The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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No Pages: 1
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c N ' 1 8 J ON FEES, GRATUITIES, kc.-( Ma! t.) 3? Permits and Certificates which had been iffued, are accounted for. From thence th~ 1 ermit and Certificate- books are fent to the Examiner of Permit Vouchers to undergo a fecond companion with the Permit Vouchers. It is alfo the Surveyor's duty ttto examine and compare the Monthly Excife Malt Vouchers with the Stock- books of the feveral Gmgers in his Survey, and lee that the charge of duty is correctly made. I he Gaugers make out two of thefe Vouchers for each walk, to be Ogned by him and returned to the Colleftor of Excife, by whom one, as Examinant understands,
is retained, and the other tranlmitted to the Examinator of Excife. It is alfo his duty to fee that the Gaugers of his Survey make out their Stock Vouchers correaiv to fign, and re- dehver them to the Gaugers to be returned to the Permit Voucher Of- fice. He is required alfo to examine the Monthlv Permit Stamp Vouchers and re- turn them to the Colleftor of the Diftrift. It is alfo the Surveyor's duty to take up the Stock- books from the Gauger's monthly, and after examination to return them to the Examiner of Gaugers Books. When notice is given of a wetting, it is the Gauger's duty to attend as foon after the time fpecified in the notice
as pOffible, ex- cept the notice be to wet on Sunday, in which cafe the Gauger is not expetted to at- tend till the following day, to gauge the Grain m the ciftern, and to attend daily during the entire procefs, until the Grain is on the kiln. He believes the Gaugers feldom attend until after the hour mentioned in the notice for wetting, hi the couch, the Gauger is expected to take one gauge, and a fecond if he. finds the Grain in coueh at any fubfequent vifit, and to gauge each wetting once on the floor, and from time to time, as he fees occafion, until the Grain is put upon the kiln. He thinks that the moft advantageous time for taking a
floor- gauge for the purpofe of detecting fraud in that A age of the procefs, is within 72 hours after the Grain is out of couch, and that an ufeful check would be eftablifhed, by requiring the Officers in charge to take and enter in their books a fecond floor- gauge of every wetting. Fraudulent wettings, which are fometimes of part and fometimes of a whole fteep, are concealed by a variety of artifices; thefe are moft commonly pra& ifed while the Grain is in ciftern, or on the floor. The frauds which take place on the floor are ufually effected by adding or mixing the floors at a time when the allowance made upon the gauge is fuch as to
admit of a confiderable increafe in bulk, without any ritk of increafing the charge. Maltfters are allowed by Law to difcontinue work for part or for the remainder of any year, on giving the requifite notices ; and till very lately, when printed notices were delivered out, it was ufual to ferve written notices of discontinuance, thefe no- tices were not according to any prefcribed form, and frequently did not fpecify whe- ther the difcontinuance was intended to be for part or for the remainder of the year. The Officer generally judged of the Maltfler's intention by the length of time that the notice was ferved previous to the day mentioned for
difcontinuance ; 14 days notice being required in cafe of difcontinuance for the remainder of the year, and fix days in cafe of difcontinuance for a fhorter period. No entry of the notices of difcontinuance is made by any Officer in the Stock- book, nor in the book of any of the Officers in charge. Examinant does not, either dire& ly or indirectly, receive any fee, gratuity, perquifite, or emolument, of any nature or kind whatfoever, except from 5 to 10 Guineas, for making out and certifying the regifter of each Malthoufe in his Survey. John Trench. Fred. Geale, Robert Alexander, Charles Stewart Hawthone. No. 18. The Examination of
ROBERT PIGOTT, Efq.; taken on Oath, the 2dday of September 1807. This Examinant faith, That he is an Infpector General of Excife, and that there are feven Infpedtors General in the Kingdom, one of whom is called Infpe& or General of Ireland. The Infpedors General are now all ftationed in Dublin, but do not execute any duty unlets fpecially directed by the Board. This regulation took place in the month of September 1806; previous to which period, they were m charge ot dif- ferent Infpeftions : That fome time in July 1805, Examinant was appointed to te