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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset


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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset

Date of Article: 25/04/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII    Issue Number: 3714
No Pages: 4
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THE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET S) [ NUMBER 3714. VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1808. PRICE SIXPENCE, , C Stamp Duty.... r2£ d. (_ Paper and Print " jd. I t\ I * I i H ii I I t Monday's and Ikiesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. CADIZ, March 16. CCOUNTS from Spanish America state, that immense quantities of gold and silver were accumulated there, waiting conveyance to Europe. The greatest want prevailed there for cloth, hardware, and other articles. BANKS of the MAINE, March 26.— Smyrna is again blockaded by the English, and Constantinople suffers greativ from a scarcity of provisions; the greatest vigilance is excised on the part of the Government to restrain the starving populace from acts of outrage. MARK- LANE, Monday, April 18. We had a great deal of Wheat fresh up for this day's market from almost all quarters, and a slackness in the sales, even for the finest runs, beyond what we have known for some weeks past; the buyers being few, and wholly unwilling to make any large purchases, until the prices should come much nearer to the value of flour, the A « -!/- i/-> T-\- T'tj r c I . - , . ,, , currency declined rather unexpectedly, from is. to 2s. per CCOUNTS from Spanish America state, that quarter- bc] ow the terms quot.- d this day se'nnight; there was immense quantities of gold and silver were still such a price as 76i. for single samples of superfine White Wheat, but the quantity was small, and many runs were sold - - • • as low as 70s. and even 72j. per quarter; heavy Red V\ beat has felt this depression ratherless than second rate and inferior White. Rye is dearer, and Grey Peas; Beans of both sorts, and Barley, maintain their value, and sell briskly ; the supply of all these is somewhat scanty. Oats have come to hand in great abundance since our last, bUt the stock in hand being far from plentiful the sales have been made without abate- ment, though not quite so freely. In other articles we find no particular variation, but refer to the list beneath:— English Wheat 60s. to 76s.— Rye08s. to 50s.— White Peas 32s. to 160s. prey ditto 48s. to 5U.— Horse Beans 50s. to 60s. Tick Beans 46s. to 83s.— Barley 37s. to 48s.— Malt SOs. to 76s.— Oats 30s. to 46s.— Rye Grass Hsi to 36s. per qr.— English Household Flour 58s. to SOs. per sack ; ditto American sup. 35s. to 41s. per barrel.— Rape Seed 291. to 37/. . per last.— Carraway Seed 38s. to 4is.— Coriander Seed 14s. to 24s.— Red Clover 36s. to 76s. White ditto 42s. to' lOSs.— Trefoil 7s. to 26s. pe* cwt. — Tares 14s. to 20s. per bushel. SMITH Ft EL. I) MARKET, Monday, April 13. We had at this day's market about 1800 head " of Neat Cattle, with — . . - , 15,000 Sheep and Lambs. The whole had a good sale, at the Majesty; and that on the following day Sir Samuel Hood, jAimcxed prices:— Beef 4s. id. to 5s. Sd. Mutton 4s, 4< Z. to in the Centaur, with several other vessels, had arrived." Us. LONDON, MONDAY, APRIL is. Five Gottenburgh Mails were received in the course of yesterday, with intelligence from Sweden to tho 12th inst. It appears that the Dictator, of 64 guns, with several brigs and bombs, reached Gottenburgh on the 6' t. h, with military stores, and the Subsidy for his Swedish These arrivals are stated to have diffused a general satis- faction at Gotten burgh, ina much as they have strengthened the confidence of the Swedes, in respcct to invasion from the French and Danes. It appears, however, that 011 the 8th instant, 110 authentic accounts had been received at Gottenburgh, that the French had even entered Holstein. According to the latest accounts from Finland, the Russian Army had been augmented to 60,000 men, anil the Swedes were retreating to Tornero. To encounter this force, the King of Sweden had directed a conscription of all the young unmarried men, without respcct to rank, between, tbe ages of 18 and 25 years, throughout Sweden, by which it was expected that 150,000 men would be raised imme- diately. A Moniteur of the 22d ult. received this morning, mentions the entrance of the Russians into Finland, and the arrest of the Russian Minister) M. Alopeus, at Stock- holm, which it denominates a gross and unexampled violation of the laws of civilized nations; forgetting the Many violations thereof committed by the French Usurper. Advices have been- received at tbe India House, that the China fleet which sailed from England on the 18 th ilf April, 1807, consisting of theCoutts, Hope, Taun- ton Castle, Woodford, and Earl Camden, passed Ma- lacca on tire 2 1st of October, " all well."— The Alfred Vvas going into Bencoolen 011 - the 11th of September last. A sort of Sir thirty Mildttiay, who Was a prisoner in Russia, having fortunately made his escape, arrived in town this morning. He passed Sir Samuel Hood's squadron, but saw no other British force in his passage. By the Dublin Mail of yesterday, we are informed of the arrival at that port of the ship Betsy ahd Polly, from Cadiz, out of which harbour she was towed 011 the 27th of " arch, in consequence of information hajjhig, been. re- -.•- ed there that an embargo vvas immediately to be laid on vessels ill the ports of Spain. The Captain writes, that it was reported at Cadiz,' that between 40 and 50,000 French troops had arrived at Madrid, but that none had reached Cadiz- at his departure Irani thence. The Prince of Peace had disappeared, and no one knew where he had taken refuge. QCELLiNO.-^ Saturday morning a meeting took place on Southsea Common,' near Portsmouth, between Captain Manby, of his Majesty's ship Thalia, and Captain Ramsay, of the Roval Marines; but whilst they wtSre settling the distance at Which they should fife, the Hon. Cipt. Boyle arrived on the ground, and declared that, by the order of Admiral Montagu, Capt. Manby was his prisoner, fiapt. M. of course, surrendered himself, as under an arrest, and, after some words of altercation, the parties left the ground. A duel was foughttm- Saturday morning 011 Teddington, o'r rather Twickenham Common, between Mr. D y, an American gentleman ot fortune, residing in Nottingham- street, and Captain W , of the navy, in consequence of a dispute at a coffee- house in Covent- garden, on Friday evening. The parties are half- brothers, and the dispute was a family one. In the first fire there was no injury sustained, and Mr. M 1, second to the American gentleman, interfered to adjust the differences, but did iMjt succeed, and on firing again, both were wounded, Mr. I), dangerously in the shoulder, and the Captain in the pistol arm. JAMES PAUM., ESJ.— The death of this extraordinary man, like many of the latter acts of his life, has occasioned cjnsiderab'c conversation. This event was brought about bv his own hand 011 Friday afternoon. It is supposed that be had this dreadful act in meditation for some time, and that it was suggested by a ke n sensibility under the pressure ofeomplicited misfortunes— of a private as well as public nature. On Saturday evening an inquest was held unon the body, before the Coroner of the county of Middle- sex, at Xo. 2, Charles- street, St. Jame's-.' quare, the house of Mr. Paull. The first wiiness called was the butler, Mr- Pailll's confidential servant. He stated that a very con- siderable alteration h id taken place for several mouth i in the conduct of his master. His orders were frequently contradictory-— he was irresolute, fluctuating,", and de- pressed. The change was so great as to be perceived by cverv one who was acquainted with li s master, and he was convinced that he was very much deranged. About halt after four on Friday, knowing that Mr. Paull was engaged to dine out, he wpit up to his bed- room, knocked at the door, and reminded him of the engagement. The answer was, that he should be rung for shortly. Having remained below for some time, he vvas alarmed by the screams ot' the servant- maid, who had attended Mr. Paull in his long illness. He instantly returned to the bed- room, which he entered, and found his master weltering in his blood, reclining upon the bed, with his throat completely severed from ear to ear, a vein opened in bis right arm, and another wound in the upper part of the arm. He said Mr. Paull was left- handed. He found near the bed a bason on • his dressing- table, nearly two- thirds full of blood, a razor, ^ nd a lancet, both of which were bloody.—- He . lost 110 time in sending for Surgeon Brodio, who hail attended his master during his late illness.— Mr. B. C. B'rodie attended . the inquest, and deposed, that having attended Mr. Paull, 111 his long illness, lie bad many opportunities of observing both then and from that time the alteration that had taken place in bis mind.' He was perfectly convinced that his intcll" Cts had undergone a material derangement, and that his death was caused by the wounds which had been indicted 011 Friday.— Tlie testimony of Mr. Brodio, as to He. derangement of Mr. Paull's mind vVas fully confirmed by Mr. Paull's friends, Mr. Sloper and Mr. Butler. The servant- maid, who discovered Mr. Paul!, made a statement similar to that of the butler.— It is said that Mr. Paull had been in habits of deep play. - He returned home from the Union Club late on Friday morning, having passed the preceding night there, and it was thought that heavy losses dnring'tfie night had occasioned the act, but it has since been ascertained that he lost only 300/. a sum which lie must have considered very triv ial.— The Jury gave a verdict of J. unaey. Mr. F. Munieke, a furrier, in extensive business, in Wardrobe- place, Doetors' Commons, was. found dead yesterday morning, in the fields near White- eoiiduit- hou-' e. " it was at first thought that he had been murdered ; but on in investigation it appears that, ha committed the act. with bis own hand, and that pecuniary embarrassments had occasioned a derangement of his intellects. A young woman of respectability, in the service of a Gentleman's family at Kensington, was found dead in the Tark early yesterday morning, with her throat cut. She bad lived iii her service t « ven years, and bore an excellent character ; but she had unfortunately quitted her service to return to a worthless husband, who had before deserted her, and the distress she vvas thereby involved in occa ' ioued the rash act, which she effected with her scissors. . ed. Veal 5s. Od. to 6s. Pork 4s. Sd. to 6s. 8d. per stone of 8//•• to sink the oflal. PORTSMOU TH VICTUALLING OFFICE, April 19, 1803. N Thursday, the 5th of May next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, I shrill he ready to sell to the highest bidder, in several lots, the undermentioned quantities of OLD STAVES, HEADING, IRON HOOPS, & c. lying in Iris Majesty's Cooperage at IVeevill, near Gosport, ivheiv any persons inclinable to purchase, may hare the liberty of viewing the same iu the common working hours, any day before the sale, viz. Leager Staves Buttslitto Puncheon ditto Hogshead ditto • Barrel ditto Half Hogshead ditto Kilderkin and Bar. 2,000 11,300 8,200 5,300 3,300 800 1300 Irish i Punch, ditto 20,000 American I'lour- cask Staves 7,000 Wine Pipe ditto 2,500 Ditto Hogshead ditto 8,000 Heading, d. pieces 10,000 Iron Hoops, bent and in pieces, 34 tons Ditto, foreign round, 10 do. Also a quantity of DEFECTIVE PROVISIONS, & c. as will be expressed in the catalogues. A deposit oflbl. f> cent', is to be mode on the amount of each lot at the time ef sale, and the remainder of the money paid before, the Stores are removed, for which thirty working days will be allowed for the Cooperage Stores, and seven days for the Provisions, after the sale. 1211] UrM. REEKS. BOROUGH OF WILTON. SUCH persons as are frilling to contract for supplying the Poor- house in the. borough. of Wilton wtth the under- mentioned Commodities, for three months, are requested to s ' nd iir- proposals, accompanied with samples, to the Church- wardens and Overseers, on or before Friday the 29 th instant. Should any further information be deemed necessary, it may be obtained by applying to the parish officers. Household Flour, at per bags Gvod Bacon, at per lb. Malt, at per bushel. Hops, at per cvvt. Salt, at per bushel. Household Cheese, at per cwt. Candles & Soap, at per doz. Giocery, & e. [ 1270 MEETING OF THE CLERGY AT DEVIZES. THE ' next MEETING of the CLERGY for the Relief of the Widows and Orphans of" poor Clergymen in Wilts, will be held at the Bear Inn, in Denizes, on Wed- nesday the 27th cf April inst. when it is earnestly requested of the Clergy, and particularly the Stewards of the different Deanries, to attend, [ llSO FROME TURNPIKE ROADS, THE next Meeting of the Trustees is appointed to. be held at the George Inn, in Frome, on Thursday tile' 28th day of April, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. JS. AY. WICKHAM, [ 1193 Frome, April 16, 1S08. Clerk and Treasurer. Fisherton, TP'ilton, Hcytesburt/, Itfilloughby- Hedge, and Redhone Turnpike. ' OTICE is hereby given,"— That the Treasurer _ will attend at the Antelope Inn, on Tuesday the 3d day of May next, from eleven o'clock in the forenoon until two in the afternoon, to pay the INTEREST due to th- Securities cf this Turnpike. JAS. CH AS. STILL, Treasurer. Turnpike Road under Salisbury plain. r|", HE next Meeting of the Trustees of this Road JL will be held, by adjournment., at the Earl of Pem- broke's Arras, in Fovant, in the county of Wilts, on Wed- nesday the 11th day of May next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon ;' at which time and place the REPAIRS of the said Road will be LETT by CONTRACT, in Parochial Districts or otherwise, fas may be then agreed upon,)- from White- Sheet- Hill to Barford Saint Martin, as it leads through the s - veral and respective parishes of Donhead Saint Andrew, Anstv, Swallqwcliff, Fovant, Sutton, Compton, Hurdcott, and Barfotd Saint Martin aforesaid ; when and where the Waywardens of the respective parishes, and all other persons desirous of contracting for such repairs, are to attend.— Dated this lflthday'of April, 1808. 121.9] O. SOUTH, Clerk and Treasurer. HEYTESBURY FAIR ( annually held on the l4th- day of May) will this Year be held on Monday the IGth Day of May. WM. SNELGROVE. HARRIERS. VXrANTED to PURCHASE,— From Two to Six V \ Couple of HARRIERS, of a middling size, and that can be warranted staunch and good. Any person having such hounds to dispose of, is requested to leave a line at the Printing- office, Canal, Salisbury, directed for B. Z. which will be attended to.— Tlie advertiser will have no objection to draft hounds. [ 11.47 MERE, WILTS. ASSOCIATION for preventing of Robberies and Theft.- Protection of Persons aud Property., and Prosecution of Offenders in'the, following places.:— Maiden- Bradley, Stttur- ton, Mere, bPcsi- Knoyle, Monrkton- Deverill, Kingston- Devtrill, Hill- Deverill, and Brixton- Dcverill, in the county of Wilts ; Bnurton and Silton, in the county of Dorset; andPenn, Xorton- Fen'is, and Kilmington, in the county of Somerset. HE next ANNUAL MEETING of this Asso- ciation will be held at the Ship Inn, Mere, on Thursday I, 1803, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon T the 28th day of April precisely. FRANCIS SEYMOUR, Solicitor, & c. MEREINCLOSURE. E whose Names are. hereunto subscribed, Com- . , missioners appointed by virtue of an Act of Parliament passed in the 47th year of the reign of his present Majesiy, fntitled " A11 Act for inclosing Lands in the parish of Mere, in the county of Wilts," do hereby give Notice, that we shall hold our naxt Meeting, for executing the said Act, at the house of James Burfitt, known by the sign of the Ship Inn, in Merc aforesaid, on Tuesday the 10th day of May next, when all persons' claiming any rights of Common, Pasturage, 01 other rights in and upon the Lands and Grounds by the said Act intended to be divided and allotted, or any part thereof, are hereby required, by themselves or agents, to lay their respective claims, in writing, before us, the said Commis- sioners.— Dated April 22, 1808. HICHARD WEBB, 1241] GEORGE BARNES. T SPORTING BOX AND MANOR. WANTED to RENT, furnished or unfurnished, in the best sporting part of the counties of Dorset or Hants,— A comfortable compact HOUSE, with coach- house, id stabling for four or five horses; a productive garden, and from 20 to 45 acres of grass land ; and with one or more extensive' manors, well stocked with game. If not far distant from the sea, it would be preferred. Address; sfpost paid) with an account of particulars, to R. Hanson, Esq. 37, College- green, Bristol. * [ 1269 BAILIFF. A Respectable middle- aged Farmer, who is single, J. JL would wish to engage himself immediately with any gentleman, to undertake the management of any quantity of lands, & c. He has been always used to farm on a large scale, and is perfectly experienced in agriculture, as well as in every kind of stock, & c. Any gentleman wishing to em- ploy a person of this description, he will receive the most satisfactory recommendation. Letters ( post- paid) addressed to the Printer of this Paper will be duly answered. [ 1225 ALISBURY, WILTON, and LONDON FLY ._ WAGGONS, daily, to and from the CASTLE and FAL- CON, AI- PERS'-. ATI-.- STKEET, London, and their Warehouse Milford- street, Salisbury. These Waggons take up and put down Goods at the Old White Horse Cellar, andBlack Bear, Piccadilly. No Money, Plate, Jewels, Glass, or other valuable or ha- zardous Goods will be paid for, if broken or lost, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. 1238] NICHOLAS BROWN,\ p . F. S BRICE, j- 1 roprietors. JAMEi BRISTOL. 70R RAHJA and PF. RNAMEGCCO, in the BRAZILS —' f'he good Portuguese brig Nossa Snr. a. de Conceicao . Mevo Mundo, Antonio Jose de Souza, master; is a remark- ably fast sailer, and has good accommodations for passengers For freight or passage, apply to JOHN LANE and Co Brokers, St. Stephen's Avenue. N. B.— An establishment is already formed at the abovc- mentiorted places, under the Firm of Cullanan & Garrard. one of whom will go - out in the said vessel, and take charge of such goods as mav be . consigned to the house, giving the most respectable references both in London and Bristol. For the satisfactory information of shippers, Mr. G. intends n- tuifiiag bv one of the vessels already chartered. [ 005 Farther particulars may be known on application as above. /" ANTED, a Place as VALET, at-' h& me, or to go abroad,— A young MAN, 23 years O- f age, a native of Germany.; [ 1353 Enquire at Mr. Thompson's, Newport, Isle of Wight. WANTED immediately, as an ASSISTANT IN A SCHOOL,— A steady Young Man, who writes good hand and understands arithmetic. [ 1264 Apply at the Printing- Office. WANTED,— An ASSISTANT to a DRUGGIST, & c.— A steady young Man, who perfectly understands the retail busintss, preparing prescriptions, & c. and who Can bring an undeniable character for honesty, sobriety, and atten- tion, may hear of a situation by applying to Mr. Belam, druggist, Portsmouth; if by letter, postpaid. [ 1210 WANTED,— A steady Yputh as an APPREN- TICE to a PRINTER, BOOKSELLER, and STATIONER, in a market town in the county of Wilts. He will also have an opportunity of acquiring a knowledge in the Drug Business. For particulars apply to Mr. Harold, Printer, Marlborough. TO CARPENTERS. WANTED,— A CARPENTER, capable of building Cottages, and of doing all sorts of work about Farm- House. Constant employment at 16s. a week, all the year round, and a House and Garden rent free. He must be able to produce, from some respectable person, a character for sobriety, honesty, and industry. No applications can be attended to, exc- pt such as are made in person to Mr. ROBERT ROBINSON, of IS tlcy, near Southampton ; and no man need apply, whose present place of residence is not more than ten miles from Southampton, and also from- Portsmouth. TO BRICK AND TILE MAKERS. WANTED,— A good steady Workman, capable of managing a Yard, who can be well recommended, will have employment ail the year round, and a com- fortable house ( with a garden) to live in. Apply or direct fpost paid) to the Printer. [ 1240 To Braziers, TVhitesmiths, and Brass Founders. • A JOURNKYMAH WANTED immediately,- KRAZIER, who is a stead ady good workman, & c.; a WHITESMITH", who understands his business, and can hang tells well; also a BRASS FOUNDER, who can finish his work.——- Such men may have constant employ and good by applying to H. B. Lankester, at his Copper Manu- factory and Furnishing Ironmongery Warehouse, High- street, Southampton. [ 1260 /" ANTED, 111 a Gentleman's Family in the Country,— A GARDENER, who is master of his business: he must be a single and a working man. Apply to the Printer by letter ( post paid), with reference to the last pl . ice for a character. [ t 139 w ANTED,- • A NURSE MA ID, capable of undertaking the care of a child from the month, and who can be well recommended from her last place. [ 1263 Enquire of the Printer ; if by letter post- paid. ANTED in a Family near Southampton,— A " good plain COOK, who thoroughly understands her business ; to- lie steady, active, and have a good character for honesty and cleanliness. Age betweeii 30 and 40 will be pre- ferred, as the Family is not fond of changing. [ 125 2 For particulars apply personally any day before Friday next, at Mr. Harvey's, perfumer, High- Street, Southampton. /%/ ANTED, as FOOTMAN, in a Clergyman's Family, where a few young Gentlemen are educated, — An active, steady, and sober MAN, who can bring a good character from his last place, and will also undertake, the care of a horse.