The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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No Pages: 1
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N° 9-] O: N FEES, GRATUITIES, & C.—( Malt.) 3* He recollefts, that a few years ago there was a Malt Permit Office in the Cuftom- Houfe of Dublin; this Office has been iince aboliffied, but he thinks that the re- eftablifhment of it would be more convenient to the Trader, than the obliging him to refort to the Officer of the walk, with whom it is frequently difficult to meet. He has heard that Permits have been fold by Brewers and Diftillers carrying on the bufinefs of Mali Iters, for the purpofe of affording a cover to fmuggled Malt. The quantity of Hops ufed to a barrel of Porter muft be proportioned to the time for which the liquor is
intended to be kept. He has put 4 and fometimes 5lbs. of Hops; to a barrel of Porter; but conceives that the average proportion of Hops ufed in the feveral forts of Strong Beer made in Ireland, may be taken at 27 lbs. to a barrel. The proportion of Hops ufed in Small Beer is much lefs. He thinks that the confumption of Malt Liquor has increafed by at leaft one- half fince ths year 1795. With refpedt to the ufe of raw Corn in the Breweries, he believes it to be carried on to fome confiderable extent; but he thinks that it is an evil that muft cure itfelf, as thofe Brewers who adopted the practice have fuffered in their trade. It is his opinion,
that the ufe of raw Corn in brewing might be prevented, by- obliging Brewers to have their Breweries regiftered diftinttly, and apart from their Malthoufes or Malt Stores, and itnponng a heavy Penalty on the ufing any raw Corn in the manufacture of Beer, or on finding any ground or unground in premifes regiftered as part of a Brewery. He thinks, that upon an average, one barrel of Malt may be confidered as the quantity neceffary to produce one barrel and a half of Strong Beer. Arth. Guinnefs. J. S. Rochfort, Fred" Geale, Robert Alexander, Charles Sax ton, Chas Stewart Hawthorne. No. 9. An A C C O U N T of the Quantity of
Hops imported into Ireland, from the 45th March 1796. YEARS. Years end. 25th March From 25 March 1800 to 5 Jan. Years end. 5 January - 1797 i 8 | 9 L1800 r 6. Quantity. 17, 197,081 H. B. Hautenville.