Surgery under Mr. Astley Cooper and Mr. Home; Therapeu- tics, the Principles of Physic, and Chemistry, under Dr. Pearson ; and the Comparative Anatomy of thc'Human Body at the Hunterean Theatre under Mr. Wilson; and finally passed his examinations at the College the 25th of last month. — It is his intention to open a Veterinary Forge, of which he will give timely notice ; in the interim, those
gentlemen who wish to have their horses shod on the College plan, which is much superior to the common mode, may have it done by applying to L. W. who will superintend its performance per- sonally ; and every sort of Medicine for Horses, prepared after the College forms, may at all times be had of him. [ 1235 SALISBURY, WII/ I'ON, and LONDON FLY C'. WAGGONS, daily, to and from the CASTLE and FAL- CON; ALDERSGATE- STREET, London, and their Warehouse, Mil ford- street, Salisbury. These Waggons take up and put down Goods at the Old White Horse Cellar, and Black Bear, Piccadilly. No Money, Plate,
Jewels, Glass, or other valuable or ha- zardous Goods will be paid for, if broken or lost, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. NICHOLAS BROWN, 123 8} JAMES BRICE, j- Proprie r|^ 0 be LET, unfurnished, for the summer months, X — A pleasant RESIDENCE on the banks of the Itchen; consisting of six rooms and a kitchen. Apply to Mr. G. Hookey, Southampton. [ 132!) T) be LETT, for such a term as may be agreed upon, with immediate possession,— A laige and compact FARM of between three and four hundred acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, tythe- free. The premises are situated within a mile
and a half of a market and sea port town. Within two miles of lime and coal, are well watt red, and all within a ring- fence: much money has been expended in improvements the last seven years, and it is still improvable. For further particulars apply ( if by letter, postpa: dj to Jacob Pinniger, Little Park, neat Wootton Basset, Wilts. [ loC4 SMALL NEAT HOUSE, AT W'ELLOW. ' | X) be LETT, and entered upon immediately,— X A small HOUSE, with stable, chaise- house, orchard, and three acres of land. The situation is healthy and pleasant, at West Wellow, within a quarter of a mile of the turnpike road from Southampton to
Salisbury. The House, which' is of brick, and tiled, and almost new, contains two small parlours, four'sleeping rooms, kitchen, brewhousr, & c." For particulars enquire ( if by letter, postpaid; at Clement Sharp's Upholstery Warehouse, Romsey. [ IS31 The Furniture, which was all new- within this rr- onth, may be had, if required ; as also a few acres more Land. ADVOWSON, SOMERSET. TO be SOLD, subject to the Life of the present Incumbent, aged b'b',— The Valuable ADVOWSON of a Vicarage, situated in the most desirable part of the county of Somerset, with the Glebe Lands and 1 ythes, of the an- nual value of 400Z.
and upwards, and very improveabh-.— The Vicarage consists of an handsome modern built mansion house, comprising every requisite for elegance, utility, and comfort; with barns, stables, chaise- house, and suitable offices of every description, with two excellent Gardens.,— The Glebe contains upwards of SO acres of rich and fertile arable, meadow, and pasture Lands. The situation of this Advowson is eminently beautiful and picturesque : is distant from Taunton 12 miles, from Bridgewater S miles, and from Wells 12 miles, and is in every point of View highly desirable. Further particulars may be known ' on application ( if by
letter, post paid) to Mr. F. B. Cuming, 116, Fleet- street, or 1, Gray's Inn Squared London; Mr. RSehard Symes, Soli- citor, Bridgewattr; ind Mr. William Harris, Solicitor, Ply- mouth. TO CURRIERS, c. ' yo be DISPOSED OF by PRIVATE CON- T^ an? ' nimediatcly,— The STOCK in TRADE ar. d BUSINESS ot the late Mr. John Itandc' currier and leather seller, of Swindon, Wilts, deceased The Workshops, wherein the above concern has been earrorf on for many ytairj with great success, may be tented for a tctm. if desired, liae Fixtures and Stock inTrade to be taken to a: a fair valuation. For further particulars apply to Miss Maty
