The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Issue Number: 3713
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 18/04/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3713
No Pages: 4
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THE SALISBURY TER JOU AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET\ AND SOMERSET feisat [ NUMBER 3713 VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1808. = S3S PRICE SIXPENCE. rStamp Duty 2id. ( Paper and Print 2|< f. Monday's und Wuesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. VBSTICE, March 1. A N English Squadron, which has ascended the / m Adriatic Gulf, has detached some frigates to- cruize before Trieste. The Captains evince much animosity against the Russians and - Austrians. The three vessels of the line, and two Russian frigates, which it was thought would anchor at Porto Re, have
placed themselves under the protection ef the batteries of the pier at Trieste. They have made all preparations necessary for repelling an attack, in case the English should attempt one. VIENNA, March 14. Letters from Trieste, dated the 7th, mention that the Entfli- h squadron on that eoa^ t having received reinforcements, had been cruizing for three days between Aquileiza and Trieste, and had come so close tothe latter port, tliat its force could be clearly seeji. It Consists of eleven ships, five or sis of which appear to be of the line. The wind had not then permitted them to attack the five Russian ships of the line and a frigate,
which are anchored in the road of Trieste, but it is feared that the Kngii h will make the attempt, iu consequence of which the town will suffer greatly. MARK- LAKI, Monday, April 11. The shew of Wheat from Essex at an early hour this morhing was extremely small, and under that impression there was some briskness in the trade, and a few sales made at nearly the same prices as this day se'nnight; but the supply after from Suffolk and Kent proving considerable, and being farther increased by the re- turn of the greater part of the ' EtseX land samples sold last Monday, to buyers who had since furnished themselves at the
country markets upon cheaper terms, the vessels not being up, a great dullness took place, and the subsequent bargains were at a decline of is. to is. per quarter, even for the best runs. Peas of both sorts are also cheaper; Barley and Oats dearer, at least for the finest sorts, the interior qualities having few buyers ; Clover Seed has fallen considerably in value, but is in good request at this abatement, which has likewise can- celled the bargains made by the land samples on Monday the 4th. Beans of both sorts go off freely, without any material alteration in the currency, which remains also mostly unva- ried m other respects.
Particulars as beneath: English Wheat GOs. to 77.5.— Ryea8s. to 48s.— White Peas 92s. to 1 tills. Grey ditto 4 » s. to 56s.— Horse Beans 50s. to 60s. Tick Beans 46s. to 53s.— Barley : i7s. to 48s.— Malt 50s. to 76s.— Oats 30s. to 46s.—, Ryc Grasrs 14 s. to 40s. per qr.— English Household Flour 58s. to HOs. per sack ; ditto American sup. 35s. to 4ls. per barrel.— P. ape Seed 2.91. to rsdl. per last.— Carrawav Seed 38s. to 41s.— Coriander Seed 14s. to - 24s.— Red Clover 36s. to 92 « . White ditto 42s. to 108s.— Trefoil 7s. to 26s. per cwt. — Tares 14s. to 21s.- per bushel. LONDON, MONDAY, APRIL 11. Some French
Papers have been received which state that the Gourt of Sicily has declared war against Russia. It is more probable that Russia will declare war against the Court of Sicily; for the Emperor Alexander, having entered into all the views of Bonaparte, will, no doubt, unite his efforts to those of France for the purpose of wresting Sicily from iu lawful Sovereign. An insurrection has taken place in Madrid, which seems to have been coutrivyd by the French, for the purpose of accelerating a revolution in the Spanish Government. It is stated tbat on Sunday the 13th ult. there were evident indications tbat the public mind was disturbed.
Certain intelligence having been received that the Emperor of France was expected in Madrid, it was asked on the part of the King, and at the request of the Prince of tbe Peace, what was tbe abject of his journey, and whither his troops were directed to march ? ( We are not toid to whom the oaestion was put, but it is to be presumed it was to the French Ambassador.) The answer was, that be came in a peaceable manner, for the good of Ale nation, and to make a Prince happy. The King she'Ad this letter to the Prince of the Peace ( who throughout the account is styled " the Admiral") and he being aware of the blow which
threatened him, prepared arrangements for escaping to Mexico, taking the Kill;' with him ; for which purpose be took a large sum out of the Royal Chest, and he had previously vested forty millions of dollars in London, and had lent sixty millions more to Corunna, to be also forwarded to London ! Some days after " the Admiral" was at Madrid, and on the fol- lowing Sunday, in the evening, he withdrew, according to his usual ca< tom, to Aranjuei, where he called a meeting of the Council, at which tba flight of their Majesties was discussed. Early on tbe following morning, ( Monday, March 14) the signatures of the chief Nobles of
the Council were collected. When jt cams to the Marquis Cavellero's turn, he refused to sign, denounced 41 the Admiral" as a traitor, and convinced the King that the charge was too well founded.—" The Admiral" was disgraced, the King tfcrew himself into the arms of the opposite party; Don Diegn Godoy, brother of the disgraced favourite, in endea- vouring to support his authority, was wounded at the head at his regiment of Spanish Guards; the guard of honour • was removed from the Palaee of the late favourite, but his life does not appear to have been threatened ; he had fled, but was taken back to his palaee by a party of
Life Guards, and bis wife and daughter were conducted to him. On Tnursday the 13th, it was every where proclaimed, that the Spanish troops were leaving Madrid, and that the Trench troops were coming peaceably. On the following day at eight o'clock in the morning, the koyal Family appeared iu the balcony of the Palace to tliank the people. AtJtwelve, two decrees were posted up in Madrid. In the first, the Kin^ represents the disturbance that had taken place as very trifling, and to h » ve arisen from a mistaken notion of his intention to emigrate, an error which he directs Cavallero to correct. In the second, his Majesty
recommends the public to hold good harmony and peace towards the French troops, 4000 of which were expected in Madrid on the following day ; on Monday the ' Jlst Murat was expected, with a larger force; and immediately after, it was supposed the Emperor Napoleon would arrive.— In the evening of the 10th, the King published another decree, intimating, that as be intended to command his army and navy in person, he had thought proper to release Don Manuel Godoy, Prince of tire Peace, from the employs of Generalissimo and Admiral, and gave lnm leave to with- draw whither he pleased. , , t On the whole, this
account is so confused, that all we can gather from it is, that the French have gamed an entire predominance in Spain,— that their partisans have the King in their hands, and will make use of him just as long as it answers tbeir purporttbat they have thought proper to lav the late favourite aside, which is a greater compliment to his patriotism than he hud been thought entitled to; and tliat the final arrangements of this revolution will be directed by Napoleon himself, who was on the road from Bavonne to Madrid.— Not one word is said of the Prince of Asturias, the lawful heir of the Spanish Monarchy! Dispatches were yesterday
received at the Admiralty, from our Fleet off the Tagus, dated the 1st inst. on board his Majesty's ship Hilwrnia, 110 guns, Vice- Admiral Sir Charles Cotton. The fleet was at that date m good health. Famine has visited the wretchcd Portuguese. At the date of the la- t advices ( the 2Sd ult.) hundreds, it is said, were lying dead in the streets of Lisbon. This may tw an exaggeration ; but that the evilis extensive is proved by the ciraimsunce of General Junct having permitted a deputation of tht Portuguese ( at the head of whom was M. Michael Set aro, a respectable merchant, well known to the English) to wait ou Sir Charles Cotton,
to supplicate him to suffer some provisions to come in, to save the people from perishing. Sir Charles thought a compliance with the request beyond his powers, and sent home tbe Coquette sloop for precise instructions. _ The Portuguese sloop of war Lebre had arrived off Lisbon with dispatches from the Princc Regent to the Provisional Government, which the Captain did not land, on being informed by the Admiral that the French were in possession of the country; the commercial mails were sent into Lisbon by a fishing boat; and the Lebre stood out to sea. The Prince had a remarkable fine passage of thirty- mne days, and
lauded at Rio Janeiro with the other branches of the Royal Family, <> n the 8th of January, amidst the accla millions of his faithful subnets T he Proserpine frigate, with convoy from Portsmouth, arrived at Gibraltar on the 20th ult. A Malta Mail has arrived this morning with letters from Messina of the 1st of March, from Malta, of tie 5th, and from Gibraltar of the 26th. No accounts of any victory inthe Mediterranean had been received and it was strongly doubted at Gibraltar, whether the Roehefort squadron had ever gone into the Mediterranean. The Carthagena squa- dron " bad quitted the open and insecure bay of Palma in
Majorca for the securer position of Port Mahon in Minorca, where thev remained at the date of the latest advices. Sir Richard Strachan had . joined Lord C'oUingwOod with seven sail of the line; and the Antelope, with four bat talions of the German Legion, had sailed for Sicily. The evacua- tion of Fort Seylla is mentioned, and that the enemy was in great force in Calabria. The Toulon squadron, consisting of five sail of tbe line, • was known to lie at sea. Saturday, in consequence of directions to Captain Richbell, the Regulating Officer in the River, a general jnpress from all protections t » k place, when the mates rom every vessel
that could be spared were taken, as also • cvei'v useful person that could be obtained, and put on board the Enterprize, off the Tower. PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, April 12, 180ft. ON Thursday, the 21st inst. I shall be ready to receive Tenders in writing ( sealed up) and treat for 1000 Quarters of Close Dried AMBER NEW MALT, an- swerable to sample that will be produced at the time of contract, to be delivered a. t this port in one month ; which will. Ic paid for by bills, payable with interest, ninety days after date. No regard will be had to any Tender, in which the price shall not be inserted in words at length, or that
shall not be detioered before twelve o'clock on the said 21 st iust j nor unless the persons who make the same, or some person on their behalf, attend to answer thereto when called for. WM. REEKS. N. B.-— The Conditions of the Contract may be seen at my Office. [ 1126 H. H. THE next Meeting 0f the H. H. will be held at the GF. ORGF Iwtf, Winchester, on Wednesday the 20th of April 1808.—' Dinner on table at half past five o'clock. 1034] A. R DOTT1N, t. Esqr3. stewards. THE next Meeting of the ^ Trustees of the STOCK- » Ri0ot TURNPIKE ROAD will be held at the King's- Head Inn, in Stockbridgc, on Thursday next, at
eleyen o'clock in the forenoon. [ 1171 SROCKAMDET, W. H. ATTWOOD. April 14, 1303. Clerk to the said Trustees. ELECTION OF TREASURER. SOUTHAMPVON, 1TJURSUANT to the standing to wit. j X Order of Sessions, I do hereby give Notice, That his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said county will proceed to the ELECTION of a TREA- SURER of the said county, for the year ensuing, on Tuesday tha 26th day of April instant, precisely at one o'clock in the afternoon. T. WOODHAM, WIT/ CHISTER, April 4, 1809. Deputy Clerk ofthe Peace. CITY OF NEW SARUM. TVTOTICE is hereby given,— That the General
SESSIONS of the PEACE for theCitv of NEW SARUM, in the county of'Wilts, will lie holden at the Council House of the said City, on Thursday the 23th day of April instant, at nine of the clock in the forenoon. The business of the Session will begin with hearing Appeals, next with trying Traverses, and lastly And, to prevent unnecessary delay, all Appeals ( except those to be entered for the purpose of adjournment) must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace before the sitting of the Court, and in failure thereof, the adverse party will have a right to enter a Ne Recipiatur. And all Indictments must be applied for at the Clerk of the
Peace's Office prior to the Sessions, as no Indictment will be granted after the sitting of the Court. Bv order of the Mavor and Justices, JOHN HODDING, Jun. Clerk of the Peace. April 12, 1808. [ 1141 7his Day are published, Pricc 3s. tid. REFLECTIONS on some Questions relative to the present State of the Nation; addressed to the Rev. FRACIS RANDOLPH, D. D. Prebendary of Bristol, and Chaplain to his Royal Highness the Duke of YORK ; oc- casioned by A LETTER to his Grace the Duke of BEDFORD, lately published by Dr. RANDOLPH, and by some other recent Publication*. BY JOHN PERN TINNEY. " What damned
error but some sober brow " Will bless it, and approve it with a text— " Hiding the grossness with fair ornament." MERCHANT OF VENICE. Printed by Collins, Salisbury t— Sold also by Cadell and Davis, London; Archer, Dublin; Parker, Oxford; Meyler, Bath; and all other Booksellers. [ 10* 51 HAY AND STRAW. ANY person willing to serve HAY and STRAW, and treat for the DUNG, of the Horses stationed in his Majesty's Cavalry Barracks at Southampton, apply by letter ( post- paid) to the Contractor, J. B. Vivian, at Span'Farm, Isle of Wight; or to him, personally, at the Royal George, Southampton, on Friday the 22d instant. [
1155 WKNTED to borrow .£. 10,000 on Mortgage of Landed Property in the county of Hants, of the yearly value of ^.'. 5000; the Interest to be paid regularly half yearly, and will be guaranteed by the Agent to the Estate. - Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to'Mr. Bell, Land Agent, Winchester. TO GROCERS, & c. ANTS a Situation,— A Young MAN, as SHOPMAN in the above branches. The most respectable reference can be given, by applying ( if by letter, postpaid) to Q. R. Printing- Office, Farnham, Surrey. WANTED,— An APPENT1CE to a SURGEON and APOTHECARY.— Apply to Messrs Everingham, surgeons, Wareham. w
Staines and [ 1024 SURGERY AND PHARMACY. To Parents and Guardians. WANTED,— An APPRENTICE to a Surgeon, a Youth of a liberal education. An adequate pre- mium is expected. Letters addressed to T, W. ( post paid) Printing- Office, Salisbury. [ 864 ANTED,— A SHOPMAN in the GROCERY Line. Enquire by letters post- paid to Messrs. Trim and Kellow, Southampton. [ 1163 WANTED, A NURSE MAID, capable of undertaking the care of a child from the month, and who can be well recommended from her last place. [! 170 Enquire of the Printer ; if by letter post- paid. WANTED, in a Gentleman's Family in the
Country,— A GARDENER, who is master of his business: he must be a single and a working man. Apply to the Printer by letter ( post paid;, with reference to the last place for a character. [ 1139 WANTED, ill the Country,— A steady active MAN, from 30 to 40 years of see, who has no objec- tion to make himself useful, and to look after one home, and occasionally wait at table. Wages will not be an object if his meet with his master's approbation. None but real good characters need apply to the Printer of this Paper. [ 1113 WANTED, as FOOTMAN, in a Clergyman's Family, where a few young Gentlemen are educated, — An
active, steady, antf sober MAN, who can bring a good character from his V st jiijfce, end will ake. the care or a Horse.— A Bov is kept to assist.—— Enquire, it by letter, post paid, of the Printer. [ 1162 To Journeymen Plumbers, Glaziers, and Painters. ASteady active MAN, who understands his busi- ness well in the above branches, and if used to the Pencil line will be prcfered, may have constant employ and good wages. Apply ( if by letter post- paid) to Henry Jenkins, Plumber, Glazier, and Painter, Christchurch. [ 1026 Southampton New Pier.— Masonry and Excavation. IT having been determined by the Commissioners for
improving and extending the Pier and Harbour of the Port of Southampton, to build a straight Breast Wall on the West side of the present Quay, and parallel to the shore, at a distance of about 70 feet, length 228 feet, height 16 feet, and thickncss at bottom 5 feet and at top 4 feet ( exclusive of counterforts), to batter 3 feet 3 inches, forming the segment of a circle, radius 42 feet 6 inches. The Wall to be made of Ashler, from the Isle of Wight, or of Purbeck Ashler from Swanage. The space between the intended Breast Wall and the shore, beint; about 14 feet in depth, is to be filled up with earth, to be excavated in front of the said
Breast Wall, so as to sink or deepen the present Harbour about four feet, which new- made ground is to be coveted with a Pebble Pavement. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the said MASONRY and EXCAVATION will be AGREED FOR by TENDER, on Wednesday the 20th of April, instead of the 13th day of April next, at the Audit House, Southampton; and any persons willing to contract for executing such Masonry and Excava- tion, jointly or separately, may see the Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Specifications, on applying to Mr. Doswell, engineer arid land and timlier surveyor ( Wednesdays and Saturdays), at his house
in Albion- place; to whom they are requested to address their Tenders previous to the said aoth day of April next, when a Meeting of the Commissioners wi) l be held for the purpose of taking such Tenders into consideration. ..,.„ « ,. THOS. NICHOLS,\ N,, V « THOS. RIDDING,/ UCRLIS' Southampton, March 16, UP*. [ 10* 5 ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS REWARD- Bp Order of the Bight I/ an. L* rd Glenheruie, Surveyor General of hu Majesty's Woods, Foretts, SfC. T having been discovered, between the hours of five _ an< j six o'clock in the afternoon on Friday the 18th, and on Monday the 28th of March last, that some wicked
person or persons had maliciously SET ON FIRE the WOOD of HIS MAJESTY in the inctosurcs called Furzy Lawn and Ocknell, in the New Forest, in th* county of Southampton, whereby considerable damage was done to th » young Timber ST'R? warfe'of ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS is hereby offered to anv person or persons ( not being the principal or principals) who shall give information in regard to the said offence, at the Office r> f the said Lord Glenbervie, No. 18, Great George- itreet, Westminster, or to Joseph Mortimer, Esq. his Lordship's Deputy in the said Forest, at Ower, near Romsev, Hants, and shall afterwards
give evidence so as to convict the offender or offenders, or any of them, to be paid by the said Lord Glenbervie immediately after such conviction March 30, 1808. C'L°* LYMINGTON. AFURNISHED LODGING- HOUSE, fit for the reception of a large family, TO BE LETT till about the 26th of June.— Apply ( post paidj to Mr. William Perkins, perfumer. ' [ 1134 CHARIOT AND SOCIABLE FOR SALE, With or without Harness. AHandsome CHARIOT, in complete repair, with a very neat Barouche Seat and Salisbury Boot; likewise a SOCIACLE BODY, ma. le to fit the Carriage of the Chariot. To be seen at New House, near
Downton. [ 1131 FOR SALE, at Fosbury, near Vernham, Hants,- A handsome DARK BROWN GELDING, rising three years old, nearly fifteen hands high, by Pencil, out of a good blood mare. The property of Mr. Bull, Fosbury. [ 1137 PRIME COWS FOR SALE. rO be SOLD, The undermentioned COWS, with their CALVES, viz.— No. 1.— A Cow, five years old, from an Aldertley ( sow by Wiltshire Bull. No. 2.— A Cow, three years old, from No. 1 by a Devon- shire Bull. No. a.— An Alderney Pow, three years old. For particulars apply to William Merchant, at Mr. Bird's, Audover. [ 1080 I w TEN GUINEAS REWARD. H- ERF. AS it
has been industriously reported, that W. 7. ILLWOOD, Master of Trinity School, DoneIIESTER, was about to resign the same, and to take the Governorship of the Castle, and that his SON, who has the sup. rintcndance and sole management of the Boarding- School in th Hkh West Street, bad engagements at other Schools, whereby the Boarders were neg'ected; and W. Z. having been confidently informed, that two Boarders have been with- held in consequence of such reports, he feels himself imperiously called on to declare, that they are palpable and gross False- hoods ; that he never has, either directly or indirectly,
solicited atfy person for the appointment of Governor of the said Castle; and ihat his Son has no engagement whatever in any other School, hut that his whole time is devoted to the improvement and moral conduct of the young Gentlemen committed to his charge. It being obvious that these reports must have been Drooairated with sinister views, a Reward of TEN GUINEAS ! S hereby offered for the discovery of the first propagator or propagators of them.— W. Z. cannot quit this subject without requesting his friends and the public in general, to accept his warmest acknowledgments for that generous and liberal sup- port he
has experienced during a period of 28 years, and assuring them it will be the highest ambition of himself and Son, to pursue that line of conduct which may ensure their future confidence and approbation. N. B. An ASSISTANT wanted immediately: a young Man who writes a good hand, and is conversant in arithmetic, would here, find, an opportunity of grounding himself in the various branches iff the Mathematics.— Letters post- paid duly answered. DoRVmsTtR, April 8, J « 0 » . flt09 EWES AND LAMBS FOR SALE, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Lord Nelson X Inn, Four Posts, near Southampton, on Thursday next " " ",—
Thirty- Eight COUPLES, chiefly of the the 91st of April,- South Down mixed breed. [ 1166 BRISTOL. FOR BAHIA and PKRNAM BCCO, in the BRAZILS, — The good Portuguese brig No> sa Snra. de Conccicao y Meyo Mundo, Antonio Jose de Souza, master: is a remark- ably fast sailer, and has good accommodations for passengers. For freight or passage, apply to JOHN LANE and Co. Brokers, St, Stephen's Avenue. N. B.— An establishment is already formed at the above- menurned places, under the Fifrn of Callunan & Garrard, one of whom will go out in the said vessel, and take charge of such goods as may be
consigned to the house, giving the most respectable references both in London and Bristol, For the satisfactory information of shippers, Mr. G. intends returning by one a. f the vessels altendy chartered. [ 905 Further particulars may be known on application as above. FINE OLD BROWN STOUT. ROMSEY, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in the Market- Place, by Mr. MtctV, on Monday the 18th of April instant, precisely at twelve o'clock, About 300 Dozen of very excellent ( London) OLD BROWN STOUT, being part of the Stock of a Person declining the Porter Trade, and for the convenience of purchasers, will be sold in
Lots of Three and Six Dozen each. [ l 144 SALISBURY, WILTON, and LONDON FLY WAGGONS, daily, to and from the CASTLE and FAL- CON, AI- DEBSGATE- STREET, London, and their Warehouse, Milford- street, Salisbury. These Waggons take up and put down Goods at the Old White Horse Cellar, and Black Bear, Piccadilly. No Money, Plate, Jewels, Glass, or other valuable or ha- zardous Goods will be paid for, if broken or lost, unless entered as such, and paid for accordingly. NICHOLAS BROWN,! ,, JAMES BRICE, '} Proprietors. W1 KING'S HEAD INN, STOCKBRIDLJE, ' APRIL 9, 180S. ILLIAM LAWES
respectfully assures the Nobility, Gentry, & c. that they will find every ACCOMMODATION at his' House, either tor TRAVELLING or REFRESHMENT, with good Bed Rooms and Beds, and every possible attention.— He entreats . his friends will accept his most grateful thanks for the many and particular kindnesses conferred on him during the short time he has been in the house. [ 1120 ANGEL INN, CHIPPENHAM. ARGARET LAWES begs leave to acquaint her friends and the public, that She intends carrying on the business of the above Inn ; and takes this opportunity of expressing her gratitude for the distinguished favours
