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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset


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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset
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The Salisbury and Winchester Journal and General Advertiser of Wilts, Hants, Dorset, and Somerset

Date of Article: 29/02/1808
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Address: The Printing Office, Canal, Salisbury
Volume Number: LXXIII    Issue Number: 3707
No Pages: 4
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THE [ NUMBER 3707. VOLUME LXXIII.] MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1808. . ALISBURY AMD WINCHESTER JOUR AND GENERAL ADVERTISER OF WILTS, HANTS, DORSET; AND SOMERSET. U- PRICE 2 SIXPENCE. (" StuTOp Duly.. Sjrf. ^ Paper and Print Monday's and Tuesday's Posts. FOREIGN NEWS. NAPLES, January 13. ON Monday last arrived a rich convoy, consist- ing of 21 French, Roman, and Neapolitan vessels, from Marseille-;, Leghorn, Cagliari, and Civita Vecchia, laden with sugar, coffee, iron, & c. His Majesty has issued against England a decree in every respect conformable to that issued on the 17tli of December last by his Majesty the Emperor of the French. BAYONNE, Feb. 2. Several American vessels have lately arrived at Li boil, which uninterruptedly passed through the English squadrons. VVe also learn that several other vessels of the same description have. arrived at Cadiz. FRANKFORT, Feb. 2. Their Majesties the King and Queen of Bavaria arrived the 21st of January in Newberg, with the Princess Charlotte, their daughter. The Prince Royal of Wirtembere arrived there the same day. The marriage of that Prince with the Princess of Bavaria is considered as being very near. His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Nassau has abo- lished all kiiuls of feudal servitude in his dominions. PARIS, Feb. 10. The Persian Envoy Extraordinary, who has been at Paris during the last four or five months, is about to set out on his return. He takes the route of Ispahan. Letters from Italy concur in stating, th> it in all the ports of the Adriatic Gulph, a number of pi ivateers are fitting out to cruize against the trade of tiie English and of their allies. The English have not at present one single ship of war in the Adriatic. MARK- LANE, Monday, Feb. 22. The supply to- day wr. s rather scanty of every thing, except Oats; the mealing trade for Wheat proved extremely slack, but nearly the same terms were obtained, at least for the finest samples. White Peas are dearer, and Summer Tares ; Horse Beans and Tick Beans cheaper again, and the buyers few. Clover Seed found an eager demand this morning, but at no particular advance in the prices. Barley is scarce with us at present, and in some cases has commanded rather more money; in ail other re- spects the currency continues. much the same, as per list sub- joined:— English Wheat Cos. to 76s.— Rye a$ v. to 52s.— White Peas 72s. to 100s. Grey ditto 66s. to 6Ss.— Horse Beans 50s. t » ( iOs. Tick Beans 46s. to 56s.— Barley 40s. to 48s. — Malt 50s. to 76s.— Oats 30s. to 50s.— Rye Grass 14s. to 48s. per quarter.— English Household Flour G'Os. tottis'. per sack ; ditto American sup. 35s. to 42s. per barrel.— Rape Seed < 281. to 31(. per last.— Carraway Seed 3,0s. to 42s.— Coriander Seed 14s. to 22s.— Red Clover 36s. to- 82s. White ditto 46s. to 96s. — Trefoil 5s. to 28s. per cwt.— Tares 9s. to 22s. per bushel. SMITIIFIELD MARKET,' Monday, Feb. 22. We had this dav 1.000 head of Neat Cattle, 14,500 Sheep, but few Pigs or Calves. The prices were Beef 4s. 0d. to 5s. 4d.— Mutton 4s. id. to 5s. fid.— Veal 5s. to 6s. 4d.— Pork 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. per stone of 8lb. to sink the offal. NEWGATE and LEADEN- H ALL MARKETS.— Prices per stone by thccarcase:— Beef3s. to4s. 4( i.— IVlutton3s. 8d. to4s. 8d.— Veal 4s. 0< Z. to 6s. 0d.— Pork 4s.- 8d. to 5s. 8iI. Prices of HAY and STRAW in- the Haymarket, St. James's: — Hay| 4L 10s. to 61. 5s.— Strawfah 2s. to'?/, lis. TWO Ladies who are establishing a School on the sea coast in one of the southern counties, and who wish to give their pupils a domestic education, are desirous of en- gaging a gentlewoman to reside with them who is perfectly qualified to instruct in music and drawing: if she combine a knowledge of the Italian language- with these accomplish- ments it will be considered a great advantage. The number of pupils is limited to twenty. They have no teachers ; their pupils are always in their society; and it is their constant endeavour to make their house seem like HOME to all its in- habitants. The ladies would be happy in obtaining an assistant to acquire also a friend and companion. Should this advertisement meet the eye of one to whom such retirement would be agreeable, and whose temper is adapted to the employment, she will oblige them by directing ( post- paid) to L. C. V. at the Printing- Office, Sa- lisbury, at once to name her terms, and to give references as to her character and abilities. [ 5£> 6 LONDON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22. npilF. Subscribers to the proposed LONDON and 1 PORTSMOUTH JUNCTION CANAL, and the pub- lic in general, are respectfully informed, that a PAMPH LET, entitled Observations on the proposed Junction Canal, be- tween Winchester and the Basingstoke Canal, witl;. an Appen- dix," is well worth their perusal and consideration ; which may be had at Mr. White's, No. 6- J, Fleet- street, London ; Nichols's, Farnham ; Pinoock's, Alton ; Collington's, Al- resford ; Jacob's, Winchester; and Baker and Fletcher's, Southampton. [ 592 Paris papers to the 11 th inst. reached town last night. They contain very little news; but there are a number of notes in the Moniteur, upon his Majesty's Speech at the opening of the Session of Parliament, tbe object of which is to prove, that the continuance of the War is attributable to the British Government, and that France is sincerely desirous of a maritime peace ; that i., such a peace as would for ever destroy the naval superiority of this country. Prussia is spoken of with a sort of pity bordering on contempt; Austria is menaced, on the supposition that she may not have manifested all the hostility towards this country which France expected ; Denmark is highly ap- plauded ; and in regard to Sweden it is intimated that the mighty Emperor anil King Napoleon has resolved that she shall be extinguished as an independent power. The writers of these notes thank Mr. Canning for having justified the Court of the Ttmilleries : they say, that our subsidies to Austria are now in the Bank at Paris, as our subsidies to Sweden will soon be in the Bank of St. Peters- burgh. They hold up to ridicule the debates of our Par- liament, and exclaim—" Shades of Fox and Pitt, where are you '." The Emperor Napoleon has elevated to the rank of Princess Mademoiselle Tascher, a relation of his Empress dosephine, and Antoinette Murat, niece to his brother- in law the Grand Duke of Berg. The former Lady was immediately married to the reigning Prinoe of Aremberg, and the latter to the reigning Prince of Hohenzollern. The King of Holland is in future to reside at Amster- dam, He is to visit that city " soon, and great preparations arc making for his reception. Mr. Adair, our Ambassador at the Court of Vienna, gave a brilliant fete on the 21st ult. in honour of the mai- jiage of the Emperor of Austria. Advices have been received from France of the cap- ture of three American vessels by the enemy's cruizers, viz. the Charlotte, the two Marys, and the OctaVia. The latter had touched at a British port, and was in conse- quence sent into Belle Isle, where her cargo was landed, and her crew made prisoners. The two Marys was boarded and examined at sea by a British cruizer; she afterwards put into Calais, where the Captain innocently relating the fact, the ship was declared a lawful prize, under the late decree of Bonaparte. The French Papers mention two more ir. , tances of that decree having been rigorously acted upon, in the confiscation of two other American ships. A' TO ARCHITECTS. WILTS COUNTY BRIDEWELL. LL Persons willing to send in Plans for BUILT)- 1NG a NEW COUNTY BRIDEWELL and HOUSE of CORRECTION, at Devizes, ill the county of Wilts, con- taining proper, separate, and distinct places of Confinement for at least one hundred prisoners, having regard to classing them according to the nature of their crimes ami punish- ments, and providing convenient places for the employment of those committed for hard labour, are requested to send the same, with estimates and proposals for carrying such plans into execution, to Mr. John fcwayne, at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace, at Wilton, neat Salisbury, Wilts, on or before the 1,9th day of March next. It is requested that such plans and estimates be sent ( sealed up) without'signatures, but with mottoes or other devices ; and that the same be accompanied with sealed letters ( marked on the outside with corresponding mottoes or other devices) containing the names and addresses of the persons sendipg the same. Information as to the intended scite of tbe building, and other particulars, may be had on application to Mr. John S wayne. *** FIFTY POUNDS will be paid, as an honorary compen- sation, to the person sending the plan, & c. which shall be most approved of, with a proviso, that the said compensation is not . to be paid in case the person sending the plan, & c. shall afterwards be employed in executing the same. WII. TON, near SALISBURY, Jan. 25, 1808. [ 331 THREE HUNDRED POUNDS REWARD. WHITEHALL, Feb. 22, 1808. WHEREAS it has been humbly represented unto the King, that an the morning of the 14th day of November last, a most alarmin? FIRE was discovered at the WOOLLEN MANUFACTORY of Mr. SCOTT, at SHER- BORNE, in Dorsetshire, which totally consumed the same, whereby the owner of the said manufactory lias suffered a loss of near 4000/. and whereas there, is strong ground for sus- pecting that the said manufactory was wilfully and maliciously set on fire by some person or persons unknown. jdis Majesty,, for the better apprehending and bringing to justice the person or persons concerned in the felony above- mentioned, is hereby pleased to promise his most gracious PARDON to any of them ( except the person who actually set the said manufactory on fire) who shall discover his or their accomplice or accomplices therein, so that he or they may be apprehended and convicted thereof. HAWKESBURY. Some letters from Boston, in America, of one day- later date than any of the Transatlantic papers before re- ceived, mention the arrival'of Mr. Rose at Washington, as an event from which sanguine hopes were entertained of an amicable and speedy aiij'ustiuent of every dispute with this country. Dispatches have been received at the Admiralty from on board his Majesty's ship Stately, off Gottenburgb, dated theOth inst. They state, that his Majesty's squadron, consisting of the Stately, Vanguard, Nas. au, Quebec, Lvnx, ike. were all well at that date— and the weather was niore settled than it had been for some time. The Prince Christian, a Danish 74, with " 00 men, was at anchor on the 7th, under the Seliaw, and part of the English squadron had gone in pursuit of her. Provisions were extremely- dear at Gottenburgh. Sir Sidney Smith having shifted his flag from the Ville de Paris to the Minotaur, sailed from the coast of Portugal on the If> rh ult. to assume the command of the British squadron in South America. Orders have been sent to the Custom- IIouse, pro- hibiting for the present the exportation of Peruvian bark, and all sorts of cotton. The want of the first article will be severely felt in the French armies, aud the deficiency of the other will be no less distressing to the French manu- facturers. The capture of a Russian vessel in the Adriatic; having on board several Members of the late Government of , the Ionian Republic, by one of our cruizers, and their being sent as prisoners of war to Malta, is stated to have deter- mined the Emperor Alexander to consider the British sub- jects resident in Russia as hostages for their safety and re- lease ; and to have induced an order for suspending all passports. The Earldom of Craufurd and Lindsay, with a rental of 42,000/. per annum, is said to have devolved oh Serjeant Lindsay, of tbe Perthshire Militia. LORD LAKF, died yesterday evening about seven o'elock. At live ill the morning, alarming symptoms of dissolution appeared; shortly after which, the Prince of Wales, and Some other persons of distinction, intimately acquainted with his Lordship, were sent for, of whom he took an affecting farewell, and at the time already mentioned, breathed his last.— His Lordship's campaigns in India esta- blished his fame as a' skilful and gallant Officer, and for his moritoriotis conduct there, he was promoted to the Peerage. He was a full General in the Army, Colonel of the 80th Foot, Governor of Plymouth, and Treasurer of the Duchy of Cornwall. The proceedings of the Court- martial on General White- locke will not be interrupted by the death of Lord Lake, there being four more Officers sworn in than are necessary to constitute a quorum, in order to guard against accidents that might occasion the inevitable absence of some of the Members of the Court. A Morning Paper states that the Prince of Wales was so much affected at seeing Lord Lake on his death- bed, that the sight quite overpowered him; he fainted away, and was not recovered till a quantity of cold water was sprinkled over his face. His Royal Highness paid the utmost det'e- fMce to the opinion of this gallant officer and sincere friend. Mr. Sheridan has again received from his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales the place of Receiver of the Duchy of torn wall. OLD BAILEY.— On Saturday twenty- six prisoners were tried, two of whom were capitally convicted, viz. Edward Tobin and Edmund Hickey, for stealing in the dwelling- house of Samuel Merger GO lbs. of Vermillion, two sticks of distilled verdigrease, and lifts. weight of bronze, value twenty- three pounds. TIMBER SOLD. 1VTOTICE is hereby given, that the TIMBER i/ N advertised to be sold at the Rodney's Head Inn, at Hythe, in the couiitv of Hants, on Thursday the 3d day of I March 1808, IS DISPOSED OF by Private Contract. [ 6lp TENBY BRIDGE STONE COAL. BRIDPORT, Jan. 4, 1808. ' OR SALE, at H. B. WAY'S Yard at Bridport Harbour", A Quantity of exceeding good TENBY BRIDGE STONE COAL. . [ 293 BRIDPORT, Jan. 19, 1803. AY, late Partner Fc CHURCH PREFERMENT. WANTED,— The next PRESENTATION to a RECTORY, VICARAGE, or DONATIVE, where there is a prospect of an early succession.. - All letters ad- dressed, ( post paid) to A. G. L. Esq. Post- Office, Salisbury, will be attentively considered, and speedily replied to. ANTED,— A CURATE, to undertake the Duty of a CURACY in Hampshire.— For particulars, apply to the Printer, post paid. ' [ 8,9 ytQ= There is'no Parsonage- house.— Salary 6ol. per ann. ANTED immediately,- • A MEDICAL ASSISTANT.— Applications ( post paid), with refe- rence for character, addressed to Messrs. Musjon and Co. druggists, Newport, Isle of Wight, will be duly attended to. WANTS a Place, as LADY's MAID,— A I'erson who perfectly understands Dress Making, Hair Dres- sing, and getting up of fine Linen; and can have a good character from the Lady she has lived with three years. Direct ( post paid) to F. A. Post- Office, Winchester. [ 623 ANTS a Situation, as a BAILIFF, in a small Family, or to have tile management of a Dairy.— Has been accustomed to raising young Stock in Dorsetshire.— Can come well recommended.- Apply at Moore's Lottery Office, Poole. ' [ 599 ^ TANTS a Place, as BAILIFF and GAME- KEEPER,— A middle- aged Man, with an undeniable character;— his Wife will have no objection to milk two or three cows and to look after poultry. Letters ( post- paid) directed to H. W. at Mr. Thos. Lawes's, Alvedist< 4n, near Sarum, will be duly attended to. [ 586 WANTET>,— Ten or Twelve Hogsheads of good sound STRONG BEER; if from a private Cellar, will be preferred. Any person having that quantity to dispose of may apply to Mr. George, Romsey, with the price per rlhd. ( post paid.) [ 625 WANTED,— A steadv, sober, active MAN, HOME- KEEPER, who thoroughly understands the breaking, hunting, and management of Dogs. None need apply but those that can obtain a strong recommendation. Apply at Southwick- hoiise, Hants. [ 455 WANTED,— An APPRENTICE to a Surgeon and Apothecary, a Y'outh of a liberal education, who will be treated in all respects as one of the family. Letters to be addressed ( post paid) M. B. J. Printing- office, Salisbury. , [ 346 W' HEREAS the Committee appointed by Vestry to investi gate circumstances relative to the Fire which on the morning of the 14th of November last, consumed the whole of my WOOLLEN FACTORY in this town, with every thing'it container], hive reported it as their'opinion, that there afe grounds for suspecting that the pr'- mise- s were wilfully and maliciously set on fire : I hereby ofli- r a Reward of ONE HUNDRED POUNDS for the discovery and con- viction of the perpetrator or perpetrators of the horrid deed. S. SCOTT. And several of the inhabitants of this town, in order to shew their just indignation against such an atrocious crime, hereby offer an additional Reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, to be paid on conviction of the offender or offenders, by applying to JOHN MELI. IAR, Esq. Chairman of the aforesaid Committee. The above Rewards will be given to any accomplice who will discover and convict the person that actually set fire to the premises. [ 404 Sherborne, . Dorset, Jan. 16, 1808.' TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. ANTED,— A YOUTII, about 14 or 15 years of age, as an APPRENTICE to a Linen- Drap: Hosier, and Haberdasher.— He will be treated as one of the family, and the most careful attention paid to his morals, A premium is expected. Apply ( if by letter, pest paid) to Mr. James Hawkins, draper, Southampton. [ 607 RANTED, as an APPRENTICE to a HAT- MAKER, a Youth of respectable connections: he will be treated as one of the family. A moderate premium will he expected. Apply to Mr. Clark, Bookseller and Stationer, Dorchester; if by letter post- paid. [ c38 ANTED.— A LAUNDRY- MAID, in a large Establis: cent;— also a HOUSE- MAID. Steady Women, who can have good characters, will meet due en- couragement. [ 609 Enquire at the Printing- Office ; if by letter, postpaid. ,7" ANTED,— A good WOM AN COOK, in an Inn ; wages will be good, provided abilities claim it. Apply to Mr. Dollar, sadler, Winton; or Mr. Perkins, gun- maker, Salisbury. [ 630 JUST landed, for Sale, by H. B. W, of and Successor to Travers and Way, RIGA BARREL FLAX SEED, Warranted the growth of the year 1807, and warranted to have been shipped at Riga by the same House that has shipped Barrel Seed for him and liis late Partners, for these - 22 years past. [ 294 } 70R SALE,— A few Thousand Feet of AMERI- CAN PINE BOARDS, by POOLE, Feb. 26, 1808. J. BRISTOWF, & Co. BUTTftR FOR SALE. AQuantity of IRISH BUTTER, of good, quality, in full bound Firkins and Kegs, to be sold by POOLE, 28th 2d Month 1808. GEORGE NEAVE. AT MOORE's Luckv Lottery Office, PooftK, the Public may be supplied with TICKETS or SHARES in the present STATE LOTTERY, which begins drawing the 8th of March, on the same terms as if present, by sending Cash, Bank Notes, or Prizes in former Lotteries. The present Scheme is certainly entitled to approbation. [ 632 Tickets and Shares in the Grand City Lottery, which begins drawing the 26th of April, are on Sale as above. FOR SALE, at Upton Farm, near POOLE,- Working OXEN, and Two CART HORSES. — Six [ 631 SILVER- STREET, SALISBURY. JBECKINGSALE respectfully informs tfre Pub- • lie, his Warehouse is completely stocked with the most approved Fabrics in IRISH LINENS, SHEETINGS, TABLE LINEN, and COUNTERPANES. A variety of Printed Cambrics and Twilled Sarsenets. An extensive collection of Tambour and Satin- worked Mulls, Brocaded and Japan Muslins, with every description of Muslin and Cambric Bordering. Just received, a box of curious Thread Edgings and Laces. , Two boxes of real French Cambric Handkerchiefs, with ' hite borders, particularly cheap. An extensive assortment of Calicoes, Dimities, Cambric Muslins, Shirting Calicoes, and Cotton Sheetings. The above Warehouse is regularly supplied w'ith an exten- sive choice of Silk Hose and Cotton Stockings.— An extra allowance by the half dozen. [ 555 GREENHAM, NEA?. NEWBURY, BERKS, February 10, 1808. HAVING determined on declining the CARRYING BUSINESS, I beg to return my grateful thanks to my friends and the public for the many favours I have received from them, and to inform them I have sold my Stock of Wagsons and Horses to Messrs. GROBETY, DEAR, and GOODMAN, whom I take the liberty of recommending as my successors, being convined that they will use their utmost endeavours to conduct the concern to the satisfaction of those, who may honour them with their commands. 