The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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No Pages: 1
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( Ireland.)— SIXTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS j tries, for the purpose of preventing their dimensions from being confounded in case it should be thought advisable to have recourse to the use of bushel measures in proof of the Officers gauges. Britifh Act In Great Britain the Brewer is prohibited from using any other ingre- 42 Geo.' ill. c.' 3s. j^ t in the manufacture of Beer, than Malt and Hops j in Ireland no such prohibition exists; but in order to prevent that diminution of the Revenue drawn from Malt, which will necessarily result from the extended use of raw corn in brewing, we propose, that the using any raw corn in
the ma- nufacture of Beer, or finding any such ground above the weight of eight stone, in any brewery, should subject the Owner to a heavy fine. The security of the Revenue depends so much on guarding, in licensed Malthouscs, against the use of any other than the registered floors, that we are of opinion the Maltster should be required, whenever the whole of his working floors are not registered, to divide the registered from the unre- gistered part by a substantial separation of brick or Stone, and not, as the practice now is, by a slight and temporary partition: and, as a further pre- caution, the cisterns might be required to be
taken down in all Malthouses not licenced at the close of the December quarter. Frequent instances occur of Malthouses, in which the cisterns greatly exceed the proportion of 44 bushels to every 100 square feet of flooring, and yet in the same houses there appear as many wettings at one time upon the floors, as in houses where the cisterns are proportionably smaller. To prevent the abuse to which this excess might lead, we think that the content of the cistern might be restricted to five bushels for every 100 square feet of working floors, a proportion which is calculated to enable the Maltster to meet his monthly charge in
eight wettings. With respect to the couch- frame, the Law has already prescribed a salutary limitation, in requiring it to be of the same dimensions with the cistern ; we have therefore only to recommend the strict observance of this useful regulation, which has, in various in- stances, hitherto been disregarded. No regulations can however be effectual for the protection of this Reve- nue, until the practical Officers shall, by a strict system of discipline, rigo- rously maintained and enforced by the superintending authority of the Board of Excise, be compelled to a vigilant and faithful performance of their duty. We comc now to the
manner in which this duty appears to have been executed. Appendix, No, 5. From the want of any digested code of Instuctions of later date than the year 1785 ( since which most of the existing regulations were intro- duced), we have been obliged to rely on the Officers themselves for an ac- count of the several duties attached to their situations, as well as of the manner of their performing them. The discordance that prevails with respect to those duties, both in opinion and practice, distinctly points out the necessity of every Officer's being made conversant with his duty, and being furnished with a regular set of Instructions, so
that if he deviated from, or neglected them, he might be left without any excuse. An Inspection of the Malt stock- baoks of the Officers employed in differ- ent districts of Ireland having satisfied us, that a sufficiently accurate idea v- 7 < of the manner in which the duty was performed might be derived from the examination of the Officers stationed in Dublin, we have directed our enquiries principally into the conduct of those who were in charge of Malt- fppendis. No: 17. houccs and stocks of Malt in that district. The district of the City of Dub- 3 , lin