received by her late husband and herself, humbly soliciting a conti- nuance of them, which she will ever make her utmost care and attention to merit. [ 776 Neat Post- Chaises and able Horses. NEAT POST CHAISE, AT THE RED LION INN, GOSPORT BEACH. DAVID WESTON, George Irm, Warnford, and GEO. PRATT, King's Head, Wickham, return their thanks tor favours received, and respectfully inform the Pub- lic, that they are induced to keep POST CHAISE and HORSES at the above Inn, which miiy be bad on tue shortest notice- Gentlemen travelling to London may be accommodated three or four stages, if desired,
by which means the great delay of shifting luggage wili be'prevented, and the charge reduced, by taking off two miles between Gospoit and Warti- ford. [ 1135 D. W. and G. P. are determined to keep the very best Horses, and to provide careful Drivers. April 14, 1808. County Fire Office, and Providential Life Office. E1NG appointed AGENT to the above Offices, I beg leave to state that the Proposals thereof are now ready for delivery at my house, and which, I trust, exemplify the superior advantages these establishments afford to the public. JAMES FOOT, Salisbury. BUILDING MATERIALS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the
Bugle Inn, at Titchfield, on Tuesday the 2£ th of April, at two o'siock, comprized in a modern- built HOUSE of 44 feet by 41, three stories of 10 feet, 9 feet 2, and 7 feet 1 inches high, which by adding a foot on rebuilding, would make an excel- lent house of four rooms on tach floor, with gond earrtts and cellar, at an easy. expenfie; now standing at Hook, near Titchfield, within about half a mile of the sea.— Mr. Bantin, at Hook, will shew the premies. [ 827 OAK TIMBER. rpo be SOLD, 104 remarkably clean OAK A TREES, with their Tops and Bark, standing in Rapier's Coppice, in Timsbury Lane, Downton, Wilts. £ l 172 Apply to
Mr. Arney, Close, Salisbury. " OAK TIMBER, be SOLD by TENDER, at Lee, near Romsey, For a view of [ 1184 rpo X — 28 OAK TREES, of large meetings, the same apply to James Lockyear. COWES, ISLE OF WIGHT, npo be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,- A remarkably strong well- built CUTrER, 36 tons mea- surement ; is well calculated for a passage vessel, or any pur pose which requires room and at the same time fast sailing. For particulars apply to Mr. Frampton, East Cowes Hotel. March 2, 1808. [ 677 TO CURRIERS, & c. nno be DISPOSED OF by PRIVATE CON- X TRACT, and taken to immediately,— The
STOCK in TRADE and BUSINESS of the late Mr. John Randell, currier and leather seller, of Swindon, Wilts, deceased. The Workshops, wherein the above concern has been cairied on for many years with great success, may be rented for a term, if desired. The Fixtures and Stock in Trade to be taken to at a fair valuation. For further particulars apply to Miss Mary Randell, of Swindon. [ 1124 ROMSEY, THE Partnership of Messrs. COLEMAN and SEWARD, of Romsey, Hants, Surgeons and Apothe- caries, being nearly expired, all persons indebted to the same are requested to pay the amount of their respective Debts, without
delay, to Mr. Coleman, who will discharge all tie* mands on the above Firm.— And all persons having any Claims on the separate Estate of Mr. Godwin Seward, are de- sired to send their accounts to Messrs. Daman and Warner, of Romsey, on or before the lst day of May next. Romsey, April 7, 1808. [ 1095 BRADFORD, WILTS, April l\, 1808. A LL Persons having any Demand on the Estate of XX Mr. THOMAS FERRIS, late of Holt, in the parish of Bradtord, are desired to send the same to Mr. Thos. Edwards, one ot the Executors; and all persons indebted to the Estate, are desired to pay their debts immediately to him. [ l 138
WBARTON, High- Street, NEWPORT, Isle of . Wight, respectfully informs the Public, that fie is AGENT to the UNION FIRE- OFFICE of. LONDON, established in 1714, for insuring all kinds of Buildin'gs, Fur- niture, Goods in Trade, in Trust, or on Commission, and Ships in Harbour, in Dock, or while Building, from loss or damage by Fire; and he requests his friends and the public to favour him with their orders in that line, which will be punctually executed on the usual terms. KS" Policies gratis, where the premium is 6s.— Farmers' Stock 2s. 6' d. per cent. [ 1038 COUNTY FIRE OFFICE, Established for the express Benejit of
Country Residents. TRUSTEES.— His Grace the Duke of Rutland, K. G.; tbe Most Noble the Marquis of Buckingham, K. G. the Right Hon. the Earl of Northampton; the Right Hon. the Earl of Buckinghamshire; the Right Hon. the Earl of Upper Ossory; Wm. Praed, Esq. M. P.; S. Bernard, Esq. M. P. ALL persons who continue insured with this As- sociation seven years ( whether their policy be originally taken out for seven years, or be renewed annually), will par- ticipate with the original subscribers in the Profits of the Es- tablishment: while thus entitled to eventual profits, they have the peculiar and valuable assurance of being
secured from the possibility of Loss, as the sole responsibility is undertaken by an estensive Association of Noblemen and Gentlemen who have subscribed a Capital of 350,000Z. to guarantee the en- gagements of the Office. No charge for Policies on removal from other Offices. AGENTS. — Salisbury, James Foot.— Hants: liiugwood, John Merry weathqr; Alton, Waring and Lowe. [ 959 SOUTHAMPTON, April 16, 1808. TFINCH, NURSERYMAN, SEEDSMAN, and FLO- • RIST, begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that his ANNUAL BLOOM of HYACINTHS will be ready for their inspection on Thursday
next, the 21st inst. which, notwithstanding the late unfavourable season, will, he flatters himself, meet their approbation. T. F. has also now on sale, on the most reasonable terms, a choice collection of Cape, American, and other CURIOUS PLANTS. Also, now in bloom, the PSIONEE AKBORE. I, from the curious collection cf the late Archdeacon Woodford, a very fine and scarce plant, from Japan ; it has flowered but rarely in this kingdom, and is well worth the attention of the curious.— Admission One Shilling, which will be returned to ourchasers. T. F. takes this opportunity of returning his most sincere thanks for the. liberal
Support and encouragement he has already received; and hopes by a strict attention to the favours of his friends, to merit a continuance of them. [ ifso ALL Persons having any Claim or Demand on the Estate and Effects of the late Mr. GEO. AN Tanne ANDREWS, w er, deceased, are requested to send the same to Mr. .. Andrews, of Yeo\. l; Mr. Davis, of Silton; or Mr. Big nr, of Bourton; in order that the same may be arranged for ' p y- ment; and all persons indebted to the said Estate, are desu'd to pay the same to either of the above. [ 1086 Dated Bourton, near Shaston, Dorset, Aprili, 1808. TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS.
ALI, Persons indebted to the Estate of THOMAS TARRANT, late of Mcer Farm, in the parish of Mil- denhall and county of Wilts, Yeoman, are desired forthwith to pay the amount of their respective debts into the hands of Mi • ssrs. Griffiths and Welsford, solicitors, Marlborough, Wilts; and all persons to whom'the said Thomas Tarrant is indebted, are requested to send in the particulars of their respective debts to Messrs. Griffiths and Wclsford, otherwise they will lose the benefit of the distribution now making of the said Estate.— MARLUOROUOH, April 6, 1808. [ 1072 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given, That a
final Dividend of the Estate and " Effects of JOHN SMITH, late of Barford Saint Martin, in the county of Wilts, Yeoman, will be made in one month from tb « date hereof; and all the Creditors of the said John Smith who do not execute the deed of assignment ( which is left at the office of Messrs. Hodding, in Salisbury] will be excluded all benefit arising from the same.; April 14, 1808. " [ 1140 MILITIA. CHRISTCHURCH, HANTS, April 15, 1808. THERFAS JOHN WITHERS, late of the Borough of Christchurch aforesaid, Tin Plate Worker, was balloted to serve in the Militia of the said county on the 2d day of March last, but, prior to
which ballot, it is sup- posed he had left the employ of his then master, and went i'rom Christchurch to seek for work elsewhere, and has not s nee been heard of, so that he coulil not be served with the usual notice; and it is apprehended that he went for Bath or Bristol. The said John Withers is about thirty years of age, fiva feet hi e ine- hes high, slender made, dark complexion, dark eyes and hair, and had on when he went away a brown coat and waistcoat and corded breeches. Whoever will yve information, Vy letter or otherwise, to tiie Overseers ofthe Poor of the parish of Christciiurch afore- said, so that the said John
Withers may be personally served with the proper notice of his being so ballotted, sh. receive One Guinea Steward, and any reasonable cxpences th n may have been necessary. [:. 6B STRAYED into the land in the occupation of Mr. II. WniTTiNoroN, of Red- Lodge, North Stoneham, Hants,— Two BLACK MARES; one five years old, about tweive hands and a half hi^ h, marked on ihc off hinder leg S § , with a Black Stone Colt by her side, rising tv. o years old, marked as the mare ;^- the other about eleven hands and a half, four years old, marked with a W on the off shoulder, and CI On the oft hinder leg. The above horses
have been trespassing for the last seven months, and due diligence has bevh used to discover the owners, without effect: unless owned wthin fourteen day3 from the date hereof they will be sold to defray expends. April 11, 1808. ' [ n4- rpO COVER this season, atOne Guinea and lalf X a Mare,— A CHESNUT CART STALLION, Suffolk breed, a sure foal getter, and of the best n, . o i bone— He will be at Winchester on Saturdays; Whitcbure'•-, Sundays; Newbury, Mondays ; Reading, Tuesdays; Basing- stoke, Wcdnesdavs ; and Alresford, Thursdays.— The money to be paid at Midsummer. [ 1034 at Melkshara - Forest, Its, and
a few neighbouring towns, the two following well- bred Horses, at One Guinea and a Half and Half a Crown each Mare,— REPEATOR by Trumpator, out of Demirep by HighflyerCHILTON, by Pipator, his dam by Young Marskc out of Pyrrha by Match'eni. For further particulars of their pedigree, sec the General Stud Book; and for then performances on the turf, sec the Racing Calenders for 1794, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 1800, 1S84, 1805. Hay and Grass at 6s. per week. The money to be paid at the time of covering, or before the Mares arc taken dway. [ 1173 NNO COVER, this Season, A Will RICHARD KILLICK, UPHOLSTERER,
CABI- NET- MAKER, PAPER- HANGER, SWORN APPRAISER, & c. & c. French- street, Southampton, begs leave to return his most sincere thanks to his friends and the public in general, for the very liberal and distinguished favours he has received, and most respectfully informs them, that he hath just re- ceived from the manufacturers the newest patterns of Carpets, Paper- hangings, Floor- cloths, Bed- furnitures, tsx. * tc. and which he oflers to the public on the very lowest terms, for ready money. R. K. flatters himself, that having spent the whole of his life in the above branches, and after ten years experience in the first
manufacturing shops in London, he can supply those who may honour him with their commands, in the first style of elegance combined with crconomy, and equal to any shop in the kingdom. ' v The public will please to observe, the above goods arc not ijke those that are imposed on them by brokers. gO' Down, Hair, Wool, Flock, and other Mattresses. *** Houses lett or provided, and Commissions faithfully executed. [ 1028 GRAND CITY LOTTERY OF FREEHOLD HOUSES, discharged of Land Tax.— i^ l04, W) 0 value in Capital Prizes.— 20,000 Tickets.— To be drawn in Guild- hall April 26. List of Capital Prizes, with the
value of each. GRAND H'OTEL, 9, 24, Skinner- street,.. .£ 7 MO ' 43, ditto 6,000 45, ditto 6,000 5, Pickctt- street,...... 6,000 7, ditto ,... 6,000 17, Skinner- street, 4,000 81, ditto 4,000 41, ditto 4,000 8, ditto. 4,000 4, ditto 4,000 Skinncr- street, £ 25,000. 10, Pickett- street, £ 4,000 11, ditto 4,0 18. Skinner- street,..... 3,0 40, West side of Snow- hill 3,000 42, Skinner- street, 3,000 48, ditto 3,000 49, ditto 3,000 4, Pickett- street, S, 000 32, Skinner- street, 2,000 Making together the suv: of £ 104,000. The above valuation is taken at the lowest estimate, and there is no doubt that by the time the Lottery is drawn, the property will be
very considerably increased in value. Offers nave been made from various persons to purchase several of the Houses at the prices they arc estimuted at, and it is pro- posed that those Prizes which are divided into small shares shall be sold, and the produce paid the Shareholders accord- ing to their respective Shares. [ 996* Present Price Ticket £ l 19. Half ...£ 4 4 0 I Eighth ,£\ 20 Quarter SJO | Sixteenth...... 0 11 O Tickets and Shares a. e selling at ail the Offices. 1808. TO COVER, this Season, at Urchfont, near De- vizes, The well- bred Bay Horse YOUNG SKY- SCRAPER, at One Guinea a Mare and Half a Crown the
Groom; to be paid as soon as the Mare is covered. He. wat got by Skyscraper, dam by Young Atlas, son of Old Atlas ( bred by the Duke of Devonshire), grand dam by Young Cade, son of Old Cade, which was got by the Godolphin Arabian out of King I lerod's dam, bred by the Duke oi Cum- berland. He is 15 § hands high, justly" proportioned, very healthy and free from all natual blemish, now four years old, and has the merit of being allowed by all who have seen him, to be a very fine horse, of superior action in all his paces. N. B.— For further particulars apply to the Groom, at Urchfont- house. [ 1127 1808. TO COVER, this
Season, at Tollard Royal, Wilts, at One Guinea and a Crown a Mare ( half the money to be paid at the time of covering, the other half eleven months after, if the mare prove in foal), REBEL, a very handsome, bony Chesnut Horse, got by Pretender out of a thorough bred Marc. He is well known as a capital hunter, and carried 15 stone several seasons. The two last seasons were the first of his covering, and fie is a sure getter, of bony handsome stock as any horse in the kingdom. Rebel will attend at the Bird- in- Hand, Shaftesbury, every Saturday during the season. Owners selling mares ( that have been covered by Rebel)
within eleven months, or before a fair trial can be obtained of their being in foaj, subject themselves to pay the full season. All enquiries respecting the above famous Stallion will tie satisfactorily answered by Lemuel Pottle, of Tollard Royal aforesaid. [ 1132 TO COVER this Season, at £. 1 1 s. per Mare, and 2 » . 6d. the Groom, the Groom's Money to be paid at the t. me of covering, and the remainder on or before tbe 24th ot June next,— A very capital CART HORSE, called YOUNG MF. RRYMAN, the pioperty of Mr. Voss, Orchard, near Corfe Castie, Dorset.— This famous Horse is a son of tbe late Mr. G. Knight's noted horse
Merryman, and out of Mr. W. Purchas's excellent mare ( hat was got by that capital horse known by the name of " The Farmer's Glory."— Young Merryman is now five years old, upwards of sixteen hate s high, and by the most competent judges justly esteemed the handsomest Cart Horse in the West of England. This capital Horse will leave Orchard on Suntlay the 24th of April, at one o'clock, and icst that night'at Winfrith, at the Red Lion;— Monday night, at Weymouth, at the Portland Arms, stay there Tuesday during the Market, and rest that night at Dorchester, at the Crown;— Wednesday night, at Piddleiown, at the King's
Arms;— Thursday night, at White- church ;— Friday, at Wlmborne, at the Three Lions; stay", there during the Market, and rest that night at Lytchet, jic the Peter's Finger;— Saturday, afWareham, at the Horset and Groom, and stay there during the Market, and rest that night;— Sunday and Monday at Orchard. [ r. 43 Tuesday May 3. he will leave Orchard at ten o'clock, . nil stay that night at Winfrith, at the Red Lion;— Wedn. ley, at Piddletown, at the King's ArmsThursday night, at the World's End}— Friday, at Winiborne during the Mai ke t, ami rest that night at Lyt'chet, at the Peter's Finger;— Saturday, at Wareham, at the
Horse and Groom, dunng the Market, and rest that night at Orchard, and leave Orchard again on Sunday the 8th of May, at one o'clock, for Winfrfth,- and pursue the above rountid, whic^ fivill be continued ( fairs and sickness excepted) during the season, i Dae attendance will be given bv April, 1808, T. COLE, Groom, J V i
THE SAL Wsdnesdajj's and Thursday's Posts. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE OF APRIL 12. BISPi ext: Cas DOWNINS- STKEET, April 11. JSPATCHES, of which the following are extracts, were yesterday received by Viscount lastlereagh, one of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, from Major- Genera! Sherbrooke, commanding his Majesty's troops in Sicily. MY LORD, Messina, Feb. H. 1808. AS an opportunity offers of writing to England by a private ship, which " runs without convoy, I profit of the conveyance to inform your Lordship, that his Sicilian Ma- jesty's garrrison otReggio surrendered to the French on the 3d
inst. General Regnier's operations in Calabria will now, consequently, be directed against Scylla alone ; which place has been invested for nearly six weeks. He has been so fbrtuuate'as to possess himself of four Sicilian gun- boats, each carrying a 24- pounder, all of which he has landed. In endeavouring to recover the Sicilian gun- boats ( which fell into the enemy's hands, on the evening of the 30ih ult.) the Delight sloop of" war most unfortunately got on shore on the Calabrian coast. It being found impossible to get her off, she was next day burnt, to prevent her being of further use to the enemy— It is with ths most heartfelt
concern I add, that on this melancholy occasion Captain Handfield ( with several of his ship's company), was killed; an. l that Captain Seccorabe, of the Glattot:, ( who was at the time on board the Delight,) was very dangerously wounded, and, with the remainder, made prisoners. Capt. Seecombe was permitted, the next day, to come over to Messina on his parole, but on the 3d instant he died of his wounds. I have the honour to be, & c. ( Signed) J. C. SHERBROOKE, Maj.- Gen. Mv LORD, Messina, Feb. 23, 1808. I HAVE found it expedient, and for the good of his Majesty's service, to withdraw the British troops from the
Castle of Scylla, which was evacuated accordingly on the 17th instant; the place was immediately entered by the French troops, and it is now in their possession. On the morning of the 15th inst. Lieut.- Col. Robertson h viug informed me, by telegraph, that the parapet of the work was destroyed, and that all his guns were either dis- mounted or disabled, I i'elt very anxious indeed to with- draw the troops, but a continuance of the gale rendered this impracticable till the 17th, when, during a temporary lull, ( every necessary arrangement having been previously made) the transports' boats, protected by the men of war's launches,
ran over from the Faros, and succeeded in bring- ing away the whole of the garrison, who effected their retreat by the Sea Staircase to the boats, when they were exposed to a tremendous galling fire both of grape and musketry from the enemy, till such time as they could pull out of the reach of it. I am happy to add, that the loss of the troops in this exposed situation was only four killed and five wounded, and that of the seamen, one killed and ten wounded. 1 have the honour to be, & c. J. C. SHERBROOKE, Maj.- Gen. Letter from Lieut.- Colonel Robertson to Major- General Sherbrooke. SIR, Messina, Feb. 18, 1803. AFTER
being invested by General Regnier's army during s.' v - n weeks, and battered for six days by fourteen pieces of heavy ordnance, the little Castle of Scylla has fallen into his hands: but I have the heartfelt satisfaction to atld, that not one of the gallant garrison placed under my orders has become his prisoner. On the 3lst of December, the advanced workmen, and the out- posts of the masse, were driven in by three French battalions, and a detachment of cavalry, under General Millet, wh'ch took post upon the heights above us ; and on the following clay Regnier brought up two more batta* lions, and " spreading his out- posts to
Favezzina, Bagriara, & e. completed the investment of the town. At this time the garrison of the Castle consisted of about two hundred British, and from four to five hundred masse occupied tlia town. Tlv enemy's troops were now incessantly employed in forming the roads necessary for bringing his heavy ordnance from Seminars, while we laboured to render the approach to Scylla difficult, and harrassed tbe French by constant attacks on his out- posts with parties of the masse, and occasionally with boats. In some of these partial actions the enemy suffered severely; particularly in a night attack at Bagnara, where the
Voltigeurs of the 23d Light Infantry were cut to pieces. Owing to these checks, the French were retarded until the 6' th of February, when - they descended the heights in force, and came within a distant range of our guns ; and from this day they honoured our li'ttle Castle with all the detailed precautions of a regular siege. The force which General Regnier had brought to besiege Scylla, consisted of a body of cavalry, the 23d Light Iti- f a try, the Ist, G2d, and" 101st of the line, in all about sis thousand men; with five 24- pounders, five eighteens, and four mortars, besides field- pieces. On the morning of the 11th he opened bis
batteries, directing his efforts to the destruction of our upper works, and the disabling of our guns ; while under cover of this fire, he laboured to establish two breaching batteries, at three and four hundred yards distance, it was not, how ever, till the 14th, that our parapet and guns were ren- i dered totally useless. From this time our defence was con- fined to musketry, as our guns lay buried under the ruins ' of the parapet. In the night of the 15th, tha French pushed round the foot of the Rock, with the intention of destroying the Sea Staircase, but we happily discovered thein, and beat them off with e slaughter to which their
desperate situation exposed them. The fire from the broaching batteries bad been variously directed till the evening of the 16th, when they bent their undivided fury against the left bastion with such success, that the breach would probably have been practicable by the following evening. It was under these circumstances that I received your orders to evacuate the Castle, and have the great satisfaction of reporting, that we accom- plished this yesterday morning, in full view of the enemy, and without leaving an individual behind. I have the satisfaction of reflecting, that the support I have received from all ranks has enabled me to
sell Scylla dear ; and that General Regnier has obtained possession of this little heap of ruins with the loss of several hundred; of his best troop?. I have the honour to be, & c. G. D. ROBERTSON, Lieut. Col. Commandant Scylla Castle. Return of the Killed and If bunded.— 3 Gunners Royal Artillery, 3 Rank and File, killed; 1 Bouabadier, B Guu- ners, 22 Rank and File, wounded. SRL'RY AND- W! N" Cm. r: jrfn. MSTL, ADinitAi. TY- OiTien, April 12. Extract of a letter from Captain the Hon. D. P. Bouverie, of his Majesty's ship Medusa, dated off Dunnose, April 4, 1808. " I have this morning captured L'Actif, lugger privateer, of
Dieppe, of 14 guns. There were two other French lugger privateers in sight at the time, one of which being very near to lee- ward of us, I have every reason to expect we should have taken, but that it was necessary to examine four merchant vessels, among which the privateers were when we first saw them ; one of these, a coasting sloop, we retook ; the others had not been boarded by the privateers." BANKRUPTS. William Bran, of Hover, butcher. Robert Daniel Clarke, of Wareham, Dorset, linen- draper. J. J. Lew, of AMgate, High- street, feather- merchant. David Pu'll i . nt' Cannon- street- road, Ratclilfc- Highway, mariner.
