The Northampton Mercury
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Volume Number: 87
Issue Number: 33
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 24/10/1807
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: 87
Issue Number: 33
No Pages: 4
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ortf) am$ tim txtuvp Vol. 87. SATURDAY, October 24, 1307- No. 33. Ready Money is expected ^ with Advertisements. 5 5 Circulated through every Town and populous Village in the Counties of Northampton, Leicester, Huntingdon,) ( Bedford, Buckingham, Hertford, Oxford, Warwick; Part of Cambridge, Nottingham, Lincoln, and Rutland. ji PRICE SIXPENCE, 5 Stamp- Duty .. • • -- 3j< i. ( Paper and Print • - 2Jd. Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. From the LONDON GAZETTE. SATURDAY, Oet. 17. Admiralty- Office, Oct. 17, 1807. ALetter has been received at this office from Admiral Lord Gardner to the Hon. William Wellesley
Pole, dated the 15th instant, giving an account of the capture of two chasse- martles of the enemy, by a boat from his Majesty's ship Aigle; and also of the capture of three vessels of the same description, and the destruction of 17 others ( as under- mentioned), by the Martial gun- brig. The Lieutenant commanding the latter vessel speaks in very strong terms of the gal- lantry and exertions of Sub- Lieutenant Fletcher on the above, as well as every other occasion. Suffisante lugger, with wine and brandy, from Rochelle to Quiberon— taken. Jeune Victoire ami Volage ( chass6- marees), with pitch, tar, wine, and brandy— bu^ nt;
and 15 others driven on shore. A schooner and a chasse- maree ( names unknown),, with wine, & c. from St. Martin to Quimper— taken. A letter has also been received from Rear- Adniiral the Honourable Sir Alexander Cochrane, K. B. Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships and vessels at the Leeward Islands, dated B.- lleisle, Halifax harbour, September 16th, 1807, transmit- ting two letters from Captain Ballard, of his Majesty's ship Blonde, statins: the capture of the French privateer La Damn Villaret, mounting one long 18- pounder carronade, and 69 men ; and the French privateer schooner L'Horteus ( late Eclair),
mounting four nine- pounder carronades, two long 12- pounders, and two eight- pounders, and 90 men; both belonging to Martinique, and had taken nothing. A letter from Captain Scott, of his Majesty's ship the Boreas, addressed to Vice- Admiral Sir James Saumarez, and transmitted to him, states the capture of La Victoire French schooner pri- vateer, arined with swivels, mivsketoons, & c. with 28 men. She sailed from Morlaix the day before, had made one capture ( an American brig), which was retaken. The Gazette also contains a Proclamation for recalling and prohibiting our seamen from serving Foreign Princes and
States; at the same time re- quiring them to return to Great- Britain and Ireland, or in the event of their refusal, to be considered as deserters, and to be treated as such after a limited time. LONDON, Oct. 20. German Papers have arrived to the 13th, and brought intelligence of Denmark having concluded a treaty of alliance offensive and defensive with France; in consequence of which the French troops are to occupy Ilolstein and Schleswick; though these countries are not in the slightestdanger of any attack from us.— But they are fine and fer- tile provinces, and have yet been untouched by the hand of rapine ; a circumstance
which makes it peculiarly desirable to the French to occupy them. They will soon reduce them to the same situation to which they have reduced Hanover, Mecklen- burgh, and every territory into which they have entered, whether as friends or foes. The Danish fleet may be expected to arrive in the course of this week. It was the intention of Admiral Gambier that it should sail for England* on Thursday last, provided the wind was favourable. The time fixed by the articles of capitulation for the evacuation of the island of Zealand expired yesterday. The report of an embargo upon the British ships in Kussia rests entirely upon the
assertion of the Master of the Ameri< vi vessel l'igou. There has been no later arrival from Cronstadt than that vessel. There is, in fact, no other foundation for this intelligence than the apprehensions of the British resident in Russia. The measure was, however, • expected to take place; but no advices. that cai> be depended upon, of its having actually occurred, have as yet arrived. The Marv, Rice, arrived at Falmouth in nine days from Oporto, states, that 40 sail of vessels, loading at that port, were expected to sail before the 14th instant, as it was supposed the port would be closed on the 15th. Twenty gun- boats came out of
Vigo, 10 of which were sunk, and four driven on shore by an English frigate and a sloop of war. We announce, with pleasure, that official ac- counts have been received of the differences which lately subsisted between the India Company's servants at Canton and the Chinese, having been amicably adjusted. At. the time Colonel M'Quflrrie left Bombay, the British possessions in India were in a state ot' perfect peace and tranquillity.. New- York Papers to the 11th nit. and Norfolk Papers to the 16th, have been received. They contain an account of the trial of J. Wilson, alius J. Ratford, one of the deserters from his Majesty's ship
Halifax, who was found on board the United States' frigate Chesapeake, when she was searched by the Leopard. 11c was proved to have been a native of London, and has suffered the punishment of death, to which he was adjudged, after a long and careful investigation by the' Court- Martial Wore which he was tried in Halifax harbour.— The three deserters from the Melampus, W. Ware, D. Martin, and J. Ktrachan, who were taken out of the Chesapeake, have been also tried, and being found subjects of Great- Britain, were sentenced to receive 500 lashes each; but we leani from Halifax that they have sincc been pardoned.
We are sorry to learn from private letters, that a very serious mutiny had broken outon board of his' Majesty's ship Jason; but it was subdued • by the intrepidity of the Officers, and the ring- leaders have been tried at Halifax. Letters from New- York have been received, by the Indian Hunter, arrived at. Liverpool. The American Government appears determined rigidly to enforce the President's Proclamation against all intercourse between the British ships of war and the coast. On Saturday dispatchds were received at. the Admiralty from Admiral Gambier, by the Starling gun- brig; the only information of interest which they
communicate, refers to the loss of the Ilail- lour sloop of war. All her officers, it is stated, were absent in prizes; the rest of her crew, it is apprehended, have perished.— The Raiileur was unfortunately lost, with some of her convoy, on Lipau Island, in the Cattegat, in the dreadful gale on the 30th ult. The Little Belt corvette, the first of the Danish fleet, and three transports, laden with naval stores, from Copenhagen, have arrived at Yarmouth, under convoy of the Calypso sloop of war. The restof the fleet is hourly expected Between the 1st and 6th of August three great fires took place at Constantinople, which reduced several
hundred houses to ashes. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint John Ear; of Chatham, K. B. to be Governor of the Island of Jersey.— Gazette. Parliament, it is reported, will not meet until after the 18th of January. The surplus of the Consolidated Fund, far the quarter . ending the 10th instant, was no less than Jf. 2,300,000. The disputes respecting the bettings on the late foot- race, were decided yesterday at Tattersall's. After some consultation, it was the opinion of a very considerable majority, that the bets ought not to be paid. With respect to the imposition there was but one opinion; and it is also known, that a prepared
liquid was administered to Wood after he hail gone miles. Friday morning an enquiry took place before Mr. Hodgson, Coroner, respecting the unfortunate persons who lost their liyes the preceding evening at Sadler's- Wells. Several persons attended to identify the bodies; and after a number of wit- nesses had been examined, the Coroner stated to the Jury, that it did not appear from the evidence which had been produced, that criminality at- tached to any particular individual; the question, therefore, for them to decide was, how these persons had lost their lives. The Jury were una- nimously of opinion, that ttiey came by their
deaths— casually, accidentally, and by misfortune. Friday Vincent I'earce, John Pearce, Sarah Ltiker, and Mary Vine, were brought to Hatton- Garden, charged with creating the alarm of fire in Sadler's- Wells, on Thursday night; when evi- dence . having been heard respecting the dis- turbance that took place at the theatre, and in which the prisoners were concerned, the Ma- gistrate said that there was no ground for sup- posing that the prisoners had maliciously been the cause of the alarm; but if Mr.. Dibdiu thought lit to prosecute, tliev were indictable for a breach of the peace. Mr. Dibdin replied, that he felt it his duty to
proceed. Three of the pri- soners then found bail; but Mary Vine was com- mitted to Clerkenwell prison. Weyhi. il Fair.— The hop fair commcnced on Monday— the quantity on the hill was considered to be about a third of a good crop. The prices opened, for the best Farnham £. 11 to £. 1% per ewt. Crondall, Froyle, and other country growth, were from £. 9 10s. to £. 10 10s. per cwt. At these prices but little business was done. On Tuesday the trade became excessively dull, and scarcely any buyers were to be found without submitting to a reduction of £. 2 per, cwt. Many lots of the best growth were sold at these reduced prices.
The hop fair closed on Wednesday, and those who sold on that day were obliged to sub- mit to a further reduction of 20s. per cwt. and still a considerable quantity remained, for which 110 buyers offered. Cheese sold at from 60s. to 84s. per cwt. A most cruel murder was committed, on the night of Sunday se'nnigbt, at Lansamlet, near Swansea, upon Susan Nicholas, a very aged woman who resided there. A young girl going out to milk, early on Monday morning, observed. the door of the deceased's cottage open, which appeared to her rather extraordinary; she called to the deceased by name, but receiving no answer, the girl
became alarmed, and having obtained the assistance of her brother, they both entered the cottage. Here a shocking scene was presented to their view: the unfortunate woman was discovered stretched upon the lower part of her bed, with her head inclining over the side, and a pair of bellows placed on her face; several of her fingers were much cut, and she had received a violent blow upon the upper lip, which had forced out some of her teeth, and broke the jaw; but from the marks upon her throat and neck, she appeared to have been strangled. A rusty scythe blade was found outside the door, and blood was discovered in
several places. An inquest was held upon the body on Monday, by J. C. Collins, Esq. Coroner; and,, aftei> a most laborious inves- tigation of several hours, the Jury returned their verdict— Wilful Murder, by some person or persons unknown.— We sincerely hope the perpetrator of this inhuman deed will not long elude the strong arm ot' justice. The deceased had formerly pos- sessed several hundred pounds, but had latterly become much reduced in circumstances. If the little money she had in the house was the tempt- ation to deprive her of life, the murderer was disappointed : eighteen guineas and a shilling were found on
her person, concealed in a pocket sus- pended so low as to reach her knee, and having another pocket hanging over it. PRIVATE TUITION, At A I. LESLEY, near COVENTRY. npiIE Rev. II. R. WOOLLEY, A. B. Curate a of Allesley, proposes to receive into his House immediately SIX YOUNG GENTLEMEN, as pri- vate Pupils, who will be diligently instructed in every Branch of Classical Education. TERM S. Boys under 14 Years of Age. . Ditto above 14 .. 84$ Per Annjm" 15th October, 1807. Pay- Office, Hove- Guards, Oct. 1 9th, 1807. ARMY HALF- PAY. IN Pursuance of an Act of the 47th Year of His present Majesty, Sess. 2,
Cap. 25, entitled, " An Act for the more convenient Payment of Halt- pa}, and other Allowances to Officers, and Widows of Officers, and to Persons on the Compassionate List;" Notice is hereby given, by Directions of the Riuht Honourable the Paymaster- General, that all Officers, who may wish to be paid in their own Dis- tricts, from and after the 1\ th of December, 1807, under the Provisions of the said Act, are required to send, under C, ver to the Right Honourable the Paymaster- General of His Majesty's Forces, Pay- OiHee, Horse- Guards ( writing thereon the Words 11 Half- pay Affi- davits," to ensure their Delivery in the
proper Depart- ment), their Affidavits immediately ajtcr the 15th cf J title, and 2 5th of December, in each Year, stating at the same t ime, by Letter, the Receiver- General of the Land- Tax, the Collector of the Cess in Scotland, the Collector of the Customs or Excise, or tin: Col- lector of the Duties under the Management of the Commissioners for the A flairs of Taxes, from whom they are desirous of receiving the Monies due to them ; jin.' l, where the whole Amount of the Income is under .€. 150 per Annum, always to transmit witli said Affidavits to the t\ ib December, an Affidavit according to the under- mentioned Form, of the
Whole of their Income, if it be derived from Mili- tary Appointments only, and if it be a mixed Income ( that is, derived from diflerent Sources), a Certi- ficate of the District Commissioners, to wHom their Returns have been made, of the Whole of their Income, including their Half- pay, in order that their Half- pay may be assessed to the Property- Tax, and a Bill for the nett Sum remitted to them, as soon as the Monies for that Service are in Course of Payment, Notice of which will be advertised in the Gazette.— Where the Whole of the Income amounts to =£. 150 per Annum, it will then be sufficient to state, in- stead of specifying
the Amount thereof, that the full Tax is to be taken from the Half- pay. If the above Directions are not strictly complied with, a Bill for the Half- pay cannot be remitted. HARRY HARMOOD, Cashier of Half- pay. Declaration of Property for the Year ending 5th April, 1803. I residing at do swear, that from the 6th Day of April, 1807, to this Date, the " Whole" of my Income was derived from my Allowance of Half- pay as a reduced in Regiment of and did not exceed the Sum of £ per Annum. Officer signs Sworn before me, this Day of Magistrate signs ( JdT N. B. This must not be sworn until after the 24th Day of December in cach Year.