— A Boy is kept to assist. Enquire, if by letter, post paid, of the Printer. [ 1162 ANTED,— A single Alan, as CARTER IN HOUSE, one who understands the care of horses, can plough, and do husbandry busii^ ss well. A good cha- racter from a place where he has lived one year will be required. Apply to Mr. Simpson, at the sign of the Catherine- wheel, Botley; if by letter, post- paid. £ 1221 TO THE CURIOUS IN POTATOES. TO be SOLD,— About 50 Sacks of fine RED NECTARINE POTATOES, of excellent quality; likewise about the same quantity of the fine ROUND CHAMPION; all housed well and dry, and in order for immediate planting, at 9s. a sack. Apply to Mr. A. Swan, , Hants. . nursery and seedsman, Christchurch, T [ 1258- PRIME. COWS FOR SALE.. O be SOLD, The undermentioned COWS, with their CALVES, viz. j- No. 1.— A Cow, five years old, from an Aldernty < Sow by a Wiltshire Bull. No. 2.— A Cow, three years old, from No. 1 by a Devon- shire Bui], No. 3.— An Alderney Cow, three years old. For particulars apply to William Merchant, at Mr. Bird's; Andover. [ 1215 NORMAN HEIFERS AND BULLS. TO be SOLD,— Two NORM AN HEIFERS and two beautiful BULLS of the same breed ; one of them Black and White, and the other Red and White spotted; warranted genuine. Apply at the Parsonage, at Patney, near Devizes; if by letter, post paid. ' ' [ 1196 CHARIOT AND SOCIABLE FOR SALE, . JVith or without Harness. AHandsome CHARIOT, In complete repair, with a very neat Barouche Seat and Salisbury Boot; likewise a SOCIACLE BODY, made to fit theJCarriage qf the Chariot. Also a Pair of capital BAY COACH HORSES. To be seen at New House, near Downton. [ 1131 npo be SOLD,— A BAY HORSE, gdt by Aspa- A ragus, upwards of 15 hands high, very quiet in harness, pleasant to ride, and warranted sound". Enquire of Mr. Nightingale, Lyndhurst. [ 1195 OTOLEN or STRAYED, on Monday the 11th inst. from Southampton Common,— A BLACK MARE, 13 hands high, saddle marked, aud a cut tail, having a small white spot on the off. hip, the property of J. Beil, baker, Southampton. Whoever has found her, and will bring her to the said J. Beii, shall receive ONE GUINEA, and all expences paid ; and if stolen, whoever will give information of the offender or offenders, shall receive FIVE GUINEAS Reward. [ 1261 STK* YY1;, I) into the land in the occupation of Air. R. WHITTINGTON, of Red- Lodge, North Stoneh* m, Hints,— Two BLACK MARES; one five years old, about twelve hands and a half hi^ h, marked on the off hinder leg S § , with a Black Stone Colt by her side, rising two years old, marked as thc- mare;— the other about eleven hands and a half, four years old, marked with a W on the off shoulder, and ([ on the oft hinder leg. The above horses have been trespassing for the last seven months, and due diligence has been used to discover the owners, without effect: unless owned within fourteen days from the date hereof they will be sold to defray expences. April, 11, 1808. ' [ 1147 R. CRABB, SURGEON, APOTHECARY, and MAN- MIDWIFE, begs to inform tbe inhabitants of Romsey and its vicinity, that lie has taken the House lately in the occupation of Mr. WAKE, and trusts that a strict atten- tion to the duties of his profession will entitle him to their patronage. N. B. He is a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, in London. H232 COMPTON, Middlebridge- street, Romsey, respectfully. acknowledges the favours of her friends, and begs leave to return them her sincere thanks for the favours they have conferred. As she is about to retire from business, she requests' those who are indebted to her to make immediate payment. N, B. The Trade and Stock to be disposed of at a fair valu- ation.— Letters ( post paid) duly attended to. [ 1233 SOUTHAMPTON, April 16, 1818. TFINCH, NURSERYMAN, SEEDSMAN, and FR. o- • KIST, begs leave to inform hi. s friends and the public in general, that his ANNUAL BLOOM of HYACINTHS will be ready tor their inspection on Thursday next, the 21st ihst. which, notwithstanding the late unfavourable season, Will, he flatters himself, meet their approbation. T. F. has also now on sale, on the most reasonable terms, a choice collection of Cape, American, and other CURIOUS PLANTS. Also, now in bloom, the PJEOKEJE ARBOREJE, TSTVlIi. SALE, at Fosburv, nearVernham, Hants,- I? A handsome DARK BROWN GELDING, rising three- years old, nearly fifteen hands high, by Pencil, out of a good " hlood mare. The property of Mr. Bull, Fosbury. .[ 1222 curious.— Admission One Shilling, which will be returned to ourchasers. ' ( T. F. takes this opportunity of returning his most sincere thanks for the liberal support and encouragement he has already received; and hopes by a strict attention to the favours of his friends, to merit a continuance of them. [ 1150 STONE- MASON'S YARD, WINCHESTER. GENTLEMEN, Surveyors, Builders," and the Public in general, are most respectfully informed, that JAMES KELLOW, MASON, has opened a YARD and SHOP at his house in St. John's- street, Winchester, where the STONE MASONRY Business will be carried on in all its branches. Any Gentlemen who please to honour him with their commands, may depend on having their orders executed with dispatch, in the neatest manner, and on the most rea- sonable terms. J. K. returns his warmest thanks to his friends who have already encouraged him; and assures them it shall be his principal study, by a strict attention, to merit their future favours. KS> Tombs, Monuments, Head- stones, Chimney- pieces, Rick- stones, Grind- stones, & c. & c. [ 1250 DORCHESTER. WIIITE, SURGEON, APOTHECARY, CHEMIST, stc. respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has taken into Partnership his late Apprentice, Mr. WALLIS, whose attention will be solely paid to the pro- fessional part of the business; and he feels himself warranted in saying that Mr. WAI- I. IS will be found to merit the con- fidence of those who may please to honour him with it. R. W. begs to return thanks for the flattering support he has experienced in the Drug and Chemical Business for more than twenty years, not only from the most respectable families in the town and neighbourhood, but the public in general, and assures them that every article dispensed at his shop, both chemical and galenical, shall be genuine and of the first quality ; and as the utmost reliance maybe, there- fore, placed on them, he trusts it will - prove the best means of insuring their future favours.— April 2.0, 1808. [ 1226 JWALLIS, SURGEON, APOTHECARY, and • MAN- MIDWIFE, most respectfully informs the inha- bitants of Dorchester and its vicinity, that he has entered into Partnership with Mr. WHITE, Surgeon, Apothecary, fee. and hopes, by the most strict attention to the duties of his pro- fession, to merit the confidence and support of those who may please to honour him with them.— April 20, 1808. T O be SOLD, - A GREY FILLY, two vears old this grass, got by Worthy, dam by Delpini, grand' dam by Alexander..—— Price 35 Guineas. A CHESNUT DITTO, sister to the above, rising one year old. Price 25 Guineas. [ 12- 19 The above fiiiies are remarkably bony and large, and will b; able to carry great weights. To be seen by enquiring of Mr. Calliagdridge, at Mr.' Visn's Stables, Winchester. QUAY YARD, POOLE, Xpril 20, 1803. HE Public are respectfully informed, that the COAL TRADE, which has been carried on for niany years by Mr. SOLOMAN MIFFLEN, at Quay Yard, ( as suc- cessor to the late Mr. WATTS,) will in future be conducted by Messrs. GADEN, ALDRIDGE, and ADEY, as successors to Mr. MIFFLEN, who retires from business. The favours which Mr. MIFFLIN has for many years ex- perienced, by the kind patronage of his friends and customers in general, demand his most grateful acknowledgments^- and at the same time that he returns thanks for. past favours, he begs leave to recommend a continuance of the same to Messrs. GADEN, ALORIDOE, andADF. v, who are authorized to receive all outstanding debts due to Mr. MIFFLEN. QUAY COAL YARD, POOLE, April 20, 1308. R. SOLOMAN MIFFLEN having declined 1VA business in favour of GADEN, AI. DR1DGE, and ADEY, they respectfully inform their friends and the puhl c in general, that a constant supply will always be provided of the most approved sorts of NEWCASTLE and SUNDER- LAND COALS, and all orders executed on the most reason- able terms. [ i_- i8 N. B.— STONE COALS, CULM, and GRINDSTONES. NOW delivering,— Some Cargoes of PRIMROSE MOOR and MOURN MOOR MAW8OAL, at the lowest prices. CHILDREN of MARY CAMIS, deceased. RJPHE Children, or Next of Kin,, of MARY CAMIS, A late of Hinton A- mpner, in the county of Southampton, who was the sister of Jonathan Gardler, late of the parish of Milford, in the said county, gentleman, deceased, it any are now living, are requested to send their- names and plac- s of abode, with a statement of their consanguinity ( if tfhev ure not children of the said MARY CASUS); on or before the' 14th day of May next, to Mr. Richman, Solicitor, Lymington, Hants; after which they will hear of something tcftheir ad- vantage. Dated- the 19th day of April, 1808. [ 1213 PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court of JL Chancecv, made, in a cause " BLATHF. RW- 1' KK against GOODEVE," the creditors of RICHARD OWEN arid TIIOM AS BLATHERWICK, of Fareh. Sn, in the county of Hants, who lately carried on Partnership together in supplying Provisions to the French Prisoners of War at Portchcster Castle, on board the Prison Ships in Portsmouth Harbour, at Norman. Cross Prison, in the county of Huntingdon, and at Stapleton Prison, near Bristol, are forthwith to come in and prove their debts before John Campbell, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Office in Southampton- Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, or in default thereof they- will " be excluded the benefit of- the said decree. [ Y£ 28 PURSUANT to a Decree of the High Court n( Chancery, made in a causa " BLATHERWICK against GOODEVE," the creditors of RICHARD OWEN and THOM AS BLATIIEHWICK, of Fareham, in the county of Hants, and WILLIAM CARDEN and PROVIDENCE HANS ARD, of the city of Bristol, who lately carried on Partnership together in sup- plying Provisions to the French Prisoners of War at Port* chester- Castlc, 011 board the Prison Ships in Portsmouth Harbour, at Norrfian- Cross- Prison, in the county of Hun- tingdon, and'at. Sfapleton Prison, near Bristol, are forthwith to come in and prove their debts before John Campbell, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, at his Office in South- ampton Buildings, Chancery Lithe, London, or in default thereof they will be excluded the benefit of the said dccree. . ROMSEY. THE Partnership of Messrs. ; COLEMAN and SEWARD, of Romsey, Hants, SurgeonS and Apothe- caries, being nearly expired, all persons fri'debted to the Santa are requested to pav the amount of- their respective Deb s, without delay, to Mr. Coleman, who will discharge all De- mands on the above Firm.— And all persons having any Claims on the separate Estate of Mr. Godwin Seward, are de- sired to send their accounts to Messrs. Daman and Warner, of Romsey, on or before the 1st day of May next. Ramsey, April', 1808.' [ 1095 In the Matter of JAMRS COLLINS, late of Gospcrt, in th* County of Hants, Builder antl Stone- Mason, a Bank-, rujpt. TPHE sevcraj Creditors, who have proved their debts, JL will be paid the first dividend of Three Shilliags in Ihi Pound on the same respectively, by application fit by U tt.- r free of postage) to Mr. Thomas Norrish, Gosport, one of the assignees. [ 1257 . BROOKE, April 20, 1R08. • ALL persons having any demand on the Estate df MOSES WALDRON, - late of Brooke, in the parish of Bramshaw, yeoman, deceased, are desired to send the same to Mrs. HESTER WAI. DRON, of Brook alpres. aid, one of his executrixes: and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to pay the same immediately to the said HESTER WALDRON. £ 1229 CU1 AND CITY LOTTERY of FREEHOLD T HOUSES,, discharged of Land Tax.—£ 1x4,000 value in. Capital Prizes.— 000 Tiisktfts.— To be dfawii in Guild- hall April 26. List of Capital Prizes, ivith the value of each: GRAND HOTEL, 9, Skinner- strectj £' 25,000, 24, Skinner- street, . • .£ 7,000 10, Pickett- street,.. . £ 4,000 43, ditto '. ... 6,000 11, ditto ... 4,000 45, ditto,..... ... 6,000 18. Skinner- strcet,. . .. 3,000 5, Pickett- street,.. .,. 6,000 40, West side of Snow- 7, ditto . ,'. 6,000 hill,........ . .. 3,000 ' 7, Skinner street,. ... 4,000 42, Skinner- street,. ;'.. 3, ooo 21, ditto .. ... 4,000 48, ditto ... 3,000 41, ditto ... 4,000 49, ditto . .. 3,000 8, 4, Pickett- street,. . .. 8,000 4, ditto . . .4,000 22, Making together the sum of £ 104,000. The above valuation is taken at the lowest estimate, and there is r. o doubt that by the time the Lottery is drawn, the property will be very considerably increased in value. Offers have been made from various persons to purchase several of the Houses at the prices they are estimated at, and it is pro- posed that those Prizes which are divided into small shares shall be sold, and the produce paid the Shareholders accord ing to their respective Shares. I" 996 Present Price, Ticket £ l 19 Half £ 4 4 0 Quarter 2 3 0 Eighth.. £ 1 2 0 Sixteenth 0 11 0 Tickets and Shares are selling at all the Offices. ALL IN A DAY! IMPORTANT Chances, to be decided on the 26th of thepresent Month ( Apnij.). on which day theDrawirig of tbe CITY LOTTERY begins, and will finally close :— All those substantial arid well- finished Estates, situated in' the most eligible part of London, Land- Tax redeemed, and may be entered on immediately, or disposed of to advantage.— £ 104,000 in Capital Prizes! PRESENT PRICES Ticket £ 7 19 0 Halves £' 4 4 0 I Eighths £ 1 2 0 Quarters 2 3 0| Sixteenths 0 U 0 The grand Prize-, in Cox's Lottery, 1774.— Pigot's grand Diamond, 1801.—- Several- Prizes in Boydell's and Bovvyer's, were sold by HORNS BY and CO. 26, Cornhill; 52, Charing- I. Cross'; and St. Margaret's- Hill, Borough. [ 1194 DEBTORS and CREDITORS of the late Mr. JONATHAN GARDLER, deceased. A LL persons having any demands on the Estate 1 and Effects of JONATHAN' GARDLER, late of the parish of Miltord, in the county of Southampton, gentleman, de- ceased, are desired to send an account thereof immediately to Mr. John West, of Lymington, in tSe'county aforesaid, one of the executors of the deceased, in order that the same may be discharged.— And all persons indebted to the estate of the said Jonathan Gardlcr, deceased, are d. sired to pay the same to his said executor forthwith.— Dated this 13th day of April, 1308. • [ 121- 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. THE Creditors, of Mr. WILLIAM FOOTNER, late of Sfanpit, in the parish of Christchurch, Hants, are requested to meet at the King's Arms Hotel, in Christ- church, on Monday the 2d day of May next, at four o'clock in the afternoon, when a Final Dividend of the Estate and Effects of the deceased is to take place; and such Creditors as do not send in their respective claims to Mr. Hooper, attorney at law, Ringwood, 011 or before Friday the S, 9th instant, iu order that all necessary arrangements may he previously made, and also attend on the said 2d day of May to receive, their respective Dividends, will be excluded the benefit of the same. April 22,1808. [ 1243 BRADFORD, WILTS, April 11, 1808. . ALL Persons having any Demand 011 the'Estate of Mr.' THO MAS FERRIS, late of Holt, in- the parish of Bradford, are desired to send the fame to Mr. Thfbs. Edwaids, ' one of the Executors ; and all persons indebted to the Estate, are desired to pay their debts immediately to him. [ 1138 TO DEBTORS AND « CREDlTORS. ALL persons who have any demands on the Estate and Effects of Mr. JOHN STRAWBR1DGE, laterf Bradford, in the county of Wilts, deceased, are desired to send an account of their respective demands to Mr. Mark Bond Glass, of Orcheston St. Mary, near Amesburv, Wilts, the surviving Executor: and all persons whtf are indebted to the same Estate, are desired forthwith to pay their respective debts- to Mr. Glass, or thev will otherwise bt proceeded against without further notice.— Dated Ap ril 14, 1808. [ 1175 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given, That a final Dividend of the Estate and Effects of JOHN SMITH, late of Barford Saint Martin, in the county of Wilts, Yoman. will be made in one month from the datb hereof; and all the Creditors of the said John Smith who do not execute the deed of assignment ( which is left at the office of Messrs. Hodding, in Salisbury) will be- excluded all benefit arising fram the same. April 14,1808. [ 1140 DORSET. ALL Persons who have any Claims or Demands on the Estate or Effects of Mr. GEORGE ANDREWS, late ot Dorchester, deceased, . are requested to transmit an account thereof to Mr. Robert Williams Aqdrevvs, his Son,' and one of the Executors, at Dorchester.-—- And all Persons who stand indebted to the said estate and effects are desired to pay the same forthwith to the said Robert Williams Andrews, without further notice. . Do'RCIIESTEIT, ( April 22, .1308. L WHEREA& a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issueil forth against ISAAC COLE, now or late of Mainhull, in the county of Dorset, Woolstapler, Dealer and Chapman ; and he being declared a bankrupt, is hereby ac- quired to surrender himself to the Commissioners, in the said commission named, or the major, part of them", on the 2J) th and 30th days of- April inst. and on the 4th day of June next, at eleven in the forenoon-. of each day, at the house of James Cheltenham, Commonly, called or known by the name or sign of the Swan, situate in Shaftesbury, in the said county of Dorset, and make a full discovery and disclosure of his estate and effects ; when, and where the creditors are to come prepared to prove their . debts-, and at the second sitting tij choose assignees, and at the last sitting the said bankrupt i's required to finish his examination, and the creditors are to assent to or dissent from the allowance of his certificate. All persons indebted to the said bankrupt, or that have any of bis effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the' commissioners shall appoint; but give notice to Messrs. Taiiuurdin, solicitors, Argyie- stteet, London, or Charles Kiowles, Shaftesbury. [ 1213 TO COVER, this Season, at Urchfont, near De- vizes, The well- bred Bay Horse YOUNG SKY- SCRAPER, at One Guinea a Mare and Half a Crown the Groom; to be paid as soon as the Mare is covered. He was got by Skyscrapcr, dam by Young Atlas, son of Old Atlas ( bred by the Poke of Devonshire), stand dam by Young Cade, son of Old Cade, which was got by the Godolphin Arabian out of King Herod's dam, bred by the Duke ofCum- berlsnd. He is lc. i hands high, justly proportioned, very healthy and free from all natuai blemish, now foiir years old, and has the merit of being allowed by ail who have seen him, . to be a very fine horse, of superior action in all his paces. N. B.— For further particulars apply to the Groom, at Urthfont- house, [ 1127 THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. day's Posts, • nit OV APRIL 19. ... : V- OFHCE, April 1ft. ••:> m Captain Parker, of' his Majesty's Admiral Russell, dated off ZeelauiTs . with much satisfaction I have the honour to . aeioai , t you with the capture and destruction ol' the ii. It. lisb ship of the line Prince Christian Frederick, of 7 ; i.: is, • ! ' I'oceBding towards the Great Belt, in company with his Majesty's ship N issnu, at two P. M. on the instant, we observed a Strang;: sail ; and tht? signal being made to chaos:, a' four P. M. Greenatl 011 the coast of Jutland bearing N. IV. by N. distant ten mile0, we discovered that it was an enemy; and at five P. M. ascertained the chace to he a Danish hip of the line. I now saw that it was evidently th* intention of the enemy to run his ship 011 shore; and as the night was approaching he might hope that, in our pursuit of him iu the dark, We would have the same Tate, This, I have since been assured, was his deign. At forty- five minutes past seven P. M. Captain Campbell, in the " Nassau, fjot up with the enemy, and commenced the action, aud in a few minutes a?. cr the Stately closed: a running fight was now maintained for a considerable time, the enemy fighting with great obstinacy, until we suc- c edt'd iu getting very near, and gave some close broadside - , on which he struck about half pist nine I'. M. At this moment the ship's weru within two cable,' length ot the » 1 re of Zealand; and before my First Lieutenant, who took possession of the. Danish ship, conld cut away her aneimr, she grounded. Fortunately this ship and the Nassau brought up near to her. taring the remaining tun dt the. night we were employed ill taking out the pii- 1 lers; and at daylight of the 2- ld it was found impossible to get the captured ship afloat, the wind blowing strong on the shore, and that therefore the only course 1 could follow was to destroy her. The ti » ccssitv for doing this, a id for placing onr own - hips out of danger, soon became, a , latent, as the Danes were preparing- their artillery on . ie coast, and as onr ships were at anchor only two cables' length from the beach, they would have done us great 1 jury. After removing the prisoners aud wounded, in d ling winch we experienced much difficulty from the wind blowing strong, and a good deal of sea running, the my's ship was set oil fire in the evuhiug of the 2 ! d, and is . short time blew up. 1 am happy to say our loss has been small. It is trifling indeed when compared with the enemy, where the slaughter was great, he having r> 5 killed and gft'woiuuled. Wc have however received eon iderablc damage in our masts and rigging. The Prince Christian Frederick was a very fine ship, copper- bolted, commanded bv Captain Jayaon, with a complement of ( I'iO men, and had 57< J on board. I feel much indebted to Captain Campbell for his zeal aud ability in the commencement and during the action, and to the officers, ship's company, anil Royal Marines of his ship. My warmest gratitude and praise is due to the officers and Seamen, and the officers and privates of the Royal M n ines, • if this ship, for their brave and gallant conduct during the action, displaying throughout the cool intrepidity of British seamen. The same spirit animated both ships. I beg li- ave to recommend in the strongest manner to the patronage of my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, Mr. David Sloan, my First Lieutenant, to whom I am much indebted, not only for his brave and Spirited conduct In the action, but also for his unwearied exertion in re- nin . ing the prisoners and wounded'from the Dani h ship, and Setting her 011 fire. He possesses, in an eminent degree, every quality requisite to form the officer and seaman. Herewith you will receive a return of the killed and wounded. 