The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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No. 38.] ON FEES, GRATUITIES, & C.-( Malt.) 5? but cannot possibly recollect ; I have no recollection on earth of any such circum- N. Fanning, esq. Did you often fend out Officers to Mr. Fitzimons at Sandymount ?— I mav have lent out Officers to him at different times on Revenue business. Will you take upon you to say, that you did not send Clements on the firft dav of his examination at this Board ?"— I may have fent him, and I may poffibly have tent him on that very evening on Revenue business; . Have y° u ever had any communication with Mr. Fitzimons, refpeding the tef- timony given to this Board by Hill Clements ?—
I never had. Had you any communication, by letter or otherwife, with any other Officer of Excife, refpeding the teftimony of Hill Clements — I never had. « Did your correfpondence with Mr. Starr, Surveyor of Excife, relate to that fubjed ?— Certainly not. Have you ever had any converfation refpeding Clements's examination before this Board, either with him or any other perfons, except that which you have faid took place in Mr. Fitzimons's Office ?— Never any particular, farther than, on Clements having mentioned fomething of the evidence he had given relating to Feints, I con- ceived his ftatements to have been incorrect, and
remonftrated with him, and told him I thought he ought to corred the error. Did you think that Clements knew the statements he had made to this Board were incorrect?— I certainly did, as I conceived his knowledge of the duty of a Gauger to be more perfect. Did you make any report of that circumftance ?— I did not, as I conceived the thing itfelf, about which the erroneous information had been given, to be a matter of no importance. Do you recoiled whether the conversation, fiated to have patted in Mr. Fitzimons' Office, related to Feints properly so called, or to what was fuffered to pafs in the Diftilleries under the denomination
of Feints ?— It certainly related to real Feints, and was, I rather fuppofe, relative to the ftrength of Feints. Having now heard read the evidence given by Clements on the firft day of his examination here refpeding Feints, would yoti wifh to make any addition to, or alteration in, the above anfwer ?— To the beft of my recolledion Clements ftatedin Mr. Fitzimons Office, that he had faid he did ufe a hydrometer. Is it your opinion that his evidence as you have heard it read, is corred ?— It ap- pears to me to be fo. Was it from the manner in which Clements mentioned what he had faid here, or from what he had faid, that you conceived
it was incorred ?— Becaufe I knew that it was not the pradice of the Officers in my infpedion to ufe hydrometers, and therefore did not conceive that he ufed one. Was Clements giving a general account of the evidence which he has given to this Board?— I conceived that the account related merely to the manner of keeping the books, and to the manner of difpofing of Feints. Do vou recoiled where this was ?— In the Office of Mr. Fitzimons. What perfons were prefent at this relation ?— Mr. Fitzimons, and, I believe, Mr. Knipe, and feme other perfons. Were they all attending to what patted ?— He was mentioning it publicly in the
Office. Do vou recoiled on what day this was ?— I cannot exadly fay; I rather think it was towards the clofe of Clements' examination, but I have no particular realon for thinking fo. You have find that you advifed Hill Clements to come to this Board, and corred th error \ n his examination; do you recoiled whether any of the other perfons prefent gave him the fame advice ?- I do not recoiled that they did. . * Do you remember any other public mention of what patted at this Board ?- Nevet any ether. 4 4