638] ^ THOMAS CLARK. MR. CLARK having declined the. CARRYING BUSINESS," and sold to us his Stock of Waggons and Horses, we the undersigned respcotfully solicit of tile public a continuance of their favours, assuring them that every possible attention shall be paid to their commands, and the utmost care takeh of goods entrusted to our charee. 639] , BENJAMIN GROBETY. RICHARD DEAR. MAURICE GOODMAN. HPO be SOLD,— A CHESNUT GELDING, 1 aged seven years, warranted sound and freefr& m vice.- To be seen at the Post Office, Salisbury. TO be SOLD,— A BAY GELDING, three parts thorough bred; has never been in a dealer's hands, able to carry thirteen or fourteen stone, seven years old, warranted sound, a most excellent Hunter, in high condition, aud is particularly worth the attention of any Gentleman desirous of purchasing a valuable horse. For " particulars apply to the Groom, at Houghton Lodge, near Stockbridge. [ 606 Hf^ O be SOLD, at LITHGOD'S Nursery Ground, JL Morden, near Blandford, Dorset,— A large'Quantity of PINASTER SEEDLINGS, from four to six inches high, at ten shillings per 1000. Also OAKS, from twenty inches to two feet, at fifteen shillings per 1000. MORDEN, Feb. 22, 1808. [ 5S8 POTATO ES. O be SOLD, About 600 SACKS of good marketable POTATOES.— For particulars enquire of Mr. John Mitchell, Lymington, or Mr. Jas. Penford. Ringwood. N. B. Half of them are at Lymington, and the others at Tc Ringwood. rsoo FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS REWARD. Whitehall, Jan. 23, 1808. TT 7 HERE AS it has been humbly represented to 7 T the King, that, between the hours ( " seven and eight o'clock in the evening of the l. nth of this instant, some per- son, in companv with others ( all of whom are unknown), FIRED a loaded Pistol or Blunderbuss at JOHN JONES, Esq. of Woolley, near Bradford, in Wiltshire, one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said county, as the said John Jones, Esq. was returning home on horseback from his Factory at Staverton, whereby the eyes and face of the said John Jones, Esq. were very much injured:— His Majesty, for tha better apprehending and'bringing to justice the person who has been guilty of this enormous out- rage, is hereby pleased to promise his most gracious PARDON to any accomplice who shall discover the offender, so that he may be apprehended and convicted thereof.) HAWKESBURY. And, as a further encouragement, a Reward of FIVE HUNDRED POUNDS is hereby offered to any person making any such discovery as aforesaid ; the same to be paid by Messrs. Thomas Timbrel!, Stephen Brown, Edward Lux- ford, and Thomas H. Saunders, Clerks to the Magistrates of the Division of Trowbridge, in Wiltshire. [ 357 MAID SERVANT. WANTED,— A Servant of a good disposition, about thirty years of age ( where no . other servant is kept) that has lived out some years, arid can bring a good character; her principal employ plain cooking for a small family, keipi'ng a small house clean, and stay at home well, as theie is no mistress. A Dissenter wowld be preferred. Enquire at the Printing- Office. [ 584 TO IRONMONGERS. ANTED immediately,— A sober active young MAN, that understands the IRONMONGERY. For particulars enquire, ( if by letter, post paid) of William Butler. Corfe Castle, Dorset. [ 5G9 W TO PAPER- MAKERS. WANTED immediately, at Wimborne Three good Hands, as Vatsman, Coiicher, and Dry- worker. Apply to Mr. Joseph Cull, Wimborne, Dorset. Mill,- AT WILTSHIRE, a SPECIAL MEETING of MAGISTRATES for the county of Wilts, held this 23th day of January, 1808, at Bradford, in the said county.— The Magistrates having expressed their gre- it abhorrence at the late outrageous attempt on the Life of JOHN JONES, Esq. at Woolley, near Bradford, one of h; s Majesty's Jus- tices of the Peace for the said county, in the evening of the 19th inst. came to the. following Resolution :— That they are determined to take the most effectual and vigorous measures for bringing the offenders to speedy justice, and for that purpose they will lipid occasional meetings at Trowbridge, Bradford, and Westburv, to receive any infor- mation that may be brought before them, and to watch over the preservation of the public peace. And they hereby call upon all constables of hundreds, petty constables, and other peace officers, to be watchful and active in the line of their respective duties, and to attend the above meetings, to further the ends of public justice ; and to appre- hend all persons appearing in disguise, and all other suspicious persons, who may be found wandering about and associating at unseasonable hours, without being able to give a satisfac- tory account of themselves. And all peaceable and well- disposed inhabitants are hereby exhorted to exert themselves, to the utmost of their power, in defence and support of good order, and to stand forward in ai » of the civil power ; and they may be assured of the most speedy and effectual Support from the military force in the country, if it should be found necessary to call lhem in aid. By order of the Magistrates, THOMAS TIMBRF. LL, EDWAltD LUXFORD, ^ Clerks. THOMAS H. SAUNDERS, J WANTED immediately,— Two ROPE and TWINE SPINNERS; also Two CHAIN SPINNERS, and One SACK- WEAVER. Good workmen may have constant employ and good wages by applying to John Shepherd, Warminster, Wilts. [ 476 To Journeymen Hair- Dressers. WANTED immediately,— A sober, steady young V T MAN, who may hear of a comfortable situation, by applying to A. B. at the Printing- office, Canal, Salisburv.— All letters must come free of postage. [ 640 WANTED immediately,— A JOURNEYMAN • GLAZIER and PAINTER. A good hand will meet with sxood wages and constant employment, l> y applving to Mr. II, Chitty, plumber and glazier, Shaftesbury. [ 621 535] GOOD LABOURER. WANTED,— A married MAN, who has been used to husbandry work of all sorts, and who is par- ticularly handy at hedging, and other work with the bill^ hook and spade. His wages will be twelve shillings a week, all the year round and in all weathers ; he will be at liberty to be absent for the harvest month, and also a fortnight in grass- mowing time, and lie will be found a Cottage rent- free, situated close by his work. Application to be made, in person, to Mr. ROREUT ROBINSON, at BOTLEY„ six mites from Southampton. No person need apply whose present place of residence is not more than TEN MILES from either South- ampton or Portsmouth, and who has not the character of being an honest, sober, and industrious man. [ 604 WANTED,— A MAN and his WIFE, to take care of a small I i . use in the Country, where a very small Family occasionally reside in the summei. The Woman will have to take care of two or three Cows; and the Man, if a Gardener ( which will be preferred), will be em- ployed as such, and in husbandry business ; or if he chuses, may go out to work daily, the situation being in a village where employment as a gardener may be had ; house rent, . firing, Src. found. No person need apply who has small children, but one abovj four or five years old would be 110 objection. Also wanted, a middle- aged WOMAN, from the country to take the management of a small House, with only one person to attend. [ 602 Apply for particulars to Mr. Belam, Portsmouth. BASSANIO will COVER this Season, at Joseph Coombs's, Corton, near Warminster, at Two Guineas a Mats and Seven Shillings the Groom. , [ 532 For performances, pedigree, Src. see Racing Calender. N. B. Good accommodation for Mares, at the ustaal prices. All expences to be defrayed before' they are taken away. TO MANUFACTURERS, FARMERS, BREWERS, & c. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A capital HORSE- WHEEL, with three Iron Yokes, two Nuts, & c.; also a circular open Wheel- house, 23 ft. diameter, timber and tile; ( both the wheel and the house are nearly new, and so constructed as to be taken down and re- erected, without injury, at at a very trifliug expence ;) also a double Mahogany- Desk, a single Screw- Press, and various Clothing Utensils. [ 547 For particulars apply to Mr. John Everett, Warminster. rSHAKEN UP, at Houndsdown, in the parish of - 5. . liline:, about the 18th of November last,— A two- year old HEIFER, of a black colour. Whoever can prove her their property, may have her again, on paying all'expences, by applying to Peter Pierce, of Houndsdown aforesaid.— If not owned by the 12th day of March next, the said Heifer will be sold to defray expences. [ 6- 20 TIIE- Executors of Mr. RICHARD SUCKETT, late of Southampton, Block- maker, being desirous to make a final settlement of the said deceased's affairs, desir£ all persons who still stand indebted to the said estate to pay the same immediately to Mr. John Cushen, Bugle- street, Southampton ; and all persons w ho have any claim or demand on the same, are desired to send their accounts as alive- directed, that they may be discharged. [ 626 SOUTHAMPTON, Feb. 26, 1808. THE Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt, bearing date the 2,' th day of July, 1807, awarded and issed forth against MATrHEW MA'CKLIN, late of the Town and County of Southampton, Silversmith and Work- ing Jeweller, intend to meet on the 14th day of March next, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at the Dolphins Inn, in the Town and County of Southampton aforesaid, to make a dividend of the estate and effects of the said Bankrupt; when and where the creditors who have not already proved their debts are to come prepared to prove the same, or they will be excluded the benefit of the said dividend ; and all claims not then proved will be disallowed. . [ ssa SOUTHAMPTON, CHARLES SMITH, Feb. 23, 1808. Solicitor to the Assignees. N' SOUTHAMPTON. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A most capital well- built CUTTER, called the VENUS, of 46 tons burthen and upwards, copper fastened, and the deck copper nailed, with accommodations and every thing compiere.— She was built for a Gentleman's Yacht, and is in every respect a most desirable vessel, and now lying off West Quay. To be viewed by application to Mr. James Linden, Auctioneer, Above Bar, who is authorized to treat with pur- chasers, and is furnished with inventories of her stores, & c. w SALISBURY. npO be SOLD by AUCTION, in the Corn- JL Market, by GERRARD and Co. on Tuesday next, the lst of March,— A capital high- bred BAY MARE, rising five years old, 15 hands high, remarkably fast in all her paces, warranted sound, and free from vice. Also a BROWN MARE, five years old, about 15 hands high, a good roadster, and warranted sound.— And also a handsome GREY PONY. The above Horses were the property of a Gentleman, lately deceased. At the same time will be sold,— Several HORSES, of the Hack kind. [ 622 The sale will begin at twelve o'clock. SALISBURY. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by W. IVEMY, the Market- Place, on Tuesday the ,1st of March, IS — A CARAVAN, two Draught Horses, three Sets of Har- ness, and other articles, the property of a person declining business. [ 613 ROMSEY. I^ OR SALE by AU6TIQN, by J. ALI. EN, in . the Corn Market, on Saturday the 5th of March 1808, at three o'clock in the afternoon,— An exceeding good One- Horse CHAISE, with a Head ; a good GIG ; and a stroifg Tilted CART; Harness, & c. & c. [ 628 RINGWOOD. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. CRANSTON, on Wednesday the ,9th of March, 1803, at twelve o'clock, — A Leash of GREYHOUNDS and a Brace of POINTERS. PUBLIC SALE, AT GUERNSEY, rpo be SOLD by PUBLIC AUCTION, on Wed- JL desday the 2d of March next, at John Carey, Esqr.' s Cellar, at the Truchot ( if not disposed of before, of which notice will be given),— 82 Pipes SPANISH WINE, 50 Hogsheads CLARET. 100 Cases SPANISH WINE, containing 6 doz. each, A few gross of Bottles, and some empty Casks. The sale to commence at ten o'clock precisely. [ 543 I^ OR SALE by AUCTION, at the Exchange . Coffee- House, Bristol, on Thursday the Od day of March, 1808, at twelve o'clock in the forenoon, for account of the Underwriters,— About 120 Bags of SPANISH WOOL, damaged. To be viewed two days prior to the sale, at Messrs. Doughty and Co.' s warehouse, in Marsh- street, Bristol, where cata- logues may be had. MARSH ANO EBSWORTH, Brokers, 636] , 9, Token- Housc- Yard, London. NEW FOREST, HANTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at Lyndhurst, by order of the Right Hon. Lord Glenbervie, Surveyor General of his Majesty's Woods and Forests, on Thursday the 10th dav of March, 1808, The following NAVAL BEECH TOPS, in sevrral lots, Whitley Ridge Walk 30 Toils. Rhinefield Walk 104 Lyndhurst Walk .,..,•... 18 For further particulars apply to Mr- Joseph Mortimer, at Owcr. * [ 465 CO WES, ISLE OF WIGHT. TO be SOLD bv AUCTION, at the Dolphin Inn, West Cowes, on Thursday the 10th day of March, 1308, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon— About 17.000 of STETTIN STAVES, consisting of pipe, hogshead, and barrel staves, and heading. Also, about 60 Quarters of WHEAT. 27 Bundles of FLAX. And 2 large Casks, containing HARE SKINS. Being the entire cargo of the Hamburgh brig Louisa, from Tonningen. The same may be seen and catalogues had bv applying to 595] " JAMHS DAY, Jiiu. ot Cowes. CREDITORS OF AUGUSTA BLUDWOHTH. ' OTICE is hereby given, that another Meeting of the Creditors and Legatees of vUGCSTA BLUD; . WORTH, late of Holt, in the county of Southampton, de- ceased, will be held at the White Hart Inn, in the city ot Winchester, on Wednesday the - d of March next, at twelve o'clock at noon, in order to take into further consideration, and finally to determine upon the measures ( o be pursued for the Recovery of their respective Claims; : nd such of the Creditors as were, not present at the last Meeting, are requested forthwith to transmit an account of their Demands to Mr. Gunner, solicitor, Bishop's Waltham, Hants. 7— Feb. 8, 1308. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. rHEREAS at a Meeting of the Creditors of JOHN DIXON, formerly of Long Critchell, in the county of Dorset, but late of the Rose and Crown Inn, East Harnham, in the parish of Britford, in the ooutitv of Wilts, held at the Maidenhead Inn, Salisbury, on Tuesday the 26th day of January last, it was agreed that the said John Dixon should assign over all his Estate and Effects whatsoever u:; t> Thomas Waters, of Boscombe ; John Selfe, of Knighton, in the parish of Broad Chalk ; and John Newman, of Britford, Gentlemen, in trust for themselves and all other the Creditors of the said John Dixon who should execute the Deed of Assignment; which said Deed has been executed by the said John Dixon, and also by the said Thomas Wateis, John Selfe, and John Newman, and several other Creditors of the said John Dixon, and is left at the Office of Messrs. Tanner and Cooper, Salisbury, for execution by such other of the Creditors as shall be inclined to take " the benefit thereof; where it will remain until the 24th day of June next, when a Dividend of the Effects of the said John Dixon'will be made to such of his Creditors who shall have then executed the said Deed. [ 641 Harnham, Blandftrd, and Dorchester Turnpike. NOTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising from the Toll Gates hereunder mentioned, be- longing to this Turnpike, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the' best bidder, at the Greyhound Inn, at Blandford, on Thursday the 21th day of March next, between thours of ten and twelve in the forenoon of the same day, in the manner directed by the Act passed in the 13 th year of his present Majesty, for regulating turnpike roads, to commence on the 5th day of the said ftionth of March, and which Tolls were ett the last year for the sums hereunder mentioned, above the exphnce of collecting the same, and will be put up at the same sums, viz. Coombe Gate £. 365 Cashmoor Gate 262 Whoever happens to be the best bidder, must give security at the same time, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turnpike, for the payrtient. of the rents agreed for at such times as thev shall direct. 590] JOHNTKEG. KING, Dated Feb. 2- 3, 1808. Clerk to tl) e Trustees. DORSET WESTERN TURNPIKE. N'OTICE is hereby given, that the TOLLS arising at theTurnpikeGates situate at Dcwlish and Longbred- , on the Great Western Road leading from Blandford to Brid- port, will be LETT by AUCTION to the best bidder, lor on* year, at the Antelope Inn, in Dorchester, 011 Monday the twenty- eighth day of March . next, between the hours of twelve at noon and two in the afternoon, in. manner prescribed by an Act passed in the thirteenth year of the reign of his present Majesty for regulating Turnpike Roads ; which Tolls will be put up at the" sums following, being the sums at which the Gates were lett last year:— DEWLISH GATE— Tolls £. 335 LONGBREDY GATE— Tolls 293 Whoever happens to be the best bidder must at the same time give security, with sufficient sure ties to the satisfaction of the Trustees, for payment of the rent agreed on, and at such times as they shall direct. Dated this twenty- fourth day of February 1808. By order of the Commissioners, S9SJ ROBERT LAMBERT, TF,, , JOHN TEMPLEMAN, } Ckrks and Treasurers. P1 Com) of a Letter from the Right Hon. Lord BENTICK, to MR. BUTLER, Cheajjsiele, London. . SIN, 5LEASE send me twelve large bottles of your ROBBERDS's BALSAMIC ELIXIR, or Cough Drops, 1 have frequently witnessed their gooJ effects in Coughs, Colds, and Asthmas ; it has never failed to cure, provided it was properly administered. A very old gentleman, a friend of mine, above eighty, has taken rhe Drops in small quan- tities these six months, and has found the greatest benefit from them. • Yours, & c. . RA. MSGATE, Feb. 2, 1308. BENTICK. A CAUTION. Observe, R. BUTLER is engraved on a black stamp, and affixed to each bottle ; all others are coun- terfeit. Sold by Mr. Butler, No.- 1, Cheapside, London; at the Printing- Office, Salisbury; and most' medicine venders m every town, in bottles at 2s. yd. and 6s. each, [ 533 Tlik SALISBURY AND WltsTCH£ ST£ H . tOcKNAu, Wednesday's and Thursday's Posts. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE OF FEBRUARY 23. HORSE- GUARDS, Feb. 22. " IS Majesty having been graciously pleased to command, that, in commemoration of the brilliant ' and decisive victory obtained by a division of his Army under the command of Major- Genera! Sir John Stuart, on the 4th of July, 1 806, fin the plains of Malda, the undermentioned Officers of the Armv, engaged or,, that day, should enjoy the privilege of bearing a medal : and his Majesty having approved of the medal which has been struck upon this occasion, is pleased to command that it should be vvofn suspended by a ribband of the colour of the sash, with a blue edge, from a button of the coat oil the left side. , Major- Ottsral Sir Joan Stuart. K. B.; Brigadier- Ce- nerais Hon. Geo. Lowrey Colo, W, Palmer AclimA; Colo- nel John Oswald ; lieutenant- Colonels . lames Kempt, Hon. C. W. O'Calfcighan, Robert Ross, Hayiland, Smith, Geo. Johnson, Patrick Macleod, Loivis de Watteville, John Lemoine, Henry Edward Bunbury. ADMIIULTV- OIFICE, Feb. S'i. Admiral Montague, Com- ma, derm Chief at Portsmouth, has transmitted a letter from Lieut. Verdrieau, commanding- the gun brig Hardy, stating that on the 13th inst.. he had discovered a French lug, r privateer, off Beachy Head,, and niade sail in chase of her ; three revenue cutters joined in the eliase, one of which, from superior sailing, first came up with the enemy, who soon struck, and proved to be La Revois, of If! guns and 48 men, left Dieppe on the l& th inst. and had made no capture. WIN OFFICE, Feb. 23. ISth Reg. of Foot.— Brevet Lieut. Col. Wm. Bowycr, from the 8th West'lndia Regiment, to be Major, vice Mahon, who retires on Kalfrpay of the 85th Fo. it, receiving the difference. s- id Ditto.— Lieut. Col. John Ross, from the 9lst Foot, to be Lieut. Col. vice Mackenzie, who exchanges. nth, West. India Reg-— Brevet Lieut. Col. James Willock, from Half- pay of the late ,95th Foot, to be Major, vi. ee Bow- ycr, appointed to the 11th Foot. BR. VST.— Capt. J. Nunns, of the 95th Foot, and Capt. S. Berkeley, of the. Kith Foot, to be Majprs in the Army. ORDNANCE- OFFICE, Feb. 10. Royal Reg. of Artillery.