The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3710
No Pages: 4
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 28/03/1808
Printer / Publisher:
Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3710
No Pages: 4
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THE WINGHESTE AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS\ HANTS> DORSET\ AND S0MERSE1 [ NUMBER 3710. VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1808. I'RICE SIXPENCE. / Stamp Duty., .. (_ Paper and Print Monday's and Utesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. GOITENBURGH, March 11. ALL communication by post, or otherwise, between Helsinburgh and Elsineur, is for the present suspended. Travellers who arrived from Denmark yesterday, aud who were the last the Danes suffered to depart, report that the French entered Holsteiu on the 4th, and that apartments were taken at Copenhagen for Bernadotte
when they left it; and, as we know that every ship in the Danish harbours is put in requisition for the purpose ot transporting troops, we may expect to hear from day to tlay of the com- mencement of hostilities. LONDON, . MONDAY, MARCH 21. MARK- LANK, Monday. March 21. We had this day but a scanty supply of Grain in general; and from the clearance made last week, there appeared some expectation in the early part of the day of an advance in prices, but this could not be obtained, ex » ept for a small quantity of very fine clean heavy white Wheat; and when it is stated that white Peas are cheaper,— Grey Peas,
Beans, Oats, Tares, arid Rape Seed the veriest trifle dearer, the general currency of last week may be referred to as the present standard, Clover Seed has a much less brisk demand than of late, aud the price of Flour is unvaried. SMITIIFIELD MARKET, March 21. We had this day an ample supply of all kinds of Cattle.— Prices as last week. Two Gottenburgh Mails arrived yesterday, with letters and papers from that city to the 12th instant, an- nouncing the commencement of hostilities between Russia itid Sweden. This important intelligeHce is contained in two official reports from the Swedish Lieuteuant- General Klucker,
giving an account of the military operations to the 30th of February. It appears that a Swedish force was posted near Forsby, in Finland, in two brigades, one of which wis attacked on the 14th by the Russians, and driven in. The Russians attacked the other brigade on the 25th, and again in the night between the 27th and 28th, but were defeated. The second brigade, however, notwith tanding th'w advantnge, was obliged to fall back to preserve a com- munication with the first. In these skirmishes the loss of the Swedes was inconsiderable. The accounts from the, Swedish troops in Finland come down to the 5th of March, at
which date the army was concentrated in the Vicinity of Tawastchus, where the Commander in Chief had his head- quarters.— The Swedish army, on the 1st inst. comprised 44,800 men, of whom 17,000 were in Finland, under General Klengspor; 8800 in Scania, under General Toll; 8000 in the environs of Gottenburgh, under General Vegesack ; 2700 in tbe pro- vinces beyond Stockholm; a corps of reserve of 5200 men in F. a t Gothland ; and another reserve, of 3000 men, is forming in the Northern Provinces. The remainder are under the King, near Stockholm. The Russian Cabinet appears to have entertained doubts of tbe
success of its arms in Finland, since it has resorted to the basest arts to get footing in • that province. The Swedish traitor Sprengporton has a high command in the Ru-„ ian army, and exercises all his address to seduce the Fins from their allegiance to theirs and his own lawful So- vereign. Proclamations, signed by Buxhovden, the Rus- sion Commander in Chief, have been circulated in Finland, calling on the inhabitants to revolt, promising them pro- tection ; and on the soldiers to desert, with the offer of rewards for horses, guns, accoutrements, or whatever else they may carry off to the Russians. A Spy was appre- hended on
the 24th ult. on whom were found several copies of this proclamation, with several letters explaining the plan formed by the Russian Cabinet to assist him ; for which service it had formed a revolutionary corps, consist- ing of a Major, two Subalterns, and four soldiers, ines- sengers> & c. to carry on the necessary correspondence. The Spy was sent in irons to the Swedish capital, and measures were taking for apprehending a courier, who, under the cloak of conveying dispatches to the Russian Ambassador, was bringing more copies of this Proclamation, to be dis- persed in the neighbourhood of the Swedish armies. It was the
discovering of these base practices that occasioned the Swedish Monarch to confine M. Alopeus tu his house, with an intimation that he could 110 longer be regarded in his diplomatic character. American journals were received this morning,— from Philadelphia to the date of the 25th of January, and from Boston to the 3d of February, inclusive. The advices from Washington are dated the 23d of January: they state that little is known respecting the negociation with Mr. Rose ; but that he appears to be on a friendly footing with the Gentlemen in power, that it is understood the princi- ples on which they will treat are settled, and
that Mr. Rose's mission will terminate in nil honourable and amicable ad- justment of all differences between Great Britain and the United States. Baron Jacobi, late Ambassador here from the Court of Berlin, embarked at Dover on Friday, on board a flag ot truce, for France, and arrived close in with Calais late that night: the vessel was hailed from the Citadel, and the Captain was informed he would be fired oh, if he attempted to enter the Harbour, and that no person would he suffered to land. The vessel in consequence stood off till the next morning, when Baron Jacobi directed the Master to run her to the Harbour's mouth,
which he did, and was again warned off. The Master took the trumpet, saying, " I have Baron Jacobi, late Russian Ambassador to the Court of London on board, who has the necessary passports from your Court, and wishes to land." — After a iong parley, a boat came out, with the Com- mander of the Citadel, who addressed the Baron with great respect, but told him bis orders were peremptory not to admit him or any person to land, and not to suffer the least future communication with any vessel from England, whether bearing a flag of truce or not, under any circum- stances ; that he risqued the charge of disobedience in
making this communication; and must, on his return, give orders for firing on the vessel, if she did not instantly stand off. Baron Jacobi was very desirous to have a letter for- warded to the Minister of Foreign Affairs at Paris ; but the Commandant reminded him that he had already said he was prohibited from allowing any intercourse whatever with British vessels, lie- added, that if any other vessel from England approached the shore, it would certainly be fired on ; and then politely took leave, and was rowed back to the shore. The vessel returned to Dover, where Baron Jacobi landed on Saturday evening; and late last night he
arrived in London. In the system of warfare adopted by the ruler of France, and imposud on the Continent of Europe, we appear to be going back to the ferocity of feudal times. It was reported that some English Pilots, who had risqued their lives in taking neutral ships into a Dutch port, were detained as prisoners. This report is doubtless tiue, as the men have not returned home ; and certain advice has been received that two more of tbe Dover over- sea pilots, who carried neutral ships into the Texel, have been taken out of them, and committed to prison! Several offices at the Royal Exchange were broken open early on
Saturday morning, and plundered to a considerable amount. Mr. Smith lost from bis office about 40/. in cash, and 700/. in bill?; Messrs. Rivers and Angerstein lost about 90/. in cash ; Mr. Parish lost about 40/. among which was a 5/. draft, which the robbers contrived to get paid before notice was given to stop it Shares of lottery tickets, pieces of Irish cloth, even provisions were carried off from different offices; but in many of them the attempts of the robbers to force open the iron chests, in which very large sums of money were deposited, had failed; and in the Merchant Seaman's Office 700/. which hail been set apart for
payment that morning, escaped falling into their hands, by their overlooking the closet where it was deposited. A dreadful fire broke out on Thursday evening at the house of Mrs. Lacy, Clenton Range, Sarrv, which destroyed the same in less than two hours. Tbe servant- maid, who WAS up stairs, had no opportunity of descending, and in jumping from the window to the lead of an adjoining house, she broke her thigh. An infant, the grand- daughter of Mrs. Lacy, who was sleeping in the room where the fire broke out, perished in the flames; and the latter, who slept in the Borough on the night of the fire, is suffering the lo3s of her
faculties from tbe sad event. A shocking suicide was committed on Friday night, in Peymour- street, by a young Officer, Lieutenant in a Regiment of Foot, who cut his throat in a water- closet. The young gentleman had been married only three weeks, and when he committed tile rash net he had a select party to suppT at his house, whom he clandestinely left to accomplish his purpose I PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, March 24, 1808. ON Thursday, the 31s/ hist. I shall be ready to receive Tenders in writing ( sealed up) and treat for the under- mentioned Articles, for the service of this Port, to be delivered in the course
of the ensuing month,- which will be paid for by bills, payable with interest, ninety days after date, viz. ENGLISH WHEAT, 1,000 Quaiters, to Weigh 5& lbs. per bushel, and m case it should weigh above 58lbs. per bushel, the overweight wilt be paid for. BISCUI T, ( i, 000 Bags, to be manufactured from good whole meal. No regard will be had to any Tender, in which the price shall not be inserted in words at. length, or that shall not be delivered before twelve o'clock on the said 31sf inst; nor unless the persons who make the same, or some person on their behalf, attend tu answer thereto when called for. ( VM: REEKS. N. II.—
The Conditions of the Contract may be seen at my Office. [ 948 MUD- WALL WORK. AGentleman, who has several COTTAGES to erect, in Mud or Pise Work, will give good wages to any person capable of performing the same. The work is to be done between the Ist of May and the 1st of July next. Apply to the Printer of this Paper. ADVOWSON. WANTED to PURCHASE, within fifty miles of Oxford,— The PERPETUAL ADVOWSON of a Rectory, of the yearly value of not less than £ 601), with suitable House and Offices.—— The purchase money is ready to be advanced. Proposals by letter ( post- paid) will be received by
Messrs. R. and B. Morrell, Solicitors, Oxford. [ 885 WANTED, in a pleasant part of Hants or Berks, for a term of one, two, or three years,— A small con- venient HOUSE, with a three- stall stable, coach- house, good garden, and a few acres of land. Near the coast would be preferred. • [ 828 Letters ( post paid) to the Printer, will be duly attended to. ' PIGEON- SHOOTING, & c. Reply ( without reference to past conduct) to " A Challenge" that appeared in the Salisbury Journal on the 6tli inst. TWO Gentlemen of Wiltshire now CBALLEKSE to SHOOT with' two Gentlemen of the county of Hants, ( but more particularly against any
two of the party on the I'd of March), for ONE'HUNDRED GUINEAS, namely, Fifty Guineas a Side, on Monday the 11 th of April next; and they impose to meet early on that day, at the King's Head Inn, Whiteparish.— Ten Pigeons each, st twenty yards. And five Gentlemen who were of the Wilts party on the 3d inst. also'challenge any five GentleTnen who belonged to the Hants party at that time, to Shoof'with them for TWENTY GUINEAS ( or a larger sum, if desired), on the above day, and at the same place.— The distance to be agreed on ( if the Hampshire Gentlemen should feel disposed to- meet), and the Birds to be
Starlings or Sparrows, it bfiing thought im- proper to destroy many Pigeons at the present season. N. B.— Regular Gamlkeepr. rs not allowed to shoot. • Any further information ( deemed requisite; may be obtained by addressing a letter, free of postage, to W. W. at the Cross Keys Inn, Salisbury. [" 9G1 Southampton Nem Pier,- IT having been determi: to: - Masonry and Excavation. ined by the Commissioners for improving and extending the Pier and Harbour of the Port of Southampton, to build a straight Breast Wall on the West side of the present Quay, and, parallel to the shore, at a distance of about 70 feet, length 228 feet,
height lb' feet, and thickness at bottom 5 feet, and at top 4 feet ( exclusive of counterforts), to batter a tcet 3 inches, forming the seg- ment of a circle, radius 42 feet (>' inches. The Wall to be made of Ashler, from the Isle of Wight. The space between the intended Breast Wall and the Shore, being about 14 feet in depth, is to be filled up widi earth to be excavated in front of the said Breast Wall, so as to sink or deepen the present harbour about 4 feet, which new- made ground is to be covered with a Pebble Pavement. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the said MASONRY and EXCAVATION will be AGREED FOR by TENDER,
on Wednesday the 13th day of April next, at the Audit House, Southampton; and any persons willing to contract for exe- cuting such Masonry or Excavation jointly or separately, may seothe Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Specifications, on applying to Mr. Doswell, engineer and land and timbi r surveyor ( Wednesdays and Saturdays), at his house in Al- bion- place ; to whom they are requested to address their Tenders previous to the said lath day of April next, when a Meeting of the Commissioners will* be held for the pur- pose of taking such Tenders into consideration. ESTATE TO PURCHASE. ./" ANTED TO
PURCHASE,— An ESTATE, r of the value of from £. 150,000 to £. 200,000, in any of the following Counties, viz.—• Suffolk Kent Wiltshire Norfolk Sussex Somersetshire Cambridgeshire Hampshire Devonshire Lincolnshire Dorsetshire Or in Wales. There must be a good Mansion upon the Estate, and it must be entire.— If Parliamentary Interest is connected with it, the more agreeable. £. 50,000 of the purchase- money will be paid down, and the remainder by such instalments as may be agreed upon. Letters ( post paid) directed to A. B. at Messrs. Hughes, Walsh, and Sons, stationers, Temple, London, will be at- tended to. [
95S WANTED,- An APPRENTICE to a SURGEON and APOTHECARY, a Youth of a liberal education, who will be treated as one of the family. An adequate pre- mium will be expected. Letters ( post paid) adddressed to A. Z. at Mr. Sandy's, Chip- penham Printing- office, Market- place, will receive an imme- diate attention. ' [ 806 THE CHEAP SALE OF LINEN- DRAPERY CONTINUED At BECKINGSALE's Warehouse, Silver- Street, Sathhery. AN additional STOGK of COTTON GOODS is just received, which will immediately be sold for ready money, considerably lower tliaii the original prices of the Manufacturer:—- 300
Pieces of yard- wide stout Calico, from id. per yard. 200 Cotton Counterpanes, various s'zes, from 8d. 150 Pieccs of ell- wide Cambric Muslin, 14d.; very fine, 2id. 250 Pieccs of yard- and- hal£ wide ditto, lGd. ; curiously fine, 2s. per yard. 100 doz. colored Shawls, different patterns, from I2d. each. Several, Lots of Muslin Handkerchiefs, at bd. 6d. and % d. An ' extensive variety of printed Cambrics ell- wide, 20rf. The New Spring Patterns in ell- wide printed Cambrics, is. to 2s. 6d. 120 Pieces of colored Ginghams, fall width, of the best quality, from iId. to 10d. per yard. The above Warehouse is regularly supplied with Silk and
Cotton Stockings, on the best terms.— An extra allowance by the half dozen. [ 935 " ANTED,— An APPRENTICE to a CHEMIST and DRUGGIST in a good m arket- town in Hampshire. For the particulars enquire of the Printer ; if by letter, post paid.— A premium will be expected. [ 670 w ANTED immediately,— An ASSISTANT, English Gammar. [ 762 Letters addressed ( free of postage) to A. B. Post Office, Cowes, Isle of Wight, will be immediately attended to. To Brick- Makers. AGOOD HAND may have constant emplov and liberal encouragement, by applying to Edward Tapp, Andover, Hants. [ 98G Southampton, March
1G, 1808. THOS. NICHOLS, tr,, THOS. RIDDING,/ UerkS' [ 903 A' FAREHAM CATTLE MARKET. T a Meeting of Persons interested in tbe Conti- nuance of the CATTLE MARKET held every fortnight j in the Market- town of Fareham, convened this Hth day of March, 1808, at the Red Lion Inn, Fareham, for the pur- pose of considering 4 Notice given by certain individuals ( four in number) who reside in the West- street of the said town, declaring their intention to remove, by indictment, the Cattle Market from that street, as a Nuisance, the fol- lowing Resolutions were unanimously entered into. First.— That it is the opinion of this
Meeting, that the situation on which the Cattle Market is now held ( namely, on the Bishop's Waste Land, on the South side of the West- street) is the most eligible for that purpose. [ 847 Secondly.— That as the town of Fareham, and its neigh- bourhood to a great extent, derive very material advantages from the said Cattle Market, it is the determination of this Meeting to continue it as usual; but tbe Meeting most posi- tively discountenance the trespass of persons who shall expose cattle for sale on the footways of the street in which the Market is liolden, they being anxious that it should not be extended beyond the limits of the
Bishop's Waste Land. Thirdly.— That a General Meeting be holden on Monday the 28th'inst. at the Red Lion Inn, at twelve o'clock atnoon, to determine whut further proceedings may be necessary. Lastly.— That the above Resolutions be advertised in the Salisbury and Winchester Journal, and Portsmouth Telegraph. TO BOAT- BUILDERS. OTICE is b a ret) v given,— That anv Persons de- sirous to contract" for the BUILDING* of TWENTY BOATS for the Wilts and Berks Canal Company ( in addition to the Ten before advertised), . are requested to'deliver their proposals, in writing, to Mr. Atherton, of Calne, any time before the
1st day of June next. [ 940 TO BRAZIERS. WANTED immediately,— A JOURNEYMAN BRAZIER. A good hand may have constant em- ploy, and good wages, by applying to S. Hope, Copper- smith and Brazier, in Marlborough. [ 927 WANTED, for a young MAW,— A SITUATION in a GROCER'S ' SHOP, who can be well recom- mended for honesty and sobriety. Apply ( by letter, post paid) to H. R. B. Mr. Skelton's Library, Southampton. * [ 968 WANTED, as KEEPER,- is sober, steady, and active ; A single MAN, who thoroughly under- stands his business, and who can have a most undeniable character from his last place. [
969 Apply fby letter, post paid) to Mr. T. Skelton, bookseller, Southampton.— None need apply who cannot read and write. WANTED immediately,— A MAN and his WIFE, without a family, to MANAGE a DAIR* , with a House to live in. N. B. For further particulars apply ( by letter, post paid) to Mr. Skelton, bookseller, Southampton. *> [ 31,7 WANTED in a small family in the country,— A steady, careful, middle- aged SERVANT, who under- Apply ( post- paid) ST stands the management of young horses, to Mr. Clarke, Bookseller, Dorchester. N( who is i farming business. He WANTED immediately,— A CARTER, perfectly
acquainted with the farming busin will have to look after four horses, and if he has a wife and son, the more preferable, as there is a house for them to live in. - For particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to the landlord of the Red Lion Inn, Shattesbufy, Dorset. N. B. No one need apply but who can bring an undeniable character from his last place. [ 979 Wills and Berks Canal Navigation. i ta General Quarterly Meeting of the Committee jTX of Management of the Affairs and Business of the Company of Proprietors of the Wilts and Berks Canal Navi. gation, held at the Barrington's Arms, in Shiivenham, in the county of Berks, on
Friday the 11th day of March, 1808, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, pursuant to public advertise- ment, the said Committee, by virtue and in pursuance of the Act pissed in the 41st year of the reign of his present Ma- jesty, intituled " An Act for enabling the Company of Pro- prietors of the Wilts and Berks Canal Navigation to raise money for completing the said Canal; and to alter, explain, and amend the Act passed in the 35th year of the reign of his present Majesty, for making the said Canal,"— did find a Call from the several Proprietors of the Navigation and Un- dertaking,- authorized to be made and carried on by the said
Company of Proprietors, who have subscribed for and taken new or additional Shares, denominated 1210s. Shares, created under and by virtue of the said recited Act, for the sum of 3/. for and in respect of every such new or additional Share in the said Navigation and Undertaking, to be wanting and necessary, 111 order to defray the expences of and to carry on the same ; and did make a Call from the said several Pro- prietors for the said sum of 3I. for and in respect of every such new Share in the said Navigation and Undertaking, for those purposes accordingly ; and did appoint the same to be paid . to the Treasurer,
Matthew Humphiys, Esq. Ivy- House, Chippenham ; or, for the accommodation of those who might find it more convenient, into the hands of Messrs. Ncwnham, Everett,' and Co. Bankers, Mansion- House- street, London ; or to Mr. Morland, of Abingdon, on or before the 30th day of April next,— whereof the said Proprietors are re- quested to take notice. By order of the said Committee, JAS. CROWDY, Principal Clerk. HIGHWORTH, March 22, 1808. [ 939 RINGWOOD INCLOSURE. WE, the Comniissioneis, named in an Act of liamtnt for inclosing Lands in the parish of Ringwood, in the county of Southampton, do hereby give
Notice to the Owners of such old Inclosures as lie at a distance, or in other respects are inconvenient to be occupied from the several Messuages to which they belong, and who may be desirous to have the same allotted to other Proprietors for Lands of equal value, which may !' v more convenient, to signify to us, in Writing, at our next Meeting, their consent to have the same allotted, in pursuance of the powers vested in us by the said Act. And we do also give Notice, that such Proprietors as are desirous of having Land deducted from the respective allot- ments instead of borrowing money to defray their shares of the
expences of the said lnclosure, are authorised, by Act of Parliament, to have the same done, provided they signify, in writing, to be delivered to us at our said Meeting, their request for that purpose. And we do further give Notice, that the several Claims of the Proprietors are lodged at the office of Mr. Harbio, our Clerk, for the inspection of all parties interested; and all objections which may be made thereto are required, by Act of Parliament, to be signified to us, in writing, at our said next Meeting. And we do hereby give Notice, that wc intend to hold our next or third Meeting at the House of Joseph Peirce, the White Hart Inn, in
Ringwood aforesaid, on Monday the 9th day of May next. Dated March 12, isos. RICH. RICHARDSON, FRANCIS WEBB, J4SJ JOHN WICK. ENS. WANTED, as COACHMAN,— A MAN who can have, from any place where he may have lived a year or more, a character for strict sobriety, steadiness, cleanliness, arid good temper, Svho will take the care of a pair of horses and a carriage, and will not ever object to at- tend with his horses When they are wanted for cart or plough or other work. References to Messrs. Baker and Fletcher, Southampton will be attended to. [ 966' WANTED, in a small Family in the Country — A very
good plain COOK, who understands pastry land some made dishes, and Can manage with oeconomy. She must be turned thirty, steady, good tempered, and obliging. Likewise a HOUSE- MAID, who perfectly understands her business, can wash and iron, and work at her needle.—— • Also a DAIRY- MAID, where there are six cows to milk She must understand making butter, cheese, baking, raising poultry, and assist in the kitchen. ' [ 947 N. B. The above servants must have lived some time in their last places, and give undeniable reference as to character Apply to Mr. Harvey, perfumer, High- street, Southampton. BRISTOL.