A. R. L. Delauney, of Illakefey, dyer. Isaac Hartman, of Liverpool, banker. Samuel Sams, of Bathwick, bookseller. Robert Stevens, of Perceval- street, Goswell- street, eilk- skein- dyer. James Bartlett, of Whitreross- street, London, wool- merchant. John Dand, of Kirkby- Stephen, banker. Christopher Perkins, of Swansea, shopkeeper. Robert harlvr, of Oxford- street, Middlesex, jeweller. Francis Fenton, of Sheffield, merchant. friend to the Constitution must be convinced that it was necessary rather to curtail than to extend those povrers. He moved that the second reading of the bill be taken into consideration on the 26th of May.
Lord Holland said, he had objections to the bill, in a different view to those of bis Noble Friend ; he hoped those who ware friendly to the bill would attend on the day stated, to explain on what principles of policy or necessity such a measure was introduced. The motion was then agreed to. The Duke of Cumberland presented a petition from the Mayor and Corporation of Dublin, hostile to the claims of the Irish Catholics. The Irish Wool Export Bill, and the bill to suspend the grant of places in reversion, were brought tip from the Commons, and read a first time.— Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. MONDAY, April 11.] Mr. Alcock
took the oaths and his seat for the county of Wexford. Major Palmer moved that the reports of the Com- mittees on his father's petition, for a fulfilment of the whole agreement on his having completed the plan of con- veying the Mails by the present mode, he referred to a Committee of the whole House on the 12th of May. The motion was agreed to ; but the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer signified that his assent was not to be interpreted as giving any opinion on the merits of the petition. Sir A. IVellesley obtained leave to bring in a bill for enforcing the residence of spiritual persons oil their, livings in Ireland; and also a bill to
provide for the building of churches, chapels, and glebe houses, and for purcha. i'. ig glebe lands, & c. in Ireland. He afterwards brought in the bills, both of which were read a first time. An estimate of the general expence for carrying on the Naval Asylum was presented, on the motion of" Mr. Rose. Sir Charles Pole observed, that when some enquiry was made into the qualifications of persons holding offices in Greenwich Hospital, it was made to appear that the Auditor ought to be a person of legal eminence ; but however this might hold good with respect to that insti- tution, on account of the large estates it possessed, the
observation would not apply to the Naval Asylum, the accounts of which consist merely of the receipts^ and dis- bursements for 60 boys and 40 girls ; yet a salary of 300/. per annum, with coals and candles, and a house, the finishing of which would cost 1700/. are all given for this service to Dr. Thomas Brooke Clarke, a Reverend Divine, who holds three livings in Ireland, one of which has a glebe of 550 acres of land; and this Dr. Clarke had been paid large sums of public money for making out lists of non- resident Clergymen holding benefices in Ireland, whilst it was his own excuse that he was himself non- resident on
account of the duties attendant on the Auditorship of the Naval Asylum. It appeared that this was a rank job, and that his Majesty was deceived by those who had advised him to make this appointment. There . were many meritorious naval men, qualified for the employment. He therefore moved, " That it appears to this House, that the appoint- ment of persons to offices in the Naval Asylum from those who have served in the Navy or the Marines, would be highly advantageous to the Empire, and would diminish the public expence." Mr. Rose said, he should be happy to concur in any motion that was for the benefit of those who
had served in the Navy; but the present motion was wholly useless, as the Commissioners were framing regulations for the Naval Asylum, in which the Auditorship would not pass unnoticed. Having remarked, that, the Hon. Baronet, who now talked so loudly of reform, had not taken any step to remedy these abuses whilst he was in office, he concluded with moving the previous question, which, on a division was carried by a majority of 25, there being 71 for it, 46 against it. The original motion consequently was not put. Mr.' Lushington, after intimating that if Sir Home Popham should be able to attend on the 9th of May, he
would then bring forward the discussion relative to his conduct, of which he had giv^ n notice, moved for copies of various orders from the Admiralty, & c. to Sir Home, and for a copy of the log- book of the Etrusco, on her voyage from Calcutta to Prince of Wales's Island; which papers, with some exceptions, were ordered. Ou the motion of Mr. Jlauhen, an Account was ordered to be laid before the House of the increase and diminution, and of the number and amount of all Public Offices, from the 18th of July, 1806, to the 1st of January, 1808. In a Committee of Supply, the various customary sums were voted for the civil service
in Ireland. The House went into a Committee of Ways and Means, in which the Chancellor of the Exchequer opened THE BUDGET. Having briefly enumerated the different items of Supply voted, amounting in the aggregate to 48,653,1701. from which was to be deducted the proportion to be fur- nished by Ireland, viz. 5,713,5661. which would leave for Great Britain the sum of 42,939,604?. he next stated the Ways and Means, including an issue of Exchequer Bills for four millions ( in lieu of the four millions funded) and a loan of eight millions, which would make an aggregate of 3,9,576,870/. To this was to be added the surplus
of the Consolidated Fund, vyhich be should take at 3,750,000/. and which would carry the Ways and Means to 43,076,870/. being 137,000/. more than the Supplies wanted. The interest and Charges upon the Loan and the new Exchequer Bills would amount to 750,000/. which he proposed to provide for in the following manner:— By the falling in of the Short Annuities, there is a Sum of the existing Taxes relieved, amounting to per Annum £. 380,000 A saving in the Charges for Management of the Public Funds 65,000 By the new mode of collecting the Assessed Taxes, and Additions thereto 125,000 And by a Modification of
the Stamp Duties, toge- " " —- ••—•*- 200,000 HOUSE OF LORDS. MONDAY, April 11.] Lord Grenville presented a • etition from a large body of the Irish Catholics, praying for the repeal of the various disqualifying statutes to which i ev are still subject. The petition heing laid on the table, Lord Grenville pave notice, that on the 12th of May he should call the attention of their Lordships thereto. The day was after- w„ rds changed to the 13th, and an order made for tlie Lords to be summoned. The Orders in Council Indemnity Bill was read a third .;. t:, iue, and passed.— Adjourned. TUESDAY, April 2.] Earl Stanhope called the at-
Mai on of their Lords! ri. f « ! t o a Bill on the table, for ex- it „ uhijti. e powers of psisasuting by information, Every tiicr with a variety of Additions thereto Making together £. 770,000 Being 20,000/. more than the sum wanted. In bis modifi- cation of the Stamp duties, he intended to alter the duty on admission into office. The present duty was 20/. without regard to the value of the office. He should propose to exempt from the duty every office under the value of 60/. per annum ; those from 60/. to 150/. to pay 8.'. from 150/. to 300/. per annum, 20/. and proportionally higher for all of greater value. The duty on indentures of Attorneys
and Solicitors, to practice in the superior Courts, 110/. on those in the inferior Courts, and in Scotland, 55/. He should propose some regulations which would prin- cipally affect country bankers, viz. a small duty on those promissory notes which were re- issued, and an additional duty on those notes which were, not payable in London; he should propose 3d. on apound note payable in London, and 4d. on a pound note not payable in London. Some small addition might also be made to the duty on the transfer of Stock shares. Law proceedings were at present burthened with heavy taxes, yet they would bear one or two slight
additional duties: he should propose a shilling duty on every summons before a Master in Chancery; and on con- veyances of land, which now bore a duty of 30s. generally, he should propose a duty of 20.?. only on every conveyance where the value of the land did not exceed 150/. from 150/. to 300/. 30s. from ,300/. to 500/. 50s. and from that upwards at a rate not exceeding 20s. for every 100/. After a fe general observations, lie concluded with moving his first resolution, granting the unappropriated surplus of the Consolidated Fund. Mr. liiddulph thought the arrangements for the present year might and ought to have been
made without any hew taxes. lie related some facts to shew the value of Crown Rents, by the sale of which, he was certain, 600,000/. might easily have been raised. After some observations from Mr. Tierney, Mr. Giddy, Mr. Vansittart, and Mr. Huskisson, the lesolution passed, and the report was ordered to be received on the morrow. The Bill to restrain the grant of Reversions having been read a third time, Lord Porehester proposed an amend- ment, with a view to bring back the Bill to the principle on which the House originally acted. The amendment was rejected by a majority of 48 ; the Bill was then passed, and ordered to
the Lords.— Adjourned. TUESDAY, April 12.] Mr. Grattan offered a petition from a numerous body of Roman Catholics, praying that they might be admitted to the franchises of the consti- tution ; but several of the names subscribed not being in the hand- writing of the parties, and these being so blended with the regular signatures that they could not be well distinguished, the Hon. Gentleman was persuaded for the present to withdraw the petition, that he might hereafter present it in more regular form. Lord Ccisttereagh rose to propose his new plan for the defence of the country. He stated that the regular army now at home,
united with the militia, amounted to 200,000 men, exclusive of the artillery. Our regular army, by making each company of infantry consist of 100 men ( which was no more than the Officers could easily j manage) would be increased 50,000 men. He meant to establish a local militia, as an axiny of Mse, rve, f,- ym whence these 50,000 men might be permitted to votun- teer, and it would be a great advantage to. have them re- gularly trained. He could himself rest satisfied of the safety of the country whilst the volunteers could with convenience give their services to the country, in their present excellent military state. Btit is was es
entiul to fix and organize a permanent force, which . would always subsist tq tha-, same amount. Looking to the regulars and militia as- the first line, and the volunteers as the second line, it was necessary to have a regimental force as a third line, and the poin£ now to be considered was, what amount of force of tills kind it was necessary to' have, in order to fill up the deficiencies that may arise in the volunteer establishment. An increase may be made, if circumstances require it, but it was unnecessary to bur- then the country ; in. the first instance, six times the number of the militia would be for Great Britain only 330,000. men.
Tha number of effective volunteers in Ire- land was close on 70,000. Under this piVo, there would be therefore a depot oi' 400,000, ready at a moment's notice to fill into the regiments of the. line and the militia, according as they may be wanted to make them up. According to the last returns, the effective force of the volunteers in Great Britain was two hundred and ninety thousand. There were actually under arms at the last inspection two hundred and forty thousand. The report of their discipline was highly favourable, and they were declared fully capable of acting with- the line.— When the gross amount of the effective
volunteers was compared with six times the amount of tha militia, there was found a deficiency of 30,000 on rjre aggregate. But when this deficiency came to be subuivviJ'l, th& re was found an inequality, some of the conntie- emg snore de- ficient ahtl some less, and among the le, S,<;- the maritime Counties; and the consequence of this inequality was, that 60,000 would be wanted to complete the establishment to the amount desired. He proposed therefore tO^ vethe Crown a power to create a local militia, to the iggregate amount of 60,000 men in the first Instance, to be increased in proportion as the volunteer force should
diminish, and to supersede them totally if they should withdraw their services in the event of peace. This militia to be raised by ballot, and every person ballotted to serve in person ; the ballot to include all males between the ages of 18 and 35 years. The training to proceed in peace as well as war, to be for 23 days in every year, and each person is to serve four years; so that in time the whole population of the country will be trained to the use of arms.— At any rate, having a regimental force of 400,000 men, in ad- dition to a regular army of 200,000, which may, if occa- sion required, be increased to 250,000, Parliament may
rest content that the empire is secure. Gentlemen would have the interval of the recess to consider the provisions of his plan ; and in order to give them the greatest possible facility, he should move that the Bill be printed. When they should re- assemble, and resume the considera- tion of this subject, he would receive with attention every suggestion Gentlemen should offer, and endeavour as much as possible to profit by them. He moved for leave to bring in a Bill to make better provision for the internal defence of the kingdom. Mr. Windham strongly censured every feature of the present plan, and insisted that it would
unnecessarily harass the people, and improfitablv exhaust our means of defence. He declared that at least a million sterling was yearly, wasted by the present Administration on the Volun- teers ; and that their extravagance in other instances was beyond all former precedent. He also entered into a general defence of his own military plans, as every way superior to those which had been substituted for them. After some remarks from Mr. Yorlte and Gen. Tarleton, leave was given to bring in the bill. The Chancellor of the I^ ccheyuer moved for leave to bring in a Bill for making more effectual provision for the maintenance of
Stipendiary Curates, and for their residende on their Cures. He prefaced his motion with a speech of considerable length, in which he described the three failures which this mea/ ire had already experienced in Parliament, contended that those failures by no means precluded success in the present instance, and repeated all his former arguments as to the propriety and necessity of the measure. Lord Pdrehcster, Mr. Creeue*. Dr. Lawrence, and Mr. JFindhwni, argued wavrtih' Treasure, as trenching materially and unjustiylupon the rights of one set of men, for the purpose of benefiting another. The Chancellor of the Exchequer
and Mr. Babington defended the principle of the proposed bill, and leave Was granted to bring it in. The report of the Budget was brought up, and agreed to, and Bills ordered thereon. The Irish Glebe House Bill tras read a second time, ordered to be printed, and taken into further consideration on the 26th inst. Adjourned. On Wednesday morning, about ten o'clock, a vessel of about,. 300 tons, from Oporto to London,. with wines^ cauje on shore ortt thV Leo Bar-, in ^ hint's Bay, nearly on the Same spot on which the Anson was lost. She tiad ho sootier Hp'fXbe SOLF)" byA ft CTION7 by Wm . Jen- jTtn I s, a at the George fnn,
Winsham, tout miles from Chard, Somerset}'- on Wednesday the - 20th of April inSt. ' to begin at two 0 clock precisely),— A very desirable SITUATION In the struck, than she was dashed to pieces by the violence of LINEN DRAPERY, GROCERY," and GENERAL LINE lately car 6nfflcd the effort? of the ' country 1 ne* T LONDON, WEDNESDAY,' APRIL Dutch Papers have been received to the Gil instant. The Dutch Finances are in the most deplorable state.— Last year there was a deficit of 23 millions, exclusive of previous arrears.— This year the deficit is estimated at 24 millions, and it is openly confessed that no hope
exists of reducing the expenditure to the amount of the revenue till the war is at au end with England. The price of coffee, and other articles of colonial produca, continues to rise in Holland. They are equally scarce in Germany. Letters from Hamburgh, dated the 25th of March, state that coffee is there at 3s. a pound. We have at length authentic intelligence respecting the Rochefort Squadron. All the accounts which bad before reached us through the medium of American Captains— all the statements which were so artfully inserted in the French papers, respecting tbe Rochefort squadron having passed the Streights, into the
Mediterranean, appear to have been wholly without foundation.— The Rochefort squadron did not pass the Streights, but direeted their course for the West Indies. The Abraham, from St. Domingo, arrived at Lancaster on Monday last", and has tbe following intelligence inserted in her log- book, by the Hon. G. A, Crofton, of his Ma- jesty's brig- Demerara, who had been dispatched to Bermuda by Sir J. T. Duckworth, off Martinique, and was on his return to the Leeward Islands — '•' Monday, 14 March, lat, 30. long. 63. 41. " On Monday, " til inst. the Mullet schooner fell in with a French squadron, consisting of six sail of the line,
one a three- decker, in lat. 34. N. long. 69. W. steering W. N. W. and kept company with them three hours." The above important intelligence was fully credited at the Admiralty, and was put up at Lloyd's The last accounts from India mention that an in- surrection had taken place among the Cadets at the Military College at Bonesset, and although from its nature, the consequences were not apprehended to be very serious, the refractory youths would not submit, until the military were brought against them, and were about to charge, them with the bayonet. The fleet for the East Indies, which left Ports- mouth on the 5th of March,
were all well on the 21st, in lat. 30. long; 17$. The Lion man of war ( their Commodore, who parted on the 14th) had rejoined, in company with a ' Spanish brfjj, from Vera Cruz, laden with a valuable cargo, her prize! An official account of the action in India, men- tioned in our la'st, was published this morning. It is dated East- India House, April 11, and states that Doondea Khan, a Zemindar and farmer of land in the district of Allyglmr, had committed tile most lawless acts of violence on the inhabitants, and constantly resisted the authority of the Magistrates, which made it necessary to take measures for the reduction of bis
fortresses. In consequence, Major- General Dickens, with a considerable force under his com- mand, consisting of the King's and Company's troops, advanced and encamped before the fort of Commona, on the 12th of October last.— The works of Commona were very strong; but after the troops had overcome great diffi- culties, the breach being declared practicable, the fort ? nil the fortified garden were attempted by storm on the evening of the 18th of November. After a desperate struggle, which cost the lives of many valuable officers and men, they were compelled to retire both from the fort and garden ; to the impression,
