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The Northampton Mercury


Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Volume Number: 87    Issue Number: 36
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The Northampton Mercury
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The Northampton Mercury

Date of Article: 14/11/1807
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton 
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: 87    Issue Number: 36
No Pages: 4
Sourced from Dealer? No
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Vol. 87. Suhin^ fl ATURDAY, November 14, 1807. Readv Money is expected ) with Advertisements. S S Circulated through every Town and populous Village in the Counties of Northampton, Bedford, Buckingham, ) > Huntingdon, Leicester, Oxford, Warwick, Hertford ; Part of Cambridge, Nottingham, Lincoln, and Rutland. 5 PRICE SIXPENCE, > Stamp- Duty 34d. ) Paper and Print • - 2J< I. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. from the LONDON GAZETTE. SATURDAY, Nov. 7. TI1E Gazette contains the two Orders of Council, signed on Wednesday ( as men- tioned in our last), for issuing letters of marque ^ ii'd reprisal against Denmark, and the Italian States and Islands in the Mediterranean and Adriatic, either occupied by, or under the con- troul of France. The Gazette also contains an account of the following captures:— Lc Musquito, French na- tional schooner, by the Skylark, Captain Nicholas; Abeja, Spanish armed schooner, and Fou- Fou, French privateer, bv the Pitt, Lieutenant Fitton; Babillon, Spanish privateer schooner, by the Mome Fortunee, Captain Rorie; three Spanish row- boats ( driven on shore), by the Narcissus, Captain Malcolm; LaBohemienne, French lugger privateer ( which hail captured four sloops ol war), by the Plover, Captain Browne; and two Spanish gun- boats, a French polacre and tartan, and a Spanish boat in ballast, by Captain Christo fa Olabifa, off Majorca. LUN UOi\, Nov. 10. Some letters from Gibraltar have been received by the Lisbon Mail. They mention, that the General- Commandant at St. Rocli had communi- cated to the Governor of Gibraltar, that no inter- course could be allowed for the future between the garrison and the Spanish territory. This re- striction would be productive of much inconve- nience to both parties, l he garrison would be deprived of the supplies of vegetables, poultry, & c. which it was accustomed to receive from the neighbourhood, and the Spaniards wouid no longer enjoy the facility of drawing corn from Gibraltar. A report prevailed there, that !> 6,000 French had entered Spain, part of which was destined for Portugal, and part for an attack upon Gibraltar. The dispatches received by Government from Lisbon, are reported to state, that an interview was to take place between Lord Strangford, the Prince Regent, and the Portuguese Ministry, at which the subject of the proposed emigration to the Brazils was to be finally discussed. It is certain that intelligence of the deaths of the King of Spain and the Prince of Asturias, in the way we have mentioned, had reached Lisbon. It was not, however, directly from Madrid, and there- fore little credit was attached to it. Some news from the Continent was yesterday • received by a neutral vessel, which sailed from Embden at the beginning of the week. It was said there, that the French troops were rapidly withdrawing from the Prussian territory, and that the greater part of them were directing their march towards Italy. As soon as a sufficient force shall be collected in Dalmatia, it is probable Bonaparte will leave Paris, for the purpose of superintending, in person, the dissolution and partition of the European part of the Ottoman Empire. The American Papers state, that our Govern- ment had declared to the Plenipotentiaries of the United States, that this country never maintained the claim of searching national ships of war, be- longing to neutral States, for tlc- sartecs; and that if it should appear that the act of the British Officers, in the affair of the Leopard and Chesa- peake, rested on no other grounds than the simple and unqualified assertion of sucii a pretension, there would be no difficulty in disavowing the act, and making the reparation really due. The American Government has ordered, that British deserters shall not in future be enlisted into the service of the United States. The argu- ment whether Colonel Burr should he committed, with a view to send him to a third trial in another district, was not concluded on the S.' ith of Sep- tember. The yellow fever has broken out at Charleston, South Carolina, and the quarantine laws have been, in consequence, enforced at New York, & c. against all vessels and persons coming from the place infeeted. Letters, we understand, have been received in Newcastle, announcing, notwithstanding the ri- gorous decree of Bonaparte against British com- merce, that the port of Memel continues open to the trade of this country, provided the vessels so trading hoist a neutral flag on their entrance and departure, and during the time they may remain ill tire harbour. Many of the reports which appear respecting the state of his Majesty's eyes, are totally void of foun- dation The King still continues under the care of Mr. Pliipps, and when the cataracts are in a proper state, if his Majesty chooses to undergo an operation, there is every human probability of his enjoying a comfortable sight for many years. The King never was in better health and spirits than he is at the present moment. General Whitelocke arrived at Portsmouth on Saturday last, lie came home in the Medusa frigate. On the preceding day, his Majesty's ship Unicorn arrived at the same port, with a con- voy of transports from the River Plata, which they left on the 7th of August, in company with the Medusa. Preparations were then making for the complete evacuation of Monte Video by the re- mainder of our troops, who were, according to the stipulations, to embark and deliver up the fortress on the 7th of September. Gen. White- locke's regiment, the 89th, had previously left Monte Video for the East Indies. The vessels going upon the Secret Expedition are getting ready for sea with the greatest dispatch. Several Hat- bottomed boats are ordered to be put on board the different ships. The troops which have been for some time assembled near Cork, as if for an Expedition, to be commanded in Chief by General Beresford, are expected to form part? of the army which will accompany the new Expedition. A considerable quantity of port wine arrived in the river during the last week : 326,745 gallons were entered at the Custom- House, with 157,627 gallons of wine from Spain, and 80,810 gallons from France, besides large supplies from Teneriffe, Madeira, the Mediterranean, & c. The quantity of port wine entered at the Custom- House last month, amounted to nearly one million gallons. Two vessels have reached the river from Malaga and Lisbon, having about a million of oranges on board. The Malaga ship has nearly 300 tons of grapes and raisins on board. ' lhe shipments of goods in the river for Portugal continue with a degree of activity surprising, under the present unfavourable state of our commercial relations with that country. British cottons, Irish linens, baize, flannels, stuffs, & c. to the value of - nearly ,£. 30,000, were entered on Saturday at the Custom- House. Similar articles, to the value pf .10,000, were entered the day before. With sorrow we have to relate, that accounts have been received of the loss of one uf the trans- ports from Copenhagen, containing the sick and wounded of the army; and Doctors Jones, Stewart, Martin, and M'Gregor— all of them highly re- spoofed by the profession, and by the army at large. Of the Hope transport, lost on her passage to England, from Copenliagen, all the crew perished, except one man who was found on the wreck ; but in such a state of insensibility, that he cannot give any account of the misfortune. Napoleon has made, in a very short time, one new Emperor and eight new Kings, six Grand Dukes, and about a dozen Dukes and Princes. It must he admitted, that he has performed his task- very expeditiously; ' out if a proof were at- tempted to be given of the merit of the workman and his work, it might be of the kind attempted by the carpenter, who endeavoured to shew the greatness and elegance of his job, by the number of the chips lie had made. ' I he Lords of the Admiralty have disposed of the new appointments of master- riggers in the Dock- yards, in a way which will much gratify the public: that of Chatham Dock- vard isgiv. en to Creesv, the Sunderland mini, who, in Ltird Duncan's action, nailed the flag to the mast- head of the Venerable; that of Plymouth to Wilmot, who was boat- swain of the Victory, in the battle of Trafalgar. Yesterday being the accustomed day for the new Chief Magistrate of the city of London to ascend the civic chair, his Lordship, attended by the different companies, proceeded to Westminster- Hall, to he sworn into office before the Barons of the Exchequer. The fineness of the day drew to the bridges, and the shores along the river, an immense number of people to view the grandeur of the procession on the waiter. The Lord- Mayor arrived at Guildhall about five o'clock, where a nio> t sumptuous entertainm ; nt was provided, con- sisting ol every delicacy which the season tould afford. Besides the great Officers of htute and Foreign Ambassadors, a number, of Nobility honoured his Lordship with their company. The late Archbishop of York, who was always a prudent man, has died rich. lie is said to have bequeathed property to the amount of more than £. 100,000. Saturday 443 pockets of hops were weighed in Worcester market; current prices from £. 5 to £. 6 6s. per cwt. The Cornet has almost lost its attractions with our modern gazers; it was not so in early times, when our poet Young so finely sung its fascinating power— Hast though ne'er seen the Comet's flaming light ? Th' illustrious stranger passing terror shews On gazing nations, from his fiery train, Of length enormous; take^ his ample- round, Thro' depths of ether; coasts unniunber'd worlds, <> t more than solar. glory; doubles wide Heaven's mighty cape; and then revisits earth, From the long travel of a thousand years! A quizzing huck, desirous to display his wit, arid cnibarass a relation just come out of the country, presented him to a fashionable party in the following manner:—" This is my cousin, and, 1 can assure you, he is not so foolish as he appears to be."-—" No," retorted the rustic, " and that is the precise difference between him and me." Public Institutions.— Jji the bills of mortality, London, there are 502 places of public worship-- 4050 seminaries of education, including 237 parish charity schools— 8 societies for the express purpose of promoting good morals— 10 societies for pro- moting the learned, the useful, and the polite arts— 122 asylums and alms- houses for the helpless and indigent, including the Philanthropic society— 30 hospitals and dispensaries for sick and lame, and for delivering poor pregnant women— 704 friendly or benefit societies, and institutions for charitable and humane purposes— which several institutions are supported at the amount of £. 750,000 per annum. A discussion took place during the late Session at the Old- Bailey, between the ReqorderofLondon and Mr. Sheriff Phillips, relative to the detention of persons against whom the Grand Jury had thrown out the Bill of Indictment, and against whom there was no other specific or declared charge.— It has hithei'to been the practice of that Court to detain such persons till the Grand Jury are discharged, or till the end of the Sessions, which is often a w eek after the Bill has been thrown out; but the Sheriff insisted on the right of imme- diate discharge, as soon as the Grand Jury have returned the Bill in open Court as not found. The practice is justified on the ground of expediency; but the Sheriff quoted the Constitution, the pro- visions of Magna Charta, and particularly an Act of t he 11th of George the Third, in which the right of an immediate discharge is expressly declared in unequivocal terms. B R E W E R Y. \ Situation wanted, by a PERSON of unox- XV ceptionable Character, who understands Brew- ing Al. E and PORTER according to tne present improved Theory ar. d Practice. Application, by Letter, to D. D. No. 12, Gerrard- Strcet, Soho, London, will be respectfully attended to. PELICAN OFFICE, For Insurance on Lives and granting Annuities. '' IllS Office was established in LOMBARD- STRUT, LONDON, in the Year 1797, by a numerous and respectable Proprietary; and the Hoard ot Directors, with Confidence, arising from the increased Prosperity and Permanency of the Establish- ment, as well as from the Experience of its Useful- ness and Benefit to the Public, think it due to those who may be still unacquainted with the Importance and Advantages of LIFE INSURANCE, briefly to suggest some of its leading and peculiar Recommend- ations to almost every Degree and Rank in Society. Life Insurance is of manifest Consequence to all who hold Ksrates for Life, Situations and Offices, Civil, Ecclesiastical, or Professional; to Officers in the Army and Navy, & c. ; as, by Payment of ail Annual Premium, the Party insured is enabled to provide for Wife, Children, or others, whose future Welfare he may wish in vain, by other Means, to promote. It affords a permanent ultimate Security to those who adyance Money upon Annuities or otherwise. It renders Leases, determinable on one or more Lives, nearly equal in Value to Freehold Estates ; as an Insurance to the Amount of the line, payable on the Demise of a Party nominated in such Leases, will produce the Sum required for Renewal. It is a cheering Refuge to Parties engaged in extensive and speculative Undertakings ; it affords to Persons in Trade the certain Means of fndemnification against a bad or doubtful Debt; in short, Life Insurance, established in Policy, sanctioned by Government, and confirmed by the Test of Experience, is become, to almost every Situation of Human l ife, a Measure equally important, useful, and beneficial. Annuities are granted upon the most equitable Terms. THOMAS GURDEN, Company's Agent at Market- Harborough. 1 Linseed Cakes and Linseed Oil. » „ ESSRS. PARSONS & BYNG," CASTLE- 5 MILLS, TAMWORTII, Warwickshire, respect- fully inform their Fiiends and the Puolic, they have now 011 Sale a Quantity of the above Articles, of good Quality, on "• e lowest Terms. They will deliver at Fazeley- Wharf, from which there is a Communication by Water to all Parts of England. ( J5T Good Prices given for Linseed. To Ladies and Gentlemen, A C" A R D, ( From a late Foreman of Mr. A LLEN'S). GENTLEMEN', CLOTHES CONTINUE to' he made in the most elegant J and fashionable Manner, and in that highly- approved Style of cutting which has given uni- versal Satisfaction to the Nobility and Gentry, by D1 ETRIC H S E N Sc C I. A R K, TA11, ORS, at No. 12, RATHBONE- PLACE, LONDON ( the latter heretofore Foreman to Mr. A LEU). They also make YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S SUITS, And HUSSAR DRESSES, in ilie most tasteful and elegant Form. D. & C. having had the Happiness to experience unprecedented Success and Patronage from MEN OF FASHION, since their Commencement, about two Years since, they beg Leave to solicit the further Orders of the Nobility and Gentry in Town and Country, to whose Comma, ids the strictest Attention will at all Times be paid. REGIMENTALS, LEATHER BREECHES, LIVERIES, & c. Sec. tec. Ari old Suit may be sent as a Pattern ; or Gentlemen may be informed how to send their Measure per Post ; a printed Form of which will be sent upon Ap- plication. LADIES' RIDING HABITS Continue to be elegantly made at the above House. ALL Persons who have any Claim on the . Estate and Effects of the late WM. PRAT1", of BANBURY, Innholder, deceased, either by Bond, Nate, or otherwise, are desired to deliver an Account thereof at the Office of Messrs. WALFORD, GOLBY, Sc WALFOKD, Solicitors, in Banbury, ou or before the 18: h Day of November instant, as after that Day the Executors will consider themselves at Liberty to niako a Division amongst the several Legatees. JOHNSON & Co.' s BANKRUPTCY. V^/ HEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is ' » awarded and issued forth against JOSEPH JOHNSON and JOHN STATHAM, of TWICKETT'S- MILLK, in the County of Northampton, and THOMAS JOHNSON, of HYDE- STREET, BLOOMSBURY, in the County of Middlesex, Millers, Dealers, Chap- men, and Copartners, and they being declared Bank- rupts. are hereby required to surrender themselves to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or the major Part of them, on the 17th and 18th Days of NOVEMBER inst, and on the 19thof DECEMBER next, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, at GUILDHALL, LONDON, and make a full Discovery and Disclosure of their Estates and Effects; when and where the Creditors are to come prepared lo prove their Debts, and at the second Sitting to choose Assignees ; and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupts are required to finish their Examination, and the Creditors are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of their Certificate. — All Persons indebted to the said Bank- rupts, or that have any of tiieir Effects, a. e not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Messrs. SWAIN, STEVENS,& MAPI. ES, Solicitors, Old- Jewry, London; or to Mr. BUTCHER, Solicitor, ill Northampton. N. B. Such Persons in the Country who have any Debts to prove under this Commission, are requested to apply to Mr. BUTCHER immediately. ^ PIIE Creditors who have proved their Debts 4 under a Commission ot Bankrupt awarded and issued against ROBI RT ADA. VfS, late of I-. UBEN- HAM, in the County ot Leicester, Dealer and Chap- man, a Bankrupt, aie desired to meet the Assignees of his Estate at the G EORGE 1 NN, in MARKET- H A R. HOROUCH, in the County of Leicester, on the 26th Day of NOVEMBER instant, at Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon, to assent to or dissent from the Assignees selling by Public Auction, or Private Contract, all tile Estate, Term, and Interest, of the said Bankrupt, in and to certain Messuages, Lands, and Tenements, in the Hamlet of Laytonstone, in the Parish of Low- f. ayton, in the County of Essex, held by Lease from the Crown ; and also to assent to or dissent from the said Assignees commencing, prosecuting, or defend- ing any Suit or Suits lit Law or in Equity, concerning the said Bankrupt's Estate and Effects; or to the compounding, submitting to Arbitration, or other- wise agreeing any Matter or Thing relating thereto; and on other special Affairs. For the Benefit of Creditors. