The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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58 ( Ireland.)— ItIFTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appendix i N. Fanning, Efq. You have ftated minutely whatpaffed in the Office of Mr. Fitzimons ; can you t now take upon you to fay, that you had not directed Clements to go out to Mr. Fitzimons at Sandymount ?— I really cannot. Do you recolleft to have held any converfation with any other Officer who was examined here, relative to his evidence before this Board ?— I do not recoiled!:, I might have had, but I really do not recoiled. Can you fay whether the phrafe that you have mentioned to have been ufed by Mr. Fitzimons, refpedting Clements, was expreffed in
the words, " I will fend that rogue, Clements, to the Board of Enquiry, and let them make the belt hand they can of him ;" or any words to that effedt ?— To the bed of my recolledtion it was to that effect, but to the beftof my recolledtion during orfublequent to the examination of Clements at this Board. Nich. Fanning. J. S. Rochfori, Fred. Geale, Robert Alexander, Charles Saxton, Ch. Stewart Hawthorne. No. 39. The Examination of JOHN BURKE FITZIMONS, Efq. taken on Oath, the 15th day of May 1807. . B. Fitxhnotu, Efq. When the Commiffioners of Enquiry were about to commence their examination on the Excife, were you
applied to or ordered to fcledt any Officer to attend and give evidence before them relative to the mode of doing the duty over Diftilleries ?— I was ordered to fend a Gauger, and I recommended Hill Clements; I thought him a very fit man, and that he would tell you every thing: he applied to me to know what he fhould fay, and I afked him, " Why you fhould afk me when you know you will be on your Oath," or to that effedt 5 tell every thing you know. Do you recolledt holding any converfation with Mr. Knipe, the'Examiner of Gaugers Books, or any other perlon, expreffive of your opinion about Clements ?— I do not think I ever had ;
I never recolledt having had any with any one. Did you fay to Mr. Knipe that you had fent Clements ?— Not that I recolledt, certainly notI have 110 impreffion about him more than the reft; I told them all to tell every thing they knew. Do you recolledt having defired Clements to meet you on the morning of the day that he was firft ordered to attend the Board of Enquiry ?— I do not recollect. Had you any particular knowledge of Clements, that induced you to fend him r—* Not more than of any other Officer. Do you think Mr. Knipe muft have been miftaken, when he fays he recolledts that you faid in your Office, that you would fend "
that rogue Clements, to the Com- miffioners of Enquiry, and let them make the beft hand they can of him ?— I have no recolledtion of having faid any thing of the kind ; if I did, I could not have been ferious. Had you any, and what, converfation with Clements on the firft day of his examina- tion at this Board ?— I do not recollect that I had any other converfation with him, but what I had with every other Officer whom I fent to you, which was, that they fhould tell all they knew. Did you fend any other Officers, and did you previoufly fee all the Officers that were fent by your diredtions to this Board ?— 1 did fend other Officers ; I fent
Gain- ford and Adam Leech, and I may have fent others; with lbine of them I may have fpoken, to others I have not. Do you recolledt to have had any converfation with Hill Clements, or with any other Officer, previous or fubfequent to the examination of Clements at this Board, relative to that examination ?— I do not recolledt to have had any converfation with either Clements or any other Officer, either previous or fubfequent to his or their examination at this Board, relative to that examination, other than to tell them to fay all they knew. Certainly never any particular converfation. 7 Do.