Mr. PULLEY, SURGEON, AMPTHILL, Beds, rSWIvES this Opportunity of returning his most - I grateful Thanks for the distinguished Patronage shewn him in his Profession by a generous Public. The Success Mr. P. has had in the present Fever and Sore Throat ( under a Divi;. f Blessing) has greatly increased his Connections, from the friendly Re- commendations ot his numerous Patients, many of whom would have been suffocated had not Openings been made in the Throat, and Blisters applied. Mr. PULLEY, for the Benefit of his particular Friends and the Public in general, attends any. Distance within twelve Miles cf
Ampthill. Mr. PULLEY has no Doubt in his Mind hut that many valuable Lives have been lost by the unskilful Administration of Vomits, particularly from petty Shopkeepers recommending ot them, without con- sidering the awful Consequences that must follow, from obliging the Stomach to endeavour to empty itself of its Contents, when the upper Orifice is so closed up by the Swelling in the Throat and sur- rounding Parts, as to cause Suffocation instead of Evacuation. ( HT Wanted immediately. An APPRENTICE. ' After the first Day of December next, Mr. Pulley will be in want of an Assistant, property qualified to exercise the
different Branches of the Profession. A Certificate of his Qualifications and good Character will be expected. To PAltlSH- OFFICEUS, & c. WISBECH, 6th October, 1807. VVfnEiiEAS SAMUEL BAWTREE NT. WMAN, of Wisbech St. Peter's, in the Isle of Ely, Bricklayer, left his Home on Friday the 1st of November, 1799, and was afterwards seen at March, in the Road to Chatteris; since which he has not been heard of, but is supposed to be either in a Hos- pital or Poorhouse: The said S. B. Newman ( if living) is about 50 Years of Age, but through Infirmities looks much older; is of a low Stature, has a long Visage, pitted with the
Small- Pox, and has so great an Impediment in his Speech, as scarcely. to be understood. The Executors of Mr. S. Newman ( Father of the above) do, in Conformity to his Will, again and finally offer a Reward of ONE HUNDRED GUINEAS to any Person who may give such Information, prior to the 13th of March next, as may be the Means of restoring the said S. B. Newman to his Friends; as' the 13th of March is the Period when the Effects of his late Father are to be finally and irretrievably dis- posed of. It is therefore requested, that immediate Information may be given ( if any can) to Mr. John Johnson, or Mr. Henry Rogley,
both of Wisbech aforesaid. S P A It ROWS- 1IE R N E TU UN PI Rli. TVTOTICE is hereby given, That the Trustees of - L * this Turnpike- Road will meet by Adjournment an TUESDAY the 27th Day of OCTOBER, 1807, at the KING'S- ARMS INN, at BERKHAMSTED - SAINT- PETER, in the County of Hertford, by Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon, when they will examine the Treasurer's Hilt- yearly Accounts, and nominate and elect new Trustees of this Turnpike- Road, in the Room of those who are dead.— Dated the 1st Day of October, 1807. HARRY GROVER, Clerk to the said Trustees. HOUGHTON- REGIS, Sept. 30th,
1807. " IVfOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS - LM arising at the Toll- Gate upon the Turnpike- Road at Harpenden, in the County of Hertford, known by the Name of the HARPENDEN GATE, will lie LETT by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the House of BENJAMIN CARTER, being the GEORGE INN, in SILSOE, in the County of Bedford, on FRIDAY tile 30th Day of OCTOBER next, between the Hours of Eleven in the Forenoon and Two in the Afternoon, for the Term of three Years, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His Majesty king George the Third, for regulating the Turnpike-
Roads; which Tolls produced, on the Average of the three last Years, the Sum of One Hundred and Fifty- seven l'ounds, and will b* put up at that Sum. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turn- pike- Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed tor, and at such Times as they shall direct. J. LESLEY, Clerk to tlie Trustees ot the said Turnpike- Uoad. TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO BE LET!'. NOTICE is hereby given, That the TOLLS arising at the Toll- Gate upon the Turnpike- Road leading from Dunchurch to Hillmorton, in the
County of Warwick, and from thenceto Saint James's- End, in the Parish of Duston, in the County of Northampton, called or known by the Name of the HILLMORTON GATE, will be LETT by AUCTION, to the Best Bidder, at the House of Mr. WALTON, known by the Sign of the FOX- AND- HOUNDS, at HARLF. STON, in the said County of Northampton, on FRIDAY the SIXTH Day of NOVEMBER next, between the Hours of Twelve and Four o'C'lock, in the Manner directed by the Act passed in the 13th Year of His present Majesty's Reign, for regulating the Turnpike- Roads; which Tolls will be put up at such Sum as the
Trustees of the said Turnpike. Road shall think fit. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, with sufficient Sureties, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees of the said Turn- pike- Road, for Payment of the Rent agreed for, and at such Times as they shall direct. By Order of tlie said Trustees, WM. TR. SMYTH, Clerk. October Yith, 180". OCTOBER 15tli, 1807. TV] OTICE is hereby given. That a Meeting of . L the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from Banbury, in the County of Oxford, to the South End of Mill Field, in the Parish of Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, will be held, by
Adjournment, at the WHEAT- SHEAF INN, in DAVENTRY, on FRIDAY the 6th Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven s'Clock in the Forenoon; at which Meeting the Trustees will take into Consideration and determine, the Propriety of erecting a Side- Gate, Ticket- Gate, or* other Turnpike- Gate, at or near the Village of Charwelton, in the County of Northampton. EDMUND BURTON, Clerk to the Trustees. PRIVATE TUITION. AMarried Clergyman, lately settled in a healthy Situation in the Neighbourhood of STONY- STRATFORD, is desirous of establishing a PRIVATE SEMINARY for the Classical and'ge- neral Instruction of FIVE
or SIX PUPILS, on very moderate Terms. The most respectable References can be given.— Address to the Rev. A. B. Post- Office, Stony - St ratford. ~ PREONANCYT ANY LADY in this Situation, under peculiar Circumstances, may obtain a confidential Friend, and secure her Honour and Happiwss, bv addressing a Letter ( Post- paid) to Mrs. GRIMSTON, No. 18, Broad- Street, Golden - Square, London, when a private Interview with llie Advertiser will be appointed. SAUWRD, near Wobtfsrn, BeJ-. WHEREAS ELIZABETH, my Wife, hath ELOPED from me: Now I do hereby fore- warn all Persons from trdstii.^ her, as f will not
be answerable for any Debts that - lie may contract after this Notice.— Dated this 12th flat of October, 1807. HENRY STAINES. OCVI. MER 19th, 1807. • WHEREAS THREE TV. u- SIIEAlt EWES V T have been publicly crie-< in different Market Towns since the Uiili or Scptei 1807 : Notice is hereby given, By CHARLES BELL, of Stanion, in the County of Northampton, that the said Ewes will be soi l to defray their Expences ( if not owned before the Sth of November next), at. d no further Notice will be given. WELLINOBOBOUGI!, Ititli October, 1807. ISS ALLEN, late of WELLINODOROL- GII, . respectfully solicits the Payment
of her Debts to Mr WILLIAM SPONC, who is authorized to receive the same. To the CREDITORS of JOHN PAYN E. " VTOriCE is hereby given, That Messrs. Stilgoe - L*. & Cole, the Assignees of the Estate and Effects of JOHN PAYNE, now or late of Hclmdon, in the County of Northampton, Victualler, will attend at the CHEQUER INN, in HELMDON aforesaid, Oil FRIDAY the 27th Day of Novium next, and then pay to such of the Creditors of the said John Payne as have executed, and to those who shall on or b.- tbre that Day execute, his Deed of Assignment, a Dividend upon their respective Debts; but all Persons who shall
not execute such Deed on or before the said 27rh Day of Novemb.' r next, will be totally excluded from all Benefit arising by Virtue of such Deed of Assignment. October 1- 1 th, 1897. To be LETT, for a Term of Years, And entered upon immediately, AVery desirable FARM, situate in the Parish of CAVERSFIELD, near Bicester, in the. County of Oxford; consisting of a Farm- Hou « e, with all necessary Out- buildings, and about 214 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and pasture Land, Tythe- free. For Particulars, and to treat, apply to Messrs. BICNELL & WYKHAM, Solicitors, at Banbury. CORN AND COTTON MILLS. To be L E T T,
And entered upon immediately, ACORN- MILL ( with two Pair ' of French Stones, and every requisite Convenience, with Power to grind and dress from 450 to COO Bushels per Week at all Seasons of the Year) upon the River Avon, one Mile from Warwick, ar. d Haifa Mile from the Canal communicating from London to Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Sec. ; or if more agreeable, a Person who is competent to manage the Concern, and can command One- third of the Capital, may have a Connection with the Proprietor, who is conviisarvt in the Trade.— Satisfactory Reference will be given and expected. WANTED, several
active, healthy GIRLS, about 14 Years of Age, as APPRENTICES.— No Premium required.— Two new Dresses expected. Apply personally, or by Letter Post- paid, to BENJAMIN SMART, Jun. Warwick. [ One Concern.] To be SOLO bv PRIVATE CONTLlACfT~" ACapital and " very desirable FREEHOLD ESTATE ; consisting of a substantial Farm- House, and about 300 Acres ( in a Ring Fence) of exceeding rich Land ( chiefly Pasture and Meadow), situate at RADBORNE, in the County ofWarwick. Together with every fourth Turn or Right of Presenta- tion to the Rectory of Radborne.— This Estate is sub- ject to no parochial
Rates or Assessments. Apply to Mr. BURTON, Attorney, Daventry. OCTORT. R 15th, 1807. "] VT OTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of i_\ the Trusteesof the Turnpike- Road leading from Banbury, in the County of Oxford, to the South End of Mill Field, in the Parish ot Lutterworth, in the County of Leicester, will he held at the RID- I. ION INN, in BANBURY, on FRIDAY the 13th Day of NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'clock in the Fore- noon; at which Meeting the TOLLS to arise tor one Year ut the BANBURY BRIDOE TOLL- GATE will be LETT by AUCTION, in Manner directed by the Statute made in the 13th Year of His
Majesty's Reign, for regulating Turnpike- Roads ; which Tolls produced the List Year the Sum of ^£. 343, and will be put up at that Sum. Whoever happens to be the Best Bidder, must at the same Time give Security, to the Satisfaction of the Trustees, for Payment of the Rents agreed » pon, at such Times as the Trustees shall direct; and those Persons who, by Reason of the Occupation of their Farms, are entitled to compound for their Tolls at the said Gate, may attend the Meeting and compound for the same immediately before the Tolls are put up. EDMUND BURTON, Clerk to the Trustees, Titchmarsh, Northamptonshire.
To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the George Inn, in Thr'apston, in the County of Northampton, on Tuesday the 27th Day of October instant, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, in such Lot or Lots, and subject to such Conditions, as shall be then and there specified ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract), AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in TITCHMARSH, in the County of North- ampton ; consisting of two Closes of rich Meadow Ground, containing together lfiA. 1R. 18P. ( more or less), now in the Occupation of Mr. John Knight. Forfurther Particulars, apply to Messrs. SHERARDS, Solicitors,
Thrapston or Oundle. ______ .__ |) v A0C1ION, At the George Inn, in Thrapston, in the County of Northampton, on Tuesday the 27th of October instant, between the Hours of Five and Seven in the Afternoon, qnder such Conditions as shall be then and there specified ( unless previously disposed of by Private Contract), ALL that CLOSE of MEADOW GROUND, situate and being in THRAPSTON aforesaid, late in the Occupation of the Widow Scales, con- taining 4A. 2R. more or less. For further Particulars, and to treat for the same by Private Contract, apply to Messrs, SHERARDS, Solicitors, in Thrapston or Oundle.
Leasehold Estate, Aynho, ' Northamptonshire. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By Mr. GARDNER, At the Red- Lion Inn, in Aynho, in the County of Northampton, on Tuesday" the 24th Day of No- vember next, between the Hours of Three^ nd Five in the Afternoon, unless previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which due Notice will be given, 4 Valuable LEASEHOLD ESTATE, situate at xV AYNHO aforesaid, on the Turnpike- Road from Bar. bury to Buckingham and London, six Miles from Banbury, 11 from Buckingham, live from Brackley, nine from Bicester, and 1/ from Oxford, with very good Turnpike- Roads the whole
Distance to each; consisting of a Farm- House, Homestall, and Buildings, supplied with a constant Streatn of excellent Water running through the Yard, a goo'd walled Garden, and inclosed Pasture, Meadow, and Arable Lands, in proper and convenient Divisions, containing together upwards of 208 Acres, subject to an annual Corn Rent, in Lieu of Tythes, held of the Piesident and Scholars of Magdalen College, in Oxford, on Lease for twenty Yeare, from the 10th Day of October, 1806, renewable every seven Years, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Jeremiah Tibbets, on a Sub- lease, which will expire the 2oth of March, 1813.
Mr. TIBBETS, the Tenant, will shew the Estate,— Printed Particulars, with a Statement of the annual Outgoings and Conditions of Sale, to be had at the White - Lion, Banbury; Crown and Rein - Deer, Brackley; C bham- Arms, Buckingham; King's- Arms, Bicester; the Place of Sale; of Mr. Tims, Attorney, Banbury ( at whose Office a Plan of the Estate, and Abstracts of the Leases, may be seen); and of Mr. Chamberlin, Cropredy- Lawn, near Ban- bury, who is authorized to treat by Private Contract. JOSEPH MEE, WOO LI. EN and LINEN- DRAPER, & c. W EI. LI N C BO ROUGH, T » E9S Lcave to return sincere Thanks to his J
X f riends and the Public for their Support, and also to inform them, that, in Addition to his Mock, he has purchased a new Assortment of C- oods from toe diflerent Markets, consisting of Broad and Narrow Cloths, Coatings, Kerseymeres, i ate, it Cords, Fancy Waistcoats, & c. ; Yard- wide lrmts, Ginghams, Charohrays, Pelisse Cloths, and Salisbury Flannels; black and coloured Saisnets, plain and twilL'dj Ladies' Shoes, Muffs, Tippets,- & c. ; with a Variety of other Articles, which he is determined to se. l upon reasonable Terms, so as to insure a Continuance of their Favour-. MILLINERY in all its Branches. .1 As, isi"- N'' wanted,
who well understands the Milbnery and Dr.- ss- Making.- Letters, Post- paid, will be attended to. 14th October, 1807. To jM'lies and Gentleman. A CAR 1), ( From a U; e Foreman of Mr. A LI EN'S) t oen: zemen\ cixmius CONTINUE to be made in the most elecaut and fashionable Manner, and in that hbl ! y. approved Style of cutting which has given '• uii- ^ TrV » ?"."•,!.\ rt'"" , he Nubility and Bentrv, by DIF lRIcm ,& C « . ARK, TALLOPS at No", UIHWKE. PI. AU, L(! W() N ( the latter'hereto:',•! » Foreman to Mr Ai LIS). They also make YOUNG GEX ILK. MEN'S SUITS, And HUSSAR DRESSES, in the most tasteful and elegant
Form. D. & C. having hsd the Happiness to experience unprecedented Success and Patronage from MEN or FASHION, since their Commencement, about two Years since, they - beg Leave to solicit the further Orders of the Nobility and Gentry in Town and Country, to whose Commands the itrictest Attention will at all Times be paid. REGIMENTALS, LEATHER BREECHES, LIVERIES, & c. Sec. & c. An old Suit may be sent as a Pattern ; or Gentlemen may be informed how to send til ir Measure per Post ; a printed Form of which will be sent upon Ap- plication. LADIES' HIDING IIABITS Continue to be elegantly made at the
above House. Freehold.— Silversione, near Tou- cestcr. To be S O L D by A U C T I O N, By JOHN D A Y, Exactly at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon, in one Lo: at the House- of Mr. John Linnell, the Sign STRE CoQipasses, in SILVERSTONE, on Monday the 26th ot October, 1807, A HOUSE and PREMISES, divided into three Tenements, with a large Garden, well planted with choice Fruit Trees, and a Close of rich Sweard Land adjoining, containing together three Acres, be ? ame more or less> ami in tlle Occupation of Mr. William JefFery, Tenant at Will, with a Right of Common in the open Fields of Silverstoue aforesaid, and
in Whittlebury Foiest. For a View of the same,, apply to the Tenant; and tor further Particulars, to the Auctioneer, in Stony. Stratford. 1 Freehold Houses, Old- Stratford, Northamptonshire. To be SO L D by AUCTIO N, By JOHN DAY, On Thursday the 29th of October, 1S07, at the Saraccn's- llead Inn, in OLD- STRATFORD aforesaid, between the Hours of Five and Six o'clock in the Evening, in one Lot, rpWO MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, Brick X and Tile- built, in complete Repair, adjoining each oilier, and in the Occupations of R ichard 1 ngiam and Daniel Smith; situate near the CANAL BRIDGE. May be viewed by applying
to the Tenants; and Particulars known of the Auctioneer, in sionv- Stratford. Eligible Freehold Estate, Situated in the Hamlets of FENNY- STRATFORD and WATER- EATON, in the Parish of Bletcliley, in the County of Bucks, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN' DAY, At the Swan Inn, in Fenny- Stratford aforesaid, on Wednesday the 18th Dav of November next, pre- cisely at Twelve o'Clock ; CONSISTING of a FARM of rich PASTURE J and MEADOW LAND, called the GREEN. END'S FARM, in the Occupation of Mrs. Lucas & Sons, containing 90 Acres ( moreor less), lying compact in a Ring Fence, without any Intermixture
ot other Property, and will be put up in one Lot. Also, FIVE other PARCELS of rich and valuable LAND, which will be put up in five distinct Lots, situated in FENNY- STRATFORD and WATER- EATON aforesaid, and respectively known by the Names of Savage's Meadow, in the Occupation of the said Lucas's; Safforn Gardens, in the Occupation of Mr. Leabery; Whibsey's Close, in the Occupation of Mr. M. Goodman; Mill- Holme, in the Occupation of the aforesaid Mr. Goodman; and Tenter Close, in the Occupation of. the said Mr. Leabery, Particulars, with Conditions of Sale, may be had, in due Time, at the following Inns, viz.
Swan, Newport - I'agnell and Fenny - Stratford; George, Woburn; Crown, Dunstable; Eagle- and - Child, Leighton- Buzzard ; Bell, Winslow ; at the Office of Mr. Congreve, Solicitor, or the Auctioneer, in Stonv- Stratford. The respective Tenants w ill shew the Premises. NOR T H AMP TO N S11 IRE, on the Borders of LEICESTERSHIRE. Noble and extensive Demesne, ancient Manor- House, capital Farms, Lands, and IVoods, y: early_ Tytoe- free, Upwards of Two Thousand Five Hand ed Acres. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. ROBINS, At Garraway's Coffee- House, in Exchange- Allev, Cornhill, London, on Tuesday the 2ith
of Novem- ber next, at Twelve o'Clock, in Lota, rpiIE capital and very eligible FREEHOLD L ESTATE, PIPWEl.' L- ABBEY, five Miles from Market - Harborough and Kettering, in the County of Northampton, the Property of a NOBLE- MAN; comprising an ANCIENT MANSION- HOUSE, with Domestic Offices of all Descriptions; Pad- docks ; eligible and desirable Farms of rich inclosed Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, with suitable Buildings, and ornamented with fine Timber, divided by thriving Hedges, aiid lying within a Ring Fence, comprising Upwards of One Thousand Two Hun,'. red Acres, lett to respectable Tenants at
Will; with the MANORIAL RIGHTS, Cottages, Waste Grounds, and other valuable . Appurtenances.— Also PIPWE1. L. WOODS, in Hand, containing upwards of Three Hundred and Fifty Acres, well stocked with fine Oak and other Timber, and Underwood.— The capital, extensive, and thriving WOODS,- comprising Part of ROCKINGHAM- FOREST, and adjoining the Pjpwell Estate ; situate in the Parishes of MIDDLETON, COTTING, and OAKLEY, in the said County, containing upwards of Nine Hundred and Seventy Acres, with the Timber and Underwood thereon.— The Whole of these valuable. Estates being nearly Tythe free, compact, and commanding a fine Tr: ict of one of the first Counties, forms a most eligible Property for a Nobleman or Gentleman wishing to invest- their Money in Land. The Estates may be viewed by applying to Mr. John Essam, at the Mansion, where Particulars may be had; also at the George, Kettering; the principal Inns at Market- Harbor., ugh; Three- Cranes, Lei. cester; George, Northampton; Swan, Newport; Post- House, Wei ford; of T. G. Parr, Esq. Litch- field; at the Hen - and - Chickens, Birmingham; George, Woburn; Sugar- J. oaf, Dunstable; Whi'e- Hart, St. Alban's; Red- l ion, Barnet ; of Mr. Thomas Trumper,
Hartfield, Middlesex; at Gar- raway's; and of Mr. Robins., Warwick - Str etf Golden- Square, London, where » Plan of the Estate may be seen.