rOR BAHIA and PERNAMBUCCO, in the BRAZILS — The good Portuguese brig Nossa Snra. de Conceicao y Mevo Mundo, Antonio Jose de Souza, master; is a remark- ably fast sailer, and has good accommodations for passengers For freight or passage, apply to JOHN LANE and Co. Brokers, St. Stephen's Avenue. N. B.— An establishment is already formed at the above mentioned places, under the Firm of Callanan 6 » Garrard. one of whom will go out in the said vessel, and take charge of such goods as may be consigned to the house, giving the most respectable references both in London and Bristol, For the
satisfactory information of shippers, Mr. G. intends returning by one of the vessels already chartered. [. 905 Further particulars may be known on application as above. - A COWES, ISLE OF WIGHT. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,- remarkably strong well- built CUTTER, 36 tons mea- surement ; is well calculated for a passage. vessel, or any pur- pose which requires room and at the same time fast sailing. For particulars apply to Mr. Frampton, East Cowes Hotel. March 2, 1808. [ G77 SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT,- most capital well- built CUTTER, called the VENUS, of 4G tons burthen
and upwards, copper fastened, and the deck copper nailed, with accommodations and every thing complete.— She was built for a Gentleman's Yacht, and is in every respect a most- desirable vessel, and now lying off West Q. uay. To be viewed by application to Mr. James Linden, Auctioned f, Above Bar, who is authorized to treat with pur- chasers, and is furnished with inventories of her stores, & c. A STALLION FOR SALE. THAT beautiful Blood Horse, SPORTSMAN the property of Mr. Conway, of Ringwood.— He was got by Old Cottager out of a thorough- bred mare by Pot- 8' os, If not sold in a fortnight from this time, he
will Cover this Season at Ringwood only.— March 24, lS08. [ 952 TO COVER, this Season, at Kelston, throe mile: from Bath, and nine from Bristol, at Five Guineas, and Five Shillings the Groom,— That beautiful Grey Arabian OSMYN BEY. . [ 845 N. B. The money to be paid at the time of coveting. RADIPOLE BARRACKS, NEAR WEYMOUTH, March 23, I ( JOB. IT is requested by the Committee'' for conducting the. Affairs of the OFFICERS' MESS of the 3d Regiment of Light Dragoons of the King's German Legion, that all pci- sons who have any claims or demands on the Mess- Man, D/. NI^ L JVTJCKAROFSHY, on
account ofjh » " saari - Officers' Mess,' may send in their accounts and claims," on or before the lst of April next, to Lieut. Schanz, at Radipole Barracks. THE immediate Descendants of the Sisters of „ ri. JAMES HARRIS, late of Clatford, in the county of Wilts, Yeoman, deceased, are desired to forwa'nWimifiedi'ite'y their names and places of abode to Messrs. Griffiths and Wei- ford, solicitors, Marlborough, in order that a distribution of the personal estate of the said Jat'hes Hairis may be forthwith made.—^ Marlborough, March 23, 1803." * r, ,/' [ 945 T HE Executors named in the Will-.. of SARAH spi ' de'nfana on toe Lstate of
the deceased; Ip transhiff partfc'ulaW thereof to Mr. John Swayne, solicitoi, Wilton, Wilts, '' in order that the same may be adjusted and put in a traril fit settlement.^ And su'cli persons as are indebted t< J the Said Estate, are requested to pay the amount of'their respective debts to Mri John Swayne, en or the 28th day of April next, or they will be siied for the same without iUrther notice. W 11. TON, March 2S, 180ft. ,, , '• J. 978 ALL persons h. avins anv. Claims or Demands on the iate Mr. HENRY- KAINfJS the Elder, of- Mansion, m the county ot Dorset, Grazier,' deceased, are requesters send an account thereof to Mr: Henry
Lames, of Manston aforesaid, his Son and'sole Executor, that the same iiiiy be discharged: and all persons indebted to the late Mr. Hemy Kaines, are desred to pay their respective Debts to his Ex: ca- ' tor without delay.— Mansion, March IS, 1808. [ © 1; EDUCATION. HAVING engaged a lady to reside with them who is well qualified to instruct in music, ffench, and drawing, the Miss Ludlows presume to hope some value will be attached to a mode of education so entirely domestic— the young ladies now receive no lessons from master's, ex- cept in dancing, which is taught them by Mr. Fialon, of Blandford. As french is the
lady's native tongue, in ad- dition to the advantage of receiving more frequent lessons in the other accomplishments, the Miss Ludlows trust their lupils will acquire at once facility and correctness in speaking lild writing that language. Their number of pupils is limited to twenty. It seems almost superfluous to add that the vicinity of Christchurch affords every accommodation for seabathing. Chnstchurch, 23</ March, 1808. [ 935 HPHE MISS THORN HILLS having opened an A Establishment for the Education of YOUNG LADIES, in a very retired and airy part of the town of Chippenham, solicit the patronage of their Friends and the
Public ; who may depend on the utmost attention being paid to the health, morals, and comfort of the Young Ladies entrusted to their care. Terms, for Board and Instruction, 25 Guineas a Year; 2 Guineas Entrance. Washing not included. [ 929 French, Dancing, Drawing, & c. on the usual terms. - SALISBURY, FEB. isos. JAMES BALL, Jun. most respectfully, begs. to. acquaint his friends, and the public in general, that he has this day taken and entered upon THE THREE SWANS INN, in this City, and humbly solicits their patronage and support, assuring them it wil! be his constant study to pay all due attention to their
commands. He is determined to lay in a good Stock of the best Wines, Spirits, and genuine home- brewed Beer, for the accommdation of . all those who may feel disposed to frequent his house. *.„* A good ORDINARY every Tuesday, precisely at one o'clock. N. B. J. B. informs Gentlemen Travellers, that he has neatly fitted up a Room; and has several excellent Bed- chambers, with well- aired Beds, for their reception. QCJ* GOOD STALL STABLING. [ 520 GEORGE INN, WARNFORD. . DAVID WESTON, declining the above Inn, returns his sincere acknowledgements to the Nobility, Gentry, and others, for their past favours ;
and solicits a con- tinuance of the same liberal encouragement in favour of Mr.. JAMES STOKES, who will succeed him, and use his utmost endeavours to render good accommodations to those who may honour him with their commands. [ s- 12 JAMES STOKES begsTeave to inform the Nobility and Gentry in the neighbourhood, and the Public in ge- neral, that it will be his particular study to keep good Post Chaises, able Horses, with careful Drivers, for their accom- modation. [ 84.3 WHITE IIORSE INN, DROXFORD. TNORRIS, Proprietor of the London and GDS- • port Day Telegraph, respectfully informs the public, that in
consequence of the recommendation of several gen- tlemen iu the neighbourhood of Droxford, & c. he is induced to provide NEAT POST CHAISE, which will be ready on therfth of April, 1808, and maybe had regularly, on appli- cation at the above Itm. From the convenience of the situation, particularly to per- sons travelling between London and Gosport, T. Nf. flatters himselt he shall experience a share of tile public support.— Particular attention will be paid to provide able Horses, with careful and diligent Drivers. The London Telegraph Coach, from the India Arms', Gosport, every morning at five, and from the White Horse,
Fetter- lane, precisely at half past four. [ 73G NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEHTORS,'.- A LL persons having Claims on , the Kstatf of the il late Mr. ROBERT CLARE, formefly ot Deviz s in the county of Wilts, but- late of Trym- strcet, in th city <- f Bath, Surgeon, deceased, are requested to sfr. d statements of their Demands to Mr. Slade, of- DeViz « s- af., r,. said, Atn rney at Law: and all persons who.- stood indebted to the said- Mr. Robeit Clare, at the time of'his decease, are desir d imme- diately to Pjty the amount of their Debts 11 the said Mr. Slade, who is authorised to receive ( he same on behalf ot Messrs. Rebbeck
and Elliott, the Executors'of the deceased. Devizes, March 21, 1 § . 08. " [ 909. A- WINBURNE, March 4, lEftS. LL Persons having any.- Demand on the Estate of Mrs. ANN JOY, late of Chilbridge, are desired to send the same to Mr.. Robert Druitt, one of her Executors..; iind all persons indebted to thrssrtd Estate, are desired to pay the it debts to him immediately. [ 913 To Debtors, and Creditors. Persons having any Demand on the Estate and Effects of Mr. John Piper, Jate of Wilton, in, the : dwin, in the county' of Wilts, deceased. ISLE OF WIGHT.— TO SMITHS. GENTLEMEN, WHEREAS it has been illiberally reported
amongst the Trade, for the purpose of injuring tjiy interest in your favour, that I was applying and offering to bind Wheels under the usual Price ; and as it has^ never been mv intention, I beg leave, publicly to declare it a gross false- hood, and have traced the Author ta be a certain Jobber in Iron, who for the last three years has bben in the habit of charging 23s. and 2- ls. per Cwt. for the worst English Iron: the same has induced me to enter into that line ; and I a^ ure you, Gentlemen, that I shall be happy to receive your orders for the best tried arid approved CHARCOAL IRON " at 19s. or 18s. Money; also, I will be contented
with a living profit-, and beg of you not to be imposed on any longer, as I am de- termined to continue to sell it equally low with the market1 price; and to keep a Stock suitable to your Cohsfimption, will be the aim and study of, Gentlemen, yours, very respect- fully, .. WM. BOWES. N. B. A good Stove- maker and Brazierwanted immediately; apply as above ; if by letter, post paid. "•' [ 953 AY parish of Great Be< 1 are desired to send an account of the same to bis Adibininrato'rt Mr. Alexander Swait, of Collingbomc- Kingston, near Gtcat ' Bedwin, in Order that the same may be discharged, previous to the distribution of his property
amongst the next of kin ; and all persons who Stand indebted to the said Johij Piper,- are requested to pay the snme'either to his Administrator, or to Mr. . Wboldiidgc, of Great Bcdwin, who is. duly autho- rized to receive . the satpe. CTVLEINGBORKT;, MarcK21., 1808. . [ GSO BURGE's BANKRUPTCY. THE CommissK. ners i. n a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued aeainst JOHN BURGE, late of Castle Carv, in the county of Somerset, Stocking- maker, Dealer and Chapman, will hold their third public s- tting on Saturday the 3dday of April next, at eleven in the forenoon, at Ansford Inn, in the paiiJi of Ansford, in the
said county of Somerset, whin and where the Bankrupt will finish'his examination; and all the Creditors who have not airs,, proved their Debts under the said Commission, are requested' to attend for the purpose ot proving the same. All persons indebted to the said bankrupt, or who have any Of h; s Effects, are desired to pay or. deliver the same to the Rev. Rets Thomas, of. Castle Cary aforesaid, or Mr. Cable Bartlett, of Galhampton, in the said county, the Assignees ot tbe said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects.— March ! 4, 1808. 848] EDWARD DYNE, " Solicitor. CTOLEN or STRAYED, on Mond'ay niglii . w Tuesday morning,
March 15, 1806,' out of a vard at Weston", in tbe parish of Welforfl, in the country of Berks — A BLACK NAG MARE, big'in foal, eight years old, a. stsr in the forehead, a White bearing, sliced before but never shoed behind, a cut tail; thirteen hands and a half high;—' likewise, A BLACK GELDING NAG COLT, about 14 hands high, three years old, with four, white legs up about half way, and a long tail, has never been shocd, is rather thick in the head, and shows blood. If. stvayed a. handsome reward will be given ; but if stolen a reward of Ten Guineas will be paid by John Birch, of Weston, Berks, or Stephen Birch, of East
Woodhay, Hants, on bringing the offenders to justice. It is suspected that the above horses are taken to the South-' of Hampshire or the western part of Wiltshire. [ 925 . ; DORSET MIIJTIA. ' . ' - DESERTED, from the above regiment of Militia, after having been duly sworn as a Substitute at Wim- borne the 23d of December last,— EDWARD TURNER, aliasDICK TUCKER; at the time of his enrolment he livtd at WoodyateS Inn as an horse- keeper, and is supposed to have, come from London: he was about 23 years old, 5 feet5{ inches hi^ h, good looking in his person, rather large head, full face, blue. eyes, light brown or flaxan
eye- brows an 1 hair, largish nose, upright neck, round shoulders, thick arms, large hands, full thighs, stout legs, large feet, and fair complexion. . Whoever will apprehend, or cause to be apprehended, the above deserter, and will give information ther or to the Com- manding Officer, at Plymouth Dock, or to Lieutenant Bos- well, at Dorchester, of his being secured in any of bis Ma- jesty's gaols, shall receive ONE GUINEA over and a THE GRAND STATE LOTTERY Now Drawing. THE Wheel is immensely rich, and a supply of SHARES is daily sent, by Post, to each Country Agent. DAYS OF DRAWING. lst, Tuesday, March 8
2d, Tuesday, 15 3d, Tuesday, .22 4th, Tuesday, 29 5th, Tuesday-, April.. 5 - NO FIXED CAPITAL. The Scheme contains Sixty Capital Prizes, and not THREE Blanks to a Prize. [ 745 » ** The CITY LOTTERY will be drawn NEXT Month, 26th April.— TICKETS and SHARES are likewise on sale. 6th, Thursday, April 7 7th, Saturday, 9 8th, Tuesday, 12 9th, Thursday, 14 10th, Saturday, .... 16 THE REAL JAPAN BLACKING, MADE BY DAY AND MARTIN, LONDON. THIS invaluable Composition, with half the usual labour, produces the most brilliant jet- black ever beheld ; affords peculiar nourishment to the leather, will not soil
the finest linen, is perfectly free from any unpleasant smell, and will retain its virtues in any climate. So'. d, wholesale, by Day and Martin, removed to No. 97, High iiolborn, London; and retail by their agents,— Collins, Sidisbary; Coulton, Devizes; Simmonds, Blandford; Penny, Sherborne; Clarke, Dorchester; Harvey, Weymouth ; Harold, jun. Marlborough ; Skelton, Southampton ; Martin, Ly- mington ; Croekford, Castle- Carey ; and Moore, Poole, in stone bottles, price is, each, [ sw sum allowed by Act of Parliament. Dorchester, March 8, 1808. above the [ 762 GENERAL WHITELOCKE's TRIAL, COMPLETE, ' Price only Two
Shillings and Sixpence ! This day is published, embellished with an accurate Likeness, ( the only one ever engravedj, THE TRIAL at large of LIEUTENANT • GENERAL WHITELOCKE, late Communderof- the Attack on Buenos Ayres, by a Court Martial, assembled in tfie Great Hall, Chelsea College, fr'orri Thursday January JS to" Tuesday March .18, 1808 ; including a complete Copy of his De/ ence, and the Judge Advocate's'Reply. Taken in Short- hand by a Barristerof the'- InnerTemple. To wdiich is added, a Sketch of the Life and Campaigns of General WKiteiocke : also an authentic Narrative of the Ex- pedition, from its
departure from England, March 7, 1S07, " London : Printed for Jones and Bumford, No. 5, Newgate- street ; sold at the Printing Office, Salisbury, and by eveiy bookseller in the united kingdom, OOf The public will please to observe, that the portrait accompanying this trial, is engraved, in the best manner, froma painting by that distinguished artrist, E. Hastings, Esq. ami is universally acknowledged to be 4 perfect likeness; which, with the Life of the General, gives this edition a de- cided superiority over any other published. Ladies and Gen- tlemen are, therefore, requested, to be particular in ordering J ones and Bumford's
edition of the above. [ 924 WILLIAMS'S JUSTICE. This Day is published, closely printed in four very large Octavo Volumes, price 31. 12.?. in Boards, THE WHOLE LAW relative to the DUTY and OFFICE of a JUSTICE of the PEACE ; comprising also the authority of Parish Officers, together with precedents and forms of proceedings. BY THOMAS W ALTER WILLIAMS, ESQ. Of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law. Second edition, considerably enlarged and improved, in « eluding the statutes and adjudged cases to the present time ; with tables of the names of the cases, and an index of the principal matters. London: Printed for
W. Clarke and' Sons, Portugal- street, Lineoln's- inn: J. Walker, Paternoster- row; Vtrnor, Hood, and Sharp-', Poultry; Cuthclland Martin, Middle- row, Hrl- born ; J. Stockdale, Piccadilly ; Lackington, Allen, and Co. Finsburv- square; J. and J. Richardson, Cornhil! j and B. Crosby and Co. Stationer's- court; and sold at the Printifig- CSue, Salisbury. [ 931
I THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL, Wednesday's and Thursday's Pests. RNOM THE LONDON GAZETTE OF MARCH 93. " WHITEHALL, March ? 2. THE King has. been pleased to grant the dignity of a Knight of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland unto Brigadier General Charles Shipley, of the corps of Royal Engineers. CROWN- OFFICE, March 22. Mevnlicrt returned to serve in the, present Parliament.— Horbttgh of Grampotmd.— Robert William-, pm. of the city of London, Banker; John Teed, of the Borough of Plymouth, Esq. BANKRUPTS. Samuel Hicks, of Caral- Ruw, Bercv*> nd » ey,
fOBper. Ort- gnrv Dodswnrth, ofBcwlev, draper. J.- rtm Collip, of Great Portlaml- Mreet, upliMsterer, HOUSE OF LORDS. MONDAY, March 31.] The Royal Assent was given by Commission to the Mutiny Act, the Act for regulating the Royal Marines on shore, the Act for settling an annuity an Viscount Lake, and the two next persons to whom the title shall descend, and to sixteen other public Acts, and fotir private Acts.- The Bill to prohibit the exportation of Bark was brought up from the Commons, and read a first time. The Lord Chancellor presented a bill for the better regulation of Courts of Justice in Scotland, which was reau a
first time. L* rd Ershine presented a petition on the part of Mr. Bellenden Ker ( late Mr. Gawler, of Ramridge, Hants) against the claims of Sir Edward juries to the Roxburgh Peerage; which was referred to the Committee of Privileges. Lord Bat hurst moved the second reading of the bill for furthering the Orders in Council; which was opposed by Lords Ersltine, Selkirk,. Auckland, King, Grenville, f- idrnnuth, and Lauderdale, and supported by Lords Redes- dale, and Hawkcsbury. On a division, the question was carried by a majority of 5T, Proxies included,— 116' voting for it, 59 against it.— TVr « bill was then read a second
time.— Adj. TUESD \ y, March 2il In a Committee of Privileges, about an hour was passed in investigating the claims to the Roxburgh Peerage; the Committee to sit again on Tuesday next. JjOrd Lauderdale rose to. make his promised motion, respecting the injury which must result to the general commerce of the country, from the operation of the Orders is Council. His Lonlship took a wide field in arguing. this point; but insisted chiefly on their injurious tendency te wards America and this country. These orders must, he contended, sink the value of all the articles of American export, and thus disable the United States from
paying the debts they owed to this country; and by suspending or annihilating the trade of America, there would be no inlet ; to the Continent for our colonial produce. His Lordship read a string of resolutions stating these facts, and moved that they should be adopted by the House. Lord Bat, hurst replied, that the facts lyere contrary to the statement of the Noble Earl: that in 1806 and 1807, our exports to America had fallen off to the amount of nearly five millions sterling; hut since the issuing of. the Orders in Council the trade had revived, so that in the last nine weeks the export of cottons, woollens, & c. from the port of London
had increased. Lord King and Lord Grenville spoke in support of the proposed resolutions,— Lord Ilawkc- bury against, them, and in defence of the Orders in Council. On a division, the Contents were 21, the Non- Contents 56; consequently the resolutions were rejected by a majority of 35.— Adjournal. HOUSE OF COMMONS. MONDAY, March 21.) The bill for building a bridge arross the Thames, from the Savoy Prec- int to Cuper'. s- bridge, was read a second time.— Lord G. Cavendish pre- sented petitions against the bill, from Earl Spencer and other proprietors of Battersra- bridge; to be beard by Counsel on the third
reading of the bill. Lord Mahott presented a petition from the Merchants, & r. of Hull, against the Orders in Council. Mr. Hankes, at the request of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, deferred his motion rcspeoting the grant of places in reversion till Monday next. Mr. Sharpe, after arguing that the sense of the House as to the justice and policy of the expedition to Copenhagen had been only partially expressed, that the conduct of Ministers therein was most atrocious, and that all the country bad gained, in Compensation for the loss of character, was tire hulLs of 16 ships of war, valued at 8/. a ton, moved an Address to his Majesty,
stating these faets, and severely reprobating the expedition. Air. Stuart Wortley defended the conduct of Ministers, who had, in his opinion, done die most important service to their country by the expedition to Copenhagen. After a long debate, the numbers on a division were,— Ayes 64, Noes 224; majority against the motion 160. Mr. Stuart Wurtlei/ then moved a resolution of thanks to Ministers for the eminent service they had rendered their country in planning and ably directing the expedition to Copenhagen ; oil which a division took place,— Ayes 216, Noes 61; majority tor Ministers, 155.— Adjourned at six o'clock on
Tuesday morning. TUESDAY, March 22.] Lord Folkestone postponed his motion respecting the ships taken from the Danes, which stood for to- morrow, till Tuesday next. Sir Charles Pole rose to submit to the House certain resolutions relative to the Offices at Greenwich Hospital, and re- stated his former observations on the abus « of the Charter, by the appointment of persons wholly unconnected with the sea- service to the most lucrative situations He more particularly adverted to the circumstance of the church livings in the gift of the institution having been generally conferred on gentlemen unconnected with the service,
whilst there were many meritorious Chaplains in the Navy unprovided for. He trusted, the House would concur with him in declaring, that the regulations of the Charter, providing that all offices In the hospital should be held by sea- faring men, ought to be observed ; that it appeared from the 14th report of the Commissioners of Naval Enquiry, that these rules had been grossly violated; and that an humble Address be presented to his Majesty, praying that ha will be pleased to give orders that all the appointments in. the said hospital, or in the gift of the Governors, he made, as far as is practicable, from the officers and seamen of
the British Navy. The Chancellor of the Exchequer observed, that there was an impossibility of complying with all the provisions of the Charter, and the necessary infringement of a part had introduced a negligence of the whole. He thought that the object of the lion. Baronet would be best attained by introducing into the resolutions an exception for the offices of Auditor, Surveyor, Organist, and Brewer. It might also be provided that no landman should be appointed to any office withont a month's previous notice in the news- papers that if any person qualified should present himself from the Navy, he might have the preference.
