The Northampton Mercury
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Volume Number: 87
Issue Number: 21
No Pages: 4
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The Northampton Mercury
Date of Article: 01/08/1807
Printer / Publisher: T. Dicey and W. Sutton
Address: Northampton
Volume Number: 87
Issue Number: 21
No Pages: 4
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& AI • faf gE ii- iffd Vol. 87. . SATURDAY, August 1, 1807- No. £ 1. Ready Money is expectad ) with Advertisements. $ S Circulated through ^ everv Town, and populous Village in the Counties of Northampton, Leicester, Huntingdon, \ I Bedford, fjjickingham. Hertford, Oxford, Warwick; Part of Cambridge, Nottingham, Lincoln, and Rutland. i PRICE SIXPENCE * . Vamp- Dntv yjft. ' Paper and Print -- Qld Sunday and Tuesday's Posts. LONDON, July 28. INTELLIGENCE of a most unpleasant affair has been received from America. His Majesty's ship Leopard, and the American frigate Chesapeak, have been engaged in fight, ' i'. e
following are 0\ e facts which led to this unpleasant rencontre. Some seamen who had deserted from the Melat » pus frigate, employed in watching the French squadron in the Delaware, were received on board the American frigate Chesapeak. Applications were made, as we understand, for the men, both to the Captain of the Chesapeak and the Secretary of the American navy, but without effect. The senior Officer on that station, apprised that the Che- sapeak was about to sail for the Mediterranean, ordered the Leopard to cruise for her off the Capes, and to enforce the right of search, if the men were not delivered up. The
two ships fell in with each other oh the 23d of June, wheu the Leopard sent a boat, with a Lieutenant, on board the Chesapeak, to require that the men should be re- stored to the British service. The American Officer, Commodore Barron, refused to have his crew overhauled ; in consequence of which, Capt. Humphreys, of the Leopard, ordered some shut to he fired a- head of the Chesapeak. Respecting what immediately followed, the letters, containing an account of this affair, do not agree. It is stated, in one of these, that the British Commander, finding 110 attention paid to these signals, discharged a broadside into the
American frigate, who re-' turned it with a few scattering guns, and struck her colours, but not before she had rcceivetf a second broadside from the Leopard. Another letter inentfons, that the Chesapeak fired into the Leopard, upon the latter filing some shot a- head of her. The Captain of the American frigate Struck, the right of search was enforced, and the men who had been previously claimed, were found 011 board her. They were taken out, the Chesa- peak was liberated, and her Commander allowed to prosccute his voyage or return to port, as he thought most fitting, lie preferred the latter. A vessel has arrived from the
Mediterranean, with letters from the city of Algiers to the 5th ult. inclusive. They communicate the intelligence that a vigorous war was carrying oil between the Algerine and Tunisian States. In the latter end of May a general battle wasfought which lasted tlie whole of the day. At length the Tunisians gave way, and were pursued in their Bight by- the Algerines, who made a dreadful slaughter amo. ng^ the fugitive!. Ihe ' Algerines'-^ ere wound., uji to, the highest pitch of confidence from their, guo cesses, and when the last advices carrue away, they were preparing to march- in. full• force against T unis,' which was- expected to fail
an easy " prey: •"•.'• On the 11th instint Bonaparte was at Konigsbergi where he will jgrobably remain some tune, lor. the purpose of • superintendiBg- rhe execution of tire- new • Treaties, before his final departure for France. • The marriage of Jerome Bonapartfe to the Princess Augtista of Saxony, lately insinuated in the German Papers, is now distinctly' av'owe'd: Vict fmhet is one of Napoleon's new Kings, and rhe Princess is an only child. Jerome, » t is true, has a wife in America; but It would be strange indeed, if he were to suffer the crime of bigamy to stand in the way between him and the Heritage- Apparent to the Kingdom
of Saxony. The Russian and Turkish fleets have had an engagement off the island of Tenedos. ' 1 he action is said to have lasted seven hours, and to have ended in the defeat of the Russians, w ho retreated to Imbria. It is admitted, however, that no ship was lost on either side; and that the Turkish flfctet has returued to the Dardanelles for reinforce- ments. From the vague and unsatisfactory manner in which this victory of the Turkish, fleet is- giveii, *- e should not be surprised if it shall turn out that it has sustained an actual defeat.^ The deposed Sultan, Selim-, who was., said to have died of poison, which he was oompelded
to take by order of his successor, is- now stated to. be alive in the Seraglio, w here he is well treated ; and the city of Constantinople was represented in a state of perfect tranquillity on the 10th ult. A Portuguese frigate, having S50 men on board, was lately lost in the neighbourhood of Gibraltar, • rithOST of her crew. The greatest efforts are making to get all the Spanish ships of war ready for sea. The Prince of Peace has sent the most rigorous orders to this effect, to all the ports; and, besides the ordinary conscription for sea- service, a general levy has been directed, to comprise all the seamen who can be procured along- the
coast. The first division of the fleet, consisting of 18 taiL of the line, seven frigates, and about 10 or l'l sail of sloops of war and brigs, got under weigh on Sundav morning, and sailed about noon from Yarmouth Roads, with a fine breeze from S. S- E. ' I hey steered for the Northward, which heaves no doubt that their destination is the Baltic. Admiral Gambier, in the Prince of Wales; Ad- mital - Stanhope, in the Pompfc; Sir S. Hood, in the Centaur, and Captain Keates, iii the Mars— the twojatter with broad pendants— sailed'with this first division. Rear- Admiral Essingiou, with si* sail of the line and several frigates and trans- ports,
remain at Yarmouth to receive troops. In the course of Saturday and Sunday upwards of 5O00 men were embarked at Harwich. The embarkation at Ramsgnte mid Sandwich, at the same time, was also as considerable. The number of men impressed from Wednesday to Saturday, amounted to 2300. On Friday the tender was quite full; and the men afterwards impressed were taken to the Tower. The Water- is en's Company have been required to furnish 500 men, and all the members, consisting of lighter- men and watermen, have received notice to attend the Rulers of the Company, iu order to | clect those who can be best
spared. Saturday's Gazette announces an additional augmentation to the arms of Nelson, obtained by the Reverend Doctor, now Earl Nelson. It is " a Fess wavv," thereon inscribed the word— « Trafalgar." ' Captain Laroche, of the Uranie frigate, was, on Thursdav last, tried by a Court Martial at Portia- mouth. ' The evidence went to prove the Captain a shy Cock, for not bringing a corvette, and after- wards a French frigate, to action off Cherbourg, in May and June last. The sentence of the Court was, '• That the charges had, in part, been proved against Captain Laroche, and they did adjudge him to be dismissed / rum the
Ctmnnand of his Ma- jesty's ship Vranie." The Committee of the Lords of the Mint have signified, in answer to an application made to them for that purpose, that it is the intention of Government to issue a new silver coinage in a few months.' In the House of Comm. ons, on Saturday,' Sir A. Wellesley obtained leave to bring, in a Bill for permitting the Irish Militia to volunteer into the regular army ; also a Bill for increasing the Militia of Ireland. They were immediately brought up, and severally read a first time. On Monday, on the motion for the 6econd reading of the Bill for allowing certain portions of the Militia of England to
volunteer into the line, Sir R. Williams moved, as an amendment, " That the Bill be read a second time this day three months;" upon which a very interesting discussion arose, as to the immediate necessity of resorting to the compulsory measure of balloting. Mr. Whitbread stated, that it appeared to him extraordinary, that after a war of 1- 1 years, the House should he again and again called upon to consider what ought to be the defensive system of the country; and expressed his conviction, that the present effective force in the country, 295,000 men, was fully adequate to its defence. Lord Castlcreagh made an abl^ reply to the
various arguments adduced against his Bill, and the House divided on Sir R. Williams's amendment, which was negatived by a majority of 9T. ' fhe important question on the Irish Insurrection Bill was discussed in the House of Common* on Friday. Among the different speeches delivered on the occasion, none were more deserving of attention than Mr. Grallan's. In the course of his observations he declared, that he was aware of the odium in which the measure was held, but lie was ready to encounter his share of the odium, ' if the measure were necessary. The question now was, whether Ireland, should have a French mili tary Government', or a suspension of the British Constitution. In his opinion, this was a time in which every man should he prepared to sacrifice not only some portion of his- liberty, but of his popularity, and he was ready to make some sacri- fice » f both for"- the good of the State.— The Bill was read a third' time oh Monday. One hundred and forty- three vessels from foreign parts arrived at Liverpool last week— notwith- standing the blockading decree of Bonaparte! Sir Francis • Bardett is so far recovered, that he is able to ride on horseback daily in. the neigh- bourhood of Wimbledon.— Mr. Paull mends hut slowly. . • . The
twenty- six soldiers of one of the regiments which had served in Egypt,, who were committed to take their trials for entering into a conspiracy to maim themselves, in Order to procure, tfyeir discharge, and % et pensions; and also . for taking oaths not to reveal their conspirafcy ;: aniMsad, by certain - medicine*, procure* I"" SiT ' tnthmimatimTin , their eyes, which they represented aS the Egyptian Ophj'hal. tnJa; have all offered. themselves for foreign ; service for the remainder of their'lives, which has been, aecepiedt:: yi< l t hey were on. Tuesday marched away from prison under" an escort.' • Ripe, Curraiits.— As this valuable
fruit is now in perfection ( says a correspondent) it will, be ren- dering a service to many of . your readers to insert a notice from the Monthly Magazine, vol. v. 54- 4, respecting its use in Phthysis Puhnonalis; at the same tijne. it should be observed, that not only currants, . but strawberries, rasberries, and other seed fruits, are highly beneficial when eaten freelv in a " perfectly, l'ipe state. ... These salutary gifts of nature are spread around us in rich profusion, and it is, our own . fault, if we neglect their use.— "• Mn4ii- « r^ wStfT; NTf< Bll16ffei; v, th* Essex, an- nounces, thaSjrg ' wtjs brought tb tire verge of the grave by a
consumption of the lungs, and restored to perfect- health ' by eating " M/ ee or four pints, per day of ' rifftf. currants, white and red ; and lie mentions other persons who have been recovered by the same means." Bkck. Currants.— In Forsyth, on the culture and management of fruit trees', third edition, page' 288, the following note on the good effects of- tlirs fruit will be found:—" In Ireland, black currants are frequently steeped in whiskey, of which they make punch, and recommend it as a good medicine'for coughs and colds. I once had two gallons of it sent nie by a friend for that purpose; some of it was taken in a glass of warm
water by a person who was very much afflicted with a severe cough, and thought to be in a decline, which effected a perfect cure in three or four nights.— Tlie currariis for this purpose should be bruised and put in ajar, and the whiskey poured over them. Let it stand for a week or a fortnight, covering it close down; then strain it through a fine cloth or sieve, and put it in bottles or casks for use. Currants may be used in this manner with brandy, gin, or other spirits." John Robinson, of Mickleby, near Whitby, farmer, was executed at York, on Monday, for the murder of Susannah Wilson, who left his service about a fortnight before
Martinmas, in consequence of liter pregnancy, and went to reside at Gju'isbrough. After sentence of death was passed, upon him, he declared his innocence, and said, he had no doubt but in - a- ltttle- tinw- thr reat- ftlur-" derer would be discovered; however, about seven o'clock on Monday morning, he confessed to two men who sat up with him during the night, that " lie" had perpetrated the horrid deed, lie met the. unfortunate woman, according to appointment, in hissown grounds, on the night of the 17th of Fe- bruary ; after walking about for near an hour, tliey. siit down in a fields although, bent upon committing the murder,,
his heart frequently mis- gave liiin; at length he made a lloiv on the bark- part of her head with an axe, and she died instan- taneously ; he also struck her upon other parts of the body. He then put her into . the hole where she was found, and covered her up with whins. On Saturday, a fire broke out at- Coombanlf,' Lord'Frederick Campbell's seat, near Tunhridge, iff Kent. Lady F. Campbell, it appears, was adtficjfetl to the dangerous practice of reading in bed, ; « jd while thus engaged, on Friday night, fell asleep, l'he curtains of her bed soon after caught fire, and the flames acquired such force, that every effort to rescue her
Ladyship proved ineffectual. When" the body wasfound, it was nearly reduced to ashes. The greater part of the elegant mansion has been destroyed.— Her Ladyship was the daughter of Amos Meredith, Esq. and sister of Sir W. Meredith, Bart. In 1752 she was married to Earl Ferrers, the unfortunate Nobleman who was executed at Tyburn in 1760, for the wilful murder of Mr. Johnson, his steward; she was, however, divorced from him by Act of Parliament, and in 1709, was married to Lord Frederick Campbell, brother to the Duke of Argyle. Her Ladyship was in her 70th year. A fire broke out- in the French prison at Forton, near
Gosport, on Wednesday afternoon, which continued to burn till late in the evening, when, by the great exertions of the military, it was for- tunately extinguished; not, however, until nearly the w hole range of buildings on one side had been destroyed. T wo or three persons who voluntarily were , junfortunately much bruised; but we are happy to hear that no lives were lost. Last week, a dreadful accident happened at Albrighton, nea. r Wolverhampton, inconsequence of one of the bearers of a Whim- wham, or Merry- go- round, giving way, during the time it was filled with people: Corporal Davis, of the Sd Dragoons, was so
dreadfully bruised that fie died the next day; a man of the name of Matthews had his thigh broken in two places, and many other per- sons were much cut and bruised.— We most sin- cerely hope proper steps will he taken to prevent the ifse of these dangerous machines in future. NO CURE NO PAY. QMOKY CIITMNIES effectually CURED by O Mr R. FOOTT1T, Builder and Chimney- Sur- veyor, HUNTINGDON. Mr. F. can produce the most respectable Tes- timonials of his superior Skill - in the above Art, which he has practised with the greatest Success for these last 1- 1 Years; and respectfully informs the Public, he is
engaged r. ear Northampton for a short Time, and that Orders addressed to him at the Printers' of this Paper, or as above, will be punctually attended to. IOST, about the 16th of December last, at i Weldon- in- the- Woods, or between that Place and Brigstock, A BOOK OP ACCOUNTS, belonging to Messrs. Poout & Mnony, ofHigham- Ferrers, Northamptonshire. Whoever has found it, and, will bring the same to Mr. EDWARD Wool>, or Mr.' THOMAS BOULTON, of Rujhden, near Higham- Ferrers ; or Mr. CHARLES MOODY, of Caxton, near Cambridge, shall receive FIVE GUINEAS Reward. — Ihe Rook being of no Service to
any Person but the Owners, no greater Reward will be given. WELLS's CREDITORS. THE CREDITORS of TIIOMAS WELLS, of HURDLESGROVE, in the County of Bucks, Cattle- Salesman, may receive a first Dividend of Five Shillings in the Pound, on fheir Debts, by applying to Messrs. James & Rose, Solicitors, Avlesbury, Bucks, and executing the Assignment of Ills Effects in Trust for their Benefit. July 2< M, 1807. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS. A LL Persons having any Claim or Demand /* againsttheEstateorEffectsofJOHN WRIGHT, formerly of LURSNHAM, in. the County of Leicester, and late of MARKET HARBOROUOH, in the same County, Enquire, deceased, are desired to transmit an Account of such their Claim or Dcmsnds to Mr. Alderman Wright, of the Borough of Leicester ( the Son and sole " Execy. tor of the Will of the said John Wright, deceased); or to the Office of George Wartnaby, in Market- Harborough aforesaid, in order that the same may be discharged.— And all Persons indebted to ' the above- mentioned Estate or Effects, • are requested to pay the Amount of their several and respective- Debts to the above- named Executor, or George Wartnaby, on or before the first Day of October next. Iv A' JAMES
HACKSLEY & WILLIAM IIOLTON's INSOLVENCY. LL Persons who stand indebted to the Estate and Effects of JAMES HACKSLEY Sc WM. HO LTDN, of WELLIKGBoRoUcH, are requested to pay the same to Robert Hawkins, Currier, or George Rands Shorr^ aker, on or befo"* Thursday the sixth Dav of August next, or they will he proceeded against for the Recovery of the same without further Notice — And all Persons having any Claim or Demand upon the said Estate and Effects, and have not already proved the same, are required to do so on or before the said'sixth Day of August, otherwise they will be excluded the
Benefit of the Dividend which is intended to be made as soon after as possible. CLARK & HALL's BANKRUPTCY. THE several Persons who stand indebted to the joint or separate Estates of JOHN CLARK & HENRY HALL, now or late of MARKET- HARBOROUGH, in the Conntv of Leicester, Worsted and Carpet Manufacturers, Bankrupts, are hereby required to pay the Amount of their several and re- spective Debts into the Hands of Mr. Wm. Htnsman, of Kimb'Tton, in the County of Huntingdon; Mr. Edward Bracebridge, of the Borough of Leicester; Mr. Matthew Wilson, of Kettering, in the County of Northampton; Mr. James
Goddard, or Mr. Thos. Curden, of Market- Harborough aforesaid; ihe As- signees of the Estate and Effects of the said John Clark and Henry Hall, on or before the first Day of September next; after which Day, all Debts re- maining unpaid will be sued for without further Notice. By Order of the Assignees, GEORGE WARTNABY, Solicitor. Market- Harborough, July Wth, 1807. J O II N D R A K E RETURNS his sincere Thanks to his Friends and a liberal Public, for the flattering Counte- nance and Support he has been honoured with since he has been acting Partner in the Business of the late Mr. Thornton, now carried on under
the Firm of THORNTON & DRAKE ; and begs Leave to inform them, that as he could only secure the Tenure of his present Shop for a. very limited Period, he has taken the Premises ( next Door) now occupied by Mr. Porter, which he intends entering upon on the 5th of August next, and purposes carrying on his present Trade in all it: Branches ( viz. ' LINEN and WOOLLEN- DRAPERY, as well as WOOL TRADE).— J. D. trusts^ that by an unremitting Attention ill selecting the best Articles, from the first Maikets, he shall ensure a Continuance of those Favours he has already received, and which it will be his Ambition to deserve.