Wednesday and Thursday's Posts. LONDON; October 23, DUTCH Papers to the 14th, and French to ( be.' lltb instant, have been received. It is stated that Cronstadt, Revel, &<;. have been put in a state of defence; but we have reason to ber lieve, that it is only in preparation against any Sudden attacks, and by no means with a view to commence hostilities against this country, or to shut the ports against our commerce. It is understood'that the French have marched into Holstein. The object is to* be ready to em- brace the first opportunity of driving the British out of Zealand, should they think of retaining it. The King of'Prussia
has appointed a Court- Martial to examine into the conduct of numerous Officers during the late calamitous war. To a General Officer, who solicited his dismissal, the King is said to have replied, that the application was premature, as it remained to be determined whether it should be accompanied by honour or infamy. War is raging between the Beys of Tunis and Algiers, the former wishing to shake off his depen dence on the latter. The Tunisians laid- siege to Constantins, but were obliged to raise it, and retired with great loss; but assembling the re- mainder of their forces, they gave battle to the Algerines, and totally defeated
them, taking a great ' part of their army prisoners, with all their artillery, baggage, stores, 130 tents, and 4000 camels. A war, which has been attended with great slaughter, has broke out amongst sotne of the One of the chiefs of The Commander of a Guinea ship belonging to Liverpool, is . said to . have been sent heme from the Webt- Indies by order of Admiral Cochrane, on a charge of murdering his boatswain in the passage from the coast of Guinea to Moiitserat. J. WARNER, 16, Comhiil, London, informs the holders of Supplementary Tickets and Shares, not receiving money, that their identical numbers will be drawn over
again in the Supplementary Lottery, of only 6000 Tickets, giving them the chance of the great Prizes of ,£. 2,0,000, .£. 10,000, One Thousands, Five Hundreds, & c. & c. & c. without any additional expence or trouble of changing their numbers. As General Whitelocke is to return with the last division of troops, his arrival is not expected till the middle of December. It is still under- stood that a Court- Martial will then be appointed to enquire into the proceedings which led to the surrender of Buenos Ay res; Earl Stanhope has nearly completed another model of a line- of- battle ship, on a more improved plan than that launched last
week in Kensington Gardens. It will be launched in a few days. On Monday the 19th, . the sentence of the Court- Martial waj put in execution on Lieutenant Berry, Jafe First Lieutenant of the Hazard sloop of war. The prisoner, being removed from the Salvador del Mundo to the Hazard, lying alongside a hulk in liamoAze, at nine o'clock appeared, and mounted the scaffold with the greatest fortitude; he then requested to speak with the Rev. Mr. Birdwood, on the scaffold; he said a few words to him, but in so low a tone of voice that he- could not be distinctly heard; and on the blue cap being put over his face, the fatal bow- gun
was fired, and he was immediately run up to the starboard fore- Un- DAVENTRY ACCOMMODATION COACH; THE Public are respectfully informed, that the above COACH will leave DA- VENTRY at Half- past Five in the Morning, and LONDON at the same Hour, during the Winter Season. Performed by the Public's obedient Servants, R. DAVIS & Co. N. B, Will not be accountable tor any Parcel, Package, or Passenger's Luggage, above the Value of Five Pounds, unless entered as such and paid for accordingly. UNION CANAL. AT a Meeting of the Committee of the Com- pany of Proprietors of the LEICESTERSHIRE and
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE UNION CANAL, held this Day, It was ordered, That all Arrears of Calls on Account of such Canal be paid on or before the 2d Day of November next, to Mr. Inkersele, Market- Harborough, or Messrs. Pares, Paget, & Co. Leicester, the Company's Trea- surer's; and that all such Proprietors as shall make further Default therein, be sued without any Dis- crimination or further Notice. And it was at the said Meeting further ordered that the above Advertisement be inserted in the usual Newspapers. J. E. CARTER, I Clerks to the said G. WARTNABY, S Company. Leicester, Oct. 12/ 4, 1807. principal tribes of
Africa. the tribe of Assentees having died, a large portion I yard- arm, with a 321b. shot tied to his legs, of his treasure w'jis deposited in bis grave. The ; fortunately the knot had got round under his chin, chief of another ti^' e'. fouuijraesns to approach the | which caused great convulsions for a quarter of tonib,' froni whence'iie stole the money; the viola- I an hour. After Tjemg suspended the usual time, • he was lowered into his coffin, which was ready to receive him ill a boat immediately under, and con- SILVERSTONE FIRE. HE Committsa are requested by the Sufferers J. to return their most grateful Thanks to the Marchioness
of Buckingham for £. 5 5s. and the several Parishes hereunder- mentioned, for the Do- nations they have charitably transmitted d. King- Sutton and Newbottle 9 7 6 Evdon . 6 16 0 Twyford 1 13 Tingwick 3 12 All- Saints, Northamptbn.. 7 1 tion - was discovered^— the thief was pursued, who it was-. discovered had taken' refuge with another chief, with whom, he had shared the booty, and ; veyed to the Royal Hospital, where " his friends these two were joined by a third. These three tribes were. followed by the party aggrieved, with a very large'army. In the course of their search they proceeded toCape Coast Castle, where one
of the offending chiefs had taken refuge, and who was given up by the governor. When at Cape Coast, they had proceeded about 600. English miles from their native country; and it is said, that in the course of the march not less than from 40 to 50,000 persons had fallen victims to their ferocity. Tuesdav some further accounts reached town respecting the civil war in St. Domingo, bv which mean to apply for his body to inter. lie was a native of Lancaster, and . only 22 years of age. For the last week he seemed very penitent, and perfectly resigned. On Monday last, John King, alias Gibbs, who had previously been committed on
a charge of stealing six sheep from- a field near Acton, was brought up for re- examination at Bow- street office, oil a charge of stealing a mare, the property of John Dover, a farmer, of Thornton, in Bucking- hamshire. W. Jackman, of Gawcott, in Bucking- hamshire, stated, that he knew the prisoner by the I name of Gibbs. On the 19th of January, he met Carlton Deepingate ... Sywell Braybrook Harringworth Easton ...... - *• - - 2 17 - 0 10 1 15 3 4 1 17 2 I THOMAS FAWCETT. H. BEAUCLERK. GILBERT FI. ESHER. For the Benefit of the inferior Parecluul Clergy iif the County of Northampton. THE Trustees of the Estates
devised by the Will of the late Sir EDWARD NICHOLLS, Baronet, deceased, ta charitable . Uses, Give this public Notice, That at their Annual Meeting, which will beholden on THURSDAY the TWELFTH Day of NOVEMBER next, they shall dispose of the unappropriated Parts of the Produce of those Estates, in Benefactions to Clergy- men who are Incumbents upon small Livings within the County of Northampton; and that all due Atten- tion will be paid to the Applications of such Clergy- men as shall be made before the said twelfth Day of November, by Letters addressed to Mr. William Tyler . Smyth, at his Office in
Northampton, setting forth every Circumstance of Ecclesiastical or other Income, of Family, of Health, and of whatever else may give the fullest Information to the Trustees cf the Claimants' Title to their Favour. Clergymen possessed only of Curacies, or of Bene- ficies, to which Institution and Induction are not necessary, are not deemed Objects of these Bene- factions. Northampton, Octoier 1\ th, 1807. 2' of/ ie DEBTORS rmd CREDITORS o/' EPHRAIM BUSWELL, of KETTERING, in the County of Northampton, Wooktapler. SUCH of the CREDITORS of the said EPHRAIM BUSWELL who have not already executed the Deed
of Assignment, are respectfully informed, that the same still lies at the' Office of Thomas Marshall, Solicitor, of Kettering, for Sig- nature ; and that all who neglect to execute the same on or before the sixth Day of November next, will be excluded the ' Dividend then intended by the As- signees forthwith to be made.— And all Persons stiil standing indebted to the Estate of the said F. phraim Buswell, are particularly requested to take Notice, that unless the respective Amounts due from them are paid to the said Thomas Marshall, on or before the sixth Day of November next, Actions will im- mediately after be commerced for the
Recovery of the same without further Notice. By Order of the Trustees, THOMAS MARSHALL, Solicitor. Kettering, Oct. lid, 1807. it appears, that Petion's army has been completely ! him on the Edgeware road, about five or six miles 11 .. . i i. t • i- trnm . nnrtnn nil n mfll- P' whpll lie 7flt home, he beaten at Gonaives; the remnant of his force landed at Port- au- Paix, where it was surrounded by Christophe, and about 300 put to the sword.— The troops of Christophe are in possession ef every port as for as Cul- de- sac, three leagues from Port- au- Prince, where the army is encamped. Nothing official has transpired to enable the
public to form an opinion respecting the result of the- proffered mediation of Russia, to negociate a peace between this country and France; but it is supposed that this friendly office has been transferred to Austria, and that steps are now taking to carry it into execution. In consequence of measures concerted between France and Austria, the ports of Trieste and Hume are, it. is said, to be shut against tin English. from London, oil a mare; when he got home, he mentioned to the prosecutor the circumstance, and i the description answering to one that had been ! stolen from him about three weeks previous, he | went to Woolwich,
where Tie saw the same mare I that he had seen the prisoner riding, in possession I of Mr. John Toms, a farmer. A few days after, he accompanied the prosecutor to, Mr. Tom's, at Woolwich, and when he saw the mare, he identified her. The prisoner was committed for further examination. To be LETT, or SOLD, THAT well- known, long- established, good- ac- customed, and convenient INN, theCEORGE, situate in the Centr; of the Town of RUGBY, and now in the Occupation of Mrs. Mary Broniwich; with a good Yard, Stabling for 40 Horses, Coacli- House, other Offices, and Garden. A Purchaser of the House may be
accommodated with Three- fourths of the Purchase Money ; and the Stock of Mrs. B. at a fair Appraisement.— Possession at Lady- Day next, or sooner; together with some ri « h Meadow I. ansl, in a short Time. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. S. DALTON, Watch and Clock. Maker, Rugby. Rugby, lid October, 1807. JOHNSON'S BANKRUPTCY. WHEREAS a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued against Joseph Johnson, of TWICKITT'S MILLS, in the t'arish of PAULERS- PURY, in the County of Northampton, Miller, Flour- Merchant, Coal- Merchant, and Cornfactor, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared
a Bank- rupt, is hereby required to surrender himself to the Commissioners in the said Commission named, or Messrs. WILLIAM OVITTS & SON , r » ESPECTFULLY beg Leave to acquaint their Friends and the Public, that they have this Day taken to the Concern lately carried on under the Firm „ ,. . . . , • | . T, of Messrs. WILLIAM EI. KINGTON FC JOHN OVITTS, An English vessel arrived in the river on lues- | OF BUCKINGHAM, in the County of Bucks, IJquor- day from Riga, the Captain of which states, that j Merchants; and hope, by using every Exertion in at " the time of his departure from that port, which 1 - ., , —<• » was
about three weeks ago, 19 more English vessels were upon ' the point of sailing fully laden. Ac- cording to the statement of this Captain, no appre- hensions of embargo prevailed at Riga. It was stated yesterday, that a vessel had arrived from Memelin 11 days: intelligence of. her arrival li:. d been transmitted from Margate, where this vessel now lies. Nothing appears in the Captain's communications to witi'ranrthe apprehension, that » ny embargo has been laid on our ships ih Russia. The Vienna Com* Gazette of the 19th states, that the English blockadet. he Dardanelles, and the Turks continue to improve their fortifications.—
The Seven islands are blockaded by the English. To be LETT, or SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, And entered on immediately, AGood old- established GROCER- and . DRAPER'S SHOP, situate in the HIGH. STREET, OI. NEY, Bucks. For Particulars, enquire of RISUARD HUMPHREYS, Grocer and Draper, Sherrington, near Olney. SAMUEL CLAYSON, WOOLLEN and LIN KN- DRAPER, WELLINGBOROUGH, THANKS his Friends and Customers for tire repeated Proofs of Esteem and Encouragement given to him in the above Line; and iniorms -. hem he has considerably enlarged his Shop and . remises, for the
Advantage of conducting his Trade; and lately added to his Stock a large Assortment of Articles suitable for the ensuing Season, which he is deter- mined to- dispose of on such Terms as he doubts not will ensure the Continuance of their Favours. 23d October, 1807. GENERAL IN FIRMALLY, Noil ITIAMP ION, OCTOBER 24, 1807. THIS is to give Notice, That on SATURDAY the 7th Dayof. NovE.-. iBER next, wiii beheld a General Court, at Twelve o'Clock in the Forenoon, to take the Reports of the Committee concerning the present State of this Society'. And such Persons as wish ta serve the Infirmary, are desired to send
their Pro- posals, sealed up, to the Secretary, on or before! Twelve o'Clock on that Day, mentioning at what Rate they are willing to furnish the following Ar- ticles, for the ensuing Quarter, viz. BUTCHERS* MEAT, FLOUR, BREAD, made of all good Wheat, in Loaves of 14 Ounces each, CANDLES, RICE, SUGAR, and SOAF, in order that the most reasonable may be accepted. And it is further requested, that the Bills due by the Infirmary to the 7th of November next, may be then sent in to be examined and discharged. By Order of the Committee, W. 1NGMAN, Secretary. STOLEN OP. ST RAYED, On Wednesday Night the 21
st if October instant, ABLACK CART MARE, about 16 Hands - high, with a' Blazedown her Face, but no white on her Legs. She had weaned her Foal on that Day, and was full of Milk. Whoever will give Information of the said Mare to WILLIAM HOLLIS, pf Nortofr, in the Parish ot Guils'fWbugh, shall', if strayed, be handsomely re- warded tor their Trouble ; and if stolen, shall receive a Reward of THREE GUINEAS, on Conviction of the Offender or Oifenders, from me, ' WILLIAM HOI. LIS. ' F E M N Y. WHEREAS JOHN HILLS,* of the Parish of BIGGLESWADE, in the County of Bedford, Labourer, stands charged, upon the Oath
of Mr. JEREMIAH BANKS, of Biggleswade aforesaid, Farmer, with having assaulted and stopped the said Jeremiah Banks', on the King's Highway between BaK ock, in the County ot Hertford, and Biggleswade afore- the major Part of'them, on the 27th and- 28th Days of j said, on the Night of Friday the ' id Day of October OCTOBER instant, and on the 24t) i Day of NOVEMBER 1 instant ( in Company with another Person, not yet in next, at Ten o'Clotk in the Forenoon on each Day, Custody), with an Intent to rob the said Jeremiah " ' And the said John Hills having absconded, Banks i to elude at GUILDHALL, LONDON, and
make a full Discovery and Disclosure of his Estate and Effects; when and 1 ... where the Creditors are to come prepared to prove | OT * EN GUINEAS is hereby offered,. by the Rig. -*--'- "" • ' .... . e As_ . gle^ wade Association for the Prosecution of Felons, the Pursuit of public Justice, a Reward their Debts, and at the second Sitting to choosi signees; and at the last Sitting the said Bankrupt is j t° nny Person who will apprehend the said^ John required to finish his Examination, and the Creditors "' • — » — >- - • « _._ ... •_ ^ are to assent to, or dissent from, the Allowance of his procuring Spirits of the best Quality, pnd an
assiduous Attention to Business,, to merit a Continuation of their Favours. WILLIAM OVITTS. JOHN OVITTS. Buckingham, Oct. Hit, 1807. N. B. All Debts due to and owing from the above Concern, lately carried on under the Firm of OTessrs. William Elkington and John Ovitts, will be received and paid bv the said John Ovitts only. Market- Harborough find We/ ford Turnpike- Roads from Northampton. " l^' OTICE is hereby given, That the next 1> Meeting of the- Trustees of the said Turnpike- Roads will be held at the House of Mr. CHARLES HILL, the RBD- LION INN, ih BRIXWORT. H, in the ,„,,,, . _ ,. . - , - r , County of
Northampton, on WEDNESDAY the 4th 1 he blockade, of Cadiz is raised for. the moment. ( Day 0f NOVEMBER next, at Eleven o'Clock in the " ' ' Forenoon. CHAS. MARKHAM, Clerk to the Trustees. Napton, Warwickshire. To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, AVery eligible FREEHOLD ESTATE, Tythe- free, either together or in the. following Lots: — Lot. I. Twenty- six Acres of good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land ( the greater Part Meadow and Pas- ture), with a new- built Barn, Hovel, and Stable thereon, situate near to the Junction of the Warwick and Napton with the Oxford Canal, in the Occupation of the Trustees
of the late Mr. Shearsby. Lot 2. Twenty. four Acres of valuable Pasture Land, adjoining Lot 1, and the Warwick and Napton Canal, in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Gardner. N. B. If required, a considerable Part of the Pur- chase Money may remain upon Security. For further Particulars, and to treat for the Pur- chase, apply at the Office of Messrs. TOMES & BURMAM, Solicitors, Southam. Orders, we are told, were transmitted some days ago to Admiral Purvis,, who commanded on that station in the absence of Lord Collingwood, to proceed with the whole of his squadron to Lisbon, for the purpose of facilitating the removal of
British persons and property, and suppressing any attempts which might be made to prevent the Go- vernment from withdrawing to the Brazils. The Revenge, in which ship it was formerly stated Mr. Monroe was to take his passage for America, has sailed for France with Mr. Smith and another gentleman. . The former is permitted to go for the purpose of bringing away his daughter, wlio has been detained there since the commence- ment of the war. The latter, we understand, is the bearer of dispatches from our Government, on the subject of an exchange of prisoners. The Elephant has taken a Spanish corvette off
Northampton, 24tb October, 1807. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ANDREW GARDNER, On Thursday the 29th of October instant, 1807, on the Premises of M » . PETWIN, at POTSGROVE, Bedfordshire, who is leaving the said Farm, ABOUT 54 Toils of well- got HAY, and 87 Acres of KEEPING, until Lady- Day 1808, in Lots. The Haymust be spent on the Premises; ar, d Credit will be given for the Flay and Keeping until Christmas next,, on approved Security. The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. the Havannah, with a valuable cargo, bound to Spain; and the Cleopatra has taken a schooner loaded with dollars,
bark, & c. An accsnnt has been received of the arrival at Portsmouth of the Diana frigate from Vera Cruz, with a quantity of specie on board, to the ampunt of between 7 and <£. 800,000 sterling. The Acmon, Jane, Illinois, Dolphin, and some other American vessels, from Bourdeaux, with articles of French manufacture, have been cap- tured bv our cruisers in the Atlantic. Dispatches were received on Monday from Sir Thomas Trowbl'idge, of the Blenheim, dated 31st December, 1806, and' also letters of six weeks subsequent date. The Prochvmatio. n respecting British seamen en- gaged in foreign service, inserted in Saturday^
Gazette, is a document of much importance, jft insists indeed, on the right of searching foreign merchant uessets'iw British seamen; but in cases of ships of war, our Captains arc only authorized to require of the. foreign Commander the release of our seamen ;~ and in, the evequjfjiis refusal, to make. f£ p « es9Uatwti.' ot' • to the Admiral of the station, v\ ho is to communicate it to Mi- nisters. : , By this latter part, the ri^ lit of searching ships of war, even incase of positive information thatBritish deserters were servi'ii ® oil board, as lately enforced in the case, ot the American frigate Chesapeake, is unequivocally renounced-, and
