The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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No Pages: 1
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( Ireland.)—\ SIXTH REPQRT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Apptx. Permits to the kisves of Brewers and Diftillers, fhould be granted by thefe Stock Officers, and that the Diftillery Officers Ihould take up all Permits granted to the Diftillers kieves, as it is effentially neceffary that they fhould do fo in order to make a comparative view of the quantity of Malt confumed, with the number of gallons of Spirits diftilled, fuch Permits to be filed monthly in the Infpe& or General's Office and to be returned monthly by him to the Examinator of Permits. " That the Permits granted to the kieves of common Brewers fhould be iffucd and taken up
only by the Stock Officers, by which means the accounts will be Amplified, and the Check Officers enabled with facility to afcertain the flocks when they pleafe, fo as to deted or prevent any fraudulent practice ; thefe Permits alfo to be filed and returned as above mentioned. " That all Permits for Malt received by Malt Factors, Brewers, and Diftillers, whether Coaftways or from the Country, fhall be delivered to the Stock Officers, who are to view the goods, adminifter the ufual oaths, grant the proper Certificates, and take the fame into their flock accounts, fuch Certificates to be produced to the Malt Permit Offices, where Permits
are to be iffued for a fubfequent removal, fave and except the Permits to the kieves of Brewers and Diftillers, which fhould be granted only by the Stock Officers." No. 33. EXCISE. Copy of Board's Minute for fufpending the Malt permit Office, and arranging the Bufinefs thereof. 2D Augufl J 805. " The Board having by their Order of 1 oth March laft, diredting a new arrangement of the Malt bufmefs in this City, feen the neceffity of reftoring to the Malt Stock Officers the duty of granting Permits to the feveral Traders in their refpeftive walks; and the Board having given dire& ions accordingly^ except in the cafes of fubfequent
removals, in which the Trader is flill under the neceffity of applying to the Malt Permit Office in this houfe, who can have no immediate cognizance of fuch Trader's ilock; " And the Board, not confidering the difference in the practice in this inftance jufti- fied by any argument or principle whatever, but conceiving that all Permits to their refpe£ tive Traders fhould be grahted by the Malt Stock Officer only ; " It is therefore hereby fo ordered accordingly. " And the Infpe£ tors General are to take efpecia! care that this regulation fhall be ftri£ tly complied with, and that notice thereof be immediately given by the different Malt Officers to the
Traders in their refpe£ tive walks, of which the Malt Permit Office is to have notice." No. 34. The Examination of Mr. FRANCIS CODDj Malt Factor; taken on Oath, the 3d day of Auguft and jd of Sep- tember 1807. This Examinant faith, That he is a Malt Factor in the City of Dublin, and receives large quantities of Malt Coaftways, from different parts of Ireland. When a veffel laden with Malt arrives in Dublin, a cocket accompanies it from the port where laden, certifying that the duty 011 the cargo of Malt has been either paid or fecured j this cocket is lodged with the Clerk of the Coaft in the Cuflom- houfe, and after the veffel has
been invoiced, a copy of it is taken out and lodged in the Malt Permit Office on the quayr which is eftablifhed for the purpofe of grant- ing Permits for the difcharge of Malt cargoes. There are four Malt Officers, whofe duty it is to attend to the difcharge of fuch cargoes, and take an account of the fame, and of the time at which the Malt leaves the fhip, indorfing the fame upon the Permit. When Malt is to be removed to any diftance, it is ufual to take out a feparate Permit for each parcel of 2c barrels fent out of the veffel, unlefs where, by the 11011- 5 attendance