— Col. R. Lavvson to be Col. Commandant, by augmentation; Lieut. Col. E. Stehelin to'be Colonel, vice Lawson ; Major R. Wright to be Lieut. Col. vice Steh'clin. Lieut. Col. J. A. Schalch to be Colonel, by augmentation ; Mtjor J. Maclean to be Lieut. Col. vice Sch. dch ; Capt. R. W. Unett to be Major, vice Maclean. Lieut. Col. H. Mutton to be Colonel, by augmentation; Major J. Harris to be Lieut. Col. rice Hutton ; Capt. C. Wal- ler to be Major, vice Harris. Major G. A. Wood to be Lieut. Col. by augmentation; Capt. R. Becvor to be Major, ; vice Wood. Major R. Dickenson to. be Lieut. Col. by augmentation; Capt. F. Griffiths to be Major, vice Dickenson. Major T. Charleton to be Lieut. Col. by augmentation; Capt. C. Newhouse to be Major, vice Charleton. Capt. Wm. Dixon to be Major, by augmentation. BANKRUPTS. John Wot) b, of Manchester, calico- manufacturer. Eciward Grey, of Monk Wearmouth, coattiuer. Iticharci fl'imiphreys, of Stamford, linen- draper. Jos-- t, h KaruU'll, of [. sects, grocer. J. Ve/ r., of Manchester, and W. Maymon, of Haslingden, cotton- manufacturers. Robert Huteirtnwn, of Manchester, joiner. J. Graham, of Choriey, and Jv'Harrison. of Present, tinunr- merchants J. W. H. Mason, of Hartley- place, Soutliwark, paper- iianger. HOUSE OF LORDS. MONDAY, Feb. 22.] A petition was presented from the insolvent debtors in the gaol of Appleby ; stating their suffering-, and praying relief. ' file Malt Duty Bill went through a Committee. The remainder of the sitting was occupied in the healing of Counsel on a Scotch Appeal.— Adjourned. TUESDAY, Feb. 23.] The Malt Duty Bill was read a third time, and passed. The three millions Bank Loan Bill, and the Bill for ap- propriating unclaimed dividends, were brought up from the Commons'; and read a first time. Lord Hawkeshwg laid on the table various papers rela- tive to the American Treaty, and other papers respecting the execution of the French decree of blockade with in- creased rigour, which were ordered to be printed. On the motion for the second reading of the Amerioan Intercourse Bill, Lord Auckland observed, that there was considerable discordancy between this bill and the bill now before the other House, for giving effect to the Orders in Council. The Act which this bill professed to continue would be violated most- materially by the new imposts in the bill he had alluded to. The new duties on tobacco, rice, wine, brandy, & c. were all violations of the Act, and of the Treaty with America, which stipulated that America was to enjoy the same exemptions as our own Colonies. The duty of 2s. per ton on vessels brought in under the Orders of Council, and the compelling American vessels bound from Europe to the Ea^ t Indies to go into the East India Dock, were also at variance with the stipulations of the Treaty, and of course with the provisions of tlje present bill. Lard Bathurst replied, that on examination no incon- sistencies would be found in " the proceedings alluded to. The American Intercourse Act, passed last session, would expire on the 1st of March, and the bill now before their Lordships was only intended to keep that Act alive till pther measures had received the sanction of the Legisla- ture ; for which purpose it had a clause, allowing of its alteration or repeal in the present session. It would be quite time enough to discuss the merits of the bill now in the other House, when they should regularly come be- fore their Lordships. The Bill was then read a second time, and ordered to be committed on the morrow,— Adjournrd. HOUSE OF COMMONS. MONDAY, Feb. 22.] Colonel Stanley reported from the Evesham Committee, tnat Sir M. Lopez, Bart, was not duly elected, and ought not to have been returned; that Humphrey Howard, Esq. the petitioner, was duly elected, and ought to be returned ; but that the defence to the petition was not frivolous or vexatious. Mr. IVharton reported from the Saltasb Committee, that the right of election was vested in the holders of bur- gage tenures, and not in the corporation. On the report of the Committee of Ways and Means, • when the resolution for imposing a duty of 3d. per bushel on all salt exported to distant parts of the world was read, the Chancotlor of the Exchequer proposed to abandon that duty, rather than press unnecessarily on the feelings and convenience of the Americans, as an Hon. Gentleman ( Mr. Baring) had stated it would. It was not intended to create a revenue by this duty, and the sum it would raise was t, o object in that point of view, for the total amount of the duty on all the salt exported to America in a year, at 3ii. per bushel, would be only 15,000/. Mr. A. Baring congratulated the House on the Right Hon. Gentleman's having made a sufficient progress in the acquisition o! commercial knowledge, since this measure was last discussed, to see that regulations which made a. mere trifling addition to the revenue might hevertheiess lie pregnant with - mischiefs of immense- magnitude. The withdrawing of this resolution would be peculiarly satis- factory to the Americans. Mr. Ponsonby expressed a similar feeling; adding, that lie hoped the Right Hon. ( rentlem in w ould concede point icier point, till he had abandoned the whole of a measure " full of sound and fury, signifying nothing," This resolution was then negatived ; the other resolu- tions were agreed to, and b Us ordered accordingly. Coltvel Stanley presented a petition from the inhabi- tants of Boltbni in Lancashire, stating that the trade and commmereial relations of that district were completely ruined by the war, by which the petitioners were driven to extreme distress, and praying that the House would take stfeb steps, umler the sanction of his Majesty, as would accord with the honour and dignity of bis Majesty, in restoring the b\ esssings of peace. Mr. Secretary Canning observed, that no difference of opinion existed betwen himself and the petitioners on- the propriety i'f obtaining a- peace accordant with the honour end dig:-: ' ty of the nation. He therefore not only did not object to the petition lying on the table, but he hoped the prayer and purport of it would bo ever in the recollection of each Member. It was the object nearest and direst to his heart; but a premature attempt to obtain it would disappoint not omy the petitioners- themselves, but the country and all Europe. The petition was then laid on the tabfe. Mr. Ponsonby observed, that the Speech on the opening of the session bad adverted to a Treaty with Sweden, and a Right Hon. Gentleman and his friends had made several allusions thereto; since then, however, a month had elapsed, and no further notice had been taken of the sub- ject. He now asked, whether, sueb a treaty was In exist- ence ? and if so, whether prior, or subsequent to that day ? Whether any money had been transmitted to the King of Sweden, in consequence of that tr. aty ? And lastly, when it might be expected that such treaty would be laid before the House ? Mr. Cnnninv answered, that since the first day of the session there had been no arrivals from Sweden till within these few days ; but he would now inform the Right Hon. Gentleman, that a treaty between the two countries was negociatfd, and was expected to be ratified in a few day ., when it wouid be laid before the House. It was also trufj that money had been transmitted to his Swedish Majesty, in contemplation of this treaty. Lord Folkestone moved the order of the day, for taking the Oude papers into consideration. Mr. Creevey objected to the House coming to an imme- diate dqcisioii on the subject of these papers ; first, be- cause they related only to a part of the policy pursued by the Marquis Wellesley in India ; - and, 2dly, because he believed ve^ y few Members of the House had made them- selves masters of the subject. On these grounds only he opposed the motion, with the intention of afterwards moving foe a Committee to examine the whole of the Marquis Vfellesley's policy in India. A long debate ensued, in which Mr. Lusliington, Lord A: Hamilton, Mr. Windham, Sir F. Burdett, & e. mged the impropriety of too hasty a decision on a subject of such great importance';. and the Noble Marquis's friends . gene- rally expressed a wish for as speedy a decision as possible On a division,, the numbers were, for the motion, 34 ; against it, 210 ; majority 17!). It was than agreed that the general question should be taken into consideration tin Tuesday the ist of March.— Adjourned. TUESDAY, Feb. 22.] A Committee was chosen to try the merits of a petition complaining of ail undue election for the borough of Great Grimsby. The Bill for the better assessing and collecting the Pool- Rates for the parish of St. Saviour, Southwark, was read a second time, and referred to a Committee, consisting of the Members for the Borough, and those for the hoiae counties. In a Committee'on the Act of the 4Sth of the King, il- lative to the distillation of spirits in quantities not less than 30,000 gallons, leave was given; on the report being brought up, to bring in a Bill for amending the. said Act. Mr. Foster obtained leave to bring in a Bill for regu- lating the issue of small Notes, under the value of 20.?. and for preventing the forgery of Bank- tokens, in Ireland. Mr. Canning presented the information received by Ministers, respecting the further enforcement of the French Decree of the 21st of November, 1800*. Ordered to be printed. The Petty Customs Offices Abolition Bill was read a third time, and passed.— Adjourned. LONDON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24. Letters were yesterday received from Calais, dated the Qth inst. wbich state, that seven American vessels had been captured the preceding week, and carried into that port, and the crews made prisopers. The same letters add, that orders' had been given to the Com- manders of all French privateers to capture American vessels in the same manner as if there was an actual war between France and America. Salt has become so extremely scarce in Holland, that the Dutch suffer greatly from the want of that necessary article. Letters received yesterday state, that it is expected the Government will relax the commer- cial restrictions, in order to permit its importation. A ship from Charleston has brought an account of another severe conflict between the parties of Chris- tophe and Petion, in St. Domingo, which has termi- nated, greatly to the discomfiture of the latter. Ame- rican ships are said to have been prohibited entering the Haitian ports, within the jurisdiction of Christophe. Some private letters brought by the Dublin Mail, which arrived this morning, state, that later accounts from America have been received in that City, than those which have reached London.— One of the reports resting on this is, that in consequence of the rcpre entations of Mr. Rose, who landed at Washington on the 6th tilt, and had several interviews with the Executive, an order had been issued for the removal of the Embargo, and a suspension, after a certain date, of the Non- importation Act,— This very favourable statement, however, is considered as premature. — The Irish Journals of Friday and Saturday last are silent on the subject. The AMERICAN' STATE PAPERS were on Monday laid on the table of the House of Commons, and printed copies delivered to the Members. They are too long to be de- tailed in a newspaper. The principal point to be observed from them is, that after the President of the United States hail refused to ratify the Treaty concluded by Messrs. Pinckney and Munroe with the Lords Holland and Auck- land, an overture was made to renew negoeiations on the basis of this very treaty, which overture was declined by Mr. Secretary Canning: " He is commanded," he says, " to apprize the American Commissioners, that the proposal to negociate anew, upon the basis of a treaty already so- lemnly concluded and signed, is a proposal wholly inad- missible ; and his Majesty has therefore no option, under the present circumstances of this transaction, hut to ac- quiesce in the refusal of the President to ratify the treaty signed on the 31st of December, 1,806." In the House of Commons on Monday, Mr. Canning admitted that a Treaty of Alliance had been con- cluded with Sweden. Many statements of the terms of the treaty have since been given, and the following seem to be considered as the leading outlines:— Sweden is to yield up to Great Britain the island of Maestrand, near Gottenburgh, as a depot for the naval and military force to be employed by us in the Baltic ; and, on our part, we are to employ Id sail of the line and 20,000 British troops in defence of Sweden, and are to pay her a subsidy of 100,000/. a month during the continuance of the war. The Bolton Petition is couched in as proper a form as a Petition of the kind could possibly be ; and it is fit it should be generally known, that the Petitioners state it in a manly way, that their Petition " does not spring from any dread of the enemy— that all they ask is, that no oppor- tunity for negociation should be let slip— and that if the ambition of the enemy should lead him to in ist upon demands incompatible with an honourable Peace, the Petitioners would with one heart suffer much greater privations, rather than see the security and honour of their country compromised." The sDuke of Kent, in order to prove to his brother soldiers and fellow- countrymen that he is not willingly absent from his duty, as Governor of Gibraltar, when that garrison is threatened with an attack from the enemy, has published a letter which he addressed to his Majesty on the first rumours of such intention in the enemy, earnestly soliciting bis Majesty's sanction for his resuming the duties of that station. His Royal Highness adds, with evident regret, that it is superfluous to make any other obser- vations on the letter, than that he is not, going out to Gibraltar, which sufficiently explains the result of the application. The East India Company's annual orders for Camb- ists, called Broad Whites, have been issued, and about 24,000 pieces have been contracted for by the manufac- turers of Norwich, which has given temporary employ- ment to numerous distressed journeymen weavers. The Public will be soon amused with a curious Cause of Grim. Con. which is to be tried at the next Assizes in the county of Surry. The parties we understand are a demure Banker, not far from Lombard- street; and a . gay and fashionable lady in the neighbourhood of St. James's. TITHES.— Lately was decided by the Barons of the . Exchequer, a cause wherein the Rev. Morgan Cove, Rector of Eaton- Bishop, Herefordshire, was Plaintiff, and Mr. Win. Perry, occupier of the Kuekwall Mills, in the said parish, Defendant, respecting the tithes of Ruck, vail Mills. The Barons pronounced a " decree ih favour of the Plaintiff, for an account and payment of a tenth part of the clear profits of the mill, with * Oits," LAW,— Electioneering Expences.— An action has been tried in the Court of Common Pleas, in which the cele- brated Mr. Frost, attorney at law, was plaintiff, and Sir Francis Burdett defendant.— Mr. Frost had been agent to Sir Francis Burdett at the Middlesex Election, when the Baronet was last a Candidate : be had been paid 14 guineas a week for his own salary, seven guineas a week for Clerks, 5001, for the furniture of a house he had opened to receive the freeholders, and which furniture he was permitted to retain, 800/. on other personal charges, with various items, amounting to upwards of 7000'. He sought to recover tile further sum of 2100/. and called Mr. Graham the auctioneer, Mr. Bonny, and some other election agents, to speak to the reasonableness of bis charges. Mr. Clifford proved the various payments, and deposed that to the best of his knowledge and belief, Mi'. Frost was greatly over- paid for any claim which in law, in justice, in honesty, or in honour, he could hav. e against Sir Francis Burdett.-— Sir . Tames Mansfield, in summing up, appeared to entertain the same opinion; and the Jury coincided therewith, giv- ing a verdict, without hesitation, for the defendant.— This trial was attended with the remarkable circumstance of the Judge adjourning the cause over from Saturday to Monday, on account of the impossibility of hearing all the evidence in one day. He captioned the Jury not to suffer any one to converse with them on the subject, in the interval. Another action, brought by R. Morris, Esq. High Bailiff of Westminster, against Sir Francis Burdett, for expences incurred on his account at the hut Westminster election, was on Monday tried ill the Court of King's Bench. The High Bailiff claimed 1 IT/. 8*. 2d. as Sir Francis's state of the expence of erecting the Hustings, 120/. for the High Bailiff's table during the election, and other items, amounting in the whole to 3267. The defendant pleaded that IK was not liable, and had protested against these expences ; that the office of High Bailiff is lucrative, and that officer could well afford to pay incidental expences. Mr. Percy proved that he bad protested, in Sir Francis's liaise, against the expellee of the Hustings ; but. it was not proved that be was an agent of Sir Francis, and it svas proved that Sir Francis's agents bw. i used the F!, istiti « '-.\ Under these cireuisi- tances, the Jury gave a verdict for the plaintiff tor 117'. Id. An action brought by Rimer Honeywood, Esq. against Sir Win. Geary, Bart, to recover expences incurred at the election for the county of Kent in 1804, when the above Hon. Gentlemen were both- Candidates, was yesterday tried in the Court of Common Pleas. It appeared that on the fourth day of the poll Mr. Hotieywood's election was secured, and Sir Wm. Geary was very low on the poll. Mr. IJoneywood wished to bring Sir William forward, and offered to exert his influence for that purpose, the latter defraying expellees. The point in dispute was, whether this agreement was made ; and after a long hearing it appeared that the Gentlemen on Sir William Geary's Committee had acceded to the offer, and an expense of 2000/. Jiad been incurred in conveying voters procured in consequence thereof from their residences to the place of polling. Ver- dict for the plaintiff. On . Saturday was tried, in the Court of King's Bench, an indictment, the King v. William Dearslev, for an assault on Sir Robert Peat, at Drury- lane Theatre. Mr. (. arrow, Counsel for the prosecution, solicited the peculiar attention of the Jury to this case, that they mig'ht be able to form a just estimate of the magnitude of tin-: offence, and by find- ing the defendant guilty, exhibit to others the serious con- sequences of a breach of the laws. The prosecutor was a Clergyman of high respectability, one of the Chaplains to the Prince of Wales, andr'on the 12th of, October visited Drury- lane Theatre. • At first, he placed himself on the King's- side of the house ; but observing some friends in an opposite box, he went out with the intention of joining them. In the lobby, however, he saw the defendant and another gentleman* whom he afterwards understood to be , Mr. Mellish, conversing with one of those unfortunate females by whom public places of amusement are so much infested. As there was room enough to pass between the two gentlemen, the prosecutor was inadvertently about to proceed in that direction, when he was stopped by the fist of the defendant upon his breast, who exclaimed " by G— d, you shall not pa s this way, who are you ?" The prosecutor enquired to which of the persons he was to address himself, as both of them were violent, when the defendant vocife- rated, " To me, Sir." Sir Robert Peat then enquired who the defendant was, and was answered, " I am, Sir, what perhaps you are not, a gentleman." Unwilling to create a disturbance in the Theatre, the prosecutor proposed an adjournment to tile Bedford Colfee- house. To this . sug- gestion the defendant consented, and taking Sir Robert by the arm, dragged him along the lobby, as if he were a culprit in his custody. Instead of going out of the Theatre hj' the Russell- street door, where the prosecutor bad left bis great coat, they left the Theatre at the door leading into Brydges- strcet, and proceeded, by mistake, for some distance down Catherine- street, before Sir Robert Peat found that he was going from the Bedford Coffee- house. When he discovered his error, be communicated it to the defendant, who immediately fell into a vio ; nt passion, and with a large stick struck the prosecutor a heavy blow on the head ; but fortunately his hat guarded it so effectually, that MO material injury was received. Observing that the prosecutor did not fall, the defendant began with the greatest brutality to kick Sir Robeit Peat in various parts of his body, and aimed his blows in such a direction that it was obvious he intended to inflict a lasting injury. The prosecutor then called the watch, from whom the defendant rescued himself, and it was not until assistance was pro- cured that the defendant was lodged in St. Mary's watch- house. During this struggle it was in vain for Sir Robert to resist, the defendant being an extremely powerful'man, and so well skilled in the pugilistic art, that the ' learned eounsel believed lie divided hi; time principally between the stages of the prize- fighters and the lobbies of the theatres. Sir Robert P<* it was called, and detailed the circumstances of the assault as stated by Mr. Garrow. Oil his cross exami- nation by Mr. Jervis, for the defendant, he said he had received a foreign Order of Knighthood, which had been confirmed by the King of Great Britain. Mr. Jervis then objected, that in the indictment the prosecutor was called " Sir Robert Peat, Knight," whereas it appeared he was not a Knight of any of the Orders of this country.