Mr. Whi thread professed himself much gratified with the Right Hon. Gentleman's conceding so far to the principle of the resolutions ; and thought he should have preferred them as worded by the Hon. Baronet, he would not object to the amendment. The proposed regulation in the dis- posal of the Church Patronage belonging to the Hospital must gratify every friend to the Navy. Agreeable to the Recommendation of the Committee, the living of Simon- bourn, worth 4000L a year, at present held by Mr. Scot, who ne , er had any connection with the Navy, was to be divided into seven or eight livings, fur the purpose of being
bestowed on old and meritorious Chaplains of the Navy. He would mention another gross abuse; the situation of Messenger to the Hospital, a very comfortable one, the duties of Which any obi seaman could discharge, had long been held by men who had not only never been at sea, but who had no claim on the public, whatever private services they might have rendered the individuals though whose interests t^ e funds of this noble institution were thus per- verted from their proper use. After a few words from Mr. Rose and Mr. Ward, Sir C. Pole consented to the alteration proposed, upon which the resolutions were passed, as
amended by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. In a Committee to consider the trade of Ireland to the East Indies, leave was given to bring in a bill for regulating the Act of the '.' 3d of the King, imposing a forfeiture on East. India goods arriving in Ireland from any other place than the port of London. The. Indemnity Bill was read a third time, and paked. Counsel were severally heard in support of the petitions from Liverpool and London, against the Orders iu Council, till twelve o'clock, when the House adjourned. LONDON, • WEDNES D AY, MARCp 43. Dutch papers to the 13th inst. with accounts from Paris of so late a date a- the
1.1th, were' received last fight. The most important article they contain is the Declaration of Russia against Sweden ; in which the Emperor of Russia not only rails upon the King of Sweden for th? fulfilment of treaties long since annulled, but, in the true spirit of proselytism to the principles of France, says that he cannot allow of the neutrality of Sweden. The magnanimous Alexander, forgetting his own abject submission to the will of a self- created Emperor, whom he had encountered as his most deadly foe till beaten into that submission, calls it a crime in his " brother- in- law" to have a partiality for England, and threatens to
conquer and despoil him of bis dominions, cloaking the threat under the impious declara- tion, that he will " employ all the. means which Providence has placed in his ha, ads for the welfare of his Empire,"— and this after he has meanly and basely endeavoured to seduce froiu their allegiance tlx; subjects of a virtuous Mo- narch, who is contending only for the independence and security of his own dominions. The Paris papers arc principally filled with details respecting the creation of an hereditary nobility in that empire.— The Emperor reserves to himself and his suc- cessors the right of making fresh Dukes, Counts, and
Barons; but, in some instances, a certain term of public service is necessary, and in one case a stipulated income of 15,000 franks is a requisite. Among others, there is one decree by which the hereditary titles of Prince, Duke, Count, Baron, and Knight, are established. The principal Officers of State are to be raised to the dignity of Princes, and their eldest sous are to bti created Dukes; the Minis- ters, Senators, Councillors of State, & c. are to be Counts and Barons, and the Members of the Legion of Honour are to be Knights. The private letters from Paris state, that several Mer- chants have been arrested at Brussels and
Antwerp, in consequence of an order frutn Pari;, whither they have been conveyed fir examination on charges of having infringed the laws, by transmitting goods and merchandize to England. Amongst the arretes of the former place is a Mr. Vandeveld, an eminent calico- printer. A letter from Gotten burgh of the date of March 16, received by a Mail which arrived this morning, briefly states as follows :— " A courier arrived last night from Hclsingborg, with intelligence that Denmark has declared war against this country. By a vessel from Memel we learn Russia has also declared war against us.— Twenty Swedish Mails for
Hamburgh were returned here this morning from Elsineur. The King of Sweden has issued a Proclamation, forbidding all intercourse with Russia. Great preparations are making in Denmark for the invasion of this country. All the ships of war in this port w ill be free from the ice to- day, and proceed immediately for the Sound." A Mail from Malta arrived this morning, and Government have received dispatches from Lord Col- lingwood, of considerable importance. The former were biought by the Surinam frigate, and the latter by the Auckland packet. Lord Qollingwood was at Syracuse on the 8th of February, and there is reason to
believe that the Rochefort and Toulon squadrons had not then joined. The Carthagena squadron has put into Palma Bay, Majorca. It was seen by the Scout sloop off Minorca; but encountering a violent, gale of wind, it was forced to run for Majorca, where it was left by the Hydra on the 15 th of February. The Imperieuse, of 36 guns, Lord Cochrane, had made a dash at two French corvettes and four merchantmen, in a bay on the coast of Naples, 3nd taken them all, and carried them into Malta. The account in the French Papers, of the capture of the Post of Scylla, i. i Calabria, seems to have been too well founded. It appears
that our cruizers having been blown off the coast in a violent gale of wind, the French took the advantage of their temporary abience, and sent some heavy artillery along the coast, which were brought to bear so effectually upon Scylla, from the surrounding heights, that it became necessary to evacuate the Post. The sloop which the French stated to have been taken run the Calabrian coast was the Delight, Captain Stanrlfield: she was taken in the Faro of Messina. Having got aground whilst she was defending five Sicilian gun- boats that had fallen into the hands of the enemy, she was fired upon from the shore, and the Captain
and most of • her rrew killed, when she was taken by the French.— Capt. Seaeombe, of the Glatton, who had rowed in his barge to assist the Delight, was wounded and taken prisoner, but released upon his parole, and went to Messina, where, we are sorry to say, he died of his wounds. Captain Dawne, of the Bellona," seeing the Delight crowded with French troops, worked up to her, and driving the enemy out of her, set fire to her, and destroyed her. Letters from Spain state that every description of colonial produce had become very scarce, and extravagantly dear, particularly the articles of sugar and cotton, the duties on the
latter had, in consequence been greatly diminished, and bounties had been proposed to those who should find the means of procuring their importation into the country. Accounts were also received yesterday at the Admi- ralty, of a most gallant exploit performed on the coast of France by the boats of theJLmerald, Capt. Mait- lind. They cut out and destroyed several vessels under a heavy fire, and returned in safety to their ship. Intelligence was yesterday received at the Admi- ralty, of a very gallant action which was lately fought off the coast of Norway, between the Childers sloop of war, of IS gnrts, Capt. Dillon, and a Danish
privateer of very superior force. Unfortunately the engagoment t » ok place so near the shore, that the privateer was enabled to effect her escape into port. Capt. Dillon is severely wounded, and ten of the men belonging to the Childers are either killed Or wounded. The Childers has brought away a prize galliot, which she bravely cut out of Fleckeroe. Letters from Bosttyi to the Qth ult. speak of the distress occasioned by the embargo throughout all the Trans- Atlantic States, and charge the Frcneh with endeavouring to force American seamen into their service. The effects of the embargo, short as its duration have been, have
been more severely felt in America than we could have expected. Every article of home produce had declined considerably in value. Rice had fallen from 3 § dollars to 1J— Flour to two dollars per barrel— Tobacco 2J dollars per cwt. and other articles in proportion. The Guards, who were ordered to hold themselves in readiness for service in the Baltic, have been coun- termanded. A great sickness prevails among the military in Ipswich district; there being, it is said, not less than 1000 in ill health at the present time. Some transports, and a large quantity of ordnance stores, arc about to be sent out to North America. The Field
Officers some time ago Gazetted for this service, all take their passage by this fleet. The Hon. Captain Blackwood is appoitned to the Warspite, of 74 guns, at Chatham. Captain Svkes, to the Diomede, Sir Edmund Nagle's flag ship. Sir . Tames Saumarcz will hoist his flag on board the Victory, of 100 guns, at Chatham, for the Baltic. One million of the Loan for Ireland has been already taken by Mr. Luke White, of Dublin. At a late meeting of the Freeholders of Roscommon, it was resolved to instruct their Representatives to support the Catholic Petition, which is to be presented to Parlia- ment bv Lord Grenville, in the Lords, and
Mr. Grattan in the Commons. CITY BUSINESS.— Yesterday a Court of Common Council was held, at which the Thanks of the Court, Freedom of the City, and a Purse of 50 Guineas, were voted to Mr. Win. Rogers, late Acting Captain of the Windsor Castle packet, for his gallant conduct, and the crew under his command, on the 1st of October last, in the defence of his vessel, and" the capture of the French privateer La Genii: and also the further sum of 50 Guineas, to be disposed of as he shall. think proper, among the crew and relatives of the deceased.— A Petition to theilouse of Commons against the Bill tor building a
Bridge across the River, from South- ampton- Street, iu the Strand, to tire opposite side, in the county of Surry, was agreed to, and ordered to be pre- seated by th. e Shjrrilfs, attended by the Remembrance*. Mr. Sheridan, having been advised by his Counsel that he could not prove that allegation of his petition against the return of Lord L'oohrane for West minster which relates to the ineligibility of the eldest son of a Scotch Peer to sit in Parliament, has declined the further prosecution of his petition, and the Noble Lord will in consequence remain in the undisturbed possession of his seat. Mr. Sheridan, it is said, has disposed of
his interest in Drurv- lane Theatre to Mr. Jones, the Proprietor of the Dublin Theatrf. It is'further said that Mr. Sheridan is dangerously indisposed, and that his illness is dropsical. At yesterday's Board of Agriculture, Sir J. Sinclair, Bart;, was re- elected President; George Smith, Esq. Trea- surer; and Arthur Young, Secretary: after which the Earl of Macclesfield, the Earl of Egremont, Sir Charles Morgan, Bart.. W. S. Stanhope, and Benjamin Hobhouse, Esqrs. were elected Ordinary Members of this Institution. A dreadful fire, attended with most melancholy con- sequences, broke out « n Saturday morning, about' three o'clock, at
Mrs. Smith's, milliner, in Middle Ron, Chelms- ford.— The inhabitants of the house, consisting altogether of females, seven in number, were in a most perilous situation.— They appeared at the windows of the second floor, for the first was on fire, as they had risen from their beds, uttering the most piercing shrieks. As the most likely means of rescuing them, two ladders were procured, and raised against the burning front of the house; but such was the danger of ascending to their relief, from the violence of the flames, that a momentary irresolution ensued among the spectators of their tremendously awful situation ; till, agonised
by their screams, and actuated by the feelings of humanity to a contempt of personal safety, a young man, Mr. Henry Guy, and Mr. Sorrel, a near neighbour, made an at. te. mpt to preserve them. The for- mer succeeded in rescuing a little girl, about nine years old, niece to Mrs. Smith. The ; aid- servant, who bad got out of the garret window, and clambered to the roof of the house, was brought down by the latter. Robinson, a waggoner, who first discovered the fire, ascended a ladder, with the intent of bringing down Mrs. Smith ; but so extreme was her trepidation, shat she was incapable of usingjexertioir; and it became
ncCessery to drag her from the window by force ; in doing which, owing to her con- vulsive struggles, she fell upon the pavement below, but miraculously without having any bones broken. Almost at the same instant two young ladies, Miss Williams antl Miss Wilkinson, rendered frantic by terror, precipitated themselves from the. windows into the street, and were so severely bruised, that, together with Mrs. Smith, much doubt is entertained of their recovery. Two amiable young ladies, Mis.* Woolmer, about 1.0, whose parents reside at Hornchurch; and Miss Eve, daughter of Mr, C. Eve, of Barnish- hall, became victims to the
devouring element.— Notwithstanding the most strenuous exertions of the populace and the soldiers from the garrison, by six o'clock the houses of Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Peck, druggist, and Mr. Hill, shoemaker, adjoining, were totally destroyed; and those of Mr. Rood, plasterer, and Mr. Nash, hair- dresser, were so greatly damaged, that it will become necessary to rebuild them. Mrs. Wallis, a Lady who resided in Evesham- buildings, Somerstown, set fire to her head- dress on Monday evening, as she was stooping to pick up something which her child had thrown from the tea table ; her clothes were soon iu a blaze, and she was so
much burnt before assistance could be given her, that after suffering excruciating agony, she- expired the: same night. Mrs. Able, an elderly Lady, of Ford's- gate, Islingto'n- road, was burnt to death on Monday night, by her gown catching fire ;- s she was dosing in her chair. Her shrieks brought . a servant toher, but she was unable to give her any effectu ® aasistance. BREAD.— Yesterday the Lord Mayor ordered the price of Bread to he reducid half an assize, making the quartern loaf one farthing cheaper than last. week. CORN- EXCHANGE, March 23. The supply of Wheat this day is short, hut fully equal to the defnand.