however, made ou the enemy by the gallant conduct of the troops on this occasion, may fairly be ascribed the evacuation of both places in the course of the same night, which were taken possession of the follow- ing day.— The killed on our part amounted to 134; the wounded to 516. Among the killed were Lieut.- Col. Duff, < Captains Radcliffe and Kirk, of the King's forces; Capt. Robertson, ef the Company's Native infantry, aiid several other Officers. people to save the crew, that only two seamen were preserved. The Captain, mate, and seven seamen perished. A worthy young man of Gniiwalloe, named Dale^ who
honourably distinguished fiimidf in saving tbe lives of tfi • soldiers wrecked some months since in the James and ' Rebecca transport, ftdl a victim, ou this occasion to his humanity. The cargo of the . above vessel consisted of 300 pipes of - wine, 30 only of'- winch have-' been saved, and conveyed to Helston. GREAT FLOOD.— An extraordinary inundation of the river Frome, at Bristol, caused by the. uncommon swell of fresh water, occurred in ths course of la^ t weuk in that city. On Wednesday the waters began to rise, and in the course of the night, and following morning, a considerable part of the city was inundated; a stream
rushing with the utmost impetuosity, through Newfoundland- street, Milk- street, Rosemary- lane, Old King- st. Merchant- st. Broadmead, and Sf. James's- Back.— All the avenues and places adjacent, presented one immense sheet of water, in many places four feet high, and. at least three feet in the centre of several streets ; all the cellars and lower apartments were full, and the inhabitants obliged to fly for refuge to the upper stories. Five or six boats were employed all day in re- moving the people, and carrying provisions to those who were obliged to remain. The goods upon the banks of the Wear, and the adjoining shops,
were either swept away, or damaged by tbe flood'. A new strong built wallj 150 yards in extent, near Earl's Mead, was washed down, but we have not heard of any other serious injury. Friday the waters sub: ided. The lands about Stapleton and Bedminster were overflowed, aud the canal dam slightly injured. POLICE.— A fellow named Isaac Dawberry was yesterday examined before Mr. Read, at Bow- street, on a charge of a most aggravated assault on Margaret West, servant to a gentleman in Holboru, who having been sent by her master to a livery- stable to enquire for a chaise, this fellow and a servant from a window, who
informed her mistress of th, circumstance, and the lady, sent to Bow- street for some officers ; but before they arrived the two miscreants had been joined by four others, and they had all treated the poor girl in a way too shocking to describe. Five of the villains were gone; but Dawberry remained in the stable whan the officers arrived, and was immediately taken ioto custody. He was committed fur re- examination. OLD BAILEY.— On Saturday George Wilkinson, a servant at the Windmill Inn, St. Jolm's- street West Smithfield, was tried for stealing from his master's warehouse a parcel containing 70/ in Bank noteg, intend"! to
have been con- veyed to Wellington by tbe stage cpaeli. Guitth,— Death. — Charlotte Way, alias Bsmstead, a dashing woman, 23 years old, who had formerly lived shop- maid to a haber dasher at High Wycombe, was tried for obtaining large quantities of haberdashery under tha fraudulent pretext that they were for her former mi. itress, from different wholesale dealers in London, which goods she had uni- formly pawned. The facts were proved, and her only defence was, that she had been instigated to these fraud- by Quarter- master Hawkes, of the light dragoons. She had made a similar assertion on her first examination
before a magistrate ; and - tiie quarter- master attended- her final examination, aud exonerated himself from the charge. The Jury without hesitation found a verdict of Guilty, The case itself did not excite so much notice as - the re- spectable appearance of the Prisoner, who was dressed in a black velvet pelisse, a white bandeau round her Ivor, bracelets, & e. be. in short, she appeared dressed more fit for a Theatre than a Prison. She heard both the trial and verdict with the most complete stmgfrpiji. On Monday Thomas Bucltjlv. Daniel' Buckley. John Homer, and John Hartcup were indicted on the Statute of the 37th of the King,
which mates it felony < br . uiyperson to counterfeit coin, with intent to resemble the- goliVor silver coin of a Foreign Prtrifce.' The indictment chargeiT the prisoners with counterfeiting the Guilder, a Prussian coin. The evidence was not interesting, but the offence being proved, the Jury found them all guilty. The con- re tkf. vi'isouavs to imprisonment cr transport ation. J. W. Shepperd was tried for a highway robbery, and capitally convicted. On Tuesday there was no trial at all interesting. Oil Wednesday the sentences were passed on the several prisoners, and the Sessions were adjourned to the 1st of June. BREAC.— The price
is continued the same as last week. • CORN- EXCHANGE, April 13. There arc several fresh arrivals of Wheat to- day— that of second and ordinary quali ty is at less price ; Barley at a ready sale, and full as dear; Malt and Beans of both sorts vary " but little ; having large supplies of White Pea", partly from Sweden, causes a reduction in price this week of full 10s. per quarter: aud the Oats fully at last prices ; Flour without alteration. on by Mr. Joseph Nlfhob, dcMttWt- l eonsiS" riKo! a goo l house,. complete shop, < Xrc. well calculated tor a maru- actiry, or any business that requites room; also an excellent garden and orchard
adjoining, together'about two acres, 1' ai. iiculais mav- be known by applying to Mr. blwards* CfiarJ;' rT! b Mr. Newberry, T allnton. The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of the late Mr. Joseph Nichol; ve: th ll-. hossheads cf Cyder,-. a Press ami. Mill, a good Horse, & c. will be sold hv Auction the same day ( ItJ commence at four o'clock)";' or riiay be taken with the Stotft in Tr. le, 051 liberal terms. [ 1123 SOMERSET AND DORSET, rsno be SOLD by AUCTION, on Wednesday jhe 1 20th day o! April next, at the Bear Ir. ri, Wincanton, precisely at four o'clock in the afternoon,—' The following Premises: Lot 1.—' Tbe Fee Simple and
Inheritance of an undivided: Moiety of a most desirable ESTATE, situate in the parish c. l East Lydford, in the county of Somerset; consisting of it farm- house, barn, stables, ahd outhouses; and about lltf acres of orchard, meadow, pasture, and arable land, now ill the several possessions of Messrs. John D » vis and W. Cox. Lot 2.— The Intirety for the remainder of a term of !)!> yeafiv determinable on the death of Wm. Monk Scott, of and in vt- f ARM- HOUSE, with convenient out- buildmgs, and 40> acres of meadow and pasture land, 6ituaie in the parish . cf Twyford, in the CJUnty of Dorset, and now in the occupa- tion of Mr.
Stephen Peters, as tenant thereof; together v*. t » a Moiety of the said Pnanises for the Life of Mrs. —' Phelps/ ill ess. she survives the said W. M. Scott. The last mentioned premises arc held by Leas* under the Right Hon. the Earl of Arundel. Apply in the mean time to Mr. Whin, solicitor, Welling- ton, Somerset. FARMS TO BE LETT. TO be LETT by AUCTION, by order of tins Ri: ight Worshipful Samuel Birch, Esq. Mayor of the City of Bristol, and the other Surveyors of the City Lands, j .... at the ANCHOR INN, in PortislVead, iii the county ot Somer- another forced her into the stable, wInch was observed by*' sct> Oa Friday the
s2d day of April instant, at one o'clock in - • .... . . . ... the afternoon precisely,— Three Hundred and Seventy ACKS and upwards ol Arable, Mea low, Pasture, and Wood LAND, situate within and par eel of the Manor of North Weston, lu Portishead, in the county of Somerset, whereof i-. bout 140 acrts are allotments under an luclosure Act, on the Hill and in tbe Moor there; in the following lots, viz. Lot 1.— For a term of 14 years from Lady- day next, 129 acres of old inclosed Arable and Pasture Land, R7 acres of ur-' inclosed Land, upon North Weston- hill, and la acres of Woodland,— total 228 acres. Lot 2.— For a term of 14 j cars, S9 acres of Woodlani, called North Pastor Wood. Lot3.— For a term of Seven vears from next L- dy- dav, 27j acres of Meadow Land, and « acres of Arable Land,— total TO AGRICULTURISTS. THE favourable reports the Gypsum- Company have lately received of the very beneficial effects of their PATENT PREPARED GYPSUM, dining the last summer, upon all natural and artificial Grasses, but more particularly on Clover, Lucerne, and Sainfoin, induces them to recom- mend, with increased confidence, its application as a tap dressing, at the rate of six bushels per acre, any time durim'; the present and the two ensuing
months. Orders addressed to the Gypsum Company, No. 62, Hlackman- strect, Borough, or No. ao, Broad- street, Bristol, will be duly executed at . Ss. per bushel, for ready money only. Sacks, being the best packages, are provided by the Company, if required, and the Composition forwarded cither by land or water carriage. Teams are loaded at a short notice; and a Treatise on'its properties and effects may be had at' both the above places, and of G. Hayden, No. 4, Brydgcs- street, Covent- Garden, price is. The Composition may also be had bv applying to Mr. George Fry, Salisbury, with the expence of freight and car- riage
added to the above price. •-. . floss TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. ALL persons who have any demands on the Estale and Effects of" Mr. JOHN STRAWBRIDGE, late of Bradford, in the county of Wilts,' deceased, are desired to send an - account of- theiV respective demands to Mr. Mark Bond Glass, of Orcheston St. Mary, near AmrsbUrv, Wilts, the surviving Executor-, and ail persons who are indebted to the same Estate, are desired forthwith to pay their respective debts to Mr. Glass, or they - will otherwise be proceeded agai nst Without further notice.— Dated April 14, 1808. [ 1175 ALDERBURY INCLOSURE. WE
whose names are hereunto subscribed, Com- missioners named and appointed in and by an Act of Parliament passed in the 4fld year of his present Majesty, for inclosing Lands in the parish of Alderbury, in the county of Wilts, do hereby give Notice, that we intend to hold our next Meeting at the house of Samuol Gibbons, the Spread Eagle Inn, in the city of New Sarum, 011 Monday the 16' th day of May next, at eleven o'clock in the'forenoon, for the purpose of reading the. draft of - our Awatd,— Daled. Ihii lilh day. of April, 1808. " FRANCIS WEBB. • 1176] ' RICHARD- RICHARDSON. arid'Co. DORSET. TO be SOLD by
AUCTION, by J. Gox'u at the Red Lion Inn, in; Shaftesbury, on Wednesday the 20th day, of April, 1808, between, the hours of four and six o'clock in the afternoon,— Three Closes of cxceedin"- rich MEADOW and PASTURE LAND, ca « cd HAIMIS'S? con- taining, together, about 24 acres; situate in the-. parish of Motcombe, in the county pf Dorset, and now in the occupa- tion'of John Meatyard, tenant at Till.— The above Lands are Copyhold or Inheritance of the Manor of GiUingham, are most desirably situated, being near the turnpike road leading to Shaftesbury, and within a short distance of the town. For a view of the
premises and for further particulars jpply to Mr. John Brickie, of Mr. Hannen, solicitor, Shaftesbury. PRIME TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Joira . WARR, at the Golden Lion Inn, in the parish of Thorncombe, in the county of Devon, oa Wednesday the 27th day of April instant, at three o'clock in the afternoon, in Lots : 250 capital OAR TIMBER TREES, with their Tops and Bark, all standing in the several Estates of Sadborow Manor; also several Lots of large ASH TIMBER. The Oak is very fit for the Navy, being of large dimensions and good quality ; the Ash is large, clean, and good. Printed particulars of the Lots" may
be had at the George Inn, Chard; George Inn, Axminster; George Inn,, Bridport; at the place of sale ; at the Auctioneer's House, Beamister ; and of James Handyman, at Sadborow House, who. will shew the Timber.- ^ Sadborow is twelve n « k » tiom Bridport, I seven from Lyme, and si* frdra Chard, £ n 09 ' ' Ji5£ acres. Lot 4.— For a term of 14 years from Lady- day next, 13 - acres of Arabic and Meadow Land, 46f acres' of uninck sed Land in the'Moor, and an old Barn and Barton in the village, — total 64* aCTes. Lot 5.— For a term of 10 years from Lady- dav next, 8 acre* of Arable and MCadOw Land, including some Out buildinvs and a Paddock in the village, and 7 J acres, a new Allotment in the. Moor,— total acres. flMi For further particulars apply to Mr. Abraham Pritchard, aj ; Pp. rtishcad; or to the Chamheilain of the cityof Bristol, at J: hi: Council- house in the said city, where a plan may be seer. TOLLS TO LETT. TU^ OTICE is hereby t; ivcn,— That the TOLLS i. N arising at the several Toll Gates upon the DevizesCi n- solida'ted Turnp; ke Roads, called or known 1 y the several names of SeCnd Gate, Rowdc Gate, Green Gate,' Nursteed Gate, and Potterne Gate, including the several Kve Gates to the - same belonging, will be LETT by
AUCTTON, to the best bidder, at the housi of Mark Burton, beinn the Castle Inn. in Devizes, in ths county of Wilis, on Friday tbe lath . day of May next, between the'hoists of three and five in the afterqoon, in the manner . directed by the sAct passed iiuhe ' lijith year of the reign of his present Majesty, " for regulating turnpike roads," tor a term not less than One Year, com- mencing from the 18th day of June next; and that the same Tolls will be put up ft the sum of 2US5L being the sum which the same will then have produced for. the year preceding, clcar of all expences of colleciinit the same. Whoever happens to be the best
bidder, must at the same time give security, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Pioads, for payment of the rent at such times and in ivjU manner asshall then be agreed on.— DiUcA April la, 1808. By order of the Trustees, 1151] EDWARD INGS, Clerk. TOLLS TO LETT. OTICE is hereby given,— That the TOLLS arising at the Toll Gale called or known by the n4me of Sandy- 1 : ne Gate, on the. first district of road mentioned and set forth in and by " Ah Act for repairing and widening the road from Rowde- ford toReibhill, anil from Cliittoe- beath to the town of C- aliic, in the county of Wilts," will be LETT by AUCTION,- to
the best bidder, at the house of Marls Burtoq, being the Castle Inn, in Devizes, in the county of Wilts, on Friday the lath day of May next, between the hours of three and five in the afternoon, in the manner di- rected by the Act passed in the 13 th year of the reign of his present Majesty, " for regulating turnpike roads," for a terra not less than One Year, commencing from the 15th day of June next; and that tbe same Tolls' will be put up at " the sum of 100/. being the sum which the same will then have produced for the year preceding', clear of all expences of col- lecting the sanie. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must at
the same time give security, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said first district of road, for payment of the rent at such times and in such manner as shall then be agreed on.— Dal. i April 13, 1806. By order of the Trustees, 1' 52] EDWARD INGS, Clerk. SACRED MUSIC. Speedily will be published ( by Subscription), dedicated, hj Permission, to the lion. Ladu PITT, Highjidd Park, Hunts. EIGHT ANTHEMS, Twelve PSALM TUNES, and GLORIA PATRIA; adapted fbi the Use of Country Choirs. By W. M. BURGISS, Hec- kfUld, near Hartfordbrklge, Hants. Price to Subscribers, 10s. Cd. . All orders by letter ( post- paid^,
directed to the Author, as above, will be duly attended to. Among the present Subscribers are— The Right Rev. Lord Bishop of Salisbury; Mrs. Fisher; Right Hon. Sir VS.' A. Pitt, K. B.; Lady Pitt; Right Hon. Lot'd Rivers; Hon. Mrs. Howe, London; Hon. Mrs. Brown; Horace Beck ford, Esq. j Col. i J. P. Addenbrooke ; Col. West; Col. Ram; J. G. Micklethwaite, Esq.; Sir W. Parsons, Loudon; C. S. Lefe vre, Esq.; Mrs. Lcfeyre ; Mrs. Shaw Lefcvrc; Hon* and Rev. Alfred Harris; Rev. S. Berdmore, D D. Warden of M. C. Oxon ; Compton, Esq.; Rev. Mr. Milton ; Mrs. Milton; Rov. Mr. Trebeck; Rev, Mr. Salter; aad Mr. Jackson. A List of the
tvhole of the Suhcribers will be gu m in each Book. ( n. vj Subscribers names will be received at Mr. G. Goddtn',, Printing- office and Messrs. Banks's, Saiislveiy; far. C. Lacy's,' Warminster; Mr. F: Wellmari's, Southampton'; Mr. Coombs's, Chippenham ; Mr. SihimOnds's, Blandford; Mr. W- Weaver's, Engraver and Publisher, No. 2, Spring- Gardens, London ; ami at the Author's, Heekfield. '• Butler's celebrated Restorative Tooth Powder. .- PJJAUTV - of ' coaiitensyicc, and regularity of fea- Jij3 tures, are allowed to- distir : uish the lii ti ll fair, but the proprietor of BUTLER's. TOOTH POWDER would beg leave to remind his
countrywo/ nen, that the lustre of their charms loses half its influence'where the Teeth are disco- loured, or shew a rotten and unhealthy appearance: this is the more inexcusable, as the present pieparation afToids '. lit infallible means of . removing every blenii> h of thtfcnamw, and is safe in its application, being composed of vegetables. It is recommended to the. attention of all rati'-. as clearing aWay every imperfection, either hi the colour 01 the dcc. y of the enamel bf the Teeth; as rende'riVig the breath sweat and delectable, and making the eums of their proper shape ami Vermillion hue ; and a certain preventive ot the
Tooth- ache. Sold wholesale and retail at Mr. Butler's, No. 4, Che.;:- Corner of Paternoster- row, London ; end at the Priming. Office, Salisbury, in boxes at 2s. tf. f, each; [ 5201 D'r. Fothergil's NERVOUS CORDIAL DROPS are strongly recommended at this season to the Fair Sex; and are pronounced to be ceinin in removing all lowness and depression of the spirits, the most alarming diseases cf the head and stomach, palpitation of tile hear£ horrid thoughts, vain, fears, frigh'tful dreams, loss of memory, relaxation, debilitated habits from a Jong continuance in hoc climates, and a sedentary life; palsies, dorsal consumptions,
and weakness incidental to both sexes; and for spas;. i', from an influx of vital heat into the affccied muscles.— 1 his Grand Antispasmodic Remedy never yet fail; 1 in a single instance for 18 years past, in bilious cases, indigestion, sliw, nervous, pdtrid, malignant, petechial fevers, and'bn'cen constitutions. Sold wholesale and retail at Mr. Butler's,' No. 4, Chrapsidi, • Corner of Eaternosteii'Row; Loudon, and at the Printing- office, Salisbury, in Bottles at it, ci. aud l is. each, with ample Directions, [> 714
AND GENERAL AnVBlTtsJitt OF WILl'S, 11 ANT^, DORSET, Af4D SOMERSET. Friday's and Satufday's Posts. EAST INDIES, CALCUTTA, Sept. 23! LORD MintO arrived here on the 31st of July, and has restored the Government to riearfv the same splendour as during Lord Wellesley's Administration. The I'gd regiment is restored to a perfect state of subordination. The 67th regiment is tlso in a perfect state of good order. T'he investment was ordered at ( JO lacs ( 1,100,000/.) by Sir George Barlow, but has since been reduced to !) 0 lacs, or 400,000/. Tbe Government has made some alterations respecting the Mysore
Princes. One, who was concerned In tbe Vellore business, is to be continued a close prisoner in tbe Calcutta jail; the other elder ones are to be. at liberty to live as they please at Calcutta, and the younger branches to remain under tbe superintendauce of a British officer. J) cC. 3.— Our troops have followed Doondea Khan,' ftnd are piepared to reduce his last fort. . Sir Geo. Barlow proceeds to Madras, as Governor, in a few days ; and in consequence of the Directors having ordered that theCommander in Chief at Madras Is riot to have a Seat in the Council, Lieutenant- Gcneral Macdowal is going home. HOUSE OF LORDS.