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By If. WHITE, On the Premises, on Wednesday the ISth of No- vember, 1807, and following Day, at Ten o'Clock each Day, ALL the neat HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, very valuable BREWING UTENSILS, large and excellent CASKS, in good Preservation, STOCK in TRADE, and other EF FECTS, of Mr. JAMES ADNUM, Victualler and Brazier, Crown Inn, High- Street, BEDFORD. May be viewed on the Mornings of Sale; and Catalogues will be ready for Delivery six Days previous to the Sale, at the Place of Sale ; the prin- cipal Inns in the Neighbourhood ; at Webb's Priuting- Oflice, Bedford; Dicey & Sutton's, Northampton; and at the Auctioneer's, Bedford. KIN GST HORPE. Fieehold Estate, Tythe- frce, and the Land Tax redeemed. To be S O L T) bv AUCTION, By Mr. KlRSllAW, At the George Inn, in Northampton, on Wednesday the 2orh Day of November instant, between the Hours of Four and Six o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then be produced. Lot 1. 8." OUR CLOSES of very good ARABLE, X MEADOW, and PASTURE LAND, situate in K1NGSTHORPE, within the short Distance of about one Mile and a Half from the Town of Northampton ; from whence, through Kingsthorpe, passes the Turnpike- Road to Welford; containing 72 Acres, or thereabouts ( be the same more or less). These Closes lie together, and are bounded on one Side by tile said Turnpike- Road to Welford, and on the other by the River Nen, by which it is sometimes in Part floated. The Situation of this Lot is a very desirable ore to erect either a pleasant Re- sidence or a Manufactory upon, as a never- failing Rivulet of excellent Water runs through the Middle thereof, to the said River. Lot 2. A large FARM- HOUSE, with A. R. P. extensive Out - buildings, Gardens, and Orchard, containing 1 2 6 Homeclose 3 2 11 Osier Bed 1 0 15 The Slang 0 0 27 6 1 19 situate near the CHURCH, in the Village of KINGSTHORPE aforesaid, and at a very short Distance only from Lot 1. This Lot is very well adapted for a Trade or Manufacture which requires extensive Buildings, as a very considerable Spring of excellent Water, which in the driest Summer never fails, runs through the Cow- Yard. These Lots are now in the several Occupations of Mr. Walton and his Undertenants, who will shew the same. Possession can be given to a Purchaser at Lady- Day next. For further Information, apply either to Mr. FREEST, of Fillongley, near Coventry; or to Mr. FARR, Solicitor, of Coventry. To MILLERS. BLACKMORE & Co. beg Leave to return their grateful Acknowledgments to their Friends for the numerous Favours they have received, and to request a Continuance of them. To prevent Imposition, they consider it a Duty incumbent on them to state, that no other House lus, nor never had, any Interest whatever in any Patent for the making or Improve- ment of BOLTING - CLOTHS, without Seams. Convinced, by the increasing Demand, that the Merits of their Patent Cloths are well known and duly appreciated, the Proprietors forbear to enumerate their Excellencies, and only beg Leave to inform their Friends, and Gentlemen in the Flour Trade in general, that they are soid by Mr. M, GOODYER, Peterborough. Mr. J. MEACOCK, Bedford. Messrs. STONF. COO.' ER, Leighton- Buzzard, J. JACKSON, Leue. ter. KIMNELL Sc CHAMBERS, Warwick. W. CHATTAWAY, Stratford- upon- Avon. R. DAVIS, Oxford. W. ATKINS & Co. Chipping- Norton. WYATT & WEST, Banbury. THOMAS STONE, Thame. JAMES ARIS, Twyfortl- Mill, near Buckingham. S. EDMONDS, High- Wycombe. R. WILLIAMS, Chesliam. W. BARNARD, Amwell- End, near Ware. ( KT All Bolting- Cloths of their genuine Manufac- ture have the followiri' 1 e. bel, wi'luhe king's- Arms, on the Head- Leather, ' ii> the i. ing's l atent, manu- factured at Wandsworth, Surrey, by BLACKMORE SC CO. sold at their Manufactory," and by B. COKCOKAN, No. 47, Mark- Lane, London. ALBlN's PATENT SWEET ACID, IGIILY esteemed for making PUNCH, LEMONADE, and NEGUS, hi the mosr expe- ditious Manner, and imparting as rich a Flavoui ai the finest and freshest Fruit; having the very great Advantage of making them brighter, and far more agreeable to the Eye, than when Lemons are used. It is also extremely useful for speedily making Jellies, and cooling acid Beverage; and, mixed wall melted butter, forms a rich and delicious Sauce for Puddings. Sold, Wholesale and for Exportation, by the Pro- prietor, at his House, No. 19, Hatton- Garden, Lon- don; and, Retail, by V,'. Birdsall, Northampton; ar. d J. Webb, Bedford; at 2s. 9d. the Pint Bottle. Truth evincc. th all Things ! rJ", IIOSE who are tortured with the following S Complaints, viz. Gotit in the Stomach and Head, Sec. Mercurial and ever; Kind of Rheumatism, Rheumatic Gout, Sprains or Bruises of ever so long standing, Bilious Sick Head- Ache, and every other Description of that Complaint, Pleurisy, Nervous Affections, Bilious Disorders, Asthmatic Complaints, Tooth- Ache, Facc- Ache, Ear. Ache, and Gum- Boils, may in less Time than one Hour be freed from Pain; which is such an earnest of Cure, as nothing but the GUESTONIAN MEDICINES can give; nor will they he sold to any one, unless the Venders see them ones used. This is the Plan that Mr. GUEST, Chemiot, No. 9, Great Surrey- Street, the Foot of Blackfriar's- Eridge, London, the sole In- ventor, has so successfully pursued for the last 11 Years, so that there can be no Room for Deception. Mrs. BOONE, in St. Gilea's- Street, NORTHAMPTON, j has proved the Truth of the above Declaration in almost every Instance; but Mr. Guest finds, that those few who have not been so relieved, cannot be cured by a constant Use of these Medicines; yet those who have been relieved, may most assuredly be perfectly restored bv using them a reasonable Time; therefoie promises to give any one so atllicted a Trial at a small Expence, by applying to Mrs. BOONE, or Mrs. SMITH, Abington- Street. The Guestonian Lotion, for the Gout 2 The Guestonian Pills, for Ditto 2 Guestonian Bilious f ills 2 Guestonian Nervous Pills 2 The Welcome Guest, which cures the Tooth- Ache 1 The CuestonU i V .- fowdei, which cures the Scurvy in the Cii. ii; and Teeth 1 0 Asthmatic Pills 2 9 Also may be had, as above, Mr. GUEST'S GUIDE from Pain, Price is. W O L V E Y. Freehold Estate, free from Tythc and Land Tax. To be SOLD by AUG TIO N, By EDWARD NEALE & SON, On Monday the 7th Day of December next, 1807, at the Buli's- Head Inn, in Hinckley, in the County of Leicester, about Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to Conditions then to be produced, AValuable and very improvable FREEHOLD ESTATE, free from Ty the and Land Tax, situate at WOLVEY, in the County of Warwick; com- prising a very good Farm- House, with convenient Out- buildings, Garden, Sec. and 23a Acres, or thereabouts, of excellent Arable, Grazing, and Meadow Land, in a high State of Cultivation, di- vided into convenient Closes, and now in the Occu- pation of Mr. Thomas Winterton; also, a Cottage and Garden, in Wolvey aforesaid, containing one Rood, or thereabouts, now in- the Occupation of Thomas Paul. A considerable Part of the Purchase Money may remain upon the Premises, if desired by the Purchaser. WOLVEY is about three Miles from Hinckley, five from Nuneaton, nine from Coventry and Lutterworth, and ten from Atherstone; and a more eligible Estate than the above has never been offered to the Public. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. WATSON, Lutterworth. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, on the Borders of LEICESTERSHIRE. Noble and extensive Demesne, ancient Manor- House, capital Farms, Lands, and Woods, nearly Tythe- free, upwaids of Two Thousand Five Hundred Acres. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROBINS, At Garraway's Collee- House, in Exchange- Alley, Cornhill, London, on Tuesday the 24th of Novem- ber instant, at Twelve o'Clock, in Lots, rpHE capital and very eligible FREEHOLD L ESTATE, BIPWELL- ABBEY, five Miles from Market - Harborough and Kettering, in the County oi Northampton, the Property of a NOBLE- MAN ; comprising an ANCIENT MANSION- HOUSE, with Domestic Offices of all Descriptions; Pad- docks; eligible and desirable Farms of rich inclosed Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, with . suitable Buildings, and ornamented with fine Timber, divided by thriving Hedges, and lying within a Ring Fence, comprising upwards of One Thousand Two Hundred Acres, lett to respectable Tenants at Will; with the MANORIAL RIGHTS, Cottages, Waste Grounds, and other valuable Appurtenances.— Also PiPWELL- WOODS, in Hand, containing upwards of Three Hundred and Fifty Acres, well stocked with fine Oak and other Timber, and Underwood.— The capital, extensive, and thriving WOODS, comprising Part of ROCKINGHAM- FOREST, and adjoining the Pipwell Estate ; situate in the Parishes of MIDDLETON, COTTING, and OAKLEY, in the said County, containing upwards of Nine Hundred and Seventy Acres, with the Timber and Underwood thereon The Whole of these valuable Estates being nearly Tythe- free, compact, and commanding a fine Tract of one of the first Counties, forms a most eligible Property for a Nobleman or Gentleman wishing to invest their Money in Land. The Estates may be viewed by applying to Mr. John Essam, at the Mansion, where Particulars may be had; also at the George, Kettering; the principal Inns at Market- Harborough; Three- Cranes, Lei- cester; George, Northampton; Swan, Newport; Post- House, Welford; of T. G. Parr, Esq. Litch- field; at the Hen- and - Chickens, Birmingham; George, Wobum; Sugar- Loaf, Dunstable; White- Hart, St. Alban'S; Red- Lion, Barnet; of Mr. Thomas Trumper, Harefield, Middlesex; at Gar- raway's ; and of Mr. Robins, Warwick - Street, Golden- Square, London, where a Plan of the Estate inay- Ae seen. WARWICKSHIRE. RUGBY CORN - MARKET. A Meeting of the principal Graziers, Farmers, J* Millers, and Cum- Dealers, was held at the George 1,,„, ,„ If ugby, , n Saturday the 21th Instant. H , en , t ttv- -• » « .. V resolved and ag. eed, l. u ! , tl, c '•' OK - ME i i„ future should be held between t( vf Hour, „: ileven and One, aud commence on the 7th ot Nov,,-. HER next October 25V* IKH7. Genteel and Expeditious Travelling. LUTTE p. » VO RTH, RUGBY, & DUNCHURCH 1\ K\ V J. 1G11T POST- COACH, THE ACCOMMODATION, ( CARRIES FOUR II, SIDES OJI. T), , QEI S out from the HUM, INK, LLTJERWORTH, ty cvc, V WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY, and SUNDAY MOK,- , ., at Half- past Four o'clock, and arrives a, HEN- LION INN, ST. JOHN'S- STREF.- I, LONDON he > ame Evening a: Seven o'Clock; returns front thence every TUESDAY, THUR. DAY, and SATUVDAY ,. 101,: i NO, at 1 ive o'Clock, and arrives the ,-, me Evening at Halt. past Seven.- Passes througfc D L vent. i, lowcester, and Stony- Stratfcrd Performed by the Public's obedient Servants, R) OK * Co- l""" worth. RiCHAkO DAVIS & Co. London FsiR R S j To Lutterworth, Usi'de £.\ il o Outside pi V> iV'Kb? , " * I « 0 Ditto 10 0 N n" C hrC ? ' • " - 1 8 0 ^" o 15 0 d ,, , roPne,"' s will not be accountable for any Parcel Packaged Goods, or Passenger's Luggage, of more Valu, than £. 5, unless entered as such and paid tor accordingly. Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire FLY WAGGONS, DAILY, from the RED- LION INN, ALDERSOATI- STRIET, LONDON. ryMIE Proprietors of the above, thankful for 1 that Preference rhev have received, respect- fully inform the Public they now have a FLY W/ U. GON from the ab-> ve Inn, every Morning, at Six o Clock, tor Peterborough and Huntingdon, which arrives there the next Day, a: ifl conveys Goods to Oundle, Oakham, Uppingham, Mc- ltou- Mowbray, Stamford, and all adjacent Places, with the utmost Dispatch. They think it needful to assure the Public, they do not charge more foi ijie Carriage ot Goods by their Fly Waggons, than is charged by any othei Carrier. ( PT These Waggons leave Peterborough every Morn- ing at l'eu o'clock, Huntingdon every Evening, and arrive at the above Inn, in London, in about 30 Hours alter. Performed by W. Deacon, London; T. Newman, Barnet ; A. Batten, Weiwyn; Parrington & Nonis, Baldock ; Scarborough & Piggot, Buckdcn; T. fckm, Huntingdon; and Allah & Smith, l'eier- borotigh. London, S1J/ October, 1807. Eligible Freehold Estate, Situated in the Hamlets of FENNY- STRATFORD and WATER- EATON, in the Parish ol Bietchley, in the County of Bucks, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, At the Swan Inn, in Fenny- Stratford aforesaid, on Wednesday the lath Day of November instant, precisely at Twelve o'Clock ; CCONSISTING of a FARM of rich PASTURE ' and MEADOW LAND, called the GREEN- END'S FARM, in the Occupation of Mrs. Lucas & Sons, containing 90 Acres ( more or less), lying compact in a Ring Fence, without any 1 ntcrinixture ot other Property, and will be put up in one Lot. Also, FIVE other PARCELS of rich and valuably LAND, which will be put up in five distinct Lots, situated in F ENKV- STR . ATFORD « nd WATIR- E . TON aforesaid, and r - pe- tivety kiv- wn by the . Vm. cs of Savage's Meadow, in the Occupation of the said Lucas's ;• Satlorn Gardens; in the Occupation of Mr ifab « l7; Wt'lhsey's Close, in the Occupation of Mr M. Goodman; Mill- Holme, in the Occupation of the aforesaid Mr. Goodman; and Tenter Close, in the Occupation of the said Mr. Leaberv, Particulars, with Conditions of Sale', may be had, ill due lime, at the following Inns, viz. Swan, Newport - Pagnell and Fenny - Stratford; George, Woburn; Crown, Dunstable; Eagle - and - Child, Leighton- Buzzard; Bc- ll, WinsJow; at the Oflic- of Mr. Congreve, Solicitor, or the Auctioneer, in Stonv- Strartord. The respective Tenants will shew the Premises. To Builders, Carpenters, Wheelers, ifc. To be SO L D by AUCTIO N, By JOHN DAY, At GREAT- L1NFORD WHARF, near Newport- Pagnell, Bucks, on Thursday the 19tli Dav of November, 1807. -— I " v "" —• " 1 finu x 1JI1KS, from lj Inch to 6 Inches; dry Beech Planks, from 4 Inches to 1J Inch; 6000 Feet of seasoned Elm Boards, of various Lengths and Thicknesses ; Elm limber Trees; new Oak Gates and Posts; Scantlings of various Lengths and Sizes; Oak and Elm Slabs: large Quantity of Fire- Wood, & c. The above will be laid into convenient Lots for the Irade or others, is well seasoned, and worth the Notice of those who may be disposed to bccome Purchasers. The Sale will commence precisely at Ten o'Clock, as the Whole will be disposed of in one Dav if possible. 1 Freehold Land, near Stony- Stratford, Bucks. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Friday the 20th Day of November, 1S07, at th « George Inn, in Stony- Stratford aforesaid, precisely at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, ACLOSE of rich SVVEARD LAND, in the Parish of CALVE RTON, near to the End of the Town of Stony- Stratford, and adjoining the Chester Turnpike- Road, containing about 15 Acres in the Occupation of Mr. F. llms, which will be sold in three Lots, as staked out. For Particulars, apply to Mr. WORLEY, Solicitor, or the AUCTIONEER, in Stony- Stratford: and fori View of the same, to the TENANT. To Millers, Mealmen, S,- r. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By J O H N D AY, At the Saracen's- Head Inn, in Old Stratford, in the County of Northampton, precisely at Threeo'Clork in the Afternoon of Tuesday the 24th of November. 1807, in one Lot, rjtHAT capital, new - erected STEAM and * WIND- MILL, to work either together or sepa- rate, in one Building. The Steam- Engine is of Power to work two Pair of Stones, and the Wind- mill Part the same. These Mills are finished in a most capital Style, are very complete in every Respect, will contain 1000 Quarters of Wheat, and 1000 Sacks of Flour, at the same Time; with Dressing- Mills, Gearings, Garners, Sec. They are situate on the Bank of the Grand Junction Canal at OLD STRATFORD aforesaid; with a Piece ot Ground'adjoining, containing one Acre; also three Tenements, in complete Repair, standing on the said Land, with a spacious and convenient Wharf.— The West Chester Road from London adjoins the said Premises.— These Mills are particularly desirable to any Person wishing for a Situation in this Business, being at a very easy Distance from several good Corn- Markets, and possessing the Advantage of Water- Carriage to all Parts of the Kingdom. & 3T Part of the Purchase Money may remain on the Premises, il required. For a View of the same, and further Partitulars, apply to the A « CTIONS » R, in Stony- Stratfoid. WI Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON, November 12. THE Auckland packet arrived on Monday, at Falmouth, from the Tagus, which she left on the 30th ult. She has brought a copy of a Proclamation, ordering, " that the ports of Por- tugal should be henceforth shut against the entry of all ships of war and merchant vessels belonging to Great- Britain.'' It bears date on the 20th of October, but we should suppose it was not imme- diately published, as several British vessels are known to have aA'ived both at Lisbon and Oporto Subsequent to that date. If we could suppose that the Prince were not acting under an imperious necessity, this Proclamation ( of which the fol- lowing is a copy) would lay him open to the reproach Of the basest ingratitude:— " PROCLAMATION. " It having always been my greatest desire to pre- serve within my dominions the most perfect neutrality during the present war, on account of the good effects that would result therefrom to the subjects ot this Crown; but it being impossible to preserve it any longer, and reflecting, at the same time, how bene- ficial a general peace would be to humanity, I have thought propel to accede to the cause of the Con- tinent, by uniting myself to his Majesty the Emperor of lite French and King of Italy, and to his Catholic Majesty, in order to contribute, as far as may be in mv power, to the acceleration of a general peace Fashionable Dress, Pelisse, and Corset- making. ~ y.