JVoburn, June \ 1th, ISO". THOMAS PORTER BEGS Leave to return his sincere Thanks to his Friends and the Public in general, for the very liberal Support he has heen Savoured with in the different Branches of his Trade, artd takes the Liberty to inform them, that he intends declining the LINEN and WOOLLEN . DRAPERY BUSINESS in August next, in favour of Mr. DRAKE, for whom he earnestly solicits a Continuance of that Patronage he himself has so long enjoyed, not doubting but that Mr. Drake will in every Respect be found deserving of it. ( KT T. P. continues the LAC!' TRADE as usual, N. B. THOMAS PORTER
most respectfully informs the Gentlemen Graziers and others, that he purposes commencing fat the same Time he declines the Dra- pery) the WOOL TRADE, in Conjunction with Mr. DRAKE ; and humbly hopes for the united Support of both i'neir Friends. * SCAPED from Justice, about the 25th of March last, TIIOMAS SHELTO N, Of HIGJIAM- FERRERS, in the County * f North- ampton, Currier. Whoever will apprehend the said Thoirias Shelton, and deliver him into the Hands of the Constable of Hijham - Ferrers aforesaid, shall receive FIVE GUINEAS REWARD, either from V. WAI LIS, Esq. Mayor, or of Mr. JAMES
BROWN, of Higham- Ferrers aforesaid. The said Tiiomas Shelton is about 20 Years of Aee, about 5 Feet 9 Inches high, has rather dark Com- plexion, stoops a little in his Shoulders, wears his own Hair short and dark; had on when hs went away a dark- brown Coat, and greasv Waistcoat and Breeches-, he was sometime since seen in the Neighbourhood of Peterborough, and lately near St, Neots. To Millers and others. To be LETT, AN old- established WATER CORN- MILL, with an excellent Dwelling- House, Bakehouse, Garden, and Orchard adjoining. To which may be annexed, if desired, a good Farm, with Homestall and
other Farming Premises contiguous to the said Mill,, in the Neighbourhood of TOWCESTER, North- amptonshire. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. WILLIAM COOPER, Easton- Neston, who will shew the Pre- mises and treat for the same. BICESTER, OXFORDSHIRE. To be LETT, And entered upon at Michaelmas, next, ATAN- YARD, now in full Work, and a DWELLING- HOUSE adjoining thereto. A Patent Bark- Mill has been newly- erected, and a sub- stantial Room over it, 30 Feet square, with every necessary Convenience for carrying on an extensive Trade. The Business has been established considerably upwards of a
Century, and is disposed of in Con- sequence of the present' Proprietor declining it. The Situation is most eligible, and is well supplied With Bark and raw Goods, and affords a desirable Klppor- tunity to any Person wishing to embark in the above Line. For Particulars, apply to Mr. JOHN KIRBY, Bicester; or Mr. J. B. KIRBY, 9, Mincing- Lane, Fenchurch- Street, London. Inn und Coal- Wharf, Grand Junction Canal. To be LETT, or SOLD, And may be entered uvon at Michaelmas next, rIP H E NAVIGATION INN and COAL- I WH ARF, at F ENN Y - STRATFOR D, in the County of Bucks, now in full Trade; with a complete Dock
and Shed for buildirg and repairing Boats. For a View of the Premises, apply to the Tenants, Messrs. Hanscomb & Gale; and for Particulars, to Mr. John Roper, Potterspury, near Stony- Stratforu. July, 1807. JOSEPH OKELY, Grocer, Tea- Dealer; <$- c. Bedford) r> feTURNS his most sincere Thanks to l.: s t Friends and the Public, fbr the liberal Encou- ragement he has met with in the WINE, SPIRIT, a. •! PORTER TRADE, during his iaie Partnership with ?.,' t. BROWN, and respectfully informs them, that that Partnership is novy dissolved.— As lie purposes to con- tinue the same Business on his own Account, ami his own
Premises, he hopes to be favoured with tile Continuance of tHeir Orders; which he engines "> execute with Care and Attention, on the tts* possibl- Terms, havinp laid in his WINES, J, I< JUB « S, See of the first Qualities. The kind Support he has hitherto enjoyed in the TEA TRADE, Sec. calls for his warmest Gratitude and Thanks, and Assurances- of his continued Anetuior. w Orders in every Part of his Business. ' To be SOLD by PKIV'A I E CONTRAC 1 - rp\ V() CLOSES of exceeding good MEADOW ,,* LAND, situate in the Parish ot CHAR WE !.. TUN, in the County of Northampton, rear t,, a Lane there called Warwick- Line,
containing tnfg-. Ut: 13 Acres, or thereabouts more or less), and now n in- occupation of Airs. Neweomb, of CliarweWi a? re- said. For a View ' of the Premise*, apply to the T » n- rt • and to treat for the san e, to Mr. ROLLS-, Solicitor! Prior's- Marston, Warwickshire. To be SOL D bv A L C I I U N' By AT TON IS US IV £ 1. L, On Friday the 7th Day of August; lgo7, at Mr. Charles Townsend's, Stilton, between the Hours ot tour and Eight in the Afternoi n, subject to such Conditions as shall be produced ( ur; e s sooner disposal of by Private Contract, bf which NotUe will be given;, rPHAT large and commodious INN, called _ S the
ANGEL, in luil Business, situated at STILTON, in tilt County ot Huntingdon, oil the great North Road, now in the Occupation of V r. Charles Townsend, and before, tot a great manv Yeafs, in the Occupation ot Mr. Thomas Sibley, the Owner, now deceased. The Stables are very extensive, and capable of containing upwards of < hie Hyndred and' Fifty Hots s ; the Coach- houses, Warehouses, Orai. ari s, i . rns, ar. d other Out- buildings, are corresponding; a d the Yards and Gardens, containing nearly two Ac es ot Ground, all in the ' Town ; and the Whole have been long, and now are occupied- in the Management of an
extensive Business in the Inn, Posting, and Coach Concerns, and Farming. Also, all that MESSUAGE and BUTCHER'S- SHOP, with the Out-, buildings, adjoining the said Inn, in the Oc'cupat on of John Cocitrey. Also, all that MESSUAGE, with .' he Out- build- ings, adjoining the Inn, late in the Occupation of the said Mr. bibley. Also, a PIECE of new - inclosed PASTURE LAND, two Acres, iu STILTON, at the East End of the Town; and a CLOSE, two Acres, of PAS- TURE, in the Fen ; late in the Occupation of Mr. Sibley. • The Tenants will shew the Premises. Mr. Godfrey is Tenant at Will, and immediate Possession of all the
rest Part of the Premises may be Ku. All ti e Estates are Freehold, Inclo^ d, Tythe- frce, and free of Land- Tax. Part of the Puul^.' se Money may remain on the Premises. further Particulars may be known, by applying to Mr. MOUNTNEY, at Stilton ; Mr. HICKS, Jun, Cot- terstock, near. Oundle; or Mr. MORLLY, of Peter- borough. CotterSt'. ck, July, 1807. I Buckinghamshire b'i eehold. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By AND RrE IV GARDNER, On Saturday the fcth- » ay of August r. c::\, at t) i5 Crown Inn, fenny- oi.- atfoid, in the Cou-. ity of Buckingham, at Four o'Cloc- t in th » Aft moon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then
produced ( unless pieviously disposed of by 1' nvaie Contract;, pica- . Valuable Growing Crops of Corn and Grain. To be SOLD hy A U C T I O N, • By BROIVN & SO N, On Tuesday the 4th Day . of August, 1807, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, ALL the valuable growing CROPS of CORN and GRAIN, the Property of Mrs. Cummings, of G RE. AT- B AR FORD, near Bedtord, who is leaving the Farm", consisting of 64A. MR. of exceeding fine Wheat, 49A -! R. of Barley, 28 Acres of Oats, 42 Acres of Peas and Beans, and six Acres of Clover, be the same more or less; the Whole is Tvthe- free, and a
great Portion of the Crop may be taken off the Premises, which will be more fully explained in the Particulars and Catalogues. .. Likewise will be sold, A Malt, Mill, Bean- Ditto, Barn Tackle in general, about three Dozen of Sacks, Hogsheads and smaller Casks, and various other Articles. The Crops may be viewed the Day previous to the Sala by applying on the Premises, and on the Morning of. Sale, Until Eleven o'Clock, at which Time the Sal? will commence. The Company will please to meet the Auctioneers at the White- Hart, Barford, by Eleveno'Cloek, and proceed immediately to Sale. Catalogues may be had, in due Time,
at the White- Hart, Barford; the Towns adjacent; Place of Sale; and of Brown & Son, Auctioneers, Bedford. DUNSTABLE AND SHAFFORD- HOUSE TURN- PIKE- ROAD. hVTOTICE is hereby given, That a General iUV Meeting of the Trustees of the Turnpike- Road leading from the House formerly known by the Sign of the Black- Bull, in Dunstable, in the County of Bedford, to the Way turning out of the same Road up to Shaliord- House, in the County of Hertford, will be held at the SUN INN, at MARKYATE- STREET, on TUESDAY the 25th Dav of AUGUST next, at Twelve 0' ClOck at Noon; when and where . the TOLLS
arising and to be collected at the several Toil- Gates AittSide- Bars of the said Road, will be put up for the rurpose ot being LETT by AUCTION, to the iiest Bidder, for such Term as shall then be agreed upon, not exceeding three Years, nor less than one Year, to commence from the 29th Day of September next; and that the said Tolls will be put up at the Jiuiji of ^£. 2035, being the present net yearly Rent tfiefsof. 1 further Notice is hereby given, That the Trust, f^ s will requirethe Person taking such Tolls, to pay to the Treasurer one Month's Rent in Advance, AVery desirable Tythe- free ESTATE, " sant'ly situated in S'l MPSON,
in the County of Buckingham; consisting of a substantial and con- venient Messuage or Farm- Hou. se, Barns, Stable*, Yard, Garden, and other Appurtenances thereunto belonging, and several Closes of very rich Arable and Pasture Land, containing together 2i Acres, or tiieie- abouts; now in the Occupation of Mr. Norman, as Tenant from Year to Year.— ThS Fences are in good Condition, and well planted wiih fine thriving Timber ' Trees. Simpson is a very pleasant Village, adjoins the Chester Ro^ d, is 45 Miles from London, about one Mile from Fenny. Sttatfoid, and the Grand Junction Canal runs through the Parish. Apply
for further Particulars, or to treat for the Estate by Private Contract, to Mr. ROTHS R SAM, Eversliolt, near Woburn; or to Mr. EAGLIS, At- torney, Ampthill, liedioidshire. . Ampthil/, July loth, 1M7. came forward to assist iu extinguishing the flames. P » YJ; before he enters upon the Collection thereof, and to execute a Bond, with sufficient Sureties, to be ap- proved of by the said Trustees, for the Payment of the Rent at the Times to be specified in the Contract, and for the Performance ot the several Covenants which will be required from, and on the Part of, the Lessees.— Dated the 21st Day ot July, 1807. J. S. STORY, Clerk and
Treasurer to the said Trustees. To be L E T T, For a Term of Eleven Years, and entered upon at Lady- Day next, THE following capital FARMS, & c. situated in T O D D 1 N G T O N, HA R L 1 N G T () N, WESTONING, and TINGRITH, in the County of Bedford, four Miles from Woburn, and six from Dun- stable, nearly all Tythe- free. The Manor Farm, in Toddington ; consisting of a Farm- house and suitable Out- buildings, anil about 290 Acres of Land ( exclusive of the Ponds), all Tythe- free, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Atkins. The Lodge Farm ( adjoining the Manor Farm); con- sisting of a Farm- house and
suitable Out- buildings, and 283 A , 1R. S4P. of Land; of which 241A. 3R. 5P. are Toddington, Tythe- free, and 41 A. 2R. 291'. in Tingrith, adjoining, and Tv thable; now in the Occu- pation ot Mr. George Atterbery. Long- I. ane Farm; consisting of a Farm- house and suitable Out- buildings, and 156A. 3R. 10P. of Land ; of which 183A. 3R. 25P. are in Toddington, Tythe- free, and 22A. 3R. 25P. in Tingrith, Tythable ; now in the Occupation of Mrs. Elizabeth Hortey. Heme Farm, in Toddington ; consisting of a Farm- house and suitable Out- buildings, and237A. 0R. 36P. of Land, Tythe- free; now in the Occupation of Mr. John
l'edder. The G tiffin Farm, in Toddington; consisting of the Griffin Public- house and suitable Out- buildings, and 112A. 2R. 10P. of Land, Tythe- free; now in the Occupation of the Executors of Mr. Harry Osborne. A Farm- house and suitable Out- buildings, in Tod- dington, and 102A. 2R. 16P. of Land, Tythe- free; now in the Occupation ot Mr. Robert Watts, late ot Mr. John Morris. A Farm- house and suitable Out- buildings, in Tod- dington, and66A. 2R. 22P. ot Land, Tythe- free; now in the Occupation of Mr. John Parker. A House and Offices, in Toddington, and three Pieces of Land, Tythe- free ( all Meadow, except the
Homestead], being 23A. ORl 24P. ; now in the Oc- cupation of Mr. Benjamin Atwood. Four Pieces of Pasture Land; containing 36A. 3R. 18P. of which 19A. 2R. 3P. are in Toddington, Tythe- free; and 17A. 1R. 15P. in Harlington; now in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Fensom. Two Pieces of Land, in Toddington, Tythe- free; containing 29A. 1R. 9>. late in the Occupation of Mr. John Richardson, now of Mr. Benjamin Atwood. A Piece of Land, in Toddington, Tythe- free; con- taining I9A. 2R. IIP. now in the Occupation of Mr. Richard Atwell. Several Pieces of Land, in Toildington, Tingrith, We'jtoning, and Harlington; containing
118A. 2R. 11 P. late in the Occupation of Mr. Henry Letch, now of Mr. Wilson; which will be lett together or in Parcels. Three Pieces of Meadow Land, in Tingrith, Tyth- able; containing 16A. 1R. 34P. now iu the Occupa- tion of Mr. Adam Quarry. All Persons inclined to treat for taking the above Farms, See. aredesiredto make Proposals, in Writing, to Messrs. HAMPSON & GRIFFITHS, of Luton; or to Mr. Ksx HARD£ V, at Houghton Regis, wear Dunstable, Dean und C/ itiplerhold Akontniry and Weston, Freehold, Copyhold, and Farms and Ijtnds, at Huntingdonshii e. To be SOLD hy A U C T10 N, By Messrs. SKINNER, DYKE, &
Co, On Tku rsday the 20th of August, at Twelve o'Clock, at Garraway's Coffee- Houie, Cftrr. hill, London, > o four Lots, VALUABLE FREEHOLD, COPYHOLD, and. the DEAN and CHAPTERHOLD ESTATES, advan- tageously situate at ALCOtvBURY and WESTON.', divided by the high North Road to Alconbury- HiU, through Buckden and Huntingdon, five Miles from each, 10 from St. Neots and Stilton, and 66 Trim London ; comprising the Deanery . Manor of AlconBury, and tour eligible Farms, tontaining 1162 Acres qf inclosed Meadow, Grazing, and Arable Land,- Ty. tlie- free, with Farm- Houses and Out- buildings, andU the
great Tythes arising fiom the adjoining Lands the Whole in the Occupation of Messrs. Green, Bowker, Crawby, Holmes, and others, Tenants at Will, who have Notice to quit; the present Rental only - -. One Thousand and Sixty - four Pounds, bij ten Shilling! ptr Annum, ;. CAPABLE, OF IMPROVEMENT. . To be viewed ; and printed ParticClars had, of. tBe Tenants; also, at the Wheat- Sheaf, Alconbury- H ifj Fountain, Huntingdon; George, Stamf rd;' fiel]^ Stilton; Cock, Eaton; Sun, Biggleswadt; of Mr. Hodson, Cambiiclge; Mr. Newcpmb, Stamford; Messrs. Dic^ y & Co. Northampton.;^ ttthe< jPlace ^ if Sale; of Messrs. Brays,
Solicitors, Great Rus^ el- Street, Bloomsbuty ; Messrs. Jones & Green, Salis- bury- Square; and of" Messrs. Skinner, Dyke, & Go". Aldersgate- Street, London, where- a- Plah maybt'SW: Sf. Valuable Freehold EstOt^ Busks. '. , ',-.- To he SOLD by^- VlLC T: 1 O. N> By Messrs. SKlNNEfiy- DYJCEt ® Co. + On Thursday the20th of Av^ usvet ' i: welve; o'Cleck, at Garraway's Coffee . House, ' Change - Cornhill, London, iu one Lot', if not, previously disposed of by Private Contract, AValuable, FREEHOLD, Tvi M- I'P. EF. ESTATE, advantageously situate in the' Hatniet of IVtsttoie^ between Aylesbury and Bicester, six; Miles from
Ujc former, ten from the latter, ancTfSn from BiickinghaiSr, ail good Market Towns ; • consisting of three huftdri*! and thirty- two Acres of Grazing,. Meatjow, . Arable, and Wood Land, with proper l'arm- Houses and Out- buildings ; the Whole forming a1 very c^ pit^' l Far. n, lying exceedingly compact, well - timbered and watered, and bounded by the high Road; Pan in Hand, the Remainder lett to Tenants.'- at Will'; the present Rents and estimated Value about Five Hundred and Thirty Pounds ptr Annum. To be viewed by applying to J^ HN Aiu. v, on tlie Premises, of whom Particulars may be had ; aiso, at the King's- Arms,
Bicester; Red- Lion, Thame; of Mr, Hearn, Solicitor, Buckingham; Messrs. James & Rose, Solicitors, Aylesbury ; Messrs. Dawson & Co. Oxford; Messrs. Dicey & Co. Northampton ; at the Place of Sale; and of Messrs. Skinner, Dyk.\ & Co. Aldersgats- Street, London, where a flan atay be seen.