1 have the honour to be, & e. ('. ignedl GEO. PARKKR. List of the Killed ami Wound,:!. Stately— 2 Seamen, 2 Marines, killed; SG Seamen, 2 Marines, wounded. Total 32. Nassau— I Seaman, killed ; 11 Seamen, 5 Marines, woUifdcd; 1 Seaman, missing. Total 17. Officers Wounded.-—- Stately— Lieut. Cole, slightly ; Mr. Lemon, boatswain, severely; Mr. Davis, master Si- mate, Slightly. Nassau— Mr. Edward 3. Johnson, volunteer 1st Class, slightly. ( Signed) GEO. PARKKR. [ The above di spatch is followed by another from Rear- Adm. Sir Edward Pellcw, Bart. Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels in tire East Indies, enclosing a Letter from Capt. Fleetwood Pellew, of his Majesty's ship Psyche, stating trie capture of the Dutch corvette ship Scipio, of 24 guns, in Samarang Bay, in the island of Java, on the 31st of August la. t, together with the Dutch armed brig Ceres, of 12 guns, and a large merchant ship under their convoy, from Batavia.} Wan- Omen, April 19. 21th Reg. of Light Dragoons— Capt. P. Philpot to be Major, vice White, deceased. iid Reg. of foot— Captain E. Lindsay to be Major, vice Frome, deceased. 41st Ditto— Capt. W. Evans to be Major, by purchase, vice Campbell, promoted. STAFF.— Sir W. Burdett, Bart, to be Assistant- Commissary to the Forces serving in Ireland, vice Parkhurst, who resigns. — P. F. Thome, Esq. to be Military Auditor- General of Ac- eempts in the island of Ceylon, with temporary rank of Lieutenant- Colonel. BANKRUPTS. J of Falmouth, cordwainer. , of Bernard- street, Russell- square, sadler. Thomas lienfret:, Richard Davta. Michael Ttudje, of 1 retht- rue. tanner. Eiehard Travis, of Manchester, silversmith. John Taylor, 0! S : 1 :>.,:!, victualler, John Evans, of Monmouth, Sadler. Samuel Eli- niiam, 01' fieruK, nd3ey. » treet, Southwark, taylor. LONDON, . JfEDNF- SDAY, APRIL 20. A military force is about lo be embarked almost immediately for the Baltic, under the command of Sir John Moore.— It is to consist of G000 British and about 4000 of the German Legion.— The British regiments are the - 1th, 28th, 52( 1, 79th, g! 2d, and 55th— they are to embark at Harwich. The dashing Capt. GOodall has already relinquishe d the high rank of Admiral, with which he was invested I y Chrl- tophe, and is returned home in the more humble ( Station of master of his own ship the Hopewell, and on Saturday appeared on ' Change, i! e does not own that he was engaged in the late ait air with Petion, hut asserts that it was entirely under the conduct of Rear Admiral M'Culloeh, who fell in the action. In the accounts published in this country ol the contest between the sable Chiefs of St. Domingo, Cbristophe is not only represented a' the most polished and humane of the two, arid as the friend of England, but he is spoken of as the Ifcgal depositary of authority, and his opponents are styled rebels. This is merely beeauso it suits the purpose of some speculators in this country, and no credit whatever can b « given to their accounts; in proof of which, when they have one day stated that Petion eould only muster a few hundred followers, they will in a few days after favour os with accounts of a battle, in which as many thousands of these rebels have been slain, > Vt they still continue to make head against their lawful Sovereign! Nay, after the great vlctorv obtained on the presumptuous interference cf < ' apt. ( Admiral 1) Good ill, we find this new flag officer returning to his insulted country, without waiting an instant to establish the authority of the Sovereign under whose government he has taken the chief naval command, and it is lully understood that his object is to obtain further assistance iu this country, to enable him to atr- tul again the- ofte i l- defeated Petion. A Provincial Meeting of the Landed Interest in the North Kast part of Essex, was bolden at Saffron Waldon 011 Saturday last, John Wolfe, Esq. in the Chair, when a Petition against the Sugar Committee Report was unani- mously agreed to, and transmitted to the Members for that • ounty, to be pre* nteil by thein to Parliament imme- diately after the recess. Similar meetings are Convened to meet at Chelm- ford, Colchester, Maldon, and Braintree, in the course el tile present week. EASTEU MONDAY.— The dinner aud ball at the Mansion- house on Monday were very numerously attended; the former exhibited a true picture of plenty; the latter was Very brilliant. The ball was opened by the Duke of Cam- bridge and Miss Abislie, daughter of the IAil'ii Mayor.— The ancient City Hunt ori ICpping Forest was revived : a fine Stag wa. s turned out near the ten- mile stone, and atfordi'd an excellent run of two hours; after which it took .0 a large pond, where the clogs did not attempt to follow, aud where it was secured by three mcu.— In the evening, tSulUr's Wells and the other miijw Thuntsne were opened tior the season, as usual. TMF, LooAt MILITIA BILL.— This Hill has just been printed,— The 1st, enacting Clause empowers his Majesty to e. stablisha local I'oict- tor the defence of tin: Realm.— The _',!, enacts that the number of men enrolled under the' Act shall nit tpiceed- such number as will, including the effective Yeomanry ami Volunteers, amount to times (- W times was" the amount suggested by Lord CastlereagU), the Militia quotas of such counties— The 3d, that the deficiencies in the effective Volunteers shall be supplied by the Militia 11 idev the \ et— The 4th, that the counties may be divided into divisions in any case in which more than one regiment of Local Militia is ordered to be.. raised.— The- olh extends the powers of Mifita Acts to this Act.— The 6th, that men to be raised muter this Act, sliall tic ballotted from persons between the ages of—— and •——, returned 011 the list, now existing, ( from lb to S. r> years of age).— Tiie 7th excuses persons of bodily inability.— The 8th says, that 110 articled clerk, or apprentice, nor any poor man who ha more thuu one child born in wedlock, nor any per.- on under the h.- i; lit of ——— shall, by reason thereof, be exempt from being baHotted and serving under this Act, though they may be exempt from serving in the Militia.— The ; Hh, that persons shall not be exempt by having found substitutes or paid fines in the Militia.— Tile 10th presciibcs the form of oath to be taken. ™ The 11th imposes penalty on persons not appearing after being so ballotted ; the fine to be proportioned to the amount of the income ; the pay- ment of such fine to exempt - such pci* son from being ballotted for—— years.— The 12thenacnih. it a person claiming exemption upon the payment of the smaller fine, shall sign a declaration of the amount of his income.— The 13th, on engaging to serve without pay in volunteer corps, part of the fine to be remitted.— The 14th, inflicts a penalty on such persons on being returned non- effective.— The 1 oth, persons refusing to swear that they have not insured against tine, to tin fecit the amount.— The loth, ( Junkers not to he enrolled, hut to pay certain fines according to the property of such pers ins.— The 17th, contains regulation s respecting volunteers enrolling themselves.— The I3tli, gives a bounty to persons enrolling tlienr. i- dves voluntarily.— The 1.0th, Volunteer Corps may transfer themselves into Local Militia. — The ilOth, Volunteers to swear that they have not other bounty.— The 21st, allowances for necessaaiss.— The 22d, persons serving to be entitled to such exemption- as the Volunteers now have.— The 2.> d, persons insuring for pro- viding substitutes, or Volunteers, subj-' ct to pe ally. Tlw remaining clauses regulate the officering and train- ing in their respective counties— the embodying and marching to any part of Great Britain in ease of invasion. Fines to be levied in counties for men deficient. Tilt " AO.- . Yesterday the Lord Mayor ordered the price of Bread to be continued at 11< A the quartern loaf of wheat n, and household ! f\ d. CORN- F. XCUANCIE, April 20,— There are not many fresh arrivals of Wheat to .' lay, but the supply is fully adequate to the demand ; fine keeps its price, and other qualities are heavy sale and rather cheaper ; llarley and Malt full at last prices ; Beans of both sorts rather lower; very few White Peas; Oats are iu tolerable supply, but not cheaper ; Flour, heavy sale, at present prices, and in plenty. 0* i Monday evening a young man, of genteel appearance, went to the Cecil- street coffee- house, in the Strand, where de dined, and drank a bottle of whie ; and on receiving bis bill, he asked for change for a 10/. Bank of England note, which proved to have be'en originally a W. note, very ingeniously altered to a 10/. He was taken to Bow- street, w here he underwent a long examination. Four other notes, altered in a similar way, were found 011 him. The word O\ K, in black, had been taken out bv a chemical proce aud TF. S written in. The prisoner said his name was Richard Holmes, but declined giving any further account. It is believed that this is a fictitious name, and that his connection- are highly respectable. Mr. Read committed him for re- examination. Another TJAPY burnt.— A shocking accident befel the Lady of G. W. Altluvrpe, Esq. of Clever, Surry, 011 Mon- day night: Mrs. Althorpc, her Son, and two daughters, had returned home from a visit, at half after eleven o'clock, when the former went into her bed- room, leaving her family in the drawing- room underneath. The shrieks of the mother alarmed her children, and 011 their hastenin up stairs, Mr:. A. was lying on the floor with her garments literally reduced to tinder. Surgical aid was as quick as possible administered to the unfortunate Lady, who died in about three hours after the accident happened : she had, it appeared, stood too close to the fire, which caught Iter light garments, and which were consumed i. i a very few seconds. The deceased has left eight children to bewail her loss. ASOTIII'. R SUICIIIR R— On Sunday, Mr. C-——, the brother of a very respectable haberdasher on llolboru Bridge, put, a period to his life with a pistol! UNPROVOKED MORDEK.— At the Assizes for the county of Meatb, in Ireland, Patrick M'Majuis was tried for the murder of Thomas Colt', a lad 15 years of age, cm the night of the 1: 1th of January la- t. It appeared iu evidence, that the bleaching- grouml at Goruaanstown having been robbed, the proprietors had offered rewards for discovering the robbers, and had employed the prisoner as a nightly watchman. The deceased worked on the grounds ; and 011 the evening stated he was going home from his employ, when the* prisoner pcr- uaded him to stay with him, and at eleven o'clock at night the prisoner shot the poor boy, with a gun heavily loaded with a bail and slugs, which passed through the boy's body ; the prisoner lo.: n awakened the lodge- keeper of the grounds, to whom he asserted that three persons had be-* n stealing linen from the ground-, and that he had fired at thein as they were running olf. The body of the boy was found ; acid from the nature of his wounds it was evident the firelock was eiose to him when he was shot. Another workman was employed to watch with the prisoner for the remainder of the night, and to him the prisoner confessed that he had shot the poor boy solely in the expectation- of reward, and that no rob- bery had been attempted that night. The Jury without hesitation found the prisoner guilty. He was executed on the 7th inst. wheuh: confessed his J^ uilt. His body was sent tci the Infirmary for dissection. TWO HUNDRED GUINEAS REWARD. By Onler of the / light Hon. Lord Gleiihcriie, Surveyor Cenfratof his Majesty's Woods, forests, Sfr. VT11EREAS it was discovered, between the hours T T often and eleven o'clock on ( he night of Thursday j the 14th of April, that some wicked p: ison or prisons had feloniously and maliciously SET ON FIRF, the WOOD ot HIS MAJESTY in the Inclosure called Ocknell, in the New Forest, in the county ot Southampton; and several of the other inolosuccs in the said Forest l. ave been set en fire in like manner, whereby damage has been done to the young Timber growing therein. And whuvas'it is enacted by the Act of the 1st Geo. I, Stat. 2, C ip. " That if any person shall ni. il ciouslv set on tire, or burn, or Ciu. se to be burned, any Wood, Underwo > d, Co,' pice, or any oart thereof, lie shall be guilty of Felony." A Reward of TWO HUNDRED GUINEAS is heieby oft'red i > any person or persons ( not being the piincipal or principals in committing any 01 the laid offencesi who shall give information concerning the same, at the Olfice of the said Lord G'. enbenic, No. IS, Great George- street, West- minster, or to Joseph Mortimer, E- q. his Lordship's De- puty in the s. iKl Forest, at his house at Owcr, near Ronisev, Hants, and Shall afterwards give -,' iideiicc to convict the offender or offenders, or any of them ; the said sum of Two Hundred Guineas to be paid by the said Lord Ghnbervie im- mediately after such conviction,— April !(>',.. 1H03. fll:) 7 HAY FOR SALE. O LIE SOLD hv AUCTION, by M. BAKI: R, on — Thursday the « 8th inst. at the New Inn, Pulham, in the countv of Doiset,— A quantity of exceeding good well- made MEADOW HAY, comprizing four rick's; ai d contain- ing together about fit) tons.— To shew the same apply to Mr. Robert Young, of Pulham aforesaid. Pulham is " about twelve inihj from Blandford, twelve from Dorchester, and eight from Sherborne. [ 1- 2.1;) The sal - to begin at two o'clock. T ISLE OF PUftBECK, DORSET. " X> be SOLD bv AUCTION, on the Premises, by M. . liAtiUi, on Tuesday the loth of May, l « K, at Rollington Farm, mar Coric Castle,— Forty- four cvxvd. rig good young DAIRY CO « VS, th.: arsatest pot of whi « b have calved, the Others |< nward in call; six two- year- old heiltrs, seven on:- ycar- old ditto, one three- year- old bull, one two- year- old duo, cue hog cl. tto, onBgood cart marc; the pro- pi rtv of Mr. Win. Furmedge, quitting the said farm. Kj" Dinner on the table at twelve o'clock, aud the sale to heem at one. N. B. The Sheep will be sold about Midsummer next; timely notice will lie given. 11 till NEW FOREST, HANTS. NHO' HE SOLI) by AUCTION, at LYNBHURST, B. bv order of the Right Hon. Lord Glenbervic, Surveyor- General of his Majesty's Wood*- and Forests, on Friday the l. ith day of Mav," ISIA, The following Lots of CAST TIMBER. LOT. ENDS. 1.— Ashurst Walk 0 2.— Ironshlll ditto 7 | J.— Lvndfiurstditto - 25 4.— R'hmefteld ditto. 25 6.— Wu-. ertevditto < 1, O.— Burlcvditto It Als- S— Five Lots of OAK I OT. F. NDS. 7.— Denny Walk 18 8.— EveWorth ditto 15 p.— Bramble Hill diito .. Ill 10.— Whitley Ridge ditto 15 11,— Bcech,' Lyndhurst.. H TMBER, at King's Coppice, rpO lie SOLI) by AUCTION, JL at East Whitehay, Isle of lurbeck, by THOS. LAMB, Dorset, on Moudi. y the 2d day of May, 18* 08,— Sundry FARMING STOCK, the property of Mr. Richard liiship, quitting the said Farm; consisting of 21 prime young dairy cows, part of them with calVes by their sirle, one capital bull , s x two- yearling heifers, six yearling heifers, two gooii cart horses, oile. celt rising three years, one hog colt, 60 ciiKer hogs, two s > ws in furr- w, one sow with ten pigs, and suiidry farming utensils. The sale u teem at t-. n o'clock. N. B. On a future day will be SOLD, on the Premises, a capital- FLOCK, of SHEEP, oi which due notice will be given. fl tail COUNTY FIRE OFFICE, Established j » r the 1 '.'. press Hchcj.' i tf l mt •-,*.-•:-- pJjJtHt*. TV fjsTF. ts.— l- iis Grace the Duke Jutland. k. C ; . ••> Most Noble the Marquis of Buckingham, M G. ihe Rig', 1 Hon. the lvsrl of Northampton ; the higlK I ion t' iJaii of Buckinghamshire; tiie Right Hon. c Leii ct I'lC. i O- sory; V/ m. Praed, Esq. M. 1'.; S. Uetnaid, I sc.. Vl. L persons Who continue insured with this As* suciation stven years . whether their policy be il • nallv taken out fgi seven years, or bft renew, d annualh'"', w Upal* ticipate with the original subscribers in the Profits if the Ks* tabiishment: while thus entitled to eventual pr. fits, thty iiav « ! the peculiar and valuable i. ssuranceof Icing secur .1 free., the possibility of Loss, RV the sole responsibility is undtrtaken IV an csteuAiie \ ssoc. atitni01 Noblemen and Geritlem.- H wi. O have subscribed a Capital o, 13: 01,000/. to guarantee the eu* gagements 01 the Office. No charge for Hol- cies on removal from other Offices. AGI. NIS. — Salisbury, J • Hi s Foot.— // a . Ru. gwoodj Jchn Meri- yweather; Alton, ^' aring anil Lowe. .0. 0 FIVE AT* HUNDRED POUNDS REWARD. Whitehall, Jan. 2,1, 1308. THERHAS it has been humbly represented* to the King, that, between the hours of seven and eight o'clock iu the evening of the l. oth of this instant, some per- son, in company with others fall of whom are unknown 1; FIRED a loaded Pistul or Blunderbuss at JOHN JONES, Esq. of Woolley, near Bradford, in Wiltshire, one of his Majesty's Justices of rhe Peace for the . said county, us the said John Jones, Esq. was returning home on horseback from his F. ctorv at Stavcrton, whereby the eyes and face of the said John Jones, Esq. were very mach injured:— i lis Maj •- sty, fir the better apprehending and bringing to justice the person who has been guilty of this enormous out- rage, " s hereby pleased to promise his most gracious PA RDON to any accomplice who shall discover the offender, so that he may be apprehended and convicted thereof. 1IAWKESBURY. And. as a further encouragement, a Reward of FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS h hereby offer - 1 to any person making any such discovery as aforesaid ; the same to be paid by Messrs. Thomas Timbrell, Stephen Bsown, E Iward Lux- ford, and Thomas 11. Saunders, Clerks to the Magistrates of the Division of Trowhridie, in Wiltshire. fU57 WILTSHIRE, a Srr. ciAL MEETIN- O of MAGISTRATES for the county of Wilts, held this a< nh day of January, I SOS, at Bradford, in the said county.— The Magistrates having expressed their grew abhorrence at the late outrageous attempt on tile Life of JOHN JONES, Esq. at Woolley, near Bradford, one of his Majesty's Jus- revs of the Peace for th- said cd » ty, in the evening of the ljlth inst. came to the following Resolution :— That they are determined to take the most effectual and vigorous measures for bringing the offenders to speedy justice, and for that purpose tlvv will hold occasional meetings at Trowbridge, Bradford, and Westbury, to receive anv infor- mation that may n<- brought before them, lint! to watch over the preservation of the public peace. Aud they hereby call upon all constable* of hundreds, petty constables, and other peace ofiicers, to be watchful and active in the line of their respective duties, and ro attend the above meetings, to further the ends of public justice ; and to appre- hend all persons appearing in disguise, and all other suspicions persons, who may be found wandering about anil associating at unseasonable hours, without bung able to give a satisfac- tory account of themselves., And all peaceable and well- disposed inhabitants are hereby exhorted to exert themselves, to the utinoit of their power, in defence and support of good order, and to stand forward in air of the civil power ; and they may be - assured of the most speedy and effectual support from the military force in the country, if it should lie found necessary to call Ihetn in aid. By order of the Magistrates, THOMAS TIMBRELL, A F. DWAim T. UXFORP, '- Clerks. THOMAS IJ. SAUKDISlSjJ £ 05} See.' in Denny Walk, and several Lots of Cord Wood and Bavins. For further particulars apply, to Joseph Mortimer, F'sq. Ower. ' riMS ASH AND OAK TIMBER. rpObe SOLD by AUCTION, by II. CRISWICK, I at the Bell Inn, Hathcrden, nearAndmer, Hants, on Thursday the 2 sth day of April instant, at three o'clock in the afterno m,— Scvcntv- fivc ASH TREES, in ten lots, and Twenty- two POLLARDS ; also Thirty OAK TREES, with the Lops, Tops, ai d Bark, standing at Hathcrden and Tangley. For a view of the timber apply to Mr. John Chandler, at Hatherden aforesaid ; and to catalogues at the Auctioneer's, Andover, f 1220 PRIME T I M B E'R. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, . by JOHN WARR, at the Golden Lion Inn. in the parish of Thorncotnhe, in the c mnty of Devon, on • Wednesday. the 27th day of April instant, at three o'clock in the afternoon', in Lots : 250 capital OAK TIMBER TREES, with their Tops and Bark, ali standing iu the several Esrat s of Sudhorow Manor; also several Lots of large ASH T1 \ IBlER. The Oak is very fit tor the Navy, being of large dimensions and good quality ; the Ash is large, cle. in, and good. Printed particulars of the Lots may tic had at the George Inn, Chard ; George Inn, Axhtinster; George Inn, Bridport; at the place of sale ; at the Auctioneer's House, Be'amister ; and of James Hardyman, at Sadborow House, who will shew the Timber. — SacHiorow is twelve miles from Bridport, seven from Lyme, and six from Chard. [ 1 itiji TO TANNERS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. JEAN- S, at the Reel Lion Inn, Bourron, Dorset, on Tuesday the 2i>' th day of April inst. between the hours of four and six o'dlock in the afternoon, subj. ct to such conditions as wilt be then and there produced,— A complete TAN YARD, with the Dwelling- house, Drying- house, sVc;. and about an acre and half of Land adjoining, situated at Bourccm aforesaid. Bourtou is aboutu miles from Wincnuton and Merc, 7 from Shaston, and about 1*: from Warminster and Frome. For further particulars, or a view of the same, enquire of the Auctioneer, Red Lion Inn, Bourton aforesaid ; if bv letter, postpaid. [ I'JOO WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, hv J. J have 3, in twelvelots, at the Black Horse Inn, at East Knovle, on Thursday the 5th of May, 180k, between the hours of three and five in the. afternoon,— One hundred and sixteen OAK TIMBER TREES, with their Top, Lop, and Bark, now standing in a coppice at Sed^ hill, near Shaston, in the occupation of Mr. James Br - her, who wili shew the same. Particulars of the lots will be specified in hand bills, that will be dispersed in the neighbourhood, or may be had at the plice of sale, or of the Auctioneer, Red Lion Inn, Bourton, Dorset. [ 1242 Immediately after the sale of Timber, will be SOLO, by AUCTION,—. I large well- built Brick B^ RN, with an excel- lent oak roof, \ e. now standing in the same parish ; the materials of which arc to be removed at the buyer's expence. For a view apply to Mr. Bracher, as above.— One Concern. rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the. premises, 1 bv J. BRISTOWF.* on Thursday, May 1- 2, 1808, The FARMING STOCK of Mr. T. Bi) » r, who is quitting his Farm' at Longfloet, near Poole; consisting of six good dairy cows three in calf, two of the Norman breed;, a two year old heifer, yearling ditto, capital cart mare rising six vears old, pony- mare, ditto colt rising two years old, ditto rising one year old, waggon, shamble cart, dung cart, pleasure cart, water cirt, barley roller, two good plouehj, pair of drags, three h irrc. ws, secdlip, tic.— three pair of tr. icc h- rness, three pair thiil ditto, four pair plough ditto, winnowing fan, & e.— about two dozen gate hurdles, six dozen of new hurdles, a quantity of chaise harness, two corn bins, and sundry other articles of husbandry. [ 1316* The sale, to begin at three o'clock. DORSET.— ISLE OF PURBECK. HHO be SOLD by AUCTION, without reserve, by JL J. IIOYI- F., on Wednesday the 11th day of May, 18( 18, at North Egglestone, about five miles from Warcham,— All the valuable LIVEitnd DEAD STOCK, late the property of Mr. William Vey, deceased, the Widow now going to quit the farm ; consisting of fifteen fine prime dairy cows in and with calf, six three- year- old heifers in and with calf, six two- year- old heifsrs, four yearlings five weanling calves, one cspit. il twu- year- old bull, forty fine chilver hogs, four capital staunch cart horses, one sow and nine slip- pigs, two young sows, waggons, dung- pots, drags, plough, & c. trace, thill, and plough harness, winnowing sieves, . Vee. HOUSEHOLD GOODS and DAIRY UTENSILS; com- prising a clock and alarum, feather beds and bedsteads, large dining and other tables, large quantity of bacon, cheese press, tubs and trendies, brass furnace", cheese vats and milk pins, iron- bound and other casks, with a git at variety of other articles. N. B. For further particulars apply to J. Hoyle, auctioneer, Ike. Blandford. ijZ^ J-' ' The sale will begin precisely at eleven o'clcyk, and continue till all is sold. ' fliol BERK S. . ST. f. VOK. V F- tRM, NEAR UVNGERFORD. " TK) be SOLI) by A1'( I'L'LON, by M r. FAUIKXOR, I 011 the Premises, on Monday the 2.5th, Tuesday the 2(>' th, and Friday the 20th days of April, I8i. w;— All th ai well- known capital LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK, I HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other Effects, at Starulen Farm, about one mile and a half from Hungerford ; com- posing four- post, tent, and bureau bedsteads, with morine, cotton, and dimity furnitures; fine seasoned goose feather beds, holsters, and pillows ; mattresses, counterpanes, quiits, blankets, sheets, and table linen; beautiful mahogany ward- robes, double and single ohests of drawers, dressing tables, pier and dressing glasses, mahogany dining and Pembroke tables and'chairs, floor and bed- side carpets, mahogany and oak bureaus, an excellent piano torre by Manston and Co. London, four prints of cutters, a handsome marble mantle piece and slab, stove grates, fender and fire irons, two maho- gany beaufets with folding doors, mahogany wine cooper, good kitchen requisites, large. quantity of pewter, thirty hour clock, brewing and washing copper, suitable mash tubs and coolers, large iron- bound casks, two lead pumps, dairy utensils, six large milk leads, — The Farming Stock comprises seven capital ilr night horses, two mares and oolts, one- fine carting c i! t, one blood 111 re, an excellent gig horse, two nags, a four- year- old Devonshire cow and calf, 22 store pigs, one hoar, forty pair of cart and plough harness, two « ets of Ijells, five narrow- wheel waggons, one six- inch wheel ditto, four six- Inch wheel dung carts, two narrow- wheel ditto, one grass cart, tax cart, four two- wheel ploughs, three drill an i two seven- share ploughs, twelve harrows, three rollers, p tir of drags, six waggon wheels, five nine- stone rick staddlcs, one twelve- stone ditto, about twenty dozen of hurdles, two steel bean mills, one stone ditto, four long ladders, corn bins, winnowing fans; large stone cistern, six feet by three feet; pig troughs, bushels, sieves, rudders, prongs, shovels, & c. The whole of the above will be expressed in* catalogues, which mvy be hsditt the Printing- office, Marlborough; Cross Kevs, Froxfield; Bell, Rams- bury; Red Li or, Lamboum and Shalbourn; Mffcfaolknor's, Newbury; place of sale; and of the Auctioneer, Huugerford. £ 3" Sale te begin each clay at eleven o'clock, flI28 N. B, The Farming Stock will be sold ore Friday. THE REAL JAPAN BLACKING, M A n E 11 Y DAY A N It MARTIN, 1. I - N II O fJ. npHIS in valuable (; ompositi, on, with half th- ue. nl JL labour, produces the most brilliant jet- black' vrr beheld ; affords peculiar nourishment, to the leather, will not sol thfl finest linen, is perfectly free from any unple. eai. T smell, and will retain its virtues in aiiy climate. Sold, wholesale, bv Day'and Martin,' remov J ! No. 07, High ilolborn, London; and retail at tie T nitinc- Of:'. cc F. S'diisl'. IRV ; Coultou, Devizes; Simmon.! . liiieidford : IVNR. V, - her'iorne ; Clarke, Dorche- stcr ; LL: O\ V'I', Weymouth ; 1 hnofd, jun. Marlborough ; Skeltou, Southampton ; Martin, LV- mington; Crocktord, Castle- Carey ; aud Moerc, Po. de, Stone bottles, price IS. lid. each. [ 21 2 L DAIRY COWS, & C. bo SOLD by. AI'CTIOX, bv W. SKT^ y, on X Friday the O'th dnv of M; iv? isos, at oae o'clock in the afternoon, on North Hune'crhiii Farm, nt'^ r Warehtim, in^ L r the county of Dorset,—' Twenty- nine DAIRY, COWS, onc^ p Hull, two Cart Horses, several pair of r] Vace> Harness, two Colts, two Sows, 14 Pigs, two Waggons, two. Dung- pots, Ploughs, Drag, Harrows, sundry Dairy Utensils, & c. « S: c. And 011 Thursday, the 12th d.- y of May, will be sold by AUCTION, at one o'clock in the afternoon,— All the SHEEP on the said Farm;- consisting of about 1.80 Fwes and Lambs, and about 200 Wether and other Sheep, which will be put up in small lots for the accommodation. of purchasers :—- The pro- perty of Mr. T. Brown, who is quitting the said farm, f 11VV T freehold Dwelliug- l[ oases, in Derizes. rgX) be SOLO bv AUCTION, by I!. K. s- KiiiT, JL at the Bear Inn, Devizes, en Wednesday the -_> 7th clav of April, 1S0S, at tour o'clock in the afternoon, ' unless be- fore disposed of bv Private Contract1,—- A neat and e ...... mrtu FREEHOLD D WILLING- l- IOUSK. recently era ted, vinh roomy Workshops, Gut- buildings, and large Piece ot Garden Ground adjoining,' situate within a \\- ry short distance ot the projected Wharf of : i; e Kennet and Avon Canal, now in the occupation of Mr. Ilolmes, at tbe annual rent of •;:./. Also,— Seven substantial FREEHOLD TENtIMF. NTS, with a garden to each, > cvv Park- street, and nnmecii. iUly adjoining the above. ' These premises, from Iticir contiruitv to the Car. al, ' ivlsich is now in a very advanced state, are esteemed cipible of considerable Improvement.—— The present winu. il rents amount to ill/. H. S. To be viewed by applying to the tenants; and " either particulars maybe known from Messrs. Tanner and Coopei. l Solicitors, Salisbuiy, or the Auctioneer, Devi? s. [ i'ii- t CALM'!, WILTS. rp(.) HE SOLD BV AUCTION, TY HARRY RT ; =, S at the White Hart Inn, iu Cains, on Tuesday the 10th day Of Ma « , 1S0S, between three and five in thc'af t. rnoon ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, oi which due notice will be t- iven;— A good Stone- built l'Ki IIIKDLD DWELLING- HOUSE, situ.'. tc on the Gre. n, iu the tovni ot' Calne; consisting of two food parlours, hr. ikfast ncm, with good convenient elus. ts, kitchen, hall, pantry, and scullery, on tbe first floor; five chambers, with convcnic- ntclosets; three good attics and store room ; underground beer - ind wine- ccllars ; a two stall stable, large coal and wood- h . use, de- tached brewhnuse and wash- house, with other Convenient offices; a good kitchen garden, brick- walled, end planted with choice fi'u't trees. ' These premises arc well adaptid for carrying on <: ny trade' that requires room, having been in the occupation of a clo- thier: any person wishing to see them, MH\ ' apply to Mrs. Vincent, at the house. ' The whole is in vtiy g'cod repair, and fit for the reception of a genteel family. The Fixtures, cr any part of the Furniture, may be taken at an appraisement. [ Ut> 7 Common Jlrcw- house, Malt- houw, Dweltinz- ItoHs- e, Quay, Store- house, and Public- house, for Sale. IO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the RED LIOIC IVv, in F. trcham, on Wednesday the 27th of April, between the hours of five and seven in the evening,— All that desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate lit Fareham Quay, comprizing a modern- built Dwcllin^ housc, with two parlours, a kitchen, and scullery, on the ground- floor ; three goed chambers on the. second, and three attic rooms, with two gardens lately planted with choice fruit trees of va- rious kinds, in one of which is a fish pond ; alsoa convenient Common ^ rewhouse with suitable cellars, with a Malthouse that will wet- 21 quarters of barley per week, with four large store- rooms to store the mall and barley ; likewise a Store house and a Meadow adjoinrnsr, with a fish- pond in it; also a Stable, Coach- house, and Cart- house, with attached and detached offices, and one moiety of a Quay antl 11 aril for landing goods.— The above premises are well situated for the coal or any meicantile business, or a small genteel family, and have a pleasant view of Portsdowr. and the adjacent c - urury. Lot 1.— A rich piece of MEADOW LA\ D, situate near the above premises, containing three statute acres, with a spring of water in the centre, which, renders it very conve- nient for cattle in rhe summer. The abuve premises are'Copy- hold of inheritance under the Bishop of Winchester. Also will Iv SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, at Wcstmeon, on Friday the aflth of April, betw. en the hours of thraeand five in the evening ' unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given;,— Lota— A valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at West- meon, on the great turnpike road from Gospcrt tvhnp. don, known by the name or sign of thi- Kid l. ion, v. iji mrlour; dining room, tap room, kit. hen, bar, wash lioiVs^ lesllar, and other suitable rooms on the ground li ior, four bed rooms on the second floor, with attic'rooms on the third ; also a lirze Garden with a Meadow adjoining, and three Stable*. ' The house is in full tr cl', and affords a eood epp irtunity for a brewer to purchase, or any person that may wish'tolenter into that business. flQ- m N. B. The whole of the Land- tax is redeemed, and parti- culars may be known bv application to Mr. Tims. Parsons, the proprietor; or Mr. Isaac llobson, auctioneer, Gosport, WEST OF ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Comprehending Dccons.' are, Somersetshire, Cornwall, atid Dorsetshire} CIPIT. AT SIX llt'N. DHl'. H THOUSAND rOt'N'IlS. Tni'STTI'. s.— Right Hon. Earl Pc. tt.- scart, Lord I. icutenanUif the county, of Devon; Right Hon. Lord Cl, fiord; Right Hon. Lor! Jl'iri'igdnh; John Pollexr'- n Bastard, Esq. alvl Sir Lawrence Palk, Bart. Members for the county of Devon; and John Baring, Esq. DIRECTORS.— I'rcsident: Uicbt'Hon. Lard Graves,— l" i<>- I'residenls: Sir John KenaWay, of'F. sctlt. Bart.; John Burridge Chohvich, of Farringdon- hfrns.--, Ms.,.; Samuel Frederick Milford, of . Exeter, Esq.; Edmund C rang, r, of- Excter, Esq.; and sixty- five Other Directors resident in the four Western counties. nPilK signal success of this provincial Institution 5. demonstrates that the public h is justly apiireciattd the beneficial tendency of such an establishment.— The counte nance and encouragement it has- experienced during the vcfi show period of its existence, by far exceed the expect iti'. ns cT the most s inguine of its promoters, ajnt sanction the expecta- tion of the most extensive and general support. This must be attributed in a great degree to'rhc unprecedented liber dity on which it effects insurances, the insured being entitled1, without incurring anv risque or responsibility whatever, ti. one fourth of the profits of the company. No charge is made for policies, nor is any trouble or exp- neeoccaiiontd by trans- ferring insurfnees from other oflic. t to this. The premiums, are the sum. .- is in the London tables, and insurances are effected by this society, ( subject to the discre- tion of the Directors,} on property situated iu anv part of Great Britain, printed proposals may be had at the- • ffice in Exeter, and of the following agents':— Bath, Mr. Robert Ricardu, Hetltng- house; Beaminwer, Mr. limes; Blandford, Mr. M. Fisher; Briilport, Mt. Wm. Battiseotnb; Dorchester, Mr. T. Fisher; Falmouth, Mr. Geo. S. Williams ; Frome, Mr. Wm. Sparks; Hinelon, Mr. John Evans; Hoiviton, Mr. Courtenay Gidley, solicitor; Lvnic, Mr. John I lute bins; Plymouth, Mr. Wm. Courtis; Plymouth- Dock, Mr. David Andrews, jun.; Shaftesbury, Mr. James BnrfoW, banker; Sherborne, Mr. Jurrr- s Crntwcll, printer ; Taunton, Mr. John Buncombe, solicitor; Wells, Mr. John V ckery ; Weymouth, Mr, Hyde; Wincanton, Mr. Thomas Garrett; Yeovil, Mr. R. S. Langdon. JOHN GLIDDON, Secretary. EX'truii, March 1803, ' [ 7jl FOR THE GROWTH OF HAUL ADIF. S and Gentlemen, who wish the Ornament U of a FINE HEAD of HAIR, need only make a Lie trial of Che RUSSIA OIL, particularly as it , " luiul neces- sary to moisten the hair wile n dr.-, sine ; I-. ie u. tiv ihii Royu 1 Family, an 1 l', a; lies of the first circl,-. It i< a nourlshtr anil improver Of its growth, prevents its fulling oil", aud is so great a pres rv - r and s: ren„ thc'iu r to tii'e I lair as to prevei t it iccomin. r bald, or turning grey, to the lote-. t pern- el ; also ' restores HahJ on bale! pliers. Several G- ntlcmen, who have been bald, f'. ft- er untie the Rn-- i. i <)•! leeuiiirly ior three months, became nei. rlv covered wich; hair. It: r. i'i ... a sub- stitute tor pomatum, and is rec nimendccl to Ladits who use che- ssiug- irons, as it presents the ill tlViets ccca.-. ioncii by t! cir heat. It is of much use to those who we: r artlfei. il hail, ; s it gives it .1 natural J. eis. To comment on tile many valuable, qualities the Russia Oil possesses, is Useless; it need onlt be' s-. iid, it ou ' ht not io be oinittad by those v : . o hi v.: the oint- ment of a fine head of hair, and wish te i. tain it; ai- o titers deficit- lit, Who w lit tO profit lv its virtu::'. It is leC I'l- nieti l d for Cliildi'en, as it improves the rrgul. tritv of i. s giovvth : is warmhte l innocent. ' Pr. ce 7s. pu bottle ; or cm , coma n. pi : four small, at a guine a. ' ( 40*! i> To be li'id of the FtopriitW. « Oo.' onl- street, L ud. m ; and, by i- ppointm lit-, at the l'riiiting-(, fiicc, Salisbury. OH. Foflierajil's NERVOUS COHDlAl, DilOl'S are stton ILY recoramended at this s. U. son to the Fair S. X ; and are pronounced to be certain in removing all lowncss '. N. D U. pression of th'e spirits, the most alarmir- S DISEASES RF the heiel and » : om.* CH, palpitation of the heart, horrid thoughts, vain T." U S Irishtful ciretnis, loss of memory, re- lasation, debiiitateo habits trout A long cont: nuapce in hot Climates, ami ' denary lit'.- ; paUlct,, dorsal consumpt; one, and wc. tkn. ess incidental to I. oth s exes ; ami for spasms from an influx of viti. 1 heat ijito lit. ari'eced mftse'es.— This Grand Antisuasiuodic . Kerned.' never vet telle.! in a singbi: instance for Is I ears p in U. L; 0TE pas, S, iu. lig,- ' eie . -.,, w, netvccs, putri I, malignant, petechial fevers, and broken ennstitutions. Sold wholesale and retail at Mr. Butler's, No. 4, Chcapside, Corner e, PiitcriiostetrfRy. V, Lendor:. and at the L'ruiting- OiEiv, Salisbury, in HONKS a; SII. ENIL lis. each, with a- nple Diccctions. F ics to hci he, lie ^ ilK ca> e of M- vcral ^ crnpholous Ulcers at York, inserted in the public paper.- s, and stated as advancing :. i- t. ei 11 i s- ven ptec.' ding gcei l- i,- v- ith miitfh irtjiiry recovery, and as ha , in the habifofa voung i is now declared, on the miithcr's authority, •'. and the girl re- itorcd to health, b » H'e sole operation of SPILSEURY's PATJEN'I' AN') lSCOitBLTlC DROPS, a- administered in Seuivy, Gout, Uheuniatisin, and eruptive Cempiaints. Those persons, anxious as to this cr. se, are in- for ed, the original letters nies te seen at the Dis] ici sary, ( n Soho- square, London; and at York, Mrs. Dancer will give all. necessary infe ' filiation. It is requested you will ask for the Patent Antisccr- 1 utic Drops, with a black ink stamp, in bottle ot 5 . Cd ; double bottles 10s.; and larger ll. is. dutv included; sold- * at the Pr nting- Office, Salisbury.— An allowance on tak ng huh a dozen, ' /• NKNTLEMKN, Farmers, ( iraziers, & c. wlm< e vJ Live Stock frequently suff. r from that impoverishing and too often fatal complaint the Scounng, niav be c, uivinctcl of the superior efilcaci of the CAI. Vf'IS CORDIAL 1,\ the. folio.: Ing testimony sent to the propri. t r, W. II. Eioc. s. Sin,-— I have to acquaint you, that a young cv. w of mine, being much r- duct d hv a seecrc Scouting, 1 procured a bottle, of your CALVES CORDIAL, wliieh'steppid the complaint. In about three months lime, owing to change' of keep, the disorder asain returned, vvb.- it I had recourse to' another bottle of the Cordial, which etrei mally cured hei,' and in the course of six Weeks mv cow became so fw fitted as to enable me to sell her to a butcher. f- KiH Yours, fre. Sarrat. 1, Ihrt$, Feb. LFI, 1807. GEORGE BIG. • * « * Sold, wholesale and retail, in bottles price O. s. ai d 1 ! s. ( id, each, by Messrs. Howard and Evans, We st Sm. th- field, l. onilpn, and at the Piinting- Office, Salisbury. T> 10GilAPHY of JtjS printed eminently juons Christians, in octavo, on a snperfina demv paper, and, beau1 . fill newlett'r, decorated with Portraits i. f'the ni.* t oe- k- brateel Gosp 1 Ministers, Views of Chare's, See. engravtit m a most musteilv manner, by artists of the first reputation. '. On Satu day, April 2H, 180S, will tepulliMd, embed shed with a Strikme, likenesK of the late Rev. T. Wilis, l\. B. in atly ornaincnted ve. ih a repr « . s; ntation of that zealous Divine preaching in tit- Fair at Ki < d- ministe r. fPrnconh) ShpenrrJ. Nunibei I. of a New Work, entitled EVANGELICAL BIOGRAPHY, being a complete and faithfuf account of the LiuSi Sufferings, Experiences, anil happy Deaths of eminent Christians. This work, which has been, long in preparation, is now brought forward in wecKlv nu: voers,' at oiiiy Sixpence each ; the author being persuade.', there are rhouigan Is who nv ht spare a small sum Weekly, toat would l; e nebitrrtel that bles- sing, if published let once, :. t a price beyond til • r nteans. . liinclon: Printed for J. Strat'br 1, Nil. lii, Holborn- hill ; sold at the Printing Office, Salisbury; and by all other book- sellers in thje united kingdom. f !;. 1B SACRED ISTC. trill be publisher! Cl'i/ Sulsi- riiilicn), defected, by •' « « , to Um. I. ciii l'ri t, Uif. ifield Parte, Hunt-. 