Randell, of Swindon. ( 1134 NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT. rF° DISPOSED OF, on reasonable terms,— JS The entire STOCK of an established TOWN CARTEii ln ' u'l employ; consisting of six prime horses, of am arng strength, and suitable harness; waggons, carts, tirfrber cui- nages, nibhs, arc. & c. the whole in good condition. • should It be required, part of the purchase money may remain 011 approved security. To treat tot the same, apply to M>; is. Mew and Pom, auctioneers, Newport, [ 1239 Tc TO TANNERS." ' O be SOLD,— A TAN- YARD, with vrryej- Iivni?"?^ a? d !? » vt: r'iem BUILDINGS, and a Paten- BARE- MILL,
by Hwghwav, worked by wates, situated iu a well- wooded country, in the pleasant village of Wi< kha'rt. mouth 1UrthCr particulars W'- y to Mr. Sharp, at for:, - N. B. The Buildings and Promises are calculated for Brewery or oth - r manufactory ot- con* rn requning . xtent. v" 1 ne oatk-. yliU. and several Pumps may be had scpa- r3tdy- 7 [ laps H ANTS. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— O*. undivided Fourth Part of a l) WELLING, HOUSE consisting of three rooms on a ftoot, excellent cellaring, eood stably coach court and yard, with sundry offices, a£| lan- o walled garden, and a Meadow nearly adjoining of three acics
Situate at Romsey, now occupied by James Siiarpe, Esq * Also 1 hree Fo, uTths of the Great TITHES of'latcbbury, ia the occupation of Farmer f. ane, situate in the parish of EW. Also Three Iifths of BROOKE FARM, m the palish of King s bomhorne; consisting of a good Flirm- House, offices, and about 90 acres of Arabic, Meadow, aud Pasture Land* A T % , t0f ? 0, Iim0r » on Brooke Down ; in the oscupation at Mf kdwards, as under tenant to Mrs. Gatehouse. Apijly (, f by letter, post paid) to Mr. Bell, Land Agent. — 1—• .,, . [ 111; t TNEVV FOREST, HANTS. O be SOLD by AUCTION, at LTN DHCRST, bv order Of the Right
Hon. Lord Gicnbervic, Surveyor- GcneU of his Majesty's Woods and Forests, or! Friday the TIMBER Th'C faUo?" nE Lo< 5 tfC& Sr SNDS- 15 Kit lii s TFTF. ENDS, 1— Ashurst Walk if S— IfonsjiiU ditto 7 O.— I. yndhurstditto J5 4,— Rhinefield ditto 25 5.— Wilv'erlev ditto...... $ t!,— Burley ditto........ 41so,— Vive Ix- ts of OAK 7.— Denny Walk... 8.— Eyeworth ditto 9.— Bramble Hill diho . 10.— Whitley fydet- ditto 11.— Beech," I. yncfburst. - T~., .... „. ,' JMBER, at Kind's Coppice. & c. in Denny Walk, ant) several Lots of Coal Wood'aua Bavins. For further pattifulats apply to Joseph Mortimer, Fsa, yv/ er. [ 12: 1ft NEW FOREST,
HANTS. TO, be SOLD by AUCTION, at Lvni& urst, by order ot the Right Honourable Lord Gienbervic, Sur veyor- general of bis Majesty's Woods and Pyre its, on Thuis- lr! th of ' N- sv' l « 08>— A large quantity of OAK BAKU.— Further particulars vviil appear in this* Paper 11,- x* [ i;! 0l ' Fine favoured Port, Madeira ar. d Hermitage ( Fives, and superior old Rum, the property of a gentleman, ot his own importation. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at Belle Vue- I louse, near Southampton, on Tuesday the ad of May « '}?: « eleven O'clock, by G. HO. OSEY,-^ 5U dozen PORT j of, the vintages 17s6, i- S, isol, 2, and about 100 dozen
cnoice MADER1A, of the vintage 1801 do/ ^ ruivTDATrvu ;—* 0dozenpf BU;- IO< io.- ea ot CHAMPAIGNfc ^- 2:, dr « -. n of remarkably hjgh- tlavored HUM, impoited and bottled in l" 9p, made eatUelv from the cane juice. ' To be sold in lots of from three to five dozen ; samples of which will be produced at the sale. [" FEEDING LANDS, ABOVE LYM1NGTON BRTDGE rflX) be- SOLD by AUCTION, at the Angel Inn. A in Lvmington, in the County of Southampton, nn Fricay the day of this instant May, at aive o'clock in ths evening, subicct to such conditions as shall he then and there produced,— The several ^ closures o(