WEDNESDAY, April 15.] The Irish Orders in Council Bill was read a third time, and passed.——' The Irish Wool Export Bill was read a second time. Adjourned. THURSDAY, April 14.] The Royal Assent was given by Commission to 47 public and private Bills.— Among tile former were tbe Orders in Council Validity Bill, Irish Orders in Council Bill, British and Irish Cotton and Bark Sills, and Irish East India Trade, and Warehousing Bills. Tne Irish Promissory Note Bill, and Custom House Fees Bill, were received from tbe Commons, and read a first time. Adjourned to this day fortnight. HOUSE OF COMMONS. " WEDNESDAY, April
13.] Sir C. Pole presen' ed a Petition from the Artificers of Plymouth Dock, j. ying relief under the pressure of the times. Col. Stanley obtained leave to bring in a Bill to amend tin Laws relating to Settlements, for better regulating the Setlement of Bastard Children, and removing Scotch and Jrih Poor. ' uord limning, Chairman of the Committee appointed to'( insider tbe propriety of confining, for a time to be Sated, the Distilleries to the use of Sugar and Molasses in thtaariufacture of Spirits, brought up the report of that Connittt e. ir II. Mihlmay apprized the House, that the part of fneRqioit which went to prohibit the use of grain in
distlition, though sanctioned by the opinions of the tnajfity of the Committee, had by no means its unanimous Hppibation. Jmiral Bevuey, and other Members from the Corn disnets, signified their disapprobation of the principle of thereport, which was supported by Mr. Hibbert, Mr. Maning, and other gentlemen in the commercial interest. Tie report was laid on tbe table; and Ijord Binning gav notice, that in proper time he should make a motion on lie sub ject. jord Castlereagh brought in a Bill for the constitution of. Permanent Local Militia for the Internal Defence of thdleahn; which was read a first time, and ordered to beead a
second time oil Friday the 29*- h instant, and to K'Srinted.. he Chanxtlor of the Exchequer brought in a Bill to er » ourage the Residence of Stipendiary Curates; which Vis read a first time, and ordered to be printed. Mr. Banker gave notice, that after the holidays he hould again bring before tbe House the question of the iroptiely of taxing Foreign Property in the Funds. Mr. Bidnulph renewed his assertion that the money tinted for the public service . might this veaf have been Kdis- d without new t xes ; and be proposed certain re- oiu- ,' ttofif with a view to that object, w hich he wished to have * laid on the. tabic, and printed, for
considcratioli on a future day. " The resolutions were read ; and the last relating to the tale of Crmtn lands, the Shaker stated that it was not customary to interfere with tbe hereditary revenue of the Irown, without a special communication from bis Majesty. Mr. Biddulph stated that the. revenues alluded to co - fi'ted of small ground rent ', detached old houses, lie. and hid fallen olf so that it now yielded only 150b/. a year; yet it would yield a large sum, as the liold. rs of e tates were very anxious to purchase it. The legal quays, a d ether property to a much greater amount, had lately been purchased with money from the
Consolidated Fund, and vested in his Majesty. On this anil other grounds, the question of form ought not to impede tbe resolution. The Chancellor of the Exchequer promised to give every facility to the plan of the Hon. Gentleman, if on examina- tion it should be thought beneficial to the public; on which Mr. Biddulph withdrew the last resolution, and the others were ordered to be taken into consideration on the 25th inst. In a Committee on the Assessed Taxes Bill, Mr. Lcth- fcridge proposed a Duty of five guineas 011 every person who Jkept a double- barrelled gun, but 011 the suggestion of Mr. Huskisson withdrew his motion,
for the purpose of bringing it forward in a Committee of Ways and Means. A new Writ was ordered for the Borough of Great Yar- mouth, in tbe Isle of Wight, in the room of C. Clithcroe, jisq. who has vacated. Adjourned, THURSDAY, April 14.] A new writ was isued for the borough of St. Mawes, iu the room of Sciope Bernard, Esq. who has accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. A new writ was also issued for the borough of Wafeham, In the room of Sir Granby Calcraft, who lias accepted the Chilern Hundreds. The Chancellor of the Exchequer laid upon the table the annual accounts, which were ordered to be printed.— Adjourned to
Tuesday se'nnight. LONDON, FRIDAY, APRIL 15. The Report from tile Committee to whom it was referred to consider whether the distilleries should be pre- vented from it- ing grain; was presented to tbe House of Commons on Wednesday.— Tile opinion of the Coihinittce is, that it would be adviseable to make the experiment of prohibiting the distillation of spirits from grain fob ouo year. . EAST- INDIA DIRSCTORS.— Wednesday a Ballot was taken at the East- India House, for the Election of six Directors, in tbe room of John Manship, Esq. | SirThe'ophilus M'etcalfe; Bt. Sir Francis Baring, Bart, j George W. Thellusson, Esq.
Sir Hugh Inglis, Bart I George Millet, Esq. Who go out by rotation. At eight o'clock the glasses were finally closed, and deli- vered to the Scrutineers, who, ' at six o'clock yesterday morning, reported the numbers to be as undermentioned, viz.— J. A. Bannerman, Ksq. John I'ludleston, Esq. Eyles Ir? v: n, Esp. Charles Mills, Esq. Thomas Parry; Esq 115? 1415 ( 510 14.12 1123 Rich. C. Plowden, Esq. IRIS Abraham Robarts, Esq. 1341) Geo. A. Kobinson, Esq. 1337 Robt. Williams, Esq. 936 Whereupon the follwiug'were declared duly elected •- John A. Bannernian, Esq. John Hudleston, Esq Charles Mills, Esq. Rich. C. Plowden,
Esq. Abraham Robarts, Esq. George A. Robinson, Esq. th Letters were received yesterday from Spain, which ftate that a second commotion had broken out among the populace Et Madrid, which, after some bloodshed, was subdued. It is now reported, that the expedition which sailed from Bengal under the command of Rear- Admiral Sir E. Pellew, is destined against the remaining Dutch settlements iu that quarter of the globe.' The troops embarked on this service amount to 1800 effective incn. Various speculations have been advanced respecting e destination of tbe Roehefort squadron, now ascertained to have been seen ill
lat 21 N. long. 6' 9 W. steering a N. N. W. course; but the most general opinion is, that it was making tor the Chesapeak, and great hopes are enter- tained of Sir John Duckworth's falling in with it. We understand thatGovernment have received from Heligoland an account of the capture of one of the only two remaining l'inc- of- battle shijis belonging to the | Danes, off the island of Jeyro, on the 20th ult. The Viefficiat details have not yet arrived | It was stated in our last, that Admiral Sir Richard Jb'trachan had proceeded, on entering the Mediterranean, w direct for Sicily. This fact is nowfurtbet' confirmed bv letters received from
the Warrior, one of his squadron, I lilted the ( ith of last month. It had joined Lord Colling- ' vood and Admiral Thornborougn's divi ion, And the eom- | lined force of the three was 19 sail of the line and six fii- < g » tes.. Sir Richard was all well, wooding and watering, at Palermo. A report prevailed at Sicily af the Toulon squadron ' having sailed to join that from Carthagena, in oKferto jroceed together to raiie the blockade of Cadiz, ob relieve tbe Russians in tbe Tag. is. * • • . .. „ I i b'utenants of tbe different aU, tfers from Lord Hawk- s- r a/ emble on permanent ; i* y ar, for a period 40 ; such period to be ' s ix'jrqise required within At a
Court of Directors, on Wednesday, the thanks of the Court were unanimously voted to Edward Parry, Esq. Chairman, and Charles Grant, Esq, Deputy Chairman, from their great application and attention to the affairs of the Company in the last year. Y'esterday another Court was held, at which the new Directors were sworn in; and Mr. Parrv and Mr. Grant were chosen Chairman and Deputy Chairman for the year ensuing. An elopement has lately taken place from South Lambeth. The daughter of a wealthy merchant, near Cheapside, has marched off in double quick time with a young Rifle Corporal— they are supposed to have
taken the Northern route, but no trace has yet been made of them, though several parties are in pursuit. BOXINC,.— The match between young Belcher and Dogherty was decided yesterday, half a mile from the Rubbing- house, on Epsom Dowtis. They fought 28 round- , but Belcher had the advantage throughout, anil won tbe battle without being in the least hurt. His adversary was so much beaten, that be was taken senseless from the ring, his head and face so uisfigued as scarcely to appear human. BOW- STREET.— Isaac Daivberry Was yesterday brought up for re- examination; but Mr. Andrews, the Surgeon who attends
Elizabeth West, deposed that she was so ill, inconsequence of the treatment she hid received from Dawberry and his associates, that she could - not attend. The prisoner was in consequence remanded. He - Was coachman to Mr. Mills, and is said to be a married ma 1 with four, children. West was an industrious girl, of irreproachable character. THAMES POLICE.— Wednesday the Captain and Mate of a transport ware fully committed foci breaking bnik and stealing a quantity of aocoa, consigned to tbe Dock- yard at Portsmouth. Edward Ball, the young man who, at the last. Summer Assizes, at Lewes, waa capitally
convicted* of a forgery on the Bank of . England, was, on Saturday last, esecufd at Horsham. He supported himself with manly fortitude 5. said but little, and all that could be distinctly heard vis,' " that he had sinned, and bad repented," after winch he vvas launched into eternity, and died without a stru egle. On Friday Benjamin Pain, c mdemned at the late Devo . Assizes for forgery,, was executed in front < f the • unty Gaol at Exeter. He was a native of Stogursey, i • mier- 1 set- hire, was married, and his wife attended him during the greater part of bis confinement, a d as i ted in the arrangement of his affairs a few days before
hi'• execution. After receiving sentence, he tvas frequently attack d with very severe fits, which of course rendered his sttuaii • still more distressing ; but the intervals between them wer occupied 111 prayer, and his general behavi. ur bore stron - maiks of remorse and contrition. After a very short tine spent in prayer with the clergyman, he gave tbe fitai signal, when the drop fell, and launched him into eter ity. At Cardiff Assizes, Williim Williams, aged 1,0, wa tried for the murder of David Williams, of Lautrisscnt, about twelve years of age, under c -" . . i ta ices of peculiar atrocity. He was found guilty, a d heard his fate with- out
emotion, but afterward* confessed that ha was guilty, and seemed penitent.—- He was executed 011 Monday e' 11- night, on the new drop, amidst a great concourse ot people who assembled 011 the occasion. BIRTHS.} On the 10th of February, at Messina, Si- cily, Mrs. Bunbury, tbe Lidy of Lieut. Col- Buubury, Deputy Quarter- Master- General to the army in the'Medi- terranean, of a son.— Lately, at Loftus- hill, Dublin, Lady Emily Henry of a son.— On the 23d ult. at the Royal Hos- pital, near Dublin, the Lady of Col. Anstruther, Adju- tant- General of Ireland, of a daughter. MARRIED.] On Saturday, Lieut. Col. Wale, of tbe
67th foot, to Miss Isabella Johnson, third daughter of the P. ev. G. Johnson, of Norton, in the county of Dur- ham.— O11 Sunday, at Brighton, Brigadier- General Henry Frederick Campbell to Mrs. Knox, widow of the late Lieut. Col. Knox, of the Ist Foot Guards.— On Monday, Henry John Shepherd, Esq. of Lincoln's Inn, to the Right Hon. Lady Mary Primrose, daughter of the Earl of Rosebery. DIED.] Lately, in Ireland, Lady Ann Hore, sister to tbe Earl of Courtown.— On the 4th inst. Thomas Gould,' Esq. a Bencher of the Inner Teuiple, and brother of the late Judge Gould.— On the 6th inst. at his seat in York- shire, Henry Galley
Knight, Esq.— Same day, aged 71 years, Ferdinand I fuddle stone, Esq, of Swanton Hall, in Cambridgeshire.— On Saturday, at Howletts, in Kent, in her 71st year, Lady Yates, relict of Judgo Yates, and of Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Rochester.— On Sunday, at Clifton, of a mortification in bis foot, Charles Wolseley, Esq. Admiral of the Red, aged 6' 7 years, brother of Sir Win. Wolseley, Bart.— On Monday, suddenly^ at his villa at Roehampton, Benjamin Goldsmidt, Esq. a Gentleman whose money dealings were so extensive, as to render his assistance ill the. public loans an object of importance ; his wealth was very great; be lived
in a style of corresponding magnificence ;" and his private and public charities were scattered with a bountiful hand: be was countenanced and caressed by the Princes and Nobles of the land, and he was adored by'the Jewish nation : but wealth and respect could not ward off disease, nor secure domestic peace ; he had " lately been severely afflicted with the gout, the sufferings from which, added to mental anguish, are said to have occasioned that catastrophe which his friends now lament. — On Tuesday suddenly, as he was reading a newspaper, Win. Duncan, Esq. of Brunswick- square.— A few days ago, at Newnham, in
Cloucester hire, aged 58, Mrs. Matthews, wife, of Mr. John Matthews, Attorney, of that place. Her death was " occasioned by her oloathes taking fire whilst alone iii- aroum above stairs 011 the preceding day. , DORSETSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the next Genei. ll Quarter Session of the Peace for the county of Dorset will be holden at Sherborne, in and for the said county, on Tuesday, the 26th day of April inst, on which day the Court will be opened at twelve o'clock, and immediately adjourned to the Antelope Inn, in the said town of Sherborne, for the special purpose of examining all bills and demands on the
comity, and taking into consideration such other business as may occur relative to the civil concerns therein, pursuant to a resolution entered into at a former Session. And, on Wednesday morning, the Court will meet precisely at ten o'clock,' when all Constables, bailiffs, and Jurors sum- moned, are required to give their attendance. The business o£ the Session will bctin with trying Ap- peals, next Traverses, add lastly the Prisoners. All Appeals ( except those to he entered for the purpose ot adjournment) must be entered with the CI rk of tl) e Peace, On Tuesday, the first day of the Session, and on Failure thereof, the adverse
party shall have a right to enter a. Ne Redpiatur. And on the first day of the Sess'on, all Recognizances, In- formations, and Records of Convictions, are to be returned to tjie Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices' clerks. Also all persons having business to do, and Bills of Indictment to prefer, are required to attend accordingly. WM. BURNET, Clerk of the Peace. Sherborne, April 4, 1S08. [ 1117 WILTSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given,— That the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county of Wilts will be holden at New Sarum, in and for the said county, on Tuesday toe 26th day of April inst, at eleven o'clock in
the forenoon, pursuant to the resolution entered into at a former Sessions, for the special purposes of examining and auditing all b lis and demands on the county ; of inspecting • the plans delivered in to the Committee for building a newp Countv Bridewell at Deviz- s, and for enlarging, altering, and amending the County Gaol; and of atten ling to all business rel itjve to the Militia, conveyance of Soldiers' Bagjage, County Bridges, and such other business as may occur rela- tive to the civ 1 conc r is of the said county; and no bills will be allowed; unless delivered in at the sitting of the Court on that day. The Court will open on
Wednesday morning, precisely at ten o'clock, for general business, which Will begin With the Trials of Traverses, next Appeals, and lastly Prisoners. Ail Appeals ( except those to be entered for the purpose of adjournment) must be entered with the Clerk of the Peace previously to the opening of the Court on Wednesday, and 00 failur - th reof, the adverse party shall have a right to enter a Ne Recipiatur. The Bailiffs and Constables of the several Hundreds, out of which tiie Jurors are taken, are hereby ordered to attend the Court, with proper wands, during the whole time of the Sessions ; and to remain in such place or places in
the Court as shall be ttien appointed, to assist in keeping pcace and good Order, and to execute the orders and processes of the Court. In order to give all possible dispatch to the business cf t' ; e Sessions, the Clerks to the Justices of the PeaCe of the said couhty are particularly requested to send to the Clerk of the Peace, on or before th first morning of th. Sessions, all Rc- co; mza c s, Informations, and Records of Convictions, taken before su : h Justices of the Peace r- soectively. 10f) i> J JAMES SWAYNE, Wn. TON, April. 4, 1808. Clerk of the Peace. Cy' The attendance of the Magistrates is particularly de- sired or.
Tuesday morning, in order to take into consideration what proceedings should be had respecting the verdict pro- nouneed at th last Sessions concerning Crane Bridge. GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Fire, Life, and Annuities. "\ TOTlCE is hereby given,— That Persons desirous \ ot - sing Money for redeeming their Land Tax, im- proving. ':. 1 Estates, or for other useful undertakings, by tbe g, • \ i ouate Annuities on Estates held in Fee- simple or Fee- tab, . e, on application to the Globe Insurance Com- pany. '•• enabled to effect the same, provided the security proposed nprov.'. d. Proposals a ' I tes for Fire and Life
Insurrance, Annuities fir Widow* an I :'. h:- s, - nd Endowments for Children, may bs had gratis of the A ents of the Globe Insurance C: : npany in the nine ... 1 was in he united kingdom. No charge is mad.' for K re P ncies ' r 300L and upwards ; nor for Life Policies. No extra- rite > s required for Persons in the Militia, u dessoal d out into actual Service. Fire Insurances falling due at Quarter- Day tievt, must be renewed within fifteen days irom t at tone, rhe Capital of the Company, one M lion St I ling, is d vided into s lares of 1001. each, paying a dividend of six per cent, exclusive of the property ta. x. The number of propii tors is
upwards of 900 DIIIECIO'IS.— S r Frederick Morton Eden, Bart. Chairman; Sir Ihe ph us Metcalfe, Bart. D puty Chairman; Miles Peter Andrew ., Bsq. M. P. Charles Cockercll, Esq. Thomas Colts, Esq. Harvey Cltrist an Combe, Esq. Aid. M. P. W m. DevayncS, Esq. Joseph Dorin, Esq. Wm. Duncan, Esq. Sir Richard Carr Glyn, Bart. lid. Edward Goldsmid, Esq. Isaac L. Goidsmid, Esq. Claes Grill, Esq. John Latham, Esq. M. D. Frederick Moiling,. Esq. Frederick John Pigou, Esq. Sir M. White Ridley, Bart. M. P. John Ridchard Ripley, Esq. Geo. Abercrombie Robinson, Esq. Sir Walter Stirling, Bart. M. P. Arthur Shakespcar, Esq. M.