71CIIT ANTHEMS, Twelve I'SAi. M TUNES, J and GLORIA PATIUA; adapted tot the Use cf Speedily Permit Country Choirs By W. 1L bUltG- lSSeilcckfi - Id, near I'm . Suite: tiers, llS. Gd. o. rdbridge, Hunts. f> V. directed to the Author, ns U- d Price t. All orders by letter ' poet- p od above, will be dull nit. nded to, A uong the present Subs. riSeri wre— The Rielit R Bishop of Salisbury; Mrs. I'isher ; Ri- ht Hon. vr W 1' itt, K. B.; Lad) I'm; bight Hon. Lord Rivets; Hon. Mrs. I lowe, London ; lion. Mr ,, broivr,; 1 lori. e e Beckfrrd, Esq.; Col. J. P. Addenhro-' lvc ; Cel. West; Col. Ram, J. 11. iMickkthwaite, Esq.; Sir W.. Parsons, l. cii. lon; C. S. Lcfevre, Esq.; Mrs. L- et. o re , Mrs. Shiiw- 1 eelr1 re ; I '- o:. - t Rev. Alfred' Harris ; Rev. S. Btrdm- ii . V I '. Ward- n ot M. C. 0* i".; Oimpton, lisU •. Mr. M In, 1 N'rs. Milton; Rev. Mr. Trebeck; Rev. Mr. Saltei ; ;. at M.'. Jaek. 011. A List of the wLult of the Suhc. eee- u Book. Subscribers names will be r ceited Winchester; Air. (-" i. e- iy's. li; si: i,' Stoi' Mr. Drover's, Re dtng; Mr. Fuller s. Sl itter and Munitay's, Oxfor l ; Wit. si Pii:! t: ng- Offii' and Messrs. Banks'*. I. acy's, Warminster; Mr. 1'. W. U'ii Mr. Coombs's, Chippenham ; Mr. S •• Mr. W. Weaver's, Eneraver and Fuel Girders, London; r- n i at the Author's. giee'H c. Iltfit ch " t Mr. G. adder ' s, e; Air Rutliei's iiti. I Newdorv; M. 1- er's, '?. i o- iliurv ; lb" Sal thilly ; Mi. C. ii,' , SiHithaiuptnt ; mcre. ls's, Hlanctfcrn , slier, No. j, S title - •' field lie This day ts pv.' lulled, price . is, A New Edition of SOLOMON'S OUIDE to 1 a. HFALTfl. This valuable and int'restic g work. ) i und- d 00. m: in\ yearsexpcriencs r. f the calurmtous I cr,. ijieercvs of youthful indiscretion, is peculiarly recct.' inieiiJcd ie the p- rus cl of p irents, giitirdians, ' supei'trueiHtHn: : large S. ITO - rniries, anil in tact to t ie youn: : aod old of both sexes, and [ 1 - tichiariv to men on long vetyaee -, as - a- 1 olesc me and a i - tafy advice, contain d therein, will .: u- trtl ae itii- » r n. teeiiii, - latioft of misfortunes, both temp ril arrl spirittt 1. ' J': i- r. .- likewise a system la ti dow. i f r the n ticai. v eurive; . ceti. i'i. fatal disorder in all its s'tages,' and inlaihb'n removiiti', nl .. . • phulous and scorbutic diseases, and evciy impunty ut ti blood. Sold at the Ptint; ng Office, Salisbury, and tiiay'. c leicl all the Agents and Newsmen o: tiie Salwbisry et: i Wiivlnn-. tet Jouriul. ' .' lAi' ! AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS; bORSET, AND SOMERSET. • trday s DIES. Posts. ' V, '. 1 ( l>" A » Uti> OBS),' March 5. . s'lS t. f. t •.•• vht date from Martinique ,.., j : ; • i • i: i . f1 hart! been received here v/; ;, t i'v* la ibv » r uVo. The arrival and ; ,.. nt r, . rialre of. the ltulienuc and Syremie ., , u Muriiniquc are not only unequivocally con- but it i- confnUitlv reported that ' the enemy „.„, ... itarily expect there the Penelope and Tba- V -. re- f; o* n Fiance, while three others are also : ct.- d at Guadalowpe. • JARCa ' 3.- r- Dis;.' tches were received here on - Sirrbv morning by Rear- Adrnfral Sir Alexander Coch- ran-, from Capt.' Se'by, of his Majesty's ship Cer- berus, from Matigahmte, informing of the capture of ' that island by a small squadron under his command, • consisting of'the Cerberus, Circe, and Camilla filiates, and Exure. ss brig; a detachment. of seamen and marines from Vive, frigates, amounting to two hundred men, headed by Cent. Pigot, of the Circe, having effected a 1 mding there without any opposition, on the morning o;' the 3d Instant, and carried the town before the enemy was prepared to make an effectual resistance. The expedition was undertaken, as appears, without any previous conceit with, or instructions from, the Rear- Admir.- o. The only defence attempted was With a light field- piece, commanding the principal street, but which the enemy were driven from with • - licfi'fe they could load it a second tiiue J. re- sed,. sunv:.< Wrrd atdiser. tioe. Matijjafeme is but an i.- considerable Island, of rather it circular form, being about five leagues long and four broad. 11 is remavkalily fertile, producing coffee and cotton in abundant*. * ud Sunie sajfcir; but more from : ts locality of situation, being S. S. of Gaudaloupe, anil co itigitous to y.- int- aVt'tre, is any acquisition to be derived from tile po session of it, the mo, t effectual blockade of that Port {( he chief resort of the enemy's privateers) being now in our potter. Sir Alexander Cochrane, with four ships of the line, ( Bellet. le, flag- ship. Jiamlllic;, York, and Defence), cler • tained here for the last '. brtnigbt. sailed from hence on Sunday eCoidtig. We uniier- tand that the Admiral touches at Mar igalante, and from theuce proceeds among the Islands to leeward. ; and fixed bayonets and being closely The Court of Directors of die East India Company, in oonsideratioiVofthe distinguished- assistance, rendered bv Sir George Staunton, from his" rkiTOv. detlgc of the Chinese language, Oil a late Occasion, when a native of that e. Hiiitry was accidentally killed in ail affray at Canton, h, ive appointed him Chinese Interpreter to the Factory, tviih a liberal salary, as a mark of their high approbation of his conduct in that affair." This is the Second time in which an innocent British subject has been saved from fin ignominious death by Sir George Staunton's faithful interpretation of the senti- ment* and spirited remonstrances of the Committee of StipAtfergocs, conveyed directly to the principal Offi- cers of the Chinese Government, and not, as On former occasions, through the medium of, the native Merchants, who tremble at the frown of the lowest M. uiderins, and are terrified at . the slightest appre- hension of incurring their displeasure. LONDON, FRIIXJY, APRiL 22. Just as thelast courier came away from Stockholm, a c muTinnieation was received by- the telegragh across the Gulf, tli. it the fortress of Sveaborg had been aito. c'icd by the Russians, but that they were driven ba? k vviih great, slaughter. A gentleman arrived on Wednesday from Amster- dam, ( on his way to America), which place he left a fe\ V day: - i, siat"-. that that place n or suffers the greatet eoiiuii - rein! distress; many w it rehouses and shops are roth- ely - hut up ; and a general outcry prevails against the war. llr further states, that the report of our intending to make Spanish America independent, had caused the gre: ile- » appreheu- ion in th French Govtmment; that its tears for the success of such a measure, though studiously ** o i reared, were yet Obvious; and that Bonaparte was di'terinii ; d to use every effort for hurrying North America into a v. ssr with England, that ho may be enabled to (. .! o-.'. v the uiimerou- l-' rcnch now in the United States, anto an ar. nv fir invading M xieo in conjunction with the Americans, ivhrue lie euuld afterwards send troops into the AHerci. t parts of Son: li America. Jlvsome of our cruizers frofn off the coast of France, -, ve learn, tint within the last fortnight two more sail • of the line have been added to a strong forcc as- emblcd in the outer harbour of Brest, which seems in a com- plete condition for ses, and ready for a start with the first fair wind, of any such as may oblige our block-, ailing fleet to quit its station. • Accounts from Barbadoes/ received yesterday, fur- nish a statement. of the capture of the little island of Mari.- alante, one of the Carribbecs.— It is supposed to be of some value, an account of its vicinity to Gua- • dalonpe, which it may enable us to blockade. An English merchant is arrived in town, who left Li- bon about fourteen days ajo. lie niatlc his escape on hoard Sir (,'. Cotton's ih- et, having previunsly obtuined his passport a- si Spaniard. 11.' has brought the prices current wSh him, both of merchandize and provisions. Bread anil Jfonr appear from it to be as - care;- as was represented ; but mutton and beef are only about, it!. per lb. and in great plenty, as are all sorts of vegetables. The I'rench, with their c'o.'. rj- tcii- t!- activity, were making great improve- ments in the city. Tire Governor had ordered the cleansing'• ttn. l new pav'mg of most of the utn- els, which were before in a very bad condition. Other change-, however, had keen made of a less gratef t'. nature. General . Juu it had <••• doir- d that the images should be melted down. A depu- tation of li iars waited on the General to procure a respite f r a very large and favourite saint, which they begged leave to remove and preserve. liis answer wa-—" If the statue lis of wood, you may throw it into the Tngus; if bra s. von > ii : v break ii ; but if it i- silver or gold, you must biin. it, to me, and I will melt il." Sir John Duckworth, " after a fruitless cruize in search of the Roehrfort squadron, has returned to Plymouth, without hiving glined, respecting that detachment ot the enemy, any intelligence. The news of his arrival reached town'on Wednesday afternoon, and yesterday morning lecuiaj- iMc' 0 on.- c was received of the return to Plymouth of'the Royal George, ( the Admiral', own ship), the Nep- tune, Toiiuant, Tumoral re, and Dragon.— It is understood, that after visiting the West Indies, and American coast, and being satisfied that he had mistaken the enemy's course, hi' lets returned home. The report transmitted from the Mallet schooner i- now believed to have been incorrect.; and the fleet which was seen by her, and mi- taken fir mi enemy, is supposed to have been no other than that of Sir John Duckworth himself. The public' mind is thus abandoned to eoqieqtnre, on the course, of ( he Rot- hefol't squadron; and the general opinion seems again to ! ix upon the Mediterranean, Sir J. T. Duckworth"! ships, whilst in the Chesapeake, were not permitted to send oil shore for water, or to hold nftv - iifcrconr. se whatever with the laud. This restrie'. ion, bo'.-,.- i. r, '.' V not Jiave pi oceodcd from any tiew.. » jrtrit of ho.- i'ov in tl'ioJAmr; ic « n » ( ovafds n it may have bel'n a Syv e- ni sequence of the Presitl- iut's proclamation, at the Cotton- tieetn? iit, of the dis[ iutcTeipoc'iihg the Lea'tider; but it U nor a favourable omen. Sir .1. ' Duckworth, in the whole of his extensive cruize, ih!„ n - t obtain th - slight" t. information, respecting, the. e K- ruv. Aiti- r ho left S>. KiU's on the UJd of fehro": iry » lie,- shape 1 Ills cour e \\ . N. W. and arrived on the I fib of March off i la- Chesapeake, win- re he remained till the ljjth. li: t, vii!— u-.. rtained tint the el",• tmy was not there, and had n o o- e • the c. Kist of Am.- rica, he coiitiimed li. it, cpu-.- sc • tu "'. e> vf./ tii-.. l i d, who;-'- he touched, and found all well. ' nnehoi- i- d in C. i'v- and Hay at six o'clock on " tfonday < o - i- i'iic, and hi ar rival was anuouiiced at the- Admiralty by telegraph, - in 15 minute-. The Us'. edition for which the force has for some tone li.- cu eollecting in the Do vir-, is now u-. rder- tooU to 1 - esi'iipletcly ready to 141. A sert\. t enterprise is t , bo its ! ir- t ooiect ; after wbie- i, the whale of the force, i-, it is f: id, to proceed to the £ i til is-., to co- operale in the defence e- < f MVed. M*. The do i.- n of aiding that Power with a naval Mr. P. tt'i. t.' s Et'snufi..— Yesterday morning, at eight o'clock, tlje remains of - James Paul!, E- qV wort? conv- eyetl from his h'*. i- e in C'liarlcs- sti- isttt, to St. JaitHl-' s Cliurcji, for idti- rmnit. Though the funerai was conducted iu the lilo- l, private l- Oaniier, a great concourse of persons svas collected, and a very general ex pre siiin of l'egrct prevailed fir the untim- ly fate of a man, gifted certainly with con- siderable talents, and generally beloved by those who knew him. The late unfortunate Mr. Pailll cert ainly lost a con- siderable sum at the XJnionf the night before the fatal ter- mination of his exi- fence.—. Meriting Herald. On the day after Mr. Paltll's suicide, four scaled packets, from India, were delivered at his house.— It is supposed they contain pearls to a considerable amount, but th < y have not. yet been Op- mod. The wi- 1 of Mr. Paul! was found sealed up, and addressed ittto Mr. WoUeslev, . of Shrop- hire, who, we Undeistaud, " was one of bis most particular friend-. Avotttr. R SOICICR I—- A Mr. L— y— e, a foreigner of some distinction, and who was supposed to possess con- siderable property, put a period to his life, at his apart- ments at Nvwingto-. i, on Wednesday night. He was found dead in his bed at eight o'clock yesterday morning by a man servant, whose duty, it was to call him at that hour. He had inllicted several wounds- with a razor on bis left arm, which was nearly cut off. The deceased was for- merly a merchant at l. vnii - gton, and he has left three children, it is supposed that embarrassed circumstances brought on a. depression of spirits-, which led to the me- lancholy catastrophe. STAMP DUTIES.—' The printed schedule'of alterations in the Stamp Duties, proposed by the ( hancellor of the Exchequer, presents several articles, \ jbich are. more of tile nature'of new duties thiol matter of regulation. It Contains 49 folio pages closely printed, and, among others, the following:—- A duty upon Protests of Bills of Exchange, or Pro- missory Notes, for any sum not exceeding ' 20/., 2. S.— 5o/., 3s.— 100/., fw.—,> 00/. and upwards, I {)>-. A Protest of any kind bears a stamp, for every sheet fis. Upon Policies of Insurance for Life or Lives, there is a duty of I/. 10j-. whatever may be the amount of the in- surance. Upon Country Bank Notes there is the following scale of duties :— //' vadt' jtwtable in the Afe- t copalis as well as in the Country, If nuhi matte payable at otic place., whether in Town or Country, Nor I-. XCF-. L'JBIN'H s. d. NO r EXCEEDING s. d. „ fl 1..; 4 1 .. 0 ( J 2 2........ .. 0 « ! 0 .. 1 0 5 5 .. 1 0 5 R .. 1 6 20 0 .. 1 6 20 0 0 BIRTHS.-] O. i Tli- Ai- sday, in Ii.- rtfofd- street, the Lady of, lames Everaril Arundoli, Lsq. of a daughter.— tyu . Sou- day, iu Teiiti- rden- strect, L'. uly Catharine Dundas of A daughter.— On Sunday, at liigeStrie Hall, in Stafford shire-, the CounteSi Talbot, of a daoxhts- r.— On the oth iiist. a'. Gahvay, in Ireland, the Lady of . Sir Ilu'hard li. St. George, Bart, of a son and heir. MARRIED.] On the Kith inst. at KheeStvUrth Hall, in Cambridgeshire, James Markland, I-.- q. of the O'. ld rei- nient, to . Mis-, Nightingale, daughter of the late Sir Ivl- ward Nightingale, Bart..-— Oil Tuesday, Davics Giddy, Esq. of Tredree, in C i'liwall, M. P. for Bodmin, to Miss Afary Ann Gilbert, of- East Bourn, - iu V. itsses.— On tbo l'itli jn- t, Tioping Thomas' Itigby, lisq. of tbo Iine- r Temple, to. Miss Ann 1i s. i Cbusins, ser- ood daughter of John Cou- ins, Esq. of South Lambeth!— Oto Tuusduy', atA- ke, in York- shire, the Rev. Wm. Wharton to the Hon. Mi- s Dundas, daughter of Lord Dilildas.— YoStuday, the Rev. H. C. Ridley, son of Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bait, to Miss barter, eldest daughter of Jauies Fairer, Esq. of Liueoln's- i, in- fields. DIED.] Lately, at Petei- shiirgh, Count Alexis Von Orlow i lie died possessed of five millions of rubles iu cash, and :. io, poO ; lbts, the w hole of which immense property h . has left to his only daughter.— On the l'Jth ill- t. at Moita Hotlie, in Dublin, Eliz. ibeih, (.' outitess Dowager of Moir. r, aged 77: her Ladyship'was daughter of Theophihis Earl of Huntingdon, and by the death of her brother Francis Eirl ol' Huntingdon, without issue, succeeded to the ancient Baronies of llungerford, Hastings, Ilotreaux, Mulins, Mocl-, Peverell, " Ne. vimirch, and De Hornet, which no-. v devolve on her son, Lord Moira.— On Saturdav, iu Manchester- street, La Baroune do Montalembert.— On Tuesday, Samuel Sneyd, E- q. of Arlington- street.— On AVvdn.:- lay, in f', dward-- tr. ee. t, Port- man-.- tqiwre., the U. nv- agcr Lady i'ranklaud, widow of the late Admiral Sir Thos. Fraiikli'. hd, B. u't.— A few days since, at Tetbury, Mrs. . SLoper, widow of Matthew Sloper, Esq. anil mother of Colonel Sloper.—- On the loth of February, at Nassau, New Providence, the Hon. Thomas Forbes, aged 58 year-,— List week-, at Stonehouse, near Plymouth, aged 25 years, Miss Isabella I. aogtou, daughter of the late Rennet Lang- ton, E- q. and the Dowager Countess of Rothes.— On the 3d instant, after a short illness, at the advanced age of H7 years, Jpbn Richards, Esq. Mayor of the ancient and royal borough of Axbrhlge, iu Somersetshire.— Lately, Henry Upton, Esq. of Ashgrove, co. Limerick, aged 100 years.— At Edinburgh, Mr, John Shaw, aged 103 years.— On the I 2th instant, Farmer William Truman, of Whatly, near Frotne, who bad nearly compleated his 104th year: he particularly remembered weeding corn during tile great eclipse in 1715, when the darkness occasioned him a. id his companions to leave the field. K- id of c'lnnred. Tlv s',: l,- table. Tin several frig.:.-'- » ruction ada- el enisi- ting of - taeman Lcgi' >,(-::- o 10. • . the .. o il-: -.:• ma' e/ i i : . e. € • • ft:,. sending no army, is, it appeals,- force destined for these objects is very eon- naval p; rt. consists of n sail of the line, C- m biir, s, and boats ef a particular con- el for the secret enterprise', and the rvei-. il British aunt to Admit al -! ! N.; i' troop", '-. iineots, and p rt of the 7000, some accounts sav i-: to have the command of Keats, . auu Sir James Saii- Counfry Bankers to take out a Licence yearly, on whiy'i there is a duty of 20/. U, on Tra - sfers id' Bank Stock or South. Sea Stock, a duty of 7s. f)( i.—- of East India Stock, 1/. I Of. I pon every Transfer of a Share or Scares iu the Stock or Fund of any other Corporation, Company, or Society whatever, a duty of I/. 1( U'. • This makes a new order of thiug- i iu regard to al! Joint Stock Cmnpaiil. s. As Mr, Pcrecv. d stated this duty in PijU'Iiain' n't, it was a Stamp to be in proportion to the actual value of the Share : but in the . Schedule it is a 30S. Stamp on every Transfer, let the- value be what it may. Upon Conveyances of Estates, a duty, according to the amount of the pu- cliase- money, where the latter is less than 15)'., I/.— 1,50/., U. IDs.— dmi/ V, St. l" o. j.— 5() S,/„ St. -— and so Oil at the rate of 10 per cent, up to 50,000/., on which the st imp duty is 500/., and the same for any larger sum. The same duty upon Leases for life or lives, or for term of years iu consideration of any fine. I'poll - Mortgage-, where the sum is less than 100/., 1'. lo. v.—' 200/., - it.—.' 100/., 3.'. and so on in proportion. Where the sum is more than 20,1 i< W. thr duty is ' 20/. A similar duty upon bonds, and in a similar proportion on Bonds for securing the payment of Annuities. The article Agreement, is extended to every minute or memorandum of an agreement under hand, only where the - matter shall be of the value of ' 201. or upwards, on which there is a duty of lbs. and a progressive duty ac- cording IO its length. Upon Bills of Fxcharge and Promissory Notes exceeding 3000/. there is a duty of 11. Oil Articles of Clerkship to Attornies, 110/. Appren- tices to Writers to the Signet in Scotland are also subjeel. d to a dutv of 55/. and there isan innutnerab'e list of art id, s in law* process, and in every way iu which paper is used as a medium, tost, or notice of any transaction between man and man. Ponet..— On Wednesday a notorious street- Walker was brought before the Magistrates at Bow- strei- t, charged wit!) having purchased some linen- drapcrv at a shop iu Covent- Ganleo, for w hich she gave in payment one of the celebrated Sli Ipswiclf notes, drawn by Ralph Holdeii, on Still and Ilntr- hiiH, in St. Micbiiel's- allev, Cornhill ; but when tin- draper went for payment, the house was shut up. She hall told tilt" draper that she took the note in the way of her prf'- nma : but she gave her address iu Paddi igton, when she lived near Temple- bar, and it was only by chance she was afterward, met with. She was remanded for another examination. Yesterday Isaac Dawberry, the coachman, was brought up for re- examination, on a charge of a violent outrage on Margaret We- t, ina* stable- yard. iu Dukc- strcet, Lincoln's, inn- iields. Mr. Andrews, the surgeon, who attends the girl, stated that hi did n it consider her to be in a proper state to giva evidence against the prisoner; iu conseque e of which the examination was postponed.- - - The young man who is in custody foruttei iag an altered 11. Bank note to a IfK*. at the Cecil- street Coflee- hous was t\ iHy- eninmiUoi'' fnr trial. ExKOUTtPUfs.— Oil Saturday s-' rmight, T. Sutton, aged 24; J. Chapman, 34; and W. Fuller, were executed on the Castlc- hill, Norwich.—' Sutton was a remarkable in- - tarce of the effects of an tiupVificipbd education. His Cither suffered an ignominious dentil, and his brother was transported, llis first in luceuient to crime seems to have lieun a wish to . join the latter at Botany 1! iv ; to this enrlI he committed two robberies upon G- n- ir. il . Money, with whom be lived, and was'tried twice ; . hi) se.- ond sentence confined'Iftni'to the hu'lM for seven years.— At tjie expira- tion. of this per'o- 1, hr returned to Trowse, Vis native lil'age, and on npjdleatioi) to Gi- n-.- ral Money| as to his. future life, that goi) « len! » it provided him the mean- of an honest, bvelibood.— This, wiv, b. oveviT frustrated by an attachment to a fernal', Who left, him at a time when his hopes wove fixed up in an union, wish her. Courses of. vice followed; and with the mere intention of committing some act which might Subject bis life to the law, be set firs to the stacks and premises* of General Money, the crime for which he suffers*. It is remarkable that, lie . should ! ha-.- - chosen his only benefactor as the object of his injur v. ! On the Kline dav, Mary Chandler was executed at ' Lancaster, pursuant to her Sentence at the last As- izes, for |- robbing her master'.-, house, in Liverpool. She was, 19 ! -- e.