— The Chief Justice said he would reserve the point; but enquired if there was any evidence to contradict the fact of tile assault; and being answered in the negative, his Lordship observed, that no other testimony could affect the verdict; and that the defendant would do well, before he was brought up for judgment, r- o humble himself before the prosecutor, who seemed to be a man of mild, gentlemanly, and in- offensive manners. Mr. Jervis said, his client was ready to make an apology. -" An apology I" replied the Chief Justice; " after thus insulting and endeavouring to injure and degrade this gentleman, you eoldly talk of an apology; the defendant must do rnueh more ; if he does not think it right to humble himself before the person he has so grossly offended, it will be the duty of the Court,- by their sen- tence, to make him humble."— Verdiet, Guilty. Yesterday was tried, in the Court of King's Beneh, be- fore Lord Ellenborough and a special Jury, an infor- mation filed at the suit of Gen. Gwynne, against Richard Watson, Esq. late a Lieutenant- Colonel in his Majesty's service, for writing various libellous letters to the General, and for endeavouring to provoke him to fight a duel, it was stated that the prosecutor had in 1798 been President of a Court martial which sentenced the defendant to be dismissed the service. In 1407 the prosecutor received anonymous letters, charging him with cowardice, with having cheated the public of large sums of ' money, with having debauched the daughter of a woman who keeps a public- house at Croydon, and with having defrauded the woman, by refusing to pay a long score for gin and water. In one of these letters, the writer threatened to kick the General, who was so much provoked that he - inserted an advertisement in the papers, assuring the writer that if he would make himself known, be should be gratified with a meeting; but this advertisement had no effect. At length, in May last, as the General was riding down Ox- ford- street, accompanied by ( Job Frederick Grey Cooper, he was met by the defendant, who, pointing a stick at him, said, " You are Gen. Gwynne, and were President of that Court Martial which took away my property and bread from me ;" then, stepping backwards, he flourished his stick in the air, and exclaimed, " You are a scoundnd and a rascal, and I will go into this shop and post you as such." These facts were proved, and it was also proved that the anonymous letters were in the hand- writing of the defendant. Verdiet, Guilty. The following melancholy circumstance happened a few days ago at. ArmathwaittS Castle, near Carlisle.— William Henly Milburn, Esq. the owner of that hospitable mansion, while walking along the side of the river Ederi, which passes near to the Castle, the footpath being very slippery, lie fell into the l iver, and before any person could come to render him the least assistance, be was unfortunately drowned. BOW- STRP. GT.—' Yesterday, and the- day preceding, Sir. Read, the Chief Magistrate of the Office, was much occu- pied with the case of Si forgery to some extent, on the Charge of Mr. GiblxftiSf of Great Russel- street, against Mr. ——, a cabinet- manufacturer, late of Drurv- lajiej a bankrupt; the inquiry included a charge against the partner in a respectable house, for knowingly coueeiling the felon after his knowledge of the felony. Oil the latter charge, Mr. Gibbons and witness were bound ever to prosecute. Oto, BAILEY .— On Monday 2;> prisoners were tried, one of whom was - capitally couvicted, viz. Ann Holden, alias l'tayfair, for stealing 23/. the property of Edward Skyrme, in his dwelling- house. Several persons of a religious sect, calling theniselves Free- thinking Christians, came into Court, and demanded to have the Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy, & c. adminis- tered'to them. The Court, on looking into the Act, found that they had not the power of refusing, therefore th « y were administered to those who lived in London,, within the jurisdiction of the Court; the rest were refused. Yesterday ten prisoners were tried, five of whom were convicted of felony. Same day the Session's ended, wh : u sentence of death was passed oil Edwurd Westbrook, Fre- derick Polnian, Charles Pickever, William Walker, Anil Bolton, alias Piavfiir, Edward Tobin, Edward Dickey, Mary Fletcher, and Catharine Jennings. —- Yesterday the Loid Mayor ordered the pri irtern to remain at 1 wheaten, In price of rouse- BURAB the quartern loaf iuMd. CORN- EXCHANGE, Feb, 24. There are not many arrivals of Wheat to- day, and the supply oil hand is rather sbo!' t; the trade therefore fully supports the last prices. Barley is in toierable- plenty, and looks downwards Malt likewi se. White Peas ave still dear. There are very tew Jhiall OLD Beans. Ticks are cheaper. There are considerable sUppiie s of Oats, and this trade fluctuates but little.- Rape Seed is in short supply ; and in Flour there is. no alteration. PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFflCS, February £ fj: 1S0S, ON Thursday, tha 3d of March next, 1 shall be ready to receive Tenders in ' writing ( seuled up) end tr'"' t for the under- mentioned Articles, for the ' serv. ct of this Jot, ' ohich will be paid for by Bills, payable fwithintcrestj n, - ty days~< rfter date, viz. CLOSE- DRIED AMBER NEW MALT, 1,000 SUITERS, answerable to a sample that wUl be produced at the time of contract; to be delivered iirone month. BISCUIT, 7,000 Bags, to be manufactured from fmtd wholemeal; to be delivered in the course of the month oj March newt: . LADY WINDSOR'S, or SIMPSON'S PONTOP COALS, 300 Chaldrons ; to be delivered en two months.' No regard icill be had lo any Tender, in wiuch the price Anil not be - inserted in words at length, or that shall not be delivered before twclce o'clock on the said 3d of March ,• nor unless" the persons who make the same, or some person oh their behalf attend to answer thereto when called for. IVM'. REEKS. . N. B— The Conditions of the several Contracts may be seen at my Office. F603 PATENT GLASS ILLUMINATOR, By. PEi. LATT and GKEEN, Glass- makers to the King, No. iff, • South Side of St. Paul's Ch'urch- yard, London, and sold by Mr. RANDALI,, 146', High- street, Southampton, for ad- mitting Light into the internal Apartments of Ships, Houses, and Buildings of every description. r] PIIE Pantentees solicit the attention of the public JL to rlris new invention, which has the peculiar merit of distributing a very considerable portion of lisrht tferough a small aperture by means of a glass, so constru cted as to'pre- clude the liability to be broken, and will be found, in many cases, useful when a sky- light cannot be admitted. Under- ground vaults and cellars, watcr- closets,' coid baths, & e. may be conveniently lighted by them. On ship board, in particular,! the great utility of these Illuminators is unquestionable, as they do not require to be protected from- the dashing of the sea, and are capable of resisting the pressure of more than a ton weight rolling over them. Although scratched and otherwise defaced by the traffic on deck, they will not he impaired in their functions. Much more might be said of its merits; but as it is dif- ficult to describe the nature of it, the Patentees kave appointed Mr. RANDALL their Agent at Southampton, where a room is fitted up and lighted with these Illuminators, and their power shewn to advantage. ' ffrit. HANTS. npO be LETT, and entered upon at Ladv- day JL next, - All that capital Mansion called LAINSTON- HOUS2, with the Courts, Yards, walled Garden*? Orchard, Dog- kennel, triple' Coach- house, excellent Stabling for 30 horses. Dove- cote, and every necessary attached and de- tached office and building; together with 1 ! i acres of in- closed arable and pasture land ( ty the free} adjoining and lying in a ring fence round the mansion. The above oapital residence is delightfully situated on at? eminence ( but well sheltered}, near the Stockbridge turnpike road, three miles west of Winchester, is perfectly dry and ir. complete repair, fit tor the reception and genteel accommo- dation of a large family, and lias for many years past been in the occupation of George Wm. Ricketts, ' Esq. by whose per- mission the same may be viewed. A part of the present elegant HOUSEHOLD FUITNIFURE may be taken at a valuation. For further particulars, ^ nd to treat, apply to Mr. Arnev, Close, Salisbury ; if by letter post- paid. [ 4027" rpO be LETT by PRIVATE TENDER, for a fl. term of twenty- one years, of which 17 were unexpired at Michaelmas last,- SAXLEY FARM, in the parish of Upper Clatford, in tile county of Hants; consisting of 315 acres of capital arable land ( be the same more or less], of which 7 are in burnet, 89 in sanfbin, 29 in new lay of pe- rennial rye grass, ui in new lay of common rye grass, 39 in old lay, 40 in wheat, « in turnips, and the rest in fallow, be the same more or less; also 20 acres of water meadow ( more or less), and a yearly allotment of 10^ lands of copse wood: Twelve hundred pbttnds have been expended in buildings on the premises since the commencement of the lease. Proposals for taking the same maybe directed, to R. Moore, Esq. Hampton- Court Palace, Middlesex, on or before the 8th of March,- when the highest offer will be accepted, if otherwise approved of. For further particulars apply to Mr. Bird, Attorney at Law, Andover, or to Mr. Pinkitt, Attorney at Law, No. 3, Kim- Court, Temple, London. ' [ 441 DOIVNTO N. npok; SOLD by AUCTION, by Gerard and J. Co. between the hours of three and'five o'clock in the afternoon, on Thursday the 17th day of March next, at the King's Arms Inn, Downton, Wilts, - All those BRICK KILNS; with the sheds, hovels, huildiiws, pieces or uarcels 1 J J • , , 1 . * FAR. EHAM FARM, HANTS. TO be LETT, - for a Term of 14 Years, from Michaelmas 1809, Old Stele,— All that capital FARM, called the SCITE of the MANOR of FAREHAM, in the township or parish of Farehar. i, in the county of Southamp- ton, and FAREHAM FARM, now in the occupation of Mr. Joseph Merrett, vvhose term therein will then expire ; com- prising a substantial Farm- House, and all requisite detached out- buildings and offices, and 487 statute acres of Arable, Meadow, Pasture, and Wood Land. 1 The situation'of this Farm, close to a navigable river, and easy distance from the great and flourishing towns of Ports- mouth, Gosport, and Southampton, must make the occu- pation of it truly desirable, in every pjint of view, to an experienced farmer. Respectable farmery, desirous of viewing the premises, are requested to apply to Mr.' Maidman,- solicitor, Fareham, who " will direct a person to shew them; and those who may be willing to treat for the same will be pleased to send sealed tenders ( post- paid) to Mr. Maidman, or to Mr. Clutterbuck, solicitor. North Cadbury, near Castle Carey, Somerset; from either of whom may be had the terms of the lease. Should the Farm not be lett by private contract previously thereto, attendance will be given on Tuesday the 4ih day o" f October next, at four o'clock in the afternoon, - at the Red Lion Inn, at Fareham, for the Letting thereof by Survey. North Cadbury, near Castle Carey, rr Feb. 2- 2, 1808. WARMINSTER, NPO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R. TOWNSEND, iL on Wednesday the 2d day of March, 1808, and two fol- lowing days, All'the HOUSEHOL D GOODS and FUR- NITURE, Plate, Lin- en, China, 25 dozen of old Port Wine, and other effects, of the late Mr. GEORGE WANSEV ; con- sisting of a set of mahogany dining tables, satin wood and mahogany pier and Pembroke tables, wardrobes, chests of drawers, cellaret sideboard, two sets of parlour chairs, & c. Axminster, Brussels and Wilton floor and stair carpets, four- post bedsteads, with fluted and carved pillars, with cottop and dimity furniture, lined, and window curtains to match; fine seasoned bordered goose, feather beds, puilliasSes, hair and flock mattresses, fine blankets, counterpanes, large quantity of bed and table linen; mirror, pier and dressing glasses, gilt girandoles and cut lustres ; set of elbow drawing room chairs, with cushions ; sofa, and. large bloc StormontFrench window curtain to correspond; Bath and register stoves, two eight- day clocks, cut glass, china, earthen ware, culinary and brewing utensils, casks, cart and harness, See. The goods may be viewed tile day preceding the s-; l'. - and mornings of sale, which will begin each day at eleven o'clock. Catalogues to be had at J. Morgan's Cabinot Warehouse, Warminster. [ 54ti property of Mr. Wm. Movrtand, deceased.— These premises will be found deserving of the attention of persons in the above line of business, being, from their local situation, very well adapted for carrying on an extensive and advantageous trade. To view the same, enquire tor Francis Hilliar, 011 the pre- mises ; ainl for further particulars apply, bv letter, (' postpaid) addressed to Mr. Wbodyear, solicitor,' Downton, Wilts. TheExecutois of the late Mr. WM. MOWI. AND, wishing to effect an early. arrangement of the Affairs of the deceased, request all persons v- ho have any demands on the Estate, to transmit the particulars thereof, in writing, immediately, addressed to Mr. Woodyear, in Down, 011, ( free of postage}; ami those persons who arc indebted to the said Estate, aie desired to be prepared to settle their accounts with the Exe- cutors, at 3.11 early dav, o'f which due notice will be " iven in this Journal. ' HENRY WILLI\ M WOODY EAR, Salicitor- to the Executors. - DOWN TON, Feb. 19, 1808. [ 551 CITY OF SALISBURY. TjVREEHOLD ESTATES to be SOLD by AUC- k ' TION, by Mr. HISCQCK, in the following lots, orf Wednesday the 2d day- of March, 1808, at three o'clock, at Mr. Gibbons's, Spread Eagle Inn, Salts! ury : Lot 1 .—. A:! tiiuse exceeding substantial and most reSpefctably' situated Fa KEHOLD PREMISES, on the New Canal, Salis- bury, 111 tj5e occupation of Mrs. K'ollstone, tenant at will; comprising on the grouud- fl. ior-' n entrance hail, dining par- lour lo'i- teet square, back parlour, ,\ c. with three Ijfty stories over, containing: a handsome drawing room 19 by 21 feet/ stveil bed loom's, dressing rooms and great conveniences, spacious staircase, lauding, Ac.; kitchen, under- round cellar, brtivhouse, duthttdses, requisite i fticts, & c. ; attaciiM high v.- a!! ed- in garden, well stocked with fruit trets; the whole in excellent r .- pair, forming. together a most truly coni fortab*-, uniform, ai^ il respectable residence for a genteel Lot •>.— Comprizes that equally desirsble' and adjoining FREEHOLD PREMISES in the occupation of Mrs. Collins, tenant atwtii, of lb. s. irnc dimensions and respectability as lot 1. „ ' i « t 3.— Contair s Foin very improvable small FREEHOLD Brick and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSES, with extensive aw' ' dens, well planted with variety of large fine prolific trait tree/;.; situated in the most lespectable'part of End less- street, Safsbury, in the several occupations of Messrs. Castleman, Able, Mathews, and Mis. Bell, tenants at will; the whole convertible, at an easy exner. ee, into respectable dnellir. g- Jion ies, or buildings for various mannfacturi s which reauire roarr-.— The estates- may he viewed by permission cf the re- spective tenants. . For further particulars apply p re ..'. by or by letter ( post paiil) to Mr. Chubb, solicitor, or Mr. Steals, bulkier, Salis- bury .' or to the Auctioneer, Stroltd- gr. rn, Newbury. N. B. The usual deposit at time of , with given time for the remainder of . purchase money, v, ul appear in ion ditions of sale. , . ' [ 513 MARNIIULL, DORSET, npo be SOLD by AUCTION, oil the Premises, JL without reserve, by J. Pr. ncv, of Sherborne, on Tues- day the 8th day of March. I8- W, an:! f..! b', ving days,— Ah the neat and valuable HOUSICHOi D GOODS ar. d FURNI- TURE, LIVE and DEAD S 1' i. iCK, DAIRY UTENSILS, and other Effects of the late W n. Raw., of Marnhtill, in the county of Dorset, tobacconist; conip- ls'ng mahogany four- post and other bedsteads, with ni . v. i- n an ! otr. r turni- tnre; well- seasoned goose le the" beds; nretresas; fine Witney and other blankets; cotton counterpart, s and quilts; mahogany dining, Pembroke, tea, an- lorher tables ; s.- is of mahogany and other chairs; pier, dr- >.:; n - nd swin --,; ias » . s •, a quantity of bed and table linen ; glass and china; m bo, I -, ny bureau and book- case; mahogany double and other i, - a- of drawers; sopha; night t ibles an'd bason stands; . gaiiy writing desk; register and stave grates; a good- ci. - nil ease; a quantity of copper, p. wter, brass, tin, and h- er wares; neat kitchen range; Bithflat and roasting jack: „. t- chen requisites, & c.; two copper furnaces ; brass buikr and grates; iron oven ; cheese press, butter chu{ n, tub--, - nd' other dairy utensils, with sundry other useful articles, too numerous to particularise. Likewise, tour dairy cows, Well seasoned in calf; 01* f t ditto ; ten fat sheep ; one. hack. iey marc : r: ; one cafjjsi Viekuey colt, rising two years ; one waggon 5 one cart; tqn- Sale to begin punctually at eleven o'clock in the foe- noon, and continue till all is sold. N. B. The Live Stock will be sold the second day. - The Dwelling- house, with a large walled garden planted with choice fruit tre. s, to be fetf immediately.' [ tiis' r 1 MlE case of several Serophulous Ulcers at York, A inserted in the public papers, and stated as advancing towards recovery, and as having existed for seven preceding years, in the habit of a young girl, aged 14, with much injury to her health, is now declared, on" the mother's authority, healed, and the girl restored to health, by the sole operation of SPH. SBURY's PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, as administered in Scurvy, Gout, Rheumatism, and eruptive Complaints. Those persons, anxious as to this case, are in- formed, the original lett. rs nnv be seen at the Dispensary, in Soho- square, London; and at York, Mrs. Dancer wilt five all necessary information. It is requested you wil! ask for the Patent Antiscor- butic Drops, with a black ink stamp, in bottle, of . s. ( W,; double bottles 10.!.; and larger 11. 2s'. dutv included; sold at the Prir. ting- Office," Salisbury.— An allowance on taking half a dozen. njjo For RHEUMATISM, SPRAINS, CHILBLAINS, & c. Dr. STEERS's OPOD1LDOC. Ii the stamp round each bottle are cngiave I tile words " F. Newbery, No. 15, St. Paul's," and tbosc without this distinction are spurious. rPJlE success of this Medicine lias given rise to a 1 great- number of c.- u. uerk- » , as well » , to a variety of Embrocations, Essences, Liniments, & c. snim < j> which are so hot and strong, as often to excoriate, to cause blUttrs, or even to contract the sinews ; and others are ..,> w. ak as to ho of no effect: but this Opodeldoc, by its happy compilation, by ttfe union of efficacy and safety, will t-,.: y maintain iis wonted eminence and superiority. " By its- warm, penetratin"' and attenuating qualities, it i, a most excellent remedy for. external rheumatisms ; and by its strengthening powers, it speedily restores the parts which are injured by' bruises and sprains; it is of great service in cramps, or numbness; iri stiffness or weakness of the joints; as als i in promoting cir- culation in the limbs when in a paralytic state: 11 is likewise particularly successfuT in chilblains, and if used in time, will prevent their breaking, but in this complaint a little of it should be dissolved in a - peon, and applied warm. Spld only by F. Newbery an I SHIS, NO. 44, St. Paul's, London, price is. 6d. each bottle, duty included ; and by their appointment, at the Prniting- office,' Salisbury ; by HoUl, Ronney ; Anderson, Winchester; Thorn: Whitchurch ; Maud, Andover ; Skelton, Baker, Hookcv, Randall, and Moon, Southampton; Clark, D. viz's; Kelleway, Folding- bridge; Lucas, and Thome, Ringwood ; Gr- ivc, i. y.' iungtohj Moore, Poole; Husscy, Wimborne; Hurd, Shaftesbury j Frampton, and Clark, Dorchester. [ oVo'j This day are published, following useful LAW BOOKS, by J. STRATFORD No. 11- 2, Holborn- Hili, AND SOLD BY Alt OTILI. R BOOKSELLER^, 1. TN. One volume pvo. price 3s. sewed, The I LAW of BILLS Q? EXCHANGE, Promissory Notes, Bank Notes, Bankers' Notes, Drafts, and Checks"; containing all the statutes, cases at large, customs of mer- chants, and decisions in the courts of law and cuuityj on those very important subjects, to the present time. Toseth< r with the latest accumulated stamp duty on tiie respective sums. The third edition, with considerable additions and improvements, by EDWARD WINDHAM MANNINO, Esq. 9.