FEEDING LANDS, and also all the WASTE LANDS belonging to the Proprietors' of Lymington Bralge ot Dam, and lying bctisrcciv. the said, Bridge or Dam and Boldre Bridge, in the County aforesaid, containing by estimation 12.1 acres ( be die tame more or less>. Further particulars may be Ipiawn on application to Mr, Richman, Sohcitor, Lymingtoji. [ l;) 02 ' ESTATES NEAR SALISBURY. ' TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Thursday the 12th of May, 1808,— at WINTF. RSI. 6W H' T 111 those very improvable LEASEHOLD C- STATKis ( part'ef which is equal to Freehold] pleasantly situate ot Wintcrsluw and late the property of M r,. King, deceased: For particulars and a view erf the estates, ajjply to Mr.. Wm. King, on, the premises v and to tfeaj ' for the same by private' Buliington. sale, application may be made to Ih; r. ry King near Sutton Scotney, Hants. fiats MILFORD, near LYMINGTON, HAM'S, rrx) be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the L Anpd Inn, in Symington, in t, he county of Southamp- ton, on Saturday the 14th day of May next, at six o'clock in theeveninir, subject to such condition's as shall be then and there produced, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at, Lymcr Common, in the parish of Milford aforfca'id, com- prizing a cottage and garden,
bam, yard, and three closes c. f arable and pasture land, containing by estimation 14 acres cf thereabouts, of which some part is pleasantly sitaated fcf building 011. Further particulars may be known by application to Mr. Richman, Solicitor, Lymington. [ 1212 FREEHOLD ESTATE, ISLE OF WIGHTT IN a short time will be SOLD by AUCTION, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, — A very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called Chiverto* Farm ; comprising about 900 acres of arable, meadow, down and coppice land, upwards of ;) 00 acres of which are tithe free, situate a tew miles from the town of. Newport, and
affords several beautiful sports for building on, vfith delight- ful sea and land prospects. This estate is particularly calculated to divide int « three compact lots, which will most probably be done if Sold by Auction. Further particulars may be had by application to Mr. Fldctficld, Solicitor, Romsey, Hants. [ 1280 ESTATE at WINDSOR, in the New Forest. npo be SOLD by AUCTION, without anv I reserve, bv CLEMENT SHAEP, at the White- Horse Ir. n", Romsey, on Tuesday the- pd'of May, 1808, at half- past five o'clock in the afternoon,— All that eo.- np-. ct COPYHOLD ESTATE, wi: h the Timber growing thereon, comprising about
42 acres and a half of L'ir. d, With a Dwelling- house, Barn, Stable, & c. situated at Winds r, in the New Forest, now in the occupation of Robert Puire. The premises are pleasant and healthy, on the borders of the New Forest, and afford several choice situations for building; it is adorned with stveial hundred thrifiy you'ng Oaks, to which the laud is peculiarly congenial ; distance six miles from Romsey, seven from Southampton, and three from I. vnrthyrst. For particulars enquire of the Auctioneer, at his Cabinet and Upholstery Warehouses, Romsey. [ 11 do HOUSE AN A HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ROMSEY. NPO be SOLD by
AUCTION, 0.1 the Premises, by A CI. EMENT SHABP. on Tuesday the ad of May, and three following days,— The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Piate, Linen, China, Glass, Wines, and sundry other Effects of Mr. Godwin Seward, who is quitting his present residence. The Furniture, which is respectable and in excellent con- dition, comprise^ a general assemblage of usctul and orna- mental drawing room, dining room, and bed room requisites-; the kitchen utensils are of the first quality, aiid are altogether worth the attention of the inhabitants of the neighbouring towns.— The goo is may be viewed on Friday and Saturday
preceding the sale. The House, which is held on a renewable lease, consists of a handsome drawing room, two parlours, six bed rooms, besides attics, kitchen, cellars, and suitable offices, aud will ht nut up precisely at twelve o'clock on the first day of sale. • Catalogues will be delivered and further particulars given at the warehouses of the auctioneer, Romscy. | loStl PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. COLLINS, AT HIS PRINTING- OFFICE, ON THE CANAL, SALISBURY-; ' ( Fhfi- t- Orders^ Advertisements, and authentic Articles of tyiws are- received ( Postage paid.) Also by the PRINTERS and BOOKSELLERS in the West
of England; hy the respective NEWSMEN ; asd in London by Messrs. TAYLOR and NEWTON, No. 5, Wajwick- Squw, \ Varwk*- I* W. Newcate- Street. and Mr. WILKIE. Bookseller, PahtroMtar- B".