W Wednesday ^ nd Thursday's Posts. LONDON, July 30. THE Tonningen Mail due on Sunday last ar- rived yesterday. Numerous conjectures are started respecting the terms of Peace; but nothing certain is yet known.— Dantzic, it appears, is to be made independent, and placed, as it was before the partition of Poland, on the footing of the Hanse Towns. Private accounts give what is understood to be the true basis of the treaties between Russia, Prussia, and France;- but nothing authentic has yet appeared on the subject. Russia, as might be expected from her formidable situation, is to lose nothing in respect to territorial
possession ; but Prussia, according to these accounts, is to . give up her possessions in Westphalia, which, to- gether with Hanover, is expected to be erected into a kingdom, of which Jerome - Bonaparte will be the Chief. It is also reported, that Warsaw, and a small part of Prussian Poland, • will be erected into a Duchy, as an appendage to the Crown of brother Jerome. The French troops, it is said, are not to quit Germany until Peace shall be made with England. Th^ French are already before the walls of Stralsund. The King of Sweden, it is said, has requested an armistice for the purpose of nego- tiation ; but has been
required, as a previous step; to deliver up Stralsund. Bonaparte is expected to reach Paris by the 1st of next month. He left Konigsberg on the 13th for Dresden. No mention is made of the pyesent residence of the Emperor of Russia, or the King of Prussia. When Bonaparte heard that the unfortunate but amiable Queen of Prussia, whom he had himself, a few months before, called contemptuously Madame DeStrelit?, was on the road to Tilsit, he rode to meet her, and in the true strain of French flattery, thus addressed her—" My dear Cousin, since your misfortunes, you have never ceased to occupy my thoughts!" The force
dispatched by the Mulatto Chief Petion, against Gonaives, a strong place in the possession of his rival Christophe, has succeeded, after a desperate conflict. Gonaives fell in the beginning of June. Lord Holland, in the House of Lords, and Mr. Whitbread, in the House of Commons, on Monday night, asked for information respecting the action between the American frigate and the Leopard: his Majesty's Ministers answered, that they were not yet fully in possession of all the circumstances of the case," to warrant d communication upon the subject. They said, however, that if, upon re- ceiving the necessary information, it should
appear that there was any thing improper or unjustifiable in the conduct of the British officer concerned,, there certainly would be every wish on the part of Ministers to make the fullest reparation the nature of the case would admit of. A meeting of tlie Merchants trading to America was yesterday held at the Lotjdon Tavern, for the purpose of taking into consideration the conse- ' quences which may result to the trade, from the ' ate action between his Majesty'sship Leopard and the Chesapealc American frigate. Mr. Sanson was called to the chair. He stated, that he had been honoured by an interview with the Secretary of State (
Mr. Canning) on the subject of their meet- ing : and he had the satisfaction to announce, that a most sincere disposition had been manifested by the Hon. Secretary to preserve the most friendly intercourse between the two countries; but that at present no detailed account of the transaction, which had caused so much alarm, had reached Government; in the absence of which it was im- possible to say to whom the blame attached. In order to facilitate the ends of strict justice, how- ever, Mr. Canning had, in an interview with Mi . Munro, the Minister from the L'nited States, agreed, that should it ultimately appear that blame could
be attributed to the Commander of one or the other ship, such reparation should be marie as the nature of the case might require, by the Government of the offending party. out of the Worcester rr. ail- coach. Being found guilty, Jemmy's observation, on sentence of trans-, portation for seven years being passed upon tii. ii, was, " It matters not, it is high time I should return to my estate at Botany; I dare say there has been a pretty game carried on since I left. Three celebrated pickpockets cleared £. 500 each, over and above all expences, at the late election for Yorkshire. This they have not hesi- tated to avow since their return to
London! A few days ago, as a grinder's apprentice in Sheffield was" unmercifully beating a poor ass, it turned on the bey and " bit off one of his ears. Were all ill- treated asses actuated by the same spirit of retaliation, there are now a number of wretches that would have to deplore the lose of this most necessary ornament of the head.— We mention this circumstance as a warning to those who every day inhumanly and wantonly abuse these useful beasts of burthen. HOUSE of LORDS, Wednesday, July 29. " SWEDEN. AND PRUSSIA. Lord HAWKBSBURY moved the order of the day for taking into consideration his Majesty's
Message rela- tive to Sweden and Prussia ( which was the same as that delivered to the Commons by Mr. Perceval).— His Lordsliip briefly stated the nature of the treaties', and concluded with moving an Address of Thai ks. Lord HOLLAND did not mean to oppose the Ad- dress ; but laid in his claim that his vote on this occasion should not pledge Ins assent to the discharge" of the burden incurred by this treaty, unless it should appear that the force to be paid tot had actually been furnished. wished to know, whether all Mr. MORS. it said, thegteat mdrit of this discovery was, that it extirminated the disease whereas all other
modes of inoculation increased it, by being liable to infection; and it hid been indisputably proved, that since inoculation there had been more deaths than before. He thought the sum proposed was too small; he would therefore propose, as an amendment, that instead of ^. 10,000, the sum of £. 20,000 be inserted. Mr. HERBERT, Mr. WILBERFORCE, and Mr. WIND- HAM, declared themselves in favour of the amend- ment. The question being loudly called for, the numbers appeared— For the larger grant, 60— For the smaller, 37— Majority 23. POOR RELIEF BILL. The House then went into a Committee of the whole House
on Mr. Whitbread's Bill, when a very long conversation ensued. An Amendment, moved by Mr. S. BOURNE, to extend the time of residence for a settlement from five years to ten years, was carried— On the question being put, that the clause so amended do pass, the House divided— For the clause, 12— Against it, 33— Majority 21. While strangers were excluded, on the division, Mr. Whitbread said, that he should abandon the Bill altogether trusting that, during the next session, he should be enabled to propose a measure for the relief t of the lower orders of the community, not exposed i to such a multiplicity of objections.—
Adjourned. —*-* « « >• » •> » — The superior quality of Warren's Japan Liquid Blacking iias induced oilier blacking- makers to coun- terfeit it To prevent which, observe, No 14, • i St. Martin's • Lane, is stamped in each boule of Warren's Blacking, and the cork sealed R. W.— It may be had, genuine, of Edge, Druggist, North- ampton; Harrod, and Dawson, Harborough ; Svvinfen, and Simmons, Leicester; Ward, and Hulse, Hinckley ; Bingham, Athef- toue ; Poulter, Siony - Stratford ; Lord LAVDERDALE that was announced was summed, up in the treaty j o'allard, ' Towces; er; i> un « ky,: Daveiitry; Rusher, alluded to by the Noble
Lord, and the further ad-• and Marriott, Banbury; Loggin, Aylesbury; Dodd, vances to Prussia.. He, could scarcely bring himself Wob Wringer, Newport - Pagnell; ' Palgrave, to think | Bedford. Mason, Olney; Parker, Higham - Ferrers; Saunderson, and Beale, Wellingborough ;. Chettle, and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Bell, and Tookey, Oundle; Ward, and Porter, Thrapston ; and in every that this was the case; and if it was not, the subsequent treaties, though not ratified, and : therefore not fit tube formally laid before Parliament, j ought at least to he adverted to in the Message. Lord H AWKESBU » v stated, in reply, that means of '
assistance of a much greater. magnitude had certainly I bgen offered to our Continental Allies, and would have been afforded, had not the course of events pre- vented the intention of his Majesty's servants. The Address was then put and agreed to, nem. dis. as was also an Address ih answer to a Message pre- paratory to a Vote of Credit. IRISH INSURRECTION BILL. Lord HAWKESBURY then moved the order of the day for the second reading of the I rish Insurrection Bill. To this measure he anticipated no opposition, The Bill, with a very few exceptions, was a trans- cript of an amended copy, drawn up by the late Ad ministration, of the Act which was to expire on the 1st of August. Lord HOLLAND lamented, that, as a Member of a British House of Lords, lie siiauld have the degrading duty to perform, of stating his conviction of the ne- cessity of such a Bill. He, however, called upon the House to examine into the causes which had led to such a necessity, being of opinion that the great bulk ot the inhabitants of no country could be discontented for a long series of years, without great aud permanent grievances. Lord LIMERICK supported the Bill; and censured the Administration of the Duke of Bedford. The DUKE of BEDFORD vindicated his
conduct in not resorting to the Insurrection Act. The KARL of SELKIRK declared, that it was with the utmost reluctance he could give his assent to any such measure as that before the House; but being c& nvinced of its necessity, he could not refuse to vote for the Bill. ; After a few words from Lord Lauderdale, the Bill was read a second time, and committed for to- morrow. HOUSE of COMMONS, Tuesday,- July 28. SWEDEN AND PRUSSIA. Mr. Secretary CANNING presented at the Bar cer- tain Papers, by his Majesty's command. These paperst on their titles being read, turned out to be a Treaty of Peace and Amitv between
the King of Great- Britain and the King of Prussia, dated the 28th of January, 1807, with a Translation. The Right Hon. Gentle- man stated that this Treaty had been alluded to in his Majesty's Speech on the opening of the Session. By some accident, however, its ratification had not arrived till lately, and the present was the first moment when it could have been laid before Parlia- ment.— It was ordered to lie on the table. MESSAGE FROM THE KING. Mr, PERCEVAL brought down a Message from his Majesty, stating that his Majesty thought proper to acquaint the House of Commons, that he had entered into certain subsidiary.
engagements with his Majesty the King of Sweden, copies of which, as" so6n as the ratifications should be received, his Majesty y.' ould order to be laid before the House — The Message went ' BAINfiS & SON, Silk, Cotton, and Woollen- Dyers^ Old- established DYEHOOSE, BRIDGE - STRETTY NORTHAMPTON, BEG to remind their Friends and the Publtdj that they continue to DYE and CLEAN every Article of DRESS and FURNITURE the most pre- valent Colours, in such a Manner, as they feel confident will merit the Continuance of that Patronage they have so largely experienced, and for which they return most
respectful Thanks. Ladies' Gowns, Cloaks, Pelisses, Habits, Shawls, Gloves, & c. dyed the prevalent Colours, to Pat. tern; Chip and Straw Bonnets dyed equal to new; Veils, Netting Lace, & c.; scarlet Cloaks and Pelisses restored to their original Colour; and every Article of Gentlemen's Dress cleaned and dyed.— Furniture, of Morine, China, & c. dyed and watered equal to new; Cotton Furniture dyed any Colour, with its Linings, Fringe, & c. to correspond; Counterpanes, Carpets, Blankets, tec. cleaned. All Parcels, sent free of Expence, will meet with the strictest Attention, and be returned with Punctuality. principal town in
England a pint, and 10d. half a pint. in stone bottles, Is. 6U. On Monday morning the 58d regiment, and the ] on to state, that =£. 100,000 had been paid to the King 95th Rifle Corns, embarked on board transports lying iu the Downs. They were taken on board by the Deal boatmen, who volunteered to perform this service, which they executed with great adroitness in about an hour.— The 43d, which was also at Deal, marched from that place for Uamsgate on Monday. On Saturday all the troops at Ipswich and Col- chester, ordered for foreign service, marched, the former towards Yarmouth, and the latter for Harwich, in order to
embark with every poseible dispatch. ' 1 he 28th regiment, and a company of artillery, proceeded from Danbury to Harwich, at three o'clock on Saturday morning, for the same purpose. The service of the Expedition is expected to be of short duration, as none of the Officers ap- pointed to the Staff relinquish their home com- mands. Sir George Ludlow retains that of the Kent District; and Lieutenant - Colonel Lord Ayltuer, who joins his battalion of the Coldstream Cuarde', his appointment as Assistant Adjutant- General in the Southern District. Lieutenant- Colonel Doukcn, the Quartermaster- General of the same District, also
accompanies the Ex- pedition. The importation of sheep's wool into England was last year less than in the two former years, viz. in 180- 1, the quantity imported was 8,147, G57lbs. j 1805, 8,511,2281hs;" lS06, 7,324,208! bs. A cause, which involved a question of consider- able importance, was tried at the last Gloucester assizes, before a special jury; wherein the Rev. Mr. Townaend, of Steanbridge, was plaintiff, and I'aul Wathen, Esq. of Lyppiatt- Park, defendant. The action was brought in consequence of several of the plaintiff's hounds having been caught and disabled, in traps set in one of the defendant's woods; and the
point was, whether the defendant tad a right to set such traps, although upon his own ground. By the evidence, it appeared that the traps were of an unusual size and shape; that trails had been drawn about the wood, and across the public footpaths, to the spot where the traps were concealed and baited; that a deer and several dogs had been caught in one of th. em; and that a boy in the defendant's em- ploy had met with the same accident. The Chief Baron, in addressing the jury, observed, that although traps might be set for vermin, yet there were bounds to that right— such as sea- sonable heurs to set them, and proper
dimensions; and that it was not necessary to prove an intention of injuring the particular individual, in order to maintain the action; but that a conclusion might V drawn from general circumstances. He had no conception that traps of an inordinate and alarm- ing size, such as had caught a boy and held a deer, should be set: and when traps were placed near foot- ways on whtch a man and his dogs had a right to go, and the gamekeeper had directions to bring the dogs which might be caught, therecould be no doubt, that, under such circumstances, a person was liable to make satisfaction to another for the injury done to him.
Verdict for the plaintiff- damages SO guineas. The noted James Remnant had his trial at Abingdon, for purloining a parcel, containing £. 50, NORTHAMPTON LAMPS. ANY Persons desirous of entering into Contract for LIGHTING the public LAMPS in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, with Patent Burners, are requested to send their Proposals, Post- paid, to the Clerk to the Commissioners, on or before the 3d Day of AUGUST next, in order that the same may be laid before the Commissioners, at their Meeting to be held on the following Day, at the GUILDHALL, in the said Town, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon. The Number of
Lamps to be lighted is 327, which are to be all lighted up by one Hour after Sun- set, and to continue burning - until Twelve o'clock at Night, for one hundred and twenty- six Nights, at Intervals, between the 23d Day of September next, and the 5th Day of April following. CHARLES MARKHAM, Clerk to the Commissioners. Northampton, July lSiA, 1807. To the DEBTORS and CREDITORS of Mr. JOHN JOHNSON, late of EASINGTON, in the Pariih of BANBURY, in the County of Oxford, farmer and Cou- Dealer, decerned. ALL Persons who stand indebted to the F. 3tate and Effects of the said Mr. JOHN JOHNSON, are desired
to pay their respective Debts to Mrs. Catherine Johnson, his Widow and Administratrix ; or to Mr. John Barber, of Chipping- Nortoii, in the said County, Attorney at Law, to htm on Thursdays, from Twelve o'Clock to Four, at the White. Lion Inn, Banbury.— And all Persons who have any Claims or Demands upon the said Estate and Effects, are re- quested to send. an Account thereof to the said Mrs. Catherine Johnson, ot to the said John Barber. Julj> 19tb, 1807. ' GENERAL INFIRMARY, NORTHAMPTON, AUGUST, 1st, 1807. AT the General Court of Governors held here this Day, it was ordered, that the Governors, with the
weekly Committee, do draw up the Annual Report of the State and Accounts of this Infirmary, to be read at the next Anniversary Meeting ot' all the Contributors; and the said Court do hereby give Notice, that the Anniversary Meeting above- mentioned will this Year be held on THURSDAY the 20ih Day of AUGUST instant, immediately after a Sermon to be preached that Morning at the usual Hour by the Rev. NATHANIEL COTTON, Rector of Thomby, in this County; when it is hoped that all Subscribers who can, will by their Attendance and Concurrence, mani- fest their Resolution and Zeal to support so great and extensive a
Charily, which, at so small an Expence to themseves, enables them to relieve their honest and poor Neighbours, in the most distressing Circum- stances, with such Advice, Medicines, and Accom- modations, as cannot be procured for them in any other Way. The said Court takes this Opportunity of informing and reminding the Public, that, as the voluntary yearly Payments are the only Fund and Revenue of this Infirmary, and consequently as the very Being and Existence of it depends upon their being made regular and beforehand, all Subscribers who have not already advanced their Subscriptions for the Year now begun (
commencing this 1st of August), are desired to do it as soon as possible to the present Treasurer, Mr. CHARLES SMITH, of Northampton, Lace- Mer- chant; or our present Bankers, Messrs. GOSLINGS & SHARJ, in Fleet- Street, London; and the rather, as none can, according to the Statutes, have a Right to recommend any Patients till his Subscription for the current Year is paid. SPENCER, Chairman. ( f3?" Gentlemen are desired to meet exactly at Ten in tiie Forenoon, at the ANGEL INN, lo walk'in Pro- cession from thence to the Parish Church of All. Saints, to hear the Sermon,-, after which a Collection will be made, as
usual, at the Church Doors, that the Inhabitants of this Place and others may, by their Appearance at Church, shew their Approbation, and have an Opportunity, according to tiieir respective Abilities, of contributing Something towaids this noble Charity. There will be an Ordinary on the said Anniversary, at Halt- past Three o'Clock, at the Angel Inn. To be SOLD by AUCTION, At the Falcor Inn, Saint N » ots, in the Month of August, 1807, AVERY desirable Tythe- free FARM, con- taining about 178 Acres, well fenced and divided, situate at GREAT- CATWORTH, in the County of Huntingdon, in the Occupation of Mr Wm. Ladds,
whose Lease expires at Michaelmas next Further Particulars, and the Day ® f Sale, will be given in a future Paper; and, in the mean Time, Appli- cation may be made to Mr. DAY, Solicitor, Saint Neots. of Prussia, and that in the course of the campaign a farther advance had been made to his Prussian Majesty to the amount of £ .200,000. The Message was referred to a Committee of the whole House. Mr. PERCEVAL brought down another Message from his Majesty, stating his Majesty's uniform reli- ance on the zeal and lojfalty of his faithful Commons, and recommending to them to take all such means as they might think
best, or as the exigency of affairs might require, for enabling his Majesty to support the dignity of his crown, and the security and in- tegrity of his dominions.— Referred to a Committee of Supply. This Message evidently points at a Vote of Credit. MILITIA VOLUNTEERING But. Lord CASILEREAGH moved the order of the day, for the House to resolra into a Committee on the Militia Transfer Bill. The order having been read, the question for the Speaker leaving the Chair was opposed by Mr. Wind- ham and other Gentlemen; but there was nothing novel in their speeches, or in the arguments they employed. The House then went
into a Committee on the Bill, when Lord Milton proposed that that part of the clause then under the consideration of the Committee, which extended the term beyond the two first specified terms of thirty and ten days, to twelve months, at different intervals, be omitted. A long desultory conversation ensued between- Lords Milton and Castlereagb, the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, and Colonel Ba> tard, when the amendment was negatived without a division. Lord CASTLEREACH brought up a clause making it optional to the Militia Men Volunteering their Ser- vices, to do so for a limited number of years, or for an unlimited
period. On this clause a long discussion ensued, when the Committee divided— For the clause 73— Against it 10 r- Majority 63. The House was then resumed, and the Report ordered to be received to- day. Wednesday, July 29. THE VACCINE INOCULATION. The CuANCELLORof the EXCHEQUER rose to make the motion of which he had given notice, relative to the further remuneration of Dr. Jenner, for his inge- nious and laborious discovery of the cow- pox vac. cination— a discovery which he said could scarcely be characterized in terms of too high praise. The Right Hon. Gent, then stated, that thecalculations of deaths
had been made in the three following classes, viz. in the small- pox, the deaths were one in six; in inocu- lation for the small- pox, one in 300 ; and in inocu- lation under the present diseo\ try of the vaccine- pox, out of the immense number of 164,381, the deaths were only three, which was only one in 54,761. On these grouflsts, he thought there was a case before the Committee which would weigh with those who some years ago did not think it right to give the original sum then proposed, to alter their opinion; and though they voted at that time for no more than half the sum proposed, which was only £. 10,000, they would now
be disposed to agree with him in making that sum double, by an additional grant of =£. 10,000. Mr. SHAW LEFEVRE thought it was too late a period of the session to bring forward such a motion, and under the present circumstances of the country, looking to the economy which he thought absolutely necessary, he must oppose the granting of such a sum. Lord H. PETTY said he disagreed entirely with the Hon. Gentleman who had just sat down. It appeared from the report in his hand, that in consequence of the prejudices which had been excited against vac- cination, inoculation for the small- pox had been again resorted to,
and thereby the deaths iiad been increased to a very alarming degree. General TARLETON and Mr. SiuRGSsBouRNzspoke iu favour of the { notion. Growing Crops of Corn. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, IN LOTS, On Saturday the 8th of August, 1807, on the Pre- mises, at BEECHAMPTON, near Stony- Stratford, in the County of Bucks, rpHE CROPS of CORN belonging to Messrs. JL THOMAS & JACOB KING, who are leaving their Farms; comprising 13 Acres of Wheat, 18 Ditto of Oats, six Ditto of Beans, and two of Barley. tf The Company are requested to meet at Mr. Thomas King's, the Hill- Farm, in Beech.