P. James Tadtly, Esq. Robert Taylor, Esq. Charles Edward Wdsonn, Esq. Giynn Wynn, Esq. M. P. THOMAS H. WILKINSON, Secretary. Pall Mall, London, March 1808. [ 357 VOLUNTEERS.— Tin • junties have receiv.- o bury, permitting tne pay and duty, ba t: not exc elling 14 ! 0 accounted as p:: . tk « year. HANI'S SESSIONS. OTICli is hereby given,— That the. General 1Quart - r Sessions of the Peace, for the county of South- ampton, will be holden at the Castle of Winchester, on Monday the 25th day of April inst. at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which time the Court will be opened, and immediately adjourned to the
Georze Inn, in the city of Winchester, for the special purpose oi inspecting and examin- ing the Treasurer's Accounts, and also all bills and other demands on the County, pursuant to the resolutions entered into, at a former Session. The Court will be adjourned from the George Inn, and opened again at tbe Castle of Winchester, on the Tuesday following, viz. the 2Sth day of April inst. precisely at ten o'clock in the forenoon, when all Constables, Bailiffs, Jurors, and others concerned, are hereby required to give their at- tendance. Ana ill Older to give all possible dispatch to the business, t'ne Attornies, Parties, and Witnesses
prosecuting any Appeals, In- dictments, or other business, must be prepared at the opening of tbe Court on Tuesday morning, and during the whole of the Sessions, that the. Court may call on the Causes in such order and . at such time's as they shall see convenient. Appeals must, be entered with the Clerk of the Peace, pre- viously to the MM'ning of the Court on Tuesday morning, or the parties will no% be permitted to try. Recognizances, Informations, and Records of Convictions are to lie returned ta the Clerk of the Peace by the respective Justices'Clerks, oii'ortiefore the day preceding the Scasions* — Dated this 4Ih day
of April, ie08. - . T. WOODHAM, - D- puty Clerk of th. e Peace. All- persons who have entered into Recognizances to appear at this Sess 01s concerning Assaults, Ike. are required to take notice, that they must, in pursuance- of tlieir recogni- zances, appear at this Sessions, either personally or by their attornies, in order to withdraw the same, although they may previously have compromised the matter. £ 1081 WEST OF ENGLAND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Comprehending Devonshire, Somersetshire, Cornwall, and Dorsetshire. CAPITAL. . .. SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND POUNDS. TRUSTEES.— Right Hon. Earl
Fortescue, Lord Lieutenant of the county of Devon; Right Hon. Lord Clifford; Right Hon. Lord Boringdon ; John Pollexfen Bastard, Esq. and SirLawrcncePalk, Bart. Members for the county of Devon and John Baring, Esq. DIRECTORS.— President: Right Hon. Lord Graves,— Fice- Presidents: Sir John Kenaway, of Escot, Bart.; John Burridge Cholwich, of Farritijjdon- house, Esq.; Samuel Frederick Milford, of Exeter, Esq.; Edmund Granger, of Exeter, Esq.; and sixty- five other Directors resident in the four Western counties. THE signal success of this provincial Institution demonstrates that the public has justly'appreciated the
beneficial tendency of such an establishment.— Tbe counte- nance and encouragement it has experienced during the very short period of its existence, by far excecd the expectations of the most sanguine of its promoters, and sanction the expecta- tion of the most extensive and'general support. This must be attributed in a great degree to the unprecedented liberality on which it effects insurances, the insured being entitled, without incurring any risque. or responsibility whatever, to one fourth of the profits of the* company. No charge is made for policies, nor is any trouble or expence occasioned by trans- ferring insurances from
other offices to this. The premiums are the same as in the London tables, and insurances are effected by this society, ( subject to the discre- tion of the Directors,) on propertysituated in any part of Great Britain. Printed proposals may be had at the office in Exeter, and of the following agentsi— Bath, Mr. Robert Rittards, Hctling- house; Beaminster, Mr. Hines; Blandford, Mr. M. Fisher; Bridport, Mr. Wm. Battiscomh; Dorchester, Mr. T. Fisher; Falmouth, Mr. Geo. S. Williams; Frome, Mr. Wm. Sparks; Hindon, Mr. John Evans; Honiton, Mr. Courtenav Gidley, solicitor; Lyme, Mr. John Hutchin . Plymouth, Mr. Wm.. Courtis; Plymouth-
Dock, Mr. David Andrews, jun.; Shaftesbury, Mr. James Barrow, banker; Sherborne, Mr. James Crtttwell, printer ; Taunton, Mr. John Buncombe, solicitor; Wells. Mr. John Vipkery ; Weymouth, Mr. Hyde; Wincanton, Mr. Thomas Garrett; Yeovil, Mr. R. S. Langdon. JOHN GLIDDON, Secretary. EXETER, March 8, 1808. [ 771 TIMBER. TO be SOLD; at the King's Arriis, DOWNTON, on Wcdnesdav the 20th of April, at eleven o'clock m the forenoon, in Five Lots,—— 461 Capital OAK TREES' standing; at New House and at Ilamptworth, many of them fit for Naval Uses : Lot 1.. .110 Trees, in Walk Coppice, New House, marked B Lot
2.;. 85 Trees, at the South side of Hamptworth Street, marked A Lot 3... 34 Trees, in Walk Row, New I louse, marked C Lot 4... 83 Trees, at the North side of Hamptworth Street, marked l. i Lot 5.. .149 Trees, in Walk Coppicc, New House, marked A Sealed Proposals will. be received separately for each of the above Lots, by Mr. TINNEY, solicitor, Salisbury, on or before the 1,9th instant; the purchaser to be declared at the place and time of sale, when the Proposals will be opened, and the purchasers will be required to pay 20 per cent, of the purchase money, and to sigri a Contract for the remainder to be paid upon the Timber
being measured.—- The Timber to be cut, measured, & c. & c. at the expence of the purchasers, according to the custom of the country. The Proposals to be at the ate per Ton. - [ 1047 WILTS.— VALUABLE ELM TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by JOHN SIDFORD, on Wednesday the 20th of April, 1808, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Wheel Inn, Calne, subject to such con- ditions as then will be produced,— About 850 capital ELM TREES ( now lying on lands near Calne, adjoining to the Wilts and B. rks Canal), in 17 lots, as will be specified in the hand bills. The above Timber is positively to be sold without
reserve. It is presumed to be tf good'oppoftunity for timber merchants and others who wish to purchase; it being all maiden, clean knotted, and excellently situated lor land and water carriage. ' N. B. At the same tune will be sold, from 40 to 60 OAK TREES, situated as above. [ 95) 9 For viewing and particulars apply to the Auctioneer, Calne. OAK AND FIR TIMBER, DORSETSHIRE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, bv Mr. PERCY, on Tuesday the 26th of April, at the' Fleur- de- Lis, at Cr. mborn, at three o'clock in the afternoon,— Two Hundred and Eighty- seven OAK TIMBER TREES and Eighty- cisht FIR ditto, with their Tops,
Lops, and Bark, as they now stand in different woods and lands in the parish of Cranborn a- d Rockbourn, iu the counties of Dorset and Hants. For a view of the Timber apply to Mr. James Stroud, Cranborn.— Catalogues maybe had at the Black Horse, Sa- lisbury; Greyhound, Fordingbridge; Red Lion, Ringwood; Auctioneer's, Blandiord ; and place of sale. [ 1060 G O S P O R r. By Virtue of a Decree of Appraisement and Sale from the High Court'of Admiralty, addressed to Edmund Cobb llurry, and liilliam Carver, of Gosport, Esqrs. ON Tuesday the 19th day of April 180S, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon^ will be SOLD by
PUBLIC AUCTION, at the India Arms Inn :- 140 boxes Oranges £ 2 ditto Lemons 5 ditto Citron 173 frails Figs C sacks Walnuts 3 ditto Shelled Almonds 1 bbx Preserved Fruit . nd Hetty, from Lisbon - j—-, —, ,.., Jeorge Pigot, Esq. Captain. For inventories and further particulars apply three days before the sale to GEOAAT MORSS JUKES, Esq. Agent for the Captors. _ After which will be SOLD,— the fast sailing Privatecer, LA VICTOIRE, with her valuable Stores, consisting of Masts, Yards, Bowsprit, Booms, Sails,, « Anchors, Standing and Running Riggina;, '& c. & c. complete, and may be fitted to sea at an easy expence.
DIMENSIONS : Length on deck.. .45 feet I Depth 6 § feet Extreme breadth. .11 do. I Admeasures about 22 tons. Condemned as Prize to his Majesty's ship Boreas, Robert Scott, Esq. Captain. For inventories and further particulars apply three days before the sale, at the office of HURRY, JUKES, & Co. Agents for the Captors. Also. The HULL of tbe fast sailing Privateer, LA COURIER, condemned as Prize to his Majesty's brig Linnet, John Tracey, Esq. Commander.— After which all her valuable Stores, consisting of a quantity of Icon Pig Ballast, IK Guns, Masts, Bowsprit, Yards, Booms, Sails, Anchors, Cables, and Small
Arms, & c. & c. & c. For inventories and further par- ticulars apply three days before the sale to HURRY, JUKES, &. CO. Agents for the Captors. At the same time will be sold,— A Quantity of OAK KNEES, Timber and Plank, New Iron Hoops, Old Iron, fee. and Sixty Barrels of prime Yarmouth New Red Herrings. For catalogues and further particulars apply three days before the sale to' HURRY, JUKES, « r Co. GOSPORT, April 8, 1808. [ 1107 BERKS. STAND UN FARM, NEAR HUNGERFORD. nno be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. FAULKNOR, 8. on the Premises,- on Monday the 25th, Tuesday the 26th, and Friday the 29th
days of April, 1S0S,— All that weli- known capital LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and other Effects, atStanden Farm, about one mile and a balf from Hungerford; com- prising four- post, tent, ar. d bureau bedsteads, with morine, cotton, and dimity furnitures; fine seasoned goose feather beds, bolsters, and pillows ; mattresses, counterpanes, quilts, blankets, sheets, and table linen; beautiful mahogany ward- robes,. double and single chests of drawers, dressing tables, pier and dressing glasses, mahogany dining and Pembroke tables and chairs, floor and bed- side carpets,' mahogany and oak
bureaus, an excellent piano forte by Manston and Co. London, four prints of cutters, a handsome marble mantle piece and slab, stove grates, fender and fire irons, two maho- gany beaufets with folding doors, mahogany wine cooper, g'lod kitchen requisites, large quantity of pewter, thirty hour clock, brewing and washing copper, suitable mash tubs and coolers, large iron- bound casks, two lead pumps, dairv utensils, six large milk leads, ice. & c.— The Farming Stock comprises seven capital draught horses,, two marts and colts, one fine carting colt, one blood mare, an excellent gig horse, two nags, a four- year- old Devonshire
cow and calf, 22 store pigs, one boar, forty pair of cart and plough- harness, two sets of bells, five narrow- wheel waggons, one six- inch wheel ditto, foursix- inch wheel dung carts, two narrow- wheel ditto, one grass cart, tax cart, four two- wheel ploughs, three drill and two seven- share ploughs,. twelve harrows, three rollers, pair of drags, six waggon wheels, five nine- stone rick staddles, one twelve- stone ditto, about twenty . dozen of hurdles, two steel bean mills, one stone ditto, four lorg ladders, corn bins, winnowing fans; large stone cistern, six feet by three feet; pig troughs, bushels, sieves, rudders, prongs, shovels, & c.
The whole of the above will be expressed in catalogues, which may be had at the Printing- office, Marlborough; Cross Keys, Froxfield; Bell, Ramsbury; Red Lio;\ I. umbourn and Shalbourn; Mrs. Faulknor's, Newbury; place of sale;. and of the Auctioned', Hungerford. Sale to'begin each day at eleven o'clock. [ 1123 N. B. The Farming Stock will be sold on Friday. PATENT GLASS ILLUMINATOR. By 1 I. LLATT arid GRBI K, Glass- makers to the King, No south side of St. Paul's Church- yard, London ; and r, > ld tw Mr. Randall, No. 146, High- street, Southampton ; Svjt « r.-: Smith and Robinson, Mr. James, Broad- street and Ml
bargea. 1t, on ( be Poiut, Portsmouth ; and Mr. Shier, Com: , " ion Hard, Purtspa, tor admitting LUh! into the interna! " Apartments ot Ships, House;, and Buildings, of « . Vc « y description. rPllE Patentees solicit'the attention of the Public ,. » - ., t0. th, s nL', w Invchtio", which has the peculiar merit of distributing a very Considerable portion of liabt through a small aperture by means of a glaks, so constructed as to pre: elude the liability to be broken, and will be found, iii many cases, useful when a sky- light cannot be admitted. Under- ground vaults and cellars, water- closets, cold baths, & c. mar be conveniently lighted by them.
On Ship- board, in particular, tbe great utilitv of these Illuminators is unquestionable, as they do not require to he protected from tile dasamg of the sea, and are ca; able of resisting the pressure of more than a ton weieht rollm" over them. Although scratched and otherwise ' defaced bv the °- n deck, they will not be impair, d in their functions; Much more might be said of its merits ; but as it is dif- ficulty describe the nature of it, the Patentees have appoint d Mr. Randall their Agent at Southampton, where a room i- i ntted up and lighted with these Illuminatots, and their power shewn to advantage. j<,(; 5 MR. FOX'S HISTORICAL
WORK. SUBSCRIPTIONS received at the Printing Office, Salisbury. In the Press, and speedily will le published, A HISTORY of tbe. EARLY PART of the ./ X REIGN of JAMES the SECOND; with an Introdttc- tory Chapter on the History of England, from the accession 01 the House of I'udor to the death of Charles the Second. By the late Ri^ ht Hon. CHARLES JAMES FOX. To which is added, an APPENDIX of valuable original Docu- ments, collected by the Author: N. B. The edition will be superintended, and a Preface prefixed, by LORD HOLLAND. London: Printed for W. Miller, Albemarle- strect • and will be sold at the
Printing Office, Salisbury . This work will form a quarto volume, and will be pullEhed in the three following sizes:— ist. Demy Quarto, printed on good common paper and clear type; price S6s. hoards, 2d. ' Royal Quarto, printed elegantly on fine wove paper, with a large type ; price two Guineas and afi Half in extra boards. 3d. Elephant Quarto, the paper of the first quality, atid printing in verybist style; price five Guineas in extra boards. N. B. Of tins latter edition only - 250 copies are printing. Each edition will be embellished with a portrait of the Author, never before engraved, taken from the last bust, executed by Mr. Nollikcns.
The engraVtr. r; for the r, .•,'".! and elephant quarto copits will be of a larger size than that for the demy copies. It » respectfully suggested, that orders for the above must be given previous to tbe 5th of May; as the extraordinary demand will leave few c. pies fcr sale. [ 1048 PRACTICAL ARCHITECTURE. The following Books have been lately publishe d by J. Tavl ir, No. 59, High Holborn, and are sold at the P'rlhtine Offic., Salisbury. 1. " jVTICHOLSON's Carpenter and" Joiner's As- i.^ 1 sistant, illustrated with 79 plates and copious expla- nations, 18s. bound. 2. Nicholson's Carpenter's New Guide, a complete Book of Lines for
Carpenire and Joinery, with 78 plates, 15s. 3. Nicholson's Student's Instructor in drawing and working the Five Orders, 3.> plates, 6s. bound. 4. Pain's Practical House Carpenter, 148 plates, 18s. 5. Designs for Monuments, Gravestones, Wallpieces, and Tombs, 40 plates, 16s. 6. Elevation arid Plan of Blackfriars Bridge, 5s. 7 Plans, & e. of the Machines and Centering used in er- ctin" the Bridge, 7 plates, 10s. tid. 8. Ornaments displayed to a full size for working 33 folio plates, 15s. 9. Cooper's Designs for the Decorations of Rooms with Pilaster and Friezes at larec, 20 plates, 1/. 1 s. 10. Busby's Modern Embellisher— Designs
for Drawing Rooms, Folding Doors, Chimney Pieces, Varandas, Frezos, & c. 25 plates, coloured, 11. lis. Sd. [ 1069 FREEHOLDS. BASINGSTOKE, HANTS. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with immediatjs possession,— A compact and very desirable VILLA, with ibout 130 Acres of rich Arable and Pasture LAND, in high cultivation, called the Down ; 115 acres lie within a ring, fence, and the rest near adjoining, situate about 50 miles from London, within 200 yards of the high road leading to Winchester.—— The premis es consist of a handsome DWELLING- HOUSE) with airy and cheerful bedchambers, a dining- room,
drawing- room, kithen, dairy, breWhouse, and all requisite domestic offices, fitted up in a convenient manner; good cellaring detached, chaise' house and stabling, yard, barn, cow house, biggerv, and all necessary . outbuildings immediately adjoining, with an excellent walled sarden, well stocked with fruit trees, in tbe highest state of perfection. The premises are well supplied with water, situate in a sport- ing part of the country, near fox- hduuds and harriers, and surrounded by a good neighbourhood. Also Four Tenements, situate in Oat- Street, in'the several occupations of Mrs. Davies, Mr. Tubb, and others. A Cottage and
Close of Meadow Ground, by the side of the Reading road, containing one acre or thereabouts, in the occupation of Daniel Penn, butcher, whose term expires at Michaelmas 1S09. And a v duable Chalk Pit, immediately contiguous to the Reading road, now rented by Mr. Wm. Guyatt, Whose term expires at Michaelmas next. For further particulars of the whole, and for a view of the Farm, apply . to Messrs. Raggett and Cole, solicitors, Odiham, Hants at whose Office a Plan of the Estate may be seen; Mr. Charsley, solicitor, No. 18, Mark. Laiie> will also give ftthcr particulars of the Farm, { toll Common Brew- house, Malt- home,
Dwelling- house, Quay, Store- house, and Public- house, for Sale. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the RED I. IOM INN, in Fareham, on Wednesday tbe 27th of April, between the hours of five and seven in the evening,— All that desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE, .. situate at Fareham Quay, comprizing a modern- built Dwelling- house, with two parlours, a kitchen, and scullery, on the'ground- floor; three good chambers on the second,' and three attic rooms, with two gardens lately planted with choice fruit trees of va- rious kinds, in one of which is a fish pond ; also a convenient Common Brewhouse with suitable cellars, with a
Malthouse that will wet 24 quarters of barley per week, with four large store- rooms to store the malt and barley; likewise a Store- house and a Meadow adjoining, with a fish- pond in it; also a Stable, Coach- house, and Cart- house, with attached and detached offices, and one moiety of a Quay and Hard for landing goods.— The above premises' are well situated for the coal or any mercantile business, or a small genteel family, and have a pleasant view of Portsdown and the adjacent country. Lot 2.— A rich piece of MEADOW LAND, situate near the above premises, containing three statute adres, with a • spring of water in the
centre, which renders it very conve- nient for cattle in the summer. The above premises are copy- hold Of inheritance under the Bishop of Winchester. Also Will be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, at WestmeQU, on Friday the 29th of April, between the hours of three and five in the evening ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will'-' be'given),— Lot3.— A valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at West- meon, on the great turnpike. road from Gosport to London, known by the name or sign of the Red Lion, with parlour, dining room, tap room, kitchen', bar, wash- bouse, cellar, and other
suitable rooms on theground floor, four bed rooms on the second floor, with attic rooms on the third; also a larse Garden with a Meadow adjoining, and three Stables. The house is in full trade, and affords a good opportunity fora brewer to purchase, or any person that may wish to enter into that business. [ 1083 N. B. The whole of the Land- tax is redeemed, and parti- culars may be known by application to Mr. Thos. Parsons, the proprietor; or Mr, Isaac Jtlobson, auctioneer, Gosport, DOMESTIC COOKERY. This day is published, in a Heat and dosbh/ prin/ e l volume, small octavo, containing ten useful Plaits, price 7s. Sd. ir, l oards, a nciv edition of ANEW SYSTEM OF DOMESTIC COOKERY. formed upon principles of economy, and adapted to the use of private families. Comprising also the Art of Carving, Observations on the Management of the Dairy and Ponltry- yard ; Instructions for Home Brewery, Wines, & c.; Cookery for the Sick, and for the Poor; many very useful miscella- neous Receipts, and Directions proper'to be givin to Servant* . both in Town and Country. To which is prefixed, an Essay on Domestic Economy and Household Management, com- prising many observations whicn will be found particularly useful to the mistress of a
family. BY A LADY. " This is really one of the most prad'lcallv useful books if any which we have seen on the Subject. The Lady who has written it, has not studied how to form expensive articles for' luxurious tables, but to combine elegance With e onomy. She has given her directions in a plain sensible n anner that every bodycan understand: and these arc not confintd merely to cookery, but are extended to a variety of objects in use in families; by which means thS utility of the book is vcy much increased indeed."— Anti Jacobin Review, Aug. 1807. Vol. XXVII. p. 433.. Printed for John Murray, 32; Fleet- street, and John Har ding, 36, St. Jamas's- street, London; and Archibald Con- stable and Co. Edinburgh. Sold also at the Printing Office, Salisbury, and by every bookseller and newsman throughout the empire. [ 997 This day- is published, price 3s. ANew Edition of SOLOMON'S GUIDE to HEALTH. This valuable and int-' nsting work, founded on many years experience of the calamitous consequences of youthful indiscretion, is peculiarly recommended to the pe- rusal of parents, guardians, superintendants of large semie. a- naries, and in fact to the youngand old of both sexes, and par- ticularly to men on long voyages, as the wholesome and
salu- tary advice contatncd therein; will guard against an accumu- lation of misfortunes, both temporal, arid spiritual. There is likewise a system laid down for the radically curing a certain fatal disorder in ail its stages, and infallibly removing all scro- phulous and scorbutic diseases, and every impurity of tfie L lood. Sold at. the Printing Office, Salisbury, and may he had of all the Agents and Newsmen of the Salisbury and Winches- ter Journal. [ 1063 3. ENTLEMEN,. Farmers, Graziers, & c. whose Live Stock frequently suffer from that impoverishing and too often fatal complaint the Scouring, may be convinced of the superior
efficacy of the CALVES CORDIAL by tbe following testimony. sent to the proprietor^ W. H'Bioos. SIR, 1 have to acquaint you, that a young cow of mine beini; much reduced bv a severe Scouring, I procured a bottle of your CALVES CORDIAL, which' stopped the complaint. In about three months time, owing to change of keep, the disorder again returned, when I had rqcoursc to another bottle of the Cordial, which effectually cured her, and in the course of six Weeks my cow became so far fatted as to enable me to sell her to a butcher. [ 453 Your's, & c. Sarralt, Ihrts, Fib. 16,18( 17. GEORGE E1G. * f* Sold, wholesale and retail,
in bqttles price 3s. and 12s. Bd. each, by Messrs. Howard and Ffvan's, West Smith' field, London, and at the Printing- Office, Salisbury. ISTEMPER, MANGE, and other DISEASES of DOGS.— The following most valuable MEDI- CINES ( discovered and prepared by Mr. BLAINE, Veteri- nary Surgeon) are patronized and used hy several branches of the'Roval Family, by almost all th^ Nobility, and by every Celebrated Sportsman in the united kingdom. DISTEMPER.— His Medicinal Powders for Distemper, price Is. Gd. per packet, usually sufficient for the cure, are actually in request in every part of the globe. MANGE.— His
Specific Ointment for Mange is the most easy and infallible remedy ever discovered, price 2s. lid. pet box, amply sufficient. WORMS.— His Worm Powder, price 2s. Gd. per se t, destroys all the various kinds of Worms, without ever failing. CANKER IN THE EAR.— Blood or Matter withinside of the Ear teazes Dogs almost to madness; but the complaint is readily removed by his Canker Wash, price 2s. Gd. per bottle. CANKER ON THE FI. AP OK THE EAR, 2s. Gd. per box : this Ointment is a speedy and certain Cure. Foui. NESg AND ITCHING OF THE SKIN are removed as well as condition promoted by his Alterative
Condition or Mange Powders, price 2s. per set. PURGING BALI. S, a safe, but effective purgative, price 2s. Gd. per box. These Medicines are sold by his wholesale agent, T. Boosey, No. 4, Old Broad- street, where Mr. Blaine attends every Wednesday, from eleven till one ; Barclay and Son, Fleet- market; at the Printing Office, Salisburv; and other venders of genuine medicines at Warminster, Deiizes, Caine, Marl- borough, Southampton, Winchester, and Romsey. [ 1164 Where max, be had, ELAINE'S GENUINE HORSE MEDICINES. (
THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. . Sunday's Post. By Express. 53= No News in the London Gazette. BANKRUPTS. Spencer Martin, of East Bourne, sflopkeejw-. . , _ Christopher Perkins, not Perkiins, as stated in Tuesday J BUBtj, of Swansea, shopkeeper. John Bainee, ofAsliforrt, farmer. JosephBroailUurst, of Charing- cross, jeweller. Edward Wilson, of St. Jamrs's- stleot, hotter. Thos. Artec ck, of Man l.- stield, joiner. Henry Waning, of Blackburn, coriifactor. Michael I. i. yton, ot Kennington, stone- mason, Kiiuard Dennett, of Greek- street, Soho, cheesemonger. Thos- Nightingale, of Dewsbuiy, mercer.
