The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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Issue Number: 3708
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
Date of Article: 07/03/1808
Printer / Publisher:
Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII
Issue Number: 3708
No Pages: 4
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THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURN1E, AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET\ AND SOMERSET. o S" [ NUMBER 3( 08. VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1808. PRICE SIXPENCE. 3* Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. HBLSINBURGH, Feb. 4. THE Blair, Murdoch, and the Arethusa, Rait, both of Dundee, are taken by thr. Danes, and the Blair carried into Bornholm. The Speedwell, of Dundee, Sims, was lost on the 4th of December, on the coast of Jutland, and the Captain and crew nude prisoners. The prisoners are all at Randers, 100 miles from JEIsinore, and were
well treated. LONDON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29. We have received some more German papers, the contents of which have, for the most part, been anti- cipated by the French journals. It is confirmed that a Russian squadron of fifteen sail has arrived atTrieste, with the addition, that it has a number of troops on board. Letters from Gottenburgh -. tate, that Gen. Steding, brother to the late Swedish Ambassador at the Court of St. Petersburgh, has proposed a plan to the Swedish Government, bv which he pledges himself, with SO, 000 Swedish troops, to defend Finland against the invasion of 100,000 Russians. A letter from
Dover says, that they are persuaded • here are some measures of preparation going on in France, which has occasioned an embargo; as, for several days, Hot a single privateer, vessel, or boat of any kind, has pnme out of their ports, or been descried by any one of bar cruizers. On Wednesday last, a Mr. Zora embarked and failed in the Cyane for Malta; he goes out as British Agent < o Constantinople, but he has not even a single attendant **- his accent denotes him to be a foreigner, and he appears to be either a Jew or a Greek. What Government expects to effect by this diplomatic character, we ha. e not been able to
ascertain.— Star. The ship Dav, of Jersey, is arrived at the Cove, from Sicilv; which place she left on the 17th ult. in com- pany w ith* a ship bound for Liverpool. At the period of ner departure from the island, some apprehensions existed for its security, and a reinforcement was most anxiously • xpected, The Day passed through Lord Collingwood's feel, then off Toulon. She fell in wife no other ships on her passage. Govsrnment have received dispatches from Sir Jlichard Strachan, which state, that the gallant Ad miral, supposing the object of the Commander of the Hochefort squadron was to get into the Mediterranean lud bent
his course thither; and some letters, which have reached town this morning, state that the Roche fort squadron had actually got into Toulon. It is generally understood that Government are waking preparations for giving effectual assistance to Sweden, in the event of an attempt to invade that lfingdom. It is not vet known what number of troops Win be sent to Sweden ; but it is thought that the foreign troops in our pay will be ptincipally employed in that service. The arrival of a vessel called tbe Charlotte, sent by of his Majesty's cruizers into Penzance, has given neeasion to many reports and conjectures.— This vessel was bound
fpom Charante, which she left on the 4th of Fe- bruary, but was recalled by an order from the Custom- house" of that place, having sailed a few hours before notice arrived there of the embargo of the 28th of December. It is difficult to. conefcive the reason of her having again sailed from Charaute, whether by express permission, or a relax- ation in the enforcement of the embargo. The vessel was laden with brandy. We have already stated, that the Danes have lately fitted out several privateers to cruize against our tradin; vessels. Among these privateers, his Majesty's ship Clio has made a tolerable sweep, by capturing no less
than seven of them, off the coast of Norway. A Danish ship of the lir. e is also reported to be taken off the Schaw by the Stately, of 64 guns ; but of the latter fact, no confirma- tion has yet been received. The Garland frigate, which sailed from Portsmouth on the 11th of November, with a convoy for the West ludies, arrived at II, irb. nloes on the 1,1th of December. Admiral Rowley is appointed Commander in Chief at Jamaica, in the room of Admiral Dacres; and Admiral Campbell is appointed Commander in Chief in the Downs, in the room of Admiral Rowley. The Court- martial on General Whitelocke wil is understood, lead to the
trial of another Officer, who held a command i « i the unfortunate expedition to Buenos Ayres In conscquence of the • expectation that a Bill will fce brought into Parliament to prohibit distillation, exempt from sugar or rtiotasses, a considerable rise has tak? n place on those two article*, and also upon rum, which was • featly augmented by the Advertisement from the Trans port Board, offering to contract for 450,000 gallons for the Navy. A very considerable advance took place in the price cf rum in bond ; but it being afterwards made known that Government wilt need only 250,000 gallons, rum is again the decline. The French are
endeavouring to make an improvement m trte art of gunnery, trj effecting a disehirge of cannon bv means of electricity, without exposing the gunners to the enemy's fire. An experiment was lately made by M. JJouehe, ( II the Jardin ties Plantes, at Paris, to try the effect of electricity applied to gun- batteries. Instead ot f; utrs. be fired 100 rockets on large sticks in the garden ; the rockets were all connected by a > iron wire, and one " p. irl'. caused them all to explode at tlie same instant. A plan has. been submitted to Government for the exten- sive culture of cotton, tobacco and rice, at Ooree and Mara The soil and climate are in
the highest degree favourable to the experiment. An ilieeal « > ghty- gaii4n still was last week detected at r- jH- oas, Scotland, ' it » ' stated to have been worked fir '. ewral vears, during which, on an average, the Revenue was defrauded of 40,000/. per annum. The penalties are la^ t to an immense amount. Or\ Saturday Vijiing, a principal shopman of Mews, Rundell ami Bridge, jewellers, in fxidgatc- street, was apprehended under a warrant from the Lord Mayor, tharged with having robbed hi!. employers of a considerable rriMitity of plate, and al> « with having received bills from different customers, to the amount of several
hundred pounds, and converted the same to bis own use. He had a house in Seuthamplon- row, Bloomsbury, elegantly fur ribbed ; on searching which, some of the stolen plate was found there. He confessed Uls yuilt, and was committed for further examination. An unfortunate accident happened last Friday morning, on board the Beagle sloop of war, under Dungvneas; tbe armourer, in taking the lock from off one of the can- nonades, the gun went off and blew off the one next it, by which accident the caok and two men were killed, and the vessel sustained considerable damage. On Monday, the Rev. Dr. Hayes, of Bngot street, Dublin, riding on the sands near Ringsend- beaeh, was, by tbe rush of the tide, whelmed into the waters, and both horse and rider unfortunately perWied.— There were se\ eral persons near him, who at fust imagined he was only wash- ing his hone's feet; as the tide surrounded him be call- d out for assistance, but none dared venture to him. The bodv has since been found. He had progeny to the amount of Soooi. about him. MARK- LANE, Monday, Feb. 19. The- fresh arrivals of Wheat to- day were considerable, and the mealing trade at an earlv hour was so brisk, that fine samples were somewhat deafer than last
week. The trade, however, soon slackened, both as: to the demand and the price, and there was some quantity left un*> ld at noon ; upon the whole, we consider the currency as unaltered from Monday the 22d. The present supply of Spring Corn is large, for all but White Peas ; Grey Peas are cheaper and dull in sale, likewise Horse Beans, and Oats of inferior quality ,-*- Rye also has declined in value ; but boiling Peas arc still dearer. Barley has found a great check since Wednesday, and was reckoned is. lower this morning, but it had many buyers at this abatement, and in particular instances rather exceeded the tefms
mentioned beneath.— Clover Seed is dearer; otherwise the trade has little variation: • Enclish Wheat 60s. to 7t>' s. — Rye 38s. to 51s.— White Peas 92s. to 175s. Grey ditto 51!.?. to Mis. — Horse Beans 50$. eo iSlls. Tick Beans to 57s.— Barley 3Ss. to 46s.— Malt 50s. to 76s.— Oats 30s. to 50s.— Rye Grass 14s. to 48s. per quarter.— English Household Flour 60s. to fias. per sack ; ditto American siip. 38s. to 42s. per barrel.— Rape Seed 36/. to 314. per last.— Carraway Seed tins, to 42s.— Coriander Seed 14*. to 22s.— Red Clover 36s. to 96s. White ditto 46s. to 102s. — Trefoil 5s. to 28s. per cwt.— Tares 9s. to 22s. per
bushel. SMITIIFIELD MARKET, Feb. 29. This day's market was was well supplied with prime Beasts, and the show of Cattle in general was very good. The numbers were, Neat Cattle, •> 140. — Sheep, 14,750. — Calves, 102. — Pigs, 400. — Prices, Beef 4s. 6d. to 5s. o< i. Mutton 4s. fid. to 5s. orf. Veal 5s. Cd. to 6s. Sd. Pork 5s. 0d. to is. lOcf. per stone of 8lb. to sink the offal. In NEWGATE and LEADENIIALL MARKETS the prices by the carcasc were Beef 3s. id. to 4s. 6d. Mutton 3s. 8a!. to 4s. 6d. Veal 4s. Od. to 5s. 6d. Pork 4s. 8d. to 5s. Sd. A great quantity of HAY has been brought to m'-. rket, and the prices have varied
at the different markets.— At White- chapel, Hay 41 4s. to 61. 10s. per load ; Clover 61. to 7/• 7s.; Straw 24. to" 2/. 10s.— At Smithfield, Hay 44.16s. to 61. 6s 6d.; Clovers/. 5s. to 7/. 10s.; Straw 14. 10s. to 3/.— At St. James's, Hay 44. Ss. to 61.6s.; Straw 21. 5s. to 2/. 12s. 6( 4. VICTUALLING- OFFICE, MARCH 1, 1308. THE Commissioners for Victualling His Majesty's Navy do hereby give Notice, that on Wednesday the 33d inst. they mll. be. ready to receive Tenders in writing (" sealed up), ani treat far the under- mentioned descriptions of ASH TRUSS HOOPS, net nailed, viz.— Long Pipe Hogshead Long Freet Short ditto
BarVfel Middling ditto Butt Kilderkin Short ditto Samples of whick are to be produced with the tenders. The quantities that may be agreed upon, to be delivered into His Majesty's Victualling Stores at Deptford in three months, hf monthly proportions, and tri be paid for by bills, payable il'ith interest, ninety days after date. The Conditions of the Contract may be seen at the Secre- tary's Office. Ao regard will be had to tiny Tender, in which the price shall not be inserted ih n'nrds at length, or that shall not be delivered to the Board before one o'clock on the said Wednesday the 23d instant; nor unless the person who makes the
Tender, or some person on his behalf, attends to answer when called for. [ 720 NEW FOREST, HANTS. SUCH persons as may be wilimg to CONTRACT for MAKING the FENCES of FOUR separate INCLO- SURES in New Forest, which Fences will amount in the whole to from three thousand five hundred to four thousand rods, and for ERECTING THREE COTTAGES in the si Fort st ( the Timber in both cases to be supplied by Govern- ment), are desired to transmit separate Tenders, by the Post, for such Fencing and Cottages, on or before the 4th day of April next, to the Office of Woods, London, under cover to Lord
Glenbervie, Surveyor- Geniiral of his Majesty's Woods, Forests, *(. and one of the Commissioners for making the said Inclosurcs, pursuant to the Act of Parliament of the 9th and 10th of William the Third, cap. 36. Persons willing to contract, may offer for one or more of the Inclosures or Cottages; the prices to be expressed in the tenders in word,, at lenCth ; the yrork to be complrated before the laM Oetahsr next; and security la be given for the performance of the contract. For a view of the lands to b inclosed, and for information concerning further, particulars, apply to Joseph Mortimer Esq. Deputy Surveyor of . the said Forest,
at Ower, ncai Romsey, Hants. [ 881 WILTS YEOMANRY. : PHE I1INDON TROOP are to PARADE, in Field- dav Order, in SwALi. owcurr FIELD, on Mon- day the 14th day of March, at eleven o'clock. THOS. GROVE, Major. Fern, March 1. 1S08. [ 654 T AN opening now offers in a RESECTABLE and ESTABLISHED WHOLESALE BUSINESS in the City of London, to any gentleman w ho may be desirous of becom- ing a Partner, where an active part is not required, and can advance 10,0004. or 15,000/. or who has a son that he wishes to settle in trade, by advancing from 5000/. to 10,000/. and at the expiration of a term to be '
admitted a Partner in the con- cern. The returns, which are very considerable, and not dependant on foreign trade, consist principally of the staple manufactory of the country. Letters addressed ( post- paid) to A. B. at Mr. Hathway's Newspaper Office, Royal Exchange, will receive an answer in a few days. None but the most respectable references, with the real name of the parties, will be attended to. [ 671 AN A I > vo WSON OR NEXT PRESENTATION _ WANTED, with a prospect of an early vacancy ; and if an Estate can be purchased within the parish or near it, the more desirable. Particulars to be sent to Mr. Tyndall,
solicitor, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. [ 699 WANTED,— A CURATE, to undertake the Duty of a CUR ACY in Hampshire.— For particulars, apply to the Printer, post paid. [ 89 QXZlT There is no Parsonage- house.— Salary 60/. per ann. TO GROCERS. WANTS a SITUATION, in the GROCERY LINE,— An active young M* N, who understands his business, and can bring an undeniable, character from hisdast employer. Letters addressed to G. W. B. Post Office, Devizes, will meet with immediate attention. TO PRINTERS. A Sober steady MAN', willing to work at both i t CASE and PRESS, may hear of a Situation by apply ing
to Mr. Johnson, bookseller, Stc. Go, sport. ' [ To 7 WANTED immediately,— An ASSISTANT to a SURGEON and APOTHECARY in the county of Wilts. Applications to the Printing Office ( post paid) with qualifi- cations, terms, and reference ii> r character, will be attended to- [ S72 w TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. ANTED,— A YOUTH, about 14 or 15 years of age, as an APPRENTICE to a Linen- Draper, Hosier, and Haberdasher.—. He will be treated as one of the family, and the most careful attention paid to his morals.— A premium is expected. Applv : if by letter, pest paid) tu Mr. James Hawkins, draper, Southampton. [
607 WANTED,— An APPRENTICE to a Surgeon and Apothccary, a Youth of a liberal education, who will be treated in all respects as one ot the family. Letters to be addressed ( post paid; M. B. J. Printing- office, Salisbury. [ 346 F ANTED,— An APPRENTICE to a CHEMIST and DRUGGIS r in 11 good market- town in Hampshire. For the particulars enquire of the Printer; if by letter, post paid.— A premium will be expected. [ 670 WANTED immediately,— Three Apprentices in the Fancy- Dress Line. Letters ' post- pa: d) addressed to Miss Garfitt, duiy Attended to. 173, High- street, Southampton, will be [ 719 ANTED, as ail
APPRENTICE to a IIAT- MAKER, a Youth of respectable connections: he will be treated as one of the family. A moderate premium will be expected. Apply to Mr. Clark, Bookseller and Stationer, Dorchester; if 1' V letter post- p: nd. AXTI Won. ani to - in the Park - - recommenoati tion. s.—•—,- i op [ 538 . MAN H. d hit WIFE; the kc tiie Management of a Dairy, ; ttw Matt to look after ihe ttittle >: iv unless they can bring strong R : LS to undertake such situa- c\ Hants. [ 676 A TWO- WHEEL CHARIOT. TO be SOLD,— A TWO- WHEEL CHARIOT, lately built, drawn by one horse; with or without Harness. Enquire for particulars of Mr.
James Barnes, coachmaker, Warminster; Mr, Gibbons, Salisbury; or Mr. Locke, coach- maker, Southampton. [ 66,9 BUTLER FOR SALE. AQuantity of IRISH BUTTER, of good quality, in full bound Firkins and Keg » , to be sold by POOLE, 28th 2d Month 1808. GEORGE NEAVE. COALS. NOW delivering, cut of the Brig Industry, G. S. Frampton, master,— A Cargo of ORRELL COALS, of the best quality, at 2s. yd. per bushel, for readv money only, by JOHN ALDRIDGE. P'OOI. E, Marcha, 180S. [ 719 HOPS for SALE to BREWERS and DEALERS, Wholesale only. RICHARD EVAMY beas to inform his friends in general that he
has for Sale a Quantitv of the very best FARNHAM and COUNTRY HOPS, of the most fav. ' liite plantations of Farnham, Bentley, Biusted, Froyle, Alton, Chawton, Shaldon, & c. which will be sold well worth the attention of Brewers in ths West of England, on terms equal in price to the best Kent Hops in the London market. The Hops consist, chiefly « f the best quality, and will be found equal to any grown in England, R. E. there- fore presumes to recommend them to his friends. [ 694 SOUTHAMPTON, March 2, 1808. , SALISBURY. MITCHELL, FARRIER, begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he has commenced
business in the MARKCT- PLACK, and flatters himself he will be able to accomplish what he undertakes in the art uf Farriery. S. M*. served his time with his father in Biandford. who has- been in full practice as a farrier upwards of forty years, and is wrli known to be an experienced person. Gentlemen Farmers' Teams agreed for by the yoar. £" 3* S. M. has no objection to attend patients at a moderate distance. [ 714 THE Subscribers to tbe proposed LONDON and PORTSMOUTH JUNCTION CANAL, and the pub- lic in general, are respectfully informed, that a PAMPHLET, entitled " Observations on the proposed Junction
Canal, l- e- tieeen Winchester find the Basingstoke Canal, with an Appen- dix," is well worth their perusal aud consideration which maybe had at Mr. White's, No. til, Flefct- street, London; Nichols's, Farnham; Pinnock's, Alton ; Colli gton's, Al- rtsford ; Jacob's, Winchester ; and Baker and Fletcher's, Southampton. ' [ sy- 2 A' tendant on the Markets, and residing in the neighbour- hood of Portsmouth, Portsea, and Gosport, is fixed for the 17th day of March inst. at three o'clock in the afternoon, at the Royal Oak, Portsea, to consider of and adopt sonic rccu- lations for the future prevention of the great l- OSS'of SACKS, to which tbe
Trade has b- en long exposud. Royal Oak. Portsea, March/, 1808. [ 7S5 ~" WINCHESTER BISHOPRIC. THE- CotfRTS of the several Manors of the said Bishopric, usually held at Ljdy- Day, are appointed for 1808 as under, viz.— 1 lambledon,.... 14th March Eastmeon, 15th Cheriton 16th Bishop's- Sutton,.. 17th Old Alresford,... 18th Brntley 31st Farnham, 22d Crawley, 24th March Droxford 28th Bp.' s- Waltham, .. 29th Farcham, 30th Bitterne,.. 31st ,. Bishop's- Stoke,... 1st April Overton, 4th JAMES SERLE, STEWARD. BISHOF'S- STOKE, March 2, 1808. [ 698 BANK NOTE. WITH the warmest gratitude, Mrs. TREVCIIARP
acknowlcdees the safe receipt of an Hundred Pound Bmk of itnehnd Note, conveyed to her this week in a letter, bearing the London post- mark. She supposes that it lias been sent to her, in consideration of her having been partly in- strumental in frustrating the scheme that was lately set on foot for effecting an Inclosure in the parish of Bray and county of Berks ; but she intfeats that her unknown and liberal friend will please to confer on her the yet greater favour of commu- nicating to her his name, and that he will be so good as to con- sider, that a state of perplexity is a state of pain ; and more- over, that she cannot with
propriety make use of the note unices she is made satisfied that it comes from an hand that She mav not have an objection to accepting money from. As Mrs. Trenchard inserts this advertisement in one London end two provincial newspapers, she hopes it will not miss meeting the eye of the worthy person it is meant to address Henden's- House, near Maidenhead, Feb. 27, isos. [ f> 86 byCha, 11 on Corporation of the AMICAIU. K SOCIETY for Insurance upon Lives; Serjeant..' Inn, Fleet- street, London. Instituted by Charter of Queen Anne, Anno 1706. MAJESTY having been graciously pleased, on the 30th October last, to
grant a New Charter for more generally extending the benefits of this Corporation, and cafrving into effect improvements, grounded 011 tbe experi- ence of more than a century, the Directors ha'. e the pleasure to inform the public, that they are ready to admit Members from the age of eight to- sixtv- seven, tor the various kinds of Life- insurance, whether for the whole of Life, or for any term of years, or or. survivorship, or any other Contingency respecting Lite. The Amicable Society having been originally instituted on a principle which provides equal and mutual benefit to the families, assigns, or others interested in the lives
insured those who become Members, however early the life may happen to fall, are entitled, according to the amount of their insurances, to participate alike in all its advantages. The Directors hold a Court every Wednesday, for the ad mission of Members. Applications are received at the Office between nine and two o'clock daily, holidays excepted. By order of the Court of Directors, JOHN I'ENSHAM, Registrar. N. B. Copies of the new Bye- Laws, as conftrmad by the General Court on the a 1 st of December, are now ready for delivery to the Merosers. [ 6S3 ' KD w worker. - Applv Thr jedhvly, to superintend the ; House and
Dairy in tbe '!.!*• ae d, '. spectable Woman, who 1\ : lor . s. ri i ly and honesty. » pai'li at the. Printing- Office, where [ 735 TO IV i'i '(- MAKERS. • nidiate'., at Wimborne Mill,— Hands, a- Vatsman, Coucher, and Dry- Mr. Joseph Culi, Wimborne, Dorset. ' 0 Journeymen Parchment Makers. TWO good Hands may meet with constant Em- ' archme ploy and good Wages by applying ( o J. A. HULJSRRT, ment- mak.- r, Stockbridge, Hants. [ 665 M NTED, Two JaysNEYMK* PARCH- MENT- MAKERS.— Good workmen will meet with I'eac encouragement and con t nt employ, by applying to Messrs. Shrimpton ami Furneli, .
