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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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or 2. ' o E C C L E S I A S T I C A L . R E P O R T S , I N 1S07, [ DfTory. 1. X- Number 3 at Benefices. 56. One. 57- 58. Two. Three. 60. 61. Three. One. 62. Names. of BENE F ICf S and DENOMINATIONS; Number of 1' ARIFHES in each Benefice ; Their Diitance from each other ; ami the eftinuted Hxtenr of inch as are cnntiftoiw. St. Marj-' s, Rp& ory. 2. INCUMBENTS Whether having Cure of Souls; whether Refident; if Non- Refident, for what Caufe; and by Whom the duties are difcharged. Revd Peter Roe, Rector; has cure of souls in all parts of his Benefice; resides in the parish; duties discharged by the incum- bent. Clarah and Sr. John's, Vicarages; the Revd Edwd Pidgeon, Vicar; has parishes are contiguous to each other, the cure of souls ; resides in the city of length of St. John is about 3 miles, and the Kilkenny; duties discharged by breadth -*- of a nrl .• to 2 miles; tne length of the incumbent Clarah 1 mile arid and the lame in breadth. 3. BENEFICES, When united, and by what Authority. United in the reign of Henry the 8th, according to the most authentic Information. Union of INCHIHOLOHAN; 1 Revd Michl D. Madden, Rector Consisting of the Reflory an J Vicarage of and Vicar ; same Prebendary ; has Inchiholohan, and Vicarage of Tulloha not cure of souls in all parts of his nebroge with the Prebend or Prebendal Benefice; resides in the Glebe Church of Outrath, being the corps of the House in the parish of Inchiholohan; Chancellorship; they are contiguous; they , duties discharged by Incumbent are 3 miles in extent. United long since by Act of Council. St Canice, Rectory and Vicarage; Bal- Vicars Choral Impropriators; lyburn and St Martin's Rectories and Vi- duties discharged by the Vicar.-; carages. reside in the Union ; there is cure of souls in all parts of this Benefice. Gowran, Rectory and Vicarage. One. Revd John B. Ridge, Rector and Vicar ; Incumbent has cure of souls in all parts of his Benefice; not resident; resides in his parish of Eirke in this diocese; duties dis- charged by a Curate. United time immemo rial by Act of Council S' Patrick's, Rectory and Vicarage ; corps! Honble. and Revd Jos Bourke, of the Deanery in the King's patents ; the Dean ; has cure of souls in the parish of St Patrick partly in the city of parith of St Patrick only ; refides in Kilkenny, and the Rectory of Aghavoe the Deanery House in the city of without cure of fouls, are specified; St Kilkenny; duties are discharged Patrick's parish contains about 2,200 acres, by the Dean and his Curate. OiTory.] 2 FOR PROVINCE OF LEIXSTLR. 209 4- Number of CHURCHES; Whether in Repair, and in which Parishes they Hand. One Church in th: parifli, in veiy goou re- pair. No Church. 1 GLEBE HOUSES In » hat Rtrifh ;— what Glebe Lands ;— Whether contiguous j or how far removed tiom each other, and the Church, or Site of old Church. 6. CURATES, Salaries in Calcs of permitted Non- Reiidencc of the IncUmbc- nts, and whether Refident or not. LIVINGS of a value too fmall to afford Comfort to the Incumbents. No Git. be Houfe ; no Glebe Land. No Glebe Houfe ; about | of an acre of Glebe i. and in the pariih of S1 John, and 1; acres and £ inClarah; the Glebe Lands of Clarah are removed fro' » a each other, fome t 3 perches, and fome more ; the Glebe Lands of Clarah are contiguous to the £ te of the old church, and fo are thofe of John. One Church in the A Glebe Houfe in the parifh of luchiholohan ; parifh of L. chiiiolohan, a glebe of 3} acres; they are contiguous, and in good repair. Cathedral at 5' Canice, Kilkenny, in good repair. One Church in the puiih, in good repair. within \ a mile of the church. No Curate. No Curate. No Curate. A glebe of about 4 ® acres. No Glebe Houfe ; there are 10 acres cf Glebe Land belonging to this pariih contiguous; there are f me few acres more difperfed about the town of Gmvran, for which Lord Cliffden pays rent; iO acres cf the Glebe Land are about 4 of a mile from the church. No Church. The Glebe Houfe, called the Deanery, is fituated in the parifh of S1 Canice, city of Kilkenny; there are about 20 acres of Glebe Land, which being within the precinfts of the Corporation, have Irom time immemorial been let off on build: ng leafes. One Curate, at the yearly Under orders to Salary of £. 60. who refides build fince the laft adjoining the parifli. One Curate in the parifli, at the yearly Salary of £. 20. Vifitation, held 17th Septr 1806. » o / 0. 3 « AT
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