| & C. CHURCH most respecfully acquaint Tuesday, about three o'clock, Louis xvirt. t arrived at the Great White- Horse, at Ipswich) from Yarmouth, attended by Prince De Conde, _ t| iejr Friends and the Ladies in MARKET. Monsieur, Due D'Angouleme, Due De Bourbon, HARBOROUGH and its Vicinity, that they Have Due De Grammont, and suite, and, after chang- commenced Business in the abbve Branches; and beg ing horses, set off for Gosfield Park, in Essex, the suat of the Marquis of Buckingham. On their arrival at the Three- Cups, Colchester, great concourse of persons of all ranks had assembled at the inn, to see the illustrious stranger; the elegant large new room being thrown open for the reception of the Royal , guests, it was permitted that their wishes might 1 be fully gratified, and they were admitted into | the room without the least restraint. The Comte de Lille is uncommonly corpulent, nearly as much so as the King of Wirtemburgh, and enjoys a particularly good appetite. He is a to solicit their Patronage Assisted by a fashionable Connection in Town, they will be regularly informed of the Changes which take Place; and they assure those Ladies who may be pleased to honour them with their Commands, that every Attention will be paid thereto, and every En- deavour used to merit their Approbation and ensure their future Favours. Harborovgb, Nov. lith, 1807. N. B. Letters addressed to M. & C. CHURCH, Mrs. Abbott's, Harborough, will be noiiced without Delay. STOLEN, ON Tuesday, Night the 13th, Wednesday Morning the 14th of CHURCH PREFERMENT. To he SOLD, or early on 1 .... .... ^ ^ October, 1807, 1 rpHE NEXT PRESENTATION to a LIVING, out. of a Meadow at OLD- STRATFORD, in the County j .1 within 80 Miles of London ; consisting of a of Northampton, in the Occupation of Mr. Clarke, House, Offices, and three hundred and sixty Acres " Land, in Lieu of Tythes, in a ring Fence, wi wherefore it is my pleasure to order, that the ports of ; for his relict, and the liquidation of his own per- this kingdom be henceforth shut against the entry of] sonal debts. ' I he Duke ot Bedford, the Duke of all ships of war and merchant vessels belonging to i Devonshire, Lord Thanet, Lord Fiuwilliain, and Ti..: — -. . —., 1 /^ nn/' Arnfn arp tA ' talrp I - n/ r n T I I . . . .. Mr. IVlaule, h ive granted an annuity of ^. SOU a year each to Mrs. Fox, and there is reason to sup On Wednesday next, the ltith of November, will be • published, ALMANACKS and POCKET- BOOKS for 1808— Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by WM. profound scholar, and is proficient in many elegant J NORMAN, Printer, Bookbinder, Bookseller, and Sta- accomplishments. On his arrival at Gottenburgh, tioner, Temple- Street, AYLESBURY ; of whom may the Magistracy of that town waited oil feiin, and ! also be had, all Works published in Numbers, Books read to him an interesting Address in Latin, which ! ot'a1' Sorts, stationary, & c. at the London Prices I,, i " . tt „„ •, Schools, Hawkers, and Dealers in Books, supplied had been previously prepared. He received them j Qn rcas01la'ble Te( ms; ™ with great condescension, and immediately made j an appropriate and extemporaneous reply in tile same language, which was remarkable for its classical elegance, The late Mt*' Fox. — A subscription was set on foot a short time since, amongst the most dis- tinguished Oppositionists, attached to Mr. Fox, for the double purpose of increasing the provision Great- Britain; and hereof all concerned are to take due notice." None of the letters by the packets, so far as we C « n learn, make any mention of the rumoured emigration of the Portuguese Government. That has probably occasioned more noise in England than iu Portugal. No French troops had entered Portugal ' at the departure of the packets; hut it is asserted in the Paris papers, that a French, army under Junot had entfei ed Spain. It is probable that the acquiescence of. the Portuguese Govern- ment in the measure of exclusion against the English commerce, will suspend the march of Bonaparte's troops, and leave Portugal exempt from these Unwelcome intruders; unless indeed it should appear adviseable to Bonaparte, to entrust the pose that a further sum will be obtained, so as to make it up, with the pension from Government, d. - 3000 a year,, which was Mr. Fox's object. But Mr. Fox's debts still remain unprovided for, and these, on enquiry, appear to amount at least to ten thousand pounds. The Duke of Bedford, the Duke of Devonshire, and Lord Fitzwilliam, have therefore promoted the measure of a subscription, to pay his debts, as a proper mark of their respect to his memory, Among others, the following noblemen have subscribed thp sums which are an- nexed to their names, and some gentlemen have subscribed d'. i*, the lowest sum which it is pro- posed to accept. Earl Cowper, ,£'. 300.— Earl of W. N. takes this Opportunity to apprize the Public, that he intends establishing a Circulating Library; the Terms will be made known, and a Catalogue printed, in a few Days. IT" An active LAD, as an APPRENTICE, is wanted.— Apply as above; or to Mr. M'DOWAI. L, Printer, No. 4, Pemberton- Row, Gough- Square, Fleet- Street, London; if by Letter, Post- paid. STONY- STRATFORD, Oct. 27th, 1807. A LL Persons who have any Claim or Demand on the Estate and Effects of Mr. THOMAS GODFREY, late of STONY- STRATFORD, in the County of Bucks, Farrier, deceased, are desired to send an Account thereof to Mr. Joseph Key Baily, of Shenley, in the said County of Bucks, Gentleman; Mr. Thomas Godfrey, of Stony- Stratford aforesaid ; or Mr. J. F. Congreve, of the same Place, Solicitor ; the Executors of the said Thomas Godfrey, deceased; in order that the same may be discharged.— And all Persons standing indebted to the said Estate and Effects, are requested to pay the Amount of their respective Debts to the said Joseph Key Baily, Thomas Codfrey, or J. F. Congreve, without Delay. por Ev be very It is stated that the Portuguese had been actively employed for some time in bringing troops from the interior of the neighbourhood of Lisbon. This it was understood was to prevent the seizure of the fleet in the Tagus; and according to some persons, this fear was entertained against the French, ac- cording to others against the English, both of whom, it was supposed, in the present circum- stances, might form the resolution of taking pos- session of it. The account of the insurrection at Madrid is not fonfirmed by the recent intelligence. Paris Papers have been received to the 3d instant. They contain little news, but they are most abundant in political observations of peculiar rancour and scurrility. The success of the expe- dition against Copenhagen, it would seem, has made the Tyrant of the Continent almost mad. llis Majesty s Declaration respecting Denmark, ftnd some articles of news iu the English papers, afford a pretext for the publication of a very long article, and some comments in the official paper, the style and matter of which would almost dis- grace the worst periods of the Directory or Na- tional Convention. ' The article 011 the Declaration Concludes with a wanton and malignant attack Upon our Sovereign, which fully betrays the tirulent source from which it flows. Bonaparte makes no secret of the immense influence which he has obtained over the Court of 6t. Petersburg!!. France, it is said, has acquired Such new geographical positions as must involve Russia in any measures the former may choose to adopt. This is to say, in other words, that the Emperor Alexander is bound to the car of the Corsican, and that he must follow wherever am- bition er revenge shall impel its course. A Gottenburgh Mail has arrived.— No sooner had our army evacuated the Island of Zealand, than the former attachment against British pro- perty, which we understood to have been com- pletely annulled by the ninth article of the Capi- tulation, was revived. The measure, however, is rather a proof of the malice than the power of . the Danish Government. There was nothing for it to operate upon, as no British merchant would confide his person or his property to the Danes, longer than he could enjoy the protection of our fleet and army. The private letters mention, that the Court of St. Petersburgh had threatened to occupy Finland, unless the King of Sweden con- sented to discontinue the war against France. It is certain that some negociation of consequence is going on between Russia and Sweden. A Proclamation, it is said, will appear in Saturday night's Gazette, declaring France, and every other country under her controul and in- fluence, in a state of siege, prohibiting all intercourse with her or them, and forbidding all ships to enter her or their harbours, except such as have cleared last from a port in Great- Britain, or a port in the Colonies belonging to Great- Britaiir. The Russian squadron which was lately engaged " with the Turkish fleet has arrived at Gibraltar. It < was this which probably gave rise to the rumour of the defeat and capture of a combined French and Spanish squadron, So many strange ships jniglit have easily been mistaken, under some cir- cumstances, for an enemy's fleet. They may be * oon expected here, on their way to the Baltic, unless Bonaparte should offer them those facilities, 111 some of his ports, flfir repairing their damages in the late action, which Gibraltar cannot supply. A large fleet of transports, with additional troops, provisions, and stores, is preparing to sail with all possible expedition, for the reinforcement « f Gibraltar. The Ardent man of war, having foirrEast- India- men, the Fortune, Ocean, Lord Eldon, and Lord Keith, under convoy, passed by Portsmouth 011 Monday for the Downs. They sailed from the Cape of Good Hope on the 1st of August. Admiral Cochrane ( who had been at Halifax two months) sailed on the 5th ult. in the BelleiBle, n- ith the Ramilies, Ethalion, Acasta, and Me- iampus, for Barbadoes; from whence it was under- stood he was to sail immediately, with a force, to attack the Danish islands in the West Indies.— Commissioner Inglefield came home in the Beagle. Eleven of the mutineers on board the Jason frigate, Captain Cochrane, on the Halifax station, have tjeen tried by a Court- Martial,' and sentenced to be hung. Five of them were to suffer ou the 12th ult. on board that ship. Sir Sidney Smith arrived at Plymouth on Mon day, and hoisted his flag 011 board the London, of guns, in Cawsaud Bay. The Danish ships of war are repotted as being of the finest models of naval architecture, and nujcll larger and more roomy than our veisels of tlie same class. They are all prime sailers. On their passage home, some of the Danish frigates, with their ton- sails on the cap, beat the crack frigates in Admiral Gtu » bifr' « fleet, thcrojh under v press of esul. holders of Supplementary Tickets and Shares, not receiving money, that their identical numbers will be drawn over again in the Supplementary Lottery, of only 6000 Tickets, giving them the chance of the great Prizes of ^'. 20,000, „£'. 10,000, One Thousand, Five Hundreds, & c. & c.. without any additional expence or trouble of changing their numbers, The inhabitants of © tahcite, and other islands ill the Pacific Ocean, ha\: , in a gre* t measure, given ovet the making of several of their warlike instrument'; and domestic utensils, of stone, Owing to the great influx of cutlery, and the various manufactures of Sheffield and Birmingham, taken out by the Missionaries, aud by different ships to those islands, and distributed by them in barter among the islanders. One of the first manufacturing houses 111 Lan- cashire has stopped payment. The ' firm owes about af. 350,000, anil has property and debts only to the amount of ^'. 160,000.— It is estimated that 600 poor people will be thrown out of employ- ment by this failure. It is a lamentable fact, that the small- pox is at this time remarkably prevalent and fatal in the metropolis. No less than 213 persons haie fallen its victims, within the bills of mortality, in the last four weeks! Notwithstanding the precautions taken by the magistrates, to prevent the firing of guns and pistol*, and the letting off fire- works, in the public streets, a very dreadful occurrence took place at Bristol 011 ' Thursday evening.— » arah Osborne, a girl of 14, about ten o'clock, was purchasing some fish from a stall at the corner of St. James's church- yard ; ou a sudden there was a report of a piece, the unfortunate sufferer gave a loud scream, and instantly fell. She was carried to the Infirmary; but the case was hopeless, the ball having passed entirely through her head.. The person who has thus wantonly deprived a fellow- creature of life is not known. LODGINGS. To be L E T T, TWO or THREE commodious ROOMS, ready furnished, in front of a large House in Thrapston, in the County of Northampton, with the Use of a Kitchen, if required; also, a good Three- stall Stable, with Loft over it, and a small Barn adjoining.— A single Person may be accommodated with Lodging and Board in the Family, on reasonable Terms. Apply to Mr. BEAL, Draper, Tea- Dealer, and Music- seller, Thrapston. . of the Saracen's- Head Inn, A FAT WETHER SHEEP, branded with S. H. on the near Side; also, on Tuesday Night the 3d, or early on Wednesday Morning the 4th of November instant, A FAT SHEEP, marked with a round Spot of Reddle on the Shoulder; both belonging to JOHN IRESON, of Weston- Favell, in the said County. Any Person giving Information of the Offender or Offenders, shall, on his or their Conviction, receive TWENTY GUINEAS R E W A RD for either of the above Offences, over and above the Reward allowed by Act of Parliament for prosecuting Felons, by applying to JOHN IRESON, of Weston- Favell afore- said; or to Mr. CLARKE, Saracen's- Head Inn, Old- Stratford aforesaid. JOHN IRESON. November \ 1th, 1807.. GRAND JUNCTION CANAL. NOTICE is hereby given, That at the General Assembly of the Company of Proprietors of the Grand Junction Canal, holden at the Crown- and - Anchor Tavern, in the Strand, on the 3d Instant, a Dividend of One and a Half per Cent, was declared on the Shares, exclusive of the Pro- perty Duty thereon, which will be paid by the Com pany in London; and the Dividend Warrants will be ready for Delivery to the present Proprietors of Shares, at tile Office, 21, Surrey- Street, Strand, London, on the 5th of January next. R. C. SALE, Clerk tothe Company. 21, Surrey- Street, \ lh Nov. 1807. NOVEMBER 3d, 1807. ALL Persons who have any Demand upon the Estate of THOMAS DICEY, of CLAYBROOK- \ HALL, in the County of Leicester, Esq. lately de- ceased ( upon his own private Account), are requested I to send an immediate Statement thereof to his Widow 1 and Executrix, Mrs. Dicey, at Claybrook- Hall afore- j said ; or to Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, either at North- | ampton, or at No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London. "~ WILLIAM BURR's CREDITORS. SUCH of the Creditors of the late Mr. WM. ._ BURR, of NEWPORT. PAONELL, Bucks, Malt- ster, deceased, who have not already delivered in a Statement of their Claims on his Estate, are hereby respectfully desired to do so, 011 or before the 30th Instant, either to his Trustees, Messrs. Richard ' l'hodey, of Bedford, and John Agutter, of Salford, Bedfordshire; or to their Solicitor, J. Arrowsmith, of Newport - Pagnell aforesaid ; the Trustees then intending to put the Deceased's Estate in a Course of legal Distribution. Newport. Pagnell, Nov. 11th, 1807. the. 1) 1'', BIO US and of . with Farm- House, Buildings, tec. The present Incumbent is upwards of 70 Years of Age. For Particulars, apply ( Post- paid), to Mr. TYNDALE, Solicitor, Lincoln's- Inn- Fields, London. Akonbury, near Huntingdon. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ACapital FARM, situate at ALCONfiURY, four Miles from Huntingdon; consisting of 208 Acres of Arable and Meadow Land, and a con. venient Farm- House and Buildings, in the Occu- pation of the Executors of the late Mr. Thomas Arthur. The Estate is part Freehold and part Copyhold of Inheritance, and Possession may be had at Lady- Day, 1808. For Particulars, apply to Messrs. GRAHAM, KIN. DERLY, & DOMVILLE, Lincoln's - Inn, or Mr. HAKEWILL, 37, Mortimer- Street, Cavendish- Square, London. Houghton- cum- Whitton. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N, By RICHARD SMITH, On Tuesday the 17th of November, 1807, at the Fountain Inn, in Huntingdon, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, AValuable COPYHOI. D ESTATE, in Houghton, in the County of Huntingdon, now in the Oc- cupation of Mr. Jeremiah Johnson, in the following Lots, viz, LOT I. A. R. P. A Farm - House and Cottage, with other Buildings, & c. and a Homeclose adjoining 4 2 6 LOT II. A Close of Arable Land, North of the Road to St. Ives 5 2 22 LOT III. A very eligible Parcel of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, with a Barn and Yard 011 the Premises g2 2 38 LOT IV. A Close of Pasture, in Vessel- I. ane, near the Town 1 1 2 LOT V. Another Close, in Ditto „ 1 0 16 LOT VI. j A Close of Pasture, called Pisspot- Lane Close 4 2 7 Mr. JEREMIAH JOHNSON, the Tenant, will shew the Premises; and further Particulars may be had on Application ( Post- paid) to Mr. B ERKELEY, of Biggen, near Oundle. To be LETT, TOR A TERM OF YEARS, And entered upon from Michaelmas Day last, A FARM, situated at GODMAN CHESTER, in the County of Huntingdon, containing nearly 300 Acres, in a ring Fence ( upwards of 30 of which are old Pasture), with a newly- erected Farm- House, and requisite Out- buildings. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. T. ALI. NUT, Huntingdon. GENTEEL RESIDENCE. To be LETT, LLSTUHKISB F. D, And may be entered upon immediately, 4 LL that neat and convenient 1IOUS / V pleasantly situated at P1TSFORD, about five Miles from Northampton, in'the Market- Harborough. Road, and in the Centre of the Pitchley and Althorp Hunts ; consisting of a large Hall, Dining and Break- fast- Rooms, Kitchen, Brewhouse, Dairy, & c. on the Ground Floor; sufficient Cellars; good Chambers and Dressing- Rooms; suitable attached and detached Offices; Coach- House, Stables, and Granaries; a good Garden ami Shrubbery, tastefully laid out, with or without tile Use of two Closes of Land.— The Whole forming a very comfortable Residence. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. GARLICK, Tebworlh, near Dunstable,. Beds; or of Mr. KIR- SHAW, Surveyor and Auctioneer, Northampton. Olney, Bucks. To be SOLD or LETT, And may be entered upon immediately, APIECE of inclosed ARABLE LAND, lying near the Town of OLNEY, containing nine Acres one Rood and eleven Perches, with a Barn and Stable; also, a Cottage, Garden, and Pightle of Pasture Ground adjoining, situate in the North End of Olney. The above will be left together or separate; and further Particulars may be had by Application to Mr. HOOPER, Solicitor, Dunstable, Beds; or to Mr. GARRARD, Solicitor, Olney. NOTICE to DEBTORS and CREDITORS of WILLIAM EAGLE, late. OF GREAT- BOWDEN, I in the County of Leicester, Baker, deceased. ALL Persons having any Claims or Demands , upon the Estate of the above- named Wl LLI AM | EAGI. E, deceased, are requested forthwith to send i a Particular thereof to his Executor, Mr. John West, of Great- Bowden aforesaid.— And all Persons who stood indebted to the said William Eagle at the Time of his Decease, and have not yet discharged their respective Debts, are requested to pay the same j to the said John West within two Months lrom the Date hereof. , Great- Bowden, Nov. 10th, 1S07. To the CREDITORS of JOHN PAYX NROTICE is hereby given, That Messrs. Stilgoe 1 & Cole, the Assignees of the Estate and To be SOLD by A U C T IO N, By Messrs. R. fef E. BLABY, At the Sign ot the Rose- and- Crown, in Byfield, in the County of Northampton, on Friday the 20th of November instant, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon ( unless sooner disposed of by Private Contract, of which Notice will be given), ASubstantial Stone- built DWELLING- HOUSE, with suitable Offices, large Garden, well planted with choice Fruit Trees, and a Close of ex- cellent Pasture Land adjoining, containing one Acre ( more or less), situate in WESTRUP- END, in Byfield ; now in the Tenure of Mr. Jeffs, Dodd, and others. For a View of the Premises, apply to Mt. BLABY, at the Rose- and- Crown, in Byfield aforesaid; and to . treat for the Purchase, to Mr. BLABY, Auctioneer, at Floore, Northamptonshire. Effects of JOHN PAYNE, now or late of Helmdon in tise County of Northampton, Victualler, will attend at the CHEQUER INN, in HELMDON aforesaid, on FRIDAY the 27th Day of NOVEMBER next, and then pay to such of the Creditors of the said John l'ajne as have executed, and to those who shall on or before that Day execute, his Deed of Assignment, a Dividend upon their respective Debts; but all Persons who sliall not execute such Deed on or before the said 27th Day of November next, will be totally excluded from all Benefit arising by Virtue ot such Deed of Assignment. October 14/ 4, 1807. To by as E. AUCTION, B LA B Y, be SOLD By Messrs. R. At the White Hart Inn, in Floore, on Friday the20th Day of November instant, in Lots, ~| VT EAR 40 ELM and ASH TIMBER TREES, JL.^ 1 blazed and numbered, most of them of very large Dimensions, calculated for Navigation, and all other Purposes that require large Scantlings, standing in the Village of FLOORE, contiguous to the Turnpike- Road, and within one Mile'of the Grand Junction Canal Wharfs at Weedon- Beck and Stow- Hill. . For aView, enquire at the White- Hart Inn, in Floore aforesaid. The Sale to begin at Twelve o'Clock. CAPTAIN COOKE. INSCRI » TION en a Monument, erected by his Widow, to. the late gallant Capt. Cooke, in Donhead Church. { Written by the Rev. If. L. Bowles.) " S « cTedto the Memory of JOHN COOKE, Esq. I. ate Captain of his Majesty's ship the Bellerophon; Who in the battle of TAA PALCA R, on the 21st of Oct. 1805, Having evinced consummate skill and bravery, Fell, At a moment, glorious indeed to his Country, Cut marked by the individual tears of all who knew him. llis inconsolable Widow places this Tablet To record his virtues and his fate, Near the spot of his favourite Retirement, to which ( having left it at the call of his Country) \ He returned no more I " BE merciful to her, O GOD, who bends And mourns the best of Husbands, Fathers, Friends! Oh ! when she wakes at midnight, but to shed Fresh tears of anguish on her lonely bed, Thinking on Him who is NOT ; then restrain Her bitter thoughts, and her sad heart sustain. FATHER or MERCIES, she remembers still Thy chast'ning hand, and to thy sov'reign will Bows silent, but not hopeless, while her eye She raises to a. bright FUTURITY, Assur'd in better worlds THOU wilt restore That happiness she here can know no more I" BANBURY, November 11th, 1807. MR. GARDNER respectfully acquaints the Public, that the LEASEHOLD ESTATE at AYNHO, in the County of Northampton, adrer- tised to be sold by Auction, at the Red- Lion, in Aynho, on Tuesday the 24th of November instant, is disposed of by Private Contract. Chapel- llouse, Oxfordshire. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. CHURCHILL & TURNER, On Monday the 30th Day of November, 1807, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, on the Premises, with early Possession, by Order of the Admi- nistrators of Mr. JOSEPH BROOKS, deceased, ALL that very valuable, long- established, a: d well- accurtomed capital INN, HOTEL, and TAVERN, called CHAPEL- HOUSE, with an Abundance of excellent Stabling, Coach - Houses, Dovecote, and all other necessary Out- buildings; Bowling - Green, Pleasure - Grounds, Shrubberies, several Closes of rich Pasture and Arable Land, con- taining about 30 Acres, and a large Kitchen Garden; now in the Occupation of Mr. William Bulley. The above Premises are Part Freehold and Part Leasehold, under Brazenose College, in Oxford, delightfully and most advantageously situated on CHAPEL- HEATH, near CHIPPING- NORTON, in the County ef Oxford, on the great Road from London to Ireland, by Birmingham and Worcester to Holyhead. A very considerable Sum of Money has been expended on the Estate, to render it equal, in Regard to Comfort and Accommodation, to any Inn in the Kingdom. Printed Particulars may be had ( fourteen Days previous to the Sale) at the Printers' of the Oxford, Reading, Northampton, Warwick, and Birmingham Papers; the Place of Sale; of Mr. Robinson, So- licitor, Oxford; the Auctioneers, Woodsiock; or of Mewrsj Koto & Munoings, Giay's- lun, Loudon. To be LETT, And entered upon immediately, 4 Neat and most desirable RESIDENCE for • tV a small genteel Family, situate at IRTHI. ING- BOROUGH, in the County of Northampton, with a pleasant Garden and Grass Ground in front, and convenient Out- of3ce » attached thereto. lrthlingborough is situated on a dry healthy Soil, nearly adjoining the River Nen, in the most pleasant Part of the County, one Mile from Higham- Ferrers, and eight from Kettering. The London and Leeds M » il and Kettering Coach pass by the House every Day. For Particulars, or to treat for the same, apply to THOMAS SMITH, Common- Brewer, Irthlingborough. To be SOLD by A U C T I O N. By Messrs. THACKER & CARTER, On Thursday the 19th Day cf November inst. at the Leather- Bottle, in Banbury, in two Lots, ALEASEHOLD ESTATE, in which a Term of 77 Years is unexpired, situate at CHALCOMB, in the County of Northampton. Lot 1. A Greensweard Ground, containing 7A. OR. 4P. Lot 2. A Ground of good Turnip Land, containing 6A. 3R. 191'. 6 The above Premises are in the Occupation of Mr, Bloxham, and may be enteted upon at Lady. Day next. For further Particulars, applv to the AUCTIONEERS ; or Messrs. WALFORD, GOLBY, & WALPORD, Soli- citors, Banbury. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Windmill Inn, in Badby, near Daventry, on Thursday the 26th Day of this instant November, between the Hours of Four and Six in the After- noon, under such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, ACOPYHOLD ESTATE of INHERITANCE, situate at BADBY aforesaid, which will be sold in the following Lots ( namely), Let 1. Four Cottage Houses or Tenements, in the several Occupations of Thomis Hunt, Ann Leeson, Padbury, and Fennel; together with a Close of Land, containing about an Acre, in the Oc- cupation of William Douglas. Lot 2. Two Cottage Houses or Tenements, in the Occupations of Messrs. Powell & Son ; and a Close of Land, containing about an Acre, in the Occupation of Job Turner, Senior. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. ROBERT MARRIOTT, of Newnham; or Messrs. LAMB & WARDLE, Solicitors, in Daventry. To be SOLD by A U C TI O N, By THOMAS PELL, At the White- Horse Inn, in Kettering, on Friday the 4th of December, 1807, between the Hours of Five and Seven o'Clock in the Evening, ANew- erected Brick and Slated DWELLING- HOUSE, pleasantly situated in SILVER- STREET, commonly called PAUL'S- STREET, in K. ETTE RING ; comprising, 011 the Ground Floor, a large Sitting- Rorm, with a Dining and three Sleeping- Rooms over, and a very good Two- stall Stable and Barn, with a Loft over it; also, adjoining the abov.-, a Stone- built thatched Dwelling- House, in good Repair, comprising two large Rooms oij the Ground floor, and three Chambers ; now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas U lebourk. Tenant at Will. The above Premises are eligibly situated in the Centre of the T To Timber- Met cha nts.— Bedfordshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AConsiderable QUANTIT Y of OAK, ASH, ELM, BEECH, and LIME TREES, standing in SILSOE, WREST PARK, and adjacent WOODS, the Property of the Baroness Lucas. For a View of the Timber, apply to the PARK- KEEPER; and to treat for the Purchase, to Mr. HARRISON, at Silsoe. Corn, Hay, Keeping of the Grounds, Farming- Stock, Sec, To be SOLD by AUCTION, ky JOHN DAY, On the Premises, at CHACKMORE, near Buck- ingham, on Wednesday the 25tlr of November, 1807, fl^ HE FARMING- STOCK and EFFECTS of JL Mr. JAMES PEASLAND, who is leaving his Farm; comprising two Ricks and Part of one Cock of Hay, the Keep of the Grounds till old Lady- Day next, one Hovel of Wheat, one Rick of Oats, one Ditto of Beans, a Quantity ot Oats and Beans in the Barns, and 13 Quarters of Barley, thrashed; 15 In- calf Cows, and four Calves; 52 Ewe Sheep, and 12 Lambs; lour stout Cart Mares, one Ditto Horse, and one Nag Horse; Gears tor six Horses; three Waggons, three Field- Carts, and oiie Market- Cart; Field- Roll, Drag and other Harrows, Ploughs, & c. ; Hurdles, Cow . £ ribs, Hog- Troughs, Ladders, and Barn Tackle; two Hovel Frames, Horse- Trough, & c. ; six Milk- Leads, Six- dozen Churn, Tubs, and Buckets; Brewing and Washing- Copper, Beer Casks, Sec. ; Bedstead, Wool- Beds, Bedding, and various other Effects. The Whole will be disposed of in one Day if possible; and on Account of the Number of Articles, the Sale will commence precisely at Ten o'Clock. Capital Freehold Public- House, Malting, S$ c, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On the Premises, on Wednesdav the Day of De- cember, 1807, at Fiye o'Clpck in the Afternoon, in one Lot, and under such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there produced, AN old- established and well- accustomed Public- House, known by the Name of the BULL- AND- BITCH, with the Malting and Premises thereto ad- joining and belonging, situate in TICKPORD- END, in the Parish of NE WPORT- P AGNF. LL, Bucks, late the Property of Mr. William Burr, deceased, and now in the Occupation of Mr. John Smith, Tenant at Will, The present Estate comprises a modern Brick and Tile- built and Sashed House, a roomy Kitchen, two front and one other Parlours, six Bed- chambers, two Garrets, excellent Cellaring, Pantries, Brewhouse, and other requisite Conveniencies ; a large Yard well supplied with Water, Stabling for twenty Horses, Barns, See. ; also a very roomy and well- built Malt- ing, with Cisterns, & c. ( capable of wetting sixteen Quarters each Time), complete Malt- Chambers, and large and convenient Garners, Bins, & c. Sic.— Also, a Messuage or Tenement, with its Appurtenances, adjoining the Premises last- mentioned, and now in the respective Tenures of Ann Burr, Spinster, and Henry Mursley. The abo. ve respective Messuages and Premises are in complete Repair ( having been re- built yvithin a few Years), and are severally entitled to a very va- luable Right of Common in the Bury Fields of Newport- Pagnell aforesaid; and the whole Estate, from its ancient Establishment in the Public Line of Business, its Locality on the London Road, and its many Conveniencies, forms a most desirable Purchase to a Person wishing to obtain a Situation in the above respective Businesbes. And if more convenient, the greater Part of the Purchase Money may remain on Security of the Premises. Also at Eleven o'Clock in the Forenoon of the above Day will be sold by Auction, 011 the said Premises, A COCK of excellent HAY, one HORSE, one CART, a Quantity of SACKS, and other Effects. f or a View of the Premises, apply to the several Tenants; and for further Particulars, to Messrs. RICHARD THODEY, of Bedford, and JOHN AGUTIEK, I of. Salford, Bedfordshire ( Trustees of the said W illiam Burr, deceased); to Mr. AKKOWSMITH, Solicit Dr. ANDERSOX's, Or, THE TRUE SCOTS PILLS, HAVE been faithfully prepared and given th# greatest Satisfaction for upwards of EIGHTY Years, by DICEY & Co. at their Original Medicine Warehouse, Ne. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; and are singularly efficacious in bilious, flatulent, and dropsical Complaints, and all Disorders of the Sto- mach and Bowels, They promote Digestion, create an Appetite, remove Obstructions in the Kidnies, and consequently are Antidotes to the Stone and Gravel; but for the Expulsion ofWorms in Children or grown Persons, the whole Materia Medica has not their equal. Travellers, who are too often obliged to drink all Kinds of Liquors, as well as Sea- taring People, should never be unprovided with them, as by fre- quently takingoneor two of them, they are kept from Costiveness, Scurvies, Fevers, and most malignant Distempers. The Scots Pills prepared by Dicey & Ca.. retail* their Virtue for any Length Of Time, and in a. ll! Cli- mates ; ar. d from the Peculiarity of the Composition, they never run together; an Advantage no other Slots: Pills possess: And therefore, for Exportation, or tha U-. e of Gentlemen in the Maritime Line, they have a manifest Superiority. Spurious Sorts, of a very inferior Quality, are sold in almost every Town ; be careful therefore to ask particularly for DICEY'S Anderson's Scots Pills, and to observe, that the Words Dicey CsS Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, are printed in the Stamp affixed to each Box, and signed in the Margin of each Bill of Di- rections. They are sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey Sc Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, at Is. ljd. per Box, containing Thirty Pills. Also, sokl Wholesale and Retail by the Printers of this Paper ( by whom ureal Allowance is madt to Country Shopkeepers), and Retail by the following Persons, viz. Wiikins, Robins, Bates, & Wilkinson, DaVentry ; Parker, Merridew, aiid Rollason, Coventry ; Collison, Brackley; Watson, Aynho; Mrs. liecsley, Banbury; Odell, and E. Pvne, Leighton; Griffin and Co. Tring; Norwood, Amershain; Aynswortli, & Birdsey, Hemel. hempstead; Edwards, Chesham; Barnes, lnwood, and Barringer, New port- Pagnell; Osbom, Wobum ; Good, man, North- Crawley; Queneborough, and Squires, Dunstable; Lancaster, Clophill; Alsop, Crawley, and Mead, Luton; Brown, Morris, and Green & Co, Ampthill; Marston, and Morris, Nuneaton; Bull^ Harrod, Dawson, and Higgs, Market- Harborough; Adams, and Gamble, Loughborough; Gregory, and Swinin, Leicester ; Toone, Woolvey ; Pearson, Mel. ton- Mowbray ; Burbage & Co. Nottingham ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester ; Seeley, Buckingham ; Miss Jones, Oxford; Hawkes, Lutterworth; R. Palgrare, J. Okely, B. Bradley, and W. Vlayle, Bedford; Hine, Pot ton; Bunting, Sandy; Gardner, Weston, and Brooks, Biggleswade ; Richardson, Elmes, Poulter, and Sheppard, Stony- Stratford; Higham, Old- Stratford; Moxhun, Fenny- Stratford; Stevens, Bicester-; Marlin, J. Wheeler, Rickfbrd, F. Wheeler, & F. Loggin, Aylesbury ; Wards, Hinckley; Sanderson & Co. Broughton, Chettle, and Mather,' Wellingborough; Sanderson, Thrapston; York & Summers, Oundje ; Horden, and Jacob, Peterborough- kin.' Gilt « and Matthews, Chipping- Norton; Baly, Wrigh and Stevens, H. gh- Wycomb; Collis& Dash, and " lunn? Kettering; Newcomb, and Drakard, Sra/ nford; Bird Uppingham ; Gibson, Oakham ; Churchill, D^ ding- ton, Roberts, Southam; Sharpe, Warwick; LuJcocE Ktinbolton ; Bayley, and Paul, St. Ives • Emery^ and Fox, St. Neots; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Perks, and lapp H. tchin; Hove , Staples, Eaden, Hudson and Gee Cambridge; Leigh, Athcstone; Arch, She/ ford; Holland, Wmslow • Ward, Stratford- ipon- Avon - Mat thews, Campden; Wallis, Olney; favfor, Telford, Dexter, Wilbarston; Brinkler, Kuester; and by the Venders ot D. cey & Co.' s Medicnes in every town throughout the Kingdom ; — Of „ -,„ nuyft Zd. from Dicey & Co.' s vvarehouse as above, s. d. For a View of tn? Premises, or to treat by Private I Newport. Pagn'ell aforesaid ; or to the AUCTIOVEIR" Contract, apply to Mr. R. MATTOCK, Kettering. I in Swcy- Stratibrd, Bucks. AUCTIOMEER, True Daffy's Elixir 2 b Smaller Botiles - 18 Dr. Baieman's Drops 1 ( i Dr. Radclillc's Elixir 1 1J Squire's, Grand Elixir 2 0 EW. Qck'* Elixir - 2 tj Pike's Ointment - 1 9 Stoughton's Elixir f ij Friar's Balsa. 11 - 1 lj Clinton's bnud; & Oil 1 6 Dr. Lockyer's Puis S 9 s. d. Hooper's Female Pills 1 Ik Barbing Spirits . 0 9 Godfrey's Cordial 0 9 Golden - v plain Spirits 01 Scurvy- Grass 1 1* Beauuie lie V ie - 3 g Bet ton's British Oil 1 9 Ry ivicr's Tincture 2 9 Walker's Jesuits • Drops - - . .29 [ Wymaa's Pills - 2$ Friday and Saturday's - Posts. LONDON, November 13. MESSENGERS have been sent off this morning from the Admiralty to Portsmouth, with orders relative to the intended expedition, which is expected to sail on Monday or Tuesday next. The Auckland packet has brought Madrid Ga- zettes and Gibraltar Papers. The former contain nothing but the details of a few unimportant Vl'ons on the coast of Spain; the latter the copy of the Proclamation published by the Governor, on the cessation of dv usual intercourse between the garrison of Gibraltar and the Spanish territory. It has been erroneously stated, that General Whitclocke is to be brought to a Court- Martial, up m charges preferred against him by Sir Samuel Auchmuty. NJJ charges have yet been preferred against that officer. It is certainly the intention ot Government to institute an investigation into the causes pf that disgrace which his Majesty's arms sustained at Buenos Ayres; but whether by a Court of Enquiry, or a Court- Martial, is, we believe, not vet determined. General WhHelocke, under a combination of fortunate circumstances, has risen to his present military eminence from the ranks; many of the inhabitants of Portsmouth remember him on duty in that garrison as a Serjeant of Marines. The gold mines of Russifi afford 42,675 pounds weight of that metal annually; the silver mines 1,5( 34,750 pounds, and the copper mines 7,000,000 pounds. The value of the iron annually exported from Russia is about ,£. 