Marlbordugh, Wilis. [ 720 AXFORD, NEAR MAULBOROUGH. AT APPLEFORD's W. ISSOS TIRE FACTOR? one or two young MEN may have constant Employ, aud will not only have an opportunity of improving them- selves on new work, but will have all their tools'found them. MAID SERVANT. WANTED,— A Servant of a good disposition, about thirty years of age ( where no other servant is kept) that has lived out some years, anH can bring a good character; her principal employ plain cooking for' a small family, keeping a small house Clean, and stay at home we'll, as there is no mistress. A Dissenter would be preferred.
Enquire at the Printing- Office. [ 584 YV< r AN' 1' ED immediately, in a small family ( wliere V V two are kept),— A steady WOMAN SERVANT, not under 95 years of age : she will be required to cook in a plain wav, to. keepthe house remarkably clean, her person decent, and to make herself useful. WANTED also,— A NURSE » AIAID about the same age, to look after three children and work at her needle : both must come particularly well recommended. Apply to Mr. Coulton, bookseller, Devizes.— No letters will be received, unless post paid. [ 6' 7.9 CHILD- BED LINEN WAREHOUSE, No. 19, East- Street, Southampton.
MRS. HARRIS ( widow of the late Mr. HARRIS, Draper), resp'. ctfully ir.-. orms her friends and the pub- lic, that she has on sale a ivw and fashionable assortment of every kind of CHILD- BED LINEN, such as, she trusts, will be found on inspection to merit the attention of those who mav be disposed to assist her effort? for the maintenance of a very young family, dependent on her exi rtions. This circumstance she hopes will ' be deemed a sufficient reason for requesting her kind patrons tj favour her with ready money for their orders. [ 635 SWAN INN, ALTON, HANTS. SARAH HARROW, the widow and relict cf Ro- bert Harrow,
who lately kept the abote INN, returns her most. sincere thanks to the nobility, gentry, and public in general, for the very liberal support iier late husband expe- rienced for many years past; and she takes this method of acquainting them that it will be her Sonstant endeavour, by an unremitting attention to the accommodation and comfort of those who will honour her with their custom, to merit a continuancc of their favours. Good post chaises, with able horses and careful drivers; single- horse chaises, saddle- horses. & c. as usual. N. B. Every accommodation will be provided for and atten- tion paid to gentlemen travellers. Feb.
IS, 1808- [ 591 WHITE HORSE INN, DR< 5 « loRD. Hp NORR1S, Proprietor of the Lvndon and Gos- 3. « port Day Telegraph, respectfully informs the public, that in consequence of tne recommendation of several gen- tlemen in the neighbourhood of Droxford, & c. he is induced to provide NEAT POST CHAISE, which will be ready on the 6th of April, 1808, and maybe had regularly, on appli- cation at the above Inn. From the convenience of the situation, particularly to per- sons travelling between London and Gosport, T. N. flatters himself he shall expiuience a share of the public support.— Particular attention will be paid to
provide able Horses, with careful and diligent Drivers. The London Telegraph Coaob, from the India Arms, Gosport, every morning at five, and from the White Horse, Fetter- lane, precisely at half past four. [ 7U6 SERVANTS. WANTED,— A steady active single MAN, as COACHMAN, and to ride with a Curricle.— Ho must have an excellent character for sobriety, honesty, and cleanliness, and for a thorough knowledge of the care and management of horses. WANTED also in the same family,— A steady person as UPPER MAID, who is vcry'clever at her needle and getting up finelinen'. Application may be made to the Printer;
but no letters, unless such as are post paid, \ villbe attended to. [ 648 wanted, v f can have, as COACHMAN,— A MAN who from any place where he may have lived a year or more, a character for strict sobriety, steadines cleanliness, and irood temper, who will take the care of pair of horses and a carriage, and will not ever object to at- tend with his hors s when they are wanted for cart or plough, or other work. References to Messrs. Baker and Fletcher, Southampton, wil! be attended to. [ 721 { S A AC COWARD returns his grateful acknow- ledgments to the inhabitants of Blandford and its vicinity for the many favours he has
received ;' and begs leave to in- form t- hsm,' his Sale of Cheap LINEN, WOOLLEN- DRA- PERY, and HOSIERY GOODS will continue but a few days - longer. ' The advantage of purchasing at this Sale must be obvious to every one; as, on inspection, thay will. be found full six shillings in the pound cheaper than: " can be purchased at any Tegular shop in, this kingdom. N. B. Country Orders punctually attended to. LICENCED HAWKER, No. 336* and numbered Broker. New Inn, Blandford, March 7, 1808. [ 71; w BURGLARY. TWENTY GUINEAS REWARD. HEREAS the Dwelling- House of JOSEPH ROLES, of Milchet Park
Lodge Farm, was last Night burglariously entered, and ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY POUNDS, in Bank of England Notes, with Three Romsey One Pound Notes, stolen therefrom ; also a Note of Hand for Twenty Pounds, dated about seven years back: It is earnestly requested that any persons observing such property in the possession of those who may be suspected to have obtained it improperly, will communicate intelligence thereof, or any other information that may lead to the detec- tion of the offenders, to the said Joseph Roles; and as an encouragement, he hereby promises a REWARD of TWENTY GUINEAS, to be
paid 011 conviction of the offenders; which Reward shall be paid to an Accomplice, making a full dis- covery of his Accomplices, and interest shall be tirade to procure his free Pardon. MILCIIET PARK LODGE FARM, JOSEPH ROLES. March 4, 1808. STONE MASON'S YARD, WINCHESTER. ( GENTLEMEN, Sbrveyors, Builders, and the X Public in general, are most respectfully informed, that JAMES KELLCJW, Mason, has opened a YARD and SHOP, at his house in St. John's- street, Winchester, where the Stone Masonry Business will be carried Orfih all its branches. Any Gentlemen who please to honour him with their
commands, may depend on having. ttTeit orders executed with dispatch, in the neatest manner, and on the most reasonable terms. J. K. returns his warmest thanks to his friends who have already favoured him with their support, assuring them it shall be his principal study, by a strict attention, to merit their future favours. _ N. B. Rick Stones, Grind Stones, Garden Rollers, ant' Sun Dials, either Globical, Horizontal, Equinoctial, or Vertical, to any declination, & c. & c. [ 726 LODGINGS.- -, LYMINGTON. TO be LETT, Furnished, for about Ten Weeks from the 10th of April,— HOUSE occupied by Col. HOWARD, delightfully
situated near the sea- side;— consists of drawing- room, two parlours, nine or ten beds, coach- house, stables, & c. [ 723 Apply ( post paid) to Mr. William Perkins, Lymington. TITHES. TO he LETT, for a term of years to be agreed on, with immediate entry, The GREAT and SMALL TITHES of the parish of Buttermere, Wilts ; consisting of nearly 19U0 acres, including Coppice ' and Downs; with the Parsonage, a convenient Burn, Garden, Stable, & c. & c. and 20 acres'of Land. ~ For particulars enquire in person ( or by letters, postpaid] of Mr. Bird, solicitor, Andover. * £ jao LOST, from Bramshaw Iron Foundry,— Thirty- eight
CAST- IRON PLOUGH- WHEEL and ROLLER BOXES: were taken from the above in July leoG, directed to Mr. HOBRS, of Worthy. [ 666' Whereas the Boxes were not delivered according to direct tion ; Notice is hereby given, if the Boxes are not delivered within a fortnight from this date, a Reward ot TWO GUI- NEAS will be paid to any person that wil! give information against any person that conceals the above Boxes, or makes use of them, by applying to W. Henbest, B/ amshaw. N. B. A JOBBING SMITH, that is a good workman, mr. y have constant employ and good wages by applying to the above.— A House and Garden
will be provided for a Man with a small family.— March 7, 1808. ( Vne Conctrn. J SALISBURY and CURISTCHURCH ACCOMMODATION, From the Black Horse, Salisbury, to the George, Christchirch ROBERTS, THORNE, and Co. respectfully in- form the Inhabitants of Salisbury, Christchurch, Ring- wood, Fordingbridge, and Downton, and the public in general, that the ACCOMMODATION, a light aud elegant Conveyance, will take Passengers and Parcels to and from the abovq" men- tioned places, with the utmost care and dispatch. It will go from Salisbury to Christchurch, every Tuesdav, Thursday, and Saturday, precisely
at nine o'clock in the morning;— from Christchurch to Salisbury, every Monday Wednesday, and Friday, at eight o'clock. ' Will call at the Bull, Downton; Greyhound, Tording- bridge; and White Hart, Ringwood. The time of reaching and leaving Sarum will accommodate Passengers to and from London by the Salisbury Coaches. Roberts, Thome, and Co. earnestly solicit the patronage of the inhabitants of the above mentioned places, and the public in general; assuring them that no sxptuee shall be spared 111 rendering their conveyance safe and comfortable. N. B. The Proprietors will not be answerable for any Parcels, & c.
above £ 5 value, unless entered as such and paid for ac- cordingly ; and lugrage, above 1- liis. weight, must be paid for. Will start from the Black Horse, Salisbury, on Tuesday, March 15, 1808. GREENHAM, NEAR NEWBURY, BERKS, February 10, 1808. HAVING determined on declining the CARRTISG BUSINESS, I beg to return my grateful thanks to my friends and the public for the many favours 1 have received from them, and to infomr them I have sold mv Stock of Wageons and Horses to Messrs'. GROBETY, D'EAR, and GOODMAN, whom 1 take the liberty of recommending as my successors, being convined that they
will use their utmost endeavours to conduct the concern* to the satisfaction of those who may honour them with their commands. 638] , ^ THOMAS CLARK. MR. CLARK having declined the CARRYING BUSINESS, and sold to us his Stock of Waggons and Horses, we the undersigned respectfully solicit of the public a continuance of their favours, assuring them that every possible attention shall be paid to tbeif commands, and the utmost care taken of goods entrusted to our charge. « 3 » ] BENJAMIN GROBETY. RICHARD DEAR. MAURICE GOODMAN. NORTH HANTS REGIMENT OF MILH'IA, ANDOVER SUBDIVISION.
WHEREAS WILLIAM PRICHARD, of the parish of Andover, in the said county, Coach- maker, was ballotted to serve in the Militia of the said county, and after having due notice to appear tu take the oath in that be- half required, and to be inrollcd to serve in the aforesaid Militia, or to provide a fit Substitute, hath neglected to ap- pear to take the said oath or to provide a proper Substitute •— Notice is hereby given, that if any person will give infoinia- tion to the Clerk of the said Subdivision, so that the - aid William Prichard m , y be apprehended, shall receive ONE GUINEA, over and above any reasonable expences. STEPHEN
WARNER, Subdivision Clerk. Romsey, March's, 1S0R. [ 701 PEWSEY, WILTS, TAKEN UP, 011 the 4th day of February, 1808, supposed to be STRAYED,— A BROWN- BAY MARE PONY", middle- aged, about eight or siine vears old, between ten and eleven hands high, a little saddle- mark upon the back, a few grey hairs on the right arm before, abrov/ n muzzle, a few grev ham. on the forehead, and black legs. Whoever owns the said Mare may have the same, by ap- plying to Abraham Beaven, of Pewsey aforesaid, by paying all expences. ABRAHAM BEAVEN. Jfj1 If not owned in three Weeks from the date hereof, she
will be sold to defray the expences.— March 7,1S08, I^ HE EXECUTORS named in the Will of Mr. HENRY BOWLING, late of Durrington, in the county of Wilts, Miller and Farmer, deceased, request all persons having any claim or demand 011 the Estate of the deceased to transmit p. uticplars thereof to Mr. John Swayne, solicitor, Wilton, Wilts, in order that the same may be ad- justed and put in a train for settlement; and such persons as are indebted to the said Estate, are requested to pay the amount of th; ir respective debts to Mr. John Swayne, on or before the. 6th day of April next, or they will be sued for ths same without
further notice. WILTON, March 3, 1808. [ 706 THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, bearing date the 4th day of August, 1804, awarded and issued against BRYANT BIGGS, of Charterhouse Hinton, in the county of Somerset, Shopkeeper, Dealer and Chap- man, intend to meet on the 19th day of March inst. atilevcn of the clock in the forenoon, at the White Hart Inn, in Broad- street, in the city of Bristol, to make a third Dividend of the Estate and Eflccts of the said Bankrupt; when and where th » Creditors, who have not already proved their Debts, are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the
benefit of the said Dividend 1 and all claims not then proved will be disallowed. [ 727 WINBURNE, March 4, 1808. ALL persons having any Demand on the Estate of Mrs. ANN JOY, late of Chilbridge, are desired to send the same to Mr. Robert Druitt, one of her Executors; and all persons indebted to the said Estate, are desired to pay their debts to him immediately. [" 689 ISLE OF WIGHT. A LL Persons having any Claim or Demand on i'i. Mr. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, of West Cowes, in the Isle of Wight, Ship- builder, are requested to send the particulars thereof to his son, Mr. Wm. Richardson, jun. of West Cowes aforesaid,
or to Mr. Gilbert, of Newport, in order that the same may be asceitained and adjusted; and all persons indebted to the said Wm. Richardson, are required to pay their respective debts to his son, or the said Mr. Gilbert, forthwith. NEWTORT, March 3, 1808. [ 693 WHEREAS THOMAS DAVIS, Cabinet Maker, of Frome, in the county of Somerset, has assigned over the whole of his effects unto Thomas Rouch, timber- merchant, and John Stinchcomb, broker, both of the citv of Bristol, in trust for themselves and such other of his creditors as shall execute the deed of assignment:— NOTICE is hereby given to all persons who stand
indebted to the said Thomas Davis, or that have any of his goods and effects in their pos- session, to pay over such debts, and deliver such goods, untp the said Messrs. Rouch and Stiuchcomb, or to ' their order; or they will be sued for the amount thereof withnut further notice.— And all persons having claims on the said estate, are desired to send the particulars thereof before the 25th of March instant, or thev will be excluded the benefit of the dividend. BRISTOL, IbthFeh. 1808. [ 726 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. WHEREAS at a Meeting of the Creditors of JOHN DIXON, formerly of Long Critchell, in the cqunty of Dorset, but
late of the Rose and Crown Inn, East H'prnham, in the parish of Britford, in the county of Wilts, htilcl at the Maidenhead Inn, Salisbury, on Tuesday the 26th d. ajy Of January last, it was agreed that tbe said John Dixon should a:: sign over all his Estate and Effects whatsoever unto Tljoiiias Waters, of Boscombe; John Selfe, of Knighton, in the parish of Broad Chalk( and John Newman, of Britford, Gentlemen, in trust for themselves and all other the Creditors of; the said John Dixon who should execute the Deed of Assignment-; which said Deed has been executed by the said John Dixon, and also by the said Thomas Waters,
John Seife, and John Newman, and several other Cieditors of the said John Dixon,, and is left'at the Office of Messrs. Tanner an( i ' Coopir, Salisbury,, for execution by such other of the Creditors as shall be inclined to take the benefit thereof; where it will remain until the 24th day of June next, when a Divrde& d oi the Effircts of the said John Dixon will be made to such of his Creditors who shall have then executed the said Deed.. [ 614 w* awaided and issued forth against HAYTER K1NCH, the Younger, and JAMES KINCH, of Fareham* in the countyof Southampton, Timber- merchants, Coach- makers, Wheelwrights, Dealers
and Chapmen, and Co- partners, and they being declared Bankrupts, are hereby required to sur- render themselves to the Commissioners in the said C001- mi'sion named, or the majcr part of them, on the 22d day of March instant, at three of the clock in the afternoon ; on the S3d dav of the same month, at eleven of the clock in the forenoon ; and on ( he 16th day of April next, at one of the clock in the afternoon, at the Red Lion Inn, in Fareham aforesaid, and make a full discovery and disclosure of their Estate and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove their debts, and at the sccond sitting to
chtise As* igne » s, and at the last sitting the said Bankrupts arc required to finish th^ ir examination, and the Creditors are to assent to or dissent from the allowance of their CertifU cate.— All persons indebted to tbe said Bankrupts, Or that have any ot their effects, arc not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give notice to Messrs. Bieasdale, Alexander, and Holme, Solicitors, No, 11, New Inn, London ; or to Messrs, Paddon and Bar- ney, Fareham, Solicitors under the said Commission. [ 695
THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. We dries day's and Thursday's Posts. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE OF MARCH 1. ORD Grenville has appointed . Tames Fisher, Esq. Chief Clerk in his office as Auditor of 4 ihe Exchequer, to sign all Exchequer Bills t . at shall or may be issued in pursuance of an Act ot the 48th year of his Majesty's reign, " for regulating the issusing and paying off of Exchequer Bills ;" and the Lords of the Treasury have signified their ap- proval of such appointment. Commission signed by the Lord Lieutenant of the county of Southampton. Bourne Butt, of Volunteer, Infantry.— R.
Goodlad, Esq. to be Major- Commandant, vice Sir'T. Champneys, Bare resigned. Commission in the 1 st Bait, of Dorset Volunteer Infantry, signed by the Lord Lieutenant.— J. Tucker, Gent, to be En- sign, vice Buckland, promoted. [ This Gazette contains an Order. of Council, permitting the importation into the island of Newfoundland, for the ensiling season only, of bread, flour, pease, Indian cprn, butter,' and live stock, and also pitch, tar, and turpentine, from any of the territories belonging to the. United States, by British subjects, and in British- built ships.] BANKRUPTS. r. liinh B.- l- rher, of Liverpool, merchant. O irl.- s Og<!,*
n, of Bradford, Yorkshire, worsted- spinner. ' W. M. Htginbotliam, of Manchester, cotton- spinner. HOUSE OF LORDS. MONDAY, Feb. 2.9.] The Brazil Trade Bill and the Bill for regulating the olFce of Treasurer of the Navy were read a third time, and passed. Lord Hawhesbury delivered a Message from his Ma- jesty, recommending the settling a pension of 20001. a year on the present Lord Lake, in consideration of the services performed by his father. Lord St. John called their Lor& ships' attention to the order of the day,— the consideration of the facts on which iL was alledged our late Orders in Council had been issued He
entered into a detail of the various documents before the House, to prove that the preamble of the Order in Council of the 11th of November last was unfounded inasmuch as no neutral nation had, up to that date, ac quiesced in the enemy's decree of blockade, nor were Ministers then possessed of any facts tending to shew that it had been executed with increased rigour. He concluded with moving a string of resolutions, drawn from these pre- mises, strongly reprehensive of the Orders in Council. The Duke of Montrose, on the other'side, argued that the Order in Council alluded to was founded in self- defence and justifiable
retaliation, as correctly and ably laid down by Lord Howiek, when defending the Order in Council of the late Administration, issued on the 7th of Janury. His Grace concluded with moving the previous question. The original motion was supported by Lords Holland. Auckland, Lauderdale, Grey de Howick, and Grenville while Lords Mulgrave, Redesdale, Westmorland, Hawkes- bury, and Galloway, argued in support of the previous question, which was carricd, on a division, by 137 to 47 Proxies included. A Protest against the decision was entered on the jour- nals, and signed by a considerable number of Peers.- Adjourned at half
past two o'clock. TUESDAY, March 1.] The Ten Millions and a Half Exchequer Bills Bill, and Petty Customs Survivorship Abolition Bill, were read a third time, and passed. Lord Hawhesbury moved an Address to his Majesty in answer to his Message, relative to the settlement of pension on Lord Lake, and the two next heirs to that title. The motion was agreed to nem. dis. The order of the day for the second reading of the Re versionary Grants Abolition Bill being read, Lord Lauderdale moved for the reading of certain pas- sages of his Majesty's speeches on the 27th of April and ® Sth of June, 1807, recommending ( Economy in
the public expenditure; which having been done, his Lordship re- lated the history of the Bill for restricting Reversionary Grants, rejected in the last session, and expressed a hope that the present Bill would have a better fate. The plan of ceconomy recommended by Committees of the House of Commons had been much impeded, and often wholly frustrated, by the great, number of grant" in reversion Instead of abridging- the prerogative of the Crown, this Bill would only promote a regulation that would render tlie rxcrcisa of the prerogative more pleasant and effectual. If the present prttctiei- win suffered to continue, one
profligate Minister might procure such extensive grants in reversion a* would leave the Crown nothing worth giving for year.- to come. If sinecure offices were not granted avvav before they fell in, his Majesty would be enabled to bestow them on old and faithful servants, and thus avoid making addi- tions to the pension list, a circumstance highly desirable in times like the present, which demanded the strictest ceeonomy. Lord Arden declarded that in opposing the bill he was actuated solely by a sense of public duty. He could not see how any saving was to arise from it, whilst it evidently trenched on the prerogative of the Crown.
