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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland


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Papers Relating to The Established Church in Ireland

Date of Article: 29/07/1807
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No Pages: 2
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' 2 00 • E C C I E S I A S T - I C A L R E P O R T S , I N 1 8 0 7, ( OlTory. Number • of Benefices. 46. £ I a < u C Three. .47- One. 48. One. 49. One. : o. One. 5'- One. 52. One. Si- One. 54- 5v Two. Two. Names of 5EN- EFICES and DEMO M I N ATI O. NS; Number of PARISHES in each Benefice ; Their Diftance from each other.; and the eftim ted Extent ••{ fuch as are contiguous- Union of MOTHELL, Consisting of the Rectories and Vicarages of Mothell; Kilmodumage, and Kildery ;. Mothrell and Kidmodumage join, tlx other, Kilderry, is on'y divided from them by a Town Land of about one ir.: le in extent, which, though alienated, has been united to Kilderry, and lately claimed. The 2 conti- guous denominations are about 6 males long. IKCU M RENT ?, Whether having Cure of- Souls; wi. etl. er Refident; if Non- Refident, for what caufc ; and by whom the Duties are difch. ir^ ed. Kilmocar, Vicarage. Blackrath, Prebend. Evike, Rectory and Vicarage. Urlingford, Rectory and Vicaraga Rathlogan, Rectory. Ierpoint, Vicarage. Killamery, Prebend; about 2 miles and £ long and 2 broad. Chapelries or Cantuaries of Callan and St. Catherine. Rathcool and Kilkyran, Vicarages; the parish of Rathcool is the only one in the B - nefice, though Kilkyran is stated in the Vi- sitation- books as a distinct parish; but it is only a small denomination of the parish of Rathcool, containing 443 acres, as appears from the Down Survey ; the whole parish contains 2,529 acres. Revd Saml Thos Roberts Rector and Vicar; has cure of souls in al' parts of his Benefice ; resides ad- joining the parish ; the Glebe House building; duties discharged by ' ncumbent. Revd Thomas Henry Kearney, A. M. Vicar. Revd George Stone, Preben- dary ; has cure of souls in all parts of his Benefice. Revd John B. Ridge.. Rector and Vicar ; has cure of souls in all aarts of his Benefice ; resides in the parish ; duties discharged by the Incumbent. Revd Dean and Chapter, Rectors and Vicars. Revd Dean and Chapter, Rectors there is cure of souls in all parts of this Benefice. Revd John Orr, Vicar ; there is cure of souls in all pasts of this Benefice. Revd James Jones, Prebendary has cure cf souls in all parts of his Benefice; resides in his parish it the County of Derry ; duties dis- charged by a Curate.. Honble. and Revd Hamn Cuffe Chaplain. Revd Robt C. Armstrong, Vicar has cure of souls in all parts of ni Benefice : not resident, having a pa- rish with cure of souls in anothei Diocese, where he resides; duties discharged by a Curate. 3- BENEFICES, When united, and by what Authority. United time imme- morial, by the respec tive Bishops of Ossory. i Offory.] FOR Province OF LEINSTER. / OU 20 7 i 4' Number of CHURCHES, Whether in Repair, and in which Panfhes they ( land. 5- GLEBE HOlTSESi In what Parifh ;— what Glebe Lands ; Whether contiguous ; or How far removed from each other, and the Church, or Site of old Church. 6. CURATES Salaiies in Cafes i. t permitted Non- Rcfid. ence of the Incumbents, and whether Rcfident or not. 6. LIVING S of a Value too fmall to afford Comfort to the Incumbents. One Church in the pariih of Mothell, in good repair. A Glebe Houfe building in the pariih of Mo- theli; 34 acres of Glebe Land contiguous to each other, and joining the church. . No Curate. No Church. — No Curate. Too fmall to af- ford comfort to the Incumbent. No Church. A Glebe of lo acres, a quarter of a mile from an old church in ruins. No Curate. One Church in the Jparith, in good repair. A Glebe Houfc in the pariih, built at the fole expence of the prefect Incumbent. There arc about 15 acres of Glebe l. and in the parilh; it is contiguous to the church. No Curate. No Church. No Glebe. One Curate, at the Salary of £. 10. per annum. No Church. No Glebe. One Curate, at the Salary of £. 10. per annum. No Church. A. R. P. Glebe - -- -- -- - - 5. 3- 15. One Curate, at the Salary of £. 10. per annum. Too fmall to af- ford comfort to the Incumbent. No Church. No Glebe Houfe; there are about 8 acres of Glebe Land in the pariih; they are together. One Curate, at the Salary of £. 10. per annum. No Church. No Church. No Glebe or Glebe Houfe. No Curate. A Curate, at the Salary of £. io. per annum.
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