Sales are dull. Fine samples keep their price, but other sorts rather give way. Barley and M. dt do not decline. Peas and Beans of the two kinds are lower. Rape Seed is dearer. The sup- plies of Oats are short, and this article maintains the late high prices. The terms of Flour are without alteration. FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS REWARD. Whitehall, Jan. 23, 1803. WHEREAS u has'been humbly represented to the King, thai, between the hours" of seven and eight o'clock in the evening of the 19th of this instant, some per- son, in company with others ( all of whom are unknown!, FIRED a - loaded Pistol or Blunderbuss at JOHN
JONES, Esq. of Woolley, near Bradford, in Wiltshire, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said courity, as the said John Jones, Esq. was returning home on horseback from his Factory at Stavercon, whereby the eyes and face of the said John Jones, Esq. were very much injured :— His Majesty, for the better apprehending and bringing to justice the person who has been guilty of this enormous out- rage, is hereby pleased to promise his most gracious PARDON to any accomplice wTho shall discover the offender, so that he may be apprehended and convicted thereof. HAWKESBURY. And, as a further
encouragement, a IUward of BIVE HUNDRED POUNDS is hereby offered to any person making any such discovery as aforesaid ; the same to be paid by Messrs. Thomas Tirnbrell, Stephen Brown, Edward Lux- ford, and Thomas H. Saunders, Clerks to the Magistrates of the Division of Trowbridge, in Wiltshire. ( 357 WILTSHIRE. AT a SPECIAL MEETING of MAGISTRATES for the county of Wilts, held this 20th day of January, 1808, at Bradford, in the said county,— The Magistrates having expressed their great abhorrence at the lite outrageous attempt on the Life of JOHN JONES, Esq. at Woolley, near Bradford, one of his
Majesty's Jus- tices of the Peace for the said county, in the evening of the 1.0thinst. came to the following Resolution :— That they are determined to take the most effectual and vigorous measures for bringing the offenders to speedy justice, and for that purpose'they will hold occasional meetings at Tixiwbridge, Bradford, and Westbury, to receive any infor- mation that may be brought before them, and to watch over the preservation of the public peace. And they hereby call upon all constables of hundreds, petty constables, and other peace officers, to be watchful and active in the line of their respective duties, ar. d to attend the
above meetings, to further the ends of public justice; and to appre- hend all persons appearing in disguise, and all other suspicions persons, who may be found wandering about and associating at unseasonable hours, without being able to give a satisfac- tory account of themselves. And all peaceable and well- disposed inhabitants arc hereby exhorted to exert themselves, to the utmost of their power, in defence and support of good order, and to stand forward in ai4 of the civil power; and they may be assured of the most speedy and effectual support from the military force in the country, if it should be found necessary to call
them in aid. By order of the Magistrates, THOMAS TIMBRELL, ~> EDWARD I. UXFORD, '- Clerks. TtfOMAS H. SAUNDERS, J 635] SUN FIRE- OFFICE, RANK- BUILDINGS, AND CR. UO'S- COURT, CHATUNG- CROSS, LONDON, For insuring Houses and other Buildings, Good*, Merchan- dize, Ships in Harbour, in Dock, ? r Building, and Craft, from LOSS and DAMAGE by FIRE. WE, whose Names are underwritten, being Agents for the SUN FIRE- OFFICE, have authority from the Managers to inform the Public, and all persons insured in the said Office, that the Premium on the Stock of Corn and I lay, being the produce
of a Farm, also Cattle and Implements in Husbandry thereon, will be rated at Two Shillings and Six- pence per cent. ; and all persons insured in this Office are requested to refer to their Policies, in order that they may receive the benefit of this reduction of the premium on Farm- ing Stock, on their respective renewals at Lady- Dav; and that Printed Receipts, under our hands, are ready for delivery, for the premium anil duty on Policies, as they become due'; and that Printed Proposals of the Terms of Insurance may be had of us, which will be found as moderate, in every respect, as those of the other Offices. *** Farming Stock
may be insured, generally, ij all Barns and Out- houses, or on a Farm, without the average clause, which may be seen by applying to us, who will give any fur- ther information which may be required for the explaining this mode of Insurance:— Arundel, R. and J. Bushby ; Dorchester, G. Frampton ; Winchester, W. Gauntlett; Southampton, T. Durell; Ports- mouth, W. Baker; Lymington, Mrs. F. Mitchell; Basing- stoke, C. Hawthorn ; Andover, R. Bird ; Salisbury, J. Smith ; Marlborough, N. Merriman ; Devizes, E. Newman ; War- minster and Mere, R. Butt; Chichester, J. Plaisto ; Reading, J. Blandv; Farnham, W. Trimmer; Newbury,
W. Budci; Blandfor'd, E. Roe ; Lyme, J. Blackmore. N. B. Policies insuring Three Hundred Pounds are issued free of expence ; and all payments, for losses by Fire, are made by this Office without deduction. f+ f The Sun Fire- Office have always paid losses or damage by Fire from Lightning.— Mutch 21, l$( Hj ' £ 751 POLYGON, SOUTHAMPTON, rpO be LETT on Lease,— A HOUSE, in perfect JL repair, and pleasantly situated ; containing an entrance hall, dining parlour, drawing room, five good chambers, three servants' ditto, kitchen, and servants' hall; detached is a coach- house, stable, garden, & c. Fit for the immediate
reception of a gentleman's family.—— For particulars apply to Mr. Geo. Hookey, Southampton; if by letter, free of postage. IN the immediate Vicinity of SOUTHAMPTON will be LETT, for one, two, o'r three Years,— A large and commodious MANSION- HOUSE, neatly and elegantly fur- nished, with coach- bouses for four carriages, and stabling far ten horses, together with every convenient necessary office; a garden containing between three and four acres, perfectly cropped and yielding ail abundance of every kind uf vegetable and fruit, with two pineries, two conservatories, and a large green- house, all filled with pines, fruit trees, and plants of various descriptions ; together with 23 acres of land, now laid down for hay. [ 78-> Immediate possession may be had, and the terms known, by application to Mr. George Hookey, in Southampton. BURSLEDON HOUSE for SALE, remarkably pleasantly situated en the bank of the River, six miles from SOUTHAMPTON ; with double coach- house, two -'- stalled stables, barn, farmand poultry yards, pleasure and kitchen gardens, in which are shrubberies and neat green- house, productive orchard, and rich pasture land surrounding the House, in the whole about > 6 acres ; fit for the immediate reception of a
Gentleman's Family. The principal room- are large, lofty, and expensively fitted up ; the House is sub- stantially built, convenient, and replete with every domestic office. For particulars and a view apply to Mr. George Hockey, Southampton. [ 713 GREAT BRIDGE, NEAR ROMSEY. rjPO be LETT, and entered on immediately,— A JL modern- built convenient HOUSE, situit at Great Bridge ; consisting of an entrance hall, two parlours, two kitchens, cellar, and pantry; five bed rooms, store room, dressing room, and closets; with a stable, coach- house, large garden, and orchard ; With or without five acres of land ad- joining. Great
Bridge is one mile from Romsey, on the bank of the river Test, and a Small trout stream runs through the garden. ' [ 77.5 For particulars apply to Mr. John Fifield, of Standbridge. ROMSEY, HANTS. TO be LETT, leady furnished, for not less than three nor more than 12 months certain,— A respectable well- built DWill. I. ING- HOUSK, situate in Church- street; consisting of a dining parlour, breakfast and drawing rooms, four good bed- chambers,, b. sid :, attics ; a kitcht n and wash- house, with cellars and suitable offices, a small garden, and coach- house and stable, if required.— The Furniture is modern, and the . House iu
every respect adapted tor the re- ception of a genteel family. For further particulars, apply to Mr. Clement Sharp, Auc- tioneer, Romsey. [ 976' ISLE OF WIGHT. rT',: ; LETT, and entered upon immediately,— A A most desirable COTTAGE, elegantly furnished, with a Coach- house, Stable, and excellent Garden, and about eight Acres of Land adjoining thereto, situate about two miles from West. Cowes and three from Newport, and commanding as delightful prospects as any cottage in the kingdom. For particulars, apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Wilkins, banker, Newport; or Mr. Cossins, solicitor, West Cowes. March 2- t,
1800. " ( 95+ Desirable readufurnished Residence in the Isle of Wight rJX) be LETT, and entered on immediately,— JL PIDFORD- HOUSE, completely FURNISHED, ' plea- santly situated in a genteel neighbourhood, in the centre of the Island, about three miles from the town of Newport. The House consists of an entrance hall, handsome dining and drawing rooms, ivusic room, study, seven good bed rooms, besides servants rooms, large kitchen, other conve- nient offices, and extensive under- ground cellars: detached from the dwelling- house are a double coaC'n- house, stabling for 12 horses, and a large garden well
stocked with vegetable's and fruit trees of every description.— The tenant may be ac- commodated with any quantity of meadow land adjoining and surrounding the house, not exceeding 50 acres.— The whole of the premises are in complete repair, and of a size and description to accommodate a large or moderate family. For- particulars apply ( if by letter, postpaid) to Mr. Love, Cabinet- maker, Newport, Isle of Wight. [ 950 MEfcKSHAM, WILTS- T~) be LETT immediately, for a Term of Years to be agreed upon,— The GREAT TITHES of a ' Mfiety of the Parish of MELKSIIAM, being that pact south of the River Avon, and
extending over abo'ut 4,800 acres of arable, meadow, . and pasture land. For further particulars and to treat, apply to Mr. Wilkins, Land- surveyor, Dunkirk, pear Devizes;— if by letter, post- paid. • [ 308 DORSE T. HPO be LETT and entered on immediately,— A! I JL that ESTATE, situate in the parish of Cliui. elbourne, now in the occupation of Baker ; consisting of a Dwrl- ling- House, Garden, Orchard, five acres of Pasture and seventy acres and three quartets of Arable Land, with. usual and customary Right of Feed 011 the extensive commonable Sheep and Cow Pastures in the parish aforesaid Also a Dwelling- House, Barn,
Stable, and Ga den, with eighteen acres and a half ( more or less,, of 1; cl ised Arable, Land, with an unlimited Right of Common, situate at Stritterton, in the parish of Bere Regis, in the county afore- said, now in the occupation of Mrs. Elizabeth Jaxley. .'•• For particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Woolfryes, Salisbury ; if by letter, post paid. [ 982 WINCANTON TURNPIKE. ] V[ 0TICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising l/ l at the several . Tbll- Gates and Weigh- Bridge within this District, will be LETT by AUCTION, to" the best bidder, at the house of Elizabeth Lintern, being a common Inn or Alehouse, known by
the sign of the Greyhound, in Wincanton aforesaid, on Wednesday the thirtieth dav of 11 March next, between the hours of five and seven of' the clock in the afternoon of that day, in the manner directed by the Act of Parliament passed in the 13th year of the reign o'f his present Majesty " for regulating the Turnpike Roads;" such letting to commAice from the 6th dav of April next, and to be for. the space of one year, which Tolls were lei t last year at the sums hereafter mentioned, above the ex- pences of collecting them, and will be put up at the stffne sums respectively, viz. East Gate and Wfigh- Bridge ,# 310 South Gate 21s
West Gate yo Willoughby Hedge Gate 2ii7 Stourtoh Gate liii Norton Gate 1B3 _ Whoever happens to be the best bidder must at the same time give security, with sufficient sureties to the satisfaction of the Trustees, for payment of the rent agreed on, and at such times as they shall direct. [ 603 Feb. 26, 18H3. R. MESSITER, Clerk- to the ssid Trustees. BREWTON TURNPIKE. NOTICE is hereby given.. that the TOLLS aiising at the respective Toll Gates upon the Brcwtcn Turnpike Roads, called or known bv the names of Lusty Gate, Westerd Ga e, Creech-. hill Gate, Hecigestocks Gate, Leighton Ga'c, Mi: hell's- ash Gate,-
I'rome'Gate, Nunny Gate, Hartgill Gate, Nunny Catch Gate, Burrowfield Gate, Homingsham Gate, Redlvnch Gate, Yarnfield Gate, and Sheepslcight- hill Gate, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the best bidder, at the house of Thomas Bennett, at Brewtou aforesaid, oalled or known by the name or sign of the Bine Ball Inn, on the Sd day of May next, between the hours of two and five in the afternoon of rhit DYIY ( such letting to commence from the 1st day of Ji ne n' x'ri, iu the manner directed by the Act passed in'the 13 h- yea' of the reign, of his Majesty King George the Third, " fo> reguhttinglhe turnpike roads;" which Tolls were lett
for- or produced tile preceding- year the sums hereafter mentioned, above the expences of collecting them, and will be put up at the same yearly sums, either jointly or separately. Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must at the same time give security and produce sufficient sureties, to the satis- factidh of the Trustees-, of the said turnpike roads, for pay- ment of the rent agreed for, and at such times as they shall direet. £. s. Lusty Gate. ,' 17 10 Western! Gate 5 Creech- bid Gate and Hedgcstock's Gate.... lot IS I. eighton Gate and Michell's- ash Gate 40 15 Frome Gate 57 10 Nunny Gate, Hartgill Gate, andNur. nyi Catch
Gat / l' t Burrowfitld Gate 39 10 l l'srningsbnm Gate 15 Redlvnch Gate 102 5 Yarn'field Gate and Sheepsleight- hill Gate.. 12- 2 15 JOHN PENNY, CWtk to th. said Trustees. Srewlon, March ii, litis, [ 937 SALISBURY. TO be. SOLD by AUCTION, it. the Market, by GKKRAAD and Co. on Tuesday the ' 2.9th inst,— A capital LOW PHAETON, in good condition ; a handsome Soci-. det, with head and curtains to take off, almost new ; a Gig Har- ness, Saddle, and Bridle; a strong, useful, Narrow- wheel Waggon, with . half- iron axles; several useful Horses; and a handsome Grey Pony. [ 06J The Sale'to begin at twelve o'cleck.
Catherine Wheel, Shrewton, Wilts. rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, M_ by GERRAKD and Co. 011 Thursday the 31st of March inst. and following days,— All the HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE, Stock of Strong Beer, Spirits, Casks, Brewing Uten- sils, and Other Effects, the property of Mr. Thomas Stevens,, who is quitting the above Inn ; comprizing four post, tent, and other bedstead-., with cotton, morine, and check furni- ture ; prime goose feather beds, mattresses, blankets, and cot- ton counterpanes; mahogany dining, Pembroke, and tea tables; chest of drawers, mahogany and stained chairs, pier and dressing
glasses, eight- day clock, stove arid other grates, pewter, brass, and copper articles; kitchen requisites, and a number of other articles. The Stock consists of 1300 gallons of capital strong beer, a number of prime iron- bound casks frOm two to six hogsheads each, about Hi) gaillotife of spirits, $ large and small brewing copper and grate, coolers, mesh tubs, and other brewing: ut- nsils. [• • 10 The above stock will be sold c- 11 Friday the 1st of Aprilj im snnlHots, for rlie convenience of purchasers. The sale to begin each morning at eleven o'clock. WILTS. POR SALE by AUCTION, by IIARKY ROSS, a . on the premises,. 011 \\ ,
dnesday the 30th dav of March, I8t) 8, The LIVE STOCK, Implements of ' Husbandry, Dairj Utensils, some Household Furniture, and other e ffects, 01' Mr.' JOHN WILSON, of Sand- Furiong- Farm, at Broad- llinton, near Swindon; consisting of sixteen remarkably useful dairy cows, either jn calf or with calvcs j two draught horses, one saddle ditto, one sow and pigs, one rick of prime hay, two dung carls, one market ditty, field roller, with drags, harrows, and ploutbs ; corn screen, pig troughs, Sc. a quantity of dairy utensils, with some useful household furniture, ar. d various other articles. [ 805 Sale to begin at ten o'clock, with the
Dairy Cows. WILTS, 1803. I7OR SALE by AUCTION, by HARRY ROSS, i on the Promises, 0: 1 Tuesday ,' the 5th day of April,— The LIVE tyid DEAD STOCK, Implements of Husbandry, Dairy Utensils, some Household Furniture, and oth. r Effects' of Mr. Samuel Pinchtn, of Euridge Farm, near Colerne; consisting of about 230 real south down ewts and lambs, re- markably ( landsome and kind in their nature, and extremely well bred; 90 teg-:, and four rams; four three- year- old heifcrs in calf, two crazing cows, four two- year- eld heifers; seven capital draught horses, One thrtc- year- ol 1 dr ught celt • four narrow- wheel
waggons, one o:- o h- v/ he 1 1 ot, one* narrow- wheel ditto, fourplou ,' o. s. pa r .;' C-- -. -, t'. oo pai- cf harrows, field roller, ham- os :'-. r t. n hors s, odrv utensils, a few lots of useful household l'urnitofe, which w 1! be sold Without reserve.— Sale to btgin at ten o'clock. [ 833 WILTS, 1803. Capital Live Stock, for Sale. I^ OR SALE by AUCTION, by lUr. nr Ross, on thi Premises, on Monday the '. iii day ... April, and following day,— The LIVE STOCK, i.> irv Co-.- I, Is, and. other Effects of Mr. John Mil: ing; on, ( i opton l-'.- rm, mid- way between Wootton Basset and CV. i • o ii oiii . - •' 28 prime dairy cows, of the long- horn breed, Jto
r • n c- If or with calves, remarkably handsome anil kind in thei: 1 cur-, and extremely well bred, being closely descended 10m the famous Rollwright stock; eight beautiful thr.- e- v.- ar old heifers in calf, eight twej- year old ditto, and six y.- arhii.-; ditto ; one capital five- year old bull, ami two yearlirr; ditto; font working oxen; six very powerful draught hor- os u... 1 calcu- lated for the road, or any other purpose that requires sir. r. i; h ; about 230 ewes and lambs, of the horn kind, 80 chilv^ r u <- s, and six beautiful lum tegs; two cheese presses, s. v. ni large whey leads, cheese tubs, barrel churns, a quantity . of vats, three broad wheel carts, and various other articles in ti e hus- bandry line, the whole of which will be so'd without res- rve. The sale will begin with the live stock, at ten o'clock. An early attendance is particularly requested. [ 975 WILTS. To Wheelwright::, Carpenters, ii-. HPO he SOLD by AUCTION, by J. SIBFORD, on S. Monday the 4th of April, 1803, at the Swan Inn, Un, der Deverell, near Chippenham,— A large Quantity 01 MAI- DEN and POLLARD OAK, ASH, aiid ELM TLVIiioRj also Oak, As'n„ and Elm Scantling, Plank, and & u;. rter • 10,000 feet of Elm Board, r- 00 0 « k Posts, and a large, quan- tity of Slabs, lying on lands near the
Wilts and Uei'. rs Canal, ' iii the parishes of Chippenham, Calne, and BrcmhiH. At the same time will he sold, one six- ineh- v. heel timber carriage, one narrow- wheel waggon in. good condition, a six- ineh- wliecl waggon with iron arras, lately hew, adapted for the road business; a pair of high' wheel*, and five horses' harness lately new.- " 1 he whole v.-'.' ll be sold without reserve. The sale to commence' at Kvo o'clock.— On account of the number ot lots, the company are requested to be particular to time. , . * The situation t'f the above Timber is such, that it mat be conveyed to various parts of the country at a trifling expeiice,
being drawn together near the Canal, anrl good roads. : For Viewing- apply to Messrs. Smith and Banner, Chip- penr-. am • and further particulars may be known of the Auc- tioneer, Cable. * f- 13 TROWBRIDGE, WILTS, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, ' by D. HERITAGE, iL at the Georgj Jhn, on Monday the - ith day of April next, between the hours of five and ei.'.; ht o'clock in the evening of thafday, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced,— All that valuable and rich CLOSE ot' FREEHOLD MEADOV7 or PASTURE GROUND, called AUCI-. OFT, situate near Islington, in the parish of Trowbridee aforesaid,
containing by estimation 10 acres ( more or less), now in the occupation of James Silcocks. . Ct* The contiguousn'es of this Close of Land to the town of Trowbridge, will give a purchaser an opportunity of selling or letting it in lots to a great advantage, especially as landed property in and near the same is daily increasing in value. For particulars- enquire at Mr. Timbrell's Office. [;< 2l FRESHFORD, SOMERSET. ' TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by D. HERITAGE, on the premises, in Freshford aforesaid, on Thursday the 31st dav of March, and l ii lay the lst day of April, i: s- j-' — All tl » e capital . LIVE and DEAD STOCK, about 70
Tons of prime Hay ot last year's growth, Brewing Utensils, Sec. of Mrs. Mtry Bailey, leaving the Farm. The first day's sale comprises seventeen capital dairy cows of the long; horn breed, either in calf or with calv. s"; nine two- year- old heifer's of the sai* e breed, in calf; seven very handsome yearling, two yearling bulls, one two- vear- old ditto, sixty couples of the Leicester and South- Down breed, seven ewes ® f the same breed, sixteen wether and chilvtr hogs, one Leicester ra* i, six store pigs, three capital draught horses and harness, one hackney mare in foal,- one hdndsomo two- year- old colt, one yearling ditto, two
waggons, one cart, &- c. & c. Second day's sale consists of seventy tons of prime h: y, large quantity of stavel stcncs and stevcls, twenty dozen of reed, quantity of wool, cider mill Jnd press, two copper fur- naces and grates, one mashing tub, two large coolers and stands, trendies, quantity of beer casks, a kitchen grate, t nn fowling piece, with many. other articles in the cornaiul dairy line. The whole to be seld without reserve. To be viewjsd cui the mornings Of s -! c. On account of the number of lots to be sold each day the public are most respectfully desired to be early in thc'. t attendance. f945 Sale to begin each rooming
precisely at ten o'cioek. PATENT GLASS ILLUMINATOR, By Pr. LLATT and Gur. rs. Glass- makers t- the King, No. : C, south sidcof St. Paul's Churcli- vi. rd, Lorfdon ; at-. l « Id ny Mr. Randall, No. W( J, I ligh- strect, Southampton ; Me- srs. Smith and Robinson,- Mr. James, Broad- sire- t, ' and Mr! Sarjeant, on the Point, Portsmouth ; and Mr. Shier, Coni- mdn Hard, Portsea, for admitting - Unlit into : hv intern- 1 Apartments of Ships, Houses, and buildings, of e-. uy description'.- " npllh Patentees solicit the attention of. the Public - c. to this new Invention," which ha-: t'- e peculiar merit of distributing a very considerable portion
oflinht tl-. r- ovj. h a small aperture by means of a glass, so ctirisirhcr- d a » t >' or: - elude the liability to be broken, and v/. ill'be fovmd, in ni.- ny cases, useful when a sky- light cannot be ad -. - m d'. trt> d r- ground vaults and cellars, water- dose is, . old basils, Ass., may be convtv. iently; lighted by them, 1 On ship- bbard, in particular, the v-, t utility, of tlvsu Illuminators is unquestionable, :. s th.- y do not rij, j: r . to be ^ protected from theC'dashing of the sen, and arc' Wij.-. vil-:- of resisting the pressure of more than .: t- n ivei- t r l'- i ig ov r th.- iru Although scratch- d and at- to.-- d-. f-. c.-. l rv the traffic on deck, they \ v , i not be
iui. 1.1 rtd in ; h r functi - os. Much more might bp said "; i « 111 r- ts; but us it ! ft, ficult to describe the nature of i, r, th.- Pate, t, • s hav e •>• 1 Mr. Randall t- heir Agent at S nuhioiipton, w-. -• fitted up and lighted with these UluMinjUt'. 1' •) shewn to advaaug;,
AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. Friday's and Saturday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. ^ GOTTEXEURGH, March IS. IN consequence of the faithless conduct of Russia, and the hostile measures adopted by her towards this country, his Majesty the King lias issued a I'roclamation, prohibiting, upon pain of death, all communication between this country and that. The Danes have also thrown olT the mask, and shewn themselves in their true colour, by declaring war against this country, the safety of which, in a great measure, now depends upon the spefcdy arrival of an English fieet in
the Sound and the Belts. All the English ships of war lying here are now entirely free from drift ice, and gone out to day .; their destination • is the Sound and the Belts, where they will be jpined by the first division of the Swedish, fleet; from Oartscrona, consisting of five soil of the line,' . two frigales, and three cutters; the second division, of • equal force, will be readv by the end of this month. HOUSE OF LORDS. WEDNESDAY, March 23.] Lord Auchlr. xJ urged the, necessity, in equity and justice, of adopting soma mode " of hearing the petitioners against the Otfders in Council; •• and. moved that for this purpose the said Orders
Should he • referred to a Committee ; which motion having ' passed, •" Without a division, Ijtrd Ha ' Cites bury. moved, that the House should resolve itself Into the - aid Committee on . Monday nejtt. The delay of hearing* the. petitioners, whilst it was in- tended t > proceed with, the Bjll enforcing the Orders in Council which they considered injniious to their interests, was warmly opposed hy L.^ d Holland: but on a division, tlv question was carried hy a majority of 2">. , " , Lord Spencer then moved that the order of the day, for piing into a Committee on the Orders in Council Kill, should be discharged ; avowing that hi; object was to
obtain a bearing for the petitioners before goings into the Com- mittee. The Lord Chancellor briefly Apposed the motion; which was supported by Lords Erskine, EltenborougK, Sidmoath, and fCinsr. On a division, the Contents were 18, Non- Contents 47; majority agahist the motion, 2.9. Lord Grenville moved, that it should be an instruction to the Committee to divide the Bill into two Bills;. the • one of commercial regulations, the other oi aid and supply. On a division, Contents 43, Non- Contents 103 ; uiajo- iritvso. • The House then Went into the Committee, in which several amendments of the preamble of the Bi ll were pro posed and negatived. Tfje preamble was at length agreed to, and progress reported.-— Adjourned. " fHUHSDAY, March 24.] The Earl of Suffolk moved • that tlKv'.' urrospondi'iioe between . Mr. Garlike and his Mii- je ty's Miniiters, relative to the views of the Danish Go- " w- r> uneut respecting this country, previous to our attack • of / iopeuba£ Stl, should be laid before the House. l/ trd I/ amtesiwip » hi » cie< l to the motion, that these ^ j. wpcrs had iii.- eady heed ttfused, because no sufficient •* e. t.- on for > • production had been offered. The motion. v - S neratived, withont a division. In a Cominj. ee on the. Orders in Councii
Sill, Lord fireiicille objocvid to the penalty of death, inflicted by one of the cliif. it < t a; too seveife fot the offeiiO.— The force of the < objeetioi. was admrttwl by the supj- yjtcrs of the t.;! l; but the CU- AVS was allmved'at prese. it firpass, on an . undemanding tiet it imulif be amended in a future stage. ewver. it other amendments were proposed aud rejected. — Adjourned. HQU5E OF COMMONS. WEDNESDAY, March 23.] The Chairman of the Rcn- fnwhiiv Eleet'. on Committee reported that W. M'Dowoll, l'.",. was duly elected. Mr. Alderman Slaw presented a petition from the Watermen. of . the lirThaqies against building a
bridge ever tlk.' River opposite Southampton- street. The pi- titlon was laid ori ilie iahle.. , A B? H for better reflating the. Police of the, city of Dublin was brought iu by Sir A. [ Fellesley, and read i iir- t time. C' tenet fangjUld presented a petition fr^ ai the Mer- r hints of Cork against the Orders Itv Council, and praying to be heard by CeunseL— Oil the susgestiftn of the Chan* teStr 0;' the Ercluffxer, the petition for the present was Lid 011 tlx'table. •- , . x The. Hoitio then went into a Committee on the petitions against the Orders in Council Hill, and the examination of witnesses continued till 011c o'clock, when the House cdjourrieiL
THURSDAY, - March J5. J A Committee was appointed by ballot to investigate the meats of the Petition corn- j> l* hrt.': g uf an undue election and return for Stirling, in •' Scotland. . ' 1 ... - - Mr. W. Bottle reported from . the Bridgewater Com- tmttce, that the sitting . Members were duly i- koted ;— ) X& t3_/* U> agai, * t their. return not frivolous or vexwious. STr. JubetBvltft brought in a Bill for rc- tuildiny the town of- Chudleigji, recently destroyed by fife, wtuch was Jead a first time. The S/' caier informed the House that R. B. Sheridan, SEsq. not having on Tuesday la- t appeared, either hy coin, ist! or agent, to support his Petition
« gai:* t the return of Lord Cochrane for the city of Westminster, he bad certified the forfeiture of Air. S.' s (^ cognizance to the Court of Exchequer. The Bill for continuing the collection of the Malt Excise Duty was read a third time, and passed. Jn a Committee, further evidence was heard on , behalf of the Petitioners again-. t the Orders in Council—^ Adj. LONDON, FRIDAY, MARCH iS. Bv privaate letters received from Petersburg, it appears that all the British OiScers employed in the Russian navy have been ordered to repair to Moscow. They will probably continue there during the war with tins country, and as they are the
best seamen in the service o* the Emperor Alexander, the absence of their si; ill and experience must cripple the exertions of his marine in every department. Dispatches were yesterday received from Mr. Rose, qur Minister Extraordinary to the United States of America. The contents' have not transpired ; but letters from Washington, of the 19th tilt, state that Mr. Rose has been extremely well received, and was proceeding in his negociatipn. Dispatches have been received frem our fleet off Lisbon, which was left all well oh the 10th instant. The Russians seemed to. be ready for sea, and dis- posed to come out of the Tagus. Our
seamen arc anxious to have a brush with them. A verv gallant exploit has been performed hy the boats of the Confiance frigate, Capt. Yeo, in cutting • out a privateer from St. Andero, mounting one 24 pounder, and six ti pounders, having 50 men 011 . board, and 100 stand pf arm*. The loss of men 011 our part his been trifling, while that of the enemy is stated to h ' considerable. It is reported that Sir Arthur Wclleslcy is to have the chief command of the army in India. Cuvermiient, it is said, arc well assucd that the Ca; '. Kigvoa -. qu. ulro'i has not joined that from Rochcfort. Sir K. Straehait, it is added, had received Intelligence of
the situation of the Spanish squadron, and was gone to a 11 ar1 ir, that part of the coast of Majorca where it had •' anchored being undefended by batteries. Admiral Collitig- " w oiid's sijjiadrmt ha- been joiuod by that, of Admiral Tliorii- b -. vHigb, making together :.'! sail of tire lino, which were . It. R. cruizing oil Palermo. .. Seven Portuguese . seamen, who were detained in » T- i- Uau, l when the embargo was laid, and were informed . tliev must enter on hoard the Dutch ships of war, or they wudd Ic'thrown into 0I0 r confinement, have made their e cape fjaon blushing, and landed on Wednesday at Dover. ' I hey - a there nre
eight ships of war ready for sea ai 1 In hitb - ides frig- itc- j but that seaiucu cannot be pro- ruredtd man them. GENERAL WHlTELOCKE'S SENTENCE. GENRFTAL OKDRBS.— Horse- Guards, March 21, 1808.— At a General Court- Martial, & c. The Court- Martial having duly considered the Evidence given in support of the Charges against the Prisoner, Lieutenant- Gener- al Whiteloebe, his Defence, and the Evidence, he has adduced, are of opinion, that he is Guilty of the whole of the said Charges, with the exception of that part of the Second Charge which relates to the order that " the Columns should be unloaded, and
that no firing should be\ permitted on ouy account." The Court are anxious that it may be distinctly under- stood, that they attach no censure whatever to the pre- cautions t iken to prevent unnecessary firing during the advance of the troops to the proposed points of attack, and do therefore acquit Lieuteuant- General Whitelocke of that part of the said Charge, Tlie Court adjudge, that the said Lieutenant- General IVhitclncke be Cashiered, and declared totally unfit and kiniterth// to seree his Majesty in any Military Capacity whatever. ; • - The King has beep. pleased to confirm the above Sentence, ami his Royal- Highness the
Commander in CKef has re- ceived • his- Maj^ sty'S^ Command to direct that it shall be read at the head of every Regiment ii). his, service, and inserted in all Regimental Orderly Books, with a view of its bekoming a lasting memorial of the fatal consequences to which Otficcrs expose themselves, who, ill the discharge of the important. duji<; s confided ( o thfmi, are deficient in that zealr judgment, and perional exertion, which their Sovereign,- and their Country, have a right to expect from Officers entrusted with high commands To his Majesty, n ho has ever taken a most lively interest in the welfare, tile honour, aud reputation of
bis troops, the recent failure in South America, has proved a subject « * ithe mOkStdiesu'tlelt, regret j hut it bus been a great con- solation to him, and his. Majesty has commanded it to be intimated to the- Armv, that after- the most minute inves- tigation, his Majesty finds ample Aause for gratification in the intrepidify- and good conduct displayed by his troops, lately employed on that service, and particularly by those divisions, of- the Army which were personally engaged with - tlie enemy in the town of Buenos Ayres, on the 5th of July, ' 1307; and his. Majesty entertains no- doubt, that . had the exertions of his. troops in South
America been directed by the same skill and energy which have so eminently distin- guished bis Cwnuiandew in other quarters of the world, the result of the' campaign would hive proved equally glo- riou - totthemsejves and beneficial to their country. Bv Command of his Royal Ilighne- s the Commander , ip Chief, - HARRY CALVERT, Major- Gen. and Adj.- Gen. of the Farces. Yesterday a Considerable quantity of woollen, cot- ton, and other bale goods, were shipped in the River, for Boston and New York. By letters from the out- ports of the Channel we learn, that the . Gibraltar Wvoy has baen chased by two enemies ships,
arid it. is apprehended some of . them have b^ ep taken. From the situation iawhich ibis hostile force made its apppearail".-, it is to be apprehended that it lately escaped out of Brest, during the abscusg of our squadron usually occupied in the blockade of that port. Some particulars respecting the- intercsting subject of the movements of the Rochefort Squadron, were received this morning, in a letter from Gibraltar, of the Oth of February.— By the Prize- master of an American brig, detained by the Surinam ,1060 of war, it is stated, that oil the 29th of January, near Cape de Gatte, he fell in with a strainrevfleet of 6 '• ail of the line
and a brig, steering to the Eiistwarb. On the 27th of the same month, the Master of an American fell in with a Fre ich squadron in latitude 3", longitude 10, 30, consisting of one three- deck- r, four J4' s, a frigate., and a brig. From the frigate he learnt that they had escaped from Roehfjfort on tfie 22d, and, after doubling Cape Finisterc had steered to the Southward, to avoid our look- out frigates. They continued a southerly course till they reached lat. 35, when they hauled to the Eastward, and fell in with the coa t of Barbary; on the., 28th, in the evening, they entered the Gut, and wer. e almost off Ceuta at twelve at night, when the
Arawrican lost sight of them in a squall. The Ame- rican was bound to Marseilles, bat had been ordered back to Gibraltar by the Hydra frigate. As the Hydra had not seen the enemy, it is thought probable they may have passed to the eastward on the B, Hilary coast. Mrs. M. wife of a Lieutenant of Marines, and a natural daughter of the late General Spry, is in custody on a ehacgi: of. having ro'pbed Mrs. Poryilie, of Ufl& ftors square ( at whos « house she ledged) of Bank notes and bills to t4 » e amount of 8H. a pearl necklace, a diamond ring, a diamond b'roche, and othey property to a great amount. She was apprehended at
Portsmouth, has undergone an examination . at Row- street, and is committed for further examination.-— Mrs. M. was married about five years ago, hutelojied from her husband, about two yars and a halt ago, with a naval Oificer, who is an a foreign station. She had lodged with Mrs; D. only three week-. CORN EXCHANGE, March ; 25. This day's supply of Wheat is ; very slioft,' but, waiting the arrivals expected, the Wheat Trade has experienced no advance in price;— Barley aud Malt are both more brisk in sale.— Peas and Bean - of each kind are rather dull.— The supplies of Oats are short, and this article fully supports its
former prices. — Flour as before. BIRTHS.] On Sunday- the 13th inst. at Dublin Castle, Laiv Elijabsth Littlehalus of a daughter.— On Saturday lasj, in ( Jjarles- strect, Berkeley- square, the Lady of Sir . John Shelley, Bart- of a son.— At Plymouth Dock, the Lady of Commodore Sir Richard King, Bart, of a daugh- ter.— On the ! 5th inst. Sirs. Harper, wife of Mr. Harper, farmer,' of Gilmerton, near Edinburgh, of two sons and a daughter, all remarkably fine children.— Lately, the Hon. . Mrs. Caddcll, of the eitv of Dub'in, daughter ef the late Right IJon. Viscount Southwell, of a daughter. ' MAHItfED. j On'the 7th lust, at Milton- house,
Scot- land, G. IVCrown,' Esq., eldest s 111 of sir Robert Crown, Admiral in the. Russian Navy, to Mrs. Campbell, of Salton, wido-. V of Geneva! F'ctcher Campbell.— On Saturday, at Woodlands,, Cornw all, Caj> t. Thomas Ball . Sullivan, of the Royal. Navy, to Jligs!{,. P. dames, youngest daughter of Capt.- B. Jamee, ot the Royal Navy.— On Tuesday, Richard Creed, l.- q. of Hans- place, to Mis- Gordon, daughter of the late Sir John B. Gordon, Bart, of Park,- North Britain. .— The same day, at Mary- le- bone Church, the Rev. Robert Henry Johnson to Carolijjp, second daughter of Sir Charles Wm, Itjpnsr Boughton, Bart.— On.
Wednesday, at Minster, in Kent, s. R. Harston, Esq. of Charlotte- street, Fiizroy- squarc, to Mis; Cooke, only daughter of Capt, J. Cooke, of the Royal ' Saw. DIED- l Q11 the 15th of Decenihcr,, at Memtd, of a fever, Sir Gwrge Runibold, Bart.— Oil the 11 Ih inst. aged .89 years, Lady Gordon, relict of Sir Robert Gordon, Bart, of Gordonstown.— On the i:? th inst. Mrs. Coggan, wife of J. ohn Coggan, Esq. the present High Sharif of the county of Essex.— Same day, John Pybuv Esq. Banker, in Bond- street.— On the 14th iu't. irfMewmanrStreet, the Rev. P. hilip du Vid, I>. D. F. A, S- one- of the Canons of Wind- sor, and Yityr of
Twickenham.-^ On Friday, at Arron- bank, in Westmoreland, in his 30th - year, W> Hodgson, Esq. who yas the next heir in reversion to that and the other large estates of the late Sir Wm. Dalston,- Bart.— On Saturday, at Exeter, Mrs. Weldoo, widoV. of Major Wcldon.— Same day, at Riehmo. d, in the 29th year of his age, Lieut. Archibald M'Neill, of the Royal Navy.— On Wednesday, aged 77 years, the Rev. Sarnutd Smith, I » L. D. Preber dary of Westminster,, formerly Master of Westmin- ster School, which situation he filled upwards of SI years. — Yesterday, at hi » houje in Kei- « . ogton, Alex. Baxter; Esq. late Consul-
General from the Couyt of, Rus.- i 1.— Lately, at Hampton Court Pala< S?, Mrs. Storur, mother, of A. G.' Storer, Esq. of Parley- House, Berks, a; id. sister qf Lord Cansfort.— At Iirrwick, J. Cbisolm, out- pensioner of Chelsea; who, notwith- tanding he lived apparently - in the most penurious manner, yet left behind him upwards o! five, hundred guineas in gold, secreted in various parts of the house. N pursuance of an Act of Parliament passed in the 47th year of the reicrn c. f his present Majesty, iht tied '•' An Act for inclosing bands i 11 the parish of Mere, in the county of Wilts," Notice- is. hereby given, that a Public Meet- ing Of
the several Proprietors of Lands in the Open andCornmrn Fields, Common Pastures, and other Corrononabie Lands within the said parish, will be holdenattiie house of James Burtitt, known by the name or syn of the Ship Inn, in the town and parish en Mare aforasaid, on Thursday the 14th day of April next, at the hour of eleven in the forenoon, for the purpose of electing and appointing some other pi.- sun to be a Commissioner in the room and stead of John Gatehouse, Gen't. who was a Commissioner appointed by the said Act of Parliament, but hath declined to act as such. R. U. and G. MESS1TER, Clerk. March, ii, 1809. £
97?- PHOiklX FIRE- OFPICE, LOMBARD- STREET, LONDON. THE firm support which the PHOiNIX OFFICE continues to receive from its numerous friends, demands tile thanks of the Directors. This Office has ever been impressed with an ardent desire to give encouragement to the agricultural interests \ of the kingdom ; and the Directors rely that the regulations which they from time to time have introduced for that purpose, will be satisfactory to the Public, and secure the continuance of its favour and patronage. Stock 011 a Farm may be insured in one sum, without the average clause. The Receipts for Policies, falling due
at Ladv- Day, are now in the hands of the several Agents. *** The- importim sums annually paid by this Office to sulLrers by fire, strongly prove the ben fits resulting from Insurance, as well to Noblemen and Gmitlemen to secure the value of their mmsionS and i. Haets, as to Farmers, Manu- facturers, and all the Commercial Orders. Persons insuring for Three Hundred Pounds, or upwards, will not be charged for the' Policy. By order of the Directors, 9HJ H. J\. HARDY, Sec. of Country Department. BUILDING MATERIALS. TO h-: SOLD by AUCTION, at the Bugle Inn, at Tltchfield, on Tuesday the * 2Sth of April, at two o'clock,
comprized in a modern- built HOUSE of 44 feet by 41, three stories of 10 feet, <) feet 2, and 7 feet 4 inches high, which by adding a foot on rebuilding, would make an excel- lent house of four rooms on each floor, with good earrets and cellar, at an easy expence; now standing at Hook, near Titchfield, within about half a mile of the sea.— Mr. Bantin, at Hook, will shew the premises. [ 8- 27 1 70R SALE by AUCTION, on Wednesday the 30th day of March 1309, at the Star and Garter Tavern, PORTSMOUTH,— The new fast- sailin? Lugger, GENERAL CONCLAOX, ' of about 70 tons, and also her tackle, apparel, sails, anchors,
cables, and stores, condemned as prize to his Majesty's ships Boidic.- a, John Mutland, Esq. Commander, and Resistance, Charles Adam, Esq. Commander. Also the good brig HENRIETTR, burthen about SO tons, well found, and fit for a coaster, or any other trade her size will suit.— And afterwards, about 60 tons of French SALT, being the entire Cargo of the said Brig, captured by and condemned as prize to his Majesty's ship Resistance, Cliarks Adam, Esq. Commander, Also a very fine new River- built Ten Hogshead Ship's Launch, fit for the West India Trade. For catalogues arch further particulars, apply to 973] ' T'HO.-'
HEATHER, Broker, Portsmouth. r| X) he SOLD by. PUBLIC AUCTION, at the JL Blue Posts Inn, on Thursday the 31st of March 180$, at noon : For Home Consumption and Exportation. (!,') puncheons of BRANDV. 15 ditto. GENEVA. 4.... ditto RUM. For further particulars apply to WM. BURRIDGE and SONS, Merchants. PORTSMOUTH, March it, J808. f8! W ISLE or WIGHT. By Virtue of a Decree of Appraisement and Sale from the High Court of Admiralty, directed to John Crickett, f. sq. Marshal, ON Thursday tile 31st of Marcfi 1308," at eleven o'clock in tlic forenoon, will be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Hotel in EAST COWES
: f Butts 141- THiif Butts ^ CURRANTS. Quarter Butts j 124 Bags SHU MAC. Si Boxes FIGS. Being the Cargo of the Danish EJtig Speculation, from Trieste to Copenhagen, detained in port under his Majesty's General Order of Embargo of theSd of September list, •. For inventories and further particulars, apply at tljeofEce of the Marshal of the Admiralty, Doctor's Commons;' or to Mr. W r. l, the Mirshal's. Substitute, at East Cowes. [ 731 POOL E. I^ OR SALE by AUCTION, at the Oustom- . House in this Port, on Thursday the 31st day of March, 1808, at one o'clock in the afternoon, 280 Gallons of BR ANDY-) 8 Oallonsiof RUM '-
for private Use, • 3. i Gallons of GEN EVA J Also,— The broken- up HULL and the MATERIALS of an Open Boat, called the At; s, of Portland, 129 Yarls of CANVAS, 2 OTTEH SKINS, l. S Cvvt. of BARILLA ; which have, been seized and 1 • aaWy condemned, and may be viewed, and the Spirits t- isted, tv. d day • befole the sale, be- tween the hours of ten and three. [ 980 To Ship- builders, Carpenters, and others. PRIME OAK TIMBER TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKKR anrl P; TTI , on Wednesday the t? th of April, 1808, on the Premis : s at Vittlefields Farm, in the parish of Carisbrocke, Isle of Wight. L t !.— 22
Ends Oak Timber, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto, Lot 9.— 13 doz. Oak Posts, Lot 10.— About ten loads of Oak Timber, now King near the water- side at New- town, Lot II.— About 20 loads of Lot S. — 34 d ; to Lot 3.—-. tS ditto Lot 4.— ' 0 ditto Lot 5.- 38 d> tto Lot 6.— 39 ditto Lot 7.— 44 ditto Lots — 300 Knees, well calcu- lated for boat- builders, For a view of the same apply to Farmer Gmy, at Vittleficlds Farm, or Mr. Wm. Long, Calbourn, Isle of Wight. The sale to commence precisely at three o'clock in- the afternoon. [ 951 Elm Timber, now lying at Newtown aforesaid. CARISBROOKE, ISLE OF WIGHT, be SOLD by
AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKER and PITT] s, on the Premises, 011 Monday the 4th of April, 1808,— A substantial, well- built, FREEHOL ® COT- TAGE, with a good Garden, and an excellent Spring of Water adjoining, delightlfully situated by the water- side, in Castle- Street, Carisbrooke ; late in the occupation of Mr. Scatnmell, . deceased. On the same day will be sold bv Auction,— The HOUSE- HOLD GOODS and FURNITURE of the aforesaid Mr. Scampi el!, deceased. Fo'r particulars apply to the Auctioneer, or to Mr. Strick- land, Solicitor, Ford'ngbridge, Hants. The sale of the Household Furniture will commence at two
o'clock in the afternoon, and the Premises precisely at six o'clock in the evening. [ 934 CARISUROOKE, ISLE OF WIGHT. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKER and PITTIS, on Thursday the 7th day of April next, at the Bugle Inn, in Newport, at five o'clock in the afternoon '( unless disposed of in the mean time by Private Contract, of Which pjblic notice will he given),— A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or DWF. LLING- HOUSE, situate at Caris- bfooke, in the Isle of Wight; consisting of two parlours, a good kitchen, and other offices; a breivhouse, wash- house, and laundry detached ; together with a good garden, and an
acre of arable land on the South side of the said garden.. — Also two COTTAGES, adjoining- ta the West end of the said dwelling- house. All which premises are now in the occu- pation of Mr. John Gray - dud his undertenants. The premises are pleasantly situated in the village of Csnsbrooke, and com- mand, 011 tile South side thereof, a fine view of Carisbrooke Castle. For particulars, and to treat for the purchase hy private contract, enquire of Wm. Currv, Esq. of Southampton, am' uf Messrs. Clarkes and Sewell, Newport. N. B. Possession will be given of the dwelling- house, with the offices, garden, and land, on the ll. th.