Lord Spencer supported the bill, both from respect to the eiruemstances in which it had originated, and from its tendency to correct a practice open to many abuses, and which might eventually fetter and diminish the power of the Crown, to an extent highly inconvenient, if not dangerous. The Lord Chancellor thought the bill very imperfect: be would, however, vote for its sccond reading, in the hope that it might be so so modified in a Committee as to render it less objectionable than at present. Lord Hawhesbury concurred in the opinion of his Noble and Learned Friend. Lord Grosvenor argued in favour of the bill, from the regard
which was due to the deliberately expressed opinion of the other House of Parliament., and the unanimous expectation of the nation. At such a crisis as the present, la: thought it peculiarly important to adopt a measure which was universally considered as a preliminary to a general system of wise ceconomy. Admitting that the measure would limit the sphere of reward to which the power of the Crown now extended, the only consequence would be, that Parliament must be applied to in the way of granting pensions; and this was to him and to the Public the preferable mode of rewarding merit. By the system of reversionary
grants the public money was given away sub silentio, and in the shades of night. By the contrary system, by proposing the remuneration in the face of day, the Public would be able to appreciate the value of the services proposed to be rewarded; and he must do that justice to his countrymen, to say, that their feelings in such cases were not actuated by a niggardly ceconomy. Lord Westmoreland, Lord Redesdale, and the Duke of Montrose were decidedly hostile to the principle of the bill. Lords Holland and Darnley argued in favour of it. Lord Auckland thought the measure too sweeping and general to be admissible in its
present shape. A division then taking place, there were of the Peers present, Contents 34, Nou- eontents 36'; but, including Proxies, the numbers stood, for the second reading fit ; against it ." if). The bill was accordingly read a second time, and ordered to be committed on Thursday.— Adj. HOUSE OF COMMONS, MONDAY, Feb. 29-] In a Committee on his Majesty's Message, recommending the settling of a pension on Lord Lake, Lord Castlereagh stated, that when his Majesty invested the late General Lake with the Peerage, he was not aware that he required pecuniary aid to support the dignity. Such however was the case;
and it was therefore, now pro- posed, in consideration of his military services in America, in Ireland, at Lineelles, and in India. In all these services his spirit and personal br avery were exemplary, and his efforts were crowned with success : he was therefore pecu- liarly a proper object for the liberality of Parliament; for notwithstanding the lucrative situation he had held in Jndja, the fortune he had left amounted to little more than 1500/. a year; with which there were two sons" and three daughters to provide for. It was intended to propose a pension of 2000/. a year to the present Lord Lake and the two next possessors of the title,
and to make this pension piy vble from the 11th of September 1803, on which day Ins Lordship had obtained a memorable victory near Delhi. By this arrangement some slight provision might be made i r Lord Lake's daughters. Mr. IVhitbread said he was sorry to learn Lord Lake's fimily stood in need of this assistance; but though this consideration would prevent his opposing the resolution altogether, bo could not vote for dating the payments back to 1803. Mr. W. Vundas said, though Lord Lake held very lucrative appointments in India, he had returned to England in a state of comparative poverty : he therefore supported the
motion. Mr. M. A. Taylor said, he understood Lord Lake had brought home from India 40,000/. The sum would not upport the dignity of the Peerage, and he understood his Lordship had been able to leave only 1500/. each to his daughters. General Tarleton supported the motion, and . highly panegyrised Lord Lake's services. Lord Folkestone opposed a grant of the public money, on the grounds alledged. If an Officer, placed in the most luci- atjve situations, as Lord Lake had been, was so impro- vident as to dissipate his immense gains, he could not see that poverty, so occasioned, gave his family further claims on the public
purse. Neither could he agree with those who supported the motion, in thinking the Noble Lord's services were of so brilliant a nature as to render it proper to erect a public monument to his memory ; and he parti- cularly objected to it, because there was no instance of any structure of the kind, unless the person whose memory it was intended to perpetuate died in battle. Ijord Temple differed from his Noble Friend: he had never known a stronger claim to reward, for services of great moment, nor a poverty more honourable. The King was the fountain of all honour; and it was the duty of the House not to suffer those whom his
Majesty had elevated to the Peerage, or their descendants, to languish in poverty and wretchedness. Mr. Sumner said, the whole army acknowledged the transcendant abilities of Lord Lake, whose family, jn hi opinion, had higher claims on the country than the pro- posed annuity would liquidate. Wheu his Lordship went to India, he owed considerable sums of money, and during his residence there he not only supported his ranlj in a proper style, but was also very liberal in private charities. These were the reasons he had no more money on his return home. Colonel Wood praised the gallantry and military talents of Lord Lake,
which his knowledge of India enabled him to appreciate. Mr. Williams observed, that as his Majesty had elevated Lord Lake to a rank which would make his descendants hereditary Members of the British Legislature, their cir- cumstances ought to be such as would secure their indepen- dence; but still it behoved the House to be cautious in voting away the public money: therefore, before any vote was passed, a Committee should be appointed t » ascertain that the family did not possess the means of independence. He bad been informed, that instead of 40,000/. his Lord- ship had accumulated 140,000/. in India. Sir Arthur
Wellesley briefly informed the House, that when Lord Lake went out to India, he made an arrange- ment for the payment of his debts; a receiver was appointed for his creditors, who accompanied him to India, and had the greater part of the accumulations mentioned by the Hon. Gentleman who spoke last; in consequence of which, his Lordship brought home less than 40,000/. and of this 17,000/. went to liquidate the remainder of his incum- brances. Mr. Whithread again urged that Lord Lake's services were not of that pre- eminent nature which could make it proper to erect a public monument to his memory, or settle a large
income on his descendants. Poverty gave no claim to these distinctions. The Marlborough estate was settled on the great Duke and his family, net because he needed it, but because his services were truly pre- eminent. Sir Francis Burdett rose to enter his protest against the grant, to which he had two objections; one personal, the other constitutional. The personal objection was, that Lord Lake, though a brave and good Officer, had not performed services of so pre- eminent a nature, as im- periously to call for this high distinction ; and in the pre- sent state of the country, burthened and exhaustad as the people are by taxation,
it was highly reprehensible to solicit it. On constitutional grounds, he thought that his Majesty had ample means to reward the merits of Lord Lake, and those of every other deserving Officer in his service, without the necessity of applying to Parliament to lay new burthens on the people. What had become of all those sinecures which were at the disposal of the Crown, and under the patronage of Ministers, who, whenever such things had been alluded to in that House, always argued that they mu « t retained, to enable the Crown to reward eminent services- Certainly they had not been so disposed of; for wheneveiv there were
any eminent services to reward, additional burthens were imposed on the people. If the merits of Ijprd Lake bad been great, the taerfes of the p-.- ople of Engf. Miu had been great also, and where was their merit to find its remuneration ? Th.; only reward they could receive was from the watchful attention of the House over their purse, and to prevent unnecessary bur- thens being imposed on them. The Chancellor of the Exchequer said, he could not see what practical object could be accomplished by declamations on the merits of the people of England, although it was undoubtedly true that they hail considerable merit in
bearing so well the burthens which the necessity of the times imposed upon them. The Hon. Bart, had talked of the unexampled means which the Crown possessed of rewarding merit of this sort. He knew of no such unexampled means; and the Hon. Bart, might have known, that the Crown is limited in the power of granting pensions on the Civil List, and cannot give a greater pension than 1,200/. per aim. which, after all deductions, would not produce more than 800/. per annum clear; and that would be evidently inadequate for the reward of such services as those of Lord Lake. General Gascoigne spoke at large on Lord Lake's
mili* tary character and services. His unbounded charity to the sick and wounded, and his liberality to indigent officers, were the chief causes of his poverty. Mr. Bankes, with every regard for public economy, thought it impossible to refuse the grant; but he objected to the retrospective operation of it. Lord G. Cavendish supported the motion on the ground of the general merits and the state of the family. The Secretary at War supported the motion. It was necessary to maintain the independence and dignity of the Peerage, which was unquestionably bestowed properly in this case. Mr. Tierney admitted the propriety of the Hon.
Baro- net's observations respecting the heavy burthens of the people, but could not apply them to the present case, as he knew that Lord Lake's serv ices had been such as to entitle his family to the proposed annuity. He hoped that he should not, in consequence of his present opinion, be called on to vote the public money to other Officer's, who might not be considered equally deserving. He did not think it right that a monument to the memory of Lord Lake should be ereeted by the public, hut thought the India Company might properly shew him this mark of repect. Mr. W. Smith expressed a wish that Sir F. Burdett would not
persevere in his intention of demanding a division. Sir F. Burdett said, he had been entirely misrepresented by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and he could not acvede to any compromise. The Right Hon. Gentleman had talked of the limited power of the King in granting- pensions. He had not alluded to the Pension List as the means of jeward: he had directly stated that the Crown possessed the patronage of great offices and sinecures, which Ministers always contended were to be held sacred from retrenchment, as the means of rewarding eminent services. Surely the advocates for the motion would not say that Lord Lake's
services were so trilling, that they would probably he forgotton before there could be any provision for his successor in this way; and they could not say those sinecures were so few, that one might not speedily drop. He was surprized the Right Hon. Gentlemau should have mistaken liim so widely, when he need not have looked beyond his own family for a very full explanation of his meaning. What kind of eminent services they were for which those sinecures had been conferred on the Right Hon. Gentleman and his friends, be would leave to them to explain ; and he would repeat, that whenever real ser- vices had been
performed, Parliament had uniformly been called on to burthen the people for its reward. Standing on constitutional ground, he was not bound to enter into a discussion on the personal merits of Lord Lake. It was painful to derogate from the merit of a gallant Officer, who appeared to have been deservedly beloved by his bro- ther officers ; but lie must say that the services of Lord Lake were not of the first rank— they were nothing like those of Lord Nelson. The country owed him nothing ; for he had been so amply paid in his life- time, that if nine- tenths of the appointments he held'- had been distributed among Other gallant
Officers, whose merits had been over- looked, it would have been but a just exercise of the patro- nage of the army. The victory at Delhi had been much boasted of; but wlvat Commander ever went to India, who did not w in battles ? When the brilliant victories of Lord Lake were talked of, he might, if he chose it, plaee against them some remarkable failures ; but he would not go into that discussion, because his arguments rested on constitu- tional grounds. A Right Hon. Gentleman ( Mr. Tierney) had appeared anxious to guard against the suspicion, that by supporting the motion he was departing from those po- litical principles
which he had ever professed himself to be attached to. The Right Hon. Gentleman might make himself easy on that head the public would not suspect that he was guided by any other political principles than those jvhicli had ever influenced his conduct. The question was then called tor, and the gallery being cleared, the Committee divided on the motion, Ayes, 201 ; Noes, 26.— On the question whether the annuity should commence f, om Sept. 1803, or from the day of Lord Lake's death, another division took place— Ayes, 202; Noes, 15. Ou the re- opening of the gallery, Lsrd Castlereagh expressed a wish to discuss the
motion for a monument to Lord Lake's memory. Mr. Wfiitbread could not consent to forego his motion respecting the Russian mediation, which stood as the order of the day. He entered into a long aud able discussion, to shew that Ministers ought to have accepted that mediation, and that peace would probably have been the result. He stated three resolution? tor the consideration of the House, purporting, that the conditions stipulated by his Majesty's Ministers, for the acceptance of tire mediatiou of the Emperor of Russia, were inexpedient and impolitic—- that by thus rejecting the proffered mediation, they had neg- lected an
opportunity of restoring the blessings of peace— and that the House in consequence felt it necessary to declare, that the earliest opportunity of future negotiation ought to be embraced. He concluded by moving the first resolution. Mr. II. Herbert seconded the motion, and Mr. G. Ponsonby spoke warmly in support of it. Mr. Wilberforce did not wish to raise a clamour for peace, though he granted that the Minister who could accomplish it would be the best iYiend of the people. The Hon. John Ward thov < ht immediate peace higaly necessary, and therefore suppo .< ed tlie resolutions. Mr. Blachf'ord, in a matdert speech, ably
supported Ministers, aud reprobated the motion, which he co; dered as an attempt to delude the people under pretence of patriotism. Lord Mahon, Mr. J. Smith, Mr. W. Smith, Mr. Sheri- dan, and Mr. Adam supported the resolutions. Mr. Canning made a long speech against them. Mr. Whitbread having replied, the House divided: For the first Resolution 70 Against it .. .. 210 Majority 1 r Minis sere. For the seeond Resolution.... 67 Against it 211 Majority For the third Resolution 58 Against it 217 Majority Adjourned at half past five. TUESDAY, March I.] Committees were ballotted to try the Newcastle- under- Line aud Great
Yarmouth Elec- tion Petitions. The Secretary at War obtained leave to bring fn the Annual Mutiny Bill. The adjourned debate on the Oude Papers was, on the motion o{ Lord Folkestone, postponed till Wednesday se'n- night. Mr. Hose brought in the Bill for regulating Pilots, which was read a first time. On the second reading of the Peruvian Bark Bill, Mr. Whitkread gave notice, that onThursday he should op- pose going into a Committee on the Bill. The Bill to restrict the Exportation of Cotton WES read a second time.— Adjourned. 140 144 159 LONDON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2. The report brought by the Rock schooner, of
the Rochefort squadron having reached Toulon, is by an American vessel, which was spoken by one of our frigates, and the frigate communicated the intelligence to the Rock. The American had recently left Ro- chelle, and the Captain stated, that before he sailed ffwit that port, tra swnt- mni hv- - been received by telegraph of the artivi. V of the JJochefort squadron. He farther stated, that it was believed an aamy of IsSfcfcssu - es, JRH5r< ffi in tie neigiiLwuhbod of Toulon. A letter from an Officer on board the Tonnant, one of Admiral Duckworth's squadron, dated Funchal Bay, Madeira, Jan. 26, intimates that the Azores are
probably in our possession; and if they are, it is doubtless with the concurrence of the Court of Portugal. The letter says, " We are not going to the West Indies, as expected, as three sail of the line from Sir Samuel Hood's squadron went there very lately; we are now to proceed to Teneride, which, it is expected, Sir S. Smith has taken possession of, and from thence to cruize off the Western Isles for some time. We have not met with the Rochefort squadron; though We thought ourselves close at their heels. If onee we could get within pistol- shot, the battle would soon be over. If we learn they are gone to the East Indies, we
shall certainly follow them." It is conjectured that the object of the enemy in assembling troops, and in trying to collect a fleet at Toulon, is to undertake an expedition to Egypt. Yesterday advices were received at the East India House, that the extra ships Sarah, Christiana, Union, Ann, Diana, Sir William Pulteney, Glory, and Northampton, outward- bound, were on the 28th November, 1807, in the lat. of 34 deg. 40 min. south, long. 5 deg. 20 min. west, under convoy of his Majesty's ship Monmouth. Accounts from India, so late as the middle of No- vember, state, that a difference has arisen between Holkar and the Bhurtpore
Rajah, respecting a sum of money ad- vanced by the former to enable the latter to take the field against the British army in the late war; the sum in ques- tion amounted to five lacs of rupees; Holkar contends that it was advanced as a loan; the Rajah that it was given as a subsidy in consideration of his taking part in the war. The Rajah of Gohud, by a recent treaty with the India Company, lias agreed that three battalions of Sepoys shall be permanently stationed in the Gohud territories, to be paid by the Rajah at the rate of 35,000 rupees per month for each battalion, and in the event of failure in such pay- ment, the Company is
authorised to collect the revenues of the country SeveraH'orts have been demolished, and the works of Guahor, the head- quarters of the subsidiary force, have been strengthened. The Princess Elizabeth has presented Lady Susan Strang- ways with a isost beautiful white dress, with other bridal presents, preparatory to her nuptials with Lord Henry Petty. Ministers expect that with the sum received from the Bank, they will be able to carry on the public busi- ness until April, and that the loan then will not exceed 6,000,000/. To this circumstance, and the daily purchase of 100,000/. by the Commissioners for the reduction of the
national debt, is attributed the steady state of the funds in the present extraordinary juncture. The instructions given by the late Administration to Lord St. Vincent, when he went to the Tagus in 1806, have been laid before Parliament. They are in every re- spect very similar to those given to Lord Cathcart and Admiral Gambier, fnr their conduct at Copenhagen. Lord St. Vincent was directed to oiler the Portuguese Govern- ment the assistance df this country, ff Portugal should be able and willing to make effectual exertions in her own defence ; but if it appeared to his Lordship that she had not the means or the inclination to resist
the French, and the Prince Regent would not adopt the measure of emi- grating to theBrazils, his Lordship was to take measures for bringing . away the Portuguese fleet and the Brazil DRURY- LAN'E THEATRE.— A new musical farce, called In and out of Tune, was brought out last night at this Theatre. It was written some time ago by ft Mr. Lawler, aud has been altered for the Stage by Mr. Cherry. It contains a few amusing scenes, and serves as a vehicle to some agreeable music, written and selected by Corri. The story is simply that of a lich old Attorney, disturbed by a mitsiea- mania that has seized his whole family, in one
of the paroxisms of which his daughter is earned off by a young Officer. The incidents are so grossly vulgar, and the dialogue so meagre, that the patience of the audience was exhausted early in the second act; and when an at- tempt was. made to give it out for a second representation, the vuicis of the perforuutr was drowned i « clamour. BRITISH NAVY.— The following is a pretty correct state- ment of our Squadrons now blockading or pursuing' the Enemy: Sail of the Lir. e. Off Brest, under Rear- Admiral Bettie ". 10 Off Ferroi, under Commodore Kin< 3 Off Lisbon, under Vice- Admiral Sir C. Cotton 12 Off Cadiz, under Rear-
Admiral Purvis 10 At Gibraltar, refitting '. 3 Off Toulon, under Vice Admiral Lord Collingwood S In pursuit in the Straits, under Rear- Adm. Sir R. Strachan 7 Off Sicily, under Rear- Admiral Thornborough S Total 60 Besides Frigates and smaller Vessels. CATTLE SIIEW'.— On Monday commenced the Exhibition of Cattle, by Breeders, Candidates for Pri2es offered by Lord Somerville, and was yesterday renewed. At fiv « o'clock, a numerous company dined with Lord Soraerville, at the Free Mason's Tavern. Among the company were the Duke of Clarence, the Duke ot Bedford, the Marquisses of Tweeda'e and Huntley, the Earls
of Winchelsea and Egremont, Lord Harewood, & c. & e, & e. After the adju- dication of Prizes, during which it was stated that Messrs. Smith and Harrington had of late fed many fine oxen with distillery wash, instead of giving the same to pigs, Lord Somerville endeavoured to enforce the propriety of using molasses or treacle dissolved in water, as an addition to hay, and as a substitute for oil cake, io the feeding of oxen, which would benefit our Colonies, at the same time that it would introduce a new and most tmtricious food for cattle, of which he intended himself to make trial, and shew the oxen so fed at his shew next year.