we. have before stated that Admiral Berkeley, who commanded our squadron on that station, has been recalled. General Miranda, it appears, has taken up his residence at ' Trinidad, as a retired individual. His troops are disbanded, and the Leander is now dismantling. Several horses, and some of the baggage of Louis XVIII. have been landed at Hull. They were disembarked from a vessel bound thither; otherwise, it was understood, they would have been sent to Leitli, where that unfortunate Prince is expected hourly. It is mentioned, that the King of France, on his arrival in this country, will merely assume " the title of Count De
Lille, as he has already done in so many places of his retirement. COUNTY FIRE- OFFICE. NPHE AGENT of the NORWICH UNION FIHE- - I- O* FI CE, at NORTHAMPTON, by an Advertisement, has invited me to employ my Ingenuity in con- troverting the Statement of Facts ( as it is termed) which appeared in its anonymous Hand- Bill, cir- culated through various Parts of the Country, and in which I repeat even the P rinter's Name/ j illegally suppressed. I could not consent to employ my In- genuity if that Quality were my own, upon a Subject so little deserving it; but there are certain plain Considerations which naturally arise
in one's Mind upon that Subject, and which, as they are called for, I will give. The first Object of Insurance, 1 conceive to be perfect Security against a remote but severe Danger. But how can this be obtained upon the Plan of the Norwich Society ? In such Societies, every Member becomes unlimitediy responsible to make good the Losses* of others, not only in his pro- portionate Share, but he is liable in an Action to the full Amount of any Claims, and he may get indem- nified from the other Partners for their Proportions as he can.— A Gentleman for whom I am concerned, and to whom I may refer any Enquirer, was once
precisely in this Predicament: Actions were brought against him to the Extent of Three Thousand Pounds, which he was compelled to pay, and he was kept in constant Lawsuits for upwards of three Years, before he could recover the Proportion of the Losses from the other Members. But the Norwich Society make Light of this Responsibility, and boast their peculiar good Fortune in not having had Losses during the first seven Years to the Amount of Thirty Pounds! This is good Fortune indeed! most extraordinary good Fortune! but, such Luck, is - not to last forever; according to the Principles of Chances', such a Run of Success
will be succeeded by a Counterpart of Loss, so that the attractive Bonus, which the peculiar good Fortune of the first seven Years has enabled the Norwich Office to figure to the Public, will upon those Principles be succeeded by a woeful Reverse! Nor will the Experience of ten Years, which the Norwich Society state to have had, avail them any Thing. A respectable London Office, formed upon similar Principles, after proceeding with Success for near a Cehtury, by one of those great Disasters to which Fire- Offices are liable, had its fluctuating Stock exhausted, and Loss, Embarrassment, and Con- sternation became the Lot of
the unfortunate Members; in Place of perfect Security, and the Hope of Profit which they had fondly cherished. So much then for the perfect Security of Contributionship Societies. I confess for my Part, that I would as leave run the Risk of losing my Property through a Fire happening to myself as to others; or if I were insured from the Danger of Fire in such a Society, I should like to open another Insurance against the Danger of the Society itself! The Advertisement that invites this Reply, con- cludes with some Lines of Poetry which, however eligible- they might be to attract Notice towards a Quack Medicine or Lottery Plan, I
conceive to be unworthy the sterling Character of a respectable Business. I have not mentioned the Name of the London To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ANDRE1V GARDNER, On Wednesday the 4th of November, 1807, and fol- lowing Day, on the Premises of the White- Hart Inn, HOCKL1FFE, Beds, " THE genteel and useful IIOUSEHOLD- X FURNITURE, LINEN, CHINA, PLATE, & c.; consisting of a Variety of Four- post, Half- tester, and Press Bedsteads, w'ith neat printed Cotton, Check, and Stuff Furnitures; nine seasoned Feather- Beds, and sundry Flock- Ditto; Mattresses, Blankets, Quilts, and Counterpanes; Window -
Curtains; Bedside and other Carpets ; Dressing - Tables and Glasses; Dining, Card, Pillar and Claw Tables, in Mahogany, & c.; Chest of Drawers; Mahogany Bureau, and two Walnut- tree Ditto; Wash- hand Stands; Chairs, with loose Seats, and Cases to Ditto; 14J Pair of Sheets, Table Cloths, See. ; one Eight . lay Clock and Case, and a 30- Hour Ditto; China, Glass, and Earthenware; a Quantity of Pewter, Copper and Brass Pottage- Pots, and Kitchen- Furniture in general j a Cart, with Harness ior one Horse; and various other useful Articles. The Sale to begin each Morning precisely at Eleven o'Clock. Certificate. — All
Persons indebted to the said Bank- rupt, or that have any ot his Effects, are not to pay or deliver the same but to whom the Commissioners shall appoint, but give Notice to Mr. Jones, Solicitor, Millman- l'lace, Bedford- Row,, London; or to Mr. Butcher, Solicitor, at Northampton. Such Persons in the Country who have any Debts to prove under this Commission, are requested to apply to Mr. Butcher immediately. ~ CLARK AND TIALL's BANKRUPTCY. RIPIIE Creditors who have proved their Debts under a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth against JOHN CLARK & HENRY HALL, now or late of MARK ET HARBOROUGH, in the County of Leicester, Worsted and Carpet- Manu- facturers ( trading under the Firm of Clark & Hall), are desired to meet the Assignees of the Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupts at the SWANS INN, in MARKET- ITARKDROUGH aforesaid, on TUESDAY the THIRU Day of NOVEMBER next, precisely at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, in order to assent to or dissent from the said Assignees compounding, sub- mitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing, any Matter or Thing relating to a Claim of Debt made by George Fleming, of Aldermar. bury, London, Hearth- Rug- Manufactu rer, stated to be due
to him from the said Bankrupts' Estates; and also to the said Assignees selling or disposing ot the Whole or any Part of the real or personal Estate and Effects of the said Bankrupts by public or private Sale, and making sach Arrangement respecting the same, with any Mortgagee or other Persons claiming any Interest therein, as the said Assignees shall think proper; and also to assent to or dissent from the said Assignees granting such Tirpe or Dilay for Payment ot the Debts due to the ^ Estate and Efiects. ot; the said Bankrupts, or accepting such Security in Respect thereof, as they- shalt think proper; and also to their
commencing an Action or Suit against any Person or Persons for the Recovery of the Title Deeds and Writings relating to two Tenements or Dwelling- Houses, and other Hereditaments, in Market- Harborough aforesaid, here- tofore purchased by the said John Clark ( one of the said Bankrupts), of Stephen Line, of Market- Har- borough aforesaid, Victualler, or to the compounding, submitting to Arbitration, or otherwise agreeing, any Debt, Matter, or Thing, relating thereto; and on other special Affairs. By. Order of the Assignees, GEORGE WARTNABY, Solicitor. Market- Harborough, Oct. lid, J807. Office above alluded to, as it
would be as disagreeable to me as 1 am sure it would be to the Directors of the County Fire- office, to derogate from the Interest of any respectable Establishment; but should any one doubt the Fact, I will give the Name. WILLIAM DUNNAGE, Agent to the County Fire- Office. Hitchin, Oct. Wr 1807. * For this plain Fact, see the first and tenth Articles of their Deed of Settlement. Capital Dairy and Farming Live and Dead Stock, Hay , Keeping, Household- Furniture, < § - c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ANDREW GARDNER, On Tuesday the 27th and Wednesday the 28th Days of October instant, 1807, on the Premises of Mr.
ATKINS, the Manor- Farm, TODDINGTON, Bed- fordshire, who is leaving the said Farm; CONSISTING of 44 capital short- horned and polled Dairy Cows, in full Profit; three Two- year- old Bulls, four Calves, 30 horned Ewes, 40 fat Sheep, and three polled Rams; four store Hogs, nearly fat; three Draught Horses, one useful Road Nag, a Mare, In- foal by Fidget, a Foal by Ditto, and a Pony In- foal; six large Milk- Leads, Ditto Pails and Rivers ; large salting Lead- Bin, 5 Feet 3 Inches long, 2 Feet 3 Inches wide, and 2 Feet 1 Inch deep; two Cheese- Presses, one Cyder- Ditto, and a Barrel- Chum and Stand; Ploughs, Harrows,
large Shaft Roll, one smaller Ditto, two Six- inch- wheel Carts, one Narrow- wheel Ditto, and a Market Cart; Harness for four Horses; Hog and Sheep- Troughs ; six Dozen of Hurdles, Forks and Rakes, and an Iron Drag Ditto; about 84 Acres of Keeping, and two Ricks of Hay ; nine Hives of Bees, See. ;— Four- post and Stump Bedsteads, with Stuff and Check Furnitures; fine, seasoned Goose and other Feather- Beds, Flock and Wool Ditto, Blankets, Quilts, Counterpanes, and 10 Pair of Sheets; Mahogany Card, Pembroke, and Dining Tables; Dumb Waiter, six neat Mahogany Parlour Chairs, and an Anti- Ditto; two handsome
Pier Glasses, in Gold Frames; Dressing Tables and Glasses; Bedside Carpets, large Four- leaved Folding- Screen, a Quaft- tity of Pewter, Brass, and Copper Pottage Pots and Kettles; an excellent Eight- day Clock, in ; neat Oak Case; China and Glass; Kitchen Furni ture in general; a Brewing Copper, about 46 Gal- lons; Iron- bound Casks, Tubs, ict, 5 two Hanging. Presses, Corn- Bins, a Quantity of seasoned Wheel. Wright's Stuff ( sawed out), with various other useful Articles. N. B. The Hay must be spent on the Premises and Credit given for the Hay and Keeping until Christmas next, on approved Security. ({ 5T The
Household- Furniture, with the Dairy and Farming Utensil , to be sold on the first Day's Sale. — Sale to commence at Ten o'Clock each Morning, on Account of the Number of Lots, Hertfordshire desirable Estate.— To Millers, 4' C„ To be SOLD by AUCTION, By T. L. 1VOOD, At the Swan Inn, Market- Street, 011 Satuidav the 31st of October, 1807, precisely at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, ACapital and well- constructed POST WIND- MILL, standing on a good Eminence, near MARKET- STREET, " In the Parish of FLAMSTEAD, in the County of Hertford, in excellent Repair, now in full Trade, and in the Occupation of Mr. W.
Jefferies, at a very improvable Rent. A new- erected COTTAGE or TENEMENT, ad- jacent to the said Mill, with a Garden and suitable Offices belonging to the same, likewise in the Tenure of Mr. Jefferies. Also, an inclosed CLOSE of rich ARABLE LAND, adjoining the said Cottage ( on Part of which the Windmill is erected), containing, by Com- putation, two Acres and two Roods, well fenced with live Fledges, and in the Tenure of Mr. Munn. The Locality of the Windmill renders this Estate truly desirable, there being no Windmill or Water- Miil within several Miles of it, and is situated within a few Miles ot the lar$ e Corn Markets of
St. Aiban's, Dunstable, Luton, and Hemelhempstead, which secures and commands a general full Trade; aiso, it is within a Quarter of a Mile of the West Chester Turn- pike- Road, an easy Distance from the Grand Junction Canal, and only 29 Miles from London. The above Premises are Copyhold of Inheritance, subject to a small Quit. Rent and Fine on Death or Alienation.— An early Possession may be had. The Premises may be viewed by applying to the TENANT ; and further Information had bv Application to Mr. JOHN SPRANG, Lemon- Tree- Yard, Hay- market, London; orat the Office of Messrs. WILLIS & SON,
Solicitors, and of the AUCTIONEER, Leighton- Buzzard, Beds. Hills, and lodge him in any of His Majesty's Gaols, such Reward to be paid by me, WM. CHAPMAN, Solicitor and Treasurer to the Biggleswade Association. ( fThe said JOHN HILLS is about 30 Years of Age, 5 Feet 6 Inches high, has a thin Face, very dark Complexion, and is pitted with the Small- pox. Biggles- wade, 10th October, 1807. Kettering.— Copyhold Estate. To be SOLD by A U C T ION, In a few Weeks ( if not previously disposed of by Private Contract), in four Lots, THE HOUSE and PREMISES of If. Manning, late of KETTERING, in the County of North ampton, with between nine and ten Acres of Land; also, PART of the HOUSEHOLD GOODS, fcc. ; of which further Particulars will be given. Immediate Possession may b^ had of the House. To be SOLD by AIJC l'l ON" At the Wheat- Sheaf Inn, in Daventry, on Wednesday the 2Sth Day of this instant October, 1807, between the Hours of Four and Six in the Afternoon, under such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, ASubstantial 1' ARM- HOUSE, with convenient Out- buildings, and 59 Acres of capital Arable, Meadow, and Grazing Land, situateat NEWNHAM, near Daventry, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Thomas
Hartop, who holds the same under Lease, for an unexpired Term of eight Years, from Lady- Day next, at the very low annual Rent of Sixty. fivs Pounds. The Estate is Copyhold of Inheritance, held of the Lord of the Manor of Newnham. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. RO » SRT MARRIOTT, pf Newnham aforesaid. Herefordshire Stock.— Capital Cattle, Sheep, Sfc. To be SOLD by AUCTlOiN, By IV. HANDY, On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the 9th, 10th, and 11th Davs of No- ember, 1807, upon the Premises of Mr. P. RUT FORD, at IVINGTON PARK. FARM, near Leominster, in the County of Hereford, who is
leaving the same; CONSISTING of about 80 Head of capital ' In- calf Cows and other Cattle, of one, two, and three Years old ; ten very useful Waggon Geldings and Mares; about 400 lambing Ewe and other Sheep, descended from the much- approved Stock of Mr. Walker, of Burton; two Boars, and several Sows and store Pigs, of the Leicestershire Breed.— The Cow Stock is from the Breed of the late Right Hon Thomas Harley, the Rev. Mr. Evans, and others- and the young Beasts are by Bulls descended from the much- admired Stock ot Mr. Tully, of Huntingdon, and well worth the Attention of the Public. The DEAD STOCK
comprises Waggons, Carts, Ploughs, Harrows, Patent Drill- Machine ( hy Cook), and a Variety of Implements in the Farming Line- Particulars of Which will appear in Catalogues that will be delivered, indue Time, at the principal Inns in Leominster, Hereford, Bromyard, Ludlow, Led- bury, and Gloucester; at the Place of Sale; and at the Auctioneer's, Foregate- Street, Worcester. The Sale to commence precisely at . Ten o'Clock each Morning. On the first Day will be sold, the Implements in Husbandry anil Waggon Horses ; on the second Day, the Sheep and Pig Stock, with Casks, Kiln Hair's, & c. ;- and on the third Day, the Cow
ahd other Cattle Stock, with Hurdles, Staddlcs, Blacksmiths' Tools, Iron, Sec. & c. KINGSTHORPE. ~ Freehold Estate, Tythe- free, and the Land Ta, f redeemed. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At tbe George Inn, in . Northampton, on Wednesday the 25th Day of November next, between the Hours of Four and Six o'clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall then be produced, Lot 1. Buckinghamshire- Freehold. To be SOLD bv AUCTION, By T. L. ' IVO O D, At the Bull- and- Butcher, in Stewkley, Bucks, on Wednesday the 4" th Day of November, 1807, be- tween the Hours of Two and Four o'Clock in the
Afternoon, ASubstantial Brick cased DWELLING- HOUSE; comprising comfortable Sleeping. Rooms, good Cellars, large and convenient Bakehouse, now in full Trade, with Flour- Chambers over the same, Barns, Stable, Yard, and Garden, with other con- venient Out- offices," desifably situate in the South End of STEWKLEY aforesaid. A CLOSE of rich PASTURE GROUND, ad- joining the said Premises, containing, by Estimation, one Acre ( more or less). Also, a CLOSE of rich PASTURE GROUND, situate, near the above Premises, containing, by Es- timation, two Acres ( more or less). Which said Premises are in the
Occupation of Mr. Clements, Baker, and'' Mrs. Toefield, at Rents ca- pable of considerable Increase. For a View of the Premises, apply to the TENANTS ; and further Particulars may - be known at the Office of Messrs. WILLIS & SON, Solicitors, or the Awe. TJONEIR, Leighton- Bwezatd, Bads, TOUR CLOSES of VERV good ARABLE, JL MEADOW, and. PASTURE LAND, situate in KINGM'HORPE, within the short Distance of about one Mile and a Half irom the Town of Northampton ; from- whence, through Kingsthorpe, passes the , XUrnpilce- Road1 td Welford; containing 1$ Acres, or thereabouts ( be the same more or
less). These Closes lie together, and are bounded on one Side by the said Turnpike- Road to Welford, and on the other, in Part, by the River Nen, by which it a IS sometimes floated, the Situation of this Lot a very desirable one to erect either a pleasant Re- ' sidence or a Manufactory upon, as a never- failing Rivulet of excellent Water runs through the Middle thereof, to the said River. Lot 2. A large FARM- HOUSE, with A. R. P. extensive Out - buildings, Gardens, and Orchard, containing 1 2 8 Homeclose S 2 11 ° sier Bed 1 0 15 The Slang 0 0 27 , „ 6 1 19 situate near the CHURCH, in the Village of KINGSTHORPE aforesaid,
and at a very short Distance only from Lot 1, This Lot is very well adapted for a Trade or Manufacture which requires extensive Buildings, as a very considerable Spring ef excellent Water, which in the driest Summer never fails, runs through the Cow- Yard. These Lots are now 111 the several Occupations of Mr. Walton and his Undertenants, who will shew the same. Possession can be given to a Purchaser- at Lady. Day next. For further Information, apply either to Mr. PREEST, of Fitlonglev, pear Coventry: or to Mr! FA « . R, Solicitor, of Coventry. i m
h l:; to r re- of of k ah • in 1311 Kl, mi iha ,1s, ade of V r h by p£> th- nd; u E- lay en Kiaj teei We but We, [ M, Mr. ase, My- jfiv « j the » E « T 4 c. 10th, I the CTOM jurtty apital two, ( tings Ifep, Mr. Sows i- The Hon. hers, • the pon, ^ arts, • ine: Ithat Inns fced- htl at [ lock its in bay, lairs, blher lithi' I Tax I, ( Ciday the noon, icn be IBLE, IND, [ short Town lorpe, pining less), in one and on lich it Lot it it Re- tailing h tlie 1 19 ige of short y well tq dires ring at immer ons of, f shew Lady. o Mr. ; o Mr, Vriday and Saturday's Posts. fj() V 1) 0 A7, October 2S. AMERICAN Papers to the 26th ult. have come to hand. Some of these, observing
upon the J - trcatv of Tilsit, state, " that it will have a very ] considerable effect on American poJtticsthat is, in plain terms, it will be the means of inducing America to told a still bolder and menacing tone to Great- Britain. The . Americans appear to be i greatly apprehensive of a war with the neigh- bouring Inilians; t- he whole of whom are stated to have offered their services to the British, in case of a rupture with the United States.-- These Papers bring a report of the death of the noted Victor Hueucs, Governor of Cayenne. We learn with regret, that the state of the public mind in Sicily is highly unfavourable to the causi ol their
Sovereign, and that we participate in the unpopularity of the Court. The vexations of the feudal system have so violently exasperated the people, that they are not likely to assist in the defence of the island, if the British force should be unable to prevent an invasion. It is indeed reported, that the British army under Sir John Moore has quitted Sfcily, proceeding for Malta and Egypt; and that the King and Queen of Sicily, with the whole of the public treasure and maritime force, have tak'- n refuge in Malta. According to the accounts received by the vessels which have just arrived, from Copenhagen, it appears that the Danish