impton aforesaid, exactly at Eleven o'Clock, when the Sale will commence. N. B. Credit will be given on approved Security. To be . S OLD, ACapital well- bred GREYHOUND BTTC1L- For further Particulars, enquire of WILJ. IA KIL^ IN, Stoke- Goidington, Bucks. July Hid, 1807. A de$ iruble_ Situation. To be LETT bv AUCTION, By P. WESTON, At the Cross, Helmdon, in the County of North, ampton, on Monday the Sd Day of August, 1807- betweenthe Hours of Two and Five in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions as shall be then produced, rjTIE following FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate at HELMDON aforesaid, viz. A
commodious DWELLINO- HOUSE, with a Bake- house in good Trade, large Barn, Stable, Garden, and Close thereto belonging; in the Occupation of Mr. John Perkins, Proprietor. Theabove Premises are in good Repair, and eligibly situated for Trade, thete being no other Baker in the Town. Possession may be had immediately, if required. THOMAS CLARkS TAtf£ S the earliest Opportunity of announcing to the Inhabitants ofWOBURN and its Vicinity, that he has taken the SHOP and PREMISES late in the Occupation of Messrs. THORNTON & DRAKE, where he intends carrying on the LINEN and WOOLLEN- DRAPERY, in
its various Depart- ments, and earnestly solicits the Support of the Friends of the late Mr. Thornton, and the Public in general; assuring them, that no Exertions shall be wanting on his Patt in procuring Articles, of such Qualities, as cannot fail to afford general Satisfaction. The Stock will be sold off, at very reduced Prices, as soon as T. C< enters on it, which will be early in August next; when Shopkeepers and private Families wili find it worthy of their Attention, as it will be disposed of considerably under the common Course of Trade. T. C. also respectfully announces to the Public, that the WOOL TRADE, SO extensively carried
on by the late Mr. Thornton, at the old- established Wool Warehouses on the above Premises, will be continued by a Friend of T. jC.' s who, he flatters himself, will be found worthy of their Attention. The Executors of the late Mr, Thornton are desirous of returning their Thanks to their Friends and a generous Public, for the many Favours conferred upon Mr. T. during a long Series of Time, and earnestly recommend Mr. CLARKE as his Successor, not doubting that he will be found perfectlv adequate to afford general Satisfaction. Woburn, July Uti, 1807. HUNTINGDONSHIRE ( TO -. VIT). At the General Quarter Sessions of the
Peace of our Sovereign Lord the King, holden at Huntingdon, in and for the said County of Huntingdon, on Tues- day in the first Week next after the Feast of St. Thomas the Martyr, to wit, the 14th Day of July, in the Forty- seventh Year of the Reign ot our Sove- reign Lord George the Third, by the Grace ot God ot the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven, before the Right Honourable John Earl of Sandwich. Sir James Duberley, Knight, Sir John Arundel, Knight, Henry Pointer Standley, Vere Warner Hussey, Owsley Rowley,
William Henry Fel. lowes, John Richards, and Lawrence Reynolds, Esquires, the Reverend Edward Maltbv, D. D. tho Reverend William Cole, William Panchen, Wil- liam Ellis, Robert Fowler, and David lewis. Clerks, and others their Fellows, Justices of our said Lord the King, assigned to keep the Peace in the County aforesaid ; and also to hear and deter, mine divers Felonies, Trespasses, and other Mis- deeds done and committed within the said County ; It • was Ordered, rpHAT the Chief Constables of the respective JL Hundreds, and the Petty Constables of each Parish in the said County, do apprehend all such Persons as
shall be found travelling about uiider the Description of Gypsies, or such other Vagrants as cannot give a good Account of ihemselves; and take such Persons before some Justice of the Peace for the said County, to be dealt with according to Law. Any Chief or Petty Constable neglecting this Older, will be fined severely. ' By the Court, SHERARD. OUNDLE INCLOSUKE. " WE, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, being Commissioners appointed in and by an Act of Parliament passed in the forty- seventh Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, " An Act for inclosing Lands in OUNDLE, and in the Hamlet ot
ASHTON, in the Parish of Ountlle, in the County of Northampton," do hereby give Notice, That we shall ijieet at the SWAH INN, in OUNDLE aforesaid, on THURSDAY the THIRTEENTH Day of Aur. uirnext, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon ; when we intend to enquire into, ascertain, determine, mid tix the Boundaries of the Manor or Hamlet of Ashton, for wiiich Purpose we shall perambulate ihe Boundaries of the said Manor or Hamlet, beginning at the North West Corner of Ashion Meaiiow, and pro- ceeding progressively round the Bouudanesof the sai- i Manor or Hamlet, against the Parishes, Townships, or Places of
Elmington, Tansor, Lutton, Polebrook, and Ound'e. — Given under our Hands this 31st Day ot July, 1807, EDWARD HARE, ' HENRY CROFTS. To A To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On Wednesday the 26th Day of August instant, at the Bull Inn, in Stony- Stratford, in the County of Bucks, at Six o'Clock in the Evening ( subject to such Conditions as shall then be produced}, in the following Lots, Lot 1. A Neat Stone- built, Sashed, and Tiled J\. DWELLING-- HOUSE, pleasantly situated in the HIGH- STREET of STONY- STRAT- FORD aforesaid, with the Stables, Out- buildings, Yard, and other Conveniencies
thereunto adjoining and belonging, now in the Occupation of Mr. William Godfrey. Lot 2. TWO MtSSUAClES or TENEMENTS, with the Gardens thereunto belonging, situate in the be SOLD by AUCTION, By RICHARD SMITH, On Friday the 14th Day of August, 1807, at the George Inn, at RAUNDS, Northamptonshire, at Four o'Clock in the Afternoon, in such Lots as shall be then agreed on, MESSUAGE or FARM- HOUSE, with a Barn and other Out- houses thereto belonging, now used as two Tenements, and in the Occupations of Noble and Knight; aiso, a Close of Sweard Land adjoining, containing about 15 Acres, in the
Occupation of Mr. Jonathan Brown ; and also another Close of Pasture, containing about nine Acres, now in the Occupation of Mr. Pentelow. The two Closes are lett, on Leases, to unexi; p- tionable Tenants, fifteen Years of which are un- expired at Michaelmas next. * May be viewed, in the mean Time, by applying to the TENANTS ; and further Particulars may be had of Mr. THOMAS KNIGHT, of Twywell; or of the AUC- TIONEER, Thrapston. To be SOLD br AUCTION, By Messrs. R. (£ E. BLABY, On Friday next, the 7th of August instant, at the Sign of the Duke- William, in UPPER WEEDON- BECK, in the County of
Northampton, the Pro- perty of Mr. SAMUEL TARRY, who is leaving his Farm, ABOUT 62 Acres, most excellent Crops, of WHEAT, RYE, MASLI N, BA RLE Y, and OATS, in Lots, now growing in WEEDON FIELD HVcH" STRE* T~ OF STO^' YTSTRASTFO RD aforesaid^ aforesaid, contiguous to the Grand Junction Canal and the Royal Depot. The Crops are remarkably To be SOLD by AUCTION, , . r By Mr. CHSNE Y, On Monday the 10th Day ot August, 1807, at Five o'Clock in the Afternoon, in such Lots as may be most convenient for the Purchasers, upon the Premises, in the Lordship of C RE ATOM, North- amptonshire,
ALL the capital growing CROPS of CORN, late the Property of Mrs. TARRY, deceased; consisting of about eight Acres of Wheat, one Acre of Rye, and seven Acres of Oats, more or less ; also, a Rick of well- got new Hay, containing, five Tons, more or less. Upon an approved Security, Credit will be given until Old Michaelmas next. The Company are requested to meet the Auctioneer exactly at Four O'Clock, at Mr. Bavley's, Creaton, where Conditions of Sale will be produced. For a View of the Crops, apply to Mr. WILLIAM TARRY, at Creaton aforesaid. I adjoining the first Lot, and now in the Occupations of Mr. John Bolger
and Mr. John Richardson. Lot 3. A COTTAGE or TENEMENT, situate in a Lane called MALLETT'S- LANE, near to the above- mentioned Messuages or Tenements, and now in the Occupation of Robert Meakins. Lot 4. A neat Stone- built, Sashed, and Tiled DWELLING- HOUSE, situate in the HIGH- STREET of STONY. STRATFORD aforesaid, with a Yard, Garden, and other Convenieucies thereunto belonging, late in the Occupation of Mrs. Eliz. Longman, de- ceased, but now unoccupied. Lot 5. A neat Brick ani Tile MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with a large » nd commodious Ware, house thereunto adjoining and belonging,
Situate near the Church- Yard, in STONY- STRATFORD afore- said, and now in the Occupation of Mr. Matthew Wilson. For further Particulars, apply to Mr. J. F. CON. GREVE, Solicitor, or « f the AUCTIONEER, in Stony- Stratford aforesaid. The clean and sound, and the Straw may betaken away, Credit according to Conditions at. the Time of Sale. — Enquire of Mr. TARRY for a View of the Crops. The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock. Household- Furniture and other Effects. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By JOHN DAY, On the Premises, in TOWCESTER, in the County of Northampton, sometime in August inst. 180? ( the Day of
Sale will appear in a future Paper), rpHE HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE and other L EFFECTS, of Mr. THOMAS CLARKE, of TOWCESTER aforesaid, who is removing to WOBURN; comprising Four- post, Tent, and Bureau Bedsteads, with printed Cotton Furnitures; a handsome Sofa, with Cover, when open forms a handsome Coach- Top Bedstead; three good leather- Beds; Blankets, Sheets, Counterpanes, and Bedquilts; Bedside Carpets; Chests of Drawers; Pier and Swing Glasses; an exceeding good Sideboard and Cellaret; six Mahogany Chairs; Mahogany Dining, Pembroke, and other Tables; Bureau ; Eight- day Clock,
in a handsome Case; large Pier Glass, in a Gilt Frame, with Bronze Figure; a smaller Ditto; Kidderminster Carpet, 16 Feet long by 12 Feet wide; a Ditto, 9 Feet long by 9 Feet wide; superb Tea. Ur„, full mounted, with Patent Cock; China, Glass, and a Quantity of Earthenware; Kitchen - Furniture in general, in Brass and Copper; and various other Articles too numerous here to insert. The Furniture is in gnod Condition, and Part of it nearly new. The Sale to begin exactly at Ten o'Clock, as the Whole is intended to be sola in one Day. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Messrs. R. & £.' BLABY, At STOW- HILL WHARF, on Tuesday the
11th of August instant, PART of the HOUSEHOLD- FURNITURE, and sundry EFFECTS; consisting of Bureau and other Bedsteads,, and , Hangings; Leather- Beds ; Dressing and o! her_, Table#; Mahogany and Walnut Chairs; Coffee and Tea- Urns; lwge Kitchen. Range ; large Dough - Xtough, Cheese - Press, two Pai » of Scales ( one with Chains), good Iron Beams, and Weights'of vario'us Sizes; ? One. Ho: se Chaise, with Harness complete ; Hovel- Timber, Hovel- Posts and Caps, a Quantity of Fire- Wood, old Iron, Boat Lines,- and about sixty Dozen of weH- made new Hurdles, Tables for Brick- making, Wheelbarrows,
and. a Variety of other Artic( es.... Also, at UPPKR- WEEDO. N, in> two tots, ( if not dis- posed of by Private; Contract, of . which Notice will be given), - . . TWO several" HO USES ; the first of which consists of a Kitchen, Parlour, back Kitchen, Brewhouse, Pantry, Cellar, four good Lodging - Rooms and Garrets, Stable and Wood- House, with two Gardens, Orchard, and Homeclose attached ; the second consists of a Cottage, Garden, and Orchard ( both the Orchards containing excellent Fruit Trees); the first Lot has a Pump, the latter a Well of exceeding good Water. From the above Preijiises, there is a most perfect Prospect
of the magnificent Buildings at the Royal Depot. Likewise, that valuable BRICK- YARD, situate in WEEDON-' BECK, now in full Work for the Royal I) jp6t. The Kilns and Implements to be taken at a Valuation. Its local Situation renders it very de. sirable. The pvtblic Road passing on the one Side, and the Grand Junction Canal on the other Side, gives it the Advantage over most other Yards for the Conveyance of Bricks by Land or Water. ( pj- WILLIAM HODCKINSON beinj about to quit Stow- Flill- House and . Wharf, and not intending to stop long in this Neighbourhood, requests the im- mediate Settlement of all Debts due to
him.; and also hereby gives Notice, that unless the same is complied with, he shall put them into his Soli- citor's Hands, to enforce, the Payment. * To Gardeners and Nurseri/ men. To be SOLD by AUCTION. By Mr. H'AfVTYN, On Friday the 14th Day of August, at the White. Lion Inn, in Banbury, for the Benefit of Cre- ditors, TIE LEASE of a MESSUAGE and OUT- . BUILDINGS, and a PIECE of GARDEN- GROUND adjoining, containing 7A. 3R. 10P. in the Parish of NEITHROP, and adjoining the Town of Banbury, in the Occupation of William Mason.— The Fruit Trees, Shrubs, and Crops growing, may be taken to at a
Valuation. The Tenant will shew the Premises; and for further Particulars, apply to Messrs. WALFORD, COLBY, It WALFORD, Solicitors, Banbury. NO R'J'HAMPTONSHI RE. Valuable Freehold Estate, Tythe- Jree, and Land- Ttuc redeemed. TO be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. SMITH, At the Hind Inn, in Wellingborough, in the County of Northampton, on Thursday the 2l) th Day of August, 1807, at Four in the Afternoon, AMost capital FREEHOLD FARM, Tythe- free, situate in the Parish of F1NEDON, within two Miles of Wellingborough aforesaid ; con- sisting of upwards of 206 Acres of fertile Arable, Pasture, and Meadow
Land, whereof about 40 Acres are Meadows, and the Remainder dry, healthy Turnip Soil, a great Part of which has been used as a Sheep. Pasture fos Time immemorial. The Whole lays to a Southern Aspect, with an easy Descent from a public Road to the Meadows, which extend to the River Ise. This is one of the most improvable Farms, and best adapted to the Turnip Culture, that have ever been ottered to the Public in this County, and is an extremely desirable Situation far a Residence. The Roads are good, and Manure at easy Distances ; and reasonable Rates compared with most Parts of the County in which it is
situart. For further Particulars, apply to Messrs. HODSOK, Solicitors, in Wellingborough. To be peremptorily RE- SOLD, Pursuant to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, made in the Causes SMITH against SMITH, and SMITH against HOLLIS, with the Approbation of John Ord, Esq. one of the Masters of the said Court, on Friday the 28th Day of August, 1807, at the Cock Inn, in Stony- Stratford, in the County of Bucks, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon pre- cisely, in two Lots, ACLOSE of LAND, containing, by Estima- - tion, two Acres and six Perches, or there- abouts, lying near the Town of CAI. VERTON, in the said County;
and TWO CLOSES of good LAND, adjoining each other, containing, by Esti- mation, 21 Acres, or thereabouts, lying in the Fieldr of CALVERTON aforesaid, one of which Closes i: now in Pasture, and the otfcer in Tillage; and all which Closes are Copyhold, held of the Manor of Calverton, on the West Side of Stony- Stratford afore- said, at a Fine certain, are Tythe- free, and now lett to Richard Longman, as Tenant at Will, at the annual Rent of ^. 27, clear of all Deductions. Printed Particulars may be had ( gratis) at the said Master's Chambers, in Southampton- Buildings, Chancery- Lane; of Mr. Jones, Solicitor, Millman- Place,
Bedford- Row; of- Messrs. Kinderley, La » ng, , & Ince, Solicitors, Gray's- Inn, London; and. of 1 Mr, Jeyuj, « nd Ml. Howes, Solicitors, Northampton. in
itfSarKj Friday and Saturday's . Posts. LONDON, July 31. GOVERNMENT have at length received the official letters of Lord Hutchinson, with re- spect to the battles on the Pregel. One packet, from some unexplained cause, has wholly mis- carried; the other has now arrived. It is only, tlicrefote, by the dispatch last received, that Go- vernment have received the official details of the late disasters. It appears that the Russians, whom we should have imagined to have collected sufficient maga- zines during the long winter, were compelled to break up their camp, and commence their retreat, from an absolute famine. So strangely
was every thing conducted, that the army was supplied only from day to day by the predatory excursions of the Cossacks. When these means failed, by the French horse taking the field, the Russians had not provi- sions for two days ; and were in consequence, with a great disadvantage, compelled to break up from an impregnable position, and attempt to make good their retreat to Konigsberg. Lord Hutchinson's narrative of the battles which preceded that of Friedland, is said to differ but little from the French accounts. The Russians fought with the most undaunted courage, and where they met the French on equal terms,
invari- ably repulsed them. But the superiority of the French Generalship was visible in every contest. The Russians were successively attacked in the most disadvantageous positions. Under these cir- cumstances, they as invariably endeavoured to cut their way by a charge of bayonets. The French inusquet'ry,' posted to great advantage, made a most dreadful havock;— the Russians were de- stroyed by files, and their courage only rendered the slaughter more certain. In the mean time, the French, conscious of their personal inferiority, and well understanding their other advantages, never ventured either the sword or the
bayonet: they trusted solely to their musquetry and artil- lery. The consequent slaughter is said to have been dreadful. It is stated in some farther accounts, that the Emperor Napoleon was so well persuaded of his advantageous position, that three or four days before the commencement of the first battles, he had informed the Emperor Alexander, that the Russian army was in his power— that he neverthe- less offered him an honourable peace, which, if the Emperor Alexander deemed it prudent to re- fuse, the Emperor Napoleon would be compelled to reduce him to circumstances in which necessity would become his adviser.
