The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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No Pages: 1
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• N « 25.] ON FEES, GRATUITIES, tcc.—( Mdit.) 4S and Diftillers, he receives, For the trouble of granting Permits and Certificates, and tor advancing the Stamp Permit duty, in fome inftances, to the amount of one guinea and an half monthly ; in others not more than a few Shillings, and frequently has not received any thing. Examinant does not either direftly or indirectly receive any other fee or gratuity than the above of any nature or kind whatfoever. y. S. Rochfort, ^ Fred. Geale, Robert Alexander, Charles Saxton. No. 25. The Examination of Mr. EDWARD WILSON; taken uport Oath, the 25th and 27th of May 1807. This
Examinant faith, _ That he is a Surveyor of Excife, refident at Sligo. That the Sligo Diftrift is divided into the Surveys of Carrick on Shannon and of Sligo. The latter of which he is in charge, reaches from near Ballina to within a fhort diftance of Ballifhannon, an extent of between 40 and 50 miles, and comprehends fix walks. In his furvey are one Diftillery and Ten Malthoufes, four of which have not worked in the prefent year. When not on out- duty, he vifits in the Town of Sligo two or three times a week, and in the Country parts of his furvey ufually twice a month, when Malthoufes are at work, and where they are filent, commonly
but once. The Gaugers in his furvey, are required to vifit the Malthoufes fituated in the place of their refidence, when at work, daily ; when not at work, lefs frequently. The Malthoufes not within their refidence, they are required to vifit at leaft twice a week, exccpt they are filent, and then only three times a month. He requires the Gaugers in his furvey fo to manage their vifits, as to have one gauge of each wetting in the ciftern and by way of check, one alfo in the couch, and one upon the floor. He thinks the floor- gauge ought to be taken within 24 hours after the Grain is out of couch. Bethinks the Gaugers moft generally draw the
charge from the ciftern content, but when he has taken the gauges himfelf, he has ufually found the couch- gauge to be the higheft. At his vifits, he finds the gauges of different wettings, taken as well from the couch as from the ciftern, to vary con- fiderably, and fhould it appear by the books, that the dips of feveral wettings were uniformly the fame, he could have no doubt but the entries were fictitious, and that the Officers had not done their duty. He has made feveral detections of unlicenfed Malting, but has never difcovered any cifterns ufed for that purpofe, and believes the Corn is ufually wetted in barrels and facks funk in
bogs or drains. The kilns ufed for the purpofe of drying are ufually finall huts, and the fubftitute for the kiln floor, hair or other cloths extended upon flicks. He underftands that Malt fo made is generally difpofed of to unlicenfed Diftillers. " He has, in the different cabins of one village, detected nine or ten barrels of Malt, and was feldom out on fearch, in any part of his furvey, without detecting unlicensed Malt. He is of opinion, from his own experience and what he has heard, that private Maltino- is carried on to a great extent in the diftriCt of Sligo. Since he has been put in chat ° e of Maltfters, he has certified two regifters, for one of
which he received from the Marl tiler three Guineas, and for the other £. 4. 8. 3. He dots not receive any fee but upon the regifter of a Malthoufe, nor does he know what fees the Gaugers ot his furvey received from Maltfters. J £. aiv. WUfon. J. S. Rochfort, Fred. Geale, Robert Alexander, Charles Saxton.