The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
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The Sixth Report Fees, Gratuities, Perquisites Ireland
Date of Article: 25/01/1808
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N > ] ON FEES, GRATUITIES, & c.-( Malt.) ^ decdr° eafegaUgeC3' f° r ^ purp° fe ° f afc€ rtaining Aether there is an increafe or a tJndSr„? ftocks?? hlt' he be! ieves charge or feizure is made on any increafe at uocs, nor exceed hve per cent, whether it be Malt made, or Malt received by n° aall°^ ance whatever' is made in afcertaining decreafes. He does not cuftom any mftm£ h0ns S^ en to this effeft, but he believes it to be the general Examinant thinks that the deteaion of private wettings is rendered more difficult by the permitting two cifterns to be ufed in the fame concern, a practice which he has known to exift m feveral
mftances; by which means the Maltfter is enabled to make the vegetation of feveral wettings approach fo near each other, as that they may pals for each other, almofl: without a rifk af deteaion. Wkenfm charse ° f Mtflthoufe's, Examinant ufually received annually from each Maltiter from two to fix Guineas, and in cafe there were two cifterns in the concern a double fee. When private wettings took place, he received from one- half to a fourth of the duty evaded. He alfo received a fee of about one Shilling per barrel for grant- ing Permits for pretended removals, for the purpofe of accounting for a decreafe in one flock, and covering
an increafe in another. He alfo received a fee varying ac- cording to the quantity of Malt, and fomedmes as high as two Guineas, for granting regular Permits and Certificates. The feveral fees above ftated, as he heard and believes, were the fees ufually given to Officers at the place where he received them, but in Dublin he underftands they are higher; but not having been in charge of Malthoufes fince he came to Dublin, he cannot fpeak with certainty ; he has, however, received higher fees from Diftillers in Dublin than elfwhere. Hill Clements. J. S. Rochfort, Fred. Geale, Robert Alexandert Chas. Saxton. No. 7. The Examination
of Mr. JOHN WILSON; taken on Oath, the 8th and 10th days of June 1807. This Examinant faUh, That he is a Gauger, and at prefent in charge of Kilcock- walk, in the diftria of Naas. He has been 21 years in the fervice of the Revenue, and during the whole of that time in charge of Maltfters, and for two years previous to September laft employed on Dublin duty. He has found bv experience, that the average fwell of Corn wetted in ciftern is about one- fifth of its original bulk; when the ciftern has been full, the couch fhould always give the belt gauge ; a floor- gauge taken after five days fhould nearly double the quantity chargeable
from the ciftern or the couch. He feldom took the tirft dips in the ciftern; the latter ones more frequently, but does not know any inftance in which he has fhewn the Corn fwoln above the altitude of the ciftern. He admits that the firft dips of the ciftern, as ordinarily entered by him in his Stock- books, feldom appear to leave room for a fwell of more than one- tenth, inftead of one- fifth, which is the allowance the Law makes in regulating the charge. He admits that the entries of thofe dips were fiftitous, as were, in moft inftances, the couch and floor- gauges. One Maltfter in the City of Dublin, of whom he was in charge he believes
made nearly one half of his wettings fevaral hours before the times'fpecified in the notices to wet. He underftood that this praffice was general in Dublin • and that it was nor ufual for the inferiour Officers to take notice of it, as the fuperior Officers paffed it over. He did not report it, as he was unwilling to make himfelf obnoxious by unufual ftrianefs in the performance of his duty. If the floor gauges had been conftantly taken, or when taken, had been correft, fuch private wettings muft have been detected. He has very feldom known a Surveyor or In- fpector to take a floor gauge; and admits, that if the books nad been examined by
either of them, they muft have feen that the entries, both of dips and gauges were in moil inftances fictions. Neither Surveyors or Infpeaors ever reproved him for this manner of keeping his books, nor has he ever heard of their doing to