LONDON, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL IS. Yesterday letters dated the 6th inst. Were received from Heligoland, which mention sot » ie particulars con- tained in Hamburgh and Altona papers that have not yet reached us. Among other tilings, k is stated, that the Russians have defeated the Swedes in several actions, and obtained possession of the whole of Fin- land.' As these Journals are, however, completely devoted to the " enemy, little reliance can be placed on unofficial report- id this kind. The report of me French troops having got to the island. of Zealand, which prevailed yesterday, is not mentioned in the letters from.
Heligoland, and we therefore hope it is unfounded. Advices having been received of great preparations making to fit out a strong squadron for sea, at Brest, the close blockade of that port has been again ordered. It is said, that twelve sail of the line are there, in a complete state of equipment; a great part of the crews of which are composed of able seamen, from Holland, Genoa, & e. They will also take on lioard a numerous bodv of troops. It is suspected that an Expedition to the River Plata is meditated. The Squadron under the command of Admiral Duckworth, consisting; of five sail of the line, left St. Kitt's on the £ 2d of
February, and went to leeward. It was supposed that the Admiral would go through the Mona Passage, and proceed straight to the coast of America. By the accounts of two vessels which have just arrived from St. Domingo, it appears that Captain Goodall, a native of this country, had visited that island with a pri- vateer car'd the Young Roseius. ' i .>' iitp he i> a. l ?>> M to Christophe, v> n.. had IraLtt u'> r. ha t > ' nt,; into the naval « ervice of Hayti, under the title of " High Admiral oLthe Haytian Fleet." Captain Goodall's First Officer, Mr. John M'Cullogh, was appointed Rear- Admiral, and they were both ordered to attack a port
near Cape Nicola Mole, called Jean Rebel, which was in posse sion of Christophe's great competitor for Imperial sway, Petion. Capt. Goodall and his coadjutor went to the attack with the Young Roscius and two schooners, aud they found two schooners belonging to Petion lying at anchor under the fort.— One of these schooners the High Admiral's little squadron blew up with the first broadside, but while he was preparing to attack the other, a musket ball killed Mr. M'Culloch, and C'apt. • Goodall then desisted from tbe enterpize. The latest advices from Jamaica state, that pro- visions, which were expeeted to rise to an
enormous price ill consequence of the embargo laid in the American ports, were much cheaper in the West Indies than they had been for some tine past. The fact is, that the Americans find means to evade the embargo. AFFAIR of HONOUR.— On Tuesday Earl Fitzwilham and Major Bower met in Doneaster race- ground, for the pur- pose of fighting a duel. The Major had insinuated that the Noble Earl had trafficked in the liorough of Malton; in consequence of which, his Lordsliip sent the Major a chaReo'e. An explanation took place on the ground, the Major declaring that he was under a mistake when he used tile offensive
words ; and the seconds availed themselves of this explanation to prevent the parties from proceeding to - extremities. A Durx was lately fought at Rio Janeiro, between Ge- neral ( j and Captain T, in consequence of Captain X having behaved rudely to General 0 , and said of him what did not accord with truth. The General shot Captain T through the body, but it did not prove fatal. The General was a plssenger in the ship commanded by - Captain T , and going out to join the at my in \ Sou:. h America, but arrived there too late. The will of the late Mr. Goldsmid was opened on Thursday. It is said that lie has left property to the
amount of 250,00( 1/. which goes chiefly to his children, • With an allowance of 200/. a year only to his widow. His three brothers are named his executors. SrtciDE.— A Gentleman who has made himself very con- spicuous in East India politics arid election contests put a period to his life yesterday. It is supposed that pecuniary embarrassments drove him to this act of desperation. On Tuesday evening, one of the stoves or drying- houses, at the powder- mill on Hounslow- bejtb, blew up, aud the man who had the care of it was killed.. No other person received any injury. STATE LOTTERY.— CAPITAL PHIZES. Fifth Day.—-
18448, 5000/.— 10.176, 136.15, and 2iaiS, 1000/. each— 18519, SOOi. Sixth Day — 359, 5611, and 24557, 500/ each— 4435, 121.97 12244, 12862, and 17843, lO& Of. each. Seventh Dav.— 7227, 10000/.— 1277, 5000?.— 15218, l000/._ iai4, 15402, and 2420S, 500/. each. Eighth Day.— 4182, 4800, and 10231, 1000?. each— 3744, 500/. PRICES OF STOCKS THIS At Three o'Clack. DAY, Bank Stock, 23- 2$ ex. div. India Stock, 177 South Sea Stock, — 3 ja Cent. Red. 65} ex. div. 3 ip Cent. Cons. ( 55$ 4 ^ Cents. 82^ ex div. 5 Cent. Navy, 98$ 6 V Cent- 17H"> shu. t Long Ann. ex. div. Omnium, — Irish ditto, — India
Bonds, par. 1 dis. Exchequer Bills,' 4 a 5 pr. Irish 5 Cents. 94$ Imperial 3 Cents, shut English Lott. Tick. £ Ditto Prizes, 2 CVnt. dis. Pott PORTSMOUTH, April l6. The. East India fleet, under convoy of the Thetis, has sailed from St. Helen's. • Moudmg— Arrived the Medusa, of 36 guns, Hon. Capt. Bouverie, from off Havre; Undaunted, of 38 guns, Capt. Mating, from Madeira ; Thalia, of 32 guns, Capt. Manby, from Guernsey; Dromedary store- ship, and Pluto sloop, fi'om the Downs. Sailed the Resistance, of 36 guns, Capt. Adam, off Havre; Port Mahon sloop, Capt. Chambers, Coquette sloop, Capt. Forbes, on a cruize ; and
Proselyte bomb, Capt. Lyford, for the Baltic. Tuesday— Arrived the Trident, of 64 guns.— Sailed the Goshawk sloop, Capt. lnnes, Peacook sloop, Capt. PetLe, and Dapper gun- vessel. Wednesday— Sailed the Tigre, 74 guns, Capt. Hallowell, and Courageux, of 74 guns, Capt. Bissett, for the Downs. T)\ wstfay— Arrived the Lightning sloop, Capt. Doyle, and Vulture sloop, Capt. Pearce, frojji tbe Downs. Frjday— Sailed the Thetis, of 26 guns, Capt. Millar, with the East India convoy; Volontaiie, of 36 guns, Capt. Kullen; Pilot sloop, Capt. Walpole ; and Prevoyante- store- ship, with convoy far the Mediterranean.— Brilliant, of 23
guns, Capt. Smyth. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, ARPIL 15. In tbe advertisement respecting the improvements at the Southampton new Pier, we are desired to in- form the public, that as a sufficient quantity of Ashler Stone caunot be obtained from the Isle of Wight, the Purbeck Ashler Stone, from Swanage, may he used instead.— Sec advertisement in the first page. In consequence of the paragraph in our paper of last week respecting the C'hristchurch Election, we are dedred to make the following statement: At the General Election in 1806, an attempt was made, for the first time since the borough sent Members to
Parliament, to have the votes of flic inhabitants at large received—- they were of course refused— on which a Petition to the House of Commons was presented, and afterwards permitted by the sitting Members to be withdrawn.—— At the last Election, the Mayor, in order to afford the best means of the right being tried, refused to permit the votes of the inhabitants being even tendered: on the ground of this refusal, some of the inhabitants again petitioned the House of Commons last year, and pledged themselves to the inhabitants at large, to have the right tried.— After an interval of six months for reflection, and for obtaining
the best advice, they renewed their Petition in the present s?" ion ; and when the day was fixed for the heal ing, they published a hand- bill giving notice of this, accompanied by fresh assurances of their positive determination to have " decision on the right, the effecting which was completely i:, their power ;— but instead of holding to their engage- ments, they declined trying the question, and their Petition was voted frivolous and vexatious. Ilvlton Joliffe, Esq. 31. P. for Pttersfield, is ap- pointed Governor of Surinam. Thursday- came in here, on their rout to the Isle of Wight, 10 ® fine young men, from Scotland, going to join the
93 rd regiment. Lately was married Rear- Admiral O'Bryen to Mrs. Bradby, of Cadsfield, in this county. On Thursday the 7th inst. was married, bv tbe Rev. Mr. Willis, Mr. Robert Bound, of Soply, Hants, to Miss Mary Stadden, of Minehead, Somerset. Lately died, atWickham, Richard Maidman, Esq. many years an acting Magistrate for this county. On the 5th inst. died, after a short illness, Edward Houghton, Esq. of Swanwick, near Titchfield. Yesterday died, at her father's house in Great Cumberland street, London, after an illness of a few days, of an inflammation of the lungs, Miss Tapps, only daughter of Sir George Iveson
Tapps, Bart, of Hin ton Admiral, in this county. The statement of the death of Mr. Thomas Haddoti, of Southampton, in the last Journal, was erroneous; but he died on Thursday last, and has left a wife and young family to lament his loss. • SALISBURY. MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1808. GRAND CITY LOTTERY, To be drawn in GUILDHALL, TUESDAY, April 26. CITY LOTTERY of FREEHOLD HOUSES, discharged of Land- Tax, of the estimated value of £ l0i, 000! The Scheme contains ) Prize, valued at £ 25,000 £ 25,000' 7,000 7,000 6,000 24, oaa 4,000 28,0119 3,060 ! 9,000 2,000 2,000 £ 104,000 TICKETS and SHARES are
NOW SELLING, IN GREAT VARIETY OF NUMBERS, AT printing Office, ^ aiiaburg, For Sir J. BRANSCOMB and Co. PRESENT PRICE, REGISTERED. Ticket.... £ 7 1.9 6 Half £ 4 4 fi I Eighth £ l 2 <? Quarter 2 a 6 | Sixteenth 0 11 6 TICKETS and SHAKES liave already risen in price, another advance is expccted before the drawing. and FALMOUTH, April 14. La Marie Louise, « French brig from Croi ie, laden with salt, prize to the Mars privateer, arrived on Monday. The Martial sloop of war sailed on Sunday on a cruize. A fleet of coasters, under convoy of the Marristown hired armed brig, sailed for Wales on Saturday last. The
Oxford regiment of militia was reviewed on Tues- day, on the horn- work of Pendennis Castle, by General Cidcraft, who expressed his high approbation, particu- larly of the recruits, whose proficiency after so short a training is remarkable. PLYMOUTH, April 15. The Channel fleet has sailed from Torbav, to resume its station off Brest. Letters from our squadron off Lisbon, dated the 3d jnst. state, that the Russian squadron was much in want of provisions, and lying at single anchor, sup- posed with the intent of shipping out, should our fleet be blown off the coast. On Tuesday 36 fine young men of the North Hants militia, lving in
Frankfort barracks, volunteered into the Royal Marines. Wednesday sailed the Levden, of 64 guns, fpr Chatham. On Thursday came in the Harlequin, of 12 gnus, from the Downs. . Sailed the Amethyst, of 36 guns, on a cruize.— Orestes, of 18 guns, with a fleet of victuallers, for the squadron cruizing off the Tagus. The Cockatrice, of 10 guns, is appointed to convoy a flt et to the eastward ; aud she will sail oil Saturday, if the wind he fair. The liberal exertions of the Officers of the S> d Somerset regim'ept, to promote the interests of the Salisbury Infirmary, are warmly seconded by our fair belles, who have formed numerous
parties for the Ball and Concert this evening. A wonderful instance of resolute and patient endurance of pain occurred last week at the Salisbury Infirmary:— Henry Barton, of Milborne St. Andrew, Dorset," had been sent to the Infirmary with a large tumour oil the back^ wbich was extracted on Wednesday. During the whole of the operation, he did not utter a single excla- mation ; though he once observed to Mr. Coates, the surgeon, when the knife was blunted by the callous sub- stance, " that knife does not cut so well as the last." Ti e tumour was 18 inches in circumference, and when extracted weighed fire pounds and a
quarter! BIRTHS.] Lately, in Grosvenor- stjeet, the. Lpdv of John Benett, Esq. of Pyt- house, in this county, of a daughter.— On Tuesday, in Berkeley- square, Lon- don, the Lady of T. B. Lethbndge, Esq, M. P. for Somersetshire, of a daughter. On Thursday last wjts married, at Warm'mstsr, by the Ilev. J. Seagram, Mr. Frederick Seagram, Surg'- on, to Miss Davies, eldest daughter of Mr. Davies, Attorney at Law, of that place. J. ately died, in India, William Frome, Esq. son of Mrs. Frome, of the Close, Salisbury, a Lieute- nant- Colonel in the armv, and Ma ior in tbe 22d re- giment of foot. He was an officer of distinguished ability,
and undaunted courage ; beloved in the armv, and much respected in private lite. Lately died, at Exeter, r. William Warne, of Moreton, near Dorchester. On Thursday the 7th inst. died, Mrs. Anstie, wife of Mr. Benjamin Webb Anstie, of Devises. On Monday evening died, at his house in Role- stone- street, Mr. Kell'ow, aged 8- 5 ye/ irs. On Friday night died, at ' i urley, near Bath, Richard Atwood, Esq. a man of most estimable character. On Thursday the 7th inst. during the height of the late flood, John Jennings, near 70 ycat's of age, coachman to Thomas Bush, Esq. of Bradford, who hadlired 38 years with hiin, went in a brewing
cooler to save some garden chairs, the garden being flooded to a considerable height, when he was carried out into the stream. He leaped from the cooler, thinking he might alight in the garden, but failed in this attempt, and was forced with much violence against a willow tree, from which he was after some time taken, quite dead, but not drowned, his head having been kept above tbe water. He ventured on the above dangerous employ without the knowledge of any part of the family, and contrary to tl » ; entreaties of a fellow servant. His master is much concerned, and his son aud nephew followed the poor man to his grave.
HOME MARKETS. Prices of Corn, per Quarter— Bread, per Gallon. | Wheat. Barley, j Oats. s. s. | .?, s. 35 to 39; 30 to 37 39 to 42 j 31 to 34 34 to 87 30 to 34 1 1 i Sd to 73 ] 33 to .19 I 28 to 4' 0 lfii 66 to 72 3<? to 39', 30 to 32 Warminster, 16 i 59 to 74 j 38 to 42 .32 to 40 April I Salisbury, 12 64 to 76 Basingstoke, 13 58 to 7ft Devizes, 13 ( 60 ( 8 74 Newbury, Andover, Beans. Bread. . d. 60 to 66 54 to 60 ] 56 to 60 j 58 to 63 j 59 to 61 | *. » * The STATE LOTTERY/ msM drawing on Saturday. During the Drawing SHARES O/' Six CAPITA!. PRIZES were sold at the PRINTING- OFFICE, SALISBURY, nx.— No. 3,744 ....£ 500 No.
14,2- 53.. £ 20,000 No. 10,276 1,000 No. 5,800 1,000 No. 18,200. No. 5,798 . 501) 500 THEATRE, SALISBURY. THE Performances will re- commence on TUESDAY EVENING, April 19, with the Comedy of A CURE FOR THE HEART- ACH, A NIL TLLF. FARCE OF OUT OF PLACE; or. The LAKE of LAUSANNE. On WEDNESDAY EVENING, The CASTLE SPECTRE, and MIDNIGHT HOUR. On FRIDAY EVENING, A Play and Farce as will be expressed in the Bills On MONDAY EVENING, April 29,— The Performances wil] be under the Patronage of Colonel BOUCHER and the Officers of the Salisbury Volunteers. THE
nfext SALISBURY ASSEMBLY will be on Thursday the 2 lst of April inst.— Dancing to begin at eight o'clock and eud at twelve. E. BAKER, J. R. SEYMOUR, ^ Stewards. W. B. BROD1E, J 1055] Mr. GOODALL, M. C. NEW ASSEMBLY ROOMS, SALISBURY. ON MONDAY, April IS, 1808, there will be a CONCERT and BALL, at the New Assembly- Rooms, for the BENEFIT of the SALISBURY INFIRMARY; for which purpose the OFFICERS of the Second Somersetshire Regiment have very obligingly offered the assistance of their Band, together with their own, as well as that of other Amateurs of the place: it is hoped,
therefore, that the per- formance will meet both the approbation and support of the Nobility and Gentry of this City, Close, ami neighbourhood. The first Act of the Concert will be MISCELLANEOUS, the « * c0nd to consist of Sacred Music from the MESSIAH, & c. adapted to the Season. To begin precisely at half- past seven. [ 1090 Tickets, FIVE SHILLINGS each, Tea included, are deli- vering at the Printing Office, on the Canal. WILTS MILITIA. rTMIE Deputv Lieutenants, acting for the Sartim JL Division, will meet at the House of Mr. Willis, in Fisherton Anger, on Friday the 29th of April inst. at eleven o'clock in th: forenoon, to
grant Orders for Half the current Prices of Substitutes to Persons who were enrolled or provided Substitutes on ot before the ? ith of March last, and have been approved. S. ifcHM, April. 16, 1808. CASKS FOR SALE. SEVERAL BEER CASKS, from 10 to 4 Hhds. each ; also some WINE PIPES and BRANDY PIECES, just emptied, tu be SOLD on moderate terms, at the CROSS KEYS Inn, Salisbury. LINEN DRAPERY.— CANAL, SALISBURY. WM. HUMPHREY respectfully informs the public, he has taken to the remainder cf the Stock of Messrs. JENKINS and Co. which will be sold at Prime Cost, for readv money, on the
premises adjoining the Printing- office. ' ' [ 1177 The Warehouse will be opened on Tuesday the 19th inst. SHOULDER OF MUTTON, SALISBURY. THOMAS HAYWOOD presents bis most grate- ful thanks to the Gentlemen of this City, the Close, & c. for the favours they have conferred on him, and in- forms them he has now in his Stores Oats, Beans, and Bran, of prime quality; St. Foin and Clover Hay, which he can particularly recommend; dry Meadow Hay, & c. for which he requests the honour of their future commands, and will endeavour to merit the same by the most punctual attention. He likewise gratefully th inks the
Gentlemen Farmers who have honoured him with their custom, and begs a continu- ance thereof. [ 1 157 ... Good Stabling.— Liquors retail at wholesale prices. Weight of the Gallon Loaf, Bib. lion.— Half Gall. iib. SJoz. EAGLE INSURANCE COMPANY. Fire— Annuities— Life. Capital, Two MILLIONS.— OFFICE, CORNHILL, LONDON. Advantages to Insurers with this Company :— PAYMENT of Rent in case of F'ire, without increase of premium ; damage by Lightning made good. No charge for policies, indorsements, alterations, or surveys. A commission of 5/. per cent, allowed on Shipping Insur- ance.— Abatements made
on Country Insurances from 10/. to 25/. percent.— Farming Stock insured without average clause. AGENTS: Mr. Francis H. Grig?, Bristol; Mr. J. C. M '. uley, printer, Portsmouth ; Mr. Wm. Curtis, sail cloth- manufacturer, Beamister.— By order of the Directors, W. BEETHAM, Secretary. EAGLE- OFFICI, March 16, 1808. *„• » Gcntl - men desirous to become Agents ( where none ar; appointed] are requested to write forthwith to the Secretary. , [ 854 EAL and BARROW return thanks to their friends, for th flittering encouragement they have ex- perienced from them sincecommencing business : they hope, by assiduity and
attention, to serve them on such terms as will insure their future confidence, and recommend them to the public in general.— Shaftesbury, March 16, 18o8. [ 838 HANTS-, SUSSEX, AND DORSET FIRE- OFFICE, GOSPORT. THE great extension of the business of the above Office, in the quarter now expiring, again demands the thanks of its Directors, and continues to demonstrate the pro- priety and success of their endeavours to cause the money .' hitherto sent away among strangers) for insurances to be ex'- pended with the immediate friends and neighbours of the assured. Persons, whose Annual Premiums till due on
the 25th inst. are respectfully informed, that the fifteen days allowed for payment thereof, beyond the expiration of the year, will terminate on the 9th ; of April next, on or before which day they arc requested to pay the same to the'fcspcttive Agents. N. B. Persons removing their Insurances from other Offices, in all cases, and others insuring property to the amount of 300/. or upwards, will have Policies, with the Stamps, gratis. The following are the Agents appointed:— Alresford, Mr. Dunn; Alton, Mr. Trimmer; Bishop's- Waltham, Mr. Gunner ; Blandford, Mr. Moore ; Broughton, Mr. Burt; Basingstoke, Mr. Totfree: Christchurch', Mr.