day of Octcibar next. [ 780 rpO he SOLO by- AUCTION, by X BMSTOW? I. on the'premises, at Parkstone, neat Pootn, on Monday ; V Uth day of April 1909(— The ESTATE and INTEREST of the late Mark Street, Esq. deceased, in a DWBLL1NG- HOUSE, Brick Yard, Clay • Grfinnd,- and a Piece of Meadow, with the Brick Kiln and two Tile'Houses, a Cart Shed and Stable thereon erected, situate at Parkstoue aforesaid ; which premises arc held under Edward Nooftan,. for a- tcrm of 21 years commencing the 2ts^ of December > 799, determinable at 7 or 14 years at the option of- either party, and also deter- minable upon the death, in the, mean time, of three lives, the eldest of whom is « years of age, under a rent of £.\ 1 per r. nnum. • Also the Interest of the said Mark Street, in about 12 acres Of. Lindj whereof about : 9 atres tr. - Meadow, situate nr- r the premises before mentioned, held, for the life of Mrs. Lacy Dunford, aeed about 70 years, at a rent of 5J. 3d. per week. Ateb the Interest of the said Mark Street, in about 17 acres of new inclosed I. aftJ, near the above premises, the greatest part of which ploughed, and part dunged. Alter the above will be sold,— Sundry LIVE and DEAD STOCK, - en the above - premises ; consisting of a quantity
of bricks and. tiles, two serviceable horses,. a Capital young milch cowi one waggon, one cart, one plough and tackle, drags, harrows, harness, husbandry ipip'ennnts, a few tons of meadow hay, a quantity of straw, and other articles. For further particulars apply to . Mr. Thomas Parr, attorney, at Poole ; or to the Auctioneer. (! M4 The saic will begin at eleven o'dosK in the foranooa. ISLE OF WIGHT. OAK, ASH, AND ELM TIMBER. TO. be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. J. Yauwo, at the Hare and Hounds Inn, 011 Arreton Down, on Thuitday the Slst of March instant, at three o'clock in the afterofxia* in the following Lots,— viz. f 100
OAK TIMBER TRESS, standing in Iei. MS. I1^ ' Binstead Common Field Kows. f 2- 20 OAK TIMBER TREES, standing in Lot ° ) 20 As it ditto, lying 1 ® uor and Fishouse Copses, and in Rows and Fields (_ adjoining the same, m the parish of Biusteud. f 132 OAK TIMBER TREES, standing in Lot 3. < 11 ASH ditto, lying ( Rarheroft Copse," in the parish of Arreton. F 100 OAK TIMBER TREES, standing in \ 45 ASH ditto, \ ,..- Lot 4. 1 1- 2 ELM ditto, J - & J Cherry Wood, Duxmoor Rows, and Fields adjoining ( the same, in the parish of Arreton. [ 867 N. B. For a view. of the Timber, and particulars, apply to Farmer James Barton,
Binstead Lodge, Isle of Wight. NAVY OAK. AND ELM TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. YOUNG, 011 Friday the 8th of April next, at the'White Horse Inn, Romscy, at three o'clock in the afternoon, in the following lots, viz. Lot f 100 Oak Timber Trees, standing iJ J*''' ' Elm ditto, lying j in Bass.- ft Wood and Upper Park, in the parish of ' North. Stoncham. Lot - 2.— 100 Oak Timber Trees, standing in Hutt Wood, Chandler's I'Ord, and Stnyther's Wood, ' in the parish of North Stoneham. Lot 3.— 88 Oak Timber Trees, standing at Coward's, at Toothill, in the parish of Toothill, in the parish of Romsey Extra, Tor a view of lots
1 and 2, and particulars, apply to Mr. Doswell, at Stoneham Park 4 and ditto, for lot 3, to'Mr. Geo. Coward, at Toothill, near Romscy. [ 933 LARGE NAVY OAK. TIMBER.— BRECKNOCKSHHIE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, in Lots, at the Star Inn, Brecon," on Thursday the 31st of Match inst. between the hours of three'and five in the afternoon, subject to conditions to be then produced,— A large Quantity of capital prime OAK TIMBER, of largo dimensions. Also 30!) ASH - TREES, 15 WITCH ELMS, and 13 ASl'S. The whole now standing 011 Llandevaitog and Scychphant Farms, near Brecon. The Ash wiil be fallen before the
sale. The Oak and Elm will be sold with their Lops, Tops, and Bark. This timber lies very compactly and convenient for carriage, and at a short distance from the Brecon arid Merthyr Canals ; by the former of which, or by the W'ye, it may be conveyed to Bristol, and by the latter'to the sea at Cardiff, at a small expence. The greatest part efit is well calculated for Ship Buildin?, and is worth the attention of Navy Contractors, Ship Builders, and Timber Merchants in general. The particulars as to situation, marks, and . numbers, wil', be stated in printed bills,, which g. ntiemcn who wish to view it will he furnished with. Upon application,
to George Hollis, Esq. Winchester; Thomas Mayhcry, Esq. Brecon; or to Daniel Baynton, Esq. Bristol; and upon spplrsation to Mr. Maybery, he will irive the names of the persons appointed to shew. it. Particulars and directions for viewing may also be had at the place of sale. [ 955 LANDS IN W2STBURY. TO be PEREMPTORILY SOLD, pursuant to a . Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made on the hearing of a cause,' CLF- HXF aeainst LORD ARIMSDON, and pursuant to an Order made in the said cause, and in another, cause, SEAI, Y against LOAP AMNODON, with the approba- tion of JOHN 0?. D, Esq- one of the
Masters of the said Qourt, on Wednesday and Thursday the 20th and 21st days of - pans Westliury aforesaid, and other adjacent parishes ' in the snd count? of Wilts, part of the Estate of WfUoughbv late Li. ri of Abingdon, deceased.— Tlw sale to commence between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock in the forenoon on each day. Printed particulars may be had at the said Master's Cham- ber*, in Southampton- buildings, London; of Messrs, Han- rot and Metcalfe, of Messrs. Burley and Moore, and of Messrs. Vernon and Francklin, solicitors, Lincoln's- inn; of Mr. Lowten, in the Inner Temple; of Messrsi Greene, Tennant, and
Harr son, and of Mr. Briggs, and of Mr. Greenhill, solicitors, Gray's- inn, London; also of Ml- ssrs. Thring and Phelps, Warminster. [ 855 OAK TIMBER TREES, NEAR WINCHESTER, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. SKIN- NER, DYKE, TCCHIN, and FORREST, on Saturday the 9th of April, at three o'clock, in one lot, at the Georee Inn, Winchester,— 1.65 fine convertible OAK TIMBER TREES, with the TODS and Bark, now standing in Roushay Coppice and Roughay Farm, situate in the parish of Owlcsbury, near Twyford, four miles from Winchester, with easy access by navigation to Southampton. [ 944 To be
viewed by applying to Mr. Collins, at Twyford. HAMPSHIRE. A Freehold Farm, Coppice lfood, and Public House. TO he SOLD hy AUCTION, by Messrs. SKIN- NER, DYKE, TUCHIS, and FORREST, on Saturday the 9th of April, punctually at three o'clock, at the G » orge Inri, Winchester, in two lots, by order of and before two of the Commissioners appointed to contract for the Redemption of Land- tax. Lot 1.— A valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the parishes of Twyford and Owlesbury, four miles from Win- chester; consisting of Roughay Coppice and Roughay Farm, containing together 145 acres, lying exceedingly
compact and capable of great improvement, with a considerable number of thriving Timber ' Frees, and a large quantity of Coppice Wood thereon, a Farm- house, and suitable Out- buildings.— The wood- land is in hand, aod the lease of the farm expires at Michaelmas next. Lots.— A FREEHOLD ESTATE situate in the village of Twyford; consisting of the Phmnix Inn and Public House, with Stabling, suitable Out- buildings, Garden, and two In- closur.- s, in the whole about two acres; lett to a tenant at will. At the same time will be sold,— Two FREEHOLD PIECES of WATER MEADOW, containing two acres, with a great
command of Water ; situate near Stockbridge. Tobe viewed till the sale: the Estates at'l'wford andOwles- bury by applying to Mr. Collins, at Twyford, of whom Etinted particulars may be had; the Meadows near Stock- ri-. igc,. by applying at the King's Head, at Stockhridge, where printed particulars may also be had ; and at the White Horse, Romsey; Star, Southampton ; Crown, Basinistoke; Swan, Alresford; at the Printing Office, Salisbury ; Messrs. Brays, Solicitors, Great Russall- street, Bloomsbury ; at the Place of Sale;. and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, Tuchin, and Forrest, Aldersgats- street, London, where a plan may be •
seen. [ 943 - Choice and valuable Dairy, Live and Dead Farming Stock, 42 prime Cowj and Bulls. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. SriiofD and STIEGS, 011 Friday the 1- t of April 1808, at ten o'clock, on the premises,, Hlfehclere ParK, the property of Mr. I'mniger, retiring from business.— Consisting of 42 prime covifs,. in a'r. d with calf; one two- year old bull, four yearling cows, and one yeaHins: bull, the . greater phrt of the true Yorkshire breed," crossed with the Isle of Sky, well worth the notice of the curious, the dairy- man, and the farmer; three cart mares in foal, three- year old cart horse, one yearling colt, one pony in
foal, sow and pigs, and two sows in pit, geese, fowls, & c. an excellent meadow hay rick about 20 tons, neat 40 cvvt, of cheese, four sides of home- killed bacon, toree waggons, two dung car'.', market cart, drees. hutroWS, plough, roller", sacks, and general asruiment of implements m husbandry; an end of last year's Farnhatn hops, quantity of threshed wheat, dairy utensils, good mash'iub, irori- bou. cd hogshead, barrels, tubs, coolers, & c. May be viewed until the day of sale.— Catalogues may be had on. the premises,; Mr. Knight's, Devizes ;. principal inns in the neighbourhood; and Auctioneers', Newbury. [ 778
SOMERSET iso DORSET. rPO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Wednesday the JL 20th day pf April next, at the Bear Ir. n, Wincanton, precisely at. four o'clock in the afternoon,—. The following Premises: Lot I,— The Fee Simple and Inheritance of an undivided Moiety of a most desirable ESTATE, situate in the parish of East Lydford, in the county of Somerset; consisting of a farm- house, barn, stables, and outhouses; and about 110 acres of orchard, meadow, pasture, and arable land, now in the several possessions of Messrs. John Davis- anil W. Cox. Lot 2.—' The Jr. tirctv for the remainder of a term of 99 years, determinable on
the death of Wm. Monk Scott, of and in a FARM- HOUSE, with convenient out- buildings, and 40 acres of meadow and pasture land, situate in the parish of Tvvyfbrd, in the county of Dorset, and now in the occupa- tion of MR. Stephen Peters, as tenant thereof; together with a Moiety of the said Premises for the Life of Mrs" — Phelps, in « ise she survives the said W. M. Scott. The last m- intioncd premises are held by Lease under the Right I Ion. the Earl of Arundel. Apply in the maau time to Mf. White, solicitor, Welling- ton, Somerset. • fSM W- 1 DOaSET.— PRIME ELM ISB FIR TIMBF'" TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by M.
BAH;,: N Wednesday the 30th day of March nst, atone oV'. ck in the aft moon,, at the Red Lion Inn. n W. i rith, . nine miles East of Dorchester, and eight ditto West sf V : •- ham, in the turnpike ro:. d to War- ham,— 46 '... pitai iv \ i TREES, 98 large SCOTCH FIR dijto, 11 lar_ e V MOUTH PINE' ditto, a large quantity of exceV. r. :, Log- wood, together with about 3080 e- od W xxM •. _•.•(,• ; the Log- wood and Faggots w. h'be put up it. s nail lo. s, f.'- r tile convenience of the purelms- rs. T'ae above Tirol., r is felled, and now lying on the Several estates of M r. r , i' i- lingtou, Affpuddle, Roger's- hill, Briant's- puddle, an; vijigton. For
viewing the same applv to Mr. Atkins, a- t r •-.--! ; Mr. Nipred,' at Pallington ; Mr. J. S- utt, at Aftpu- ki . Mr. Ilancn, Roger's- hili; Mr. Richard Roberts, br. atit's- puddle ; and Mr. T. Bagcorabe, Bovington. N. B. The greatest part of the above Elms are bare, ard likewise the Fir Timber; the several e- t. tt s about midway between Dorchester and Wareham.— Particulars w. ll be e-. ven n hand bills. [ SJ7 : EAST CHICKEHELLTlxTfiSh/ fT '' " rpo be SOLD bv AUCTION, on the Premises, A by M. BAKP. II, on Thursday the 7th of April, 1808, at East Chickerell Farm, about three miles W. st of Wcynvuth and seven South - of Dorchester,
Twentv- eiitht prime DAIRY COWS, the greatest part of which will have- calved • by the day of sale; also two good Aldcrney cows, ix good tliree- year- old heifers in calf, four good barren licit'; rs, end one two- year- old bull; a capital hackney stallion, rising three years old, £ ot by Slider, our of an exceed;;;.: { rood mare got by old Slider; and one good hackney, mar , - oout fifteen hands high, six years old, the property of Mr. Rued, quitting the said farm. The sale to begin at eleven o'clock in the mornine. The above Dairy Cows will be found well worth the at- tention of Gentlemen Farmers, bring a sound hardy bred .-> t6ck. *„* The
YOUNG . COW STOCK and SHEEP will- be sold about Midsummer next. [ 9- 20' WEST STOWER, DORSET. RPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by 11. PLOWMAN, A 011 the Premises, on Thursday the 31st day of March,. 1803,— The following CHOICE FLOCK of SHEK1', the pitoperty of Mr. John Coombs; consisting of 140 prime four* teeth couples of the Somerset breed, two ditto rams, eighty South- down couples, forty ditto chilver hogs', cue hot colt of the cart kind, sow and eight young pigs, two good sows forward In farrow, and a large fat pig. N. B. The above Sheep arc warranted S'- und and free from the goggles, and will
be put up in small lots for the c me- nience of purchasers. [ b39 The sale to begin at one o'clock in the aft- rnoon. DORSET. rpo be SOLD by AUCTION, in Fee, at the Ar- I. telope Inn, in Dorchester, on Saturday the- 2St'n of March inst. between the hours of three and six in the al'tir- noon, subject to such conditions of sale as will be then and there produced,.-— A11 that FARM- HOUSE, Dairy- house, Barns, Stables, and oth. r convenient Out- buildings, ar. d FARM, at WestCompton, within the parish of Compton- Abbas, in the said county; containing about 900 acres of very good arable, meadow, and pasture land, now in the
oc- cupation of Mr. John Bridge, as tenant, whose term will determine at Lady- day next. The above Farm is situate in a fine sporting country, about " half way between the very good market- towns or Dorchester and liridport, and distant only about eight miles from either. 7 N. B.— For further particulars, apply to Rich td Truvers, Esq. of U'p- Lo'der, near Bridport; arid, for a, view of the premises, at the Farm- house. 1846 RJPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. LOU'ch, at A Folfee Farm, near Sherborne, Dorset, on Monday the 4 th of April, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and the three following days,— The capital LIVE STOCK helortgirr: 10 the said Farm ; consisting of 350 couples of prime South Down sheep, coiletted at considerable trouble and • xp- nc. ; 41 barren ewes, of the same sort; 41 horned coupl s, of the best Somerset breed; 9 barren ditto ; 141 ehilver South Down hogs, by capital rams of the first Sussex sort; 7 pur < i- t; o; 4 South Down rams; 3 fine hog ditto; 1 horned Somerset ran,, and 1 gales. Alsoi a capital Suffolk punch Stallion, culled Gt: v, p.;..--. years old, supposed to be the handsomest, most active, str ... and temperate cart horse in England, and by which th t colts have been produced, both irnm ir, ares of the car; thorough
bred, and the hackn- y sort; also four fin , and six mares, of different ages, from nine to tl- r - - - of the same breed, temper, and qualities; a hi -. , two years old, got by a grandson ol Echps.-, cut o' '-;;'•/ . mare; twovcarling'fillies, of the Suffolk breed, '• mentioned stallion; and a nine- year old black likewise sundry sows and piss. After the sale of the live stock, the Waggons, ' 1 Implements of Husbandry will be put u, i; cons1- 1 ;- 1 large iron roller for live horses; three cirili ploughs ; ; i single, and two double furrowed sulls, & c. [ P DORSET.— FOLKE- HOUSE, NEAR SHERBORNE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on tile Premises, by
T. CURME, on Wednesday the Cth day of April, 1808, and following days,— All the elegant and neat HOUSE- HOLD GOODS aiid FURNITURE," ix ceding good goos9 feather beds and bedding, TJurkej and Brtiss-' ls carpets, ma- hogany bookcases, wardrobes, chests of drawers, chairs, tables, & c. of various dts: riptions ; with a good assortment of kit- chen and dairy utensils; about 15 hogsheads of cyder, and some strong beer; large and small empty casks and bottles; the particulars of which will be delivered in catalogu e ' a: ad. each) three days previous to the sale, and may be" had at the Half Moon Inn, in Sherborno; of
Mr 11. Cooper, auctioneer, at Wincanton ; Mr. Curine, the auctioneer, at Dorchester; and at the place of sale ; at which time th;- furniture may be Viewed.— Sale to begin each day at one o'clock, and continue till all is sold. Folke is three miles from Sherborne, 15 from Dorchester, aud 11 from Wincanton. [ SW> HPO COVER, this season, — That well- bred Buy I I lorsc, YOUNG- DRAGON, at the Lamb Inn, Romsey, and adjoininhig towns, at One Guinea a Mare and Fue Shillings. the Groom. Bay Horse by Dragon, out of Parsley, who was got by Pot8o's out of Lady Boiingbroke; her dam, Squirrel, out of Cypron, the dam of King
Herod, Dragon was got by Woodpecker, out of Juno, sistir to the dam of Dionieu; her darn by Spectator, grondara Horatia, by Blank, Ac: & c. » c, ' < [ 938 N. B. Dragon proved himself a sure foal- getter last season The money to be paid to. the Groom..-— Good Gra « s rr. r A*-. res —— - —•' ——-- The Buchanan Prize Dissertation on British India. THIS DAY IS FUBLISHFD, I: i 1 vol. 4to, price l£ s. in boards, illustrated by a chronolo- gical Chart, A DISSERTATION on the PROPAGATION of CHRISTIANITY in ASIA, iu two parts; to which is prefixed, a brief historic View of the Progress of the Gospel, in different Nations, since
its first promulgation. BY THE REV. HUGH PEARSON, M. A. 0/ St. John's College, O. r/ brd. Sold by John Hatcbard, 190, Piccadilly, and Messrs. Rivington, St. Paul's Churchward, London ; T. Parker, Oxford ; and at the Printing- Office, Salisbury. [ 941 Ina few days will bepulished, in a neat volume ( similar to Domestic Cookery), containing upwards of SO Engravings, price is. Gd. in hoards, NPILE LADY'S ECONOMICAL ASSISTANT; JL or the Art of Cutting Out, and Making the most useful Articles of Wearing Apparel, without Waste; explained by the clearest Directions, and by numerous Engravings of ap- propriate and
tasteful Patterns.' Dtsigned for Domestic Use. * 1 ' BY A LADY. Printed for J. Murray, 35, Fleet- street, J. Harding, 35, St. James's- street, London ; and A. Constable and Co. Edin- burgh; sold also by every bookseller and New- man. Litlies in the country who are desirous of receiving this useful work upon its first publication, aie requested to apply to their nearest bookseller, who will order it from his correspondent in Lon- don, by whom it will be sent down at the beginning ot the month. Lately was published,— A new edition of DOMESTIC COOKERY, price ". i Si. in boards. ( Tj> Both of these publications may be had at the
Printing- Odice, Salisbury. [ 73g~ MESSRS! BAKER * » » FLETCHER, South- ampton, have just received a fresh supplv of SPILS- BURVs ANT I SCORBUTIC DROPS from the Dispensary, 15, Sohosquare, London, in bottles of at. Gd.— double ditto, 10;. and large, i- is. duty included. The eSect of Spilsbury's Patent Anti- Scorbutic Drops en Scurvv, Gout-, and Rheumatsm, are too . well known to need recital". Their success in the removal of scrophulous and eruptive diseases may; perhaps, be explained ov their re- moving any injurious matter that obstruct; the action of the absorbent " lan ls ; for it is a fact, in all casts in which
the " medicin o s b \' n most successful, the discharge at first- is much increased' ( if eruptive more violent) till the matter ad- vances to health, in colour and consistency, with an im- , proved state of the appetite— even this is the case iu elderly people, who, fr m want of vigour, have frequent ulcerations 011 the extremities. It is requested you will ask for the Patent Anti- Scorbu'tie Drops, with a black ink stamp, in bottles of 3S. Cd.— double, 10J-— and large, ao>.— duty included. £ 732 Ail allowance on taking half a dozin. rxz m « ; roo. T r. iaH nil yd n? tl\
THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Sunday s Post. - By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY N1GIIT, MARCH 23. ADMIRALTY- OFFICE, March 26. ETTERS from Vice- Admiral Dacres, at Ja- maica, bring accounts of the capture of five l^ jf privateers belonging to the enemy, stout ves- sels, and well manned, by the different cruizers under the command of the Vice- Admiral. Admiral Lird Gardner, Commander in Chief of his Mapsty's shins and vessels in the Channel, & c. has trans- mitted a letter ' m Capt. Maitland, of his Majesty's ship Emerald, reciting an attempt he had made to cut
out of Vivero Harbour, on the 13th instant, a large French schooner, an exploit which does great credit to all con- cerned, for their undaunted spirit and " perseverance, though it is to he lamented that nine men were killed, and l( i wounded. Among the latter is Lieut. Claik Bertram, severely. WAP.- OFFICE, March 2S. 71th Reg. of Foot,— Lieut.- Gen. Richard Earl of Cavan, K. C. to be Colonel, vice General Bertie. 83th Ditto,— General Albemarle Bertie to be Colonel, vice Lieut.- Gcn. Whiteloeke, cashiered by the Sentence of a General Court- martial. < 2mh West India Reg.— Lieut.- Gcn. Eyre Power Trench to be Colo 1( 1, vice
the Earl of Cavan. 5th Garrison Battalion,— Miqor- GeneralColin Campbell to be Colonel, vice Lieutenant- General Trench. ERRATUM in Gazette of Jan. 30 .— North Hants Militia. — For C. B. Coles, Gent, to be Ensign,- read C. B. Coles, Gent, to be Lieutenant. BANKRUPTS. Geo. Bakfr, ofTatll. ild, spirit- mercliant. Fran- is M'Lean, of Tower- street, London, merchant. John Green, of Ki- ngston- upon- Huil, fiax- clresser, Na » hani" l P.- acli Singer, of Westburv, Wilts, common- brewer. K'. ibe t Core, of Hristol, hat- raanufacturer. Wm. Co, krill, of Staftingborough, salesman. Smith, of Warncforu- court, London, merchant. Geo.