To the rbove, report adds, that in the Treaty of Peace concluded between France and Russia, they have agreed that each of them. shall have a portion of the Turkish territory— a* also that the Emperor Alexander, the Grand Duke Constan- tine, Prince Kurakin, and General Bennigsen, have consented to become Members of the Legion of Honour. WARWICK MUSICAL FESTIVAL. AT ST. MARY'S ' HI'IICH, on WEDNES6AT; MORNING, SEPTEMBER tht ISth, 1807, wilt be performed, The SACRED ORATORIO of the MESSIAH. IN THE EVENING, A GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERt. On THURSDAY MOXNINC, the
17th, at Si. MARY'S CHURCH, A GRAND SELECTION OF SACRED MUSIC, From HAYDN's CREATION and the Works of HANDEL. IN THE EVENING, A GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERT. The CHORUSSEJ will be full and complete, with Trumpets, Double Drums, & c. & c. Some of the most approved Chorus Singers are already engaged from London, Oxford, Birmingham, Windsor, & c. Sec. Particulars will appear in due Time. The Whole under the Direction of Mr. MARSHALL, of Oxford. Warwick, July 2Id, 1807. We are glad to observe, that the Conductors of several of the Public Schoolsin the Metropolis have
resolved, for the sake of uniformity, to adopt the Series of improved modem Books for teaching the English Language which have been lately written and published by the Rev. Dr. Mavor, and the Rev. Mr. Blair. Northampton. Weighing- Machine. THE Proprietors think it necessary, to inforrti the Public, that the above MAClilNE is now under Repair, which will prevent the Weighing of any GdudS tHereat until SATURDAY next, the 8th of AUCUST. P. Lodging: i to lett, ready furnished. AGENTLEMAN and LADY, or Two SINGLE LADIF. S, may be accommodated with comino. dious APARTMENTS, in an airy and pleasant Situ ation in the Country ; the Particulars of which may be known by Application to J. ABEL, Northampton. MI'LLCE HI LINEN- DRAPERS. WHEREAS a large PARCEL, packed in Median, was received by Mr. Ross, at the Bell Inn, Nor hamptoi ( ab< ut the Middle of June last), d r cied " Mr. W Stewart, at Mrs. l. ait's. Bell Inn, Northampton;" and no Person calling to claim , the same, Nwtic is hereby given. That whoever has 5- year- olds to carry lOst jlo. | , ent lhe sa, lle> bj Mistake or otherwise, may have it . and Aged list.— 1 lie iiest ot again, by sending an Invoke of the Contents, and proving the same to be their Property, to the
Satis- faction of the Holder, and paying the Expenses in- curred. Northampton, August lr/, 1807. SlLVliUsTONE FIRE. ' HE Committee are requested by the Sufferers to return their grateful Thanks to His Grace the Duke of C ration for the Sum of Fifty Pounds, and to the several Parishes hereunder - mentioned, for the Contributions which they have kindly remitted To MASONS., NOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of the Commissioners of the Western Division of the River Nen, will be holden at the GUILDHALL, in the Town of NORTHAMPTON, on MONDAY the 10th Day of AUGUST next, at Eleven o'Clock in the
Forenoon j when they will receive Proposals for re. pairing the Masons' Work at Woodford and Cotton Locks, and Stanwick Staunch. Particulars may be seen by applying to Mr. HOLT, Northampton. Northampton, VI th July, 1807. L A W. WANTED, A WRITER, well accustomed to Business. Applyby I. etter( Post- paid) directed A. B. Printing- office, Northampton. TrtTANTED, A PERSON to undertake the IT MANAGEMENT and MAINTENANCE of the POOR of the Parish of SPRATTON, in the County of Northampton, either by the Whole, or at per Head. Apply to the PARISH- OFFICERI of SPRATION aforesaid.
BIGGLESWAOE, July 6th, 1307. WANTED, on Annuitv, from „£. 500 to £. 1200, to build a HOUSE for the Use of the POOR of the Parish of B1GG LESWAtJE, in '• the County of Bedford; sufficient Security will be given. Apply to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor ot the said Parish. WANTED TO PURCHASE, - AN ESTATE, not exceeding in Value ,£. 30,000. — The Requisites are a good Family- House and Paddock, with a Manor, some Domain, and an adequate Rental. Sporting being an Object, it must be in a Fox- hunting County. Enquire of Mr. DIBARY, No. X, Tartfield- Court, Temple. WANTS a Situation, A
MARRIED MAN, 30 Years of Age, as BAILIFF or UNDER- STEWARD to any Nobleman or Gentleman fond of Agricultural Pursuits, and keeping Possession of a Quantity of Land. The Advertiser has been bred to the Business of a Farm, and has occupied one of 300 Acres for upwards of twelve Years, which unforeseen Events have obliged him to quit; he is well qualified as a Judge of Cattle, both alive and dead, and in every Requisite as a Farmer. He is versed in Accounts, so far as can be attained by common Arithmetic. For a respectable Reference, apply to Mr. JOHN KIRSY, of Barley- End, in the Parish of Ivinghoe ; if by
Letter, Post- paid. August L/, 1807. To be And entered Tip WO STABLES, with suitable Conveniences J. for fourteen Horses, situate in the PLOUGH INN • YARD, N E WPO RT- P ACN E LL. Enquire at the said Inn. Market- llat borough and Welford Turnpike Iloads from Northampton. TVTOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting of - LA the Trustees for'the said Turnpike Roads will be held at HIGHOATE - HOUSE, in the Parish of SPRATTON, in the County of Northampton, on THURSDAY the 13th Day of AUCUST instant, at Eleven o'Clock In the Forenoon, toi the Purpose of passing the Treasurer's Accounts, and transacting
other Business relating to the said Roads. CHAS. MAKKHAM, Clerk and Treasurer to the Trustees. Northampton, Aug. 1 st, 1807. NORTHAMPTON RACES, 1807. N WEDNESDAY, the 19th of AUGUST, the GENTLEMEN'S SUBSCRIPTION PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS, by Three- year- olds. Colts 8st. 21b. Fillies Bst. Bridle and Saddle included. Winners" of one Plate, Match, or Sweepstake^, since the 25th of March, 1807, to carry 31b. extra, of two 61b. and of three 71b. extra — The Best of three Heats, about a Mile and a Halt each. Any Person meaning to enter a Horse for this Purse, and not having already subscribed to
the same, is expected to subscribe Two Guineas towards a Town Puise to be run tor in the Year 1803. The Owner of each Horse to pay One Guinea Entrance, or double at the Post; which said Entrance- Money the Owner ot the second Horse will be entitled to. SAME DAV, a HUNTb RS' STAKES of FIVE GUINEAS each. Five- Six- year- olds lOst. 111b. and Aged three Heats, twice round. Mr. Fermei's b. m. own Sister to Hawk, Aged Mr. Rush'sb. h. by St. George, 6 Years old Mr. Draga's b. g. bv Moorcock, Dam Duchess, 6 Years old Mr. Pell's br. g. S Years old Mr. D. Faulkner's br. h. by Archer, Dam by Sal- tram, 5 Years old
Lord Northampton, Lord Altliorp, Hon. Spencer Perceval, Sir Wm. Wake, Sir Wm. Langham, ivir. Cartwright, Mr. J. P. Chrke, Mr. Andrew, Mr. Bouverie, Mr. Dickins, Mr. Thursby, Mi. Knightl'ey, Mr. J. Hanbury, Mr Richard Clarke, Mr. Emden, Mr. Hill, and Mr. Payne, are Sub- scribers, but did not name. Certificates of the Ages and Qualifications of the Horses for the above Stakes, to be produced ( if re- quired) before running. Subscriptions to be paid to the Clerk of the Course before running. On THURSDAY, the 20th, the TOWN - PURSE of FIFTY POUNDS, free for any Horse, Ma. e, or Gelding, that hath not won a King's Plate
this Year. Four- year- olds to carry 7st. 8lb. l ive- year- olds 8st. 41b. Six- year- olds8st. 121b. and Aytd 9st. Bridle and Saddle included. Winners of one Plate or Purse this Year to carry 31b. extra, of two 51b. extra, and of three or more 71b extra. Mares and Geldings allowed 31b. Any Person meaning to enter a Horsefot this Purse, is expected to subscribe Three Guineas towards a Purse to be run for in the Year 1808. The Owner of each Horse to pay Five shillings Entrance, or double at the Post; which said Entrance- Money the Owner ot the second Horse will be entitled to.— Four- mile Heats. SAME DAY, a SWEEPSTAKES
of TEN GUINEAS each, for all Ages; Three- year- olds car- rying 6st. Four- year- olds Jst. 71b. Five- year- olds 8st. 31b. Six- year- olds 8st. lUb. and Agedfist. One tour- mile Heat. Mr. Andrew's br. c. Grasper, by Sir l'eter, out of Caelia, 3 Years old Mr. Robt. Wilson's br. c. by Sir Peter, out of Brown Charlotte, .3 Years old Mr. W. Wellington's ch. f. by Waxey, 3 Years old Mr. Tinkler's br. c. by Waxey, out of Kezia, 3 Year; old Mr. Faulkner's b. h. Doubtful, Aged Mr. L. Pell's br. g. Turnstile, 5 Years old Lotd Althorp, Mr. J. P. Clarice, and Mr. Payne, are Subscribers, but did not name. ( PT To start each Day at Twelve o'Clock.
Subscriptions for 1808 received by Mr. KIRSHAW, any Time before Entrance. Double Subscription will be required to qualify a Person to enter a Horse at the Post, for each respective Purse. To enter for each Purse at the KING'S- ARMS INN, on SATURDAY the 15th of AUGI/ ST, between the Hours of Four and Eight o'Clock in the Afternoon; and to run according to such Articles as shall be produced at the Time of Entrance. Certificates of their Ages and Qualifications to be produced at the same Time. No less than three reputed running Horses to start for either of the Purses, without Permission of the Stewards. If but one
Horse enter tor either Purse, the Owner to have Twelve Guineas; if two, Six Guineas each, and their Entrance- Money again. All Disputes to be decided by the Stewards, or whom they shall appoint. The Winnet each Day is expected to pay Two Guineas to the Clerk of the Course. The Horses, & c. for each of the above Prizes, to stand at such Houses, within the Town of North- ampton, as subscribe 10s. 6d. before the Day of Entrance. No Smith to plate any Horse; nor Booth, Waggon nor Cart, to stand on the Course, for the Sale of Liquors, unless the Owners pay 10s. 6d. each before the Entrance- Day; for each Booth having
a Stand over it, to pay 15s.; and for the Gentlemen's Stand One Guinea, exclusive of 10s. 6d. paid for the Booth under.— No Stand will be permitted within theCircle of the Course. Right Hon. S. PERCEVAL, ) Hon. EDW. BOUVERI E, £ Stewards. JOHN PLOMER CLARKE, Esq.) H. WRIGHT, Clerk. Illumination and Exhibition of beuutifUl flowers and curious fluntSL CORNFIELD begs Leave to inform the Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general, that, by, particular Desire of several Ladies and Gentlemen who honoured hini wi'h their Company last Season, he will open his GARDEN, for the Amusement of the Public, on TUESDAY
next, at Half- past Eight o'Clock in the Evening; and he has no Doubt but those Ladies, Gentlemen, and others, who please to honour him with their Company, will be highly gratified with the Appearance of his Garden, it being allowed, by several eminent Garden Fanciers, to be one of the neatest they ever see in the Kingdom i Admittance, Ladies and Gentlemen, Is. each; younger Branches of Families, 6d; Tradespeople and others, 6d. The Garden will be open every Evening in the Week. Kingsvjell- Lane, Northampton, Juiy 31j(, 1807. to L'Orient— a circumstance Vliicii SfTards art ad- ditional proof that our Government
entertain no hostile inteiitions towards the United States; Thfe Lancaster, $ hich has arrived at Spithead, sailed from Monte Video on the 27th of April. Thfe letters are only two days later than those for- merly received. They state that the Spanish inha- bitants continued to act with the most determined inveteracy against the people and commerce df England. A large parcel of goods} which had been purchased at Monte Video, had been inter- cepted on their way to the interior of the Spanish settlements, and biirnt, for no other reason than because they had been purchased from the British, and were of English manufacture; It is
reported, that a successor of the Hob. Ad- miral Berkeley will immediately set out to the American station. He, however, is to take with him a formidable augmentation to our nival force on that station. The last accounts from Lord Coilingwbod are said to state, that adivision of his fleethas sailed Up the Mediterranean, with his Lordship on board, accompanied by Sir Arthur Paget, our new Mi- nister to the Porte. Parliament is expected to be prorogued on the 20th of August. NORTHAMPTON, SATURDAY EVENING^ Aug. 1. 1 towards their Relief. £• Parish of Buckingham 40 3 Liliingstone- Dayrell......... 23 17 Lillingstone- l. ovell 8
10 Adstock 1 0 Preston- Bissett ............ 2 9 Water- Stratford 10 IS Leckhamstead 4 14 Akely 2 6 Westbury 6 12 Maid's- Morton ...... 17 12 Winslow 3 15 Shalston 7 2 Turweston 3 3 Adderbury, and Hamlets of Bod- dicott, Milton, and Harford .. 14 8 Hillesden 3 0 Foscott 0 18 Stowe .................... 11 7 Brackley 22 11 Aynho 17 16 Whitfield 2 IS Marsh- Gibbon 3 18 Steeple- Claydon 4 1 o L E T T, on immediately, To be SOLD bv PRIVATE CONTRACT, AValuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, situate in the Parish of BURTON- DASSETT, near Banbury and Warwick, about three Miles trom Kine- 4on and the Qxford and Coventry Canal
Navigation, failed OLD LIYS MANCP. FARM, Tythe- freej containing 294A. SR. 22P. of excellent Meadow, Grazing, and Arable Land, lying very compact, and within a Ring Fence; a Farm- house and Yard, with Earns, Stabling, Granary, Cow- house, and Out- buidings, of the yearly Value of =£. 430. The Estate is very conveniently situated between two Turnpike Roads, leading from Banbury to War- wick, Kineton, and Stratford. The Tenant will shew the Estate; and for further Particulars, and to treat for the same, apply to Messrs. WALfoao, GOL » Y, & WALTORB, Solicitors, Banbury. STOLEN OR STRAYED, N Saturday Night
the 25th, or early on Sunday Morning the 26th Instant, out of a Close in the Parish of FLOOR*:, Northamptonshire, A DARK IRON- GREY MARE PONY, with a short cut Tail, a black Head, a Star in her Face, and the Shoes marked D. or 1. D. Whoever will give Information of the said Mare to WM. JUDSON, of Floore aforesaid, shall, if strayed, b: handsomely rewarded for their Trouble; and if stolen, shall receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS, on Conviction of the Offender or Offenders. Hr. cn, July 3br, 18Q7. On T WATFORD. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. VO R ES, the Premises, on Thursday the 6th Day of August, 1807, "
UIE neat HOUSEHOLD - FURNITURE of Mrs. A. LEE, late of WATPOP. D, in the County of Northampton, Widow, deceased; consisting of Mahogany and other Four- post Bedsteads; Feather. Beds, Flock- Beds, Mattresses, Coverlets, Blankets, and Bed- Furniture; Mahogany Tables; Chairs; ele- gant Sideboard; Pier and other Glasses; Plate; China, Glass, and Earthenware; Bath and other Stove- Grates; Smoke- Jack; an easy Chair; an ex- cellent double- barreled Gun, and two other Guns; Coppers, Tubs, and Brewing- Vessels; neat Taxed Cart, with Harness complete; and a Dung. Cart, almost new ; Gears; two new- milch
Cows, one In. calf Cow, and various other Effects. The Sale to begin at Ten o'Cloek in the Morning. Chetwood '. 0 17 Biddlesden 3 8 Hanslope and Castle- Thorpe .. 15 8 Whaddon and Nash 2 9 Yardley- Gobion 1 10 Shenly 11 18 Grafton and Alderton 7 14 Guilsborough 514 Maidford 3 11 Mortpn- Pinckney 2 14 Ecton 8 8 Easton 7 1 Towcester 25 6 Cannon's- Ashby 2 2 Bloxhani .... 3 12 Bvfield 7 15 Thorpe- Mandeville 2 15 Chacombe 4 9 Thenford 14 6 Sulgrave - .... i 9 5 Greetworth 118 Radstone Ill Chippingwarden 3 10 Farthinghoe 5 11 Loys- Weedon 8 8 Middleton- Cheney 8 1 Stowe- nine- Churches 6 15 Bradden 8 11
Pattishall 5 16 Stoke- Bruern 1 8 St. Giles's, Northampton ( ad- ditional) 0 10 6 Bugbrook 5 15 6 Brixworth 2 9 0 Cboknoe 1 5 0 Rushden 1 3 0 Finedon 5 8 0 Great- Houghton .- 2 0 0 Heyford 8 15 11 Kilsby 2 7 6 Courteenhall 9 16 6 Preston- Deanry 2 19 0 W. R. CARTWRIGHT. T. CARTER. THOS. FAWCETT. Errata in last Week's List of Subscriptions— for the Parish of Quainton, read Quimon; and instead of £. b lis. 6d. from the Parish of West- Haddon, read £.\ lis. 6d. d. 0 0 G 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 6 0 6 0 0 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 6 0 6 0 0 0 6 0 6 6 0 0 0 c V 0 5 MARRIED.] On_ Wednesday sennight, the Rev. Thos.
