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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland


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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland

Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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No Pages: 1
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Hit 34 ( Ireland.)— SIXTH REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONERS [ Appjt, To thcbeil of his recolleCtion he kept his Corn 11 or 12 days on the floor, and he put a whole wetting on his kiln ( which was a tiled kiln) at one time, at a depth of 5 . or 6 Inches : this , latter circumftance he confiders as tending to produce better Malt than when a wetting is put on the kiln at different times. He thinks that 14 days would be a fufficient time to keep Corn on the floor, as after that it is apt to become mouldy. He could make good Malt under the former Law, but he would not fubmit himfelf to the reftri. Ctions which at prefent prevail, as he thinks he could not make good Malt; and he attributes the badnefs of Malt to thofe reftriCtions. He never imports Malt himfelf, but purchafes all that he confumes in his Brewery from FaCtors. The average quantity of Malt and raw Corn which he ufes in a year, is from 8 to ic, ooo barrels. He ufes raw Corn both for Beer and Porter, and thinks he never faw better liquor than it produces, and he finds no inconvenience from its not keeping : he thinks it preferable in the prefent ftate of Malting. If he could get good Malt, he would prefer it; he ufes both Oats and Barley, the former for Table Beer, the latter for Porter. In thefe cafes he ufes one third of raw Corn. The ciftems remain in his Malthoufe in the fame ftate that they were when he worked as a Maltfter. An Officer attends dally in his Brewery for the purpofe of granting Permits to his kieve, but does not infpeCt the concern. He thinks it impoffible for an Officer to keep any correCt Account of a Brewers flock of dry Malt, as the kieve will always enable him to provide againft the detection of any undue increafe in flock. He pays the Officer about £. 2. 10. o. per month foi Permits, and a gra'- tuity amounting to between 30. and 40. per year. He never experienced any inconvenience from being charged by weight, at the rate of four bufhels to the barrel, and he has generally found by experiment the weights and gauges to correfpond. He cannot account for the decreafe in the number of Malthoufes fince laft year upon any other grounds than the practice adopted by Erewers of ufing raw Corn inftead of Malt. David Sherlock. J. S. Rochfirft Fred. Geale, Robert Alexander, Charles Sax ton. No. The Examination of MY. SAMUEL MADDER; taken on Oath, / * the i - th and lyth days of June, 1807. This Examinant faith, That he has" been a Brewer and Maltfter in the City of Dublin, for 17 or 18 years. That he is of opinion, that under the prefent reftriCtions of the Law, with refpeCt to the extent of floors, the fair Trader will be able to work without injury to the ma- nufacture, from September to May ; but is convinced that a better article would be produced if, inftead of the prefent regulations, the Malfters were required to continue the Grain covered for 60 hours, and were at liberty to extend the time of fteeping to 84 hours, as fome Barley will require a greater time in fteep, and the beft Englifli Barley he has feen required wetting for 60 hours at the leaft. He cannot, however, fay how far fuch an alteration might become an inlet to fraud on the Revenue j and fhould that be endangered by the change, it would be his intereft to have the prefent reftriCtions continued, which he thinks well calculated to protect the fair Trader againft the Smuggler. Malt cannot, under any circumftances,' be made perfectly in the fummer months ; but this Examinant is of opinion, that after the month of May, there is not flooring enough allowed to make it as good as it mi^ ht be ; that if the month's charge was reduced from eight to fix barrels for every 100 fquare feet of flooring, Maltfters would be able to work a month or two later. He keeps his Corn in cifttrn generally 72 hours, fometimes five or fix hours lefs, In his Malthoufe the ciftern., whofe altitude is 46 inches, is generally filled as high as A\ inches, and the Grain, when fufficiently wetted, is generally fwoln above the brim of the ciftern. lie does not apprehend that Grain fufficiently fteeped will increafe its bulk in couch within 24 hours. He has never feen a floor- gauge of Corn in procefs taken fince he has been in Ireland, nor can he fpeak with precilion to the uioreafe of the bulk experienced by the Grain on floor, but knows it to be very cou- fidcrable,
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