Ludlow ; Cowes, Isle of Wight, Mr. Hart; Dorchester, Mr. Goodridge; Elint. Mr. T. King; Fareham, Titchfield, and Wickham, Mr. W. W. Maidman ; Fordingbridge, Mr. Kel- leway; Havant, Mr. Gloyne ; Hy. thc," Mr'. Richards ; Lymington, Mr. Richman ; Lyndhurst, Mr. Woolfe ; Mid- hurst, Mr. Wardroper; Meonstoke, Mr, Morris; Newbury, Mr. Wasey; Newport, Isle of Wight, Messrs. Hubbard ; Portsmouth, Mr. Rood ; Portsea, Mr. James White ; Peters- field and Hambledon, Mr. Hector; Plymouth Dock, Mr. Smith ; Rvegate, Mr. Johnson ; Ringwood, Mr. Hooper ; Romsey, Mr. Footner; Ryde, Isle of Wight, Mr. Ridftett; Salisbury, Mr.
Blatch ; Southampton, Mr. Lintott; Shaftes- bury, Mr. C. Bowles ; Sherborne, Messrs. Blake ; 1 Swanage,' Mr.' Bonfield ; Wareham, Mr. Crocker ; Westmeon, Mr. Osborne; Weymouth, Mr. Johns; Whitchurch, Mr. Bishop; Wintbourne, Mr. Force ; Winchester, Mr. Coates. DAVID COMPIGNE, Secretary. GOSPORT, March 16, 1808. [ 823 IRONMONGERY AND CUTLERY. JLINDSAY begs leave to return hie sincere ac- • knowledgments to his friends and the public in general for the liberal encouragement he h « s received since opening his Shop in RINOWOOO in the above line; and informs them that he has just laid in a general
assortment of Articles from the best mark< ts, and assures them, that it is liis determina- tion to serve all orders with which he mav be favoured of the bestquality, and upon the most reasonable terms. [ 1021 N. B. ( Carpenters and Smiths served on the shortest notice. IN the immediate Vicinity of SOUTHAMPTON will be LETT, for one, two, or three Years,— A large and commodious MANSION- HOUSE, neatly and elegantly fur- nished, with coach- houses for four carriages, and stabling for ten horses, together with every c& ivenien't necessary office ; a garden containing between three and four acres, perfectly cropped and
yielding an abundance of every kind of vegetable and fruit, with two pineries, two conservatories, and a large green- house, all filled with pines, fruit- trees, and plants of various descriptions ; together with 23 acres of land, now laid down for hay. [ 795 Immediate possession may be had, and the terms known, by application to Mr. George Hookey, in Southampton. BURSLEDON HOUSE for SALE, remarkably pleasantly situated on the bank of the River, six miles from SOUTHAMPTON ; with double coach- bouse, two$- 4talled stables, barn, farmand poultry yards, pleasure and kitchen gardens, in which are. shrubberies and neat
green- house, productive orchard, and rich pasture land surrounding the House, in the whole about 26 acres ; fit for the immediate reception of a Gentleman's Family. The principal rooms are large, lofty, and expensively fitted up ; the House is sub- stantially built, convenient., and replete with every domestic office. For particulars and a view apply to Mr. George Hookey, Southampton. TO be LETT, and entered upon at Midsummer next, That Capital MANSION, called BAHFORD HOUSE, elegantly furnished, with Offices of every descrip- tion, extensive walled Gardens and Pleasure Grounds, Hot- house, Grapery, Green- house,
Stabling, Coach- houses, Dog- kenncl, and every convenience suited to a family of the first respectability.— This place is situated one mile from Downton, and seven from Salisbury, with uood roads in every direction. The Tenant may be accommodated with the extensive Manor of Hamptworth, which is contiguous, and with Land suited to his convenience.— To be seen by Tickets t< f be had ot Mr. TINNEY, solicitor, Salisbury, who will give furth particulars. [ 1017 ISLE OF WIGHT. Delightful Country Residence, Ready Furnished. TO be LETT, and entered upon immediately, for one year, handsomely furnished,— The very
desirable RESIDENCE, called GROVE, situate within one inile of the sea, at Sandown Bay, and five of Ride. The House com- prizes an entrance hall; dining- room, 26 feet long, 19 wide, and 14 high ; drawing- room, of the same dimensions ; break- fast and two other sitting rooms ; six excellent bed- rooms and two attics ; with offices of every description, and good cellars; a capital walled garden of ail acre within the walls, and another acre without the walls, stocked with the. choicest fruit trees, and fully cropped; a double coach- house, six- stall stable, poultry- house, and yard, and other convenient out- houses and offices are
detached.— The House stands in a lawn, completely surrounded with the most luxuriant plantations, affording nraiy rich and highly beautiful s a and land views, and forms altogether a most delightful retreat.— The Tenant maybe accommodated with any quantity of land not exoeeding 23 acres, of which 13 are old meadow, 13 lately laid down to cinquetbin, one in luccrne, and tbe other is coppice. [ 1037 or farther particulars apply to Messrs. Clarkes and Sewelf, so:, . itors, Newport, Isle ot Wight; if by letter, post paid. H A N T S. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,— One undivided Fourth Part of a DWELLING- HOUSE,
consisting of three ruoms oil a floor, excellent cellaring, good stable, Coach court anil yard, with sundry offices, and large walled garden, and a Meadow nearly adjoining of three acres, situate at Romsey, now occupied by James Sharpe, Esq. Also Three Fourths of the Great TITHES of Tatchburv, in the occupation of Farmer Lane, situate in the parish of Ebng Alsp Three Fifths cf BROOKE FARM, in the parsh of King's Somborne; consisting of a good Farm- House, offices, and a'oout 90 acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, with right of common on Brooke Down ; in the occupation of Mr. Edwards, as uuder tenant to Mrs.
Ganhou- e. Apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Bell, Land Agent, Winchester. [ 1164 BROCKENHURST, NEW FORilST. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, with immediate possession,— A genteel HOUSE, suitable for the residence of a small family; comprising two good parlours, china closet, kitchen, two cellars, and dairy, on the ground flocr; three good bed rooms, studv, and two servants rooms over; wash- house, brew- house, chaise- house, stable, and other offices; good garden planted with choice fruit- trees, and a small green- house : with from 10 to 40 acres of land.— The premises all new within three years; the
situation most desirable; mail coach to and from London every day ; four miles and an half from Lymington, and 13 from Southampton For particulars apply fif by letter, post paid) to A. B. Hotel, Christchurch ; J. Iticbman, Esq. Lyinington ; and on the Premises. [ 9( 15 NUTF1ELD COTTAGE, On the Road from SOUTHAMPTON to ROMSEY. RTX) be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. WATTS, X on Wednesday the 20th of April 1803* on the premises, — The LIVE STOCK, Farming Implements, some Books, and sundry articles, the property of a Gentleman quitting his residence, at Nuffield.— The Stock comprises a small select flock of
Ryeland and Anglo- Merino Sheep, with Lambs by a Spanish Ram from his Majesty's flock, sortie Norman Cows, two weaned Calves, a useful Mare, fat Hog, and a yard dog. To be viewed on the morning of the sale, which will bei » in at eleven o'clock.— Tile Live Stock may be s en at any time previous ; and Catalogues had at the Office of the Auctioneer in Southampton, and place of sale. The Cottage of Nuffield, desirably situated thue miles from Southampton, is to be lett furnished, with Coich- House, Stable, Barn, a variety of useful Offices, walled Garden, and eight acres of Land. { fj=> Enquire on the premises ; or of Mr.
Watts, builder. Southampton. [ 1146 SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, on Wednesday the' 27th, day of April 1808, and the fol- lowing day, at No., 25, Above Bar, by Mr. WATTS,— A11 the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, China, Glass, & c. the pro- perty of a Lady quitting her residence; comprising four- post, field, and other bedsteads, with dimity, cotton, and other furniture, window curtains to correspond; good goose feather beds and bedding ; mahogany and othe: tables, chairs, and drawers ; glasses, carpets, and other useful furniture ; an eight- day clock, and kitchen requisites. iTj* To be viewed
the morning preceding tbe sale ; and Catalogues had at the Office of the Auctioneer, and place of sale, which will begin each day at eleven o'clock. [ 1145 Valuable Freehold, Leasehold, and Copyhold ESTATES, at Woodlands, in the New Forest. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by GF. O. HOOKF. Y, on Thursday the 28th of April instant, at one o'clock, on the premises:— ' Lot 1. A DWELLING- HOUSE, neatly fitted up, consisting of dining- room, diawing- room, five best bed- chambers, three servants' ditto, housekeeper's room, butler's pantry, kitchen, and offices; detached coach- house, and stall stabling for six horses;
surrounded by pleasure and kitchen gardens of about an acre; held under Winchester College, pleasantly situated at WOODLANDS, within two miles of the fox- hounds ; fit for the immediate reception Of a Gentleman's Family. Tbe Fixtures to be taken by valuation, and the elegant Household Furniture at the option of the purchaser. Lot 2.— Two Freehold Fi, ELDS, of about six acres, called Abbots, r. o;. v in wheat. i. ot 3.— About 30 Acres of Meadow and Arable LAND, with Farm- House, Yard, Barn, Stabling, Piggery, and every requisite outbuilding, in complete repair, held for two lives under the Lord of the Manor, knbwti by (
he names of Frog. Ijnds and Langfords. ^ ' [ 1149 May be viewed any time previous to the sale, between the feours of twelve and four, by applying at the House ; and further particulars known of the Auctioneer, Southampton. COTTAGE at WELLOW, near ROMSEY. TO be LETT and entered upon immediately,— A SMALL HOUSE, containing two parlouis, tour bed- rooms; kitchen, brewhouse, and stable, with garden, orcliard, and two small meadows. ' Hie premises have been put ii « compl at repair since Christmas, and are pleas: » nt| v situated at West Weilow. Enquire ( if by letter poit- paid) at Clement Sharp's Cabinet and
Upholstery'Warehouses, E. omscy. ESTATE at WINDSOR, in the New Forest. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, without any reserve, by CLEMENT SH ARP, at the White- Horse Inn, Rorfisey, on Tuesday the 3d of Mav, IFIOR, at half- past hvc o'clock in the afternoon,— All that compact COPYHOLD ESTATE, with the Timber _ rrOwine thereon, comprising about 22 acres and a half of Land, with a Dwelling- house, Barn, Stable, & c. situated at Windsor, in the New Forest, now in the occupation of Roberf Paice. The pi^ misci air pleasant and healthy, on the borders of the New Forest, and afford several choice situatioi. s for building ;
it is adorned with several hundred thrifty youkig Oaks, to which the laad ii peculiarly congenial; distance six milts from Romsey, seven from Southampton, and three from Lymlhur, t. For particulars enquire of the Auctioneer, at his CaWnct and Upholstery Warehouses, Romsey. [ 1160 SOUTHAMPTON. T) be SOLD by AUCTION, on rtie premwes, bv Mr. DELL, on Wednesday the 20th of April imtant, and following d « v,— Part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE and FIXTURES of the late Mis. Suckett, deceased, at the corner Castle Lane. - The Furniture CAMP'UI S four- post b dsteads and furniture* j good goose- feather hc. li,
mattresses, blankets, quilts, and counterpanes : in tuahoj; , ny are. dining, Pembroke, and other tab'ie » ; i". airs, cbn : m drawers, pier and dressing glasses, carpets, aud kitchen 6,- fu- ture ; brewing copper, washing rio. brewing utensils, & c. \ r To be viewed the morning ot the kale day, until 11 o'clt. t, when the sale will commence. • f 11 ANDOVER, HANTS. HHO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. Csuswutc, X at tlie Star Inn, Andover, on Thursday the i I st of April, LIOS, at three o'clock in the afternoon, ,\ desitkble FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate about half ?. mile from th « Town of Andover; consisting of a b:. rn and four mclosurts
of arable land adjoinin?, containing together 61 A. 2 R. P. little more or less. The estate is in me occupation W: n. Garrett, Esq. whose term expires on the 10th ol Octobu next. The Land- Tax is redeemed. To be viewed, by leave of ' he tenant; and prints parti u- lars maybe had at the White- Hart, Salisbury ; Bear, Dev. i- s; Castle, Marlborough ; Crown, Everly ; White- Hart, Omtui; White- Hart, Whitchurch ; place of sale ; ot the Auct oea • and Mr. Warne, Solicitor, Basingstoke. ,' lllB BURBA GE, WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. CKISWCK, at the White- Hart, at Burbage, on Friday the - id of April, lm> 3, at three o'clock
in the afternoon, 1 N RV eligible FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at Westcott, n ib'O parish of Burbage; consisting of a fsrm- house, r> quis..- out- buildings, and about fifty- five acres and a halt of rich closed arable and pasture land ( little rnore- or le> s), with a L ^ IL'J light of common on Savernacle Forest. The estate tin the occupation of Mr. John Church, whose term expirei n TBI 10th of October next. The Land- Tax is redeemed. To be viewed by applying to the tenant, of whom anted particulars may BE" bad ; also at the White- Han, Saliiury J Castle, Marlborough; Bear, Devizes; Crown, Kvrriv£* » , Andovcr; place of Sale; of tie
Auctioneer ; and Mr,' VIMC, Solicitor, Basingstoke. FLLI Freehold Du Aliug- Houses, in Devizt s.. T) be SOLD by AUCTION, by R. KKIIST, at the Beat Inn, Devizes, on Wednesday the 27tday of April, 1808, at four o'clock in the afternoon, [ unlcikr- forc disposed of bv Piiyate CONTRACT!,— A neat and V » NTQUMT FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, recently erected,* iih roomy Workshops, Out- buildings, and large Piece of G:' D » U Ground adjoining, situate within a ivry short distance o: the projected Wharf of the Kennet and Avon CMAL, now A the occupation of Mr. Holmes, at the annual rent ot 45/. Also,— Seven
substantial FREEHOLD TENEMENTS, wi( h a garden W each, in New Rirk- street, and inanodiatly adjoining the above. These premises, ( torn their contigu'TY to the Cjnal, ' WHFR is NOW in a very advanced state) are esteemed capabU if considerable improvement.-,-^— The present annual rr. a amount to 34/. T< S. Tu be viewed by applvintr to th" tenants; and furtfca . particulars may be known from Messrs. fanner and Cor. p- j, Solicitors, Salisbu; y, ci the Auctioneer, Devizes, [ 9Q CHURCH- STREET, TISBURY, WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. GATS. HOUSE, on the Premises, on Monday the isth of Apji
1808,— All the heat HOUSEHOLD FURNtTURp, Lin, ® ' China, Glass, and Prints, the properly of Mrs. Brachet, df- cetsed ; consisting of four post bedsteads, with, harateen ijtl other furniture; prime seasoned goose feather beds and but, ding, chests of drawers, pier and'swing CLASSES, a set of nj}- hoganv dining tibles, pillar and claw ditto, mahogany and other chairs, with hofse- haif and other seating*; Urge SIM Wilton and Scotch carpet- , a quantity of ware and k.' tchea articles, a 30- gali0n brewing copper, utensils lor ditto, a quantity of strong beer, and casks of different sizes. The sale will commence at eleven o'clock. [
1031 DOWNTON, WILTS, O be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises. by GF. RKAR » and Co. cn Fridtiv the 92d of Atri), 1803, — Part of the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, the property of tbe late Mr, W. MOUL. VM ® , deceased.— The jtock consist* yftoo of the real prime South Down, forty four.- teeth ewes, throe capital four- teeth rams, a handsome two- year cart and good hack, four years old; two two- year hitifcw and calf, one fine Devonshire bull, two narrow- wheel waggons, al- most new, one six- inch wheel dung pot, cno two.- furrow plough, one. roller, a strong useful, gi? mid tvyo sets rig harness, and a mtmbet of
implements of husbandry. The above will be Sold without reserve.— The Sale to br* m at twelve o'clock. [ J 171 TOLLARD ROYAL, WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, LV MARK NRCAOT^ on Wednesday the SOth and Tfcttisday tbe SLST of Ap,- iL 1308, - All the valuable LIVE and DEAD FARMING STOCK, the property of Mrs. Ann Dennett,, WHO is going to quit the farm ; consisting of a valu ible Devonshire bull, co* in calf, four Cows with calves, five three- ye'at- old hiiftr^, tour two- vear- old heifers, two saddle horses, three sow* . n pig, eight SI ore pigs, three waggons, two cAttj," S vHcif, winnowing tackle, corn skreen,
rick staddlcs, cay.; a » ID stones, and a taxed cart. Also Part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; feathet beds and bedding, mahogany dining and other tables, chairs, & c. an eight- day dock, iron- bound and other casks, cheese press, vats, tubs, and trendies, with a variety of other article^ too numerous to mention. The Stock will be sold cn the Sis- t day.— The sale will commence C- ach day A; eleven o'clock. For particulars apply to Mr. Wm, Foot, Charlton, n « ar Shaston, or the Auctioneer, Sarunt. [ 11SS RP:> be SOLD by AUCTION, by TwT- AM « * A at East Whitehay, Isle of Purl* ck, Dorset, on M< nda » the 2d day of
May, 1* 08,— Sundry FARMING STOCK, th' « property of ML. Richard Bishop, quitting the SAID FARM; consisting of 21 nrime young dairy cows, part of them with calves by their side, one capital buU, six two vearlinz heifers, six yearling heifers, two good cart horses, " one C ilt rising three years, one hug colt, 6' u chilver hogs, two sons in farrow, one sow with ten pigs, and sundry fanning utensils. The sale to bc « ih at ten o'clock. N. n. On a future day will bv SOLD, on the Premise-, a' capital FLOCK of SHfcEP, of which due notice will be g'V » - [ LL. TU CALNE, WILTS. TO b? SOLD by AUCTION, by HARRY Rcss, at the
White Hajt Inn, in Calnc, on Tuesday the luth day of May, 18tis, between three and five in the afternoon, ( unless previously deposed of by Private Contract, ot which due notice will be niven)— A good Stone- built FRREHOI L> DWELLING- HOUSE, situate ori the Green, in the town of- Calne; consisting of t\ vo good parlours, breakfast room, with good convenient closets, kitchen, hall, pantry, and scullery, on the first flooj: five chambers, with convenient closets • three good attics and store room; underground beer and wine- cellars ; a two stall stable, large coal . wood- house, de- tached brcwhouse and wash- house, with ojfcer
convenient offices; a good kitchen garden,, bnck- wallcd, and planted with choice fruit- trees. These premises are well adapted for carrying on anv trade that requires room, having been in tttc occupation of a clo- thier: any person wishing to see ffiem,' may apply to Mrs, Vincent, at the house. The whole is in very good repair, and fit for the reception of a genteel family. The Fixtures, or any part of the Furniture, may be taken at an appraisement. [ i ^ 7 T Also by the PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. COLLINS, AT HIS PRINTING- OFFICE, ON THE CANAL, SALISBURY; Where Orders, Advertisements, aud authentic Articles of
News are rectivcd ( Postage paid.) PRINTERS and EooKsfetLERS in the Wast of Er, gland; by the re « pe « tive NEWSMEN ; and in London by Messrs. TAYLOR and NEWTON, No. 5, Wanvick- Scuare. Warwick- Lane. Neweate- StreA. and Mr. WTtJiff. Booker. P « t* nv> » Uf- S/>*.