— In one volume Bvo. price Os. sewed, - The LAW OF WILLS, Cod cils, and Revocations. To which is aaded, a clear and distinct account of the Law's Disposal of the Estates of those who die intestate or without a will; with'ample in- structions for obtaining Probate cf Wills, and letters of Administration. The fourth edition with additions, by EMIDI. F. Y MITFORD, Esq. Conveyancer, a.— In one volume 8vo. price 3s. '•'• wed, the seventh edition, — A COMPLETE GUIDE to LANDLORDS, TENANTS, and LODGERS. By R. SOTTOM, £ iq. H-.. rV-:= r at Law. 4.— In o'ne volume • vo. pric. ( « /. sewed, th< fifth edition, The COUNTRY GENTLEM/ iN'S LAWYER, and Farmer's complete Law Library. By Y\' M. MARRIOT, Esq. ->.— In one volume 8vo. price s. a. sewed,— The N". 7 COMPLETE PARISH OFFICER, by HENRY CLAVF. RINO, Esq. Barrister at Law. <!.— In one volume svo. price sewed.—' Hie LAW OF • BANKRUPTS, by SO. IMS Wui i'TAKER, I sq. Kf* The whole of th„' above -• : i- et Treat '; « may be had to;, - tiier in one volume, ; riw 22s. bound in c.' lf and 1- n- r .!, or iys. ( id. boards. fi-'- v Th: AND GENERAL ADVMKT^ SH or WILTS, HANTS, DORSET, AND SOMERSET. Friday's and Saturday's Posts. — ' " TV FOREIGN NEWS. . ALGIBRS, Dec. 2( 1. A Spaniel courier arrived Here a few days agd, /- JA and, brought dispatches for the French Consul, in A A- which lie was desired to demand the liberty of all the prisoner* taken under French passports, of \ Vhom it • poears there ace 2.9 Genoese ; but if the Dey refuses to '<•• inply with the duraand, the Consul is immediately to fepart fro ill he net', with all the French subjects that are I: re. The Dey, on his part, positively refuses, and t J the French Consul he is at liberty so depart from ."•• the moment he has discharged all his debts, but s 1; before. The Dev justifies himself on the ground that f. • French- never officially informed him that they were r. • t- rs of Genoa, or he would not have molested them. VV'. ien the English took, Malta," the l> ev observes, v isiHV immediately gave him official notice of the event, .•• i i. i consequence the Maltese were treated as friends." " . HI all that has passed, our merchants consider a war " 11. France as concluded upon ; ill which case England • ill enjoy the exclusive benefit of trade with this country; ! •.!, on " the otjier hand, we shall be ct war with Tunis, 1 . there the French interest completely prevails. in the 19th instant arrived here La Village frigate, f O the fleet off Toulon, with dispatches from Lord • • nutwood for the English Consul, but of what nature r . not yet transpired. We have experienced no further shocks of earthquakes; " l-. nl all alarm on that head has entirely subsided. HOUSE OF LORDS., " WEDNESDAY, Feb. 24.} The Bank Three Millions l/ an Bill and the Unclaimed Dividend Bill were read a st md time. j The American Intercourse Bill went through a C'om- ir. ; ' jce.— Adjourned. THURSDAY, F* b. 25.] ' The Bank Three Millions I, , HI Bill aud the Unclaimed Dividend Bill were read a thud tir. ie, and passed. I. nrd BalkurH moved the second reading of the Brazils Trade Bill. - Cord A. i- k'and said, he did not mean to oppose the rxa^ iuej bnthe ctutioi. e:! & fhiisters to recollect, that the ij: u^ ils furnished for exportation yearly about 73,600 hogs- i. ads of war, and 84,090,080M*. of cotttm. A11 incaii- t'us; adm'e si- m of these into our markets would ruin our V.', st Indi a Colonic, already sufficiently depressed. Ijtrd Grcuville concurred in these remarks. Mis Lard- s'. > farther ob- erved, that the present seeded to be a v- '. iod particularly favourable for Ministers to treat with the Prince Regent fur the abolition of the Slave Trade in t\ e Portuguese dominions'. J/ n d HtwhtdtHrg replied, that the purpose of the bill was merely to place the Brawls, nbecome the seat of t . • 1' ortugaese Government, in the same situation as the ; M ither country had bees: a change strictly conformable to to- spirit of th » Navigation Act. The bill was then reail a second time. Lor.' ljuiidtn- d'Me moved for the printing of a pap.- r on » .!•• table, containing information respecting the more » •:; > ruus exeatition of the French decree of the 21st of No- - v. nhcr. ' 1' he faction was resisted by Lord Hawkesb. iry, a 1 likely to inconvenience those who furnished Government -. » .; 1 ti 1 librmat. ion, and '.'.' is negatived without a division. leirii Laud& daU then moved fur ,- ome further pupere • HI the subject, which motion was also opposed by Lord i.' a'. vkesbury, and. negatived without a division. On r - e suggestion of Lord Auckland, the third reading of the American Intercourse Bill was postponed toTuesday ) ieat.:— Adjourned. HOFSE OF COMMONS. • WF. T> NESmy, Feb. 24.] A new writ was ordered for s burgess to serve for Truro, in the room of . Mr. Boscawen, : 1 v Vise, unit Falmouth, called up . to the Kou-- e of Peers. Mr. Hellish obtained leave to bring in a Bill preventing t he. djimagi. i:',' of raw Hides, in the cities of London and V » estml lister, and the borough of Southwark. Gutter*! Or. < e> igne presented a Petition from the African M, reliant; ol LiverptxiL praying a loan of li, 030 » .— Laid tri.. the. table. I/ trd Celstlereapth brought down a Message from his ?." jj'- stv, stating his having taken into his Royal consider- ation the eminent services of the late Lord Lake in Europe a i. l in India, being desirous of conferring upon the present J , rd Lake, ar, d iiis t^ o immediate heirs male, a pension e 2,' i!): M. per annum, ami renueit'ng the House to enable 1 • Majesty to do the same in the way most fitting. Ile- 1 . red to a Committee of the jvho'. e House oil Friday ; on which day, his Lordship said, he should move that a Monument to the memory of Lord Lake be crectcd at the public expence. Air. X. Vansittart ' moved for as account of all Jesuit's Hark, or Curler Peruvian'!!, imported for the last three years, ending Jan. 1,1308, Showing the quantity imported in eaeh year, and specifying the quantities exported within 11 » same period.— Ordered. Mr. CaJcraft wished to put a question to Ministers oil a r abject of much importance, which- had excited many tu- rn inrs, and ranch uueasiue s and speculation in the public mind. He wished to know whether the squadron under the command of Sir R. Str'acban, had been compelled to ; • > ve from Basque llnads, on account of a scarcity of pro- \: ions, as by that gallant . Admiral bemg obliged to relin- t- uish that station, the Rocliefort squadron escaped to sea. Air. Perceval replied, that Mini ters had no such infor- mation, neither did they understand that there was any ruing like a dearth of provisions on board the squadron of the gallant Admiral. The Hon. Gentleman, if he wished { ji i . formation, ought to bviug forward a specific motion. Mr. Cakra/ t fined Tuesday next for so doing. Mr. Perceval then " ailed the attention of the House to the. enibora. ssud state of the West India Trade, and stated the imperious nece itv that existed for that highly in- « - vesting suliject being fully enquired into by a Committee, tin.' report, of wbieii would, to a c'ertaiWtv, furnish the House With the best means if applying a remedy. One point struck him, for alleviating ti e present state, mf dihi- t itlty, which was, the encouragement in home consump- tion of We t India produce,. by distillation from sugar M'rd molasses, lit- concluded by moving for the appointment of ; ' ionimittee to e . amine- til? state of the West India Trad and report its opinion thereon to the House.—. Ordered- Mr. Tiemei/ rose, in pursuance of his notice, to move that the Hyuse should resolve into a Committeo on the Trade and Navigation'Act, in order that a full opportunity Miight be afforded for an ample, dicusskm of . the merit of 11. late Orders in Council. He confos- eil that, he did not i' iderstand what these Orders llieant, or how they were to hj carried into « xeeotion without a violation of the laws of V •,;'!, HIS. There ". AS not, he was well e invinced, one out 1.-' ten Members of t'u House who Cuiderssood them. ' Since {'• c Bill had been brought in, , the Right Hon. Gentleman leniself had found that the difficulties, in a mercantile point of view, were great and insurmountable, and that t; y pressed very strongly upon bint; and the Bill had been. in some respect", altered from the state in which it itood last Friday 111 irii'mg. 11 • next adverted to the Pe- titions for P- erc, w hioh told a plain tale of distress, in .' 1,000 miinufactnrcit being, through the Orders in Coun- ril, thrown out of bread. Ue. conrhuled by moving, that, toe House, 011 Thur- alay se'nuight, resoh- e itself into a Committee 011 theTradc and Navigation of the country. Mr. Percnrd oh - erv- fl, that every thing that involved ijie policy 1 ' the uieast'. re, its legality, and how it bore on tiie laws of nations, had undergone investigation and de- ft : te, and there" wa- therefore no necessity for adopting the present motion. With regard to the Petitions for Peace lately presented, Ministers exhibited no reluctance to their reception. The grievance! of which the--:; Petitions rom- - p'ained, aro- o from the Orders in Council going in direct counteraction to the machinations and decrees, of France, Di'i Lawrence, an. l Mr. Poii oiThv spoke in favonr of the motion, and Mr. Rose against ii. The question was then called for, and the Honse di- vided. There appeared, for Mr. ' JVrrney's motion— Ayes ' 53— Noes 113. The House then formed itself into a Committee to eon- * sjdi r the Orders of Council Bill; when a deinjtory e. oni'er- ation took place betweeti Mr. Tiermy, Mr. R >-", the > . ane.''. or of the Exchequer, Mr. Whitbread, Sir John \ ewport, and Mr. Bden, respecting the inconsistencies l," t'. feen the present Bill, arid the American Intercourse ''• ill, which was now in its progress throtlrh the other House. . If/'. HO. itbrer.' d entered his protest, against the clauses - liich . prevented the exportation of Peruvian Bark an- 1. • lUoii Wool, and called tile sei'ieus attention of the House 1 • til's part, of the measure, wlrch . seemed calculated to I'. v - lita war with America. He was eertaiu, j'roai the informatidh he h id received, that, at this moment, there was no less than two years cmtiairiptSdn of bark and sugar in Pari;: conseqiiently, such a measure would not compel the enemy to make peace, according to the sanguine anti- cipation of our wise Ministers. But, instead of distres- sing the eneniy. by the privation of bark, it was fnaking war with the poor, the destitute, and the helpless paupers in ihehospitals of France ; andsuch as every friend to hu- manity would consider as childish, cruel, and contemptible, and worthy only of the savage barbarian.— lie moved that the words " Jesuits Bark," now in the Bill, be omitted ; in- tending to follow that motion by moving for other omis- sions. The Chmteellor of the Exchequer defended the measure, its a fair and rueful retaliation, the evils, of which were . justly imputable to the Ruler of the Continent, and not to us. Hp was supported by Mr. Canning, General Gas- coigne, Sir J. NieWol , Sir A. Wellesley, & c. Mr. tVhilbrend, when speaking in explanation, men- tioned a shocking instance of outrage committed by some of our soldiers at Copenhagen, who had been guilty of rape, robbery, and murder, and had escaped punishment. On Sir A. Wellesley saying that be had not been invested by Lord Catheart with suiSeient power to punish the de- linquents alluded to, Mr. Whitbread expressed astonish- ment that the Hon. General should have had authority to burn and destroy the Danish capital, and yet should have been so circumscribed in power to, punish such enormous guilt. He promised to bring forward a motion 011 the sub- ject 011 a future day. Mr. Hihbert, Mr. Wilberforce, and Sir A. Pigot spake in support of the motion. The' House then divided on the first question, for omitting the words " Jesuit's Bark," Ayes 7' i, Noes- IG7 ; majority in favour of Ministers, f) l. On the second ques- tion, for omitting the words " Cotton Wool," it was ne- gatived by a majority of 87; the numbers being Ayes Noes I( j8. Sir Thomas Turton urged the propriety of excepting the cofte - of St. Domingo from the operations of the' clause |" e! ative to a duty upon that article, 011 this ground, that several merchants had speculated to a con- si, ierabi: extent in this article, under an impression that it would not become suoject to the provisions of the Or- ders in Council. With a vi - w, therefore, to protect such men from ruin; the Hon. Baronet moved an amendment, in substance as follow-— That 110 goods, & u. the growth or produce of St. Domingo, which may come into this country under any licences granted previon. to t; ie passing of this Act, should be subject to the duties prescribed in tables A. and B." ' After a few words from the Chancellor of the Exche- quer- and Mr. Dent, again it the proposition, the gallery was again cleared, but the amendment was lost without a division. Mr. Hushisson brought in a bill for the repealing and amending the Act of the 4! itl) of the King relative to the collection, & e. of the Excise in Scotland ; also a bill for Collecting the duty ori salt exported from (,'- eat Britain, and altering the bonds received for that jrtfcle. Read a first time. The tO. i Millions Exchequer Bills Bill was read a third time and passed.— Adjourned at half past one o'clock. THURSDAY, Feb.- 83.] Committees were ballotted for, to try the merits of petitions complaining of undue elections for Downpatriek anil Saltash. Mr. MUli. h presented a Petition from Mr. Dodd, En- gineer, praying for leave to bring in a Bill for construct- ing a Bridge across theThames, from Vauxhall to Milbauk. Referred to a Committee. The Sh » » t!& of London presented two Petitions from the Lord Mayor, & c. the first, praying for leave to bring in a Bill for enlarging Smithfield Market, by the purchase of lands in the parish of St. Sepulchre ; and the second re- specting tl) e Recovery of Small Debts. Referred to a Committee. *• On the motion of Sir J. Sinclair, a Committee was appointed to consider the late Act respecting Broad Wheel ^ Waggons, and for limitting the Number oi' Outside Pas- sengers on Stage Coaches. Mr. Sheridan, after a long and witty speech, moved for an Address to his Majesty, praying hiin to order eopies or extracts of all correspondence which had passed relative to the retaining possession of Zealand by Swedish troops, an t relative to the intention of giving possession of Nor- way to Sweden. Mr. Secretary Canning opposed the motion, on the ground that it was not only dangerous to make disclosures of this sort, but in this instance unnecessary, as it was evident the intention which the motion imputed to Minis- ters had never been acted on. After a Long debate, a division took place, when the numbers were, for the motion 85, against it 184; majo- rity !) 0- I/> rd Caxllerepgh moved for the usual Returns; prepa- ratory to the Army Estimates being laid before the House. Agreed to. Adjourned at one o'clock in the morning. LONDON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IS. A bag of letters was reoeived yesterday from Heli- goland of a very late date, but thev brought 110 news, the communication between that island and the Con- tinent being extremely difficult Letters from Petersburgh of the 26th lilt, state, that the English remaining in Russia entertain a hope of receiving passports to enable them to return. The Captain of a vessel from a port in Norway, which he left on the. 10th inst. was yesterday upon -' Change, and reported that he had been unable to procure a carjjo, there being a complete prohibition. Two vessels coming from Memel, and bound for Hull, had been condemned, and the clews made prisoners. Every succeeding post brings us intelligence, that however leniently the French Decrees may have been for- livrly executed against the Americans, the citizens of the Uni ted States are luiw treated with as much injustice as the subjects of the most hostile power. T!) o \ ast accounts from l- YailCe mention, that a vessel from New V. ork to Hamburgh; has b> cn seized ane carried into Dieppe, which had not had any communication with a British port or cruiser. A If tier from Lisbon, of the 15th of January, states, that many of the British subjects who had not the means of quitting Lisbon with their fellow- countrymen, had, a few days previous to the entry of the French into Lisbon, found protection on board the Russian squAdton. This had come to the knowledge of General Junot, who demanded the refugees, bui the Russian Admiral refused to deliver them up without an order from his own, sove- reign. I A general Review, bv the Commander in Chief, of ali the Volnmevr Corps, Cavalry aud Infantry, belonging to London and Westminster, and ten miles round, will take place in Hyde Park about tlie middle of next month. One thousand recmils are now raising for the East India Company, in Scotland, and are expected to be completed and ready to send with the autumn fleet. Tur. ATRK, CoVF. NT- GinDEN.— Last night a new Musical Farce was brought forward at this Theatre, the avowed production of Sir. Alli- ngham ( a heretofore rather success- ful writer for the stage;, entitled' IFho IKins I or The If'idoK-' s Choice. The following is a sketch of the fable : — A gentleman recently deceased has bequeathed his whole property to a niece, the widow Bcllair, on condition that sh" marries one of his nephews, Extempore ( a poor poet), or Caper ( a wealthy merchant). The widow plays off a stratagem, by which she makes the poet believe she is old and ugly ; in consequence of which, he sells his right to the merchant for IOOO/. She then, in the assumed clia- | racier of a servant, tricks the merchant out of a written declaration that be will never marry her, anil thus gets rid of the condition of the will. This story, improbable as it is, is devoid of novelty: the dialogue, however, is ani- mated, soifie of the songs whimsical, and the music sprightly. The chief humour rested with Tawcett ami List on, who personated the two nephews. The female characters, in a musical farce, were filled by Mrs. C. Kembte, Mrs. Li- ton, and Miss De Camp, and were con- sequently unmusically pon. rtrayed. During tne whole perform;! Ace, there were frequent expressions of disap- probation ; these wT: re increased when the farce was an- nounced for a second representation ; but the house being j well fdied with the author's friends, the sounds of discoid 1 were subdued, and the annunciation was finally crowned I with plautlitJ. Si'lClDE.— Early yesterday morning Sirs. Deacon, house- keeper to Lady Frances Moreton, who had been left alone in her Ladyship's house in Lower Brook- street, was dis- covered by ,- o- jie workmen lying dead in the bacli- ki& ohen. She had a wound in the bend of the left ahn, but scarcely any blood was to be seen, although the wound was two inches deep, aud across the veins. On searching further they discovered, in the front kitchen, which was darkened, a chair and a counterpane covered with blood, and a pair of large scissars, which were also bloody, 0: 1 the floor. On the _ side of the chair was a bucket nearly half full of blood, so that it was evident that the wound of the deceased had bled into the bucket, and the only conclusion that can be drawn is, that the unfortunate woman struggled into the back kitchen, after having nearly bled to death.— The cause ol this dreadful act is unknown, COBS EXCHANGE, Feb. SC. This day there are few fresh arrivals af wheat, but the supply at hand more than adequate to the demand; very few fine samples ; other qualities are at heavy sale, at reduced prices ; barley, malt, and pease vary but. little; old beans are lower; there are tolerable supplies of oats, which trade supports tile last quoted prices ; flour without alteration. SHITHFIIFL-. D MARKET, Feb. 25. This day's market was but thinly supplied with different kinds of cattle: beef and mutton were dearer ; veal and pork cheaper ; and the trade not over brisk. BIRTHS.] On Thursday, at thfc Archbishop's Palace, at Lambeth,- the Hon. . Mrs. Hugh Percy of a daughter.— O i Friday, at his house in Upper Harley- street, the Ladv of Sir Henry Martin, Bart, of a daughter.— On Saturday, at his house in Gro venor- square, the Lady of Oil.- Gore Langton, M. P. of a daughter.— On Sunday, in Portland- place, the Ladv of R. Hall, E- q. of a soil. MARRIED.] Lately, in Jersey, Mr. Daniel Dabson, of the Royal Staff Corps, to Miss Elizabeth Gibbs, of St. Helier.