Jones, rector of Radnage, and vicar of Ilmer, Bucks, to Mary, youngest daughter of the Rev. John Cooke, vicar of Dinton, Bucks. Lately, at Alverstoke, in the county of South- ampton, Lieutenant Malpas, to Miss Ewesdin, only daughter of Mr. Ewesdin, df Cosgrove, in this county. Oa Monday se'nnight, Mr. R. Smith, baker, to Miss Ann Dcster, both of Nuneaton, Warwick- shire. On Thursday se'nnight, Mr. Joseph Muston, woolstapler, of Atherstone, Warwickshire, to Miss j House at " the same time. H. Bassett, of the same place. On Tuesday last, at Llangiestiolus, in the island of Anglesea, Mr. Judkins, draper, of the city of
Chester, to Miss Johnstone, of Uenblas, daughter of the late Mr. Johnstone, Surgeon, of Holyhead. Same day, Mr. Robert Pell, to Miss Whito, both ! of Ovcrstone, in this county. On Wednesday last, the Rev. Robert Cox, ; rector of Broughton - Astley, Leicestershire, to Miss Leycester, of Grove Hall, Surrey. < Same day, at Ampthill, lled- i, Mr. ( J. Dumelow, an eminent hosier of Leicester, to Mrs. Dolan, widow of Mr, Win. Dolan, of Cumberland- street, London. On Thursday last, Mr. W. Lloyd, surgeon, of Barnet, Hertfordshire, to Miss Corpe, of the same place, hi: Should pay £. 40 to the use df Mr. Forster ( who, from public
motives, brought forward the prosed cution), enter into sufficient sureties for his future gooct behaviour, and theii pay a fine of Is.— Till this is all done the sentence stands over. On the subject of vaccination we are persuaded, that we shall render a real service to the public^ by giving, on the present Occasion, the following facts lately stated iu public bv Dr. Thornton, a Physician who litis paid much attention to the subject:— " In Londoil, the mortality from the srfiall- poK was, on an average, annually, two thousand persons i III 1800 there died of the small- pox 2409 persons; irt 1801, only 1461; in 1802, 1319; in 1803, only 11731
and tn 1804, there died only 5S9 persons: a diminution that never was before known, and only to be ascribed to the progress of vaccination.— At Vienna, the average amount of deaths was 835; in 1802, the deaths were only sixty- one; in 1803, only twenty- seven ; in 1804, two.— At Lueknow, in the East Indies, the amount of deaths, on an average, was 800 ; in three years after the introduction of vaccination, tlie re- duction was to seventy. five. And this was the case, as far as our information reaches, irt every great town throughout the world. From Marseilles, ttoni Geneva, from Paris, where a statue of brass is now being
raised to Dr. Jenner, the small- pox is nearly ex- tirpated.— The natives of India say, " we have no longer aula; the small- pox." Turnpike Bills.— The Committee of the House of Commons, on the standing order relative to Turnpike Bills; have reported three resolutions to the following effect, viz.— 1. Thfct when an application is intended to be made to Parliament for making any Turnpike- Iload, or altering any road already made, a map or plan thereof shall be deposited for public inspection, in the office of the Clerk of the ' Peace of the county through which the road passes. 2. That before the appli- cation be made to Parliament,
separate lists of the owners and occupiers of the lands through which the road passes, distinguishing such as assent to, or dissent from, the application; and j also such as are neuter. S. That whenever any petition shall be , presented to Parliament for | making or altering a road, a duplicate of the plaa thereof, and of the lists, shall be presented to the Last week, as a servant upon the Lodge- Farm, Willowby- VVaterless, Leicestershire, was tying a load of hay, the rope broke, which precipitated him from the top, and by the fall broke his neck. On Sunday last, as a blind horse was ' feeding oil a piece of ground near Chesterton-
Lane turnpike, near Cambridge, he accidentally knocked down ] some bee- hives that were placed behind a slight fence of an adjoining garden, when the whole uf the bees attacked the poor animal with such fury, that lie died about an hour after. Last week, Mr. Wm. Downes, to Mis. Jane Latham, both of Foleshill, Warwickshire. A few days ago, Mr. Robert Marston, grocer and chandler, of Nuneaton, to Miss Capner, of Attleborough, both in Warwickshire. DIED.] A few days since, the Rev. Harry Purlewent, B. D. and rector of Church- Brampton, in the gift of — ASSIZE INTELLIGENCE. At Bedford assizes, Isaac Walker was
capitally I convicted of breaking into the dwelling- house of j Charles White, of Pavetiham, and stealing sundry To the Purchasers of Dr. Andersons Edition of the BRITISH POETS. THE Purchasers of the above valuable Work are respectfully informed, that this Day was published, Price OneGuinea, sewed, Volume XIV. containing the following Translations: FRANCIS' HOUACI, GARTH'S OVID, and Litwis' STATIUS. And those who have limited themselves to the Pur- chase of Dr. Anderson's Collection of Translations, are now also respectfully informed of the Publication of the present Volume, which forms Volume the Third,
ofPotTieAL TRANSI. AXIOM, Piice OneGui- nea, sewed. Edinburgh: Printed for Mundelt, Doig, and Ste- venson ; and T. Osiell, No. 3, Ave- Maria- Lane, London. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By ANDREW GARDNER, On Wednesday, August the I2th, 1807, THE GROWING CROP of WHEAT, a small Rick of well- got HAY, the LIVE and DEAD FARM INC- STOCK, IMPLEMENTS in HUS BANDRY, and sundry HOUSEHOLD- K URN I TURE andEFKECTS, on the Premises oi'THOMAS ASHBY, at MiLTON- BavANt, in the County of Bedford; consisting of seven Acres of Wheat, a Rick of Hay ( about six Tons), three useful Draught
Horses, one Six- inch- wheel Cart, one Narrow- wheel Ditto, and a stout Waggon ; two Pair of Harrows, Ploughs, Corn- Bin, Knee- Fan, Sieves, Forks, Rakes, & c.; three Hog- Troughs; Tables, Chairs, Drawers, two Flock Beds, Mash Vats, Tubs, sweet Iron- bound Casks, with various other Articles. The Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning. N. B. The Wheat will be sold in Lots, and the Straw may be taken ofl the Premises' LONDON, Aug. 1. YESTERDAY morning a Gottenburgh Mail arrived.— It repeats the report of the King of Sweden having applied for a renewal of the armistice, and, it is added, with success.— The
latest accounts from the Swedish head- quarters, in Pomerania, are of the date of July 7, and, of course, cannot contain any information of con- sequence.— The arrival of the first division of the English auxiliary troops at Rugen, on the 5th, is officially stated in the Cottentrurgh Gusette of July 16. Of the Armaments which have been preparing for some time, a certain part has already sailed for the Baltic ; and that part which was destined for the Secret Expedition had orders to sail yester- day, and in consequence, the embargo which was laid upon all the ports has been taken off. The conjectures respecting the Secret
Expedition are various. Boulogne, as one object, and Flushing and Antwerp as another, have been chiefly spoken of. As there are several ships at Flushing ready for sea, and a still greater number at Antwerp on the stocks, it if supposed that it would be an iin' portant enterprise tn destroy them. ' The American sloop Wasp, which brought Mr. Purviance to this country from New- York, imme- | diattlj oa her release from the embargo, proceeded in this county. The living is Corpus Christi College, Oxford. On Saturday se'nnight, at his lodgings in Edge- ware- road, the Rev. Thomas Jones, senior Fellow and Tutor of Trinity Gollege,
Cambridge. Same day, at Huntingdon, Mr. Stona, a gentle- man much respected by all who knew him. Same day, aged 63, Mr. John Barnett, of the Cross, Warwick. On Monday se'nnight, much respected by a numerous acquaintance, aged G7, Mr. Arthur, a respectable farmer and grazier at Alconbury, Huntingdonshire. Same day, much regretted, Miss Shepherd, of Towcester, in this county. On Tuesday se'nnight, after a lingering illnes;, in the 21st year of his age, Mr. Wm. Hammond, of Warwick. Lately, in his 22d year, Thos. Edward Wheeler, of Combe, near Woodstock, Oxfordshire. His death was occasioned by the
bursting of a blood- vessel. On Wednesday last, in the 76th year of his age, Wm. Minshull, Esq. of Aston- Clinton, Bucks. Same day, at Higham- Ferrers, in this county, Mr. James Brown, an eminent shoe- manufacturer. Yesterday se'nnight, at Amersham, Bucks, Mrs. Edmonds, wife of Mr. Edmonds, jeweller, in the Strand, London. Last week, in her 31st year, Mrs. Bate, wife of Mr. James Bate, of Solihull, Warwickshire. A few days, ago, in the prime of life, Mrs. Ashford, wife of Mr. Ashford, of Barston, near Knowle, Warwickshire. Lately, in the 81st year of his age, Mr. T. Blencowe, an opulent farmer of liaise, near Brackley, in
this county, but who had retired from business many years. He was a man of amiable manners and an upright character, and possessed the esteem and good will of all who knew him. The Rev. Mr. I. acey, late rector of Newbould- Verdon, in Leicestershire, is presented to the valuable rectory of Whiston, in Yorkshire, by his Grace the Duke of Norfolk. The Marquis of Granby, the infant son of the Duke of Rutland, was christened on Monday evening at his Grace's house, Grosvenor- place. His Majesty was the sponsor: the Lord in waiting attended as proxy for his Majesty; he went in a Royal carriage, with a full suite of his
Majesty's servants. J. W, Bramston, Esq. is appointed Deputy- Recorder of this Borough, in the room of the Right Hon. Spencer Perceval, who has resigned. At a meeting of the Horticultural Society iR this town, on Thursday last, the prizes were ad- judged as follow, viz. The first carnation prize to Mr. Yeomanson, of Leicester; the second ditto to Mr. George Mason, of this town; the third ditto to Mr. James I'errin, of this town; the prize for the melon to Mr. kdward Perkins, of this town ; and for the heaviest goose- berry to Mr. Pierce Cornfield, of the same place. At the quarter- sessions for this town, held on Thursday, Elizabeth
Clark was convicted of grand larceny, and ordered to be imprisoned two calendar months, and to pay a fine of Is. y Abraham Cook, for petit larceny, to be imprisoned one month, and privately whipped; and Hugh O'Connor, for petit larceny, to be imprisoned one week, and fined Is. A Caution to Growers and Winders of WooL— John Wise, of Fletton, was convicted, on Saturday se'nnight, before the Rev. Mr. Serocold and the Rev. Mr. Ilatson, at Peterborough, in the penalty of two shillings per fleece, for false winding of wool, contrary to an Act of Parliament in that case. This being the third instance in that neigh- bourhood, it is
hoped that some method will be adopted to prevent these fraudulent practices in future. articles of wearing- apparel and money, but was reprieved; Win. Fennel, for entering the bake- house of James Hulat, of Oaklev, and carrying away two pecks of wht aten flour, was sentenced to be transported for seven years; and I hos. I'eck, for stealing a quantity of bread, and a quantity s> f butter, from the house of Thos. Carrier, of Mags- den, was sentenced to one month's imprisonment, and to tie publicly whipped. At Buckingham, T. Frost was capitally con- victed of stealing in a dwelling- house, but was afterwards reprieved; and John
Ward, for grand larceny, was sentenced to be transported for seven years. At Huntingdon, John Greaves Ci- addock, for stealing a gelding from Sarah Pestell, of Stot. old ; John Alpress, for stealing one sheep, the property of Thomas Jay, of Woodwalton; and Richard Papworth, for stealing two sheep and three lambs, the property of George James Gorham, of Eyns- bury, received sentence of death.— The t> vo former are reprieved, and Papworth is left for execution. A cause was tried at the above assizes w hich excited much comment. A miller had ft r years his windmill in the midst of a c ommon. A pare of this was inclosed
by Act of Parliament, and the new road was run by the Commissioners under the fly of the mill. The prosecutor, a Reverend and respectable Gentleman, passing when the mill was at work, Ins horse took fright and he was thrown. The Judge was at a loss how to determine. The miller was innocent, the prosecutor was en- titled to justice, the Commissioners only were to blame. Under these circumstances, he thought that the best way of deciding would be, " to direct the prosecutor'to pay the miller <£. 40, and the miller to abate the nuisance, with leave to erect his mill on some convenient spot adjoining." This was accordingly
made the judgment of the COurt, The decision has caused much surprise in the county, as it is the first instance wherein a prosecutor has been made to pay a fine as the price of his obtaining justice. At Warwick, Wm. Francis, Thomas Meredith, and Thomas Gully, for forging and uttering Bank of England notes; Jonathan Instone, for stealing two cows, a heifer, and two calves; and Elizabeth Wynne, for stealing wearing- apparel, & c.; re- ceived sentence of death.— John Huglres, for stealing a silver watch, to be imprisoned twelve, months; Sarah Williams, for stealing money, to be imprisoned six months, and fined 6d.; Levi
Cohen, for a robbery in a dwelling- house, to be imprisoned six months; and John Nicljolls, for stealing a silver watch, and James Allen, for bigamy, were severally fined 6d. and ordered to be imprisoned one month. At the assizes for the isle of Ely, there was hut one prisoner for trial, viz. Richard Faulkner, con- victed of the murder of George Burnham, - a lad about IS yesia. flf age, at Whittlesea, on Sunday the J5th ' of February. « SSt} by cruelly beating him to death, for no other caas* :!] an to revenge his ( the- deceased's) mother having thro*.:: some dirty water upon him. The prisoner himsefi was not 16 years old, but evinced
a maturity in guilt that fully justified the awful sentence of the law, which was • executed upon him on Monday morning, when, he confessed the crime for which he suffered. PRICE of CORN per Quarter at Northampton, Saturday, Aug. 1. Wheat, 63>. to 76s. Od. Rye, Od. to — s. Barley. ? l6s. Od. to— s. Od. Onts, 25s. 6d. to 3Us. ( Id. J. GRAFTON, Inspector. Beans, 44s. 0.1. to 50s. Od, Peas, — s. Od. to— s. lid. By the Standard Measure. Corn- Exchilnget London, Thursday, July SO. Owing to the continuance of the Embargo, there ar ® no fresh arrivals of Wheat, Barley, or Malt; and but few remaining samples at hand ;
sales of which are nearly at last prices, which may be considered nominal.— Rye and Rape seed are each cheaper.—. The few White Peas at more advance) in Beans but little alteration.-- There are many cargoes of Foreign Oats arrived, and excepting for fine samples, this trade is lower.— In Flour no alteration. LIS M. Aug. W. Keeping Fierce Dogs.— Mr. Fulton, who resides at Blake- hall farm, hetweeiv Streatham and Clap- ham, was lately found guilty of keeping a brindled mastiff, which ran about his grounds, on the high M ' roads, unmuzzled and unrestrained, having bitten \ V. and torn several persons, The Court
adjudged that Th. — I" of FAIRS, from Aug. 3, to Aug. 15, within the Circuit of this Paper. 3. Daventry, Stony- Stratford, Lutterworth, and biggles< iuade. 5. Northampton, Tbrafston, Stamford, and Bicester. 6. Weldon and Btrkh ampstead. 10. Warwick. 12. Dunstable and Ltugkiorough, 13. Banbury.
O1 VERY FEW TICKETS LEFT. jN THURSDAY next, AUGUST 6th," the First- drawn Ticket will be entitled to Thirty Thousand Pounds, being the- only fixed Capital this Lottery. The Wheel is immensely rich, and the Price of Tickets and Shares very reasonable. An early Application is necessary to prevent Disappointment. ALL Persons having any Claim or Demand on . the Estate and Effects of the late Mr. ROBERT POLLARD, of the Parish of LITTI E- HORWOOD, in the County of Bucks, Farmer, deceased, are desired to deliver in an Account thereof immediately to Mr. Thomas King, of Nash, in the said County of Bucks; or
Mr. Richard Clark, of Whaddon, in the said County of Bucks, in order that the same may be discharged. And all Persons indebted to the Estate and Effects of the said Mr. ROBERT POLLARD, are requested to pay the same immediately to the said Mr. Thomas King, or Mr. Richard Clark. July I'M, 1807. ______ FLITWICK INCLOSURE. "\ 717" E, the Commissioners appointed by " An » V Act for inclosing Lands in the Parish of TLITW1CK, in the County of Bedford," have set out and appointed the following public Carriage- Road and Highway, private Roads, Bridle- Way, and Foot- Ways, through and over the Lands and
Grounds in the said Parish ( that is to s# y), One public Carriage- Road and Highway, of the Breadth of forty Feet, leading from the Town- Street, at Church- End, near the Swan Public- House, in a Southerly Direction over a Corner of Mr. William Fane's Garden, over an old Inclosure called Rrinkler's Close, and over the Lammas Meadow called Four Acres, and a Part of the Paddock Meadow, to a Brook dividing the Parishes of Flitwick and Westoning. One private Carriage and Drift- Road, leading from- the Mauldcn Road near the Slade Farm Homestead, in an Easterly Direction along Slade Lane, and over the North Side of the
East End Moor, to old In- cisures belonging to I. adv Lucas, called Waterside Closes, for the Use of the said Lady Lucas and others. One other private Carriage- Road, leading from the Maulden Road, in the same Direction, into and over the South Side of an Allotment to the Impropriator, in Moor Field and East End Moor, to the Allotment set out for the Poor of Ampthill, lor the Use of the said Allotment. One other private Carriage aitd Drift- Road, leading from the Street at East End, in a North Easterly Direction over an Allotment to Richard Goodman, in Moor Field and East End Moor, to the Allotments set out for Flitwick Poor
and Ampthill Poor, ibr the Use of the said Allotments. One other private Carriage and Drift- Road, leading from the Mill at East End, in a South Easterly Di- rection over Allotments to Richard Goodman and the Drapers' Company, in East End Meadow, to an Ip- closure belonging to Lady Lucas, called Alder Stars, for the Use of the Drapers* Company and Lady Lucas respectively. One other private Carriage and Drift- Road, leading from the South End of the Street at East End, in a South Westerly Direction over the Allotment to WiHiam Farre', by David Evans's Cottage, to the Allotment tc the Vicar of Flitwick, in East End
Meadow, for the Use of the said Vicar, David Evans, • and William Farrer respectively. One other piivate Carriage and Drift- Roacl, leading from the Maulden Road, near the West End thereof, in i North Westerly Direction over an Allotment to George Brooks, Esq. to the Cottage Homestead of Job Millaid, for the Use of the said Job Millard and others. One other private Carriage and Drift- Road, leading from Church- End- Green, over the South Side of Town Field, to sundry Cottages at Hornsey End, for the Use of the Skid Cottages. One other private Carriage and Drift- Road, leading from Churcli- End- Green, in an Easterly
Direction over an Allotment to the Vicar of Flitvfick, in Town Field, to an Allotment set out for a public Gravel Pit, for the Use of the Surveyors of the Highways. One other private Carriage and Drift- Road, leading from'the Steppingley Road, in a South Westerly Di- rection over an Allotment to the said George Brooks, by the Allotment set out for a public Marl Pit, to the Freeboard lying by the Side of Flitwick Woods, and along the same to the Parish of Steppingley, for the Use of the said Mail Pit and the Owners of the said Woods respectively. One other private Carriage and Drift- Road, leading from Denill- End and Steppingley
Road, in a South- erly Direction over Allotments to Henry Beechener and John Pinnegar, on Coney- Burrow- Leys, to the Cottage belonging to Francis Creek, for the Use of the wid Francis Creek and others. One other private Carriage and Drift- Road, leading from the Ampthill R. , d at Denill- End, in a North Easterly Direction over an Allotment to John Morris, mi Denill- End- Green, to a Cottage belonging to An- drew Potter, for the Use of the said Andrew Potter and others. And one other private Carriage and Drift - Road, leading from the Ampthill Road at Denill- End, in an Easterly Direction over Allotments to Edward Farey
ana George Jackson, in Ridgeway Field, by an Allotment set out for a public Gravel Pit, to an Allotment to the Impropriator for Tythes, for the Use of the said Edward Farey, George Jackson, the Impropriator, and the Surveyors of the Highways respectively. One public Bridle and Foot- Way, leading from Denill- Knd along the Track of the last- described private Road, ami continuing over Allotments to the said Impropriator, John Carte, and the Duke of Bedford, in Ridgeway Field, to the Maulden Road, and, after crossing the said Road, over anotiier Allot- ment to the said Duke of Bedford, to the Inelosures called Ruxox Farm.