CITY BUSINESS.— A Common Hall was held yesterday at Guildhall, for the election of Bridge- Master for the re- mainder of the year, in the room of Mr. Jos. Wells, lately deceased, when Mr. Yeoward was elected by a considerable majority.— The Lord Mayor afterwards held a Court of Aldermen, at which the price of Bread as ord red to be raised half an assize, or a penny in the peck loaf, to take place to- morrow, when the quarten foaf, wlli at. i, will be sold for 11 Jrf.; and household, 10t/.— The Lord Bishop of Salisbury, and the Rev. Mr. Andrews, were requested to preach the Spital Sermons at Christ Church, Newgate
street, oa Monday and Tuesday in Easter week. CORN EXCNANGE, March 2.— There is to- dav a middling supply of Wheat, and the sales extremely heavy at rather lower prises; from the opinion that the Distillers will not be allowed to use Malt, that and Barley have very few buyers; White Peas full as high, and Beans rather lower; there is a tolerable supply of Oats, and the sales very dull, and rather. give way in price. Terms of Flour continue without variation. i ' ii ' TO ARCHITECTS. WILTS COUNTY GAOL & HOUSE OF CORRECTION. ALL Persons willing to send in Plans and Esti- mates for ENLARSING, ALTERING, and
AMENDING the COUNTY GAOL and HOUSE of CORRECTION, at Fisherton- Anger, in. the county of- Wilts, either by entirely re- building the same, on the present scite and land adjoining, or making necessary additions- to- thc present buildings', so as to provide proper, separate, and distinct places of confine- ment for the prisoners and debtors therein to be confined, having regard to classing the prisoners according to their sexes, crimes, and punishments, and providing convenient places for the employment of those committed to hard labour, are requested to send the same, with estimates and proposals for carrying such
plans into execution, to Mr. John Swayne, at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, at Wilton, near Salis- bury, Wilts, on or before the 19th day of April next. It is requested that such plans and estimates be sent ( sealed up) without signatures, but with mottles or other devices'; and that the same be accompanied with sealed letters ( marked on the outsid? with corresponding mottoes or other devices) containing the names and addresses of the parsons sending the same. *** FIFTY POUNDS will be paid, as an honorary compen- sation, to the person sending the plan, & c. which shall be most approved of, with a proviso, that the
said compensation is not to be paid in case the person sending the plan, ifce. shall afterwards be employed in executing the same. WILTON, near SALISBURY, Feb. 3, .1808. [ 40s TO , ARCHITECTS. WILTS COUNTY BRIDEWELL. ALL Persons willing; to send in Plans for BUILD- ING a NEW COUNTY BRIDEW ELL ar. d HOUSE of CORRECTION, at Devizes, in the county of Wilts, . on tain. irv awa- T, --. cpfi- itfe, an J distinct places of f- - rt for at least one hundred prisoners, having, regard to classing them according to the nature of their crimes and punish- ments, and providing convenient places for the employment of
those committed for hard labour, are requested to send the same, with estimates and proposals for carrying such plans into execution, to Mr. John Swayne, at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, at Wilton, near Salisbury, Wilts, on or before the 19th day of March next. It is requested that such plans and estimates be sent ( sealed up) without signatures, but with mottoes or other devices ; and that the same be accompanied with sealed letters ( marked on the outside with corresponding mottoes or other devices) containing the names and addresses of the persons sending the same. Information as to the intended scite of the
building, and other particulars, may be had on application to Mr. John Swayne. **'* FIFTY POUNDS will be paid, as an honorary compen- sation, to the person sending the plan, & c. which shall be most approved of, with a proviso, that the said compensation is not to be paid in case the person sending the plan, & c. shall afterwards he employed in executing the same. WILTON, near SALISBURY, Jan. 25, 1808. [ 331 ENFORD INCLOSURE. WE. whose names are hereunto subscribed, Com- missioners named and appointed by virtue of an Act of Parliament made and passed in the 45th year of the reign of his present Majesty,
intituled " An Act for Inclosing Lands in the tithings of Enford, Fifield, Coombe, Long- street, and East Cliisenbury, in the parish of Enford, in the county of Wilts ;" and in pursuance of the directions of an Act of Parliament, made and passed in the 41st year of the reign of his present Majesty, " For consolidating into one Act certain provisions usually inserted in Acts of Inclosure, aud for facilitating the mode of proving the several facts usually required on the passing of such Acts," do hereby give Notice, that we have set out and. appointed such Private Carriage Roads and Drift Ways over, upon, and through or by the sides of trie
Allotments set out ami allotted in pursuance of the first mentioned Act as we have thought requisite, anil have caused a Map thereof to be prepared; which Map is de- posited with Mr. John Charlton, ot Stourton, our surveyor, for the inspection of all putties concerned, viz. IN THE TITHING OF FIFIELD. One private Carriage Road and Drift Way of the breadth of 40 feet, leading from the public Road No. 1, and extending Westwardly, between Allotments to George Griffin PierCe, William Heme, John Benett, Esq. and Richard Whitey re- spectively, to an Allotment to the said John Benett. One other private Carrriage Road and Drift
Way, of the like breadth of 40 fest, leading from the village of Fifield and extending Southwardly, along the East side o" f Allotments to the said John Benett, John Phillimore, and George Griffin Pierce, respectively, to an Allotment to John Montagu Poore, Esq. And one other private Carriage Road and Drift Way of the breadth of 20 feet, leading out of the said public Road No. 1, and extending in a Westward direction along the South side of an old Inclosute belonging to the said John Benett, to lease- hold property of John White, in the tithing of Enford. IN THE TITHING OF COOMUE. One private Carriage Read and Drift Way of
the breadth of 40 feel, leading out of the public Road No. 9, and extending inoan Eastward direction between Allotments to the said John Montagu Poore and William Munday, respectively, to the Down Allotment of the said William Munday. IN THE TITHING OF LONGSTREET. One private Carriage Road and Drift Way of the breadth of 40 feet, extending Eastwardly between Allotments to Andrew Baden, Esq.' Daniel Heme, Esq. William Barnes, and the Vicar of Enford, respectively, into the public Carriage Road No. 10. IN THE TITHING OF EAST CHISENBURY. One private Carriage Road and Drift Way of the breadth of 40
feet, leading out of the village of East Chisenbury, and extending in a Nsrth- East direction between Allotments to Moses Giddings. Thomas Maton, Richard Stretch, Thomas Timbrell, Philip Pearce, and the Vicar of Enford, respec- tively, to an Allotment to William Baden, Esq. And we do hereby give Notice, that we have appointed Tuesday the 15th day of March next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Antelope Inn, in Uphaven, in the said county of Wilts, to receive any objections that may be made to any such private Carriage Roads and Drift Ways so by us set out, or omitted to be set out and appointed, by virtue of the
said Acts of Parliament. Givsn under our hands this 28th day of November, 1807, JOSEPH PENNINGTON. GEORGE BARNES. JOHN CHARLTON. ' Witness RD. JNO. COUGH, Clerk » o the iaid Commissioners. [ 8 UTATE LOTTERY of ss , t) O0 Tiafcew, K? DRAWING tne 8th of MARCH, 1 TIQD'' Po be C ten days. SCHEME. 3 Prizes of f .20,010 .'.- are ,. .£.< So, eoo 3 10,000 :)| i,( J00 4 5,000 5t » , t> 00 20, 1,000 SO, 000 30 500 16,000 45 100 4,000 begins drawn m 60 .. 1,000 .. 5,100 ., 95,000 Tickets 50 21 15 » . ooo 21,000 . 70. HOO NO FIXED PRIZE. ,£. 250,000 The above Scheme, with not. three Blanks to a
Priie, cons, tains nearly double the number of Capital Prizes of any Lottery for many ysars past, though many of those Lottcisuff consisted of 60,000 Tickets. PRESENT PRICE.—" Ticket,.. #. 20 19 0 Half.. f. io 15 o I Eighth £.- 2 15 ( 5 Quarter ,... 5 9 0 Sixteenth 1 X o TICKETS and SHARES, in a great variety of Nombmf, are now selling at all the Licensed l. ottery- 0 tfices i'n London,- and by their Agents in the Country ; Who have likewise oS sale TICKETS and SHARES for [ SMI? THE GRAND CITY LOTTERY, Of FREEHOLD HOUSES, discharged of Land Tax ; containing Capital Prizes to the amount of £'. 101,000, viz. 1
valued at £. 25,000 1 7,000 4 6,000 7 valued at . t'. 4,000 il 3,000- 1 .. ,. ..'.... f, 00C It is proposed that those Prizes which are divided iatc small Shares shall be sold, and the produce paid to the rei. pt>.- tive Shareholders. PRESENT PRICE. Ticket.. .£. 7 14 0 Half £. 4 a 0 I Eighth £. 1 1 0 Quarter 2 1 0 | Sixteenth 0 10 C To be drawn in Guildhall, Wth April, t/ tos. TUESDAY NEXT. RICHARDSON, GOODLUCK, AND c » . stock- Brokers, corncr of Bank- Buildings, Cornhill, aoi facing th « gate Of the KingVMews, Chariiur- Crass, London, respectfully acquaint their friends and the public, that t^ s STATE LOTTERY commences
drawing on Tuesday next, the 8th of March. The Scheme, with 25,000 Tickets, con- tains nearly double the number of Capital Priz s that f rmet ones of Fifty or Sixty Thousand have had.— Not tuttrs Blanks to a Prize. Every Prize to be drawn from the Wheel— not one fixed ! SIXTY CAPITAL PRIZES ! 3 Prizes of £. 20,000 .. are .. £. f! 0,000 3 10,000 30,01) 0 4 5,000 20,000 20 1,000 20,000 30 500 16,000 G, 205 other Prizes 105,000 25,000 Tickets. £. 250, OtX) The TICKETS and SHARES for the above lottery conti- nue on sale ; also for the CITY LO'ITERY for FREEHOLD HOUSfcS, by J. Langdon, print, r, Sherborne ; J.
Woolmcr, St. Sidweli's, Exeter; W. Harry, stationer, Truro; E. liox- land, bookseller, Plymouth Dock; W. Penaluna, station, r, Helston ; and at Moore's Lucky Office, High- street, Poole, Agents to RICHARDSON, GOODI. UCK, and Co. [ S50 Thtsscsfor the Cure of Ruptures, on the most improved prin- ciples; Ladies impeoved Backs and Collar Braces; JjtiMi Belts, & r. JADAMS, High- street, Southampton, most re- * . spectfully informs his friends and the publ- c, he is appointed the only person in the county to sell the above articles, from the first manufactories in London; and hopes* by keeping a regular assortment, and selling
the above it the same prices as the manufacturers, to receivc the favoure of ttw public. All Orders by letter or carrier will be attended to with punctuality. [? o; j BASS AN JO will COVER this Season, at Josvpij Coombs's, Corton, near Warminster, at Two Guineas a Mare and Seven Shillings the Groom. fr, 32 For performances, pedigree, & c. sec Racing Cateamr, N. B. Good accommodation for M res, at the usual prices.' All expences to be defrayed before they are taken away. ——• ————• . i - I i • » ING BLADUD will COVER at llmherfield Park, . near Alton, Hants, from the Ist of April m xt, at Two Guineas a Mare, and Five
Shillings the Groom.— He was got ky Fortunio, dam. Magnolia, ly Marskc.— For his pcr- orrn- ances see Racing. Calendars, , OH. .97. $ 8. OS. « w ->-!• -, ? fr- bis running He Was remarkeu for his honesty; a Ml no horse how living has won more King's Plates, carrying IS St. than King Bladud.—- For action in all his paces, substance, bore, constitution, shape, and colour, no horse can excel him ; and he is at this moment one of the best Hunters in England. ROTIIERPIELDPARK, Feb. 27, 180S. [ iiS5 rIX) COVER this Season, 1808, at the White JL Hart, Stockbrids; e,—' That beautiful Bay Horse YOUNG PIPATOR, at One
Guinea and a Half each Mare, and Half a Crown the Groom. Young Pipator was got byPipator, his dam, called Sand- hopper, by King Fergus, his grandamby Kine Herod, mat grandam by Match'em, great great grahdam Mr. Fen wick's Duchess by Whitenose. Pipator, the sire of Young Pipator, was got by Impemor out of Brunette, the dam of Trumpator. Trumpator was the sire of Sir David, wh: ch the Prince of Wales gave OOuO guineas for, and is the best horse at Newmarket. Sandhopper, dam of Young Pipator, is awn sister to Ber. ig- brough, who is esteemed one of the best stallions ia Yorkshire. Young Pipator, after
winning a 50/. plate, fell lame in his knee, and could never stand training. He will be at Salisbury every Tuesday, and at Winchester and Andover every other Saturday. ' [<! H7 NPO COVER this Season,— FORRESTER, a tho- J. rough- bred Bay Horse.— Forrester was bred by W. Watts, Esq: foaled in 1800, got by Smart out of a chesrtut mare.-— Smart was got by Bel font out of Lucretia, by Locust; Eelfont by Cade, out df Bartlett's Childers Marc ; Cade by the Godolphin Arabian, out Of Roxana, by the Bail Galloway, Saltram ; her dam Elden, by Conundrum, Cropsdam, by the Coombe Arabian, out of a Spectator Mare;
Saltram was got by Eclipse, out of Virago, got by Snap-,, her dam by R- gu- lus, out of a sister to Bfack- and-, dl- B! ack. The above pedigree shews that Forrester is one of the bert- bred horses in . the Jcingdom ;. and he is acknowledged to be one of the strongest- boned horses ever seen in tins part of the country. During the last two seasons, Forrester has covered in York- shire, and got a very promising stock. He was bought last summer from Mr. W. Watts to he carried abroad for breed- ing, but which could not be effected. To Cover at Two Guineas a Mare and Ilalf- a- Crown the Groom ; to be paid before the service, th.
Groom being ac- countable :— Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wedncsd y « , in Dor- chester, at Mr. Pouney's stables; and on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, at Blandford.— To come to Dorchester on Fri- day the 30th of March, and to Blandford on Saturdly tie > 2d of'April. (< a' 4 TO THE FASHIONABLE WORLD Is peculiarly recommended an- Article' » / singular Excellence, where Utility a/ Ul Elegance are combined. rjpHE MACASSAR OIL, for improver and A accelerating the GROWTH Of HAIR.:—- The vir. t, vs of this preparation arc far bSyond eulogium: it is compounded of vegetable ingredients from' a tree in the island of
Rlaoossar, in the East Indies: the test of experience has proved its utility, and the proprietors caii'^ roduce incontrovertible evidence of the superlative advantages it possesses, ' fhev apptal'to facts, and them alone : and while too much advantage is taken of the liberal', of the public, by impositions of a flagiant n; ture, they can recommeud it to public notice without a blush. Sold wholesale and retail at Gd per Bottle, by the Pro- prietors, Rowland and Son, hair- cutters, Kirby- strc<- t, Hatton- Gardt- n ; and, by appointment, by 11. Howney, Perfumer to their Majesties, KXs, tlatton- Garden; by Bdurgois and Amick, Perfumers to their
Roval Hi jnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, 3- 2, Haymarket; by Mr. Ovcrcn, perfumer, 47, N « w Bond- street; by Warren, perfumer, Cheapside ; an;! at the Printing- Office, Salisbury. [ 53fj CHILBLAINS, their tormenting itching is in- standy removed and every possibility of their ever break- ing prevented, fry WHITEHEAD'S ESSENCE cf MUSTARD, universolly esteemed as the most effectual remedy perhaps m the' World, for Rheumatisms, Balsics, Gouty Affections, Complaints of the Stomach, Sprains, Bruises, Sec. but where this certain remedy has been either unknown or neghcud, and the Chilblains have actually
suppurated or broke. WHITEHEAD'S FAMILY CERATE will ease th » pain and very speedily heal them. The Family Cerate is equally suc- cessful in Sore Legs and other ill- conditioned Sores, Scorbutic Humours of every description, and the Breakings out, or Humours common to Children. They ar? prepared and sold by P, Johnston, rpathe - ary, 15, Greek- street, Soho, London- the Essence and Pills " at 2s. Hi I. each : the Cerate at Is. Hi/.; and nwy 1 <• had at tile Pr nting- Office, Salisbury, and sv rv Midifciut. Vender in the j United Kiaj4otu.
f AND GENERAL AiiVEilTiSF. it OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. SET: Friday s and Saturday's Posts-. FOREIGN NEWS, BILBOA, Fob. 11. ACCOUNTS from Lisbon state, that soffle commercial facilities have been afforded to. the merchants by General Junot, and that trade had in some degree revived. \ Ve hear nothing farther Of the intended siege of Gibraltar. Indeed there is some talk of the renewal of the intercourse with the garrison. HOUSE OF LORDS. THURSDAY, March 3.] Lord Darritey moved an Address to his Majesty, setting forth the injurious tendency tof. the late attack upon Copenhagen, and
that the dotal- tftents laid on the table relative thereto were wholly un- satisfactory. Jjird Elliot opposed the motion, and read a re~ olutmn approving the conduct of Ministers, which it was his in- tention tii propose, should the motion for an Address be Rejected. , Lore Hartley's motion was negatived by 110 to 51,' t> roxies in- luded.— Lord Elliot's motion was carried by a biajcrity of 125 to 57, Proxies included.— Adjourned. HOUSE OK COMMONS. WEDNESDAY, March. 2.] The Churman of, the Committee on the Great Yarmouth Election, reported that the Sitting Members were duly elected. Leave was given to bring in Bills for
building two bridges over the Thames, one near the Savoy, the other near Vauxhall turnpike. Jjord Otstlcreagk informed the Home, that in deference io the opinion ot several Gentlemen, he should not bring forward any motion for erecting a monument to the me- mory of Lord Lake. fir. [ lu. ikis. mi presented papers relative to Sir Home Popham, ami the ease of the El F. truseo, containing in substance all the documents required by the House, though one or two of the papers ordered could not be found in the Treasury. The Mutiny liill was brought in by Lord Castlercagh, and read a first time.— Adjourned. THURSDAY, March 3.]