seamen have volunteered to " bring home the Danish vessels themselves, and therefore the number Of volunteers we have sent out will be useless. It is also mentioned, upon the authority of these vessels, that several ships had brought provision from Riga anft Memel to our force at Copenhagen. l etters from Copenhagen state, that seven of the first mercantile houses have stopped payment. In justificatiiiB. of the- i « te- aw « ek upon Copen- hagen, it is said that Denmark lias suffered no more than she inflicted ttpon Hamburgh only six years ago. On the 28tli of March, 1804, her i troops took forcible possession of that free
neutral stati-, under pretence of interrupting the English navigation and commerce, and remained in pos- session of it till the 20th of May, during which time they levied several enormous contributions on the inhabitants. horrid Murders.— Two most atrocious murders have been perpetrated at Hoddesdon, in Hert- fordshire. ' 1 he particulars are nearly as follow : — Mr. Warner, formerly of tore- Street, has bis manufactory and counting- house in the Crescent, JewiL- street, and his family residence in the Crescent, Kingsland- road. His wife had spent the summer chiefly at the residence of her father, Mr. Botehain, a farmer, at
Hoddesdon, in Herts, where the ladv, lier friend, who lias shared ill the same catastrophe, was with her on a visit. A servaiit- inaid in the house was frequently visited by a fellow, of the name of Siiumomls, who had formerly been two years in Mr. B.' s service, whese admittance Mrs. Warner had frequently forbidden. He came there again on Tuesday evening, and the servant- girl repeated to him her mistress's orders. He refused to depart, arid disputes became so high between them, as occasioned Mrs. Warner to ring the bell, and enquire the cause of the noise. The servant told her, and requested her mistress would order him
to quit the house, as she never wished to see him there. Mrs. Warner accordingly re- peated her directions aloud, and desired he would immediately quit the house. From the silence which at first ensued, she imagined the fellow was gone, but was suddenly alarmed by a noise in the kitchen, still louder than before, as if he wds proceeding to some violence towards the girl. Mrs. W. and her friend imme- diately went to the kitchen, and found the fellow with a knife in his hand, standing over the girl, who' was extended on the floor; and on Sirs. Warner entering the. kitchen, the sanguinary mis- creant, plunged the knife into her
neck, just below tjie ear, and laid " her dead at his feet. He then turned to the other lady, and with the saina weapon, reeking with the blood of her friend, he instantly stabbid the unfortunate visitor, who survived but a few hours. Mrs. Warner's mother at that mo- ment came down stairs, alarmed by the Screams of the ladies, and was also stabbed by the villain who attempted instantly to fly, bftt an alarm having been given by the servant- maid, who had escaped into the farm- yard, the horrid wretch was secured by one of tlie meu- servants, and was con- veyed to gaol. Two attempts had been made, in the course of the winter, to
break open and rob the house of Mr. Boreham, which led to a supposition, that Siminoiids was connected with a gang of accom- plices; but when lie was brought before the Co- roner's Jury, he denied all connection with ac- complices, expressed sorrow for what he had done, and said he had no previous intention to murder any person except the servant- maid. He is com- mitted to Hertford gaol. WANTED, An Apprentice to tlieMIM. INERY and FANCY DRKSS- MAKING BUSI- NESSES, in a respectable Situation, where a Pre- mium will be expected. Apply to J. KARNES, Printer, Bedford. PLA1STERERS. ANumber of good
Hands may have constant Employ, by applying to J". CHAMBERLAIN, Plaisterer, & c. Northampton. N. B. A Couple of good Plaisterers' LABOURERS wanted. To COOPEKS. WANTED immediately, A good Workman, who may have constant Employ and good Wages, by applying to THOMAS BOWDEN, Olney, Bucks. " VFTANTS a Situation, as STF. WARD or BAILIFF * T in a large Concern, A middle- aged MAN, of respectable Connections, who well understands the Farming Business, and buying and selling of Stock ; and whose Character will bear the strictest Enquiry. A Line addressed to A. B. at the Printing- OfHce, will
be immediately attended to. WANTED immediately, The Sum of ^. 3000, on Security of a FREEHOLD ESTATE in North- amptonshire, which nets more than =£. 1000 per Annum. Application ( Post- paid) or Enquiry, to be made to or of the Printers of this Paper. , Freehold Estate, Mouttm. To be SOLD- by ADCTIO N, By Mr. klUS HA IV, At the Shoulder- of- Mutton, at Moulton, near North- ampton, 011 Thursday the 29th Day of October, 1607, by Order of the Assignees ofZACCHEUS ROWTON, a Bankrupt, at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, I. L that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with the Appurtenances thereunto belonging,
situate and being in the ' Centre of the populous Town of MOULTON ; consisting of a Shop, I'ariour, Kitchen, and Scullery, on the Ground Floor; four Sleeping- Rooms on the first Floor; a roomy Warehouse over the Shop ; excel lent- Cellar, Barn, Two- stalled Stable, Yard and Garden, Pump, and a Well of good Water. The Whole has lately undergone a thorough Repair, and will be found an advanjogeous Purchase to any Person wishing to engage in a Retail Business. For further Particulars, enquire of the AUC- TIONEER, or Mr. JEYES, Solicitor, Northampton. GENERAL LIBRARY. A > T a special Meeting of the Subscribers
to the - X* GENERAL LIBRARY, NORTHAMPTON, OCTOBER lgth, 1807, pursuant to Notice in the Northampton Paper, It iv. li resolved unanimously, lsj, That the Library being the Property of the Subscribers, cach Proprietor's Share to be trans- ferable. 2d, That the Library be vested in three Trustees, to be chosen by Ballot b> the Subscribers, at a Meeting called for the Purpose by an Advertisement in the Northampton Mercury. And whenever a Vacancy occurs in the Trust, either by Death, Re- moval from the Neighbourhood, or ceasing to be a Subscriber, such Vacancy shall be tilled up in the same Manner. 3d, That the
Library be Insured, in the Name of the Trustees, to the Amount of » £. 400, and be in- creased from Time to Time. 4th, That so much of the third Rule as relates to the Re- admission of Subscribers, together with the Whole of the Fourth Rule, b^ rescinded. 5th, That new Subscribers, from the 16th of Octo- ber, pay One Guinea Entrance. 6th, That the Auditors be requested to call a Meeting to choose Trustees. In Compliance with the above Request, the Auditors appoint a Meeting of the Subscribers to the General Library, to ballot for three Trustees to the Library, on FRIDAY the 30th, and adjourn to SATURDAY the 31st Instant.
J. ABEL, Librarian. I^ OUND, in the Neighbourhood of NORTH- AMPTON, A WHITE GREYHOUND DOG. Whoever has lost the same, may have him again by applying to the Printers of this Paper. Cheap Furs, Ladies' Long Stays, Sec.^ FORSTER & BARRETT beg to inform the Ladies, they have just received a large Assort- ment of the above Articles, which they are selling on such low Terms, as they flatter themselves will meet the Approbation of their Friends; and would recom- mend an early Purchase. F. & B. return their grateful Acknowledgments Yesterday se'nnight, at- Weotton- Wawen, War- wickshire, Mr. W. Wrighton,
to Maria, secend daughter of Mr. Parry, surgeon, of Watford, Herts. Oii Sunday last, Mr. John Knight, of Nuneaton, Warwickshire, to Miss Mary Lowe, of Coventry. „„ „„ S , Oil Thursday last, at Maldon, in Essex, Mr. for the Favours received, and solicit the Continuance J W. Morris, of Dunstable, Beds, to Mrs. thereof, which it will ever be their Ambition to merit by Attention. HABERDASHERY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, & c. & C. of the best Quality, with LADIES and CHILDREN'S SHOES, of every Description, as cheap as at any Mouse in London. Markct~ Squar4, Northampton, October J3d, 1807. LADIES* Dtf- ssKs, PELISSES, and
SPENCIRS, made up in the most fashionable Manner.. A1 A1 Household - Furniture. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. K I R S II A « T, On Friday the 30th Day of October, 1807, at PITSFORD, near Northampton, Quantity of HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE; consisting of Four- post Bedsteads and Furni- tures ; Mahogany and other Chairs^ Bason- Stands, Tea- Trays, Tables, Looking- Glass, & c. ; Brewing- Copper, Mash- Vat, Coolers, and Brewing Utensils; two Hogsheads, three Half- Hogsheads, Oven, Forks, Rakes, Earthenware, Glass, with a Variety of useful and convenient Articles. ( pf" The Sale to commence at Ten
o'Clock. GENTEEL RESIDENCE. To he LETT, UNFURNISHED, And may be entered upon immediately, LI, that neat and convenient HOUSE, pleasantly situated at PITSFORD, about five Miles from Northampton, in the Market- Harborough Road, and in the Centre of the Pitchley and Althorp Hunts ; consisting of a large Hall, Dining and Break- fast- Rooms, Kitchen, Brewhouse, Dairy, Sec. on the Ground Floor; sufficient Cellars; good Chambers and Dressing- Rooms; suitable attached and detached Offices; Coach- House, Stables, and Granaries; a good Garden and Shrubbery, tastefully laid out, with or without the Use of two
Closes of Land.— The Whole forming a very comfortable Residence. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. GARLICK, Tebworth, near Dunstable, Beds; or offtlr. KIR- SHAW, Surveyor and Auctioneer, Northampton. To the Proprietors of Northampton Faving- Stoek. WHEREAS the Commissioners for Paving, Cleaning, Lighting, and Watching tile Town of NORTHAMPTON, did, at their Meeting held on the 6th Day of OCTOBER instant, order and direct, that the Sum of £. 1400 should be paid to the Pro- prietors of Paving- Stodk, in Satisfaction of their Se- curities:— Such of the Proprietors therefore as are desirous of receiving
their^ principal Monies, are re- quested to notify the same to the Clerk to the Com- missioners on or before the 1st Day of November next. And Notice is hereby given, that in Case more Pro- prietors in Value shall signify their Desire to receive their said principal Monies than; the said Sum so to be paid off amounts to, it will ber. decided by Ballot at the next Meeting of the Commissioners, amongst whom the said Sum of :£. 1400 is to be sliaied ; which Meeting will be held at the GUILDHALL, in the said Town of NORTHAMPTON, on TUESDAY the 3d Day of NOVEMBER next, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon. - CHAS.
MARKHAM, Clerk to the Commissioners. Northampton, Oct. 17th, 1807. To be DISPOSED OF, AN eligible and profitable CONCERN in the WINE and SPIRIT TRADE, Wholesale and Retail; an old- established House, where the Business has been carried on successfully upwards of 30 Years, in a respectable Line. For further Particulars, enquire of Mr. KNIBB, Auctioneer, in Newport- Pagnell, Bucks; if by Letter ( Post- paid). None but Persons of Respect- ability need apply. A1 A1 Dolphin Inn, Northampton. To be SOLD, Pursuant to an Order of His Majesty's Court of Ex- chequer, on Saturday the 31st of October, 1807, at
Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, on the Premises, in one Lot, LL that well- frequented MESSUAGE or DWELLING- HOUSE and INN, situate in GOLD- STREET, in the Town of Northampton, called and known by the Name of the DOLPHIN INN, with the Appurtenances, in the Occupation of Thomas Linnell, as Tenant from Year to Year, at the very low old Rent of =£. 37 10s.— And also, a Messuage or Tenement adjoining. the above Inn, now in the Occu- pation of Mary Balaam, Widow, as Tenant from Yiar to Year, at the yearly Rent of s£. 8 8s.— The Dolphin Inn, and Premises held therewith, consist of good Cellaring, three
Parlours, five. Bed- chambers, with Garrets; a Kitchen, Brewhouse, two Warehouses, with Rooms over, Stabling for 43 Horses, a good Granary, a large and spacious Yard, and small Garden. The Tenement in the holding of Mary Balaam, Widow, contains two Rooms on the Ground Floor, with Bed- chambers and Attics.— The Tenants have had Notice to quit at St. Thomas's- Day next. The Premises may be viewed with Leave of the Tenants; and printed Particulars had gratis of Mr. Abbey, Solicitor, Northampton; at the Place of Sale; of Mr. Moore, or Mr. Pownall, Staple- Inn, London; and at the Exchequer- Office, in the Inner
Temple, London. 1 To be SOLD by AUCTION, By EDWARD NEALE & f SON, On Monday the 2d Day of November, 1807, at the House of Mr. Joseph Clarke, the George Inn, in Crick, in the County of Northampton, between the Hours of Two and Five o'Clock in the After- noon, subject to Conditions of Sale then to be produced, ASubstantial DWELLING- HOUSE; con- sisting of two large Bay in Front, with a Yard, Garden, and a Shoemaker's Shop at the Top of the Yard. The above Premises are pleasantly situated in the Centre of the Town of CRICK, and now in the Tenure of Mr. Thomas Hobbs. For a View of the said
Premises, apply to the Tenant, who will shew the same. Farming Stuck, Hay, and Keeping, To be SOLD by AUCTION, By THACKER & CARTER, On Monday the 2d Day of November, 1807, on the Premises of Mr. WM. EAGLES, at WILSCOTT, in the County of Oxford, who is leaving his Farm 3t that place * COMPRISING 14 Cows, four Sturks, and six Calves; 60 Ewes, and 24 Lambs; five Ricks of Hay ( to be spent upon the Premises), and the Keeping of about 120 Acres till the 25th Day of March, 1808; two Ricks of Wheat, one Rick of Oats, and one Rick of Beans; the Straw to be spent upon the Premises. pr Sale to begin
at Ten o'Clock. Catalogues to be had in due Time at the White- Horse, Banbury; and at the AUCTIONEERS', at Wardington and Middleton- Cheney. N. B. Credit will be given for the Hay and Keep- ing, on approved Security, till the 1st Day of March next. Hay, Farming Stock, i$ c- To be SOLD by AUCTION, On Thursday next the 29th Day of October instant, on the Premises called the LODGE- FARM, in the Parish of NEWPORT- PAGNELI., Bucks, PART of the LIVE and DEAD STOCK of Mr. JOHN WATTS, who is leaving the Farm; consisting of five Ricks and Cocks of Hay, to be spent on the Premises ; several new- milched
and good Dairy Cows, Sheep, fat Hogs, Carts, and other Effects. To be viewed by applying on the Premises. October 2 2J, 1807. To be SOLO by AUCTION, By MASON & SON, On Tuesday the 3d of November, 1807, at the Rose- and- Crown Inn, in Gold- Street, Northampton, at Three o'Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then and there pro- duced, ALL that desirable FREEHOLD MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with excellent Cellars, Yard, and large Garden adjoining, and a Pump of excellent Water therein, situate in the Town of'NORTH- AM PTON aforesaid, in a Street there, calledGoLD STREET, or MARE- FAIR, late in the Possession of Mrs. Mary Evans, deceased, and now of Mrs. Sarah Hollis; comprising two Parlours in the Front; a commodious Kitchen, back Kitchen, and large Brew- house; four good Sleeping- Rooms, and another Room, with a Bow- Window, on the first Floor, and three very large Attics. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. Bus WELL, Solicitor, or the AUCTIONEERS, in Northampton. Possession may be had at Saint Thomas next if required. To be SO L D bv A U C T t O N, By DEMNIS & SON, On Wednesday the 4th of November, and two fol- lowing Days, on the Premises, in HORSE MARKET, NORTHAMPTON, nPHE entire neat and valuable HOUSEIIOLD- « - FURNITURE and EFFECTS of the late fleet and that of the Turks. Mr. THOMAS HILLES ; consisting of Four- post and Tent Bedsteads, with Chintz and Stuff Furnitures; Window- Curtains, Goose- Feather- Beds, Mattresses, and Bedding; Servants* Ditto; Mahogany double and t To Couch and Waggon- Musters. To be LETT', with immediate Possession, tWO good warm STABLKS, one for eight, and the other for nine Horses, on the West Chester Road, 29 Miles from London. To treat for the above, apply to Mr. STAINER, at the Bell Inn, Market-
Street, Beds. Q^- R STAINKR, formerly of the Sun Inn, at the above Place, and late of the Cock Inn, Wing, Bucks, returns his most grateful Thanks to his Friends and the Public for the liberal Encouragement he met with during the Time he was at the above Inns, and informs them that he has fitted up the BELL INN in a comfortable Manner; has good Beds, and warm Stables.— Neat Wines and Spirits, of the best Qualities, Wholesale and Retail, on the lowest Terms.— All Orders will be thankfully received, duly attended to, and most gratefully ' acknowledged. ~ To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, ABOUT SIX ACRES of
GRASS LAND, IN the Parish of N APTON- ON- THE- H1LL, in the County of Warwick. For Particulars, and to treat for the Purchase, apply to Messrs. BIGKELL & WYKHAM, Solicitors, Banbury, Oxfordshire. Hv>< tehlon- auii+ WAiltoii. To be S O L D by A U C T I O N, By RICHARD SMITH, On Tuesday the 17th of November, 1807, at the fountain Inn, in Huntingdon, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, AValuable COPYHOLD ESTATE, in Houghton, in the County of Huntingdon, now in the Oc- cupation of Mr. Jeremiah Johnson., in the following Lots, viz. LOT I. A. R. P, A Farm - House and Cottage, with other Buildings, & c. and a
Homeclose adjoining 4 2 6 LOT 11. A Close of Arable Land, North of the Road to St. Ives 5 2 22 LOT 111. A very eligible Parcel of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, with a Barn and Yard on the Premises 82 2 38 LOT IV. A Close of Pasture, in Vessel- Lane, near the Town —. 1 1 2 LOT V. Another Close, in Ditto 1 0 16 LOT VI. A Close of Pasture, called Pisspot- Lane Close - 4 2 7 Mr. JEREMIAH JOHNSON, the Tenant, will shew the Premises ; and further Particulars may be had on Application ( Post- paidJ to Mr. BSRKSLKY, of Biggen, near Oun4le. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. THACKER & CARTER, On
Thursday the 19th Day of November next, at the Leather- Bottle, in Banbury, in two Lots, ALEASEHOLD ESTATE, in which a Term of 77 Years is unexpired, situate at CHALCOMB, in the County of Northampton. Lot I. A Greensweard Ground, containing 7A. OR. 4P. Lot 2. A Ground of good Turnip Land, containing 6A. 3R. 191'. The above Premises are in the Occupation of Mr. Bloxham, and may be entered upon at Lady- Day next. For further Particulars, apply to the AUCTIONEERS ; or Messrs. WALFORD, COLBY, & WAL » ORD, Soli- citors, Banbuiy. single Chests of Drawers; Oak Ditto jnd Bureaus, two Sets of Mahogany
Chairs, and japanned Ditto ; ! a Sofa and Cover; a Harpsicord, by Kirkman ; a Set ! of Mahogany Dining Tables, and Pembroke and Claw i Ditto; Brussels and Kidderminster Carpets; Pierand Swing Glasses; an Eight- day Clock, and a Baro- meter ; a Table Set of brown- edged Queen's Ware-, | a Set of Tea China, and Glass Ware; a small Library of modern Books ; an Iron Chest; a Fowling Piece ; Saddle, Bridle, and Pillion; four Pair of Bowls and Jack; Kitchen. Range and Requisites, Smoke- Jack, a Brewing Copper, Iron Furnace, Brewing Utensils, Barrels, Garden- Roll, & c. & c. The Sale will commence each Day at Ten
o'Clock. The Dwelling- House and Appurtenances are in- tended to be sold by Auction on a future Day, and may be viewed, together with the Furniture, on Monday the 2d of November, from Eleven till Four o'Clock. N. B. All Persons who have any Claims or De- mands on the Estate and Effects of the above Mr. HILLES, are requested forthwith t » transmit the same to his Administratrixes, Mrs. Sarah Haynes, Widow, Mrs, Dorcas Cartwright, Mrs. Martha Cartwright, and Mrs. Ana Ratnett, all of Northampton; or to Mr. Buswell, Solicitor there; and all Persons who. are any Ways indebted to Mr. Hilles' Estate, are requested to pay
the same immediately to the said Administratrixes, or their said Solicitor. A FARM- HOUSE LIBRARY, In twelve Monthly Farts, at 7s. Cd. beginning on the First of October. The Publisher of the undermentioned Work has been persuaded by many Noblemen and Gentlemen of great Landed Property, who are anxious to increase the Diffusion of Agricultural Knowledge, to divide it into twelve Seven Shillings and Sixpenny Parts, in the Expectation that many Persons who may not choose to pay Four Guineas and a Half lor the complete Work in Boards, may not think it an Object to expend a twelfth Part of the Sum once a Month.