One public Foot- Way. leading from Chuvch- End. Green, in a Northerly Direction over Allotments to S « iah Read, George Brooks, and John Pinnegar re- spectively, in Wood Field, and along Thinning's Close to the Street at Denill- End. One other public Foot- Way, leading from the Anipthill Road, near the Pound, in a Westerly Di- rection over Allotments to George Brooks, in Wood Field, and over the Allotment for Mail, to the Parish of Steppingley. One other public Foot- Way, leading from Church- End- Greeri, hi an i; j< teily Direction over Allotments to the Vicar of Flitwick, George Brooks, and Wm. • Wheeler respectively, in
Town Field, to East End. One other public Foot- Way, leading out of the last- described hoot- Way, 111 the Allotment to William Wheeler, in a Southeasterly Directionjpver the same and the A llotrnent to Robert Joy, to East End. One other public Foot- Way, leading from the Street at East End, in » North Easterly Directon along Part of the private Road to the Allotments for the Poor , of Ampthill and Flilwick, from thence ov » - Allot- ments to Richard Gpo'driau and lin'p'opriator, to {• clotures called iUtf'i Moor, arid, aiter crossing the same, over"- ," ncr Allotment to the Impropriator, to iiJC PjVish of Flitton. And one other • public
Foot- Way, leading from the public Bridle- Way, near the Corner ot George J/ ick- son'b Homeclcse, in an Easterly Direction over Allot- ments to the said George Jackson and the Impropriator, to the Mauklen Road, and, after crossing the same, along the Track of the private Road to Waterside Closes, till it meets the last- described Foot- Way at JLJEIOT's Moor. And we the said Commissioners declare, that the public Carriage- Road and Highway set out by us, by our Notice dated the 13th Day ot December, 1806, leading from Church- End- Green, in Flitwick, in a Northerly Direction, in its ancient Track, over Town Field to
Church- Eiid, is discontinued. _ And we also declare, that the said public Carnage- Road and Highway, piivate Roads, Bridle- Way, and Foot- Paths, so bv us set out and appointed, are, previous to the Publication of this Notice, ascertained fcv Marks and Bounds; and that we have prepared a Mflp in which the same are respectively accurately laid down and described, and have deposited it ( signed by us) with Mr. DAVIS, of Ampthill, out Clerk, for the Inspection of all Persons concerned. And we appoint a Meeting to be held at the WHITE- HART INN, in AMrrHiLL afocesaid, on THURSDAY the TENTH Day of SEPTEMBER
next, at Eleven o'Clock in the Morning; when all Persons who may be injured or aggrieved by the setting out of the said public Carriage- Road and Highway, private Roads, Bridle- Wav, and Foot- Ways, or any or either ot them, or by the Omission of any other Road or Way, may attend and make their Objections to us.— Dated this 25th Day of July, 1907 N fellowes> THOS. THORPE. THOS. GOSTELOW. ARMY CONTRACTS. Cam> r. iisary~ GeneraV s Vj} ice. Great George. Street, London, July'ilt'h, 1807. " VTOTICE is hereby given to all Persons who LN a re desirous of contracting tfl supply FORAGE, viz. OAT*. HAY, and
STRAW, to His Majesty's Ca- valry in Barracks in the undermentioned Counties, CORNWALL, DORSET, NORTHAMPTON, that the Contracts will be entered into for the Period of two Months. That the Deliveries are to commence on and for the Twenty- fifth Day of August next, and to continue until the Twenty- fourth Day of Octobcr inclusive; that Propositi* in Writing, scaled up, and marked Tender for rl'my Supplies, will be received at this Office on or before the Seventh Day of the said Month of August ( but none will he received after Eleven o'clock on that Day), and if sent by Post, the Post- age must IK paid. Proposals must
be made separately for each County, ar. d the Names of two sufficient Sureties, with their Places of Residence, must be inserted at the Foot thereof; and no Proposals will be noticed unless made on or annexed to a printed Tender, and the Prices expressed in Words at length ; nor unless the Party, or their Agent, attend at this Office on the fol- lowing Day, to know the Decision thereon. Particulars of the Contracts may be had v, pon Ap- plication at this Office, between tlie Hours of Ten and Four. Note.— As some very material Alterations have been made in the Forage Tenders, such Persons as may be desirous of tendering to
supply the same, must send, for the proper Particulars. Agricultural Cancan.— To Breeders und others. T^ DGE's SHEEP- POWDER, for annoying and - I- J preventing the F ly from st< iking to either Sheep' or Lambs in the hot Months. The decided Superiority of this Powder over all other Compositions, has, by its regular Success lor several Years, been fully established. Many curious Graziers having divided their Flocks, anddiessed oi. e Part therewith, and another l'art with other; the Result of which proved, that those dressed with the above Powder remained wholly untouched by the Fly, while the other were very much
struck; this fully ascertains the Superiority of it, and demonstrates it to be the surest Antidote to Impregnation from the Fly. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by Mr. . TOSEFH EOC. E, Chemist, Northampton, and at his Shop in Wel- lingborough on Market Days; and, by his Appoint- ment, by Mr. Thomas Wliite, Wisbeach; Mr. Edward Hutchins, Stony - Stratford; Mr. Inwood, and Messrs. Barringer & Son, Newport- I'agnell ; Mr. Richard Tandy, Sherrington; Mr. John Cheney, Naseby; Mr. Robert Rovvell, Rugby; Mr. Sander- son, Thrapston; and Mr. Joseph Gregory, Hanslope; in Packets of 2s. and 4s. each; the smallest ol which is
sufficient to dress forty Sheep and Lambs, and the largest eighty. Observe to enquire for Edge's Sietp- Potuder, and that the Direction is signed in his own Hand- writing'. An extensive List of Gentlemen Breeders, Shtp- herds, & c. who approve and patroni2e this Powder, will be seen inserted in the Bill ol Directions for using this Powder. S W I N F E N ' s ORIGINAL SHEEP POWDER, Prr^ ared and sold at his Warehouse in Leicester, HAS been in genera! use, by many of the most respectable Sheep Breeders and Graziers in the Kingdom, for near Twenty Years and has always been found ( when used according to the ample
Directions given with each Parcel), to be the most infallible and sate Prevention against the Fly STRIKING SHEEP OR LAMBS. It improves the Quality and good Appearance of the Wool, and the Colour immediately washes out when scoured. Sold, in Parcels at Four and Two Shillings each, or six of the large Parcels for One Guinea ; iind by the Proprietor's Appointment it may be had genuine of Messrs. Dicey & Sutton, and Marshall, Northampton ; Goddards, Harborpugh ; Dunn, Nottingham ; Adams, Sen. Loughborough ; Robins, & Wilkinson,, Daveftjry; Leigh, Atherstone; Beesley, BanbutV; Merridew, Coventry; Hulse,
Flinckley ; Sihipsftft,- WoWcrhampr ton; Morris, Nuneaton; Munn, Kettering; Inwood, Newport; Loggins, Aylesbury; Hawkins, Bucking- ham; Knott & Lloyd, Birmingham; . Tacksons, Oakham; Freeman, Uppingham; Albin," Spalding v and by a reputable Vender in most Market Towns, where the Country is noted for Breeding of Sheep. N. B. Be pleased to ask for Swinfen's Sheep Pow- der, there being many Preparations for the same Purpose. ( J5T In Addition to the many respectable Gentle- men, whose Names have already been published, to recommend this valuable Sheep Powder, the following amongst many others have
recently honoured the Proprietor with their Sanction, viz. John Corsar, Bushby, " i Mr. Wm. Corsar, Water- Eaton, Mr. Tlios. Green, Chillington, Mr. Thos. Miller, Dunstall, Wm. Whitehouse, Esq Sttidley, Mr. Daniel Prosser, Hardwick, F. Homfray, Esq. Hvde, j ,, ... Mr. Thomas Lea/ Hagley, $ Near Stourbridge. For Eruptions on the Skin. PURIF1TNG SWEET CAKES. " HESE CAKES, which are the Invention of a Medical Gentleman of great Experience, and which act as an Alterative, without any sensible Operation, are particularly adapted to the Palate and Stomach of Children, and area most safe and effec- tual Remedy for all
Eruptiorisupon the Skin, whether arising from original Impurity in the Blood, from the natural Small- Pox, Measles, & c. or acquired by the Vaccine, or Variolous Inoculation, Sold bv F. Newbery & Sons, at the only Warehouse for Dr. James's Powder, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, Price 2s. a Box ( containing 50 Cakes or Doses) and 3J. Duty. Observe that the Words " F. Newbery, No. 45, St. Paul's," are engraved in the Stamp. Sold also, by their Appointment, by Dicey tc Co. Marshall, and Edge, Northampton; Seeley, Buck- ingham; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnett; Green, Ampthill; Collis & Dasii, Kettering;
and Bull, Sen. and Higgs, Harborough. CORDIAL BALM OF GILEAD. -" Extract of a Letter from Mr. George Mason, of Baldock, Herts, dated the 31st of January, 1805." IHave the Pleasure to inform you, that the Lady of William Fuller, Esq. has experienced a re- markable Cure of a long- standing Nervous Com- of your excellent MedicJne the though many Remedied had been unsuccessfully tried by the faculty.— Two the Balm of Gilead have al > ne THE BRITISH MERCURY, A HEW LONDON WEEKLY PAPER; ' ( Particularly worthy of Introduction into all well- regulated Families throughout the Kingdom. rpliE BRITISH
MERCURY, or WEDNESDAY JL EVENINC POST, published every Wednesday Evening, continues to be conducted upon that liberal and impartial Plan which has secured to it, in little more than a Year, an extensive Circulation. With" the earliest and most authentic FOREIGN and DO- MESTIC INTELLIGENCE, it combines The DEBATES in PARLIAMENT; The PROCEEDINGS in the COURTS of LAW and EQUITY ; The OFFICIAL ACTS of GOVERNMENT; The STATE of LITERATURE and MANNERS ; The PROGRESS of the FiNEand USEFUL ARTS ; and The IMPROVEMENTS in AGRICULTURE, MANU- FACTURES,
and COMMERCE. The LONDON and PRINCIPAL COUNTRY MARKETS, the AVERAGE I'RicESof CORN, the PaicEof STOCKS, AC. See. are regularly inserted. Exclusively of its" Merits as a Weekly Publication, it contains every Species of Intelligence which reaches the Metropolis up to THREE O'C LOCK on WIDN ESDAY, and the Whole of TOES DAY'S GAZETTE. The BRITISH MERCURY is printed in QUARTO, containing eight Pages, on the best and largest Paper used, and forms, at the End of the Year, a complete History of all Foreign and Domestic Occurrences — To each Number is prefixed, an enlightened and im partial REVIEW of POLITICS, and the Proprietors pledge themselves not td sufier it to be the Vehicle, in . > j Shape or Form, of the Licentiousnessand Obscenity which so generally disgrace the public Press; and so seiiouslv itfect the Morals of the Country. No ADVERTISEMENTS are admitted but those of a public Nature, or of general Utility. Orders, at gs. W. per Quarter, for this Paper, which is sent, Postage- free, to every Part of the United Kingdom, received by any of the Post- Offices in the Country, the Clerks of the Ro- ds, at ' he Ge- neral Post- Oifice, by the News Venders in Town or Country, or by the Printer, at the
British. Mercury Office, No. b, Hind- Court, Fieet- Stieet, to whom all Letters and Communications, with References for Payment, are requested to be sent, Post- paid. ' jf1 1 EASE FROM LAMENESS AND PAIN, IN A FEW HOURS. MIE BRITISH OINTMENT for CORNS, TURNPIKE- TOLLS TO jix LETT. Xj OTICE is JrencW given. That » Mwetiks » of L ^ the . Trustees of the Turnpike- Road keaefoefaraa prepared by W. NAY to*, Chemical Colour- j West wood- Gate, in the Parish of Knotting, An the Maker to his Majesty. This most excellent Oint- j . JTSP^ J ™ ™ ™ '• « 1" WRh the Towns wf Rmfctea ment never fails curing
hard or soft Corns in a very short Time, and gives Ease in a few Hours. No other Trouble is required in using it, than rubbing a little on ihe Corn, Night and Morning, with the Fln'Rftr. The Proprietor begs Leave to observe, the Afflicted may rest assured of a Cure, as this is not, Hka'lmany published Things, an Imposition on the By Appointment of the Proprietor, it is sold, Wholesale, by Diccy Sc Co. No. 10, Bow Church- Yard, London; also by Dicey & Co. Edge, and . All near Wolver- hampton. Near Alcester. T plaint, bv the Uss Cordial Balm of Gilead, tr Bottles of ihe Cordial produced the happy Effect which she had, for a con siderable Time, sought for in vain. If further Inform, ation is necessary, Reference may be had by any respectable Enquirer to the Lady herself, by Letter Post- paid, or to Your obedient Servant, GEORGE MASON. Kaldock, 31 st January, 1805. To Dr. Solomon, Cilead- Hvusc. The CORDIAL BALM of GILEAD is Sold in Bottles, Price Half- a- Guinea each; there, are also- Family Bottles, Price 33s. containing equal to four Bottles at 19s. 6d. by which the Patient- saves, 9s, including also the Duty. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, • Retail, by Marshall, and Edge, North- ampton ; Collis & Dash, and
Munn, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Banbury ; Inns, and Gal lard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham'; Richardson, Stony - Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry j Okely, and l'al^ rave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and lmvood, Newport- Pagneli; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers of the Country News- papers ; and by all the reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, & c. ill every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Docu- ments noted therein. jpf Dr. Solomon, when consulted,
expects his usual Fee ot Half- a- Guinea. Such Letters should, for Safety, be thus directed—" Money Letter. Dr. Solomon, Gileacl- Ilouse, near Liverpool." LE BEAU MONDE; Or, Literary and Fashionable Magazine; Consisting ot Nine Numbers, at 2s. 6d. each, and a Supplement; " UlE First Volume of which is now completed, and is submitted with Confidence to the Judg- ment of an enlightened and discerning Public. For original and valuable Communications in every Walk of polite Literature, and for inteiesting and curious Varieties of the Age, ho Work of a similar Kind will be found to possess equal Claims on the Attention of
the Learned, and the Admirers of lively Literature. Residents in the Country will Jind the above Maga- zine more calculated for their Information,' Amuse- ment, and Instruction, than any Work of its Kind. The Embellishments require'only to be seen to be approved of; and as the first Volume contains tlie Portraits of His Majesty, and the Male Branches of the Royal F'araily, engraved in the first Style of Ele- gance and Magnificence, front the Paintings of the most esteemed Masters, vir. Sir VV. Beechey, R. Cosway, Esq. R. A. & c. it is impossible for the Portraits to be equalled; and as it is not probable thata Seriesofthe Male
Branches of the Royal Family will ever be engraved again, the'Magaiine must be- cqme very valuable. Tile Plates are now in a high State Of Perfection, and theicfore eafly Application should be made to secure a'Copy of a Work which promises to become hereafter so scarce. The other fascinating and attractive Embellishments of the Magazine consist of beautifully coloured Cos- tumes for Ladies and Gentlemen, mo. ctem Carriages, elegant Articles of Parisian Furniture, and select Musical Compositions, by Corri, tlie Au^ or of the Travellers, & c. Printed and published by and for J. B".. BELL ar. d Co, No. 11, Catherine- Street,
Strand, London ; and may be had of all the Booksellers and Newsmen in the United Kingdom. Of whom atso may be had, BELL'S Parliamentary Debates, and Biographical Sketches of Senatorial Characters, splendidly embellished. ' Spilsfony's Antiaeorbutiz Drops. APerson, aped ' 36, had n " small Scrofulous Ulceration in her Hand, giving her much Pain ; it then broke out in her Wrist, both her. Shoulders, and her Knee, each Ulceration discharging much, and not disposed to heal; it then affected her right Elbow; and these Ulcerations, with a Disposition to general Debility, she suffered for twelve Years. Her Knee was healed in
the Worcester Infirmary ; and she experienced some Benefit while a Patient, for a short Period, in St. Bartholomew's Hospital; when she made Application for the Benefit of SPILSHUSY'S PATENT ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, at the Dispensary, No. 15, Soho- Square, London, By the Application of the Drops for six Months, lier Ulcers gradually healed, and she regained her Strength and Appetite; it is now a Twelvemonth since, and she remains per- fectly well.— Any Information of the above. Fact may be obtained at No. 9, Duke's- Court, Drury- Lane. Mr. SPILSSURY is not accountable for any Mixture sold, unlesi the Words "
By the . King's Patent" are inserted on the Bill of Directions, Bottle, and Wrapper; the Stamp also ( the King's Duty) is printed in black Ink instead of red Ink. Bottles 5 » . 6d. double Bottles 10s. and larger £. 1 2s. Duty in- cluded. Sold also by the Printers of this Paper; Mr. Okely, and Mr. Palgrave, Bedford; Mather, Wel- lingborough; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry ; Corrall, Lutter- worth ; and by most Venders of Patent Medicines in Town and Country. " SCROFULA, or KING's- EVIL Copy of a letter from Mr. W. Nut tall, Calico- Printer, near AinsicorthrHall, Lancashire. SIR, AS I- am now
arrived to that Solidity of Health which renders Life comfortable, and far exceeds my utmost . Expectations, I doubt not but a short Account of my Case ( I may add deplorable) will afford you some Decree of Pleasure.— I have for eighteen Years been most grievously afflicted with a Scrofulous Complaint: It first appeared in my Glands, and progressively extended all over my Breast and under my Arms. When I first commenced taking your much- estremed Antiscorbutic Drops, I had 17 Scro- fulous Ulcers, which issued a great Quantity of very offensive Humour, and indeed rendered my Lifea Burden to myself, and of Course