Tvtlar, of Honndsdit h, London, Alopseller. S. Morgan and M. R, Morlcy, of York- street, Southwavk, hop factors. HOUSE OF LORDS. FRIDAY, March 25.] Lord GrenvilU moved an instruction to the standing Committee on the Journals, the object of which was to obtain a more complete Index. Lord Hawhesbury seconded the motion, which passed unani mously. The Orders in Council Bill was read a third time, and passed, Lords Grenville and Auckland having previously moved the various amendments which they had proposed in the Committee, all of which were rejected.— Adj. HOUSE OF COMMONS. FRIDAY, March 25.] A
Committee was appointed by ballot to examine and report on the merits of the Penrhyn Election Petition. The / ktorney- General brought in a Bill to extend the powers of Government in enforcing the Revenue Bills, by authorising warrants to apprehend offenders iu Scotland; which was read a first time. Mr. S. Barnard gave notice that on Monday he should make a motion on the subject of Lotteries. The Land Tax Commissioners Bill was read a first time, arm ordered to be read a second time on Monday. Adjourned. LONDON, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 20. This morning a Gottcnburgh Mail arrived, which brings an account
of the sadden death of the King of Denmark on the 13th inst.— the Crown Prince was proclaimed King on the 16th, but there were no ac- clamations or demonstrations of joy on the part of the public on the occasion. The King of Sweden has published a proclamation, in answer to the one issued by Russia. A very severe action has taken place between the Swedes and Russians, in Finland, in which the lat- ter'lost upwards of 5000 men; but the former, from the inferiority of their numbers, were at length obliged to retreat. An embargo has been laid upon all Russian, Prussian, and Danish ships in the har- bours of Sweden.
PRICES OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three o' Clock. Bank Stock, 233 India Stock, shut South Sea Stock, — 3 Cent. Red. shut 3 Cent. Cons. 84£ 4 ^ Cents, shut 6 Cent. Navy, 97 5 Cent. 1797, shut Long Ann. shut Short Ann. — Omnium, — Irish ditto, — India Bonds, par 1 dis. Exchequer Bills, 2 a 4 pr. Irish 5 V- Cents, shut Imperial 3 ^ Cents. 6IJ English Lott. Tick. 2U. O. S. Ditto Prizes, 2 sgs- Cent. dis. port Befog. FALMOUTH, Marcfy 24. The Carteret and Auckland packets are arrived from Sicily, Malta, and Gibraltar. The length of their passages home has been so great, owing to the prevalence of contrary winds, that the
intelligence we have by them has been in a great measure anticipated by the news from France. About 12.000 French troops had been assambled on the coast of Calabria. The little fortification of Scylla, gar- risoned bv about 200 English, was considered secure from attack. The Prince de Pignatelli came in the Auckland, on a special mission from the King of Sicily to our Government. By way of Gibraltar we hear that the number of French troops now in Spain amount to about QO. OOO; and that such is the apathy of the people, occasioned by the general disgust ex- cited bv their jvesent wretched government, that it was
believed- the French might with half that number of men accomplish whatever projects they may have in view in that country. The Duke of Marlborough packet arrived on Tuesday froni Jamaica. * Same day arrived the Maria Christina, Swedish ship, from Chai leston, bound to Plymouth. She was captured by two French privateers, the St. Joseph, of 18 guns, and Potion, of 18 guns, on the 4th instant, iu lat. about 4,'), an « l retaken the next day by his Majesty's ship Mediator. There are several British passengers by this ship, who relate an anecdote highly honourable tn the character of British seamen. It seems that on the
prospect of imme- diate war between England and America, 40 seamen came " ashore at. Charleston, from the Hornet American sloop of war, and claiming from the Consul his protection as Briti- h subjects, desired to enter for the BritLh navy. Several similar circumstances have, it is said, occurred in the American ports. A Danish ship from the coast of Africa, laden witn gold dust and ivory, arrived on Tuesday, prize to the Fame privateer^ of Fowey. , » .,., The Alligator, Boston, Nanev, and Wight, four vessels of the homeward- bound Mediterranean fleet, arrived list Tuesday. That fleet ( about 40 sail) under convoy of the Sinus
frigate, having dispersed in iat, about 4?, by signal from theSirius, on the appearance of two enemy's line of battle ships. They were in chace of the Sirius when last seen. PLYMOUTH, March 25. On Monday came in, from oft' Ferrol, the Acliille, of 74 guns, Commodore Sir Richard King ; the Audacious, 74, Theseus, 74, and Alomene, of 33 guns, to refit and victual. ' I "* y left two frigates off Ferrol, to watch two line of battle ships in tint h' . rbour, which the Spaniards appear to be busily equip- Alemem ft- i ha. — M. ..... . ... ping ; but from the state they are 111, it must be several week bafore they can be ready to put to bet. ' On
Monday also came in the Defiance, of 74 guns, from ; he Channel fleet, which is put into Torbav. of six sail of the line, escaped from Carthagena on the 11 th ult. and on the 25th was in Pal ma Bay, Majorca, hfae further brings intelligence that there lias been a terrible brush in the port of Reggio, in Cilabria,' between the Glattcn, 54, Capt. Seacombe, assisted by the Delight, 18, ( apt. Handheld, in which they both suffered severely. The latter was captured after Capt. Handheld had been killed, and the greater part of her crew killed or wounded. The Swallow, which is arrived from off Lisbon, brings accounts of a great scarcity in
that cify. An American ship, laden with flour, having escaped the vigilance of our crnizers, and got in, there were great ragoiein^ s. Wednesday came in the French cliasse maiee Caroline, from l'Orient, anil a Spanish brig ( name unknown), both prizes to the Minerva frigate.— Five other foreign vessels have also come in here this week. Arrived the Brunswick, of 74 guns, and Leopard, of 50 guns, from Halifax. Arrived the Sirius, of 3G guns, with 14 sail of vessels under convov, all from Malta, Gibraltar, and Messina. They sailed the 28th ult. from Gibraltar, in company 38 sail, and oii the 17th inst. west of Scilly, they were chaced
by two French frigates, when a signal was made to disperse, but it is a matter ol' doubt whether any of them were taken. This day arrived the Mediator, of 32 guns, from a cruize. It is said that she has sent two large Frenoh priva- teers into Falmouth ; and it is also reported, that a very- large " Danish East Indiamen has been carried into Falmouth by a privateer. PORTSMOUTH, March 2( 3. The Melpomene is fitting to receive the flag of Vice- Admiral Rowley, proceeding to Jamaica to take command there. The Orion, Salcette, and Daphne are fitting for foreign service ; their destination for tha Baltic being countermanded. The
Thetis takes convoy to Newfoundland and Halifax. Capt. James Brisbane is appointed to the Belle Poule, of 38 guns, at this port, and Lieut. Gibbens to the Alphea cutter. Monday.— Arrived the Amnranthe sloop, Capt. Brenton, and Prevoyante store ship, from the Eastward. Sailed the Inconstant, of 32 guns, Capt. Dickson ; Speedy sloop, Capt. Muddle ; and Escort gun- vessel. Tuesday.— Arrived the Coquette sloop, Capt. Forbes, and Hardy gun- vessel. Sailed the Boadicea, of 38 guns, Capt. Maitland, off Havre, and Hearty gun- vessel. Thursday.— Arrived the Minotaur, of 74 guns, Capt. N. Thompson, from Sir C. Cotton's
squadron, off Lisbon ; she left them the 13th' inst. all well: Sir Charles had bis flag flying ofi board the Hihernia, of 110 guns. Friday.— Arrived the Pilot sloop, Capt. Walpole, and Sprightly cutter, Lieut. Gordon. Sailed the Coquette sloop, Capt. Forbes, with transports with water for the squadron off Lisbon; Linet Brig, Hardy gun- vessel, and Alphea cutter. Saturday.— Arrived the Boadicea, of 38 guns, Captain Maitland, and Medusa, of 32 guns, Capt. Bouverie, with be- tween " 20 and 30 French fishing vessels,' captured yesterday afternoon off Havre; President, of 38 guns, ( apt. Mac- kenzie ; Mutine sloop, Capt. H.' Stewart;
Orestes sloop, Capt. Lapenotiere; Insolent, and Thrasher gun- vessel. the ' X tar and off Cadiz Likewise c, wfe in the Surinam, Capt. L ike, from Gifc- al- '. iz, with intelligence- that a Spanish squadron WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, MARCI1 26. By the arrangement of the Election Petitions in the House of Commons, the ballot for a Committee to investigate the merits of the Christchurcb Petition is now appointed to take place on Tuesday next. The next Election at Exeter College, Oxford, which takes place oil the 30th of next June, is likely to be warmly contested. There will be tw. i Fellow- hips vacant, a Petrian and a Cornish. For
the former, Mr. Knight, wlv) is anexeellent scholar, will be opposed by Mr. Lowndes; and the candidates for the Cormish Fellowship are Messrs. Bowyer and Hony. One ol the Fellow , who always pays a due regard to the statutes and privileges of the College, is said to have declar- d, that he will give his firm and zealous support to Mr. Knight, as he thinks his election w- i1 he conducive to its honor and it, dignity. On Thursday last was married, at Exburv Chapel, bv the Rev. Mr. Dupre, Mr. William Reed, grocer, of Beaulieu, to Miss Lawes, eldest daughter of Mr. Nicholas Lawes, an eminent farmer of that place. Died, 011
Wednesday the 16th inst. in St. James's- square, London, the Lady of Thoftias Freeman Heathcote, Esq. M. P. of Emblev, ih this county, only daughter and heiress of the late Thomas Edwards Freeman, jun, Esq. of Batsford, Gloucestershire. On Thursday se'nnight died, at Southampton, Miss Charlotte Amelia Buller, eldest daughter of Lieut. Col. Buller. of the Royals. On Tuesday last died, in Andover, Mrs. Child, relict of the late Mr. William Burrough Child, of Lower Clatford Down,— in whom the poor have lost a great benefactress. This morning, soon after eight o'clock, John Pitt was taken from the Felons Gaol to the usual
place of execution, near this city, where the sentence of Death, passed on him at the late Assizes, was carried into effect. Since his condemnation, he has buhaved with gr « afc propriety, and made a confession of all the various robberies he has com- mitted. He was attended by the Chaplain of the Prison, and, before be was turned off, he addressed the spectators. He was a remarkably fine young man, only 27 years old, and lias left a widow and two young children to lament his fate. His parents are both living : 110 reproach attaches to them for the ignominious exit of their son, since they used every exertion to rear him in the
paths of industry and virtue. Thomas White, a private in the 14th foot, and William Shaw, a private in the 17th foot, have this week been committed to the County Gaol, charged with stealing a Lamb, at Freshwater, in the Isle of Wight. *#* A. B. C.'. s- Letter, from Christchurch, in our next. SALISBURY. MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1808. A legacy of 100 guineas, left to the Salisbury In- firmary by the late Mr. George Wansey, of Warmin- ster, was last week paid into the hands of the Treasurer, for the use of that excellent institution. The Duke of Bedford has appointed Mr. John Knight, of Anderston, ncur Blandford, to succeed his late
father, as Steward of his Grace's Dorsetshire estates. Mr. B. C. Brodie, son of tae late Rev. P. B. Brodie, of Winterslow, is elected one qf the Assistant Surgeons to St. George's Hospital, Hyde Park Corner. On Tuesday was married Mr. Richard Parham, of Linley Farm", to. Miss Ruth Witattley, of Sutton Veney. On Friday died, at her house on the Canal, aged 83 years, Mrs. Collins, mother of Mr. B. C. Collins, late" Printer of this Paper ( whom she survived exactly eight weeks) and second wife and widow of Mr. Benjamin Collins, formerly Printer and Banker of this city, who was first married to Edith, the daughter of William
Good, Esq. of Shaftesbury. On Friday last died, at Westbury, of a deep decline, Mr. N. Peach Singer, brewer, aged 25 yeart. O11 Sunday the 20th inst. died, Mary Ann, youngest daughter of Major Joyce, of Knoyle, in this county. Lately died, at Codford St. Peter, Mrs. Morgan, aged 69 years, wife of Mr. Thomas Morgan, of the George- Inn. On Wednesday se'nn'. ght some alarm was excited at Laverstock, by a spark from the chimney of a cottage having set fire to an out- building belonging to Mr. Finch, u- ed as a woodrhouse, the faggots in which made a con- side,- able blaze, but it was soon extinguished without injur/ to the
dwelling- house, and without extending further than the building where it commenced. THF.' THEATRE.— Our Manager, who has ever culled the Choicest fruits from the dramatic vineyard, for the amusement of his Salisbury friends, has at length given us Master BETTY, the young Roscius, who is engaged on the most liberal term;, previous to his performing at Bristol, and retiring, at least for some years, we understand, from a theatrical life.-— He has now come amongst us with talents, which originally astonished the public, ripened into perfection, with all those graces that first attracted general notice grown into maturity ; and
perhaps it would be scarcely possible to conceive, or the mind to paint, a more fit and appropriate picture than he gave of Selim and Young Norval: here the strongest prejudice must be changed into instant admiration ; but little did we expect at his juvenile years such mind and strength as he threw into the Earl of Warwick, warming and expanding into powers scarce remembered in the most experienced veterans of the drama. We were happy to observe, that notwith- standing the short notice the public had, and their regu- lar engagements fixed, yet every admirer of science and talent waved all other considerations to attend
his exquisite performances; and no doubt, as his stay is limitted to a few nights, the surrounding country will avail themselves of the opportunity of joining in the treat. The Assizes for the county of Devon and for the City of Exeter commenced on Monday, at the Castle of Exeter.— There were 40 prisoners on the Calender for trial, and the business at Nisi Prius was immense, 65 causes having been entered for the county ( of which 18 were for Special Juries) and three for the City of Exeter. The business on the Crown side was ended at half past nine 011 Friday night, but 18 causes were left for trial 011 Saturday, which occupied
the Court till midnight. Five prisoners were capitally convicted, viz. William Tucker, for assaulting Maria Forest, an infant under ten years of age; Francis Thompson, for sheep- stealing; John Shepherd, for house- breaking, and stealing a watch; Benjamin Pain, for forging a bill of exchange for 501.; and William Taylor, for horse- stealing. STATE LOTTERY. Not one of the great CAPITAL PRIZES was drawn the last day' TO- M O R R O TV, TUESDAY, MARCH THE TWENTY- NINTH, H'iU be the Fourth Day of the Drawing. THE WHEEL IS IMMENSELY RICH, THERE BEING S Prizes of.... £. 20,000 1 of. 10,000 3 ........ Of. 5,000
& C. & C. No. 12,90,9, drawn, the first day a Prize of £. 10,000;-— No. 15,2- 23, drawn the second day a Prize of £. 20,000 ;— and No. 18,200, drawn on Tuesday last, the third day, a Prize of £. 500, were all shared by Sir JAMES BRANSCOMB and Co.; and shares of the £. 20,000 and £. 500 Prices were sold AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, SALISBURY ; Where TICKETS and SHARES will be on sale this Day and To- morrow, ( Tuesday,) till five o'clock, warranted un- drawn. THEATRE, SALISBURY. Master BETTY, the Young Roscius, his fourth Night. MONDAY, THE TRAGEDY OF HAMLET. The Part of Hamlet, bv Master
BETTY. With - OF AGE TO- MORROW. TUESDAY, THE COMEDY . OF LOVERS' VOWS. Frederick Mastei BETTY. • And Amelia bya LADY, her first Appearance here. WITH THE FARCE OF NO SONG NO SUPPER, FRIDAY, By Desire of Captain B. 1KE R and the Salisbury Troop of Yeomanry Cavalry, P I Z A R R O. Rolla, Master BETTY. WITH THE FARCE OF BON TON. *** There will be a Play on Saturday. On ( ktturday next will be pubhshed, REFLECTION'S on some Questions relative to the present State of th? Nation; addressed to the Rev. FRACIS RANDOLPH, D. D. Prebendary of Bristol, and Chaplain to his
Roval Highness the Duke of YORK; oc- casioned by A LETTER to his Grace the Duke, of BEDFORD, lately published by Dr. RANDOLPH, and by some other recent Publications. ^ BY JOHN PERN TINNEY. " What damned erfor but some sober brow " Will bless it, and approve it with a text— Hiding the grossness with fair ornament." MERCHANT or VENICE. Printed by Collins, Salisbury:— Sold also by Cadcll and Davis, Lcndon ; Meyler, Bath ; and all other Booksellers. ANDOVER. THE last SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY will beat the Town- Hall, on Friday, April 8. Dancing to an unlimited hour. Mr". GOODALL, M. C.