He hopes that Justice will be done by the Public to his Design, and that all the Friends of Agricultural Improvements, intelligent Farmers, and great Land Proprietors, will kindly exert them- selves to give general Currency, as well to the com- plete Work as to the Monthly Parts. On Thursday, the 1st of October, was published, Price 7s. 6d. embellished with several capital En- gravings, and to be completed in twelve Parts, Part I. of the second Edition of ACOMPLETE SYSTEM of PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE ; including all the MODERN- IMPROVEMENTS and DISCOVERIES, and the Results of all the Attention and Enquiry
which have been bestowed on this important Science, during the last thirty Years; the Whole combining and explaining fully, extensively, and completely, the PRINCIFLJS and PRACTICE of the MODERN ART of HUSBANDRY in all its Branches and Relations, forming two large Volumes, in Quarto, illustrated with nearly one hundred Engravings, representing improved Imple- ments, the various Grasses, and the principal Breeds of Sheep and Cattle. By R. W, DICKSON, M. D. Honorary Merhberof the Board of Agriculture, fee. Printed for RICHARD PHILLIPS, NO. 6, Bridge- Street, Blackfriars, London; and maybe had of all
Booksellers, Newscarriers, Postmasters, and other Dealers in Books. N. B. The above- mentioned Work, in Conjunction with Mr. YOUNG'S FARMER'S CALENDAR, form a complete Library of Reference upon every Agricultural Subject; and this last Work may be had by itself of all booksellers, Price Guinea io Boards, To be SOLD by A U C T IO N, By Mr. KNIBB, On the Premises, on Monday the 26th of October, 1807, THE HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE and sundry EFFECTS, of the ADMIRAL- HOOD PUBLIC- HOUSE, in NEWPO RT- PAGNELL, Bucks; comprising Four- post Sacking- bottom Bed- steads ; Curtains ;' Feather
and Flock- Beds; Blankets, Quilts, & c. ; Bed and Table I. inen; Drawers, Chairs, Tables, and Glasses; stout Kitchen- Range, Smoke- Jack, and Kitcheii Requisites. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Clock. The HOUSE is to be LETT, and entered upon immediately; situated well for Business, and the enquire of the Auctioneer. LONDON, October 24. WF, are still in a state of uncertainty respecting Portugal; and notwithstaildng( according to the statement of a merchant who came by the last packet) a large sum of money, all the jewels, and valuable moveables belonging to the Court, are on board the fleet, yet it is the opinion of many
peo- ple, that the Court of Portugal will comply with the mtyidate of Bonaparte, and shut the ports of Portugal against the trade of this country. This, however, will soon be known, if the intelligence brought by a vessel, just arrived at Bristol from St. Andero, in five days, should prove correct. It states, that the French troops, under Junot, had entered Spain, and made considerable progress on their way to Portugal, before the vessel sailed from St. Andero. Hamburgh Papers to the 8th instant have arrived. They contain the Russian accounts of the actions that wore fought between their These actions seem to have been less
decisive in their result, than former accounts led us to believe. These papers contain letters from Brussels and Dunkirk, announcing the renewal of preparations along the French coast for the invasion of this country. Accounts, we understand, have been received from Heligo Island, that the French of Friedburgh, and other places, have put every boat and fishing- vessel in requisition, for the purpose of conveying troops to Zealand. M. De Lindholm, Aide- de- Catnp to the Crown Prince, has arrived at Ilolstein, from Paris. It was rumoured at Hamburgh and Altona, that Swedish Poinerania was to be given to Denmark. Some letters
from Dantzic and Konigsburgh reached town yesterday. They mention that the French troops had quitted the neighbourhood of these cities, the contributions having been either discharged, or satisfactory security for the pay- ment given. Prussia, however, is not yet released from their visitation. They have only changed quarters, and removed to Elbing, where, it would appear, they mean to establish themselves for the winter. A report was current yesterday, that the nego- ciation between this country and America had terminated, and that all the matters in dispute had been amicably adjusted. PRICE or STOCKS. C oming- in
easy. For further Particulars, £ s Freeholds. To be. SOIPD by AUCTION, By Mr. Knibb, . I- On Wednesday the 4th of November, 1807, at the Swan Inn, in Newport- Pagnell, Bucks, between the Hours of Five and Eight o'Clock in the Evening, rpWO compact FREEHOLD MESSUAGES or L TENEMENTS, desirably situated for Trade, in the Centre of the CORN- MARKET ( between two capital Inns), in the Town of NEWPORT- PAG- NELL aforesaid ; the one now in the Occupation of Mr. Foster ( the present Owner), Saddler and Collar and Harness - Maker, who removes at Christmas next to the House of Mr. Moore, Saddler, in
the High- Street, where the Business will be carried on under the Firm of Moore & Foster. The Premises where Mr. Foster now resides, are well calculated for any Business requiring Room; comprising a Shop in Front, with a large projecting Window; comfortable Dwelling- House, and Sleeptng- Rooms; with a Brewhouse, back Kitchen, a large Yard, with convenient Storehouses, extensive Stabling, and other Out- buildings; also a Well of good Water, with a Lead Pump. The House adjoining is in the Occu- pation of A. Mills, Tenant at Will; also a small Tenement in the Yard. Commons to the two Houses in Bury Field for four
Head of Cattle, also a Cut of Grass in Bury Meadow, adjoining. The Premises may be viewed by applying on the Spot; and to treat for the same by Private Contrast, apply to the AuciiONtta. Bank Stock .. 3 per Ct. Red. 3 per Ct. Cons. 4 per Ct. Cons. 5 per Ct. N.. i . Omnium Cons. forAcc. Sat. Mon. Tu. Wed. Th. Fr. 226 225$ 2254 2254 614 Kli( 6 m tilft* 614 twn am t 6 W 62* 4 62P 79^ 79 iH mi •< m vs> « 79H 9 « ii yuu 4 ins 964 i dis 4 dis 4 dis 62f- 6C4| ma 62 Ji m —— NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING, October 24. BIRTHS.} Lately, at Bulwick, in this county, the Lady of Thomas T'ryon, Esq. of a daughter. On
Tuesday se'nnight, at Astrop- IIouse, in this county, the Lady of the Rev. W. S. Wiiles, of a daughter. * ; On Sunday ! as. t> at Brixworth- Hall, in this county, the Lady of Walter Strickland, Esq. of a daughter. On Thursday last, at Great- Uoughton rectory, the Lady iof the Rev. Richard; Williams, of a still- born cjiild. MARRIED.] On Thursday se'nnight, Charles Rattray, M. D. of Daventry, to Miss Freeman,' daughter of the late Thomas Freeman, Esq. of the same place. . - Same day, Mr. Aaron Chevell, of Camhridge, to Miss Mary Leahair, daughter of Mr. Lealiair, farmer and liialtster, of Puddington, Beds. Same day, Mr. William
Shaw, to Miss Elizabeth Bolt, both of Warwick. On Tuesday se'nuight, at Wansford, in this county, Mr. F. Kirby, of Barrowden, Rutland, to Miss Jane Sharpe, of Wansford.— It is remarkable, that in that considerable parish this is the first wedding solemnized in the church for nearly six years. Same day, Mr. Charles Wethered, of Mavlow, J Th. Bucks, to Miss Bell, of Aylesbury. | t. Wilmshurst, of the former place. DIED.] On Sunday last, at Mear's- Ashby, in this county, in the 74th year of her age, Mrs. Katherine Thornton. At Clay brook- Hall, Leicestershire, on Wed- nesday last, aged 65, Thomas Dicey, Esq. On Saturday
se'ziuight, after a long and severe illness, Mr. Richard Bevan, painter, of Warwick. On Thursday se'nnight, after a short illness, Mr. Edward Shaw, a respectable maltster, of Coventry. Yesterday se'nnight, much lamented by his family and friends, Mr. John Rawbone, of Ayles- bury, Bucks. He was a kind indulgent husband, a tender and affectionate father, a sincere friend, and a gentleman of strict integrity in the dis- charge of his various official duties. ' On Sunday last, after a lingering illness, Mr. V. Whitwell, appraiser and auctioneer, of Coventry. Lately, of a consumption, aged 24, Miss Slingsby, daughter of Mr. William
Slingsby, of Foleshill, Warwickshire. The Rev. Thomas Lockton, of Clanville, Hants, and Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, has been presented by that " society to the rcctory of Church- Brampton, near this place. The Comet was very visibly seen on Monday evening last, it being favourable for that purpose. Its lustre is now much diminished," as ic is not | brighter thSfi!' i star of the ' thif- d magnitude. Its | apparent course among the fixed stars is from N. W. to Si E, as it has passed considerably under the Northern Crown, and is now in the head of the Serpent, a little below the star- marked Y. It may be seen from a
quarter past six to' eight, and at sev « n o'clock it is nearly due west, and about 21 degrees high: It sets about half- past nine. The clear evenings which may happen this next, fortnight, will afford a favourable opportunity to view it during the absence of the moon. At Banbury fair, on Thursday se'nnight, Cheese sold from 58s. to 63s. per cwt.— The light- fingered tribe attended: one farmer had his pocket picked of upwards of a£. 70, and another of ^^ O. A melancholy accident happened on Wednesday evening at the house of Mrs. Chapman, at Old, in this county: Mrs. C. had retired to bed, and the servant going up stairs a short
time after, as was her usual custom, to fetch the candle, found her mistress burnt to death, and the bed entirely consumed. The flames did not communicate to any other part of the house.— The accident is supposed to have been occasioned by the candle having been placed too near the curtains of the bed, by which means the same caught fire. About five o'clock on Saturday morning last, a fire broke out in the dwelling- house of Mr. Fisher, baker, at Moulsoe, Bucks, which in about an hour entirely consumed the same,. together with the bakehouse, stable, barn, & c. Nearly the whole of the furniture was also destroyed, which
was fortunately insured. Had not the wind been favourable, three adjoining cottages would in all probability have shared the same fate.— The above premises constituting the entire dependance of the unfortunate owner, will we doubt not render him an object worthy the benevolence of those who can and will afford him relief. On Tuesday se'nnight, soon after eight o'clock in the evening, the stable of Mr. James Dormer, of Wasperton, Warwickshire, caught fire, by a candle falling among the litter under one of the horses, while the man who had the care of thsm went out to fetch some water. On his return and opening the . stable
door, the admission of air caused the flames to spread so rapidly, that nlF endeavours to extinguish them were of no avail, and it was with the greatest difficulty that three very valuable horses were got out alive. Two of them lay down twice in the midst of the fire, from extreme pain, and it was scarcely possible to beat thetn up, and force them out of the flames; they were all three burnt, two of them dreadfully. The man was also very much burnt, in his exer- tions to extinguish the flames and save the horses. The premises, which consisted of a stable and coach- house, with loft over, containing about two tons of hay, and a load
of straw, were entirely consumed; as well as a number of faggots, and a coal- shed adjoining, hut the coals were preserved by a vast quantity of water being thrown upon them.— The damage is estimated at ^£. 300; and we regret to hear that neither the building nor property were insured. Thursday se'nnight an inquisition was h « ld at Rickmansworth, Herts, on the body of Inman, a master bricklayer, of that place.— It . appeared that one Gurney rented a piece of water adjoining the river near that place, which had been robbed of fish, in consequence of which a watch was set, consisting of Gurney, a labourer, and two others;
when the daceased was observed to wade in, and was instantly pursued by Gurney's servant, armed with a reaping- hook. The de- ceased ran from the pond and dived into th « river, but was closely pursued by the monsters, who seemed determined to take his life. While climbing up the bank between the pond and river, part of one of his heels was cut off, and one of his hands nearly severed from his arm, by stroke* from the hook. The deceased languished fouc days, when he died in most exquisite torture.— A verdict of Manslaughter was returned. Three of the wretches have fled, but the fourth is in custody. On Thursday
was committed to the gaol of this county, by Thomas Adams, Esq. . Bailiff, and B. W. Palmer, Esq. tjvo of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the borough of Daventry, James liellfield, charged1 on suspicion of stealing three muslin shawls, and ' several other articles, of the value of 5s. from the warehouse of Mr. Wm. Mttmj'ord, of . Daventry, his property. P RI C1-. of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Oct. 24. Wheat, 56s. to 63s. 0d, Rye, 38' s. 04. to 40s. Barley; S6s. 0J. to SSs.' ed. Oats, SSs. 6d. to — s. Od. Jr New Oats, 26s. Od. to— s. Beans, 48s. 0d. to 51s. Od. Peas, — s. Od. to- rs. Ud. By the Standard
Measure. GRAFTON, Inspector. Corn- E- icliange, London, Friday, Oct. 23. We have had, bath on Wednesday and to- day, some fresh arrivals of Wheat,, which, added to what re- mained over from Monday, constituted a supply more- than equal to tBe calls of our buyers. The sales of this grain were very dull, and prices rather lower.— Most other articles were without depres- sion, though heavy in sale. LIST of FAIRS, from Oct. 26, to Nov. 7, within the Circuit of this Paper. KT. Oct. 26. Rugby. T. — 27. Potton and Daventry. W. 28. Preston. Th. 29. Tnucester, Wellingborough, King's. CUffe, Marlo- w, and Little. Brickhill. F. 30.
Banbury. S. 31. Nuneaton. M. Nov. 2. ToJJi'ngtm, Coventry, Hinckley, and Iff. cester. 5. Purton,. Welden, and E/ stov/. 6. - Litchfield.
VERSES, Written on the 78th Birth- Day of Mrs. Stephenson. By her Son ( the Rev. JOSHUA STEPHENSON). THIS morning, ere vet I arose from my bed, x Your Birth- day, clear Mother, came into my head, With an heart full of pleasure I welcom'd the date That mark'd your arrival at seventy and eight. Then reflecting how few, either women or men, S'er attain to the limits of threescore and ten, ? ador'd the ALMICHTY, whose goodness so great iHad preserv'd your existence to seventy and eight! But when X consider'd the years that are fled, Andot those you lov'd living, how many aie dead 1 Sureiyvain, I exclaim'd, is the
mortal estate, Ar. d I pity'd the sorrows of seventy and eight! Still, to those who so number the days that pass o'er, As of virtue and wisdom to lay up a store, Whose wishes are humble, whose thoughts are sedate, Some comforts remain e'en at seventy and eight. Yes; they who have early accomplish'd the mind, E ' en in sickly old age many comforts may find j And such is the case, I exultingly say't, Of my excellent mother of seventy and eight. Her patience and piety, goodness and sense, Will live in remembrance for many years hence; Her praises too highly I never can rate, Nor account half her merits at seventy and eight.
