The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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38 ( Ireland.)— SIXTH REPORT c? THE COMMISSIONERS [ Anpx. charge of the Malt Duty in the Diftriii of the City of Dublin, but having leave of abfence, did not a£ t therein until January 1806, fiom which time he continued attivelv employed in the difcharge of his duty, until the alteration which he has al- ready mentioned to have taken place with refpe£ t to the Infpe& ors General; that about fix weeks ago he was again put in charge of the InfpeCtion of the Malt Duty in the Diftrict of the City of Dublin, to which Diftrift this appointment is peculiar, there being no Infpedor General, permanently in charge of Malt, in any other part of
the Kingdom. He is required occafionaliy to vifit the feveral Malthoufes and the Stores of Malt Factors, and the Malt Stores of BreWers and Diftillers, within the Diftrift, and is generally employed daily in difcharge of this duty. When he- viiits a Mak- houfe, he takes the neceffarv gauges of the Ciftern, Couch, and Floors, and examines into the ftate of the grain thereon, and into the ftate of the Kiln, and frequently checks the dimentions of the Cifterns and Couch- frames. Previous to PMchaelmas 1806, E\ aminant considered it as the duty of Infpectors General in Dublin, before the Maltfter received his annual Licence, to take the di menfions of the Ciftern, and other utenfils, belonging to each Malthoufe, and to fign a Certificate thereof, for which they ufually received a fee ; but by an Order of the Board of Excife made about this period, this duty has been difcontinucd. Robert Pigott, J. S. Rochfort, Ini'pr General of Excifc. Fred. Geale, Robert Alexander, Cha. Stewart Hawthorne. ) No. 19. The Examination of Mr. NICHOLAS FANNING; taken upon Oath, the 25th, 26th March, and 15th April, 1807. This Examinant faith, That he is anlnfpector General of Excife; he has been conftantly in the habit : of vifiting Malthoufes for the laft twenty- three years, in the
courfe of which time he has detedted various frauds on the Revenue in every ftage of the procefs of Malting. The frauds moft commonly committed in the firft ftage are, wetting wi'. hout notice, wetting twice under the fame notice, and filling the ciftern with dry Barley to fuch extent that the whole cannot remain covered with water ; fometimes by having falfe bottoms in the ciftern to render the apparent lefs than the aftual content, and fometimes by the ufe of fhifting frames, for the purpofe of adding to the altitude of the ciftern. The fraud ufually praftifed in the fecond ftage is while the Grain is in procefs of couching, by preiTing it
down fo as to make the frame contain a greater quantity than one fteeping of the ciftern ; and on the floor, by adding and mixing Corn which has been wetted privately, and forwarding the procefs by watering the Grain 011 the floor. He thinks the frauds committed by adding, ufualiy take place fhortly after the Grain is out of couch, and that the detection of any undue increafe cannot then be made except by gauge ; that the firft gauge of the floor ought therefore to be taken at fome time within 120 hours after the Grain is out of couch, and that a fecond floor- gauge ought always to be taken between that time and the completion of
the prccefs of flooring. Examinant is of opinion that floors are feldom mixed, u 11 lefs to avoid the defec- tion of private wettings at the unfufpefted vifits of Infpecting Officers, in which cafe the two oldeft floors are mixed, and pafs as one; but an allowance of one- half is made upon the gauge taken in the later ftages of the flooring : the charge, therefore, can feldom be drawn from fuch gauges, though there may be good reafon to be fatisfied that fraud has been committed. The conftant examination of the kiln, if diligently made, would however, in moft cafes, enable the Officer to difcover, from the appearance of the Corn, if any
fraudulent wetting had been introduced. The private Malt made by Maltfters is generally removed under cover of Permits fraudulently obtained ; Brewers or Diltillers can obtain Permits to the extent that their ftock is decreafed by the confumption of their kieves, and difpofe of thefe Permits to cover the removal of Malt fraudulently made by others. It is the duty of Gaugers in charge of Malthoufes, to vifit them once a day and to check and take