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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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Volume Number:     Issue Number: 
No Pages: 2
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[ Watcrford & Number of Benefices. Name of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Tlieir Diftance from each other; and eftima'. ed Extent of fuch as are crntlguous. whom the Duties are difchaigeJ. BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authority, faithleg - - D". Killea - - - Vicarage. Rathmoylan - D'. Union of Crooke: Crooke - - Entire Rectory ) "" S1 3 - 5 r < s » > ? i, 3 £ Kilcoss - - - - - ) Kil. St. Nicholas, D°. Rev. John Roberts; has cure of Episcopally united in souls; resides in the Parish of the year 1789, when the Crooke, within less than a quartei present Incumbent took of a mile of the church, and per- possession of it; and it forms the duties himself. appears that it has always been held so united. The four former are contiguous, and are divided from the two latter ( which join each other) about a quarter of a mile, by the inter- vention of a part of Kilmacoomb Parish. Crook Parish contains about 1,600 acres; Kilcoss about 400; Kil. St. Lawrence about 2,000; Faithleg about 1,000; 2,500; Rathmoylan about 1,3 Lifmore.] SB= SOR PROVINCE OF MUHSTER. £ 19 gsr 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in what Parifh they itand. One Church In the Parish of Kil. St. Nicho- las, in indifferent repair, but regular Service per- formed in it; and it is to undergo a thorough re- pair next Spring. GLEBE HOUSES.} In what Parifli ;— what Glebe Land9 Whether contiguous; or how f2r removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. No Glebe House. Glebe Lands: These Glebe Lands are not contiguous. Glebe of Kil. St. Nicholas is about one mile from the Glebe of Crooke, and from the Glebe of Killea about three miles, and from the G'ebes of Rathmoylan about six miles; Glebe of Killea is about three miles from the Glebe of Crooke, and from Rathmoylan Glebes about two miles, which is about six miles from the Glebe of Crooke. Kil. St. Nicholas Glebe is about one mile and a half of the church; Crooke Glebe joins the lite of the old church, and is about half a mile from Kil. St. Nicholas church. Killea Glebe joins the site of the old church, and is about four miles from Kil. St. Nicholas church ; Rathmoy- lan Glebes are close to the site of the old church and about six miles from Kil. St. Nicholas church. CURATES Salary in Cafes of permitted non- Refidence of the Incumbent: Whether Refident or not. LIVINGS of z Value too fmall to afford Comfort to the Incumbent. No Curate, iSigned) POWER Waterford & Lifmorc. January 7th, i£ pj. DIOCESI
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