Her tender regard, her attention and care, I have felt from achild, but want words to declare; 0 ! let me then pay, ere it yet be too late. Due homage to her, and to seventy and eight. Contented I'd live in the lowest degree, To see vou from care and anxiety free; And while some court the rich, others flatter the great, 1 bow to my mother of seventy and eight! Might I live to behold her an hundred years older, In the arms of affection 1 still would enfold her j No distance of time would my ardour abate, I'm so fond of my mother of seventy and eight. And now I have only to sing and to say, •* May vou see many happy returns of this day;
And, O 1 may the office and pleasure be mine, To hail your arrival at seventy and nine'." I First Trial of Earl Stanhope's new - invented Vessel. The first experiment with this vessel was made on Monday, in tlie pond in Kensington Gardens, opposite the Palaces. The vessel is 30 feet long, by seven feet wide, it has a round bottom, both ends being sharp, something like a weaver's shuttle. The sides were painted yellow, with the port- holes on the sides, and windows at each end painted to imitate real. On each side, towards each end ( as it was made to sail either way without putting about), were three gills, which opened out or
closed, by means of pulling an iron rod on the deck, which was cased with copper, in such a manner as to render it water- proof; instead of the bottom being pitched outside, it was covered with a composition, an invention of the Noble Earl, which, as soon as spread on quite hot, be- came so bard that a cliissel could not cut it, and had • the quality of resisting any force, by its being elastic, so as to answer the purpose of a copper Covering. About a quarter past three it was launched into the water, by means of rollers placed on deal planks. Previous to this there was a tem- porary rudder fixed to one end, in order to ascer- tain
which answered best, that or the gills. As soon as it was launched, one ton and a half of ballast was taken on board; his Lordship, a Lieu- tenant of the Navy, and some sailors, went on board; having no sails, they rowed up and down the pond, then twice round; the men at the oars kept pulling regularly; when it was found the gills teat the rudder in velocity, and turned coastways • with greater ease, having tlie advantage of returning back without putting about ship. After the first trial there was another ton of ballast taken on board. After- being an hour on the water the second time, - about five o'clock the masts were put on board,
and the canvass spread, with the Union Jack at the mainmast head; when she sailed most majestically with a light wind. She returned with the other head foremost, without ever putting about. rt is supposed that from this mode of building, one- third of the expence will be saved in the con- struction t » f a 74 ; that on account of being rather fiat- bottomed, it will carry more tonnage, and will . navigate in very shallow water, and over breakers or sunken rocks, without the risk that a ship with a keel runs, as on approaching any rock or coast, it can immediately retire, without loss of time in putting about; it does not require half the
sails HOW used, all of which can be worked by the men on deck, without going aloft; the composition which covers it is infinitely cheaper than copper, and answers the same purpose; it can also sail nearly against the wind, by working the gills. The next trial is to be made iti the presence of the Lords of the Admiralty. The superior quality of Warren's Japan Liquid Blacking has induced other blacking- makers to coun- terfeit it. To prevent which, observe, No. 14, St. Martin's. Lane, is stamped in each bottle of Warren's Blacking, and the cork, sealed R. W.— It may be had, genuine, of Edge, Druggist, North- ampton; Harrod, and
Dawson, Harborough ; S win fen, anil Simmons, Leicester ; Ward, and Hulse, Hinckf- y ; Bingham, Atherstone; Poulter, Stony - Stratford ; Gal lard, Towcester; Dunkley, Daventry; Rusher, and Marriott, Banbury; Loggin, Aylesbury; Dodd, Woburn; Barringer, Newport - Pagnell; Palgrave, Bedford; Mason, Olney; Parker, Higham - Ferrers; Saunderson, and Beale, Wellinghorough ; Chettle, and Collis & Dash, Ketterirtg; Bell, and Took ey, Oundle; Ward, and Porter, Thrapston; and in every principal town in Kngland; in stone bottles, ls. 6d. a pint, and lOd. half a pint. Propriety if persoml Appearance. Br. AUTY and HEALTH cannot be
more essentially promoted than by attending to the Preservation of the TESTH. -|\, r II, NKVVTON's RESTORATIVE TOOTH- IVJL PC) WD I". R having received the Approbation of the first Nobility, Gentry, and a generous Public, by an extensive Consumption for a . Series of Years, as well as the Attestation of its superior Excellence, from the Analysis of its component Parts, by the most distinguished Medical Characters, who have pro- nounced it the most pleasant Vegetable Tooth- Powder known, to increase the Beauty of the Enamel, and promote the Durability ot the Tooth ; and which has, in Consequence of its
experienced Advantages, been honoured with the immediate Patronage of their Ma- jesties, and the various illustrious Branches of the Royal Family, Nobility, Gentry, & c. in the United Kingdom.— NEWTON'S TOOTH- POWDER is an Astringent and Antiscorbutic Powder, a delicate Aro- matic, extremely grateful to the Palate, and pleasant in its llse; in fine, to those who apply it, it js a certain Preventative to Pain or Decay of the Tooth to the latest Period of Life. ' Itcontinues to be faithfully prepared by Mr. Newton ( only), at his House, Kennington- Place, Vauxhall ( late of Great Russell- StreetJ, London, from the genuine Recipe
of the late Sir Richard Jebb, Physician to their Majesties, & c.; andsold, Wholesale, Retail, and for Exportation, by Messrs. Shaw & Edwards, No. 68, St. Paul's Church- Yard, whom he has em- powered to make a liberal Allowance to his Town and Country Venders, Merchants, & c.; also, Retail, by Dicey & Co. Edmonds, and Marshall, Northampton; Palgrave, Bedford; Merridew, and Rollason, Coventry; Robins, Daventry; Queneborough, Dunstable; Collis & Da'sh, and Miinn, Kettering;. Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough ; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; MaYher, Wellingborough; Loggin, Aylesbury and
Leighton ; and by every Perfumer and Medicine- seller in the Kingdom, in Boxes, at 2s. 9d. each. N. B. Please to ask for Newton's Tooth- Powder• and fee that B. H. Newton is wrote on each Box, with red - Jnk, as all others sold as Newton's are Impositions. BEDFORDSHIRE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. At a Meeting of the Committee, holden at the SHIEE- IIAIX, in the Town of HEDFOKD, on FRIDAY the lltfi Day of SEPTEMBER, 1807, PRESENT, The Right Hon. ST. ANDREW Lord ST. JOHN, Vice- President, in the Chair, The Marquis of TAVISTOCK, Sir GEORGE OSBORN, Bart. SAMUEL WHITBRKAD, Esq. WILI. IAM I.
EE ANTONIE, Esq. BARTHOLOMEW HIGCINS, Esq. Mr. EMERY PALMER, Mr. SHARP, Mr. LIL- BURNE, and Mr. I. ILBURNB, Jun. The following Resolutions % vere unanimously agreed to:— RESOLVED, rpiIAT a Cup of the Value of Eight Guineas be I- given to the Bedfordshire Farmer who shall pro- duce a Plough and Team, which shall plough Half an Acre of Land in the best and cheapest Manner, not less than six Inches deep, within the Space of three Hours ; to the second, Five Guineas; to the third, Two Guineas. To the Ploughman who holds the first winning Plough, shall be given a Premium of Two Guineas; to the
second, One Guinea and a Half; to tile third, One Guinea. ( No. 1.) Resolved,— That a Premium. of Four Guineas be given to the Bedfordshire Labourer in Husbandry, who shall have brought up the greatest Number of Children upon the Earnings ( by Labour) of himself and Family only, without Parochial Relief; to t lie second, Three Guineas; to the third, Two Guineas. ( No. 2.) Resolved,— That a Premium of Four Guineas shall to the third, Two Guineas. ( No. 3.) Resolved,— That a Premium of Four Guineas be given to the Bedfordshire Male Servant, who has continued the greatest Length of Time in Farming Service on the
same Farm, or with one Master or Mistress; to the second, Three Guineas ; to the third, Two Guineus. ( No. 1.) Resolved,— That a Premium of Three Guineas be given to the Bedfordshire Female Servant, who has continued . the greatest Length of Time on the same Farm, < jr with one Master or Mistress ; to the second, Two Guineas ; to the third, One Guinea. ( No. 5.) Resolved,— That a Premium of Five Guineas be given to the Fund of the Bene'fit Club Society ( established agreeable to the Acts of the 33d and 35th of Ge'oige III.) which shall consist of the greatest Number of Members, being Labourers in Husbandry, and
es- tablished in Bedfordshire between the Months of October 1806 and 1807, such Members having all been entered upon the Books of the Club before the Date of this Resolution. Resolved,— That a Cup of the Value ot Eight Guineas be given to the Bedfordshire Farmer ( being a Tenant of the Land he occupies),- who, at his own Expence, shall have made the greatest Improvement by Onderdrainage, between the Months of October 1806 and 1807 ; the Number of Acres drained, the Length and Depth of the Drains, and the Nature of the Soil, to be mentioned in the Certificates of the Candidates. The Adjudication of the
above Prize is to be de- ferred until the General Meeting of this Society in the Year 1808. Resolved,— That a Premium of Five Guineas be given to the Bedfordshire Farmer ( being a Tenant of the Land he occupies), who, at his own Expence, shall have made the greatest Improvement in Marling Sandy or Gravelly Lands, between the Months of October 1806 and October 1807. The Adjudication of the above Prize also to be deferred until the General Meeting of this Society in the Year 1S08. Resolved,— That any Person to whom the first Pre- mium given by this Society has been adjudged in any Class, except Ploughing,
cannot again become a Candidate for the same Premium. Resolved,— That any Person to whom the first Premium for Ploughing has been adjudged, cannot again become a Candidate for the same Premium, till three Years after such Premium has been a\* arded to him. Resolved,— That the Candidates for the Class of Premiums, for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, do produce Cer- tificates of their Qualifications, signed by two or more of the principal Inhabitants of the Parish where they reside. Resolved,— That all Subscribers be requested to pay the Amount of their respective Subscriptions for the last Year, to Mr. Barnard, of Bedford,
Treasurer of the Society, before the next General Meeting. Resolved,—- That the Person or Persons who intend to become Candidates for the Prizes aforesaid, offered by this Society for Drainage and Marling ot Lands, be Tenants of a Farm in the County of Bedford, and that the Drainage be done. on the same Farm, and that proper Certificates of the above Facts be brought to the Committee appointed to investigate that Business. Resolved,— That the Offer of Mr. Sharp of a Piece of Ground, for the Purpose of Ploughing at the Meeting on Monday the second Day ot November next, be accepted; and that the Situation be
fixed upon by tlie Committee appointed to adjudge the Premiums for Ploughing. Resolved,—- That ali Persons intending to become Candidates for the Prizes for Ploughing, be desired to send in their Names to Mr. Whitworth, Secretary to this Society, at Bedford, on or before the31st Day ot October next ensuing. Resolved,— That Mr. William Sharp, Mr. George Inskip, and Mr. Emery I'almer, be appointed a Committee to adjudge the Premiums offered by this Society for Ploughing. Resolved,— That Mr. Piatt, Mr. Lilburne, Sen. and Mr. Lilburne, Jun. be appointed a Committee to examine the Certificates directed to be delivered
in for the Classes of No. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5; and of Cer- tificates for Onderdrainage and Marling, and also to decide upon the Premiums for Underdrainage for the Year 1806. Resolved,— That the Candidates for the Premiums for Drainage do send their requisite Certificates at the next General Meeting. Resolved,— That the Labourers and Servants in Hus- bandry, intending to become Candidates for the Prizes olfered by this Society, do attend with their proper Certificates at the Swan Inn, Bedford, at Nineo'Clock in the Morning, on Monday. the second Day of No- vember next. Resolved,— That the above Resolutions be
published ill the Northampton and Cambridge Newspapers, and by Hand- Bills circulated throughout the County. Resolved,— That the Annual Meeting of this Society be held on Monday the second Day of November next, at the Swan Inn, Bedford, at Nine o'Clock in the Morning of that Day. Resolved,— That the Thanks of this Meeting be given to the Chairman, Due Notice will I* given of the Piece of Land to be ploughed, and Forms of the Certificates published. An ORDINARY will be provided at the SWAN as usual. ( Signed) ST. JOHN, President. SOLOMON's GUIDE" TO HEALTH. This Day is published, Price 3s. in one
Volume, Octavo, of near 300 Pages, with an elegant Portrait of the Author, A new Edition ( with Additions), of A GUIDE to HEALTH; or, ADVICE to both XV SEXES, in a Variety of Complaints ; explaining the most simple and efficacious Remedies for those Diseases which are treated on under the following Heads, viz. Asthma, Observations on Bathing, Bash- fulness, Bowels, Cold, Consumption, Nervous Dis- eases, Dejection, Deficiency of natural Strength, Difference between Venereal Symptoms and those often mistaken for them, Digestion, Fits, Gout, Heart- burn, Hysteric Affections, Leprosy, Lowness of Spirits, Loss or
Defect of Memory, weak Nerves, Rheumatism, Scurvy, Scrofula, & c. See.— To which is added, an Essay on an incidental Disease, and con- sequent Weakness. By S. SOLOMON, M. D." For the very excellent Character of this Work, see the different Reviews.' Upwards ot 95,000 Copies have actually been sold of " Solomon' 6 Guide to Health," as certified under th: Hands of the Printers themselves. A Number so uncommonly large must be the best Criterion of the Merit of the Work, and the Approbation of the Public. London: Printed for the Author; and sold by Mathews Sc Leigh, No. 18, Strand, and H. D. Sy- monds,
Paternoster- Row; also bv all Booksellers and Newscarriers in the United Kingdom, Price 3s, only, free of Carriage. Grand Prize' of ,£. 40,000, for the first- drawn Ticket, Friday tlx Gth. offNzvcwber, 1807. TVTOT two Blanks to a Prize, and double - lAl Chances for the same Money. LOTTERY, ON THE NEW PLAN, NOW DRAWINC. Tickets and Shares are on Sale at all the Licensed State- Lottery Offices in England and Scotland; and by their Agents in this Town. This Day is published, In one Volume, 12mo. Price 5s. ANew and complete IILSTORY o f EN GLAND, . from the Invasion of Julius Csesar to the Year 1807, by
Question and Answer, from the most au- thentic Documents ; including the late recent Trans- actions in Denmark, Battle of Copenhagen, & c. By CHARLES LOWNDES. Embellished with a beautiful Frontispiece. The second Edition, carefully revised by the Rev. J. Malham. Printed for B. Crosby & Co. 4, Stationers'- Court, London; and sold by Watts, Birdsall, Abel, and Burnham, Northampton; also by every Bookseller, Stationer, and Newsman in the United Kingdom. This Day is published, In one neat Volume, 12mo. embellished with two elegant Plates, Price 3s. 6d. in extra Boards, r piIE ENGLISH MUSICAL REPOSITORY; X
containing a choice Selection of the most- esteemed Songs in the English Language, adapted for the Voice, Violin, and German Flute. Printed for B. Crosby & Co. 4, Stationers'- Court, London; and sold by Watts, Birdsall, Abel, and Burnham, Northampton ; also by every Bookseller, Stationer, and Newsman in the United Kingdom. WHERE MAY 8 F. HAD, The SCOTTISH MINSTREL; a Selection of the favourite Songs of Caledonia, with Music adapted for the Voice, Flute, and Violin, 2s.. 6d. The SKYLARK; being an elegant Collection of the best and newest Songs in th? English Language. A new Edition, 3s. 6( 1. bound in red;
with the greatest Variety of other Song- Books. To Housekeepers, Confectioneri, Just published, the 4th Edition, with considerable Additions, Price 6s. 6d. Boards, rpiIE COMPLETE CONFECTIONER; or, £ the whale Antof CONJECTIONARV made easy ; withTnstructions, engraved on ten Copper- Plates, to decorate a Table with Taste and Elegance; also, RE- CEIPTS for LIQUEURS, HOME- MADE WINES, & C. & C. the Result ot many Years' Experience with Messrs. Negri & Co. Berkeley- Square, the most celebrated Confectioners in the World. By FREDERIC NUTT, Esq. London: Printed for MATHEWS & LEIGH, No. 18,
Strand. Lately published, in large Octavo, the third Edition, with very considerable Additions, Price 7s. to be had of Mr. Symonds and Mr. Walker, of Pater- noster- Row, London; of the Booksellers in the Country; and at No. 61, Frith- Street, Corner of Soho- Square, London; PRACTICAL ESSAYS anil OBSERVATIONS on the Treatment of some particular Disorders of the Human Frame, especially those latent Causes producing Debility and morbid Affection ot the Ner- vous System, incident to the different Siages of Life, destroying the Functions of the finest Organs in the Animal Economy. By ST. JOHN NEALE, Esq. Of the
Royal Academy of Paris, of the University of Leyden,' and Practitioner in London; formerly Surgeon- Major to the 5th P^ egiment of Infantry, the 16th, or Queen's Regiment of Light Dragoons, and the Royal Military Hospital at Chatham. CO~ M P I. KT E EARM E R. Fifth Edition, enlarged. In November next will be published, in two large Quarto Volumes, the fifth Edition, wholly re- written and enlarged, containing 109 Engravings, Price £. 6 6s. in Boards, rpiIE COMPLETE FARMER; or, GENERAL . I. DICTIONARY of AGRICULTUREAND HUSBANDRY ; comprehending the most improved Methods of Cul- tivation; the different
Modes of raising Timber, Fruit, and other Trees; and themodern Management of Live Stock; with Descriptions ot the most- approved Implements, Machinery, and Farm Buildings. London: Printed for R. Baldwin, W. J. Sc J. Richardson, F. C. & J. Rivington, J. Cuthell & Martin, W. Lowndes, W. Otridge & Son, Longman, Hurst, Rees, & Orme, C'adell & Davies, J. Stock- dale, Lackington & Co. B. Crosby & Co. Clarke & Son, P. Sc W. Wynne, and J. Booker t and sold by J. Abel, W. Birdsall, and T. Burnham, North- ampton; C, Jacob, Peterborough; and T. Robins, Daventry. It has been the particular Aim of the Editor to present the
Reader with a full Explication of the numerous Terms of the Art, and at the same Time to afford him a View of modern or improved Practical Husbandry, so arranged and methodized as to be capable of ready Reference; a Point which he con- ceives to be of the utmost Importance to practical Farmers. NEW FOLIO EDITION OF MATTHEW HENRY'S EXPOSITION on the OLD and NEW TESTAMENT; Taken verbatim from the best London Edition, without any Abridgment whatever, with the late Rev. Mr. RO. MAINE'S PREFACE. This Day is published, Price only Eight- fence, ( Each Number containing three whole Sheets of