--. rs of age, and so ignorant of religious duties as to be unable to- repeat the Lord's Prayer. As the executioner wj » putting the cap over her face, she exclaimed—-- Oh ! Mali, f never will forgive you!" anil her shrieks were loud and piercing. toe de - in <- i i to be CoRN- ExCMAsnr, rit Si'. The Wheat, tr. idc is very K- a-.- v of sales, w hi oh scarcely f- tfth t'a.-" ia a. ( pioujd pr'. o .. lestlnation of 1 B irl -. v i in short supply, ami ( V. e samples'are af a small • red, I increase m price. Mn. t and. Beans vary but little.. Very the i few White Peas. Of', 0, at, s,- the ui'jttic; rto has i I- in, I rather eoo.- iuW- abfe, ana ' sales at iitt j rather dtebnes in t I ice. CITY OF NEW SARUM. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the General SESSIONS of the PEACE for the City of Nr. w Suiui, in the county of Wilts, will be holdcn at the Council House of the said Citv, on Thursday the - 23th day of April instant, at nine of the clock in the forenoon. The business of the Session will begin with hearing Appeals, next with trying Traverses, and lastly Prisoners, And, t<? prevent unnecessary delay, all Appeals ( except those to b - entered fir the purpose of adjournment; must be enteral with the Clerk of the Peace before the sitting of tin- Court, and in failure thereof, the adverse party will have a right to enter a Ne Hccipiatur. And all Indictments must be applied for at the Clerk of the Peace's Office prior to the Sessions, as no Indictment will be granted after the sitting of the Court. Bv or l- r of the Mayor and Justices, JOHN HODD1NG, Jun. Clerk of the Peace. April 12, 1808.., [ 1141 WILTSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace tor the county of Wilts wiil be hold.- n at New Sarum, in and for the said countv, on '/ n'sday the - Jfa'th day of April inst. at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, pursuant to the resolution entered into at a form- r Sessions, for the special purposes of examining and auditing all bills and demands on the county ; of inspecting th • plans delivered in to the Committee for building a new- County Bridewell at Devizes, and for enlarging, altering, and amending the County Gaol; and of at - tiding to all business relative to the Militia, conveyance of Soldiers' Bageage, County Bridge's, and such other b o- mess vs. may occur rela- tive ti the civil conc.- ros of the s:. K c - i- Ay | and no bills will be allowed, unless delivered in iU the sitting of the Court on that day. The. Court will op- n on Wednesday morning, precisely at ten o'clock, for general business, which wiil'begin with'the Trials of Traverses, next Appeals, and lastly Prisoners. All Appeals ( except those to be entered for the purpose of adjournm_- nt) must be enter d with the Clerk of the Peace previously to the opening of the Com* on Wednesday, and on failure thereof, the adverse par ty sli., 11 have a right to enter a . Vr Reripidlur. The Bailifls and Constables of the ' everal Hundreds, out of whidi the . furors arc taken, a- re hereby ordered to attend the Court, with proper wands, durin.: the whole time of the Sessions ; and to remain in such place or places ill tlie Court as shall be then appointed, to assist in beeping pcacC and good order, and to execute the orders and processes of the Court. In order to give all p'ossiblc dip - ch to the business of the Sessions, the Clerks to the Ju stices of th'e Peace of the said county are particularly requested to send to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before thzjirst morning of the Sessions, - all Re- cognizances, Informations, and Records of Convictions, taken before such J ustices of the Peace ro^ j etivclv. inSo) JAMES SWAYNE, Wir. Tox, April. 4, 1308. Clerk of the Peace, ft^* The attendance of the Magisrratcs is particularly de- sired on Tuesday morning, oi order to take into consideration what proceedings should be had resp. cting the verdict pro- nounced at the last Sessions concernir1^ Crane Bridge. - n. bar s JO, r- i . ELECTION OF TREASURER. Soir- ruAMI- TON, I | 3' JUSUA.\' T to the standing In II it. f I Or: isr of Sessions, I do hereby give Notice, That hi- Mai. sty's Jo<; ces of the Peace for the :. aitl county will proceed" to the KLECl'lON of a TREA- SURER of the » i!: couiitv, for the year t- hsamg, on'l'ucsday the ib'tli day of April instant, precisely at one o'clock in the afternoon. ' T. WOOIJHAM. WisciD. sTKR, April 4, IRoS. Deputy Cltrk ofthe Peace. HP-) be Lb'IT, and entered upon immediately,— .1 BELl. KVl/ E COTTAGE, situate at Lon.; ham; ' con- taining a pii'lonr, i( J feet •> by 11> feet; a ditto, li fert by i- 2-; a kitchen, w ait ratine- grate and smoak- jack ; large tli. ck- kitolien, with copper and I sen ; laundry- room over the same; on j bed- chamber, fi! feet by 11; one ditto. IS f.- et by rt feet ; on • small ditto; one I irge and two small garrets ; two go d cellars and larder under etound; a tlirce- stall stable ; and chaise and fuel- house.— The House is pleasantly situated on an eminence; in front, a larate inclosed garden, partly walled ' in, and planted with choice fruit trees. The neat Household Furniture mtybe taken at. an appraisement; and if not, it will be sold by au tion.— A close of excellent Pasture tJround, neat two acres, adjoining the garden, w. ll be lett with the premises. Applv by lett- r (" post paid) to J. Cranston, auctioneer, R i iwood; and lor a view of the premises, to the servant at the h iuse. [ 1247 .. ISLE OF WIGHT. Delightful Country Residence, Ready F'rnishe I. R|~ V) be LETT, and entered upoii- immeJiafely, for f one year, handsomely furn- shed,—' The very desirable RESIDENCE, called GIIOV K, situate within one mile of the s a, at S. uidoivn Bay, and five of Kids'. The House com- prizes an entrance hall ; dining- room, 2S feet long, 19 wide, and 14 high ; drawing- roam, of the same dimensions; break- fast and two other sitting rooms ; six excellent bed- rooms and two attics ; with offices of every description, and good cellars ; a capital walled garden of an acre within the walls, and another acre without the walls, stocked with the choicest fruit trees, anil fully cropped ; a double coach- house, six- stall stable, poultry- house, and yard, and other convenient out- houses and offices are detached.— The House stands in a lawn, completely surrounded with the most luxuriant plantations, affording m- iny rich and highly beautiful s, a and land views, and forms altogether a most delightful retreat.— The Tenant may be accommodated with - ny quantity of land not exceeding 28 acres, of which Hi are old meadow," Id lately laid down to cinqu - loin, one in lucerne, and the other is coppice. [ tt) S7 For further particulars applv to Messrs. Clarkes and Sewell, solicitors, Newport, Isle of. Wight; if by 1- tter. post paid. IN the immediate Vicinity of Sou I'HA. U » ' IUA NO- lle LETT, for one, two, or three Years.— A large and commodious MANSION- HOUSE, neatly and el:' candy fur- nished, with coach- houses for four carriages, and stabling for ten horses, toe- ether with every ciWenient necessary office ;, a garden ' containing between three and four acres, perfectly Cropped and yielding an abundance of tVerv kind of vegetable and fruit, with two pineries, two conservatories, and a large green- house, all filled with poles, fruit- trees, and planfs of various descriptions ; together with 23 acres of land, now laid down for hay. [ 71) 5 Jmmediatcipossession may be had, and the terms known, by ap" E. ication to Mr. George Hookey, in Southamp on. T> URSI. EDON HOUSE for SALE, remarkably I. £ pleasantly . situated on the bank of the River, six miles from So torn AM I- TOS ; with double coach- house, two 2- S tailed stables, barn, farmand poultry yards, pleasure and kitchen gardens, in which are shrubberies and neat green- house, productive orchard, and rich - pasture land surrounding the House, in the whhle about - In- acres ; fit for the immediate reception of a Gentleman's Family. The principal rooms are large, lofty, and expansively fitted up ; the House is sub- stantially built, convenient, and replete with every domestic office. For particulars and a view apply to Mr. George Hookey, Southampton. [ 710 Fine favoured Port., Madeira and Hermitage IVities, and superior old Rum, the property of a Gentleman, of'his own importation. T" O be SOLD by AUCTION, nt Belle VBe- Housc, near Southampton, on Tuesday the ad of May, 1808, at eleven o'clock, by G. HooKtv,— si' 50 dozen PORT WINE, of the vintages I7jw, 99. 1301, 2, and « ;— about 100 dozen choice MADERIA, of the vintage l. soi ;— 15 do*, fine HERMITAGE;— 22 dozen of remarkably high- flavored RUM, imported and bottled in 1798, ruial* entirely from the jane juice. To be sold in lots of from three to five dozen ; samples of wh cn will be produced at the sale. r - i>. u f'aluaile Freehold, Leasehold, and Copyhold EUT. il'Jbii, at fptoodlands, in the . Veic Forest. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by GEO. HOOKEY, on Thursday the 28 th of April instant, at one o'clock, on the, premises:— „ l. ot 1. A DwF. I. i. IYG- Housr., neatly fitted up, consisting of dining- room, drawing- room, five best bed- chambers, three servants' ditto, housekeeper's room, butler's patitry, kitchen, and offices ; detached coach- bouse, and stall stabling for six horses ; surrounded bv pleasure and kitchen gardens of abou- ao acre; held under Winchester College, pleasantly situated at WOODLANDS, ivithin two miles of the fox- hounds; - fit for the'immediate reception of a Gentleman's Family. The Fixtures to be taken by- valuation, and the elegant Household Furniture at tlv option of ths purchaser. Lot 2,— Two Freehold FIELDS, of about six acres, called Abbots, now in wheat. Lots.— About m Acres of Meadow and Arable I. AND, with Farm- House, Yard, Barn, Stablintr, Figgery, and every requishe outbuilding, in complete repair, hekl for two lives tinder the Lord of the Manor, known by the names of Frog- lands and Langfords. [ IHH' May be viewed any time previous to the sile, between the beurs of twelve and four, by applying a. t the'House ; and further particulars knewn of the Auctioneer, S- i- h o ptep. DORSETSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the next General Quarter Session of the Peace for the county of Dorset will be holden at Sherborne, in and for the said county, on Tuesday, the - 2o'th day of April ir. st, on which dav tiie Court will be opened at twelve o'clock, and immediately adjourned to the Antelope Inn, in the said town of Shu- boruc," for the special p-. irpis.. of cxainining- all bills and demands on tile county, and tikitig into ' consideration such ether business as mav occur relative to the civil Concerns therein, pursuant to a resolution entered into at a former Session. And, on Wednesday morning, the Conn will meet precisely at ten o'clock, when all Constables, BailiHs, and Juror? soni- moner), tire required to give their attendance'. The business of the Spsion will bum with trying Ap- peals, next Traverses, and lastly the Prisoners. All Appeals ( except those to be entered for the purpose ot adjournment) must be entered with the CI ,- rk of the Peace, on Tuesday, the first day of the Session, and on failure thereof, the adverse party shall have a right to < pner a . Yi Recip/ utur. And on the first day of the S - « ion, all Recognizances, In- formations, and Records of Convictions, are to be. returned to the Clerk of the Peace by the respective Jus- ices' clerks. Also all persons having business to do, o • Bills ot Indictment to prefer, are required to attend fo'dirigly. WM. BURNET, Cieik Of the Peace. Sher+ orne, April 4, 1808. [ 1117 HANTS SESSIONS. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the General CiHirter Sessions of the Peace for. the county of South- ampton, will be holdcn at the Castle of Winchester, on Monday the 25th day of April lust, at one o'clock in the aft.- rnoon, at . which time tile Court will be opened,- and im-: i" di » t.'. ly adj lurned t<> the George Inn, in tlie city of Winchester, for the spec's! purpose of Irisp;. ! inand examin- ing the Treasurer's Ac-^ ouhts, and als > all hills and other demands 0.1 the Countv, pursuant to the resolutions- entered into at a former S. s. oo. The Court will be adjourned from the" G- Qtge Inn, and op- njd agiin- at th<| O.- lk- of Winchester^ or, trie Tuesday following, viz. the * 2; jth day 01 April in- '., precisely at. t,. n o'clock 111 the forenoon, when all jCoastibles, Bailllf:, jurors,- and others concerned, are hereby requited to c. ve their at- tendance. And in order to fit- all possible dispatch to'tbc business, th* Atrornies, Parties, and W errs'" • - s prosecuting any Appeals, In- di - tinc- ts, or other bns-' rn-' ssl must be prepared at the opening ' of tin- Court on TiU'S. fov morning, and Outing the wcole of the Sessions, that the Court may cull on the Causes in such order and at such times as they shnll sec s- Onvc- s- ieur. Ajtpeais must be etUrrcJ with thti Cletk of lie Peace, pre- : p)' oi(- 7, y to the opening uj'the Ciuurl on ' futsday vunmug, or the parlies . U; il, l not be pennitieii tOj try. . > Recognizances, Informations, and Reports of Corvict- iotis are to b; r. turned ta the Clerk" of the Peac. 9 by the respective Justices' Clerks, on Or before'the d'av preceding the Sessions. — bated this ilk day of Apttf, 1808. T.' WOOD HAM, DephtylCicik fcf the Peace. All persons who'have emdrt'd ' i-. tb'R' cognizances to afrpeur at this Sessions concerning A. ssaiijts, Arc. are reouired ' to " take notice", that they ' m'fSfs in pursuance of their irwjSS /. OS- OS,. appear at tins' ' sessions, coll: r p, r- or,".' iy or by ' hen attomi.- s, in order to withdraw tbesatne, although alev . n- iy t- ifiOt'- l ' ESTATE at WINDSOR, in the A'lW Fines'.. rro be SOLD by AUCTION, without any M. reserve, bv (.'.:, IVMOMT SIIARI-, at the Whits- Horse Inn, Romsey, on Tuesday the ild of M„ v, 1808, at half past five o'clock in the afternoon,— All that compact COFYHOLD ESTATE, with the Timber growing thereon, comprising about 22. acres and a halt' of Land, with a Dwellirg- house, Ham, Stable, ' iVc.'' situated at Windsor, in the New Forest, now in the occupation of Robert Paice. The premises are pleasant and healthy, on tbe'hordcrs of the New Forest, arul afford several choice situations for Irtiijding ; it is adorned with several hundred thrifty yoirag Oaks, to which the land is peculiarly congenial; distance six miles from Romsey, seven from Southampton, and three from LyndliUrst. FT particulars enquire of the Auctioneer, at his Cabinet and Upholstery Warehouses, Romsey. . [ llh' 0 illC. lt 111,,, 111 V/ Htvl 111 V V I .1 lilt Ill, 11111,11, previously liavecoiiiptoniised t- he ir » tte¥.. HOUSE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ROMSEV '" pO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, by JR. - Ci. r. xF. sr StiAitr-, on Tnesduv the lid of Mav, and three, following days,— The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Fiate, Linen, China, Glass, Wines, find sundry other Effects of Mr. Godwin Seward, who is quitting his present residence. The Furniture, which is respectable and in excellent con- dition, comprises a general assemblage of useful and orna- mental drawing r: so'm, dining tooth, and bed room requisites ; the kitchen utensils ar.: of the first quality, anrl aie altogether worth the attention of the inhabitants of the neiehbcntir. g towns.— The goods m, iy be viewed on Friday arid Saturday preceding the sale. The House, which is held 011 a renewable lease, Consists of a handsome drawing room, two parlours, six bed rooms, besides attics, kitchen, cellars, and suitable offices, and will be put up precisely at twelve o'clock on the first day of sale. Catalogues will be d.' livered and further particulars given at the warehouses of the auctioneer, Romsey. fli'nW FREEHOLDS. - BASINGSTOKE, HANTS. ^ po be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with I. immediate possession,-— A compact and very dtsirable VILLA, wi: h about 1U0 Acres of rich Arable and Pasture LAND, in high cultivation, Sailed the Down ; 1!. Vaeres lie within a ring fence, ami the res: near; d,( lining, situate about 50 miles from London, within 200 yards of the high toad leading to Winchester. The premises cons: st of a handsome Dw. tit 1.1 n i>- llou. s z, with airy and ch erful bedchambers, a dining- room, drawing- room, kithen, dairy, brev,' house, and all requisite dom - stie office-, fitted up in a convenient manner ; good Icellari.'. g detached, chaise house and starring, yard, , barn, cow ho ise, pi; ger., and all necessary out- bu: Mines I' immediately adjoining, with an excellent walled .-. mien, well ' itocktd with fruit tree, in the highest state of perfection. 1 The premises are well supplied with water, situate in a sport- ing part of the country, near tpx- hou jJs and harriers, and sn'rr iuride'- l by a'good neighbourhood. Also t-' our " Tenements, situete in Oat- street, in the several ov up-' ions of Mr-. Davie--, ' Mr. Tubb, ar. d others, A Cottage and Close of Mo:; d. iw GrcUed, by the side of the Reading road,- c . r. tain'r. g one aerc or thcreabtJUts, in thr b-.- cupi-. uou of Daniel Penn, butcher, whose term expires at Michaslow* J. ifofl. An'd a'vi- ihi if'le Chalk Pit, imnici'i-. tely contiguous to the RcDdlngfoad, rtov- rented by Mr. Wm. Guyatt, W- hose term c* p ies at Michaelmas next. l-' or further • psrt'icuL-. rs'p. f the whole,. and for a view of the farm, apjiiytoM -• » ) « . R, iggett'ar. d Coir, solicitors',' Odibafn;' Haitls, St wlioi. Ofii.- e a lilafrl at' the Estate may be Seen ; Mr. Chardcv,. vili- ir- r. No. is, Rlsuk Lane, will al » . » ctVe < VvhWfiSt*; i: i! a « sV tito- Tutu. [- 041 - L . , " THIS DAY IS r- UttLISHED, A new - Mt/ idn, FooLnaj, n: 6. Wt h Tu'euly- fiur Tt'M C, u.<\ . . P'ii r 4e. ad. Hoards, rpi! E NI- IY BATH GUIDE; or, MkwriiR. s <- f 1 the B— n — r— ii l-' AM'n. r. In a Series ot Poetical Epistle v Kiitlm in orhii lo bs n-. ru pra'iK it: th cala. Hor. London: I'rint- d for Vcrnor. Hood, and Sharpe; CuthrU and Martin5 J. Walker; L-. ukin. toii, Allen, and Co.; 0. N'imn; Otr. d and . Son; R. l, ea ; Longman. Hurst, Rec.,, i nl Onne; andJ. Murray; and s,. ki at lue Printine- offii'e; Salisburv. THIS DAY ! S PUISUS'IED, A . Vnr Edition, 12; price as. at, boards, E'Fi'l'. R. h from BARON HALI. kk to his DAl'mi- ji- 1 tlv.. dn the TRUTHS ofthe CHKiSTlAN RELI- GION. 1 ranslated from the German. London : Fruited for Vurior, Hood, arid Sharpe; St itcherd and L Herman; Loiieman, Hurst, Rets, artd Oritie ; Cu'theil - and Martin; J. Harris; J Walker; Lacking.. ton. Allen, and Co.; and J. Booker; and sold at tile Printing Office, Salis- ; b » ry- _____ r) 2Q|." T IS DAY IS PUliLlSHElX ' A . Yere Edition, in 18mo. pruc li. 6d. boards-, rrilE ECONOMY OK HUMAN LI EE. H- By ROBERT DODSI. EV: With 32 elegant wood cuts bv Atlstin and I Itil'e, frOni designs by Craig, Lindon: Printed for Vetnor,' Hood, and Shaip'c.; Long- m tn, Hurst, Rees. andOriiie; J. Harris; Darton. ahd HarVcv ; Wynne and Soil; R. Sclioley; Cuthell and Martin: tV, J. an 1 J. Richardson ; J. Walker; Lackington, Allen, and Co;; and B. Crosby; and sold at the Printing Office, Salisbury Al so,— An elegant edition in foolscap 8vo. price os. boards; THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, Elegantly printed in Po^ t ( » mo by liwttrmti/ nt; with Plates, Price 6s. ( hi. Hon ds, rpiE COMPLAINT; or NlGifi'tilOLWrS; A By EDWARD YOUNG, I. I.. I). Sunt lacrymie r.- i- um, et ineutu. n mortulia 1 an oint. P'iix. London :— Printed for F. C. and J. Rivingnn ; Otri Ige and Sou ; Scatehard and Letterman ; Cuthell and Martin ; l. ack- ingtijn, Allen, and Co.; Longman, llutst. Revs, and Orme ; Vernor, Hood, and Sharpe; Cadcll and Dayies; J: Maw- man ; and Wynne and Son ; and sold at the Printing- office, Silhsbury. juu} ORNA. YIENTAL ARCHITECtURE. The following Books have been published l y J. TAVI. OR, t the Architectural Lihr irv, No. 5<) Il- gh liolborn, and mu sold at the PRINTING Orritn, Sahsbutv. 1. USIJY's Designs for Villas and Cdutitry Houses, JLl on el plates, quarto, 1/. 5f. boards. 2. BUSBY'S Designs lot mods Fi EmbeiliahnierttS for Folding Dours, Chinincy- pici- jt, Vataadas, itc. 45 plates, tluarto co- loured, 1/.. 111 I'd. a. AiKIN'S D. sie- ns for Villas and other rural Buildings al plates, quarto, il. lis. Gd. 4. DEIKN'S Designs• for Cottagesdnd rural Dwellings, plates, largequirto, 1/. 7s. 5. Pac'ocK's Designs for rustic Cottages, picturesque Dwel- lings and Villas, : w plates, quarto, li 11 « . IDI. G. RANU. AI. I.' S Designs tor Villas, Mansions, Lodges and Cottages, 134 plates, large qu irto, 21. 12s. ad. 7. LUCAVS Sketches for Cottages, rural Dwellings, Jgc. 08 plates, quarto, ll. ils. U'd. H. Lug A it's Designs tor Farm Houses, Farm Yards, Dairies* Cottages, Sc. 21 plates," quarto, It. '). LAING'S Hints for Dwellings, Cottai. cs, Villas; & c. 34 pl.' tes, quarto, 1/. S. s. 10. Ton's Plans of Hot Hoifses, Green Houses; Conserva- tories, & c. 27 plates, folic-, ill. 12i. b'rf. fiob' 8 • OVERSEERS; CHURCHWARDENS, ~ The following publication tvill be foUrld a useful and perfect Guide to all persons concerned ih the Direction ol Palish Business. . rT, lIIS < iay is published, in pro. 3s. Sewed; the fifth fi. Edition, much eiilwged, of-— The LAWS respecting PARISH MATTERS; containing the Office and Duties > f Churchwardens, Overseers uf the Poof, Constables, Watch- men, and other Parish Officers. The Laws Concerning Ret s and Assessments,- Settlements and Removals of the Poor, end . of the Pour in general, laid down ih a plain and caSv manner ; with a great variety of Forms of sill such Instruments as most frequently occur in the Management of Parish Aflalr-:. By JAMES BARRY BIRD, Esq. Also in svo. price -- is. sewed, the eight!, edition of the Laws respecting Landlords, Tenants, and Lodgers. In Svo. price O. v. sewed, the fifth edition of the Laws re- specting Wills, ExecdtorS, Administrators; and Guardians; 111 ( jvo. price as. sewed, the fifth editiofi o! the Law's re- specting Musters and Servants, API ". fitices, Riamifacnirersi and Journcvmen, with the Laws respecting CombinationSt Tile ;: b tve four publications may be had, if t . ken t igethel done up in one cOfivenient volume, under the title of Law S.