1,200,000 sterling. The Paris Journals have recently mentioned two examples of longevity, very remarkable both on account of the age and the names of the per- sons. One is a lady, whose name is Lujeiinesse ( Youth), who is 109 years old; and the " other a man, who, notwithstanding he has arrived at the age of 112 years, fctilU- etains the name of Printems ( Spriug) t and has no other symptom of the age of winter than deafness. " R. SCR IT E N | RETURNS his most sincere Thanks to his j Friends for the numerous Favours lie has so I long been honoured with, and informs them that he ! intends declining the SADDLERY BUSINESS, . the Stock of which will continue to be soid, for a short Time, under Prime Cost. R S. at the same Time, most respectfully re- quests a Continuance of Support in the HAT BUS! - | NESS, which he intends carrying on as usual ; and i will make it his Study to merit the Favours of his Friends and tfie Public, by constantly keeping an Assortment of the best and most fashionable Goods. FITI" He continues Agent to the SU N FIRE- OFF ICE, the Security and advantageous Terms of which are well knoWH. Bridge. Street, Northampton, Oct. 29rh, 1807. BALL, At the Hind Inn Astembly- Room, WelliiHibormtgh, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. 18th, 1807. R. M'KORKELL respectfully acquaints his Friends, his PUPILS' BALL'will consist of a Variety of slow, Scotch, and other Minuets; Cotilions, Quadrilles, Strathspeys, and Allemandes; an Opera Ballet ; Hornpipes ( Trafalgar, Parisot, and Del Caro's); the Medley Reel, consisting of the new Scotch, Irish, and Waltz Steps; the Opera Fandango; an Italian Allemande; and to conclude with a new Medley Fugue Dance. The Pupils' Bali will commence at Eight o'Clock, j and will be divided into two. Performances; afterwards 1 a Ball for the Company. An excellent BAND of Music is engaged for the i Occasion;' the Harp by Mr. CHALLONER. j Tickets may be had at the Hind Inn, Ss. each. Northampton, Nov. 14lb, 1807. To PRIN 1 RltS. \ COMPOSITOR is wanted by the Printers of this Paper.- A young Man who has, served his Time in a Country Office would be preferred. NoR'nAMPtoN, Nov. 14th, 1807. RS. WILKIIBON begs Leave to inform her Friends and he Public,, she has received from LONDON a genteel and fashionable Assortment of MILLINERY, plain nd twilled SARSNETS, and plain and figured twilled < . loured CAMBRICS; also, a Variety of Worsrel LUSTRES and fine STUFFS, MUSLINS of all Deicriptions, FURS, fine PELISSE CLOTHS, SALISBURY FLANNELS, & c. The above Good will be open lor Sale on WEDNESDAY next. M1 MILLINELTY. ISS EARNSBY respectfully informs her Friends and the Public, that she is returned from LONDON with a neat and genteel Assortment of MILLINERY, Sec. which will be ready for In- spection oil TUESDAY the 17th Instant. Daventry, Wth November, 1807. 13 To Butchers. WANTED immediately,' A JOURNEYMAN BUTCHER.—- Enquire of W. DUNKLEY, ' Abington- Street, Northampton. WANTED immediately, A sober industrious YOUTH, as an A P P R ENTICE to a BAKER, in a very extensive Business. Apply to Mr. YORK, Baker, at Kimbolton, Hunt- ingdonshire. ~ LE GROCERY Y BUSINESS, An active YOUNG MAN, of good Character, who can make himself useful in either of the above Branches. For further Particulars, apply to Mr.. NORMAN, Printer, Aylesbury, Bucks. ' I'LIE FIRST' COUNTY ASSEMBLY WILL be at tlE GEORGE INN, NORTHAMPTON, OH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17tll. lord ALTHORPE, ) <.,„,„-,,.< Sr WM. WAKE, I Stewards. < 1 U N D 1. E FIRST SUBSCRIPTION ASSEMBLY VVT ILL be lield at the TAT. BOT INN, on I T THURSDAY the 19th of NOVEMBER, 1807. J. SMITH, } R. FOWLER, i Stewards. D. WEBSTER,) KETTERING ASSEMBLY AND OYSTER MEETING " VY, 7TLL be on TUESDAY the 17th Instant, a » » tile WHITE- HART INN. 0^ 3 Dancing to commence at Eight o'Clock. ~ NO: NCTFTO~ DKLTRUW AXD CREDITORS. ALL Persons who stand indebted to the late Copartnership Concern between CHARLES LONGS I'AFF E & WILLIAM SANDERS, of the Town of NORTHAMPTON . Ironmongers and Seedsmen, are requested to pav the Amount of their respective I Debts to Messrs Gibbins & Longstaffe, who are duly authorized to receive the ,; ame ; and all Persons having any Claim or Demand upon the said Copartnership I Estate, are hereby desired, to - end a Statement thereof i as above, in order tjwi the - amemay be discharged. Northampton, Nov 1th: 1807. LOIX IIN OS TO' LETT SINGLE GEMLEMAN, or GENTLEMAN and LADY, may be accommodated with genteel A. P ARTMENTS ; consisting of a Parlour, two Bed- LONDON, November 14. THE Proclamation of the Prince Regent ( given in onr second page) was considered at Lisbon as having been dictated by the French Govern- ment; and it was still thought that the Prince would . embark for the Brazils, if the French or Spanish troops entered Portugal. Junotwas daily expected at Lisbon, and by an express which arrived there on the 29th ( the day before the Packet left the coast) from Madrid, information was received, that the French troops had positively entered Spain- from Bayonne, on theft route to Portugal. The Portuguese men of war were still lying in the Tagus ready. The Auckland not falling in with the I^ avcn, which was cruising off the Tagus, to warn her not to enter, went up to Lisbon, but was immediately ordered out by our Agent for the Packets there ; and she afterwards lay four days off the Bar, waiting for the mail and dispatches. The Princess Elizabeth had also arrived off the Bar, and was left there waiting the return of her boat which had taken her mails to Lisbon. Lord Strang ford's Arms were to be taken down The Rev. Henry WastelJ, M. A. of Clare- hall, Cambridge, rector of Brington cum Byfield, Hunt- ingdonshire, and vicar of Warmfield cimi Heath, has been licensed, by the Archbishop of York, to the perpetual curacy of Chapelthorp, near Wake- field, Yorkshire. On Thursday last was held the annual meeting of the Trustees of the Charity Estates of the late Sir E. Nicois, Bart, when, after ordering the several payments to be made to the eight incum- bents appointed by his will, a surplus of ^'. 210 was appropriated to the assistance of six . other' clergymen. Militia.— The 44th clause of the General Act on this subject says, " that no person having • served personally, or by substitute, according to the directions of any former Act or Acts relating to the Militia, shall be obliged to serve again, until by rotation it shall come to his turn." Of course, all persons who have once found a sub- stitute, are exempt from the ballot. Warwick November Meeting.— Yesterday se'n- night, a match, four- mile heats, rode by gentlemen, was'run over Warwick Course, by Mr. Bay Zand's Judgment 1 1 Mr. G oulbourn's grey horse 2': 2 Afterwards, a sweepstakes, two- mile heats, by the Members of Mr. Corbet's hunt, rode by gen* tlemen: Mr. Gillibrand's g. h. Handicap 1 1 Mr. E. Tomes's g. h. Conqueror Mr. • 2 2 s c. h. Governor 3 Governor, the favourite, in the second heat ran on the wrong side the post. Serjeant- Major Webber, and Serjeant Addis, of __ __ the Bristol Volunteer Cavalry, are the holders of a from his house" on the Saturday after " the Packet sliare in the ticket, N*>- 2i70, a prize of .40,000. A left Lisbon. His Lordship and Mr. Gambier have not yet arrived.— Notwithstanding the present ' aspect of affairs, it is no less surprising than true, that several English families and firms continue at Lisbon, manifesting no disposition whatever to depart; but, on the contrary, expressing their Eclipse of the Comet.— Calculations having been made respecting the Comet, which has for riie last month engaged the attention of the people of England, with regard to the probability of an Eclipse, which is rendered probable in conse quence of its course being in the direction of the A labouring man, named T. Machick, residing . „ , • ,• „ , „, c. , i • c i i • •. \ ?/ A. Nll'iD immediately, in tli at St. eatha. il m Surrey, who, by rigid economy, j VV and TALLO W- CH ANDLE R had saved 103 guineas, which he had locked up in his chest, was robbed of the whole on Monday last, while he was labouring in the fields. The thieves left his watch and clothes untouched. A few days ago, a workman in the employ of Mr. Stephenson, brazier, of Maidstone, broke a quart bottle of oil of vitriol, whilst reaching it from the shelf, the whole contents of which fell upon, and spread nearly over every part of his body. In this situation he immediately made au application of water, to endeavour to wash off the deleterious i fluid, which produced so terrible an effervescence, that in a very short time after his hair was burnt.' off, and the skin so completely excoriated, that 1 the whole surface of his body presented one con- ! tinued- sore. He lies in a state of the most excru- ciating agony, though not without hopes of reco- I .. - very, but it is feared that his sight is totally- 1 understands his Business, and can produce an un- j^ gj. * J ov^ pntiAnahlp ( harartpr tfnm his Place. t£' uVSf a* * » " solution, according to letters of the 28th and 1 bright star B, in • the constellation Hydras ; it ' C ' is extremely pleasant and con- 29tb, to abide events.— is further stared, in a | is found that the occupation will take place on ,1.- 11 v l. ' lotfo, fn / inn nf hK^ i- nor. on. nKlo hnnnnn in .- fin. Tuesday eVClling, NOV. 17 til, at 7h. 4710. apparent time; the Comet's tail, at this period, appearing particularly bright; and will never again during its The Situation J venient, b ; ng only three Miles from Wellingborough I and four from Ke tering, and about a Mile from Mr. ! Warde's Hunt.— A Coach passes every Day to and from London. | Application to J. ABEL, Northampton, or J | STANTON, Finedon - Lodge, will be respectfully ; attended to. - It is letter to one of the most respectable houses in the citv, that Lord Strangford does not mean to leave Lisbon. To Grocers, Chandlers, and ironmongers. TJfTANTS a Situation, A YOUNG MAN, as V T JOURNEYMAN in either of the above Busi- nesses. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. FREIMAN, Black- Boy Inn, Northampton. ~~" TANTED, aTllOL'SE- SF. RVANT, A YOUNG MAN, vrho understands waiting at Table, cleaning Plate, & c. Enquire of the Printers of this Paper. " VVANTED, M JOOTMAN, in a Gentleman's VV Family, A YOUNG MAN, who perfectly w DESIRABLE To Yesterday, orders were sent down to all the sea- stay in our system he seen in such splendour.— ports, in consequence of the above Proclamation, | The above calculation receives support from a to dispatch swift- sailing cutters, in every direction, 1 letter published in one of the Manchester paper NEW SHERIFFS. exceptionable Character from his last Place. Apply to Mr. WEBB, Bookseller, BSdford. " VS/" ANTED, An active WORKING BAILIFF, \\ or FARMING MAN; he must be in- WANTED, THREE SUBSTITUTES for the OLD MILITIA, for the Parish of GREENS. NORTON.' given. - To Single Men a liberal Bounty will be ( T3" Apply to the OVERSESBS. MONEY. READY to be advanced, on approved Free- hold Securities, several Sums of MONEY, from =£. 100 to =£. 500. Enquire of Mr. JOHN GATES, Attorney at Law, Abington- Street, Northampton. TV/ ANTED to Purchase, in cither of the » v Counties of Bedford, Northampton, or Oxford, An ESTATE, from 20 to = 6.30,000. Value, well situated for Hunting, with a good Family Flouse. Direct to Mr. DEBARRY, No. 1, Tanfield- Court, Temple, London. A capital fine- toned QRGAN. AVery handsome fine - toned CHAMBER- ORGAN, with five Stops, sufficiently large for a small Church or Chapel, is now for Sale, at J. ABEL'S, Music- Seller, NORTHAMPTON ; who has on Sale a large Collection of Musical Instrumtnts, Strings, Reeds, and printed Music, which he is j selling on the most reasonable Terms. PIANO- FORTES are constantly kept for Sale, or to lett on Hire. The following is a List of the Gentlemen nominated ! dustrious, well used to Business in general, a good for Sheriffs for the year ensuing. ' Seedsman and Hovel- builder, and must bring a BEDFORDSHIRE- Rie'hard Odebar, of Puddington, thorough pod Character. w Esq. Joseph Howell, of Marketlstreet, Esq. and I __ Apply to Mr. OSBORN, Grocer, Woburn. Robert Ga.^ tin, of Harrold, Esq. BERKSHIRE— James Croft, of Greenham, Esq. Wm. Congreve, of Aldermastow- Park, Esq. and Sir T. T. Metcalf, of Fernhill, Bart. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE— Richard Dayrell, of Lilling- stor. e- Dayreli, Esq. SirWilliam Clayton, of'Har- leytord, Bart, and Thomas Stanhope Badcock, of Buckingham, Esq. CAMBRIDGESHIRE and HUNTINGDONSHIRE— Sir H. Peyton, of Enineth, Bart. John Dunn Gardind, of Chatteris, Esq. and Robert Hutchinson Lewis, of March, Esq. CHESHIRE— C. T. Brereton, of Sliotwick- Park, Esq. Robert Barnford, of Upton, Esq. and W. Egerton, of Tatton- Park, Esq. CUMBERLAND— T. Irvin, of Justice Town, Esq. M. Ponsonby, of Hail- Hall, Esq. and Sir Henry Fletcher, of Clea- Hall, Bart. DERBYSHI R E— Samuel Fox, of Thurston - Grange, Esq. Thomas Barker, of Ashford. in- the- Water, Esq. anil Charles Upton, of Derby, Esq. DEVONSHIRE— Sir Henry Carcw, of Haccombe, Bart. Sir John Kennaway, of Estcourt- housc, Bart, and Richard Rosedew, of Beekwood, Esq. DORSETSHIRE— Henry Digby, of Forston, Esq. James John Earquharson, of I- angton, Esq. and Richard ! Charles Daniel, of Upway, Esq. ESSEX— John Coggen, of Wanstead, Esq. John Rutherford Abdy, of Albys, Esq. and John Rigg, of'Walthamstow, Esq. GLOUCESTERSHIRE— Sir Thomas Crawfley Boevey, of Flaxley- Abbey, Anthony Wiltshire, of Newport, Esq. and Edward Bayntun Sandys, of Miserdine- Park, Esq. H EREFORDSHiRF.— Samuel Pcploc, of Garnstone, Esq. Sir Hungerford Hoskins, of Harewood, Bart, and Stephen Oakley Altlay, of the Lays, Esq. HERTFORDSHIRE— James Smith, of Ashlyns- FIall, Esq. and Edmund Darley, of Ashton- House, Esq. KENT— C. Milnes, of Preston- Park, Esq. G. Best, ot Chichester- Park, Esq. and A. H. Bradley, of Gore- court, Esq. i- EicESTERSHiRt— John Finch Simpson, of Launde- Abbey, Esq. Sir W. Manners, of Buckminster, Bart, and Thomas Henry Lambe, of Foston, Esq. LINCOLNSHIRE— The Hon. William Beauclerc, com- monly called Lord Wm. Beauclerc, of Radboum, Sir Robert Heron, of Shepton, Bart, and Edmund Turner, of l'anton, Esq. MONMOUTHSHIRE— E. Berry, of Court St. Lawrence, Esq. William Morgan, of Mambilad, Esq. and J. K. G. Keniys, of Pextholey, Esq. NORFOLK—. 1. T. Mott, of Barawingham, Esq. C. Lucas, of Filby, Esq. and J, Coldham, of Anener, Esq. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE— George F. Evans, of Laxton, Esq. Robert Andrew, of Harleston, Esq. and W. Sawbridge, of East- Haddon, Esq. NORTHUMBERLAND— J. Trevallion, of Wallington, Esq. C. Ellison, of B. oomhouse, Esq. and J. Read, of Chipchase Castle, Esq. WOITINGHAMSH. RE— John Manners Sutton, of Kel- liani, Esq. Thomas Walker, of Hury- Hill, Esq. and John Topott, of l. ambcott, Esq. OXFORDSHIRE— John Reade, of Ipsden, Esq. the Hon. Thomas Parker, of Eusham- Hall, Esq. and Thomas Hall, of Harpsdcn, Esq. RUTLANDSHIRE— Thomas Bryan, of Stoke, Esq. Abel Walford Bellders, of liuhnerthorpc, Esq. and William Gillson, of Wing, Esq. SHROFSHIR ® — William Sparling, of Petten, Esq. William Lloyd, of Aston, Esq. and Ralph Browne Wyld Browne, of Cougliley, Esq. So..' SETSHIRE— Charles Kcnnevs Tyrnte, of Hales- well, Esq. John flurle, of Brislington, Esq. and John Nuiton, of Milverton, Esq. STAFFORDSHIRE— William Carfy, of Cannock, Esq. Sir George Pigot, of l'attishall, Bart, and Hugo Charles Meynell, of IIoare- Cross, Esq. SHEEP - KEEPING. be LETT, npHE HERBAGE on the RACE- GROUND, in I NORTHAMPTON FIELD, containing about 117 Acres, f> r keeping Sheep thereon from this Time untii the 14th of l- ebruary next. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. Alderman HALL, Northampton. ( 13° The abovementioned Ground is now locked up; snd all Persons exercising Horses, or otherwise t. es- passing thereon, will be prosecuted. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, At W » . IGHT's- LANi- BAIDC£, near Gayton, North- amptonshire, " MVE stout COAL BOATS, in good Repair. Also, a Number of Three- inch ASH PLANKS and EI. M ROARDS. Likewise, about 40 Quarters of POTATOES. Enquire of THOMAS WIIEM, Wright's- Lane- Bridge, near Gayton. " To beUoLT) by PRIVATE CONTRACT, Capital and very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE; consisting of a substantial Farm- House, and about 300 Acres ( in a Ring Fence) of exceeding rich Land ( chiefly Pasture and Meadow), situate at RA. DBORNE, in the County of Warwick. Together with every fourth Turn or Right of Presenta- tion to the Rectory of Radborne.— This Estate is sub- ject to no parochial Rates or Assessments. Apply to Mr. BURTON, Attorney, Daventry. ] A with orders to our cruisers to detain all vessels navigating under the Portuguese flag. Letters from Charleston were received yesterday, to the 1st of October, at which time the yellow fever continued to rage with unabated fury. Most of the Europeans lately arrived there had fallen victims to that malignant disease. In Georgia, the same disease raged with equal violence; and the letters state, that the British Consul at Charles- ton had refused clean bills of health to vessels bound to England. And the Government of the United States had taken precautionary measures to prevent the spreading of tlife infection at New- York, Philadelphia, & c. & c. —— FORTUNATE LOTTERY TICKETS. First day.— No. 3701, a prize of £. 10,000.— No. 5667, =£. 1000.— Nos. 6: 198 and 16,596, =£. 100 each. Second day.— No. 10,645, a prize of =£. 20,000.— No. 350, =£. 10,000.— No. 31C5, =£. 500.— Nos. 2174 and 12,694, =£. 100 each. Third day No. 4030, a prize of ^.£ 00.— Nos. 2126, 9000, and 14,345, =£. 100each. Fourth day— No. 11,070, a prize of =£. 20,000.— Nos. 11,311 and 15,078, =£. 1,000 each.— No. 2028, =£. 500.— No. 10,137, =£. 100. Fifth day.— No. 2570 ( as first- drawn), a prize of =£. 40,000.— No. 12,194, =£. 1000.— No. 15,504, =£. 