large Demy Letter- Press, and many of them four Sheets)", NUMBER I. Embellished with an elegant Portrait of the Rev. MATTHEW HENRY ( to be continued Weekly), of AN EXPOSITION on the OLD and NEW TESTAMENT; wherein each Chapter is sum- med up in its Contents; the Sacred Text inserted at large indistinct Paragraphs; each Paragraph reduced to its proper Heads ; the F> ense given, and largely illustrated, with practical Remarks and Observations ; forming a most complete FAMILY BIBLE. By MAl'THEW HENRY, Late Minister of the Gospel. This Work is embellished with upwards of one hundred beautiful
Engravings, which are selected from such Passages of Holy Writ, as not only to re- present a complete History of the LIFE and SUF- FERINGS of ous BLESSED REDEEMER, but the most remarkable Miracles and Transactions of the Pa- triarchs, Prophets, Evangelists, Apostles, See. These Engravings arc larger and superior to any given in Works of double the Price. To which is adi-. ed, a copious Account of the Author's Life, and Extracts from his other celebrated Writings. The Rev. MATTHEW HENRY'S Annotations on the Bible have been so long and so universally ap- proved, that all Encomiums on that excellent Per formance would appear highly impertinent. From that valuable Source of practical Divinity, all the modern Commentators have extracted their best Ma- terials ; but by their injudicious Interpolations and Abridgments, they have greatly impaired the genuine Spirit of Christianity will • » , breathes through every Page of that Evangelic Work; and in some Instances have grossly misrepresented the Author's Meaning. For many Years the Circulation of this valuable Work was impeded, from the Inability of many Persons to purchase so voluminous a Library of Christianity at once; but to remove this Obstacle, the present Edition is
published in Weekly Numbers; the Paper being of a large Size, and the Pages completely filled with the inestimable Contents, the Whole is com- prised in only three Volumes instead of five, as ori- ginally published. The - Proprietor of this Work having experienced the public Patronage to an Extent unprecedented, in the above Publication, for upwards of fourteen Years, during which Period he has been honoured with the Names of above ten thousand Subscribers, thinks it necessary to caution the Public against any other Edition which may be attempted to be ob- truded on them, either with Respect to Cheapness- beauty of
Engravings— fineness of Paper— or ac- curacy of Printing. He only solicits a Comparison to render his Su- periority the more eminently conspicuous. In Gratitude for past Encouragement, the Pro- prietor of the Folio Edition of Matthew Henry's An- notations begs Leave to state the following Facts: That notwithstanding the great Advance in the Price of Paper, Printing, and Engravings, he continues to give three whole Sheets ot large Demy Paper, printed to the full Extent of the Margin, for Eight- pence ; and, in the Course of the Work, upwards of one hundred Engravings, of superlative Magnitude and Beauty, forming the most
perfect Copy of Matthew Henry's Exposition on the Holy Scriptures every pre- sented to the Public. Our Subscribers are requested to be very particular in giving their Orders for the Folio Edition. This Work may be had by one or more Numbers Weekly, as may suit the Convenience of the Purchaser. London: Printed and published by J. STRATFORD, No. 112, Holborn- Hill; and sold by all other Book, sellers and Newscarriers in the United Kingdom. This Day is published, Price 5s. in hoards, THE SECOND EDITION, An ACCOUNT of the STATE of FRANCE audits GOVERNMENT, during the last three Years, particularly as it
has Relation to the Belgic Provinces and tlie Treatment of the English. By ISRAEL WORSLEY ( who was detained as an Hostage). Also may be bad, just published. ADVICE to MOTHERS on those Subjects which are of the greatest Importance in the Treatment of Children during Infancy, translated from the German of Hufeland ; the second Edition, Price 2s. 6d. sewed. Printed for B. Crosby Sc Co. 4, Stationers'- Court, London; and sold by Watts, Birdsall, Abel, and Burnham, Northampton; also by every Bookseller, Stationer, and Newsman in the United Kingdom. COMPANY of STATIONERS, LONDON. On Tuesday,
November 17, will be published, r\^ IIE FOLLO W ING ALM AN AUKS, . » - _ For the Year 1S08. Printed for the Company of Stationers ; and sold by George Greenhill, Treasurer to the Company, at their Hall, in Ludgate- Street ; and may be had or all the Booksellers in Town and Country. Wing's and Cambridge Sheet, Raven, or London Sheet, ona Copper- Plate. Goldsmith's Almanack, on a fine Paper, for the I'oeket. Gentlemen and Ladies' Diary, Moore, Partridge, Poor Robin, Season, White's Celestial Atlas, and Rider's British Merlin. ' fhe London and Country Almanack. Freemason's Calendar. Wills's complete Clerical
Almanack, on a fine Paper, adapted for the Pocket, neatly sewed. Moore's Almanack improved; or, Wills's Farmer and Countryman's Calendar; containing much useful Knowledge and Information, neatly sewed. A Calendar to bind with the Pocket- Books. COUNTY ALMANACKS, With Lists of Members of Parliament, Officers of Militia, and various other useful Tables, particu- larly adapted to each County, viz. 1. Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Essex, Kent, Surrey, and Sussex. 2. Cornwall, Devonshire, Somersetshire, and Dor- setshire. 3. Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Monmouthshire, and South- Wales. 4 Norfolk,
Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, Ely, Hunt- ingdon, and Bedfordshire. 5. Warwickshire, Northamptonshire, Leicester- shire, Rutland, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, and Derbyshire. 6. Cheshire, Lancashire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, and North- Wales. 7. Wiltshire, Hampshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, and Buckinghamshire. 8. Yorkshire, Durham, Northumberland, West- morland, and Cumberland. N. B. Country Shopkeepers, Hawkers, and Re- tailers, may be supplied at Stationers'- Hall at the same Price as the London Booksellers, for ready Money, or good Bills at a Month. No Orders exe- cuted under Ten Pounds; and no bound
Almanacks or Pocket- Books will be sent. ( f-.? In order to prevent the many Complaints of not receiving the Almanacks immediately after Pub- lication, it is requested that Orders be sent on or before the 8th of November. Almanacks unsold must be returned by the 16th of February, Carriage- paid, after which Time the Price of the Stamps only can be allowed for. Hints for future Improvement in any of the above Almanacks will be thankfully received. EASE FROM LAMENESS and PAIN, IN A FEW HOURS. THE BRITISH OINTMENT for CORNS, prepared by W. NAYI. OR, Chemical Colour- Maker to his Majesty. This most
excellent Oint- ment never fails curing hard or soft Corns in a very short Time, and gives Ea^ e in a few Hours. No other Trouble is required in using it, than rubbing a little on the Corn, Night and Morning, with the Finger. The Proprietor begs Leave to observe, the Afflicted may rest assured of a Cure, as this is not, like many published Things, an Imposition on the Public. By Appointment of the Proprietor, it is sold, Wholesale, by Dicey & Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; also by Dicey & Co. Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Daventry ; Wilcox, and Gallard, Towcester; Mather, Wellingborough; Palgrave, Bedford;
Loggin, Aylesbury and Leighton ; and by one Medicine Vender in every Market Town, Price 2s. 6d. Duty included. CONSUMPTION CURED. IN Cases of approaching Consumption, UOPE's HECTIC PILLS have never been known to fail. In the more advanced Stage?, the most unex- pected Cures have taken Place, even after there re. maincd no apparent Possibility of Recovery; and in the most deplorable and complicated Cases* l. ite has been lengthened after all other Medicines had ceased to act. Those who are satisfied that in regular Practice there is no Remedy for Consumption, will feel it their Duty to try this Medicine,
which is com- pounded with a Drug never before used. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by G. Walker, 106, Great Portland- Street, London ; and Retail by Dicey & Co. and Marshall, Northampton; and may also be ordered of any Person who sells Patent Medicines. Price 2s. 9d. each Box. Just published, An ESSAY on the CAUSM, PRE- VENTION, and CURE, of CONSUMPTION ; in which the Dangers of Bleeding and Starving are explained; By L. HOPE. Piice 2S. Spilsbury's Antiscorbutic Drops. AGirl, aged fourteen, has had, for the last seven Years of her Life, scrofulous Ulcerj on her Arms, Neck, Side, and Breasts, attended
with great Discharge, particularly at the Periods of Spring. The Disease baffled every Means employed, when she tried SPILSBURY'S PATENT AN risconBUTic DROPS, and at this Time she has taken five Bottles; the smaller Ulcers are all healed, v. nd the laiger ones are making fair Advances to the same favourable Ter- mination, which we are justified in concluding from her mended State of Health, probably aii> iug from the good Health of the secretin Glands.— Mrs. DANCER, York, will give further Information on Application; and the original Letters may be seen at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London. Mr.
SPILSBURY is not accountable tor any MiWure sold, unless the Words ." By the King's Patent" are inserted on the Bill of Directions, Bottle, and Wrapper; the Stamp also ( the King's Duty) is printed in black Ink instead of red Ink. bottles 5s. 6d. double Bottles 10s. and larger ai'. l 2s. Duty in- cluded. ( S^- Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, and Mr. Palgrave, Bedford; Mather, Wel- lingborough; Collis Sc Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Coriail, Lutter- worth ; Loggin, Aylesbury and Leighton ; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. Health, and Longevity. Dr.
JAMES's ANALEPTIC AND ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. rnilE Celebrity of the Analeptic Pills, as a J. general Preservative of Health, is become uni- versal, from their Efficacy in those Complaints which continually disturb the Human Frame; such as Colds, Rheumatisms, Head- Achs, Indigestions, and other Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, which arise from the Vicissitudes of our Climate, or from Indul- fence in the Luxuries of Life; and those salutary Effects are produced by gently opening the Pores by Night, and the Body by Day, without requiring any particular Regimen or Confinement. But though the Analeptic Pills are also
very serviceable in Bilious and other deep- seated Disorders, yet being designed as a mild Purgative only, and therefore not always suffi- ciently active, the Antibilious Pills have been recom- mended in Aid by an eminent Physician, in all Com- plaints of the Liver, as well as in other internal Diseases. Sold only by F. Newbery & Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, viz. the Analeptic Pills, Price 4s. fid. a Box, or six in one large Box for 4s.; and the Antibilious Pills, Price 2s. 9d. a Box, Duty included.— Observe that the Words " F. Newbeiy, No. 45, St. Paul's," are engraved in the Stamps. Sold also by their Appointment by
Dicey & Co. Marshall, and Edge, Northampton; Seeley, Buck- ingham; Barringer, and Inivood, Newport- Pagnell; Green, Ampthill; Collis Se Dash, Kettering; Bull, Sen. Harborough; and Loggin, Aylesbury & Leightbn. _ Dr. WHEATLEY's Invaluable Remedies for the certain mid speedy CURE OF THE ITCH. AN OINTMENT which cures in four Hours, and does not contain the least Particle of Mer- cury, or any pernicious Ingredient whatever, and so perfectly innocent, that Children at the Breast may be cured without the least Hazard. It is of an agreeable Smell, requires no Confinement, and there is no Me- dicine of the Kind which
cures in so short a Time. Price Is. 9d. a Box, Duty included. Likewise his CHYMICAL LIQUID, as perfectly safe as the Ointment, and as certain in its Effects; it has no Smell, nor does it in the least soil the Linen; a Circumstance which renders it highly va- luable, and to some Persons abundantly preferable to any. Ointment whatever. Price 2s. 6u. a Bottle, Duty included. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church - Yard, and at their Warehouse in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall, Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wilkinson, Da- ventry; Mather, and Broughton, Wellingborough; Fisher, Higham-
Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridew, Coventry; Sharpe, Warwick; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapston; York Sc Summers, Oundlc ; Jacob, and Horden, Peterborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Hodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford ; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport - Pagnell; Queneborough, Dun- stable; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Hawkes, Lut- terworth; Loggin, Aylesbury and I. eighton; and by every Vender of Patent Medicines in the
United Kingdom. BANKRUPTS required to OTLTLRENDEB. John Kennion, sen. and John Kennion, jun. of Nicholas- lane, London, brokers, Oct. 31, Nov. S and 28, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs. Crowder,' Lavie, & Garth, Frederick's- place, Old Jewrv. Emanuel Isaac Samuels, ot Prescot- strtet,' Good- man's- fields, Middlesex, merchant, Oct. 20, Nov 3 and 28, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Howard, Jewry- street, Aldgate. Gillies Maclean Alexander Harper, of Ensingwold, Yorkshire, flax- dresser, Nov. 10, 11, and 28, at the New Inn, Easingwold. Attorney, Mr. Barnley, Thirsk. James Gruzelier, of Plymouth- Dock, victualler Oct. 31,
Nov. 3, and 28, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Boville, New Bridge- street. James Lippard, of Deptford, cheesemonger, Oct. 24, Nov. 3, and 28, at Guildhall, London. Attorney, Mr. Mangnall, Warwick- square, Newgate- street. Joseph Hopkinson, Isaac Bower, William Vickers, James Richardson, John Birle'y, and Anthony Chris- topher Harker, of Sheffield, saw aid edge- tool manufacturers, Oct. 21, 22, and Nov. 28, at the Tontine Inn, Sheffield. Attorney, Mr. Tattershall. Sheffield. Thomas Bedford, of Grange- moor, Yorkshire, white- clothier, Nov. 4, 5, and 28, at the Commer- cial Cofiee- house, Dewsbury. Attorney, Mr.
Rylah. Dewsbury. George" Braime, of Mirfield, Yorkshire, ship- car- penter, Nov. 4, 5, and 28, at the Commercial Coffee- house, Dewsbury. Attorney, Mr. Rylah, Dewsbury,- Owen Macdonagh, of Albany Tavern, St James's, Westminster, victualler, Oct. 24, Nov. 3, and 28, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr. Winter, Paper- build- ings, Temple. James Askew Sc William Wright, of New Bridge- street, Blackfriars, London, straw- hat- manufacturers, Oct. 27, 28, and Nov. 28, at Guildhall. Attorney! Mr. Tucker, Staple's Inn. George Hawker, of Stroud, Gloucestershire, clo- thier, Oct. 22, 23, and Nov. 24, at the Old Lodge Inn, Mmchinhampton -
common. Attorney, Mr Newman, Stroud. * Rees Evans, ot Merthyr- Tydvill, Clamorginshire, shopkeeper, Oct. 19, 30, and" Nov. 28, at the White- Hart I nn, Bristol. Attornies, Messrs Alorgan Sc Livett, Bristol. ° Perry Fitzherbert, of Bath, merchant, Nov. 12. 13, and 28, at Reeve's Httel, Bristol. Attornies! Messrs. J. Sc T. Leman, Bristol. William Lewis, of Bond- street, London, woollen- draper, Oct. 30, Nov. 3, and 28, at Guildhall At- tornies, Messrs. Westons, Fenchurch- street. James Potter, of High- Holborn, London, baker, Oct. 24, 31, and Nov. 21, at Guildhall. Attorney. Mr. A'Becket, Broad- street, Golden- square. John
Richardson, of Somerset. street, Goodman's- fields, Middlesex, mathematical- instrument- maker Nov. 2, 3, and 28, at Guildhall. Attorney, Mr! Falcon, Elm- court, Temple. John Hill, of Watling- street, London, warehouse- man, Oct. 31, Nov. 7, and Dec. 1, at Guildhall Attorney, Mr. Wilde, jun. of Castle- street, Falconl square. William Tabberer and Thomas Johnson, of Hyde- street, Bloomsburv, London, factors, Oct. 27, Nov 3 and Dec. 1, at Guildhall. Attornies, Messrs; Swain! Stevens, & Maples, Old Jewry. ' Willrnm Hanslip, of Stradbrook, Suffolk, tanner, Oct. 2/, Nov. 3, and Dec. 1, at Guildhall, London Attorney, Mr. Hurd,
King's Bench Walks, Temple ' James Jones, ot Bishop's- Stortford, Hertfordshire shopkeeper, Oct. 27, Nov. 3, and Dec. I, at Guild! Stortfon? ° n' Attomey' Mr> CaPrco1. Bishop's- John Walter, jun. of Shad Thames, Middlesex anchor- smith, Oct. 24, 31, and Dec. 1, at Guildhall' Attorney, Mr. Hatton, Dean- street. Southwark Charles Frederick Mollersten, of Osbom - place, Whitechapel, London, leather- manufacturer, Oct 27 Nov. 10, and Dec. 1, at Guildhall. Attornies! Messrs. Bolton, Lane, & Lane, Lawrence Poultney- M A Ii IC E TS.— London, Oct. 19. We had not a large supply of Wheat to- day, and yet sufficient to answer
the demands of our buyers ; " we have to note likewise a decline of prices, both in Wheat and Flour; the former has been gradual since • last. Monday, and the reduction will be found in our currency below; the latter cannot be quoted at more than 5js. per sack.— Barley, on the other hand, fetches a better price, and fine Malt is dearer.— In White Peas no alteration.— Grey the same",— Small Beans and Ticks, are both a short supply • the latter higher.— Oats are pretty plentiful, and prices nearly as last week. Wheat.. 42s. to 50s. 56s. Oats 23s. to 27s. 32s. Fine Do. — s. to 58s. 62s. HorseBeans53s. to 60s. Od" Rye . ., 36s. to
14s. Od. Tick Ditto 15s. to 50s Od" Barley.. 36s. to 41s. Od. WhitePeas 100s. to 125s. Malt... 60s. to 74s. Od. Grey Ditto 60s. to 64s." Od*. PRICE of FLOUR.— Fine 50s. to 55s. Od. HOPS, per Pocket. — Kent, 51. 10s. to 71 0s Sussex, 51. 10s. to. 61. 10s. — Famham, 91, 0s. to SMITHFIELD, Oct. 19. To sink the offal. Ox Beef, 3s. 4' i. to 4s. 8d. Wether Mutton, 4s. Od to 5s. Od. Veal, 5s. Od. to 6s. Od. Pork, 5s 0d. to 6s. 0d. Lamb, 4s. 4d. to 5s. 4d. Sold this day, Beasts, 2000— Sheep and Lambs, 18,500. NEWGATE and LEADINHALI., Oct. 19. By the carcase. Beef, 2s. 8d. to 4s. Od. Mutton^ 3s. 4d. to 4s. 4d. Veal, 4s. Od.
to 5s. 8d. Pork, 5s. Od to 6s. Oil. Lamb, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. TALLOW.— Town, 65s. Od. White Russia,— s. Od to 63s. Od. ( Soap), 62s. Od. to 63s. Od. Melting Stuff, — s. to 48s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 31s. Good Dregs, 12s. Od. Graved, 12s. Od. LEATHER, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 22d. to25d Ditto, 60 to 651b. 2 « d. to27d. Merchants' Backs, 21<<. to22d. Dressing Hides, 17d. to I8Jd. Fine Coach- Hides, ISid. to 21d. Crop Hides, 35 to 401b. per doz. 21d. to 23Jd. Ditto, 45 to 501b. 17d. to20d Calf Skins, 30 to 401b. 36d. to 42d. Ditto, 50 to 701b. 33d. to 36d. Ditto, 70 to 801d. 26d. to 32d. Small Seals, per lb. 38d. to 40d.
Large Ditto, pet doz. 100s. to 160s. Goat Skins, — s. to — s. per doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, 18s. to 30s. each. NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for T. DICEY and IV. SUTTON,