A Committee was ballotted to trv the merits of the Gra in pound Election petition. The Chancellor of the. Exchequer, in consequence of representations from the Merchants that the. propo ed Tax on Salt exported wuu! d be highly injurious, moved that the second reading of the bill, he postponed for three months; which was carried, and the bill is consequently lost. Sir John Newport stated, that a Mr. Giffard, who had teen dismissed by Lord Ha: dwicke from a subordinate station in the Custom- hoire at Dublin, hail been appoieted by the present Administration to the important office of Accountant- General of the Customs. This
appointment was highly improper, and in order to bring the trun- ac- tion before the Housee, he moved for a copy of Mr. Gif- fard's patent. The motion was opposed, on the ground that, sufficient rcr.- on had not been given tor' the production of the paper; and on a division the motion was negatived, by a majoriity of 4H. Mr. Calcraft, after stating that Sir Richard Strachan's squadron had been unJ. er the necessity of quitting Basque Roads from the want of provisions, for which he considered the Admiralty highly censurable, moved for copies of ail letters that passed on the . occasion. Mr. IVcilcsley Pole expressed Ins readiness to
give every satisfaftti- itr Dn'thfc'sufliffcfT'iniil tffeTToil.' Gentleman having specified the papers he required, the motion passed nem. can. Ism! II. Pettir moved ft> r various papers explanatory of - the late Orders in Council; but it being stated by Ministers that it would be improper to produce these papers, the Bunion was nc gativefl by a considerable majority. General Gascoigne stated, that he had a Petition to present, digued by mare than 3,000 respectable merchants and other inhabitants of Liverpool, against the Orders in Council, by which they had totally lost the American trade- Last year m. M- i I han 1 23,000- tons of
shipping cleared out fur America ; the Dock dues atone amounted to 31,0001. together with 150,0001. annual disbur einents. Surely then, if they Were deprived. of this trade, it may reasonably he supposed they would look to that House for compensa- tion : he therefore concluded by moving for leave to lay the Petition on the table. The Speaker said, it was contrary to the forms of the House, to receive a Petition against a Revenue Bill. . Mr. Ticrnc;/ and Mr. Ponsonby contended that the Pe- tition was of a nature so important, that ordinary rnles might be dispensed with ot « th < occasion. It ought to be brought up, and seriously
attended to. The Chancellor of the Exchequer and Lord CastlereagK argued that the forms of the House ought to be adhered to. In the further progress of the debate, Mr. Sheridan, Mr. Whitbrcad, and Lord II. Petty spoke in favour of receiving the Petition; and General Tarlcton, Mr. Huskisson, and Mr. Ro- e, against it, when a division took place— Ayes 30; Noes 128.— Adjourned at Half past Two. '... '. .'. 1 — • 1 1 '-•- • LONDON, FRIDAY, MARCH 4. LCItD LAKE.— Mr. Paull has addressed a letter to the Electors of Westminster, oil the subject of the proposed pensio n o# 2,000/. a year to Lord Lake's successors, in which lie
recapitulates the various sums received by Lord Lake duithg the six years lie held, the fcoimiiaud.. in Jndia, the total amount of which is 224,0001, besides which his son, Lieut. Col; G. A. Lake, received 63; 000 /; in the same period, making an aggregate of upwards of 3( 50,0001. Ei. OFRMF. NT.— On Tuesday evening a young Lady, in the Borough High- street, of much respectability, and pos- sessed of an ample fortune, eloped with a Naval Officer, who a few days ago arrived from Plymouth on a visit to a near connection of the fugitive: A dashing spinster of forty- Jive eloped from the house of her father, a retired soap boiler, , in Tottenhum- court- roJul, on Tuesday night, from the window of a first floor, with a recruiting serjeaut belonging to a regiment of light dragoons. The Lady possesses a fortune of 6O01. per annum, and she was originally the playmate of her para- mour, whose father was a shoemaker in the foad.— No tidings have as yet been heard of the fugitives. SUICIDE.— A gentleman of respectability, a Major in the army, upwards of 70 years of age, who has long re- sided at Bath, weut last week on a visit to Bristol On Saturday morning, as a servant was passing his bed- room door, she heard him groan, and o i . looking through
the key- hole, she saw that- he was weltering in his blood. The door was broke open ; but he had cut his throat so dreadfully, that he expired a few minutes after.— It ap- peared on the Coroner's Inquest that he had been subject to fits of despondency. Verdict, Lunacy. BIRTHS.] On the 2i « t ult, at Canterbury, the Hon. Mrs. Mundy, Lady of Lieut.- Colonel Mundy, of the .' id Dragoons, of a son.— On the 23d ult. in Whitehaven, the Lady of Sjr Joseph Senhouse, Bart, of a son', her eleventh child, all living.— On the S4thult.- in Wimpole- stfeet, the Lady of Richard Beadon, Esq. ( son of the Bishop of Bath and Wells) of a . son.—
On Saturday last, at Admiral Hol- loway's, the Lady of Capt. Otway, of the Royal Navy, of a daughter.— Same day, at Chelsea, the Lady, of Captain ButterfieTd, of the Royal Navy, of a son.— On Tuesday, at Blithefield, the seat of Lord Bagot, the Right Hon. Lady Bagot. of a daughter. • MARRIED,] Lately, James Willis, Esq. of Upper Guildford- street, a Commissioner of the Cu- tom-, to Miss Revett, only daughter of the late. Thomas Revett, Esq, of Brook- Hall, in Essex.— On Tuesday, Richard Davenport, Esq. of the Inner Temple, to Miss Sophia Langlev, of Hampstead.— On Monday, at Bath, Thomas Creaser, Esq. to the
Hon. Mrs. Rochfort. DIED.] Lately, Sir James de Bathe : hi? death was so sudden and unexpected, that his most, particular friends, though living in the vicinity, knew nothing of his indis- position till the fatal event had taken place : he is suc- ceeded in his' title and estate by his eldest son, now Sir James Butler Wynne de Bathe, who is in his 16th year.— On Wednesday, in the 12th year of his age, Lord Scot-, eldest son of the Earl of Dalkeith, and grandson of the Duke of Buecleugh.— On Tuesday, at Hani Common, the lion. Mrs. E ther Chetwynd; sister of the late'a id aunt of present Viscount Chetwynd.— On Sunday, at his
seat in Essex, the Rev. Sir Wiu. Cheere, Bart, aged 7S years: the bulk of his fortune devolves on two nieces ; the title is ex- tinct.— On the 24th ult. at Windsor, Mrs. Buckle, n il w of Admiral Buckle.— Oil Saturday, in his Gotn year, tvii . Westmacott, sao. Esq. of Mount- street, Grosvvu n- squai'e. — On the ( jth of November, at Harbadoes, Mr. J hn Ha- vilaud Grose, Surgeon of the Bio ide frigate.— On Wcda nesday, in Upper Conway- street, Fitzroy- quare, Nnh. Tanner, Esq. formerly a Commander in the India Com- pany's Service. \ The accounts received by Government respectiu, the Rochefort squadron are so contradictory,
that they not feci thems- clvcs authorized to make them public. Six: h is the substance of an answer returned by the Admiralty to a letter from the Committee at Lloyd' Cuffee- hotr. e. Dispatches rcceiv « J from our fleet off Cadiz, of the date of February 10, state, that the French arid Spa- nish ships in that harbour appeared in no condition to put to se?.. The blockading squadron had suffered a little from gSlcs of wind, but the crews of the different ships were in good health. A rumour was current yesterday even'm?, said- to have been received from Cork, that the island of Teneiiffe had been taken by surprize by a detachment of
British troops. The following is ET » extract of a letter from an Officer on board the Renown, one of Sir R. Strachan's squadron, dated off Cadiz, Feb. 10:—" After a long and temp - tucus passage out of the Bay, we have got off this place. By the Raven brig, off Cape St. Vincent, we received information of the Rochefort Squadron having passed the Gut on the 56th of lust month; we are conse- quent'? a long way astern. This morning we joined the Squadron iff Cadiz, which had not heard any thing of the Enemy. Our foremast is badly Sprung, and we expect to go to Gibraltar." Letters from Fowev, h Cornv.- all, announce the
arrival there of the Matchless privateer, of Guernsey, wiLh a Spanish prize, taken on her voyage from St. Sebastian's to Buenos Avres, with important dispatches. On being boarder, the Spanish Captain threw his dispatches over- board, but, from their not having beer, sufficiently loaded with itaot, they did not sink, and possession was obtained of them by the privateer. They have been forwarded to Government, and are aid to be of very great'importance. The Matchless a small privateer, of 12 guns; the prize is a vert large vessel, carrying 16 guns and 3G men, and her cargo is Aalued at upwards of 10,000/. sterling. An instance
of extraordinary luck is mentioned in letters liv the Camel store- ship, which has just arrived from the Cape of Good Hope, that a privateer, the Kitty, which had been fitted nut at the Cape, iu a cruize of only ten days, had brought into that port a large Danish Indiaman, "• jlfpposed to be worth eighty or one hundred thousand pounds. Major- General Oakes is going out to take tfee com- mand of the British troops in Malta. Sir Home Popham oontinues dangerously ill, at- tended by three physicians— his disorder is said to be of the same kind with that which proved fatal to Geu. [ Lord Lake. , The battalion of the Scots Royals, which
is in I Tobago, has of late fost many mcil bv. the yellow fever. Tile 1st West India reg'uucnt, which is quar- tered along with the Roy Ji, is very healthy. MERE INCLOSURE. IN pursuance of an Act of Parliament, passed i-> the forty- seventh year of the reijn of his pr s nt Mat >.- v, intitled " An Act for inclosinu Lands in the Parish of M i " inthe County of Wilts,"— Notice, is here y given, th t a public Meeting of the several Proprietors of Lands in open and common fields, common- pastures, and other om- monaljle lands within the said parish, will be holde'n at th house of James Bnrfitt, known by the name or sign of m- Ship Inn, in
the town and parish of Merc af res- j fl, on Monday the twenty- first day of March next, at the h ur of eleven in the fofenoon, for the purpose ot electing and ap- pointing tone other person to. be a Co-„ lisaione. r I the room and stead of THOMAS DAVIS, late Jjf IT rmegsha in the said county of Wilts, gentlenian, deceased, who was a Commissioner appointed by the said Act. Dated this 2 « th day of February, 1808. 853] R. U. and G. MESS1TER, Clerks. FIVE HUNDRED POUND.? REWARD. Whitehall, Jan. 23, 1808. WHEREAS it has been humbly represented to the King, that, between the hours of s^ ven and eight o'clock in the
evening of the 1,9th of this instant, some per- son, in company with others ( all of whom are unknown', FIRED a loaded Pistol or Blunderbuss at JOHN JONES, Esq. of Woolley, near Bradford, in Wiltshire, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace ' for the said county, as the said. I ihn Jones, Esq. was returning home on horseback from his Factory at Staverton, whereby the ' eyes and fact of the said John Jones, Esq. were very much injured:— His Majesty, for the better apprehending and bringing to justice the persori who has been guilty of this enormous out- rage, is hexeby pleased to promise his most gracious PARDON to
any accomplice who shall discover the offender, so that he may be apprehended and convicted thereof. HAWKESBURY. And. as a further encouragement, a Reward of FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS is hereby offered to any person making any such discovery as aforesaid ; the same to be paid by Messrs. Thomas Timbrel!, Stephen Brown, Edward Lux- ford, and Thomas H. Saunders, Clerks to the Magistrates of the Division of. Trowbridge, in Wiltshire. [ 357 TO be LETTi arid entered npewi at Lady- day nest, — A FARM, called BRAT- TON FAKM ; consisting of a meisuage or farm- house, with sutable out- buildings, two cottages,
and about 400 acres of araiile; pastute, and wood land, iu Brattoh and Shepton Montague, in the county of Somerset,. now in the occtipatioriof Mr. Richaid Hodges and I his Under tenano, under an agreement ending at Old I. ady^ day next. Also one apre of Land, in Bratton aforesaid, iii the occupation of Mr. John Hodges. [ 7' 7 For rent and covenants apply'personally, or by letters [ post paid}, to Messrs. Thting and Phelps, Warminster, Wilts. HANTS. TO be LETT, and entered upon at Lady- day nexr, All that capital Mansion callcd [. A1NSTON- HOUSE, with the Courts, Yards, walled Gardens, Orchard, Dog- kennel, triple
Coach- house, excellent Stabling for 20 horses, Dove- cote, and every necessary attached and de- tached office and building; together with 112 acres. of in- closed arable and pasture land ( tythe free) adjoining and lying in a ring fence round the mansion. The above capital residence is delightfully situated on an eminence ( but well sheltered), near the Stockbridge turnpike road, tbree miles west of Winchester, is perfectly dry and in complete repair, fit for the reoeption and genteel accommo- dation of a large family, and has for many years past been in the occupation of George Wm. Ricketts, Esq. by whose per- mission the
same may be viewed. A part of the present elegant HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE may be taken at a valuation. For further particulars, and to treat, apply to Mr. Arney, Close, Salisbury; if by letter post- paid. ptOJ?' TO be LETT by PRIVATE TENDER, for a term of twenty- ore years, of which 17 were unexpired at Michaelmas last, SAXLEY FARM, in the parish of Upp. r Cl. atford, in the county of Hants; consisting of 3iS acres of capital arable land ( tie the same more or less), of which 7 are in burnet, in sanfoin, 2a in new lay of pe- rennial rye grass, HI in new lay of common rye grass, 1S9 in old lay, 4(> in. wheat, 3 in turnips, and
the rest iu fallow, be the same more or less; also 20 acres of water meadow ( more or less), and a yearly allotment of 10J lands of copse wood.- Twelve hundred pounds have been expended in buildings on toe premises since the commencement of the lease. Proposals for taking the same maybe directed to R. Moore, Esq. Hampton- Court Palace, Middlesex, on or before the 8th of. March, when the highest offer will be accepted, if otherwise approved of. For further particulars apply to Mr. Bird, Attorney at Law, Andever, or to Mr. Pinkitt, Attorney at Law, No". 3, Elm- Court, Temple, London. [ 441 flarnham, Blandford, and
Dorchester Turnpike. NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising from the Toll Gates hereunder mentioned, be- longing to this Turnpike, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the best bidder, at the Greyhound Inn, at Blandford, on Thursday the 24th day of March next, between thours often and twelve in the forenoon of the same day, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th ycarof his present Majesty, for regulating; turnpike roads, to commence on the 5th day of the said month of March, and which Tolls were itt the last year for the sums hereunder mentioned, above the expence of collecting the same, and will be put
up at the same sums, viz. Coombe Gate £. 365 Cashmoor Gate. 262 Whoever happens to be. the best bidder, must give security it the Same time, with sufficient sun- tics, to the satisfaction of the Trustees . . f th said Turnpike, for the payment of the rents agreed for at such times as they shall direct. JOHN TREG. KING, Clerk to the Trustees. m • ated Feb. 23, 1808. WINCANTON TURNPIKE.. \ TOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at the several Toll- Gates and Weigh- Bridge within - strict, will be LETT by AUCTION, to th- MS] WILTSHIRE. AT a SPSCIAI. MEETING of MAGISTRATES for the county of Wilts, held
this 23th day of January, 1808, at Bradford, in the said county,— The Magistrates having expressed their great abhorrence at the late outrageous attempt on the Life of JOHN JONES, bsq. at Woolley, near Bradford^ one of his Majesty's Jus- tices of the Peace for the said county, in the evening of the 19th inst. came to the following Resolution :— That they arc determined to take the most effectual and vigorous measures for bringing the offenders to speedy justice, and for that purpose thsy will hold occasional meetings at Trowbridge, Bradford, and Westbury, to receive any infor- mation that may be brought before them, and to
watch over the preservation of the public peace. And they hereby call upon all constables of hundreds, petty constables, and other peace officers, to be watchful and active in'the line of their respective duties, and to attend the above meetings, to further the ends of public justice; and to appre- hend all persons appearing in disguisCj and all other suspicious persons, who may be found wandering about and associating at unseasonable hours, without being able to give a satisfac- tory account of themselves. And all peaceable and well- disposed inhabitants are hereby exhorted to exert themselves, to the utmost of their power, in
defence and support of good order, arid to Stand forward in ai « of the civil power ; and they may be assured of the most speedy and effectual support from the military force in the country, if it should be found necessary to call them in aid. liy order of the Magistrates, THOMAS TIMBRELL, EDWARD LUXFORD, J- Clerks. THOMAS II. SAUNDERS, J ESSEX, OM THE BORDERS OF SUFFOLK. TO be LETT, and entered upon at Lsdy- day next, or sooner if required,— A very capital MANSION, called GREAT BROMLEY HALL, replete with every accommoda- tion for the residence of a Family of distinction ; containing seventeen
lied chambers, numerous dressing rooms, morning room 42 feet square, dining and drawing rooms $ 4 feet by 22 each, with folding doors, costjy marble chimney pieces and oak fljors ; a billiard room, library, dressing apartments, butler's and housekeeper's rooms, encellent offices, capacious cellaring, and well supplied with water; double coach- houses, and nabhng for ten horses, lofts, and numerous agricultural out- buildings, productive doye cote, lawns, paddocks, flower and fruit gardens, conservatory and hot houses ; the whole ornamented by very extensive and luxuriant plantations, and well stored fish- ponds, Arc. in
excellent ordrr; together with 150 acres and upwards of lan 1, a small quantity of which is arable, the remainder valuable pasture land. This Estate is situate in a very beautiful and healthy part of the county of Essex, well stocked with game, and surrounded by gOo I roads and pleasant rides ; si* miles from Colchester and Dedham, four from Manninglree and Mistley, and ftfty- seven from L irdon. The Furniture at present in the House may be taken or not at a valuation, at the option of 4 Tenant. The assurance of a Ten snt's attention to keep the premises in r. ice preservation, Will, not fail to meet consideration in the terms, and
such a one, if he sh n » U eousidcr it an object, maybe aceomrnndated w th the deputation of the Manor of Gre » t Bromley, which is very extensive. For particulars enquire of Messrs. Mason, solicitors, Colchester; and of Mr. Bridges, No. 83, Red Lion square, London, [ 7W best 1 - t the house of Elizabeth Lintern, being a common • ' house, known bv the sign of the Grevh iun, d, in : ton at'or said, on Wednesday the thirtieth day of ; r : t n- xt, between the hoilrs ot five and seven of the cl.. v '.: .1) • >.- aft moon of that day, in the manner directed by th Act o- P rliamcnt passed in the 13th year of rhe reign ot ii.- pre-; nt Majesty " for
regulating the Turnpike Rojds 4" o' OsO. nmence from the fth d , v of April next, d " th sp ice of Csiir year, which Tolls were lert las' year a> the sums hereafter mentioned, above the ex- p ix s of . ii'e. i ng them, and will be put up at the same tsums respecti! h vi, - st i ;.. t • and Weigh- Bridge.... £ 310 •• '<•'• ' 5 . te 218 W - . te 96 Will; ugh by Hedge. Gate 227 Stourt 111 Gate 2S5 Norton Gate 1S3 Whoever happens to b? the best bidder must at the same time give security, with ifHcient sureties to the. satisfaction of the Trustees, for paym. nt of the rent agreed on, and at such times as they sisal! direct.. [ UDS Feb. 26, 1808. R.
MESSITER, Clerk to the suit! Trustees. OAK AND ELM T I M B E R. T3 be SOLI) by AUCTION, at the Dolphin Inn, at BOTLEY, Hants, on Thursday thes « * raie< « r( A of March, precisely at five o'clock in the afternoon,—— Three Hundred and Seventy- Two large well- barked OAK TREES, and Nine ELMS, of a superior size and quality, < 11 standing upon the Manor of FAIBTHORN, in the parish of Bishop's Waltham, and on the banks of the Bursledon River, not more than four miles from the Southampton Water, at Humble. The far greater part of the above Timber is growing at a distance of from five to five hundred yards of
the water's edge, the distance of the farthest tree not being more than half a mile. In addition to which convenience, there is that of a TIMBER YARD and WHARF, for the use of the purchasers, free of expencC. [ 5( 54 The Timber will be sold in Five separate Lots,- the particu- lars of which, as to situation, marks, and numbers, will be stated in printed bills, which gentlemen, who wish to view the Timber, will receive at Botley ( about half a mile from Fairthorn) from ROBERT ROBINSON, who will also shew the different fields and woods wherein the Timber is standing. The Timber cannot be viewed before the SEVENTH of Mareh;
but may, upon application as above, be viewed at anytime from the 7th of March to the day of sale inclusive. ISLE OF WIGHT. PARTICULARS of capital OAK, ELM, and ASH TIMBER, to be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKER and PITTIS, at the Bugle Inn, Newport, on Wednesday the <> th of March, 1803, precisely at three o'clock in the aftwnoon,— The undermentioned Lots, now growing on Little Thorncss, in the parish of Northwood, Isle of Wight. OAK TIMBER. Trees. Lot!.— In Little Roles Coppice and Rows adjoining.. 183 Lot 2.— In Great Roles Coppice 230 Lot 8.— In the Rows-* pd Fields an Little Thorntss .. 156
ELM AND ASH. Lot 4— On Little Thoruess Farm 34 Elms, 12 Ash, and 3 Poplar Trees. The above Timber is very advantageously situated for shin- ping, being near Thorness Bay. The sale will include the Bark and Tops, exclusive of such measurable Limbs as the conditions of sale will express. For a view of the same, apply to Mr. Philip Scovell, coppice- man; or FarmerParsens, on the premises. [ 608 DOWNTO N: rrv3be SOLD by AUCTION, Vy GzivkiS and A Co: between the hours of three and five o'clock in the afternoon, 011 Thursday the 17th day of March next, at the Kind's Arms Inn, DoWutori, Wilts,—— All those
BRICK KILNS, with the sheds, hovels, buildings* pieces br parcels of land, and premises thereunto belonging; together with two Cottages and Gardens adj- lining thereto ; situate at Mor- gan's Bottoih, within the said parish of Down ton, late the property of Mr. Wm. Mowland, deceased.— These premises will be found deserving of the attention of persons in the above line of business, being, from their local situation, very ^ cll adapted for. carrying 011 an extensive and advantageous trade. ' Po view the same, enquire for Francis Hilliar, on the pre- mises ; an 1 for further particulars apply, by letter, ( postpaid) addressed to Mr.