100. Sixth day.— No. 3950, a prize of =£. 500.— Nos. 402, 2657, 8791, and 9825, =£. 100 each. T To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ADesirable FREEHOLD and TYTHF.- FIIEE FARM, called NEDGE- FARM, situate in PRIOR's- MARSTON, in the County of Warwick ; consisting of a Barn and other Buildings, and tour several Pieces of inclosed Land, containing in the Whole 31A. 1R. 36P. or thereabouts ( more or less), and now in the Occupation of Mr. John Smith, who holds the same under a Lease for 14 Years, eight of which will be unexpired on the 25th Day of March next, at the very low Rent of = 4.35 per Annum.— The Land Tax is redeemed. For a View of the Premises, and for further Parti- culars, or to treat for the same, apply to Mr. ROLLS, Solicitor, Prior's- Marston aforesaid. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. FORES, On the Premises, SSUARE, NORTHAMPTON, on Wednesday the 18th of November instant, and fol- lowing Day, MIE genuine and valuable HOUSEHOLD _ FURNITURE, of the late JOSEPH CLARK, Esq. deceased; consisting of handsome lofty Four- post and Tent Bedsteads, with Mahogany carved Pillars; modern Chintz Pattern and Dimity Fur- nitures; fine seasoned Goose- Feather- Beds, Mat- tresses, Paillasses, and Witney Blankets ; Mahogany Chests of Drawers, Ditto Bookcases and Bureaus; a Set of Mahogany Dining- Tables; Pembroke, Card, and Dressing Ditto; large Brussels Carpets, Gilt Pier Classes, Sets of Mahogany ar. d japanned Chairs, Chintz Window- Curtains, a Sofa and Chintz Cover, in Suit; a capital Eight- day Clock, in a Mahogany Case; a Mangle, several seasoned Beer- Casks, a large Lead Cistern, Coppers, Kitchen Requisites in general, & c. The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock each Day. The Furniture may be viewed on Tuesday the 17th Instant, and on the' Mornings of S.^ le.— Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneer, Gold- Street, North- ampton. PRICE - OF STOCKS. Bank Stock .. 3per Ct. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. N. Omnium i p Cons, for Acc.| 63^ i Sat. IMon. ! Hoi. 63 81 97{ J Tu. 225 mi 63- a 81 80| Wed. 62 JJ 53 Ji SOJi 9Si 98198 98 i 4 pr lit pr 63it ( 63if Th. 225 6? i 62 g SOii 98 i pr Fr. 224 i 62ft 63*| 80i| 98 4$ pr 63M NO R T HA M P TO N, SATURDAY EVENING, November 14. SUF FOLK— John Vernon, of Nacton, Esq. John Dresser, of Blyford, Esq. and Joshua Grigby, of Drmkstone, SURREY— John Mangles; of Woodbridge, Esq Daniel Henry Rucker, of West- Hill, Wandsworth, Esq. and Edward Bilkie, ot Southwark, Esq. SUSSEX— Thomas Tourle, of Landport, Esq. William Stanford, of'Reston, Esq. and Nathaniel Kemp, ot Ovingdean, Esq. ^ „ WARWICKSHIRE— John Fullarton, of Barton- on- the- Heath, Esq. Abraham Bracebridge, ot Atherstone, Esq. and Francis Canning, of Foscote, Esq. • WILTSHIRR- Sir Charles Warre Malet, of Wilbury- House, Bart. Abraham Ludlow, of Heywood, Esq. and John llolton, of Grittleton, Esq. WORCESTERSHIRE— Sir John Pakington, of West- wood, Bart. Slade Nash, of Martley, Esq. and Henry Bromley, of Abberley, Esq • VoRKSHiRE- Sir George Wombwell, of Wombwell, Bart. Richard Betliell, of Catfoss, Esq. and Wm. Joseph Dciuuson, of Ay ton, Esq. To he SOLD by AUCTION, Before Christmas, in Lots ( Particulars in a future Paper), ALarge QUANTITY of ELM and other . TIMBER TREES, growing in the Parish of DALLINGTON, in the immediate Vicinity of Northampton, near to good Roads, and convenient for Water- Carriage.. " To be SOLD bv AUCTION," " By BROIVN 6f SON, On the Premises, on Wednesday the 18th Day of November, 1807, ALL the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, GRAIN in the STRAW, IMPLEMENTS in HUS- BANDRY, DAIRY and BREWING UTENSILS, and other EFFECTS, the Property of Mrs. MARY DEACON, at MILLBROOK, near Ampthill, in tile County of Bedford, who is leaving the Farm ; com- prising 19 In- calf, Dairy, and barren Cows; four useful Draught Horses and Mares, 60 Ewes ami Lambs, five Store Figs, and about 120 Fowls, Ducks, and Geese; Gears and Harness for four Horses; one Broad- wheel Cart, two Narrow- wheel Ditto, Fallow and Seed Ploughs, two Pair of Harrows, long and short Ladders, See. ; nine Milk- Leads, Milk- Pails, Three- dozen Churn, and Dairy Utensils in general; 36- Gallon Copper and Grate; Wheat- Hovel, about 30 Loads; Mow of clean Beans, about nine Loads; Ditto of Oats and Beans, about 10 Loads ; Barley Straw ; a Quantity of ChalFand Chafing; two Wheat Hovel- Frames; and various other Edicts. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. Three Months' Credit will be given, on approved joint Security, to all Purchasers above =£. 10. Catalogues may be had, in due Time, at the Place of Sale; Towns adjacent; and of Brown & Son, Auctioneers, Bedford. Freehold and Part Leasehold Estate, NORTHAMPTON. To b* SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. KIRS HA IF, On Saturday the 28th of November instant, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, at the George Inn, Northampton, ATruly- desirable and convenient DWELLING HOUSE and PREMISES, situate in the SOUTH , QUARTER, BRIDGE- STREET, in the Town of NO RTH- B. AMPTON, late the Estate of Mr. Alderman MEACOCK; consisting of two Parlours and Kitchen on the Ground Floor, three Rooms on the first Floor, convenient Attics. Out- oflices, Cellar, and a large Garden and Hot- House; now in the Occupation of Mr. Constable. A View of the Estate may be had by Application to the TENANT; and further Particulars of THOMAS MARSHALL, Solicitor, in Kettering; or the AUC- TIONEER, in Northampton. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. P. WESTON, At the Saracen's- Head Inn, in Towcester, in the County of Northampton, on Tuesday the 1st Day of December next, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, AVery desirable FREEHOLD ES1ATE, situate . in SUI. GRAVE, in the said County of North ampton; consisting of several Closes of very good Arable and Pasture Land, containing together 60 Acres, or thereabouts, in a ring Fence, with a Barn and other convenient Out- buildings, now in the Occu- pation of Mr. Wills, of Weston- by- Weedon; who will shew the same. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. HOWES, Solicitor, at his Offises in Northampton and Tow- cester ; or the AUCTIONEER, at Hinton, ue « Brackley, A FARM- HOUSE LIBRARY, In twelve Monthly Parts, at Ts. 6d. beginning on the First of October. The Publisher of the undermentioned Work has been persuaded by manyNoblemen and Gentlemen of great Landed Property, who are anxious to increase the Diffusion of Agricultural Knowledge, to divide it into twelve Seven Shillings and Sixpenny Parts, in the Expectation that many Persons who may not choose to pay Four Guineas and a Half for the complete Work in Boards, may not think it an Object to expend a twelfth Part of the Sum once a Month. He hopes that Justice will be done by the Public to his Design, and that all the Friends of Agricultural Improvements, intelligent Farmers, and great Land Proprietors, will kindly exert them- selves to give general Currency, as well to the com- plete Work as to the Monthly Parts. On Thursday, the 1st of October, was published, Price7s. 6d. embellished with several capital En- gravings, and to be completed in twelve Parts, Part I. of the second Edition of ACOMPLETE SYSTEM of PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE ;. including all the MODERN IMPROVEMENTS and DISCOVERIES, and the Results of all the Attention and Enquiry which have been bestowed on this important Science, during the last thirty Years ; the Whole combining and explaining fully, extensively, and completely, the PRINCIPLE,, and PRACTICE ot the MODERN ART of HUSBANDRY in all its Branches and Relations, forming two large Volumes, in Quarto, illustrated with nearly one hundred Engravings, representing improved Imple- ments, the various Grasses, and the principal Breeds of Sheep and Cattle. By R. W. DICKSON, M. D. Honorary Member of the Board of Agriculture, & c. Printed for RICHARD PHILLIPS, No. 6, Bridge- Street, Blackfriars, London; and may be had of all Booksellers, Newscarriers, Postmasters, and other Dealers in Books. N. B. The above- mentioned Work, in Conjunction with Mr. YOUNG'S FARMER'S CALENDAR, forma j complete Library of Reference upon every Agricultural I Subject; and this last Work may be had by itself of all Booksellers, Price llalf- a- Guincain Boatds, MARRIED.] Lately, J. C. Field, Esq. of Adderbury, Oxfordshire, to Miss Charlotte Ford, daughter of the late Captain Thomas Ford, of Calcutta, in the East Indies. A few days ago, at Denbigh, the Rev. J. Jones, vicar of Biddenhaib, Beds, and Fellow of Jesus j College, Oxford, to Miss Mesham, daughter of ] the late Thomas Mesham, Esq. On Monday se'nniglit, Mr. John Scrivener, of Stretton - Audley, Oxfordshire, to Miss Slatter, eldest daughter of Mr. William Slatter, of Tid- ) mington, near Shipston- upon- Stour. I Same day, Mr. John Smith, of Cubbington, to Miss Orton, of Bubbenhall, both in Warwickshire. | Lately, Edward Golding, Esq. eldest son of Edward Golding, Esq. of Marden- Earlev, Berks, to Miss Frances Bowles, daughter of Oidfield ovvles, Esq. of North- Ashton, Oxfordshire. On Tuesday se'nnight, Mr. John Phillips, jun. of Blakesley, in this county, to Miss Alice Pittam, youngest daughter of Mr. Richard Pittam, of Woodend, in the parish of Blakesley. Lately, at Lit orpool, Mr. John Handley, of Coventry, to Miss Emma Eliza St. John Nesbitt, of the former place. On Tuesday last, at Leir, Leicestershire, Mr. Wallin, of Ashby- Parva, to. Miss Mary Higginson, second daughter of Nicholas Iligginson, Esq. of the former place. On Thursday last, Mr. Wm. Wykes, of London, to Miss Shelton, of this place. DIED.] On Thursday se'nnight, at his seat at Waterstock, Oxfordshire, in the E! 3d year of his age, Sir William Henry Ashhurst, late one of his Majesty's Justices of the Court of King's Bench. On Saturday last, aged 71, John Wye, Esq. of Hartford, near Huntingdon, formerly an eminent wine- merchant at this place. On Sunday se'nnight, at his house in Godman- chester, after a very short illness, Mr. Martin, late of Brampton- Lodge, Huntingdonshire. On Monday se'nnight, suddenly, deservedly regretted by his family and friends, in the 60th year of his age, Mr. Joseph Baker, of Coventry. On Wednesday se'nnight, Mr. JohnAult, school- master, of Coventry, one of the people called Quakers. Lately, Mr. Pollett, an eminent grazier, of Keythorpe, Leicestershire. for last week, jt period of the Eclipse stated ( here being only three minutes sooner than the above- mentioned. The same writer observes, " that the appearance of the tail through a niiieteen- t'eet reflector, which takes in a field of 44| square miles, will in grandeur far surpass the possible appearance of any of the heavenly bodies during the next 30 years." A meeting of the inhabitants of Ilunslet, in Yorkshire, was held on the 5th instant; » and another of the inhabitants of Holbeck, on the Otlt instant; at both of which it was resolved, to ". address his Majesty, praying him to take such measures as in his wisdom he may think meet, to restore the blessings of Peace." Lord Milton, in an' address to the inhabitants of Huddersfield', which place he visited last week, endeavoured t<> counteract this growing spirit n. uo. ig his consti- tuents in that great and extensive county:— " There is one subject ( said lie) to which I shall shortly advert, as it has come under the consideration of A the manufacturers in a considerable place in the West- Riding, though, 1 believe, not ot those in th: im- mediate neighbourhood of this town— I meant!, idea of petitioning for the restoration of peace. Nobodv can be more anxious for that event, nobody can be a greater lover of peace than 1 am ; but I do not think that we can obtain it by petitioning. *' We are waging a war of . self- defence— a war not undertaken with a view to gratify our ambi- tion, or aggrandize our empire; we engaged in it for the preservation of our civil and religious liberties. I deprecate the idea of petitioning; because, however hostile I may be to the present Administration, 1 can never suffer party feelings to betray me into a measure, which would hamper the Executive Government, without benefiting my country. Ministers ought to be the best judges of the opportunities for com- mencing a negociation; and I trust they will avail themselves of such opportunities, whenever they may occur. Petitions will encourage the demands of the enemy, by making a discovery of our distress. Fear, ing, therefore, that they cannot pave the way to art useful and permanent peace, I cannot but hope that you will see the propriety of desisting from this measure at the present moment, though I own the object of it is in the highest degree desirable." On Monday se'nnight, about seven o'clock irv the evening, as Mr. Thomas Russell, of Hall- Green, in the parish of Foleshill, Warwickshire, was returning home from Coventry, he was attacked by two footpads, at the top of Causeway- lane, near the Red- house, one of whom fired a pistol at him, the ball from which went through the brim of his hat; and nearly at the same instant he lyas knocked off his horse with a large bludgeon by the other:— he made some resistance, but in vain, an8 . being at length overpowered by their beating him, baring him on his back, they rifled his pockets,, from which they took a purse, containing fifty guineas, and then made their escape across the fields leading towards Swanswell.— The poor man, after lying some time on the ground before he could recover himself, got up and walked to the house of Mr. Pincher, from whence lie went with some persons in pursuit of them, but without effect > he however fortunately found his horse standing near the place where he was robbed. On Tuesday se'nnight, an inquisition was taken' at Cate's Cabin, near Peterborough, on the body of a man who was found in a paddock beside the great road which runs past that place on Saturday night, and who shortly after his removal to the Cabin expired, without being able to articulate any thing from which his name or residence could be collected. He was found by a waggoner, who was attracted by his groans to the spot where he lay. No marks of violence were visible, and the deceased appearing to have died of some acute internal disorder-, tile jnry returned a verdict— That he died by the Visitation of God.— He had a silver watch, and a guin<; U and a few halfpence, in his pockets. ERRATUM.— The price of Mr. I. eMesurier's Reply, advertised in. our paper of the 30th ult. at l ive Shillings, should have been Five Shillings and Six- pence. PRICE of CORN per Quarter Northampton, Saturday, Nov. 14. at Wheat, 58s. to 62s. Od. Rye, 40s. Od. to 42s. Barley, 36s. Oil. to 40s. Od. Oats, 30s. Od. to 34s. Od. J New Oats, 26s. Od. to 29i. Beans, 51;. Od. to 52s 6d. Peas, — s. Od. to— s. Od. By the Standard Measure. GRAFTON, Inspector. Many of our readers will recollect a very singular recital of the cure of paralytic afiections, Serformed some time ago in the North of England, y means of the nitrous oxide, which is certainly one of the most pleasing and astonishing discoveries in modern times. This gas was then exhibited by Dr. STANCLIFFS, in the presence of a most numerous and respectable company ; and it gives us pleasure to announce, that in the course of his Lectures in this town, the same gentleman will enter into a recital of its medical and chemical properties, and illustrate them by numerous experiments, at Twelve o'Clock on THURSDAY next, at the GRAND JURY ROOM.— Any person who may be induced by curi- osity or paralytic, disease, to try its eflects, will experience a most pleasing and innoxious exhiliration of spirits; and in the diseased member, which requiies its application, a glow and an energy which nothing else can excite. Corn- Exehange, London, Friday, Not. 13. But little Wheat has arrived since Monday, and but few sales made.— No material alteration has taken, place in the value of any article except White Peas ( fine boilers), which are getting up again.— The business very slack ; our buyers appear to wait the next coming market ( Monday) for making pur. chases. LIST of FAIRS, from Nirv. 16, to Nov. 68, within the Circuit of this Paper. M. Nov. 16. Lutter- worth. T. 17. Southam and Bedford. F. 20. Somersham. \ S. 21. Erith. M. 23. Rugby, Deddingtcn, and Brigstcci. F. 27. Chipping- Norton. S. 28. Northampton, Sfaldwick, huok- Norlon, and fenny- Stratford. REFLECTIONS. " To- morrow, ai> d to- morrow, and to- morrow, " Creeps in this petty space from day to day, " To the last syllable of recorded time." Shakespeare's Macbeth. Ah ! who has power to say, To- morrow's sun shall warmer glow, And o'er tiiis gloomy vale of woe Diffuse a brighter ray f Ah! who is ever sure, Though all that can the soul delight This hour enchants the wondering sight, These raptures will endure ! Is there in life's dull toil, One moment certain of repose, One ray to dissipate our woes. And bid Reflection smile i What is the mind of man f - A chaos where the passions blend, Unconscious where the mass will end. Or when it first began ! In childhood's thoughtless hours We frolic through the sportive day 1 Bach path enchanting, sunny, gay, All deck'd with gaudy Bowers, y ' I; » life's maturer prime We wander still in search of peace; And, as our weary toils increase, fade in the glooms of time. From scene to scene we stray, Still courting Pleasure's fickle smile, Which, tho' delighting to beguile, Still tarther glides away. We seek Hope's gentle aid— ' We think the lovely phantom pours Her balmy incense on those flowers. Which blossom but to fade! • We court Love's thrilling dart; vAnd, when we think our joys supreme, We finfl its raptures but a gleam- Its boon a wounded heatt. We pant for glittering Fame; And when pale linvy blots the page • That might have charm'd a future aga, We find ' tis but a name. We toil for paltry ore; And when we gain the golden prize, And Death appears! with aching eyes We view the useless store. We bask in Friendship's beam-; And when malignant cares assail, And Fortune's fickle favours fail, We find ' tis but a dream. We search for idle Joy;— Intemperance leads to sure decay ; The brightest prospects fade away, The sweetest : oonest cloy. How frail is Beauty's bloom 1 The dimpled cheek— the sparkling eye, Scarce seen, before their wonders fly To decorate a tomb 1 Then since this fleeting breath, Is but the Zephyr of a day, Let Conscience make each minute gay, And brave the shafts ot Death 1 And let the generous mind With pity view the erring throng, Applaud the right, forgive the wrong, And feel for all mankind. For who, alas! shall say, " To- morrow's sun shall warmer glow, And o'er this gloomy vale of woe Diffuse a brighter ray I" The next day a £ reat number of persons ! assembled in the neighbourhood, for the purpose of ! apprehending the murderer. From Petworth, and its immediate vicinity, went about 200 men, armed for the most pail; with muskets and fowling- pieces; : and from Arundel, Graffhatn, & c. about 100 more, some armed with guns, others with prongs and clubs: they were joined by about 100 dragoons on horseback. About twelve o'clock, the impression of his feet in worsted stockings ( for he had no shoes, having left them when pursued iu the Teglea « e the day before), were distinctly traced by a small party in the footpath, into a coppice about half a mile to the north- west of Grail ham. The distance over which lie was tracked was about half a mile. Within ten minutes after the party had entered the wood, one of them perceived him lying on his breast behind a thicket, at about five yards distance; lie presented his piece at the vil- lain, but it missed lire, lie then bounded away from his pursuers with the agility of a deer, and concealing himself in the wood eluded all search, although nearly 400 persons had assembled in and about the wood soon after he was seen: this hap- pened about one o'clock. About five the search was almost given up ; the dragoons had assembled and marched away; the chief part of the multi- tude had also departed; and not more than 30 men remained in the wood ; these were also about to leave it, but in returning they had spread them- selves at short intervals, in order that the ground through which they were passing might be I thoroughly searched. One of these, John Meachen, ' a mason's labourer, one of the Petworth volun- j teers, hearing a rustling in the bushes, turned j round and saw a man, at about six yards dis ! Only Six Thousand fickets. LITTLE SUPPLEMENTARY LOTTERY, Begins Drawing this Month, Tovcmlor 19th, and finishes the 2C/<. Prize of 1 1 5 5 20 20 1,500 6,000 Tickets. SCHEME. =£. 