— On Tuesday, at Bath, Capt. Ilea, of the Royal Marines, to Miss Preston, of Box. DIED.] On Sunday, in Bedford- square, in the 92d year of his age, George. Hill, Esq. Serjeant at Law, and his Majesty's ancient Serjeant: be was a mail of great, abi- lities, but of very sin alar, though harmless habit-',-— harmless except that, by making him appear ridieMous, they in a great degree rendered his talents useless to him- self'ami to the public.— On Wednesday, at Oxford, the Rev. Dr. Chapman, many years President ol'Trinity Col- lege.—- On Thursday night, the 18th in- 1, in the V2d year of his age, the Rev. John Barker, D. D. Master of Christ College, Cambridge ; and 011 Friday night, at Christ Col- lege Lodge; in the 7o'th year of her age, Mrs.' Barker, widow of the above Dr. Barker ; they were a truly respec- table couple, hospitable and charitable; lived universally beloved, and died lamented : their remains, were to be in- terred together in the College Clrapel on Thursday the o.) th inst.— X few days since, at Ide, near Exeter, at an advanced age, Lieut. Ogilvie, of the Royal Navy : he was made a Lieutenant in 1" 78.:— On Friday, the Rev. Dr. Bryan Roberts, Rector of Drewsteignton, Devon, aud of Si."* John's, Cornwall.—- Lately, ( jt Festionig, in Carmar- thenshire, an honest Welch farmer, who was 105 years of age, mid had been three times married ; by his first Wife he had 20 children, by hi" second 10, by his third 4, and by two concubines 7; his youngest son was gl vears younger than the oldest, and BOO persons, descended from him, attended his funeral. THIRTY- EIGHT CAPITAL PRIZES i the Scheme of which contains more than double the number of Prizes than were in the last Principal and Supplementuiy Lotteries added together— viz. a Prizes of sf. ao. oou I 30 Prizes of £. 1000 3 10,000 I aa .... 500 I .... 6,000 | 45 lyo & c. See. & c. Tick, ts and Shares are alsosdling ( f r the CITY LOTTERY, the Prizes of which consist of substantial Freehold Houses, discharged - of Land- Tax. The Scheme contains 1 valued at £ 725,008 1 7,00a 4 Each of 0, O » » 7 Each of B i!, GOti I valued at 2,000 Persons in the. Country may be supplied, the Sami as if present, by s miting their orders, post or carriage paid, to either 4, Gornhill, or 9, Chiring Cross, where Schemes may be had gratis, and all, prizes in either Lottery will be paid on demand, by T. llif. ii. ' STATE LOTTERY . BEGINS DHAWINS THE 8TU OF MARCH. rjPIIlvTICK KTS are sold and. divided into Halves, S. Quarters, - Eighths, and Sixteenths, by . HAZARD, BORNE, and Co. Stock- Brokcrs, at their State Lottery- Office, No. 93, Royal Exchange, and no where else in Lon- don 011 their account. THE SCHEME, Withont any fixed Capitals^ contains 3 Pfiz. s of £ 20,000 9 Ditto, 10,000 4 Ditto 6,000 20. . T Ditto 1,000 30. Ditto...' . 600— ire, tee. Not three Blanks to a Prize, and nearly double the number of Capital Prizes contained in any Lottery for many years plist, though some of those LottWies consisted of So, ouo Tickets. Letters ( post pyid) duly answered, and country orders, ac- companied with remittance, attended to on the same terms as if present. r<; 41 SUPERIOR BENEFITS. Treble the NumK- r of Grand Prizes. - Double the Number of Smaller Prizes. No fixed Capital.— Drawing begins the 8th of March. FTORNSI5Y and Co. beg leave to acquaint Clubs, i Societies, and individual Purchasers, the ENGLISH STATE LOTTERY SCHEME is by tar the best, that has been submitted to their attention for many years past, and hopi for a continuance of their favour, it is of great impor- tance to buy Tickets or Shares before the Drawing begins, on. account of there being no fixed capital prize. Last year only were snaied by Hornsby and Co. . 19,344: .£' 20,000. 3,27,1 x' 10,000 8,8.31 5,000 8,71t) 5,000 10,873...- ,£' 1,000 1,300 500 44 , % 500 Where likewise arc to' he disposed of, bV way of Lottery, TWENTY CITY FREEHOLD HOUSES, Land- tax k- ( feemed, situated in the best part of the City of London; the lowest Prize £ 2 find, the highest Prize £' 25,000. Present Prices.— Tickets £ 7. 14s. Halves £ 1 0 0 I Eighths £ 1 1 0 Quarters: 2 1 0 | Sixteenths 0 10 6 The Grand Priaes in Cox's Lottery, 1774, Pigot's Grand Diamond, 1801, several Vriaes in Boyieli's and Boivyer's, were sold by Hornsbi- and Co. Orders, by post or " carrier, Acccuted on the. same terms as if present,, at26, Cornhill, 52, Ctiajring- cross, and St. Mar- garet's- hill, Boroagh, London. [ 443 STATE LOTTLRY of 25,000 Tickets, begins DKAWIXG the 8th of MARCH, 1 SOS.—' To be drawn m SCHEME. 3 Prizes of i. ,- 20,000 .. are . i'. ffo, aoo a .. : « , ooo 30,000 4 .. 5,000 20,000 20 .. 1,000 20,000 • 30 600 .... 15,000 45 100 .... 4,000 So 50 3,000 1,000 21 21,000 5,100 15 .... 76,000 25,000 Tickets. £.- 250,000 — NO, PIXED PRIZE. The above Sche,. , ( with not three Blanks to a Prize, con- tains nearly double die number of Capital Prizes of any Lotterv for many years $> sst, though many ot those Lotftjie's consisted of 60,000 Tickets. PRESENT P& ICF... Ticket,.. £. 20 19 0 Half... £. 10 15 0 I Eighth £. 2 15 6 Quarter..' 5 9 0 J Sixteenth. 1 8 0 TICKETS and SHARES, in a- great variety'of Numbers, are now selling at all- the Licensed tottery- Offices in London, and by their Agents in the Country ; who have likewise on sale TICKETS and SH ARKS for [ 5226 THE GRAND CITY LOTTERY, Of FREEHOLD HOUSES, discharged of Land Tax ; containing Capital Prizes to the amount of £. 104,000, via. OAR AND ELM. TIMBER. TO he SOLD by AUCTION, at the Dolphin Inn, at HOT!, E v, Hants, 011 Thursday the.- lere.- Uc:- til It of March, precisely at five o'clock in the afternoon,—— Three Hundred and Seventy- Two liirire well- barked OAK. TREES, and Nine ELMS, of a superior size, aVul quality, all standing upon the Manor of FaiRTiioaii, in the parish of Bishop's Widtham, and on the banks of the Bursledon River, not more than four rijiies ffom the Southampton Water, at Hariible. The far greater part of the above Timber is growing; at a distance of from five tfffive hundred yards of the water's edge; the distance of the farthest tree not being more than halt a mile. In addition to wi - ic'n convenience, there is that of a TIMBER YARD and WHARF, for the use of the purchasers, free of expence. " [ 564 The Timber will be sold in Five separate Lots, the particu- lars of which, as to situation, marks, and numbers, will be stated in printed bills, which gentlemen, who wish to view die Timber, Will receive at Botlcy ( about half a mile from Kairthorn) from ROBERT ROBINSON, who will also shew the different fields and woods wherein the Timber is standing. The Timber cannot be viewed before the SEVENTH of March ; but may, upon application as above, be viewed at any time from the 7th of M. irch to the day of sale inclusive. OAK TIMBER. Twyford, near Winchester, Hants. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. MAKT, it the Phoenix Inn, inTwyford.- on Monday the 14th day of March, ism, at three o'clock i, u the afternoon,— Severe! Lots of OAK TIMBER TREES, now standing and growing on the Manors of Twyford and Marwell. For particulars apply to Mr. Collins, at Twyford ; and for a view to John Berry, the woodman. £ 64!) Elegant Uiusriioid Furniture, Jina. old Port and Madeira, fanning Slock and Utensils. — LAINSTON- HOUSE, NEAR WINCHESTER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, 011 the Premises, by Mr. MANT, on Monday the the 21st of March, ls08, and following days, at eleven o'clock.— Part of the ejegant HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; near 70 dozen of fine old West India Madeira ; a pipe of excellent Port, two yearsjn bottle; valuable Live and Dead Stock ; 525 feet of octagon Portland Stone Pavement, " with black squares, and and cushions to correspond; costly chimney glasses and mirrors, in handsome gilU'rames; capital large mock Turkey and Brussels carpets; four post bedsteads ( some cf large fti- mensionsi, with chintz, white dimity, and other hangings ; prime bordered goose leathar beds, with suitable mattresses and bedding: me. hogany wardrobes, tambour bureau, fa- shionable claw tables and chairs; a sociable body, very little the worse for wear ; iron bound casks and brewing utensils ; about 45, tons of excellent saintfoin hay ; upwards of three score south down ewes and lambs ; two rams ; several Alder- ney cows and heifers; three cart horses and a very good hack ; two veaggor. s, two dung carts, market ditto, < md tilt; ploughs and harrows; coach and cart harness; saddles and • bridles; sheep troughs; oat bruiser; turnip slicer; . potatoe washer, & c. & c. To be viewed on Friday and Saturday preceding the sale, when catalogues may be had at the Coach and Horses, South- ampton ; Swan, Alresford; White Hart, Salisbury ; " White Hors'e, Rom'sey; Crown, Bishop's Walthamj Place of Sale; and at the Auctioneer's, Winchester. N. B. The Farming Stock will he sold thr first dav. r. ssr) TO SLOP SELLERS AND OTHERS. Hi/ the, near Southampton. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by Mr. DELL, on Monday the syth of Feb. ISO'S, and'followina days, on the premises, - The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and STOCK IN TRADE ot Mrs. Curtis, ( late Mrs, Curry;. The Stock consists of a large assortment of ready made clothes; coats, waistcoats, breeches, jackets, trowsers, fi, r- ijierV frocks, supeififie and forest cloths-, corderoys, waistcoat pieces, Witney blankets, counterpanes, flannels, ' cottdn shirt- ing, Russia' and other sheeting, printed cottons, muslins, stocking?' end shoes, a black cloth pall, shrouds, and nume- rous other articles. The above goods are well worth notice, and will be put up in small lots for the accommodation of purchasers. The Furniture comprizes mahogany four- post, tent, and other bedsteads, with cotton hangings ; good goose feather- beds, mattresses, blankets, counterpanes, and quilts. In mahogany are a set of dining, Pembroke, card, and other tables, chairs, chest of drawers, desk, and book- case: ja- panned and blavi chairs; pier and dressing glasses; Wilton and Kidderminster carpets; an- eight- day clock ; and ? some ueeful kitchen furniture. ' [ 566 The sale to begin each day at eleven o'clock. Catalogues, price 3d. each, to be bad at the place of sale, and of the Auctioneer, 156, High- street, Southampton. GLOUCESTERSHIRE, NEAR BATH. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the White Lion Inn, BATH, on Saturday the 5th day of March 180S, between the hours of two and five o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as shall be then and there pro- duced, ( unless previously disposed of by private contract, of which due notice will be given), in the following Lots : Lot 1.— The RECTORY IMPROPRIATE of MARSH- FIELD, in the county of Gloucester; consisting of a substan- tial Farm- House, with spacious barns, stables', & c. in good repair, and 123 acres of Glebe Land ( more or less], and Com- mon of Pasture for 10 Beasts in the Down Thorns ; and also the Great Tythcs of Corn, Hay, and'Grass Seeds, of about 4,000 acres of Land, mostly- arable, held by lease under New College, Oxford, for a term of years whereof nine were unex- pired at Michaelmas last; subject to a corn rent of about ( cammunibus annis) £' 160. Together also with the Perpetuity of the Land Tax formerly charged on the said Restoiy, amounting to £ iy 7 6 per ami. which will be disposed of at the price given for the same, by the present lessee. Lot 2. - All that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT and ESTATE, called PITT'S TENEMENT, situate in the parish of Marshfield aforesaid, and consisting of tour tenements and three acres of land, ( except a certain toft ivhereon a cottage or tenement formerly stood, and also a piece of land containing about three quarters of an acre, part thereof situate in the North Field of Marshfield aforesaid, and lying and being in an iifclosure belonging to the said Roctory5, and now lett to good tenants ; the yearly rents of the whole amounting to £- 1, held also by lease . Under New College, Oxfoid; for a term of 20 years, whereof IS were unexpired at Michaelmas last; subject to a corn rent of about ( Gommuuibus annis1 £ * 5 o. Together also with the P irpetuity of the Land Tax formerly ch uged on the said premise.-;. at £ 0 10 4 per annum, whicfe will be disposed of at the sum given for the same, by the presenf lessee. For a viev, of the premises apply to Mr. WoodwsYd, at the Parsonage House, Marstliieid; - and for fuidier particulars, to Mr. Merowcther, solicitor, Caine, Wilts. [ 486 SOMERSETSHIRE, NEAR BATH. TO be'SOLD by AUCTION, in Fee, ( discharged from Laud Tax), at the White Lion Inn, Bath, 011 Saturday the 5th day of March 1 Si08, ( instead of " on the 27th day of February IS08," as before advertised), between the • hours of two and four o'clock in the afternoon,' ( unless pre- viously disposed of by private Contract, of which due notice will be given),— Tilt! Impropriate RECTORY of INGI. ISHCOMBE, in the county aforesaid, within three miles of Beth ; consist- ing of a good Farm- ilouse, Barn, Stable, and'other offices ; Bartons, Garden, and Orchard ; and a M, ssuage now divided into two tenements, with a Barn and Garden - adjoining ; and several Closes of A fable, Meadow, and Pasture Land'; con- taining in the whole bv estimation SI acres ( more or le- ej And also the Gil EAT TYTHES of 1,467 acres 1 by estimation) of Land, where > f about » so are; Arable, 367 Meadow or Pas- ture, and 150 Wood and Orchards-. Mr. Thomas Wright, ( he Tenant of the Rectory Farm, - will SIKW the premises; and further pnrticulais may be known on application '( i, hy letter, post paid) to Mr. Meriwether, solicitor, Calne. Wilts. • [ 487 • ,' . FOREST TREES. ' - This day tifmhtished, oiSco. taitl.' n plates, mice 1 I- HP HE FOREST PR iJN MR andTDIl J. OWNER'S ASSISTANT; or a Complete Prac Treatise on the Ttsin. ng and Management of Er: t; . h '!"'•• 1 Trees,, whether intended for shell-:/, or nnitma.} eluding an Examination of the Properties of Es.^ iisVpir'i ber, and a New System for- the . Management of Oak V.> ttc. ifec. By WILLIAM PONTF. T, Nurseryman, Planter and Forest Pruner to the Duke of B- ci'ord; 2. PONTLY's PROFITABLE PLANTER; a Tbcc- e ant. Practical Treatise on Planting in - every description of and Situation, particularly, those which are most diffou't elevated seites. barren heet'. s, r « ky so'iV& c. iuclw Kints, on Shelter and Ornament., Svj.' price < 0. with a r- of Implements for Flaming invented by the Author," samples of Larch / mi ither Timber Tiees. London: . PrirjM tor J. Harding, yi, St. James's---:::-: ana sold at tie-/ i- aiting- Ofiice, Saf- be. r--. r » - 1 valued at £. 25,000 1 7,000 6,000 vaiaed at £. 4,00o 6 3,000 1 , 2,000 is proposed that those Prz- s which are divided into small Shares shall be sold, ana the produce paid to the lespec- tire Shareholders. PRESENT PRICE. Ticket...£. 7 14 0 T'slf £. 4 - i 0 i Eight!) ,£. l I 0 Quarter - 2 1 0 | Sixteenth Oil) ti To be d- ain- i Uui'dhaU, i- ith April, M> j- , ical • ioil , te ir. d - t; This Paij is . nhlished, i- i U hds. demy Svb. mire £ 4 ' o o - A Xm Edition of * THE ROMAN HI STORY, from the Bt. PI-.- of j- Routt to the Ruin of the Comnfonvi'ealth.—— Hi ..•• ratrd with ulajfe and other Plate?. .. . Bv N. HOOK Ft, Esc'. , l^ ndoft: Printed for F. C, and , r. Rhin^ on. R. Baldwin, J. Walter, 1 .- Fyrerton,. J. Nmfrt, R. Lea, Lachinet. n:. A:; 0' and Co. L. Jetlcfy, Long. n, e-.„ Hii- st> Re. es,. andQrnie, {'•-. and Dalies, J. Hooker, and Norr. aville and Fell • and so' the Prioting- Offi - e, Salisbury. Tlv Monthly Review, ts, in tb'elr sritfc'sm oh th : v work, which has been Jong out of print, ami '"••• - n - scarce, observe, " that the Roman lbs'orvxif t\ s j,,',.. ' and masterly writer is a most valuable cc. Won in ih of historical learning. Th'a( the execution < n thewi •* throughout That Mr. Ilockc seems to - av p; very eminent degree, the fare talent of sep . r. ith: L from the historian, of which. f. w Writers are j.,,,-. comparing contradictory autborfies with imp- r; penetration. He. does not appet. i to have been a S„ principles, or a slave to any authority." . to Messrs. t'OlJUOLD, Blooinsbury- Square, l . '. GENTLEMEN, WITH the exticm& st pleasure I comrrittni' you the restoration of my health by your ims, .. VEGETABLE BALSAM.— In the rear ) V* T v s with a Violent Cough, which reduced me to se v a . - - that I could scarcely walk ; ray inside seemed e;. t: r e '•'.... fever and lowness of spirits continued upon me, t t> f despaired of recovery. In' this situation I applied to tie- fa- culty, but in vain— they could give me no relief 1 t: - r: through the advice of a" friend, had recourse to vrer inv '•'- luable medicine, which, through the bler. sing of Pfw, idene,- has restored me to my present goad health, from ivhich real son I am determined ever to keep it in my posst's-' ion as a preserver and protector of it, audi most sincerely hopeMLs will be a sufficient reason for oihers, labouring under the Ike calamity, to try tlie same experiment as I fortunately have done. I am. , Vc. JAMES L1TT. No. 1, MontagTie~ pta. ee, Bedford- square, 1807. A fresh supply of tins invaluable Medicine is iust re- ceived at the PI<! NT: NO- OFFICI>, SALISBOIIV. Sold in'Votlii ; at 18s. each. jejj. g ' ~ CONSUMPTIVE COMPLAINTS 1 " ' A ^ generally occasioncd by the stagnation of the l\. blood in the lungs, till it is converted into purulent mat- ter ; this may be owing to nervous, bilious, astrmr t c, or dropsical complaints, excess of libidinous indulgences, l- aduitr a too studious sedendatary life, licet of clinv te,' hard tirinki e immoderate Use of mercurials, tea, coffee, rr other wate. y liquids; it may be owing to a cold caught by damp beds or damp houses, excess of grief or pleasure, debihn of the fibres^ of the viscera, an ulcer on the liver, neglect of cus- tomary exercises, S- c. « tc. The CORDIAL BALM or V; I— LEAD is calculated to restore a broken and decayed cor. t tu- tion to its prirtine health and vigour.— In nervous consump- tions its merit, stands unrivallecl, ag may be seen by t:' e numberless testimonials in ids pamphlet," delivered ere'r'i : y the Doctor's agents. '[ 5: 02 Prepared at Gilead House, nbar Livcfo « ol, by Dr. Soi. c- MON ; and sold, wholesale and retail, at '( he Printing Oifice Canal, Salisbury, in bottles at 10s. and S3. s each. DfXON's ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS. ' THESE PILLS have loug obtnim- J iijuit cclebrity in the private practice of the proprietor, Mr. Dixov, Apothecary; and t'roni their great euece. es with many ,>. t- er s of distinction and others, .[ inrticuiarlv. the Duke of I'. edfor- d Sir George Warren, the i> owagef Lady Sav and Sele, t' e Viscountess Bulkeicy, - ec. Sc. he was p rsu^ ded to offer them to the Public. They are found to be an incnnaparbl'- ri - dy- for restoring the tone of the stomach, fef cUTing m iiges^: on, for preventing crudities, and their conseouen- isttgr^ e ':• eructations and fd. tulenceis. They prevent habitu- u - me! t porary costiveness*, sick hei^ l- aclis, and heart- burn whic occasioned hy pre.' nancy, and a debilitated stomach, w1 rising from the acrimony of tile redundant bile, i temp diet, or drinking to excess. Sold wholesale and retail at Mr. Butlt r's. No. 4, v h near Paternoster- row, and at the Print ne- Clffic , f- and retail by most Country Bookselitls a I Medic in boxes ' 2s. <] d.— 6s.— ana each. 1 KNTI. tt. MEN, Farmers, Graz' J Live Stock frequency suff : 1 . and too often fatal complaint the Sec, I of the superior efficacy of the CALV; following testimony sent to the propri,- t e, ! SIR, 1 have to acquaint you, that: a. . mine beine much reduced by a severe Se eiriee- 1 a bottle of your CALVES " CORDIAL, which a; '- complaint. In about three months time, owing t- c .- of keep, the disorder airaiu roturned, wh - n I le. d receiursc e. another bottle of the Cordial, which eflcctnally cure 1 her, and in thecoma: of six weeks rny cow became'so f„ r fatted as to enable me to sell iier to a butcher. [ 5. V1 Tour's, fire. Sdrratt, Herts, Feb. Iff, 1807. GEORGE BIGQ.' ' *** Sold, wholesale and retail, in bottles price .,- , a,. d 12s. 6ri. eachj by Mess- rs. Howard and Evan-:, W,?; S: n,' to- field, London, and at the Printing- Ofiice, S.. li> hui- y. - SOMERSET." TO be SOLD by AUCTION*, on Jlonday the aist day of March, 1808, at the Swu INN, in the city of Wells, in the. said county, between the hours- of four an I seven q'clock in trie afternoon, ( unless sold before by private contract, of which notice will be elver, ,— A large, elegant, and commodious DVvTF. LING- l'lOUSE, in good repair, with spacious Rooms, situate in Chamberlain- street, in the said city, late in the occupation of Rsbert Tudway, Esq. de- ceased ; consisting of. a large handsome hall at the entrance; a dining- room, ss feet by 19 ; drawing- room, 21 feet 8 inches by liifect; breakfast 1 in or, £> I feet by 13 feet i> inches; study, 16 feet 8 inches by 15 feet 10 inches ; until seven bed- chamber.:, dressing- rooms, and commodious garrets ; a very- good kitchen, housekeeper's; room, servants' hall, under- ground cellars, dairy- house, wash- house, laundry and brew- house, with convenient offices of every sort thereto adjoining; together with a'coach- house, and good five- stalled stable; a spacious pleasure- garden behind the dwelling- house, with a grove of full- grown cbesnnt- tiees at the lower end thereof; also a lawn or - vista before the dwclling- howse, belonging to tiie same ; also a good kirchen- garden, and about eight acres o! rich tii adow ground ; uiibining thereto. The dwelling- house, with niosfof the pleasure- garden, and part of the vi.