- lectionS, price 1 Is. boards, or 12s. ( id. bound. London: Printed for W. Clarke and Sons, Portiical- ftreit; Lincoln's- inn, and sold at the Printing OfSce, Sal Sbury • where may be had the 3d and last vol. containing the Law of Tithes, T urnpikes and Ilighvvays, Commons, Travelling, itc; at the same price. K? » In ordering any of tile above publications, be pleaded to say those by BIRD. ( 1 ipg ISTEMPER) MANGE, and ofher DISEASED of DOGS.— The following most valuable MEDI- CINES ( discovered and prepared by Mr. BLAINE, Veteri- nary Sufgeonj are patronised and used hy s K- ral branches of the Royal Family, by almost all the Nobil. ty, and by every celebrite l Spjrtsiu. an iri the united kingdr m. D1 STEM Mil.— I li s Mnlicm- J Powders for Distemper, price Is. ( iit. per packet, usu illy sufficient fot the cure, are actually iu requ- st iri every part or the globe. MAN. sr..— His Sprcffio Ointment for Marge is the most easy and infallible r.- medy t- ver disc ivel'ed; pfice is. Gd. ps/ r box, amply sufficient. WottMis.— His Worm Powder, price 2s. Gd. per s. t, destroys all the various kinds of Worms, without ever filibeg. CANKER IN fur. EAR.— Blood or Matter withinsidc of the Ear tcaz. s Dogs almost to. nui- Jntss; but the complaiht is r.- adily remov.- d 1 v his Canker Wash, price Ms. 6d.- r bottle. CANKER ON THE Ft sir or in h EAR, 2S. Gd. per bok : thfc Ointment is a specify and certain Cure. FOI'LNESS AND IrcHlNt) or THE Skix are removed as well as condition promoted by his Alterative Condition or Mange Powder--; price 2s: per set. Pu tun no BALE'S, a safe, but effective purgative, price 2s. Gtf. per, box. These Medieiile? are sold bv bis w'. d' sale agent, T. BocscV, No. 4( Old Hroad- stfeet, where Mr. Blaine attends eteK- Wcdnisday, from eleven till one ; Barclay ar. d Son, Fket- nlarket; at the Printing Office, Salisbury; and other renders of genuine med tines at Warminster, Devizes, Caine, Marl- borough, Southampton, V.' inchcstei-, and IfemSey; [ 1164 IFhei'e mm, be had, ELAINE'S GENUINE IIORSE MEDICINES: CiOOKE's packet edition of ihe TOPOGRAPH V y of GREAT BRITAIN; or, British Tourist's i'oclet Directory, and Travelling Coftlpanioii.,, Being ali iifccuriite andcomprelieiisive de. criptiou ot all th-. Countus in Etigland, Scotlahd; anil Wales ; including valuable' Fx'racts from the Survey of the respect. ve Counties made by ordet of the Board of Agriculture. By GEORGE ALEXANDER C0OK. fi, Esq. Editor of the Universal System of Geography. The Work is iiltisti. » ted with county maps, plans, & c. forming together a eOmbk- Ic- British Ati:. s. The following counties aie published* and itiay be pur- chas. e separate from the Gt- ner. il Typiigh. pJiVj at' the price attached to each,— Cornwall is. e'ri. Devonshire It. fid. Dor- setshire Is. Gd. Somersetshire Is. Gd. Wiltshire IS. Gd. Hamp- shire IS. ( Id. GlouctstcHhire U. Gd. Lancashire OS. Yorkshire:). « . Berkshire Is. Gd: Uuckirn'bauishir Is. Gd. Bedtoldshire 1 s. Gil. Cambridgeshire l. v. Gd. Kent a. t. Sussex 14. Gd. Es& ur. U. tkl. Hcrtfordshif e Is. fid. Middlesex 8s.- Tht D. script. 011 of London may be had separate from the woik, price it.: ' he succeeding Counties will be published at the same cheap rate, 011 the first day. of every month.— To each County is prefix d a List of the Markets and Fairs ; an Index Table, shewing at one view the distance of every town frOm London, and from each other; also a cop; 0us Travelling Guide, exhibiting the- direct and princ pal cross roads, inns, distai ce ot stages, noblemen's and gentlemen's scats, ate. Jorm. ing a complete County Itine- rary.— A Sup.- nor Edition pTprintcdon a large wovy " vellum paper, and contains coloured maps, price - 2s. Gti. each county, except Middlesex, Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Kent, which are.' is. each. London; Printed for C. Cooke, 17, Paternoster- row; s 11 at the Printing Office, Salisbury ; and by all the booksellers in the united kingdom. Of whom may be had the following work. COOKE'S cheap and elegant pocket edition of IIUME's HISTORY of ENGLAND; with Continuations by HMOI.- i. ETT arid Ll. ovp. Printed froni the latest edition's, with their lust corrections and improvements, amf'embellished with 100 epsra. viDfts. 4i- Htune, i- 2 vols, price U. 10s.; Smolleti's C : n- tii. uaton, 5 vols. il.; Lloyd's Coritiniiati'on, 5 vols. 12s. Gd.; Index, 1 vol. £ » . 6d. The work may be purchased in separate ' volumes, by ope or more at a. time, price ( hi.. each ; su- " pcrlor editi0fi"" 4i. ;' bi- ihg4the" sarfflTShirjc'v/ tlll- h it'; s iiffixed ts) t! i - # ork previous to the late enormous advance on p iper, and wht. h is 51) per cent, cheaper than rii- v otf- r edition. , _* [ 10S4 THE " Statue SALISBURY ANI"> WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Sunday s Post. By Express. r LONDON GAZETTE. PUBM- MFO ON SATURDAY fllGIIT, APRIL 53. WHITEHALL, April II. r-^ HE King has been pleased to grant unto Sir Henry Harpur, of Calke Abbey, in the county of Derby, Bart, his Royal Licencc and Authority, that he Snd his issue may take and use the surname " of Crewe only, and also bear the Arms of Crewe quarterly with those of Ilarpur. ERRATUM in a former Gazette.— Portsmouth 1battalion Volunteer Light Infantry,— l'or John Sutton, Esq j to he Captain, read John Sutton Strug ar, Esq ; to he Captain. BANKRUPTS. William HAVPS. of Manchester, victualler. John Ftttigtew, of Liverpool, ma& ter- niarinf r. Isaac Cole, of Mamltull, Dortet, wooUtaplcr, .?* mea Connolly, of Manchester, linen- merehAnt. , Samuel Warktnaon, of Liverpool, brnsli- manufar. turer. Joan Ner.-, of Birimlngham, linen and woollen- draper. Jonathan Barker and Hill Barker, of Morton, York, cotton- spinners. Jowph narlotr, of Samlgate, Kent, carpenter. Charics t> K< l<* n, oftlaworth. York, worated- maniifacturer. LONDON, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 28. The transports for the Expedition now fitting out arc all in readiness at Ramsgate. The embarkation of the troops is expected to begin to- morrow, and to be completed by the 29th inst. In assisting Sweden il is expected that an attack of Norway will take place. The attack of Cronstadt, the burning of the Russian fleet there, and the taking possession of some of the islands in the Baltic, for the rendezvous of the British fleets in that sea, are among a few of the projects started in the loose conjectures of the day. Some accounts were yesterday received from the Continent, by which we learn, that at Antwerp and at Bourdeaux, a number of American vessels are still detained under Bonaparte's decree, some of which are expected to be condemned. Bonaparte is stated to have left Paris for Portugal. This accouat is cor- roborated by some fishermen returned to Brighton from Dieppe, where they had been detained. They state, that previous to their departure, they were in- formed that Napoleon hat! set out on Sunday se'nnight, for Lisbon. The fate of that unhappy country will therefore very shortly be decided. While Admiral Duckworth's squadron were lying in the Chesapeake, they learned that several hundreds of British seamen, in the American service, in conse- quence ofthe embargo on all American shipping, had been discharged, and now claimed protection from our Consuls, in various ports in America, as British subjects. The prevailing opinion yesterday at Lloyd's was, that the Ilochefort squadron, which we have been cruizing for in every quarter of the globe, still remains, after all, snug in that port, and that the striking of their yards and topmasts induced the first belief that they had put to sea; a < redulity which the deceptious intelligence given by American vessels wrought into an indisputable fact. - Capt. Rainier is elected Member of Parliament for Sandwich, in the room of the late Admiral Rainier, after a contest of three days. Captain Rainier polled 335,— his opponent, Mr. Morgan, 132 votes. NRW GAME LAWS.— Many persons are of opinion, that fieldfares larks, and sparrows, might be included in the class of Game, with as much propriety as woodcocks and snipes. However this opinion may be well or ill founded, those at all acquainted with rural trconomy know that it BMist be as mischievous to protect rabbits by this descrip- tion it would be to include rats therein. Where the soil is dry and light, if rabbits are suffered to abound, the mischief they do is incalculable, not only by devouring corn, turnips, clover, Ac. but sii!! more, by undermining and thereby destroying f mces, an! eating down the young quick anil newly planted trees of every description ; and it is only by continual attention, and no inconsiderable degree of labour, tbat they can be prevented from swarm- in" wherever they or. ee gain a footing. Naturalists have calculated that a single pair of rabbits may, in the space of four years, increase to the astonishing number of 1,27- 1,840. BIRTH ] Yesterday, in Harley- street, Mrs, Hughs, wife of Henry Hughs, Esq. of a daughter. MARRIED.] On Thursday, at the Abbey Church, in Hath, (.' apt. Clarke, of the Royal Marines, to Miss Kirk- land, daughter of W. Kirkland, Esq. of f'ultency- street.— The Captain was on the recruiting service, and having teat up for the affections of the Lady, she agreed to sur- render on terms•- the lovers ingeniously contrived to be married without the knowledge of the young Lady's parents, and immediately set off from Bath. Report says, the Lady has an independent fortune ; besides which, her father is immensely rich, but i> in great grief for the step she has taken. DIED.] Yesterday, in the 81st year of his age, Mr. Thomas Hull, the father of the Stage, and who was uni- versally beloved and respected during the w hole of his long life. PRICES OF STOCKS TIMS At Three o'Clock. DAY, Bank Stock, 23? J India Stock, 173 South Sea Stock, 72$ ; i T* Cent. Red. « S:? 3 ^ Cent. Cons. 65 § 4 v Cents. 82| fi y Cent. Navy, psf 5 fi Cent. 17P7, shut Long Ann. 18| ex. div. jJ Omnium, — jj Irish ditto, — ;, India Bonds, pat. ! pr. jj Exchequer Bills, 6 a 8 pr. ;! Irish 5 » Cents. SKJ jj Imperial 3 "} » • Cents, shut jj English Lott. Tick. £ i; Dittu Prizes, 2 y Cent. dis. I! The Bellone frigate is gone into Macoa, with four feet water in the hold, and the Phattoti fripate dis- mayed They spoke the Bombay frigate, from whom they received information that Admiral Sir Edward Pellcw was off Batavia. On Monday evening arrived in Cawsand Bay the Royal George, ' of 110 guns, Vice- Admiral Sir J. T. Duck- worth, Capt. Dunn ; Tonnant, of 84 guns, Hon. Rear- Admiral De Courcv, Capt. Hancock ; Temcraire, 98 guns, (.' apt. Sir Charles Hamilton ; Neptune, 98 guns, Capt. Sir Thomas Williams; and Dragon, 74 guns, Capt. Scott.— Sir John Duckworth lias failed in all his efforts to discover the Rochefort squadron. After running down the West India Islands, he shaped his course for the Chesapeake, and remained seven days off the Capes of Virginia, looking out for intelligence in till directions. The gallant Admiral is much mortified at the enemy's giving him the slip. . The outward- bound East India fleet, under convoy of the Thetis frigate, passed by on Sunday evening, with a fine wind at N. N. W. The slight hope that had been entertained of the safety of the Skelton Castle East Indiaman, is entirely destroyed by tbe late arrival of the India fleet, without any intelligence respecting her. The Skelton Castle sailed from England in the summer of 1806, and was see* for the last time in the middle of the following December. The fleet for Jamaica, which sailed under convoy of the Dispatch, of 18 guns, Capt. Lillierop, was spoken oil the 26th ult. all well, off Madeira. On Wednesday arrived the Ann, Maria, and St. Anne, French chasse marees, from France, laden with wheat and beans, captured off lielleisje the 14th in- tant t there is a fourth captured, that is not yet arrived, all taken by the Aigle, of 36 guns. Sailed the Alexandria, of 36 guns, and the Surinam, of 18 guns, on a cruize. Arrived the Ilindostan, of 50 guns, with a fleet of victuallers, from off the Tagus. Came in the Pallas and Pomone frigates, from a cruize; the former has been ashore on the coast of France. PORTSMOUTH, April 23. The Inconstant frigate, Capt. Dickfon, is ordered to be paid oil', and her men turned over to the Belle Poule, fitting in the harbour. Monday.— Arrived the Belette sloop, Capt. Sanders, from the eastward, and Alphea cutter, Lieut. Gibbons; also the Hoadteea, of 30 guns, Capt. Maitland, and sailed again on Tuesday. Sailed the Nemesis, of 28 guns, Capt. Somerville, and Flying Fish schooner, with convoy for Newfoundland. TVeduesday.— Sailed the Melpomone, of 38 guns, Vice- Admiral Rowley, Cap'.. Parker, and Amaranthe sloop, Capt. Brew ton, with convoy for the West Indies: Medusa of 32 guns, Hon. Capt. liouverie; Thalia, of 32 guns, ( apt. Manbv; and Locust gun- vessel, Lieut. Gedge, on secret service. Thursday— Arrived the Thrasher gun vessel, with con- voy from the Downs. jFVi(/ « //-* Arrived the Statira, of 38 guns, Cap ain Bromley, from America, having landed Mr. G. II. Rose at Lymington. Saturday— Arrived tbe Centurion, of 50 guns, Capt. Webb, ami I'tlter gun vessel, Lieut. Evelyn, from the Mediterranean; the latter with dispatches. During a sudden squall of wind on Friday, a boat, belong- ing to the Leopard was unfortunately overset, by which accident eight men and women met an untimely death. LYMINGTON, April 23. Mr. Rose is arrived here from America, in the Statira frigate, and landed yesterday. lie was received with bell- ringing, and the joyful welcome of his friends. The Statira has proceeded rotund to Portsmouth. poet iSctog. FALMOUTH, April 21. The Prince Adolphus packet arrived this evening from New York and Hali- fax, after a passage of 24 days from the latter place. The embargo still continued,' and the distress was in consequence very great. The popular disposition is more than ever in favour of England. The Princess Charlotte and Duke of Kent packets sailed on Saturday la't, the former for Jamaica and the latter for Halifax and New York. The Espeigle sleoop of war sailed on Sunday for Cork. The Pilot and Diligcaec sloops of war sailed on the same day for Gibraltar. BRIXHAM, April 22. Arrived on Wednesday evening la- t, under convoy ofthe Nemesis and Flying Fish, the outward bound Quebec and Newfoundland fleets • also arrived vesterdav afternoon from off Ushant, under command of Rear- Admiral Sotheby, the Vilje de Paris, Dreadnought, St. George, Spencer, Valiant, Achilles, and Africa, of the line ; and the Ann brig. Wind West. PLYMOUTH, April 22. This morning arrived the American East- Indiaman General Clarjiioo, Capt. Enoch Clonklin, from Canton, laden with tea and nankeen, detained and sent in by the Hyacinth, of j 3 guns. The General Clarkson was detained the joth of March, in lat. .7. 30, long. 30. 30, and the Hyacinth proceeded directly for tire Brazils, where she was bound with dispatches for Sir Sydney Smith. A few days before the General Clarkson sailed from Canton, the Albion country shi}> caught fire at Canton, and was destroyed ; she was a very valuable ship, being laden with silks, & c. and had on board two mil. linns of dollars ( Company's property), and one million of private property. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, ARPIL 23. On Saturday the ltnh inst. was married, at Whit- church, by the Rev. Lloyd Williams, Mr. J. Crouch, jun. of Swathling, to MissBarfoot, of Whitchurch. On Monday last was married, at Whitchurch, by the Rev. L. Williams, John Barrow, Esq. of Wed- more, Somerset, to Charlotte, second daughter of Major Andrews, of Henley, near Witchurch, in this county. On Saturday was married, in London, Matthew C'orsellis, Esq. to Miss Uttcrson, eldest daughter of tbe late John Utterson, Esq. of Marwell Ilall, in this county. On Monday was married, at St. George's Church, Hanover- square, London, William Buck, Esq. lo Miss Robbins, eldest daughter of the late Thomas Robbins, Esq. of Binfield, Berks, and formerly of Row n hams, in this county. On Tuesday last was married, at Hale, by the Rev. T. C. May, James Powell, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of the late Joseph May, Esq. of Hale House, in this county. On Tuesday was married Mr. Poticary, of Wher- well, to Miss Swait, of Hursborne- Priors. A few days since tlied, at Melchet Park- farm, in this county, much lamented, Mrs. Wolff, wife of James Weston Wolff, Esq. only son of Sir Jacob Wolff, Bart, of Mellyfont Abbey, in the county of Somerset. On Thursday the 14th inst. died, at the house of her father, Joseph Sherer, Esq. in Southampton, Mrs. Ilenry Kuhff, wife of H, Kuhff, Esq. of Islington. Early on Sunday morning last died, at Hill, near Southampton, Miss Catherine Brouuiow Bertie, second daughter of Rear Admiral Bertie. Though she had been for some time in a declining way, her death was very sudden and unexpected. , On Tuesday died, at Andnver, after a long illness, which she hore with Christian patience, Mrs. Jane Bird, a^ rcd 76 years. On Wednesday last died, after a short illenss, Mrs. Chidell, widow of the late Mr. Thomas Cliidell, of the Mitre Inn, in Southampton. As she lived beloved, so has she died regretted by all who knew her. On Friday last died, in the 89th year of his age, Mr. Jeremiah Self, masher, of Newport, in the Isle of Wight. On Saturday morning last the body of Mr. Daniel Perry, coal- merchant, of Newport, was found drowned, and floating in the River. It appeared on evidence before the inquest, that Mr. Perry went home about half past ten o'clock on Friday evening, and fell from his coal- wharf into the River. SALISBURY. MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1888. The Concert and Ball for the benefit of the Salis- bury Infirmary, on Monday last, attracted an audi- tory of upwards of 240 persons. The Officers of the second Somerset regiment, by whom the Concert was conducted, had thus the double gratification of bene- fiting the excellent Institution to which they had devoted the profits of the night, and of again contri- buting by their exertions to the entertainment of their friends. The Guardians of the Poor of this City went out of ofSce on Monday last, when two of them had gratuities of 20/. each, and the other two gratuities of 10/. each. Mr, Reeves, one of the latter, distributed bis 10/. among 145 poor persons, giving 2s. Gd. to some, 2s. to others of the most distressed objects, and the remainder in single shillings, taking great pains to discover and ' elect those to whom even the leiser sum was an acceptable and season- able relief. The Rev. John Dunsterville, A. B. eldest son of B. Dunsterville, Esq. of Plymouth, and Chaplain t « Sir Edward Pellew, has been appointed principal Chaplain of Cananore, in the East Indies. On Sunday the 17 th inst. was married Mr. Charles Walker, of Bath, to Miss Mary Russell, second daughter of Thomas Russell, Esq. of Trowbridge. On Monday last was married, at Dintou, Mr. W. Jukes, ofHatherly, to Miss Henrietta Croonie, of the former place. On Monday was married John Withers, Esq. of Hayden, in this county, to Miss Willoughbv, daughter of the lute Robert Willoughby, Esq. of Wantage, Berks. On Tuesday last was married, at Islington, Mr. Brabant, surgeon, of Devizes, ( partner of the late Robert Clare, Esq.) to Miss Hughes, daughter of Mr. Hughes, attorney, of the same place. On Tuesday was married William Gaisford, ES< 1- third son of John Gaisford, Esq. of I ford- house, Somerset, to Miss Caroline Bush, third daughter of Thomas Bush, Esq. of Bradford, in this county. On Wednesday was married Mr. Robert Cayme, of Yeovil, sail- cloth manufacturer, to Miss A. Glyde, fourth daughter of Mr. Glyde, of Exeter, corn- merchant. On Friday the 8th inst. was married, atSt. Sidwell's, Exeter, Mr. Britton, of the Warren- house, near Dawlish, to Miss E. Bransford, of Paris- street, Exeter. Died, fyi the 28th of September, at Conimercollv, on his way to Calcutta, for the recovery of his health, and in the 31st year of his age, James Adair, Esq. Register of the City Court at Dacca, and only son of the late Mr. Serjeant Adair. Lately died, at Plymouth, much regretted, Mrs. Douglas, widow of Capt. Douglas of the Royal Navy. On Tuesday the 12th inst. died, at Cherton, in this county, Mrs. Clarke, wife of the Rev. Samuel Clarke, Vicar of that parish. On Saturday the 1 ( 5th inst. died Miss Elizabeth Vilettes, younges daughter of the Rev. Dr. Vilettes, of Swindon, in this county. On Monday died, after a long illness, Mr. Battar, of Bradford Abbas, near Sherborne. O11 Friday died Mr. Joy, fishmonger, in the Butcher- row, and many years a distributor of tlds Journal. By the stumbling of his horse, about ten days before, he was thrown violently from his cart, and in the fall his shoulder was dislocated, and he was otherwise so much shook and bruised, that the accident terminated fatally as above- mentioned. An account of tbe murder of a Mr. Satchell, lietween this c'ty and Romsey, has appeared ill several of the Journals ; but we have every reason to believe that this account is erroneous, and that 110 such muVder has been committed. To