Woodj'e^ r, solicitor, Downton, Wilts. The Executors of the late Mr. WM. Movn. ANRI, wishing to effect an early arrangement of the Affairs of the deceased, Request all persons who have any demands on the Estate, to transmit the particulars thereof, in writing; immediately, addressed to Mr. Woodyear, in Downton, ( free of postage) ; and those persons who are indebted to the said Estate, are desired to be prepared to settle their accounts With the Exe- cutors, at an early day, of which due notice will be Given in this Journal. HENRY WILLIAM WOODYEAR, Solicitor to the Executors. DOWNTON, Feb. 19, 1808. [ 554 WILTS,
1803. FOR SALE by AUCTION, by HARRY RHSS, on the Premises, 011 Friday the nth day of March, and following day,— The LIVE and DEAD S TOCK, Implements of Husbandry, Dairy Utensils, some Household Furniture, and other Edicts of Mr. Richard Joyce, ofRowde- hill Farm, near Devizes ; consisting of 30 remarkably useful dairy cows, either in calf or with calves; grazing cow, four three- year- heifers in calf, three sows in farrow, six- inch- wheel waggon, narrow- wheel ditto, ditto with iron axles, six- inch- wheel cart, narrow- wheel ditto, market cart, field roller, fan and stocks, several ploughs, drags, harrows, rick
staddlcs, iwo ricks of wheat in the straw, a qantity of log wood, ash poles, & c. double cheese press, single ditto, three ditto leads, cheese tub, barrel churn, whey keevers, a quantity of vats, cheese- tacks, milk pails, and other dairy utensils.— The Furniture comprises tables, bedsteads, dresser and shelves; clothes press, furnace and grate, boiler and ditto, iron- bound casks, and sundry other articles. Sale to begin each day at ten o'clock. [ ffh' 3 " PORTSEX TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Roynl Oak, Queen- Street, on Tuesday the 8th day of March isos, between the hours of three and six o'clock in the afternoon, — One
Hundred and Twenty- four Prime ELM and ASH TIMBER TREES, mostly fit for His Majesty's Dock Yard, standing on the lands now' in the occupation of Mr. Gain and Mr. Way, at Milton, within two miles from Portsea, ( under conditions to be produced at the time of sale) •.— Lot 1.— 17 ELMS, on Mr. Way's Farm at Lumps, standing round the building and two fields near, hammered 1T Lot 2.— 23 do. on do. standing round a small paddock, hammered HI Lots.— 13 do. standing on Mr. Gain's Farm, against the wheat, hammered H I Lot 4.— 5 do. in the One Acre, 6 do. in the Little Meadow, Vail hammered IT 13 do. lying on the
Common, ) Lot 5.— 7 do. i'n the Eight Acres,"! 6 do. in the Garden, > all hammered H I 2 do. in the Rick Yard, J Lot S.— 64 do. in the Lucerne Field, hammered I T Lot 7.— 18 ASH TREES, standing round the Ground, hammered H I N. 1>.— For further particulars of Lots 1 and 2, apply at Mr. Way's farm- house at Lumps; and for the other Lots, apply to Mr. Gain, Milton. 1 [ 610 OAK TIMBER FOR SALE WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. You wo, on Thursday the 24th of March 1808, ( at three o'clock in. the afternoon), at the Green Dragon Inn, at Brook, in the parish of Bramshaw, subject to such conditions as will be
produced at the sale,— The following Lots of OAK TIMBER TREES, with their Tops, Lop, and Bark, growing on Eirchenwood farm, in the parish of Bramshaw aforesaid :— Lot 1 is 65 OAK TREES, marked letter A in white paint, in Pigeon Close, & c. 2 is 40 ditto.... B ditto, in Park Ground and the Drove. ! i is 27 ditto,... C in Furzv Close and Park Ground, and Bampion's Garden. 4 is 60 ditto.... D ditto, in Wittensford Fields. 5 is 28 ditto E ditto, in Common Piecc and New Field, 6 is 45 ditto F ditto, in Brook Ground. 7 is 60 ditto..,, G ditto, in Snipe's Coppice. 8 is 66 ditto H ditto, in Pond Close and Marlpit'sRow, 9 is 72 ditto.... 1 ditto,
in Holloway's Field. 10 is 85 ditto..,. K ditto, in Hopkins Field and Row. 11 is 48 ditto L ditto, in Great Field and Ten Acres. 12 is 60 ditto M ditto, in Hardy Coppice. 13 is t! 4 ditto,,.. N ditto, in Hardy Coppice and Row ad- joining. H is 68 FMT? RINOS, marked X in white paint, in Hardy Coppice. 15 is 80 ditto, marked XX ditto," in Snipe's Coppice and Hopkins Row. The above Timber is calculated for Ship Builders, Mer- chants, and Carpenters. ' Birchenwood Farm is adjoining the turnpike road, about 5 miles from Redbridge and Ealing, Printed particulars may be had at the place pf sale, and at the Auctioneer's, White Horse,
Romsey. [ 828 For a view of the above Timber, apply to William Baby, at Bramshaw; and farther particulars may be known of Mr, John Fielder, timber smveyor, BraiJifield, near Romsey, LYDLINCH, DORSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, by M. BAKER, or* Thursday the 10th of March initant, and following day, at Lydlinch, near Sturminster Newton,— About Forty prime DAIRY COWS, the greatest part with calves by their sides, the others forward in calf; three 3 year old heifers in calf, seven 2 vrar old heifers in calf, tv+ o 2 year old heifers, three yearling ditto, two good hog bulls, three fat oxen, four fat heifers,
three barren heifers in good condition; two good cart mares rising four years old, one cart mare risin ' eieht years old, and one cart hors-- rising four fears o! 4) good strc , thill, anu> plough haiwat 2 one curt Colt rising two years old ; one iprime hackney Colt risimt two years old, got by Mr. M - lm- jth's hors • Profligate; one hackney mare and w- lt ii mare in foal hy Mr. Melmoth's horse);" two pony marcs ; five wether sheep, 54 pur and chilver hogs ; two wheit licks, three staddles, a rick of broad clover, about 80 tons'if well made dry meadow hay, 15 quarters of oats, 12 dof barley, about ISO bushels of good malt, small quantity
ofhops, a steel malt mill, two waggons, two duug pots, two suits, one pair of drags, tw<> harrows, com roller, about 14 hogsheads of good cyder, good iron- bound casks, milk and salting leads, brewing coppers, mash and other tubs ; a neat mahogany cscritoir and bookcase 1 together with sundry other useful household furniture, & c. the property of Mr. Joseph Strange, quitting the Farm. The sale to begin at eleven o'clock in the morning. The greatest part Of the above Dairy Cows are from tour to six years old, in good condition, and well worth the atten- tion of Gentlemen Farmers andbthers, and will be sold the first day. [ 649
rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, by WM. ALKX- X ANDER, at the George Inn, in Frome, on Wednesday the 16th day of March, 1808, at five in the afternoon, sub- ject to such conditions as shall be then produced,— The several FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD PREMISES fol- lowing :— Lot 1. All that neat well- built Dwelling- House, with front shop, parlour, bed- chambers, garrets, and suitable attached and detached offices, leading to and communicating with an excellent walled garden, desirably situated for business in River- street, near the Bridge, in the town of From?, now occupied by Mr. Palmer, as tenant at will. Lot 3. All
those large, strong, and roomy Buildings, ad- joining the first lot, now occupied by four several tenants at will.— The front part of this lot may, at a small expence, make one or more comfortable residences; and the other buildings behind are well calculated for any business requir- ing room. Lpta. A valuable Piece of Land, adjoining the new road leading to North- Hill House, Frome, in the occupation of Mr. Adlam. Lot 4. Two convenient Dwelling- Houses, situate on Cow- ard's- Batch, Frome, with a small garden behind, aiid a piece of land in front, on which might be built a neat shop, now occupied by William Provers and Mary
Haines. The above four Lots are Freehold. Let 5. Two Dwelling- Houses, advantageously situated on the Bridge, in Fronic ( adjoining the residence of Mr. White), foimerly known us the Full Moon Inn, now in th. e occupation of MrS. Edgell and J. Randall, as tenants at will. Further particulars may be obtained ( if by letter, post paid) of Mr. Chislett, Solicitor ; and for a view of the premises, apply to the Auctioneer, Fromd. Tickets of admission, is. each, to be had of the Auctioneer, and at the George Inn, Frome. [ 662 Addressed to the MAGISTRATES of ENGLAND, '> This Dap is published, jtr. ee 3* 1 O' N . the POOR LAWS cf
ENGLAND, tie various Plans and Opniohs of Judge Eladistonc, Swit Addison, Wi nipey, Winchclsea, Young, Runford. Eastcoilrt Gilbert, Stewart, Eden,, Pitt, Nasmiih, Townshcnd, P vs ^ Davis, Colquhoiin, Wcyland, Bate, Rose, Monck, Malthrs Whitbread, and the Society fof Bettering the Condition 01 the P lor, STATED and CONSIDERED, with proposed Aim m - merits, of easy execution, to give effect ro thfc present Laws and the Views of Government. , [(}{,' « By the Rev. JAMES Wil. I. lS, Vicar of Sopley, and chfc of the Magistrates for the County of Southampton. London: Printed f. ir jantes Ridgwav, opposite Bond- street,
Piccadilly; and sold at the Printing- OfBcc, Salisbury. In Royal Octavo, and illustrated vvith new" Plates, those on Natural History, forming nearly half, beautifully coloured, This Day - is published, handsomely, printed 01 i c fite paper: , . PART I. price Six Shillings, PANTOLOGIA ; comprehending a complete Series of Essays, Treaties, and Systems, alphabetically arranged; with a General Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Words. And presenting a distinct Survey of Hnman Genius, Learning, and Industry. . By JOHN MASON GOOD, Esq. ; OMNTHOS GREGORY, A. M. of the Roval Military Academy, Woolw> » i ; and Mr;
NEWTON BOSWORTH, of Cambridge. Assissted bv other Gentlemen of eminence in different departments of lib fature. Gov DiTiONS ! 1. This work will be handsomely print ;! by Messrs; Bensley arid Davison, on" a fine wove royal paper iri pctayo, and will, be published in Monthlv Parts, price Six Shillings each, five of which will fomi a Voluuie. The First Fart is just published. . 2. As in an undertaking of so extensive a nature, it is im- possible to ascertain the exact quantity in which the whole will be cdmpriifd— the public can only be assured, that it Will not. exceed Ten Volumes; and, probablv, riot rriofe than Light or Nine. . . ;).
In the course of publication there will be introduced, from three to fbiir hundred elegant etwiatings by the first artist.-,, from original drawings by Edvtards, l-' arey, jtui. and others. And all those representing subjects of Natural History comprising half, or ncarlv halt the entire Number, will be beailtijidly coloured after Nature. [ 70$ London: Printed for G. Kearsley; Ffet- sfreet; anil sold at the Printing- office, Salisbury ; and by all other booksellers. SCORBUTIC DROPS, in Sctophulous arid Eruptive • ses, may perhaps be explained Uy its icnoviug any TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, without reserve, by WM,
ALEXANDER, on Mondav the 21st of March, 1808,— All the valuable LIVE and DEAD STOCK, part of the Household Furniture, and Dairy Uten- sils, of Mr. PIKE, at Sharpshaw Farm, in the parish of Marston, near Frome, who is quitting the same ; comprising six capital milch cows in and with calf, one excellent draught horse, two mares in foal, a handsome mate, of the hackney- kind, rising four years old, a colt rising two years old, an ex- cellent rick of wheat, a narrow- wheel waggon, a six- inch wheel cart, a narrow- wheel ditto, a plough, pair of drags, five harrows, cider- mill and press, quantity of reed, mow- stadels, few lots
of old iron calculated for the use of smiths and others, excellent malt- mill, copper furnace, boiler, brew- ing utensils, and various other useful articles, fc' 78 SALE AT TEN. SOMERSET. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Monday the 2lst day of March, 1808, at the SWAN INN, in the city of Wells, in the said county, between the hours of four and seven o'clock in the afternoon, ( unless sold before by private contract, of which notice will tie given),— A large, elegant,- and commodious DWELLING- HOUSl£, in good repair, with- spacious Rooms, situate in Chamberlain- street, in the said city, late in the occupation of Robert Tudway,
Esq. de- ceased ; consisting of a large handsome hall at the entrance ; a dining- room, 2- s feet by 19 ; drawing- room, 21 feet 8 inches by 19 feet; breakfast parlour, 21 feet by 13 feet 9 inches; study, 16 feet S inches by 15 feet 10 inches ; with seven bed- chambers, dressing- rooms, and commodious garrets; a v ry good kitchen, housekeeper's room, servahts' hall, under- ground cellars, dairy- house, wash- house, laundry and brew- house, with convenient offices of every sort thereto adjoining; together- with a coach- house and good five- stalled stable; a spacious pleasure- girden behind the dwelling- house, with a grove of
full- grown chcsnut- trees at the lower end thereof j also a lawn or vista before the dweiling- house, belonging to the same ; also a good kirchen- garden", and about eight acres ot rich meadow ground adjoining thereto. The dwelling- house, with most of the pleasure- garden, and part of the vista, is freehold; arid the remaining part of the premises are held hy leases for . lives under the Cathedral Church of Wells ; and the dwelling- house commands a plea* sant and distant liew into the country. [ 477 For further particulars cr view of the premises, apply to Mr. Lax, sen, solicitor, Wells, where 4 plan may be seen. HpHE Success of
SPILSBURY's PATEN-." ANTI- 1 SC< Diseases, injurious matter that'obstructs the action of the absorbent glands; for i; is a feet, in all cases in which the medicine has been most successful, the discharge at first is much increased ( if. eruptive more violent) till the matter advances to health, in colour and consistency, with an improved state of the appetite.— Even this is the Case in elderly people, who, from want of vigour, have frequent ulcerations on the extremities. The effects of the Medicine oh Scurvy, Gout, and Rheuma- tism are welt known. Sold at the Priflting- Office, Salisbury. It is requested you will ask for the Patent
Antiscorbutic Drons, with a black ink stamp, in bottles ot Si. 6d.; double bottles 10s.; and larger U. duty included.— An allowance on taking half a dozen. [ 379 FOR COUGHS, HOARSENESSES, & c. THE great demand for Mr. GREENOUGII's LOZENGES of TOLU, after 50 years trial, prove* their superiority as the most pleasant and effectual remedy for all Codghs, Hoarsenesses, Sore Throats, and Defluxiotis on the Lungs; healing the Rawness and Soreness of the Breast, and affording Relief in Shortness of Breath, Asthmatic, and Consumptive Complaints.— They dd not cloy the Stomach, but create an appetite. But as the
great Benefit to be derived from them can only be secured by having them Genuine, the Public are requested to observe that R. HAVWARU is printed on the Stamps. These Lozenges ate prepared and sold by R. Haywatd ( Suc- cessor to T. Greenough, the Inventor), removed from l. ud- gate- hill to 53, Piccadilly ; sold S'ISQ by the Printer, Salis- bury, and the venders of Genuine Medicines throughout tlii united kingdom. Price is. the Box. [ 5076 HEALTH AND LONGEVITY. Dr. James's Analeptic and Anti- Bilious Pills. THE celebrity of the ANALEPTIC PILLS, as a general preservative of Health, is become universal, from their
efficacy in those complaints which continually dis- turb the human frame; such as colds, rheumatisms, head- achs, indigestions, and other diseases of the stomach and bowels, which arise frtum the vicissitudes of our climate, cr from indulgence in the luxuries of life ; and those salutajr effects are produced by gently opening the pores by night, arid the body by day, without requiring any particular regimen or confinement. ' But thoush the Analeptic Pills are also very serviceable in bilious and other deep- seated disorders, yet being designed as a mild purgative only, arid therefore not alwavs sufficiently active, the ANTI- BILIOUS
PILLS have been recommended in aid by an eminent Physician, in all conv plaints of the liver, as well as in other intefna'l diseases. Sold only by F. Newbery and Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- yard, London ; and, by their appointment, by the Printer, Salisbury, viz. the Analeptic Pilis, price 4s. M. a box, or six in tine larga box for 1/. 4*. ; and the Ant- lillious Pills, price Is. 9d. a box, dutf Included.— Observe that the words " F. Ncicbori/, No. 45, St: Paul's," are engfived in the stamps. [ 2.' 30 For COUGHS, CONSUMPTIONS, 6> f. PECTORAL ESSENCE OF COLTSFOOT. THE Herb COLTSFOOT, called Tussilago by the
ancients, wan distinguished by them, as its R sof. fielently conveys, for its excellence in the cure ot (.• ••!.,, aqd ether pulmonary complaints ; and this Essence h. m the course of a long practice, been found the most sat'.- and effectual remedy for Coughs, Asthmas, and all Disorders of the gives ' 1 It admin . PHIJH HVH cougtrng, cleanses the small glands, relaxes the fibres, ;. rid thereby enlarges tho cavities Of the vessels. Thus it will pre- vent Consumptions, if taken before the lungs are ulcerated. It cures also all husky and dry Coughs, heals rawness and soreness of the breast, and gives relief to those who, thrcu j n age or
infirmity, are deprived of rest or sleep. This Essence is prepared by James Ryan, surgeon, in Bristol; and sold only by , F. Newbefy and Sons, No. 45, the east end of St. Paul's, London, in bottles, as. i-' d. each, duty included; and, none are genuine but those which have the words « F. Nevrbcry, No. 45, St. Paul's," engraved 011 the Stamp,— Sold also bv the Printer, Salisbury; Hollis, Romscy; Anderson, and Eu- le, Winchester ; Thomas, Whit- churoh ; Maud, Andover ; Skelton, Baker, Hookey, Randall, and Moon, Southampton ; Clark, Divizcs; Kelleway, Ford- ingbridge; Lucas, and Thorne, Ringwood; Grove, Lyming- ton;
Moore, Poole; Hussey, Winjborue; Hurd, Shaftes- bury; Frampton, and Clark, Dorchester. [ 5140 FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMAS, & c. ClUNDELL's Improved BALSAM of HONEY, / a safe and effectual Remedy for radically curing Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, and Consumptions. Np medicine has ar- rived at greater celebrity than Cundell's Balsam of Honcv: its peculiar safety and superior efficacy being attested by the great number of persons who have been cured of the most obstinate Disorders of the Lungs: irritating Coughs and dis- tressing A:> thmas, are speedily soothed away by its detergent and strengthening powers,
and the most tender infants in die Hooping Ciiugh are relieved by i; s heating and salutary effects. That the public may be convinced of the ui pirallcied efficacy of Cundcll's Improved Balsam of Honey, the fol- lowing cases subjoined, arc selected from sonic hundreds ihe whole being too numerous to insert; as further proofs of its superior merit. To Mr. Henry Canicll, No. 17, Minuries, Silt,— The benefits [ hat I have received by the use of your Improved Balsam of Honey, has been far beyond mine and all my friends expectation'; from the length of time that my Cough had been on rne, and the difficulty of. breathing had increased
to sueh an alarming degree, that 1 had no ot^ er idea than that 1 c ™ ld not Ion.: survive; it is with much plea- sure, be assured, that i have it ir. my power t.> make known to you, that Cundell's Improved balsam of Honey has re- stored me to a sound state of health, which blessing I have not enjoyed for several years past. I have since recommended it to several of n> y friends, who have been much relieved by the use of it. • I am your obedient servant, North Shields, March 27, 1807. JAMES MURRAY. 7' o Mr. Henry Cundtll, No. 47, Miliaria. S, H,— I feel it a duty incumbent to state to you the rtl'ef your improved Balsam of
Honey has ailurded me in a violent Asthmatic attack, which was so very sudden, that I am firmly of opinion, that if it had not been lor your Medicine, it must have proved fatal. I request you wdl send mc, safely packed, six of your largest bottles by the poach this evening; and am your obliged servant, ROBERT LANZRIE. Iinth, Nov. U, 1807. Of Jy Cundell's Balsam of Honey is prepared only am! sold by Henry Cundell, Chemist, No. 47, Minories, L^• melon, in bottles ot 12s. 6< f, 5s. Grf. and 9d. each, duty included ; and sold wholesale and retail by Messrs. Howard und Evans, No. 42, Long- lane, Wtst- Smithfield, London j and at
fhs PrintuiK- Oihce, Baiisbmy
\ THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Sunday's Post. By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED ON SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCII 5. QUEEN'S PALACE, March 2. " IS Majesty having been pleased to appoint the Hon. William Asheton Harbord to be Lieutenant of the county, of Norfolk, and city of Norwich, and county of the same, he this H ry took the oaths appointed to be taken thereupon, instead of the oaths of ajlegiance and supremacy. BANKRUPTS. J. IVilMns and T. taccv,' of Bneinehall- treet. factors. Wm B ' imrda- idS. Sumner, of Foster- lane, wholesale lipen- drapera. C. L. Land, of the O. djewrv,
factor. S. I). East, of the Old Jewry, factor. H. Kincli, ja n. a. iii 1. rCinch. of Fareham, tiniber- mercliixits. W. A. Downs, of Brewer- street, Golden- square, undertaker. Lewis Lewis, of Newcastle- upon- Tyne, linen- draper. Wm. Hickman, of Northampton, linen- draper. Lawrence Able, of Dean- street, Soho, victualler. - 1 James Reid, of Broad- street, London, underwriter. Ja nes Hiley, of Leeds, dealer. D v d Be:--. s of Walterclou^ h, clothier. Wm. Bacon, of Sheffield, clothier. HOUSE OF COMMONS. FRIDAY, March 4.] Mr. Windham, observed, that great innovations were about to be introduced in the management of the Army.