Gentlemen, Non- Subscribers 5s. Ladies Non- Subscribers 3s. Gd. NEW SARUM ASSOCIATIONS For the Prevention of Robberies and Thefts. THK Members are desired to take Notice,— That a MEETING will beheld at the Cross Keys Inn, Sarum, on Tuesday the 5th of April next, at three o'clock in the after- noon, for the purpose of auditing the Assistant Trrasurers and Solicitors Accounts, for the half year ending the 25th inst. WILMOT AND GODWIN, Solicitors. SARUM, March 28, 1808. [ 942 ASECOND MEETING of the MILLERS, MEAL- MEN, aud BAKERS, will take place on the 3lst instant, at three o'clock in the
afternoon, at the Royal Oak, Portsea. March - 24, 1808, [ 987 DEAL and BARIIOW return thanks to their friends, for the flattering encouragement they have ex- perienced from them since commencing business : they hope, by assiduity and attention, to serve them on such terms as will insure their luturc confidence, and recommend them to the public in gctien\.— Shuftesbury, March 15', I808. [ 833 Aand E. BAKER respectfully beg leave to inform • their friends, that they have just received from LONDON a faslvonable Assortment of DRESSES, & c. & c. for the Spring Season. No. 20, Above. Bar, Southampton, March - 28,
1808. N. B. Two Apprentices wanted immediately. [ 971 MRS. BAKER begs to inform her Friends in general, that she has just received her SPRING FASHIONS, with a great variety of Children's Caps, Robes, & c. & c: Millinery Rooms, Southampton, March 28, 1808. N. B. Two Apprentices wanted.— Letters post- paid will be dulv answered. [ 972 NUTFIELD SWEDISH TURNIP SEED. JTURING, of SALISBURY, has just received a • • Parcel of the NUTFIELD SWEDISH TURNIP SF. ED, in bags of 51?, 28, and 14 pounds, warranted to he oS the true yellow kind. N. B.— May likewise be had of Mr. Robert Ricards, Het- ling-
House, Bath, for ready money. [ 92a TISBURY, NEAR HINDON, WILTS. TO be LETT, and entered on at Lady- DaV next, — A Stone- built and Tiled HOUSE, near the Church, comprising an . entrance hall, parlour, kitchen, with offices, & c. three bed- rooms and garrets, besides a good under- ground cellar ; a garden, and a small piece of pasture adjoining. For further particulars, apply ( if bv letter, post paid) to Mrs.- Hlundell, Fovant, near Sarum, Wilts. [ 5- 28 RESIDENCE FOR A SMALL FAMILY. TO be LETT, a convenient HOUSE, pleasantly situated in the village of Child Okeford ; consisting of an entrance hall, parlour,
small breakfast room, kitchen, wash house, cellar, four bed chambers, a dressing room, ami three garrets; nccessary offices, large garden, orchard, and about two acres of rich pasture land adjoining. Child Okeford is distant seven miles from Shaftesbury, five from Blan Iford, and three from Surminster Newton, all good market towns. *** For a sight of the premises, and to treat for the same, apply to Mr. Baldwin, Child Okefocd. [ 958 PUBLIC HOUSE. rl", 0 be LETT, and entered on immediately,— A JL PUBLIC HOUSE, called the WHITE HART, it West Cowes, in the Isle of Wight. Enquire of Mr. Robert Barton, of that place, or of
Messrs. Ploughman, May, and Co. Romsey. [ 938 LODGINGS. LYMINGTON. TO be LETT, Furnished, for about Ten Weeks from the 10th of April,— The HOUSE occupied by Col. HOWARD, delightfully situated near the sea- side;— consists of drawing- room, two parlours, nine or ten beds, coach- house, stables, & c. [ 7.' 3 Apply ( post paid) to Mr. William Perkins, Lymington. BOROUGH OF WILTON. TO be. LETT, and entered 011 immediately, or at Midsummer next,— A neat and convenient DWIiL- I. ING- HOUSE, consisting of two parlours, kitchen, back- kitchen, cellar,- & c. with convenient offices, and five bed chambers; a good garden, two- stall stable, chaise- house, and granary. For particulars apply to Mr. P. Phelps, Quidhampton, near Wilton. TO BUILDERS. ELM PLANK, well seasoned, FOR SALE.— From 12 feet in length to 20 and upwards ( four inch), Is. per foot; three inch ditto, rU. per foot, from one load to fifteen.— Likewise a large six- inch wheel Waggon, with iron axle- trees and double drafts, almost new, warranted sound ; and a six- inch wheel Timber Carriage, with double drafts, warranted sound. Apply to James White, Timber Merchant, Marnhull, near Shaftesbury; if by letter, post- paid. [ 933 OAK TIMBER. TO be
SOLD by TENDER,— 38 OAK TREES, of about 50 feet meetings, with their Tops and Bark, now marked and standing at Stoke- under- I lam, adjoining the turnpike road leatling from Yeovil to South Fetherton, in the county of Somerset. The above Timber is of the first quality, remarkably sound and well headed. ( « 41 Persons wishing to purchase, will send tend- rs in writing to Mr. Robert Chaflcy, Stoke- under- Ham, near Yeovil, Somer? set, before Tuesday the 5th of April; as on that day Mr. Chaffey will attend at his house in Stoke from eleven " to one o'clock, to open the tenders and read the conditions of sale. Mr. Robert
Chaffey, of Stoke, will shew the Timber. RINGWOOD, HANTS. ' T'O be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Red Lion 1 Inn, in Ringwood, on Wednesday the 13th day of April next, at five o'clock in the afternoon ( if not previously dis- posed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given in this Paper),— About IS Acres of FREEHOLD and 19 Acres of LEASEHOLD ARABLE, MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, lying dispersed in Kingston Field, Churl Mead, & c. & c. within the parish of Ringwood, in the county of Southampton ; the particulars of which, and a d. scription of the respective lots, will be given in due time, by hand- bills
and advertisement. Further information may be had of Mr. Hooper, attorney at law, Ringwood ; and the tenant, Mr. Watne, of Kingston, will shew the premises. [ 761 NAVY TIMBER.— HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the CROWN INN, Bishop's Waltham, on Monday the 4th of April next, at three o'clock,— 88 OAK TREES and 18 ASH TREES, standing 011 the Manor of Swanwick, near Botley, ar. d near to Curbridge Wharf; also several very fine OAK and ASH TREES standing in Woodcote Coppice, near Bramdcan. Mr. Thos. Cooper, of Caj^ r's- green, will shew the Timber at Swanwick, aud Mr. Wm. Perry, of
Bramdean, that in Woodcote Coppice ; of whom printed particulars maybe had, as well as at the Place of Sale, and principal Inns in the neighbourhood. [ 880 CAPITAL NAVY TIMBER— HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the ANCHOR INN, Redbridge, on Tuesday the 5th of April next, at eleven o'clock,— 182 large OAK.' TREES, standing on the Manor of Brocker, hurst, about four mdes from Lyminston ; also ino OAK. TREES standing on the Manor of Dibden, near the Southampton, Water. . - Mr. B. Innes will shew the Timber at Brockenhurst, and Mr. James Gandy, that at Dibden; of whom printed parti-, culars may be
had, as well as at the Place of Sale, and prin- cipal Inns in the neighbourhood. [ 879 PRIME. OAK. TIMBER.— WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the BEAR INN, Devizes, on Wednesday the 13th of April next, between the hours of 2 and 1 o'clock ( unless the same is previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which timely notice will be given),— A quantity of capital OAK TIMIiWR, growing- on an estate at l'oulshot, in the occupation of Mr. Gilberts— The Trees ( some of which are of large dimensions) arsscribe- numbered from 1 to 80 inclusive; and will be sold with the Tops and Bark, as they now stand. Poulshot is
distant about two miles from Devizes, and the Timber is within about . a mile of Foxhanger Wharf, on the Kennet and Avon Canal. To be viewed by applying to Mr. Gilbert, at Poalshot. For further particulars, and to treat by . private contract, ap- ply to Messrs. Richardson, Son, and Corfield, land surveyors, Lincoln's- inn- fields, London. [ 818 BRITFORD, NEAR SALISBURY. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, by GERRA& D and Co. on Wednesday the 30th of March instant,— All the prime DAIRY STOCK and Part of the HOUSEHOLD GOODS of Mr. COMPTON, who is quitting the above residence; consisting of
fourteen prime dairy cows in and with calves, one real Norman cow and calf, two half Norman cows in calf, acapital nag mare and colt, a handsome two- year- old colt of the hack kind, a grey pony, part of the dairy utensils, and about fifty lots of household goods. [ 884 The sale to begin at eleven o'clock in the morning. Freehold Dwelling- Houses, in Devizes. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R. KNIGHT, at the Bsar Inn, Devizes, on Wednesday the 27th day of April, 1808, at four o'clock in the afternoon, funless be- fore disposed of bv Private Contract),— A neat and convenient FREEHOLD DWELLING- HOUSE, recently erected,
with roomy Workshops, Out- buildings, and large ricce of Garden Ground adjoining, situate within a very short distance of the projected Whart of the Kennet and Avon Canal, now in the occupation of Mr. Holmes,. at the annual rent of 25/. Also,— Seven substantial FREEHOLD TENEMENTS,- with a garden to each, in Npw Park- street, aiid immediately adjoining the above. These premises, from their contiguity to the Canal, ( whidh is now in a very advanced state) are esteemed capable of considerable improvement. The present annual rents amount to 34/. 3s. To be viewed by applying to the tenants; ahsl further particulars
may bfc known from Messrs. Tanner and Cooper, Solicitors, Salisbury, or the Auctioneer, Devizes. [ 904 AVON CORRAGE, NEW. FOREST, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. JAQUES, on Thursday the 21 sr of April, at eleven o'clock, on the premise?,— A genteel COTTAGE, suitable for a sporting box, or the residence of a private family ; comprising an entrance hall, dining room, drawing room, study, and kitchen, on the ground floor, and six bed chambers over; a wash- house, coach- howse, stable, and o her offices ; and garden of half an acre, leasehold, at a pepper- corn rent,— and a freehold pad- dock
adjoining. The situation beautiful, midway between Ringwood and Christchurch, only 3 miles from Muddiford, ( one of the most beautiful bathing places in England;, 14 from Lvmington, and 92 from Southampton. The genteel Furniture and Effects will be sold on the same and following day. To be viewed and printed particulars had, twenty days pre- ceding the sale, on the premises ; at the Crown, Lvndhurst, and Angel, Lymington ; of the Printers of the Salisbury and Sherborne Papers; of John Howard, Esq. No. 8, Grafton- street, Fitzroy- square, and Mr. Jaques, Hatton- Garden, London. [ 835 SOMERSET, TO be SOLD by
AUCTION, atAnsford Inn, in the said county, on Thursday the 31st day of March, 1808, at six o'clock in the evening, by T. ANDREWS ( unless disposed of in the mean time by Private Contract, of which notice, will be given),— A substantial MESSUAGEor FARM- HOUSE, with convenient Out- buildings, and about 80 acres ( bv estimation) of Orchard, Meadow, and Pasture Land, called COCKHII, 1. FARM, pleasantly situate within a mile of the town of Castle Cary, in the occupation of Mr. Jonathan Crocker, as tenant by lease, of which seven years are unex- pired,— The lands arc remarkably rich and fertile, and the orchards
known to produce ciiler of a most excellent quality. For a view of the premises application may be made to the tenant, and for further information and to treat for the pur- chase, to Messrs. Messiter, Wincanton. [ S78 EAST OOWES, ISLE OF WIGHT. T^ OR PUBLIC SALE, at the Hotel, on Tlmrs- 1. day the 31st of March, 1808, at ten o'clock,— The SARDINIAN BRIG, N. S. DE BONARIA; together with her Anchors, Cables, Sails, Rigging, See. & c. admeasures 140 tons.— For inventories apply to 85.9] THOMAS DAY, Cowes. ANDOVER, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by IIENRT CKISWICK, on the premises, on Tuesday
the 29th day of March, I8O- 1, and two following davs,— A considerable, part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITC'RE of Mrs. Nos- WORTHY, declining her Boarding- School; consisting of twenty- two good feather beds, the same number of bedsteads, with cotton and calico furnitures, mattresses, cotton coun- terpanes, and blankets; double and single chests of drawers, dinner and claw tables, mahogany and other chairs, Writing tables and forms, pier and swing glasses, two piano forten, valuable prints, kitchen requisites, brewing and washing utensils, iron- bound casks, and numerous other effects; particulars of which will be
given in catalogus, to be had three days previous to the sale at the Black Horse Inn, Salis- bury; Pelican, Newbury ; Whitc- IIart, Whitchurch ; and at the Auctioneer's, Andovcr. [ 731 Sale to begin each day st eleven o'clock. WOODLEY, NEAR ROMSEY. RPO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, J. by Mr. DF. I. L, 011 Tuesday next, the 29th day of March, 1808,— Part of the FARMING STOCK, the property of a Gentleman, who lately left Woodley Cottage, and will be sold at his Farm adjoining; consisting of two' Aiderney cows in calf, two heifers in calf, one Aiderney bull two years old, one yearling ditto, two yearling
heifeis, a gig or saddle mare six years old, a bay hackney eight years old, and a black pony six years old; some pigs, gig and harness, a waggon, and several lots in husbandry. The above stock of Cows hxs been selected with great care, and is parted with becausc the owner has more than he has occasion for. To be viewed the morning of the sale day until twelve o'clock, when the Auction will commence. [ 838 OAK TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION', by Mr. DELL, iu six lots, at the Montagu Arms Inn, at Beaulieu, on Thursday the 7th of April next, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced. 154 Trees in
Ferney Crofts and Long Mead Row, Iplcy. 80 In New House Row. 81 On Saltershill Farm. 112 ( Lot 1) inTylor's Coppicc. 128 ( Lot - 2) in Tvlor's Coppice. 126 ( Lot3) inTylor's Coppice. For particulars enquire of Mr. Hylier, timber surveyor, at Ems- worth, Hants.— The woodman at Beauheu will shew the Timber. |- 857 HYTHE, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. DELL, at the Rodney's Head Inn, llythe, on the 14th day of April next; the sale to begin precisely at one o'clock:— Lot 1.— The South- East Part of ' a. TENEMENT, called BATTER'S KEY,: in Hythe ; with all that part of the Orchaid and Garden lying on the South east of the path from the said Tenement to the Sea, with the Granary and Appurtenances thereto belonging, in the occupation of Mr. Cushen. This Lot is held by Copy of Court Roll of the Manor of Cadland, at the y arly rent of 8 d. and is worthy the at- tention of any p rson desirous of a maritime situation. Lot- 2.— A MESSUAGE ur DWELLING- HOUSE, Yard, Backside, and Quay, also in llythc, unoccupied, h;! d by lease for the residue of a term of 850 years, of which 794 are unexpired, under a. pepper- corn rent. [ 970 For a view of the premises, apply to Mrs. Pain, of Hythe, MILFORD, NEAR I. YMINGTON, HANTS. TO be
SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. NSWELL, • at the Red Lien Inn, in Milford, on Tuesday the 29th of March, 1808, in two lots :— Lot 1.— A FREEHOLD COTTAGE and GARDEN, con- taining by estimation half an acre, situate at Keyhaven, ia the parish of Milliard aforesaid, now in the occupation of Mr. William Wear. . . Lot 2.— One Clcse of ARA^ U? and PASTURE GROUND, called SOUTH- STREET- CROFT,' containing by estimation four acres. and a half, situate near. Rbd. e-| ane,. in the ^ foresaid pa- lish of Milford, now in the occupation of Mr. Thos. Young, . held for the res. idue 01' a te/ m' 01 2000 years, of which 1850 years
are now uneKpired, siibjecf to the annual rent of 3s. 9d, Sale to begin aj: three o'clock- irf the Sfternoon. For further particulars, enquire of Mr. George Braxton or Mr. Thomas Young, Milford, ' - [ 882 . SETTLEY COTTAGE, NEAR LYMINGTON. TO. be SOLD- by AUCTION, on the Premises, - without reserve,- by Mr. J. NEWELL, on Wednesday - March 30, 1^ 08, and two following days,— All the HOUSES HOLT) FURNITURE, Plate, China,' Linen, Live and Dead Stick, of Settlcy Cottage ; comprising four- post, tent, and other bedsteads, with mahogany feet posts, white dimity and flowered Cotton furnitures ; good feather beds,
mattresses, blankets, quilts, counterpanes, window curtains and carpets; mahogany sideboards, dining, Pembroke, aand other tables ; double and single chests of drawers, night table, dumb waiters, and chairs; a gentleman's tool chest, fine toned pianoforte with additional keys, by Broderip and Co.; painted tables, chairs, and bason stands ; sofa, dressing glasses, piece of painting for chimney piece,. upwards of 300 ounces of modern plate, some plated articles, china, quantity of good linen, kitchen furniture, brewing utensils, casks, picklir. g tubs, two flitches of bacon, stone roller, cucumber frar » c, hand light, a neat gig and
harness. The Stock consists of one Aldcrney tad one other cow, three heifers, nine couples, nine wethers, one fat pig, one sow, some poultry, a shamble cart, wheelbarrow, thill and tracc harness, and a variety of other articles. [ 861 Sale to begin each day at eleven o'clock. Catalogues to be had at the Coach and Horses, Southamp- ton; White Horse, Romscy; Crown, Lyndhurst; White Hart, Rjngwood ; Hotel, Ohristchurch ; bugle, Newport; Fountain, Portsmouth ; and of the Auctioneer, Lyminifton. TIMBER FOR SALE. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. NEWELL, at fhe. Nag's Head- Inn, in Lymington, 011 Saturday the 9th dav
of April- next, in-- two lots,— The uuder- mertioned TIMBER 1— ' ' Lot 1.— Four Hundred and Twenty- two OAK TREES, ' standing on the Manor of Bashley, in' tiie parish of Milton, near Christchurch. . Lot 2.— One Hundred and Forty- one OAK TREES and Two of BEECH, standing on the same Manor. The. Trees are all marked, and may be viewed, on applica- tion to Mr. William Sheppard Burt m, at Bashley Farm.— Particulars of them, with references to the several coppices and closes in which they stand, m . y be had of Mr. Burton i Mr, Cruickshank, solicitor, Lymington; and Messrs. Paddou and Barney, Fareham. , [ 974
Harstbourne Tarrant, near Andover. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, by T. RAWLINS, on Tuesday the 2.9th of March, 1808, — The Live and Dead FARMING STOCK, part of the HOUSE- HOLD FURNITURE, See. of Mrs. Allen, quitting business; comprising 7 good horses, a mule, 2 cows, 4 sows, and 38 young pigs ; waggons, carts, ploughs, harrows, drags,. roller, cart and plough harness, cow cribs, sheep cages, quantity of hurdles, ladders, cheese press and vats, four iron bars, quan- tity of waggon iron, & c. and various other implements in husbandry. The'Furniture consists of bedsteads, feather beds,
blankets, & c. tables, chairs, swing glasses, good 30- hour clock, kitchen requisites, two dressers, quantity of pewter, copper boilers, & c. w lights and scales, brewing and washing utensils, - 24- gallon furnace, iron- bound casks, & c. & c. Sale to begin at eleven o'clock. [ 8- 18 To Farmers, Carpenters, Wheelwrights, H'c. IIURSTBOURNE TARRANT, NEAR ANDOVER. RPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by T. RAWLINS, JL on the premises'belonging to the George Inn, Hurst- bourne aforesaid, on Wednesday the 30th of March, 1808,— The FARMING STOCK, & c.' of Mr. Robert Moore, late of Ibthorp Farm ( which, foi convenience
of. sale, will he removed to the above place); comprising waggons, carts, and cart harness; a one- horse chaise, with harness comphat; a taxed cart, 20 new and old harrows, rollers, corn screen, Ian and tackle, cow cribs, large sheep trough, cheese press, barley chumper, sieves, ridden*, bushel measures, & c. Sc.; also fourteen Pockets of Kentish Hons ; and the following stock of Oak, Elm, Deal, and Arbeal Boards, Plank, Spine Laths, & c.; consisting of 800 feet of one- inch and ^ J- inch oak boi- rd, quantity of lj- inch foreign deal board, moo feet of one- inch English fir and a- beil H.- ard, upw rds of 400 ftet of waggon board,
1000 feet of elm weather board, 200 feet of ash onc- inch board, large quantity of sycamore plank, Aooo ipine laths, large quantity of trass hoops fit for brewers, drto nv It and barn shovels, q'uantity of plough hames and three dozen of cart ditto, pair of new dung- c rt wh . Is and pair of couch ditto, forty dozen of each four. inch and coach fello. s, TOO waggon spokes quantity of plough handles, plough tackle, broad boards, & c.; a rick carriage, large kitchen range, and a variety of oth r articles. Saleto begin at eleven o'clock. [ 873 PRINTED AKD PUBLISHED BY W. COLLINS, AT IIIS PRINTING- OFFICE, ON THE CANAL,
SALISBURY; Wlifre Orders, Advertisements, and authentic Articles of News arc received ( Postage paid.) n by fbc P » 1;-. l^ ryntERi in the \ V « ; t of Sf gland; by the respective NEWSMEN ; and in London by Messrs. TAYLOR and NEWTON, No. 5, Warwick- Square, Warwick- Lane, Newgate- Street, and Mr. WILKJS, Bookseller. Paternoster- How. St « >-- » '