20,000 10,000 1, U00 500 100 50 15 =£. 20,000 10,000 5,000 2,500 2,000 1,000 22,500 =£. 63,000 Being more Money distributed ii Prizes, in Propor- tion to the Number of Tickits, than in former Lotteries. PRESENT TRUE Of Tickets and Shares in the Supplementary Lottery. Ticket =£. 21 10s. Half =£. 10 18 0 I Eighth £. 1 16 0 Quarter 5 10 0 1 Sixteenth 18 6 TICKETS AND SHARES Are on Sale at nil the Licensed State- Lottery Offices in England and Scotland, And by their AGENTS in this Town. To Innkeepers and ' Travellers, whether upon Busi- ness or Pleasure. This Day is published, in one Volume, 18mo. Price is. or on fine Paper, with Maps coloured, Price 7s. 6d. CCROSBY'S new and complete POCKET ^ GAZETTEER of ENGLAND and WALES, containing ( arranged under separate Hearts), 1. A Description of the Towns.— 2 Situation, Extent, Tfade, Manufactories, & c.—:). Post- Ol'ice Hours to and from London, and ail Parts of the The REAL JAPAN BLACKING, made by DAY and MARTIN, LONDON. THIS invaluable Composition, with Half the usual Labour, produces the most brilliant Jet- black ever beheld, affords peculiar Nourishment to the Leather, will not soil the finest Linen, is per- fectly free from any unpleasant Smell, and will retain its Virtues in any Climate.— Sold Wholesale, by DAY & MARTIN, removed to No. 97, High- Holborn, Lon- don ; and Retail by their Agents, Birdsall, North- ampton; Norris, Perfumer, Bedford; Inwood, Sta- tioner, Newport- Pagncll; Dodd, Woburn; Richard- son, Perfumer, Siony- Strat'ford; Page, Perfumer, Our. dle; Folwell, Grocer, Towcester; Merridew, Coventry; Harrod, Market- HarboroO'gh; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Cregory, Leicester; Rusher, Banbury; Slieppard, and Robins, Daventry ; a. id Barringer Se Son, Newport - Pagnell; in Stone Bottles, Price Is. 6d. each. or WASHING T MURDER or MR. SARGEANT. t Various accounts having appeared in the London newspapers, relative to the death of Captain SargeanL, we insert the following circumstantial account of thai melancholy event, which is framed From - the depositions taken before the Coroner, and from the concurrent testimony of the persons engaged in the scene.— Hampshire ' Telegraph. On Sunday se'nnight, at noon, Mr. Rhodes, of Chichester, was robbed between Mr. T yson's house and Cocking; on the alarm being given, the pur- Suit commenced in the woods, in every direction, and Mr, Tyson took the line of the road from Singleton to Midhurst, accompanied by his coach- man, Charles Walker. At Midhurst they were joined b) Mr. Blake, and went to Mr. Symons's, where they found Mr. Poyiilz and Mr. Symons already on horseback. Il was immediately agreed to go in quest of the footpad; Mr. 1' oyntz pro- posed their having arms, but the general idea was, that it would consume too much time. The four gentlemen and the coachman proceeded up the hill, dividing into two parties, and agreed to meet at a point, and to rally ut the sound of a halloo! Messrs. Poyntz and Tyson, and Walker, rode through the wood towards a lone barn in the coppice, at the edge of which Mr. Poyntz descried a man, who was coming briskly towards him, a plashed hedge being between them; Mr. Tyson and Walker at'some I distance, coining up towards Mr. Poyntz. With a j view of ascertaining if it were the man, Mr. Poyntz neared him, and, at about twenty yards, asked the way to the Teglease Roads; and receiving no answer, repeated his question twice, when the man replied " up there," and then mended his pace. At this moment a shepherd, with a large ftick, came down behind the man, and Mr. Poyntz risked if he knew him; the shepherd said " No." Mr. Poyntz, convinced it was the object of their iearch, turned his horse towards the man, gave the signal halloo, and called out to pursue, " for that was the robber." The man immediately thrust his hand under his coat, and shewed the butt end of a carbine, keeping iiis eye fixed on Mr. Poyuiz. Mr. Tyson and Walker coining up at the • moment, he drew out the piece at arms length and lied into some very thick bushes. Here Captain Sargeant joined the party, armed with a pistol: the man was lost for a minute. The shepherd shewed where he went in; ilie horsemen surrounded it, and were closing up, w hen Walker saw a hat, | from London and adjo'inirg Towns.— 6. Gen'!.' men's Seats and remarkable Buildings.— 7. Charitable In- stitutions, Libraries.— 8. Bankers, and on whom they draw in London.— 9. Market- Days, Fairs, & c.— 10. Government, Custdms, and Privileges.— 11. Coaches, Waggons, and their Hours.— 12. Amuse- ments, Curiosities, Races, Sec.— 13. Remarkable Characters in or near each Town. Printed for B. Crosby & Co. 4, S'. ationers'- Court, London; and sold by Watts, Abel, and Burnham, Northampton. """ i United Kingdom.—•{. Principal Inns.— 5. Distan tance, in the act of getting out ot a small brook ; j trom .„ t;„;„:..., X.. .. he immediately fired his piece, and the wretch uttered the words, " Oh Lord! Oh Lord!" in a tone of agony and despair. Another gun was then discharged at him; and he appearing in- capable of doing further mischief, was then approached by the party, dragged from the brook, and laid on his back on the grass, where he lay gasping about a quarter of an hour without the power of uttering another w/ ird, and died. His piece was found in his hand, primed, and cocked. He was tak. cn to the public- house at Graffham, amidst an immense concourse of people, almost all who had been engaged in the search ( including the dragoons) returning to see him. On the fol- lowing day an inquest sat on the body, and verdict was brought in of— Justifiable Homicide. The body was known to be that of James Allen of Graffham, and identified by nine or ten per- sons, whom he had robbed; and Mr. Rhodes'! gold watch was found upon him. To the Printers of the Northampton Mercury. GENTLEMEN, T Take the liberty of submitting to the perusal of your A readers, the following extracts from the report of the Society established in London, for the noble purpose of relieving the wants of the distressed In- habitants of Germany:— -" In consequence of the aggregated calamities pro- duced by the war, and of the scanty supply of pro- visions arising from two successive years of scarcity, the inhabitants of many of the middle, southern, and eastern provinces ot Germany, were overwhelmed with such ® pressure of distress, that, without foreign relief, immense numbers must have perished. To augment the catalogue of their woes, almost all trade ( and in the theatre of war), all agriculture, manufactures, and commerce were, and still continue to be, suspended. For want of fuel, whole villages were destroyed by hostile armies, in order to keep up Watch- fires; so that numbers of the wretched in- habitants have been exposed, jiaked, ai d destitute of shelter, to all the inclemencies of a continental winter. A pestilential disorder swept away many thousands ( in Moravia alone twelve thousand) whom the sword and famine had spared; still, however, the survivors looked forward in the hope, that the harvest of the present year would in a degree supply their wants; but there is reason to apprehend, that even this their last, their only hope, will be frustrated." Extract of a letter from M. Niebuhr, dated Memcl, March 1st, 1S07 : —" Prussian Oberland and Lr- meland, since the commencement of the present year, have been desolated by the marches of hostile armies, to a degree of which modern history affords no similar instance. In whole districts the inhabitants have lost all their property; all the provisions have been consumed; the cottages of the peasants have been demolished, in order to employ the straw for litter, and the wood for fuel; even the wood- work of the ploughs has been taken for this use. The ferocious soldiers seemed to have been more delighted by the despair and misery into which they plunged the inoffensive inhabitants, than by the wretched plunder they could make amongst them. The meanest article of clothing was seized upon; stoves and windows destroyed; the medicines found in the apothecaries shops wantonly spoiled; all the goods in the shops teat could not be carried away have been rendered useless; and without speedy and effectual assistance many thousands must perish."—[ Relief has been sent to Memel by the Committee.] A letter trom I. uncburg, in Hanover, describes the dreadful sailfluings of the subjects of our beloved Sovereign in that city, dated July 4th, 1S07:— " Ever since the beginning of January, we have had nearly sixty thousand French, Dutch, and Bavarian Hoops, and 20,000 horses, quartered upon us. ' faxes are doubled, new requisitions raised every day, and a i„„ i — . • • - This Day is published, The ninth Edition, Price 3s. 6d. sewed, corrected to October, 1807, of CROSBY'S Edition of the BUILDERS' NEW PRICE- BOOK; containing a correct Account of the Prices now allowed by the most eminent Surveyors to the various Artificers employed in Building; Value of Materials, and Price of Labour only ; Abstracts of various Acts relative to Building; Properties and Methods ofmaking Lime and Cements ; and vaiious Tables to calculate the Price and Measure- ment of the different Kinds of Work. By JOHN PHILLIPS, Surveyor; Assisted by several eminent Builders and Surveyors. Printed for B. - Crosby i- Co. 4 La POUDItE ii LAVAGE. POWDER, For making the Hands exquisitely white and soft. " HIE great Demand for it, by Persons of Fashion, sufficiently evinces its Merit.— A con- stant Use of this Powder removes that yellow Taint and Roughness from the Skin occasioned by the Use of Soaps, and frees it from every Deformity, such as Freckles, Sunburn, tec. ; makes the roughest or chapped Hands perfectly soft and beautiful.— An early Use of it, even to Infants as soon as they are born, is recommended; also to young Lalies or Gentlemen at Schools, as it gives the Skin a lasting Degree of Deli- cacy.— Price of the small Packet, Is. l!, d— A Saving by purchasing a large Packet, Price 2s. 3d. Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, No. 10, Row Church- Yard, Me appointed the only Wholesale Venders; may be had Retail of the Printers ot this Paper, W. Birdsall, and G. Edmonds, Northampton; and of every other Vender of Medicines in the Kingdom. FHzaberi, Bullock, of Birmingham, milliner, 19, 20, and Dec. 19, at the Cross- Keys. TewL t Robert Swaine, Hannah Swaine, and Joseph Sma'ne, of Halifax, John Swaine, of Skircoat, in the parish of Halifax, Henry Ramsbotham, of Bradford. Yoik- shire, and Edward Swaine, of London, meichantsand manufacturers, Nov. 16, at the White- Swan, Halifax, Nov. 30, at the Talbot, Bradford, and Dcc. 19, at the White- Swan, Halifax. Attorney, Mr. Ramsden, Halifax. " " ' , NOT. _ -- Keys, Tewkesbury. Attorney, Mr. Ballard, Malvern, Worcestershire. Abraham Isaacs, late of George- street, Minories, London, money- scrivener, Nov. 14, 25, and IXc. 19, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. I'oole, Dowgate- hill. John Parrock, formerly of Birmingham, but late ot Castle- street, Holborn, London, jeweller. Nov. 14, 24, and Dec. 19; at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Poole, Dowgate- hill. William l. ayton Winter, of Albion- place, ^ lack- friars- road, Surrey, stationer, Nov. 14, 28, and Dec. 19, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Flashmair, Ely- place, Hclborn. John Lydcon Bruton, of Prince's- strcct, Rntlier- hithe, Surrey, mariner, Nov. II,'" 21, and Dec. 19, at Guildhall. Attorney, i\ ir. Oakley, New I. e- ndon- street, Crutched- friars. William Rattray, of King's- street, Deptford, Kent, cheesemonger, Nov. 12, 19, and Dec. 1S>, at Guild- K-. LT I 1-- ' O 11RUMATISMS, Palsies, and Gouty Affec- i* tions, with their usual Concomitants', Spasm Debil'itv [' r1'"' 1 Indigestion, and glnera Debility ( originating in whatever Source' and frequently hall, London. Attorney, Mr. Howard, Jewry- street,' Aldgate. Robert Thompson, of Brancepsth- Parks, Durham, dealer, Nov. 23, 21, and Dec. 19, at the Har- and- Feather, Claypeth, Durham. Attorney, Mr. nines, Durham. John Watson, jun. 8c Paul Catterall, of Pr ' stcn, Lancashire, cotton- spinners, Dec. 4, 5, and 19, at the Legs of Man, Preston. Attorney, Mr, Win- stanley, Preston. John Watson, John Watson, jun. Joseph Watson, and Pavid Ainsworth, of Preston, Lancashire, cot- ton- spinners, Dec. 4, .5, and 19, at the Legs of Man, Preston. Attorney, Mr. Wiustanley, PresUn. Joseph Myers, of Whittle, Lancashire, cotton- e relieved spinner Nov. 30 Dcc. I, and 19,' at the' I ees of Man Preston, Lancashire. Attomev, . VIr Win , Stanley, Preston. *' in ! i' 1 s it la ace - broker?' ^ T^ T^^ l those'com^ lairu- *( used , wi, h , hc Pills' ' Th^ Jio^ S^' ^ at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr! nd cured by Whitehead's Esence of Mu Th Vf'. rs'y ofher Mcans have failed. I The Fluid E in most _ World, generally curing theleVerest SPRAINS AND BRUISES, 19, College- hill. ar. d Dec. Courteen, in less than Half the Time usually taken'bv any other and W ' « verPoo!' ™ Dec. 1, 2, Embrocation; and if used immediately ! R es rs I ,' J• L. TerpooI. — » after anv \ ^ morocation; and if used immediately thera'v No s' rd S,° ld b- v R' J° hnston, Apo. 2s 9d each Rn* if6 7Street' Sol'°. l-° ndon; at the Printers nt th B,?' tle- T1, e>' are sold by ! ! r, n., ers ot ' his Paper: Hices. Messrs. StanistreeT& id^ ISr' Attornies. Hay Smith, of Albemarle- strect, Middlesex wine merchant, Nov. 12, 19, « nd Dec 19, a J S" Attorney, Mr. Hogarth, Staple. Inn. -"<-^ 11. William White, of Southampton - row, Russel T^.^' Wlesex, baker, Nov. 12, 19, and Dec 19 Attorneyi Mf Cregorjj> CJ[[ n^ » . at Guildhall. Inn. „ LAIM|<, WUII me Peter & Richard Toison, ^.. V^ S, I UR^ SIURE, mer- Johnston inserted on it. | chants, Nov. 27, 2S, and Dec. 19, at the Bull- and- : Mouth, Leeds. Attorney, Mr. Tottie, Leeds. The GI. NUI. NE CHARCOAL DENTIFRICE, | George Hassall, of Birmingham, perfumer, Dec. 4, IJREPARED only by the Proprietors, KF. RKOT ; 5. ALLD WJ AT THE Royal Hotel, i'; irmingh: m. At- I & BI. AKE, Chemists, 33, S . Jame ' s- Street, i « ° rnt « , Lee & Come, B. rm. ugbam London, is unexceptionablv he « , me ' ' Robe" Watmargh & Robert Williamson C kpham, of Liverpool, soap- boilers and r , Dec. 2, 3, and If ung every requisite Property essen- . iiii to tne improvement of the Teeth, and Preser- vation of the Gums. K. & 13. feel it incumbent on them to state to the Public, that the very great Demand for' the Genuine Prepared Charcoal, testified by Affidavit of Mr. Blake hetore the Lord Mayor, bearing Date the 10th June, 1S06, has occasioned such various Imitations, that unless they are particular in asking for their Prepa- r at ion, they undergo a great Risk of a spurious Kind being imposed on them.— Price 2s. each Box, bearing their Signature. None other is genuine. Sold by the Proprietors, at their Warehouse, No. 33, St. James's- Street; by Mr. Samuel Berry, Wholesale Agent, Greek- Street, London; and by Dicey & Sutton, Marshall ( Druggist), & Edmonds ( Perfumer), Northampton; Simmonds, Leicester; Fleming, Ket- tering; and Baildon, Grant, Collins, and Merridew, Coventry. Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops, '' I^ IIE Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London, X being open to the Poor, has contributed con- siderably to the Credit SPlLSBURY's PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC, DROPS have ascertaining its Efficacy i rmtea tor n. & 4, St » tioners'- Court, London, is unexceptionablv become th » n, V. . J London; and sold by Watts, Abel, and Burnham and general TOOTH- POW„ EVZTin U « TF I - x., verocx, SN, N ^, , Northampton; also by every Bookseller, Stationer i cidedly the Claim to Pre- eminence ovir Dec 2 fa'i IqT^/ m " Mow- chandlers andNewsman in the United Kingdom. Kinds, by combining^ vreau e'P ™ ° 5!' A » omi'es\ l ^,, Gi° cbfJ? v? r » ' Liverpool.' This Day is published, In one Volume, Octavo, Price Three Shillings and Sixpence, sewed, the fifth Edition, considerably enlarged and improved, of 1 HE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN'S LAWYER, J and FARMER'S COMTLETE LAW LIBRARY; containing all the Laws now in Force which par- ticularly, relate to Country Gentlemen, Farmers, Clergymen, Graziers, & c. down to tiie present Time; including the whole Law respecting Horses, buying stolen or unsound florses, warranted or not wai ranted, See.; the I Horse- Racing Coaches, tec. Cattle Sheep Tv tlies Rivers Fishing Bridges Woods Inclosures Beans Peas, Sec, for assistance— the land of liberty, the sacred Asylum of the wretched and forsaken, Sec.'' These extracts, 1 am persuaded, afford a very partial view of the dreadful scene at this moment exhibited on the Continent, It is not possible, however, to read them without reflecting on the distinguished manner in which Providence has favoured this country; while other nations are visited with famine and the sword, we are blessed with abundance and with peace—" Thy Grd, O Britain ! maketh " peace in thy borders, and tilleth thee with the tinest " ot the wheat." And can we better gloves, and a cover used for keeping a tun- lock j gratitude ' tcTour grea't" Benefactor," Than bTatford'nz rpll(. f In , I, i. c .1 .. r c . 6 dry, on the ground. He dismounted to take them up, and discovered the man about two yards from him, flat on his stomach, under a thick bush, but the muzzle of his piece was pointed to Walker's body. Seeing him cock it, he jumped on one side and hallooed. The man sprang up, and ran down the wood, without hat or shoes; and passing close to Captain Sargcant a id the shepherd, they pur- sued him, as ditl Mr. Poyntz, who was nearly fifty yards behind them: Walker was off his horse, nnd Mr. Tyson somewhat further up the wood. After dodging through the trees and bushes, the man made for a fence of high thick- growing black- thorn, closely pursued by Captain Sargeant and the shepherd. Mr. foyntz could see none of them for the bushes, but heard Captain Sargeant say, * S If you don't stop I will shoot you:— but no, I can't shoot a man either." Mr. Poy'ntz then rode to the sound of the voice, and soon after heard the report of a piece, about thirty yards from him, in the thickest part of the covert. Mr. Poyntz immediately forced his way into it, but could neither see nor hear any thing. Searching about, he repeatedly called on the unfortunate Captain Sargeant, when he was joined by Mr. Symons, and while thus employed, Mr. Tyson called out, that Captain Sargeant was shot. Finding Captain Sar- geant was quite dead, they left Mr. Tyson and walker in charge of the body; still hoping to tecure tlfe villain, whom the shepherd had again seen on his knees re- loading his piece, they pro- ceeded through the wood of inclosures, for about half an hour; Mr. Blake and the shepherd going in another direction. Night coming on, and losing all traces of the matt, in a thick wood, unarmed, they gave up the pursuit. are destitute of what we relief to those who abundantly enjoy. It will give your readers pleasure to learn, that more than at'. 20,000 had been remitted to the unhappy sufferers before the commencement of the present year • since then, the calamities of Germany have been increased, and without farther help thousands must perish. A CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD. Extract from the Glasgow Courier. 1/ 1 R. ALEXANDER HUNTER, Merchant, in IVi- Glasgow, was for a long Time in a bad State of Health, so much so that he was under the Ne- cessity of giving up Business, and retiring to the Country; and even the Country Air bad no eftect in restoring him to Health. At length he was ad- vised to make a Trial of the Cordial Balm of Gilead, a few Bottles of which restored him to Health. He has some Time since resumed Business, and enjoys good Health. The CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD is sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Guinea each; there are also Family Bottles, Price 33s. containing equal to four Bottles at 10s. 6d. by which the Patient saves 9s, including also the Duty. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also. Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Higgs, Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeiey, Buckingham; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry i Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swinfen, Leicester; Loggin, Aylesbury and Leighton ; by the Printers of the Country Newspapers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, & c. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Documents noted therein. With a complete Epitome ot the Game t. aws as they now stand ; including all the new Acts of Parliament respecting the above Subjects; with several recent adjudged Cases, of extreme Importance, down to the present Time. liy WILLIAM MARRIOT, Of the Inner Temple, Esj. Barrister at Law. London: Printed for J. STRATJOHD, NO. 112, Holborn- Hill; and sold by all other Booksellers in the Kingdom, Where may be had, just published, in one Volume, Octavo ( fourth Edition), Price 3s. sewed, The LAW of WILLS, CODICILS, and RE- VOCATIONS; with plain and familiar Instructions for Executors, Administrators, Devisees, and Le- gatees; including a great Variety of Forms of Wills and Codicils; together with a clear and distinct Account of the Law's Disposal of the Estates of those who die without a Will; vfith Instructions for obtaining Probates of Wills, Letters of Admini- stration, Sec. By EARDLEY MITFORD, Esq. Conveyancer. ' LOCKYEIi's A N T11 iIL10US ~ A N D AN'lf- SCORBUTIC PILLS. THESE PILLS were originally discovered and many Years prepared by Dr. Lionel Lockyer, who, in the Course of a very extensive Practice, admi- nistered them in a great Variety ot Cases both among Rich and Poor, and established their Reputation beyond any other public Medicine of that Time. They resist Bile and all Obstructions of the Spleen and Liver, which, unremoved, corrupt the Blood, from whence flow numerous Diseases, as Pains in 1 lie Head, Trem- blings, Palpitations of the Heart, Swooning, Vertigo, ; Hysterics, & c. Sec.; they destroy Worms, cure the Scurvy, Gout, Leprosy, Black and Yeilow Jaundice, Overflowing of the Gall, Gravel, King's Evil, Fis- tulas, Piles, Sec. Sec. Messrs. Dicey Se Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, by Appointment of the Proprietors, are the only Whole- sale Venders ; they are sold Retail by Dicey Se Co. Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Daven- try ; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Mather, Wel- lingborough; Palgrave, Bedford; Loggin, Aylesbury and Leighton; Dawson, Harrcd, and Higgs, Har- borough ; and by every Vender of Medicines in the United Kingdom. Price 2s. Sd. a Box, with full Directions. Observe that the Name of " M. WATSON," one of the Proprietors, is signed in the Bill of Directions.— All others are Counterfeit. ... . RTvui, Liverpool. Attornies, Messrs. Bradwell & Stephenson, Liverpool. John Jones, of Lnr. eliouse. Middlesex, baker, Nov. 14, 25, and Dec. 19, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Kichings, Ely- place, Holborn. Alexander Shirritf, of Fenclutrch- strect, London, merchant, Nov. 14, 20, and Dec. 19, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Unwin, Shadwell, James Reeve, of Hclborn, Middlesex, umbrella- maker, Nov. 14, 21, and Dec. 19, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Swann, Fore- street. George Cunnington, of Webber- street, St. George's Fields, Surrey, baker, Nov. 14, 24, ami D c. 19, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Cruckshank, Great St. Helen's. Samuel Pears, of Bread- street, gained, by Medicine in Cases of Scrofula, Gout, Rheumatism, Eruption's and Nervous Diseases, dependant on the OhsPt uc ins of the Stomach and Intestines, and in all tho'e Com ePf lcnttSbv° ffre'ftU1d ,', iile' , Where calomel has lost Tt by„ frequent Use.- It is requisite to caution those . vifuisiic io cat the Public against purchasing any others, but I bearing the Words " By the King's Patent' ... the Bottle, Bill of Directions, and outside Wrapper; together with the King's Duty printed in black Ink ; sold iu Bottles of 5s. 6d. ; double Bottles 10s. ; and larger = t'. l 2s. Duty included. (£ 3* Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr Okely, and Mr. Palgrave, Bedford; Mather, Wel- lingborough; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kctterirrg; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Corrall, Lutter- worth ; Loggin, Aylesbury and Leighton; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. containing HGNUM's PILLS, Price only 2s. 9d. the Box ( each Box sixteen Doses), " J70R the infallible Cure of all Degrees of a r certain Disorder, prepared by Mr. LteuuM, Surgeon, at bis Dispensary, No. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester.— One small Pill is a Dose, and the Taking of one Box, in a recent Case, will convince the Patient of his speedy Recovery ; Nothing can be better contrived, more safe and convenient than this Remedy, in totally eradicating every Symptom of this destructive Malady, by Sea or Land, as it needs no Confinement, Restraint of Diet, or Hindrance of Business. A Trial of this noble Medicine will soon sound its due Praise. With each Box is given a copious Di- rection, and a concise Description of the Disease, from which the Purchasers will be enabled to judge properly of their own Cases, and to treat them as may be requisite, without further Medical Assistance, and with the utmost Secrecy and Safety. jr."}" To prevent Counterfeits, observe these Words— " John Lignum, Bridge- Street, Manchester," en- graved on a black Stamp, by Favour of His Majesty's Commissioners; to imitate which is Felony. These Pills may be had, Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. LIONUM'S, NO. 57, Bridge- Street, Manchester, and by Appointment are sold, at 2s. 9d. the Box, by- Howard Se Evans, 42, Long- Lane, West- Smithfield; Dicey & Co. 10, Bow Church- Yard ; Barclay & Son, 95, Fleet- Market; Shaw & Edwards, 66, St. Paul's Church- Yard; Butler, 4, Cheapside; and Newbery & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London ; and Retail of Dicey Se Sutton, and Marshall, Northampton; Green & Taylor, Ampthill; Gardner, Biggleswade; Palgrave, Bedford; Beesley, Banbury; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Ridge, Newark; Inwood, Newport- Pagncll; Tookey, Oundle; Jacob, Peterborough; Inns, Tow- cester ; Paul, St. Ives ; Jenkinson, Huntingdon ; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Mather, Welling- borough; Darton, Hitchin; Simson, Hertford; and of the principal Venders of genuine Medicines in the United Kingdom. WYMAN's ANTI- BILIOUS PILLS, SO justly esteemed for their easy and certain Operation in removing all Bilious Complaints, Obstructions in the Liver, Indigestion, Sick Head- Ach, Jaundice, Sec. They are an excellent Remedy for Persons of Bilious or Costive Habits; for Per- sons of sedentary Lives, where sufficient Action of the Bowels is not kept up ; also for Persons who have impaired their Constitutions by free Living ; and in early Attacks of the Gout are peculiarly useful, by alleviating the Severity of the Fit, and shortening its Duration. They have been found highly useful preparatory to, or during Sea Bathing. These Pills require no particular Regimen or Confinement, and do not contain any Mercurial or Antimonial Preparation. Prepared and sold by W. Wyman, Surgeon, Ket- tering. Sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Sutton, No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; and, Retail, by the Printers of this Paper, Edge, and Marshal), North- ampton ; Sande'son Se Beale, and Mather, Welling- borough ; Robins, Wilkinson, and Bates, Daventry ; Reeve, Higham- Ferrers; York & Summers, Oundle; Beesley, Banbury ; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagneil; Quenehorough, Dunstable; Alsop, Luton; Harrod, and Bull, Market- Harborough; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeiey, Buckingham; Hawkes, Lutterworth; Palgrave, Bedford; Gardner, Biggles- ' ade : Richardson- Stmv. o-— t... a . « —-• . , ... ... vki, i. uiiuon, w houseman, John Watson, John Watson, jun Joseph Watson, of Preston, Lancashire, cotton- nufacturers, Nov. 14, 24, and Dec. 22, at Guildl London. Attornies, Messrs. Crowder, Lavie, Se Garth, Frederick's- place, Old- Jewry. Thomas Rumsey, sen. of Crosby- row, Bermondsey, Surrey, broom- maker, Nov. 12, 19, and Dec. 22, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs. Farret Se Steadman, Bread- street- hill. Gervas Jackson, of Swithin's- lane, London, mer- chant, Nov. 19, 24, and Dec. 22, at Guildhall. At- torney, Mr. Flurle, Cloak- lane. Alexander Cuthbert, Thomas Brooke, and George Robert Cutbbert, of Gutter- lane, London, mer- chants, Nov. 21, 28, and Dec. 22, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Scott, St. Mildred's- court, Poultry. Harry Coleman, of Mere, Wiltshire, butcher, Dec. 3, 4, and 22, at the Phcenix Inn, Gillingham. Attorney, Mr. Seymour, Mere. James, Joseph, and Robert WagstafT, of Glossop, Derbyshire, cotton- spinners, Nov. 18, Dec. 5, and 22, at the Bridgewater- Arms, Manchester. Attornies, Messrs. Duckworth Se Chippendall, Manchester. James Forster, of Sunderland, linen- draper, Dec. 3, 4, and 22, at the Crown- and- Thistle, Newcastle- upon- Tyne. Attorney, Mr. Flunter, Newcastle. upon- Tyne. Moses Hare, of Exeter, cabinet- maker, Nov. 14, 25, and Dec. 22, at the Globe Tavern, Exeter. At- torney, Mr. Maunder, Exeter. John Riley, of Sheffield, grocer, Nov. 20, 21, and Dec. 22, at the George Inn, Sheffield. Attorney, Mr. Sargant, Sheffield. Thomas Gibson, of Mirfield, Yorkshire, carpenter, Nov. 28, Dec. 3, and 22, at the Commercial Coffee- house, Dewsbury. Attorney, Mr. Rylah, Dewsbury. John Endfield, jun. of Langham, Essex, merc'ianr, Nov. 19, 20, and Dec. 22, at the Griffin Inn, Col- chester. Attorney, Mr. Sutton, jun. Colchester. John Owen, of Erith, Huntingdonshire, victualler, Nov. 18, 19, and Dec. 22, at the Crown Inn, St. Ives. Attornies, Messrs. Fetch & Fisher, St. Ives. Elizabeth Clegg, of Stafford, shopkeeper, Nov. 26, 27, and Dec. 22, at the Hotel, Stallord. Attornics, Messrs. Collins Se Keen, Stalford. DIVIDENDS to be made to Creditors. Dec. 1. William Catlin Johnson & John Wiltshire, of Huntingdon, drapers, at Guildhall, London. Dec. 1, Henry Smith, of Birmingham, victualler, at the Swan Hotel, Birmipgham. Dec. 3. John Lewis, jun. of Spilsby, Lincolnshi linen. d « "" - n ' " " " Dcc. linen- draper, at ihe George Inn, Spilsby. . Jliornas Slater, of Leicester, f Guildhall, London. ' Hitchin ; Wall is,' ^ fci^ Stratlord- uppn- Avon; Rollason, and Merridew, Co' ventry; and by every Vender of Medicines in the Kingdom Price 2s. 9d. per Box, Duty included - Be careful to ask for WOMAN'S Antibilious Pills. BANKRUPTS required to SURRENDER. Joseph Johnson Se John Statham, of Twickett's- Mills, Northamptonshire, and Thomas Johnson, of Hyde- street, Bloomsbury, Middlesex, millers, Nov. 17,18, and Dec. 19, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Butcher, Northampton. Humphrey Pope, of Ratcliff- cross, Middlesex, victualler, Nov. 14, 21, and Dec. 19, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs. Holmes & Lewis, Mark- lar. e. Frederic Francis, of Chiswick, Middlesex, smith, Nov. 19, 24, and Dec. 19, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. F'reame, Great Queen- street, Lincoln's- Inn- Fields. Wm. Markham Martin, late of Gosport, Hants, bookseller, printer, and stationer, Nov. 13, 14, and Dec. 19, at the Crown Inn, Gosport. Attorney, Mr. Parsons, Gosport. Thomas Livermore, the elder, of Chelmsford, Essex, grocer and tallow- chandler, Nov. 14, 17, aDd Dec. 19, at Guildhall, London. Attornies, Messrs. Beaurain & Dalton, Union- street, Bishopsgate- street. Edward Kirkman, of Portsmouth, linen- draper, Nov. 14, 17, and Dec. 19, at Guildhall, London, i Attornies, Messrs. Berry Se James, Bueklersbury. ' John Rudd, of High- Holborn, Middlesex, cheese- monger, Nov. 12, 19, and Dec. 19, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Noy, Mincing- lane. John Webster, of Manchester, painter, Nov. SO, Dec. 1, and 19, at the Bridgewater- Arms, Man- chester. Attorney, Mr. Wetherall, Manchester. grocer, at MARKETS.— London, Nop. 0. Our supply of Wheat this morning was not consi- derable at first of the market, the sales, as on Mon- day last, were brisk, but afterwards became dull, and left off at about the currency of that day.— Barley is upon the rise, the supply being short.— White and Grey Peas remain nearly at last we- k's statement.— The two kinds of Beans are rather cheaper; but Oats maintain their price, with a short supply.— Other articles as per figures below. Wheat.. 40s. to45s. 50s. Oats 24s. to28s. 32s, Fine Do. — s. to 52s. 58s. HorseBeansSGs. to 60s. Od. Rye . .. 40s. to 46s. Od. Tick Ditto 48s. to 54s. Od. Barley.. 40s. to 44s. Od. White Peas 80s. to 100s. Malt... 64s. to 72s. Od. Grey Ditto 50s. to 68s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.— Fine 50s. to 65s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket. — Kent, 51. 5s. to 61. I5s.— Sussex, 51. 0s. to 61. 6s. — Farnham, 81.0s. to 101. 0s. SMITHFIILD, Nov. 9. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 8d. Wether Mutton, 3s. 6d. to 5s. Od. Veal, 4s. Od. to 5s. 4d. Pork, 4s. Od. ta. 5s. 4d. Lamb, — s. Od. to — s. Od. Sold this day, Beasts, 2500— Sheep and Lambs, 18,000. NIWGATI and LIADRNHALL, Nov. 9. By the carcase. Beef, 2s. 8d. to 4s. Od. Mutton, 2s. 8d. ta 4s. 4d. Veal, 3s. Od. to 5s. Od. Pork, 4s. Od. to 5s. 4d. Lamb, — s. Od. to— s. Od. TALLOW.— Town, 69s. Od. White Russia,— s. Od. to 61s. Od. ( Soap),— s. Od. to 61s. Od. Melting Stuff. — s. to 50s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 33s. Good Dregs, 12s. Od. Craves, 12s. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 661b. 22d toSld. Ditto, 60 to 661b. 26d. to 27d. Merchants' Backs, 21d. to 22d. Dressing Hides, 16d. to 17Jd. Fine Coach-. Hides, 18d. to 19d. Crop Hides, 35 to 401b. pet doz. 17d. to 20d. Ditto, 45 to 501b. 20d. to22{ d. Calt Skins, 30 to 401b. 26d. to 32d. Ditto, fr to 701b. 36d. to 40d. Ditto, 70 to 80lb. 33d. to 36d. Small Seals, per lb. S8d. to 40d. Large Ditto, pei doz. 100s. to 160s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. pet doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 18s. to SOs. each. NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for T, DICEY and IV, SUTTON. I i
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