-, ra, is rVeei; o: d ; and the remaining part of the premises are held by i-.,-,- es for lives under the Cathedral Chu'ich of Wells; and the dwelling- house commands a plea- sant and distal.: . :- w the country. [ 47.7 Pr » • " her particulars or view of the premises, apply to Mr. I. , . ..;•„ y. « . .-:. ' ffhere a pan may Be seeir. HlLBLAlN'S, their lormcntius; itching is in- stantly removed ' and every pr-^ ebibtvof the'rev- r brc: R- i: ig prevented, by WHITEHEAD'S ESSENCE « ' f MDSTARJ)', universolly esteemed as the inost effectual remedy" p ilieps u- v the World, far Rheum'nisnis, Palsies, Gouty Atfec. ions, Complaints of the Stomach, Sprains,- Bruises, Ac. but w: ,.: e • this certain remedy has been either unknown or nerlic ti, • and the Chilblains have actually suppurated or l- i- Ac, WHITEHEAD'S FAMILY CERATE will ease < he pain :, r: d very speedily heal them. The Far.-. hv Cerate is eqeiellv Suc- cessful in Sore. Lees and other ill- con,! ported Seres, Scfljtutic* Humours of every description, and the Breakings out, or Humours common to Children, They are prepared and sold by R. Johnston, apetberafv, 15, Greek- street, Soho, London; the Esswiee and Pills at 2i. 9d. each ; the. Cerate at It. 1 mI, ; and may he h'Sd at tiie Printing- Office, Salisbury, and every Mediciue Vender in the United Kingdom. ' ( 3.13- 1 ANTI- iMPKTIGINE'S. ' T'HE ANTMMPETJGINES, or SOLOMON'S JL ' DROPS, prove of the highest utility in all cases of" de praved habit with affections of the'skin :" her. ee its tfr. eeev m ca. ses of Scurvy, Scrofula, Leprosy, See.; and hence by its sanative power, it expels the virus out of the syst- m, and restores it to convalescence. • In these complaii. ts. Mercurv, Antimony, and. Aquafortis have - been reconirnended' and tried, but they re luce patients who have made e > e of them totbemOst deplorable state, and have leffcomphmto which the skill and abilities of the first phymcLns have been unabl; to cope with. These disorders fly before the ed. c. ts o. t t « w Anti- Imp : tigines prepare'd by Dr. Sole- mon. '"- Il- ad- house, near Liverpool, which restores the afilict. d patient in the most gentle manner, and leaves the whole frame firm and healthful. Sold at the Printing Office, Salisbury, in 10s. <?('. and :). is. bottles; the latter contain four of the former, by which- the purchaser saves 9s. Every genuine bottle has a stamp, wi- eh bears the proprietor's name and address, " Satnl. Sedornon, Liverpool," to imitatewhich is felony. Jiol/ berds'S Jjetlsctr. ic Elixir, or Coxgk Ihops OF all the parts of the body, ti'e lungs are moft subject to disease; every change of the atmosphere is liable, to Effect then:: hence the ' frequency of Coughs. Colds, and As'tmas, at the prevent season, which never fail, it neg- lected, to lay the foundation of Pulmonary Consumption. As a Pfeveptive to both these Complaints, and also a certain sovereign Cure of Consumptions, ROHBERp's BALSAMIC ELIXIR, or COUGH DROPS, is recommended to the public. It is the onlv medicine yet known that has the power of strengthening the lungs ; that takes oft' completely the teazine irritation of an incessant cough, the most vexatious of all complaints; and soothes and heals the ulcerated surface, where either matter or blood is cooped up with the ro'li'eW. The relief it has afforded in the last stage of consumptive cxn- plsints ; s beyond belief: it has supplanted every other medicine. A Caution :— Observe ' 1 R. Butler, No, - 1, Cheapside," is n- graved 011 the Government Stamp which is affixed to i. acli bottle r all c- tercrs are counterfeits. Sold at Mr. Butler's, No. 4, Cheapside, corntr of Pat; r- noster- r w, London ; and wholesale and retail at the Print'nj Office, Salisbury, i,. bottles, at to. Sd. and tis. cach. [ jioo THE SALISBURY AND WINCHESTER JOURNAL. Sundays Post. By Express. LONDON GAZETTE, PUBLISHED ON SATOBDAY NIGHT, FEB. 27. WESTMINSTER, Feb. 27. THIS Day, the Lords being met, a Message 4vas sent to the Commons, desiring their attendance' in the House of Peers ; and the Commons attending accordingly, the Lords authorised | jy his Majesty's Commission . gave the Royal Assent to An Act for continuing the Duties on Malt, SugsSr, & c.— An Act to empower the Bulk of England to advance three millions towards the Supply of the year— An Act to autho- rize the advancing, for the public service, a proportion of the uaelaimed dividends and unclaimed Lottery prizes— An Act for regulating the issuing and paying of Exchequer Bills— An Act to continue several Acts for jurying into execution ( he Treaty of Aqiity with America— An Act for repealing the Curates Suspension Act— And two private Acts. WAR- OFFICE, Feb. 27- 27th Re.?- of Foot,— Capt. C. Thompson to be Major, without purchase, vice Carleton, appointed an Inspecting Field- Officer in Canada. 2$ th ditto,— Capt. Geo. Way, fro. n the 5th Foot, to be Major, by purchase, vice Wyatt, promoted in the 23d Foot. 3' J< A ditto,— Capt. H. Parke to be Major, by purchase, Yicc Horsburrgh, who retires. 71 st ditto,— Capt. D. Mackenzie to be Major, viceTolley, promoted ill the 1st West India Regiment. SVt/ i ditto,— Major- General the H » n. Edward Paget, from the Royal Regiment of Malta, to be Colonel, vice Lord bake, deceased. lit West India Regiment,— Major H. Tolley, from the 7lst Foot, to be Jljieutenant- Colonel, without purchase, vice Bi'oughloti, cashiered. Royal Regiment of Malta,— Major- Gen. John Murray, frcai the 79; h Foot, to be Colonel, vice the Hon. Edward Paget, appointed to the command of the 80tli Regiment. 4th Garrison Battalion,— Brevet Lieut. Colonel If. R. Knight, from half- pay of the 114th Foot, to be Major, vice Sheddcn, who exchanges. GARRISONS.— General Wm. Viscount Howe, I\. B. to be Governor of Plymouth, vice Lord Lake, deceaea^ id. Lieut. General Banastre Tarleton, to be Governor of Berwick, vice Lord Howe. BANKRUPTS. J » m* s Robinson, of Liverpool, silversmith. Jo'in Henp^ ll, of Motikweremouth, sailmaker. John PiUio, iun. of Manchester, alehouse- keeper. G. W. V;., X ' s J. T. Lockyer, anUt. Gill, of Bristol, linen- draper. 0. Solomon Lyon, of Chelsea, daaler. W i ,' eanVy, of Deptford, Kent, victualler. H. . Ma^ ou, and not J. W. H. Mason, as stated in the GUzette 4f Tuesday of Hcartley- place, Soutli-. vark, paper- hanger. J. t'iner and K, Wilider, of Richmond, Surrey, grocers. J. C. Bo'ver, of Lcdbary, milliner. John Hartley, of Kendal, shoemaker. Wm. Hollswrtlt, of Atidingham, flax- spinner. John Havdon, of Mitcliam, butcher. Kobert Paine, of Raine, shopkeeper. Win. Ford, of Pick- it- street, Temple- bar, auctioneer. Aoraham . lone -, of Bath- squire, Portsea, slopseiier. Joint Miles, of Southwark, corn- dealer. John Ellams, of Manchester, bricklayer. LONDON, SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 29. HOUSE OF LORDS. FRIDAY, Feb. S(!.] The ten Millions and a half Ex chequer Bills Bill, and Petty- Custoins- Surveyorship Abo- lition Bill were received from the Commons, and read a first time. Lord Hat. hurst moved the third reading of the American Intercourse Bill. Lord Auckland repeated his observations against the measure; which objections were ably re- stated by Lord Gr nvill,'. Lord Bathurst and Lord Hawlesbwry defended the con- duct of Administration towards America. ' il'he Biil was then i'ead a third time and passed.— Adjourned. HOUSE OF COMMONS. FR. IDAY, Feb. %'.] Sir IV. Lemon reported from the Saltash Election Committee, that W. Frematitle, Esq. and T. Fremantle. Esq. V re not duly elected ; that the petitioners were duly elected, and ought to have been returned; and that neither the petition nor the defence were li ivolous or vexatious. 1Mr. Blackburn reported from the Horsham Committee, that Love. Parry Jones, Esq. one of the sitting Members, w s duly elected; that Sir S. Romilly was not duly elected; and that Mr. Marriot, the petitioner, was duly elected, and ought to have been returned. Mr. Thornton, from the Grimsby Committee, reported, that the lion. C. A. Peiham was not duly elected; and thai Mr. Loft, the other sitting Member, - duly elected; and that Mr. S. H, North, the petitir-. « r, Was also duly elected, and ought to have been returned. Th • Clerk of the Crown was ordered to attend on Monday, to amend the returns. Lord Milton presented a petition from the CWh- wcirkers of Yorkshire, Wiltshire, and Somersetshire, against the me'of certain r - chinery in the manufacturing of Cloth; which petition as referred to a Committee. Mr. Hushisson ai. so brought in a Bill to prohibit the exportation of Jesuit's Balk. On the question being put that it be read a first time, the Bill was opposed by Mr. Tierney, Mr. W. Smith, Mr. Wilberforce, Mr. Sheridan, and Mr. Vansittart. The latter Member said that thnre was not more than 1700 tons exported into France from this country each year, which might be smuggled there: he was therefore against the principle of the Bill. ' . The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Rose, and Sir W. Eltord, supported the Bill; after which the House divided For the first reading of the Bill. Ayes- 74 | Noes 40 | Majority 34. The Bill was then read a first time and was ordered to be read a second time on Monday. Mr. Davenport presented a petition, signed by 2000 manufacturers and labourers of Stockport, in Cheshire, intreating th « House to advise his Majesty to avail himself of all opportunities for concluding a peace. Laid on the tab e. Mr. Ilo . c obtained leave to bring in a Bill for the better regulation of Pilots. The only novelty in the Bill was, vesting in the Elder Brethren of the Trinity- house the power of appointing fit and able men for that important dutv, instead of those who now exercise that vocation. Mr. Canning' observed, that several Gentlemen had complained of his having read garbled extracts of Lord Ilowick's dispatch to Mr. Garlieke. In order to vindicate himself from this charge, he would, with the permission of the House, lay on the table the dispatches which passed between Lord Howiek and Mr. Garlicke, on the occasion atluded to. He accordingly moved an Address to his Ma- jesty, beseeching him to give orders accordingly. Lord Folkestone said, he had, on a former occasion joined with Ministers in resisting the production of these papers, lie still thought it would be improper to produce them, and the Right lion. Secretary had himself given no adequate reason for their production, nor ottered a single argument in refutation of those he had hetetofore used to prove the mischiefs that might follow this disclosure.— If ti) JS': papers were produced, the whole of the correspon- dence between Lord Howick and Mr. Garlieke ought to be laid 011 the table. Mr. Ponsonby spoke in support of the latter remark. Mr. Tierney strongly reprobated the inconsistency of the Ri "- ht( Hon! Secretary, and observed that he could not conceive any purpose the motion was to answer, except that of exposing those, wlji>, . contrary to the manly ex- ample ot the Noble Vi3count, would now support the motion for these papers to gratify private views though thev had opposed it when the papers were wanted on public grounds. A. Ion"- conversation ensued, conducted with much flspuritlty on both sides.— The motion was at length carried without a division. Mr. Crovley Ashlcf Cooper moved the Ordnance Esti- matcs| exceeding 3,600, OdOf. Mr. Calcraft expressed his surprise at the great excess of the estimates over those of last year, being not less th . n 1,300,000/. Mr. Ashley Cooper, Mr. Wellesley Pole, and Mr. Hutkisstn shewed that the excess arose principally from arrears unprovided for in former years. The consideration of the Kings's message Lord Lake was postponed till Monday, At hail- past three o'clock in the morning the House adjourned. There are letters in town from Paris, which state that Prince Stahremberg, late'Ambassador from the Emperor of Austria to the King of England, on his arrival in Paris was refused an audience of th? Em- peror Napoleon, and ^ proceeded on his journey to Vienna the next day. Advices were yesterday received from Buenos Ayres, dated a month subsequent to the evacuation of that city by the British. Some of the letters positively, stale that General Liniers was under arrest, but they do not assign any cause for such a proceeding. The most probable supposition of the cause of the arrest of General Liniers is, that the Spaniards sus- pected him of a design to put the French in possession of Buenos Avres, Yesterilay Ministers received advices from the blockading squadron off Lisbon. It is said that the French have outrageously forced the Russians to de- liver up the command of their ships in the Tagus, and also to deliver up several subjects of his Britannic Majesty, who had taken shelter on board. Government has- suspended the granting Of licences for the exportation of goods to the Baltic, or for the importation of any from thence. The regiments' which returned home from Egypt ith General Fraser have brought to this country much of that dreadful disease, the Egyptian Op- thalmia. It is said that another French squadron, consisting of four sail of the line and two frigates, has got out of port. A letter from on board the Snap- Dragon privateer, cruizing off Madeira, mentions her having been. chased by the Rochefort squadron of six sail of the line and two frigates, and a few days after by a French squadron of four sail of the line and two fri- ates, steering the same cotjrse as the Rochefort squadron. It is however supposed that the Captain of the Snap- Dragon was mistaken, and that the se- cond squadron was Sir J. T. Duckworth's. It is stated in the Liverpool Chronicle, that, last year 480 American vessels entered that port, and that the benefit of the shipping to that town, exclusive of Government duties, heavy repairs, profit on cargoes, & c: See. is estimated at 147,300/. per annum. A general meeting of the merchants and inhabitants of Liverpool interested in the American trade, was to be held in that town yesterday, to petition against the Bill for giving Effect to the Orders in Council, until the objectionable parts shall be expunged. Mr. Downe, the pedestrirn, started in Surrey on Tues- day, to go 33 miles'a day for twenty days, and lie finished the first day's performance near Liphook, Hants. It has been stated that he performed forty miles a day for. ten days with great fatigue; but the weather is likely to be more favourable for his present contest. This match is for 200 guineas, and a Mr. Smallbey stands' half with the pedestrian. The odds are against the. performance. The Fortitude, Skelton, from Liverpool, is lost, with all her crew, having foundered in the late tremendous gales. It is not true, as reported, that Simmons the murderer died in Hertford gaol.— He is in good health, and as har- dened as ever. YELLOW FEVER.— A physician in the Naval Hospital at Antigua has di= covered " that sponging the head, body, and limbs of a patient, on the first attack of fever, with rum or other ardent spirit, is'the most elfectuel remedy which can be used." DIED.] On Tuesday, at Shipston- on- Stour, tin Dow- ager Vicouljtess A- hbrook.— Lately, atLow.' y's Mill, near Bellingham, Northumberland, Mr. Wm. Robley, aged upwards of 100 years, 70 of, which he had lived in that neighbourhood as a farmer anTl publican'. PRICES Bank Stock, 231J India Stock, nil- South Sea St ick, — • 13 Hi Cent. Red. 611 3 v ,\ ts » . Cons, taj 4 - p Cents. 82} 5 Cent. Navy, ,97 § 5 y Cent. 1797, — Long Ann. 18^- OF STOCKS THIS DAY, At Three o'Clock, . n Ann. — Omnium, — Irish- ditto, — India Bonds, — Exchequer Bills, 1 a 2 dis. Irish 5 » Cents. — Imperial 3 qf- Cents. 63 § English Lott. Tick. 21/. — s. Ditto Prizes, full Money. relative to Wednesday— Arrived the Oberon sloop, Capt. Sutton, from tire North Sea. Sailed the Linnet brig, off Havre. Went out of harbour the Melpomene frigate, Captain Parker. Friday— Sailed the Tisi phone sloop, Capt. Foote, to be as guard ship off Lymington ; Ranger sloop, with convoy tor the Downs. Saturday— Arrived the Plptb sloop, Capt. Janverin, from a cruize. Dropped down to St. Helen's, the Resolution, of 74 guns, Cupt. Burlton; Northumberland, of 74 guns, Capt, Har- good ; and Mereury, of 22 guns, Capt. Gordon. WINCHESTER. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27. l& stt JMog. FALMOUTH, Feb. 25. The fleet of transports- ( about 70 sail) with the army commanded by General Spencer, sailed on Sunday, after lying here ( at first waiting the arrival of the transports which had been dispersed, and since their junction waiting a fair wind) in all more than seven weeks. The wind becoming favourable on Sunday morning, the signal was imme- diately made, the fleet was unmoored with the utmost dispatch, and the whole was out of sight of the har- bour in a few hours. The wind still continues per- fectly fair, and it is hoped has carried the fleet already more than half its way io Gibraltar, which is certainly the first rendezvous. Conjectures respecting its ulti mate destination are various ; but there is little doubt of its being some place within the Straits. On its arrival at Gibraltar, it is understood the foreign troops now there will be embarked, and an equal number of Euglish landed from the fleet in their stead, so that the garrison will be composed entirely of British troops. The Duke of Kent packet sailed on Tuesday for the Windward Islands. PLYMOUTH, Feb. 25. On Tuesday came in the Entraprenante cutter, from off Ferrot. She reports that on the 4th inst. Sir It. Slraehan's squadron passed by that station. Sir Richard made signal to go under the lee of Cape Finisterre, to divide water and pro- visions, and then proceed in search of the Rochefort squadron. Subsequent accounts have been received from Sir Richard, stating, that he had reached Ma- deira in pursuit of the. French squadron ; but that on h: » arrival hi; found a letter there addressed to him by Admiral Duckworth, ordering him to return to his station, as he had gone oa in search of- the enemy. Sir Richard Straehan, in obedicuce to this order, had given up the cha « , e, and was returning home. The Entreprenate cutter, from off Ferrol, left the British squadron off that port on the 15th inst. consisting of the Achilla, 74, Audacious, 74, Theseus, 74, Alcmene, and another frigate, under the command of Commodore Sir Richard King. The enemy's squadron in Ferrol consists of three sail of the line, one a three- decker, apparently without any intention of putting to sea.' A boat, with an officer and 12 men, belonging to the Theseus, has been captured, and the men marched to Corunna. They were taken in an unsuccessful attack to destroy an old Spanish line- of- battlq ship lying off Vigo, A flag of truce was sent in hopes of getting them restored, but without effect. The Diana, of 36 guns, sailed yesterday with dis- patches for the Channel fleet. PernT. iMOUTH, Feb. 27. The Lion, of 64 gun3, will sail with the East India shijis on Tuesday next. Monday— Sailed the Franchise, of 36 guns, Captain Da- hwood, and Star sloop, Capt. Simpson, with eonvoy for the West Indies ; and Fly sloop. Arrived the Linnet brig, Redbreast gun vessel, and Adonis cutter. '•• Tuesday— Sailed tha Africa, of G4 guns, Capt. Barrett, to join the Channel fle( jt » j 19 6 , £ 1,000 500 Thomas Limbrey Sclater Mathew, Esq. of Tangier Park, Clerk of the Peace for the county of South- ampton, has appointed Mr. Woodham, of this city, his Deputy, in the room of Mr. Kerby, of Alresford, who has resigned. Or, Wednesday part of the g6th Foot, about 300. in number, marched into this city, oa their route to the Isle of Wight. On the 18th inst. was married Benjamin Gibson, Esq. of Gosport, to Miss Walker, only daughter of Adam Walker, Esq. late of Conduit- street, London. On Monday was married, at the Abbey Church, Bath, Captain Christian, of the Royal Navy, eldest son of the late Admiral Sir Hugh Cloherry Christian, K. B. to Miss Harriet Shute, second daughter of the late Samuel Shutp, Esq. of Fern Hill, in the Isle of Wight. The same day was married, at Fareham, Mr. Barney to Miss Chads, the eldest daughter of Henry Chads, Esq. late of Chichester, a Captain in the Royal Navy. On Saturday the 13 th inst. died, sincerely regretted by all who had the pleasure of knowing her, Mrs. West, of Setley Cottage, near Lymington. On Friday the lgth inst. died, in the 8oth year of his age, Matthew Bunbury, Esq. of Hexton, Hants. On Saturday last died Mrs. Trimnell, of Otter- bourne, aged 77 years. On Wednesday died, after a lingering illness, Miss Dowling, daughter of the late Mr. Wm. Dowling, of Link Farm, in the parish of St. Mary Bourne. Same day died, after a short illness, Mr. John Mcaden, of the Anchor Inn, Northam. NEWPORT, Feb. 24. The poor of this town are under great obligations to a number of Gentlemen who formed themselves into a Committee, who gathered subscriptions of the inhabitants, and attended at the Guildhall all the winter, to distribute Bread and Coals to the poor at much less than half price, by which they were relieved, and it acted as a stimulus to industry. SALISBURY. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1808. ' TO- MORP OIV IVEEK, ( TUESDAY, MARCH 8,) THE STATE LOTTERY BEGINS DRAWING, £. 20,000 MAY BE OBTAINED FOR £. 20 The Scheme contains 3 Prizes of.... £ 20,000 3 , of ,£ 10,000 I 20 of... 4 of.. 5,000 I 30 of.... c. SSjc. all floating. Persons inclined to put themselves in Fortune's way should make a point of being in the wheel when it first goes round, for as there are no fixed pri/ cs in this Lottery, all the Capitals may come up the first day of the drawing ; and Adventurers may thus by delay lose their greatest chance of Independence. TICKETS" SHARES In this most popular Lottery are now selling for Sir JAMES BRANSCOM3 and Co. in the greatest variety ot Numbers, AT THE PRINTING- OFFICE, SALISBURY; WHERE TICKETS AND SHARES ARE ALIO ON SAIE FOB THE GRAND CITY LOTTERY Of FREEHOLD HOUSES, which contains Capital Prizes valued at £] 04,000 ! Present Price of Tickets and Shares ( registered) in the STATE LOTTERY : Ticket £ 20 19 6 Half. 10 16 « Quarter 5 9 6 Eighth 2 16 0 Sixteenth 18 6 The Theatre here was opened on Wednesday evening, with the comedy of the Belle's Stratagem, and the farce of the Farm- House. Miss Fisher, who was a great favourite two Seasons ago, as a juvenile Roscia, per- formed the charaetcr of Letitia Hardy, anc those who admired her as a siveet bud of promise were equally de- lighted to witness the expansion of talent as she approaches to maturity, aod do not hesitate to pronounce, that in the season of full- bloom excellence she must be one of the choicest flowers of the theatrical parterre. She displayed the versatility of her powers by appearing in Jane Shore on Friday evening. The Theatre has been made very neat and comfortable ; and several new performers were introduced to the au- dience, who gave great satisfaction in their respective characters. The Merchant of Venice is announced for Thursday evening, when Mr. Mestayer makes his first appearance here, in the part of Shylock. He has already delineated this arduous character before a Bath audience, when a ju- dicious critic remarked, that " the variety of expression, so essential to the character, was admirably supported, and he received the well- deserved tribute of loud and liberal applause." On Wednesday Vice- Admiral Sir Richard Bickerton was elected M. P. for Poole, without opposition. Mr. Coode, of St, Austell, is appointed Under Sheriff of the county of Cornwall. On Saturday the 20th inst. was married, at St. George's Chucph, Hanover- square, London, Henry Iloare, Esq. only son of Sir Richard Colt Hoart, Bart, of Stourhead, in this county, - to Miss Cholmondeley Dering, daughter of Sir Edward Dering, Baft, of Surrenden- Dering, in Kent. Lately was married Charles Lewis Phipps, Esq, of Leigh house, near Westburv, in this county, and Captain in the 2d Regiment of Dragoon Guards, to Miss Sophia Hales, youngest daughter and coheiress of the late Sir Philip Hales, Bart. A few davs since was married Mr. Thomas Bailey, tanner, of Chippenham, to Mrs. Tipper, late of the White Hart Inn. On Thursday the 18th inst died, in the fioth year of his age, the Rev. Thomas Pentycross, Rector of St. Marv, WallingfortI, Berks. On Monday last died, at the Angel Inn, Chippen- ham, Mr. I. Lawes, a very respectable character, and as such equally and deservedly lamented. Thirteen journeymen shoemaker; were last week con- victed before tin. Mayor and Justices of Bath, for illegal combination to advance their wages; ten were sentenced to three months, and three to one month's imprisonment. Recipe for the Cure of Sickness in young Sheep.— When the sheep is observed to he infected. let it be immediately brought into the house ; then take a tar table- spoonful ofmn tard, mix. it. with boiling water tili'it be of a proper consistence to be swallowed, and apply it as warm as the animal is able to hear it. L". t the sheep stand twelve hours in the house after the mixture has been applied. HOME MARKETS. Salisbury, Basingstokt Devizes, Newbury, Andover, Wheat. Barley. Oats. Beans. Bread. Feb. s. .1. s. s. s. s, s. s. s. rf. 23 62 to 71 34 to 38 30 to 36 66 to 66 1 7 > 60 to 74 37 to 40 28 to 39 57 to CO I 6' 83 56 to 74 34 to 37 S. 9 to 33 52 to 60 1 7 25 56 to 8- 2 34 to 40 27 to 33 53 to 59 1 7 27 64 to 70 36 to .33 29 to 33 56 to 59 1 6 r, 27 59 to 75 35 to 3.9 31 to 35 58 to 64 lfeight of the Gallon Loaf, 8 Ik. lloz.— Half Gall. ill. o\ oz. THEATRE, SALISBURY. MONDAY, SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER. Miss Hardcastle, Miss FISHER. SINGINO BETWEEN PEAY AND FARCE. WITH THE SPOILED CHILD. Little Pickle, Miss FISHER. THURSDAY, THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. The Part of Shylock by Mr. MESTAYER, from the Theatre- Royal, Bath. Portia Miss FISHER. With the FARCE of THE FORTY THIEVES. Morgiana, Miss FISHER. On FRIDAY, a Play and Farce, as will be expressed in the Bills. Present Price of Tickets and Shares m the CITY LOT- TERY, registered: Ticket £. 1 14 6 Half 4 0 6 Quarter 2 f 6 Eighth 1 1 6 Sixteenth 0 11 0 SALISBURY ASSEMBLY. THE next ASSEMBLY will be on Monday the 14th of March, 1808, being; the ASSIZE BALL. E. BAKER, J. R. SEYMOUR, VStewards. W. B. BRODIIi, J 9C5" Dancing to commence at eight o'clock, and continue to an unlimited hour. S97] MR. GOODALL, M. C. ANDOVER. THE next ASSEMBLY will be at the Town- Hall, on Friday March 11. Mr. GOODALL, M. C. Admittance, Gentlemen ( Nan- Subscribers), 5s. Ladies 3s. Gd. CHILD- BED LINEN WAREHOUSE, No. 19, East- Street, Southampton. MRS. HARRIS ( widow of the late Mr. HARRIS, Draper), respectfully informs her friends and the pub- lic, that she has on sale a n w and fashionable assortment of every kind of CHILD- BED LINEN, such as, she trusts, will be found on inspection to m rit the attention of those who may be disposed to assist her effort-; for the maintenance of a very young family, dependent oh hi- r exertions. This circumstance she hopes will be deemed a sufficient reason for requesting her kind patrons to favour her with ready money for their orders. [ 63S SWAN INN, ALTON, HANTS. SARAH HARROW, , the widow and relict cf Ro- bert Harrow, who lately kept the atiove INN, returns her most sincere thanks to the nobility, gentry, and public in general, fur the very liberal support her late husband expe- rienced for many years past; and she takes this method of acquainting th cm that it will be her constant endeavour, by an unremitting attention to the accommodation and comfort of those who will honour her with their custom, to merit a continuance of their favours. Good post chaises, with able horses and careful drivers; sin « Te- horse chaises, saddle- horses. See. as usual. N. B. Every accommodation will be provided for and atten- tion paid to gentlemen travellers. Feb. 15, 1R0S. 159 [ ' SALISBURY, FEB. 8, 1808. JAMES BALL, . Tun. most respectfully begs to acquaint his friends, and the public in general, that he has this day taken and entered upon THE THREE SWANS INN, in this City, and humbly solicits their patronage ar. d support, assuring them it will be his constant study to pay all due attention to their commands. He is determined to lay in a good Stock of the best Wines, Spirits, and eenuine home- brewed Beer, for the accommdation of all those who may feel disposed to frequent his house. *** A good ORDINARY every Tuesday, precisely at one o'clock. N. B. J. B. informs Gentlemen Travellers, that he has neatly fitted up a Room, and has several excellent Bed- chambers, with well- aired Beds, for theiv reception. QOf* Goou STALL STABLING, [ 520 PIGEON SHOOTING. TO be SHOT FOR, at the King's I; Iead Inn, WHITEPARISII, on Thursdsy next the ad of March,— A handsome SILVER CUP, value £ s, and a Pair of neat POCKET PISTOLS, & c. value £ a ;— likewise a Match for Twenty Guineas, between ten gentlemen of Wilts against ten gentlemen of Hants, play or pay; to shoot three birds each, and shoot out the tics." No menial servant allowed to shoot for the match. The shooting to commence at fen otclock, and no person will be allowed to shoot unless he deposits his subscription in the hands of a person appointed for that purpose. Dinner on the table at three o'clock. J. WILSON- takes this opportunity to return his sincere thanks to those gentlemen who have so liberally come for- ward towards his support, anil assures them and the public in general that nothing shall be wanting on his part towards making every accommodation as comfoitable as possible, ( tj* Well aired beds and good stall stabling. [ 612 TISBURY, NEAR HINDON, WILTS. TO hi2 LETT, and entered on at Lady- Day next, — A Stone- built and Tiled HOUSE, near the- Churcii, comprising an entrance hall, parlour, kitchen, with offices, & c. dirce bed- rooms and garrets, besides a good under- ground cellar ; a garden, and a small piece of pasture adjoining. For further particulars, apply ( if bv letter, post paid) to Mrs. Blundell, Fovant, near Sarum, Wilts. [ 528 TITHE- FREE ESTATE, WILTS. TO be LETT, frpm Lady- day 1808, divided into two or more Farms,— Upwards of 370 Acres of MEA- DOW, PASTURE, and ARABLE LAND, Tithe- free, situated in- the parish of Broad S. imerford, in the county of Wilts; and about ( to Acres of MEADOW and PASTURE LAND, in the parish of Little Somerford, adjoining the for- mer, subject to Tithes, For a view of the above apply to Mr. Smith, Broad Somer- ford. [ 440 HAMPSHIRE.— BORDERS OF THE NEW FOREST. rjjX) be SOLI) by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A J. . small genteel COTTAGE, calculated for the residence of a private femily, or as sporting box for a gentleman, situ- ate on the borders of the New Forest, five miles from Ring- woofl, four from Christchurch, about 14 from Lypiington, 2-; from Southampton, and only three from Muddiford ( one of the most delightful bathing places in England;, and within 100 yards of the turnpike road Horn Rihgwood to Christchurch. The house consists of an entrance hall, a dining room ( which has lately been enlarged), drawing room, study and kitchen, and six bedchambers over them; with a wash- house, coach- house, stable, and other offices ; a garden containing about half an acre, and a Small paddock adjoining. The house and garden are held on a lease for a long term of years, at a pepper- corn rent, and the paddock is freehold ; and possession may be had at Lady- day next. Applications for further particulars to be made to Mr. Howard, 8, Grafton- street, Fitzrqy- square, London. [ 605 TX) be SOLD,— A VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, in the county of Somerset, comprising the MANOR of BHATTON, otherwise BRATTON- SEYMOUR. A Moiety of the Perpetual Advowson, or the alternate Right of Presentation to the Rectory and Parish Church of Bratton, otherwise Bratton- Seymour, the next Presentation thereto belonging to the owner of the said estate. A Messuage or Farm- House, with suitable buildings, . two cottages, and about four hundred acres of arable, pasture, and wood land, in Bratton and Shepton- Montague, and now in the occupation of Richard Hodges and his under- tenants, under an agreement for one year, ending on Old Lady- Day next, when the purchaser may have possession. Also a Cottage and Garden, with the appurtenances, in Bratton aforesaid, in the occupation of John Hooper. Al § o one Acre of Land, in Bratton aforesaid, in the occu- pation of John Hodges, who has had notice to quit the same on Old Lady- Day next, when the purchaser may have possession. [ 420 For price and further particulars, apply ( hv letters, post paid) to Mr. Daniel Jones, at Fakenhum, in Norfolk. rnO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— A I Freehold MESSUAGE, Garden, and Premises., situate in Captain's Row, Lymington, Hants. The laud- tax is re- deemed, and possession may be had on or before Midsummer- day next. For particulars and to treat applv personally, or by letter ( post- paid) to Mr. Brown, Attorney at Law, Lymington. Part of the purchase money may remain on mortgage, if required, [ 543 ENDLESS- STREET, SALISBURY, nno be SOLD by AUCTION, on the premises, JL. without reserve, on Wedpesday the 16th of March, 180S, and following days, by C. NORTON, All the neat HOUSEHOLD GOODS, & c. & c. of the Rev. JOHN WHITE. who is going to leave Salisbury. [ 540 Further particulars will be given in a future Journal. WILTS, 1808. FOR SALE by AUCTION, by HARRY RUSS, on the Premises, on Wednesday the flth day of March. —' The LIVE STOCK of Mr. Thos. Crook, of Rowde Farm, near Devizes ; consisting of twenty- seven remarkably useful dairy cows, either in calf or with calves; twp grazing cows; three three- year- old heifers, in calf; six two- year- old heifers; three yearling ditto; capital five- year- old bull; two- year- old ditto; one yearling ditto; and " three sows and pigs,— The whole of which will be sold without reserve. OCT Sale to begin at ten o'clock. [ ci) 3 ' DAIRY STOCK AND UTENSILS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by R. KNIGHT, on Friday the - It'll of March, 191M,— All the DAIRY STOCK and UTENSILS, with Part of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, late belonging to Mr. Townsend, deceased, at Fullway Farm, two miles south of Devizes; including 26 useful dairy cows in and with calf, four barren beasts, one three- year old bull, four yearlings, one sow and four pigs, two store pigs, a strong useful cart mare; about 50 tons of good meadow hay in four ricks, one broad- wheel crirt, one narrow- wheel ditto and harness, double and single cheese presses, cream lead, and other utensils ; bedsteads with fur- niture, beds, bedding, chairs, tables, with various other articles. The sale, on acount of the number of lots, to begin pre- cisely at eleven o'clock. 17; 15 WILTS. CAPITAL ELM TIMBER. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,— 1,300 Prime ELM TREES, fit for Shipping, or other purposes, now growing on the Manor of Christian Malford, in the county aforesaid, either together or in Lots. For a vie- w of the same apply to Mr. Collins, the bailiff, at the Manor- house in Christian Malford aforesaid ; and for fur- ther particulars, and to treat for the. same, to Mr. Mcrcwether solicitor, Calne, Wilts. j-,) 4S WARSASH. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Shipwright'*. Arms, 011 Wednesday the 2d of March, 1808, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon,— About Forty Tons of SALT for Home Consumption ; to be put up in such lots as shall be then and there agreed upon. The duty to be paid by the pur- chaser, and the quantity by each person bought to be paid for and taken away before the expiration of three days after t'. ic sale. • -- [ 627 TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Tuesday the loth day of March, 1808, at the Red Lion, in ' Buck- land- Newton, III the county of Dorset; at one o'clock in the afternoon, m sixteen lots ( as expressed in the hand- billsi — Ninety- four capital MAIDEN OAKS, numerically marked and now standing on Rrockhampton Farm, at Hu- kl rd- Newton, in the possession of Mr. John Caincs, who will shew the T. mbcr. » » * Buckland- Newton is 10 miles from Dorchester, fl from Sherborne, and 4 from Cerne. pj17 TIMBER. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, on Monday the 14th day of March, is, os, at the Dolphin, at Harper's- Lane, 111 the parish ot Melcombe- Ilors y, in the c. iuntv of Dorset, at one ot the clock in the afternoon,- Several Lots of OAK and jfSH TIMBER sas expressed in the hand- bill ), now standing on Mclcombe- Hors. y Farm. [ sis 1 he T mber is of good quality, and may be viewed by ao. plying to Mr. John House, of HarperVLane, which is io miles from Dorchester, 8 from Blandford, and 6 from Cerne ISLE OF WIGHT. PARTICULARS of capital OAK, ELM and ASH TIMBER, to be SOLD by AUCTION, by Messrs. TUCKER and PITTIS, at the Bugle Inn, Newport, on Wednesday the 9th of March, 1808, precisely at three" o clock m the afternoon,— The undermentioned Lots, now growing on Little Thorness, in the parish of Northwood, Isle ot Wight. * OAK TIMBER. Trees. Lot I.—. In Little Roles Coppice and Rows adjoining.. 183 Lot 2.— In Great Roles Coppice ', Lot 8.— In the Rows and Fields on Little Thorness '. . 155 ELM * mii ASH. , Vot, 4 -° n Little Thorness Faim 34 Elms, 12 Ash, and 3 Poplar Trees. . The above Timber is very advantageously situated for shh>- ping, being near Thorness Bay. The sale will include the Bark and Tops, exclusive of such measurable Limbs as the conditions of sale will express. For j view of the same, apply to Mr. Philip Scovell, coppice man; or Farmer Parsens, on the premises. [ G08 PORTSEA. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, at the Royal Oak, Queen- Street, 011 Tueseiay the 8th day of March 1808 between the hours of three and six o'clock 111 the afternoon' — On » Hundred and Twenty- four Prime ELM and ASH TIMBER TREES, mostly fit for His Majesty's Dock Yard, standing on the lands now in the/ iceupation of Mr. Gain and Mr. Way, at Milton, within two miles from Portsea, ( under conditions to be produced at the time of sale) : Lot 1— 17 ELMS, on Mr. Way's Farm at Lumps, « tandi » g round the building and two fields near, hammered 1T Lot 2.- 23 do. pn do. standing round a small paddock, hammered HI Lot 3.— 13 do. standing on Mr. Gain's Farm, against the wheat, hammered HI Lot 4.— 5 do. in the One Acre, 6 do. in the Little Meadow, Vail hammered IT 3 do. lying on the Common, J - 7 do. in the Eight Acres, 6 do. in the Garden, Vail hammered HI 2 do. in the Rick Yard, ) - 24 do. in the Lucerne Field, hammered IT 18 ASH TREES, standing round the Ground, hammered H I N. B.— For further particulars of Lots 1 and 2, apply at Mr. Way's farm- house at Lumps ; and for the other Lots, apply to Mr. Gain, Milton. ^-[( j Lot 5.- Lot Lot 7.- OAK TIMBER FOR SALE. WILTS. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. YOUN- G, ON Thursday the 24th of March 1808, ( at three o'clock in the afternoonj, at the Green Dragon Inn, at Brook, in the parish of Bramshaw, subject to such conditions as will he produced at tha sale,— The following Lots of OAK TIMBER TREES, with their Tops, Lops, and Bark, growing on Birchen wood Farm, in the parish of Bramshaw aforesaid Lot 1 is 65 OAK TREES, marked letter A in white paint, in Pigeon Close, & c. 2 is 4O ditto B ditto, in Park Ground and the Drove. 3 is 27 ditto C in Furzy Close and Park Ground, and Bampcon's Garden. 4 is 6( 1 ditto D ditto, in Witteiisford Fields. 5 is 28 ditto.... E ditto, in Common Piecc and New Field. 6' is 45 ditto.... F ditto, in Brook Ground. 7 is 60 ditto.... G ditto, in Snipe's Coppice. 8 is 66 ditto H ditto, in Pond Close and Marlpit'sRow. 9 is 72 ditto 1 ditto, in Holloway's Field. 10 is 65 ditto K. ditto, in Hopkins Field and Row. 11 is 48 ditto L ditto, in Great Field and Ten Acres. 12 is 60 ditto M ditto, in Hardy Coppice. 13 is 64 ditto N ditto, in Hardy Coppice and Row ad- joining. 14 is 63 FLITERINGS, marked X in white paint, in Hardy Coppice. 15 is 80 ditto, marked XX ditto, in Snipe's Coppice and Hopkins Row. The above Timber is calculated for Ship Guilders, Mer- chants, and Carpenters. Bircheuwood Farm is adjoining the turnpike road, about 5 miles from Redbridge and Ealicg. Printed particulars may be had at the place of - ale, and at the Auctioneer's, White Horse, Romsey. [ t' 29 For a view of the above Timber, apply to William Baby, at Bramshaw; and further particulars may be known of Mr. John Fielder, timber surveyor, Braishfield, near Romsey. PRINTED A¥ Q PUBLISHED BY W. COLLINS, AT HIS PRINTING- OFFICE, ON THE CANAL, SALISBURY; I Vise re Orders, Advertisements, and authentic Articles of ATews are received ( Pc^ tage paid.) Als.) hv the PKINTERE and BOOKHUIEES in the West of Strland • by the rwptctlvo Nnvrsawr; and in London l> y Messrs, TAYLOR and NEWTON, No. S, Warwick- Square, Warwick Lane, Newgate- Street, and Mr. WTLgJE, Bookseller, Paternoster- Row. St. tafk
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