distressing to my Friends, to see the calamitous State to which my loathsome Malady had brought me; but now, thank God, every one ol the Ulcers are, and have been for Months back, completely healed, and I am now healthy, fleshy, and robust, to which before I was a Stranger: Persons who formerly knew me are astonished, and wonder at the great Change. I may truly add, to the Virtue of your invaluable Dro » s I at this Moment owe my Existence ; and, for the Good of Mankind, 1 request you to publish my Case, in any waj- you think proper. For further Particulars ( if required) the Enquirer may be satisfied ( if by Letter,
Post- paid), by applying to ' Sir, your obedient humble Servant, ( Signed) WILLIAM NUTTALL. Attested by R. PARKER, Curate of Cockey. JAMES HALTON, Farmer. RICHARD WALKER, Yeoman. JAMES NUTTALI, Farmer. January 5th, 1805. To Mr. John Lignum, Surgeon, No. 5J, Bridge- Street, Manchester. -'- *** To prevent Counterfeits, observe these Words— " John Lignum, Brjdge- Street, Manchester," en- gtaved on a black Stamp, by Favour of His Majesty's Commissioners ; to . imitate which is Felony. . ( pj* These Drops are sold in moulded square'Bot- tles, at lis. and 4s. Sd.— One lis. Bottle is equal in Quantity to
three - 4s..- 6d. ones. They may be had, Wholesale and- Retail, at Mr. LIGNUM'S,. No. 57, Bridge- Street, " Manchester; and, by Appointment, of Howard & Evans, 42, Long- Lane, West- Smithfield;' Dicey & Co. 10, Bow Church- Yard'; Barclay & Son, 95, Fleet- Market; Shaw & Edwards, 6R, St. Paul's • Church- Yard; Butler,. 4, Cheapside; and Newbery & SonSj 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London ; and Retail of Dicey & Sutton, and Marshall, Northampton ; Green & Taylor, Ampthill; Gardner, Biggleswade; Palgrave, Bedford; Beesley, Banbury; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Ridge, Newark; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; '
l'ookey, Oundle; Jacob, Peterborough; Inns, Tow- cester; Paul, St. Ives; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Collis & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Mather, Welling- borough; Darton, Hitchin; Simson, Hertford; and ® f the principal Venders of genuine Medicines in the United Kingdom. every Market Town, Price 2s. 6d. Duty included. FOR THE GROWTH, or HAIR. JADIES and Gentlemen, wlro with the Orna- -> ment of a fine Head of Hair, need oi. ly make a fair Trial of the RUSSIA OIL-, particularly as it is found so necessary to moisten the Hair when dressing; it is used by the Royal Family, and Ladies ot the first Circle. It is a Nourijliei and
Improver to its Growth, - prevents its falling off, and is so great a Pre- server and Strengthener to the Hair, as to prevent it becoming Bald, or turning Grey, to the latest Period; also restores Hair on ha'. I Places. Several Gentlemen, who have been Bald have declared, after using the Russia Oil regularly for three Months, became nearly covered with Hair. It will serve as a Substitute for Pomatum, and is recommended to Ladies who use Dressing- Irons, as it prevents the ill Effects occa. sioned by their Heat. Price 7s. per Bottle; or one, containing tour snail, at a Guinea. To be haul of the Proprietor, No. 333, Oxford- Street; ai d, by
Appointment, at Mr. Sninh's, Per- fumer to His Majesty, No. 110, New Bond- Street; of Herdric, Perfumer to Her Majesty, Tichborne- Streetj Bayley & Blew, Perfumers to their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, and Duke and Duchess of York, Cockspur- Street • Messrs. Harding & Howell ( late Dvde & Scribe), gy, Pall- Mall; Mr. Butler, No. 4, Cheapside, Cor- ner of Paternoster- Row ; Dicey & Sutton, How Church- Yard; and Tutt, Royal- Exchange, London: and of Dicev & Co. Northampton, ; The Proprietor informs his Agents and Venders, that his Signature, in future, instead of being signed in red Ink, will be
signed in Gold. Caution.— The Efficacy of the Russia Oil has of late been complained of, occasioned by unprincipled Persons circulating Counterfeits, which are imposed on different Shopkeepers in Town and Country bv Impostors, who travel about, asserting themselves the Proprietor. Purchasers of the Russia Oil are particularly recommended to observe, that none can be genuine but those that have a Label affixed on the Outside ot each Bottle, with the original Proprietors' Names," Mochrikufsky Sc Prince;" which Signature in future, as a further Security, will, instead of being signed with red Ink, be signed in Gold Ink. To
counterfeit is Fdonv. Shopkeepers wishing tobe sup- plied with the genuine Russia Oil, bv applying to the Proprietor, A. Prince, 333, Oxford- Street, or at any Wholesale Perfumer's or Medicine Vender's whom they deal with in London, will receive liberal Al- lowance - Beu* ift— The Shew Bills, as also the Wrappers which inclose the Counterfeits, lire exactlv imitated V.- Ith the- Russian Eagle; it is therefore particularly necessary only to observe, that it is signed as the above'; as any Russia Oil without that Signature are Coun- terieits, and the Circulatois Impostors. Health and Longevity. Dr. JAMES'S ANALEPTIC AND
ANTIBtLIOUS PILLS and Higham- Ferrers, and over I rthlingborou^' i to the Turnpike- Road in Banon- Swtgrave Bra,, ijt the Parish of Barton- Seagrave, in the Count* u£ Northampton, will be field at the CB ECT- O*.* ® }.* INN, in HIGHAM- FERR ERS aforesaid, ' on i » A* GFAT 28th Day of AUCUST next, at Eleven ttf the Cimle in the Forenoon ; when and where the TOLLS aBiwojj at the several Toll- Gates upon the said T » ir. iiyijt&. Road will be separately LETT to FA R/. 3. by AUCTION, to the Best Bidders, between th> e iH- rnri of Eleven ami Three, for such Term as « h » U IseOwm agreed upon, and- in the Manner
directed t> v Act passed in the 13th Year of the Reign of His oxaeat Majesty King George the Third, for regulating Uiitu- pike- Roads; which Tolls produced the last V^ u'tile several Sums following, viz, 1 J. it . * H- esfaood V.-. te 121 II i Irtblingberougb Briag' C.; u- . _ 115 0 • « > Higbam Gate ' y; ( J and will be put up at those Sums respectively. Whoever happens to be the beat Bidder or" E> ifersi must at the same Time give Security, with s- tHHeiit Sureties, to Ihe Satisfaction of the ' i , flr- s, foj Payment of the Rents agreed for, at such XuM* as they shall direct. JOHN ALLEN, Clerk to jhe said 1 Higham- Ferr- ers, July 23J,
18UJ. Ladies who valve their Persons, <: nd u- isft t< o < e& iaim a pearly Set of Teeth, a> id prevent '. but etxrudj. ye £ lit- iaay the Tooth- Aeh, are recommended i '. t CW > j BUTLER's TOOTlI- KAVDEIt, IPREPARED from tlse wigiual Recipe ® f tf* laie Dr. P. H. DIMSUALE, which '^- ssftses such wonderful Powers in curing the Toetlt- Aicit - nd Scurvy in the Gums, in whitening, cleansing, and preserving the Teeth, and communicating addigbtfitl Fragrance to the Breath.— It is v.- ed and recomaxjated by the Queen, the Princesses, the Empress of Russia, the Duchesses of York, Devonshiie, St. AMaa's, Leech, and Rutland,
and most of the Nobility Sold, Wholesale and Retail, at Mr. Butler's, No. 4, Cheapside, London ; and Retail bv Edge, Marsibiti ' Dicey& Sutton, and Lambert, Northampton; Bedford; Inwood, Newport- Pagnell; Swintei, -- ud Coombe, Leicester ; I. oggin, Aviesbury ; i- ij » » Market- Harborough ; Mather, Wellingborough • ' aid by most Mqdicine Vendeis in every Town. * Propriety of personal Appearance. BEAUTY and HEALTH cannot be more essential!* promoted than by attending to the I'rt- servtlico of the TEETH. MR.. NEWTON's RESTORATIVE TOOTH POWDER having received the Appro5is:= ua of ( he first Nobility, Gentry,
and a generous Puisliic- by an extensive Consumption for a series of \ MSI as well as the Attestation ot its supaior Excel tree from the Analysis of its component Parts, by the saast distinguished Medical Characters, who have um. nounced it the most pleasant Vegetable i ,> th- i'otQei known, to increase the Beauty of the Liianie' ' and rpHE Celo} Ai'i| y, of the Analeptic Pills, X general Preservative of Health, is become- as i » uni- Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, which arise from the Vicissitudes of our Climate, or from Indul- gence ill the Luxuries of Life; and those salutary Effects are produced by gently opening. the Pores'
by Night, and the Body by Dav, without requiring anv particular Regimen or Confinement. But though the Analeptic Pills are also very serviceable in Bilious and ! other deep- seated Disorders, yet being designed as a mild Purgative only, and therefore not always suffi- ciently active, the Antibilious Pills have been recom- mended in Aid by an eminent Physician, in all Com- plaints of the Liver, as well as in other internal Diseases. Sold only by F. Newbery & Sons, No. 45, St. Paul's Church- Yard, London, viz. the Analeptic Pills, Price 4s. 6d. a Box, or six in one large Box for £. 1 4s.; and the Antibilious Pills, Price 2s. 9cl. a Box,
Duty included*— Observe that the Words " F Newbery, No. - J5, St. Paul's," . ire, engraved in the Stamps. Sold also by their Appointment bv Dicey & Co. Marshall, and Edge, Northampton; ' Seeley, Buck- ingham; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagnell- Green, Ampthill; Collis gc Dash, Kettering: and Bull, Sen. Ilarborough. Dr. WHEATLEY's Invaluable Remedies for the certain und speedy CURE OF THE ITCH. AN OINTMENT which curcs in four Hours, . and does not contain the least Particle of Mer- cury, or any pernicious Ingredient whatever, and so perfectly innocent, that Children at the Breast may be cured without the
least Hazard. It is of an agreeable Smell, requires no Confinement, and there is no Me- dicine of the Kind which cures in so skort a Time Price Is. 9d. a Box, Duty included. Likewise his CHYM1CAL LIQUID, as perfectly safe as the Ointment, and as certain in its Effects; it has no Smell, nor does it in the- least soil the Linenj a Circumstance which renders it highly va- luable, and to some Persons abundantly preferable to any Ointment whatever, Price 2s. ' tsd. a Bottle, Duty included. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, bv Dicey & Sutton, Bow Church - Yard, and at their Warehonse in Northampton; and Retail by Edge, and Marshall,
Northampton; Robins, Bates, and Wilkinson, Da- ventry; Mather, and Broughton, Wellingborough; Fisher, Higham- Ferrers; Rollason, and Merridew,' Coventry; Sharpe, Warwick; Roberts, Southam; Gregory, Leicester; Harrod, Harborough; Munn, and Collis & Dash, Kettering; Newcomb, Stamford; Eaton, Thrapstori; York & Summers, Oundle; Jacob, and Horden, Peterborough; Jenkinson, Huntingdon; Hodson, Cambridge; Palgrave, Bedford ; Inwood, and Barringer, Newport- Pagnell; Queneborough, Dun- stable; Darton, and Tapp, Hitchin; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester; Seeley, Buckingham; Jones, Oxford; Richardson, Stony-
Stratford; Hawkes, Lut- terworth; I. oggin, Ay'esbuiT; and by every Vendor of Patent Medicines in the tinited Kingdom. Kstics, and the various illustrious Branches of liae' Royal. Family, Nobility,' Gentry, & c. in the United , Kingdom — NEWTON's TOO ] H- f OWlTEk H an • Astringent and Antiscorbutic Powder, a delicate *>• » ' malic, extremely grateful to, the Pa, ate, and ulest « jnt tn its Use; in fine, to those who apiiy it. it i, j certaiiv'a'reventative to Pain or Decay , '' the aWj .„ tJie laAst Period of Life. ' ' ' - * . I t continues to be faithfully prepared bv Mr. Newton ( only),,- at. fus. House, Kennington'- Plaee,' Viiix&& -. ( jate pf Creat ,
Russell- Street),, London; irons sne I '—" " ' iiebb, PJhysieiaa •.. ' holesaJ « , Ret.- ii,-' Shaw & Edwsir.- k No. ( W St. Paul's Church- Yard,. whom he has • powered to make a liberal Allowance to his Tow;- and Country Venders, Merchants, & c.; also,. Rct* i< WiC'eV '& Co. Edmonds,' and Marshall, fWth* mnioi » - - Paigtave, Merridew, and Rollason, Coventr * 1 Daventry ; Qaenebofough, Dunstable - CVjus genuine ReCipe of the late Sir Richard Jebb, l\ h » « k* to their Majesties, See. j. arid Sold, Wholesale He:-" and tor Exportation, by Messr aIj » ,. Ret! ii, by - Patgfave, Bedford; Merridew,' and Roiiason. Corem- y- Robins,
Daventry; Quenebarough, Dunstable; Cuifii & Dash, and Munn, Kettering; Dawson, ar, d, Harrd, Harborough; Inw6od, Newport- Pag'nell; Richa « 3ac2! ' Stony - Stratford ; Mather, Wellingborough; and by every Perfumer and MedicuvfcsfeHer ijf " the KiWom in Boxes, at 2s. 9d. each. v. » . N. B. Pleasefo'bsftfbV Ntkutan't < Tr> i&- Powder; a « i see that B. H. Newton is. wrotepn each Box, with red Ink, as all others sold as Newton's a: e Impositions... BANKRUPTS, R^ uired to SURRENDER. William Crisp, of Cockspur- Street, near Chark| r- Cross, Westminster, perfumer and pocket - hoSt. dealer, July 28, Aug. 11, and. Sept. 5,
at GuildbdL Attorney, Mr. Smith, Furnivai's- Inn. Thomas Groucock, of Drayton- in- Haks, Safe?, nercer aiid linen- draper, Aua. 17. 18. and Sept. S, - Attorae,', ANTJ- IM PETIGIN ES. ARGARET, Wife of RICHARD LYON, Farmer; ofvBold, between Prescot and War- rington, was afflicted for fifteen Months with a great Swelling in her fore Finger, which, contracted the Sinews, so that she had no Manner- of Use thereof for the Whole of the above Time; by, applying tp Dr. Solomon she was perfectly cured in one Mqnth. - 1 testify this to be the Truth, and'that my Wife's Finger was restored to its proper Use; as vyitness mv Hand.
RICHARD'LYON. To Dr. Solomon, Gilead- House. Sold in 10s. 6d. and 33s. Bottles; the latter contain four of the former, by which the Purchaser saves 9s. Every genuine Bottle has a Stamp, which bears the Proprietor's Name and Address, " Saml. Solomon, Liverpool," t. o imitate which is Felony. ( j^" The Postage of all Letters to the Doctor must be paid, and 10s. 6d. asa Fee, inclosed for Advice. Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by the Printers of this Paper; also, Retail, by Marshall, and Edge; North- ampton; Collis & Dash, and Mur. fl, Kettering; Dawson, and Harrod, Harborough; Marriott, Ban- bury; Inns, and Gallard, Towcester ;
Seeley, Buck- ingham ; Richardson, Stony- Stratford; Edge, and Mather, Wellingborough; Robins, and Wilkinson, Daventry; Okely, and Palgrave, Bedford; Fox, St. Neots; Barringer, and Inwood, Newport- Pagneli ; Swinfen, Leicester; by the Printers ot the Country Newspapers; and by all tlie reputable Medicine Venders, Booksellers, & c. in every principal Town in England, Ireland, Scotland, and America, who will deliver Pamphlets gratis, with a Variety of authentic Documents noted therein. at the Phoenix, inn," Drayton- in- Haks.- Mr. Stanley, Drayton. Stephen Hawkins, late of Plymouth- Dock, baker Aug. 7, 8, and Sept. 5, at
the King's- Arms inn, Plymouth,— Attorney, Mr. J. W. Bozon, PlymomV Dock. James Goodliew, of Leeds, Kent, butcher, Aug 4 15, and Sept. 5, at Guildhall, London.— Attorney. Mr. Watts, Symond's- Inn. Archibald Mackean, of Winchester- street, Londcrj merchant, Aug. 4, 11, and Sept. 8, at Guildhali — Attorney, Mr. Rivington, l-' enchurch - buildinis, Fenchurch- street. Thomas Nesbit, of High- street, Southward, china- man, Aug. 1, 8, and Sept. 8, at Guildhaji, London — Attormes, Messrs. Twynam & Waikei, Kine's- Bench- Walks, Temple. ' • ' ^ Samuel Lloyd, of Paddington, - Middlesex, grocer Aug. 4, 11, and Sept. S, at
Guildhall.— Attorne-,"' Mr. Sudlow, Monument- yard. James Wood, of Burnle'y, Lancashire, apothecary, Aug. 21, 22,- an'd Sept. S, at the Bull inn, Bwnlelv — Attorney, Mr. Shaw, jun. Burnlev. Robert Watmesley, of Haberghaiii- Eaves, Lanca- shire, cotton- manufacturer, Aug. 21,22, and Sept. s, at the Bull inn, Burnley.— Attorney, Mr. ihasil Burnley. MARKETS.— London, July 27. Owing to the Embargo and Impress, we have very few vessels up with Wheat, butnuin land sample,- under these circumstances, there was little dis- position in our Millers to purchase, and which occasioned a reduction of 4s. per quarter from lust
Monday's prices. — Bailey continues fully to obtain late terms, and of which article we have a scaintv • supply.— White Peas ( fine Boiler.) are still Vet* scarce, and dearer; as are also Grey Peas.— Beans ot both scrTts have not varied much s'ince our last We have large. arrivals of Foreign Oats. Prinue Horse Corn has abated nothing in pricj;, but . line inferior sorts are cheaper. Wheat.. 50s. to 60s. 65s Fine Do. — s. to 70s. 75s. Rye . .. 42s. to 48s. Od. Barley.. 34s. t. o 40s. Od. Malt... 60s. to 72s. Od. PRICE of FLOUR.- Oats 22s. to25L. SSs. HorseBeaijsl6s- to 54s. ild. Tick Ditto 40s.- to 4tjs. Oil. White Peas— s. to-- s. < M_
Grey Ditto 48s. to 58s. Dd. Fine 60s. to 65s. Qd. HOPS, per Pocket. — Kent, 61. 6s. to 71. 15s — Sussex, 61. 0s. to 61. 10s. — Farnham, 61. 0s. ta 101. 0s. SMITHFIILD, July it. , To sink the offal. Of Beef, 4s. Od. to 5s. Od. Wether Mutton, 4s. td la 5>. Od. Veal, 4s. Od. to 5s. 6d. Pork, 4s. Od- ta 4s. 8d. Lamb, 5s. Od. to 6s. ( 5d. Sold this day, Beasts, 1700— Sheep and Lambs, 17,5c ® . • N two ATI jujd LIADINHALL, July 27. By tihs carcase. Beef, 3s. 4d. to 4s. 4d. Mutton, 4s. Od. s » 4s. 6d-. Veal, 3s. 4tl. to 5s. Od. Pork, 4s. Od. t » 4s. 8d. Lamb, 4s. 8d. to 5s. 8d. TALLOW.— Town, 61s. Od. White Russia,— s. i( ML to, 57s.
l) d. ( Soap),— s. Od. to 57s. Od. Melting StinK. — s. to 45s. Od. Ditto rough, — s. to 39s. C « sd Dregs, lis. Od. Graves, Us. Od. LEATHIR, per lb. Butts, 50 to 561b. 22d. to2^ DL Ditto, 60 to 651b. 24d. to 26d. Men hants' Backs, " luS. to21J^ l. Dressing I lides, 17Jd. to 19d. Fine Coacs- Hides, 19d. to 21d. Crop Hides, 35 to 401b. dor. 20d. to 23d. Ditto, 45 to 501b. lJJd. to IgJJ. Cult Skins, SO to 401b. 36d. to 41d. Ditto, 50 na 701b. 36J. to 40d. Ditto, 70 to 801b. 33d- to as*. Small Seals, per lb. — d. to 42d. Large Ditto, per doz. 100s. to 160s. Goat Skins, — s. to — » . j « t doz. Tanned Horse- Hides, IBd. to 30d. per lb.
NORTHAMPTON: Printed and Published by and for T, DICEY and IV, SUTTON.