He moved for copies of the Rules a id Rgulations of the Army by the Act of last Session.— Ordered. Mr. Tierney brought forward another Petition from Li- verpool, the subscribers of which prayed to be heard by Counsel against the Bill for confirming the Orders of Council; but the House decided,, by a majority of 111 to 57, that the petition could not be received. Mr. Adam complained that Mr. Secretary Canning had read partial extracts from public papers, without the pre- vious consent of the House, and proposed a resolution, censuring the practice ; which, on a division, was nega- tived by a majority of 101,— 11) 3 being for
the motion, 67 against it.—' Adjourned to Monday. LONDON, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 5. Three Gottenburgh Mails arrived this morning. No declaration of war has been yet made by Russia against Svycdeiy but it is said that a French army of 40,000 men is niching through Holstein for the in- vasion of Sweden. Great dispatcli is used in getting ready the Expedi- tion for the Belt. Two hundred transports have dropped down from Deptford to the Lower Hope," the place of rendezvous; the remainder, it is said, will be ready- on Monday, and the embark a i6n w ill immediately take place. It would appear that work will be cut
out for them before they arrive. A dreadful fire has broken out at Dantzic, by which 500 houses have been destroyed. HERTFORD ASSIZES.— Thomas Simmons was yesterday tried, before Mr. Justice Heath, ( or the murder of Mrs. Hummerstone, at Hoddesdon.— The facts of the murder of Mrs. Warner, as well as that of Mrs. Hammeretone, were clearly proved by Sarah Harris, the maid- servant, who detailed all the circumstances of the prisoner attempting to murder her also, as before related; but she did not see him murder Mrs. Warner. The testimony of the witness was confirmed by the men who apprehended the
prisoner, by the Constable who conducted him to prison ( who also said, the prisoner told him, that when he had got Betsey down, lie hotrd something fluttering over his shoulders, which made him get up and run away) and by the Coroner. The Judge said it was so clear a ease, he need not trouble the Jury with summing up. The prisoner being called on to know if he had any thing to say, answered, in a caretell tone, No !— The Jury found him Guilty, and the Judge immediately pronounced sentence on him, that hi: should he hanged on Monday, a- d his body anatomised.— He heard the sentence with great indifference, and
walked very coolly from the bar.— Sarah Harris was in great agitation, and was obliged to be supported the whole time she was in Court. PRICES OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three o' Clock. Bank Stock, 231 £ India Stock, 173J South Sea Stock," —• a Cent. U'ed. 61| 3 V Cent. Cons. 61 4 f- Cents, shut 5 - p- Cent. Navy, 97| 5 ^ Cent. 1797, Long Ann. 18 6- 16 Short Ann. — Omnium, — Irish ditto, — India Bonds, 3 a4 pr. Exchequer Bills, 2 dis. par Irish 5 Cents. 951 Imperial 3 Cents. 631 English Lott. Tick. 211. 0 s. Ditto Prizes, full Money. port isefoMf. FALMOUTH, March 3. The Princess Charlotte packet, from the West
Indies, arrived last evening. The late Governor of St. Thomas's, two aides- du- camp, and other officers of the garrison, are arrived passengers. The Princess Charlotte brings the dis- tressing account of the capture of the Duke of Mon- trose packet, on her outward passage, after an action With a privateer of much superior force, in which the Captain ( Dynoley) and another officer were killed, and several others killed and wounded. She was carried into Guadaloupe. PLYMOUTH, March 4. Arrived the Earl Spencer hired armed cutter, from Sicily, with dispatches for Government: she sailed the 13th of January last, and left the fleet
off Cadiz the 12th ult. In Gibraltar Bay there were nine sail of the line at anchor, and it was there reported that the Roche fort squadron passed the Gut the 27th of January, and that it was sup- posed they had steered for Toulon -. the squadron under the command of Rear- Admiral Sir II. Strachan had also passed the Gut, but we fear without any hope of getting near the enemy. Came in the Portuguese ship Bizzaria, from the Brazils, wuh sugar, & c. detained by the Surinam, of 18 guns. _ Also came in the American ship Emeline, from Liver- pool, bound to New York, with salt anil dry goods. She was taken the 26th ult. off the
coast of Ireland, by the Prince Jerome privateer, and retaken the ' 29tli following bv the Indefatigable privateer, of this place. " On Thursday came in the American ship Atlantic, from Oharante, for Teherift'e, with brandy, detained by the Growler gun- brig.— It appears that the embargo an Ameri- can Shi s in French ports is taken off. PORTSMOUTH, March 5. On Monday the 17th Light Dragoons embarked for India. They are di- vided among the Indiamen, each of which has 140 dismounted dragoons. The embarkation was super- intended by General Porter, a deputation of the Court of Directors from Leadenhall- street being
present. Lieutenant- Colonel Cottou is gone out in the com- mand of the regiment. The Meleager frigate, which sailed from hence with a fleet under convoy for the West Indies on the l6th of November, arrived atBarbadoes, with her convoy all well, on the 20th of December, Monday— Sailed the Northumberland, of 74 g « ns, for the Mediterranean; and Resolution, of 74 guns, to join the Channel fleet.—— Arrived the Inconstant, of 32 guns, and Sharpshooter gun- vessel, from Guernsey ; also the Camel store- ship, from the Cape of Good Hope. Tuesday— Sailed the - Thalia, of 32 guns, and Sharp- shooter gun- vessel, for
Guernsey. Wednesday— Sailed the Clyde, of 36 guns, off Boulogne, and Camel store- ship, fer the River.— Arrived the Avenger sloop, from the Downs; and Argus sloop, from Cork. Friday— Arrived the Medusa, of 32 guns, Capt. Bouverie, from off Havre ; and Hearty gufi- vessel, with convoy from the Dowr. s;——: Dropped down to St. Helen's the Lion, of ( 51 and East India convoy. Went out of harbour the Thetis and Daphne frigates. C^ ifie ill the LijiCfty brij. Saturday— Sailed the Lion, of 64 guns, Capt. Heathcote, with the following East India ships under convoy, viz.— Lord Nelson, Exeter, Ceres, Hugh Inglis, David Seott,
Alnwick Castle, Cauton, Dorsetshire, Ocean, and Preston. Also the Magnet, Avenger, and Pilot sloops of war. Arrived the Boadicea, of 38 guns, and Beagle sloop. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, MARCH 5. The Commission for holding the Assizes for this County will be opened on Tuesday next. There are 24 prisoners on the Calendar for trial, several of whom are charged with capital offences. On the 25th ult. was married, at Whitchurch, Mr. Thomas Wetherby, of London, to Miss Harriet Andrews, third daughter of John Andrews, Esq. of Henley, near Whitchurch, Hants. On Tuesday was married Mr. Faithfull, baker, of Alton, to
Miss Henrietta Tombs, of this city. On Tuesday last was married at Fawley, by the Rev. Mr. Dupre, Mr. William Gird, master taylor, that sprightly Adonis of Ilythe, to Miss Nelly Ray, a blooming Virgin of that, place. On Monday died Mrs. Simmonds, wife of Mr. Simmonds, of St. Gross, near this city. On Sunday last died, at Mitchehnersh, near Rom- sev, after a short illness, Mr. Colson Barnard, son of the late. Mr. Colson Barnard, of that place. Same day died, after an illness of some years, Mr. John Taylor, breeches- maker, of Southampton also Miss J. Evamy, daughter of Mr. Rich. Evamy, saddler, of that town. This week died,
at Southampton, Mrs. Collins, relict of the late Rev. Mr. Collins. A fire happened early on Saturday morning, in the Con- servatory, at Cuffnells, in Hamp hire, w hich entirely de- stroyed that part of the building, but no one was hurt, and the fire, by extraordinary exertions, was fortunately got under before the house, or any part of the furniture, re- ceived the slightest injury, although the library opens into the conservatory. As many of the books, composing the large and very valuable collection left to Mr. Rose by the late Earl nf Marehmont, as could be moved, while the fire was raging, were carried out of the house, but none were
damaged. The firemen of Southampton particularly distinguished them selves by thdir great exertions at the above lire. When it broke out, an express was sent for them ; and within two hours and a quarter from the time of sending away the express, the fireuicn arrived with their engines, just in time to save the valuable library and dwelling- house, the out- buildings being already consumed. SALISBURY. MONDAY, MARCH 1809. The Earl of Uchester attained the age of twenty- one years on the 28th ult. but it being Sunday, the celebration of the event was deferred till the following day, when his Lord - hip gave a most hospi
table and elegant entertainment at Melbury House, to the neighbouring gentry, and to his respectable and opulent tenantry resident in Dorsetshire, upwards of 300 of whom sat down to tables spread with every eatable the season affords, with wines of different kinds, punch, cyder, and, above all, strong beer of a most superior quality, brewed when his Lordship was born. Our space will not allow us more particularly to describe this truly elegant fete, which was graced with the presence of that most amiable and respectable woman the Countess of llchester, with Lady Elizabeth Fielding, Lady Mary Tarbot, Lady Harriet Frampton,
and the Ladies Charlotte and Louisa Strangways.— The Noble Earl resisted ibe idea of having art ox roasted whale for the populace ; but on the preceding Saturday had three oxen slaughtered aacl distributed among the poor in the neighbouring parishes. Lord llchester also gave a sumptuous entertainment on Thursday at Red'yncli, his seat in Somersetshire, at which, according to the " Hint" of a Correspondent, " 3000 pees ; nts, & e. were present, 250 yeomen dined, 5 horses stolen, and 2 men last." We hope that, in the last in- stance at least, he speaks only figuratively. William Congreve, Esq. High Sheriff of Berkshire, has
appointed Mr. George Gray, of Newbury, his Under Sheriff. Our Theatre the last week has shewn ( if there could be a doubt) the disposition of the Manager to gratiCy the public.. In' addition to Miss FISHER, herself an host, and every day improving in mental and personal attrac- tion, we " were gratified on Thursday with a Mr. MES- TAYER, from the Bath Theatre, who performed the part of Sbylock in a style that drew universal approbation from a very polite audience, and who promises Soon to reach a high rank in his profession. Mr. EGERTON, from Bath, was the Oetavian of Friday evening, and we never remem- ber to have
seen a whole Play so generally applauded : his representation of the melancholy lover, perhaps, was scarcely ever surpassed, and reminded the public strungly of their old favourite ELLISTON. BIRTH.] On Monday, at Shroton House, Dor- setshire, Mrs. Ryves, Lady of G. F. Ryves, Esq. of a son. A few days since was married Mr. Watson, mer- chant, to Miss Simpson, both of this town. On Monday last was married the Rev. R. Price, Vicar of Lamerton, to Miss E. Hawke, second daugh- ter of Wm. Hawke, Esq. of Camplehav, near Ta- vistock. On Monday last was married, at Mere, Mr. Henrv Collins, Glover, of Yeovil, Somerset,
to Miss Mary- Ann Mereweather, youngest daughter of John Mereweather, Esq. of Mere Park, Wilts. Oa Tuesday last was - married, at St. Martin's Church, London, Mr. William Newman, merchant, to Miss Frost, only daughter of John Frost, Esq. On Saturday the 27th ul. died, at Dorchester, Mrs. Critchell, vrijowof the late Mr. Robert Critchcll, jun. and daughter of the late John Pitman, Esq. Alder- man of that boreugh. On Thursday last died, at ICittory Court, near Dartmouth, aged 78 years, after a very protracted, and uncommonly severe illness, borne with a philo- sophy truly divine, the Rev. Thos. Fowncs, B. I). uncle of J.
Fownes Luttrell, Esq. M. P. and 53 years the exemplary and con- scientious Vicar of Brixham, Devon, On Saturday two young men were publicly whipped in the Market- place of this City. They brought this punish- ment and di grace on themselves by cutting and destroying young trees in the woods of the Earl of Radnor, of which ( hey were convicted at the last Quarter Sessions, when the statute imperatively obliged the Bench to sentence them to three months imprisonment, to be three times publicly whipped, and to give security for their good behaviour for two years. One of the young men has some property and good
connections, and had been before detected cutting a young pollard, arrl cautioned not to be guilty of the like again.— They have two months imprisonment and two more whippings still to undergo.— May their punishment deter others from evil! On Friday Jeremiah Price was committed to Fisherton Gaol for trial at the Quarter Sessions, charged with having stolen a cheese from the shop af Mr. Butt, in Warminster. HOME MARKETS. Prices of Corn, per Quarter— liread, per Gallon. Barley. Oats. March Salisbury, Basingstoke, Devizes, Newbury, Andover, Warminster, Wheat. s. s. 60 to 72 60 to 76 56 to 74 55 to 80 64 to 70 59 to
1. s. s. 34 to 38 30 to 40 34 to 37 33 to 40 35 to as s. s. 30 to 36 30 to 33 29 to 33 27 to 34 29 to - 33 35 to 39 131 to 36 Beans. Bread. s. s. s. d. 60 to 66 1 7 58 to 69 1 6 52 to 60 1 1 54 to 60 1 7 56 to 59 1 6 58 to 63 STATE LOTTERY. THE WHEEL GOES ROUND TO- MORROW, TUESDAY, March 8. THE Prizes are all floating, consequently many of the CAPITALS maybe drawn the very first day, and Adventurers by delay may thus lose their greatest chance of independence! The Wheel contains the following unusually rich list of capital Prizes:— " .. of.... £. 20, poo.... are.... £. 60,000 .. of.... 10,000 are.... 30,000 .. of....
5,000 are so. uoo .. of.... 1,000 are so, 000 .. of.... 600 arc.... 15,000 45 of £. 100, 60 of £. 50, & c. & c. 3 3 . 4 . 90 30 TICKETS and SHARES will be on sale the whole of this Day, and To- morrow ( Tuesday) till five o'clock, at the PRINTING- OFFICE, SALISBURY, For Sir JAMES BRANSCOMB and Co. where the Grand Prize of £. 40,000 was sold in the last Lottery, and where Capital Prizes to the amount of £ 275,000 were sold in the Lotteries for 1S05, 1806, and 1807. A Sixteenth, purchasable for £ l 8 An Eighth 2 16 A Quarter 5 .9 A Half 10 15 A Ticket 21 0 6 may now get £ 1250 0 2500 6 5000 6 10,000 ( i 20,000
THEATRE, SALISBURY. MONDAY, By Desire of Lord Use. HI NT ON and the OFFICERS of the Second Somerset Regiment, THE WAY TO GET MARRIED. Between the Play and Farce a DANCE, by Miss FISHER and Miss M. FISHER. WITH THE FARCE OF THE ROMP. Priscilla Tcmboy, Miss FISHER. N. B.— Ladies and Gentlemen not provided with Places are respectfully informed, that part of the Pit is turned into the Boxes. WEDNESDAY, The Comedy of THE WILL. Albina, Miss FISHER. After which ( never performed here) the delightful MELO DRAMA of ELLA ROSENBER G. Ella Rosenberg, Miss FISHER. On
FRIDAY,— A favourite Play and Farce, as will be ex- pressed in the Bills. SALISBURY ASSEMBLY. THE next ASSEMBLY will be on Monday the 14th of March, 1808, beinj the ASSIZE BALL. E. BAKER, " I J. R. SEYMOUR, ^ Stewards. W. B. BROD1F,, J Dancing to commence at eight o'clock, and continue to an unlimited hour. 597] MR. GOODALL, M. C. W1MBOP. NE. ASSEMBLY, the Winter, will be at the King's Head Inn, on Thursday the 17th of March, 1808. [ 710 NJE SIXTH SUBSCRIPTION and the LAST during ANDOVER. THE next ASSEMBLY will be at the Town- llall, on Friday March 11. b42] Mr. GOODALL, M. C.
Admittance, Gentlemen ( Non- Subscribers), 5s. Ladies 3s. Gd. N. F. H. THE next Meeting of the N. F. II. will be held at Stony Cross, on Tuesday the Fifteenth of March.- Dion- - on table at five o'clock. ( 68- 2 Weight of the Gallon Loaf, M. Urn.— Half Gall. ill. Sjos, II. H. THE next MEETING of the II. H. will be at the GEORGE INN, Alrcsford, the 16th of March instant.— Dinner on the table at half past five o'clock. T" vlLiGRSE'> Esqrs. Stewards. 688J H. VILLESOIS, / A CHALLENGE.' ' WO Gentlemen of Hampshire, who were en- gaged to shoot in the MATCH at PIGEONS at White- parish, on Thursday tilt 3d of March, for
Twenty Guineas, Hampshire against Wiltshire, ( but who were disappointed on account of the conduct of the Wiltshire Gentlemen), CHALLENGE any two of the Gentlemen who were to have been of the Wilts Party TO SHOOT at TEN PIGEONS tor FIFTY GUINEAS, and will meet them at Romsey, .. mie their day. For particulars apply to AI. I, EN, at the Dolphin, Romsey. [ 716 POOLE, MARCH 3, 1808. THE Creditors of MARK STREET, late of the town and countv of Poole, Merchant, deceased, are desired to meet at the Old Antelope Inn, in Poole, on Thurs- day next, the ! 0th instant, at twelve o'clock at noon, on special
business, and in the mean time to send their accounts to Mr. John Fricker, or to Mr. Thomas Parr, attorney. [ 691 s OUTII- DOWN SHEEP to be SOLD, the Premises, at Hill Farm, near Southampton, on Friday the llth of March, 1808, by PUBLIC AUCTION, in four lots,— About 180 Two- Teeth WETHER SOUTH- DOWN SHEEP, and about 15 of the same sort, CHIDS. [ 664 The sale will begin exactly at twelve o'clock. ALDERNEY COWS AND HEIFERS. FOR SALE,— Several ALDERNEY COWS in calf, and some with calves; also some HEIFERS, handsome. [ 734 Address to Wm. Rogers, Southampton. nno be SOLD bv
PRIVATE CONTRACT,— 1 Eighty PRIME MAIDEN OAKS, with Top, Lop, and Bark ; all standing within the parish ' s of Cucklington and Wmcant-. ui, in the eountyof Somerset.. Particulars to be had by application to John Gatehouse, Buckhorn Weston, Dorset. [ 695 nno be SOLD, at Lmiaou's Nursery Ground, 8. Mord near Blandtbrd, Dorset,— A larre Quantity of PINASTER SEEDLINGS, from four to six inches high', at ten shillings per 1000. Also OAKS, from twenty inches to two feet, at fifteen shillings per 1000. MoRfltN, Pel'. Zt, 1808. [ 6S3 CO WES, ISLE OF WIGHT. TO he SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A remarkably
strong well- lmilt CUTTER, 36 tons mea- surement ; is Well calculated for a passage vessel, or • ntjr par- pose which requires room and at the same time fist sailing, For particulars apply to Mr. Frampton, East Co « ves Hotel. March t, 1808, [ 677 DORSET. r| X) be LETT, and entered on at Ladv- day next.— JL A comfortable HOUSE, with a good Garden and Or- chard in full bearing, and a small Field, if required,. situate at Tarrant Hinton, four miles from Blandford, on the great western road, and in the immediate neighbourhood of several packs of hounds. For particulars apply ( if by letter, post paid) to Mr. Wm, Hill, at Tarrant
Hinton.' [ 667 T1SBURY, NEAR H1NDON, WILTS. TO be LETT, and entered on at Ladv- Dav next, — A Stone- built and Tiled HOUSE, near tl) e Church, comprising an entrance hall, parlour, kitchen, with offices, & c. thre ' bed- rooms an i garrets, besides a good under- ground cellar ; a garden, and a small piece of pasture adjoining. For further particulars, apply ( if bv letter," post paid) to Mrs. Blundell, Fovant, near Sarum, Wilts. [ 528 TIMBER. nno be SOLD,— About 66 ELM, 17 OAK, and JL 24 ASH TREES, now standing, at a convenient dis- tance from the Kenrset and Avon Canal. [ 704 For further particulars apply to Mr.