the FREEHOLDERS of HAMPSHIRE. G F. NTLEMEN, AS one of yourselves, I take the liberty to address you upon the subject of a bill intended to be shortly brought before Parliament, the object of which is, to cause SUGAR to be used iu the Distilleries of England and Scotland, instead of the CORN which is how therein used. For many months past, gentlemen, there has existed a general alarm at the shutting of the foreign corn- ports. The argument has been this: we have long been in the habit of importing annually a large, quantity of corn ; thi s importation was necessary, oth rwise it would not have been made ; and the enemy having succeeded in closing the ports of the Baltic against us, at the same time that the unju t and insolent demands of America leave us no ground whereon to depend upon a supply of corn from that country, it is evident that, unless we can, in some way or other, add to the quantity of corn produced at home, we must, in proportion to the quantity of corn now impui ted, experience additional distress, if a year of scarcity should unhappily arrive. The truth of this conclusion every man admits, and the nation, with voice unanimous, exclaim, Let us, as we love our lives and hate the yoke of a con- queror, add to the quantity of the corn produced at home. Now, gentlemen, one way of adding, in effect, to the quantity of any thing, is, to obtain some other thing capable of being made use of in its stead. Thus, if a man's turnips run short, he gives some cabbages to his cattle, and does thereby, in fact, add to his quantity of turnips. Upon this plain principle the King's Ministers have the intention of bringing forward the bill above described; and, it must, I should think, be evident to every man, that, if we bring sugar from our colonies lo supply the place of the com now used in the distilleries, there w ill be in the country so much more corn to be used in the way of food, which is the very effect that w e are all so anxious to see produced, and to produce which effect the situation of our colonies a" d our commerce is, at this moment, acknowledged, on all hands, to be peculiarly favourable. Evident, however, as these truths appear to me, and, as I think they will appear to you, a great clamour has, by some of the land- owners and corn- dealers, teen raised against the intended bill; the alarm of these gentlemen having, all of a sudden, changed its nature; from a dread of a scarcity of corn, they have, in the twinkling of an eye, fallen into a dread of too great a plenty of corn ; and some of them assert, that, if the intended bill should become a law, the/ Vo mers will become bankrupts, because, having lost one of the markets for their corn, their corn 1rill fall in price, and they will not be able to pay tlieir rents. Gentlemen, any thing more groundless than this alarm, more unsound than this reasoning, I do not remember to have met w ith in the course of my life. What'. is plenty the farmer's ruin ? Is abundance to be a source of national danger ? Is cheapness of corn the people's curse ? The farmer has poor- rates to pay as well as rent; and, you all well know, gentlemen, that he has more to pay in poor- rates when corn is dear than when corn is cheap; you know, in fact, that the amount of his poor- rates keeps in exact proportion to the price of corn ; you know, also, that what is not given iu times of scarcity to the labourer in increased poor- rates must be given him in increased wages; you know further, that, if the farmer sells bis corn cheap, he fats his hogs cheap, he feeds his horses and cattle cheap, lie keeps his servants cheap: and, indeed, you, who are farmers, well know, from bitter experience, that the greatest evil of your lives were the high prices ot the year 1800 and 1801, an evil which you feel to this hour, and which you will feel for many years yet to come. Hut, gentlemen, I beg you to consider the sweeping tendency of the principle, upon which the intended bill is objected to, which principle applies to all cases wherein an increase in the produce of corn takes place. • According to this principle, to improve the land already inclosed is an evil, because tuch improvement will certainly add to the produce of the land ; that increased produce w ill as certainly lower the price of corn ( unless more mouths are found to eat it) ; to lower the price of corn is, according to the opposers of this bill, to ruin the farmer; anil, therefore, if we admit this principle, to improve the land already inclosed is an evil. And, gentlemenn, what shall, then, be said, of new inelosures 1 It is tbe general opinion, that new inclosures cause an addition to the quan- tity of corn produced; it is the opinion of many of tho- e who oppose the bill, that the way to prevent scarcity in England and Scotland is to bring large tracts of waste lands into cultivation, because, they say, that the quan- tity of com produced would thereby be made greater than it now ii. Supposing this to be the case ( and that no new mouths are created to eat such addition to the produre) the price of corn will certainly he l" wert 4 by the new in- closuies; the lowering the price of corn w ill here again, according to tbe opposers of the bill, ruin the farmer; and therefore, upon their principle, those new inelonires, which they themselves represent as being necessary to the salvation of the country, would be a great national evil. The ligh^, however, in which the inconsistency of the e gentlemen's conduct appears the roost clearly, is thi-, that for a long series of years they have seen corn brought into England and Scotland from foreign countries, without having, iu any one instance, complained against it, as likely to ruin the farmers. Now there is no foreign country that can send us any corn; but our lands in the West Indies are able to send us sugar that will supply the place of the corn that we used to get from foreign countries ; and, observe, tbat we buy this sugar of our own country- men, and pay them in Max and wool and iron and tin and copper, all the natural produuee of our own soil, while tiie corn which we drew from foreign countries was, for the greater part, paid for iu gold ar. d silver; and yet, gentlemen, strange it is to say, that the persons who op- pose tbe intended bill, who call themselves tbe friends of the farmers, who quietly suffered eight hitndicd thousand quarters ot corn to be brought every year from foreign countries, would now fain persuade those same. farmers, that they will be mined by the bringing in of tbat which will supply tbe place of, at most, three hundred thousand quarters of corn, that being the full amount of what is used yearly in the distilleries. Nay, gentlemen, these same persons have no scruple to express their sorrow that the supply of foreign corn i; cut off by the enemy, and their wishes that that supply may he again renewed; just as if 800,000 quar- ters of corn, brought from abroad, would not lower the price of our corn produced at home more than 300,000 thrown back from the distilleries; and yet, gentlemen, the opposers of the intended Bill call themselves the friends of the farmer. There may he some farmers so ea- ily misled, so completely blinded, as to believe this, anil may carry their folly so far as to be induced to join in a petition to parliament ugain- t a bill which they are told will make com cheap; but, I trust that the farmers of Hampshire have too much good sense to be so deceived ; and that, at any rate, if the petition, whichtalked of, should be seriously proposed, we, the freeholders in general, shall not be so shamefully deficient in the duty we owe to ourselves, to the poor, and to our country, as to suffer it to lie carried, without such an opposition on our part as shall convince the Parliament, that it speaks not the sense of the county. I am, Gentlemen, Your humble and obedient Servant, LONDON, April 23, 1808. WM. COBBETT. HOME MARKETS. Prices of Corn, per Quarter— Ihead, per Gallon. ! Wheat. | Apr:, s. Barley. I Oats. Salisbury, Basinestoke, Devizes, Newbury, Andover, __ .... _ Warminster, 23 j 58 to 73 19| 64 to 76 .15 to Sy \ 30 to 37 " "" 33 to 12 1 31 to 37 34 to 1) 7 | 30 to 31 i\ lo 41 ( 28 to 4l> 36 lo 40 . 30 to 31 37 < 0 41 itSJ to 38 ' 9 fo 74 60 to 74 5l! lo 82 66 to 72 Beans, s. s. - 60 to 66 57 < 0 M 54 to en 55 to 58 58 to til 60 to tii Bread, s. d. 1 8 1 6 1 7 I 7 I 7 Weight ofthe Gallon Loaf, Ml-. I\ oz.— Half • Gall. ill-. SJoi GRAND CITY LOTTERY. The FIRST- DRAWN Ticket TO- MORROW, TUESDAY, April 26, will he entitled to THE GRAND HOTEL, IN SKINNER- STREET, Valued at .£ J25,000. ' TMIIS Lottery consists of FREEHOLD HOUSES, X. discharged of Land- Tax, of the estimated value jfc' 104,000! The Scheme contains 1 Prize, valued at .£' 25,000 of 7,000 6,000 4,000 3, ot> o 2.900 , j£ 2A, 000 . .. 7,000 ... 24,000 . .. 98,000 . .. 18,000 . . . 2.000 £ 104,000 TICKETS and SHARES will be on Sale THIS DAY and TO- MORROW, ( Tuesday, April 26,) till five o'clock, ' at t& c Jprintinff- fiDfficc, ^ alisburg, For Sir J. BRANSCOMB and Co. PRICE, REGISTERED. Ticket £ 1 la 6 Half. £\ 4 6 Eighth £\ 2 Guartcr 2 3 6' | Sixteenth 0 11 The STATE LOTTFUY finished drawing Saturday, April 16. During the Drawing SHARKS of Six CAMTAL PRIZES were sold at the PRINTING- OFFICE, SALISBURY, nx.— No. 1 » , 2 M.. .£' 20,000 No. 10,276 1,000 No. 5,800 .... 1,000 No. 8,7( 4 .1500 No. 18,200 500 No. 5,798 .... 500. THEATRE, SALISBURY. ON MOXDAT EVENING, by Desire of Colonel BOUCHER and the Officers of the Salisbury Yolunteers, THE RIVALS, or A TRIP TO BATII; Farce, THE PR17. F., or 2, 5,3, e. The BAND0/ the SALISBURY Cotirs will attend the Theatre this Evening. WEDNESDAY, by Desire of Mrs. MF. PLICOT, The MAN OFTHE WORLD, & BLIND BOY. On FRIDAY EVF. NINO, never performed here, A 1) E I. G I T H A. A Tragedy, by M. G. Lr. wu, Fsq. Author of the CASTLE SPECTRE. LAVINGTON TURNPIKE, WILTS. NOTICE is hereby given, that a Meeting of the Trustees for the Second District of Roads belonging to the said Lavington Turnpike, in the county of Wilts, will be held at the house of Mr. Thomas Nalder, known by the sign of the King's Arms Inn, in Melksham, in the* said county, on Saturday the 21st day of May next ensuing, at eleven o'ctook in the forenoon of the same day, for the pur- pose of ADVANCING THE TOLLS appointed to be taken at the several turnpike gates in and upon the said turnpike road, agreeable to the several Acts of Parliament in that case made and provided; at which time and place the said Trustees for the said turnpike will proceed to nominate and appoint new. Trustees in the room and place of those who are dead or refhs? to act.— Dated the 13 th of April, 1808. 1255] By order of the Trustees. J. WHALE, Clerk, DEAL and BARROW rejurn thanks to their friends, for the flattering encouragement they have ex- perienced from them sincecommencing business: they hope, by assiduity and attention, to serve them on such terms as will insure their future confidence, arid recommend them to the public in general.— Shaftesbury, March 16, I808. f » 38 ALL Persons having any Claim or Demand oti the Estate and Effects of the late Mr. MATTHEW HUNT, of Stower- Provost, in the county of Dorset, deceased, are requested to send the same to Mr. Ames, surgeon, ot 11 ndon, one of the Executors, in order that the affairs may be arranged; and all persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pay the same to Mr. Ames immediately. IIINDON, AprU 20, 1S0S. [ 1272 LYMINGTON. AFURNISHED LODGING- HOUSE, fit for the reception of a laffe family, TO BE I. ETT till about the 26th of June.— Apply ( post paid) to Mr. William Perkins, perfumer. [ 11U4 SALISBURY. TO be LETT, and entered on Midsummer- day next,— A comfortable DWELLING- HOUSE, situate in Silver- street; consisting of two dining- rooms, a drawing- room, six best bed- rooms, three servants ditto, kitchen, brewhouse, See. 4rc.— Enquire at Mr. B. Lewis's, Canal. rT, 0 be LETT, for such a term as may be agreed J. 1111011, with immediate possession,— A laige ami compact FARM of between three and four hundred acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, tythe- free. The premises are situated within a mile and a half of a market and sea p > rt town, within two miles of lime and coal, are well watered, and all within a ring- fence: much money has bein expended in improvements the last s veil years, and it is still improvable. For further particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Jacob Pinniger, Little Park, near Wootton Basset, Wilts. [ 1064 SMALL NEAT HOUSE, AT WEI. LOW. TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately.— A small HOUSE, with stable, cbaisc- hous -, orchard, anil thiee acres of land. The situation is healthy and pleasant, at West Wellow, within a quarter of a mile of the turnpike road from Southampton to Salisbury. The House, which is of brick, and tiled, and almost new, contains two small parlours, four sleeping rooms, kitchen, brewhouse, & c. For particulars enquire ( if by letter, post paid; at Clement Sharp's Upholstery Warehouse, Romsey. |! 28l gy The Furniture, which was all new within this month, may be had, if required ; as also a few acres more Land. X) LETT, with immediate sir. a: I neat DWELLING HOUSk . , Enquire of Mr. J. .' i!; of St. Ann's- sfrtyt.- possess in the ton, - iouth [ 121 "' O be LETT and entered on immediately,—.— A neat modern- built Ry/ i'Ll. ING- ilOl'SK, s mated iu the High- street, Dorchester; comprizing a kitchen, with other offices, two parlours, a drawing- room, and five l.-'.- rooms. For particulars apply to Mr. Fjamptoo, Stationer, Dorchester. 0241 OAK IX) he SOLI), ' ;) 4 remarkably clean OAK . TREES, with their Tops and Bark, st „" idi: ii in Ba'pier s Coppice, 111 Tnmbury Lane. Downton, Wilts. [ 1215 Apply to Mr. Arney, Close, Salisbury. COWES, ISLE OF WIGHT. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A remarkably strong weli- buMt CUTTER, 36 toils mea- surement ; is well calculated for a passage vessel, or any pur- pose which requires room and at the same time fast salliiw. For particulars apply to Mr. Frampton, East Coweslicte:. March 1, 1808.. ( 077 NEWPORT, ISLE OF WIGHT. rPO be DISPOSED OF. 0: 1 reasonable terms.— 1 The entire STOCK of an established TOWN CARTER. & c. in full employ; consisting of six prime horses, el ameiii. e strength, and suitable haruecs ; carts, t tri'j. r c., i- nages, nibbs, frc. See. the whole in" good cond t on. Should it be required, part of the purchase money mav reinain on approved security. To treat for the same, apply to Messrs. Mew and Porter, auctioneers, Newport. fi2i! 5 TO CURRIERS, TO be DISPOSED OF by PRIVATE COX TRACT, and taken to imrned'iaulv,— Tjie STOCK in TRADE and BUSINESS of the late'Mr. John Handel . currier and leather seller, of Swindon, Wilts, decei sed. The - Workshops, whetem the above concern has been tanied on for many years with great success, rnav be rented f » r a t nr. if desired. The Fixtures and Stock in Trade to be taken to at a fair valuation, For further particulars apply to Miss Mar)- Randell, of Swindon. . ' ( 1104 HANTS. rpO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— Or* Jl undivided Fourth Part of a DWELLING- HOUSE, consisting of three r. » n> s on a lioor, excellent cellaring, too. 1 stable, coach court and yard, wilh sundry offices, autl large walled garden, and a Meadow neatly adjoining of three acres, situate at Romsey, new occupied bv James Shnrpc, Esq, Also Three Fourths of ( he Great 1' ITHIiS or Tatchhi^ y, in the occupation of Farmer Lane, situate in the parish of bung. Also Three Fifths of BROOKE FARM, m the parish. 01 King's Somhorne; consisting of a good Fi. tm- 1 tousc, office ., and about .90 acres of Arable, Meadow, ar. i Pasture bum. with right of common on Brooke Down ; in the occupation of Mr. Edwards, as-, under tenant to Mrs. Gatebm^ e. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Bell, Land Agent, Winchester. [ 1164 BUILDING MATERIALS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Buck Inn,. at Titchfield, c\ n Tuesday the 26th of Aprij, at twn o'clock, comprised iu a modern- built HOUSE of 44 fort Ity 41, three stories of to feet, f) feet 2, and 7 feet 4 inches high. Which by adding a foot on rebuilding, ytould make an excel- lent house of four rooms on each floor, with gu » ii g^ r. ts cellar, at an easy exp. er. ee; now standing at Hook, 11 .1 Titchfield, within about half a mile or' the sea.— Mi. Bant u, at Hook, will shew the premises. [ 827 SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD Uv AUCTION, 0.11 tl » premises, on Wednesday the 27th dav of April 1.308, and tlw foln lowing day, at No. 25 » Above Bar, by Kit. \\ ATTS,— All tl, » HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, China, Glass, tl. e pro petty of a Lady quitting her residence; comprising four- post, field, and other bedsteads, with dimity, cotton, and oth. i furniture, window curtains to correspond ; good goose feathsi. beds and bedding; mahogany and other tables, chains, and drawers; glasses, carpets, and other useful furniture ; au eight- day clqck, end kitchen requisites. To be viewed the morning preceding the side; and Catalogues had at the Office of the Auctioneer, unt place n sale, which will begin each day at eleven o'clock. [ i ESTATES NEAR SALISBURY, npo be SOLD- by AUCTION, 011 Thursday the. J. 12th of Mav, leilS,— at Wintirslow HI T, AU those very improvable LEASEHOLD ES TATES ( part of which is equal t •> Freehold) pleasantly situate at YV; ir. te « '. o « . and late the property of Mr. King, deceased. For particulars and a view of the estate 5, apply to Mr. Wnj.. King, 011 the premises t and to treat for th- same bv private sale, application may tic made to Henry Ki: n;, Balhngtoti, near Sutton Scotney, Hants. [ i<:. ib MILFORD, near LYMINGTON', KANT.;, ' TV) be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the JL Angel Inn, in Lymington, in the county of Sou'bamo* ton, on Saturday the 14th day of May next, at six o'clock in the evening, subject to suc- h cond'tions as shall be then and there produced, A FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at Lymer Common, in the parish of Mil ford aforesaid, com- prising a cottage and garden, barn, yard, and three tloy. . t arable and pasture land, containing by estimation 14 acte' ot thereabouts, of which some part is pleasantly situated tor building on. Further particulars maybe kiywn by application to Mr. Richinan, solicitor, Lymington. [ i* ii FREEHOLD ESTATE, ISLE Of WIGHT IN a short time \ yiU be SOLD by AUCTION, unless previously disposed of bv Private Contract, A very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, called Ch'iyerton Farm ; comprising about POO acres of arable, meadow, down, and coppice land, upwards of 300 acres of which are tithe free, situate a few miles from the town of Newport, and affords several beautiful sport, for building on, with delight- ful sea and land prospects. This estate is particularly calculatcd to divide into three compact lots, which v\' ill most probably be done it Sold by Auction. Further particulars may be had by application to Mr. Klderfield, Solicitor, Romsey, Hants. [ iseo PORTSMOUTH. CVOB PUBLIC SALE, at the Star and Garter 1 Tavern, 011 Thursday the 28th of April, 1808,— The S'TORES landed from the Russian frigate Spe. shnoy ; consist- ing of anchors, cables, standing and running rigging, guns, powder, shot, provisions, wine, spirits, casks, \ e. ; condemned as priae in the High Court of Admiralty of England. [ 1261 For catalogues and further particulars applv, three days before the sale, to JOHN MOYl. E, Broker.' T I M B E R. I 04 remarkably Pursuant to directions frfim the Commissioners for the care and disposal nf Danish Property. PORTSMOUTH. FOR PUBLIC SALE, at the Star an- Garter Tavern, on Thursday the 28th of April, 1808, at noon, — The WINE, SPIRITS, and GUNPOWDER, landed from the Russian store- ship Wilhelmina ; condemned as prize in the High Court of Admiralty of England. [ i2i » For catalogues and further parneoVrs apply, three dins before the sale, to A. Lindegren, W. ijurndge and Son, " J. Moyle, and M. March, Agents 10 the Commissioners. GOSPOllT. FOR PUBLIC SALE, at the Dolphin Inn, on Thursday the 5th of May I8t) 8, st ten o'clock in the forenoon,—' The following GOODS, viz. For Exhortation : 62 Pipes. .11 lihds. BRANDY. 9 2 SPIRITS ditto. 45 8 RED WINE. 0a 0 W1- MTK ditto. Being the Cargo of the Danish galliass St. I bus, from Bsr- e- Ions to Tonnmgen, re- rularly c ndenme l as. Prize to his Majesty's ship Brilliant, Thomas Smyth, Esq. " Captain. Also the good Lugger L'ARGL'S ; Dimensions : Length Breadth Bepth in bold Square stern, French built, admeasures about no tons, quite new ( bcim' captured on her first cru re', v.- ell ft tint} in stores, and fit to riui out tothe West Indies, with an a^ oited Ctng -, or to any place where dispatch is rcqu red. Regularly condemned as Prize to hi. Majesty's sl. ip Bril- liant, Thomas Smyth, Esq. Captain. The Goods may be viewed three days before the sale, and catalogues and inventories h. id, by upp'lying to MATTHIAS MARCH, Broker. GOSPOKT, April 22, 18U8. [ 12^ 6 - rarr PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. COIJL1NS, AT HIS PRINTING- OFFICE, ON THE CANAL, SALISBURY; JFhere Orders, Advertisements, and atttMvfiK Articles of' News fire received ( Postage paid.) Al » o by tbe TBINTERJ and BOOKSELLERS in the West of England; TY tiie respective Nr. vWvtr. u $ and in London by Mejsrt, TAYLOR and NEWTON, No. S, Warwick- Square, Warwick- Lane, Newsate- Street. and Mr. W1LKJE. Bookseller. Pa£ ertnnUr P » -' « * » *- » > »
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