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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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No Pages: 1
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54 ( Ireland.)— SIXTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appx. Mr . Starr. Did Gainfort tell you the queftions he was afked by the Comrniflioners of En- quiry ? I do not know but he did. Did he tell you what he had faid here refpecling his fees, and whether he had told the whole amount of his fees ?— I don't know but he might, he told me a great deal. We're you intimate with Gainfort?— I was not. Were you intimate with Clements ?— I was. Had you ever any converfation with Adam Leech on the fubject of his examination before this Board ?— Not until laft Saturday, when he afked me if I had not been fent for to be examined before this Board. Do you recollect to have had any conversation with Gainfort on the firfl day of HJs examination here, relative to what he had faid in the courfe of that examination?— I don't know the exa& day, but I have had converfation with him relative to what he faid here ; he told me he had faid that the Diftiller gave him grafs for a horfe and a Cow, or fomething of that kind. When did that converfation take place ? — I believe it was, on the firft; day of his examination, at the Diftillery of which he had charge. Did you fee Hill Clements on the firft: day of his examination by the Cornnaiflionerc of Enquiry ?— I did; he called on me. For what purpofe?— We took a ride out together that evening. To. what place ?— To the houfe of Mr. Fitzimons, near Sandymount. For what purpofe did Clements go to the houfe of Mr. Fitzimons ?— To tell Mr. Fitzimons the queftions that he had been afked by the Cg^ miftioners of Enquiry, and the anfwers he had given. Did Mr. Fitzimons appear to have expe& ed you at that vifit ?— He appeared to have expedted either Mr. Clements or me. What reafon have you for fuppofing that he expefted you ? — Becaufe I am in- clined to think I promifed Mr. Fitzimons to go down to him on that evening. For what purpofe do you think you had promifed to go down to Mr. Fitzimons on that evening ?— To communicate to him what had palled at the examination of Clements before this Board. Do you remember any of the fubjetts that Clements and Fitzimons fpoke of at that meeting ?— They fpoke about what Clements had faid of the manner in which the duty was done by the Officers in charge of Diftilleries, and of their fees; Clements flated the fubftance of what palled before the Commiffioners of Enquiry, that is, of their queftions and of the anfwers he had given. Did you underftnnd from what Clements told Mr. Fitzimons, that he had given a fair and true account of the manner in which the duty was done, and of the fees received by Officers from Diftillers, © r an unfair and an untrue account?— The im- preflion made on my mind was, that he had anfwered correctly in fome inftances and incorrectly in others, and that the part about fees was incorrect. Do you think the ftatement of Clements made the fame imprefiion on the mind of Mr. Fitaimons that it did on yours ?— I think it muft have made the fame imprefiion on his mind. Did any ex prefiion of Mr. Fitzimons lead you to think that the imprefiion made . on his mind bv the ftory of Clements, was fimilar to that made on yours?— No ex- prefiion of Mr. Fitzimons, but the manner in which Clements related the ftory, led me to think fo. Did Mr. Fitzimons exprels approbation er difapprobati m of the condu& of Cle- ments as related by him ?— He feemed to be well pleafed at it. Do you remember any thing to have been faid relative to the fees of Clements or of the Infpe& or General ? — Something paffed relative to fees, but whether thofe of Mr. Fitzimons or of Mr. Clements, I do not recolleft. For what purpofe did Clements call on you that evening ?— I cannot fay whether it was to go to Mr. Fitzimons' or not, but it may have been.
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