The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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No Pages: 1
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N ' I 5 . ] ON. F E E S , G R A T U I T I E S , & c.~( M a l t . ) ^ fiderahle. Re thinks 24 hours in couch too much in warm weather ; the Corn is liable to acquire a four fmell, which is very difficult to get rid of. Thinks the time a howed for flooring ought not to be abridged. He dries off one- third of a wetting ata lime, and takes 24 hours to it, which leaves him only Sunday to clean his Ele has fometimes watered on the floor when he found a couch that was back ward, ufually at about two or three days ; this, however, rarely happens. Has heard there is much raw Corn ufed by the Brewers. He is increafmg the fize of his floors againft the
next fcafon, as he finds the Malt brought to the market is not fufficiently well made to be advantageoufly ufed in brewing. This deterioration he imputes to the endeavour to make private Malt which, under the prefent reltriaions, can fcarcely be done without injury to the article! Ele is of opinion that it would not injure the trade, if Maltfters were obliged to keep their Corn in fteep for 60 hours in all feafons of the year. He thinks that the pre- fent monthly charge is fo heavy, that any Malt privately made muft be of fo bad a quality, as that the Maltfters could have no intereft in the practice of frauds. He underftands that the difference in
price between Malt covered by Permit, and Malt not covered by Permit, was five or fix Shillings per barrel. He believes the confumption of Malt Liquor has increafed confiderably within the laft ten years, and from his own experience, has found an increafe of one- third. He pays annually, upon the taking out of his Licence, five Guineas to the Infpe& or, five to the Surveyor, and half a Guinea to the Colledtor's Clerk ; befides which, he pays the Gauger two Guineas per- month ; he is likewife obliged to make occa- fional loans of money to thefe Officers. Samuel Madder. J. S. Rochfort, Fred. Geale, Robert Alexander, Charles Sax
ton. No. 1 c. • The Examination of Mr. HENRY SMITH ; taken on Oath, the ift day of July 1807. This Examinant faith, That he is a Guager in the Diftri£ t of the City of Dublin, and at prefent in charge of the fecond Grand Canal Walk ; that on the 17th or 18th of June laft, as he belt recollects, heafliftedthe Surveyor of the fecond Malt Survey, in gauging the ftock of Malt of Sam. Madder and Co, Brewers and Maltfters. The credit in ftock, as appeared by the Officers book, was 1,746 barrels, but the flock was found on gauge, to amount to no more than 1, 608, making a decreafe of 138. That, upon the 30th of June, he was prefent
when a heap of Malt, part of the faid ftock, was gauged, and afterwards weighed ; that upon the gauge, the heap appeared to con- tain 88 barrels, computing four bufhels to the barrel, each bufhel containing 8 gallons of 2724- cubic inches ; and that the faid heap, being afterwards accurately weighed, appeared to contain xoi barrels, at 12 ftone to the barrel. This Exa- m'inant faith, he has frequently gauged the flocks of other Brewers, who were Malt- fters, and has generally found, that there was an increafe by gauge on bought Malt, and a decreafe on Malt manufactured by them for their own ufe. About 12 months ago, he
gauged the ftock of an eminent Brewer,' for the purpofe of charging him with an additional duty of is. per barrel, which at that time was laid on. The ftock was brown Malt of his own manufacture, and for his own ufe. The credit, by the Officers book, was 3,205 barrels, and the ftock found by gauge was 2,955, leaving a decreafe of 250 barrels. This decreafe was fhewn in the Stock- book, but he n- ver brought any information againft the Maltfter for the decreafe. He re- ceived from this Maltfter, while at work, a fee of five Guineas, and while filent two Guineas per month, out of which fums this Examinant paid the Permit Stamp dut)
r' Henry Smith. J. S. Rochfort, Fred. Geale, Robert Alexander, Ch. Stewart Hawthorne. 17- K