Luxford, at Bradford. CAPITAL WILTS. E L M TIMBER. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— 1,300 Prime ELM TREES, fit for Shipping, or other purposes, now growing on the Manor of Christian Malford, in the county aforesaid, either together or in Lets. For a view of the same apply to Mr. Collins, the bailiff, at the Manor- house in Christian Malford aforesaid ; and for fur- ther particulars, and to treat for the same, to Mr. Me/ ewether, solicitor, Calne, Wilts. [: H8 BURSLEDON HOUSE for SALE, remarkably pleasantly situated on the bar. it of the River, six miles from SocTHAMfTON ; with doubie. coach- house, twos stalled
stables, barn, farmand paultry y'* is, pleasure ar. d kitchen gardens, in which are shrubberies and « cat green- house, productive orchard, and rich pasture lar. d surrounding the House, in the whole !> bou' % u seres ; fit for the immediate reception of a Gentleman's Family. The principal rooms are large, lofty, and expensively fitted up ; the House is sub- stantially built, convenient, and replete with ev^ domestic office. For particulars and a view apply to Mr. George H<< okey, Southampton. " [ 713 nno be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— a A FREEHOLD MESSUAGE, GARDEN, and PRE- MISES, situate, in Captam's- Row,
Lymington, Hants. The Land- tax is n deemed, and possession may be had oft orbefoie Midsumr. Vjt day next. For particulars and to treat apply personally, or by letter, post paid, to Mr. Brown, attorney at law, Lymington. Part of the purchase- money may remain on mortgage, if required. ' ' [ 707 ROMSEY, HANTS. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— The elegant p. nd spacious DWELLING- HOUSE, snd LINEN and WOOLLEN- DRAPKR's SHOPv most advan- tageously situated in the Market- place, Ramsey, now in in- occupation of Mrs. Gould, with the Garden and Stable ad- joining; together with a Yard and
Carpenter's Shop in Bell- street, occupied t, y Mr. Thomas Ely ; and a Meadow lying near the town. [ 700 The STOCK in TRADE may be taken by the Purchaser at a fair valuation, and further particulars known by applying to Mrs. Gould, or to Messrs. Daman and Warner, Romsey. The several persons who stand indebted to the Estate of the late Mr. Gould, are particularly requested to pay their respec- tive Debts to Mrs. Gould, his Executrix, without delay. WILTS, 1808. FOR SALE by AUCTION, by HARRY ROSS, on the Premises, on Wednesday the 9th day of March, — The LIVE STOCK of Mr. Thos. Crook, of Rowde Farm,
near Devizes; consisting of twenty- seven remarkably useful dairy cows, either in calf or with calves; two grazing cows; three three- year- old heifers, in calf; six two- year- old heifers; three yearling ditto ; capital five- year- old bull; two- year- old ditto; one yearling ditto; and three sows and pig's.— The whole of which will be sold without reserve. © CT Sale to begin at ten o'clock. [ 593 T TITHE- FREE ESTATE, WILTS, TO be LETT, from Lady- day 1808, divided into, two or more Farms,— Upwards of 370 Acres of MEA- DOW, PASTURE, and ARABLE LAND, Tithe- free, situated in the parish of Broad Somerford, in the county of
Wilts; and about 00 Acres of MEADOW and PASTURE LAND, in the parish of Little Somerford, adjoining the for- mer, subject to Tithes. For a view of the above apply to Mr. Smith, Broad Somer- ford. [ « <> NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, GIG, & c. SALISBURY, HILTS, • o be SOLD by AUCTION, without reserve, on the Premises, by C. NORTON", on Wednesday the 16th day of March, l-< 0b, and following days, at elAen o'clock,— The neat HOUSEHOLD GOODS, frc. & c. of the Rev. JOHN- WHITE, in Endless- street; comprising four post and other bedsteads, with cotton, morine, and check furniture; prime bordered
goose feather beds, mattresses, blankets, counterpanes, & c.; pier s. nd swing glasses, Turkey ani Wilton carpets, painted chairs, sopha, & c.; an elegant pia \ o forte, large size capital mahogany dining tables, eight da ' clock, Ceiip. ret, double and single chests of drawers, war lrobe, bookcase with glazed doors, Pembroke, ctrd, and night tables ; paintings, prints, china, kitchen articles, a go d Gig, and other effects, as wiil be particularized in ca- ta $ u » ( three- per. ee each), which m iy be bad on Monday previous to the sal -, at C. Norton's, cabinet and upholster)' warehouse, Poultry: cross, Salisbury, May be viewed the day
before the sale. [ 7?.% SHERRINGTON MTLLS, WILTS. , TO be SOf. D bv AUCTION, on the premie by GRRRA .. ami t'o. on FiM. iv the ilth* ' jf Stafvh, 1808, All the HOUSEHOLD FURNiTURE and other Effects of Mr. JAMES GANTIIETT, v.- ho is quitting the above residence ; consisting of four- post bedsteads, with morine and check furniture; goose feather beds and bedding; ma- hogany arid oak chests © .' drawers, ditto bureau; dining and tea tables, chairs, pier and dressing glasses, eight- day clock, large flour bins, weights and scales; pewter, brass, and copper articles; kitchen requisites, hell- hogshead rapper and
brewing . utensils, two cart hors. s, two carts, one cow in calf, six fat pigs, and a number of ether articles, which will be sold without reserve; Af the same time and place will be sold, agreeable to such conditions as will be then produced, the Lease of the Mills and Premises, unless previously disposed of by Private Con- cract. ^ _ " [ 733 The sale to begin at ten o'clock in the morning. /•/' !: e Regis' one milefrom Weymouth. nno be SOLD by AUCTION, by T. ' I'INDALL, J. on Monday March 21, Ii » 08,— The. undermentioned CAPITAL STOCK, viz. 15 Cows in and with call, 6 three- years- old Heifers, 6 two- years- old ditto, 7 one year ditto d. tto, 4 Oxen, 1 tWo- years- cM Colt, 2 one ditto ditto. The sale to begin precisely at eleven o'clock. [ 675 For particulars aprply'to T. Tin- tall, the broker, Weymouth. TIMBER. rpO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Monday the A 14th day of March, 1808, at the Dolphin, at Harper's- Lane, in the parish of Melcombe- Hors'ey, in the county of Dorset, at one of the clock in the afternoon,— Several Lots of OAK and- A § H- TIMBER las expressed in the hand- bills), now stand ing on Melcombe- Slors jy Farm. fo 18 The Timber is of good quality, and may be viewed by ap- plying to Mr. J ( Am House, of Harper's- Lane, which is 10
miles from Dorshcs'. er, 8 from Bland ford, and 6 from Ccrne. DOKSET! npo b- SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. PERCY, A without r.- serve, 011 Tuesday the 22d' day of March, and following days,— All the neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, with sundry other Effects, of the Rev. Gun. WASS;-., deceased, at Ibberton, near Sturminster- Newton, in the county aforesaid ; particulars of which will be given in catalccnrs, to be had three day-; previous to the sale, at the White Hart, Staiminster ; place of sate; and of Mr. Percy, iiphclsf - r r and auctioneer, Blandford. p09 MOTCOMBE, DORSET. by H. PLOW MAM, Farm, on Tuesday the 8th
day of Match lp',— Th'E following LIVE STOCK, the property of. Mr. johr, Lii h, who is quitting the said Farm : consisting of 22 prune- DAIRY COWS, with their calves, or well seasoned in ca3f;' iiftt bstrrem rs; four heifers two years old, three hog ditto, a capital bull three years old, one two year old d: tto, and one bag- ditto, s- ven sheep, an exceeding good cart mare in foal, and an excllent colt of the cart kind, risiug two years old. [ 637 The sa t to begin at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. DORSET. CAPITAL 0.1 K TIMRFR. TO be SOLD bv AUCTION, at Revels Inn, subject to such conditions a's will be produced,— 3i6 capiUl OAK
1' I MB? ft TREES, with the Lop, Tcp, and Bark, stannin; in Broad Aiders and Haywood Coppices, in the parish of t} Umvillcs Woottoa, situate 7 miles from Sherborne, 11 fr rn Dorchestef, 17 from Weym. iuth, ar. d 18 frota Bridpdrt; viz.' In Broad Ald- rs Coppice: ,. 3i TREES No; 1 ' to 01 inclusive. .. i'j ditto No. 35 to 73. .. 50 ditto No. 7* to l :; 6. In Havwood Coppice: .. 60 i'P. EES No. 1 to Co inclusive, . .45 ditto.... "... No. 61 to 10". . .40 ditto No. 106 to 145. 7 4e> ditto No, 146 to 185. 8 45 ditto. No. 136 to aio,. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on ' tk' promises, at King Settles I Lot 1.. 2.. Lot 4. C.. 366 The abojreTimber is » f
remarkably sound and good quality, well worth the attention of Ship- Guilders, Carp- enters, and others. Printed particulars may be had of Mr. J. Warr, Auctioneer, Beaminster; at Revels Inn ; and of Mr. Rob. Old, carpenter, of Glanyille's Wootton, who will shew the same ; and further reference ( fiay be had to Mr. James F. Knight, Anderston, near Blandford, Dorset, ( if bv letter, postpaid.) N. B.— The day of sale will be mentioned in a future advertisement. [ 673 RINGWOOD. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. CRANSTOW, on Wednesday the 9th of March, 1808, at twelve o'clock, — A Letoh of GREYHOUNDS and a Brace of
POINTERS. NSW FOREST, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at Lyndhurat, by order of the Right Hon. Lord Giehberv. e, Surveyor ( Vr. eral of his Majesty's Woods and Forests, on Thursday the 10th day of M irch, 1808, The following NAVAt BEECH TOPS, in several lots, Whitley Ridge Walk 30 Tops. Rhin- eneld Walk 104 Lyndheu- st W^ k 14 For further particulars apply to Mr. J jseph Mortimer, at Ower. (- ifi. i COWES, ISLE OF WIGHT. T) be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Dolphin- Inn, West Cowcs, onThursday the 10th day of Mirch, 1806,, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon,— ( For Home Consumption) About 17,000 of
STETTIN STAVES, consisting of pipe, hogshead, barrel, and heading stives. Also, about 60 Quarters of WHEAT. 27 Bundles of FLAX. And 2 large Casks, arnuming about 2,000 HARE SKINS. Being the enur. cargo of the Hamburgh brig Louisa, from Tonningeri. Immediately after the above sale will be put up bv Public Auction, — About Three Hundred Quarters of. WHEAT, landed eer Fortuna, The same may be seen and catalogues had bv applying to 680] JAMES DAY, Jin. at Cowev SOUTHAMPTON ™ nno be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Dolphins A Inn, by Mr. WATTS, o » Thursday the 10th day of March inst. at one
o'clock,— The MATERIALS of one laree STORE and two TENEMENTS, situated on the south side of Porter's- lane, abutting the Custom- house on the north i all which said buildings are to be taken down and removed within a certain time, in consequence of theintendtd addi- tions and alterations to the Quay. For a sight of the premises apply to the Auctioneer, at his Office in the East- street. [ 690 TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Tuesday the 15th day of March, 1806, at the Red Lion, in Buck- land- Newton, in the countv of Dorset, at one o'clock in the afternoon, in sixteen lots ( as expressed in the hand- billfi,— Ninety four capital MAIDEN OAKS, numerically marked, and now standing on Brockhampton Farm, at Suckland- Newton, in the possession of ftlr. John Caines, who will shew the Timber. *• » * Buckland- Newton is 10 miles from Dorchcster, 9 from Sherborne, and 4 from Cerne. [ 617 TIMBER. npo lie SOLD by AUCTION, at the NEW INN-, A Heckficld- heath, on Tuesday the 15th of March, 1808, between the hours of two and five o'clock in the afternoon,— The following lots of TIMBER : Lot 1.— 100 Oak Trees. Lot 2.— 15o ditto. Lot 3.— 140 ditto. With their Lop, Top, and 1 Lot 4.— 08 Ash Trees. Lot 5.— il ditto. Lot 6.— U Elm
Trees, ark: all standing on estater at Stratfieldsay, within abtiut eight miles of the Reading and Basingstoke Canals. fc » > l For particulars a^ ply to Mr. Seal, at Stratficldsay- house. OAK TIMBER. Ticyford, r. ear Winchester, Hants. RR* 0 be SOI. D by AUCTION, by Mr. MAST, at A the. PhoeRix Iun, inTwvford, on Monday the 14th day of March, ls> os. at three o'clock in the afternoon,— Severe] Lots of OAK TIMBER TREES, now standing arid growing 011 the Manors of Twyi'ord and Marwell. For part e. ilars apply to Mr. Collins, at Twyford- j and to: a view to J vhn Berry, the wos. iinan. f.'. tn ST. CROSS, NEAR WINCHESTER.
TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, by Mr. MANT, on Tuesday tlx i 5th of March, 1809, r. t eleven o'clock,— All the neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, C. iina and Glass, the property of Mrs. Taylor, quitting Wr resi'encs at St. Cross; consisting of tent bedsteads, with printed cotton and white dimity haagings; bordered goose feather. beds; m utrefscs, and bedding; mahogany and other ch srs. of drawers; Kidderminster carpus, an j Venetian stair . dittj ; mahogany dining an i tea tables; pier e nd dressing #* » * • " 1- E- < i ctrai-? ;" go- Si t j ; ht- day clock : betr barr els ; quantity of p w- t- r ; and excellent i ircr. cn fitjaisit • » .
be viewed on Monday preceding the sale; when cata- logue; maybe had on the premises^ and at the auctioneers, '^ i •: ". ester. [ 703 ' - Elegant Horn, hold Furniture, fine old Port and MaiUnv, farming Stock and Utensils. L VINSTCN- HOUSIL, N[. AB WINCHESTER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on the Premises, by Mr. MANT, en Monday the the 2tst of March, ISO', and following days, at eleven o'clock,— Part 0! tl - elegant HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; r. ear 70 dozen of - fine old West India Madeira; a pipy; of excellent Port, tv.\>- years in bit tic; valuable Live and Deadstock; 525 feet of octagon Portland Stone Pavement, with
black squares, and Other effects, the property of GEORGE W M. RIPKETTS, Ewi. qu. tting his residence at Laimtcn- hoov; comprising a superb drawing room suit of rich cotton furniture, with sofas, chair1, ar. d cushions to correspond; costly chimney glares ani mirrors, in handsome gilt frames ; capital large mock Turkey and Brussels carpets; four post bedsteads ( some of large di- mensions), with chintz, white dimity, and other hangings ; prime bordered goose feather beds, with suitable m:; ttress « - ar. d bedding; mahogany wardrobes, tambour bureau, fa- shionable claw tables and chairs ; a sociable body, very little the
worse for wear; iron bound casks and brewing utensils ; about 45 tons of excellent saintfoin hay; upwards of three score south down ewes and lambs ; two rams ; sei- eral Alder- ney cows and heifers; three cart horses and a very good haclt; two waggons, two dung carts, merket ditto, and tilt; ploughs and harrows ; coach and curt harness; saddles and bridles; sheep troughs; oat bruiser; turnip sheer; potatoe - washer, & c. Arc. To be viewed on Friday and Saturday preceding the sale, when catalogues may he had at the Coach and Horses, South- ampton; Swan, AlresfopV; White Irtrt, Salisbury ; White - Horse, Ramsey ; Crown,
Bishop's Waithum ; Place of Sale ; and at the Auctioneer's, Winchester. N. B. The Farming Stock will be sold the first day. [ 551 ANDOVER, HANTS. RPO'be SOLD by AUCTION, by IILVTIY A CniswiCK, on the premises, 011 Tuesday the 29th day of March, 181H, and two following days,— A considerable part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of Mrs. Nos- WORTHY, declining her Boarding- School j consisting of twenty- two good feather beds, the same number of bedsteads, with cotton and calico furnitures, mattresses, cotton coun- terpanes, and blankets ; double and single chests of drawer-,, dinner and claw tables,
mahogany and other chairs, writing tabid: and forms, pi. r and swing glasses, two piano fortet.', valuable prints, kitchen, requisites, brewing and washing utensils, iron- bound casks, and numerous other effects; particulars of which will be. given in catalogue, to be had three days previous to the sale at the Black Horse Ian, Salis- bury ; Pelican, Newbury ; White- Hart, Whitchurch ; and at the Auctioneer's, Andover. r7,) i Sale ' 0 begin each day at eleven o'clock. BISHOP'* WALTHAM, HANTS. FOR SALE by AUCTION, on the Premie, by Mr. LIMR- T'S, on Monday th* llthof March, isoe, and following day,— All the HOUSEHOLD
FURNITURE, an elegant set of Dinnef China, two sets 0' Tea China, and other Effects, belonging to JOHN B » r- n-, Esq. coftiprizing bedsteads with dimity and cotton furniture, g osc and other feather beds, capital mattresses and bedding, asofi and covers, parlour and bedside carpets, an easy eh ir with cushions and covcr, mahogany li' rat)-, c\ rd, an. 1 claw tables; mah- gany clothes press, drswing glass s, painted and stained c'. iairs, ii 6 foot 3 mahogany sid,- board with a brass rail, a few lots of bo elis, bed steps, fire irons and f j. d;- is, kitchen furniture, excellent brewing utensils, a newHsddle end bridle, a . capital break for
coach horses, two cows, two handsome staunch pointers, dog houses, and sundry other effi c 5. • rj*' Tiie < Mc to begin each . bv at eleven o'clock. Catalogues will be delivered in due time at the place of sale, and t the auctioneer's, CIS'- OD'S Waleharn. fC. TJ EXTO- W iLANT'S. SALE by AUCTION, ,011 the Premises, by 1 I'.' Mr. LIMPUS, cn Tuesday rhe r of March, iflos, and following days,— A. ii the HOUSEHOLD FURNITUPF. about 2000 nonces of Plate, stock of choice Wines, neit. 1- brary of Books and Prints, China, and farmering Live aad Dead Sto? k. the property of the late MAT* HLW BT'NSVRY, Esq: deceased. * .
Particulars of the whole will be expressed in catalogues, which may be had in due time at the principd inns, at the time of sale, ndat the auctioneer's, Bishop's W-.- l hsm. . CCJ5 The sale to commence each day at eleven o'clock. [ 637 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY W. COLLINS, AT HIS PRINTING- OFFICE, ON THE CANAL, SALISBURY, Where Orders, Advertisements, and authentic Articles af Nevis are received ( Postage paid.) - - . j .-- T .. j... v., TAVrOP nr. d >; rWTOX- No, 5. Warwick- Stsuare. Warwick- Lane, Newgate- Street, and Mr. WILSIE, Bookseller, rafernoster- Row. St. RA