Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland
Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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2 i6 E C C L E S I A S T I C A L It E P o R T s , I N I S 0 7 , [ Waterford & r~ Number of Benefices. 6 o.| 3. s £ 2 1. 2. 8. 1. 2. 3- 4' 1. 1. Names of BENEFICES and DENOMINATIONS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice; Their Diftance from each other; and eftimated Extent of fuch as are contiguous. Treasurer of Waterford : Lisnakill Entire Rectory. Part of Kilmeaden ------- Rectory. These Parishes join. Lisnakill Parish contains about 900 acres Estimated extent of Kilmeaden Parish is given with the Vicarage. INCUMBENTS, Whether having Cure of Souli; Where Refiden:; if non- Refident, for what Caufe; and by whom the
Duties are difcharged. Rev. Wm Bushe; has cure of souls at Lisnakill; resides in the Diocese of Dublin, where he has another Benefice, with cure of souls; reading and preaching turns in the Cathedral performed by a substitute. and the occasional duties at Lis- nakill are performed by the Curate of the next Parish. Archdeaconry of Waterford : St. Peter's Parish. St. Patrick's d°. Sr. Stephen's d°. St. John's - d°. These Parishes are all contiguous, com- prehending about one- third of the whole City of Waterford. French Church, endowed by Government, atj/". 50. per ann. Rev. George Fleury ; has cure of souls; resides in the City of
Waterford, and performs the duties himself. Rev. Peter Augustus Franque- fort; has not cure of souls; resides in the City of Waterford, and per- forms the duties himself. Union of Kilmeaden : Kilmeaden ... Vicarage. Reisk D°. These Parishes do not join, and are, at the finished, which is nearly fo ; he nearest point one mile distant from each performs the duties himfelf. other, intercepted by the Parish of Donhill. Rev. Henry Archdale; has cure of souls; resides in a neighbouring Parish until his Glebe House is Union of Kilbride: Kilbride Entire Rectory. Island of Kane D°. These Parishes are contiguous. Parish of Kilbride contains
about 1,000 acres; Parifh of Ifland of Kane contains about 1,600 acres. Belonging to the oeconomy of the Cathedral of Waterford; has cure of souls ; the duties performed by a Curate, who resides in the City of Waterford. Kilbarry Entire Rectory. Union cf Drumcannon : Drumcannon- ------ Entire Rectory. Ballynakiil - -- -- -- -- - Vicarage. Ballygunner - D°. Kilimacleague- D°. Kilmacoomb — - - D°. These Parifhes are contiguous. Estimated extent of Drumcannon Parish, about 6,000 acres; of Ballynakill, 1,497; of Ballygunner, 1,755; Kilmacleague, 4.976; of Kilmacoomb, 1,888. Union of Killure: Killure - Entire Rectory ) ,, , f , Kil. St.
Laurence - D° ) £ to be one Parifh. Corbally D°. Kilronan D°. These Parishes are not contiguous. Kilronan is about three miles from Killure, and about eight miles from Corbally; and Corbally is from Killure about four miles. Impropriate ; George Fox, esq Impropriator; has cure of souls; duties performed by the Clergyman of the neighbouring Parish. Rev. John Cooke; has cure of souls; not resident in the Union, but near it; the cause of his non- residence, the Glebe House not being finished, which is now building; the duties performed by himself. BENEFICES, When United, and by what Authority. Rev. John Frazer; has cure of
souls; resides in the City of Water- ford, which is within one mile of the Union, where there is neither Glebe House or land, or Church, or residence; the duties performed by himself. The corps of the Treasurership, and pro bably united at the same time when the Deanery was established. The corps of the Arch- deaconry, and probably united at the same time when the Deanery established. was Episcopally united in the year 1799, when the present Incumbent took possession of this Benefice; and it appears that it has always been held so unit ed. Corps of the oeconomy, and probably united at the same time . vhen the Deanery
was established. Episcopally united in the year 1798, when the present Incumbent took possession of this Bene- fice; and it appears that it has always been held so united. The three first Parishes Episcopally united in the year 1787, when the pre- sent Incumbent took pos- session of the Union. Kil ronan held by sequestra' tion.
Lifmore.] Foa PROVINCE OF MUMSTER; 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in what Pari( h they ( land. No Church. One Church, in St. Pa- trick's Parilh, in repair. One Church, in the City of Waterford, in repair. One Church, in the Parilh of Kilmeaden, in good repair. GLEBE HOUSES; In what Parifh ;— what Glebe Lands ;—• whether contiguous; or how far removed from each other, and from the Church, or Site of the old Church. Treafurer's Houfe, in the City of Waterford. Glebe Lands: A. I. r. At Lifnakiil ------ 5. I. 32. Very near the lite of the old church. 6. ' CURATES Salary in Cafes of permitted non- ReCd nce of the Incumbent : Whether Refident or not. Salary of Reader ano Preacher, £. 30 per aim.; Sa lary of neighbouring Curate for performing the occafiona! duties of Lifnakiil, £. 6. pe: ann. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Land: A few perches beliind the church. No Glebe Houfe or Land. A Glebe Houfe building, and nearly finifhed, in the Parifh of Kilmeaden. Glebe Lands: A. R. P. At Kilmeaden - - - - - - 7. 3. 21. At Reiflc ------- 2. o. 15. Thele Glebes are not contiguous; aiilauc from each other about fix miles. Kilmeaden Glebe clofe to church; Reifk Glebe about fix miles from Kilmeaden church, nd clofe to fite of the old church :-; t Reifh. I
No Church. No Glebe Houfe. Glebe Lands : At Kilbride Near the fite of the old church. R. p. o. o. lVo Curate. LIVINCS of a Value too fmaU to afford Comfort to the Incumbent. The value of thefe four Parilhes is under £. 2co per ann.; aiid 1 conceive of too fmall value to afford comfort to the in- cumbent. No Curate. No Curate. Curate's Salary, £. 2. 5. 6. per ann. who re fides in the City of Waterford. Value £. 50. per ann. No Church. No Glebe Houfc or Land. Curate's Salary, £. per ann. 1 No Church in fuch repair as to have Divine Service performed in it; but a new one is building in the Parifh of D. um- cannun. A Glebe Houfe
building in the Pa'riili cf Drum- cannon, on a glebe which has been lately pur- chafed. Glebe Lands: A. E. P. In Drumcannon ----- 10 1. 0. In Ballygunner, a Glebe in difpute ; the bounds and extent not known, but lieps arc taken to recover it. Drumgannon Glebe remored frem the new church, about one mile. No Curate. No Church. No Glebe Hoafe. Glebe Lands: In Kiironan, which is he'. d by fequeftration, 10 A. 2 R. IP. 1 he fite of the old church is in ths Glebe land. No Curate. The value of thefe Parithes is not£. 1 zo per ann. and cannot be fufficient to afford comfort to the In- cumbent. • CO 31 '